transpose_font - Transposes all characters in a font. Allegro game programming
#include <allegro.h>
int transpose_font(FONT *f, int drange)
This function transposes all characters in a font, effectively remapping the
font. Example:
FONT *myfont;
FONT *capitals;
/* Create a font of only capital letters */
capitals = extract_font_range(myfont, 'A', 'Z');
/* Now transpose the characters in the font so that they will be used */
/* for the lower case letters a-z */
transpose_font(capitals, 'a'-'A');
textout_ex(screen, capitals, "allcaps",
100, 100, makecol(255,255,255), 0);
Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
get_font_range_begin(3), get_font_range_end(3),
merge_fonts(3), extract_font_range(3)