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vr_setup(3) Arcan Lua API vr_setup(3)

vr_setup - Launch the VR bridge for VR device support

vr_setup( string:args, func:callback )
vr_setup( func:callback )

VR support is managed through an external service launched through this function. In principle, it works like a normal frameserver with some special semantics and a different engine code path for event interpretation and so on. VR , as used here, covers ae large assortment of devices. These devices include, but are not limited to: Haptic Gloves, Haptic Suites, Eye/Gaze Trackers, Positional Devices, Inside/Out trackers, and Motion Capture Systems. They may expose separate video/audio devices (front-facing camera).

The framework provided here is launched and controlled with this function, with other system changes delivered through the status table. For this system to work, the auxiliary 'vrbridge' tool needs to be built (not in the default engine compilation path), and the binary explicitly added to the 'arcan' appl namespace of the active database.

arcan_db add_appl_kv arcan ext_vr /path/to/vrbridge

The optargs is a normal arcan_arg packed string (key=value:key2) with bridge- specific arguments (for now). The 'test' argument provides a virtual object and a test 'limb' to work with. Note that the user arcan is running as will need to be able to access USB devices for most real hardware backends to work.

The system is built around limbs appearing and disappearing, where a limb will be a mapped and tracked 3d model bound to a vid that can be used as any normal vid. The only caveat is that updating position and orientation is done automatically behind the scenes to reduce latency and CPU load.

The possible status.kind field values are as follows: limb_added - a new limb was discovered limb_removed - a previously added limb was lost (device failure)

for limb_added and limb_removed, the following subfields are present: id, name. id is a value to be used with vr_map_limb while name is a textual representation of the limb slot that was consumed. The possible values for 'name' are: (person, neck, eye-[left,right], shoulder-[left,right], elbow-[left,right], wrist-[left,right], [thumb,pointer,middle,ring,pinky]-[proximal,middle,distal]-[left,right], hip-[left,right], knee-[left,right], ankle-[left,right], tool-[left,right]

the limb for the neck actually represents the head mounted device itself. When this limb has appeared, it is safe to query display properties via hmd_metadata . In contrast to other limbs, this slot can be mapped twice in order to account for both viewpoints needed when seting up the pipe. Unmapping the limb by setting it to BADID will drop both slots.

the limb for the abstract 'person' defines the coordinate system that the others will reference, and is typically important when there is a positional tracking system. The reason this isn't bound to the limb- skeleton as such is to keep the cost down for resolving hierarchies.

This system do not actually control the displays themselves, they are expected to appear/ be managed with the same system as normal dynamic display hotplugging, thus the display_enabled event should act as a trigger to rescan for new monitors.

function vr_setup0()
      vr_setup("test", function(source, status)

June 2022 iodev

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