NAMEMPE_Describe_info_state - Describe attributes of a state with byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.SYNOPSISint MPE_Describe_info_state( int state_startID, int state_finalID, const char *name, const char *color, const char *format ) INPUT PARAMETERS
NOTESAdds a state definition to the logfile. States are added to a logfile by calling 'MPE_Log_event()' for the start and end event numbers. The function is provided for backward compatibility purpose. Users are urged to use 'MPE_Describe_comm_state' and 'MPE_Log_comm_event()' instead.This function is threadsafe. NOTES ON STORAGE FORMAT CONTROL SUPPORTThe format control string is printf like, e.g. "Comment = %s". All the MPE %-token storage support is provided by SLOG-2. That is whatever supported by SLOG-2 will be supported by MPE. Currently, the following is supported.%s : variable length string, byte buffer size is length of string + 2. %h : 2-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 2. %d : 4-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 4. %l : 8-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 8. %x : 4-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 4. %X : 8-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 8. %e : 4-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 4. %E : 8-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 8. SEE ALSOMPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs().LOCATION
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