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mailestd(8) configuration file

mailestd.conf is the configuration file for the mailestd(8) daemon.

The following options can be set:

The base directory instead of the default ${HOME}/Mail. mailestd(8) creates indexes for the mail message in the folders under this directory and uses some files under from this directory.
The UNIX-domain socket for communication from mailectl(1). As the default relateve path .mailestd.sock from the maildir is used.
The number of tasks allowed to prepare for indexing paralelly. The default value is “4”. Specifying a large number may improve the peformance, but cosumes the memory resource. On typical environments, since indexing the mail messages and putting them into the datbase will be the performance bottle neck, this variable is not so important.
[disable] [delay delay]
The monitor is enabled unless disable is specified. When the monitor is enabled, mailestd(8) will start indexing automatically when changes are made on the folder already indexed. Specify delay in milli seconds instead of the default value 1500 which the mailestd(8) waits for until it starts indexing.
This option makes mailestd(8) to create a parent message id (“x-mew-parid”) attribue in the database, when it finds a message which failed to create the parent message-id in the normal way by guessing guessing by the “Subject” and “Date”.
Specify size at which mailestd(8) trims the mail message before creating an index for the message. Thd default value is “131072” (128K) bytes.
suffix ...
The file name suffixes of the mail messages gathered for indexing. The default is “” (none).
folder ...
The folder name patterns mailestd(8) creates index for. An shell pattern (“openbsd-*” for example) is usable. If the folder starts with “”, matched folders are ignored. Folders not matched any are target for indexing. The default is “!trash !casket !casket_replica”.
path path
The log file path. As the default, the relative path mailestd.log to maildir is used.
rotate [count count] [size size]
The log rotation behaviour. As the default, “8” for the count and “30720” (30K) bytes are used.
path path
Thd database directory. As the default, the relative path casket is used.
level debug-level
The debug level instead of the default value “0”.

The current line can be extended over multiple lines using a backslash (‘\’). Comments can be put anywhere in the file using a hash mark (‘#’), and extend to the end of the current line. Care should be taken when commenting out multi-line text: the comment is effective until the end of the entire block.

Argument names not beginning with a letter, digit, or underscore must be quoted.

Additional configuration files can be included with the include keyword, for example:

include "/etc/mailestd.conf"


The default maildir.
The default configuration file name.
April 4, 2015 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE

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