the format that is used to log an information about file
The ftpd(8)
utility can log an information about file transfers to the file or to the
syslog using LOG_FTP facility. The file transfer information may be logged in
several formats.
The default name of the file to which all file transfers are
logged is /var/log/ftpd. The name and the location
of this file may be changed by the virtual hosting configuration in the
/etc/ftphosts file. In case of the wu-ftpd style
logging format the most common alternative for the file name is
utility supports next logging formats:
- wu-orig
- The original ‘xferlog’ format of the wu-ftpd server.
- wu-ext
- The extended wu-ftpd style ‘xferlog’ format.
- anon
- The format for logging anonymous file downloads.
Each file transfer is represented by a single line. In case of
“wu-orig” and “wu-ext” formats each line
contains a number of fields separated by whitespace. The
“wu-orig” format uses next set of fields:
current-time transfer-time remote-host byte-count
filename transfer-type special-action-flag direction access-mode username
service-name authentication-method authenticated-user-id
The “wu-ext” format extends that set of fields by
the new ones:
current-time transfer-time remote-host byte-count
filename transfer-type special-action-flag direction access-mode username
service-name authentication-method authenticated-user-id completion-status
restart-point file-size cwd filename-arg protection-level
When logging to the syslog, the ‘current-time’ field
is replaced by the next structure:
The variable fields of this structure are:
- A string that prepends to every syslog message and contains the current
time, the local host name, the ident (the “ftpd” keyword for
utility) and the process id. See also
- The keyword that describes the type of FTP command depending to the
direction of the transfer. In case of the “wu-orig” format
it is one of “send” or “recv”, depending to
the outgoing or incoming direction of the transfer. In case of the
“wu-ext” format, it is one of “get”,
“put” or “append” keywords, those correspond
to the retrieve, store and append operations, respectively.
This is a description of all fields of both wu-ftpd style
- current-time
- The current local time in the form "DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY",
where DDD is the day of the week, MMM is the month, dd is the day of the
month, hh is the hour, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and YYYY is
the year.
- transfer-time
- The total time of the transfer in seconds.
- remote-host
- The remote host name.
- byte-count
- The amount of transferred bytes.
- filename
- The canonicalized (all symbolic links are resolved) absolute pathname of
the transferred file.
In case of the chrooted FTP session this field can be
interpreted as the pathname in the chrooted environment (the default
interpretation) or as the one in the real file system. The second type
of interpretation can be enabled by the command-line options of the
- transfer-type
- The single character that indicates the type of the transfer. The set of
possible values is:
- a
- An ascii transfer.
- b
- A binary transfer.
- special-action-flag
- One or more single character flags indicating any special action taken.
The set of possible values is:
- _
- No action was taken
- C
- The file was compressed (not in use).
- U
- The file was uncompressed (not in use).
- T
- The file was tar'ed (not in use).
- direction
- The direction of the transfer. The set of possible values is:
- o
- The outgoing transfer.
- i
- The incoming transfer.
- access-mode
- The method by which the user is logged in. The set of possible values is:
- a (anonymous)
- The anonymous guest user.
- g (guest)
- The real but chrooted user (this capability is guided by
- r (real)
- The real user.
- username
- The user's login name in case of the real user, or the user's
identification string in case of the anonymous user (by convention it is
an email address of the user).
- service-name
- The name of the service being invoked. The
utility uses the “ftp” keyword.
- authentication-method
- The used method of the authentication. The set of possible values is:
- 0
- None.
- 1
- RFC931 Authentication (not in use).
- authenticated-user-id
- The user id returned by the authentication method. The ‘*’
symbol is used if an authenticated user id is not available.
- completion-status
- The single character that indicates the status of the transfer. The set of
possible values is:
- c
- A complete transfer.
- i
- An incomplete transfer.
- restart-point
- The restart point of the transfer in bytes.
- file-size
- In case of the outgoing transfer it is the original size of the file in
bytes. In case of the incoming transfer it is the size in bytes of the
file after the completion of the transfer.
- cwd
- The pathname of the current working directory. In case of the chrooted FTP
session this field is the pathname in the chrooted environment.
- filename-arg
- The filename argument of the FTP command issued by the client.
- protection-level
- The used type of the protection of the data connection. The following
codes are assigned according to RFC2228:
- C (Clear)
- No protection was applied.
- S (Safe)
- An integrity protection was applied (not in use).
- E (Confidential)
- A confidentiality protection was applied (not in use).
- P (Private)
- Both the integrity and confidentiality protections were provided by
The usage of “restart-point” and
“file-size” fields allows to identify restarted transfers in
both directions (the “restart-point” field contains a non-zero
value) and appends in case of incoming transfers (the
“byte-count” contains the value that is lesser then the one of
the “file-size” field).
The FTP-TLS security extension uses Clear (without TLS/SSL) and
Private (with TLS/SSL) protection levels, in FTP-SSL compatibility mode only
the Private level (with TLS/SSL) is supported.
The “anon” format is used only for logging to the
file and it is supported for the backward compatibility with old versions of
In case of this format each line contains a number of fields separated by
the `!' symbol:
- current-time
- The current local time in the form "MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY", where
MMM is the month, dd is the day of the month, hh is the hour, mm is the
minutes, ss is the seconds, and YYYY is the year.
- ident
- The user's identification string; by convention it is an email address of
the user.
- remote-host
- The remote host name.
- filename
- The canonicalized (all symbolic links are resolved) absolute pathname of
the transferred file.
This field can be interpreted as the pathname in the anonymous
ftp area (the default interpretation) or as the one in the real file
system. The second type of interpretation can be enabled by the
command-line options of the
- byte-count
- The amount of transferred bytes.
- transfer-time
- The total time of the transfer, in seconds.
- /var/log/ftpd
- Log file for all file transfers.
- /var/log/xferlog
- The alternative name of the log file for file transfers. It is commonly
used in case of the wu-ftpd style format of logging.
- /etc/ftpchroot
- List of normal users who should be chroot'd.
- /etc/ftphosts
- Virtual hosting configuration file.
The “wu-orig” format appeared in the wu-ftpd server. The names of
the fields in the wu-ftpd style formats described in this document are mainly
based on ones from the wu-ftpd documentation. The names "wuftpd" and
"wu-ftpd" are trademarks of the WU-FTPD Development Group and the
Washington University at Saint Louis.
The “anon” format appeared in FreeBSD 2.0.5.
The “wu-ext” format appeared in BSDftpd-ssl 1.0.1;
it has been modified in BSDftpd-ssl 1.1.0.