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NAMEaeuconf - user configuration fileSYNOPSIS$AEGIS_FLAGS$HOME/.aegisrc /usr/local/share/aegisrc /usr/local/lib/aegisrc DESCRIPTIONA user configuration file is used to hold user defaults. This file is created and edited by the user. This file is only ever read by aegis, it is never written.The sources of user preferences are scanned in the order given above. Earlier sources have higher priority. AEGIS_FLAGSThis environment variable has the same format. It is read first, and over‐rides the .aegisrc file contents. This is intended to be used within the tests distributed with aegis, but can also be of use within some shell scripts. It contains session specific preferences.$HOME/.aegisrcThis file contains user specific preferences./usr/local/share/aegisrcThis file contains architecture‐neutral preferences./usr/local/lib/aegisrcThis file contains architecture‐specific preferences.CONTENTSThe file contains the following fields:
Please note that the default_project_name field and the default_change_number field are unrelated. Specifying both does not mean that single change within that single project, they have nothing to do with each other.
The aed(1) command will consult this field to
determine what to do:
The corresponding command line options to the aed(1) command take precedence, this field is only consulted if you do not give a corresponding command line argument. Defaults to automatic_merge if not set.
This field is consulted for listings and help. The
standard output is only piped to a pager if the command is run in the
foreground and the standard output is directed at a terminal.
This field defaults to foreground if not set.
This field is consulted by the aet(1) command, to
determine if it should run all tests, or stop after the first failure. This
field defaults to all if not set.
This field controls the behavior of the log file. It
usually defaults to snuggle if not set, although some commands may
default it to append. When the log file is in use, the output continues
to be sent to the screen if the process is in the foreground and the standard
output is a terminal.
This field is consulted by all commands which wait for
This user preference can be over‐ridden by the -wait and -nowait command line options.
This field is consulted by aeb(1) when the project
configuration file specifies create_symbolic_links_before_build as
true. The verification of the links can be quite time consuming; if you are
confident that they are already correct (say, from a recent build run) you may
wish to assume they are correct and not verify them repeatedly.
This user preference can be over‐ridden by the -Verify_Symbolic_Links and -Assume_Symbolic_Links command line options.
This field is consulted by most commands which accept
filenames on the command line. It controls whether relative filenames are
relative to the current directory (this is the default), or relative to the
base of the project source tree.
This user preference can be over‐ridden by the -BAse_RElative and -CUrrent_RElative command line options.
This field may be used to set the preferred email
address. If not set, defaults to `whoami`@`cat
/etc/mailname` if not set, and if /etc/mailname exists.
Otherwise, defaults to `whoami`@`hostname` if not set,
which is usually not what is required, particularly if you are behind a
This is a list of (name,value) pairs, defining
user specified attributes.
The name of the attribute. By convention, names which
start with an upper‐case letter will appear in listings, and
lower‐case will not. Attribute names are case‐insensitive.
Arguably, most user attributes which may be altered by the user (and some that can't) should be of this form. Due to an accident of history, this is not the case. The attributes known to Aegis are:
FIXME: there needs to be a aesub(5) way to get at these values.
COPYRIGHTaegis version 4.25.D510Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Peter Miller The aegis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
use the 'aegis -VERSion License' command. This is free software and
you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details use
the 'aegis -VERSion License' command.