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chilli-radius(5) FreeBSD File Formats Manual chilli-radius(5)

chilli-radius - Information about RADIUS in chilli

chilli uses RADIUS for access provisioning and statistics. Standards and best practices defined in RFCs are followed as best possible. However, chilli does take some liberties and bends the rules in places to better adapt to the more dynamic application of captive portals.

See for details.

The RADIUS Attributes used by chilli and a short description:

User-name (1)
Full username as entered by the user.

User-Password (2)
Used for UAM as alternative to CHAP-Password and CHAP-Challenge.

CHAP-Password (3)
Used for UAM CHAP Authentication

CHAP-Challenge (60)
Used for UAM CHAP Authentication

EAP-Message (79)
Used for WPA Authentication

NAS-IP-Address (4)
IP address of Chilli (set by the ''nasip'' or ''radiuslisten'' option, and otherwise "")

Service-Type (6)
Set to Login (1) for normal authentication requests. The Access-Accept message from the radius server for configuration management messages must also be set to Administrative-User.

Framed-IP-Address (8)
IP address of the user, which is configurable during MAC authentication in the Access-Accept.

Filter-ID (11)
Filter ID pass on to scripts possibly.

Reply-Message (18)
Reason of reject if present.

State (24)
Sent to chilli in Access-Accept or Access-Challenge. Used transparently in subsequent Access-Request.

Class (25)
Copied transparently by chilli from Access-Accept to Accounting-Request.

Session-Timeout (27)
Logout once session timeout is reached (seconds)

Idle-Timeout (28)
Logout once idle timeout is reached (seconds)

Called-Station-ID (30)
Set to the ''nasmac'' option or the MAC address of chilli.

Calling-Station-ID (31)
MAC address of client

NAS-Identifier (32)
Set to radiusnasid option if present.

Acct-Status-Type (40)
1=Start, 2=Stop, 3=Interim-Update

Acct-Input-Octets (42)
Number of octets received from client.

Acct-Output-Octets (43)
Number of octets transmitted to client.

Acct-Session-ID (44)
Unique ID to link Access-Request and Accounting-Request messages.

Acct-Session-Time (46)
Session duration in seconds.

Acct-Input-Packets (47)
Number of packets received from client.

Acct-Output-Packets (48)
Number of packets transmitted to client.

Acct-Terminate-Cause (49)
1=User-Request, 2=Lost-Carrier, 4=Idle-Timeout, 5=Session-Timeout, 11=NAS-Reboot

Acct-Input-Gigawords (52)
Number of times the Acct-Input-Octets counter has wrapped around.

Acct-Output-Gigawords (53)
Number of times the Acct-Output-Octets counter has wrapped around.

NAS-Port-Type (61)

Message-Authenticator (80)
Is always included in Access-Request. If present in Access-Accept, Access-Challenge or Access-reject chilli will validate that the Message-Authenticator is correct.

Acct-Interim-Interval (85)
If present in Access-Accept chilli will generate interim accounting records with the specified interval (seconds).

WISPr-Location-ID (14122, 1)
Location ID is set to the radiuslocationid option if present. Should be in the format: isocc=<ISO_Country_Code>, cc=<E.164_Country_Code>, ac=<E.164_Area_Code>, network=<ssid/ZONE>

WISPr-Location-Name (14122, 2)
Location Name is set to the radiuslocationname option if present. Should be in the format: <OPERATOR_NAME>,<LOCATION>

WISPr-Logoff-URL (14122, 3)
Included in Access-Request to notify the operator of the log off URL. Defaults to "http://uamlisten:uamport/logoff".

WISPr-Redirection-URL (14122, 4)
If present the client will be redirected to this URL once authenticated. This URL should include a link to WISPr-Logoff-URL in order to enable the client to log off.

WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up (14122, 7)
Maximum transmit rate (b/s). Limits the bandwidth of the connection. Note that this attribute is specified in bits per second.

WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down (14122, 8)
Maximum receive rate (b/s). Limits the bandwidth of the connection. Note that this attribute is specified in bits per second.

WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time (14122, 9)
The time when the user should be disconnected in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD). If TZD is not specified local time is assumed. For example a disconnect on 18 December 2001 at 7:00 PM UTC would be specified as 2001-12-18T19:00:00+00:00.

ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets (14559, 1)
Maximum number of octets the user is allowed to transmit. After this limit has been reached the user will be disconnected.

ChilliSpot-Max-Output-Octets (14559, 2)
Maximum number of octets the user is allowed to receive. After this limit has been reached the user will be disconnected.

ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets (14559, 3)
Maximum total octets the user is allowed to send or receive. After this limit has been reached the user will be disconnected.

ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up (14559, 4)
Maximum bandwidth up

ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down (14559, 5)
Maximum bandwidth down

ChilliSpot-Config (14559, 6)
Configurations passed between chilli and back-end as name value pairs

ChilliSpot-Lang (14559, 7)
Language selected in user interface

ChilliSpot-Version (14559, 8)
Version of Chilli sending this AccessRequest

MS-MPPE-Send-Key (311,16)
Used for WPA

MS-MPPE-Recv-Key (311,17)
Used for WPA

chilli(8) chilli.conf(5) chilli_radconfig(1)

See for further documentation and community support. The original ChilliSpot project homepage is/was at

Copyright (C) 2006-2007 David Bird <>, CoovaChilli and ChilliSpot are licensed under the Gnu Public License. All rights reserved.

August 2007

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