NAMEan - Anagram generatorSYNOPSISan [-w] [-c string] [-d dictionary] [-l number_words] [-m word_length] [-u string] [-n number_anagrams] [-h] [-v] [--words] [--contain string] [--dict dictionary] [--length number_words] [--minimum word_length] [--used string] [--number number_anagrams] [--help] [--version] PHRASEDESCRIPTIONan finds all anagrams which can be made from the letters in PHRASE, using words in the specified dictionary. The default is to use /usr/share/dict/words.OPTIONS
EXAMPLEan -c imp 'Paul Martin'Finds anagrams for Paul Martin which contain the word imp. AUTHORPaul Martin <pm@debian.org>THANKSRichard Jones (richard@deep-thought.org) - Coding and algorithm design of original version.Julian Assange (proff@suburbia.net) - Algorithm design of original version. Please note that the email addresses for Richard and Julian are from over ten years ago and probably no longer work. COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) Paul Martin 2012. All rights reserved. Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. |