bearoffdump - dump a position from the GNU Backgammon bearoff database
bearoffdump takes the path to a GNU Backgammon bearoff database and a
position number and dumps the bearoff information for that position. It can be
called on either the one-sided bearoff database, normally
/usr/share/gnubg/; or the two-sided bearoff database,
normally /usr/share/gnubg/ The output from the former
includes the probabilities of bearing off all checkers in varying numbers of
moves. The latter only gives the probability of winning and doubling cube
The id is difficult to derive if you don't know GNU
Backgammon internals. Each possible combinatorial position of checkers and
points is assigned a position number, id divided by that number is
the player position, and id modulo that number is the opponent
position. The number of points and checkers is set when building the bearoff
database and are shown by bearoffdump when run with any
Joseph Heled, Øystein Johansen, Jørn Thyssen, and Gary Wong, with
the assistance of many others <>.
This manual page was written by Russ Allbery
<>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by
others). It may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of version
2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation (the same license as GNU Backgammon).