NAMExhexagons - Hexagons X widgetSYNOPSIS/usr/games/xhexagons [-geometry [{width}][x{height}][{+-}{xoff}[{+-}{yoff}]]] [-display [{host}]:[{vs}]] [-[no]mono] [-[no]{reverse|rv}] [-{foreground|fg} {color}] [-{background|bg} {color}] [-{border|bd} {color}] [-tile {color}] [-size {int}] [-[no]corners] [-base {int}] [-username {string}]DESCRIPTIONThe puzzle was thought up by the author, though he believes he saw one in a toy museum in Germany or Austria. Also Bernhard Wiezorke has the "Hexafax, the New Fifteen Puzzle" which is similar.FEATURESIf in corners mode: Press "mouse-left" button to move a tile, then release "mouse-left" button on a space. It will not move if blocked. One can only move one tile at a time. The only tiles that can be moved are the tile(s) next to both spaces.If in nocorners mode: Click "mouse-left" button to move a tile. One can move more than one tile at a time and one is not constrained by parity. Click "mouse-right" button, or press "R" or "r" keys, to randomize the puzzle. One must double click on "mouse-right" if the puzzle is being worked on. Press "I" or "i" keys to increase the number of tiles. Press "D" or "d" keys to decrease the number of tiles. Press "C" or "c" keys to toggle corners mode. (Default is on). "S" or "s" keys reserved for the auto-solver (unimplemented). Press "U" or "u" keys to undo move. Press "G" or "g" keys to get a saved puzzle. Press "W" or "w" keys to write or save a puzzle. Press "Q", "q", or "CTRL-C" keys to kill program. Use the key pad, "R" keys, or arrow keys to move without
the mouse.
^ 4< >6 Left, Right v 1 3 Lower Left, Lower Right The title is in the following format (non-motif version): xhexagons: <size> @ (<Number of
moves>/{<Record number of moves> <username>|"NEVER
noaccess"}) - <Comment>
If there is no record of the current puzzle, it displays "NEVER
SAVE FORMATThe format is not standard. The reason for this is that this is simple and I do not know what the standard is.size: 1-12 <number of tiles in a row>
corners: 0-1 <0 false, 1 true; if 0 then hexagon corners are all snipped> moves: 0-MAXINT <total number of moves> startingPosition: <array where 0 is the empty space for the HIGH hexagon and -1 is the empty space for the LOW hexagon> This is then followed by the moves, starting from 1. move #: <direction>
Direction is represented as 0 upper right, 1 right, 2 lower right, 3 lower left,
4 left, and 5 upper left.
Caution: the program may crash on corrupted input. REFERENCES"Hexafax, the New Fifteen Puzzle" brochure by Bernhard WiezorkeSEE ALSOX(1), xrubik(6), xskewb(6), xdino(6), xpyraminx(6), xoct(6), xmball(6), xmlink(6), xpanex(6), xcubes(6), xtriangles(6), xabacus(1)COPYRIGHTS® Copyright 1994-99, David Albert BagleyBUG REPORTS AND PROGRAM UPDATESSend bugs (or their reports, or fixes) to the authorDavid Albert Bagley, <bagleyd@tux.org>
The latest version is currently at: ftp://ftp.tux.org/pub/tux/bagleyd/xpuzzles
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