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NAMEpipenightdreams - Just another pipe trip (PipeDream clon).SYNOPSISpipenightdreams [--datadir <DATADIR>] [--fullscreen]DESCRIPTIONpipenightdreams is a PipeDream style game. The objetive of the game is to carry liquid from some point to the exit using different kinds of pipes. On each level there is a minimum number of required pipes that should be at least reached for it to be completed.The score is increased by using as many pipes as possible an by collecting various bonus tokens making the liquid pass through their pipes. There are also life bonus and, hopefully soon, "freeze tokens". The game is not exactly a copy of PipeDream. It's based only on the facts I remember and on many other things which have been added, or changed hoping for making it better. KEYSThe game is entirely played using the keyboard and the key layout is as follows:
BONUS TYPESThe various types of bonus tokens are the following:
OPTIONS--datadir <CUSTOM DATA DIR> is used when the data directory is not the default one ( /usr/share/games/pipenightdreams if installed from a rpm package and /usr/local/share/games/pipenightdreams when installed by compiling the source package).--fullscreen switchs to fullscreen mode. BUGSNot known.SEE ALSOPipenightdreams home page athttp://www.libsdl.org/projects/pipenightdreams AUTHORSWaldemar A. Baraldi <baraldi@lacasilla.com.ar>