NAMEsol, solscores - Solitaire card game.SYNOPSISsol [-hHV] [-M file] [--help] [--highscores] [--version] [--merge-highscores=file]solscores DESCRIPTIONsol is a card game for lonely persons, highly inspired by the game bundeled with a well known non-Unix "operating system".I assume the motive of the game is well known, so I won't go into any details here, but rather explain the controls of this particular implementation. To select new cards from the upper left pile, click on the back of the pile. When the pile is empty, click on the outline to turn it. The number of cards to draw may be either one or three, selectable from the Options menu. You may turn the pile as many times you like. Cards may be moved in a drag--drop fashion. Click on a card with button 1 (normally the left button), drag the card to the destination pile, and release the button. You may drag several cards at once: Pointing at a card not at the top of a pile, will move the chosen card, and all cards above it. You may double-click on a card to move it to one of the four upper right target piles. The program will locate the correct pile, if any. You may also use button 2 or 3 for the same purpose. The game features a site-wide highscore file, containing the top 200 players. Each user may appear once only in the highscore table. The highscore list is sorted on the time taken to bring the game to a solution. Chose the Highscores menu to bring up a window containing the list. The window is updated every now and then. If you don't want to be part of the race, you may avoid being included in the highscore list from the Options menu. All options are stored in .solrc in your home directory, along with a count of games played, and the time used for playing. The latter two may be viewed from the About menu. For technical reasons, sol connects to the X11 server before parsing options. This makes it impossible to eg. browse the highscore table using -H if no server is available. To be able to see the scores in such a case, solscores produces the same output as sol with option -H, but does no attempt on connecting to the X11 server. OPTIONS
X11 OPTIONSIn addition to the above mentioned options, sol accepts the standard X11 toolkit options.AUTHORSverre H. Huseby <shh@thathost.com>.
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