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XAWELE(6) FreeBSD Games Manual XAWELE(6)

xawele - a strategy game for X

xawele or awelewish -f xawele

The game of Awele is a popular african game, also known as "Sungo" or "Ubao". It is made of a wooden board with 12 holes containing some kind of stones. The aim is to capture as many stones as possible. There exist varieties of rules. I implemented the one I know, which is one of the most popular (in Ivory Coast at least).

xawele is a Tcl/Tk script, with some routines written in C. The interpreter is awelewish.

There is no command line options.

Select your opponent's level using the "level" menu. Rules are explained in english (select rules in the "misc" menu) and in french (select regles). Button 1 on a non empty square plays this square; button 2 shows where the last stone is dropped if you choose this square. You have the possibility to undo one move.

xawele - the Tcl/Tk script

awelewish - the interpreter

Jean-Paul Berroir (

Copyright (c) 1995 Jean-Paul Berroir

xawele is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

December 1995

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