SMTP mail archiver
archivesmtp |
[-abdhnv ] [-r
pidfile] [-t
timeout] [-u
username] -f
filename -p
port |
uses rule based matching to collect local
copies of mail passing through the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) using the milter
library interface.
Supported options are as follows:
- Always store mail. By default
always allow mail to pass. This option causes mail to be rejected with a
temporary failure message should something prevent its storage. Use with
care, simply having a rule with a path that is not writable would result
in all messages that match the rule being rejected.
- Detach from the terminal and run in the background (daemonise process).
This will cause all output to be sent to /dev/null and the working
directory to be set to /.
- Don't unlink local or unix domain sockets prior to attempting to open
them, if they exist the open will fail and the program will exit with an
error. In normal operating conditions the socket would be unlinked when
the program exits, thus the existence of the socket would suggest the
program is already running. However the socket could be left behind if the
program was unable to exit cleanly. *NOTE: When running as root the socket
will NEVER be removed on exit.
- Filename of the configuration file to use. For the format of this file
check the
section of this man page.
This argument is required.
- Help. Prints the usage string and then exits.
- No run. Parses configuration file and prints out the rules that would be
created by it, then exits. Useful for testing that a configuration file
has no syntax errors.
- Port to use for communications with MTA, can be of type unix, local or
inet. For example: unix:/var/run/archivesmtp/f1.sock. This argument is
required. *NOTE: If using unix or local socket and the file exists it will
be DELETED unless running with the -d option.
- Running processes pid will be stored in this file. The path must be
readable and writable by the user
running as.
- Timeout value for communication between
and the MTA in seconds. The default
value of 7210 will be used if this flag is not given (Note: Zero (0) does
NOT mean wait forever, but rather do not wait at all).
- Username to run as. This can only be set by the root user, it is
recommended that you do NOT run
- Verbose output to stdout. Add multiple v's to increase level of verbosity
(currently two is the highest level used).
The configuration file contains a list of rules that when matched will cause the
listed actions specified by that rule to be performed. Rules are evaluated in
the order they appear and evaluation will continue regardless of the success
or failure of the previous rule to match, unless Halt was given as one of the
rules actions.
Each rule is made up of two parts, the rule body which contains
all the conditions of the rule and is contained between an opening { and
closing } bracket followed by a list of comma separated actions to perform
if the rule matches. The rule is terminated by a semi-colon.
{ rule_body } action_list;
The rule body consists of one or more conditions which are
separated by the Or and And key words. Conditions can also be grouped
between opening ( and closing ) brackets.
{ condition1 or (condition2 and condition3) }
Each condition is made up of three values, the field to match
against, the part of the field to match against and finally the string to
match. Valid fields are Sender, From or To and the parts that can be matched
are Start, End, Contains or Is. The string to match can be quoted and
honours backslash \ escapes, if not quoted it is white space delimited. The
string match will be case insensitive except in the case of Sender, since
usernames are case sensitive while mail addresses are not. All conditions
may be negated using the ! character before them, this includes
{ Field Part String }
- Sender
- The username of the sender from SMTP Auth (or null if not auth'd)
- From
- The address given in the From: header of the mail
- To
- All recipients of the mail, including To:, Cc: and Bcc:
- Start
- Matches string against the start of the field
- End
- Matches string against the end of the field
- Contains
- Matches string against any part of the field
- Is
- Matches if the string and field are the same
There are also two special conditions that need no part or
- Not Matched
- Matches if no previous rule has matched this mail
- Match All
- Matches everything
The action list consists of one or more actions separated by
commas, each action has a type and a single string containing all arguments.
The rule is terminated after the last action by a semi-colon. There must be
at least one action.
action1_type arguments, action2_type arguments;
- Store In
- Stores the matching mail to the file specified in the argument
- Add Header
- Adds a header to the matching mail, the argument format is
- Pipe
- Executes the program specified in the argument and pipes the mail data to
that programs standard input
- Halt
- Flags that should this rule match, no further matching will be performed
after processing its actions. Has no arguments.
Action arguments support token substitution. Tokens are in UPPER
CASE and marked by a % symbol at the start and end. All tokens support the
addition of .USER or .DOMAIN to substitute only that part of the address, by
default they insert the whole address. You may use an unlimited amount of
- %%
- Inserts a literal % character
- Inserts the username of the sender if it has been set
- %FROM%
- Inserts the address set in the from header
- %TO%
- Inserts the FIRST matched address in the to header
- This special case token will cause the action it appears in to be
performed once for every matched address in the to header, substituting a
different one each time
*Note: Both the TO and ALLTO tokens require at least one To
condition to be tested and matched by the rule they are part of, otherwise
they will be empty.
So an example rule may be as follows:
{ Sender Starts "bob" Or From Contains "bob"
and (To Ends "" Or To Ends "") }
Store In /home/%SENDER.USER%/mail.mbox, Halt;
Please take a look at the sample configuration file for more
Dancing Fortune Software -