ceph-mon - ceph monitor daemon
ceph-mon -i monid [ --mon-data mondatapath ]
ceph-mon is the cluster monitor daemon for the Ceph distributed file
system. One or more instances of ceph-mon form a Paxos part-time
parliament cluster that provides extremely reliable and durable storage of
cluster membership, configuration, and state.
The mondatapath refers to a directory on a local file
system storing monitor data. It is normally specified via the mon
data option in the configuration file.
- -f, --foreground
- Foreground: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground). Do not
generate a pid file. Useful when run via ceph-run(8).
- -d
- Debug mode: like -f, but also send all log output to stderr.
- --setuser userorgid
- Set uid after starting. If a username is specified, the user record is
looked up to get a uid and a gid, and the gid is also set as well, unless
--setgroup is also specified.
- --setgroup grouporgid
- Set gid after starting. If a group name is specified the group record is
looked up to get a gid.
- -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
- Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default
/etc/ceph/ceph.conf to determine monitor addresses during
- --mkfs
- Initialize the mon data directory with seed information to form and
initial ceph file system or to join an existing monitor cluster. Three
pieces of information must be provided:
- The cluster fsid. This can come from a monmap (--monmap
<path>) or explicitly via --fsid <uuid>.
- A list of monitors and their addresses. This list of monitors can come
from a monmap (--monmap <path>), the mon host
configuration value (in ceph.conf or via -m
host1,host2,...), or (for backward compatibility) the deprecated
mon addr lines in ceph.conf. If this monitor is to be part
of the initial monitor quorum for a new Ceph cluster, then it must be
included in the initial list, matching either the name or address of a
monitor in the list. When matching by address, either the public
addr or public subnet options may be used.
- The monitor secret key mon.. This must be included in the keyring
provided via --keyring <path>.
- --keyring
- Specify a keyring for use with --mkfs.
ceph-mon is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
http://ceph.com/docs for more information.
ceph(8), ceph-mds(8), ceph-osd(8)
2010-2014, Inktank Storage, Inc. and contributors. Licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)