NAMEdbmail-export - export a mailbox from the DBMail mailsystem to mbox format.SYNOPSISdbmail-export [-dr] [-u user] [-m mailbox] [-s imap search] [-o outfile|-b basedir] [-f configFile]DESCRIPTIONThe dbmail-export program allows you to export a DBMail mailbox to an mbox formatted mailbox.OPTIONS-u userspecify the owner of the mailbox you want to export,
using wildcards ? and * to match one or none, or one or more characters in the
username, respectively.
-m mailbox specify the mailbox you want to export.
-o outfile specify the file into which the exported mail will be
-b basedir specify the base directory into which the exported
mailboxes will be saved.
-s search use an IMAP SEARCH string to select messages (default:
1:*) for example, to export all messages received in May, use: "1:* SINCE
1-May-2007 BEFORE 1-Jun-2007"
-d flag exported messages as \\Deleted (use dbmail-util to
-r export mailboxes recursively (default: true unless -m
option also specified).
COMMON OPTIONS-f configfileSpecify an alternate config file. The utilities are
currently hardcoded to use /etc/dbmail.conf for their configs, and will halt
if the config file cannot be found. Use the -f configfile option to specify
your system’s preferred config file location. Debian is patched to have
/etc/dbmail/dbmail.conf as the default.
-q Quietly skip interactive prompts and helpful status
messages which would otherwise be printed to stdout. Use two -q’s to
silence errors which would otherwise be printed to stderr.
-v Operate verbosely. Some of the utilities in the DBMail
suite can take two -v’s for extra verbosity. Those which don’t
understand this convention won’t complain about having the extra -v and
will simply operate at their normal verbosity.
-V Show the version and copyright, then exit.
-h Show a brief summary of options, then exit.
EXAMPLESTo export and delete all messages belonging to user Joe in mailbox Inbox more than 30 days old, try this command:dbmail-export -u joe -m inbox -o joesinbox.mbox -d -s "1:* BEFORE `date '+%e-%b-%Y' -d '30 days ago'`" Note the careful bash quoting and backticks calling the GNU date(1) command. GNU date(1) has excellent features for retrieving relative dates. If you are using a different shell, you may need different quotes. Descriptions of relative dates are not supported by BSD date(1). To export all mailboxes named Spam for all users into individual directories following the pattern SpamDump/<username>/Spam, try this command: dbmail-export -u \* -m Spam -b SpamDump Note the backslash to prevent the shell from expanding the *, as we want that * to be passed into DBMail for expansion based on the internal user list. BUGSIf you experience inexplicable problems with DBMail, please report the issue to the DBMail Bug Tracker[1].LICENSEDBMail and its components are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Copyrights are held variously by the authors listed below.AUTHOR(S)DBMail is a collaborative effort among the core developers listed below and the tremendous help of the testers, patchers and bug hunters listed in the AUTHORS and THANKS files found in the DBMail source distribution.Eelco van Beek Aaron Stone Paul J Stevens Roel Rozendaal Open Source Engineer NFG Net Facilities Group BV Ilja Booij Palo Alto, CA USA http://www.nfg.nl IC&S http://hydricacid.com http://www.ic-s.nl NOTES
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