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NAMEdsyncgroups - Obtain active file and group description info from a remote NNTP host and update the local dactive.kp (or specified KP database).SYNOPSISdsyncgroups -h remotehost | -G filename [ -p port ] [ -f/F file.kp ] [ -a ] [ -o ] [ -g ] [ -i ] [ -m ] [ -M flag ] [ -D ] [ -N[B][E,X] ] [ -X[E,X] ] [ -w wildcard ] [ -d[#] ] [ -n[#] ] [ -P[#] ] [ -z ]DESCRIPTIONDSyncGroups will connect to a remote NNTP server and download some or all of the remote machine's active file and newsgroup descriptions file. The information is then used to update a local active file KP database. By default, /news/dactive.kp will be updated. Options control how the update is handled. Note that dsyncgroups is specifically designed to allow you to sync to remote active files without having to synchronize your article numbers to them. Carefully read the available options and make a backup of your dactive.kp file if you aren't sure. Also note that you can create an initial dactive.kp file with dsyncgroups based on the active file from some other host, but that this operation will take a significant amount of time (30 minutes to an hour) due to inefficiencies in the database resort routine. These inefficiencies do not effect normal database operation.-h remotehost Specify the remote NNTP host to connect to. This is a required option. -p port Specify the port number on the remote host to connect to. The default is port 119. -G filename Specify the filename to use as input that would normally come from a remote host. The input format is the same as that returned from a 'list active' on a remote server. i.e: groupname artend artbegin modstatus -f/F file.kp Specify the local KP database to work on. The uppercase -F will create the file if it did not previously exist. The lowercase -f requires that file to already exist. -a A shortcut to turn on the -o, -g, -i and -m options, see those options below. Note that the -D and -N options are NOT turned on by -a. -o Overwrite option. Causes the group description and, if -m is specified, the moderation flags from the remote NNTP host to overwrite any preexisting values in the local database. -g Causes groups on the remote NNTP host which do not exist in the local database to be added to the local database. -i Sync the newsgroup descriptions. -m Allows the moderation status on the local KP database to be updated from the remote NNTP host. -M flag Set the group flags to the specified flag. The flag is a single character being one of: y Local postings are allowed m The group is moderated and all postings must be approved x Articles cannot be posted to this newsgroup -D Specifies that any groups not found on the remote NNTP host be DELETED from the local KP database. Groups outside a wildcard specification are not effected. -N[B][E,X] Specifies that the article begin and end range in the local KP database be OVERWRITTEN by the article range on the remote NNTP host. Like -D, this is a dangerous option and should be used with care. If -N is given alone, both the beginning and ending article number in the range is effected. -NB causes only the beginning article number in the range to be effected, and -NE causes only the ending article number in the range to be effected. -NX is like -NE but only adjusts the ending number upwards. -NBX is often used in slaved-cache situation to keep the range synchronized with the remote NNTP host's expiration. -NR is like -NB but adjusts the beginning article number based on the current ending article number minus the number of articles on the remote site. -NR can be used to adjust the beginning article even if the local dactive.kp database is not in sync with the remote machine's active file. -X[E,X] Specifies that the NX field in the local KP database be OVERWRITTEN by the ending article number on the remote NNTP host. The NX field is like the NE field, but it is used by the diablo feeder to assign article numbers for Xref:. If you are running a feeder-side article number assignment via the 'active on' option in diablo.config rather then a reader-side article number assignment and you want to synchronize. If -X is given alone, the NX field is synced to the remote NNTP host's ending article number. -XE also accomplishes this. -XX will cause the NX field to be synchronized in an upward fashion only. Note that if the article numbers are being maintained locally (by diablo or dreaderd) there is a race condition between obtaining the number from the remote server and updating the number locally. -w wildcard Specify a group wildcard. Only groups matching the wildcard are effected by the program. -d[#] Turn on debugging. An optional debug level may be specified. -n# When syncing the end article number (see -N option), increase the local value by this number before storing it. WARNING: Setting this value too high can cause all your current overview records to expire in the next dexpireover run as it is equivalent to receiving that number of extra articles - rather sync slowly by using a small value (e.g: 10) per dexpireover run. This value is applied to either/both of NX and NE fields, depending on the -N options used. -P# When syncing the end article number (see -N option), don't increase the value by more than # % of the original value. This value is useful in preventing dexpireover from wiping out too much of the overview for big jumps in the end article number. When used in that context, don't use a percentage greater than 20% and ensure that dsyncgroups is only run once for every few dexpireover runs. -z Run through the motions, but don't actually make any changes. DSyncGroups is used to update Diablo's active file, /news/dactive.kp, from a remote source. It may also be used to create an initial active file from a remote source. DSyncGroups may be run without shutting down diablo. However, if you are doing a major update, it is recommended that you shutdown diablo and follow the DSyncGroups command with a dkp -t command to trim the deleted records out of the dactive.kp database, making it smaller. SEE ALSOdiablo(8), dicmd(8), didump(8), diload(8), dnewslink(8), doutq(8), dexpire(8), dexpireover(8), diconvhist(8), dilookup(8), dspoolout(8), dkp(8), dpath(8), diablo-kp(5), diablo-files(5)