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NAMEkdb5_ldap_util - Kerberos configuration utilitySYNOPSISkdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldapuri] command [command_options]DESCRIPTIONkdb5_ldap_util allows an administrator to manage realms, Kerberos services and ticket policies.COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS
By default, kdb5_ldap_util operates on the default realm (as specified in krb5.conf(5)) and connects and authenticates to the LDAP server in the same manner as :ref:kadmind(8)` would given the parameters in dbdefaults in kdc.conf(5). COMMANDScreatecreate [-subtrees subtree_dn_list]
[-sscope search_scope] [-containerref
container_reference_dn] [-k mkeytype] [-kv
mkeyVNO] [-M mkeyname] [-m|-P
password|-sf stashfilename] [-s]
[-maxtktlife max_ticket_life] [-maxrenewlife
max_renewable_ticket_life] [ticket_flags]
Creates realm in directory. Options:
Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU create -subtrees o=org -sscope SUB Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Initializing database for realm 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' You will be prompted for the database Master Password. It is important that you NOT FORGET this password. Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify: modifymodify [-subtrees subtree_dn_list]
[-sscope search_scope] [-containerref
container_reference_dn] [-maxtktlife max_ticket_life]
[-maxrenewlife max_renewable_ticket_life]
Modifies the attributes of a realm. Options:
Example: shell% kdb5_ldap_util -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu modify +requires_preauth Password for "cn=admin,o=org": shell% viewview
Displays the attributes of a realm. Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU view Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Realm Name: ATHENA.MIT.EDU Subtree: ou=users,o=org Subtree: ou=servers,o=org SearchScope: ONE Maximum ticket life: 0 days 01:00:00 Maximum renewable life: 0 days 10:00:00 Ticket flags: DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE REQUIRES_PWCHANGE destroydestroy [-f]
Destroys an existing realm. Options:
Example: shell% kdb5_ldap_util -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu destroy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Deleting KDC database of 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU', are you sure? (type 'yes' to confirm)? yes OK, deleting database of 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU'... shell% listlist
Lists the names of realms under the container. Example: shell% kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu list Password for "cn=admin,o=org": ATHENA.MIT.EDU OPENLDAP.MIT.EDU MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU shell% stashsrvpwstashsrvpw [-f filename]
Allows an administrator to store the password for service object in a file so that KDC and Administration server can use it to authenticate to the LDAP server. Options:
Example: kdb5_ldap_util stashsrvpw -f /home/andrew/conf_keyfile cn=service-kdc,o=org Password for "cn=service-kdc,o=org": Re-enter password for "cn=service-kdc,o=org": create_policycreate_policy [-maxtktlife
max_ticket_life] [-maxrenewlife
max_renewable_ticket_life] [ticket_flags]
Creates a ticket policy in the directory. Options:
Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU create_policy -maxtktlife "1 day" -maxrenewlife "1 week" -allow_postdated +needchange -allow_forwardable tktpolicy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": modify_policymodify_policy [-maxtktlife
max_ticket_life] [-maxrenewlife
max_renewable_ticket_life] [ticket_flags]
Modifies the attributes of a ticket policy. Options are same as for create_policy. Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU modify_policy -maxtktlife "60 minutes" -maxrenewlife "10 hours" +allow_postdated -requires_preauth tktpolicy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": view_policyview_policy policy_name
Displays the attributes of the named ticket policy. Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU view_policy tktpolicy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Ticket policy: tktpolicy Maximum ticket life: 0 days 01:00:00 Maximum renewable life: 0 days 10:00:00 Ticket flags: DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE REQUIRES_PWCHANGE destroy_policydestroy_policy [-force]
Destroys an existing ticket policy. Options:
Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU destroy_policy tktpolicy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": This will delete the policy object 'tktpolicy', are you sure? (type 'yes' to confirm)? yes ** policy object 'tktpolicy' deleted. list_policylist_policy
Lists ticket policies. Example: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU list_policy Password for "cn=admin,o=org": tktpolicy tmppolicy userpolicy ENVIRONMENTSee kerberos(7) for a description of Kerberos environment variables.SEE ALSOkadmin(1), kerberos(7)AUTHORMITCOPYRIGHT1985-2021, MIT