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LMTP2NNTP(8) mail to news gateway LMTP2NNTP(8)

OSSP lmtp2nntp - mail to news gateway

lmtp2nntp [--childsmax⎪-C childsmax] [--daemonize⎪-D] [--kill⎪-K] [--pidfile⎪-P filename] [--acl⎪-a addr/mask (LMTP daemon ACL)] [--bind⎪-b addr[:port]⎪"-"path[:perms] (LMTP daemon bind)] [--client⎪-c addr[:port] (NNTP client bind)] [--destination⎪-d addr[:port] (NNTP client destination)] [--groupmode⎪-g groupmode] [--headerrule⎪-h [pri]:[regex]:header:[val]] [--include⎪-i configfile] [--l2spec⎪-l l2spec] [--mailfrom⎪-m regex] [--nodename⎪-n name] [--operationmode⎪-o abc/a.d.e⎪post⎪feed] [--restrictheader⎪-r regex] [--size⎪-s bytes] [--testfile⎪-t filename] [--timeoutlmtp sec] [--timeoutlmtpaccept sec] [--timeoutlmtpread sec] [--timeoutlmtpwrite sec] [--timeoutnntp sec] [--timeoutnntpconnect sec] [--timeoutnntpread sec] [--timeoutnntpwrite sec] [--user⎪-u uid⎪name] [--version⎪-v] --newsgroup newsgroup⎪wildmat [newsgroup ...]

The OSSP lmtp2nntp program is an LMTP service for use in conjunction with an MTA (like Sendmail), providing a reliable real-time mail to news gateway. Input messages get their headers reformatted according to configurable rewrite rules. The article is then posted or fed into a remote NNTP service (like INN). Delivery must take place immediately or the transaction fails. OSSP lmtp2nntp relies on the queuing capabilities of the MTA in order to provide a fully reliable service. The program returns proper delivery status notification which indicates successful completed action, persistent transient failure or permanent failure.

Configuration files can be specified to reduce the complexity of command lines. Their content has a simple "command WHITESPACE argument" syntax where commands and their arguments map exactly to the long options, with dashes omitted. There is no artifical difference between using command line and using configuration files. The only practical impact is that the shell expands metacharacters while those have no special meaning inside the configuration file. However, shell style line concatenation through BACKSLASH and comments through HASH are supported.

Options belong to one of the three classes SINGLE, FLAG or MULTI. Any option can be specified more than once. Those belonging to SINGLE and FLAG class can appear multiple times but only the last occurrence in terms of parsing sequence counts while those belonging to MULTI class handle their arguments as a array. SINGLE and MULTI require an argument, FLAG does not allow an argument.

The following command line options and arguments are available:

--childsmax⎪-C childsmax
Childs the daemon spawns at max. Default is 10. SINGLE.
Daemonize and detach from current terminal. FLAG.
Kill a previously run daemon. After processing this option the program is terminated so this option effectivly renders most other options invalid not including specification of a pidfile and logging. The pid must be listed in pidfile. FLAG.
--pidfile⎪-P filename
Pidfile holding the process ID. Written when daemonizing. Read when killing a previously run daemon. Care must be taken when using relative path names as daemonizing changes the current working directory to '/' before the file is opened. SINGLE.
--acl⎪-a addr/mask (LMTP daemon ACL)
Access control list specifying TCP INET addresses and masks where incoming LMTP connections are accepted from. Omitting a mask defaults to a host comparison. The mask is a CIDR style bitmask where /0 means no comparison and enforces a match. Omitting the wholly option defaults to and [::] which allows access from any IPv4 or IPv6 host. It is possible to specify both inclusive and exclusive addresses, the latter have to be prefixed with an exclamation mark. In order to pass the ACL a client must match any inclusion and not match any exclusion. If you specify exclusions only, a fake inclusion of and [::] is appended internally. Any addr can be a name which will be resolved on program launch time. MULTI.
--bind⎪-b addr[:port]⎪"-"⎪path[:perms] (LMTP daemon bind)
Bind address accepting incoming LMTP connections. Supported are ""-"" for stdio, path[:perms] for Unix Domain socket with optional chmod-like permissions and addr[:port] for TCP INET socket. Omitting this option defaults to stdio. The path for a UNIX domain socket must start with a slash. The addr can be a name which will be resolved on program launch time. SINGLE.
--client⎪-c addr[:port] (NNTP client bind)
Client connections for outgoing NNTP communication bind to this address. If an address is specified but port is omitted the kernel chooses an ephemeral port. If you want to specify a port but no address then replace address with all zeros. If completely omitted, no assumptions are made which causes the kernel to choose an address based on routing information and an ephemeral port. The addr can be a name which will be resolved on program launch time. SINGLE.
--destination⎪-d addr[:port] (NNTP client destination)
Destination hostname or address and optional TCP port of a NNTP service. Unless a port is specified, getserbyname(nntp) is queried with fallback to 119/tcp. If "-d" option is ommited, "news" is used and if this doesn't resolve, "localhost" is assumed. Any addr can be a name which will be resolved on program launch time. It is assumed that multiple servers are used to increase the reliability of the news system and to speed up distribution by posting the same article to more than one server. In regard to this program they must provide the same groups and talk to each other. MULTI.
--groupmode⎪-g groupmode
Groupmode configures news group(s). Possible values are "arg" (default), "envelope" and "header". In "arg" mode, the "newsgroup"s specified as command line arguments are ultimate destinations for the received messages. Addresses from envelope and headers are ignored. In "envelope" mode the newsgroup(s) are taken from the LMTP envelope, in "header" mode the newsgroup(s) are taken from the header. In all modes "Newsgroups:" header is rewritten. In "envelope" and "header" mode groups must still be specified as newsgroup options. However, in these modes the newsgroup options are filters representing allowed groups. Filters can be specified as wildmat's. MULTI.
--headerrule⎪-h [pri]:[regex]:header:[val]
Header rewriting rule. A message received by the LMTP server is split into header and body. The header is further split into a list where the headernames are unique keys to access single- or multivalues. The values are kept in sequence as they appeared in the original message. The gateway processes each rule in priority order. Small pri numbers are processed first. The default prioriy is 500. Each rule can modify a header and thus change the input of the remaining rules. If a regex is given, the rule processes all currently existing headers that match the regular expression. A new header header with val will be created. With no regex given, a new header with name header and data val is created. In both cases, the new header will replace an existing header with the same name. Also, if the name or value ever becomes empty, the header is removed. Omitting regex and nothing found to replace, the new header will be appended. Processed headers will always be single-valued. Omitting the val means the (matching) header(s) will be deleted. The headderrules support PCRE (Perl compatible reguar expression) and if a regex was used, the matching elements are available to header and value as "DOLLAR NUMBER". The value is also processed through a variable expansion library which has access to all command line options, many internal variables and all currently existing headers. The expansion allows powerful constructs like joining multivalues into a single value. MULTI.

Functional diagram:

    foreach rule
        if rule has regex
            foreach header
                if regex matches
                    create new header
                    expand regex references into headername
                    if headername is empty
                        delete header
                    if headervalue is empty
                        delete header
                    expand regex references into headervalue
                    expand variables into headervalue
                    if headervalue is empty
                        delete header
                    replace existing header
        else (= rule has no regex)
            create new header
            if headervalue is empty
                delete header
            expand variables into headervalue
            replace existing or append new header

Further reading:

- regular expressions see 'pcre' manual page - variable expansion see 'lib_var/var.pod' and 'lib_var/var_play'


The variables use a hierarchical name space scheme. All options are available through '${option.optionname}'. For options of class MULTI this yields the first element. Other elements can be accessed through '${option.optionname[index]}'. All headers can be accessed through '${msg.header.headername}' and again, indexes are supported for multivalued headers.

Inside variables, functions can be accessed through '%functionname'. Currently, only %createmessageid is available which creates a value properly suitable for a Message-ID: header.

--include⎪-i configfile
Include a configuration file. There is no artifical limitation on the number and levels of configuration files supported. However, no attempt is made to prevent recursion. Order of inclusion matters for SINGLE and FLAG option classes. MULTI.
--l2spec⎪-l l2spec
L2 channel tree specification. The full functionality of lib_l2 is exposed to the user, see 'lib_l2/l2.pod' when it becomes available and have a look at the example configuration file in the meantime. SINGLE.
--mailfrom⎪-m regex
"Mail From:" envelope restriction to limit sender addresses. If omitted, anyone can send mail. The value to be compared includes the angle brackets. Use a PCRE (Perl compatible reguar expression) for mailfrom. SINGLE.
--nodename⎪-n name
Own FQDN used in LMTP and NNTP protocols. This overrides the nodename returned by uname(3). SINGLE.
--operationmode⎪-o abc/a.d.e⎪post⎪feed
Set fake status or operationmode. Possible values for operationmode are "post", "feed" or a string in "LLL/D.D.D" format used to fake a LMTP return code. In "post" mode articles are sent to the NNTP server(s) using POST command. Before posting, a duplicate check using STAT command is issued. In "feed" mode articles are sent to the NNTP server(s) using IHAVE command. Specifying a return code and DSN replaces the post/ feed logic by a noop and assumes the given string must be returned to the LMTP side. The slash is replaced by a space internally. The default is "553/5.7.1" meaning "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed/ Delivery not authorized, message refused". This is useful for debugging LMTP setups without engaging NNTP. Fake mode makes it possible to run without any -d option. However, if -d option is given the NNTP client tries to connect but it's return codes are ignored. SINGLE.
--restrictheader⎪-r regex
Restrict messages by header. Messages with a matching restrictheader are rejected. If omitted no restrictions apply. Matching is done before headers are rewritten. Use a PCRE (Perl compatible reguar expression) for regex. SINGLE.
--size⎪-s bytes
Size limitation on message in bytes. Default is 8388608 (8M).
--testfile⎪-t filename
Testfile for headerrule. Allows debugging without LMTP or NNTP activity. The file must be in RFC822 E-Mail format. Use this option for debugging only, it disables both the mail server and news client.
--timeoutlmtp sec
LMTP server default timeout. Sets timeout for accept, read and write at once. Setting sec to zero means to wait infinite. Note that all LMTP timeouts only apply to socket operations, stdio always waits infinite. SINGLE.
--timeoutlmtpaccept sec
LMTP server accept timeout. Default is 0.SINGLE.
--timeoutlmtpread sec
LMTP server read timeout. Default is 10. SINGLE.
--timeoutlmtpwrite sec
LMTP server write timeout. Default is 10. SINGLE.
--timeoutnntp sec
NNTP client default timeout. Sets timeout for connect, read and write at once. Setting sec to zero means to wait infinite. SINGLE.
--timeoutnntpconnect sec
NNTP client connect timeout. Default is 360. SINGLE.
--timeoutnntpread sec
NNTP client read timeout. Default is 60. SINGLE.
--timeoutnntpwrite sec
NNTP client write timeout. Default is 60. SINGLE.
--user⎪-u uid⎪name
User identity to be set for program execution. SINGLE.
Version information is printed, then program exits. FLAG.
--newsgroup newsgroup⎪wildmat [newsgroup ...] =item newsgroup⎪wildmat [newsgroup ...]
Newsgroup name or match. Depending on groupmode, this is a newsgroup to post or feed the message to or it is a wildmat filter. Crosspostings succeed if delivery to any group succeeds. MULTI.

Sending a USR1 signal to the program will flush the logging stream.

If invoked it returns 0 on successful execution (not neccessarily meaning successful delivery!) or 1 on failed execution. Returning proper delivery status notification is part of the LMTP protocol.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. J. Postel. Aug-01-1982. (Format: TXT=124482 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0788 ) (Obsoleted by RFC2821) (Also STD0010) (Status: STANDARD )
Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages. D. Crocker. Aug-13-1982. (Format: TXT=109200 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0733) (Obsoleted by RFC2822) (Updated by RFC1123, RFC1138, RFC1148, RFC1327, RFC2156) (Also STD0011) (Status: STANDARD)
Network News Transfer Protocol. B. Kantor, P. Lapsley. Feb-01-1986. (Format: TXT=55062 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
Domain names - implementation and specification. P.V. Mockapetris. Nov-01-1987. (Format: TXT=125626 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0973, RFC0882, RFC0883) (Updated by RFC1101, RFC1183, RFC1348, RFC1876, RFC1982, RFC1995, RFC1996, RFC2065, RFC2136, RFC2181, RFC2137, RFC2308, RFC2535, RFC2845) (Also STD0013) (Status: STANDARD)
SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport. J. Klensin, N. Freed, M. Rose, E. Stefferud, D. Crocker. July 1994. (Format: TXT=11842 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1426) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)
SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining. N. Freed. October 1995. (Format: TXT=14097 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC2197) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
Enhanced Mail System Status Codes. G. Vaudreuil. January 1996. (Format: TXT=28218 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications. K. Moore, G. Vaudreuil. January 1996. (Format: TXT=77462 bytes) (Updated by RFC2852) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes. N. Freed. October 1996. (Format: TXT=10460 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
Reserved Top Level DNS Names. D. Eastlake, A. Panitz. June 1999. (Format: TXT=8008 bytes) (Also BCP0032) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. J. Klensin, Editor. April 2001. (Format: TXT=192504 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0821, RFC0974, RFC1869) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
Common NNTP Extensions. S. Barber. October 2000. (Format: TXT=57165 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
1.4.1 (09-Oct-2005) 1.4.1

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