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FreeBSD System Manager's Manual |
portsreinstall - ports upgrading utility for massive forced reinstallation
portsreinstall [ OPTIONS ] [ -- ] [ command ]
This utility is an alternative to portupgrade(1) and
portmaster(8), and designed to be suitable for reinstallation/upgrade
of all packages after major version upgrade of the system or very long absence
of ports upgrade, or for entire correction of confusion among installed
Execution of do, redo and packupgrade commands can be
terminated at any points and restarted from there with the same options saved
in the temporary database (independent among utilities). The saved options can
be changed by the ways depending on the assigned groups of the options. Some
options can be reset only by redo command. The options are reset to the
default by clean and reset all commands.
As of the release time of this software, the flavor support of the Ports
Collection has many incomplete features. Therefore, users should note that
problems may arrise due to the specification changes related to flavors.
Currenly, coexistence with portupgrade(1) is suspended due to the lack
of flavor support. The same port configuration options of the same ports are
shared among the all flavors because they are not distinguishable in the
current implementation of the Ports Collection.
A glob is an extended regular expression or a shell-type glob pattern
matching either of a unique name, package names, or unflavored port origins
possibly followed by flaver. The format of a glob may be either:
- unique_name_glob
- package_name_glob
- port_origin_glob
- port_origin_glob@flaver_glob
- :unique_name_regexp
- :package_name_regexp
- :port_origin_regexp
- :port_origin_regexp@flaver_regexp
where each regular expression (*_regexp) and glob (_glob) pattern must not
include any at sign (@). Port origin patterns without at sign match all
available flavors if deined. As long as the specified port origin pattern
represents ports wihout available flavor, the glob syntax is compatible with
portupgrade(1) and its accompaniments such as portsdb(1),
pkg_glob(1) and ports_glob(1). If a glob starts with a colon
":", the following string is parsed as an extended regular
expression, and otherwise a shell-type glob. A shell-type glob is evaluated by
matching an asterisk "*" to an arbitrary string of an arbitrary
length, a question mark "?" to an arbitrary single character,
characters "..." enclosed in a bracket "[...]" to a single
character as one of the characters and characters "..." in a bracket
"[!...]" to a single character matching none of the characters.
Here, the evaluation of the bracket is actually done by passing it to an
extended regular expression by simply converting the prefix "[!" to
"[^". A glob is recognized as a unique name (package name without
the version part) if no slash "/" or any special character for an
extended regular expression or a shell-type glob is included in the pattern.
For example, all of "zip" "zip-3.?", "zip-*",
"zip-[0-9]*" and ":^zip-[[:digit:]]+.*" can match
"zip-3.0"; "archivers/unzip*" can match both of
"archivers/unzip" and "archivers/unzip-iconv". When the
glob should match the all flavors of a port, a regular expression can
be used such as ":devel/py-setuptools(|@.*)".
One of the following commands can be given for optional operations or
- do
- do all
- (Default) Full execution.
- prepare
- do prepare
- Just build (or continue to build or rebuild) the temporary database and
stop before the actual operations to the ports/packages.
- redo
- redo all
- Execute again for failed ports and their dependents.
- redo prepare
- Just rebuild the temporary database and stop before the actual operations
for the redo process. In case of restarting a stopped redo prepare
process, execute by prepare or do prepare command instead of
this command.
- clean
- clean [normal]
- Clean up the temporary database.
- clean force
- Attempt to clean up the temporary database without checking the lock and
- reset
- reset all
- Reset the temporary database by preserving the initial snapshot of
installed packages. This command can be used to restart reinstallation
when the ports tree is updated after the previous run or to rescue the
temporary database from destruction.
- reset keepopts
- Reset the temporary database by preserving the initial snapshot of
installed packages, option settings and manually added
taboo/need/noneed ports. This command can be used to
restart reinstallation when the ports tree is updated after the previous
run or to rescue the temporary database from destruction.
- reset keepstatus
- Reset the temporary database by preserving the progress status to reuse
for unchanged successfully (re)installed ports. The initial snapshot of
installed packages, option settings and manually added
taboo/need/noneed ports are preserved in the same way
as reset keepopts command. This command can be used to more smartly
restart reinstallation when the ports tree is updated after the previous
- ok add glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Register manually resolved ports. The port globs are separated from each
other by comma or space.
- ok del glob1 [glob2 ...]
- deregister manually resolved ports. The port globs are separated from each
other by comma or space.
- taboo add glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Register taboo ports that must not be built or newly (re)installed. The
port globs are separated from each other by comma or space. Registration
to be "taboo" practically invalidates "necessary"
registered by noneed add command. Ports specified in the HOLD
section in the configuration file are protected from deinstallation. This
functionality is intended to avoid manually deinstalled conflict ports or
ports whose build or installation operations can damage the system, e.g.,
by flooding the file systems or kernel panic. This command is for temporal
definitions and permanent definitions should be given as TABOO_* values in
${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf instead.
- taboo del glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Deregister taboo ports. The port globs are separated from each other by
comma or space.
- freeze add glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Register ports to freeze that must not be built but the package
installtion by any available version may be safe. If the specified ports
failed to (re)install by packages, build of their dependents are also
suppressed. The port globs are separated from each other by comma or
space. This functionality is intended to build of ports which can damage
the system, e.g., by flooding the file systems or kernel panic, while
their installed packages will not be harmful. This command is for temporal
definitions and permanent definitions should be given as FREEZE_* values
in ${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf instead.
- freeze del glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Deregister ports to freeze. The port globs are separated from each other
by comma or space.
- need add glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Register necessary ports that should be newly installed if not yet and
kept installed even if being obsolete. The port globs are separated from
each other by comma or space. Registration to be "necessary"
takes priority over "unnecessary" registered by noneed
add command. In other words, the registered ports are excluded from
deinstallation candidates if they are obsolete, leaf or
not-initially-installed ports, and otherwise have no effect on the actual
- need del glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Deregister necessary ports. The port globs are separated from each other
by comma or space. The deregistered ports are added to leaf port
candidates if they are not initially installed. In this case, information
on the deregistered ports remain until removal by forget
- noneed add glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Register unnecessary ports that should be deinstalled unless required by
other non-leaf ports. The port globs are separated from each other by
comma or space. In other words, the registered ports are added to leaf
ports if they have no non-leaf dependent, and otherwise have no effect on
the actual operations. Requirements of the registered ports are also
recognized as leaves if all of their dependents are leaves. Ports
specified in the HOLD section in the configuration file are protected. For
example, just after installing new ports due to need add command or
-i option as requirements of a specified target, registering only
the target will let the all required ports be leaves as well as the
target. Actually deinstalled ports are selected via dialog together with
the original leaf ports.
- noneed del glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Deregister unnecessary ports. The port globs are separated from each other
by comma or space.
- reselect leaves
- Reselect leaf ports to delete. This command is effective only after the
temporary database is once built.
- reselect obsolete
- Reselect obsolete ports to delete. This command is effective only after
the temporary database is once built.
- save [dir]
- Save the current temporary database as a .tar.gz archive. The file name is
created automatically by containing the current date time. By default save
directory is the current directory.
- load path
- Load a temporary database archive. Note that the currently temporary
database is removed.
- rmconf glob [glob2 ...]
- Reset port options for the specified ports to the default and reset
affected parts in the temporary database.
- reconf glob [glob2 ...]
- Reconfigure port options for the specified ports. The specified ports are
re-inspected even when the options are unchanged or undefined. All
affected ports are inspected again in the following runs by do or
redo command.
- forget glob [glob2 ...]
- Try to let the temporary database forget about the specified ports as much
as possible. Concretely, the data on each of the specified ports and their
requirements/dependents is unless initially installed or required by other
preserved ports. This command is mainly for removing information on ports
which had been added due to -i option or need add command
but have become unneeded again. In advance to executing this command,
deinstallation for the specified ports should be completed by noneed
add command followed by redo command. It is noted that ports
registered by ok, taboo, freeze and noneed
commands are NOT deleted. Internal tables used for show command
keep their information regardless of this command.
- pkgsanity [glob ...]
- Examine the sanity of installed packages, i.e., whether the installed
files exist and match the checksum. If arguments globs are given,
only the matching packages are examined. For each insane package, the user
is queried whether to reinstall it forcedly in the following do/redo runs.
The default choice is "yes" for packages which have any ELF
binaries or include files changed or any type of files overwritten by
other packages, and "no" for the others. Insane packages already
assigned to be reinstalled are skipped. With -a enabled, all insane
packages are assigned to be the above mentioned default and the output is
given in a form that the first to fourth columns denote the package name,
flavored port origin, whether assigned to be reinstalled (yes or no), and
file path with a notice, respectively. It is noted that this sanity check
can detect some configuration or cache files which are changed during
normal use and need not to be recovered.
- escape glob [glob2 ...]
- Back up and delete packages specified by globs for a temporary
escape mainly for resolving undeclared conflicts. The escaped packages are
registered as taboo as same as taboo add glob [glob2
- restore glob [glob2 ...]
- Restore packages specified by globs escaped by escape
command. The escaped packages are deregistered from taboo as same as
taboo del glob [glob2 ...].
- packupgrade create
- Create packages of the all reinstalled or newly installed ports (at a
"builder" environment) with a set of scripts for upgrading
another system with the same initial configuration of installed packages
("target" environment). One of typical examples of application
can be such that the builder is a "forked" jail/chroot system
constructed onto a host system by using nullfs and unionfs and the target
is the host system (Refer to "Package build in a chroot system"
Section). Another typical example can be such that the builder is one node
of a cluster system and the targets are the other nodes. If the execution
is terminated before completion, it can be restarted from the terminated
point by re-running this command. The created packages are saved at
/usr/ports/packages/All. In order to crop the created set of scripts,
packupgrade crop command must be executed.
- packupgrade crop [path]
- Crop the created set of scripts as a tar.gz archive, where its path name
is specified by path argument (if path is a directory, the
file name is set to "portsreinstall-upgrade.tar.gz"; the default
of path is the current directory). This command must be executed
after completion of packupgrade create command. The obtained
archive is to be conveyed to the target together with the created
packages. Then "portsreinstall-upgrade.sh" obtained by
extracting the archive is to be run at the target.
- packupgrade clean
- Reset the execution progress of packupgrade create command
and discard the internally saved created set of scripts. This does not
affect any already cropped sets of scripts or created packages. This
command is provided for cases that ports/packages are reinstalled or
reconfigured during/after the execution of packupgrade
create command. After execution of this command, packupgrade
create command will overwrite the packages by creating them
- make glob [target ...] [arguments ...]
- Execute make(1) command for ports matching the glob pattern. The
taget and arguments are passed as they are with the arguments and
environment variables customized for each port. For flavored ports, the
appropriate argument (FLAVOR variable) is automatically set. The main
purpose of this command is diagnosis and experimental build of
unsuccessful ports. The result of this command will not be recognized by
the (re)installation processes of do and redo commands. The
execution is carried out for each matching port in the alphanumeric order.
If any port failed to execute make(1) command, its exit status is
returned by terminating immediately (so the following ports in the queue
are skipped).
- glob glob [glob2 ...]
- Evaluate port globs and show matched flavored origins both for installed
and uninstalled packages. The exit status is always 0.
- pkg glob [glob2 ...]
- Evaluate port globs and show matched installed package names. The returned
exit status is 1 if no installed package matches any of the globs.
- options
- Show saved option settings and expected effects of option-resetting
options -L, -M and -N. With -a option, the
first, second and third columns denote the option-resetting options, reset
options and remaining options, respectively.
- show [subject]
- Show the list of ports to be reinstalled. The applied scope of
dependencies can be controlled by "show option" proceeded by
"@"; run, build and all employ the
run-time, build-time or both-time ones, respectively; direct and
full include only the direct or fully recursive ones, respectively.
Here, the full build-time requirements are defined as the
direct build-time requirements and their full run-time
requirements. The full build-time dependents are also defined in
accordance. The default scope is determined by the saved option settings
for -B, -b and -o. Some subject's require
arguments. The following subject's are available.
- todo
- Ports to be reinstalled in the current do/redo process (default). With
-a option, the first and second columns denote the flavored origin
and initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- done
- Ports which have been already reinstalled to be up-to-date with their all
requirements. With -a option, the first and second columns denote
the flavored origin and initial/new/current package name,
- resolved
- Manually reinstalled ports registered by ok command. With -a
option, the first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- failure
- Failed ports. With -a option, the first, second and third columns
denote the flavored origin, initial/new/current package name, failed make
target and manually resolved status (yes or no), respectively.
- redo
- Ports to be reinstalled after success in any of their failed requirements.
With -a option, the first and second columns denote the flavored
origin and initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- inst_by_pkg
- Ports installed by the default packages because their configurations are
default. With -a option, the first and second columns denote the
flavored origin and initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- inst_built_default
- Ports locally built and installed with the default configurations
including their all requirements. With -a option, the first and
second columns denote the flavored origin and initial/new/current package
name, respectively.
- inst_built_custom
- Ports locally built and installed with the non-default configurations or
having any of their requirements non-default. With -a option, the
first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- taboo
- Taboo ports registered by taboo command. With -a option, the
first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- freeze
- Taboo ports registered by freeze command. With -a option,
the first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- need
- Necessary ports registered by need command. With -a option,
the first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- noneed
- Unnecessary ports registered by noneed command. With -a
option, the first and second columns denote the flavored origin and
initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- restored
- Leaf, obsolete or unneeded ports which had been once deleted but are to be
or have been restored. With -a option, the first and second columns
denote the flavored origin and initial/new/current package name,
- deleted
- Leaf, obsolete or unneeded ports are to be or have been deleted. With
-a option, the first and second columns denote the flavored origin
and initial/new/current package name, respectively.
- fossil
- Installed ports which have not been either upgraded or reinstalled since
the initial state. With -a option, the first and second columns
denote the flavored origin and package name, respectively.
- conflict
- Conflicting ports which are temporarily deleted. With -a option,
the first, second and third columns denote the flavored origin,
initial/new/current package name, and opponent ports concatenated by
comma, respectively.
- moved
- Moved or replaced ports. With -a option, the first, second, third
and fourth columns denote the flavored initial origin, initial package
name, flavored alternative origin and alternative package name,
- build_conflict_pkgs glob [glob2...]
- Installed packages which conflict with ports matching globs in the
build. The package names are listed in a single column.
- inst_conflict_pkgs glob [glob2...]
- Installed packages which conflict with ports matching globs in the
installation. The package names are listed in a single column.
- leaves [selected | unselected]
- All detected leaf ports. Keywords selected and unselected
are for filtering only selected (to be deleted) and unselected (to be
preserved) ones, respectively. With -a option, the first, second
and third columns denote the flavored origin, initial/new/current package
name, and opponent ports concatenated by comma respectively.
- obsolete [selected | unselected]
- All detected obsolete ports. Keywords selected and
unselected are for filtering only selected (to be deleted) and
unselected (to be preserved) ones, respectively. With -a option,
the first, second and third columns denote the flavored origin,
initial/new/current package name, and opponent ports concatenated by comma
- requirements glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Ports required by matching ports/packages. With -a option, the
first, second, third and fourth columns denote the flavored origin of the
queried port, initial/new/current package name of the queried port,
flavored origin of a requirement of the queried port and
initial/new/current package name of the requirement, respectively.
- dependents glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Ports depending on matching ports/packages. With -a option, the
first, second, third and fourth columns denote the flavored origin of the
queried port, initial/new/current package name of the queried port,
flavored origin of a dependent of the queried port and initial/new/current
package name of the dependent, respectively.
- initrequirements glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Ports initially required by matching initially installed ports/packages.
With -a option, the first, second, third and fourth columns denote
the flavored origin of the queried port, package name of the queried port,
flavored origin of a requirement of the queried port and package name of
the requirement, respectively.
- initdependents glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Ports initially depending on matching initially installed ports/packages.
With -a option, the first, second, third and fourth columns denote
the flavored origin of the queried port, package name of the queried port,
flavored origin of a dependent of the queried port and package name of the
dependent, respectively.
- conflict_files glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Possible additional conflict files of matching ports/packages. The first
and second columns denote the possible conflict package and file path,
respectively. For officially registered conflict, nothing is outputted. In
other words, if something is outputted, the port Makefile can have some
defect or the custom modification of the system can be confusing the port
or the conflicting packages.
- status glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Current success/failure status in (re)installation of matching
ports/packages. Returned values are null, "todo",
"done", "resolved", "failure",
"redo", "inst_by_pkg", "inst_built_default",
"inst_built_custom", "taboo", "freeze",
"need", "noneed", "restored",
"deleted", "fossil", or "conflict", where
null means that they are untouched in the current option configuration or
temporary reset due to configuration changes.
- errormessage glob1 [glob2 ...]
- Error message in (re)installation of matching ports/packages. Returned
values are null for successful or skipped ports/packages.
If duplicated or conflicting ones are set, the last ones are effective. The end
of options can be explicitly specified by --. Short options can be
given in compact forms, for example, -i -q -P to be -iqP.
- *NOTE*
- The configuration of options annotated as "saved and transferred to
restarted/following runs" are saved in the temporary database by the
first run after cleaning the database. In the following runs for any
commands, the corresponding option settings are loaded from the saved
configuration unless explicitly reset by -L, -M or -N
option. The saved options can be checked by portsreinstall options
- -H
- --long-help
- Show a long help whose content is the same as the manual page.
- -h
- --help
- --short-help
- Show a short help.
- -V
- --show-version
- Show the current version.
- -a
- --batch-mode
- Suppress messages so as to be friendly for batch operations. The output
formats for options and show commands and -V option
are arranged to be more batch-friendly. It is noted that log output in
build/installation processes are not suppressed.
- -i
- --allow-new-targets
- Allow -O, -T or -t options to specify
not-yet-installed ports. If any of not-yet-installed ports matching the
target globs are ambiguous, a dialog box is open for each of them to
select the actual targets.
- -M
- --reset-minor-options
- Reset option settings for minor controls. Option settings for group 4 are
once reset and replaced with the newly specified ones. Check the saved
options by portsreinstall options command before specifying this
- -S
- --no-opening-message
- Suppress the credit, opening and terminating messages. Option -a
takes higher priority over this option.
- -L
- --reload-conf
- Reload configuration files. This option is effective only with redo
command. Option settings for group 6 are once reset and replaced with the
newly specified ones. Check the saved options by portsreinstall
options command before specifying this option.
- -N
- --reset-targets
- Re-scan installed packages and reset option settings for target
specification. This option is effective only with redo command.
Option settings for group 5 are once reset and replaced with the newly
specified ones. Check the saved options by portsreinstall options
command before specifying this option.
Option settings in this group are saved at the first do or prepare
run, and transferred to the following runs. Reset of the saved values for this
group is available by appending -M with newly specified options.
- -A
- --non-interactive-ports-only
- Operations of (re)installation are made only on ports which do not require
manual interaction. This option conflicts with -I.
- -B
- --exclude-runtime-dependencies
- Exclude run-time dependencies in evaluation of dependencies. This option
affects behaviors of -t, -T and -q options. Use of
this option should be just for temporary diagnosis or salvage.
- -b
- --include-buildtime-dependencies
- Include build-time dependencies in evaluation of dependencies. This option
affects behaviors of -t, -T and -q options. Use of
this option will result in installation of the all build-time requirements
regardless of the actual necessity for upgrade of installed packages.
- -C
- --apply-default-config
- The temporary database is built by skipping executing make
config-conditional so that the port options are unchanged. The default
values are applied to unconfigured port options. The port options are
unchanged and unsaved (they are saved in case of old ports trees in which
dialog(1) is used instead of dialog4ports(1)).
- -c
- --suppress-cleaning-obsolete-database
- Suppress cleaning the temporary database even if its obsolete. This option
suppresses the default behavior that the temporary database is
automatically cleaned up if it is older than the ports tree or
portsreinstall itself is to be upgraded. Use of this option may cause
unexpected results and basically unrecommended.
- -D
- --suppress-entire-inspection-distinfo
- Suppress entire inspection of distinfo files in the ports tree as a
preparation for deleting obsolete distfiles. By default, viz., without
this option, all distfiles are preserved unless being obsolete in the
current version of the ports tree. For this purpose, entire inspection of
distinfo files in the ports tree is carried out in order to get the
complete list of distfiles. This inspection can take an extremely long
time if the ports tree is located in file systems with low access speeds.
With this option specified, distfiles for ports are deleted unless they
are initially installed, added due to -i option, or required by any
of the installed or added ports.
- -d
- --keep-distfiles
- Do not clean up obsolete or unused distfiles.
- -F
- --fetch-only
- Execute fetch and checksum verification only at the (re)installation
process for each port. Packages are also fetched if applicable. Regardless
of this mode, missing essential tools for package management such as
pkg(8) and dialog4ports(1) will be installed.
- -f
- --disallow-force-continuation-for-looped-dependency
- Disallow forcible continuation in case that looped dependencies are found.
Without this option, workarounds are carried out at the phase of
"Completion of *-time requirement lists" of the preparation
stage. In this case, when a looped dependency is detected, the first found
dependency which is not run-and-build-time dependency (that is a typical
pattern of dynamically linked libraries) is marked ignored to break the
loop; if no such dependency is found, one connecting the end back to the
start of a loop cycle is ignored for the time being.
- -G
- --use-prebuilt-package
- Use prebuilt packages for ports with the default configurations, i.e., in
which and in the all required ports of which no port option is changed
from the default and no knob (make environment variable or make argument)
or replacement is defined in${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf . As long
as no knob is defined in /etc/make.conf and no environment variable has
effect on package builds, this option will accelerate the (re)installtion
processes without harm. It is noted that some ports still may be
problematic with this assumption by automatic dependencies on other system
configurations. This problem can be resolved by configuring REBUILD_*
section in ${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf.
Historical background: The actual merit of this option
depended on the service levels and qualities of the remote package sites;
since October 31, 2013, weekly-updated pkgng packages were provided for major
architectures (at November 15, 2013, i386 and amd64 only) until their
end-of-life while legacy packages were provided only at each release timing;
the situations were different for STABLE and CURRENT versions and more various
architectures were supported for legacy packages. The official support of
legacy packages were abandoned at September 1, 2014, but third-party services
might be used by configuring PACKAGECHECKSUMROOTS and PACKAGEROOTS if
available somewhere.
- -g
- --suppress-pkgtools-upadte
- Keep indispensable packages for the standard function of the
ports/packages system untouched. Concretely, this option suppresses
upgrade, de/re-installation of the currently installed
ports-mgmt/pkg(-devel) and ports-mgmt/dialog4ports.
- -I
- --interactive-ports-only
- Operations of (re)installation are made only on ports which require manual
interaction. This option conflicts with -A.
- -j
- --delete-then-reinstall
- Delete unneeded leaf and obsolete packages before (re)installation of
needed ports. The effects of this option will be manifested as possible
shortening of the total time for (re)installation (by avoiding
unrecognized conflict with moved ports) in exchange of possible longer
abscent times of moved packages. This option is suitable for builder
chroot environments.
- -k
- --suppress-self-upadte
- Keep portsreinstall itself untouched. This option suppresses upgrade,
deinstallation and reinstallation of the currently installed
- -l
- -use-legacy-package-for-missing-pkgng
- If prebuilt modern-style packages are missing, use of corresponding legacy
ones is attempted instead by converting them to the modern-style using
pkg2ng. This option is effective only when -G option is
enabled and the modern-style is employed for the current packages system,
but will not be harmful even in the other cases.
- -n
- --dry-run
- No operation is carried out (just for seeing what will be done). This
option is effective for do and redo commands so that no
deinstallation and (re)installation process is actually carried out. By
this option, ports/packages to be deinstalled or (re)installed can be
confirmed without making changes to the current situation of
- -q
- --skip-unchanged-ports
- Only new ports and their dependents are reinstalled. This option is
convenient when the all of the major version of the system and
configurations of ports (options and knobs) are unchanged. The behavior
can be modified by -b option.
- -s
- --avoid-vulnerability-check
- Build of vulnerable ports are avoided by triggering errors. Note that
already installed vulnerable packages are untouched. If you desire to
uninstall them, do it manually.
- -X
- --deselect-all
- Automatically deselect all candidates for deinstallation of leaf or
obsolete ports. This option conflicts with -Y option.
- -x
- --no-exec-inst-script
- Execution of scripts in pre-installation, post-installation and
deinstallation defined for each package is skipped. This option is
suitable for package build in portsreinstall-chroot(8) or other
change-rooted/jailed environment.
- -Y
- --select-all
- Automatically select all candidates for deinstallation of leaf or obsolete
ports. This option conflicts with -X option.
Option settings in this group are saved at the first do or prepare
run, and transferred to the following runs. Reset of the saved values for this
group is available in the initial run of redo command by appending
-N with newly specified options.
- -O glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- --target-only-itself=glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- Restrict (re/de)installation within a scope consisting of the specified
target ports and their missing build-time requirements. Available ports
matching the specified target globs are automatically registered as
necessary ports equivalently to portsreinstall need add command.
Records of successful (re)installation for the all ports in the scope are
deleted so that they are to be reinstalled forcedly. So this option is
usable for fixing packages whose data in the package database or content
files are broken. Without -i option, target ports must be already
installed or inspected. Without -o option, the temporary database
is maintained to have complete data on dependencies of all installed and
necessary ports. Combination with options -T and -t is
available. The behavior can be modified by -B, -b, -i
and -o options. Use of this option should be just for temporary
diagnosis or salvage.
- -o
- --only-target-scope
- Ignore ports which are outside of target scopes of -O, -T or
-t options. Inspection of dependencies is made within the
least-required scope for (re)installing the targets. If given with
-O, targets themselves and their missing direct build-time
requirements are in the scope. If given with -T, targets
themselves, their direct requirements and their missing direct build-time
requirements are in the scope. If given with -t, targets
themselves, their already-inspected dependents and their missing direct
build-time requirements are in the scope. Ports outside of the scopes are
kept untouched even if they are updated. It is noted that this option
disables detection and deinstallation of new leaf ports. This option will
be useful for quick upgrades or new installation (only) before complete
construction of the temporary database for the all installed ports. Use of
this option should be just for temporary diagnosis or salvage.
- -T glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- --target-and-requirements=glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- Restrict (re/de)installation within a scope consisting of the specified
target ports, their requirements and their missing build-time
requirements. Available ports matching the specified target globs are
automatically registered as necessary ports equivalently to
portsreinstall need add command. Records of successful
(re)installation for the all ports in the scope are deleted so that they
are to be reinstalled forcedly. So this option is usable for fixing
packages whose data in the package database or content files are broken.
Without -i option, target ports must be already installed or
inspected. Without -o option, the temporary database is maintained
to have complete data on dependencies of all installed and necessary
ports. Combination with options -T and -t is available. The
behavior can be modified by -B, -b, -i and -o
options. Use of this option should be just for temporary diagnosis or
- -t glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- --target-and-dependents=glob1[:glob2[:...]]
- Restrict (re/de)installation within a scope consisting of the specified
target ports, their dependents and their missing build-time requirements.
Available ports matching the specified target globs are automatically
registered as necessary ports equivalently to portsreinstall need
add command. Records of successful (re)installation for the all ports
in the scope are deleted so that they are to be reinstalled forcedly. So
this option is usable for fixing packages whose data in the package
database or content files are broken. Without -i option, target
ports must be already installed or inspected. Without -o option,
the temporary database is maintained to have complete data on dependencies
of all installed and necessary ports. Combination with options -T
and -t is available. The behavior can be modified by -B,
-b, -i and -o options. Use of this option should be
just for temporary diagnosis or salvage.
Option settings in this group are saved at the first do or prepare
run, and transferred to the following runs. Reset of the saved values for this
group is available in the initial run of redo command by appending
-L with newly specified options.
- -P
- --load-pkgtoolsconf-as-override
- Import settings from pkgtools.conf(5) as the secondary. This option
is effective only when portupgrade(1) is installed. For duplicated
configurations, values in portsreinstall.conf are applied first and then
those in pkgtools.conf(5) are. This option overrides preceding
-p option.
- -p
- --load-pkgtoolsconf-as-default
- Import settings from pkgtools.conf(5) as the primary (default).
This option is effective only when portupgrade(1) is installed. For
duplicated configurations, values in pkgtools.conf(5) are applied
first and then those in portsreinstall.conf are. This option overrides
preceding -P option.
- -Q
- --ignore-pkgtoolsconf
- Ignore pkgtools.conf(5) even if it exists.
This utility is a ports/packages management tool which upgrades packages to be
as much as consistent regarding their dependencies by allowing repetitional
retrials called "redo runs". The implementation of this utility is
designed for smart entire reinstallation of installed packages which takes a
very long time. A temporary database is used for managing the starting point,
intermediate status and goal of the upgrade processes. The starting point is
determined by the initially installed packages. The intermediate status
contains various information on successes and failures of ports to judge the
necessity of upgrade considering dependencies during redo runs. The
goal is determined by the ports tree, replacement to compatible ports and
configurations for each port, i.e., port options configured by make
config and knobs (make environment variables and make arguments). In order
to make this utility work smartly, knob should be defined in
${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf (or pkgtools.conf(5) if
portupgrade(1) is installed) but not in /etc/make.conf The temporary
database is available until the ports tree is updated. Each port is built for
its (re)installation in principle, however, -G option enables a
function that use of prebuilt packages in remote servers are attempted for
each port matching a condition that all configurations of the port and its
requirements are unchanged from the default.
The algorithms of this utility are originally optimized for
massive reinstallation to be invoked after major upgrade of the system where
reinstallation of all third-party applications is encouraged before cleaning
up obsolete system libraries. Nevertheless, the all functionalities of this
utility is applicable to any situations where complete reinstallation is
preferred for the whole or typical packages, e.g., when you have been lazy
in upgrade of ports for a too long time.
In a standard case, the entire reinstallation will proceed in the
following step:
- 1.
- Update the ports tree and (except in case of the legacy package system)
the pkg(8) repository catalog;
- 2.
- Clean up a temporary database which stores the all information used for
the whole task of reinstallation (first do or prepare
- 3.
- Record the snapshot of the all installed packages as the initial point of
reinstallation (first do or prepare run);
- 4.
- Build up the database to store data on configurations and dependencies
(which may depend on the configurations) of the all (re/de)installing
packages to be the latest version according to the current ports tree
(do or prepare run);
- 5.
- Select obsolete packages or new leaf ports/packages to deinstall or
exclude if any (do or prepare run);
- 6.
- Execute the actual (re/de)installation (do run);
- 7.
- If some ports failed, attempt manual troubleshooting by make modification
to the temporary database or manually re/de-install packages in concern
(ok, taboo, freeze, noneed, reconf,
- 8.
- Execute the retrial of the (re/de)installation (redo run);
- 9.
- Repeat from 7 to 8 until the all available ports succeed.
A typical instance of actually executed commands for upgrading
packages will be in the following flow:
- 1.
- portsnap fetch update
- 2.
- pkg update
(No need for the legacy packages system)
- 3.
- script
(Enter script(1) environment for logging)
- 4.
- portsreinstall
(Possibly end up with some failed ports)
- 5.
... Countermeasure to failures ...
- 6.
- portsreinstall redo
(Possibly end up with some failed ports)
- 7.
... Repetition from 6 to 7 ...
- 8.
- portsreinstall redo
(All available ports succeed)
Here, in case of entire reinstallation after a major version
upgrade of the operating system, -q option should be removed. It is
usually encouraged to execute the command on script(1) in order to
record the make outputs for catching reasons of failures if any. In many
cases, the user may undergo failures in build or installation of some ports
during do/redo runs. Refer to subsections entitled "Workaround for
failed ports: ..." for the techniques and procedures to resolve the
This utility is implemented to be flexible and robust about
interrupt/restart operations so as to allow the users to run only when the
machine is free and terminate when it becomes busy on demand. Concretely,
the users can stop the process by CTRL+C (or even by unexpected termination)
and restart from the stopped point at any stage throughout the whole task,
i.e., from the beginning of preparation of the temporary database to the end
of (re/de)installation. This functionality allows the users, for example, to
start this utility before lunch, terminate after lunch, restart before
dinner, terminate after dinner, restart before going to bed, terminate after
breakfast, restart before lunch, ..., and finally complete.
Compatibility with portupgrade(1) is well considered if it
is installed; settings in pkgtools.conf(5) are reflected and the
portupgrade database is updated at the end of each do/redo run. The main
difference of this utility with portupgrade(1) or
portmaster(8) is that this utility is optimized for on-the-fly entire
upgrade of the packages environment to be as complete as possible while the
latter are for partial upgrade to get the latest versions available as
quickly as possible by applying the least "patches" to the
environment. While this utility also has options for partial upgrade
(-t, -T and -O), they are intended as auxiliary
modification of (re)installing packages. This utility resolves conflicts
between old and new packages automatically by referring to CONFLICTS,
CONFLICTS_BUILD and CONFLICTS_INSTALL defined for each port or by redo
processes for ports missing appropriate definition of them. Many of the
UPDATING advisories on trouble shooting in packages upgrade will be
unnecessary to follow if the users use this utility instead of
portupgrade(1) or portmaster(8).
If this utility has been installed by ports/packages and the
corresponding port is renewed, upgrade of this utility is carried out first
and then the following processes are continued by the new version after
cleaning up the temporary database.
New leaf ports (primary leaves) and their exclusive requirements
(secondary leaves) are automatically detected. The user may specify unneeded
ports explicitly by portsreinstall noneed command so that the
specified ports are added to the new leaves if they have no non-leaf
dependents. If any leaf ports are detected, the user is prompted to select
ones to delete by dialog. Similarly, obsolete ports to delete are also
selectable by dialog. Here, both for leaf and obsolete ports, the selection
can be modified afterward and unselected ones can be restored by following
redo runs.
The scheme of this utility is divided into stages of temporary
database construction and actual (re/de)installation. Execution by
portsreinstall prepare procedes to the end the first stage, and that
without any argument procedes to the end of the second stage. Each of these
two major stages is divided into minor stages. When a previously terminated
process is restarted, completed minor stages are skipped. Changes of the
configurations made or notified by corresponding options or commands of this
utility are reflected to the database by automatically re-executing the
concerned stages in the following do/redo runs.
When option(s) -O, -t or -T is/are specified,
only the targets and their requirements or dependents within the specified
scope are inspected and (re/de)installed. Inspected data on the ports are
preserved in the temporary database and reused in the following runs even if
the targets are reset or changed with aid of -N option. The preserved
data are basically harmless even if the corresponding ports are out of scope
of new targets unless conflicts arise.
If the user has not executed this utility for entire reinstallation/upgrade
never or after the final clean up of the temporary database,
portsreinstall -i -Glq -oO globs
will be a quick way to install new packages matching glob patters globs
(here the options are separated into each group just for easy understanding).
More automated operation is possible by appending -C and -Y
options so as to skip all dialog queries by letting all configurations
If the user already has a complete temporary database by executing entire
portsreinstall need add globs
followed by
portsreinstall -MGlq -N redo
will be a quick and smart way to install new packages matching glob patters
globs. More automated operation is possible by appending -C and
-Y options so as to skip all dialog queries by letting all
configurations default.
If any new leaf ports and obsolete (lost) ports are detected, dialogs are
displayed for selecting which ports/packages to delete. Here it is noted that
detection and operations on new leaf ports are invalidated when the temporary
database is incomplete due to -o option. Deinstallation and restoration
of the packages are carried out after reinstallation of the all ports are
attempted. The selected packages are backed up before deinstallation.
The selection can be modified by executing
portsreinstall reselect leaves
for new leaf ports, and
portsreinstall reselect obsolete
for obsolete ports.
Then following execution of
deinstalls newly selected packages and restores unselected ones.
For smooth and safe on-the-fly port upgrading, the pakage build can be carried
out in a chroot(8) system using portsreinstall-chroot(8). Refer
to its manual page for the detail.
In a cluster system where multiple nodes have the same software configuration,
packages built in one node can be used for upgrading ports in the others. The
conventional flow will be as follows:
1. Share file systems for /usr/ports/packages and /home among the
nodes by NFS. Here we assume that the mount points are the same among the
all nodes and user "admin" is used for the system
2. In the builder node, update the ports tree and the package
repository catalog.
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] portsnap fetch
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] pkg update
3. Upgrade the all pakages completely by portsreinstall (the command line
options are just an example).
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] portsreinstall
4. Create the packages and dispatching script set. This process can be skipped
when portsreinstall-chroot(8) was used in the previous stage.
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] portsreinstall
packupgrade create
5. Crop and extract the archive of the created dispatching script set.
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] portsreinstall
packupgrade crop /home/admin/portsreinstall-upgrade.tar.gz
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] rm -rf
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] mkdir -p
root@[builder.cluster.intranet] tar xzf
/home/admin/portsreinstall-upgrade.tar.gz -C
6. Execute the dispatched script at each target node.
ssh -l admin target01.cluster.intranet sudo
This utility automatically resolves conflicts between ports/packages by
temporary deinstallation during concerned build or installation processes
port. This means that ports lacking proper CONFLICTS, CONFLICTS_BUILD and
CONFLICTS_INSTALL definitions may undergo failures.
Some problems may be due to coexistence of the same or related
software of different versions of the requirements or the unsuccessful ports
themselves. For analysis of the upgraded and initial requirements,
portsreinstall show requirements @all,direct
portsreinstall show initrequirements @all,direct
can be used, respectively, where glob denotes a glob specifying the
unsuccessful ports. For analysis of ports for the same software of different
portsreinstall glob glob_req
can be used, where glob_req denotes a glob specifying the suspicious
If a conflict is found, first escape (back up and delete) the
conflict by
portsreinstall escape
where package_conflict is the conflicting package.
Then execute
portsreinstall redo
for completing (re)installation of the dependents of the resolved port.
If the (re)installation is successful, execute
portsreinstall restore
to restore the escaped package (reinstallation may fail if a newer version is
installed but there is no problem). If any conflicts still remain unresolved,
refer to case 2.
If some upgraded ports fundamentally conflict with each other, the output log of
this utility for do/redo processes will report a message entitled "The
following ports are temporarily deleted due to conflicts". In this case,
although not always encouraged, the user may consider replacement of the
conflicting ones with one of them by assuming and expecting compatibility
between them.
This workaround can be done by the following procedure. First edit
the configuration file ${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf so as to define
the corresponding REPLACE_* values. If portupgrade(1) is installed,
the corresponding configuration should be made in ALT_PKGDEP section of
Then execute
portsreinstall -L redo
(Recover options reset by -L if any by checking
with the aid of portsreinstall options.)
for (re)installation of the concerned port by reflecting the configuration
If some conflicts are found to be unnecessary, they can be removed in the
following way. The unnecessary ports are registered by executing
portsreinstall noneed add
where globs_unnecessary denotes globs specifying the unnecessary ports.
Next execute
portsreinstall show dependents @run,full
for checking whether any dependents seem unnecessary for the user. Next execute
portsreinstall noneed add
to register them, where globs_unnecessary_dependents denotes globs
specifying the unnecessary dependents.
Then execute
(If it seems effective, reconfigure options for
-B, -b and -o by using -M and -N.)
for automatic evaluation and deinstallation of new leaf ports redefined by the
new unnecessary ports. If the registered ports are required by any non-leaf or
non-unnecessary ports, this process will end up with no practical progress.
If the problems may be resolved by reconfiguration of the port options, execute
portsreinstall reconf glob which invokes the dialog for
reselecting options. Here glob denotes a glob specifying the concerned
If any change was made here, execute
for retrial of (re)installation.
If the problems may be resolved by reconfiguration of the knobs, first edit the
configuration file ${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf so as to redefine the
AFTERINSTALL_* values. If portupgrade(1) is installed, the
corresponding configuration should be made in MAKE_ARGS, MAKE_ENV,
Then execute
portsreinstall -L redo
(Recover options reset by -L if any by checking
with the aid of portsreinstall options.)
for (re)installation of the concerned port by reflecting the configuration
If the ports are fundamentally broken, updating the ports tree may fix the
problems. In this case, execute
portsnap fetch update
and, followed by
pkg update
and then
portsreinstall reset keepstatus
to clean everything but the option settings, information of the initially
installed packages and the progress of unchanged successful ports. Then
and see whether the problems are resolved.
The following environment variables can be used to change the behavior of
portsreinstall. Some of them are the same as defined in
ports(7). Usually they should be kept to be the system default or
empty. The configuration file (${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf) takes
priority over environment variables.
- Where to install files of native applications. The default is
- Where to install files of Linux applications. The default is
- Where to install things in general. The default value is defined for each
port; it is usually ${LOCALBASE} for most native applications and
${LINUXBASE} for Linux applications. However, some ports customize it to
their own defaults, e.g., ${LOCALBASE}/kde4 for KDE4-related ones.
Therefore, it is safer to keep this variable undefined by the user so as
to define it automatically although traditionally this variable has been
used for controlling installation paths by users.
- Where to store port option values. The default is /var/db/ports.
- Location of the ports tree. The default is /usr/ports.
- Where to store distfiles. The default is ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles.
- Where to store package archives. The default is ${PORTSDIR}/packages.
- Subdirectory under ${PACKAGES} to store substances of package archives.
The default is "All".
- Where to store substances of package archives. The default is
- Overriding Synonym to PKGREPOSITORY for compatibility with
- Roots of available sites for legacy package check sum to be randomly
selected. Each site is separated by "|" (vertical bar). The
default consists of ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/ and from
ftp://ftp1.FreeBSD.org/ to ftp://ftp14.FreeBSD.org/.
- Subdirectory pattern of legacy package check sum sites. The first and
second %s are substituted with the platform and version of OS,
respectively. The default is pub/FreeBSD/ports/%s/packages-%s/All/.
- Roots of available legacy package sites to be randomly selected. Each site
is separated by "|" (vertical bar). The default is
${PACKAGECHECKSUMROOTS}, but it is relatively secure to be different from
- Subdirectory pattern of legacy package sites. The first and second
%s are substituted with the platform and version of OS,
respectively. The default is ${PACKAGECHECKSUMDIR}.
The following files and directories are referred to.
- ${LOCALBASE}/etc/portsreinstall.conf
- Configuration file.
- /var/tmp/portsreinstall.db
- Temporal database directory. The whole contents can be saved by
portsreinstall save command.
- ${LOCALBASE}/etc/pkgtools.conf
- Configuration file of portupgrade(1).
This utility first appeared as Version 0.9.0 released on November 21, 2010.
pkg(8) is supported since Version 2.1.0 released on December 10 2012.
Flavor is supported since Version 4.0.0 released on June 29, 2018.
The current package system is automatically detected according to the OS version
whose serial number is obtained by
sysctl -n kern.osreldate
and the configuration of /etc/make.conf. Pkgng is supported for systems with
serial numbers of 800505 (just before 8.1-RELEASE) or later. For systems of
1000017 (10-CURRENT) or later, Pkgng is the default.
In order to choose pkgng in systems from 800505 (just before
8.1-RELEASE) to just before 1000017 (10-CURRENT), put
in /etc/make.conf.
In order to choose the legacy one in systems of 1000017
(10-CURRENT) or later, put
in /etc/make.conf.
pkg_glob(1), portupgrade(1), portsdb(1),
ports_glob(1), pkgtools.conf(5), ports(7),
pkg-add(8), pkg-create(8), pkg-delete(8),
portmaster(8) portsreinstall-chroot(8),
portsreinstall-chroot-mount(8), portsreinstall-upgrade(8),
This software is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD License.
(C) 2010-2018 Mamoru Sakaue, MwGhennndo, All Rights Reserved.
Email: sakaue.mamoru@samurai.mwghennn.net
Homepage: http://www.mwghennndo.com/software/portsreinstall/
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.