smp_rep_self_conf_stat - invoke REPORT SELF-CONFIGURATION STATUS SMP function
smp_rep_self_conf_stat [--brief] [--help] [--hex]
[--index=SDI] [--interface=PARAMS] [--last]
[--one] [--raw] [--sa=SAS_ADDR] [--verbose]
[--version] SMP_DEVICE[,N]
function request to an SMP target. The SMP target is identified by the
SMP_DEVICE and the --sa=SAS_ADDR. Depending on the interface,
the SAS_ADDR may be deduced from the SMP_DEVICE. The mpt
interface uses SMP_DEVICE to identify a HBA (an SMP initiator) and
needs the additional ,N to differentiate between HBAs if there are
multiple present.
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well.
- -b, --brief
- lessen the amount of header information output and compress each self
confuration status descriptor to one line of output.
- -h, --help
- output the usage message then exit.
- -H, --hex
- output the response (less the CRC field) in hexadecimal.
- -i, --index=SDI
- SDI is the starting self-configuration status descriptor index, an
integer in the range 0 to 65535. The default value is 1 . If SDI is
0 then no descriptors are placed in the response plus the "starting
self-configuration status descriptor index" and "total number of
self-configuration status descriptors" fields in the response are
both set to 0. That makes setting SDI to 0 a lot less useful tha it
could have been. SDI may be decimal (default) or hexadecimal
prefixed by '0x' (or '0X') or with a 'h' (or 'H') suffix.
- -I, --interface=PARAMS
- interface specific parameters. In this case "interface" refers
to the path through the operating system to the SMP initiator. See the
smp_utils man page for more information.
- -l, --last
- Sends a REPORT SELF-CONFIGURATION STATUS request to find out the contents
of the "last self-configuration status descriptor index" field
in the response. If it is different from SDI then it re-issues that
request with the "starting self-configuration status descriptor
index" field set to the "last" value. Often only the last
(i.e. most recent) recorded descriptor is of interest and that is what
this option should show. In cases there may be more than one descriptor
starting at the last index.
- -o, --one
- If multiple self-configuration status descriptors are found, then only
output the first one.
- -r, --raw
- send the response (less the CRC field) to stdout in binary. All error
messages are sent to stderr.
- -s, --sa=SAS_ADDR
- specifies the SAS address of the SMP target device. The mpt interface
needs this option and it will typically be an expander's SAS address. The
SAS_ADDR is in decimal but most SAS addresses are shown in
hexadecimal. To give a number in hexadecimal either prefix it with '0x' or
put a trailing 'h' on it.
- -v, --verbose
- increase the verbosity of the output. Can be used multiple times.
- -V, --version
- print the version string and then exit.
The "last self-configuration status descriptor index" field in the
response may indicate the lowest index of the last recorded (i.e. most recent)
"clump" of status descriptors placed in the expander's storage.
This utility flags the "last self-configuration status
descriptor index" descriptor in its output with a
">>>" indication. For brief output the descriptor line
starts with ">>>" while for normal output (i.e. when
--brief not given) the index has ">>>" placed in
front of it.
The SMP REPORT SELF-CONFIGURATION STATUS function was introduced in SAS-2 .
Written by Douglas Gilbert.
Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.
Copyright © 2011 Douglas Gilbert
This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO warranty; not
smp_utils, smp_rep_general, smp_discover, smp_discover_list(smp_utils)