| |
ZXFER(8) |
FreeBSD System Manager's Manual |
ZXFER(8) |
zxfer —
transfer ZFS filesystems, snapshots, properties, files and
zxfer |
[-dFnPsUv ] [-k |
-e ] [-b |
-B ] {-N path/to/src | -R path/to/src}
[-m [c FMRI|pattern[
FMRI|pattern]...]]] [-D
'progress dialog options']
[-I properties,to,ignore]
[-O user@host]
[-T user@host]
[-g days]
destination |
zxfer |
{-S} [-dilpPnv ] [-k |
-e ] [-b |
-B ] [-f
/path/to/rsfile] {-R /path/to/src1,path/to/src2... |
-N /path/to/src1,path/to/src2...} [-o
[-E pattern]
[-L value]
[-u snapshot]
destination |
zxfer |
[-h ]
Where destination is a ZFS filesystem e.g.
The zxfer utility performs two main functions. It can
replicate ZFS filesystems (including snapshots and properties) using
send to do the heavy lifting.
It can also transfer files and directories and the filesystems
underlying them using
It will first recursively snapshot those filesystems so that an atomic
snapshot of all files and directories exists as a base. It then creates a
replica of the source filesystem hierarchy down to the pool level at the
destination. It then transfers the files and directories. This is desirable
when we have different snapshotting regimes on source and destination, and
want to copy across the latest contents of the filesystem(s).
send and
use checksums/hashes to verify that the data copied to the destination is
the same data that was sent from the source, so we have a similar degree of
surety of end-to-end data integrity as the ZFS filesystem itself.
Either method allows for the properties of each filesystem to be
transferred and specific properties overridden as necessary. For example,
compression, readonly, and
copies are properties that are likely to be useful to
override if we are using this utility to make backups. If the destination
filesystems do not exist, zxfer will automatically
create them.
Both methods also allow the backup and restore of the original
filesystem properties so that if it is desirable to backup the filesystem(s)
for archival purposes using compression etc. as
overrides, the original properties may be restored without the user having
to make a note of what those original properties were.
IMPORTANT: Note that switching between these two
modes is done with -S. Depending on the mode, the workings of an option may
be nonexistent, subtly or grossly different. Don't assume an option works
the exact same way that it did with the other mode.
Note also that zxfer should be run from
root, as to do anything useful
must also be run from root.
Note that at present, the usage of spaces in
filesystem names is NOT supported. There is no plan to support it without
someone else doing the coding or a good funding proposal coming my way.
You MUST read, understand and agree to the disclaimer in the BSD license before
applying any of these examples or using zxfer . (See
the file "COPYING" that should have been included with this
utility.) I eat my own cooking - I use zxfer as per
the examples given and as my primary form of backup. That being said, you are
strongly urged to have a look at the script and try it out on some non-risky
pools and filesystems before using it in production. At this stage, straying
too far from the given examples will probably furnish you with the material to
submit some bug reports. Run a backup before using it and don't shoot me if
something goes wrong. This software is about beta level, which means that if
you are going to use it for backups you should treat it more like alpha level
software - i.e. trust it at your own risk.
Modifying an example first is a good way to start using the
script, as there are some options (e.g. -d and -F in normal mode) that are
in practice always used.
zxfer in Normal mode as a backup/restore solution is
designed to be used hand-in-hand with a regular snapshotting regime. If there
is no regular snapshotting regime in place then the results won't be nearly as
good. zxfer would still be useful to reliably and
easily copy a pool for example, but you would be missing the main point of the
Common options are listed, followed by options as they function specifically
with zfs(8)
send mode, followed by options as they work specifically
aka -S mode.
Please note that options with arguments (e.g. -R, -N and the like)
can not be concatenated after other options. (e.g. -vFdR
source destination will fail.
You should use instead: -vFd -R source
destination ) Otherwise this will confuse getopts and
will complain that "dataset already exists".
The options are as follows:
- Small (b)eep mode. Play a failure tune before exit with failure so that
you don't have to monitor the terminal to know when a lengthy backup or
restore finishes. (This is not as yet supported in (Open) Solaris.) To
save insult being added to injury, the failure beep will not play during
errors that
zxfer discovers in the initialization
phase, beeps will only occur if an error has the possibility of occurring
after significant time has elapsed.
- Large (B)eep mode. Similar to (b) but suitable for use at the end of a
script. It plays a success or failure tune before exit. If you are
zxfer multiple times, use -b for
everything but the last execution, for which you should use -B.
- R(e)store property mode. This restores all filesystem properties from the
backup file mentioned in the previous option.
A word of warning: In order to allow the restoration of
filesystems within the hierarchy, zxfer will
begin at the level you specify, and traverse the filesystem hierarchy
back to the pool level until it finds an appropriate .zxfer_backup_info
file or fails. It will use the first such file it comes across, so be
careful about backing up from multiple individual levels of the same
filesystem hierarchy.
- Prints (h)elp.
- Bac(k)up property mode. This backs up the original filesystem property
settings to a file
.zxfer_backup_info.<pool_name>. This file is
located in the directory that is the mountpoint of the parent filesystem
that will contain the root filesystem you are sending. e.g. if you are
backing up zroot to be located as per
storage/backups/zroot/... the file
/storage/backups/.zxfer_backup_info.zroot would
hold all the information about the original values of the filesystem
properties, and some other useful info.
This allows us to use the [-o ] option
freely, e.g. specifying copies,
compression etc. without having to remember what
the original options were.
A word of warning: if you intend to backup to one location and
further backup that backup to another location - sourcing the properties
to use in the final backup property file from the property backup file
in the intermediate backup is not yet supported. A workaround is to
refrain from using property overrides in the intermediate backup; this
will mean that the ultimate backup will be able to store the correct
properties of the original.
- Dry ru(n) mode. Prints out the commands that would otherwise execute but
does not execute them. This may not work in all circumstances as it may
expect the existence of filesystems etc. that won't be created.
- (o)verride property mode. Property overrides are specified with commas to
e.g. -o
property1=value1,property2=value2... For example,
-o compression=lzjb will
cause all destination filesystems to be set to lzjb compression. If
using recursive mode, only the root filesystem will be
set , and all other filesystems will
inherit from this. Note that this option will
also override any values that would otherwise be
set by "-P". Invoking this option will
also create the destination filesystem(s) if they do not already
- Transfer (P)roperty mode. This causes the destination to have properties
set (i.e. with property
sources as local) to exactly
the same properties as the source. If the destination filesystems do not
exist, they will be created with the correct properties.
If using recursive modes, child filesystems have property
sources (as in, the fourth column of
# zfs get all pool/filesystem ) that are made
either local, (if the source
is local) or inherited (if
the source is default or
inherited) as per the source filesystem. Note that
inherited behaves in a similar manner to
default. If you were to set a given property of
the parent of a child filesystem, the child would have that same
property's source listed as "inherited from..." whether that
child property source had been default or
There are several properties that must be set (using
zfs create ) at filesystem creation time. These
are: casesensitivity,
normalization, jailed,
utf8only. If you are trying to replicate such a
filesystem where one of these properties is different from source to
destination, destroy the destination filesystems before you begin
otherwise the utility will fail with an error.
There are several other properties that may not be technically
readonly but it was judged that it would not make sense to try and
transfer them. They are: type,
creation, used,
available, referenced,
compressratio, mounted,
version, primarycache,
version, volsize,
mountpoint. There are several properties in
FreeBSD 8.2 that are not supported and hence will not be transferred via
zxfer , they are: idevices,
aclmode, aclinherit,
nbmand, shareiscsi,
vscan, xattr. If using -S,
all filesystems in the pools containing the source directories/files
will be created on the destination if they aren't in existence already,
whether they are to hold files/directories or not.
- rsync(1)
mode. If -S is specified,
mode is triggered. If -S is absent,
send mode is in effect. Several options have
different effects depending on whether -S is present or not. Consult the
relevant option section before using.
It is also possible to transfer to readonly destination
filesystems, but this is only supported if either
[-o ] or [-P ] is
- (v)erbose mode.
(i.e. -S is absent)
- A space delimited list of SMF services in quotes to be temporarily
disabled before unmounting the source, then re-enable after changing the
mountpoint of the destination. Requires -m.
- (d)elete snapshots on the destination that are absent on the source. This
may be necessary to function properly anyway, in a similar fashion to
zxfer will pipe
send through the indicated command and parameters,
to create a progress bar. A number of macros will be replaced with values
before the command is executed:
- %%size%%
- Will be replaced with the estimated size of the snapshot.
- %%title%%
- Will be replaced with the name of the source dataset@snapshot.
zxfer -O
user@host -D
'bar -s %%size%%' -R
source destination [-F ].
This will occur if you are using zxfer for
routine backups and in the interim, culling snapshots on the source. The
snapshot corresponding to the most recent snapshot on the destination
often gets deleted on the source. Any snapshots on the destination more
recent than the most recent common snapshot must be deleted for
zfs send to work.
- (g)randfather protection. Specify a number of days old (relative to the
system date) at and above which snapshots on the destination won't be
deleted. For use with [
-d ]. This allows a
safeguard to protect the "grandfathers" in a
Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) snapshot collection on a destination.
Grandfathers (as defined by zxfer ) are the
snapshots that never get deleted (often yearly, half yearly or quarterly
Note that for this to work properly, you must set
[-g ] so that it does not inadvertently protect
the "fathers" which will be deleted on the source by your
snapshot management tool, and hence will need to be deleted on the
destination. If you go a long time between backups with an otherwise
well set [-g ], you may have fathers on the
destination that are the age of grandfathers and so you will need to
either relax the number of days provided for, or manually delete those
For example, specifying -g 375 should protect snapshots as old
or older than 375 days, which could be useful where grandfathers are
yearly and monthly fathers are kept for a period of a year or less. This
gives us 9 days of grace period to make a backup without throwing an
error, but do note that during this grace period grandfathers less than
375 days old are not protected.
- Do not copy this comma separated list of properties when performing
replication. Useful for skipping properties like quotas that can interfere
with replication, or properties that are not supported on the
- After sending all snapshots, (m)igrate the source to the destination
filesystem by unmounting the source filesystem and changing the new
filesystem's mountpoint to that of the source. This option includes -s. It
also includes -P. Note that
zxfer does not prevent
you from migrating a default mountpoint (e.g. pool/filesystem) to
something that will be potentially confusing, so be sure that this is what
you want before executing.
Note also that [-O ] and
[-T ] (i.e. remote transfers) are not supported
with this option enabled.
- Replicate the listed filesystem. Note the provisos listed above in
-R ]. It works similarly but is (N)ot recursive.
e.g. specifying -N tank/tmp will transfer only
- Specify an (O)rigin user@host. This allows transfers FROM a remote host
via ssh. e.g. Whatever filesystems you specify as the source are taken to
exist on that remote host.
For this to work, you must have a working ssh connection from
your local machine to the remote host, using public key based
authentication (so that you won't have to keep entering a password every
time a command is sent over ssh). You must have
zxfer on your local machine. The remote host
must support
and so does your local machine if [-T ] is not
also used.
This option has been somewhat tested in FreeBSD 8.2 and
Solaris 11 Express and appears to be working. (Consider it alpha level.)
These are the only operating systems that it has been tested on, and
possibly/probably won't work on others.
Note also that transferring between different operating
systems and even different versions of the same operating system (e.g.
FreeBSD 8.1 and 8.2) has not been tested and will probably fail or give
unexpected results. As
has been developed, new properties have come into being, and those
properties have either been supported in FreeBSD or they haven't. So it
is difficult to know what a user would like to have such properties be
when they are copied from one OS (or version) to another. At least
between OS versions, you are advised to use the same OS and zpool and
zfs version from source to destination. It's not likely I will test this
thoroughly in the near future, as it requires an estimated n^2 number of
tested transfers, where n is the number of operating system variations
to support. You are welcome to try it though, and report bugs back to
Note that if at all possible, do not try and be clever and run
zxfer with both an origin and a target host.
While this may work, the transfer will be piped from the remote origin
to the local machine and from there to the remote target machine, which
will be slow as it is not a direct path.
The syntax for this command is -O user@remote_host.
e.g. -O root@
Please note that if you are using Solaris, you will most
likely need to use "pfexec" (similar to sudo) and have a
suitably privileged user. Copy the quotes and spacing exactly:
e.g. -O "user1@ pfexec"
The reason this works is because the commands that are related
to reading/writing/modifying data will be prefaced with in normal
ssh root@ command ...
So with Solaris, specifying the pfexec at the end results
ssh user1@ pfexec command ...
- (R)ecursively replicate all filesystems under the specified source. If not
specifying [
-S ], you must invoke
one and only one of either [-R ] or
[-N ]. Note that if you enable this option, you
must specify only one filesystem, and that it starts without a
"/". e.g. specifying -R tank/tmp will
transfer tank/tmp,
tank/tmp/foo/bar etc.
Also note that a trailing slash on the source filesystem has a
similar effect as it has in
This would primarily be used in restoring filesystems, especially pools.
See Ex3.
- Make a (s)napshot of the source before replication. Note that you might
want to transfer a current snapshot at the end of a transfer, as the
initial transfer might take a long time. This would leave you with an old
snapshot on the destination. To do this you will need to execute your
command again at the end, and ensure that a current snapshot is taken
before or during the second execution. e.g. use this option to ensure that
a relatively current snapshot exists, create it manually, or wait until
your own snapshotting regime does the job for you (if you have one).
- Specify a (T)arget user@host. This allows transfers TO a remote host via
ssh. e.g. Whatever filesystem you specify as the destination will be where
the source filesystems will be sent.
See the section on [-O ] for notes,
usage advice and warnings, as this option is very similar in
The syntax for this command is -T user@remote_host. e.g. -T
Again, please note that if you are using Solaris, you will
most likely need to use "pfexec" (similar to sudo) and have a
suitably privileged user. Copy the quotes and spacing exactly:
e.g. -T "user1@ pfexec"
- Skip replicating any properties that are not supported by the destination.
Before replication begins, a list of supported properties is fetched from
the destination and any properties not on that list are removed from the
list of properties to be replicated. This allows replicating from newer
versions of OpenZFS to older versions.
(i.e. -S is specified)
- (d)elete files on the destination that do not exist on the source. This is
equivalent to
rsync --del .
- Pass (E)xclude patterns to
e.g. If you want to specify "--exclude=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache"
is called, then use "-E /boot/zfs/zpool.cache". You can specify
this option as many times as you like, and it will pass each exclude
pattern to
My understanding of how to get this to work is to specify the exclude as a
continuation of the filesystem mountpoint on which the file/directory is
stored. e.g. with "/boot/zfs/zpool.cache" it works because the
mountpoint of zroot is effectively "/".
- Specify a (f)ile that contains a list of options to feed to
rsync . In this event, no other options will be
given to rsync . (If this option is not enabled,
the default options given to rsync are
-clptgoD --inplace --relative -H --numeric-ids . )
It has been suggested that it might be more convenient to be
able to specify custom options to rsync by means of a switch and the
options in quotes or some other delimiting character. If there is enough
feedback I will consider implementing this option.
- (i)nclude directories corresponding to ZFS filesystem mountpoints on the
destination when transferring. The default is to exclude them, since the
destination may correspond to a filesystem from another pool mounted
there, which has its own data and would be restored independently.
- Treat (l)egacy mountpoints as being equal to "/". If this is not
zxfer will fail with an error when it
encounters a legacy mountpoint.
- Specify how many (L)evels deep in the source filesystem tree the
filesystem that was originally a backed up pool now lies. Most likely,
this will only need to be used in the event of a restore, as the default
level (zero) will create filesystems from the pool level on down at the
target. e.g. if we are trying to restore
/storage/backups/zroot/tmp/stuff.txt which was
originally in a pool named zroot, and wished it to
end up where it originally came from (e.g. at
zroot/tmp/stuff.txt ) we would indicate with -L 2
that the original pool is located 2 levels deep on the source. If we did
not specify that option, we would end up with the file transferred to
/zroot/backups/zroot/tmp/stuff.txt, which is not
what is wanted.
- Replicate the listed director(y | ies) or file(s). Note the provisos
listed above in [
-R ]. It works similarly but is
not recursive. e.g. specifying -N /tmp will
transfer only /tmp.
- (p)ersist through
errors. This saves having to feed directories individually to
zxfer , if we expect rsync to return an error at
some point (e.g. when it tries to overwrite itself).
- (R)ecursively replicate all directories and files under the specified
source(s). If specifying [
-S ], you
must invoke at least one or both of either
[-R ] or [-N ]. The idea is
that this utility makes an atomic clone of the filesystems you will need
to get your files/directories from, and you can use
rsync to decide what to transfer within a given
Note that if you enable this option, you can specify as many
directories as you like, separated by commas (with no spaces).
Directories must start with a / and may or may
not end with a /. Read the
man page to get the gist of how that works. e.g. specifying -R
/tmp will transfer /tmp,
/tmp/foo, /tmp/foo/bar
Note also that zxfer will only
transfer the contents of the directory "/" if
[-l ] is invoked, "/" is mounted as
legacy, and it will only transfer across those files and directories
belonging to the same ZFS filesystem as / belongs to.
Another action not supported is recursively transferring a
directory that contains directories that are in fact filesystems from
other pools, or in fact any included directories where the filesystem
mountpoints diverge from what ZFS would assign by default.
- (u)se an already existing snapshot as the source to transfer from. You
should first check that this snapshot exists on all the filesystems that
house the files and directories to be used in the transfer. This gives us
the option of restoring files/directories without having to roll
Note that some of these example commands are lengthy, so be sure to fix the line
wrapping appropriately. Also if you wonder why zxfer
isn't transferring anything, please read the section titled SNAPSHOTS.
We have a pool called storage and we want to back it up
to backup01/pools, along with all its snapshots.
Grandfather snapshots are yearly, fathers are monthly and are deleted after
365 days. The resultant filesystem hierarchy should look like so:
- backup01/pools/storage
- backup01/pools/storage/home
- backup01/pools/storage/back
- etc.
To back this up while:
- [
-g ] protecting (grandfather) snapshots older than
375 days
- [
-P ] copying across the properties of each
- [
-k ] storing the original filesystem properties in
the file
- [
-F ] forcing a rollback of destination to the most
recent snapshot. Given even mounting the filesystem will cause a change
and hence cause zfs receive to fail with an error,
enabling this is the way to go. Otherwise you would be modifying(!) a
backup, wanting to keep the changes you are making(!?) and also wanting to
copy more stuff to the backup (hence it's still being used as a backup)...
well if that's what you want then don't use this option.
- [
-d ] deleting stale snapshots that don't exist on
the source (e.g. if using a snapshot management script such as
snapshots are regularly taken and regularly deleted to leave a range of
frequencies of snapshots at different vintages. If you are regularly
backing up to another pool which is stored off-site as is
highly recommended, you may want to delete the stale
snapshots on the backup pool without having to manage the snapshots there
too. This is especially true for those pools that are usually not
connected to a machine, e.g. if you are using HDD as backup media. Note
that zfs send will also refuse to work if you have
newer snapshots on destination than the most recent common snapshot on
both, so it's easier to just enable it.)
- [
-v ] seeing lots of output (verbose)
- [
-R ] copying the source filesystem
use the following command:
zxfer -dFkPv -g 375 -R
storage backup01/pools
Note that this same command will work for both the initial
replication and subsequent replications (which are potentially much faster
due to incremental transfers being used). Also note that if you don't have
any snapshots on the source, nothing will be transferred. You can create a
snapshot for this very occasion by adding the -s option.
Using HDDs as backup media was in large part a motivation for writing this
utility. (Using an e-SATA dock is particularly convenient). The source and
destination are the same as Ex1.
We will want to increase the number of
copies to at least 2 or more so that we have some
protection against bad sectors. We won't have protection against a HDD crash
so use more than one HDD if you are doing this (mirrored or otherwise). We
may also want to override the compression to make up
for the multiplication in disk usage by the number of copies. Here is the
zxfer -dFkPv -o
copies=2,compression=lzjb -R storage backup01/pools
To restore the pools we have backed up in Examples 1 and 2, we would first make
sure that there is a new pool named storage to copy
the backup to. Then we would issue the following command:
zxfer -deFPv -R
backup01/pools/storage/ storage
Note that the trailing slash enables us to copy the
zroot filesystem directly to the pool level, and
then the child filesystems below that, which is where we want them. If the
pool name is to be changed, the command becomes:
zxfer -deFPv -R
backup01/pools/storage/ newpoolname
We might want to just backup a filesystem within a pool. That is easily done:
zxfer -dFkPv -N
storage/home backup01/filesystems
The resulting filesystem will be
backup01/filesystems/home. This example will only
replicate that exact filesystem (i.e. it is non-recursive). If we wanted to
recursively transfer all filesystems under
storage/home at the same time we could do so by
changing the [-N ] to an
[-R ].
To restore the filesystem backed up in Ex4, we would do so using the following
zxfer -deFPv -N
backup01/filesystem/home storage
We might want to backup a directory within a pool, using rsync to do the heavy
lifting, while also making a backup of the properties of the filesystems
transferred. Transferring via [-S ] will allow us to
have different snapshotting regimes on source and destination coexisting
zxfer -SkPv -R
/storage/home backup01/rsbacks
The resulting filesystem structure will look like:
If we wanted to non-recursively transfer that directory we would
just change the [-R ] to an
[-N ].
To restore the directory backed up in Ex6, we would do so using the following
zxfer -SePv -L 2 -N
/backup01/rsbacks/storage/home storage
Note that we had to specify a drop back of 2 levels of
filesystems, so that zxfer would know that the pool
level is not backup01 but
storage. Specifying -L of 1 would indicate that the
pool level was rsbacks, which it was not. Leaving
out [-L ] would be equivalent to L=0, or specifying
that the pool level was backup01.
Note also that this will re-create all the original filesystems
that existed on the pool "storage" with their original properties,
if they have since been deleted. If those filesystems still exist,
zxfer will ensure that each such filesystem have the
properties they originally had. Note that if those filesystems still exist,
no data will be changed other than what you have specified to be rsynced
If you wish to not have filesystems created or properties set
(just the files/directories you want rsynced), just forego
[-P ] and [-o ]. Note that
this will only work on filesystems that are writable.
This will make a recursive snapshot of the root mirror, create similar
filesystems on the pool storage, transfer the
properties over,
across the directories and files needed to restore the system, and destroy the
snapshots when done. To see how to do this in more detail, check out the
zxfer wiki.
zxfer -SPkld
-N /.cshrc,/.profile storage/zr_backup
The resulting filesystem structure will look something like:
storage/zr_backup/zroot/var etc.
To restore the config files backed up in Ex8, we would do so using the following
command after installing the system, installing zxfer
and booting up in the system. This uses the snapshot auto-2010-11-14_14.00.
Note that for this to work properly /var/empty must be
set to mutable. Also, the flag "schg" must be turned off to transfer
properly. For the full sequence of commands, see the
zxfer wiki. Here is the command for the
zxfer part of the procedure (note you will need to add
any directories of your creation kept on your zroot e.g. "vshare"):
zxfer -SpldBv -E
/boot/zfs/zpool.cache -u
auto-2010-11-14_14.00 -L 2
-N $zrootdir/.cshrc,$zrootdir/.profile
We might want to migrate a filesystem (including properties). Note that this is
only allowable when the original mountpoint is not the default (i.e.
pool/filesystem). In the following example, the new filesystem will be located
in new_pool/location/fs. If the old mountpoint was
/path/to/old_fs then that will be the mountpoint of
the new filesystem.
zxfer -PmFdv -N
original_pool/fs new_pool/location
If we want to compress a filesystem, it is not enough to simply set a
compression setting of some sort on that filesystem. This will only cause new
files to be compressed. If we want to compress a filesystem, what we would
want to do is to transfer it to another location (where compression is
zxfer -PmFdv -o
compression=gzip -N original_pool/fs new_pool/location
- and store it in the original location. This is probably what you want to do
instead of example 11. Usually what we want to do when we want to compress a
filesystem - it is already in the location we want it to be, just we haven't
realized we wanted it compressed at the time. Or maybe we want to do something
similar to compression, like dedup, and it was not supported at the time we
created the filesystem. So it is not enough to have the filesystem compressed
in a new location, we want it in the original location.
If so, we will need to migrate the filesystem. Then, if necessary,
we would need to upgrade the original pool to ensure that the new filesystem
can do what it is we want it to do (e.g. dedup perhaps), and then transfer
it back. Here are the steps.
1. Ensure you have set aside a time where nothing will be reading
or writing to the filesystem(s) in question. If you are performing this
operation on a system filesystem (e.g. something like
zroot/usr) then ensure that you are performing these
operations from a recovery disk (e.g. Fixit # in FreeBSD). Also it is a very
good idea to ensure that you have made backups of the filesystems you are
going to perform this operation on.
2. Migrate the filesystems to a new location. e.g.
zxfer -PmFdv -N
original_pool/fs new_pool/location
3. Triple check that the new filesystems are as they should be. Be
very, very, very careful here. It is a good idea to have made a backup
before doing this next step. In fact, it's probably worth practicing on a
system you don't care about first. And do not, repeat do not, blame me if
something goes wrong.
4. Destroy the original filesystem. e.g.
zfs destroy original_pool/fs
5. Ensure that the original pool is upgraded to do what you want
it to do (e.g. dedup perhaps, though you will need to change the option
setting appropriately).
6. Migrate the filesystem back, but with the overrides you want.
zxfer -PmFdv -o
compression=gzip -N new_pool/location/fs original_pool
Notice this is the same as in Ex2 with the exception of option
[-T ], and uses the same options which have been
explained in that example. Note that if you use Solaris you will most likely
need to specify pfexec (refer to the [-O ] section).
Here is the command:
zxfer -dFkPv -o
copies=2,compression=lzjb -T root@ -R storage
Use the following command, assuming that you are restoring from a situation as
in Ex13. Again, if using Solaris refer to [-O ].
zxfer -deFPv -O
root@ -R backup01/pools/storage/ storage
zxfer exits 0 on success, 1 on an error and 2 if a
command line option is incorrect.
zxfer is tested (somewhat) before release on FreeBSD
8.2-RELEASE and Solaris Express 11. It was tested on the last version of
OpenSolaris and FreeBSD 8.1 as of 0.9.0 and may continue to function
correctly, but in order to ease my workload I am only going to test
zxfer against Solaris Express 11 and whatever version
I run of FreeBSD, in my case 8.2.
Thanks to Constantin Gonzalez for his constant collaboration, guidance, and his
providing of a sounding board for ideas and decisions as I developed this
script. It is no understatement to say that this script would not have been
developed to the extent it has and in its present form if not for his
encouragement, input on design decisions, and often just simply agreeing that
some features would be really cool, which spurred me on.
Constantin's zfs-replicate script formed the original basis for
this one, and was very useful as a template for me to follow. Thanks to
Constantin also for generously allowing his code to be licensed under the
BSD license, and also encouraging the existence of this project under its
own banner.
You can read Constantin's blog "Constant Thinking" at
constantin.glez.de - if you are at all interested in the world of ZFS it is
worth reading regularly (his non-ZFS stuff is good too).
Thanks also to the creators of rsync for their excellent tool.
The basis for zxfer , zfs-replicate, was written by
Constantin Gonzalez. Ivan Nash Dreckman built upon that work to create the
additional code and documentation required for zxfer .
Constantin was invaluable throughout with providing feedback on design
decisions, suggestions and encouragement, not to mention initial testing on
(This is a bug of ZFS on FreeBSD and not this script.) There are several
properties in FreeBSD that when set via "zfs create" or "zfs
set" will have the source stay as default while others are set to local.
This does not have any real impacts because these properties are not
inheritable. The properties are: quota, reservation, canmount, refquota,
Note that FreeBSD does not support the transfer of several
properties. See [-P ] section for details on
There are several properties that are skipped over when
transferring or setting properties - search the script for
"readonly_properties" to see what they are. If you find that
certain newer ZFS properties are not being transferred, there is a good
chance that those properties they have been added to this list. That is
because testing has indicated that attempting to create with or set those
properties would cause the script to fail. If you can make a good case that
the script should heed those property values, feel free to email me.
Send bug reports to ivannashdreckman at fastmailgolf dot fm, but
not before removing the sport originating in Scotland from the email
address. If you like zxfer and find it useful, send
some feedback saying how you use it, and consider donating at some stage in
the future.
zxfer is distributed under the BSD license. See the file
COPYING for details.
The website for zxfer is
http://www.zxfer.org. For additional help, consult the wiki on that
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.