cbsd jdescr
Jail description and notes.
cbsd jdescr |
[mode =update]
[jname =<jail-name>]
[editor =<editor>]
[- -help ]
The cbsd jdescr
command can display and store jail
description or summary. It is possible to store all kinds of information about
the jail especially as the collection of jails grows. cbsd
without options displays description of all local jails.
The options are as follows:
- Update information about <jail-name>.
- Use a different editor.
- Show simple usage instructions.
Descriptions for each jail are stored in a text file residing at
$workdir/jails-system/$jname/descr, where jname is the name of the jail.
When moving or copying a jail with jcoldmigrate, jclone, jimport/export, the
description will be preserved.
By default, CBSD displays text in color (using escape sequences ANSII). If for
some reason the color is unpleasant, or you want to use output from CBSD
utilities in your scripts, you can disable the color through the environment
variable NOCOLOR=1. For example:
% env NOCOLOR=1 cbsd
- $workdir/jails-system/$jname/descr
- Place where jail descriptions are stored.
The cbsd jdescr
utility exits 0 on success,
and >0 if an error occurs.
- List all local jail descriptions:
cbsd jdescr
jail1 {
This is some description for Jail1.
- Update information about jail using the default editor:
cbsd jdescr
This Jail is used to test things.
Created on: 20161129
To enable debugging via sh xtrace and trace all operations, use --debug argument
after the CBSD command, for example:
% env NOCOLOR=1 cbsd