NAMEgetc_putc - program to test hard drive performance.SYNOPSISgetc_putc [-d dir] [-s size(KiB)] [-m machine-name] [-u uid-to-use:gid-to-use] [-g gid-to-use]DESCRIPTIONThis manual page documents briefly the getc_putc, program.This is a simple adjunct to the bonnie++ benchmark. It is used to test various ways of doing IO one byte at a time, usually you don't need to do enough of this for it to be a performance issue for it to matter much which way you do it. But sometimes it's necessary (for example whan parsing IO from a terminal and then launching another process which will take over all IO, such as a simple shell). The real benefits of this are to help settle some arguements about the performance of such things, and to educate novices about how bad per-byte IO really is. OPTIONSFor getc_putc every option is of the form of a hyphen followed by a letter and then the next parameter contains the value.
OUTPUTThe primary output is plain-text in 80 columns which is designed to fit well when pasted into email and which will work well with Braille displays.The second type of output is CSV (Comma Seperated Values). This can easily be imported into any spread-sheet or database program. For every test the result is a speed in KiB/s. I do not display the CPU time because it presumably is 99% of the power of a single CPU (or something very close to that). AUTHORThis program, it's manual page, and the Debian package were written by Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>.The documentation, the Perl scripts, and all the code for testing the creation of thousands of files was written by Russell Coker, but the entire package is under joint copyright with Tim Bray. SIGNALSHandles SIGINT and does a cleanup (which may take some time), a second SIGINT or a SIGQUIT will cause it to immidiately die.SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ act like SIGINT. Ignores SIGHUP. AVAILABILITYThe source is available from http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++ .See http://etbe.coker.com.au/category/benchmark for further information. SEE ALSObonnie++(8), zcav(8) Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. |