NAMEpam_duo —
PAM module for Duo authentication
SYNOPSISpam_duo.so [conf= ⟨FILENAME⟩]
DESCRIPTIONpam_duo provides secondary authentication (typically
after successful password-based authentication) through the Duo authentication
OPTIONSPAM module configuration options supported:
CONFIGURATIONThe INI-format configuration file must have a “duo ” section with the following
An example configuration file: [duo] host = api-deadbeef.duosecurity.com ikey = SI9F...53RI skey = 4MjR...Q2NmRiM2Q1Y pushinfo = yes autopush = yes Other authentication restrictions may be implemented using pam_listfile(8), pam_access(8), etc. PATTERNSA pattern consists of zero or more non-whitespace characters, ‘*’ (a wildcard that matches zero or more characters), or ‘?’ (a wildcard that matches exactly one character).A pattern-list is a comma-separated list of patterns. Patterns within pattern-lists may be negated by preceding them with an exclamation mark (‘!’). For example, to specify Duo authentication for all users (except those that are also admins), and for guests: groups = users,!wheel,!*admin
guests FILES
AUTHORSpam_duo was written by Duo
Security ⟨support@duosecurity.com⟩
NOTESWhen used with OpenSSH's sshd(8), only PAM-based authentication can be protected with this module; pubkey authentication bypasses PAM entirely. OpenSSH's PAM integration also does not honor an interactive pam_conv(3) conversation, prohibiting real-time Duo status messages (such as during voice callback).
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