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parpd(8) |
FreeBSD System Manager's Manual |
parpd(8) |
The parpd utility provide the missing ARP packets in
non-broadcast multiple-access networks with overly strict first-hop security
Large layer 2 networks are hard to maintain. Therefore, several security
measurements should be implemented at the satellite locations with few
clients. Especially DSLAMs are prone to broken first-hop security
implementation, which effectively requires to disable those filters or to drop
support of non-standard clients.
Often first hop security filters do sniff the communication for
DHCP and adjust the filters accordingly. Clients with static IPs do not need
to use DHCP (and often have and static configuration instead), which causes
the filters to fail to learn the used IP address. Other clients do negotiate
more than one IP address, or have full ranges of statically assigned IP
addresses. In all such cases, the DLSAM filters are too simple to cover with
the required setup.
A common first hop security filter simply drops all broadcast
traffic not intended to the learned IP address. The rationale behind this
type of filter is, that clients, which already know the MAC of the
destination are allowed to reach this device. The canonical way to learn
about the destination MAC is to broadcast an ARP packet for desired IP
address. So if the filter blocks the distribution of those ARP broadcasts to
different clients, only valid communication can be established.
Large networks come with large numbers of visible MAC addresses.
Several devices (i.e. DSLAMs) behave strangely in such situations, therefore
network operators try hard to prevent leakage of frames into other areas.
Blocking traffic from a satellite location to a different satellite location
is typically called split-horizon. Clients in different parts of the network
are unable to communicate with each other.
Combining DHCP sniffing, broadcast filters, and split-horizon
creates a typical xDSL network, where each client can only communicate with
the central router(s). Advanced clients cannot communicate at all.
If only a single router is attached to such a network, enabling local-proxy-arp
on this device solves large parts of problem: For every ARP request from a
client, the router responds with its own MAC address. So client-client
communication is hair pinned at the router interface.
Because a router learns the client MAC from the ARP request for
the default gateway, it may not need to ask for the client itself. Several
routers refresh expiring ARP entries by sending unicast requests, hence the
broadcast filter may not cause notifiable trouble.
If there are more than one router or server in the network, the
situation becomes complicated. Local-proxy-arp can't be used anymore,
because each of the routers will quickly learn each other's MAC address for
the client IPs, causing loops.
On the other hand some services, like DHCP, try to verify, that
free IP addresses are unused, by arping for that IP. Any generic
local-proxy-arp response would cause trouble to such applications.
All these issues exist for ARP using broadcast as well as for IPv6
ND using multicast. Beside the wording, both cases are quite similar.
parpd Approach
In order to keep the network running, parpd provides the
necessary ARP/ND replies. Depending on configuration rules, the utility
respond to ARP/ND requests with the real MAC address of the device or the MAC
address of a router (redirect).
It does learn the real MAC-IP pairs by listening to broadcast ARP
queries, gratuitous ARP requests, and ICMPv6 ND solicit messages. Of course,
it does not learn from ARP/ND probes or replies not originated by the device
owning the IP. parpd does refresh it's cache using unicast requests. In
order to obtain MAC addresses for a redirect response, the request may be
broadcasted or multicasted.
It's possible to respond with a static MAC if there is no host
responding to ARP for a given IP. Heavy Traffic (especially dDoS) can stop a
host from working. But the incoming traffic may not stop, so the router is
unable to forward the traffic due to missing ARP information. This can cause
a high CPU load on the router itself. I.e. Cisco report such cases as
"L3 Glean" events. In order to protect the router, the
parpd can hand out a fixed MAC after it
unsucessfully tried to obtain the MAC for the IP itself using broadcast ARP.
It's strongly recommended to ensure that all traffic to this MAC is dropped
as soon as possible, otherwise all the traffic is broadcasted to every host
in the layer 2 domain in order to reach the unknown destination.
Responses can be delayed, which effectively ignores the first set
of requests over a (short) period. This way, special services can probe for
the non-existence of an IP, while obtaining necessary answers for real
Part of the bootstrap process of IPv6 is sending router
advertisements to the all nodes using a link-local multicast. If this is
filtered, parpd can resend such router
advertisements to the unicast MACs collected by ARP sniffing.
The customizable set of rules allows adapting the behaviour to
complex scenarios.
parpd reads its configuration from the file given as the first argument.
Comments starts with a '#' and reach up to the end of the line. There is no
quoting, so the directory or file names cannot contain spaces.
The configuration contains outmost options as well as a cache and
an interface section. On the outer level, the following options are
- Change the working directory. All pathnames are relative to this
directory, even the configuration file from the command line. If the
option is not specified, the working directory is not changed at all. The
workdir can't be changed during configuration reload.
- Any output after the start-up is appended to this file. If the option is
missing, all output goes to stdout. The file is closed and reopened
quickly, so logfile rotation does not need to signal anything. On the
other hand, the logfile is updated in near real time to ease debugging.
This option can be changed by reloading the config.
- Without this option, the program stays in foreground and does not close
the standard file descriptors. However, if the option is specified, the
software prevents duplicate startup by checking the pid in the file,
daemonizes itself, and create/updates the pid in the file. The pidfile
can't be changed during configuration reload. The file is removed during a
clear shutdown: see SIGNALS.
The cache section starts with the cache or
the cache6 keyword and terminates with the
end keyword. In this section, the following options
are allowed:
- Sets the size of the hash table. The value should be a prime number
between 10% and 50% of the expected number of cache entries. Defaults to
251. If this option is changed by a config reload, the hash table is
- Defines the number of seconds, an learned entry is considered valid.
Default value is 300 (5 minutes). If this option is changed by a config
reload, the timeouts for all cached entries are recalculated.
- Defines the refresh policy for expired cache entries. An unicast request
is send to the cached MAC for the cached IP address at most m-times, while
waiting t seconds for each response. Defaults to 3*10, three requests with
ten seconds timeout per request. Cache entries in this refresh phase are
still used. This option can be changed by reloading the config.
- Defines the delay policy. A delayed request from a specific MAC for a
specific IP is ignored until it occurs at least m times during a t seconds
interval. Defaults to 2*10, responding to the second query within ten
seconds. A typical Linux system asks three queries with a single second
timeout before considering an IP unreachable. FreeBSD defaults to five
queries and three seconds timeout per query to come to the same result.
This option can be changed by reloading the config.
- Defines the number of seconds a freshly updates cache entry is protected
from changes. Erroneous devices may send their own MAC in response to any
request (i.e. local-proxy-arp). Some of them may broadcast this erroneous
response, too. In order to overcome such quick, erroneous changes, the
fresh entries are not updated too quickly. Default value is 10.
The interface section starts with the
interface keyword followed by the interface name and
terminates with the end keyword. In this section,
the following options are allowed:
- Sets the number of seconds (as a floating-point number) to wait for ARP
packets and signals before processing them. Defaults to 1.0 seconds. If a
large amount of ARP packets is received, processing may start earlier
depending on the kernel buffers. Can be changed by configuration
src dst op
- Customising the behaviour of the progam. If the source IP of ARP request
matches the CIDR value for src and the queried IP in this ARP request
matches the CIDR value for dst, then the actions defined by op are
performed. Rules are processed first match. If no match was found, the
packet is ignored.
src dst op
- Customising the behaviour of the progam. If the source IP of ND request
matches the CIDR value for src and the queried IP in this ND request
matches the CIDR value for dst, then the actions defined by op are
performed. Rules are processed first match. If no match was found, the
packet is ignored.
If the op ends with the keyword eui , a
ND response will be syntesized from the querie EUI-64 IPv6 address. If
the queried IPv6 address is not in the correct form, no response will be
src dst op
- Customising the behaviour of the progam. If the source IP of router
advertisement matches the CIDR value for src, then for
all IPs in the ARP cache matching the CIDR value
for dst the action defined by op is performed. Rules are processed first
match for each ARP cache entry. If no match was found, the ARP cache entry
is ignored.
If any rule contains the keyword
verbose , a summary of packet processing is
logged, even if the rule itself does not match anything.
If the op contains the keyword verbose ,
details of processing the packet is logged. If the op contains the keyword
delay , the request is only processed, if the delay
parameters from the cache section are matched. If the op ends with the
keyword ignore , no response will be sent. If the op
ends with an IP address, a reply containing the cached MAC of this specified
IP will be send. If the op ends with an MAC address, a reply with this MAC
will be send. If the op ends with the keyword tell ,
a reply containing the cached MAC for the queries IP will be sent. The op
tell may be followed by or
and a MAC address, which is used in the case that IP is not online.
In order to keep the cache small, only packets matching the CIDR
dst of a tell rule will be
In complex situation the CIDR format can be replaced by
a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h , where
a.b.c.d is an network address and
e.f.g.h is an arbitary netmask. Such non-continuous
netmask may ease the ruleset considerably. This is not available for
The parpd utility exits 0 on success,
and >0 if an error occurs. If the mandatory argument is missing, -1
is returned. If the config file can't be parsed, the exit code becomes 1. An
exit code of 2 is set, if the specified interface can't be used. The returned
value of 3 means, that program failed to daemonize itself.
The utility catch and respond to the following signals:
- Terminate the process. Final clean-up includes a last statistics output as
well as removal of the pidfile.
- Reload the configuration. If the new configuration cannot be parsed, an
error message is written (to the logfile) and the change is ignored.
- Print usage statistics. The counters are purged atomically after each
report. In order to enable statistics the time between two reports is also
- USR1
- Print delayed queries. The report contains the querying MAC, the queried
IP address, as well as the number of received queries, and the age of the
entry. See BUGS.
- USR2
- Print the current cache content. The table contains the hash slot, the IP
and the MAC address, the remaining lifetime, and the number of unanswered
retries to refresh the entry. If too many entries per hash slot exists,
please increase the size of hash table.
# configration file
logfile /var/log/parpd.log
pidfile /var/run/parpd.pid
workdir /var/tmp
timeout 302 # seconds
tablesize 3499 # expecting about 10000 entries
refresh 3*5 # 3 retries a 5 seconds each
delay 4*3 # respond at 4th retry in 3 seconds
interface em0
timeout 1.011
# do not respond for queries to our own infrastructure
rule ignore
# delay queries from the DHCP server
rule delay tell
# help the routers/servers to reach the clients
# or hand out a special MAC for unreachable IPs
rule tell or 02:04:06:08:0a:0c
# interclient communication through hairpinning at the default gateway
# help erroneous clients arping for everything
rule verbose
# multihomed server with weak host model
rule tell
# show missing entries
rule verbose ignore
# fake responses for EUI-64 link-local addresses for the router
rule6 fe80::1234/128 fe80::/64 eui
# respond to link-local queries
rule6 fe80::/64 fe80::/64 tell
# show missing entries
rule6 ::/0 ::/0 verbose ignore
# resend router advertisements from the router as unicasts
rad fe80::1234/128 tell
# silently ignore other router advertisements
rad ::/0 ignore
# enable summary logging for router advertisements
rad ::/0 ignore verbose verbose ignore end
David C. Plummer, An
Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol, IETF,
Standards Track, RFC 826,
November 1982.
Smoot Carl-Mitchell and John S.
Quarterman, Using ARP to Implement Transparent Subnet
Gateways, IETF, RFC 1027,
October 1987.
V. Fuller and T. Li,
Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR),
IETF, Best Current Practice,
RFC 4632, August
S. Cheshire,
IPv4 Address Conflict Detection, IETF,
Standards Track, RFC 5227,
July 2008.
T. Narten, et al,
Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6),
IETF, Standards Track,
RFC 4861, September
Only a few hosts and a short time frame are assumed for delaying responses. If
too many entries need to be examined, the program eats CPUs for breakfast.
Resending router advertisements does not have a rate limiter.
Please keep in mind, that erroneous ARP/ND replies can cause serious problems to
a network. Define your timeouts carefully, to react in time to changes.
Develop your rules defensively, respond only if there is a real reason to do
so. Use logging to track down and fix erroneous configuration instead of
covering the errors with fake ARP/ND replies.
Resending multicasts as explicit unicasts can generate a lot of
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