NAMEqchroot —
Utility for deployment of chroot environments
DESCRIPTIONqchroot is a csh script for simplified administration of chroots on a host system. This is a viable alternate to jail(8) when jail(8) is too restrictive. This runs on RELEASE-9.3 and all newer RELEASES.The chroot filesystem shares a single copy of the system binaries which is mounted nullfs "read only" to the named chroot container filesystem. This provides 2 levels of security protection which is better than chroot by its self. You have to be logged in as root or have root permissions to use this. After the chroot filesystem is created and populated with a service application, when started the internal chroot command will start the service application contained in the chroot filesystem container. Issuing ps ax" command will show you the service application is running. There is no host command to show which started services are from a chrooted filesystem. The qchroot utility is used to manage the qchroot environment and all the chroot containers inside the qchroot scope. Qchroot's administration ease does not evaporate as chroot containers deployed grow beyond 2 chroot containers. This utility deploys chroot containers based on a Directory tree filesystem. It uses the host's disk space. Adding qchroot_enable="YES" to the "host's" /etc/rc.conf file, will cause all chroot containers to be started when the system is booted. Following the command "qchroot" is the function subcommand. Each function subcommand has its own unique function. Qchroot is executed from /usr/local/bin/ and is a command interpreter Bourne type (csh shell) script that has to be run from user root. From the hosts view point, it can not tell nor does it care if a running task was started from a chrooted filesystem. The Network still functions in the normal manner and service applications still select network traffic based on port number or IP address/port number combination which the service application is configured to listen for. qchroot installAllocates the directory structure used by the qchroot system that must be populated with the same RELEASE version as the host is running. For security purposes its necessary that the qchroot system directory structure be populated with a pristine version of the operating system. By pristine we mean "clean, uncompromised, never been exposed to the public internet". By default, qchroot downloads the original distribution files to populate its directory structure with a pristine version.This is doable only with production versions of the operating system. These are identified by versions labeled as "X.X-RELEASE" and have the original distribution files available for download from the FreeBSD FTP servers. During the "qchroot install" process the following directory structure is allocated: sharedfs contains all of the operating system's executable libraries as read-only files and is mounted as an "nullfs" that is shared between all the individual chroot containers. It's populated with a pristine version of the operating systems binaries. This design effectively secures all the executable files from being updated or deleted and also secures the directories containing the executable files from having new files inserted by any process running inside of a chroot container. The "usr/src" and "usr/ports" directories are also included, but not populated. template contains the operating system configuration files. It is copied to form the chroot container filesystem. A single internal administration directory is populated with information unique to each chroot container. /usr/local/etc/qchroot.local This command can be run any time to rebuild the sharedfs and the template from scratch while not disturbing the existing chroot containers. If rebuilding using a newer major RELEASE, IE: 9.3 to 10.0, then remember, all existing chroot containers that have ports or packages in them will need them updated to versions compatible with the new major RELEASE version. This means you should issue these commands first "qchroot delete -A" followed by "rm -rf /usr/qchroot" to delete all the qchroot system filesystems, and then doing "qchroot install" to rebuild the qchroot system filesystems anew. If going from a subversion to a newer subversion within the same major RELEASE, IE: 10.0 to 10.1, then there is no need to update your installed ports/packages. Just do "qchroot install" to build the qchroot system filesystems anew so it matches the FreeBSD version running on the host. qchroot createCreates a new chroot container inside qchroot's scope. Chroot container name is an mandatory parameter.During the creation process a single administration file is created for the container_name. IE; /usr/local/etc/qchrootl.local/container_name.
qchroot listLists information about all the chroot containers inside qchroot's scope. They are shown in ascending alphanumerically order, based on the spelling of the container_name.qchroot [start | stop]Only chroot_containers with service_names can be started or stopped. When start or stop subcommand is issued WITH -A parameter, all the chroot_containers under qchroot control are processed. When start or stop, subcommand is issued WITH a single container_name, or with a string of space separated container_names, "IE; name1 name2 name3" only those names are processed. A single line informational message is issued as each container_name is processed saying
The function subcommands are as follows:
qchroot consoleAttaches your host console to the selected chrooted_container_name. The command line prompt shows the container name and the path. Entering exit will terminate the console. This is intended for administration use only. Normally used to install ports or packages and do other system customization. An example would be to install apache22 by issuing this command "pkg install apache22" and then edit its httpd.conf file.
qchroot deleteTotally removes the chroot_container_name filesystem directories /usr/qchroot/chroot_container_name, and its entry in the administration control file /usr/local/etc/qchroot.local/container_name. The chroot_container_names to be deleted are required to be in stopped mode before this "delete" command executes.
qchroot configUsed to add the service application names of service applications that are installed in the specific chroot_container_named container.
qchroot versionThis displays the version of the qchroot script.GENERAL USAGE TIPS* Qchroot must be run by a superuser login account such as "root"or a normal user login account belonging to the "wheel" group. For user accounts in the wheel group, after logging in they have to issue the "su" command and reply with the root password to gain the superuser access required by qchroot. The "sudo" port can be used instead of "su" to perform the same function if so desired. * The orderly stopping of chroot_containers that have databases or
* By design the "sharedfs" filesystem includes the
"usr/ports" and
* Its a mandatory requirement of the qchroot system that the
* If you want absolute control over starting your chroot
FILES/usr/local/bin/qchroot The main work horse script/usr/local/etc/rc.d/qchroot.bootime Boot time starter script /usr/local/etc/qchroot.local/* Admin control files /usr/qchroot Location of qchroot filesystems AUTHORJoe Barbish <qchroot1@a1poweruser.com>http://qchroot.sourceforge.net/
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