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regex myr-regex


use regex const compile : (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status)) const dbgcompile : (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status)) const free : (re : regex# -> void)
const exec : (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool) const search : (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool)

The regex library provides functions for compiling and evaluating regular expressions, as described later in this document, or in myr-regex(7).

regex.compile will take a string describing a regex, and will attempt to compile it, returing `std.Success regex# if the regex is valid, and there were no error conditions encountered during compilation. If the compilation failed, `std.Failure regex.status will be returned, where regex.status is a failure code.

regex.dbgcompile is identical to regex.compile, however, it will print debugging information as it compiles, and each time the regex is evaluated.

regex.exec will take the regex passed to it, and evaluate it over the text provided, returning the `std.Some matches, or `std.None if there were no matches found. The matches must span the whole string. is similar to regex.exec, but it will attempt to find a match somewhere within the string, instead of attempting to find a match spanning the whole string.

The grammar used by libregex is below:

    regex       : altexpr
    altexpr     : catexpr ('|' altexpr)+
    catexpr     : repexpr (catexpr)+
    repexpr     : baseexpr[*+?]
    baseexpr    : literal
                | charclass
                | charrange
                | escaped
                | '.'
                | '^'
                | '$'
                | '(' regex ')'
    charclass   : see below
    charrange   : '[' (literal('-' literal)?)+']'

The following metacharacters have the meanings listed below:

Matches a single unicode character
Matches the beginning of a line. Does not consume any characters.
Matches the end of a line. Does not consume any characters.
Matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
Reluctantly matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
Matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
Reluctantly matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
Matches zero or one of the preceding regex fragment.

In order to match a literal metacharacter, it needs to be preceded by a '\' character.

The following character classes are supported:

ASCII digits
Negation of ASCII digits
ASCII Hex digits
Negation of ASCII Hex digits
ASCII spaces
Negation of ASCII spaces
ASCII word characters
Negation of ASCII word characters
ASCII whitespace characters
Negation of ASCII whitespace characters
\pX, \p{X}
Characters with unicode property 'X'
\PX, \P{X}
Negation of characters with unicode property 'X'

Unicode properties that are supported are listed below:

L, Letter
Unicode letter property
Lu, Uppercase_Letter
Uppercase letter unicode property
Ll, Lowercase_Letter
Lowercase letter unicode property
Lt, Titlecase_Letter
Titlecase letter unicode property
N, Number
Number unicode property
Z, Separator
Any separator character unicode property
Zs, Space_Separator
Space separator unicode property

        use std
        use regex
        const main = {
            var i
            match regex.compile(pat)
            | `std.Ok re:
                    match regex.exec(re, text)
                    | `std.Some matches:
                            for i = 0; i < matches.len; i++
                                std.put("Match {}: {}0, i, matches[i])
                    | `std.None: std.put("Text did not match0)
            | `std.Err err:
                    std.put("failed to compile regex")

The source code for this compiler is available from git://


This code is insufficiently tested.

This code does not support all of the regex features that one would expect.


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