NAMEcritcl::util - CriTcl UtilitiesSYNOPSISpackage require Tcl 8.4package require critcl ?2.1? package require critcl::util ?1? ::critcl::util::checkfun name ?label? ::critcl::util::def path define ?value? ::critcl::util::undef path define ::critcl::util::locate label paths ?cmd? DESCRIPTIONC Runtime In Tcl, or CriTcl , is a system for compiling C code embedded in Tcl on the fly and either loading the resulting objects into Tcl for immediate use or packaging them for distribution. Use CriTcl to improve performance by rewriting in C those routines that are performance bottlenecks.This document is the reference manpage for the critcl::util package. This package provides convenience commands for advanced functionality built on top of the core. Its intended audience are mainly developers wishing to write Tcl packages with embedded C code. This package resides in the Core Package Layer of CriTcl. +----------------+ |Applications | | critcl | | critcl::app | +----------------+ *================* |Core Packages | | critcl | | critcl::util | *================* +----------------+ |Support Packages| | stubs::* | | md5, platform | | ... | +----------------+ API
AUTHORSAndreas KupriesBUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACKThis document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at https://github.com/andreas-kupries/critcl. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.KEYWORDSC code, Embedded C Code, code generator, compile & run, compiler, dynamic code generation, dynamic compilation, generate package, linker, on demand compilation, on-the-fly compilationCATEGORYGlueing/Embedded C codeCOPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2011-2018 Andreas Kupries
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