NAMEcwnnkill - To terminate the cserver.SYNOPSIScwnnkill [-L lang ] [ hostname ]DEFAULT PATH/usr/local/bin/cWnn4/cwnnkillDESCRIPTIONTo terminate the cserver.If hostname is given, the cserver at the specified host will be terminated. If no hostname is given, "cwnnkill" will terminate the cserver of UNIX_domain. This is the cserver specified in the environment variable CSERVER. If this environment variable is not specified, "cwnnkill" will terminate the cserver of the local machine. If some other front-end processors are still using the cserver to be killed, the current usage condition of the cserver will be shown, and termination will fail. OPTIONS
NOTEThe hostname inside [ ] shown in the Command Format indicates that it is optional. If this option is not required, "cwnnkill" alone is sufficient to terminate the cserver.
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