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cPanel & WHM

bullet What exactly is cPanel hosting?
The general name that is used most commonly is cPanel. But the official product is actually cPanel and WHM which stands for WebHost Manager. cPanel/WHM is a Linux-based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website. This feature is available on most of our Linux product offerings.

Full instructions are available inside the cPanel User Documentation and WHM User Guide.


bullet How do I use cPanel?
With our cPanel hosting everything needs to be integrated with cPanel/WHM and "done the cPanel way" to work correctly. You get full web content administration but you must either use the applications cPanel has available, or look for ones from third parties that have been developed specifically for cPanel.


bullet What is cPanel then?
The cPanel portion is the interface that you'll see to manage your website. It's the front end to the cPanel/WHM environment. Users can:

  • Manage DNS, domains and databases
  • Manage users and email
  • Manage Backups
  • Monitoring & Reporting
  • Application installation
  • Server administration
bullet What is WHM?
WHM is the backend administrative interface that can be used to make changes server-wide or across the entire VPS account.


bullet What user access levels are there?
  • Root Level User / Administrator
    • Has access to all aspects of cPanel and WHM interfaces
    • Has access to all accounts on the VPS
  • Reseller
    • Accounts that have full access to the cPanel interface but limited access to the WHM interface
    • WHM access is limited to creating new cPanel accounts and managing their cPanel accounts
  • Client Account Management/Hosting Account Owner (cPanel account)
    • Only has access to the cPanel interface
    • Can manage all aspects of their accounts and domains
    • Can create FTP and email sub-users