To install the
Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
on your Virtual Private Server, run the following command from your server's SSH or
Telnet command prompt:
% vinstall frontpage
You do not need to remove previous versions of the FrontPage
extensions to install the FrontPage 2003 Extensions. Older
versions will be upgraded to the new version.
The Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Extensions are compatible with
FrontPage 2003, 2002, 2000, and 98 Client Programs.
If you have
Virtual Subhosts
configured on your Virtual Server, you will need to make sure they
are in the usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts directory before you
can successfully install the FrontPage Server Extensions.
You may use
the vhostmv command to help you move your virtual subhosts
if necessary.
% vhostmv
This command
will move all your virtual subhost home directories, and
attempt to rewrite the <VirtualHost> and
access configurations in the web server configuration files. Use
caution!!! Backup your files before using the vhostmv command!!!
It has been tested with as many different virtual subhosting configurations
as we can think of, but perhaps not your particular configuration!
If you are
only moving some subhosts, or if you want to manually move
your virtual subhosts to the ~/www/vhosts directory, and
your VPS was setup prior to July 1, 1999, it is likely that a <Directory>
directive will need to be created at the bottom of your ~/www/conf/httpd.conf
file (or at the bottom of your ~/www/conf/access.conf file
if you have three separate web server configuration files). The
<Directory> direct ive you may need to add is
as follows:
<Directory /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all