Virtual Private Servers via Telnet
or SSH and do the following, according to your Virtual Private
Servers O/S:
These mSQL installation programs copy the mSQL software onto your
Virtual Private Servers. This includes an msql.acl file with
some "intelligent" defaults.
The installation programs determine if you have mSQL v1 installed.
If you do have mSQL v1 installed, the installation programs attempt
to convert your existing database files to v2 database format.
Your v2 databases are stored in the following directory, depending
on your Virtual Private Servers O/S:
The installation programs do not destroy your v1 database directory:
NOTE: If you are upgrading from v1, you will eventually
want to remove the mSQL v1 directory ~/msqldb manually
when you are certain the upgrade worked. You can do this by
typing the following at a command prompt:
% rm -rf ~/msqldb
Make sure your databases are working correctly before doing
The installation programs also start the mSQL daemon. To restart the
mSQL daemon use the following command:
% daemon -f /usr/local/bin/msql2d
Notice that a similar command has been added to your Rc
file (~/etc/rc) to ensure that mSQL restarts in case of a
host machine reboot. mSQL runs as a daemon on your Virtual Private
Servers. To check on the status of the mSQL daemon, do the following:
% ps auxww | grep msql