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| Introduction
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Wget is a free software package from the Free Software Foundation,
better known as GNU, designed to allow non-interactive downloads using HTTP, HTTPS,
and FTP protocols.
The chief advantage of wget is that you can use it in scripts or from cron to obtain remotely stored files. This makes
processes such as backing up or mirroring your site a relatively simple, automated process. wget is capable of doing
recursive copies, following links, restarting after being interrupted (such as a broken connection), and numerous other
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| Usage
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The wget program is already installed on your server. To use wget, simply connect to your VPS v2 shell and use
the command as follows.
# wget [options] url://to.files
wget allows you to configure standard options using a .wgetrc file (located in your Virtual Private Server home
directory) instead of having to list all your options from the command line. This comes in especially handy if you want to use
wget in a script or cron job.
In the example above, url://to.files represents a standard URL, such as those used in your favorite web browser (such
as IE or Netscape). There's some very useful information about URLs and what you can do with them in the wget
documentation under the heading URL Format.
Some examples of how to use wget are covered on the wget website. Here are a few useful links to get you
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| More Information
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For additional usage information, see the wget homepage
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