Several popular CGI scripts have been provided for use on your VPS v2. To use any of the scripts, you will need to copy
or link them from their location in the /usr/local/share/contrib/ directory of your VPS v2 into the cgi-bin of
the domain that will be using them. The following example illustrates how to make the counter CGI to the
primary cgi-bin directory. (These commands must be run as root from the VPS v2 command prompt).
# cd /usr/local/share/contrib
# cp -r counter /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
You will need to change the ownership of the CGI scripts and directories to be the same as the owner of the cgi-bin
directory they are being used by. the following example would change the ownership of the counter directory and its
contents to the webadmin user.
# cd /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
# chown -r webadmin counter