HTTP-Analyze can have a configuration file or take options from the command line. The following is an example of how you could run
HTTP-Analyze on your VPS v2.
# http-analyze -vm -S YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME -o /www/htdocs/http-analyze /www/logs/access_log
After running the command above you will find several pages with your Virtual Private Server's web statistics at the URL:
Here is an explanation of the command line arguments used above and several others you may find useful. Check the man page
for http-analyze for full usage information.
-h print the help list
-d generate short statistics (default)
-m generate full statistics (includes -d)
-v verbose mode: comment ongoing processing
-o outdir name of the directory for HTML output files
-S srvname set server name (default: system name)
The final command line argument used in the example above is the path and filename of the Virtual Private Server's web server
access log file.