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| Introduction
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There are a few common mistakes or problems that come with using SSL. We've compiled the most common ones here, along with
information to help you avoid and resolve the problems you encounter. If the answers to your questions aren't found on this page,
feel free to contact our support staff for assistance.
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| General SSL Usage Help
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There are a number of warnings or errors that can come up when accessing web pages via SSL. Almost all of these are small
mistakes that are easy to repair.
Domain Name Mismatch
Your SSL digital certificate is set up to use a very specific domain name, which must match exactly to avoid getting this
error. For example, if your certificate is for the domain www.my-domain.name, and you type
https://my-domain.name into the browser, you will get this warning. Likewise, if your certificate is for
my-domain.name and you enter https://www.my-domain.name into your browser, you will get the same warning.
In order to avoid this warning, be sure to use the exact domain name on the certificate when making links to secure
Page contains both Secure and Insecure Data
Often when making links or including images in pages, the URL is an Absolute link, meaning that the link includes
the protocol, domain, and path to a file. If you include an image in a page using an absolute URL, you can run into this
error when the page is viewed using a different protocol than the one indicated in the image URL. For example, if in a web
page you include an image using the path http://www.my-domain.name/images/myimage.gif, and then access the page using
secure protocol, you will get the warning that the page has encrypted and unencrypted content. The easiest way to avoid this
error is to use Relative links, meaning you indicate only the path to a local file in the link (for example,
/images/myimage.gif). When linking to files on a remote server, you will need to use an absolute link, so make sure
in those cases to use the protocol that the page will usually be viewed with.
Low-encryption browsers
Many older Web Browsers only support 40 or 52 bit encryption. Because modern SSL certificates use 128 bit encryption,
older browsers may not be able to view pages securely. If many of your customers are likely to be using older browsers, you
may want to get a special low-encryption certificate (available from some Signing Authorities). Because several modern
browsers are available free of charge, you may also want to encourage users having problems with your SSL certificate to
upgrade to a newer browser.
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| Custom Certificate Install Help
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When installing a custom signed Digital Certificate, there are a number of possible mistakes or errors that can cause problems.
In most cases, the Apache Web Server will not start up when one of these errors occurs. If your site will not load in a browser, it
is a good idea to check to see if there are any httpsd processes running on your Virtual Private Server. If there are, you may
want to restart_apache and try loading the page again.
If restarting the web server does not cause httpsd processes to start on your Virtual Private Server, it is possible your
custom certificate is not installed properly. The first thing to do is review the
Installation Steps for custom digital certificates. A few
common errors include the following.
The Private Key has not been decrypted
You can tell whether or not the Private Key has been decrypted by viewing the file using more or your favorite text
editor. If the key file has the following lines, your key is still encrypted.
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
To decrypt your Private Key, run the following command from your Virtual Private Server
SSH or Telnet command prompt.
% openssl rsa -in ~/etc/ssl.pk -out ~/etc/ssl.pk
You will be prompted to enter your PEM Passphrase, after which the key will be decrypted.
The Certificate was uploaded using Binary FTP format
Check to see if your Certificate was uploaded properly by looking at it in your favorite text editor. If each line has a
^M at the end of it, you will need to upload the file again using ASCII format.
The Certificate and Private Key don't match
If you have multiple servers with SSL, make sure you are using the private key which was generated at the same time as the
CSR for that domain.
The Certificate was ordered for the wrong Server type
If you are transferring your certificate from a different server, make sure that the old server was using Apache
with SSL as the Web Server software. If not, see the instructions to
Move your Certificate.
Your Certificate or Key are not complete
Check to see if the beginning and ending lines of the key or certificate are not all there or are missing. Both the
certificate and private key should begin and end with a line containing text identifying the file with five dashes (-) before
and after the text, such as -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.
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