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| Introduction
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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the most common method for moving files between two computers. Because
FTP is insecure, however, it is not the best option. SFTP and FTP over SSH are both alternatives supported
by most modern FTP clients and your Virtual Private Server. Another option is SCP, which is a UNIX secure copy
utility now available on Windows. For help selecting and configuring a file transfer client program, see
Selecting and Configuring a File Transfer
Client Program.
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| Configuring your FTP Server
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Your Virtual Private Server uses the ProFTPd FTP server program to make FTP connections. ProFTPd is a modern
FTP server which supports TLS (Transport Layer Security), allowing you to use SFTP or FTP over SSH. In
addition, ProFTPd is configurable, with a plain text proftpd.conf file in the /etc/ directory. For
documentation of the ProFTPd configuration file, see ProFTPd Documentation.
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| Using FTP from your Virtual Private Server
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In addition to connecting to your VPS from your home computer, you can use the UNIX shell based FTP program to
transfer files between your VPS and another remote server. We also provide the
Wget for copying files to your VPS. See a UNIX manual for
more information about using the shell-based FTP client program built in to UNIX.
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