| |
- P_CANDEBUG(9) - determine debuggability of a process
- P_CANSEE(9) - determine visibility of a process
- P11-KIT(8) - Tool for operating on configured PKCS#11 modules
- p11tool(1) - GnuTLS PKCS #11 tool
- p2bin(1) - convert code files into hex files
- p2hex(1) - convert code files into hex files
- P4DELTA(1) - Summarize the differences between a Perforce project and local files.
- P5JSON_PP(1) - JSON::PP command utility
- P5PROVE(1) - Run tests through a TAP harness.
- P910ND(8) - port 9100+n printer daemon
- paargs(1) - wrapper for paexec similar to xargs
- PAC(8) - printer/plotter accounting information
- pacat(1) - Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a PulseAudio sound server
- PACEMAKER(8) - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager
- PACEMAKER-CONTROLD(7) - Pacemaker controller options
- PACEMAKER-FENCED(7) - Instance attributes available for all "stonith"-class resources
- PACEMAKER-SCHEDULER(7) - Pacemaker scheduler options
- pacify_target(3)
- PACK(3PVM) - Pack the active message buffer with arrays of prescribed data type.
- pack(n) - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
- pack_fclose(3) - Closes a stream previously opened. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fclose_chunk(3) - Closes a previously opened sub-chunk. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_feof(3) - Returns nonzero as soon as you reach the end of the file. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_ferror(3) - Tells if an error occurred during an operation on the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fgets(3) - Reads a line from the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen(3) - Opens a file according to mode. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_chunk(3) - Opens a sub-chunk of a file. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_vtable(3) - Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fputs(3) - Writes a string to the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fread(3) - Reads n bytes from the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fseek(3) - Seeks inside a stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fwrite(3) - Writes n bytes to the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_getc(3) - Returns the next character from a stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetl(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetw(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputl(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputw(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetl(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetw(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputl(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputw(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_putc(3) - Puts a character in the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_ungetc(3) - Moves one single character back to the input buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- PACK200(1) - transform a Java Archive (JAR) file into a compressed pack200 file with the Java gzip compressor
- PACKAGE.JSON(5) - Specifics of npm's package.json handling
- package(n) - Facilities for package loading and version control
- Package::Constants(3) - List all constants declared in a package
- Package::DeprecationManager(3) - Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
- Package::Generator(3) - generate new packages quickly and easily
- Package::groups(3) - Pragma to implement group of properties
- Package::MoreUtil(3) - Package-related utilities
- Package::props(3) - Pragma to implement lvalue accessors with options
- Package::Reaper(3) - pseudo-garbage-collection for packages
- Package::Stash(3) - Routines for manipulating stashes
- Package::Stash::PP(3) - Pure perl implementation of the Package::Stash API
- Package::Stash::XS(3) - faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
- Package::Util::Lite(3) - Package-related utilities
- Package::Variant(3) - Parameterizable packages
- PACKAGE-LOCK.JSON(5) - A manifestation of the manifest
- PACKDDIR(1) - extract PackdDir files.
- PACKETFORGE-NG(1) - forge packets: ARP, UDP, ICMP or custom packets.
- PACKF(1) - pack messages in nmh folder into a single file
- PACKFILE(3) - Packfile structure, similar to the libc FILE structure. Allegro game programming library.
- packfile_password(3) - Sets the global I/O encryption password. Allegro game programming library.
- PACKFILE_VTABLE(3) - Packfile vtable structure, for custom packfiles. Allegro game programming library.
- packit(8)
- packlogic-generic(3) - Packing logic for the generic site
- packlogic-twoway(3) - Packing logic for the twoway site
- pack-old(n) - Obsolete syntax for packer geometry manager
- PACMAN.CONF(5) - pacman package manager configuration file
- pacman(6) - simulates a game of Pac-Man on a randomly-created level.
- PACMAN(8) - package manager utility
- PACMAN-KEY(8) - manage pacman's list of trusted keys
- pacmd(1) - Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime
- PACPL(1) - Perl Audio Converter, a multi purpose converter/ripper/tagger
- pactl(1) - Control a running PulseAudio sound server
- PACXXX(4) - pacxxx webcamd driver for Pixart USB cameras
- PAD-FILE(1) - Pad a FITS file out to the correct size
- PADLOCK(4) - driver for the cryptographic functions and RNG in VIA C3, C7 and Eden processors
- PADS(8) - PADS Text Reporting Module
- padsp(1) - PulseAudio OSS Wrapper
- PADTHV1(1) - an old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
- PadWalker(3) - play with other peoples' lexical variables
- PAE(4) - Physical Address Extensions
- paexec(1) - parallel executor, distribute tasks over network or CPUs
- paexec_reorder(1) - reorder sliced output of "paexec -l"
- PAF(1) - Pod Abstract Filter. Transform Pod documents from the command line.
- page_ca(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_cert(3) - The basic hx509 cerificate object in hx509 is hx509_cert. The hx509_cert object is representing one X509/PKIX certificate and associated attributes; like private key, friendly name, etc.
- page_cms(3) - CMS is defined in RFC 3369 and is an continuation of the RSA Labs standard PKCS7. The basic messages in CMS is
- page_des(3) - DES - Data Encryption Standard crypto interface See the library functions here:
- page_dh(3) - DH - Diffie-Hellman key exchange Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret key.
- page_env(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_error(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_evp(3) - EVP - generic crypto interface See the library functions here:
- page_keyset(3) - Type of certificates store:
- page_lock(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_name(3) - There are several names in PKIX/X.509, GeneralName and Name.
- page_peer(3) - Peer info structures are used togeter with hx509_crypto_select() to select the best avaible crypto algorithm to use.
- page_print(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_rand(3) - RAND - random number See the library functions here:
- page_revoke(3) - There are two revocation method for PKIX/X.509: CRL and OCSP. Revocation is needed if the private key is lost and stolen. Depending on how picky you are, you might want to make revocation for destroyed private keys too (smartcard broken), but that should not be a problem.
- page_rsa(3) - RSA - public-key cryptography RSA is named by its inventors (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) (published in 1977), patented expired in 21 September 2000.
- pageant(1) - PuTTY SSH authentication agent
- Pager(1.0) - the AfterStep Pager module
- PagerDecorations(1) - Pager will use shaped extensions to make label of all inactive desks transpar- ent.
- PAGERMAP(5F) - SNPP pager identifier mapping file
- PAGESIZE(1) - print system page size
- PAGSH(1) - creates a new credential cache sandbox
- pahole(1) - Shows, manipulates data structure layout and pretty prints raw data.
- PAINTTORLE(1) - Convert MacPaint images to RLE format.
- PAK(1) - The QuakeForge Packfile Tool
- PAKMOUNT(1) - mount various file formats
- PAL_SIZE(3) - Number of entries in a palette. Allegro game programming library.
- PAL2RGB(1) - convert a palette color
- palette_color(3) - Maps palette indexes into the current pixel format colors. Allegro game programming library.
- PAM.CONF(5) - PAM policy file format
- PAM::FAQ(3) - Frequently-Asked Questions about Authen::PAM.
- PAM_ACCT_MGMT(3) - perform PAM account validation procedures
- PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3) - perform authentication within the PAM framework
- PAM_CHAUTHTOK(3) - perform password related functions within the PAM framework
- PAM_CHROOT(8) - Chroot PAM module
- PAM_CK_CONNECTOR(8) - Register session with ConsoleKit
- PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3) - close an existing user session
- PAM_CONV(3) - PAM conversation system
- PAM_DENY(8) - Deny PAM module
- PAM_DUO(8) - PAM module for Duo authentication
- PAM_ECHO(8) - Echo PAM module
- PAM_END(3) - terminate the PAM transaction
- PAM_ERROR(3) - display an error message
- PAM_EXEC(8) - Exec PAM module
- PAM_FTPUSERS(8) - ftpusers PAM module
- PAM_GET_AUTHTOK(3) - retrieve authentication token
- PAM_GET_DATA(3) - get module information
- PAM_GET_ITEM(3) - get PAM information
- PAM_GET_ITEMS(8) - A PAM test module to retrieve module-specific PAM items
- PAM_GET_USER(3) - retrieve user name
- PAM_GETENV(3) - retrieve the value of a PAM environment variable
- PAM_GETENVLIST(3) - returns a list of all the PAM environment variables
- PAM_GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATOR(8) - PAM module for Google two-factor authentication
- PAM_GROUP(8) - Group PAM module
- PAM_GROUPMEMBER(8) - test group membership
- PAM_GUEST(8) - Guest PAM module
- PAM_INFO(3) - display an information message
- PAM_JAIL(8) - Jail PAM module
- PAM_KRB5(5) - Kerberos PAM module
- PAM_KRB5(8) - Kerberos 5 PAM module
- pam_krb5_cchelper(8) - Credential cache helper
- PAM_KSU(8) - Kerberos 5 SU PAM module
- PAM_LASTLOG(8) - login accounting PAM module
- pam_ldap(5) - LDAP pluggable authentication module
- pam_ldap(8) - PAM module for LDAP-based authentication
- PAM_LOG(8) - log messages to syslog
- PAM_LOGIN_ACCESS(8) - login.access PAM module
- PAM_MATRIX(8) - A PAM test module to retrieve module-specific PAM items
- PAM_MKHOMEDIR(8) - PAM module to create user home directories on demand
- PAM_NOLOGIN(8) - NoLogin PAM module
- PAM_OCRA(8) - RFC6287 OCRA: OATH Challenge-Response Algorithm PAM module
- PAM_OPEN_SESSION(3) - open a user session
- PAM_OPIE(8) - OPIE PAM module
- PAM_OPIEACCESS(8) - OPIEAccess PAM module
- PAM_PASSWDQC(8) - Password quality-control PAM module
- PAM_PEFS(8) - pefs PAM module
- PAM_PERMIT(8) - Promiscuous PAM module
- pam_pkcs11(8) - PAM Authentication Module for PKCS#11 token libraries
- PAM_PROMPT(3) - call the conversation function
- PAM_PUTENV(3) - set the value of an environment variable
- PAM_RADIUS(8) - RADIUS authentication PAM module
- PAM_REGEX(8) - authentication using regular expressions
- PAM_RHOSTS(8) - Rhosts PAM module
- PAM_ROOTOK(8) - RootOK PAM module
- PAM_SEARCH_LIST(8) - search_list PAM module
- PAM_SECURETTY(8) - SecureTTY PAM module
- PAM_SELF(8) - Self PAM module
- PAM_SET_DATA(3) - set module information
- PAM_SET_ITEM(3) - set authentication information
- PAM_SET_ITEMS(8) - A PAM test module to set module-specific PAM items
- PAM_SETCRED(3) - modify / delete user credentials for an authentication service
- PAM_SETENV(3) - mirrors setenv(3)
- PAM_SM_ACCT_MGMT(3) - service module implementation for pam_acct_mgmt
- PAM_SM_AUTHENTICATE(3) - service module implementation for pam_authenticate
- PAM_SM_CHAUTHTOK(3) - service module implementation for pam_chauthtok
- PAM_SM_CLOSE_SESSION(3) - service module implementation for pam_close_session
- PAM_SM_OPEN_SESSION(3) - service module implementation for pam_open_session
- PAM_SM_SETCRED(3) - service module implementation for pam_setcred
- PAM_SSH(8) - authentication and session management with SSH private keys
- pam_ssh_agent_auth(8) - PAM module for granting permissions based on SSH agent requests
- PAM_SSS(8) - PAM module for SSSD
- PAM_START(3) - initiate a PAM transaction
- PAM_STRERROR(3) - get PAM standard error message string
- PAM_TACPLUS(8) - TACACS+ authentication PAM module
- PAM_UNIX(8) - UNIX PAM module
- PAM_VERROR(3) - display an error message
- PAM_VINFO(3) - display an information message
- PAM_VPROMPT(3) - call the conversation function
- PAM_WINBIND.CONF(5) - Configuration file of PAM module for Winbind
- PAM_WINBIND(8) - PAM module for Winbind
- PAM_WRAPPER(1) - A preloadable wrapper to test PAM applications and PAM Modules
- PAM_XDG(8) - PAM module that manages XDG Base Directories
- PAM_YUBICO(8) - Module for YubiKey authentication
- PAMCK(1) - test PAM stack
- PAM-CLIENT(1) - A command line PAM client
- pamixer(1) - Pulseaudio command line mixer
- PAMOTPW(8) - verify one-time passwords
- PAMTESTER(1) - test pluggable authentication module (PAM) facility
- PANDA_ADDCHILD(3) - add an object to the object tree
- PANDA_ADDCUBICCURVESEGMENT(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDLINESEGMENT(3) - add a straight segment to the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDQUADRATICCURVESEGMENTONE(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape that we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDQUADRATICCURVESEGMENTTWO(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape that we are drawing
- PANDA_APPLYTEMPLATE(3) - use a template page previously created
- PANDA_CENTERWINDOW(3) - ask the viewer to center the document's window on the screen when the PDF is displayed
- PANDA_CHECKINFO(3) - ensure an info object exists
- PANDA_CLOSE(3) - write a PDF document out to disk
- PANDA_CLOSELINE(3) - close off the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_CLOSETEXT(3) - a traversal callback used for closing text streams within the PDF
- PANDA_CREATEANDINSERTPAGE(3) - create a page within the PDF document
- PANDA_CREATEFONT(3) - return a handle to the requested font
- PANDA_DBCLOSE(3) - finalize the use of the Panda internal database
- PANDA_DBOPEN(3) - prepare the Panda internal database for use
- PANDA_DBREAD(3) - read a value from the Panda internal database
- PANDA_DBWRITE(3) - write a value into the Panda internal database
- PANDA_ENDLINE(3) - finalise the current line shape
- PANDA_ENTERGRAPHICSMODE(3) - make sure the page description stream is in graphics mode
- PANDA_ERROR(3) - handle a <command>Panda</command> error
- PANDA_EXITGRAPHICSMODE(3) - make sure the page description stream is out of graphics mode
- PANDA_FILLLINE(3) - fill the closed shape we just drew
- PANDA_FITWINDOW(3) - ask the viewer to fit the viewer window to the first page of the PDF document when it is opened
- PANDA_FREEOBJECT(3) - free the memory used by a previously created object
- PANDA_FREETEXTANNOTATION(3) - draw a text annotation which doesn't look like a sticky note onto a page
- PANDA_FULLSCREEN(3) - ask the viewer to display the PDF document in fullscreen mode
- PANDA_GETFONTOBJ(3) - get the object that the named font is stored in
- PANDA_HEXSTRING(3) - take a string of possibly binary bytes, and represent them in hex
- PANDA_HIDEMENUBAR(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's menu bar when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_HIDETOOLBAR(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's tool bar when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_HIDEWINDOWUI(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's display window user interface when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_IMAGEBOX(3) - insert an image into the PDF document at the specified location
- PANDA_IMAGEBOXROT(3) - insert an image into the PDF document at the specified location
- PANDA_INIT(3) - setup Panda ready for use
- PANDA_INSERTANNOTATION(3) - actually insert an annotation
- panda_insertJPEG(3) - insert a JPEG image into the PDF
- panda_insertPNG(3) - insert a PNG image into the PDF
- panda_insertTIFF(3) - insert a TIFF image into the PDF
- PANDA_MAKEDATE(3) - format a date into the internal PDF representation
- PANDA_MD5HASH(3) - a wrapper to Rivest's MD5 code
- PANDA_NEWOBJECT(3) - create a new object
- PANDA_NEWPAGE(3) - create a new page in the PDF
- PANDA_NEWTEMPLATE(3) - create a template page in the PDF
- PANDA_NFSPAGEMODDE(3) - defines display characteristics for the PDF document if it is using non fullscreen mode after defaulting to fullscreen mode
- PANDA_NOWDATE(3) - return the string for now
- PANDA_OPEN(3) - open a PDF document
- PANDA_OPEN_ACTUAL(3) - actually open a PDF document
- PANDA_OPEN_SUPPRESS(3) - open a PDF document with some special options
- PANDA_PAGEDURATION(3) - specify the maximum number of seconds that a page should be displayed by the viewer before moving on
- PANDA_PRINT(3) - output a simple string to the PDF file
- PANDA_PRINTF(3) - output a formatted string to the PDF file
- PANDA_PROCESSTRANS(3) - a traversal callback used for processing transition objects within the PDF
- PANDA_PUTC(3) - output a single character to the PDF file
- PANDA_RECTANGLE(3) - draw a rectangle
- PANDA_SETAUTHOR(3) - set the author string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETCHARACTERSPACING(3) - set the space between characters
- PANDA_SETCREATOR(3) - set the creator string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETFILLCOLOR(3) - set the color to fill a close shape with
- PANDA_SETFONT(3) - set the current font to be that specified
- PANDA_SETFONTMODE(3) - set the current font mode
- PANDA_SETFONTSIZE(3) - set the current font size
- PANDA_SETHORIZONTALSCALING(3) - set the horizontal scaling of text
- PANDA_SETID(3) - set the id string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETKEYWORDS(3) - set the keywords string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETLEADING(3) - set the amount of space between lines of text
- PANDA_SETLINECAP(3) - sets the line cap for the lines we are drawing now
- PANDA_SETLINECOLOR(3) - change the color of the line drawn
- PANDA_SETLINEDASHING(3) - draw the subsequent lines with the defined dashing pattern
- PANDA_SETLINEJOIN(3) - is used to set the line join style
- PANDA_SETLINESTART(3) - sets the starting point of a curve
- PANDA_SETLINEWIDTH(3) - sets the width of the line that we are drawing
- PANDA_SETOBJECTPROPERTY(3) - set a property value for an object
- PANDA_SETSUBJECT(3) - set the subject string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETTITLE(3) - set the title string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETWORDSPACING(3) - set the space between words
- PANDA_STREAMPRINTF(3) - output a formatted string to the text stream associated with a given object
- PANDA_STROKELINE(3) - stroke the line shape we have just drawn
- PANDA_TEXTANNOTATION(3) - draw a text annotation which looks like a sticky note onto a page
- PANDA_TEXTBOX(3) - display some text on the PDF page specified
- PANDA_TEXTBOXROT(3) - display some text at a jaunty angle on the PDF page specified
- PANDA_TEXTDIRECTION(3) - specify the direction that the text flows within the document
- PANDA_TRANSDURATION(3) - specify the number of seconds that a page transition effect should take to occur
- PANDA_TRANSSTYLE(3) - specify the type of page change transition that should occur
- PANDA_TRAVERSEOBJECTS(3) - traverse the PDF object tree and perform an operation
- PANDA_WRITEOBJECT(3) - write a given object to disc
- PANDA_WRITETRAILER(3) - write out the trailer for the PDF document
- PANDA_WRITEXREF(3) - write out the table that lists object locations in the file
- PANDA_XFREE(3) - deallocate memory in a safe manner
- PANDA_XMALLOC(3) - allocate some memory
- PANDA_XREALLOC(3) - allocate some memory, resizing it if already exists
- PANDA_XSNPRINTF(3) - a safe version of vnsprintf
- PANDORA_AGENT(1) - Pandora FMS software agent
- PANDORA_SERVER(1) - the Pandora FMS element in charge of performing the existing checks
- PandoraFMS::Core(3) - Core functions of Pandora FMS
- PandoraFMS::GeoIP(3) - Look up country by IP Address
- PandoraFMS::GIS(3) - Geographic Information System functions of Pandora FMS
- PandoraFMS::NmapParser(3) - parse nmap scan data with perl
- PandoraFMS::Sendmail(3) - Simple platform independent mailer
- PandoraFMS::Tools(3)
- PandoraFMS::Traceroute(3) - traceroute(1) functionality in perl
- PandoraFMS::Traceroute::PurePerl(3) - traceroute(1) functionality in perl via raw sockets
- Panedwindow(3) - Create and manipulate Panedwindow widgets
- panedwindow(n) - Create and manipulate panedwindow widgets
- panel(3X) - panel stack extension for curses
- PANEX(6) - Panex X widget
- Pango::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- PANGO-VIEW(1) - Pango text viewer
- PANIC(9) - bring down system on fatal error
- panic(l) - print error or warning message and eventualy exit
- PANO_MODIFY(1) - Change output parameters of project file
- PANO_TRAFO(1) - Transform image coordinates.
- PANOINFO(1) - List details about the libpano13 library
- Paper(3) - A individual paper in an Astro::ADS::Result object
- PAPERCONF(1) - print paper configuration information
- PAPERCONFIG(8) - configure the system default paper size
- PAPERINFO(3) - return informations about a paper
- PAPERINIT(3) - begin and end using the paper library
- PAPERKEY(1) - extract secret information out of OpenPGP secret keys
- PAPERLESS(7) - Index and archive scanned paper documents - installation
- PAPERSIZE(5) - specify preferred paper size
- PAPS(1) - text to PostScript converter using Pango
- PAR(1) - Make and run Perl Archives
- PAR::Dist(3) - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
- PAR::Environment(3) - Index and reference of PAR environment variables
- PAR::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about PAR
- PAR::Filter(3) - Input filter for PAR
- PAR::Filter::Bleach(3) - Bleach filter
- PAR::Filter::Bytecode(3) - Bytecode filter
- PAR::Filter::Crypto(3) - Encrypt Perl files in PAR archives
- PAR::Filter::Obfuscate(3) - Obfuscating filter
- PAR::Filter::PatchContent(3) - Content patcher
- PAR::Filter::PodStrip(3) - POD-stripping filter
- PAR::Heavy(3) - PAR guts
- PAR::Packer(3) - PAR Packager
- PAR::SetupProgname(3) - Setup $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME}
- PAR::SetupTemp(3) - Setup $ENV{PAR_TEMP}
- PAR::StrippedPARL::Base(3) - Base class for the PARL data packages
- PAR::Tutorial(3) - Cross-Platform Packaging and Deployment with PAR
- PAR_MEM(8) - memory parallelism benchmark
- PAR_OPS(8) - basic CPU operation parallelism
- par2(1) - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
- PARAGET(1) - parallel file get
- PARAGREP(1) - search paragraphs in a file for patterns
- Parallel::Async(3) - run parallel task with fork to simple.
- Parallel::Async::Chain(3) - task chain manager.
- Parallel::Async::Task(3) - task class for Parallel::Async.
- Parallel::Fork::BossWorker(3) - Perl extension for easiliy creating forking queue processing applications.
- Parallel::ForkManager(3) - A simple parallel processing fork manager
- Parallel::ForkManager::Child(3) - role adopted by forked Parallel::ForkManager processes
- Parallel::Iterator(3) - Simple parallel execution
- Parallel::Prefork(3) - A simple prefork server framework
- Parallel::Prefork::SpareWorkers(3) - A prefork server framework with support for (min|max)spareservers
- Parallel::Scoreboard(3) - a scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
- Parallel::Scoreboard::PSGI::App(3) - a simple PSGI app for monitoring the output of Parallel::Scoreboard
- Parallel::Scoreboard::PSGI::App::JSON(3) - a simple PSGI app for monitoring the output of Parallel::Scoreboard in JSON format
- PARALLEL_ALTERNATIVES(7) - Alternatives to GNU parallel
- PARALLELCPU(1) - Parallel Processor MultiThreading Support in PDL (Experimental)
- Params::Callback(3) - Parameter callback base class
- Params::CallbackRequest(3) - Functional and object-oriented callback architecture
- Params::CallbackRequest::Exceptions(3) - Parameter callback exception definitions
- Params::Check(3) - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
- Params::Classify(3) - argument type classification
- Params::Coerce(3) - Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters
- Params::Util(3) - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
- Params::Util::PP(3) - PurePerl Params::Util routines
- Params::Validate::Dependencies(3) - check that the right combination of arguments is passed to a function
- Params::Validate::Dependencies::Extending(3) - Params::Validate::Dependencies::any_of in the case of the closures generated by
- Params::ValidationCompiler(3) - Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
- Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler(3) - Object that implements the check subroutine compilation
- Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions(3) - Defines exceptions thrown by Params::ValidationCompiler
- Paranoid(3) - Paranoia support for safer programs
- Paranoid::Args(3) - Command-line argument parsing functions
- Paranoid::Data(3) - Misc. Data Manipulation Functions
- Paranoid::Data::AVLTree(3) - AVL-Balanced Tree Class
- Paranoid::Data::AVLTree::AVLNode(3) - AVL Tree Node Object Class
- Paranoid::Debug(3) - Trace message support for paranoid programs
- Paranoid::Filesystem(3) - Filesystem Functions
- Paranoid::Glob(3) - Paranoid Glob objects
- Paranoid::Input(3) - Paranoid input functions
- Paranoid::IO(3) - Paranoid IO support
- Paranoid::IO::Line(3) - Paranoid Line-based I/O functions
- Paranoid::IO::Lockfile(3) - Paranoid Lockfile support
- Paranoid::Log(3) - Log Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Buffer(3) - Log Buffer Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Email(3) - Log Facility Email
- Paranoid::Log::File(3) - File Logging Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Syslog(3) - Log Facility Syslog
- Paranoid::Module(3) - 2020, Arthur Corliss (corliss@digitalmages.com) (tm) 2008 - 2020, Paranoid Inc. (www.paranoid.com)
- Paranoid::Network(3) - Network functions for paranoid programs
- Paranoid::Network::IPv4(3) - IPv4-related functions
- Paranoid::Network::IPv6(3) - IPv6-related functions
- Paranoid::Network::Socket(3) - Socket wrapper for seemless IPv6 support
- Paranoid::Process(3) - Process Management Functions
- PARCAT(1) - cat files or fifos in parallel
- PARCELLITE(1) - Lightweight GTK+ Clipboard Manager
- PARENT(3PVM) - Returns the tid of the process that spawned the calling process.
- PariInit(3) - load "Math::Pari" with specified $primelimit and $initmem.
- parkverbot(8)
- PARL(1) - Binary PAR Loader
- Parmap(3) - Module Parmap: efficient parallel map, fold and mapfold on lists and arrays on multicores.
- parpd(8) - Proxy-ARP daemon
- PARROT(1) - Parrot Virtual Machine
- PARROT_NCI_THUNK_GEN(1) - Create Parrot NCI thunks
- PARROTBUG(1) - Parrot bug report
- PARROT-NQP(1) - Not Quite Perl (6)
- PARROT-OPS2C(1) - Convert Parrot opcodes to C
- PARROT-PROVE(1) - Prove is a PIR-based TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Harness
- Parse::ALex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - abstract class
- Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny(3) - Determine attributes of ANSI-Colored string
- Parse::BooleanLogic(3) - parser of boolean expressions
- Parse::CLex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - consuming recoginzed data
- Parse::CPAN::Meta(3) - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
- Parse::CPAN::Packages(3) - Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Distribution(3)
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast(3) - parse CPAN's package index
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Package(3)
- Parse::CSV(3) - Highly flexible CSV parser for large files
- Parse::EDID(3) - Extended display identification data (EDID) parser
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl(3) - Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl::ErrorItem(3) - a Perl error item object
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl::StackItem(3) - a Perl stack item object
- Parse::ExuberantCTags(3) - Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
- Parse::Flex(3) - The Fastest Lexer in the West
- Parse::Flex::Generate(3) - Internal driver routines for makelexer.pl
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent(3) - Parser for the User Agent string
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Accessors(3) - Available accessors
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Dumper(3) - Base class to dump parsed structure
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::IS(3) - Base class
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Parsers(3) - Base class
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Constants(3) - Various constants
- Parse::IRC(3) - A parser for the IRC protocol.
- Parse::Lex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - moving pointer inside text
- Parse::LexEvent(3) - Generator of event-oriented lexical analyzers (1.00 ALPHA)
- Parse::LocalDistribution(3) - parses local .pm files as PAUSE does
- Parse::Method::Signatures(3) - Perl6 like method signature parser
- Parse::Method::Signatures::Param(3) - a parsed parameter from a signature
- Parse::Method::Signatures::Sig(3) - Method Signature
- Parse::Method::Signatures::TypeConstraint(3) - turn parsed TC data into Moose TC object
- Parse::MIME(3) - Parse mime-types, match against media ranges
- Parse::Netstat(3) - Parse the output of "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::darwin(3) - Parse the output of Mac OS X "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::freebsd(3) - Parse the output of FreeBSD "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::linux(3) - Parse the output of Linux "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::solaris(3) - Parse the output of Solaris "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::win32(3) - Parse the output of Windows "netstat" command
- Parse::PhoneNumber(3) - Parse Phone Numbers
- Parse::PlainConfig(3) - Configuration file class
- Parse::PlainConfig::Constants(3) - PPC Constants
- Parse::PlainConfig::Legacy(3) - Parsing engine Legacy for Parse::PlainConfig
- Parse::PlainConfig::Settings(3) - Settings Class
- Parse::PMFile(3) - parses .pm file as PAUSE does
- Parse::Range(3) - Parse text range definitions
- Parse::Snort(3) - Parse and create Snort rules
- Parse::Snort::Strict(3) - Parse Snort rules with validation of the rules
- Parse::Syslog(3) - Parse Unix syslog files
- Parse::Syslog::Mail(3) - Parse mailer logs from syslog
- Parse::Template(3) - Processor for templates containing Perl expressions
- Parse::Token(3) - Definition of tokens used by "Parse::Lex"
- Parse::Trace(3) - Trace functions used by the lexical analyzers
- Parse::VarName(3) - Routines to parse variable name
- Parse::Win32Registry(3) - Parse Windows Registry Files
- Parse::YYLex(3) - Version of Parse::Lex to be used by a byacc parser.
- parse_cmd(3)
- PARSE_IOZONE(1) - Generates reports and graphs from Iozone test results
- PARSE_OPTS(3) - parse standard and user options for LTP test programs
- PARSE_RANGES(3) - function to parse a string formatted like 'min:max:mult,...'
- PARSE_TEST(1) - tool for modifying bootloader configuration
- PARSE_TIME(3) - parse and unparse time intervals
- PARSEDATE(3) - convert time and date string to number
- ParseFormData(3) - Perl extension for dealing with client request data
- ParseLog(3) - Object-oriented Perl extension for parsing Apache log files
- Parser::MGC(3) - build simple recursive-descent parsers
- Parser::MGC::Examples::EvaluateExpression(3) - an example parser to evaluate simple numerical expressions
- Parser::MGC::Tutorial(3)
- Parser::Style::Debug(3) - Debug style for XML::Parser
- Parser::Style::Objects(3) - Objects styler parser
- Parser::Style::Stream(3) - Stream style for XML::Parser
- Parser::Style::Subs(3) - glue for handling element callbacks
- Parser::Style::Tree(3) - Tree style parser
- parser_standard_options(1)
- PARSET(1) - set shell variables in parallel
- Parsetree(3) - Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing
- Parsing(3) - The run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc.
- PARSORT(1) - Sort (big files) in parallel
- PARTX(8) - tell the Linux kernel about the presence and numbering of on-disk partitions
- pas2fpm(1) - The Free Pascal unit to fpmake.pp file generator tool.
- pas2jni(1) - Free Pascal Java Native Interface generation tool
- pas2ut(1) - The Free Pascal unit to unit test case conversion tool.
- PASS(4) - CAM application passthrough driver
- pass-audit(1) - A
- passenger-config(1) - Show configuration settings for Phusion Passenger
- passenger-memory-stats(8) - reports a snapshot of the Apache and Phusion Passenger memory statistcs
- passenger-status(8) - inspect Phusion Passenger's internal status
- PassGen(3) - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
- PASSMASS(1) - change password on multiple machines
- PASS-OTP(1) - A
- PASSPHRASE-ENCODING(7) - How diverse parts of OpenSSL treat pass phrases character encoding
- PASSPHRASE-ENCODING(7ossl) - How diverse parts of OpenSSL treat pass phrases character encoding
- pass-update(1) - A
- PASSWD(5) - format of the password file
- PasswdFile(3) - Perl interface to /etc/passwd format files
- PASTORIZE(1) - Generate Perl classes with XML bindings starting from a W3C XSD Schema
- pasuspender(1) - Temporarily suspend PulseAudio
- PAT2PPM(1) - Converts an image file from PAT to PPM format.
- PATCHELF(1) - Modify ELF files
- PATCH-G(1) - convert FASTGEN ASCII databases into binary MGED databases.
- patch-metamail(1) - Install a patch to the latest metamail release
- PATCHPERL(1) - patch a perl source tree
- PatchReader(3) - Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- PATCHVIEW(1) - Without options, show numbered files modified by the patch. With options, behave as filterdiff.
- PATCHWORK(1) - filter for drawing clustered graphs as treemaps
- PATCOMPILE(3) - compiles a matching pattern
- PATEXTRACT(1) - Extract a part of a PNG image file
- PATGEN(1) - generate patterns for TeX hyphenation
- path(3m) - manipulate file path names
- Path::Abstract(3) - Fast and featureful UNIX-style path parsing and manipulation
- Path::Abstract::Underload(3) - Path::Abstract without stringification overloading
- Path::Class::Dir(3) - Objects representing directories
- Path::Class::Entity(3) - Base class for files and directories
- Path::Class::File(3) - Objects representing files
- Path::Class::File::Lockable(3) - lock your files with Path::Class::File
- Path::Class::Unicode(3) - Maps Unicode filenames to local encoding and code pages
- Path::Class::URI(3) - Serializes and deserializes Path::Class objects as file:// URI
- Path::Dispatcher(3) - Flexible and extensible dispatch
- Path::Dispatcher::Cookbook(3) - A cookbook for Path::Dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Declarative(3) - sugary dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Dispatch(3) - a list of matches
- Path::Dispatcher::Match(3) - the result of a successful rule match
- Path::Dispatcher::Path(3) - path and some optional metadata
- Path::Dispatcher::Role::Rules(3) - "has a list of rules"
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule(3) - predicate and codeblock
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Alternation(3) - any rule must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Always(3) - always matches
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain(3) - Chain rules for Path::Dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::CodeRef(3) - predicate is any subroutine
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Dispatch(3) - redispatch
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Empty(3) - matches only the empty path
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Enum(3) - one of a list of strings must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Eq(3) - predicate is a string equality
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Intersection(3) - all rules must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Metadata(3) - match path's metadata
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Regex(3) - predicate is a regular expression
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Sequence(3) - a sequence of rules
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens(3) - predicate is a list of tokens
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under(3) - rules under a predicate
- Path::Extended(3) - yet another Path class
- Path::Extended::Class(3)
- Path::Extended::Class::Dir(3)
- Path::Extended::Class::File(3)
- Path::Extended::Dir(3)
- Path::Extended::Entity(3)
- Path::Extended::File(3)
- Path::FindDev(3) - Find a development path somewhere in an upper hierarchy.
- Path::FindDev::Object(3) - Object oriented guts to FindDev
- Path::IsDev(3) - Determine if a given Path resembles a development source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Changelog(3) - Determine if a path contains a Changelog (or similar)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::DevDirMarker(3) - Determine if a path contains a .devdir file
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Makefile(3) - Determine if a path contains a Makefile
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::META(3) - Determine if a path contains META.(json|yml)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::MYMETA(3) - Determine if a path contains MYMETA.(json|yml)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::TestDir(3) - Determine if a path contains a t/ or xt/ directory
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::Dzil(3) - Determine if a path is a Dist::Zilla Source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::MakeMaker(3) - Determine if a path is an ExtUtils::MakeMaker Tooled source directory
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::ModuleBuild(3) - Determine if a path is a Module::Build Source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::VCS::Git(3) - Determine if a path contains a .git repository
- Path::IsDev::HeuristicSet::Basic(3) - Basic IsDev set of Heuristics
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::HomeDir(3) - User home directories are not development roots
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::IsDev::IgnoreFile(3) - An explicit exclusion file heuristic
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::PerlINC(3) - White-list paths in Config.pm as being non-development roots.
- Path::IsDev::Object(3) - Object Oriented guts for IsDev export
- Path::IsDev::Result(3) - Result container
- Path::IsDev::Role::Heuristic(3) - Base role for Heuristic things.
- Path::IsDev::Role::HeuristicSet(3) - Role for sets of Heuristics.
- Path::IsDev::Role::HeuristicSet::Simple(3) - Simple excludes/includes set
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::BaseName::MatchRegexp(3) - Match when a path has a child file matching an expression
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::BaseName::MatchRegexp::File(3) - Match if any children have basename's that match a regexp and are files
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any(3) - Match if any of a list of children exists
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any::Dir(3) - Match if a path contains one of any of a list of directories
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any::File(3) - Match if a path contains one of any of a list of files
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::FullPath::Is::Any(3) - Match if the current directory is the same directory from a list of absolute paths.
- Path::IsDev::Role::NegativeHeuristic(3) - Base role for Negative Heuristic things.
- Path::Iterator::Rule(3) - Iterative, recursive file finder
- Path::Resource(3) - URI/Path::Class combination
- Path::Resource::Base(3) - A resource base for a Path::Resource object
- PATH6(1) - A versatile IPv6-based traceroute tool
- PATHALIAS(8) - mail routing tools
- PATHCHK(1) - check whether file names are valid or portable
- PATHCONF(2) - get configurable pathname variables
- PathConvert(3) - DEPRECATED: USE File::Spec and Cwd::abs_path().
- PATHFINDER(1) - simple file manager
- PATHLIST(nged) - Lists all existing paths that start from the specified combinations and end at a primitive shape.
- PATHOLOGICAL(6) - A puzzle game involving paths and marbles
- PATHS(nged) - Lists all existing paths that start from the specified
- PATHSPEC-RB(1) - Test pathspecs against a specific path
- PATHV1(1)
- PATMATCH(3) - checks string for matches
- Patricia(3) - Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
- Pattern::Atom(3) - An atom that knows how to match
- Pattern::Bond(3) - A bond that knows how to match
- PATTERNS(7) - Lua's pattern matching rules
- pavuk(1) - HTTP, HTTP over SSL, FTP, FTP over SSL and Gopher recursive document retrieval program
- PAWD(1) - print automounter working directory
- Paws(3) - A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs
- Paws::AutoScaling(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Auto Scaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ActivitiesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ActivityType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachInstances(3) - Arguments for method AttachInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method AttachLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachLoadBalancersResultType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroupsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AutoScalingInstancesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::CompleteLifecycleAction(3) - Arguments for method CompleteLifecycleAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateLaunchConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method CreateLaunchConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateOrUpdateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateOrUpdateTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLaunchConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLaunchConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLifecycleHook(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLifecycleHook on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteNotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNotificationConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeletePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteScheduledAction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteScheduledAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAccountLimits(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountLimits on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAccountLimitsAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAdjustmentTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAdjustmentTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAdjustmentTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingGroups on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLaunchConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLaunchConfigurations on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHooks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLifecycleHooks on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHookTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLifecycleHookTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHookTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLoadBalancersResponse(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeMetricCollectionTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMetricCollectionTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeMetricCollectionTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeNotificationConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNotificationConfigurations on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribePolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribePolicies on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScalingActivities(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingActivities on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScalingProcessTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingProcessTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScheduledActions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScheduledActions on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachInstances(3) - Arguments for method DetachInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachInstancesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DetachLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachLoadBalancersResultType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DisableMetricsCollection(3) - Arguments for method DisableMetricsCollection on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnableMetricsCollection(3) - Arguments for method EnableMetricsCollection on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnterStandby(3) - Arguments for method EnterStandby on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnterStandbyAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExecutePolicy(3) - Arguments for method ExecutePolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExitStandby(3) - Arguments for method ExitStandby on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExitStandbyAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::LaunchConfigurationsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PoliciesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PolicyARNType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ProcessesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutLifecycleHook(3) - Arguments for method PutLifecycleHook on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutLifecycleHookAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutNotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method PutNotificationConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutScalingPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutScalingPolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction(3) - Arguments for method PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ResumeProcesses(3) - Arguments for method ResumeProcesses on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ScheduledActionsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::SetDesiredCapacity(3) - Arguments for method SetDesiredCapacity on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::SetInstanceHealth(3) - Arguments for method SetInstanceHealth on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::SuspendProcesses(3) - Arguments for method SuspendProcesses on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::TagsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::UpdateAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::CloudFormation(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CancelUpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method CancelUpdateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CreateStack(3) - Arguments for method CreateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CreateStackOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DeleteStack(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackEvents on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackEventsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResource(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackResource on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResourceOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackResources on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStacks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStacks on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStacksOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::EstimateTemplateCost(3) - Arguments for method EstimateTemplateCost on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::EstimateTemplateCostOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetStackPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetStackPolicy on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetStackPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplate(3) - Arguments for method GetTemplate on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateSummary(3) - Arguments for method GetTemplateSummary on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateSummaryOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStackResources(3) - Arguments for method ListStackResources on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStackResourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStacks(3) - Arguments for method ListStacks on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStacksOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::SetStackPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetStackPolicy on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::SignalResource(3) - Arguments for method SignalResource on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::UpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method UpdateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::UpdateStackOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ValidateTemplate(3) - Arguments for method ValidateTemplate on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ValidateTemplateOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFront(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateInvalidation2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateInvalidationResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetInvalidation2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetInvalidationResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListDistributions2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListDistributionsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListInvalidations2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListInvalidationsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListStreamingDistributions2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListStreamingDistributionsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudHSM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHapg(3) - Arguments for method CreateHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHsm(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method CreateLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHapg(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHsm(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHapg(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHsm(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::GetConfig(3) - Arguments for method GetConfig on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::GetConfigResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListAvailableZones(3) - Arguments for method ListAvailableZones on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListAvailableZonesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHapgs(3) - Arguments for method ListHapgs on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHapgsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHsms(3) - Arguments for method ListHsms on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHsmsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListLunaClients(3) - Arguments for method ListLunaClients on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListLunaClientsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHapg(3) - Arguments for method ModifyHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHsm(3) - Arguments for method ModifyHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method ModifyLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::BuildSuggesters(3) - Arguments for method BuildSuggesters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::BuildSuggestersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::CreateDomain(3) - Arguments for method CreateDomain on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::CreateDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineAnalysisScheme(3) - Arguments for method DefineAnalysisScheme on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineAnalysisSchemeResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineExpression(3) - Arguments for method DefineExpression on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineExpressionResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineIndexField(3) - Arguments for method DefineIndexField on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineIndexFieldResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineSuggester(3) - Arguments for method DefineSuggester on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineSuggesterResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteAnalysisScheme(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAnalysisScheme on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteAnalysisSchemeResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDomain on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteExpression(3) - Arguments for method DeleteExpression on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteExpressionResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteIndexField(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIndexField on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteIndexFieldResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteSuggester(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSuggester on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteSuggesterResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAnalysisSchemes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAnalysisSchemes on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAnalysisSchemesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAvailabilityOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAvailabilityOptions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAvailabilityOptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeDomains(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDomains on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeDomainsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeExpressions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeExpressions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeExpressionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeIndexFields(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIndexFields on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeIndexFieldsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeScalingParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingParameters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeScalingParametersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeServiceAccessPolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServiceAccessPolicies on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeSuggesters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSuggesters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeSuggestersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::IndexDocuments(3) - Arguments for method IndexDocuments on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::IndexDocumentsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::ListDomainNames(3) - Arguments for method ListDomainNames on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::ListDomainNamesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateAvailabilityOptions(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAvailabilityOptions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateAvailabilityOptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateScalingParameters(3) - Arguments for method UpdateScalingParameters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateScalingParametersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateServiceAccessPolicies(3) - Arguments for method UpdateServiceAccessPolicies on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateServiceAccessPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudSearch Domain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::Search(3) - Arguments for method Search on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::SearchResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::Suggest(3) - Arguments for method Suggest on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::SuggestResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::UploadDocuments(3) - Arguments for method UploadDocuments on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::UploadDocumentsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::CreateTrail(3) - Arguments for method CreateTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::CreateTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::DeleteTrail(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::DeleteTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::DescribeTrails(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrails on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::DescribeTrailsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::GetTrailStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetTrailStatus on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::GetTrailStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::LookupEvents(3) - Arguments for method LookupEvents on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::LookupEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::StartLogging(3) - Arguments for method StartLogging on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::StartLoggingResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::StopLogging(3) - Arguments for method StopLogging on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::StopLoggingResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::UpdateTrail(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::UpdateTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DeleteAlarms(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAlarms on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarmHistory on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmHistoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarms(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarms on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsForMetric(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarmsForMetric on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsForMetricOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DisableAlarmActions(3) - Arguments for method DisableAlarmActions on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::EnableAlarmActions(3) - Arguments for method EnableAlarmActions on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::GetMetricStatistics(3) - Arguments for method GetMetricStatistics on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::GetMetricStatisticsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::ListMetrics(3) - Arguments for method ListMetrics on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::ListMetricsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::PutMetricAlarm(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricAlarm on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::PutMetricData(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricData on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::SetAlarmState(3) - Arguments for method SetAlarmState on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudWatch Logs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::CreateLogGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateLogGroup on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::CreateLogStream(3) - Arguments for method CreateLogStream on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteDestination(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDestination on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteLogGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLogGroup on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteLogStream(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLogStream on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteRetentionPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRetentionPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteSubscriptionFilter(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSubscriptionFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeDestinations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDestinations on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeDestinationsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLogGroups on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogStreams(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLogStreams on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogStreamsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeMetricFilters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMetricFilters on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeMetricFiltersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeSubscriptionFilters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSubscriptionFilters on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeSubscriptionFiltersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::FilterLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method FilterLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::FilterLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::GetLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method GetLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::GetLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestination(3) - Arguments for method PutDestination on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestinationPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutDestinationPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestinationResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method PutLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutRetentionPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutRetentionPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutSubscriptionFilter(3) - Arguments for method PutSubscriptionFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::TestMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method TestMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::TestMetricFilterResponse(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::BatchGetRepositories(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetRepositories on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateBranch(3) - Arguments for method CreateBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateRepository(3) - Arguments for method CreateRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::DeleteRepository(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::DeleteRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetBranch(3) - Arguments for method GetBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetBranchOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetRepository(3) - Arguments for method GetRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListBranches(3) - Arguments for method ListBranches on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListBranchesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListRepositories(3) - Arguments for method ListRepositories on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListRepositoriesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateDefaultBranch(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDefaultBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateRepositoryDescription(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRepositoryDescription on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateRepositoryName(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRepositoryName on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeDeploy(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetApplications(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetApplications on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetApplicationsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetDeployments(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetDeployments on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetDeploymentsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateApplicationOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeployment(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentConfigOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeregisterOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplication(3) - Arguments for method GetApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationRevision(3) - Arguments for method GetApplicationRevision on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationRevisionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeployment(3) - Arguments for method GetDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentConfigOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentInstance(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentInstanceOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method GetOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationRevisions(3) - Arguments for method ListApplicationRevisions on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationRevisionsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplications(3) - Arguments for method ListApplications on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentConfigs(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentConfigs on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentConfigsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentGroups on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeployments(3) - Arguments for method ListDeployments on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RegisterApplicationRevision(3) - Arguments for method RegisterApplicationRevision on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RegisterOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::StopDeployment(3) - Arguments for method StopDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::StopDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateApplication(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeJob(3) - Arguments for method AcknowledgeJob on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeJobOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob(3) - Arguments for method AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeThirdPartyJobOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreateCustomActionType(3) - Arguments for method CreateCustomActionType on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreateCustomActionTypeOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::DeleteCustomActionType(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCustomActionType on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::DisableStageTransition(3) - Arguments for method DisableStageTransition on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::EnableStageTransition(3) - Arguments for method EnableStageTransition on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetJobDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetJobDetails on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetJobDetailsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipeline(3) - Arguments for method GetPipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineState(3) - Arguments for method GetPipelineState on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineStateOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetThirdPartyJobDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetThirdPartyJobDetails on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetThirdPartyJobDetailsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListActionTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListActionTypes on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListActionTypesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListPipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForJobs(3) - Arguments for method PollForJobs on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForThirdPartyJobs(3) - Arguments for method PollForThirdPartyJobs on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForThirdPartyJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutActionRevision(3) - Arguments for method PutActionRevision on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutActionRevisionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutJobFailureResult(3) - Arguments for method PutJobFailureResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutJobSuccessResult(3) - Arguments for method PutJobSuccessResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult(3) - Arguments for method PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult(3) - Arguments for method PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::StartPipelineExecution(3) - Arguments for method StartPipelineExecution on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::StartPipelineExecutionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::UpdatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::UpdatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Cognito Identity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::CreateIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method CreateIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentities(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DescribeIdentity(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DescribeIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetCredentialsForIdentity(3) - Arguments for method GetCredentialsForIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetId(3) - Arguments for method GetId on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdentityPoolRoles(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPoolRoles on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdToken(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIdToken on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::IdentityDescription(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::IdentityPool(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentities(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentityPools(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPools on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentityPoolsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::LookupDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method LookupDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::MergeDeveloperIdentities(3) - Arguments for method MergeDeveloperIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::SetIdentityPoolRoles(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityPoolRoles on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UnlinkDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method UnlinkDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UnlinkIdentity(3) - Arguments for method UnlinkIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UpdateIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method UpdateIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoSync(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Cognito Sync
- Paws::CognitoSync::BulkPublish(3) - Arguments for method BulkPublish on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::BulkPublishResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DeleteDataset(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DeleteDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeDataset(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityPoolUsage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityPoolUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityPoolUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityUsage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetBulkPublishDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetBulkPublishDetails on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetBulkPublishDetailsResponse(3) - No bulk publish has been requested for this identity pool
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetCognitoEvents(3) - Arguments for method GetCognitoEvents on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetCognitoEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetIdentityPoolConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPoolConfiguration on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetIdentityPoolConfigurationResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListDatasets(3) - Arguments for method ListDatasets on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListDatasetsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListIdentityPoolUsage(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPoolUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListIdentityPoolUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListRecords(3) - Arguments for method ListRecords on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListRecordsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::RegisterDevice(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDevice on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::RegisterDeviceResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetCognitoEvents(3) - Arguments for method SetCognitoEvents on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetIdentityPoolConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityPoolConfiguration on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetIdentityPoolConfigurationResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::SubscribeToDataset(3) - Arguments for method SubscribeToDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SubscribeToDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::UnsubscribeFromDataset(3) - Arguments for method UnsubscribeFromDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::UnsubscribeFromDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::UpdateRecords(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRecords on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::UpdateRecordsResponse(3)
- Paws::Config(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Config
- Paws::Config::DeleteDeliveryChannel(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeliveryChannel on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DeliverConfigSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeliverConfigSnapshot on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DeliverConfigSnapshotResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorders(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationRecorders on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecordersResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeliveryChannels on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelsResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::GetResourceConfigHistory(3) - Arguments for method GetResourceConfigHistory on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::GetResourceConfigHistoryResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::PutConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method PutConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::PutDeliveryChannel(3) - Arguments for method PutDeliveryChannel on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::StartConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method StartConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::StopConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method StopConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::DataPipeline(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Data Pipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ActivatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method ActivatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ActivatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::CreatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeactivatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeactivatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeactivatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribeObjects(3) - Arguments for method DescribeObjects on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribeObjectsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribePipelines(3) - Arguments for method DescribePipelines on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribePipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::EvaluateExpression(3) - Arguments for method EvaluateExpression on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::EvaluateExpressionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::GetPipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method GetPipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::GetPipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ListPipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::PollForTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForTask on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::PollForTaskOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::PutPipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method PutPipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::PutPipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::QueryObjects(3) - Arguments for method QueryObjects on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::QueryObjectsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskProgress(3) - Arguments for method ReportTaskProgress on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskProgressOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeat on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeatOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetStatus(3) - Arguments for method SetStatus on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetTaskStatus(3) - Arguments for method SetTaskStatus on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetTaskStatusOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ValidatePipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method ValidatePipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ValidatePipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Device Farm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateDevicePool(3) - Arguments for method CreateDevicePool on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateDevicePoolResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateProject(3) - Arguments for method CreateProject on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateProjectResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateUpload(3) - Arguments for method CreateUpload on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateUploadResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetAccountSettings(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountSettings on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetAccountSettingsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevice(3) - Arguments for method GetDevice on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePool(3) - Arguments for method GetDevicePool on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolCompatibility(3) - Arguments for method GetDevicePoolCompatibility on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDeviceResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetJob(3) - Arguments for method GetJob on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetJobResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetProject(3) - Arguments for method GetProject on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetProjectResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetRun(3) - Arguments for method GetRun on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetRunResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetSuite(3) - Arguments for method GetSuite on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetSuiteResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetTest(3) - Arguments for method GetTest on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetTestResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetUpload(3) - Arguments for method GetUpload on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetUploadResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListArtifacts(3) - Arguments for method ListArtifacts on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListArtifactsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicePools(3) - Arguments for method ListDevicePools on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicePoolsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevices(3) - Arguments for method ListDevices on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListJobsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListProjects(3) - Arguments for method ListProjects on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListProjectsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListRuns(3) - Arguments for method ListRuns on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListRunsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSamples(3) - Arguments for method ListSamples on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSamplesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSuites(3) - Arguments for method ListSuites on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSuitesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListTests(3) - Arguments for method ListTests on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListTestsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUniqueProblems(3) - Arguments for method ListUniqueProblems on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUniqueProblemsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUploads(3) - Arguments for method ListUploads on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUploadsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ScheduleRun(3) - Arguments for method ScheduleRun on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ScheduleRunResult(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Direct Connect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocatePublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method AllocatePublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmConnection(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmConnectionResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Connection(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Connections(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreateConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreateInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method CreateInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreatePrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreatePrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreatePublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreatePublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteInterconnectResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConnections on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeInterconnects(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInterconnects on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeLocations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLocations on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeVirtualGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVirtualGateways on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeVirtualInterfaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVirtualInterfaces on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::Interconnect(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Interconnects(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Locations(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualGateways(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualInterface(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualInterfaces(3)
- Paws::DS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Directory Service
- Paws::DS::ConnectDirectory(3) - Arguments for method ConnectDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::ConnectDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAlias on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateAliasResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateComputer(3) - Arguments for method CreateComputer on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateComputerResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateDirectory(3) - Arguments for method CreateDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DeleteDirectory(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DeleteDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DeleteSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DescribeDirectories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDirectories on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DescribeDirectoriesResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DescribeSnapshotsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DisableRadius(3) - Arguments for method DisableRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DisableRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DisableSso(3) - Arguments for method DisableSso on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DisableSsoResult(3)
- Paws::DS::EnableRadius(3) - Arguments for method EnableRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::EnableRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DS::EnableSso(3) - Arguments for method EnableSso on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::EnableSsoResult(3)
- Paws::DS::GetDirectoryLimits(3) - Arguments for method GetDirectoryLimits on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::GetDirectoryLimitsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::GetSnapshotLimits(3) - Arguments for method GetSnapshotLimits on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::GetSnapshotLimitsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::RestoreFromSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreFromSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::RestoreFromSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::UpdateRadius(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::UpdateRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchGetItem(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchGetItemOutput(3) - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchWriteItem(3) - Arguments for method BatchWriteItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchWriteItemOutput(3) - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.
- Paws::DynamoDB::CreateTable(3) - Arguments for method CreateTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::CreateTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteItem(3) - Arguments for method DeleteItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteItemOutput(3) - The hash key value of the item collection. This is the same as the hash key of the item.
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteTable(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::DescribeTable(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DescribeTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::GetItem(3) - Arguments for method GetItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::GetItemOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::ListTables(3) - Arguments for method ListTables on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::ListTablesOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::PutItem(3) - Arguments for method PutItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::PutItemOutput(3) - The hash key value of the item collection. This is the same as the hash key of the item.
- Paws::DynamoDB::Query(3) - Arguments for method Query on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::QueryOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::Scan(3) - Arguments for method Scan on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::ScanOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateItem(3) - Arguments for method UpdateItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateItemOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateTable(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon DynamoDB Streams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::DescribeStream(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStream on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::DescribeStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetRecords(3) - Arguments for method GetRecords on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetShardIterator(3) - Arguments for method GetShardIterator on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetShardIteratorOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::ListStreams(3) - Arguments for method ListStreams on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::ListStreamsOutput(3)
- Paws::EC2(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Paws::EC2::AcceptVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method AcceptVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AllocateAddress(3) - Arguments for method AllocateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AllocateAddressResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AssignPrivateIpAddresses(3) - Arguments for method AssignPrivateIpAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateAddress(3) - Arguments for method AssociateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateAddressResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AssociateDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method AssociateDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method AssociateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateRouteTableResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachClassicLinkVpc(3) - Arguments for method AttachClassicLinkVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachClassicLinkVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method AttachInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method AttachNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachNetworkInterfaceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachVolume(3) - Arguments for method AttachVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method AttachVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachVpnGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::BundleInstance(3) - Arguments for method BundleInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::BundleInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelBundleTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelBundleTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelBundleTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelConversionTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelConversionTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelExportTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelExportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelImportTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelImportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelImportTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelReservedInstancesListing(3) - Arguments for method CancelReservedInstancesListing on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelReservedInstancesListingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotFleetRequests(3) - Arguments for method CancelSpotFleetRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotFleetRequestsResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotInstanceRequests(3) - Arguments for method CancelSpotInstanceRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ConfirmProductInstance(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmProductInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ConfirmProductInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CopyImage(3) - Arguments for method CopyImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CopyImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CopySnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopySnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CopySnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateCustomerGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateCustomerGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateCustomerGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method CreateDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateDhcpOptionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method CreateFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateImage(3) - Arguments for method CreateImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateInstanceExportTask(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstanceExportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateInstanceExportTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateInternetGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method CreateKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAcl(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkAcl on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAclResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkInterfaceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreatePlacementGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlacementGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateReservedInstancesListing(3) - Arguments for method CreateReservedInstancesListing on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateReservedInstancesListingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateRoute(3) - Arguments for method CreateRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method CreateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteTableResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateSecurityGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSubnet(3) - Arguments for method CreateSubnet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSubnetResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpc(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpcEndpoint on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcEndpointResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnectionRoute(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnConnectionRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteCustomerGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCustomerGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method DeleteKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkAcl(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkAcl on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeletePlacementGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeletePlacementGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteRoute(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSecurityGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSubnet(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSubnet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpc(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcEndpoints(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpcEndpoints on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcEndpointsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnConnectionRoute(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnConnectionRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeregisterImage(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAccountAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountAttributes on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAccountAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAddresses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAddressesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAvailabilityZones(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAvailabilityZones on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeBundleTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBundleTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeBundleTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeClassicLinkInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClassicLinkInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeConversionTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConversionTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeConversionTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeCustomerGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCustomerGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeCustomerGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeDhcpOptionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeExportTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeExportTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeExportTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImages(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImages on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImagesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportImageTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImportImageTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportImageTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportSnapshotTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImportSnapshotTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportSnapshotTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceStatusResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInternetGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInternetGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInternetGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeKeyPairs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeKeyPairs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeKeyPairsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeMovingAddresses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMovingAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeMovingAddressesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkAcls(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkAcls on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkAclsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkInterfaces on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribePlacementGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribePlacementGroups on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribePlacementGroupsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribePrefixLists(3) - Arguments for method DescribePrefixLists on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribePrefixListsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRegions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRegions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRegionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesListings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesListings on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesListingsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesModifications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesModifications on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRouteTables(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRouteTables on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRouteTablesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSecurityGroups on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSecurityGroupsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistoryResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequests(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestsResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotInstanceRequests(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotInstanceRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotPriceHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotPriceHistory on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSubnets(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSubnets on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSubnetsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeTagsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumeAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumes on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumeStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeStatusResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpoints(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcEndpoints on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcEndpointServices on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointServicesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcPeeringConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcPeeringConnections on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpnConnections on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnConnectionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpnGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DetachClassicLinkVpc(3) - Arguments for method DetachClassicLinkVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachClassicLinkVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DetachInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method DetachInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method DetachNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachVolume(3) - Arguments for method DetachVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method DetachVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVgwRoutePropagation(3) - Arguments for method DisableVgwRoutePropagation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method DisableVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DisassociateAddress(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisassociateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVgwRoutePropagation(3) - Arguments for method EnableVgwRoutePropagation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVolumeIO(3) - Arguments for method EnableVolumeIO on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method EnableVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::GetConsoleOutput(3) - Arguments for method GetConsoleOutput on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::GetConsoleOutputResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::GetPasswordData(3) - Arguments for method GetPasswordData on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::GetPasswordDataResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImageAttribute(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportImage(3) - Arguments for method ImportImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportInstance(3) - Arguments for method ImportInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method ImportKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportKeyPairResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method ImportSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportVolume(3) - Arguments for method ImportVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportVolumeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::InstanceAttribute(3)
- Paws::EC2::KeyPair(3)
- Paws::EC2::ModifyImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyReservedInstances(3) - Arguments for method ModifyReservedInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyReservedInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ModifySnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifySnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifySubnetAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifySubnetAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVolumeAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVolumeAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVpcAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVpcEndpoint on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcEndpointResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::MonitorInstances(3) - Arguments for method MonitorInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::MonitorInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::MoveAddressToVpc(3) - Arguments for method MoveAddressToVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::MoveAddressToVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RebootInstances(3) - Arguments for method RebootInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RegisterImage(3) - Arguments for method RegisterImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RegisterImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RejectVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method RejectVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RejectVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReleaseAddress(3) - Arguments for method ReleaseAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRoute(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceRouteTableAssociation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReportInstanceStatus(3) - Arguments for method ReportInstanceStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotFleet(3) - Arguments for method RequestSpotFleet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotFleetResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotInstances(3) - Arguments for method RequestSpotInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::Reservation(3)
- Paws::EC2::ResetImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetSnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetSnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RestoreAddressToClassic(3) - Arguments for method RestoreAddressToClassic on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RestoreAddressToClassicResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSecurityGroupEgress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RunInstances(3) - Arguments for method RunInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::Snapshot(3)
- Paws::EC2::StartInstances(3) - Arguments for method StartInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::StartInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::StopInstances(3) - Arguments for method StopInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::StopInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::TerminateInstances(3) - Arguments for method TerminateInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::TerminateInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(3) - Arguments for method UnassignPrivateIpAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::UnmonitorInstances(3) - Arguments for method UnmonitorInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::UnmonitorInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::Volume(3)
- Paws::EC2::VolumeAttachment(3)
- Paws::ECS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon EC2 Container Service
- Paws::ECS::CreateCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCluster on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::CreateClusterResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::CreateService(3) - Arguments for method CreateService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::CreateServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeleteCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCluster on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeleteClusterResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeleteService(3) - Arguments for method DeleteService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeleteServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterContainerInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterContainerInstance on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterContainerInstanceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusters on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeClustersResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeContainerInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeContainerInstances on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeContainerInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServices on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTasks on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTasksResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DiscoverPollEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DiscoverPollEndpoint on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DiscoverPollEndpointResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListClusters(3) - Arguments for method ListClusters on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListClustersResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListContainerInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListContainerInstances on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListContainerInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListServices(3) - Arguments for method ListServices on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionFamilies(3) - Arguments for method ListTaskDefinitionFamilies on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionFamiliesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitions(3) - Arguments for method ListTaskDefinitions on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionsResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTasks(3) - Arguments for method ListTasks on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTasksResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RegisterContainerInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterContainerInstance on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RegisterContainerInstanceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RegisterTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method RegisterTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RegisterTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RunTask(3) - Arguments for method RunTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RunTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::StartTask(3) - Arguments for method StartTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::StartTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::StopTask(3) - Arguments for method StopTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::StopTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::SubmitContainerStateChange(3) - Arguments for method SubmitContainerStateChange on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::SubmitContainerStateChangeResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::SubmitTaskStateChange(3) - Arguments for method SubmitTaskStateChange on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::SubmitTaskStateChangeResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::UpdateContainerAgent(3) - Arguments for method UpdateContainerAgent on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::UpdateContainerAgentResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::UpdateService(3) - Arguments for method UpdateService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::UpdateServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic File System
- Paws::EFS::CreateFileSystem(3) - Arguments for method CreateFileSystem on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::CreateMountTarget(3) - Arguments for method CreateMountTarget on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteFileSystem(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFileSystem on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteMountTarget(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMountTarget on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeFileSystems(3) - Arguments for method DescribeFileSystems on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeFileSystemsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargets(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMountTargets on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeTagsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::FileSystemDescription(3)
- Paws::EFS::ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::MountTargetDescription(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AddTagsToResource(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheClusterMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheEngineVersionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopySnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheSecurityGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheSecurityGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheClusters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheEngineVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheEngineVersions on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheParameterGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheParameters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheSecurityGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheSubnetGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultParameters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReplicationGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReplicationGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedCacheNodes on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshotsListMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ListTagsForResource(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method RebootCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::RemoveTagsFromResource(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodeMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ResetCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::TagListMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::AbortEnvironmentUpdate(3) - Arguments for method AbortEnvironmentUpdate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationDescriptionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersionDescriptionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersionDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CheckDNSAvailability(3) - Arguments for method CheckDNSAvailability on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CheckDNSAvailabilityResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationOptionsDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsDescriptions(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsValidationMessages(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method CreateConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method CreateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateStorageLocation(3) - Arguments for method CreateStorageLocation on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateStorageLocationResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeApplications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApplications on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeApplicationVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApplicationVersions on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeConfigurationOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationOptions on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeConfigurationSettings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationSettings on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEnvironmentResources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEnvironmentResources on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEnvironments(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEnvironments on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentResourceDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EventDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ListAvailableSolutionStacks(3) - Arguments for method ListAvailableSolutionStacks on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ListAvailableSolutionStacksResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RebuildEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method RebuildEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RequestEnvironmentInfo(3) - Arguments for method RequestEnvironmentInfo on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RestartAppServer(3) - Arguments for method RestartAppServer on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RetrieveEnvironmentInfo(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveEnvironmentInfo on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RetrieveEnvironmentInfoResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs(3) - Arguments for method SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::TerminateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method TerminateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateApplication(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ValidateConfigurationSettings(3) - Arguments for method ValidateConfigurationSettings on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic Transcoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CancelJob(3) - Arguments for method CancelJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CancelJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreateJob(3) - Arguments for method CreateJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreateJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePreset(3) - Arguments for method CreatePreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePreset(3) - Arguments for method DeletePreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByPipeline(3) - Arguments for method ListJobsByPipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByPipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByStatus(3) - Arguments for method ListJobsByStatus on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPipelinesResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPresets(3) - Arguments for method ListPresets on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPresetsResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadJob(3) - Arguments for method ReadJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPipeline(3) - Arguments for method ReadPipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPreset(3) - Arguments for method ReadPreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::TestRole(3) - Arguments for method TestRole on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::TestRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineNotifications(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipelineNotifications on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineNotificationsResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineStatus(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipelineStatus on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::ELB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Elastic Load Balancing
- Paws::ELB::AddAvailabilityZonesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(3) - Arguments for method AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::ConfigureHealthCheck(3) - Arguments for method ConfigureHealthCheck on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ConfigureHealthCheckOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateAccessPointOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerListeners(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancerListeners on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancerPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteAccessPointOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancerListeners on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeregisterEndPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeAccessPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeEndPointStateOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeInstanceHealth(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceHealth on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancers on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(3) - Arguments for method DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(3) - Arguments for method ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RegisterEndPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::RemoveAvailabilityZonesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificateOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic MapReduce
- Paws::EMR::AddInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method AddInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddInstanceGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::AddJobFlowSteps(3) - Arguments for method AddJobFlowSteps on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddJobFlowStepsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeCluster(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCluster on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeClusterOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeJobFlows(3) - Arguments for method DescribeJobFlows on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeJobFlowsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeStep(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStep on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeStepOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListBootstrapActions(3) - Arguments for method ListBootstrapActions on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListBootstrapActionsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListClusters(3) - Arguments for method ListClusters on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListClustersOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListInstanceGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListInstances on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListSteps(3) - Arguments for method ListSteps on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListStepsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ModifyInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method ModifyInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::RunJobFlow(3) - Arguments for method RunJobFlow on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RunJobFlowOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::SetTerminationProtection(3) - Arguments for method SetTerminationProtection on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::SetVisibleToAllUsers(3) - Arguments for method SetVisibleToAllUsers on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::TerminateJobFlows(3) - Arguments for method TerminateJobFlows on Paws::EMR
- Paws::Glacier(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AbortMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method AbortMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AbortVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method AbortVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AddTagsToVault(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ArchiveCreationOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::CompleteMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method CompleteMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CompleteVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method CompleteVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CreateVault(3) - Arguments for method CreateVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CreateVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteArchive(3) - Arguments for method DeleteArchive on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVault(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeJob(3) - Arguments for method DescribeJob on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeVault(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetDataRetrievalPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetDataRetrievalPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetDataRetrievalPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetJobOutput(3) - Arguments for method GetJobOutput on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetJobOutputOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultAccessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultLockOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultNotificationsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GlacierJobDescription(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateJob(3) - Arguments for method InitiateJob on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method InitiateMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateMultipartUploadOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method InitiateVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateVaultLockOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListMultipartUploads(3) - Arguments for method ListMultipartUploads on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListMultipartUploadsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListParts(3) - Arguments for method ListParts on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListPartsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListTagsForVault(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListTagsForVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListVaults(3) - Arguments for method ListVaults on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListVaultsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::RemoveTagsFromVault(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetDataRetrievalPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetDataRetrievalPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method SetVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadArchive(3) - Arguments for method UploadArchive on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadMultipartPart(3) - Arguments for method UploadMultipartPart on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadMultipartPartOutput(3)
- Paws::IAM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Identity and Access Management
- Paws::IAM::AddClientIDToOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method AddClientIDToOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AddRoleToInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method AddRoleToInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AddUserToGroup(3) - Arguments for method AddUserToGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ChangePassword(3) - Arguments for method ChangePassword on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method CreateAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccessKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccountAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAccountAlias on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateGroupResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateInstanceProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateLoginProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method CreateOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateOpenIDConnectProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreatePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method CreatePolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyVersionResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateRole(3) - Arguments for method CreateRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method CreateSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateUser(3) - Arguments for method CreateUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateVirtualMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method CreateVirtualMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateVirtualMFADeviceResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::DeactivateMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method DeactivateMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccountAlias(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccountAlias on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeletePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeletePolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteRole(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteUser(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteVirtualMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVirtualMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::EnableMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method EnableMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GenerateCredentialReport(3) - Arguments for method GenerateCredentialReport on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GenerateCredentialReportResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccessKeyLastUsed(3) - Arguments for method GetAccessKeyLastUsed on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccessKeyLastUsedResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountAuthorizationDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountAuthorizationDetails on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountAuthorizationDetailsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountPasswordPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountSummary(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountSummary on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountSummaryResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetCredentialReport(3) - Arguments for method GetCredentialReport on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetCredentialReportResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetGroup(3) - Arguments for method GetGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method GetInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetInstanceProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method GetLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetLoginProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetOpenIDConnectProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyVersionResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetRole(3) - Arguments for method GetRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetRolePolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method GetSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method GetServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetServerCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method GetSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetSSHPublicKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetUser(3) - Arguments for method GetUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetUserPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAccessKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListAccessKeys on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAccessKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAccountAliases(3) - Arguments for method ListAccountAliases on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAccountAliasesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedGroupPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedGroupPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedGroupPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedRolePolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedRolePolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedRolePoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedUserPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedUserPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedUserPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListEntitiesForPolicy(3) - Arguments for method ListEntitiesForPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListEntitiesForPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListGroupPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListGroups on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsForUser(3) - Arguments for method ListGroupsForUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsForUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfiles(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceProfiles on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesForRole(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceProfilesForRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesForRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListMFADevices(3) - Arguments for method ListMFADevices on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListMFADevicesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListOpenIDConnectProviders(3) - Arguments for method ListOpenIDConnectProviders on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListOpenIDConnectProvidersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicyVersions(3) - Arguments for method ListPolicyVersions on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicyVersionsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListRolePolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListRolePolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListRolePoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListRoles(3) - Arguments for method ListRoles on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListRolesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSAMLProviders(3) - Arguments for method ListSAMLProviders on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSAMLProvidersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListServerCertificates(3) - Arguments for method ListServerCertificates on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListServerCertificatesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSigningCertificates(3) - Arguments for method ListSigningCertificates on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSigningCertificatesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSSHPublicKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListSSHPublicKeys on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSSHPublicKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListUserPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListUserPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListUserPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListUsers(3) - Arguments for method ListUsers on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListUsersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListVirtualMFADevices(3) - Arguments for method ListVirtualMFADevices on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListVirtualMFADevicesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::PutGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::PutRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::PutUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveClientIDFromOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method RemoveClientIDFromOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveUserFromGroup(3) - Arguments for method RemoveUserFromGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ResyncMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method ResyncMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::SetDefaultPolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method SetDefaultPolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAssumeRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAssumeRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint(3) - Arguments for method UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UpdateServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateUser(3) - Arguments for method UpdateUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UploadServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadServerCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UploadSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UploadSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadSigningCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UploadSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method UploadSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadSSHPublicKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::ImportExport(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Import/Export
- Paws::ImportExport::CancelJob(3) - Arguments for method CancelJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::CancelJobOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::CreateJob(3) - Arguments for method CreateJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::CreateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::GetShippingLabel(3) - Arguments for method GetShippingLabel on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::GetShippingLabelOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::GetStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetStatus on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::GetStatusOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::ListJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::UpdateJob(3) - Arguments for method UpdateJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::UpdateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::AddTagsToStream(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::CreateStream(3) - Arguments for method CreateStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DeleteStream(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DescribeStream(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DescribeStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::GetRecords(3) - Arguments for method GetRecords on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::GetRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::GetShardIterator(3) - Arguments for method GetShardIterator on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::GetShardIteratorOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::ListStreams(3) - Arguments for method ListStreams on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::ListStreamsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::ListTagsForStream(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::ListTagsForStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::MergeShards(3) - Arguments for method MergeShards on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecord(3) - Arguments for method PutRecord on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecordOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecords(3) - Arguments for method PutRecords on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::RemoveTagsFromStream(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::SplitShard(3) - Arguments for method SplitShard on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::KMS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Key Management Service
- Paws::KMS::CreateAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateGrant(3) - Arguments for method CreateGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateGrantResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::CreateKey(3) - Arguments for method CreateKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::Decrypt(3) - Arguments for method Decrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DecryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::DeleteAlias(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DescribeKey(3) - Arguments for method DescribeKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DescribeKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::DisableKey(3) - Arguments for method DisableKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DisableKeyRotation(3) - Arguments for method DisableKeyRotation on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EnableKey(3) - Arguments for method EnableKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EnableKeyRotation(3) - Arguments for method EnableKeyRotation on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::Encrypt(3) - Arguments for method Encrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EncryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKey(3) - Arguments for method GenerateDataKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext(3) - Arguments for method GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateRandom(3) - Arguments for method GenerateRandom on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateRandomResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetKeyPolicy on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyRotationStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetKeyRotationStatus on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyRotationStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListAliases(3) - Arguments for method ListAliases on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListAliasesResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListGrants(3) - Arguments for method ListGrants on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListGrantsResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListKeyPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListKeyPolicies on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListKeyPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListKeys on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::PutKeyPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutKeyPolicy on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ReEncrypt(3) - Arguments for method ReEncrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ReEncryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::RetireGrant(3) - Arguments for method RetireGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::RevokeGrant(3) - Arguments for method RevokeGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::UpdateAlias(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::UpdateKeyDescription(3) - Arguments for method UpdateKeyDescription on Paws::KMS
- Paws::Lambda(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::AddPermissionResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::CreateEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::CreateFunction(3) - Arguments for method CreateFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::DeleteEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::DeleteFunction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::EventSourceMappingConfiguration(3)
- Paws::Lambda::FunctionConfiguration(3)
- Paws::Lambda::GetEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method GetEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunction(3) - Arguments for method GetFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunctionConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method GetFunctionConfiguration on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunctionResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::GetPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicy on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::InvocationResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::Invoke(3) - Arguments for method Invoke on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::InvokeAsync(3) - Arguments for method InvokeAsync on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::InvokeAsyncResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::ListEventSourceMappings(3) - Arguments for method ListEventSourceMappings on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::ListEventSourceMappingsResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::ListFunctions(3) - Arguments for method ListFunctions on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::ListFunctionsResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateFunctionCode(3) - Arguments for method UpdateFunctionCode on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateFunctionConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method UpdateFunctionConfiguration on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::MachineLearning(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Machine Learning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method CreateBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRDS(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromRDS on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRDSOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRedshift(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromRedshift on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRedshiftOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromS3(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromS3 on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromS3Output(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method CreateEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateMLModel(3) - Arguments for method CreateMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateRealtimeEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateRealtimeEndpoint on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateRealtimeEndpointOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteDataSource(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteDataSourceOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteMLModel(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteRealtimeEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRealtimeEndpoint on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteRealtimeEndpointOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeBatchPredictions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBatchPredictions on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeBatchPredictionsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeDataSources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDataSources on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeDataSourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeEvaluations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvaluations on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeEvaluationsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeMLModels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMLModels on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeMLModelsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method GetBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetBatchPredictionOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) submitted a request to generate batch predictions.
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetDataSource(3) - Arguments for method GetDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetDataSourceOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Language (Amazon ML) submitted a request to create a
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method GetEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetEvaluationOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Language (Amazon ML) submitted a request to evaluate an
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetMLModel(3) - Arguments for method GetMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetMLModelOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) submitted a request to describe a
- Paws::MachineLearning::Predict(3) - Arguments for method Predict on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::PredictOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method UpdateBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateDataSource(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateDataSourceOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateMLModel(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssignInstance(3) - Arguments for method AssignInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssignVolume(3) - Arguments for method AssignVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssociateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method AssociateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AttachElasticLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method AttachElasticLoadBalancer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CloneStack(3) - Arguments for method CloneStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CloneStackResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateApp(3) - Arguments for method CreateApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateAppResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateDeployment(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeployment on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateDeploymentResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateInstance(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateLayer(3) - Arguments for method CreateLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateLayerResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateStack(3) - Arguments for method CreateStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateStackResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateUserProfileResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteApp(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteLayer(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteStack(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterEcsCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterEcsCluster on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAgentVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAgentVersions on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAgentVersionsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeApps(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApps on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAppsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeCommands(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCommands on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeCommandsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeDeployments(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeployments on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeDeploymentsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeEcsClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEcsClusters on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeEcsClustersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticIps(3) - Arguments for method DescribeElasticIps on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticIpsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeElasticLoadBalancers on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticLoadBalancersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstances on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLayers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLayers on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLayersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLoadBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLoadBasedAutoScalingResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeMyUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMyUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeMyUserProfileResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribePermissions(3) - Arguments for method DescribePermissions on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribePermissionsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRaidArrays(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRaidArrays on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRaidArraysResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRdsDbInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRdsDbInstances on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRdsDbInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeServiceErrors(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServiceErrors on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeServiceErrorsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackProvisioningParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackProvisioningParameters on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackProvisioningParametersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStacks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStacks on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStacksResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackSummary(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackSummary on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackSummaryResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeTimeBasedAutoScalingResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeUserProfiles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeUserProfiles on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeUserProfilesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumes on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeVolumesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DetachElasticLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DetachElasticLoadBalancer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DisassociateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GetHostnameSuggestion(3) - Arguments for method GetHostnameSuggestion on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GetHostnameSuggestionResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::GrantAccess(3) - Arguments for method GrantAccess on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GrantAccessResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RebootInstance(3) - Arguments for method RebootInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterEcsCluster(3) - Arguments for method RegisterEcsCluster on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterEcsClusterResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method RegisterElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterElasticIpResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterVolume(3) - Arguments for method RegisterVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterVolumeResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetLoadBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetPermission(3) - Arguments for method SetPermission on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetTimeBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method SetTimeBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StartInstance(3) - Arguments for method StartInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StartStack(3) - Arguments for method StartStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StopInstance(3) - Arguments for method StopInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StopStack(3) - Arguments for method StopStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UnassignInstance(3) - Arguments for method UnassignInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UnassignVolume(3) - Arguments for method UnassignVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateApp(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method UpdateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateInstance(3) - Arguments for method UpdateInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateLayer(3) - Arguments for method UpdateLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateMyUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMyUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method UpdateStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateVolume(3) - Arguments for method UpdateVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::RDS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Relational Database Service
- Paws::RDS::AccountAttributesMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription(3) - Arguments for method AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::AddTagsToResource(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction(3) - Arguments for method ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CertificateMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method CopyOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceReadReplica(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBInstanceReadReplica on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSecurityGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterSnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBEngineVersionMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBInstanceMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSecurityGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeAccountAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountAttributes on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeCertificates(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCertificates on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterSnapshots on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBEngineVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBEngineVersions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBInstances on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBLogFiles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBLogFiles on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBLogFilesResponse(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBParameterGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSecurityGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSnapshots on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSubnetGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEventCategories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventCategories on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEventSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventSubscriptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOptionGroupOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOptionGroupOptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOptionGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOptionGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribePendingMaintenanceActions(3) - Arguments for method DescribePendingMaintenanceActions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeReservedDBInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedDBInstances on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DownloadDBLogFilePortion(3) - Arguments for method DownloadDBLogFilePortion on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DownloadDBLogFilePortionDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventCategoriesMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventSubscriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::FailoverDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method FailoverDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::FailoverDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ListTagsForResource(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ModifyEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::OptionGroupOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::OptionGroups(3)
- Paws::RDS::OrderableDBInstanceOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::PendingMaintenanceActionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::PromoteReadReplica(3) - Arguments for method PromoteReadReplica on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::PromoteReadReplicaResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RebootDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method RebootDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RebootDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription(3) - Arguments for method RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RemoveTagsFromResource(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ReservedDBInstanceMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::ReservedDBInstancesOfferingMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::ResetDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ResetDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::TagListMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Redshift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeSnapshotAccess(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSnapshotAccess on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClustersMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterVersionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CopyClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CopyClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSecurityGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmClientCertificate(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsmClientCertificate on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmClientCertificateResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsmConfiguration on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmConfigurationResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateSnapshotCopyGrant(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshotCopyGrant on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSecurityGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteHsmClientCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsmClientCertificate on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteHsmConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsmConfiguration on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterParameterGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterParameters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSecurityGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSnapshots on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSubnetGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterVersions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeDefaultClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDefaultClusterParameters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEventCategories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventCategories on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEventSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventSubscriptions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeHsmClientCertificates(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsmClientCertificates on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeHsmConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsmConfigurations on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeLoggingStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoggingStatus on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeOrderableClusterOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOrderableClusterOptions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeReservedNodeOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedNodeOfferings on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeReservedNodes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedNodes on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeResize(3) - Arguments for method DescribeResize on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeSnapshotCopyGrants(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotCopyGrants on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableLogging(3) - Arguments for method DisableLogging on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableSnapshotCopy(3) - Arguments for method DisableSnapshotCopy on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableSnapshotCopyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EnableLogging(3) - Arguments for method EnableLogging on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::EnableSnapshotCopy(3) - Arguments for method EnableSnapshotCopy on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::EnableSnapshotCopyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventCategoriesMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventSubscriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::HsmClientCertificateMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::HsmConfigurationMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::LoggingStatus(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ModifyEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod(3) - Arguments for method ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::OrderableClusterOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::PurchaseReservedNodeOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedNodeOffering on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RebootCluster(3) - Arguments for method RebootCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RebootClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ReservedNodesMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ResetClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ResizeProgressMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RestoreFromClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreFromClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeSnapshotAccess(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSnapshotAccess on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeSnapshotAccessResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RotateEncryptionKey(3) - Arguments for method RotateEncryptionKey on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RotateEncryptionKeyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::SnapshotCopyGrantMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::SnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::TaggedResourceListMessage(3)
- Paws::Route53(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Route 53
- Paws::Route53::AssociateVPCWithHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ChangeResourceRecordSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ChangeTagsForResource(3)
- Paws::Route53::ChangeTagsForResourceResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetChange(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetChangeResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetCheckerIpRanges(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetCheckerIpRangesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetGeoLocation(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetGeoLocationResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckCount(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckCountResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckLastFailureReasonResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckStatus(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckStatusResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneCount(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneCountResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListGeoLocations(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListGeoLocationsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHealthChecks(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHealthChecksResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZones(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesByName(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesByNameResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListResourceRecordSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListResourceRecordSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListReusableDelegationSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListReusableDelegationSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResource(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResourceResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResources(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResourcesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHostedZoneComment(3)
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHostedZoneCommentResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53Domains(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Route 53 Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::CheckDomainAvailability(3) - Arguments for method CheckDomainAvailability on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::CheckDomainAvailabilityResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DeleteTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DeleteTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainAutoRenew(3) - Arguments for method DisableDomainAutoRenew on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainAutoRenewResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainTransferLock(3) - Arguments for method DisableDomainTransferLock on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainTransferLockResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainAutoRenew(3) - Arguments for method EnableDomainAutoRenew on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainAutoRenewResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainTransferLock(3) - Arguments for method EnableDomainTransferLock on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainTransferLockResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetDomainDetail(3) - Arguments for method GetDomainDetail on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetDomainDetailResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetOperationDetail(3) - Arguments for method GetOperationDetail on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetOperationDetailResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListDomainsResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListOperations(3) - Arguments for method ListOperations on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListOperationsResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::RegisterDomain(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::RegisterDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::RetrieveDomainAuthCode(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveDomainAuthCode on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::RetrieveDomainAuthCodeResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::TransferDomain(3) - Arguments for method TransferDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::TransferDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContact(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainContact on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactPrivacy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainContactPrivacy on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactPrivacyResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainNameservers(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainNameservers on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainNameserversResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::S3(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Storage Service
- Paws::S3::AbortMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::AbortMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CompleteMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::CompleteMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CopyObject(3)
- Paws::S3::CopyObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CreateBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::CreateBucketOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CreateMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::CreateMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObject(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjects(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjectsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketCorsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLifecycleOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLocation(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLocationOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLogging(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLoggingOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketNotification(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketNotificationConfiguration(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketPolicyOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketReplicationOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketRequestPayment(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketTaggingOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketVersioning(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketVersioningOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketWebsiteOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObject(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObjectTorrent(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectTorrentOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::HeadBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::HeadObject(3)
- Paws::S3::HeadObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListBuckets(3)
- Paws::S3::ListBucketsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListMultipartUploads(3)
- Paws::S3::ListMultipartUploadsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListObjects(3)
- Paws::S3::ListObjectsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListObjectVersions(3)
- Paws::S3::ListObjectVersionsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListParts(3)
- Paws::S3::ListPartsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::NotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::NotificationConfigurationDeprecated(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::PutBucketAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketLogging(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketNotification(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketNotificationConfiguration(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketRequestPayment(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketVersioning(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObject(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObjectAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObjectAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::PutObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::RestoreObject(3)
- Paws::S3::RestoreObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::UploadPart(3)
- Paws::S3::UploadPartCopy(3)
- Paws::S3::UploadPartCopyOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::UploadPartOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::SDB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon SimpleDB
- Paws::SDB::BatchDeleteAttributes(3) - Arguments for method BatchDeleteAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::BatchPutAttributes(3) - Arguments for method BatchPutAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::CreateDomain(3) - Arguments for method CreateDomain on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DeleteAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DeleteDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDomain on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DomainMetadata(3) - Arguments for method DomainMetadata on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DomainMetadataResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::GetAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::GetAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::ListDomainsResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::PutAttributes(3) - Arguments for method PutAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::Select(3) - Arguments for method Select on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::SelectResult(3)
- Paws::SES(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Email Service
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentity(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentityPolicy on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityDkimAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityDkimAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityDkimAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityNotificationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityNotificationAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityNotificationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityPolicies(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPolicies on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityVerificationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityVerificationAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityVerificationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetSendQuota(3) - Arguments for method GetSendQuota on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetSendQuotaResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetSendStatistics(3) - Arguments for method GetSendStatistics on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetSendStatisticsResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListIdentities(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentities on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListIdentityPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPolicies on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListIdentityPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListVerifiedEmailAddresses(3) - Arguments for method ListVerifiedEmailAddresses on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListVerifiedEmailAddressesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::PutIdentityPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutIdentityPolicy on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::PutIdentityPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SendEmail(3) - Arguments for method SendEmail on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SendEmailResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SendRawEmail(3) - Arguments for method SendRawEmail on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SendRawEmailResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityDkimEnabled(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityDkimEnabled on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityDkimEnabledResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabledResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityNotificationTopic(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityNotificationTopic on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityNotificationTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainDkim(3) - Arguments for method VerifyDomainDkim on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainDkimResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainIdentity(3) - Arguments for method VerifyDomainIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailAddress(3) - Arguments for method VerifyEmailAddress on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailIdentity(3) - Arguments for method VerifyEmailIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::Signin(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Console Signin service
- Paws::Signin::GetSigninToken(3) - Arguments for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::GetSigninTokenResponse(3) - Response for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::Login(3) - Arguments for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::LoginResponse(3) - Response for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Workflow Service
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTask(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTaskStatus(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTypeDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTypeInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountClosedWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method CountClosedWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountOpenWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method CountOpenWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountPendingActivityTasks(3) - Arguments for method CountPendingActivityTasks on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountPendingDecisionTasks(3) - Arguments for method CountPendingDecisionTasks on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DecisionTask(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateActivityType(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeActivityType(3) - Arguments for method DescribeActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeDomain(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DomainDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DomainInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::GetWorkflowExecutionHistory(3) - Arguments for method GetWorkflowExecutionHistory on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::History(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListActivityTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListActivityTypes on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListClosedWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method ListClosedWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListOpenWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method ListOpenWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListWorkflowTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListWorkflowTypes on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PendingTaskCount(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PollForActivityTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForActivityTask on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PollForDecisionTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForDecisionTask on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterActivityType(3) - Arguments for method RegisterActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterDomain(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method RegisterWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RequestCancelWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method RequestCancelWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskCanceled(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskCanceled on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskCompleted(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskCompleted on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskFailed(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskFailed on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondDecisionTaskCompleted(3) - Arguments for method RespondDecisionTaskCompleted on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::Run(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::SignalWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method SignalWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::StartWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method StartWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::TerminateWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method TerminateWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionCount(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowTypeDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowTypeInfos(3)
- Paws::SNS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Notification Service
- Paws::SNS::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ConfirmSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmSubscription on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ConfirmSubscriptionResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreateEndpointResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformApplicationResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlatformEndpoint on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreateTopic(3) - Arguments for method CreateTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreateTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::DeleteEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEndpoint on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::DeletePlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeletePlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::DeleteTopic(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetEndpointAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetEndpointAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetEndpointAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetPlatformApplicationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetPlatformApplicationAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetSubscriptionAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetSubscriptionAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetTopicAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetTopicAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetTopicAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListPlatformApplications(3) - Arguments for method ListPlatformApplications on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListPlatformApplicationsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method ListSubscriptions on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsByTopic(3) - Arguments for method ListSubscriptionsByTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListTopics(3) - Arguments for method ListTopics on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListTopicsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::Publish(3) - Arguments for method Publish on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::PublishResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetEndpointAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetEndpointAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetPlatformApplicationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetPlatformApplicationAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetSubscriptionAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetSubscriptionAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetTopicAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetTopicAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::Subscribe(3) - Arguments for method Subscribe on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SubscribeResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::Unsubscribe(3) - Arguments for method Unsubscribe on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SQS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Queue Service
- Paws::SQS::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibility(3) - Arguments for method ChangeMessageVisibility on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch(3) - Arguments for method ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::CreateQueue(3) - Arguments for method CreateQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::CreateQueueResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessage(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessageBatch(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMessageBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessageBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::DeleteQueue(3) - Arguments for method DeleteQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetQueueAttributes on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueUrl(3) - Arguments for method GetQueueUrl on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueUrlResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::ListDeadLetterSourceQueues(3) - Arguments for method ListDeadLetterSourceQueues on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ListDeadLetterSourceQueuesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::ListQueues(3) - Arguments for method ListQueues on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ListQueuesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::PurgeQueue(3) - Arguments for method PurgeQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ReceiveMessage(3) - Arguments for method ReceiveMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ReceiveMessageResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessage(3) - Arguments for method SendMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageBatch(3) - Arguments for method SendMessageBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::SetQueueAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetQueueAttributes on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SSM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Systems Management Service
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociation(3) - Arguments for method CreateAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationBatch(3) - Arguments for method CreateAssociationBatch on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::CreateDocument(3) - Arguments for method CreateDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DeleteAssociation(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DeleteAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DeleteDocument(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DeleteDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DescribeAssociation(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DescribeAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DescribeDocument(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DescribeDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::GetDocument(3) - Arguments for method GetDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::GetDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::ListAssociations(3) - Arguments for method ListAssociations on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::ListAssociationsResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::ListDocuments(3) - Arguments for method ListDocuments on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::ListDocumentsResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::UpdateAssociationStatus(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAssociationStatus on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::UpdateAssociationStatusResult(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Storage Gateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ActivateGateway(3) - Arguments for method ActivateGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ActivateGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddCache(3) - Arguments for method AddCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddUploadBuffer(3) - Arguments for method AddUploadBuffer on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddUploadBufferOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddWorkingStorage(3) - Arguments for method AddWorkingStorage on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddWorkingStorageOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelArchival(3) - Arguments for method CancelArchival on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelArchivalOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelRetrieval(3) - Arguments for method CancelRetrieval on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelRetrievalOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateCachediSCSIVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateCachediSCSIVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateCachediSCSIVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPointOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateStorediSCSIVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateStorediSCSIVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateStorediSCSIVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateTapes(3) - Arguments for method CreateTapes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateTapesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method DeleteBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method DeleteChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTape(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTape on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeArchive(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTapeArchive on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeArchiveOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCache(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCachediSCSIVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method DescribeChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeGatewayInformation(3) - Arguments for method DescribeGatewayInformation on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeGatewayInformationOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeMaintenanceStartTime(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMaintenanceStartTime on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeStorediSCSIVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeArchives(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapeArchives on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeArchivesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeRecoveryPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeUploadBuffer(3) - Arguments for method DescribeUploadBuffer on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeUploadBufferOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeVTLDevices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVTLDevices on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeVTLDevicesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeWorkingStorage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkingStorage on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeWorkingStorageOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DisableGateway(3) - Arguments for method DisableGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DisableGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListGateways(3) - Arguments for method ListGateways on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListGatewaysOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListLocalDisks(3) - Arguments for method ListLocalDisks on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListLocalDisksOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeInitiators(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumeInitiators on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeInitiatorsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeRecoveryPoints(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumeRecoveryPoints on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeRecoveryPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumes(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ResetCache(3) - Arguments for method ResetCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ResetCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeArchive(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveTapeArchive on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeArchiveOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeRecoveryPointOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ShutdownGateway(3) - Arguments for method ShutdownGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ShutdownGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::StartGateway(3) - Arguments for method StartGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::StartGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method UpdateBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method UpdateChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewayInformation(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGatewayInformation on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewayInformationOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewaySoftwareNowOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateMaintenanceStartTime(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMaintenanceStartTime on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateMaintenanceStartTimeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateVTLDeviceType(3) - Arguments for method UpdateVTLDeviceType on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateVTLDeviceTypeOutput(3)
- Paws::STS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Security Token Service
- Paws::STS::AssumeRole(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRole on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithSAML(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRoleWithSAML on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::DecodeAuthorizationMessage(3) - Arguments for method DecodeAuthorizationMessage on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::GetFederationToken(3) - Arguments for method GetFederationToken on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::GetFederationTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::GetSessionToken(3) - Arguments for method GetSessionToken on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::GetSessionTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::Support(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Support
- Paws::Support::AddAttachmentsToSet(3) - Arguments for method AddAttachmentsToSet on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::AddAttachmentsToSetResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::AddCommunicationToCase(3) - Arguments for method AddCommunicationToCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::AddCommunicationToCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::CreateCase(3) - Arguments for method CreateCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::CreateCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeAttachment(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAttachment on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeAttachmentResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeCases(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCases on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeCasesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeCommunications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCommunications on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeCommunicationsResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServices on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeSeverityLevels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSeverityLevels on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeSeverityLevelsResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck(3) - Arguments for method RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::ResolveCase(3) - Arguments for method ResolveCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::ResolveCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::CreateWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method CreateWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::CreateWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceBundles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaceBundles on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceBundlesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceDirectories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaceDirectories on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceDirectoriesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebootWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method RebootWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebootWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebuildWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method RebuildWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebuildWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::TerminateWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method TerminateWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::TerminateWorkspacesResult(3)
- PAX(1) - read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies
- pax11publish(1) - PulseAudio X11 Credential Utility
- PayConnect(3) - PaymentOne (formerly eBillit) PayConnect backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- PayflowPro(3) - Library for accessing PayPal's Payflow Pro HTTP interface
- PaymentsGateway(3) - PaymentsGateway.Net backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- PBC_TO_EXE(1) - Generate executables from Parrot bytecode
- pbind(1) - recombine output files generated by AS
- PBIO(4) - 8255 parallel peripheral interface basic I/O driver
- PBKDF2::Tiny(3) - Minimalist PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) with HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA2
- PBM(5) - portable bitmap file format
- pbm2g3(1) - convert portable bitmaps (PBM) into G3 fax files
- PBM2HP(1l) - printer driver of PBM-P4-file for HP Laserjet printers
- PBMROT90(1l) - rotates a PBM-P4-file by 90 degree
- PBMSHIFT(1l) - shift a PBM-P4-file to the right lower corner
- PBMTOJBG(1) - portable bitmap to JBIG1 file converter
- pbs_(gpureset) - reset GPU error counts
- pbs_alterjob(3B) - alter pbs batch job
- pbs_checkpointjob(3B) - checkpoint a pbs batch job
- pbs_connect(3B) - connect to a pbs batch server
- pbs_default(3B) - return the pbs default server name
- pbs_deljob(3B) - delete a pbs batch job
- pbs_disconnect(3B) - disconnect from a pbs batch server
- pbs_fbserver(3B) - get the pbs fall-back server name
- pbs_get_server_list(3B) - get a list of pbs server names
- pbs_geterrmsg(3B) - get error message for last pbs batch operation
- pbs_gpumode(3B) - change GPU mode
- pbs_holdjob(3B) - place a hold on a pbs batch job
- pbs_job_attributes(7B) - pbs job attributes
- pbs_locjob(3B) - locate current location of a pbs batch job
- pbs_manager(3B) - administrator a pbs batch object
- pbs_mom(8B) - start a pbs batch execution mini-server
- pbs_movejob(3B) - move a pbs batch job to a new destination
- pbs_msgjob(3B) - record a message for a running pbs batch job
- pbs_orderjob(3B) - reorder pbs batch jobs in a queue
- pbs_queue_attributes(7B) - pbs queue attributes
- pbs_rerunjob(3B) - rerun a pbs batch job
- pbs_rescquery(3B) - query resource availability
- pbs_rescreserve(3B) - reserve/free batch resources
- pbs_resources_aix4(7B) - pbs Resources on IBM AIX 4
- pbs_resources_aix5(7B) - pbs Resources on IBM AIX 5
- pbs_resources_darwin(7B) - pbs resources on Darwin
- pbs_resources_digitalunix(7B) - pbs resources on DEC Unix
- pbs_Resources_freebsd(7B) - pbs resources on FreeBSD
- pbs_resources_fujitsu(7B) - pbs resources on Fujitsu UXP/V
- pbs_resources_hpux10(7B) - pbs resources on HP UX
- pbs_resources_hpux11(7B) - pbs resources on HP UX
- pbs_resources_irix(7B) - pbs resources on SGI Irix
- pbs_resources_linux(7B) - pbs resources on Linux
- pbs_Resources_netbsd(7B) - pbs resources on NetBSD
- pbs_resources_solaris(7B) - pbs resources on SUN Solaris
- pbs_resources_sp2(7B) - pbs resources on IBM SP-2
- pbs_Resources_sunos4(7B) - pbs resources on SunOS 4
- pbs_resources_unicos(7B) - pbs resources under Unicos
- pbs_resources_unicosmk2(7B) - pbs resources under Unicos MK2
- pbs_rlsjob(3B) - release a hold on a pbs batch job
- pbs_runjob(3B) - run a pbs batch job
- pbs_sched(8B) - pbs C scheduler
- pbs_scheduler_basl(8B) - pbs BASL scheduler
- pbs_selectjob(3B) - select pbs batch jobs
- pbs_selstat(3B) - obtain status of selected pbs batch jobs
- pbs_server(8B) - start a pbs batch server
- pbs_server_attributes(7B) - pbs server attributes
- pbs_sigjob(3B) - send a signal to a pbs batch job
- pbs_stagein(3B) - request that files for a pbs batch job be staged in.
- pbs_statjob(3B) - obtain status of pbs batch jobs
- pbs_statnode(3B) - obtain status of pbs nodes
- pbs_statque(3B) - obtain status of pbs batch queues
- pbs_statserver(3B) - obtain status of a pbs batch server
- pbs_submit(3B) - submit a pbs batch job
- pbs_terminate(3B) - terminate a pbs batch server
- pbsdsh(1B) - distribute task to nodes under pbs
- pbsnodes(8B) - pbs node manipulation
- pbzip2(1) - parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.10
- PC(5) - pkg-config file format
- pca_lookup_file(3) - lookup a file in a list of directories
- PCA954X(4) - driver for PCA9548A I2C switch
- PCAL(1) - generate PostScript (or HTML) calendars
- Pcalc(3) - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- Pcalendar(3) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
- PCAP(3) - Packet Capture library
- PCAP(3PCAP) - Packet Capture library
- PCAP_ACTIVATE(3) - activate a capture handle
- PCAP_ACTIVATE(3PCAP) - activate a capture handle
- PCAP_BREAKLOOP(3) - force a pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() call to return
- PCAP_BREAKLOOP(3PCAP) - force a pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() call to return
- PCAP_CAN_SET_RFMON(3) - check whether monitor mode can be set for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_CAN_SET_RFMON(3PCAP) - check whether monitor mode can be set for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_CLOSE(3) - close a capture device or savefile
- PCAP_CLOSE(3PCAP) - close a capture device or savefile
- PCAP_COMPILE(3) - compile a filter expression
- PCAP_COMPILE(3PCAP) - compile a filter expression
- PCAP_CREATE(3) - create a live capture handle
- PCAP_CREATE(3PCAP) - create a live capture handle
- PCAP_DATALINK(3) - get the link-layer header type
- PCAP_DATALINK(3PCAP) - get the link-layer header type
- PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL(3) - get the link-layer header type value corresponding to a header type name
- PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL(3PCAP) - get the link-layer header type value corresponding to a header type name
- PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME(3) - get a name or description for a link-layer header type value
- PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME(3PCAP) - get a name or description for a link-layer header type value
- PCAP_DUMP(3) - write a packet to a capture file
- PCAP_DUMP(3PCAP) - write a packet to a capture file
- PCAP_DUMP_CLOSE(3) - close a savefile being written to
- PCAP_DUMP_CLOSE(3PCAP) - close a savefile being written to
- PCAP_DUMP_FILE(3) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_FILE(3PCAP) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_FLUSH(3) - flush to a savefile packets dumped
- PCAP_DUMP_FLUSH(3PCAP) - flush to a savefile packets dumped
- PCAP_DUMP_FTELL(3) - get the current file offset for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_FTELL(3PCAP) - get the current file offset for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_OPEN(3) - open a file to which to write packets
- PCAP_DUMP_OPEN(3PCAP) - open a file to which to write packets
- PCAP_FILE(3) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being read
- PCAP_FILE(3PCAP) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being read
- PCAP_FILENO(3) - get the file descriptor for a live capture
- PCAP_FILENO(3PCAP) - get the file descriptor for a live capture
- PCAP_FINDALLDEVS(3) - get a list of capture devices, and free that list
- PCAP_FINDALLDEVS(3PCAP) - get a list of capture devices, and free that list
- PCAP_FREECODE(3) - free a BPF program
- PCAP_FREECODE(3PCAP) - free a BPF program
- PCAP_GET_REQUIRED_SELECT_TIMEOUT(3) - get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_REQUIRED_SELECT_TIMEOUT(3PCAP) - get a timeout to be used when doing select() for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_SELECTABLE_FD(3) - get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_SELECTABLE_FD(3PCAP) - get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3) - get the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_GET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3PCAP) - get the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_GETERR(3) - get or print libpcap error message text
- PCAP_GETERR(3PCAP) - get or print libpcap error message text
- PCAP_INIT(3PCAP) - initialize the library
- PCAP_INJECT(3) - transmit a packet
- PCAP_INJECT(3PCAP) - transmit a packet
- PCAP_IS_SWAPPED(3) - find out whether a savefile has the native byte order
- PCAP_IS_SWAPPED(3PCAP) - find out whether a savefile has the native byte order
- PCAP_LIB_VERSION(3) - get the version information for libpcap
- PCAP_LIB_VERSION(3PCAP) - get the version information for libpcap
- PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS(3) - get a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS(3PCAP) - get a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LIST_TSTAMP_TYPES(3) - get a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LIST_TSTAMP_TYPES(3PCAP) - get a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LOOKUPDEV(3) - find the default device on which to capture
- PCAP_LOOKUPDEV(3PCAP) - find the default device on which to capture
- PCAP_LOOKUPNET(3) - find the IPv4 network number and netmask for a device
- PCAP_LOOKUPNET(3PCAP) - find the IPv4 network number and netmask for a device
- PCAP_LOOP(3) - process packets from a live capture or savefile
- PCAP_LOOP(3PCAP) - process packets from a live capture or savefile
- PCAP_MAJOR_VERSION(3) - get the version number of a savefile
- PCAP_MAJOR_VERSION(3PCAP) - get the version number of a savefile
- PCAP_NEXT_EX(3) - read the next packet from a pcap_t
- PCAP_NEXT_EX(3PCAP) - read the next packet from a pcap_t
- PCAP_OFFLINE_FILTER(3) - check whether a filter matches a packet
- PCAP_OFFLINE_FILTER(3PCAP) - check whether a filter matches a packet
- PCAP_OPEN_DEAD(3) - open a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening a capture for output
- PCAP_OPEN_DEAD(3PCAP) - open a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening a capture for output
- PCAP_OPEN_LIVE(3) - open a device for capturing
- PCAP_OPEN_LIVE(3PCAP) - open a device for capturing
- PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3) - open a saved capture file for reading
- PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3PCAP) - open a saved capture file for reading
- PCAP_SET_BUFFER_SIZE(3) - set the buffer size for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_BUFFER_SIZE(3PCAP) - set the buffer size for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_DATALINK(3) - set the link-layer header type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SET_DATALINK(3PCAP) - set the link-layer header type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SET_IMMEDIATE_MODE(3PCAP) - set immediate mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_PROMISC(3) - set promiscuous mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_PROMISC(3PCAP) - set promiscuous mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_PROTOCOL_LINUX(3PCAP) - set capture protocol for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_RFMON(3) - set monitor mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_RFMON(3PCAP) - set monitor mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_SNAPLEN(3) - set the snapshot length for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_SNAPLEN(3PCAP) - set the snapshot length for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_TIMEOUT(3) - set the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_TIMEOUT(3PCAP) - set the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3) - set the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3PCAP) - set the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_TYPE(3) - set the time stamp type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_TYPE(3PCAP) - set the time stamp type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SETDIRECTION(3) - set the direction for which packets will be captured
- PCAP_SETDIRECTION(3PCAP) - set the direction for which packets will be captured
- PCAP_SETFILTER(3) - set the filter
- PCAP_SETFILTER(3PCAP) - set the filter
- PCAP_SETNONBLOCK(3) - set or get the state of non-blocking mode on a capture device
- PCAP_SETNONBLOCK(3PCAP) - set or get the state of non-blocking mode on a capture device
- PCAP_SNAPSHOT(3) - get the snapshot length
- PCAP_SNAPSHOT(3PCAP) - get the snapshot length
- PCAP_STATS(3) - get capture statistics
- PCAP_STATS(3PCAP) - get capture statistics
- PCAP_STATUSTOSTR(3) - convert a PCAP_ERROR_ or PCAP_WARNING_ value to a string
- PCAP_STATUSTOSTR(3PCAP) - convert a PCAP_ERROR_ or PCAP_WARNING_ value to a string
- PCAP_STRERROR(3) - convert an errno value to a string
- PCAP_STRERROR(3PCAP) - convert an errno value to a string
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_NAME_TO_VAL(3) - get the time stamp type value corresponding to a time stamp type name
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_NAME_TO_VAL(3PCAP) - get the time stamp type value corresponding to a time stamp type name
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_VAL_TO_NAME(3) - get a name or description for a time stamp type value
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_VAL_TO_NAME(3PCAP) - get a name or description for a time stamp type value
- PCAP-CONFIG(1) - write libpcap compiler and linker flags to standard output
- PCAP-FILTER(7) - packet filter syntax
- PCAPFIX(1) - repair pcap and pcapng files
- PCAPINFO(1) - Prints detailed information about the network devices
- PCAP-LINKTYPE(7) - link-layer header types supported by libpcap
- PCAP-SAVEFILE(5) - libpcap savefile format
- PCAP-TSTAMP(7) - packet time stamps in libpcap
- PcapUtils(3) - Utility routines for Net::Pcap module
- PCB(1) - Printed circuit board layout tool
- PCBGROUP(9) - Distributed Protocol Control Block Groups
- PCCARD(4) - PC Card bus driver
- PCCBB(4) - cardbus bridge driver
- pcdindex(1) - renamed to
- PCF(4) - Philips I2C bus controller
- PCF2BDF(1) - convert X font from Portable Compiled Format to Bitmap Distribution Format
- PCF8574(4) - driver for the PCF8574 8-bit I2C IO expander
- PCF8591(4) - driver for the PCF8591 8-bit A/D and D/A converter
- pcheckd(1) - Checks for mail in maildir mailboxes
- pchtherm(4) - Intel PCH thermal subsystem
- PCI(9) - PCI bus interface
- PCI_IOV_ADD_VF(9) - inform a PF driver that a VF is being created
- PCI_IOV_INIT(9) - enable SR-IOV on a PF device
- PCI_IOV_SCHEMA(9) - PCI SR-IOV config schema interface
- PCI_IOV_UNINIT(9) - disable SR-IOV on a PF device
- PCIB(4) - PCI bridge driver
- PCIC(4) - PC Card bridge driver
- PCICONF(8) - diagnostic utility for the PCI bus
- PCL(3) - C coroutine management
- PCM(4)
- PCManFM(1) - A lightweight Gtk+ based file manager for X Window.
- PCManFM-Qt(1) - A lightweight Qt-based file manager for X Window.
- PCMANX(1) - a bbs client
- pcmdiff(1)
- pcmfade(1) - create a fade-in or fade-out in a PCM file
- pcmmix(1)
- pcmplay(1) - play PCM files on audio device
- PCONFIG(6) - Print Empire configuration
- pcontrol(1) - Send commands to running pproxy or pserv
- PCP(1) - copy a file to a cluster of machines
- PCPUSTAT(1) - per-CPU usage statistics
- PCRE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (original API)
- PCRE_ASSIGN_JIT_STACK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COMPILE2(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_CONFIG(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COPY_NAMED_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COPY_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_DFA_EXEC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_EXEC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_STUDY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_SUBSTRING_LIST(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FULLINFO(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_NAMED_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_STRINGNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_STRINGTABLE_ENTRIES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING_LIST(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_JIT_STACK_ALLOC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_JIT_STACK_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_MAKETABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_PATTERN_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_REFCOUNT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_STUDY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_TABLE(5) - format of Postfix PCRE tables
- PCRE_UTF16_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_UTF32_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_VERSION(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE2(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CODE_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CODE_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONFIG(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERTED_PATTERN_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_DFA_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_MARK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_MATCH_DATA_SIZE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_OVECTOR_COUNT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_OVECTOR_POINTER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_STARTCHAR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_FREE_UNUSED_MEMORY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_ASSIGN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MAKETABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MAKETABLES_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_CREATE_FROM_PATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_PATTERN_CONVERT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_PATTERN_INFO(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_DECODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_ENCODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_GET_NUMBER_OF_CODES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_BSR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_CHARACTER_TABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_COMPILE_EXTRA_OPTIONS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_COMPILE_RECURSION_GUARD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_DEPTH_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_GLOB_ESCAPE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_GLOB_SEPARATOR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_HEAP_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_MATCH_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_NEWLINE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_OFFSET_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_PARENS_NEST_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_RECURSION_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_RECURSION_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_SUBSTITUTE_CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_COPY_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_COPY_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_GET_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_GET_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LENGTH_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LENGTH_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LIST_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LIST_GET(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_NAMETABLE_SCAN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_NUMBER_FROM_NAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2API(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2BUILD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2COMPAT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2-CONFIG(1) - program to return PCRE2 configuration
- PCRE2CONVERT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2GREP(1) - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCRE2JIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2LIMITS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2MATCHING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2PARTIAL(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE2PATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2PERFORM(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2POSIX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SAMPLE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SERIALIZE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SYNTAX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2TEST(1) - a program for testing Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCRE2UNICODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCREAPI(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREBUILD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRECALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRECOMPAT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE-CONFIG(1) - program to return PCRE configuration
- PCRECPP(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREGREP(1) - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREJIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRELIMITS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREMATCHING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPARTIAL(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPERFORM(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPOSIX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREPRECOMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESAMPLE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESTACK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESYNTAX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRETEST(1) - a program for testing Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREUNICODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCSC(3) - Smart card reader interface library
- PCSC_SCAN(1) - regularly scans every PC/SC readers connected to the host
- PCSCD(8) - PC/SC Smart Card Daemon
- PCSC-SPY(1) - A PC/SC spy command
- PCSXR(1) - Playstation emulator
- PCVT(4)
- pdb2mdb(1) - Program Database to Mono Debugging Symbol converter.
- PDBEDIT(8) - manage the SAM database (Database of Samba Users)
- PDBTOOL(1) - An application to test and convert syslog-ng pattern database rules
- pdeliver(1) - Deliver mail into a maildir mailbox
- PDF::API2(3) - Create, modify, and examine PDF files
- PDF::API2::Annotation(3) - Add annotations to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Low-level PDF array object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - Low-level PDF boolean object true or false
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - Low-level dictionary and stream objects
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Low-level PDF file access
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Low-level PDF name object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - Low-level PDF null object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Low-level PDF numeric object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - Low-level PDF indirect object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Low-level PDF page object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - Low-level page tree object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::String(3) - Low-level PDF string object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Convenience functions for creating low-level PDF objects
- PDF::API2::Content(3) - Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Lite(3) - (do not use)
- PDF::API2::NamedDestination(3) - Add named destinations (views) to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Outline(3) - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
- PDF::API2::Page(3) - Methods to interact with individual pages
- PDF::API2::Resource(3) - Base class for PDF resources
- PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont(3) - Base class for font resources
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont(3) - Base class for CID fonts
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3) - Deprecated base class for CJK fonts
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3) - TrueType font support
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace(3) - Base class for PDF color spaces
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3) - Adobe Color Table support
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3) - Support for color space separations
- PDF::API2::Resource::ExtGState(3) - Graphics state dictionary support
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 standard PDF fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for creating synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject(3) - Base class for external objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form(3) - Base class for external form objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3) - Base class for one-dimensional barcodes
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3) - Code 128 and EAN-128 barcode support
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image(3) - Base class for external raster image objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3) - TIFF image support
- PDF::API2::Simple(3) - Simplistic wrapper for the excellent PDF::API2 modules
- PDF::API2::ViewerPreferences(3) - How the PDF should be displayed or printed
- PDF::API2::XS(3) - Optional PDF::API2 add-on using XS to speed up expensive operations
- PDF::API3(3) - Next version after PDF::API2
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2(3) - A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (aka. PDF)" Files.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Annotation(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - A special form of PDF::String which holds the strings true or false
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Numbers in PDF. Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Represents a PDF page, inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String(3) - PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PDF library
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::AATKern(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::AATutils(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Anchor(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Bsln(3) - Baseline table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Cmap(3) - Character map table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Coverage(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Cvt_(3) - Control Value Table in a TrueType font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Delta(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fdsc(3) - Font Descriptors table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Feat(3) - Font Features
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fmtx(3) - Font Metrics table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Font(3) - Memory representation of a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fpgm(3) - Font program in a TrueType font. Called when a font is loaded
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GDEF(3) - Opentype GDEF table support
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Glyf(3) - The Glyf data table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Glyph(3) - Holds a single glyph's information
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GPOS(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GSUB(3) - Module support for the GSUB table in conjunction with TTOpen
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hdmx(3) - Horizontal device metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Head(3) - The head table for a TTF Font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hhea(3) - Horizontal Header table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hmtx(3) - Horizontal Metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern(3) - Kerning tables
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::ClassArray(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::CompactClassArray(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::OrderedList(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::StateTable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::Subtable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Loca(3) - the Locations table, which is intimately tied to the glyf table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::LTSH(3) - Linear Threshold table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Maxp(3) - Maximum Profile table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Chain(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Contextual(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Insertion(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Ligature(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Noncontextual(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Rearrangement(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Subtable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Name(3) - String table for a TTF font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OldCmap(3) - Character map table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OldMort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OS_2(3) - the OS/2 table in a TTF font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::PCLT(3) - PCLT TrueType font table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Post(3) - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Prep(3) - Preparation hinting program. Called when ppem changes
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Prop(3) - Glyph Properties table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Segarr(3) - Segmented array
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Table(3) - Superclass for tables and used for tables we don't have a class for
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Ttc(3) - Truetype Collection class
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Ttopen(3) - Opentype superclass for standard Opentype lookup based tables (GSUB and GPOS)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Utils(3) - Utility functions to save fingers
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Vhea(3) - Vertical Header table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Vmtx(3) - Vertical Metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::XMLparse(3) - provides support for XML parsing. Requires Expat module XML::Parser::Expat
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Content(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Content::Text(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::HOWTO(3) - A basic set of guidelines to use PDF::API3::Compat::API2.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Lite(3) - lite pdf creation
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::NamedDestination(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Outline(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Outlines(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Page(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::BaseFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobemingstdlightacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobemyungjostdmediumacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobesongstdlightacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::kozgopromediumacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::kozminproregularacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::japanese(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::korean(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::simplified(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::traditional(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType::FontFile(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::Hue(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::WebColor(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ExtGState(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 PDF built-in Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::bankgothic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courier(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierboldoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courieroblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgia(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiaitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helvetica(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaboldoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::symbol(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesroman(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchet(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdana(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanaitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::webdings(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::wingdings(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::zapfdingbats(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::neTrueType(3) - Module for using 8bit nonembedded truetype Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::Postscript(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for using synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Pattern(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Shading(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::UniFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::codabar(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code3of9(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::ean13(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::int2of5(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::GD(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::GIF(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::JPEG(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNM(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Util(3) - utility package for often use methods across the package.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Win32(3)
- PDF::Builder(3) - Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
- PDF::Builder::Annotation(3) - Add annotations to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF(3) - Various utilities and support routines
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - A special form of PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String which holds the strings true or false
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-85
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCIIHexDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-Hex
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::FlateDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Flate
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::LZWDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Lempel-Ziv-Welch
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::RunLengthDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Run-Length
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Literal(3) - Literal PDF Object. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Numbers in PDF. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Represents a PDF page, inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String(3) - PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PDF library
- PDF::Builder::Content(3) - Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Content::Hyphenate_basic(3) - Simple hyphenation capability
- PDF::Builder::Content::Text(3) - additional specialized text-related formatting methods. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Content
- PDF::Builder::Docs(3) - additional documentation for Builder module
- PDF::Builder::Lite(3) - Lightweight PDF creation methods
- PDF::Builder::Matrix(3) - matrix operations library
- PDF::Builder::NamedDestination(3) - Add named destination shortcuts to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Outline(3) - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
- PDF::Builder::Outlines(3) - further Outline handling. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Outline
- PDF::Builder::Page(3) - Methods to interact with individual pages
- PDF::Builder::Resource(3) - Base class for PDF resources. Inherit from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont(3) - Base class for font resources
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont(3) - Base class for CID fonts
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3) - Base class for CJK fonts
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3) - TrueType font support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType::FontFile(3) - additional code support for TT font files. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Colors(3) - translate color names into RGB settings
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace(3) - Base class for PDF color spaces
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN(3) - colorspace handling for Device CMYK. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed(3) - base colorspace support for indexed color models. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3) - Adobe Color Table support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::Hue(3) - colorspace support for Device RGB. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::WebColor(3) - colorspace support for "Web Safe" Device RGB colors. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3) - Support for color space separations
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ExtGState(3) - Graphics state dictionary support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font(3) - some common support routines for font files. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 PDF built-in Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::bankgothic(3) - font-specific information for Bank Gothic font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courier(3) - font-specific information for regular Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierbold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierboldoblique(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courieroblique(3) - font-specific information for slanted Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgia(3) - font-specific information for regular Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiaitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helvetica(3) - font-specific information for regular Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaboldoblique(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaoblique(3) - font-specific information for slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::symbol(3) - font-specific information for the Symbol font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesroman(3) - font-specific information for regular (roman) Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchet(3) - font-specific information for regular Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbold(3) - font-specific information for bold-weight Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdana(3) - font-specific information for regular Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanaitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::webdings(3) - font-specific information for WebDings symbol font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::wingdings(3) - font-specific information for WingDings symbol font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::zapfdingbats(3) - font-specific information for Zapf Dingbats symbol font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::Postscript(3) - support routines for using PostScript fonts. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::Font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for using synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Glyphs(3) - preparsed uniglyph.txt file information
- PDF::Builder::Resource::PaperSizes(3) - list of standard paper sizes and their dimensions
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Pattern(3) - support stub for patterns. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Shading(3) - support stub for shading patterns. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource
- PDF::Builder::Resource::UniFont(3) - Unicode Font Support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject(3) - Base class for external objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form(3) - Base class for external form objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3) - Base class for one-dimensional barcodes
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::codabar(3) - specific information for CodaBar bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3) - Code 128 and EAN-128 barcode support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code3of9(3) - specific information for 3-of-9 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::ean13(3) - specific information for EAN-13 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::int2of5(3) - specific information for int 2-of-5 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid(3) - support routines for Forms. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Content, PDF::Builder::Content::Text, and PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image(3) - Base class for external raster image objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GD(3) - support routines for Graphics Development image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GIF(3) - support routines for GIF image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::JPEG(3) - support routines for JPEG image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG(3) - support routines for PNG image library (using pure Perl code). Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG_IPL(3) - support routines for PNG image library (using Image::PNG::Libpng). Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNM(3) - support routines for PNM (Portable aNy Map) image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3) - TIFF image support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File(3) - support routines for TIFF image library
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File_GT(3) - support routines for TIFF image library (Graphics::TIFF enabled)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF_GT(3) - TIFF image support (Graphics::TIFF enabled)
- PDF::Builder::UniWrap(3) - support routines for finding line breakpoints with Unicode text
- PDF::Builder::Util(3) - utility package for often-used methods across the package.
- PDF::Create(3) - Create PDF files.
- PDF::Create::Page(3) - PDF pages tree for PDF::Create
- PDF::Font(3) - Base font class for PDF::Create.
- PDF::FromHTML(3) - Convert HTML documents to PDF
- PDF::FromHTML::Template(3) - PDF::FromHTML::Template
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Always(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Conditional(3) - Required. This is a parameter name, whose value will determine if the conditional passed or fails. If NAME is not specified, the conditional will consider to always fail.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Font(3) - this is required. It must be a legal font face recognized by PDFLib. (q.v. for more details)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Footer(3) - the amount reserved for the footer from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Header(3) - the amount reserved for the header from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Loop(3) - the name of a parameter that points to an array of hashes.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Margin(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PageDef(3) - This determines any space kept empty on the left and right margins. MARGINS is a shortcut for specifying both the left and right margins to the same value.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PdfTemplate(3) - If this is set to true, then __LAST_PAGE__ will not be calculated. This can provide a decent speed improvement.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Row(3) - the height the row will consume when it is done.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Scope(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Section(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Bookmark(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Circle(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::HorizontalRule(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Image(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Line(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::PageBreak(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::TextBox(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Var(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Weblink(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Twig(3) - PDF::FromHTML guts
- PDF::Reuse(3) - Reuse and mass produce PDF documents
- PDF::Reuse::Util(3)
- PDF::Table(3) - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::Builder (or PDF::API2) object.
- PDF::Template(3) - PDF::Template
- PDF::Template::Container::Always(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::Conditional(3) - Required. This is a parameter name, whose value will determine if the conditional passed or fails. If NAME is not specified, the conditional will consider to always fail.
- PDF::Template::Container::Font(3) - this is required. It must be a legal font face recognized by PDFLib. (q.v. for more details)
- PDF::Template::Container::Footer(3) - the amount reserved for the footer from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::Template::Container::Header(3) - the amount reserved for the header from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::Template::Container::Loop(3) - the name of a parameter that points to an array of hashes.
- PDF::Template::Container::Margin(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::PageDef(3) - This determines any space kept empty on the left and right margins. MARGINS is a shortcut for specifying both the left and right margins to the same value.
- PDF::Template::Container::PdfTemplate(3) - If this is set to true, then __LAST_PAGE__ will not be calculated. This can provide a decent speed improvement.
- PDF::Template::Container::Row(3) - the height the row will consume when it is done.
- PDF::Template::Container::Scope(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::Section(3)
- PDF::Template::Element(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Bookmark(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Circle(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::HorizontalRule(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Image(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Line(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::PageBreak(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::TextBox(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Var(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Weblink(3)
- PDF::Tiny(3) - Minimal Lightweight PDF Library
- PDF::WebKit(3) - Use WebKit to Generate PDFs from HTML (via wkhtmltopdf)
- PDF::Writer(3) - PDF writer abstraction layer
- PDF::Writer::pdfapi2(3) - PDF::API2 backend
- PDF::Writer::pdflib(3) - pdflib_pl backend
- pdf2dcm(1) - Encapsulate PDF file into DICOM file format
- PDF2DJVU(1) - creates DjVu files from PDF files
- PDF2DSC(1) - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
- PDF2FAX(8C) - image Portable Document Format file for facsimile transmission by
- PDF2PS(1) - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
- pdf2swf(1) - Converts Acrobat PDF files into Flash SWF Animation files.
- pdf4tcl(n) - Pdf document generation
- PDFARRANGER(1) - Application for PDF Merging, Rearranging, Splitting, and Cropping
- pdfattach(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) document embedded file creator (version 3.03)
- PDFCONCAT(1) - program to concatenate several PDF files.
- PDFCRACK(1) - Password recovery tool for PDF-files
- pdfdetach(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) document embedded file extractor (version 3.03)
- pdfembedfonts(1) - PDF Metadata Updater
- pdf-extract-outline(1) - extract outlines (aka bookmarks) from PDF files
- pdffonts(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) font analyzer (version 3.03)
- PDFGREP(1) - search PDF files for a regular expression
- PDFINFO(1) - Print information about PDF file(s)
- PDFMOM(1) - produce PDF documents using the mom macro package for groff
- PDFOPEN(1) - open or close a PDF file viewer
- PDFOPT(1) - Ghostscript PDF Optimizer
- PDFORK(2) - System calls to manage process descriptors
- pdfoutline(1) - add outlines (aka bookmarks) to PDF files
- PDFPC(1) - PDF presenter console with multi-monitor support
- PDFPCRC(5) - pdfpc configuration file
- PDFRESURRECT(1) - tool for extracting versioning data from PDF documents
- PDFROFF(1) - create PDF documents using groff
- pdfseparate(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) page extractor
- pdfsig(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) digital signatures tool
- PDFTEX.CFG(5) - configuration settings for MiKTeX-pdfTeX
- PDFTK(1) - A handy tool for manipulating PDF
- pdftocairo(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PNG/JPEG/TIFF/PDF/PS/EPS/SVG using cairo
- PDFTOHTML(1) - program to convert PDF files into HTML, XML and PNG images
- pdftopng(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Network Graphics (PNG) converter (version 3.04)
- pdftoppm(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM) converter (version 3.03)
- pdftops(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter (version 3.03)
- pdftosrc(1) - extract source file or stream from PDF file
- pdftotext(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (version 3.03)
- pdfunite(1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) page merger
- PDL(3) - the Perl Data Language
- PDL2(1) - Simple shell (version 2) for PDL
- pdl2(3) - Simple shell (version 2) for PDL
- PDLCommands(3) - implement perldl aliases/escapes
- PDLDOC(1) - shell interface to PDL documentation
- Pdlpp(3) - Write PDL Subroutines inline with PDL::PP
- PDMENU(1) - simple full screen menu program
- PDMENURC(5) - menu definitions file for pdmenu
- PDNMESH(1) - A 2D finite element mesh generator and solver
- PDNMESH_INPUT(5) - used by pdnmesh, a 2D finite element program
- PDNS_CONTROL(1) - Control the PowerDNS nameserver
- PDNS_RECURSOR(1) - The PowerDNS Recursor binary
- PDNS_SERVER(1) - The PowerDNS Authoritative Nameserver
- PDNSD.CONF(5) - The configuration file for pdnsd
- PDNSD(8) - dns proxy daemon
- PDNSD-CTL(8) - controls pdnsd
- PDNSUTIL(1) - PowerDNS record and DNSSEC command and control
- pdsh(1) - copy files to groups of hosts in parallel
- PDUMPFS(8) - A daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
- PEAK-CLASSIFIER(1) - Classify peaks in a BED file according to features in a GFF
- PEAR(1) - Paired-end reads merger
- Pearson(3) - Perl interface to Pearson hash
- PECOMPAT(1) - Maximize compatibility of a Windows PE file
- pedal(6) - pretty geometric picture program
- PEDIS(1) - disassemble PE sections and functions
- PEE(1) - tee standard input to pipes
- PEEKC(3) - shows the next character in the file
- peepers(6) - floating eyeballs.
- PEG-E(6) - peg elimination solitaire game
- Pegex::API(3)
- Pegex::Bootstrap(3) - Bootstrapping Compiler for a Pegex Grammar
- Pegex::Compiler(3) - Pegex Compiler
- Pegex::Grammar(3) - Pegex Grammar Base Class
- Pegex::Grammar::Atoms(3) - Pegex Regex Atoms
- Pegex::Input(3) - Pegex Parser Input Abstraction
- Pegex::Miscellany(3)
- Pegex::Module(3) - Base Class for Pegex Grammar Interface Modules
- Pegex::Overview(3)
- Pegex::Parser(3) - Pegex Parser Runtime
- Pegex::Pegex::Grammar(3) - Pegex Grammar for the Pegex Grammar Language
- Pegex::Receiver(3) - Base Class for All Pegex Receivers
- Pegex::Regex(3) - Use Pegex Like a Regex
- Pegex::Resources(3)
- Pegex::Syntax(3)
- Pegex::Tree(3) - Pegex Parse Tree Receiver
- Pegex::Tree::Wrap(3) - Pegex Wrapper Parse Tree Receiver
- Pegex::Tutorial(3)
- Pegex::Tutorial::Calculator(3)
- Pegex::Tutorial::JSON(3)
- pegrep(1)
- PEHASH(1) - calculate hashes of PE pieces
- peicon(1)
- pekwm(1) - a tabbed window manager
- pekwm_bg(1) - a simple background setting application k
- pekwm_dialog(1) - a xmessage inspired dialog application
- pekwm_panel(1) - a simple panel for use with pekwm
- pekwm_sreenshot(1) - a simple screenshot application
- pekwm_theme(1) - theme management for pekwm
- PEM(1) - encode files in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format
- PEM_ASN1_READ(3) - PEM and DER decode an arbitrary ASN.1 value
- PEM_BYTES_READ_BIO(3) - read a PEM-encoded data structure from a BIO
- PEM_BYTES_READ_BIO(3ossl) - read a PEM-encoded data structure from a BIO
- PEM_READ(3) - PEM encoding routines
- PEM_READ(3ossl) - PEM encoding routines
- PEM_READ_BIO_EX(3) - read PEM format files with custom processing
- PEM_READ_BIO_EX(3ossl) - read PEM format files with custom processing
- PEM_READ_BIO_PRIVATEKEY(3ossl) - PEM routines
- PEM_READ_CMS(3) - PEM object encoding routines
- PEM_READ_CMS(3ossl) - PEM object encoding routines
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_ASN1_STREAM(3) - generic PEM encoder
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_CMS_STREAM(3) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in PEM format
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_CMS_STREAM(3ossl) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in PEM format
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_PKCS7_STREAM(3) - output PKCS7 structure in PEM format
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_PKCS7_STREAM(3ossl) - output PKCS7 structure in PEM format
- PEM_X509_INFO_READ(3) - PEM and DER decode X.509 certificates, private keys, and revocation lists
- PEM_X509_INFO_READ_BIO_EX(3ossl) - read PEM-encoded data structures into one or more X509_INFO objects
- PEM2OPENPGP(1) - translate PEM-encoded RSA keys to OpenPGP certificates
- PENCTL(1) - control a running pen load balancer
- penetrate(6) - simulates a classic arcade shooting game
- PENGUIN-COMMAND(6) - a missile command clone
- PENLOG(1) - pipe Apache logs to penlogd
- PENLOGD(1) - consolidate web server logs
- penrose(6) - draws quasiperiodic tilings
- PENTOBI(6) - computer opponent for the board game Blokus
- PEOCHK(8) - Initial key generator and integrity log file checker
- people(2) - fetch a structure containing all ttys, whose owner behaves like a human
- PEPACK(1) - check if a PE file is packed
- PEPS(1) - manual page for peps v.2.0
- PERCONA-TOOLKIT(1) - Advanced command-line tools for MySQL
- PERDITION(8) - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
- PERDITIONDB(5) - perdition modular popmap support
- PERES(1) - analyze and extract PE file resources
- PERFDHCP(8) - DHCP benchmarking tool
- PERIODIC.CONF(5) - periodic job configuration information
- PERIODIC(8) - run periodic system functions
- PERIODIC-SNAPSHOT(8) - run periodic UFS/ZFS backup snapshot maintenance task
- Perl::Critic(3) - Critique Perl source code for best-practices.
- Perl::Critic::Annotation(3) - A "## no critic" annotation in a document.
- Perl::Critic::Bangs(3) - A collection of handy Perl::Critic policies
- Perl::Critic::Command(3) - Guts of perlcritic.
- Perl::Critic::Config(3) - The final derived Perl::Critic configuration, combined from any profile file and command-line parameters.
- Perl::Critic::CORE_DEVELOPER(3) - Hints for working on the Perl::Critic core.
- Perl::Critic::Deprecated(3) - Policies and modules that were formerly included with Perl::Critic itself, but which have been superseded by others.
- Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER(3) - How to make new Perl::Critic::Policy modules.
- Perl::Critic::Document(3) - Caching wrapper around a PPI::Document.
- Perl::Critic::Exception(3) - A problem identified by Perl::Critic.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration(3) - A collection of a set of problems found in the configuration and/or command-line options.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Generic(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic configuration that doesn't involve an option.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentPolicy(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option(3) - A problem with an option in the Perl::Critic configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic global configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ExtraParameter(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent global option.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue(3) - A problem with the value of a global parameter.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy(3) - A problem with configuration of a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ExtraParameter(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent parameter for a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ParameterValue(3) - A problem with the value of a parameter for a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal(3) - A problem that should cause Perl::Critic to stop running.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic(3) - A problem for which there is no specialized information.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Internal(3) - A problem with the Perl::Critic implementation, i.e. a bug.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::PolicyDefinition(3) - A bug in a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::IO(3) - A problem with input or output.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Parse(3) - The code doesn't look like code.
- Perl::Critic::Itch(3) - A collection of Perl::Critic Policies to solve some Itches
- Perl::Critic::Moose(3) - Policies for Perl::Critic concerned with using Moose
- Perl::Critic::More(3) - Supplemental policies for Perl::Critic
- Perl::Critic::OptionsProcessor(3) - The global configuration default values, combined with command-line values.
- Perl::Critic::Policy(3) - Base class for all Policy modules.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitBitwiseOperators(3) - Bitwise operators are usually accidentally used instead of logical boolean operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitCommentedOutCode(3) - Commented-out code is usually noise. It should be removed.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitFlagComments(3) - Don't use XXX, TODO, or FIXME.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitNoPlan(3) - Know what you're going to test.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitNumberedNames(3) - Prohibit variables differentiated by trailing numbers.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitRefProtoOrProto(3) - Create a "clone()" method if you need copies of objects.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitUselessRegexModifiers(3) - Adding modifiers to a regular expression made up entirely of a variable created with qr() is usually not doing what you expect.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitVagueNames(3) - Don't use generic variable names.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitBooleanGrep(3) - Use "List::MoreUtils::any" instead of "grep" in boolean context.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitComplexMappings(3) - Map blocks should have a single statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr(3) - Use 4-argument "substr" instead of writing "substr($foo, 2, 6) = $bar".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitReverseSortBlock(3) - Forbid $b before $a in sort blocks.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitShiftRef(3) - Prohibit "\shift" in code
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitSleepViaSelect(3) - Use Time::HiRes instead of something like "select(undef, undef, undef, .05)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval(3) - Write "eval { my $foo; bar($foo) }" instead of "eval "my $foo; bar($foo);"".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit(3) - Write "split /-/, $string" instead of "split '-', $string".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUniversalCan(3) - Write "eval { $foo->can($name) }" instead of "UNIVERSAL::can($foo, $name)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUniversalIsa(3) - Write "eval { $foo->isa($pkg) }" instead of "UNIVERSAL::isa($foo, $pkg)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUselessTopic(3) - Don't pass $_ to built-in functions that assume it, or to most filetest operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidGrep(3) - Don't use "grep" in void contexts.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidMap(3) - Don't use "map" in void contexts.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockGrep(3) - Write "grep { /$pattern/ } @list" instead of "grep /$pattern/, @list".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockMap(3) - Write "map { /$pattern/ } @list" instead of "map /$pattern/, @list".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireGlobFunction(3) - Use "glob q{*}" instead of <*>.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireSimpleSortBlock(3) - Sort blocks should have a single statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitAutoloading(3) - AUTOLOAD methods should be avoided.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitExplicitISA(3) - Employ "use base" instead of "@ISA".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitOneArgBless(3) - Write "bless {}, $class;" instead of just "bless {};".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitFatCommaNewline(3) - keep a fat comma on the same line as its quoted word
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs(3) - Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitHashBarewords(3)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitIfIfSameLine(3) - don't put if after if on same line
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitParensWithBuiltins(3) - Write "open $handle, $path" instead of "open($handle, $path)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitQuotedWordLists(3) - Write "qw(foo bar baz)" instead of "('foo', 'bar', 'baz')".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitTrailingWhitespace(3) - Don't use whitespace at the end of lines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireASCII(3) - Disallow high-bit characters.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireConsistentNewlines(3) - Use the same newline through the source.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireFinalSemicolon(3) - require a semicolon at the end of code blocks
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode(3) - Must run code through perltidy.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTrailingCommaAtNewline(3) - comma at end of list at newline
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTrailingCommas(3) - Put a comma at the end of every multi-line list declaration, including the last one.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireUseUTF8(3) - Require that all modules have a "use utf8;" statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ConstantLeadingUnderscore(3) - new enough "constant" module for leading underscores
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ConstantPragmaHash(3) - new enough "constant" module for multiple constants
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::Gtk2Constants(3) - new enough Gtk2 version for its constants
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy(3) - explicit Perl version for features used
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PodMinimumVersion(3) - check Perl version declared against POD features used
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ProhibitUnixDevNull(3) - don't use explicit /dev/null
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitCascadingIfElse(3) - Don't write long "if-elsif-elsif-elsif-elsif...else" chains.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops(3) - Write "for(0..20)" instead of "for($i=0; $i<=20; $i++)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitDeepNests(3) - Don't write deeply nested loops and conditionals.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitLabelsWithSpecialBlockNames(3) - Don't use labels that are the same as the special block names.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions(3) - Don't modify "$_" in list functions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitNegativeExpressionsInUnlessAndUntilConditions(3) - Don't use operators like "not", "!~", and "le" within "until" and "unless".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls(3) - Write "if($condition){ do_something() }" instead of "do_something() if $condition".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUnlessBlocks(3) - Write "if(! $condition)" instead of "unless($condition)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUnreachableCode(3) - Don't write code after an unconditional "die, exit, or next".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUntilBlocks(3) - Write "while(! $condition)" instead of "until($condition)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitYadaOperator(3) - Never use "..." in production code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::PodSpelling(3) - Check your spelling.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitAdjacentLinks(3) - consecutive L<> links
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitBadAproposMarkup(3) - don't use C<> markup in a NAME section
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateHeadings(3) - don't duplicate =head names
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateSeeAlso(3) - don't duplicate L<> links in SEE ALSO
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitLinkToSelf(3) - don't L<> link to own POD
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma(3) - avoid comma at end of section
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitParagraphTwoDots(3) - don't end a paragraph with two dots
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitUnbalancedParens(3) - don't leave an open bracket or paren
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitVerbatimMarkup(3) - unexpanded C<> etc markup in POD verbatim paras
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireEndBeforeLastPod(3) - require __END__ before POD at end of file
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireFilenameMarkup(3) - markup /foo filenames
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireFinalCut(3) - end POD with =cut directive
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireLinkedURLs(3) - use L<> markup on URLs in POD
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName(3) - The "=head1 NAME" section should match the package.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePodAtEnd(3) - All POD should be after "__END__".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePodSections(3) - Organize your POD into the customary sections.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePODUseEncodingUTF8(3) - Require that all modules that contain POD have a "=encoding utf8" declaration.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables(3) - Per-file editor settings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCarping(3) - Use functions from Carp instead of "warn" or "die".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval(3) - You can't depend upon the value of "$@"/"$EVAL_ERROR" to tell whether an "eval" failed.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireUseOfExceptions(3) - Use exceptions instead of "die", "croak", or "confess".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitBacktickOperators(3) - Discourage stuff like "@files = `ls $directory`".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordFileHandles(3) - Write "open my $fh, q{<}, $filename;" instead of "open FH, q{<}, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin(3) - Use "<>" or "<ARGV>" or a prompting module instead of "<STDIN>".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest(3) - Use prompt() instead of -t.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitJoinedReadline(3) - Use "local $/ = undef" or Path::Tiny instead of joined readline.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitOneArgSelect(3) - Never write "select($fh)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitReadlineInForLoop(3) - Write "while( $line = <> ){...}" instead of "for(<>){...}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen(3) - Write "open $fh, q{<}, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, "<$filename";".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint(3) - Write "print {$FH} $foo, $bar;" instead of "print $FH $foo, $bar;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen(3) - Close filehandles as soon as possible after opening them.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedClose(3) - Write "my $error = close $fh;" instead of "close $fh;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedOpen(3) - Write "my $error = open $fh, $mode, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, $mode, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedSyscalls(3) - Return value of flagged function ignored.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireEncodingWithUTF8Layer(3) - Write "open $fh, q{<:encoding(UTF-8)}, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, q{<:utf8}, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitFormats(3) - Do not use "format".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitTies(3) - Do not use "tie".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic(3) - Forbid a bare "## no critic"
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic(3) - Remove ineffective "## no critic" annotations.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords(3) - Put source-control keywords in every file.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::TextDomainPlaceholders(3) - check placeholder names in Locale::TextDomain calls
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::TextDomainUnused(3) - check for Locale::TextDomain imported but unused
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::PerlMinimumVersion(3) - Enforce backward compatible code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation(3) - Export symbols via "@EXPORT_OK" or "%EXPORT_TAGS" instead of "@EXPORT".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitConditionalUseStatements(3) - Avoid putting conditional logic around compile-time includes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitEvilModules(3) - Ban modules that aren't blessed by your shop.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitExcessMainComplexity(3) - Minimize complexity in code that is outside of subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitModuleShebang(3) - don't put a #! line at the start of a module file
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages(3) - Put packages (especially subclasses) in separate files.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport(3) - don't import the whole of POSIX into a module
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitUseQuotedVersion(3) - avoid quoted version number string in a "use" statement
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireBarewordIncludes(3) - Write "require Module" instead of "require 'Module.pm'".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireEndWithOne(3) - End each module with an explicitly "1;" instead of some funky expression.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireExplicitPackage(3) - Always make the "package" explicit.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage(3) - Package declaration must match filename.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireNoMatchVarsWithUseEnglish(3) - "use English" must be passed a "-no_match_vars" argument.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequirePerlVersion(3) - Require a "use 5.006;" or similar.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireVersionVar(3) - Give every module a "$VERSION" number.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitDESTROYMethod(3) - Use DEMOLISH instead of DESTROY
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitLazyBuild(3) - Avoid lazy_build
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitMultipleWiths(3) - Require role composition
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitNewMethod(3) - Don't override Moose's standard constructors.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::RequireCleanNamespace(3) - Require removing implementation details from you packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::RequireMakeImmutable(3) - Ensure that you've made your Moose code fast
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::Capitalization(3) - Distinguish different program components by case.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames(3) - Don't use vague variable or subroutine names like 'last' or 'record'.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseSubs(3) - Write "sub my_function{}" instead of "sub MyFunction{}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseVars(3) - Write "$my_variable = 42" instead of "$MyVariable = 42".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Objects::ProhibitIndirectSyntax(3) - Prohibit indirect object call syntax.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::References::ProhibitDoubleSigils(3) - Write "@{ $array_ref }" instead of "@$array_ref".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest(3) - Capture variable used outside conditional.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitComplexRegexes(3) - Split long regexps into smaller "qr//" chunks.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses(3) - Use named character classes instead of explicit character lists.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEscapedMetacharacters(3) - Use character classes for literal meta-characters instead of escapes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitFixedStringMatches(3) - Use "eq" or hash instead of fixed-pattern regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation(3) - Use "[abc]" instead of "a|b|c".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture(3) - Only use a capturing group if you plan to use the captured value.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusualDelimiters(3) - Use only "//" or "{}" to delimit regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUselessTopic(3) - Don't use $_ to match against regexes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireBracesForMultiline(3) - Use "{" and "}" to delimit multi-line regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything(3) - Always use the "/s" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireExtendedFormatting(3) - Always use the "/x" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching(3) - Always use the "/m" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitAmpersandSigils(3) - Don't call functions with a leading ampersand sigil.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms(3) - Don't declare your own "open" function.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity(3) - Minimize complexity by factoring code into smaller subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef(3) - Return failure with bare "return" instead of "return undef".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs(3) - Too many arguments.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs(3) - "sub never { sub correct {} }".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitReturnSort(3) - Behavior of "sort" is not defined if called in scalar context.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes(3) - Don't write "sub my_function (@@) {}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines(3) - Prevent unused private subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs(3) - Prevent access to private subs in other packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking(3) - Always unpack "@_" first.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn(3) - End every path through a subroutine with an explicit "return" statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict(3) - Prohibit various flavors of "no strict".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings(3) - Prohibit various flavors of "no warnings".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitProlongedStrictureOverride(3) - Don't turn off strict for large blocks of code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLabels(3) - Tests should all have labels.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict(3) - Always "use strict".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings(3) - Always "use warnings".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitLongLines(3) - 80 x 40 for life!
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitManyArrows(3) - (this => is => not => good)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitUseBase(3) - do not use base.pm
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ConstantBeforeLt(3) - disallow bareword before <
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::NotWithCompare(3) - logical not used with compare
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitArrayAssignAref(3) - don't assign an anonymous arrayref to an array
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon(3) - don't use Foo:: style barewords
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitCommaSeparatedStatements(3) - Don't use the comma operator as a statement separator.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitComplexVersion(3) - Prohibit version values from outside the module.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma(3) - Don't "use constant FOO => 15".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitDuplicateHashKeys(3) - disallow duplicate literal hash keys
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyCommas(3) - disallow empty consecutive commas
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes(3) - Write "q{}" instead of "''".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEscapedCharacters(3) - Write ""\N{DELETE}"" instead of ""\x7F"", etc.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_f(3) - don't use the -f file test
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitImplicitNewlines(3) - Use concatenation or HEREDOCs instead of literal line breaks in strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals(3) - Always use single quotes for literal strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros(3) - Write "oct(755)" instead of "0755".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLongChainsOfMethodCalls(3) - Long chains of method calls indicate tightly coupled code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers(3) - Don't use values that don't explain themselves.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMismatchedOperators(3) - Don't mix numeric operators with string operands, or vice-versa.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators(3) - Write " !$foo && $bar || $baz " instead of " not $foo && $bar or $baz".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNoisyQuotes(3) - Use "q{}" or "qq{}" instead of quotes for awkward-looking strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNullStatements(3) - disallow empty statements (stray semicolons)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitQuotesAsQuotelikeOperatorDelimiters(3) - Don't use quotes ("'", """, "`") as delimiters for the quote-like operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSpecialLiteralHeredocTerminator(3) - Don't write " print <<'__END__' ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitUnknownBackslash(3) - don't use undefined backslash forms
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitVersionStrings(3) - Don't use strings like "v1.4" or "1.4.5" when including other modules.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantOnLeftSideOfEquality(3) - Putting the constant value on the left side of an equality exposes typos.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantVersion(3) - Require $VERSION to be a constant rather than a computed value.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars(3) - Warns that you might have used single quotes when you really wanted double-quotes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators(3) - Write " 141_234_397.0145 " instead of " 141234397.0145 ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumericVersion(3) - $VERSION a plain number
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireQuotedHeredocTerminator(3) - Write " print <<'THE_END' " or " print <<"THE_END" ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireUpperCaseHeredocTerminator(3) - Write " <<'THE_END'; " instead of " <<'theEnd'; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RestrictLongStrings(3) - Stop mixing long strings with code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::UnexpandedSpecialLiteral(3) - specials like __PACKAGE__ used literally
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration(3) - Do not write " my $foo .= 'bar'; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitConditionalDeclarations(3) - Do not write " my $foo = $bar if $baz; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitEvilVariables(3) - Ban variables that aren't blessed by your shop.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitLocalVars(3) - Use "my" instead of "local", except when you have to.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitMatchVars(3) - Avoid "$`", "$&", "$'" and their English equivalents.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPackageVars(3) - Eliminate globals declared with "our" or "use vars".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPerl4PackageNames(3) - Use double colon (::) to separate package name components instead of single quotes (').
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars(3) - Write "$EVAL_ERROR" instead of "$@".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitReusedNames(3) - Do not reuse a variable name in a lexical scope
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables(3) - Don't ask for storage you don't need.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProtectPrivateVars(3) - Prevent access to private vars in other packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars(3) - Write "local $foo = $bar;" instead of just "local $foo;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators(3) - Write "for my $element (@list) {...}" instead of "for $element (@list) {...}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars(3) - Magic variables should be assigned as "local".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireNegativeIndices(3) - Negative array index should be used.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig(3) - Configuration data for a Policy.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory(3) - Instantiates Policy objects.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyListing(3) - Display minimal information about Policies.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter(3) - Metadata about a parameter for a Policy.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior(3) - Default type-specific actions for a parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Boolean(3) - Actions appropriate for a boolean parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Enumeration(3) - Actions appropriate for an enumerated value.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Integer(3) - Actions appropriate for an integer parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::String(3) - Actions appropriate for a simple string parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::StringList(3) - Actions appropriate for a parameter that is a list of strings.
- Perl::Critic::PolicySummary(3) - Descriptions of the Policy modules included with Perl::Critic itself.
- Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype(3) - Generate an initial Perl::Critic profile.
- Perl::Critic::Pulp(3) - some add-on perlcritic policies
- Perl::Critic::Pulp::PodParser(3) - shared POD parsing code for the Pulp perlcritic add-on
- Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils(3) - shared helper code for the Pulp perlcritic add-on
- Perl::Critic::Statistics(3) - Compile stats on Perl::Critic violations.
- Perl::Critic::Swift(3) - A set of additional policies for Perl::Critic.
- Perl::Critic::TestUtils(3) - Utility functions for testing new Policies.
- Perl::Critic::Theme(3) - Construct thematic sets of policies.
- Perl::Critic::ThemeListing(3) - List the themes of the installed Policies.
- Perl::Critic::Tics(3) - policies for things that make me wince
- Perl::Critic::UserProfile(3) - The contents of the user's profile, often .perlcriticrc.
- Perl::Critic::Utils(3) - General utility subroutines and constants for Perl::Critic and derivative distributions.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants(3) - Global constants.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion(3) - Utilities for converting from one type of data to another.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::McCabe(3) - Functions that calculate the McCabe score of source code.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::Perl(3) - Utility functions for dealing with Perl language issues.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::POD(3) - Utility functions for dealing with POD.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::POD::ParseInteriorSequence(3) - Pod::Parser subclass to find all interior sequences.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI(3) - Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::PPIRegexp(3) - Utility functions for dealing with PPI regexp tokens.
- Perl::Critic::Violation(3) - A violation of a Policy found in some source code.
- Perl::Lint(3) - Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter
- Perl::Metrics::Lite(3) - Pluggable Perl Code Metrics System
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis(3) - Contains anaylsis results.
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis::Util(3) - Utility class for PPI::Document operation
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::FileFinder(3) - find perl files in paths
- Perl::Metrics::Simple(3) - Count packages, subs, lines, etc. of many files.
- Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis(3) - Contains anaylsis results.
- Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis::File(3) - Methods analyzing a single file.
- Perl::MinimumVersion(3) - Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
- Perl::osnames(3) - List possible $^O ($OSNAME) values, with description
- Perl::OSType(3) - Map Perl operating system names to generic types
- Perl::PrereqScanner(3) - a tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite(3) - Lightweight Prereqs Scanner for Perl
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite::Scanner::Moose(3) - Extra Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite Scanner for Moose Family
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite::Scanner::Version(3) - Extra Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite Scanner for VERSION method
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite(3) - a tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::App(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Context(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Aliased(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::AnyMoose(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Autouse(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Catalyst(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassAccessor(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassAutouse(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassLoad(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Core(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Inline(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::KeywordDeclare(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Later(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Mixin(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ModuleRuntime(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::MojoBase(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Moose(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::MooseXDeclare(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ObjectPad(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Only(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::PackageVariant(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Plack(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::POE(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Prefork(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Superclass(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Syntax(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::SyntaxCollector(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestClassMost(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestMore(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestRequires(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::UniversalVersion(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Unless(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Tokens(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util::CPANfile(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util::Prereqs(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner(3) - something that scans for prereqs in a Perl document
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Aliased(3) - scan for OO module aliases via aliased.pm
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Moose(3) - scan for Moose sugar indicators of required modules
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Perl5(3) - scan for core Perl 5 language indicators of required modules
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::POE(3) - scan for POE components
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Superclass(3) - scan for modules loaded with superclass.pm
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::TestMore(3) - scanner to find recent Test::More usage
- Perl::Tidy(3) - Parses and beautifies perl source
- Perl::Version(3) - Parse and manipulate Perl version strings
- PERL_PERFORMANCE(1) - $b if /g/ } # Copy needed only if modifying. for( $x ) { $b = 1 - $b if /g/ } local *_ = \$x; $b = 1 - $b if /g/; local $_ = $x; $b = 1 - $b if /g/; # Copy cheaper than alias. my $y = $x; $b = 1 - $b if $y =~ /g/;
- PERL2HTML(1) - generates highlighted html-files from Perl source
- Perl4::CoreLibs(3) - libraries historically supplied with Perl 4
- PERL5004DELTA(1) - what's new for perl5.004
- PERL5005DELTA(1) - what's new for perl5.005
- PERL5100DELTA(1) - what is new for perl 5.10.0
- PERL5101DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.10.1
- PERL5120DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.0
- PERL5121DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.1
- PERL5122DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.2
- PERL5123DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.3
- PERL5124DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.4
- PERL5125DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.12.5
- PERL5140DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.14.0
- PERL5141DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.14.1
- PERL5142DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.14.2
- PERL5143DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.14.3
- PERL5144DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.14.4
- PERL5160DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.16.0
- PERL5161DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.16.1
- PERL5162DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.16.2
- PERL5163DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.16.3
- PERL5180DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.18.0
- PERL5181DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.18.1
- PERL5182DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.18.2
- PERL5184DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.18.4
- PERL5200DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.20.0
- PERL5201DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.20.1
- PERL5202DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.20.2
- PERL5203DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.20.3
- PERL5220DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.22.0
- PERL5221DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.22.1
- PERL5222DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.22.2
- PERL5223DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.22.3
- PERL5224DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.22.4
- PERL5240DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.24.0
- PERL5241DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.24.1
- PERL5242DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.24.2
- PERL5243DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.24.3
- PERL5244DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.24.4
- PERL5260DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.26.0
- PERL5261DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.26.1
- PERL5262DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.26.2
- PERL5263DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.26.3
- PERL5280DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.28.0
- PERL5281DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.28.1
- PERL5282DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.28.2
- PERL5283DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.28.3
- PERL5300DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.30.0
- PERL5301DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.30.1
- PERL5302DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.30.2
- PERL5303DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.30.3
- PERL5320DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.32.0
- PERL5321DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.32.1
- PERL5340DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.34.0
- PERL5341DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.34.1
- PERL561DELTA(1) - what's new for perl v5.6.1
- PERL56DELTA(1) - what's new for perl v5.6.0
- PERL581DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.1
- PERL582DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.2
- PERL583DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.3
- PERL584DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.4
- PERL585DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.5
- PERL586DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.6
- PERL587DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.7
- PERL588DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.8
- PERL589DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.9
- PERL58DELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.8.0
- perl5db(3) - the perl debugger
- Perl6::Builtins(3) - Provide Perl 5 versions of the new Perl 6 builtins
- Perl6::Export::Attrs(3) - The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
- Perl6::Junction(3) - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5.
- Perl6::Say(3) - "print()", but no newline needed
- Perl6::Slurp(3) - Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
- Perl6::Subs(3) - Define your subroutines in the Perl 6 style
- PERLAIX(1) - Perl version 5 on IBM AIX (UNIX) systems
- PERLAMIGA(1) - Perl under AmigaOS 4.1
- PERLANDROID(1) - Perl under Android
- PERLANET(1) - command line interface to Perlanet.pm
- Perlanet(3) - A program for creating programs that aggregate web feeds (both RSS and Atom).
- Perlanet::Entry(3) - represents an entry in a feed
- Perlanet::Feed(3) - represents a feed
- Perlanet::Simple(3) - a DWIM Perlanet
- Perlanet::Trait::Cache(3) - cache feeds with CHI
- Perlanet::Trait::FeedFile(3) - save the aggregated feed to a file
- Perlanet::Trait::OPML(3) - generate an OPML file
- Perlanet::Trait::Scrubber(3) - clean posts with HTML::Scrubber before aggregating
- Perlanet::Trait::TemplateToolkit(3) - render the feed via a Template Toolkit template
- Perlanet::Trait::Tidy(3) - run posts through HTML::Tidy
- Perlanet::Trait::YAMLConfig(3) - configure Perlanet through a YAML configuration file
- Perlanet::Types(3) - Various types for the Perlanet system.
- PERLAPI(1) - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
- PERLAPIO(1) - perl's IO abstraction interface.
- PERLARTISTIC(1) - the Perl Artistic License
- PERLBAL(1) - Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
- Perlbal(3) - Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
- Perlbal::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual(3) - Guide and reference manual for Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Configuration(3) - How to configure Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Contributing(3) - How to contribute to Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Credits(3) - Author and contributor credits
- Perlbal::Manual::Debugging(3) - Debugging Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::FailOver(3) - Fail Over mechanism in Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::HighPriority(3) - Perlbal's high/low priority queueing system.
- Perlbal::Manual::Hooks(3) - How Perlbal's hooks work
- Perlbal::Manual::Install(3) - Steps, dependencies and requirements to install Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Internals(3) - Perlbal's architecture at a glance
- Perlbal::Manual::LoadBalancer(3) - Using Perlbal as a Load Balancer
- Perlbal::Manual::Logging(3) - How Perlbal's logging system works
- Perlbal::Manual::Management(3) - Managing Perlbal on-the-fly
- Perlbal::Manual::Plugins(3) - Creating and using plugins
- Perlbal::Manual::ReverseProxy(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a Reverse Proxy
- Perlbal::Manual::Roles(3) - Roles supported by Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Selector(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a virtual service that maps onto other services
- Perlbal::Manual::WebServer(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a Web Server
- Perlbal::Plugin::Cgilike(3) - Handle Perlbal requests with a Perl subroutine
- Perlbal::Plugin::FlvStreaming(3) - Enable FLV streaming with reverse proxy
- Perlbal::Plugin::Include(3) - Allows multiple, nesting configuration files
- Perlbal::Plugin::MaxContentLength(3) - Reject large requests
- Perlbal::Plugin::Palimg(3) - plugin that allows Perlbal to serve palette altered images
- Perlbal::Plugin::PSGI(3) - PSGI web server on Perlbal
- Perlbal::Plugin::Redirect(3) - Plugin to do redirecting in Perlbal land
- Perlbal::Plugin::Throttle(3) - Perlbal plugin that throttles connections from hosts that connect too frequently.
- Perlbal::Plugin::XFFExtras(3) - Perlbal plugin that can optionally add an X-Forwarded-Port and/or X-Forwarded-Proto header to reverse proxied requests.
- Perlbal::Test(3) - Test harness for perlbal server
- Perlbal::Util(3)
- PERLBOOK(1) - Books about and related to Perl
- PERLBOOT(1) - Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- PERLBOT(1) - Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- PERLBREW(1) - Perl environment manager.
- PERLBS2000(1) - building and installing Perl for BS2000.
- PERLBUG(1) - how to submit bug reports on Perl
- PERLCALL(1) - Perl calling conventions from C
- PERLCC(1) - generate executables from Perl programs
- PERLCHEAT(1) - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
- PERLCLIB(1) - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
- PERLCN(1) - XXXX Perl XX
- PERLCOMMUNITY(1) - a brief overview of the Perl community
- perlcompile(3) - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator
- PERLCRITIC(1) - Command-line interface to critique Perl source.
- PerlCryptLib(3) - Perl interface to Peter Guttman's cryptlib API
- PERLCYGWIN(1) - Perl for Cygwin
- PERLDATA(1) - Perl data types
- PERLDBMFILTER(1) - Perl DBM Filters
- PERLDEBGUTS(1) - Guts of Perl debugging
- PERLDEBTUT(1) - Perl debugging tutorial
- PERLDEBUG(1) - Perl debugging
- PERLDELTA(1) - what is new for perl v5.34.1
- PERLDEPRECATION(1) - list Perl deprecations
- PERLDL(1) - Simple shell for PDL (see also pdl2)
- Perldl2(3) - profile for Perldl2 shell
- PERLDOC(1) - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
- PERLDOCSTYLE(1) - A style guide for writing Perl's documentation
- PERLDOS(1) - Perl under DOS, W31, W95.
- PERLDSC(1) - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
- PERLDTRACE(1) - Perl's support for DTrace
- PERLEBCDIC(1) - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
- PERLEMBED(1) - how to embed perl in your C program
- PERLEXPERIMENT(1) - A listing of experimental features in Perl
- PERLFAQ(1) - Frequently asked questions about Perl
- PERLFAQ1(1) - General Questions About Perl
- PERLFAQ2(1) - Obtaining and Learning about Perl
- PERLFAQ3(1) - Programming Tools
- PERLFAQ4(1) - Data Manipulation
- PERLFAQ5(1) - Files and Formats
- PERLFAQ6(1) - Regular Expressions
- PERLFAQ7(1) - General Perl Language Issues
- PERLFAQ8(1) - System Interaction
- PERLFAQ9(1) - Web, Email and Networking
- PERLFILTER(1) - Source Filters
- perlfilter(3) - Source Filters
- PERLFORK(1) - Perl's fork() emulation
- PERLFORM(1) - Perl formats
- PERLFREEBSD(1) - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
- PERLFUNC(1) - Perl builtin functions
- PERLGIT(1) - Detailed information about git and the Perl repository
- PERLGLOSSARY(1) - Perl Glossary
- PERLGOV(1) - Perl Rules of Governance
- PERLGPL(1) - the GNU General Public License, version 1
- PERLGUTS(1) - Introduction to the Perl API
- PERLHACK(1) - How to hack on Perl
- PERLHACKTIPS(1) - Tips for Perl core C code hacking
- PERLHACKTUT(1) - Walk through the creation of a simple C code patch
- PERLHAIKU(1) - Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku
- PERLHIST(1) - the Perl history records
- PERLHPUX(1) - Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
- PERLHURD(1) - Perl version 5 on Hurd
- PERLINFO(1) - a command-line frontend to HTML::Perlinfo
- PERLINTERN(1) - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl functions
- PERLINTERP(1) - An overview of the Perl interpreter
- PERLINTRO(1) - a brief introduction and overview of Perl
- PerlIO::creat(3) - Creates a file if it doesn't exist
- PerlIO::dir(3) - Reads directories
- PerlIO::encoding(3) - encoding layer
- PerlIO::eol(3) - PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
- PerlIO::excl(3) - Creates a file only if it doesn't exist
- PerlIO::flock(3) - Easy flock() interface
- PerlIO::Layers(3) - Querying your filehandle's capabilities
- PerlIO::mmap(3) - Memory mapped IO
- PerlIO::reverse(3) - Reads lines backward
- PerlIO::scalar(3) - in-memory IO, scalar IO
- PerlIO::tee(3) - Multiplex output layer
- PerlIO::utf8_strict(3) - Fast and correct UTF-8 IO
- PerlIO::Util(3) - A selection of general PerlIO utilities
- PerlIO::Util::JA(3) - PerlIOに関する汎用ユーティリティ集
- PerlIO::via(3) - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl
- PerlIO::via::Bzip2(3) - PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
- PerlIO::via::MD5(3) - PerlIO layer for creating an MD5 digest of a file
- PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint(3) - PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings
- PerlIO::via::Timeout(3) - a PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle
- PerlIO::via::Unidecode(3) - a perlio layer for Unidecode
- PERLIOL(1) - C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers.
- PERLIPC(1) - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
- PERLIRIX(1) - Perl version 5 on Irix systems
- Perlito6::Perl5::Runtime(3)
- Perlito6::Python::Prelude(3) - Runtime for Perlito-in-Python
- PERLIVP(1) - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
- PERLJP(1) - XXX Perl XXX
- PERLKO(1) - XXX Perl XXX
- PERLLEXWARN(1) - Perl Lexical Warnings
- PERLLINUX(1) - Perl version 5 on Linux systems
- PERLLOCALE(1) - Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization)
- PERLLOL(1) - Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
- PERLMACOS(1) - Perl under Mac OS (Classic)
- PERLMACOSX(1) - Perl under Mac OS X
- PERLMINE(1) - A game to clear hidden mines from a minefield
- PERLMOD(1) - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
- PERLMODINSTALL(1) - Installing CPAN Modules
- PERLMODLIB(1) - constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
- PERLMODSTYLE(1) - Perl module style guide
- PerlMol(3) - Perl modules for molecular chemistry
- PERLMROAPI(1) - Perl method resolution plugin interface
- PERLNETWARE(1) - Perl for NetWare
- PERLNEWMOD(1) - preparing a new module for distribution
- PERL-NOCEM(8) - A NoCeM-on-spool implementation for INN 2.x
- PERLNUMBER(1) - semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl
- PERLOBJ(1) - Perl object reference
- PERLOOTUT(1) - Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
- PERLOP(1) - Perl operators and precedence
- PERLOPENBSD(1) - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
- PERLOPENTUT(1) - simple recipes for opening files and pipes in Perl
- perloptree(3) - The Perl op tree
- PERLOS2(1) - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
- PERLOS390(1) - building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
- PERLOS400(1) - Perl version 5 on OS/400
- PERLPACKTUT(1) - tutorial on "pack" and "unpack"
- PERLPERF(1) - Perl Performance and Optimization Techniques
- PERLPLAN9(1) - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
- PERLPOD(1) - the Plain Old Documentation format
- PERLPODSPEC(1) - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
- PERLPODSTYLE(1) - Perl POD style guide
- PERLPOINT(1) - a very general PerlPoint converter, using the generator interface
- PerlPoint::Anchors(3) - simple anchor collection class
- PerlPoint::Backend(3) - frame class to transform PerlPoint::Parser output
- PerlPoint::Constants(3) - public PerlPoint module constants
- PerlPoint::Converters(3) - README and common functions for PerlPoint converters
- PerlPoint::Generator(3) - generic PerlPoint generator
- PerlPoint::Generator::Object::Page(3) - generators page object class
- PerlPoint::Generator::SDF(3) - generic SDF generator
- PerlPoint::Generator::SDF::Default(3) - default, traditional SDF generator class
- PerlPoint::Parser(3) - a PerlPoint Parser
- PerlPoint::Tags(3) - processes PerlPoint tag declarations
- PerlPoint::Tags::Basic(3) - declares basic PerlPoint tags
- PerlPoint::Tags::HTML(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2html
- PerlPoint::Tags::LaTeX(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2latex
- PerlPoint::Tags::SDF(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2sdf
- PerlPoint::Template(3) - PerlPoint template handler
- PERLPOLICY(1) - Various and sundry policies and commitments related to the Perl core
- PERLPORT(1) - Writing portable Perl
- PERLPRAGMA(1) - how to write a user pragma
- PERLQNX(1) - Perl version 5 on QNX
- PERLRE(1) - Perl regular expressions
- PERLREAPI(1) - Perl regular expression plugin interface
- PERLREBACKSLASH(1) - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
- PERLRECHARCLASS(1) - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes
- PERLREF(1) - Perl references and nested data structures
- PERLREFTUT(1) - Mark's very short tutorial about references
- PERLREGUTS(1) - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
- PERLREPOSITORY(1) - Links to current information on the Perl source repository
- PERLREQUICK(1) - Perl regular expressions quick start
- PERLREREF(1) - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
- PERLRETUT(1) - Perl regular expressions tutorial
- PERL-REVERSION(1) - Manipulate project version numbers
- PERLRISCOS(1) - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
- PERLRUN(1) - how to execute the Perl interpreter
- PERLSEC(1) - Perl security
- PERLSECPOLICY(1) - Perl security report handling policy
- PERLSH(1) - one-line perl evaluator with line editing function and variable name completion function
- PERLSOLARIS(1) - Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
- PERLSOURCE(1) - A guide to the Perl source tree
- PERLSTYLE(1) - Perl style guide
- PERLSUB(1) - Perl subroutines
- PERLSYN(1) - Perl syntax
- PERLSYNOLOGY(1) - Perl 5 on Synology DSM systems
- PERLTETRIS(1) - A tetris game
- PERLTHRTUT(1) - Tutorial on threads in Perl
- PERLTIDY(1) - a perl script indenter and reformatter
- PERLTIE(1) - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
- PERLTOC(1) - perl documentation table of contents
- PERLTODO(1) - Link to the Perl to-do list
- PERLTOOC(1) - Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- PERLTOOT(1) - Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- PERLTRAP(1) - Perl traps for the unwary
- PERLTRU64(1) - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX formerly known as DEC OSF/1) systems
- PERLTW(1) - XXXX Perl XX
- PERLUNICODE(1) - Unicode support in Perl
- PERLUNICOOK(1) - cookbookish examples of handling Unicode in Perl
- PERLUNIFAQ(1) - Perl Unicode FAQ
- PERLUNIINTRO(1) - Perl Unicode introduction
- PERLUNIPROPS(1) - Index of Unicode Version 13.0.0 character properties in Perl
- PERLUNITUT(1) - Perl Unicode Tutorial
- PERLUTIL(1) - utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
- PERLVAR(1) - Perl predefined variables
- PERLVER(1) - The Perl Minimum Version Analyzer
- PERLVMS(1) - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
- PERLVOS(1) - Perl for Stratus OpenVOS
- PERLWIN32(1) - Perl under Windows
- PerlX::Maybe(3) - return a pair only if they are both defined
- PerlX::Maybe::XS(3) - XS backend for PerlX::Maybe
- PERLXS(1) - XS language reference manual
- PERLXSTUT(1) - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
- PERLXSTYPEMAP(1) - Perl XS C/Perl type mapping
- PERMUTE(nged) - Permutes the vertex labels for the face of an ARB shape that is currently being edited.
- Permutor(3) - Process all possible permutations of a list
- perp_intro(8) - introduction to the perp service management framework
- perpboot(8) - startup utility for
- perpctl(8) - runtime control utility for
- perpd(8) - persistent process scanner/supervisor/controller
- perpetrate(5) - conventions for runscripts
- perpetrate(8) - supervise a persistent process and optional logger
- perphup(8) - trigger a
- perpls(8) - persistent process service lister
- perpok(8) - check a
- perp-setup(8) - initialize a perp installation
- perpstat(8) - display current status of
- PERROR(1) - print an error number as a string
- PERROR(3PVM) - Prints message describing the last error returned by a PVM call.
- Persepolis(1) - Persepolis Download Manager
- persist_image(3)
- persistent_term(3) - Persistent terms.
- PERSIST-TOOL(1) - Display the content of the persist file
- PERSONALITY(8) - system configuration management utility
- persp_project(3) - Projects a 3d point into 2d screen space. Allegro game programming library.
- Pervasives(3) - The initially opened module.
- PESCAN(1) - identify suspicious characteristics in PE files
- PESEC(1) - check for protections in PE files
- PESIGN(1) - command line tool for signing UEFI applications
- PESIGN-CLIENT(1) - command line tool for signing UEFI applications
- PESTR(1) - search strings in PE files
- pesubst(1)
- Petal::CodePerl(3) - Make Petal go faster by compiling the expressions
- Petal::CodePerl::Expr(3) - Extra Code::Perl classes for Petal
- Petal::CodePerl::Modifiers(3)
- Petal::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for building templates with Petal
- Petal::Deprecated(3) - Documents Petal's deprecated syntax.
- Petal::Hash::Test(3) - Test and Tutorial Petal modifier
- Petal::I18N(3) - Attempt at implementing ZPT I18N for Petal
- Petal::Mail(3) - Format text e-mail using Petal
- Petal::Utils(3) - Useful template modifiers for Petal.
- petri(6) - simulates mold growing in a petri dish
- peval(1) - Low level evaluation tool for writing router config generators
- PEVENT(3) - pthread event library
- PF2AFM(1) - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font files using ghostscript
- PFB2PFA(1) - convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a pfa (ASCII)
- PFBTOPFA(1) - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using ghostscript
- PFBTOPS(1) - translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII
- PFCTL(8) - control the packet filter (PF) device
- PFE(1) - manual page for Portable Forth Environment 0.33.71
- pffexport - exports items stored in a Personal Folder File (OST, PAB and PST)
- pffinfo - determines information about a Personal Folder File (OST, PAB and PST)
- PFIL(9) - packet filter interface
- PFILCTL(8) - pfil(9) control utility
- PFIND(9) - locate a process by number
- PFLOG(4) - packet filter logging interface
- PFLOGD(8) - packet filter logging daemon
- PFLOGSUMM(1) - Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary
- PFM(1) - Personal File Manager for Linux/Unix
- PFQ(1) - stock porfolio query
- PFQUEUE(1) - A queue realtime scanner for MTA
- PFQUEUE.CONF(5) - pfqueue configuration file
- pfsabsolute(1) - Convert luminance in images to absolute measure
- pfscat(1) - Concatenate frames in PFS stream
- pfsclamp(1) - Clamp color and luminance channel values to be within the specified range
- pfscolortransform(1) - Apply color calibration using user provided matrix file.
- pfscut(1) - Extract a rectangle out of a frame in PFS stream
- pfsdisplayfunction(1) - Apply display function to color or gray-scale images
- pfsextractchannels(1) - Extract selected channels from the stream
- pfsflip(1) - Flip images horizontally and/or vertically.
- pfsgamma(1) - Apply gamma correction to color or gray-scale images
- pfshdrcalibrate(1) - Create an HDR image or calibrate a response curve from a set of differently exposed images supplied in PFS stream.
- pfsin(1) - Read an image in one of the several formats and write pfs stream to the standard output
- pfsindcraw(1) - Read an image in a camera RAW file format supported by DCRAW and write pfs stream to the standard output
- pfsinhdrgen(1) - Create a pfs stream with different exposures defined by hdrgen script.
- pfsinme(1) - Read image files containing multiple exposures to be merged into an HDR image
- pfsinpfm(1) - Load images or frames in PFM format
- pfsinrgbe(1) - Load images or frames in Radiance RGBE format
- pfsintiff(1) - Load images or frames in several variants of TIFF format (both LDR and HDR)
- pfsinyuv(1) - Read frames from a single .yuv file used by many video codecs
- pfsout(1) - Read pfs frames from stdin and write them in the format determined by the extension of the file name
- pfsoutpfm(1) - Write images or frames in OpenEXR format
- pfsoutppm(1) - Write images or frames in one of the several formats
- pfsoutrgbe(1) - Write images or frames in Radiance RGBE format
- pfsoutyuv(1) - Write frames to .yuv file used by many video codecs
- pfspad(1) - Add borders to a frame in PFS stream
- pfspanoramic(1) - Perform projective transformations of spherical images
- pfsplotresponse(1) - Plot camera response curve using Gnuplot
- pfsretime(1) - Retime an animation stream from one frame-rate to another
- pfsrotate(1) - Rotate images 90 degrees.
- pfssize(1) - Resize frames
- PFST(1)
- pfstag(1) - Set or remove tags to/from pfs stream
- PFSTAT(8) - collect packet filter statistics and generate graphs
- PFSTATD(8) - small daemon providing pf statistics over network
- pfstmo_drago03(1) - Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_durand02(1) - Fast bilateral filtering for the display of HDR images
- pfstmo_fattal02(1) - Gradient domain high dynamic range compression
- pfstmo_ferradans11(1) - Tone mapping operator with visual adaptation and local contrast enhancement
- pfstmo_mai11(1) - Tone-mapping for backward-compatible compression
- pfstmo_mantiuk06(1) - Tone mapping in the contrast domain
- pfstmo_mantiuk08(1) - Display adaptive tone mapping
- pfstmo_pattanaik00(1) - Time-dependent Visual Adaptation Model
- pfstmo_reinhard02(1) - Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images
- pfstmo_reinhard05(1) - Photoreceptor based dynamic range reduction
- pfstore(1) - Used to create and manage a pass-phrase store.
- PFSYNC(4) - packet filter state table sychronisation interface
- PFTOP(8) - display pf states
- PFTPD(1) - Anonymous FTP daemon.
- PFUNC(1) - grep for perl functions
- PFW(1) - print focused window
- PG_ACTIVITY(1) - Realtime PostgreSQL database server monitoring tool
- PG_AMCHECK(1) - checks for corruption in one or more PostgreSQL databases
- PG_ARCHIVECLEANUP(1) - clean up PostgreSQL WAL archive files
- PG_BASEBACKUP(1) - take a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster
- PG_CHECKSUMS(1) - enable, disable or check data checksums in a PostgreSQL database cluster
- PG_CONFIG(1) - retrieve information about the installed version of PostgreSQL
- PG_CONTROLDATA(1) - display control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
- PG_CTL(1) - initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server
- PG_DUMP(1) - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file
- PG_DUMPALL(1) - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
- PG_FORMAT(1) - PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier
- PG_ISREADY(1) - check the connection status of a PostgreSQL server
- PG_RECEIVEWAL(1) - stream write-ahead logs from a PostgreSQL server
- PG_RECVLOGICAL(1) - control PostgreSQL logical decoding streams
- PG_RESETWAL(1) - reset the write-ahead log and other control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
- PG_RESTORE(1) - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump
- PG_REWIND(1) - synchronize a PostgreSQL data directory with another data directory that was forked from it
- PG_STANDBY(1) - supports the creation of a PostgreSQL warm standby server
- PG_TEST_FSYNC(1) - determine fastest
- PG_TEST_TIMING(1) - measure timing overhead
- PG_UPGRADE(1) - upgrade a PostgreSQL server instance
- PG_VERIFY_CHECKSUMS(1) - verify data checksums in a PostgreSQL database cluster
- PG_VERIFYBACKUP(1) - verify the integrity of a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster
- PG_WALDUMP(1) - display a human-readable rendering of the write-ahead log of a PostgreSQL database cluster
- PGBADGER(1) - a fast PostgreSQL log analysis report
- PGBENCH(1) - run a benchmark test on PostgreSQL
- PGBOUNCER(1) - lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
- PGBOUNCER.INI(5) - configuration file for pgbouncer
- PGDBF(1) - convert XBase / FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL
- PGET(9) - locate a process by number
- PGetText(3) - pure perl i18n routines
- PGFIND(9) - locate a process group by number
- pgFormatter::Beautify(3) - Library for pretty-printing SQL queries
- pgFormatter::CGI(3) - Implementation of CGI-BIN script to format SQL queries.
- pgFormatter::CLI(3) - Implementation of command line program to format SQL queries.
- PGMAKE-DB(1) - A make utility using Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB, Makefile::AST, and Makefile::AST::Evaluator
- PGMTORLE(1) - convert a pbmplus/pgm image file into an RLE image file.
- pgmtoy4m(1) - Convert mpeg2dec pgm and pgmpipe output to YUV4MPEG2
- PGP::Sign(3) - Create detached PGP signatures for data, securely
- PGP-CLEAN(1) - default GnuPG keyring
- PGPDUMP(1) - A PGP packet visualizer
- PGPED(1) - compose a PGP message
- pgpewrap(1) - Mutt command line munging tool
- PGP-FIXKEY(1) - default GnuPG keyring
- PGPLOT(3) - allow subroutines in the PGPLOT graphics library to be called from Perl.
- PGPLOTOptions(3) - Setting PGPLOT options
- PGPVERIFY(1) - Cryptographically verify Usenet control messages
- PGREP(1) - find or signal processes by name and other attributes
- pgreplay(1) - PostgreSQL log file replayer for performance tests
- pgrphack(8) - runs a program in a separate process group.
- PGSQL_TABLE(5) - Postfix PostgreSQL client configuration
- PGTOP(1) - display PostgreSQL performance info like `top'
- PHANTASIA(6) - an interterminal fantasy game
- PHEAR(6) - Boulder Dash / Digger-like game for consoles/terminals
- PhkArgv(3) - parse argument string
- PhkBinheap(3) - Binary heap implementation
- phmmer(1) - search protein sequence(s) against a protein sequence database
- PHO(l) - View and annotate multiple images
- PHOLD(9) - hold a process
- Phone::Info(3) - Fetches phone info.
- PHONES(5) - remote host phone number data base
- phoon(1) - show the PHase of the mOON
- phoronix-test-suite(1) - The Phoronix Test Suite is an extensible open-source platform for performing testing and performance evaluation.
- phosphor(6) - simulates an old terminal with long-sustain phosphor
- photo(n) - Full-color images
- PHOTOFLARE(1) - Simple but powerful Cross Platform Image Editor
- PHOTOPC(1) - utility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging firmware
- photopile(6) - displays multiple images in a periodically shuffled pile
- PHOTOREC(8) - Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
- PHP::Session(3) - read / write PHP session files
- PHP::Session::Serializer::PHP(3) - serialize / deserialize PHP session data
- php2po.py(1) - Convert PHP localization files to Gettext PO localization files.
- php-config(1) - get information about PHP configuration and compile options
- PHP-FPM(8) - PHP FastCGI Process Manager 'PHP-FPM'
- phpize(1) - prepare a PHP extension for compiling
- phpstorm(1) - launch JetBrains PhpStorm Integrated Development Environment
- PHTTPGET(8) - retrieve multiple files via pipelined HTTP
- PHYBS(1) - reveal a storage device's physical block size
- Physics::Unit(3) - Manipulate physics units and dimensions.
- Physics::Unit::Implementation(3) - This page discusses implementation issues of the Physics/Unit.pm module.
- Physics::Unit::Scalar(3)
- Physics::Unit::Scalar::Implementation(3) - This page discusses implementation issues of the Physics/Unit/Scalar.pm module.
- Physics::Unit::UnitsByName(3)
- Physics::Unit::UnitsByType(3)
- PHYSICS-UNIT(1) - Helper script for the Physics::Unit Perl module
- PHYSIO(9) - initiate I/O on raw devices
- pia(1) - play media files
- pianobar(1) - console pandora.com music player
- PIC2FIG(LOCAL) - Fig preprocessor for drawing simple pictures
- PIC2GRAPH(1) - convert a PIC diagram into a cropped image
- PIC2TPIC(1) - Convert pic files to tpic format
- PICASA(1) - master command for the Picasa Web scripts
- PICASA-GET(1) - fetch albums and photos from Google Picasa Web
- PICASA-LIST(1) - list albums, photos, tags, or comments from Google Picasa Web
- pick_items(3)
- PICKET_FENCE(1) - Creates a BRL-CAD .g file containing picket fences.
- PICKUP(8) - Postfix local mail pickup
- pico(1)
- PICOCOM(1) - minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
- PICOM(1) - a compositor for X11
- PICOM-TRANS(1) - an opacity setter tool
- PICPACK(1) - PostScript picture packing preprocessor
- PICPROG(1) - Microchip PIC programmer for the serial port device
- pid(n) - Retrieve process identifiers
- Pid::File::Flock(3) - PID file operations
- pidgin(1) - Instant Messaging client
- PIDSTAT(1) - Check the existence of a process on a remote machine
- PIDSTATD(1) - Determine if process ID is running for Perl IPC::Locker
- PidUtil(3) - PID file management utilities
- PIDWATCH(1) - Run a command and if another PID exits, kill the command
- piecewise(6) - lots of moving circles intersecting in interesting ways.
- PIEWM(1) - Tom's Virtual Tab Window Manager with Pie Menus
- PIG(6) - eformatray inputway asway Igpay Atinlay
- PIGEONHOLE(7) - Overview of the Pigeonhole project's Sieve support for the Dovecot secure IMAP and POP3 server
- PIGZ(1) - compress or expand files
- pilot(1)
- PIM(4) - Protocol Independent Multicast
- PIM(8) - a PIM routing for use with Quagga Routing Suite.
- ping_construct(3) - Constructor for the liboping class
- ping_get_error(3) - Return the last error message
- ping_host_add(3) - Add a host to a liboping object
- ping_iterator_get(3) - Iterate over all hosts of a liboping object
- ping_iterator_get_context(3) - Store host-dependent data
- ping_iterator_get_info(3) - Receive information about a host
- ping_send(3) - Send ICMP echo requests to all associated hosts and wait for ICMP echo responses to arrive
- ping_setopt(3) - Set options for a liboping object
- PING6(8)
- PingPongClient(1) - RSerPool Client (PU) for the PingPong service
- pinion(6) - draws a scrolling sequence of interconnected gears
- PINKY(1) - lightweight finger
- PINOT(1) - A metasearch tool for the Free Desktop
- PINOT-DBUS-DAEMON(1) - D-Bus search and index daemon
- PINOT-INDEX(1) - Index documents from the command-line
- PINOT-LABEL(1) - Label files from the command-line
- PINOT-SEARCH(1) - Query search engines from the command-line
- pinta(1) - simple image editor
- pioneers(6) - network implementation of Settlers of Catan
- pioneersai(6) - Computer player for Pioneers
- pioneers-editor(6) - Editor for the Pioneers boardgame
- pioneers-metaserver(6) - metaserver for Pioneers
- pioneers-server-console(6) - command-line game server for Pioneers
- pioneers-server-gtk(6) - graphical game server for Pioneers
- PIPE(2) - create descriptor pair for interprocess communication
- pipebench(1) - Shows speed of stdin/stdout communication
- PIPEGLADE(1) - pipe-driven GTK+ interface
- Pipeline::Analyser(3) - a small tool for viewing a pipeline
- Pipeline::Base(3) - base class for all classes in Pipeline distribution
- Pipeline::Dispatch(3) - dispatcher for pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Dumper(3) - tool for dumping a pipeline
- Pipeline::Error::Abstract(3) - exception thrown from abstract methods
- Pipeline::Error::AsyncResults(3) - exception thrown from asynchronous segments
- Pipeline::Error::Construction(3) - exception thrown during object construction failure
- Pipeline::Production(3) - wrapper for production objects
- Pipeline::Segment(3) - basic class for a segment
- Pipeline::Segment::Async(3) - asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::Fork(3) - fork model for asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::Handler(3) - interface for asynchronous segment models
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::IThreads(3) - ithread model for asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Tester(3) - a test wrapper for a Pipeline::Segment
- Pipeline::Store(3) - defines the interface for Pipeline store classes
- Pipeline::Store::ISA(3) - inheritance-based store for pipelines
- Pipeline::Store::Simple(3) - simple store for pipelines
- PIPEMETER(1) - measure speed of data going through a pipe/redirection
- PIPENIGHTDREAMS(6) - Just another pipe trip (PipeDream clon).
- pipes(6) - fill the screen with a plumbing system.
- PIPEWIRE(1) - The PipeWire media server
- PIPEWIRE.CONF(5) - The PipeWire server configuration file
- PIRL(1) - A read-eval-print loop in Perl (see Shell::Perl)
- PITCHPLAY(1) - wrapper script to play audio tracks with cdda2wav with different pitches through a soundcard (cdda2wav must have soundcard support enabled).
- PITHOS(1) - manual page for Pithos 1.5.1
- Pithub(3) - Github v3 API
- Pithub::Base(3) - Github v3 base class for all Pithub modules
- Pithub::Events(3) - Github v3 Events API
- Pithub::Gists(3) - Github v3 Gists API
- Pithub::Gists::Comments(3) - Github v3 Gist Comments API
- Pithub::GitData(3) - Github v3 Git Data API
- Pithub::GitData::Blobs(3) - Github v3 Git Data Blobs API
- Pithub::GitData::Commits(3) - Github v3 Git Data Commits API
- Pithub::GitData::References(3) - Github v3 Git Data References API
- Pithub::GitData::Tags(3) - Github v3 Git Data Tags API
- Pithub::GitData::Trees(3) - Github v3 Git Data Trees API
- Pithub::Issues(3) - Github v3 Issues API
- Pithub::Issues::Assignees(3) - Github v3 Issue Assignees API
- Pithub::Issues::Comments(3) - Github v3 Issue Comments API
- Pithub::Issues::Events(3) - Github v3 Issue Events API
- Pithub::Issues::Labels(3) - Github v3 Issue Labels API
- Pithub::Issues::Milestones(3) - Github v3 Issue Milestones API
- Pithub::Markdown(3) - Github v3 Markdown API
- Pithub::Orgs(3) - Github v3 Orgs API
- Pithub::Orgs::Members(3) - Github v3 Org Members API
- Pithub::Orgs::Teams(3) - Github v3 Org Teams API
- Pithub::PullRequests(3) - Github v3 Pull Requests API
- Pithub::PullRequests::Comments(3) - Github v3 Pull Request Comments API
- Pithub::PullRequests::Reviewers(3) - Github v3 Pull Request Review Requests API
- Pithub::Repos(3) - Github v3 Repos API
- Pithub::Repos::Collaborators(3) - Github v3 Repo Collaborators API
- Pithub::Repos::Commits(3) - Github v3 Repo Commits API
- Pithub::Repos::Contents(3) - Github v3 Repo Contents API
- Pithub::Repos::Downloads(3) - Github v3 Repo Downloads API
- Pithub::Repos::Forks(3) - Github v3 Repo Forks API
- Pithub::Repos::Hooks(3) - Github v3 Repo Hooks API
- Pithub::Repos::Keys(3) - Github v3 Repo Keys API
- Pithub::Repos::Releases(3) - Github v3 Repo Releases API
- Pithub::Repos::Releases::Assets(3) - Github v3 Repo Releases Assets API
- Pithub::Repos::Starring(3) - Github v3 Repo Starring API
- Pithub::Repos::Stats(3) - Github v3 repos / stats API
- Pithub::Repos::Statuses(3) - Github v3 repos / statuses API
- Pithub::Repos::Watching(3) - Github v3 Repo Watching API
- Pithub::Result(3) - Github v3 result object
- Pithub::Result::SharedCache(3) - A role to share the LRU cache with all Pithub objects
- Pithub::Search(3) - Github legacy Search API
- Pithub::SearchV3(3) - Github v3 Search API
- Pithub::Users(3) - Github v3 Users API
- Pithub::Users::Emails(3) - Github v3 User Emails API
- Pithub::Users::Followers(3) - Github v3 User Followers API
- Pithub::Users::Keys(3) - Github v3 User Keys API
- PIVOT_ROOT(8) - change the root filesystem
- pivot_scaled_sprite(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- PIV-TOOL(1) - smart card utility for HSPD-12 PIV cards
- PIX(5) - Color RGB image file format and utilities
- PIX-ALIAS(1) - convert an image from pix format to Alias(tm) pix format
- PIXAUTOSIZE(1) - determine if a file size or byte count is a standard image size
- PIXBACKGND(1) - generate a pix(5) shaded background
- PIXBGSTRIP(1) - strip smooth shaded background from a pix(5) file
- PIXBLEND(1) - blend two pix(5) or bw(5) images
- PIXBORDER(1) - add a 1-pixel-wide border to regions of a specified color
- PIXBUSTUP(1) - break up concatenated pix images into separate files
- PIX-BW(1) - combine pix color planes into a bw black and white image
- PIXCLUMP(1) - quantize the colors in a pix(5) stream
- PIXCMP(1) - compare two pix image files pixel by pixel
- PIXCOLORS(1) - Count/list color values used in a PIX(5) format image
- PIXD(1) - colourful binary file visualizer
- PIXDIFF(1) - highlight pixel colors which differ between two files
- PIXFADE(1) - darken a pix file
- PIX-FB(1) - display a pix format RGB image file on a framebuffer
- PIXFILTER(1) - apply a 3x3 filter to a color pix file
- PIXHALVE(1) - halve a color pix file
- PIXHIST(1) - display a histogram of a color pix file on a framebuffer
- PIXHIST3D(1) - display RGB color space utilization
- PIXHIST3D-PLOT3(1) - output RGB color space utilization in 3D unix-plot form
- PIXINTERP2X(1) - interpolate a color pix file twice as large as the original
- PIXMATTE(1) - matte (merge) two pix(5) or bw(5) images by a formula
- PIXMERGE(1) - merge two pix(5) or bw(5) images by a formula
- PIXMORPH(1) - morph two pix(5) images
- PIX-PNG(1) - convert a BRL-CAD PIX format image to a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format image
- PIX-PPM(1) - convert a BRL-CAD PIX or BW format image to a PPM format image
- PIX-PS(1) - convert a color pix file to PostScript
- PIXRECT(1) - extract a rectangle from a color pix file
- PIXROT(1) - rotate, invert, or reverse a color pix file
- PIXSATURATE(1) - saturate a pix file
- PIXSCALE(1) - change the size of a color pix file
- PIXSHRINK(1) - shrink a color pix file
- PIXSTAT(1) - list statistics related to a color pix image
- PIXSUBST(1) - Change color values used in a PIX(5) format image
- PIX-SUN(1) - convert a BRL PIX(5) format image to a Sun Rasterfile format
- PIXTILE(1) - paste small images together into one large image
- PIXUNTILE(1) - break image up into separate files
- PIXZ(1) - parallel, indexed xz compressor
- PK2BM(1) - create a bitmap from a TeX pkfont
- PKCS11.CONF(5) - Configuration files for PKCS#11 modules
- pkcs11_eventmgr(1) - SmartCard PKCS#11 Event Manager
- pkcs11_inspect(1) - print certificate contents
- pkcs11_listcerts(1) - SmartCard PKCS#11 certificates listing
- pkcs11_make_hash_link(1) - SmartCard PKCS#11 create a CA certificate link
- pkcs11_setup(1) - SmartCard PKCS#11 setup
- PKCS11-DUMP(1) - dump PKCS#11 token content
- PKCS11-REGISTER(1) - Simple tool to install PKCS#11 modules to known applications.
- PKCS11-TOOL(1) - utility for managing and using PKCS #11 security tokens
- PKCS12(1) - PKCS#12 file utility
- PKCS12_ADD_CERT(3ossl) - Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags
- PKCS12_ADD_CSPNAME_ASC(3ossl) - Add a Microsoft CSP Name attribute to a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS12_ADD_FRIENDLYNAME_ASC(3ossl) - Functions to add the friendlyname attribute to a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS12_ADD_LOCALKEYID(3ossl) - Add the localKeyId attribute to a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS12_ADD_SAFE(3ossl) - Create and add objects to a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_ADD1_ATTR_BY_NID(3ossl) - Add an attribute to a PKCS#12 safeBag structure
- PKCS12_CREATE(3) - create a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_CREATE(3ossl) - create a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_DECRYPT_SKEY(3ossl) - PKCS12 shrouded keyBag decrypt functions
- PKCS12_GEN_MAC(3ossl) - Functions to create and manipulate a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_GET_FRIENDLYNAME(3ossl) - Retrieve the friendlyname attribute from a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS12_INIT(3ossl) - Create a new empty PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_ITEM_DECRYPT_D2I(3ossl) - PKCS12 item encrypt/decrypt functions
- PKCS12_KEY_GEN_UTF8_EX(3ossl) - PKCS#12 Password based key derivation
- PKCS12_NEWPASS(3) - change the password of a PKCS12 structure
- PKCS12_NEWPASS(3ossl) - change the password of a PKCS12 structure
- PKCS12_PACK_P7ENCDATA(3ossl) - Pack a set of PKCS#12 safeBags into a PKCS#7 encrypted data object
- PKCS12_PARSE(3) - parse a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_PARSE(3ossl) - parse a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_PBE_KEYIVGEN(3ossl) - PKCS#12 Password based encryption
- PKCS12_SAFEBAG_CREATE_CERT(3ossl) - Create PKCS#12 safeBag objects
- PKCS12_SAFEBAG_GET0_ATTRS(3ossl) - Retrieve attributes from a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS12_SAFEBAG_GET1_CERT(3ossl) - Get objects from a PKCS#12 safeBag
- PKCS15-CRYPT(1) - perform crypto operations using PKCS#15 smart cards
- PKCS15-INITPKCS15-(1) - smart card personalization utility
- PKCS15-PROFILE(5) - format of profile for
- PKCS15-TOOL(1) - utility for manipulating PKCS #15 data structures on smart cards and similar security tokens
- PKCS5_PBE_KEYIVGEN(3ossl) - PKCS#5 Password based encryption routines
- PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(3) - password based derivation routines with salt and iteration count
- PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(3ossl) - password based derivation routines with salt and iteration count
- PKCS7_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(3) - attributes of SignerInfo objects
- PKCS7_DATAFINAL(3) - move data from a BIO chain to a ContentInfo object
- PKCS7_DATAINIT(3) - construct a BIO chain for adding or retrieving content
- PKCS7_DECRYPT(3ossl) - decrypt content from a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
- PKCS7_ENCRYPT(3ossl) - create a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
- PKCS7_FINAL(3) - read data from a BIO into a ContentInfo object
- PKCS7_GET_OCTET_STRING(3ossl) - return octet string from a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
- PKCS7_GET_SIGNER_INFO(3) - retrieve signerInfos from a SignedData object
- PKCS7_SET_CONTENT(3) - set the nested contentInfo in a PKCS#7 structure
- PKCS7_SET_TYPE(3) - initialize type of PKCS#7 ContentInfo
- PKCS7_SIGN(3ossl) - create a PKCS#7 signedData structure
- PKCS7_SIGN_ADD_SIGNER(3) - add a signer PKCS7 signed data structure
- PKCS7_SIGN_ADD_SIGNER(3ossl) - add a signer PKCS7 signed data structure
- PKCS7_TYPE_IS_OTHER(3ossl) - determine content type of PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
- PKCS7_VERIFY(3ossl) - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
- PKCS8(1) - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
- PKCS8_ENCRYPT(3ossl) - PKCS8 encrypt/decrypt functions
- PKCS8_PKEY_ADD1_ATTR(3ossl) - PKCS8 attribute functions
- PKCS8_PKEY_SET0(3) - change and inspect PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo objects
- PKCSCONF(1) - configuration utility for the pkcsslotd daemon
- PKCSICSF(1) - configuration utility for the ICSF token
- PKCSSLOTD(8) - shared memory manager for opencryptoki
- PKEYPARAM(1) - public key algorithm parameter processing tool
- PKEYUTL(1) - public key algorithm utility
- PKG(7) - a utility for manipulating packages
- pkg::create(n) - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
- PKG_ADD(1)
- PKG_CLEANUP(1) - deinstall 'leaf' packages
- PKG_CREATE(3) - create packages
- PKG_CUTLEAVES(1) - deinstall 'leaf' packages
- PKG_DEINSTALL(1) - a package deinstaller with wildcards and dependency recursion support
- PKG_FETCH(1) - a remote package fetcher
- PKG_GLOB(1) - a package glob expander with wildcards and dependency recursion support
- pkg_info(1)
- PKG_JAIL(1) - Easy handling of a jail for package-builds.
- PKG_LIBCHK(1) - check packages for links against missing libraries
- pkg_mkIndex(n) - Build an index for automatic loading of packages
- PKG_PRINTF(3) - formatted output of package data
- PKG_REPLACE(1) - a utility for upgrading installed packages
- PKG_REPOS(3) - manipulate repositories
- PKG_RMLEAVES(1) - deinstall 'leaf' packages
- PKG_SEARCH(1) - print information about a package
- PKG_SORT(1) - sort lines of package names in dependency order
- PKG_TREE(7) - Generate a graphical tree of packages and their dependencies
- PKG_TRIM(8) - select and remove unwanted leaf packages
- PKG_UPDATE(1) - Easy handling of jailed packages builds.
- PKG_VALIDATE(1) - list mismatched and missing files of installed packages
- PKG-ADD(8) - Registers a package and installs it on the system
- PKG-ALIAS(8) - display configured aliases
- PKG-ANNOTATE(8) - add, modify or delete arbitrary annotations from packages
- PKG-AUDIT(8) - audit installed packages against known vulnerabilities
- PKG-AUTOREMOVE(8) - removes orphan packages
- PKG-BACKUP(8) - backup and restore the local package database
- PKGBUILD(5) - Arch Linux package build description file
- PKG-CHECK(8) - sanity check installed packages
- PKG-CLEAN(8) - clean the local cache of fetched remote packages
- pkg-compare(8)
- PKGCONF(1) - a system for configuring build dependency information
- PKG-CONFIG(1) - Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
- PKG-CONFIG(8) - retrieve the value of a given configuration option
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Client(3) - Query installed libraries for compiling and linking software
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Fragment(3) - Single compiler or linker flag
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Package(3) - Represents a package
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Util(3) - Non OO functions for PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
- PKGCONF-PERSONALITY(5) - pkgconf cross-compile personality file format
- PKG-CREATE(8) - a utility for creating software package distributions
- PKGDATA(1) - package data for use by ICU
- PKGDB(1) - tools to manage and search the package database
- PKG-DELETE(8) - deletes packages from the database and the system
- PKGDELTA(8) - package delta generation utility
- PKGDU(1) - a tool to display packages disk usage size
- PKG-FETCH(8) - fetch remote packages
- PKG-INFO(8) - display information for packages
- pkginstall(1) - install a Ch package from the current directory
- PKG-INSTALL(8) - install packages from remote package repositories or local archives
- PKG-KEYWORDS(5) - files to extend the number of keywords avaiable for plist
- PKG-LOCK(8) - lock or unlock packages
- PKG-PROVIDES(8) - query which package provides a file matching a particular pattern
- PKG-QUERY(8) - query information for packages
- PKG-REGISTER(8) - register a package into the local package database
- PKG-REPO(8) - create a package repository catalogue
- PKG-RQUERY(8) - query information from remote repositories
- PKGS_WHICH(1) - Quickly find packages where trees of files got installed
- PKG-SEARCH(8) - search package repository catalogues
- PKG-SET(8) - modify information in the installed database
- PKG-SHELL(8) - interact with the pkg database
- PKG-SSH(8) - package server
- PKG-STATS(8) - display package database statistics
- PKGTOOLS.CONF(5) - configuration file for the pkgtools suite
- PKG-TRIGGERS(5) - trigger file format
- PKG-TRIGGERS(8) - execute triggers which has been deferred
- PKG-UPDATE(8) - update the local catalogues of the enabled package repositories
- PKG-UPDATING(8) - display UPDATING entries of software packages
- PKG-UPGRADE(8) - perform upgrades of package software distributions
- PKG-VERSION(8) - summarize installed versions of packages
- PKG-WHICH(8) - display which package installed a specific file
- PKI(1) - Simple public key infrastructure (PKI) management tool
- PKILL(1) - find or signal processes by name
- pklogin_finder(1) - maps certificates into a user
- PKMESG(3PVM) - Pack messages into other messages.
- PKRU(3) - provide fast user-managed key-based access control for pages
- PKTOGF(1) - convert packed font files to generic font files
- PKTSTAT(1) - display packet activity on a crt
- PKTYPE(1) - verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plain text
- PKWALIFY(1) - Kwalify schema for data structures
- PL2PM(1) - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
- Placement(1) - window will be placed using secondary placement strategy, or manually, if no secondary strategy is specified.
- Plack::App::Cascade(3) - Cascadable compound application
- Plack::App::CGIBin(3) - cgi-bin replacement for Plack servers
- Plack::App::Directory(3) - Serve static files from document root with directory index
- Plack::App::File(3) - Serve static files from root directory
- Plack::App::Proxy(3) - proxy requests
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend(3) - pluggable backend for making the actual HTTP request
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend::AnyEvent::HTTP(3) - backend which uses AnyEvent::HTTP
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend::LWP(3) - backend which uses LWP::UserAgent
- Plack::App::Proxy::Test(3) - Is utilities to test Plack::App::Proxy.
- Plack::App::PSGIBin(3) - Run .psgi files from a directory
- Plack::App::URLMap(3) - Map multiple apps in different paths
- Plack::App::WrapCGI(3) - Compiles a CGI script as PSGI application
- Plack::Builder(3) - OO and DSL to enable Plack Middlewares
- Plack::Builder::Conditionals(3) - Plack::Builder extension
- Plack::Component(3) - Base class for PSGI endpoints
- Plack::Handler(3) - Connects PSGI applications and Web servers
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::HTTPD(3) - Plack handler to run PSGI apps on AnyEvent::HTTPD
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP(3) - reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::SCGI(3) - PSGI handler on AnyEvent::SCGI
- Plack::Handler::Apache1(3) - Apache 1.3.x mod_perl handlers to run PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::Apache2(3) - Apache 2.0 mod_perl handler to run PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::Apache2::Registry(3) - Runs .psgi files.
- Plack::Handler::CGI(3) - CGI handler for Plack
- Plack::Handler::CLI(3) - Command line interface to PSGI applications
- Plack::Handler::Corona(3) - Corona server adapter for Plack
- Plack::Handler::FCGI(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Async(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack using FCGI::Async
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine(3) - A Plack::Handler backend for FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager(3) - A process manager for Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Handler::Feersum(3) - plack adapter for Feersum
- Plack::Handler::Fliggy(3) - Adapter for Fliggy
- Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI(3) - adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
- Plack::Handler::Net::Async::FastCGI(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack using Net::Async::FastCGI
- Plack::Handler::SCGI(3) - PSGI handler on SCGI daemon
- Plack::Handler::Standalone(3) - adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
- Plack::Handler::Starman(3) - Plack adapter for Starman
- Plack::Handler::Twiggy(3) - Adapter for Twiggy
- Plack::HTTPParser(3) - Parse HTTP headers
- Plack::HTTPParser::PP(3) - Pure perl fallback of HTTP::Parser::XS
- Plack::Loader(3) - (auto)load Plack Servers
- Plack::Loader::Delayed(3) - Delay the loading of .psgi until the first run
- Plack::Loader::Restarter(3) - Restarting loader
- Plack::Loader::Shotgun(3) - forking implementation of plackup
- Plack::LWPish(3) - HTTP::Request/Response compatible interface with HTTP::Tiny backend
- Plack::Middleware(3) - Base class for easy-to-use PSGI middleware
- Plack::Middleware::AccessLog(3) - Logs requests like Apache's log format
- Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::Timed(3) - Logs requests with time and accurate body size
- Plack::Middleware::AddDefaultCharset(3) - a port of Apache2's AddDefaultCharset
- Plack::Middleware::AMF(3) - The great new Plack::Middleware::AMF!
- Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic(3) - Simple basic authentication middleware
- Plack::Middleware::Auth::Digest(3) - Digest authentication
- Plack::Middleware::AutoRefresh(3) - Reload pages in browsers when files are modified
- Plack::Middleware::BufferedStreaming(3) - Enable buffering for non-streaming aware servers
- Plack::Middleware::Chunked(3) - Applies chunked encoding to the response body
- Plack::Middleware::Conditional(3) - Conditional wrapper for Plack middleware
- Plack::Middleware::ConditionalGET(3) - Middleware to enable conditional GET
- Plack::Middleware::ConsoleLogger(3) - Write logs to Firebug or Webkit Inspector
- Plack::Middleware::ContentLength(3) - Adds Content-Length header automatically
- Plack::Middleware::ContentMD5(3) - Automatically sets the Content-MD5 header on all String bodies
- Plack::Middleware::CrossOrigin(3) - Adds headers to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- Plack::Middleware::DBIx::DisconnectAll(3) - Disconnect all database connection at end of request
- Plack::Middleware::Debug(3) - display information about the current request/response
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Base(3) - Base class for Debug panels
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::CatalystLog(3) - Debug panel to inspect the environment
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Logger(3) - Log message from you Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Routes(3) - Show available and matched routes for your application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Session(3) - Session panel for your Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Settings(3) - Settings panel of your Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Version(3) - Show Dancer's version
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBITrace(3) - DBI trace panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Environment(3) - Debug panel to inspect the environment
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Memory(3) - Memory Panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::ModuleVersions(3) - Debug panel to inspect versions of loaded modules
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Parameters(3) - Parameters Panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::PerlConfig(3) - Debug panel for Perl configuration information
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Response(3) - Debug panel to inspect the response
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Session(3)
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Timer(3) - Debug panel to time the request
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::TrackObjects(3) - Track Objects panel
- Plack::Middleware::Deflater(3) - Compress response body with Gzip or Deflate
- Plack::Middleware::ErrorDocument(3) - Set Error Document based on HTTP status code
- Plack::Middleware::Expires(3) - mod_expires for plack
- Plack::Middleware::ExtDirect(3) - RPC::ExtDirect gateway for Plack
- Plack::Middleware::File::Sass(3) - Sass and SCSS support for all Plack frameworks
- Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect(3) - Plack::Middleware which sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set
- Plack::Middleware::ForceEnv(3) - Force set environment variables for testing
- Plack::Middleware::Head(3) - auto delete response body in HEAD requests
- Plack::Middleware::Header(3) - modify HTTP response headers
- Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions(3) - Catch HTTP exceptions
- Plack::Middleware::IEnosniff(3) - added HTTP Header 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'
- Plack::Middleware::IIS6ScriptNameFix(3) - fixes wrong SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO that IIS6 sets
- Plack::Middleware::IIS7KeepAliveFix(3) - fixes buffer being cut off on redirect when keep-alive is active on IIS.
- Plack::Middleware::InteractiveDebugger(3) - Awesome Interactive Debugger ala Werkzeug
- Plack::Middleware::JSConcat(3) - Concatenate javascripts
- Plack::Middleware::JSONP(3) - Wraps JSON response in JSONP if callback parameter is specified
- Plack::Middleware::LighttpdScriptNameFix(3) - fixes wrong SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO that lighttpd sets
- Plack::Middleware::Lint(3) - Validate request and response
- Plack::Middleware::Log4perl(3) - Uses Log::Log4perl to configure logger
- Plack::Middleware::LogDispatch(3) - Uses Log::Dispatch to configure logger
- Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage(3) - for measuring process memory
- Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride(3)
- Plack::Middleware::MonocerosStatus(3) - show Monoceros connection manager status
- Plack::Middleware::NoMultipleSlashes(3) - Remove multiple slashes in your paths automatically
- Plack::Middleware::NullLogger(3) - Send logs to /dev/null
- Plack::Middleware::Precompressed(3) - serve pre-gzipped content to compression-enabled clients
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::AddVia(3) - Adds the Via header for the current host.
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::Connect(3) - Handles the CONNECT method.
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::LoadBalancer(3) - Simple load balancer
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::RewriteLocation(3) - Rewrites redirect headers
- Plack::Middleware::RearrangeHeaders(3) - Reorder HTTP headers for buggy clients
- Plack::Middleware::Recursive(3) - Allows PSGI apps to include or forward requests recursively
- Plack::Middleware::Refresh(3) - Refresh all modules in %INC
- Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody(3) - Plack::Middleware which removes body for HTTP response if it's not required
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy(3) - Handle X-Reproxy-URL From Within Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy::Callback(3) - Use A Callback
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy::Furl(3) - Use Furl To Reproxy
- Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy(3) - Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend
- Plack::Middleware::Rewrite(3) - mod_rewrite for Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Runtime(3) - Sets an X-Runtime response header
- Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite(3) - show server status like Apache's mod_status
- Plack::Middleware::Session(3) - Middleware for session management
- Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie(3) - Session middleware that saves session data in the cookie
- Plack::Middleware::SimpleContentFilter(3) - Filters response content
- Plack::Middleware::SimpleLogger(3) - Simple logger that prints to psgi.errors
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO(3) - Socket.IO middleware DEPRECATED
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Base(3) - Base class for transports
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Connection(3) - Connection class
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Handle(3) - Handle
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Htmlfile(3) - Htmlfile transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::JSONPPolling(3) - JSONPPolling transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Resource(3) - Resource class
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::XHRMultipart(3) - XHRMultipart transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::XHRPolling(3) - XHRPolling transport
- Plack::Middleware::StackTrace(3) - Displays stack trace when your app dies
- Plack::Middleware::Static(3) - serve static files with Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Status(3) - Plack Middleware for mapping urls to status code-driven responses
- Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings(3) - Test your application's warnings
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Daily(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Hourly(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Interval(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Limiter(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor(3) - Plack middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For headers
- Plack::Middleware::XFramework(3) - Sample middleware to add X-Framework
- Plack::Middleware::XSendfile(3) - Sets X-Sendfile (or a like) header for frontends
- Plack::MIME(3) - MIME type registry
- Plack::Request(3) - Portable HTTP request object from PSGI env hash
- Plack::Request::Upload(3) - handles file upload requests
- Plack::Response(3) - Portable HTTP Response object for PSGI response
- Plack::Runner(3) - plackup core
- Plack::Server::Coro(3) - Coro cooperative multithread web server
- Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine(3) - DEPRECATED use Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager(3) - DEPRECATED use Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager
- Plack::Server::POE(3)
- Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP(3) - reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
- Plack::Session(3) - Middleware for session management
- Plack::Session::Cleanup(3) - Run code when the environment is destroyed
- Plack::Session::State(3) - Basic parameter-based session state
- Plack::Session::State::Cookie(3) - Basic cookie-based session state
- Plack::Session::Store(3) - Basic in-memory session store
- Plack::Session::Store::Cache(3) - Cache session store
- Plack::Session::Store::DBI(3) - DBI-based session store
- Plack::Session::Store::File(3) - Basic file-based session store
- Plack::Session::Store::Null(3) - Null store
- Plack::Test(3) - Test PSGI applications with various backends
- Plack::Test::Adopt::Catalyst(3) - Run Catalyst::Test based tests against Plack implementations
- Plack::Test::ExternalServer(3) - Run HTTP tests on external live servers
- Plack::Test::MockHTTP(3) - Run mocked HTTP tests through PSGI applications
- Plack::Test::Server(3) - Run HTTP tests through live Plack servers
- Plack::Test::Suite(3) - Test suite for Plack handlers
- Plack::Util(3) - Utility subroutines for Plack server and framework developers
- Plack::Util::Accessor(3) - Accessor generation utility for Plack
- PLACKUP(1) - Run PSGI application with Plack handlers
- Plagger(3) - Pluggable RSS/Atom Aggregator
- Plagger::Cookies(3) - cookie_jar factory class
- Plagger::Date(3) - DateTime subclass for Plagger
- Plagger::Plugin(3) - Base class for Plagger Plugins
- Plagger::Plugin::Aggregator::Null(3) - Aggregator that doesn't do anything
- Plagger::Plugin::Aggregator::Simple(3) - Dumb simple aggregator
- Plagger::Plugin::Bundle::Defaults(3) - Load default built-in plugins
- Plagger::Plugin::Bundle::Planet(3) - Bundle package to create Planet site
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::2chSearch(3) - Custom feed for 2ch Search with Moritapo
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::AmazonAssociateReportJP(3) - Custom feed for Amazon.co.jp associate central
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::BloglinesCitations(3) - Custom feed for Bloglines Citations
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Debug(3) - Feed in config.yaml
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::FlickrSearch(3) - Flickr API as Custom Feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Frepa(3) - Custom feed for livedoor Frepa
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::GoogleNews(3) - Create Google News custom feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::iTunesRecentPlay(3) - iTunes Recent Play custom feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Mailman(3) - Custom feed for Mailman pipermail
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Mixi(3) - Custom feed for mixi.jp
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::MixiDiarySearch(3) - Custom feed for mixi diary search
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::PerlMonks(3) - Perl Monks Newest Nodes Custom Feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::POP3(3) - Custom feed for POP3
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Script(3) - Script support for Plagger
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Simple(3) - Simple way to create title and link only custom feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::SVNLog(3) - Custom feed for SVN Log
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::YouTube(3) - Get YouTube search result or rss
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::2chNewsokuTitle(3) - Newsokuize entry titles
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::2chRSSContent(3) - Normalize 2ch RSS content body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::AtomLinkRelated(3) - Use link rel="related" as entry link
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Babelfish(3) - translate via WWW::Babelfish
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Base(3) - Base filter class to handle HTML snippets
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BloglinesContentNormalize(3) - Strip extra attributes in Bloglines body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BlogPet(3) - Filtering BlogPet
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BreakEntriesToFeeds(3) - 1 entry = 1 feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BulkfeedsTerms(3) - Bulkfeeds Terms API for auto-tagging
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::CompositeFeed(3) - Multi feeds = Entries of one feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::DegradeYouTube(3) - Degrade YouTube object tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Delicious(3) - Fetch tags and users count from del.icio.us
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::DeliciousFeedTags(3) - Fix del.icio.us tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Emoticon(3) - Emoticon Filter
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::EntryFullText(3) - Upgrade your feeds to fulltext class
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ExtractAuthorName(3) - Extract author's name from RSS 2.0 <author> field
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FeedBurnerPermalink(3) - Fix FeedBurner's permalink
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FeedFlareStripper(3) - Strip FeedFlare from feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure(3) - Fetch enclosure(s) in entry
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::Curl(3) - Fetch enclosures using curl
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::ParallelUA(3) - Fetch enclosures using Parallel UA
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::Wget(3) - Fetch enclosures using wget
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FindEnclosures(3) - Auto-find enclosures from entry content using <a> / <embed> tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FloatingDateTime(3) - fix floating timezone
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ForceTimeZone(3) - Force set Timezone regardless of it's UTC or floating
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::GuessLanguage(3) - guess language of feeds/entries
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::GuessTimeZoneByDomain(3) - Guess timezone by domains if datetime is floating or UTC
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaBookmarkTag(3) - Fetch tags from Hatena Bookmark
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaBookmarkUsersCount(3) - Queries Hatena Bookmark users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaDiaryKeywordLink(3) - HatenaDiary keyword link
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaDiaryKeywordUnlink(3) - Strip Hatena Diary keyword links from fulltext feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaFormat(3) - Text formatting filter with Hatena Style
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaKeywordTag(3) - Hatena::Keyword API for auto-tagging
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HEADEnclosureMetadata(3) - Fetch enclosure metadata by sending HEAD request(s)
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HTMLScrubber(3) - Scrub feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HTMLTidy(3) - Filters body HTML using HTML::Tidy
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ImageInfo(3) - Fetch image info (width/height etc.) for feed and entry images
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Kansai(3) - Filer text to Kansai-ben
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::LivedoorClipUsersCount(3) - Queries livedoorClip users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::LivedoorKeywordUnlink(3) - Strip Livedoor keyword links from fulltext feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Markdown(3) - Text formatting filter with Markdown
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Pipe(3) - Filtering with pipe
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::POPFile(3) - Categorize entries as spam et al
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Profanity(3) - Profanity filter for entry body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Regexp(3) - Rewrite entry body using regular expression
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ResolveRelativeLink(3) - Resolve relative links in feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RewriteEnclosureURL(3) - Rewrite enclosure URL for republishing
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RSSLiberalDateTime(3) - Liberal datetime parsing on RSS 2.0 pubDate
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RSSTimeZoneString(3) - Fix bad RFC822 timezone string in RSS 2.0
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Rule(3) - Filter feed entries using Rule
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::SpamAssassin(3) - Find spam entries
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::StripRSSAd(3) - Strip RSS Ads from feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::StripTagsFromTitle(3) - Strip tags from entry title
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TagsToTitle(3) - add tags to entry title
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::tDiaryComment(3) - Rate tDiary comment
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Thumbnail(3) - use Website thumbnail tool(s) to create alternative image for feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TruePermalink(3) - Normalize permalink using its own plugin files
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TTP(3) - Replace ttp:// with http://
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::UnicodeNormalize(3) - Unicode Normalization
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::ApplePhotocast(3) - Apple Photocast module
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::HatenaFotolife(3) - Parses Hatena Fotolife module
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::MediaRSS(3) - Media RSS extension
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Audio(3) - Notifies feed updates via audio file
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Balloon(3) - Notify feed updates using Win32 BalloonNotify
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Beep(3) - Beep your computer when feed arrives
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Campfire(3) - Notification bot for Campfire
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Command(3) - Execute arbitrary command or script when you have an updated feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::darwin(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for darwin
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::freebsd(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for freebsd
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::linux(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for linux
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::mswin32(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for MSWin32
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::IRC(3) - Notify feed updates to IRC
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::MSAgent(3) - Let your Agent speak feed updates
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::NetSend(3) - Notify feed updates to Windows Messenger Service
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::OpenBrowser(3) - Open updated entries in a browser
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::OpenBrowser::FirefoxRemote(3) - Open updated entries in a browser
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::SSTP(3) - Notify feed updates to SSTP
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Tiarra(3) - Notify feed updates to Tiarra IRC Proxy
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::UpdatePing(3) - Notify updates via XMLRPC update ping
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::2chdat(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::CSV(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Delicious(3) - Post to del.icio.us automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Excel(3) - Publish feeds as Excel workbook
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Feed(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::FOAFRoll(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Gmail(3) - Notify updates to your email account
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::HatenaBookmark(3) - Post to Hatena::Bookmark automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::iCal(3) - Produces iCal file out of the feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::IMAP(3) - Transmits IMAP server
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::JavaScript(3) - publish links to entries as JavaScript
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::JSON(3) - Publish JSON data output
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::LivedoorClip(3) - Post to livedoor clip automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Maildir(3) - Store Maildir
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::MT(3) - Post feeds to Movable Type
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::MTWidget(3) - Publish feeds as MT widget
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::OPML(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::OutlineText(3) - Publish as hierarchical text
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PalmDoc(3) - Publish as PalmDoc
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PDF(3) - Publish feeds as PDF
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Pipe(3) - Publish to other program
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Planet(3) - Planet XHTML publisher
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Playlog(3) - Publish music data to playlog.jp
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PowerPoint(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Serializer(3) - Serialize feed data using Data::Serializer
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Speech::MacOSX(3) - speak your subscription on MacOSX
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::SWF(3) - Publish feeds as SWF
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Takahashi(3) - produce takahashi output
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Estraier(3) - Search entries using Hyper Estraier P2P
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Grep(3) - Search entries using File::Grep
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::KinoSearch(3) - Index entries using KinoSearch
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Namazu(3) - Search Feed updates by Namazu
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Rast(3) - Search Feed updates by Rast
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Spotlight(3) - Search Webbookmark files for Spotlight
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Bloglines(3) - Bloglines Subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Bookmarks(3) - Subscribe to URLs in Favorites / Bookmarks
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Config(3) - Subscription in config.yaml
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::DBI(3) - Subscription in database
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Feed(3) - Subscribe entries in a XML feed (RSS/Atom)
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::File(3) - Store feed URLs in a file
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::FOAF(3) - Simple subscription of friends' blogs
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::HatenaGroup(3) - HatenaGroup Subscription via RSS
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::HatenaRSS(3) - HatenaRSS Subscription via OPML
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::LivedoorReader(3) - Synchronize livedoor Reader with JSON API
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Odeo(3) - Odeo Subscription via OPML
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::OPML(3) - OPML subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::PingServer(3) - Subscription from ping servers
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Planet(3) - Ego search subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::PlanetINI(3) - read subscriptions from Planet Planet's config.ini
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::XOXO(3) - Subscription list with XOXO microformats
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::XPath(3) - Use XPath expression to extract subscriptions from web pages
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::AppleScript(3) - use AppleScript summarize Command
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Auto(3) - Auto-create summary for entry without summary
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::English(3) - uses Lingua::EN::Summarizer to generate summary
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::GetSen(3) - Use GetSen XML-RPC API to extract summary from Japanese text
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::HatenaBookmark(3) - Generate summary using Hatena Bookmark summary field
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Japanese(3) - module: Summary::Japanese
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Simple(3) - Default summary generator
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::TextOriginal(3) - uses Text::Original to get first sentence
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::TrackbackRDF(3) - Extract description from Trackback RDF
- Plagger::Plugin::UserAgent::AuthenRequest(3) - Plagger plugin for authen request
- Plagger::Plugin::UserAgent::RequestHeader(3) - Add arbitrary request header
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::BloglinesSubscription(3) - Bloglines Subscription Widget
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::BulkfeedsSpamReport(3) - Widget to report as Splog to Bulkfeeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::Delicious(3) - Widget to post to del.icio.us
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::HatenaBookmarkUsersCount(3) - Widget to Hatena Bookmark with users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::Simple(3) - Simple widget creation using config
- Plagger::Rule::Deduped(3) - Rule to get Deduped entries based on the database
- Plagger::Rule::Fresh(3) - Rule to find 'fresh' entries or feeds
- Plagger::Rule::URLBL(3) - Rule to URLBL for feed url
- Plagger::Template(3) - Template Toolkit subclass for Plagger
- PLAINRSA-GEN(8) - generator for Plain RSA keys
- PLAN(4) - database file of plan(1)
- Planar(3) - A collection of planar geometry functions
- planarity(1) - The Edge Addition Planarity Suite
- PLANIMETER(1) - 5) digits after the decimal point.
- PLANK(1) - Stupidly simple.
- PLASMAENGINEEXPLO(1) - Provides direct access to plasma data engines
- PLASMAPKG2(1) - Install, list, remove Plasma packages
- PLASMOIDVIEWER(1) - Run Plasma widgets in their own window
- platform(n) - System identification support code and utilities
- platform::shell(n) - System identification support code and utilities
- play_audio(3)
- play_audio_stream(3) - Creates a new audio stream and starts playing it. Allegro game programming library.
- play_fli(3) - Plays a FLI or FLC animation from disk. Allegro game programming library.
- play_looped_midi(3) - Starts playing a MIDI file with a user-defined loop position. Allegro game programming library.
- play_memory_fli(3) - Plays a FLI or FLC animation from memory. Allegro game programming library.
- play_midi(3) - Starts playing the specified MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- PLAYBUCKET(1) - plays the bucket corresponding to the specified file
- PLAYERCTL(1) - Control interface for the media player
- PLAYMPEG(1) - MPEG audio (MP3) and video (MPEG-1) player
- playumidi(1) - play standard midi-file format 0/1 for FreeBSD USB-MIDI device (support Multi-Byte Language Text version)
- plcombine(3gv)
- plconsol(3gv)
- PLDES(1)
- PLEASE(1) - execute a command as root
- PLE-CONFIG(1) - Script to get information about the installed version of the PLE library.
- PLIP(4)
- plistutil(1) - Convert a plist FILE from binary to XML format or vice-versa
- PLMAKE(1) - Experimental "make" utility based on Makefile::Parser
- plmpower(8) - control Insteon/X10 devices via SmartLabs PLM 2412S
- PLN(5) - progressive label notation
- PLOCKSTAT(1) - Trace pthread lock statistics using DTrace
- PLOT(5) - plotting interface
- PLOT(7) - graphics interface
- PLOT(nged) - Creates a UNIX plot of the current MGED display.
- PLOT3(5) - 3-D and color graphic plotting interface
- PLOT3-ASC(1) - convert a Plot3 stream to ASCII
- PLOT3COLOR(1) - output a UnixPlot color command
- PLOT3-FB(1) - display 3-D UNIX plot on a framebuffer
- PLOT3GETFRAME(1) - extract one frame from a UNIX plot file
- PLOT3LINE2(1) - output a 2D UnixPlot line
- PLOT3-PLOT3(1) - convert an extended to a simple UnixPlot file
- PLOT3-PS(1) - convert UnixPlot to PostScript file
- PLOT3ROT(1) - rotate, translate, or scale a UnixPlot file
- PLOT-CONSTELLATIONS(1) - Annotates images with constellations etc.
- PLOTFONT(1) - produce character maps of fonts supported by the plotting utilities
- plot-netperfmeter-results(1) - Network Performance Meter
- PLOTQUAD(1) - Draws polygons over images.
- PLOTXY(1) - plots circles, crosses, etc over images.
- PLT-Help(1) - compatibility Racket documentation tool
- PLTOTF(1) - convert property list files to TeX font metric (tfm) format
- Plucene(3) - A Perl port of the Lucene search engine
- Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer(3) - base class for Analyzers
- Plucene::Analysis::CharTokenizer(3) - base class for character tokenisers
- Plucene::Analysis::CJKAnalyzer(3) - Analyzer for CJK texts
- Plucene::Analysis::CJKTokenizer(3) - Tokenizer for CJK texts
- Plucene::Analysis::LetterTokenizer(3) - Letter tokenizer
- Plucene::Analysis::LowerCaseFilter(3) - normalises token text to lower case
- Plucene::Analysis::LowerCaseTokenizer(3) - tokenizer which also lower cases text
- Plucene::Analysis::PorterStemFilter(3) - Porter stemming on the token stream
- Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer(3) - The simple analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::Standard::StandardAnalyzer(3) - standard analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::Standard::StandardTokenizer(3) - standard tokenizer
- Plucene::Analysis::StopAnalyzer(3) - the stop-word analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::StopFilter(3) - the stop filter
- Plucene::Analysis::Token(3) - A term in a field
- Plucene::Analysis::TokenFilter(3) - base class for token filters
- Plucene::Analysis::Tokenizer(3) - base class for tokenizers
- Plucene::Analysis::WhitespaceAnalyzer(3) - white space analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::WhitespaceTokenizer(3) - white space tokenizer
- Plucene::Bitvector(3) - a vector of bits
- Plucene::Document(3) - The unit of indexing and searching
- Plucene::Document::DateSerializer(3) - Utility functions for dealing with dates
- Plucene::Document::Field(3) - A field in a Plucene::Document
- Plucene::Index::DocumentWriter(3) - the document writer
- Plucene::Index::FieldInfos(3) - a collection of FieldInfo objects
- Plucene::Index::FieldsReader(3) - read Fields in a Document
- Plucene::Index::FieldsWriter(3) - writes Fields to a Document
- Plucene::Index::Reader(3) - Abstract class for accessing an index
- Plucene::Index::SegmentInfo(3) - Information on a Segment
- Plucene::Index::SegmentInfos(3) - A collection of SegmentInfo objects
- Plucene::Index::SegmentMergeInfo(3) - Segment Merge information
- Plucene::Index::SegmentMerger(3) - the Segment merger
- Plucene::Index::SegmentReader(3) - the Segment reader
- Plucene::Index::SegmentsReader(3) - reads the segments
- Plucene::Index::SegmentsTermEnum(3)
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermDocs(3) - Segment term docs
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermEnum(3) - Segment term enum
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermPositions(3) - Segment term positions
- Plucene::Index::Term(3) - a word from text
- Plucene::Index::TermInfo(3) - Information on an index term
- Plucene::Index::TermInfosReader(3) - read the term infos file
- Plucene::Index::TermInfosWriter(3) - write to the term infos file
- Plucene::Index::Writer(3) - write an index.
- Plucene::Plugin::Analyzer::SnowballAnalyzer(3) - Stemmed analyzer with Lingua::Stem::Snowball and Lingua::StopWords
- Plucene::Plugin::Analyzer::SnowballFilter(3) - Snowball stemming on the token stream
- Plucene::QueryParser(3) - Turn query strings into Plucene::Search::Query objects
- Plucene::Search::BooleanClause(3) - A clause in a boolean query
- Plucene::Search::BooleanQuery(3) - a boolean query
- Plucene::Search::BooleanScorer(3) - A boolean scorer
- Plucene::Search::DateFilter(3) - Restrict searches to given time periods
- Plucene::Search::Filter(3) - A search filter base class
- Plucene::Search::HitCollector(3)
- Plucene::Search::Hits(3) - A list of ranked documents
- Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher(3) - The index searcher
- Plucene::Search::PhrasePositions(3) - The position of a phrase
- Plucene::Search::PhraseQuery(3) - A query that matchs a phrase
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer(3) - a phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer::Exact(3) - exact phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer::Sloppy(3) - sloppy phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PrefixQuery(3) - a query that matches terms beginning with a string
- Plucene::Search::Query(3) - base class for queries
- Plucene::Search::Scorer(3) - base class for scorers
- Plucene::Search::Searcher(3) - base class for searchers
- Plucene::Search::Similarity(3) - the score of a query
- Plucene::Search::TermQuery(3) - a query that contains a term
- Plucene::Search::TermScorer(3) - score terms
- Plucene::Search::TopDocs(3) - The top hits for a query
- Plucene::Simple(3) - An interface to Plucene
- Plucene::Store::InputStream(3) - a random-access input stream
- Plucene::Store::OutputStream(3) - a random-access output stream
- Plucene::TestCase(3) - Handy functions when testing Plucene
- Plucene::Utils(3) - Utility class for Plucene
- PLUGINVIEWER(8) - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
- Plugtools(3) - LDAP and Posix
- Plugtools::Plugins::Dump(3) - A Plugtools plugin that calls Data::Dumper->Dumper on %opts and %args that are passed to the plugin.
- Plugtools::Plugins::HomeOU(3) - Creates the home OU for a user.
- Plugtools::Plugins::HomeOUremove(3) - Remove the home OU for a user.
- PLUMA(1) - The MATE Text Editor
- PLUMAGE(1) - Parrot Plumage
- PLUMB(1) - send message to plumber
- PLUMB(3) - plumb messages
- PLUMB(7) - format of plumb messages and rules
- PLUMBER(4) - file system for interprocess messaging
- PLY-G(1) - Stanford PLY format Translator (PLY to BRL-CAD)
- PLZIP(1) - reduces the size of files
- PM_WHICH(1) - find installed modules
- pm3umpdl(1) - Loads a pls file into mpd, musicpd.
- PMAP(9) - machine-dependent portion of virtual memory subsystem
- PMAP_ACTIVATE(9) - activate a physical map
- PMAP_CLEAR_MODIFY(9) - set information about physical pages
- PMAP_COPY(9) - copy physical memory pages
- PMAP_ENTER(9) - insert a virtual page into a physical map
- PMAP_EXTRACT(9) - map a virtual address to a physical page
- PMAP_GROWKERNEL(9) - grow the kernel virtual address (KVA) space
- PMAP_INIT(9) - initialize the pmap subsystem
- PMAP_IS_MODIFIED(9) - return information about physical pages
- PMAP_IS_PREFAULTABLE(9) - determine if a page may be prefaulted
- PMAP_MAP(9) - map a physical memory range into kernel virtual address (KVA) space
- PMAP_MINCORE(9) - determine if a virtual address is resident in physical memory
- PMAP_OBJECT_INIT_PT(9) - initialize page tables for a VM object
- PMAP_PAGE_EXISTS_QUICK(9) - determine if a page exists in a physical map
- PMAP_PAGE_INIT(9) - initialize machine-dependent fields of a VM page
- PMAP_PINIT(9) - initialize pmap structures
- PMAP_PROTECT(9) - set physical page protection
- PMAP_QENTER(9) - manage temporary kernel space mappings
- PMAP_QUICK_ENTER_PAGE(9) - manage fast, single-page kernel address space mappings
- PMAP_RELEASE(9) - release resources held by a physical map
- PMAP_REMOVE(9) - remove pages from a physical map
- PMAP_RESIDENT_COUNT(9) - return page resident and wiring statistics
- PMAP_UNWIRE(9) - unwire a range of virtual pages
- PMAP_ZERO(9) - zero-fill a page using machine-dependent optimizations
- pmapfilter(3) - User-defined labels for IPs and protocol/port pairs
- PMAPP(1) - insert a verifiable signature into a news article.
- PMARS(6) - portable corewar system with ICWS'94 extensions
- PMAT(1) - Perl Memory Analysis Tool
- PMATH(1) - simple command line interface to Math::Cephes
- PMC_ALLOCATE(3) - allocate and free performance monitoring counters
- PMC_ATTACH(3) - attaching and detaching process scope PMCs to target processes
- PMC_CAPABILITIES(3) - retrieve information about performance monitoring counters
- PMC_CONFIGURE_LOGFILE(3) - log file management
- PMC_ENABLE(3) - administrative control of hardware performance counters
- PMC_EVENT_NAMES_OF_CLASS(3) - return a list of event names supported by a PMC class
- PMC_GET_DRIVER_STATS(3) - retrieve driver statistics
- PMC_GET_MSR(3) - x86 architecture-specific PMC operations
- PMC_INIT(3) - initialize library
- PMC_READ(3) - read and write hardware performance counters
- PMC_SET(3) - set the reload count of a sampling PMC
- PMC_START(3) - start and stop a PMC
- PMCANCEL(1) - create a cancellation message from an article's headers.
- PMCANNOTATE(8) - sources printout with inlined profiling
- PMCANON(1) - put a news article in canonical format for signature checking
- pmccabe(1) - calculate McCabe cyclomatic complexity or non-commented line counts for C and C++ programs
- PMCCONTROL(8) - control hardware performance monitoring counters
- PMCHECK(1) - check veracity and applicability of signatures in news articles.
- PMCSTAT(8) - performance measurement with performance monitoring hardware
- PMCSTUDY(8) - Perform various studies on a system's overall PMCs
- PMD_DUMP(1) - Query and print Module::Dependency info
- pmd_dump(3) - Query and print Module::Dependency info
- PMD_GRAPHER.PLX(1) - display Module::Dependency info in a graphical manner
- PMD_INDEXER.PLX(1) - make Module::Dependency index
- PMDAEMON(1) - Automatically check postings to newsgroups
- PMEM_CTL(5) - interface for examination and modification of the library's internal state.
- PMEM_FLUSH(3) - check persistency, store persistent data and delete mappings
- PMEM_IS_PMEM(3) - check persistency, create and delete mappings
- PMEM_MEMMOVE_PERSIST(3) - functions that provide optimized copying to persistent memory
- PMEMBLK_BSIZE(3) - check number of available blocks or usable space in block memory pool
- PMEMBLK_CREATE(3) - create, open, close and validate block pool
- PMEMBLK_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemblk internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMBLK_READ(3) - read or write a block from a block memory pool
- PMEMBLK_SET_ZERO(3) - block management functions
- PMEMLOG_APPEND(3) - append bytes to the persistent memory resident log file
- PMEMLOG_CREATE(3) - create, open, close and validate persistent memory resident log file
- PMEMLOG_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemlog internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMLOG_NBYTE(3) - checks the amount of usable space in the log pool.
- PMEMLOG_TELL(3) - checks current write point for the log or walks through the log
- PMEMOBJ_ACTION(3) - Delayed atomicity actions (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMOBJ_ALLOC(3) - non-transactional atomic allocations
- PMEMOBJ_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemobj internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMOBJ_FIRST(3) - pmemobj container operations
- PMEMOBJ_LIST_INSERT(3) - non-transactional persistent atomic lists functions
- PMEMOBJ_MEMCPY_PERSIST(3) - low-level memory manipulation functions
- PMEMOBJ_MUTEX_ZERO(3) - pmemobj synchronization primitives
- PMEMOBJ_OPEN(3) - create, open, close and validate persistent memory transactional object store
- PMEMOBJ_ROOT(3) - root object management
- PMEMOBJ_TX_ADD_RANGE(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMOBJ_TX_ALLOC(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMOBJ_TX_BEGIN(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMPOOL(1) - Persistent Memory Pool Management Tool
- PMEMPOOL_CHECK_INIT(3) - checks pmempool health
- PMEMPOOL_FEATURE_QUERY(3) - toggle or query pool set features
- PMEMPOOL_RM(3) - remove persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL_SYNC(3) - pool set synchronization and transformation
- PMEMPOOL-CHECK(1) - check and repair persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL-CONVERT(1) - this is a wrapper around pmdk-convert tool. More information can be found in
- PMEMPOOL-CREATE(1) - create a persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL-DUMP(1) - dump user data from persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL-FEATURE(1) - toggle or query pool set features
- PMEMPOOL-INFO(1) - show information about persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL-RM(1) - remove a persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL-SYNC(1) - Synchronize replicas or their parts within a pool set.
- PMEMPOOL-TRANSFORM(1) - Modify internal structure of a pool set.
- PMKPASSWD(1) - Generate crypted passwords
- PMNEWSGROUPS(1) - extract a list of all newsgroups from an article's headers.
- pms(1) - Practical Music Search, an ncurses-based MPD client
- PMSD(8) - Periodically Manic System Daemon. Manages the bizzare and sometimes unexplainable behavior exhibited by computers.
- PMV(1) - rename files according to perl code
- pmxab(1) - a MusiXTeX preprocessor
- PN(4)
- pn53x-diagnose(1) - PN53x diagnose tool
- pn53x-sam(1) - PN53x SAM communication demonstration tool
- pn53x-tamashell(1) - PN53x TAMA communication demonstration shell
- PNETCDF_VERSION(1) - print the starting/ending file offsets for netCDF variables
- PNEWS(1) - a program for posting news articles
- PNFS(4) - NFS Version 4.1 and 4.2 Parallel NFS Protocol
- PNFSDSCOPYMR(8) - copy or move a data storage file for a MDS file to a different DS
- PNFSDSFILE(8) - display a pNFS data storage file's location(s) and/or modify the “pnfsd.dsfile” extended attribute for them
- PNFSDSKILL(8) - disables a pNFS data storage server (DS)
- PNFSSERVER(4) - NFS Version 4.1 and 4.2 Parallel NFS Protocol Server
- PNG(5) - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format
- PNG2FF(1) - convert PNG to farbfeld
- png2ico(1) - convert .PNG file(s) to Windows .ICO icon resource
- PNG2PAT(1) - Converts an image file from PNG to PAT format.
- png2swf(1) - Takes a number of png files and converts them to a swf movie, one picture per frame.
- png2yuv(1) - Convert PNG images to the YUV4MPEG stream format.
- PNG-BW(1) - convert a Portable Networks Graphics (PNG) format file to a BW format
- pngdriver(1)
- PNG-FB(1) - display a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image file on a framebuffer
- PNGINSPECT(1) - print contents of PNG files
- PNGNQ(1) - quantize png images
- PNG-PIX(1) - convert Portable Network Graphics (PNG) encoded image to RGB pixel format
- pngquant(1) - PNG converter and lossy image compressor
- pngtoexr(1) - convert a PNG image to OpenEXR format
- pnmtotiff(1) - replaced by pamtotiff
- pnmtoy4m(1) - Convert PNM/PAM images to YUV4MPEG2 stream
- PNP(4)
- PNPBIOS(4) - support for embedded devices on the motherboard
- PNSCAN(1) - multi threaded port scanning tool
- pnuke(1)
- po2csv.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Comma-Separated Value (.csv) files.
- po2dtd.py(1) - Converts a Gettext PO file to a UTF-8 encoded Mozilla .dtd file.
- po2flatxml.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to flat XML files.
- po2html.py(1) - Translate HTML files using Gettext PO localization files.
- po2ical.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to iCalendar files.
- po2idml.py(1) - Takes an IDML template file and a PO file containing translations of strings in the IDML template. It creates a new IDML file using the translations of the PO file.
- po2ini.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to .ini files.
- po2json.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to JSON files.
- po2moz.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Mozilla .dtd and .properties files.
- po2mozlang.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Mozilla .lang files.
- po2oo.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to an OpenOffice.org (SDF) localization file.
- po2php.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to PHP localization files.
- po2prop.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Java/Mozilla .properties files.
- po2rc.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files back to Windows Resource (.rc) files.
- po2resx.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localisation files to .Net Resource (.resx) files.
- po2sub.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to subtitle files.
- po2symb.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Symbian translation files.
- po2tiki.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO files to TikiWiki's language.php files.
- po2tmx.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to a TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file.
- po2ts.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to Qt Linguist (.ts) files.
- po2txt.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to plain text (.txt) files.
- po2web2py.py(1) - Convert GNU/gettext PO files to web2py translation dictionaries (.py).
- po2wordfast.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to a Wordfast translation memory file.
- po2xliff.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to XLIFF localization files.
- PO2XML(1) - Translates an DocBook XML file using a PO file
- po2yaml.py(1) - Convert Gettext PO localization files to YAML files.
- PO4A(1p) - update both the PO files and translated documents in one shot
- PO4A(7) - Rahmenwerk zur Übersetzung von Dokumentation und anderen Materialien
- PO4A-DISPLAY-MAN(1) - display a translated man page according to a PO
- PO4A-DISPLAY-POD(1) - display of a translated POD file according to a PO
- PO4A-GETTEXTIZE(1p) - convert an original file (and its translation) to a PO file
- PO4A-NORMALIZE(1p) - normalize a documentation file by parsing it in po4a, and writing it back
- PO4A-TRANSLATE(1p) - convert a PO file back to documentation format
- PO4A-UPDATEPO(1p) - update the translation (in PO format) of documentation
- POBJ_LAYOUT_BEGIN(3) - persistent memory transactional object store layout
- POBJ_LIST_HEAD(3) - type-safe non-transactional persistent atomic lists
- PocketIO(3) - Socket.IO PSGI application
- PocketIO::Broadcast(3) - Sockets class
- PocketIO::Connection(3) - Connection class
- PocketIO::Handle(3) - Handle
- PocketIO::Message(3) - Socket.IO message parsing and building
- PocketIO::Pool(3) - Connection pool
- PocketIO::Pool::Redis(3) - Redis class
- PocketIO::Resource(3) - Resource class
- PocketIO::Socket(3) - Socket class
- PocketIO::Sockets(3) - Sockets class
- PocketIO::Test(3) - Testing PocketIO
- PocketIO::Transport::Base(3) - Base class for transports
- PocketIO::Transport::BasePolling(3) - Basic class for polling transports
- PocketIO::Transport::Htmlfile(3) - Htmlfile transport
- PocketIO::Transport::JSONPPolling(3) - JSONPPolling transport
- PocketIO::Transport::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transport
- PocketIO::Transport::XHRMultipart(3) - XHRMultipart transport
- PocketIO::Transport::XHRPolling(3) - XHRPolling transport
- POCKETSPHINX_BATCH(1) - Run speech recognition in batch mode
- POCKETSPHINX_CONTINUOUS(1) - Run speech recognition in continuous listening mode
- POCKETSPHINX_MDEF_CONVERT(1) - Convert text-format model definition files to and from PocketSphinx format
- Pod::Abstract(3) - Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
- Pod::Abstract::BuildNode(3) - Build new nodes for use in Pod::Abstract.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter(3) - Generic Pod-in to Pod-out filter.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::add_podcmds(3) - paf command to insert explict =pod commands before each Pod block in a document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::clear_podcmds(3) - paf command to remove =pod commands from the begining of Pod blocks.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::cut(3) - paf command to remove non-processed (cut) portions of a Pod document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::find(3) - paf command to find specific nodes that contain a string.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::number_sections(3) - paf command for basic multipart section numbering.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::overlay(3) - paf command to perform a method documentation overlay on a Pod document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::sort(3) - paf command to alphabetically sort sub-sections within a Pod section
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::summary(3) - paf command to show document outline, with short examples.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::uncut(3) - paf command to turn source code into verbatim nodes.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::unoverlay(3) - paf command to remove "overlay" blocks from a Pod document, as created by the paf overlay command.
- Pod::Abstract::Node(3) - Pod Document Node.
- Pod::Abstract::Parser(3) - Internal Parser class of Pod::Abstract.
- Pod::Abstract::Path(3) - Search for POD nodes matching a path within a document tree.
- Pod::Abstract::Serial(3) - generate a global sequence of serial numbers.
- Pod::Abstract::Tree(3) - Manage a level of Pod document tree Nodes.
- Pod::Autopod(3) - Generates pod documentation by analysing perl modules.
- Pod::Cache(3) - internal Tk-Pod module for cache control
- Pod::Checker(3) - check pod documents for syntax errors
- Pod::Constants(3) - Include constants from POD
- Pod::Coverage(3) - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- Pod::Coverage::CountParents(3) - subclass of Pod::Coverage that examines the inheritance tree
- Pod::Coverage::ExportOnly(3) - subclass of Pod::Coverage than only examines exported functions
- Pod::Coverage::Moose(3) - Pod::Coverage extension for Moose
- Pod::Coverage::Overloader(3) - deprecated subclass of Pod::Coverage
- Pod::Coverage::TrustPod(3) - allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints
- Pod::DocBook(3) - Convert Pod data to DocBook SGML
- Pod::Elemental(3) - work with nestable Pod elements
- Pod::Elemental::Autoblank(3) - a paragraph that always displays an extra blank line in Pod form
- Pod::Elemental::Autochomp(3) - a paragraph that chomps set content
- Pod::Elemental::Command(3) - a =command paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Document(3) - a pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Blank(3) - a series of blank lines
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Command(3) - a Pod =command element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Nonpod(3) - a non-pod element in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Text(3) - a Pod text or verbatim element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Nested(3) - an element that is a command and a node
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Command(3) - a Pod5 =command element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Data(3) - a Pod data paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Nonpod(3) - a non-pod element in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary(3) - a Pod5 ordinary text paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Region(3) - a region of Pod (this role likely to be removed)
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Verbatim(3) - a Pod verbatim paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Flat(3) - a content-only pod paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Node(3) - a thing with Pod::Elemental::Nodes as children
- Pod::Elemental::Objectifier(3) - it turns a Pod::Eventual event stream into objects
- Pod::Elemental::Paragraph(3) - a paragraph in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Selectors(3) - predicates for selecting elements
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer(3) - something that transforms a node tree into a new tree
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer(3) - gather related paragraphs under a shared header
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Nester(3) - group the document into sections
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Pod5(3) - the default, minimal semantics of Perl5's pod element hierarchy
- Pod::Elemental::Types(3) - data types for Pod::Elemental
- Pod::Escapes(3) - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
- Pod::Eventual(3) - read a POD document as a series of trivial events
- Pod::Eventual::Simple(3) - just get an array of the stuff Pod::Eventual finds
- Pod::Find(3) - find POD documents in directory trees
- Pod::FindPods(3) - find Pods installed on the current system
- Pod::Html(3) - module to convert pod files to HTML
- Pod::HTML_Elements(3) - Convert POD to tree of LWP's HTML::Element and hence HTML or PostScript
- Pod::HtmlEasy(3)
- Pod::InputObjects(3) - objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc.
- Pod::LaTeX(3) - Convert Pod data to formatted Latex
- Pod::Links(3) - Pod::Parser subclass to deal with L<> links
- Pod::Man(3) - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
- Pod::Markdown(3) - Convert POD to Markdown
- Pod::MinimumVersion(3) - Perl version for POD directives used
- Pod::MinimumVersion::Parser(3) - parser used by Pod::MinimumVersion
- Pod::MinimumVersion::Report(3) - report object from Pod::MinimumVersion
- Pod::ParseLink(3) - Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text
- Pod::Parser(3) - base class for creating POD filters and translators
- Pod::ParseUtils(3) - helpers for POD parsing and conversion
- Pod::Perldoc(3) - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
- Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo(3) - Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters
- Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO(3) - Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc
- Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI(3) - render Pod with ANSI color escapes
- Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker(3) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
- Pod::Perldoc::ToMan(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as man pages
- Pod::Perldoc::ToMarkdown(3) - Enable `perldoc -o Markdown`
- Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff(3) - let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff
- Pod::Perldoc::ToPod(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as ... Pod!
- Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as RTF
- Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm(3) - render Pod with terminal escapes
- Pod::Perldoc::ToText(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext
- Pod::Perldoc::ToTk(3) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
- Pod::Perldoc::ToXml(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as XML
- Pod::PlainText(3) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
- Pod::POM(3) - POD Object Model
- Pod::POM::Constants(3) - constants used for Pod::POM
- Pod::POM::Node(3) - base class for a POM node
- Pod::POM::Node::Begin(3) - POM '=begin' node class
- Pod::POM::Node::Code(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Content(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::For(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head1(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head2(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head3(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head4(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Item(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Over(3) - POM '=over' node class
- Pod::POM::Node::Pod(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Sequence(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Text(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Verbatim(3)
- Pod::POM::Nodes(3) - convenience class to load all node classes
- Pod::POM::View(3) - view POM objects
- Pod::POM::View::HTML(3) - create HTML views of POM objects
- Pod::POM::View::HTML::Filter(3) - Use filters on sections of your pod documents
- Pod::POM::View::Pod(3) - create a Pod view of a POM object
- Pod::POM::View::Restructured(3) - View for Pod::POM that outputs reStructuredText
- Pod::POM::View::Text(3) - create text views of POM objects
- pod::Prima::Clipboard(3) - GUI interprocess data exchange
- pod::Prima::codecs(3) - How to write a codec for Prima image subsystem
- pod::Prima::Drawable(3) - 2-D graphic interface
- pod::Prima::faq(3) - Frequently asked questions about Prima
- pod::Prima::File(3) - asynchronous stream I/O.
- pod::Prima::gp-problems(3) - Problems, questionable or intricate topics in 2-D Graphics
- pod::Prima::Image(3) - Bitmap routines
- pod::Prima::image-load(3) - Using image subsystem
- pod::Prima::internals(3) - Prima internal architecture
- pod::Prima::Menu(3) - pull-down and pop-up menu objects
- pod::Prima::Object(3) - Prima toolkit base classes
- pod::Prima::Printer(3) - system printing services
- pod::Prima::Region(3) - generic shape for clipping and hit testing
- pod::Prima::Timer(3) - programmable periodical events
- pod::Prima::tutorial(3) - introductory tutorial
- pod::Prima::Widget(3) - window management
- pod::Prima::Widget::pack(3) - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
- pod::Prima::Widget::place(3) - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
- pod::Prima::Window(3) - top-level window management
- pod::Prima::X11(3) - usage guide for X11 environment
- pod::prima-gencls(3) - class interface compiler for Prima core modules
- Pod::ProjectDocs(3) - generates CPAN like project documents from pod.
- Pod::Readme(3) - Intelligently generate a README file from POD
- Pod::Readme::Filter(3) - Filter README from POD
- Pod::Readme::Plugin(3) - Plugin role for Pod::Readme
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::changes(3) - Include latest Changes in README
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::requires(3) - Include requirements in README
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::version(3) - Include version in README
- Pod::Readme::Types(3) - Types used by Pod::Readme
- Pod::Search(3) - Widget to access perlindex Pod full text index
- Pod::Search_db(3) - dirty OO wrapper for "perlindex"'s search functionality
- Pod::Section(3) - select specified section from Module's POD
- Pod::Select(3) - extract selected sections of POD from input
- Pod::Simple(3) - framework for parsing Pod
- Pod::Simple::Checker(3)
- Pod::Simple::Debug(3)
- Pod::Simple::DumpAsText(3)
- Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML(3)
- Pod::Simple::HTML(3) - convert Pod to HTML
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3) - convert several Pod files to several HTML files
- Pod::Simple::JustPod(3)
- Pod::Simple::LinkSection(3)
- Pod::Simple::Methody(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParser(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::RTF(3)
- Pod::Simple::Search(3) - find POD documents in directory trees
- Pod::Simple::SimpleTree(3)
- Pod::Simple::Subclassing(3)
- Pod::Simple::Text(3)
- Pod::Simple::TextContent(3)
- Pod::Simple::XHTML(3)
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream(3)
- Pod::SimpleBridge(3)
- Pod::Site(3)
- Pod::Spell(3) - a formatter for spellchecking Pod
- Pod::Strip(3) - Remove POD from Perl code
- Pod::Tests(3) - (DEPRECATED) Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
- Pod::Text(3) - Pod browser widget
- Pod::Text::Color(3) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
- Pod::Text::Overstrike(3) - Convert POD data to formatted overstrike text
- Pod::Text::Termcap(3) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
- Pod::Tree(3) - Create a static syntax tree for a POD
- Pod::Tree::HTML(3) - Generate HTML from a Pod::Tree
- Pod::Tree::Node(3) - nodes in a Pod::Tree
- Pod::Tree::PerlBin(3) - translate program PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlDist(3) - translate Perl distribution documentation to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlFunc(3) - translate perlfunc.pod to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlLib(3) - translate module PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlMap(3) - map names to URLs
- Pod::Tree::PerlPod(3) - translate Perl PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlTop(3) - generate a top-level index for Perl PODs
- Pod::Tree::Pod(3) - Convert a Pod::Tree back to a POD
- Pod::Usage(3) - extracts POD documentation and shows usage information
- Pod::Util(3) - Tk::Pod specific utility functions
- Pod::WikiDoc(3) - Generate Pod from inline wiki style text
- Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook(3) - Examples of Pod::WikiDoc usage
- Pod::WikiDoc::Parser(3) - precompiled recursive descent parser for Pod::WikiDoc
- Pod::Wordlist(3) - English words that come up in Perl documentation
- Pod::WSDL(3) - Creates WSDL documents from (extended) pod
- Pod::WSDL::Attr(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for an attribute of a class (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::AUTOLOAD(3) - Base class for autoloading (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Doc(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for the documentation of methods (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Fault(3) - Represents the WSDL pod describing the fault of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Method(3) - Represents a method in Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Param(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for a parameter of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Return(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for the return value of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Type(3) - Represents a type in Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Utils(3) - Utilities and constants for Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Writer(3) - Writes XML output for Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::Xhtml(3) - Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation
- Pod::XML(3) - Module to convert POD to XML
- Pod_usage(3) - How to use the perl/Tk Pod browser widget
- POD2::Base(3) - Base module for translations of Perl documentation
- POD2::DE::local::lib(3) - Erschaffen und benutzen von Perl Modulen in einem lokalen lib/ Verzeichnis mit PERL5LIB
- POD2::JA::Encode::MIME::EncWords(3) - MIME の「B」・「Q」ヘッダエンコーディング (代替案)
- POD2::JA::MIME::Charset(3) - MIME のためのキャラクタセット情報
- POD2::JA::MIME::EncWords(3) - RFC 2047 encoded-word 関連 (改良版)
- POD2::JA::Text::LineFold(3) - プレインテキストの行折り
- POD2::JA::Unicode::GCString(3) - UAX #29 書記素クラスタの列としての文字列
- POD2::JA::Unicode::LineBreak(3) - UAX #14 Unicode 行分割アルゴリズム
- POD2::PT::POD2::Base(3)
- POD2::PT_BR::local::lib(3) - crie e use um diretório lib/ local para módulos perl com PERL5LIB
- POD2DOCBOOK(1) - Convert POD data to DocBook SGML
- POD2HTML(1) - convert .pod files to .html files
- POD2LATEX(1) - convert pod documentation to latex format
- POD2MAN(1) - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
- POD2MARKDOWN(1) - Convert POD text to Markdown
- POD2MDOC(1) - Convert POD data to mdoc input
- POD2PDF(1) - converts Pod to PDF format
- POD2PROJDOCS(1) - generates CPAN like project documents from pod.
- POD2README(1) - Intelligently generate a README file from POD
- POD2RST(1) - convert .pod files to .rst files
- POD2SDF(1) - converts POD to SDF markup
- POD2TEST(1) - (DEPRECATED) Convert embedded tests and code examples to .t files
- POD2TEXI(1) - convert Pod to Texinfo
- POD2TEXT(1) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
- POD2USAGE(1) - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
- POD2XHTML(1) - convert .pod files to .xhtml files
- POD2XML(1) - convert POD to XML
- PODBOAT(1) - a podcast download manager for text terminals
- PODCHECKER(1) - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
- PODLINT(1) - check POD for correctness using Pod::POM
- PODOFOBOX(1) - set the media, crop, bleed, trim, and art box on pages of a PDF file.
- PODOFOCOLOR(1) - modify colors in a PDF file.
- PODOFOCOUNTPAGES(1) - count the number of pages in a pdf file
- PODOFOCROP(1) - crop all pages
- PODOFOENCRYPT(1) - encrypt PDF files and set PDF security settings
- PODOFOGC(1) - Garbage collection in a PDF file.
- PODOFOIMG2PDF(1) - Convert images to PDF files
- PODOFOIMGEXTRACT(1) - Extract all images from a PDF file
- PODOFOIMPOSE(1) - A powerful PDF imposition tool
- PODOFOINCREMENTALUPDATES(1) - Provides information about incremental updates in PDF files
- PODOFOMERGE(1) - merge several PDF files
- PODOFOPAGES(1) - move and delete pages in a PDF document
- PODOFOPDFINFO(1) - provide information about a PDF file
- PODOFOTXT2PDF(1) - convert plain text files into PDF files
- PODOFOTXTEXTRACT(1) - Extract all text from a PDF file
- PODOFOUNCOMPRESS(1) - Uncompress PDF files
- PODOFOXMP(1) - Modify or extract XMP information from a PDF file
- pods::SDL(3) - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
- pods::SDL::Audio(3) - SDL Bindings for Audio
- pods::SDL::AudioCVT(3)
- pods::SDL::AudioSpec(3) - FM Radio quality $audio_spec->format(AUDIO_S16SYS); # 16-bit signed audio $audio_spec->samples(8192); # Large audio buffer reduces risk of dropouts but increases response time $audio_spec->channels(1); # Mono $audio_spec->callback('main::callback'); sub callback { # do something here }
- pods::SDL::CD(3)
- pods::SDL::CDROM(3)
- pods::SDL::CDTrack(3)
- pods::SDL::Color(3) - Format independent color description
- pods::SDL::Cookbook(3)
- pods::SDL::Cookbook::OpenGL(3) - Using SDL with OpenGL
- pods::SDL::Cookbook::PDL(3) - $surface->w ) / 2, ( $app->h - $surface->h ) / 2, $app->w, $app->h ) ); die "Could not blit: " . SDL::get_error() if ( $b == -1 );
- pods::SDL::Credits(3) - Authors and contributors of the SDL Perl project
- pods::SDL::Cursor(3) - Mouse cursor structure
- pods::SDL::Deprecated(3) - Log of Deprecated items per release
- pods::SDL::Event(3) - General event structure
- pods::SDL::Events(3) - Bindings to the Events Category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::GFX::BlitFunc(3) - blitting functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::FPSManager(3) - data structure used by SDL::GFX::Framerate
- pods::SDL::GFX::Framerate(3) - framerate calculating functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::ImageFilter(3) - image filtering functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::Primitives(3) - basic drawing functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::Rotozoom(3) - rotation and zooming functions for surfaces
- pods::SDL::Image(3) - Bindings for the SDL_Image library
- pods::SDL::Joystick(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer(3) - Sound and music functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Channels(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Effects(3) - sound effect functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Groups(3) - Audio channel group functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::MixChunk(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer::MixMusic(3) - SDL Bindings for structure SDL_MixMusic
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Music(3) - functions for music
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Samples(3) - functions for loading sound samples
- pods::SDL::Mouse(3) - SDL Bindings for the Mouse device
- pods::SDL::MPEG(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDL::MultiThread(3) - Bindings to the MultiThread category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::Overlay(3) - YUV Video overlay
- pods::SDL::Palette(3)
- pods::SDL::Pango(3) - Text rendering engine
- pods::SDL::Pango::Context(3) - Context object for SDL::Pango
- pods::SDL::PixelFormat(3) - Stores surface format information
- pods::SDL::Platform(3) - Platform Specific Informations about SDL Perl
- pods::SDL::Rect(3) - Defines a rectangular area
- pods::SDL::RWOps(3)
- pods::SDL::SMPEG(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDL::Surface(3) - Graphic surface structure
- pods::SDL::Time(3) - An SDL Perl extension for managing timers
- pods::SDL::TTF(3) - True Type Font functions (libfreetype)
- pods::SDL::TTF::Font(3) - Font object type for SDL_ttf
- pods::SDL::Tutorial(3) - introduction to Perl SDL
- pods::SDL::Tutorial::Animation(3) - 2004, chromatic. All rights reserved. This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself, in the hope that it is useful but certainly under no guarantee.
- pods::SDL::Tutorial::LunarLander(3) - a small tutorial on Perl SDL
- pods::SDL::Version(3) - SDL Bindings for structure SDL_Version
- pods::SDL::Video(3) - Bindings to the video category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::VideoInfo(3) - Video Target Information
- pods::SDLx::App(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDLx::Controller(3) - Handles the loops for events, movement and rendering
- pods::SDLx::Controller::Interface(3) - Interface Physics and Rendering with the Controller with callbacks
- pods::SDLx::Controller::State(3) - the state of a SDLx::Controller::Interface
- pods::SDLx::Layer(3) - Storage object for surface and position information
- pods::SDLx::LayerManager(3) - Extension for managing layers in a 2D world
- pods::SDLx::Music(3) - A powerful, convenient interface to "SDL::Mixer::Music"
- pods::SDLx::Rect(3) - SDL extension for storing and manipulating rectangular coordinates
- pods::SDLx::SFont(3) - Extension making fonts out of images and printing them
- pods::SDLx::Sound(3)
- pods::SDLx::Sprite(3) - interact with images quick and easily in SDL
- pods::SDLx::Sprite::Animated(3) - create animated SDL sprites easily!
- pods::SDLx::Surface(3) - Graphic surface matrix extension
- pods::SDLx::Text(3) - SDL extension for manipulating text
- PODS2HTML(1) - translate a tree of PODs to HTML
- PODSELECT(1) - print selected sections of pod documentation on standard output
- PODSPELL(1) - pod spell checking command line interface
- PODSTRIP(1) - strip pod from a file, output what's left
- PODTOHTML(1) - (DEPRECATED) convert POD documentation to HTML
- PODTREE2HTML(1) - translate a POD to HTML
- PODVIEW(1) - graphical pod viewer
- PODVIEWER(1) - a Gtk2-Perl POD Reading Program
- POE::API::Hooks(3) - Implement lightweight hooks into POE
- POE::API::Peek(3) - Peek into the internals of a running POE environment
- POE::Callback(3) - object wrapper for callbacks with lexical closures
- POE::Component(3) - event driven objects or subsystems
- POE::Component::Client::DNS(3) - non-blocking, parallel DNS client
- POE::Component::Client::DNS::Recursive(3) - A recursive DNS client for POE
- POE::Component::Client::DNSBL(3) - A component that provides non-blocking DNSBL lookups
- POE::Component::Client::FTP(3) - Implements an FTP client POE Component
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP(3) - a HTTP user-agent component
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP::Request(3) - an HTTP request class
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP::RequestFactory(3) - an HTTP request factory object
- POE::Component::Client::Ident(3) - A component that provides non-blocking ident lookups to your sessions.
- POE::Component::Client::Ident::Agent(3) - A component to provide a one-shot non-blocking Ident query.
- POE::Component::Client::Keepalive(3) - manage connections, with keep-alive
- POE::Component::Client::NNTP(3) - A POE component that implements an RFC 3977 NNTP client.
- POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Client::NNTP plugins.
- POE::Component::Client::Ping(3) - a non-blocking ICMP ping client
- POE::Component::Client::SMTP(3) - Asynchronous mail sending with POE
- POE::Component::Client::TCP(3) - a simplified TCP client
- POE::Component::Client::Telnet(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Net::Telnet and other subclasses of Net::Telnet.
- POE::Component::Client::Twitter(3) - POE chat component for twitter.com
- POE::Component::Client::Whois(3) - A one shot non-blocking RFC 812 WHOIS query.
- POE::Component::Client::Whois::IPBlks(3) - Determine which whois server is responsible for a network address.
- POE::Component::Client::Whois::TLDList(3) - Determine the applicable Whois server for a given Top-level domain (TLD).
- POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive(3) - a wheel wrapper around a kept-alive socket
- POE::Component::ControlPort(3) - network control port for POE applications
- POE::Component::ControlPort::Command(3) - Register control port commands
- POE::Component::ControlPort::DefaultCommands(3) - Set of default commands available to the control port
- POE::Component::Cron(3) - Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
- POE::Component::Daemon(3) - Handles all the housework for a daemon.
- POE::Component::DebugShell(3) - Component to allow interactive peeking into a running POE application
- POE::Component::DirWatch(3) - POE directory watcher
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Modified(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::New(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Role::AIO(3) - Make poll calls asynchronous
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Role::Signatures(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Unmodified(3)
- POE::Component::EasyDBI(3) - Perl extension for asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE
- POE::Component::EasyDBI::SubProcess(3) - Backend of POE::Component::EasyDBI
- POE::Component::Generic(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to a blocking object.
- POE::Component::Generic::Child(3) - Child process handling
- POE::Component::Generic::Net::SSH2(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Net::SSH2
- POE::Component::Generic::Object(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to a blocking object.
- POE::Component::Hailo(3) - A non-blocking wrapper around Hailo
- POE::Component::IRC(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module
- POE::Component::IRC::Common(3) - Provides a set of common functions for the POE::Component::IRC suite
- POE::Component::IRC::Constants(3) - Defines constants required by POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook(3) - The PoCo-IRC Cookbook: Overview
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::BasicBot(3) - A basic IRC bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Disconnecting(3) - How to disconnect gracefully with PoCo-IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Gtk2(3) - An IRC client with a Gtk2 interface
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Hailo(3) - A blabbering IRC bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Reload(3) - Reload your bot's code after a change
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Resolver(3) - A bot that can resolve DNS records
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Seen(3) - Implement the 'seen' command
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Translator(3) - A bot that can translate text
- POE::Component::IRC::Object(3) - A slightly simpler OO interface to PoCoIRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin(3) - Provides plugin constants and documentation for POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which keeps you on your favorite channels
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Blowfish(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides blowfish encryption.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Bollocks(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that talks bollocks.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotAddressed(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events when you are addressed
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotCommand(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which handles commands issued to your bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events when you send messages
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that deals with the messy business of staying connected to an IRC server
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Console(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides a lightweight debugging and control console for your bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CoreList(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides Module::CoreList goodness.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CTCP(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that auto-responds to CTCP requests
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CycleEmpty(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which cycles channels if they become empty and opless.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::DCC(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin providing support for DCC transfers
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin to follow the tail of an ever-growing file
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which provides access to a Hailo conversation simulator.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::ISupport(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that handles server capabilities
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Karma(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that keeps track of karma
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which logs public, private, and DCC chat messages to disk
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin for reclaiming your nickname
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which identifies with NickServ when needed
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::PlugMan(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides plugin management services.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::POE::Knee(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that runs Acme::POE::Knee races.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Proxy(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides a lightweight IRC proxy/bouncer
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNS(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNS queries
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNSBL(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNSBL queries
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RSS::Headlines(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides RSS headline retrieval.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Whois(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events for WHOIS and WHOWAS replies
- POE::Component::IRC::Projects(3) - A listing of projects that use POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Qnet(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module for Quakenet
- POE::Component::IRC::Qnet::State(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module for Quakenet with nickname and channel tracking
- POE::Component::IRC::State(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module with nickname and channel tracking
- POE::Component::Jabber(3) - A POE Component for communicating over Jabber
- POE::Component::Jabber::Events(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::J14(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::J2(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::Legacy(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::Protocol(3) - A base class for implementing protocol differences
- POE::Component::Jabber::ProtocolFactory(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::XMPP(3)
- POE::Component::LaDBI(3) - POE Component that spawns a perl subprocess to handle non-blocking access to the DBI API.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Commands(3) - Package that contains some constants other LaDBI packages might use.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine(3) - Core DBI request servicing class.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Request(3) - Class to encapsulate LaDBI requests to be executed by POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Response(3) - Class encapsulating responses from POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine.
- POE::Component::Logger(3) - A POE logging class
- POE::Component::Pluggable(3) - A base class for creating plugin-enabled POE Components.
- POE::Component::Pluggable::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Pluggable
- POE::Component::Pluggable::Pipeline(3) - the plugin pipeline for POE::Component::Pluggable
- POE::Component::PubSub(3) - A publish/subscribe component for the POE framework
- POE::Component::PubSub::Event(3) - An event abstraction for POE::Component::PubSub
- POE::Component::PubSub::Types(3) - Exported Types for use within POE::Component::PubSub
- POE::Component::Resolver(3) - A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
- POE::Component::Resolver::Sidecar(3) - delegate subprocess to call getaddrinfo()
- POE::Component::RSS(3) - Event based RSS parsing
- POE::Component::RSSAggregator(3) - Watch Muliple RSS Feeds for New Headlines
- POE::Component::Schedule(3) - Schedule POE events using DateTime::Set iterators
- POE::Component::Server::DNS(3) - A non-blocking, concurrent DNS server POE component
- POE::Component::Server::HTTP(3) - Foundation of a POE HTTP Daemon
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer(3) - serve HTTP requests
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::BasicAuthenHandler(3) - Basic HTTP Basic Authentication
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::Examples(3)
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::Handler(3) - request handler interface
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::NotFoundHandler(3) - Generate 404 Responses
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::ParameterParseHandler(3) - Parse request parameters into context
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::StaticHandler(3) - serve static files
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::TemplateHandler(3) - serve templated files
- POE::Component::Server::IRC(3) - A fully event-driven networkable IRC server daemon module.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Backend(3) - A POE component class that provides network connection abstraction for POE::Component::Server::IRC
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Common(3) - provides a set of common functions for the POE::Component::Server::IRC suite.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin(3) - Provides plugin documentation for POE::Component::Server::IRC.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin::Auth(3) - Authentication subsystem of POE::Component::Server::IRC::Backend
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin::OperServ(3) - An OperServ plugin for POE::Component::Server::IRC
- POE::Component::Server::NNTP(3) - A POE component that provides NNTP server functionality.
- POE::Component::Server::NNTP::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Server::NNTP plugins.
- POE::Component::Server::PSGI(3)
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP(3) - Perl extension to serve HTTP requests in POE.
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::Connection(3) - Stores connection information for SimpleHTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::Response(3) - Emulates a HTTP::Response object, used for SimpleHTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::State(3)
- POE::Component::Server::SMTP(3) - SMTP Protocol Implementation
- POE::Component::Server::SOAP(3) - publish POE event handlers via SOAP over HTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SOAP::Response(3) - Emulates a SimpleHTTP::Response object, used to store SOAP data
- POE::Component::Server::TCP(3) - a simplified TCP server
- POE::Component::Server::Twirc(3) - Twitter/IRC gateway
- POE::Component::SNMP(3) - POE interface to Net::SNMP
- POE::Component::SSLify(3) - Makes using SSL in the world of POE easy!
- POE::Component::SSLify::ClientHandle(3) - Client-side handle for SSLify
- POE::Component::SSLify::ServerHandle(3) - Server-side handle for SSLify
- POE::Component::Syndicator(3) - A POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
- POE::Component::TSTP(3) - A POE Component to handle Ctrl-Z
- POE::Devel::Profiler(3) - profiles POE programs
- POE::Driver(3) - an abstract interface for buffered, non-blocking I/O
- POE::Driver::SysRW(3) - buffered, non-blocking I/O using sysread and syswrite
- POE::Filter(3) - protocol abstractions for POE::Wheel and standalone use
- POE::Filter::Block(3) - translate data between streams and blocks
- POE::Filter::Bzip2(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Bzip2
- POE::Filter::DNS::TCP(3) - A POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
- POE::Filter::Grep(3) - select or remove items based on simple rules
- POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser(3) - A HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
- POE::Filter::HTTPChunk(3) - Non-blocking incremental HTTP chunk parser.
- POE::Filter::HTTPD(3) - parse simple HTTP requests, and serialize HTTP::Response
- POE::Filter::HTTPHead(3) - filter data as HTTP::Response objects
- POE::Filter::Ident(3)
- POE::Filter::IRC(3)
- POE::Filter::IRC::Compat(3) - A filter which converts POE::Filter::IRCD output into POE::Component::IRC events
- POE::Filter::IRCD(3) - A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
- POE::Filter::Line(3) - serialize and parse terminated records (lines)
- POE::Filter::LZF(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZF
- POE::Filter::LZO(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZO
- POE::Filter::LZW(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZW
- POE::Filter::Map(3) - transform input and/or output within a filter stack
- POE::Filter::RecordBlock(3) - translate between discrete records and blocks of them
- POE::Filter::Reference(3) - freeze and thaw arbitrary Perl data
- POE::Filter::SMTP(3) - SMTP Protocol Filter
- POE::Filter::SSL(3) - The easiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POE!
- POE::Filter::SSL::PreFilter(3) - Allow to add a PreFilter on Compontents using Wheels
- POE::Filter::Stackable(3) - combine multiple POE::Filter objects
- POE::Filter::Stream(3) - a no-op filter that passes data through unchanged
- POE::Filter::Transparent::SMTP(3) - Make SMTP transparency a breeze :)
- POE::Filter::XML(3) - XML parsing for the POE framework
- POE::Filter::XML::Handler(3) - Default SAX Handler for POE::Filter::XML
- POE::Filter::XML::Node(3) - A XML::LibXML::Element subclass that adds streaming semantics
- POE::Filter::XML::NS(3) - Provides constants that return appropriate namespace strings
- POE::Filter::Zlib(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
- POE::Filter::Zlib::Stream(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib deflate and inflate.
- POE::Kernel(3) - an event-based application kernel in Perl
- POE::Loop(3) - documentation for POE's event loop bridge interface
- POE::Loop::AnyEvent(3) - AnyEvent event loop support for POE
- POE::Loop::Glib(3) - A bridge that supports Glib's event loop from POE
- POE::Loop::IO_Poll(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by IO::Poll
- POE::Loop::PerlSignals(3) - common signal handling routines for POE::Loop bridges
- POE::Loop::Select(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by select(2)
- POE::Loop::Tk(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
- POE::Loop::TkActiveState(3) - a POE/Tk bridge for ActiveState's Tk
- POE::Loop::TkCommon(3) - common code between the POE/Tk event loop bridges
- POE::NFA(3) - an event-driven state machine (nondeterministic finite automaton)
- POE::Pipe(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Pipe::OneWay(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Pipe::TwoWay(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Queue(3) - a flexible, generic priority queue API
- POE::Queue::Array(3) - a high-performance array-based priority queue
- POE::Quickie(3) - A lazy way to wrap blocking code and programs
- POE::Request(3) - a common message class for POE::Stage
- POE::Request::Emit(3) - encapsulates non-terminal replies to POE::Request
- POE::Request::Recall(3) - encapsulates responses to POE::Request::Emit
- POE::Request::Return(3) - encapsulates final replies to POE::Request messages
- POE::Request::Upward(3) - internal base class for POE::Stage response messages
- POE::Resource(3) - internal resource managers for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Aliases(3) - internal session alias manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Clock(3) - internal clock used for ordering the queue
- POE::Resource::Events(3) - internal event manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Extrefs(3) - internal reference counts manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::FileHandles(3) - internal filehandle manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Sessions(3) - internal session manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::SIDs(3) - internal session ID manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Signals(3) - internal signal manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resources(3) - loader of POE resources
- POE::Session(3) - a generic event-driven task
- POE::Session::Irssi(3) - emit POE events for Irssi signals
- POE::Stage(3) - a base class for message-driven objects
- POE::Stage::App(3) - a base class for POE::Stage applications
- POE::Stage::Echoer(3) - a stage that echoes back whatever it's given
- POE::Stage::Receiver(3) - a simple UDP recv/send component
- POE::Stage::Resolver(3) - a simple non-blocking DNS resolver
- POE::Stage::Ticker(3) - a periodic message generator for POE::Stage
- POE::Test::Loops(3) - Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
- POE::Test::Sequence(3) - POE test helper to verify a sequence of events
- POE::Watcher(3) - a base class for POE::Stage's event watchers
- POE::Watcher::Delay(3) - wait for a length of time to pass
- POE::Watcher::Input(3) - watch a socket or other handle for input readiness
- POE::Watcher::Wheel(3) - watch a POE::Wheel rather than reinvent it
- POE::Wheel(3) - event-driven mixins for POE::Session
- POE::Wheel::Curses(3) - non-blocking input for Curses
- POE::Wheel::FollowTail(3) - follow the tail of an ever-growing file
- POE::Wheel::ListenAccept(3) - accept connections from regular listening sockets
- POE::Wheel::ReadLine(3) - non-blocking Term::ReadLine for POE
- POE::Wheel::ReadWrite(3) - non-blocking buffered I/O mix-in for POE::Session
- POE::Wheel::Run(3) - portably run blocking code and programs in subprocesses
- POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3) - non-blocking socket creation
- POE::XS::Loop::Poll(3) - an XS implementation of POE::Loop, using poll(2).
- POEDIT(1) - gettext catalogs editor
- POE-GEN-TESTS(1) - generate standard POE tests for third-party modules
- POEPP(1) - Interprets POE::Devel::Profiler output
- POEx::Role::Event(3) - Provide a decorator to label events
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer(3) - Encapsulates core PSGI server behavior
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer::ProxyWriter(3) - Provides a push writer for PSGI applications to use
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer::Streamer(3) - Provides streaming filehandle PSGI implementation
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation(3) - A Moose Role for turning objects into POE Sessions
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::POEState(3) - A read-only object that provides POE context
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events(3) - Provides default events such as _start, _stop, etc
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Implementation(3) - Provides actual POE::Session implementation
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Magic(3) - Provides the magic necessary to integrate with POE
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Sugar(3) - Provides some convenience methods for some POE::Kernel methods
- POEx::Role::Streaming(3) - Provides behavior for streaming from one filehandle to another
- POEx::Role::TCPServer(3) - A Moose Role that provides TCPServer behavior
- POEx::Types(3) - Exported Types for use within POEx modules
- POEx::Types::PSGIServer(3) - Provides type constraints for use in POEx::Role::PSGIServer
- POFILECHECKER(1) - searches for common mistakes in PO/POT files
- POFILECLEAN(1) - resets the msgstr for situations where it's just a copy of msgid
- POFILECONSISTENCY(1) - checks consistency in a collection of PO files
- POFILEEQUIV(1) - glossary generator
- POFILEFILL(1) - fill a file with entries already translated in other files
- POFILEGLOSSARY(1) - checks a collection of PO files against a glossary
- POFILESPELL(1) - checks the spelling in a collection of PO files
- POFILESTATUS(1) - validator and status reporting
- PointEstimation(3) - Perl module for computing confidence intervals in parameter estimation with Student's T distribution Statistics::PointEstimation::Sufficient - Perl module for computing the confidence intervals using sufficient statistics
- POKERTH(1) - Texas hold'em game
- POLICYD-SPF(1) - pure-Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking
- policyd-weight.conf(5) - policyd-weight configuration parameters
- policyd-weight(8) - weighted SMTP policy daemon
- policyeditor(1) - view and modify security policy settings for
- policy-spf.conf(5) - policyd-spf python configuration parameters
- POLICY-TEST(1) - Postfix Policy Daemon Testing Tool
- policytool(1)
- POLIPO(1) - a caching web proxy
- POLL(2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing
- poll_joystick(3) - Polls the joystick. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_keyboard(3) - Polls the keyboard. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_mouse(3) - Polls the mouse. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_scroll(3) - Checks the status of a scroll request with triple buffering. Allegro game programming library.
- POLLING(4) - device polling support
- POLS(1)
- POLY(1) - the Poly/ML Standard ML implementation
- POLYGLOT(6) - Winboard protocol to UCI protocol adapter - book engine for Polyglot books - a collection of utilities for creating and analyzing opening books - a utility for analyzing epd files - a perft counter
- PolyglotMan(1)
- polygon_z_normal(3) - Finds the Z component of the normal vector to three vertices. Allegro game programming library.
- polygon3d(3) - Draws a 3d polygon onto the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- POLYGRAPH(7) - performance benchmark for web intermediaries
- POLYGRAPH-AKA(1) - IP aliases manipulation tool
- POLYGRAPH-BEEPMON(1) - forwards BEEP messages to an external program
- POLYGRAPH-CDB(1) - content database manipulation tool
- POLYGRAPH-CLIENT(1) - Web Polygraph client simulator
- POLYGRAPH-CMP-LX(1) - log comparison tool
- POLYGRAPH-DISTR-TEST(1) - distribution test
- POLYGRAPH-DNS-CFG(1) - DNS server configuration tool
- POLYGRAPH-LR(1) - console log extractor
- POLYGRAPH-LTRACE(1) - trace extractor
- POLYGRAPH-LX(1) - stats extractor
- POLYGRAPH-PGL2ACL(1) - translates PGL access rules into Squid Proxy ACLs
- POLYGRAPH-PGL2ENG(1) - PGL to English converter
- POLYGRAPH-PGL2IPS(1) - PGL IP addresses calculator
- POLYGRAPH-PGL2LDIF(1) - LDIF (and other text-based) configuration generator
- POLYGRAPH-PGL-TEST(1) - PGL validator
- POLYGRAPH-PMIX2-IPS(1) - PolyMix-2 address calculator
- POLYGRAPH-PMIX3-IPS(1) - PolyMix-3 address calculator
- POLYGRAPH-POLYMON(1) - interactive test monitoring tool
- POLYGRAPH-POLYPROBE(1) - tests TCP throughput in a full client/server mesh
- POLYGRAPH-POLYRRD(1) - supplies run-time Polygraph stats to RRDtool
- POLYGRAPH-POP-TEST(1) - predicts cache hit ratios for a given workload
- POLYGRAPH-REPORTER(1) - HTML report generator
- POLYGRAPH-RNG-TEST(1) - random number generator test
- POLYGRAPH-SERVER(1) - Web Polygraph server simulator
- POLYGRAPH-UDP2TCPD(1) - converts UDP monitoring messages into a TCP stream read by polymon
- POLYGRAPH-WEBAXE4-IPS(1) - WebAxe-4 address calculator
- polyhedra(6) - draws the 80 uniform polyhedra and their duals
- POLYMERGE(1gv) - merge coincident vertices, collinear edges, coplanar faces in an OOGL OFF object
- polyominoes(6) - fill a rectangle with irregularly-shaped blocks.
- POLYPHONE(1) - soundfont editor
- polytopes(6) - Draws one of the six regular 4d polytopes rotating in 4d.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_LIT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK_LIT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK_TRANS(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_TRANS(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_FLAT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_GCOL(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_GRGB(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_PTEX(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POM(6) - display the phase of the moon
- POM2(1) - convert POD to Text, HTML, etc., with Pod::POM
- POMDUMP(1) - dump the POM parse tree for a POD document
- PONSCR(6) - the Ponscripter novel-game interpreter
- PONSCR-EXT(7) - Ponscripter extension commands
- PONSCRIPTER(7) - Ponscripter overview
- PONSCR-SYNTAX(7) - description of Ponscripter syntax
- pool(3m) - A container for recycleable objects.
- POOLSET(5) - persistent memory pool configuration file format
- POOLTYPE(1) - display a WEB pool file
- pop_config_state(3) - Pops a previously pushed configuration state. Allegro game programming library.
- pop_video_context(3)
- POP3D(1) - manual page for pop3d (GNU Mailutils)
- pop3p(8) - POP3 proxy gateway service
- POP3TEST(1) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- POPA3D(8) - Post Office Protocol (POP3) server
- POPAUTH(1) - manual page for popauth (GNU Mailutils)
- POPCHECK(1) - see (and possibly delete) messages waiting on a POP server
- POPEN(3) - process I/O
- POPPWD(8) - Eudora compatible password change server
- POPT(3) - Parse command line options
- popular-log(7) - log messages from POPular programs
- popup_dialog(3) - do_dialog() used for popup dialogs. Allegro game programming library.
- PORTAL(1) - Front-end to pkg(8)
- PORTCLIPPY(1) - lint FreeBSD Ports Collection Makefiles
- PORTCVSWEB(1) - a tool to instantly browse a history via CVSweb or FreshPorts.org
- PORTEDIT(1) - edit and refactor FreeBSD Ports Collection Makefiles
- PorterEng(3) - Porter Stemming Algorithm for english language. ( <a href="http://www.xapian.org/">Xapian</a> (former Omseek) ).
- PORTFIND(1) - find ports with detailed and short view
- PORTFIX(1) - macro to execute three programs to create a ports patch
- PORTFMT(1) - format FreeBSD Ports Collection Makefiles
- Portfwd(5) - Portfwd configuration file
- Portfwd(8) - Port forwarding daemon
- PORTINDEX(5) - File containing information about the state of the ports tree
- PORTLESS(1) - quickly browse port descriptions
- PORTLINT(1) - a verifier for port directories
- PORTMASTER(8) - manage your ports without external databases or languages
- PORTMON(8) - Network service monitoring daemon
- PORTS(7) - contributed applications
- Ports::Port(3) - Deal with individual ports from FreeBSD's ports collection
- PORTSCAN(1) - scan the FreeBSD Ports Collection
- PORTSCLEAN(1) - a tool to clean ports/packages garbage
- PORTSCOUT(1) - A tool to scan for new versions of FreeBSD ports.
- PORTSDB(1) - tools to manage and look up the ports database file
- PORTSHAKER(8) - Maintain a set of ports trees.
- PORTSNAP(8) - fetch and extract compressed snapshots of the ports tree
- PORTSREINSTALL(8) - ports upgrading utility for massive forced reinstallation
- PORTSREINSTALL-CHROOT(8) - Support utility for
- PORTSREINSTALL-CHROOT-MOUNT(8) - Support utility for
- PORTSREINSTALL-UPGRADE(8) - Support utility for
- PORTTOOLS(5) - FreeBSD Port Tools configuration file
- porttree(1) - Show dependences of a FreeBSD port as a pseudo graphical tree
- PORTUPDATE-SCAN(8) - scan /usr/ports/UPDATING, showing sections for installed ports
- PORTUPGRADE(1) - tools to upgrade installed packages or install new ones via ports or packages
- PORTVERSION(1) - a tool to compare the versions of installed packages with the ones in the ports tree
- position_dialog(3) - Moves an array of dialog objects to the specified position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse(3) - Moves the mouse to the specified screen position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_w(3) - Sets the horizontal mouse wheel position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_z(3) - Sets the mouse wheel position global variable. Allegro game programming library.
- POSIX::getpeername(3) - provides getpeername(2)
- POSIX::Socket(3) - Low-level perl interface to POSIX sockets
- POSIX::strftime::Compiler(3) - GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
- POSIX::strptime(3) - Perl extension to the POSIX date parsing strptime(3) function
- POSIX_FADVISE(2) - give advice about use of file data
- POSIX_FALLOCATE(2) - pre-allocate storage for a range in a file
- POSIX_OPENPT(2) - open a pseudo-terminal device
- POSIX_SPAWN(3) - spawn a process
- POSIX_SPAWN_FILE_ACTIONS_ADDOPEN(3) - add open, dup2, close, closefrom, or chdir/fchdir actions to spawn file actions object
- POSIX_SPAWN_FILE_ACTIONS_INIT(3) - initialize and destroy spawn file actions object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETFLAGS(3) - get and set the spawn-flags attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETPGROUP(3) - get and set the spawn-pgroup attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSCHEDPARAM(3) - get and set the spawn-schedparam attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSCHEDPOLICY(3) - get and set the spawn-schedpolicy attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSIGDEFAULT(3) - get and set the spawn-sigdefault attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSIGMASK(3) - get and set the spawn-sigmask attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_INIT(3) - initialize and destroy spawn attributes object
- POSIX1E(3) - introduction to the POSIX.1e security API
- POSIXSHMCONTROL(1) - Control POSIX shared memory segments
- pospell(1) - Run a program on the translation strings of a .po-file
- POST9PSERVICE(3) - post 9P service for use by clients
- postal(8) - program to test SMTP mail server throughput.
- POSTALIAS(1) - Postfix alias database maintenance
- postal-list(1) - program to show how postal expands user names
- POSTCAT(1) - show Postfix queue file contents
- POSTCONF(1) - Postfix configuration utility
- POSTCONF(5) - Postfix configuration parameters
- POSTDROP(1) - Postfix mail posting utility
- POSTER(1) - Scale and tile a postscript image to print on multiple pages
- POSTFIX(1) - Postfix control program
- POSTFIX-LOGWATCH(1) - A Postfix log parser and analysis utility
- POSTFIX-TLS(1) - Postfix TLS management
- POSTFIX-WRAPPER(5) - Postfix multi-instance API
- POSTFWD3(1) - postfix firewall daemon
- PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Call(3) - Simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Trace(3) - Simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl
- POSTGRESQL-RELAY(8) - multiplex all your databases to one point of origin
- POSTGREY(1) - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- POSTGREYREPORT(1) - Fatal report for Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- POSTKICK(1) - kick a Postfix service
- POSTLOCK(1) - lock mail folder and execute command
- POSTLOG(1) - Postfix-compatible logging utility
- POSTLOGD(8) - Postfix internal log server
- POSTMAP(1) - Postfix lookup table management
- POSTMARK(1) - file system benchmark program by NetApp.
- POSTMASTER(1) - PostgreSQL database server
- POSTMULTI(1) - Postfix multi-instance manager
- POSTNEWS(1) - simple interactive news-posting interface
- POSTNOTE(3) - send a note to a process or process group
- POSTQUEUE(1) - Postfix queue control
- POSTSCREEN(8) - Postfix zombie blocker
- postscript(1)
- POSTSCRIPT(nged) - Temporarily attaches the
- PostScript::PPD(3) - Read PostScript Printer Definition files
- PostScript::Simple(3) - Produce PostScript files from Perl
- PostScript::Simple::EPS(3) - EPS support for PostScript::Simple
- postscript_graphical(1)
- POSTSRSD(8) - Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon
- POSTSUPER(1) - Postfix superintendent
- POSTTLS-FINGER(1) - Probe the TLS properties of an ESMTP or LMTP server.
- pot2po.py(1) - Convert template files (like .pot or template .xlf files) to translation files, preserving existing translations.
- potrace(1) - transform bitmaps into vector graphics.
- POUDRIERE(8) - bulk package builder and port tester
- POUDRIERE-BULK(8) - build a ready-to-export package tree
- POUDRIERE-DISTCLEAN(8) - cleanup old distfiles
- POUDRIERE-IMAGE(8) - build OS filesystem images
- POUDRIERE-JAIL(8) - manage jails used to build ports
- POUDRIERE-LOGCLEAN(8) - cleanup old logfiles
- POUDRIERE-OPTIONS(8) - configure the options for a given port
- POUDRIERE-PKGCLEAN(8) - cleanup old or unwanted packages
- POUDRIERE-PORTS(8) - manage ports trees
- POUDRIERE-QUEUE(8) - queue poudriere commands
- POUDRIERE-STATUS(8) - Show status of current and previous builds.
- POUDRIERE-TESTPORT(8) - test a given port's build
- POUDRIERE-VERSION(8) - show the current version
- POUNCE(1) - IRC bouncer
- POUND(8) - HTTP/HTTPS reverse-proxy and load-balancer
- POUNDCTL(8) - control the pound(8) daemon
- POV-Ray(1) - POV-Ray: The Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
- POWERCOM(8) - UPS driver for serial Powercom/Trust/Advice UPS equipment
- POWERD(8) - system power control utility
- powerd++(8) - CPU clock speed daemon
- POWERLINE(1) - Powerline prompt and statusline script.
- POWERLINE-CONFIG(1) - Script used to obtain powerline configuration.
- POWERLINE-DAEMON(1) - Daemon that improves powerline performance.
- POWERLINE-LINT(1) - Powerline configuration checker.
- POWERMAC_NVRAM(4) - non-volatile RAM
- powerman(1) - power on/off nodes
- powerman.conf(5) - configuration file for PowerMan
- powermand(8) - power control and monitoring daemon
- POWERMANGA(6) - shoot-'em-up game
- POWERMON(8) - display CPU power consumption
- POWERPANEL(8) - Driver for PowerPanel Plus compatible UPS equipment
- powstream(1) - Client daemon application for continuous one-way latency tests.
- POWWOW(6) - telnet protocol client for MUD playing
- PP::Dump(3)
- PP::Signature(3) - Internal module to handle signatures
- PP2HTML(1) - PerlPoint to HTML converter
- PP2LATEX(1) - PerlPoint to LaTeX converter
- PP2SDF(1) - translates PerlPoint to SDF
- PPBUS(4) - Parallel Port Bus system
- ppc386(1) - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable Pascal Compiler
- ppcarm(1) - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable Pascal Compiler
- ppcppc(1) - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable Pascal Compiler
- ppcsparc(1) - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable Pascal Compiler
- ppcx64(1) - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable Pascal Compiler
- ppdb(1) - Command line tool to query puppetdb
- ppdc(1) - cups ppd compiler (deprecated)
- ppdcfile(5) - cups ppd compiler source file format (deprecated)
- ppdep(1) - The FPC Pascal unit dependency tracking program.
- ppdhtml(1) - cups html summary generator (deprecated)
- ppdi(1) - import ppd files (deprecated)
- ppdmerge(1) - merge ppd files (deprecated)
- ppdpo(1) - ppd message catalog generator (deprecated)
- PPerl(3) - Make perl scripts persistent in memory
- PP-FB(1) - display a GIFT pretty-picture file on a frame buffer
- PPI(4) - user-space interface to ppbus parallel 'geek' port
- PPI::Cache(3) - The PPI Document Caching Layer
- PPI::Document(3) - Object representation of a Perl document
- PPI::Document::File(3) - A Perl Document located in a specific file
- PPI::Document::Fragment(3) - A fragment of a Perl Document
- PPI::Document::Normalized(3) - A normalized Perl Document
- PPI::Dumper(3) - Dumping of PDOM trees
- PPI::Element(3) - The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
- PPI::Exception(3) - The PPI exception base class
- PPI::Find(3) - Object version of the Element->find method
- PPI::HTML(3) - Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
- PPI::Lexer(3) - The PPI Lexer
- PPI::Node(3) - Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
- PPI::Normal(3) - Normalize Perl Documents
- PPI::Normal::Standard(3) - Provides standard document normalization functions
- PPI::Statement(3) - The base class for Perl statements
- PPI::Statement::Break(3) - Statements which break out of normal statement flow
- PPI::Statement::Compound(3) - Describes all compound statements
- PPI::Statement::Data(3) - The __DATA__ section of a file
- PPI::Statement::End(3) - Content after the __END__ of a module
- PPI::Statement::Expression(3) - A generic and non-specialised statement
- PPI::Statement::Given(3) - A given-when statement
- PPI::Statement::Include(3) - Statements that include other code
- PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6(3) - Inline Perl 6 file section
- PPI::Statement::Null(3) - A useless null statement
- PPI::Statement::Package(3) - A package statement
- PPI::Statement::Scheduled(3) - A scheduled code block
- PPI::Statement::Sub(3) - Subroutine declaration
- PPI::Statement::Unknown(3) - An unknown or transient statement
- PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace(3) - Isolated unmatched brace
- PPI::Statement::Variable(3) - Variable declaration statements
- PPI::Statement::When(3) - A when statement
- PPI::Structure(3) - The base class for Perl braced structures
- PPI::Structure::Block(3) - Curly braces representing a code block
- PPI::Structure::Condition(3) - Round braces for boolean context conditions
- PPI::Structure::Constructor(3) - Anonymous hash or array constructor
- PPI::Structure::For(3) - Circular braces for a for expression
- PPI::Structure::Given(3) - Circular braces for a switch statement
- PPI::Structure::List(3) - Explicit list or precedence ordering braces
- PPI::Structure::Subscript(3) - Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
- PPI::Structure::Unknown(3) - An unknown or unresolved brace structure
- PPI::Structure::When(3) - Circular braces for a when statement
- PPI::Token(3) - A single token of Perl source code
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine(3) - The PPI Quote Engine
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine::Full(3)
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine::Simple(3)
- PPI::Token::ArrayIndex(3) - Token getting the last index for an array
- PPI::Token::Attribute(3) - A token for a subroutine attribute
- PPI::Token::BOM(3) - Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks
- PPI::Token::Cast(3) - A prefix which forces a value into a different context
- PPI::Token::Comment(3) - A comment in Perl source code
- PPI::Token::DashedWord(3) - A dashed bareword token
- PPI::Token::Data(3) - The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
- PPI::Token::End(3) - Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
- PPI::Token::HereDoc(3) - Token class for the here-doc
- PPI::Token::Label(3) - Token class for a statement label
- PPI::Token::Magic(3) - Tokens representing magic variables
- PPI::Token::Number(3) - Token class for a number
- PPI::Token::Number::Binary(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Exp(3) - Token class for an exponential notation number
- PPI::Token::Number::Float(3) - Token class for a floating-point number
- PPI::Token::Number::Hex(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Octal(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Version(3) - Token class for a byte-packed number
- PPI::Token::Operator(3) - Token class for operators
- PPI::Token::Pod(3) - Sections of POD in Perl documents
- PPI::Token::Prototype(3) - A subroutine prototype descriptor
- PPI::Token::Quote(3) - String quote abstract base class
- PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3) - A standard "double quote" token
- PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate(3) - The interpolation quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Quote::Literal(3) - The literal quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Quote::Single(3) - A 'single quote' token
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike(3) - Quote-like operator abstract base class
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick(3) - A `backticks` command token
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command(3) - The command quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline(3) - The readline quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp(3) - Regexp constructor quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words(3) - Word list constructor quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Regexp(3) - Regular expression abstract base class
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Match(3) - A standard pattern match regex
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute(3) - A match and replace regular expression token
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate(3) - A transliteration regular expression token
- PPI::Token::Separator(3) - The __DATA__ and __END__ tags
- PPI::Token::Structure(3) - Token class for characters that define code structure
- PPI::Token::Symbol(3) - A token class for variables and other symbols
- PPI::Token::Unknown(3) - Token of unknown or as-yet undetermined type
- PPI::Token::Whitespace(3) - Tokens representing ordinary white space
- PPI::Token::Word(3) - The generic "word" Token
- PPI::Tokenizer(3) - The Perl Document Tokenizer
- PPI::Transform(3) - Abstract base class for document transformation classes
- PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright(3) - Demonstration PPI::Transform class
- PPI::XS(3) - (Minor) XS acceleration for PPI
- PP-INLINE(1) - Write PDL Subroutines inline with PDL::PP
- PPIx::EditorTools(3) - Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::FindUnmatchedBrace(3) - PPI-based unmatched-brace-finder
- PPIx::EditorTools::FindVariableDeclaration(3) - Finds where a variable was declared using PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::IntroduceTemporaryVariable(3) - Introduces a temporary variable using PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::Lexer(3) - Simple Lexer used for syntax highlighting
- PPIx::EditorTools::Outline(3) - Collect use pragmata, modules, subroutiones, methods, attributes
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackage(3) - Change the package name
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackageFromPath(3) - Change the package name based on the files path
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenameVariable(3) - Lexically replace a variable name in Perl code
- PPIx::EditorTools::ReturnObject(3) - Simple object to return values from PPIx::EditorTools
- PPIx::QuoteLike(3) - Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Constant(3) - Constants needed by PPIx-QuoteLike
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper(3) - Dump the results of parsing quotelike things
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token(3) - Represent any token.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Control(3) - Represent case and quote control
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Delimiter(3) - Represent a string delimiter
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Interpolation(3) - Represent an interpolation
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::String(3) - Represent an uninterpolated string
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Structure(3) - Represent the structure of the string.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Unknown(3) - An unknown token
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Whitespace(3) - Represent insignificant white space.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Utils(3) - Utility subroutines for PPIx::QuoteLike;
- PPIx::Regexp(3) - Represent a regular expression of some sort
- PPIx::Regexp::Constant(3) - Constants for the PPIx::Regexp system
- PPIx::Regexp::Dumper(3) - Dump the results of parsing regular expressions
- PPIx::Regexp::Element(3) - Base of the PPIx::Regexp hierarchy.
- PPIx::Regexp::Lexer(3) - Assemble tokenizer output.
- PPIx::Regexp::Node(3) - Represent a container
- PPIx::Regexp::Node::Range(3) - Represent a character range in a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Node::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown node.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure(3) - Represent a structure.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Assertion(3) - Represent a parenthesized assertion
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Atomic_Script_Run(3) - Represent an atomic script run group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::BranchReset(3) - Represent a branch reset group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Capture(3) - Represent capture parentheses.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::CharClass(3) - Represent a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Code(3) - Represent one of the code structures.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Main(3) - Represent a regular expression proper, or a substitution
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Modifier(3) - Represent modifying parentheses
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::NamedCapture(3) - Represent a named capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Quantifier(3) - Represent curly bracket quantifiers
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Regexp(3) - Represent the top-level regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::RegexSet(3) - Represent a regexp character set
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Replacement(3) - Represent the replacement in s///
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Script_Run(3) - Represent a script run group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Subexpression(3) - Represent an independent subexpression
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Switch(3) - Represent a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown structure.
- PPIx::Regexp::Support(3) - Basis for the PPIx::Regexp support classes
- PPIx::Regexp::Token(3) - Base class for PPIx::Regexp tokens.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Assertion(3) - Represent a simple assertion.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Backreference(3) - Represent a back reference
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Backtrack(3) - Represent backtrack control.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass(3) - Represent a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX(3) - Represent a POSIX character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown or unsupported POSIX character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::Simple(3) - This class represents a simple character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code(3) - Represent a chunk of Perl embedded in a regular expression.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Comment(3) - Represent a comment.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Condition(3) - Represent the condition of a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Control(3) - Case and quote control.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Delimiter(3) - Represent the delimiters of the regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Greediness(3) - Represent a greediness qualifier.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType(3) - Represent a grouping parenthesis type.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Assertion(3) - Represent a look ahead or look behind assertion
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Atomic_Script_Run(3) - Represent an atomic script run specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::BranchReset(3) - Represent a branch reset specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Code(3) - Represent one of the embedded code indicators
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Modifier(3) - Represent the modifiers in a modifier group.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::NamedCapture(3) - Represent a named capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Script_Run(3) - Represent a script run specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Subexpression(3) - Represent an independent subexpression marker
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Switch(3) - Represent the introducing characters for a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Interpolation(3) - Represent an interpolation in the PPIx::Regexp package.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal(3) - Represent a literal character
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Modifier(3) - Represent modifiers.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::NoOp(3) - Represent a token that does nothing.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Operator(3) - Represent an operator.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Quantifier(3) - Represent an atomic quantifier.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Recursion(3) - Represent a recursion
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Reference(3) - Represent a reference to a capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Structure(3) - Represent structural elements.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown token
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Unmatched(3) - Represent an unmatched right bracket
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Whitespace(3) - Represent whitespace
- PPIx::Regexp::Tokenizer(3) - Tokenize a regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Util(3) - Utility functions for PPIx::Regexp;
- PPIx::Utilities(3) - Extensions to PPI.
- PPIx::Utilities::Exception::Bug(3) - A problem identified by PPIx::Utilities.
- PPIx::Utilities::Node(3) - Extensions to PPI::Node.
- PPIx::Utilities::Statement(3) - Extensions to PPI::Statement.
- PPIx::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PPI
- PPIx::Utils::Classification(3) - Utility functions for classification of PPI elements
- PPIx::Utils::Language(3) - Utility functions for PPI related to the Perl language
- PPIx::Utils::Traversal(3) - Utility functions for traversing PPI documents
- PPKG-CONFIG(1) - Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
- PPL_LCDD(1) - a PPL-based program for vertex/facet enumeration of convex polyhedra
- PPL_LPSOL(1) - a PPL-based mixed integer programming problem solver
- PPL_PIPS(1) - a PPL-based parametric integer programming problem solver
- PPL-CONFIG(1) - obtain information about an installation of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- PPM2TIFF(1) - create a
- ppmcaption(1) - add text captions to PPM, PGM, or PBM images
- ppmcolors(1) - obsolete
- PPMD(1) - file-to-file compressor
- ppmtoexr(1) - convert a PPM image to OpenEXR format
- PPMTORLE(1) - convert a PBMPLUS/ppm image file into an RLE image file.
- ppmtouil(1) - replaced by pamtouil
- ppmtoy4m(1) - Convert PPM images to YUV4MPEG2 stream
- PPP(8) - Point to Point Protocol (a.k.a. user-ppp)
- PPPCTL(8) - PPP control program
- PPPD(8)
- PPPOE.CONF(5) - Configuration file used by
- PPPOE(8) - user-space PPPoE client.
- PPPOE-CONNECT(8) - Shell script to manage a PPPoE link
- PPPOED(8) - handle incoming PPP over Ethernet connections
- PPPOE-RELAY(8) - user-space PPPoE relay agent.
- PPPOE-SERVER(8) - user-space PPPoE server
- PPPOE-SETUP(8) - Shell script to configure RP-PPPoE client
- PPPOE-START(8) - Shell script to bring up a PPPoE link
- PPPOE-STATUS(8) - Shell script to report on status of PPPoE link
- PPPOE-STOP(8) - Shell script to shut down a PPPoE link
- PPR(3) - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
- PPR::X(3) - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
- Pprintast(3) - no description
- PPROF(1) - manual page for pprof (part of gperftools)
- PPROTECTD(8) - daemon which protect processes from killing by the kernel when memory is exhausted
- pproxy(1) - A POP3 proxy server
- PPSCHECK(8) - tool to check a serial port for PPS
- PPSSPP(1) - PSP emulator.
- PPT(6) - reformat input as paper tape
- ppt2text(1) - reads MS-PowerPoint file and puts its content on standard output
- PPTEMPLATE(1) - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton
- pptemplate(3) - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton
- ppthtml(1) - A program for converting Microsoft Power Point Files .ppt
- PPTP(8) - PPTP driver
- PPTPCTRL(8) - PPTP control connection manager
- PPTPD.CONF(5) - PPTP VPN daemon configuration
- PPTPD(8) - PPTP VPN daemon
- ppudump(1) - The FPC Pascal unit dump program.
- ppufiles(1) - The FPC Pascal unit object file lister.
- ppumove(1) - The FPC Pascal unit mover.
- PQevalAudio(1audio)
- PQexecf(3) - Prepares parameters and executes a command.
- PQgeterror(3) - libpqtypes error system management functions
- PQgetf(3) - Gets one or more values from a PGresult in a scanf fashion.
- PQinitTypes(3) - Initializes libpqtypes with the libpq event system.
- pqiv(1) - powerful quick image viewer
- PQlocalTZInfo(3) - Gets the local machine´s timezone information.
- PQparamCreate(3) - PGparam management functions.
- PQparamExec(3) - Executes a paramertized query using the parameters in a PGparam.
- PQparamSendQuery(3) - Executes an asynchronous paramertized query using the parameters in a PGparam.
- PQputf(3) - Packs a set of parameters in a PGparam for use with a parameterized query.
- PQregisterComposites(3) - Registers a composites.
- PQregisterResult(3) - Registers sub-classes, composites and user-defined types found within a PGresult.
- PQregisterSubClasses(3) - Registers a type aliases or sub-classes.
- PQregisterTypes(3) - Registers sub-classes, composites and user-defined types.
- PQregisterUserDefinedTypes(3) - Registers a user-defined types.
- PQSHELL(1) - A shell-like to interact with a Postfix mails queue
- PQspecPrepare(3) - Prepares a libpqtypes specifier format string.
- pqt-composites(3) - A manual for libpqtypes composite handling.
- pqt-handlers(3) - A manual for implementing libpqtypes type handlers.
- pqt-specs(3) - A manual for libpqtypes data type specifier strings.
- PQtypesRegister(3) - Registers libpqtypes with the libpq event system.
- pQuery(3) - A port of jQuery.js to Perl
- pQuery::DOM(3) - A DOM Class for pQuery
- pr29_4(3) - API function
- pr29_4z(3) - API function
- pr29_8z(3) - API function
- pr29_strerror(3) - API function
- PR3287(1) - IBM host printing tool
- PRAAT(1) - Doing phonetics by computer.
- pragha(1) - A lightweight music player, forked of Consonance Music Manager
- Pragmatic(3) - Adds pragmata to Exporter
- PRALIASES(8) - display system mail aliases
- PRAUDIT(1) - print the contents of audit trail files
- PRBOOM(6) - PrBoom, a version of Doom for Unix, Linux and Windows systems
- PRBOOM-GAME-SERVER(6) - Server for network games of PrBoom.
- PRCOLOR(nged) - Lists the entries in the ident-based color table.
- PRECONV(1) - convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff understands
- PRECV(3PVM) - Receive a message directly into a buffer.
- pr-edit(8) - creates, edits or deletes PRs
- Preferred(3) - Perl extension to choose a language
- PreferredMethod(3) - Adds a preferredmethod argument to XMLTV grabbers
- prefix(n) - facilities for prefix matching
- PREFIX(nged) - Changes the name of all the
- PREFIX_ATTACH(3) - creates PREFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- PREFIX_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates PREFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- PREFIX_DETACH(3) - terminates PREFIX protocol and returns the underlying socket
- preline(1) - prepend lines to message
- prelude-admin(1) - Manage agents accounts
- PREPARETIPS5(1) - extract text from tips file
- PREPFLOG(1) - Pre-processor for pflogsumm
- prepmx(1) - preprocessor for PMX, easy music typesetting program
- PRESAGE_DBUS_PYTHON_DEMO(1) - presage dbus demo program
- PRESAGE_DEMO(1) - presage demo program (ncurses)
- PRESAGE_DEMO_TEXT(1) - presage demo program (text)
- PRESAGE_SIMULATOR(1) - presage simulator program
- PRESS(nged) - Simulates the pressing of a button.
- PreSuf(3) - create regular expressions from word lists
- PrettyPrinter(3) - generate nice HTML files from HTML syntax trees
- PREV(1) - show the previous nmh message
- PREVD(1) - move backward through directory history
- PREVIEW(nged) - Allows the user to
- PREZIP-BIN(1) - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
- PRG2LOUT(1) - convert computer program text into Lout
- Prima::Application(3) - root of widget objects hierarchy
- Prima::Buttons(3) - button widgets and grouping widgets.
- Prima::Calendar(3) - standard calendar widget
- Prima::Classes(3) - binder module for the built-in classes.
- Prima::ComboBox(3) - standard combo box widget
- Prima::Const(3) - predefined constants
- Prima::DetailedList(3) - a multi-column list viewer with controlling header widget.
- Prima::DetailedOutline(3) - a multi-column outline viewer with controlling header widget.
- Prima::Dialog::ColorDialog(3) - standard color selection facilities
- Prima::Dialog::FileDialog(3) - File system related widgets and dialogs.
- Prima::Dialog::FindDialog(3) - wrapper module for Prima::Dialog::FindDialog and Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog to find and replace text.
- Prima::Dialog::FontDialog(3) - standard font dialog
- Prima::Dialog::ImageDialog(3) - file open and save dialogs.
- Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog(3) - standard printer setup dialog
- Prima::DockManager(3) - advanced dockable widgets
- Prima::Docks(3) - dockable widgets
- Prima::Drawable::Antialias(3) - plot antialiased shapes
- Prima::Drawable::Basic(3)
- Prima::Drawable::CurvedText(3) - fit text to path
- Prima::Drawable::Glyphs(3) - helper routines for bi-directional text input and complex scripts output
- Prima::Drawable::Gradient(3) - gradient fills for primitives
- Prima::Drawable::Markup(3) - allow markup in widgets
- Prima::Drawable::Metafile(3) - graphic primitive recorder
- Prima::Drawable::Path(3) - stroke and fill complex paths
- Prima::Drawable::Subcanvas(3) - paint a hierarchy of widgets to any drawable
- Prima::Drawable::TextBlock(3) - rich text representation
- Prima::Edit(3) - standard text editing widget
- Prima::EventHook(3) - event filtering
- Prima::ExtLists(3) - extended functionality for list boxes
- Prima::FrameSet(3) - standard frameset widget
- Prima::Grids(3) - grid widgets
- Prima::Header(3) - a multi-tabbed header widget.
- Prima::HelpViewer(3) - the built-in pod file browser
- Prima::Image::Animate(3) - animate gif,webp,png files
- Prima::Image::TransparencyControl(3) - standard dialog for transparent color index selection.
- Prima::ImageViewer(3) - standard image, icon, and bitmap viewer class.
- Prima::IniFile(3) - support of Windows-like initialization files
- Prima::InputLine(3) - standard input line widget
- Prima::IntUtils(3) - internal functions
- Prima::KeySelector(3) - key combination widget and routines
- Prima::Label(3) - static text widget
- Prima::Lists(3) - user-selectable item list widgets
- Prima::MDI(3) - top-level windows emulation classes
- Prima::Menus(3) - menu widgets
- Prima::MsgBox(3) - standard message and input dialog boxes
- Prima::Notebooks(3) - multipage widgets
- Prima::noX11(3) - Use Prima without X11
- Prima::Outlines(3) - tree view widgets
- Prima::PodView(3) - POD browser widget
- Prima::PS::CFF(3) - create compressed Type1 fonts
- Prima::PS::Drawable(3) - Common routines for PS drawables
- Prima::PS::Glyphs(3) - glyph outlines as adobe charstrings
- Prima::PS::PDF(3) - PDF interface to Prima::Drawable
- Prima::PS::PostScript(3) - PostScript interface to Prima::Drawable
- Prima::PS::Printer(3) - PostScript interface to Prima::Printer
- Prima::PS::TempFile(3) - store parts of PS output in files
- Prima::PS::Type1(3) - create Type1 font files
- Prima::RubberBand(3) - draw rubberbands
- Prima::ScrollBar(3) - standard scroll bars class
- Prima::ScrollWidget(3) - scrollable generic document widget.
- Prima::Sliders(3) - sliding bars, spin buttons and input lines, dial widget etc.
- Prima::Spinner(3) - Show a spinner animation
- Prima::StartupWindow(3) - a simplistic startup banner window
- Prima::StdBitmap(3) - shared access to the standard toolkit bitmaps
- Prima::Stress(3) - stress test module
- Prima::sys::FS(3) - unicode-aware core file functions
- Prima::sys::gtk::FileDialog(3) - GTK file system dialogs.
- Prima::sys::Test(3) - GUI test tools
- Prima::sys::win32::FileDialog(3) - Windows file system dialogs.
- Prima::sys::XQuartz(3) - MacOSX/XQuartz facilities
- Prima::TextView(3) - rich text browser widget
- Prima::Themes(3) - object themes management
- Prima::Tie(3) - tie widget properties to scalars or arrays.
- Prima::Utils(3) - miscellanneous routines
- Prima::VB::CfgMaint(3) - maintains visual builder widget palette configuration.
- Prima::VB::Classes(3) - Visual Builder widgets and types
- Prima::VB::VBLoader(3) - Visual Builder file loader
- Prima::Widgets(3) - miscellaneous widget classes
- PRIMA-CFGMAINT(1) - configuration tool for Visual Builder
- PRIME(1) - compute prime numbers
- PRIMECOUNT(1) - count prime numbers
- primegaps(1) - print large prime gaps
- primegen(3) - enumerate small primes
- PRIMESIEVE(1) - generate prime numbers
- PRINT_VERSION:(1) - manual page for print_version: HTTPDirFS version 1.2.3
- PRINTAFM(1) - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format using ghostscript
- PRINTCAP(5) - printer capability data base
- PRINTCBM(1) - list a Commodore BASIC file
- PrintCols(3) - Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columns.
- PrintControl(3) - disable default print output
- PRINTENV(1) - print all or part of environment
- printers.conf(5) - printer configuration file for cups
- Printexc(3) - Facilities for printing exceptions and inspecting current call stack.
- PRINTF_L(3) - formatted output conversion
- printforward(1) - print the instructions in a forwarding database
- printftest(6) - tests the vgagl gl_printf function
- PRINT-GROUP(1) - Print contents of a netspoc group definition
- PRINTMAIL(1L) - format mail in a readable fashion for printing
- printmaillist(1) - print the contents of a binary mailing list
- PRIOCNTL(1) - process scheduler control
- PRIPS(1) - print the IP addresses in a given range
- PRISON_CHECK(9) - determine if two credentials belong to the same jail
- PRIVOXY(8) - Privacy Enhancing Proxy
- PRJ_ADD(nged) - Appends information to the specified
- PRLIMIT(1) - get and set a process resource limits.
- prlst2ps(1) - produce PostScript data from rectangle/line-segment data
- PRN(1)
- PRNG(9) - Kernel pseudo-random number generators
- PROBE(3PVM) - Check if message has arrived.
- Probe::Perl(3) - Information about the currently running perl
- proc(n) - Create a Tcl procedure
- Proc::Background(3) - Generic interface to Unix and Win32 background process management
- Proc::Background::Unix(3) - Unix-specific implementation of process create/wait/kill
- Proc::Background::Win32(3) - Windows-specific implementation of process create/wait/kill
- Proc::BackOff(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial version
- Proc::BackOff::Exponential(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::BackOff::Linear(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::BackOff::Random(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::Daemon(3) - Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process.
- Proc::Find::Parents(3) - Find parents of a process (up to the root)
- Proc::Fork(3) - simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
- Proc::Guard(3) - process runner with RAII pattern
- Proc::InvokeEditor(3) - Perl extension for starting a text editor
- Proc::Killall(3) - Kill all instances of a process by pattern matching the command-line
- Proc::Killfam(3) - kill a list of pids, and all their sub-children
- Proc::Pidfile(3) - a simple OO Perl module for maintaining a process id file for the curent process
- Proc::ProcessTable(3) - Perl extension to access the unix process table
- Proc::ProcessTable::Colorizer(3) - Like ps, but with colored columns and enhnaced functions for searching.
- Proc::ProcessTable::InfoString(3) - Greats a PS like stat string showing various symbolic represenation of various flags/state as well as the wchan.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match(3) - Matches a Proc::ProcessTable::Process against a stack of checks.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Cmndline(3) - Check if the cmndline of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Command(3) - Check if the fname or cmndline of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EGID(3) - Check if the EGID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EGIDset(3) - Check if the the process has a EGID set.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EUID(3) - Check if the EUID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EUIDset(3) - Check if the the process has a EUID set.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Fname(3) - Check if the fname of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::GID(3) - Check if the GID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Idle(3) - Attempts to match the kernel idle process.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::JID(3) - Check if the JID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::KernProc(3) - Attempts to match the kernel processes.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PctCPU(3) - Check if a process matches based on the CPU usaged percentage.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PctMem(3) - Check if the memory usage by percent of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PID(3) - Check if the PID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Priority(3) - Check if the Priority of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::RSS(3) - Check if the resident set size of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Size(3) - Check if the Size of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Start(3) - Check if the start time of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::State(3) - Check if the state of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Swapped(3) - Check if the process is swapped out.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Time(3) - Check if the user + system time of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::UID(3) - Check if the UID or username of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::WChan(3) - Check if the wait channel of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::ncps(3) - New Colorized(optional) PS, a enhanced version of PS with advanced searching capabilities
- Proc::ProcessTable::Process(3) - Perl process objects
- Proc::Queue(3) - limit the number of child processes running
- Proc::SafeExec::Queue(3) - Uses Proc::SafeExec to manage a group of concurrent processes.
- proc_lib(3) - Functions for asynchronous and synchronous start of processes adhering to the OTP design principles.
- PROC_RWMEM(9) - read from or write to a process address space
- PROC2MA(1) - Procmail to Mail::Audit migrator.
- PROCBATCH(8) - Process an INN funnel file or innfeed-dropped file
- PROCCONTROL(1) - Control some process execution aspects
- PROCCTL(2) - control processes
- PROCDESC(4) - process descriptor facility
- PROCENV(1) - display process environment details
- process(n) - Subprocess management
- Process::Status(3) - a handle on process termination, like $?
- process_keys(1) - Web of Trust analysis
- Processors::Info(3) - Interface to processor (CPU) information
- PROCLET(1) - foreman for perl
- Proclet(3) - minimalistic Supervisor
- Proclet::Declare(3) - Declare interface to Proclet
- PROCMAIL(1) - autonomous mail processor
- PROCMAILEX(5) - procmail rcfile examples
- Procmailrc(3) - An interface to Procmail recipe files
- PROCMAILRC(5) - procmail rcfile
- PROCMAILSC(5) - procmail weighted scoring technique
- PROCMAP(8) - print a procfs map file
- PROCSTAT(1) - get detailed process information
- procsystime(1m) - analyse system call times. Uses DTrace.
- PROE-G(1) - Pro/Engineer Translator (Pro/Engineer to BRL-CAD)
- PROFIL(2) - control process profiling
- profile2map(1)
- proftpd.conf(5) - ProFTPD server configuration file
- proftpd(8) - Professional configurable, secure file transfer protocol server
- Progress::Any(3) - Record progress to any output
- Progress::Any::Output(3) - Assign output to progress indicators
- Progress::Any::Output::Null(3) - Null output
- ProgressIndicator(3) - Another, simpler ProgressBar
- Project::Libs(3) - Add module directories of a project into @INC automatically
- PROJECT_BIN(1) - Call a Dir::Project specific program
- PROJECT_DIR(1) - Determine and query DIRPROJECT environment variables
- projectionintro(1)
- projectiveplane(6) - Draws a 4d embedding of the real projective plane.
- projectM-PulseAudio(1) - ProjectM module for PulseAudio
- projects(5) - persistent project root definition
- projid(5) - the project name mapping file
- PROJINFO(1) - Geodetic object and coordinate operation queries
- PROJSYNC(1) - Downloading tool of resource files
- PROMETHEUS_SYSCTL_EXPORTER(8) - print kernel state as Prometheus metrics
- Promises(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Cookbook::ChainingAndPipelining(3) - Examples of chaining/pipelining of asynchronous operations
- Promises::Cookbook::GentleIntro(3) - All you need to know about Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::Recursion(3) - Examples of recursive asynchronous operations
- Promises::Cookbook::ScalaFuturesComparison(3) - A comparison of Scala Futures with Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::SynopsisBreakdown(3) - A breakdown of the SYNOPSIS section of Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::TIMTOWTDI(3) - Counter examples to Promises
- Promises::Deferred(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::AE(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::AnyEvent(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::EV(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::Mojo(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Promise(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- PROMMGR(1) - the command line utility of Tokyo Promenade
- PROMPT_LOGIN(1) - describe the login suitable for prompt
- PROMPT_PWD(1) - print pwd suitable for prompt
- PROMPTER(1) - nmh's prompting editor front-end
- prop2po.py(1) - Convert Java/Mozilla .properties files to Gettext PO localization files.
- PROPERTY(7ossl) - Properties, a selection mechanism for algorithm implementations
- PROPHET(1) - main script
- Prophet(3) - A distributed database system
- Prophet::App(3)
- Prophet::Change(3) - encapsulates a change to a single record in a Prophet replica.
- Prophet::ChangeSet(3) - represents a single, atomic Prophet database update.
- Prophet::CLI(3)
- Prophet::CLI::CollectionCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Aliases(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Clone(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Config(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Create(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Delete(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Export(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::History(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Info(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Init(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Log(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Merge(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Mirror(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Publish(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Pull(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Push(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Search(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Server(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Settings(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Shell(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Show(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Update(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher::Rule(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher::Rule::RecordId(3)
- Prophet::CLI::MirrorCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Parameters(3)
- Prophet::CLI::ProgressBar(3)
- Prophet::CLI::PublishCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::RecordCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::TextEditorCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLIContext(3)
- Prophet::Collection(3) - Collections of Prophet::Record objects
- Prophet::Config(3) - Prophet's configuration object
- Prophet::Conflict(3)
- Prophet::ConflictingChange(3)
- Prophet::ConflictingPropChange(3) - Conflicting property changes
- Prophet::ContentAddressedStore(3)
- Prophet::DatabaseSetting(3)
- Prophet::FilesystemReplica(3)
- Prophet::ForeignReplica(3) - Base for 2nd-class replicas
- Prophet::Manual(3) - What Prophet is, how it works and how to use it
- Prophet::Meta::Types(3) - extra types for Prophet
- Prophet::PropChange(3) - A single property change.
- Prophet::Record(3) - Base class for records.
- Prophet::Replica(3) - base class for all Prophet replicas.
- Prophet::Replica::file(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::File(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::LWP(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::SSH(3)
- Prophet::Replica::http(3)
- Prophet::Replica::prophet(3) - sha1 sum of the changeset's content>
- Prophet::Replica::prophet_cache(3)
- Prophet::Replica::sqlite(3)
- Prophet::ReplicaExporter(3) - Exports a replica to a serialized on-disk format.
- Prophet::ReplicaFeedExporter(3)
- Prophet::Resolver(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::AlwaysSource(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::AlwaysTarget(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Failed(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Fixup::MissingSourceOldValues(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::FromResolutionDB(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::IdenticalChanges(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Prompt(3)
- Prophet::Server(3)
- Prophet::Server::Controller(3)
- Prophet::Server::Dispatcher(3)
- Prophet::Server::View(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::HiddenParam(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::ParamFromFunction(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Widget(3)
- Prophet::Test(3)
- Prophet::Test::Arena(3)
- Prophet::Test::Editor(3)
- Prophet::Test::Participant(3)
- Prophet::Util(3) - Common utility functions.
- Prophet::UUIDGenerator(3) - Creates v4 & v5 UUIDs.
- Prophet::Web::Field(3)
- Prophet::Web::FunctionResult(3)
- Prophet::Web::Menu(3) - Handle the API for menu navigation
- Prophet::Web::Result(3)
- proplists(3) - Support functions for property lists.
- propwatch(1) - a tool to monitor X11 properties
- PROSODYCTL(1) - Manage a Prosody XMPP server
- PROTECT(1) - protect processes from being killed when swap space is exhausted
- protected(3) - "private" data fields which are inherited by child classes
- PROTO(4) - Generic prototyping and diagnostics driver
- Protocol::ACME(3) - Interface to the Let's Encrypt ACME API
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge(3) - Empty base class for ACME Challenges
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::LocalFile(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via a local file
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::Manual(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via manual setup
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::SimpleSSH(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via SSH
- Protocol::CassandraCQL(3) - wire protocol support functions for Cassandra CQL
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Client(3) - a minimal Cassandra CQL client
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::ColumnMeta(3) - stores the column metadata of a Cassandra CQL query
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame(3) - a byte buffer storing the content of a CQL message frame
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frames(3) - build or parse frame bodies for specific message types
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Result(3) - stores the result of a Cassandra CQL query
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type(3) - represents a Cassandra CQL data type
- Protocol::Connection(3) - Perl module abstract base class for X11 client to server connections
- Protocol::Connection::FileHandle(3) - Perl module base class for FileHandle-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::INETFH(3) - Perl module for FileHandle-based TCP/IP X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::INETSocket(3) - Perl module for IO::Socket::INET-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::Socket(3) - Perl module base class for IO::Socket-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::UNIXFH(3) - Perl module for FileHandle-based Unix-domain X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::UNIXSocket(3) - Perl module for IO::Socket::UNIX-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Ext::BIG_REQUESTS(3) - Perl module for the X11 protocol Big Requests extension
- Protocol::Ext::DPMS(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol DPMS Extension
- Protocol::Ext::RENDER(3) - Perl module for the X Rendering Extension
- Protocol::Ext::SHAPE(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension
- Protocol::Ext::XC_MISC(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol XC-MISC Extension
- Protocol::Ext::XFree86_Misc(3) - Perl module for the XFree86 Misc Extension
- Protocol::HTTP2(3) - HTTP/2 protocol implementation (RFC 7540)
- Protocol::HTTP2::Client(3) - HTTP/2 client
- Protocol::HTTP2::Frame(3)
- Protocol::HTTP2::Server(3) - HTTP/2 server
- Protocol::SocketIO(3) - Socket.IO protocol implementation
- Protocol::SocketIO::Handshake(3) - Socket.IO handshake construction
- Protocol::SocketIO::Message(3) - Socket.IO message parsing and building
- Protocol::SocketIO::Path(3) - Socket.IO path parsing
- Protocol::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket protocol
- Protocol::WebSocket::Client(3) - WebSocket client
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie(3) - Base class for WebSocket cookies
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Request(3) - WebSocket Cookie Request
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Response(3) - WebSocket Cookie Response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Frame(3) - WebSocket Frame
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake(3) - Base WebSocket Handshake class
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Client(3) - WebSocket Client Handshake
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Server(3) - WebSocket Server Handshake
- Protocol::WebSocket::Message(3) - Base class for WebSocket request and response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Request(3) - WebSocket Request
- Protocol::WebSocket::Response(3) - WebSocket Response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Stateful(3) - Base class for all classes with states
- Protocol::WebSocket::URL(3) - WebSocket URL
- Protocol::XMLRPC(3) - XML-RPC implementation
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Client(3) - Simple XML-RPC client
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Method(3) - methodCall and methodResponse base class
- Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodCall(3) - XML-RPC methodCall request
- Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodResponse(3) - XML-RPC methodResponse response
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value(3) - a base class for scalar values
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Array(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Base64(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Boolean(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::DateTime(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Double(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Integer(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::String(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Struct(3) - XML-RPC struct
- Protocol::XMLRPC::ValueFactory(3) - value objects factory
- Protocol::XMPP(3) - Protocol-level support for XMPP interaction
- Protocol::XMPP::Base(3) - base class for Protocol::XMPP
- Protocol::XMPP::Contact(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Active(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Auth(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Bind(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Body(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Challenge(3) - deal with the XMPP challenge
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Feature(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Features(3) - broker for setting up internal state and triggering reponses based on supported features
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::HTML(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::IQ(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::JID(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Mechanism(3) - information on available auth mechanisms
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Mechanisms(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Message(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Nick(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Presence(3) - indicate success for an operation
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Proceed(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Register(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Response(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Session(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::StartTLS(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Stream(3) - handle the stream start/end tags
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Subject(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Success(3) - indicate success for an operation
- Protocol::XMPP::ElementBase(3) - base class for Protocol::XMPP XML fragment handling
- Protocol::XMPP::Handler(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::IQ::Roster(3) - stash current IQ on stream Query start - set IQ query type to xmlns
- Protocol::XMPP::Message(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Roster(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::Stream(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::TextElement(3) - handle a text element
- Protocol::XMPP::User(3) - user-related functionality
- PROTOCOLS(5) - protocol name data base
- protracker(1) - Amiga ProTracker v2.3D clone for modern computers
- providence(6) - eye in glory screenhack
- PROVIDER(7ossl) - OpenSSL operation implementation providers
- PROVIDER-ASYM_CIPHER(7ossl) - The asym_cipher library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-CIPHER(7ossl) - The cipher library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-DECODER(7ossl) - The OSSL_DECODER library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-DIGEST(7ossl) - The digest library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-ENCODER(7ossl) - The OSSL_ENCODER library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-KDF(7ossl) - The KDF library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-KEM(7ossl) - The kem library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-KEYEXCH(7ossl) - The keyexch library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-KEYMGMT(7ossl) - The KEYMGMT library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-MAC(7ossl) - The mac library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-OBJECT(7ossl) - A specification for a provider-native object abstraction
- PROVIDER-RAND(7ossl) - The random number generation library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-SIGNATURE(7ossl) - The signature library <-> provider functions
- PROVIDER-STOREMGMT(7ossl) - The OSSL_STORE library <-> provider functions
- proxsmtpd.conf(5)
- proxsmtpd(8) - an SMTP server for performing filtering
- PROXY-CERTIFICATES(7) - Proxy certificates in OpenSSL
- PROXY-CERTIFICATES(7ossl) - Proxy certificates in OpenSSL
- proxycheck(1) - open proxy server checker
- PROXYMAP(8) - Postfix lookup table proxy server
- PROXY-SERVER(1C) - serializing, transaction logging http proxy server
- proxytrack(1) - proxy to serve content archived by httrack website copier
- PROXYTUNNEL(1) - program to tunnel a connection through a standard HTTPS proxy
- PRSS3(1) - test a protein sequence similarity for significance
- prstat(l) - print struct stat human readable on a file
- prsync(1)
- prtunnel(1) - tunnels TCP connections through HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies
- PRTVTOC(8) - UnixWare disk information display utility
- PRUN(1) - Execute serial and parallel jobs with the PMIx Reference Server.
- PRUNEEMPTYDIRS(1) - Detects stale source directories in a CVS tree
- PRUNEHISTORY(8) - Remove tokens from Usenet history file
- PS_ARC(3)
- PS_ARCN(3)
- PS_BOOT(3)
- PS_CLIP(3)
- PS_continue_text2(3)
- PS_EVOL(1) - Perl script to fine-tune A4 PostScript drawings
- PS_FILL(3)
- PS_LAV(1) - plot an "lav" file in postscript.
- PS_NEW(3)
- PS_NEW2(3)
- PS_RECT(3)
- PS_SAVE(3)
- PS_SHOW(3)
- PS_SHOW_XY2(3)
- PS_SHOW2(3)
- PS_symbol_name(3)
- PS_symbol_width(3)
- PS2ASCII(1) - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
- PS2EPS(1) - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
- PS2EPSI(1) - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
- PS2FAX(8C) - image POSTSCRIPT® for facsimile transmission by
- ps2frag(1) - obsolete shell script for the PSfrag system.
- PS2PDF(1) - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
- PS2PDFWR(1) - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying CompatibilityLevel, using ghostscript
- PS2PK(1) - creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font
- PS2PS(1) - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
- PS4DSHOCK(4) - Sony PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 gamepad driver
- PSAPD(1) - Perl SAP Daemon
- PSASS(1) - perl sass (scss) compiler
- PSBOOK(1) - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures
- PSC(1) - prepare sc files
- pscp(1) - command-line SCP (secure copy) / SFTP client
- psdim(1) - calculate optimal page format for n-up printing from a postscript file
- psdriver(1)
- PSELECT(2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing a la POSIX.1g
- PSEND(3PVM) - Pack and send data in one call.
- PSEQUIN(1) - submit sequences to Genbank, EMBL, and DDBJ
- pserv(1) - A POP3 server
- PSEUDOFS(9) - pseudo file system construction kit
- psf2bdf(1) - convert part or all of a PSF Font file to an X11 BDF.
- psf2bsd(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to a BSD soft-font kernel header
- psf2fnt(1) - Convert a PC Screen Font file to a Windows font-resource file
- psf2inc(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to text
- psf2pbms(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to many bitmap files
- psf2raw(1) - convert part or all of a PC Screen Font file to a raw font
- psf2txt(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to text
- psf2wof(1) - convert part or all of a PSF font to Hercules WriteOn format
- psf2wyse(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to a Wyse-60 soft font
- psf2xbm(1) - convert a PC Screen Font file to an X-Window bitmap
- psf2zx(1) - convert a PSF font to Spectrum format
- psfjoin(1) - Concatenate multiple PC Screen Font files
- psfmerge(1) - Merge multiple Unicode PSFs
- PSFONTS(1) - add necessary fonts to PostScript document for printing
- psfpages(1) - list codepages known to the PSF Tools
- psfs2cpi(1) - Construct a .CPI codepage from one or more PSF files
- psfs2mda(1) - extract the font from a dump of the IBM PC MDA ROM
- psftp(1) - interactive SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) client
- psfxform(1) - Apply various transformations to a PC Screen Font file
- PSGI::Extensions(3) - PSGI extensions
- PSGI::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions and answers
- Psh::Builtins::Alias(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Bg(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Bind(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Builtin(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Cd(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Complete(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Delenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Dirs(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Drives(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Exit(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Export(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fallback::Env(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fallback::Ls(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fc(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fg(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Firsttime(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Forfile(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Function(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Hash(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Help(3)
- Psh::Builtins::History(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Jobs(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Kill(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Modules(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Option(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Package(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Printenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Readline(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Rehash(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Rename(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Set(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Setenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Source(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Strategy(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Sudo(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Symbols(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Theme(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Tieopt(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Unalias(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Which(3)
- Psh::Completion(3) - containing the completion routines of psh. Currently works with Term::ReadLine::Gnu and Term::ReadLine::Perl.
- Psh::Joblist(3) - A data structure suitable for handling job lists like bash's
- Psh::Locale(3) - containing base code for I18N
- Psh::Locale::Default(3) - containing translations for default locale
- Psh::OS(3) - Wrapper class for OS dependant stuff
- Psh::OS::Win(3) - Contains Windows specific code
- Psh::Parser(3) - Perl Shell Parser
- Psh::PerlEval(3) - package containing perl evaluation codes
- Psh::Strategy(3) - a Perl Shell Evaluation Strategy (base class)
- Psh::Strategy::Auto_cd(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Auto_resume(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Bang(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Brace(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Darwin_apps(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Debug(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Eval(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Executable(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Fallback_builtin(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perl(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlfunc(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlfunc_heavy(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlscript(3)
- Psh::StrategyBunch(3)
- PSHCOMPLETE(1) - TAB completion in Perl Shell
- PSHCONFIG(1) - Configuring the Perl Shell
- PSHDEVEL(1) - Developing for Perl Shell
- PSICC(1) - little cms PostScript converter.
- PSICONV(1) - script to get information about the installed version of Psiconv
- PSICONV.CONF(5) - Configuration for libpsiconv
- PSIF(8) - PostScript input filter splitter for lpr
- PSIGNAL(3) - system signal messages
- PSIGNAL(9) - post signal to a thread, process, or process group
- pskc_add_keypackage(3) - API function
- pskc_build_xml(3) - API function
- pskc_check_version(3) - API function
- pskc_done(3) - API function
- pskc_free(3) - API function
- pskc_get_cryptomodule_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_devicebinding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_issueno(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_manufacturer(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_model(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_serialno(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algorithm(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_max(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_min(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_length(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_suite(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_b64secret(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_counter(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_secret(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_time(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_timedrift(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_timeinterval(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_friendlyname(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_issuer(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_keyusages(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_numberoftransactions(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinencoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinkeyid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinmaxfailedattempts(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinmaxlength(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinminlength(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_profileid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_reference(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_keypackage(3) - API function
- pskc_get_signed_p(3) - API function
- pskc_get_version(3) - API function
- pskc_global_done(3) - API function
- pskc_global_init(3) - API function
- pskc_global_log(3) - API function
- pskc_init(3) - API function
- pskc_keyusage2str(3) - API function
- pskc_output(3) - API function
- pskc_parse_from_memory(3) - API function
- pskc_pinusagemode2str(3) - API function
- pskc_set_cryptomodule_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_devicebinding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_issueno(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_manufacturer(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_model(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_serialno(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algorithm(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_max(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_min(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_length(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_suite(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_b64secret(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_counter(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_secret(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_time(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_timedrift(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_timeinterval(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_friendlyname(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_issuer(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_keyusages(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_numberoftransactions(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinencoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinkeyid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinmaxfailedattempts(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinmaxlength(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinminlength(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_profileid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_reference(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_version(3) - API function
- pskc_sign_x509(3) - API function
- pskc_str2keyusage(3) - API function
- pskc_str2pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_str2valueformat(3) - API function
- pskc_strerror(3) - API function
- pskc_strerror_name(3) - API function
- pskc_validate(3) - API function
- pskc_valueformat2str(3) - API function
- pskc_verify_x509crt(3) - API function
- PSKCTOOL(1) - Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) tool
- PSKGEN(8) - Pre-shared key generater and converter for IKE
- psktool(1) - GnuTLS PSK tool
- PSL(1) - generate a compact and optimized DAFSA from a Public Suffix List
- pslatex(1) - utility to typeset LaTeX files using PostScript fonts
- PSLIB(3) - Library to create PostScript files
- PSLIST(1) - control processes and their descendants
- pslurp(1)
- PSM(4) - PS/2 mouse style pointing device driver
- PSMANDUP(1) - print duplex on non duplex printers
- PSMERGE(1) - filter to merge several PostScript files into one
- psm-ipp(5) - Internet Print Protocol Print Service Module
- PSNUP(1) - multiple pages per sheet
- PSOF(8) - PostScript output/banner filter for lpr
- PSPAX(1) - list ELF/PaX information about running processes
- PSPELL-CONFIG(1) - prints information about a libpspell installation
- pspp(1) - a system for statistical analysis
- pspp-convert(1) - convert SPSS data files to other formats
- pspp-dump-sav(1) - dissect SPSS system file
- PSPPIRE(1) - graphical interface to pspp
- pspp-output(1) - convert and operate on SPSS viewer (SPV) files
- PSPRESENT(1) - fullscreen PostScript presentation tool
- PSPSVG(1) - convert PaintShop Pro® gradients (jgd, PspGradient) to the SVG format.
- PSQL(1) - PostgreSQL interactive terminal
- PSRESIZE(1) - multiple pages per sheet
- PSREV(1) - PostScript page reversal filter
- PSSELECT(1) - select pages from a PostScript file
- PSSET(1) - insert page device request in PostScript files
- pssh(1)
- PSSVG(1) - convert Photoshop® gradients to SVG.
- PST(4) - device driver for Promise Supertrak SX6000
- PST2DII(1) - extract email messages from an MS Outlook .pst file in DII load format
- PST2LDIF(1) - extract contacts from an MS Outlook .pst file in .ldif format
- PSTACK(1) - print the backtrace of the running program
- PSTAT(3PVM) - Returns the status of the specified PVM process.
- PSTAT(8) - display system data structures
- psthreads(1)
- PSTOEDIT(1) - a tool converting PostScript and PDF files into various vector graphic formats
- PSTOPS(1) - shuffle pages in a PostScript file
- pstotext(1) - extract ASCII text from a PostScript or PDF file
- PSUB(1) - perform process substitution
- PTAINTERPOLATE(1) - Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.
- PT-ALIGN(1) - Align output from other tools to columns.
- PTAR(1) - a tar-like program written in perl
- PT-ARCHIVER(1) - Archive rows from a MySQL table into another table or a file.
- PTARDIFF(1) - program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one
- PTARGREP(1) - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive
- PTBATCHERGUI(1) - Hugin batch processor
- PTBLENDER(1) - Colour and brightness correction of panoramas
- PT-CONFIG-DIFF(1) - Diff MySQL configuration files and server variables.
- PTCROP(1) - Crop TIFF images
- PT-DEADLOCK-LOGGER(1) - Log MySQL deadlocks.
- PT-DISKSTATS(1) - An interactive I/O monitoring tool for GNU/Linux.
- PT-DUPLICATE-KEY-CHECKER(1) - Find duplicate indexes and foreign keys on MySQL tables.
- PTEE(1) - emulate the GNU tee program with Perl
- pterm(1)
- ptestpdm(1) - Test POPular Database Modules (PDMs)
- PT-FIFO-SPLIT(1) - Split files and pipe lines to a fifo without really splitting.
- PT-FIND(1) - Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find.
- PT-FINGERPRINT(1) - Convert queries into fingerprints.
- PT-FK-ERROR-LOGGER(1) - Log MySQL foreign key errors.
- PTH-CONFIG(1) - Pth library build utility
- PT-HEARTBEAT(1) - Monitor MySQL replication delay.
- PTHREAD(3) - POSIX thread functions
- Pthread::GetThreadId(3)
- PTHREAD_AFFINITY_NP(3) - manage CPU affinity
- PTHREAD_ATFORK(3) - register fork handlers
- PTHREAD_ATTR(3) - thread attribute operations
- PTHREAD_ATTR_AFFINITY_NP(3) - manage CPU affinity in thread attribute objects
- PTHREAD_ATTR_GET_NP(3) - get attributes of existent thread
- PTHREAD_ATTR_SETCREATESUSPEND_NP(3) - prepare attribute for creation of suspended thread
- PTHREAD_BARRIER(3) - destroy, initialize or wait on a barrier object
- PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR(3) - manipulate a barrier attribute object
- PTHREAD_CANCEL(3) - cancel execution of a thread
- PTHREAD_CLEANUP_POP(3) - call the first cleanup routine
- PTHREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH(3) - add a cleanup function for thread exit
- PTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST(3) - unblock all threads waiting for a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_DESTROY(3) - destroy a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_INIT(3) - create a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_SIGNAL(3) - unblock a thread waiting for a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT(3) - wait on a condition variable for a specific amount of time
- PTHREAD_COND_WAIT(3) - wait on a condition variable
- PTHREAD_CONDATTR(3) - condition attribute operations
- PTHREAD_CREATE(3) - create a new thread
- PTHREAD_DETACH(3) - detach a thread
- PTHREAD_EQUAL(3) - compare thread IDs
- PTHREAD_EXIT(3) - terminate the calling thread
- PTHREAD_GETCONCURRENCY(3) - get or set level of concurrency
- PTHREAD_GETCPUCLOCKID(3) - access a thread CPU-time clock
- PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(3) - get a thread-specific data value
- PTHREAD_GETTHREADID_NP(3) - get the calling thread's integral ID
- PTHREAD_JOIN(3) - inspect thread termination state
- PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE(3) - thread-specific data key creation
- PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE(3) - delete a thread-specific data key
- PTHREAD_KILL(3) - send a signal to a specified thread
- PTHREAD_MAIN_NP(3) - identify the initial thread
- PTHREAD_MULTI_NP(3) - switch between multi- and single-threaded scheduling modes
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_CONSISTENT(3) - mark state protected by robust mutex as consistent
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY(3) - free resources allocated for a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(3) - create a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(3) - lock a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK(3) - lock a mutex without blocking indefinitely
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_TRYLOCK(3) - attempt to lock a mutex without blocking
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(3) - unlock a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR(3) - mutex attribute operations
- PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_GETKIND_NP(3) - mutex attribute operations (legacy)
- PTHREAD_NP(3) - FreeBSD extensions to POSIX thread functions
- PTHREAD_ONCE(3) - dynamic package initialization
- PTHREAD_RESUME_ALL_NP(3) - resume all suspended threads
- PTHREAD_RESUME_NP(3) - resume suspended thread
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DESTROY(3) - destroy a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INIT(3) - initialize a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK(3) - acquire a read/write lock for reading
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDRDLOCK(3) - acquire a read-write lock for reading or give up after a specified period
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDWRLOCK(3) - acquire a read-write lock for writing or give up after a specified period
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_UNLOCK(3) - release a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRLOCK(3) - acquire a read/write lock for writing
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_DESTROY(3) - destroy a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_GETPSHARED(3) - get the process shared attribute
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_INIT(3) - initialize a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_SETPSHARED(3) - set the process shared attribute
- PTHREAD_SCHEDPARAM(3) - thread scheduling parameter manipulation
- PTHREAD_SELF(3) - get the calling thread's ID
- PTHREAD_SET_NAME_NP(3) - set and retrieve the thread name
- PTHREAD_SETSPECIFIC(3) - set a thread-specific data value
- PTHREAD_SIGMASK(3) - examine and/or change a thread's signal mask
- PTHREAD_SPIN_INIT(3) - initialize or destroy a spin lock
- PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK(3) - lock or unlock a spin lock
- PTHREAD_SUSPEND_ALL_NP(3) - suspend all active threads
- PTHREAD_SUSPEND_NP(3) - suspend a thread
- PTHREAD_SWITCH_ADD_NP(3) - thread context switches debugging primitives
- PTHREAD_TESTCANCEL(3) - set cancelability state
- PTHREAD_YIELD(3) - yield control of the current thread
- PTHREAD-CONFIG(1) - Pth pthread library build utility
- PT-INDEX-USAGE(1) - Read queries from a log and analyze how they use indexes.
- PT-IOPROFILE(1) - Watch process IO and print a table of file and I/O activity.
- pTk(3) - how to make your Tk source portable to other interpreted languages.
- ptkdb(3) - Perl debugger using a Tk GUI
- PTKED(1) - an editor in Perl/Tk
- PT-KILL(1) - Kill MySQL queries that match certain criteria.
- PTKSH(1) - Perl/Tk script to provide a graphical user interface for testing Perl/Tk commands and scripts.
- PTMASKER(1) - Compute stitching masks
- PTMENDER(1) - Replacement for PTStitcher
- PT-MEXT(1) - Look at many samples of MySQL "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" side-by-side.
- PT-MYSQL-SUMMARY(1) - Summarize MySQL information nicely.
- PTNET(4) - Ethernet driver for passed-through netmap ports
- PTO_GEN(1) - Generate a Hugin project file from a list of images.
- PTO_LENSSTACK(1) - modify assigned lenses and stack in pto files
- PTO_MASK(1) - Apply a mask
- PTO_MERGE(1) - Merges two or more Hugin project files
- PTO_MOVE(1) - Move a project file with all images in it.
- PTO_TEMPLATE(1) - Apply a template file
- PTO_VAR(1) - change image variables inside Hugin .pto project files
- PT-ONLINE-SCHEMA-CHANGE(1) - ALTER tables without locking them.
- ptop.cfg(5) - The ptop source-beautifier configuration file.
- PTOPTIMIZER(1) - Wrapper around control point optimization routines
- ptpd2.conf(5) - Precision Time Protocol daemon config file
- ptpd2(8) - Precision Time Protocol daemon (1588-2008)
- PT-PMP(1) - Aggregate GDB stack traces for a selected program.
- PT-QUERY-DIGEST(1) - Analyze MySQL queries from logs, processlist, and tcpdump.
- PTRACE(2) - process tracing and debugging
- PTRANS(1) - ptrans command manual page
- PTROLLER(1) - Merge several images into a single one
- PTS(4) - pseudo-terminal driver
- PT-SHOW-GRANTS(1) - Canonicalize and print MySQL grants so you can effectively replicate, compare and version-control them.
- PT-SIFT(1) - Browses files created by pt-stalk.
- PT-SLAVE-DELAY(1) - Make a MySQL slave server lag behind its master.
- PT-SLAVE-FIND(1) - Find and print replication hierarchy tree of MySQL slaves.
- PT-SLAVE-RESTART(1) - Watch and restart MySQL replication after errors.
- PTSNAME(3) - pseudo-terminal access functions
- PTSORT(1) - Prioritized topological sort
- PT-STALK(1) - Collect forensic data about MySQL when problems occur.
- PT-SUMMARY(1) - Summarize system information nicely.
- PT-TABLE-CHECKSUM(1) - Verify MySQL replication integrity.
- PT-TABLE-SYNC(1) - Synchronize MySQL table data efficiently.
- PT-TABLE-USAGE(1) - Analyze how queries use tables.
- PTTIFF2PSD(1) - Convert a set of TIFF files into a Photoshop PSD file
- PTTIFFDUMP(1) - Compare two TIFF images
- PTUNCROP(1) - Uncrop TIFF images
- ptunnel(8) - tunnel TCP connections over ICMP echo request/reply packets.
- PT-UPGRADE(1) - Verify that query results are identical on different servers.
- PT-VARIABLE-ADVISOR(1) - Analyze MySQL variables and advise on possible problems.
- PT-VISUAL-EXPLAIN(1) - Format EXPLAIN output as a tree.
- PTY(4) - old-style compatibility pseudo-terminal driver
- PUBLIB(3) - introduction to publib
- public_key(3) - API module for public-key infrastructure.
- public_key(7) - Provides functions to handle public-key infrastructure.
- PUBLICKEY(5) - public key database
- PUC(4) - PCI “Universal” Communications driver
- PUDCONVERT(6) - Tool to convert Warcraft II map pud files to Stratagus map format
- puf(1) - http client for parallel downloading
- Pugs::Compiler::Grammar(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Grammars
- Pugs::Compiler::Regex(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Regex
- Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 style "Perl5" regex
- Pugs::Compiler::Rule(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 regexes
- Pugs::Compiler::Token(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Token
- Pugs::Emitter::Grammar::Perl5(3) - Perl 5 emitter for grammar ASTs
- Pugs::Grammar::Precedence(3) - Engine for Perl 6 Rule operator precedence
- Pugs::Runtime::Match(3) - Match object created by rules
- Pugs::Runtime::Regex(3)
- Pugs::Runtime::StrPos(3) - Represent a position inside a string
- Pugs::Runtime::Tracer(3) - tracer runtime for Pugs::Compiler::Rule
- PULL(nged) - Pulls the effects of all transformation matrices that appear in any combinations or primitives in the trees from the leaves up to the specified
- pullcves(1) - Update the local cvechecker CVE database and version matching rules
- PULLNEWS(1) - Pull news from multiple news servers and feed it to another
- pullparser(n) - Create an XML pull parser command
- pulsar(6) - intersecting planes, alpha blending, fog, and textures.
- pulse-client.conf(5) - PulseAudio client configuration file
- pulse-cli-syntax(5) - PulseAudio Command Line Interface Syntax
- pulse-daemon.conf(5) - PulseAudio daemon configuration file
- PULSEVIEW(1) - Qt-based LA/scope/MSO GUI for sigrok
- PUNY(1) - Punycode conversion of UTF-8 string.
- punycode_decode(3) - API function
- punycode_encode(3) - API function
- punycode_strerror(3) - API function
- PUPPET-AGENT(8) - The puppet agent daemon
- PUPPET-APPLY(8) - Apply Puppet manifests locally
- PUPPET-CATALOG(8) - Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
- PUPPET-CONFIG(8) - Interact with Puppet´s settings.
- PUPPET-DESCRIBE(8) - Display help about resource types
- PUPPET-DEVICE(8) - Manage remote network devices
- PUPPET-DOC(8) - Generate Puppet references
- PUPPET-EPP(8) - Interact directly with the EPP template parser/renderer.
- PUPPET-FACTS(8) - Retrieve and store facts.
- PUPPET-FILEBUCKET(8) - Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
- PUPPET-GENERATE(8) - Generates Puppet code from Ruby definitions.
- PUPPET-HELP(8) - Display Puppet help.
- PUPPET-KEY(8) - Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
- PUPPET-LOOKUP(8) - Interactive Hiera lookup
- PUPPET-MAN(8) - Display Puppet manual pages.
- PUPPET-MODULE(8) - Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.
- PUPPET-NODE(8) - View and manage node definitions.
- PUPPET-PARSER(8) - Interact directly with the parser.
- PUPPET-PLUGIN(8) - Interact with the Puppet plugin system.
- PUPPET-REPORT(8) - Create, display, and submit reports.
- PUPPET-RESOURCE(8) - The resource abstraction layer shell
- PUPPET-SCRIPT(8) - Run a puppet manifests as a script without compiling a catalog
- PUPPET-SSL(8) - Manage SSL keys and certificates for puppet SSL clients
- PUPPET-STATUS(8) - View puppet server status.
- pure-authd(8) - External authentication agent for Pure-FTPd.
- pure-certd(8) - TLS certificate agent for Pure-FTPd.
- pure-ftpd(8) - simple File Transfer Protocol server
- pure-ftpwho(8) - Report current FTP sessions
- pure-mrtginfo(8) - provide an MRTG-graphable user count for ftpd
- PURE-PERL-MAKE(1) - a perl 'make' replacement
- pure-pw(8) - Manage virtual users files for Pure-FTPd
- pure-pwconvert(8) - Generate a virtual users file from system accounts
- pure-quotacheck(8) - Update virtual quota files for Pure-FTPd
- pure-statsdecode(8) - Show human-readable dates from a "stats" logfile
- pure-uploadscript(8) - Automatically run an external program after a successful upload
- purge-old-kernels(1) - remove old kernel and header packages from the system
- PUSH(nged) - Forces the effects of all transformation matrices that appear in any combinations in the trees from the specified
- push_config_state(3) - Pushes the current configuration state. Allegro game programming library.
- push_video_context(3)
- PUSHD(1) - push directory to directory stack
- Pushmi(3) - Subversion repository replication tool
- Pushmi::Command::Mirror(3) - initialize pushmi mirrors
- Pushmi::Command::Runhook(3) - transaction preprocessing
- Pushmi::Command::Sync(3) - synchronize pushmi mirrors
- Pushmi::Command::Verify(3) - revision verification
- PUSHTLS(3) - attach TLS1 or SSL3 encryption to a communication channel
- put_backslash(3) - Puts a path separator at the end of a path if needed. Allegro game programming library.
- PUT_COMB(nged) - Insert combinations and regions - allows definition of both boolean expressions and standard attribute values.
- PUTINFO(3PVM) - Store and retrieve messages in global mailbox.
- PUTMAT(nged) - Replaces the existing transformation matrix in the combination specified that corresponds to the member specified.
- puts(n) - Write to a channel
- putty(1) - GUI SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, and SUPDUP client for X
- puttytel(1) - GUI Telnet, Rlogin, and SUPDUP client for X
- PUTWC(3) - output a wide character to a stream
- PUUDECODE(1) - perl replacement for uudecode
- PUUENCODE(1) - perl replacement for uuencode
- PUZZLE_SET(3) - set tunables for libpuzzle functions.
- PUZZLE-DIFF(1) - Compare pictures with libpuzzle
- pvf(1) - utilities to convert various sound formats
- PVM(1PVM) - PVM version 3 console
- Pvm(3) - Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Message Passing System
- PVM_INTRO(1PVM) - Parallel Virtual Machine System Version 3
- PVM_SHMD(1PVM) - PVM shared memory (2) daemon
- PVMD(1PVM) - PVM daemon
- PVRUSB2(4) - pvrusb2 webcamd driver for Hauppauge USB TV tuners
- PVSCSI(4) - VMware Paravirtual SCSI Controller
- PVST(1)
- PW.CONF(5) - format of the pw.conf configuration file
- PW_UTIL(3) - functions for passwd file handling
- PWAIT(1) - wait for processes to terminate
- PWC(4) - USB webcam driver
- PWCACHE(3) - cache password and group entries
- PW-CAT(1) - Play and record media with PipeWire
- PW-CLI(1) - The PipeWire Command Line Interface
- PWCUSB(4) - webcamd driver for Philips USB camera
- PWCVIEW(1) - view video, create jpeg snapshots and alter settings of a webcam controlled by the pwc(4) driver.
- pwd(n) - Return the absolute path of the current working directory
- PWD_MKDB(8) - generate the password databases
- PWD_UNMKDB(8) - build plain-text password file from database
- PW-DOT(1) - The PipeWire dot graph dump
- PWGEN(1) - generate pronounceable passwords
- PWHOIS(1) - Get Whois information of domains and IP addresses.
- pwi2xsf(1) - convert the pw.x input file to XSF format
- PW-INSPECTOR(1) - A tool to reduce the password list
- PW-JACK(1) - Use PipeWire instead of JACK
- PWM(8) - configure PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) hardware
- PWMAKE(1) - simple tool for generating random relatively easily pronounceable passwords
- PWMAN(1) - curses based password storage program
- PWMBUS(9) - PWMBUS methods
- PWMC(4) - PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control device driver
- PW-METADATA(1) - The PipeWire metadata
- PW-MIDIDUMP(1) - The PipeWire MIDI dump
- PW-MON(1) - The PipeWire monitor
- PWNED-CHECK(1) - Check word against list of known stolen passwords.
- pwo2xsf(1) - convert the pw.x output file to XSF format
- PWOL(1) - Send Wake-On-LAN (WoL) packets to wake-up hosts over the network
- PW-PROFILER(1) - The PipeWire profiler
- PWQUALITY(3) - Documentation of the libpwquality API
- PWQUALITY.CONF(5) - configuration for the libpwquality library
- PWSAFE(1) - commandline password database utility compatible with Counterpane's Passwordsafe
- PWSCORE(1) - simple configurable tool for checking quality of a password
- PXEBOOT(8) - Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) bootloader
- PXE-PDHCP - An implementation of Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) server
- PXSPREAD(1) - prepare xspread files
- PXZ(1) - Parallel LZMA compressor compatible with XZ.
- pyacc(1) - Pascal Yacc compiler compiler.
- PYANG(1) - validate and convert YANG modules to various formats
- pybugz.d(5) - configuration files for pybugz
- PYCALLGRAPH(1) - Python Call Graph
- pychess(1) - chess graphical user interface for several chess engines
- pycocci(1) - Coccinelle wrapper for SmPL patch development
- PYDF(1) - report colourised filesystem disk space usage
- PYI-MAKESPEC(1) - Create a spec file for your PyInstaller project
- PYINSTALLER(1) - Configure and build a PyInstaller project in one run
- PYMETAR(1) - query METAR information and display it in a user-friendly way
- PYRMASK(1) - Blend two images together using Gaussian pyramids.
- pyro(6) - simulate fireworks
- PYSIDE-LUPDATE(1) - extracts translatable messages from Qt UI files and Python source code.
- pysilk(3) - Silk in Python
- Python(3) - Write Perl subs and classes in Python.