| |
- 80211(3) - manage net80211 configuration and regulatory database
- __SET_LIBERROR(3) - modify error handling for publib
- __zzip_fetch_disk_trailer(3) - internal.
- __zzip_parse_root_directory(3) - internal.
- __zzip_try_open(3) - internal.
- _getpixel(3) - Faster specific version of getpixel(). Allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel(3) - Faster specific version of putpixel(). Allegro game programming library.
- _SECURE_PATH(3) - determine if a file appears to be secure
- _set_color(3) - Inline version of set_color(). Allegro game programming library.
- _ustrdup(3) - Duplicates a string with a custom memory allocator. Allegro game programming library.
- 2CheckOut(3) - 2CheckOut backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- 804delta(3) - what is new for perl/Tk 804
- 9P(3) - 9P file service
- 9PCLIENT(3) - 9P client library
- 9P-CMDBUF(3) - control message parsing
- 9P-FID(3) - 9P fid, request tracking
- 9P-FILE(3) - in-memory file hierarchy
- 9P-INTMAP(3) - integer to data structure maps
- A2D_ASN1_OBJECT(3) - DER content octets of an ASN.1 object identifier
- A64L(3) - convert between a long integer and a base-64 ASCII string
- aa_attrs(3) - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
- aa_autoinit(3) - easy to use AA-lib initialization function.
- aa_autoinitkbd(3) - easy to use AA-lib keyboard initialization function.
- aa_autoinitmouse(3) - easy to use AA-lib mouse initialization function.
- aa_close(3) - close the AA-lib context.
- aa_createedit(3) - Simple interactive line editor provided as helper function.
- aa_currentfont(3) - returns specification of the fonts used by AA-lib rendering routines.
- aa_defparams(3) - default hardware paramters requested by AA-lib programs.
- aa_defrenderparams(3) - default rendering parameters.
- aa_displayrecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
- aa_dithernames(3) - Names of dithering methods supported by AA-lib.
- aa_drivers(3) - NULL-terminated array of output drivers available in AA-lib.
- aa_edit(3) - Simple interactive line editor.
- aa_editkey(3) - Notify the line editor about keypress.
- aa_fastrender(3) - simple and fast AA-lib rendering function.
- aa_fonts(3) - Null-terminated array of available fonts.
- aa_formats(3) - NULL terminated array of save formats supported by AA-lib.
- aa_getevent(3) - keyboard functions
- aa_getkey(3) - return next keypress event from queue.
- aa_getmouse(3) - Get mouse position as specified by last mouse event read by aa_getevent.
- aa_gotoxy(3) - move the hardware cursor (if any) to specified position.
- aa_help(3) - AA-lib help string for the default command line parser.
- aa_hidecursor(3) - hide the hardware cursor.
- aa_hidemouse(3) - hide the mouse cursor.
- aa_image(3) - returns pointer to the framebuffer emulated by AA-lib.
- aa_imgheight(3) - returns height of the emulated image in pixels.
- aa_imgwidth(3) - returns width of the emulated image in pixels.
- aa_init(3) - open the output display for AA-lib.
- aa_initkbd(3) - initialize the AA-lib keyboard driver.
- aa_initmouse(3) - initialize the AA-lib mouse driver.
- aa_kbddrivers(3) - NULL-terminated array of keyboard drivers available in AA_lib.
- aa_kbdrecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
- aa_mmheight(3) - returns height of the output screen in millimeters.
- aa_mmwidth(3) - returns width of the output screen in millimeters.
- aa_mousedrivers(3) - NULL terminated array of mouse drivers supported by AA-lib.
- aa_mouserecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
- aa_parseoptions(3) - parse the standard command line options used by AA-lib.
- aa_printf(3) - print text to AA-lib output buffers.
- aa_putpixel(3) - put pixel to emulated framebuffer
- aa_puts(3) - output string to AA-lib output buffers.
- aa_recommendhi(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended drivers.
- aa_recommendhidisplay(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended display drivers.
- aa_recommendhikbd(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended keyboard drivers.
- aa_recommendhimouse(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended mouse drivers.
- aa_recommendlow(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of recommended drivers.
- aa_recommendlowdisplay(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of display recommended drivers.
- aa_recommendlowkbd(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of keyboard recommended drivers.
- aa_recommendlowmouse(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of mouse recommended drivers.
- aa_registerfont(3) - add new font specification to aa_fonts array.
- aa_render(3) - convert image buffer to ASCII-art.
- aa_resize(3) - resize functions
- aa_resizehandler(3) - Set user handler to be called on resize event.
- aa_scrheight(3) - returns height of the output screen in characters.
- aa_scrwidth(3) - returns width of the output screen in characters.
- aa_setfont(3) - set font specification to be used by rendering functions.
- aa_setsupported(3) - alter the "supported" field of hardware_params structure used by AA-lib
- aa_showcursor(3) - show the hardware cursor.
- aa_showmouse(3) - show the mouse cursor.
- aa_text(3) - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
- aa_uninitkbd(3) - uninitialize the keyboard driver.
- aa_uninitmouse(3) - uninitialize the mouse driver.
- ABORT(3) - cause abnormal program termination
- ABS(3) - integer absolute value function
- ABS2REL(3) - make a relative path name from an absolute path name
- ABSPATH(3) - Expands a relative pathname to a full (absolute) pathname
- AbstractCount(3) - get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL
- accept_target(3)
- accessors::chained(3) - create method chaining accessors in caller's package.
- accessors::classic(3) - create 'classic' read/write accessor methods in caller's package.
- accessors::fast(3) - Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast
- accessors::ro(3) - create 'classic' read-only accessor methods in caller's package.
- accessors::rw(3) - create 'classic' read/write accessor methods in caller's package.
- Ace::Browser::AceSubs(3) - Subroutines for AceBrowser
- Ace::Browser::SearchSubs(3) - Subroutines for AceBrowser search scripts
- Ace::Browser::SiteDefs(3) - Access to AceBrowser configuration files
- Ace::Graphics::Fk(3) - A dummy feature object used for generating panel key tracks
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph(3) - Base class for Ace::Graphics::Glyph objects
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::anchored_arrow(3) - The "anchored_arrow" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::arrow(3) - The "arrow" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::box(3) - The "box" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::dot(3) - The "ellipse" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::ex(3) - The "X" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments(3) - The "color-coded segments" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::group(3) - The group glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::line(3) - The "line" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::primers(3) - The "STS primers" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::segments(3) - The "discontinuous segments" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::span(3) - The "span" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::toomany(3) - The "too many to show" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::transcript(3) - The "gene" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::Glyph::triangle(3) - The "triangle" glyph
- Ace::Graphics::GlyphFactory(3) - Create Ace::Graphics::Glyphs
- Ace::Graphics::Panel(3) - PNG graphics of Ace::Sequence::Feature objects
- Ace::Graphics::Track(3) - PNG graphics of Ace::Sequence::Feature objects
- Ace::Iterator(3) - Iterate Across an ACEDB Query
- Ace::Local(3) - use giface, tace or gifaceclient to open a local connection to an Ace database
- Ace::Model(3) - Get information about AceDB models
- Ace::Object(3) - Manipulate Ace Data Objects
- Ace::Sequence(3) - Examine ACeDB Sequence Objects
- Ace::Sequence::Feature(3) - Examine Sequence Feature Tables
- Ace::Sequence::FeatureList(3) - Lightweight Access to Features
- Ace::Sequence::GappedAlignment(3) - Gapped alignment object
- Ace::Sequence::Gene(3) - Simple "Gene" Object
- Ace::Sequence::Homol(3) - Temporary Sequence Homology Class
- Ace::Sequence::Multi(3) - Combine Feature Tables from Multiple Databases
- Ace::Sequence::Transcript(3) - Simple "Gene" Object
- ACL(3) - introduction to the POSIX.1e/NFSv4 ACL security API
- ACL_ADD_FLAG_NP(3) - add flags to a flagset
- ACL_ADD_PERM(3) - add permissions to a permission set
- ACL_CALC_MASK(3) - calculate and set ACL mask permissions
- ACL_CLEAR_FLAGS_NP(3) - clear flags from a flagset
- ACL_CLEAR_PERMS(3) - clear permissions from a permission set
- ACL_COPY_ENTRY(3) - copy an ACL entry to another ACL entry
- ACL_CREATE_ENTRY(3) - create a new ACL entry
- ACL_DELETE(3) - delete an ACL from a file
- ACL_DELETE_ENTRY(3) - delete an ACL entry from an ACL
- ACL_DELETE_FLAG_NP(3) - delete flags from a flagset
- ACL_DELETE_PERM(3) - delete permissions from a permission set
- ACL_DUP(3) - duplicate an ACL
- ACL_FREE(3) - free ACL working state
- ACL_FROM_TEXT(3) - create an ACL from text
- ACL_GET(3) - get an ACL for a file
- ACL_GET_BRAND_NP(3) - retrieve the ACL brand from an ACL entry
- ACL_GET_ENTRY(3) - retrieve an ACL entry from an ACL
- ACL_GET_ENTRY_TYPE_NP(3) - retrieve the ACL type from an NFSv4 ACL entry
- ACL_GET_FLAG_NP(3) - check if a flag is set in a flagset
- ACL_GET_FLAGSET_NP(3) - retrieve flagset from an NFSv4 ACL entry
- ACL_GET_PERM_NP(3) - check if a permission is set in a permission set
- ACL_GET_PERMSET(3) - retrieve permission set from an ACL entry
- ACL_GET_QUALIFIER(3) - retrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry
- ACL_GET_TAG_TYPE(3) - retrieve the tag type from an ACL entry
- ACL_INIT(3) - initialize ACL working storage
- ACL_SET(3) - set an ACL for a file
- ACL_SET_ENTRY_TYPE_NP(3) - set NFSv4 ACL entry type
- ACL_SET_FLAGSET_NP(3) - set the flags of an NFSv4 ACL entry
- ACL_SET_PERMSET(3) - set the permissions of an ACL entry
- ACL_SET_QUALIFIER(3) - set ACL tag qualifier
- ACL_SET_TAG_TYPE(3) - set the tag type of an ACL entry
- ACL_STRIP_NP(3) - determine whether ACL is trivial
- ACL_TO_TEXT(3) - convert an ACL to text
- ACL_VALID(3) - validate an ACL
- ACME(3) - acme client library
- Acme::6502(3) - Pure Perl 65C02 simulator.
- Acme::6502::Tube(3) - Acorn 65C02 Second Processor Simulator
- Acme::ButFirst(3) - Do something, but first do something else.
- Acme::Comment(3)
- Acme::GuessNumber(3) - An automatic number guessing game robot
- Acme::HTTP(3) - High-level access to Net::HTTP::NB and Net::HTTPS::NB
- Acme::MetaSyntactic(3) - Themed metasyntactic variables names
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::Alias(3) - Alias one theme to another
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::any(3) - Items from any theme
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::contributors(3) - Acme::MetaSyntactic contributors
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::foo(3) - The foo theme
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::List(3) - Base class for simple lists of names
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale(3) - Base class for multilingual themes
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList(3) - Base class for themes with multiple lists
- Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList(3) - Retrieval of a remote source for a theme
- Acme::Monta(3) - TV of Japan is reproduced in Web.
- ACOS(3) - arc cosine functions
- ACOSH(3) - inverse hyperbolic cosine functions
- acquire_bitmap(3) - Locks the bitmap before drawing onto it. Allegro game programming library.
- acquire_screen(3) - Shortcut of acquire_bitmap(screen); Allegro game programming library.
- active_dialog(3) - Global pointer to the most recent activated dialog. Allegro game programming library.
- active_menu(3) - Global pointer to the most recent activated menu. Allegro game programming library.
- Adapter::Async(3) - provides a way to link a data source with a view
- Adapter::Async::Bus(3)
- Adapter::Async::Model(3) - helper class for defining models
- Adapter::Async::OrderedList(3) - API for dealing with ordered lists
- Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array(3) - arrayref adapter
- Adapter::Async::UnorderedMap(3) - API for dealing with key => value maps
- Adapter::Async::UnorderedMap::Hash(3) - hashref adapter
- add_3dmesh(3)
- add_clip_rect(3) - Intersects a bitmap's clipping rectangle with the given area. Allegro game programming library.
- add_of(3) - add two integers, check for arithmetic overflow
- ADDPT(3) - arithmetic on points and rectangles
- Address(3) - Perl extension for validating email addresses according to RFC822
- AddressBook(3) - Abstract class for using AddressBooks
- AddressBook::Config(3) - AddressBook configuration object
- AddressBook::DB::BBDB(3) - Perl extension for reading and writing bbdb files
- AddressBook::DB::DBI(3) - Backend for AddressBook to use in databases
- AddressBook::DB::HTML(3) - Backend for AddressBook to print entries in HTML format
- AddressBook::DB::LDAP(3) - Backend for AddressBook to use LDAP.
- AddressBook::DB::LDIF(3) - Backend for AddressBook to use LDIF files.
- AddressBook::DB::PDB(3) - Backend for AddressBook to use PDB (PalmOS) Databases.
- AddressBook::DB::Text(3) - Backend for AddressBook to print entries in a simple text format
- AddressBook::Entry(3) - An entry in the AddressBook
- addrtype(3) - Labeling IPv4 addresses as internal or external
- adjust_sample(3) - Alters the parameters of a sample while it is playing. Allegro game programming library.
- Adjuster(3) - Allow size of packed widgets to be adjusted by user
- Admin(3) - Perl module for basic IMAP server administration
- ADMISSIONS(3) - Accessors and settors for ADMISSION_SYNTAX
- ADS(3) - An object orientated interface to NASA's ADS database
- AE(3) - simpler/faster/newer/cooler AnyEvent API
- AES(3) - advanced encryption standard (rijndael)
- AES_ENCRYPT(3) - low-level interface to the AES symmetric cipher
- AFCLOSEFILE(3) - close an open audio file
- AFGETFRAMECOUNT(3) - get the total sample frame count, length of audio track in bytes, offset of the audio track for a track in an audio file
- AFGETFRAMESIZE(3) - calculate the frame size in bytes for an audio track
- AFINITAESCHANNELDATA(3) - initialize AES non-audio data in an audio file setup
- AFINITBYTEORDER(3) - initialize compression for a track in an audio file setup
- AFINITFILEFORMAT(3) - initialize file format of an audio file setup
- AFINITSAMPLEFORMAT(3) - initialize audio data format for a track in an audio file setup
- AFM(3) - Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
- AFNEWFILESETUP(3) - create and initialize a new AFfilesetup structure
- AFOPENFILE(3) - open an audio file and create a file handle structure used for subsequent calls to the Audio File Library
- AFQUERY(3) - query the capabilities of the Audio File Library
- AFREADFRAMES(3) - read sample frames from a track in an audio file
- AFREADMISC(3) - access miscellaneous metadata in an audio file
- AFSEEKFRAME(3) - update or access the current sample frame position for a track in an audio file
- AFSETERRORHANDLER(3) - install a custom error handling routine
- AFSETVIRTUALSAMPLEFO(3) - set the virtual data format for a track in an audio file
- AFWRITEFRAMES(3) - write sample frames to a track in an audio file
- AG_ANIM(3) - agar animated surface
- AG_BLENDFN(3) - agar pixel blending function
- AG_BOX(3) - agar general container widget
- AG_BUTTON(3) - agar button widget
- AG_BYTESWAP(3) - agar byte swapping macros
- AG_CHECKBOX(3) - agar checkbox widget
- AG_COLOR(3) - agar color structure
- AG_COMBO(3) - agar canned text input + drop-down menu widget
- AG_CONFIG(3) - agar configuration interface
- AG_CONSOLE(3) - agar log console widget
- AG_CORE(3) - agar core library initialization
- AG_CPUINFO(3) - agar architecture information structure
- AG_CURSOR(3) - agar cursor operations
- AG_CUSTOMEVENTLOOP(3) - agar GUI custom event loop example
- AG_DATASOURCE(3) - agar data source access
- AG_DIRDLG(3) - agar directory browser widget
- AG_DRIVER(3) - agar low-level driver interface
- AG_DRIVERCOCOA(3) - agar Cocoa / MacOS X driver
- AG_DRIVERGLX(3) - agar GLX driver
- AG_DRIVERMW(3) - agar multiple-window driver class
- AG_DRIVERSDLFB(3) - agar SDL frame-buffer driver
- AG_DRIVERSDLGL(3) - agar SDL OpenGL driver
- AG_DRIVERSW(3) - agar single-window driver class
- AG_DRIVERWGL(3) - agar WGL driver
- AG_DSO(3) - agar portable dynamic linker interface
- AG_EDITABLE(3) - agar text input widget
- AG_ERROR(3) - agar error handling
- AG_EVENT(3) - agar event system
- AG_EVENTLOOP(3) - agar low-level event loop
- AG_EXECUTE(3) - agar file execution interface
- AG_FILE(3) - agar file access routines
- AG_FILEDLG(3) - agar file browser widget
- AG_FIXED(3) - agar pixel-precision container
- AG_FIXED_PLOTTER(3) - agar integer plot widget
- AG_FONT_SELECTOR(3) - agar font selection widget
- AG_GETOPT(3) - agar getopt() implementation
- AG_GL(3) - agar OpenGL specific routines
- AG_GLOBALKEYS(3) - agar application-wide keyboard shortcuts
- AG_GLVIEW(3) - low-level OpenGL context widget
- AG_GRAPH(3) - agar graph view widget
- AG_GUIDEBUGGER(3) - agar GUI debugging tool
- AG_HBOX(3) - agar horizontal container widget
- AG_HSVPAL(3) - agar HSV color wheel widget
- AG_ICON(3) - agar icon widget
- AG_INITGRAPHICS(3) - agar graphics initialization
- AG_INITVIDEOSDL(3) - agar SDL 1.x interface
- AG_INTRO(3) - agar introduction
- AG_KEYBOARD(3) - agar direct keyboard interface
- AG_KEYMOD(3) - agar key modifier definitions
- AG_KEYSYM(3) - agar key description
- AG_LABEL(3) - agar label widget
- AG_LIMITS(3) - agar limit constants
- AG_LIST(3) - agar variable array structure
- AG_MENU(3) - agar menu system
- AG_MOUSEBUTTON(3) - agar mouse button definitions
- AG_MPANE(3) - agar multiple paned view widget
- AG_NET(3) - agar network interface
- AG_NOTEBOOK(3) - agar notebook container widget
- AG_NUMERICAL(3) - agar numerical editor widget
- AG_OBJECT(3) - agar object system
- AG_PANE(3) - agar paned container widget
- AG_PIXMAP(3) - agar pixmap display widget
- AG_PROGRESS_BAR(3) - agar progress bar widget
- AG_QUEUE(3) - agar implementation of singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists, simple queues, tail queues, and circular queues
- AG_RADIO(3) - agar radio group widget
- AG_RECT(3) - agar rectangle structure
- AG_SCROLLBAR(3) - agar scroll bar widget
- AG_SEPARATOR(3) - agar cosmetic separator widget
- AG_SIZESPEC(3) - agar widget size specification
- AG_SLIDER(3) - agar slider widget
- AG_SOCKET(3) - agar socket widget
- AG_STRING(3) - agar C string specific functions
- AG_STYLESHEET(3) - agar cascading style sheets
- AG_SURFACE(3) - agar graphics surface
- AG_TABLE(3) - agar table display widget
- AG_TBL(3) - agar variable hash table structure
- AG_TEXT(3) - agar text rendering interface
- AG_TEXTBOX(3) - agar text editor widget
- AG_TEXTELEMENT(3) - agar dynamically-allocated multilanguage text buffer
- AG_THREADS(3) - agar threads support
- AG_TIME(3) - agar time interface
- AG_TIMER(3) - agar timer facility
- AG_TITLEBAR(3) - agar stock titlebar widget
- AG_TLIST(3) - agar tree/list widget
- AG_TOOLBAR(3) - agar button toolbar widget
- AG_TREETBL(3) - agar tree-based table widget
- AG_UCOMBO(3) - agar canned button + drop-down menu widget
- AG_UNITS(3) - agar unit conversion facility
- AG_USER(3) - agar user account information interface
- AG_VARIABLE(3) - agar object variables
- AG_VBOX(3) - agar vertical container widget
- AG_VERSION(3) - agar data file versioning
- AG_WIDGET(3) - agar widget framework
- AG_WIDGETPRIMITIVES(3) - agar widget rendering primitives
- AG_WINDOW(3) - agar window system
- Agent(3) - logging agent
- Agent::Channel(3) - ancestor class for all Log::Agent channels
- Agent::Channel::File(3) - file logging channel for Log::Agent
- Agent::Channel::Handle(3) - I/O handle logging channel for Log::Agent
- Agent::Channel::Syslog(3) - syslog logging channel for Log::Agent::Logger
- Agent::Driver(3) - ancestor class for all Log::Agent drivers
- Agent::Driver::Datum(3) - interceptor driver to cooperate with Carp::Datum
- Agent::Driver::Default(3) - default logging driver for Log::Agent
- Agent::Driver::File(3) - file logging driver for Log::Agent
- Agent::Driver::Fork(3) - dummy driver for forking output to multiple drivers
- Agent::Driver::Mail(3) - email driver for Log::Agent
- Agent::Driver::Silent(3) - silent logging driver for Log::Agent
- Agent::Driver::Syslog(3) - syslog logging driver for Log::Agent
- Agent::File::Native(3) - low-overhead IO::File
- Agent::Message(3) - a log message
- Agent::Priorities(3) - conversion between syslog priorities and levels
- Agent::Stamping(3) - time-stamping routines
- Agent::Tag(3) - formats caller information
- Agent::Tag::Callback(3) - a dynamic tag string
- Agent::Tag::Caller(3) - formats caller information
- Agent::Tag::Priority(3) - a log priority tag string
- Agent::Tag::String(3) - a constant tag string
- Agent::Tag_List(3) - user-defined tags to add to every log
- Agent::Transport(3) - the Transportable Agent Perl module
- Agent::Transport::TCP(3) - the Transportable Agent Perl module
- AI::Categorizer(3) - Automatic Text Categorization
- AI::Categorizer::Category(3) - A named category of documents
- AI::Categorizer::Collection(3) - Access stored documents
- AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files(3) - One document per file
- AI::Categorizer::Document(3) - Embodies a document
- AI::Categorizer::Experiment(3) - Coordinate experimental results
- AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector(3) - Abstract Feature Selection class
- AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::CategorySelector(3) - Abstract Category Selection class
- AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::ChiSquare(3) - ChiSquare Feature Selection class
- AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::DocFrequency(3) - Abstract Feature Selection class
- AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector(3) - Features vs. Values
- AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis(3) - Embodies a set of category assignments
- AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet(3) - Encapsulates set of documents
- AI::Categorizer::Learner(3) - Abstract Machine Learner Class
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::Boolean(3) - Abstract class for boolean categorizers
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::DecisionTree(3) - Decision Tree Learner
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::Guesser(3) - Simple guessing based on class probabilities
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::KNN(3) - K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm For AI::Categorizer
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes(3) - Naive Bayes Algorithm For AI::Categorizer
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::SVM(3) - Support Vector Machine Learner
- AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka(3) - Pass-through wrapper to Weka system
- AI::Categorizer::Storable(3) - Saving and Restoring State
- AI::DecisionTree(3) - Automatically Learns Decision Trees
- AI::Pathfinding::AStar(3) - Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm
- AI::Perceptron(3) - example of a node in a neural network.
- AI::Prolog(3) - Perl extension for logic programming.
- AI::Prolog::Article(3)
- AI::Prolog::Builtins(3) - Builtin predicates that AI::Prolog supports
- AI::Prolog::ChoicePoint(3) - Create a choicepoint object for the Engine.
- AI::Prolog::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for common Prolog problems
- AI::Prolog::Engine(3) - Run queries against a Prolog database.
- AI::Prolog::Engine::Primitives(3) - The code for running aiprolog builtins
- AI::Prolog::Introduction(3) - The what and the why of logic programming.
- AI::Prolog::KnowledgeBase(3) - The Prolog database.
- AI::Prolog::Parser(3) - A simple Prolog parser.
- AI::Prolog::Parser::PreProcessor(3) - The AI::Prolog Preprocessor
- AI::Prolog::Parser::PreProcessor::Math(3) - The AI::Prolog math macro
- AI::Prolog::Term(3) - Create Prolog Terms.
- AI::Prolog::Term::Cut(3) - Perl implementation of the Prolog cut operator.
- AI::Prolog::Term::Number(3) - Perl implementation of Prolog numbers.
- AI::Prolog::TermList(3) - Create lists of Prolog Terms.
- AI::Prolog::TermList::Clause(3) - Perl implementation of Prolog clauses.
- AI::Prolog::TermList::Primitive(3) - Perl implementation of Prolog primitives.
- AI::Prolog::TermList::Step(3) - Perl implementation of Prolog "step" mechanism.
- AIO(3) - truly asynchronous file and directory I/O
- al_acknowledge_drawing_halt(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_acknowledge_drawing_resume(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_acknowledge_resize(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_add_config_comment(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_add_config_section(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_add_new_bitmap_flag(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_add_timer_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_android_get_activity(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_android_get_jni_env(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_android_get_os_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_android_set_apk_file_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_android_set_apk_fs_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_append_menu_item(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_append_native_text_log(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_append_path_component(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_apply_window_constraints(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_assert(3) - Asserts at the specified file and line number. Allegro game programming library.
- al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_mixer_to_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_mixer_to_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_shader_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_attach_shader_source_file(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_backup_dirty_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_backup_dirty_bitmaps(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_broadcast_cond(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_build_camera_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_build_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_build_shader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_build_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_calculate_arc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_calculate_ribbon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_calculate_spline(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_calloc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_calloc_with_context(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_change_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_check_inverse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clear_depth_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clear_keyboard_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clear_to_color(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clipboard_has_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clone_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clone_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clone_menu_for_popup(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_clone_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_close_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_close_native_text_log(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_close_video(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_cmyk(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_cmyk_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_distance_ciede2000(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_hsl(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_hsl_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_hsv(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_hsv_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_html(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_html_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_lab(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_lab_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_lch(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_lch_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_name_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_cmyk(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_hsl(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_hsv(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_html(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_lab(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_lch(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_xyy(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_xyz(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_rgb_to_yuv(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_xyy(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_xyy_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_xyz(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_xyz_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_yuv(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_color_yuv_to_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_compose_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_convert_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_convert_mask_to_alpha(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_convert_memory_bitmaps(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_copy_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_audio_recorder(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_builtin_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_cond(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_config(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_event_queue(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_file_handle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_index_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_mutex(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_mutex_recursive(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_native_file_dialog(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_path_for_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_popup_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_sample_instance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_shader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_sub_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_thread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_thread_with_stacksize(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_timer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_vertex_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_vertex_decl(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_create_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_cstr_dup(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_audio_recorder(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_cond(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_config(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_event_queue(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_index_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_mutex(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_native_file_dialog(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_sample_instance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_shader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_thread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_timer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_user_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_vertex_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_vertex_decl(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_destroy_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_detach_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_detach_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_detach_sample_instance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_detach_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_disable_menu_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_do_multiline_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_do_multiline_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_drain_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_arc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_bitmap_region(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_circle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_ellipse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_elliptical_arc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_circle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_ellipse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_pieslice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_polygon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_polygon_with_holes(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_filled_triangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_glyph(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_indexed_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_indexed_prim(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_justified_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_justified_textf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_justified_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_line(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_multiline_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_multiline_textf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_multiline_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_pieslice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_pixel(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_polygon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_polyline(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_prim(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_ribbon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_rotated_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_rounded_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_scaled_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_scaled_rotated_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_soft_line(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_soft_triangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_spline(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_textf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_bitmap_region(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_rotated_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_scaled_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_scaled_rotated_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_tinted_scaled_rotated_bitmap_region(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_triangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_draw_vertex_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_drop_next_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_drop_path_tail(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_emit_user_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_enable_menu_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fclearerr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fclose(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_feof(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ferrmsg(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ferror(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ffblk(3) - Cross platform structure storing file information. Allegro game programming library.
- al_ffblk_get_size(3) - Get size of file returned by al_findfirst/al_findnext. Allegro game programming library.
- al_fflush(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fget_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fgetc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fgets(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_filename_exists(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fill_silence(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_find_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_find_menu_item(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_findclose(3) - Closes a previously opened search with al_findfirst(). Allegro game programming library.
- al_findfirst(3) - Low-level function for searching files. Allegro game programming library.
- al_findnext(3) - Finds the next file in a search started by al_findfirst(). Allegro game programming library.
- al_fixacos(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixadd(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixasin(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixatan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixatan2(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixceil(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixcos(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixdiv(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixfloor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixhypot(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixmul(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixsin(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixsqrt(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixsub(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixtan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixtof(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixtoi(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fixtorad_r(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_flip_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_flush_event_queue(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fopen(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fopen_fd(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fopen_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fopen_slice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_for_each_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fprintf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fputc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fputs(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fread16be(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fread16le(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fread32be(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fread32le(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_free_with_context(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fs_entry_exists(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fseek(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fsize(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ftell(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ftofix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fungetc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fwrite(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fwrite16be(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fwrite16le(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fwrite32be(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_fwrite32le(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_acodec_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_audio_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_color_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_font_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_image_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_memfile_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_native_dialog_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_physfs_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_primitives_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_ttf_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_allegro_video_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_app_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_depth_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_recorder_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_recorder_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_attached(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_channels(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_fragment(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_fragments(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_length(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_length_secs(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_pan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_played_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_playmode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_position_secs(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_audio_stream_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_available_audio_stream_fragments(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_backbuffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_blend_color(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_format(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_height(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_x(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_bitmap_y(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_blend_color(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_channel_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_clipboard_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_clipping_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_config_value(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_cpu_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_current_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_current_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_current_inverse_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_current_projection_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_current_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_d3d_device(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_d3d_system_texture(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_d3d_texture_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_d3d_texture_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_d3d_video_texture(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_default_menu_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_default_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_default_shader_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_default_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_format(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_height(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_mode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_option(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_orientation(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_refresh_rate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_display_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_errno(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_event_source_data(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fallback_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_file_userdata(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_first_config_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_first_config_section(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_font_ascent(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_font_descent(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_font_line_height(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_font_ranges(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_atime(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_ctime(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_mode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_mtime(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_entry_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_fs_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_glyph(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_glyph_advance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_glyph_dimensions(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_glyph_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_autocenter(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_capabilities(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_effect_duration(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_from_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_from_joystick(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_from_keyboard(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_from_mouse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_from_touch_input(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_haptic_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_index_buffer_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_active(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_axis_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_button_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_num_axes(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_num_buttons(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_num_sticks(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_stick_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_joystick_stick_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_keyboard_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_keyboard_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_max_haptic_effects(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_menu_item_caption(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_menu_item_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_menu_item_icon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_attached(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_channels(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mixer_quality(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_monitor_dpi(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_monitor_info(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_monitor_refresh_rate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_cursor_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_emulation_mode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_num_axes(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_num_buttons(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_state_axis(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_mouse_wheel_precision(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_native_file_dialog_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_native_file_dialog_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_native_text_log_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_bitmap_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_bitmap_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_bitmap_format(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_bitmap_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_display_adapter(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_display_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_display_option(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_display_refresh_rate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_file_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_window_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_new_window_title(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_next_config_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_next_config_section(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_next_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_num_display_modes(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_num_joysticks(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_num_video_adapters(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_extension_list(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_fbo(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_proc_address(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_program_object(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_texture(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_texture_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_texture_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_variant(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_opengl_version(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_org_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_parent_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_basename(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_component(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_drive(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_extension(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_filename(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_num_components(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_path_tail(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel_block_height(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel_block_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel_block_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel_format_bits(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_pixel_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_ram_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_channels(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_data(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_attached(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_channels(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_length(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_pan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_playmode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_instance_time(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_sample_length(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_separate_bitmap_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_separate_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_shader_log(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_shader_platform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_standard_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_system_config(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_system_id(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_target_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_text_dimensions(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_text_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_thread_should_stop(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_time(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_timer_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_timer_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_timer_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_timer_started(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_touch_input_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_touch_input_mouse_emulation_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_touch_input_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_ustr_dimensions(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_ustr_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_vertex_buffer_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_audio_rate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_fps(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_frame(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_scaled_height(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_video_scaled_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_voice_channels(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_voice_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_voice_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_voice_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_voice_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_win_window_handle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_window_constraints(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_window_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_get_x_window_id(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_grab_font_from_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_grab_mouse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_have_d3d_non_pow2_texture_support(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_have_d3d_non_square_texture_support(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_have_opengl_extension(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_hide_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_hold_bitmap_drawing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_horizontal_shear_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- AL_ID(3) - Converts four 8 bit values to a packed 32 bit integer ID. Allegro game programming library.
- al_identify_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_identify_bitmap_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_identity_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_inhibit_screensaver(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_acodec_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_font_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_image_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_native_dialog_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_primitives_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_timeout(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_ttf_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_user_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_init_video_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_insert_menu_item(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_insert_path_component(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_audio(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_joystick(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_keyboard(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_mouse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_system(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_install_touch_input(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_invert_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_iphone_get_view(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_iphone_get_window(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_iphone_set_statusbar_orientation(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_acodec_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_audio_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_audio_recorder_recording(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_bitmap_drawing_held(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_bitmap_locked(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_color_valid(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_compatible_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_d3d_device_lost(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_display_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_event_queue_empty(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_event_queue_paused(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_event_source_registered(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_font_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_haptic_active(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_haptic_capable(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_haptic_effect_ok(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_haptic_effect_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_haptic_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_image_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_joystick_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_joystick_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_keyboard_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_keyboard_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_mouse_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_mouse_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_native_dialog_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_primitives_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_sub_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_system_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_touch_input_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_touch_input_installed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_ttf_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_video_addon_initialized(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_is_video_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_itofix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_join_paths(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_join_thread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_key_down(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_keycode_to_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_audio_stream_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap_flags_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_bitmap_font_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_config_file(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_config_file_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_sample_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_ttf_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_ttf_font_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_ttf_font_stretch(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_load_ttf_font_stretch_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_bitmap_blocked(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_bitmap_region(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_bitmap_region_blocked(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_index_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_mutex(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_sample_id(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_lock_vertex_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_make_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_make_path_canonical(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_make_temp_file(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_malloc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_malloc_with_context(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_map_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_map_rgb_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_map_rgba(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_map_rgba_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_merge_config(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_merge_config_into(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_mouse_button_down(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_open_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_open_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_open_memfile(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_open_native_text_log(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_open_video(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_orthographic_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_osx_get_window(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_path_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_path_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_pause_event_queue(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_peek_next_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_perspective_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_play_haptic_effect(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_play_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_play_sample_instance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_popup_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_premul_rgba(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_premul_rgba_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_put_blended_pixel(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_put_pixel(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_radtofix_r(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_read_directory(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_realloc(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_realloc_with_context(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rebase_path(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reconfigure_joysticks(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ref_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ref_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ref_ustr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_assert_handler(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_audio_stream_loader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_audio_stream_loader_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_bitmap_identifier(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_bitmap_loader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_bitmap_loader_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_bitmap_saver(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_bitmap_saver_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_font_loader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_sample_loader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_sample_loader_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_sample_saver(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_sample_saver_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_register_trace_handler(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_release_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_release_haptic_effect(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_release_joystick(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_config_key(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_config_section(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_display_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_filename(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_menu_item(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_opengl_fbo(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_remove_path_component(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reparent_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_replace_path_component(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reserve_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reset_bitmap_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reset_clipping_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_reset_new_display_options(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_resize_display(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rest(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_restore_default_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_restore_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_resume_timer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rewind_audio_stream(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rotate_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rotate_transform_3d(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_rumble_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_run_detached_thread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_run_main(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_bitmap_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_config_file(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_config_file_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_save_sample_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_scale_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_scale_transform_3d(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_seek_audio_stream_secs(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_seek_video(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_app_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_channel_matrix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_fragment(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_loop_secs(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_pan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_playmode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_audio_stream_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_bitmap_blend_color(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_bitmap_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_blend_color(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_clipboard_text(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_clipping_rectangle(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_config_value(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_current_opengl_context(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_d3d_device_release_callback(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_d3d_device_restore_callback(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_default_mixer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_default_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_display_flag(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_display_icon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_display_icons(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_display_menu(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_display_option(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_errno(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_event_source_data(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_exe_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_fallback_font(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_fs_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_haptic_autocenter(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_haptic_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_keyboard_leds(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_memory_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_menu_item_caption(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_menu_item_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_menu_item_icon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mixer_frequency(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mixer_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mixer_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mixer_postprocess_callback(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mixer_quality(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_axis(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_emulation_mode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_w(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_wheel_precision(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_xy(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_mouse_z(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_bitmap_depth(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_bitmap_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_bitmap_format(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_bitmap_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_display_adapter(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_display_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_display_option(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_display_refresh_rate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_file_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_window_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_new_window_title(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_org_name(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_path_drive(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_path_extension(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_path_filename(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_physfs_file_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_render_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_channel_matrix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_gain(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_length(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_pan(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_playmode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_sample_instance_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_separate_bitmap_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_separate_blender(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_bool(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_float(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_float_vector(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_int(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_int_vector(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_matrix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_shader_sampler(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_standard_file_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_standard_fs_interface(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_system_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_target_backbuffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_target_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_thread_should_stop(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_timer_count(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_timer_speed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_video_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_voice_playing(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_voice_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_window_constraints(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_window_position(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_set_window_title(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_show_mouse_cursor(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_show_native_file_dialog(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_show_native_message_box(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_font_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_image_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_native_dialog_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_primitives_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_ttf_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_shutdown_video_addon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_signal_cond(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_start_audio_recorder(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_start_thread(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_start_timer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_start_video(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_start_video_with_voice(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_audio_recorder(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_haptic_effect(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_sample(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_sample_instance(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_samples(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_stop_timer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_store_state(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_toggle_menu_item_flags(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_trace(3) - Outputs a debugging trace message. Allegro game programming library.
- al_transform_coordinates(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_transform_coordinates_3d(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_transform_coordinates_3d_projective(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_transform_coordinates_4d(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_translate_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_translate_transform_3d(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_transpose_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_triangulate_polygon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ungrab_mouse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_audio(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_haptic(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_joystick(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_keyboard(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_mouse(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_system(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_uninstall_touch_input(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unlock_bitmap(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unlock_index_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unlock_mutex(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unlock_sample_id(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unlock_vertex_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unmap_rgb(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unmap_rgb_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unmap_rgba(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unmap_rgba_f(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unref_user_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_unregister_event_source(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_update_display_region(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_update_fs_entry(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_upload_haptic_effect(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_use_projection_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_use_shader(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_use_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_append(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_append_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_append_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_appendf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_assign(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_assign_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_assign_substr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_compare(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_dup(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_dup_substr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_empty_string(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_encode_utf16(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_equal(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_cset(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_cset_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_replace(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_replace_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_set(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_set_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_find_str(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_free(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_get(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_get_next(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_has_prefix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_has_prefix_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_has_suffix(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_has_suffix_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_insert(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_insert_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_insert_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_length(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_ltrim_ws(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_ncompare(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_new(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_new_from_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_new_from_utf16(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_newf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_next(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_offset(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_prev(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_prev_get(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_remove_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_remove_range(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_replace_range(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_rfind_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_rfind_cstr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_rfind_str(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_rtrim_ws(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_set_chr(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_size(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_size_utf16(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_to_buffer(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_trim_ws(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_truncate(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_ustr_vappendf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_utf16_encode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_utf16_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_utf8_encode(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_utf8_width(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_vertical_shear_transform(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_vfprintf(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_cond(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_cond_until(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_for_event(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_for_event_timed(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_for_event_until(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_wait_for_vsync(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_win_add_window_callback(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_win_remove_window_callback(3) - Allegro 5 API
- al_x_set_initial_icon(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALARM(3) - set signal timer alarm
- Alarm::_TieSIG(3) - Module handling tying of %SIG for alarm extensions.
- Alarm::Concurrent(3) - Allow multiple, concurrent alarms.
- Alarm::Queued(3) - Allow multiple, queued alarms.
- alarm_handler(3) - An Alarm Handling Process
- alert3(3) - Like alert(), but with three buttons. Allegro game programming library.
- Algorithm::Accounting(3) - Generate accounting statistic for general logs
- Algorithm::Accounting::Report(3) - report generating of Algorithm::Accounting result
- Algorithm::Accounting::Report::GDGraph(3) - generate graph report using GD
- Algorithm::Accounting::Report::Imager(3) - generate text version report
- Algorithm::Accounting::Report::Text(3) - generate text version report
- Algorithm::BinPack(3) - efficiently pack items into bins
- Algorithm::C3(3) - A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
- Algorithm::CheckDigits(3) - Perl extension to generate and test check digits
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M07_001(3) - compute check digits modulo 7 method 1
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M09_001(3) - compute check digits for Euro notes
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_001(3) - compute check digits for Bahncard (DE), IMEI, IMEISV, ISIN, Miles&More, Payback (DE), Personnummer (SE), Passport (BR), Credit Cards, SSN (US), Samordningsnummer (SE), VAT RN (ES), VAT RN (IT), VAT RN (SE), International Securities Identifikation Number (ISIN), CUSIP
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_002(3) - compute check digits for CINS (US), SIREN (FR), SIRET (FR)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_003(3) - compute check digits for ISMN
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_004(3) - compute check digits for 2aus5, EAN, ILN, ISBN13, NVE
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_005(3) - compute check digits for Deutsche Post Identcode/Leitcode (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_006(3) - compute check digits for Rentenversicherung (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_008(3) - compute check digits for Sedol (GB)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_009(3) - compute check digits for Betriebsnummer (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_010(3) - compute check digits for Postscheckkonti (CH)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M10_011(3) - compute check digits UPS (US)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_001(3) - compute check digits for ISBN, ISSN, VAT RN (PT), HKID (HK), Wagon number (BR), NHS (GB), VAT (SL)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_002(3) - compute check digits for PZN (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_003(3) - compute check digits for PKZ (GDR)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_004(3) - compute check digits for CPF (BR), Titulo Eleitoral (BR)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_006(3) - compute check digits for Codigo de Cuenta Corriente (ES)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_007(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (FI)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_008(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (DK)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_009(3) - compute check digits NRIC (SG)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_010(3) - compute check digits AHV number (CH)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_011(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (NL)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_012(3) - compute check digits for Bundeswehrpersonenkennnummer (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_013(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (GR)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_015(3) - compute check digits for ESR5 (CH)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_016(3) - compute check digits vor VAT Registration Number (PL)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M11_017(3) - compute check digits for EC-No, EINECS, ELINCS
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M16_001(3) - compute check digits for ISAN
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M23_001(3) - compute check digits for DNI (ES)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M23_002(3) - compute check digits for Tax Identification Number (IE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M43_001(3) - compute check digits for Code-39
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M89_001(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (LU)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M97_001(3) - compute check digits for VAT Registration Number (BE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::M97_002(3) - compute check digits for International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MBase_001(3) - compute check digits for UPC (US)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MBase_002(3) - compute check digits for blood bags (DE), BZUe (DE), VAT Registration Number (DE)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MBase_003(3) - compute check digits for SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_001(3) - compute check digits for german Personalausweis (pa_de) or ABA routing numbers (aba_rn)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_002(3) - compute check digits for CAS
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_003(3) - compute check digits for DEM
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_004(3) - compute check digits for VAT RN (AT)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_005(3) - compute check digits for ESR9 (CH)
- Algorithm::CheckDigits::MXX_006(3) - compute check digits with Verhoeff scheme
- Algorithm::Cron(3) - abstract implementation of the cron(8) scheduling algorithm
- Algorithm::CurveFit(3) - Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
- Algorithm::Dependency(3) - Base class for implementing various dependency trees
- Algorithm::Dependency::Item(3) - Implements an item in a dependency hierarchy.
- Algorithm::Dependency::Objects(3) - An implementation of an Object Dependency Algorithm
- Algorithm::Dependency::Objects::Ordered(3) - An ordered dependency set
- Algorithm::Dependency::Ordered(3) - Implements an ordered dependency hierarchy
- Algorithm::Dependency::Source(3) - Implements a source of hierarchy items
- Algorithm::Dependency::Source::File(3) - File source for dependency hierarchies
- Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA(3) - Source for a HASH of ARRAYs
- Algorithm::Dependency::Source::Invert(3) - Logically invert a source
- Algorithm::Dependency::Weight(3) - Calculate dependency 'weights'
- Algorithm::Diff(3) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists
- Algorithm::DiffOld(3) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists but use the old (<=0.59) interface.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary(3) - Perl module for performing paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Experiment(3) - Class for setting up an experiment with algorithms and population
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Any(3) - Façade for any function so that it can be used as fitness
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Base(3) - Base class for fitness functions
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ECC(3) - Error Correcting codes problem generator
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Knapsack(3) - Fitness function for the knapsack problem
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::MMDP(3) - Massively Multimodal Deceptive Problem
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ONEMAX(3) - Fitness function for the ONEMAX or count-ones problem
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::P_Peaks(3) - P Peaks problem generator
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Rastrigin(3) - Implementation of Rastrigin's function
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Royal_Road(3) - Mitchell's Royal Road function
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::String(3) - Base class for string-based fitness functors
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::Trap(3) - 'Trap' fitness function for evolutionary algorithms
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::wP_Peaks(3) - wP Peaks problem generator - weighted version of P_Peaks
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ZDT1(3) - Zitzler-Deb-Thiele #1 Multiobjective test function
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Hash_Wheel(3) - Random selector of things depending on probabilities
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Any(3) - Wrapper around any Perl data structure, turns it into a Chromosome
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Base(3) - Base class for chromosomes that knows how to build them, and has some helper methods.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector(3) - Classic bitstring individual for evolutionary computation; usually called chromosome, and using a different implementation from Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString(3) - Classic bitstring individual for evolutionary computation; usually called chromosome
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String(3) - A character string to be evolved. Useful mainly in word games
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Tree(3) - A Direct Acyclic Graph, or tree, useful for Genetic Programming-Style stuff
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector(3) - Array as an individual for evolutionary computation
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Animated_GIF_Output(3) - Creates an animated GIF, a frame per generation. Useful for binary strings.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::ArithCrossover(3) - Arithmetic crossover operator; performs the average of the n parents crossed
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Base(3) - Base class for Algorithm::Evolutionary operators,
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Bitflip(3) - Bit-flip mutation
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Breeder(3) - Even more customizable single generation for an evolutionary algorithm.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Breeder_Diverser(3)
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Canonical_GA_NN(3) - Canonical Genetic Algorithm that does not rank population
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::CanonicalGA(3) - Canonical Genetic Algorithm, with any representation
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::ChangeLengthMutation(3) - Increases/decreases by one atom the length of the string
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Combined(3) - Combinator of several operators of the same arity, unary or binary
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Convergence_Terminator(3) - Checks for termination of an algorithm, returns true if a certain percentage of the population is the same
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Creator(3) - Operator that generates groups of individuals, of the intended class
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Crossover(3) - n-point crossover operator; puts fragments of the second operand into the first operand
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::CX(3) - 2-point crossover operator; Builds offspring in such a way that each gene comes from one of the parents. Preserves the absolute position of the elements in the parent sequence
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::DeltaTerm(3) - Termination condition for an algorithm; checks that the difference of the best to a target is less than a delta
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Easy(3) - evolutionary algorithm, single generation, with variable operators.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Easy_MO(3) - Multiobjecttive evolutionary algorithm, single generation, with variable operators
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::EDA_step(3) - Single step for a Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Eval::General(3) - General and simple population evaluator
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Eval::MO_Rank(3) - Multiobjective evaluator based on Pareto rank
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::FullAlgorithm(3) - Skeleton class for a fully-featured evolutionary algorithm
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GaussianMutation(3) - Changes numeric chromosome components following the gaussian distribution.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Gene_Boundary_Crossover(3) - n-point crossover operator that restricts crossing point to gene boundaries
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GeneralGeneration(3) - Customizable single generation for an evolutionary algorithm.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Generation_Skeleton(3) - Even more customizable single generation for an evolutionary algorithm.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GenerationalTerm(3) - Checks for termination of an algorithm.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::IncMutation(3) - Increments/decrements by one the value of one of the components of the string, takes into account the char class
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Inverover(3) - Michalewicz's inver-over Operator.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::LinearFreezer(3) - Used by Simulated Annealing algorithms, reduces temperature lineally.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Mutation(3) - Bitflip mutation, changes several bits in a bitstring, depending on the probability
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::NoChangeTerm(3) - Checks for termination of an algorithm; terminates when several generations transcur without change
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Novelty_Mutation(3) - Mutation guaranteeing new individual is not in the population
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Permutation(3) - Per-mutation. Got it?
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Population_Output(3) - Flexible population printing class
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Quad_Crossover_Diff(3) - Uniform crossover, but interchanges only those atoms that are different
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::QuadXOver(3) - N-point crossover operator that changes operands
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Replace_Different(3) - Incorporate individuals into the population replacing the worst ones but only if they are different.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Replace_Worst(3) - Incorporate individuals into the population replacing the worst ones
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::RouletteWheel(3) - Fitness-proportional selection, using a roulette wheel.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Selector(3) - Abstract base class for population selectors
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::SimulatedAnnealing(3) - An operator that performs the simulated annealing algorithm on an individual, using an external freezing schedule
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Storing(3) - Applies the op and keeps the result
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::String_Mutation(3) - Single character string mutation
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::StringRand(3) - randomly change chars in a string
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Tournament_Selection(3) - Tournament selector, takes individuals from one population and puts them into another
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::TreeMutation(3) - GP-like mutation operator for trees
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Uniform_Crossover(3) - interchanges a set of atoms from one parent to the other.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Uniform_Crossover_Diff(3) - Uniform crossover, but interchanges only those atoms that are different
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::VectorCrossover(3) - Crossover for Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector.
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Run(3) - Class for setting up an experiment with algorithms and population
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Utils(3) - Container module with a hodgepodge of functions
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Wheel(3) - Random selector of things depending on probabilities
- Algorithm::FloodControl(3) - Limit event processing to count/time ratio.
- Algorithm::FloodControl::Backend(3)
- Algorithm::FloodControl::Backend::Cache::FastMmap(3)
- Algorithm::FloodControl::Backend::Cache::Memcached(3)
- Algorithm::FloodControl::Backend::Cache::Memcached::Fast(3)
- Algorithm::IncludeExclude(3) - build and evaluate include/exclude lists
- Algorithm::Line::Bresenham(3) - simple pixellated line-drawing algorithm
- Algorithm::LUHN(3) - Calculate the Modulus 10 Double Add Double checksum
- Algorithm::MarkovChain(3) - Object oriented Markov chain generator
- Algorithm::Munkres(3) - Perl extension for Munkres' solution to classical Assignment problem for square and rectangular matrices This module extends the solution of Assignment problem for square matrices to rectangular matrices by padding zeros. Thus a rectangular matrix is converted to square matrix by padding necessary zeros.
- Algorithm::NaiveBayes(3) - Bayesian prediction of categories
- Algorithm::Networksort(3) - Create Sorting Networks.
- Algorithm::Networksort::Best(3) - Optimized Sorting Networks.
- Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle(3) - Shuffle a list.
- Algorithm::Pair::Best2(3) - select pairings (designed for Go tournaments, but can be used for anything).
- Algorithm::Pair::Swiss(3) - Generate unique pairings for tournaments
- Algorithm::Permute(3) - Handy and fast permutation with object oriented interface
- Algorithm::RabinKarp(3) - Rabin-Karp streaming hash
- Algorithm::RabinKarp::Util(3) - utility methods for use with Rabin-Karp hash generation.
- Algorithm::SVM(3) - Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library.
- Algorithm::SVM::DataSet(3) - A DataSet object for the Algorithm::SVM Support Vector Machine.
- alias::module(3) - Alias one module as another
- AliasFile(3) - Perl interface to /etc/aliases format files
- Alien::Base(3) - Base classes for Alien:: modules
- Alien::Base::Authoring(3) - Authoring an Alien distribution using Alien::Base
- Alien::Base::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild(3) - A Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::API(3) - API Reference for Alien:: Authors
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Authoring(3) - Authoring an "Alien::" module using Alien::Base::ModuleBuild
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Cabinet(3) - Private class
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Base::ModuleBuild
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::File(3) - Private class
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository(3) - Private class
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::FTP(3) - HTTP repository handler
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::HTTP(3) - HTTP repository handler
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::Local(3) - Local file repository handler
- Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Utils(3) - Private utilities
- Alien::Base::PkgConfig(3) - Private legacy pkg-config class for Alien::Base
- Alien::Base::Wrapper(3) - Compiler and linker wrapper for Alien
- Alien::Build(3) - Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
- Alien::Build::CommandSequence(3) - Alien::Build command sequence
- Alien::Build::Interpolate(3) - Advanced interpolation engine for Alien builds
- Alien::Build::Interpolate::Default(3) - Default interpolator for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Log(3) - Alien::Build logging
- Alien::Build::Log::Abbreviate(3) - Log class for Alien::Build which is less verbose
- Alien::Build::Log::Default(3) - Default Alien::Build log class
- Alien::Build::Manual::Alien(3) - General alien author documentation
- Alien::Build::Manual::AlienAuthor(3) - Alien author documentation
- Alien::Build::Manual::AlienUser(3) - Alien user documentation
- Alien::Build::Manual::Contributing(3) - Over-detailed contributing guide
- Alien::Build::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor(3) - Alien::Build plugin author documentation
- Alien::Build::MM(3) - Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Alien::Build::Plugin(3) - Plugin base class for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build(3) - Build Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::Autoconf(3) - Autoconf plugin for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::CMake(3) - CMake plugin for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::Copy(3) - Copy plugin for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::Make(3) - Make plugin for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::MSYS(3) - MSYS plugin for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::SearchDep(3) - Add dependencies to library and header search path
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core(3) - Core Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::CleanInstall(3) - Implementation for clean_install hook.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Download(3) - Core download plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::FFI(3) - Core FFI plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Gather(3) - Core gather plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Legacy(3) - Core Alien::Build plugin to maintain compatibility with legacy Alien::Base
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Override(3) - Core override plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Setup(3) - Core setup plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core::Tail(3) - Core tail setup plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode(3) - Decode Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::DirListing(3) - Plugin to extract links from a directory listing
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::DirListingFtpcopy(3) - Plugin to extract links from a directory listing using ftpcopy
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::HTML(3) - Plugin to extract links from HTML
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::Mojo(3) - Plugin to extract links from HTML using Mojo::DOM or Mojo::DOM58
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Download(3) - Download Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::Negotiate(3) - Download negotiation plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract(3) - Extract Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::ArchiveTar(3) - Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Tar
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::ArchiveZip(3) - Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Zip
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::CommandLine(3) - Plugin to extract an archive using command line tools
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::Directory(3) - Plugin to extract a downloaded directory to a build directory
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract::Negotiate(3) - Extraction negotiation plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch(3) - Fetch Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::CurlCommand(3) - Plugin for fetching files using curl
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::HTTPTiny(3) - Plugin for fetching files using HTTP::Tiny
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::Local(3) - Plugin for fetching a local file
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::LocalDir(3) - Plugin for fetching a local directory
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::LWP(3) - Plugin for fetching files using LWP
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::NetFTP(3) - Plugin for fetching files using Net::FTP
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::Wget(3) - Plugin for fetching files using wget
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Gather::IsolateDynamic(3) - Plugin to gather dynamic libraries into a separate directory
- Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::CommandLine(3) - Probe system and determine library or tool properties using the pkg-config command line interface
- Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::LibPkgConf(3) - Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
- Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::MakeStatic(3) - Convert .pc files into static
- Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::Negotiate(3) - Package configuration negotiation plugin
- Alien::Build::Plugin::PkgConfig::PP(3) - Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig.pm
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer(3) - Prefer Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::BadVersion(3) - Plugin to filter out known bad versions
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::GoodVersion(3) - Plugin to filter known good versions
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::SortVersions(3) - Plugin to sort candidates by most recent first
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe(3) - Probe Alien::Build plugins
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe::CBuilder(3) - Probe for system libraries by guessing with ExtUtils::CBuilder
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe::CommandLine(3) - Probe for tools or commands already available
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe::Vcpkg(3) - Probe for system libraries using Vcpkg
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Test::Mock(3) - Mock plugin for testing
- Alien::Build::rc(3) - Alien::Build local config
- Alien::Build::Temp(3) - Temp Dir support for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Util(3) - Private utility functions for Alien::Build
- Alien::Build::Version::Basic(3) - Very basic version object for Alien::Build
- Alien::Gimp(3) - Encapsulate install info for GIMP
- Alien::GSL(3) - Easy installation of the GSL library
- Alien::LibGumbo(3) - Gumbo parser library
- Alien::LibGumbo::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Alien::LibGumbo
- Alien::Role(3) - Extend Alien::Base with roles!
- Alien::SDL(3) - building, finding and using SDL binaries
- Alien::SDL::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Alien::SDL
- Alien::Util(3) - Alien Utilities used at build and runtime
- Alien::wxWidgets(3) - building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
- Alien::wxWidgets::Utility(3) - INTERNAL: do not use
- alienfile(3) - Specification for defining an external dependency for CPAN
- allegro_404_char(3) - Character used when Allegro cannot find a glyph.
- ALLEGRO_BITMAP(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_BPM_TO_SECS(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_COLOR(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_COND(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_CONFIG(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_DATE(3) - Defined to a number with the release date of Allegro.
- ALLEGRO_DATE_STR(3) - Defined to a string with the year Allegro was released.
- ALLEGRO_DISPLAY(3) - Allegro 5 API
- allegro_error(3) - Stores the last Allegro error message.
- ALLEGRO_EVENT(3) - Allegro 5 API
- allegro_exit(3) - Closes down the Allegro system.
- ALLEGRO_FILE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_FILE_MODE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_FONT(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_GLYPH(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_HAPTIC(3) - Allegro 5 API
- allegro_icon(3) - Pointer to the Allegro X11 icon.
- allegro_id(3) - String containing date and version number of Allegro.
- allegro_init(3) - Macro to initialise the Allegro library.
- ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_MENU(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_MENU_INFO(3) - Allegro 5 API
- allegro_message(3) - Used mainly to show error messages to users. Allegro game programming library.
- ALLEGRO_MIXER(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_MUTEX(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_PI(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_PRIM_ATTR(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_PRIM_TYPE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_SAMPLE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_SEEK(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_SHADER(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_STATE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_SUB_VERSION(3) - Defined to the middle version of Allegro.
- ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_ID(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_TEXTLOG(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_THREAD(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_TIMER(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_USTR(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_USTR_INFO(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_VERSION(3) - Defined to the major version of Allegro.
- ALLEGRO_VERSION_STR(3) - Defined to a string with the full Allegro version number.
- ALLEGRO_VERTEX(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_VOICE(3) - Allegro 5 API
- ALLEGRO_WIP_VERSION(3) - Defined to the minor version of Allegro.
- alloc_surface(3)
- ALLOCA(3) - memory allocator
- allocate_voice(3) - Allocates a sound card voice for a sample. Allegro game programming library.
- ALLOCIMAGE(3) - allocating, freeing, reading, writing images
- AllPlanes(3) - Display macros and functions
- ALOG(3) - logging library
- Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt(3) - RSA public-key cryptosystem, using Math::BigInt
- Alzabo(3) - A data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper
- Alzabo::BackCompat(3) - Convert old data structures
- Alzabo::ChangeTracker(3) - Saves a set of changes as callbacks that can be backed out if needed
- Alzabo::Column(3) - Column objects
- Alzabo::ColumnDefinition(3) - Holds the type attribute for a column
- Alzabo::Config(3) - Alzabo configuration information
- Alzabo::Create(3) - Loads all Alzabo::Create::* classes
- Alzabo::Create::Column(3) - Column objects for use in schema creation
- Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition(3) - Column definition object for schema creation
- Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey(3) - Foreign key objects for schema creation.
- Alzabo::Create::Index(3) - Index objects for schema creation
- Alzabo::Create::Schema(3) - Schema objects for schema creation
- Alzabo::Create::Table(3) - Table objects for schema creation
- Alzabo::Debug(3) - Creates constants used to turn on debugging
- Alzabo::Design(3) - Documentation on Alzabo's design
- Alzabo::Driver(3) - Alzabo base class for RDBMS drivers
- Alzabo::Driver::MySQL(3) - MySQL specific Alzabo driver subclass
- Alzabo::Driver::PostgreSQL(3) - PostgreSQL specific Alzabo driver subclass
- Alzabo::Exceptions(3) - Creates all exception subclasses used in Alzabo.
- Alzabo::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions
- Alzabo::ForeignKey(3) - Foreign key (relation) objects
- Alzabo::Index(3) - Index objects
- Alzabo::Intro(3) - Introductory information about Alzabo
- Alzabo::MethodMaker(3) - Auto-generate useful methods based on an existing schema
- Alzabo::MySQL(3) - Alzabo and MySQL
- Alzabo::PostgreSQL(3) - Alzabo and PostgreSQL
- Alzabo::QuickRef(3) - A quick reference to methods in the Alzabo classes
- Alzabo::RDBMSRules(3) - Base class for Alzabo RDBMS rulesets
- Alzabo::RDBMSRules::MySQL(3) - MySQL specific database rules.
- Alzabo::RDBMSRules::PostgreSQL(3) - PostgreSQL specific database rules
- Alzabo::Runtime(3) - Loads all Alzabo::Runtime::* classes
- Alzabo::Runtime::Column(3) - Column objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::ColumnDefinition(3) - Column definition objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::Cursor(3) - Base class for Alzabo cursors
- Alzabo::Runtime::ForeignKey(3) - Foreign key objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::Index(3) - Index objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::InsertHandle(3) - A handle representing an insert
- Alzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor(3) - Cursor that returns arrays of "Alzabo::Runtime::Row" objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::Row(3) - Row objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::RowCursor(3) - Cursor that returns "Alzabo::Runtime::Row" objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::RowState::Deleted(3) - Row objects that have been deleted
- Alzabo::Runtime::RowState::InCache(3) - Cached row objects that represent actual database rows
- Alzabo::Runtime::RowState::Live(3) - Row objects representing rows in the database
- Alzabo::Runtime::RowState::Potential(3) - Row objects that are not in the database
- Alzabo::Runtime::Schema(3) - Schema objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::Table(3) - Table objects
- Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache(3) - Implements a row cache for Alzabo
- Alzabo::Schema(3) - Schema objects
- Alzabo::SQLMaker(3) - Alzabo base class for RDBMS drivers
- Alzabo::SQLMaker::MySQL(3) - Alzabo SQL making class for MySQL
- Alzabo::SQLMaker::PostgreSQL(3) - Alzabo SQL making class for PostgreSQL
- Alzabo::Table(3) - Table objects
- Alzabo::Utils(3) - Utility functions for other Alzabo modules
- amathc.h(3) - C functions for manipulating strings and memory
- Amazon::SimpleDB(3) - a low-level perlish interface for working with Amazon's SimpleDB service.
- Amazon::SimpleDB::Domain(3) - a class representing a domain in SimpleDB
- Amazon::SimpleDB::ErrorResponse(3) - a class representing an error response from the SimpleDB service.
- Amazon::SimpleDB::GetAttributesResponse(3) - a class representing the response to a successful GetAttributes request.
- Amazon::SimpleDB::Item(3) - A class representing a domain in SimpleDB
- Amazon::SimpleDB::ListDomainsResponse(3) - a class representing the response to a successful ListDomains request.
- Amazon::SimpleDB::QueryResponse(3) - a class representing the response to a successful Query request.
- Amazon::SimpleDB::Response(3) - a class representing a generic response from the SimpleDB service.
- Amazon::SQS::Simple(3) - OO API for accessing the Amazon Simple Queue Service
- Amazon::SQS::Simple::Base(3) - No user-serviceable parts included
- Amazon::SQS::Simple::Message(3) - OO API for representing messages from the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
- Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue(3) - OO API for representing queues from the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
- Amazon::SQS::Simple::SendResponse(3) - OO API for representing responses to messages sent to the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
- AMF::Perl(3) - Flash Remoting in Perl Translated from PHP Remoting v. 0.5b from the -PHP project.
- AMF::Perl::App::Executive(3)
- AMF::Perl::IO::Deserializer(3)
- AMF::Perl::IO::InputStream(3)
- AMF::Perl::IO::OutputStream(3)
- AMF::Perl::IO::Serializer(3)
- AMF::Perl::Sql::MysqlRecordSet(3)
- AMF::Perl::Util::Object(3)
- AMF::Perl::Util::RemotingService(3)
- Amon2(3) - lightweight web application framework
- Amon2::Config::Simple(3) - Default configuration file loader
- Amon2::DBI(3) - Simple DBI wrapper
- Amon2::Declare(3) - Amon2 Declare Class
- Amon2::Lite(3) - Sinatra-ish framework on Amon2!
- Amon2::Plugin::LogDispatch(3) - Log::Dispatch glue for Amon2
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::CSRFDefender(3) - Anti CSRF filter
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::FillInFormLite(3) - HTML::FillInForm::Lite
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::JSON(3) - JSON plugin
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileAgent(3) - HTTP::MobileAgent plugin for Amon2
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileCharset(3) - Amon2 plugin for Japanese mobile phone's charset
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::NoCache(3) - NoCache(DEPRECATED)
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::PlackSession(3) - (DEPRECATED)
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::Streaming(3) - streaming support for Amon2
- Amon2::Plugin::Web::WebSocket(3) - [EXPERIMENTAL]WebSocket plugin for Amon2
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor(3) - Abstract base class for flavors.
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Basic(3) - Basic flavor selected by default
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Large(3) - Flavor with admin pages
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Lite(3) - Amon2::Lite flavor
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Minimum(3) - Minimalistic flavor suitable for benchmarking
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::MobileJP(3) - MobileJP flavor for Amon2
- Amon2::Trigger(3) - Trigger system for Amon2
- Amon2::Util(3)
- Amon2::Web(3) - Web Application Base.
- Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::Lite(3) - Sinatra like dispatcher for Amon2
- Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::RouterBoom(3) - Router::Boom bindings
- Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::RouterSimple(3) - Router::Simple binding for Amon2
- Amon2::Web::Request(3) - Amon2 Request Class
- Amon2::Web::Response(3) - web response class for Amon2
- Amon2::Web::Response::Callback(3) - [EXPERIMENTAL]callback style psgi response for Amon2
- Amon2::Web::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket support for Amon2
- Animate(1.3) - the AfterStep Animate module
- Animation(3) - Display sequence of Tk::Photo images
- Annotate(3) - represent a series of changes in annotate form
- ANSILOVE_ANSI(3) - Process and render ANSI content
- ANSILOVE_ARTWORX(3) - Process and render Artworx content
- ANSILOVE_BINARY(3) - Process and render binary content
- ANSILOVE_CLEAN(3) - Clean up an ansilove context
- ANSILOVE_ERROR(3) - Return an error string
- ANSILOVE_ICEDRAW(3) - Process and render iCE Draw content
- ANSILOVE_INIT(3) - Initialize libansilove
- ANSILOVE_LOADFILE(3) - Load a file from disk
- ANSILOVE_PCBOARD(3) - Process and render PCBoard content
- ANSILOVE_SAVEFILE(3) - Output PNG data to a file
- ANSILOVE_TUNDRA(3) - Process and render TundraDraw content
- ANSILOVE_XBIN(3) - Process and render XBin content
- Anubis(3) - Crypt::CBC-compliant block cipher
- Any::Daemon(3) - basic needs for a daemon
- Any::Moose(3) - (DEPRECATED) use Moo instead!
- Any::Moose::Convert(3) - Convert Moose libraries to Mouse ones, or vice versa
- Any::Template(3) - provide a consistent interface to a wide array of templating languages
- Any::Template::Backend(3) - base class for implementing backends for Any::Template
- Any::Template::Backend::HTML::Template(3) - Any::Template backend for HTML::Template
- Any::Template::Backend::TemplateToolkit(3) - Any::Template backend for Template Toolkit
- Any::Template::Backend::Text::MicroMason(3) - Any::Template backend for Text::MicroMason
- Any::Template::Backend::Text::Template(3) - Any::Template backend for Text::Template
- Any::URI::Escape(3) - Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::Escape
- AnyData(3) - (DEPRECATED) easy access to data in many formats
- AnyData::Format::CSV(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to CSV data
- AnyData::Format::Fixed(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Fixed length data
- AnyData::Format::HTMLtable(3) - tied hash and DBI/SQL access to HTML tables
- AnyData::Format::Ini(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to ini files
- AnyData::Format::Mp3(3) - tied hash and DBI access to Mp3 files
- AnyData::Format::Paragraph(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to vertical files
- AnyData::Format::Passwd(3) - tied hash and DBI access to passwd files
- AnyData::Format::Pipe(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Pipe delimited files
- AnyData::Format::Tab(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Tab delimited files
- AnyData::Format::Weblog(3) - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to HTTPD Logs
- AnyData::Format::XML(3) - tiedhash and DBI access to XML
- AnyData::Storage::File(3)
- AnyDBM_File(3) - provide framework for multiple DBMs
- AnyEvent(3) - the DBI of event loop programming
- AnyEvent::CacheDNS(3) - Simple DNS resolver with caching
- AnyEvent::Connection(3) - Base class for tcp connectful clients
- AnyEvent::CouchDB(3) - a non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Database(3) - an object representing a CouchDB database
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exceptions(3) - Exception::Class-based exceptions for AnyEvent::CouchDB
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Stream(3) - Watch changes from a CouchDB database.
- AnyEvent::DBD::Pg(3) - AnyEvent interface to DBD::Pg's async interface
- AnyEvent::DBI::Abstract(3) - AnyEvent::DBI + SQL::Abstract
- AnyEvent::Debug(3) - debugging utilities for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::DNS(3) - fully asynchronous DNS resolution
- AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts(3) - Use /etc/hosts before DNS
- AnyEvent::FAQ(3) - frequently asked questions
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify(3) - An AnyEvent compatible module to monitor files/directories for changes
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify::Event(3) - Object to report changes in the monitored filesystem
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify::Role::Fallback(3) - Fallback method of file watching (check in regular intervals)
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify::Role::FSEvents(3) - Use Mac::FSEvents to watch for changed files
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify::Role::Inotify2(3) - Use Linux::Inotify2 to watch for changed files
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify::Role::KQueue(3) - Use IO::KQueue to watch for changed files
- AnyEvent::Gearman(3) - Asynchronous Gearman client/worker module for AnyEvent applications
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Client(3) - Gearman client for AnyEvent application
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Client::Connection(3) - connection class for client
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Connection(3) - common base class to handle connection
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Constants(3) - constants for Gearman client/worker
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Job(3) - gearman job
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Task(3) - gearman task
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Types(3) - some subtype definitions
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Worker(3) - Gearman worker for AnyEvent application
- AnyEvent::Gearman::Worker::Connection(3) - connection class for worker
- AnyEvent::Graphite(3) - A non-blocking Graphite (http://graphite.wikidot.com/) client
- AnyEvent::Graphite::SNMPAgent(3) - An SNMP agent which does non-blocking streaming of data from an SNMP server
- AnyEvent::Handle(3) - non-blocking I/O on streaming handles via AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::HTTP::LWP::UserAgent(3) - LWP::UserAgent interface but works using AnyEvent::HTTP
- AnyEvent::HTTPD(3) - A simple lightweight event based web (application) server
- AnyEvent::HTTPD::HTTPConnection(3) - A simple HTTP connection for request and response handling
- AnyEvent::HTTPD::HTTPServer(3) - A simple and plain http server
- AnyEvent::HTTPD::Request(3) - A web application request handle for AnyEvent::HTTPD
- AnyEvent::HTTPD::Util(3) - Utility functions for AnyEvent::HTTPD
- AnyEvent::I3(3) - communicate with the i3 window manager
- AnyEvent::Impl::Cocoa(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Cocoa::EventLoop
- AnyEvent::Impl::EV(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for EV
- AnyEvent::Impl::Event(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Event
- AnyEvent::Impl::EventLib(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Event::Lib
- AnyEvent::Impl::FLTK(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit version two)
- AnyEvent::Impl::Glib(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Glib
- AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for IO::Async
- AnyEvent::Impl::Irssi(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Irssi
- AnyEvent::Impl::Perl(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for AnyEvent's pure perl AnyEvent::Loop
- AnyEvent::Impl::POE(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for POE
- AnyEvent::Impl::Qt(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Qt
- AnyEvent::Impl::Tk(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for Tk
- AnyEvent::Impl::UV(3) - AnyEvent adaptor for UV
- AnyEvent::Intro(3) - an introductory tutorial to AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::IO(3) - the DBI of asynchronous I/O implementations
- AnyEvent::IO::IOAIO(3) - AnyEvent::IO backend based on IO::AIO
- AnyEvent::IO::Perl(3) - pure perl backend for AnyEvent::IO
- AnyEvent::IRC(3) - An event based IRC protocol client API
- AnyEvent::IRC::Client(3) - A highlevel IRC connection
- AnyEvent::IRC::Connection(3) - An IRC connection abstraction
- AnyEvent::IRC::Util(3) - Common utilities that help with IRC protocol handling
- AnyEvent::Log(3) - simple logging "framework"
- AnyEvent::Loop(3) - AnyEvent's Pure-Perl event loop
- AnyEvent::Memcached(3) - AnyEvent memcached client
- AnyEvent::Memcached::Hash::WithNext(3) - Hashing algorythm for AE::Memcached
- AnyEvent::MessagePack(3) - MessagePack stream serializer/deserializer for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::MPRPC(3) - Simple TCP-based MPRPC client/server
- AnyEvent::MPRPC::Client(3) - Simple TCP-based MessagePack RPC client
- AnyEvent::MPRPC::CondVar(3) - Condvar object used in AnyEvent::MPRPC::Lite::Server
- AnyEvent::MPRPC::Server(3) - Simple TCP-based MessagePack RPC server
- AnyEvent::MQTT(3) - AnyEvent module for an MQTT client
- AnyEvent::RabbitMQ(3) - An asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client.
- AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Channel(3) - Abstraction of an AMQP channel.
- AnyEvent::Redis(3) - Non-blocking Redis client
- AnyEvent::Redis::Protocol(3) - Redis response parser (read handler) for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP(3) - reversehttp for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::RPC(3) - Abstract framework for Asyncronous RPC clients
- AnyEvent::RPC::Enc::REST(3) - XML Encoder for AE::RPC
- AnyEvent::RPC::Enc::YAML(3) - YAML Encoder for AE::RPC
- AnyEvent::Run(3) - Run a process or coderef asynchronously
- AnyEvent::SCGI(3) - Event based SCGI server
- AnyEvent::Socket(3) - useful IPv4 and IPv6 stuff. also unix domain sockets. and stuff.
- AnyEvent::Strict(3) - force strict mode on for the whole process
- AnyEvent::Subprocess(3) - flexible, OO, asynchronous process spawning and management
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::DefaultDelegates(3) - sets up default delegate name/builder mappings
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Delegate(3) - role representing a delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done(3) - represents a completed subprocess run
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done::Delegate(3) - role that delegates on the Done class must implement
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done::Delegate::CaptureHandle(3) - store the output generated by a handle while the process was running
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done::Delegate::Handle(3) - store leftover wbuf/rbuf from running Handle
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done::Delegate::State(3) - thread state through the job/run/done lifecycle
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Done::Delegate::Timeout(3) - done delegate for a job that can time out
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Easy(3) - wrappers around AnyEvent::Subprocess to save typing in simple cases
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Handle(3) - AnyEvent::Handle subclass with some additional methods for AnyEvent::Subprocess
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job(3) - role representing a runnable job
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate(3) - role that delegates on the Job class must implement
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Callback(3) - call callbacks for each job/run/done step
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CaptureHandle(3) - capture the data that comes in via a handle
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CompletionCondvar(3) - provide a condvar to indicate completion
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle(3) - share a filehandle or socket with the child
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::MonitorHandle(3) - monitor a handle for input and invoke callbacks with that input
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::PrintError(3) - Print errors to a filehandle
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Pty(3) - give the child a pseudo-terminal
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Timeout(3) - Kill a subprocess if it takes too long
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Role::WithDelegates(3) - paramaterized role consumed by classes that have delegates
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Role::WithDelegates::Manager(3) - manage delegate shortcuts
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running(3) - represents a running subprocess
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate(3) - delegate on the running process class
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::Callback(3) - the "Running" part of the Callback delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::CaptureHandle(3) - Running part of the CaptureHandle delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::CompletionCondvar(3) - Running part of the CompletionCondvar delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::Handle(3) - Running part of the Handle delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::MonitorHandle(3) - Running part of the MonitorHandle delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Running::Delegate::Timeout(3) - Running part of Timeout delegate
- AnyEvent::Subprocess::Types(3) - "MooseX::Types" used internally
- AnyEvent::Task(3) - Client/server-based asynchronous worker pool
- AnyEvent::TLS(3) - SSLv2/SSLv3/TLSv1 contexts for use in AnyEvent::Handle
- AnyEvent::Twitter(3) - A thin wrapper for Twitter API using OAuth
- AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream(3) - Receive Twitter streaming API in an event loop
- AnyEvent::Util(3) - various utility functions.
- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client(3) - WebSocket client for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Connection(3) - WebSocket connection for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Message(3) - WebSocket message for AnyEvent
- AnyEvent::Worker(3) - Manage blocking task in external process
- AnyEvent::Worker::Pool(3) - Easily create a pool of workers and use'em like a single worker
- AnyEvent::XMPP(3) - An implementation of the XMPP Protocol
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Client(3) - XMPP Client abstraction
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Component(3) - "XML" stream that implements the XEP-0114
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Connection(3) - XML stream that implements the XMPP RFC 3920.
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error(3) - Error class hierarchy for error reporting
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Exception(3) - Some exception was thrown somewhere
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::IQ(3) - IQ errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::IQAuth(3) - IQ authentication error
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Message(3) - Message errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::MUC(3) - MUC error
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Parser(3) - XML parse errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Presence(3) - Presence errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Register(3) - In-band registration error
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::SASL(3) - SASL authentication error
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Stanza(3) - Stanza errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Stream(3) - XML Stream errors
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext(3) - Extension baseclass and documentation
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::DataForm(3) - XEP-0004 DataForm
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco(3) - Service discovery manager class for XEP-0030
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco::Info(3) - Service discovery info
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Disco::Items(3) - Service discovery items
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC(3) - Implements XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Message(3) - A room message
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room(3) - Room class
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::RoomInfo(3) - Room information
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User(3) - User class
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::OOB(3) - XEP-0066 Out of Band Data
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Ping(3) - Implementation of XMPP Ping XEP-0199
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Pubsub(3) - Implements XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Receipts(3) - XEP-0184 message receipts
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::RegisterForm(3) - Handle for in band registration
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Registration(3) - Handles all tasks of in band registration
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::VCard(3) - VCards (XEP-0054 & XEP-0084)
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::Version(3) - Software version
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Extendable(3) - Extendable baseclass
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Account(3) - Instant messaging account
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Connection(3) - "XML" stream that implements the XMPP RFC 3921.
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Contact(3) - Instant messaging roster contact
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Delayed(3) - A delayed "XML" stanza
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Message(3) - Instant message
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Presence(3) - XMPP presence
- AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Roster(3) - Instant messaging roster for XMPP
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Namespaces(3) - XMPP namespace collection and aliasing class
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Node(3) - XML node tree helper for the parser.
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Parser(3) - Parser for XML streams (helper for AnyEvent::XMPP)
- AnyEvent::XMPP::SimpleConnection(3) - Low level TCP/TLS connection
- AnyEvent::XMPP::TestClient(3) - XMPP Test Client for tests
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Util(3) - Utility functions for AnyEvent::XMPP
- AnyEvent::XMPP::Writer(3) - "XML" writer for XMPP
- AnyMQ(3) - Non-blocking message queue system based on AnyEvent
- AnyMQ::AMQP(3) - AMQP binding for AnyMQ
- AnyMQ::Queue(3) - AnyMQ Message Queue
- AnyMQ::Topic(3) - AnyMQ Topic
- AnyMQ::Topic::Trait::WithBacklog(3) - AnyMQ topic trait for backlog behaviour
- ao_string_tokenize(3) - tokenize an input string
- AOLIM(3) - Object-Oriented interface to the AOL Instant Messenger TOC client protocol
- Apache::Admin::Config(3) - A module to read/write Apache like configuration files
- Apache::ASP::CGI::Table(3)
- Apache::AuthCookie(3) - Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies
- Apache::AuthCookie::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Apache::AuthCookie.
- Apache::AuthCookie::Params(3) - AuthCookie Params Driver for mod_perl 1.x
- Apache::AuthCookie::Params::Base(3) - Internal CGI AuthCookie Params Base Class
- Apache::AuthCookie::Params::CGI(3) - Internal CGI Params Subclass
- Apache::AuthCookie::Util(3) - Internal Utility Functions for AuthCookie
- Apache::AuthDBI(3) - Authentication and Authorization via Perl's DBI
- Apache::AuthTicket(3) - Cookie Based Access and Authorization Module
- Apache::AuthTicket::Base(3) - Common methods for all Apache::AuthTicket versions.
- Apache::Config::Preproc(3) - Preprocess Apache configuration files
- Apache::Config::Preproc::compact(3) - remove empty lines and comments
- Apache::Config::Preproc::Expand(3) - base class for preprocessor modules
- Apache::Config::Preproc::ifdefine(3) - expand IfDefine sections
- Apache::Config::Preproc::ifmodule(3) - expand IfModule statements
- Apache::Config::Preproc::include(3) - expand Include statements
- Apache::Config::Preproc::locus(3) - attach file location to each parse node
- Apache::Config::Preproc::macro(3) - expand macro statements
- Apache::ConfigParser(3) - Load Apache configuration files
- Apache::ConfigParser::Directive(3) - An Apache directive or start context
- Apache::DBI(3) - Initiate a persistent database connection
- Apache::Defaults(3) - Get default settings for Apache httpd daemon
- Apache::DProf(3) - Hook Devel::DProf into mod_perl
- Apache::Htgroup(3) - Manage Apache authentication group files
- Apache::LogFormat::Compiler(3) - Compile a log format string to perl-code
- Apache::MVC(3) - Apache front-end to Maypole
- Apache::Profiler(3) - profiles time seconds needed for every request
- Apache::Qpsmtpd(3) - a mod_perl-2 connection handler for qpsmtpd
- Apache::Reload(3) - Reload changed modules
- Apache::RPC::Server(3) - A subclass of RPC::XML::Server tuned for mod_perl
- Apache::RPC::Status(3) - A status monitor similar to Apache::Status for RPC
- Apache::Session(3) - A persistence framework for session data
- Apache::Session::DB_File(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::File(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::Flex(3) - Specify everything at runtime
- Apache::Session::Generate::MD5(3) - Use MD5 to create random object IDs
- Apache::Session::Generate::ModUniqueId(3) - mod_unique_id for session ID generation
- Apache::Session::Generate::ModUsertrack(3) - mod_usertrack for session ID generation
- Apache::Session::Informix(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::Lock::File(3) - Provides mutual exclusion using flock
- Apache::Session::Lock::MySQL(3) - Provides mutual exclusion using MySQL
- Apache::Session::Lock::Null(3) - Does not actually provides mutual exclusion
- Apache::Session::Lock::Semaphore(3) - Provides mutual exclusion through semaphores
- Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase(3) - Provides mutual exclusion using Sybase
- Apache::Session::MySQL(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::MySQL::NoLock(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session::MySQL without locking
- Apache::Session::Oracle(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::PHP(3) - glues Apache::Session with PHP::Session
- Apache::Session::Postgres(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::Serialize::Base64(3) - Use Storable and MIME::Base64 to zip up persistent data
- Apache::Session::Serialize::PHP(3) - uses PHP::Session to serialize session
- Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable(3) - Use Storable to zip up persistent data
- Apache::Session::Serialize::Sybase(3) - Use Storable to zip up persistent data and unpack/pack to put into Sybase-compatible image field
- Apache::Session::Serialize::UUEncode(3) - Use Storable and "pack()" to zip up persistent data
- Apache::Session::SharedMem(3) - Session management via shared memory
- Apache::Session::SQLite3(3) - Use DBD::SQLite 1.x for Apache::Session storage
- Apache::Session::Store::DB_File(3) - Use DB_File to store persistent objects
- Apache::Session::Store::File(3) - Store persistent data on the filesystem
- Apache::Session::Store::Informix(3) - Store persistent data in a Informix database
- Apache::Session::Store::MySQL(3) - Store persistent data in a MySQL database
- Apache::Session::Store::Oracle(3) - Store persistent data in a Oracle database
- Apache::Session::Store::PHP(3) - writes to PHP4 builtin session files
- Apache::Session::Store::Postgres(3) - Store persistent data in a Postgres database
- Apache::Session::Store::SharedMem(3) - Store persistent data in shared memory
- Apache::Session::Store::Sybase(3) - Store persistent data in a Sybase database
- Apache::Session::Sybase(3) - An implementation of Apache::Session
- Apache::Session::Wrapper(3) - A simple wrapper around Apache::Session
- Apache::Singleton(3) - Singleton class for mod_perl
- Apache::Singleton::Process(3) - One instance per One Process
- Apache::Singleton::Request(3) - One instance per One Request
- Apache::SizeLimit(3) - Because size does matter.
- Apache::SizeLimit::Core(3) - Because size does matter.
- Apache::SmallProf(3) - Hook Devel::SmallProf into mod_perl
- Apache::SOAP(3) - mod_perl-based SOAP server with minimum configuration
- Apache::Solr(3) - Apache Solr (Lucene) extension
- Apache::Solr::Document(3) - Apache Solr (Lucene) Document container
- Apache::Solr::JSON(3) - Apache Solr (Lucene) client via JSON
- Apache::Solr::Result(3) - Apache Solr (Lucene) result container
- Apache::Solr::XML(3) - Apache Solr (Lucene) client via XML
- Apache::Test(3) - Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
- Apache::TestConfig(3)
- Apache::TestHandler(3) - a few response handlers and helpers
- Apache::TestMB(3) - Subclass of Module::Build to support Apache::Test
- Apache::TestMM(3) - Provide MakeMaker Wrapper Methods
- Apache::TestReport(3) - A parent class for generating bug/success reports
- Apache::TestRequest(3) - Send requests to your Apache test server
- Apache::TestRun(3) - Run the test suite
- Apache::TestRunPerl(3) - Run mod_perl-requiring Test Suite
- Apache::TestRunPHP(3) - configure and run a PHP-based test suite
- Apache::TestServer(3)
- Apache::TestSmoke(3) - Special Tests Sequence Failure Finder
- Apache::TestTrace(3) - Helper output generation functions
- Apache::TestUtil(3) - Utility functions for writing tests
- Apache::TS(3)
- Apache::TS::AdminClient(3)
- Apache::TS::Config::Records(3) - Manage the Apache Traffic Server records.config file
- Apache::XMLRPC(3) - serve XML-RPC requests from Apache
- Apache::XMLRPC::Lite(3) - mod_perl-based XML-RPC server with minimum configuration
- Apache2(3) - wrapper for a mod_apreq2 handle.
- Apache2::AuthCookie(3) - Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies
- Apache2::AuthCookie::Base(3) - Common Methods Shared by Apache2 and Apache2_4 AuthCookie Subclasses.
- Apache2::AuthCookie::Params(3) - AuthCookie Params Driver for mod_perl 2.x
- Apache2::AuthTicket(3) - Cookie Based Access and Authorization Module
- Apache2::Build(3) - Methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source code
- Apache2::Cookie(3) - HTTP Cookies Class
- Apache2::Profiler(3) - profiles time seconds needed for every request
- Apache2::Reload(3) - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
- Apache2::Request(3) - Methods for dealing with client request data
- Apache2::SiteControl(3) - Perl web site authentication/authorization system
- Apache2::SiteControl::GrantAllRule(3) - A rule that grants permission to do everything.
- Apache2::SiteControl::ManagerFactory(3) - An abstract base class to use as a pattern for custom PermissionManager production.
- Apache2::SiteControl::PermissionManager(3) - Rule-based permission management
- Apache2::SiteControl::Radius(3) - Raduis authentication module for SiteControl
- Apache2::SiteControl::Rule(3) - Permission manager access rule.
- Apache2::SiteControl::User(3) - User representations
- Apache2::SiteControl::UserFactory(3) - User factory/persistence
- Apache2::SizeLimit(3) - Because size does matter.
- Apache2::SOAP(3) - mod_perl-2 SOAP server
- Apache2::Upload(3) - Methods for dealing with file uploads.
- Apache2_4::AuthCookie(3) - Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies for Apache 2.4
- ApacheFormat(3) - use Apache format config files
- App::Asciio(3) - Plain ASCII diagram
- App::Asciio::GTK::Asciio(3)
- App::Asciio::setup::hooks::canonize_connections(3)
- App::Asciio::setup::import_export::perl(3)
- App::Asciio::Undo(3)
- App::BashComplete(3) - command line interface to Bash::Complete
- App::Build(3) - extends Module::Build to build/install/configure entire applications (i.e. web applications), not just modules and programs
- App::Cache(3) - Easy application-level caching
- App::CLI(3) - Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
- App::CLI::Command(3) - Base class for App::CLI commands
- App::CLI::Command::Commands(3) - Print a list of commands for your app
- App::CLI::Command::Help(3) - execute foo =head1 DESCRIPTION blah blah =head1 USAGE .... =cut
- App::CLI::Command::Version(3) - Print a preformatted version string
- App::CLI::Extension(3) - for App::CLI extension module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::Config(3) - for App::CLI::Extension config module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::ErrorHandler(3) - for App::CLI::Extension error module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::InstallCallback(3) - for App::CLI::Extension install callback module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::OriginalArgv(3) - for App::CLI::Extension original argv module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::RunCommand(3) - for App::CLI::Command run_command override module
- App::CLI::Extension::Component::Stash(3) - for App::CLI::Extension stash module
- App::CLI::Extension::Exception(3) - for App::CLI exception module
- App::CLI::Helper(3)
- App::ClusterSSH(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Base(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Cluster(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Config(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Getopt(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Helper(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Host(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::L10N(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::L10N::en(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Range(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Window(3)
- App::ClusterSSH::Window::Tk(3) - Base Tk windows object
- App::Cmd(3) - write command line apps with less suffering
- App::Cmd::ArgProcessor(3) - App::Cmd-specific wrapper for Getopt::Long::Descriptive
- App::Cmd::Command(3) - a base class for App::Cmd commands
- App::Cmd::Command::commands(3) - list the application's commands
- App::Cmd::Command::help(3) - display a command's help screen
- App::Cmd::Command::version(3) - display an app's version
- App::Cmd::Plugin(3) - a plugin for App::Cmd commands
- App::Cmd::Setup(3) - helper for setting up App::Cmd classes
- App::Cmd::Simple(3) - a helper for building one-command App::Cmd applications
- App::Cmd::Subdispatch(3) - an App::Cmd::Command that is also an App::Cmd
- App::Cmd::Subdispatch::DashedStyle(3) - "app cmd --subcmd" style subdispatching
- App::Cmd::Tester(3) - for capturing the result of running an app
- App::Cmd::Tester::CaptureExternal(3) - Extends App::Cmd::Tester to capture from external subprograms
- App::Cmd::Tutorial(3) - getting started with App::Cmd
- App::Control::Apache(3) - App::Control subclass for apache
- App::Cpan(3) - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
- App::cpanlistchanges(3) - list changes for CPAN modules
- App::cpanminus(3) - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
- App::cpanminus::fatscript(3) - get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN
- App::cpanminus::reporter(3) - send cpanm output to CPAN Testers
- App::cpanoutdated(3)
- App::dropboxapi(3) - command line interface to access Dropbox API
- App::DSC::DataTool(3) - Export DSC data to other formats and/or databases
- App::DSC::DataTool::Dataset(3) - Container for one DSC dataset and it's dimensions
- App::DSC::DataTool::Dataset::Dimension(3) - Container for one DSC dimension and it's subdimension or values
- App::DSC::DataTool::Error(3) - Object used to describe an error
- App::DSC::DataTool::Errors(3) - Error container
- App::DSC::DataTool::Generator(3) - Base class for data generators
- App::DSC::DataTool::Generator::client_ports_count(3) - Generate count of uniq client ports
- App::DSC::DataTool::Generator::client_subnet_authority(3) - Generate authority based on subnet
- App::DSC::DataTool::Generator::client_subnet_country(3) - Generate country based on subnet
- App::DSC::DataTool::Generators(3) - Generator module factory
- App::DSC::DataTool::Input(3) - Base class for input formats
- App::DSC::DataTool::Input::DAT(3) - DSC DAT input
- App::DSC::DataTool::Input::XML(3) - DSC XML input
- App::DSC::DataTool::Inputs(3) - Input module factory
- App::DSC::DataTool::Log(3) - Log various things for App::DSC::DataTool
- App::DSC::DataTool::Output(3) - Base class for output formats
- App::DSC::DataTool::Output::Carbon(3) - Output DSC data to Carbon
- App::DSC::DataTool::Output::InfluxDB(3) - Output DSC data to InfluxDB
- App::DSC::DataTool::Outputs(3) - Output module factory
- App::DSC::DataTool::Transformer(3) - Base class for data transformers
- App::DSC::DataTool::Transformer::Labler(3) - Set/change labels on dimensions
- App::DSC::DataTool::Transformer::NetRemap(3) - (Re)Group data according to IP ranges
- App::DSC::DataTool::Transformer::ReRanger(3) - (Re)Group data according to ranges
- App::DSC::DataTool::Transformers(3) - Transformer module factory
- App::eps2png(3) - convert EPS files to PNG, JPG or GIF images
- App::FatPacker(3) - pack your dependencies onto your script file
- App::FatPacker::Trace(3) - Tracing module usage using compilation checking
- App::Genpass(3) - Quickly and easily create secure passwords
- App::gist(3) - Gist command-line tool
- App::GitGot(3) - A tool to make it easier to manage multiple git repositories.
- App::GitGot::Command(3) - Base class for App::GitGot commands
- App::GitGot::Command::add(3) - add a new repo to your config
- App::GitGot::Command::chdir(3) - open a subshell in a selected project
- App::GitGot::Command::checkout(3) - checkout specific branch for managed repositories
- App::GitGot::Command::clone(3) - clone a remote repo and add it to your config
- App::GitGot::Command::do(3) - run command in many repositories
- App::GitGot::Command::fetch(3) - fetch remotes for managed repositories
- App::GitGot::Command::fork(3) - fork a github repo
- App::GitGot::Command::gc(3) - Run the 'gc' command to garbage collect in git repos
- App::GitGot::Command::lib(3) - Generate a lib listing off a .gotlib file
- App::GitGot::Command::list(3) - list managed repositories
- App::GitGot::Command::milk(3) - well, do you?
- App::GitGot::Command::move(3) - move repo to new location
- App::GitGot::Command::mux(3) - open a tmux window for a selected project
- App::GitGot::Command::push(3) - Push local changes to the default remote in git repos
- App::GitGot::Command::readd(3) - update config metadata to match repo
- App::GitGot::Command::remove(3) - remove a managed repository from your config
- App::GitGot::Command::status(3) - print status info about repos
- App::GitGot::Command::tag(3) - list/add/remove tags for the current repository
- App::GitGot::Command::that(3) - check if a given repository is managed
- App::GitGot::Command::this(3) - check if the current repository is managed
- App::GitGot::Command::update(3) - update managed repositories
- App::GitGot::Command::update_status(3) - update managed repositories then display their status
- App::GitGot::Outputter(3) - Generic base class for outputting formatted messages.
- App::GitGot::Outputter::dark(3) - Color scheme appropriate for dark terminal backgrounds
- App::GitGot::Outputter::light(3) - Color scheme appropriate for dark terminal backgrounds
- App::GitGot::Repo(3) - Base repository objects
- App::GitGot::Repo::Git(3) - Git repo objects
- App::GitGot::Repositories(3) - Object holding a collection of repositories
- App::GitGot::Types(3) - GitGot type library
- App::GitHub(3) - GitHub Command Tools
- App::Info(3) - Information about software packages on a system
- App::Info::Handler(3) - App::Info event handler base class
- App::Info::Handler::Carp(3) - Use Carp to handle App::Info events
- App::Info::Handler::Print(3) - Print App::Info event messages
- App::Info::Handler::Prompt(3) - Prompting App::Info event handler
- App::Info::HTTPD(3) - Information about web servers on a system
- App::Info::HTTPD::Apache(3) - Information about Apache web server
- App::Info::Lib(3) - Information about software libraries on a system
- App::Info::Lib::Expat(3) - Information about the Expat XML parser
- App::Info::Lib::Iconv(3) - Information about libiconv
- App::Info::Lib::OSSPUUID(3) - Information about the OSSP UUID library
- App::Info::RDBMS(3) - Information about databases on a system
- App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL(3) - Information about PostgreSQL
- App::Info::RDBMS::SQLite(3) - Information about SQLite
- App::Info::Request(3) - App::Info event handler request object
- App::Info::Util(3) - Utility class for App::Info subclasses
- App::local::lib::helper(3) - Make it easy to run code against a local-lib
- App::local::lib::helper::rationale(3) - Why write this?
- App::Netdisco(3) - An open source web-based network management tool.
- App::Netdisco::AnyEvent::Nbtstat(3) - Request NetBIOS node status with AnyEvent
- App::Netdisco::Backend::Job(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ExplicitLocking(3) - Support for PostgreSQL Lock Modes
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::Admin(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::Device(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DeviceIp(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DeviceModule(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePort(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortLog(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortPower(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortProperties(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortSsid(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortVlan(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePortWireless(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DevicePower(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DeviceSkip(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::DeviceVlan(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::Node(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::NodeIp(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::NodeNbt(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::Result::NodeWireless(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::Admin(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::Device(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DeviceModule(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DevicePort(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DevicePortLog(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DevicePortSsid(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DevicePower(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::Node(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::NodeIp(3)
- App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::NodeNbt(3)
- App::Netdisco::JobQueue(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::ACE(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::ASA(3) - tag: sshasa driver: cli platform: ASA only: '' username: oliver password: letmein enable_password: myenablepass
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::BigIP(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::Clavister(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::CPVSX(3) - tag: sshcpvsx driver: cli platform: CPVSX only: '' username: oliver password: letmein expert_password: letmein2
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::FreeBSD(3) - tag: sshfreebsd driver: cli platform: FreeBSD only: '' username: oliver password: letmein arp_command: '/usr/sbin/arp'
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::GAIAEmbedded(3) - tag: sshgaia driver: cli platform: GAIAEmbedded only: '' username: oliver password: letmein arp_command: 'arp'
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::IOS(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::IOSXR(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::Linux(3) - tag: sshlinux driver: cli platform: Linux only: '' username: oliver password: letmein arp_command: '/usr/sbin/arp'
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::NXOS(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::PaloAlto(3)
- App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::VOSS(3) - tag: sshvsp driver: cli platform: VOSS only: - - username: oliver password: letmein vrfs: 1,5,100
- App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP(3)
- App::Netdisco::Transport::SSH(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Device(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::DeviceAuth(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::DNS(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::ExpandParams(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::FastResolver(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Graph(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Nbtstat(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Node(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Permission(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Port(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::PortMAC(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::SNMP(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Statistics(3)
- App::Netdisco::Util::Web(3) - two input args and an integer return value.
- App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin(3) - Netdisco Web UI components
- App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin(3) - Netdisco Workers
- App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::Discover::Neighbors(3)
- App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::Macsuck::Nodes(3)
- App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::MakeRancidConf(3) - Generate rancid Configuration
- App::Netdisco::Worker::Status(3)
- App::Nopaste(3) - Easy access to any pastebin
- App::Nopaste::Command(3) - command-line utility for App::Nopaste
- App::Nopaste::Service(3) - base class for nopaste services
- App::Nopaste::Service::Codepeek(3) - (DEPRECATED) Service for Codepeek - http://codepeek.com
- App::Nopaste::Service::Debian(3) - Service provider for Debian - https://paste.debian.net/
- App::Nopaste::Service::Gist(3) - Service provider for GitHub gist - http://gist.github.com/
- App::Nopaste::Service::GitLab(3) - Service provider for GitLab snippets
- App::Nopaste::Service::Mojopaste(3) - Service provider for mojopaste
- App::Nopaste::Service::PastebinCom(3) - Service provider for Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/
- App::Nopaste::Service::Pastie(3) - Service provider for Pastie - pastie.org
- App::Nopaste::Service::Shadowcat(3) - Service provider for Shadowcat - http://paste.scsys.co.uk/
- App::Nopaste::Service::Snitch(3) - Service provider for Snitch - http://nopaste.snit.ch/
- App::Nopaste::Service::ssh(3) - Copies files to your server using scp
- App::Nopaste::Service::Ubuntu(3) - Service provider for Ubuntu - https://paste.ubuntu.com/
- App::Options(3) - Combine command line options, environment vars, and option file values (for program configuration)
- App::Packer::PAR(3) - Pack applications in a single executable file
- App::perlbrew(3) - Manage perl installations in your "$HOME"
- App::PFM::Abstract(3)
- App::PFM::Application(3)
- App::PFM::Browser(3)
- App::PFM::Browser::Bookmarks(3)
- App::PFM::Browser::Chooser(3)
- App::PFM::Browser::Files(3)
- App::PFM::Browser::YourCommands(3)
- App::PFM::CommandHandler(3)
- App::PFM::Config(3)
- App::PFM::Config::Update(3)
- App::PFM::Directory(3)
- App::PFM::Event(3)
- App::PFM::File(3)
- App::PFM::History(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Abstract(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Bazaar(3)
- App::PFM::Job::CheckUpdates(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Cvs(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Git(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Mercurial(3)
- App::PFM::Job::RCS(3)
- App::PFM::Job::Subversion(3)
- App::PFM::JobHandler(3)
- App::PFM::OS(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Abstract(3) - 100000 regular file 9000 S_IFCNT C 110000 contiguous file 9000 S_IFNWK n 110000 network special (HP-UX) a000 S_IFLNK l@ 120000 symbolic link b000 S_IFSHAD 130000 Solaris ACL shadow inode, not seen by userspace c000 S_IFSOCK s= 140000 socket AF_UNIX d000 S_IFDOOR D> 150000 door (Solaris) e000 S_IFWHT w% 160000 whiteout (BSD) e000 S_IFPORT P 160000 event port (Solaris) f000 S_IFEVC 170000 UNOS event count
- App::PFM::OS::Aix(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Beos(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Darwin(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Dec_osf(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Freebsd(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Haiku(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Hpux(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Irix(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Linux(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Macosx(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Sco(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Solaris(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Sunos(3)
- App::PFM::OS::Tru64(3)
- App::PFM::Screen(3)
- App::PFM::Screen::Diskinfo(3)
- App::PFM::Screen::Frame(3)
- App::PFM::Screen::Listing(3)
- App::PFM::State(3)
- App::PFM::Util(3)
- App::Prove(3) - Implements the "prove" command.
- App::Prove::State(3) - State storage for the "prove" command.
- App::Prove::State::Result(3) - Individual test suite results.
- App::Prove::State::Result::Test(3) - Individual test results.
- App::Rad(3) - Rapid (and easy!) creation of command line applications
- App::Rad::Exclude(3) - 'exclude' command extension for App::Rad
- App::Rad::Help(3) - 'help' command extension for App::Rad
- App::Rad::Include(3) - 'include' command extension for App::Rad
- App::Rad::Plugin(3) - Extend the App::Rad framework!
- App::rainbarf(3) - CPU/RAM/battery stats chart bar for tmux (and GNU screen)
- App::Regather::Config(3) - config file processing class
- App::Regather::Logg(3) - logging class
- App::Regather::Plugin(3) - plugin (module) loader
- App::Regather::Plugin::configfile(3) - plugin to generate configuration file
- App::Regather::Plugin::list(3) - prints all available plugins with short descriptions
- App::Regather::Plugin::nsupdate(3) - RFC2136 complaint DNS zone update
- App::RunCron(3) - making wrapper script for crontab
- App::RunCron::Reporter(3) - base class for reporters of App::RunCron
- App::scan_prereqs_cpanfile(3) - Scan prerequisite modules and generate CPANfile
- App::SD(3) - a distributed ticket tracking system
- App::SD::CLI::Command(3)
- App::SD::CLI::Model::Ticket(3)
- App::SD::ForeignReplica(3)
- App::SD::ForeignReplica::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Model::Ticket(3)
- App::SD::Replica::debbugs(3)
- App::SD::Replica::debbugs::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::debbugs::PushEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::gcode::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::github(3)
- App::SD::Replica::github::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::hm(3)
- App::SD::Replica::lighthouse::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::rt(3)
- App::SD::Replica::rt::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Replica::trac(3)
- App::SD::Replica::trac::PullEncoder(3)
- App::SD::Server(3)
- App::SD::Test(3)
- App::SD::Util(3)
- App::Sqitch(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::add(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::bundle(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::checkout(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::config(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::deploy(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::engine(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::help(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::init(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::log(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::plan(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::rebase(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::revert(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::rework(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::show(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::status(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::tag(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::target(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::upgrade(3)
- App::Sqitch::Command::verify(3)
- App::Sqitch::Config(3)
- App::Sqitch::DateTime(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::firebird(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::mysql(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::oracle(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::pg(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::sqlite(3)
- App::Sqitch::Engine::vertica(3)
- App::Sqitch::ItemFormatter(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Blank(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Change(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::ChangeList(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Depend(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Line(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::LineList(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Pragma(3)
- App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag(3)
- App::Sqitch::Role::DBIEngine(3)
- App::Sqitch::Role::RevertDeployCommand(3)
- App::Sqitch::Role::TargetConfigCommand(3)
- App::Sqitch::Target(3)
- App::Sqitch::Types(3)
- App::Sqitch::X(3)
- App::SVN::Bisect(3) - binary search through svn revisions
- App::TLSMe(3) - TLS/SSL tunnel
- App::TLSMe::Connection(3) - Connection class
- App::TLSMe::Connection::http(3) - HTTP connection class
- App::TLSMe::Connection::raw(3) - Raw connection class
- App::TLSMe::Pool(3) - Connection pool
- App::Trace(3) - Embedded debug statements, including call/return tracing
- App::Twirc(3) - IRC is my twitter client
- App::Twirc::Manual(3) - User guide and reference for Twirc
- App::Twirc::Plugin::BangCommands(3) - Commands prefixed with !
- App::Twirc::Plugin::SecondaryAccount(3) - Cross post updates (DEPRECATED)
- App::Twirc::Plugin::SquashWhiteSpace(3) - Squash whitespace in status updates
- App::Yath(3) - Yet Another Test Harness (Test2-Harness) Command Line Interface (CLI)
- App::Yath::Command(3) - Base class for yath commands
- App::Yath::Command::abort(3) - Abort all currently running or queued tests without killing the runner
- App::Yath::Command::auditor(3) - For internal use only
- App::Yath::Command::collector(3) - For internal use only
- App::Yath::Command::do(3) - Run tests using 'run' or 'test', same as the default command, but explicit.
- App::Yath::Command::failed(3) - Replay a test run from an event log
- App::Yath::Command::help(3) - Show the list of commands
- App::Yath::Command::init(3) - Create/update test.pl to run tests via Test2::Harness
- App::Yath::Command::kill(3) - Kill the runner and any running or pending tests
- App::Yath::Command::projects(3) - Run tests for multiple projects
- App::Yath::Command::ps(3) - Process list for the runner
- App::Yath::Command::reload(3) - Reload the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Command::replay(3) - Replay a test run from an event log
- App::Yath::Command::run(3) - Run tests using the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Command::runner(3) - For internal use only
- App::Yath::Command::spawn(3) - Launch a perl script from the preloaded environment
- App::Yath::Command::speedtag(3) - Tag tests with duration (short medium long) using a source log
- App::Yath::Command::start(3) - Start the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Command::status(3) - Status info and process lists for the runner
- App::Yath::Command::stop(3) - Stop the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Command::test(3) - Run tests
- App::Yath::Command::times(3) - Get times from a test log
- App::Yath::Command::watch(3) - Monitor the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Command::which(3) - Locate the persistent test runner
- App::Yath::Converting(3) - Things you may need to change in your tests before you can use yath.
- App::Yath::Option(3) - Representation of a yath option.
- App::Yath::Options(3) - Tools for defining and tracking yath CLI options.
- App::Yath::Options::Collector(3) - collector options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::Debug(3) - Debug options for Yath
- App::Yath::Options::Display(3) - Display options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::Finder(3) - Finder options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::Logging(3) - Logging options for yath
- App::Yath::Options::Persist(3) - Persistent Runner options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::PreCommand(3) - Options for yath before command is specified.
- App::Yath::Options::Run(3) - Run options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::Runner(3) - Runner options for Yath.
- App::Yath::Options::Workspace(3) - Options for specifying the yath work dir.
- App::Yath::Plugin(3) - Base class for yath plugins
- App::Yath::Plugin::Cover(3) - Plugin to collect and report basic coverage data
- App::Yath::Plugin::Git(3) - Plugin to attach git data to a test run.
- App::Yath::Plugin::Notify(3) - Plugin to send email and/or slack notifications
- App::Yath::Plugin::SysInfo(3) - Plugin to attach system information to a run.
- App::Yath::Plugin::YathUI(3) - Plugin to interact with a YathUI server
- App::Yath::Tester(3) - Tools for testing yath
- App::Yath::Util(3) - General utilities for yath that do not fit anywhere else.
- App::ZFSCurses(3) - zfscurses backend.
- App::ZFSCurses::Backend(3) - Perform backend operations.
- App::ZFSCurses::Text(3) - Translate UI texts and messages.
- App::ZFSCurses::UI(3) - Draw UI components.
- App::ZFSCurses::UI::Datasets(3) - Draw a list of ZFS datasets.
- App::ZFSCurses::UI::Snapshots(3) - Draw a list of ZFS snapshots.
- App::ZFSCurses::WidgetFactory(3) - Create widgets.
- APP_CONFIG(3) - application configuration system
- AppConfig(3) - Perl5 module for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments.
- AppConfig::Args(3) - Perl5 module for reading command line arguments.
- AppConfig::CGI(3) - Perl5 module for processing CGI script parameters.
- AppConfig::File(3) - Perl5 module for reading configuration files.
- AppConfig::Getopt(3) - Perl5 module for processing command line arguments via delegation to Getopt::Long.
- AppConfig::State(3) - application configuration state
- AppConfig::Std(3) - subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
- AppConfig::Sys(3) - Perl5 module defining platform-specific information and methods for other AppConfig::* modules.
- append_filename(3) - Concatenates a filename to a path. Allegro game programming library.
- Appender(3) - Log appender class
- Appender::Buffer(3) - Buffering Appender
- Appender::DBI(3) - implements appending to a DB
- Appender::File(3) - Log to file
- Appender::Limit(3) - Limit message delivery via block period
- Appender::RabbitMQ(3) - Log to RabbitMQ
- Appender::RRDs(3) - Log to a RRDtool Archive
- Appender::Screen(3) - Log to STDOUT/STDERR
- Appender::ScreenColoredLevels(3) - Colorize messages according to level
- Appender::Socket(3) - Log to a socket
- Appender::Socket::UNIX(3) - ie. very useful to always log debug streams to the socket.
- Appender::String(3) - Append to a string
- Appender::Synchronized(3) - Synchronizing other appenders
- Appender::TestArrayBuffer(3) - Subclass of Appender::TestBuffer
- Appender::TestBuffer(3) - Appender class for testing
- Appender::TestFileCreeper(3) - Intentionally slow test appender
- appl_arguments(3)
- ApplicationShell(3) - application shell widget from the X Toolkit
- apply_matrix(3) - Multiplies a point by a transformation matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- apply_quat(3) - Multiplies a point by a quaternion. Allegro game programming library.
- app-mismatch(3) - SiLK plug-in to find services on unusual ports
- Approx(3) - Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
- APR::Request::Magic(3) - Portable API for working with CGI and modperl scripting
- ARB(3) - array-based red-black trees
- ArbBiLex(3) - make sort functions for arbitrary sort orders
- ARC4RANDOM(3) - random number generator
- arcantarget_hint(3)
- Archive::Any(3) - Single interface to deal with file archives.
- Archive::Any::Lite(3) - simple CPAN package extractor
- Archive::Any::Plugin(3) - Anatomy of an Archive::Any plugin.
- Archive::Any::Plugin::Rar(3) - Archive::Any wrapper around Archive::Rar
- Archive::Any::Plugin::Tar(3) - Archive::Any wrapper around Archive::Tar
- Archive::Any::Plugin::Zip(3) - Archive::Any wrapper around Archive::Zip
- Archive::Any::Tar(3) - Archive::Any wrapper around Archive::Tar
- Archive::Any::Zip(3) - Archive::Any wrapper around Archive::Zip
- Archive::Extract(3) - A generic archive extracting mechanism
- Archive::Extract::Libarchive(3) - A generic archive extracting mechanism (using libarchive)
- Archive::Peek(3) - Peek into archives without extracting them
- Archive::Rar(3) - Interface with the 'rar' command
- Archive::Rar::Passthrough(3) - Thinnest possible wrapper around 'rar'
- Archive::SimpleExtractor(3) - simple module for extract archives
- Archive::SimpleExtractor::Rar(3)
- Archive::SimpleExtractor::Tar(3)
- Archive::SimpleExtractor::Zip(3)
- Archive::Tar(3) - module for manipulations of tar archives
- Archive::Tar::File(3) - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archive::Tar
- Archive::Tar::Wrapper(3) - API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
- Archive::Zip(3) - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
- Archive::Zip::FAQ(3) - Answers to a few frequently asked questions about Archive::Zip
- Archive::Zip::MemberRead(3) - A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive members as if they were files.
- Archive::Zip::Tree(3) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees using Archive::Zip
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY(3) - functions for managing archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL(3) - functions for manipulating Access Control Lists in archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_LINKIFY(3) - hardlink resolver functions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_MISC(3) - miscellaneous functions for manipulating properties of archive_entry
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_PATHS(3) - functions for manipulating path names in archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_PERMS(3) - functions for manipulating ownership and permissions in archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_STAT(3) - accessor functions for manipulating archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_ENTRY_TIME(3) - functions for manipulating times in archive entry descriptions
- ARCHIVE_READ(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_ADD_PASSPHRASE(3) - functions for reading encrypted archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_DATA(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_DISK(3) - functions for reading objects from disk
- ARCHIVE_READ_EXTRACT(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_FILTER(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_FORMAT(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_FREE(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_HEADER(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_NEW(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_OPEN(3) - functions for reading streaming archives
- ARCHIVE_READ_OPTIONS(3) - functions controlling options for reading archives
- ARCHIVE_UTIL(3) - libarchive utility functions
- ARCHIVE_WRITE(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_DATA(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_DISK(3) - functions for creating objects on disk
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_FILTER(3) - functions enabling output filters
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_FINISH_ENTRY(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_FORMAT(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_FREE(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_HEADER(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_NEW(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_OPEN(3) - functions for creating archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_OPTIONS(3) - functions controlling options for writing archives
- ARCHIVE_WRITE_SET_PASSPHRASE(3) - functions for writing encrypted archives
- ARES_CANCEL(3) - Cancel a resolve
- ARES_CREATE_QUERY(3) - Compose a single-question DNS query buffer
- ARES_DESTROY(3) - Destroy a resolver channel
- ARES_DESTROY_OPTIONS(3) - Destroy options initialized with ares_save_options
- ARES_DUP(3) - Duplicate a resolver channel
- ARES_EXPAND_NAME(3) - Expand a DNS-encoded domain name
- ARES_FDS(3) - Get file descriptors to select on for name service
- ARES_FREE_DATA(3) - Free data allocated by several c-ares functions
- ARES_FREE_ERRMEM(3) - Free memory allocated by ares_strerror
- ARES_FREE_HOSTENT(3) - Free host structure allocated by ares functions
- ARES_FREE_STRING(3) - Free strings allocated by ares functions
- ARES_FREEADDRINFO(3) - Free addrinfo structure allocated by ares functions
- ARES_GET_SERVERS(3) - Retrieve name servers from an initialized ares_channel
- ARES_GETADDRINFO(3) - Initiate a host query by name and service
- ARES_GETHOSTBYADDR(3) - Initiate a host query by address
- ARES_GETHOSTBYNAME(3) - Initiate a host query by name
- ARES_GETNAMEINFO(3) - Address-to-nodename translation in protocol-independent manner
- ARES_GETSOCK(3) - get socket descriptors to wait on
- ARES_INET_NTOP(3) - convert a network format address to presentation format
- ARES_INET_PTON(3) - convert an IPv4 or IPv6 address from text to binary form
- ARES_INIT(3) - Initialize a resolver channel
- ARES_LIBRARY_CLEANUP(3) - c-ares library deinitialization
- ARES_LIBRARY_INIT(3) - c-ares library initialization
- ARES_LIBRARY_INIT_ANDROID(3) - c-ares library Android initialization
- ARES_LIBRARY_INITIALIZED(3) - get the initialization state
- ARES_MKQUERY(3) - Compose a single-question DNS query buffer
- ARES_PARSE_A_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type A into a hostent
- ARES_PARSE_AAAA_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type AAAA
- ARES_PARSE_CAA_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type CAA
- ARES_PARSE_MX_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type MX
- ARES_PARSE_NAPTR_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type NAPTR
- ARES_PARSE_NS_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type NS into a hostent
- ARES_PARSE_PTR_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type PTR into a hostent
- ARES_PARSE_SOA_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type SOA
- ARES_PARSE_SRV_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type SRV
- ARES_PARSE_TXT_REPLY(3) - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type TXT
- ARES_PROCESS(3) - Process events for name resolution
- ARES_QUERY(3) - Initiate a single-question DNS query
- ARES_SAVE_OPTIONS(3) - Save configuration values obtained from initialized ares_channel
- ARES_SEARCH(3) - Initiate a DNS query with domain search
- ARES_SEND(3) - Initiate a DNS query
- ARES_SET_LOCAL_DEV(3) - Bind to a specific network device when creating sockets.
- ARES_SET_LOCAL_IP4(3) - Set local IPv4 address outgoing requests.
- ARES_SET_LOCAL_IP6(3) - Set local IPv6 address outgoing requests.
- ARES_SET_SERVERS(3) - Initialize an ares_channel name servers configuration
- ARES_SET_SERVERS_CSV(3) - Set list of DNS servers to be used.
- ARES_SET_SOCKET_CALLBACK(3) - Set a socket creation callback
- ARES_SET_SOCKET_CONFIGURE_CALLBACK(3) - Set a socket configuration callback
- ARES_SET_SOCKET_FUNCTIONS(3) - Set socket io callbacks
- ARES_SET_SORTLIST(3) - Initialize an ares_channel sortlist configuration
- ARES_STRERROR(3) - Get the description of an ares library error code
- ARES_TIMEOUT(3) - Get file descriptors to select on for name service
- ARES_VERSION(3) - Get the version number of the library
- ARG(3) - process option letters from argv
- ArgChecker(3) - An extensible CGI parameter validation module (allowing commonly used checks on parameters to be called more concisely and consistently).
- ARGTABLE2(3) - an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line options
- ARGV::Struct(3) - Parse complex data structures passed in ARGV
- ArgvFile(3) - interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array
- ARITH3(3) - operations on 3-d points and planes
- Ark::Command(3)
- Ark::Command::Controller(3)
- Ark::Command::Model(3)
- Ark::Command::Newapp(3)
- Ark::Command::Server(3) - ark.pl subcommand 'server'
- Ark::Command::View(3)
- ARP(3) - Perl extension for creating ARP packets
- Array::Compare(3) - Perl extension for comparing arrays.
- Array::Diff(3) - Find the differences between two arrays
- Array::FileReader(3) - Lazily tie files to arrays for reading
- Array::Group(3) - Convert an array into array of arrayrefs of uniform size N.
- Array::IntSpan(3) - Handles arrays of scalars or objects using integer ranges
- Array::IntSpan::Fields(3) - IntSpan array using integer fields as indices
- Array::IntSpan::IP(3) - a Module for arrays using IP addresses as indices
- Array::Iterator(3) - A simple class for iterating over Perl arrays
- Array::Iterator::BiDirectional(3) - A subclass of Array::Iterator to allow forwards and backwards iteration
- Array::Iterator::Circular(3) - A subclass of Array::Iterator to allow circular iteration
- Array::Iterator::Reusable(3) - A subclass of Array::Iterator to allow reuse of iterators
- Array::Unique(3) - Tie-able array that allows only unique values
- Array::Window(3) - Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays.
- array_allocate(3) - make sure array has at least n elements allocated
- array_bytes(3) - get number of allocated members in array
- array_cat(3) - append one array to another
- array_cat0(3) - append 0 byte to an array
- array_catb(3) - append bytes to an array
- array_cate(3) - append subset of one array to another array
- array_cats(3) - append C string to an array
- array_cats0(3) - append C string to an array
- array_equal(3) - compare two arrays for equality
- array_fail(3) - switch array to have failed
- array_get(3) - get pointer to nth element in array
- array_reset(3) - deallocate array
- array_start(3) - get pointer to first element in array
- array_trunc(3) - reduce number of initialized bytes
- array_truncate(3) - reduce number of initialized bytes
- ArrayLabels(3) - Array operations.
- ArrayOfArrays(3) - Perl extension for sorting an array of arrays
- ASIN(3) - arc sine functions
- ASINH(3) - inverse hyperbolic sine functions
- ASM(3) - Write Perl Subroutines in assembler.
- Asm::Preproc(3) - Preprocessor to be called from an assembler
- Asm::Preproc::Lexer(3) - Iterator to split input in tokens
- Asm::Preproc::Line(3) - One line of text retrieved from the input
- Asm::Preproc::Token(3) - One token retrieved from the input
- ASN(3) - Perl extension for SNMP ASN.1 types
- ASN1(3) - ASN.1 library for SNMP
- asn1_array2tree(3) - API function
- asn1_bit_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_BIT_STRING_NUM_ASC(3) - names for individual bits
- ASN1_BN_PRINT(3) - pretty-print a BIGNUM object
- asn1_check_version(3) - API function
- asn1_copy_node(3) - API function
- asn1_create_element(3) - API function
- asn1_decode_simple_ber(3) - API function
- asn1_decode_simple_der(3) - API function
- asn1_delete_element(3) - API function
- asn1_delete_structure(3) - API function
- asn1_delete_structure2(3) - API function
- asn1_der_coding(3) - API function
- asn1_der_decoding(3) - API function
- asn1_der_decoding_element(3) - API function
- asn1_der_decoding_startEnd(3) - API function
- asn1_der_decoding2(3) - API function
- asn1_dup_node(3) - API function
- asn1_encode_simple_der(3) - API function
- asn1_expand_any_defined_by(3) - API function
- asn1_expand_octet_string(3) - API function
- asn1_find_node(3) - API function
- asn1_find_structure_from_oid(3) - API function
- ASN1_GENERATE_NCONF(3) - ASN1 generation functions
- asn1_get_bit_der(3) - API function
- asn1_get_length_ber(3) - API function
- asn1_get_length_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_GET_OBJECT(3) - parse identifier and length octets
- asn1_get_object_id_der(3) - API function
- asn1_get_octet_der(3) - API function
- asn1_get_tag_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_ITEM_D2I(3) - decode and encode ASN.1 objects
- ASN1_ITEM_DIGEST(3) - DER-encode and hash an ASN.1 value
- ASN1_ITEM_LOOKUP(3) - lookup ASN.1 structures
- ASN1_ITEM_NEW(3) - generic ASN.1 value constructor and destructor
- ASN1_ITEM_PACK(3) - pack an ASN.1 object into an ASN1_STRING
- ASN1_ITEM_SIGN(3) - DER-encode and sign an ASN.1 value
- ASN1_ITEM_VERIFY(3) - signature verification for ASN.1 values
- asn1_length_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_MBSTRING_COPY(3) - copy a multibyte string into an ASN.1 string object
- ASN1_NULL_NEW(3) - ASN.1 NULL value
- asn1_number_of_elements(3) - API function
- asn1_object_id_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_OBJECT_NEW(3) - object allocation functions
- asn1_octet_der(3) - API function
- ASN1_PARSE_DUMP(3) - parse BER and print information about it
- asn1_parser2array(3) - API function
- asn1_parser2tree(3) - API function
- asn1_perror(3) - API function
- asn1_print_structure(3) - API function
- ASN1_PRINTABLE_TYPE(3) - classify a single-byte character string
- ASN1_PUT_OBJECT(3) - start and end the BER encoding of an arbitrary ASN.1 data element
- asn1_read_node_value(3) - API function
- asn1_read_tag(3) - API function
- asn1_read_value(3) - API function
- asn1_read_value_type(3) - API function
- asn1_strerror(3) - API function
- ASN1_STRING_LENGTH(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
- ASN1_STRING_NEW(3) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
- ASN1_STRING_PRINT_EX(3) - ASN1_STRING output routines
- ASN1_STRING_TABLE_ADD(3) - ASN1_STRING_TABLE manipulation functions
- ASN1_TIME_PARSE(3) - LibreSSL utilities for ASN.1 time types
- ASN1_TIME_SET(3) - ASN.1 Time functions
- ASN1_TYPE_GET(3) - ASN1_TYPE utility functions
- ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING_TO_STRING(3) - recode UTF-32 to ISO Latin-1
- asn1_write_value(3) - API function
- asn1ct(3) - ASN.1 compiler and compile-time support functions
- ASP(3) - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl
- Aspell(3) - Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
- ASR_RUN(3) - asynchronous resolver functions
- ASSERT(3) - expression verification macro
- AST(3) - c-like expression library
- Ast_helper(3) - Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments
- Ast_invariants(3) - Check AST invariants
- Ast_iterator(3) - Ast_iterator.iterator allows to implement AST inspection using open recursion.
- Ast_mapper(3) - The interface of a -ppx rewriter
- Asterisk(3)
- Asterisk::AGI(3) - Simple Asterisk Gateway Interface Class
- Asterisk::Astman(3) - Interface to the astman port
- Asterisk::Conf::IAX(3) - IAX configuration stuff
- Asterisk::Conf::MeetMe(3) - MeetMe configuration stuff
- Asterisk::Conf::Zapata(3) - Zapata configuration stuff
- Asterisk::Extension(3) - Stuff to deal with asterisk extension config
- Asterisk::FastAGI(3) - Module for FastAGI handling.
- Asterisk::Manager(3) - Asterisk Manager Interface
- Asterisk::Outgoing(3) - Create outgoing call queue file
- Asterisk::Voicemail(3) - Stuff to deal with asterisk voicemail
- Asterisk::Zapata(3) - Zapata stuff
- ASTOI(3) - converts ASCII to integer
- ASTOL(3) - converts ASCII to long
- Astro::App::Satpass2(3) - Forecast satellite visibility.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Copier(3) - Object copying functionality for Astro::App::Satpass2
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Format(3) - Format Astro::App::Satpass2 output
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Format::Dump(3) - Format Astro::App::Satpass2 output as dump.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Format::Template(3) - Format Astro::App::Satpass2 output as text.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime(3) - Format time for output.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::Cldr(3) - Provide common functionality for CLDR-type time formatters.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::DateTime(3) - Format time using DateTime
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::DateTime::Cldr(3) - Format time using DateTime->format_cldr()
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::DateTime::Strftime(3) - Format time using DateTime->strftime()
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::POSIX::Strftime(3) - Format time using POSIX::strftime
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatTime::Strftime(3) - Provide common functionality for strftime-type time formatters.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue(3) - Format Astro::App::Satpass2 output as text.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue::Formatter(3) - Implement a formatter
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Geocode(3) - Abstract geocoding wrapper class.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Geocode::OSM(3) - Wrapper for Geo::Coder::OSM
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale(3) - Handle locale-dependant data.
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale::C(3) - Define the C locale for Astro::App::Satpass2
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Macro(3) - Implement a macro
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Macro::Code(3) - Implement code as macros
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Macro::Command(3) - Define a macro which consists of an array of commands
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime(3) - Parse time for Astro::App::Satpass2
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime::Code(3) - Astro::App::Satpass2 wrapper for custom code to parse time
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime::Date::Manip(3) - Parse time for Astro::App::Satpass2 using Date::Manip
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime::Date::Manip::v5(3) - Astro::App::Satpass2 wrapper for Date::Manip v5 interface
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime::Date::Manip::v6(3) - Astro::App::Satpass2 wrapper for Date::Manip v6 or greater
- Astro::App::Satpass2::ParseTime::ISO8601(3) - Astro::App::Satpass2 minimal ISO-8601 parser
- Astro::App::Satpass2::TUTORIAL(3) - Tutorial on the use of Astro::App::Satpass2
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Utils(3) - Utilities for Astro::App::Satpass2
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Warner(3) - Output warning and error messages
- Astro::App::Satpass2::Wrap::Array(3) - Wrap an array reference.
- Astro::Catalog(3) - A generic API for stellar catalogues
- Astro::Catalog::IO::ASCII(3) - base class for ASCII-based catalogues.
- Astro::Catalog::IO::ASSM(3) - AJP ASSM format
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Astrom(3) - Starlink Astrom catalog I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Binary(3) - base class for binary catalogues
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Cluster(3) - Input/Output in ARK Cluster format
- Astro::Catalog::IO::FINDOFF(3) - Catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog for Starlink FINDOFF
- Astro::Catalog::IO::FITSTable(3) - Binary FITS table I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::GaiaPick(3) - Catalogue reader for GAIA Pick Object files
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Hedwig(3) - Hedwig format catalog parser
- Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT(3) - JCMT catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT_OT_SC(3) - JCMT OT Survey Container format catalog parser
- Astro::Catalog::IO::LCOGTFITSTable(3) - Binary LCOGT FITS table I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Northstar(3) - NorthStar format catalogue parser
- Astro::Catalog::IO::RITMatch(3) - Catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog for Michael Richmond's 'match' program
- Astro::Catalog::IO::SExtractor(3) - SExtractor output catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::Simple(3) - Simple Input/Output format
- Astro::Catalog::IO::STL(3) - STL catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::IO::TST(3) - Standard Tab Separated Table format I/O
- Astro::Catalog::IO::UKIRTBS(3) - Old format used by UKIRT Bright Star catalogues
- Astro::Catalog::IO::VEX(3) - Module to read/write sources in VEX format
- Astro::Catalog::IO::VOTable(3) - VOTable Input/Output format
- Astro::Catalog::IO::XY(3) - X & Y position I/O for Astro::Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::Item(3) - A generic star object in a stellar catalogue.
- Astro::Catalog::Item::Morphology(3) - Information about a star's morphology.
- Astro::Catalog::Query(3) - Base class for Astro::Catalog query objects
- Astro::Catalog::Query::2MASS(3) - A query request to the 2MASS Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::Query::CMC(3) - A query request to the Carlsberg Meridian Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::Query::GSC(3) - A query request to the GSC Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::Query::MPC(3) - A query request to the Minor Planet Center's Minor Planet Checker.
- Astro::Catalog::Query::Sesame(3) - Object name resolution via SIMBAD
- Astro::Catalog::Query::SIMBAD(3) - A query request to the SIMBAD database
- Astro::Catalog::Query::SkyCat(3) - Generate SkyCat catalogue query clients
- Astro::Catalog::Query::SuperCOSMOS(3) - A query request to the SuperCOSMOS catalogue
- Astro::Catalog::Query::USNOA2(3) - A query request to the USNO-A2.0 Catalog
- Astro::Catalog::Query::Vizier(3) - A query request to the Vizier catalogs
- Astro::Catalog::Star(3)
- Astro::Catalog::Star::Morphology(3)
- Astro::Catalog::Transport::REST(3) - A base class for REST query modules
- Astro::Catalog::Transport::WebService(3) - A base class for WebService queries
- Astro::Constants(3) - This library provides physical constants for use in Physics and Astronomy based on values from CODATA2014.
- Astro::Constants::CGS(3) - This library provides physical constants for use in Physics and Astronomy based on values from CODATA2014.
- Astro::Constants::MKS(3) - This library provides physical constants for use in Physics and Astronomy based on values from CODATA2014.
- Astro::Coord(3) - Astronomical coordinate transformations
- Astro::Coord::ECI(3) - Manipulate geocentric coordinates
- Astro::Coord::ECI::Mixin(3) - Provide common methods without multiple inheritance.
- Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon(3) - Compute the position of the Moon.
- Astro::Coord::ECI::OVERVIEW(3) - Overview of Astro::Coord::ECI and friends
- Astro::Coord::ECI::Star(3) - Compute the position of a star.
- Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun(3) - Compute the position of the Sun.
- Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE(3) - Compute satellite locations using NORAD orbit propagation models
- Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set(3) - Represent a set of data for the same ID.
- Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils(3) - Utility routines for astronomical calculations
- Astro::Coords(3) - Class for handling astronomical coordinates
- Astro::Coords::Angle(3) - Representation of an angle
- Astro::Coords::Angle::Hour(3) - Representation of an angle in units of hours
- Astro::Coords::Calibration(3) - calibrations that do not have coordinates
- Astro::Coords::Elements(3) - Specify astronomical coordinates using orbital elements
- Astro::Coords::Equatorial(3) - Manipulate equatorial coordinates
- Astro::Coords::Fixed(3) - Manipulate coordinates that are fixed on the sky
- Astro::Coords::Interpolated(3) - Specify astronomical coordinates using two reference positions
- Astro::Coords::Offset(3) - Represent an offset from a base position
- Astro::Coords::Planet(3) - coordinates relating to planetary motion
- Astro::FITS::Header(3) - Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs
- Astro::FITS::Header::AST(3) - Manipulates FITS headers from an AST object
- Astro::FITS::Header::CFITSIO(3) - Manipulates FITS headers from a FITS file
- Astro::FITS::Header::GSD(3) - Manipulate FITS headers from GSD files
- Astro::FITS::Header::Item(3) - A card image from a FITS header
- Astro::FITS::Header::NDF(3) - Manipulate FITS headers from NDF files
- Astro::Hipparcos(3) - Perl extension for reading the Hipparcos star catalog
- Astro::Hipparcos::Record(3) - Represents a single Hipparcos record
- Astro::Misc(3) - Miscellaneous astronomical routines
- Astro::PAL(3) - Perl interface to Starlink PAL positional astronomy library
- Astro::Roadmap(3)
- Astro::SIMBAD::Client(3) - Fetch astronomical data from SIMBAD 4.
- Astro::SpaceTrack(3) - Retrieve orbital data from www.space-track.org.
- Astro::SpaceTrack::BulkData(3)
- Astro::Sunrise(3) - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
- Astro::Telescope(3) - class for obtaining telescope information
- Astro::Time(3) - Time based astronomical routines
- Astro::WaveBand(3) - Transparently work in waveband, wavelength or filter
- Asttypes(3) - Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree.
- Async::MergePoint(3) - resynchronise diverged control flow
- ASYNC_START_JOB(3) - asynchronous job management functions
- ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_NEW(3) - functions to manage waiting for asynchronous jobs to complete
- AT_QUICK_EXIT(3) - registers a cleanup function to run on quick exit
- ATAN(3) - arc tangent functions of one variable
- ATAN2(3) - arc tangent and complex phase angle functions
- ATANH(3) - inverse hyperbolic tangent functions
- ATEXIT(3) - register a function to be called on exit
- ATF-C(3) - C API to write ATF-based test programs
- ATF-C++(3) - C++ API to write ATF-based test programs
- ATF-SH(3) - POSIX shell API to write ATF-based test programs
- ATOF(3) - convert ASCII string to double
- ATOI(3) - convert ASCII string to integer
- ATOL(3)
- ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(3) - type-generic atomic operations
- atomics(3) - Atomic Functions
- Attach(3) - Mail::Audit plugin for attachment handling.
- Attr_helper(3) - Helpers for attributes
- Attribute::Constant(3) - Make read-only variables via attribute
- Attribute::Handlers(3) - Simpler definition of attribute handlers
- Attribute::Handlers::Prospective(3) - Richer semantics for attribute handlers
- attrtag_model(3)
- AU(3) - agar audio interface
- AU_BSM_TO_DOMAIN(3) - convert between BSM and local protocol domains
- AU_BSM_TO_ERRNO(3) - convert between BSM and local error numbers
- AU_BSM_TO_FCNTL_CMD(3) - convert between BSM and local fcntl(2) command values
- AU_BSM_TO_SOCKET_TYPE(3) - convert between BSM and local socket types
- AU_CLASS(3) - look up information from the audit_class database
- AU_CONTROL(3) - look up information from the audit_control database
- AU_DEVOUT(3) - agar audio output interface
- AU_EVENT(3) - look up information from the audit_event database
- AU_FREE_TOKEN(3) - deallocate a token_t created by any of the au_to_*() BSM API functions
- AU_IO(3) - perform I/O involving an audit record
- AU_MASK(3) - convert between string and numeric values of audit masks
- AU_NOTIFY(3) - audit event notification
- AU_OPEN(3) - create and commit audit records
- AU_TOKEN(3) - routines for generating BSM audit tokens
- AU_USER(3) - look up information from the audit_user database
- AU_WAVE(3) - agar audio waveform
- AuAnyEvent(3)
- AuBucketAttributes(3)
- AuCloseServer(3)
- AuConvertDataToShort(3)
- AuConvertShortToData(3)
- AuCreateBucket(3)
- AuCreateFlow(3)
- AuDataFormats(3)
- AuDataTypes(3)
- AuDefineToFormat(3)
- AuDestroyBucket(3)
- AuDestroyFlow(3)
- AuDeviceAttributes(3)
- Audio::APE(3) - An object-oriented interface to Monkey's Audio file information and APE tag fields.
- Audio::M4P(3)
- Audio::M4P::Atom(3)
- Audio::M4P::Decrypt(3)
- Audio::M4P::QuickTime(3)
- Audio::MPD(3) - class to talk to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers
- Audio::MPD::Collection(3) - class to query MPD's collection
- Audio::MPD::Common(3) - common helper classes for mpd
- Audio::MPD::Common::Item(3) - a generic collection item
- Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Directory(3) - a directory object
- Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Playlist(3) - a playlist object
- Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Song(3) - a song object with some audio tags
- Audio::MPD::Common::Output(3) - class representing MPD output
- Audio::MPD::Common::Stats(3) - class representing MPD stats
- Audio::MPD::Common::Status(3) - class representing MPD status
- Audio::MPD::Common::Time(3) - class representing time of current song
- Audio::MPD::Common::Types(3) - types used in the distribution
- Audio::MPD::Playlist(3) - class to mess MPD's playlist
- Audio::MPD::Types(3) - types used in the distribution
- Audio::Musepack(3) - An object-oriented interface to Musepack file information and APE tag fields.
- Audio::Scan(3) - Fast C metadata and tag reader for all common audio file formats
- Audio::Scrobbler(3) - Perl interface to audioscrobbler.com/last.fm
- audio_buffer_size(3)
- audio_gain(3)
- AUDIOSTREAM(3) - Stores an audiostream. Allegro game programming library.
- AuDispatchEvent(3)
- AUDIT_SUBMIT(3) - general purpose audit record submission
- AuElement(3)
- AuElementNotifyEvent(3)
- AuElementParameters(3)
- AuElementState(3)
- AuErrorEvent(3)
- AuEvent(3)
- AuEventsQueued(3)
- AuFileFormats(3)
- AuFixedPointFractionalAddend(3)
- AuFixedPointFromFraction(3)
- AuFixedPointFromSum(3)
- AuFixedPointIntegralAddend(3)
- AuFixedPointRoundDown(3)
- AuFixedPointRoundUp(3)
- AuFlush(3)
- AuFormatToDefine(3)
- AuFormatToString(3)
- AuFreeBucketAttributes(3)
- AuFreeDeviceAttributes(3)
- AuFreeElements(3)
- AuFreeElementStates(3)
- AuGetBucketAttributes(3)
- AuGetCloseDownMode(3)
- AuGetDeviceAttributes(3)
- AuGetElementParameters(3)
- AuGetElements(3)
- AuGetElementStates(3)
- AuGetErrorDatabaseText(3)
- AuGetErrorHandler(3)
- AuGetScratchFlow(3)
- AuGetScratchFlowFromBucket(3)
- AuGetScratchFlowToBucket(3)
- AuGetServerTime(3)
- Augment(3) - Augment XMLTV listings files with automatic and user-defined rules.
- AuGrabNotifyEvent(3)
- AuHandleEvents(3)
- AuIDOfEvent(3)
- AuInputTrack(3) - input track structure
- AuKillClient(3)
- AuListBuckets(3)
- AuListDevices(3)
- AuLookupEventHandler(3)
- AuMakeChangeStateAction(3)
- AuMakeElementAddConstant(3)
- AuMakeElementBundle(3)
- AuMakeElementExportBucket(3)
- AuMakeElementExportClient(3)
- AuMakeElementExportDevice(3)
- AuMakeElementExportMonitor(3)
- AuMakeElementImportBucket(3)
- AuMakeElementImportClient(3)
- AuMakeElementImportDevice(3)
- AuMakeElementImportWaveFrom(3)
- AuMakeElementMultiplyConstant(3)
- AuMakeElementState(3)
- AuMakeElementSum(3)
- AuMakeInputTrack(3)
- AuMakeNoopAction(3)
- AuMakeSendNotifyAction(3)
- AuMonitorDevice(3)
- AuMonitorNotifyEvent(3)
- AuNextEvent(3)
- AuOpenServer(3)
- AuPauseFlow(3)
- AuReadElement(3)
- AuRegisterEventHandler(3)
- AuReleaseScratchFlow(3)
- AuRequeueEvent(3)
- AuScanEvents(3)
- AuScanForTypedEvent(3)
- AuServer(3)
- AuServerName(3)
- AuSetBucketAttributes(3)
- AuSetCloseDownMode(3)
- AuSetDeviceAttributes(3)
- AuSetElementParameters(3)
- AuSetElements(3)
- AuSetElementStates(3)
- AuSetErrorHandler(3)
- AuSetString(3)
- AuSoundCreateBucketFromData(3)
- AuSoundCreateBucketFromFile(3)
- AuSoundCreateDataFromBucket(3)
- AuSoundCreateFileFromBucket(3)
- AuSoundPlay(3)
- AuSoundPlayFromBucket(3)
- AuSoundPlayFromData(3)
- AuSoundPlayFromFile(3)
- AuSoundPlaySynchronousFromFile(3)
- AuSoundRecord(3)
- AuSoundRecordToBucket(3)
- AuSoundRecordToData(3)
- AuSoundRecordToFile(3)
- AuSoundRecordToFileN(3)
- AuStartFlow(3)
- AuStopFlow(3)
- AuStringToFormat(3)
- AuStringToWaveForm(3)
- AuSync(3)
- AuSynchronize(3)
- AUTH(3) - SMTP Authentification extensions for Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP
- Auth::Yubikey_Decrypter(3) - Decrypting the output from the yubikey token
- AUTH_ENUMERATE(3) - Obtain list of accounts
- AUTH_GENERIC_META(3) - Generic authentication request
- AUTH_GETOPTION(3) - Search an option string
- AUTH_GETUSERINFO_MET(3) - Obtain account information
- AUTH_LOGIN_META(3) - Validate a userid and password
- AUTH_META(3) - Authentication metadata
- AUTH_MKHOMEDIR(3) - Autocreate a new account's home directory
- AUTH_PASSWD(3) - Change account's password
- AUTH_SASL(3) - SASL implementation
- AuthCAS(3) - Client library for JA-SIG CAS 2.0 authentication server
- Authen::Bitcard(3) - Bitcard authentication verification
- Authen::CyrusSASL(3) - simple Sasl Authen Daemon client facilities
- Authen::DecHpwd(3) - DEC VMS password hashing
- Authen::Htpasswd(3) - interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
- Authen::Htpasswd::User(3) - represents a user line in a .htpasswd file
- Authen::Htpasswd::Util(3) - performs encryption of supported .htpasswd formats
- Authen::Krb5::Simple(3) - Basic user authentication using Kerberos 5
- Authen::Libwrap(3) - access to Wietse Venema's TCP Wrappers library
- Authen::OATH(3) - OATH One Time Passwords
- Authen::PAAS(3) - Perl Authentication & Authorization Service
- Authen::PAAS::BasicLoginModule(3) - a pluggable authentication module
- Authen::PAAS::BasicUser(3) - a simple user principal
- Authen::PAAS::Callback(3) - callback for retrieving authentication data
- Authen::PAAS::ConsoleCallback(3) - blah
- Authen::PAAS::Context(3) - authentication a subject using login modules
- Authen::PAAS::Credential(3) - represents a credential for a subject
- Authen::PAAS::LoginModule(3) - a pluggable authentication module
- Authen::PAAS::Principal(3) - An identity for a subject
- Authen::PAAS::SimpleCallback(3) - A callback implementation with static data
- Authen::PAAS::Subject(3) - represents an authenticated party
- Authen::Passphrase(3) - hashed passwords/passphrases as objects
- Authen::Passphrase::AcceptAll(3) - accept any passphrase
- Authen::Passphrase::BigCrypt(3) - passphrases using bigcrypt algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt(3) - passphrases using the Blowfish-based Unix crypt()
- Authen::Passphrase::Clear(3) - cleartext passphrases
- Authen::Passphrase::Crypt16(3) - passphrases using Ultrix crypt16 algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt(3) - passphrases using the DES-based Unix crypt()
- Authen::Passphrase::EggdropBlowfish(3) - passphrases using Eggdrop's blowfish.mod
- Authen::Passphrase::LANManager(3) - passphrases using the LAN Manager hash algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::LANManagerHalf(3) - passphrases using half the LAN Manager algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt(3) - passphrases using the MD5-based Unix crypt()
- Authen::Passphrase::MySQL323(3) - passphrases using the MySQL v3.23 algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::MySQL41(3) - passphrases using the MySQL v4.1 algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::NetscapeMail(3) - passphrases using Netscape Mail Server's method
- Authen::Passphrase::NTHash(3) - passphrases using the NT-Hash algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::PHPass(3) - passphrases using the phpass algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::RejectAll(3) - reject all passphrases
- Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest(3) - passphrases using the generic salted digest algorithm
- Authen::Passphrase::VMSPurdy(3) - passphrases with the VMS Purdy polynomial system
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha(3) - A pluggable Captcha framework for Perl
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Challenge(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Challenge::DoMath(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Challenge::TypeString(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::ErrorLoggingObject(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Helpers(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::KeyManager(3) - how many seconds is the captcha good for?
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager::effects(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager::effects::sinewarp(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager::layers(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Text::HTML(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Text::Plain(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::StandardAttributesObject(3)
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Tutorial(3) - How to use the Captcha System
- Authen::PluggableCaptcha::ValidityObject(3)
- Authen::SASL(3) - SASL Authentication framework
- Authen::SASL::Perl(3)
- Authen::SASL::Perl::ANONYMOUS(3) - Anonymous Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::CRAM_MD5(3) - CRAM MD5 Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::DIGEST_MD5(3) - Digest MD5 Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::EXTERNAL(3) - External Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::GSSAPI(3) - GSSAPI (Kerberosv5) Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::LOGIN(3) - Login Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN(3) - Plain Login Authentication class
- Authen::SASL::SASLprep(3) - A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013)
- Authen::SCRAM(3) - Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (RFC 5802)
- Authen::SCRAM::Client(3) - RFC 5802 SCRAM client
- Authen::SCRAM::Role::Common(3)
- Authen::SCRAM::Server(3) - RFC 5802 SCRAM Server
- Authen::Simple(3) - Simple Authentication
- Authen::Simple::ActiveDirectory(3) - Simple ActiveDirectory authentication
- Authen::Simple::Adapter(3) - Adapter class for implementations
- Authen::Simple::Apache(3) - PerlAuthenHandler handler for Apache
- Authen::Simple::DBI(3) - Simple DBI authentication
- Authen::Simple::DBM(3) - Simple DBM authentication
- Authen::Simple::FTP(3) - Simple FTP authentication
- Authen::Simple::HTTP(3) - Simple HTTP authentication
- Authen::Simple::Kerberos(3) - Simple Kerberos authentication
- Authen::Simple::LDAP(3) - Simple LDAP authentication
- Authen::Simple::Log(3) - Simple log class
- Authen::Simple::PAM(3) - Simple PAM authentication
- Authen::Simple::Passwd(3) - Simple Passwd authentication
- Authen::Simple::Password(3) - Simple password checking
- Authen::Simple::POP3(3) - Simple POP3 authentication
- Authen::Simple::RADIUS(3) - Simple RADIUS authentication
- Authen::Simple::SMTP(3) - Simple SMTP authentication
- Authen::Simple::SSH(3) - Simple SSH authentication
- Authen::Ticket(3) - Perl extension for implementing ticket authentication
- Authen::Ticket::Client(3) - Authentication code for the client website
- Authen::Ticket::Server(3) - Perl extension for implementing ticket authentication.
- Authen::Ticket::Signature(3)
- Authen::TypeKey(3) - TypeKey authentication verification
- AUTHLIB(3) - Courier Authentication Library
- AuthorizeNet(3) - AuthorizeNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- AuthorizeNet::AIM(3) - AuthorizeNet AIM backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- AuthorizeNet::AIM::ErrorCodes(3) - Easy lookup of Authorize.Net's AIM result reason codes
- AuthorizeNet::ARB(3) - AuthorizeNet ARB backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- AUTHSRV(3) - routines for communicating with authentication servers
- auto::share::dist::Amon2::flavor::Basic::lib::__PATH__(3) - <% $module %>
- auto::share::dist::Amon2::flavor::Basic::lib::__PATH__::Web::Plugin::Session(3)
- auto::share::dist::Amon2::flavor::Minimum::lib::__PATH__(3) - <% $module %>
- autobox::Core(3) - Provide core functions to autoboxed scalars, arrays and hashes.
- autobox::Transform(3) - Autobox methods to transform Arrays and Hashes
- Autodia(3) - The configuration and Utility perl module for AutoDia.
- Autodia::Diagram(3) - Class to hold a collection of objects representing parts of a Dia Diagram.
- Autodia::Diagram::Class(3) - Class that holds, updates and outputs the values of a diagram element of type class.
- Autodia::Diagram::Component(3)
- Autodia::Handler(3) - generic language handler superclass
- Autodia::Handler::ASP(3) - AutoDia handler for ASP
- Autodia::Handler::Cpp(3) - AutoDia handler for C++
- Autodia::Handler::CSharp(3) - AutoDia handler for C#
- Autodia::Handler::DBI(3) - AutoDia handler for DBI connections
- Autodia::Handler::DBI_SQLT(3) - AutoDia handler for DBI connections
- Autodia::Handler::dia(3) - AutoDia handler for dia
- Autodia::Handler::Mason(3) - Allows Autodia to parse HTML::Mason files
- Autodia::Handler::Perl(3) - AutoDia handler for perl
- Autodia::Handler::PHP(3) - AutoDia handler for PHP
- Autodia::Handler::SQL(3) - AutoDia handler for SQL
- Autodia::Handler::Torque(3) - AutoDia handler for Torque xml database schema
- Autodia::Handler::umbrello(3) - AutoDia handler for umbrello
- autodie(3) - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
- autodie::exception(3) - Exceptions from autodying functions.
- autodie::exception::system(3) - Exceptions from autodying system().
- autodie::hints(3) - Provide hints about user subroutines to autodie
- autodie::Scope::Guard(3) - Wrapper class for calling subs at end of scope
- autodie::Scope::GuardStack(3) - Hook stack for managing scopes via %^H
- autodie::skip(3) - Skip a package when throwing autodie exceptions
- autodie::Util(3) - Internal Utility subroutines for autodie and Fatal
- AutoLoader(3) - load subroutines only on demand
- AutomountFile(3) - Perl interface to automounter files
- AutoReply(3) - derivative of News::Article for generating autoreplies
- AutoRunmode(3) - CGI::App plugin to automatically register runmodes
- AutoRunmode::FileDelegate(3) - delegate CGI::App run modes to a directory of files
- Autoscroll(3) - space invaders-like scrolling
- AutoSplit(3) - split a package for autoloading
- autovivification(3) - Lexically disable autovivification.
- AutoXS::Header(3) - Container for the AutoXS header files
- AuUnregisterEventHandler(3)
- AuWaveFormToString(3)
- AuWriteElement(3)
- aux_blas(3) - Auxiliary BLAS
- aux_eig(3) - aux
- aux_lin(3) - aux
- aux_matgen(3) - aux
- auxiliaryGB(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliaryGE(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliaryGT(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliaryHE(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliaryPO(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliaryPT(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxiliarySY(3) - Auxiliary routines
- auxOTHERcomputational(3) - auxiliary Computational routines
- AVCALL(3) - build a C argument list incrementally and call a C function on it.
- AVL(3) - AVL tree routines
- AWS::Signature4(3) - Create a version4 signature for Amazon Web Services
- Axis(3) - Canvas with Axes
- B::Asmdata(3) - Autogenerated data about Perl ops, used to generate bytecode
- B::Assembler(3) - Assemble Perl bytecode
- B::Bblock(3) - Walk basic blocks
- B::BUtils(3) - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
- B::Bytecode(3) - Perl compiler's bytecode backend
- B::Bytecode56(3) - Perl 5.6 compiler's bytecode backend
- B::C(3) - Perl compiler's C backend
- B::CC(3) - Perl compiler's optimized C translation backend
- B::Compiling(3) - Expose PL_compiling to perl
- B::Concise(3) - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing concise info about ops
- B::COW(3) - B::COW additional B helpers to check COW status
- B::Deobfuscate(3) - Deobfuscate source code
- B::Deobfuscate::Dict::Flowers(3)
- B::Deobfuscate::Dict::PGPHashWords(3)
- B::Deparse(3) - Perl compiler backend to produce perl code
- B::Disassembler(3) - Disassemble Perl bytecode
- B::Generate(3) - Create your own op trees.
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope(3) - Execute code after a scope finished compilation
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP(3) - Execute code after a scope finished compilation - PP implementation
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS(3) - Execute code after a scope finished compilation - XS implementation
- B::Hooks::OP::Annotation(3) - annotate and delegate hooked OPs
- B::Hooks::OP::Check(3) - Wrap OP check callbacks
- B::Hooks::OP::Check::EntersubForCV(3) - Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs
- B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr(3) - Hook into opcode execution
- B::Hooks::Parser(3) - Interface to perl's parser variables
- B::Keywords(3) - Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
- B::Module::Info(3) - information about Perl modules
- B::Op_private(3) - OP op_private flag definitions
- B::OPCheck(3) - PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
- B::Showlex(3) - Show lexical variables used in functions or files
- B::Size2(3) - Measure size of Perl OPs and SVs
- B::Size2::Terse(3) - Printing info about ops and their (estimated) size
- B::Stackobj(3) - Stack and type annotation helper module for the CC backend
- B::Terse(3) - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing terse info about ops
- B::Utils(3) - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
- B::Utils::OP(3) - op related utility functions for perl
- B::Xref(3) - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
- Babelfish(3) - Perl extension for translation via Babelfish or Google
- BackProp(3) - A simple back-prop neural net that uses Delta's and Hebbs' rule.
- BACKTRACE(3) - fill in the backtrace of the currently executing thread
- BackupPC::XS(3) - Perl extension for BackupPC libraries
- Badger(3) - Perl Application Programming Toolkit
- Badger::App(3) - base class application module
- Badger::Apps(3) - factory module for application modules
- Badger::Base(3) - base class module
- Badger::Class(3) - class metaprogramming module
- Badger::Class::Config(3) - class mixin for configuration
- Badger::Class::Methods(3) - metaprogramming module for adding methods to a class
- Badger::Class::Vars(3) - class module for defining package variables
- Badger::Codec(3) - base class for encoding/decoding data
- Badger::Codec::Base64(3) - encode/decode data using MIME::Base64
- Badger::Codec::Chain(3) - encode/decode data using multiple codecs
- Badger::Codec::Encode(3) - codec wrapper around Encode
- Badger::Codec::Encoding(3) - base class codec for different encodings
- Badger::Codec::HTML(3) - encode and decode reserved characters in HTML
- Badger::Codec::JSON(3) - encode/decode data using JSON
- Badger::Codec::Storable(3) - encode/decode data using Storable
- Badger::Codec::Timestamp(3) - encode/decode a timestamp via Badger::Timestamp
- Badger::Codec::TT(3) - encode/decode data using TT data syntax
- Badger::Codec::Unicode(3) - encode/decode Unicode
- Badger::Codec::URI(3) - URI encode/decode
- Badger::Codec::URL(3) - URL encode/decode
- Badger::Codec::YAML(3) - encode/decode data using YAML
- Badger::Codecs(3) - modules for encoding and decoding data
- Badger::Comparable(3) - base class for comparable objects
- Badger::Config(3) - configuration module
- Badger::Config::Filesystem(3) - reads configuration files in a directory
- Badger::Constants(3) - defines constants for other Badger modules
- Badger::Data(3) - base class for data object
- Badger::Data::Facet(3) - base class validation facet for simple data types
- Badger::Data::Facet::Class(3) - metaprogramming module for data facet classes
- Badger::Data::Facet::List(3) - base class for list validation facets
- Badger::Data::Facet::List::MaxSize(3) - validation facet for the size of a list
- Badger::Data::Facet::List::MinSize(3) - validation facet for the size of a list
- Badger::Data::Facet::List::Size(3) - validation facet for the size of a list
- Badger::Data::Facet::Number(3) - base class for numerical validation facets
- Badger::Data::Facet::Number::Max(3) - validation facet for a minimum numerical value
- Badger::Data::Facet::Number::Min(3) - validation facet for a minimum numerical value
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text(3) - base class for text validation facets
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text::Length(3) - validation facet for text length
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text::MaxLength(3) - validation facet for text length
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text::MinLength(3) - validation facet for text length
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text::Pattern(3) - validation facet for text pattern match
- Badger::Data::Facet::Text::Whitespace(3) - validation facet for whitespace
- Badger::Data::Facets(3) - factory module for data validation facets.
- Badger::Data::Type(3) - base class for data types
- Badger::Data::Type::Class(3) - metaprogramming module for data type classes
- Badger::Data::Type::Number(3) - base class data type for numbers
- Badger::Data::Type::Simple(3) - base class for simple data types
- Badger::Data::Type::Text(3) - base class data type for text
- Badger::Data::Types(3) - factory module for Badger::Data::Type objects
- Badger::Date(3) - simple object representation of a date
- Badger::Debug(3) - base class mixin module implement debugging methods
- Badger::Duration(3) - simple class for representing durations
- Badger::Exception(3) - structured exception for error handling
- Badger::Exporter(3) - symbol exporter
- Badger::Factory(3) - base class factory module
- Badger::Factory::Class(3) - class module for Badger::Factory sub-classes
- Badger::Filesystem(3) - filesystem functionality
- Badger::Filesystem::Base(3) - common functionality for Badger::Filesystem modules
- Badger::Filesystem::Directory(3) - directory object
- Badger::Filesystem::File(3) - file object
- Badger::Filesystem::Path(3) - generic fileystem path object
- Badger::Filesystem::Virtual(3) - virtual filesystem
- Badger::Filesystem::Visitor(3) - visitor for traversing filesystems
- Badger::Filter(3) - object for simple filtering
- Badger::Hub(3) - central repository of shared resources
- Badger::Hub::Badger(3) - central hub for accessing Badger components
- Badger::Log(3) - log for errors, warnings and other messages
- Badger::Log::File(3) - writes log messages to a log file
- Badger::Logic(3) - parse and evaluate simple logical expressions
- Badger::Mixin(3) - base class mixin object
- Badger::Modules(3) - a module for loading modules
- Badger::Period(3) - base class for Badger::Date and Badger::Time
- Badger::Prototype(3) - base class for creating prototype classes
- Badger::Rainbow(3) - colour functionality
- Badger::Test(3) - test module
- Badger::Test::Manager(3) - test manager module
- Badger::Timestamp(3) - object representation of a timestamp
- Badger::URL(3) - representation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- Badger::Utils(3) - various utility functions
- Badger::Workplace(3) - a place to do work
- Badger::Workspace(3) - an object representing a project workspace
- Balloon(3) - pop up help balloons.
- BankOfAmerica(3) - Bank of America backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- BARCODE(3) - a library to create and print bar codes
- Barcode::Code39(3) - Create Code39 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::COOP2of5(3) - Create COOP2of5 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::EAN13(3) - Create EAN13(JAN13) barcode image with GD
- Barcode::EAN8(3) - Create EAN8(JAN8) barcode image with GD
- Barcode::IATA2of5(3) - Create IATA2of5 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::Industrial2of5(3) - Create Industrial2of5 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::ITF(3) - Create ITF(Interleaved2of5) barcode image with GD
- Barcode::Matrix2of5(3) - Create Matrix2of5 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::NW7(3) - Create NW7 barcode image with GD
- Barcode::QRcode(3) - Create QRcode barcode image with GD
- Barcode::UPCA(3) - Create UPC-A barcode image with GD
- Barcode::UPCE(3) - Create UPC-E barcode image with GD
- Bare(3) - Minimal XML parser implemented via a C state engine
- bareword::filehandles(3) - disables bareword filehandles
- Baseball::Sabermetrics(3) - A Baseball Statistics Module
- BaseCnv(3) - basic functions to CoNVert between number Bases
- BASENAME(3) - extract the base portion of a pathname
- Bash::Completion(3) - Extensible system to provide bash completion
- Bash::Completion::Plugin(3) - base class for Bash::Completion plugins
- Bash::Completion::Plugins::BashComplete(3) - Plugin for bash-complete
- Bash::Completion::Plugins::Perldoc(3) - complete perldoc command
- Bash::Completion::Request(3) - Abstract a completion request
- Bash::Completion::Utils(3) - Set of utility functions that help writting plugins
- Bastardize(3) - a corruptor of innocent text
- BBS::Client(3) - A Client Module For BBS Systems
- BBSAgent(3) - Scriptable telnet-based virtual users
- BCL(3) - library of arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic
- BCMP(3) - compare byte string
- BCOPY(3) - copy byte string
- BcVersions(3) - ByteLoader bytecode versions
- BDWGC(3) - Garbage collecting malloc replacement
- beam_lib(3) - An interface to the BEAM file format.
- Beanstalk::Client(3) - Client class to talk to beanstalkd server
- Beanstalk::Job(3) - Class to represent a job from a beanstalkd server
- Beanstalk::Pool(3) - Use a pool of beanstalkd servers
- Beanstalk::Stats(3) - Class to represent stats results from the beanstalk server
- Beanstream(3) - Beanstream backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- Benchmark(3) - benchmark running times of Perl code
- Benchmark::Dumb(3) - Benchmark.pm compatibility layer for Dumbbench
- Benchmark::Stopwatch(3) - simple timing of stages of your code.
- Benchmark::Timer(3) - Benchmarking with statistical confidence
- benchmark_data(3)
- benchmark_enable(3)
- benchmark_timestamp(3)
- benchmark_tracedata(3)
- Bencode(3) - BitTorrent serialisation format
- BerkeleyDB(3) - Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
- bestfit_color(3) - Finds a palette color fitting the requested RGB values. Allegro game programming library.
- Bezier(3) - solution of Bezier Curves
- BF_ENCRYPT(3) - Blowfish encryption
- BFD(3) - Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
- Biber(3) - main module for biber, a bibtex replacement for users of biblatex
- Biber::Annotation(3) - Biber::Annotation objects
- Biber::Config(3) - Configuration items which need to be saved across the lifetime of a Biber object
- Biber::Constants(3) - global constants for biber
- Biber::DataList(3) - Biber::DataLists objects
- Biber::DataLists(3)
- Biber::DataModel(3) - Biber::DataModel objects
- Biber::Date::Format(3) - Biber::Date::Format objects
- Biber::Entries(3) - Biber::Entries objects
- Biber::Entry(3) - Biber::Entry objects
- Biber::Entry::Name(3) - Biber::Entry::Name objects
- Biber::Entry::Names(3) - Biber::Entry::Names objects
- Biber::Input::file::biblatexml(3) - look in a BibLaTeXML file for an entry and create it if found
- Biber::Input::file::bibtex(3) - look in a BibTeX file for an entry and create it if found
- Biber::Internals(3) - Internal methods for processing the bibliographic data
- Biber::LangTag(3) - Biber::LangTag objects
- Biber::LangTags(3)
- Biber::LaTeX::Recode(3) - Encode/Decode chars to/from UTF-8/lacros in LaTeX
- Biber::Output::base(3) - base class for Biber output modules.
- Biber::Output::bbl(3) - class for Biber output of .bbl
- Biber::Output::bblxml(3) - class for Biber output of .bbl in XML format
- Biber::Output::biblatexml(3) - class for biblatexml output of tool mode
- Biber::Output::bibtex(3) - class for bibtex output
- Biber::Output::dot(3) - class for Biber output of GraphViz .dot files
- Biber::Section(3) - Biber::Section objects
- Biber::Sections(3) - Biber::Sections objects
- Biber::UCollate(3) - Biber::UCollate objects
- Biber::Utils(3) - Various utility subs used in Biber
- BibTeX::Parser(3) - A pure perl BibTeX parser
- BibTeX::Parser::Author(3) - Contains a single author for a BibTeX document.
- BibTeX::Parser::Entry(3) - Contains a single entry of a BibTeX document.
- Bigarray(3) - Large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays.
- BigIP::iControl(3) - A Perl interface to the F5 iControl API
- BigIP::ParseConfig(3) - F5/BigIP configuration parser
- Bignum(3) - OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
- Bignum::CTX(3) - Perl interface to the OpenSSL BN_CTX structure.
- Bigtop(3) - A web application data language processor
- Bigtop::Backend::CGI(3) - defines the legal keywords for cgi backends
- Bigtop::Backend::CGI::Gantry(3) - A generated server for the [% app_name %] app
- Bigtop::Backend::Conf(3) - defines the legal keywords for conf backends
- Bigtop::Backend::Conf::Gantry(3) - makes Config::Gantry conf files
- Bigtop::Backend::Conf::General(3) - makes Config::General conf files
- Bigtop::Backend::Control(3) - defines legal keywords in control blocks
- Bigtop::Backend::Control::Gantry(3) - controller generator for the Gantry framework
- Bigtop::Backend::Diagram::GraphvizSql(3) - generates dot language file for data model
- Bigtop::Backend::HttpdConf(3) - defines the legal keywords for httpd conf backends
- Bigtop::Backend::HttpdConf::Gantry(3) - httpd.conf generator for the Gantry framework
- Bigtop::Backend::Init::Std(3) - Bigtop backend which works sort of like h2xs
- Bigtop::Backend::Model(3) - defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
- Bigtop::Backend::Model::GantryCDBI(3) - model for [% table_name %] table (stub part)
- Bigtop::Backend::Model::GantryDBIxClass(3) - schema class for [% app_name +%]
- Bigtop::Backend::SiteLook::GantryDefault(3) - Bigtop to generate site appearance files
- Bigtop::Backend::SQL(3) - defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
- Bigtop::Backend::SQL::DB2(3) - backend to generate sql for DB2 database creation
- Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL(3) - backend to generate sql for MySQL database creation
- Bigtop::Backend::SQL::Postgres(3) - backend to generate sql for Postgres database creation
- Bigtop::Backend::SQL::SQLite(3) - backend to generate sql for SQLite database creation
- Bigtop::Deparser(3) - given an AST, makes a corresponding bigtop source file
- Bigtop::Docs::About(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::AutoBackends(3) - lists all backends and their config statements
- Bigtop::Docs::Cookbook(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::FullKeywords(3) - Descriptions of all Bigtop keywords
- Bigtop::Docs::Modules(3) - An annotated list of modules in the Bigtop distribution
- Bigtop::Docs::QuickKeywords(3) - Short descriptions of all Bigtop keywords
- Bigtop::Docs::QuickStart(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::Syntax(3) - An introduction to Bigtop syntax description
- Bigtop::Docs::TentRef(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::TentTut(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::TOC(3) - Table of Contents for Bigtop::Docs::* documentation modules
- Bigtop::Docs::Tutorial(3)
- Bigtop::Docs::Vim(3)
- Bigtop::Grammar(3) - generated by Parse::RecDescent from bigtop.grammar
- Bigtop::Keywords(3) - A central place to describe all bigtop keywords
- Bigtop::Parser(3) - the Parse::RecDescent grammar driven parser for bigtop files
- Bigtop::ScriptHelp(3) - A helper modules for command line utilities
- Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style(3) - Factory for scripts' command line and standard in handlers
- Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Kickstart(3) - handles kickstart syntax for scripts
- Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Pg8Live(3) - gets its descriptions from Postgresql
- Bigtop::TentMaker(3) - A Gantry App to Help You Code Bigtop Files
- Bigtop::TentMakerPath(3) - keeps track of where the tentmaker templates live
- bin::download-entities(3) - download and parse XML Entity definitions
- Bind(3) - Bind variables to captured buffers
- BIND::Conf_Parser(3) - Parser class for BIND configuration files
- BIND::Config::Parser(3) - Parse BIND Config file.
- BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET(3) - set encoding of message translations
- BINDRESVPORT(3) - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
- bindtags(3) - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation
- BINDTEXTDOMAIN(3) - set directory containing message catalogs
- BIO(3) - buffered input/output
- Bio::Align::AlignI(3) - An interface for describing sequence alignments.
- Bio::Align::DNAStatistics(3) - Calculate some statistics for a DNA alignment
- Bio::Align::PairwiseStatistics(3) - Base statistic object for Pairwise Alignments
- Bio::Align::ProteinStatistics(3) - Calculate Protein Alignment statistics (mostly distances)
- Bio::Align::StatisticsI(3) - Calculate some statistics for an alignment
- Bio::Align::Utilities(3) - A collection of utilities regarding converting and manipulating alignment objects
- Bio::AlignIO(3) - Handler for AlignIO Formats
- Bio::AlignIO::arp(3) - ARP MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::bl2seq(3) - bl2seq sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::clustalw(3) - clustalw sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::emboss(3) - Parse EMBOSS alignment output (from applications water and needle)
- Bio::AlignIO::fasta(3) - fasta MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::Handler::GenericAlignHandler(3) - Bio::HandlerI-based generic data handler class for alignment-based data
- Bio::AlignIO::largemultifasta(3) - Largemultifasta MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::maf(3) - Multiple Alignment Format sequence input stream
- Bio::AlignIO::mase(3) - mase sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::mega(3) - Parse and Create MEGA format data files
- Bio::AlignIO::meme(3) - meme sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::metafasta(3) - Metafasta MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::msf(3) - msf sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::nexus(3) - NEXUS format sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::pfam(3) - pfam sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::phylip(3) - PHYLIP format sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::po(3) - po MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::proda(3) - proda sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::prodom(3) - prodom sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::psi(3) - Read/Write PSI-BLAST profile alignment files
- Bio::AlignIO::selex(3) - selex sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AlignIO::xmfa(3) - XMFA MSA Sequence input/output stream
- Bio::AnalysisI(3) - An interface to any (local or remote) analysis tool
- Bio::AnalysisParserI(3) - Generic analysis output parser interface
- Bio::AnalysisResultI(3) - Interface for analysis result objects
- Bio::AnnotatableI(3) - the base interface an annotatable object must implement
- Bio::Annotation::AnnotationFactory(3) - Instantiates a new Bio::AnnotationI (or derived class) through a factory
- Bio::Annotation::Collection(3) - Default Perl implementation of AnnotationCollectionI
- Bio::Annotation::Comment(3) - A comment object, holding text
- Bio::Annotation::DBLink(3) - untyped links between databases
- Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm(3) - An ontology term adapted to AnnotationI
- Bio::Annotation::Reference(3) - Specialised DBLink object for Literature References
- Bio::Annotation::Relation(3) - Relationship (pairwise) with other objects SeqI and NodeI;
- Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue(3) - A simple scalar
- Bio::Annotation::StructuredValue(3) - A scalar with embedded structured information
- Bio::Annotation::TagTree(3) - AnnotationI with tree-like hierarchal key-value relationships ('structured tags') that can be represented as simple text.
- Bio::Annotation::Target(3) - Provides an object which represents a target (ie, a similarity hit) from one object to something in another database
- Bio::Annotation::Tree(3) - Provide a tree as an annotation to a Bio::AnnotatableI object
- Bio::Annotation::TypeManager(3) - Manages types for annotation collections
- Bio::AnnotationCollectionI(3) - Interface for annotation collections
- Bio::AnnotationI(3) - Annotation interface
- Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene(3) - Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene.
- Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene::Indexer(3) - Indexes NCBI Sequence files.
- Bio::ASN1::Sequence(3) - Regular expression-based Perl Parser for ASN.1-formatted NCBI Sequences.
- Bio::ASN1::Sequence::Indexer(3) - Indexes NCBI Sequence files.
- Bio::Cluster(3) - BioPerl cluster modules
- Bio::Cluster::ClusterFactory(3) - Instantiates a new Bio::ClusterI (or derived class) through a factory
- Bio::Cluster::FamilyI(3) - Family Interface
- Bio::Cluster::SequenceFamily(3) - Sequence Family object
- Bio::Cluster::UniGene(3) - UniGene object
- Bio::Cluster::UniGeneI(3) - abstract interface of UniGene object
- Bio::ClusterI(3) - Cluster Interface
- Bio::ClusterIO(3) - Handler for Cluster Formats
- Bio::ClusterIO::dbsnp(3) - dbSNP input stream
- Bio::ClusterIO::unigene(3) - UniGene input stream
- Bio::CodonUsage::IO(3) - for reading and writing codon usage tables to file
- Bio::CodonUsage::Table(3) - for access to the Codon usage Database at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/codon.
- Bio::Coordinate(3) - Modules for working with biological coordinates
- Bio::Coordinate::Chain(3) - Mapping locations through a chain of coordinate mappers.
- Bio::Coordinate::Collection(3) - Noncontinuous match between two coordinate sets.
- Bio::Coordinate::ExtrapolatingPair(3) - Continuous match between two coordinate sets.
- Bio::Coordinate::GeneMapper(3) - Transformations between gene related coordinate systems.
- Bio::Coordinate::Graph(3) - Finds shortest path between nodes in a graph.
- Bio::Coordinate::MapperI(3) - Interface describing coordinate mappers.
- Bio::Coordinate::Pair(3) - Continuous match between two coordinate sets.
- Bio::Coordinate::Result(3) - Results from coordinate transformation.
- Bio::Coordinate::Result::Gap(3) - Another name for Bio::Location::Simple.
- Bio::Coordinate::Result::Match(3) - Another name for Bio::Location::Simple.
- Bio::Coordinate::ResultI(3) - Interface to identify coordinate mapper results.
- Bio::Coordinate::Utils(3) - Additional methods to create Bio::Coordinate objects.
- Bio::Das::FeatureTypeI(3) - Simple interface to Sequence Ontology feature types
- Bio::Das::Lite(3) - Perl extension for the DAS (HTTP+XML) Protocol (http://biodas.org/)
- Bio::Das::SegmentI(3) - DAS-style access to a feature database
- Bio::DasI(3) - DAS-style access to a feature database
- Bio::DB::DBFetch(3) - Database object for retrieving using the dbfetch script
- Bio::DB::EMBL(3) - Database object interface for EMBL entry retrieval
- Bio::DB::EntrezGene(3) - Database object interface to Entrez Gene
- Bio::DB::ESoap(3) - Client for the NCBI Entrez EUtilities SOAP server
- Bio::DB::ESoap::WSDL(3) - WSDL parsing for Entrez SOAP EUtilities
- Bio::DB::Failover(3) - A Bio::DB::RandomAccessI compliant class which wraps a prioritized list of DBs
- Bio::DB::Fasta(3) - Fast indexed access to fasta files
- Bio::DB::FileCache(3) - In file cache for BioSeq objects
- Bio::DB::Flat(3) - Interface for indexed flat files
- Bio::DB::Flat::BDB(3) - Interface for BioHackathon standard BDB-indexed flat file
- Bio::DB::Flat::BDB::embl(3) - embl adaptor for Open-bio standard BDB-indexed flat file
- Bio::DB::Flat::BDB::fasta(3) - fasta adaptor for Open-bio standard BDB-indexed flat file
- Bio::DB::Flat::BDB::genbank(3) - genbank adaptor for Open-bio standard BDB-indexed flat file
- Bio::DB::Flat::BDB::swiss(3) - swissprot adaptor for Open-bio standard BDB-indexed flat file
- Bio::DB::Flat::BinarySearch(3) - BinarySearch search indexing system for sequence files
- Bio::DB::GenBank(3) - Database object interface to GenBank
- Bio::DB::GenericWebAgent(3) - helper base class for parameter-based remote server access and response retrieval.
- Bio::DB::GenPept(3) - Database object interface to GenPept
- Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Binning(3) - binning utility for Bio::DB::GFF index
- Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange(3) - rearrange utility
- Bio::DB::IndexedBase(3) - Base class for modules using indexed sequence files
- Bio::DB::InMemoryCache(3) - Abstract interface for a sequence database
- Bio::DB::LocationI(3) - A RandomAccessI-like abstract interface for retrieving location data from a sequence database and returning Bio::LocationI objects
- Bio::DB::NCBIHelper(3) - A collection of routines useful for queries to NCBI databases.
- Bio::DB::Qual(3) - Fast indexed access to quality files
- Bio::DB::Query::GenBank(3) - Build a GenBank Entrez Query
- Bio::DB::Query::WebQuery(3) - Helper class for web-based sequence queryies
- Bio::DB::QueryI(3) - Object Interface to queryable sequence databases
- Bio::DB::RandomAccessI(3) - Abstract interface for a sequence database
- Bio::DB::ReferenceI(3) - A RandomAccessI-like abstract interface for retrieving Reference data from a sequence database and returning Bio::Annotation::Reference objects
- Bio::DB::Registry(3) - Access to the Open Bio Database Access registry scheme
- Bio::DB::SeqI(3) - Abstract Interface for Sequence databases
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities(3) - Interface to the NCBI Entrez web service *BETA*
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::DocSumAdaptor(3) - Handle for Entrez SOAP DocSums
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::FetchAdaptor(3) - Conversion of Entrez SOAP messages to BioPerl objects
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::FetchAdaptor::seq(3) - Fetch adaptor for 'seq' efetch SOAP messages
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::FetchAdaptor::species(3) - Fetch adaptor for 'taxonomy' efetch SOAP messages
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::GQueryAdaptor(3) - Handle for Entrez SOAP GlobalQuery items
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::LinkAdaptor(3) - Handle for Entrez SOAP LinkSets
- Bio::DB::SoapEUtilities::Result(3) - Accessor object for SoapEUtilities results
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy(3) - Access to a taxonomy database
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez(3) - Taxonomy Entrez driver
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy::flatfile(3) - Use the NCBI taxonomy from local indexed flat files
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy::greengenes(3) - Use the Greengenes taxonomy
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy::list(3) - An implementation of Bio::DB::Taxonomy that accepts lists of words to build a database
- Bio::DB::Taxonomy::silva(3) - Use the Silva taxonomy
- Bio::DB::UpdateableSeqI(3) - An interface for writing to a database of sequences.
- Bio::DB::WebDBSeqI(3) - Object Interface to generalize Web Databases for retrieving sequences
- Bio::DBLinkContainerI(3) - Abstract interface for any object wanting to use database cross references
- Bio::DescribableI(3) - interface for objects with human readable names and descriptions
- Bio::Event::EventGeneratorI(3) - This interface describes the basic event generator class.
- Bio::Event::EventHandlerI(3) - An Event Handler Interface
- Bio::Factory::AnalysisI(3) - An interface to analysis tool factory
- Bio::Factory::ApplicationFactoryI(3) - Interface class for Application Factories
- Bio::Factory::DriverFactory(3) - Base class for factory classes loading drivers
- Bio::Factory::EMBOSS(3) - EMBOSS application factory class
- Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory(3) - A FeatureTable Location Parser
- Bio::Factory::LocationFactoryI(3) - A factory interface for generating locations from a string
- Bio::Factory::ObjectBuilderI(3) - Interface for an object builder
- Bio::Factory::ObjectFactory(3) - Instantiates a new Bio::Root::RootI (or derived class) through a factory
- Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI(3) - A General object creator factory
- Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactory(3) - class capable of creating SeqAnalysisParserI compliant parsers
- Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactoryI(3) - interface describing objects capable of creating SeqAnalysisParserI compliant parsers
- Bio::Factory::SequenceFactoryI(3) - This interface allows for generic building of sequences in factories which create sequences (like SeqIO)
- Bio::Factory::SequenceProcessorI(3) - Interface for chained sequence processing algorithms
- Bio::Factory::SequenceStreamI(3) - Interface describing the basics of a Sequence Stream.
- Bio::Factory::TreeFactoryI(3) - Factory Interface for getting and writing trees from/to a data stream
- Bio::FeatureHolderI(3) - the base interface an object with features must implement
- Bio::FeatureIO(3) - Handler for FeatureIO
- Bio::FeatureIO::bed(3) - read/write features from UCSC BED format
- Bio::FeatureIO::gff(3) - read/write GFF feature files
- Bio::FeatureIO::gtf(3) - read write features in GTF format
- Bio::FeatureIO::interpro(3) - read features from InterPro XML
- Bio::FeatureIO::ptt(3) - read/write features in PTT format
- Bio::FeatureIO::vecscreen_simple(3) - read/write features from NCBI vecscreen -f 3 output
- Bio::GFF3::LowLevel(3) - fast, low-level functions for parsing and formatting GFF3
- Bio::GFF3::LowLevel::Parser(3) - a fast, low-level gff3 parser
- Bio::GFF3::LowLevel::Parser::1_0_backcompat(3) - compatibility layer to support Bio::GFF3::LowLevel::Parser 1.0 API
- Bio::GFF3::Transform::FromFasta(3) - make gff3 for the sequences in a fasta file
- Bio::GFF3::Transform::SyncDirectives(3) - insert sync (###) directives into an existing GFF3 file. WARNING: this module does not really work in the general case, read the DESCRIPTION section below.
- Bio::Glite(3) - G-language Genome Analysis Environment REST service interface module
- Bio::Graphics(3) - Generate GD images of Bio::Seq objects
- Bio::Graphics::ConfiguratorI(3) - A sectioned map of configuration options (a map of maps), with a default section. Intended to augment existing tag->value semantics (ie. of Bio::AnnotationCollectionI) for object-representation information (eg. foreground color), and for general interface preferences (eg. image width in gbrowse).
- Bio::Graphics::DrawTransmembrane(3) - draw a cartoon of an Alpha-helical transmembrane protein.
- Bio::Graphics::Feature(3) - A simple feature object for use with Bio::Graphics::Panel
- Bio::Graphics::FeatureBase(3) - Compatibility module
- Bio::Graphics::FeatureDir(3)
- Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile(3)
- Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile::Iterator(3)
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph(3) - Base class for Bio::Graphics::Glyph objects
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::alignment(3) - The "alignment" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::allele_tower(3) - The "allele_tower" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::anchored_arrow(3) - The "anchored_arrow" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow(3) - the "arrow" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::box(3) - The "box" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::broken_line(3) - The "broken line" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds(3) - The "cds" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::christmas_arrow(3) - The "christmas arrow" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox(3) - The "crossbox" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dashed_line(3) - The "dashed line" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::decorated_gene(3) - A GFF3-compatible gene glyph with protein decorations
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::decorated_transcript(3) - draws processed transcript with protein decorations
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::diamond(3) - The "diamond" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna(3) - The "dna" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dot(3) - The "dot" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dumbbell(3) - A glyph that draws a "dumbbell" with the same shapes on both ends.
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ellipse(3) - The "ellipse" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ex(3) - the "ex", or "crossed box" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow(3)
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::Factory(3) - Factory for Bio::Graphics::Glyph objects
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::fb_shmiggle(3)
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::fixedwidth(3) - A base class fixed width glyphs
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::flag(3) - the "flag" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::gene(3) - A GFF3-compatible gene glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic(3) - The "generic" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments(3) - The "graded_segments" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::group(3) - The "group" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::hat(3) - The "hat" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heat_map(3) - The "heat_map" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heat_map_ideogram(3) - The "heat_map_ideogram" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heterogeneous_segments(3) - The "heterogeneous_segments" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::hidden(3) - The "hidden" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::hybrid_plot(3) - An xyplot plot drawing dual graph using data from two or more wiggle files per track
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ideogram(3) - The "ideogram" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::image(3) - A glyph that draws photographs & other images
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::lightning(3) - The "lightning" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line(3) - The "line" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::merge_parts(3) - a base class which suppors semantic zooming of scored alignment features
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::merged_alignment(3) - The "merged_alignment" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::minmax(3) - The minmax glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::operon(3) - The "polycistronic operon" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::oval(3) - The "oval" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pairplot(3) - The "pairwise plot" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pentagram(3) - The "pentagram" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::phylo_align(3) - The "phylogenetic alignment" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pinsertion(3) - The "Drosophila P-element Insertion" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers(3) - The "STS primers" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::processed_transcript(3) - The sequence ontology transcript glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::protein(3) - The "protein" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ragged_ends(3) - The "ragged ends" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rainbow_gene(3) - A GFF3-compatible gene glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::redgreen_box(3) - The "redgreen_box" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::redgreen_segment(3) - The "redgreen_segments" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::repeating_shape(3) - A glyph that draws the same shape repeatedly.
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rndrect(3) - The "round rect" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ruler_arrow(3) - glyph for drawing an arrow as ruler (5' and 3' are marked as label)
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::saw_teeth(3) - The "saw teeth" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::scale(3) - The "scale" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segmented_keyglyph(3) - The "segmented_keyglyph" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments(3) - The "segments" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::so_transcript(3) - The sequence ontology transcript glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::span(3) - The "span" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::spectrogram(3) - The "spectrogram" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::splice_site(3) - The "splice_site" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::stackedplot(3) - The stackedplot glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ternary_plot(3) - Draw ternary plot data
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::text_in_box(3) - The "text in box" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::three_letters(3) - DAS-compatible package to use for drawing a line of groups of three letters
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::tic_tac_toe(3) - The "tic-tac-toe" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany(3) - The "too many to show" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::trace(3) - A glyph that visualizes a trace file
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::track(3) - The "track" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript(3) - The "transcript" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript2(3) - The "transcript2" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::translation(3) - The "6-frame translation" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::triangle(3) - The "triangle" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::two_bolts(3) - The "two bolts" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::vista_plot(3) - The "vista_plot" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wave(3) - The "wave" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::weighted_arrow(3) - The "weighted arrow" glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::whiskerplot(3) - The whiskerplot glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_box(3) - A generic box glyph compatible with dense "wig"data
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_density(3) - A density plot compatible with dense "wig"data
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_xyplot(3) - An xyplot plot compatible with dense "wig"data
- Bio::Graphics::Glyph::xyplot(3) - The xyplot glyph
- Bio::Graphics::Panel(3) - Generate GD images of Bio::Seq objects
- Bio::Graphics::Pictogram(3) - generate SVG output of Pictogram display for consensus motifs
- Bio::Graphics::RendererI(3) - A renderer for the Bio::Graphics class that renders Bio::SeqFeature::CollectionI objects onto Bio::Graphics::Panels using configuration information provided by a Bio::Graphics::ConfiguratorI.
- Bio::Graphics::Util(3) - non-object-oriented utilities used in Bio::Graphics modules
- Bio::Graphics::Wiggle(3)
- Bio::Graphics::Wiggle::Loader(3)
- Bio::HandlerBaseI(3) - Interface class for handler methods which interact with any event-driven parsers (drivers).
- Bio::IdCollectionI(3) - interface for objects with multiple identifiers
- Bio::IdentifiableI(3) - interface for objects with identifiers
- Bio::Index::Abstract(3) - Abstract interface for indexing a flat file
- Bio::Index::AbstractSeq(3) - base class for AbstractSeq
- Bio::Index::Blast(3) - Indexes Blast reports and supports retrieval based on query accession(s)
- Bio::Index::BlastTable(3) - Indexes tabular Blast reports (-m 8 or -m 9 format) and supports retrieval based on query accession(s)
- Bio::Index::EMBL(3) - Interface for indexing (multiple) EMBL/Swissprot .dat files (i.e. flat file EMBL/Swissprot format).
- Bio::Index::Fasta(3) - Interface for indexing (multiple) fasta files
- Bio::Index::Fastq(3) - Interface for indexing (multiple) fastq files
- Bio::Index::GenBank(3) - Interface for indexing one or more GenBank files (i.e. flat file GenBank format).
- Bio::Index::Qual(3) - Interface for indexing (multiple) fasta qual files
- Bio::Index::SwissPfam(3) - Interface for indexing swisspfam files
- Bio::Index::Swissprot(3) - Interface for indexing one or more Swissprot files.
- Bio::LocatableSeq(3) - A Bio::PrimarySeq object with start/end points on it that can be projected into a MSA or have coordinates relative to another seq.
- Bio::Location::Atomic(3) - Implementation of a Atomic Location on a Sequence
- Bio::Location::AvWithinCoordPolicy(3) - class implementing Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicy as the average for WITHIN and the widest possible and reasonable range otherwise
- Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI(3) - Abstract interface for objects implementing a certain policy of computing integer-valued coordinates of a Location
- Bio::Location::Fuzzy(3) - Implementation of a Location on a Sequence which has unclear start and/or end locations
- Bio::Location::FuzzyLocationI(3) - Abstract interface of a Location on a Sequence which has unclear start/end location
- Bio::Location::NarrowestCoordPolicy(3) - class implementing Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicy as the narrowest possible and reasonable range
- Bio::Location::Simple(3) - Implementation of a Simple Location on a Sequence
- Bio::Location::Split(3) - Implementation of a Location on a Sequence which has multiple locations (start/end points)
- Bio::Location::SplitLocationI(3) - Abstract interface of a Location on a Sequence which has multiple locations (start/end points)
- Bio::Location::WidestCoordPolicy(3) - class implementing Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicy as the widest possible and reasonable range
- Bio::LocationI(3) - Abstract interface of a Location on a Sequence
- Bio::MAGETAB(3) - A data model and utility API for the MAGE-TAB format.
- Bio::MAGETAB::ArrayDesign(3) - MAGE-TAB array design class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Assay(3) - MAGE-TAB assay class
- Bio::MAGETAB::BaseClass(3) - Abstract base class for all MAGE-TAB classes.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Comment(3) - MAGE-TAB user-defined comment class
- Bio::MAGETAB::CompositeElement(3) - MAGE-TAB composite element class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Contact(3) - MAGE-TAB contact class
- Bio::MAGETAB::ControlledTerm(3) - MAGE-TAB controlled term class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Data(3) - Abstract data class
- Bio::MAGETAB::DataAcquisition(3) - MAGE-TAB data acquisition class
- Bio::MAGETAB::DatabaseEntry(3) - MAGE-TAB database entry class
- Bio::MAGETAB::DataFile(3) - MAGE-TAB data file class
- Bio::MAGETAB::DataMatrix(3) - MAGE-TAB data matrix class
- Bio::MAGETAB::DesignElement(3) - Abstract design element class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Edge(3) - MAGE-TAB edge class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Event(3) - Abstract event class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Extract(3) - MAGE-TAB extract class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Factor(3) - MAGE-TAB experimental factor class
- Bio::MAGETAB::FactorValue(3) - MAGE-TAB experimental factor class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Feature(3) - MAGE-TAB feature class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Investigation(3) - MAGE-TAB investigation class
- Bio::MAGETAB::LabeledExtract(3) - MAGE-TAB labeled extract class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Material(3) - Abstract material class
- Bio::MAGETAB::MatrixColumn(3) - MAGE-TAB matrix column class
- Bio::MAGETAB::MatrixRow(3) - MAGE-TAB matrix row class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Measurement(3) - MAGE-TAB measurement class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Node(3) - Abstract node class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Normalization(3) - MAGE-TAB data acquisition class
- Bio::MAGETAB::ParameterValue(3) - MAGE-TAB parameter value class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Protocol(3) - MAGE-TAB protocol class
- Bio::MAGETAB::ProtocolApplication(3) - MAGE-TAB protocol application class
- Bio::MAGETAB::ProtocolParameter(3) - MAGE-TAB protocol parameter class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Publication(3) - MAGE-TAB publication class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Reporter(3) - MAGE-TAB reporter class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Sample(3) - MAGE-TAB sample class
- Bio::MAGETAB::SDRFRow(3) - MAGE-TAB SDRF row class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Source(3) - MAGE-TAB source class
- Bio::MAGETAB::TermSource(3) - MAGE-TAB term source class
- Bio::MAGETAB::Types(3) - custom data types for Bio::MAGETAB
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Builder(3) - A storage class used to track Bio::MAGETAB object creation.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::DBLoader(3) - A persistent storage class used to track Bio::MAGETAB object creation and insertion into a relational database.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Persistence(3) - A Tangram-based object persistence class for MAGE-TAB.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader(3) - A parser/validator for MAGE-TAB documents.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::ADF(3) - ADF parser class.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::DataMatrix(3) - Data matrix parser class.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::IDF(3) - IDF parser class.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::SDRF(3) - SDRF parser class.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::Tabfile(3) - An abstract class providing methods for handling tab-delimited files.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::TagValueFile(3) - An abstract class providing methods for handling tab-delimited files.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::RewriteAE(3) - A utility class providing methods to correct some common errors in ArrayExpress MAGE-TAB documents.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer(3) - Export of MAGE-TAB objects.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::ADF(3) - Export of MAGE-TAB ArrayDesign objects.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::GraphViz(3) - Visualization of MAGE-TAB objects.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::IDF(3) - Export of MAGE-TAB Investigation objects.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::SDRF(3) - Export of MAGE-TAB SDRF objects.
- Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::Tabfile(3) - Abstract MAGE-TAB exporter class.
- Bio::Matrix::Generic(3) - A generic matrix implementation
- Bio::Matrix::IO(3) - A factory for Matrix parsing
- Bio::Matrix::IO::mlagan(3) - A parser for the mlagan substitution matrix
- Bio::Matrix::IO::phylip(3) - A parser for PHYLIP distance matricies
- Bio::Matrix::IO::scoring(3) - A parser for PAM/BLOSUM matricies
- Bio::Matrix::MatrixI(3) - An interface for describing a Matrix
- Bio::Matrix::Mlagan(3) - A generic matrix with mlagan fields
- Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist(3) - A Phylip Distance Matrix object
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite(3) - A PSM site occurrence
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSiteI(3) - InstanceSite interface, holds an instance of a PSM
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO(3) - PSM parser
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::mast(3) - PSM mast parser implementation
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::masta(3) - motif fasta format parser
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::meme(3) - PSM meme parser implementation
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::psiblast(3) - PSM psiblast parser
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::transfac(3) - PSM transfac parser
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::ProtMatrix(3) - SiteMatrixI implementation, holds a position scoring matrix (or position weight matrix) with log-odds scoring information.
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::ProtPsm(3) - handle combination of site matricies
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm(3) - handle combination of site matricies
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeader(3) - PSM mast parser implementation
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeaderI(3) - handles the header data from a PSM file
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmI(3) - abstract interface to handler of site matricies
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix(3) - SiteMatrixI implementation, holds a position scoring matrix (or position weight matrix) and log-odds
- Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrixI(3) - SiteMatrixI implementation, holds a position scoring matrix (or position weight matrix) and log-odds
- Bio::Matrix::Scoring(3) - Object which can hold scoring matrix information
- Bio::NEXUS(3) - An object-oriented Perl Applications Programming Interface (API) for the NEXUS file format
- Bio::NEXUS::AssumptionsBlock(3) - Represents ASSUMPTIONS block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::Block(3) - Provides useful functions for blocks in NEXUS file (parent class).
- Bio::NEXUS::CharactersBlock(3) - Represents a CHARACTERS Block (Data or Characters) of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::CodonsBlock(3) - Represents CODONS block in NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::DataBlock(3) - Represents the deprecated DATA Block in NEXUS file.
- Bio::NEXUS::DistancesBlock(3) - Represents DISTANCES block in NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::Functions(3) - Provides private utiliy functions for the module
- Bio::NEXUS::HistoryBlock(3) - Represents a HISTORY block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::Matrix(3) - Provides functions for handling blocks that have matrices
- Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd(3) - Provides functions for manipulating nodes in trees
- Bio::NEXUS::Node(3) - Provides functions for manipulating nodes in trees
- Bio::NEXUS::NotesBlock(3) - Represents a NOTES block in a NEXUS file.
- Bio::NEXUS::SetsBlock(3) - Represents SETS block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::SpanBlock(3) - Represent SPAN block in a NEXUS file (contains meta data).
- Bio::NEXUS::TaxaBlock(3) - Represents TAXA block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnit(3) - Represents a taxon unit in a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnitSet(3) - Represents a sets of OTUS (Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnits objects) in a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::Tools::GraphicsParams(3) - represents a character block (Data or Characters) of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::Tools::NexModifier(3) - NEXUS file content modifier ( exclude/select/rename options on OTUs).
- Bio::NEXUS::Tools::NexPlotter(3) - PostScript plot of tree + data table (from NEXUS infile)
- Bio::NEXUS::Tree(3) - Provides functions for manipulating trees
- Bio::NEXUS::TreesBlock(3) - Represents TREES block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::UnalignedBlock(3) - Represents an UNALIGNED block of a NEXUS file
- Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock(3) - Represents a simple object for storing information unrecognized blocks by the Bio::NEXUS module.
- Bio::NEXUS::Util::Exceptions(3) - Exception classes for Bio::NEXUS.
- Bio::NEXUS::Util::Logger(3) - Logging for Bio::NEXUS.
- Bio::NEXUS::WeightSet(3) - Represents column weights in alignment ( for each character)
- Bio::Ontology::DocumentRegistry(3) - Keep track of where to find ontologies. Allows lookups by name.
- Bio::Ontology::GOterm(3) - representation of GO terms
- Bio::Ontology::InterProTerm(3) - Implementation of InterProI term interface
- Bio::Ontology::OBOEngine(3) - An Ontology Engine for OBO style flat file format from the Gene Ontology Consortium
- Bio::Ontology::OBOterm(3) - representation of OBO terms
- Bio::Ontology::Ontology(3) - standard implementation of an Ontology
- Bio::Ontology::OntologyEngineI(3) - Interface a minimal Ontology implementation should satisfy
- Bio::Ontology::OntologyI(3) - Interface for an ontology implementation
- Bio::Ontology::OntologyStore(3) - A repository of ontologies
- Bio::Ontology::Path(3) - a path for an ontology term graph
- Bio::Ontology::PathI(3) - Interface for a path between ontology terms
- Bio::Ontology::Relationship(3) - a relationship for an ontology
- Bio::Ontology::RelationshipFactory(3) - Instantiates a new Bio::Ontology::RelationshipI (or derived class) through a factory
- Bio::Ontology::RelationshipI(3) - Interface for a relationship between ontology terms
- Bio::Ontology::RelationshipType(3) - a relationship type for an ontology
- Bio::Ontology::SimpleGOEngine::GraphAdaptor(3) - Graph adaptor for Bio::Ontology::SimpleGOEngine
- Bio::Ontology::SimpleOntologyEngine(3) - Implementation of OntologyEngineI interface
- Bio::Ontology::Term(3) - implementation of the interface for ontology terms
- Bio::Ontology::TermFactory(3) - Instantiates a new Bio::Ontology::TermI (or derived class) through a factory
- Bio::Ontology::TermI(3) - interface for ontology terms
- Bio::OntologyIO(3) - Parser factory for Ontology formats
- Bio::OntologyIO::dagflat(3) - a base class parser for GO flat-file type formats
- Bio::OntologyIO::goflat(3) - a parser for the Gene Ontology flat-file format
- Bio::OntologyIO::Handlers::BaseSAXHandler(3) - base class for SAX Handlers
- Bio::OntologyIO::Handlers::InterPro_BioSQL_Handler(3) - parse an InterPro XML file and persist the resulting terms to a Biosql database
- Bio::OntologyIO::Handlers::InterProHandler(3) - XML handler class for InterProParser
- Bio::OntologyIO::InterProParser(3) - Parser for InterPro xml files.
- Bio::OntologyIO::obo(3) - parser for OBO flat-file format
- Bio::OntologyIO::simplehierarchy(3) - a base class parser for simple hierarchy-by-indentation type formats
- Bio::OntologyIO::soflat(3) - a parser for the Sequence Ontology flat-file format
- Bio::ParameterBaseI(3) - Simple interface class for any parameter-related data such as IDs, database name, program arguments, and other odds and ends.
- Bio::Phylo(3) - Phylogenetic analysis using perl
- Bio::Phylo::EvolutionaryModels(3) - Evolutionary models for phylogenetic trees and methods to sample these Klaas Hartmann, September 2007
- Bio::Phylo::Factory(3) - Creator of objects, reduces hardcoded class names in code
- Bio::Phylo::Forest(3) - Container for tree objects
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawNodeRole(3) - Tree node with extra methods for tree drawing
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTreeRole(3) - Tree with extra methods for tree drawing
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node(3) - Node in a phylogenetic tree
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::NodeRole(3) - Extra behaviours for a node in a phylogenetic tree
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree(3) - Phylogenetic tree
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::TreeRole(3) - Extra behaviours for a phylogenetic tree
- Bio::Phylo::Generator(3) - Generator of tree topologies
- Bio::Phylo::Identifiable(3) - Objects with unique identifiers
- Bio::Phylo::IO(3) - Front end for parsers and serializers
- Bio::Phylo::Listable(3) - List of things, super class for many objects
- Bio::Phylo::ListableRole(3) - Extra functionality for things that are lists
- Bio::Phylo::Manual(3) - High-level user guide
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices(3) - Container of matrix objects
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Character(3) - A character (column) in a matrix
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Characters(3) - Container of character objects
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype(3) - Validator of character state data
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Continuous(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Custom(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Dna(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Illumina(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Mixed(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Protein(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Restriction(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Rna(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Sanger(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Solexa(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::Standard(3) - Validator subclass, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum(3) - Character state sequence
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::DatumRole(3) - Extra behaviours for a character state sequence
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix(3) - Character state matrix
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::MatrixRole(3) - Extra behaviours for a character state matrix
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::TypeSafeData(3) - Superclass for objects that contain character data
- Bio::Phylo::Mediators::TaxaMediator(3) - Mediator for links between taxa and other objects
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Binary(3) - Binary character substitution model
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna(3) - DNA substitution model
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna::F81(3) - Felsenstein (1981) model
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna::GTR(3) - General Time Reversible model
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna::HKY85(3) - Hasegawa, Kishino, Yano (1985) model
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna::JC69(3) - Jukes, Cantor (1969)
- Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna::K80(3) - Kimura 2-parameter
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM(3) - XML DOM support for Bio::Phylo
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Document(3) - XML DOM Abstract class for flexible document object model implementation
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Document::Libxml(3) - XML DOM document mappings to the "XML::LibXML" package
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Document::Twig(3) - XML DOM document mappings to the "XML::Twig" package
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Element(3) - XML DOM Abstract class for flexible document object model implementation
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Element::Libxml(3) - XML DOM element mappings to the "XML::LibXML" package
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::Element::Twig(3) - XML DOM mappings to the XML::Twig package
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Entities(3) - Functions for dealing with XML entities
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta(3) - Single predicate/object annotation, attached to an xml-writable subject
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta::XMLLiteral(3) - Annotation value adaptor, no direct usage
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable(3) - Superclass for objects that serialize to NeXML
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::XML2JSON(3) - Helps convert NeXML to JSON, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Abstract(3) - Superclass for parsers used by Bio::Phylo::IO
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Adjacency(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Cdao(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Dwca(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Fasta(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Fastq(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Figtree(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Json(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Newick(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Nexml(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Nexus(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Nhx(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Phylip(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Phyloxml(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Taxlist(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Tnrs(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Tolweb(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Ubiocbmeta(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Ubiometa(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Ubiosearch(3) - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS(3) - Base class for phylogenetic web services
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Client(3) - Base class for phylogenetic web service clients
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Resource(3) - Represents a PhyloWS web resource
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Resource::Description(3) - Represents a PhyloWS resource description
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service(3) - Base class for phylogenetic web services
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Timetree(3) - PhyloWS service wrapper for Timetree
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Tolweb(3) - PhyloWS service wrapper for Tree of Life
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::UbioClassificationBank(3) - PhyloWS service wrapper for uBio ClassificationBank records
- Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::UbioNameBank(3) - PhyloWS service wrapper for uBio NameBank records
- Bio::Phylo::Project(3) - Container for related data
- Bio::Phylo::Set(3) - Subset of the parts inside a container
- Bio::Phylo::Taxa(3) - Container of taxon objects
- Bio::Phylo::Taxa::TaxaLinker(3) - Superclass for objects that link to taxa objects
- Bio::Phylo::Taxa::Taxon(3) - Operational taxonomic unit
- Bio::Phylo::Taxa::TaxonLinker(3) - Superclass for objects that link to taxon objects
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer(3) - Visualizer of tree shapes
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Abstract(3) - Abstract graphics writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Canvas(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Gif(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Jpeg(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Pdf(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Png(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Processing(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Svg(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer::Swf(3) - Graphics format writer used by treedrawer, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Abstract(3) - Superclass for unparsers used by Bio::Phylo::IO
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Adjacency(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Cdao(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Fasta(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Figtree(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Hennig86(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Html(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Json(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Mrp(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Newick(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Nexml(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Nexus(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Nhx(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Nwmsrdf(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Pagel(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Phylip(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Phyloxml(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Rss1(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Taxlist(3) - Serializer used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT(3) - Global constants and utility functions
- Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT::Int(3) - Integer constants, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Util::Dependency(3) - Utility class for importing external dependencies. No serviceable parts inside.
- Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions(3) - Errors ($@) that are objects
- Bio::Phylo::Util::IDPool(3) - Utility class for generating object IDs. No serviceable parts inside.
- Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger(3) - Logger of internal messages of several severity levels
- Bio::Phylo::Util::Math(3) - Utility math functions
- Bio::Phylo::Util::MOP(3) - Meta-object programming, no serviceable parts inside
- Bio::Phylo::Util::OptionalInterface(3) - Utility class for managing optional superclasses. No serviceable parts inside.
- Bio::Phylo::Util::StackTrace(3) - Stack traces for exceptions
- Bio::PhyloRole(3) - Extra behaviours for the base class
- Bio::PrimarySeq(3) - Bioperl lightweight sequence object
- Bio::PrimarySeqI(3) - Interface definition for a Bio::PrimarySeq
- Bio::PullParserI(3) - A base module for fast 'pull' parsing
- Bio::Range(3) - Pure perl RangeI implementation
- Bio::RangeI(3) - Range interface
- Bio::Root::Exception(3) - BioPerl exceptions
- Bio::Root::HTTPget(3) - module for fallback HTTP get operations when LWP:: is unavailable
- Bio::Root::IO(3) - BioPerl base IO handling class
- Bio::Root::Root(3) - implementation of Bio::Root::RootI interface
- Bio::Root::RootI(3) - base interface for all BioPerl classes
- Bio::Root::Storable(3) - Safely store/retrieve objects from disk
- Bio::Root::Test(3) - common base for all BioPerl test scripts
- Bio::Root::TestObject(3) - An implementation of TestInterface
- Bio::Root::Utilities(3) - general-purpose utilities
- Bio::Root::Version(3) - don't use, get version from each module
- Bio::Search::BlastStatistics(3) - An object for Blast statistics
- Bio::Search::BlastUtils(3) - Utility functions for Bio::Search:: BLAST objects
- Bio::Search::DatabaseI(3) - Interface for a database used in a sequence search
- Bio::Search::GenericDatabase(3) - Generic implementation of Bio::Search::DatabaseI
- Bio::Search::GenericStatistics(3) - An object for statistics
- Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit(3) - Blast-specific subclass of Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit
- Bio::Search::Hit::BlastPullHit(3) - A parser and hit object for BLASTN hits
- Bio::Search::Hit::Fasta(3) - Hit object specific for Fasta-generated hits
- Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit(3) - A generic implementation of the Bio::Search::Hit::HitI interface
- Bio::Search::Hit::HitFactory(3) - A factory to create Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects
- Bio::Search::Hit::HitI(3) - Interface for a hit in a similarity search result
- Bio::Search::Hit::ModelHit(3) - A model-based implementation of the Bio::Search::Hit::HitI interface
- Bio::Search::Hit::PsiBlastHit(3) - Bioperl BLAST Hit object
- Bio::Search::Hit::PullHitI(3) - Bio::Search::Hit::HitI interface for pull parsers.
- Bio::Search::HSP::BlastHSP(3) - Bioperl BLAST High-Scoring Pair object
- Bio::Search::HSP::BlastPullHSP(3) - A parser and HSP object for BlastN hsps
- Bio::Search::HSP::FastaHSP(3) - HSP object for FASTA specific data
- Bio::Search::HSP::GenericHSP(3) - A "Generic" implementation of a High Scoring Pair
- Bio::Search::HSP::HSPFactory(3) - A factory to create Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI objects
- Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI(3) - Interface for a High Scoring Pair in a similarity search result
- Bio::Search::HSP::ModelHSP(3) - A HSP object for model-based searches
- Bio::Search::HSP::PsiBlastHSP(3) - Bioperl BLAST High-Scoring Pair object
- Bio::Search::HSP::PSLHSP(3) - A HSP for PSL output
- Bio::Search::HSP::PullHSPI(3) - Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI interface for pull parsers.
- Bio::Search::HSP::WABAHSP(3) - HSP object suitable for describing WABA alignments
- Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration(3) - A generic implementation of the Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI interface.
- Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI(3) - Abstract interface to an iteration from an iterated search result, such as PSI-BLAST.
- Bio::Search::Processor(3) - DESCRIPTION of Object
- Bio::Search::Result::BlastPullResult(3) - A parser and result object for BLASTN results
- Bio::Search::Result::BlastResult(3) - Blast-specific subclass of Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult
- Bio::Search::Result::CrossMatchResult(3) - CrossMatch-specific subclass of Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult
- Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult(3) - Generic Implementation of Bio::Search::Result::ResultI interface applicable to most search results.
- Bio::Search::Result::INFERNALResult(3) - A Result object for INFERNAL results
- Bio::Search::Result::PullResultI(3) - Bio::Search::Result::ResultI interface for 'pull' parsers
- Bio::Search::Result::ResultFactory(3) - A factory to create Bio::Search::Result::ResultI objects
- Bio::Search::Result::ResultI(3) - Abstract interface to Search Result objects
- Bio::Search::Result::WABAResult(3) - Result object for WABA alignment output
- Bio::Search::SearchUtils(3) - Utility functions for Bio::Search:: objects
- Bio::Search::StatisticsI(3) - A Base object for statistics
- Bio::Search::Tiling::MapTileUtils(3) - utilities for manipulating closed intervals for an HSP tiling algorithm
- Bio::Search::Tiling::MapTiling(3) - An implementation of an HSP tiling algorithm, with methods to obtain frequently-requested statistics
- Bio::Search::Tiling::TilingI(3) - Abstract interface for an HSP tiling module
- Bio::SearchIO(3) - Driver for parsing Sequence Database Searches (BLAST, FASTA, ...)
- Bio::SearchIO::axt(3) - a parser for axt format reports
- Bio::SearchIO::blast(3) - Event generator for event based parsing of blast reports
- Bio::SearchIO::blast_pull(3) - A parser for BLAST output
- Bio::SearchIO::blasttable(3) - Driver module for SearchIO for parsing NCBI -m 8/9 format
- Bio::SearchIO::cross_match(3) - CrossMatch-specific subclass of Bio::SearchIO
- Bio::SearchIO::erpin(3) - SearchIO-based ERPIN parser
- Bio::SearchIO::EventHandlerI(3) - An abstract Event Handler for Search Result parsing
- Bio::SearchIO::exonerate(3) - parser for Exonerate
- Bio::SearchIO::fasta(3) - A SearchIO parser for FASTA results
- Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder(3) - Event Handler for SearchIO events.
- Bio::SearchIO::gmap_f9(3) - Event generator for parsing gmap reports (Z format)
- Bio::SearchIO::infernal(3) - SearchIO-based Infernal parser
- Bio::SearchIO::IteratedSearchResultEventBuilder(3) - Event Handler for SearchIO events.
- Bio::SearchIO::megablast(3) - a driver module for Bio::SearchIO to parse megablast reports (format 0)
- Bio::SearchIO::psl(3) - A parser for PSL output (UCSC)
- Bio::SearchIO::rnamotif(3) - SearchIO-based RNAMotif parser
- Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder(3) - Event Handler for SearchIO events.
- Bio::SearchIO::SearchWriterI(3) - Interface for outputting parsed Search results
- Bio::SearchIO::sim4(3) - parser for Sim4 alignments
- Bio::SearchIO::waba(3) - SearchIO parser for Jim Kent WABA program alignment output
- Bio::SearchIO::wise(3) - Parsing of wise output as alignments
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::GbrowseGFF(3) - Interface for outputting parsed search results in Gbrowse GFF format
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter(3) - Tab-delimited data for Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter(3) - Tab-delimited data for Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI objects
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HTMLResultWriter(3) - write a Bio::Search::ResultI in HTML
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::ResultTableWriter(3) - Outputs tab-delimited data for each Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object.
- Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter(3) - Object to implement writing a Bio::Search::ResultI in Text.
- Bio::Seq(3) - Sequence object, with features
- Bio::Seq::BaseSeqProcessor(3) - Base implementation for a SequenceProcessor
- Bio::Seq::EncodedSeq(3) - subtype of Bio::LocatableSeq to store DNA that encodes a protein
- Bio::Seq::LargeLocatableSeq(3) - LocatableSeq object that stores sequence as files in the tempdir
- Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq(3) - PrimarySeq object that stores sequence as files in the tempdir (as found by File::Temp) or the default method in Bio::Root::Root
- Bio::Seq::LargeSeq(3) - SeqI compliant object that stores sequence as files in /tmp
- Bio::Seq::LargeSeqI(3) - Interface class for sequences that cache their residues in a temporary file
- Bio::Seq::Meta(3) - Generic superclass for sequence objects with residue-based meta information
- Bio::Seq::Meta::Array(3) - array-based generic implementation of a sequence class with residue-based meta information
- Bio::Seq::MetaI(3) - Interface for sequence objects with residue-based meta information
- Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual(3) - Bioperl lightweight Quality Object
- Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq(3) - A sequence and a pair of primers matching on it
- Bio::Seq::QualI(3) - Interface definition for a Bio::Seq::Qual
- Bio::Seq::Quality(3) - Implementation of sequence with residue quality and trace values
- Bio::Seq::RichSeq(3) - Module implementing a sequence created from a rich sequence database entry
- Bio::Seq::RichSeqI(3) - interface for sequences from rich data sources, mostly databases
- Bio::Seq::SeqBuilder(3) - Configurable object builder for sequence stream parsers
- Bio::Seq::SeqFactory(3) - Instantiation of generic Bio::PrimarySeqI (or derived) objects through a factory
- Bio::Seq::SeqFastaSpeedFactory(3) - Rapid creation of Bio::Seq objects through a factory
- Bio::Seq::SequenceTrace(3) - Bioperl object packaging a sequence with its trace
- Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead(3) - Read with sequencing errors taken from a reference sequence
- Bio::Seq::TraceI(3) - Interface definition for a Bio::Seq::Trace
- Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI(3) - Sequence analysis output parser interface
- Bio::SeqFeature::Amplicon(3) - Amplicon feature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated(3) - PLEASE PUT SOMETHING HERE
- Bio::SeqFeature::AnnotationAdaptor(3) - integrates SeqFeatureIs annotation
- Bio::SeqFeature::Collection(3) - A container class for SeqFeatures suitable for performing operations such as finding features within a range, that match a certain feature type, etc.
- Bio::SeqFeature::CollectionI(3) - An interface for a collection of SeqFeatureI objects.
- Bio::SeqFeature::Computation(3) - Computation SeqFeature
- Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair(3) - hold pair feature information e.g. blast hits
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::Exon(3) - a feature representing an exon
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::ExonI(3) - Interface for a feature representing an exon
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::GeneStructure(3) - A feature representing an arbitrarily complex structure of a gene
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::GeneStructureI(3) - A feature representing an arbitrarily complex structure of a gene
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::Intron(3) - An intron feature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::NC_Feature(3) - superclass for non-coding features
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::Poly_A_site(3) - poly A feature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::Promoter(3) - Describes a promoter
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::Transcript(3) - A feature representing a transcript
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::TranscriptI(3) - Interface for a feature representing a transcript of exons, promoter(s), UTR, and a poly-adenylation site.
- Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::UTR(3) - A feature representing an untranslated region that is part of a transcriptional unit
- Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(3) - Generic SeqFeature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Lite(3) - Lightweight Bio::SeqFeatureI class
- Bio::SeqFeature::PositionProxy(3) - handle features when truncation/revcom sequences span a feature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Primer(3) - Primer Generic SeqFeature
- Bio::SeqFeature::Similarity(3) - A sequence feature based on similarity
- Bio::SeqFeature::SimilarityPair(3) - Sequence feature based on the similarity of two sequences.
- Bio::SeqFeature::SubSeq(3) - Feature representing a subsequence
- Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::FeatureNamer(3) - generates unique persistent names for features
- Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::IDHandler(3) - maps $seq_feature->primary_tag
- Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::TypeMapper(3) - maps $seq_feature->primary_tag
- Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener(3) - turns flat list of genbank-sourced features into a nested SeqFeatureI hierarchy
- Bio::SeqFeature::TypedSeqFeatureI(3) - a strongly typed SeqFeature
- Bio::SeqFeatureI(3) - Abstract interface of a Sequence Feature
- Bio::SeqI(3) - [Developers] Abstract Interface of Sequence (with features)
- Bio::SeqIO(3) - Handler for SeqIO Formats
- Bio::SeqIO::ace(3) - ace sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::asciitree(3) - asciitree sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::bsml(3) - BSML sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax(3) - BSML sequence input/output stream using SAX
- Bio::SeqIO::embl(3) - EMBL sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::embldriver(3) - EMBL sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::entrezgene(3) - Entrez Gene ASN1 parser
- Bio::SeqIO::fasta(3) - fasta sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::fastq(3) - fastq sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper(3) - Helper class for EMBL/Genbank feature tables
- Bio::SeqIO::game(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::game::featHandler(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::game::gameHandler(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::game::seqHandler(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::SeqIO::gbdriver(3) - GenBank handler-based push parser
- Bio::SeqIO::gbxml(3) - GenBank sequence input/output stream using SAX
- Bio::SeqIO::gcg(3) - GCG sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::genbank(3) - GenBank sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::Handler::GenericRichSeqHandler(3) - Bio::HandlerI-based data handler for GenBank/EMBL/UniProt (and other) sequence data
- Bio::SeqIO::interpro(3) - InterProScan XML input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::kegg(3) - KEGG sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::largefasta(3) - method i/o on very large fasta sequence files
- Bio::SeqIO::locuslink(3) - LocusLink input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::mbsout(3) - input stream for output by Teshima et al.'s mbs.
- Bio::SeqIO::metafasta(3) - metafasta sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::msout(3) - input stream for output by Hudson's ms
- Bio::SeqIO::MultiFile(3) - Treating a set of files as a single input stream
- Bio::SeqIO::phd(3) - phd file input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::pir(3) - PIR sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::qual(3) - .qual file input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::raw(3) - raw sequence file input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::scf(3) - .scf file input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::seqxml(3) - SeqXML sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::swiss(3) - Swissprot sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::swissdriver(3) - SwissProt/UniProt handler-based push parser
- Bio::SeqIO::tab(3) - nearly raw sequence file input/output stream. Reads/writes id"\t"sequence"\n"
- Bio::SeqIO::table(3) - sequence input/output stream from a delimited table
- Bio::SeqIO::tigr(3) - TIGR XML sequence input/output stream
- Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml(3) - Parse TIGR (new) XML
- Bio::SeqIO::tinyseq(3) - reading/writing sequences in NCBI TinySeq format
- Bio::SeqIO::tinyseq::tinyseqHandler(3) - XML event handlers to support NCBI TinySeq XML parsing
- Bio::SeqUtils(3) - Additional methods for PrimarySeq objects
- Bio::SimpleAlign(3) - Multiple alignments held as a set of sequences
- Bio::SimpleAnalysisI(3) - A simple interface to any (local or remote) analysis tool
- Bio::Species(3) - Generic species object.
- Bio::Taxon(3) - A node in a represented taxonomy
- Bio::Tools::Alignment::Consed(3) - A module to work with objects from consed .ace files
- Bio::Tools::Alignment::Trim(3) - A kludge to do specialized trimming of sequence based on quality.
- Bio::Tools::AmpliconSearch(3) - Find amplicons in a template using degenerate PCR primers
- Bio::Tools::Analysis::SimpleAnalysisBase(3) - abstract superclass for SimpleAnalysis implementations
- Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult(3) - Base class for analysis result objects and parsers
- Bio::Tools::Blat(3) - parser for Blat program
- Bio::Tools::CodonTable(3) - Codon table object
- Bio::Tools::Coil(3) - parser for Coil output
- Bio::Tools::ECnumber(3) - representation of EC numbers (Enzyme Classification)
- Bio::Tools::EMBOSS::Palindrome(3) - parse EMBOSS palindrome output
- Bio::Tools::EPCR(3) - Parse ePCR output and make features
- Bio::Tools::Eponine(3) - Results of one Eponine run
- Bio::Tools::Est2Genome(3) - Parse est2genome output, makes simple Bio::SeqFeature::Generic objects
- Bio::Tools::ESTScan(3) - Results of one ESTScan run
- Bio::Tools::Fgenesh(3) - parse results of one Fgenesh run
- Bio::Tools::FootPrinter(3) - write sequence features in FootPrinter format
- Bio::Tools::Geneid(3) - Results of one geneid run
- Bio::Tools::Genemark(3) - Results of one Genemark run
- Bio::Tools::Genewise(3) - Results of one Genewise run
- Bio::Tools::Genomewise(3) - Results of one Genomewise run
- Bio::Tools::Genscan(3) - Results of one Genscan run
- Bio::Tools::GFF(3) - A Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI compliant GFF format parser
- Bio::Tools::Glimmer(3) - parser for Glimmer 2.X/3.X prokaryotic and GlimmerM/GlimmerHMM eukaryotic gene predictions
- Bio::Tools::Grail(3) - Results of one Grail run
- Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat(3) - Module for determining the sequence format of the contents of a file, a string, or through a filehandle.
- Bio::Tools::ipcress(3) - Parse ipcress output and make features
- Bio::Tools::isPcr(3) - Parse isPcr output and make features
- Bio::Tools::IUPAC(3) - Generates unique sequence objects or regular expressions from an ambiguous IUPAC sequence
- Bio::Tools::Lucy(3) - Object for analyzing the output from Lucy, a vector and quality trimming program from TIGR
- Bio::Tools::Match(3) - Parses output from Transfac's match(TM)
- Bio::Tools::MZEF(3) - Results of one MZEF run
- Bio::Tools::OddCodes(3) - Object holding alternative alphabet coding for one protein sequence
- Bio::Tools::Phylo::Gerp(3) - Parses output from GERP
- Bio::Tools::Phylo::Molphy(3) - parser for Molphy output
- Bio::Tools::Phylo::Molphy::Result(3) - container for data parsed from a ProtML run
- Bio::Tools::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist(3) - parser for ProtDist output
- Bio::Tools::pICalculator(3) - calculate the isoelectric point of a protein
- Bio::Tools::Prediction::Exon(3) - A predicted exon feature
- Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene(3) - a predicted gene structure feature
- Bio::Tools::Primer::Assessor::Base(3) - base class for common assessor things
- Bio::Tools::Primer::AssessorI(3) - interface for assessing primer pairs
- Bio::Tools::Primer::Feature(3) - position of a single primer
- Bio::Tools::Primer::Pair(3) - two primers on left and right side
- Bio::Tools::Primer3(3) - Create input for and work with the output from the program primer3
- Bio::Tools::Prints(3) - Parser for FingerPRINTScanII program
- Bio::Tools::Profile(3) - parse Profile output
- Bio::Tools::Promoterwise(3) - parser for Promoterwise tab format output
- Bio::Tools::PrositeScan(3) - Parser for ps_scan result
- Bio::Tools::Pseudowise(3) - Results of one Pseudowise run
- Bio::Tools::QRNA(3) - A Parser for qrna output
- Bio::Tools::RandomDistFunctions(3) - A set of routines useful for generating random data in different distributions
- Bio::Tools::RepeatMasker(3) - a parser for RepeatMasker output
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Amap(3) - Object for the calculation of an iterative multiple sequence alignment from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the Amap (2.0) program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Blat(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::DBA(3) - Object for the alignment of two sequences using the DNA Block Aligner program.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Exonerate(3) - 2.2.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Gmap(3) - Wrapper for running gmap.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Kalign(3) - Object for the calculation of an iterative multiple sequence alignment from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the KALIGN program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan(3) - Object for the local execution of the LAGAN suite of tools (including MLAGAN for multiple sequence alignments)
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::MAFFT(3) - run the MAFFT alignment tools
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::MSAProbs(3) - Object for the calculation of a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) from a set of unaligned sequences using the MSAProbs program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Muscle(3) - Object for the calculation of an iterative multiple sequence alignment from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the MUSCLE program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Pal2Nal(3) - Wrapper for Pal2Nal
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Probalign(3) - Object for the calculation of a multiple sequence alignment from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the Probalign program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Probcons(3) - Object for the calculation of an iterative multiple sequence alignment from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the Probcons program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Proda(3) - Object for the calculation of sets of multiple sequence alignments from a set of unaligned sequences or alignments using the Proda program.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Sim4(3) - Wrapper for Sim4 program that allows for alignment of cdna to genomic sequences
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::StandAloneFasta(3) - Object for the local execution of the Fasta3 programs ((t)fasta3, (t)fastx3, (t)fasty3 ssearch3)
- Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis(3) - Module representing any (remote or local) analysis tool
- Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis::soap(3) - A SOAP-based access to the analysis tools
- Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory(3) - A directory of analysis tools
- Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory::soap(3) - A SOAP-based access to the list of analysis tools
- Bio::Tools::Run::BEDTools(3) - Run wrapper for the BEDTools suite of programs *BETA*
- Bio::Tools::Run::BEDTools::Config(3) - Configuration data for bowtie commands
- Bio::Tools::Run::BlastPlus(3) - A wrapper for NCBI's blast+ suite
- Bio::Tools::Run::Coil(3) - wrapper for ncoils program
- Bio::Tools::Run::EMBOSSacd(3) - class for EMBOSS Application qualifiers
- Bio::Tools::Run::EMBOSSApplication(3) - class for EMBOSS Applications
- Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl(3) - A simplified front-end for setting up the registry for, and then using an Ensembl database with the Ensembl Perl API.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine(3) - Object for execution of the Eponine which is a mammalian TSS predictor
- Bio::Tools::Run::ERPIN(3) - Wrapper for local execution of the ERPIN suite of programs.
- Bio::Tools::Run::FootPrinter(3) - wrapper for the FootPrinter program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Genemark(3) - Wrapper for local execution of the GeneMark family of programs.
- Bio::Tools::Run::GenericParameters(3) - An object for the parameters used to run programs
- Bio::Tools::Run::Genewise(3) - Object for predicting genes in a given sequence given a protein
- Bio::Tools::Run::Genscan(3) - Object for identifying genes in a given sequence given a matrix(for appropriate organisms).
- Bio::Tools::Run::Glimmer(3) - Wrapper for local execution of Glimmer, GlimmerM and GlimmerHMM.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer(3) - Wrapper for local execution of hmmalign, hmmbuild, hmmcalibrate, hmmemit, hmmpfam, hmmsearch
- Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal(3) - Wrapper for local execution of cmalign, cmbuild, cmsearch, cmscore
- Bio::Tools::Run::Match(3) - Wrapper for Transfac's match(TM)
- Bio::Tools::Run::MCS(3) - Wrapper for MCS
- Bio::Tools::Run::Mdust(3) - Perl extension for Mdust nucleotide filtering
- Bio::Tools::Run::ParametersI(3) - A Base object for the parameters used to run programs
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::FastTree(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Gerp(3) - Wrapper for GERP
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::Base(3) - Hyphy wrapping base methods
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::BatchFile(3) - Wrapper for custom execution of Hyphy batch files
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::FEL(3) - Wrapper around the Hyphy FEL analysis
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::Modeltest(3) - Wrapper around the Hyphy Modeltest analysis
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::REL(3) - Wrapper around the Hyphy REL analysis
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Hyphy::SLAC(3) - Wrapper around the Hyphy SLAC analysis
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::LVB(3) - Object for using the LVB program to create an array of Bio::Tree objects from a nucleotide multiple alignment file or a nucleotide SimpleAlign object. Works with LVB version 2.1.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Molphy::ProtML(3) - A wrapper for the Molphy pkg app ProtML
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Njtree::Best(3) - Wrapper around the Njtree (Njtree/phyml) best program.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phast::PhastCons(3) - Wrapper for footprinting using phastCons
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phast::PhyloFit(3) - Wrapper for phyloFit
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Base(3) - Base object for Phylip modules
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Consense(3) - Wrapper for the phylip program Consense
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::DrawGram(3) - use Phylip DrawTree program to draw phylograms or phenograms
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::DrawTree(3) - use Phylip DrawTree program to draw trees
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Neighbor(3) - Wrapper for the phylip program neighbor by Joseph Felsenstein for creating a phylogenetic tree(either through Neighbor or UPGMA) based on protein distances based on amino substitution rate.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::PhylipConf(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist(3) - Wrapper for the phylip program protdist
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::ProtPars(3) - Object for creating a Bio::Tree object from a multiple alignment file or a SimpleAlign object
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::SeqBoot(3) - Wrapper for the phylip program SeqBoot
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::PhyloBase(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phyml(3) - Wrapper for rapid reconstruction of phylogenies using Phyml
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::QuickTree(3) - Wrapper for rapid reconstruction of phylogenies using QuickTree
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Raxml(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Semphy(3) - Wrapper for Semphy
- Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR(3) - Wrapper around the SLR program
- Bio::Tools::Run::Primate(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3(3) - Create input for and work with the output from the program primer3
- Bio::Tools::Run::Prints(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Profile(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Promoterwise(3) - Wrapper for aligning two sequences using promoterwise
- Bio::Tools::Run::Pseudowise(3) - Object for prediting pseudogenes in a given sequence given a protein and a cdna sequence
- Bio::Tools::Run::RepeatMasker(3) - Wrapper for RepeatMasker Program
- Bio::Tools::Run::RNAMotif(3) - Wrapper for local execution of rnamotif, rm2ct, rmfmt, rmprune
- Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools(3) - a run wrapper for the samtools suite *BETA*
- Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools::Config(3) - configurator for Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools
- Bio::Tools::Run::Seg(3) - Object for identifying low complexity regions in a given protein seequence.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Signalp(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::Simprot(3) - Wrapper around the Simprot program. Wrapper for the calculation of a multiple sequence alignment from a phylogenetic tree
- Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast(3) - Object for the local execution of the NCBI BLAST program suite (blastall, blastpgp, bl2seq). There is experimental support for WU-Blast and NCBI rpsblast.
- Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlastPlus(3) - Compute with NCBI's blast+ suite *ALPHA*
- Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlastPlus::BlastMethods(3) - Provides BLAST methods to StandAloneBlastPlus
- Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneNCBIBlast(3) - Object for the local execution of the NCBI BLAST program suite (blastall, blastpgp, bl2seq). With experimental support for NCBI rpsblast.
- Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneWUBlast(3) - Object for the local execution of WU-Blast.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Tmhmm(3) - Object for identifying transmembrane helixes in a given protein seequence.
- Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::tRNAscanSE(3) - Wrapper for local execution of tRNAscan-SE
- Bio::Tools::Run::Vista(3) - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
- Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase(3) - A Base object for wrappers around executables
- Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase::CommandExts(3) - Extensions to WrapperBase for handling programs with commands *ALPHA*
- Bio::Tools::Seg(3) - parse "seg" output
- Bio::Tools::SeqPattern(3) - represent a sequence pattern or motif
- Bio::Tools::SeqPattern::Backtranslate(3) - reverse translate protein patterns
- Bio::Tools::SeqStats(3) - Object holding statistics for one particular sequence
- Bio::Tools::SeqWords(3) - Object holding n-mer statistics for a sequence
- Bio::Tools::Sigcleave(3) - Bioperl object for sigcleave analysis
- Bio::Tools::Signalp(3) - parser for Signalp output
- Bio::Tools::Signalp::ExtendedSignalp(3) - enhanced parser for Signalp output
- Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon(3) - A single exon determined by an alignment
- Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results(3) - Results of one Sim4 run
- Bio::Tools::Spidey::Exon(3) - A single exon determined by an alignment
- Bio::Tools::Spidey::Results(3) - Results of a Spidey run
- Bio::Tools::TandemRepeatsFinder(3) - a parser for Tandem Repeats Finder output
- Bio::Tools::TargetP(3) - Results of one TargetP run
- Bio::Tools::Tmhmm(3) - parse TMHMM output (TransMembrane HMM)
- Bio::Tools::tRNAscanSE(3) - A parser for tRNAscan-SE output
- Bio::Tree::AnnotatableNode(3) - A Tree Node with support for annotation
- Bio::Tree::Compatible(3) - Testing compatibility of phylogenetic trees with nested taxa.
- Bio::Tree::DistanceFactory(3) - Construct a tree using distance based methods
- Bio::Tree::Node(3) - A Simple Tree Node
- Bio::Tree::NodeI(3) - Interface describing a Tree Node
- Bio::Tree::NodeNHX(3) - A Simple Tree Node with support for NHX tags
- Bio::Tree::RandomFactory(3) - TreeFactory for generating Random Trees
- Bio::Tree::Statistics(3) - Calculate certain statistics for a Tree
- Bio::Tree::Tree(3) - An implementation of the TreeI interface.
- Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI(3) - Decorated Interface implementing basic Tree exploration methods
- Bio::Tree::TreeI(3) - A Tree object suitable for lots of things, designed originally for Phylogenetic Trees.
- Bio::TreeIO(3) - Parser for Tree files
- Bio::TreeIO::cluster(3) - A TreeIO driver module for parsing Algorithm::Cluster::treecluster() output
- Bio::TreeIO::lintree(3) - Parser for lintree output trees
- Bio::TreeIO::newick(3) - parsing and writing of Newick/PHYLIP/New Hampshire format
- Bio::TreeIO::NewickParser(3) - newick string parser
- Bio::TreeIO::nexus(3) - A TreeIO driver module for parsing Nexus tree output from PAUP
- Bio::TreeIO::nhx(3) - TreeIO implementation for parsing Newick/New Hampshire eXtendend (NHX) format.
- Bio::TreeIO::pag(3) - Bio::TreeIO driver for Pagel format
- Bio::TreeIO::phyloxml(3) - TreeIO implementation for parsing PhyloXML format.
- Bio::TreeIO::tabtree(3) - A simple output format which displays a tree as an ASCII drawing
- Bio::TreeIO::TreeEventBuilder(3) - Build Bio::Tree::Tree's and Bio::Tree::Node's from Events
- Bio::UpdateableSeqI(3) - Descendant of Bio::SeqI that allows updates
- Bio::Variation(3)
- Bio::Variation::AAChange(3) - Sequence change class for polypeptides
- Bio::Variation::AAReverseMutate(3) - point mutation and codon information from single amino acid changes
- Bio::Variation::Allele(3) - Sequence object with allele-specific attributes
- Bio::Variation::DNAMutation(3) - DNA level mutation class
- Bio::Variation::IO(3) - Handler for sequence variation IO Formats
- Bio::Variation::IO::flat(3) - flat file sequence variation input/output stream
- Bio::Variation::IO::xml(3) - XML sequence variation input/output stream
- Bio::Variation::RNAChange(3) - Sequence change class for RNA level
- Bio::Variation::SeqDiff(3) - Container class for mutation/variant descriptions
- Bio::Variation::SNP(3) - submitted SNP
- Bio::Variation::VariantI(3) - Sequence Change SeqFeature abstract class
- Bio::WebAgent(3) - A base class for Web (any protocol) access
- BIO_ADDR(3) - BIO_ADDR routines
- BIO_ADDRINFO(3) - BIO_ADDRINFO type and routines
- BIO_CONNECT(3) - BIO socket communication setup routines
- BIO_CTRL(3) - BIO control operations
- BIO_DUMP(3) - hexadecimal printout of arbitrary byte arrays
- BIO_F_ASN1(3) - BER-encoding filter BIO
- BIO_F_BASE64(3) - base64 BIO filter
- BIO_F_BUFFER(3) - buffering BIO
- BIO_F_CIPHER(3) - cipher BIO filter
- BIO_F_MD(3) - message digest BIO filter
- BIO_F_NULL(3) - null filter
- BIO_FIND_TYPE(3) - BIO chain traversal
- BIO_GET_DATA(3) - functions for managing BIO state information
- BIO_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - application-specific data
- BIO_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up BIO methods
- BIO_NEW(3) - BIO allocation and freeing functions
- BIO_NEW_CMS(3) - CMS streaming filter BIO
- BIO_NEW_NDEF(3) - generic constructor for streaming BIO chains
- BIO_PARSE_HOSTSERV(3) - utility routines to parse a standard host and service string
- BIO_PRINTF(3) - formatted output to a BIO
- BIO_PUSH(3) - add and remove BIOs from a chain
- BIO_READ(3) - BIO I/O functions
- BIO_S_ACCEPT(3) - accept BIO
- BIO_S_BIO(3) - BIO pair BIO
- BIO_S_CONNECT(3) - connect BIO
- BIO_S_FD(3) - file descriptor BIO
- BIO_S_FILE(3) - FILE bio
- BIO_S_MEM(3) - memory BIO
- BIO_S_NULL(3) - null data sink
- BIO_S_SOCKET(3) - socket BIO
- BIO_SET_CALLBACK(3) - BIO callback functions
- BIO_SHOULD_RETRY(3) - BIO retry functions
- BIOLIBC(3) - Library of high-performance low-level functions for bioinformatics programming
- BioPerl(3) - Perl modules for biology
- Bit::Vector::Minimal(3) - Object-oriented wrapper around vec()
- Bit::Vector::Overload(3) - Overloaded operators add-on for Bit::Vector
- Bit::Vector::String(3) - Generic string import/export for Bit::Vector
- BITARR(3) - bit array manipulation
- bitmap_color_depth(3) - Returns the color depth of the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- bitmap_mask_color(3) - Returns the mask color of the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- BitTorrent(3) - Search and Download .torrent(s) files from BitTorrents boards.
- bl_align_map_seq_exact(3)
- bl_align_map_seq_sub(3)
- bl_align_set_max_mismatch_percent(3)
- bl_align_set_min_match(3)
- bl_bed_check_order(3)
- bl_bed_gff_cmp(3)
- bl_bed_read(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_count(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_sizes(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_sizes_ae(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_sizes_cpy(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_starts(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_starts_ae(3)
- bl_bed_set_block_starts_cpy(3)
- bl_bed_set_chrom_ae(3)
- bl_bed_set_chrom_cpy(3)
- bl_bed_set_chrom_end(3)
- bl_bed_set_chrom_start(3)
- bl_bed_set_fields(3)
- bl_bed_set_item_rgb_ae(3)
- bl_bed_set_item_rgb_cpy(3)
- bl_bed_set_name_ae(3)
- bl_bed_set_name_cpy(3)
- bl_bed_set_score(3)
- bl_bed_set_strand(3)
- bl_bed_set_thick_end(3)
- bl_bed_set_thick_start(3)
- bl_bed_skip_header(3)
- bl_bed_write(3)
- bl_chrom_name_cmp(3)
- bl_fasta_free(3)
- bl_fasta_init(3)
- bl_fasta_read(3)
- bl_fasta_set_desc(3)
- bl_fasta_set_desc_ae(3)
- bl_fasta_set_desc_array_size(3)
- bl_fasta_set_desc_cpy(3)
- bl_fasta_set_desc_len(3)
- bl_fasta_set_seq(3)
- bl_fasta_set_seq_ae(3)
- bl_fasta_set_seq_array_size(3)
- bl_fasta_set_seq_cpy(3)
- bl_fasta_set_seq_len(3)
- bl_fasta_write(3)
- bl_fastq_3p_trim(3)
- bl_fastq_find_3p_low_qual(3)
- bl_fastq_free(3)
- bl_fastq_init(3)
- bl_fastq_name_cmp(3)
- bl_fastq_read(3)
- bl_fastq_set_desc(3)
- bl_fastq_set_desc_ae(3)
- bl_fastq_set_desc_array_size(3)
- bl_fastq_set_desc_cpy(3)
- bl_fastq_set_desc_len(3)
- bl_fastq_set_plus(3)
- bl_fastq_set_plus_ae(3)
- bl_fastq_set_plus_array_size(3)
- bl_fastq_set_plus_cpy(3)
- bl_fastq_set_plus_len(3)
- bl_fastq_set_qual(3)
- bl_fastq_set_qual_ae(3)
- bl_fastq_set_qual_array_size(3)
- bl_fastq_set_qual_cpy(3)
- bl_fastq_set_qual_len(3)
- bl_fastq_set_seq(3)
- bl_fastq_set_seq_ae(3)
- bl_fastq_set_seq_array_size(3)
- bl_fastq_set_seq_cpy(3)
- bl_fastq_set_seq_len(3)
- bl_fastq_write(3)
- BL_FASTX_}(3)
- bl_fastx_desc(3)
- bl_fastx_desc_len(3)
- bl_fastx_free(3)
- bl_fastx_init(3)
- bl_fastx_plus(3)
- bl_fastx_plus_len(3)
- bl_fastx_qual(3)
- bl_fastx_qual_len(3)
- bl_fastx_read(3)
- bl_fastx_seq(3)
- bl_fastx_seq_len(3)
- bl_fastx_set_fasta(3)
- bl_fastx_set_fastq(3)
- bl_fastx_set_format(3)
- bl_fastx_write(3)
- bl_gff_copy_header(3)
- bl_gff_extract_attribute(3)
- bl_gff_free(3)
- bl_gff_index_add(3)
- bl_gff_index_seek_reverse(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_array_size(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_count(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_end(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_end_ae(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_end_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_file_pos(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_file_pos_ae(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_file_pos_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_seqid(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_seqid_ae(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_seqid_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_start(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_start_ae(3)
- bl_gff_index_set_start_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_init(3)
- bl_gff_read(3)
- bl_gff_set_attributes(3)
- bl_gff_set_attributes_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_attributes_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_end(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_id(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_id_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_id_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_name(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_name_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_feature_name_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_file_pos(3)
- bl_gff_set_gene_name_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_phase(3)
- bl_gff_set_score(3)
- bl_gff_set_seqid_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_seqid_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_source_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_source_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_set_start(3)
- bl_gff_set_strand(3)
- bl_gff_set_type_ae(3)
- bl_gff_set_type_cpy(3)
- bl_gff_skip_header(3)
- bl_gff_to_bed(3)
- bl_gff_write(3)
- bl_next_start_codon(3)
- bl_next_stop_codon(3)
- bl_overlap_print(3)
- bl_overlap_set_all(3)
- bl_overlap_set_feature1_len(3)
- bl_overlap_set_feature2_len(3)
- bl_overlap_set_overlap_end(3)
- bl_overlap_set_overlap_len(3)
- bl_overlap_set_overlap_start(3)
- bl_pos_list_add_position(3)
- bl_pos_list_allocate(3)
- bl_pos_list_free(3)
- bl_pos_list_from_csv(3)
- bl_pos_list_set_array_size(3)
- bl_pos_list_set_count(3)
- bl_pos_list_set_positions(3)
- bl_pos_list_set_positions_ae(3)
- bl_pos_list_set_positions_cpy(3)
- bl_pos_list_sort(3)
- bl_sam_buff_add_alignment(3)
- bl_sam_buff_alignment_ok(3)
- bl_sam_buff_check_order(3)
- bl_sam_buff_free_alignment(3)
- bl_sam_buff_init(3)
- bl_sam_buff_out_of_order(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_alignments_ae(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_alignments_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_buff_size(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_buffered_count(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_discarded_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_discarded_score_sum(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_discarded_trailing(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_mapq_high(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_mapq_low(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_mapq_min(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_mapq_sum(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_max_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_max_count(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_max_discarded_score(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_min_discarded_score(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_previous_pos(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_previous_rname_ae(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_previous_rname_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_reads_used(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_total_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_trailing_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_set_unmapped_alignments(3)
- bl_sam_buff_shift(3)
- bl_sam_copy(3)
- bl_sam_free(3)
- bl_sam_init(3)
- bl_sam_read(3)
- bl_sam_set_cigar_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_cigar_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_flag(3)
- bl_sam_set_mapq(3)
- bl_sam_set_pnext(3)
- bl_sam_set_pos(3)
- bl_sam_set_qname_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_qname_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_qual(3)
- bl_sam_set_qual_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_qual_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_qual_len(3)
- bl_sam_set_rname_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_rname_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_rnext_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_rnext_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_seq(3)
- bl_sam_set_seq_ae(3)
- bl_sam_set_seq_cpy(3)
- bl_sam_set_seq_len(3)
- bl_sam_set_tlen(3)
- bl_sam_write(3)
- bl_vcf_call_downstream_of_alignment(3)
- bl_vcf_call_in_alignment(3)
- bl_vcf_call_out_of_order(3)
- bl_vcf_free(3)
- bl_vcf_get_sample_ids(3)
- BL_VCF_ID(3)
- bl_vcf_init(3)
- bl_vcf_parse_field_spec(3)
- bl_vcf_read_ss_call(3)
- bl_vcf_read_static_fields(3)
- bl_vcf_sample_alloc(3)
- bl_vcf_set_alt_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_alt_count(3)
- bl_vcf_set_alt_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_chrom_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_chrom_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_filter_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_filter_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_format(3)
- bl_vcf_set_format_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_format_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_format_len(3)
- bl_vcf_set_format_max(3)
- bl_vcf_set_id_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_id_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_info(3)
- bl_vcf_set_info_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_info_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_info_len(3)
- bl_vcf_set_info_max(3)
- bl_vcf_set_multi_samples(3)
- bl_vcf_set_multi_samples_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_multi_samples_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_other_count(3)
- bl_vcf_set_phred_buff_size(3)
- bl_vcf_set_phred_count(3)
- bl_vcf_set_phreds(3)
- bl_vcf_set_phreds_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_phreds_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_pos(3)
- bl_vcf_set_qual_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_qual_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_ref_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_ref_count(3)
- bl_vcf_set_ref_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_set_sample_max(3)
- bl_vcf_set_single_sample(3)
- bl_vcf_set_single_sample_ae(3)
- bl_vcf_set_single_sample_cpy(3)
- bl_vcf_skip_meta_data(3)
- bl_vcf_write_ss_call(3)
- bl_vcf_write_static_fields(3)
- black_palette(3) - A palette containing solid black colors. Allegro game programming library.
- BlackPixelOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
- blastesting(3) - Testing
- blend_image(3)
- Blog::Spam::API(3) - A description of Blog-Spam API.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::00blacklist(3) - Reject comments from known-bad IP addresses.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::00whitelist(3) - Always permit comments from some IP addresses.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::badip(3) - Reject comments from known-bad IP addresses.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::bayesian(3) - Bayesian analysis of submitted comments.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::bogusip(3) - Reject comments from bogus IP addresses.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::drone(3) - Lookup comment submissions in dronebl.org
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::dropme(3) - A plugin for self-dropping comments.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::emailtests(3) - Reject email addresses which are bogus.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::hashcash(3) - Block comments which have bogus Wordpress values
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::httpbl(3) - Lookup submitters in the HTTP;bl list
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::logger(3) - Log the contents of our messages.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::lotsaurls(3) - Reject comments containing multiple URLs.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::multilinks(3) - Reject opportunistic use of URLs.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::rdns(3) - Reject content from hosts with no RDNS.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::requiremx(3) - Reject email addresses to have an MX record.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::Sample(3) - A sample plugin.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::sfs(3) - Lookup comment submissions in stopforumspam.com
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::size(3) - Size-Test submitted comments.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::stopwords(3) - Reject comments which contain known-bad words.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::strong(3) - Block comments which have undue strong tags.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::surbl(3) - Discard comments with surbl-listed URLs.
- Blog::Spam::Plugin::wordcount(3) - Discard comments with too few words.
- Blog::Spam::Server(3) - An RPC server which detects comment spam.
- Bloom::Filter(3) - Sample Perl Bloom filter implementation
- Blowfish_PP(3) - Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
- Blt_Tree(3) - Tree data object.
- Blt_TreeCreate(3) - Create tree data object.
- Blt_TreeCreateNode(3) - Creates a node in a tree data object.
- Blt_TreeDeleteNode(3) - Deletes a node and its descendants.
- Blt_TreeExists(3) - Indicates if a tree exists.
- Blt_TreeGetNode(3) - Finds the node from the ID.
- Blt_TreeGetToken(3) - Grabs a token associated with existing tree data object.
- Blt_TreeName(3) - Returns the name of the tree data object.
- Blt_TreeNodeId(3) - Returns the node serial number.
- Blt_TreeReleaseToken(3) - Releases token associated with tree object.
- BLUETOOTH(3) - Bluetooth routines
- bmp_read_line(3) - Direct access bank switching line selection for reading. Allegro game programming library.
- bmp_unwrite_line(3) - Direct access bank switching line release. Allegro game programming library.
- bmp_write_line(3) - Direct access bank switching line selection for writing. Allegro game programming library.
- BN_ADD(3) - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
- BN_ADD_WORD(3) - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
- BN_BLINDING_NEW(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions
- BN_BN2BIN(3) - format conversions
- BN_CMP(3) - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
- BN_COPY(3) - copy BIGNUMs
- BN_CTX_NEW(3) - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
- BN_CTX_START(3) - use temporary BIGNUM variables
- BN_DUMP(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
- BN_GENERATE_PRIME(3) - generate primes and test for primality
- BN_MOD_INVERSE(3) - compute inverse modulo n
- BN_MOD_MUL_MONTGOMERY(3) - Montgomery multiplication
- BN_MOD_MUL_RECIPROCAL(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
- BN_NEW(3) - allocate and free BIGNUMs
- BN_NUM_BYTES(3) - get BIGNUM size
- BN_RAND(3) - generate pseudo-random number
- BN_SECURITY_BITS(3) - returns bits of security based on given numbers
- BN_SET_BIT(3) - bit operations on BIGNUMs
- BN_SET_FLAGS(3) - enable and inspect flags on BIGNUM objects
- BN_SET_NEGATIVE(3) - change and inspect the sign of a BIGNUM
- BN_SWAP(3) - exchange BIGNUMs
- BN_ZERO(3) - BIGNUM assignment operations
- bond_target(3)
- Border::Style(3) - Border style structure
- Border::Style::Role(3) - Role for class wanting to support border styles
- BorderStyle(3) - Border styles
- BorderStyle::ASCII::None(3) - No borders, but row separator is still drawn using dashes
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLine(3) - Single line border with ASCII characters
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader(3) - Just like ASCII::SingleLine but uses double line to separate header row and first data row
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineHorizontalOnly(3) - Single line border with ASCII characters, horizontal only
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineInnerOnly(3) - Single line border with ASCII characters, between columns only
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineOuterOnly(3) - Single line border with ASCII characters, outer borders only
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineVerticalOnly(3) - Single line border with ASCII characters, vertical only
- BorderStyle::ASCII::Space(3) - Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using dashes
- BorderStyle::ASCII::SpaceInnerOnly(3) - No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using dashes
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::None(3) - No borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLine(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineHorizontalOnly(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters, horizontal only
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineInnerOnly(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters, between columns only
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineOuterOnly(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters, outer borders only
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineVerticalOnly(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters, vertical only
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::Space(3) - Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyle::BoxChar::SpaceInnerOnly(3) - No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyle::Test::CustomChar(3)
- BorderStyle::Test::Labeled(3)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::bold(3) - UTF8::SingleLineBold border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::brick(3) - UTF8::Brick border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::bricko(3) - UTF8::BrickOuterOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::csingle(3) - UTF8::SingleLineCurved border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::double(3) - UTF8::DoubleLine border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::none_ascii(3) - ASCII::None border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::none_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::None border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::none_utf8(3) - UTF8::None border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::single_ascii(3) - ASCII::SingleLine border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::single_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SingleLine border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::single_utf8(3) - UTF8::SingleLine border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleh_ascii(3) - ASCII::SingleLineHorizontalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleh_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SingleLineHorizontalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleh_utf8(3) - UTF8::SingleLineHorizontalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlei_ascii(3) - ASCII::SingleLineInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlei_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SingleLineInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlei_utf8(3) - UTF8::SingleLineInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleo_ascii(3) - ASCII::SingleLineOuterOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleo_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SingleLineOuterOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singleo_utf8(3) - UTF8::SingleLineOuterOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlev_ascii(3) - ASCII::SingleLineVerticalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlev_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SingleLineVerticalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::singlev_utf8(3) - UTF8::SingleLineVerticalOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::space_ascii(3) - ASCII::Space border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::space_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::Space border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::space_utf8(3) - UTF8::Space border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::spacei_ascii(3) - ASCII::SpaceInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::spacei_boxchar(3) - BoxChar::SpaceInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::spacei_utf8(3) - UTF8::SpaceInnerOnly border style (with old name)
- BorderStyle::UTF8::Brick(3) - Single-line, bold on bottom right to give illusion of depth
- BorderStyle::UTF8::BrickOuterOnly(3) - Single-line (outer only), bold on bottom right to give illusion of depth
- BorderStyle::UTF8::DoubleLine(3) - Double-line border with UTF8 characters
- BorderStyle::UTF8::None(3) - No borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLine(3) - Single-line border with UTF8 characters
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineBold(3) - Bold single-line border with UTF8 characters
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineBoldHeader(3) - Single-line border (header box bold) with UTF8 characters
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineCurved(3) - Single-line border with UTF8 characters, curved edges
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader(3) - Just like UTF8::SingleLine but uses double line to separate header row and first data row
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineHorizontalOnly(3) - Single line border with box-drawing characters, horizontal only
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineInnerOnly(3) - Single line border with UTF8 characters, between columns only
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineOuterOnly(3) - Single line border with UTF8 characters, outer borders only
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineVerticalOnly(3) - Single line border with UTF8 characters, vertical only
- BorderStyle::UTF8::Space(3) - Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyle::UTF8::SpaceInnerOnly(3) - No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line
- BorderStyleBase(3) - A suitable base class for most BorderStyle::* modules
- BorderStyleBase::Constructor(3) - Provide new()
- BorderStyleRole::Source::ASCIIArt(3) - Get border characters from ASCII art
- BorderStyleRole::Source::Hash(3) - Get border characters from %CHARS (or @MULTI_CHARS) package variable
- BorderStyleRole::Spec::Basic(3) - Required methods for all BorderStyle::* modules
- BorderStyleRole::Transform::BoxChar(3) - Emit proper escape code to display box characters
- BorderStyleRole::Transform::InnerOnly(3) - Strip outer border characters
- BorderStyleRole::Transform::OuterOnly(3) - Strip inner border characters
- BorderStyles::Standard(3) - A standard collection of border styles
- Bot::BasicBot(3) - simple irc bot baseclass
- Bot::Training(3) - Plain text training material for bots like Hailo and AI::MegaHAL
- Bot::Training::MegaHAL(3) - Provide megahal.trn via Bot::Training
- Bot::Training::StarCraft(3) - Provide starcraft.trn via Bot::Training
- Boulder(3) - An API for hierarchical tag/value structures
- Boulder::Blast(3) - Parse and read BLAST files
- Boulder::Blast::NCBI(3) - Parse and read NCBI BLAST files
- Boulder::Blast::WU(3) - Parse and read WU-BLAST files
- Boulder::Genbank(3) - Fetch Genbank data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::LocusLink(3) - Fetch LocusLink data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::Medline(3) - Fetch Medline data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::Omim(3) - Fetch Omim data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::Store(3) - Simple persistent storage for Stone tag/value objects
- Boulder::Stream(3) - Read and write tag/value data from an input stream
- Boulder::String(3) - Read and write tag/value data from a string.
- Boulder::Swissprot(3) - Fetch SwissProt data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::Unigene(3) - Fetch Unigene data records as parsed Boulder Stones
- Boulder::XML(3) - XML format input/output for Boulder streams
- BounceURL(3) - Allow off-page links in POD to point to a URL
- BOUNDARY_FOPEN(3) - read from a stream until a boundary string is matched
- Brackup(3) - Flexible backup tool. Slices, dices, encrypts, and sprays across the net.
- Brackup::Chunker::MP3(3) - an mp3-aware file chunker
- Brackup::Config(3) - configuration parsing/etc
- Brackup::Dict::Null(3) - noop key-value dictionary implementation, discarding everything it receives
- Brackup::Dict::SQLite(3) - key-value dictionary implementation, using a SQLite database for storage
- Brackup::Dict::SQLite2(3) - key-value dictionary implementation, using a SQLite database for storage (lighter/slower version of Brackup::Dict::SQLite)
- Brackup::DigestCache(3) - cache digests of file and chunk contents
- Brackup::InventoryDatabase(3) - track what chunks are already on a target
- Brackup::Manual::Overview(3) - how Brackup works, and how to use it
- Brackup::Mount(3) - Mount a backup as a usable filesystem using FUSE
- Brackup::Root(3) - describes the source directory (and options) for a backup
- Brackup::Target(3) - describes the destination for a backup
- Brackup::Target::Amazon(3) - backup to Amazon's S3 service
- Brackup::Target::CloudFiles(3) - backup to Rackspace's CloudFiles Service
- Brackup::Target::Filesystem(3) - backup to a locally mounted filesystem
- Brackup::Target::Ftp(3) - backup to an FTP server
- Brackup::Target::GoogleAppEngine(3) - backup to the App Engine target server
- Brackup::Target::Riak(3) - backup to a Riak key-value store
- Brackup::Target::Sftp(3) - backup to an SSH/SFTP server
- Brannigan(3) - Comprehensive, flexible system for validating and parsing input, mainly targeted at web applications.
- Brannigan::Examples(3) - Example schemes, input and output for Brannigan.
- Brannigan::Tree(3) - A Brannigan validation/parsing scheme tree, possibly built from a series of inherited schemes.
- Brannigan::Validations(3) - Built-in validation methods for Brannigan.
- BREAD(3) - read and write blocks of a UFS file system
- Bread::Board(3) - A solderless way to wire up your application components
- Bread::Board::BlockInjection(3) - service instantiated via custom subroutine
- Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection(3) - service instantiating objects via a constructor
- Bread::Board::Container(3) - A container for services and other containers
- Bread::Board::Container::FromParameterized(3) - container with weak parent reference
- Bread::Board::Container::Parameterized(3) - A parameterized container
- Bread::Board::Declare(3) - create Bread::Board containers as normal Moose objects
- Bread::Board::Declare::BlockInjection(3) - subclass of Bread::Board::BlockInjection for Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::ConstructorInjection(3) - subclass of Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection for Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Literal(3) - subclass of Bread::Board::Literal for Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - base attribute metarole for Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Container(3) - attribute metarole for container attributes in Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Service(3) - attribute metarole for service attributes in Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Class(3) - class metarole for Bread::Board::Declare
- Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Instance(3)
- Bread::Board::Declare::Role::Object(3)
- Bread::Board::Declare::Role::Service(3) - role for Bread::Board::Service objects
- Bread::Board::Dependency(3) - dependency for a service
- Bread::Board::Dumper(3) - Pretty printer for visualizing the layout of your Bread::Board
- Bread::Board::LifeCycle(3) - base lifecycle role
- Bread::Board::LifeCycle::Singleton(3) - service role for singleton lifecycle
- Bread::Board::LifeCycle::Singleton::WithParameters(3) - singleton lifecycle role for a parameterized service
- Bread::Board::Literal(3) - service providing a literal value
- Bread::Board::Manual(3) - A manual for Bread::Board
- Bread::Board::Manual::Concepts(3) - An overview of the concepts in Bread::Board
- Bread::Board::Manual::Concepts::Advanced(3) - An overview of some of the more advanced Bread::Board concepts
- Bread::Board::Manual::Concepts::Typemap(3) - An overview of the typemapping feature
- Bread::Board::Manual::Example(3) - A set of examples of Bread::Board usage
- Bread::Board::Manual::Example::FormSensible(3) - A Form::Sensible and Catalyst example.
- Bread::Board::Manual::Example::LogDispatch(3) - An example of composing a dynamic Log::Dispatch object.
- Bread::Board::Service(3) - Base service role
- Bread::Board::Service::Alias(3) - aliases another service
- Bread::Board::Service::Deferred(3) - Helper for holding a service that is not quite constructed yet
- Bread::Board::Service::Deferred::Thunk(3) - Helper for using services with incomplete parameters
- Bread::Board::Service::Inferred(3) - Helper for inferring a service from a Moose object
- Bread::Board::Service::WithClass(3) - role for services returning instances of a given class
- Bread::Board::Service::WithConstructor(3)
- Bread::Board::Service::WithDependencies(3) - Services with dependencies
- Bread::Board::Service::WithParameters(3) - Services with parameters
- Bread::Board::SetterInjection(3) - service instantiating objects via setter functions
- Bread::Board::Traversable(3) - role for traversing a container service tree
- Bread::Board::Types(3) - types and coercions for Bread::Board
- Breadcrumbs(3) - module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'.
- BREAKLINE(3) - breaks a buffer into fields
- BRECV(3) - receives data from a bytestream socket
- BRECVL(3) - receives data from a bytestream socket
- broadcast_dialog_message(3) - Broadcasts a message to all the objects in the active dialog. Allegro game programming library.
- Browse(3) - Perl extension to browse tables.
- BrowseEntry(3) - entry widget with popup choices.
- Browser::Open(3) - open a browser in a given URL
- BS::Event(3) - A class that provides an event callback interface
- BSb_back_solve(3) - Backward triangular matrix solution on a block of right hand sides
- BSb_backward(3) - Backward triangular matrix multiplication on a block of vectors
- BSb_for_solve(3) - Forward triangular matrix solution on a block of vectors
- BSb_forward(3) - Forward triangular matrix multiplication on a block of vectors
- BSback_solve(3) - Backward triangular matrix solution on a single vector
- BSback_solve1(3) - Backward triangular matrix solution on a single vector
- BSbackward(3) - Backward triangular matrix multiplication on a single vector
- BSbackward1(3) - Backward triangular matrix multiplication on a single vector
- BSbjacobi(3) - Apply the block Jacobi preconditioner
- BScopy_nz(3) - Copy the nonzero values from one matrix to another
- BScopy_par_mat(3) - Create of copy of a matrix
- BScreate_ctx(3) - Create the execution time context for the package
- BSctx_print(3) - Print out the current state of the context.
- BSctx_set_cs(3) - Set the maximum clique size allowed
- BSctx_set_ct(3) - Set the type of coloring
- BSctx_set_err(3) - Set the type of error checking
- BSctx_set_guess(3) - Set whether to use zero as the initial vector for the iterative method or use the values given in the vector passed to the iterative method.
- BSctx_set_id(3) - Set the processor id
- BSctx_set_is(3) - Set the maximum i-node size allowed
- BSctx_set_max_it(3) - Set the maximum number of iterations to be allowed by the iterative solver.
- BSctx_set_method(3) - Set the iterative method to be used.
- BSctx_set_np(3) - Set the number of processors
- BSctx_set_num_rhs(3) - Set the number of RHSs to be solved for.
- BSctx_set_pr(3) - Set whether information on reordering should be printed
- BSctx_set_pre(3) - The preconditioner to be used by the iterative solver.
- BSctx_set_print_log(3) - Set whether logging information is printed
- BSctx_set_ps(3) - Set the processor set
- BSctx_set_restart(3) - Set the number of vectors stored by GMRES
- BSctx_set_rt(3) - Set whether information for fast future permutations
- BSctx_set_scaling(3) - Set whether or not the linear system should solved or not.
- BSctx_set_si(3) - Set whether or not inodes and cliques will be found
- BSctx_set_tol(3) - Set the relative residual tolerance for the iterative method.
- BSD::devstat(3) - interface to devstat(3) API
- BSD::getloadavg(3) - Perl Interface to getloadavg (3)
- bsdconv(3) - Perl extension for bsdconv library
- BSDE_GET_RULE(3) - file system firewall rules list management
- BSDE_GET_RULE_COUNT(3) - file system firewall statistics
- BSDE_PARSE_RULE(3) - parse file system firewall rules
- BSDE_RULE_TO_STRING(3) - convert a ugidfw rule into its text representation
- BSEARCH(3) - binary search of a sorted table
- BSeasy_A(3) - Given A in a standard numerical format, construct the sparse A that we need for BlockSolve. This routine is particularly useful for matrices created in Fortran. The rows on a processor must be contiguous in the global numbering. If they are not, then other BlockSolve routines must be called to construct the matrix for BlockSolve. Arrays are indexed starting with 0. The values in a row must be sorted according to column number.
- BSEND(3) - sends data to a socket
- BSENDL(3) - sends data to a socket
- BSfactor(3) - Compute the incomplete factor of a matrix
- BSfinalize(3) - Finalizes BlockSolve and MPI. Prints the log stuff if MLOG was defined.
- BSfor_solve(3) - Forward triangular matrix solution on a single vector
- BSfor_solve1(3) - Forward triangular matrix solution on a single vector
- BSforward(3) - Forward triangular matrix multiplication on a single vector
- BSforward1(3) - Forward triangular matrix multiplication on a single vector
- BSfree_comm(3) - Free the compiled communication pattern
- BSfree_copy_par_mat(3) - Free a copy of a sparse matrix (parallel format)
- BSfree_ctx(3) - Free the context
- BSfree_easymat(3) - Free a sparse matrix allocated in BSeasy_mat
- BSfree_off_map(3) - Free an offset mapping
- BSfree_par_mat(3) - Free a sparse matrix (parallel format)
- BSfree_reperm(3) - Free the reperm data structure
- BSfree_spmat(3) - Free a sparse matrix (original format)
- BSfreeg2l(3) - Free a global to local mapping
- BSfreel2g(3) - Free a local to global mapping
- BSget_diag(3) - Retrieve the diagonal of the matrix
- BSglob2loc(3) - Map global row numbers to local row numbers
- BSglob2proc(3) - Map global row numbers to processor id's
- BSglobal_flops(3) - Returns the global number of flops accumulated by BlockSolve
- BSglobal_nnz(3) - Returns the global number of nonzeros
- BSglobal_num_cliques(3) - Returns the global number of cliques
- BSglobal_num_inodes(3) - Returns the global number of i-nodes
- BSinit(3) - Initializes BlockSolve and MPI. BSinit() calls MPI_Init() if it has not already been called.
- BSinv_diag_block(3) - Invert the dense diagonal blocks of the matrix
- BSloc2glob(3) - Map local row numbers to global row numbers
- BSlocal_flops(3) - Returns the number of flops accumulated by BlockSolve
- BSlocal_nnz(3) - Returns the local number of nonzeros
- BSlocal_num_cliques(3) - Returns the local number of cliques
- BSlocal_num_inodes(3) - Returns the local number of i-nodes
- BSmain_perm(3) - Permute the matrix for efficient parallel execution
- BSmain_reperm(3) - Permute the sparse matrix using data structures generated by BSmain_perm on the same matrix structure
- BSmake_off_map(3) - Generate a mapping from global rows to processor id
- BSmat_subtract(3) - Subtract shift*B from A
- BSNMPAGENT(3) - SNMP agent library
- BSNMPCLIENT(3) - SNMP client library
- BSNMPLIB(3) - SNMP decoding and encoding library
- BSnum_colors(3) - Returns the number of colors
- BSoffset(3) - Find a consistent global numbering
- BSON(3) - BSON serialization and deserialization (EOL)
- BSON::Array(3) - BSON type wrapper for a list of elements
- BSON::Binary(3) - Legacy BSON type wrapper for binary data (DEPRECATED)
- BSON::Bool(3) - Legacy BSON type wrapper for Booleans (DEPRECATED)
- BSON::Bytes(3) - BSON type wrapper for binary byte strings
- BSON::Code(3) - BSON type wrapper for Javascript code
- BSON::DBPointer(3) - Legacy BSON type wrapper for DBPointer data (DEPRECATED)
- BSON::DBRef(3) - BSON type wrapper for MongoDB DBRefs
- BSON::Decimal128(3) - BSON type wrapper for Decimal128
- BSON::Doc(3) - BSON type wrapper for ordered documents
- BSON::Double(3) - BSON type wrapper for Double
- BSON::Int32(3) - BSON type wrapper for Int32
- BSON::Int64(3) - BSON type wrapper for Int64
- BSON::MaxKey(3) - BSON type wrapper for MaxKey
- BSON::MinKey(3) - BSON type wrapper for MinKey
- BSON::ObjectId(3) - Legacy BSON type wrapper for Object IDs (DEPRECATED)
- BSON::OID(3) - BSON type wrapper for Object IDs
- BSON::PP(3) - Pure Perl BSON implementation
- BSON::Raw(3) - BSON type wrapper for pre-encoded BSON documents
- BSON::Regex(3) - BSON type wrapper for regular expressions
- BSON::String(3) - BSON type wrapper for strings
- BSON::Symbol(3) - BSON type wrapper for symbol data (DEPRECATED)
- BSON::Time(3) - BSON type wrapper for date and time
- BSON::Timestamp(3) - BSON type wrapper for timestamps
- BSON::Types(3) - Helper functions to wrap BSON type classes
- BSON::XS(3) - XS implementation of MongoDB's BSON serialization (EOL)
- BSpar_gmres(3) - Solve a nonsymmetric system of equations using gmres preconditioned by one of several preconditioners. The rhs can be a block of vectors.
- BSpar_isolve(3) - Solve a symmetric indefinite system of equations using symmlq preconditioned by one of several preconditioners.
- BSpar_solve(3) - General solver of a system of equations preconditioned by one of several preconditioners and using one of several possible methods. The rhs can be a block of vectors.
- BSpar_sym_solve(3) - Solve a symmetric positive definite system of equations using conjugate gradients preconditioned by one of several preconditioners. The rhs can be a block of vectors. The user should not call this function directly, but BSpar_solve().
- BSprint_log(3) - Print log stuff if MLOG is defined.
- BSsave_diag(3) - Copy the diagonal of A into special storage in A
- BSscale_diag(3) - Symmetrically scale the matrix by a diagonal matrix
- BSset_diag(3) - Set the diagonal of A to a constant
- BSset_diagv(3) - Set the diagonal equal to a vector
- BSset_mat_icc_storage(3) - Set the matrix storage.
- BSset_mat_symmetric(3) - Set the matrix symmetry.
- BSsetup_block(3) - Change the setup for triangular matrix multiplication to allow for multiple vectors
- BSsetup_factor(3) - Set up the communication for factorization
- BSsetup_forward(3) - Set up the communication structure for triangular matrix solution
- BStri_mult(3) - Multiply the matrix (A - shift*B) by a block of vectors
- BStri_solve(3) - Multiply the matrix A(-1) by a block of vectors
- BSTRING(3) - byte string operations
- bt_format_names(3) - formatting BibTeX names for consistent output
- bt_input(3) - input/parsing functions in
- bt_language(3) - the BibTeX data language, as recognized by
- bt_macros(3) - accessing and manipulating the btparse macro table
- bt_misc(3) - miscellaneous BibTeX-like string-processing utilities
- bt_postprocess(3) - post-processing of BibTeX strings, values, and entries
- bt_split_names(3) - splitting up BibTeX names and lists of names
- bt_traversal(3) - AST traversal/query functions in
- BTOWC(3) - convert between wide and single-byte characters
- btparse(3) - C library for parsing and processing BibTeX data files
- BTREE(3) - btree database access method
- Bucardo(3) - Postgres multi-master replication system
- Bucketizer(3) - Distribute sized items to buckets with limited size
- BUF_MEM_NEW(3) - simple character array structure
- buffer_close(3) - close buffer
- buffer_feed(3) - low-level component of buffer_get
- buffer_flush(3) - feed buffer to write function
- buffer_fromarray(3) - initialize buffer structure from array
- buffer_frombuf(3) - initialize buffer structure from raw memory
- buffer_fromsa(3) - initialize buffer structure from stralloc
- buffer_get(3) - read binary data from buffer
- buffer_get_new_token_sa(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_get_new_token_sa_pred(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_get_token(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_get_token_pred(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_get_token_sa(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_get_token_sa_pred(3) - read token from buffer
- buffer_getc(3) - read one char from buffer
- buffer_getline(3) - read line from buffer
- buffer_getline_sa(3) - read line from buffer
- buffer_getn(3) - read binary data from buffer
- buffer_getnewline_sa(3) - read line from buffer
- buffer_init(3) - initialize buffer structure
- buffer_init_free(3) - initialize buffer structure
- buffer_mmapread(3) - create read-only memory-mapped file buffer
- buffer_peek(3) - return pointer to string in buffer
- buffer_put(3) - write binary data to buffer
- buffer_put8long(3) - write an octal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
- buffer_putalign(3) - write binary data to buffer
- buffer_puterror(3) - write error string to buffer and flush
- buffer_puterror2(3) - write error string to buffer and flush
- buffer_putflush(3) - write binary data to buffer and flush
- buffer_putlong(3) - write a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
- buffer_putlonglong(3) - write a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
- buffer_putm(3) - write ASCIIZ string(s) to buffer
- buffer_putnlflush(3) - write '\n' to buffer and flush
- buffer_puts(3) - write ASCIIZ string to buffer
- buffer_putsa(3) - write stralloc to buffer
- buffer_putsaflush(3) - write stralloc to buffer and flush
- buffer_putsalign(3) - write ASCIIZ string to buffer
- buffer_putsflush(3) - write ASCIIZ string to buffer and flush
- buffer_putspace(3) - write ASCII space to buffer
- buffer_putulong(3) - write a decimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
- buffer_putulonglong(3) - write a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
- buffer_putxlong(3) - write a hexidecimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
- buffer_seek(3) - remove bytes from beginning of string in buffer
- buffer_tosa(3) - initialize buffer for writing to stralloc
- BufferText(3) - Filter to put all characters() in one event
- bufr_reencode(3)
- bufralter(3)
- bufrencode(3)
- bufrextract(3)
- bufrread(3)
- bufrresolve(3)
- build::Keysyms(3) - key codes for Gtk2 programs
- build_3dbox(3)
- build_3dplane(3)
- build_cylinder(3)
- build_pointcloud(3)
- build_sphere(3)
- BUILDMAP(3) - create a color map array from an RLE file header.
- BuildSAXBase(3) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
- Builtin_attributes(3) - no description
- Bulkmail(3) - Platform independent mailing list module
- Bulkmail::DummyServer(3) - dummy class for dummy server objects
- Bulkmail::Dynamic(3) - platform independent mailing list module for mail merges and dynamically built messages
- Bulkmail::Object(3) - used to create subclasses for Mail::Bulkmail.
- Bulkmail::Server(3) - handles server connections and communication for Mail::Bulkmail
- Bundle::Apache::ASP(3) - Install Apache::ASP and required
- Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra(3) - Install modules that provide additional functionality to Apache::ASP
- Bundle::Apache2(3) - Install Apache mod_perl2 and related modules
- Bundle::ApacheTest(3) - A bundle to install all Apache-Test related modules
- Bundle::CGI::Builder::Complete(3) - A bundle to install the complete CGI::Builder framework.
- Bundle::DBD::CSV(3) - A bundle to install the DBD::CSV driver
- Bundle::DBD::mysql(3)
- Bundle::DBD::Pg(3) - A bundle to install all DBD::Pg related modules
- Bundle::DBI(3) - A bundle to install DBI and required modules.
- Bundle::HTTP::WebTest(3) - a bundle to install HTTP::WebTest
- Bundle::Image::Info::Everything(3) - complete support for Image::Info
- Bundle::Image::Info::PNG(3) - full PNG support for Image::Info
- Bundle::Image::Info::SVG(3) - SVG support for Image::Info
- Bundle::Image::Info::XBM(3) - XBM (X11 bitmap) support for Image::Info
- Bundle::Image::Info::XPM(3) - XPM (X11 pixmap) support for Image::Info
- Bundle::Net::LDAP(3) - A bundle for Net::LDAP
- Bundle::Object::InsideOut(3) - A bundle of modules for full Object::InsideOut support
- Bundle::ParallelUA(3) - CPAN Bundle for the LWP Parallel User Agent extension
- Bundle::Perl6(3) - A bundle to install Perl6-related modules
- Bundle::PerlPoint(3) - A bundle to install PerlPoint related modules
- Bundle::PlRPC(3) - A bundle to install PlRPC-Server, Client and prerequisites.
- Bundle::SNMP::MIB::Compiler(3) - A bundle to install all SNMP::MIB::Compiler related modules
- Bundle::Template::Magic(3) - A bundle to install MagicTemplate distribution plus all related extensions and prerequisites.
- Bundle::Text::Query::BuildSQL(3) - A bundle to install related modules
- BUNDLE_GO(3) - launches a coroutine within a bundle
- BUNDLE_GO_MEM(3) - launches a coroutine within a bundle
- BUNDLE_MEM(3) - create an empty coroutine bundle
- BUNDLE_WAIT(3) - wait while coroutines in the bundle finish
- Business(3) - fast calendar and business date calculations
- Business::EDI(3) - Top level class for generating U.N. EDI interchange objects and subobjects.
- Business::EDI::CodeList(3)
- Business::EDI::Composite(3)
- Business::EDI::Spec(3) - Object class for CSV-based U.N. EDI specifications
- Business::Hours(3) - Calculate business hours in a time period
- Business::IS::PIN(3) - Validate and process Icelandic PIN numbers (Icelandic: kennitölur)
- Business::ISBN(3) - work with International Standard Book Numbers
- Business::ISBN::Data(3) - data pack for Business::ISBN
- Business::ISBN10(3) - work with 10 digit International Standard Book Numbers
- Business::ISBN13(3) - work with 13 digit International Standard Book Numbers
- Business::ISMN(3) - work with International Standard Music Numbers
- Business::ISMN::Data(3) - data pack for Business::ISMN
- Business::ISSN(3) - Perl extension for International Standard Serial Numbers
- Business::MaxMind(3) - API for MaxMind minFraud Services
- Business::MaxMind::CreditCardFraudDetection(3) - Access MaxMind minFraud services
- Business::MaxMind::HTTPBase(3) - Base class for accessing HTTP web services
- Business::MaxMind::TelephoneVerification(3) - Access MaxMind's Telephone Verification services
- Business::OnlinePayment::PaymenTech(3) - Chase Paymentech backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- Business::PayPal(3) - Perl extension for automating PayPal transactions
- Business::PayPal::EWP(3) - Perl extension for PayPal's Encrypted Website Payments
- Business::TW::Invoice::U420(3) - Print Taiwan Unified Invoice with U420 printer
- Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment(3) - Module for Taishin Bank Convenient Store Payment Management
- Business::TW::TSIB::VirtualAccount(3) - Module for Taishin Bank Virtual Account Management
- Business::UPS(3) - A UPS Interface Module
- byte_chr(3) - search for a byte in a string
- byte_copy(3) - copy a string
- byte_copyr(3) - copy a string
- byte_diff(3) - compare two strings
- byte_equal(3) - compare two strings
- byte_rchr(3) - search for a byte in a string
- byte_zero(3) - initialize a string
- ByteLoader(3) - load byte compiled perl code
- Bytes::Random::Secure(3) - Perl extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes.
- Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny(3) - A tiny Perl extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes.
- BytesLabels(3) - Byte sequence operations.
- BZ::Client(3) - A client for the Bugzilla web services API.
- BZ::Client::API(3) - Abstract base class for the clients of the Bugzilla API.
- BZ::Client::Bug(3) - Client side representation of a bug in Bugzilla
- BZ::Client::Bugzilla(3) - Provides information about the Bugzilla server.
- BZ::Client::Exception(3) - Exception class, which is thrown by BZ::Client in case of errors.
- BZ::Client::Product(3) - Client side representation of a product in Bugzilla
- BZ::Client::Test(3) - Module for writing integration tests
- BZ::Client::XMLRPC(3) - Performs XML-RPC calls on behalf of the client.
- BZERO(3) - write zeroes to a byte string
- C2XS(3) - Convert from Inline C code to XS.
- C2XS-Cookbook(3) - I'll leave the first parts of it as is, but bear in mind that the C source can now be stored anywhere in any file and you just provide the name and location (either fully qualified or relative) of that file using the SRC_LOCATION=>'./location/file.ext' key/value pair ... or you can just store the code as one big string in a variable (say,
- CABIN(3) - the utility API of QDBM
- CACertOrg::CA(3) - CACert.org's CA root certificate in PEM format
- Cache::AgainstFile(3) - Cache data structures parsed from files, watching for updates to the file
- Cache::AgainstFile::Base(3) - base class for default backends
- Cache::AgainstFile::CacheModule(3) - use Cache or Cache::Cache modules for Cache::AgainstFile
- Cache::AgainstFile::Memory(3) - cache data parsed from files in memory
- Cache::AgainstFile::Null(3) - backend for Cache::AgainstFile to disable caching
- Cache::AgainstFile::Storable(3) - cache data structures parsed from files in Storable files
- Cache::BaseCache(3)
- Cache::BaseCacheTester(3)
- Cache::BDB(3) - An object caching wrapper around BerkeleyDB
- Cache::Cache(3) - the successor to Cache::Cache
- Cache::CacheMetaData(3)
- Cache::CacheSizer(3)
- Cache::CacheTester(3)
- Cache::CacheUtils(3)
- Cache::Entry(3) - interface for a cache entry
- Cache::File(3) - Filesystem based implementation of the Cache interface
- Cache::File::Entry(3) - An entry in the file based implementation of Cache
- Cache::File::Handle(3) - wrapper for IO::File to use in Cache::File implementation
- Cache::File::Heap(3) - A file based heap for use by Cache::File
- Cache::FileBackend(3)
- Cache::FileCache(3)
- Cache::IOString(3) - wrapper for IO::String to use in Cache implementations
- Cache::LRU(3) - a simple, fast implementation of LRU cache in pure perl
- Cache::Memcached::libmemcached(3) - Perl Interface to libmemcached
- Cache::Memcached::Managed(3) - provide API for managing cached information
- Cache::Memcached::Managed::Inactive(3) - inactive Cache::Memcache::Managed object
- Cache::Memcached::Managed::Multi(3) - multiple Cache::Memcache::Managed objects
- Cache::Memcached::Tie(3) - Use Cache::Memcached::Fast like a hash.
- Cache::Memcached::XS(3) - client library for memcached (memory cache daemon) using libmemcache
- Cache::Memory(3) - Memory based implementation of the Cache interface
- Cache::Memory::Entry(3) - An entry in the memory based implementation of Cache
- Cache::Memory::HeapElem(3) - wrapper for Heap::Elem that stores keys
- Cache::MemoryBackend(3)
- Cache::MemoryCache(3)
- Cache::Null(3) - Null implementation of the Cache interface
- Cache::Null::Entry(3) - An entry in the Null implementation of Cache
- Cache::NullCache(3)
- Cache::Object(3)
- Cache::RemovalStrategy(3) - abstract Removal Strategy interface for a Cache
- Cache::RemovalStrategy::FIFO(3) - FIFO Removal Strategy for a Cache
- Cache::RemovalStrategy::LRU(3) - LRU Removal Strategy for a Cache
- Cache::SharedMemoryBackend(3)
- Cache::SharedMemoryCache(3)
- Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry(3)
- Cache::SizeAwareCache(3)
- Cache::SizeAwareCacheTester(3)
- Cache::SizeAwareFileCache(3)
- Cache::SizeAwareMemoryCache(3)
- Cache::SizeAwareSharedMemoryCache(3)
- Cache::Tester(3) - test utility for Cache implementations
- CACHECHARS(3) - font utilities
- Caching(3) - Object interface for querying Geocaching.com website
- CACOS(3) - complex inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
- CAD::Calc(3) - generic cad-related geometry calculations
- CAD::Drawing(3) - Methods to create, load, and save vector graphics
- CAD::Drawing::Calculate(3) - Calculations for CAD::Drawing
- CAD::Drawing::Calculate::Finite(3) - Vector graphics and limited space.
- CAD::Drawing::Defined(3) - exported constants for CAD::Drawing::*
- CAD::Drawing::IO(3) - I/O methods for the CAD::Drawing module
- CAD::Drawing::IO::Circ(3) - load and save for circle data
- CAD::Drawing::IO::Compressed(3) - load and save compressed data
- CAD::Drawing::IO::FlatYAML(3) - Fast distributed YAML file methods.
- CAD::Drawing::IO::Split(3) - Fast distributed text file methods.
- CAD::Drawing::Manipulate(3) - Manipulate CAD::Drawing objects
- CAD::Drawing::Manipulate::Graphics(3)
- CAD::Drawing::Manipulate::Transform(3) - Matrix methods for CAD::Drawing
- CAD::Drawing::Template(3) - Replace tags with text and geometry.
- Caesar(3) - Decrypt rot-N strings
- Cairo(3) - Perl interface to the cairo 2d vector graphics library
- Cairo::GObject(3) - Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
- calc_spline(3) - Calculates a series of values along a Bezier spline. Allegro game programming library.
- caldate(3) - calendar dates
- caldate_mjd(3) - manipulate calendar dates
- CALENDAR(3) - Calendar arithmetic for the Christian era
- Calendar::Simple(3) - Perl extension to create simple calendars
- calibrate_joystick(3) - Calibrates the specified joystick. Allegro game programming library.
- calibrate_joystick_name(3) - Returns the next calibration text string. Allegro game programming library.
- Call::Context(3) - Sanity-check calling context
- Callback::Frame(3) - Preserve error handlers and "local" variables across callbacks
- CallExt(3) - call functions in external shared libraries
- Callsite(3) - Get caller return OP address and Perl interpreter context
- CAM(3) - CAM user library
- CAM::PDF(3) - PDF manipulation library
- CAM::PDF::Content(3) - PDF page layout parser
- CAM::PDF::Decrypt(3) - PDF security helper
- CAM::PDF::GS(3) - PDF graphic state
- CAM::PDF::GS::NoText(3) - PDF graphic state
- CAM::PDF::Node(3) - PDF element
- CAM::PDF::PageText(3) - Extract text from PDF page tree
- CAM::PDF::Renderer::Dump(3) - Print the graphic state of each node
- CAM::PDF::Renderer::Images(3) - Find all of the images in a page
- CAM::PDF::Renderer::Text(3) - Render an ASCII image of a PDF page
- CAM::PDF::Renderer::TextFB(3) - Framebuffer for CAM::PDF::Renderer::Text
- CAM_CDBPARSE(3) - CAM user library SCSI buffer parsing routines
- CamlinternalFormat(3) - no description
- CamlinternalFormatBasics(3) - no description
- CamlinternalLazy(3) - Run-time support for lazy values.
- CamlinternalMod(3) - Run-time support for recursive modules.
- CamlinternalOO(3) - Run-time support for objects and classes.
- camtag_model(3)
- candlesticks(3) - GD::Graph type that shows open, high, low and close as "candlesticks"
- Canonicalize(3) - Number the atoms in a molecule in a unique way
- canonicalize_filename(3) - Converts any filename into its canonical form. Allegro game programming library.
- CAP_DNS(3) - library for getting network host entry in capability mode
- CAP_FILEARGS(3) - library for handling files in capability mode
- CAP_GRP(3) - library for group database operations in capability mode
- CAP_NET(3) - library for networking in capability mode
- CAP_PWD(3) - library for password database operations in capability mode
- CAP_RIGHTS_GET(3) - obtain capability rights
- CAP_RIGHTS_INIT(3) - manage cap_rights_t structure
- CAP_SANDBOXED(3) - Check if in a capability mode sandbox
- CAP_SYSCTL(3) - library for getting or setting system information in capability mode
- CAP_SYSLOG(3) - library for syslog in capability mode
- CAPSICUM_HELPERS(3) - set of the capsicum helpers, part of the libcapsicum
- Captcha::reCAPTCHA(3) - A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
- Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Mailhide(3) - A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
- Capture::Tiny(3) - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
- Capture::Tiny::Extended(3) - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from from Perl, XS or external programs (with some extras)
- capture_audio(3)
- Cardstream(3) - Cardstream Plugin for Business::OnlinePayment
- Carp::Always(3) - Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces
- Carp::Always::Color(3) - Carp::Always, but with color
- Carp::Always::Color::HTML(3) - Carp::Always, but with HTML color
- Carp::Always::Color::Term(3) - Carp::Always, but with terminal color
- Carp::Assert(3) - executable comments
- Carp::Clan(3) - Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
- Carp::Clan::Share(3) - Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan
- Carp::REPL(3) - read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
- Cartography(3) - Useful cartographic projections
- Carton(3) - Perl module dependency manager (aka Bundler for Perl)
- Carton::Doc::Bundle(3) - Bundle cached tarballs in vendor/cache
- Carton::Doc::Check(3) - Check if your cpanfile and local environment are in sync
- Carton::Doc::Exec(3) - execute your script in a carton local environment
- Carton::Doc::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions
- Carton::Doc::Fatpack(3) - Fatpack carton executable into vendor/bin
- Carton::Doc::Install(3) - Install the dependencies
- Carton::Doc::List(3) - List dependencies tracked in the cpanfile.snapshot file
- Carton::Doc::Show(3) - Show the module information
- Carton::Doc::Tree(3) - Show the tree of dependency graph
- Carton::Doc::Update(3) - Update the dependencies
- Carton::Doc::Upgrading(3) - Upgrading document
- Carton::Doc::Version(3) - Display version
- case_diffb(3) - compare strings case-insensitively
- case_diffs(3) - compare strings case-insensitively
- case_lowerb(3) - compare strings case-insensitively
- case_lowers(3) - compare strings case-insensitively
- case_starts(3) - compare prefixes of strings case-insensitively
- CAST5(3) - CAST5 block cipher
- CAST5_PP(3) - CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
- Catalyst(3) - Log::Log4perl Catalyst Module
- Catalyst::Action(3) - Catalyst Action
- Catalyst::Action::Deserialize(3) - Deserialize Data in a Request
- Catalyst::Action::Deserialize::XML::Hash::LX(3) - XML::Hash::LX deserializer for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Action::DeserializeMultiPart(3) - Deserialize Data in a Multipart Request
- Catalyst::Action::RenderView(3) - Sensible default end action.
- Catalyst::Action::REST(3) - Automated REST Method Dispatching
- Catalyst::Action::REST::ForBrowsers(3) - Automated REST Method Dispatching that Accommodates Browsers
- Catalyst::Action::Role::ACL(3) - Deprecated user role-based authorization action class
- Catalyst::Action::Serialize(3) - Serialize Data in a Response
- Catalyst::Action::Serialize::XML::Hash::LX(3) - XML::Hash::LX serializer for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Action::SerializeBase(3) - Base class for Catalyst::Action::Serialize and Catlayst::Action::Deserialize.
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP(3) - Action superclass
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::DocumentLiteral(3) - Document Literal service
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::DocumentLiteralWrapped(3) - Document/Literal Wrapped SOAP ActionClass
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::HTTPGet(3) - HTTP Get service
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::RPCEncoded(3) - RPC Encoded service
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::RPCEndpoint(3) - RPC Dispatcher
- Catalyst::Action::SOAP::RPCLiteral(3) - RPC style Literal encoding service
- Catalyst::Action::XMLRPC(3) - XMLRPC Action Class
- Catalyst::ActionChain(3) - Chain of Catalyst Actions
- Catalyst::ActionContainer(3) - Catalyst Action Container
- Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL(3) - User role-based authorization action class
- Catalyst::ActionRole::ConsumesContent(3) - Match on HTTP Request Content-Type
- Catalyst::ActionRole::HTTPMethods(3) - Match on HTTP Methods
- Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin(3) - checks if a user is logged in and if not redirects him to login page
- Catalyst::ActionRole::QueryMatching(3) - Match on GET parameters using type constraints
- Catalyst::ActionRole::Scheme(3) - Match on HTTP Request Scheme
- Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP(3) - HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::NoPassword(3) - Authenticate a user without a password.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::OpenID(3) - OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication framework.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Password(3) - Authenticate a user with a password.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Remote(3) - Let the webserver (e.g. Apache) authenticate Catalyst application users
- Catalyst::Authentication::Realm(3) - Base class for realm objects.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Realm::Compatibility(3) - Compatibility realm object
- Catalyst::Authentication::Realm::Progressive(3) - Authenticate against multiple realms
- Catalyst::Authentication::Realm::SimpleDB(3) - A simplified Catalyst authentication configurator.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store(3) - All about authentication stores
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class(3) - A storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User(3) - The backing user class for the Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class storage module.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP(3) - Authentication from an LDAP Directory.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::Backend(3) - LDAP authentication storage backend.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::User(3) - A User object representing an LDAP object.
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal(3) - Minimal authentication store
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Null(3) - Null authentication store
- Catalyst::Authentication::User(3) - Base class for user objects.
- Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash(3) - An easy authentication user object based on hashes.
- Catalyst::Base(3) - Deprecated base class
- Catalyst::ClassData(3) - Class data accessors
- Catalyst::Component(3) - Catalyst Component Base Class
- Catalyst::Component::ACCEPT_CONTEXT(3) - Make the current Catalyst request context available in Models and Views.
- Catalyst::Component::ApplicationAttribute(3) - Moose Role for components which capture the application context.
- Catalyst::Component::ContextClosure(3) - Moose Role for components which need to close over the $ctx, without leaking
- Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext(3) - Return a new instance a component on each request
- Catalyst::Contributing(3)
- Catalyst::Controller(3) - Catalyst Controller base class
- Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole(3) - Apply roles to action instances
- Catalyst::Controller::BindLex(3) - Stash your lexical goodness.
- Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder(3) - Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu(3) - Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Form(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::FormConfig(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::FormMethod(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::MultiForm(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::MultiFormConfig(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::MultiFormMethod(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::ActionBase::Form(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::Metal(3) - Raw PSGI handling in Catalyst controllers
- Catalyst::Controller::RateLimit(3) - Protect your site from robots
- Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken(3) - Handling transaction tokens across forms
- Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken::Action::CreateToken(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken::Action::RemoveToken(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken::Action::ValidateToken(3)
- Catalyst::Controller::REST(3) - A RESTful controller
- Catalyst::Controller::SOAP(3) - Catalyst SOAP Controller
- Catalyst::Controller::SOAP::DocumentLiteralWrapped(3) - Helper controller for SOAP
- Catalyst::Controller::SOAP::RPC(3) - Helper controller for SOAP
- Catalyst::Controller::SRU(3) - Dispatch SRU methods with Catalyst
- Catalyst::Delta(3) - Overview of changes between versions of Catalyst
- Catalyst::Devel(3) - Catalyst Development Tools
- Catalyst::Dispatcher(3) - The Catalyst Dispatcher
- Catalyst::DispatchType(3) - DispatchType Base Class
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Chained(3) - Path Part DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Default(3) - Default DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Index(3) - Index DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::LocalRegex(3) - LocalRegex DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::LocalRegexp(3) - LocalRegexp DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Path(3) - Path DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex(3) - Regex DispatchType
- Catalyst::DispatchType::Regexp(3) - Regex DispatchType
- Catalyst::Engine(3) - The Catalyst Engine
- Catalyst::Engine::Apache(3) - Catalyst Apache Engines
- Catalyst::Engine::Apache::MP13(3) - Catalyst Apache mod_perl 1.3x Engine
- Catalyst::Engine::Apache2(3) - Base class for Apache 1.99x and 2.x Engines
- Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP19(3) - Catalyst Apache2 mod_perl 1.99x Engine
- Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP20(3) - Catalyst Apache2 mod_perl 2.x Engine
- Catalyst::Engine::HTTP(3) - removed module
- Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork(3) - High-performance pre-forking Catalyst engine
- Catalyst::Engine::PSGI(3) - PSGI engine for Catalyst
- Catalyst::EngineLoader(3) - The Catalyst Engine Loader
- Catalyst::Enzyme(3) - CRUD framework for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Enzyme::Controller(3) - Enzyme Controller Base Class with utility methods
- Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Controller(3) - CRUD Controller Base Class with CRUD support
- Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Model(3) - CRUD Model Component
- Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::View(3) - Catalyst View helper methods for CRUD templates
- Catalyst::Exception(3) - Catalyst Exception Class
- Catalyst::Exception::Basic(3) - Basic Catalyst Exception Role
- Catalyst::Exception::Detach(3) - Exception for redispatching using $ctx->detach()
- Catalyst::Exception::Go(3) - Exception for redispatching using $ctx->go()
- Catalyst::Exception::Interface(3) - Role defining the interface for Catalyst exceptions
- Catalyst::Helper(3) - Bootstrap a Catalyst application
- Catalyst::Helper::Controller::Enzyme::CRUD(3) - Helper for Catalyst::Enzyme CRUD Controllers
- Catalyst::Helper::Controller::Scaffold(3) - Helper for Scaffolding
- Catalyst::Helper::HTML::FormFu(3) - it uses in internal rendering engine.
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Adaptor(3) - helper for the incredibly lazy
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::CDBI(3) - Helper for CDBI Models
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::CDBI::Plain(3) - Helper for CDBI Plain Model
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Plain(3) - Helper for DBIC Plain Models
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema(3) - Helper for DBIC Schema Models
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Enzyme::CDBI(3) - Helper for Catalyst::Enzyme CDBI Models
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Factory(3) - helper for the incredibly lazy
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Factory::PerRequest(3) - helper for the incredibly lazy
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::LDAP(3) - Helper for LDAP models
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Oryx(3) - Helper for Oryx Model
- Catalyst::Helper::Model::Xapian(3) - Helper for Xapian Model
- Catalyst::Helper::Prototype(3) - Helper to generate Prototype library
- Catalyst::Helper::PSGI(3) - PSGI helper to create a .psgi application script
- Catalyst::Helper::View::ClearSilver(3) - Helper for ClearSilver Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Email(3) - Helper for Email Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Email::Template(3) - Helper for Templated Email Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Enzyme::TT(3) - Helper for Enzyme::TT Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::GraphView(3) - Helper for GraphView Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::GraphViz(3) - Helper for GraphViz Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::HTML::Template(3) - Helper for HTML::Template Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::HTML::Template::Compiled(3) - Helper for HTML::Template::Compiled Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Jemplate(3) - Helper for Jemplate Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::JSON(3) - Helper for JSON Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Mason(3) - Helper for Mason Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::RRDGraph(3) - Helper for RRDGraph Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::Template::Declare(3) - Helper for creating a stub Template::Declare view
- Catalyst::Helper::View::TT(3) - Helper for TT Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::TT::Alloy(3) - Helper for Template::Alloy Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::TTControllerLocal(3) - Helper for TTControllerLocal Views
- Catalyst::Helper::View::TTSite(3) - Helper for TT view which builds a skeleton web site
- Catalyst::Helper::View::XSLT(3) - Helper for XSLT Views
- Catalyst::Log(3) - Catalyst Log Class
- Catalyst::Manual(3) - The Catalyst developer's manual
- Catalyst::Manual::About(3) - The philosophy of Catalyst
- Catalyst::Manual::Actions(3) - Catalyst Reusable Actions
- Catalyst::Manual::CatalystAndMoose(3) - How Catalyst 5.8+ and Moose relate
- Catalyst::Manual::Components(3) - Reuseable components for Catalyst applications
- Catalyst::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Cooking with Catalyst
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment(3) - Deploying Catalyst
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::Apache::FastCGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with FastCGI on Apache
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::Apache::mod_perl(3) - Deploying Catalyst with mod_perl
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::DevelopmentServer(3) - Development server deployment
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::FastCGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with FastCGI
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::IIS::FastCGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with Microsoft IIS
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::lighttpd::FastCGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with lighttpd
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::nginx::FastCGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with nginx
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::NGINXUnit::PSGI(3) - Deploying Catalyst with NGINX Unit
- Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::SharedHosting(3) - Deploying Catalyst on Shared Hosting
- Catalyst::Manual::DevelopmentProcess(3) - Administrative structure of the Catalyst Development Process
- Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst(3) - Extending The Framework
- Catalyst::Manual::Internals(3) - Catalyst Internals
- Catalyst::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to Catalyst
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Catalyst Tutorial: Overview
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::01_Intro(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 1: Introduction
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::02_CatalystBasics(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 2: Catalyst Application Development Basics
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::03_MoreCatalystBasics(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 3: More Catalyst Application Development Basics
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::04_BasicCRUD(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 4: Basic CRUD
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::05_Authentication(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 5: Authentication
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::06_Authorization(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 6: Authorization
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::07_Debugging(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 7: Debugging
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::08_Testing(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 8: Testing
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::09_AdvancedCRUD(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::09_AdvancedCRUD::09_FormBuilder(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormBuilder
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::09_AdvancedCRUD::09_FormFu(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormFu
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::09_AdvancedCRUD::09_FormHandler(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormHandler
- Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::10_Appendices(3) - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 10: Appendices
- Catalyst::Manual::WritingPlugins(3) - DEPRECATED, see Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst instead
- Catalyst::Middleware::Stash(3) - The Catalyst stash - in middleware
- Catalyst::Model(3) - Catalyst Model base class
- Catalyst::Model::Adaptor(3) - use a plain class as a Catalyst model
- Catalyst::Model::Adaptor::Base(3) - internal base class for Catalyst::Model::Adaptor and friends.
- Catalyst::Model::CDBI(3) - [DEPRECATED] CDBI Model Class
- Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Plain(3) - A Plain base class for Class::DBI models
- Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Sweet(3) - Making sweet things sweeter
- Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Plain(3) - DBIC Model Class
- Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
- Catalyst::Model::DynamicAdaptor(3) - Dynamically load adaptor modules
- Catalyst::Model::Factory(3) - use a plain class as a Catalyst model, instantiating it every time it is requested
- Catalyst::Model::Factory::PerRequest(3) - use a plain class as a Catalyst model, instantiating it once per Catalyst request
- Catalyst::Model::LDAP(3) - LDAP model class for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Connection(3) - Convenience methods for Net::LDAP
- Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Entry(3) - Convenience methods for Net::LDAP::Entry
- Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Search(3) - Convenience methods for Net::LDAP::Search
- Catalyst::Model::Memcached(3) - Wrapper for memcached imitating Catalyst models
- Catalyst::Model::Oryx(3) - Oryx model component for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Model::Reaction::InterfaceModel::DBIC(3)
- Catalyst::Model::Role::RunAfterRequest(3) - run code after the response has been sent
- Catalyst::Model::Tarantool(3) - DR::Tarantool interface
- Catalyst::Model::Xapian(3) - Catalyst model for Search::Xapian.
- Catalyst::Model::XML::Feed(3) - Use RSS/Atom feeds as a Catalyst Model
- Catalyst::Model::XML::Feed::Item(3) - stores some extra information about each XML feed.
- Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer(3) - Atom API server for Catalyst applications
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication(3) - Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Atom(3) - Authentication for Atom
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password(3) - Compatibility shim
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals(3) - All about authentication Stores and Credentials
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::OpenID(3) - OpenID Authentication
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd(3) - Authentication database in "$c->config".
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd::Backend(3) - Htpasswd authentication storage backend.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd::User(3) - A user object representing an entry in an htpasswd file.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Minimal(3) - Compatibility shim
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::User(3) - Compatibility shim
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::User::Hash(3) - Compatibility shim
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL(3) - ACL support for Catalyst applications.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL::Engine(3) - The backend that computes ACL checks for Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles(3) - Role based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication
- Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD(3) - Instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::Class
- Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD::Manual::DBICTips(3) - Tips for DBIx::Class Users
- Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD::Manual::Limitations(3) - Noted Limitations
- Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD::Manual::Troubleshooting(3) - Troubleshooting Advice
- Catalyst::Plugin::Browser(3) - DEPRECATED: Browser Detection
- Catalyst::Plugin::C3(3) - Catalyst Plugin to subvert NEXT to use Class::C3
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache(3) - Flexible caching support for Catalyst.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Backend(3) - Bare minimum backend interface.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Backend::Memory(3) - Stupid memory based caching backend.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Choose::KeyRegexes(3) - Choose a cache backend based on key regexes.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried(3) - Curried versions of "cache_set", "cache_get" and "cache_remove" that look more like a backend.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FastMmap(3) - DEPRECATED FastMmap cache
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached(3) - [DEPRECATED] Distributed cache
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached::Fast(3) - Catalyst Plugin for Cache::Memcached::Fast
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store(3) - how to write a Cache store plugin.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store::Memory(3) - Stupid memory based cache store plugin.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Captcha(3) - create and validate Captcha for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader(3) - Load config files of various types
- Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader::Environment(3) - Configure your application with environment variables.
- Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader::Manual(3) - Guide to using the ConfigLoader plugin
- Catalyst::Plugin::CookiedSession(3) - Store sessions in a browser cookie
- Catalyst::Plugin::DateTime(3)
- Catalyst::Plugin::DefaultEnd(3) - DEPRECATED Sensible default end action.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Email(3) - (DEPRECATED) Send emails with Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher(3) - Catch application errors and emit them somewhere
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Email(3) - an email emitter for Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::File(3) - a file emitter for Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::CaughtException(3) - cleanup caught exception messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::Pg::ForeignKeyConstraint(3) - cleanup foreign key violation messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::Pg::MissingColumn(3) - cleanup column XXX does not exist messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::Pg::TransactionAborted(3) - cleanup transaction aborted messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::Pg::UniqueConstraintViolation(3) - cleanup foreign key violation messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher::Plugin::CleanUp::TxnDo(3) - cleanup txn_do messages from Pg
- Catalyst::Plugin::FillInForm(3) - FillInForm for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::FormBuilder(3) - (DEPRECATED) Catalyst FormBuilder Plugin
- Catalyst::Plugin::FormValidator(3) - Data::FormValidator plugin for Catalyst.
- Catalyst::Plugin::I18N(3) - I18N for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::Manual(3) - (Draft) I18N and L10N with Catalyst and Template Toolkit.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Dispatch(3) - Log module of Catalyst that uses Log::Dispatch
- Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Handler(3) - Catalyst Plugin for Log::Handler
- Catalyst::Plugin::LogWarnings(3) - Log perl warnings to your Catalyst log object
- Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache(3) - Cache the output of entire pages
- Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Nested(3) - Nested form parameters (ala Ruby on Rails).
- Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Nested::Expander(3) - CGI::Expand subclass with rails like tokenization.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype(3) - Plugin for Prototype
- Catalyst::Plugin::RunAfterRequest(3) - run code after the response has been sent.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler(3) - Schedule events to run in a cron-like fashion
- Catalyst::Plugin::Server(3) - Base Server plugin for RPC-able protocols
- Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC(3) - There is only one XMLRPC parameter - This XMLRPC parameter is a struct (HASH)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC::DispatchType::XMLRPCPath(3) - XMLRPCPath DispatchType
- Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC::DispatchType::XMLRPCRegex(3) - XMLRPCRegex DispatchType
- Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC::Tutorial(3)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session(3) - Generic Session plugin - ties together server side storage and client side state required to maintain session data.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser(3) - Per user sessions (instead of per browser sessions).
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State(3) - Base class for session state preservation plugins.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie(3) - Maintain session IDs using cookies.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::URI(3) - Use URIs to pass the session id between requests
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store(3) - Base class for session storage drivers.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Cache(3) - Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBI(3) - Store your sessions in a database
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC(3) - Store your sessions via DBIx::Class
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC::Delegate(3) - Delegates between the session and flash rows
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Delegate(3) - Delegate session storage to an application model object.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Dummy(3) - Doesn't really store sessions - useful for tests.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap(3) - FastMmap session storage backend.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File(3) - File storage backend for session data.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached(3) - Memcached storage backend for session data.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached::Fast(3) - Memcached session storage backend.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store(3) - Reusable sanity for session storage engines.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Tutorial(3) - Understanding and using sessions.
- Catalyst::Plugin::Setenv(3) - Allows you to set up the environment from Catalyst's config file.
- Catalyst::Plugin::SmartURI(3) - Configurable URIs for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace(3) - Display a stack trace on the debug screen
- Catalyst::Plugin::Static(3) - DEPRECATED - Serve static files with Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple(3) - Make serving static pages painless.
- Catalyst::Plugin::StatusMessage(3) - Handle passing of status (success and error) messages between screens of a web application.
- Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest(3) - Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode(3) - Unicode aware Catalyst (old style)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding(3) - Unicode aware Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC(3) - DEPRECATED Dispatch XMLRPC methods with Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC::DispatchType::XMLRPC(3) - XMLRPC DispatchType
- Catalyst::PSGI(3) - How Catalyst and PSGI work together
- Catalyst::Request(3) - provides information about the current client request
- Catalyst::Request::PartData(3) - handles file upload requests
- Catalyst::Request::REST(3) - A REST-y subclass of Catalyst::Request
- Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers(3) - A Catalyst::Request::REST subclass for dealing with browsers
- Catalyst::Request::Upload(3) - handles file upload requests
- Catalyst::Response(3) - stores output responding to the current client request
- Catalyst::Response::Writer(3) - Proxy over the PSGI Writer
- Catalyst::Restarter(3) - Uses File::ChangeNotify to check for changed files and restart the server
- Catalyst::Restarter::Forking(3) - Forks and restarts the child process
- Catalyst::Restarter::Win32(3) - Uses Proc::Background to manage process restarts
- Catalyst::RouteMatching(3)
- Catalyst::Runtime(3) - The Catalyst Framework Runtime
- Catalyst::Script::CGI(3) - The CGI Catalyst Script
- Catalyst::Script::Create(3) - Create a new Catalyst Component
- Catalyst::Script::FastCGI(3) - The FastCGI Catalyst Script
- Catalyst::Script::Server(3) - Catalyst test server
- Catalyst::Script::Test(3) - Test Catalyst application on the command line
- Catalyst::ScriptRole(3) - Common functionality for Catalyst scripts.
- Catalyst::ScriptRunner(3) - The Catalyst Framework script runner
- Catalyst::Stats(3) - Catalyst Timing Statistics Class
- Catalyst::Test(3) - Test Catalyst Applications
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::DBIC::DoesPaging(3) - Helps you paginate, search, sort, and more easily using DBIx::Class
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching(3) - Query caching support for Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::FromMigration(3) - Use your DB Sandbox to run Catalyst
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::FromMigration::_MigrationHelper(3) - Trait Helper
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::PerRequestSchema(3) - Clone the schema with attributes for each requests
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Replicated(3) - Replicated storage support for Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::SchemaProxy(3) - Proxy Schema Methods and Options from Model
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::BrowserDetect(3) - Browser detection for Catalyst::Requests
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::REST(3) - A role to apply to Catalyst::Request giving it REST methods and attributes.
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::REST::ForBrowsers(3) - A request trait for REST and browsers
- Catalyst::Upgrading(3) - Instructions for upgrading to the latest Catalyst
- Catalyst::UTF8(3)
- Catalyst::Utils(3) - The Catalyst Utils
- Catalyst::View(3) - Catalyst View base class
- Catalyst::View::Atom::XML(3) - XML serialization for Atom objects
- Catalyst::View::ClearSilver(3) - ClearSilver View Class
- Catalyst::View::Email(3) - Send Email from Catalyst
- Catalyst::View::Email::Template(3) - Send Templated Email from Catalyst
- Catalyst::View::GraphViz(3) - GraphViz View Class
- Catalyst::View::HTML::Template(3) - HTML::Template View Class
- Catalyst::View::HTML::Template::Compiled(3) - HTML::Template::Compiled View Class
- Catalyst::View::Jemplate(3) - Jemplate files server
- Catalyst::View::JSON(3) - JSON view for your data
- Catalyst::View::Mason(3) - Mason View Class
- Catalyst::View::REST::XML(3) - (DEPRECATED) XML View Class
- Catalyst::View::RRDGraph(3) - RRD Graph View Class
- Catalyst::View::Template::Declare(3) - Use Template::Declare with Catalyst
- Catalyst::View::Templated(3) - generic base class for template-based views
- Catalyst::View::TT(3) - Template View Class
- Catalyst::View::TT::Alloy(3) - Template::Alloy (TT) View Class
- Catalyst::View::TT::ControllerLocal(3) - Catalyst TT View with template names relative to the Controller
- Catalyst::View::vCard(3) - vCard view for Catalyst
- Catalyst::View::XML::Feed(3) - Catalyst view for RSS, Atom, or other XML feeds
- Catalyst::View::XML::Simple(3)
- Catalyst::View::XSLT(3) - XSLT View Class
- Catalyst::View::XSLT::XML::LibXSLT(3) - An implementation for Catalyst::View::XSLT with XML::LibXSLT
- CatalystX::AppBuilder(3) - Build Your Application Instance Programatically
- CatalystX::Component::Traits(3) - Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
- CatalystX::InjectComponent(3) - Inject components into your Catalyst application
- CatalystX::LeakChecker(3) - Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
- CatalystX::Profile(3) - Profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf
- CatalystX::Profile::Controller::ControlProfiling(3) - Control profiling within your application
- CatalystX::REPL(3) - read-eval-print-loop for debugging your Catalyst application
- CatalystX::RoleApplicator(3) - apply roles to your Catalyst application-related classes
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin(3) - Provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Controller::Login(3) - Configurable login controller
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Form::Login(3) - validation for the login form
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Form::LoginOpenID(3) - OpenID validation role for the login form
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Manual(3) - How to use and customise CatalystX::SimpleLogin.
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::Logout(3) - log users out
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::OpenID(3) - allows a User to login via OpenID
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::RenderAsTTTemplate(3) - render a login form with no template file
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect(3) - redirect users who login back to the page they originally requested.
- CatalystX::VirtualComponents(3) - Setup Virtual Catalyst Components Based On A Parent Application Class
- CATCLOSE(3) - close message catalog
- CATGETS(3) - retrieve string from message catalog
- CATOPEN(3) - open message catalog
- caxpy.f(3)
- cbbcsd.f(3)
- CBCeasy(3) - Easy things make really easy with Crypt::CBC
- cbdsqr.f(3)
- cBroadcast(3) - broadcast signal to all waiting threads.
- ccfilter(3) - Mapping IPv4 addresses to country codes
- ccopy.f(3)
- CCOS(3) - complex trigonometric functions
- CCOSH(3) - complex hyperbolic functions
- cdb(3) - Constant DataBase library
- cdb_datalen(3) - get length of data
- cdb_datapos(3) - get position of data
- CDB_File(3) - Perl extension for access to cdb databases
- CDB_File::Generator(3) - generate massive sorted CDB files simply.
- cdb_find(3) - look up a key in a constant database
- cdb_firstkey(3) - find first physical record in constant database
- cdb_free(3) - close a constant databased
- cdb_init(3) - open a constant database
- cdb_keylen(3) - get length of key
- cdb_keypos(3) - get position of key
- cdb_nextkey(3) - find next physical record in constant database
- cdb_read(3) - read bytes from a constant database
- cdb_successor(3) - find next record
- CDDB(3) - a high-level interface to cddb protocol servers (freedb and CDDB)
- CDDB::File(3) - Parse a CDDB/freedb data file
- CDDB_get(3) - Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive
- CDF(3) - Generate probabilities and quantiles from several statistical probability functions
- CDIALOG(3) - widgets and utilities for the cdialog program
- Cdk(3)
- cdk_alphalist(3) - curses sorted list widget.
- cdk_binding(3)
- cdk_button(3) - create and manage a curses button widget.
- cdk_buttonbox(3) - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
- cdk_calendar(3) - curses calendar widget.
- cdk_compat(3) - Cdk4 compatibility functions
- cdk_dialog(3) - curses dialog widget
- cdk_display(3)
- cdk_draw(3) - Cdk Drawing Functions
- cdk_dscale(3) - curses scale widget (type double).
- cdk_entry(3) - curses text-entry widget.
- cdk_fscale(3) - curses scale widget (type float).
- cdk_fselect(3) - curses file selector widget.
- cdk_fslider(3) - curses slider widget (type float)
- cdk_graph(3) - curses graph widget
- cdk_histogram(3) - curses histogram widget
- cdk_itemlist(3) - curses itemlist widget.
- cdk_label(3) - Creates a managed curses label widget.
- cdk_marquee(3) - curses marquee widget
- cdk_matrix(3) - curses matrix widget.
- cdk_mentry(3) - curses multiple line entry widget.
- cdk_menu(3) - curses menu widget
- cdk_misc(3)
- cdk_objs(3) - Cdk object-support functions
- cdk_params(3) - Cdk command-line parsing
- cdk_position(3) - curses widget positioning key-bindings
- cdk_process(3) - curses widget pre/post-processing
- cdk_radio(3) - curses radio list widget.
- cdk_scale(3) - curses scale widget (type int).
- cdk_screen(3) - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
- cdk_scroll(3) - curses scrolling list widget.
- cdk_selection(3) - curses selection list widget.
- cdk_slider(3) - curses slider widget (type int)
- cdk_swindow(3) - a curses scrolling window widget.
- cdk_template(3) - a curses template widget.
- cdk_traverse(3) - functions to support keyboard traversal
- cdk_uscale(3) - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
- cdk_uslider(3) - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
- cdk_util(3) - Cdk utility functions
- cdk_viewer(3) - curses viewer list widget.
- cdotc.f(3)
- cdotu.f(3)
- Cego(3) - Perl database DBD interface for Cego
- CEIL(3) - smallest integral value greater than or equal to x
- center_image(3)
- centre_dialog(3) - Centers an array of dialog objects. Allegro game programming library.
- cerl(3) - Core Erlang abstract syntax trees.
- cerl_clauses(3) - Utility functions for Core Erlang case/receive clauses.
- cerl_trees(3) - Basic functions on Core Erlang abstract syntax trees.
- CEXP(3) - complex exponential functions
- CFB(3) - Encrypt Data in Cipher Feedback Mode
- Cflow(3) - find "interesting" flows in raw IP flow files
- CFREE(3)
- cgbbrd.f(3)
- cgbcon.f(3)
- cgbequ.f(3)
- cgbequb.f(3)
- cgbmv.f(3)
- cgbrfs.f(3)
- cgbrfsx.f(3)
- cgbsv.f(3)
- cgbsvx.f(3)
- cgbsvxx.f(3)
- cgbtf2.f(3)
- cgbtrf.f(3)
- cgbtrs.f(3)
- cgebak.f(3)
- cgebal.f(3)
- cgebd2.f(3)
- cgebrd.f(3)
- cgecon.f(3)
- cgeequ.f(3)
- cgeequb.f(3)
- cgees.f(3)
- cgeesx.f(3)
- cgeev.f(3)
- cgeevx.f(3)
- cgehd2.f(3)
- cgehrd.f(3)
- cgejsv.f(3)
- cgelq.f(3)
- cgelq2.f(3)
- cgelqf.f(3)
- cgelqt.f(3)
- cgelqt3.f(3)
- cgels.f(3)
- cgelsd.f(3)
- cgelss.f(3)
- cgelsy.f(3)
- cgemlq.f(3)
- cgemlqt.f(3)
- cgemm.f(3)
- cgemqr.f(3)
- cgemqrt.f(3)
- cgemv.f(3)
- cgeql2.f(3)
- cgeqlf.f(3)
- cgeqp3.f(3)
- cgeqr.f(3)
- cgeqr2.f(3)
- cgeqr2p.f(3)
- cgeqrf.f(3)
- cgeqrfp.f(3)
- cgeqrt.f(3)
- cgeqrt2.f(3)
- cgeqrt3.f(3)
- cgerc.f(3)
- cgerfs.f(3)
- cgerfsx.f(3)
- cgerq2.f(3)
- cgerqf.f(3)
- cgeru.f(3)
- cgesc2.f(3)
- cgesdd.f(3)
- cgesv.f(3)
- cgesvd.f(3)
- cgesvdq.f(3)
- cgesvdx.f(3)
- cgesvj.f(3)
- cgesvx.f(3)
- cgesvxx.f(3)
- cgetc2.f(3)
- cgetf2.f(3)
- cgetrf.f(3)
- cgetrf2.f(3)
- cgetri.f(3)
- cgetrs.f(3)
- cgetsls.f(3)
- cgetsqrhrt.f(3)
- cggbak.f(3)
- cggbal.f(3)
- cgges.f(3)
- cgges3.f(3)
- cggesx.f(3)
- cggev.f(3)
- cggev3.f(3)
- cggevx.f(3)
- cggglm.f(3)
- cgghd3.f(3)
- cgghrd.f(3)
- cgglse.f(3)
- cggqrf.f(3)
- cggrqf.f(3)
- cggsvd3.f(3)
- cggsvp3.f(3)
- CGI::Ajax(3) - a perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications
- CGI::Application(3) - Framework for building reusable web-applications
- CGI::Application::Dispatch(3) - Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects
- CGI::Application::Dispatch::PSGI(3) - Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects using PSGI
- CGI::Application::Dispatch::Regexp(3) - Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects using regular expressions
- CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server(3) - A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application::Dispatch
- CGI::Application::Mailform(3) - A simple HTML form to email system
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate(3) - Use any templating system from within CGI::Application using a unified interface
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Base(3) - Base class for templates
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::ComponentHandler(3) - Embed run modes within a template
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate(3) - HTML::Template driver to AnyTemplate
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplateExpr(3) - HTML::Template::Expr driver to AnyTemplate
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplatePluggable(3) - HTML::Template::Pluggable driver to AnyTemplate
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::Petal(3) - Petal plugin to AnyTemplate
- CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::TemplateToolkit(3) - Template::Toolkit plugin to AnyTemplate
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Apache(3) - Allow CGI::Application to use Apache::* modules without interference
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Apache::Request(3)
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Apache2::Request(3)
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication(3) - Authentication framework for CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Display(3) - Generate bits of HTML needed for authentication
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Display::Basic(3) - XHTML compliant no frills login display driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Display::Classic(3) - login box that works out of the box
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver(3) - Base module for building driver classes for CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Authen::Simple(3) - Authen::Simple Authentication driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBI(3) - DBI Authentication driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Dummy(3) - Dummy Authentication driver which lets anyone authenticate regardless of the password they provide
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::crypt(3) - crypt Filter
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::lc(3) - Lowercase Filter
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::md5(3) - MD5 filter
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::sha1(3) - SHA1 Password filter
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::strip(3) - Filter that strips whitespace from the beginning and end of the string
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Filter::uc(3) - Uppercase Filter
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::Generic(3) - Generic Authentication driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::HTPasswd(3) - HTPasswd Authentication driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Store(3) - Base module for building storage classes for the CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication plugin
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Cookie(3) - Cookie based Store
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Session(3) - Session based Store
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization(3) - Authorization framework for CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver(3) - Base module for building driver classes for CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::DBI(3) - DBI Authorization driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::Dummy(3) - Dummy Authorization driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::Generic(3) - Generic Authorization driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::HTGroup(3) - HTGroup Authorization driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Authorization::Driver::SimpleGroup(3) - Simple Group based Authorization driver
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::YAML(3) - add Config::YAML support to CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::ConfigAuto(3) - Easy config file management for CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH(3) - Easy DBI access from CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DebugScreen(3) - add Debug support to CGI::Application.
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup(3) - Runtime cgiapp info in a popup window
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::HTTPHeaders(3) - show incoming and outgoing HTTP headers
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Log(3) - show all data written to an IO::Scalar handle.
- CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing(3) - show timing information about cgiapp stages
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Forward(3) - Pass control from one run mode to another
- CGI::Application::Plugin::HTDot(3) - Enable "magic dot" notation in CGI::Application-derived applications that use HTML::Template for their templating mechanism.
- CGI::Application::Plugin::HTMLPrototype(3) - Give easy access to the prototype JavaScript library using HTML::Prototype
- CGI::Application::Plugin::HtmlTidy(3) - Add HTML::Tidy support to CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::JSON(3) - easy manipulation of JSON headers
- CGI::Application::Plugin::LinkIntegrity(3) - Make tamper-resisistent links in CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::LogDispatch(3) - Add Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::MessageStack(3) - A message stack for your CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Redirect(3) - Easy external redirects in CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Session(3) - Plugin that adds session support to CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::Stream(3) - CGI::Application Plugin for streaming files
- CGI::Application::Plugin::TT(3) - Add Template Toolkit support to CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM(3) - Help validate CGI::Application run modes using Data::FormValidator
- CGI::Application::Plugin::ViewCode(3) - View the source of the running application
- CGI::Application::PSGI(3) - PSGI Adapter for CGI::Application
- CGI::Application::Server(3) - a simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
- CGI::Builder(3) - Framework to build simple or complex web-apps
- CGI::Builder::Conf(3) - Add user editable configuration files to your WebApp
- CGI::Builder::Const(3) - Deprecated
- CGI::Builder::Test(3) - Adds some testing methods to your build
- CGI::Builder::TT2(3) - CGI::Builder and Template Toolkit 2 integration
- CGI::Cache(3) - Perl extension to help cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts
- CGI::Carp(3) - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log
- CGI::Compile(3) - Compile .cgi scripts to a code reference like ModPerl::Registry
- CGI::Compress::Gzip(3) - CGI with automatically compressed output
- CGI::Compress::Gzip::FileHandle(3) - CGI::Compress::Gzip helper package
- CGI::Cookie(3) - Interface to HTTP Cookies
- CGI::Cookie::Splitter(3) - Split big cookies into smaller ones.
- CGI::Cookie::XS(3) - HTTP Cookie parser in pure C
- CGI::Emulate::PSGI(3) - PSGI adapter for CGI
- CGI::Ex(3) - CGI utility suite - makes powerful application writing fun and easy
- CGI::Ex::App(3) - Anti-framework application framework.
- CGI::Ex::App::Constants(3) - Easier access to magic App values
- CGI::Ex::Auth(3) - Handle logins nicely.
- CGI::Ex::Conf(3) - Conf Reader/Writer for many different data format types
- CGI::Ex::Die(3) - A CGI::Carp::FatalsToBrowser type utility.
- CGI::Ex::Dump(3) - A debug utility
- CGI::Ex::Fill(3) - Fast but compliant regex based form filler
- CGI::Ex::JSONDump(3) - Comprehensive data to JSON dump.
- CGI::Ex::Template(3) - Template::Alloy based TT2/TT3/HT/HTE/Tmpl/Velocity engine.
- CGI::Ex::Validate(3) - The "Just Right" form validator with javascript in parallel
- CGI::ExtDirect(3) - Ext.Direct remoting gateway for CGI applications
- CGI::Fast(3) - CGI Interface for Fast CGI
- CGI::FCKeditor(3) - FCKeditor For OOP Module
- CGI::FormBuilder(3) - Easily generate and process stateful forms
- CGI::FormBuilder::Field(3) - Base class for FormBuilder fields
- CGI::FormBuilder::Messages(3) - Localized message support for FormBuilder
- CGI::FormBuilder::Multi(3) - Create multi-page FormBuilder forms
- CGI::FormBuilder::Source(3) - Source adapters for FormBuilder
- CGI::FormBuilder::Source::File(3) - Initialize FormBuilder from external file
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template(3) - Template adapters for FormBuilder
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::Builtin(3) - Builtin HTML rendering
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::CGI_SSI(3) - FormBuilder interface to CGI::SSI
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::Div(3) - Div HTML rendering
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::Fast(3) - FormBuilder interface to CGI::FastTemplate
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::HTML(3) - FormBuilder interface to HTML::Template
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::Text(3) - FormBuilder interface to Text::Template
- CGI::FormBuilder::Template::TT2(3) - FormBuilder interface to Template Toolkit
- CGI::FormBuilder::Test(3) - Test harness for FormBuilder
- CGI::FormBuilder::Util(3) - Utility functions for FormBuilder
- CGI::Framework(3) - A simple-to-use, lightweight web CGI framework
- CGI::HTML::Functions(3) - Documentation for CGI.pm Legacy HTML Functionality
- CGI::Kwiki(3) - A Quickie Wiki that's not too Tricky
- CGI::Kwiki::Blog(3) - Blogging Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::CGI(3) - CGI Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Changes(3) - Changes Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Config(3) - Config Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Config_yaml(3) - Simplistic YAML Config Parser for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Cookie(3) - CGI Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Database(3) - Database Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Display(3) - Display Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Driver(3) - Driver Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Edit(3) - Edit Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Formatter(3) - Formatter Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Import(3) - Import the external Kwiki page
- CGI::Kwiki::Javascript(3) - Default Javascript for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Metadata(3) - Page Metadata Storage for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::New(3) - Default New Wiki Generator for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Pages(3) - Default Pages for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Pages::zh_cn(3) - Default pages for Traditional Chinese
- CGI::Kwiki::Pages::zh_tw(3) - Default pages for Traditional Chinese
- CGI::Kwiki::Plugin(3) - Plugin Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Plugin::Diff(3) - A Diff Plugin for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Prefs(3) - Preferences Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Privacy(3) - Privacy Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Scripts(3) - Script container for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Search(3) - Search Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Slides(3) - Slide Show Plugin for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Style(3) - Default Stylesheets for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Kwiki::Template(3) - HTML Template Base Class for CGI::Kwiki
- CGI::Lite(3) - Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
- CGI::Maypole(3) - CGI-based front-end to Maypole
- CGI::Minimal(3) - A lightweight CGI form processing package
- CGI::Pager(3) - generate HTML pagination linkage easily.
- CGI::Parse::PSGI(3) - Parses CGI output and creates PSGI response out of it
- CGI::Pretty(3) - module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
- CGI::Prototype(3) - Create a CGI application by subclassing
- CGI::Prototype::Hidden(3) - Create a CGI application by subclassing - hidden field
- CGI::PSGI(3) - Adapt CGI.pm to the PSGI protocol
- CGI::Push(3) - Simple Interface to Server Push
- CGI::Response(3) - Respond to CGI requests
- CGI::Session(3) - persistent session data in CGI applications
- CGI::Session::Driver(3) - CGI::Session driver specifications
- CGI::Session::Driver::db_file(3) - CGI::Session driver for BerkeleyDB using DB_File
- CGI::Session::Driver::DBI(3) - Base class for native DBI-related CGI::Session drivers
- CGI::Session::Driver::file(3) - Default CGI::Session driver
- CGI::Session::Driver::memcached(3) - CGI::Session driver for memcached
- CGI::Session::Driver::mysql(3) - CGI::Session driver for MySQL database
- CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql(3) - PostgreSQL driver for CGI::Session
- CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite(3) - CGI::Session driver for SQLite
- CGI::Session::ErrorHandler(3) - error handling routines for CGI::Session
- CGI::Session::ExpireSessions(3) - Delete expired "CGI::Session"-type db-based and file-based sessions
- CGI::Session::ID::incr(3) - CGI::Session ID driver
- CGI::Session::ID::md5(3) - default CGI::Session ID generator
- CGI::Session::ID::static(3) - CGI::Session ID Driver for generating static IDs
- CGI::Session::Serialize::default(3) - Default CGI::Session serializer
- CGI::Session::Serialize::freezethaw(3) - serializer for CGI::Session
- CGI::Session::Serialize::storable(3) - Serializer for CGI::Session
- CGI::Session::Test::Default(3) - Run a suite of tests for a given CGI::Session::Driver
- CGI::Session::Tutorial(3) - Extended CGI::Session manual
- CGI::Simple(3) - A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant
- CGI::Simple::Cookie(3) - Interface to HTTP cookies
- CGI::Simple::Standard(3) - a wrapper module for CGI::Simple that provides a function style interface
- CGI::Simple::Util(3) - Internal utilities used by CGI::Simple module
- CGI::Struct(3) - Build structures from CGI data
- CGI::Thin(3) - A very lightweight Parser for CGI Forms
- CGI::Thin::Cookies(3) - A very lightweight way to read and set Cookies
- CGI::Tiny(3) - Common Gateway Interface, with no frills
- CGI::Tiny::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for advanced CGI::Tiny usage
- CGI::Tiny::Multipart(3) - Tiny multipart/form-data form parser
- CGI::Untaint(3) - process CGI input parameters
- CGI::Untaint::date(3) - validate a date
- CGI::Untaint::email(3) - validate an email address
- CGI::Untaint::hex(3) - validate as a hexadecimal value
- CGI::Untaint::integer(3) - validate an integer
- CGI::Untaint::Maypole(3) - Use instead of CGI::Untaint. Based on CGI::Untaint
- CGI::Untaint::object(3) - base class for Input Handlers
- CGI::Untaint::printable(3) - validate as a printable value
- CGI::Upload(3) - CGI class for handling browser file uploads
- CGI::Util(3) - Internal utilities used by CGI module
- CGI::Utils(3) - Utilities for retrieving information through the Common Gateway Interface
- CGI::Utils::UploadFile(3)
- cgi_cookie_authority(3) - determine the cookie authority for a domain
- cgi_cookie_clear(3) - clear browser cookie
- cgi_cookie_set(3) - Set a browser Cookie
- cgi_cs_init(3) - initialize CS parser with the CGI defaults
- cgi_debug_init(3) - initialize standalone debugging
- cgi_destroy(3) - deallocate the data associated with a CGI
- cgi_display(3) - render and display the CGI output to the user
- cgi_error(3) - display an error string to the user
- cgi_filehandle(3) - return a file pointer to an uploaded file
- cgi_neo_error(3) - display a NEOERR call backtrace
- cgi_output(3) - display the CGI output to the user
- cgi_redirect(3) - send an HTTP 302 redirect response
- cgi_redirect_uri(3) - send an HTTP 302 redirect response
- cgi_register_parse_cb(3) - Register a parse callback
- cgi_url_escape(3) - url escape a string
- cgi_url_escape_more(3) - url escape a string
- cgi_url_unescape(3) - unescape an url encoded string
- cgi_url_validate(3) - validate that url is of an allowed format
- cgi_vredirect(3) - send an HTTP 302 redirect response
- cgiDebug(3) - Set the debug level for CGI programming
- cgiFree(3) - Frees CGI data structure
- cgiFreeList(3) - Frees memory used by a list
- cgiGetCookie(3) - Return a cookie
- cgiGetCookies(3) - Returns a list of cookies
- cgiGetFiles(3) - Returns a list of CGI file variables
- cgiGetValue(3) - Return information of a CGI file variable
- cgiGetVariables(3) - Returns a list of CGI variables
- cgiHeader(3) - Print the HTTP header
- cgiInit(3) - Initializes CGI library
- cgiRedirect(3) - Redirect the browser somewhere else
- cgiSetHeader(3) - Specify an additional HTTP header
- cgiSetType(3) - Specify the result type
- cgiwrap_getenv(3) - the wrapper for getenv
- cgiwrap_init_emu(3) - initialize cgiwrap for emulated use
- cgiwrap_init_std(3) - Initialize cgiwrap with default functions
- cgiwrap_iterenv(3) - iterater for env vars
- cgiwrap_putenv(3) - wrap the putenv call
- cgiwrap_read(3) - cgiwrap input function
- cgiwrap_write(3) - wrapper for the fwrite(stdout)
- cgiwrap_writef(3) - a wrapper for printf
- cgiwrap_writevf(3) - a wrapper for vprintf
- CGP::CLI(3)
- CGREAD(3) - read/write cylinder groups of UFS disks
- cgsvj0.f(3)
- cgsvj1.f(3)
- cgtcon.f(3)
- cgtrfs.f(3)
- cgtsv.f(3)
- cgtsvx.f(3)
- cgttrf.f(3)
- cgttrs.f(3)
- cgtts2.f(3)
- CHACHA(3) - ChaCha20 stream cipher
- CharacterChunk(3) - SAX Filter for Wellballanced Chunks
- charnames(3) - access to Unicode character names and named character sequences; also define character names
- Chart(3) - a series of charting modules
- Chart::Clicker(3) - Powerful, extensible charting.
- Chart::Clicker::Axis(3) - An X or Y Axis
- Chart::Clicker::Axis::DateTime(3) - An X or Y Axis using DateTime
- Chart::Clicker::Axis::DivisionType(3) - Division style for ticks
- Chart::Clicker::Axis::DivisionType::Exact(3) - Divide axis in exact increments, linear scale.
- Chart::Clicker::Axis::DivisionType::LinearExpandGraph(3) - Nicely rounded segments on a linear scale.
- Chart::Clicker::Axis::DivisionType::LinearRounded(3) - Nicely rounded segments on a linear scale.
- Chart::Clicker::Component(3) - Base class that extends Graphics::Primitive::Component
- Chart::Clicker::Container(3) - Base class that extends Graphics::Primitive::Container
- Chart::Clicker::Context(3) - A rendering context: Axes, Markers and a Renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet(3) - A collection of series
- Chart::Clicker::Data::Marker(3) - Highlight arbitrary value(s)
- Chart::Clicker::Data::Range(3) - A range of Data
- Chart::Clicker::Data::Series(3) - A series of key, value pairs representing chart data
- Chart::Clicker::Data::Series::HighLow(3) - Series data with additional attributes for High-Low charts
- Chart::Clicker::Data::Series::Size(3) - Chart data with additional attributes for Size charts
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration(3) - Shiny baubles!
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Annotation(3) - Text annotation over data
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Glass(3) - Under-chart gradient decoration
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Grid(3) - Under-data grid
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Legend(3) - Series name, color key
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Legend::Tabular(3) - Tabular version of Legend
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::MarkerOverlay(3) - Component for drawing markers
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::OverAxis(3) - An axis drawn over data
- Chart::Clicker::Decoration::Plot(3) - Area on which renderers draw
- Chart::Clicker::Drawing::ColorAllocator(3) - Color picker
- Chart::Clicker::Positioned(3) - Role for components that care about position.
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer(3) - Base class for renderers
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Area(3) - Area renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Bar(3) - Bar renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Bubble(3) - Bubble render
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::CandleStick(3) - CandleStick renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Line(3) - Line renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Pie(3) - Pie renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Point(3) - Point renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea(3) - Polar Area renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea(3) - Stacked Area renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedBar(3) - Stacked Bar renderer
- Chart::Clicker::Tutorial(3) - A Tutorial for using Chart::Clicker
- Chart::Gnuplot(3) - Plot graph using Gnuplot in Perl on the fly
- Chart::Math::Axis(3) - Implements an algorithm to find good values for chart axis
- Chart::PNGgraph(3) - Graph Plotting Module (deprecated)
- CharWidth(3) - Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
- ChaSen(3) - ChaSen library module for perl
- chastise(3) - library function to punish users
- Chatbot::Eliza(3) - A clone of the classic Eliza program
- chb2st_kernels.f(3)
- chbev.f(3)
- chbev_2stage.f(3)
- chbevd.f(3)
- chbevd_2stage.f(3)
- chbevx.f(3)
- chbevx_2stage.f(3)
- chbgst.f(3)
- chbgv.f(3)
- chbgvd.f(3)
- chbgvx.f(3)
- chbmv.f(3)
- chbtrd.f(3)
- CHDONE(3) - half-closes a channel
- Check::ISA(3) - DWIM, correct checking of an object's class.
- check_cpu(3) - Detects the CPU type. Allegro game programming library.
- CHECK_UTILITY_COMPAT(3) - determine whether a utility should be compatible
- Checkbutton(3) - Create and manipulate Checkbutton widgets
- CheckUser(3) - check email addresses for validity
- CheckUTF8(3) - checks if scalar is valid UTF-8
- checon.f(3)
- checon_3.f(3)
- checon_rook.f(3)
- cheequb.f(3)
- cheev.f(3)
- cheev_2stage.f(3)
- cheevd.f(3)
- cheevd_2stage.f(3)
- cheevr.f(3)
- cheevr_2stage.f(3)
- cheevx.f(3)
- cheevx_2stage.f(3)
- chegs2.f(3)
- chegst.f(3)
- chegv.f(3)
- chegv_2stage.f(3)
- chegvd.f(3)
- chegvx.f(3)
- Chemistry::3DBuilder(3) - Generate 3D coordinates from a connection table
- Chemistry::Atom(3) - Chemical atoms as objects in molecules
- Chemistry::Bond(3) - Chemical bonds as objects in molecules
- Chemistry::Elements(3) - Perl extension for working with Chemical Elements
- Chemistry::File(3) - Molecule file I/O base class
- Chemistry::File::Dumper(3) - Read and write molecules via Data::Dumper
- Chemistry::File::Formula(3) - Molecular formula reader/formatter
- Chemistry::File::FormulaPattern(3) - Wrapper Chemistry::File class for Formula patterns
- Chemistry::File::MidasPattern(3) - Wrapper Chemistry::File class for Midas patterns
- Chemistry::File::SLN(3) - SLN linear notation parser/writer
- Chemistry::File::VRML(3) - Generate VRML models for molecules
- Chemistry::FormulaPattern(3) - Match molecule by formula
- Chemistry::Isotope(3) - Table of the isotopes exact mass data
- Chemistry::MidasPattern(3) - Select atoms in macromolecules
- Chemistry::Mok(3) - molecular awk interpreter
- Chemistry::Mol(3) - Molecule object toolkit
- Chemistry::Obj(3) - Abstract chemistry object
- Chemistry::Reaction(3) - Explicit chemical reactions
- Chemistry::Ring(3) - Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
- Chemistry::Ring::Find(3) - Find the rings (cycles) in a molecule
- chemm.f(3)
- chemv.f(3)
- cher2.f(3)
- cher2k.f(3)
- cherfs.f(3)
- cherfsx.f(3)
- cherk.f(3)
- chesv.f(3)
- chesv_aa.f(3)
- chesv_aa_2stage.f(3)
- chesv_rk.f(3)
- chesv_rook.f(3)
- chesvx.f(3)
- chesvxx.f(3)
- cheswapr.f(3)
- chetd2.f(3)
- chetf2.f(3)
- chetf2_rk.f(3)
- chetf2_rook.f(3)
- chetrd.f(3)
- chetrd_2stage.f(3)
- chetrd_hb2st.F(3)
- chetrd_he2hb.f(3)
- chetrf.f(3)
- chetrf_aa.f(3)
- chetrf_aa_2stage.f(3)
- chetrf_rk.f(3)
- chetrf_rook.f(3)
- chetri.f(3)
- chetri_3.f(3)
- chetri_3x.f(3)
- chetri_rook.f(3)
- chetri2.f(3)
- chetri2x.f(3)
- chetrs.f(3)
- chetrs_3.f(3)
- chetrs_aa.f(3)
- chetrs_aa_2stage.f(3)
- chetrs_rook.f(3)
- chetrs2.f(3)
- chfrk.f(3)
- chgeqz.f(3)
- CHI(3) - Unified cache handling interface
- CHI::Benchmarks(3) - Benchmarks of CHI and non-CHI drivers
- CHI::CacheObject(3) - Contains information about cache entries
- CHI::Constants(3) - Internal constants
- CHI::Driver(3) - Base class for all CHI drivers
- CHI::Driver::Base::CacheContainer(3) - Caches that delegate to a contained cache
- CHI::Driver::CacheCache(3) - CHI wrapper for Cache::Cache
- CHI::Driver::DBI(3) - Use DBI for cache storage
- CHI::Driver::Development(3) - Manual for developing new CHI drivers
- CHI::Driver::FastMmap(3) - Persistent interprocess cache via mmap'ed files
- CHI::Driver::File(3) - File-based cache using one file per entry in a multi-level directory structure
- CHI::Driver::Memcached(3) - for example
- CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast(3)
- CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached(3)
- CHI::Driver::Memory(3) - In-process memory based cache
- CHI::Driver::Metacache(3) - Metacache for internal CHI use
- CHI::Driver::Null(3) - Nothing is cached
- CHI::Driver::RawMemory(3) - In-process memory cache that stores direct references
- CHI::Driver::Redis(3) - Redis driver for CHI
- CHI::Driver::TokyoTyrant(3) - a network interface to the DBM Tokyo Cabinet.
- CHI::Stats(3) - Record and report per-namespace cache statistics
- Child(3) - Child management component
- Child::IPC::Pipe(3) - Pipe based IPC plugin for Child
- Child::Link(3) - Base class for objects that link child and parent processes.
- Child::Link::IPC(3) - Base class for process links that provide IPC.
- Child::Link::IPC::Pipe(3) - Base class for link objects used by the Child::IPC::Pipe plugin.
- Child::Link::IPC::Pipe::Parent(3) - Parent object used by the pipe plugin.
- Child::Link::IPC::Pipe::Proc(3) - Proc object used by the pipe plugin.
- Child::Link::Parent(3) - Proc object used by Child.
- Child::Link::Proc(3) - Proc object used by Child.
- Child::Util(3) - Utility functions for L>Child>
- chla_transtype.f(3)
- CHMAKE(3) - creates a channel
- CHMAKE_MEM(3) - creates a channel
- CHOOSE(3) - performs one of multiple channel operations
- chooseColor(3) - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
- ChooseSubsets(3) - OO interface to iterate through subsets of a list.
- chpcon.f(3)
- chpev.f(3)
- chpevd.f(3)
- chpevx.f(3)
- chpgst.f(3)
- chpgv.f(3)
- chpgvd.f(3)
- chpgvx.f(3)
- chpmv.f(3)
- chpr.f(3)
- chpr2.f(3)
- chprfs.f(3)
- chpsv.f(3)
- chpsvx.f(3)
- chptrd.f(3)
- chptrf.f(3)
- chptri.f(3)
- chptrs.f(3)
- CHRECV(3) - receives a message from a channel
- chsein.f(3)
- CHSEND(3) - sends a message to a channel
- chseqr.f(3)
- CIF::Client(3) - Perl extension that extends REST::Client for use with the CI-Framework REST interface
- CIMAG(3) - functions to manipulate complex numbers
- circlefill(3) - Draws a filled circle. Allegro game programming library.
- Cisco::Reconfig(3) - Parse and generate Cisco configuration files
- Cisco::UCS(3) - A Perl interface to the Cisco UCS XML API
- Cisco::UCS::Blade(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS blade.
- Cisco::UCS::Blade::Adaptor(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Blade CPUs.
- Cisco::UCS::Blade::CPU(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Blade CPUs.
- Cisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS blade power budgets.
- Cisco::UCS::Chassis(3) - Class providing operations with a Cisco UCS Chassis
- Cisco::UCS::Chassis::PSU(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS PSU.
- Cisco::UCS::Chassis::PSU::Stats(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS PSU.
- Cisco::UCS::Chassis::Stats(3) - Class for operations with Cisco UCS chassis power statistics.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::EnvironmentalStats(3) - Class for operations with Cisco UCS environmental stati.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::EthernetPort(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Ethernet Port.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS fan.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::FanModule(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Fan Module.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::PowerStats(3) - Class for operations with Cisco UCS power usage statistics.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS PSU.
- Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS switch card.
- Cisco::UCS::Fault(3) - Class for operations with Cisco UCS fault instances.
- Cisco::UCS::FEX(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS FEX.
- Cisco::UCS::Interconnect(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect
- Cisco::UCS::Interconnect::Stats(3) - Utility class for representing Cisco UCS Interconnect system statistics.
- Cisco::UCS::MgmtEntity(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCSM Management Entity
- Cisco::UCS::ServiceProfile(3) - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Service Profile.
- CK_ARRAY_BUFFER(3) - return length and pointer to array of reader-visible pointers
- CK_ARRAY_COMMIT(3) - linearization point for mutations before commit call
- CK_ARRAY_DEINIT(3) - destroy and deinitialize a pointer array
- CK_ARRAY_FOREACH(3) - iterate through an array
- CK_ARRAY_INIT(3) - initialize a pointer array
- CK_ARRAY_INITIALIZED(3) - indicates whether an array was recently initialized or deinitialized
- CK_ARRAY_LENGTH(3) - returns the number of pointers committed to an array
- CK_ARRAY_PUT(3) - attempt immediate or deferred insertion of a pointer into array
- CK_ARRAY_PUT_UNIQUE(3) - attempt immediate or deferred insertion of a unique pointer into array
- CK_ARRAY_REMOVE(3) - attempt immediate or deferred removal of a pointer from an array
- CK_BITMAP_BASE(3) - determine the size of a bit array in bytes
- CK_BITMAP_BITS(3) - return number of addressable bits in bitmap
- CK_BITMAP_BTS(3) - set the bit at the specified index and fetch its original value
- CK_BITMAP_BUFFER(3) - returns pointer to bit array
- CK_BITMAP_CLEAR(3) - reset all bits
- CK_BITMAP_INIT(3) - initialize a bitmap
- CK_BITMAP_ITERATOR_INIT(3) - initialize bitmap iterator
- CK_BITMAP_RESET(3) - resets the bit at the specified index
- CK_BITMAP_SET(3) - set the bit at the specified index
- CK_BITMAP_SIZE(3) - returns necessary number of bytes for bitmap
- CK_BITMAP_TEST(3) - iterate to the next set bit in bitmap
- CK_BITMAP_UNION(3) - generates union of two bitmaps
- ck_brlock(3) - big-reader locks
- ck_cohort(3) - generalized interface for lock cohorts
- CK_COHORT_INIT(3) - initialize instance of a cohort type
- CK_COHORT_INSTANCE(3) - declare an instance of a cohort type
- CK_COHORT_LOCK(3) - acquire cohort lock
- CK_COHORT_PROTOTYPE(3) - define cohort type with specified lock types
- CK_COHORT_TRYLOCK(3) - try to acquire cohort lock
- CK_COHORT_TRYLOCK_PROTOTYPE(3) - define cohort type with specified lock types
- CK_COHORT_UNLOCK(3) - release cohort lock
- ck_elide(3) - lock elision wrappers
- CK_EPOCH_BARRIER(3) - block until a grace period and all callbacks have been dispatched
- CK_EPOCH_BEGIN(3) - begin epoch-protected segment of execution
- CK_EPOCH_CALL(3) - defer function execution until a grace period
- CK_EPOCH_END(3) - end epoch-protected segment of execution
- CK_EPOCH_INIT(3) - initialize epoch reclamation object
- CK_EPOCH_POLL(3) - non-blocking poll of epoch object for dispatch cycles
- CK_EPOCH_RECLAIM(3) - immediately execute all deferred callbacks
- CK_EPOCH_RECYCLE(3) - return an epoch record that may be used by caller
- CK_EPOCH_REGISTER(3) - register a thread for epoch reclamation
- CK_EPOCH_SYNCHRONIZE(3) - block until a grace period has been detected
- CK_EPOCH_UNREGISTER(3) - unregister a thread for epoch reclamation
- CK_HS_APPLY(3) - apply a function to hash set value
- CK_HS_COUNT(3) - returns number of entries in hash set
- CK_HS_DESTROY(3) - destroy hash set
- CK_HS_FAS(3) - fetch and store key in hash set
- CK_HS_GC(3) - perform maintenance on a hash set
- CK_HS_GET(3) - load a key from a hash set
- CK_HS_GROW(3) - enlarge hash set capacity
- CK_HS_HASH(3) - invoke hash function with hash set seed
- CK_HS_INIT(3) - initialize a hash set
- CK_HS_ITERATOR_INIT(3) - initialize hash set iterator
- CK_HS_MOVE(3) - move one from hash set to another
- CK_HS_NEXT(3) - iterate to next entry in hash set
- CK_HS_PUT(3) - store unique key into a hash set
- CK_HS_PUT_UNIQUE(3) - unconditionally store unique key into a hash set
- CK_HS_REBUILD(3) - rebuild a hash set
- CK_HS_REMOVE(3) - remove key from a hash set
- CK_HS_RESET(3) - remove all keys from a hash set
- CK_HS_RESET_SIZE(3) - remove all keys from a hash set
- CK_HS_SET(3) - store key into a hash set
- CK_HS_STAT(3) - get hash set status
- CK_HT_COUNT(3) - return count of key-value pairs in hash table
- CK_HT_DESTROY(3) - immediately destroy a hash table
- CK_HT_ENTRY_EMPTY(3) - determine whether entry contains a key-value pair
- CK_HT_ENTRY_KEY(3) - return pointer to key as specified in hash table entry
- CK_HT_ENTRY_KEY_DIRECT(3) - return key value as specified in hash table entry
- CK_HT_ENTRY_KEY_LENGTH(3) - returns the length of the key specified in the argument
- CK_HT_ENTRY_KEY_SET(3) - initialize pointer to key in hash table entry
- CK_HT_ENTRY_KEY_SET_DIRECT(3) - initialize key value in hash table entry
- CK_HT_ENTRY_SET(3) - initialize a key-value pair
- CK_HT_ENTRY_SET_DIRECT(3) - initialize a key-value pair
- CK_HT_ENTRY_VALUE(3) - return pointer to value as specified in hash table entry
- CK_HT_ENTRY_VALUE_DIRECT(3) - return value as specified in hash table entry
- CK_HT_GC(3) - perform maintenance on a hash table
- CK_HT_GET_SPMC(3) - load a key-value pair from a hash table
- CK_HT_GROW_SPMC(3) - resize a hash table if necessary
- CK_HT_HASH(3) - generate a hash value for a hash table
- CK_HT_HASH_DIRECT(3) - generate a hash value for a hash table
- CK_HT_INIT(3) - initialize a hash table
- CK_HT_ITERATOR_INIT(3) - initialize hash table iterator
- CK_HT_NEXT(3) - iterate to next entry in hash table
- CK_HT_PUT_SPMC(3) - store unique key-value pair into hash table
- CK_HT_RESET_SPMC(3) - remove all entries from a hash table and reset size
- CK_HT_SET_SPMC(3) - store key-value pair into hash table
- CK_HT_STAT(3) - get hash table status
- ck_pflock(3) - centralized phase-fair reader-writer locks
- ck_pr(3) - concurrency primitives interface
- ck_pr_add(3) - atomic addition operations
- ck_pr_and(3) - atomic bitwise-and operations
- ck_pr_barrier(3) - compiler optimization barrier
- ck_pr_btc(3) - atomic bit test-and-complement operations
- ck_pr_btr(3) - atomic bit test-and-reset operations
- ck_pr_bts(3) - atomic bit test-and-set operations
- ck_pr_cas(3) - atomic compare-and-swap operations
- ck_pr_dec(3) - atomic decrement operations
- ck_pr_faa(3) - atomic fetch-and-add operations
- ck_pr_fas(3) - atomic swap operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_ACQUIRE(3) - enforce acquire semantics
- CK_PR_FENCE_ATOMIC(3) - enforce partial ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_ATOMIC_LOAD(3) - enforce ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations to load operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_ATOMIC_STORE(3) - enforce ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations to store operations
- ck_pr_fence_load(3) - enforce partial ordering of load operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_LOAD_ATOMIC(3) - enforce ordering of load operations to atomic read-modify-write operations
- ck_pr_fence_load_depends(3) - data dependency barrier
- CK_PR_FENCE_LOAD_STORE(3) - enforce ordering of load operations to store operations
- ck_pr_fence_memory(3) - enforce partial ordering of all memory operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_RELEASE(3) - enforce release semantics
- ck_pr_fence_store(3) - enforce partial ordering of store operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_STORE_ATOMIC(3) - enforce ordering of store operations to load operations
- CK_PR_FENCE_STORE_LOAD(3) - enforce ordering of store operations to load operations
- ck_pr_inc(3) - atomic increment operations
- ck_pr_load(3) - atomic volatile load operations
- ck_pr_neg(3) - atomic negation operations
- ck_pr_not(3) - atomic complement operations
- ck_pr_or(3) - atomic bitwise-or operations
- ck_pr_rtm(3) - restricted transactional memory
- ck_pr_stall(3) - busy-wait primitive
- ck_pr_store(3) - atomic volatile store operations
- ck_pr_sub(3) - atomic subtraction operations
- ck_pr_xor(3) - atomic bitwise-xor operations
- ck_queue(3) - multi-reader single-writer singly-linked lists, singly-linked tail queues and lists
- CK_RHS_APPLY(3) - apply a function to hash set value
- CK_RHS_COUNT(3) - returns number of entries in hash set
- CK_RHS_DESTROY(3) - destroy hash set
- CK_RHS_FAS(3) - fetch and store key in hash set
- CK_RHS_GC(3) - perform maintenance on a hash set
- CK_RHS_GET(3) - load a key from a hash set
- CK_RHS_GROW(3) - enlarge hash set capacity
- CK_RHS_HASH(3) - invoke hash function with hash set seed
- CK_RHS_INIT(3) - initialize a hash set
- CK_RHS_ITERATOR_INIT(3) - initialize hash set iterator
- CK_RHS_MOVE(3) - move one from hash set to another
- CK_RHS_NEXT(3) - iterate to next entry in hash set
- CK_RHS_PUT(3) - store unique key into a hash set
- CK_RHS_PUT_UNIQUE(3) - unconditionally store unique key into a hash set
- CK_RHS_REBUILD(3) - rebuild a hash set
- CK_RHS_REMOVE(3) - remove key from a hash set
- CK_RHS_RESET(3) - remove all keys from a hash set
- CK_RHS_RESET_SIZE(3) - remove all keys from a hash set
- CK_RHS_SET(3) - store key into a hash set
- CK_RHS_STAT(3) - get hash set status
- CK_RING_CAPACITY(3) - returns number of pointer slots in bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_DEQUEUE_SPMC(3) - dequeue pointer from bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_DEQUEUE_SPSC(3) - dequeue pointer from bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_ENQUEUE_SPMC(3) - enqueue pointer into bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_ENQUEUE_SPMC_SIZE(3) - enqueue pointer into bounded FIFO and return size of buffer
- CK_RING_ENQUEUE_SPSC(3) - enqueue pointer into bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_ENQUEUE_SPSC_SIZE(3) - enqueue pointer into bounded FIFO and return size of buffer
- CK_RING_INIT(3) - initialize bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_SIZE(3) - return number of pointers enqueued in bounded FIFO
- CK_RING_TRYDEQUEUE_SPMC(3) - dequeue from bounded FIFO and allow for spurious failure
- ck_rwcohort(3) - generalized interface for reader-writer locks using cohort locks
- CK_RWCOHORT_INIT(3) - initialize instance of a cohort-based reader-writer lock type
- CK_RWCOHORT_INSTANCE(3) - declare an instance of a cohort-based reader-writer lock type
- CK_RWCOHORT_PROTOTYPE(3) - define reader-writer cohort-based lock using the specified cohort type
- CK_RWCOHORT_READ_LOCK(3) - acquire read-only permission for cohort-based reader-writer lock
- CK_RWCOHORT_READ_UNLOCK(3) - relinquish read-only access to cohort-based reader-writer lock
- CK_RWCOHORT_WRITE_LOCK(3) - acquite write access for a cohort-based reader-writer lock
- CK_RWCOHORT_WRITE_UNLOCK(3) - relinquish write access for cohort-based reader-writer lock
- ck_rwlock(3) - centralized write-biased reader-writer locks
- ck_sequence(3) - sequence locks
- ck_spinlock(3) - spinlock implementations
- ck_swlock(3) - centralized copy-safe write-biased single-writer read-write locks
- ck_tflock(3) - centralized task-fair reader-writer locks
- cla_gbamv.f(3)
- cla_gbrcond_c.f(3)
- cla_gbrcond_x.f(3)
- cla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3)
- cla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)
- cla_geamv.f(3)
- cla_gercond_c.f(3)
- cla_gercond_x.f(3)
- cla_gerfsx_extended.f(3)
- cla_gerpvgrw.f(3)
- cla_heamv.f(3)
- cla_hercond_c.f(3)
- cla_hercond_x.f(3)
- cla_herfsx_extended.f(3)
- cla_herpvgrw.f(3)
- cla_lin_berr.f(3)
- cla_porcond_c.f(3)
- cla_porcond_x.f(3)
- cla_porfsx_extended.f(3)
- cla_porpvgrw.f(3)
- cla_syamv.f(3)
- cla_syrcond_c.f(3)
- cla_syrcond_x.f(3)
- cla_syrfsx_extended.f(3)
- cla_syrpvgrw.f(3)
- cla_wwaddw.f(3)
- clabrd.f(3)
- clacgv.f(3)
- clacn2.f(3)
- clacon.f(3)
- clacp2.f(3)
- clacpy.f(3)
- clacrm.f(3)
- clacrt.f(3)
- cladiv.f(3)
- claed0.f(3)
- claed7.f(3)
- claed8.f(3)
- claein.f(3)
- claesy.f(3)
- claev2.f(3)
- clag2z.f(3)
- clags2.f(3)
- clagtm.f(3)
- clahef.f(3)
- clahef_aa.f(3)
- clahef_rk.f(3)
- clahef_rook.f(3)
- clahqr.f(3)
- clahr2.f(3)
- claic1.f(3)
- clals0.f(3)
- clalsa.f(3)
- clalsd.f(3)
- Clamd(3) - Connect to a local clamd service and send commands
- clamswlq.f(3)
- clamtsqr.f(3)
- clangb.f(3)
- clange.f(3)
- clangt.f(3)
- clanhb.f(3)
- clanhe.f(3)
- clanhf.f(3)
- clanhp.f(3)
- clanhs.f(3)
- clanht.f(3)
- clansb.f(3)
- clansp.f(3)
- clansy.f(3)
- clantb.f(3)
- clantp.f(3)
- clantr.f(3)
- clapll.f(3)
- clapmr.f(3)
- clapmt.f(3)
- claqgb.f(3)
- claqge.f(3)
- claqhb.f(3)
- claqhe.f(3)
- claqhp.f(3)
- claqp2.f(3)
- claqps.f(3)
- claqr0.f(3)
- claqr1.f(3)
- claqr2.f(3)
- claqr3.f(3)
- claqr4.f(3)
- claqr5.f(3)
- claqsb.f(3)
- claqsp.f(3)
- claqsy.f(3)
- claqz0.f(3)
- claqz1.f(3)
- claqz2.f(3)
- claqz3.f(3)
- clar1v.f(3) - λI.
- clar2v.f(3)
- clarcm.f(3)
- clarf.f(3)
- clarfb.f(3)
- clarfb_gett.f(3)
- clarfg.f(3)
- clarfgp.f(3)
- clarft.f(3) - vtvH
- clarfx.f(3)
- clarfy.f(3)
- clargv.f(3)
- clarnv.f(3)
- clarrv.f(3)
- clarscl2.f(3)
- clartv.f(3)
- clarz.f(3)
- clarzb.f(3)
- clarzt.f(3) - vtvH.
- clascl.f(3)
- clascl2.f(3)
- claset.f(3)
- clasr.f(3)
- Class::Accessor(3) - Automated accessor generation
- Class::Accessor::Chained(3) - make chained accessors
- Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast(3) - Faster, but less expandable, chained accessors
- Class::Accessor::Children(3) - Automated child-class/accessor generation
- Class::Accessor::Children::Fast(3) - Faster, child-class/accessor generation
- Class::Accessor::Complex(3) - Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets and more
- Class::Accessor::Constructor(3) - Constructor generator
- Class::Accessor::Constructor::Base(3) - Support for an automated dirty flag in hash-based classes
- Class::Accessor::Fast(3) - Faster, but less expandable, accessors
- Class::Accessor::Fast::Contained(3) - Fast accessors with data containment
- Class::Accessor::Fast::XS(3) - XS replacement for Class::Accessor::Fast
- Class::Accessor::Faster(3) - Even faster, but less expandable, accessors
- Class::Accessor::Grouped(3) - Lets you build groups of accessors
- Class::Accessor::Installer(3) - Install an accessor subroutine
- Class::Accessor::Lite(3) - a minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
- Class::Accessor::Lvalue(3) - create Lvalue accessors
- Class::Accessor::Lvalue::Fast(3) - create simplified Lvalue accessors
- Class::Accessor::Named(3) - Better profiling output for Class::Accessor
- Class::Adapter(3) - Perl implementation of the "Adapter" Design Pattern
- Class::Adapter::Builder(3) - Generate Class::Adapter classes
- Class::Adapter::Clear(3) - A handy base Adapter class that makes no changes
- Class::AlzaboWrapper(3) - Higher level wrapper around Alzabo Row and Table objects
- Class::AlzaboWrapper::Cursor(3) - Higher level wrapper around Alzabo cursor objects
- Class::ArrayObjects(3) - utility class for array based objects
- Class::AutoClass(3) - Create get and set methods and simplify object initialization
- Class::Autouse(3) - Run-time load a class the first time you call a method in it.
- Class::Base(3) - useful base class for deriving other modules
- Class::BlackHole(3) - base class to treat unhandled method calls as no-ops
- Class::C3(3) - A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
- Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT(3) - make NEXT suck less
- Class::C3::Componentised(3) - Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
- Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks(3) - Run methods before or after components are injected
- Class::C3::next(3) - Pure-perl next::method and friends
- Class::C3::XS(3) - XS speedups for Class::C3
- Class::Closure(3) - Encapsulated, declarative class style
- Class::Component(3) - pluggable component framework
- Class::Component::Component::Moosenize(3) - you can Moose like Plugin code
- Class::Component::Component::Plaggerize(3) - extend your module like from Plagger component
- Class::Component::Plugin(3) - plugin base for pluggable component framework
- Class::Constant(3) - Build constant classes
- Class::constr(3) - Pragma to implement constructor methods
- Class::Container(3) - Glues object frameworks together transparently
- Class::Contract(3) - Design-by-Contract OO in Perl.
- Class::Contract::Production(3) - Design-by-Contract OO in Perl.
- Class::Data::ConfigHash(3) - Add Catalyst-Style Config To Your Class
- Class::Data::Inheritable(3) - Inheritable, overridable class data
- Class::Date(3) - Class for easy date and time manipulation
- Class::Date::Const(3)
- Class::Date::Invalid(3)
- Class::Date::Rel(3)
- Class::DBI(3) - Simple Database Abstraction
- Class::DBI::AbstractSearch(3) - Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract::Limit
- Class::DBI::AsForm(3) - Produce HTML form elements for database columns
- Class::DBI::Attribute(3) - A value in a column.
- Class::DBI::BaseDSN(3) - DSN sensitive base class
- Class::DBI::Cascade::Delete(3) - Delete related objects
- Class::DBI::Cascade::Fail(3) - Do not cascade if foreign objects exist
- Class::DBI::Cascade::None(3) - Do nothing upon deletion
- Class::DBI::Column(3) - A column in a table
- Class::DBI::ColumnGrouper(3) - Columns and Column Groups
- Class::DBI::DATA::Schema(3) - Execute Class::DBI SQL from DATA sections
- Class::DBI::DDL(3) - Combined with Class::DBI to create and dispose of tables
- Class::DBI::DDL::Pg(3) - Perform driver dependent work for PostgreSQL
- Class::DBI::FromCGI(3) - Update Class::DBI data using CGI::Untaint
- Class::DBI::Iterator(3) - Iterate over Class::DBI search results
- Class::DBI::LazyInflate(3) - Defer Inflating Of Columns Until They Are Used
- Class::DBI::Loader(3) - Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes.
- Class::DBI::Loader::Generic(3) - Generic Class::DBI::Loader Implementation.
- Class::DBI::Loader::mysql(3) - Class::DBI::Loader mysql Implementation.
- Class::DBI::Loader::Pg(3) - Class::DBI::Loader Postgres Implementation.
- Class::DBI::Loader::SQLite(3) - Class::DBI::Loader SQLite Implementation.
- Class::DBI::mysql(3) - Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
- Class::DBI::Oracle(3) - Extensions to Class::DBI for Oracle
- Class::DBI::Pager(3) - Pager utility for Class::DBI
- Class::DBI::Pg(3) - Class::DBI extension for Postgres
- Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch(3) - deep_search_where() for Class::DBI
- Class::DBI::Plugin::Iterator(3) - new Iterator for Class::DBI
- Class::DBI::Plugin::Iterator::Nihongo(3)
- Class::DBI::Plugin::Pager(3) - paged queries for CDBI
- Class::DBI::Plugin::RetrieveAll(3) - more complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
- Class::DBI::Plugin::Senna(3) - Add Instant Fulltext Search Capability With Senna
- Class::DBI::Query(3) - Deprecated SQL manager for Class::DBI
- Class::DBI::Relationship(3) - base class for Relationships
- Class::DBI::Replication(3) - Class::DBI for replicated database
- Class::DBI::SAK(3) - Class::DBI Swiss Army Knife (SAK)
- Class::DBI::Search::Basic(3) - Simple Class::DBI search
- Class::DBI::SQL::Transformer(3) - Transform SQL
- Class::DBI::SQLite(3) - Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
- Class::DBI::Sweet(3) - Making sweet things sweeter
- Class::DBI::Sweet::Topping(3) - Topping for Class::DBI::Sweet
- Class::DBI::Test::SQLite(3) - Base class for Class::DBI tests
- Class::DBI::ToSax(3) - turn database objects to SAX events
- Class::DBI::Untaint(3) - Class::DBI constraints using CGI::Untaint
- Class::Default(3) - Static calls apply to a default instantiation
- Class::Delegation(3) - Object-oriented delegation
- Class::EHierarchy(3) - Base class for hierarchally ordered objects
- Class::Error(3) - Delayed checking of object failure
- Class::ErrorHandler(3) - Base class for error handling
- Class::Factory(3) - Base class for dynamic factory classes
- Class::Factory::Util(3) - Provide utility methods for factory classes
- Class::Field(3) - Class Field Accessor Generator
- Class::Fields(3) - Inspect the fields of a class.
- Class::Fields::Attribs(3) - Attribute constants for use with data members
- Class::Fields::Fuxor(3) - Low level manipuation of object data members
- Class::Fields::Inherit(3) - Inheritance of %FIELDS
- Class::Forward(3) - Namespace Dispatch and Resolution
- Class::Generate(3) - Generate Perl class hierarchies
- Class::Gomor(3) - another class and object builder
- Class::Gomor::Array(3) - class and object builder, array version
- Class::Gomor::Hash(3) - class and object builder, hash version
- Class::groups(3) - Pragma to implement group of properties
- Class::Handle(3) - Create objects that are handles to Classes
- Class::Hook(3) - Add hooks on methods from other classes
- Class::Inflate(3) - Inflate HASH Object from Values in Database
- Class::Inner(3) - A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
- Class::InsideOut(3) - a safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
- Class::InsideOut::Manual::About(3) - guide to this and other implementations of the inside-out technique
- Class::InsideOut::Manual::Advanced(3) - guide to advanced usage
- Class::Inspector(3) - Get information about a class and its structure
- Class::Inspector::Functions(3) - Get information about a class and its structure
- Class::Interfaces(3) - A module for defining interface classes inline
- Class::ISA(3) - report the search path for a class's ISA tree
- Class::Load(3) - A working (require "Class::Name") and more
- Class::Load::XS(3) - XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
- Class::Loader(3) - Load modules and create objects on demand.
- Class::Measure(3) - Create, compare, and convert units of measurement.
- Class::Measure::Length(3) - Calculate measurements of length.
- Class::Method::Modifiers(3) - Provides Moose-like method modifiers
- Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast(3) - provides Moose-like method modifiers
- Class::MethodMaker(3) - Create generic methods for OO Perl
- Class::MethodMaker::array(3) - Create methods for handling an array value.
- Class::MethodMaker::Constants(3) - The Constants Class for Class::MethodMaker
- Class::MethodMaker::Engine(3) - The parameter passing, method installation & non-data-structure methods of Class::MethodMaker.
- Class::MethodMaker::hash(3) - Create methods for handling a hash value.
- Class::MethodMaker::OptExt(3) - Constants for C::MM's option extension mechanism
- Class::MethodMaker::scalar(3) - Create methods for handling a scalar value.
- Class::MethodMaker::V1Compat(3) - V1 compatibility code for C::MM
- Class::MethodMapper(3) - Abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader
- Class::Mix(3) - dynamic class mixing
- Class::Mixin(3) - API for aliasing methods to/from other classes
- Class::MOP(3) - A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
- Class::MOP::Attribute(3) - Attribute Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Class(3) - Class Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait(3) - Implements immutability for metaclass objects
- Class::MOP::Deprecated(3) - Manages deprecation warnings for Class::MOP
- Class::MOP::Instance(3) - Instance Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Method(3) - Method Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Method::Accessor(3) - Method Meta Object for accessors
- Class::MOP::Method::Constructor(3) - Method Meta Object for constructors
- Class::MOP::Method::Generated(3) - Abstract base class for generated methods
- Class::MOP::Method::Inlined(3) - Method base class for methods which have been inlined
- Class::MOP::Method::Meta(3) - Method Meta Object for "meta" methods
- Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped(3) - Method Meta Object for methods with before/after/around modifiers
- Class::MOP::MiniTrait(3) - Extremely limited trait application
- Class::MOP::Mixin(3) - Base class for mixin classes
- Class::MOP::Mixin::AttributeCore(3) - Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
- Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes(3) - Methods for metaclasses which have attributes
- Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods(3) - Methods for metaclasses which have methods
- Class::MOP::Mixin::HasOverloads(3) - Methods for metaclasses which have overloads
- Class::MOP::Module(3) - Module Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Object(3) - Base class for metaclasses
- Class::MOP::Overload(3) - Overload Meta Object
- Class::MOP::Package(3) - Package Meta Object
- Class::Multimethods(3) - Support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
- Class::Multimethods::Pure(3) - Method-ordered multimethod dispatch
- Class::NamedParms(3) - A lightweight base class for checked get/set property accessors
- Class::Null(3) - Implements the Null Class design pattern
- Class::Observable(3) - Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yours
- Class::ParmList(3) - Methods for processing named parameter lists
- Class::props(3) - Pragma to implement lvalue accessors with options
- Class::Prototyped(3) - Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
- Class::Prototyped::why(3)
- Class::ReturnValue(3) - A return-value object that lets you treat it as as a boolean, array or object
- Class::Roles(3) - use Perl 6 roles in Perl 5
- Class::Singleton(3) - Implementation of a "Singleton" class
- Class::Spiffy(3) - Spiffy Framework with No Source Filtering
- Class::StateMachine(3) - define classes for state machines
- Class::Std(3) - Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
- Class::Std::Fast(3) - faster but less secure than Class::Std
- Class::Std::Fast::Storable(3) - Fast Storable InsideOut objects
- Class::Std::Utils(3) - Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects
- Class::StrongSingleton(3) - A stronger and more secure Singleton base class.
- Class::Struct(3) - declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes
- Class::Tangram(3) - Tangram-friendly classes, DWIM attributes
- Class::Tangram::Containers(3) - information on the new container methods
- Class::Tangram::Generator(3) - Generate Class::Tangram-based objects at runtime.
- Class::Throwable(3) - A minimal lightweight exception class
- Class::Tiny(3) - Minimalist class construction
- Class::Tiny::Chained(3) - Minimalist class construction, with chained attributes
- Class::Trigger(3) - Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
- Class::Unload(3) - Unload a class
- Class::Util(3) - Class utility functions
- Class::Virtual(3) - Base class for virtual base classes.
- Class::Virtually::Abstract(3) - Compile-time enforcement of Class::Virtual
- Class::WhiteHole(3) - base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
- Class::Workflow(3) - Light weight workflow system.
- Class::Workflow::Context(3) - The context in which a transition is being applied (optional).
- Class::Workflow::Cookbook(3) - Common recipes with Class::Workflow.
- Class::Workflow::Instance(3) - An instance in a workflow, with state and history.
- Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple(3) - A Workflow instance objects to work with the other ::Simple classes.
- Class::Workflow::State(3) - An instance's position in the workflow.
- Class::Workflow::State::AcceptHooks(3) - Add hooks that are fired when the state accepts an instance.
- Class::Workflow::State::AutoApply(3) - Automatically apply a transition upon arriving into a state.
- Class::Workflow::State::Simple(3) - A useful class (or base class) for writing states.
- Class::Workflow::State::TransitionHash(3) - Implement transition metadata with a hash.
- Class::Workflow::State::TransitionSet(3) - A state that implements transition meta data using Set::Object.
- Class::Workflow::Transition(3) - A function over an instance.
- Class::Workflow::Transition::Deterministic(3) - A transition which knows which state it leads to.
- Class::Workflow::Transition::Simple(3) - A useful class (or base class) for writing transitions.
- Class::Workflow::Transition::Strict(3) - Verify that the transition is in the instance's current state before applying.
- Class::Workflow::Transition::Validate(3) - Provide a hook for validating a transition (conditionals, input validators, etc).
- Class::Workflow::Transition::Validate::Simple(3) - Easier validation code.
- Class::Workflow::Util::Delta(3) - calculate deltas between workflow instances
- Class::Workflow::YAML(3) - Load workflow definitions from YAML files.
- Class::XSAccessor(3) - Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
- Class::XSAccessor::Array(3) - Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
- Class::XSAccessor::Heavy(3) - Guts you don't care about
- claswlq.f(3)
- claswp.f(3)
- clasyf.f(3)
- clasyf_aa.f(3)
- clasyf_rk.f(3)
- clasyf_rook.f(3)
- clatbs.f(3)
- clatdf.f(3)
- clatps.f(3)
- clatrd.f(3)
- clatrs.f(3)
- clatrz.f(3)
- clatsqr.f(3)
- claunhr_col_getrfnp.f(3)
- claunhr_col_getrfnp2.f(3)
- clauu2.f(3)
- clauum.f(3)
- CleanErrors(3) - filter out Moose cruft
- CLEANNAME(3) - clean a path name
- clear_bitmap(3) - Clears the bitmap to color 0. Allegro game programming library.
- clear_keybuf(3) - Clears the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- clear_scene(3) - Initializes a scene. Allegro game programming library.
- clear_zbuffer(3) - Writes a depth value into the given Z-buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- CLI::Osprey(3) - MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity
- CLI::Osprey::Descriptive(3) - Getopt::Long::Descriptive subclass for CLI::Osprey use
- CLI::Osprey::Descriptive::Usage(3) - Produce usage information for CLI::Osprey apps
- CLI::Osprey::InlineSubcommand(3) - A class to wrap coderef subcommands
- CLI::Osprey::Role(3) - Role for CLI::Osprey applications
- clip3d(3) - Clips the polygon given in vtx using fixed point math. Allegro game programming library.
- clip3d_f(3) - Clips the polygon given in vtx using floating point math, Allegro game programming library.
- Clipboard(3) - Manipulate Tk clipboard
- Clipboard::MacPasteboard(3)
- Clipboard::Win32(3)
- Clipboard::Xclip(3)
- CLOCK(3) - determine processor time used
- CLOCK_GETCPUCLOCKID(3) - access a process CPU-time clock
- CLOG(3) - complex natural logarithm functions
- Clone::Choose(3) - Choose appropriate clone utility
- Clone::Fast(3) - Natively copying Perl data structures
- Clone::More(3) - Natively copying Perl data structures
- Clone::PP(3) - Recursively copy Perl datatypes
- close_fli(3) - Closes a FLI file previously opened. Allegro game programming library.
- close_rawresource(3)
- Cloth(3) - An OO Tk Canvas
- CMAC_INIT(3) - Cipher-based message authentication code
- CMAP_CONTEXT_GET(3) - Gets the context variable for a CMAP instance
- CMAP_CONTEXT_SET(3) - Sets the context variable for a CMAP instance
- CMAP_DEC(3) - Decrease already stored value in CMAP
- CMAP_DELETE(3) - Delete key/value pair from the CMAP service
- CMAP_DISPATCH(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the CMAP service
- CMAP_FD_GET(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the CMAP service
- CMAP_FINALIZE(3) - Finalize connection to CMAP
- CMAP_GET(3) - Retrieve value from CMAP
- CMAP_INC(3) - Increase already stored value in CMAP
- CMAP_INITIALIZE_MAP(3) - Initialize CMAP API with a specific map
- CMAP_ITER_FINALIZE(3) - Finalize iterator for keys stored in CMAP
- CMAP_ITER_INIT(3) - Initialize iterator for keys stored in CMAP
- CMAP_ITER_NEXT(3) - Return next item in iteration in CMAP
- CMAP_OVERVIEW(3) - Overview of the Configuration Map
- CMAP_SET(3) - Store value in CMAP
- CMAP_TRACK_ADD(3) - Set tracking function for values in CMAP
- CMAP_TRACK_DELETE(3) - Remove tracking of values in CMAP
- cmark(3) - CommonMark parsing, manipulating, and rendering
- CmdLine(3) - Process standard X11 command line options and set initial resources
- CMPBYTES(3) - compare data
- CMS_ADD0_CERT(3) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
- CMS_ADD1_RECIPIENT_CERT(3) - add recipients to a CMS enveloped data structure
- CMS_ADD1_SIGNER(3) - add a signer to a CMS_ContentInfo signed data structure
- CMS_COMPRESS(3) - create a CMS CompressedData structure
- CMS_DECRYPT(3) - decrypt content from a CMS envelopedData structure
- CMS_ENCRYPT(3) - create a CMS envelopedData structure
- CMS_FINAL(3) - finalise a CMS_ContentInfo structure
- CMS_GET0_RECIPIENTINFOS(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
- CMS_GET0_SIGNERINFOS(3) - CMS signedData signer functions
- CMS_GET0_TYPE(3) - get and set CMS content types and content
- CMS_GET1_RECEIPTREQUEST(3) - CMS signed receipt request functions
- CMS_SIGN(3) - create a CMS SignedData structure
- CMS_SIGN_RECEIPT(3) - create a CMS signed receipt
- CMS_UNCOMPRESS(3) - uncompress a CMS CompressedData structure
- CMS_VERIFY(3) - verify a CMS SignedData structure
- CMS_VERIFY_RECEIPT(3) - verify a CMS signed receipt
- CMSG_DATA(3) - socket control message routines for ancillary data access
- COAP_ASYNC(3) - Work with CoAP async support
- COAP_ATTRIBUTE(3) - Work with CoAP attributes
- COAP_BLOCK(3) - Work with CoAP Blocks
- COAP_CACHE(3) - Work with CoAP cache functions
- COAP_CONTEXT(3) - Work with CoAP contexts
- COAP_ENDPOINT_CLIENT(3) - Work with CoAP client endpoints
- COAP_ENDPOINT_SERVER(3) - Work with CoAP server endpoints
- COAP_HANDLER(3) - Work with CoAP handlers
- COAP_IO(3) - Work with CoAP I/O to do the packet send and receives
- COAP_KEEPALIVE(3) - Work with CoAP keepalive
- COAP_LOGGING(3) - Work with CoAP logging
- COAP_OBSERVE(3) - work with CoAP observe
- COAP_PDU_ACCESS(3) - Accessing CoAP PDUs
- COAP_PDU_SETUP(3) - Setting up CoAP PDUs
- COAP_RECOVERY(3) - Work with CoAP packet transmissions
- COAP_RESOURCE(3) - Work with CoAP resources
- COAP_SESSION(3) - Work with CoAP sessions
- COAP_STRING(3) - Work with CoAP string functions
- COAP_TLS_LIBRARY(3) - Work with CoAP TLS libraries
- Code::Perl(3) - Produce Perl code from a tree
- Code::Perl::Expr(3) - Produce Perl expression from a tree
- Collate::CJK::Big5(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::GB2312(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::JISX0208(3) - weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::Korean(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::Pinyin(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::Stroke(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::CJK::Zhuyin(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Collate::Locale(3) - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::Collate
- Color::ANSI::Util(3) - Routines for dealing with ANSI colors
- Color::Calc(3) - Simple calculations with RGB colors.
- Color::Calc::WWW(3) - Simple calculations with colors for the WWW.
- Color::Library(3) - An easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
- Color::Library::Color(3) - Color entry for a Color::Library color dictionary
- Color::Library::Dictionary(3) - Color dictionary for Color::Library
- Color::Library::Dictionary::HTML(3) - (HTML) Colors from the HTML 4.0 specification
- Color::Library::Dictionary::IE(3) - (IE) Colors recognized by Internet Explorer
- Color::Library::Dictionary::Mozilla(3) - (Mozilla) Colors recognized by Mozilla (ColorNames.txt)
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC(3) - (NBS/ISCC Centroids) Centroids of the NBS/ISCC catalog
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::A(3) - (NBS/ISCC A) Dye Colors
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::B(3) - (NBS/ISCC B) Colour Terminology in Biology
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::F(3) - (NBS/ISCC F) Colors; (for) Ready-Mixed Paints
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::H(3) - (NBS/ISCC H) Horticultural Colour Charts
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::M(3) - (NBS/ISCC M) Dictionary of Color
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::P(3) - (NBS/ISCC P) Plochere Color System
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::R(3) - (NBS/ISCC R) Color Standards and Color Nomenclature
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::RC(3) - (NBS/ISCC RC) Rock-Color Chart
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::S(3) - (NBS/ISCC S) Postage-Stamp Color Names
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::SC(3) - (NBS/ISCC SC) Soil Color Charts
- Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::TC(3) - (NBS/ISCC TC) Standard Color Card of America
- Color::Library::Dictionary::Netscape(3) - (Netscape) Colors recognized by Netscape
- Color::Library::Dictionary::SVG(3) - (SVG) Colors from the SVG specification
- Color::Library::Dictionary::Tango(3) - (Tango) The Tango color palette
- Color::Library::Dictionary::VACCC(3) - (VACCC) VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code
- Color::Library::Dictionary::Windows(3) - (Windows) Colors from the Windows system palette
- Color::Library::Dictionary::WWW(3) - (WWW) An alias of the SVG color dictionary
- Color::Library::Dictionary::X11(3) - (X11) Colors for the X11 Window System (rgb.txt)
- Color::Palette(3) - a set of named colors
- Color::Palette::Schema(3) - requirements for a palette
- Color::Palette::Types(3) - type constraints for use with Color::Palette
- Color::RGB::Util(3) - Utilities related to RGB colors
- Color::Scheme(3) - generate pleasant color schemes
- Color::Theme::Role(3) - Role for class wanting to support color themes
- Color::Theme::Role::ANSI(3) - Role for class wanting to support color themes (ANSI support)
- COLOR_MAP(3) - Stores a color map to accelerate drawing. Allegro game programming library.
- color_surface(3)
- ColorEditor(3) - a general purpose Tk widget Color Editor
- COLORQUANT(3) - variance-based color quantization
- ColorTheme::Data::Dump::Color::Default16(3) - Default color theme for Data::Dump::Color (16 color)
- ColorTheme::Data::Dump::Color::Default256(3) - Default color theme for Data::Dump::Color (256 color)
- ColorTheme::Data::Dump::Color::Light(3) - Light color theme for Data::Dump::Color (RGB 24bit)
- ColorTheme::NoColor(3) - An empty color theme that provides no items
- ColorTheme::Test::Dynamic(3) - A dynamic color theme
- ColorTheme::Test::Static(3) - A static color theme
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::default_gradation(3) - Text::ANSITable::Standard::Gradation color theme (with old name)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::default_gradation_whitebg(3) - Text::ANSITable::Standard::GradationWhiteBG color theme (with old name)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::default_nogradation(3) - Text::ANSITable::Standard::NoGradation color theme (with old name)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::default_nogradation_whitebg(3) - Text::ANSITable::Standard::NoGradationWhiteBG color theme (with old name)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::OldCompat::Default::no_color(3) - NoColor color theme (with old name)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::Standard::Gradation(3) - Gradation border (for terminal with black background)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::Standard::GradationWhiteBG(3) - Gradation (for terminal with white background)
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::Standard::NoGradation(3) - No gradation, for black background
- ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::Standard::NoGradationWhiteBG(3) - Default (no gradation, for white background)
- ColorThemeBase::Base(3) - A suitable base class for all ColorTheme::* modules
- ColorThemeBase::Constructor(3) - Provide new()
- ColorThemeBase::Static(3) - Base class for color theme modules with static list of items (from object's colors key)
- ColorThemeBase::Static::FromObjectColors(3) - Base class for color theme modules with static list of items (from object's items key)
- ColorThemeBase::Static::FromStructColors(3) - Base class for color theme modules with static list of items (from %THEME)
- ColorThemes::Standard(3) - A standard collection of generic color themes
- ColorThemeUtil::ANSI(3) - Utility routines related to color themes and ANSI code
- Columns(3) - A multicolumn list widget with sortable & sizeable columns
- COM_ERR(3) - common error display library
- Combinatorics(3) - Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
- ComboEntry(3) - Drop down list entry widget
- COMERR(3) - prints error message and exits
- COMERRNO(3) - prints error message, given error code, and exits
- Commandable(3) - utilities for commandline-based programs
- Commandable::Command(3) - represent metadata for an invokable command
- Commandable::Finder(3) - an interface for discovery of Commandable::Commands
- Commandable::Finder::Packages(3) - find commands stored per package
- Commandable::Finder::SubAttributes(3) - find commands stored as subs with attributes
- Commandable::Invocation(3) - represents one invocation of a CLI command
- Commands::Guarded(3) - Better scripts through guarded commands
- CommitBit(3) - A project administration tool
- CommitBit::Action::ConfirmEmail(3) - Confirm a user's email address
- CommitBit::Action::Login(3)
- CommitBit::Action::Logout(3)
- CommitBit::Model::User(3)
- CommitBit::Notification::ConfirmAddress(3)
- CommitBit::Notification::InviteToProject(3)
- CommitBit::Test(3)
- common_test(3) - A framework for automated testing of any target nodes.
- COMPFACE(3) - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
- COMPILED_SPRITE(3) - Stores the contents of a compiled sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- Compiler::Lexer(3) - Lexical Analyzer for Perl5
- Compiler::Lexer::Token(3)
- Complete::Common(3) - Common stuffs for completion routines
- Complete::Path(3) - Complete path
- Complete::Sah(3) - Sah-related completion routines
- Complete::Sequence(3) - Complete string from a sequence of choices
- Complete::Util(3) - General completion routine
- COMPLEX(3) - complex arithmetic
- complex_blas_level1(3) - complex
- complex_blas_level2(3) - complex
- complex_blas_level3(3) - complex
- complex_blas_testing(3) - complex
- complex_eig(3) - complex
- complex_lin(3) - complex
- complex_matgen(3) - complex
- complex16_blas_level1(3) - complex16
- complex16_blas_level2(3) - complex16
- complex16_blas_level3(3) - complex16
- complex16_blas_testing(3) - complex16
- complex16_eig(3) - complex16
- complex16_lin(3) - complex16
- complex16_matgen(3) - complex16
- complex16GBauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16GBcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16GBsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16GEauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16GEcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16GEeigen(3) - complex16
- complex16GEsing(3) - complex16
- complex16GEsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16GTcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16GTsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16HEauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16HEcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16HEeigen(3) - complex16
- complex16HEsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16OTHERauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16OTHERcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16OTHEReigen(3) - complex16 Other Eigenvalue routines
- complex16OTHERsolve(3) - complex16 Other Solve Routines
- complex16POauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16POcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16POsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16PTcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16PTsolve(3) - complex16
- complex16SYauxiliary(3) - complex16
- complex16SYcomputational(3) - complex16
- complex16SYeigen(3) - complex16
- complex16SYsolve(3) - complex16
- complexGBauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexGBcomputational(3) - complex
- complexGBsolve(3) - complex
- complexGEauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexGEcomputational(3) - complex
- complexGEeigen(3) - complex
- complexGEsing(3) - complex
- complexGEsolve(3) - complex
- complexGTcomputational(3) - complex
- complexGTsolve(3) - complex
- complexHEauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexHEcomputational(3) - complex
- complexHEeigen(3) - complex
- complexHEsolve(3) - complex
- complexOTHERauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexOTHERcomputational(3) - complex
- complexOTHEReigen(3) - complex Other Eigenvalue routines
- complexOTHERsolve(3) - complex Other Solve Routines
- complexPOauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexPOcomputational(3) - complex
- complexPOsolve(3) - complex
- complexPTcomputational(3) - complex
- complexPTsolve(3) - complex
- complexSYauxiliary(3) - complex
- complexSYcomputational(3) - complex
- complexSYeigen(3) - complex
- complexSYsolve(3) - complex
- ComponentUI(3) - Catalyst based application
- Compound(3) - Create multi-line compound images.
- Compress::Bzip2(3) - Interface to Bzip2 compression library
- Compress::LZ4(3) - Perl interface to the LZ4 (de)compressor
- Compress::LZO(3) - Interface to the LZO compression library
- Compress::LZW(3) - Pure-Perl implementation of scaling LZW
- Compress::LZW::Compressor(3) - Scaling LZW compressor class
- Compress::LZW::Decompressor(3) - Scaling LZW decompressor class
- Compress::Raw::Bzip2(3) - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
- Compress::Raw::Lzma(3) - Low-Level Interface to lzma compression library
- Compress::Raw::Zlib(3) - Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
- Compress::Snappy(3) - Perl interface to Google's Snappy (de)compressor
- Compress::Zlib(3) - Interface to zlib compression library
- Compress::Zstd(3) - Perl interface to the Zstd (Zstandard) (de)compressor
- Compress::Zstd::CompressionContext(3) - Zstd compression context
- Compress::Zstd::CompressionDictionary(3) - Zstd compression dictionary
- Compress::Zstd::Compressor(3) - Zstd streaming compression
- Compress::Zstd::DecompressionContext(3) - Zstd decompression context
- Compress::Zstd::DecompressionDictionary(3) - Zstd decompression dictionary
- Compress::Zstd::Decompressor(3) - Zstd streaming decompression
- computationalGB(3) - Computational routines
- computationalGE(3) - Computational routines
- computationalGT(3) - Computational routines
- computationalHE(3) - Computational routines
- computationalPO(3) - Computational routines
- computationalPT(3) - Computational routines
- computationalSY(3) - Computational routines
- CONF_MODULES_FREE(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
- CONF_MODULES_LOAD_FILE(3) - OpenSSL configuration functions
- conficker-c(3) - SiLK plug-in to detect traffic matching the Conficker C worm
- Config::Any(3) - Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
- Config::Any::Base(3) - Base class for loaders
- Config::Any::General(3) - Load Config::General files
- Config::Any::INI(3) - Load INI config files
- Config::Any::JSON(3) - Load JSON config files
- Config::Any::Perl(3) - Load Perl config files
- Config::Any::XML(3) - Load XML config files
- Config::Any::YAML(3) - Load YAML config files
- Config::AST(3) - abstract syntax tree for configuration files
- Config::AST::Follow(3) - direct addressing engine
- Config::AST::Node(3) - generic configuration syntax tree node
- Config::AST::Node::Null(3) - a null node
- Config::AST::Node::Section(3) - Configuration section node.
- Config::AST::Node::Value(3) - simple statement node
- Config::AST::Root(3) - root of the abstract syntax tree
- Config::Auto(3) - Magical config file parser
- Config::AutoConf(3) - A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl.
- Config::BaseConfigurator(3) - Configurator Base Class
- Config::DOMConfigurator(3) - reads xml config files
- Config::Extensions(3) - hash lookup of which core extensions were built.
- Config::Fast(3) - extremely fast configuration file parser
- Config::GitLike(3) - git-compatible config file parsing
- Config::GitLike::Cascaded(3) - git-like config file parsing with cascaded inheritance
- Config::GitLike::Git(3) - load Git configuration files
- Config::Grammar(3) - A grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
- Config::Grammar::Dynamic(3) - A grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
- Config::Identity(3) - Load (and optionally decrypt via GnuPG) user/pass identity information
- Config::INI(3) - simple .ini-file format
- Config::INI::Reader(3) - a subclassable .ini-file parser
- Config::INI::Reader::Ordered(3) - .ini-file parser that returns sections in order
- Config::INI::Simple(3) - provides quick access to the contents of .ini files
- Config::INI::Writer(3) - a subclassable .ini-file emitter
- Config::IniFiles(3) - A module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
- Config::IniHash(3) - Perl extension for reading and writing INI files
- Config::IniRegEx(3) - Ini workaround, regex search for parameters and sections.
- Config::JFDI(3) - Just * Do it: A Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any
- Config::JSON(3) - A JSON based config file system.
- Config::Merge(3) - load a configuration directory tree containing YAML, JSON, XML, Perl, INI or Config::General files
- Config::Merge::Perl(3) - Load Perl config files
- Config::Model(3) - a framework to validate, migrate and edit configuration files
- Config::Model::Annotation(3) - Read and write configuration annotations
- Config::Model::AnyId(3) - Base class for hash or list element
- Config::Model::AnyThing(3) - Base class for configuration tree item
- Config::Model::Backend::Any(3) - Virtual class for other backends
- Config::Model::Backend::CdsFile(3) - Read and write config as a Cds data structure
- Config::Model::Backend::Fstab(3) - Read and write config from fstab file
- Config::Model::Backend::IniFile(3) - Read and write config as a INI file
- Config::Model::Backend::Json(3) - Read and write config as a JSON data structure
- Config::Model::Backend::PerlFile(3) - Read and write config as a Perl data structure
- Config::Model::Backend::PlainFile(3) - Read and write config as plain file
- Config::Model::Backend::ShellVar(3) - Read and write config as a "SHELLVAR" data structure
- Config::Model::Backend::Yaml(3) - Read and write config as a YAML data structure
- Config::Model::BackendMgr(3) - Load configuration node on demand
- Config::Model::BackendTrackOrder(3) - Track read order of elements from configuration
- Config::Model::CheckList(3) - Handle check list element
- Config::Model::Cookbook::CreateModelFromDoc(3) - Create a configuration model from application documentation
- Config::Model::Describe(3) - Provide a description of a node element
- Config::Model::DumpAsData(3) - Dump configuration content as a perl data structure
- Config::Model::Dumper(3) - Serialize data of config tree
- Config::Model::Exception(3) - Exception mechanism for configuration model
- Config::Model::FuseUI(3) - Fuse virtual file interface for Config::Model
- Config::Model::HashId(3) - Handle hash element for configuration model
- Config::Model::IdElementReference(3) - Refer to id element(s) and extract keys
- Config::Model::Instance(3) - Instance of configuration tree
- Config::Model::Iterator(3) - Iterates forward or backward a configuration tree
- Config::Model::Lister(3) - List available models and applications
- Config::Model::ListId(3) - Handle list element for configuration model
- Config::Model::Loader(3) - Load serialized data into config tree
- Config::Model::Manual::ModelCreationAdvanced(3) - Creating a model with advanced features
- Config::Model::Manual::ModelCreationIntroduction(3) - Introduction to model creation with Config::Model
- Config::Model::models::Fstab(3) - Configuration class Fstab
- Config::Model::models::Fstab::FsLine(3) - Configuration class Fstab::FsLine
- Config::Model::models::Multistrap(3) - Configuration class Multistrap
- Config::Model::models::Multistrap::Section(3) - Configuration class Multistrap::Section
- Config::Model::models::PopCon(3) - Configuration class PopCon
- Config::Model::Node(3) - Class for configuration tree node
- Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner(3) - Scan config tree and perform call-backs for each element or node
- Config::Model::Report(3) - Reports data from config tree
- Config::Model::Role::ComputeFunction(3) - compute &index or &element functions
- Config::Model::Role::Constants(3) - Provide some constant data.
- Config::Model::Role::FileHandler(3) - role to read or write configuration files
- Config::Model::Role::Grab(3) - Role to grab data from elsewhere in the tree
- Config::Model::Role::HelpAsText(3) - Translate element help from pod to text
- Config::Model::Role::NodeLoader(3) - Load Node element in configuration tree
- Config::Model::Role::Utils(3) - Provide some utilities
- Config::Model::Role::WarpMaster(3) - register and trigger a warped element
- Config::Model::SearchElement(3) - Search an element in a configuration model
- Config::Model::SimpleUI(3) - Simple interface for Config::Model
- Config::Model::TermUI(3) - Interactive command line interface for cme
- Config::Model::Tester(3) - Test framework for Config::Model
- Config::Model::Tester::Setup(3) - Common test setup functions for Config::Model
- Config::Model::TreeSearcher(3) - Search tree for match in value, description...
- Config::Model::TypeConstraints(3) - Mouse type constraints for Config::Model
- Config::Model::Utils::GenClassPod(3) - generate pod documentation from configuration models
- Config::Model::Value(3) - Strongly typed configuration value
- Config::Model::Value::LayeredInclude(3) - Include a sub layer configuration
- Config::Model::ValueComputer(3) - Provides configuration value computation
- Config::Model::WarpedNode(3) - Node that change config class properties
- Config::Model::Warper(3) - Warp tree properties
- Config::MVP(3) - multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
- Config::MVP::Assembler(3) - multivalue-property config-loading state machine
- Config::MVP::Assembler::WithBundles(3) - a role to make assemblers expand bundles
- Config::MVP::Error(3) - common exceptions class
- Config::MVP::Reader(3) - object to read config from storage into an assembler
- Config::MVP::Reader::Findable(3) - a config class that Config::MVP::Reader::Finder can find
- Config::MVP::Reader::Findable::ByExtension(3) - a Findable Reader that looks for files by extension
- Config::MVP::Reader::Finder(3) - a reader that finds an appropriate file
- Config::MVP::Reader::Hash(3) - a reader that tries to cope with a plain old hashref
- Config::MVP::Reader::INI(3) - an MVP config reader for .ini files
- Config::MVP::Section(3) - one section of an MVP configuration sequence
- Config::MVP::Sequence(3) - an ordered set of named configuration sections
- Config::MySQL(3) - Read and write MySQL-style configuration files
- Config::MySQL::Reader(3) - Read MySQL-style configuration files
- Config::MySQL::Writer(3) - Write MySQL-style configuration files
- Config::Objective(3) - Perl module for parsing object-oriented config files
- Config::Objective::Boolean(3) - boolean data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Objective::DataType(3) - base class for Config::Objective data types
- Config::Objective::Hash(3) - hash data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Objective::Integer(3) - integer data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Objective::List(3) - list data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Objective::String(3) - string data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Objective::Table(3) - table data type class for Config::Objective
- Config::Options(3) - module to provide a configuration hash with option to read from file.
- Config::Options::Threaded(3) - Threaded version of module to provide a configuration hash with option to read from file.
- Config::Parser::Ini(3) - configuration file parser for ini-style files
- Config::Parser::ldap(3) - configuration file parser for ldap.conf
- Config::Perl::V(3) - Structured data retrieval of perl -V output
- Config::Properties(3) - Read and write property files
- Config::PropertyConfigurator(3) - reads properties file
- Config::Record(3) - Configuration file access
- Config::Setting(3) - Perl extension for configuration files.
- Config::Setting::Chunk(3) - Representation of a configuration file
- Config::Setting::FileProvider(3) - return the contents of files.
- Config::Setting::IniParser(3) - parse windows .ini style files.
- Config::Setting::XMLParser(3) - parse XML settings file.
- Config::Tiny(3) - Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
- Config::Validator(3) - schema based configuration validation
- Config::Versioned(3) - Simple, versioned access to configuration data
- Config::Watch(3) - Detect file changes
- Config::Wrest(3) - Read and write Configuration data With References, Environment variables, Sections, and Templating
- config_is_hooked(3) - Tells if a config section has custom hooks. Allegro game programming library.
- configFileLoad(3) - parse a configuration file
- ConfigReader::Simple(3) - A simple line-oriented configuration file parser
- ConfigSpecs(3) - Defining behaviour of 'configure' for composite widgets.
- Configuration(3)
- Configure::Writer(3) - Configuration file writer for XMLTV grabbers
- CONFSTR(3) - get string-valued configurable variables
- Connector(3) - a generic connection to a hierarchical-structured data set
- Connector::Builtin(3)
- Connector::Builtin::Authentication::LDAP(3) - this may mean you are be connected to the wrong server optional Verify only when the server offers a certificate require The server must provide a certificate, and it must be valid.
- Connector::Builtin::Authentication::Password(3)
- Connector::Builtin::Authentication::PasswordScheme(3)
- Connector::Builtin::Env(3)
- Connector::Builtin::File::Path(3)
- Connector::Builtin::File::SCP(3)
- Connector::Builtin::File::Simple(3)
- Connector::Builtin::Memory(3)
- Connector::Builtin::Static(3)
- Connector::Iterator(3)
- Connector::Multi(3)
- Connector::Multi::Merge(3)
- Connector::Multi::YAML(3)
- Connector::Proxy(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Authentication::KeyNanny(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Config::Std(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Config::Versioned(3)
- Connector::Proxy::DBI(3)
- Connector::Proxy::HTTP(3)
- Connector::Proxy::JSON(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Net::FTP(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Net::LDAP(3) - 'reqiured' if true)
- Connector::Proxy::Net::LDAP::DN(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Net::LDAP::Simple(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Net::LDAP::Single(3)
- Connector::Proxy::Proc::SafeExec(3)
- Connector::Proxy::SOAP::Lite(3)
- Connector::Proxy::YAML(3)
- Connector::Role::LocalPath(3)
- Connector::Role::SessionCache(3)
- Connector::Role::SSLUserAgent(3)
- Connector::Tee(3)
- Connector::Wrapper(3)
- Const::Exporter(3) - Declare constants for export.
- Const::Fast(3) - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
- constant::abs(3) - Perl pragma to declare previously constants using absolute name
- constant::boolean(3) - Define TRUE and FALSE constants.
- constant::def(3) - Perl pragma to declare previously undeclared constants
- constant::defer(3)
- constant::lexical(3) - Perl pragma to declare lexical compile-time constants
- Context::Preserve(3) - Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in the caller
- Contextual::Return(3) - Create context-sensitive return values
- Contextual::Return::Failure(3) - Utility module for Contextual::Return
- Continuity(3) - Abstract away statelessness of HTTP, for stateful Web applications
- Continuity::Adapt::FCGI(3) - Use HTTP::Daemon as a continuation server
- Continuity::Adapt::HttpDaemon(3) - Use HTTP::Daemon to get HTTP requests
- Continuity::Adapt::PSGI(3) - PSGI backend for Continuity
- Continuity::Inspector(3)
- Continuity::Mapper(3) - Map a request onto a session
- Continuity::Request(3) - Simple HTTP::Request-like API for requests inside Continuity
- Continuity::RequestCallbacks(3) - Mix callbacks into the Continuity request object
- controller_leds(3)
- Convert::ASCII::Armor(3) - Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages.
- Convert::ASCII::Armour(3) - Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages.
- Convert::ASN1(3) - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
- Convert::Base32(3) - Encoding and decoding of base32 strings
- Convert::Bencode(3) - Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings
- Convert::Bencode_XS(3) - Faster conversions to/from Bencode format
- Convert::Binary::C(3) - Binary Data Conversion using C Types
- Convert::Binary::C::Cached(3) - Caching for Convert::Binary::C
- Convert::BinHex(3) - extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
- Convert::Color(3) - color space conversions and named lookups
- Convert::Color::CMY(3) - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow
- Convert::Color::CMYK(3) - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow/key
- Convert::Color::HSL(3) - a color value represented as hue/saturation/lightness
- Convert::Color::HSV(3) - a color value represented as hue/saturation/value
- Convert::Color::RGB(3) - a color value represented as red/green/blue
- Convert::Color::RGB16(3) - a color value represented as red/green/blue in 16-bit integers
- Convert::Color::RGB8(3) - a color value represented as red/green/blue in 8-bit integers
- Convert::Color::VGA(3) - named lookup for the basic VGA colors
- Convert::Color::X11(3) - named lookup of colors from X11's rgb.txt
- Convert::Color::XTerm(3) - indexed colors used by XTerm
- Convert::IBM390(3)
- Convert::IBM390::CP00037(3) - EBCDIC USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Brazil, Portugal
- Convert::IBM390::CP00273(3) - EBCDIC Austria, Germany
- Convert::IBM390::CP00275(3) - EBCDIC Brazil
- Convert::IBM390::CP00277(3) - EBCDIC Denmark, Norway
- Convert::IBM390::CP00278(3) - EBCDIC Finland, Sweden
- Convert::IBM390::CP00280(3) - EBCDIC Italy
- Convert::IBM390::CP00281(3) - EBCDIC Japanese English
- Convert::IBM390::CP00282(3) - EBCDIC Portuguese
- Convert::IBM390::CP00284(3) - EBCDIC Spanish
- Convert::IBM390::CP00285(3) - EBCDIC United Kingdom
- Convert::IBM390::CP00297(3) - EBCDIC France
- Convert::IBM390::CP00500(3) - EBCDIC Latin-1
- Convert::IBM390::CP00871(3) - EBCDIC Iceland
- Convert::IBM390::CP01047(3) - EBCDIC Latin-1
- Convert::IBM390::CP01140(3) - EBCDIC USA/Canada (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01141(3) - EBCDIC Germany (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01142(3) - EBCDIC Denmark/Norway (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01143(3) - EBCDIC Finland/Sweden (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01144(3) - EBCDIC Italy (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01145(3) - EBCDIC Latin America/Spain (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01146(3) - EBCDIC United Kingdom (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01147(3) - EBCDIC France (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01148(3) - EBCDIC International (Euro)
- Convert::IBM390::CP01149(3) - EBCDIC Icelandic (Euro)
- Convert::Moji(3) - objects to convert alphabets
- Convert::Morse(3) - Convert between ASCII text and MORSE alphabet
- Convert::NLS_DATE_FORMAT(3) - Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime Format Strings
- Convert::PEM(3) - Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
- Convert::PEM::CBC(3) - Cipher Block Chaining Mode implementation
- Convert::UU(3) - Perl module for uuencode and uudecode
- Cookie::Baker(3) - Cookie string generator / parser
- copy_image_transform(3)
- copy_surface_properties(3)
- CopyConfig(3) - IOS running-config manipulation
- COPYSIGN(3) - copy sign
- CornerBox(3) - a geometry manager for scaling two subwidgets
- Coro(3) - the only real threads in perl
- Corona(3) - Coro based PSGI web server
- COSPI(3) - half–cycle cosine functions
- CouchDB::View(3) - handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
- CouchDB::View::Document(3) - CouchDB design document abstraction
- CouchDB::View::Server(3)
- COUNT_FOPEN(3) - read a fixed number of bytes from a stream
- CountColor(3) - demonstrates writing a simple function using Imager.
- CounterFile(3) - Persistent counter class
- counters(3) - Counter Functions
- CPAN::API::HOWTO(3) - a recipe book for programming with CPAN.pm
- CPAN::Changes(3) - Read and write Changes files
- CPAN::Changes::Group(3) - A group of related change information within a release
- CPAN::Changes::Release(3) - Information about a particular release
- CPAN::Changes::Spec(3) - Specification for CPAN Changes files
- CPAN::Checksums(3) - Write a "CHECKSUMS" file for a directory as on CPAN
- CPAN::Debug(3) - internal debugging for CPAN.pm
- CPAN::DistnameInfo(3) - Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename
- CPAN::Distroprefs(3)
- CPAN::FirstTime(3) - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
- CPAN::HandleConfig(3) - internal configuration handling for CPAN.pm
- CPAN::Inject(3) - Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
- CPAN::Kwalify(3) - Interface between CPAN.pm and Kwalify.pm
- CPAN::Meta(3) - the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
- CPAN::Meta::Check(3) - Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
- CPAN::Meta::Converter(3) - Convert CPAN distribution metadata structures
- CPAN::Meta::Feature(3) - an optional feature provided by a CPAN distribution
- CPAN::Meta::History(3) - history of CPAN Meta Spec changes
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_0(3) - Version 1.0 metadata specification for META.yml
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_1(3) - Version 1.1 metadata specification for META.yml
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_2(3) - Version 1.2 metadata specification for META.yml
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_3(3) - Version 1.3 metadata specification for META.yml
- CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_4(3) - Version 1.4 metadata specification for META.yml
- CPAN::Meta::Merge(3) - Merging CPAN Meta fragments
- CPAN::Meta::Prereqs(3) - a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type
- CPAN::Meta::Requirements(3) - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
- CPAN::Meta::Spec(3) - specification for CPAN distribution metadata
- CPAN::Meta::Validator(3) - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures
- CPAN::Meta::YAML(3) - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
- CPAN::Mini(3) - create a minimal mirror of CPAN
- CPAN::Mini::App(3) - the guts of the minicpan command
- CPAN::Mirrors(3) - Get CPAN mirror information and select a fast one
- CPAN::Nox(3) - Wrapper around CPAN.pm without using any XS module
- CPAN::Perl::Releases(3) - Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
- CPAN::Plugin(3) - Base class for CPAN shell extensions
- CPAN::Plugin::Specfile(3) - Proof of concept implementation of a trivial CPAN::Plugin
- CPAN::Queue(3) - internal queue support for CPAN.pm
- CPAN::Recent::Uploads(3) - Find the distributions recently uploaded to CPAN
- CPAN::Recent::Uploads::Retriever(3) - Retrieves recentfiles from a CPAN mirror
- CPAN::Reporter(3) - Adds CPAN Testers reporting to CPAN.pm
- CPAN::Reporter::API(3) - Programmer's interface to CPAN::Reporter
- CPAN::Reporter::Config(3) - Config file options for CPAN::Reporter
- CPAN::Reporter::FAQ(3) - Answers and tips for using CPAN::Reporter
- CPAN::Reporter::History(3) - Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
- CPAN::Reporter::PrereqCheck(3) - Modulino for prerequisite tests
- CPAN::Reporter::Smoker(3) - Turnkey CPAN Testers smoking
- CPAN::SQLite(3) - maintain and search a minimal CPAN database
- CPAN::SQLite::DBI(3) - DBI information for the CPAN::SQLite database
- CPAN::SQLite::DBI::Index(3) - DBI information for indexing the CPAN::SQLite database
- CPAN::SQLite::DBI::Search(3) - DBI information for searching the CPAN::SQLite database
- CPAN::SQLite::Index(3) - set up or update database tables.
- CPAN::SQLite::Info(3) - extract information from CPAN indices
- CPAN::SQLite::META(3) - helper module for CPAN.pm integration
- CPAN::SQLite::Populate(3) - create and populate database tables
- CPAN::SQLite::Search(3) - perform queries on the database
- CPAN::SQLite::State(3) - get state information on the database
- CPAN::SQLite::Util(3) - export some common data structures used by CPAN::SQLite::*
- CPAN::Tarzip(3) - internal handling of tar archives for CPAN.pm
- CPAN::Testers::Common::Client(3) - Common class for CPAN::Testers clients
- CPAN::Testers::Common::Client::Config(3) - basic configuration for CPAN Testers clients
- CPAN::Testers::Common::Client::History(3) - read/write CPAN Testers' history file
- CPAN::Testers::Common::Client::PrereqCheck(3) - Modulino for prerequisite tests
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::InstalledModules(3) - Versions of particular modules installed on a system
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport(3) - an email-style report for CPAN Testers
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig(3) - Perl build and configuration information for a CPAN Testers report
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::Prereqs(3) - prerequisites detected in running a CPAN Testers report
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestEnvironment(3) - Environment vars and other local context during a CPAN Testers report
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::TesterComment(3) - comment about a CPAN Tester report
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestOutput(3) - output from configuration, build and test
- CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary(3) - summary of a CPAN Testers analysis of a distribution
- CPAN::Testers::Report(3) - CPAN Testers report object
- CPAN::Uploader(3) - upload things to the CPAN
- CPAN::Version(3) - utility functions to compare CPAN versions
- CPAN::YACSmoke(3) - Yet Another CPAN Smoke Tester
- CPAN::YACSmoke::Plugin::Recent(3) - Recent list for Yet Another CPAN Smoke Tester
- CPAN::YACSmoke::Plugin::SmokeDB(3) - SmokeDB list for Yet Another CPAN Smoke Tester
- cpanfile-faq(3) - cpanfile FAQ
- CPANPLUS(3) - API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors
- CPANPLUS::Backend(3) - programmer's interface to CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Backend::RV(3) - return value objects
- CPANPLUS::Config(3) - configuration defaults and heuristics for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Config::HomeEnv(3) - Set the environment for the CPANPLUS base dir
- CPANPLUS::Configure(3) - configuration for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Dist(3) - base class for plugins
- CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle(3) - distribution class for installation snapshots
- CPANPLUS::Dist::Base(3) - Base class for custom distribution classes
- CPANPLUS::Dist::Build(3) - CPANPLUS plugin to install packages that use Build.PL
- CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants(3) - Constants for CPANPLUS::Dist::Build
- CPANPLUS::Dist::MM(3) - distribution class for MakeMaker related modules
- CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample(3)
- CPANPLUS::Error(3) - error handling for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::FAQ(3) - CPANPLUS Frequently Asked Questions
- CPANPLUS::Hacking(3) - developing CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Internals(3) - CPANPLUS internals
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract(3) - internals for archive extraction
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch(3) - internals for fetching files
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Report(3) - internals for sending test reports
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Search(3) - internals for searching for modules
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Source(3) - internals for updating source files
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory(3) - In memory implementation
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite(3) - SQLite implementation
- CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils(3) - convenience functions for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Module(3) - CPAN module objects for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Module::Author(3) - CPAN author object for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake(3) - dummy author object for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums(3) - checking the checksum of a distribution
- CPANPLUS::Module::Fake(3) - fake module object for internal use
- CPANPLUS::Selfupdate(3) - self-updating for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Shell(3) - base class for CPANPLUS shells
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic(3) - CPAN.pm emulation for CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Default(3) - the default CPANPLUS shell
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource(3) - add custom sources to CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::HOWTO(3) - 2007, Jos Boumans <kane@cpan.org>. All rights reserved.
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote(3) - connect to a remote CPANPLUS
- CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source(3) - read in CPANPLUS commands
- cpbcon.f(3)
- cpbequ.f(3)
- cpbrfs.f(3)
- cpbstf.f(3)
- cpbsv.f(3)
- cpbsvx.f(3)
- cpbtf2.f(3)
- cpbtrf.f(3)
- cpbtrs.f(3)
- cpftrf.f(3)
- cpftri.f(3)
- cpftrs.f(3)
- CPG_CONTEXT_GET(3) - Gets the context variable for a CPG instance
- CPG_CONTEXT_SET(3) - Sets the context variable for a CPG instance
- CPG_DISPATCH(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the CPG service
- CPG_FD_GET(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the CPG service
- CPG_FINALIZE(3) - Terminate a connection to the CPG service
- CPG_INITIALIZE(3) - Create a new connection to the CPG service
- CPG_ITERATION_FINALIZE(3) - Finalize iterator for members of CPG
- CPG_ITERATION_INITIALIZE(3) - Initialize iterator for members of CPG
- CPG_ITERATION_NEXT(3) - Return next item in iteration of CPG
- CPG_JOIN(3) - Joins one or more groups in the CPG library
- CPG_LEAVE(3) - Leave a group in the CPG library
- CPG_LOCAL_GET(3) - Returns the local node id
- CPG_MCAST_JOINED(3) - Multicasts to all groups joined to a handle
- CPG_MEMBERSHIP_GET(3) - Returns a list of members of a CPG group
- CPG_MODEL_INITIALIZE(3) - Create a new connection to the CPG service
- CPG_OVERVIEW(3) - CPG library overview
- CPG_ZCB_ALLOC(3) - Allocates a zero copy buffer
- CPG_ZCB_FREE(3) - Frees a zero copy buffer
- CPG_ZCB_MCAST_JOINED(3) - Multicasts a zero copy buffer to all groups joined to a handle
- cpl_complete_word(3) - lookup possible completions for a word
- cpocon.f(3)
- cpoequ.f(3)
- cpoequb.f(3)
- cporfs.f(3)
- cporfsx.f(3)
- cposv.f(3)
- cposvx.f(3)
- cposvxx.f(3)
- cpotf2.f(3)
- cpotrf.f(3)
- cpotrf2.f(3)
- cpotri.f(3)
- cpotrs.f(3)
- CPOW(3) - complex power functions
- CPP2XS(3) - Convert from Inline C++ code to XS.
- CPP2XS-Cookbook(3) - I'll leave the first parts of it as is, but bear in mind that the CPP source can now be stored anywhere in any file and you just provide the name and location (either fully qualified or relative) of that file using the SRC_LOCATION=>'./location/file.ext' key/value pair ... or you can just store the code as one big string in a variable (say,
- cppcon.f(3)
- cppequ.f(3)
- cpprfs.f(3)
- cppsv.f(3)
- cppsvx.f(3)
- cpptrf.f(3)
- cpptri.f(3)
- cpptrs.f(3)
- cprof(3) - A simple Call Count Profiling Tool using breakpoints for minimal runtime performance impact.
- CPS(3) - manage flow of control in Continuation-Passing Style
- CPS::Functional(3) - functional utilities in Continuation-Passing Style
- CPS::Governor(3) - control the iteration of the "CPS" functions
- CPS::Governor::Deferred(3) - iterate at some later point
- CPS::Governor::Simple(3) - iterate immediately as fast as possible
- cpstf2.f(3)
- cpstrf.f(3)
- cptcon.f(3)
- cpteqr.f(3)
- cptrfs.f(3)
- cptsv.f(3)
- cptsvx.f(3)
- cpttrf.f(3)
- cpttrs.f(3)
- cptts2.f(3)
- CPU(3) - Perl extension for getting CPU information. Currently only number of CPU's supported.
- CPU::Z80::Assembler(3) - a Z80 assembler
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Expr(3) - Represents one assembly expression to be computed at link time
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::JumpOpcode(3) - Represents one jump assembly instruction to be computed at link time
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::List(3) - Assembly listing output class
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Macro(3) - Macro pre-processor for the Z80 assembler
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Opcode(3) - Represents one assembly expression to be computed at link time
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Parser(3) - Parser for the Z80 assembler
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Program(3) - Represents one assembly program
- CPU::Z80::Assembler::Segment(3) - Represents one segment of assembly opcodes
- cpu_capabilities(3) - Contains the capability flags of the CPU. Allegro game programming library.
- cpu_family(3) - Contains the CPU type. Allegro game programming library.
- cpu_model(3) - Contains the Intel CPU submodel. Allegro game programming library.
- cpu_sup(3) - A CPU Load and CPU Utilization Supervisor Process
- cpu_vendor(3) - Contains the CPU vendor name. Allegro game programming library.
- CPUTIME(3) - cpu time in this process and children
- CQL::AndNode(3) - represents an AND node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::BooleanNode(3) - represents a boolean node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::Lexer(3) - a lexical analyzer for CQL
- CQL::ModifierSet(3) - represents a base string and modifier strings
- CQL::Node(3) - base class for nodes in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::NotNode(3) - represents a NOT node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::OrNode(3) - represents an OR node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::Parser(3) - compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypes.
- CQL::Prefix(3) - represents a CQL prefix mapping
- CQL::PrefixNode(3) - represents a prefix node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::ProxModifierSet(3) - represents a base string and modifier strings
- CQL::ProxNode(3) - represents a PROX node in a CQL parse tree
- CQL::Relation(3) - object for CQL Relations
- CQL::TermNode(3) - represents a terminal Node in a CQL Parse Tree
- CQL::Token(3) - class for token objects returned by CQL::Lexer
- CQL::Visitor(3) - visit nodes in a CQL parse tree
- CRACKLIB(3) - check a potential password for guessability
- crashdump_viewer(3) - A WxWidgets based tool for browsing Erlang crashdumps.
- CRC32(3) - Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- create_bitmap_ex(3) - Creates a memory bitmap specifying color depth. Allegro game programming library.
- create_blender_table(3) - Emulates truecolor blender effects in paletted modes. Allegro game programming library.
- create_color_table(3) - Fills a color mapping table for customised effects. Allegro game programming library.
- create_datafile_index(3) - Creates an index for a datafile. Allegro game programming library.
- create_light_table(3) - Fills a color mapping table for lighting effects. Allegro game programming library.
- create_lzss_pack_data(3) - Creates an LZSS structure for compression. Allegro game programming library.
- create_lzss_unpack_data(3) - Creates an LZSS structure for decompression. Allegro game programming library.
- create_rgb_table(3) - Generates an RGB mapping table with lookup data for a palette. Allegro game programming library.
- CREATE_RWQ_IND_TBL(3) - create or destroy a Receive Work Queue Indirection Table (RWQ IND TBL).
- create_scene(3) - Allocates memory for a 3d scene. Allegro game programming library.
- create_sub_zbuffer(3) - Creates a sub-z-buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- create_system_bitmap(3) - Creates a system memory bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- create_trans_table(3) - Fills a color mapping table for translucency effects. Allegro game programming library.
- create_video_bitmap(3) - Creates a video memory bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- create_zbuffer(3) - Creates a Z-buffer for a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- CreditCard(3) - Validate/generate credit card checksums/names
- critbit0_allprefixed(3) - search a critbit tree by prefix
- critbit0_clear(3) - free all memory associated with a critbit tree
- critbit0_contains(3) - check whether a string is in the critbit tree
- critbit0_delete(3) - delete a string from a critbit tree
- critbit0_insert(3) - insert a string into a critbit tree
- CRL(3) - CRL Management module.
- Crontab(3) - Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
- crop_image(3)
- cross_product(3) - Calculates the cross product. Allegro game programming library.
- crot.f(3)
- CRR(3) - Perl extention to handle CRR objects.
- Crypt::AppleTwoFish(3)
- Crypt::Argon2(3) - Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions
- Crypt::AuthEnc(3) - [internal only]
- Crypt::AuthEnc::CCM(3) - Authenticated encryption in CCM mode
- Crypt::AuthEnc::ChaCha20Poly1305(3) - Authenticated encryption in ChaCha20-Poly1305 mode
- Crypt::AuthEnc::EAX(3) - Authenticated encryption in EAX mode
- Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM(3) - Authenticated encryption in GCM mode
- Crypt::AuthEnc::OCB(3) - Authenticated encryption in OCBv3 mode
- Crypt::Bcrypt(3) - A modern bcrypt implementation
- Crypt::Camellia_PP(3) - Pure Perl Camellia 128-bit block cipher module.
- Crypt::CBC(3) - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
- Crypt::Checksum(3) - [internal only]
- Crypt::Checksum::Adler32(3) - Compute Adler32 checksum
- Crypt::Checksum::CRC32(3) - Compute CRC32 checksum
- Crypt::Chimera(3) - An implementation of the Chimera key exchange protocol
- Crypt::Cipher(3) - Generic interface to cipher functions
- Crypt::Cipher::AES(3) - Symmetric cipher AES (aka Rijndael), key size: 128/192/256 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Anubis(3) - Symmetric cipher Anubis, key size: 128-320 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Blowfish(3) - Symmetric cipher Blowfish, key size: 64-448 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Camellia(3) - Symmetric cipher Camellia, key size: 128/192/256 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::CAST5(3) - Symmetric cipher CAST5 (aka CAST-128), key size: 40-128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::DES(3) - Symmetric cipher DES, key size: 64[56] bits
- Crypt::Cipher::DES_EDE(3) - Symmetric cipher DES_EDE (aka Triple-DES, 3DES), key size: 192[168] bits
- Crypt::Cipher::IDEA(3) - Symmetric cipher IDEA, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::KASUMI(3) - Symmetric cipher KASUMI, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Khazad(3) - Symmetric cipher Khazad, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::MULTI2(3) - Symmetric cipher MULTI2, key size: 320 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Noekeon(3) - Symmetric cipher Noekeon, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::RC2(3) - Symmetric cipher RC2, key size: 40-1024 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::RC5(3) - Symmetric cipher RC5, key size: 64-1024 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::RC6(3) - Symmetric cipher RC6, key size: 64-1024 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SAFER_K128(3) - Symmetric cipher SAFER_K128, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SAFER_K64(3) - Symmetric cipher SAFER_K64, key size: 64 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SAFER_SK128(3) - Symmetric cipher SAFER_SK128, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SAFER_SK64(3) - Symmetric cipher SAFER_SK64, key size: 64 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SAFERP(3) - Symmetric cipher SAFER+, key size: 128/192/256 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::SEED(3) - Symmetric cipher SEED, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Serpent(3) - Symmetric cipher Serpent, key size: 128/192/256 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Skipjack(3) - Symmetric cipher Skipjack, key size: 80 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::Twofish(3) - Symmetric cipher Twofish, key size: 128/192/256 bits
- Crypt::Cipher::XTEA(3) - Symmetric cipher XTEA, key size: 128 bits
- Crypt::CipherSaber(3) - Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryption.
- Crypt::Curve25519(3) - Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman function
- Crypt::DES_EDE3(3) - Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
- Crypt::DES_PP(3) - Perl extension for DES encryption
- Crypt::DH(3) - Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
- Crypt::DH::GMP(3) - Crypt::DH Using GMP Directly
- Crypt::DH::GMP::Compat(3) - Compatibility Mode For Crypt::DH
- Crypt::Digest(3) - Generic interface to hash/digest functions
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_160(3) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 160 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_256(3) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_384(3) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 384 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_512(3) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 512 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_128(3) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_160(3) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 160 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_224(3) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 224 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_256(3) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::CHAES(3) - Hash function - CipherHash based on AES [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::Keccak224(3) - Hash function Keccak-224 [size: 224 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::Keccak256(3) - Hash function Keccak-256 [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::Keccak384(3) - Hash function Keccak-384 [size: 384 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::Keccak512(3) - Hash function Keccak-512 [size: 512 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::MD2(3) - Hash function MD2 [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::MD4(3) - Hash function MD4 [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::MD5(3) - Hash function MD5 [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD128(3) - Hash function RIPEMD-128 [size: 128 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD160(3) - Hash function RIPEMD-160 [size: 160 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD256(3) - Hash function RIPEMD-256 [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD320(3) - Hash function RIPEMD-320 [size: 320 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA1(3) - Hash function SHA-1 [size: 160 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA224(3) - Hash function SHA-224 [size: 224 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA256(3) - Hash function SHA-256 [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA3_224(3) - Hash function SHA3-224 [size: 224 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA3_256(3) - Hash function SHA3-256 [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA3_384(3) - Hash function SHA3-384 [size: 384 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA3_512(3) - Hash function SHA3-512 [size: 512 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA384(3) - Hash function SHA-384 [size: 384 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA512(3) - Hash function SHA-512 [size: 512 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA512_224(3) - Hash function SHA-512/224 [size: 224 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHA512_256(3) - Hash function SHA-512/256 [size: 256 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::SHAKE(3) - Hash functions SHAKE128, SHAKE256 from SHA3 family
- Crypt::Digest::Tiger192(3) - Hash function Tiger-192 [size: 192 bits]
- Crypt::Digest::Whirlpool(3) - Hash function Whirlpool [size: 512 bits]
- Crypt::Dining(3) - The Dining Cryptographers' Protocol
- Crypt::DSA(3) - DSA Signatures and Key Generation
- Crypt::DSA::Key(3) - DSA key
- Crypt::DSA::Key::PEM(3) - Read/write DSA PEM files
- Crypt::DSA::Key::SSH2(3) - Read/write DSA SSH2 files
- Crypt::DSA::KeyChain(3) - DSA key generation system
- Crypt::DSA::Signature(3) - DSA signature object
- Crypt::DSA::Util(3) - DSA Utility functions
- Crypt::Eksblowfish(3) - the Eksblowfish block cipher
- Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt(3) - Blowfish-based Unix crypt() password hash
- Crypt::Eksblowfish::Blowfish(3) - Blowfish block cipher via Eksblowfish engine
- Crypt::Eksblowfish::Family(3) - Eksblowfish cipher family
- Crypt::Eksblowfish::Subkeyed(3) - Blowfish/Eksblowfish with access to subkeys
- Crypt::Eksblowfish::Uklblowfish(3) - Blowfish cipher with unrestricted key length
- Crypt::Format(3) - Conversion utilities for encryption applications
- Crypt::GCrypt(3) - Perl interface to the GNU Cryptographic library
- Crypt::GCrypt::MPI(3) - Perl interface to multi-precision integers from the GNU Cryptographic library
- Crypt::GeneratePassword(3) - generate secure random pronounceable passwords
- Crypt::HSXKPasswd(3) - A secure memorable password generator inspired by Steve Gibson's Passord Haystacks (<https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm>), and the famous XKCD password cartoon (<https://xkcd.com/936/>).
- Crypt::Juniper(3) - Encrypt/decrypt Juniper $9$ secrets
- Crypt::JWT(3) - JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516
- Crypt::KeyDerivation(3) - PBKDF1, PBKDF2 and HKDF key derivation functions
- Crypt::KeyWrap(3) - Key management/wrapping algorithms defined in RFC7518 (JWA)
- Crypt::LE(3) - Let's Encrypt API interfacing module and client.
- Crypt::LE::Challenge::Simple(3) - A boilerplate for extending Crypt::LE and Crypt::LE client application (le.pl) with challenge/verification handlers.
- Crypt::LE::Complete::Simple(3) - A boilerplate for extending Crypt::LE client application (le.pl) with completion handlers.
- Crypt::LibSCEP(3) - Perl extension for libscep, a C implementation of the SCEP protocol
- Crypt::Lite(3) - Easy to use symmetric data encryption and decryption
- Crypt::Mac(3) - [internal only]
- Crypt::Mac::BLAKE2b(3) - Message authentication code BLAKE2b MAC (RFC 7693)
- Crypt::Mac::BLAKE2s(3) - Message authentication code BLAKE2s MAC (RFC 7693)
- Crypt::Mac::F9(3) - Message authentication code F9
- Crypt::Mac::HMAC(3) - Message authentication code HMAC
- Crypt::Mac::OMAC(3) - Message authentication code OMAC
- Crypt::Mac::Pelican(3) - Message authentication code Pelican (AES based MAC)
- Crypt::Mac::PMAC(3) - Message authentication code PMAC
- Crypt::Mac::Poly1305(3) - Message authentication code Poly1305 (RFC 7539)
- Crypt::Mac::XCBC(3) - Message authentication code XCBC (RFC 3566)
- Crypt::Misc(3) - miscellaneous functions related to (or used by) CryptX
- Crypt::Mode(3) - [internal only]
- Crypt::Mode::CBC(3) - Block cipher mode CBC [Cipher-block chaining]
- Crypt::Mode::CFB(3) - Block cipher mode CFB [Cipher feedback]
- Crypt::Mode::CTR(3) - Block cipher mode CTR [Counter mode]
- Crypt::Mode::ECB(3) - Block cipher mode ECB [Electronic codebook]
- Crypt::Mode::OFB(3) - Block cipher mode OFB [Output feedback]
- Crypt::MySQL(3) - emulate MySQL PASSWORD() function.
- Crypt::OpenPGP(3) - Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour(3) - ASCII Armouring and Unarmouring
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer(3) - Binary in/out buffer
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate(3) - PGP Key certificate
- Crypt::OpenPGP::CFB(3) - PGP Cipher Feedback Mode
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher(3) - PGP symmetric cipher factory
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Ciphertext(3) - Encrypted data packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Compressed(3) - Compressed data packets
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants(3) - Exportable constants
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest(3) - PGP message digest factory
- Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler(3) - Crypt::OpenPGP error handling
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Key(3) - OpenPGP key factory
- Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyBlock(3) - Key block object
- Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing(3) - Key ring object
- Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyServer(3) - Interface to HKP keyservers
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Marker(3) - PGP Marker packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::MDC(3) - MDC (modification detection code) packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Message(3) - Sequence of PGP packets
- Crypt::OpenPGP::OnePassSig(3) - One-Pass Signature packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory(3) - Parse and save PGP packet streams
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Plaintext(3) - A plaintext, literal-data packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::S2k(3) - String-to-key generation
- Crypt::OpenPGP::SessionKey(3) - Encrypted Session Key
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature(3) - Signature packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::SKSessionKey(3) - Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Trust(3) - PGP Trust packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::UserID(3) - PGP User ID packet
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Util(3) - Miscellaneous utility functions
- Crypt::OpenPGP::Words(3) - Create English-word encodings
- Crypt::OpenSSL::AES(3) - A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library
- Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA(3) - Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSL
- Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA::Signature(3) - Digital Signature Object
- Crypt::OpenSSL::EC(3) - Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library
- Crypt::OpenSSL::ECDSA(3) - Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
- Crypt::OpenSSL::Guess(3) - Guess OpenSSL include path
- Crypt::Passwd::XS(3) - Full XS implementation of common crypt() algorithms
- Crypt::PasswdMD5(3) - Provide interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
- Crypt::Password::Util(3) - Crypt password utilities
- Crypt::PBKDF2(3) - The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm.
- Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash(3) - Abstract role for PBKDF2 hashing algorithms.
- Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::DigestHMAC(3) - Digest::HMAC hash support for Crypt::PBKDF2.
- Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA1(3) - HMAC-SHA1 support for Crypt::PBKDF2 using Digest::SHA
- Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA2(3) - HMAC-SHA2 support for Crypt::PBKDF2 using Digest::SHA
- Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA3(3) - HMAC-SHA3 support for Crypt::PBKDF2 using Digest::SHA
- Crypt::Perl(3) - Cryptography in pure Perl
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA(3) - Elliptic curve cryptography in pure Perl
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Deterministic(3)
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::EC::Curve(3)
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::EC::DB(3) - Interface to this module’s CurvesDB datastore
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::ECParameters(3) - Parse RFC 3279 explicit curves
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Generate(3) - ECDSA key generation
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Parse(3) - ECDSA key parsing
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::PrivateKey(3) - object representation of ECDSA private key
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::PublicKey(3) - object representation of ECDSA public key
- Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Utils(3)
- Crypt::Perl::Ed25519(3) - Ed25519 in pure Perl
- Crypt::Perl::Ed25519::Parse(3)
- Crypt::Perl::Ed25519::PrivateKey(3)
- Crypt::Perl::Ed25519::PublicKey(3)
- Crypt::Perl::PK(3) - Public-key cryptography logic
- Crypt::Perl::PKCS10(3) - Certificate Signing Request (CSR) creation
- Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::challengePassword(3)
- Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::extensionRequest(3) - CSR “extensionRequest” attribute
- Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attributes(3) - CSR “attributes” collection
- Crypt::Perl::RSA(3) - RSA in pure Perl (really!)
- Crypt::Perl::RSA::Generate(3) - RSA key generation
- Crypt::Perl::RSA::Parse(3) - RSA key parsing
- Crypt::Perl::RSA::PKCS1_v1_5(3) - PKCS1 v1.5 signature padding
- Crypt::Perl::RSA::PrivateKey(3) - object representation of an RSA private key
- Crypt::Perl::RSA::PublicKey(3) - object representation of an RSA public key
- Crypt::Perl::X(3) - Exception objects for Crypt::Perl
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::acmeValidation_v1(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::authorityInfoAccess(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::authorityKeyIdentifier(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::basicConstraints(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::certificatePolicies(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::cRLDistributionPoints(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::ct_precert_poison(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::ct_precert_scts(3) - X.509 ct_precert_scts extension
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::extKeyUsage(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::freshestCRL(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::inhibitAnyPolicy(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::issuerAltName(3) - X.509 issuerAltName extension
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::keyUsage(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::nameConstraints(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::noCheck(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::policyConstraints(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::policyMappings(3) - X.509 policyMappings extension
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectAltName(3) - X.509 subjectAltName extension
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectDirectoryAttributes(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectInfoAccess(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectKeyIdentifier(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::tlsFeature(3)
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Extensions(3) - extensions list for X.509 certificates
- Crypt::Perl::X509::Name(3) - Representation of Distinguished Name
- Crypt::Perl::X509::SCT(3) - 32-byte string
- Crypt::Perl::X509v3(3) - TLS/SSL Certificates
- Crypt::PK(3) - [internal only]
- Crypt::PK::DH(3) - Public key cryptography based on Diffie-Hellman
- Crypt::PK::DSA(3) - Public key cryptography based on DSA
- Crypt::PK::ECC(3) - Public key cryptography based on EC
- Crypt::PK::Ed25519(3) - Digital signature based on Ed25519
- Crypt::PK::RSA(3) - Public key cryptography based on RSA
- Crypt::PK::X25519(3) - Asymmetric cryptography based on X25519
- Crypt::PKCS10(3) - parse PKCS #10 certificate requests
- Crypt::Primes(3) - Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications.
- Crypt::PRNG(3) - Cryptographically secure random number generator
- Crypt::PRNG::ChaCha20(3) - Cryptographically secure PRNG based on ChaCha20 (stream cipher) algorithm
- Crypt::PRNG::Fortuna(3) - Cryptographically secure PRNG based on Fortuna algorithm
- Crypt::PRNG::RC4(3) - Cryptographically secure PRNG based on RC4 (stream cipher) algorithm
- Crypt::PRNG::Sober128(3) - Cryptographically secure PRNG based on Sober128 (stream cipher) algorithm
- Crypt::PRNG::Yarrow(3) - Cryptographically secure PRNG based on Yarrow algorithm
- Crypt::PWSafe3(3) - Read and write Passwordsafe v3 files
- Crypt::PWSafe3::Databaseformat(3) - 16 bytes long for Twofish. The first block contains the field length in the first 4 bytes (little-endian), followed by a one- byte type identifier. The rest of the block contains up to 11 bytes of record data. If the record has less than 11 bytes of data, the extra bytes are filled with random values. The type of a field also defines the data representation.
- Crypt::PWSafe3::Field(3) - represent a passwordsafe v3 record field.
- Crypt::PWSafe3::HeaderField(3) - represent a passwordsafe v3 header field.
- Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy(3) - represent a passwordsafe v3 passwprd policy entry of a record.
- Crypt::PWSafe3::Record(3) - Represents a Passwordsafe v3 data record
- Crypt::PWSafe3::SHA256(3) - HMAC Helper Class
- Crypt::Random(3) - Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator.
- Crypt::Random::Seed(3) - Simple method to get strong randomness
- Crypt::Random::Source(3) - Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources
- Crypt::Random::Source::Base(3) - Abstract base class for Crypt::Random::Source classes
- Crypt::Random::Source::Base::File(3) - File (or device) random data sources
- Crypt::Random::Source::Base::Handle(3) - IO::Handle based random data sources
- Crypt::Random::Source::Base::Proc(3) - Base class for helper processes (e.g. "openssl")
- Crypt::Random::Source::Base::RandomDevice(3) - Base class for random devices
- Crypt::Random::Source::Factory(3) - Load and instantiate sources of random data
- Crypt::Random::Source::Strong(3) - Abstract base class for strong random data sources
- Crypt::Random::Source::Strong::devrandom(3) - A strong random data source using /dev/random
- Crypt::Random::Source::Weak(3) - Abstract base class for weak random data sources
- Crypt::Random::Source::Weak::devurandom(3) - A weak random data source using /dev/urandom
- Crypt::Random::Source::Weak::rand(3) - Use "rand" to create random bytes
- Crypt::Random::TESHA2(3) - Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
- Crypt::Random::TESHA2::Config(3) - Configuration data
- Crypt::RandPasswd(3) - random password generator based on FIPS-181
- Crypt::RIPEMD160(3) - Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
- Crypt::RIPEMD160::MAC(3) - Perl extension for RIPEMD-160 MAC function
- Crypt::RSA(3) - RSA public-key cryptosystem.
- Crypt::RSA::DataFormat(3) - Data creation, conversion and reporting primitives.
- Crypt::RSA::Debug(3) - Debug routine for Crypt::RSA.
- Crypt::RSA::Errorhandler(3) - Error handling mechanism for Crypt::RSA.
- Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP(3) - Plaintext-aware encryption with RSA.
- Crypt::RSA::ES::PKCS1v15(3) - PKCS #1 v1.5 padded encryption scheme based on RSA.
- Crypt::RSA::Key(3) - RSA Key Pair Generator.
- Crypt::RSA::Key::Private(3)
- Crypt::RSA::Key::Private::SSH(3) - SSH Private Key Import
- Crypt::RSA::Key::Public(3)
- Crypt::RSA::Key::Public::SSH(3) - SSH Public Key Import
- Crypt::RSA::Parse(3) - Parse RSA keys
- Crypt::RSA::Primitives(3) - RSA encryption, decryption, signature and verification primitives.
- Crypt::RSA::SS::PKCS1v15(3) - PKCS #1 v1.5 signatures.
- Crypt::RSA::SS::PSS(3) - Probabilistic Signature Scheme based on RSA.
- Crypt::RSA::Yandex(3) - Perl binding to modified RSA library (yamrsa) for encrypting Yandex auth token
- Crypt::Salt(3) - Module for generating a salt to be fed into crypt.
- Crypt::SaltedHash(3) - Perl interface to functions that assist in working with salted hashes.
- Crypt::SKey(3) - Perl S/Key calculator
- Crypt::Sodium(3) - Perl bindings for libsodium (NaCL) https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium
- Crypt::SSLeay::Version(3) - Obtain OpenSSL version information
- Crypt::SSSS(3) - implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing System.
- Crypt::Stream::ChaCha(3) - Stream cipher ChaCha
- Crypt::Stream::Rabbit(3) - Stream cipher Rabbit
- Crypt::Stream::RC4(3) - Stream cipher RC4
- Crypt::Stream::Salsa20(3) - Stream cipher Salsa20
- Crypt::Stream::Sober128(3) - Stream cipher Sober128
- Crypt::Stream::Sosemanuk(3) - Stream cipher Sosemanuk
- Crypt::TripleDES(3) - Triple DES encyption.
- Crypt::Twofish_PP(3) - The Twofish Algorithm in Pure Perl
- Crypt::Twofish_PP::Key16(3) - Twofish with 16 byte (128 bits) keysize
- Crypt::Twofish_PP::Key24(3) - Twofish with 24 byte (192 bits) keysize
- Crypt::Twofish_PP::Key32(3) - Twofish with 32 byte (256 bits) keysize
- Crypt::UnixCrypt_XS(3) - perl xs interface for a portable traditional crypt function.
- Crypt::URandom(3) - Provide non blocking randomness
- Crypt::X509(3) - Parse a X.509 certificate
- Crypt::X509::CRL(3) - Parses an X.509 certificate revocation list
- Crypt::XTEA(3) - Implementation of the eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm
- CRYPT_CHECKSALT(3) - validate a crypt setting string
- CRYPT_GENSALT(3) - encode settings for passphrase hashing
- CRYPT_PREFERRED_METHOD(3) - get the prefix of the preferred hash method
- CRYPTO(3) - OpenSSL cryptographic library
- CRYPTO_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - functions supporting application-specific data
- CRYPTO_LOCK(3) - thread support
- CRYPTO_MEMCMP(3) - Constant time memory comparison
- CRYPTO_THREAD_RUN_ONCE(3) - OpenSSL thread support
- CryptX(3) - Cryptographic toolkit
- cs_destroy(3) - clean up and dealloc a parse tree
- cs_dump(3) - dump the cs parse tree
- cs_parse_file(3) - parse a CS template file
- cs_parse_string(3) - parse a CS template string
- cs_register_esc_strfunc(3) - cs_register_strfunc with escaping context
- cs_register_fileload(3) - register a fileload function
- cs_register_strfunc(3) - register a string handling function
- cs_render(3) - render a CS parse tree
- cscal.f(3)
- cSignal(3) - send signal to one waiting thread.
- CSP(3) - A wrapper around OpenSSL for maintaining multiple Certificate Authorities.
- cspcon.f(3)
- cspmv.f(3)
- cspr.f(3)
- csprfs.f(3)
- cspsv.f(3)
- cspsvx.f(3)
- csptrf.f(3)
- csptri.f(3)
- csptrs.f(3)
- CSQRT(3) - complex square root functions
- csrot.f(3)
- csrscl.f(3)
- CSS(3) - Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- CSS::Adaptor(3) - Arbitrarily map CSS data for use in another context.
- CSS::Adaptor::Debug(3) - An example adaptor for debugging CSS.
- CSS::Adaptor::Pretty(3) - An example adaptor for pretty-printing CSS.
- CSS::Croco(3) - Quick CSS parser
- CSS::Croco::Selector(3) - Selector object
- CSS::Croco::Statement(3) - statement object.
- CSS::Croco::Statement::Media(3)
- CSS::Croco::Statement::RuleSet(3) - List of rule objects
- CSS::Croco::StyleSheet(3) - stylesheet object
- CSS::Croco::Term(3) - value of CSS property
- CSS::Croco::Term::Hash(3) - hash-color values
- CSS::Croco::Term::Ident(3) - identifier
- CSS::Croco::Term::Number(3) - Number value of property
- CSS::Croco::Term::String(3) - String terms
- CSS::Croco::Term::URI(3) - URI value
- CSS::DOM(3) - Document Object Model for Cascading Style Sheets
- CSS::DOM::Array(3) - Array class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Constants(3) - Constants for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Exception(3) - The Exception interface for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Interface(3) - A list of CSS::DOM's interface members in machine-readable format
- CSS::DOM::MediaList(3) - Medium list class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Parser(3) - Parser for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::PropertyParser(3) - Parser for CSS property values
- CSS::DOM::Rule(3) - CSS rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::Charset(3) - CSS @font-face rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::FontFace(3) - CSS @font-face rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::Import(3) - CSS @import rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::Media(3) - CSS @media rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::Page(3) - CSS @page rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Rule::Style(3) - CSS style rule class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::RuleList(3) - Rule list class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Style(3) - CSS style declaration class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::StyleSheetList(3) - Style sheet list class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Util(3) - Utility functions for dealing with CSS tokens
- CSS::DOM::Value(3) - CSSValue class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Value::List(3) - CSSValueList class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive(3) - CSSPrimitiveValue class for CSS::DOM
- CSS::Inliner(3) - Library for converting CSS <style> blocks to inline styles.
- CSS::Inliner::Parser(3) - Interface through which to read/write CSS files while respecting the cascade order
- CSS::Inliner::TreeBuilder(3) - Parser that builds a HTML syntax tree
- CSS::Minifier(3) - Perl extension for minifying CSS
- CSS::Minifier::XS(3) - XS based CSS minifier
- CSS::Packer(3) - Another CSS minifier
- CSS::Parse(3) - Template class for CSS parser modules
- CSS::Parse::Compiled(3) - A CSS::Parse module using a compiled Parse::RecDescent grammar
- CSS::Parse::Heavy(3) - A CSS::Parse module using Parse::RecDescent
- CSS::Parse::Lite(3) - A CSS::Parse module using regular expressions
- CSS::Parse::PRDGrammar(3) - A CSS grammar for Parse::RecDescent
- CSS::Property(3) - A property in a CSS object tree
- CSS::SAC::Condition(3) - base class for SAC conditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Attribute(3) - SAC AttributeConditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Combinator(3) - SAC CombinatorConditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Content(3) - SAC ContentConditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Lang(3) - SAC LangConditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Negative(3) - SAC NegativeConditions
- CSS::SAC::Condition::Positional(3) - SAC PositionalConditions
- CSS::SAC::ConditionFactory(3) - the default ConditionFactory
- CSS::SAC::LexicalUnit(3) - SAC units
- CSS::SAC::Selector(3) - base class for SAC selectors
- CSS::SAC::Selector::CharacterData(3) - SAC CharacterDataSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Conditional(3) - SAC ConditionalSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Descendant(3) - SAC DescendantSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Element(3) - SAC ElementSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Negative(3) - SAC NegativeSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::ProcessingInstruction(3) - SAC ProcessingInstructionSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Sibling(3) - SAC SiblingSelector
- CSS::SAC::Selector::Simple(3) - SAC SimpleSelector
- CSS::SAC::SelectorFactory(3) - the default SelectorFactory
- CSS::SAC::SelectorList(3) - SAC SelectorLists
- CSS::SAC::TestWriter(3)
- CSS::SAC::Writer(3)
- CSS::Sass(3)
- CSS::Sass::Value(3) - Data Types for custom Sass Functions
- CSS::Sass::Watchdog(3) - Watchdog plugin for perl-libsass
- CSS::Selector(3) - A selector in a CSS object tree
- CSS::Simple(3) - Interface through which to read/write/manipulate CSS files while respecting the cascade order
- CSS::Squish(3) - Compact many CSS files into one big file
- CSS::Style(3) - A ruleset in a CSS object tree
- CSS::Tiny(3) - Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
- CSS::Value(3) - A property value in a CSS object tree
- csscal.f(3)
- cstedc.f(3)
- cstegr.f(3)
- cstein.f(3)
- cstemr.f(3)
- csteqr.f(3)
- csv_read_field(3)
- csv_read_field_malloc(3)
- csv_skip_field(3)
- csv_skip_rest_of_line(3)
- CSV_XS(3) - comma-separated values manipulation routines
- CSVHeaderFile(3) - Perl extension for CSV Files
- cswap.f(3)
- csycon.f(3)
- csycon_3.f(3)
- csycon_rook.f(3)
- csyconv.f(3)
- csyconvf.f(3)
- csyconvf_rook.f(3)
- csyequb.f(3)
- csymm.f(3)
- csymv.f(3)
- csyr.f(3)
- csyr2k.f(3)
- csyrfs.f(3)
- csyrfsx.f(3)
- csyrk.f(3)
- csysv.f(3)
- csysv_aa.f(3)
- csysv_aa_2stage.f(3)
- csysv_rk.f(3)
- csysv_rook.f(3)
- csysvx.f(3)
- csysvxx.f(3)
- csyswapr.f(3)
- csytf2.f(3)
- csytf2_rk.f(3)
- csytf2_rook.f(3)
- csytrf.f(3)
- csytrf_aa.f(3)
- csytrf_aa_2stage.f(3)
- csytrf_rk.f(3)
- csytrf_rook.f(3)
- csytri.f(3)
- csytri_3.f(3)
- csytri_3x.f(3)
- csytri_rook.f(3)
- csytri2.f(3)
- csytri2x.f(3)
- csytrs.f(3)
- csytrs_3.f(3)
- csytrs_aa.f(3)
- csytrs_aa_2stage.f(3)
- csytrs_rook.f(3)
- csytrs2.f(3)
- ct_cover(3) - Common Test framework code coverage support module.
- ct_ftp(3) - FTP client module (based on the FTP application).
- ct_hooks(3) - A callback interface on top of Common Test.
- ct_master(3) - Distributed test execution control for Common Test.
- ct_netconfc(3) - NETCONF client module.
- CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_NEW(3) - Encapsulates the data required to evaluate whether SCTs meet a Certificate Transparency policy
- ct_property_test(3) - Support in Common Test for running property-based tests.
- ct_rpc(3) - Common Test specific layer on Erlang/OTP rpc.
- ct_slave(3) - Common Test framework functions for starting and stopping nodes for Large-Scale Testing.
- ct_snmp(3) - Common Test user interface module for the SNMP application.
- ct_ssh(3) - SSH/SFTP client module.
- ct_suite(3) - -behaviour(ct_suite).
- ct_telnet(3) - Common Test specific layer on top of Telnet client ct_telnet_client.erl
- ct_testspec(3) - Parsing of test specifications for Common Test.
- ctbcon.f(3)
- ctbmv.f(3)
- ctbrfs.f(3)
- ctbsv.f(3)
- ctbtrs.f(3)
- CTERMID(3) - generate terminal pathname
- ctfsm.f(3)
- ctftri.f(3)
- ctfttp.f(3)
- ctfttr.f(3)
- ctgevc.f(3)
- ctgex2.f(3)
- ctgexc.f(3)
- ctgsen.f(3)
- ctgsja.f(3)
- ctgsna.f(3)
- ctgsy2.f(3)
- ctgsyl.f(3)
- CTIME(3) - transform binary date and time values
- CTLOG_NEW(3) - encapsulates information about a Certificate Transparency log
- CTLOG_STORE_GET0_LOG_BY_ID(3) - Get a Certificate Transparency log from a CTLOG_STORE
- CTLOG_STORE_NEW(3) - Create and populate a Certificate Transparency log list
- ctpcon.f(3)
- ctplqt.f(3)
- ctplqt2.f(3)
- ctpmlqt.f(3)
- ctpmqrt.f(3)
- ctpmv.f(3)
- ctpqrt.f(3)
- ctpqrt2.f(3)
- ctprfb.f(3)
- ctprfs.f(3)
- ctpsv.f(3)
- ctptri.f(3)
- ctptrs.f(3)
- ctpttf.f(3)
- ctpttr.f(3)
- ctrcon.f(3)
- ctrevc.f(3)
- ctrevc3.f(3)
- ctrexc.f(3)
- ctrmm.f(3)
- ctrmv.f(3)
- ctrrfs.f(3)
- ctrsen.f(3)
- ctrsm.f(3)
- ctrsna.f(3)
- ctrsv.f(3)
- ctrsyl.f(3)
- ctrti2.f(3)
- ctrtri.f(3)
- ctrtrs.f(3)
- ctrttf.f(3)
- ctrttp.f(3)
- CTYPE(3) - character classification functions
- CTYPE_L(3) - character classification functions
- ctzrzf.f(3)
- cunbdb.f(3)
- cunbdb1.f(3)
- cunbdb2.f(3)
- cunbdb3.f(3)
- cunbdb4.f(3)
- cunbdb5.f(3)
- cunbdb6.f(3)
- cuncsd.f(3)
- cuncsd2by1.f(3)
- cung2l.f(3)
- cung2r.f(3)
- cungbr.f(3)
- cunghr.f(3)
- cungl2.f(3)
- cunglq.f(3)
- cungql.f(3)
- cungqr.f(3)
- cungr2.f(3)
- cungrq.f(3)
- cungtr.f(3)
- cungtsqr.f(3)
- cungtsqr_row.f(3)
- cunhr_col.f(3)
- CUnit(3) - A unit testing framework for C
- cunm22.f(3)
- cunm2l.f(3)
- cunm2r.f(3)
- cunmbr.f(3)
- cunmhr.f(3)
- cunml2.f(3)
- cunmlq.f(3)
- cunmql.f(3)
- cunmqr.f(3)
- cunmr2.f(3)
- cunmr3.f(3)
- cunmrq.f(3)
- cunmrz.f(3)
- cunmtr.f(3)
- cupgtr.f(3)
- cupmtr.f(3)
- CURIA(3) - the extended API of QDBM
- curl_easy_cleanup(3) - End a libcurl easy handle
- curl_easy_duphandle(3) - Clone a libcurl session handle
- curl_easy_escape(3) - URL encodes the given string
- curl_easy_getinfo(3) - extract information from a curl handle
- curl_easy_header(3) - get an HTTP header
- curl_easy_init(3) - Start a libcurl easy session
- curl_easy_nextheader(3) - get the next HTTP header
- curl_easy_option_by_id(3) - find an easy setopt option by id
- curl_easy_option_by_name(3) - find an easy setopt option by name
- curl_easy_option_next(3) - iterate over easy setopt options
- curl_easy_pause(3) - pause and unpause a connection
- curl_easy_perform(3) - perform a blocking file transfer
- curl_easy_recv(3) - receives raw data on an "easy" connection
- curl_easy_reset(3) - reset all options of a libcurl session handle
- curl_easy_send(3) - sends raw data over an "easy" connection
- curl_easy_setopt(3) - set options for a curl easy handle
- curl_easy_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
- curl_easy_unescape(3) - URL decodes the given string
- curl_easy_upkeep(3) - Perform any connection upkeep checks.
- curl_escape(3) - URL encodes the given string
- curl_formadd(3) - add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST
- curl_formfree(3) - free a previously build multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain
- curl_formget(3) - serialize a previously built multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain
- curl_free(3) - reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl call
- curl_getdate(3) - Convert a date string to number of seconds
- curl_getenv(3) - return value for environment name
- curl_global_cleanup(3) - global libcurl cleanup
- curl_global_init(3) - Global libcurl initialization
- curl_global_init_mem(3) - Global libcurl initialization with memory callbacks
- curl_global_sslset(3) - Select SSL backend to use with libcurl
- curl_mime_addpart(3) - append a new empty part to a mime structure
- curl_mime_data(3) - set a mime part's body data from memory
- curl_mime_data_cb(3) - set a callback-based data source for a mime part's body
- curl_mime_encoder(3) - set a mime part's encoder and content transfer encoding
- curl_mime_filedata(3) - set a mime part's body data from a file contents
- curl_mime_filename(3) - set a mime part's remote file name
- curl_mime_free(3) - free a previously built mime structure
- curl_mime_headers(3) - set a mime part's custom headers
- curl_mime_init(3) - create a mime handle
- curl_mime_name(3) - set a mime part's name
- curl_mime_subparts(3) - set subparts of a multipart mime part
- curl_mime_type(3) - set a mime part's content type
- curl_multi_add_handle(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
- curl_multi_assign(3) - set data to associate with an internal socket
- curl_multi_cleanup(3) - close down a multi session
- curl_multi_fdset(3) - extracts file descriptor information from a multi handle
- curl_multi_info_read(3) - read multi stack informationals
- curl_multi_init(3) - create a multi handle
- curl_multi_perform(3) - reads/writes available data from each easy handle
- curl_multi_poll(3) - polls on all easy handles in a multi handle
- curl_multi_remove_handle(3) - remove an easy handle from a multi session
- curl_multi_setopt(3) - set options for a curl multi handle
- curl_multi_socket(3) - reads/writes available data
- curl_multi_socket_action(3) - reads/writes available data given an action
- curl_multi_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
- curl_multi_timeout(3) - how long to wait for action before proceeding
- curl_multi_wait(3) - polls on all easy handles in a multi handle
- curl_multi_wakeup(3) - wakes up a sleeping curl_multi_poll call
- curl_printf(3) - formatted output conversion
- curl_share_cleanup(3) - Clean up a shared object
- curl_share_init(3) - Create a shared object
- curl_share_setopt(3) - Set options for a shared object
- curl_share_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
- curl_slist_append(3) - add a string to an slist
- curl_slist_free_all(3) - free an entire curl_slist list
- curl_strequal(3) - case insensitive string comparisons
- curl_unescape(3) - URL decodes the given string
- curl_url(3) - returns a new CURLU handle
- curl_url_cleanup(3) - free a CURLU handle
- curl_url_dup(3) - duplicate a CURLU handle
- curl_url_get(3) - extract a part from a URL
- curl_url_set(3) - set a URL part
- curl_url_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
- curl_version(3) - returns the libcurl version string
- curl_version_info(3) - returns runtime libcurl version info
- CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET(3) - get the active socket
- CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME(3) - get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is completed
- CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T(3) - get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is completed
- CURLINFO_CERTINFO(3) - get the TLS certificate chain
- CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET(3) - get info on unmet time conditional or 304 HTTP response.
- CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME(3) - get the time until connect
- CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_T(3) - get the time until connect
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD(3) - get content-length of download
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_T(3) - get content-length of download
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD(3) - get the specified size of the upload
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD_T(3) - get the specified size of the upload
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE(3) - get Content-Type
- CURLINFO_COOKIELIST(3) - get all known cookies
- CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_METHOD(3) - get the last used HTTP method
- CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL(3) - get the last used URL
- CURLINFO_FILETIME(3) - get the remote time of the retrieved document
- CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH(3) - get entry path in FTP server
- CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE(3) - get size of retrieved headers
- CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE(3) - get the CONNECT response code
- CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION(3) - get the http version used in the connection
- CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL(3) - get available HTTP authentication methods
- CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET(3) - get the last socket used
- CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP(3) - get local IP address of last connection
- CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT(3) - get the latest local port number
- CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME(3) - get the name lookup time
- CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_T(3) - get the name lookup time in microseconds
- CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS(3) - get number of created connections
- CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO(3) - get errno number from last connect failure
- CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME(3) - get the time until the file transfer start
- CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_T(3) - get the time until the file transfer start
- CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP(3) - get IP address of last connection
- CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT(3) - get the latest destination port number
- CURLINFO_PRIVATE(3) - get the private pointer
- CURLINFO_PROTOCOL(3) - get the protocol used in the connection
- CURLINFO_PROXY_ERROR(3) - get the detailed (SOCKS) proxy error
- CURLINFO_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3) - get the result of the proxy certificate verification
- CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL(3) - get available HTTP proxy authentication methods
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT(3) - get the number of redirects
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME(3) - get the time for all redirection steps
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_T(3) - get the time for all redirection steps
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL(3) - get the URL a redirect would go to
- CURLINFO_REFERER(3) - get the referrer header
- CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE(3) - get size of sent request
- CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE(3) - get the last response code
- CURLINFO_RETRY_AFTER(3) - returns the Retry-After retry delay
- CURLINFO_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ(3) - get the next RTSP client CSeq
- CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECV(3) - get the recently received CSeq
- CURLINFO_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ(3) - get the next RTSP server CSeq
- CURLINFO_SCHEME(3) - get the URL scheme (sometimes called protocol) used in the connection
- CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD(3) - get the number of downloaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_T(3) - get the number of downloaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD(3) - get the number of uploaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_T(3) - get the number of uploaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD(3) - get download speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD_T(3) - get download speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD(3) - get upload speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD_T(3) - get upload speed
- CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES(3) - get an slist of OpenSSL crypto-engines
- CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3) - get the result of the certificate verification
- CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME(3) - get the time until the first byte is received
- CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_T(3) - get the time until the first byte is received
- CURLINFO_TLS_SESSION(3) - get TLS session info
- CURLINFO_TLS_SSL_PTR(3) - get TLS session info
- CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME(3) - get total time of previous transfer
- CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T(3) - get total time of previous transfer in microseconds
- CURLMOPT_CHUNK_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE(3) - chunk length threshold for pipelining
- CURLMOPT_CONTENT_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE(3) - size threshold for pipelining penalty
- CURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS(3) - max concurrent streams for http2
- CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS(3) - max number of connections to a single host
- CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTH(3) - maximum number of requests in a pipeline
- CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS(3) - max simultaneously open connections
- CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS(3) - size of connection cache
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING(3) - enable HTTP pipelining and multiplexing
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SERVER_BL(3) - pipelining server block list
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SITE_BL(3) - pipelining host block list
- CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA(3) - pointer to pass to push callback
- CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION(3) - callback that approves or denies server pushes
- CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA(3) - custom pointer passed to the socket callback
- CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3) - callback informed about what to wait for
- CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA(3) - custom pointer to pass to timer callback
- CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3) - callback to receive timeout values
- CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKET(3) - abstract Unix domain socket
- CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING(3) - automatic decompression of HTTP downloads
- CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS(3) - timeout waiting for FTP server to connect back
- CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE(3) - scope id for IPv6 addresses
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC(3) - alt-svc cache file name
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC_CTRL(3) - control alt-svc behavior
- CURLOPT_APPEND(3) - append to the remote file
- CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER(3) - automatically update the referer header
- CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4(3) - V4 signature
- CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE(3) - receive buffer size
- CURLOPT_CAINFO(3) - path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
- CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB(3) - Certificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
- CURLOPT_CAPATH(3) - directory holding CA certificates
- CURLOPT_CERTINFO(3) - request SSL certificate information
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION(3) - callback before a transfer with FTP wildcardmatch
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_DATA(3) - pointer passed to the FTP chunk callbacks
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTION(3) - callback after a transfer with FTP wildcardmatch
- CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETDATA(3) - pointer passed to the socket close callback
- CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION(3) - callback to socket close replacement
- CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY(3) - stop when connected to target server
- CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO(3) - connect to a specific host and port instead of the URL's host and port
- CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT(3) - timeout for the connect phase
- CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS(3) - timeout for the connect phase
- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION(3) - convert data from network to host encoding
- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION(3) - convert data from UTF8 to host encoding
- CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION(3) - convert data to network from host encoding
- CURLOPT_COOKIE(3) - HTTP Cookie header
- CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE(3) - file name to read cookies from
- CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR(3) - file name to store cookies to
- CURLOPT_COOKIELIST(3) - add to or manipulate cookies held in memory
- CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION(3) - start a new cookie session
- CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS(3) - have libcurl copy data to POST
- CURLOPT_CRLF(3) - CRLF conversion
- CURLOPT_CRLFILE(3) - Certificate Revocation List file
- CURLOPT_CURLU(3) - URL in CURLU * format
- CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST(3) - custom request method
- CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA(3) - pointer passed to the debug callback
- CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION(3) - debug callback
- CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL(3) - default protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name
- CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY(3) - ask for names only in a directory listing
- CURLOPT_DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URL(3) - disallow specifying username in the URL
- CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT(3) - life-time for DNS cache entries
- CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE(3) - interface to speak DNS over
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4(3) - IPv4 address to bind DNS resolves to
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6(3) - IPv6 address to bind DNS resolves to
- CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS(3) - DNS servers to use
- CURLOPT_DNS_SHUFFLE_ADDRESSES(3) - shuffle IP addresses for hostname
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) - verify the host name in the DoH SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) - verify the DoH SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS(3) - verify the DoH SSL certificate's status
- CURLOPT_DOH_URL(3) - provide the DNS-over-HTTPS URL
- CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET(3) - EGD socket path
- CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER(3) - error buffer for error messages
- CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS(3) - timeout for Expect: 100-continue response
- CURLOPT_FAILONERROR(3) - request failure on HTTP response >= 400
- CURLOPT_FILETIME(3) - get the modification time of the remote resource
- CURLOPT_FNMATCH_DATA(3) - pointer passed to the fnmatch callback
- CURLOPT_FNMATCH_FUNCTION(3) - wildcard match callback
- CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION(3) - follow HTTP 3xx redirects
- CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE(3) - make connection get closed at once after use
- CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT(3) - force a new connection to be used
- CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT(3) - account info for FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER(3) - command to use instead of USER with FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS(3) - create missing dirs for FTP and SFTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD(3) - select directory traversing method for FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(3) - time allowed to wait for FTP response
- CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP(3) - ignore the IP address in the PASV response
- CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC(3) - switch off SSL again with FTP after auth
- CURLOPT_FTPPORT(3) - make FTP transfer active
- CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH(3) - order in which to attempt TLS vs SSL
- CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION(3) - allowed GSS-API delegation
- CURLOPT_HAPPY_EYEBALLS_TIMEOUT_MS(3) - head start for ipv6 for happy eyeballs
- CURLOPT_HAPROXYPROTOCOL(3) - send HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header
- CURLOPT_HEADER(3) - pass headers to the data stream
- CURLOPT_HEADERDATA(3) - pointer to pass to header callback
- CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION(3) - callback that receives header data
- CURLOPT_HEADEROPT(3) - send HTTP headers to both proxy and host or separately
- CURLOPT_HSTS(3) - HSTS cache file name
- CURLOPT_HSTS_CTRL(3) - control HSTS behavior
- CURLOPT_HSTSREADDATA(3) - pointer passed to the HSTS read callback
- CURLOPT_HSTSREADFUNCTION(3) - read callback for HSTS hosts
- CURLOPT_HSTSWRITEDATA(3) - pointer passed to the HSTS write callback
- CURLOPT_HSTSWRITEFUNCTION(3) - write callback for HSTS hosts
- CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING(3) - HTTP content decoding control
- CURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING(3) - HTTP transfer decoding control
- CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION(3) - HTTP protocol version to use
- CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED(3) - allow HTTP/0.9 response
- CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES(3) - alternative matches for HTTP 200 OK
- CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) - HTTP server authentication methods to try
- CURLOPT_HTTPGET(3) - ask for an HTTP GET request
- CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER(3) - set of HTTP headers
- CURLOPT_HTTPPOST(3) - multipart formpost content
- CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL(3) - tunnel through HTTP proxy
- CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH(3) - ignore content length
- CURLOPT_INFILESIZE(3) - size of the input file to send off
- CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE(3) - size of the input file to send off
- CURLOPT_INTERFACE(3) - source interface for outgoing traffic
- CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEDATA(3) - pointer passed to RTSP interleave callback
- CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEFUNCTION(3) - callback for RTSP interleaved data
- CURLOPT_IOCTLDATA(3) - pointer passed to I/O callback
- CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTION(3) - callback for I/O operations
- CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE(3) - IP protocol version to use
- CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT(3) - issuer SSL certificate filename
- CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT_BLOB(3) - issuer SSL certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR(3) - keep sending on early HTTP response >= 300
- CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD(3) - passphrase to private key
- CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL(3) - FTP kerberos security level
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORT(3) - local port number to use for socket
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE(3) - number of additional local ports to try
- CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS(3) - login options
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT(3) - low speed limit in bytes per second
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME(3) - low speed limit time period
- CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH(3) - SMTP authentication address
- CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM(3) - SMTP sender address
- CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT(3) - list of SMTP mail recipients
- CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT_ALLLOWFAILS(3) - allow RCPT TO command to fail for some recipients
- CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE(3) - rate limit data download speed
- CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE(3) - rate limit data upload speed
- CURLOPT_MAXAGE_CONN(3) - max idle time allowed for reusing a connection
- CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS(3) - maximum connection cache size
- CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE(3) - maximum file size allowed to download
- CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE(3) - maximum file size allowed to download
- CURLOPT_MAXLIFETIME_CONN(3) - max lifetime (since creation) allowed for reusing a connection
- CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS(3) - maximum number of redirects allowed
- CURLOPT_MIME_OPTIONS(3) - set MIME option flags
- CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3) - send data from mime structure
- CURLOPT_NETRC(3) - enable use of .netrc
- CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE(3) - file name to read .netrc info from
- CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS(3) - permissions for remotely created directories
- CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS(3) - permissions for remotely created files
- CURLOPT_NOBODY(3) - do the download request without getting the body
- CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS(3) - switch off the progress meter
- CURLOPT_NOPROXY(3) - disable proxy use for specific hosts
- CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL(3) - skip all signal handling
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATA(3) - pointer passed to open socket callback
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTION(3) - callback for opening socket
- CURLOPT_PASSWORD(3) - password to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS(3) - do not handle dot dot sequences
- CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY(3) - pinned public key
- CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT(3) - wait for pipelining/multiplexing
- CURLOPT_PORT(3) - remote port number to connect to
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS(3) - data to POST to server
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE(3) - size of POST data pointed to
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE(3) - size of POST data pointed to
- CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE(3) - (S)FTP commands to run after the transfer
- CURLOPT_POSTREDIR(3) - how to act on an HTTP POST redirect
- CURLOPT_PRE_PROXY(3) - pre-proxy host to use
- CURLOPT_PREQUOTE(3) - commands to run before an FTP transfer
- CURLOPT_PREREQDATA(3) - pointer passed to the pre-request callback
- CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION(3) - user callback called when a connection has been established, but before a request has been made.
- CURLOPT_PRIVATE(3) - store a private pointer
- CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA(3) - pointer passed to the progress callback
- CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION(3) - progress meter callback
- CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS(3) - allowed protocols
- CURLOPT_PROXY(3) - proxy to use
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO(3) - path to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO_BLOB(3) - proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH(3) - directory holding HTTPS proxy CA certificates
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILE(3) - HTTPS proxy Certificate Revocation List file
- CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT(3) - proxy issuer SSL certificate filename
- CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT_BLOB(3) - proxy issuer SSL certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWD(3) - passphrase for the proxy private key
- CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEY(3) - pinned public key for https proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME(3) - proxy authentication service name
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST(3) - ciphers to use for HTTPS proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_OPTIONS(3) - HTTPS proxy SSL behavior options
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) - verify the proxy certificate's name against host
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) - verify the proxy's SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT(3) - HTTPS proxy client certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT_BLOB(3) - SSL proxy client certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE(3) - type of the proxy client SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY(3) - private keyfile for HTTPS proxy client cert
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY_BLOB(3) - private key for proxy cert from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE(3) - type of the proxy private key file
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLVERSION(3) - preferred HTTPS proxy TLS version
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERS(3) - ciphers suites for proxy TLS 1.3
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD(3) - password to use for proxy TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE(3) - HTTPS proxy TLS authentication methods
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME(3) - user name to use for proxy TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE(3) - append FTP transfer mode to URL for proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH(3) - HTTP proxy authentication methods
- CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER(3) - set of HTTP headers to pass to proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD(3) - password to use with proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXYPORT(3) - port number the proxy listens on
- CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE(3) - proxy protocol type
- CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME(3) - user name to use for proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD(3) - user name and password to use for proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PUT(3) - make an HTTP PUT request
- CURLOPT_QUOTE(3) - (S)FTP commands to run before transfer
- CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE(3) - file to read random data from
- CURLOPT_RANGE(3) - byte range to request
- CURLOPT_READDATA(3) - pointer passed to the read callback
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION(3) - read callback for data uploads
- CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS(3) - protocols allowed to redirect to
- CURLOPT_REFERER(3) - the HTTP referer header
- CURLOPT_REQUEST_TARGET(3) - alternative target for this request
- CURLOPT_RESOLVE(3) - provide custom host name to IP address resolves
- CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_DATA(3) - pointer passed to the resolver start callback
- CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_FUNCTION(3) - callback called before a new name resolve is started
- CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM(3) - offset to resume transfer from
- CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE(3) - offset to resume transfer from
- CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT(3) - RTSP Transport: header
- CURLOPT_SASL_AUTHZID(3) - authorization identity (identity to act as)
- CURLOPT_SASL_IR(3) - send initial response in first packet
- CURLOPT_SEEKDATA(3) - pointer passed to the seek callback
- CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION(3) - user callback for seeking in input stream
- CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME(3) - authentication service name
- CURLOPT_SHARE(3) - share handle to use
- CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATA(3) - pointer to pass to sockopt callback
- CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTION(3) - callback for setting socket options
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTH(3) - methods for SOCKS5 proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NEC(3) - socks proxy gssapi negotiation protection
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE(3) - SOCKS5 proxy authentication service name
- CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES(3) - auth types for SFTP and SCP
- CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION(3) - enable SSH compression
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5(3) - MD5 checksum of SSH server public key
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256(3) - SHA256 hash of SSH server public key
- CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA(3) - pointer passed to the SSH key callback
- CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION(3) - callback for known host matching logic
- CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS(3) - file name holding the SSH known hosts
- CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE(3) - private key file for SSH auth
- CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE(3) - public key file for SSH auth
- CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST(3) - ciphers to use for TLS
- CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA(3) - pointer passed to ssl_ctx callback
- CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION(3) - SSL context callback for OpenSSL, wolfSSL or mbedTLS
- CURLOPT_SSL_EC_CURVES(3) - key exchange curves
- CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN(3) - Application Layer Protocol Negotiation
- CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS(3) - SSL behavior options
- CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE(3) - use the SSL session-ID cache
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) - verify the certificate's name against host
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) - verify the peer's SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS(3) - verify the certificate's status
- CURLOPT_SSLCERT(3) - SSL client certificate
- CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOB(3) - SSL client certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE(3) - type of client SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_SSLENGINE(3) - SSL engine identifier
- CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT(3) - make SSL engine default
- CURLOPT_SSLKEY(3) - private keyfile for TLS and SSL client cert
- CURLOPT_SSLKEY_BLOB(3) - private key for client cert from memory blob
- CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE(3) - type of the private key file
- CURLOPT_SSLVERSION(3) - preferred TLS/SSL version
- CURLOPT_STDERR(3) - redirect stderr to another stream
- CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS(3) - stream this transfer depends on
- CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS_E(3) - stream this transfer depends on exclusively
- CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHT(3) - numerical stream weight
- CURLOPT_SUPPRESS_CONNECT_HEADERS(3) - suppress proxy CONNECT response headers from user callbacks
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE(3) - TCP keep-alive probing
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE(3) - TCP keep-alive idle time wait
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL(3) - TCP keep-alive interval
- CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS(3) - set of telnet options
- CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONS(3) - send no TFTP options requests
- CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION(3) - select condition for a time request
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT(3) - maximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS(3) - maximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
- CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE(3) - time value for conditional
- CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE_LARGE(3) - time value for conditional
- CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERS(3) - ciphers suites to use for TLS 1.3
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD(3) - password to use for TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPE(3) - TLS authentication methods
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAME(3) - user name to use for TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_TRAILERDATA(3) - pointer passed to trailing headers callback
- CURLOPT_TRAILERFUNCTION(3) - callback for sending trailing headers
- CURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING(3) - ask for HTTP Transfer Encoding
- CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT(3) - request a text based transfer for FTP
- CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH(3) - Unix domain socket
- CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH(3) - send credentials to other hosts too
- CURLOPT_UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MS(3) - connection upkeep interval
- CURLOPT_UPLOAD(3) - data upload
- CURLOPT_UPLOAD_BUFFERSIZE(3) - upload buffer size
- CURLOPT_URL(3) - URL for this transfer
- CURLOPT_USE_SSL(3) - request using SSL / TLS for the transfer
- CURLOPT_USERAGENT(3) - HTTP user-agent header
- CURLOPT_USERNAME(3) - user name to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_USERPWD(3) - user name and password to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_VERBOSE(3) - verbose mode
- CURLOPT_WILDCARDMATCH(3) - directory wildcard transfers
- CURLOPT_WRITEDATA(3) - pointer passed to the write callback
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION(3) - callback for writing received data
- CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA(3) - pointer passed to the progress callback
- CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION(3) - progress meter callback
- CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER(3) - OAuth 2.0 access token
- CURLSHOPT_LOCKFUNC(3) - mutex lock callback
- CURLSHOPT_SHARE(3) - add data to share
- CURLSHOPT_UNLOCKFUNC(3) - mutex unlock callback
- CURLSHOPT_UNSHARE(3) - remove data to share
- CURLSHOPT_USERDATA(3) - pointer passed to the (un)lock mutex callbacks
- current_context_usage(3)
- curs_addch(3)
- curs_addchstr(3)
- curs_addstr(3)
- curs_attr(3)
- curs_beep(3)
- curs_bkgd(3)
- curs_border(3)
- curs_clear(3)
- curs_color(3)
- curs_delch(3)
- curs_move(3)
- curs_outopts(3)
- curs_overlay(3)
- curs_pad(3)
- curs_printw(3)
- curs_refresh(3)
- curs_scanw(3)
- curs_scroll(3)
- curs_slk(3)
- curs_touch(3)
- curs_util(3)
- curs_window(3)
- Curses::UI::Buttonbox(3) - Create and manipulate button widgets
- Curses::UI::Calendar(3) - Create and manipulate calendar widgets
- Curses::UI::Checkbox(3) - Create and manipulate checkbox widgets
- Curses::UI::Color(3) - Color support module
- Curses::UI::Common(3) - Common methods for Curses::UI
- Curses::UI::Container(3) - Create and manipulate container widgets
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Basic(3) - Create and manipulate basic dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Calendar(3) - Create and manipulate calendar dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser(3) - Create and manipulate filebrowser dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Error(3) - Create and manipulate error dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser(3) - Create and manipulate filebrowser dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Progress(3) - Create and manipulate progress dialogs
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Question(3) - Pose a simple question to the user
- Curses::UI::Dialog::Status(3) - Create and manipulate status dialogs
- Curses::UI::Label(3) - Create and manipulate label widgets
- Curses::UI::Listbox(3) - Create and manipulate listbox widgets
- Curses::UI::Menubar(3) - Create and manipulate menubar widgets
- Curses::UI::Notebook(3) - Create and manipulate notebook widgets.
- Curses::UI::PasswordEntry(3) - Create and manipulate passwordentry widgets
- Curses::UI::Popupmenu(3) - Create and manipulate popupbox widgets
- Curses::UI::Progressbar(3) - Create and manipulate progressbar widgets
- Curses::UI::Radiobuttonbox(3) - Create and manipulate radiobuttonbox widgets
- Curses::UI::Searchable(3) - Add 'less'-like search abilities to a widget
- Curses::UI::TextEditor(3) - Create and manipulate texteditor widgets
- Curses::UI::TextEntry(3) - Create and manipulate textentry widgets
- Curses::UI::TextViewer(3) - Create and manipulate textviewer widgets
- Curses::UI::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial for the Curses::UI framework
- Curses::UI::Widget(3) - The base class for all widgets
- Curses::UI::Window(3) - Create and manipulate Window widgets
- cursor_setstorage(3)
- CursorControl(3) - Manipulate the mouse cursor programmatically
- CUSE(3) - Userland character device library
- CUSERID(3) - get user name associated with effective UID
- cutmatch(3) - Display value in next-hop field written by rwmatch
- Cvs::Command::Base(3)
- Cvs::Command::Checkout(3)
- Cvs::Command::Commit(3) - commit changes to a CVS repository with Cvs.pm
- Cvs::Command::Diff(3)
- Cvs::Command::Export(3)
- Cvs::Command::Login(3)
- Cvs::Command::Logout(3)
- Cvs::Command::Rdiff(3)
- Cvs::Command::Release(3)
- Cvs::Command::Rtag(3)
- Cvs::Command::Status(3)
- Cvs::Command::Tag(3)
- Cvs::Command::Update(3)
- Cvs::Cvsroot(3)
- Cvs::Result::Base(3)
- Cvs::Result::Checkout(3)
- Cvs::Result::Commit(3) - Result class for cvs commit command
- Cvs::Result::DiffItem(3) - Result class for cvs status command
- Cvs::Result::DiffList(3) - Result list for cvs diff command
- Cvs::Result::Export(3)
- Cvs::Result::Login(3)
- Cvs::Result::Logout(3)
- Cvs::Result::RdiffItem(3) - Result class for cvs rdiff command
- Cvs::Result::RdiffList(3) - Result list for cvs rdiff command
- Cvs::Result::Release(3) - Result class for the release command.
- Cvs::Result::Rtag(3) - Result class for the cvs tag command.
- Cvs::Result::StatusItem(3) - Result class for cvs status command
- Cvs::Result::StatusList(3) - Result list for cvs status command
- Cvs::Result::Tag(3) - Result class for the cvs tag command.
- Cvs::Result::Update(3) - Result class for cvs update command
- cWait(3) - wait a condition variable signal.
- Cwd(3) - get pathname of current working directory
- Cwd::Guard(3) - Temporary changing working directory (chdir)
- cxApplyFsNodeInfo(3) - Applies the information from an FsNode to a physical file or directory.
- cxCleanup(3) - Cleans up the entire library.
- cxCleanupModules(3) - Unloads all modules.
- cxClearErr(3) - Clears the error flag and end-of-file indicator.
- cxClose(3) - Closes a file pointer.
- cxCloseArchive(3) - Closes an archive.
- cxDestroyArchive(3) - Destroys a CxArchive structure.
- cxDestroyDirectory(3) - Destroys a CxDirectory structure.
- cxDestroyFile(3) - Destroys a CxFile structure.
- cxDestroyFsIterator(3) - Destroys a filesystem iterator.
- cxDestroyFsNode(3) - Destroys a CxFsNode structure.
- cxDirAddFile(3) - Adds a file to the directory.
- cxDirAddSubDir(3) - Adds a subdirectory to a directory.
- cxDirRemoveFile(3) - Removes a file from the directory.
- cxDirRemoveSubDir(3) - Removes a subdirectory from the directory.
- cxEof(3) - Tests the end-of-file indicator.
- cxError(3) - Tests the error indicator of the file.
- cxExtractArchive(3) - Extracts the specified archive's files to directories off of the current directory.
- cxExtractFile(3) - Extracts the specified file.
- cxFixPath(3) - Fixes up the specified path by processing all ".." and "." that may be in the path.
- cxGetArchiveAccessMode(3) - Returns the archive's file access mode.
- cxGetArchiveFileCount(3) - Returns the total number of files in the archive.
- cxGetArchiveFileName(3) - Returns the archive's physical filename.
- cxGetArchiveFileSize(3) - Returns the archive's physical file size.
- cxGetArchiveModule(3) - Returns the archive's associated module.
- cxGetArchivePath(3) - Returns the full path to the specified archive.
- cxGetArchivePhysicalPath(3) - Returns the full physical path to the file.
- cxGetArchiveRoot(3) - Returns the root directory in the archive.
- cxGetArchiveSize(3) - Returns the total size of the archive's contents.
- cxGetArchiveType(3) - Returns the archive type.
- cxGetBaseName(3) - Returns the base filename for the specified path.
- cxGetBasePath(3) - Returns the base path for the specified path.
- cxGetDirArchive(3) - Returns the archive that owns the specified directory.
- cxGetDirDate(3) - Returns the timestamp of the specified directory.
- cxGetDirectory(3) - Returns the subdirectory specified in the path.
- cxGetDirGid(3) - Returns the group ID of the specified directory.
- cxGetDirMode(3) - Return the mode of the specified directory.
- cxGetDirName(3) - Returns the base directory name of the specified directory.
- cxGetDirParent(3) - Returns the specified directory's parent directory.
- cxGetDirPath(3) - Returns the full path name of the specified directory.
- cxGetDirPhysicalPath(3) - Returns the full physical path to the directory.
- cxGetDirUid(3) - Returns the user ID of the specified directory.
- cxGetFile(3) - Returns the file specified in the path.
- cxGetFileArchive(3) - Returns the archive that owns the specified file.
- cxGetFileCompressedSize(3) - Returns the compressed size of the specified file.
- cxGetFileCount(3) - Returns the number of files in the specified directory.
- cxGetFileDate(3) - Returns the timestamp of the specified file.
- cxGetFileGid(3) - Returns the group ID of the specified file.
- cxGetFileMode(3) - Returns the mode of the specified file.
- cxGetFileName(3) - Returns the name of the specified file.
- cxGetFileParent(3) - Returns the specified file's parent directory.
- cxGetFilePath(3) - Returns the full path to the specified file.
- cxGetFilePhysicalPath(3) - Returns the full physical path to the file.
- cxGetFileSize(3) - Returns the uncompressed size of the specified file.
- cxGetFileUid(3) - Returns the user ID of the specified file.
- cxGetFirstFile(3) - Returns the first file in the directory.
- cxGetFirstModule(3) - Returns the first module in the list.
- cxGetFirstSubDir(3) - Returns the first subdirectory in the directory.
- cxGetFpAccessMode(3) - Returns the access mode of the specified file pointer.
- cxGetFsIterFirst(3) - Returns the first item.
- cxGetFsIterNext(3) - Returns the next item.
- cxGetFsIterPrev(3) - Returns the previous item.
- cxGetFsNodeArchive(3) - Returns the archive that owns the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeDate(3) - Returns the timestamp of the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeGid(3) - Returns the group ID of the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeMode(3) - Returns the mode of the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeName(3) - Returns the name of the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeParent(3) - Returns the specified node's parent directory.
- cxGetFsNodePath(3) - Returns the full path to the specified node.
- cxGetFsNodeType(3) - Gets the type of node.
- cxGetFsNodeUid(3) - Returns the user ID of the specified node.
- cxGetFullFilePath(3) - Returns the full, absolute path for the specified filename.
- cxGetModule(3) - Returns the specified module.
- cxGetNextDir(3) - Returns the next directory in a list of directories.
- cxGetNextFile(3) - Returns the next file in a list of files.
- cxGetNextFsNode(3) - Returns the next node in a list of nodes.
- cxGetPreviousDir(3) - Returns the previous directory in a list of directories.
- cxGetPreviousFile(3) - Returns the previous file in a list of files.
- cxGetPreviousFsNode(3) - Returns the previous node in a list of nodes.
- cxGets(3) - Reads in a line from from a file pointer.
- cxGetSubDirCount(3) - Returns the number of subdirectories in the specified directory.
- cxIsArchiveLocal(3) - Returns whether or not the archive is stored locally.
- cxIsDirLocal(3) - Returns whether or not the directory is stored locally.
- cxIsFileLocal(3) - Returns whether or not the file is stored locally.
- cxIsFsNodeLocal(3) - Returns whether or not the node is stored locally.
- cxLinkModule(3) - Notifies libcomprex that the module is being used.
- cxLoadModule(3) - Loads the module of the specified name and type.
- cxMakeFile(3) - Creates a file structure from a local file.
- cxMakePhysDirs(3) - Makes a directory and all its parent directories, if missing, on the filesystem.
- cxMkDir(3) - Creates a directory.
- cxNewArchive(3) - Creates a new CxArchive structure.
- cxNewDirectory(3) - Creates a new CxDirectory structure.
- cxNewFile(3) - Creates a new CxFile structure.
- cxNewFp(3) - Creates a file pointer structure.
- cxNewFsIterator(3) - Creates a filesystem iterator.
- cxNewFsNode(3) - Creates a new CxFsNode structure.
- cxOpenArchive(3) - Opens an archive for reading or writing.
- cxOpenArchiveBuffer(3) - Opens an archive from a buffer for reading or writing.
- cxOpenArchiveFromHandle(3) - Opens an archive from an existing file handle (CxFile structure).
- cxOpenArchiveStream(3) - Opens an archive from an existing file stream for reading or writing.
- cxOpenBuffer(3) - Opens a stream from a buffer.
- cxOpenFile(3) - Opens a file from a local or remote filesystem, or in an archive.
- cxOpenFileHandle(3) - Opens a file from an existing file handle (CxFile structure).
- cxOpenStream(3) - Opens an existing
- cxRead(3) - Reads data from a file pointer.
- cxRegisterModule(3) - Registers a module.
- cxRewind(3) - Rewinds to the beginning of the stream.
- cxSaveArchive(3) - Saves an archive.
- cxSeek(3) - Seeks to a position in the file.
- cxSetArchiveAccessMode(3) - Sets the archive's file access mode.
- cxSetArchiveExtractCallback(3) - Sets the archive specific extraction callback.
- cxSetArchiveFileName(3) - Sets the archive's physical filename.
- cxSetArchiveFileSize(3) - Sets the archive's physical file size.
- cxSetArchiveLocal(3) - Sets whether or not the archive is stored locally.
- cxSetArchiveModule(3) - Sets the archive's asssociated module.
- cxSetArchivePath(3) - Sets the full path to the archive.
- cxSetArchivePhysicalPath(3) - Sets the full physical path to the archive.
- cxSetArchiveSize(3) - Sets the total size of the archive's contents.
- cxSetArchiveType(3) - Sets the archive type.
- cxSetCloseFunc(3) - Sets the close function for this file pointer.
- cxSetDirArchive(3) - Sets the archive that owns the directory.
- cxSetDirDate(3) - Set the timestamp of the specified directory.
- cxSetDirGid(3) - Sets the group ID of the specified directory.
- cxSetDirLocal(3) - Sets whether or not the file is stored locally.
- cxSetDirMode(3) - Sets the mode of the specified directory.
- cxSetDirName(3) - Sets the base directory name of this directory.
- cxSetDirParent(3) - Sets the specified directory's parent directory.
- cxSetDirPhysicalPath(3) - Sets the full physical path to the directory.
- cxSetDirUid(3) - Sets the user ID of the specified directory.
- cxSetError(3) - Sets the current error number and string.
- cxSetFileArchive(3) - Sets the archive that owns the file.
- cxSetFileCompressedSize(3) - Sets the compressed size of the specified file.
- cxSetFileDate(3) - Sets the timestamp of the specified file.
- cxSetFileGid(3) - Sets the group ID of the specified file.
- cxSetFileLocal(3) - Sets whether or not the file is stored locally.
- cxSetFileMode(3) - Sets the mode of the specified file.
- cxSetFileName(3) - Sets the base name of the specified file.
- cxSetFileParent(3) - Sets the specified file's parent directory.
- cxSetFilePhysicalPath(3) - Sets the full physical path to the file.
- cxSetFileSize(3) - Sets the uncompressed size of the specified file.
- cxSetFileUid(3) - Sets the user ID of the specified file.
- cxSetFpAccessMode(3) - Sets the access mode of the specified file pointer.
- cxSetFsNodeArchive(3) - Sets the archive that owns the node.
- cxSetFsNodeDate(3) - Sets the timestamp of the specified node.
- cxSetFsNodeGid(3) - Sets the group ID of the specified node.
- cxSetFsNodeLocal(3) - Sets whether or not the node is stored locally.
- cxSetFsNodeMode(3) - Sets the mode of the specified node.
- cxSetFsNodeName(3) - Sets the base name of the specified node.
- cxSetFsNodeParent(3) - Sets the specified node's parent directory.
- cxSetFsNodeType(3) - Sets the type of node.
- cxSetFsNodeUid(3) - Sets the user ID of the specified node.
- cxSetReadFunc(3) - Sets the read function for this file pointer.
- cxSetSeekFunc(3) - Sets the seek function for this file pointer.
- cxSetWriteFunc(3) - Sets the write function for this file pointer.
- cxSplitPath(3) - Splits the specified path into a directory part and a filename part.
- cxStrError(3) - Returns a string representation of the error.
- cxTell(3) - Returns the current position in the file.
- cxUnlinkModule(3) - Notifies libcomprex that the module is no longer being used.
- cxUnloadModule(3) - Unloads the specified module.
- cxWrite(3) - Writes data to a file pointer.
- Cyrillic(3) - Routines for converting from one cyrillic charset to another.
- Cyrus(3) - XS SASL Authentication
- Cz::Cstocs(3) - conversions of charset encodings for the Czech language
- Cz::Sort(3) - Czech sort
- Cz::Time(3) - Routines for printing dates in Czech
- d_bitmap_proc(3) - Dialog procedure drawing a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- d_box_proc(3) - Dialog procedure drawing boxes onto the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- d_button_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a button object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_check_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a check box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_clear_proc(3) - Dialog procedure to clear the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- d_edit_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing an editable text object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_icon_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a bitmap button. Allegro game programming library.
- d_keyboard_proc(3) - Invisible dialog procedure for implementing keyboard shortcuts. Allegro game programming library.
- d_list_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a list box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_menu_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a menu bar object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_radio_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a radio button object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_slider_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a slider control object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_text_list_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a list box object with type ahead. Allegro game programming library.
- d_text_proc(3) - Dialogs procedure drawing text onto the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- d_textbox_proc(3) - Dialog procedure implementing a text box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_yield_proc(3) - Invisible dialog procedure that yields CPU time slices. Allegro game programming library.
- D2I_DHPARAMS(3) - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions
- D2I_PKCS8PRIVATEKEY_BIO(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
- D2I_PRIVATEKEY(3) - decode and encode functions for reading and saving EVP_PKEY structures
- D2I_SSL_SESSION(3) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
- D2I_X509(3) - convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
- Daemon::Control(3) - Create init scripts in Perl
- Daemon::Generic(3) - framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
- Daemon::Generic::AnyEvent(3) - Generic daemon framework with AnyEvent.pm
- Daemon::Generic::Event(3) - Generic daemon framework with Event.pm
- Daemon::Generic::While1(3) - Daemon framework with default while(1) loop
- Damn(3) - 'Unbless' Perl objects.
- Dancer(3) - lightweight yet powerful web application framework
- Dancer::App(3) - Base application class for Dancer.
- Dancer::Config(3) - how to configure Dancer to suit your needs
- Dancer::Config::Object(3) - Access the config via methods instead of hashrefs
- Dancer::Continuation(3) - Continuation exception (internal exception) for Dancer
- Dancer::Continuation::Halted(3) - Halted internal exception class for Dancer
- Dancer::Continuation::Route(3) - Internal exception class for Route exceptions in Dancer.
- Dancer::Continuation::Route::ErrorSent(3) - Internal Dancer exception class
- Dancer::Continuation::Route::FileSent(3) - Internal Dancer exception class
- Dancer::Continuation::Route::Forwarded(3) - Internal Dancer exception class
- Dancer::Continuation::Route::Passed(3) - Internal Dancer exception class
- Dancer::Continuation::Route::Templated(3) - Internal Dancer exception class
- Dancer::Cookbook(3) - a quick-start guide to the Dancer web framework
- Dancer::Cookie(3) - class representing cookies
- Dancer::Cookies(3) - a singleton storage for all cookies
- Dancer::Debug(3) - Extend Plack::Middleware::Debug with some specific panels for Dancer
- Dancer::Deployment(3) - common ways to put your Dancer app into use
- Dancer::Deprecation(3) - handle deprecation messages
- Dancer::Development(3) - guide for developers interested in contributing
- Dancer::Development::Integration(3) - guide for Dancer's core-team members
- Dancer::Engine(3) - base class for Dancer engines
- Dancer::Error(3) - class for representing fatal errors
- Dancer::Exception(3) - class for throwing and catching exceptions
- Dancer::Exception::Base(3) - the base class of all Dancer exceptions
- Dancer::Factory::Hook(3) - Singleton class to create Dancer hooks
- Dancer::FileUtils(3) - helper providing file utilities
- Dancer::GetOpt(3) - Process command-line options for Dancer scripts
- Dancer::Handler(3) - Dancer request handler
- Dancer::Handler::Debug(3) - a debug handler for easy tracing
- Dancer::Handler::PSGI(3) - a PSGI handler for Dancer applications
- Dancer::Handler::Standalone(3) - Web server wrapper for Dancer
- Dancer::Hook(3) - Class to manipulate hooks with Dancer
- Dancer::Hook::Properties(3) - Properties attached to a hook
- Dancer::HTTP(3) - helper for rendering HTTP status codes for Dancer
- Dancer::Introduction(3) - A gentle introduction to Dancer
- Dancer::Logger(3) - common interface for logging in Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Abstract(3) - Abstract logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Capture(3) - Capture dancer logs
- Dancer::Logger::Capture::Trap(3) - a place to store captured Dancer logs
- Dancer::Logger::Console(3) - console-based logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Diag(3) - Test::More diag() logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::File(3) - file-based logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Log4perl(3)
- Dancer::Logger::LogReport(3) - reroute Dancer logs into Log::Report
- Dancer::Logger::Note(3) - Test::More note() logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Null(3) - blackhole-like silent logging engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Logger::Syslog(3) - Dancer logger engine for Sys::Syslog
- Dancer::MIME(3) - Singleton object to handle MimeTypes
- Dancer::ModuleLoader(3) - dynamic module loading helpers for Dancer core components
- Dancer::Object(3) - Objects base class for Dancer
- Dancer::Object::Singleton(3) - Singleton base class for Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin(3) - helper for writing Dancer plugins
- Dancer::Plugin::Ajax(3) - a plugin for adding Ajax route handlers
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible(3) - extensible authentication framework for Dancer apps
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Base(3) - base class for authentication providers
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Config(3) - example auth provider using app config
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Database(3) - authenticate via a database
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Example(3) - example authentication provider
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Unix(3) - authenticate *nix system accounts
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Usergroup(3) - authenticate as a member of a group
- Dancer::Plugin::CORS(3) - A plugin for using cross origin resource sharing
- Dancer::Plugin::CORS::Sharing(3) - Helper class for sharing method
- Dancer::Plugin::Database(3) - easy database connections for Dancer applications
- Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core(3) - Shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins
- Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core::Handle(3) - subclassed DBI connection handle
- Dancer::Plugin::DBIC(3) - DBIx::Class interface for Dancer applications
- Dancer::Plugin::Email(3) - Simple email sending for Dancer applications
- Dancer::Plugin::ExtDirect(3) - ExtDirect plugin for Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin::Feed(3) - Easy to generate feed rss or atom for Dancer applications.
- Dancer::Plugin::FlashMessage(3) - Dancer plugin to display temporary messages, so called "flash messages".
- Dancer::Plugin::Lexicon(3) - Flexible I18N using Locale::Maketext::Lexicon for Dancer apps
- Dancer::Plugin::Memcached(3) - Cache response content to memcached
- Dancer::Plugin::Passphrase(3) - Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin::Redis(3) - easy database connections for Dancer applications
- Dancer::Plugin::REST(3) - A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin::RPC(3) - Configure endpoints for XMLRPC, JSONRPC and RESTRPC procedures
- Dancer::Plugin::RPC::JSONRPC(3) - Dancer Plugin to register jsonrpc2 methods.
- Dancer::Plugin::RPC::RESTRPC(3) - RESTRPC Plugin for Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin::RPC::XMLRPC(3) - XMLRPC Plugin for Dancer
- Dancer::Plugin::SiteMap(3) - Automated site map for the Dancer web framework.
- Dancer::Plugin::Swagger(3) - create Swagger documentation of the app REST interface
- Dancer::Plugin::Swagger::Path(3) - Internal representation of a swagger path
- Dancer::Plugin::Swagger::Response(3)
- Dancer::Plugin::ValidationClass(3) - Centralized Input Validation For Dancer
- Dancer::Plugins(3) - interesting plugins to add to Dancer's capabilities
- Dancer::Policy(3) - Dancer core and community policy and standards of conduct
- Dancer::Renderer(3) - Rendering class for Dancer
- Dancer::Request(3) - interface for accessing incoming requests
- Dancer::Request::Upload(3) - class representing file uploads requests
- Dancer::Response(3) - Response object for Dancer
- Dancer::Route(3) - Class to represent a route in Dancer
- Dancer::Route::Cache(3) - route caching mechanism for Dancer
- Dancer::Route::Registry(3) - Route registry for Dancer
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::CallbackResult(3) - Factory for generating Callback-results.
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::DefaultRoute(3) - Catch bad-requests and send error-response
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::DispatchFromConfig(3) - Build dispatch-table from the Dancer Config
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::DispatchFromPod(3) - Build dispatch-table from POD
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::DispatchItem(3) - Small object to handle dispatch-table items
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::DispatchMethodList(3) - Class for maintaining a global methodlist.
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::ErrorResponse(3) - Interface to pass error-responses without knowlage of the protocol
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::FlattenData(3) - Simple routine to flatten (blessed) data
- Dancer::RPCPlugin::PluginNames(3) - Register Dancer::Plugin::RPC plugin-names
- Dancer::Serializer(3) - serializer wrapper for Dancer
- Dancer::Serializer::Abstract(3) - Base serialiser class for Dancer
- Dancer::Serializer::Dumper(3) - Data::Dumper serialisation for Dancer
- Dancer::Serializer::JSON(3) - serializer for handling JSON data
- Dancer::Serializer::JSONP(3) - serializer for handling JSONP data
- Dancer::Serializer::Mutable(3) - Serialize and deserialize content using the appropriate HTTP header
- Dancer::Serializer::XML(3) - serializer for handling XML data
- Dancer::Serializer::YAML(3) - serializer for handling YAML data
- Dancer::Session(3) - session engine for the Dancer framework
- Dancer::Session::Abstract(3) - abstract class for session engine
- Dancer::Session::Cookie(3) - Encrypted cookie-based session backend for Dancer
- Dancer::Session::Memcached(3) - Memcached-based session backend for Dancer
- Dancer::Session::Simple(3) - in-memory session backend for Dancer
- Dancer::Session::YAML(3) - YAML-file-based session backend for Dancer
- Dancer::SharedData(3) - Shared-data singleton for Dancer
- Dancer::Template(3) - template wrapper for Dancer
- Dancer::Template::Abstract(3) - abstract class for Dancer's template engines
- Dancer::Template::Simple(3) - pure Perl 5 template engine for Dancer
- Dancer::Template::TemplateToolkit(3) - Template Toolkit wrapper for Dancer
- Dancer::Template::Xslate(3) - Text::Xslate wrapper for Dancer
- Dancer::Test(3) - Test helpers to test a Dancer application
- Dancer::Timer(3) - a timer for Dancer
- Dancer::Tutorial(3) - An example to get you dancing
- Dancer2(3) - Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
- Dancer2::CLI(3) - Dancer2 CLI application
- Dancer2::CLI::Gen(3) - Create new Dancer2 application
- Dancer2::CLI::Version(3) - Display Dancer2 version
- Dancer2::Config(3) - Configure Dancer2 to suit your needs
- Dancer2::Cookbook(3) - Example-driven quick-start to the Dancer2 web framework
- Dancer2::Core(3) - Core libraries for Dancer2 2.0
- Dancer2::Core::App(3) - encapsulation of Dancer2 packages
- Dancer2::Core::Cookie(3) - A cookie representing class
- Dancer2::Core::Dispatcher(3) - Class for dispatching request to the appropriate route handler
- Dancer2::Core::DSL(3) - Dancer2's Domain Specific Language (DSL)
- Dancer2::Core::Error(3) - Class representing fatal errors
- Dancer2::Core::Factory(3) - Instantiate components by type and name
- Dancer2::Core::Hook(3) - Manipulate hooks with Dancer2
- Dancer2::Core::HTTP(3) - helper for rendering HTTP status codes for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Core::MIME(3) - Class to ease manipulation of MIME types
- Dancer2::Core::Request(3) - Interface for accessing incoming requests
- Dancer2::Core::Request::Upload(3) - Class representing file upload requests
- Dancer2::Core::Response(3) - Response object for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Core::Response::Delayed(3) - Delayed responses
- Dancer2::Core::Role::ConfigReader(3) - Config role for Dancer2 core objects
- Dancer2::Core::Role::DSL(3) - Role for DSL
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Engine(3) - Role for engines
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Handler(3) - Role for Handlers
- Dancer2::Core::Role::HasLocation(3) - Role for application location "guessing"
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Hookable(3) - Role for hookable objects
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Logger(3) - Role for logger engines
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Serializer(3) - Role for Serializer engines
- Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory(3) - Role for session factories
- Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory::File(3) - Role for file-based session factories
- Dancer2::Core::Role::StandardResponses(3) - Role to provide commonly used responses
- Dancer2::Core::Role::Template(3) - Role for template engines
- Dancer2::Core::Route(3) - Dancer2's route handler
- Dancer2::Core::Runner(3) - Top-layer class to start a dancer app
- Dancer2::Core::Session(3) - class to represent any session object
- Dancer2::Core::Time(3) - class to handle common helpers for time manipulations
- Dancer2::Core::Types(3) - Type::Tiny types for Dancer2 core.
- Dancer2::DeprecationPolicy(3) - Define the process by which
- Dancer2::FileUtils(3) - File utility helpers
- Dancer2::Handler::AutoPage(3) - Class for handling the AutoPage feature
- Dancer2::Handler::File(3) - class for handling file content rendering
- Dancer2::Logger::Capture(3) - Capture dancer logs
- Dancer2::Logger::Capture::Trap(3) - a place to store captured Dancer2 logs
- Dancer2::Logger::Console(3) - Console logger
- Dancer2::Logger::Diag(3) - Test::More diag() logging engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Logger::File(3) - file-based logging engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Logger::LogReport(3) - reroute Dancer2 logs into Log::Report
- Dancer2::Logger::Note(3) - Test::More note() logging engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Logger::Null(3) - Blackhole-like silent logging engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Manual(3) - A gentle introduction to Dancer2
- Dancer2::Manual::Deployment(3) - common ways to put your Dancer app into use
- Dancer2::Manual::Keywords(3) - Dancer2 DSL Keywords
- Dancer2::Manual::Migration(3) - Migrating from Dancer to Dancer2
- Dancer2::Manual::Testing(3) - Writing tests for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Plugin(3) - base class for Dancer2 plugins
- Dancer2::Plugin::Ajax(3) - a plugin for adding Ajax route handlers
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible(3) - extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Config(3) - example auth provider using app config
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Database(3) - authenticate via a database
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::DBIC(3) - authenticate via the Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC plugin
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Example(3)
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::IMAP(3) - IMAP authentication provider for Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Unix(3) - authenticate *nix system accounts
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Usergroup(3) - authenticate as a member of a group
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Role::Provider(3) - base role for authentication providers
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Test(3) - test suite for Auth::Extensible plugin
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Test::App(3) - Dancer2 app for testing providers
- Dancer2::Plugin::Database(3) - easy database connections for Dancer2 applications
- Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC(3) - DBIx::Class interface for Dancer2 applications
- Dancer2::Plugin::Deferred(3) - Defer messages or data across redirections
- Dancer2::Plugin::Email(3) - Simple email sending for Dancer2 applications
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6(3) - Interchange6 Shop Plugin for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Business::OnlinePayment(3) - Interchange6 wrapper for Business:OnlinePayment
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Cart(3) - used after user login.
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Cart::Product(3)
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes(3) - Routes for Interchange6 Shop Machine
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes::Account(3) - Account routes for Interchange6 Shop Machine
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes::Cart(3) - Cart routes for Interchange6 Shop Machine
- Dancer2::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes::Checkout(3) - Checkout routes for Interchange6 Shop Machine
- Dancer2::Plugin::LogReport(3) - logging and exceptions via Log::Report
- Dancer2::Plugin::LogReport::Message(3) - extended Log::Report message class
- Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase(3) - Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase::Core(3) - Core package for Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase.
- Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase::Hashed(3) - Helper package for Dancer2::Plugin::Passphrase.
- Dancer2::Plugin::Path::Class(3) - list a directory using Path::Class
- Dancer2::Plugins(3) - Recommended Dancer2 plugins
- Dancer2::Policy(3) - Dancer core and community policy and standards of conduct
- Dancer2::Serializer::Dumper(3) - Serializer for handling Dumper data
- Dancer2::Serializer::JSON(3) - Serializer for handling JSON data
- Dancer2::Serializer::Mutable(3) - Serialize and deserialize content based on HTTP header
- Dancer2::Serializer::YAML(3) - Serializer for handling YAML data
- Dancer2::Session::DBIC(3) - DBIx::Class session engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Session::DBIC::Role::Serializer(3) - role consumed by all serializers
- Dancer2::Session::DBIC::Serializer::JSON(3)
- Dancer2::Session::DBIC::Serializer::Sereal(3)
- Dancer2::Session::DBIC::Serializer::YAML(3)
- Dancer2::Session::Simple(3) - in-memory session backend for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Session::YAML(3) - YAML-file-based session backend for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Template::Implementation::ForkedTiny(3) - Dancer2 own implementation of Template::Tiny
- Dancer2::Template::Simple(3) - Pure Perl 5 template engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Template::TemplateToolkit(3) - Template toolkit engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Template::Tiny(3) - Template::Tiny engine for Dancer2
- Dancer2::Test(3) - Useful routines for testing Dancer2 apps
- Dancer2::Tutorial(3) - An example to get you dancing
- dane_cert_type_name(3) - API function
- dane_cert_usage_name(3) - API function
- dane_match_type_name(3) - API function
- dane_query_data(3) - API function
- dane_query_deinit(3) - API function
- dane_query_entries(3) - API function
- dane_query_status(3) - API function
- dane_query_tlsa(3) - API function
- dane_query_to_raw_tlsa(3) - API function
- dane_raw_tlsa(3) - API function
- dane_state_deinit(3) - API function
- dane_state_init(3) - API function
- dane_state_set_dlv_file(3) - API function
- dane_strerror(3) - API function
- dane_verification_status_print(3) - API function
- dane_verify_crt(3) - API function
- dane_verify_crt_raw(3) - API function
- dane_verify_session_crt(3) - API function
- Danga::Socket(3) - Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
- Danga::Socket::Callback(3) - Use Danga::Socket From Callbacks
- Das(3) - Interface to Distributed Annotation System
- Das::AGPServer::Config(3)
- Das::AGPServer::Daemon(3)
- Das::AGPServer::Parser(3)
- Das::AGPServer::SQLStorage(3)
- Das::AGPServer::SQLStorage::CSV::DB(3)
- Das::AGPServer::SQLStorage::MySQL::DB(3)
- Das::DSN(3) - Object encapsulation of a DAS data source
- Das::Feature(3) - A genomic annotation
- Das::FeatureIterator(3) - Iterate over a set of Bio::Das::Features
- Das::HTTP::Fetch(3) - Manage the HTTP protocol for DAS transactions
- Das::Map(3) - Resolve map coordinates
- Das::Request(3) - Base class for a request on a DAS server
- Das::Request::Dnas(3) - The DAS "dna" request
- Das::Request::Dsn(3) - The DAS "dsn" request
- Das::Request::Entry_points(3) - The DAS "entry_points" request
- Das::Request::Feature2Segments(3) - Translate feature names into segments
- Das::Request::Sequences(3) - The DAS "sequence" request
- Das::Request::Stylesheet(3) - The DAS "stylesheet" request
- Das::Request::Types(3) - The DAS "types" request
- Das::Segment(3) - Serial access to Bio::Das sequence "segments"
- Das::Stylesheet(3) - Access to DAS stylesheets
- Das::Type(3) - A sequence annotation type
- Das::TypeHandler(3)
- Das::Util(3) - Das Utilities
- dasum.f(3)
- DAT_ID(3) - Makes an ID value from four letters. Allegro game programming library.
- Data::ACL(3) - Perl extension for simple ACL lists
- Data::Alias(3) - Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
- Data::AMF(3) - serialize / deserialize AMF data
- Data::AMF::Formatter(3) - serializer proxy class
- Data::AMF::Formatter::AMF0(3) - AMF0 serializer
- Data::AMF::Formatter::AMF3(3) - AMF3 serializer
- Data::AMF::Header(3) - AMF message header
- Data::AMF::IO(3) - IO class for reading/writing AMF data
- Data::AMF::Message(3) - AMF Message class
- Data::AMF::Packet(3) - serialize / deserialize AMF message packet
- Data::AMF::Parser(3) - deserializer proxy class
- Data::AMF::Parser::AMF0(3) - deserializer for AMF0
- Data::AMF::Parser::AMF3(3) - deserializer for AMF3
- Data::AMF::Remoting(3) - handle Flash/Flex RPC.
- Data::AMF::Type::Boolean(3)
- Data::AMF::Type::ByteArray(3)
- Data::AMF::Type::Null(3)
- Data::Binary(3) - Simple detection of binary versus text in strings
- Data::Bind(3) - Bind and alias variables
- Data::Capture(3) - Perl6 Capture objects
- Data::ClearSilver::HDF(3) - Convert from Perl Data Structure to ClearSilver HDF
- Data::Clone(3) - Polymorphic data cloning
- Data::Compare(3) - compare perl data structures
- Data::Compare::Plugins(3) - how to extend Data::Compare
- Data::Compare::Plugins::Scalar::Properties(3) - plugin for Data::Compare to handle Scalar::Properties objects.
- Data::Currency(3) - Container class for currency conversion/formatting
- Data::Dmp(3) - Dump Perl data structures as Perl code
- Data::Domain(3) - Data description and validation
- Data::Domain::Dependencies(3)
- Data::Dump(3) - Pretty printing of data structures
- Data::Dump::Color(3) - Like Data::Dump, but with color
- Data::Dump::Filtered(3) - Pretty printing with filtering
- Data::Dump::Streamer(3) - Accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code.
- Data::Dump::Trace(3) - Helpers to trace function and method calls
- Data::Dumper(3) - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and "eval"
- Data::Dumper::Concise(3) - Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
- Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar(3) - return Dwarn @return_value
- Data::Dumper::Perltidy(3) - Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures.
- Data::Dumper::Simple(3) - Easily dump variables with names
- Data::Entropy(3) - entropy (randomness) management
- Data::Entropy::Algorithms(3) - basic entropy-using algorithms
- Data::Entropy::RawSource::CryptCounter(3) - counter mode of block cipher as I/O handle
- Data::Entropy::RawSource::Local(3) - read randomness from local device
- Data::Entropy::RawSource::RandomnumbersInfo(3) - download entropy from randomnumbers.info
- Data::Entropy::RawSource::RandomOrg(3) - download entropy from random.org
- Data::Entropy::Source(3) - encapsulated source of entropy
- Data::Float(3) - details of the floating point data type
- Data::FormValidator(3) - Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
- Data::FormValidator::Constraints(3) - Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
- Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Dates(3) - Validate Dates and Times
- Data::FormValidator::Constraints::DateTime(3) - D::FV constraints for dates and times
- Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Upload(3) - Validate File Uploads
- Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory(3) - Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
- Data::FormValidator::Filters(3) - Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
- Data::FormValidator::Results(3) - results of form input validation.
- Data::Google::Visualization::DataSource(3) - Google Chart Datasources
- Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable(3) - Easily create Google DataTable objects
- Data::Grove(3)
- Data::Grove::Parent(3) - provide parent properties to Data::Grove objects
- Data::Grove::Visitor(3) - add visitor/callback methods to Data::Grove objects
- Data::HashArray(3) - An array class of hashes that has magical properties via overloading and AUTOLOAD.
- Data::HexDump(3) - Hexadecial Dumper
- Data::HexDump::Range(3) - Hexadecimal Range Dumper with color, bitfields and skip ranges
- Data::HexDump::Range::Format(3) - Handles formating for Data::HexDump::Range
- Data::HexDump::Range::Gather(3) - Handles gathering of binary data for Data::HexDump::Range
- Data::HexDump::Range::Object(3) - Hexadecial Range Dumper object creation support methods
- Data::HexDump::Range::Split(3) - Handles formating for Data::HexDump::Range
- Data::Hexdumper(3) - Make binary data human-readable
- Data::Hexify(3) - Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
- Data::ICal(3) - Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
- Data::ICal::DateTime(3) - convenience methods for using Data::ICal with DateTime
- Data::ICal::Entry(3) - Represents an entry in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm(3) - Abstract base class for alarms
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Audio(3) - Represents an audio alarm in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Display(3) - Represents a displayed alarm in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Email(3) - Represents an emailed alarm in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None(3) - Represents an default no-op alarm
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Procedure(3) - Represents a procedure-call alarm in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::URI(3) - Represents notification via a custom URI
- Data::ICal::Entry::Event(3) - Represents an event in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::FreeBusy(3) - Represents blocks of free and busy time in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::Journal(3) - Represents a journal entry in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone(3) - Represents a time zone definition in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Daylight(3) - Represents a Daylight Time base offset from UTC for parent TimeZone
- Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Standard(3) - Represents a Standard Time base offset from UTC for parent TimeZone
- Data::ICal::Entry::Todo(3) - Represents a to-do entry in an iCalendar file
- Data::ICal::Property(3) - Represents a property on an entry in an iCalendar file
- Data::IEEE754(3) - Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
- Data::Inherited(3) - Hierarchy-wide accumulation of list and hash results
- Data::Inspect(3) - human-readable object representations
- Data::Integer(3) - details of the native integer data type
- Data::IPV4::Range::Parse(3) - Perl extension parsing ipv4 ranges
- Data::JavaScript::Anon(3) - Dump big dumb Perl structs to anonymous JavaScript structs
- Data::Localize(3) - Alternate Data Localization API
- Data::Localize::Auto(3) - Fallback Localizer
- Data::Localize::Format(3) - Base Format Class
- Data::Localize::Format::Gettext(3) - Gettext Formatter
- Data::Localize::Format::Maketext(3) - Maketext Formatter
- Data::Localize::Format::NamedArgs(3) - Process Lexicons With Named Args (As Opposed To Positional Args)
- Data::Localize::Gettext(3) - Acquire Lexicons From .po Files
- Data::Localize::Gettext::Parser(3) - .po Parser
- Data::Localize::Localizer(3) - Localizer Base Class
- Data::Localize::Log(3) - Internal Logging Facilities
- Data::Localize::MultiLevel(3) - Fetch Data From Multi-Level Data Structures
- Data::Localize::Namespace(3) - Acquire Lexicons From Module %Lexicon Hash
- Data::Localize::Storage(3) - Base Role For Storage Objects
- Data::Localize::Storage::BerkeleyDB(3) - BerkeleyDB Backend
- Data::Localize::Storage::Hash(3) - Hash Backend
- Data::Localize::Trait::WithStorage(3) - Localizer With Configurable Storage
- Data::Localize::Util(3) - Data::Localize Internal Utilities
- Data::Lock(3) - makes variables (im)?mutable
- Data::MessagePack(3) - MessagePack serializing/deserializing
- Data::MessagePack::PP(3) - Pure Perl implementation of Data::MessagePack
- Data::MessagePack::Stream(3) - yet another messagepack streaming deserializer
- Data::MessagePack::Unpacker(3) - (DEPRECATED)messagepack streaming deserializer
- Data::Miscellany(3) - Collection of miscellaneous subroutines
- Data::Model(3) - model interface which had more data sources unified, a.k.a data/object mapper
- Data::Model::Driver::Cache::HASH(3) - Penetration cache is offered to the basic driver
- Data::Model::Driver::Cache::Memcached(3) - Penetration cache is offered to the basic driver by memcached protocol
- Data::Model::Driver::DBI(3) - storage driver for DBI
- Data::Model::Driver::DBI::MasterSlave(3) - master-slave composition for mysql
- Data::Model::Driver::Memcached(3) - storage driver for memcached protocol
- Data::Model::Driver::Memory(3) - storage driver for memory
- Data::Model::Driver::Queue::Q4M(3) - Q4M manager for Data::Model
- Data::Model::Iterator(3) - Data::Model's iteration class
- Data::Model::Mixin(3) - mixin manager for Data::Model
- Data::Model::Mixin::FindOrCreate(3) - add find_or_create method
- Data::Model::Mixin::Queue::Q4M(3) - add methods for Driver::Queue::Q4M
- Data::Model::Row(3) - Data::Model's Row class
- Data::Model::Schema(3) - Schema DSL for Data::Model
- Data::Model::SQL(3)
- Data::Model::Transaction(3) - transaction manager for Data::Model
- Data::Model::Tutorial::JA(3) - Data::Model::TutorialXXXX
- Data::Munge(3) - various utility functions
- Data::Object(3)
- Data::Object::Args(3) - Args Class
- Data::Object::Array(3)
- Data::Object::Attributes(3)
- Data::Object::Boolean(3)
- Data::Object::Box(3)
- Data::Object::Cast(3)
- Data::Object::Class(3)
- Data::Object::ClassHas(3)
- Data::Object::Code(3)
- Data::Object::Data(3)
- Data::Object::Exception(3)
- Data::Object::Float(3)
- Data::Object::Hash(3)
- Data::Object::Kind(3)
- Data::Object::Name(3)
- Data::Object::Number(3)
- Data::Object::Opts(3)
- Data::Object::Plugin(3)
- Data::Object::Regexp(3)
- Data::Object::Replace(3)
- Data::Object::Role(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Arguable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Buildable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Dumpable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Errable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Formulatable(3) - Objectify Class Attributes
- Data::Object::Role::Immutable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Pluggable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Proxyable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Stashable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Throwable(3)
- Data::Object::Role::Tryable(3)
- Data::Object::RoleHas(3)
- Data::Object::Scalar(3)
- Data::Object::Search(3)
- Data::Object::Space(3) - Namespace Class
- Data::Object::State(3)
- Data::Object::String(3)
- Data::Object::Struct(3)
- Data::Object::Try(3)
- Data::Object::Types(3)
- Data::Object::Types::Keywords(3)
- Data::Object::Types::Library(3)
- Data::Object::Undef(3)
- Data::Object::Vars(3)
- Data::ObjectDriver(3) - Simple, transparent data interface, with caching
- Data::ObjectDriver::BaseObject(3) - base class for modeled objects
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::BaseCache(3) - parent class for caching object drivers
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::Cache::Apache(3) - object driver for caching objects in Apache's request space
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::Cache::Memcached(3) - object driver for caching objects with memcached
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD(3) - base class for database drivers
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD::Oracle(3) - Oracle Driver for Data::ObjectDriver
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD::SQLite(3) - SQLite driver
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::MultiPartition(3) - Search thru partitioned objects without the partition_key
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::Multiplexer(3) - Multiplex multiple partitioned drivers
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::Partition(3) - base class for partitioned object drivers
- Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::SimplePartition(3) - basic partitioned object driver
- Data::ObjectDriver::Errors(3) - container class for common database error codes
- Data::ObjectDriver::Profiler(3) - Query profiling
- Data::ObjectDriver::ResultSet(3) - Manage a DB query
- Data::ObjectDriver::SQL(3) - an SQL statement
- Data::ObjectDriver::SQL::Oracle(3)
- Data::OptList(3) - parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
- Data::Page(3) - help when paging through sets of results
- Data::Page::NoTotalEntries(3) - help when paging through sets of results without total entries
- Data::Page::Pageset(3) - change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
- Data::Pageset(3) - Page numbering and page sets
- Data::ParseBinary(3) - Yet Another parser for binary structures
- Data::ParseBinary::Data::Cap(3) - Parsing "tcpdump capture file"
- Data::ParseBinary::Data::Netflow(3) - Parsing Netflow PDU binary structures
- Data::ParseBinary::Executable::ELF32(3) - Parsing UNIX's SO files
- Data::ParseBinary::Executable::PE32(3) - Parsing Win32 EXE / DLL files
- Data::ParseBinary::FileSystem::MBR(3) - Parsing the partition table
- Data::ParseBinary::Graphics::BMP(3)
- Data::ParseBinary::Graphics::EMF(3)
- Data::ParseBinary::Graphics::PNG(3)
- Data::ParseBinary::Graphics::WMF(3)
- Data::Path(3) - Perl extension for XPath like accessing from complex data structs
- Data::Perl(3) - Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types.
- Data::Perl::Bool(3) - Wrapping class for boolean values.
- Data::Perl::Bool::MooseLike(3) - data::Perl::Bool subclass that simulates Moose's native traits.
- Data::Perl::Code(3) - Wrapping class for Perl coderefs.
- Data::Perl::Collection::Array(3) - Wrapping class for Perl's built in array structure.
- Data::Perl::Collection::Array::MooseLike(3) - Collection::Array subclass that simulates Moose's native traits.
- Data::Perl::Collection::Hash(3) - Wrapping class for Perl's built in hash structure.
- Data::Perl::Collection::Hash::MooseLike(3) - Collection::Hash subclass that simulates Moose's native traits.
- Data::Perl::Counter(3) - Wrapping class for a simple numeric counter.
- Data::Perl::Number(3) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
- Data::Perl::Number::MooseLike(3) - data::Perl::Number subclass that simulates Moose's native traits.
- Data::Perl::Role::Bool(3) - Wrapping class for boolean values.
- Data::Perl::Role::Code(3) - Wrapping class for Perl coderefs.
- Data::Perl::Role::Collection::Array(3) - Wrapping class for Perl's built in array structure.
- Data::Perl::Role::Collection::Hash(3) - Wrapping class for Perl's built in hash structure.
- Data::Perl::Role::Counter(3) - Wrapping class for a simple numeric counter.
- Data::Perl::Role::Number(3) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
- Data::Perl::Role::String(3) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar strings.
- Data::Perl::String(3) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar strings.
- Data::Perl::String::MooseLike(3) - data::Perl::String subclass that simulates Moose's native traits.
- Data::Phrasebook(3) - Abstract your queries!
- Data::Phrasebook::Debug(3) - Phrasebook debugging.
- Data::Phrasebook::Generic(3) - Base class for Phrasebook Models
- Data::Phrasebook::Loader(3) - Plugin Loader module
- Data::Phrasebook::Loader::Base(3) - Base loader plugin class.
- Data::Phrasebook::Loader::Text(3) - Absract your phrases with plain text files.
- Data::Phrasebook::Loader::YAML(3) - Absract your phrases with YAML.
- Data::Phrasebook::Plain(3) - The Simple Phrasebook Model.
- Data::Phrasebook::SQL(3) - The SQL/DBI Phrasebook Model.
- Data::Phrasebook::SQL::Query(3) - Query Extension to the SQL/DBI Phrasebook Model.
- Data::Printer(3) - colored & full-featured pretty print of Perl data structures and objects
- Data::Printer::Config(3) - Load run-control (.dataprinter) files for Data::Printer
- Data::Printer::Filter(3) - Create powerful stand-alone filters for Data::Printer
- Data::Printer::Filter::ContentType(3) - detect popular (binary) content in strings
- Data::Printer::Filter::DateTime(3) - pretty-printing date and time objects (not just DateTime!)
- Data::Printer::Filter::DB(3) - pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx::Class, etc)
- Data::Printer::Filter::Digest(3) - pretty-printing MD5, SHA and many other digests
- Data::Printer::Filter::Web(3) - pretty-printing of HTTP/JSON/LWP/Plack/Dancer/Catalyst/Mojo...
- Data::Printer::Object(3) - underlying object for Data::Printer
- Data::Printer::Profile(3) - customize your Data::Printer with code
- Data::Printer::Profile::Dumper(3) - use DDP like Data::Dumper
- Data::Printer::Profile::JSON(3) - dump variables in JSON format
- Data::Printer::Theme(3) - create your own color themes for DDP!
- Data::Printer::Theme::Classic(3) - Classic DDP color theme for nostalgic users
- Data::Printer::Theme::Material(3) - Material theme for DDP
- Data::Printer::Theme::Monokai(3) - Monokai theme for DDP
- Data::Printer::Theme::Solarized(3) - Solarized theme for DDP
- Data::Rand(3) - Random string and list utility
- Data::Rand::Obscure(3) - Generate (fairly) random strings easily.
- Data::Rand::Obscure::Generator(3)
- Data::Random(3) - Perl module to generate random data
- Data::Random::WordList(3) - Perl module to get random words from a word list
- Data::Range::Compare(3) - Find gaps & intersections in lists of ranges
- Data::Range::Compare::Cookbook(3) - Tutorials and Recipes
- Data::Range::Compare::Cookbook::Instance_and_Constants(3) - Look inside the instance
- Data::Range::Compare::Cookbook::Recipe_a_to_z(3) - Tutorial a to z example
- Data::Range::Compare::Cookbook::Recipe_DateTime(3) - DateTime Range HOWTO
- Data::Range::Compare::Cookbook::Recipe_subclass_a_to_z(3) - subclassing "a to z"
- Data::Record(3) - "split" on steroids
- Data::Recursive::Encode(3) - Encode/Decode Values In A Structure
- Data::Remember(3) - remember complex information without giving yourself a headache
- Data::Remember::Class(3) - remember complex information without giving yourself a headache, now with POOP!
- Data::Remember::DBM(3) - a long-term memory brain plugin for Data::Remember
- Data::Remember::Hybrid(3) - a brain for Data::Remember with multiple personalities
- Data::Remember::Memory(3) - a short-term memory brain plugin for Data::Remember
- Data::Remember::POE(3) - a brain for Data::Remember linked to the POE session heap
- Data::Remember::Util(3) - common helper utilities
- Data::Remember::YAML(3) - a frozen memory brain plugin for Data::Remember
- Data::Report(3) - Framework for flexible reporting
- Data::Report::Base(3) - Base class for reporter plugins
- Data::Rmap(3) - recursive map, apply a block to a data structure
- Data::RoundRobin(3) - Serve data in a round robin manner.
- Data::Rx(3) - perl implementation of Rx schema system
- Data::Rx::CommonType(3) - base class for core Rx types
- Data::Rx::CommonType::EasyNew(3) - base class for core Rx types, with some defaults
- Data::Rx::CoreType(3) - base class for core Rx types
- Data::Rx::CoreType::all(3) - the Rx //all type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::any(3) - the Rx //any type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::arr(3) - the Rx //arr type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::bool(3) - the Rx //bool type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::def(3) - the Rx //def type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::fail(3) - the Rx //fail type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::int(3) - the Rx //int type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::map(3) - the Rx //map type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::nil(3) - the Rx //nil type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::num(3) - the Rx //num type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::one(3) - the Rx //one type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::rec(3) - the Rx //rec type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::seq(3) - the Rx //seq type
- Data::Rx::CoreType::str(3) - the Rx //str type
- Data::Rx::Failure(3) - structured failure report from an Rx checker
- Data::Rx::FailureSet(3) - multiple structured failure reports from an Rx checker
- Data::Rx::Manual::CustomTypes(3) - overview of making new checkers
- Data::Rx::TypeBundle(3) - base class for type bundles
- Data::Rx::TypeBundle::Core(3) - the bundle of core Rx types
- Data::Rx::Util(3) - helper routines for Data::Rx
- Data::Sah::Normalize(3) - Normalize Sah schema
- Data::Section(3) - read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
- Data::Section::Simple(3) - Read data from __DATA__
- Data::Section::TestBase(3) - Parse Test::Base format from DATA section
- Data::Serializable(3) - Moose role that adds serialization support to any class
- Data::Serializer(3) - Modules that serialize data structures
- Data::Serializer::Bencode(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Bencode
- Data::Serializer::Config::General(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Config::General
- Data::Serializer::Config::Wrest(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Config::Wrest
- Data::Serializer::Convert::Bencode(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Convert::Bencode
- Data::Serializer::Convert::Bencode_XS(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Convert::Bencode_XS
- Data::Serializer::Cookbook(3) - Examples of how to use Data::Serializer
- Data::Serializer::Data::Denter(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Denter
- Data::Serializer::Data::Dumper(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Dumper
- Data::Serializer::Data::Taxi(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Taxi
- Data::Serializer::FreezeThaw(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and FreezeThaw
- Data::Serializer::JSON(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and JSON
- Data::Serializer::JSON::Syck(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and JSON::Syck
- Data::Serializer::Persistent(3) - Provide means of persistently storing serialized data in a file
- Data::Serializer::PHP::Serialization(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and PHP::Serialization
- Data::Serializer::Raw(3) - Provides unified raw interface to perl serializers
- Data::Serializer::Sereal(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Sereal
- Data::Serializer::Storable(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Storable
- Data::Serializer::XML::Dumper(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and XML::Dumper
- Data::Serializer::XML::Simple(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and XML::Simple
- Data::Serializer::YAML(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and YAML
- Data::Serializer::YAML::Syck(3) - Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and YAML::Syck
- Data::SExpression(3)
- Data::SExpression::Cons(3)
- Data::SExpression::Symbol(3)
- Data::SpreadPagination(3) - Page numbering and spread pagination
- Data::Stag(3) - Structured Tags datastructures
- Data::Stag::Arr2HTML(3) - Array to HTML handler
- Data::Stag::BaseGenerator(3) - base class for parsers and other event generators
- Data::Stag::BaseHandler(3) - Base class for writing tag stream handlers
- Data::Stag::ChainHandler(3) - Chain Handler
- Data::Stag::DTDWriter(3) - DTD Writer
- Data::Stag::GraphHandler(3) - Graph Handler
- Data::Stag::HashDB(3) - build indexes over Stag files or objects
- Data::Stag::IndentParser(3) - parses stag indent format into stag events
- Data::Stag::IndentWriter(3) - writes stag events into stag indent format
- Data::Stag::ITextParser(3) - parses stag IText format into stag events
- Data::Stag::ITextWriter(3) - writes stag events into stag IText format
- Data::Stag::JSONWriter(3) - writes stag events into JSON files
- Data::Stag::null(3) - null
- Data::Stag::PerlWriter(3) - writes stag events into perl POD documentation
- Data::Stag::PodParser(3) - parses perl POD documentation into stag events
- Data::Stag::SAX2Stag(3) - converts SAX events into Stag events
- Data::Stag::Simple(3) - Simple
- Data::Stag::StagDB(3) - persistent storage and retrieval of stag nodes
- Data::Stag::StagImpl(3) - default implementation for Data::Stag
- Data::Stag::SxprParser(3) - parses Stag S-expression format
- Data::Stag::SxprWriter(3) - writes Stag S-expression format
- Data::Stag::Writer(3) - base class for all Writers
- Data::Stag::XMLParser(3) - parses XML files into stag events
- Data::Stag::XMLWriter(3) - writes stag events into XML files
- Data::Stag::XSLHandler(3) - XSL Handler
- Data::Stag::XSLTHandler(3) - XSLT Handler
- Data::Stream::Bulk(3) - N at a time iteration API
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Array(3) - Data::Stream::Bulk wrapper for simple arrays.
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Callback(3) - Callback based bulk iterator
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Cat(3) - Concatenated streams
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Chunked(3) - combine streams into larger chunks
- Data::Stream::Bulk::DBI(3) - N-at-a-time iteration of DBI statement results.
- Data::Stream::Bulk::DBIC(3) - Iterate DBIC resultsets with Data::Stream::Bulk
- Data::Stream::Bulk::DoneFlag(3) - Implement the "is_done" method in terms of a flag
- Data::Stream::Bulk::FileHandle(3) - read lines from a filehandle
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Filter(3) - Streamed filtering (block oriented)
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil(3) - An empty Data::Stream::Bulk iterator
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Path::Class(3) - Path::Class::Dir traversal
- Data::Stream::Bulk::Util(3) - Utility functions for Data::Stream::Bulk
- Data::Structure::Util(3) - Change nature of data within a structure
- Data::Swap(3) - Swap type and contents of variables
- Data::Taxonomy::Tags(3) - Represents a set of tags for any item
- Data::Taxonomy::Tags::Tag(3) - Represents a single tag
- Data::Throttler::BucketChain::Memcached(3) - Backend Store for Data::Throttler::Memcached
- Data::Throttler::Memcached(3) - Memcached-Based Data::Throttler
- Data::Thunk(3) - A sneakier Scalar::Defer ;-)
- Data::Thunk::Code(3)
- Data::Thunk::Object(3)
- Data::Thunk::ScalarValue(3)
- Data::Unixish(3) - Implementation for Unixish, a data transformation framework
- Data::Unixish::_pad(3) - _pad
- Data::Unixish::Apply(3) - Apply one or more dux functions
- Data::Unixish::avg(3) - Average numbers
- Data::Unixish::bool(3) - Format boolean
- Data::Unixish::cat(3) - Pass input unchanged
- Data::Unixish::centerpad(3) - Center text to a certain column width
- Data::Unixish::chain(3) - Chain several dux functions together
- Data::Unixish::cond(3) - Apply dux function conditionally
- Data::Unixish::count(3) - Count substrings (or regex pattern matches) in a string
- Data::Unixish::date(3) - Format date
- Data::Unixish::grep(3) - Perl grep
- Data::Unixish::head(3) - Output the first items of data
- Data::Unixish::indent(3) - Add spaces or tabs to the beginnning of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::join(3) - Join elements of array into string
- Data::Unixish::lc(3) - Convert text to lowercase
- Data::Unixish::lcfirst(3) - Convert first character of text to lowercase
- Data::Unixish::lins(3) - Add some text at the beginning of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::linum(3) - Add line numbers
- Data::Unixish::lpad(3) - Pad text to the left until a certain column width
- Data::Unixish::ltrim(3) - Strip whitespace at the beginning of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::map(3) - Perl map
- Data::Unixish::num(3) - Format number
- Data::Unixish::pick(3) - Pick one or more random items
- Data::Unixish::rand(3) - Generate a stream of random numbers
- Data::Unixish::randstr(3) - Generate a stream of random strings
- Data::Unixish::rev(3) - Reverse items
- Data::Unixish::rins(3) - Add some text at the end of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::rpad(3) - Pad text to the right until a certain column width
- Data::Unixish::rtrim(3) - Strip whitespace at the end of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::shuf(3) - Shuffle items
- Data::Unixish::sort(3) - Sort items
- Data::Unixish::splice(3) - Perform Perl splice() on array
- Data::Unixish::split(3) - Split string into array
- Data::Unixish::sprintf(3) - Apply sprintf() on input
- Data::Unixish::sprintfn(3) - Like sprintf, but use sprintfn() from Text::sprintfn
- Data::Unixish::subsort(3) - Sort items using Sort::Sub routine
- Data::Unixish::sum(3) - Sum numbers
- Data::Unixish::tail(3) - Output the last items of data
- Data::Unixish::trim(3) - Strip whitespace at the beginning and end of each line of text
- Data::Unixish::trunc(3) - Truncate string to a certain column width
- Data::Unixish::uc(3) - Convert text to uppercase
- Data::Unixish::ucfirst(3) - Convert first character of text to uppercase
- Data::Unixish::Util(3) - Utility routines
- Data::Unixish::wc(3) - Print newline, word, and byte counts
- Data::Unixish::wrap(3) - Wrap text
- Data::Unixish::yes(3) - Output a string repeatedly until killed
- Data::URIEncode(3) - Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs.
- Data::Util(3) - A selection of utilities for data and data types
- Data::Util::Curry(3) - Curries functions and methods
- Data::Util::Error(3) - Deals with class-specific error handlers in Data::Util
- Data::Util::JA(3) - データとデータ型のためのユーティリティ集
- Data::Util::PurePerl(3) - The Pure Perl backend for Data::Util
- Data::Validate::Domain(3) - Domain and host name validation
- Data::Validate::IP(3) - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
- Data::Validate::URI(3) - common url validation methods
- Data::Validator(3) - Rule based validator on type constraint system
- Data::Validator::Role::AllowExtra(3) - Allows extra arguments
- Data::Validator::Role::Croak(3) - Does not report backtrace on errors
- Data::Validator::Role::Method(3) - Deals with the invocant of methods
- Data::Validator::Role::NoRestricted(3) - Makes the argument hash no restricted
- Data::Validator::Role::NoThrow(3) - Does not throw errors
- Data::Validator::Role::Sequenced(3) - Deals with sequenced parameters
- Data::Validator::Role::SmartSequenced(3) - Deals with sequenced and named parameters
- Data::Validator::Role::StrictSequenced(3) - Deals with sequenced parameters.
- Data::Visitor(3) - Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
- Data::Visitor::Callback(3) - A Data::Visitor with callbacks.
- Data::Visitor::Encode(3) - Encode/Decode Values In A Structure (DEPRECATED)
- Data::Visitor::Tiny(3) - Recursively walk data structures
- Data::Walk(3) - Traverse Perl data structures
- DataSource::Driver(3) - Driver Writer's Guide and base class
- DataSource::mysql(3) - MySQL driver for DBIx::DataSource
- DataSource::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL driver for DBIx::DataSource
- Date::Calc(3) - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- Date::Calc::Iterator(3) - Iterate over a range of dates
- Date::Calc::Object(3) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloaded operators
- Date::Calc::PP(3) - pure-Perl plug-in for Date::Calc
- Date::Calc::XS(3) - XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc
- Date::Calendar(3) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
- Date::Calendar::Profiles(3) - Some sample profiles for Date::Calendar and Date::Calendar::Year
- Date::Calendar::Year(3) - Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Calendar
- Date::Chinese(3) - Calculate dates in the Chinese calendar
- Date::DayOfWeek(3) - Determine the day of the week for any date.
- Date::DayOfWeek::Birthday(3) - Monday's child is fair of face ...
- Date::DayOfWeek::Nails(3) - Cut your nails on a Friday, cut them for woe ...
- Date::DayOfWeek::Sneeze(3) - Sneezing on Sunday is bad luck!
- Date::Doomsday(3) - Determine doomsday for a given year
- Date::Easter(3) - Calculates Easter for any given year
- Date::Extract(3) - extract probable dates from strings
- Date::EzDate(3) - Date and time manipulation made easy
- Date::ICal(3) - Perl extension for ICalendar date objects.
- Date::ICal::Duration(3) - durations in iCalendar format, for math purposes.
- Date::ISO(3) - Perl extension for converting dates between ISO and Gregorian formats.
- Date::Japanese::Era(3) - Conversion between Japanese Era / Gregorian calendar
- Date::Japanese::Era::Table(3) - Conversion Table for Date::Japanese::Era
- Date::Japanese::Era::Table::JIS_X0301(3) - yet another conversion Table for Date::Japanese::Era
- Date::Japanese::Holiday(3) - Calculate Japanese Holiday.
- Date::Language(3) - Language specific date formating and parsing
- Date::Language::Bulgarian(3) - localization for Date::Format
- Date::Language::Hungarian(3) - Magyar format for Date::Format
- Date::Leapyear(3) - Is a particular year a leap year?
- Date::Manip::Base(3) - Base methods for date manipulation
- Date::Manip::Calc(3) - describes date calculations
- Date::Manip::Changes5(3) - changes in Date::Manip 5.xx
- Date::Manip::Changes5to6(3) - describes differences between 5.xx and 6.00
- Date::Manip::Changes6(3) - changes in Date::Manip 6.xx
- Date::Manip::Config(3) - Date::Manip configuration
- Date::Manip::ConfigFile(3) - sample config file
- Date::Manip::Date(3) - Methods for working with dates
- Date::Manip::Delta(3) - Methods for working with deltas
- Date::Manip::DM5(3) - Date manipulation routines
- Date::Manip::DM5abbrevs(3) - A list of all timezone abbreviations
- Date::Manip::DM6(3) - Date manipulation routines
- Date::Manip::Examples(3) - examples of how to use Date::Manip
- Date::Manip::History(3) - Twenty years and still going strong
- Date::Manip::Holidays(3) - describes holidays and events
- Date::Manip::Interfaces(3) - A description of functional and OO interfaces
- Date::Manip::Lang(3) - language support for Date::Manip
- Date::Manip::Lang::catalan(3) - Catalan language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::danish(3) - Danish language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::dutch(3) - Dutch language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::english(3) - English language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::finnish(3) - Finnish language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::french(3) - French language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::german(3) - German language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::index(3) - An index of languages supported by Date::Manip
- Date::Manip::Lang::italian(3) - Italian language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::norwegian(3) - Norwegian language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::polish(3) - Polish language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::portugue(3) - Portuguese language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::romanian(3) - Romanian language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::russian(3) - Russian language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::spanish(3) - Spanish language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::swedish(3) - Swedish language support.
- Date::Manip::Lang::turkish(3) - Turkish language support.
- Date::Manip::Migration5to6(3) - how to upgrade from 5.xx to 6.00
- Date::Manip::Misc(3) - Miscellaneous information about Date::Manip
- Date::Manip::Obj(3) - Base class for Date::Manip objects
- Date::Manip::Objects(3) - A description of the various Date::Manip objects
- Date::Manip::Problems(3) - problems and bugs
- Date::Manip::Recur(3) - methods for working with recurring events
- Date::Manip::TZ(3) - an interface to the time zone data
- Date::Manip::TZ_Base(3) - Methods common to the TZ and Base classes
- Date::Manip::TZdata(3)
- Date::Manip::Zones(3) - Time zone information
- Date::Parse(3) - Parse date strings into time values
- Date::Pcalc::Object(3) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Pcalc with overloaded operators
- Date::Pcalendar::Profiles(3) - Some sample profiles for Date::Pcalendar and Date::Pcalendar::Year
- Date::Pcalendar::Year(3) - Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Pcalendar
- Date::Piece(3) - efficient dates with Time::Piece interoperability
- Date::Range(3) - work with a range of dates
- Date::Roman(3) - Perl OO extension for handling roman style dates
- Date::Simple::D8(3) - Sub class of Date::Simple with eight digit date style formatting as default.
- Date::Simple::Fmt(3) - Sub class of Date::Simple with per object level formatting for overloaded stringification.
- Date::Simple::ISO(3) - Sub class of Date::Simple
- Date::Simple::NoXS(3) - Pure Perl support for Date::Simple.
- DateFormat(3) - Log4perl advanced date formatter helper class
- DateTime::Astro(3) - Functions For Astromical Calendars
- DateTime::Calendar::Chinese(3) - Traditional Chinese Calendar Implementation
- DateTime::Calendar::Christian(3) - Dates in the Christian calendar
- DateTime::Calendar::Discordian(3) - Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary(3) - Dates in the French Revolutionary Calendar
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale(3) - Dates in the French Revolutionary Calendar
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::en(3)
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::es(3)
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr(3)
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::it(3)
- DateTime::Calendar::Japanese(3) - DateTime Extension for Traditional Japanese Calendars
- DateTime::Calendar::Japanese::Era(3) - DateTime Extension for Japanese Eras
- DateTime::Calendar::Julian(3) - Dates in the Julian calendar
- DateTime::Calendar::Mayan(3) - The Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars
- DateTime::Calendar::Pataphysical(3) - Dates in the pataphysical calendar
- DateTime::Duration(3) - Duration objects for date math
- DateTime::Event::Chinese(3) - DateTime Extension for Calculating Important Chinese Dates
- DateTime::Event::Cron(3) - DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab lines and files.
- DateTime::Event::Easter(3) - Returns Easter events for DateTime objects
- DateTime::Event::ICal(3) - Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences.
- DateTime::Event::Lunar(3) - Compute Lunar Events
- DateTime::Event::NameDay(3) - Perl DateTime extension to work with namedays from various countries.
- DateTime::Event::Random(3) - DateTime extension for creating random datetimes.
- DateTime::Event::Recurrence(3) - DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence sets
- DateTime::Event::SolarTerm(3) - Calculate Solar Terms
- DateTime::Event::Sunrise(3) - Perl DateTime extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
- DateTime::Event::Zodiac(3) - Return zodiac for a given date
- DateTime::Fiscal::Year(3) - Calculate the day or week of the Fiscal Year with an arbitrary start date
- DateTime::Format::Baby(3) - Parse and format baby-style time
- DateTime::Format::Bork(3) - Bork! Bork! Bork!
- DateTime::Format::Builder(3) - Create DateTime parser classes and objects.
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser(3) - Parser creation
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Dispatch(3) - Dispatch parsers by group
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic(3) - Useful routines
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Quick(3) - Use another formatter, simply
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Regex(3) - Regex based date parsing
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Strptime(3) - strptime based date parsing
- DateTime::Format::Builder::Tutorial(3) - Quick class on using Builder
- DateTime::Format::DateManip(3) - Perl DateTime extension to convert Date::Manip dates and durations to DateTimes and vice versa.
- DateTime::Format::DateParse(3) - Parses Date::Parse compatible formats
- DateTime::Format::DBI(3) - Find a parser class for a database connection.
- DateTime::Format::Duration(3) - Format and parse DateTime::Durations
- DateTime::Format::Epoch(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::ActiveDirectory(3) - Active Directory epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::DotNet(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from .NET epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::JD(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Julian Days
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::Lilian(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Lilian Days
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::MacOS(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Mac OS epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::MJD(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Modified Julian Days
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::NTP(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from NTP epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::RataDie(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Rata Die
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::RJD(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Reduced Julian Days
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::TAI64(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from TAI64 values
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::TJD(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Truncated Julian Days
- DateTime::Format::Epoch::Unix(3) - Convert DateTimes to/from Unix epoch seconds
- DateTime::Format::Excel(3) - Convert between DateTime and Excel dates.
- DateTime::Format::Flexible(3) - DateTime::Format::Flexible - Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects.
- DateTime::Format::Flexible::lang(3) - base language module to handle plugins for DateTime::Format::Flexible.
- DateTime::Format::Flexible::lang::de(3) - german language plugin
- DateTime::Format::Flexible::lang::en(3) - the english language plugin
- DateTime::Format::Flexible::lang::es(3) - spanish language plugin
- DateTime::Format::HTTP(3) - Date conversion routines
- DateTime::Format::IBeat(3) - Format times in .beat notation
- DateTime::Format::ICal(3) - Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
- DateTime::Format::ISO8601(3) - Parses ISO8601 formats
- DateTime::Format::ISO8601::Types(3) - Types used for parameter checking in DateTime
- DateTime::Format::Japanese(3) - A Japanese DateTime Formatter
- DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common(3) - Utilities To Format Japanese Dates
- DateTime::Format::Japanese::Traditional(3) - A Japanese DateTime Formatter For Traditional Japanese Calendar
- DateTime::Format::Mail(3) - Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
- DateTime::Format::MySQL(3) - Parse and format MySQL dates and times
- DateTime::Format::Natural(3) - Parse informal natural language date/time strings
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Calc(3) - Basic calculations
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Compat(3) - Methods with more than one implementation
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration(3) - Duration hooks and state handling
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Expand(3) - Expand grammar at runtime
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Extract(3) - Extract parsable expressions from strings
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Formatted(3) - Processing of formatted dates
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Helpers(3) - Various helper methods
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::Base(3) - Base class for DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN(3) - English language metadata
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Rewrite(3) - Aliasing and rewriting of date strings
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Test(3) - Common test routines/data
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Utils(3) - Handy utility functions/methods
- DateTime::Format::Natural::Wrappers(3) - Wrappers for DateTime operations
- DateTime::Format::Oracle(3) - Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
- DateTime::Format::Pg(3) - Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
- DateTime::Format::RFC3339(3) - Parse and format RFC3339 datetime strings
- DateTime::Format::Roman(3) - Roman day numbering for DateTime objects
- DateTime::Format::RSS(3) - Format DateTime For RSS
- DateTime::Format::SQLite(3) - Parse and format SQLite dates and times
- DateTime::Format::Strptime(3) - Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
- DateTime::Format::Strptime::Types(3) - Types used for parameter checking in DateTime::Format::Strptime
- DateTime::Format::W3CDTF(3) - Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
- DateTime::Format::XSD(3) - Format DateTime according to xsd:dateTime
- DateTime::Functions(3) - Procedural interface to DateTime functions
- DateTime::HiRes(3) - Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
- DateTime::Incomplete(3) - An incomplete datetime, like January 5
- DateTime::Infinite(3) - Infinite past and future DateTime objects
- DateTime::LeapSecond(3) - leap seconds table and utilities
- DateTime::Locale(3) - Localization support for DateTime.pm
- DateTime::Locale::af(3) - Locale data examples for the Afrikaans (af) locale
- DateTime::Locale::af_NA(3) - Locale data examples for the Afrikaans Namibia (af-NA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::af_ZA(3) - Locale data examples for the Afrikaans South Africa (af-ZA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::agq(3) - Locale data examples for the Aghem (agq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::agq_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Aghem Cameroon (agq-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ak(3) - Locale data examples for the Akan (ak) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ak_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the Akan Ghana (ak-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::am(3) - Locale data examples for the Amharic (am) locale
- DateTime::Locale::am_ET(3) - Locale data examples for the Amharic Ethiopia (am-ET) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic (ar) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_001(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic world (ar-001) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_AE(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic United Arab Emirates (ar-AE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_BH(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Bahrain (ar-BH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_DJ(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Djibouti (ar-DJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_DZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Algeria (ar-DZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_EG(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Egypt (ar-EG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_EH(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Western Sahara (ar-EH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_ER(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Eritrea (ar-ER) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_IL(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Israel (ar-IL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_IQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Iraq (ar-IQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_JO(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Jordan (ar-JO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_KM(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Comoros (ar-KM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_KW(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Kuwait (ar-KW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_LB(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Lebanon (ar-LB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_LY(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Libya (ar-LY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Morocco (ar-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_MR(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Mauritania (ar-MR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_OM(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Oman (ar-OM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_PS(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Palestinian Territories (ar-PS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_QA(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Qatar (ar-QA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_SA(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Saudi Arabia (ar-SA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_SD(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Sudan (ar-SD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_SO(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Somalia (ar-SO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_SS(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic South Sudan (ar-SS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_SY(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Syria (ar-SY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_TD(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Chad (ar-TD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_TN(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Tunisia (ar-TN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ar_YE(3) - Locale data examples for the Arabic Yemen (ar-YE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::as(3) - Locale data examples for the Assamese (as) locale
- DateTime::Locale::as_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Assamese India (as-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::asa(3) - Locale data examples for the Asu (asa) locale
- DateTime::Locale::asa_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Asu Tanzania (asa-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ast(3) - Locale data examples for the Asturian (ast) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ast_ES(3) - Locale data examples for the Asturian Spain (ast-ES) locale
- DateTime::Locale::az(3) - Locale data examples for the Azerbaijani (az) locale
- DateTime::Locale::az_Cyrl(3) - Locale data examples for the Azerbaijani Cyrillic (az-Cyrl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::az_Cyrl_AZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Cyrillic (az-Cyrl-AZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::az_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Azerbaijani Latin (az-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::az_Latn_AZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Latin (az-Latn-AZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bas(3) - Locale data examples for the Basaa (bas) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bas_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Basaa Cameroon (bas-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::Base(3) - Base class for individual locale objects (deprecated)
- DateTime::Locale::be(3) - Locale data examples for the Belarusian (be) locale
- DateTime::Locale::be_BY(3) - Locale data examples for the Belarusian Belarus (be-BY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::be_tarask(3) - Locale data examples for the Belarusian (be-tarask) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bem(3) - Locale data examples for the Bemba (bem) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bem_ZM(3) - Locale data examples for the Bemba Zambia (bem-ZM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bez(3) - Locale data examples for the Bena (bez) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bez_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Bena Tanzania (bez-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bg(3) - Locale data examples for the Bulgarian (bg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bg_BG(3) - Locale data examples for the Bulgarian Bulgaria (bg-BG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bm(3) - Locale data examples for the Bambara (bm) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bm_ML(3) - Locale data examples for the Bambara Mali (bm-ML) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bn(3) - Locale data examples for the Bangla (bn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bn_BD(3) - Locale data examples for the Bangla Bangladesh (bn-BD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bn_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Bangla India (bn-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bo(3) - Locale data examples for the Tibetan (bo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bo_CN(3) - Locale data examples for the Tibetan China (bo-CN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bo_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Tibetan India (bo-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::br(3) - Locale data examples for the Breton (br) locale
- DateTime::Locale::br_FR(3) - Locale data examples for the Breton France (br-FR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::brx(3) - Locale data examples for the Bodo (brx) locale
- DateTime::Locale::brx_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Bodo India (brx-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bs(3) - Locale data examples for the Bosnian (bs) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bs_Cyrl(3) - Locale data examples for the Bosnian Cyrillic (bs-Cyrl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bs_Cyrl_BA(3) - Locale data examples for the Bosnian Bosnia & Herzegovina Cyrillic (bs-Cyrl-BA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bs_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Bosnian Latin (bs-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::bs_Latn_BA(3) - Locale data examples for the Bosnian Bosnia & Herzegovina Latin (bs-Latn-BA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan (ca) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca_AD(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan Andorra (ca-AD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca_ES(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan Spain (ca-ES) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca_ES_valencia(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan Spain Valencian (ca-ES-valencia) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca_FR(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan France (ca-FR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ca_IT(3) - Locale data examples for the Catalan Italy (ca-IT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::Catalog(3) - Provides a catalog of all valid locale names
- DateTime::Locale::ccp(3) - Locale data examples for the Chakma (ccp) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ccp_BD(3) - Locale data examples for the Chakma Bangladesh (ccp-BD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ccp_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Chakma India (ccp-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ce(3) - Locale data examples for the Chechen (ce) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ce_RU(3) - Locale data examples for the Chechen Russia (ce-RU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ceb(3) - Locale data examples for the Cebuano (ceb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ceb_PH(3) - Locale data examples for the Cebuano Philippines (ceb-PH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cgg(3) - Locale data examples for the Chiga (cgg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cgg_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Chiga Uganda (cgg-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::chr(3) - Locale data examples for the Cherokee (chr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::chr_US(3) - Locale data examples for the Cherokee United States (chr-US) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ckb(3) - Locale data examples for the Central Kurdish (ckb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ckb_IQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Central Kurdish Iraq (ckb-IQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ckb_IR(3) - Locale data examples for the Central Kurdish Iran (ckb-IR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cs(3) - Locale data examples for the Czech (cs) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cs_CZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Czech Czechia (cs-CZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cy(3) - Locale data examples for the Welsh (cy) locale
- DateTime::Locale::cy_GB(3) - Locale data examples for the Welsh United Kingdom (cy-GB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::da(3) - Locale data examples for the Danish (da) locale
- DateTime::Locale::da_DK(3) - Locale data examples for the Danish Denmark (da-DK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::da_GL(3) - Locale data examples for the Danish Greenland (da-GL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::Data(3) - Locale data generated from CLDR
- DateTime::Locale::dav(3) - Locale data examples for the Taita (dav) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dav_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Taita Kenya (dav-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de(3) - Locale data examples for the German (de) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_AT(3) - Locale data examples for the German Austria (de-AT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_BE(3) - Locale data examples for the German Belgium (de-BE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the German Switzerland (de-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the German Germany (de-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_IT(3) - Locale data examples for the German Italy (de-IT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_LI(3) - Locale data examples for the German Liechtenstein (de-LI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::de_LU(3) - Locale data examples for the German Luxembourg (de-LU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dje(3) - Locale data examples for the Zarma (dje) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dje_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the Zarma Niger (dje-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::doi(3) - Locale data examples for the Dogri (doi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::doi_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Dogri India (doi-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dsb(3) - Locale data examples for the Lower Sorbian (dsb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dsb_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the Lower Sorbian Germany (dsb-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dua(3) - Locale data examples for the Duala (dua) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dua_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Duala Cameroon (dua-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dyo(3) - Locale data examples for the Jola-Fonyi (dyo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dyo_SN(3) - Locale data examples for the Jola-Fonyi Senegal (dyo-SN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dz(3) - Locale data examples for the Dzongkha (dz) locale
- DateTime::Locale::dz_BT(3) - Locale data examples for the Dzongkha Bhutan (dz-BT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ebu(3) - Locale data examples for the Embu (ebu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ebu_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Embu Kenya (ebu-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ee(3) - Locale data examples for the Ewe (ee) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ee_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the Ewe Ghana (ee-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ee_TG(3) - Locale data examples for the Ewe Togo (ee-TG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::el(3) - Locale data examples for the Greek (el) locale
- DateTime::Locale::el_CY(3) - Locale data examples for the Greek Cyprus (el-CY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::el_GR(3) - Locale data examples for the Greek Greece (el-GR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en(3) - Locale data examples for the English (en) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_001(3) - Locale data examples for the English world (en-001) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_150(3) - Locale data examples for the English Europe (en-150) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AE(3) - Locale data examples for the English United Arab Emirates (en-AE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Antigua & Barbuda (en-AG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Anguilla (en-AI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AS(3) - Locale data examples for the English American Samoa (en-AS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AT(3) - Locale data examples for the English Austria (en-AT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_AU(3) - Locale data examples for the English Australia (en-AU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BB(3) - Locale data examples for the English Barbados (en-BB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Belgium (en-BE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Burundi (en-BI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Bermuda (en-BM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BS(3) - Locale data examples for the English Bahamas (en-BS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BW(3) - Locale data examples for the English Botswana (en-BW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_BZ(3) - Locale data examples for the English Belize (en-BZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CA(3) - Locale data examples for the English Canada (en-CA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CC(3) - Locale data examples for the English Cocos (Keeling) Islands (en-CC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the English Switzerland (en-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Cook Islands (en-CK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Cameroon (en-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CX(3) - Locale data examples for the English Christmas Island (en-CX) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_CY(3) - Locale data examples for the English Cyprus (en-CY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Germany (en-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_DG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Diego Garcia (en-DG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_DK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Denmark (en-DK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_DM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Dominica (en-DM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_ER(3) - Locale data examples for the English Eritrea (en-ER) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_FI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Finland (en-FI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_FJ(3) - Locale data examples for the English Fiji (en-FJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_FK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Falkland Islands (en-FK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_FM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Micronesia (en-FM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GB(3) - Locale data examples for the English United Kingdom (en-GB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GD(3) - Locale data examples for the English Grenada (en-GD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Guernsey (en-GG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the English Ghana (en-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Gibraltar (en-GI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Gambia (en-GM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GU(3) - Locale data examples for the English Guam (en-GU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_GY(3) - Locale data examples for the English Guyana (en-GY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_HK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Hong Kong SAR China (en-HK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_IE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Ireland (en-IE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_IL(3) - Locale data examples for the English Israel (en-IL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_IM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Isle of Man (en-IM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the English India (en-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_IO(3) - Locale data examples for the English British Indian Ocean Territory (en-IO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_JE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Jersey (en-JE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_JM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Jamaica (en-JM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Kenya (en-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_KI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Kiribati (en-KI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_KN(3) - Locale data examples for the English St. Kitts & Nevis (en-KN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_KY(3) - Locale data examples for the English Cayman Islands (en-KY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_LC(3) - Locale data examples for the English St. Lucia (en-LC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_LR(3) - Locale data examples for the English Liberia (en-LR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_LS(3) - Locale data examples for the English Lesotho (en-LS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Madagascar (en-MG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MH(3) - Locale data examples for the English Marshall Islands (en-MH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MO(3) - Locale data examples for the English Macao SAR China (en-MO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MP(3) - Locale data examples for the English Northern Mariana Islands (en-MP) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MS(3) - Locale data examples for the English Montserrat (en-MS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MT(3) - Locale data examples for the English Malta (en-MT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MU(3) - Locale data examples for the English Mauritius (en-MU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MW(3) - Locale data examples for the English Malawi (en-MW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_MY(3) - Locale data examples for the English Malaysia (en-MY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NA(3) - Locale data examples for the English Namibia (en-NA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NF(3) - Locale data examples for the English Norfolk Island (en-NF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Nigeria (en-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NL(3) - Locale data examples for the English Netherlands (en-NL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NR(3) - Locale data examples for the English Nauru (en-NR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NU(3) - Locale data examples for the English Niue (en-NU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_NZ(3) - Locale data examples for the English New Zealand (en-NZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Papua New Guinea (en-PG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PH(3) - Locale data examples for the English Philippines (en-PH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Pakistan (en-PK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PN(3) - Locale data examples for the English Pitcairn Islands (en-PN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PR(3) - Locale data examples for the English Puerto Rico (en-PR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_PW(3) - Locale data examples for the English Palau (en-PW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_RW(3) - Locale data examples for the English Rwanda (en-RW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SB(3) - Locale data examples for the English Solomon Islands (en-SB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SC(3) - Locale data examples for the English Seychelles (en-SC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SD(3) - Locale data examples for the English Sudan (en-SD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SE(3) - Locale data examples for the English Sweden (en-SE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Singapore (en-SG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SH(3) - Locale data examples for the English St. Helena (en-SH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SI(3) - Locale data examples for the English Slovenia (en-SI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SL(3) - Locale data examples for the English Sierra Leone (en-SL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SS(3) - Locale data examples for the English South Sudan (en-SS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SX(3) - Locale data examples for the English Sint Maarten (en-SX) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_SZ(3) - Locale data examples for the English Eswatini (en-SZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TC(3) - Locale data examples for the English Turks & Caicos Islands (en-TC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TK(3) - Locale data examples for the English Tokelau (en-TK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TO(3) - Locale data examples for the English Tonga (en-TO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TT(3) - Locale data examples for the English Trinidad & Tobago (en-TT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TV(3) - Locale data examples for the English Tuvalu (en-TV) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the English Tanzania (en-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the English Uganda (en-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_UM(3) - Locale data examples for the English U.S. Outlying Islands (en-UM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_US(3) - Locale data examples for the English United States (en-US) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_VC(3) - Locale data examples for the English St. Vincent & Grenadines (en-VC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_VG(3) - Locale data examples for the English British Virgin Islands (en-VG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_VI(3) - Locale data examples for the English U.S. Virgin Islands (en-VI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_VU(3) - Locale data examples for the English Vanuatu (en-VU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_WS(3) - Locale data examples for the English Samoa (en-WS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_ZA(3) - Locale data examples for the English South Africa (en-ZA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_ZM(3) - Locale data examples for the English Zambia (en-ZM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::en_ZW(3) - Locale data examples for the English Zimbabwe (en-ZW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::eo(3) - Locale data examples for the Esperanto (eo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::eo_001(3) - Locale data examples for the Esperanto world (eo-001) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish (es) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_419(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Latin America (es-419) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_AR(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Argentina (es-AR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_BO(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Bolivia (es-BO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_BR(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Brazil (es-BR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_BZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Belize (es-BZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_CL(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Chile (es-CL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_CO(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Colombia (es-CO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_CR(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Costa Rica (es-CR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_CU(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Cuba (es-CU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_DO(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Dominican Republic (es-DO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_EA(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Ceuta & Melilla (es-EA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_EC(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Ecuador (es-EC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_ES(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Spain (es-ES) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_GQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Equatorial Guinea (es-GQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_GT(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Guatemala (es-GT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_HN(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Honduras (es-HN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_IC(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Canary Islands (es-IC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_MX(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Mexico (es-MX) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_NI(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Nicaragua (es-NI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_PA(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Panama (es-PA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_PE(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Peru (es-PE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_PH(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Philippines (es-PH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_PR(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Puerto Rico (es-PR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_PY(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Paraguay (es-PY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_SV(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish El Salvador (es-SV) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_US(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish United States (es-US) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_UY(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Uruguay (es-UY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::es_VE(3) - Locale data examples for the Spanish Venezuela (es-VE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::et(3) - Locale data examples for the Estonian (et) locale
- DateTime::Locale::et_EE(3) - Locale data examples for the Estonian Estonia (et-EE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::eu(3) - Locale data examples for the Basque (eu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::eu_ES(3) - Locale data examples for the Basque Spain (eu-ES) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ewo(3) - Locale data examples for the Ewondo (ewo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ewo_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Ewondo Cameroon (ewo-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fa(3) - Locale data examples for the Persian (fa) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fa_AF(3) - Locale data examples for the Persian Afghanistan (fa-AF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fa_IR(3) - Locale data examples for the Persian Iran (fa-IR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah (ff) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Adlam (ff-Adlm) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_BF(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Burkina Faso Adlam (ff-Adlm-BF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Cameroon Adlam (ff-Adlm-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Ghana Adlam (ff-Adlm-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_GM(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Gambia Adlam (ff-Adlm-GM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_GN(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Guinea Adlam (ff-Adlm-GN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_GW(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Guinea-Bissau Adlam (ff-Adlm-GW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_LR(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Liberia Adlam (ff-Adlm-LR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_MR(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Mauritania Adlam (ff-Adlm-MR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Niger Adlam (ff-Adlm-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Nigeria Adlam (ff-Adlm-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_SL(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Sierra Leone Adlam (ff-Adlm-SL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Adlm_SN(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Senegal Adlam (ff-Adlm-SN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Latin (ff-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_BF(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Burkina Faso Latin (ff-Latn-BF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Cameroon Latin (ff-Latn-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Ghana Latin (ff-Latn-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_GM(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Gambia Latin (ff-Latn-GM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_GN(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Guinea Latin (ff-Latn-GN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_GW(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Guinea-Bissau Latin (ff-Latn-GW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_LR(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Liberia Latin (ff-Latn-LR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_MR(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Mauritania Latin (ff-Latn-MR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Niger Latin (ff-Latn-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Nigeria Latin (ff-Latn-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_SL(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Sierra Leone Latin (ff-Latn-SL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ff_Latn_SN(3) - Locale data examples for the Fulah Senegal Latin (ff-Latn-SN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fi(3) - Locale data examples for the Finnish (fi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fi_FI(3) - Locale data examples for the Finnish Finland (fi-FI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fil(3) - Locale data examples for the Filipino (fil) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fil_PH(3) - Locale data examples for the Filipino Philippines (fil-PH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fo(3) - Locale data examples for the Faroese (fo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fo_DK(3) - Locale data examples for the Faroese Denmark (fo-DK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fo_FO(3) - Locale data examples for the Faroese Faroe Islands (fo-FO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr(3) - Locale data examples for the French (fr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_BE(3) - Locale data examples for the French Belgium (fr-BE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_BF(3) - Locale data examples for the French Burkina Faso (fr-BF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_BI(3) - Locale data examples for the French Burundi (fr-BI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_BJ(3) - Locale data examples for the French Benin (fr-BJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_BL(3) - Locale data examples for the French St. Barthélemy (fr-BL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CA(3) - Locale data examples for the French Canada (fr-CA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CD(3) - Locale data examples for the French Congo - Kinshasa (fr-CD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CF(3) - Locale data examples for the French Central African Republic (fr-CF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CG(3) - Locale data examples for the French Congo - Brazzaville (fr-CG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the French Switzerland (fr-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CI(3) - Locale data examples for the French Côte d’Ivoire (fr-CI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the French Cameroon (fr-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_DJ(3) - Locale data examples for the French Djibouti (fr-DJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_DZ(3) - Locale data examples for the French Algeria (fr-DZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_FR(3) - Locale data examples for the French France (fr-FR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_GA(3) - Locale data examples for the French Gabon (fr-GA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_GF(3) - Locale data examples for the French French Guiana (fr-GF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_GN(3) - Locale data examples for the French Guinea (fr-GN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_GP(3) - Locale data examples for the French Guadeloupe (fr-GP) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_GQ(3) - Locale data examples for the French Equatorial Guinea (fr-GQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_HT(3) - Locale data examples for the French Haiti (fr-HT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_KM(3) - Locale data examples for the French Comoros (fr-KM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_LU(3) - Locale data examples for the French Luxembourg (fr-LU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the French Morocco (fr-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MC(3) - Locale data examples for the French Monaco (fr-MC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MF(3) - Locale data examples for the French St. Martin (fr-MF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MG(3) - Locale data examples for the French Madagascar (fr-MG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_ML(3) - Locale data examples for the French Mali (fr-ML) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MQ(3) - Locale data examples for the French Martinique (fr-MQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MR(3) - Locale data examples for the French Mauritania (fr-MR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_MU(3) - Locale data examples for the French Mauritius (fr-MU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_NC(3) - Locale data examples for the French New Caledonia (fr-NC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the French Niger (fr-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_PF(3) - Locale data examples for the French French Polynesia (fr-PF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_PM(3) - Locale data examples for the French St. Pierre & Miquelon (fr-PM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_RE(3) - Locale data examples for the French Réunion (fr-RE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_RW(3) - Locale data examples for the French Rwanda (fr-RW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_SC(3) - Locale data examples for the French Seychelles (fr-SC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_SN(3) - Locale data examples for the French Senegal (fr-SN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_SY(3) - Locale data examples for the French Syria (fr-SY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_TD(3) - Locale data examples for the French Chad (fr-TD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_TG(3) - Locale data examples for the French Togo (fr-TG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_TN(3) - Locale data examples for the French Tunisia (fr-TN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_VU(3) - Locale data examples for the French Vanuatu (fr-VU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_WF(3) - Locale data examples for the French Wallis & Futuna (fr-WF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fr_YT(3) - Locale data examples for the French Mayotte (fr-YT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::FromData(3) - Class for locale objects instantiated from pre-defined data
- DateTime::Locale::fur(3) - Locale data examples for the Friulian (fur) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fur_IT(3) - Locale data examples for the Friulian Italy (fur-IT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fy(3) - Locale data examples for the Western Frisian (fy) locale
- DateTime::Locale::fy_NL(3) - Locale data examples for the Western Frisian Netherlands (fy-NL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ga(3) - Locale data examples for the Irish (ga) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ga_GB(3) - Locale data examples for the Irish United Kingdom (ga-GB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ga_IE(3) - Locale data examples for the Irish Ireland (ga-IE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gd(3) - Locale data examples for the Scottish Gaelic (gd) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gd_GB(3) - Locale data examples for the Scottish Gaelic United Kingdom (gd-GB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gl(3) - Locale data examples for the Galician (gl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gl_ES(3) - Locale data examples for the Galician Spain (gl-ES) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gsw(3) - Locale data examples for the Swiss German (gsw) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gsw_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the Swiss German Switzerland (gsw-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gsw_FR(3) - Locale data examples for the Swiss German France (gsw-FR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gsw_LI(3) - Locale data examples for the Swiss German Liechtenstein (gsw-LI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gu(3) - Locale data examples for the Gujarati (gu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gu_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Gujarati India (gu-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::guz(3) - Locale data examples for the Gusii (guz) locale
- DateTime::Locale::guz_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Gusii Kenya (guz-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gv(3) - Locale data examples for the Manx (gv) locale
- DateTime::Locale::gv_IM(3) - Locale data examples for the Manx Isle of Man (gv-IM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ha(3) - Locale data examples for the Hausa (ha) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ha_GH(3) - Locale data examples for the Hausa Ghana (ha-GH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ha_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the Hausa Niger (ha-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ha_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Hausa Nigeria (ha-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::haw(3) - Locale data examples for the Hawaiian (haw) locale
- DateTime::Locale::haw_US(3) - Locale data examples for the Hawaiian United States (haw-US) locale
- DateTime::Locale::he(3) - Locale data examples for the Hebrew (he) locale
- DateTime::Locale::he_IL(3) - Locale data examples for the Hebrew Israel (he-IL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hi(3) - Locale data examples for the Hindi (hi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hi_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Hindi India (hi-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hr(3) - Locale data examples for the Croatian (hr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hr_BA(3) - Locale data examples for the Croatian Bosnia & Herzegovina (hr-BA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hr_HR(3) - Locale data examples for the Croatian Croatia (hr-HR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hsb(3) - Locale data examples for the Upper Sorbian (hsb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hsb_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the Upper Sorbian Germany (hsb-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hu(3) - Locale data examples for the Hungarian (hu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hu_HU(3) - Locale data examples for the Hungarian Hungary (hu-HU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hy(3) - Locale data examples for the Armenian (hy) locale
- DateTime::Locale::hy_AM(3) - Locale data examples for the Armenian Armenia (hy-AM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ia(3) - Locale data examples for the Interlingua (ia) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ia_001(3) - Locale data examples for the Interlingua world (ia-001) locale
- DateTime::Locale::id(3) - Locale data examples for the Indonesian (id) locale
- DateTime::Locale::id_ID(3) - Locale data examples for the Indonesian Indonesia (id-ID) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ig(3) - Locale data examples for the Igbo (ig) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ig_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Igbo Nigeria (ig-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ii(3) - Locale data examples for the Sichuan Yi (ii) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ii_CN(3) - Locale data examples for the Sichuan Yi China (ii-CN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::is(3) - Locale data examples for the Icelandic (is) locale
- DateTime::Locale::is_IS(3) - Locale data examples for the Icelandic Iceland (is-IS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::it(3) - Locale data examples for the Italian (it) locale
- DateTime::Locale::it_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the Italian Switzerland (it-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::it_IT(3) - Locale data examples for the Italian Italy (it-IT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::it_SM(3) - Locale data examples for the Italian San Marino (it-SM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::it_VA(3) - Locale data examples for the Italian Vatican City (it-VA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ja(3) - Locale data examples for the Japanese (ja) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ja_JP(3) - Locale data examples for the Japanese Japan (ja-JP) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jgo(3) - Locale data examples for the Ngomba (jgo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jgo_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Ngomba Cameroon (jgo-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jmc(3) - Locale data examples for the Machame (jmc) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jmc_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Machame Tanzania (jmc-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jv(3) - Locale data examples for the Javanese (jv) locale
- DateTime::Locale::jv_ID(3) - Locale data examples for the Javanese Indonesia (jv-ID) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ka(3) - Locale data examples for the Georgian (ka) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ka_GE(3) - Locale data examples for the Georgian Georgia (ka-GE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kab(3) - Locale data examples for the Kabyle (kab) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kab_DZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Kabyle Algeria (kab-DZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kam(3) - Locale data examples for the Kamba (kam) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kam_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Kamba Kenya (kam-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kde(3) - Locale data examples for the Makonde (kde) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kde_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Makonde Tanzania (kde-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kea(3) - Locale data examples for the Kabuverdianu (kea) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kea_CV(3) - Locale data examples for the Kabuverdianu Cape Verde (kea-CV) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kgp(3) - Locale data examples for the Kaingang (kgp) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kgp_BR(3) - Locale data examples for the Kaingang Brazil (kgp-BR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::khq(3) - Locale data examples for the Koyra Chiini (khq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::khq_ML(3) - Locale data examples for the Koyra Chiini Mali (khq-ML) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ki(3) - Locale data examples for the Kikuyu (ki) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ki_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Kikuyu Kenya (ki-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kk(3) - Locale data examples for the Kazakh (kk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kk_KZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Kazakh Kazakhstan (kk-KZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kkj(3) - Locale data examples for the Kako (kkj) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kkj_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Kako Cameroon (kkj-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kl(3) - Locale data examples for the Kalaallisut (kl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kl_GL(3) - Locale data examples for the Kalaallisut Greenland (kl-GL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kln(3) - Locale data examples for the Kalenjin (kln) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kln_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Kalenjin Kenya (kln-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::km(3) - Locale data examples for the Khmer (km) locale
- DateTime::Locale::km_KH(3) - Locale data examples for the Khmer Cambodia (km-KH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kn(3) - Locale data examples for the Kannada (kn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kn_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Kannada India (kn-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ko(3) - Locale data examples for the Korean (ko) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ko_KP(3) - Locale data examples for the Korean North Korea (ko-KP) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ko_KR(3) - Locale data examples for the Korean South Korea (ko-KR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kok(3) - Locale data examples for the Konkani (kok) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kok_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Konkani India (kok-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ks(3) - Locale data examples for the Kashmiri (ks) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ks_Arab(3) - Locale data examples for the Kashmiri Arabic (ks-Arab) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ks_Arab_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Kashmiri India Arabic (ks-Arab-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksb(3) - Locale data examples for the Shambala (ksb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksb_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Shambala Tanzania (ksb-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksf(3) - Locale data examples for the Bafia (ksf) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksf_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Bafia Cameroon (ksf-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksh(3) - Locale data examples for the Colognian (ksh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ksh_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the Colognian Germany (ksh-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ku(3) - Locale data examples for the Kurdish (ku) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ku_TR(3) - Locale data examples for the Kurdish Turkey (ku-TR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kw(3) - Locale data examples for the Cornish (kw) locale
- DateTime::Locale::kw_GB(3) - Locale data examples for the Cornish United Kingdom (kw-GB) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ky(3) - Locale data examples for the Kyrgyz (ky) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ky_KG(3) - Locale data examples for the Kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan (ky-KG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lag(3) - Locale data examples for the Langi (lag) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lag_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Langi Tanzania (lag-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lb(3) - Locale data examples for the Luxembourgish (lb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lb_LU(3) - Locale data examples for the Luxembourgish Luxembourg (lb-LU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lg(3) - Locale data examples for the Ganda (lg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lg_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Ganda Uganda (lg-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lkt(3) - Locale data examples for the Lakota (lkt) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lkt_US(3) - Locale data examples for the Lakota United States (lkt-US) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ln(3) - Locale data examples for the Lingala (ln) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ln_AO(3) - Locale data examples for the Lingala Angola (ln-AO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ln_CD(3) - Locale data examples for the Lingala Congo - Kinshasa (ln-CD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ln_CF(3) - Locale data examples for the Lingala Central African Republic (ln-CF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ln_CG(3) - Locale data examples for the Lingala Congo - Brazzaville (ln-CG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lo(3) - Locale data examples for the Lao (lo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lo_LA(3) - Locale data examples for the Lao Laos (lo-LA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lrc(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Luri (lrc) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lrc_IQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Luri Iraq (lrc-IQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lrc_IR(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Luri Iran (lrc-IR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lt(3) - Locale data examples for the Lithuanian (lt) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lt_LT(3) - Locale data examples for the Lithuanian Lithuania (lt-LT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lu(3) - Locale data examples for the Luba-Katanga (lu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lu_CD(3) - Locale data examples for the Luba-Katanga Congo - Kinshasa (lu-CD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::luo(3) - Locale data examples for the Luo (luo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::luo_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Luo Kenya (luo-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::luy(3) - Locale data examples for the Luyia (luy) locale
- DateTime::Locale::luy_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Luyia Kenya (luy-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lv(3) - Locale data examples for the Latvian (lv) locale
- DateTime::Locale::lv_LV(3) - Locale data examples for the Latvian Latvia (lv-LV) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mai(3) - Locale data examples for the Maithili (mai) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mai_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Maithili India (mai-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mas(3) - Locale data examples for the Masai (mas) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mas_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Masai Kenya (mas-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mas_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Masai Tanzania (mas-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mer(3) - Locale data examples for the Meru (mer) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mer_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Meru Kenya (mer-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mfe(3) - Locale data examples for the Morisyen (mfe) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mfe_MU(3) - Locale data examples for the Morisyen Mauritius (mfe-MU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mg(3) - Locale data examples for the Malagasy (mg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mg_MG(3) - Locale data examples for the Malagasy Madagascar (mg-MG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mgh(3) - Locale data examples for the Makhuwa-Meetto (mgh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mgh_MZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Makhuwa-Meetto Mozambique (mgh-MZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mgo(3) - Locale data examples for the Metaʼ (mgo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mgo_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Metaʼ Cameroon (mgo-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mi(3) - Locale data examples for the Māori (mi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mi_NZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Māori New Zealand (mi-NZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mk(3) - Locale data examples for the Macedonian (mk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mk_MK(3) - Locale data examples for the Macedonian North Macedonia (mk-MK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ml(3) - Locale data examples for the Malayalam (ml) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ml_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Malayalam India (ml-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mn(3) - Locale data examples for the Mongolian (mn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mn_MN(3) - Locale data examples for the Mongolian Mongolia (mn-MN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mni(3) - Locale data examples for the Manipuri (mni) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mni_Beng(3) - Locale data examples for the Manipuri Bangla (mni-Beng) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mni_Beng_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Manipuri India Bangla (mni-Beng-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mr(3) - Locale data examples for the Marathi (mr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mr_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Marathi India (mr-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ms(3) - Locale data examples for the Malay (ms) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ms_BN(3) - Locale data examples for the Malay Brunei (ms-BN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ms_ID(3) - Locale data examples for the Malay Indonesia (ms-ID) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ms_MY(3) - Locale data examples for the Malay Malaysia (ms-MY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ms_SG(3) - Locale data examples for the Malay Singapore (ms-SG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mt(3) - Locale data examples for the Maltese (mt) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mt_MT(3) - Locale data examples for the Maltese Malta (mt-MT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mua(3) - Locale data examples for the Mundang (mua) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mua_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Mundang Cameroon (mua-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::my(3) - Locale data examples for the Burmese (my) locale
- DateTime::Locale::my_MM(3) - Locale data examples for the Burmese Myanmar (Burma) (my-MM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mzn(3) - Locale data examples for the Mazanderani (mzn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::mzn_IR(3) - Locale data examples for the Mazanderani Iran (mzn-IR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::naq(3) - Locale data examples for the Nama (naq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::naq_NA(3) - Locale data examples for the Nama Namibia (naq-NA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nb(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian Bokmål (nb) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nb_NO(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian Bokmål Norway (nb-NO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nb_SJ(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian Bokmål Svalbard & Jan Mayen (nb-SJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nd(3) - Locale data examples for the North Ndebele (nd) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nd_ZW(3) - Locale data examples for the North Ndebele Zimbabwe (nd-ZW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nds(3) - Locale data examples for the Low German (nds) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nds_DE(3) - Locale data examples for the Low German Germany (nds-DE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nds_NL(3) - Locale data examples for the Low German Netherlands (nds-NL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ne(3) - Locale data examples for the Nepali (ne) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ne_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Nepali India (ne-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ne_NP(3) - Locale data examples for the Nepali Nepal (ne-NP) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch (nl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_AW(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Aruba (nl-AW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_BE(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Belgium (nl-BE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_BQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Caribbean Netherlands (nl-BQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_CW(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Curaçao (nl-CW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_NL(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Netherlands (nl-NL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_SR(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Suriname (nl-SR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nl_SX(3) - Locale data examples for the Dutch Sint Maarten (nl-SX) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nmg(3) - Locale data examples for the Kwasio (nmg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nmg_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Kwasio Cameroon (nmg-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nn(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nn_NO(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian Nynorsk Norway (nn-NO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nnh(3) - Locale data examples for the Ngiemboon (nnh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nnh_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Ngiemboon Cameroon (nnh-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::no(3) - Locale data examples for the Norwegian (no) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nus(3) - Locale data examples for the Nuer (nus) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nus_SS(3) - Locale data examples for the Nuer South Sudan (nus-SS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nyn(3) - Locale data examples for the Nyankole (nyn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::nyn_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Nyankole Uganda (nyn-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::om(3) - Locale data examples for the Oromo (om) locale
- DateTime::Locale::om_ET(3) - Locale data examples for the Oromo Ethiopia (om-ET) locale
- DateTime::Locale::om_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Oromo Kenya (om-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::or(3) - Locale data examples for the Odia (or) locale
- DateTime::Locale::or_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Odia India (or-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::os(3) - Locale data examples for the Ossetic (os) locale
- DateTime::Locale::os_GE(3) - Locale data examples for the Ossetic Georgia (os-GE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::os_RU(3) - Locale data examples for the Ossetic Russia (os-RU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pa(3) - Locale data examples for the Punjabi (pa) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pa_Arab(3) - Locale data examples for the Punjabi Arabic (pa-Arab) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pa_Arab_PK(3) - Locale data examples for the Punjabi Pakistan Arabic (pa-Arab-PK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pa_Guru(3) - Locale data examples for the Punjabi Gurmukhi (pa-Guru) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pa_Guru_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Punjabi India Gurmukhi (pa-Guru-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pcm(3) - Locale data examples for the Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pcm_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Nigerian Pidgin Nigeria (pcm-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pl(3) - Locale data examples for the Polish (pl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pl_PL(3) - Locale data examples for the Polish Poland (pl-PL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ps(3) - Locale data examples for the Pashto (ps) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ps_AF(3) - Locale data examples for the Pashto Afghanistan (ps-AF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ps_PK(3) - Locale data examples for the Pashto Pakistan (ps-PK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese (pt) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_AO(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Angola (pt-AO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_BR(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Brazil (pt-BR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Switzerland (pt-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_CV(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Cape Verde (pt-CV) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_GQ(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Equatorial Guinea (pt-GQ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_GW(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Guinea-Bissau (pt-GW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_LU(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Luxembourg (pt-LU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_MO(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Macao SAR China (pt-MO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_MZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Mozambique (pt-MZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_PT(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Portugal (pt-PT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_ST(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese São Tomé & Príncipe (pt-ST) locale
- DateTime::Locale::pt_TL(3) - Locale data examples for the Portuguese Timor-Leste (pt-TL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::qu(3) - Locale data examples for the Quechua (qu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::qu_BO(3) - Locale data examples for the Quechua Bolivia (qu-BO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::qu_EC(3) - Locale data examples for the Quechua Ecuador (qu-EC) locale
- DateTime::Locale::qu_PE(3) - Locale data examples for the Quechua Peru (qu-PE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rm(3) - Locale data examples for the Romansh (rm) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rm_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the Romansh Switzerland (rm-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rn(3) - Locale data examples for the Rundi (rn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rn_BI(3) - Locale data examples for the Rundi Burundi (rn-BI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ro(3) - Locale data examples for the Romanian (ro) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ro_MD(3) - Locale data examples for the Romanian Moldova (ro-MD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ro_RO(3) - Locale data examples for the Romanian Romania (ro-RO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rof(3) - Locale data examples for the Rombo (rof) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rof_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Rombo Tanzania (rof-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian (ru) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_BY(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Belarus (ru-BY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_KG(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Kyrgyzstan (ru-KG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_KZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Kazakhstan (ru-KZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_MD(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Moldova (ru-MD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_RU(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Russia (ru-RU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ru_UA(3) - Locale data examples for the Russian Ukraine (ru-UA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rw(3) - Locale data examples for the Kinyarwanda (rw) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rw_RW(3) - Locale data examples for the Kinyarwanda Rwanda (rw-RW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rwk(3) - Locale data examples for the Rwa (rwk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::rwk_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Rwa Tanzania (rwk-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sa(3) - Locale data examples for the Sanskrit (sa) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sa_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Sanskrit India (sa-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sah(3) - Locale data examples for the Sakha (sah) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sah_RU(3) - Locale data examples for the Sakha Russia (sah-RU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::saq(3) - Locale data examples for the Samburu (saq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::saq_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Samburu Kenya (saq-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sat(3) - Locale data examples for the Santali (sat) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sat_Olck(3) - Locale data examples for the Santali Ol Chiki (sat-Olck) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sat_Olck_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Santali India Ol Chiki (sat-Olck-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sbp(3) - Locale data examples for the Sangu (sbp) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sbp_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Sangu Tanzania (sbp-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sc(3) - Locale data examples for the Sardinian (sc) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sc_IT(3) - Locale data examples for the Sardinian Italy (sc-IT) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sd(3) - Locale data examples for the Sindhi (sd) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sd_Arab(3) - Locale data examples for the Sindhi Arabic (sd-Arab) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sd_Arab_PK(3) - Locale data examples for the Sindhi Pakistan Arabic (sd-Arab-PK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sd_Deva(3) - Locale data examples for the Sindhi Devanagari (sd-Deva) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sd_Deva_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Sindhi India Devanagari (sd-Deva-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::se(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Sami (se) locale
- DateTime::Locale::se_FI(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Sami Finland (se-FI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::se_NO(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Sami Norway (se-NO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::se_SE(3) - Locale data examples for the Northern Sami Sweden (se-SE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::seh(3) - Locale data examples for the Sena (seh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::seh_MZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Sena Mozambique (seh-MZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ses(3) - Locale data examples for the Koyraboro Senni (ses) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ses_ML(3) - Locale data examples for the Koyraboro Senni Mali (ses-ML) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sg(3) - Locale data examples for the Sango (sg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sg_CF(3) - Locale data examples for the Sango Central African Republic (sg-CF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::shi(3) - Locale data examples for the Tachelhit (shi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::shi_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Tachelhit Latin (shi-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::shi_Latn_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the Tachelhit Morocco Latin (shi-Latn-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::shi_Tfng(3) - Locale data examples for the Tachelhit Tifinagh (shi-Tfng) locale
- DateTime::Locale::shi_Tfng_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the Tachelhit Morocco Tifinagh (shi-Tfng-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::si(3) - Locale data examples for the Sinhala (si) locale
- DateTime::Locale::si_LK(3) - Locale data examples for the Sinhala Sri Lanka (si-LK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sk(3) - Locale data examples for the Slovak (sk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sk_SK(3) - Locale data examples for the Slovak Slovakia (sk-SK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sl(3) - Locale data examples for the Slovenian (sl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sl_SI(3) - Locale data examples for the Slovenian Slovenia (sl-SI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::smn(3) - Locale data examples for the Inari Sami (smn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::smn_FI(3) - Locale data examples for the Inari Sami Finland (smn-FI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sn(3) - Locale data examples for the Shona (sn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sn_ZW(3) - Locale data examples for the Shona Zimbabwe (sn-ZW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::so(3) - Locale data examples for the Somali (so) locale
- DateTime::Locale::so_DJ(3) - Locale data examples for the Somali Djibouti (so-DJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::so_ET(3) - Locale data examples for the Somali Ethiopia (so-ET) locale
- DateTime::Locale::so_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Somali Kenya (so-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::so_SO(3) - Locale data examples for the Somali Somalia (so-SO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sq(3) - Locale data examples for the Albanian (sq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sq_AL(3) - Locale data examples for the Albanian Albania (sq-AL) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sq_MK(3) - Locale data examples for the Albanian North Macedonia (sq-MK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sq_XK(3) - Locale data examples for the Albanian Kosovo (sq-XK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian (sr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Cyrl(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Cyrl_BA(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Bosnia & Herzegovina Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl-BA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Cyrl_ME(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Montenegro Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl-ME) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Cyrl_RS(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Serbia Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl-RS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Cyrl_XK(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Kosovo Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl-XK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Latin (sr-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Latn_BA(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Bosnia & Herzegovina Latin (sr-Latn-BA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Latn_ME(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Montenegro Latin (sr-Latn-ME) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Latn_RS(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Serbia Latin (sr-Latn-RS) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sr_Latn_XK(3) - Locale data examples for the Serbian Kosovo Latin (sr-Latn-XK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::su(3) - Locale data examples for the Sundanese (su) locale
- DateTime::Locale::su_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Sundanese Latin (su-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::su_Latn_ID(3) - Locale data examples for the Sundanese Indonesia Latin (su-Latn-ID) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sv(3) - Locale data examples for the Swedish (sv) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sv_AX(3) - Locale data examples for the Swedish Åland Islands (sv-AX) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sv_FI(3) - Locale data examples for the Swedish Finland (sv-FI) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sv_SE(3) - Locale data examples for the Swedish Sweden (sv-SE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sw(3) - Locale data examples for the Swahili (sw) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sw_CD(3) - Locale data examples for the Swahili Congo - Kinshasa (sw-CD) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sw_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Swahili Kenya (sw-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sw_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Swahili Tanzania (sw-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::sw_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Swahili Uganda (sw-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ta(3) - Locale data examples for the Tamil (ta) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ta_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Tamil India (ta-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ta_LK(3) - Locale data examples for the Tamil Sri Lanka (ta-LK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ta_MY(3) - Locale data examples for the Tamil Malaysia (ta-MY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ta_SG(3) - Locale data examples for the Tamil Singapore (ta-SG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::te(3) - Locale data examples for the Telugu (te) locale
- DateTime::Locale::te_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Telugu India (te-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::teo(3) - Locale data examples for the Teso (teo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::teo_KE(3) - Locale data examples for the Teso Kenya (teo-KE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::teo_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Teso Uganda (teo-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tg(3) - Locale data examples for the Tajik (tg) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tg_TJ(3) - Locale data examples for the Tajik Tajikistan (tg-TJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::th(3) - Locale data examples for the Thai (th) locale
- DateTime::Locale::th_TH(3) - Locale data examples for the Thai Thailand (th-TH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ti(3) - Locale data examples for the Tigrinya (ti) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ti_ER(3) - Locale data examples for the Tigrinya Eritrea (ti-ER) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ti_ET(3) - Locale data examples for the Tigrinya Ethiopia (ti-ET) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tk(3) - Locale data examples for the Turkmen (tk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tk_TM(3) - Locale data examples for the Turkmen Turkmenistan (tk-TM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::to(3) - Locale data examples for the Tongan (to) locale
- DateTime::Locale::to_TO(3) - Locale data examples for the Tongan Tonga (to-TO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tr(3) - Locale data examples for the Turkish (tr) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tr_CY(3) - Locale data examples for the Turkish Cyprus (tr-CY) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tr_TR(3) - Locale data examples for the Turkish Turkey (tr-TR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tt(3) - Locale data examples for the Tatar (tt) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tt_RU(3) - Locale data examples for the Tatar Russia (tt-RU) locale
- DateTime::Locale::twq(3) - Locale data examples for the Tasawaq (twq) locale
- DateTime::Locale::twq_NE(3) - Locale data examples for the Tasawaq Niger (twq-NE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tzm(3) - Locale data examples for the Central Atlas Tamazight (tzm) locale
- DateTime::Locale::tzm_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the Central Atlas Tamazight Morocco (tzm-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ug(3) - Locale data examples for the Uyghur (ug) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ug_CN(3) - Locale data examples for the Uyghur China (ug-CN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uk(3) - Locale data examples for the Ukrainian (uk) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uk_UA(3) - Locale data examples for the Ukrainian Ukraine (uk-UA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::und(3) - Locale data examples for the Unknown language (und) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ur(3) - Locale data examples for the Urdu (ur) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ur_IN(3) - Locale data examples for the Urdu India (ur-IN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::ur_PK(3) - Locale data examples for the Urdu Pakistan (ur-PK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::Util(3) - Utility code for DateTime::Locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek (uz) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Arab(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Arabic (uz-Arab) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Arab_AF(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Afghanistan Arabic (uz-Arab-AF) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Cyrl(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Cyrillic (uz-Cyrl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Cyrl_UZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Uzbekistan Cyrillic (uz-Cyrl-UZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Latin (uz-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::uz_Latn_UZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Uzbek Uzbekistan Latin (uz-Latn-UZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vai(3) - Locale data examples for the Vai (vai) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vai_Latn(3) - Locale data examples for the Vai Latin (vai-Latn) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vai_Latn_LR(3) - Locale data examples for the Vai Liberia Latin (vai-Latn-LR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vai_Vaii(3) - Locale data examples for the Vai Vai (vai-Vaii) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vai_Vaii_LR(3) - Locale data examples for the Vai Liberia Vai (vai-Vaii-LR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vi(3) - Locale data examples for the Vietnamese (vi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vi_VN(3) - Locale data examples for the Vietnamese Vietnam (vi-VN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vun(3) - Locale data examples for the Vunjo (vun) locale
- DateTime::Locale::vun_TZ(3) - Locale data examples for the Vunjo Tanzania (vun-TZ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::wae(3) - Locale data examples for the Walser (wae) locale
- DateTime::Locale::wae_CH(3) - Locale data examples for the Walser Switzerland (wae-CH) locale
- DateTime::Locale::wo(3) - Locale data examples for the Wolof (wo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::wo_SN(3) - Locale data examples for the Wolof Senegal (wo-SN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::xh(3) - Locale data examples for the Xhosa (xh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::xh_ZA(3) - Locale data examples for the Xhosa South Africa (xh-ZA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::xog(3) - Locale data examples for the Soga (xog) locale
- DateTime::Locale::xog_UG(3) - Locale data examples for the Soga Uganda (xog-UG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yav(3) - Locale data examples for the Yangben (yav) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yav_CM(3) - Locale data examples for the Yangben Cameroon (yav-CM) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yi(3) - Locale data examples for the Yiddish (yi) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yi_001(3) - Locale data examples for the Yiddish world (yi-001) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yo(3) - Locale data examples for the Yoruba (yo) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yo_BJ(3) - Locale data examples for the Yoruba Benin (yo-BJ) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yo_NG(3) - Locale data examples for the Yoruba Nigeria (yo-NG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yrl(3) - Locale data examples for the Nheengatu (yrl) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yrl_BR(3) - Locale data examples for the Nheengatu Brazil (yrl-BR) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yrl_CO(3) - Locale data examples for the Nheengatu Colombia (yrl-CO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yrl_VE(3) - Locale data examples for the Nheengatu Venezuela (yrl-VE) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yue(3) - Locale data examples for the Cantonese (yue) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yue_Hans(3) - Locale data examples for the Cantonese Simplified (yue-Hans) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yue_Hans_CN(3) - Locale data examples for the Cantonese China Simplified (yue-Hans-CN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yue_Hant(3) - Locale data examples for the Cantonese Traditional (yue-Hant) locale
- DateTime::Locale::yue_Hant_HK(3) - Locale data examples for the Cantonese Hong Kong SAR China Traditional (yue-Hant-HK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zgh(3) - Locale data examples for the Standard Moroccan Tamazight (zgh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zgh_MA(3) - Locale data examples for the Standard Moroccan Tamazight Morocco (zgh-MA) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese (zh) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hans(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Simplified (zh-Hans) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hans_CN(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese China Simplified (zh-Hans-CN) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hans_HK(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Hong Kong SAR China Simplified (zh-Hans-HK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hans_MO(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Macao SAR China Simplified (zh-Hans-MO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hans_SG(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Singapore Simplified (zh-Hans-SG) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hant(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Traditional (zh-Hant) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hant_HK(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Hong Kong SAR China Traditional (zh-Hant-HK) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hant_MO(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Macao SAR China Traditional (zh-Hant-MO) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zh_Hant_TW(3) - Locale data examples for the Chinese Taiwan Traditional (zh-Hant-TW) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zu(3) - Locale data examples for the Zulu (zu) locale
- DateTime::Locale::zu_ZA(3) - Locale data examples for the Zulu South Africa (zu-ZA) locale
- DateTime::Precise(3) - Perform common time and date operations with additional GPS operations
- DateTime::Set(3) - Datetime sets and set math
- DateTime::Span(3) - Datetime spans
- DateTime::SpanSet(3) - set of DateTime spans
- DateTime::TimeZone(3) - Time zone object base class and factory
- DateTime::TimeZone::Alias(3) - Create aliases for DateTime timezones
- DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog(3) - Provides a list of all valid time zone names
- DateTime::TimeZone::Floating(3) - A time zone that is always local
- DateTime::TimeZone::LMT(3) - A Local Mean Time time zone for DateTime
- DateTime::TimeZone::Local(3) - Determine the local system's time zone
- DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix(3) - Determine the local system's time zone on Unix
- DateTime::TimeZone::Local::VMS(3) - Determine the local system's time zone on VMS
- DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly(3) - A DateTime::TimeZone object that just contains an offset
- DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB(3) - An object to represent an Olson time zone database
- DateTime::TimeZone::UTC(3) - The UTC time zone
- DateTime::Types(3) - Types used for parameter checking in DateTime
- DateTime::Util::Calc(3) - DateTime Calculation Utilities
- DateTimeX::Easy(3) - Parse a date/time string using the best method available
- DateTimeX::Easy::DateParse(3)
- Datum::Assert(3) - Assertion expression extractor
- Datum::Cfg(3) - Dynamic Debug Configuration Setting for Datum
- Datum::Flags(3) - Flag Constants
- Datum::MakeMaker(3) - Offer to strip Carp::Datum calls statically
- Datum::Strip(3) - strips most Carp::Datum calls lexically
- DB_FileLock(3) - Locking access to Berkeley DB 1.x
- dbbcsd.f(3)
- DBD::AnyData(3) - DBI access to XML, CSV and other formats
- DBD::DBM(3) - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
- DBD::File(3) - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
- DBD::File::Developers(3) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
- DBD::File::HowTo(3) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
- DBD::File::Roadmap(3) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl DBD's
- DBD::Gofer(3) - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remote DBI
- DBD::Gofer::Policy::Base(3) - Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
- DBD::Gofer::Policy::classic(3) - The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
- DBD::Gofer::Policy::pedantic(3) - The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
- DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush(3) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
- DBD::Gofer::Transport::Base(3) - base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
- DBD::Gofer::Transport::corostream(3) - Async DBD::Gofer stream transport using Coro and AnyEvent
- DBD::Gofer::Transport::null(3) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
- DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
- DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream(3) - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
- DBD::Google(3) - Treat Google as a datasource for DBI
- DBD::LDAP(3) - Provides an SQL/Perl DBI interface to LDAP
- DBD::MariaDB(3) - MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
- DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL(3) - How to install and configure DBD::MariaDB
- DBD::Mem(3) - a DBI driver for Mem & MLMem files
- DBD::Mock(3) - Mock database driver for testing
- DBD::Multi(3) - Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load Balancing
- DBD::mysql::INSTALL(3) - How to install and configure DBD::mysql
- DBD::PgLite(3) - PostgreSQL emulation mode for SQLite
- DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite(3) - Mirror tables from PostgreSQL to SQLite
- DBD::PgPP(3) - Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
- DBD::Proxy(3) - A proxy driver for the DBI
- DBD::RDFStore(3) - Simple DBI driver for RDFStore using RDQL:Parser
- DBD::Sponge(3) - Create a DBI statement handle from Perl data
- DBD::SQLite(3) - Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
- DBD::SQLite::Constants(3) - common SQLite constants
- DBD::SQLite::Cookbook(3) - The DBD::SQLite Cookbook
- DBD::SQLite::Fulltext_search(3) - Using fulltext searches with DBD::SQLite
- DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable(3)
- DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent(3)
- DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData(3)
- DBD::SQLite2(3) - Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver (sqlite 2.x)
- DBD::XBase(3) - DBI driver for XBase compatible database files
- dbdsdc.f(3)
- dbdsqr.f(3)
- dbdsvdx.f(3)
- DBE(3) - Double Buffer Extension
- Dbg(3) - functions to support debugging of PDL scripts
- dbh_close(3) - close or remove an open DBHashTable
- dbh_create(3) - open or create a new DBHashTable
- dbh_erase(3) - erase/unerase records or prune/unprune entire branches
- dbh_find(3) - Find the top level subtree FILE_POINTER
- dbh_genkey(3) - generate cuantified or ordered keys
- dbh_load(3) - load a DBHashTable record to memory
- dbh_macros(3) - Macros available in dbh
- dbh_regen_sweep(3) - make physical structure of the DBHashTable congruent with logical structure
- dbh_set_data(3) - set the record data or record key
- dbh_set_size(3) - set maximum or current record size
- dbh_sweep(3) - apply a function to all or part of the DBHashtable
- dbh_update(3) - write data record or file header to disk
- DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI(3) - ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
- DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC(3) - ODBC Constants for GetInfo
- DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn(3) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo results
- DBI::Const::GetInfoType(3) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
- DBI::DBD(3) - Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
- DBI::DBD::Metadata(3) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata methods
- DBI::DBD::SqlEngine(3) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL engine
- DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers(3) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
- DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo(3) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based driver
- DBI::Format(3) - A package for displaying result tables
- DBI::Format::CSV(3) - A package for displaying result tables
- DBI::Format::SQLMinus(3) - A package for displaying result tables
- DBI::Gofer::Execute(3) - Executes Gofer requests and returns Gofer responses
- DBI::Gofer::Request(3) - Encapsulate a request from DBD::Gofer to DBI::Gofer::Execute
- DBI::Gofer::Response(3) - Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute to DBD::Gofer
- DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Base(3) - base class for Gofer serialization
- DBI::Gofer::Serializer::DataDumper(3) - Gofer serialization using DataDumper
- DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Storable(3) - Gofer serialization using Storable
- DBI::Gofer::Transport::Base(3) - Base class for Gofer transports
- DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for pipeone
- DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream(3) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for stream
- DBI::Profile(3) - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
- DBI::ProfileData(3) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
- DBI::ProfileDumper(3) - profile DBI usage and output data to a file
- DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache(3) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod_perl
- DBI::ProfileSubs(3) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
- DBI::ProxyServer(3) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
- DBI::PurePerl(3) - doesn't have any special behaviour
- DBI::Shell(3) - Interactive command shell for the DBI
- DBI::Slave(3) - implement AnyEvent::DBI child/server processes
- DBI::SQL::Nano(3) - a very tiny SQL engine
- DBI::Util::CacheMemory(3) - a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::Memory
- DBI::W32ODBC(3) - An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
- DBIAgent(3) - POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls.
- DBIAgent::Helper(3) - DBI Query Helper for DBIAgent
- DBIAgent::Queue(3)
- DBICx::Deploy(3) - deploy a DBIx::Class schema
- DBICx::MapMaker(3) - automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table
- DBICx::Sugar(3) - Just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
- DBICx::TestDatabase(3) - create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
- DBICx::TestDatabase::Subclass(3) - a DBICx::TestDatabase you can add your own methods to
- DBICx::TxnInsert(3) - wrap all inserts into transaction
- DBIWrapper(3) - Perl extension for generic DBI database access.
- DBIWrapper::ResultSet(3) - The XML Database ResultSet Module.
- DBIWrapper::Time::Now::HiRes(3)
- DBIWrapper::XMLParser(3) - The XML Configuration Parser Module.
- DBIx::Abstract(3) - DBI SQL abstraction
- DBIx::Admin::CreateTable(3) - Create and drop tables, primary indexes, and sequences
- DBIx::Admin::DSNManager(3) - Manage a file of DSNs, for both testing and production
- DBIx::Admin::TableInfo(3) - A wrapper for all of table_info(), column_info(), *_key_info()
- DBIx::AnyDBD(3) - DBD independent class
- DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup(3) - See Class::Accessor::Grouped
- DBIx::Class::Admin(3) - Administration object for schemas
- DBIx::Class::AsFdat(3) - like CDBI::Plugin::AsFdat.
- DBIx::Class::AuditLog(3) - Simple activity audit logging for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::BitField(3) - Store multiple boolean fields in one integer field
- DBIx::Class::Candy(3) - Sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Candy::Exports(3) - Create sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet(3) - Sugar for your resultsets
- DBIx::Class::Carp(3) - Provides advanced Carp::Clan-like warning functions for DBIx::Class internals
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat(3) - Class::DBI Compatibility layer.
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::AbstractSearch(3) - Emulates Class::DBI::AbstractSearch
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::ColumnsAsHash(3) - Emulates the behavior of Class::DBI where the object can be accessed as a hash of columns.
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::Copy(3) - Emulates Class::DBI->copy($new_id)
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::Iterator(3) - Emulates the extra behaviors of the Class::DBI search iterator.
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::NoObjectIndex(3) - Defines empty methods for object indexing. They do nothing
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::Relationship(3) - Emulate the Class::DBI::Relationship object returned from meta_info()
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::Relationships(3) - Emulate has_a(), has_many(), might_have() and meta_info()
- DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::SQLTransformer(3) - Transform SQL
- DBIx::Class::Core(3) - Core set of DBIx::Class modules
- DBIx::Class::Cursor(3) - Abstract object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
- DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached(3) - cursor class with built-in caching support
- DBIx::Class::CustomPrefetch(3) - Custom prefetches for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::DateTime::Epoch(3) - Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based columns to/from DateTime objects
- DBIx::Class::DB(3) - (DEPRECATED) classdata schema component
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler(3) - Extensible DBIx::Class deployment
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad(3) - Parent class for DeploymentHandlers
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator(3) - Manage your SQL and Perl migrations in nicely laid out directories
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::Deprecated(3) - (DEPRECATED) Use this if you are stuck in the past
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::ScriptHelpers(3) - CodeRef Transforms for common use-cases in DBICDH Migrations
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Deprecated(3) - (DEPRECATED) Use this if you are stuck in the past
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy(3) - Interface for deploy methods
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning(3) - Interface for version methods
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage(3) - Interface for version storage methods
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro(3) - Introduction to using DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler with a new Catalyst Project
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Types(3) - Types internal to DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::DatabaseToSchemaVersions(3) - Go straight from Database to Schema version
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::ExplicitVersions(3) - Define your own list of versions to use for migrations
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::Monotonic(3) - Obvious version progressions
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated(3) - (DEPRECATED) Use this if you are stuck in the past
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::Component(3) - (DEPRECATED) Attach this component to your schema to ensure you stay up to date
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResult(3) - (DEPRECATED) The old way to store versions in the database
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResultSet(3) - (DEPRECATED) Predefined searches to find what you want from the version storage
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard(3) - Version storage that does the normal stuff
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::Component(3) - Attach this component to your schema to ensure you stay up to date
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResult(3) - The typical way to store versions in the database
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResultSet(3) - Predefined searches to find what you want from the version storage
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::WithReasonableDefaults(3) - Make default arguments to a few methods sensible
- DBIx::Class::DigestColumns(3) - Automatic digest columns
- DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault(3) - Automatically set and update fields
- DBIx::Class::DynamicSubclass(3) - Convenient way to use dynamic subclassing.
- DBIx::Class::EncodeColumns(3) - Handle column encodings
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn(3) - Automatically encode columns
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Crypt(3) - Encrypt columns using crypt()
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt(3) - Eksblowfish bcrypt backend
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Crypt::OpenPGP(3) - Encrypt columns using Crypt::OpenPGP
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Digest(3) - Digest backend
- DBIx::Class::Exception(3) - Exception objects for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::FilterColumn(3) - Automatically convert column data
- DBIx::Class::Fixtures(3) - Dump data and repopulate a database using rules
- DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File(3) - save and restore external data
- DBIx::Class::FrozenColumns(3) - Store virtual columns inside another column.
- DBIx::Class::Helper::IgnoreWantarray(3) - (DEPRECATED) Get rid of search context issues
- DBIx::Class::Helper::JoinTable(3) - (DEPRECATED) Easily set up join tables with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Random(3) - (DEPRECATED) Get random rows from a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultClass::Tee(3) - Inflate to multiple result classes at the same time
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet(3) - All the ResultSet Helpers in one place
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::AutoRemoveColumns(3) - Automatically remove columns from a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Bare(3) - Get an unsearched ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::CorrelateRelationship(3) - Easily correlate your ResultSets
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::DateMethods1(3) - Work with dates in your RDBMS nicely
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::DateMethods1::Announcement(3) - Original Announcement of DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::DateMethods1
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Errors(3) - add exceptions to help when calling Result methods on an ResultSets
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Explain(3) - Get query plan for a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::IgnoreWantarray(3) - Get rid of search context issues
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Me(3) - Define predefined searches more nicely
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::NoColumns(3) - Look ma, no columns!
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::OneRow(3) - The first you always wanted
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Random(3) - Get random rows from a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::RemoveColumns(3) - Remove columns from a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::ResultClassDWIM(3) - result_class => '::HRI' == WIN
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::SearchOr(3) - Combine ResultSet searches with OR's
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::SetOperations(3) - Do set operations with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut(3) - Shortcuts to common searches (->order_by, etc)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::AddColumns(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Columns(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Distinct(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::GroupBy(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::HasRows(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::HRI(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Limit(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::LimitedPage(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::OrderBy(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::OrderByMagic(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Page(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Prefetch(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::RemoveColumns(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::ResultsExist(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Rows(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search::Base(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search::Like(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search::NotLike(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search::NotNull(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut::Search::Null(3)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Union(3) - (DEPRECATED) Get rid of search context issues
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::Util(3) - Helper utilities for DBIx::Class ResultSets
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::VirtualView(3) - Clean up your SQL namespace (DEPRECATED)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::CleanResultSet(3) - Get an unfiltered ResultSet from the row
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::JoinTable(3) - Easily set up join tables with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::NumifyGet(3) - Force numeric "context" on numeric columns
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::OnColumnChange(3) - Do things when the values of a column change
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::OnColumnMissing(3) - Configurably handle access of missing columns
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ProxyResultSetMethod(3) - Efficiently reuse ResultSet methods from results with fallback
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ProxyResultSetUpdate(3) - Efficiently reuse ResultSet updates from results
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::RelationshipDWIM(3) - Type less for your relationships!
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::SelfResultSet(3) - Easily use ResultSet methods for the current row
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::StorageValues(3) - Keep track of stored vs in-memory row values
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::SubClass(3) - Convenient subclassing with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ToJSON(3) - Remove the boilerplate from your TO_JSON functions
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::DateTime(3) - DateTime helper
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::DidYouMean(3) - Nice error messages when you misspell the name of a ResultSet
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::GenerateSource(3) - Generate sources directly from your Schema
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::LintContents(3) - suite of methods to find violated "constraints"
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::QuoteNames(3) - force "quote_names" on
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::Verifier(3) - Verify the Results and ResultSets of your Schemata
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::Verifier::C3(3) - Verify that the Results and ResultSets of your Schemata use c3
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::Verifier::ColumnInfo(3) - Verify that Results only use approved column_info keys
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::Verifier::Parent(3) - Verify that the Results and ResultSets have the correct base class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::Verifier::RelationshipColumnName(3) - Verify that relationships and column names are distinct
- DBIx::Class::Helper::SubClass(3) - (DEPRECATED) Convenient subclassing with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Helper::VirtualView(3) - (DEPRECATED) Clean up your SQL namespace
- DBIx::Class::Helpers(3) - Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class.
- DBIx::Class::Helpers::Util(3) - Helper utilities for DBIx::Class components
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn(3) - Automatically create references from column data
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Authen::Passphrase(3) - Inflate/deflate columns to Authen::Passphrase instances
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime(3) - Auto-create DateTime objects from date and datetime columns.
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::File(3) - DEPRECATED (superseded by DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS)
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS(3) - Inflate/deflate columns to Path::Class::File objects
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS::ResultSet(3) - FS columns resultset class
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::IP(3) - Auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns.
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer(3) - Inflators to serialize data structures for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::JSON(3) - JSON Inflator
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::Storable(3) - Storable Inflator
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::YAML(3) - YAML Inflator
- DBIx::Class::IntrospectableM2M(3) - Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
- DBIx::Class::Loader(3) - Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::DB2(3) - DBIx::Class::Loader DB2 Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic(3) - Generic DBIx::Class::Loader Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::mysql(3) - DBIx::Class::Loader mysql Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::Pg(3) - DBIx::Class::Loader Postgres Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::SQLite(3) - DBIx::Class::Loader SQLite Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Loader::Writing(3) - Loader subclass writing guide
- DBIx::Class::Manual(3) - Index of the Manual
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Component(3) - Developing DBIx::Class Components
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Miscellaneous recipes
- DBIx::Class::Manual::DocMap(3) - What documentation do we have?
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Example(3) - Simple CD database example
- DBIx::Class::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions (in theory)
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Features(3) - A boatload of DBIx::Class features with links to respective documentation
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary(3) - Clarification of terms used.
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining(3) - Manual on joining tables with DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Manual::QuickStart(3) - up and running with DBIC in 10 minutes
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Reading(3) - How to read and write DBIx::Class POD.
- DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass(3) - Representing a single result (row) from a DB query
- DBIx::Class::Manual::Troubleshooting(3) - Got a problem? Shoot it.
- DBIx::Class::Migration(3) - Use the best tools together for sane database migrations
- DBIx::Class::Migration::FAQ(3) - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Features(3) - Features of DBIx::Class::Migration
- DBIx::Class::Migration::MySQLSandbox(3) - Autocreate a mysql sandbox
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Population(3) - Utility to populate fixture data
- DBIx::Class::Migration::PostgresqlSandbox(3) - Autocreate a postgresql sandbox
- DBIx::Class::Migration::RunScript(3) - Control your Perl Migration Run Scripts
- DBIx::Class::Migration::RunScript::Trait::Dump(3) - Dump fixtures
- DBIx::Class::Migration::RunScript::Trait::Populate(3) - Populate fixtures =head1 SYNOPSIS
- DBIx::Class::Migration::RunScript::Trait::SchemaLoader(3) - Give your Run Script a Schema
- DBIx::Class::Migration::RunScript::Trait::TargetPath(3) - Your migration target directory
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Sandbox(3) - DB Sandbox Role
- DBIx::Class::Migration::SandboxDirSandboxBuilder(3) - Build a sandbox at db_sandbox_dir
- DBIx::Class::Migration::SchemaLoader(3) - Schema Loader Factory
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script(3) - Tools to manage database Migrations
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help(3) - Summary of the commands
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::databases(3) - Which databases are we building migrations for?
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dbi_connect_attrs(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dbic_connect_attrs(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dbic_fixture_class(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dbic_fixtures_extra_args(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::delete_named_sets(3) - Delete dumped fixture sets
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::delete_table_rows(3) - trunate existing tables
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::diagram(3) - create a PNG of you database structure
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::downgrade(3) - Downgrade your existing database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::drop_tables(3) - drop all tables to the connected database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dsn(3) - the dsn for a database you are connecting to
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dump_all_sets(3) - Dump all fixture sets.
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::dump_named_sets(3) - Dump specified fixture sets.
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::extra_schemaloader_args(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::fixture_sets(3) - fixture sets to dump or load
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::force_overwrite(3) - overwrite an existing migration
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::help(3) - help command details
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::includes(3) - Add a path to @INC
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::install(3) - Install a migration version
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::install_if_needed(3) - Install a migration only if needed
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::install_version_storage(3) - Add missing meta data table
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::make_schema(3) - reverse engineer a DBIC Schema
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::password(3) - the password for a database you are connecting to
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::populate(3) - Install fixtures to a database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::prepare(3) - Create migration files.
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::sandbox_class(3)
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::sandbox_dir(3) - Where your Sandbox Database Lives
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::schema_class(3) - The namespace of your Schema
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::status(3) - Schema and Database Status
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::target_dir(3) - Where your migration files live
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::to_version(3) - Specify a particular target migration version
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::upgrade(3) - Upgrade your existing database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::username(3) - the user for a database you are connecting to
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::version(3) - version status
- DBIx::Class::Migration::ShareDirBuilder(3) - Build a target_dir in /share
- DBIx::Class::Migration::SqliteSandbox(3) - Autocreate a Sqlite sandbox
- DBIx::Class::Migration::TargetDirSandboxBuilder(3) - Build a sandbox at target_dir
- DBIx::Class::Migration::TempDirBuilder(3) - Build a tempory target_dir
- DBIx::Class::Migration::TempDirSandboxBuilder(3) - Build a sandbox in a temporary directory
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial(3) - How to use DBIx::Class::Migration
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::AddMySQL(3) - Add MySQL migration
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::Catalyst(3) - Using a web framework
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::Conclusion(3) - Final thoughts
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::FirstMigration(3) - Prepare your first Migration
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::SecondMigration(3) - Upgrade the Database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::Setup(3) - Bootstrap your project files
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::Testing(3) - Test Your Database
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::ThirdMigration(3) - A more advanced database change
- DBIx::Class::Migration::Types(3) - Custom Type::Tiny Types
- DBIx::Class::MooseColumns(3) - Lets you write DBIC add_column() definitions as attribute options
- DBIx::Class::MooseColumns::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - Attribute metaclass trait for DBIx::Class::MooseColumns
- DBIx::Class::MooseColumns::Meta::Role::Attribute::DBICColumn(3) - Attribute metaclass trait for DBIx::Class::MooseColumns for attributes that are non-inflated DBIC columns
- DBIx::Class::MooseColumns::Meta::Role::Attribute::DBICColumn::Inflated(3) - Attribute metaclass trait for DBIx::Class::MooseColumns for attributes that are inflated DBIC columns
- DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies(3) - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors)
- DBIx::Class::Ordered(3) - Modify the position of objects in an ordered list.
- DBIx::Class::PassphraseColumn(3) - Automatically hash password/passphrase columns
- DBIx::Class::PK(3) - Primary Key class
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto(3) - Automatic primary key class
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::DB2(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for DB2
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::MSSQL(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MSSQL
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::MySQL(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MySQL
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::Oracle(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Oracle
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::Pg(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Pg
- DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::SQLite(3) - (DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for SQLite
- DBIx::Class::QueryLog(3) - Log queries for later analysis.
- DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer(3) - Query Analysis
- DBIx::Class::QueryLog::NotifyOnMax(3)
- DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Query(3) - A Query
- DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Transaction(3) - A Transaction
- DBIx::Class::QueryProfiler(3) - DBIx::Class profiler
- DBIx::Class::Relationship(3) - Inter-table relationships
- DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base(3) - Inter-table relationships
- DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator(3) - Get raw hashrefs from a resultset
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet(3) - Represents a query used for fetching a set of results.
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::AuditLog(3) - ResultSet base class for DBIx::Class::AuditLog
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::BitField(3)
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::CustomPrefetch(3)
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::HashRef(3) - Adds syntactic sugar to skip the fancy objects
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Pager(3) - help when paging through sets of results
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate(3) - like update_or_create - but recursive
- DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn(3) - helpful methods for messing with a single column of the resultset
- DBIx::Class::ResultSetManager(3) - scheduled for deletion in 09000
- DBIx::Class::ResultSource(3) - Result source object
- DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table(3) - Table object
- DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View(3) - ResultSource object representing a view
- DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle(3) - Serializable pointers to ResultSource instances
- DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table(3) - provides a classdata table object and method proxies
- DBIx::Class::Row(3) - Basic row methods
- DBIx::Class::Schema(3) - composable schemas
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::Action(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::AuditedTable(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::Base(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::Change(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::Changeset(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::Field(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::User(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::AuditLog::Structure::View(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Config(3) - Credential Management for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader(3) - Create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base(3) - Base DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column(3) - Class for Columns in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader DBI Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ADO(3) - DBD::ADO proxy
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ADO::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - ADO wrapper for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::MSSQL
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ADO::MS_Jet(3) - ADO wrapper for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC::ACCESS
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Component::QuotedDefault(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::DB2(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI DB2 Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Firebird(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI DBD::Firebird subclass
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Informix(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI Informix Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::InterBase(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI Firebird Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::MSSQL(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI MSSQL Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::mysql(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI mysql Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC(3) - DBD::ODBC proxy
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC::ACCESS(3) - Microsoft Access driver for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC::Firebird(3) - ODBC wrapper for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::InterBase
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - ODBC wrapper for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::MSSQL
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::ODBC::SQL_Anywhere(3) - ODBC wrapper for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::SQLAnywhere
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Oracle(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI Oracle Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Pg(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI PostgreSQL Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::SQLAnywhere(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI SQL Anywhere Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::SQLite(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI SQLite Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI Sybase ASE Implementation.
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase::Common(3) - Common methods for Sybase and MSSQL
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - Driver for using Microsoft SQL Server through DBD::Sybase
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Writing(3) - Loader subclass writing guide for DBI
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBObject(3) - Base Class for Database Objects Such as Tables and Views in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBObject::Informix(3) - Class for Database Objects for Informix Such as Tables and Views in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBObject::Sybase(3) - Class for Database Objects for Sybase ASE and MSSQL Such as Tables and Views in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Manual::UpgradingFromV4(3) - Important Information Related to Upgrading from Version 0.04006
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies(3) - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors) EOC
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder(3) - Builds relationships for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder::Compat::v0_040(3) - RelBuilder for compatibility with DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader version 0.04006
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder::Compat::v0_05(3) - RelBuilder for compatibility with DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader version 0.05003
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder::Compat::v0_06(3) - RelBuilder for compatibility with DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader version 0.06000
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder::Compat::v0_07(3) - RelBuilder for compatibility with DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader version 0.07000
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table(3) - Class for Tables in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table::Informix(3) - Class for Informix Tables in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table::Sybase(3) - Class for Sybase ASE and MSSQL Tables in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore(3) - An enhanced populate method
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Command(3) - Command Class to Populate a Schema
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Inflator(3) - Base Class for keyword Inflators
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Inflator::Date(3) - Returns A DateTime object
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Inflator::Env(3) - inflated via the %ENV hash
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Inflator::Find(3) - Inflate via ResultSet->find
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Inflator::Index(3) - Coerce DateTime from Strings
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema(3)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result(3) - A base result class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::Company(3) - A Company Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::CompanyPerson(3) - Bridge between Company and Person
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::EmploymentHistory(3) - Information about a Persons as an Employee;
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::FriendList(3) - An example Friends Class;
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::Gender(3) - A Gender Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::Result::Person(3) - A Person Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::ResultSet(3) - A base ResultSet Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Test::Schema::ResultSet::Person(3) - Person Resultset
- DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore::Visitor(3) - Visitor for the Populate Data
- DBIx::Class::Schema::TxnEndHook(3) - provide add_txn_end_hook method to your schema class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned(3) - DBIx::Class::Schema plugin for Schema upgrades
- DBIx::Class::Serialize::Storable(3) - hooks for Storable nfreeze/thaw
- DBIx::Class::SQLMaker(3) - An SQL::Abstract::Classic-like SQL maker class
- DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions(3) - Class containing generic enhancements to SQL::Abstract::Classic
- DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::LimitDialects(3) - SQL::Abstract::Limit-like functionality in DBIx::Class::SQLMaker
- DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3) - Pre-ANSI Joins-via-Where-Clause Syntax
- DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Role::SQLA2Passthrough(3) - A test of future possibilities
- DBIx::Class::StartupCheck(3) - Run environment checks on startup
- DBIx::Class::Storage(3) - Generic Storage Handler
- DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner(3) - Try running a block of code until success with a configurable retry logic
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI(3) - DBI storage handler
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ACCESS(3) - Support specific to MS Access
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO(3) - Support for DBD::ADO
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::ADO
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::Microsoft_SQL_Server::Cursor(3) - Remove trailing NULLs in binary data and normalize GUIDs for MSSQL over ADO
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::MS_Jet(3) - Support for MS Access over ADO
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::MS_Jet::Cursor(3) - GUID Support for MS Access over ADO
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::AutoCast(3) - Storage component for RDBMS requiring explicit placeholder typing
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor(3) - Object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::DB2(3) - IBM DB2 support for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Firebird(3) - Driver for the Firebird RDBMS via DBD::Firebird
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Firebird::Common(3) - Driver Base Class for the Firebird RDBMS
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::IdentityInsert(3) - Storage Component for Sybase ASE and MSSQL for Identity Inserts / Updates
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Informix(3) - Base Storage Class for Informix Support
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::InterBase(3) - Driver for the Firebird RDBMS via DBD::InterBase
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MSSQL(3) - Base Class for Microsoft SQL Server support in DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql(3) - Storage::DBI class implementing MySQL specifics
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::NoBindVars(3) - Sometime DBDs have poor to no support for bind variables
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC(3) - Base class for ODBC drivers
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::ACCESS(3) - Support specific to MS Access over ODBC
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::DB2_400_SQL(3) - Support specific to DB2/400 over ODBC
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Firebird(3) - Driver for using the Firebird RDBMS through ODBC
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - Support specific to Microsoft SQL Server over ODBC
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::SQL_Anywhere(3) - Driver for using Sybase SQL Anywhere through ODBC
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle(3) - Base class for Oracle driver
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::Generic(3) - Oracle Support for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::WhereJoins(3) - Oracle joins in WHERE syntax support (instead of ANSI).
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Pg(3) - Automatic primary key class for PostgreSQL
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated(3) - BETA Replicated database support
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer(3) - A Software Load Balancer
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::First(3) - Just get the First Balancer
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::Random(3) - A 'random' Balancer
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Introduction(3) - Minimum Need to Know
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool(3) - Manage a pool of replicants
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant(3) - A replicated DBI Storage Role
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::WithDSN(3) - A DBI Storage Role with DSN information in trace output
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLAnywhere(3) - Driver for SQL Anywhere
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLAnywhere::Cursor(3) - GUID Support for SQL Anywhere over DBD::SQLAnywhere
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite(3) - Automatic primary key class for SQLite
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase(3) - Base class for drivers using DBD::Sybase
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE(3) - Sybase ASE SQL Server support for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE::NoBindVars(3) - Storage::DBI subclass for Sybase ASE without placeholder support
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::FreeTDS(3) - Base class for drivers using DBD::Sybase over FreeTDS.
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server(3) - Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::Sybase
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server::NoBindVars(3) - Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::Sybase without placeholders
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::MSSQL(3) - (DEPRECATED) Legacy storage class for MSSQL via DBD::Sybase
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::UniqueIdentifier(3) - Storage component for RDBMSes supporting GUID types
- DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyPrint(3) - Pretty Printing DebugObj
- DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyTrace(3) - Pretty Tracing DebugObj
- DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics(3) - SQL Statistics
- DBIx::Class::Storage::TxnEndHook(3) - transaction hook provider for DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Storage::TxnScopeGuard(3) - Scope-based transaction handling
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp(3) - DBIx::Class extension to update and create date and time based fields
- DBIx::Class::Tree(3) - Manipulate and anaylze tree structured data.
- DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList(3) - Manage a tree of data using the common adjacency list model.
- DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList::Ordered(3) - Glue DBIx::Class::Ordered and DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList together.
- DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet(3) - Manage trees of data using the nested set model
- DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns(3) - Force UTF8 (Unicode) flag on columns (DEPRECATED)
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns(3) - Implicit uuid columns
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker(3) - UUID wrapper module
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::APR::UUID(3) - Create uuids using APR::UUID
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Data::GUID(3) - Create uuids using Data::GUID
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Data::Uniqid(3) - Create uuids using Data::Uniqid
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Data::UUID(3) - Create uuids using Data::UUID
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::UUID(3) - Create uuids using UUID
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::UUID::Random(3) - Create uuids using UUID::Random
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Win32::Guidgen(3) - Create uuids using Win32::Guidgen
- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Win32API::GUID(3) - Create uuids using Win32API::GUID
- DBIx::Class::VirtualColumns(3) - Add virtual columns to DBIx::Class schemata
- DBIx::Class::WebForm(3) - CRUD Methods For DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Connector(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::Firebird(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg(3)
- DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite(3)
- DBIx::ContextualFetch(3) - Add contextual fetches to DBI
- DBIx::Custom(3) - DBI extension to execute insert, update, delete, and select easily
- DBIx::Custom::Mapper(3) - Mapper of parameter
- DBIx::Custom::Model(3) - Model object
- DBIx::Custom::NotExists(3) - Not exists object
- DBIx::Custom::Order(3) - Order by clause
- DBIx::Custom::Result(3) - Result of select statement
- DBIx::Custom::Util(3) - Utility class
- DBIx::Custom::Where(3) - Where clause
- DBIx::DBHResolver(3) - Resolve database connection on the environment has many database servers.
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy(3) - Strategy base class
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::Key(3) - Key based strategy
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::List(3) - write short description for DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::List
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::Range(3) - Range based strategy
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::Remainder(3) - Deprecated
- DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::RoundRobin(3) - Round robin based strategy
- DBIx::DisconnectAll(3) - disconnect all databases
- DBIx::HA(3) - High Availability package for DBI
- DBIx::Handler(3) - fork-safe and easy transaction handling DBI handler
- DBIx::Inspector(3) - Get information from $dbh
- DBIx::Inspector::Column(3) - column object
- DBIx::Inspector::ForeignKey(3) - foreign key
- DBIx::Inspector::Iterator(3) - iterator for DBIx::Inspector
- DBIx::Inspector::Table(3) - table object
- DBIx::Interp(3) - Interpolate Perl variables into SQL with DBI
- DBIx::Introspector(3) - Detect what database you are connected to
- DBIx::Introspector::Advent(3) - Original Announcement of ::ResultSet::DateMethods1
- DBIx::Lite(3) - Chained and minimal ORM
- DBIx::Lite::ResultSet(3) - %d (total: %d)\n", $page->first, $page->last, $page->total_entries; while (my $book = $rs->next) { ... }
- DBIx::Lite::Row(3)
- DBIx::Lite::Schema(3)
- DBIx::Lite::Schema::Table(3)
- DBIx::Log4perl(3) - Perl extension for DBI to selectively log DBI methods, SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions etc to a Log::Log4perl handle.
- DBIx::MySQLSequence(3) - Proper and correct (emulated) sequence support for MySQL
- DBIx::NoSQL(3) - NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database
- DBIx::NoSQL::ClassScaffold(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Entity(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Model(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Model::Field(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Model::Index(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Search(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Stash(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Storage(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::Store(3)
- DBIx::NoSQL::TypeMap(3)
- DBIx::NoSQLite(3) - An embedded, NoSQL SQLite database with SQL indexing
- DBIx::Perlish(3) - a perlish interface to SQL databases
- DBIx::QueryLog(3) - Logging queries for DBI
- DBIx::QuickDB(3) - Quickly start a db server.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Driver(3) - Base class for DBIx::QuickDB drivers.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Driver::MySQL(3) - MySQL driver for DBIx::QuickDB.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Driver::PostgreSQL(3) - PostgreSQL driver for DBIx::QuickDB.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Driver::SQLite(3) - SQLite driver for DBIx::QuickDB.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Pool(3) - Define a pool of databases to clone on demand.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Util::HashBase(3) - Build hash based classes.
- DBIx::QuickDB::Watcher(3) - Daemon that sits between main process and mysqld
- DBIx::RetryOverDisconnects(3) - DBI wrapper that helps to deal with databases connection problems
- DBIx::SearchBuilder(3) - Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle(3) - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Informix(3) - An Informix specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::mysql(3) - A mysql specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::mysqlPP(3) - A mysql specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::ODBC(3) - An ODBC specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Oracle(3) - An oracle specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg(3) - A Postgres specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg32(3) - A Postgres specific Handle object
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SQLite(3)
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Sybase(3)
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record(3) - Superclass for records loaded by SearchBuilder
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable(3) - Records with caching behavior
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::SchemaGenerator(3) - Generate table schemas from DBIx::SearchBuilder records
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union(3) - Deal with multiple SearchBuilder result sets as one
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique(3) - Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Util(3) - Utility and convenience functions for DBIx::SearchBuilder
- DBIx::Simple(3) - Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
- DBIx::Simple::Comparison(3) - DBIx::Simple in DBI jargon
- DBIx::Simple::Examples(3) - Examples of how to use DBIx::Simple
- DBIx::Simple::Result::RowObject(3) - Simple result row object class
- DBIx::Skinny(3) - simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
- DBIx::Skinny::InflateColumn::DateTime(3) - DateTime inflate/deflate settings for DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::InflateColumn::DateTime::Auto(3) - DateTime inflate/deflate and auto insert update time for DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::Iterator(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual(3) - DBIx::Skinny Manual
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual::EN(3) - DBIx::Skinny Manual (English)
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual::EN::Intro(3) - Intro to DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual::JA(3) - DBIx::Skinnyの設計思想など
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual::JA::Intro(3) - DBIx::Skinnyの日本語ドキュメント
- DBIx::Skinny::Manual::JA::Resultset(3) - DBIx::Skinnyのresultsetの使い方
- DBIx::Skinny::Mixin(3) - mixin manager for DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::Mixin::DBHResolver(3) - DBIx::DBHResolver mixin for DBIx::Skinny.
- DBIx::Skinny::Mixin::Pager(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Mixin::SearchWithPager(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Pager(3) - 1) = 10. $rs2->select([qw(foo bar baz)]); my $result = $rs2->retrieve; $result->iterator #=> DBIx::Skinny::Iterator $result->pager #=> Data::Page
- DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Logic::Count(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Logic::MySQLFoundRows(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Logic::PlusOne(3)
- DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Page(3) - simple wrapper of Data::Page.
- DBIx::Skinny::Profiler(3) - support query profile.
- DBIx::Skinny::Profiler::Trace(3) - support query profile.
- DBIx::Skinny::Row(3) - DBIx::Skinny's Row class
- DBIx::Skinny::Schema(3) - Schema DSL for DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::Schema::Loader(3) - Schema loader for DBIx::Skinny
- DBIx::Skinny::SQL(3) - dynamic SQL generator
- DBIx::SQLite::Simple(3) - easy access to SQLite databases using objects
- DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table(3) - superclass only used to handle SQL tables
- DBIx::Sunny(3) - Simple DBI wrapper
- DBIx::Sunny::Schema(3) - SQL Class Builder
- DBIx::TransactionManager(3) - Transaction handling for database.
- DBIx::TransactionManager::Developers(3) - docs for developers
- DBIx::Tree(3) - Generate a tree from a self-referential database table
- DBIx::VersionedDDL(3) - Upgrade and downgrade database schemas to a specified version.
- DBIx::VersionedDDL::Plugin::DefaultScriptProcessor(3) - default plugin to process version scripts.
- DBIx::Wrapper(3) - A wrapper around the DBI
- DBIx::Wrapper::Changes(3) - List of significant changes to DBIx::Wrapper
- DBIx::Wrapper::Request(3) - Request object for database operations
- DBIx::XHTML_Table(3) - SQL query result set to XHTML table.
- DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_DELETE(3) - builds a DELETE statement using supplied values for primary key field values
- DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_INSERT(3) - builds an INSERT statement using a local tuple, replacing the primary key field values with alternative supplied values
- DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_UPDATE(3) - builds an UPDATE statement using a local tuple, replacing the primary key field values with alternative supplied values
- DBLINK_CANCEL_QUERY(3) - cancels any active query on the named connection
- DBLINK_CLOSE(3) - closes a cursor in a remote database
- DBLINK_CONNECT(3) - opens a persistent connection to a remote database
- DBLINK_CONNECT_U(3) - opens a persistent connection to a remote database, insecurely
- DBLINK_DISCONNECT(3) - closes a persistent connection to a remote database
- DBLINK_ERROR_MESSAGE(3) - gets last error message on the named connection
- DBLINK_EXEC(3) - executes a command in a remote database
- DBLINK_FETCH(3) - returns rows from an open cursor in a remote database
- DBLINK_GET_CONNECTIONS(3) - returns the names of all open named dblink connections
- DBLINK_GET_NOTIFY(3) - retrieve async notifications on a connection
- DBLINK_GET_PKEY(3) - returns the positions and field names of a relation's primary key fields
- DBLINK_GET_RESULT(3) - gets an async query result
- DBLINK_IS_BUSY(3) - checks if connection is busy with an async query
- DBLINK_OPEN(3) - opens a cursor in a remote database
- DBLINK_SEND_QUERY(3) - sends an async query to a remote database
- DBM::Deep(3) - A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
- DBM::Deep::Cookbook(3) - Cookbook for DBM::Deep
- DBM::Deep::Engine(3) - mediate mapping between DBM::Deep objects and storage medium
- DBM::Deep::Engine::File(3) - engine for use with DBM::Deep::Storage::File
- DBM::Deep::Internals(3) - Out of date documentation on DBM::Deep internals
- DBM::Deep::Iterator(3) - iterator for FIRSTKEY() and NEXTKEY()
- DBM::Deep::Iterator::File::BucketList(3) - mediate between DBM::Deep::Iterator and DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList
- DBM::Deep::Iterator::File::Index(3) - mediate between DBM::Deep::Iterator and DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index
- DBM::Deep::Null(3) - NULL object
- DBM::Deep::Storage(3) - abstract base class for storage
- DBM::Deep::Storage::File(3) - mediate low-level interaction with storage mechanism
- DBM_Filter(3)
- DBM_Filter::compress(3) - filter for DBM_Filter
- DBM_Filter::encode(3) - filter for DBM_Filter
- DBM_Filter::int32(3) - filter for DBM_Filter
- DBM_Filter::null(3) - filter for DBM_Filter
- DBM_Filter::utf8(3) - filter for DBM_Filter
- DBOPEN(3) - database access methods
- DBSchema(3) - Database-independent schema objects
- DBSchema::Column(3) - Column objects
- DBSchema::DBD(3) - DBIx::DBSchema Driver Writer's Guide and Base Class
- DBSchema::DBD::mysql(3) - MySQL native driver for DBIx::DBSchema
- DBSchema::DBD::Oracle(3) - Oracle native driver for DBIx::DBSchema
- DBSchema::DBD::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL native driver for DBIx::DBSchema
- DBSchema::DBD::SQLite(3) - SQLite native driver for DBIx::DBSchema
- DBSchema::DBD::Sybase(3) - Sybase database driver for DBIx::DBSchema
- DBSchema::ForeignKey(3) - Foreign key objects
- DBSchema::Index(3) - Index objects
- DBSchema::Table(3) - Table objects
- DBus(3) - adapt Net::DBus to AnyEvent
- Dbx(3) - Parse Outlook Express mailboxes
- dcabs1.f(3)
- dcombssq.f(3)
- ddisna.f(3)
- ddot.f(3)
- DDP(3) - Data::Printer shortcut for faster debugging
- DDS(3) - Alias for Data::Dump::Streamer
- deallocate_voice(3) - Frees a sound card voice. Allegro game programming library.
- Debug::Client(3) - debugger client side code for Padre, The Perl IDE.
- Declare::Constraints::Simple(3) - Declarative Validation of Data Structures
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library(3) - Constraint Library Bundle
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Array(3) - Array Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Base(3) - Library Base Class
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Exportable(3) - Export Facilities
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::General(3) - General Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Hash(3) - Hash Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Numerical(3) - Numerical Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::OO(3) - OO Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Operators(3) - Operators
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Referencial(3) - Ref Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Scalar(3) - Scalar Constraints
- Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result(3) - Validation Result
- Declare::Dump(3) - provide object dump routine for Class::Declare
- Declare::Hash(3) - generate a hash of accessible attributes
- decode_modifiers(3)
- default_palette(3) - The default IBM BIOS palette. Allegro game programming library.
- DEFAULT_STORE(3) - generic storage of global data.
- Defaultify(3) - Pre-fill default values into an existing HTML form
- DefHash(3) - Define things according to a specification, using hashes
- define_arcantarget(3)
- define_calctarget(3)
- define_feedtarget(3)
- define_linktarget(3) - 64, VRESH - 64, 100); move_image(a, 0, 0, 100); move_image(b, halfw - 64, 0, 100); move_image(b, 0, 0, 100); move_image(c, 0, VRESW - 64, 100); move_image(c, 0, 0, 100); image_transform_cycle(a, true); image_transform_cycle(b, true); image_transform_cycle(c, true); show_image({a, b, c});end
- define_nulltarget(3)
- define_recordtarget(3) - 32, 0); move_image(c, VRESW - 16, VRESH - 16); show_image({a,b,c}); move_image(a, VRESW - 64, 0, 100); move_image(b, VRESW - 32, VRESH - 32, 100); move_image(c, 0, VRESH - 16, 100); move_image(a, VRESW - 64, VRESH - 64, 100); move_image(b, 0, VRESH - 32, 100); move_image(c, 0, 0, 100); image_transform_cycle(a, 1); image_transform_cycle(b, 1); image_transform_cycle(c, 1); dst = alloc_surface(VRESW * 0.5, VRESH * 0.5); define_recordtarget(dst, "output.mkv", "vpreset=8:noaudio:fps=25", {a,c}, {}, RENDERTARGET_NODETACH, RENDERTARGET_SCALE, -4);end
- define_rendertarget(3)
- DEFINE_STACK_OF(3) - stack container
- deHTMLxs(3) - Perl extension for libpreproc deHTMLxs code
- delete_audio(3)
- delete_file(3) - Removes a file from the disk. Allegro game programming library.
- delete_image(3)
- delete_shader(3)
- DelimMatch(3) - Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting
- demos::widget_lib::slide(3) - a 2 position horizontal or vertical switch.
- demos::widget_lib::trace2(3) - Text contents defined by a traced variable.
- DEPOT(3) - the basic API of QDBM
- deprecate(3) - Perl pragma for deprecating the inclusion of a module in core
- Derived(3) - Base class for widgets derived from others
- DES_CRYPT(3) - fast DES encryption
- DES_RANDOM_KEY(3) - DES encryption
- DES_READ_PW(3) - compatibility user interface functions
- Desktop(3) - Motif-compatible desktop widget
- desktop_color_depth(3) - Finds out the desktop color depth. Allegro game programming library.
- desktop_palette(3) - The palette used by the Atari ST low resolution desktop. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_compiled_sprite(3) - Destroys a compiled sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_datafile_index(3) - Destroys a datafile index. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_gfx_mode_list(3) - Frees the list created by get_gfx_mode_list(). Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_midi(3) - Destroys a MIDI structure when you are done with it. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_rle_sprite(3) - Destroys an RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_scene(3) - Deallocates the memory used by a scene. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_zbuffer(3) - Destroys a Z-buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- detect_digi_driver(3) - Detects whether the specified digital sound device is available. Allegro game programming library.
- detect_midi_driver(3) - Detects whether the specified MIDI sound device is available. Allegro game programming library.
- DetectCharset(3) - Routine for automatically detecting cyrillic charset.
- DetectCyrillic(3)
- dets(3) - A disk-based term storage.
- Dev::Bollocks(3) - Arbitrary sized bollocks straight from middle management
- DEVCTL(3) - device control library
- Devel::ArgNames(3) - Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines.
- Devel::AssertC99(3) - C99 is available
- Devel::AssertOS(3) - require that we are running on a particular OS
- Devel::AssertOS::AIX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Amiga(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Apple(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::BeOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Bitrig(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::BSDOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Cygwin(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::DEC(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::DGUX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::DragonflyBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Dynix(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::EBCDIC(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Extending(3) - how to write Devel::AssertOS::* modules that check what platform they're running on
- Devel::AssertOS::FreeBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::GNUkFreeBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Haiku(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::HPUX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Hurd(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Interix(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::iOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Irix(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::Debian(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::Devuan(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::Raspbian(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::RealDebian(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::Ubuntu(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::UnknownDebianLike(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Linux::v2_6(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MachTen(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSclassic(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_0(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_1(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_10(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_11(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_12(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_13(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_14(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_15(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_2(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_3(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_4(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_5(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_6(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_7(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_8(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v10_9(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MacOSX::v11(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MicrosoftWindows(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MidnightBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Minix(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MirOSBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MPEiX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MSDOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MSWin32(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::MSYS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::NetBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Netware(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::NeXT(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OpenBSD(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OS2(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OS390(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OS400(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OSF(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::OSFeatures::POSIXShellRedirection(3) - check whether the OS we're running on can be expected to support POSIX shell redirection.
- Devel::AssertOS::POSIXBC(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::QNX(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::QNX::Neutrino(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::QNX::v4(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Realtime(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::RISCOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::SCO(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Solaris(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Sun(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::SunOS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::SysVr4(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::SysVr5(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Unicos(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::Unix(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::VMESA(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::VMS(3)
- Devel::AssertOS::VOS(3)
- Devel::Autoflush(3) - Set autoflush from the command line
- Devel::Backtrace(3) - Object-oriented backtrace
- Devel::Backtrace::Point(3) - Object oriented access to the information caller() provides
- Devel::BeginLift(3) - make selected sub calls evaluate at compile time
- Devel::CallChecker(3) - custom op checking attached to subroutines
- Devel::Caller(3) - meatier versions of "caller"
- Devel::Caller::IgnoreNamespaces(3) - make available a magic caller() which can ignore namespaces that you tell it about
- Devel::Caller::Perl(3) - Perl only implementation.
- Devel::CallSeq(3) - produces call sequence outlines (like dprofpp -T)
- Devel::CheckBin(3) - check that a command is available
- Devel::CheckCompiler(3) - Check the compiler's availability
- Devel::CheckLib(3) - check that a library is available
- Devel::CheckOS(3) - check what OS we're running on
- Devel::CheckOS::Families(3) - what OS "families" are supported "out of the box" by Devel::CheckOS and Devel::AssertOS?
- Devel::Confess(3) - Include stack traces on all warnings and errors
- Devel::Confess::Builtin(3) - Enable built in stack traces on exception objects
- Devel::Constants(3) - translates constants back to named symbols
- Devel::CoreStack(3) - try to generate a stack dump from a core file
- Devel::Cover(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Annotation::Git(3) - Annotate with git information
- Devel::Cover::Annotation::Random(3) - Example annotation for formatters
- Devel::Cover::Annotation::Svk(3) - Annotate with svk information
- Devel::Cover::Branch(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Collection(3) - Code coverage for a collection of modules
- Devel::Cover::Condition(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Condition_and_2(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Condition_and_3(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Condition_or_2(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Condition_or_3(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Condition_xor_4(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Criterion(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::DB(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::DB::Digests(3) - store digests for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::File(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::DB::IO(3) - IO routines for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::IO::Base(3) - Base class for IO routines for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::IO::JSON(3) - JSON based IO routines for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::IO::Sereal(3) - Sereal based IO routines for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::IO::Storable(3) - Storable based IO routines for Devel::Cover::DB
- Devel::Cover::DB::Structure(3) - Internal: abstract structure of a source file
- Devel::Cover::Dumper(3) - Internal module for debugging purposes
- Devel::Cover::Html_Common(3) - Common code for HTML reporters
- Devel::Cover::Op(3) - B::Concise with coverage data
- Devel::Cover::Pod(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Report::Clover(3) - Backend for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
- Devel::Cover::Report::Compilation(3) - backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Html(3) - HTML backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Html_basic(3) - HTML backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Html_minimal(3) - HTML backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle(3) - HTML backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Json(3) - JSON backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Sort(3) - backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Text(3) - Text backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Text2(3) - Text backend for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Vim(3) - Backend for displaying coverage data in Vim
- Devel::Cover::Statement(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Subroutine(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Test(3) - Internal module for testing
- Devel::Cover::Time(3) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- Devel::Cover::Truth_Table(3) - Truth tables for coverage objects.
- Devel::Cover::Tutorial(3) - An introduction to code coverage
- Devel::Cover::Util(3) - Utility subroutines for Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Web(3) - Files for JavaScript or CSS
- Devel::Cycle(3) - Find memory cycles in objects
- Devel::Declare(3) - (DEPRECATED) Adding keywords to perl, in perl
- Devel::Declare::Interface(3) - Interface to Devel-Declare parsers.
- Devel::Declare::Parser(3) - Higher level interface to Devel-Declare
- Devel::Declare::Parser::Codeblock(3) - Parser for functions that just take a codeblock.
- Devel::Declare::Parser::Emulate(3) - Parser that emulates Devel-Declare
- Devel::Declare::Parser::Method(3) - Parser that shifts $self automatically in codeblocks.
- Devel::Declare::Parser::Sublike(3) - Parser that acts just like 'sub'
- Devel::Diagram(3) - Discover the classes of an arbitrary suite of Perl modules
- Devel::Diagram::Render::UXF20(3) - Render a Devel::Diagram as UXF 2.0
- Devel::Ditto(3) - Identify where print output comes from
- Devel::Ditto::Color(3) - Color version of Devel::Ditto
- Devel::Ditto::Colour(3) - Colour version of Devel::Ditto
- Devel::DollarAt(3) - Give magic abilities to $@
- Devel::Dumpvar(3) - A pure-OO reimplementation of dumpvar.pl
- Devel::Dwarn(3) - Combine warns and Data::Dumper::Concise
- Devel::ebug(3) - A simple, extensible Perl debugger
- Devel::ebug::Backend(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::ActionPoints(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Basic(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Codelines(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Commands(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Eval(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Filenames(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Output(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Pad(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Ping(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::Run(3)
- Devel::ebug::Backend::Plugin::StackTrace(3)
- Devel::ebug::Console(3) - Console front end to Devel::ebug
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::ActionPoints(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Basic(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Codelines(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Eval(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Filenames(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Output(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Pad(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::Run(3)
- Devel::ebug::Plugin::StackTrace(3)
- Devel::EvalContext(3) - Save lexicals and hints between calls to eval
- Devel::Events(3) - Extensible instrumentation framework
- Devel::Events::Filter(3) - A handler role that filters events and delegates to another
- Devel::Events::Filter::Callback(3) - Callback based Devel::Events::Filter
- Devel::Events::Filter::Drop(3) - Remove events that match or don't match a condition
- Devel::Events::Filter::HandlerOptional(3) - A role for filters that are useful even without a handler
- Devel::Events::Filter::RemoveFields(3) - Remove certain fields from events
- Devel::Events::Filter::Stamp(3) - Add time/context stamping to events
- Devel::Events::Filter::Stringify(3) - A simple event filter to prevent leaks
- Devel::Events::Filter::Warn(3) - log every event to STDERR
- Devel::Events::Generator(3) - An optional base role for event generators.
- Devel::Events::Generator::LineTrace(3) - Generate "executing_line" events using the perl debugger api
- Devel::Events::Generator::Objects(3) - Generate events for "bless"ing and destruction of objects.
- Devel::Events::Generator::Require(3) - Event generator for loading of code using "require"
- Devel::Events::Generator::SubTrace(3) - generate "executing_line" events using the perl debugger api
- Devel::Events::Handler(3) - An optional base role for event handlers.
- Devel::Events::Handler::Callback(3) - An event handler that delegates to code references.
- Devel::Events::Handler::Log::Memory(3) - An optional base role for event generators.
- Devel::Events::Handler::Multiplex(3) - Delegate events to multiple handlers
- Devel::Events::Handler::ObjectTracker(3) - A Devel::Events that tracks leaks
- Devel::Events::Match(3) - Event matching, splicing and dicing.
- Devel::Events::Objects(3) - Object tracking support for Devel::Events
- Devel::FindPerl(3) - Find the path to your perl
- Devel::Gladiator(3) - Walk Perl's arena
- Devel::GlobalDestruction(3) - Provides function returning the equivalent of "${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT'" for older perls.
- Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS(3) - Faster implementation of the Devel::GlobalDestruction API
- Devel::GraphVizProf(3) - per-line Perl profiler (with graph output)
- Devel::Hide(3) - Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)
- Devel::InheritNamespace(3) - Inherit An Entire Namespace
- Devel::InnerPackage(3) - find all the inner packages of a package
- Devel::KYTProf(3) - Simple profiler
- Devel::KYTProf::Logger::LTSV(3) - LTSV logger module for Devel::KYTProf
- Devel::Leak::Cb(3) - Detect leaked callbacks
- Devel::Leak::Object(3) - Detect leaks of objects
- Devel::LeakGuard::Object(3) - Scoped checks for object leaks
- Devel::LeakGuard::Object::State(3) - Scoped object leak checking
- Devel::LeakTrace(3) - indicate where leaked variables are coming from.
- Devel::MAT(3) - Perl Memory Analysis Tool
- Devel::MAT::Cmd(3) - abstractions for providing commands for "Devel::MAT"
- Devel::MAT::Cmd::Terminal(3) - provide the Devel::MAT::Cmd API on a terminal
- Devel::MAT::Context(3) - represent a single call context state
- Devel::MAT::Dumper(3) - write a heap dump file for later analysis
- Devel::MAT::Dumper::Helper(3) - give XS modules extensions for memory dumping
- Devel::MAT::Dumpfile(3) - load and analyse a heap dump file
- Devel::MAT::Graph(3) - a set of references between related SVs
- Devel::MAT::SV(3) - represent a single SV from a heap dump
- Devel::MAT::Tool(3) - extend the ability of "Devel::MAT"
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Callers(3) - display the caller stack
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Count(3) - count the various kinds of SV
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Find(3) - list SVs matching given criteria
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Identify(3) - identify an SV by its referrers
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Inrefs(3) - annotate which SVs are referred to by others
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Outrefs(3) - show SVs referred to by a given SV
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Reachability(3) - analyse how SVs are reachable
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Roots(3) - display a list of the root SVs
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Show(3) - show information about a given SV
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Sizes(3) - calculate sizes of SV structures
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Stack(3) - display the value stack
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Summary(3) - show basic information about the dumpfile
- Devel::MAT::Tool::Symbols(3) - display a list of the symbol table
- Devel::MAT::UI(3) - extend the user interface of a "Devel::MAT" explorer
- Devel::MAT::UserGuide(3) - a users' introduction to "Devel::MAT"
- Devel::MAT::UserGuide::IdentifyingAnSV(3) - working out what an SV actually is
- Devel::Modlist(3) - Perl extension to collect module use information
- Devel::NYTProf(3) - Powerful fast feature-rich Perl source code profiler
- Devel::NYTProf::Apache(3) - Profile mod_perl applications with Devel::NYTProf
- Devel::NYTProf::Core(3) - load internals of Devel::NYTProf
- Devel::NYTProf::Data(3) - Devel::NYTProf data loading and manipulation
- Devel::NYTProf::FileInfo(3)
- Devel::NYTProf::ReadStream(3) - Read Devel::NYTProf data file as a stream
- Devel::NYTProf::Run(3) - Invoke NYTProf on a piece of code and return the profile
- Devel::NYTProf::Util(3) - general utility functions for Devel::NYTProf
- Devel::OOCallSeq(3) - produces call sequence outlines (like dprofpp -T)
- Devel::OverloadInfo(3) - introspect overloaded operators
- Devel::PackagePath(3) - Inspect and Manipulate a Path based on a Package Name
- Devel::PartialDump(3) - Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing.
- Devel::PatchPerl(3) - Patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's buildperl.pl
- Devel::PatchPerl::Hints(3) - replacement 'hints' files
- Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin(3) - Devel::PatchPerl plugins explained
- Devel::Peek(3) - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
- Devel::Platform::Info(3) - Unified framework for obtaining common platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::BeOS(3) - Retrieve BeOS platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::BSD(3) - Retrieve BSD platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::Irix(3) - Retrieve Irix platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::Linux(3) - Retrieve Linux platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::Mac(3) - Retrieve Mac platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::SCO(3) - Retrieve SCO Unix platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::Solaris(3) - Retrieve Solaris platform metadata
- Devel::Platform::Info::Win32(3) - Retrieve Windows platform metadata
- Devel::PPPort(3) - Perl/Pollution/Portability
- Devel::Refcount(3) - obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
- Devel::REPL(3) - A modern perl interactive shell
- Devel::REPL::Overview(3) - overview of Devel::REPL.
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::B::Concise(3) - B::Concise dumping of expression optrees
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Carp::REPL(3) - Devel::REPL plugin for Carp::REPL
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Colors(3) - Add color to return values, warnings, and errors
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Commands(3) - Generic command creation plugin using injected functions
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Completion(3) - Extensible tab completion
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::Globals(3) - Complete global variables, packages, namespaced functions
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::INC(3) - Complete module names in use and require
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::Keywords(3) - Complete Perl keywords and operators
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::LexEnv(3) - Complete variable names in the REPL's lexical environment
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::Methods(3) - Complete class or object method names
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::Turtles(3) - Complete Turtles-based commands
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::DDC(3) - Format results with Data::Dumper::Concise
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::DDS(3) - Format results with Data::Dump::Streamer
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::DumpHistory(3) - Plugin for Devel::REPL to save or print the history
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::FancyPrompt(3) - Facilitate user-defined prompts
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::FindVariable(3) - Finds variables by name
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::History(3) - Keep track of all input, provide shortcuts !1, !-1
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Interrupt(3) - Traps SIGINT to kill long-running lines
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::LexEnv(3) - Provide a lexical environment for the REPL
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::MultiLine::PPI(3) - Read lines until all blocks are closed
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Nopaste(3) - #nopaste to upload session's input and output
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::OutputCache(3) - Remember past results, _ is most recent
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Packages(3) - Keep track of which package the user is in
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Peek(3) - Devel::Peek plugin for Devel::REPL.
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::PPI(3) - PPI dumping of Perl code
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::ReadLineHistory(3) - Integrate history with the facilities provided by Term::ReadLine
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Refresh(3) - Reload libraries with Module::Refresh
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Selenium(3)
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::ShowClass(3) - Dump classes initialized with Class::MOP
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Timing(3) - Display execution times
- Devel::REPL::Plugin::Turtles(3) - Generic command creation using a read hook
- Devel::REPL::Profile(3) - Code to execute when re.pl starts
- Devel::Required(3) - automatic update of required modules documentation
- Devel::RingBuffer(3) - Shared memory ring buffers for Perl scripts diagnosis/debug
- Devel::RingBuffer::Ring(3) - Single ring of a Devel::RingBuffer
- Devel::SelfStubber(3) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
- Devel::SimpleTrace(3) - See where you code warns and dies using stack traces
- Devel::Size(3) - Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
- Devel::Size::Report(3) - generate a size report for all elements in a structure
- Devel::SmallProf(3) - per-line Perl profiler
- Devel::StackTrace(3) - An object representing a stack trace
- Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML(3) - Displays stack trace in HTML
- Devel::StackTrace::Frame(3) - A single frame in a stack trace
- Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals(3) - Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
- Devel::STrace(3) - strace-like runtime call trace for Perl applications
- Devel::STrace::Monitor(3) - Monitor interface component for Devel::STrace
- Devel::StrictMode(3) - determine whether strict (but slow) tests should be enabled
- Devel::Symdump(3) - dump symbol names or the symbol table
- Devel::Timer(3) - Track and report execution time for parts of code
- Devel::TraceCalls(3) - Track calls to subs, classes and object instances
- Devel::TraceFuncs(3) - trace function calls as they happen.
- Devel::TraceSAX(3) - Trace SAX events
- Devel::TraceUse(3) - show the modules your program loads, recursively
- Devel::TypeTiny::Perl56Compat(3) - shims to allow Type::Tiny to run on Perl 5.6.x
- Devel::TypeTiny::Perl58Compat(3) - shims to allow Type::Tiny to run on Perl 5.8.x
- Device::dump_usb(3) - Use Device::USB to list USB devices.
- Device::Gsm(3) - Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems
- Device::Gsm::Pdu(3) - library to manage PDU encoded data for GSM messaging
- Device::Gsm::Sms(3) - SMS message internal class that represents a single text SMS message
- Device::Modem(3) - Perl extension to talk to modem devices connected via serial port
- Device::Modem::FAQ(3)
- Device::Modem::Log::File(3) - Text files logging plugin for Device::Modem class
- Device::Modem::Log::Syslog(3) - Syslog logging plugin for Device::Modem class
- Device::Modem::Protocol::Xmodem(3)
- Device::Modem::UsRobotics(3) - USR modems extensions to control self-mode
- Device::RAID::Poller(3) - Basic RAID status poller, returning RAID disk devices, types, and status.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::Adaptec_arcconf(3) - Handles polling using the Adaptec arcconf utility.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::Avago_tw_cli(3) - Handles polling using the Avago tw_cli utility.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::FBSD_gmirror(3) - FreeBSD GEOM mirror RAID backend.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::FBSD_graid(3) - FreeBSD GEOM RAID backend.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::FBSD_graid3(3) - FreeBSD GEOM RAID3 backend.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::Linux_mdadm(3) - Handles Linux mdadm software RAID.
- Device::RAID::Poller::Backends::ZFS(3) - ZFS zpool backend.
- Device::USB(3) - Use libusb to access USB devices.
- Device::USB::Bus(3) - Use libusb to access USB devices.
- Device::USB::DevConfig(3) - Access the device configuration returned by libusb.
- Device::USB::DevEndpoint(3) - Access a device endpoint returned by libusb.
- Device::USB::Device(3) - Use libusb to access USB devices.
- Device::USB::DevInterface(3) - Access a device interface returned by libusb.
- Device::USB::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions for Device::USB
- DEVINFO(3) - device and resource information utility library
- DEVNAME(3) - get device name
- DfPortable(3) - Perl extension for filesystem disk space information.
- dgbbrd.f(3)
- dgbcon.f(3)
- dgbequ.f(3)
- dgbequb.f(3)
- dgbmv.f(3)
- dgbrfs.f(3)
- dgbrfsx.f(3)
- dgbsv.f(3)
- dgbsvx.f(3)
- dgbsvxx.f(3)
- dgbtf2.f(3)
- dgbtrf.f(3)
- dgbtrs.f(3)
- dgebak.f(3)
- dgebal.f(3)
- dgebd2.f(3)
- dgebrd.f(3)
- dgecon.f(3)
- dgeequ.f(3)
- dgeequb.f(3)
- dgees.f(3)
- dgeesx.f(3)
- dgeev.f(3)
- dgeevx.f(3)
- dgehd2.f(3)
- dgehrd.f(3)
- dgejsv.f(3)
- dgelq.f(3)
- dgelq2.f(3)
- dgelqf.f(3)
- dgelqt.f(3)
- dgelqt3.f(3)
- dgels.f(3)
- dgelsd.f(3)
- dgelss.f(3)
- dgelsy.f(3)
- dgemlq.f(3)
- dgemlqt.f(3)
- dgemqr.f(3)
- dgemqrt.f(3)
- dgeql2.f(3)
- dgeqlf.f(3)
- dgeqp3.f(3)
- dgeqr.f(3)
- dgeqr2.f(3)
- dgeqr2p.f(3)
- dgeqrf.f(3)
- dgeqrfp.f(3)
- dgeqrt.f(3)
- dgeqrt2.f(3)
- dgeqrt3.f(3)
- dgerfs.f(3)
- dgerfsx.f(3)
- dgerq2.f(3)
- dgerqf.f(3)
- dgesc2.f(3)
- dgesdd.f(3)
- dgesvd.f(3)
- dgesvdq.f(3)
- dgesvdx.f(3)
- dgesvj.f(3)
- dgesvx.f(3)
- dgesvxx.f(3)
- dgetc2.f(3)
- dgetf2.f(3)
- dgetrf.f(3)
- dgetrf2.f(3)
- dgetri.f(3)
- dgetrs.f(3)
- dgetsls.f(3)
- dgetsqrhrt.f(3)
- dggbak.f(3)
- dggbal.f(3)
- dgges.f(3)
- dgges3.f(3)
- dggesx.f(3)
- dggev.f(3)
- dggev3.f(3)
- dggevx.f(3)
- dggglm.f(3)
- dgghd3.f(3)
- dgghrd.f(3)
- dgglse.f(3)
- dggqrf.f(3)
- dggrqf.f(3)
- dggsvd3.f(3)
- dggsvp3.f(3)
- dgsvj0.f(3)
- dgsvj1.f(3)
- dgtcon.f(3)
- dgtrfs.f(3)
- dgtsv.f(3)
- dgtsvx.f(3)
- dgttrf.f(3)
- dgttrs.f(3)
- dgtts2.f(3)
- DH_GENERATE_KEY(3) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- DH_GENERATE_PARAMETERS(3) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
- DH_GET_1024_160(3) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs
- DH_GET0_PQG(3) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object
- DH_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up DH methods
- DH_NEW(3) - allocate and free DH objects
- DH_NEW_BY_NID(3) - get or find DH named parameters
- DH_SET_METHOD(3) - select DH method
- DH_SIZE(3) - get Diffie-Hellman prime size and security bits
- DHCPClient(3) - A DHCP Client API
- DHCPCTL(3) - dhcpctl library initialization.
- dhgeqz.f(3)
- dhsein.f(3)
- dhseqr.f(3)
- DHTML(3) - DHTML renderer for Data::TreeDumper
- diagnostics(3) - produce verbose warning diagnostics
- DIAL(3) - make and break network connections
- DIALOG_PLAYER(3) - Stores GUI data internally used by Allegro.
- DialogBox(3) - create and manipulate a dialog screen.
- dialyzer(3) - Dialyzer, a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs.
- diameter(3) - Main API of the diameter application.
- diameter_app(3) - Callback module of a Diameter application.
- diameter_codec(3) - Decode and encode of Diameter messages.
- diameter_make(3) - Diameter dictionary compilation.
- diameter_sctp(3) - Diameter transport over SCTP.
- diameter_tcp(3) - Diameter transport over TCP.
- diameter_transport(3) - Diameter transport interface.
- DICLIBINTRO(3) - dictionary access library introduction
- Dicom(3) - a module for reading DICOM images.
- dictCleanup(3) - cleanup dictionary
- dictCreate(3) - create new dictionary.
- dictDestroy(3) - destroy dictionary.
- dictModifyValue(3) - create/modify an item.
- dictNext(3) - search for next value in dictionary.
- dictReleaseLock(3) - release lock on value.
- dictRemove(3) - remove item from dictionary.
- dictSearch(3) - search for value in dictionary.
- dictSetValue(3) - set/reset an items value.
- difftimeofday(3)
- Digest::Adler32(3) - The Adler-32 checksum
- Digest::base(3) - Digest base class
- Digest::Bcrypt(3) - Perl interface to the bcrypt digest algorithm
- Digest::BubbleBabble(3) - Create bubble-babble fingerprints
- Digest::CRC(3) - Generic CRC functions
- Digest::file(3) - Calculate digests of files
- Digest::FNV(3) - Perl extension for the Fowler/Noll/Vo (FNV) has
- Digest::GOST(3) - Perl interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm
- Digest::GOST::CryptoPro(3) - uses the CryptoPro parameters from RFC 4357
- Digest::HMAC(3) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
- Digest::HMAC_MD5(3) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
- Digest::HMAC_SHA1(3) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
- Digest::JHash(3) - Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm
- Digest::MD5::Reverse(3) - MD5 Reverse Lookup
- Digest::MurmurHash(3) - Perl XS interface to the MurmurHash algorithm
- Digest::Perl::MD5(3) - Perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm
- Digest::SHA(3) - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- Digest::SHA::PurePerl(3) - Perl implementation of SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- Digest::SHA3(3) - Perl extension for SHA-3
- Digest::SV1(3) - Cryptosleazically strong message digest format
- Digest::TransformPath(3) - Implements the TransformPath concept
- Digest-MD4(3) - Wrapper for Digest::Perl::MD4, see which.
- digi_recorder(3) - Hook notifying you when a new sample buffer becomes available. Allegro game programming library.
- DIGITTOINT(3) - convert a numeric character to its integer value
- digraph(3) - Directed graphs.
- digraph_utils(3) - Algorithms for directed graphs.
- Dir::Purge(3) - Purge directories to a given number of files.
- Dir::Self(3) - a __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in
- Dir::Watch(3) - Watches the current directory for file additions or removals.
- DirCompare(3) - Perl module to compare two directories using callbacks.
- Directory::Apache(3) - mod_perl wrapper over XML::Directory
- Directory::Queue(3) - object oriented interface to a directory based queue
- Directory::Queue::Normal(3) - object oriented interface to a normal directory based queue
- Directory::Queue::Null(3) - object oriented interface to a null directory based queue
- Directory::Queue::Set(3) - object oriented interface to a set of Directory::Queue objects
- Directory::Queue::Simple(3) - object oriented interface to a simple directory based queue
- Directory::SAX(3) - a subclass to generate SAX events
- Directory::Scratch(3) - (DEPRECATED) Easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
- Directory::Scratch::Structured(3) - creates temporary files and directories from a structured description
- Directory::String(3) - a subclass to generate strings
- DirHandle(3) - (obsolete) supply object methods for directory handles
- DIRNAME(3) - extract the directory part of a pathname
- DIRREAD(3) - read directory
- DirTree(3) - Create and manipulate DirTree widgets
- disable_hardware_cursor(3) - Disables the OS hardware cursor. Allegro game programming library.
- Discrete(3) - Compute descriptive statistics for discrete data sets.
- disk_log(3) - A disk-based term logging facility.
- DiskCache(3)
- DiskFree(3)
- disksup(3) - A Disk Supervisor Process
- disnan.f(3)
- DisplayOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
- Dist::CheckConflicts(3) - declare version conflicts for your dist
- Dist::Joseki(3) - Tools for the prolific module author
- Dist::Joseki::Base(3) - Base class for Dist::Joseki classes
- Dist::Joseki::Cmd(3) - Application class for distribution commands
- Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command(3) - Base class for Dist::Joseki::Cmd commands
- Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Multiplexable(3) - Base class for potentially project-wide commands
- Dist::Joseki::Command::clean(3) - 'clean' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::Command::install(3) - 'install' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::Command::manifest(3) - 'manifest' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::Command::props(3) - 'props' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::Command::test(3) - 'test' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::Command::version(3) - 'version' command for Dist::Joseki::Cmd
- Dist::Joseki::DistType(3) - Distribution type class wrapper
- Dist::Joseki::DistType::Base(3) - Base class for distribution type classes
- Dist::Joseki::DistType::MakeMaker(3) - Distribution type class for MakeMaker distributions
- Dist::Joseki::DistType::ModuleBuild(3) - Distribution type class for Module::Build distributions
- Dist::Joseki::Find(3) - find distributions within the project roots
- Dist::Joseki::Version(3) - Get and set version numbers within the distribution
- Dist::Metadata(3) - Information about a perl module distribution
- Dist::Metadata::Archive(3) - Base class for Dist::Metadata archive files
- Dist::Metadata::Dir(3) - Enable Dist::Metadata for a directory
- Dist::Metadata::Dist(3) - Base class for format-specific implementations
- Dist::Metadata::Struct(3) - Enable Dist::Metadata for a data structure
- Dist::Metadata::Tar(3) - Enable Dist::Metadata for tar files
- Dist::Metadata::Zip(3) - Enable Dist::Metadata for zip files
- Dist::Zilla(3) - distribution builder; installer not included!
- Dist::Zilla::App(3) - Dist::Zilla's App::Cmd
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command(3) - base class for dzil commands
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::add(3) - add a module to a dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::authordeps(3) - List your distribution's author dependencies
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::build(3) - build your dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::clean(3) - clean up after build, test, or install
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::install(3) - install your dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::listdeps(3) - print your distribution's prerequisites
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::new(3) - mint a new dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::nop(3) - initialize dzil, then exit
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::release(3) - release your dist to the CPAN
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::run(3) - run stuff in a dir where your dist is built
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::setup(3) - set up a basic global config file
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::smoke(3) - smoke your dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::test(3) - test your dist
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::version(3) - display dzil's version
- Dist::Zilla::App::Tester(3) - testing library for Dist::Zilla::App
- Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Term(3) - chrome used for terminal-based interaction
- Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test(3) - the chrome used by Dist::Zilla::Tester
- Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder(3) - dist zilla subclass for building dists
- Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter(3) - distribution builder; installer not included!
- Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode(3) - a file whose content is (re-)built on demand
- Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory(3) - a file that you build entirely in memory
- Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk(3) - a file that comes from your filesystem
- Dist::Zilla::MintingProfile::Default(3) - Default minting profile provider
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler(3) - Dist::Zilla-specific subclass of Config::MVP::Assembler
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::GlobalConfig(3) - Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler for global configuration
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::Zilla(3) - Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler for the Dist::Zilla object
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder(3) - the reader for dist.ini files
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Perl(3) - the reader for dist.pl files
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::RootSection(3) - a standard section in Dist::Zilla's configuration sequence
- Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section(3) - a standard section in Dist::Zilla's configuration sequence
- Dist::Zilla::Path(3) - a helper to get Path::Tiny objects
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs(3) - automatically extract prereqs from your modules
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion(3) - take care of numbering versions so you don't have to
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ConfirmRelease(3) - prompt for confirmation before releasing
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANFile(3) - produce a cpanfile prereqs file
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DistINI(3) - a plugin to add a dist.ini to newly-minted dists
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Encoding(3) - set the encoding of arbitrary files
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExecDir(3) - install a directory's contents as executables
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExtraTests(3) - rewrite ./xt tests to ./t tests with skips
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FakeRelease(3) - fake plugin to test release
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FileFinder::ByName(3) - FileFinder matching on pathnames
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FileFinder::Filter(3) - filter matches from other FileFinders
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode(3) - a callback-based FileFinder plugin
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir(3) - gather all the files in a directory
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir::Template(3) - gather all the files in a directory and use them as templates
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherFile(3) - gather individual file(s)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GenerateFile(3) - build a custom file from only the plugin configuration
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InlineFiles(3) - files in a data section
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::License(3) - output a LICENSE file
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker(3) - build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Runner(3) - Test and build dists with a Makefile.PL
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest(3) - build a MANIFEST file
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip(3) - decline to build files that appear in a MANIFEST.SKIP-like file
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaConfig(3) - summarize Dist::Zilla configuration into distmeta
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON(3) - produce a META.json
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaNoIndex(3) - Stop CPAN from indexing stuff
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaResources(3) - provide arbitrary "resources" for distribution metadata
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaTests(3) - common extra tests for META.yml
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML(3) - produce a META.yml
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild(3) - build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleShareDirs(3) - install a directory's contents as module-based "ShareDir" content
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextRelease(3) - update the next release number in your changelog
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgDist(3) - add a $DIST to your packages
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion(3) - add a $VERSION to your packages
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodCoverageTests(3) - a author test for Pod coverage
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests(3) - a author test for Pod syntax
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodVersion(3) - add a VERSION head1 to each Perl document
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs(3) - list simple prerequisites
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft(3) - prune stuff that you probably don't mean to include
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneFiles(3) - prune arbitrary files from the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Readme(3) - build a README file
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RemovePrereqs(3) - a plugin to remove gathered prereqs
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir(3) - install a directory's contents as "ShareDir" content
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateModule(3) - a simple module-from-template plugin
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TestRelease(3) - extract archive and run tests before releasing the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN(3) - upload the dist to CPAN
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Basic(3) - the basic plugins to maintain and release CPAN dists
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Classic(3) - the classic (old) default configuration for Dist::Zilla
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::FakeClassic(3) - build something more or less like a "classic" CPAN dist
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Filter(3) - use another bundle, with some plugins removed
- Dist::Zilla::Prereqs(3) - the prerequisites of a Dist::Zilla distribution
- Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterBuild(3) - something that runs after building is mostly complete
- Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterMint(3) - something that runs after minting is mostly complete
- Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterRelease(3) - something that runs after release is mostly complete
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ArchiveBuilder(3) - something that builds archives
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeArchive(3) - something that runs before the archive file is built
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeBuild(3) - something that runs before building really begins
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeMint(3) - something that runs before minting really begins
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeRelease(3) - something that runs before release really begins
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildPL(3) - Common ground for Build.PL based builders
- Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildRunner(3) - something used as a delegating agent during 'dzil run'
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Chrome(3) - something that provides a user interface for Dist::Zilla
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ConfigDumper(3) - something that can dump its (public, simplified) configuration
- Dist::Zilla::Role::EncodingProvider(3) - something that sets a files' encoding
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ExecFiles(3) - something that finds files to install as executables
- Dist::Zilla::Role::File(3) - something that can act like a file
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FileFinder(3) - something that finds files within the distribution
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FileFinderUser(3) - something that uses FileFinder plugins
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer(3) - something that gathers files into the distribution
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FileInjector(3) - something that can add files to the distribution
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger(3) - something that alters a file's destination or content
- Dist::Zilla::Role::FilePruner(3) - something that removes found files from the distribution
- Dist::Zilla::Role::InstallTool(3) - something that creates an install program for a dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::LicenseProvider(3) - something that provides a license for the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::MetaProvider(3) - something that provides metadata (for META.yml/json)
- Dist::Zilla::Role::MintingProfile(3) - something that can find a minting profile dir
- Dist::Zilla::Role::MintingProfile::ShareDir(3) - something that keeps its minting profile in a sharedir
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ModuleMaker(3) - something that injects module files into the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::MutableFile(3) - something that can act like a file with changeable contents
- Dist::Zilla::Role::NameProvider(3) - something that provides a name for the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin(3) - something that gets plugged in to Dist::Zilla
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle(3) - something that bundles a bunch of plugins
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy(3) - something that bundles a bunch of plugins easily
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PPI(3) - a role for plugins which use PPI
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqScanner(3) - automatically extract prereqs from your modules
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqSource(3) - something that registers prerequisites
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Releaser(3) - something that makes a release of the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ReleaseStatusProvider(3) - something that provides a release status for the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Role::ShareDir(3) - something that picks a directory to install as shared files
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Stash(3) - something that stores options or data for later reference
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Stash::Authors(3) - a stash that provides a list of author strings
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Stash::Login(3) - a stash with username/password credentials
- Dist::Zilla::Role::StubBuild(3) - provides an empty BUILD methods
- Dist::Zilla::Role::TestRunner(3) - something used as a delegating agent to 'dzil test'
- Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplate(3) - something that renders a Text::Template template string
- Dist::Zilla::Role::VersionProvider(3) - something that provides a version number for the dist
- Dist::Zilla::Stash::Mint(3) - a stash of your default minting provider/profile
- Dist::Zilla::Stash::PAUSE(3) - a stash of your PAUSE credentials
- Dist::Zilla::Stash::Rights(3) - a stash of your default licensing terms
- Dist::Zilla::Stash::User(3) - a stash of user name and email
- Dist::Zilla::Tester(3) - a testing-enabling stand-in for Dist::Zilla
- Dist::Zilla::Tutorial(3) - how to use this "Dist::Zilla" thing
- Dist::Zilla::Types(3) - dzil-specific type library
- Dist::Zilla::Util(3) - random snippets of code that Dist::Zilla wants
- Dist::Zilla::Util::AuthorDeps(3) - Utils for listing your distribution's author dependencies
- DISTANCE(3) - compute the distance between two pieces of data
- Distributions(3) - Perl module for calculating critical values and upper probabilities of common statistical distributions
- DItem(3) - Tix Display Items
- DITHER(3) - functions for dithering color or black and white images.
- Diver(3) - Simple, ad-hoc access to elements of deeply nested structures
- Divert(3) - Divert socket module
- DJabberd(3) - scalable, extensible Jabber/XMPP server.
- DJabberd::Agent(3) - Abstract base class representing a software agent that talks XMPP
- DJabberd::Agent::Node(3) - Abstract class for an agent that handles a specific node
- DJabberd::Component(3) - Abstract class representing a component in DJabberd
- DJabberd::Component::Example(3) - An example DJabberd service component
- DJabberd::Component::External(3) - Interface to external plugins implementing JEP-0114
- DJabberd::Component::Node(3) - Specialization of DJabberd::Agent::Node that knows it belongs to a component
- DJabberd::Config(3) - Configuration options in djabberd.conf
- DJabberd::Connection::ComponentIn(3) - JEP-0114 Server
- DJabberd::Connection::ComponentOut(3) - JEP-0114 Client
- DJabberd::Delivery::ComponentConnection(3) - Delivery through a JEP-0114 component connection
- DJabberd::Delivery::LocalVHosts(3) - Controlled delivery to other local VHosts
- DJabberd::SASL(3) - Base plugin for SASL Negotiation
- DJabberd::SASL::AuthenSASL(3) - SASL Negotiation using Authen::SASL
- DJabberd::SASL::Connection(3) - abstract base class for SASL connections
- DJabberd::SASL::DumbPlain(3) - Dumb Plain SASL Auth plugin
- DJabberd::SASL::ManagerBase(3) - Abstract base clase for the main SASL object.
- DJB(3) - Perl extension to Daniel J. Bernstein's hashing algorithm.
- DL_ITERATE_PHDR(3) - iterate over program headers
- dla_gbamv.f(3)
- dla_gbrcond.f(3)
- dla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3)
- dla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)
- dla_geamv.f(3)
- dla_gercond.f(3)
- dla_gerfsx_extended.f(3)
- dla_gerpvgrw.f(3)
- dla_lin_berr.f(3)
- dla_porcond.f(3)
- dla_porfsx_extended.f(3)
- dla_porpvgrw.f(3)
- dla_syamv.f(3)
- dla_syrcond.f(3)
- dla_syrfsx_extended.f(3)
- dla_syrpvgrw.f(3)
- dla_wwaddw.f(3)
- dlabad.f(3)
- dlabrd.f(3)
- dlacn2.f(3)
- dlacon.f(3)
- DLADDR(3) - find the shared object containing a given address
- dladiv.f(3)
- dlae2.f(3)
- dlaebz.f(3)
- dlaed0.f(3)
- dlaed1.f(3)
- dlaed2.f(3)
- dlaed3.f(3)
- dlaed4.f(3)
- dlaed5.f(3)
- dlaed6.f(3)
- dlaed7.f(3)
- dlaed8.f(3)
- dlaed9.f(3)
- dlaeda.f(3)
- dlaein.f(3)
- dlaev2.f(3)
- dlaexc.f(3)
- dlag2.f(3)
- dlag2s.f(3)
- dlags2.f(3)
- dlagtf.f(3)
- dlagtm.f(3)
- dlagts.f(3)
- dlagv2.f(3)
- dlahqr.f(3)
- dlahr2.f(3)
- dlaic1.f(3)
- dlaisnan.f(3)
- dlaln2.f(3)
- dlals0.f(3)
- dlalsa.f(3)
- dlalsd.f(3)
- dlamrg.f(3)
- dlamswlq.f(3)
- dlamtsqr.f(3)
- dlaneg.f(3)
- dlangb.f(3)
- dlangt.f(3)
- dlanhs.f(3)
- dlansb.f(3)
- dlansf.f(3)
- dlansp.f(3)
- dlanst.f(3)
- dlansy.f(3)
- dlantb.f(3)
- dlantp.f(3)
- dlantr.f(3)
- dlanv2.f(3)
- dlaorhr_col_getrfnp.f(3)
- dlaorhr_col_getrfnp2.f(3)
- dlapll.f(3)
- dlapmr.f(3)
- dlapmt.f(3)
- dlapy2.f(3)
- dlapy3.f(3)
- dlaqgb.f(3)
- dlaqge.f(3)
- dlaqp2.f(3)
- dlaqps.f(3)
- dlaqr0.f(3)
- dlaqr1.f(3)
- dlaqr2.f(3)
- dlaqr3.f(3)
- dlaqr4.f(3)
- dlaqr5.f(3)
- dlaqsb.f(3)
- dlaqsp.f(3)
- dlaqsy.f(3)
- dlaqtr.f(3)
- dlaqz0.f(3)
- dlaqz1.f(3)
- dlaqz2.f(3)
- dlaqz3.f(3)
- dlaqz4.f(3)
- dlar1v.f(3) - λI.
- dlar2v.f(3)
- dlarf.f(3)
- dlarfb.f(3)
- dlarfb_gett.f(3)
- dlarfg.f(3)
- dlarfgp.f(3)
- dlarft.f(3) - vtvH
- dlarfx.f(3)
- dlarfy.f(3)
- dlargv.f(3)
- dlarnv.f(3)
- dlarra.f(3)
- dlarrb.f(3)
- dlarrc.f(3)
- dlarrd.f(3)
- dlarre.f(3)
- dlarrf.f(3)
- dlarrj.f(3)
- dlarrk.f(3)
- dlarrr.f(3)
- dlarrv.f(3)
- dlarscl2.f(3)
- dlartgp.f(3)
- dlartgs.f(3)
- dlartv.f(3)
- dlaruv.f(3)
- dlarz.f(3)
- dlarzb.f(3)
- dlarzt.f(3) - vtvH.
- dlas2.f(3)
- dlascl.f(3)
- dlascl2.f(3)
- dlasd0.f(3)
- dlasd1.f(3)
- dlasd2.f(3)
- dlasd3.f(3)
- dlasd4.f(3)
- dlasd5.f(3)
- dlasd6.f(3)
- dlasd7.f(3)
- dlasd8.f(3)
- dlasda.f(3)
- dlasdq.f(3)
- dlasdt.f(3)
- dlaset.f(3)
- dlasq1.f(3)
- dlasq2.f(3)
- dlasq3.f(3)
- dlasq4.f(3)
- dlasq5.f(3)
- dlasq6.f(3)
- dlasr.f(3)
- dlasrt.f(3)
- dlasv2.f(3)
- dlaswlq.f(3)
- dlaswp.f(3)
- dlasy2.f(3)
- dlasyf.f(3)
- dlasyf_aa.f(3)
- dlasyf_rk.f(3)
- dlasyf_rook.f(3)
- dlat2s.f(3)
- dlatbs.f(3)
- dlatdf.f(3)
- dlatps.f(3)
- dlatrd.f(3)
- dlatrs.f(3)
- dlatrz.f(3)
- dlatsqr.f(3)
- dlauu2.f(3)
- dlauum.f(3)
- DLINFO(3) - information about dynamically loaded object
- DLLOCKINIT(3) - register thread locking methods with the dynamic linker
- DLookup(3) - Perform domain lookups on 2-letter and 3-letter TLDs
- DLOPEN(3) - programmatic interface to the dynamic linker
- DMAC(3)
- DMX(3) - X Window System DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension
- DMXAddInput(3) - attach a new input
- DMXAddScreen(3) - attach a new back-end screen
- DMXChangeDesktopAttributes(3) - change global bounding box
- DMXChangeScreensAttributes(3) - change back-end screen attributes
- DMXDesktopAttributes(3) - determine global bounding box
- DMXForceWindowCreation(3) - force immediate back-end window creation
- DMXGetInputAttributes(3) - determine input device attributes
- DMXGetInputCount(3) - determine number of input devices
- DMXGetScreenAttributes(3) - determine back-end screen attributes
- DMXGetScreenCount(3) - determine number of back-end screens
- DMXGetWindowAttributes(3) - determine back-end window attributes
- DMXQueryExtension(3) - determine if DMX is available
- DMXQueryVersion(3) - determine DMX extension version
- DMXRemoveInput(3) - detach an input
- DMXRemoveScreen(3) - detach a back-end screen
- DMXSync(3) - flush protocol requests between Xdmx and back-end X servers
- DNET(3) - dumb networking library
- DNS::EasyDNS(3) - Update your EasyDNS dynamic DNS entries
- DNS::LDNS(3) - Perl extension for the ldns library
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecDataChain(3) - DNSSec data chain element
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecName(3) - Dname with rrsets in a dnssec zone
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecRRs(3) - Linked list of rrs in a dnssec zone
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecRRSets(3) - Linked list of rrsets in a dnssec zone
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecTrustTree(3) - Trust tree from signed RR to trust anchors
- DNS::LDNS::DNSSecZone(3) - Zone with dnssec data
- DNS::LDNS::GC(3) - Garbage collector, used internally by the DNS::LDNS modules
- DNS::LDNS::Key(3) - DNSSec private key
- DNS::LDNS::KeyList(3) - Linked list of dnssec keys
- DNS::LDNS::Packet(3) - DNS packet
- DNS::LDNS::RBNode(3) - Node in the RBTree
- DNS::LDNS::RBTree(3) - Tree of DNSSecName nodes
- DNS::LDNS::RData(3) - Rdata field or a dname in an rr
- DNS::LDNS::Resolver(3) - DNS resolver
- DNS::LDNS::RR(3) - Resource record
- DNS::LDNS::RRList(3) - List of rrs
- DNS::LDNS::Zone(3) - Parsed zonefile
- DNS::nsdiff(3) - the nsdiff, nspatch, and nsvi scripts
- DNS::ZoneParse(3) - Parse and manipulate DNS Zone Files.
- dns_ip4(3) - look up IPv4 addresses
- dns_ip4_packet(3) - extract IPv4 address from DNS answer packet
- dns_ip4_qualify(3) - qualify name and look up IPv4 addresses
- dns_ip6(3) - look up IPv6 addresses
- dns_ip6_packet(3) - extract IPv6 address from DNS answer packet
- dns_ip6_qualify(3) - qualify name and look up IPv6 addresses
- dns_mx(3) - look up Mail eXchanger
- dns_mx_packet(3) - extract MX records from DNS answer packet
- dns_name_packet(3) - extract names from DNS answer packet
- dns_name4(3) - look up host name
- dns_name4_domain(3) - construct host name for reverse lookup
- dns_name6(3) - look up host name
- dns_name6_domain(3) - construct host name for reverse lookup
- dns_txt(3) - look up TXT records
- dns_txt_packet(3) - extract TXT records from DNS answer packet
- DNSCheck(3) - DNS Check Tools
- DNSCheck::Config(3) - Read config files and make their contents available to other modules.
- DNSCheck::Logger(3) - Logger Subsystem
- DNSCheck::Lookup::ASN(3) - AS Number Lookup
- DNSCheck::Lookup::DNS(3) - DNS Lookup
- DNSCheck::Lookup::Resolver(3) - a recursive DNS resolver for DNSCheck
- DNSCheck::Overview(3)
- DNSCheck::Test::Address(3) - Test for valid IP addresses
- DNSCheck::Test::Common(3) - parent module to all other DNSCheck::Test modules.
- DNSCheck::Test::Connectivity(3) - Test zone connectivity
- DNSCheck::Test::Consistency(3) - Test zone consistency
- DNSCheck::Test::Delegation(3) - Test zone delegation
- DNSCheck::Test::DNSSEC(3) - Test DNSSEC
- DNSCheck::Test::Host(3) - Test host names and addresses
- DNSCheck::Test::Mail(3) - Test email addresses
- DNSCheck::Test::Nameserver(3) - Test a nameserver
- DNSCheck::Test::SMTP(3) - Test SMTP delivery
- DNSCheck::Test::SOA(3) - Test SOA record
- DNSCheck::Test::Zone(3) - Test a zone
- dnsjit.core(3) - Core modules for dnsjit
- DNSTABLE_ENTRY(3) - dnstable entry objects
- DNSTABLE_ITER(3) - iterate over a sequence of dnstable entries
- DNSTABLE_MERGE_FUNC(3) - libmtbl merge function for dnstable key-value entries
- DNSTABLE_QUERY(3) - dnstable query objects
- DNSTABLE_READER(3) - read dnstable data from an mtbl source
- do_arc(3) - Calculates all the points in a circular arc. Allegro game programming library.
- do_circle(3) - Calculates all the points in a circle. Allegro game programming library.
- do_dialog(3) - Basic dialog manager function. Allegro game programming library.
- do_ellipse(3) - Calculates all the points in an ellipse. Allegro game programming library.
- do_line(3) - Calculates all the points along a line. Allegro game programming library.
- do_menu(3) - Displays an animates a popup menu. Allegro game programming library.
- do_uconvert(3) - Converts a string to another encoding format. Allegro game programming library.
- doc::libavcodec(3) - media streams decoding and encoding library
- doc::libavdevice(3) - multimedia device handling library
- doc::libavfilter(3) - multimedia filtering library
- doc::libavformat(3) - multimedia muxing and demuxing library
- doc::libavutil(3) - multimedia-biased utility library
- doc::libswresample(3) - audio resampling library
- doc::libswscale(3) - video scaling and pixel format conversion library
- doc::Ora2Pg(3) - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
- Doc::Perldl(3) - commands for accessing PDL doc database from 'perldl' shell
- doc::SquidAnalyzer(3) - Squid access log report generation tool
- doc::unibi_add_ext_bool(3) - add extended capabilities to a terminal object
- doc::unibi_add_ext_num(3) - add extended capabilities to a terminal object
- doc::unibi_add_ext_str(3) - add extended capabilities to a terminal object
- doc::unibi_count_ext_bool(3) - count extended terminal capabilities
- doc::unibi_count_ext_num(3) - count extended terminal capabilities
- doc::unibi_count_ext_str(3) - count extended terminal capabilities
- doc::unibi_del_ext_bool(3) - remove extended capabilities from a terminal object
- doc::unibi_destroy(3) - free a terminal object
- doc::unibi_dummy(3) - construct a dummy terminal object
- doc::unibi_dump(3) - convert a terminal object to compiled terminfo data
- doc::unibi_format(3) - interpret a terminfo format string
- doc::unibi_from_env(3) - read the terminfo entry specified by TERM
- doc::unibi_from_fd(3) - read a terminfo entry from a file descriptor
- doc::unibi_from_file(3) - read a terminfo entry from a file
- doc::unibi_from_fp(3) - read a terminfo entry from a FILE *
- doc::unibi_from_mem(3) - construct a terminal object from a compiled terminfo entry
- doc::unibi_from_term(3) - read a terminfo entry for a named terminal
- doc::unibi_get_aliases(3) - access the aliases of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_bool(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_bool(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_bool_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_num(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_num_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_str(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_ext_str_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_name(3) - access the name of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_num(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_get_str(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_int_from_var(3) - create and inspect unibi_var_t values
- doc::unibi_name_bool(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_name_num(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_name_str(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_num_from_var(3) - create and inspect unibi_var_t values
- doc::unibi_run(3) - interpret a terminfo format string
- doc::unibi_set_aliases(3) - access the aliases of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_bool(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_bool(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_bool_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_num(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_num_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_str(3) - access the extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_ext_str_name(3) - access the names of extended capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_name(3) - access the name of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_num(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_set_str(3) - access the capabilities of a terminal object
- doc::unibi_short_name_bool(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_short_name_num(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_short_name_str(3) - translate capability enums to names
- doc::unibi_str_from_var(3) - create and inspect unibi_var_t values
- doc::unibi_terminfo_dirs(3) - fallback terminfo search path
- doc::unibi_var_from_num(3) - create and inspect unibi_var_t values
- doc::unibi_var_from_str(3) - create and inspect unibi_var_t values
- doc::unibilium.h(3) - ncurses terminfo parser and utility functions
- DockFrame(3) - A multicolumn list widget with sortable & sizeable columns
- docs::gdnsd-plugin-api(3) - How to write gdnsd plugin code
- docs::mp3lint-tools(3) - tools and tests available in mp3lint
- DocSet(3) - documentation projects builder in HTML, PS and PDF formats
- DocSet::5005compat(3) - perl 5.005_03 compatibility module
- DocSet::Cache(3) - Maintain a Non-Volatile Cache of DocSet's Data
- DocSet::Config(3) - A superclass that handles object's configuration and data
- DocSet::Doc(3) - A Base Document Class
- DocSet::Doc::Common(3) - Common functions used in "DocSet::Doc" subclasses
- DocSet::Doc::HTML2HTML(3) - HTML source to HTML target converter
- DocSet::Doc::HTML2HTMLPS(3) - HTML source to PS (intermediate HTML) target converter
- DocSet::Doc::POD2HTML(3) - POD source to HTML target converter
- DocSet::Doc::POD2HTMLPS(3) - POD source to PS (intermediate HTML) target converter
- DocSet::Doc::Text2HTML(3) - Text source to HTML target converter
- DocSet::DocSet(3) - An abstract docset generation class
- DocSet::DocSet::HTML(3) - A subclass of "DocSet::DocSet" for generating HTML docset
- DocSet::DocSet::PSPDF(3) - A subclass of "DocSet::DocSet" for generating PS/PDF docset
- DocSet::NavigateCache(3) - Navigate the DocSet's caches in a readonly mode
- DocSet::RunTime(3) - RunTime Configuration
- DocSet::Source::HTML(3) - A class for parsing input document in the HTML format
- DocSet::Source::POD(3) - A class for parsing input document in the POD format
- DocSet::Source::Text(3) - A class for parsing input document in the text format
- DocSet::Util(3) - Commonly used functions
- Docstrings(3) - Documentation comments
- DOMAIN_SERVER(3) - generic DOMAIN server
- dombey(3) - Generic SCGI Application Server Library
- DOM-ecmascript(3)
- DOMHandler(3) - Implements a call-back interface to DOM.
- dopgtr.f(3)
- dopmtr.f(3)
- dorbdb.f(3)
- dorbdb1.f(3)
- dorbdb2.f(3)
- dorbdb3.f(3)
- dorbdb4.f(3)
- dorbdb5.f(3)
- dorbdb6.f(3)
- dorcsd.f(3)
- dorcsd2by1.f(3)
- dorg2l.f(3)
- dorg2r.f(3)
- dorgbr.f(3)
- dorghr.f(3)
- dorgl2.f(3)
- dorglq.f(3)
- dorgql.f(3)
- dorgqr.f(3)
- dorgr2.f(3)
- dorgrq.f(3)
- dorgtr.f(3)
- dorgtsqr.f(3)
- dorgtsqr_row.f(3)
- dorhr_col.f(3)
- dorm22.f(3)
- dorm2l.f(3)
- dorm2r.f(3)
- dormbr.f(3)
- dormhr.f(3)
- dorml2.f(3)
- dormlq.f(3)
- dormql.f(3)
- dormqr.f(3)
- dormr2.f(3)
- dormr3.f(3)
- dormrq.f(3)
- dormrz.f(3)
- dormtr.f(3)
- dot_product(3) - Calculates the dot product. Allegro game programming library.
- double_blas_level1(3) - double
- double_blas_level2(3) - double
- double_blas_level3(3) - double
- double_blas_testing(3) - double
- double_cmp(3)
- double_eig(3) - double
- double_lin(3) - double
- double_matgen(3) - double
- doubleGBauxiliary(3) - double
- doubleGBcomputational(3) - double
- doubleGBsolve(3) - double
- doubleGEauxiliary(3) - double
- doubleGEcomputational(3) - double
- doubleGEeigen(3) - double
- doubleGEsing(3) - double
- doubleGEsolve(3) - double
- doubleGTauxiliary(3) - double
- doubleGTcomputational(3) - double
- doubleGTsolve(3) - double
- DoubleMetaphone(3) - Phonetic encoding of words.
- doubleOTHERauxiliary(3) - double
- doubleOTHERcomputational(3) - double
- doubleOTHEReigen(3) - double
- doubleOTHERsolve(3) - double Other Solve Routines
- doublePOauxiliary(3) - double
- doublePOcomputational(3) - double
- doublePOsolve(3) - double
- doublePTauxiliary(3) - double
- doublePTcomputational(3) - double
- doublePTsolve(3) - double
- doubleSYauxiliary(3) - double
- doubleSYcomputational(3) - double
- doubleSYeigen(3) - double
- doubleSYsolve(3) - double
- Doxygen::Filter::Perl(3) - A perl code pre-filter for Doxygen
- Doxygen::Filter::Perl::POD(3) - A perl code pre-filter for Doxygen
- dpbcon.f(3)
- dpbequ.f(3)
- dpbrfs.f(3)
- dpbstf.f(3)
- dpbsv.f(3)
- dpbsvx.f(3)
- dpbtf2.f(3)
- dpbtrf.f(3)
- dpbtrs.f(3)
- dpftrf.f(3)
- dpftri.f(3)
- dpftrs.f(3)
- DPMSCapable(3) - returns the DPMS capability of the X server
- DPMSDisable(3) - disables DPMS on the specified display
- DPMSEnable(3) - enables DPMS on the specified display
- DPMSForceLevel(3) - forces a DPMS capable display into the specified power level
- DPMSGetTimeouts(3) - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
- DPMSGetVersion(3) - returns the version of the DPMS extension implemented by the X server
- DPMSInfo(3) - returns information about the current DPMS state
- DPMSQueryExtension(3) - queries the X server to determine the availability of the DPMS Extension
- DPMSSetTimeouts(3) - permits applications to set the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
- dpocon.f(3)
- dpoequ.f(3)
- dpoequb.f(3)
- dporfs.f(3)
- dporfsx.f(3)
- dposv.f(3)
- dposvx.f(3)
- dposvxx.f(3)
- dpotf2.f(3)
- dpotrf.f(3)
- dpotrf2.f(3)
- dpotri.f(3)
- dpotrs.f(3)
- dppcon.f(3)
- dppequ.f(3)
- dpprfs.f(3)
- dppsv.f(3)
- dppsvx.f(3)
- dpptrf.f(3)
- dpptri.f(3)
- dpptrs.f(3)
- DProfPP(3) - Parse "Devel::DProf" output
- dpstf2.f(3)
- dpstrf.f(3)
- dptcon.f(3)
- dpteqr.f(3)
- dptrfs.f(3)
- dptsv.f(3)
- dptsvx.f(3)
- dpttrf.f(3)
- dpttrs.f(3)
- dptts2.f(3)
- DPV(3) - dialog progress view library
- DR::Tarantool(3) - a Perl driver for Tarantool <http://tarantool.org>
- DR::Tarantool::AsyncClient(3) - async client for tarantool <http://tarantool.org>
- DR::Tarantool::CoroClient(3) - an asynchronous coro driver for Tarantool <http://tarantool.org>
- DR::Tarantool::Iterator(3) - an iterator and a container class for DR::Tarantool
- DR::Tarantool::LLClient(3) - a low level async client for Tarantool <http://tarantool.org>
- DR::Tarantool::MsgPack(3) - msgpack encoder/decoder.
- DR::Tarantool::MsgPack::AsyncClient(3) - async client for tarantool.
- DR::Tarantool::RealSyncClient(3) - a synchronous driver for Tarantool/Box <http://tarantool.org>
- DR::Tarantool::Spaces(3) - Tarantool schema description
- DR::Tarantool::StartTest(3) - finds and starts Tarantool on free port.
- DR::Tarantool::SyncClient(3) - a synchronous driver for Tarantool <http://tarantool.org>.
- DR::Tarantool::Tuple(3) - a tuple container for DR::Tarantool
- DR::Tarantool::Tuple::MsgPack(3) - a tuple container for DR::Tarantool (v >= 1.6)
- DragDrop::Common(3) - private class used by Drag&Drop
- DragDrop::SunConst(3) - Constants for Sun's Drag&Drop protocol
- draw_character_ex(3) - Draws non transparent pixels of the sprite with a color. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_compiled_sprite(3) - Draws a compiled sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_gouraud_sprite(3) - Draws a sprite with gouraud shading. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_rle_sprite(3) - Draws a tinted RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_sprite(3) - Draws a sprite tinted with a specific color. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_rle_sprite(3) - Draws an RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite(3) - Draws a copy of the sprite onto the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_ex(3) - Draws a optionally flipped/blended/tinted sprite on the bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_v_flip(3) - Draws the sprite transformed to the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_rle_sprite(3) - Draws a translucent RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_sprite(3) - Draws a sprite blending it with the destination. Allegro game programming library.
- DRAWFCALL(3) - window system protocol
- drawing_mode(3) - Sets the graphics drawing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- drawstate(3) - a script to turn text files into simple UML state diagrams
- drawstatexml(3) - turns a simple xml description into a state diagram
- driver_entry(3) - The driver-entry structure used by Erlang drivers.
- DRMAVAILABLE(3) - determine whether a DRM kernel driver has been loaded
- DRMHANDLEEVENT(3) - read and process pending DRM events
- DRMMODEGETRESOURCES(3) - retrieve current display configuration information
- DropSite(3) - Receive side of Drag & Drop abstraction
- drot.f(3)
- drotm.f(3)
- drotmg.f(3)
- drscl.f(3)
- DS1821(3) - Programmable Digital Thermostat and Thermometer
- DS1822(3) - Econo 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
- DS1825(3) - Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer with ID
- DS18B20(3)
- DS18S20(3)
- DS1921-Thermochron(3) - Thermochron temperature logging iButton.
- DS1963L(3) - 256 byte Monetary iButton
- DS1963S(3) - 256 byte Monetary iButton with SHA-1
- DS1977(3) - Password Protected 32kbit Memory iButton
- DS1991(3) - 1152bit MultiKey iButton
- DS1992(3) - 1kbit Memory iButton
- DS1993(3) - 4kbit Memory iButton
- DS1995(3) - 16kbit Memory iButton
- DS1996(3) - 64kbit Memory iButton
- DS2401(3) - Silicon Serial Number
- DS2404(3) - EconoRAM time chip
- DS2405(3) - Addressable Switch
- DS2406(3) - Dual Addressable Switch with 1kbit Memory, Hidable Dual Addressable Switch with 1kbit Memory
- DS2408(3) - 1-Wire 8 Channel Addressable Switch
- DS2409(3) - MicroLAN Coupler
- DS2413(3) - Dual Channel Addressable Switch
- DS2415(3) - 1-Wire Time Chip, RTC (real time clock) iButton, 1-Wire Time Chip with Interrupt
- DS2423(3) - 4kbit 1-Wire RAM with Counter
- DS2430A(3) - 256-bit 1-wire EEPROM, 256-bit EEPROM ibutton
- DS2431(3) - EEPROM (1 kBit)
- DS2433(3) - EEPROM (4 kBit)
- DS2436(3) - Battery ID/Monitor Chip
- DS2437(3) - Smart Battery Monitor
- DS2438(3) - Smart Battery Monitor
- DS2450(3) - Quad A/D Converter
- DS2502(3) - Add-Only Memory (1 kBit)
- DS2505(3) - Add-Only Memory (16 kBit), UniqueWare Add-Only Memory (16 kBit)
- DS2506(3) - Add-Only Memory (64 kBit), UniqueWare Add-Only Memory (64 kBit)
- DS2720(3) - Efficient Addressable Single-cell Rechargeable Lithium Protection IC
- DS2740(3) - High-Precision Coulomb Counter
- DS2751(3) - Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge
- DS2755(3) - Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge
- DS2760(3) - High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor
- DS2770(3) - Battery Monitor and Charge Controller
- DS2890(3) - 1-Wire Digital Potentiometer
- DS28E04-100(3) - 1-Wire EEPROM chip (4096-bit) with seven address inputs
- DS28EA00(3) - 1-Wire Digital Thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO
- DS28EC20(3) - EEPROM (20 kBit)
- DSA_DO_SIGN(3) - raw DSA signature operations
- DSA_DUP_DH(3) - create a DH structure out of DSA structure
- DSA_GENERATE_KEY(3) - generate DSA key pair
- DSA_GENERATE_PARAMETERS(3) - generate DSA parameters
- DSA_GET0_PQG(3) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DSA object
- DSA_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up DSA methods
- DSA_NEW(3) - allocate and free DSA objects
- DSA_SET_METHOD(3) - select DSA method
- DSA_SIG_NEW(3) - allocate and free DSA signature objects
- DSA_SIGN(3) - DSA signatures
- DSA_SIZE(3) - get DSA signature size, key bits or security bits
- dsb2st_kernels.f(3)
- dsbev.f(3)
- dsbev_2stage.f(3)
- dsbevd.f(3)
- dsbevd_2stage.f(3)
- dsbevx.f(3)
- dsbevx_2stage.f(3)
- dsbgst.f(3)
- dsbgv.f(3)
- dsbgvd.f(3)
- dsbgvx.f(3)
- dsbmv.f(3)
- dsbtrd.f(3)
- dsdot.f(3)
- dsfrk.f(3)
- dsgesv.f(3)
- DSP(3)
- dspcon.f(3)
- dspev.f(3)
- dspevd.f(3)
- dspevx.f(3)
- dspgst.f(3)
- dspgv.f(3)
- dspgvd.f(3)
- dspgvx.f(3)
- dspmv.f(3)
- dsposv.f(3)
- dspr.f(3)
- dspr2.f(3)
- dsprfs.f(3)
- dspsv.f(3)
- dspsvx.f(3)
- dsptrd.f(3)
- dsptrf.f(3)
- dsptri.f(3)
- dsptrs.f(3)
- DSS(3) - An Object Orientated interface to the Digital Sky Survey
- dstebz.f(3)
- dstedc.f(3)
- dstegr.f(3)
- dstein.f(3)
- dstemr.f(3)
- dsteqr.f(3)
- dsterf.f(3)
- dstev.f(3)
- dstevd.f(3)
- dstevr.f(3)
- dstevx.f(3)
- dsv_line_copy(3)
- dsv_line_free(3)
- dsv_line_read(3)
- dsv_line_set_array_size(3)
- dsv_line_set_delims(3)
- dsv_line_set_delims_ae(3)
- dsv_line_set_delims_cpy(3)
- dsv_line_set_fields(3)
- dsv_line_set_fields_ae(3)
- dsv_line_set_fields_cpy(3)
- dsv_line_set_num_fields(3)
- dsv_line_write(3)
- dsv_read_field(3)
- dsv_read_field_malloc(3)
- dsv_skip_field(3)
- dsv_skip_rest_of_line(3)
- dsycon.f(3)
- dsycon_3.f(3)
- dsycon_rook.f(3)
- dsyconv.f(3)
- dsyconvf.f(3)
- dsyconvf_rook.f(3)
- dsyequb.f(3)
- dsyev.f(3)
- dsyev_2stage.f(3)
- dsyevd.f(3)
- dsyevd_2stage.f(3)
- dsyevr.f(3)
- dsyevr_2stage.f(3)
- dsyevx.f(3)
- dsyevx_2stage.f(3)
- dsygs2.f(3)
- dsygst.f(3)
- dsygv.f(3)
- dsygv_2stage.f(3)
- dsygvd.f(3)
- dsygvx.f(3)
- dsymm.f(3)
- dsymv.f(3)
- dsyr.f(3)
- dsyr2.f(3)
- dsyr2k.f(3)
- dsyrfs.f(3)
- dsyrfsx.f(3)
- dsyrk.f(3)
- dsysv.f(3)
- dsysv_aa.f(3)
- dsysv_aa_2stage.f(3)
- dsysv_rk.f(3)
- dsysv_rook.f(3)
- dsysvx.f(3)
- dsysvxx.f(3)
- dsyswapr.f(3)
- dsytd2.f(3)
- dsytf2.f(3)
- dsytf2_rk.f(3)
- dsytf2_rook.f(3)
- dsytrd.f(3)
- dsytrd_2stage.f(3)
- dsytrd_sb2st.F(3)
- dsytrd_sy2sb.f(3)
- dsytrf.f(3)
- dsytrf_aa.f(3)
- dsytrf_aa_2stage.f(3)
- dsytrf_rk.f(3)
- dsytrf_rook.f(3)
- dsytri.f(3)
- dsytri_3.f(3)
- dsytri_3x.f(3)
- dsytri_rook.f(3)
- dsytri2.f(3)
- dsytri2x.f(3)
- dsytrs.f(3)
- dsytrs_3.f(3)
- dsytrs_aa.f(3)
- dsytrs_aa_2stage.f(3)
- dsytrs_rook.f(3)
- dsytrs2.f(3)
- dtbcon.f(3)
- dtbmv.f(3)
- dtbrfs.f(3)
- dtbsv.f(3)
- dtbtrs.f(3)
- Dtd2DocBook(3) - SAX2 handler for generate a DocBook documentation from a DTD
- Dtd2Html(3) - SAX2 handler for generate a HTML documentation from a DTD
- DTDParser(3) - quick and dirty DTD parser
- dtfsm.f(3)
- dtftri.f(3)
- dtfttp.f(3)
- dtfttr.f(3)
- dtgevc.f(3)
- dtgex2.f(3)
- dtgexc.f(3)
- dtgsen.f(3)
- dtgsja.f(3)
- dtgsna.f(3)
- dtgsy2.f(3)
- dtgsyl.f(3)
- DTLS_GET_DATA_MTU(3) - Get maximum data payload size
- DTLS_SET_TIMER_CB(3) - Set callback for controlling DTLS timer duration
- DTLSV1_LISTEN(3) - Statelessly listen for incoming connections
- dtpcon.f(3)
- dtplqt.f(3)
- dtplqt2.f(3)
- dtpmlqt.f(3)
- dtpmqrt.f(3)
- dtpmv.f(3)
- dtpqrt.f(3)
- dtpqrt2.f(3)
- dtprfb.f(3)
- dtprfs.f(3)
- dtpsv.f(3)
- dtptri.f(3)
- dtptrs.f(3)
- dtpttf.f(3)
- dtpttr.f(3)
- dtrcon.f(3)
- dtrevc.f(3)
- dtrevc3.f(3)
- dtrexc.f(3)
- dtrmm.f(3)
- dtrmv.f(3)
- dtrrfs.f(3)
- dtrsen.f(3)
- dtrsna.f(3)
- dtrsyl.f(3)
- dtrti2.f(3)
- dtrtri.f(3)
- dtrtrs.f(3)
- dtrttf.f(3)
- dtrttp.f(3)
- dtzrzf.f(3)
- Dumbbench(3) - More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking
- Dumbbench::Instance(3) - A benchmark instance within a Dumbbench
- Dumbbench::Instance::Cmd(3) - Benchmarks an external command
- Dumbbench::Instance::PerlEval(3) - Benchmarks a string of Perl code
- Dumbbench::Instance::PerlSub(3) - Benchmarks a Perl code reference
- Dumpvalue(3) - provides screen dump of Perl data.
- DumpXML(3) - Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
- DumpXML::Parser(3) - Restore data dumped by Data::DumpXML
- DUO(3) - Duo authentication service
- DUP3(3) - duplicate an existing file descriptor
- DUPLOCALE(3) - duplicate an locale
- DWARF(3) - access debugging information in object files
- DWARF_ADD_ARANGE(3) - add address range information to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_AT_COMP_DIR(3) - create and attach a DW_AT_comp_dir attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_CONST_VALUE_STRING(3) - create and attach a DW_AT_const_value attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_DATAREF(3) - create an attribute descriptor for a relocatable address
- DWARF_ADD_AT_FLAG(3) - create and attach a flag attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_LOCATION_EXPR(3) - create an attribute descriptor for a location expression
- DWARF_ADD_AT_NAME(3) - create and attach a DW_AT_name attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_PRODUCER(3) - create and attach a DW_AT_producer attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_REF_ADDRESS(3) - create a reference class attribute descriptor
- DWARF_ADD_AT_REFERENCE(3) - create and attach an attribute that references another DIE
- DWARF_ADD_AT_SIGNED_CONST(3) - create and attach constant class attributes
- DWARF_ADD_AT_STRING(3) - create and attach a string class attribute
- DWARF_ADD_AT_TARG_ADDRESS(3) - create and attach address class attributes
- DWARF_ADD_DIE_TO_DEBUG(3) - set the root debugging information entry
- DWARF_ADD_DIRECTORY_DECL(3) - add a directory name to a producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_EXPR_ADDR(3) - add a DW_OP_addr location expression
- DWARF_ADD_EXPR_GEN(3) - add an operator to a location expression descriptor
- DWARF_ADD_FDE_INST(3) - add a call frame instruction to a DWARF frame descriptor
- DWARF_ADD_FILE_DECL(3) - add a source file entry to a producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_FRAME_CIE(3) - add a call frame common information entry to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_FRAME_FDE(3) - add a call frame descriptor to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_FUNCNAME(3) - add information about a static function to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_LINE_ENTRY(3) - add a line number information entry to a producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_PUBNAME(3) - add information about a global object to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_TYPENAME(3) - add information about a user-defined type to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_VARNAME(3) - add information about a static variable to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ADD_WEAKNAME(3) - add information about a weak object to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_ATTR(3) - retrieve an attribute descriptor associated with a DWARF debugging information entry
- DWARF_ATTRLIST(3) - retrieve DWARF attribute descriptors
- DWARF_ATTROFFSET(3) - retrieve the section-relative offset of an attribute descriptor
- DWARF_ATTRVAL_SIGNED(3) - retrieve the value of an attribute within a DWARF debugging information entry
- DWARF_CHILD(3) - retrieve DWARF Debugging Information Entry descriptors
- DWARF_DEALLOC(3) - release resources
- DWARF_DEF_MACRO(3) - add a macro definition to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_DIE_ABBREV_CODE(3) - retrieve the abbreviation code for a DWARF debugging information entry
- DWARF_DIE_LINK(3) - link a debugging information entry
- DWARF_DIENAME(3) - retrieve the name associated with a debugging information entry
- DWARF_DIEOFFSET(3) - return offsets of DWARF debugging information entries
- DWARF_END_MACRO_FILE(3) - mark the end of the current source file inclusion
- DWARF_EXPAND_FRAME_INSTRUCTIONS(3) - expand frame instructions
- DWARF_EXPR_CURRENT_OFFSET(3) - retrieve the number of bytes in a location expression stream
- DWARF_EXPR_INTO_BLOCK(3) - retrieve the byte stream for a location expression
- DWARF_FDE_CFA_OFFSET(3) - add a DW_CFA_offset frame instruction to a DWARF frame descriptor
- DWARF_FIND_MACRO_VALUE_START(3) - return the address of the first byte of a macro value
- DWARF_FINISH(3) - free resources associated with a debug descriptor
- DWARF_FORMADDR(3) - return the value of an ADDRESS class attribute
- DWARF_FORMBLOCK(3) - return the value of a BLOCK attribute
- DWARF_FORMEXPRLOC(3) - return information about a location expression
- DWARF_FORMFLAG(3) - return the value of a BOOLEAN class attribute
- DWARF_FORMREF(3) - retrieve offsets for REFERENCE class attributes
- DWARF_FORMSIG8(3) - return the 64-bit type signature for a DWARF type
- DWARF_FORMSTRING(3) - return the value of a STRING class attribute
- DWARF_FORMUDATA(3) - return the value of a CONSTANT class attribute
- DWARF_GET_ABBREV(3) - retrieve abbreviation information
- DWARF_GET_ABBREV_CHILDREN_FLAG(3) - return a flag indicating the presence of children
- DWARF_GET_ABBREV_CODE(3) - retrieve the abbreviation code for an abbreviation
- DWARF_GET_ABBREV_ENTRY(3) - retrieve attribute information from an abbreviation descriptor
- DWARF_GET_ABBREV_TAG(3) - retrieve the tag for an abbreviation
- DWARF_GET_ADDRESS_SIZE(3) - return the number of bytes needed to represent an address
- DWARF_GET_ARANGE(3) - retrieve the address range descriptor for an address
- DWARF_GET_ARANGE_INFO(3) - extract address range information from a descriptor
- DWARF_GET_ARANGES(3) - retrieve program address space mappings
- DWARF_GET_AT_NAME(3) - retrieve the symbolic names of DWARF constants
- DWARF_GET_CIE_INDEX(3) - retrieve the index of a CIE descriptor
- DWARF_GET_CIE_INFO(3) - retrieve information associated with a CIE descriptor
- DWARF_GET_CIE_OF_FDE(3) - retrieve CIE descriptor
- DWARF_GET_CU_DIE_OFFSET(3) - retrieve compilation unit offsets
- DWARF_GET_DIE_INFOTYPES_FLAG(3) - indicate the originating DWARF section for a DIE
- DWARF_GET_FDE_AT_PC(3) - retrieve the FDE descriptor for an address
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INFO_FOR_ALL_REGS(3) - retrieve register rule row
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INFO_FOR_ALL_REGS3(3) - retrieve register rule row
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INFO_FOR_CFA_REGS3(3) - retrieve a CFA register rule
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INFO_FOR_REG(3) - retrieve register rule
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INFO_FOR_REG3(3) - retrieve register rule
- DWARF_GET_FDE_INSTR_BYTES(3) - retrieve instructions from FDE descritpor
- DWARF_GET_FDE_LIST(3) - retrieve frame information
- DWARF_GET_FDE_N(3) - retrieve FDE descriptor
- DWARF_GET_FDE_RANGE(3) - retrieve range information from an FDE descriptor
- DWARF_GET_FORM_CLASS(3) - retrieve the form class of an attribute
- DWARF_GET_FUNCS(3) - retrieve information about static functions
- DWARF_GET_GLOBALS(3) - retrieve information about global objects
- DWARF_GET_LOCLIST_ENTRY(3) - retrieve DWARF location list entry
- DWARF_GET_MACRO_DETAILS(3) - retrieve macro information
- DWARF_GET_PUBTYPES(3) - retrieve information about user-defined types
- DWARF_GET_RANGES(3) - retrieve non-contiguous address ranges
- DWARF_GET_RELOCATION_INFO(3) - retrieve generated relocation arrays
- DWARF_GET_RELOCATION_INFO_COUNT(3) - return the number of relocation arrays
- DWARF_GET_SECTION_BYTES(3) - retrieve ELF section byte streams
- DWARF_GET_SECTION_MAX_OFFSETS(3) - return the size of DWARF sections
- DWARF_GET_STR(3) - retrieve a string from the DWARF string section
- DWARF_GET_TYPES(3) - retrieve information about user-defined types
- DWARF_GET_VARS(3) - retrieve information about static variables
- DWARF_GET_WEAKS(3) - retrieve information about weak symbols
- DWARF_HASATTR(3) - check for the presence of an attribute
- DWARF_HASFORM(3) - query attribute forms
- DWARF_HIGHPC(3) - retrieve the value of a DWARF attribute
- DWARF_INIT(3) - allocate a DWARF debug descriptor
- DWARF_LINENO(3) - retrieve information associated with a DWARF line descriptor
- DWARF_LNE_END_SEQUENCE(3) - set the end of instruction sequence
- DWARF_LNE_SET_ADDRESS(3) - set the base address for line number information
- DWARF_LOCLIST(3) - retrieve DWARF location expression information
- DWARF_LOCLIST_FROM_EXPR(3) - translate DWARF location expression bytes
- DWARF_NEW_DIE(3) - allocate a new debugging information entry
- DWARF_NEW_EXPR(3) - create a location expression descriptor
- DWARF_NEW_FDE(3) - allocate a DWARF frame descriptor
- DWARF_NEXT_CU_HEADER(3) - step through compilation units in a DWARF debug context
- DWARF_NEXT_TYPES_SECTION(3) - step through .debug_types sections in a debug context
- DWARF_OBJECT_INIT(3) - allocate a DWARF debug descriptor with application-specific file access methods
- DWARF_PRODUCER_INIT(3) - allocate a DWARF producer descriptor
- DWARF_PRODUCER_SET_ISA(3) - specify the instruction set architecture for a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_RESET_SECTION_BYTES(3) - reset the internal state of a producer instance
- DWARF_SET_FRAME_CFA_VALUE(3) - set internal register rule table parameters
- DWARF_SET_RELOC_APPLICATION(3) - set a library-wide relocation flag
- DWARF_SETERRARG(3) - configure error handling
- DWARF_SRCFILES(3) - retrieve source file information
- DWARF_SRCLINES(3) - retrieve line number information for a debugging information entry
- DWARF_START_MACRO_FILE(3) - mark the start of a source file inclusion
- DWARF_TAG(3) - retrieve the tag associated with a DWARF debugging information entry
- DWARF_TRANSFORM_TO_DISK_FORM(3) - transform DWARF information into byte streams
- DWARF_UNDEF_MACRO(3) - record the removal of a macro definition
- DWARF_VENDOR_EXT(3) - add vendor-specific macro information to a DWARF producer instance
- DWARF_WHATATTR(3) - retrieve the attribute code for a DWARF attribute
- DWH_File(3) - data and object persistence in deep and wide hashes
- DWH_File::Aware(3)
- DWH_File::Cache(3)
- DWH_File::Cached(3)
- DWH_File::ID_Mill(3)
- DWH_File::Kernel(3)
- DWH_File::Reference(3)
- DWH_File::Registry(3)
- DWH_File::Registry::Class(3)
- DWH_File::Registry::URI(3)
- DWH_File::Slot(3)
- DWH_File::Subscript(3)
- DWH_File::Subscript::Wired(3)
- DWH_File::Tie(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Array(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Array::Node(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Foreign(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Hash(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Hash::Node(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Scalar(3)
- DWH_File::Tie::Subscripted(3)
- DWH_File::Value(3)
- DWH_File::Value::Factory(3)
- DWH_File::Value::Plain(3)
- DWH_File::Value::Undef(3)
- DWH_File::Work(3)
- DynaLoader(3) - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
- DynaLoader::Functions(3) - deconstructed dynamic C library loading
- DYNARR(3) - simple dynamic arrays
- DynaTabFrame(3) - A NoteBook widget with orientable, dynamically stacking tabs
- dyncall(3) - encapsulation of architecture-, OS- and compiler-specific function call semantics
- dyncallback(3) - callback interface of dyncall
- dynload(3) - encapsulates dynamic loading mechanisms and gives access to functions in foreign dynamic libraries and code modules.
- dyntrace(3) - Interface to dynamic tracing
- DYSTOPIA(3) - the core API
- dzasum.f(3)
- dzsum1.f(3)
- EasyCatch(3) - Easy Logging with Log4perl, catching errors and warnings, using configfile
- EasyTCP(3) - Easily create secure, bandwidth-friendly TCP/IP clients and servers
- EasyTree(3) - Easier tree style for XML::Parser
- EC_GFP_SIMPLE_METHOD(3) - Functions for obtaining EC_METHOD objects
- EC_GROUP_COPY(3) - Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP objects
- EC_GROUP_NEW(3) - Functions for creating and destroying EC_GROUP objects
- EC_KEY_GET_ENC_FLAGS(3) - Get and set flags for encoding EC_KEY structures
- EC_KEY_METHOD_NEW(3) - custom EC_KEY implementations
- EC_KEY_NEW(3) - Functions for creating, destroying and manipulating EC_KEY objects
- EC_POINT_ADD(3) - Functions for performing mathematical operations and tests on EC_POINT objects
- EC_POINT_NEW(3) - Functions for creating, destroying and manipulating EC_POINT objects
- ECALLOC(3) - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
- Ecasound(3) - Perl binding to the ecasound sampler, recorder, fx-processor
- ECDH_COMPUTE_KEY(3) - Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- ECDSA_SIG_NEW(3) - low-level elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) functions
- ECPKPARAMETERS_PRINT(3) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 representations of elliptic curve entities
- EditFiles(3) - Split Verilog modules into separate files.
- EDITLINE(3) - line editor, history and tokenization functions
- editorconfig.h(3) - Header file of EditorConfig.
- editorconfig_handle.h(3) - Header file of EditorConfig handle.
- edoc_doclet(3) - Standard doclet module for EDoc.
- edoc_doclet_chunks(3) - Doclet generating standalone EEP-48 doc chunk files.
- edoc_extract(3) - EDoc documentation extraction.
- edoc_layout(3) - The standard HTML layout module for EDoc.
- edoc_layout_chunks(3) - Convert EDoc module documentation to an EEP-48 docs_v1 chunk.
- edoc_lib(3) - Utility functions for EDoc.
- edoc_run(3) - Interface for calling EDoc from Erlang startup options.
- EDS00xx(3) - Embedded Data Systems Sensors
- ef_expand_file(3) - expand filenames containing ~user/$envvar and wildcard expressions
- efence(3) - Electric Fence Malloc Debugger
- EFI_GET_VARIABLE(3) - manipulate UEFI variables
- ei_connect(3) - Communicate with distributed Erlang.
- ei_global(3) - Access globally registered names.
- eigenGE(3) - Eigenvalue
- eigenHE(3) - Eigenvalue
- eigenSY(3) - Eigenvalue
- eldap(3) - LDAP Client
- ELF_AUX_INFO(3) - extract data from the elf auxiliary vector of the current process
- ELF_BEGIN(3) - open an ELF file or ar(1) archive
- ELF_CLONE(3) - Create a clone of an existing ELF descriptor.
- ELF_CNTL(3) - control an elf file descriptor
- ELF_END(3) - release an ELF descriptor
- ELF_ERRMSG(3) - ELF library error message handling
- ELF_FILL(3) - set fill byte for inter-section padding
- ELF_FLAGDATA(3) - manipulate flags associated with ELF data structures
- ELF_GETARHDR(3) - retrieve ar(1) header for an archive member
- ELF_GETARSYM(3) - retrieve the symbol table of an archive
- ELF_GETBASE(3) - get the base offset for an object file
- ELF_GETDATA(3) - iterate through or allocate section data
- ELF_GETIDENT(3) - return the initial bytes of a file
- ELF_GETPHDRNUM(3) - return the number of program headers in an ELF file
- ELF_GETPHNUM(3) - return the number of program headers in an ELF file
- ELF_GETSCN(3) - get/allocate section information for an ELF object
- ELF_GETSHDRNUM(3) - return the number of sections in an ELF file
- ELF_GETSHDRSTRNDX(3) - retrieve the index of the section name string table
- ELF_GETSHNUM(3) - return the number of sections in an ELF file
- ELF_GETSHSTRNDX(3) - retrieve/update the index of the section name string table
- ELF_HASH(3) - compute a hash value for a string
- ELF_KIND(3) - determine ELF file type
- ELF_MEMORY(3) - process an ELF or ar(1) archive mapped into memory
- ELF_NEXT(3) - provide sequential access to the next archive member
- ELF_OPEN(3) - open ELF objects and ar(1) archives
- ELF_RAND(3) - provide sequential access to the next archive member
- ELF_RAWFILE(3) - return uninterpreted contents of an ELF file
- ELF_STRPTR(3) - retrieve a string pointer in a string table
- ELF_UPDATE(3) - update an ELF descriptor
- ELF_VERSION(3) - retrieve or set ELF library operating version
- ELFTC(3) - support routines used in the Elftoolchain project
- ELFTC_BFD_FIND_TARGET(3) - binary object descriptor handling
- ELFTC_COPYFILE(3) - convenience function to copy data
- ELFTC_DEMANGLE(3) - demangle a C++ name
- ELFTC_RELOC_TYPE_STR(3) - return the type name for an ELF relocation
- ELFTC_SET_TIMESTAMPS(3) - set file timestamps
- ELFTC_STRING_TABLE_CREATE(3) - convenience routines for handling ELF string tables
- ELFTC_TIMESTAMP(3) - return the current or environment-provided timestamp
- ELFTC_VERSION(3) - return a project-wide version identifier string
- ELGAMAL(3) - elgamal encryption
- ellipsefill(3) - Draws a filled ellipse. Allegro game programming library.
- EMAC(3)
- Email::Abstract(3) - unified interface to mail representations
- Email::Abstract::EmailMIME(3) - Email::Abstract wrapper for Email::MIME
- Email::Abstract::EmailSimple(3) - Email::Abstract wrapper for Email::Simple
- Email::Abstract::MailInternet(3) - Email::Abstract wrapper for Mail::Internet
- Email::Abstract::MailMessage(3) - Email::Abstract wrapper for Mail::Message
- Email::Abstract::MIMEEntity(3) - Email::Abstract wrapper for MIME::Entity
- Email::Abstract::Plugin(3) - a base class for Email::Abstract plugins
- Email::Address(3) - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
- Email::Address::List(3) - RFC close address list parsing
- Email::Address::Loose(3) - Make Email::Address->parse() loose
- Email::Address::UseXS(3) - ensure that any code uses Email::Address::XS instead of Email::Address
- Email::Address::XS(3) - Parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses and groups
- Email::AddressParser(3) - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
- Email::Date(3) - Find and Format Date Headers
- Email::Date::Format(3) - produce RFC 2822 date strings
- Email::Delete(3) - Delete Messages from Folders
- Email::Delete::Maildir(3) - Delete Messages from a Maildir Folder
- Email::Delete::Mbox(3) - Delete Messages from a mbox Folder
- Email::Filter(3) - Library for creating easy email filters
- Email::Find(3) - Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
- Email::Find::addrspec(3) - exports $Addr_spec_re to Email::Find
- Email::Folder(3) - read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects
- Email::Folder::Ezmlm(3) - reads raw RFC822 mails from an ezmlm archive
- Email::Folder::IMAP(3) - Email::Folder Access to IMAP Folders
- Email::Folder::IMAPS(3) - Email::Folder Access to IMAP over SSL Folders
- Email::Folder::Maildir(3) - reads raw RFC822 mails from a maildir
- Email::Folder::Mbox(3) - reads raw RFC822 mails from an mbox file
- Email::Folder::MH(3) - reads raw RFC822 mails from an mh folder
- Email::Folder::POP3(3) - Email::Folder Access to POP3 Folders
- Email::Folder::Reader(3) - reads raw RFC822 mails from a box
- Email::FolderType(3) - Email::FolderType - determine the type of a mail folder
- Email::FolderType::Ezmlm(3) - class to help Email::FolderType recognise ezmlm archives
- Email::FolderType::Maildir(3) - class to help Email::FolderType recognise maildirs
- Email::FolderType::Mbox(3) - class to help Email::FolderType recognise MH mail directories
- Email::FolderType::MH(3) - class to help Email::FolderType recognise MH mail directories
- Email::FolderType::Net(3) - Recognize folder types for network based message protocols.
- Email::LocalDelivery(3) - Deliver a piece of email - simply
- Email::LocalDelivery::Ezmlm(3) - deliver mail into ezmlm archives
- Email::LocalDelivery::Maildir(3) - deliver mail to a Maildir
- Email::LocalDelivery::Mbox(3) - deliver mail to an mbox
- Email::MessageID(3) - Generate world unique message-ids.
- Email::MIME(3) - easy MIME message handling
- Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper(3) - strip the attachments from an email
- Email::MIME::ContentType(3) - Parse and build a MIME Content-Type or Content-Disposition Header
- Email::MIME::CreateHTML(3) - Multipart HTML Email builder
- Email::MIME::CreateHTML::Resolver(3) - provides the appropriate resource resolver
- Email::MIME::CreateHTML::Resolver::Cached(3) - wraps caching around a resource resolver
- Email::MIME::CreateHTML::Resolver::Filesystem(3) - finds resources via the filesystem
- Email::MIME::CreateHTML::Resolver::LWP(3) - uses LWP as a resource resolver
- Email::MIME::Creator(3) - obsolete do-nothing library
- Email::MIME::Creator::ISO_2022_JP(3) - Email::MIME mixin to create an iso-2022-jp mail
- Email::MIME::Encode(3) - a private helper for MIME header encoding
- Email::MIME::Encodings(3) - A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
- Email::MIME::Header(3) - the header of a MIME message
- Email::MIME::Header::AddressList(3) - MIME support for list of Email::Address::XS objects
- Email::MIME::Modifier(3) - obsolete do-nothing library
- Email::MIME::RFC2047(3) - Correct handling of non-ASCII MIME headers
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Address(3) - MIME encoded addresses
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::AddressList(3) - MIME encoded address lists
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Decoder(3) - Decoding of non-ASCII MIME headers
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Encoder(3) - Encoding of non-ASCII MIME headers
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Group(3) - MIME encoded mailbox groups
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Mailbox(3) - MIME encoded mailboxes
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::MailboxList(3) - MIME encoded mailbox lists
- Email::MIME::RFC2047::Parser(3) - Base class for parsers
- Email::Outlook::Message(3) - Read Outlook .msg files
- Email::Outlook::Message::AddressInfo(3) - Handle address data in .msg files
- Email::Outlook::Message::Attachment(3) - Handle attachment data in .msg files
- Email::Outlook::Message::Base(3) - Base parser for .msg files.
- Email::Reply(3) - reply to an email message
- Email::Send(3) - Simply Sending Email
- Email::Send::NNTP(3) - Post Messages to a News Server
- Email::Send::Qmail(3) - Send Messages using qmail-inject
- Email::Send::Sendmail(3) - Send Messages using sendmail
- Email::Send::SMTP(3) - Send Messages using SMTP
- Email::Send::Test(3) - Captures emails sent via Email::Send for testing
- Email::Sender(3) - a library for sending email
- Email::Sender::Failure(3) - a report of failure from an email sending transport
- Email::Sender::Failure::Multi(3) - an aggregate of multiple failures
- Email::Sender::Failure::Permanent(3) - a permanent delivery failure
- Email::Sender::Failure::Temporary(3) - a temporary delivery failure
- Email::Sender::Manual(3) - table of contents for the Email::Sender manual
- Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart(3) - how to start using Email::Sender right now
- Email::Sender::Role::CommonSending(3) - the common sending tasks most Email::Sender classes will need
- Email::Sender::Role::HasMessage(3) - an object that has a message
- Email::Sender::Simple(3) - the simple interface for sending mail with Sender
- Email::Sender::Success(3) - the result of successfully sending mail
- Email::Sender::Success::Partial(3) - a report of partial success when delivering
- Email::Sender::Transport(3) - a role for email transports
- Email::Sender::Transport::DevNull(3) - happily throw away your mail
- Email::Sender::Transport::Failable(3) - a wrapper to makes things fail predictably
- Email::Sender::Transport::Maildir(3) - deliver mail to a maildir on disk
- Email::Sender::Transport::Mbox(3) - deliver mail to an mbox on disk
- Email::Sender::Transport::Print(3) - print email to a filehandle (like stdout)
- Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail(3) - send mail via sendmail(1)
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP(3) - send email over SMTP
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::Persistent(3) - an SMTP client that stays online
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS(3) - Email::Sender with Net::SMTP::TLS (Eg. Gmail)
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS(3) - Email::Sender joins Net::SMTPS
- Email::Sender::Transport::SQLite(3) - deliver mail to an sqlite db for testing
- Email::Sender::Transport::Test(3) - deliver mail in memory for testing
- Email::Sender::Transport::Wrapper(3) - a mailer to wrap a mailer for mailing mail
- Email::Sender::Util(3) - random stuff that makes Email::Sender go
- Email::Simple(3) - simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
- Email::Simple::Creator(3) - private helper for building Email::Simple objects
- Email::Simple::FromHandle(3) - an Email::Simple but from a handle
- Email::Simple::Header(3) - the header of an Email::Simple message
- Email::Stuffer(3) - A more casual approach to creating and sending Email:: emails
- Email::Valid(3) - Check validity of Internet email addresses
- Email::Valid::Loose(3) - Email::Valid which allows dot before at mark
- Emplacken(3) - Manage multiple plack apps with a directory of config files
- Emplacken::Types(3) - Exports Emplacken types as well as Moose and Path::Class types
- enable_hardware_cursor(3) - Enables the OS hardware cursor. Allegro game programming library.
- enable_triple_buffer(3) - Enables triple buffering. Allegro game programming library.
- Encode::Alias(3) - alias definitions to encodings
- Encode::Base32::Crockford(3) - encode/decode numbers using Douglas Crockford's Base32 Encoding
- Encode::Base32::GMP(3) - High speed Base32 encoding using GMP with BigInt and MD5 support
- Encode::Base58::GMP(3) - High speed Base58 encoding using GMP with BigInt and MD5 support
- Encode::Byte(3) - Single Byte Encodings
- Encode::CJKConstants(3)
- Encode::CN(3) - China-based Chinese Encodings
- Encode::CN::HZ(3)
- Encode::compat(3) - Encode.pm emulation layer
- Encode::compat::Alias(3) - alias definitions to encodings
- Encode::Config(3)
- Encode::Detect(3) - An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
- Encode::Detect::CJK(3) - A Charset Detector, optimized for EastAsia charset and website content
- Encode::Detect::Detector(3) - Detects the encoding of data
- Encode::DoubleEncodedUTF8(3) - Fix double encoded UTF-8 bytes to the correct one
- Encode::EBCDIC(3) - EBCDIC Encodings
- Encode::Encoder(3)
- Encode::Encoding(3) - Encode Implementation Base Class
- Encode::GSM0338(3)
- Encode::Guess(3)
- Encode::HanExtra(3) - Extra sets of Chinese encodings
- Encode::IMAPUTF7(3) - modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
- Encode::ISO2022(3) - ISO/IEC 2022 character encoding scheme
- Encode::ISO2022::CCS(3) - coded character sets for ISO/IEC 2022 character encoding scheme
- Encode::ISO2022JP2(3) - iso-2022-jp-2 - Extended iso-2022-jp character set
- Encode::ISOIRSingle(3) - ISO-IR single byte coded charcter sets
- Encode::JISLegacy(3) - Coded character sets for legacy JIS
- Encode::JP(3) - Japanese Encodings
- Encode::JP::Emoji(3) - Emoji encodings and cross-mapping tables in pure Perl
- Encode::JP::Emoji::Encoding(3) - Emoji encodings
- Encode::JP::Emoji::FB_EMOJI_TEXT(3) - Emoji fallback functions
- Encode::JP::Emoji::Mapping(3) - Emoji mappings
- Encode::JP::Emoji::PP(3) - Emoji encoding aliases
- Encode::JP::Emoji::Property(3) - Emoji named character properties
- Encode::JP::H2Z(3)
- Encode::JP::JIS7(3)
- Encode::KR(3) - Korean Encodings
- Encode::KR::2022_KR(3)
- Encode::Locale(3) - Determine the locale encoding
- Encode::MIME::EncWords(3)
- Encode::MIME::Header(3)
- Encode::MIME::Name(3)
- Encode::PerlIO(3)
- Encode::Punycode(3) - Encode plugin for Punycode (RFC 3492)
- Encode::Supported(3) - De Facto Standard for the Cyrillic world
- Encode::Symbol(3) - Symbol Encodings
- Encode::TW(3) - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings
- Encode::TW::Unisys::SOSI1(3)
- Encode::TW::Unisys::SOSI2(3)
- Encode::Unicode(3) - is bogus As is BE/LE UTF-32BE 4 N - bogus As is 0x0001abcd UTF-32LE 4 N - bogus As is 0xcdab0100 UTF-8 1-4 - - bogus >= 4 octets \xf0\x9a\af\8d ---------------+-----------------+------------------------------
- Encode::Unicode::UTF7(3)
- Encode::X11(3)
- Encoding::BER(3) - Perl module for encoding/decoding data using ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
- Encoding::BER::CER(3) - Perl module for encoding/decoding data using ASN.1 Canonical Encoding Rules (CER)
- Encoding::BER::DER(3) - Perl module for encoding/decoding data using ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
- Encoding::BER::Dumper(3) - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to BER
- Encoding::BER::SNMP(3) - adds SNMP specific tags to Encoding::BER
- Encoding::FixLatin(3) - takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 output
- encoding::warnings(3) - Warn on implicit encoding conversions
- EncryptForm(3) - Implement trusted stateful CGI Form Data using cryptography.
- END_OF_FUNCTION(3) - Locks the code used by a timer. Allegro game programming library.
- END_OF_MAIN(3) - Macro to put after your main() function. Allegro game programming library.
- ENGINE_ADD(3) - ENGINE cryptographic module support
- Enigma(3)
- Enscript(3) - a text-to-postscript converter using Tk::Canvas
- Enurl(3) - module for URL-encoding strings and hashes
- Env::PS1(3) - prompt string formatter
- Envelope(3) - Perl module modifying qmail envelope strings.
- Ephemeron(3) - Ephemerons and weak hash table
- epp_dodger(3) - epp_dodger - bypasses the Erlang preprocessor.
- eprof(3) - A Time Profiling Tool for Erlang
- ERF(3) - error function operators
- erl_anno(3) - Abstract datatype for the annotations of the Erlang Compiler.
- erl_boot_server(3) - Boot server for other Erlang machines.
- erl_comment_scan(3) - Functions for reading comment lines from Erlang source code.
- erl_ddll(3) - Dynamic driver loader and linker.
- erl_driver(3) - API functions for an Erlang driver.
- erl_epmd(3) - Erlang interface towards epmd
- erl_error(3) - Utilities for reporting errors.
- erl_eval(3) - The Erlang meta interpreter.
- erl_expand_records(3) - Expands records in a module.
- erl_id_trans(3) - An identity parse transform.
- erl_internal(3) - Internal Erlang definitions.
- erl_lint(3) - The Erlang code linter.
- erl_nif(3) - API functions for an Erlang NIF library.
- erl_parse(3) - The Erlang parser.
- erl_pp(3) - The Erlang pretty printer.
- erl_prettypr(3) - Pretty printing of abstract Erlang syntax trees.
- erl_prim_loader(3) - Low-level Erlang loader.
- erl_recomment(3) - Inserting comments into abstract Erlang syntax trees.
- erl_scan(3) - The Erlang token scanner.
- erl_syntax(3) - Abstract Erlang syntax trees.
- erl_syntax_lib(3) - Support library for abstract Erlang syntax trees.
- erl_tar(3) - Unix 'tar' utility for reading and writing tar archives.
- erl_tracer(3) - Erlang tracer behavior.
- erlang(3) - The Erlang BIFs and predefined types.
- ERR_ASPRINTF_ERROR_DATA(3) - record a LibreSSL error using a formatted string
- ERR_CLEAR_ERROR(3) - clear the error queue
- ERR_ERROR_STRING(3) - obtain human-readable error message
- ERR_GET_ERROR(3) - obtain error code and data
- ERR_GET_LIB(3) - get information from error codes
- ERR_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS(3) - load and free error strings
- ERR_LOAD_STRINGS(3) - load arbitrary error strings
- ERR_PRINT_ERRORS(3) - print error messages
- ERR_PUT_ERROR(3) - record an error
- ERR_SET_MARK(3) - set marks and pop errors until mark
- ERRMSGNO(3) - prints error message, given error code
- errno_exception(3)
- Error::Helper(3) - Provides some easy error related methods.
- Error::Simple(3) - the simple error sub-class of Error
- Error::TypeTiny(3) - exceptions for Type::Tiny and friends
- Error::TypeTiny::Assertion(3) - exception when a value fails a type constraint
- Error::TypeTiny::Compilation(3) - exception for Eval::TypeTiny
- Error::TypeTiny::WrongNumberOfParameters(3) - exception for Type::Params
- error_handler(3) - Default system error handler.
- error_logger(3) - Erlang error logger.
- ErrorDialog(3) - Method invoked to process background errors
- ERRORMSG(3) - printing error messages
- ERRSTR(3) - description of last system call error
- erts_alloc(3) - An Erlang runtime system internal memory allocator library.
- erts_alloc_config(3) - Configuration tool for erts_alloc
- ES256_PK_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 COSE ES256 API
- EscapeEvil(3) - Escape tag
- eSec(3) - eSec backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- ESTNODE(3) - the node API of Hyper Estraier
- ESTRAIER(3) - the core API of Hyper Estraier
- ESTWAVER(3) - command line interface of web crawler
- et_collector(3) - Collect trace events and provide a backing storage appropriate for iteration
- et_selector(3) - Define event transforms and trace patterns
- et_viewer(3) - Displays a sequence chart for trace events (messages/actions)
- ETHERS(3) - Ethernet address conversion and lookup routines
- EUI64(3) - IEEE EUI-64 conversion and lookup routines
- eunit(3) - This module is the main EUnit user interface.
- eunit_surefire(3) - Surefire reports for EUnit (Format used by Maven and Atlassian Bamboo for example to integrate test results).
- EV::MakeMaker(3) - MakeMaker glue for the C-level EV API
- Eval::Closure(3) - safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
- Eval::Context(3) - Evalute perl code in context wraper
- Eval::LineNumbers(3) - Add line numbers to heredoc blocks that contain perl source code
- Eval::TypeTiny(3) - utility to evaluate a string of Perl code in a clean environment
- Eval::WithLexicals(3) - pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables
- Eval::WithLexicals::WithHintPersistence(3) - Persist compile hints between evals
- Event::ExecFlow(3) - High level API for event-based execution flow control
- Event::ExecFlow::Callbacks(3) - Callbacks attached to jobs
- Event::ExecFlow::Frontend(3) - Abstract base class for custom frontends
- Event::ExecFlow::Job(3) - Abstract base class for all job classes
- Event::ExecFlow::Job::Code(3) - Execute a closure
- Event::ExecFlow::Job::Command(3) - External command for async execution
- Event::ExecFlow::Job::Group(3) - Build a group of jobs
- Event::ExecFlow::Scheduler(3) - Abstract class for parallel scheduling
- Event::ExecFlow::Scheduler::SimpleMax(3) - Limit number of parallel executed jobs
- Event::generic(3) - generic event handling
- Event::Join(3) - join multiple "events" into one
- Event::Lib(3) - Perl extentions for event-based programming
- Event::MakeMaker(3) - MakeMaker glue for the C-level Event API
- Event::Notify(3) - Simple Observer/Notifier
- Event::RPC::Client(3) - Client API to connect to Event::RPC Servers
- Event::RPC::Connection(3) - Represents a RPC connection
- Event::RPC::LogConnection(3) - Represents a logging connection
- Event::RPC::Logger(3) - Logging facility for Event::RPC
- Event::RPC::Loop(3) - Mainloop Abstraction layer for Event::RPC
- Event::RPC::Loop::AnyEvent(3) - AnyEvent mainloop for Event::RPC
- Event::RPC::Loop::Event(3) - Event mainloop for Event::RPC
- Event::RPC::Loop::Glib(3) - Glib mainloop for Event::RPC
- Event::RPC::Message(3) - Implementation of Event::RPC network protocol
- Event::RPC::Server(3) - Simple API for event driven RPC servers
- Event::tcpsession(3) - reliable bidirectional RPC session layer
- Every(3) - return true every N cycles or S seconds
- Evol(3) - Evolution search optimisation
- EVP(3) - high level cryptographic functions
- EVP_AEAD_CTX_INIT(3) - authenticated encryption with additional data
- EVP_AES(3) - EVP AES cipher
- EVP_ARIA(3) - EVP ARIA cipher
- EVP_BF_CBC(3) - EVP Blowfish cipher
- EVP_BLAKE2B512(3) - BLAKE2 For EVP
- EVP_BYTESTOKEY(3) - password based encryption routine
- EVP_CAMELLIA(3) - EVP Camellia cipher
- EVP_CAST5_CBC(3) - EVP CAST cipher
- EVP_CHACHA20(3) - EVP ChaCha20 stream cipher
- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_GET_CIPHER_DATA(3) - Routines to inspect and modify EVP_CIPHER_CTX objects
- EVP_CIPHER_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up EVP_CIPHER methods
- EVP_DES(3) - EVP DES cipher
- EVP_DESX_CBC(3) - EVP DES-X cipher
- EVP_DIGESTINIT(3) - EVP digest routines
- EVP_DIGESTSIGNINIT(3) - EVP signing functions
- EVP_DIGESTVERIFYINIT(3) - EVP signature verification functions
- EVP_ENCODEINIT(3) - EVP base 64 encode/decode routines
- EVP_ENCRYPTINIT(3) - EVP cipher routines
- EVP_IDEA_CBC(3) - EVP IDEA cipher
- EVP_MD_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up EVP_MD methods
- EVP_MD2(3) - MD2 For EVP
- EVP_MD4(3) - MD4 For EVP
- EVP_MD5(3) - MD5 For EVP
- EVP_MDC2(3) - MDC-2 For EVP
- EVP_OPENINIT(3) - EVP envelope decryption
- EVP_PKCS82PKEY(3) - convert between EVP_PKEY and PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo
- EVP_PKEY_ADD1_ATTR(3) - X.501 Attributes of private keys
- EVP_PKEY_ASN1_GET_COUNT(3) - enumerate public key ASN.1 methods
- EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD(3) - manipulating and registering EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD structure
- EVP_PKEY_CMP(3) - public key parameter and comparison functions
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_CTRL(3) - algorithm specific control operations
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_NEW(3) - public key algorithm context functions
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_SET_HKDF_MD(3) - HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand key derivation algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_SET_RSA_PSS_KEYGEN_MD(3) - EVP_PKEY RSA-PSS algorithm support functions
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_SET_SCRYPT_N(3) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support functions
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_SET_TLS1_PRF_MD(3) - TLS PRF key derivation algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_CTX_SET1_PBE_PASS(3) - generic KDF support functions
- EVP_PKEY_DECRYPT(3) - decrypt using a public key algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_DERIVE(3) - derive public key algorithm shared secret
- EVP_PKEY_ENCRYPT(3) - encrypt using a public key algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_GET_DEFAULT_DIGEST_NID(3) - get default signature digest
- EVP_PKEY_KEYGEN(3) - key and parameter generation and check functions
- EVP_PKEY_METH_GET_COUNT(3) - enumerate public key methods
- EVP_PKEY_METH_NEW(3) - manipulating EVP_PKEY_METHOD structure
- EVP_PKEY_NEW(3) - public/private key allocation and raw key handling functions
- EVP_PKEY_PRINT_PRIVATE(3) - public key algorithm printing routines
- EVP_PKEY_SET1_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions
- EVP_PKEY_SIGN(3) - sign using a public key algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_SIZE(3) - EVP_PKEY information functions
- EVP_PKEY_VERIFY(3) - signature verification using a public key algorithm
- EVP_PKEY_VERIFY_RECOVER(3) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
- EVP_RC2_CBC(3) - EVP RC2 cipher
- EVP_RC4(3) - EVP RC4 stream cipher
- EVP_RC5_32_12_16_CBC(3) - EVP RC5 cipher
- EVP_RIPEMD160(3) - RIPEMD160 For EVP
- EVP_SEALINIT(3) - EVP envelope encryption
- EVP_SEED_CBC(3) - EVP SEED cipher
- EVP_SHA1(3) - SHA-1 For EVP
- EVP_SHA224(3) - SHA-2 For EVP
- EVP_SHA3_224(3) - SHA-3 For EVP
- EVP_SIGNINIT(3) - EVP signing functions
- EVP_SM3(3) - SM3 for EVP
- EVP_SM4_CBC(3) - EVP SM4 cipher
- EVP_VERIFYINIT(3) - EVP signature verification functions
- ex::lib(3) - The same as lib, but makes relative path absolute. (Obsoleted by lib::abs)
- ex12bit(3) - How to fake a 12-bit truecolor mode on an 8-bit card. Allegro game programming library.
- ex3buf(3) - Mode-X triple buffering and retrace interrupt simulation. Allegro game programming library.
- ex3d(3) - 3d 'bouncy cubes' demo. Allegro game programming library.
- exaccel(3) - Using offscreen video memory to store source graphics for VBE/AF. Allegro game programming library.
- exalpha(3) - Creating and using 32 bit RGBA sprites. Allegro game programming library.
- example_DGELS_colmajor.c(3)
- example_DGELS_rowmajor.c(3)
- example_DGESV_colmajor.c(3)
- example_DGESV_rowmajor.c(3)
- example_user.c(3)
- exbitmap(3) - Loading and displaying PCX and BMP files. Allegro game programming library.
- exblend(3) - Using translucency in truecolor modes. Allegro game programming library.
- excamera(3) - Viewing a 3d world from an arbitrary camera position. Allegro game programming library.
- Excel::Template(3) - Excel::Template
- Excel::Template::Base(3) - Excel::Template::Base
- Excel::Template::Container(3) - Excel::Template::Container
- Excel::Template::Container::Bold(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Bold
- Excel::Template::Container::Conditional(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Conditional
- Excel::Template::Container::Format(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Format
- Excel::Template::Container::Hidden(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Hidden
- Excel::Template::Container::Italic(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Italic
- Excel::Template::Container::KeepLeadingZeros(3) - Excel::Template::Container::KeepLeadingZeros
- Excel::Template::Container::Locked(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Locked
- Excel::Template::Container::Loop(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Loop
- Excel::Template::Container::Outline(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Outline
- Excel::Template::Container::Row(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Row
- Excel::Template::Container::Scope(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Scope
- Excel::Template::Container::Shadow(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Shadow
- Excel::Template::Container::Strikeout(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Strikeout
- Excel::Template::Container::Workbook(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Workbook
- Excel::Template::Container::Worksheet(3) - Excel::Template::Container::Worksheet
- Excel::Template::Context(3) - Excel::Template::Context
- Excel::Template::Element(3) - Excel::Template::Element
- Excel::Template::Element::Backref(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Backref
- Excel::Template::Element::Cell(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Cell
- Excel::Template::Element::Formula(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Formula
- Excel::Template::Element::FreezePanes(3) - Excel::Template::Element::FreezePanes
- Excel::Template::Element::Image(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Image
- Excel::Template::Element::MergeRange(3) - Excel::Template::Element::MergeRange
- Excel::Template::Element::Range(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Range
- Excel::Template::Element::Var(3) - Excel::Template::Element::Var
- Excel::Template::Factory(3) - Excel::Template::Factory
- Excel::Template::Format(3) - Excel::Template::Format
- Excel::Template::Iterator(3) - Excel::Template::Iterator
- Excel::Template::TextObject(3) - Excel::Template::TextObject
- Excel::Writer::XLSX(3) - Create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart(3) - A class for writing Excel Charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Area(3) - A class for writing Excel Area charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Bar(3) - A class for writing Excel Bar charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Column(3) - A class for writing Excel Column charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Doughnut(3) - A class for writing Excel Doughnut charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Line(3) - A class for writing Excel Line charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Pie(3) - A class for writing Excel Pie charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Radar(3) - A class for writing Excel Radar charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Scatter(3) - A class for writing Excel Scatter charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Stock(3) - A class for writing Excel Stock charts.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chartsheet(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Chartsheet files.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Drawing(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX drawing.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Examples(3) - Excel::Writer::XLSX example programs.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format(3) - A class for defining Excel formatting.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::App(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX app.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Comments(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Comments files.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::ContentTypes(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX [Content_Types] file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Core(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX core.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Custom(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX custom.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Metadata(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX metadata.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Packager(3) - A class for creating the Excel XLSX package.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Relationships(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Rels file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::SharedStrings(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX sharedStrings.xml file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Styles(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX styles file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Table(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Table file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Theme(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Theme file.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::VML(3) - A class for writing the Excel XLSX VML files.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter(3) - A base class for the Excel::Writer::XLSX writer classes.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Shape(3) - A class for creating Excel Drawing shapes
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility(3) - Helper functions for Excel::Writer::XLSX.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Workbook(3) - A class for writing Excel Workbooks.
- Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet(3) - A class for writing Excel Worksheets.
- Exception::Class(3) - A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
- Exception::Class::Base(3) - A base class for exception objects
- Exception::Class::DBI(3)
- Exception::Class::TryCatch(3) - Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
- excolmap(3) - Creating graphical effects with color mapping tables. Allegro game programming library.
- exconfig(3) - Using the configuration routines. Allegro game programming library.
- excustom(3) - Creating custom GUI objects. Allegro game programming library.
- exdata(3) - Accessing the contents of datafiles. Allegro game programming library.
- exdbuf(3) - How to use double buffering to avoid flicker. Allegro game programming library.
- EXERCISIX(3) - lighweight unit-test framework for C++
- exexedat(3) - Appending datafiles onto your executable. Allegro game programming library.
- exfixed(3) - Using fixed point maths. Allegro game programming library.
- exflame(3) - How to write directly to video memory improving performance. Allegro game programming library.
- exflip(3) - Comparison of double buffering and page flipping. Allegro game programming library.
- exfont(3) - Loading and manipulating fonts. Allegro game programming library.
- exgui(3) - Using the GUI routines. Allegro game programming library.
- exhello(3) - Simple graphical "hello world" program. Allegro game programming library.
- EXITS(3) - terminate process, process cleanup
- exjoy(3) - Detecting, calibrating and using joystick input. Allegro game programming library.
- exkeys(3) - How to get input from the keyboard in different ways. Allegro game programming library.
- exlights(3) - One way to do colored lighting effects in a hicolor video mode. Allegro game programming library.
- exmem(3) - Drawing onto memory bitmaps and then blitting them to the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- exmidi(3) - Playing MIDI music. Allegro game programming library.
- exmouse(3) - Getting input from the mouse. Allegro game programming library.
- expackf(3) - Using custom PACKFILE vtables. Allegro game programming library.
- expal(3) - Palette effects and color cycling. Allegro game programming library.
- EXPAND_NUMBER(3) - format a number from human readable form
- expatapi(3) - Functions to create, install and remove expat parser object extensions.
- Expect(3) - Wrapper for scp that allows passwords via Expect.
- Expect::Simple(3) - wrapper around the Expect module
- experimental(3) - Experimental features made easy
- ExperimentFile(3) - Manipulations of the Experiment File format
- expire_image(3)
- explain_accept(3) - explain accept(2) errors
- explain_accept_or_die(3) - accept a connection on a socket and report errors
- explain_accept4(3) - explain accept4(2) errors
- explain_accept4_or_die(3) - accept a connection on a socket and report errors
- explain_access(3) - explain access(2) errors
- explain_access_or_die(3) - check permissions for a file and report errors
- explain_acct(3) - explain acct(2) errors
- explain_acct_or_die(3) - switch process accounting on or off and report errors
- explain_acl_from_text(3) - explain
- explain_acl_from_text_or_die(3) - create an ACL from text and report errors
- explain_acl_get_fd(3) - explain
- explain_acl_get_fd_or_die(3) - Execute
- explain_acl_get_file(3) - explain
- explain_acl_get_file_or_die(3) - Execute
- explain_acl_set_fd(3) - explain
- explain_acl_set_fd_or_die(3) - set an ACL by file descriptor and report errors
- explain_acl_set_file(3) - explain
- explain_acl_set_file_or_die(3) - set an ACL by filename and report errors
- explain_acl_to_text(3) - explain
- explain_acl_to_text_or_die(3) - convert an ACL to text and report errors
- explain_adjtime(3) - explain adjtime(2) errors
- explain_adjtime_or_die(3) - smoothly tune kernel clock and report errors
- explain_adjtimex(3) - explain adjtimex(2) errors
- explain_adjtimex_or_die(3) - tune kernel clock and report errors
- explain_asprintf(3) - explain
- explain_asprintf_or_die(3) - print to allocated string and report errors
- explain_bind(3) - explain bind(2) errors
- explain_bind_or_die(3) - bind a name to a socket and report errors
- explain_calloc(3) - explain
- explain_calloc_or_die(3) - Allocate and clear memory and report errors
- explain_chdir(3) - explain chdir(2) errors
- explain_chdir_or_die(3) - change working directory and report errors
- explain_chmod(3) - explain chmod(2) errors
- explain_chmod_or_die(3) - change permissions of a file and report errors
- explain_chown(3) - explain chown(2) errors
- explain_chown_or_die(3) - change ownership of a file and report errors
- explain_chroot(3) - explain chroot(2) errors
- explain_chroot_or_die(3) - change root directory and report errors
- explain_close(3) - explain close(2) errors
- explain_close_or_die(3) - close a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_closedir(3) - explain closedir(3) errors
- explain_closedir_or_die(3) - close a directory and report errors
- explain_connect(3) - explain connect(2) errors
- explain_connect_or_die(3) - initiate a connection on a socket and report errors
- explain_creat(3) - explain creat(2) errors
- explain_creat_or_die(3) - create and open a file creat and report errors
- explain_dirfd(3) - explain dirfd(3) errors
- explain_dirfd_or_die(3) - get directory stream file descriptor and report errors
- explain_dup(3) - explain dup(2) errors
- explain_dup_or_die(3) - duplicate a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_dup2(3) - explain dup2(2) errors
- explain_dup2_or_die(3) - duplicate a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_endgrent(3) - explain
- explain_endgrent_or_die(3) - finish group file accesses and report errors
- explain_eventfd(3) - explain eventfd(2) errors
- explain_eventfd_or_die(3) - create event notify file descriptor and report errors
- explain_execlp(3) - explain
- explain_execlp_or_die(3) - execute a file and report errors
- explain_execv(3) - explain
- explain_execv_or_die(3) - execute a file and report errors
- explain_execve(3) - explain execve(2) errors
- explain_execve_or_die(3) - execute program and report errors
- explain_execvp(3) - explain execvp(3) errors
- explain_execvp_or_die(3) - execute a file and report errors
- explain_exit(3) - print an explanation of exit status before exiting
- explain_fchdir(3) - explain fchdir(2) errors
- explain_fchdir_or_die(3) - change directory and report errors
- explain_fchmod(3) - explain
- explain_fchmod_or_die(3) - change permissions of an open file and report errors
- explain_fchown(3) - explain fchown(2) errors
- explain_fchown_or_die(3) - change ownership of a file and report errors
- explain_fchownat(3) - explain
- explain_fchownat_or_die(3) - change ownership of a file relative to a directory and report errors
- explain_fclose(3) - explain fclose(3) errors
- explain_fclose_or_die(3) - close a stream and report errors
- explain_fcntl(3) - explain fcntl(2) errors
- explain_fcntl_or_die(3) - manipulate a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_fdopen(3) - explain fdopen(3) errors
- explain_fdopen_or_die(3) - stream open functions and report errors
- explain_fdopendir(3) - explain
- explain_fdopendir_or_die(3) - open a directory and report errors
- explain_feof(3) - explain
- explain_feof_or_die(3) - check and reset stream status and report errors
- explain_ferror(3) - explain ferror(3) errors
- explain_ferror_or_die(3) - check stream status and report errors
- explain_fflush(3) - explain fflush(3) errors
- explain_fflush_or_die(3) - flush a stream and report errors
- explain_fgetc(3) - explain fgetc(3) errors
- explain_fgetc_or_die(3) - input of characters and report errors
- explain_fgetpos(3) - explain
- explain_fgetpos_or_die(3) - reposition a stream and report errors
- explain_fgets(3) - explain fgets(3) errors
- explain_fgets_or_die(3) - input of strings and report errors
- explain_filename_from_fildes(3) - obtain filename from file descriptor
- explain_fileno(3) - explain fileno(3) errors
- explain_fileno_or_die(3) - check and reset stream status and report errors
- explain_flock(3) - explain flock(2) errors
- explain_flock_or_die(3) - control advisory lock on open file and report errors
- explain_fopen(3) - explain fopen(3) errors
- explain_fopen_or_die(3) - open file and report errors
- explain_fork(3) - explain fork(2) errors
- explain_fork_or_die(3) - create a child process and report errors
- explain_fpathconf(3) - explain fpathconf(3) errors
- explain_fpathconf_or_die(3) - get file configuration and report errors
- explain_fprintf(3) - explain
- explain_fprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_fpurge(3) - explain
- explain_fpurge_or_die(3) - purge a stream and report errors
- explain_fputc(3) - explain fputc(3) errors
- explain_fputc_or_die(3) - output of characters and report errors
- explain_fputs(3) - explain
- explain_fputs_or_die(3) - write a string to a stream and report errors
- explain_fread(3) - explain fread(3) errors
- explain_fread_or_die(3) - binary stream input and report errors
- explain_freopen(3) - explain freopen(3) errors
- explain_freopen_or_die(3) - open file and report errors
- explain_fseek(3) - explain
- explain_fseek_or_die(3) - reposition a stream and report errors
- explain_fseeko(3) - explain
- explain_fseeko_or_die(3) - seek to or report file position and report errors
- explain_fsetpos(3) - explain
- explain_fsetpos_or_die(3) - reposition a stream and report errors
- explain_fstat(3) - explain fstat(2) errors
- explain_fstat_or_die(3) - get file status and report errors
- explain_fstatat(3) - explain
- explain_fstatat_or_die(3) - get file status relative to a dir fd and report errors
- explain_fstatfs(3) - explain fstatfs(2) errors
- explain_fstatfs_or_die(3) - get file system statistics and report errors
- explain_fstatvfs(3) - explain
- explain_fstatvfs_or_die(3) - get file system statistics and report errors
- explain_fsync(3) - explain
- explain_fsync_or_die(3) - synchronize a file with storage device and report errors
- explain_ftell(3) - explain
- explain_ftell_or_die(3) - get stream position and report errors
- explain_ftello(3) - explain
- explain_ftello_or_die(3) - get stream position and report errors
- explain_ftime(3) - explain ftime(3) errors
- explain_ftime_or_die(3) - return date and time and report errors
- explain_ftruncate(3) - explain ftruncate(2) errors
- explain_ftruncate_or_die(3) - truncate a file and report errors
- explain_futimens(3) - explain
- explain_futimens_or_die(3) - change file timestamps and report errors
- explain_futimes(3) - explain futimes(3) errors
- explain_futimes_or_die(3) - change file timestamps and report errors
- explain_futimesat(3) - explain
- explain_futimesat_or_die(3) - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory and report errors
- explain_fwrite(3) - explain fwrite(3) errors
- explain_fwrite_or_die(3) - binary stream output and report errors
- explain_getaddrinfo(3) - explain getaddrinfo(3) errors
- explain_getaddrinfo_or_die(3) - network address translation and report errors
- explain_getc(3) - explain getc(3) errors
- explain_getc_or_die(3) - input of characters and report errors
- explain_getchar(3) - explain getchar(3) errors
- explain_getchar_or_die(3) - input of characters and report errors
- explain_getcwd(3) - explain getcwd(2) errors
- explain_getcwd_or_die(3) - get current working directory and report errors
- explain_getdomainname(3) - explain getdomainname(2) errors
- explain_getdomainname_or_die(3) - get domain name and report errors
- explain_getgrent(3) - explain
- explain_getgrent_or_die(3) - get group file entry and report errors
- explain_getgrouplist(3) - explain
- explain_getgrouplist_or_die(3) - get list of groups and report errors
- explain_getgroups(3) - explain getgroups(2) errors
- explain_getgroups_or_die(3) - get supplementary group IDs and report errors
- explain_gethostbyname(3) - explain
- explain_gethostbyname_or_die(3) - get host address by host name and report errors
- explain_gethostid(3) - explain
- explain_gethostid_or_die(3) - get the unique identifier of the current host and report errors
- explain_gethostname(3) - explain gethostname(2) errors
- explain_gethostname_or_die(3) - get/set hostname and report errors
- explain_getpeername(3) - explain getpeername(2) errors
- explain_getpeername_or_die(3) - get name of peer socket and report errors
- explain_getpgid(3) - explain
- explain_getpgid_or_die(3) - get process group and report errors
- explain_getpgrp(3) - explain
- explain_getpgrp_or_die(3) - get process group and report errors
- explain_getpriority(3) - explain
- explain_getpriority_or_die(3) - get program scheduling priority and report errors
- explain_getresgid(3) - explain
- explain_getresgid_or_die(3) - get r/e/s group IDs and report errors
- explain_getresuid(3) - explain
- explain_getresuid_or_die(3) - get r/e/s user IDs and report errors
- explain_getrlimit(3) - explain getrlimit(2) errors
- explain_getrlimit_or_die(3) - get resource limits and report errors
- explain_getrusage(3) - explain
- explain_getrusage_or_die(3) - get resource usage and report errors
- explain_getsockname(3) - explain getsockname(2) errors
- explain_getsockname_or_die(3) - get socket name and report errors
- explain_getsockopt(3) - explain getsockopt(2) errors
- explain_getsockopt_or_die(3) - get and set options on sockets and report errors
- explain_gettimeofday(3) - explain gettimeofday(2) errors
- explain_gettimeofday_or_die(3) - get time and report errors
- explain_getw(3) - explain
- explain_getw_or_die(3) - input a word (int) and report errors
- explain_iconv(3) - explain
- explain_iconv_close(3) - explain
- explain_iconv_close_or_die(3) - deallocate conversion descriptor and report errors
- explain_iconv_open(3) - explain
- explain_iconv_open_or_die(3) - prepare for charset conversion and report errors
- explain_iconv_or_die(3) - perform character set conversion and report errors
- explain_ioctl(3) - explain ioctl(2) errors
- explain_ioctl_or_die(3) - control device and report errors
- explain_kill(3) - explain kill(2) errors
- explain_kill_or_die(3) - send signal to a process and report errors
- explain_lchmod(3) - explain
- explain_lchmod_or_die(3) - change permissions of a file and report errors
- explain_lchown(3) - explain lchown(2) errors
- explain_lchown_or_die(3) - change ownership of a file and report errors
- explain_lchownat(3) - explain
- explain_lchownat_or_die(3) - Execute
- explain_link(3) - explain link(2) errors
- explain_link_or_die(3) - make a new name for a file and report errors
- explain_listen(3) - explain listen(2) errors
- explain_listen_or_die(3) - listen for connections on a socket and report errors
- explain_lseek(3) - explain lseek(2) errors
- explain_lseek_or_die(3) - reposition file offset and report errors
- explain_lstat(3) - explain lstat(3) errors
- explain_lstat_or_die(3) - get file status and report errors
- explain_lutimes(3) - explain
- explain_lutimes_or_die(3) - modify file timestamps and report errors
- explain_malloc(3) - explain malloc(3) errors
- explain_malloc_or_die(3) - Allocate and free dynamic memory and report errors
- explain_mkdir(3) - explain mkdir(2) errors
- explain_mkdir_or_die(3) - create a directory and report errors
- explain_mkdtemp(3) - explain
- explain_mkdtemp_or_die(3) - create a unique temporary directory and report errors
- explain_mknod(3) - explain
- explain_mknod_or_die(3) - create a special or ordinary file and report errors
- explain_mkostemp(3) - explain
- explain_mkostemp_or_die(3) - create a unique temporary file and report errors
- explain_mkstemp(3) - explain
- explain_mkstemp_or_die(3) - create a unique temporary file and report errors
- explain_mktemp(3) - explain
- explain_mktemp_or_die(3) - make a unique temporary filename and report errors
- explain_mmap(3) - explain
- explain_mmap_or_die(3) - map file or device into memory and report errors
- explain_mount(3) - explain
- explain_mount_or_die(3) - mount file system and report errors
- explain_munmap(3) - explain
- explain_munmap_or_die(3) - unmap a file or device from memory and report errors
- explain_nanosleep(3) - explain
- explain_nanosleep_or_die(3) - high‐resolution sleep and report errors
- explain_nice(3) - explain nice(2) errors
- explain_nice_or_die(3) - change process priority and report errors
- explain_open(3) - explain open(2) errors
- explain_open_or_die(3) - open file and report errors
- explain_openat(3) - explain
- explain_openat_or_die(3) - open a file relative to a dir fd and report errors
- explain_opendir(3) - explain opendir(3) errors
- explain_opendir_or_die(3) - open a directory and report errors
- explain_output(3) - output error messages
- explain_pathconf(3) - explain pathconf(3) errors
- explain_pathconf_or_die(3) - get configuration values and report errors
- explain_pclose(3) - explain pclose(3) errors
- explain_pclose_or_die(3) - process I/O and report errors
- explain_pipe(3) - explain pipe(2) errors
- explain_pipe_or_die(3) - create pipe and report errors
- explain_pipe2(3) - explain
- explain_pipe2_or_die(3) - create pipe and report errors
- explain_poll(3) - explain
- explain_poll_or_die(3) - wait for some event on file descriptor and report errors
- explain_popen(3) - explain popen(3) errors
- explain_popen_or_die(3) - process I/O and report errors
- explain_pread(3) - explain pread(2) errors
- explain_pread_or_die(3) - seek and read from a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_printf(3) - explain
- explain_printf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_program_name(3) - manipulate the program name
- explain_ptrace(3) - explain
- explain_ptrace_or_die(3) - process trace and report errors
- explain_putc(3) - explain putc(3) errors
- explain_putc_or_die(3) - output of characters and report errors
- explain_putchar(3) - explain putchar(3) errors
- explain_putchar_or_die(3) - output of characters and report errors
- explain_putenv(3) - explain
- explain_putenv_or_die(3) - change or add an environment variable and report errors
- explain_puts(3) - explain
- explain_puts_or_die(3) - write a string and a newline to stdout and report errors
- explain_putw(3) - explain
- explain_putw_or_die(3) - output a word (int) and report errors
- explain_pwrite(3) - explain pwrite(2) errors
- explain_pwrite_or_die(3) - seek and write to a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_raise(3) - explain
- explain_raise_or_die(3) - send a signal to the caller and report errors
- explain_read(3) - explain read(2) errors
- explain_read_or_die(3) - read from a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_readdir(3) - explain readdir(2) errors
- explain_readdir_or_die(3) - read directory entry and report errors
- explain_readlink(3) - explain readlink(2) errors
- explain_readlink_or_die(3) - read value of a symbolic link and report errors
- explain_readv(3) - explain readv(2) errors
- explain_readv_or_die(3) - read data into multiple buffers and report errors
- explain_realloc(3) - explain realloc(3) errors
- explain_realloc_or_die(3) - Allocate and free dynamic memory and report errors
- explain_realpath(3) - explain
- explain_realpath_or_die(3) - return canonical pathname and report errors
- explain_remove(3) - explain remove(2) errors
- explain_remove_or_die(3) - delete a file and report errors
- explain_rename(3) - explain rename(2) errors
- explain_rename_or_die(3) - change the name of a file and report errors
- explain_rmdir(3) - explain rmdir(2) errors
- explain_rmdir_or_die(3) - delete a directory and report errors
- explain_select(3) - explain select(2) errors
- explain_select_or_die(3) - blah blah and report errors
- explain_setbuf(3) - explain
- explain_setbuf_or_die(3) - set stream buffer and report errors
- explain_setbuffer(3) - explain
- explain_setbuffer_or_die(3) - stream buffering operations and report errors
- explain_setdomainname(3) - explain setdomainname(2) errors
- explain_setdomainname_or_die(3) - set domain name and report errors
- explain_setenv(3) - explain
- explain_setenv_or_die(3) - change or add an environment variable and report errors
- explain_setgid(3) - explain
- explain_setgid_or_die(3) - set group identity and report errors
- explain_setgrent(3) - explain
- explain_setgrent_or_die(3) - rewind group database and report errors
- explain_setgroups(3) - explain setgroups(2) errors
- explain_setgroups_or_die(3) - set supplementary group IDs and report errors
- explain_sethostname(3) - explain sethostname(2) errors
- explain_sethostname_or_die(3) - get/set hostname and report errors
- explain_setlinebuf(3) - explain
- explain_setlinebuf_or_die(3) - stream buffering operations and report errors
- explain_setpgid(3) - explain
- explain_setpgid_or_die(3) - set process group and report errors
- explain_setpgrp(3) - explain
- explain_setpgrp_or_die(3) - set process group and report errors
- explain_setpriority(3) - explain
- explain_setpriority_or_die(3) - set program scheduling priority and report errors
- explain_setregid(3) - explain
- explain_setregid_or_die(3) - set real and/or effective group ID and report errors
- explain_setresgid(3) - explain
- explain_setresgid_or_die(3) - set r/e/s group ID and report errors
- explain_setresuid(3) - explain
- explain_setresuid_or_die(3) - set r/e/s user ID and report errors
- explain_setreuid(3) - explain
- explain_setreuid_or_die(3) - set the real and effective user ID and report errors
- explain_setsid(3) - explain
- explain_setsid_or_die(3) - sets process group ID and report errors
- explain_setsockopt(3) - explain setsockopt(2) errors
- explain_setsockopt_or_die(3) - get and set options on sockets and report errors
- explain_settimeofday(3) - explain
- explain_settimeofday_or_die(3) - sets system time and report errors
- explain_setuid(3) - explain
- explain_setuid_or_die(3) - set user identity and report errors
- explain_setvbuf(3) - explain
- explain_setvbuf_or_die(3) - stream buffering operations and report errors
- explain_shmat(3) - explain
- explain_shmat_or_die(3) - shared memory attach and report errors
- explain_shmctl(3) - explain
- explain_shmctl_or_die(3) - shared memory control and report errors
- explain_signalfd(3) - explain signalfd(2) errors
- explain_signalfd_or_die(3) - create signalable file descriptor and report errors
- explain_sleep(3) - explain
- explain_sleep_or_die(3) - Sleep for a number of seconds and report errors
- explain_snprintf(3) - explain
- explain_snprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_socket(3) - explain socket(2) errors
- explain_socket_or_die(3) - create an endpoint and report errors
- explain_socketpair(3) - explain
- explain_socketpair_or_die(3) - create pair of connected sockets and report errors
- explain_sprintf(3) - explain
- explain_sprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_stat(3) - explain stat(2) errors
- explain_stat_or_die(3) - get file status and report errors
- explain_statfs(3) - explain statfs(2) errors
- explain_statfs_or_die(3) - get file system statistics and report errors
- explain_statvfs(3) - explain
- explain_statvfs_or_die(3) - get file system statistics and report errors
- explain_stime(3) - explain
- explain_stime_or_die(3) - set system time and report errors
- explain_strcoll(3) - explain
- explain_strcoll_or_die(3) - compare strings using current locale and report errors
- explain_strdup(3) - explain strdup(3) errors
- explain_strdup_or_die(3) - duplicate a string and report errors
- explain_strndup(3) - explain strndup(3) errors
- explain_strndup_or_die(3) - duplicate a string and report errors
- explain_strtod(3) - explain strtod(3) errors
- explain_strtod_or_die(3) - convert string to number and report errors
- explain_strtof(3) - explain strtof(3) errors
- explain_strtof_or_die(3) - convert string to number and report errors
- explain_strtol(3) - explain strtol(3) errors
- explain_strtol_or_die(3) - convert a string to a long integer and report errors
- explain_strtold(3) - explain strtold(3) errors
- explain_strtold_or_die(3) - convert string to number and report errors
- explain_strtoll(3) - explain strtoll(3) errors
- explain_strtoll_or_die(3) - convert a string to a long integer and report errors
- explain_strtoul(3) - explain strtoul(3) errors
- explain_strtoul_or_die(3) - convert string to unsigned long and report errors
- explain_strtoull(3) - explain strtoull(3) errors
- explain_strtoull_or_die(3) - convert string to integer and report errors
- explain_symlink(3) - explain symlink(2) errors
- explain_symlink_or_die(3) - make a new name for a file and report errors
- explain_system(3) - explain system(3) errors
- explain_system_or_die(3) - execute a shell command and report errors
- explain_tcdrain(3) - explain
- explain_tcdrain_or_die(3) - Execute
- explain_tcflow(3) - explain tcflow(3) errors
- explain_tcflow_or_die(3) - terminal flow control and report errors
- explain_tcflush(3) - explain
- explain_tcflush_or_die(3) - discard terminal data and report errors
- explain_tcgetattr(3) - explain
- explain_tcgetattr_or_die(3) - get terminal parameters and report errors
- explain_tcsendbreak(3) - explain
- explain_tcsendbreak_or_die(3) - send terminal line break and report errors
- explain_tcsetattr(3) - explain
- explain_tcsetattr_or_die(3) - set terminal attributes and report errors
- explain_telldir(3) - explain telldir(3) errors
- explain_telldir_or_die(3) - current location in directory and report errors
- explain_tempnam(3) - explain
- explain_tempnam_or_die(3) - create a name for a temporary file and report errors
- explain_time(3) - explain time(2) errors
- explain_time_or_die(3) - get time in seconds and report errors
- explain_timerfd_create(3) - explain timerfd_create(2) errors
- explain_timerfd_create_or_die(3) - create file descriptor timers and report errors
- explain_tmpfile(3) - explain
- explain_tmpfile_or_die(3) - create a temporary file and report errors
- explain_tmpnam(3) - explain
- explain_tmpnam_or_die(3) - create a name for a temporary file and report errors
- explain_truncate(3) - explain truncate(2) errors
- explain_truncate_or_die(3) - truncate a file and report errors
- explain_uname(3) - explain
- explain_uname_or_die(3) - get information about current kernel and report errors
- explain_ungetc(3) - explain
- explain_ungetc_or_die(3) - push a character back to a stream and report errors
- explain_unlink(3) - explain unlink(2) errors
- explain_unlink_or_die(3) - delete a file and report errors
- explain_unsetenv(3) - explain
- explain_unsetenv_or_die(3) - remove an environment variable and report errors
- explain_usleep(3) - explain
- explain_usleep_or_die(3) - suspend execution for ms intervals and report errors
- explain_ustat(3) - explain ustat(2) errors
- explain_ustat_or_die(3) - get file system statistics and report errors
- explain_utime(3) - explain utime(2) errors
- explain_utime_or_die(3) - change file times and report errors
- explain_utimens(3) - explain
- explain_utimens_or_die(3) - change file timestamps and report errors
- explain_utimensat(3) - explain
- explain_utimensat_or_die(3) - change file timestamps and report errors
- explain_utimes(3) - explain
- explain_utimes_or_die(3) - change file access and modify times and report errors
- explain_vasprintf(3) - explain
- explain_vasprintf_or_die(3) - print to allocated string and report errors
- explain_vfork(3) - explain
- explain_vfork_or_die(3) - create a child process and report errors
- explain_vfprintf(3) - explain
- explain_vfprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_vprintf(3) - explain
- explain_vprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_vsnprintf(3) - explain
- explain_vsnprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_vsprintf(3) - explain
- explain_vsprintf_or_die(3) - formatted output conversion and report errors
- explain_wait(3) - explain wait(2) errors
- explain_wait_or_die(3) - wait for process to change state and report errors
- explain_wait3(3) - explain wait3(2) errors
- explain_wait3_or_die(3) - wait for process to change state and report errors
- explain_wait4(3) - explain wait4(2) errors
- explain_wait4_or_die(3) - wait for process to change state and report errors
- explain_waitpid(3) - explain waitpid(2) errors
- explain_waitpid_or_die(3) - wait for process to change state and report errors
- explain_write(3) - explain write(2) errors
- explain_write_or_die(3) - write to a file descriptor and report errors
- explain_writev(3) - explain writev(2) errors
- explain_writev_or_die(3) - write data from multiple buffers and report errors
- Explode(3) - Perl extension for explode MIME messages
- Exporter::Declare(3) - Exporting done right
- Exporter::Declare::Export(3) - Base class for all export objects.
- Exporter::Declare::Export::Alias(3) - Export class for aliases.
- Exporter::Declare::Export::Generator(3) - Export class for exports that should be generated when imported.
- Exporter::Declare::Export::Sub(3) - Export class for subs which are exported.
- Exporter::Declare::Export::Variable(3) - Export class for variables which are exported.
- Exporter::Declare::Meta(3) - The meta object which stores meta-data for all exporters.
- Exporter::Declare::Specs(3) - Import argument parser for Exporter::Declare
- Exporter::Easiest(3) - Takes even more drudgery out of Exporting symbols
- Exporter::Easy(3) - Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols
- Exporter::Heavy(3) - Exporter guts
- Exporter::Lite(3) - lightweight exporting of functions and variables
- Exporter::Shiny(3) - shortcut for Exporter::Tiny
- Exporter::Tiny(3) - an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
- Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Etc(3) - odds and ends
- Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Exporting(3) - creating an exporter using Exporter::Tiny
- Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Importing(3) - importing from Exporter::Tiny-based modules
- Exporter::Tiny::Manual::QuickStart(3) - the quickest way to get up and running with Exporter::Tiny
- ExportTo(3) - export any function/method to any namespace
- Expr::FormulaDB(3) - A db of formulas and there properties
- Expr::MatchSet(3) - Represents matches in algebraic expretions
- Expr::Node(3) - A node in the expretion tree, used as superclass only
- Expr::Num(3) - Represents one number in a parsed expression tree
- Expr::Opp(3) - Represents one operation in the parsed expression tree
- Expr::OpperationDB(3) - A db of basic opperands properties
- Expr::Rule(3) - Represents a agebraic rule
- Expr::TypeDB(3) - A db of basic type and there properties
- Expr::Var(3) - Represents one variable in a parsed expression tree
- Expr::VarSet(3) - Represents a set of variables and there values
- Express(3) - Simplified interface for Net::LDAP
- exquat(3) - A comparison between Euler angles and quaternions. Allegro game programming library.
- exrgbhsv(3) - RGB <-> HSV color space conversions. Allegro game programming library.
- exrotscl(3) - Demonstrates rotate_scaled_sprite functions. Allegro game programming library.
- exsample(3) - Playing digital samples. Allegro game programming library.
- exscale(3) - Loading PCX files and bitmap stretching. Allegro game programming library.
- exscn3d(3) - Using the 3d scene functions. Allegro game programming library.
- exscroll(3) - Mode-X hardware scrolling and split screens. Allegro game programming library.
- exshade(3) - Gouraud shaded sprites. Allegro game programming library.
- exspline(3) - Constructing smooth movement paths from spline curves. Allegro game programming library.
- exsprite(3) - Datafiles access and sprite animation. Allegro game programming library.
- exstars(3) - 3d starfield and lightsourced spaceship. Allegro game programming library.
- exstream(3) - Playing audio streams. Allegro game programming library.
- exswitch(3) - Controlling the console switch mode for background running. Allegro game programming library.
- exsyscur(3) - Hardware accelerated mouse cursors. Allegro game programming library.
- EXTATTR(3) - convert an extended attribute namespace identifier to a string and vice versa
- extimer(3) - Using the timer (delays and interrupts). Allegro game programming library.
- extract_font_range(3) - Extracts a range of characters from a font. Allegro game programming library.
- ExtractWords(3) - Perl extension for extract words from strings
- extrans(3) - Lighting and translucency effects. Allegro game programming library.
- extrans2(3) - Drawing flipped, translucent and tinted sprites. Allegro game programming library.
- extruec(3) - Truecolor pixel format conversions. Allegro game programming library.
- ExtUtils::AutoInstall(3) - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
- ExtUtils::CBuilder(3) - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows(3) - Builder class for Windows platforms
- ExtUtils::CChecker(3) - configure-time utilities for using C headers, libraries, or OS features
- ExtUtils::Command(3) - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.
- ExtUtils::Command::MM(3) - Commands for the MM's to use in Makefiles
- ExtUtils::Config(3) - A wrapper for perl's configuration
- ExtUtils::Constant(3) - generate XS code to import C header constants
- ExtUtils::Constant::Base(3) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
- ExtUtils::Constant::Utils(3) - helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant
- ExtUtils::Constant::XS(3) - generate C code for XS modules' constants.
- ExtUtils::CppGuess(3) - guess C++ compiler and flags
- ExtUtils::Depends(3) - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
- ExtUtils::Embed(3) - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
- ExtUtils::Helpers(3) - Various portability utilities for module builders
- ExtUtils::Helpers::Unix(3) - Unix specific helper bits
- ExtUtils::Helpers::VMS(3) - VMS specific helper bits
- ExtUtils::Helpers::Windows(3) - Windows specific helper bits
- ExtUtils::Install(3) - install files from here to there
- ExtUtils::Installed(3) - Inventory management of installed modules
- ExtUtils::InstallPaths(3) - Build.PL install path logic made easy
- ExtUtils::LibBuilder(3) - A tool to build C libraries.
- ExtUtils::Liblist(3) - determine libraries to use and how to use them
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3) - Create a module Makefile
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config(3) - Wrapper around Config.pm
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Coverage(3) - add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile(3) - cpanfile support for EUMM
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions About MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale(3) - bundled Encode::Locale
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Tutorial(3) - Writing a module with MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::Manifest(3) - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
- ExtUtils::Miniperl(3) - write the C code for miniperlmain.c and perlmain.c
- ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap(3) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
- ExtUtils::Mksymlists(3) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
- ExtUtils::MM(3) - OS adjusted ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass
- ExtUtils::MM_AIX(3) - AIX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_Any(3) - Platform-agnostic MM methods
- ExtUtils::MM_BeOS(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_Darwin(3) - special behaviors for OS X
- ExtUtils::MM_DOS(3) - DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_MacOS(3) - once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic
- ExtUtils::MM_NW5(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_OS2(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_OS390(3) - OS390 specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_QNX(3) - QNX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_Unix(3) - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_UWIN(3) - U/WIN specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_VMS(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_VOS(3) - VOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- ExtUtils::MM_Win32(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- ExtUtils::MM_Win95(3) - method to customize MakeMaker for Win9X
- ExtUtils::MY(3) - ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass for customization
- ExtUtils::Packlist(3) - manage .packlist files
- ExtUtils::ParseXS(3) - converts Perl XS code into C code
- ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants(3) - Initialization values for some globals
- ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval(3) - Clean package to evaluate code in
- ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities(3) - Subroutines used with ExtUtils::ParseXS
- ExtUtils::PkgConfig(3) - simplistic interface to pkg-config
- ExtUtils::PL2Bat(3) - Batch file creation to run perl scripts on Windows
- ExtUtils::testlib(3) - add blib/* directories to @INC
- ExtUtils::Typemaps(3) - Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files
- ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd(3) - Quick commands for handling typemaps
- ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap(3) - Entry in the INPUT section of a typemap
- ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap(3) - Entry in the OUTPUT section of a typemap
- ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type(3) - Entry in the TYPEMAP section of a typemap
- ExtUtils::XSpp(3) - XS for C++
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Cmd(3) - implementation of xspp
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Exception(3) - Map C++ exceptions to Perl exceptions
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node(3) - Base class for elements of the parser output
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Access(3) - Node representing an access specifier
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Argument(3) - Node representing a method/function argument
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Class(3) - A class (inherits from Package).
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Comment(3) - Node representing a comment in the source file
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Constructor(3) - Node representing a constructor method
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Destructor(3) - Node representing a destructor method
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Enum(3) - Node representing an enum declaration
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::EnumValue(3) - Node representing an enum element
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::File(3) - Directive that sets the name of the output file
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Function(3) - Node representing a function
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Member(3) - Node representing a class member variable
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Method(3) - Node representing a method
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Module(3) - Node representing an XS++/XS MODULE declaration
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Package(3) - Node representing a Perl package
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::PercAny(3) - contains information about %Foo tags handled by plugins
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Raw(3) - Node for data that should be included in XS verbatim
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Parser(3) - an XS++ parser
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Plugin(3) - XS++ plugin interface
- ExtUtils::XSpp::Typemap(3) - map types
- exunicod(3) - Using Unicode string functions. Allegro game programming library.
- exupdate(3) - Supporting different screen update methods in a single program. Allegro game programming library.
- exxfade(3) - Truecolor image loading and fades. Allegro game programming library.
- exzbuf(3) - Z-buffered polygons demo. Allegro game programming library.
- Ezmlm::GpgEzmlm(3) - Object Methods for encrypted Ezmlm Mailing Lists
- Ezmlm::GpgKeyRing(3) - Object Methods for gnupg keyring management
- F77(3) - Simple interface to F77 libs
- FABS(3) - floating-point absolute value functions
- Facebook::Graph(3) - A fast and easy way to integrate your apps with Facebook.
- Facebook::Graph::AccessToken(3) - Acquire an access token from Facebook.
- Facebook::Graph::AccessToken::Response(3) - The Facebook access token request response.
- Facebook::Graph::Authorize(3) - Authorizing an app with Facebook
- Facebook::Graph::BatchRequests(3) - Batch Requests
- Facebook::Graph::Cookbook(3) - A cookbook for Facebook::Graph
- Facebook::Graph::Cookbook::Recipe1(3) - Building Privileged Applications
- Facebook::Graph::Cookbook::Recipe2(3) - Building a Full Web App
- Facebook::Graph::Cookbook::Recipe3(3) - Impersonation
- Facebook::Graph::Page::Feed(3) - Add a post to a Facebook page.
- Facebook::Graph::Picture(3) - Get the URI for the picture of any object.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish(3) - A base class for publishing various things to facebook.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Checkin(3) - Publish a location checkin.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Comment(3) - Publish a comment on a post.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Event(3) - Add an event.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Like(3) - Mark a post as something you like.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Link(3) - Add a link.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Note(3) - Add a note to a user's list of notes.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::PageTab(3) - Add a page tab.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Photo(3) - Publish Photos
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post(3) - Publish to a user's wall.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPAttending(3) - RSVP attending to an event.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPDeclined(3) - RSVP declined to an event.
- Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPMaybe(3) - RSVP maybe to an event.
- Facebook::Graph::Query(3) - Simple and fast searching and fetching of Facebook data.
- Facebook::Graph::Request(3) - Handling posts to Facebook Graph.
- Facebook::Graph::Response(3) - Handling of a Facebook::Graph response documents.
- Facebook::Graph::Role::Uri(3) - The base URI for the Facebook Graph API.
- Facebook::Graph::Session(3) - Convert old API sessions into Graph API access_tokens.
- fade_from(3) - Gradually fades the palette between two others. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_from_range(3) - Gradually fades a part of the palette between two others. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_in(3) - Gradually fades the palette from black. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_in_range(3) - Gradually fades a part of the palette from black. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_interpolate(3) - Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_out(3) - Gradually fades the palette to black. Allegro game programming library.
- fade_out_range(3) - Gradually fades a part of the palette to black. Allegro game programming library.
- fame_close(3) - flush remaining data and cleanup.
- fame_encode_frame(3) - encode a single frame (DEPRECATED)
- fame_encode_slice(3) - encode a single slice
- fame_end_frame(3) - ends encoding of a frame
- fame_init(3) - initialize the fame library
- fame_open(3) - open the fame library
- fame_register(3) - get an object from the library
- fame_start_frame(3) - starts encoding of a frame
- FAQ::OMatic::API(3) - a Perl API to manipulate FAQ-O-Matics
- fastline(3) - Faster version of line(). Allegro game programming library.
- fastq_trim_set_adapter_match_function(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter1(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter1_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter1_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter2(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter2_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_adapter2_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile1(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile1_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile1_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile2(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile2_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_infile2_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream1(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream1_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream1_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream2(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream2_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_instream2_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_max_mismatch_percent(3)
- fastq_trim_set_min_length(3)
- fastq_trim_set_min_match(3)
- fastq_trim_set_min_qual(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile1(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile1_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile1_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile2(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile2_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outfile2_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream1(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream1_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream1_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream2(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream2_ae(3)
- fastq_trim_set_outstream2_cpy(3)
- fastq_trim_set_phred_base(3)
- fastq_trim_set_polya_min_len(3)
- fastq_trim_set_verbose(3)
- FastRaw(3) - see Core.xs and your operating system documentation for exact semantics of whatever. Basically, if you write to a mmapped file without
- FastSpawn(3) - fork+exec, or spawn, a subprocess as quickly as possible
- FastTemplate(3) - Perl extension for managing templates, and performing variable interpolation.
- Fatal(3) - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
- FBox(3) - a file dialog
- FcAtomicCreate(3) - create an FcAtomic object
- FcAtomicDeleteNew(3) - delete new file
- FcAtomicDestroy(3) - destroy an FcAtomic object
- FcAtomicLock(3) - lock a file
- FcAtomicNewFile(3) - return new temporary file name
- FcAtomicOrigFile(3) - return original file name
- FcAtomicReplaceOrig(3) - replace original with new
- FcAtomicUnlock(3) - unlock a file
- FcBlanksAdd(3) - Add a character to an FcBlanks
- FcBlanksCreate(3) - Create an FcBlanks
- FcBlanksDestroy(3) - Destroy and FcBlanks
- FcBlanksIsMember(3) - Query membership in an FcBlanks
- FcCacheCopySet(3) - Returns a copy of the fontset from cache
- FcCacheCreateTagFile(3) - Create CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory.
- FcCacheDir(3) - Return directory of cache
- FcCacheNumFont(3) - Returns the number of fonts in cache.
- FcCacheNumSubdir(3) - Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
- FcCacheSubdir(3) - Return the i'th subdirectory.
- FcCharSetAddChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
- FcCharSetCopy(3) - Copy a charset
- FcCharSetCount(3) - Count entries in a charset
- FcCharSetCoverage(3) - DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
- FcCharSetCreate(3) - Create an empty character set
- FcCharSetDelChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
- FcCharSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a character set
- FcCharSetEqual(3) - Compare two charsets
- FcCharSetFirstPage(3) - Start enumerating charset contents
- FcCharSetHasChar(3) - Check a charset for a char
- FcCharSetIntersect(3) - Intersect charsets
- FcCharSetIntersectCount(3) - Intersect and count charsets
- FcCharSetIsSubset(3) - Test for charset inclusion
- FcCharSetMerge(3) - Merge charsets
- FcCharSetNew(3) - DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate
- FcCharSetNextPage(3) - Continue enumerating charset contents
- FcCharSetSubtract(3) - Subtract charsets
- FcCharSetSubtractCount(3) - Subtract and count charsets
- FcCharSetUnion(3) - Add charsets
- FcConfigAppFontAddDir(3) - Add fonts from directory to font database
- FcConfigAppFontAddFile(3) - Add font file to font database
- FcConfigAppFontClear(3) - Remove all app fonts from font database
- FcConfigBuildFonts(3) - Build font database
- FcConfigCreate(3) - Create a configuration
- FcConfigDestroy(3) - Destroy a configuration
- FcConfigEnableHome(3) - controls use of the home directory.
- FcConfigFileInfoIterGet(3) - Obtain the configuration file information
- FcConfigFileInfoIterInit(3) - Initialize the iterator
- FcConfigFileInfoIterNext(3) - Set the iterator to point to the next list
- FcConfigFilename(3) - Find a config file
- FcConfigGetBlanks(3) - Get config blanks
- FcConfigGetCache(3) - DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
- FcConfigGetCacheDirs(3) - return the list of directories searched for cache files
- FcConfigGetConfigDirs(3) - Get config directories
- FcConfigGetConfigFiles(3) - Get config files
- FcConfigGetCurrent(3) - Return current configuration
- FcConfigGetFilename(3) - Find a config file
- FcConfigGetFontDirs(3) - Get font directories
- FcConfigGetFonts(3) - Get config font set
- FcConfigGetRescanInterval(3) - Get config rescan interval
- FcConfigGetSysRoot(3) - Obtain the system root directory
- FcConfigHome(3) - return the current home directory.
- FcConfigParseAndLoad(3) - load a configuration file
- FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory(3) - load a configuration from memory
- FcConfigReference(3) - Increment config reference count
- FcConfigSetCurrent(3) - Set configuration as default
- FcConfigSetRescanInterval(3) - Set config rescan interval
- FcConfigSetSysRoot(3) - Set the system root directory
- FcConfigSubstitute(3) - Execute substitutions
- FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(3) - Execute substitutions
- FcConfigUptoDate(3) - Check timestamps on config files
- FcDefaultSubstitute(3) - Perform default substitutions in a pattern
- FcDirCacheClean(3) - Clean up a cache directory
- FcDirCacheCreateUUID(3) - Create .uuid file at a directory
- FcDirCacheDeleteUUID(3) - Delete .uuid file
- FcDirCacheLoad(3) - load a directory cache
- FcDirCacheLoadFile(3) - load a cache file
- FcDirCacheRead(3) - read or construct a directory cache
- FcDirCacheRescan(3) - Re-scan a directory cache
- FcDirCacheUnlink(3) - Remove all caches related to dir
- FcDirCacheUnload(3) - unload a cache file
- FcDirCacheValid(3) - check directory cache
- FcDirSave(3) - DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
- FcDirScan(3) - scan a font directory without caching it
- FcFileIsDir(3) - check whether a file is a directory
- FcFileScan(3) - scan a font file
- FcFini(3) - finalize fontconfig library
- FcFontList(3) - List fonts
- FcFontMatch(3) - Return best font
- FcFontRenderPrepare(3) - Prepare pattern for loading font file
- FcFontSetAdd(3) - Add to a font set
- FcFontSetCreate(3) - Create a font set
- FcFontSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a font set
- FcFontSetList(3) - List fonts from a set of font sets
- FcFontSetMatch(3) - Return the best font from a set of font sets
- FcFontSetPrint(3) - Print a set of patterns to stdout
- FcFontSetSort(3) - Add to a font set
- FcFontSetSortDestroy(3) - DEPRECATED destroy a font set
- FcFontSort(3) - Return list of matching fonts
- FcFreeTypeCharIndex(3) - map Unicode to glyph id
- FcFreeTypeCharSet(3) - compute Unicode coverage
- FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(3) - compute Unicode coverage and spacing type
- FcFreeTypeQuery(3) - compute pattern from font file (and index)
- FcFreeTypeQueryAll(3) - compute all patterns from font file (and index)
- FcFreeTypeQueryFace(3) - compute pattern from FT_Face
- fcft_capabilities(3) - available optional library capabilities
- fcft_clone(3) - copy an already instantiated font
- fcft_destroy(3) - free fcft_font objects
- fcft_fini(3) - release global resources
- fcft_from_name(3) - instantiate a new font
- fcft_init(3) - initialize the library
- fcft_kerning(3) - calculate kerning distance between two wide characters
- fcft_log_init(3) - configure logging in fcft
- fcft_precompose(3) - pre-compose two wide characters into one
- fcft_rasterize_char_utf32(3) - rasterize a glyph for a single UTF-32 codepoint
- fcft_rasterize_grapheme_utf32(3) - rasterize glyph(s) for a grapheme cluster
- fcft_rasterize_text_run_utf32(3) - rasterize a series of glyphs for a text string
- fcft_set_emoji_presentation(3) - configures the default emoji presentation
- fcft_set_scaling_filter(3) - configures the filter to use when downscaling bitmap fonts
- fcft_text_run_destroy(3) - free fcft_text_run objects
- FcGetDefaultLangs(3) - Get the default languages list
- FcGetLangs(3) - Get list of languages
- FcGetVersion(3) - library version number
- FCGI::Async(3) - use FastCGI with IO::Async
- FCGI::Async::PSGI(3) - use "PSGI" applications with "FCGI::Async"
- FCGI::Client(3) - client library for fastcgi protocol
- FCGI::Client::Connection(3) - connection to FastCGI server
- FCGI::Client::Constant(3) - constants for FCGI
- FCGI::Client::Record(3) - record object for FCGI
- FCGI::Client::RecordFactory(3) - FCGI record factory
- FCGI::Client::RecordHeader(3) - record header object for FCGI
- FCGI::Engine(3) - A flexible engine for running FCGI-based applications
- FCGI::Engine::Core(3) - A base class for various FCGI::Engine flavors
- FCGI::Engine::Manager(3) - Manage multiple FCGI::Engine instances
- FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server(3) - An abstraction to represent a single FCGI::Engine server
- FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server::FreeBSD6(3) - A subclass of FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server specific to FreeBSD 6.*
- FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server::Plackup(3) - A subclass of FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server for Plack apps
- FCGI::Engine::ProcManager(3) - module for managing FastCGI applications.
- FCGI::Engine::ProcManager::Constrained(3) - FastCGI applications with memory and number of request limits.
- FCGI::Engine::PSGI(3) - Run PSGI applications with FCGI::Engine
- FCGI::Engine::Types(3) - Type constraints for FCGI::Engine
- FCGI::ProcManager(3) - functions for managing FastCGI applications.
- FCGI::ProcManager::Constrained(3) - Process manager with constraints
- FCGI::Spawn(3) - FastCGI server for CGI-like applications effective multiprocessing
- FCGI::Spawn::BinUtils(3)
- FcInit(3) - initialize fontconfig library
- FcInitBringUptoDate(3) - reload configuration files if needed
- FcInitLoadConfig(3) - load configuration
- FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(3) - load configuration and font data
- FcInitReinitialize(3) - re-initialize library
- FcIsLower(3) - check for lower case ASCII character
- FcIsUpper(3) - check for upper case ASCII character
- FcLangGetCharSet(3) - Get character map for a language
- FcLangNormalize(3) - Normalize the language string
- FcLangSetAdd(3) - add a language to a langset
- FcLangSetCompare(3) - compare language sets
- FcLangSetContains(3) - check langset subset relation
- FcLangSetCopy(3) - copy a langset object
- FcLangSetCreate(3) - create a langset object
- FcLangSetDel(3) - delete a language from a langset
- FcLangSetDestroy(3) - destroy a langset object
- FcLangSetEqual(3) - test for matching langsets
- FcLangSetGetLangs(3) - get the list of languages in the langset
- FcLangSetHash(3) - return a hash value for a langset
- FcLangSetHasLang(3) - test langset for language support
- FcLangSetSubtract(3) - Subtract langsets
- FcLangSetUnion(3) - Add langsets
- FCLOSE(3) - close a stream
- FcMatrixCopy(3) - Copy a matrix
- FcMatrixEqual(3) - Compare two matrices
- FcMatrixInit(3) - initialize an FcMatrix structure
- FcMatrixMultiply(3) - Multiply matrices
- FcMatrixRotate(3) - Rotate a matrix
- FcMatrixScale(3) - Scale a matrix
- FcMatrixShear(3) - Shear a matrix
- FcNameConstant(3) - Get the value for a symbolic constant
- FcNameGetConstant(3) - Lookup symbolic constant
- FcNameGetObjectType(3) - Lookup an object type
- FcNameParse(3) - Parse a pattern string
- FcNameRegisterConstants(3) - Register symbolic constants
- FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(3) - Register object types
- FcNameUnparse(3) - Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
- FcNameUnregisterConstants(3) - Unregister symbolic constants
- FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(3) - Unregister object types
- Fcntl(3) - load the C Fcntl.h defines
- FcObjectSetAdd(3) - Add to an object set
- FcObjectSetBuild(3) - Build object set from args
- FcObjectSetCreate(3) - Create an object set
- FcObjectSetDestroy(3) - Destroy an object set
- FcPatternAdd(3) - Add a value to a pattern
- FcPatternAdd-Type(3) - Add a typed value to a pattern
- FcPatternAddWeak(3) - Add a value to a pattern with weak binding
- FcPatternBuild(3) - Create patterns from arguments
- FcPatternCreate(3) - Create a pattern
- FcPatternDel(3) - Delete a property from a pattern
- FcPatternDestroy(3) - Destroy a pattern
- FcPatternDuplicate(3) - Copy a pattern
- FcPatternEqual(3) - Compare patterns
- FcPatternEqualSubset(3) - Compare portions of patterns
- FcPatternFilter(3) - Filter the objects of pattern
- FcPatternFindIter(3) - Set the iterator to point to the object in the pattern
- FcPatternFormat(3) - Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier
- FcPatternGet(3) - Return a value from a pattern
- FcPatternGet-Type(3) - Return a typed value from a pattern
- FcPatternGetWithBinding(3) - Return a value with binding from a pattern
- FcPatternHash(3) - Compute a pattern hash value
- FcPatternIterEqual(3) - Compare iterators
- FcPatternIterGetObject(3) - Returns an object name which the iterator point to
- FcPatternIterGetValue(3) - Returns a value which the iterator point to
- FcPatternIterIsValid(3) - Check whether the iterator is valid or not
- FcPatternIterNext(3)
- FcPatternIterStart(3) - Initialize the iterator with the first iterator in the pattern
- FcPatternIterValueCount(3) - Returns the number of the values which the iterator point to
- FcPatternObjectCount(3) - Returns the number of the object
- FcPatternPrint(3) - Print a pattern for debugging
- FcPatternReference(3) - Increment pattern reference count
- FcPatternRemove(3) - Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
- FcRangeCopy(3) - Copy a range object
- FcRangeCreateDouble(3) - create a range object for double
- FcRangeCreateInteger(3) - create a range object for integer
- FcRangeDestroy(3) - destroy a range object
- FcRangeGetDouble(3) - Get the range in double
- fCreate(3) - create a file lock.
- FcStrBasename(3) - last component of filename
- FcStrBuildFilename(3) - Concatenate strings as a file path
- FcStrCmp(3) - compare UTF-8 strings
- FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(3) - compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
- FcStrCopy(3) - duplicate a string
- FcStrCopyFilename(3) - create a complete path from a filename
- FcStrDirname(3) - directory part of filename
- FcStrDowncase(3) - create a lower case translation of a string
- FcStrFree(3) - free a string
- FcStrListCreate(3) - create a string iterator
- FcStrListDone(3) - destroy a string iterator
- FcStrListFirst(3) - get first string in iteration
- FcStrListNext(3) - get next string in iteration
- FcStrPlus(3) - concatenate two strings
- FcStrSetAdd(3) - add to a string set
- FcStrSetAddFilename(3) - add a filename to a string set
- FcStrSetCreate(3) - create a string set
- FcStrSetDel(3) - delete from a string set
- FcStrSetDestroy(3) - destroy a string set
- FcStrSetEqual(3) - check sets for equality
- FcStrSetMember(3) - check set for membership
- FcStrStr(3) - locate UTF-8 substring
- FcStrStrIgnoreCase(3) - locate UTF-8 substring ignoring case
- FcToLower(3) - convert upper case ASCII to lower case
- FcUcs4ToUtf8(3) - convert UCS4 to UTF-8
- FcUtf16Len(3) - count UTF-16 encoded chars
- FcUtf16ToUcs4(3) - convert UTF-16 to UCS4
- FcUtf8Len(3) - count UTF-8 encoded chars
- FcUtf8ToUcs4(3) - convert UTF-8 to UCS4
- FcValueDestroy(3) - Free a value
- FcValueEqual(3) - Test two values for equality
- FcValuePrint(3) - Print a value to stdout
- FcValueSave(3) - Copy a value
- FcWeightFromOpenType(3) - Convert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones
- FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble(3) - Convert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones
- FcWeightToOpenType(3) - Convert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones
- FcWeightToOpenTypeDouble(3) - Convert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones
- FDCLEAN(3) - erases cached info about a file descriptor
- fDestroy(3) - destroy a lock.
- FDIM(3) - positive difference functions
- FDIN(3) - waits on a file descriptor to become readable
- FDOUT(3) - wait on file descriptor to become writable
- FDOWN(3) - returns a logical unit number
- FDPass(3) - pass a file descriptor over a socket
- FDUP(3) - returns new file identical to the given file
- FEAR::API(3) - Web Scraping Zen
- FEAR::API::Document(3) - Document class for FEAR::API
- FEAR::API::Filters(3) - Named filters
- Feature::Compat::Try(3) - make "try/catch" syntax available
- FEATURE_PRESENT(3) - query presence of a kernel feature
- FECLEAREXCEPT(3) - floating-point exception flag manipulation
- Feed::Find(3) - Syndication feed auto-discovery
- FEENABLEEXCEPT(3) - floating-point exception masking
- Feersum(3) - A PSGI engine for Perl based on EV/libev
- Feersum::Connection(3) - HTTP connection encapsulation
- Feersum::Connection::Handle(3) - PSGI-style reader/writer objects.
- Feersum::Runner(3) - feersum script core
- FEGETENV(3) - floating-point environment save and restore
- FEGETROUND(3) - floating-point rounding control
- Fennec::Lite(3) - Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits.
- FENV(3) - floating-point environment control
- FERROR(3) - check and reset stream status
- FEXECL(3) - executes a program
- FEXECLE(3) - executes a program
- FEXECV(3) - executes a program
- FEXECVE(3) - executes a program
- ffclose(3)
- ffdopen(3)
- ffgetc(3)
- FFI::Build(3) - Build shared libraries for use with FFI
- FFI::Build::File::Base(3) - Base class for File::Build files
- FFI::Build::File::C(3) - Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
- FFI::Build::File::CXX(3) - Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
- FFI::Build::File::Library(3) - Class to track object file in FFI::Build
- FFI::Build::File::Object(3) - Class to track object file in FFI::Build
- FFI::Build::MM(3) - FFI::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- FFI::Build::Platform(3) - Platform specific configuration.
- FFI::CheckLib(3) - Check that a library is available for FFI
- FFI::Platypus(3) - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
- FFI::Platypus::API(3) - Platypus arguments and return value API for custom types
- FFI::Platypus::Buffer(3) - Convert scalars to C buffers
- FFI::Platypus::Bundle(3) - Bundle foreign code with your Perl module
- FFI::Platypus::Closure(3) - Platypus closure object
- FFI::Platypus::Constant(3) - Define constants in C space for Perl
- FFI::Platypus::Declare(3) - (discouraged) Declarative interface to FFI::Platypus
- FFI::Platypus::DL(3) - Slightly non-portable interface to libdl
- FFI::Platypus::Function(3) - An FFI function object
- FFI::Platypus::Internal(3) - For internal use only
- FFI::Platypus::Lang(3) - Language specific customizations
- FFI::Platypus::Lang::ASM(3) - Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Assembly
- FFI::Platypus::Lang::C(3) - Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the C programming language
- FFI::Platypus::Lang::Win32(3) - Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Windows API
- FFI::Platypus::Legacy(3) - Legacy Platypus interfaces
- FFI::Platypus::Memory(3) - Memory functions for FFI
- FFI::Platypus::Record(3) - FFI support for structured records data
- FFI::Platypus::Record::Meta(3) - FFI support for structured records data
- FFI::Platypus::Record::TieArray(3) - Tied array interface for record array members
- FFI::Platypus::ShareConfig(3)
- FFI::Platypus::Type(3) - Defining types for FFI::Platypus
- FFI::Platypus::Type::PointerSizeBuffer(3) - Convert string scalar to a buffer as a pointer / size_t combination
- FFI::Platypus::Type::StringArray(3) - Platypus custom type for arrays of strings
- FFI::Platypus::Type::StringPointer(3) - Convert a pointer to a string and back
- FFI::Platypus::Type::WideString(3) - Platypus custom type for Unicode "wide" strings
- FFI::Platypus::TypeParser(3) - FFI Type Parser
- FFI::Platypus::TypeParser::Version0(3) - FFI Type Parser Version Zero
- FFI::Platypus::TypeParser::Version1(3) - FFI Type Parser Version One
- FFI::Probe(3) - System detection and probing for FFI extensions.
- FFI::Probe::Runner(3) - Probe runner for FFI
- FFI::Probe::Runner::Builder(3) - Probe runner builder for FFI
- FFI::Probe::Runner::Result(3) - The results from a probe run.
- FFI::Temp(3) - Temp Dir support for FFI::Platypus
- ffi_call(3) - Invoke a foreign function.
- ffi_prep_cif(3)
- ffi_prep_cif_var(3)
- fFind(3) - find a file lock.
- FFLUSH(3) - flush a stream
- FFmpeg::Command(3) - A wrapper class for ffmpeg/avconv command line utility.
- ffopen(3)
- ffpclose(3)
- ffpopen(3)
- ffprintf(3)
- ffputc(3)
- ffread_line_malloc(3)
- FFS(3) - find first or last bit set in a bit string
- ffstdin(3)
- ffstdout(3)
- ffungetc(3)
- FGETLINE(3) - gets a line from a file
- FGETLN(3) - get a line from a stream
- FGETS(3) - get a line from a stream
- FGETU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- FGETWLN(3) - get a line of wide characters from a stream
- FGETWS(3) - get a line of wide characters from a stream
- fi_atomic(3) - Remote atomic functions
- fi_av(3) - Address vector operations
- fi_av_set(3) - Address vector set operations
- fi_cm(3) - Connection management operations
- fi_cntr(3) - Completion and event counter operations
- fi_collective(3)
- fi_control(3) - Perform an operation on a fabric resource.
- fi_cq(3) - Completion queue operations
- fi_domain(3) - Open a fabric access domain
- fi_endpoint(3) - Fabric endpoint operations
- fi_eq(3) - Event queue operations
- fi_errno(3) - fabric errors
- fi_fabric(3) - Fabric network operations
- fi_getinfo(3) - Obtain / free fabric interface information
- fi_mr(3) - Memory region operations
- fi_msg(3) - Message data transfer operations
- fi_nic(3) - Fabric network interface card attributes
- fi_poll(3) - Polling and wait set operations
- fi_provider(3) - External provider entry point
- fi_rma(3) - Remote memory access operations
- fi_tagged(3) - Tagged data transfer operations
- fi_trigger(3) - Triggered operations
- fi_version(3) - Version of the library interfaces
- FIDO_ASSERT_ALLOW_CRED(3) - appends a credential ID to the list of credentials allowed in an assertion
- FIDO_ASSERT_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 assertion API
- FIDO_ASSERT_SET_AUTHDATA(3) - set parameters of a FIDO 2 assertion
- FIDO_ASSERT_VERIFY(3) - verifies the signature of a FIDO 2 assertion statement
- FIDO_BIO_DEV_GET_INFO(3) - FIDO 2 biometric authenticator API
- FIDO_BIO_ENROLL_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 biometric enrollment API
- FIDO_BIO_INFO_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 biometric sensor information API
- FIDO_BIO_TEMPLATE(3) - FIDO 2 biometric template API
- FIDO_CRED_EXCLUDE(3) - appends a credential ID to a credential's list of excluded credentials
- FIDO_CRED_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 credential API
- FIDO_CRED_SET_AUTHDATA(3) - set parameters of a FIDO 2 credential
- FIDO_CRED_VERIFY(3) - verifies the attestation signature of a FIDO 2 credential
- FIDO_CREDMAN_METADATA_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 credential management API
- FIDO_DEV_ENABLE_ENTATTEST(3) - FIDO 2.1 configuration authenticator API
- FIDO_DEV_GET_ASSERT(3) - obtains an assertion from a FIDO device
- FIDO_DEV_GET_TOUCH_BEGIN(3) - asynchronously wait for touch on a FIDO 2 authenticator
- FIDO_DEV_INFO_MANIFEST(3) - FIDO 2 device discovery functions
- FIDO_DEV_MAKE_CRED(3) - generates a new credential on a FIDO device
- FIDO_DEV_OPEN(3) - FIDO 2 device open/close and related functions
- FIDO_DEV_SET_IO_FUNCTIONS(3) - FIDO 2 device I/O interface
- FIDO_DEV_SET_PIN(3) - FIDO 2 device management functions
- FIDO_INIT(3) - initialise the FIDO 2 library
- FIDO_LARGEBLOB_GET(3) - FIDO 2 large blob API
- FIDO_STRERR(3) - FIDO 2 error codes
- FIGPAR(3) - configuration file parsing library
- File::Append::TempFile(3) - Perl extension for appending data to files
- File::Assets(3) - Manage .css and .js assets for a web page or application
- File::Assets::Asset(3)
- File::Attributes(3) - Manipulate file metadata
- File::Attributes::Base(3) - Base class for File::Attributes
- File::Attributes::Recursive(3) - Inherit file attributes from parent directories.
- File::Attributes::Simple(3) - the simplest implementation of File::Attributes
- File::BackupCopy(3) - create a backup copy of the file.
- File::BaseDir(3) - Use the Freedesktop.org base directory specification
- File::Basename(3) - Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix.
- File::BasicFlock(3) - file locking with flock
- File::Binary(3) - Binary file reading module
- File::BOM(3) - Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
- File::ChangeNotify(3) - Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style
- File::ChangeNotify::Event(3) - Class for file change events
- File::ChangeNotify::Watcher(3) - Role consumed by all watchers
- File::ChangeNotify::Watcher::Default(3) - Fallback default watcher subclass
- File::ChangeNotify::Watcher::Inotify(3) - Inotify-based watcher subclass
- File::ChangeNotify::Watcher::KQueue(3) - KQueue-based watcher subclass
- File::chdir(3) - a more sensible way to change directories
- File::chmod(3) - Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
- File::Cmp(3) - compare two files character by character
- File::Compare(3) - Compare files or filehandles
- File::ConfigDir(3) - Get directories of configuration files
- File::Copy(3) - Copy files or filehandles
- File::Copy::Link(3) - extension for replacing a link by a copy of the linked file
- File::Copy::Recursive(3) - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
- File::Copy::Recursive::Reduced(3) - Recursive copying of files and directories within Perl 5 toolchain
- File::CountLines(3) - efficiently count the number of line breaks in a file.
- File::CreationTime(3) - Keeps track of file creation times
- File::DesktopEntry(3) - Object to handle .desktop files
- File::Dir::Dumper(3) - dump directory structures' meta-data in a consistent and machine-readable way.
- File::Dir::Dumper::App(3) - a command line app-implemented as a class to do the dumping.
- File::Dir::Dumper::Base(3) - base class for File::Dir::Dumper. for internal use
- File::Dir::Dumper::Scanner(3) - scans a directory and returns a stream of Perl hash-refs
- File::Dir::Dumper::Stream::JSON::Reader(3) - reader for stream of JSON objects.
- File::Dir::Dumper::Stream::JSON::Writer(3) - writer for a stream of JSON data.
- File::DirSync(3) - Syncronize two directories rapidly
- File::DosGlob(3) - DOS like globbing and then some
- File::ExtAttr(3) - Perl extension for accessing extended attributes of files
- File::ExtAttr::Tie(3) - Tie interface to extended attributes of files
- File::FcntlLock(3) - File locking with fcntl(2)
- File::FcntlLock::Inline(3) - File locking with fcntl(2)
- File::FcntlLock::Pure(3) - File locking with fcntl(2)
- File::FcntlLock::XS(3) - File locking with fcntl(2)
- File::Fetch(3) - A generic file fetching mechanism
- File::Find(3) - Traverse a directory tree.
- File::Find::Closures(3) - functions you can use with File::Find
- File::Find::Object(3) - An object oriented File::Find replacement
- File::Find::Object::Base(3) - base class for File::Find::Object
- File::Find::Object::PathComp(3) - base class for File::Find::Object's Path Components
- File::Find::Object::Result(3) - a result class for File::Find::Object
- File::Find::Object::Rule(3) - Alternative interface to File::Find::Object
- File::Find::Object::Rule::Extending(3) - the mini-guide to extending File::Find::Object::Rule
- File::Find::Object::Rule::Procedural(3) - File::Find::Object::Rule's procedural interface
- File::Find::Rule(3) - Alternative interface to File::Find
- File::Find::Rule::Extending(3) - the mini-guide to extending File::Find::Rule
- File::Find::Rule::Filesys::Virtual(3) - File::Find::Rule adapted to Filesys::Virtual
- File::Find::Rule::Perl(3) - Common rules for searching for Perl things
- File::Find::Rule::Procedural(3) - File::Find::Rule's procedural interface
- File::Find::Rule::VCS(3) - Exclude files/directories for Version Control Systems
- File::Finder(3) - nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)
- File::Finder::Steps(3) - steps for File::Finder
- File::Flat(3) - Implements a flat filesystem
- File::Flock(3) - file locking with flock
- File::Flock::Forking(3) - adjust File::Flock to handle fork()
- File::Flock::Retry(3) - Yet another flock module
- File::Flock::Subprocess(3) - file locking with flock in a subprocess
- File::Format::RIFF(3) - Resource Interchange File Format/RIFF files
- File::Format::RIFF::Chunk(3) - a single RIFF chunk
- File::Format::RIFF::Container(3) - RIFF Container (Lists and RIFFs)
- File::Format::RIFF::List(3) - a single RIFF list
- File::Glob(3) - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
- File::GlobMapper(3) - Extend File Glob to Allow Input and Output Files
- File::HomeDir(3) - Find your home and other directories on any platform
- File::HomeDir::Darwin(3) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
- File::HomeDir::Darwin::Carbon(3) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
- File::HomeDir::Darwin::Cocoa(3) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
- File::HomeDir::Driver(3) - Base class for all File::HomeDir drivers
- File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop(3) - Find your home and other directories on FreeDesktop.org Unix
- File::HomeDir::MacOS9(3) - Find your home and other directories on legacy Macintosh systems
- File::HomeDir::PathClass(3) - File::HomeDir returning Path::Class objects
- File::HomeDir::Test(3) - Prevent the accidental creation of user-owned files during testing
- File::HomeDir::Tiny(3) - Find your home directory
- File::HomeDir::Unix(3) - Find your home and other directories on legacy Unix
- File::HomeDir::Windows(3) - Find your home and other directories on Windows
- File::HStore(3) - Perl extension to store files on a filesystem using a very simple hash-based storage.
- File::IconTheme(3) - Find icon directories
- File::Inplace(3) - Perl module for in-place editing of files
- File::KeePass(3) - Interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
- File::KeePass::Agent(3) - Application agent for working with File::KeePass objects
- File::KeePass::Agent::linux(3) - platform specific utilities for Agent
- File::KeePass::Agent::unix(3) - platform specific utilities for Agent
- File::LibMagic(3) - Determine MIME types of data or files using libmagic
- File::LibMagic::Constants(3) - Contains a list of libmagic constant names that we use in many places
- File::Listing(3) - Parse directory listing
- File::LoadLines(3) - Load lines from file
- File::Map(3) - Memory mapping made simple and safe.
- File::MimeInfo(3) - Determine file type from the file name
- File::MimeInfo::Applications(3) - Find programs to open a file by mimetype
- File::MimeInfo::Cookbook(3) - various code snippets
- File::MimeInfo::Magic(3) - Determine file type with magic
- File::MimeInfo::Rox(3) - Open files by mimetype "Rox style"
- File::MMagic::XS(3) - Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
- File::Modified(3) - checks intelligently if files have changed
- File::Monitor(3) - Monitor files and directories for changes.
- File::Monitor::Base(3) - Common base class for file monitoring.
- File::Monitor::Delta(3) - Encapsulate a change to a file or directory
- File::Monitor::Object(3) - Monitor a filesystem object for changes.
- File::Mork(3) - a module to read Mozilla URL history files
- File::NCopy(3) - Deprecated module. Use File::Copy::Recursive instead. Copy file, file. Copy file[s] | dir[s], dir
- File::NFSLock(3) - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
- File::Path::Expand(3) - expand filenames
- File::Path::Tiny(3) - recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::Path
- File::Pid(3) - Pid File Manipulation
- File::Policy(3) - Site policy for file I/O functions
- File::Policy::Default(3) - Default policy for file I/O functions
- File::pushd(3) - change directory temporarily for a limited scope
- File::RandomAccess(3) - Random access reads of sequential file or scalar
- File::Remove(3) - Remove files and directories
- File::Rename(3) - Perl extension for renaming multiple files
- File::Rename::Options(3) - Option processing for File::Rename
- File::RsyncP(3) - Perl Rsync client
- File::RsyncP::FileIO(3) - Perl Rsync client file system IO
- File::Scan::ClamAV(3) - Connect to a local Clam Anti-Virus clamd service and send commands
- File::SearchPath(3) - Search for a file in an environment variable path
- File::Share(3) - Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries
- File::ShareDir::Install(3) - Install shared files
- File::ShareDir::PAR(3) - File::ShareDir with PAR support
- File::ShareDir::PathClass(3) - File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects
- File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir(3) - Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root
- File::ShareDir::Tarball(3) - Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballs
- File::Slurp(3) - Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Complete Files
- File::Slurp::Tiny(3) - A simple, sane and efficient file slurper [DISCOURAGED]
- File::Slurp::Tree(3) - slurp and emit file trees as nested hashes
- File::Slurp::WithinPolicy(3) - Applies filesystem policies to File::Slurp
- File::Slurper(3) - A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
- File::Spec(3) - portably perform operations on file names
- File::Spec::AmigaOS(3) - File::Spec for AmigaOS
- File::Spec::Cygwin(3) - methods for Cygwin file specs
- File::Spec::Epoc(3) - methods for Epoc file specs
- File::Spec::Functions(3) - portably perform operations on file names
- File::Spec::Link(3) - Perl extension for reading and resolving symbolic links
- File::Spec::Mac(3) - File::Spec for Mac OS (Classic)
- File::Spec::Native(3) - Use native OS implementation of File::Spec from a subclass
- File::Spec::OS2(3) - methods for OS/2 file specs
- File::Spec::Unix(3) - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules
- File::Spec::VMS(3) - methods for VMS file specs
- File::Spec::Win32(3) - methods for Win32 file specs
- File::stat(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions
- File::Stream(3) - Regular expression delimited records from streams
- File::Tail::Dir(3) - Tail all matching files in a given set of directories
- File::Tail::Scribe(3) - Monitor and send the tail of files to a Scribe logging system.
- File::Tee(3) - replicate data sent to a Perl stream
- File::Temp(3) - return name and handle of a temporary file safely
- File::Tempdir(3)
- File::Touch(3) - update file access and modification times, optionally creating files if needed
- File::TreeCreate(3) - recursively create a directory tree.
- File::Type(3) - determine file type using magic
- File::Type::Builder(3) - parse mime-magic and generate code
- File::UserDirs(3) - Find extra media and documents directories
- File::Util(3) - Easy, versatile, portable file handling
- File::Util::Cookbook(3) - File::Util in Action
- File::Util::Definitions(3) - Global symbols and constants used in most File::Util classes
- File::Util::Exception(3) - Base exception class for File::Util
- File::Util::Exception::Diagnostic(3) - Diagnostic (verbose) error messages
- File::Util::Exception::Standard(3) - Standard (non-verbose) error messages
- File::Util::Interface::Classic(3) - Legacy call interface to File::Util
- File::Util::Interface::Modern(3) - Modern call interface to File::Util
- File::Util::Manual(3) - File::Util Reference
- File::Util::Manual::Examples(3) - File::Util Examples
- File::Which(3) - Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
- File::Write::Rotate(3) - Write to files that archive/rotate themselves
- file_exists(3) - Tells if a file exists. Allegro game programming library.
- FILE_RAISE(3) - controls raising of file_read_err and file_write_err
- file_select_ex(3) - Displays the Allegro file selector with a caption.
- file_size_ex(3) - Returns the size of a file in bytes. Allegro game programming library.
- file_sorter(3) - File sorter.
- file_time(3) - Returns the modification time of a file. Allegro game programming library.
- FILECLOSE(3) - closes a file
- FileDialog(3) - A highly configurable File Dialog widget for Perl/Tk.
- fileevent(3) - Execute a callback when a filehandle becomes readable or writable
- FileHandle::Unget(3) - FileHandle which supports multi-byte unget
- filelib(3) - File utilities, such as wildcard matching of filenames.
- FileList(3) - Perl interface to rsync file list encoding and decoding.
- FILELUOPEN(3) - opens a file given a logical unit number
- FILEOPEN(3) - opens or creates files
- FILEPOS(3) - returns the logical position in a file
- FILEREAD(3) - reads file into buffer
- FILEREOPEN(3) - opens a new file on an open stream
- FILESEEK(3) - sets file position
- FileSelect(3) - a widget for choosing files
- FILESTAT(3) - copies file descriptor information to buffer
- Filesys::DiskSpace(3) - Perl df
- Filesys::DiskUsage(3) - Estimate file space usage (similar to `du`)
- Filesys::Notify::KQueue(3) - Wrap IO::KQueue for watching file system.
- Filesys::Notify::Simple(3) - Simple and dumb file system watcher
- Filesys::Virtual::DAAP(3) - present a DAAP share as a VFS
- Filesys::ZFS(3)
- Filesys::ZFS::Stat(3) - read ZFS statistics on FreeBSD
- filetest(3) - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
- FILEWRITE(3) - writes into file
- fill_surface(3)
- FillIn(3) - a class implementing a fill-in template
- Filter::Boolean(3) - Special filter to combine the results of others
- Filter::CBC(3) - Source filter for Cipher Block Chaining
- Filter::cpp(3) - cpp source filter
- Filter::Crypto(3) - Create runnable Perl files encrypted with OpenSSL libcrypto
- Filter::Crypto::CryptFile(3) - Encrypt (and decrypt) Perl files
- Filter::Crypto::Decrypt(3) - Perl source code filter to run encrypted Perl files
- Filter::exec(3) - exec source filter
- Filter::LevelMatch(3) - Filter to match the log level exactly
- Filter::LevelRange(3) - Filter for a range of log levels
- Filter::m4(3) - M4 source filter
- Filter::MDC(3) - Filter to match on values of a MDC key
- Filter::sh(3) - sh source filter
- Filter::Simple(3) - Simplified source filtering
- Filter::StringMatch(3) - Filter on log message string
- Filter::Template(3) - a source filter for inline code templates (macros)
- Filter::Template::UseBytes(3) - conditionally use bytes.pm depending on availability
- Filter::Util::Call(3) - Perl Source Filter Utility Module
- filter_create_fd(3) - Create a sub process and return the requested pipes
- filter_create_fp(3) - similar to filter_create_fd except with buffered FILE*
- filter_wait(3) - wrap waitpid to decode the exitcode and why your filter quit
- FilterXML(3) - Filter email based on a rules file written in XML.
- finalize_3dmodel(3)
- Finance::Amortization(3) - Simple Amortization Schedules
- Finance::Bitcoin(3) - manage a bitcoin instance
- Finance::Bitcoin::Address(3) - a bitcoin address
- Finance::Bitcoin::API(3) - wrapper for the Bitcoin JSON-RPC API
- Finance::Bitcoin::Role::HasAPI(3) - role for objects with an "api" attribute
- Finance::Bitcoin::Wallet(3) - a bitcoin wallet
- Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX(3) - Lightweight currency conversion using WebserviceX.NET
- Finance::Currency::Convert::XE(3) - Currency conversion module.
- Finance::Quote(3) - Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
- Finance::Quote::AEX(3) - Obtain quotes from Amsterdam Euronext eXchange
- Finance::Quote::AlphaVantage(3) - Obtain quotes from https://iexcloud.io
- Finance::Quote::ASEGR(3) - Obtain quotes from Athens Exchange Group
- Finance::Quote::ASX(3) - Obtain quotes from the Australian Stock Exchange.
- Finance::Quote::Bloomberg(3) - Obtain fund prices from Bloomberg.com
- Finance::Quote::Bourso(3) - Obtain quotes from Boursorama.
- Finance::Quote::BSEIndia(3) - Obtain quotes from BSE (India).
- Finance::Quote::Cdnfundlibrary(3) - Obtain mutual fund prices from www.fundlibrary.com
- Finance::Quote::Comdirect(3) - Obtain quotes from https://www.comdirect.de
- Finance::Quote::CSE(3) - Obtain quotes from Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka
- Finance::Quote::Currencies(3) - List of currencies from iban.com
- Finance::Quote::CurrencyRates::AlphaVantage(3) - Obtain currency rates from https://www.alphavantage.co
- Finance::Quote::CurrencyRates::ECB(3) - Obtain currency rates from https://www.ecb.europa.eu
- Finance::Quote::CurrencyRates::Fixer(3) - Obtain currency rates from https://fixer.io
- Finance::Quote::CurrencyRates::OpenExchange(3) - Obtain currency rates from https://openexchangerates.org
- Finance::Quote::Deka(3)
- Finance::Quote::DWS(3) - Obtain quotes from DWS (Deutsche Bank Gruppe)
- Finance::Quote::Fidelity(3) - Obtain information from Fidelity Investments.
- Finance::Quote::Finanzpartner(3) - Obtain quotes from Finanzpartner.de.
- Finance::Quote::Fondsweb(3) - Obtain price data from Fondsweb (Germany)
- Finance::Quote::Fool(3) - Obtain quotes from the Motley Fool web site.
- Finance::Quote::FTfunds(3) - Obtain UK Unit Trust quotes from FT.com (Financial Times).
- Finance::Quote::Fundata(3) - Obtain Canadian mutual fund quotes from Fundata
- Finance::Quote::GoldMoney(3) - obtain spot rates from GoldMoney.
- Finance::Quote::HU(3) - Obtain Hungarian Securities from www.bet.hu and www.bamosz.hu
- Finance::Quote::IEXCloud(3) - Obtain quotes from https://iexcloud.io
- Finance::Quote::IndiaMutual(3) - Obtain Indian mutual fund prices from amfiindia.com
- Finance::Quote::MorningstarAU(3) - Obtain Australian managed fund quotes from morningstar.com.au
- Finance::Quote::MorningstarJP(3) - Obtain price data from Morningstar (Japan).
- Finance::Quote::MStaruk(3) - Obtain UK Unit Trust quotes from morningstar.co.uk.
- Finance::Quote::NSEIndia(3) - Obtain quotes from NSE India.
- Finance::Quote::NZX(3) - Obtain quotes from New Zealand's Exchange www.nzx.com
- Finance::Quote::OnVista(3) - Obtain quotes from OnVista.
- Finance::Quote::Oslobors(3) - Obtain fund quotes from Oslo stock exchange
- Finance::Quote::SEB(3) - Obtain fund prices from www.seb.se
- Finance::Quote::SIX(3) - Obtain quotes from the Swiss Stock Exchange
- Finance::Quote::Tiaacref(3) - Obtain quote from TIAA (formerly TIAA-CREF)
- Finance::Quote::TMX(3) - Obtain quotes from the Toronto Stock Exchange (https://money.tmx.com)
- Finance::Quote::Tradeville(3) - Obtain quotes from Bucharest Stock Exchange.
- Finance::Quote::Troweprice(3) - Obtain quotes from T. Rowe Price
- Finance::Quote::TSP(3) - Obtain fund prices for US Federal Government Thrift Savings Plan
- Finance::Quote::Union(3)
- Finance::Quote::USFedBonds(3) - Get US Federal Bond redemption values from http://www.treasurydirect.gov
- Finance::Quote::XETRA(3) - Obtain quotes from XETRA/XFRA.
- Finance::Quote::YahooJSON(3) - Obtain quotes from Yahoo Finance through JSON call
- Finance::Quote::ZA(3) - Obtain South African stock and prices from https://www.sharenet.co.za
- Finance::QuoteHist(3) - Perl module for fetching historical stock quotes.
- Finance::QuoteHist::Generic(3) - Base class for retrieving historical stock quotes.
- Finance::QuoteHist::Yahoo(3) - Site-specific subclass for retrieving historical stock quotes.
- Finance::QuoteTW(3) - Fetch quotes of mutual funds in Taiwan
- Finance::QuoteTW::Allianz(3) - Get fund quotes from www.allianzglobalinvestors.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Blackrock(3) - Get fund quotes from www.blackrock.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Capital(3) - Get fund quotes from www.capitalfund.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Franklin(3) - Get fund quotes from www.franklin.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Iit(3) - Get fund quotes from www.iit.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Jpmrich(3) - Get fund quotes from www.jpmrich.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Paradigm(3) - Get fund quotes from www.paradigm-fund.com
- Finance::QuoteTW::Schroders(3) - Get fund quotes from www.schroders.com.tw
- Finance::QuoteTW::Tisc(3) - Get fund quotes from www.tisc.com.tw
- Finance::TW::EmergingQuote(3) - Check stock quotes from Taiwan Emerging Stock
- Finance::TW::TSEQuote(3) - Check stock quotes from Taiwan Security Exchange
- Financial(3) - Calculates figures relating to loans and annuities.
- Find::Lib(3) - Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
- find_allegro_resource(3) - Searches for a support file in many places. Allegro game programming library.
- find_datafile_object(3) - Searches a datafile for an object with a name. Allegro game programming library.
- find_dialog_focus(3) - Searches the dialog for the object which has the input focus. Allegro game programming library.
- FindBin(3) - Locate directory of original perl script
- FindBin::libs(3) - locate and a 'use lib' or export directories based on $FindBin::Bin.
- FINDLINE(3) - finds a line that has a matching field
- Finger(3) - a Perl implementation of a finger client.
- FireButton(3) - Button that keeps invoking callback when pressed
- firedns_aton4(3) - convert a dotted quad IPv4 address to binary format
- firedns_aton6(3) - convert a colon seperated IPv6 address to binary format
- firedns_dnsbl_lookup(3) - Create a query to look up an IP in a DNS-based blacklist
- firedns_free_mxalist(3) - Free a previously returned MX/A list structure
- firedns_getcname(3) - Create a query to resolve the canonical name of a host
- firedns_getip4(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname to an IPv4 address
- firedns_getip4list(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname to a list of IPv4 addresses
- firedns_getip6(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname to an IPv6 address
- firedns_getip6list(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname to a list of IPv6 addresses
- firedns_getmx(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname's MX record
- firedns_getmxlist(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname's MX record list
- firedns_getname4(3) - Create a query to resolve an IPv4 address to a hostname
- firedns_getname6(3) - Create a query to resolve an IPv6 address to a hostname
- firedns_getresult(3) - Retrieve a result from a previous FireDNS query
- firedns_gettxt(3) - Create a query to resolve a hostname's TXT record
- firedns_gettxtlist(3) - Create a query to resolve a TXT record of a hostname
- firedns_ntoa4(3) - convert a binary format IPv4 address to a dotted quad string
- firedns_ntoa6(3) - convert a binary format IPv6 address to a colon seperated string
- firedns_resolvecname(3) - Resolve the canonical name of a host
- firedns_resolveip4(3) - Resolve a hostname to an IPv4 address
- firedns_resolveip4list(3) - Resolve a list of A records of a hostname
- firedns_resolveip6(3) - Resolve a hostname to an IPv6 address
- firedns_resolveip6list(3) - Resolve a list of AAAA records of a hostname
- firedns_resolvemx(3) - Resolve an MX record of a hostname
- firedns_resolvemxalist(3) - Resolve a list of MX records of a hostname and their corresponding A records
- firedns_resolvemxlist(3) - Resolve a list of MX records of a hostname
- firedns_resolvename4(3) - Resolve a hostname from an IPv4 address
- firedns_resolvename6(3) - Resolve a hostname from an IPv6 address
- firedns_resolvetxt(3) - Resolve a TXT record of a hostname
- firedns_resolvetxtlist(3) - Resolve a list of TXT records of a hostname
- Firefox::Marionette(3) - Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Buttons(3) - Human readable mouse buttons for the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Capabilities(3) - Represents Firefox Capabilities retrieved using the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Certificate(3) - Represents a x509 Certificate from Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Cookie(3) - Represents a Firefox cookie retrieved using the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Element(3) - Represents a Firefox element retrieved using the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Element::Rect(3) - Represents the box around an Element
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception(3) - Represents an base exception class for exceptions for Firefox::Marionette
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception::InsecureCertificate(3) - Represents a 'insecure certificate' exception thrown by Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NoSuchAlert(3) - Represents a 'no such alert' exception thrown by Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NotFound(3) - Represents a 'no such element' exception thrown by Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception::Response(3) - Represents an exception thrown by Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Exception::StaleElement(3) - Represents a 'stale element reference' exception thrown by Firefox
- Firefox::Marionette::Extension::HarExportTrigger(3) - Contains the HAR Export Trigger extension
- Firefox::Marionette::Image(3) - Represents an image from the images method
- Firefox::Marionette::Keys(3) - Human readable special keys for the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Link(3) - Represents a link from the links method
- Firefox::Marionette::Login(3) - Represents a login from the Firefox Password Manager
- Firefox::Marionette::Profile(3) - Represents a prefs.js Firefox Profile
- Firefox::Marionette::Proxy(3) - Represents a Proxy used by Firefox Capabilities using the Marionette protocol
- Firefox::Marionette::Response(3) - Represents a Marionette protocol response
- Firefox::Marionette::Timeouts(3) - Represents the timeouts for page loading, searching, and scripts.
- Firefox::Marionette::UpdateStatus(3) - Represents the resulting status of an Firefox update
- Firefox::Marionette::Window::Rect(3) - Represents the browser window's shape and size
- firestring_chomp(3) - trim excess whitespace from the end of a string
- firestring_chug(3) - trim excess whitespace from the beginning of a string
- firestring_concat(3) - concatenate strings
- firestring_conf_add(3) - add an entry to a configuration structure
- firestring_conf_delete(3) - remove an entry from a configuration structure
- firestring_conf_find(3) - retrieve a value from a configuration structure
- firestring_conf_find_next(3) - retrieve an array value from a configuration structure
- firestring_conf_free(3) - free memory used by a configuration structure
- firestring_conf_parse(3) - read and parse a configuration file
- firestring_conf_parse_next(3) - add on to a previously parsed file
- firestring_estr_0(3) - append a trailing nil to an estring
- firestring_estr_aestrcpy(3) - copy an estring into another estring, expanding the destination if necessary
- firestring_estr_alloc(3) - allocate space for an estring
- firestring_estr_astrcat(3) - concatenate a string onto an estring
- firestring_estr_astrcpy(3) - copy a string into an estring, expanding the destination if necessary
- firestring_estr_base64_decode(3) - decode an estring encoded via base64 into another estring
- firestring_estr_base64_encode(3) - encode an estring via base64 into another estring
- firestring_estr_chomp(3) - remove whitespace from the end of an estring
- firestring_estr_chug(3) - remove whitespace from the beginning of an estring
- firestring_estr_eends(3) - check case-insensitively if an estring ends with an estring
- firestring_estr_ends(3) - check case-insensitively if an estring ends with a string
- firestring_estr_estarts(3) - check case-insensitively if an estring starts with an estring
- firestring_estr_estrcasecmp(3) - compare two estrings case-insensitively
- firestring_estr_estrcat(3) - concatentate an estring onto another estring, expanding the destination if necessary
- firestring_estr_estrcmp(3) - compare two estrings
- firestring_estr_estrcpy(3) - copy an estring into another estring
- firestring_estr_estristr(3) - search for an estring case-insensitively in an estring
- firestring_estr_estrncasecmp(3) - compare two estring segments case-insensitively
- firestring_estr_estrstr(3) - search for an estring in an estring
- firestring_estr_expand(3) - expand an estring's space to a minimum length
- firestring_estr_free(3) - free space allocated to an estring
- firestring_estr_ip_chug(3) - remove whitespace from the beginning of an estring
- firestring_estr_ip_trim(3) - remove whitespace from the beginning and end of an estring
- firestring_estr_munch(3) - remove characters from the beginning of an estring
- firestring_estr_read(3) - read from a file descriptor into an estring
- firestring_estr_replace(3) - Replace occurences of one string with another, allocating space if needed
- firestring_estr_sprintf(3)
- firestring_estr_sprintfe(3)
- firestring_estr_starts(3) - check case-insensitively if an estring starts with a string
- firestring_estr_strcasecmp(3) - compare an estring and a string case-insensitively
- firestring_estr_strcat(3) - concatenate a string onto an estring
- firestring_estr_strchr(3) - search for a character in an estring
- firestring_estr_strcmp(3) - compare an estring and a string
- firestring_estr_strcpy(3) - copy a string into an estring
- firestring_estr_stristr(3) - search case-insensitively for a string in an estring
- firestring_estr_strstr(3) - search for a string in an estring
- firestring_estr_tolower(3) - convert all letters in an estring to lower case
- firestring_estr_toupper(3) - convert all letters in an estring to upper case
- firestring_estr_trim(3) - remove whitespace from the beginning and end of an estring
- firestring_estr_vsprintf(3)
- firestring_estr_vsprintfe(3)
- firestring_estr_xml_decode(3) - decode an estring from XML quoted data into ASCII into another estring
- firestring_estr_xml_encode(3) - encode an estring into another estring for transmission inside XML data
- firestring_fprintf(3)
- firestring_fprintfe(3)
- firestring_hextoi(3) - return a numerical value for a 2 digit hex string
- firestring_malloc(3)
- firestring_printf(3)
- firestring_printfe(3)
- firestring_realloc(3)
- firestring_set_error_handler(3) - set the function to be called on an allocation failure
- firestring_snprintf(3)
- firestring_strcasecmp(3)
- firestring_strdup(3)
- firestring_strncasecmp(3)
- firestring_strncat(3)
- firestring_strncpy(3)
- firestring_trim(3) - trim excess whitespace from the start and end of a string
- firestring_vfprintf(3)
- firestring_vfprintfe(3)
- FITS(3) - but it allows Least Surprise to work when adding more complicated objects such as collections of numbers (via the repeat count) or variable length arrays.)
- fix_filename_case(3) - Converts a filename to a standardised case. Allegro game programming library.
- fix_filename_slashes(3) - Converts all the directory separators to a standard character. Allegro game programming library.
- FixedLength(3) - parse an ascii string containing fixed length fields into component parts
- FixedPrecision(3) - Decimal Math without Floating Point Errors
- fixup_datafile(3) - Fixes truecolor images in compiled datafiles. Allegro game programming library.
- Flea(3) - Minimalistic sugar for your Plack
- FlexRaw(3) - Data should be readonly Creat - Create file if it doesn't exist Trunc - File should be truncated to a length that conforms with the header
- fli_bitmap(3) - Contains the current frame of the animation. Allegro game programming library.
- fli_bmp_dirty_from(3) - Indicate which parts of the image have changed. Allegro game programming library.
- fli_frame(3) - Stores the current frame number of the animation. Allegro game programming library.
- fli_pal_dirty_from(3) - Indicate which parts of the palette have changed. Allegro game programming library.
- fli_palette(3) - Contains the current palette of the animation. Allegro game programming library.
- fli_timer(3) - Global variable for timing FLI playback. Allegro game programming library.
- Flickr::API(3) - Perl interface to the Flickr API
- Flickr::API::Cameras(3) - An interface to the flickr.cameras.* methods.
- Flickr::API::People(3) - Perl interface to the Flickr API's flickr.people.* methods.
- Flickr::API::Reflection(3) - An interface to the flickr.reflection.* methods.
- Flickr::API::Request(3) - A request to the Flickr API
- Flickr::API::Response(3) - A response from the flickr API.
- Flickr::API::Upload(3) - An upload via the Flickr API
- Flickr::Upload(3) - Upload images to "flickr.com"
- Fliggy(3) - Twiggy with inlined Flash Policy Server
- Fliggy::Server(3) - Fliggy implementation
- Flines(3) - dim alternate lines to emulate a video display
- float_cmp(3)
- FLOAT_TO_EXP(3) - Convert floating point values into "exponential" pixels.
- FLOCKFILE(3) - stdio locking functions
- floodfill(3) - Floodfills an enclosed area. Allegro game programming library.
- FLOOR(3) - largest integral value less than or equal to x
- FLOPEN(3) - Reliably open and lock a file
- Flowchart(3) - ASCII Flowchart maker
- Flowd(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- flowkey(3) - SiLK plug-in providing YAF flow key filter and field
- flowrate(3) - SiLK plug-in providing payload and rate filters and fields
- flush_config_file(3) - Flushes the current config file to disk. Allegro game programming library.
- Flux(3) - Class for handling astronomical flux quantities.
- FluxColor(3) - Class for handling astronomical color quantities.
- Fluxes(3) - Class for handling a collection of astronomical flux quantities.
- FLV::AMFReader(3) - Wrapper for the AMF::Perl deserializer
- FLV::AMFWriter(3) - Wrapper for the AMF::Perl serializer
- FLV::AudioTag(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FLV::Base(3) - Utility methods for other FLV::* classes
- FLV::Body(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FLV::Cut(3) - Extract FLV segments into new files
- FLV::File(3) - Parse Flash Video files
- FLV::FromSWF(3) - Convert a SWF file into an FLV file
- FLV::Header(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FLV::Info(3) - Extract metadata from Adobe Flash Video files
- FLV::MetaTag(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FLV::Splice(3) - Concatenate FLV files into new files
- FLV::Tag(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FLV::ToMP3(3) - Convert audio from a FLV file into an MP3 file
- FLV::ToSWF(3) - Convert an FLV file into a SWF file
- FLV::Util(3) - Flash video data and helper subroutines
- FLV::VideoTag(3) - Flash video file data structure
- FMA(3) - fused multiply-add
- FMAX(3) - floating-point maximum and minimum functions
- fmemcmp(3) - fuzzy comparison of two memory areas
- fmemcmpi(3) - fuzzy comparison of two memory areas
- FMOD(3) - floating-point remainder functions
- Fmode(3) - determine whether a filehandle is opened for reading, writing, or both.
- fmt_8long(3) - write an octal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer
- fmt_asn1derlength(3) - encode unsigned integer like ASN.1 DER length
- fmt_asn1dertag(3) - encode unsigned integer like ASN.1 DER tag
- fmt_double(3) - write an ASCII representation of a double
- fmt_fill(3) - append spaces to a string
- fmt_httpdate(3) - write a date in ASCII as in the HTTP protocol
- fmt_human(3) - write a human readable ASCII representation of a long integer
- fmt_humank(3) - write a human readable ASCII representation of a long integer
- fmt_ip4(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv4 number
- fmt_ip6(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv6 number
- fmt_ip6_flat(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv6 number
- fmt_ip6c(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv6 number
- fmt_ip6if(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv6 number
- fmt_ip6ifc(3) - write a formatted ASCII representation of an IPv6 number
- fmt_iso8601(3) - write a date in ASCII conforming to ISO-8601
- fmt_long(3) - write an ASCII representation of a long integer
- fmt_longlong(3) - write an ASCII representation of a long long integer
- fmt_minus(3) - write '-' for negative integers
- fmt_netstring(3) - convert a memory buffer into a netstring
- fmt_pad(3) - pad a string with spaces.
- fmt_plusminus(3) - write '+' or '-'
- fmt_str(3) - write an ASCII string
- fmt_strm(3) - write multiple ASCII strings
- fmt_strn(3) - write an ASCII string
- fmt_uint(3) - write an ASCII representation of an unsigned integer
- fmt_uint0(3) - write a zero-padded ASCII representation of an unsigned integer
- fmt_ulong(3) - write an ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer
- fmt_ulong0(3) - write a zero-padded ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer
- fmt_ulonglong(3) - write an ASCII representation of an unsigned long long integer
- fmt_utf8(3) - encode 31-bit unsigned integer using UTF-8 rules
- fmt_xlong(3) - write a hexadecimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer
- fmt_xlonglong(3) - write a hexadecimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long long integer
- FMTINSTALL(3) - support for user-defined print formats and output routines
- FMTMSG(3) - display a detailed diagnostic message
- FNAME(3) - filename manipulation
- FNMATCH(3) - test whether a filename or pathname matches a shell-style pattern
- FNPATHFIND(3) - find a file in a list of directories
- FNQUALIFY(3) - qualify a filename
- focus_target(3)
- Font::FreeType(3) - read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2
- Font::FreeType::BoundingBox(3) - a structure used to hold an outline's bounding box
- Font::FreeType::CharMap(3) - character map from font typefaces loaded from Font::FreeType
- Font::FreeType::Face(3) - font typefaces loaded from Font::FreeType
- Font::FreeType::Glyph(3) - glyphs from font typefaces loaded from Font::FreeType
- Font::FreeType::NamedInfo(3) - information from 'names table' in font file
- Font::TTF(3) - Perl module for TrueType Font hacking
- Font::TTF::AATKern(3) - AAT Kern table
- Font::TTF::AATutils(3) - Utility functions for AAT tables
- Font::TTF::Anchor(3) - Anchor points for GPOS tables
- Font::TTF::Bsln(3) - Baseline table in a font
- Font::TTF::Cmap(3) - Character map table
- Font::TTF::Coverage(3) - Opentype coverage and class definition objects
- Font::TTF::Cvt_(3) - Control Value Table in a TrueType font
- Font::TTF::Delta(3) - Opentype Device tables
- Font::TTF::DSIG(3)
- Font::TTF::Dumper(3) - Debug dump of a font datastructure, avoiding recursion on ' PARENT'
- Font::TTF::EBDT(3) - Embeeded Bitmap Data Table
- Font::TTF::EBLC(3) - Embeeded Bitmap Location Table
- Font::TTF::Fdsc(3) - Font Descriptors table in a font
- Font::TTF::Feat(3) - Font Features
- Font::TTF::Features::Cvar(3) - Class for Character Variants Feature Parameters
- Font::TTF::Features::Size(3) - Class for Size Feature Parameters
- Font::TTF::Features::Sset(3) - Class for Stylistic Set Feature Parameters
- Font::TTF::Fmtx(3) - Font Metrics table
- Font::TTF::Font(3) - Memory representation of a font
- Font::TTF::Fpgm(3) - Font program in a TrueType font. Called when a font is loaded
- Font::TTF::GDEF(3) - Opentype GDEF table support
- Font::TTF::Glat(3) - Hold glyph attributes
- Font::TTF::Gloc(3) - Offsets into Glat table for the start of the attributes for each glyph
- Font::TTF::Glyf(3) - The Glyf data table
- Font::TTF::Glyph(3) - Holds a information for a single glyph
- Font::TTF::GPOS(3) - Support for Opentype GPOS tables in conjunction with TTOpen
- Font::TTF::GrFeat(3) - Graphite Font Features
- Font::TTF::GSUB(3) - Module support for the GSUB table in conjunction with TTOpen
- Font::TTF::Hdmx(3) - Horizontal device metrics
- Font::TTF::Head(3) - The head table for a TTF Font
- Font::TTF::Hhea(3) - Horizontal Header table
- Font::TTF::Hmtx(3) - Horizontal Metrics
- Font::TTF::Kern(3) - Kerning tables
- Font::TTF::Kern::ClassArray(3) - ClassArray Kern Subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Kern::CompactClassArray(3) - Compact Class Array kern subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Kern::OrderedList(3) - Ordered List Kern subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Kern::StateTable(3) - State Table Kern subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Kern::Subtable(3) - Kern Subtable superclass for AAT
- Font::TTF::Loca(3) - the Locations table, which is intimately tied to the glyf table
- Font::TTF::LTSH(3) - Linear Threshold table
- Font::TTF::Manual(3) - Information regarding the whole module set
- Font::TTF::Maxp(3) - Maximum Profile table in a font
- Font::TTF::Mort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- Font::TTF::Mort::Chain(3) - Chain Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Contextual(3) - Contextual Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Insertion(3) - Insertion Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Ligature(3) - Ligature Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Noncontextual(3) - Noncontextual Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Rearrangement(3) - Rearrangement Mort subtable for AAT
- Font::TTF::Mort::Subtable(3) - Mort subtable superclass for AAT
- Font::TTF::Name(3) - String table for a TTF font
- Font::TTF::OldCmap(3) - Character map table
- Font::TTF::OldMort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- Font::TTF::OS_2(3) - the OS/2 table in a TTF font
- Font::TTF::OTTags(3) - Utilities for TrueType/OpenType tags
- Font::TTF::PCLT(3) - PCLT TrueType font table
- Font::TTF::Post(3) - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph
- Font::TTF::Prep(3) - Preparation hinting program. Called when ppem changes
- Font::TTF::Prop(3) - Glyph Properties table in a font
- Font::TTF::PSNames(3) - Utilities for Postscript glyph name processing
- Font::TTF::Segarr(3) - Segmented array
- Font::TTF::Silf(3) - The main Graphite table
- Font::TTF::Sill(3) - Graphite language mapping table
- Font::TTF::Table(3) - Superclass for tables and used for tables we don't have a class for
- Font::TTF::Ttc(3) - Truetype Collection class
- Font::TTF::Ttopen(3) - Opentype superclass for standard Opentype lookup based tables (GSUB and GPOS)
- Font::TTF::Useall(3) - shortcut to 'use' all the Font::TTF modules
- Font::TTF::Utils(3) - Utility functions to save fingers
- Font::TTF::Vhea(3) - Vertical Header table
- Font::TTF::Vmtx(3) - Vertical Metrics
- Font::TTF::Win32(3)
- Font::TTF::Woff(3) - holds Web Open Font File (WOFF) data for the font
- Font::TTF::Woff::MetaData(3) - WOFF metadata
- Font::TTF::Woff::PrivateData(3) - WOFF Private data
- Font::TTF::XMLparse(3) - provides support for XML parsing. Requires Expat module XML::Parser::Expat
- Font::TTFMetrics(3) - A parser for the TTF file.
- font_has_alpha(3) - Search all pixels of a font for alpha values. Allegro game programming library.
- FontDialog(3) - a font dialog widget for perl/Tk
- FOPENCOOKIE(3) - open a stream
- for_each_file_ex(3) - Executes callback() for each file matching a wildcard. Allegro game programming library.
- force_image_blend(3)
- Forecast(3) - calculates a future value
- Forest::Tree::Builder(3) - An abstract role for bottom up tree reader
- Forest::Tree::Builder::Callback(3) - A Forest tree builder with a callback for subtree construction
- Forest::Tree::Builder::SimpleTextFile(3) - Parse trees from indented ASCII files
- Forest::Tree::Constructor(3) - An abstract role for tree factories
- Forest::Tree::Indexer(3) - An abstract role for tree indexers
- Forest::Tree::Indexer::SimpleUIDIndexer(3) - Indexes a Forest::Tree heiarchy by it's UID
- Forest::Tree::Loader(3) - An abstract role for loading trees
- Forest::Tree::Loader::SimpleUIDLoader(3) - Loads a Forest::Tree heirarchy using UIDs
- Forest::Tree::Pure(3) - An n-ary tree
- Forest::Tree::Reader(3) - An abstract role for top down tree reader
- Forest::Tree::Reader::SimpleTextFile(3) - A reader for Forest::Tree heirarchies
- Forest::Tree::Roles::HasNodeFormatter(3) - Simple role for custom node formatters
- Forest::Tree::Roles::JSONable(3) - An abstract role for providing JSON serialization
- Forest::Tree::Roles::LoadWithMetaData(3) - A Moosey solution to this problem
- Forest::Tree::Roles::MetaData(3) - A role mixin to support tree node metadata
- Forest::Tree::Writer(3) - An abstract role for tree writers
- Forest::Tree::Writer::ASCIIWithBranches(3) - A slightly more complex ASCII writer
- Forest::Tree::Writer::SimpleASCII(3) - A simple ASCII writer for Forest::Tree heirarchies
- Forest::Tree::Writer::SimpleHTML(3) - A simple HTML writer for Forest::Tree heirarchies
- Fork::Early(3) - avoid having to exec another perl interpreter
- Fork::Template(3) - generate a template process from the main program
- forks::Devel::Symdump(3) - dump symbol names or the symbol table
- forks::shared(3) - drop-in replacement for Perl threads::shared with forks()
- forks::signals(3) - signal management for forks
- Form::Sensible(3) - A sensible way to handle form based user interface
- Form::Sensible::DelegateConnection(3) - Represents a connection between one object and another
- Form::Sensible::Delegation(3) - Understanding Form::Sensible's Delegation model
- Form::Sensible::FAQ(3) - Answers to questions about how to use Form::Sensible
- Form::Sensible::Field(3) - Field base class for Form::Sensible
- Form::Sensible::Field::DateTime(3) - A DateTime field type.
- Form::Sensible::Field::FileSelector(3) - Field used for file selection
- Form::Sensible::Field::LongText(3) - Field for representing large amounts of character-string data.
- Form::Sensible::Field::Number(3) - A Numeric field type.
- Form::Sensible::Field::Select(3) - A multiple-choice option field
- Form::Sensible::Field::SubForm(3) - encapsulate an entire form within another.
- Form::Sensible::Field::Text(3) - Field for representing character-strings
- Form::Sensible::Field::Toggle(3) - An on/off field
- Form::Sensible::Field::Trigger(3) - A Trigger for user activity
- Form::Sensible::Form(3) - Form::Sensible's Form class
- Form::Sensible::Overview(3) - Getting started with Form::Sensible
- Form::Sensible::Reflector(3) - A base class for writing Form::Sensible reflectors.
- Form::Sensible::Renderer(3) - Base class for Renderers.
- Form::Sensible::Renderer::HTML(3) - an HTML based Form renderer
- Form::Sensible::Renderer::HTML::RenderedForm(3) - A rendered form handle for HTML
- Form::Sensible::Validator(3) - Default Validator for Form::Sensible forms
- Form::Sensible::Validator::Result(3) - Validation results for a given form.
- FormArticle(3) - derivative of News::Article
- Format::Human::Bytes(3) - Format a bytecount and make it human readable
- FormReply(3) - derivative of News::FormArticle and News::AutoReply
- Forms(3) - Curses Forms Framework
- Forms::Dialog(3) - Curses Forms Dialog
- Forms::Dialog::Input(3) - Curses Forms Input Dialog
- Forms::Dialog::Logon(3) - Curses Forms Logon Dialog
- FormValidator::Lite(3) - lightweight form validation library
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint(3) - utilities for writing constraint rules.
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Date(3) - date constraints
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Default(3) - default constraint rules
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Email(3) - E-Mail address validation
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::File(3) - file constraints
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Japanese(3) - constraints for Japanese
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Number(3) - number constraints
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::Time(3) - time constraints
- FormValidator::Lite::Constraint::URL(3) - is this valid URL?
- FormValidator::Lite::Messages::en(3) - English language resource
- FormValidator::Lite::Messages::ja(3) - Japanese language resource
- forward3d_model(3)
- FPARSELN(3) - return the next logical line from a stream
- FPCLASSIFY(3) - classify a floating-point number
- FPGETROUND(3) - IEEE floating point interface
- FPIPE(3) - sets up a two ended pipe
- FPRINTF(3) - formats and prints to a file
- fprof(3) - A Time Profiling Tool using trace to file for minimal runtime performance impact.
- FPUTS(3) - output a line to a stream
- FPUTU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- FPUTWS(3) - output a line of wide characters to a stream
- FQDN(3) - Get the short or long hostname
- frameserver_debugstall(3)
- FraudDetect(3) - A cohort to Business::OnlinePayment
- FraudDetect::preCharge(3) - backend for Business::FraudDetect (part of Business::OnlinePayment)
- FREAD(3) - binary stream input/output
- free_audio_stream_buffer(3) - Tells the audio stream player new data can be played. Allegro game programming library.
- free_config_entries(3) - Frees memory allocated for config entry lists. Allegro game programming library.
- free_lzss_pack_data(3) - Frees an LZSS structure. Allegro game programming library.
- free_lzss_unpack_data(3) - Frees an LZSS structure. Allegro game programming library.
- FreeBSD::Ports::INDEXhash(3) - Generates a hash out of the FreeBSD Ports index file.
- FreeDB(3) - Perl interface to freedb server(s)
- FREEFARE(3) - Generic target manipulation functions
- FREEFARE_ERROR(3) - Error Reporting Functions.
- freeze_mouse_flag(3) - Flag to avoid redrawing the mouse pointer. Allegro game programming library.
- Freshmeat(3) - parses daily newsletters from http://freshmeat.net/
- FREXP(3) - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components
- fribidi_charset_to_unicode(3) - convert string to Unicode
- fribidi_debug_status(3) - get current debug state
- fribidi_get_bidi_type(3) - get character bidi type
- fribidi_get_bidi_type_name(3) - get bidi type name
- fribidi_get_bidi_types(3) - get bidi types for an string of characters
- fribidi_get_bracket(3) - get bracketed character
- fribidi_get_bracket_types(3) - get bracketed characters
- fribidi_get_joining_type(3) - get character joining type
- fribidi_get_joining_type_name(3) - get joining type name
- fribidi_get_joining_types(3) - get joining types for an string of characters
- fribidi_get_mirror_char(3) - get mirrored character
- fribidi_get_par_direction(3) - get base paragraph direction
- fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels(3) - get bidi embedding levels of a paragraph
- fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels_ex(3) - get bidi embedding levels of a paragraph
- fribidi_get_type(3) - get character bidi type
- fribidi_get_type_internal(3) - get character bidi type
- fribidi_join_arabic(3) - do Arabic joining
- fribidi_log2vis(3) - get visual string
- fribidi_log2vis_get_embedding_levels(3) - get embedding levels
- fribidi_mirroring_status(3) - get current mirroring status
- fribidi_parse_charset(3) - parse character set name
- fribidi_remove_bidi_marks(3) - remove bidi marks out of an string
- fribidi_reorder_line(3) - reorder a line of logical string to visual
- fribidi_reorder_nsm_status(3) - get current marks reordering status
- fribidi_set_debug(3) - set debug state
- fribidi_set_mirroring(3) - set mirroring on or off
- fribidi_set_reorder_nsm(3) - set marks reordering on or off
- fribidi_shape(3) - do bidi-aware shaping
- fribidi_shape_arabic(3) - do Arabic shaping
- fribidi_shape_mirroring(3) - do mirroring shaping
- fribidi_unicode_to_charset(3) - convert string from Unicode
- FromForm(3) - Update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator or HTML Widget
- Frontier::Client(3) - issue Frontier XML RPC requests to a server
- Frontier::Daemon(3) - receive Frontier XML RPC requests
- Frontier::Responder(3) - Create XML-RPC listeners for normal CGI processes
- Frontier::RPC2(3) - encode/decode RPC2 format XML
- FS_MOUNT(3) - simplified file system mounting
- FSA::Rules(3)
- FSEEK(3) - reposition a stream
- fstrcasecmp(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings ignoring case
- fstrcasecmpi(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings ignoring case
- fstrcmp(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings
- fstrcmpi(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings
- fstrcoll(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings using the current locale
- fstrcolli(3) - fuzzy comparison of two strings using the current locale
- FT2(3) - font support using FreeType 2
- FTimes::EadRoutines(3) - Home for various encoder and decoder routines
- FTimes::Properties(3) - Global FTimes Properties
- FTOK(3) - create IPC identifier from path name
- FTPIO(3)
- FTPSSL(3) - A FTP over TLS/SSL class
- FTS(3) - traverse a file hierarchy
- FTW(3) - traverse (walk) a file tree
- Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP(3) - Functions that use non-core XS module but provide pure-Perl/core fallback
- Function::Parameters(3) - define functions and methods with parameter lists ("subroutine signatures")
- Function::Parameters::Info(3) - Information about parameter lists
- fUnlock(3) - release file lock.
- FUNOPEN(3) - open a stream
- Furl(3) - Lightning-fast URL fetcher
- Furl::Headers(3) - HTTP Headers object
- Furl::HTTP(3) - Low level interface to Furl
- Furl::Request(3) - Request object for Furl
- Furl::Response(3) - Response object for Furl
- FurlX::Coro(3) - Multiple HTTP requests with Coro
- FurlX::Coro::HTTP(3) - Furl::HTTP wrapper for FurlX::Coro
- Fuse(3) - write filesystems in Perl using FUSE
- Fuse::Simple(3) - Simple way to write filesystems in Perl using FUSE
- Future(3) - represent an operation awaiting completion
- Future::Exception(3) - an exception type for failed Futures
- Future::IO(3) - Future-returning IO methods
- Future::IO::Impl::IOAsync(3) - implement "Future::IO" using "IO::Async"
- Future::IO::ImplBase(3) - base class for "Future::IO" implementations
- Future::Mutex(3) - mutual exclusion lock around code that returns Futures
- Future::Phrasebook(3) - coding examples for "Future" and "Future::Utils"
- Future::Queue(3) - a FIFO queue of values that uses Futures
- Future::Utils(3) - utility functions for working with "Future" objects
- fwcscmp(3) - fuzzy comparison of two wide-character strings
- fwcscmpi(3) - fuzzy comparison of two wide-character strings
- FWIDE(3) - get/set orientation of a stream
- GAI_STRERROR(3) - get error message string from EAI_xxx error code
- Games::Alak(3)
- Games::AlphaBeta(3) - game-tree search with object oriented interface
- Games::AlphaBeta::Position(3) - base Position class for use with Games::AlphaBeta
- Games::AlphaBeta::Reversi(3) - Reversi position class for use with Games::AlphaBeta
- Games::Bingo(3) - a bingo game Perl implementation
- Games::Bingo::Bot(3) - A simple class holding IRC related methods for bingo
- Games::Bingo::Card(3) - a helper class for Games::Bingo
- Games::Bingo::Column(3) - a column class used for generating bingo cards
- Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection(3) - a collection class for holding columns
- Games::Bingo::Constants(3) - constants used in the many Games::Bingo modules
- Games::Bingo::Print(3) - a PDF Generation Class for Games::Bingo
- Games::Dice(3) - Perl module to simulate die rolls
- Games::Dissociate(3) - a Dissociated Press algorithm and filter
- Games::FrozenBubble(3) - arcade/reflex game - THIS IS A BETA VERSION
- Games::FrozenBubble::LevelEditor(3)
- Games::FrozenBubble::MDKCommon(3)
- Games::FrozenBubble::Net(3)
- Games::FrozenBubble::NetDiscover(3) - high performance server discovery plugin for frozen bubble
- Games::FrozenBubble::Stuff(3)
- Games::GuessWord(3) - Guess the letters in a word (ie Hangman)
- Games::League::Member(3) - Objects which Games::Tournament::RoundRobin can pair
- Games::LMSolve(3) - base class for LM-Solve solvers factories
- Games::LMSolve::Alice(3) - driver for solving the Alice mazes.
- Games::LMSolve::Base(3) - base class for puzzle solvers.
- Games::LMSolve::Input(3) - input class for LM-Solve
- Games::LMSolve::Minotaur(3) - driver for solving the "Theseus and the Minotaur" mazes.
- Games::LMSolve::Numbers(3) - driver for solving the number mazes.
- Games::LMSolve::Plank::Base(3) - driver for solving the rectangular Plank puzzles
- Games::LMSolve::Plank::Hex(3) - driver for solving the hex plank puzzles
- Games::LMSolve::Registry(3) - the registry of all LM-Solve drivers.
- Games::LMSolve::Tilt::Base(3) - base class for the tilt mazes' drivers.
- Games::LMSolve::Tilt::Multi(3) - driver for solving the multiple-goal tilt mazes
- Games::LMSolve::Tilt::RedBlue(3) - driver for solving the red blue tilt puzzles
- Games::LMSolve::Tilt::Single(3) - driver for solving the single-goal tilt mazes
- Games::Sequential(3) - sequential games framework with OO interface
- Games::Sequential::Position(3) - base Position class for use with Games::Sequential
- Games::Tournament::RoundRobin(3) - Round-Robin Tournament Schedule Pairings
- Gantry::Build(3) - a Module::Build subclass for Gantry apps
- Gantry::Conf(3) - Gantry's Flexible Configuration System
- Gantry::Conf::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions regarding Gantry::Conf
- Gantry::Conf::Provider(3) - Base class for all Gantry::Conf providers
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::FlatFile::Config::General(3)
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::FlatFile::Config::Tiny(3)
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::HTTP(3) - Base class for all Gantry::Conf::Provider::HTTP modules
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::HTTP::Config::General(3)
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::ParamBuilder(3) - Configure via ModPerl::ParamBuilder
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::PerlSetVar(3) - Configure via PerlSetVar's in httpd.conf
- Gantry::Conf::Provider::SQL::PostgreSQL(3)
- Gantry::Conf::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial on how to use Gantry::Conf
- Gantry::Control(3) - The Core for User Management and Administration
- Gantry::Control::C::Access(3) - Authentication by IP
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthenBase(3) - Database based authentication
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthenCDBI(3) - AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthenRegular(3) - AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
- Gantry::Control::C::Authz::PageBasedBase(3) - Page based access control.
- Gantry::Control::C::Authz::PageBasedCDBI(3) - AuthenBase subclass for CDBI ORMs
- Gantry::Control::C::Authz::PageBasedRegular(3) - AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthzBase(3) - Database based authorization.
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthzCDBI(3) - Database based authorization for Class::DBI.
- Gantry::Control::C::AuthzRegular(3) - Database based authorization for most ORMs.
- Gantry::Control::C::Groups(3) - Group management for the Gantry library
- Gantry::Control::C::Pages(3) - Page based control adminstration.
- Gantry::Control::C::Users(3) - User Management
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_group_members(3) - model for auth_group_members table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_group_members_cdbi(3) - Model Component for auth_group_members table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_groups(3) - model for auth_groups table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_groups_cdbi(3)
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_pages(3) - model for auth_pages table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_pages_cdbi(3) - Model Component for the auth_pages table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_users(3) - model for auth_users table
- Gantry::Control::Model::auth_users_cdbi(3) - Model Component for auth_users Control table
- Gantry::Control::Model::GEN::auth_group_members(3) - model for auth_group_members table
- Gantry::Control::Model::GEN::auth_groups(3) - model for auth_groups table
- Gantry::Control::Model::GEN::auth_pages(3) - model for auth_pages table
- Gantry::Control::Model::GEN::auth_users(3) - model for auth_users table
- Gantry::Docs(3) - Table of Contents for Gantry documentation
- Gantry::Docs::About(3)
- Gantry::Docs::Cookbook(3)
- Gantry::Docs::DBConn(3)
- Gantry::Docs::FAQ(3)
- Gantry::Docs::QuickStart(3)
- Gantry::Docs::Tutorial(3)
- Gantry::Docs::Why(3)
- Gantry::Engine::CGI(3) - CGI plugin ( or mixin )
- Gantry::Engine::MP13(3) - mod_perl 1.0 plugin ( or mixin )
- Gantry::Engine::MP20(3) - mod_perl 2.0 plugin ( or mixin )
- Gantry::Exception(3) - Structured exceptions for Gantry
- Gantry::Init(3) - Gantry install options
- Gantry::Plugins::AjaxCRUD(3) - helper for AJAX based CRUD work
- Gantry::Plugins::AjaxFORM(3) - helper for AJAX based Form processing
- Gantry::Plugins::AuthCookie(3) - Plugin for cookie based authentication
- Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD(3) - provides CRUD support
- Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUDHelper::CDBI(3) - the actual CRUD for CDBI AutoCRUD
- Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUDHelper::DBIxClass(3) - the actual CRUD for DBIx::Class AutoCRUD
- Gantry::Plugins::Cache(3) - A Plugin for initializing cache processing
- Gantry::Plugins::Cache::FastMmap(3) - A Plugin interface to a caching subsystem
- Gantry::Plugins::Cache::Memcached(3) - A Plugin interface to a caching subsystem
- Gantry::Plugins::Cache::Storable(3) - A Plugin interface to a caching subsystem
- Gantry::Plugins::Calendar(3) - Calendar
- Gantry::Plugins::CRUD(3) - helper for somewhat interesting CRUD work
- Gantry::Plugins::DBIxClassConn(3) - DBIx::Class schema accessor mixin
- Gantry::Plugins::PageCache(3) - A plugin for caching application pages
- Gantry::Plugins::Shibboleth(3) - Plugin for shibboleth based authentication
- Gantry::Plugins::SOAP::Doc(3) - document style SOAP support
- Gantry::Plugins::SOAP::RPC(3) - RPC style SOAP support
- Gantry::Plugins::Static(3) - Static file method
- Gantry::Plugins::Validate(3) - Validates input values.
- Gantry::Server(3) - HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI subclass providing stand alone server
- Gantry::Stash(3) - Main stash object for Gantry
- Gantry::Stash::Controller(3) - Stash object for the controller
- Gantry::Stash::View(3) - Stash object for the view
- Gantry::Stash::View::Form(3) - Stash object for the view's form
- Gantry::State::Default(3) - Default state handler for Gantry
- Gantry::State::Exceptions(3) - A state machine for Gantry that uses exceptions
- Gantry::State::Simple(3) - A simple state machine for Gantry
- Gantry::Template::Default(3) - Default text plugin for Gantry.
- Gantry::Template::Framing(3) - Framing plugin for Gantry.
- Gantry::Template::TT(3) - Template Toolkit plugin for Gantry.
- Gantry::Utils::AuthCDBI(3) - Class::DBI base model for Gantry Auth
- Gantry::Utils::Captcha(3) - a way to mange captchas
- Gantry::Utils::CDBI(3) - Class::DBI base class for Gantry applications
- Gantry::Utils::CRON(3) - a way to call a controller's method from a CRON script
- Gantry::Utils::CRUDHelp(3) - helper routines for CRUD plugins
- Gantry::Utils::Crypt(3) - an easy way to crypt and decrypt
- Gantry::Utils::DB(3) - Database wrapper functions, specfic to PostgreSQL
- Gantry::Utils::DBConnHelper(3) - connection info and dbh cache manager base module
- Gantry::Utils::DBConnHelper::MP13(3) - connection info and dbh cache manager for mod_perl 1
- Gantry::Utils::DBConnHelper::MP20(3) - connection info and dbh cache manager for mod_perl 2.0
- Gantry::Utils::DBConnHelper::Script(3) - connection info and dbh cache manager for scripts
- Gantry::Utils::DBIxClass(3) - a DBIx::Class subclass models can inherit from
- Gantry::Utils::FormErrors(3) - A CRUD form validation error object
- Gantry::Utils::FormMunger(3) - Munges form hashes like the ones bigtop makes.
- Gantry::Utils::HTML(3) - HTML tag generators.
- Gantry::Utils::Model(3) - a general purpose Object Relational Model base class
- Gantry::Utils::Model::Auth(3) - base class for auth database modelers
- Gantry::Utils::Model::Regular(3) - base class for database modelers
- Gantry::Utils::ModelHelper(3) - mixin for model base classes
- Gantry::Utils::PerlbalFixup(3) - This module will set the client ip
- Gantry::Utils::PODViewer(3) - PODViewer application
- Gantry::Utils::SQL(3) - SQL routines.
- Gantry::Utils::TablePerms(3) - enforces retrieve permssions on main listings
- Gantry::Utils::Threeway(3) - Form processing util for a three-way join
- Gantry::Utils::Validate(3) - Validates input values.
- Gantt(3) - Create Gantt charts to manage project scheduling
- Garmin(3) - Perl interface to GPS equipment using the Garmin Protocol
- Garmin::Handler(3) - Handlers to Garmin data
- Gaussian(3) - routines for fitting gaussians
- Gazelle(3) - a Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks
- gb_sets(3) - General balanced trees.
- gb_trees(3) - General balanced trees.
- gcd(3)
- GD::Arrow(3) - draw arrows using GD
- GD::Graph::histogram(3) - Histogram plotting module for Perl5
- GD::Graph3d(3) - Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::Graph
- GD::Group(3) - Simple object for recursive grouping
- GD::Image(3) - Image class for the GD image library
- GD::Polygon(3) - Polygon class for the GD image library
- GD::Polyline(3) - Polyline object and Polygon utilities (including splines) for use with GD
- GD::SecurityImage(3) - Security image (captcha) generator.
- GD::SecurityImage::GD(3) - GD backend for GD::SecurityImage.
- GD::SecurityImage::Magick(3) - Image::Magick backend for GD::SecurityImage.
- GD::SecurityImage::Styles(3) - Drawing styles for GD::SecurityImage.
- GD::Simple(3) - Simplified interface to GD library
- GD::Thumbnail(3) - Thumbnail maker for GD
- GDBM(3) - The GNU database manager. Includes
- GDBM_File(3) - Perl5 access to the gdbm library.
- GDS2(3) - GDS2 stream module
- Gearman::Client::Async(3) - Asynchronous client module for Gearman for Danga::Socket applications
- Gearman::JobStatus(3) - represents a job status in gearman distributed job system
- Gearman::Objects(3) - a parent class for Gearman::Client and Gearman::Worker
- Gearman::ResponseParser(3) - gearmand abstract response parser implementation
- Gearman::ResponseParser::Taskset(3) - gearmand response parser implementation
- Gearman::Server(3) - function call "router" and load balancer
- Gearman::Server::Client(3)
- Gearman::Taskset(3) - a taskset in Gearman, from the point of view of a Gearman::Client
- Gearman::Util(3) - Utility functions for gearman distributed job system
- GELF(3) - class-independent API for ELF manipulation
- GELF_CHECKSUM(3) - return the checksum of an ELF object
- GELF_FSIZE(3) - return the size of a file type
- GELF_GETCAP(3) - read and update ELF capability information
- GELF_GETCHDR(3) - retrieve the compression header of a section
- GELF_GETCLASS(3) - retrieve the class of an ELF descriptor
- GELF_GETDYN(3) - read and update ELF dynamic entries
- GELF_GETEHDR(3) - retrieve the object file header
- GELF_GETMOVE(3) - read and update Elf Move information
- GELF_GETPHDR(3) - retrieve an ELF program header table
- GELF_GETREL(3) - read and update ELF relocation entries
- GELF_GETRELA(3) - read and update ELF relocation entries with addends
- GELF_GETSHDR(3) - retrieve the class-dependent section header
- GELF_GETSYM(3) - read and update symbol information
- GELF_GETSYMINFO(3) - read and update symbol information
- GELF_GETSYMSHNDX(3) - read and update symbol information using extended section indices
- GELF_NEWEHDR(3) - retrieve or allocate the object file header
- GELF_NEWPHDR(3) - allocate an ELF program header table
- GELF_UPDATE_EHDR(3) - update underlying ELF data structures
- GELF_XLATETOF(3) - translate data between files and memory
- gen_event(3) - Generic event handling behavior.
- gen_fsm(3) - Deprecated and replaced by gen_statem
- gen_sctp(3) - Functions for communicating with sockets using the SCTP protocol.
- gen_server(3) - Generic server behavior.
- gen_statem(3) - Generic state machine behavior.
- gen_tcp(3) - Interface to TCP/IP sockets.
- gen_udp(3) - Interface to UDP sockets.
- General::Extended(3) - Extended access to Config files
- General::Interpolated(3) - Parse variables within Config files
- generate_332_palette(3) - Constructs a fake truecolor palette. Allegro game programming library.
- generate_optimized_palette(3) - Generates an optimized palette for a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- GenericChunk(3) - Base Class for SAX Filters parsing WellBallanced Chunks
- genericseq(3) - generates xml sequence diagrams from various inputs
- Genetic(3) - A pure Perl genetic algorithm implementation.
- Genetic::Individual(3) - Base class for AI::Genetic Individuals.
- Genetic::OpCrossover(3) - A class that implements various crossover operators.
- Genetic::OpMutation(3) - A class that implements various mutation operators.
- Genetic::OpSelection(3) - A class that implements various selection operators.
- Genezzo(3) - an extensible database with SQL and DBI
- Genezzo::BasicHelp(3) - Genezzo Help Facility
- Genezzo::Block::RDBArray(3) - Row Directory Block Array interface
- Genezzo::Block::RDBlk_NN(3) - Row Directory Block Not Null (array) tied hash class.
- Genezzo::Block::RDBlkA(3) - Row Directory Block Adjunct tied hash class. This class adds array-like splice capabilities to Genezzo::Block::RDBlock. Genezzo::Block::RDBArray uses this class as the basis of a tied array.
- Genezzo::Block::RDBlock(3) - Row Directory Block tied hash class. A class that lets you treat the contents of a block (byte buffer) as a hash.
- Genezzo::Block::RowDir(3) - row directory
- Genezzo::Block::Std(3) - Standard Block
- Genezzo::Block::Util(3) - Block Utility functions
- Genezzo::BufCa::BCFile(3) - A simple in-memory buffer cache for multiple files for a single process, without locking.
- Genezzo::BufCa::BufCa(3) - A simple in-memory buffer cache for a single process, without locking.
- Genezzo::BufCa::BufCaElt(3) - Buffer Cache Element
- Genezzo::BufCa::DirtyScalar(3) - Detect modifications to scalar
- Genezzo::BufCa::PinScalar(3) - detect destruction of scalar
- Genezzo::Dict(3) - The Genezzo data dictionary
- Genezzo::gendba(3) - line mode for Genezzo database system
- Genezzo::GenDBI(3) - an extensible database with SQL and DBI
- Genezzo::genexp(3) - Genezzo database exporter
- Genezzo::Havok(3) - Cry Havok! And Let Slip the Dogs of War!
- Genezzo::Havok::Basic(3) - some basic functions
- Genezzo::Havok::DebugUtils(3) - debug functions
- Genezzo::Havok::Examples(3) - some example havok functions
- Genezzo::Havok::OO_Examples(3) - some example havok functions
- Genezzo::Havok::SQLCompare(3) - SQL comparison functions
- Genezzo::Havok::SQLScalar(3) - scalar SQL functions
- Genezzo::Havok::SysHelp(3) - load the sys_help table
- Genezzo::Havok::SysHook(3) - load the SysHook table
- Genezzo::Havok::UserExtend(3) - load the UserExtend table
- Genezzo::Havok::UserFunctions(3) - load the user_functions table
- Genezzo::Havok::Utils(3) - general utility functions
- Genezzo::Index::bt2(3) - basic btree
- Genezzo::Index::bt3(3) - persistent btree
- Genezzo::Index::btHash(3) - btree Hash tied hash class. Makes a persistent btree based upon Genezzo::Block::RDBlock look like a conventional hash.
- Genezzo::Parse::SQL(3) - SQL parser
- Genezzo::Parse::SQLGrammar(3) - Generate SQL Parser
- Genezzo::Plan(3) - Parsing, Planning and Execution
- Genezzo::Plan::MakeAlgebra(3) - Convert a SQL parse tree to relational algebra
- Genezzo::Plan::QueryRewrite(3) - Perform checks on relational algebra representation
- Genezzo::Plan::TypeCheck(3) - Perform checks on relational algebra representation
- Genezzo::PushHash::hph(3) - an impure virtual class module that defines a *hierarchical* "push hash", a hash that generates its own unique key for each value. Values are "pushed" into the hash, similar to pushing into an array. Hierarchical pushhashes must be supplied with a factory method which manufactures additional pushhashes as necessary.
- Genezzo::PushHash::HPHRowBlk(3) - a 90% pure virtual class module that extends hierarchical "push hash" Genezzo::PushHash::hph with Row/Block methods. These methods facilitate the construction of classes that manipulate data blocks directly, such as index access methods and functions that split rows over multiple blocks..
- Genezzo::PushHash::PHArray(3) - Push Hash Array implementation
- Genezzo::PushHash::PHFixed(3) - fixed-size push hash
- Genezzo::PushHash::PHNoUpdate(3) - Push Hash that only supports delete and insert
- Genezzo::PushHash::PushHash(3) - an impure virtual class module that defines a "push hash", a hash that generates its own unique key for each value. Values are "pushed" into the hash, similar to pushing into an array.
- Genezzo::RawIO(3) - Genezzo Raw IO
- Genezzo::Row::RSBlock(3) - Row Source Block
- Genezzo::Row::RSDual(3) - Row Source Dual (single row) table
- Genezzo::Row::RSExpr(3) - Row Source Expression Evaluation
- Genezzo::Row::RSFile(3) - Row Source File tied hash class.
- Genezzo::Row::RSIdx1(3) - Row Source InDeX tied hash class. A hierarchical pushhash (see Genezzo::PushHash::hph) class that stores a pushhash as a btree via Genezzo::Row::RSTable.
- Genezzo::Row::RSJoinA(3) - Row Source Join [A]
- Genezzo::Row::RSTab(3) - Row Source TABle tied hash class.
- Genezzo::SpaceMan::SMExtent(3) - Extent Space Management
- Genezzo::SpaceMan::SMFile(3) - File Space Management
- Genezzo::SpaceMan::SMFreeBlock(3) - FreeBlock Space Management
- Genezzo::SpaceMan::SMHook(3) - Extent Space Management
- Genezzo::Tablespace(3) - a class that defines a tablespace, the relationship between a collection of files on disk and a set of tables in the dictionary.
- Genezzo::TestSetup(3) - setup functions for testing
- Genezzo::TestSQL(3) - Test SQL scripts
- Genezzo::TSHash(3) - Table Space Hash
- Genezzo::Util(3) - Utility functions
- Genezzo::XEval(3) - Execution and Expression Evaluation
- Genezzo::XEval::Prepare(3) - Perform checks on relational algebra representation
- Genezzo::XEval::SQLAlter(3) - perform DDL ALTER
- Genlex(3) - A generic lexical analyzer.
- GENRANDOM(3) - random number generation
- Geo::Address::Formatter(3) - take structured address data and format it according to the various global/country rules
- Geo::BUFR(3) - Perl extension for handling of WMO BUFR files.
- Geo::Cache(3) - Object interface for GPS waypoints
- Geo::Coder::Bing(3) - Geocode addresses with the Bing Maps API
- Geo::Coder::Google(3) - Google Maps Geocoding API
- Geo::Coder::Google::V2(3) - Google Maps Geocoding API V2
- Geo::Coder::Google::V3(3) - Google Maps Geocoding API V3
- Geo::Coder::Googlev3(3) - Google Maps v3 Geocoding API
- Geo::Coder::Mapquest(3) - Geocode addresses with Mapquest
- Geo::Coder::Multimap(3) - Geocode addresses with the Multimap Open API
- Geo::Coder::Multiple(3) - Module to tie together multiple Geo::Coder::* modules
- Geo::Coder::Navteq(3) - Geocode addresses with the Navteq MapTP AJAX API
- Geo::Coder::OpenCage(3) - Geocode coordinates and addresses with the OpenCage Geocoder
- Geo::Coder::OSM(3) - Geocode addresses with the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API
- Geo::Coder::Ovi(3) - Geocode addresses with the Ovi Maps API
- Geo::Coder::PlaceFinder(3) - Geocode addresses with Yahoo PlaceFinder
- Geo::Coder::TomTom(3) - Geocode addresses with the TomTom Map Toolkit API
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter(3) - simple converter of geo coordinates
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Datum(3) - geo coordinates datum converter
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format(3) - geo coordinates format converter
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format::IArea(3) - get center point from iArea
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format::ISO6709(3) - ISO6709 support for Geo::Coordinates::Converter
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::iArea(3) - some utility functions around iArea
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point(3) - the coordinates object
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point::ISO6709(3) - location point class for ISO6709
- Geo::Distance(3) - Calculate distances and closest locations. (DEPRECATED)
- Geo::Distance::XS(3) - speed up Geo::Distance
- Geo::EOP(3) - Earth Observation Products EOP
- Geo::EOP::Util(3) - EOP useful constants
- Geo::GDAL(3) - Perl extension for the GDAL library for geospatial data
- Geo::GDAL::FFI(3) - A foreign function interface to GDAL
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Band(3) - A GDAL raster band
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Dataset(3) - A GDAL dataset
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Driver(3) - A GDAL data access driver
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Feature(3) - A GDAL vector feature
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::FeatureDefn(3) - A GDAL feature schema
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::FieldDefn(3) - A field in a GDAL feature schema
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Geometry(3) - A GDAL geometry
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::GeomFieldDefn(3) - A spatial field in a GDAL feature schema
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Layer(3) - A collection of vector features in GDAL
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::Object(3) - A GDAL major object
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::SpatialReference(3) - A spatial reference system in GDAL
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::VSI(3) - A GDAL virtual file system
- Geo::GDAL::FFI::VSI::File(3) - A GDAL virtual file
- Geo::GeoNames(3) - Perform geographical queries using GeoNames Web Services
- Geo::GML(3) - Geography Markup Language processing
- Geo::GML::GeoPoint(3) - convert Geo::Point objects into GML
- Geo::GML::Util(3) - GML useful constants
- Geo::Gpx(3) - Create and parse GPX files.
- Geo::IP::PurePerl(3) - Look up country by IP Address
- Geo::IP2Location(3) - Fast lookup of country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, IDD code, area code, weather station code and station, MCC, MNC, mobile carrier brand name, elevation and usage type from IP address by using IP2Location database. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. Please visit http://www.ip2location.com for more information.
- Geo::IPfree(3) - Look up the country of an IPv4 address
- Geo::JSON(3) - Perl OO interface for geojson
- Geo::JSON::Base(3) - Baseclass for Geo::JSON objects
- Geo::JSON::CRS(3) - Co-ordinate Reference System object
- Geo::JSON::Feature(3) - object representing a geojson Feature
- Geo::JSON::FeatureCollection(3) - object representing a geojson FeatureCollection
- Geo::JSON::GeometryCollection(3) - object representing a geojson GeometryCollection
- Geo::JSON::LineString(3) - object representing a geojson LineString
- Geo::JSON::MultiLineString(3)
- Geo::JSON::MultiPoint(3)
- Geo::JSON::MultiPolygon(3)
- Geo::JSON::Point(3)
- Geo::JSON::Polygon(3)
- Geo::JSON::Role::Geometry(3)
- Geo::JSON::Role::ToJson(3)
- Geo::JSON::Types(3) - Type::Tiny data types for Geo::JSON classes
- Geo::JSON::Utils(3) - Util methods for Geo::JSON classes
- Geo::Parse::OSM(3) - OpenStreetMap XML file regexp parser
- Geo::Parse::OSM::Multipass(3) - Multipass OpenStreetMap file parser
- Geo::Parse::OSM::Singlepass(3) - Single pass OpenStreetMap file parser
- Geo::Postcodes(3) - Base class for the Geo::Postcodes::* modules
- Geo::Postcodes::Ajax(3) - A Tutorial in how to set up an Ajax service for the Geo::Postcodes::* modules.
- Geo::Postcodes::DK(3) - Danish postcodes with associated information
- Geo::Postcodes::NO(3) - Norwegian postcodes with associated information
- Geo::Postcodes::Selection(3) - How to use the selection procedure/method of the Geo::Postcodes::* modules.
- Geo::Postcodes::Tutorial(3) - How to use the Geo::Postcodes::* modules
- Geo::Postcodes::Update(3) - Helper module for keeping the postcodes up to date
- Geo::ShapeFile(3) - Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles.
- Geo::ShapeFile::Point(3) - Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
- Geo::ShapeFile::Shape(3) - Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
- Geo::ShapeFile::Shape::Index(3) - Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
- Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS(3) - Elevation queries against USGS web services.
- geography(3) - basic geographic calculations and comparisons.
- Geography::Countries(3) - 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries.
- GeoIP2(3) - Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
- GeoIP2::Database::Reader(3) - Perl API for GeoIP2 databases
- GeoIP2::Error::Generic(3) - A generic exception
- GeoIP2::Error::HTTP(3) - An HTTP transport error
- GeoIP2::Error::IPAddressNotFound(3) - An exception thrown when an IP address is not in the MaxMind GeoIP2 database
- GeoIP2::Error::Type(3) - A type validation error.
- GeoIP2::Error::WebService(3) - An explicit error from the GeoIP2 web service
- GeoIP2::Model::AnonymousIP(3) - Model class for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database
- GeoIP2::Model::ASN(3) - Model class for the GeoLite2 ASN database
- GeoIP2::Model::City(3) - Model class for GeoIP2 Precision: City and GeoIP2 City
- GeoIP2::Model::ConnectionType(3) - Model class for the GeoIP2 Connection Type database
- GeoIP2::Model::Country(3) - Model class for the GeoIP2 Precision: Country and GeoIP2 Country
- GeoIP2::Model::Domain(3) - Model class for the GeoIP2 Domain database
- GeoIP2::Model::Enterprise(3) - Model class for GeoIP2 Enterprise
- GeoIP2::Model::Insights(3) - Model class for GeoIP2 Precision: Insights
- GeoIP2::Model::ISP(3) - Model class for the GeoIP2 ISP database
- GeoIP2::Record::City(3) - Contains data for the city record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::Continent(3) - Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::Country(3) - Contains data for the country record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::Location(3) - Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::MaxMind(3) - Contains data for the maxmind record returned from a web service query
- GeoIP2::Record::Postal(3) - Contains data for the postal code record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::RepresentedCountry(3) - Contains data for the represented country record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::Subdivision(3) - Contains data for the subdivision record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::Record::Traits(3) - Contains data for the traits record associated with an IP address
- GeoIP2::WebService::Client(3) - Perl API for the GeoIP2 Precision web services
- geoLn(3) - container for geographic points.
- geoLnArr(3) - manage GeoLnArr objects, which are containers for GeoLn objects.
- geoLnArrToMap(3) - convert arrays of geographic points to map points.
- Geometry::Primitive(3) - Primitive Geometry Entities
- Geometry::Primitive::Arc(3) - Portion of the circumference of a Circle
- Geometry::Primitive::Bezier(3) - Cubic Bézier Curve
- Geometry::Primitive::Circle(3) - A Circle
- Geometry::Primitive::Dimension(3) - A width and height
- Geometry::Primitive::Ellipse(3) - An Ellipse
- Geometry::Primitive::Equal(3) - Equality Role
- Geometry::Primitive::Line(3) - A Line
- Geometry::Primitive::Point(3) - An XY coordinate
- Geometry::Primitive::Polygon(3) - Closed shape with an arbitrary number of points.
- Geometry::Primitive::Rectangle(3) - 4 sided polygon
- Geometry::Primitive::Shape(3) - Shape Role
- geoProj(3) - apply cartographic projections to geographic and map coordinates.
- get_align_matrix(3) - Rotates a matrix to align it along specified coordinate vectors. Allegro game programming library.
- get_align_matrix_f(3) - Floating point version of get_align_matrix(). Allegro game programming library.
- get_audio_stream_buffer(3) - Tells you if you need to fill the audiostream or not. Allegro game programming library.
- get_camera_matrix(3) - Constructs a camera matrix for perspective projection. Allegro game programming library.
- get_camera_matrix_f(3) - Floating point version of get_camera_matrix(). Allegro game programming library.
- get_clip_rect(3) - Returns the clipping rectangle of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- get_clip_state(3) - Tells if clipping is on for a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- get_color(3) - Retrieves the specified palette entry. Allegro game programming library.
- get_color_conversion(3) - Returns the current color conversion mode. Allegro game programming library.
- get_color_depth(3) - Returns the current pixel color depth. Allegro game programming library.
- get_compiled_sprite(3) - Creates a compiled sprite using a bitmap as source. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_argv(3) - Reads a token list from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_float(3) - Retrieves a float from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_hex(3) - Retrieves a hexadecimal value from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_id(3) - Retrieves a driver ID from a configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_int(3) - Retrieves an integer from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_string(3) - Retrieves a string from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- get_config_text(3) - Returns a string translated to the current language. Allegro game programming library.
- get_datafile_property(3) - Returns the property string for the object. Allegro game programming library.
- get_desktop_resolution(3) - Finds out the desktop resolution. Allegro game programming library.
- get_display_switch_mode(3) - Returns the current display switching mode. Allegro game programming library.
- get_executable_name(3) - Obtains the full path to the current executable. Allegro game programming library.
- get_extension(3) - Returns a pointer to the extension of a filename. Allegro game programming library.
- get_filename(3) - Returns a pointer to the filename portion of a path. Allegro game programming library.
- get_filename_encoding(3) - Returns the encoding currently assumed for filenames. Allegro game programming library.
- get_font_range_begin(3) - Returns the start of a character range in a font. Allegro game programming library.
- get_font_range_end(3) - Returns the last character of a character range in a font. Allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode(3) - Returns the id of the current graphics driver. Allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode_list(3) - Obtains a list of available video modes. Allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode_type(3) - Retrieves type information for a specific graphics card. Allegro game programming library.
- get_hardware_volume(3) - Retrieves the hardware sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- get_key(3)
- get_midi_length(3) - Determines the total playing time of a midi, in seconds. Allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_bits(3) - Returns the mixer bit depth (8 or 16). Allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_buffer_length(3) - Returns the number of samples per channel in the mixer buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_voices(3) - Returns the number of voices allocated to the mixer. Allegro game programming library.
- get_mouse_mickeys(3) - How far the mouse has moved since the last call to this function. Allegro game programming library.
- get_palette(3) - Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors. Allegro game programming library.
- get_palette_range(3) - Retrieves a specific palette range. Allegro game programming library.
- get_refresh_rate(3) - Returns the current refresh rate. Allegro game programming library.
- GET_RFC3526_PRIME_8192(3) - standard moduli for Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- get_rle_sprite(3) - Creates an RLE sprite using a bitmap as source. Allegro game programming library.
- get_rotation_matrix(3) - Constructs X, Y, Z rotation matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- get_rotation_quat(3) - Constructs a quaternion to rotate points around all three axes. Allegro game programming library.
- get_scaling_matrix(3) - Constructs a scaling matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_bits(3) - Checks which audio input sample formats are supported. Allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_parm(3) - Detects if the specified recording parameters are supported. Allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_rate(3) - Returns the maximum sample frequency for recording. Allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_stereo(3) - Tells if the input driver is capable of stereo recording. Allegro game programming library.
- get_transformation_matrix(3) - Constructs X, Y, Z rotation matrices with an angle and scaling. Allegro game programming library.
- get_transformation_matrix_f(3) - Floating point version of get_transformation_matrix(). Allegro game programming library.
- get_translation_matrix(3) - Constructs a translation matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- get_uformat(3) - Finds out what text encoding format is currently selected. Allegro game programming library.
- get_vector_rotation_matrix(3) - Constructs X, Y, Z rotation matrices with an angle. Allegro game programming library.
- get_vector_rotation_quat(3) - Constructs a quaternion to rotate points around a vector. Allegro game programming library.
- get_volume(3) - Retrieves the global sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- get_x_rotate_matrix(3) - Construct X axis rotation matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- get_x_rotate_quat(3) - Construct axis rotation quaternions. Allegro game programming library.
- get_y_rotate_matrix(3) - Construct Y axis rotation matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- get_z_rotate_matrix(3) - Construct Z axis rotation matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- GET9ROOT(3) - get path to root of Plan 9 tree
- geta32(3) - Extract the alpha component form a 32-bit pixel format color. Allegro game programming library.
- GETALLARGS(3) - parses all the flag-type arguments
- GETARG(3) - collect command line options
- GETARGERROR(3) - convert arg parsing error code to a string
- GETARGINIT(3) - initialize properties for getargs() type functions
- GETARGS(3) - parse arguments until a non-flag is reached
- Getargs::Long(3) - Named subroutine arguments, with optional type checking
- GETBOOTFILE(3) - get kernel boot file name
- GETBSIZE(3) - get preferred block size
- GETC(3) - get next character or word from input stream
- GETCALLERPC(3) - fetch return PC of current function
- GETCONTEXT(3) - get and set user thread context
- GETCWD(3) - get working directory pathname
- GETDISKBYNAME(3) - get generic disk description by its name
- getdns_address(3)
- getdns_cancel_callback(3)
- getdns_context(3)
- getdns_context_set(3)
- getdns_convert(3)
- getdns_dict(3)
- getdns_dict_get(3)
- getdns_dict_set(3)
- getdns_display_ip_address(3) - malloc), the caller is responsible for freeing the storage using free().
- getdns_general(3)
- getdns_hostname(3)
- getdns_list(3)
- getdns_list_set(3)
- getdns_pretty_print_dict(3)
- getdns_root_trust_anchor(3)
- getdns_service(3)
- getdns_validate_dnssec(3)
- GETDOMAINNAME(3) - get/set the NIS domain name of current host
- GETENTROPY(3) - get entropy
- GETERRNO(3) - gets system error number
- GETFIELDS(3) - break a string into fields
- GETFILES(3) - gets next non flag-type argument
- GETFSENT(3) - get file system descriptor file entry
- GETGRENT(3) - group database operations
- GETGROUPLIST(3) - calculate group access list
- GETHOSTID(3) - get/set unique identifier of current host
- GETHOSTNAME(3) - get/set name of current host
- GETIFADDRS(3) - get interface addresses
- GETIFMADDRS(3) - get multicast group memberships
- GETINODE(3) - fetch and store inodes on a UFS file system
- GETIPNODEBYNAME(3) - nodename-to-address and address-to-nodename translation
- GETLOCALBASE(3) - return the path to the local software directory
- GETMNTINFO(3) - get information about mounted file systems
- GETNETCONFIG(3) - get network configuration database entry
- GETNETENT(3) - get network entry
- GETNETGRENT(3) - netgroup database operations
- GETNS(3) - get path to name space directory
- Getopt::Attribute(3) - Attribute wrapper for Getopt::Long
- Getopt::Compact(3) - getopt processing in a compact statement with both long and short options, and usage functionality.
- Getopt::Compact::PodMunger(3) - script POD munging
- Getopt::Compact::WithCmd(3) - sub-command friendly, like Getopt::Compact
- Getopt::Declare(3) - Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
- Getopt::Euclid(3) - Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
- Getopt::EX(3) - Getopt Extender
- Getopt::EX::Colormap(3) - ANSI terminal color and option support
- Getopt::EX::Func(3) - Function call interface
- Getopt::EX::LabeledParam(3) - Labeled parameter handling
- Getopt::EX::Loader(3) - RC/Module loader
- Getopt::EX::Long(3) - Getopt::Long compatible glue module
- Getopt::EX::Module(3) - RC/Module data container
- Getopt::EX::Numbers(3) - module to handle number parameters
- Getopt::Long(3) - Extended processing of command line options
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive(3) - Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts(3) - object representing command line switches
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage(3) - the usage description for GLD
- Getopt::Lucid(3) - Clear, readable syntax for command line processing
- Getopt::Lucid::Exception(3) - Exception classes for Getopt::Lucid
- Getopt::Std(3) - Process single-character switches with switch clustering
- GETOPT_LONG(3) - get long options from command line argument list
- GETPAGESIZE(3) - get system page size
- GETPAGESIZES(3) - get system page sizes
- GETPASS(3) - get a password
- GETPEEREID(3) - get the effective credentials of a UNIX-domain peer
- GETPROGNAME(3) - get or set the program name
- GETPROTOENT(3) - get protocol entry
- GETPW(3)
- GETPWENT(3) - password database operations
- getr(3) - Extract a color component from the current pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- getr_depth(3) - Extract a color component from a color in a specified pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- getr8(3) - Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- GETRPCENT(3) - get RPC entry
- GETRPCPORT(3) - get RPC port number
- getSaveFile(3) - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to save.
- GETSERVENT(3) - get service entry
- GETSNARF(3) - window system snarf (cut and paste) buffer
- GETSUBOPT(3) - get sub options from an argument
- GETUSER(3) - get user or system name
- GETUSERSHELL(3) - get valid user shells
- GETUTXENT(3) - user accounting database functions
- GETVFSBYNAME(3) - get information about a file system
- GETWC(3) - get next wide character from input stream
- GETWD(3) - get current directory
- gfx_capabilities(3) - Bitfield describing video hardware capabilities. Allegro game programming library.
- GFX_MODE(3) - Stores video mode information. Allegro game programming library.
- GFX_MODE_LIST(3) - Stores an array of GFX_MODE structures. Allegro game programming library.
- gfx_mode_select(3) - Displays the Allegro graphics mode selection dialog.
- gfx_mode_select_ex(3) - Extended version of the graphics mode selection dialog. Allegro game programming library.
- gfx_mode_select_filter(3) - Even more extended version of the graphics mode selection dialog. Allegro game programming library.
- Gimp::Data(3) - Set and get persistent data.
- Gimp::Extension(3) - Easy framework for Gimp-Perl extensions
- Gimp::Fu(3) - Easy framework for Gimp-Perl scripts
- Gimp::Lib(3) - Interface to libgimp (as opposed to Gimp::Net)
- Gimp::Net(3) - Communication module for the gimp-perl server.
- Gimp::PixelRgn(3) - Operate on raw pixels in powerful, efficient way.
- Gimp::Pod(3) - Evaluate pod documentation embedded in scripts.
- Gimp::UI(3) - Programming interface to libgimpui, plus Gtk widgets for other parameter types.
- Gimp::Util(3) - Handy routines for Gimp-Perl users
- Giovanni(3) - a Perl based deployment system
- Giovanni::Plugins::Git(3)
- Giovanni::Plugins::Hipchat(3)
- Giovanni::Stages(3)
- GIS::Distance(3) - Calculate geographic distances.
- GIS::Distance::ALT(3) - Andoyer-Lambert-Thomas distance calculations.
- GIS::Distance::Constants(3) - Constants used by formula classes.
- GIS::Distance::Cosine(3) - Spherical law of cosines distance calculations.
- GIS::Distance::Fast(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance formulas.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::ALT(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::ALT.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::Cosine(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::Cosine.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::GreatCircle(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::GreatCircle.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::Haversine(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::Haversine.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::Null(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::Null.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::Polar(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::Polar.
- GIS::Distance::Fast::Vincenty(3) - C implementation of GIS::Distance::Vincenty.
- GIS::Distance::Formula(3) - Formula base class.
- GIS::Distance::GreatCircle(3) - Great circle distance calculations.
- GIS::Distance::Haversine(3) - Exact spherical distance calculations.
- GIS::Distance::MathTrig(3) - Great cirlce distance calculations using Math::Trig.
- GIS::Distance::Null(3) - For planets with no surface.
- GIS::Distance::Polar(3) - Polar coordinate flat-earth distance calculations.
- GIS::Distance::Vincenty(3) - Thaddeus Vincenty distance calculations.
- Git::PurePerl(3) - A Pure Perl interface to Git repositories
- Git::Repository(3) - Perl interface to Git repositories
- Git::Repository::Command(3) - Command objects for running git
- Git::Repository::Log(3) - Class representing git log data
- Git::Repository::Log::Iterator(3) - Split a git log stream into records
- Git::Repository::Plugin(3) - Base class for Git::Repository plugins
- Git::Repository::Plugin::Log(3) - Add a log() method to Git::Repository
- Git::Repository::Tutorial(3) - Control git from Perl using Git::Repository
- Git::Sub(3) - git commands imported as System::Sub subs in the git:: namespace
- Git::Version::Compare(3) - Functions to compare Git versions
- Git::Wrapper(3) - Wrap git(7) command-line interface
- Git::Wrapper::Exception(3) - Exception class for Git::Wrapper
- Git::Wrapper::File::RawModification(3) - Modification of a file in a commit
- Git::Wrapper::Log(3) - Log line of the Git
- Git::Wrapper::Status(3) - A specific status information in the Git
- Git::Wrapper::Statuses(3) - Multiple git statuses information
- GitDDL(3) - database migration utility for git managed sql
- GitDDL::Migrator(3) - database migration utility for git managed SQL extended GitDDL
- gl_allocatecontext(3) - allocate a graphics context
- gl_bcircle(3) - draw a filled or unfilled Bresenham circle
- gl_circle(3) - draw a circle
- gl_clearscreen(3) - clear the screen
- gl_colorfont(3) - change the color of a font
- gl_compileboxmask(3) - compress a masked bitmap
- gl_compiledboxmasksize(3) - compute the size of a compiled masked box
- gl_copybox(3) - copy a rectangular screen area
- gl_copyboxfromcontext(3) - copy rectangular area from another context
- gl_copyboxtocontext(3) - copy a rectangular area to another context
- gl_copyscreen(3) - copy the screen contents of contexts
- gl_disableclipping(3) - disables clipping
- gl_enableclipping(3) - enables clipping
- gl_enablepageflipping(3) - enables automatic page flipping
- gl_expandfont(3) - expand a packed pixel font
- gl_fillbox(3) - fill a rectangular area
- gl_fillcircle(3) - draw a filled circle
- gl_font8x8(3) - a packed 8x8 pixel font
- gl_freecontext(3) - free a virtual screen
- gl_get_line(3) - allow the user to compose an input line
- gl_getbox(3) - copy a rectangular pixmap from the screen to a buffer
- gl_getcontext(3) - get the current graphics contents.
- gl_getpalettecolor(3) - read the color palette
- gl_getpixel(3) - return the color of a pixel
- gl_getpixelrgb(3) - store color components of a pixel
- gl_hline(3) - draw a horizontal line
- gl_io_mode(3) - How to use gl_get_line() from an external event loop.
- gl_line(3) - draw a line
- gl_printf(3) - write formatted output in graphic mode
- gl_putbox(3) - copy a pixmap to a rectangular area
- gl_putboxmask(3) - copy a masked pixmap to a rectangular area
- gl_putboxmaskcompiled(3) - copy a compiled masked pixmap to a rectangular area
- gl_putboxpart(3) - copy a partial pixmap to a rectangular area
- gl_rgbcolor(3) - return pixel value corresponding to an rgb color
- gl_scalebox(3) - scale a pixmap
- gl_setclippingwindow(3) - set the clipping window
- gl_setcontext(3) - set a previously saved context
- gl_setcontextvga(3) - set the context to the physical screen
- gl_setcontextvgavirtual(3) - set the context to a virtual mode
- gl_setcontextvirtual(3) - define a virtual context
- gl_setcontextwidth(3) - set the dimension of a context
- gl_setdisplaystart(3) - set the start of the screen are displayed
- gl_setfont(3) - set the text font to be used
- gl_setfontcolors(3) - set the font colors
- gl_setpalettecolor(3) - set the color palette
- gl_setpixel(3) - draw a pixel
- gl_setrgbpalette(3) - set a 256-color RGB palette
- gl_setscreenoffset(3) - set a memory offset for copyscreen
- gl_setwritemode(3) - set the font writemode flags
- gl_striangle(3) - draw a solid colored triangle
- gl_swtriangle(3) - draw a solid pixmap mapped on a triangle
- gl_triangle(3) - draw a triangle with interpolated colors
- gl_trisetcolorlookup(3) - manages a color lookup table for shadowing
- gl_trisetdrawpoint(3) - set a triangle drawing function
- gl_write(3) - write a text string
- gl_wtriangle(3) - draw a shadowed pixmap mapped on a triangle
- GladeXML(3) - Create user interfaces directly from Glade XML files.
- Glib::BookmarkFile(3) - Parser for bookmark files
- Glib::Boxed(3) - Generic wrappers for C structures
- Glib::Bytes(3) - Wrappers for bytes objects in GLib
- Glib::CodeGen(3) - code generation utilities for Glib-based bindings.
- Glib::Error(3) - Exception Objects based on GError
- Glib::Flags(3) - methods and overloaded operators for flags
- Glib::GenPod(3) - POD generation utilities for Glib-based modules
- Glib::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Glib::KeyFile(3) - Parser for .ini-like files
- Glib::Log(3) - A flexible logging mechanism
- Glib::MainLoop(3) - An event source manager
- Glib::MakeHelper(3) - Makefile.PL utilities for Glib-based extensions
- Glib::Markup(3) - markup handling functions
- Glib::Object(3) - Bindings for GObject
- Glib::Object::Introspection(3) - Dynamically create Perl language bindings
- Glib::Object::Subclass(3) - register a perl class as a GObject class
- Glib::OptionContext(3) - defines options accepted by the commandline option parser
- Glib::OptionGroup(3) - group of options for command line option parsing
- Glib::Param::Boolean(3) - Wrapper for boolean parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::Double(3) - Wrapper for double parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::Enum(3) - Wrapper for enum parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::Flags(3) - Wrapper for flag parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::GType(3) - Wrapper for type parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::Int(3) - Paramspecs for integer types
- Glib::Param::Int64(3) - Wrapper for int64 parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::String(3) - Wrapper for string parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::UInt(3) - Wrapper for uint parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::UInt64(3) - Wrapper for uint64 parameters in GLib
- Glib::Param::Unichar(3) - Wrapper for unichar parameters in GLib
- Glib::ParamSpec(3) - encapsulates metadate needed to specify parameters
- Glib::ParseXSDoc(3) - Parse POD and XSub declarations from XS files.
- Glib::Signal(3) - Object customization and general purpose notification
- Glib::Type(3) - Utilities for dealing with the GLib Type system
- Glib::Utils(3) - Miscellaneous utility functions
- Glib::Variant(3) - strongly typed value datatype
- Glib::VariantDict(3) - Utilities for dealing with the GVariantDict mutable interface to GVariant dictionaries
- Glib::VariantType(3) - Utilities for dealing with the GVariant type system
- Glib::version(3) - Library Versioning Utilities
- Glib::xsapi(3) - internal API reference for GPerl.
- glob_resource(3)
- global_group(3) - Grouping nodes to global name registration groups.
- glu(3) - Erlang wrapper functions for OpenGL
- GMail(3) - Perl extension for accessing Google Mail (gmail)
- GMail::IMAPD(3) - An IMAP4 gateway to Google's webmail service
- GMPf(3) - perl interface to the GMP library's floating point (mpf) functions.
- GMPq(3) - perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpq) functions.
- GMPz(3) - perl interface to the GMP library's integer (mpz) functions.
- Gnu(3) - Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
- GnuPG(3) - Perl module interface to the GNU Privacy Guard (v1.x.x series)
- GnuPG::Fingerprint(3) - GnuPG Fingerprint Objects
- GnuPG::Handles(3) - GnuPG handles bundle
- GnuPG::Interface(3) - Perl interface to GnuPG
- GnuPG::Key(3) - GnuPG Key Object
- GnuPG::Options(3) - GnuPG options embodiment
- GnuPG::PrimaryKey(3) - GnuPG Primary Key Objects
- GnuPG::PublicKey(3) - GnuPG Public Key Objects
- GnuPG::Revoker(3) - GnuPG Key Revoker Objects
- GnuPG::SecretKey(3) - GnuPG Secret Key Objects
- GnuPG::Signature(3) - GnuPG Key Signature Objects
- GnuPG::SubKey(3) - GnuPG Sub Key objects
- GnuPG::Tie(3) - Tied filehandle interface to encryption with the GNU Privacy Guard.
- GnuPG::UserAttribute(3) - GnuPG User Attribute Objects
- GnuPG::UserId(3) - GnuPG User ID Objects
- gnutls_aead_cipher_decrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_decryptv2(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_encrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_encryptv(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_encryptv2(3) - API function
- gnutls_aead_cipher_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_alert_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_alert_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_alert_get_strname(3) - API function
- gnutls_alert_send(3) - API function
- gnutls_alert_send_appropriate(3) - API function
- gnutls_alpn_get_selected_protocol(3) - API function
- gnutls_alpn_set_protocols(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_set_params_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_set_server_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_set_server_known_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_anon_set_server_params_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_enable(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_set_add_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_set_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_anti_replay_set_window(3) - API function
- gnutls_auth_client_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_auth_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_auth_server_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_base64_decode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_base64_encode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_buffer_append_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_bye(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_activation_time_peers(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_client_get_request_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_expiration_time_peers(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_free_ca_names(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_free_cas(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_free_crls(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_free_keys(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_crt_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_ocsp_expiration(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_ours(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_peers(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_peers_subkey_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_trust_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_verify_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_x509_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_get_x509_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_send_x509_rdn_sequence(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_server_set_request(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_known_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_file2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_function2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_params_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function3(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_trust_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_limits(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_mem2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_dir(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_type_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_type_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_type_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_type_get2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_type_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verification_profile_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verification_profile_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verification_status_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verify_peers(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2(3) - API function
- gnutls_certificate_verify_peers3(3) - API function
- gnutls_check_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_add_auth(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_decrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_decrypt2(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_encrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_encrypt2(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_block_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_iv_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_key_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_get_tag_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_set_iv(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_suite_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_suite_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_cipher_tag(3) - API function
- gnutls_compression_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_compression_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_compression_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_compression_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_credentials_clear(3) - API function
- gnutls_credentials_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_credentials_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_crypto_register_aead_cipher(3) - API function
- gnutls_crypto_register_cipher(3) - API function
- gnutls_crypto_register_digest(3) - API function
- gnutls_crypto_register_mac(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_check_entry(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_check_entry_expire_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_check_entry_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_get_default_cache_expiration(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_get_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_remove_session(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_set_cache_expiration(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_set_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_set_remove_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_set_retrieve_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_db_set_store_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_decode_ber_digest_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_decode_gost_rs_value(3) - API function
- gnutls_decode_rs_value(3) - API function
- gnutls_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_get_group(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_get_peers_public_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_get_prime_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_get_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_get_secret_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_cpy(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_export_pkcs3(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_export_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_export2_pkcs3(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_generate2(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_import_dsa(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_import_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_import_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_import_raw3(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_params_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_digest_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_digest_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_digest_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_digest_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_cookie_send(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_cookie_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_get_mtu(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_get_timeout(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_prestate_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_set_data_mtu(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(3) - API function
- gnutls_dtls_set_timeouts(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get_pk(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_get_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_ecc_curve_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_encode_ber_digest_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_encode_gost_rs_value(3) - API function
- gnutls_encode_rs_value(3) - API function
- gnutls_error_is_fatal(3) - API function
- gnutls_error_to_alert(3) - API function
- gnutls_est_record_overhead_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_get_current_msg(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_get_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_get_name2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_raw_parse(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_register(3) - API function
- gnutls_ext_set_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_fingerprint(3) - API function
- gnutls_fips140_mode_enabled(3) - API function
- gnutls_fips140_set_mode(3) - API function
- gnutls_get_system_config_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_audit_log_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_log_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_log_level(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_mem_functions(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_mutex(3) - API function
- gnutls_global_set_time_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_gost_paramset_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_gost_paramset_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_group_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_group_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_group_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_group_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_description_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_get_last_in(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_get_last_out(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_hook_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_post_client_hello_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_private_extensions(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_random(3) - API function
- gnutls_handshake_set_timeout(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_copy(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_fast(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_get_len(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_hash_output(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_allowed(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_enable(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_get_timeout(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_ping(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_pong(3) - API function
- gnutls_heartbeat_set_timeouts(3) - API function
- gnutls_hex_decode(3) - API function
- gnutls_hex_decode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_hex_encode(3) - API function
- gnutls_hex_encode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_hex2bin(3) - API function
- gnutls_hkdf_expand(3) - API function
- gnutls_hkdf_extract(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_copy(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_fast(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_get_key_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_get_len(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_output(3) - API function
- gnutls_hmac_set_nonce(3) - API function
- gnutls_idna_map(3) - API function
- gnutls_idna_reverse_map(3) - API function
- gnutls_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_key_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_kx_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_kx_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_kx_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_kx_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_load_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_get_key_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_get_nonce_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_mac_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_memcmp(3) - API function
- gnutls_memset(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_get_cert_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_get_extension(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_get_nonce(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_randomize_nonce(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_set_extension(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_req_set_nonce(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_check_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_certs(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_extension(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_nonce(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_produced(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_responder(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_responder_raw_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_responder2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_response(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_single(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_import2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_list_import2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify_direct(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_status_request_enable_client(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_status_request_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_status_request_get2(3) - API function
- gnutls_ocsp_status_request_is_checked(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_digest(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_ecc_curve(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_gost_paramset(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_mac(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_pk(3) - API function
- gnutls_oid_to_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_openpgp_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
- gnutls_openpgp_send_cert(3) - API function
- gnutls_packet_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_packet_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_pbkdf2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_export_openpgp(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_export_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_rawpk(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_rawpk_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_x509_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_list_import_x509_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_pcert_list_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pem_base64_decode(3) - API function
- gnutls_pem_base64_decode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pem_base64_encode(3) - API function
- gnutls_pem_base64_encode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_perror(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_algorithm_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_bits_to_sec_param(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_pk_to_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs_schema_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs_schema_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_add_provider(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_attached_extension(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_secret_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_crt2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_privkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_privkey2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_crt_is_known(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_delete_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_get_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_get_raw_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_get_raw_issuer_by_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_get_raw_issuer_by_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export3(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_flags_get_str(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_exts(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url3(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url4(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_set_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_obj_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_cpy(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_export_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_export_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate3(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_get_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_reinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_set_token_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_check_mechanism(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_mechanism(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_random(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_token_set_pin(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs11_type_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_decrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_enc_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_encrypt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_count(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_friendly_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crl(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_friendly_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_privkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_generate_mac(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_generate_mac2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_get_bag(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_mac_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_set_bag(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_simple_parse(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs12_verify_mac(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_add_attr(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_attrs_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crl(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_attr(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_count(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_count(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_embedded_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_embedded_data_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_signature_count(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_get_signature_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_print_signature_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_signature_info_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs7_verify_direct(3) - API function
- gnutls_pkcs8_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_prf(3) - API function
- gnutls_prf_early(3) - API function
- gnutls_prf_hash_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_prf_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_prf_rfc5705(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_certificate_type_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_certificate_type_list2(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_cipher_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_compression_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_ecc_curve_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_get_cipher_suite_index(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_group_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_init2(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_kx_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_mac_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_protocol_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_set_direct(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_sign_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_priority_string_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_decrypt_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_decrypt_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_dsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_ecc_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_gost_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_openpgp(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_pkcs11(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_export_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_generate2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_get_seed(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_get_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_get_type(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_ext(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_ext2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_ext3(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_ext4(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_gost_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_openpgp(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_pkcs11_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_tpm_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_tpm_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_set_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_set_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_sign_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_sign_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_sign_hash2(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_verify_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_privkey_verify_seed(3) - API function
- gnutls_protocol_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_protocol_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_protocol_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_protocol_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_client_get_hint(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_server_get_username(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_server_get_username2(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials_function2(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials2(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_params_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function2(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_hint(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_known_dh_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_psk_set_server_params_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_encrypt_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_dsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_ecc_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_ecc_x962(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_gost_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_openpgp_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_preferred_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_get_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_ecc_x962(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_gost_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_openpgp(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_privkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_tpm_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_tpm_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_x509_crq(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_set_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_set_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_verify_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_verify_hash2(3) - API function
- gnutls_pubkey_verify_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_random_art(3) - API function
- gnutls_range_split(3) - API function
- gnutls_reauth(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_can_use_length_hiding(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_check_corked(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_check_pending(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_cork(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_disable_padding(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_discard_queued(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_get_direction(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_get_discarded(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_get_max_early_data_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_get_max_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_get_state(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_overhead_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_recv(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_recv_early_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_recv_packet(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_recv_seq(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_send(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_send_early_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_send_range(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_send2(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_set_max_early_data_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_set_max_recv_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_set_max_size(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_set_state(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_set_timeout(3) - API function
- gnutls_record_uncork(3) - API function
- gnutls_register_custom_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_rehandshake(3) - API function
- gnutls_rnd(3) - API function
- gnutls_rnd_refresh(3) - API function
- gnutls_safe_renegotiation_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_sec_param_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_sec_param_to_pk_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_sec_param_to_symmetric_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_server_name_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_server_name_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_channel_binding(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_enable_compatibility_mode(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_etm_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ext_master_secret_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ext_register(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_force_valid(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_desc(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_id2(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_keylog_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_master_secret(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_random(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_get_verify_cert_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_is_resumed(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_key_update(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_resumption_requested(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_keylog_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_premaster(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_verify_cert(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_verify_cert2(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_set_verify_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_supplemental_register(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ticket_enable_client(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ticket_enable_server(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ticket_key_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_session_ticket_send(3) - API function
- gnutls_set_default_priority(3) - API function
- gnutls_set_default_priority_append(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_algorithm_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_algorithm_get_client(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_algorithm_get_requested(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_get_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_is_secure(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_is_secure2(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_list(3) - API function
- gnutls_sign_supports_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_base64_decode(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_base64_decode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_base64_encode(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_base64_encode2(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_server_get_username(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_prime_bits(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_set_server_fake_salt_seed(3) - API function
- gnutls_srp_verifier(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_get_keys(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_get_mki(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_get_profile_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_get_profile_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_set_mki(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_set_profile(3) - API function
- gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct(3) - API function
- gnutls_store_commitment(3) - API function
- gnutls_store_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_strerror(3) - API function
- gnutls_strerror_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_subject_alt_names_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_subject_alt_names_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_subject_alt_names_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_subject_alt_names_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_supplemental_get_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_supplemental_recv(3) - API function
- gnutls_supplemental_register(3) - API function
- gnutls_supplemental_send(3) - API function
- gnutls_system_key_add_x509(3) - API function
- gnutls_system_key_delete(3) - API function
- gnutls_system_key_iter_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_system_key_iter_get_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_system_recv_timeout(3) - API function
- gnutls_tdb_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_tdb_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_tdb_set_store_commitment_func(3) - API function
- gnutls_tdb_set_store_func(3) - API function
- gnutls_tdb_set_verify_func(3) - API function
- gnutls_tpm_get_registered(3) - API function
- gnutls_tpm_key_list_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_tpm_key_list_get_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_tpm_privkey_delete(3) - API function
- gnutls_tpm_privkey_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_get_int(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_get_int2(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_get_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_get_ptr2(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_errno(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_errno_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_fastopen(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_int(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_int2(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_ptr(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_ptr2(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_push_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_transport_set_vec_push_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_url_is_supported(3) - API function
- gnutls_utf8_password_normalize(3) - API function
- gnutls_verify_stored_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aia_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aia_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aia_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aia_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_get_cert_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_get_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_set_cert_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_aki_set_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_cidr_to_rfc5280(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_check_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_dist_points_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_dist_points_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_dist_points_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_dist_points_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_gn_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_count(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn3(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_next_update(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_number(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_raw_issuer_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_this_update(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_iter_crt_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_iter_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_list_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_list_import2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_privkey_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_next_update(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_number(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_this_update(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_set_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_sign2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crl_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_challenge_password(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn3(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_by_oid2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_pk_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_signature_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_privkey_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_attribute_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_challenge_password(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_othername(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_set_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_sign2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crq_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_email(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_ip(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_key_purpose(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_check_revocation(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_cpy_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_equals(3) - This function compares two gnutls_x509_crt_t certificates
- gnutls_x509_crt_equals2(3) - This function compares a gnutls_x509_crt_t cert with DER data
- gnutls_x509_crt_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_activation_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_gn_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_ca_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn3(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_expiration_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_by_oid2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_info(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_fingerprint(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_inhibit_anypolicy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_name2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn3(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_unique_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_name_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_gost_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_policy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_preferred_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_proxy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_issuer_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_unique_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_get_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_list_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_list_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_list_import_url(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_list_import2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_list_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_privkey_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_info_access(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_ca_status(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq_extensions(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_inhibit_anypolicy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_alt_othername(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_unique_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_key(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_name_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_policy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_pubkey(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_othername(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alternative_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_unique_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_set_version(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_sign(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_sign2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_verify(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_crt_verify_data2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_get_rdn_ava(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_get_str(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_get_str2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_oid_known(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_oid_name(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_dn_set_str(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_aia(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_inhibit_anypolicy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_key_purposes(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_name_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_policies(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_proxy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_subject_alt_names(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_export_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_aia(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_authority_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_basic_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_inhibit_anypolicy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_key_purposes(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_key_usage(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_name_constraints(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_policies(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_proxy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_subject_alt_names(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_import_tlsfeatures(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_ext_print(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_key_purpose_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_key_purpose_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_key_purpose_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_key_purpose_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_add_excluded(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_add_permitted(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_check(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_check_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_get_excluded(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_get_permitted(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_name_constraints_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_othername_to_virtual(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_policies_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_policies_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_policies_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_policies_set(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_policy_release(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_cpy(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_gost_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_pkcs8(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_export2_pkcs8(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_fix(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_generate(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_generate2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_get_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_get_pk_algorithm2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_get_seed(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_get_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_dsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_ecc_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_gost_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_openssl(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_pkcs8(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_rsa_raw(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_import2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_sec_param(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_set_flags(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_set_spki(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_data(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_verify_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_privkey_verify_seed(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_rdn_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_rdn_get_by_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_rdn_get_oid(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_rdn_get2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_spki_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_spki_get_rsa_pss_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_spki_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_pss_params(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_tlsfeatures_add(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_tlsfeatures_check_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_tlsfeatures_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_tlsfeatures_get(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_tlsfeatures_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_cas(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_crls(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_named_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_system_trust(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_trust_dir(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_trust_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_trust_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_get_issuer(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_get_issuer_by_dn(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_get_issuer_by_subject_key_id(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_init(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_iter_deinit(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_iter_get_ca(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_cas(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_trust_file(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_trust_mem(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_verify_crt(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_verify_crt2(3) - API function
- gnutls_x509_trust_list_verify_named_crt(3) - API function
- Goo(3) - Stick Things together with The Goo
- Goo::Action(3) - A Goo action
- Goo::BackLinkFinder(3) - Find all the backlinks for a given "Thing"
- Goo::BackLinkManager(3) - Display the backlinks for a given "Thing"
- Goo::Cairo::Matrix(3) - wrapper for GooCairoMatrix
- Goo::Cairo::Pattern(3) - wrapper for GooCairoPattern
- Goo::Canvas(3) - wrapper for GooCanvas
- Goo::Canvas::Bounds(3)
- Goo::Canvas::Ellipse(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasEllipse
- Goo::Canvas::EllipseModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasEllipseModel
- Goo::Canvas::Group(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasGroup
- Goo::Canvas::GroupModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasGroupModel
- Goo::Canvas::Image(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasImage
- Goo::Canvas::ImageModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasImageModel
- Goo::Canvas::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Goo::Canvas::Item(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasItem
- Goo::Canvas::ItemModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasItemModel
- Goo::Canvas::ItemSimple(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasItemSimple
- Goo::Canvas::LineDash(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasLineDash
- Goo::Canvas::Path(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasPath
- Goo::Canvas::PathModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasPathModel
- Goo::Canvas::Points(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasPoints
- Goo::Canvas::Polyline(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasPolyline
- Goo::Canvas::PolylineModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasPolylineModel
- Goo::Canvas::Rect(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasRect
- Goo::Canvas::RectModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasRectModel
- Goo::Canvas::Style(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasStyle
- Goo::Canvas::Table(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasTable
- Goo::Canvas::TableModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasTableModel
- Goo::Canvas::Text(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasText
- Goo::Canvas::TextModel(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasTextModel
- Goo::Canvas::Widget(3) - wrapper for GooCanvasWidget
- Goo::CareOMeter(3) - Show an ordered list of Things you care about
- Goo::CommandLineManager(3) - Manage command line parameters
- Goo::CompressWhitespace(3) - Remove excess whitespace
- Goo::ConfigFile(3) - Parse and load .goo files. Based loosely on .ini files.
- Goo::Database(3) - Interface to a MySQL database via DBI
- Goo::DatabaseInfo(3) - Simple access to the database schema
- Goo::DatabaseObject(3) - Bridge between relational and OO model
- Goo::DatabaseProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::DatabaseThing(3) - A "Thing" that is found in the database.
- Goo::DatabaseThing::Deleter(3) - Delete a row from a database table
- Goo::DatabaseThing::Editor(3) - Edit a row in a database table
- Goo::DatabaseThing::Maker(3) - Make a new row in a database table
- Goo::DatabaseThing::Profiler(3) - Show a profile of a database Thing
- Goo::Date(3) - Date handling functions
- Goo::Differ(3) - Take the diff!
- Goo::Editor(3) - Call an external editor like vi or nano to edit a file.
- Goo::Emailer(3) - Replace tokens in a file or a string and send an email
- Goo::Environment(3) - Provide details about the environment The Goo is running in
- Goo::Exiter(3) - Exit from The Goo
- Goo::FileThing(3) - A "Thing" that is found in the filesystem and has a location
- Goo::FileThing::Cloner(3) - Simply clone one file to another
- Goo::FileThing::Deleter(3) - Delete a file
- Goo::FileThing::Finder(3) - Go looking for files
- Goo::FileUtilities(3) - General file handling utilities
- Goo::Grepper(3) - Grep all the files in a directory for a pattern
- Goo::Header(3) - Show a consistent style of text header for The Goo
- Goo::JumpManager(3) - Jump to a specific line, string or another Thing
- Goo::JumpProfileOption(3) - Handle simple Jumps to matching strings for example
- Goo::List(3) - Utility functions for handling lists
- Goo::Lister(3) - Load a whole list of Things in one go
- Goo::LiteDatabase(3) - Drive an SQLite database
- Goo::Loader(3) - Load a Thing from Goo space
- Goo::Logger(3) - Write a message to the log
- Goo::Object(3) - Super object that holds convenience methods.
- Goo::OptionIndexTable(3) - Take a hash of options and turn into a table of text
- Goo::Profile(3) - Show a profile for a Thing
- Goo::ProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::Profiler(3) - Show a synopsis of a Thing
- Goo::Prompter(3) - Prompt the user for info.
- Goo::Shell(3) - Create a GooShell The Goo>
- Goo::ShellCommander(3) - Run a command in the shell
- Goo::SimpleEmailer(3) - Replace tokens in a file or a string and send an email
- Goo::TabAwareEditor(3) - Use the TabConverter to fix characters
- Goo::TabConverter(3) - Convert tab characters to four spaces
- Goo::TableInfo(3) - Provide meta details about MySQL tables
- Goo::TeamManager(3) - Model the Team: who? what? why? where? how?
- Goo::Template(3) - Replace special tokens in a file or a string
- Goo::TemplateProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::Test(3)
- Goo::TextEditor(3) - Run Nano, or your favourite editor
- Goo::TextTable(3) - Create a simple fixed-width text table
- Goo::TextUtilities(3) - Miscellaneous utilities for handling text
- Goo::ThereDocManager(3) - Process very simple ThereDocs --- looking for Things!
- Goo::Thing(3) - A "Thing" in your working environment that you can do actions to
- Goo::Thing::bug::Fixer(3) - Fix a bug
- Goo::Thing::bug::Lister(3) - List all the bugs
- Goo::Thing::bug::Maker(3) - What?? something that *makes* bugs!!
- Goo::Thing::conf::ConfigProfiler(3) - Profile a config file
- Goo::Thing::conf::studly-method-remover(3)
- Goo::Thing::gml::Profiler(3) - Create a synopsis of a Goo Markup Language (GML) Thing
- Goo::Thing::gml::Reader(3) - Read a Goo Markup Language (GML) Thing
- Goo::Thing::gml::Writer(3) - Write a Goo Markup Language (GML) Thing
- Goo::Thing::goo::Maker(3) - Make a new Thing by creating a .goo configuration file
- Goo::Thing::js::JavascriptProfiler(3) - Create a synopsis of a program / module / script
- Goo::Thing::js::JSFunctionProfileOption(3) - Handle simple Jumps to matching strings for example
- Goo::Thing::log::Profiler(3) - Show a profile of the log
- Goo::Thing::pl::ScriptMaker(3) - Command line utility for making scripts faster
- Goo::Thing::pm::Adder(3) - Add stuff to a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Compiler(3) - Compile a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Editor(3) - Edit a program interactively as fast as possible
- Goo::Thing::pm::ExecDocManager(3) - Like ThereDocs except they execute inline
- Goo::Thing::pm::Maker(3) - Command line utility for making module skeletons faster
- Goo::Thing::pm::Method(3) - Object for modelling methods
- Goo::Thing::pm::MethodMaker(3) - Create a method body
- Goo::Thing::pm::MethodMatcher(3) - Match a method in a string
- Goo::Thing::pm::MethodProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::Thing::pm::PackageProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5(3) - Model Perl5 reserved words
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5Adder(3) - Add stuff to a Perl5 program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5Compiler(3) - Compile a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5Editor(3) - Edit a Perl5 Program using your favourite editor (e.g., vi, vim, nano)
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5ModuleInspector(3) - Inspect the DOM of a Perl5 module
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5ModuleMaker(3) - Command line utility for making Perl5 module skeletons faster
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5Profiler(3) - Create a synopsis of a Perl5 program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5Runner(3) - Run a Perl5 program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl5ThereDocManager(3) - Process ThereDocs embedded in Perl5 programs
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6Adder(3) - Add stuff to a Perl6 program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6Compiler(3) - Compile a Perl6 program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6Editor(3) - Not implemented yet.
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6ModuleInspector(3) - Generate documentation on a perl file based on documentation
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6ModuleMaker(3) - Command line utility for making Perl6 module skeletons faster
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6Profiler(3) - Create a synopsis of a program / module / script
- Goo::Thing::pm::Perl6Runner(3) - Run a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::PerlCoder(3) - Manipulate Perl programs just like a real programmer.
- Goo::Thing::pm::PerlTidyManager(3) - Tidy up a Perl program using PerlTidy
- Goo::Thing::pm::Profiler(3) - Show a profile of a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::ProgramCloner(3) - Clone a program and generate a test stub
- Goo::Thing::pm::ProgramDeleter(3) - Delete stuff from a program
- Goo::Thing::pm::Runner(3) - Run a Perl program
- Goo::Thing::pm::ScopeMatcher(3) - Extract the matching scope out of a program
- Goo::Thing::pm::ThereDocManager(3) - Process ThereDocs embedded Perl modules
- Goo::Thing::pm::TypeChecker(3) - What type of pm file is this? Perl6? Perl5?
- Goo::Thing::pm::TypeLessTranslator(3) - Experimental module. It translates "typeless" text to full code. It's like writing abbreviate sms txt for Perl code.
- Goo::Thing::task::edittask(3) - Add a new task to the goo database
- Goo::Thing::task::Finisher(3) - Finish a task
- Goo::Thing::task::Maker(3) - Make a task module
- Goo::Thing::task::savetask(3) - Add a new task to the goo database
- Goo::Thing::task::TaskEditor(3) - Edit a task
- Goo::Thing::task::tasklist(3) - Show a list of tasks
- Goo::Thing::task::TaskLister(3) - Show a list of Tasks
- Goo::Thing::tpm::Tester(3) - Test things.
- Goo::Thing::tpm::TestLoader(3) - Load a test from disk to run
- Goo::Thing::tpm::TestMaker(3) - Analyse program source and make test stubs add to the
- Goo::Thing::tpm::TestRunner(3) - Run test scripts
- Goo::ThingFinder(3) - Find all the "Things" in a string
- Goo::ThingProfileOption(3) - Store individual options in the profile
- Goo::TrailGoBack(3) - Jump backwards in the Goo Trail
- Goo::TrailGoBackOne(3) - Jump backwards one step in the Goo Trail
- Goo::TrailGoForward(3) - Jump forwards in the Goo Trail
- Goo::TrailManager(3) - Manage a Trail of Goo Actions - Memex style.
- Goo::TrailProfiler(3) - Show a Trail of Things the programmer has been working on
- Goo::TypeManager(3) - Manage all the different types of Things in The Goo
- Goo::WebDBLite(3) - This provides a Lite interface to XMLish Things
- Goo::Zone(3) - Show the tail of the Goo trail
- GooCanvas2(3) - Perl binding for GooCanvas2 widget using Glib::Object::Introspection
- Google::Chart(3) - Interface to Google Charts API
- Google::Chart::Axis(3) - Google::Chart Axis Specification
- Google::Chart::Axis::Item(3) - Google::Chart Axis Item
- Google::Chart::Axis::Style(3) - Google::Chart Axis Style
- Google::Chart::Color(3) - Google::Chart Color
- Google::Chart::Data(3) - Google::Chart Data Role
- Google::Chart::Data::Extended(3) - Google::Chart Extended Data Encoding
- Google::Chart::Data::Simple(3) - Google::Chart Simple Data Encoding
- Google::Chart::Data::Text(3) - Google::Chart Text Encoding
- Google::Chart::Fill(3) - Base Fill Role
- Google::Chart::Fill::LinearGradient(3) - Apply Gradient Fill
- Google::Chart::Fill::LinearStripes(3) - Apply Linear Strip Fill
- Google::Chart::Fill::Solid(3) - Apply Solid Fill
- Google::Chart::Grid(3) - Google::Chart Grid Specification
- Google::Chart::Legend(3) - Google::Chart Legend
- Google::Chart::Margin(3) - Google::Chart Margin
- Google::Chart::Marker(3) - Google::Chart Marker
- Google::Chart::QueryComponent(3) - Google::Chart Query Component
- Google::Chart::QueryComponent::Simple(3) - Simplified Google::Chart Query Component
- Google::Chart::Size(3) - Google::Chart Size Specification
- Google::Chart::Title(3) - Apply Title
- Google::Chart::Type(3) - Google::Chart Type Role
- Google::Chart::Type::Bar(3) - Google::Chart Bar Type
- Google::Chart::Type::Line(3) - Google::Chart Line Type
- Google::Chart::Type::Pie(3) - Google::Chart Pie Chart Type
- Google::Chart::Type::QRcode(3) - Google::Chart QRcode Type
- Google::Chart::Type::Radar(3) - Google::Chart Radar Type
- Google::Chart::Type::ScatterPlot(3) - Google::Chart ScatterPlot Type
- Google::Chart::Type::Simple(3) - Role For Simple Types
- Google::Chart::Type::SparkLine(3) - Google::Chart SparkLine Type
- Google::Chart::Type::Venn(3) - Google::Chart Venn Type
- Google::Chart::Type::XY(3) - Google::Chart XY Line Type
- Google::Chart::Types(3) - Google::Chart Miscellaneous Types
- Google::Checkout::Command::AddMerchantOrderNumber(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::AddTrackingData(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::ArchiveOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::AuthorizeOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::CancelOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::ChargeOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::DeliverOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::GCOCommand(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::ProcessOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::RefundOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::SendBuyerMessage(3)
- Google::Checkout::Command::UnarchiveOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::AddressFilters(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::ConfigReader(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::DigitalContent(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::Error(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::FlatRateShipping(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::GCO(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::GiftCertificate(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculatedShipping(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculationCallback(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculationResult(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculationResults(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCalculations(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCheckoutFlow(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::MerchantItem(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrl(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrls(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::Pickup(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::Shipping(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::ShippingRestrictions(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::ShoppingCart(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::TaxRule(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::TaxTable(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::TaxTableAreas(3)
- Google::Checkout::General::Util(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::ChargeAmount(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::ChargebackAmount(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::Factory(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::GCONotification(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::NewOrder(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::OrderStateChange(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::RefundAmount(3)
- Google::Checkout::Notification::RiskInformation(3)
- Google::Data::JSON(3) - General XML-JSON converter based on Google Data APIs
- Google::ProtocolBuffers(3) - simple interface to Google Protocol Buffers
- Google::SAML::Request(3) - Create or parse Google's SAML requests
- Google::SAML::Response(3) - Generate signed XML documents as SAML responses for Google's SSO implementation
- Google::Search(3) - Interface to the Google AJAX Search API and suggestion API (DEPRECATED)
- Google::Search::Result(3)
- GOST_PP(3) - Pure Perl implementation of the GOST encryption algorithm
- goto::file(3) - Stop parsing the current file and move on to a different one.
- GPC(3) - Perl wrapper for Alan Murta's gpc library
- GPG(3) - An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.
- GPIO(3) - library to handle GPIO pins
- GPS::Babel(3) - Perl interface to gpsbabel
- GPS::OID(3) - Package for GPS PRN - Object ID conversions.
- GPS::Point(3) - Provides an object interface for a GPS point.
- grab::Grab_XML(3) - Perl extension to fetch raw XMLTV data from a site
- Graph::AdjacencyMap(3) - map of graph vertices or edges
- Graph::AdjacencyMatrix(3) - create and query the adjacency matrix of graph G
- Graph::BitMatrix(3) - create and manipulate a V x V bit matrix of graph G
- Graph::colour(3) - Colour manipulation routines for use with GD::Graph
- Graph::Data(3) - Data set encapsulation for GD::Graph
- Graph::Directed(3) - directed graphs
- Graph::Easy(3) - Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
- Graph::Easy::As_ascii(3) - Generate ASCII art
- Graph::Easy::As_graphml(3) - Generate a GraphML text from a Graph::Easy object
- Graph::Easy::As_graphviz(3) - Generate graphviz description from graph object
- Graph::Easy::As_txt(3) - Generate textual description from graph object
- Graph::Easy::As_vcg(3) - Generate VCG/GDL text from Graph::Easy object
- Graph::Easy::Attributes(3) - Define and check attributes for Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Base(3) - base class for Graph::Easy objects like nodes, edges etc
- Graph::Easy::Edge(3) - An edge (a path connecting one ore more nodes)
- Graph::Easy::Edge::Cell(3) - A cell in an edge in Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Group(3) - A group of nodes (aka subgraph) in Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Group::Anon(3) - An anonymous group of nodes in Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Group::Cell(3) - A cell in a group
- Graph::Easy::Layout(3) - Layout the graph from Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Chain(3) - Chain of nodes for layouter
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Force(3) - Force-based layouter for Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Grid(3) - Grid management and size calculation
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Path(3) - Path management for Manhattan-style grids
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Repair(3) - Repair spliced layout with group cells
- Graph::Easy::Layout::Scout(3) - Find paths in a Manhattan-style grid
- Graph::Easy::Node(3) - Represents a node in a Graph::Easy graph
- Graph::Easy::Node::Anon(3) - An anonymous, invisible node in Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Node::Cell(3) - An empty filler cell
- Graph::Easy::Node::Empty(3) - An empty, borderless cell in a node cluster
- Graph::Easy::Parser(3) - Parse Graph::Easy from textual description
- Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz(3) - Parse Graphviz text into Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Parser::VCG(3) - Parse VCG or GDL text into Graph::Easy
- Graph::Easy::Util(3)
- Graph::Error(3) - Error handling for GD::Graph classes
- Graph::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions
- Graph::Gnuplot(3) - essentially the same as Perl's:
- Graph::hbars(3) - make bar graphs with horizontal bars
- Graph::Matrix(3) - create and manipulate a V x V matrix of graph G
- Graph::Reader(3) - base class for Graph file format readers
- Graph::Reader::Dot(3) - class for reading a Graph instance from Dot format
- Graph::Reader::HTK(3) - read an HTK lattice in as an instance of Graph
- Graph::Reader::XML(3) - class for reading a Graph instance from XML
- Graph::ReadWrite(3) - modules for reading and writing directed graphs
- Graph::SocialMap(3) - Easy tool to create social network map
- Graph::TransitiveClosure(3) - create and query transitive closure of graph
- Graph::TransitiveClosure::Matrix(3) - create and query transitive closure of graph
- Graph::Traversal(3) - traverse graphs
- Graph::Traversal::BFS(3) - breadth-first traversal of graphs
- Graph::Traversal::DFS(3) - depth-first traversal of graphs
- Graph::Undirected(3) - undirected graphs
- Graph::UnionFind(3) - union-find data structures
- Graph::Writer(3) - base class for Graph file format writers
- Graph::Writer::daVinci(3) - write out directed graph in daVinci format
- Graph::Writer::Dot(3) - write out directed graph in Dot format
- Graph::Writer::GraphViz(3) - GraphViz Writer for Graph object
- Graph::Writer::HTK(3) - write a perl Graph out as an HTK lattice file
- Graph::Writer::VCG(3) - write out directed graph in VCG format
- Graph::Writer::XML(3) - write out directed graph as XML
- Graph::Xmgrace(3)
- Graph::Xrt2d(3) - can | "header" | | | be multiple lines) | | |"footer" | (set your own - can | "footer" | | | be multiple lines) | | |"style" | Style of chart - types | "bar" | | | include: bar, pie, area | | | | stackedbar, stackedarea | | +----------------+--------------------------+------------------------------+
- Graph::Xrt3d(3) - http://www.nw.com/)", ], "footer" => ["http://www.mit.edu/people/mkgray/net/internet-growth-raw-data.html"], "y-ticks"=>["Jan 93", "Apr 93", "Jul 93", "Oct 93", "Jan 94", "Jul 94", "Oct 94", "Jan 95", "Jul 95", "Jan 96" ], "x-ticks"=>["Hosts", "Domains", "Replied to Ping"],}, [{"type" => "matrix"}, ["1.3e6", "1.5e6", "1.8e6", "2.1e6", "2.2e6", "3.2e6", "3.9e6","4.9e6", "6.6e6", "9.5e6" ], ["21000","22000", "26000", "28000", "30000", "46000", "56000", "71000", "120000", "240000" ], ["NA", "0.4e6", "NA", "0.5e6", "0.6e6", "0.7e6", "1.0e6", "1.0e6", "1.1e6", "1.7e6" ] ] );
- Graphics::Color(3) - Device and library agnostic color spaces.
- Graphics::Color::CMYK(3) - CMYK color model
- Graphics::Color::Equal(3) - Moose equality role
- Graphics::Color::HSL(3) - HSL color space
- Graphics::Color::HSV(3)
- Graphics::Color::RGB(3) - RGB color model
- Graphics::Color::Types(3)
- Graphics::Color::YIQ(3) - YIQ color space
- Graphics::Color::YUV(3) - YUV color space
- Graphics::ColorNames(3) - defines RGB values for common color names
- Graphics::ColorNames::CSS(3) - CSS color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::HTML(3) - HTML color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::IE(3) - MS Internet Explorer color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::Netscape(3) - Netscape 1.1 Color Names
- Graphics::ColorNames::SVG(3) - SVG color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::Windows(3) - Windows color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::WWW(3) - WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorNames::X(3) - X-Windows color names and equivalent RGB values
- Graphics::ColorUtils(3) - Easy-to-use color space conversions and more.
- Graphics::GnuplotIF(3) - A dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot
- Graphics::Primitive(3) - Device and library agnostic graphic primitives
- Graphics::Primitive::Aligned(3) - Role for components that care about alignment.
- Graphics::Primitive::Border(3) - Line around components
- Graphics::Primitive::Brush(3) - Description of a stroke
- Graphics::Primitive::Canvas(3) - Component composed of paths
- Graphics::Primitive::Component(3) - Base graphical unit
- Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList(3) - List of Components
- Graphics::Primitive::Container(3) - Component that holds other Components
- Graphics::Primitive::Driver(3) - Role for driver implementations
- Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo(3) - Cairo backend for Graphics::Primitive
- Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo::TextLayout(3) - Text layout engine
- Graphics::Primitive::Driver::TextLayout(3) - TextLayout role
- Graphics::Primitive::Font(3) - Text styling
- Graphics::Primitive::Image(3) - Image component
- Graphics::Primitive::Insets(3) - Space between things
- Graphics::Primitive::Operation(3) - A drawing instruction
- Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Fill(3) - Paint inside a path
- Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Stroke(3) - Draw along a path
- Graphics::Primitive::Oriented(3) - Role for components that care about orientation.
- Graphics::Primitive::Paint(3) - A source for drawing on a path
- Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Gradient(3) - Color blending
- Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Gradient::Linear(3) - Linear color blending
- Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Gradient::Radial(3) - Radial color blending
- Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Solid(3) - Solid patch of color
- Graphics::Primitive::Path(3) - Collection of primitives
- Graphics::Primitive::TextBox(3) - Text component
- Graphics::TIFF(3) - Perl extension for the libtiff library
- Graphics2D(3) - An object oriented interface to PDL graphics
- GraphQL(3) - Perl implementation of GraphQL
- GraphQL::AsyncIterator(3) - iterator objects that return promise to next result
- GraphQL::Debug(3) - debug GraphQL
- GraphQL::Directive(3) - GraphQL directive
- GraphQL::Error(3) - GraphQL error object
- GraphQL::Execution(3) - Execute GraphQL queries
- GraphQL::Introspection(3) - Perl implementation of GraphQL
- GraphQL::Language::Grammar(3) - GraphQL grammar
- GraphQL::Language::Parser(3) - GraphQL Pegex parser
- GraphQL::Language::Receiver(3) - GraphQL Pegex AST constructor
- GraphQL::MaybeTypeCheck(3) - Conditional type-checking at runtime
- GraphQL::Plugin::Convert(3) - GraphQL plugin API abstract class
- GraphQL::Plugin::Convert::Test(3) - GraphQL plugin test class
- GraphQL::Plugin::Type(3) - GraphQL plugins implementing types
- GraphQL::Plugin::Type::DateTime(3) - GraphQL DateTime scalar type
- GraphQL::PubSub(3) - publish/subscribe
- GraphQL::Role::Abstract(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::Composite(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::FieldDeprecation(3) - object role implementing deprecation of fields
- GraphQL::Role::FieldsEither(3) - GraphQL object role with code common to all fields
- GraphQL::Role::FieldsInput(3) - GraphQL object role implementing input fields
- GraphQL::Role::FieldsOutput(3) - GraphQL object role implementing output fields
- GraphQL::Role::HashMappable(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::Input(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::Leaf(3) - GraphQL "leaf" object role
- GraphQL::Role::Listable(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::Named(3) - GraphQL "named" object role
- GraphQL::Role::Nullable(3) - GraphQL object role
- GraphQL::Role::Output(3) - GraphQL "output" object role
- GraphQL::Schema(3) - GraphQL schema object
- GraphQL::Subscription(3) - Implement GraphQL subscriptions
- GraphQL::Type(3) - GraphQL type object
- GraphQL::Type::Enum(3) - GraphQL enum type
- GraphQL::Type::InputObject(3) - GraphQL input object type
- GraphQL::Type::Interface(3) - GraphQL interface type
- GraphQL::Type::Library(3) - GraphQL type library
- GraphQL::Type::List(3) - GraphQL type that is a list of another type
- GraphQL::Type::NonNull(3) - GraphQL type that is a non-null version of another type
- GraphQL::Type::Object(3) - GraphQL object type
- GraphQL::Type::Scalar(3) - GraphQL scalar type
- GraphQL::Type::Union(3) - GraphQL union type
- GraphQL::Validation(3) - Perl implementation
- GraphViz::Data::Grapher(3) - Visualise data structures as a graph
- GraphViz::Data::Structure(3) - Visualise data structures
- GraphViz::DBI(3) - Graph database tables and relations
- GraphViz::No(3) - subclass of GraphViz with no nodes
- GraphViz::Parse::RecDescent(3) - Visualise grammars
- GraphViz::Parse::Yacc(3) - Visualise grammars
- GraphViz::Parse::Yapp(3) - Visualise grammars
- GraphViz::Regex(3) - Visualise a regular expression
- GraphViz::Small(3) - subclass of GraphViz with small nodes
- GraphViz::Traverse(3) - Build a GraphViz object via callback traversal
- GraphViz::Traverse::Filesystem(3) - Visualize a filesystem with GraphViz
- GraphViz::XML(3) - Visualise XML as a tree
- GraphViz2(3) - A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
- GraphViz2::Data::Grapher(3) - Visualize a data structure as a graph
- GraphViz2::DBI(3) - Visualize a database schema as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::ISA(3) - Visualize N Perl class hierarchies as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::RecDescent(3) - Visualize a Parse::RecDescent grammar as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp(3) - Visualize a Perl regular expression as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::STT(3) - Visualize a Set::FA::Element state transition table as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::XML(3) - Visualize XML as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::Yacc(3) - Visualize a yacc grammar as a graph
- GraphViz2::Parse::Yapp(3) - Visualize a yapp grammar as a graph
- Gravatar::URL(3) - Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
- GroupFile(3) - Perl interface to /etc/group format files
- groups-usr.dox(3)
- Growl::GNTP(3) - Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol (Client Part)
- GRS1(3) - Perl package used to encode GRS-1 records.
- Grutatxt(3) - Text to HTML (and other formats) converter
- gsasl_appinfo_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_appinfo_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_application_data_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_application_data_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_base64_decode(3) - API function
- gsasl_base64_encode(3) - API function
- gsasl_base64_from(3) - API function
- gsasl_base64_to(3) - API function
- gsasl_callback(3) - API function
- gsasl_callback_hook_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_callback_hook_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_callback_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_check_version(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_application_data_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_application_data_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_anonymous_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_anonymous_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_authentication_id_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_authentication_id_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_authorization_id_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_authorization_id_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_maxbuf_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_maxbuf_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_passcode_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_passcode_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_password_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_password_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_pin_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_pin_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_qop_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_qop_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_realm_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_realm_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_service_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_callback_service_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_ctx_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_finish(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_listmech(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_mechlist(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_start(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_step(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_step_base64(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_suggest_mechanism(3) - API function
- gsasl_client_support_p(3) - API function
- gsasl_ctx_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_decode(3) - API function
- gsasl_decode_inline(3) - API function
- gsasl_done(3) - API function
- gsasl_encode(3) - API function
- gsasl_encode_inline(3) - API function
- gsasl_finish(3) - API function
- gsasl_free(3) - API function
- gsasl_hash_length(3) - API function
- gsasl_hex_from(3) - API function
- gsasl_hex_to(3) - API function
- gsasl_hmac_md5(3) - API function
- gsasl_hmac_sha1(3) - API function
- gsasl_init(3) - API function
- gsasl_md5(3) - API function
- gsasl_md5pwd_get_password(3) - API function
- gsasl_mechanism_name(3) - API function
- gsasl_nonce(3) - API function
- gsasl_property_fast(3) - API function
- gsasl_property_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_property_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_property_set_raw(3) - API function
- gsasl_random(3) - API function
- gsasl_randomize(3) - API function
- gsasl_register(3) - API function
- gsasl_saslprep(3) - API function
- gsasl_scram_secrets_from_password(3) - API function
- gsasl_scram_secrets_from_salted_password(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_application_data_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_application_data_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_anonymous_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_anonymous_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_cipher_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_cipher_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_cram_md5_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_cram_md5_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_digest_md5_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_digest_md5_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_external_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_external_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_gssapi_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_gssapi_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_maxbuf_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_maxbuf_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_qop_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_qop_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_realm_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_realm_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_retrieve_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_retrieve_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_securid_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_securid_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_service_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_service_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_validate_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_callback_validate_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_ctx_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_finish(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_listmech(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_mechlist(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_start(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_step(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_step_base64(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_suggest_mechanism(3) - API function
- gsasl_server_support_p(3) - API function
- gsasl_session_hook_get(3) - API function
- gsasl_session_hook_set(3) - API function
- gsasl_sha1(3) - API function
- gsasl_simple_getpass(3) - API function
- gsasl_step(3) - API function
- gsasl_step64(3) - API function
- gsasl_strerror(3) - API function
- gsasl_strerror_name(3) - API function
- gsasl_stringprep_nfkc(3) - API function
- gsasl_stringprep_saslprep(3) - API function
- gsasl_stringprep_trace(3) - API function
- GSS_ACCEPT_SEC_CONTEXT(3) - Accept a security context initiated by a peer application
- GSS_ACQUIRE_CRED(3) - Obtain a GSS-API credential handle for pre-existing credentials
- GSS_ADD_CRED(3) - Construct credentials incrementally
- GSS_ADD_OID_SET_MEMBER(3) - Add an object identifier to a set
- GSS_CANONICALIZE_NAME(3) - Convert an internal name to an MN
- gss_check_version(3) - API function
- GSS_COMPARE_NAME(3) - Compare two internal-form names
- GSS_CONTEXT_TIME(3) - Determine for how long a context will remain valid
- GSS_CREATE_EMPTY_OID_SET(3) - Create a set containing no object identifiers
- gss_decapsulate_token(3) - API function
- GSS_DELETE_SEC_CONTEXT(3) - Discard a security context
- GSS_DISPLAY_NAME(3) - Convert internal-form name to text
- GSS_DISPLAY_STATUS(3) - Convert a GSS-API status code to text
- GSS_DUPLICATE_NAME(3) - Create a copy of an internal name
- gss_encapsulate_token(3) - API function
- GSS_EXPORT_NAME(3) - Convert an MN to export form
- GSS_EXPORT_SEC_CONTEXT(3) - Transfer a security context to another process
- GSS_GET_MIC(3) - Calculate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message; integrity service
- GSS_IMPORT_NAME(3) - Convert a contiguous string name to internal-form
- GSS_IMPORT_SEC_CONTEXT(3) - Import a transferred context
- GSS_INDICATE_MECHS(3) - Determine available underlying authentication mechanisms
- GSS_INIT_SEC_CONTEXT(3) - Initiate a security context with a peer application
- GSS_INQUIRE_CONTEXT(3) - Obtain information about a security context
- GSS_INQUIRE_CRED(3) - Obtain information about a credential
- GSS_INQUIRE_CRED_BY_MECH(3) - Obtain per-mechanism information about a credential
- gss_inquire_mech_for_saslname(3) - API function
- GSS_INQUIRE_MECHS_FOR_NAME(3) - List mechanisms that support the specified name-type
- GSS_INQUIRE_NAMES_FOR_MECH(3) - List the name-types supported by the specified mechanism
- gss_inquire_saslname_for_mech(3) - API function
- gss_oid_equal(3) - API function
- GSS_PROCESS_CONTEXT_TOKEN(3) - Process a token on a security context from a peer application
- GSS_RELEASE_BUFFER(3) - Discard a buffer
- GSS_RELEASE_CRED(3) - Discard a credential handle
- GSS_RELEASE_NAME(3) - Discard an internal-form name
- GSS_RELEASE_OID_SET(3) - Discard a set of object identifiers
- GSS_TEST_OID_SET_MEMBER(3) - Determines whether an object identifier is a member of a set
- gss_userok(3) - API function
- GSS_VERIFY_MIC(3) - Check a MIC against a message; verify integrity of a received message
- GSS_WRAP(3) - Attach a cryptographic MIC and optionally encrypt a message
- GSS_WRAP_SIZE_LIMIT(3) - Determine maximum message sizes
- GSSAPI::OID(3) - methods for handling GSSAPI OIDs and some constant OIDs
- GSSAPI::OID::Set(3) - methods for handling sets of GSSAPI OIDs, and some constant OID sets.
- GSSAPI::Status(3) - methods for handlings GSSAPI statuses
- gssapi_mechs_intro(3) - GSS_KRB5_MECHANISM
- gssapi_services_intro(3)
- GTK(3) - Gtk2::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumper
- Gtk2(3) - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
- Gtk2::AboutDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkAboutDialog
- Gtk2::Accelerator(3)
- Gtk2::AccelGroup(3) - wrapper for GtkAccelGroup
- Gtk2::AccelLabel(3) - wrapper for GtkAccelLabel
- Gtk2::AccelMap(3) - wrapper for GtkAccelMap
- Gtk2::Action(3) - wrapper for GtkAction
- Gtk2::ActionGroup(3) - wrapper for GtkActionGroup
- Gtk2::Activatable(3) - wrapper for GtkActivatable
- Gtk2::Adjustment(3) - wrapper for GtkAdjustment
- Gtk2::Alignment(3) - wrapper for GtkAlignment
- Gtk2::api(3) - Mapping the Gtk+ C API to perl
- Gtk2::Arrow(3) - wrapper for GtkArrow
- Gtk2::AspectFrame(3) - wrapper for GtkAspectFrame
- Gtk2::Assistant(3) - wrapper for GtkAssistant
- Gtk2::Bin(3) - wrapper for GtkBin
- Gtk2::BindingSet(3) - wrapper for GtkBindingSet
- Gtk2::Box(3) - wrapper for GtkBox
- Gtk2::Buildable(3) - Interface for objects that can be built by Gtk2::Builder
- Gtk2::Buildable::ParseContext(3)
- Gtk2::Builder(3) - wrapper for GtkBuilder
- Gtk2::Button(3) - wrapper for GtkButton
- Gtk2::ButtonBox(3) - wrapper for GtkButtonBox
- Gtk2::Calendar(3) - wrapper for GtkCalendar
- Gtk2::CellEditable(3) - wrapper for GtkCellEditable
- Gtk2::CellLayout(3) - wrapper for GtkCellLayout
- Gtk2::CellRenderer(3) - An object that renders a single cell onto a Gtk2::Gdk::Drawable
- Gtk2::CellRendererAccel(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererAccel
- Gtk2::CellRendererCombo(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererCombo
- Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererPixbuf
- Gtk2::CellRendererProgress(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererProgress
- Gtk2::CellRendererSpin(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererSpin
- Gtk2::CellRendererSpinner(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererSpinner
- Gtk2::CellRendererText(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererText
- Gtk2::CellRendererToggle(3) - wrapper for GtkCellRendererToggle
- Gtk2::CellView(3) - wrapper for GtkCellView
- Gtk2::CheckButton(3) - wrapper for GtkCheckButton
- Gtk2::CheckMenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkCheckMenuItem
- Gtk2::Chmod(3) - Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod.
- Gtk2::Clipboard(3) - wrapper for GtkClipboard
- Gtk2::CodeGen(3) - code generation utilities for Glib-based bindings.
- Gtk2::ColorButton(3) - wrapper for GtkColorButton
- Gtk2::ColorSelection(3) - wrapper for GtkColorSelection
- Gtk2::ColorSelectionDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkColorSelectionDialog
- Gtk2::Combo(3) - wrapper for GtkCombo
- Gtk2::ComboBox(3) - A widget used to choose from a list of items
- Gtk2::ComboBoxEntry(3) - A text entry field with a dropdown list
- Gtk2::Container(3) - wrapper for GtkContainer
- Gtk2::Curve(3) - wrapper for GtkCurve
- Gtk2::devel(3) - The internal workings of the gtk2-perl language bindings
- Gtk2::Dialog(3) - wrapper for GtkDialog
- Gtk2::Drag(3)
- Gtk2::DrawingArea(3) - wrapper for GtkDrawingArea
- Gtk2::Editable(3) - wrapper for GtkEditable
- Gtk2::Entry(3) - wrapper for GtkEntry
- Gtk2::EntryBuffer(3) - wrapper for GtkEntryBuffer
- Gtk2::EntryCompletion(3) - wrapper for GtkEntryCompletion
- Gtk2::enums(3) - enumeration and flag values for Gtk2
- Gtk2::EventBox(3) - wrapper for GtkEventBox
- Gtk2::Ex::Constants(3) - Extra Constants for working with Gnome2/Gtk2 in Perl.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs(3) - Useful tools for Gnome2/Gtk2 Perl GUI design.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::ChooseDirectory(3) - Provides a file selection dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::ChooseFile(3) - Provides a file selection dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::ChoosePreviewFile(3) - Provides a file selection dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::ErrorMsg(3) - Provides a simple error message dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::Message(3) - Provides a simple message dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs::Question(3) - Provides a simple question dialog.
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory(3) - Makes building complex GUI's easy
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Button(3) - A Button in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::CheckButton(3) - A CheckButton in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::CheckButtonGroup(3) - A group of checkbuttons
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Combo(3) - A Combo in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Container(3) - A container in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Context(3) - Context in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::DialogButtons(3) - Standard Ok, Apply, Cancel Buttons
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Entry(3) - An Entry in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::ExecFlow(3) - Display a Event::ExecFlow job plan
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Expander(3) - An Expander in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Form(3) - A Form in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::GtkWidget(3) - Wrap arbitrary Gtk widgets
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::HBox(3) - A HBox in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::HPaned(3) - A HPaned container in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::HSeparator(3) - A HSeparator in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Image(3) - An Image in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Intro(3) - Introduction into the FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Label(3) - A Label in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout(3) - Do layout in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List(3) - A List in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Loader(3) - Dynamic loading of FormFactory modules
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Menu(3) - A Menu in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Notebook(3) - A Notebook in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Popup(3) - A Popup in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::ProgressBar(3) - A ProgressBar in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Proxy(3) - Proxy class for application objects
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::ProxyBuffered(3) - Buffering object proxy
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::RadioButton(3) - A RadioButton in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Rules(3) - Rule checking in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Table(3) - Complex table layouts made easy
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::TextView(3) - A TextView in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Timestamp(3) - Enter a valid timestamp
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::ToggleButton(3) - A ToggleButton in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::VBox(3) - A VBox in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::VPaned(3) - A VPaned container in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::VSeparator(3) - A VSeparator in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Widget(3) - Base class for all FormFactory Widgets
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Window(3) - A Window in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::YesNo(3) - Yes/No radio buttons in a FormFactory framework
- Gtk2::Ex::PodViewer(3) - a Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD).
- Gtk2::Ex::PodViewer::Parser(3) - a custom POD Parser for Gtk2::Ex::PodViewer.
- Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List(3) - A simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget
- Gtk2::Ex::Utils(3) - Extra Gtk2 Utilities for working with Gnome2/Gtk2 in Perl.
- Gtk2::Expander(3) - wrapper for GtkExpander
- Gtk2::FileChooser(3) - wrapper for GtkFileChooser
- Gtk2::FileChooserButton(3) - wrapper for GtkFileChooserButton
- Gtk2::FileChooserDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkFileChooserDialog
- Gtk2::FileChooserWidget(3) - wrapper for GtkFileChooserWidget
- Gtk2::FileFilter(3) - wrapper for GtkFileFilter
- Gtk2::FileSelection(3) - wrapper for GtkFileSelection
- Gtk2::Fixed(3) - wrapper for GtkFixed
- Gtk2::FontButton(3) - wrapper for GtkFontButton
- Gtk2::FontSelection(3) - wrapper for GtkFontSelection
- Gtk2::FontSelectionDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkFontSelectionDialog
- Gtk2::Frame(3) - wrapper for GtkFrame
- Gtk2::GammaCurve(3) - wrapper for GtkGammaCurve
- Gtk2::GC(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Atom(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Bitmap(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Cairo::Context(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Color(3) - wrapper for GdkColor
- Gtk2::Gdk::Colormap(3) - wrapper for GdkColormap
- Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor(3) - wrapper for GdkCursor
- Gtk2::Gdk::Device(3) - wrapper for GdkDevice
- Gtk2::Gdk::Display(3) - wrapper for GdkDisplay
- Gtk2::Gdk::DisplayManager(3) - wrapper for GdkDisplayManager
- Gtk2::Gdk::DragContext(3) - wrapper for GdkDragContext
- Gtk2::Gdk::Drawable(3) - wrapper for GdkDrawable
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event(3) - wrapper for GdkEvent
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Button(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Client(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Configure(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::DND(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Expose(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Focus(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::GrabBroken(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Key(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Motion(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::NoExpose(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::OwnerChange(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Property(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Proximity(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Scroll(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Selection(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Setting(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Visibility(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Event::WindowState(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::GC(3) - wrapper for GdkGC
- Gtk2::Gdk::Geometry(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Image(3) - wrapper for GdkImage
- Gtk2::Gdk::Input(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Keymap(3) - wrapper for GdkKeymap
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pango::AttrEmbossColor(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pango::AttrEmbossed(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pango::AttrStipple(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::PangoRenderer(3) - wrapper for GdkPangoRenderer
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf(3) - wrapper for GdkPixbuf
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf::Draw::Cache(3) - Cache for drawing scaled pixbufs
- Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufAnimation(3) - wrapper for GdkPixbufAnimation
- Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufAnimationIter(3) - wrapper for GdkPixbufAnimationIter
- Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufFormat(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader(3) - wrapper for GdkPixbufLoader
- Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufSimpleAnim(3) - wrapper for GdkPixbufSimpleAnim
- Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap(3) - wrapper for GdkPixmap
- Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle(3) - wrapper for GdkRectangle
- Gtk2::Gdk::Region(3) - wrapper for GdkRegion
- Gtk2::Gdk::Rgb(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Screen(3) - wrapper for GdkScreen
- Gtk2::Gdk::Selection(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Threads(3)
- Gtk2::Gdk::Visual(3) - wrapper for GdkVisual
- Gtk2::Gdk::Window(3) - wrapper for GdkWindow
- Gtk2::Gdk::X11(3)
- Gtk2::HandleBox(3) - wrapper for GtkHandleBox
- Gtk2::HBox(3) - wrapper for GtkHBox
- Gtk2::HButtonBox(3) - wrapper for GtkHButtonBox
- Gtk2::Helper(3) - Convenience functions for the Gtk2 module
- Gtk2::HPaned(3) - wrapper for GtkHPaned
- Gtk2::HRuler(3) - wrapper for GtkHRuler
- Gtk2::HScale(3) - wrapper for GtkHScale
- Gtk2::HScrollbar(3) - wrapper for GtkHScrollbar
- Gtk2::HSeparator(3) - wrapper for GtkHSeparator
- Gtk2::HSV(3) - wrapper for GtkHSV
- Gtk2::IconFactory(3) - wrapper for GtkIconFactory
- Gtk2::IconInfo(3) - wrapper for GtkIconInfo
- Gtk2::IconSet(3) - wrapper for GtkIconSet
- Gtk2::IconSize(3) - wrapper for GtkIconSize
- Gtk2::IconSource(3) - wrapper for GtkIconSource
- Gtk2::IconTheme(3) - wrapper for GtkIconTheme
- Gtk2::IconView(3) - wrapper for GtkIconView
- Gtk2::Image(3) - wrapper for GtkImage
- Gtk2::ImageMenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkImageMenuItem
- Gtk2::ImageView(3) - General purpose image viewer for Gtk+
- Gtk2::ImageView::Anim(3) - Subclass of Gtk2::ImageView capable of playing
- Gtk2::ImageView::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Gtk2::ImageView::Nav(3) - Navigation window showing a thumbnailed overview of a Gtk2::ImageView.
- Gtk2::ImageView::ScrollWin(3) - Scrollable window suitable for Gtk2::ImageView.
- Gtk2::ImageView::Tool(3) - Interface for objects capable of being used as tools by Gtk2::ImageView
- Gtk2::ImageView::Tool::Dragger(3) - Default image tool for panning the image.
- Gtk2::ImageView::Tool::Painter(3) - Demo image tool for painting on a Gtk2::ImageView
- Gtk2::ImageView::Tool::Selector(3) - Image tool for selecting rectangular regions
- Gtk2::ImageView::Zoom(3) - Functions for dealing with zoom factors
- Gtk2::IMContext(3) - wrapper for GtkIMContext
- Gtk2::IMContextSimple(3) - wrapper for GtkIMContextSimple
- Gtk2::IMMulticontext(3) - wrapper for GtkIMMulticontext
- Gtk2::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Gtk2::InfoBar(3) - wrapper for GtkInfoBar
- Gtk2::InputDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkInputDialog
- Gtk2::Invisible(3) - wrapper for GtkInvisible
- Gtk2::Item(3) - wrapper for GtkItem
- Gtk2::ItemFactory(3) - wrapper for GtkItemFactory
- Gtk2::Label(3) - wrapper for GtkLabel
- Gtk2::Layout(3) - wrapper for GtkLayout
- Gtk2::LinkButton(3) - wrapper for GtkLinkButton
- Gtk2::List(3) - wrapper for GtkList
- Gtk2::ListItem(3) - wrapper for GtkListItem
- Gtk2::ListStore(3) - wrapper for GtkListStore
- Gtk2::main(3) - for example a curses or command-line interface.
- Gtk2::Menu(3) - wrapper for GtkMenu
- Gtk2::MenuBar(3) - wrapper for GtkMenuBar
- Gtk2::MenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkMenuItem
- Gtk2::MenuShell(3) - wrapper for GtkMenuShell
- Gtk2::MenuToolButton(3) - wrapper for GtkMenuToolButton
- Gtk2::MessageDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkMessageDialog
- Gtk2::Misc(3) - wrapper for GtkMisc
- Gtk2::Notebook(3) - wrapper for GtkNotebook
- Gtk2::Notify(3) - Perl interface to libnotify
- Gtk2::Notify::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Gtk2::Object(3) - wrapper for GtkObject
- Gtk2::OffscreenWindow(3) - wrapper for GtkOffscreenWindow
- Gtk2::OptionMenu(3) - wrapper for GtkOptionMenu
- Gtk2::Orientable(3) - Interface for flippable widgets
- Gtk2::PageSetup(3) - wrapper for GtkPageSetup
- Gtk2::Paned(3) - wrapper for GtkPaned
- Gtk2::Pango(3) - constants for use with Pango
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrBackground(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrBackground
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrColor(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrColor
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrFallback(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrFallback
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrFamily(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrFamily
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrFontDesc(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrFontDesc
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrForeground(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrForeground
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrGravity(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrGravity
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrGravityHint(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrGravityHint
- Gtk2::Pango::Attribute(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Attribute
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrInt(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrInt
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrIterator(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrIterator
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrLanguage(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrLanguage
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrLetterSpacing(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrLetterSpacing
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrList(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrList
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrRise(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrRise
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrScale(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrScale
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrShape(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrShape
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrSize(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrSize
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrStretch(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrStretch
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrStrikethrough(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrStrikethrough
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrStrikethroughColor(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrStrikethroughColor
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrString(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrString
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrStyle(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrStyle
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrUnderline(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrUnderline
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrUnderlineColor(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrUnderlineColor
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrVariant(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrVariant
- Gtk2::Pango::AttrWeight(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::AttrWeight
- Gtk2::Pango::Cairo(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Cairo
- Gtk2::Pango::Cairo::Context(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Cairo::Context
- Gtk2::Pango::Cairo::Font(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Cairo::Font
- Gtk2::Pango::Cairo::FontMap(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Cairo::FontMap
- Gtk2::Pango::Color(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Color
- Gtk2::Pango::Context(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Context
- Gtk2::Pango::Font(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Font
- Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::FontDescription
- Gtk2::Pango::FontFace(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::FontFace
- Gtk2::Pango::FontFamily(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::FontFamily
- Gtk2::Pango::FontMap(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::FontMap
- Gtk2::Pango::FontMetrics(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::FontMetrics
- Gtk2::Pango::Fontset(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Fontset
- Gtk2::Pango::Gravity(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Gravity
- Gtk2::Pango::Language(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Language
- Gtk2::Pango::Layout(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Layout
- Gtk2::Pango::LayoutIter(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::LayoutIter
- Gtk2::Pango::LayoutLine(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::LayoutLine
- Gtk2::Pango::Matrix(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Matrix
- Gtk2::Pango::Renderer(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Renderer
- Gtk2::Pango::Script(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::Script
- Gtk2::Pango::ScriptIter(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::ScriptIter
- Gtk2::Pango::TabArray(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::TabArray
- Gtk2::Pango::version(3) - backwards compatibility wrapper for Pango::version
- Gtk2::PaperSize(3) - wrapper for GtkPaperSize
- Gtk2::PathButtonBar(3) - Creates a bar for path manipulation.
- Gtk2::Plug(3) - wrapper for GtkPlug
- Gtk2::Print(3)
- Gtk2::PrintContext(3) - wrapper for GtkPrintContext
- Gtk2::PrintOperation(3) - wrapper for GtkPrintOperation
- Gtk2::PrintOperationPreview(3) - wrapper for GtkPrintOperationPreview
- Gtk2::PrintSettings(3) - wrapper for GtkPrintSettings
- Gtk2::ProgressBar(3) - wrapper for GtkProgressBar
- Gtk2::RadioAction(3) - wrapper for GtkRadioAction
- Gtk2::RadioButton(3) - wrapper for GtkRadioButton
- Gtk2::RadioMenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkRadioMenuItem
- Gtk2::RadioToolButton(3) - wrapper for GtkRadioToolButton
- Gtk2::Range(3) - wrapper for GtkRange
- Gtk2::Rc(3)
- Gtk2::RcStyle(3) - wrapper for GtkRcStyle
- Gtk2::RecentAction(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentAction
- Gtk2::RecentChooser(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentChooser
- Gtk2::RecentChooserDialog(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentChooserDialog
- Gtk2::RecentChooserMenu(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentChooserMenu
- Gtk2::RecentChooserWidget(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentChooserWidget
- Gtk2::RecentFilter(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentFilter
- Gtk2::RecentInfo(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentInfo
- Gtk2::RecentManager(3) - wrapper for GtkRecentManager
- Gtk2::Requisition(3) - wrapper for GtkRequisition
- Gtk2::Ruler(3) - wrapper for GtkRuler
- Gtk2::Scale(3) - wrapper for GtkScale
- Gtk2::ScaleButton(3) - wrapper for GtkScaleButton
- Gtk2::Scrollbar(3) - wrapper for GtkScrollbar
- Gtk2::ScrolledWindow(3) - wrapper for GtkScrolledWindow
- Gtk2::Selection(3)
- Gtk2::SelectionData(3) - wrapper for GtkSelectionData
- Gtk2::Separator(3) - wrapper for GtkSeparator
- Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkSeparatorMenuItem
- Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem(3) - wrapper for GtkSeparatorToolItem
- Gtk2::SimpleList(3) - A simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget
- Gtk2::SimpleMenu(3) - A simple interface to Gtk2's ItemFactory for creating application menus
- Gtk2::SizeGroup(3) - wrapper for GtkSizeGroup
- Gtk2::Socket(3) - wrapper for GtkSocket
- Gtk2::Spell(3) - Bindings for GtkSpell with Gtk2
- Gtk2::SpinButton(3) - wrapper for GtkSpinButton
- Gtk2::Spinner(3) - wrapper for GtkSpinner
- Gtk2::Statusbar(3) - wrapper for GtkStatusbar
- Gtk2::StatusIcon(3) - wrapper for GtkStatusIcon
- Gtk2::Stock(3)
- Gtk2::Style(3) - wrapper for GtkStyle
- Gtk2::Table(3) - wrapper for GtkTable
- Gtk2::TargetEntry(3) - see Gtk2::TargetFlags), and an application assigned integer ID. The integer ID will later be passed as a signal parameter for signals like "selection_get". It allows the application to identify the target type without extensive string compares.
- Gtk2::TargetList(3) - wrapper for GtkTargetList
- Gtk2::TearoffMenuItem(3) - wrapper for GtkTearoffMenuItem
- Gtk2::TextAttributes(3) - wrapper for GtkTextAttributes
- Gtk2::TextBuffer(3) - wrapper for GtkTextBuffer
- Gtk2::TextChildAnchor(3) - wrapper for GtkTextChildAnchor
- Gtk2::TextIter(3) - wrapper for GtkTextIter
- Gtk2::TextMark(3) - wrapper for GtkTextMark
- Gtk2::TextTag(3) - wrapper for GtkTextTag
- Gtk2::TextTagTable(3) - wrapper for GtkTextTagTable
- Gtk2::TextView(3) - wrapper for GtkTextView
- Gtk2::ToggleAction(3) - wrapper for GtkToggleAction
- Gtk2::ToggleButton(3) - wrapper for GtkToggleButton
- Gtk2::ToggleToolButton(3) - wrapper for GtkToggleToolButton
- Gtk2::Toolbar(3) - wrapper for GtkToolbar
- Gtk2::ToolButton(3) - wrapper for GtkToolButton
- Gtk2::ToolItem(3) - wrapper for GtkToolItem
- Gtk2::ToolItemGroup(3) - wrapper for GtkToolItemGroup
- Gtk2::ToolPalette(3) - wrapper for GtkToolPalette
- Gtk2::ToolShell(3) - wrapper for GtkToolShell
- Gtk2::Tooltip(3) - wrapper for GtkTooltip
- Gtk2::Tooltips(3) - wrapper for GtkTooltips
- Gtk2::TreeDragDest(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeDragDest
- Gtk2::TreeDragSource(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeDragSource
- Gtk2::TreeIter(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeIter
- Gtk2::TreeModel(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeModel
- Gtk2::TreeModelFilter(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeModelFilter
- Gtk2::TreeModelSort(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeModelSort
- Gtk2::TreePath(3) - wrapper for GtkTreePath
- Gtk2::TreeRowReference(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeRowReference
- Gtk2::TreeSelection(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeSelection
- Gtk2::TreeSortable(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeSortable
- Gtk2::TreeStore(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeStore
- Gtk2::TreeView(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeView
- Gtk2::TreeViewColumn(3) - wrapper for GtkTreeViewColumn
- Gtk2::UIManager(3) - wrapper for GtkUIManager
- Gtk2::VBox(3) - wrapper for GtkVBox
- Gtk2::VButtonBox(3) - wrapper for GtkVButtonBox
- Gtk2::version(3) - Library Version Information
- Gtk2::Viewport(3) - wrapper for GtkViewport
- Gtk2::VolumeButton(3) - wrapper for GtkVolumeButton
- Gtk2::VPaned(3) - wrapper for GtkVPaned
- Gtk2::VRuler(3) - wrapper for GtkVRuler
- Gtk2::VScale(3) - wrapper for GtkVScale
- Gtk2::VScrollbar(3) - wrapper for GtkVScrollbar
- Gtk2::VSeparator(3) - wrapper for GtkVSeparator
- Gtk2::Widget(3) - wrapper for GtkWidget
- Gtk2::Window(3) - wrapper for GtkWindow
- Gtk2::WindowGroup(3) - wrapper for GtkWindowGroup
- Gtk3(3) - Perl interface to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit
- Gtk3::ImageView(3) - Image viewer widget for Gtk3
- Gtk3::SimpleList(3) - A simple interface to Gtk3's complex MVC list widget
- GUI(3) - Handles the choice of UI for XMLTV
- gui_fg_color(3) - The foreground and background colors for the standard dialogs. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_font_baseline(3) - Adjusts the keyboard shortcut underscores height. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_get_screen(3) - Returns the bitmap surface GUI routines draw to. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_menu_draw_menu(3) - Hooks to modify the appearance of menus. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_mg_color(3) - The color used for displaying greyed-out dialog objects. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_focus(3) - Tells if the input focus follows the mouse pointer. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_x(3) - Hook functions used by the GUI routines to access the mouse state. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_set_screen(3) - Changes the bitmap surface GUI routines draw to. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_shadow_box_proc(3) - Hooks to customise the look and feel of Allegro dialogs.
- gui_strlen(3) - Returns the length of a string in pixels. Allegro game programming library.
- gui_textout_ex(3) - Draws a text string onto the screen with keyboard shortcut underbars. Allegro game programming library.
- GUITest(3) - Provides GUI testing/interaction routines.
- Gungho(3) - Yet Another High Performance Web Crawler Framework
- Gungho::Base(3) - Base Class For Various Gungho Objects
- Gungho::Base::Class(3) - Base For Classes That Won't Be Instantiated
- Gungho::Component(3) - Component Base Class For Gungho
- Gungho::Component::Authentication(3) - Base Class For WWW Authentication
- Gungho::Component::Authentication::Basic(3) - Add Basic Auth To Gungho
- Gungho::Component::BlockPrivateIP(3) - Block Requests With Private IP Address
- Gungho::Component::Cache(3) - Use Cache In Your App
- Gungho::Component::Core(3) - Gungho Core Methods
- Gungho::Component::RobotRules(3) - Respect robots.txt
- Gungho::Component::RobotRules::Rule(3) - A Rule Object
- Gungho::Component::RobotRules::Storage(3) - RobotRules Storage Base Class
- Gungho::Component::RobotRules::Storage::Cache(3) - Cache Storage For RobotRules
- Gungho::Component::RobotRules::Storage::DB_File(3) - DB_File Storage For RobotRules
- Gungho::Component::RobotsMETA(3) - Automatically Parse Robots META
- Gungho::Component::Scraper(3) - Web::Scraper From Within Gungho
- Gungho::Component::Setup(3) - Routines To Setup Gungho
- Gungho::Component::Throttle(3) - Base Class To Throttle Requests
- Gungho::Component::Throttle::Domain(3) - Throttle By Domain
- Gungho::Component::Throttle::Provider(3) - Throttle Calls To The Provider
- Gungho::Component::Throttle::Simple(3) - Throttle By Number Of Requests
- Gungho::Component::Throttle::Throttler(3) - Data::Throttler Based Throttling
- Gungho::Engine(3) - Base Class For Gungho Engine
- Gungho::Engine::Danga::Socket(3) - Gungho Engine Using Danga::Socket
- Gungho::Engine::IO::Async(3) - IO::Async Engine
- Gungho::Engine::POE(3) - POE Engine For Gungho
- Gungho::Exception(3) - Gungho Exceptions
- Gungho::Handler(3) - Base Class For Gungho Handlers
- Gungho::Handler::FileWriter::Simple(3) - Write Out Fetched Contents To File
- Gungho::Handler::Inline(3) - Inline Handler
- Gungho::Handler::Null(3) - A Handler That Does Nothing
- Gungho::Inline(3) - Inline Your Providers And Handlers (Deprecated)
- Gungho::Log(3) - Log Base Class For Gungho
- Gungho::Log::Dispatch(3) - Log::Dispatch-Based Log For Gungho
- Gungho::Log::Simple(3) - Simple Gungho Log Class
- Gungho::Manual::FAQ(3) - Gungho FAQ
- Gungho::Manual::TODO(3) - TODO Items
- Gungho::Plugin(3) - Gungho Plugin Base Class
- Gungho::Plugin::Apoptosis(3) - Stop Execution In Long-Running Processes
- Gungho::Plugin::RequestLog(3) - Log Requests
- Gungho::Plugin::RequestTimer(3) - Keep Track Of Time To Finish Request
- Gungho::Plugin::Statistics(3) - Gather Crawler Statistics
- Gungho::Plugin::Statistics::Format::XML(3) - Format Statistics As XML
- Gungho::Plugin::Statistics::Storage::SQLite(3)
- Gungho::Provider(3) - Base Class For Gungho Prividers
- Gungho::Provider::File::Simple(3) - Provide Requests From A Simple File
- Gungho::Provider::Inline(3) - Inline Provider
- Gungho::Provider::Simple(3) - An In-Memory, Simple Provider
- Gungho::Provider::YAML(3) - Specify requests in YAML format
- Gungho::Request(3) - A Gungho Request Object
- Gungho::Request::http(3) - HTTP specific utilities
- Gungho::Response(3) - Gungho HTTP Response Object
- Gungho::Util(3) - Gungho General Utilities
- GunghoX::FollowLinks(3) - Automatically Follow Links Within Responses
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Filter(3) - Filter URI
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Parser(3) - Base Class For FollowLinks Parser
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Parser::HTML(3) - FollowLinks Parser For HTML Documents
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Parser::Text(3) - Parse URLs Out Of Plain Text
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule(3) - Rule To Decide If A Link Should Be Followed
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::Allow(3) - Always Allow
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::Deny(3) - Always Deny
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::Fresh(3) - Only Follow Fresh Links
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::Fresh::Cache(3) - Store URLs In A Cache Of Your Choice
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::Fresh::Memory(3) - Store URLs In Memory
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::HTML::SelectedTags(3) - Follow Only On Selected Tags
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::MIME(3) - Follow Based On MIME Type
- GunghoX::FollowLinks::Rule::URI(3) - Follow Dependig On URI
- Gunzip(3) - Wrapper to Compress::Zlib or gzip(1)
- Gzip::Faster(3) - simple and fast gzip and gunzip
- Hailo(3) - A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL
- Hailo::Command(3) - Class for the hailo command-line interface to Hailo
- Hailo::Engine::Default(3) - The default engine backend for Hailo
- Hailo::Engine::Scored(3) - MegaHAL-style reply scoring for Hailo
- Hailo::Role::Arguments(3) - A role which adds an 'arguments' attribute
- Hailo::Role::Engine(3) - A role representing a Hailo engine backend
- Hailo::Role::Storage(3) - A role representing a Hailo storage backend
- Hailo::Role::Tokenizer(3) - A role representing a Hailo tokenizer
- Hailo::Role::UI(3) - A role representing a Hailo UI
- Hailo::Storage(3) - A base class for Hailo storage backends
- Hailo::Storage::MySQL(3) - A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::mysql
- Hailo::Storage::PostgreSQL(3) - A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::Pg
- Hailo::Storage::Schema(3) - Deploy the database schema Hailo uses
- Hailo::Storage::SQLite(3) - A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::SQLite
- Hailo::Tokenizer::Chars(3) - A character tokenizer for Hailo
- Hailo::Tokenizer::Words(3) - A tokenizer for Hailo which splits on whitespace and word boundaries, mostly.
- Hailo::UI::ReadLine(3) - A UI for Hailo using Term::ReadLine
- HanDetect(3) - Guess Chinese text's variant and encoding
- HANDLECOND(3) - sets a function to handle a condition
- Handler::Delta(3) - Time lapse object
- Handler::Range(3) - Time range object
- Hash::AsObject(3) - treat hashes as objects, with arbitrary accessors/mutators
- Hash::AutoHash(3) - Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
- Hash::AutoHash::Args(3) - Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists
- Hash::AutoHash::Args::V0(3) - Object-oriented processing of argument lists (version 0)
- Hash::Case(3) - base class for hashes with key-casing requirements
- Hash::Case::Lower(3) - hash with enforced lower cased keys
- Hash::Case::Preserve(3) - hash with enforced lower cased keys
- Hash::Case::Upper(3) - native hash with enforced lower cased keys
- Hash::Diff(3) - Return difference between two hashes as a hash
- Hash::FieldHash(3) - Lightweight field hash for inside-out objects
- Hash::Flatten(3) - flatten/unflatten complex data hashes
- Hash::Merge(3) - Merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash
- Hash::Merge::Simple(3) - Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
- Hash::MoreUtils(3) - Provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util
- Hash::MultiValue(3) - Store multiple values per key
- Hash::NoRef(3) - A HASH that store values without increase the reference count (weak references).
- Hash::Objectify(3) - Create objects from hashes on the fly
- Hash::Slice(3) - Make a hash from a deep slice of another hash
- Hash::Union(3) - smart hashes merging
- Hash::Util(3) - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
- Hash::Util::FieldHash(3) - Support for Inside-Out Classes
- Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat(3) - Use Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties, depending on availability
- Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat::Heavy(3) - Emulate Hash::Util::FieldHash using Tie::RefHash etc
- Hash::WithDefaults(3) - class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults
- HASHKIT_CLONE(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_CRC32(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_CREATE(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FNV1_32(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FNV1_64(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FNV1A_32(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FNV1A_64(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FREE(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_FUNCTIONS(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_HSIEH(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_IS_ALLOCATED(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_JENKINS(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_MD5(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_MURMUR(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- HASHKIT_VALUE(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- Hashtbl(3) - Hash tables and hash functions.
- HasVersion(3) - Check Perl modules have version numbers
- Hatena::Keyword(3) - Extract Hatena Keywords in a string
- Haval256(3) - A 5-round, 256-bit one-way hash function
- HCE_MD5(3) - Perl extension implementing one way hash chaining encryption using MD5
- HCE_SHA(3) - Perl extension implementing one way hash chaining encryption using SHA
- HCLOSE(3) - hard-closes a handle
- HCREATE(3) - manage hash search table
- hdb_entry_ex(3)
- hdf_copy(3) - copy part of an HDF dataset to another
- hdf_destroy(3) - deallocate an HDF data set
- hdf_dump(3) - dump an HDF dataset to stdout Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_dump_format(3) - dump an HDF dataset to FILE *fp Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_dump_str(3) - dump an HDF dataset to STRING Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_get_attr(3) - Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_get_child(3) - return the first child of the named node
- hdf_get_copy(3) - Returns a copy of a string in the HDF data set
- hdf_get_int_value(3) - Return the integer value of a point in the data set
- hdf_get_node(3) - Similar to hdf_get_obj except all the nodes are created if the don't exist.
- hdf_get_obj(3) - return the HDF data set node at a named location
- hdf_get_value(3) - Return the value of a node in the data set
- hdf_get_valuef(3) - Return the value of a node in the data set
- hdf_get_valuevf(3) - Return the value of a node in the data set
- hdf_init(3) - Initialize an HDF data set
- hdf_obj_attr(3) - Return the HDF Attributes for a node Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_obj_child(3) - Return the first child of a dataset node
- hdf_obj_name(3) - Return the name of a node
- hdf_obj_next(3) - Return the next node of a dataset level
- hdf_obj_top(3) - Return the pointer to the top dataset node
- hdf_obj_value(3) - Return the value of a node
- hdf_read_string(3) - read an HDF string Description: Input: Output:
- hdf_read_string_ignore(3) - Read an HDF string and ignore errors Description: Input: Output:
- hdf_register_fileload(3) - register a fileload function
- hdf_remove_tree(3) - delete a subtree of an HDF dataset Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_search_path(3) - Find a file given a search path in HDF
- hdf_set_attr(3) - Description: Input: Output: Returns:
- hdf_set_buf(3) - Set the value of a node without duplicating the value
- hdf_set_copy(3)
- hdf_set_int_value(3) - Set the value of a named node to a number
- hdf_set_symlink(3) - Set part of the tree to link to another
- hdf_set_value(3) - Set the value of a named node
- hdf_set_valuef(3) - Set the value of a named node
- hdf_sort_obj(3) - sort the children of an HDF node
- hdf_write_file(3) - write an HDF data file Description: Input: Output:
- hdf_write_file_atomic(3) - write an HDF data file atomically
- hdf_write_string(3) - serialize an HDF dataset to a string Description: Input: Output:
- HeadFinder(3) - Head-finding in Lingua::Treebank
- Heap::Binary(3) - a binary heap to keep data partially sorted
- Heap::Binomial(3) - a binomial heap to keep data partially sorted
- Heap::Elem(3) - Base class for elements in a Heap
- Heap::Elem::Num(3) - Numeric Heap Elements
- Heap::Elem::NumRev(3) - Reversed Numeric Heap Elements
- Heap::Elem::Ref(3) - Object Reference Heap Elements
- Heap::Elem::RefRev(3) - Reversed Object Reverence Heap Elements
- Heap::Elem::Str(3) - String Heap Elements
- Heap::Elem::StrRev(3) - Reversed String Heap Elements
- Heap::Fibonacci(3) - a fibonacci heap to keep data partially sorted
- Heap::Simple(3) - Fast and easy to use classic heaps
- Heap::Simple::Perl(3) - A pure perl implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
- Heap::Simple::XS(3) - An XS implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
- heart(3) - Heartbeat monitoring of an Erlang runtime system.
- Hebrew(3) - Dates in the Hebrew calendar
- heimbase(3) - Registers a DB type for use with heim_db_create().
- HESIOD(3) - Hesiod functions for retrieving user to postoffice mappings
- hide_image(3)
- Highlight(3) - A module to highlight words or patterns in HTML documents
- Hijk(3) - Fast & minimal low-level HTTP client
- HILBERT(3) - Compute points on a Hilbert curve.
- HistEntry(3) - Entry widget with history capability
- HList(3) - Create and manipulate Tix Hierarchial List widgets
- Hook::LexWrap(3) - Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
- hook_config_section(3) - Hooks a configuration file section with custom handlers. Allegro game programming library.
- HOP::Lexer(3) - "Higher Order Perl" Lexer
- HOP::Lexer::Article(3)
- HOP::Stream(3) - "Higher Order Perl" streams
- HOSTS_ACCESS(3) - access control library
- Hotmail(3) - Connect to Hotmail, download, delete and send messages
- HOVEL(3) - the GDBM-compatible API of QDBM
- HOWN(3) - transfer ownership of a handle
- HPL_abort(3) - halts execution.
- HPL_all_reduce(3) - All reduce operation.
- HPL_barrier(3) - Barrier operation.
- HPL_bcast(3) - Perform the row broadcast.
- HPL_binit(3) - Initialize the row broadcast.
- HPL_broadcast(3) - Broadcast operation.
- HPL_bwait(3) - Finalize the row broadcast.
- HPL_copyL(3) - Copy the current panel into a contiguous workspace.
- HPL_daxpy(3) - y := y + alpha * x.
- HPL_dcopy(3) - y := x.
- HPL_dgemm(3) - C := alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C.
- HPL_dgemv(3) - y := beta * y + alpha * op(A) * x.
- HPL_dger(3) - A := alpha * x * y^T + A.
- HPL_dlacpy(3) - B := A.
- HPL_dlamch(3) - determines machine-specific arithmetic constants.
- HPL_dlange(3) - Compute ||A||.
- HPL_dlaprnt(3) - Print the matrix A.
- HPL_dlaswp00N(3) - performs a series of row interchanges.
- HPL_dlaswp01N(3) - copies rows of A into itself and into U.
- HPL_dlaswp01T(3) - copies rows of A into itself and into U.
- HPL_dlaswp02N(3) - pack rows of A into columns of W.
- HPL_dlaswp03N(3) - copy rows of W into U.
- HPL_dlaswp03T(3) - copy columns of W into U.
- HPL_dlaswp04N(3) - copy rows of U in A and replace them with columns of W.
- HPL_dlaswp04T(3) - copy columns of U in rows of A and replace them with columns of W.
- HPL_dlaswp05N(3) - copy rows of U into A.
- HPL_dlaswp05T(3) - copy rows of U into A.
- HPL_dlaswp06N(3) - swap rows of U with rows of A.
- HPL_dlaswp06T(3) - swap rows or columns of U with rows of A.
- HPL_dlaswp10N(3) - performs a series column interchanges.
- HPL_dlatcpy(3) - B := A^T
- HPL_dlocmax(3) - finds the maximum entry in matrix column.
- HPL_dlocswpN(3) - locally swaps rows within panel.
- HPL_dlocswpT(3) - locally swaps rows within panel.
- HPL_dmatgen(3) - random matrix generator.
- HPL_dscal(3) - x = alpha * x.
- HPL_dswap(3) - y <-> x.
- HPL_dtrsm(3) - B := A^{-1} * B or B := B * A^{-1}.
- HPL_dtrsv(3) - x := A^{-1} x.
- HPL_equil(3) - Equilibrate U and forward the column panel L.
- HPL_fprintf(3) - fprintf + fflush wrapper.
- HPL_grid_exit(3) - Exit process grid.
- HPL_grid_info(3) - Retrieve grid information.
- HPL_grid_init(3) - Create a process grid.
- HPL_idamax(3) - 1st k s.t. |x_k| = max_i(|x_i|).
- HPL_indxg2l(3) - Map a global index into a local one.
- HPL_indxg2lp(3) - Map a local index into a global one.
- HPL_indxg2p(3) - Map a global index into a process coordinate.
- HPL_indxl2g(3) - Map a index-process pair into a global index.
- HPL_infog2l(3) - global to local index translation.
- HPL_jumpit(3) - jump into the random sequence.
- HPL_ladd(3) - Adds two long positive integers.
- HPL_lmul(3) - multiplies 2 long positive integers.
- HPL_logsort(3) - Sort the processes in logarithmic order.
- HPL_max(3) - Combine (max) two buffers.
- HPL_min(3) - Combine (min) two buffers.
- HPL_numroc(3) - Compute the local number of row/columns.
- HPL_numrocI(3) - Compute the local number of row/columns.
- HPL_pabort(3) - halts execution.
- HPL_packL(3) - Form the MPI structure for the row ring broadcasts.
- HPL_pdfact(3) - recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdgesv(3) - Solve A x = b.
- HPL_pdgesv0(3) - Factor an N x N+1 matrix.
- HPL_pdgesvK1(3) - Factor an N x N+1 matrix.
- HPL_pdgesvK2(3) - Factor an N x N+1 matrix.
- HPL_pdinfo(3) - Read input parameter file.
- HPL_pdlamch(3) - determines machine-specific arithmetic constants.
- HPL_pdlange(3) - Compute ||A||.
- HPL_pdlaprnt(3) - Print a distributed matrix A.
- HPL_pdlaswp00N(3) - Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U.
- HPL_pdlaswp00T(3) - Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U.
- HPL_pdlaswp01N(3) - Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U.
- HPL_pdlaswp01T(3) - Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U.
- HPL_pdmatgen(3) - Parallel random matrix generator.
- HPL_pdmxswp(3) - swaps and broacast the pivot row.
- HPL_pdpancrN(3) - Crout panel factorization.
- HPL_pdpancrT(3) - Crout panel factorization.
- HPL_pdpanel_disp(3) - Deallocate a panel data structure.
- HPL_pdpanel_free(3) - Deallocate the panel ressources.
- HPL_pdpanel_init(3) - Initialize the panel resources.
- HPL_pdpanel_new(3) - Create a panel data structure.
- HPL_pdpanllN(3) - Left-looking panel factorization.
- HPL_pdpanllT(3) - Left-looking panel factorization.
- HPL_pdpanrlN(3) - Right-looking panel factorization.
- HPL_pdpanrlT(3) - Right-looking panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpancrN(3) - Crout recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpancrT(3) - Crout recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpanllN(3) - Left-looking recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpanllT(3) - Left-looking recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpanrlN(3) - Right-looking recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdrpanrlT(3) - Right-looking recursive panel factorization.
- HPL_pdtest(3) - Perform one test.
- HPL_pdtrsv(3) - Solve triu( A ) x = b.
- HPL_pdupdateNN(3) - Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix.
- HPL_pdupdateNT(3) - Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix.
- HPL_pdupdateTN(3) - Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix.
- HPL_pdupdateTT(3) - Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix.
- HPL_perm(3) - Combine 2 index arrays - Generate the permutation.
- HPL_pipid(3) - Simplify the pivot vector.
- HPL_plindx0(3) - Compute local swapping index arrays.
- HPL_plindx1(3) - Compute local swapping index arrays.
- HPL_plindx10(3) - Compute the logarithmic maps for the spreading.
- HPL_pnum(3) - Rank determination.
- HPL_ptimer(3) - Timer facility.
- HPL_ptimer_cputime(3) - Return the CPU time.
- HPL_ptimer_walltime(3) - Return the elapsed (wall-clock) time.
- HPL_pwarn(3) - displays an error message.
- HPL_rand(3) - random number generator.
- HPL_recv(3) - Receive a message.
- HPL_reduce(3) - Reduce operation.
- HPL_rollN(3) - Roll U and forward the column panel.
- HPL_rollT(3) - Roll U and forward the column panel.
- HPL_sdrv(3) - Send and receive a message.
- HPL_send(3) - Send a message.
- HPL_setran(3) - Manage the random number generator.
- HPL_spreadN(3) - Spread row panel U and forward current column panel.
- HPL_spreadT(3) - Spread row panel U and forward current column panel.
- HPL_sum(3) - Combine (sum) two buffers.
- HPL_timer(3) - Timer facility.
- HPL_timer_cputime(3) - Return the CPU time.
- HPL_timer_walltime(3) - Return the elapsed (wall-clock) time.
- HPL_warn(3) - displays an error message.
- HPL_xjumpm(3) - Compute constants to jump in the random sequence.
- HQUERY(3) - gets an opaque pointer associated with a handle and a type
- hspell(3) - Hebrew spellchecker (C API)
- HTML::Adsense(3) - Create adsense widgets easily
- HTML::AsSubs(3) - functions that construct a HTML syntax tree
- HTML::CalendarMonthSimple(3) - Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
- HTML::Chunks(3) - A simple nested template engine for HTML, XML and XHTML
- HTML::Chunks::Local(3) - A simple localization layer for HTML::Chunks
- HTML::Chunks::Super(3) - Chunks with superpowers
- HTML::Clean(3) - Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
- HTML::ContentExtractor(3) - extract the main content from a web page by analysising the DOM tree!
- HTML::Copy(3) - copy a HTML file without breaking links.
- HTML::Declare(3) - For When Template Systems Are Too Huge And Heredocs Too Messy
- HTML::Diff(3)
- HTML::Display(3) - display HTML locally in a browser
- HTML::Display::Common(3) - routines common to all HTML::Display subclasses
- HTML::Display::Debian(3) - display HTML using the Debian default
- HTML::Display::Dump(3) - dump raw HTML to the console
- HTML::Display::Galeon(3) - display HTML through Galeon
- HTML::Display::Mozilla(3) - display HTML through Mozilla
- HTML::Display::Opera(3) - display HTML through Galeon
- HTML::Display::OSX(3) - display HTML on OSX
- HTML::Display::Phoenix(3) - display HTML through Phoenix
- HTML::Display::TempFile(3) - base class to display HTML via a temporary file
- HTML::Display::Win32(3) - display an URL through the default application for HTML
- HTML::Display::Win32::IE(3) - use IE to display HTML pages
- HTML::Display::Win32::OLE(3) - use an OLE object to display HTML
- HTML::DOM(3) - A Perl implementation of the HTML Document Object Model
- HTML::DOM::Attr(3) - A Perl class for representing attribute nodes in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::CharacterData(3) - A base class shared by HTML::DOM::Text and ::Comment
- HTML::DOM::Collection(3) - A Perl implementation of the HTMLCollection interface
- HTML::DOM::Collection::Elements(3) - A subclass of HTML::DOM::Collection for form elements
- HTML::DOM::Collection::Options(3) - A subclass of HTML::DOM::Collection for 'option' elements
- HTML::DOM::Comment(3) - A Perl class for representing text nodes in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment(3) - A boring class that's rarely used.
- HTML::DOM::Element(3) - A Perl class for representing elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::A(3) - A Perl class for representing 'a' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Applet(3) - A Perl class for representing 'applet' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Area(3) - A Perl class for representing 'area' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Base(3) - A Perl class for representing 'base' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::BaseFont(3) - A Perl class for representing a 'basefont' element in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Body(3) - A Perl class for representing 'body' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Br(3) - A Perl class for representing 'br' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Button(3) - A Perl class for representing 'button' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Caption(3) - A Perl class for representing 'caption' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Dir(3) - A Perl class for representing 'dir' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Div(3) - A Perl class for representing 'div' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::DL(3) - A Perl class for representing 'dl' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::FieldSet(3) - A Perl class for representing 'fieldset' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Font(3) - A Perl class for representing 'font' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Form(3) - A Perl class for representing 'form' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Frame(3) - A Perl class for representing frame elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Head(3) - A Perl class for representing 'head' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Heading(3) - A Perl class for representing heading elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::HR(3) - A Perl class for representing 'hr' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::HTML(3) - A Perl class for representing <html> elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::IFrame(3) - A Perl class for representing inline frame elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Img(3) - A Perl class for representing 'img' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Input(3) - A Perl class for representing 'input' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::IsIndex(3) - A Perl class for representing 'isindex' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Label(3) - A Perl class for representing 'label' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Legend(3) - A Perl class for representing 'legend' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::LI(3) - A Perl class for representing 'li' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Link(3) - A Perl class for representing 'link' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Map(3) - A Perl class for representing 'map' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Menu(3) - A Perl class for representing 'menu' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Meta(3) - A Perl class for representing 'meta' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Mod(3) - A Perl class for representing 'ins' and 'del' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Object(3) - A Perl class for representing 'object' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::OL(3) - A Perl class for representing 'ol' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::OptGroup(3) - A Perl class for representing 'optgroup' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Option(3) - A Perl class for representing 'option' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::P(3) - A Perl class for representing 'p' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Param(3) - A Perl class for representing 'param' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Pre(3) - A Perl class for representing 'pre' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Quote(3) - A Perl class for representing quote elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Script(3) - A Perl class for representing 'script' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Select(3) - A Perl class for representing 'select' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Style(3) - A Perl class for representing 'style' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Table(3) - A Perl class for representing 'table' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::TableCell(3) - A Perl class for representing table cells in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::TableColumn(3) - A Perl class for representing 'col' and 'colgroup' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::TableSection(3) - A Perl class for representing table sections in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::TextArea(3) - A Perl class for representing 'textarea' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::Title(3) - A Perl class for representing 'title' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::TR(3) - A Perl class for representing table rows in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Element::UL(3) - A Perl class for representing 'ul' elements in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Event(3) - A Perl class for HTML DOM Event objects
- HTML::DOM::Event::Mouse(3) - A Perl class for HTML DOM mouse event objects
- HTML::DOM::Event::Mutation(3) - A Perl class for HTML DOM mutation event objects
- HTML::DOM::Event::UI(3) - A Perl class for HTML DOM UIEvent objects
- HTML::DOM::EventTarget(3) - Perl implementation of the DOM EventTarget interface
- HTML::DOM::Exception(3) - The Exception interface for HTML::DOM
- HTML::DOM::Implementation(3) - HTML::DOM's 'DOMImplementation' object
- HTML::DOM::Interface(3) - A list of HTML::DOM's interface members in machine-readable format
- HTML::DOM::Node(3) - A Perl class for representing the nodes of an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::NodeList(3) - Simple node list class for HTML::DOM
- HTML::DOM::NodeList::Magic(3) - Magical node list class for HTML::DOM
- HTML::DOM::NodeList::Radio(3) - A Perl class for representing lists of radio buttons in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::Text(3) - A Perl class for representing text nodes in an HTML DOM tree
- HTML::DOM::View(3) - A Perl class for representing an HTML Document's 'defaultView'
- HTML::Element(3) - sub-classes for YAPE::HTML elements
- HTML::Element::Library(3) - HTML::Element convenience functions
- HTML::Element::Replacer(3) - Simplify the HTML::Element clone() - push_content() ritual
- HTML::Element::traverse(3) - discussion of HTML::Element's traverse method
- HTML::ElementGlob(3) - Perl extension for managing HTML::Element based objects as a single object.
- HTML::ElementRaw(3) - Perl extension for HTML::Element(3).
- HTML::ElementSuper(3) - Perl extension for HTML::Element(3)
- HTML::ElementTable(3) - Perl extension for manipulating a table composed of HTML::Element style components.
- HTML::Email::Obfuscate(3) - Obfuscated HTML email addresses that look normal
- HTML::Encoding(3) - Determine the encoding of HTML/XML/XHTML documents
- HTML::Entities(3) - Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
- HTML::Entities::ImodePictogram(3) - encode / decode i-mode pictogram
- HTML::Entities::Interpolate(3) - Call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string
- HTML::Entities::Numbered(3) - Conversion of numbered HTML entities
- HTML::Entities::Numbered::Table(3) - HTML entities table
- HTML::ExtractContent(3) - An HTML content extractor with scoring heuristics
- HTML::ExtractMain(3) - Extract the main content of a web page
- HTML::Field(3) - Generation of HTML form elements
- HTML::FieldForm(3)
- HTML::FillInForm(3) - Populates HTML Forms with data.
- HTML::FillInForm::ForceUTF8(3) - FillInForm with utf8 encoding
- HTML::FillInForm::Lite(3) - Lightweight FillInForm module in Pure Perl
- HTML::FillInForm::Lite::Compat(3) - HTML::FillInForm compatibility layer
- HTML::Filter(3) - Filter HTML text through the parser
- HTML::Form(3) - Class that represents an HTML form element
- HTML::FormatExternal(3) - HTML to text formatting using external programs
- HTML::FormatMarkdown(3) - Format HTML as Markdown
- HTML::FormatPS(3) - Format HTML as PostScript
- HTML::FormatRTF(3) - Format HTML as RTF
- HTML::Formatter(3) - Base class for HTML formatters
- HTML::FormatText(3) - Format HTML as plaintext
- HTML::FormatText::Elinks(3) - format HTML as plain text using elinks
- HTML::FormatText::Html2text(3) - format HTML as plain text using html2text
- HTML::FormatText::Links(3) - format HTML as plain text using links
- HTML::FormatText::Lynx(3) - format HTML as plain text using lynx
- HTML::FormatText::Netrik(3) - format HTML as plain text using netrik
- HTML::FormatText::Vilistextum(3) - format HTML as plain text using vilistextum
- HTML::FormatText::W3m(3) - format HTML as plain text using w3m
- HTML::FormatText::WithLinks(3) - HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
- HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables(3) - Converts HTML to Text with tables intact
- HTML::FormatText::Zen(3) - format HTML as plain text using zen
- HTML::FormFu::Attribute(3) - accessor class
- HTML::FormFu::Constants(3) - FormFU constants EMPTY_STR and SPACE
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint(3) - Constrain User Input
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::AllOrNone(3) - Multi-field All or None Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::ASCII(3) - ASCII Characters Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::AutoSet(3) - Set Constraint for Selects / Radiogroups / Checkboxgroups
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Bool(3) - Boolean Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Callback(3) - Code Callback Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::CallbackOnce(3) - Code Callback Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::DateTime(3) - DateTime constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::DBIC::Unique(3) - unique constraint for HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::DependOn(3) - Multi-field Dependency Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Email(3) - Email Address Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Equal(3) - Multi-field Equality Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File(3) - File Upload Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MaxSize(3) - Maximum File Size Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MIME(3) - MIME Type Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MinSize(3) - Minimum File Size Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::Size(3) - File Size Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Integer(3) - Unsigned Integer Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::JSON(3) - Valid JSON string
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Length(3) - Min/Max Length String Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MaxLength(3) - Maximum Length String Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MaxRange(3) - Maximum Value Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinLength(3) - Minimum Length String Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinMaxFields(3) - Min/Max Multi-field Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinRange(3) - Minimum Value Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Number(3) - Numerical Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Printable(3) - Printable Characters Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Range(3) - Numerical Range Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Regex(3) - Regex Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Repeatable::Any(3) - Ensure at least 1 of a repeated field is filled-in
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::RequestToken(3)
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Required(3) - Required Field Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Set(3) - Set of Values Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::SingleValue(3) - Single Value Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Word(3) - Single Word Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator(3) - Deflator Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::Callback(3) - Callback deflator
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::CompoundDateTime(3) - CompoundDateTime deflator
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::CompoundSplit(3) - CompoundSplit deflator
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::FormatNumber(3) - Format a number for a locale
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::PathClassFile(3) - Deflator for Path::Class::File objects
- HTML::FormFu::Deflator::Strftime(3) - Strftime deflator
- HTML::FormFu::Deploy(3) - deploy project
- HTML::FormFu::Element(3) - Element Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Blank(3) - blank element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Block(3) - Block element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Button(3) - Button form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Checkbox(3) - Checkbox form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Checkboxgroup(3) - Group of checkbox form fields
- HTML::FormFu::Element::ComboBox(3) - Select / Text hybrid
- HTML::FormFu::Element::ContentButton(3) - Button form field containing markup
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Date(3) - 3 select menu multi-field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::DateTime(3) - Date / Time combo field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Email(3) - HTML5 email form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Fieldset(3) - Fieldset element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::File(3) - File upload form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Hidden(3) - Hidden form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Hr(3) - horizontal-rule element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Image(3) - Image button form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Label(3) - field for displaying only
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Multi(3) - Combine multiple fields in a single element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Number(3) - Number element with formatting
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Password(3) - Password form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Radio(3) - Radio form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Radiogroup(3) - Group of radiobutton form fields
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Repeatable(3) - repeatable block element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::RequestToken(3) - Hidden text field which contains a unique token
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Reset(3) - Reset button form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Select(3) - Select form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::SimpleTable(3) - simple table element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Src(3) - custom HTML element
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Submit(3) - Submit button form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Text(3) - Text form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::Textarea(3) - Textarea form field
- HTML::FormFu::Element::URL(3) - HTML5 URL form field
- HTML::FormFu::Exception(3) - Exception base class
- HTML::FormFu::Exception::Constraint(3) - Constraint exception
- HTML::FormFu::Exception::Inflator(3) - Inflator exception
- HTML::FormFu::Exception::Input(3) - Input exception
- HTML::FormFu::Exception::Transformer(3) - Transformer exception
- HTML::FormFu::Exception::Validator(3) - Validator exception
- HTML::FormFu::FakeQuery(3) - fake query
- HTML::FormFu::Filter(3) - Filter Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::Callback(3) - filter with custom subroutine
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::CompoundJoin(3) - CompoundJoin filter
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::CompoundSprintf(3) - CompoundSprintf filter
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::CopyValue(3) - copy the value from another field
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::Encode(3) - Encode/Decode Submitted Values
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::ForceListValue(3) - convert a single value into a 1-item-list
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::FormatNumber(3) - Convert a formatted number from a known locale
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::HTMLEscape(3) - filter escaping HTML
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::HTMLScrubber(3) - filter removing HTML markup
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::LowerCase(3) - filter transforming to lower case
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::NonNumeric(3) - filter removing all non-numeric characters
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::Regex(3) - regexp-based match/replace filter
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::Split(3) - filter splitting a singe value into an arrayref
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::TrimEdges(3) - filter trimming whitespace
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::UpperCase(3) - filter transforming to upper case
- HTML::FormFu::Filter::Whitespace(3) - filter stripping all whitespace
- HTML::FormFu::I18N(3) - localization base class
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::bg(3) - Bulgarian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::cs(3) - Czech
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::da(3) - Dansk
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::de(3) - German
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::en(3) - English
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::es(3) - Spanish
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::fr(3) - French
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::hu(3) - Ungarian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::it(3) - Italian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::ja(3) - Japanese
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::no(3) - Norwegian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::pt_br(3) - Brazilian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::pt_pt(3) - Portuguese
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::ro(3) - Romanian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::ru(3) - Russian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::tr(3) - Turkish
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::ua(3) - Ukranian
- HTML::FormFu::I18N::zh_cn(3) - Chinese
- HTML::FormFu::Imager(3) - Imager.pm helpers for HTML::FormFu file uploads
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator(3) - Inflator Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator::Callback(3) - Callback inflator
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator::CompoundDateTime(3) - CompoundDateTime inflator
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator::DateTime(3) - DateTime inflator
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator::Imager(3) - Imager HTML::FormFu inflator
- HTML::FormFu::Literal(3) - a FormFu literal
- HTML::FormFu::Localize(3) - Localization
- HTML::FormFu::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Cooking with HTML::FormFu
- HTML::FormFu::Manual::Unicode(3) - Working with unicode
- HTML::FormFu::Model(3) - base class for models
- HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC(3) - Integrate HTML::FormFu with DBIx::Class
- HTML::FormFu::Model::HashRef(3) - handle hashrefs
- HTML::FormFu::MultiForm(3) - Handle multi-page/stage forms with FormFu
- HTML::FormFu::ObjectUtil(3) - utilities for dealing with FormFu objects
- HTML::FormFu::OutputProcessor(3) - Post-process HTML output
- HTML::FormFu::OutputProcessor::Indent(3) - Nicely Indent HTML Output
- HTML::FormFu::OutputProcessor::StripWhitespace(3) - Strip shitespace from HTML output
- HTML::FormFu::Plugin(3) - base class for plugins
- HTML::FormFu::Plugin::RequestToken(3)
- HTML::FormFu::Plugin::StashValid(3) - place valid params on form stash
- HTML::FormFu::Preload(3) - preload plugins
- HTML::FormFu::Processor(3) - base class for constraints
- HTML::FormFu::QueryType::Catalyst(3) - uploaded file
- HTML::FormFu::QueryType::CGI(3) - uploaded file
- HTML::FormFu::QueryType::CGI::Simple(3) - uploaded file
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Constraint::Others(3) - Base class for constraints needing others() method
- HTML::FormFu::Role::ContainsElements(3) - Role for contained elements and fields
- HTML::FormFu::Role::ContainsElementsSharedWithField(3) - Role for constraints on elements and fields
- HTML::FormFu::Role::CreateChildren(3) - CreateChildren role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::CustomRoles(3) - add custom roles
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Coercible(3) - coercible element role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field(3) - Role for all form-field elements
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::FieldMethods(3) - Role for field methods
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Group(3) - Role for grouped form fields
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Input(3) - Role for input fields
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Layout(3) - layout role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::MultiElement(3) - multi-element role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::NonBlock(3) - base class for single-tag elements
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::ProcessOptionsFromModel(3) - process_options_from_model role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::SingleValueField(3) - role for single value fields
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Filter::Compound(3) - Role for Compound filters
- HTML::FormFu::Role::FormAndBlockMethods(3) - role for form and block methods
- HTML::FormFu::Role::FormAndElementMethods(3) - role for form and element methods
- HTML::FormFu::Role::FormBlockAndFieldMethods(3) - role for form, block and field methods
- HTML::FormFu::Role::GetProcessors(3) - processor getter roles
- HTML::FormFu::Role::HasParent(3) - HasParent role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::NestedHashUtils(3) - role for nested hashes
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Populate(3) - Populate role
- HTML::FormFu::Role::Render(3) - Render role
- HTML::FormFu::Transformer(3) - Transformer Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Transformer::Callback(3) - Callback transformer
- HTML::FormFu::Transformer::Imager(3) - type: file name: photo inflators: - type: Imager transformers: - type: Imager scaleX: [ pixels, 50 ]
- HTML::FormFu::Upload(3) - uploaded file
- HTML::FormFu::UploadParam(3) - accessor class
- HTML::FormFu::Util(3) - various utilities
- HTML::FormFu::Validator(3) - Validator Base Class
- HTML::FormFu::Validator::Callback(3) - Callback validator
- HTML::FormFu::Validator::Imager::Size(3) - type: file name: photo inflators: - type: Imager validators: - type: 'Imager::Size' pixels: 200
- HTML::FormHandler(3) - HTML forms using Moose
- HTML::FormHandler::Base(3) - stub
- HTML::FormHandler::Blocks(3) - arrange form layout using blocks
- HTML::FormHandler::BuildFields(3) - role to build field array
- HTML::FormHandler::BuildPages(3) - used in Wizard
- HTML::FormHandler::Field(3) - base class for fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::AddElement(3) - Field to support repeatable javascript add
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Boolean(3) - a true or false field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::BoolSelect(3) - Boolean select field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Button(3) - button field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Captcha(3) - captcha field with GD::SecurityImage
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Checkbox(3) - a checkbox field type
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Compound(3) - field consisting of subfields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Date(3) - a date field with formats
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::DateMDY(3) - m/d/y date field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::DateTime(3) - compound DateTime field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Display(3) - display only field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Duration(3) - DateTime::Duration from HTML form values
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Email(3) - validates email using Email::Valid
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::File(3) - simple file field; does no processing
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Float(3) - validate a float value
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Hidden(3) - hidden field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Hour(3) - accept integer from 0 to 23
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Integer(3) - validate an integer value
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::IntRange(3) - integer range in select list
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Minute(3) - input range from 0 to 59
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Money(3) - US currency-like values
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Month(3) - select list 1 to 12
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::MonthDay(3) - select list 1 to 31
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::MonthName(3) - select list with month names
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Multiple(3) - multiple select list
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Nested(3) - for nested elements of compound fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::NonEditable(3) - reset field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::NoValue(3) - base class for submit field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Password(3) - password field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::PasswordConf(3) - password confirmation
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::PosInteger(3) - positive integer field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::PrimaryKey(3) - primary key field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Repeatable(3) - repeatable (array) field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Repeatable::Instance(3) - used internally by repeatable fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::RequestToken(3) - Hidden text field which contains a unique time-stamped token
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Reset(3) - reset field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Result(3) - result class for fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::RmElement(3) - field to support repeatable javascript remove
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Role::RequestToken(3) - see HTML::FormHandler
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Second(3) - select list 0 to 59
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Select(3) - select fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::SelectCSV(3) - Multiple select field from CSV value
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Submit(3) - submit field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text(3) - text field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::TextArea(3) - textarea input
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::TextCSV(3) - CSV Text field from multiple
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Upload(3) - file upload field
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Weekday(3) - select list day of week strings
- HTML::FormHandler::Field::Year(3) - year selection list
- HTML::FormHandler::Fields(3) - internal role for form and compound fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Foo(3) - Experiment in loading form from config file
- HTML::FormHandler::Generator::DBIC(3) - form generator for DBIC
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N(3) - internationalization
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::ar_kw(3) - Arabic message translations
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::bg_bg(3) - Bulgarian message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::ca_es(3) - Catalan message translations - traducion catalana dels missatges
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::cs_cz(3) - Czech message translations
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::de_de(3) - German message translations
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::en_us(3) - base message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::es_es(3) - Spanish message translations - traduccion al español de los mensages
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::hu_hu(3) - Hungarian message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::it_it(3) - Italian message translations - traduzione italiana dei messaggi
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::ja_jp(3) - Japanese message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::pt_br(3) - Brazilian Portuguese message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::ru_ru(3) - Russian message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::sv_se(3) - Swedish message translations
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::tr_tr(3) - Turkish message file
- HTML::FormHandler::I18N::ua_ua(3) - Ukrainian message file
- HTML::FormHandler::InitResult(3) - internal code
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual(3) - index of the manual
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Catalyst(3) - using HFH forms in Catalyst
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Cookbook(3) - FormHandler use recipes
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Database(3) - FormHandler use recipes
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Defaults(3) - form defaults documentation
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Errors(3) - FormHandler error methods
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Fields(3) - brief documentation of available fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::FromDFV(3) - converting from Data::FormValidator
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::FromFF(3) - converting from HTML::FormFu
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::InflationDeflation(3) - inflation and deflation of field values
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Intro(3) - introduction to using FormHandler
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Reference(3) - concise reference
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Rendering(3) - how to render with FormHandler
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::RenderingCookbook(3) - rendering recipes
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Templates(3) - using templates
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Testing(3) - testing forms
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Tutorial(3) - how to use FormHandler with Catalyst
- HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Validation(3) - validating fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Merge(3) - internal hash merging
- HTML::FormHandler::Meta::Role(3) - field_list and apply_list
- HTML::FormHandler::Model(3) - default model base class
- HTML::FormHandler::Model::CDBI(3) - Class::DBI model class (non-functioning)
- HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC(3) - base class that holds DBIC model role
- HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC::TypeMap(3) - type mape for DBICFields
- HTML::FormHandler::Model::Object(3) - stub for Object model
- HTML::FormHandler::Moose(3) - to add FormHandler sugar
- HTML::FormHandler::Moose::Role(3) - to add sugar to roles
- HTML::FormHandler::Page(3) - used in Wizard
- HTML::FormHandler::Page::Simple(3) - used by Wizard
- HTML::FormHandler::Pages(3) - used in Wizard
- HTML::FormHandler::Params(3) - params handling
- HTML::FormHandler::Render::RepeatableJs(3) - role providing method to construct repeatable javascript
- HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple(3) - simple rendering role
- HTML::FormHandler::Render::Table(3) - render a form with a table layout
- HTML::FormHandler::Render::Util(3) - rendering utility
- HTML::FormHandler::Render::WithTT(3) - tt rendering
- HTML::FormHandler::Result(3) - form result object
- HTML::FormHandler::Result::Role(3) - role with common code for form & field results
- HTML::FormHandler::Test(3) - provides is_html method used in tests
- HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::Captcha(3) - generate and validate captchas
- HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::DBICFields(3) - role to get fields from DBIx::Class result source
- HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::I18N(3) - localization
- HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::Model::DBIC(3) - model role that interfaces with DBIx::Class
- HTML::FormHandler::TraitFor::Types(3) - types used internally in FormHandler
- HTML::FormHandler::Traits(3) - customized replacement for MooseX::Traits
- HTML::FormHandler::Types(3) - Moose type constraints
- HTML::FormHandler::Validate(3) - validation role (internal)
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::ApplyRole(3) - role to apply widgets
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Block(3) - base block renderer
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Block::Bootstrap(3) - block to format bare form element like bootstrap
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Button(3) - button field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::ButtonTag(3) - button field rendering widget, using button tag
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Captcha(3) - Captcha field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Checkbox(3) - HTML attributes field role
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::CheckboxGroup(3) - checkbox group field role
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Compound(3) - compound field widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Hidden(3) - hidden field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::HorizCheckboxGroup(3) - checkbox group field role
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::NoRender(3) - no rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Password(3) - password rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::RadioGroup(3) - radio group rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Repeatable(3) - repeatable field widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Reset(3) - reset field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Role::HTMLAttributes(3) - apply HTML attributes
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Role::SelectedOption(3) - allow setting options from options keys
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Select(3) - select field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Span(3) - button field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Submit(3) - submit field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Text(3) - text field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Textarea(3) - textarea rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Upload(3) - update field rendering widget
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Role::HTMLAttributes(3) - set HTML attributes on the form tag
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple(3) - widget to render a form with divs
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Table(3) - render a form with a table layout
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Theme::Bootstrap(3) - sample bootstrap theme
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Theme::Bootstrap3(3) - sample Bootstrap3 theme
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Theme::BootstrapFormMessages(3) - role to render form messages using Bootstrap styling
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Base(3) - common methods for widget wrappers
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Bootstrap(3) - Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 field wrapper
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Bootstrap3(3) - Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 field wrapper
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Fieldset(3) - fieldset field wrapper
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::None(3) - wrapper that doesn't wrap
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Simple(3) - simple field wrapper
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::SimpleInline(3) - simple field wrapper
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::Table(3) - wrapper class for table layout
- HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Wrapper::TableInline(3) - wrapper class for table layout that doesn't wrap compound fields
- HTML::FormHandler::Wizard(3) - create a multi-page form
- HTML::Fraction(3) - Encode fractions as HTML entities
- HTML::FromANSI(3) - Mark up ANSI sequences as HTML
- HTML::FromANSI::Tiny(3) - Easily convert colored command line output to HTML
- HTML::FromText(3) - converts plain text to HTML
- HTML::GenerateUtil(3) - Routines useful when generating HTML output
- HTML::GenToc(3) - Generate a Table of Contents for HTML documents.
- HTML::GoogleMaps(3) - a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API
- HTML::Gumbo(3) - HTML5 parser based on gumbo C library
- HTML::HeadParser(3) - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
- HTML::HTML5::Entities(3) - drop-in replacement for HTML::Entities
- HTML::HTML5::Parser(3) - parse HTML reliably
- HTML::HTML5::Parser::Error(3) - an error that occurred during parsing
- HTML::HTML5::Parser::UA(3) - simple web user agent class
- HTML::HTMLDoc(3) - Perl interface to the htmldoc program for producing PDF-Files from HTML-Content
- HTML::HTMLDoc::PDF(3) - Resulting Document generated by HTML::HTMLDoc
- HTML::LinkExtor(3) - Extract links from an HTML document
- HTML::LinkList(3) - Create a 'smart' list of HTML links.
- HTML::Lint(3) - check for HTML errors in a string or file
- HTML::Lint::Error(3) - Error object for the Lint functionality
- HTML::Lint::HTML4(3)
- HTML::Lint::Parser(3) - Parser for HTML::Lint. No user-serviceable parts inside.
- HTML::Location(3) - Working with disk to URI file mappings (deprecated: see URI::ToDisk)
- HTML::Mason(3) - High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
- HTML::Mason::Admin(3) - Mason Administrator's Manual
- HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler(3) - Mason/mod_perl interface
- HTML::Mason::Cache::BaseCache(3) - Base cache object
- HTML::Mason::CGIHandler(3) - Use Mason in a CGI environment
- HTML::Mason::Compiler(3) - Compile Mason component source
- HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject(3) - A Compiler subclass that generates Mason object code
- HTML::Mason::Component(3) - Mason Component Class
- HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased(3) - Mason File-Based Component Class
- HTML::Mason::Component::Subcomponent(3) - Mason Subcomponent Class
- HTML::Mason::ComponentSource(3) - represents information about an component
- HTML::Mason::Devel(3) - Mason Developer's Manual
- HTML::Mason::Escapes(3) - Functions to escape text for Mason
- HTML::Mason::Exceptions(3) - Exception objects thrown by Mason
- HTML::Mason::FakeApache(3) - An Apache object emulator for use with Mason
- HTML::Mason::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions
- HTML::Mason::Interp(3) - Mason Component Interpreter
- HTML::Mason::Lexer(3) - Generates events based on component source lexing
- HTML::Mason::MethodMaker(3) - Used to create simple get & get/set methods in other classes
- HTML::Mason::Params(3) - Mason configuration parameters
- HTML::Mason::Parser(3) - Old module for compiling components
- HTML::Mason::Plugin(3) - Plugin Base class for Mason
- HTML::Mason::Plugin::Context(3) - encapsulates arguments passed to plugin methods
- HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler(3) - PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
- HTML::Mason::Request(3) - Mason Request Class
- HTML::Mason::Resolver(3) - Component path resolver base class
- HTML::Mason::Resolver::File(3) - Component path resolver for file-based components
- HTML::Mason::Resolver::Null(3) - a do-nothing resolver
- HTML::Mason::Subclassing(3) - Documentation on Subclassing Internal Mason classes
- HTML::Mason::Tests(3) - Test harness for testing Mason
- HTML::Mason::Tools(3) - Function library used internally in Mason
- HTML::Mason::Utils(3) - Publicly available functions useful outside of Mason
- HTML::MobileConverter(3) - HTML Converter for mobile agent
- HTML::MobileJp(3) - generate mobile-jp html tags
- HTML::MobileJp::Plugin::EZweb::Object(3) - generate object object download HTML tag.
- HTML::MobileJp::Plugin::GPS(3) - generate GPS tags
- HTML::Packer(3) - Another HTML code cleaner
- HTML::Parse(3) - Deprecated, a wrapper around HTML::TreeBuilder
- HTML::Parser(3) - HTML parser class
- HTML::Parser::Simple(3) - Parse nice HTML files without needing a compiler
- HTML::Parser::Simple::Attributes(3) - A simple HTML attribute parser
- HTML::Parser::Simple::Reporter(3) - A sub-class of HTML::Parser::Simple
- HTML::Perlinfo(3) - Display a lot of Perl information in HTML format
- HTML::Perlinfo::Base(3)
- HTML::Perlinfo::HTML(3) - HTML documentation for the perlinfo library
- HTML::Perlinfo::Loaded(3) - Post-execution HTML dump of loaded modules and environment variables
- HTML::Perlinfo::Modules(3) - Display a lot of module information in HTML format
- HTML::Prototype(3) - Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype library
- HTML::Prototype::Controls(3) - script.aculo.us controls library, embedded in perl
- HTML::Prototype::DragDrop(3) - script.aculo.us dragdrop library, embedded in perl
- HTML::Prototype::Effects(3) - script.aculo.us effects library, embedded in perl
- HTML::Prototype::Helper(3) - Imports helper packages for HTML::Prototype
- HTML::Prototype::Helper::Tag(3) - Defines a tag object needed by HTML::Prototype
- HTML::Prototype::Js(3) - prototype library, embedded in perl
- HTML::PullParser(3) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
- HTML::QRCode(3) - Generate HTML based QR Code
- HTML::Query(3) - jQuery-like selection queries for HTML::Element
- HTML::QuickCheck(3)
- HTML::Quoted(3) - extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
- HTML::ResolveLink(3) - Resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URI
- HTML::Restrict(3) - Strip unwanted HTML tags and attributes
- HTML::RewriteAttributes(3) - concise attribute rewriting
- HTML::RewriteAttributes::Links(3) - concise link rewriting
- HTML::RewriteAttributes::Resources(3) - concise resource-link rewriting
- HTML::RobotsMETA(3) - Parse HTML For Robots Exclusion META Markup
- HTML::RobotsMETA::Rules(3) - A Representation Of Robots Exclusion Rules
- HTML::RSSAutodiscovery(3) - methods for retreiving RSS-ish information from an HTML document.
- HTML::SBC(3) - simple blog code for valid (X)HTML
- HTML::Scrubber(3) - Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing HTML
- HTML::Seamstress(3) - HTML::Tree subclass for HTML templating via tree rewriting
- HTML::Seamstress::Doc::FAQ(3)
- HTML::Seamstress::EDIT_Quickstart.tt_DO_NOT_EDIT_Quickstart(3) - A gentle introduction to HTML::Seamstress
- HTML::Seamstress::Quickstart(3) - A gentle introduction to HTML::Seamstress
- HTML::Selector::XPath(3) - CSS Selector to XPath compiler
- HTML::Shakan(3) - Form HTML generator/validator
- HTML::Shakan::Declare(3) - declare the form
- HTML::Shakan::Doc.ja(3) - Japanese doc.
- HTML::Shakan::Field(3) - base class for field object
- HTML::Shakan::Field::Choice(3) - choice field
- HTML::Shakan::Field::Date(3) - date field
- HTML::Shakan::Field::File(3) - file upload field
- HTML::Shakan::Field::Input(3) - <input /> field
- HTML::Shakan::Fields(3) - fields
- HTML::Shakan::Filter::Hiragana(3) - convert Katakana to Hiragana
- HTML::Shakan::Filter::HTMLScrubber(3) - HTML::Scrubber filter
- HTML::Shakan::Filter::KatakanaZ(3) - convert Hiragana to Katakana
- HTML::Shakan::Filter::WhiteSpace(3) - remove white space
- HTML::Shakan::Filters(3) - filter class manager
- HTML::Shakan::Inflator::DateTime(3) - inflate field value to DateTime instance
- HTML::Shakan::Model::DataModel(3) - Data::Model bindings for Shakan
- HTML::Shakan::Model::DBIxSkinny(3) - DBIx::Skinny binding for HTML::Shakan
- HTML::Shakan::Renderer::HTML(3)
- HTML::Shakan::Widgets::jQueryUI(3) - jQueryUI
- HTML::Shakan::Widgets::Simple(3) - simple default HTML widgets
- HTML::SimpleLinkExtor(3) - Extract links from HTML
- HTML::SimpleParse(3) - a bare-bones HTML parser
- HTML::StickyQuery(3) - add sticky QUERY_STRING
- HTML::StickyQuery::DoCoMoGUID(3) - add guid query for DoCoMo imode
- HTML::Stream(3) - HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
- HTML::StripScripts(3) - Strip scripting constructs out of HTML
- HTML::Summary(3) - generate a summary from a web page
- HTML::SuperForm(3) - HTML form generator
- HTML::SuperForm::Field(3) - HTML form field base class
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Checkbox(3) - Checkbox field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::CheckboxGroup(3) - CheckboxGroup field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Hidden(3) - Hidden field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Password(3) - Password field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Radio(3) - Radio field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::RadioGroup(3) - RadioGroup field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Reset(3) - Reset field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Select(3) - Select field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Submit(3) - Submit field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Text(3) - Text field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::SuperForm::Field::Textarea(3) - Textarea field used by HTML::SuperForm
- HTML::Table(3) - produces HTML tables
- HTML::TableContentParser(3) - Do interesting things with the contents of tables.
- HTML::TableExtract(3) - Perl module for extracting the content contained in tables within an HTML document, either as text or encoded element trees.
- HTML::TableLayout(3) - Layout Manager for cgi-based web applications
- HTML::TableParser(3) - HTML::TableParser - Extract data from an HTML table
- HTML::TableParser::Table(3) - support class for HTML::TableParser
- HTML::TableTiler(3) - easily generates complex graphic styled HTML tables
- HTML::TagCloud(3) - Generate An HTML Tag Cloud
- HTML::TagCloud::Extended(3) - HTML::TagCloud extension
- HTML::TagParser(3) - Yet another HTML document parser with DOM-like methods
- HTML::Template::Associate(3) - Associate relevant packages with HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::Associate::DBI(3) - HTML::Template::Associate DBI plugin
- HTML::Template::Associate::FormValidator(3) - HTML::Template::Associate Data::FormValidator plugin
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Classic(3) - Provide the classic functionality like HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Compiler(3) - Compiler class for HTC
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Compiler::Classic(3) - Provide the classic functionality like HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Exception(3) - Exception class for HTC
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Expr(3) - Expressions for HTC
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Expression(3) - a compiled HTML template expression
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Filter(3) - Filter functions for HTML::Template::Compiled
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Formatter(3) - HTC subclass for using a formatter
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Lazy(3) - Lazy Loading for HTML::Template::Compiled
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser(3) - Parser module for HTML::Template::Compiled
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Plugin::XMLEscape(3) - XML-Escaping for HTC
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Reference(3) - A quick reference for HTML::Template::Compiled syntax
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Token(3) - a compiled HTML template token
- HTML::Template::Compiled::Utils(3) - Utility functions for HTML::Template::Compiled
- HTML::Template::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::HashWrapper(3) - Easy association with HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::PerlInterface(3) - perl interface of HTML::Template::Pro
- HTML::Template::Pluggable(3) - Extends HTML::Template with plugin support
- HTML::Template::Plugin::Dot(3) - Add Magic Dot notation to HTML::Template
- HTML::Template::Pro(3) - Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
- HTML::Template::SYNTAX(3) - syntax of html template language for HTML::Template
- HTML::TextToHTML(3) - convert plain text file to HTML.
- HTML::Tidy(3) - (X)HTML validation in a Perl object
- HTML::Tidy::Message(3) - Message object for the Tidy functionality
- HTML::Tidy5(3) - HTML validation in a Perl object
- HTML::Tidy5::Message(3) - Message object for the Tidy functionality
- HTML::Tiny(3) - Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation
- HTML::TokeParser(3) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple(3) - Easy to use "HTML::TokeParser" interface
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token(3) - Base class for "HTML::TokeParser::Simple" tokens.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Comment(3) - Token.pm comment class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Declaration(3) - Token.pm declaration class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::ProcessInstruction(3) - Token.pm process instruction class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Tag(3) - Token.pm tag class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Tag::End(3) - Token.pm "end tag" class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Tag::Start(3) - Token.pm "start tag" class.
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple::Token::Text(3) - Token.pm text class.
- HTML::Tree(3) - build and scan parse-trees of HTML
- HTML::Tree::AboutObjects(3)
- HTML::Tree::AboutTrees(3)
- HTML::Tree::Scanning(3)
- HTML::TreeBuilder(3) - Parser that builds a HTML syntax tree
- HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML(3) - HTML::TreeBuilder and XPath compatible interface with libxml
- HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML::Node(3) - HTML::Element compatible API for HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML
- HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath(3) - add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
- HTML::Truncate(3) - (beta software) truncate HTML by percentage or character count while preserving well-formedness.
- HTML::WikiConverter(3) - Convert HTML to wiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::Dialects(3) - How to add a dialect
- HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWiki(3) - Convert HTML to DokuWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::GoogleCode(3) - Convert HTML to Google Code wiki markup.
- HTML::WikiConverter::Kwiki(3) - Convert HTML to Kwiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown(3) - Convert HTML to Markdown markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki(3) - Convert HTML to MediaWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::MoinMoin(3) - Convert HTML to MoinMoin markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::Normalizer(3) - Convert CSS styles to (roughly) corresponding HTML
- HTML::WikiConverter::Oddmuse(3) - Convert HTML to Oddmuse markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::PbWiki(3) - Convert HTML to PbWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::PhpWiki(3) - Convert HTML to PhpWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::PmWiki(3) - Convert HTML to PmWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::SnipSnap(3) - Convert HTML to SnipSnap markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::Socialtext(3) - Convert HTML to Socialtext markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::TikiWiki(3) - Convert HTML to TikiWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::UseMod(3) - Convert HTML to UseMod markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::WakkaWiki(3) - Convert HTML to WakkaWiki markup
- HTML::WikiConverter::WebApp(3) - Web interface to HTML::WikiConverter
- HTML::WikiConverter::WikkaWiki(3) - Convert HTML to WikkaWiki markup
- HTML5::DOM(3) - Super fast html5 DOM library with css selectors (based on Modest/MyHTML)
- HTMLWriter(3) - SAX Handler for writing HTML 4.0
- HTTP::AnyUA(3) - An HTTP user agent programming interface unification layer
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend(3) - A base class for HTTP::AnyUA backends
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::AnyEvent::HTTP(3) - A unified programming interface for AnyEvent::HTTP
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::Furl(3) - A unified programming interface for Furl
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::HTTP::AnyUA(3) - A unified programming interface for HTTP::AnyUA
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::HTTP::Tiny(3) - A unified programming interface for HTTP::Tiny
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::LWP::UserAgent(3) - A unified programming interface for LWP::UserAgent
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::Mojo::UserAgent(3) - A unified programming interface for Mojo::UserAgent
- HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::Net::Curl::Easy(3) - A unified programming interface for Net::Curl::Easy
- HTTP::AnyUA::Middleware(3) - A base class for HTTP::AnyUA middleware
- HTTP::AnyUA::Middleware::ContentLength(3) - Middleware to add Content-Length header automatically
- HTTP::AnyUA::Middleware::RequestHeaders(3) - Middleware to add custom request headers
- HTTP::AnyUA::Middleware::Runtime(3) - Middleware to determine response time
- HTTP::AnyUA::Util(3) - Utility subroutines for HTTP::AnyUA backends and middleware
- HTTP::Async(3) - process multiple HTTP requests in parallel without blocking.
- HTTP::Async::Polite(3) - politely process multiple HTTP requests
- HTTP::Body(3) - HTTP Body Parser
- HTTP::Body::MultiPart(3) - HTTP Body Multipart Parser
- HTTP::Body::OctetStream(3) - HTTP Body OctetStream Parser
- HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded(3) - HTTP Body UrlEncoded Parser
- HTTP::Body::XForms(3) - HTTP Body XForms Parser
- HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart(3) - HTTP Body XForms multipart/related submission Parser
- HTTP::BrowserDetect(3) - Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
- HTTP::Cache::Transparent(3) - Cache the result of http get-requests persistently.
- HTTP::Config(3) - Configuration for request and response objects
- HTTP::CookieJar(3) - A minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
- HTTP::CookieJar::LWP(3) - LWP adapter for HTTP::CookieJar
- HTTP::Cookies(3) - HTTP cookie jars
- HTTP::Cookies::iCab(3) - Cookie storage and management for iCab
- HTTP::Cookies::Microsoft(3) - Access to Microsoft cookies files
- HTTP::Cookies::Mozilla(3) - Cookie storage and management for Mozilla
- HTTP::Cookies::Netscape(3) - Access to Netscape cookies files
- HTTP::Cookies::w3m(3) - Cookie storage and management for w3m
- HTTP::Daemon(3) - A simple http server class
- HTTP::Date(3) - HTTP::Date - date conversion routines
- HTTP::DAV(3) - A WebDAV client library for Perl5
- HTTP::DAV::Changes(3)
- HTTP::DAV::Lock(3) - Represents a WebDAV Lock.
- HTTP::DAV::Resource(3) - Represents and interfaces with WebDAV Resources
- HTTP::DAV::Response(3) - represents a WebDAV HTTP Response (ala HTTP::Response)
- HTTP::Engine(3) - Web Server Gateway Interface and HTTP Server Engine Drivers
- HTTP::Engine::Cookbook(3) - How to cook a HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::CGI(3) - CGI interface for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::FCGI(3) - FastCGI interface for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::ModPerl(3) - mod_perl Adaptor for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::POE(3) - POE interface for HTTP::Engine.
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::PSGI(3) - PSGI interface for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::ServerSimple(3) - HTTP::Server::Simple interface for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::Standalone(3) - Standalone HTTP Server
- HTTP::Engine::Interface::Test(3) - HTTP::Engine Test Interface
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware(3) - middlewares distribution
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::AccessLog(3) - write access log
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::DebugRequest(3) - dump request
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::DebugScreen(3) - dump stack-trace when die
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::DoCoMoGUID(3) - append guid=ON on each anchor tag and form action
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::Encode(3) - Encoding Filter
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::FillInForm(3) - fill-in-form stuff
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::HTTPSession(3) - session support at middleware layer
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::MethodOverride(3) - simulate HTTP methods by query parameter
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::MobileAttribute(3) - wrapper for HTTP::MobileAttribute
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::ModuleReload(3) - module reloader for HTTP::Engine
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::Profile(3) - stopwatch for request processing time
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::ReverseProxy(3) - reverse-proxy support
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::Static(3) - handler for static files
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::Status(3) - server status manager
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::Status::Memory(3) - Memory Status Plugin
- HTTP::Engine::Middleware::UploadTemp(3) - Deprecated. Please use $req->builder_options->{upload_tmp}
- HTTP::Engine::MinimalCGI(3) - fast loading, minimal HTTP::Engine::Interface
- HTTP::Engine::Request(3) - Portable HTTP request object
- HTTP::Engine::Request::Upload(3) - handles file upload requests
- HTTP::Engine::Response(3) - HTTP response object
- HTTP::Engine::Role::Interface(3) - The Interface Role Definition
- HTTP::Engine::Test::Request(3) - HTTP::Engine request object builder for test
- HTTP::Engine::Types::Core(3) - Core HTTP::Engine Types
- HTTP::Entity::Parser(3) - PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
- HTTP::Entity::Parser::JSON(3) - parser for application/json
- HTTP::Entity::Parser::MultiPart(3) - parser for multipart/form-data
- HTTP::Entity::Parser::OctetStream(3) - parser for application/octet-stream
- HTTP::Entity::Parser::UrlEncoded(3) - parser for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP::Exception(3) - throw HTTP-Errors as (Exception::Class-) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::1XX(3) - Base Class for 1XX (info) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::2XX(3) - Base Class for 2XX (success) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::3XX(3) - Base Class for 3XX (redirect) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::4XX(3) - Base Class for 4XX (client error) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::5XX(3) - Base Class for 5XX (server error) Exceptions
- HTTP::Exception::Base(3) - Base Class for exception classes created by HTTP::Exception
- HTTP::Exception::Loader(3) - Creates HTTP::Exception subclasses
- HTTP::HeaderParser::XS(3) - an XS extension for processing HTTP headers.
- HTTP::Headers(3) - Class encapsulating HTTP Message headers
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack(3) - HTTP Action, Adventure and Excitement
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::AcceptCharset(3) - A Priority List customized for Media Types
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::AcceptLanguage(3) - A Priority List customized for Media Types
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::AuthenticationInfo(3) - The Authentication-Info Header
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Authorization(3) - The Authorization Header factory
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Authorization::Basic(3) - The Basic Authorization Header
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Authorization::Digest(3) - The Digest Authorization Header
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::ContentNegotiation(3) - A class to handle content negotiation
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::Base(3) - A Base class
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::BaseAuthHeader(3) - The base Auth Header
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::BaseHeaderList(3) - A Base Header List
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::BaseHeaderType(3) - A Base header type
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::BaseHeaderWithParams(3) - A Base header type with parameters
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::DateHeader(3) - A Date Header
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::LinkHeader(3) - A Link
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::LinkList(3) - A List of Link objects
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::MediaType(3) - A Media Type
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::MediaTypeList(3) - A Priority List customized for Media Types
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::PriorityList(3) - A Priority List
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Util(3) - General Utility module
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::WWWAuthenticate(3) - The WWW-Authenticate Header
- HTTP::Headers::Auth(3)
- HTTP::Headers::ETag(3)
- HTTP::Headers::Fast(3) - faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
- HTTP::Headers::Util(3) - Header value parsing utility functions
- HTTP::Link::Parser(3) - parse HTTP Link headers
- HTTP::Lite(3) - Lightweight HTTP implementation
- HTTP::Message(3) - HTTP style message (base class)
- HTTP::Message::PSGI(3) - Converts HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response from/to PSGI env and response
- HTTP::MobileAgent(3) - HTTP mobile user agent string parser
- HTTP::MobileAgent::AirHPhone(3) - Air H" Phone implementation
- HTTP::MobileAgent::Display(3) - Display information for HTTP::MobileAgent
- HTTP::MobileAgent::DoCoMo(3) - NTT DoCoMo implementation
- HTTP::MobileAgent::EZweb(3) - EZweb implementation
- HTTP::MobileAgent::JPhone(3) - J-Phone implementation
- HTTP::MobileAgent::NonMobile(3) - Non-Mobile Agent implementation
- HTTP::MobileAgent::Plugin::Charset(3) - Encode::JP::Mobile friendly
- HTTP::MobileAgent::Plugin::Locator(3) - Handling mobile location information plugin for HTTP::MobileAgent
- HTTP::MobileAgent::Vodafone(3) - Vodafone implementation
- HTTP::MultiPartParser(3) - HTTP MultiPart Parser
- HTTP::Negotiate(3) - choose a variant to serve
- HTTP::Parser::XS(3) - a fast, primitive HTTP request parser
- HTTP::Proxy(3) - A pure Perl HTTP proxy
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter(3) - A base class for HTTP messages body filters
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::complete(3) - A filter that passes on a complete body or nothing
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmlparser(3) - Filter using HTML::Parser
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmltext(3) - A filter to transmogrify HTML text
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::lines(3) - A filter that outputs only complete lines
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save(3) - A filter that saves transferred data to a file
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::simple(3) - A class for creating simple filters
- HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::tags(3) - A filter that outputs only complete tags
- HTTP::Proxy::Engine(3) - Generic child process manager engine for HTTP::Proxy
- HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy(3) - The "older" HTTP::Proxy engine
- HTTP::Proxy::Engine::NoFork(3) - A basic, non forking HTTP::Proxy engine
- HTTP::Proxy::Engine::ScoreBoard(3) - A scoreboard-based HTTP::Proxy engine
- HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Threaded(3) - A scoreboard-based HTTP::Proxy engine
- HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack(3) - A class to manage filter stacks
- HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter(3) - A base class for HTTP message header filters
- HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple(3) - A class for creating simple filters
- HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::standard(3) - An internal filter to respect RFC2616
- HTTP::ProxyPAC(3) - use a PAC (Proxy Auto Config) file to get proxy info
- HTTP::ProxyPAC::Result(3) - Result object from HTTP::ProxyPAC find_proxy
- HTTP::Recorder(3) - record interaction with websites
- HTTP::Request(3) - HTTP style request message
- HTTP::Request::AsCGI(3) - Set up a CGI environment from an HTTP::Request
- HTTP::Request::Common(3) - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
- HTTP::Request::Params(3) - Retrieve GET/POST Parameters from HTTP Requests
- HTTP::Response(3) - HTTP style response message
- HTTP::Response::Encoding(3) - Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response
- HTTP::Router(3) - Yet Another Path Router for HTTP
- HTTP::Router::Debug(3)
- HTTP::Router::Declare(3)
- HTTP::Router::Match(3) - Matched Object Representation for HTTP::Router
- HTTP::Router::Route(3) - Route Representation for HTTP::Router
- HTTP::Server::PSGI(3) - Standalone PSGI compatible HTTP server
- HTTP::Server::Simple(3) - Lightweight HTTP server
- HTTP::Server::Simple::Authen(3) - Authentication plugin for HTTP::Server::Simple
- HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI(3) - CGI.pm-style version of HTTP::Server::Simple
- HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment(3) - a HTTP::Server::Simple mixin to provide the CGI protocol
- HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason(3) - An abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
- HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI(3) - PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
- HTTP::Server::Simple::Recorder(3) - Mixin to record HTTP::Server::Simple's sockets
- HTTP::Server::Simple::Static(3) - Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
- HTTP::Session(3) - simple session
- HTTP::Session::State::Cookie(3) - Maintain session IDs using cookies
- HTTP::Session::State::MobileAgentID(3) - Maintain session IDs using mobile phone's unique id
- HTTP::Session::State::Null(3) - nop
- HTTP::Session::State::Test(3) - state module for testing
- HTTP::Session::State::URI(3) - embed session id to uri
- HTTP::Session::Store::CHI(3) - store session data with CHI
- HTTP::Session::Store::DBI(3) - store session data in DBI for HTTP::Session
- HTTP::Session::Store::DBM(3) - DBM session store
- HTTP::Session::Store::File(3) - File session store
- HTTP::Session::Store::Memcached(3) - store session data in memcached
- HTTP::Session::Store::Null(3) - dummy module for session store
- HTTP::Session::Store::OnMemory(3) - store session data on memory
- HTTP::Session::Store::Test(3) - store session data on memory for testing
- HTTP::Session2(3) - HTTP session management
- HTTP::Session2::Base(3) - Abstract base class for HTTP::Session2
- HTTP::Session2::ClientStore(3) - (Deprecated)Client store
- HTTP::Session2::ClientStore2(3) - Client store
- HTTP::Session2::ServerStore(3) - Session store
- HTTP::Simple(3) - Simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny
- HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker(3) - Check the HTTP response code for a link
- HTTP::Size(3) - Get the byte size of an internet resource
- HTTP::Status(3) - HTTP Status code processing
- HTTP::Thin(3) - A Thin Wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to play nice with HTTP::Message
- HTTP::Throwable(3) - a set of strongly-typed, PSGI-friendly HTTP 1.1 exception libraries
- HTTP::Throwable::Factory(3) - a factory that throws HTTP::Throwables for you
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::BoringText(3) - provide the simplest text_body method possible
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Generic(3) - a generic built-by-hand exception
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::NoBody(3) - an exception with no body
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Redirect(3) - an exception that is a redirect
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::BadGateway(3) - 502 Bad Gateway
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::BadRequest(3) - 400 Bad Request
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::Conflict(3) - 409 Conflict
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::ExpectationFailed(3) - 417 Expectation Failed
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::Forbidden(3) - 403 Forbidden
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::Found(3) - 302 Found
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::GatewayTimeout(3) - 504 Gateway Timeout
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::Gone(3) - 410 Gone
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::HTTPVersionNotSupported(3) - 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::ImATeapot(3) - 418 I'm a teapot
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::InternalServerError(3) - 500 Internal Server Error
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::LengthRequired(3) - 411 Length Required
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::MethodNotAllowed(3) - 405 Method Not Allowed
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::MovedPermanently(3) - 301 Moved Permanently
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::MultipleChoices(3) - 300 Multiple Choices
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::NotAcceptable(3) - 406 Not Acceptable
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::NotFound(3) - 404 Not Found
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::NotImplemented(3) - 501 Not Implemented
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::NotModified(3) - 304 Not Modified
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::PermanentRedirect(3) - 308 Permanent Redirect
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::PreconditionFailed(3) - 412 Precondition Failed
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::ProxyAuthenticationRequired(3) - 407 Proxy Authentication Required
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(3) - 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::RequestEntityTooLarge(3) - 413 Request Entity Too Large
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::RequestTimeout(3) - 408 Request Timeout
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::RequestURITooLong(3) - 414 Request-URI Too Long
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::SeeOther(3) - 303 See Other
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::ServiceUnavailable(3) - 503 Service Unavailable
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::TemporaryRedirect(3) - 307 Temporary Redirect
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::TooManyRequests(3) - 429 Too Many Requests
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::Unauthorized(3) - 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::UnsupportedMediaType(3) - 415 Unsupported Media Type
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::Status::UseProxy(3) - 305 Use Proxy
- HTTP::Throwable::Role::TextBody(3) - an exception with a plaintext body
- HTTP::Throwable::Variant(3) - a package that constructs Moo-based HTTP::Throwables for you
- HTTP::Tiny::Multipart(3) - Add post_multipart to HTTP::Tiny
- HTTP::Tiny::NoProxy(3)
- HTTP::Tiny::SPDY(3) - A subclass of HTTP::Tiny with SPDY support
- HTTP::Tiny::UA(3) - Higher-level UA features for HTTP::Tiny
- HTTP::Tiny::UA::Response(3) - Wrap HTTP::Tiny response as objects with accessors
- HTTP::Tiny::UNIX(3) - A subclass of HTTP::Tiny to connect to HTTP server over Unix socket
- HTTP::WebTest::API(3) - API of HTTP::WebTest
- HTTP::WebTest::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for typical web tests
- HTTP::WebTest::Cookies(3) - Cookie storage and management
- HTTP::WebTest::Parser(3) - Parse wtscript files.
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin(3) - Base class for HTTP::WebTest plugins.
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Click(3) - Click buttons and links on web page
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::ContentSizeTest(3) - Response body size checks
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Cookies(3) - Send and recieve cookies in tests
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::DefaultReport(3) - Default test report plugin.
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Delay(3) - Pause before running test
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::HarnessReport(3) - Test::Harness compatible reports
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Hooks(3) - Provides callbacks called during test run
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Loader(3) - Loads external plugins
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::ResponseTimeTest(3) - Tests for response time
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::SetRequest(3) - Initializes HTTP request for web test
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::StatusTest(3) - Checks the HTTP response status
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::TextMatchTest(3) - Test the content of the HTTP response.
- HTTP::WebTest::Plugins(3) - Plugin developers documentation.
- HTTP::WebTest::ReportPlugin(3) - Subclass for HTTP::WebTest report plugins.
- HTTP::WebTest::Request(3) - HTTP request objects
- HTTP::WebTest::SelfTest(3) - Helper package for HTTP::WebTest test suite
- HTTP::WebTest::Test(3) - Test object class
- HTTP::WebTest::TestResult(3) - Test results class
- HTTP::WebTest::Utils(3) - Miscellaneous subroutines used by HTTP::WebTest
- HTTP::XSCookies(3) - Fast XS cookie mangling for Perl
- HTTP_ATTACH(3) - creates HTTP protocol on top of underlying socket
- HTTP_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates HTTP protocol on top of underlying socket
- HTTP_CLIENT(3) - threaded client for HTTP and HTTPS
- HTTP_DETACH(3) - terminates HTTP protocol and returns the underlying socket
- HTTP_DONE(3) - half-closes a HTTP connection
- HTTP_MIME(3) - multi-part MIME suport
- HTTP_RECVFIELD(3) - receives HTTP field from the peer
- HTTP_RECVREQUEST(3) - receives HTTP request from the peer
- HTTP_RECVSTATUS(3) - receives HTTP status from the peer
- HTTP_REQUEST(3) - HTTP request object
- HTTP_RESPONSE(3) - HTTP response object
- HTTP_SENDFIELD(3) - sends HTTP field to the peer
- HTTP_SENDREQUEST(3) - sends initial HTTP request
- HTTP_SENDSTATUS(3) - sends HTTP status to the peer
- HTTP_SERVER(3) - threaded server for HTTP and HTTPS
- HTTP_SERVLET(3) - HTTP response generation API
- HTTP_SERVLET_AUTH(3) - HTTP basic authentication servlet
- HTTP_SERVLET_COOKIEAUTH(3) - HTTP secure cookie authentication servlet
- HTTP_SERVLET_FILE(3) - HTTP file servlet
- HTTP_SERVLET_REDIRECT(3) - HTTP redirect servlet
- HTTP_SERVLET_TMPL(3) - HTTP servlet for template files
- HTTP_SERVLET_XML(3) - HTTP servlet for XML requests
- HTTP_SERVLET_XMLRPC(3) - HTTP servlet for XML-RPC requests
- http_uri(3) - Old URI utility module, use uri_string instead
- HTTP_XML(3) - XML and XML-RPC requests over HTTP
- httpc(3) - An HTTP/1.1 client
- HTTPD::Authen(3) - HTTP server authentication class
- HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench(3) - Perl API for Apache benchmarking and regression testing.
- HTTPD::GroupAdmin(3) - Management of HTTP server group databases
- HTTPD::Log::Filter(3) - a module to filter entries out of an httpd log.
- HTTPD::Realm(3) - Database of HTTPD Security Realms
- HTTPD::RealmManager(3) - Manage HTTPD server security realms
- HTTPD::UserAdmin(3) - Management of HTTP server user databases
- httpd_custom_api(3) - Behaviour with optional callbacks to customize the inets HTTP server.
- httpd_socket(3) - Communication utility functions to be used by the Erlang web server API programmer.
- httpd_util(3) - Miscellaneous utility functions to be used when implementing Erlang web server API modules.
- Human(3) - Convert byte count to human readable format
- HUMANIZE_NUMBER(3) - format a number into a human readable form
- hunspell(3) - spell checking, stemming, morphological generation and analysis
- hwloc_distances_s(3)
- hwloc_info_s(3)
- hwloc_location(3)
- hwloc_obj(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_bridge_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_cache_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_group_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_numanode_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_numanode_attr_s::hwloc_memory_page_type_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_osdev_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_pcidev_attr_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_info_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_memory_s(3)
- hwloc_obj_memory_s::hwloc_obj_memory_page_type_s(3)
- hwloc_topology_cpubind_support(3)
- hwloc_topology_diff_obj_attr_u(3)
- hwloc_topology_diff_u(3)
- hwloc_topology_discovery_support(3)
- hwloc_topology_membind_support(3)
- hwloc_topology_misc_support(3)
- hwloc_topology_support(3)
- hwlocality_advanced_io(3)
- hwlocality_api_version(3)
- hwlocality_bitmap(3)
- hwlocality_configuration(3)
- hwlocality_cpubinding(3)
- hwlocality_cpukinds(3) - Kinds of CPU cores
- hwlocality_creation(3)
- hwlocality_cuda(3)
- hwlocality_cudart(3)
- hwlocality_custom(3)
- hwlocality_diff(3)
- hwlocality_distances(3)
- hwlocality_distances_add(3) - Add distances between objects
- hwlocality_distances_consult(3) - Helpers for consulting distance matrices
- hwlocality_distances_get(3) - Retrieve distances between objects
- hwlocality_distances_remove(3) - Remove distances between objects
- hwlocality_gl(3)
- hwlocality_glibc_sched(3)
- hwlocality_helper_ancestors(3)
- hwlocality_helper_distribute(3)
- hwlocality_helper_find_cache(3)
- hwlocality_helper_find_covering(3)
- hwlocality_helper_find_inside(3)
- hwlocality_helper_find_misc(3)
- hwlocality_helper_nodeset_convert(3)
- hwlocality_helper_topology_sets(3)
- hwlocality_helper_types(3) - Kinds of object Type
- hwlocality_info_attr(3)
- hwlocality_intel_mic(3)
- hwlocality_levels(3)
- hwlocality_levelzero(3) - Interoperability with the oneAPI Level Zero interface.
- hwlocality_linux(3)
- hwlocality_linux_libnuma_bitmask(3)
- hwlocality_linux_libnuma_ulongs(3)
- hwlocality_memattrs(3) - Comparing memory node attributes for finding where to allocate on
- hwlocality_memattrs_manage(3) - Managing memory attributes
- hwlocality_membinding(3)
- hwlocality_myriexpress(3)
- hwlocality_nvml(3)
- hwlocality_object_sets(3)
- hwlocality_object_strings(3)
- hwlocality_object_types(3)
- hwlocality_objects(3)
- hwlocality_opencl(3)
- hwlocality_openfabrics(3)
- hwlocality_rsmi(3) - Interoperability with the ROCm SMI Management Library
- hwlocality_setsource(3) - Changing the Source of Topology Discovery
- hwlocality_shmem(3) - Sharing topologies between processes
- hwlocality_syntheticexport(3)
- hwlocality_tinker(3)
- hwlocality_windows(3) - Windows-specific helpers
- hwlocality_xmlexport(3)
- HWND(3) - manage interactions between the Windows handle and an X window
- hx509(3)
- hx509_ca(3)
- hx509_cert(3)
- hx509_cms(3)
- hx509_crypto(3)
- hx509_env(3)
- hx509_error(3)
- hx509_keyset(3)
- hx509_lock(3)
- hx509_misc(3)
- hx509_name(3)
- hx509_peer(3)
- hx509_print(3)
- hx509_query(3)
- hx509_revoke(3)
- hx509_verify(3)
- HYPOT(3) - Euclidean distance and complex absolute value functions
- I18N::AcceptLanguage(3) - Matches language preference to available languages
- I18N::Charset(3) - IANA Character Set Registry names and Unicode::MapUTF8 (et al.) conversion scheme names
- I18N::Collate(3) - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale
- I18N::Langinfo(3) - query locale information
- I18N::LangTags(3) - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
- I18N::LangTags::Detect(3) - detect the user's language preferences
- I18N::LangTags::List(3) - qtz} : Reserved for local use.]
- I2A_ASN1_STRING(3) - hexadecimal dump of an ASN.1 string
- I2D_CMS_BIO_STREAM(3) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in BER format
- I2D_PKCS7_BIO_STREAM(3) - output PKCS7 structure in BER format
- I2D_RE_X509_TBS(3) - X509 encode and decode functions
- iarray_allocate(3) - get pointer to nth element in iarray
- iarray_free(3) - free iarray data structure
- iarray_get(3) - get pointer to nth element in iarray
- iarray_init(3) - initialize iarray data structure
- iAuthorizer(3) - iAuthorizer.net backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- IBLSS(3) - iButtonLink SmartSlave
- IBND_DISCOVER_FABRIC(3) - initialize ibnetdiscover library.
- IBND_FIND_NODE_GUID(3) - given a fabric object find the node object within it which matches the guid or directed route specified.
- IBND_ITER_NODES(3) - given a fabric object and a function itterate over the nodes in the fabric.
- IBV_ALLOC_MW(3) - allocate or deallocate a memory window (MW)
- IBV_ALLOC_PD(3) - allocate or deallocate a protection domain (PDs)
- IBV_ATTACH_MCAST(3) - attach and detach a queue pair (QPs) to/from a multicast group
- IBV_BIND_MW(3) - post a request to bind a type 1 memory window to a memory region
- IBV_CREATE_AH(3) - create or destroy an address handle (AH)
- IBV_CREATE_AH_FROM_WC(3) - initialize or create an address handle (AH) from a work completion
- IBV_CREATE_COMP_CHANNEL(3) - create or destroy a completion event channel
- IBV_CREATE_CQ(3) - create or destroy a completion queue (CQ)
- IBV_CREATE_CQ_EX(3) - create a completion queue (CQ)
- IBV_CREATE_FLOW(3) - create or destroy flow steering rules
- IBV_CREATE_QP(3) - create or destroy a queue pair (QP)
- IBV_CREATE_QP_EX(3) - create or destroy a queue pair (QP)
- IBV_CREATE_SRQ(3) - create or destroy a shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_CREATE_SRQ_EX(3) - create or destroy a shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_CREATE_WQ(3) - create or destroy a Work Queue (WQ).
- IBV_EVENT_TYPE_STR(3) - Return string describing event_type enum valueibv_node_type_str - Return string describing node_type enum valueibv_port_state_str - Return string describing port_state enum value
- IBV_FORK_INIT(3) - initialize libibverbs to support fork()
- IBV_GET_ASYNC_EVENT(3) - get or acknowledge asynchronous events
- IBV_GET_CQ_EVENT(3) - get and acknowledge completion queue (CQ) events
- IBV_GET_DEVICE_GUID(3) - get an RDMA device's GUID
- IBV_GET_DEVICE_LIST(3) - get and release list of available RDMA devices
- IBV_GET_DEVICE_NAME(3) - get an RDMA device's name
- IBV_GET_SRQ_NUM(3) - return srq number associated with the given shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_INC_RKEY(3) - creates a new rkey from the given one
- IBV_MODIFY_QP(3) - modify the attributes of a queue pair (QP)
- IBV_MODIFY_SRQ(3) - modify attributes of a shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_MODIFY_WQ(3) - Modify a Work Queue (WQ).
- IBV_OPEN_DEVICE(3) - open and close an RDMA device context
- IBV_OPEN_QP(3) - open a shareable queue pair (QP)
- IBV_OPEN_XRCD(3) - open or close an XRC protection domain (XRCDs)
- IBV_POLL_CQ(3) - poll a completion queue (CQ)
- IBV_POST_RECV(3) - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a receive queue
- IBV_POST_SEND(3) - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a send queue
- IBV_POST_SRQ_RECV(3) - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_QUERY_DEVICE(3) - query an RDMA device's attributes
- IBV_QUERY_DEVICE_EX(3) - query an RDMA device's attributes
- IBV_QUERY_GID(3) - query an InfiniBand port's GID table
- IBV_QUERY_PKEY(3) - query an InfiniBand port's P_Key table
- IBV_QUERY_PORT(3) - query an RDMA port's attributes
- IBV_QUERY_QP(3) - get the attributes of a queue pair (QP)
- IBV_QUERY_RT_VALUES_EX(3) - query an RDMA device for some real time values
- IBV_QUERY_SRQ(3) - get the attributes of a shared receive queue (SRQ)
- IBV_RATE_TO_MBPS(3) - convert IB rate enumeration to Mbit/secmbps_to_ibv_rate - convert Mbit/sec to an IB rate enumeration
- IBV_RATE_TO_MULT(3) - convert IB rate enumeration to multiplier of 2.5 Gbit/secmult_to_ibv_rate - convert multiplier of 2.5 Gbit/sec to an IB rate enumeration
- IBV_REG_MR(3) - register or deregister a memory region (MR)
- IBV_REQ_NOTIFY_CQ(3) - request completion notification on a completion queue (CQ)
- IBV_REREG_MR(3) - re-register a memory region (MR)
- IBV_RESIZE_CQ(3) - resize a completion queue (CQ)
- iCal::Parser(3) - Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
- icamax.f(3)
- icmax1.f(3)
- ICO(3) - read MS Icon files
- IconCanvas(3) - Canvas with dragable icon management
- IconList(3) - an icon list widget
- ICONV_CANONICALIZE(3) - resolving character encoding names to canonical form
- ICONV_CLOSE(3) - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
- ICONV_OPEN(3) - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
- ICONV_OPEN_INTO(3) - initialize descriptor for character set conversion
- identity_matrix(3) - Global containing the identity matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- identity_quat(3) - Global variable containing the identity quaternion. Allegro game programming library.
- IDL(3)
- IdleTime(3) - Get the idle time of X11
- idn_checkname(3) - validate an internationalized domain name
- idn_comparenames(3) - compare two internationzalized domain names
- idn_decodename(3) - decode an internationalized domain name
- idn_encodename(3) - encode an internationalized domain name
- idn_free(3) - API function
- idn_nameinit(3) - initialize libidnkit or libidnkitelite library
- idn_result_tostring(3) - return a string corresponding with an error code
- idn_setlanguage(3) - set the current language
- idn_setlocalcheckfile(3) - read local code point set from a file
- idn_setlocalencoding(3) - set the local encoding
- idn_version_getstring(3) - get a version string about idnkit
- idn2_check_version(3) - API function
- idn2_free(3) - API function
- idn2_lookup_u8(3) - API function
- idn2_lookup_ul(3) - API function
- idn2_register_u8(3) - API function
- idn2_register_ul(3) - API function
- idn2_strerror(3) - API function
- idn2_strerror_name(3) - API function
- idn2_to_ascii_4i(3) - API function
- idn2_to_ascii_4i2(3) - API function
- idn2_to_ascii_4z(3) - API function
- idn2_to_ascii_8z(3) - API function
- idn2_to_ascii_lz(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_44i(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_4z4z(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_8z4z(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_8z8z(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_8zlz(3) - API function
- idn2_to_unicode_lzlz(3) - API function
- idna_strerror(3) - API function
- idna_to_ascii_4i(3) - API function
- idna_to_ascii_4z(3) - API function
- idna_to_ascii_8z(3) - API function
- idna_to_ascii_lz(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_44i(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_4z4z(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_8z4z(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_8z8z(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_8zlz(3) - API function
- idna_to_unicode_lzlz(3) - API function
- IEEE(3) - IEEE standard 754 for floating-point arithmetic
- IEEE_TEST(3) - IEEE test functions
- ieeeck.f(3)
- IF_NAMETOINDEX(3) - provide mappings between interface names and indexes
- IF_UTIL(3) - system networking interface utility routines
- IIS(3) - Display PDL images on IIS devices (saoimage/ximtool)
- IKC(3)
- IKC::Channel(3) - POE Inter-Kernel Communication I/O session
- IKC::Client(3) - POE Inter-Kernel Communication client
- IKC::ClientLite(3) - Small client for IKC
- IKC::Freezer(3) - Pure-Perl serialization method.
- IKC::Proxy(3) - POE IKC proxy session
- IKC::Responder(3) - POE IKC state handler
- IKC::Server(3) - POE Inter-kernel Communication server
- IKC::Specifier(3) - IKC event specifer
- IKC::Timing(3) - POE Inter-kernel Communication timing helper
- ilaclc.f(3)
- ilaclr.f(3)
- iladiag.f(3)
- iladlc.f(3)
- iladlr.f(3)
- ilaenv.f(3)
- ilaenv2stage.f(3)
- ilaprec.f(3)
- ilaslc.f(3)
- ilaslr.f(3)
- ilatrans.f(3)
- ilauplo.f(3)
- ilazlc.f(3)
- ilazlr.f(3)
- ILOGB(3) - extract exponent
- Ima::DBI(3) - Database connection caching and organization
- Image::Base(3) - base class for loading, manipulating and saving images.
- Image::Base::SVG(3)
- Image::Caa(3) - Colored ASCII Art
- Image::Compare(3) - Compare two images in a variety of ways.
- Image::Compare::AVG_THRESHOLD(3) - Compare two images by the overall average color difference of their pixels.
- Image::Compare::Comparator(3) - Base class for comparison methods used by Image::Compare
- Image::Compare::EXACT(3) - Compare two images for exact equivalence.
- Image::Compare::IMAGE(3) - Compares two images and creates a third image representing their differences.
- Image::Compare::THRESHOLD(3) - Compare two images by by a maximum per-pixel color difference of their pixels.
- Image::Compare::THRESHOLD_COUNT(3) - Count the number of pixel pairs in two images that differ by more than a given threshold.
- Image::Delivery(3) - Efficient transformation and delivery of web images
- Image::Delivery::Provider(3) - The abstract Image Provider class
- Image::ExifTool(3) - Read and write meta information
- Image::ExifTool::AES(3) - AES encryption with cipher-block chaining
- Image::ExifTool::AFCP(3) - Read/write AFCP trailer
- Image::ExifTool::AIFF(3) - Read AIFF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::APE(3) - Read Monkey's Audio meta information
- Image::ExifTool::APP12(3) - Read APP12 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Apple(3) - Apple EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::ASF(3) - Read ASF/WMA/WMV meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Audible(3) - Read meta information from Audible audio books
- Image::ExifTool::BigTIFF(3) - Read Big TIFF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::BMP(3) - Read BMP meta information
- Image::ExifTool::BPG(3) - Read BPG meta information
- Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup(3) - Build ExifTool tag lookup tables
- Image::ExifTool::BZZ(3) - Utility to decode BZZ compressed data
- Image::ExifTool::Canon(3) - Canon EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::CanonCustom(3) - Read and Write Canon custom functions
- Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw(3) - Read Canon RAW (CRW) meta information
- Image::ExifTool::CanonVRD(3) - Read/write Canon VRD and DR4 information
- Image::ExifTool::CaptureOne(3) - Read Capture One EIP and COS files
- Image::ExifTool::Casio(3) - Casio EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Charset(3) - ExifTool character encoding routines
- Image::ExifTool::DarwinCore(3) - Darwin Core XMP tags
- Image::ExifTool::DICOM(3) - Read DICOM and ACR-NEMA medical images
- Image::ExifTool::DJI(3) - DJI Phantom maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::DjVu(3) - Read DjVu meta information
- Image::ExifTool::DNG(3) - Read DNG-specific information
- Image::ExifTool::DPX(3) - Read DPX meta information
- Image::ExifTool::DV(3) - Read DV meta information
- Image::ExifTool::EXE(3) - Read executable file meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Exif(3) - Read EXIF/TIFF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::FITS(3) - Read Flexible Image Transport System metadata
- Image::ExifTool::Fixup(3) - Utility to handle pointer fixups
- Image::ExifTool::FLAC(3) - Read Free Lossless Audio Codec information
- Image::ExifTool::Flash(3) - Read Shockwave Flash meta information
- Image::ExifTool::FlashPix(3) - Read FlashPix meta information
- Image::ExifTool::FLIF(3) - Read/write FLIF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::FLIR(3) - Read FLIR meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Font(3) - Read meta information from font files
- Image::ExifTool::FotoStation(3) - Read/write FotoWare FotoStation trailer
- Image::ExifTool::FujiFilm(3) - Read/write FujiFilm maker notes and RAF images
- Image::ExifTool::GE(3) - General Imaging maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Geotag(3) - Geotagging utility routines
- Image::ExifTool::GeoTiff(3) - Read GeoTiff meta information
- Image::ExifTool::GIF(3) - Read and write GIF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::GIMP(3) - Read meta information from GIMP XCF images
- Image::ExifTool::GoPro(3) - Read information from GoPro videos
- Image::ExifTool::GPS(3) - EXIF GPS meta information tags
- Image::ExifTool::H264(3) - Read meta information from H.264 video
- Image::ExifTool::HP(3) - Hewlett-Packard maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::HTML(3) - Read HTML meta information
- Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump(3) - Dump information in hex to HTML page
- Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile(3) - Read ICC Profile meta information
- Image::ExifTool::ID3(3) - Read ID3 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Import(3) - Import CSV and JSON database files
- Image::ExifTool::InDesign(3) - Read/write meta information in Adobe InDesign files
- Image::ExifTool::IPTC(3) - Read IPTC meta information
- Image::ExifTool::ISO(3) - Read information from ISO 9660 disk images
- Image::ExifTool::ITC(3) - Read iTunes Cover Flow meta information
- Image::ExifTool::iWork(3) - Read Apple iWork '09 XML+ZIP files
- Image::ExifTool::JPEG(3) - Definitions for uncommon JPEG segments
- Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000(3) - Read JPEG 2000 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::JPEGDigest(3) - Calculate JPEGDigest and JPEGQualityEstimate
- Image::ExifTool::JSON(3) - Read JSON files
- Image::ExifTool::JVC(3) - JVC EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Kodak(3) - Kodak EXIF maker notes and APP3 "Meta" tags
- Image::ExifTool::KyoceraRaw(3) - Read Kyocera RAW meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::cs(3) - ExifTool Czech language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::de(3) - ExifTool German language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::en_ca(3) - ExifTool Canadian English language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::en_gb(3) - ExifTool British English language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::es(3) - ExifTool Spanish language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::fi(3) - ExifTool Finnish language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::fr(3) - ExifTool French language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::it(3) - ExifTool Italian language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::ja(3) - ExifTool Japanese language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::ko(3) - ExifTool Korean language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::nl(3) - ExifTool Dutch language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::pl(3) - ExifTool Polish language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::ru(3) - ExifTool Russian language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::sv(3) - ExifTool Swedish language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::tr(3) - ExifTool Turkish language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::zh_cn(3) - ExifTool Simplified Chinese language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Lang::zh_tw(3) - ExifTool Traditional Chinese language translations
- Image::ExifTool::Leaf(3) - Read Creo Leaf EXIF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::LIF(3) - Read LIF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::LNK(3) - Read MS Shell Link (.LNK) meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Lytro(3) - Read Lytro LFP files
- Image::ExifTool::M2TS(3) - Read M2TS (AVCHD) meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MacOS(3) - Read/write MacOS system tags
- Image::ExifTool::MakerNotes(3) - Read and write EXIF maker notes
- Image::ExifTool::Matroska(3) - Read meta information from Matroska files
- Image::ExifTool::Microsoft(3) - Definitions for custom Microsoft tags
- Image::ExifTool::MIE(3) - Read/write MIE meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MIEUnits(3) - MIE units documentation
- Image::ExifTool::MIFF(3) - Read Magick Image File Format meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Minolta(3) - Minolta EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::MinoltaRaw(3) - Read/write Konica-Minolta RAW (MRW) information
- Image::ExifTool::MNG(3) - MNG and JNG meta information tags
- Image::ExifTool::MOI(3) - Read MOI meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Motorola(3) - Read Motorola meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MPC(3) - Read Musepack audio meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MPEG(3) - Read MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MPF(3) - Read Multi-Picture Format information
- Image::ExifTool::MRC(3) - Read MRC meta information
- Image::ExifTool::MWG(3) - Metadata Working Group support
- Image::ExifTool::MXF(3) - Read MXF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Nikon(3) - Nikon EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::NikonCapture(3) - Read/write Nikon Capture information
- Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom(3) - Read and Write Nikon custom settings
- Image::ExifTool::NikonSettings(3) - Read Nikon user settings
- Image::ExifTool::Nintendo(3) - Nintendo EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Ogg(3) - Read Ogg meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Olympus(3) - Olympus/Epson maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::OOXML(3) - Read Office Open XML+ZIP files
- Image::ExifTool::OpenEXR(3) - Read OpenEXR meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Opus(3) - Read Ogg Opus audio meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Other(3) - Read meta information from other uncommon formats
- Image::ExifTool::Palm(3) - Read Palm Database files
- Image::ExifTool::Panasonic(3) - Panasonic/Leica maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::PanasonicRaw(3) - Read/write Panasonic/Leica RAW/RW2/RWL meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Parrot(3) - Read timed metadata from Parrot drone videos
- Image::ExifTool::PCX(3) - Read metadata from PC Paintbrush files
- Image::ExifTool::PDF(3) - Read PDF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Pentax(3) - Pentax/Asahi maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::PGF(3) - Read Progressive Graphics File meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PhaseOne(3) - Phase One maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::PhotoCD(3) - Read Kodak Photo CD Image Pac (PCD) metadata
- Image::ExifTool::PhotoMechanic(3) - Read/write Photo Mechanic information
- Image::ExifTool::Photoshop(3) - Read/write Photoshop IRB meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PICT(3) - Read PICT meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PLIST(3) - Read Apple PLIST information
- Image::ExifTool::PLUS(3) - PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System) tags
- Image::ExifTool::PNG(3) - Read and write PNG meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PostScript(3) - Read PostScript meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PPM(3) - Read and write PPM meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PrintIM(3) - Read PrintIM meta information
- Image::ExifTool::PSP(3) - Read Paint Shop Pro meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Qualcomm(3) - Read Qualcomm APP7 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::QuickTime(3) - Read QuickTime and MP4 meta information
- Image::ExifTool::QuickTimeStream(3) - Extract embedded information from media data
- Image::ExifTool::Radiance(3) - Read Radiance RGBE HDR meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Rawzor(3) - Read meta information from Rawzor compressed images
- Image::ExifTool::Real(3) - Read Real audio/video meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Reconyx(3) - Reconyx maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Red(3) - Read Redcode R3D video files
- Image::ExifTool::Ricoh(3) - Ricoh EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::RIFF(3) - Read RIFF/AVI/WAV meta information
- Image::ExifTool::RSRC(3) - Read Mac OS Resource information
- Image::ExifTool::RTF(3) - Read Rich Text Format meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Samsung(3) - Samsung EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Sanyo(3) - Sanyo EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Scalado(3) - Read APP4 SCALADO metadata
- Image::ExifTool::Shift(3) - ExifTool time shifting routines
- Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts(3) - ExifTool shortcut tags
- Image::ExifTool::Sigma(3) - Sigma/Foveon EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::SigmaRaw(3) - Read Sigma/Foveon RAW (X3F) meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Sony(3) - Sony EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::SonyIDC(3) - Read/write Sony IDC information
- Image::ExifTool::Stim(3) - Definitions for Stereo Still Image tags
- Image::ExifTool::TagInfoXML(3) - Read/write tag information XML database
- Image::ExifTool::TagLookup(3) - Fast lookup for ExifTool tags
- Image::ExifTool::TagNames(3) - ExifTool tag name documentation
- Image::ExifTool::Text(3) - Read Text meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Theora(3) - Read Theora video meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Torrent(3) - Read information from BitTorrent file
- Image::ExifTool::Unknown(3) - Unknown EXIF maker notes tags
- Image::ExifTool::Validate(3) - Additional metadata validation
- Image::ExifTool::VCard(3) - Read vCard and iCalendar meta information
- Image::ExifTool::Vorbis(3) - Read Ogg Vorbis audio meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WriteCanonRaw(3) - Write Canon RAW (CRW and CR2) information
- Image::ExifTool::WriteExif(3) - Write EXIF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WriteIPTC(3) - Write IPTC meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WritePDF(3) - Write PDF meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WritePhotoshop(3) - Write Photoshop IRB meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WritePNG(3) - Write PNG meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WritePostScript(3) - Write PostScript meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WriteQuickTime(3) - Write XMP to QuickTime (MOV and MP4) files
- Image::ExifTool::Writer(3) - ExifTool routines for writing meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WriteXMP(3) - Write XMP meta information
- Image::ExifTool::WTV(3) - Read WTV meta information
- Image::ExifTool::XMP(3) - Read XMP meta information
- Image::ExifTool::XMP2(3) - Additional XMP namespace definitions
- Image::ExifTool::XMPStruct(3) - XMP structure support
- Image::ExifTool::ZIP(3) - Read ZIP archive meta information
- Image::ExifTool::ZISRAW(3) - Read ZISRAW (CZI) meta information
- Image::Grab(3) - Perl extension for Grabbing images off the Internet.
- Image::Heatmap(3) - Build heatmap images
- Image::Imgur(3) - Perl extension for uploading images to http://imgur.com
- Image::Imlib2(3) - Interface to the Imlib2 image library
- Image::Info(3) - Extract meta information from image files
- Image::Info::BMP(3) - Windows Device Independent Bitmap support for Image::Info
- Image::Info::GIF(3) - Graphics Interchange Format support for Image::Info
- Image::Info::ICO(3) - Microsoft ICO support for Image::Info
- Image::Info::PPM(3) - PPM support Image::Info
- Image::Info::TIFF(3) - TIFF support for Image::Info
- Image::Info::WBMP(3) - WBMP support for Image::Info
- Image::LibExif(3) - Read EXIF. Efficiently
- Image::Magick::Iterator(3) - sequentially read Image::Magick object from a filehandle.
- Image::Magick::Iterator::PPM(3) - read PPM images
- Image::Math::Constrain(3) - Scaling math used in image size constraining (such as thumbnails)
- Image::MetaData::GQview(3) - Perl extension for GQview image metadata
- Image::MetaData::JPEG(3) - Perl extension for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data.
- Image::MetaData::JPEG::MakerNotes(3) - This document contains random information and details on MakerNotes; it is an appendix to the main manual page of the Image::MetaData::JPEG module, which the reader should refer to for further details and the general scope. The note on MakerNote parsing in the main manual page is of particular interest.
- Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures(3) - This document describes the structure of a JPEG file; it is an appendix to the main manual page of the Image::MetaData::JPEG module, which the reader should refer to for further details and the general scope.
- Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists(3) - This document contains a collection of tag tables for JPEG segments; it is an appendix to the main manual page of the Image::MetaData::JPEG module, which the reader should refer to for further details and the general scope.
- Image::OCR::Tesseract(3) - read an image with tesseract ocr and get output
- Image::PBMlib(3) - Helper functions for PBM/PGM/PPM image file formats
- Image::PNG::Const(3) - Constants for libpng
- Image::PNG::Libpng(3) - Perl interface to the C library "libpng".
- Image::PNG::QRCode(3) - make a PNG image containing a QR code from text
- Image::Pngslimmer(3) - slims (dynamically created) PNGs
- Image::Sane(3) - Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project
- Image::Scale(3) - Fast, high-quality fixed-point image resizing
- Image::Size(3) - read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
- image_access_storage(3)
- image_active_frame(3)
- image_children(3)
- image_clip_off(3)
- image_clip_on(3)
- image_color(3)
- image_framecyclemode(3)
- image_framesetsize(3)
- image_get_txcos(3)
- image_hit(3)
- image_inherit_order(3)
- image_loaded(3)
- image_mask_clear(3)
- image_mask_clearall(3)
- image_mask_set(3)
- image_mask_toggle(3)
- image_matchstorage(3)
- image_mipmap(3)
- image_origo_offset(3)
- image_parent(3)
- image_pushasynch(3)
- image_resize_storage(3)
- image_scale_txcos(3)
- image_screen_coordinates(3)
- image_set_txcos(3)
- image_set_txcos_default(3)
- image_shader(3)
- image_sharestorage(3)
- image_state(3)
- image_storage_properties(3)
- image_storage_slice(3)
- image_surface_initial(3)
- image_surface_initial_properties(3)
- image_surface_properties(3)
- image_surface_resolve(3)
- image_surface_resolve_properties(3)
- image_tesselation(3)
- image_texfilter(3)
- image_tracetag(3)
- image_transform_cycle(3)
- Image2D(3) - Miscellaneous 2D image processing functions
- ImageByteOrder(3) - image format functions and macros
- ImageND(3) - useful image processing in N dimensions
- Imager::API(3) - Imager's C API - introduction.
- Imager::APIRef(3) - Imager's C API - reference.
- Imager::Color(3) - Color handling for Imager.
- Imager::Color::Float(3) - Rough floating point sample color handling
- Imager::Color::Table(3) - built-in Imager color table
- Imager::Cookbook(3) - recipes working with Imager
- Imager::Draw(3) - Draw primitives to images
- Imager::Engines(3) - Programmable transformation operations
- Imager::Expr(3) - implements expression parsing and compilation for the expression evaluation engine used by Imager::transform2()
- Imager::Expr::Assem(3) - an assembler for producing code for the Imager register machine
- Imager::ExtUtils(3) - functions handy in writing Imager extensions
- Imager::Files(3) - working with image files
- Imager::Fill(3) - general fill types
- Imager::Filters(3) - Entire Image Filtering Operations
- Imager::Font(3) - Font handling for Imager.
- Imager::Font::BBox(3) - objects representing the bounding box of a string.
- Imager::Font::FreeType2(3) - low-level functions for FreeType2 text output
- Imager::Font::Test(3) - font driver producing consistent output for tests.
- Imager::Font::Truetype(3) - low-level functions for Truetype fonts
- Imager::Font::Type1(3) - low-level functions for T1Lib text output
- Imager::Font::Wrap(3) - simple wrapped text output
- Imager::Fountain(3) - a class for building fountain fills suitable for use by the fountain filter.
- Imager::Graph::Area(3) - a tool for drawing area charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::Bar(3) - a tool for drawing bar charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::Column(3) - a tool for drawing column charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::Horizontal(3) - A super class for line/bar charts
- Imager::Graph::Line(3) - a tool for drawing line charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::Pie(3) - a tool for drawing pie charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::StackedColumn(3) - a tool for drawing stacked column charts on Imager images
- Imager::Graph::Util(3) - simple geometric functions
- Imager::Graph::Vertical(3)
- Imager::Handy(3) - simple access to common functions
- Imager::ImageTypes(3) - image models for Imager
- Imager::Inline(3) - using Imager with Inline::C.
- Imager::Install(3) - installation notes for Imager
- Imager::interface(3) - describes the C level virtual image interface
- Imager::IO(3) - Imager's io_layer object.
- Imager::LargeSamples(3) - track/document large sample support
- Imager::Matrix2d(3) - simple wrapper for matrix construction
- Imager::Plot::Axis(3) - Axis handling of Imager::Plot.
- Imager::Preprocess(3) - simple preprocessor for handling multiple sample sizes
- Imager::Probe(3) - hot needle of inquiry for libraries
- Imager::QRCode(3) - Generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
- Imager::regmach(3) - documents the register virtual machine used by Imager::transform2().
- Imager::Regops(3) - generated information about the register based virtual machine
- Imager::Security(3) - brief notes on security and image processing
- Imager::Test(3) - common functions used in testing Imager
- Imager::Threads(3) - Imager and threads
- Imager::Transform(3) - a library of register machine image transformations
- Imager::Transformations(3) - Simple transformations of one image into another.
- Imager::Tutorial(3) - an introduction to Imager.
- ImageRGB(3)
- Imail(3) - encrypt and decrypt IMail passwords
- IMAP::Admin(3) - Cyrus administrative interface Perl module
- IMAP::Client(3) - Advanced manipulation of IMAP services w/ referral support
- IMAP::IMSP(3) - Perl module for Cyrus IMSP user options
- IMAP::Shell(3) - Perl version of cyradm
- IMAXABS(3) - returns absolute value
- IMAXDIV(3) - returns quotient and remainder
- IMCLIENT(3) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- IMDb(3) - Abstract class to query the Internet Movie Database
- IMDB::BaseClass(3) - a base class for IMDB::Film and IMDB::Persons.
- IMDB::Film(3) - OO Perl interface to the movies database IMDB.
- IMDb::People(3)
- IMDB::Persons(3) - Perl extension for retrieving movies persons from IMDB.com
- IMDb::Title(3)
- Import::Base(3) - Import a set of modules into the calling module
- Import::Into(3) - Import packages into other packages
- Importer(3) - Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols.
- IMSG_INIT(3) - IPC messaging functions
- imult16(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- imult32(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- imult64(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- inc::Module::Install(3) - Module::Install configuration system
- inc::Module::Install::DSL(3) - Domain Specific Language for Module::Install
- indirect(3) - Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax.
- INET_CIDR(3) - network translation routines
- INET_NET(3) - Internet network number manipulation routines
- inet_res(3) - A rudimentary DNS client.
- INET6_OPT_INIT(3) - IPv6 Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options manipulation
- INET6_OPTION_SPACE(3) - IPv6 Hop-by-Hop and Destination Option Manipulation
- INET6_RTH_SPACE(3) - IPv6 Routing Header Options manipulation
- INET6_RTHDR_SPACE(3) - IPv6 Routing Header Options Manipulation
- inets(3) - The Inets services API.
- InfernoEmbedded(3) - Switch Masters - Firmware Updater
- init_dialog(3) - Low level initialisation of a dialog. Allegro game programming library.
- init_menu(3) - Low level initialisation of a menu. Allegro game programming library.
- INITGROUPS(3) - initialize group access list
- initialise_joystick(3) - Deprecated version of install_joystick(). Allegro game programming library.
- Inline::API(3) - How to bind a programming language to Perl using Inline.pm
- Inline::C(3) - C Language Support for Inline
- Inline::C::Cookbook(3) - A Cornucopia of Inline C Recipes
- Inline::C::ParsePegex(3) - Yet Another Inline::C Parser
- Inline::C::ParseRecDescent(3) - The Classic Inline::C Parser
- Inline::C::ParseRegExp(3) - The New and Improved Inline::C Parser
- Inline::CPP(3) - Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++.
- Inline::CPP::Config(3) - for internal consumption; nothing to document
- Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent(3)
- Inline::FAQ(3) - The Inline FAQ
- Inline::Files(3) - Multiple virtual files at the end of your code
- Inline::Files::Virtual(3) - Multiple virtual files in a single file
- Inline::Support(3) - Support Information for Inline.pm and related modules.
- Inline::TT(3) - Provides inline support for template toolkit 2.x
- Input::Validator(3) - Input Validator
- Input::Validator::Bulk(3) - Internal object for multiple fields processing
- Input::Validator::Condition(3) - Condition object
- Input::Validator::Constraint(3) - Basic condition class
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Callback(3) - Callback constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Date(3) - Date constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Email(3) - Email constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Equal(3) - Equal constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::In(3) - In constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Ip(3) - Ip constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Length(3) - Length constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Regexp(3) - Regexp constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Subset(3) - Subset constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Time(3) - Time constraint
- Input::Validator::Constraint::Unique(3) - Unique constraint
- Input::Validator::ConstraintBuilder(3) - Constraint factory
- Input::Validator::Field(3) - Field object
- Input::Validator::Group(3) - Run constraint on group of fields
- input_capabilities(3)
- input_remap_translation(3) - 1 end endend
- input_samplebase(3)
- input_target(3)
- inputanalog_filter(3) - even when not in active use. In order to find the right
- inputanalog_query(3)
- inputanalog_toggle(3)
- InputO(3) - Create and manipulate TIX InputO widgets
- INSQUE(3) - doubly-linked list management
- install_allegro(3) - Initialise the Allegro library.
- install_int(3) - Installs a user timer handler. Allegro game programming library.
- install_int_ex(3) - Adds or modifies a timer. Allegro game programming library.
- install_keyboard_hooks(3) - Installs custom keyboard hooks. Allegro game programming library.
- install_param_int(3) - Installs a timer routine with a customizable parameter. Allegro game programming library.
- install_param_int_ex(3) - Adds or modifies a timer with a customizable parameter. Allegro game programming library.
- install_sound(3) - Initialises the sound module. Allegro game programming library.
- install_sound_input(3) - Initialises the sound recorder module. Allegro game programming library.
- install_timer(3) - Installs the Allegro timer interrupt handler.
- instant_image_transform(3)
- instrument(3) - Analysis and Utility Functions for Instrumentation
- int_cmp(3)
- Interchange6::Cart::Cost(3) - Cart cost class for Interchange6 Shop Machine
- Interchange6::Role::Costs(3)
- Interchange6::Schema(3) - Database Schema for Interchange 6
- Interchange6::Schema::Base::Attribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Candy(3) - add DBIx::Class::Candy to our Result classes
- Interchange6::Schema::Component::Validation(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Manual(3) - Index of the Manual
- Interchange6::Schema::Manual::Classes(3) - Result, ResultSet and Populate classes for Interchange6::Schema
- Interchange6::Schema::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Miscellaneous recipes
- Interchange6::Schema::Manual::DatabaseSupport(3) - Details of database engine support for Interchange6
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate(3) - populates a website with various fixtures
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate::CountryLocale(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate::MessageType(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate::Role(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate::StateLocale(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Populate::Zone(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Address(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Attribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::AttributeValue(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Cart(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::CartProduct(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Inventory(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Media(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MediaDisplay(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MediaMessage(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MediaNavigation(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MediaProduct(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MediaType(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MerchandisingAttribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MerchandisingProduct(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Message(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::MessageType(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Navigation(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::NavigationAttribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::NavigationAttributeValue(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::NavigationMessage(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::NavigationProduct(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Order(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::OrderComment(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Orderline(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::OrderlinesShipping(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::OrderStatus(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::PaymentOrder(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Permission(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::PriceModifier(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Product(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ProductAttribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ProductAttributeValue(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ProductMessage(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Role(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Session(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Setting(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Shipment(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ShipmentCarrier(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ShipmentDestination(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ShipmentMethod(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ShipmentRate(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::State(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Tax(3) - required.
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::UriRedirect(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::User(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::UserAttribute(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::UserAttributeValue(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::UserRole(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::Zone(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneCountry(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneState(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet(3) - the default resultset class for Interchange6
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Message(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Navigation(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Order(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Product(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Session(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::Tax(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::UriRedirect(3)
- Interchange6::Schema::ResultSet::User(3)
- Interchange6::Test::Role::Database(3)
- Interchange6::Test::Role::Fixtures(3)
- Interchange6::Test::Role::MySQL(3)
- Interchange6::Test::Role::PostgreSQL(3)
- Interchange6::Test::Role::SQLite(3)
- Interchange6::Types(3) - Type library for Interchange6
- internal_v_smechname(3)
- InternalCoords(3) - Represent the position of an atom using internal coordinates and convert it to Cartesian coordinates.
- InternalCoords::Builder(3) - Build a Z-matrix from cartesian coordinates
- InternalDebug(3) - Dark Magic to enable _INTERNAL_DEBUG
- internalvsmechname(3) - Internal names and mechanism names
- Interpolation(3) - Arbitrary string interpolation semantics (using tie())
- Interval2Prefix(3) - Generate prefixes from intervals
- int-ext-fields(3) - SiLK plug-in providing internal/external ip/port fields
- Intrors(3)
- INV_CMAP(3) - efficiently compute an inverse colormap
- IO::All(3) - IO::All to Larry Wall!
- IO::All::DBM(3) - DBM Support for IO::All
- IO::All::Dir(3) - Directory Support for IO::All
- IO::All::File(3) - File Support for IO::All
- IO::All::Filesys(3) - File System Methods Mixin for IO::All
- IO::All::FTP(3) - Extends IO::All to FTP URLs
- IO::All::HTTP(3) - Extends IO::All to HTTP URLs
- IO::All::HTTPS(3) - Extends IO::All for HTTPS URLs
- IO::All::Link(3) - Link Support for IO::All
- IO::All::LWP(3) - IO::All interface to LWP
- IO::All::MLDBM(3) - MLDBM Support for IO::All
- IO::All::Pipe(3) - Pipe Support for IO::All
- IO::All::Socket(3) - Socket Support for IO::All
- IO::All::STDIO(3) - STDIO Support for IO::All
- IO::All::String(3) - String Support for IO::All
- IO::All::Temp(3) - Temporary File Support for IO::All
- IO::Any(3) - open anything
- IO::Async::Channel(3) - pass values into or out from an IO::Async::Routine
- IO::Async::Debug(3) - debugging control and support for IO::Async
- IO::Async::File(3) - watch a file for changes
- IO::Async::FileStream(3) - read the tail of a file
- IO::Async::Function(3) - call a function asynchronously
- IO::Async::Future(3) - use Future with IO::Async
- IO::Async::Handle(3) - event callbacks for a non-blocking file descriptor
- IO::Async::Listener(3) - listen on network sockets for incoming connections
- IO::Async::Loop(3) - core loop of the "IO::Async" framework
- IO::Async::Loop::Poll(3) - use "IO::Async" with "poll(2)"
- IO::Async::Loop::Select(3) - use IO::Async with "select(2)"
- IO::Async::LoopTests(3) - acceptance testing for IO::Async::Loop subclasses
- IO::Async::Metrics(3) - report metrics about "IO::Async" to "Metrics::Any"
- IO::Async::Notifier(3) - base class for IO::Async event objects
- IO::Async::OS(3) - operating system abstractions for "IO::Async"
- IO::Async::OS::cygwin(3) - operating system abstractions on "cygwin" for "IO::Async"
- IO::Async::OS::linux(3) - operating system abstractions on "Linux" for IO::Async
- IO::Async::OS::MSWin32(3) - operating system abstractions on "MSWin32" for "IO::Async"
- IO::Async::PID(3) - event callback on exit of a child process
- IO::Async::Process(3) - start and manage a child process
- IO::Async::Protocol(3) - base class for transport-based protocols
- IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream(3) - stream-based protocols using lines of text
- IO::Async::Protocol::Stream(3) - base class for stream-based protocols
- IO::Async::Resolver(3) - performing name resolutions asynchronously
- IO::Async::Resolver::DNS(3) - resolve DNS queries using "IO::Async"
- IO::Async::Routine(3) - execute code in an independent sub-process or thread
- IO::Async::Signal(3) - event callback on receipt of a POSIX signal
- IO::Async::Socket(3) - event callbacks and send buffering for a socket filehandle
- IO::Async::SSL(3) - use SSL/TLS with IO::Async
- IO::Async::SSLStream(3) - read and write buffers around an SSL connection
- IO::Async::Stream(3) - event callbacks and write bufering for a stream filehandle
- IO::Async::Test(3) - utility functions for use in test scripts
- IO::Async::Timer(3) - base class for Notifiers that use timed delays
- IO::Async::Timer::Absolute(3) - event callback at a fixed future time
- IO::Async::Timer::Countdown(3) - event callback after a fixed delay
- IO::Async::Timer::Periodic(3) - event callback at regular intervals
- IO::AtomicFile(3) - write a file which is updated atomically
- IO::BufferedSelect(3) - Line-buffered select interface
- IO::Callback(3) - Emulate file interface for a code reference
- IO::Capture(3) - Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output.
- IO::Capture::Overview(3) - Starts the data capture. Is run from public method # start(); # # 2) _retrieve_captured_text() - Move the captured text into the # object hash key, "IO::Capture::messages". Called by public method # # 3) _stop - Stop the data capture. Called by public method 'stop()' # after private method '_retrieve_captured_text()' returns. # sub _start { tie *STDERR, "IO::Capture::Tie_STDx"; } sub _retrieve_captured_text { my $self = shift; # making a reference to it makes it more readable ;-) my $messages = \@{$self->{'IO::Capture::messages'}}; @$messages = <STDERR>; } sub _stop { untie *STDERR; return 1; } 1;
- IO::Capture::Stderr(3) - Capture all output sent to "STDERR"
- IO::Capture::Stdout(3) - Capture any output sent to STDOUT
- IO::Capture::Tie_STDx(3)
- IO::CaptureOutput(3) - (DEPRECATED) capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
- IO::Compress::Base(3) - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
- IO::Compress::Brotli(3) - Write Brotli buffers/streams
- IO::Compress::Bzip2(3) - Write bzip2 files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Deflate(3) - Write RFC 1950 files/buffers
- IO::Compress::FAQ(3) - in this case by creating a tied filehandle to deal with creating the gzip header and trailer.
- IO::Compress::Gzip(3) - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Lzf(3) - Write lzf files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Lzip(3) - Write lzip files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Lzma(3) - Write lzma files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Lzop(3) - Write lzop files/buffers
- IO::Compress::RawDeflate(3) - Write RFC 1951 files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Xz(3) - Write xz files/buffers
- IO::Compress::Zip(3) - Write zip files/buffers
- IO::Detect(3) - is this a frickin' filehandle or what?!
- IO::Digest(3) - Calculate digests while reading or writing
- IO::Dir(3) - supply object methods for directory handles
- IO::Event(3) - Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks
- IO::Event::Callback(3) - A closure based API for IO::Event
- IO::File(3) - supply object methods for filehandles
- IO::File::AtomicChange(3) - change content of a file atomically
- IO::Handle(3) - supply object methods for I/O handles
- IO::Handle::Iterator(3) - Iterator based read handle
- IO::Handle::Prototype(3) - base class for callback based handles.
- IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback(3) - Create IO::Handle like objects using a set of callbacks.
- IO::Handle::Util(3) - Functions for working with IO::Handle like objects.
- IO::HTML(3) - Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
- IO::InnerFile(3) - define a file inside another file
- IO::Interactive(3) - Utilities for interactive I/O
- IO::Interface(3) - Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
- IO::Interface::Simple(3) - Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
- IO::KQueue(3) - perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
- IO::Lambda(3) - non-blocking I/O as lambda calculus
- IO::Lambda::Backtrace(3) - backtrace chains of events
- IO::Lambda::Compat(3) - compatibility with pre-v1.00 version API
- IO::Lambda::DBI(3) - asynchronous DBI
- IO::Lambda::DNS(3) - DNS queries lambda style
- IO::Lambda::Flock(3) - lambda-style file locking
- IO::Lambda::Fork(3) - wait for blocking code in children processes
- IO::Lambda::HTTP(3) - http requests lambda style
- IO::Lambda::HTTP::Authen::NTLM(3) - library for enabling NTLM authentication in IO::Lambda::HTTP
- IO::Lambda::HTTP::HTTPS(3) - https requests lambda style
- IO::Lambda::Loop::AnyEvent(3) - AnyEvent event loop for IO::Lambda
- IO::Lambda::Loop::POE(3) - POE event loop for IO::Lambda
- IO::Lambda::Loop::Prima(3) - Prima-based event loop for IO::Lambda
- IO::Lambda::Loop::Select(3) - select(2)-based event loop for IO::Lambda
- IO::Lambda::Message(3) - message passing queue
- IO::Lambda::Mutex(3) - wait for a shared resource
- IO::Lambda::Poll(3) - emulate asynchronous behavior by polling
- IO::Lambda::Signal(3) - wait for pids and signals
- IO::Lambda::SNMP(3) - snmp requests lambda style
- IO::Lambda::Socket(3) - wrapper condition for socket functions
- IO::Lambda::Thread(3) - wait for blocking code using threads
- IO::Lambda::Throttle(3) - rate-limiting facility
- IO::Lines(3) - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of lines
- IO::MultiPipe(3) - Allows for error checking on a command involving multiple pipes.
- IO::Multiplex(3) - Manage IO on many file handles
- IO::NestedCapture(3) - module for performing nested STD* handle captures
- IO::Null(3)
- IO::Pager(3) - Select a pager (possibly perl-based) & pipe it text if a TTY
- IO::Pager::Buffered(3) - Pipe deferred output to PAGER if destination is a TTY
- IO::Pager::less(3) - No pager? Pipe output to Perl-based pager a TTY
- IO::Pager::Page(3) - Emulate IO::Page, pipe STDOUT to a pager if STDOUT is a TTY
- IO::Pager::Perl(3) - Page text a screenful at a time, like more or less
- IO::Pager::Unbuffered(3) - Pipe output to PAGER if destination is a TTY
- IO::Pipe(3) - supply object methods for pipes
- IO::Pipely(3) - Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another.
- IO::Poll(3) - Object interface to system poll call
- IO::Prompt(3) - Interactively prompt for user input
- IO::Prompt::Simple(3) - provide a simple user input
- IO::Prompt::Tiny(3) - Prompt for user input with a default option
- IO::Prompter(3) - Prompt for input, read it, clean it, return it.
- IO::Pty::Easy(3) - Easy interface to IO::Pty
- IO::Scalar(3) - IO:: interface for reading/writing a scalar
- IO::ScalarArray(3) - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of scalars
- IO::Seekable(3) - supply seek based methods for I/O objects
- IO::Select(3) - OO interface to the select system call
- IO::Socket(3) - Object interface to socket communications
- IO::Socket::INET(3) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
- IO::Socket::INET6(3) - Object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
- IO::Socket::IP(3) - Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
- IO::Socket::Multicast(3) - Send and receive multicast messages
- IO::Socket::Multicast6(3) - Send and receive IPv4 and IPv6 multicast messages
- IO::Socket::Socks(3) - Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version.
- IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapped(3) - object wrapped by IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapper
- IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapper(3) - Add SOCKS support for any perl object / package / program
- IO::Socket::SSL(3) - SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
- IO::Socket::SSL::Intercept(3)
- IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix(3) - provide access to Mozilla's list of effective TLD names
- IO::Socket::SSL::Utils(3)
- IO::Socket::Timeout(3) - IO::Socket with read/write timeout
- IO::Socket::UNIX(3) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
- IO::Socket::UNIX::Util(3) - Unix domain socket utilities
- IO::Stringy(3) - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
- IO::Stty(3) - Change and print terminal line settings
- IO::Tee(3) - Multiplex output to multiple output handles
- IO::TieCombine(3) - produce tied (and other) separate but combined variables
- IO::TieCombine::Handle(3) - tied filehandles for IO::TieCombine
- IO::TieCombine::Scalar(3) - tied scalars for IO::TieCombine
- IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate(3) - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer
- IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress(3) - Uncompress gzip, zip, bzip2, zstd, xz, lzma, lzip, lzf or lzop file/buffer
- IO::Uncompress::Base(3) - Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules
- IO::Uncompress::Brotli(3) - Read Brotli buffers/streams
- IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2(3) - Read bzip2 files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::Gunzip(3) - Read RFC 1952 files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::Inflate(3) - Read RFC 1950 files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::RawInflate(3) - Read RFC 1951 files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::UnLzf(3) - Read lzf files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::UnLzip(3) - Read lzip files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::UnLzma(3) - Read lzma files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::UnLzop(3) - Read lzop files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::UnXz(3) - Read xz files/buffers
- IO::Uncompress::Unzip(3) - Read zip files/buffers
- IO::Util(3) - A selection of general-utility IO function
- IO::Wrap(3) - Wrap raw filehandles in the IO::Handle interface
- IO::WrapTie(3) - wrap tieable objects in IO::Handle interface
- IO::YAML(3) - read and write YAML streams incrementally
- IO::Zlib(3) - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
- io_appendfile(3) - open a file for appending
- io_block(3) - switch to blocking I/O
- io_canread(3) - return a file descriptor that can be read from
- io_canwrite(3) - return a file descriptor that can be written to
- io_check(3) - check for new readable or writable descriptors
- io_close(3) - close a file descriptor
- io_closeonexec(3) - mark a file descriptor non-inheritable
- io_createfile(3) - create a file
- io_dontwantread(3) - signal that you do not want to read from a descriptor
- io_dontwantwrite(3) - signal that you do not want to write to a descriptor
- io_eagain(3) - tell io_wait that you got an EAGAIN
- io_fd(3) - prepare descriptor for io_wait
- io_fd_canwrite(3) - prepare descriptor for io_wait
- io_fd_flags(3) - prepare descriptor for io_wait
- io_finishandshutdown(3) - deallocate internal data structures
- io_getcookie(3) - retrieve cookie
- io_lib(3) - I/O library functions.
- io_nonblock(3) - switch to non-blocking I/O
- io_passfd(3) - pass a file descriptor over a Unix Domain socket
- io_pipe(3) - create a Unix pipe
- io_readfile(3) - open a file for reading
- io_readwritefile(3) - open a file for reading and writing
- io_receivefd(3) - receive a file descriptor over a Unix Domain socket
- io_sendfile(3) - send data from a file to a socket
- io_setcookie(3) - associate cookie with descriptor
- io_socketpair(3) - create a pair of sockets
- io_timeout(3) - set time limit on descriptor
- io_timeouted(3) - return a file descriptor over deadline
- io_tryread(3) - read from a descriptor without blocking
- io_tryreadtimeout(3) - read from a descriptor without blocking
- io_trywrite(3) - write to a descriptor without blocking
- io_trywritetimeout(3) - write to a descriptor without blocking
- io_wait(3) - wait for events
- io_waitread(3) - read from a descriptor
- io_waituntil(3) - wait for events
- io_wantread(3) - signal that you want to read from a descriptor
- io_wantwrite(3) - signal that you want to write to a descriptor
- iob_addbuf(3) - add buffer to I/O batch
- iob_addbuf_free(3) - add buffer to I/O batch, with deallocation
- iob_addfile(3) - add file region to I/O batch
- iob_addfile_close(3) - add file region to I/O batch
- iob_adds(3) - add buffer to I/O batch
- iob_adds_free(3) - add buffer to I/O batch
- iob_bytesleft(3) - how many bytes are still to be sent?
- iob_free(3) - free an I/O batch
- iob_new(3) - create new I/O batch
- iob_prefetch(3) - prefetch data for I/O batch
- iob_reset(3) - reset an I/O batch
- iob_send(3) - send I/O batch
- iob_write(3) - send I/O batch through callback
- IOC(3) - A lightweight IOC (Inversion of Control) framework
- IOC::Config::XML(3) - An XML Config reader for IOC
- IOC::Config::XML::SAX::Handler(3) - An XML::SAX handler to read IOC Config files
- IOC::Container(3) - An IOC Container object
- IOC::Container::MethodResolution(3) - An IOC Container object which support method resolution of services
- IOC::Exceptions(3) - Exception objects for the IOC Framework
- IOC::Interfaces(3) - Interfaces for the IOC Framework
- IOC::Proxy(3) - Proxy for the IOC Framework
- IOC::Proxy::Interfaces(3) - A IOC::Proxy subclasss to proxy objects with a given interface
- IOC::Registry(3) - Registry singleton for the IOC Framework
- IOC::Service(3) - An IOC Service object
- IOC::Service::ConstructorInjection(3) - An IOC Service object which uses Constructor Injection
- IOC::Service::Literal(3) - An IOC Service object whose component is a literal value
- IOC::Service::Parameterized(3) - An IOC Service object which accepts a set of parameters for the instance
- IOC::Service::Prototype(3) - An IOC Service object which returns a prototype instance
- IOC::Service::Prototype::ConstructorInjection(3) - An IOC Service object which returns a prototype instance
- IOC::Service::Prototype::SetterInjection(3) - An IOC Service object which returns a prototype instance
- IOC::Service::SetterInjection(3) - An IOC Service object which uses Setter Injection
- IOC::Visitor::SearchForContainer(3) - Visitor for searching a IOC::Container hierarchy
- IOC::Visitor::SearchForService(3) - Visitor for searching a IOC::Container hierarchy
- IOC::Visitor::ServiceLocator(3) - Service locator Visitor for the IOC::Container hierarchies
- Iodef::Pb::Format(3) - Perl extension for formatting an array of IODEFDocumentType (IODEF protocol buffer objects) messages into things like tab-delmited tables, csv and snort rules
- Iodef::Pb::Simple(3) - Perl extension providing high level API access to Iodef::Pb. It takes simple key-pair hashes and maps them to the appropriate IODEF classes using a Module::Pluggable framework of plugins.
- iom_abort(3) - abort all pending iom_wait calls
- iom_add(3) - add event to I/O multiplexer
- iom_init(3) - create new I/O multiplexer
- iom_wait(3) - wait for event from I/O multiplexer
- iopause(3)
- IOPROC(3) - slave I/O processes for threaded programs
- IOWOW(3) - The C11 persistent key/value database engine based on skip list
- IP::Anonymous(3) - Perl port of Crypto-PAn to provide anonymous IP addresses
- IP::Authority(3) - fast lookup of authority by IP address
- IP::Country(3) - fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
- IP::Country::Fast(3) - fast lookup of country codes by IP address
- IP::Country::MaxMind(3) - Look up country by IP Address
- IP::Country::Medium(3) - cached lookup of country codes by IP address and domain name
- IP::Country::Slow(3) - cached lookup of country codes by domain name and IP address
- IPA_MOD(3) - int32_t;IPA_CONF_TYPE_UINT32 - uint32_t;IPA_CONF_TYPE_INT64 - int64_t;IPA_CONF_TYPE_UINT64 - uint64_t;IPA_CONF_TYPE_STRING - a string;IPA_CONF_TYPE_BYTES - bytes;IPA_CONF_TYPE_TIME - time;IPA_CONF_TYPE_VALUE - value;IPA_CONF_TYPE_PER_CENT - per cent;IPA_CONF_TYPE_BOOLEAN - boolean;IPA_CONF_TYPE_MISC - without any format.
- IPADDR_FAMILY(3) - returns family of the IP address
- IPADDR_LEN(3) - returns length of the address
- IPADDR_LOCAL(3) - resolve the address of a local network interface
- IPADDR_PORT(3) - returns the port part of the address
- IPADDR_REMOTE(3) - resolve the address of a remote IP endpoint
- IPADDR_SETPORT(3) - changes port number of the address
- IPADDR_SOCKADDR(3) - returns sockaddr structure corresponding to the IP address
- IPADDR_STR(3) - convert address to a human-readable string
- IPAddress(3) - Functions used to manipulate IP addresses, masks and FQDN's.
- iparam2stage.F(3)
- iparmq.f(3)
- IPC::Cmd(3) - finding and running system commands made easy
- IPC::DirQueue(3) - disk-based many-to-many task queue
- IPC::DirQueue::IndexClient(3) - client for the indexd protocol
- IPC::DirQueue::IndexServer(3) - an IPC::DirQueue index server
- IPC::DirQueue::Job(3) - an IPC::DirQueue task
- IPC::Locker(3) - Distributed lock handler
- IPC::Locker::Server(3) - Distributed lock handler server
- IPC::Mmap::Share(3) - Safely share structures among processes using anonymous mmap.
- IPC::Msg(3) - SysV Msg IPC object class
- IPC::Open2(3) - open a process for both reading and writing using open2()
- IPC::Open3(3) - open a process for reading, writing, and error handling using open3()
- IPC::Open3::Simple(3) - A simple alternative to IPC::Open3
- IPC::PerlSSH(3) - execute remote perl code over an SSH link
- IPC::PerlSSH::Base(3) - base functionallity behind IPC::PerlSSH
- IPC::PerlSSH::Library(3) - support package for declaring libraries of remote functions
- IPC::PerlSSH::Library::FS(3) - a library of filesystem functions for "IPC::PerlSSH"
- IPC::PerlSSH::Library::IO(3) - a library of file IO functions for "IPC::PerlSSH"
- IPC::PerlSSH::Library::Run(3) - a library of command running functions for "IPC::PerlSSH"
- IPC::PidStat(3) - Process ID existence test
- IPC::PidStat::PidServer(3) - Process ID existence server
- IPC::PubSub(3) - Interprocess Publish/Subscribe channels
- IPC::Run(3) - system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys (Unix, Win32)
- IPC::Run::Debug(3) - debugging routines for IPC::Run
- IPC::Run::IO(3)
- IPC::Run::SafeHandles(3) - Use IPC::Run and IPC::Run3 safely
- IPC::Run::Timer(3)
- IPC::Run::Win32Helper(3) - helper routines for IPC::Run on Win32 platforms.
- IPC::Run::Win32IO(3) - helper routines for IPC::Run on Win32 platforms.
- IPC::Run::Win32Pump(3) - helper processes to shovel data to/from parent, child
- IPC::Run3(3) - run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection
- IPC::Run3::ProfArrayBuffer(3) - Store profile events in RAM in an array
- IPC::Run3::ProfLogger(3) - write profiling data to a log file
- IPC::Run3::ProfLogReader(3) - read and process a ProfLogger file
- IPC::Run3::ProfPP(3) - Generate reports from IPC::Run3 profiling data
- IPC::Run3::ProfReporter(3) - base class for handling profiling data
- IPC::Semaphore(3) - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
- IPC::Shareable(3) - Use shared memory backed variables across processes
- IPC::Shareable::SharedMem(3) - Object oriented interface to shared memory
- IPC::SharedMem(3) - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
- IPC::ShareLite(3) - Lightweight interface to shared memory
- IPC::ShellCmd(3) - Run a command with a given environment and capture output
- IPC::ShellCmd::Generic(3) - Chain a generic wrapper-type command
- IPC::ShellCmd::ShBase(3) - Base class for shell commands
- IPC::ShellCmd::SSH(3) - Chain ssh-ing to a host before running the command
- IPC::ShellCmd::Sudo(3) - Chain sudo-ing to a different user before running the command
- IPC::System::Simple(3) - Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
- IPC::SysV(3) - System V IPC constants and system calls
- IPC_ACCEPT(3) - accepts an incoming IPC connection
- IPC_ACCEPT_MEM(3) - accepts an incoming IPC connection
- IPC_CLOSE(3) - closes IPC connection in an orderly manner
- IPC_CONNECT(3) - creates a connection to remote IPC endpoint
- IPC_CONNECT_MEM(3) - creates a connection to remote IPC endpoint
- IPC_DONE(3) - half-closes a IPC connection
- IPC_LISTEN(3) - starts listening for incoming IPC connections
- IPC_LISTEN_MEM(3) - starts listening for incoming IPC connections
- IPC_PAIR(3) - creates a pair of mutually connected IPC sockets
- IPC_PAIR_MEM(3) - creates a pair of mutually connected IPC sockets
- IPN(3) - Perl extension that implements PayPal IPN v1.5
- IPPhone(3) - Package for creating Cisco IPPhone XML objects
- IPSEC_SET_POLICY(3) - create an IPsec policy structure from a human readable string
- IPSEC_STRERROR(3) - error messages for the IPsec policy manipulation library
- IPTCInfo(3) - Perl extension for extracting IPTC image meta-data
- IPv4Addr(3) - Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses.
- IPv6::Address(3) - IPv6 Address Manipulation Library
- IPX(3)
- IRC::Bot::Hangman(3) - An IRC hangman
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Command(3) - Hangman commands' plugin engine
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Command::Default(3) - Default hangman commands
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Command::Eliza(3) - Eliza commands
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Command::Profanity(3) - Profanity filter
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Response(3) - Hangman responses' plugin engine
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Response::Default(3) - Default hangman responses
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::Response::Profanity(3) - Profanity hangman responses
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::WordList(3) - Word list plugin engine
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::WordList::Default(3) - Default word list
- IRC::Bot::Hangman::WordList::TooEasy(3) - A simple demo word list
- IRC::Utils(3) - Common utilities for IRC-related tasks
- IRI(3) - Internationalized Resource Identifiers
- irsim-analyzer(3)
- is_color_font(3) - Returns TRUE if a font is a color font. Allegro game programming library.
- is_compatible_font(3) - Check if two fonts are of the same type. Allegro game programming library.
- is_inside_bitmap(3) - Tells if a point is inside a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_linear_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is linear. Allegro game programming library.
- is_memory_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is a memory bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_mono_font(3) - Returns TRUE if a font is a monochrome font. Allegro game programming library.
- is_planar_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is a planar screen bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_relative_filename(3) - Returns TRUE if the filename is relative. Allegro game programming library.
- is_same_bitmap(3) - Tells if two bitmaps describe the same drawing surface. Allegro game programming library.
- is_screen_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is the screen bitmap or sub bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_system_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is a system bitmap or sub bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_trans_font(3) - Returns TRUE if a font uses transparency. Allegro game programming library.
- is_video_bitmap(3) - Tells if a bitmap is a screen bitmap, video memory or sub bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- is_windowed_mode(3) - Tells if you are running in windowed mode. Allegro game programming library.
- ISALNUM(3) - alphanumeric character test
- ISALPHA(3) - alphabetic character test
- ISALPHARUNE(3) - Unicode character classes and cases
- isamax.f(3)
- ISASCII(3) - test for ASCII character
- ISBLANK(3) - space or tab character test
- ISCNTRL(3) - control character test
- IsCursorKey(3) - keysym classification macros
- ISDIGIT(3) - decimal-digit character test
- ISET(3) - manipulate sets of integers
- ISGRAPH(3) - printing character test (space character exclusive)
- ISGREATER(3) - compare two floating-point numbers
- ISIDEOGRAM(3) - ideographic character test
- ISIN(3) - validate International Securities Identification Numbers
- ISINF(3)
- ISpell(3) - Perl interface to ISpell's dictionaries. Thanks mnoGoSearch (http://www.mhogosearch.org) developers team, kindly granted us to use their stemming code.
- ISPHONOGRAM(3) - phonographic character test
- ISPRINT(3) - printing character test (space character inclusive)
- ISPUNCT(3) - punctuation character test
- ISRUNE(3) - valid character test
- ISSPACE(3) - white-space character test
- ISSPECIAL(3) - special character test
- ISWALNUM(3) - wide character classification utilities
- ISWALNUM_L(3) - wide character classification utilities
- ISXDIGIT(3) - hexadecimal-digit character test
- Itcl_CreateClass(3) - Manipulate classes.
- Itcl_CreateObject(3) - Manipulate an class instance.
- Itcl_InitList(3) - Manipulate an Itcl list object.
- Itcl_InitStack(3) - Manipulate an Itcl stack object.
- Itcl_PreserveData(3) - Manipulate an Itcl list object.
- Itcl_RegisterC(3) - Associate a symbolic name with a C procedure.
- Iterator::File(3)
- Iterator::File::Source::FlatFile(3)
- Iterator::File::Source::Interface(3)
- Iterator::File::State::Interface(3)
- Iterator::File::State::IPCShareable(3)
- Iterator::File::State::TempFile(3)
- Iterator::File::Status(3) - IF utility functions
- Iterator::File::Utility(3) - IF utility functions
- Iterator::Simple(3) - Simple iterator and utilities
- Iterator::Simple::Lookahead(3) - Simple iterator with lookahead and unget
- iv_event(3) - manage ivykis objects for event notification
- iv_event_raw(3) - manage ivykis objects for event notification
- iv_fatal(3) - ivykis fatal error condition handling
- iv_fd(3) - deal with ivykis file descriptors
- iv_fd_pump(3) - pump data between file descriptors
- iv_init(3) - initialise and deinitialise ivykis
- iv_main(3) - enter the ivykis main loop
- iv_popen(3) -
- iv_quit(3) - signal ivykis to exit the main loop
- iv_signal(3) - ivykis signal handling
- iv_task(3) - deal with ivykis tasks
- iv_thread(3) - ivykis thread convenience functions
- iv_time(3) - ivykis time handling
- iv_timer(3) - deal with ivykis timers
- iv_tls(3) - thread-local storage handling for ivykis modules
- iv_wait(3) - ivykis
- iv_work(3) - ivykis worker thread management
- ivykis(3) - library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification
- izamax.f(3)
- izmax1.f(3)
- J0(3) - Bessel functions of first and second kind
- Jabber::Lite(3) - Standalone library for communicating with Jabber servers.
- Jabber::SimpleSend(3) - Send a Jabber message simply.
- JAIL(3) - create and manage system jails
- JAM_AddEmptyMessage(3) - Add a empty message entry to a message base
- JAM_AddMessage(3) - Add a message to message base
- JAM_ChangeMsgHeader(3) - Change a message's header
- JAM_ClearMsgHeader(3) - Clear a message header structure
- JAM_CloseMB(3) - Close message base
- JAM_Crc32(3) - Calculate CRC32 on a block of data
- JAM_CreateMB(3) - Create a new message base
- JAM_DeleteMessage(3) - Delete message from messagebase
- JAM_DelSubPacket(3) - Delete a subfield packet
- JAM_Errno(3) - Specify I/O error
- JAM_FindUser(3) - Find message to a user
- JAM_GetMBSize(3) - Get the number of messages in message base
- JAM_GetSubfield(3) - Get a subfield from a subfield packet (not reentrant)
- JAM_GetSubfield_R(3) - Get a subfield from a subfield packet (reentrant)
- JAM_LockMB(3) - Lock message base for exclusive access
- JAM_NewSubPacket(3) - Create a new subfield packet
- JAM_OpenMB(3) - Open a message base
- JAM_PutSubfield(3) - Put a subfield into a subfield packet
- JAM_ReadLastRead(3) - Read a lastread record
- JAM_ReadMBHeader(3) - Read message base header
- JAM_ReadMsgHeader(3) - Read a message´s header and its subfields
- JAM_ReadMsgText(3) - Read a message´s text
- JAM_RemoveMB(3) - Remove a message base
- JAM_UnlockMB(3) - Unlock message base
- JAM_WriteLastRead(3) - Write a lastread record
- JAM_WriteMBHeader(3) - Write message base header
- JAMLIB(3) - a JAM subroutine library
- Java(3) - Perl extension for accessing a JVM remotely or locally
- JavaArray(3) - Tie'd extension for Java arrays from Java.pm
- JavaMap(3) - maps java log4j appenders to Log::Dispatch classes
- JavaMap::ConsoleAppender(3) - wraps Log::Dispatch::Screen
- JavaMap::FileAppender(3) - wraps Log::Dispatch::File
- JavaMap::JDBCAppender(3) - wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
- JavaMap::NTEventLogAppender(3) - wraps Log::Dispatch::Win32EventLog
- JavaMap::RollingFileAppender(3) - wraps Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
- JavaMap::SyslogAppender(3) - wraps Log::Dispatch::Syslog
- JavaMap::TestBuffer(3) - wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestBuffer
- JavaScript::Engine(3) - Pure-Perl ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine
- JavaScript::Minifier(3) - Perl extension for minifying JavaScript code
- JavaScript::Minifier::XS(3) - XS based JavaScript minifier
- JavaScript::Packer(3) - Perl version of Dean Edwards' Packer.js
- JavaScript::RPC(3) - (DEPRECATED) Remote procedure calls from JavaScript
- JavaScript::RPC::Server::CGI(3) - Remote procedure calls from JavaScript
- JavaScript::Squish(3) - Reduce/Compact JavaScript code to as few characters as possible.
- JavaScript::Value::Escape(3) - Avoid XSS with JavaScript value interpolation
- Jcode(3) - Japanese Charset Handler
- Jcode::Nihongo(3)
- JE::_FieldHash(3) - This module is solely for JE's private use.
- JE::Boolean(3) - JavaScript boolean value
- JE::Code(3) - ECMAScript parser and code executor for JE
- JE::Destroyer(3) - Experimental destructor for JE
- JE::LValue(3) - JavaScript lvalue class
- JE::Null(3) - JavaScript null value
- JE::Number(3) - JavaScript number value
- JE::Object(3) - Base class for all JavaScript objects
- JE::Object::Array(3) - JavaScript Array object class
- JE::Object::Boolean(3) - JavaScript Boolean object class
- JE::Object::Date(3) - JavaScript Date object class
- JE::Object::Error(3) - JavaScript Error object class
- JE::Object::Error::RangeError(3) - JavaScript RangeError object class
- JE::Object::Error::ReferenceError(3) - JavaScript ReferenceError object class
- JE::Object::Error::SyntaxError(3) - JavaScript SyntaxError object class
- JE::Object::Error::TypeError(3) - JavaScript TypeError object class
- JE::Object::Error::URIError(3) - JavaScript URIError object class
- JE::Object::Function(3) - JavaScript function class
- JE::Object::Math(3) - JavaScript Math object
- JE::Object::Number(3) - JavaScript Number object class
- JE::Object::Proxy(3) - JS wrapper for Perl objects
- JE::Object::RegExp(3) - JavaScript regular expression (RegExp object) class
- JE::Object::String(3) - JavaScript String object class
- JE::Parser(3) - Framework for customising JE's parser
- JE::Scope(3) - JavaScript scope chain (what makes closures work)
- JE::String(3) - JavaScript string value
- JE::Types(3) - JavaScript types and objects
- JE::Undefined(3) - JavaScript undefined value
- JEMALLOC(3) - general purpose memory allocation functions
- Jemplate::Directive(3) - Jemplate Code Generating Backend
- Jemplate::Parser(3) - Jemplate Parser Subclass
- Jemplate::Runtime(3) - Perl Module containing the Jemplate JavaScript Runtime
- Jemplate::Runtime::Compact(3) - Perl Module containing the Jemplate JavaScript Runtime
- Jettis(3) - Jettis backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- Jifty(3) - an application framework
- Jifty::Action(3) - The ability to Do Things in the framework
- Jifty::Action::AboutMe(3) - Give information about the current user
- Jifty::Action::Autocomplete(3) - An action for making autocompletion suggestions
- Jifty::Action::Record(3) - "filter" - "map to name" chain.
- Jifty::Action::Record::Bulk(3) - Perform multiple record actions
- Jifty::Action::Record::Create(3) - Automagic creation action
- Jifty::Action::Record::Delete(3) - Automagic delete action
- Jifty::Action::Record::Execute(3) - Simple abstract based for record actions
- Jifty::Action::Record::Search(3) - Automagic search action
- Jifty::Action::Record::Update(3) - Automagic update action
- Jifty::Action::Redirect(3) - Redirect the browser
- Jifty::API(3) - Manages and allow reflection on the Jifty::Actions that make up a Jifty application's API
- Jifty::Bootstrap(3) - Insert initial data into your database
- Jifty::CAS(3) - Jifty's Content-Addressable Storage facility
- Jifty::CAS::Blob(3) - An object in Jifty's content-addressed store
- Jifty::CAS::Store(3) - Abstract class for Jifty's Content-Addressed Storage
- Jifty::CAS::Store::LocalFile(3) - A local file backend for Jifty's CAS
- Jifty::CAS::Store::Memcached(3) - A memcached backend for Jifty's CAS
- Jifty::CAS::Store::Memory(3) - An single-process in-memory CAS store
- Jifty::CAS::Store::Nested(3) - A layered CAS store
- Jifty::ClassLoader(3) - Loads the application classes
- Jifty::Client(3) - Subclass of WWW::Mechanize with extra Jifty features
- Jifty::Collection(3) - Collection of Jifty::Record objects
- Jifty::Config(3) - the configuration handler for Jifty
- Jifty::Continuation(3) - Allows for basic continuation-based programming
- Jifty::CurrentUser(3) - Base class and basic implementation of current user object
- Jifty::DateTime(3) - a DateTime subclass that knows about Jifty users
- Jifty::DBI(3) - An object-relational persistence framework
- Jifty::DBI::Collection(3) - Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
- Jifty::DBI::Collection::Union(3) - Deal with multiple Jifty::DBI::Collection result sets as one
- Jifty::DBI::Collection::Unique(3) - Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection
- Jifty::DBI::Column(3) - Encapsulates a single column in a Jifty::DBI::Record table
- Jifty::DBI::Filter(3) - base class for Jifty::DBI filters
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::base64(3) - Encodes data as base64
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Boolean(3) - Encodes booleans
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Date(3) - DateTime object wrapper around date columns
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::DateTime(3) - DateTime object wrapper around date columns
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Duration(3) - Encodes time durations
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::SaltHash(3) - salts and hashes a value before storing it
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Storable(3) - Encodes arbitrary data using Storable
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Time(3) - DateTime object wrapper around date columns
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::Truncate(3) - Filter used to enforce max_length column trait
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::URI(3) - Encodes uniform resource identifiers
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::utf8(3) - Jifty::DBI UTF-8 data filter
- Jifty::DBI::Filter::YAML(3) - This filter stores arbitrary Perl via YAML
- Jifty::DBI::Handle(3) - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::Informix(3) - An Informix specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::mysql(3) - A mysql specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::mysqlPP(3) - A mysql specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::ODBC(3) - An ODBC specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::Oracle(3) - An oracle specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::Pg(3) - A Postgres specific Handle object
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::SQLite(3)
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::Sybase(3)
- Jifty::DBI::HasFilters(3) - abstract class for objects that has filters
- Jifty::DBI::Record(3) - Superclass for records loaded by Jifty::DBI::Collection
- Jifty::DBI::Record::Cachable(3) - records with caching behavior
- Jifty::DBI::Record::Memcached(3) - records with caching behavior
- Jifty::DBI::Record::Plugin(3) - Record model mixins for Jifty::DBI
- Jifty::DBI::Schema(3) - Use a simple syntax to describe a Jifty table.
- Jifty::DBI::SchemaGenerator(3) - Generate a table schema from Jifty::DBI records
- Jifty::Dispatcher(3) - The Jifty Dispatcher
- Jifty::Everything(3) - Load all of the important Jifty modules at once.
- Jifty::Filter::DateTime(3)
- Jifty::Filter::JSON(3) - This filter stores arbitrary Perl via JSON
- Jifty::Handle(3)
- Jifty::Handler(3) - Methods related to the finding and returning content
- Jifty::I18N(3) - Internationalization framework for Jifty
- Jifty::JSON(3)
- Jifty::LetMe(3) - A way to expose single-link URLs to your applications
- Jifty::Logger(3) - See Log::Log4perl for some detail about what that is. It sets up a "warn" handler which logs warnings to the specified component.
- Jifty::Manual(3) - Jifty documentation
- Jifty::Manual::AccessControl(3) - Using Jifty's default ACL system
- Jifty::Manual::AccessControl_zhtw(3) - 使用 Jifty 預設的 ACL 系統
- Jifty::Manual::Actions(3) - Doing Stuff With Jifty
- Jifty::Manual::Actions_zhtw(3) - 讓 Jifty 做事
- Jifty::Manual::Continuations(3) - There And Back Again
- Jifty::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for common tasks in Jifty
- Jifty::Manual::Deploying(3) - Deploying your application for production use
- Jifty::Manual::Deploying_zhtw(3) - 佈署你的應用程式 Deploying your application for production use
- Jifty::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently Answered Questions
- Jifty::Manual::Glossary(3) - The Jifty dictionary
- Jifty::Manual::JavaScript(3) - JavaScript programming guide for Jifty
- Jifty::Manual::JavaScript_zhtw(3) - Jifty 之 JavaScript 程式設計指引
- Jifty::Manual::jQueryMigrationGuide(3) - How to migrate your code to use jQuery.
- Jifty::Manual::Logging(3) - Using and controlling Jifty's logging system
- Jifty::Manual::Models(3) - Managing your datastore
- Jifty::Manual::ObjectModel(3)
- Jifty::Manual::PageRegions(3) - Using page regions
- Jifty::Manual::Preload(3) - One Path to a Snappy UI
- Jifty::Manual::RequestHandling(3) - Jifty's request handling process
- Jifty::Manual::Style(3) - Jifty coding style guide
- Jifty::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Zero to Jifty in a Jiffy
- Jifty::Manual::Tutorial_de(3) - Einführung in Jifty
- Jifty::Manual::Tutorial_ja(3)
- Jifty::Manual::Tutorial_zhtw(3) - Jifty 從零開始
- Jifty::Manual::TutorialRest(3) - Web Services
- Jifty::Manual::Upgrading(3) - How-to change your application database over time
- Jifty::Manual::UsingCSSandJS(3) - Using CSS and JavaScript
- Jifty::Model::Metadata(3) - Tracks Jifty-related metadata
- Jifty::Model::Session(3) - Jifty session tracking
- Jifty::Model::SessionCollection(3) - Specialized handling of the session collection
- Jifty::Module::Pluggable(3) - Jifty-specific helper for Module::Pluggable
- Jifty::Notification(3) - Send emails from Jifty
- Jifty::Object(3) - Base class for most of Jifty's objects
- Jifty::Param(3) - Parameters for Jifty actions
- Jifty::Param::Schema(3) - Declare parameters of a Jifty action with ease.
- Jifty::Plugin(3) - Describes a plugin to the Jifty framework
- Jifty::Plugin::ActorMetadata(3) - add created_by created_on updated_by updated_on columns to a model class
- Jifty::Plugin::ActorMetadata::Mixin::Model::ActorMetadata(3) - ActorMetadata mixin
- Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI(3)
- Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI::Dispatcher(3) - dispatcher of the AdminUI plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI::View(3) - CRUD views for AdminUI
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password(3) - password authentication plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ConfirmEmail(3) - Confirm a user's email address
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::GeneratePasswordToken(3) - generate password token
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Login(3) - process login with password
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Logout(3) - process logout
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ResendConfirmation(3) - resend confirmation for new mail or password
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ResetLostPassword(3) - Confirm and reset a lost password
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::SendAccountConfirmation(3) - send confirmation for an email
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::SendPasswordReminder(3) - send a link to reset a password
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Signup(3) - signup for an account
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Dispatcher(3) - password plugin dispatcher
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Mixin::Model::User(3) - password plugin user mixin model
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Notification::ConfirmEmail(3) - mail notification to confirm email
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Notification::ConfirmLostPassword(3) - mail notification to change password
- Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::View(3) - views for password plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::ClassLoader(3) - Automatically generates application classes
- Jifty::Plugin::Compat(3) - Provide Jifty API compatibility
- Jifty::Plugin::CompressedCSSandJS(3) - Compression of CSS and javascript files
- Jifty::Plugin::Config(3)
- Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::AddConfig(3) - add a configuration entry
- Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::Config(3) - Register config
- Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::Restart(3)
- Jifty::Plugin::Config::Dispatcher(3) - dispatcher of the Config plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::Config::View(3) - Templates for Config plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::CSSQuery(3) - use the cssQuery JavaScript library with Jifty
- Jifty::Plugin::Deflater(3) - Handles Accept-Encoding and compression
- Jifty::Plugin::ErrorTemplates(3) - Plugin for showing errors
- Jifty::Plugin::ErrorTemplates::View(3) - Template pages to show errors
- Jifty::Plugin::Halo(3) - Provides halos
- Jifty::Plugin::Halo::Mason(3) - Class for drawing "halos" around page components
- Jifty::Plugin::I18N(3) - Additional i18n facility such as language selector
- Jifty::Plugin::I18N::Action::SetLang(3) - Sets user's current language
- Jifty::Plugin::IEFixes(3) - Add javascript files for IE
- Jifty::Plugin::LetMe(3) - Plugin for url-based authentication
- Jifty::Plugin::LetMe::Dispatcher(3) - Dispatcher for LetMe plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::OnlineDocs(3) - Online documentation for Jifty in current application
- Jifty::Plugin::OnlineDocs::Dispatcher(3) - Dispatcher for OnlineDocs plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::Prototypism(3) - Provide Prototype and Scriptaculous js libraries
- Jifty::Plugin::PubSub(3) - Event-based publish/subscribe framework
- Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Bus(3) - AnyMQ class for Jifty
- Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Connection(3) - Connection to browser
- Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Subscriptions(3) - Manage browser event subscriptions
- Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector(3) - Inspect requests
- Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector::Model::Request(3) - Persistent storage for the request inspector
- Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector::View(3) - View for RequestInspector
- Jifty::Plugin::REST(3) - Add REST web services to your app
- Jifty::Plugin::REST::Dispatcher(3) - Dispatcher for REST plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::RPC(3) - Use AMQP for RPC
- Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard(3) - make it easy for end-users to set up your app
- Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard::Action::TestDatabaseConnectivity(3) - Test database connectivity action
- Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard::View(3) - templates for SetupWizard
- Jifty::Plugin::SinglePage(3) - Makes your app into a single-page
- Jifty::Plugin::SinglePage::Dispatcher(3) - Dispatcher for SinglePage plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp(3) - Skeleton for your application
- Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp::Dispatcher(3) - Dispatcher for SkeletonApp plugin
- Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp::View(3) - Default fragments for your pages
- Jifty::Plugin::SQLQueries(3) - Inspect your application's SQL queries
- Jifty::Plugin::SQLQueries::View(3) - View for SQLQueries
- Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings(3) - Stores server warnings away for later fetching
- Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings::Appender(3) - Log appender
- Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings::View(3) - Downloads test warnings
- Jifty::Plugin::User(3) - Plugin for building user models
- Jifty::Plugin::User::Mixin::Model::User(3) - user model base mixin
- Jifty::Plugin::ViewDeclarePage(3) - sexy replacement for suckish Jifty::View::Declare::Page
- Jifty::Plugin::ViewDeclarePage::Page(3) - new style page wrapper to simplify customization and reuse.
- Jifty::Record(3) - Represents a Jifty object that lives in the database.
- Jifty::Request(3) - Canonical internal representation of an incoming Jifty request
- Jifty::Request::Mapper(3) - Maps response values into arbitrary query parameters
- Jifty::Response(3) - Canonical internal representation of the result of a Jifty::Action
- Jifty::Result(3) - Outcome of running a Jifty::Action
- Jifty::RightsFrom(3) - Delegate access control to a related object
- Jifty::Schema(3) - generates and upgrades your application's schema
- Jifty::Script(3) - Base class for all bin/jifty commands
- Jifty::Script::Action(3) - Add an action class to your Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::Adopt(3) - localize a stock jifty component
- Jifty::Script::App(3) - Create the skeleton of a Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::Env(3) - access the Jifty environment
- Jifty::Script::FastCGI(3) - A FastCGI server for your Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::Help(3) - Show help
- Jifty::Script::Model(3) - Add a model class to your Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::Plugin(3) - Create the skeleton of a Jifty plugin
- Jifty::Script::Po(3) - Extract translatable strings from your application
- Jifty::Script::Schema(3) - Create SQL to update or create your Jifty application's tables
- Jifty::Script::Script(3) - Add a new Jifty script to your Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::Server(3) - A standalone webserver for your Jifty application
- Jifty::Script::WriteCCJS(3)
- Jifty::Test(3) - Jifty's test module
- Jifty::Test::Dist(3) - Tests in Jifty distributions inside of Jifty
- Jifty::Test::Email(3) - Test mail notification
- Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize(3) - Subclass of Test::WWW::Mechanize with extra Jifty features
- Jifty::Test::WWW::Selenium(3) - Subclass of Test::WWW::Selenium with extra Jifty integration
- Jifty::Test::WWW::WebDriver(3) - Subclass of Test::WebDriver with extra Jifty integration
- Jifty::TestServer(3) - Starting and stopping jifty server for tests
- Jifty::TestServer::Inline(3) - an inline server for running tests
- Jifty::Upgrade(3) - Superclass for schema/data upgrades to Jifty applications
- Jifty::Upgrade::Internal(3) - Upgrades to Jifty-specific schema and data
- Jifty::Util(3) - Things that don't fit anywhere else
- Jifty::View(3) - Base class for view modules
- Jifty::View::Declare(3) - Build views using Template::Declare
- Jifty::View::Declare::BaseClass(3) - Base class for Template::Declare views
- Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates(3) - Templates Jifty can't function without
- Jifty::View::Declare::CRUD(3) - Provides typical CRUD views to a model
- Jifty::View::Declare::Handler(3) - The Jifty view handler for Template::Declare
- Jifty::View::Declare::Helpers(3) - Additional subroutines for Jifty TD templates
- Jifty::View::Declare::Page(3) - page wrappers
- Jifty::View::Mason::Handler(3) - Handler for Mason requests inside of Jifty
- Jifty::View::Mason::Request(3)
- Jifty::View::Static::Handler(3) - Jifty view handler for static files
- Jifty::Web(3) - Web framework for a Jifty application
- Jifty::Web::FileUpload(3) - Describes an HTTP file upload
- Jifty::Web::Form(3) - Tools for rendering and dealing with HTML forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Clickable(3) - Some item that can be clicked on -- either a button or a link.
- Jifty::Web::Form::Element(3) - Some item that can be rendered in a form
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field(3) - Web input of some sort
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Button(3) - Add buttons to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Checkbox(3) - Add checkboxes to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Checkboxes(3) - Add a list of checkboxes for multiple-choice selection
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Collection(3) - render a whole collection of available values
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Combobox(3) - Add comboboxes to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Date(3) - Add date pickers to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::DateTime(3) - Add date pickers to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Hidden(3) - Add hidden fields to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::InlineButton(3) - Add buttons without a form
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::OrderedList(3) - Ordered list field
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Password(3) - Add a password field to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Radio(3) - Add a radio button to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::ResetButton(3) - Add a reset button to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Select(3) - Add a list/popup menu control to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Text(3) - Renders as a small text field
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Textarea(3) - Add a multiline text field to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Time(3) - Add time pickers to your forms
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Unrendered(3) - Handle unrendered fields
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Upload(3) - File upload field
- Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Uploads(3) - File uploads field
- Jifty::Web::Form::Link(3) - Creates a state-preserving HTML link
- Jifty::Web::Menu(3) - Handle the API for menu navigation
- Jifty::Web::PageRegion(3) - Defines a page region
- Jifty::Web::Session(3) - A Jifty session handler
- Jifty::Web::Session::ApacheSession(3) - Jifty Sessions based on Apache::Session
- Jifty::Web::Session::ClientSide(3) - Session handler for client-side sessions
- Jifty::Web::Session::JDBI(3) - A Jifty session handler
- Jifty::Web::Session::None(3) - A null session handler for jifty
- Jifty::YAML(3)
- jinterface(3) - A Java communication tool to Erlang.
- JIRA::REST(3) - Thin wrapper around Jira's REST API
- JIT(3) - a just-in-time compiler for HTML::Template
- JIT::Base(3) - base class for compiled templates
- JIT::Compiler(3) - Compiler for HTML::Template::JIT
- JITTERENTROPY(3) - CPU Jitter Random Number Generator
- JLog(3) - Perl extension for the jlog journaled queueing system
- JLog::Reader(3) - Perl extension for reading to a jlog journal.
- JLog::Writer(3) - Perl extension for writing to a jlog journal.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl(3) - JMX access for Perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent(3) - JSON-HTTP based acess to a remote JMX agent
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::ArtifactHandler(3) - Handler for extracting and manipulating Jolokia artifacts
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::DownloadAgent(3) - Specialized LWP::UserAgent adding some bells and whistles for downloading agents and other stuff.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Logger(3) - Simple logging abstraction for the Jolokia agent manager
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Meta(3) - Fetches, caches and parses Meta data from www.jolokia.org
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier(3) - Handler for various verifiers which picks the most secure one first.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier::ChecksumVerifier(3) - Verifies a checksum for a downloaded artifact.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier::GnuPGVerifier(3) - Verifies PGP signature with a natively installed GnuPG (with gpg found in the path)
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier::MD5Verifier(3) - Verifies a MD5 checksum
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier::OpenPGPVerifier(3) - Verifies PGP signature with Crypt::OpenPGP
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::Verifier::SHA1Verifier(3) - Verifies a SHA1 checksum
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::WebXmlHandler(3) - Handler for web.xml transformation
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::UserAgent(3) - Specialized LWP::UserAgent adding authentication support
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Alias(3) - JMX alias names for jmx4perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Alias::Object(3) - Internal object representing a concrete alias
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Config(3) - Configuration file support for Jmx4Perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh(3) - Central object for the JMX shell j4psh
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command(3) - Base object for commands
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command::Global(3) - Globally available commands
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command::MBean(3) - MBean commands
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command::Server(3) - Server related commands
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::CommandHandler(3) - Handler for j4psh commands
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::CompletionHandler(3) - Custom completion routines for readline.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::ServerHandler(3) - Handler for coordinating server access
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Shell(3) - Facade to Term::ShellUI
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Manual(3) - Documentation for jmx4perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CactiJmx4Perl(3) - Module for encapsulating the functionality of cacti_jmx4perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CheckJmx4Perl(3) - Module for encapsulating the functionality of check_jmx4perl
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::MessageHandler(3) - Handling Nagios exit message (one or many)
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::SingleCheck(3) - A single nagios check
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::ActiveMQ(3) - Handler for Jonas
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::BaseHandler(3) - Base package for product specific handler
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Geronimo(3) - Handler for Geronimo
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Glassfish(3) - Handler for Glassfish
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Hadoop(3) - Handler for Hadoop
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::JBoss(3) - Handler for JBoss
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Jetty(3) - Handler for Jetty
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Jonas(3) - Handler for Jonas
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Resin(3) - Handler for Resin
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::SpringDM(3) - Handler for Spring dm-Server.
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Terracotta(3) - Handler for Terracotta server
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Tomcat(3) - Handler for Apache Tomcat
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Unknown(3) - Fallback handler
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Weblogic(3) - Handler for Oracle WebLogic
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::Websphere(3) - Handler for IBM Websphere
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request(3) - A jmx4perl request
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Response(3) - A jmx4perl response
- JMX::Jmx4Perl::Util(3) - Utility methods for Jmx4Perl
- Jonk(3) - simple job tank manager.
- Jonk::Client(3) - job enqueue client class.
- Jonk::Cookbook(3) - recipes
- Jonk::Cookbook::Basic(3) - basic usage for Jonk
- Jonk::Cookbook::DequeueSpecificJob(3) - dequeue specific job.
- Jonk::Cookbook::ErrorHandling(3) - error handling enqueue and dequeue
- Jonk::Cookbook::ForkModel(3) - with Parallel::Prefork.
- Jonk::Worker(3) - get a job data class.
- jose_b64(3) - URL-safe Base64 Encoding & Decoding.
- jose_cfg(3) - José Configuration.
- jose_io(3) - IO Chaining.
- jose_io_t(3) - The interface for chained IO.
- jose_jwe(3) - JSON Web Encryption (RFC 7516)
- jose_jwk(3) - JSON Web Keys (RFC 7517)
- jose_jws(3) - JSON Web Signature (RFC 7515)
- JOYSTICK_AXIS_INFO(3) - Stores joystick axis information. Allegro game programming library.
- JOYSTICK_BUTTON_INFO(3) - Stores joystick button information. Allegro game programming library.
- joystick_close(3) - close a joystick
- joystick_getaxis(3) - query the current state of a joystick.
- joystick_getnumaxes(3) - query the capabilities of a joystick
- JOYSTICK_INFO(3) - Stores information about joysticks. Allegro game programming library.
- joystick_init(3) - open a joystick
- joystick_sethandler(3) - set the joystick event handler.
- JOYSTICK_STICK_INFO(3) - Stores joystick stick information. Allegro game programming library.
- joystick_update(3) - query joysticks for status changes
- joytest(3) - test the svgalib joystick package in text mode
- JQuery(3) - Interface to Jquery, a language based on Javascript
- JQuery::Accordion(3) - produce an accordion effect
- JQuery::ClickMenu(3) - A clickable menu
- JQuery::CSS(3) - a CSS helper
- JQuery::Demo(3) - A module used for the JQuery examples
- jQuery::File::Upload(3) - Server-side solution for the jQuery File Upload <https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/> plugin.
- JQuery::Form(3) - Send form information
- JQuery::Heartbeat(3) - an interface to JHeartbeat
- JQuery::Splitter(3) - Split into panes
- JQuery::TableSorter(3) - The JQuery TableSorter
- JQuery::Tabs(3) - Have tabs to see different pages
- JQuery::Taconite(3) - an Ajax interface
- JQuery::Treeview(3) - shows a information as a tree.
- JSAN(3)
- JSAN::Indexer(3)
- JSAN::Indexer::Creator(3)
- JSAN::Shell(3)
- JSON::Any(3) - (DEPRECATED) Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
- JSON::API(3) - Module to interact with a JSON API
- JSON::backportPP(3) - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
- JSON::backportPP::Boolean(3) - dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
- JSON::backportPP::Compat5005(3) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.005
- JSON::backportPP::Compat5006(3) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6
- JSON::DWIW(3) - JSON converter that Does What I Want
- JSON::DWIW::Boolean(3) - Return a true or false value when evaluated in boolean context -- to be used with JSON::DWIW->encode() to explicitly specify a boolean value.`
- JSON::DWIW::Changes(3) - List of significant changes to JSON::DWIW
- JSON::Hyper(3) - extract links from JSON via a schema
- JSON::Hyper::Link(3) - represents a link found in a JSON document
- JSON::MaybeXS(3) - Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP
- JSON::Parse(3) - Parse JSON
- JSON::Path(3) - search nested hashref/arrayref structures using JSONPath
- JSON::Path::Constants(3) - Constants used in the JSON::Path distribution
- JSON::Path::Evaluator(3) - A module that recursively evaluates JSONPath expressions with native support for Javascript-style filters
- JSON::Path::Tokenizer(3) - Helper class for JSON::Path::Evaluator. Do not call directly.
- JSON::Pointer(3) - A Perl implementation of JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
- JSON::Pointer::Context(3) - Internal context object to process JSON Pointer
- JSON::Pointer::Exception(3) - Exception class for JSON::Pointer
- JSON::Pointer::Syntax(3) - JSON Pointer syntax functions
- JSON::PP(3) - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
- JSON::PP::Boolean(3) - dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
- JSON::RPC(3) - JSON RPC 2.0 Server Implementation
- JSON::RPC::Common(3) - Transport agnostic JSON RPC helper objects
- JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::HTTP(3) - Convert HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response to/from JSON::RPC::Common calls and returns.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text(3) - JSON text marshalling for JSON::RPC::Common.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Message(3) - JSON-RPC message role
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Call(3) - JSON RPC Procedure Call base class.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Call::Version_1_0(3) - JSON-RPC 1.0 request
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Call::Version_1_1(3) - JSON-RPC 1.1 Procedure Call
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Call::Version_2_0(3) - JSON-RPC 2.0 Procedure Call
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return(3) - JSON-RPC procedure return class
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Error(3) - Base class for JSON-RPC errors
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_1_0(3) - JSON-RPC 1.0 error class.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_1_0::Error(3) - JSON-RPC 1.0 error class.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_1_1(3) - JSON-RPC 1.1 Procedure Return
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_1_1::Error(3) - JSON-RPC 1.1 error class.
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_2_0(3) - JSON-RPC 2.0 Procedure Return
- JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_2_0::Error(3) - JSON-RPC 2.0 error class.
- JSON::RPC::Common::TypeConstraints(3) - Type constraint library
- JSON::RPC::Constants(3) - Constants
- JSON::RPC::Dispatch(3) - Dispatch JSON RPC Requests To Handlers
- JSON::RPC::Dispatcher(3) - A JSON-RPC 2.0 server.
- JSON::RPC::Dispatcher::App(3) - A base class for creating object oriented apps with JRD.
- JSON::RPC::Dispatcher::Procedure(3) - The data holder between RPC requests and responses.
- JSON::RPC::Legacy(3) - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Client(3) - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC client
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Procedure(3) - JSON-RPC Service attributes
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Server(3) - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC sever
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Server::Apache2(3) - JSON-RPC sever for mod_perl2
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Server::CGI(3) - JSON-RPC sever for CGI
- JSON::RPC::Legacy::Server::Daemon(3) - JSON-RPC sever for daemon
- JSON::RPC::Parser(3) - Parse JSON RPC Requests from Plack::Request
- JSON::RPC::Procedure(3) - A JSON::RPC Procedure
- JSON::RPC::Test(3) - Simple Wrapper To Test Your JSON::RPC
- JSON::Schema(3) - validate JSON against a schema
- JSON::Schema::Error(3) - an error that occurred when checking an instance against a schema
- JSON::Schema::Examples(3) - examples of JSON::Schema
- JSON::Schema::Helper(3) - helper class for JSON::Schema
- JSON::Schema::Null(3) - represents JSON's null value
- JSON::Schema::Result(3) - the result of checking an instance against a schema
- JSON::Tiny(3) - Minimalistic JSON. No dependencies.
- JSON::Tokenize(3) - Tokenize JSON
- JSON::Validator(3) - Validate data against a JSON schema
- JSON::Validator::Error(3) - JSON::Validator error object
- JSON::Validator::Formats(3) - Functions for validating JSON schema formats
- JSON::Validator::Joi(3) - Joi validation sugar for JSON::Validator
- JSON::Validator::Schema(3) - Base class for JSON::Validator schemas
- JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft201909(3) - JSON-Schema Draft 2019-09
- JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft4(3) - JSON-Schema Draft 4
- JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft6(3) - JSON-Schema Draft 6
- JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft7(3) - JSON-Schema Draft 7
- JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2(3) - OpenAPI version 2 / Swagger
- JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv3(3) - OpenAPI version 3
- JSON::Validator::Store(3) - Load and caching JSON schemas
- JSON::Validator::URI(3) - Uniform Resource Identifier
- JSON::Validator::Util(3) - Utility functions for JSON::Validator
- JSON::WebToken(3) - JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation
- JSON::Whitespace(3) - Alter the insignificant whitespace of JSON
- JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo(3) - Support versions 1 and 2 of JSON::XS
- Judy(3) - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic arrays
- Judy1(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of bits, using any value of a word as an index.
- Judy1_funcs(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of bits, using any value of a word as an index
- JudyHS(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array, using an array-of-bytes of
- JudyHS_funcs(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array, using an array-of-bytes of a length:
- JudyL(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of words, using a word as an index.
- JudyL_funcs(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of words, using any value of a word as an index
- JudySL(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array, using a null-terminated string as an
- JudySL_funcs(3) - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array, using a null-terminated string as an index (associative array)
- Junior(3) - Perl module to handle WorldPay Junior for payment services, including callback services.
- jwsmtp(3) - smtp library in C++
- Kadm5(3) - Perl extension for adminstration of Heimdal Kerberos servers (kadmin)
- KADM5_PWCHECK(3) - Heimdal warning and error functions
- Kafka(3) - Apache Kafka interface for Perl.
- Kafka::Connection(3) - Object interface to connect to a kafka cluster.
- Kafka::Consumer(3) - Perl interface for Kafka consumer client.
- Kafka::Exceptions(3) - Perl Kafka API exception definitions.
- Kafka::Int64(3) - Functions to work with 64 bit elements of the protocol on 32 bit systems.
- Kafka::Internals(3) - Constants and functions used internally.
- Kafka::IO(3) - Interface to network communication with the Apache Kafka server.
- Kafka::Message(3) - Interface to the Kafka message properties.
- Kafka::Producer(3) - Perl interface for Kafka producer client.
- Kafka::Protocol(3) - Functions to process messages in the Apache Kafka protocol.
- KAFS(3) - AFS library
- Kakasi(3) - perl frontend to kakasi
- kbd_repeat(3)
- KCGI(3) - minimal CGI and FastCGI library in C
- KCGI_BUF_PRINTF(3) - put variable content into a kcgi buffer
- KCGI_BUF_PUTC(3) - put a character into a kcgi buffer
- KCGI_BUF_PUTS(3) - put string content into a kcgi buffer
- KCGI_BUF_WRITE(3) - put binary data into a kcgi buffer
- KCGI_STRERROR(3) - get kcgi error message string
- KCGI_WRITER_DISABLE(3) - disable further writer allocations
- KCGIHTML(3) - HTML output for kcgi
- KCGIJSON(3) - JSON output for kcgi
- KCGIREGRESS(3) - regression framework for kcgi
- KCGIXML(3) - XML output for kcgi
- key_led_flag(3) - Flag to prevent the keyboard LEDs from being updated. Allegro game programming library.
- key_shifts(3) - Bitmask containing the current state of modifier keys. Allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_callback(3) - User specified keyboard callback handler. Allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_clearstate(3) - reset the state of all keys when in raw keyboard mode
- keyboard_close(3) - return the keyboard to normal operation from raw mode
- keyboard_getstate(3) - get a pointer to a buffer holding the state of all keys in raw keyboard mode
- keyboard_init(3) - initialize the keyboard to raw mode
- keyboard_keypressed(3) - check if a key is pressed when in raw keyboard mode
- keyboard_lowlevel_callback(3) - User specified low level keyboard event handler. Allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_needs_poll(3) - Tells if the keyboard needs polling. Allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_seteventhandler(3) - define an event handler for keyboard events in raw mode
- keyboard_translatekeys(3) - modify scancode mappings in raw keyboard mode
- keyboard_ucallback(3) - User specified unicode keyboard callback handler. Allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_update(3) - process raw keyboard events
- Keysyms(3) - Perl module for names of X11 keysyms
- Keyword::Declare(3) - Declare new Perl keywords...via a keyword...named "keyword"
- Keyword::Pluggable(3) - define new keywords in pure Perl
- Keyword::Simple(3) - define new keywords in pure Perl
- KHTML_ATTR(3) - open an element scope for kcgihtml
- KHTML_CLOSE(3) - close kcgihtml context
- KHTML_ELEM(3) - open an element scope for kcgihtml
- KHTML_ELEMAT(3) - close element contexts of kcgihtml
- KHTML_ENTITY(3) - put named character entity content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_INT(3) - put floating point content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_NCR(3) - put character entity content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_OPEN(3) - open kcgihtml context
- KHTML_PRINTF(3) - put variable content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_PUTC(3) - put character content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_PUTS(3) - put string content for kcgihtml
- KHTML_WRITE(3) - put content data for kcgihtml
- KHTTP_BODY(3) - close the HTTP header sequence for kcgi
- KHTTP_DATETIME2EPOCH(3) - validate and convert date and time
- KHTTP_EPOCH2DATETIME(3) - convert time to components
- KHTTP_EPOCH2STR(3) - convert time to a string
- KHTTP_EPOCH2TMS(3) - convert time to components
- KHTTP_FCGI_FREE(3) - free a FastCGI instance for kcgi
- KHTTP_FCGI_INIT(3) - initialise a FastCGI context for kcgi
- KHTTP_FCGI_PARSE(3) - parse a FastCGI instance for kcgi
- KHTTP_FCGI_TEST(3) - test whether kcgi is using FastCGI
- KHTTP_FREE(3) - free a CGI instance for kcgi
- KHTTP_HEAD(3) - emit one HTTP header for kcgi
- KHTTP_PARSE(3) - parse a CGI instance for kcgi
- KHTTP_PRINTF(3) - put variable content for kcgi
- KHTTP_PUTC(3) - put character content for kcgi
- KHTTP_PUTS(3) - put string content for kcgi
- KHTTP_TEMPLATE(3) - emit filled-in templates for kcgi
- KHTTP_TEMPLATEX(3) - emit filled-in templates for kcgi
- KHTTP_URLABS(3) - URL formatting for kcgi
- KHTTP_URLDECODE(3) - URL decoding for kcgi
- KHTTP_URLENCODE(3) - URL encoding for kcgi
- KHTTP_URLPART(3) - URL formatting for kcgi
- KHTTP_WRITE(3) - write HTTP content data for kcgi
- KHTTPBASIC_VALIDATE(3) - validate an HTTP basic authorisation request
- KHTTPDIGEST_VALIDATE(3) - validate an HTTP digest request
- KICONV(3) - kernel side iconv library
- KINFO_GETALLPROC(3) - function for getting process information of all processes from kernel
- KINFO_GETFILE(3) - function for getting per-process file descriptor information
- KINFO_GETPROC(3) - function for getting process information from kernel
- KINFO_GETVMMAP(3) - function for getting per-process memory map information
- KINFO_GETVMOBJECT(3) - function for getting system-wide memory information
- KinoSearch1(3) - search engine library
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::Analyzer(3) - base class for analyzers
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::LCNormalizer(3) - convert input to lower case
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer(3) - multiple analyzers in series
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::Stemmer(3) - reduce related words to a shared root
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::Stopalizer(3) - suppress a "stoplist" of common words
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::Token(3) - unit of text
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::TokenBatch(3) - a collection of tokens
- KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer(3) - customizable tokenizing
- KinoSearch1::Docs::FileFormat(3) - overview of invindex file format
- KinoSearch1::Docs::Tutorial(3) - sample indexing and search applications
- KinoSearch1::Document::Doc(3) - a document
- KinoSearch1::Document::Field(3) - a field within a document
- KinoSearch1::Highlight::Encoder(3) - encode excerpted text
- KinoSearch1::Highlight::Formatter(3) - format highlighted bits within excerpts
- KinoSearch1::Highlight::Highlighter(3) - create and highlight excerpts
- KinoSearch1::Highlight::SimpleHTMLEncoder(3) - encode a few HTML entities
- KinoSearch1::Highlight::SimpleHTMLFormatter(3) - surround highlight bits with tags
- KinoSearch1::Index::Term(3) - string of text associated with a field
- KinoSearch1::InvIndexer(3) - build inverted indexes
- KinoSearch1::QueryParser::QueryParser(3) - transform a string into a Query object
- KinoSearch1::Search::BooleanQuery(3) - match boolean combinations of Queries
- KinoSearch1::Search::Hit(3) - successful match against a Query
- KinoSearch1::Search::Hits(3) - access search results
- KinoSearch1::Search::MultiSearcher(3) - Aggregate results from multiple searchers.
- KinoSearch1::Search::PhraseQuery(3) - match ordered list of Terms
- KinoSearch1::Search::Query(3) - base class for search queries
- KinoSearch1::Search::QueryFilter(3) - build a filter based on results of a query
- KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient(3) - connect to a remote SearchServer
- KinoSearch1::Search::SearchServer(3) - make a Searcher remotely accessible
- KinoSearch1::Search::TermQuery(3) - match individual Terms
- KinoSearch1::Searcher(3) - execute searches
- KinoSearch1::Store::FSInvIndex(3) - file system InvIndex
- KinoSearch1::Store::InvIndex(3) - inverted index
- KinoSearch1::Store::RAMInvIndex(3) - in-memory InvIndex
- KJSON_ARRAY_CLOSE(3) - open array scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_ARRAY_OPEN(3) - open array scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_CLOSE(3) - close kcgijson context
- KJSON_OBJ_CLOSE(3) - open object scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_OBJ_OPEN(3) - open object scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_OPEN(3) - open kcgijson context
- KJSON_PUTBOOL(3) - put Boolean content for kcgijson
- KJSON_PUTDOUBLE(3) - put floating point content for kcgijson
- KJSON_PUTINT(3) - put integer content for kcgijson
- KJSON_PUTNULL(3) - put null content for kcgijson
- KJSON_PUTSTRING(3) - put string content for kcgijson
- KJSON_STRING_CLOSE(3) - open string scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_STRING_OPEN(3) - open string scope for kcgijson
- KJSON_STRING_WRITE(3) - put content data for kcgijson
- KLD(3) - kld utility functions
- Kleene(3) - the theory behind it
- KMALLOC(3) - memory allocation functions for kcgi
- KNET_ADDRTOSTR(3) - Convert an address to a host name.
- KNET_GET_COMPRESS_LIST(3) - Get a list of support compression types.
- KNET_GET_CRYPTO_LIST(3) - Get a list of supported crypto libraries.
- KNET_GET_TRANSPORT_ID_BY_NAME(3) - Get a transport ID from its name.
- KNET_GET_TRANSPORT_LIST(3) - Get a list of the transports support by this build of knet.
- KNET_GET_TRANSPORT_NAME_BY_ID(3) - Get a transport name from its ID number.
- KNET_HANDLE_ADD_DATAFD(3) - Install a file descriptor for communication.
- KNET_HANDLE_CLEAR_STATS(3) - Clear knet stats, link and/or handle.
- KNET_HANDLE_COMPRESS(3) - Set up packet compression.
- KNET_HANDLE_CRYPTO(3) - set up packet cryptographic signing & encryption
- KNET_HANDLE_CRYPTO_RX_CLEAR_TRAFFIC(3) - enable or disable RX processing of clear (unencrypted) traffic
- KNET_HANDLE_CRYPTO_SET_CONFIG(3) - set up packet cryptographic signing & encryption
- KNET_HANDLE_CRYPTO_USE_CONFIG(3) - specify crypto configuration to use for TX
- KNET_HANDLE_ENABLE_ACCESS_LISTS(3) - Enable or disable usage of access lists (default: off)
- KNET_HANDLE_ENABLE_FILTER(3) - install a filter to route packets
- KNET_HANDLE_ENABLE_PMTUD_NOTIFY(3) - install a callback to receive PMTUd changes
- KNET_HANDLE_ENABLE_SOCK_NOTIFY(3) - Register a callback to receive socket events.
- KNET_HANDLE_FREE(3) - Destroy a knet handle, free all resources.
- KNET_HANDLE_GET_CHANNEL(3) - Get the channel associated with a file descriptor.
- KNET_HANDLE_GET_DATAFD(3) - Get the file descriptor associated with a channel.
- KNET_HANDLE_GET_STATS(3) - Get statistics for compression & crypto.
- KNET_HANDLE_GET_TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL(3) - Get the interval between transport attempts to reconnect a failed link.
- KNET_HANDLE_NEW(3) - knet_handle_new_ex with flags = KNET_HANDLE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED.
- KNET_HANDLE_NEW_EX(3) - create a new instance of a knet handle
- KNET_HANDLE_PMTUD_GET(3) - Get the current data MTU.
- KNET_HANDLE_PMTUD_GETFREQ(3) - Get the interval between PMTUd scans.
- KNET_HANDLE_PMTUD_SET(3) - Set the current interface MTU.
- KNET_HANDLE_PMTUD_SETFREQ(3) - Set the interval between PMTUd scans.
- KNET_HANDLE_REMOVE_DATAFD(3) - Remove a file descriptor from knet.
- KNET_HANDLE_SET_TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL(3) - Set the interval between transport attempts to reconnect a failed link.
- KNET_HANDLE_SETFWD(3) - Start packet forwarding.
- KNET_HOST_ADD(3) - Add a new host ID to knet.
- KNET_HOST_ENABLE_STATUS_CHANGE_NOTIFY(3) - Install a callback to get host status change events.
- KNET_HOST_GET_HOST_LIST(3) - Get a list of hosts known to knet.
- KNET_HOST_GET_ID_BY_HOST_NAME(3) - Get the ID of a host given its name.
- KNET_HOST_GET_NAME_BY_HOST_ID(3) - Get the name of a host given its ID.
- KNET_HOST_GET_POLICY(3) - Get the switching policy for a host's links.
- KNET_HOST_GET_STATUS(3) - Get the status of a host.
- KNET_HOST_REMOVE(3) - Remove a host ID from knet.
- KNET_HOST_SET_NAME(3) - Set the name of a knet host.
- KNET_HOST_SET_POLICY(3) - Set the switching policy for a host's links.
- KNET_LINK_ADD_ACL(3) - Add access list entry to an open link.
- KNET_LINK_CLEAR_ACL(3) - Remove all access list entries from an open link.
- KNET_LINK_CLEAR_CONFIG(3) - Clear link information and disconnect the link.
- KNET_LINK_GET_CONFIG(3) - Get the link configutation information.
- KNET_LINK_GET_ENABLE(3) - Find out whether a link is enabled or not.
- KNET_LINK_GET_LINK_LIST(3) - Get a list of links connecting a host.
- KNET_LINK_GET_PING_TIMERS(3) - Get the ping timers for a link.
- KNET_LINK_GET_PONG_COUNT(3) - Get the pong count for a link.
- KNET_LINK_GET_PRIORITY(3) - Get the priority for a link.
- KNET_LINK_GET_STATUS(3) - Get the status (and statistics) for a link.
- KNET_LINK_INSERT_ACL(3) - Insert access list entry to an open link at given index.
- KNET_LINK_RM_ACL(3) - Remove access list entry from an open link.
- KNET_LINK_SET_CONFIG(3) - Configure the link to a host.
- KNET_LINK_SET_ENABLE(3) - Enable traffic on a link.
- KNET_LINK_SET_PING_TIMERS(3) - Set the ping timers for a link.
- KNET_LINK_SET_PONG_COUNT(3) - Set the pong count for a link.
- KNET_LINK_SET_PRIORITY(3) - Set the priority for a link.
- KNET_LOG_GET_LOGLEVEL(3) - Get the logging level for a subsystem.
- KNET_LOG_GET_LOGLEVEL_ID(3) - Get a logging level ID from its name.
- KNET_LOG_GET_LOGLEVEL_NAME(3) - Get a logging level name from its numeric ID.
- KNET_LOG_GET_SUBSYSTEM_ID(3) - Get a logging system ID from its name.
- KNET_LOG_GET_SUBSYSTEM_NAME(3) - Get a logging system name from its numeric ID.
- KNET_LOG_SET_LOGLEVEL(3) - Set the logging level for a subsystem.
- KNET_RECV(3) - Receive data from knet nodes.
- KNET_SEND(3) - Send data to knet nodes.
- KNET_SEND_SYNC(3) - Synchronously send data to knet nodes.
- KNET_STRTOADDR(3) - Convert a hostname string to an address.
- Krb5(3) - Perl extension for Kerberos 5
- KRB5_425_CONV_PRINCIPAL(3) - converts to and from version 4 principals
- KRB5_ACL_MATCH_FILE(3) - ACL matching functions
- krb5_address(3)
- KRB5_ANAME_TO_LOCALNAME(3) - converts a principal to a system local name
- KRB5_APPDEFAULT(3) - get application configuration value
- krb5_auth(3)
- KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT(3) - manage authentication on connection level
- KRB5_C_MAKE_CHECKSUM(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
- krb5_ccache(3)
- krb5_ccache_intro(3) - The credential cache functions
- KRB5_CHECK_TRANSITED(3) - realm transit verification and encoding/decoding functions
- KRB5_CONTEXT(3) - create, modify and delete krb5_context structures
- krb5_credential(3)
- KRB5_CREDS(3) - Kerberos 5 credential handling functions
- krb5_crypto(3)
- krb5_crypto_iov(3)
- krb5_deprecated(3)
- KRB5_DIGEST(3) - remote digest (HTTP-DIGEST, SASL, CHAP) suppport
- KRB5_EAI_TO_HEIM_ERRNO(3) - convert resolver error code to com_err error codes
- KRB5_ENCRYPT(3) - encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters
- krb5_error(3)
- krb5_fileformats(3) - File formats
- KRB5_FIND_PADATA(3) - Kerberos 5 pre-authentication data handling functions
- KRB5_GENERATE_RANDOM_BLOCK(3) - Kerberos 5 random functions
- KRB5_GET_ADDRS(3) - return local addresses
- KRB5_GET_CREDENTIALS(3) - get credentials from the KDC using krbtgt
- KRB5_GET_CREDS(3) - get credentials from the KDC
- KRB5_GET_FORWARDED_CREDS(3) - get forwarded credentials from the KDC
- KRB5_GET_IN_TKT(3) - deprecated initial authentication functions
- KRB5_GET_INIT_CREDS(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
- KRB5_GET_KRBHST(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
- krb5_init_creds_intro(3) - The initial credential handing functions
- krb5_introduction(3) - Introduction to the Kerberos 5 API
- KRB5_IS_THREAD_SAFE(3) - is the Kerberos library compiled with multithread support
- krb5_keytab(3)
- krb5_keytab_intro(3) - The keytab handing functions
- KRB5_KRBHST_INIT(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
- KRB5_MK_REQ(3) - create and read application authentication request
- KRB5_MK_SAFE(3) - generates integrity protected and/or encrypted messages
- KRB5_OPENLOG(3) - Heimdal logging functions
- krb5_pac(3)
- KRB5_PARSE_NAME(3) - string to principal conversion
- KRB5_PRINCIPAL(3) - Kerberos 5 principal handling functions
- krb5_principal_intro(3) - The principal handing functions. A Kerberos principal is a email address looking string that contains to parts separeted by a @. The later part is the kerbero realm the principal belongs to and the former is a list of 0 or more components. For example
- KRB5_RCACHE(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
- KRB5_RD_ERROR(3) - parse, free and read error from KRB-ERROR message
- KRB5_RD_SAFE(3) - verifies authenticity of messages
- KRB5_SET_DEFAULT_REALM(3) - default and host realm read and manipulation routines
- KRB5_SET_PASSWORD(3) - change password functions
- krb5_storage(3)
- KRB5_STRING_TO_KEY(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
- krb5_support(3)
- krb5_ticket(3)
- KRB5_TIMEOFDAY(3) - Kerberos 5 time handling functions
- krb5_v4compat(3)
- KRB5_VERIFY_INIT_CREDS(3) - verifies a credential cache is correct by using a local keytab
- KRB5_VERIFY_USER(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
- KRB524_CONVERT_CREDS_KDC(3) - converts Kerberos 5 credentials to Kerberos 4 credentials
- krb5plugin_an2ln_ftable_desc(3) - Description of the krb5_aname_to_lname(3) plugin facility.
- krb5plugin_db_ftable_desc(3) - Description of the krb5 DB plugin facility.
- krb5plugin_kuserok_ftable_desc(3) - Description of the krb5_kuserok(3) plugin facility.
- KSQL(3) - yet another SQLite wrapper
- KSQL_ALLOC(3) - allocate a ksql database handle
- KSQL_ALLOC_CHILD(3) - allocate a ksql database handle in split-process mode
- KSQL_BIND_DOUBLE(3) - bind values to a prepared statement
- KSQL_CFG_DEFAULTS(3) - set defaults for a ksql configuration
- KSQL_CLOSE(3) - close a ksql database connection
- KSQL_EXEC(3) - execute a standalone statement not returning any values
- KSQL_FREE(3) - free a ksql database handle
- KSQL_LASTID(3) - get the last insertion row identifier
- KSQL_OPEN(3) - open a ksql database connection
- KSQL_RESULT_DOUBLE(3) - get the result columns of a statement
- KSQL_ROLE(3) - set role in ksql context
- KSQL_STMT_ALLOC(3) - allocate a statement on a database connection
- KSQL_STMT_DOUBLE(3) - get the result columns of a statement
- KSQL_STMT_FREE(3) - free a statement on a database connection
- KSQL_STMT_RESET(3) - resets a statement on a database connection
- KSQL_STMT_STEP(3) - get the next row of results from a statement
- KSQL_TRACE(3) - enable SQLite logging
- KSQL_TRANS_COMMIT(3) - close a database transaction
- KSQL_TRANS_OPEN(3) - open a database transaction
- KSQL_UNTRACE(3) - disable SQLite logging
- KUTIL_INVALIDATE(3) - invalidate a kcgi input pair
- KUTIL_LOG(3) - format log messages
- KUTIL_OPENLOG(3) - configure log message sink
- KVALID_STRING(3) - predefined validation functions for kcgi
- KVM(3) - kernel memory interface
- KVM_GETCPTIME(3) - fetch global CPU time statistics
- KVM_GETERR(3) - get error message on kvm descriptor
- KVM_GETLOADAVG(3) - get load average of the system
- KVM_GETPCPU(3) - access per-CPU data
- KVM_GETPROCS(3) - access user process state
- KVM_KERNDISP(3) - get kernel displacement
- KVM_NATIVE(3) - is a kvm descriptor opened on a native kernel image
- KVM_NLIST(3) - retrieve symbol table names from a kernel image
- KVM_OPEN(3) - initialize kernel virtual memory access
- KVM_READ(3) - read or write kernel virtual memory
- KVM_SWAPINFO(3) - return swap summary statistics for the system
- KXML_CLOSE(3) - close kcgixml context
- KXML_OPEN(3) - open kcgixml context
- KXML_POP(3) - close an element scope for kcgixml
- KXML_POPALL(3) - close all element scopes for kcgixml
- KXML_PROLOGUE(3) - put XML prologue for kcgixml
- KXML_PUSH(3) - open an element scope for kcgixml
- KXML_PUSHNULL(3) - write a null element for kcgixml
- KXML_PUTC(3) - put character content for kcgixml
- KXML_PUTS(3) - put string content for kcgixml
- KyotoCabinet(3) - a straightforward implementation of DBM
- Labelframe(3) - Create and manipulate Labelframe widgets
- LabFrame(3) - labeled frame.
- lapack(3) - LAPACK
- lapacke.h(3)
- lapacke_c_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_cbbcsd.c(3)
- lapacke_cbbcsd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cbdsqr.c(3)
- lapacke_cbdsqr_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgb_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_cgb_trans.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbbrd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbbrd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbcon.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbcon_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbequ.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbequ_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbequb.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbequb_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbrfs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbrfs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbrfsx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbrfsx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsv.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsvx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsvx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsvxx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbsvxx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbtrf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbtrf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbtrs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgbtrs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cge_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_cge_trans.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebak.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebak_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebal.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebal_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebrd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgebrd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgecon.c(3)
- lapacke_cgecon_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeequ.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeequ_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeequb.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeequb_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgees.c(3)
- lapacke_cgees_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeesx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeesx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeev.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeev_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeevx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeevx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgehrd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgehrd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgejsv.c(3)
- lapacke_cgejsv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelq.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelq_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelq2.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelq2_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelqf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelqf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgels.c(3)
- lapacke_cgels_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelsd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelsd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelss.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelss_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelsy.c(3)
- lapacke_cgelsy_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemlq.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemlq_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemqr.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemqr_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemqrt.c(3)
- lapacke_cgemqrt_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqlf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqlf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqp3.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqp3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqpf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqpf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqr.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqr_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqr2.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqr2_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrfp.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrfp_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt2.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt2_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt3.c(3)
- lapacke_cgeqrt3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerfs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerfs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerfsx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerfsx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerqf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgerqf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesdd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesdd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesv.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvdq.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvdq_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvdx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvdx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvj.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvj_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvxx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgesvxx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetf2.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetf2_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrf2.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrf2_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetri.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetri_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetrs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetsls.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetsls_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetsqrhrt.c(3)
- lapacke_cgetsqrhrt_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgg_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_cgg_trans.c(3)
- lapacke_cggbak.c(3)
- lapacke_cggbak_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggbal.c(3)
- lapacke_cggbal_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgges.c(3)
- lapacke_cgges_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgges3.c(3)
- lapacke_cgges3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggesx.c(3)
- lapacke_cggesx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggev.c(3)
- lapacke_cggev_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggev3.c(3)
- lapacke_cggev3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggevx.c(3)
- lapacke_cggevx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggglm.c(3)
- lapacke_cggglm_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgghd3.c(3)
- lapacke_cgghd3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgghrd.c(3)
- lapacke_cgghrd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgglse.c(3)
- lapacke_cgglse_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggqrf.c(3)
- lapacke_cggqrf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggrqf.c(3)
- lapacke_cggrqf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvd.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvd3.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvd3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvp.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvp_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvp3.c(3)
- lapacke_cggsvp3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgt_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtcon.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtcon_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtrfs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtrfs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtsv.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtsv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtsvx.c(3)
- lapacke_cgtsvx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgttrf.c(3)
- lapacke_cgttrf_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cgttrs.c(3)
- lapacke_cgttrs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chb_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_chb_trans.c(3)
- lapacke_chbev.c(3)
- lapacke_chbev_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_chbev_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbev_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevd.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevd_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevd_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevx.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevx_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevx_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbevx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgst.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgst_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgv.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgvd.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgvd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgvx.c(3)
- lapacke_chbgvx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chbtrd.c(3)
- lapacke_chbtrd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_che_nancheck.c(3)
- lapacke_che_trans.c(3)
- lapacke_checon.c(3)
- lapacke_checon_3.c(3)
- lapacke_checon_3_work.c(3)
- lapacke_checon_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheequb.c(3)
- lapacke_cheequb_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheev.c(3)
- lapacke_cheev_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_cheev_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheev_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevd.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevd_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevd_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevr.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevr_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevr_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevr_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevx.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevx_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevx_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cheevx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chegst.c(3)
- lapacke_chegst_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chegv.c(3)
- lapacke_chegv_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_chegv_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chegv_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chegvd.c(3)
- lapacke_chegvd_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chegvx.c(3)
- lapacke_chegvx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cherfs.c(3)
- lapacke_cherfs_work.c(3)
- lapacke_cherfsx.c(3)
- lapacke_cherfsx_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chesv.c(3)
- lapacke_chesv_aa.c(3)
- lapacke_chesv_aa_2stage.c(3)
- lapacke_chesv_aa_2stage_work.c(3)
- lapacke_chesv_aa_work.c(3)
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- LAPUTA(3) - the simple API
- latest(3) - Use the latest Perl features
- LaTeX::Driver(3) - Latex driver
- LaTeX::Driver::FilterProgram(3)
- LaTeX::Encode(3) - encode characters for LaTeX formatting
- LaTeX::Pod(3) - Transform LaTeX source files to POD (Plain old documentation)
- LaTeX::Table(3) - Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables.
- LaTeX::Table::Themes::Beamer(3) - Colorful LaTeX table themes optimized for presentations.
- LaTeX::Table::Themes::Booktabs(3) - Publication quality LaTeX table themes.
- LaTeX::Table::Themes::Classic(3) - Classic LaTeX table themes.
- LaTeX::Table::Themes::Modern(3) - Modern LaTeX table themes.
- LaTeX::Table::Themes::ThemeI(3) - Interface for LaTeX table themes.
- LaTeX::Table::Types::Ctable(3) - Create LaTeX tables with the ctable package.
- LaTeX::Table::Types::Longtable(3) - Create multi-page LaTeX tables with the longtable package.
- LaTeX::Table::Types::Std(3) - Create standard LaTeX tables.
- LaTeX::Table::Types::TypeI(3) - Interface for LaTeX table types.
- LaTeX::Table::Types::Xtab(3) - Create multi-page LaTeX tables with the xtabular package.
- LaTeX::TOM(3) - A module for parsing, analyzing, and manipulating LaTeX documents.
- LaTeX::ToUnicode(3) - Convert LaTeX commands to Unicode
- LaTeX::ToUnicode::Tables(3) - Character tables for LaTeX::ToUnicode
- LaTeXML::Common::Color(3) - abstract class representating colors using various color models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
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- LaTeXML::Common::Config(3) - Configuration logic for LaTeXML
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- LaTeXML::Common::Error(3) - Error and Progress Reporting and Logging support.
- LaTeXML::Common::Float(3) - representation of floating point numbers; extends LaTeXML::Common::Number.
- LaTeXML::Common::Font(3) - representation of fonts
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- LaTeXML::Common::Locator(3) - represents a reference to a point or range in the source file.
- LaTeXML::Common::Model(3) - represents the Document Model
- LaTeXML::Common::Model::DTD(3) - represents DTD document models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Model.
- LaTeXML::Common::Model::RelaxNG(3) - represents RelaxNG document models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Model.
- LaTeXML::Common::Number(3) - representation of numbers; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
- LaTeXML::Common::Object(3) - abstract base class for most LaTeXML objects.
- LaTeXML::Common::XML(3) - XML utilities
- LaTeXML::Core(3) - transforms TeX into XML.
- LaTeXML::Core::Alignment(3) - representation of aligned structures
- LaTeXML::Core::Array(3) - support for Arrays of objects
- LaTeXML::Core::Box(3) - Representations of digested objects; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
- LaTeXML::Core::Comment(3) - Representations of digested objects.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition(3) - Control sequence definitions.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::CharDef(3) - Control sequence definitions for chardefs.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Conditional(3) - Conditionals Control sequence definitions.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Constructor(3) - Control sequence definitions.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Expandable(3) - Expandable Control sequence definitions.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Primitive(3) - Primitive Control sequence definitions.
- LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Register(3) - Control sequence definitions for Registers.
- LaTeXML::Core::Document(3) - represents an XML document under construction.
- LaTeXML::Core::Gullet(3) - expands expandable tokens and parses common token sequences.
- LaTeXML::Core::KeyVal(3) - Key-Value Definitions in LaTeXML
- LaTeXML::Core::KeyVals(3) - Key-Value Pairs in LaTeXML
- LaTeXML::Core::List(3) - represents lists of digested objects; extends LaTeXML::Core::Box.
- LaTeXML::Core::Mouth(3) - tokenize the input.
- LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::Binding(3) - a fake Mouth for processing a Binding file
- LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::file(3) - tokenize the input from a file
- LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::http(3) - tokenize the input from http
- LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::https(3) - tokenize the input from https
- LaTeXML::Core::MuDimension(3) - representation of math dimensions; extends LaTeXML::Common::Dimension.
- LaTeXML::Core::MuGlue(3) - representation of math glue; extends LaTeXML::Common::Glue.
- LaTeXML::Core::Pair(3) - representation of pairs of numerical things
- LaTeXML::Core::PairList(3) - representation of lists of pairs of numerical things
- LaTeXML::Core::Parameter(3) - a formal parameter
- LaTeXML::Core::Parameters(3) - formal parameters.
- LaTeXML::Core::Rewrite(3) - rewrite rules for modifying the XML document.
- LaTeXML::Core::State(3) - stores the current state of processing.
- LaTeXML::Core::Stomach(3) - digests tokens into boxes, lists, etc.
- LaTeXML::Core::Token(3) - representation of a Token: a pair of character and category code (catcode); It extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
- LaTeXML::Core::Tokens(3) - represents lists of LaTeXML::Core::Token's; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
- LaTeXML::Core::Whatsit(3) - Representations of digested objects.
- LaTeXML::Global(3) - global exports used within LaTeXML, and in Packages.
- LaTeXML::MathParser(3) - parses mathematics content
- LaTeXML::Package(3) - Support for package implementations and document customization.
- LaTeXML::Post(3) - Postprocessing driver.
- LaTeXML::Post::MathML(3) - Post-Processing modules for converting math to MathML.
- LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX(3) - implements a BibTeX parser for LaTeXML.
- LaTeXML::Util::Pack(3) - smart packing and unpacking of TeX archives
- LaTeXML::Util::Pathname(3) - portable pathname and file-system utilities
- LaTeXML::Util::Radix(3) - simple radix conversion utilities
- LaTeXML::Util::WWW(3) - auxiliaries for web-scalability of LaTeXML's IO
- launch_avfeed(3) - alert: allowing the _terminal frameserver is currently a possible scriptable way of running arbitrary programs within the context of the terminal, partly through the possible exec= argument but also by manually inputting commands through
- launch_decode(3)
- launch_target(3)
- Layout::JSON(3) - Layout a log message as a JSON hash, including MDC data
- Layout::Manager(3) - 2D Layout Management
- Layout::Manager::Absolute(3) - No frills layout manager
- Layout::Manager::Axis(3) - Compass-like resizing managers
- Layout::Manager::Compass(3) - Compass based layout
- Layout::Manager::Flow(3) - Directional layout manager
- Layout::Manager::Grid(3) - Simple grid-based layout manager.
- Layout::Manager::Single(3) - One-size vertical layout manager
- Layout::NoopLayout(3) - Pass-thru Layout
- Layout::PatternLayout(3) - Pattern Layout
- Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline(3)
- Layout::SimpleLayout(3) - Simple Layout
- LBER_DECODE(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
- LBER_ENCODE(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
- LBER_MEMORY(3) - OpenLDAP LBER memory allocators
- LBER_SOCKBUF(3) - OpenLDAP LBER I/O infrastructure
- LBER_TYPES(3) - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
- LCD(3) - LCD controller
- Lchown(3) - use the lchown(2) system call from Perl
- lcm(3)
- lcnt(3) - A runtime system Lock Profiling tool.
- LCS(3) - Fast (XS) implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Algorithm
- LDAP_ABANDON(3) - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
- LDAP_ADD(3) - Perform an LDAP add operation
- LDAP_BIND(3) - LDAP bind routines
- LDAP_COMPARE(3) - Perform an LDAP compare operation.
- LDAP_CONTROLS(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
- LDAP_DELETE(3) - Perform an LDAP delete operation.
- LDAP_ERROR(3) - LDAP protocol error handling routines
- LDAP_EXTENDED_OPERATION(3) - Extends the LDAP operations to the LDAP server.
- LDAP_FIRST_ATTRIBUTE(3) - step through LDAP entry attributes
- LDAP_FIRST_ENTRY(3) - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
- LDAP_FIRST_MESSAGE(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
- LDAP_FIRST_REFERENCE(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
- LDAP_GET_DN(3) - LDAP DN handling routines
- LDAP_GET_OPTION(3) - LDAP option handling routines
- LDAP_GET_VALUES(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
- LDAP_MEMORY(3) - LDAP memory allocation routines
- LDAP_MODIFY(3) - Perform an LDAP modify operation
- LDAP_MODRDN(3) - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
- LDAP_OPEN(3) - Duplicate and destroy LDAP session handles
- LDAP_PARSE_REFERENCE(3) - Extract referrals and controls from a reference message
- LDAP_PARSE_RESULT(3) - Parsing results
- LDAP_PARSE_SORT-CONTROL(3) - Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a server-side sort control
- LDAP_PARSE_VLV_CONTROL(3) - Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a VLV (virtual list view) control
- LDAP_RENAME(3) - Renames the specified entry.
- LDAP_RESULT(3) - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
- LDAP_SCHEMA(3) - Schema definition handling routines
- LDAP_SEARCH(3) - Perform an LDAP search operation
- LDAP_SORT(3) - LDAP sorting routines (deprecated)
- LDAP_SYNC(3) - LDAP sync routines
- LDAP_TLS(3) - LDAP TLS initialization routines
- LDAP_URL(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
- LDB(3) - A light-weight database library
- LDEXP(3) - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
- LDIV(3) - return quotient and remainder from division
- LeadingBlankSpaces(3) - Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) web content.
- Leak(3) - Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed.
- leapsecs(3) - handle UTC leap seconds
- led_intensity(3)
- leex(3) - Lexical analyzer generator for Erlang
- LevenshteinXS(3) - An XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
- LexAlias(3) - alias lexical variables
- Lexical::Import(3) - clean imports from package-exporting modules
- Lexical::Persistence(3) - Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls.
- Lexical::SealRequireHints(3) - prevent leakage of lexical hints
- Lexical::Sub(3) - subroutines without namespace pollution
- lexical::underscore(3) - access your caller's lexical underscore
- Lexical::Var(3) - static variables without namespace pollution
- Lexing(3) - The run-time library for lexers generated by ocamllex.
- lfe_bits(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) common binary functions
- lfe_cl(3) - LFE Common Lisp interface library
- lfe_clj(3) - LFE Clojure interface library.
- lfe_comp(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) compiler
- lfe_doc(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) documentation parser.
- lfe_gen(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) dynamic code generator
- lfe_io(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) io functions
- lfe_lib(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) library module
- lfe_macro(3) - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) macro expander
- LGAMMA(3) - log gamma functions, gamma function
- LGPL(3) - GNU Lesser General Public License
- LH_NEW(3) - dynamic hash table
- LH_STATS(3) - LHASH statistics
- lib::abs(3) - "lib" that makes relative path absolute to caller.
- lib::core::only(3) - Remove all non-core paths from @INC to avoid site/vendor dirs
- LIBALIAS(3) - packet aliasing library for masquerading and network address translation
- LIBALPM(3) - Arch Linux Package Management (ALPM) library
- LIBANSILOVE(3) - Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
- LIBARCHIVE_CHANGES(3) - changes in libarchive interface
- LIBARCHIVE_INTERNALS(3) - description of libarchive internal interfaces
- LIBAUDITD(3) - auditd support library
- libauth(3) - routines for writing nnrpd resolvers and authenticators
- libbbparse(3) - Parse a PCAPng file with black box records
- libbde(3) - Library to access the BitLocker Drive Encryption (BDE) format
- LIBBE(3) - library for creating, destroying and modifying ZFS boot environments
- LIBBLACKLIST(3) - Blacklistd notification library
- LIBBLKID(3) - block device identification library
- LIBBSDXML(3) - eXpat XML parser library
- LIBBSM(3) - Basic Security Module (BSM) Audit API
- LIBCASPER(3) - casper service declaration macro
- LIBCDT(3) - container data types
- LIBCGRAPH(3) - abstract graph library
- libcidr(3) - CIDR-style IP address manipulation functions
- libcreg(3) - Library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File (CREG) format
- libcurl(3) - client-side URL transfers
- libcurl-env(3) - environment variables libcurl understands
- libcurl-errors(3) - error codes in libcurl
- libcurl-multi(3) - how to use the multi interface
- libcurl-security(3) - security considerations when using libcurl
- libcurl-share(3) - how to use the share interface
- libcurl-symbols(3) - libcurl symbol version information
- libcurl-thread(3) - libcurl thread safety
- libcurl-tutorial(3) - libcurl programming tutorial
- LIBCURSOR(3) - cursor control library
- LIBCVC4(3) - a library interface for the CVC4 theorem prover
- LIBCVC4PARSER(3) - a parser library interface for the CVC4 theorem prover
- LIBCW(3) - general purpose Morse code functions library
- LIBDAVIX(3) - shared library for HTTP I/O
- LIBDEVQ(3) - Generic Device Query and Monitor interface
- libdieharder(3) - A testing and benchmarking library for random number generators
- LIBDMTX(3) - Data Matrix Encoding & Decoding Library 0.7.5
- libdspam(3) - Core message processing and classification library for DSPAM
- LIBEFIVAR(3) - EFI Non Volatile Variable Support
- libesedb(3) - Library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format
- LIBEV(3) - a high performance full-featured event loop written in C
- libev::ev(3) - a high performance full-featured event loop written in C
- LIBEVDEV(3) - wrapper library for evdev devices
- libevt(3) - Library to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format
- libevtx(3) - Library to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format
- libewf(3) - Library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF) format
- LIBEXPECT(3) - programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
- libexplain(3) - Explain errno values returned by libc functions
- LIBEXSLT(3) - extension library for XSLT
- LIBEXTRACTOR(3) - meta-information extraction library 1.0.0
- libfiredns(3) - library for asynchronous DNS requests
- libfirestring(3) - library for safe, fast string handling
- LIBFREEIPMI(3) - FreeIPMI library
- libfsapfs(3) - Library to access the Apple File System (APFS) format
- libfsext(3) - Library to support the Extended File System (ext) format
- libfshfs(3) - Library to access the Hierarchical File System (HFS) format
- libfsntfs(3) - Library to access the Windows New Technology File System (NTFS) format
- libfsxfs(3) - Library to support the X File System (XFS) format
- LIBFTH(3) - Forth script and extension language library
- libfvde(3) - Library to access the FileVault Drive Encryption (FVDE) format
- libfwnt(3) - Library to support common Windows NT specific formats
- libfwsi(3) - Library to access the Windows Shell Item format
- libg15render(3) - Render text and graphics to a buffer usable by
- LIBGAMEPAD(3) - Unix gamepad and joystick API
- LIBGEOM(3) - userland API library for kernel GEOM subsystem
- libgetdns(3)
- LIBGPHOTO2(3) - cross-platform digital camera library
- LIBGPHOTO2_PORT(3) - cross-platform port access library
- LIBGPS(3) - C service library for communicating with the GPS daemon
- LIBGPSMM(3) - C++ and QT class wrappers for the GPS daemon
- LIBGUTENFETCH(3) - Client-side library to retrieve listings and books availiable from Project Gutenberg.
- LIBGVC(3) - Graphviz context library
- LIBGVPR(3) - library for graph filtering
- LIBHASHKIT(3) - libhashkit Documentation
- LibIDN(3) - Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
- libidnkit(3) - internationalized domain name handling libraries
- libinn(3) - InterNetNews library routines
- libinn_clientlib(3) - NNTP clientlib part of InterNetNews library
- libinn_dbz(3) - Database routines for InterNetNews
- libinn_inndcomm(3) - Routines for managing innd control commands
- libinn_list(3) - list routines
- libinn_qio(3) - Quick I/O routines for reading files
- libinn_tst(3) - ternary search trie functions
- libinn_uwildmat(3) - Perform wildmat matching
- libinnauth(3) - Routines for writing nnrpd resolvers and authenticators
- libinnhist(3) - routines for managing INN history
- libinnstorage(3) - Routines for managing INN storage
- LIBINOTIFY(3) - monitor file system events
- LIBIPERF(3) - API for iperf3 network throughput tester
- libipmiconsole(3) - IPMI SOL library
- LIBIPMIDETECT(3) - a library of functions to determine if a node is detected or undetected
- LIBIPMIMONITORING(3) - a library for IPMI system event and sensor monitoring
- liblnk(3) - Library to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format
- LIBLOGGING-STDLOG(3) - standard logging library
- libluksde(3) - Library to access the Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) Disk Encryption format
- libmaxminddb(3) - a library for working with MaxMind DB files
- LIBMEMCACHED_CHECK_CONFIGURATION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- LIBMEMCACHED_CONFIGURATION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- LIBMEMCACHED_EXAMPLES(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- LIBMEMCACHEDUTIL(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- LIBMEMSTAT(3) - library interface to retrieve kernel memory allocator statistics
- LIBMICROHTTPD(3) - library for embedding HTTP servers
- LIBMNG(3) - Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) Reference Library 1.0.9
- libmodi(3) - Library to access Mac OS disk image formats
- LIBMOSQUITTO(3) - MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client library
- LIBMP(3) - traditional BSD multiple precision integer arithmetic library
- LIBMPALLOC(3) - dynamic memory allocation replacement library
- LIBMPATROL(3) - dynamic memory allocation and tracing library
- libmsiecf(3) - Library to access the MSIE Cache File (index.dat) format
- libnet.h(3)
- libnet-functions.h(3)
- libnet-macros.h(3) - 1) { goto bad; } } .fi
- LIBNGATM(3) - ATM signalling library
- LIBNIDS(3) - network intrusion detection system E-box library
- LIBNUTCLIENT(3) - Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_COMMAND(3) - Instant command related functions in Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_DEVICES(3) - Device related functions in Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_GENERAL(3) - General and utility functions in Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_MISC(3) - Miscelaneous functions in Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_TCP(3) - TCP protocol related function for Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- LIBNUTCLIENT_VARIABL(3) - Variable related functions in Network UPS Tools high-level client access library
- libolecf(3) - Library to access the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Compound File (CF) format
- libopenjpeg(3) - a library for reading and writing JPEG2000 image files.
- liboping(3) - Library to send ICMPv4/ICMPv6 echo packets to multiple hosts
- LIBPACK(3) - support for connected components
- libPARI(3) - Functions and Operations Available in PARI and GP
- LIBPATH(3) - finds and smooths shortest paths
- LIBPDEL(3) - multi-purpose C library for embedded applications
- libpff(3) - Library to access the Personal Folder File (OST, PAB and PST) format
- libphk(3) - Poul-Henning Kamps utility functions
- LIBPLOT3(3) - graphics interface subroutines
- LIBPNGPF(3) - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Reference Library 1.6.37 (private functions)
- libpowerman(3) - PowerMan Client API
- libppl(3) - the C++ interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- libppl_c(3) - the C interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- LIBPROCSTAT(3) - library interface for file and process information retrieval
- libptytty(3) - OS independent and secure pty/tty and utmp/wtmp/lastlog handling
- LIBPUZZLE(3) - compute comparable signatures of bitmap images.
- libqcow(3) - Library to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image file format
- LIBQUVI(3) - Overview of the library
- LIBRADIUS(3) - RADIUS client/server library
- libraptor(3) - Raptor RDF parser and serializer library
- libraptor2(3) - Raptor RDF syntax library 2.0
- librasqal(3) - Rasqal RDF query library
- Libravatar::URL(3) - Make URLs for Libravatars from an email address
- libregf(3) - Library to access the Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format
- LIBRLE(3) - Functions to create and read Run Length Encoded image files.
- LIBRNP(3) - OpenPGP implementation, available via FFI interface.
- librrd(3) - RRD library functions
- librsync(3) - library for delta compression of streams
- LIBRT(3) - library for raytracing an MGED database
- LIBRTLD_DB(3) - library for run-time linker debugging
- LIBRTMP(3) - RTMPDump Real-Time Messaging Protocol API
- LIBSCAMPERFILE(3) - scamper warts file library
- libscca(3) - Library to access the Windows Prefetch File (PF) format
- libsigscan(3) - Library for binary signature scanning
- libsmdev(3) - Library to access and read storage media (SM) devices
- libsmi(3) - library to access SMI management information
- libsmraw(3) - Library to access the storage media (SM) (split) RAW format
- libsoldout(3) - Perl extension for libsoldout, a flexible library to parse markdow n language
- LIBSOLV(3) - package dependency solver library using a satisfiability algorithm
- LIBSOLV-BINDINGS(3) - access libsolv from perl/python/ruby
- LIBSOLV-CONSTANTIDS(3) - fixed Ids for often used strings
- LIBSOLV-HISTORY(3) - how the libsolv library came into existence
- LIBSOLV-POOL(3) - Libsolv's pool object
- libspectrum(3)
- libssh2_agent_connect(3) - connect to an ssh-agent
- libssh2_agent_disconnect(3) - close a connection to an ssh-agent
- libssh2_agent_free(3) - free an ssh-agent handle
- libssh2_agent_get_identity(3) - get a public key off the collection of public keys managed by ssh-agent
- libssh2_agent_get_identity_path(3) - gets the custom ssh-agent socket path
- libssh2_agent_init(3) - init an ssh-agent handle
- libssh2_agent_list_identities(3) - request an ssh-agent to list of public keys.
- libssh2_agent_set_identity_path(3) - set an ssh-agent socket path on disk
- libssh2_agent_userauth(3) - authenticate a session with a public key, with the help of ssh-agent
- libssh2_banner_set(3) - set the SSH protocol banner for the local client
- libssh2_base64_decode(3) - decode a base64 encoded string
- libssh2_channel_close(3) - close a channel
- libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex(3) - Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH session
- libssh2_channel_eof(3) - check a channel's EOF status
- libssh2_channel_exec(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_flush(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_flush_ex(3) - flush a channel
- libssh2_channel_flush_stderr(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_forward_accept(3) - accept a queued connection
- libssh2_channel_forward_cancel(3) - cancel a forwarded TCP port
- libssh2_channel_forward_listen(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex(3) - listen to inbound connections
- libssh2_channel_free(3) - free all resources associated with a channel
- libssh2_channel_get_exit_signal(3) - get the remote exit signal
- libssh2_channel_get_exit_status(3) - get the remote exit code
- libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data(3) - set extended data handling mode
- libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2(3) - set extended data handling mode
- libssh2_channel_ignore_extended_data(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_open_ex(3) - establish a generic session channel
- libssh2_channel_open_session(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_process_startup(3) - request a shell on a channel
- libssh2_channel_read(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_read_ex(3) - read data from a channel stream
- libssh2_channel_read_stderr(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust(3) - adjust the channel window
- libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2(3) - adjust the channel window
- libssh2_channel_request_pty(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex(3) - short function description
- libssh2_channel_request_pty_size(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex(3) - TODO
- libssh2_channel_send_eof(3) - send EOF to remote server
- libssh2_channel_set_blocking(3) - set or clear blocking mode on channel
- libssh2_channel_setenv(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_setenv_ex(3) - set an environment variable on the channel
- libssh2_channel_shell(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_subsystem(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_wait_closed(3) - wait for the remote to close the channel
- libssh2_channel_wait_eof(3) - wait for the remote to reply to an EOF request
- libssh2_channel_window_read(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_window_read_ex(3) - Check the status of the read window
- libssh2_channel_window_write(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_window_write_ex(3) - Check the status of the write window
- libssh2_channel_write(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_write_ex(3) - write data to a channel stream blocking
- libssh2_channel_write_stderr(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_x11_req(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex(3) - request an X11 forwarding channel
- libssh2_exit(3) - global library deinitialization
- libssh2_hostkey_hash(3) - return a hash of the remote host's key
- libssh2_init(3) - global library initialization
- libssh2_keepalive_config(3) - short function description
- libssh2_keepalive_send(3) - short function description
- libssh2_knownhost_add(3) - add a known host
- libssh2_knownhost_check(3) - check a host+key against the list of known hosts
- libssh2_knownhost_del(3) - delete a known host entry
- libssh2_knownhost_free(3) - free a collection of known hosts
- libssh2_knownhost_get(3) - get a known host off the collection of known hosts
- libssh2_knownhost_init(3) - init a collection of known hosts
- libssh2_knownhost_readfile(3) - parse a file of known hosts
- libssh2_knownhost_readline(3) - read a known host line
- libssh2_knownhost_writefile(3) - write a collection of known hosts to a file
- libssh2_knownhost_writeline(3) - convert a known host to a line for storage
- libssh2_poll(3) - poll for activity on a socket, channel or listener
- libssh2_poll_channel_read(3) - check if data is available
- libssh2_publickey_add(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_publickey_add_ex(3) - Add a public key entry
- libssh2_publickey_init(3) - TODO
- libssh2_publickey_list_fetch(3) - TODO
- libssh2_publickey_list_free(3) - TODO
- libssh2_publickey_list_remove_ex(3) - TODO
- libssh2_publickey_remove(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_publickey_shutdown(3) - TODO
- libssh2_scp_recv(3) - request a remote file via SCP
- libssh2_scp_recv2(3) - request a remote file via SCP
- libssh2_scp_send(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_scp_send_ex(3) - Send a file via SCP
- libssh2_scp_send64(3) - Send a file via SCP
- libssh2_session_abstract(3) - return a pointer to a session's abstract pointer
- libssh2_session_banner_get(3) - get the remote banner
- libssh2_session_banner_set(3) - set the SSH protocol banner for the local client
- libssh2_session_block_directions(3) - get directions to wait for
- libssh2_session_callback_set(3) - set a callback function
- libssh2_session_disconnect(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_session_disconnect_ex(3) - terminate transport layer
- libssh2_session_flag(3) - TODO
- libssh2_session_free(3) - frees resources associated with a session instance
- libssh2_session_get_blocking(3) - TODO
- libssh2_session_get_timeout(3) - get the timeout for blocking functions
- libssh2_session_handshake(3) - perform the SSH handshake
- libssh2_session_hostkey(3) - get the remote key
- libssh2_session_init(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_session_init_ex(3) - initializes an SSH session object
- libssh2_session_last_errno(3) - get the most recent error number
- libssh2_session_last_error(3) - get the most recent error
- libssh2_session_method_pref(3) - set preferred key exchange method
- libssh2_session_methods(3) - return the currently active algorithms
- libssh2_session_set_blocking(3) - set or clear blocking mode on session
- libssh2_session_set_last_error(3) - sets the internal error state
- libssh2_session_set_timeout(3) - set timeout for blocking functions
- libssh2_session_startup(3) - begin transport layer
- libssh2_session_supported_algs(3) - get list of supported algorithms
- libssh2_sftp_close(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_close_handle(3) - close filehandle
- libssh2_sftp_closedir(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_fsetstat(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_fstat(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3) - get or set attributes on an SFTP file handle
- libssh2_sftp_fsync(3) - synchronize file to disk
- libssh2_sftp_get_channel(3) - return the channel of sftp
- libssh2_sftp_init(3) - open SFTP channel for the given SSH session.
- libssh2_sftp_last_error(3) - return the last SFTP-specific error code
- libssh2_sftp_lstat(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_mkdir(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3) - create a directory on the remote file system
- libssh2_sftp_open(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) - open filehandle for file on SFTP.
- libssh2_sftp_opendir(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_read(3) - read data from an SFTP handle
- libssh2_sftp_readdir(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex(3) - read directory data from an SFTP handle
- libssh2_sftp_readlink(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_realpath(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_rename(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_rename_ex(3) - rename an SFTP file
- libssh2_sftp_rewind(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_rmdir(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3) - remove an SFTP directory
- libssh2_sftp_seek(3) - set the read/write position indicator within a file
- libssh2_sftp_seek64(3) - set the read/write position within a file
- libssh2_sftp_setstat(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_shutdown(3) - shut down an SFTP session
- libssh2_sftp_stat(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3) - get status about an SFTP file
- libssh2_sftp_statvfs(3) - get file system statistics
- libssh2_sftp_symlink(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3) - read or set a symbolic link
- libssh2_sftp_tell(3) - get the current read/write position indicator for a file
- libssh2_sftp_tell64(3) - get the current read/write position indicator for a file
- libssh2_sftp_unlink(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_sftp_unlink_ex(3) - unlink an SFTP file
- libssh2_sftp_write(3) - write SFTP data
- libssh2_trace(3) - enable debug info from inside libssh2
- libssh2_trace_sethandler(3) - set a trace output handler
- libssh2_userauth_authenticated(3) - return authentication status
- libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex(3) - TODO
- libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex(3) - authenticate a session using keyboard-interactive authentication
- libssh2_userauth_list(3) - list supported authentication methods
- libssh2_userauth_password(3) - convenience macro for
- libssh2_userauth_password_ex(3) - authenticate a session with username and password
- libssh2_userauth_publickey(3) - authenticate using a callback function
- libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile(3) - authenticate a session with a public key, read from a file
- libssh2_userauth_publickey_frommemory(3) - authenticate a session with a public key, read from memory
- libssh2_version(3) - return the libssh2 version number
- libstatgrab(3) - get system statistics
- LIBSTDBUF(3) - preloaded library to change standard streams initial buffering
- libstorage(3) - routines for managing INN storage
- LIBTACPLUS(3) - TACACS+ client library
- libtar_hash_new(3) - hash table routines
- libtar_list_new(3) - linked list routines
- libtecla(3) - An interactive command-line input library.
- LIBTHR(3) - 1:1 POSIX threads library
- LIBUCL(3) - universal configuration library parser and utility functions
- LIBUFS(3) - operate on UFS file systems from userland
- LIBUGIDFW(3) - library interface to the file system firewall MAC policy
- libunbound(3) - Unbound DNS validating resolver 1.15.0 functions.
- LIBUNINAMESLIST(3) - Unicode Names and Annotations List
- LIBUNINAMESLIST-FR(3) - Unicode Names and Annotations List - French
- LIBUSB(3) - USB access library
- LIBUSB20(3) - USB access library
- LIBUTF-8(3) - library function manual page
- libvhdi(3) - Library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format
- libvmdk(3) - Library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format
- libvsgpt(3) - Library to access the GUID Partition Table (GPT) volume system format
- libvshadow(3) - Library to access the Windows NT Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format
- libvslvm(3) - Library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system
- LIBWDB(3) - library for procedural generation of MGED databases
- LibXDiff(3) - File Differential Library support functions
- LIBXDOT(3) - parsing and deparsing of xdot operations
- LIBXO(3) - emit formatted output based on format string and arguments
- LIBZIP(3) - library for manipulating zip archives
- libzzuf(3) - helper library for the zzuf multiple purpose fuzzer
- LinearAlgebra(3) - linear algebra routines
- LineReader(3) - Access lines of a file via an array
- Linfit(3) - routines for fitting data with linear combinations of functions.
- Lingua::Conjunction(3) - Convert lists into simple linguistic conjunctions
- Lingua::EN::AddressParse(3) - extract components of a street address from free format text
- Lingua::EN::AddressParse::Grammar(3) - grammar tree for Lingua::EN::AddressParse
- Lingua::EN::Fathom(3) - Measure readability of English text
- Lingua::EN::FindNumber(3) - Locate (written) numbers in English text
- Lingua::EN::Gender(3) - Inflect pronouns for gender
- Lingua::EN::Infinitive(3) - Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word
- Lingua::EN::Inflect(3) - Convert singular to plural. Select "a" or "an".
- Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number(3) - Force number of words to singular or plural
- Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase(3) - Inflect short English Phrases
- Lingua::EN::NameCase(3) - Correctly case a person's name from UPERCASE or lowcase
- Lingua::EN::NameParse(3) - extract the components of a person or couples full name, from free form text
- Lingua::EN::NameParse::Grammar(3) - grammar tree for Lingua::EN::NameParse
- Lingua::EN::Number::IsOrdinal(3) - detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
- Lingua::EN::Numbers(3) - turn "407" into "four hundred and seven", etc.
- Lingua::EN::Numbers::Easy(3) - Hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects.
- Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate(3)
- Lingua::EN::PluralToSingular(3) - change an English plural to a singular
- Lingua::EN::Sentence(3) - split text into sentences
- Lingua::EN::Squeeze(3) - Shorten text to minimum syllables using hash table lookup and vowel deletion
- Lingua::GL::Stemmer(3) - Galician Stemmer
- Lingua::Han::PinYin(3) - Retrieve the Mandarin(PinYin) of Chinese character(HanZi).
- Lingua::Han::Utils(3) - The utility tools of Chinese character(HanZi)
- Lingua::Identify(3) - Language identification
- Lingua::Identify::BG(3) - Meta-information on Bulgarian
- Lingua::Identify::CS(3) - Meta-information on Czech
- Lingua::Identify::CY(3) - Meta-information on Welsh
- Lingua::Identify::DA(3) - Meta-information on Danish
- Lingua::Identify::DE(3) - Meta-information on German
- Lingua::Identify::EL(3) - Meta-information on Greek
- Lingua::Identify::EN(3) - Meta-information on English
- Lingua::Identify::ES(3) - Meta-information on Spanish
- Lingua::Identify::FI(3) - Meta-information on Finnish
- Lingua::Identify::FR(3) - Meta-information on French
- Lingua::Identify::HI(3) - Meta-information on Hindi
- Lingua::Identify::HR(3) - Meta-information on Croatian
- Lingua::Identify::HU(3) - Meta-information on Hungarian
- Lingua::Identify::ID(3) - Meta-information on Indonesian
- Lingua::Identify::IT(3) - Meta-information on Italian
- Lingua::Identify::LA(3) - Meta-information on Latin
- Lingua::Identify::NL(3) - Meta-information on Dutch
- Lingua::Identify::Nothing(3) - Module for tests
- Lingua::Identify::PL(3) - Meta-information on Polish
- Lingua::Identify::PT(3) - Meta-information on Portuguese
- Lingua::Identify::RO(3) - Meta-information on Romanian
- Lingua::Identify::RU(3) - Meta-information on Russian
- Lingua::Identify::SL(3) - Meta-information on Slovene
- Lingua::Identify::SQ(3) - Meta-information on Albanian
- Lingua::Identify::SV(3) - Meta-information on Swedish
- Lingua::Identify::TR(3) - Meta-information on Turkish
- Lingua::Identify::UK(3) - Meta-information on Ukranian
- Lingua::Ispell(3) - a module encapsulating access to the Ispell program.
- Lingua::JA::Jtruncate(3) - module to truncate Japanese encoded text.
- Lingua::JA::Kana(3) - Kata-Romaji related utilities
- Lingua::JA::Moji(3) - Handle many kinds of Japanese characters
- Lingua::JA::Moji-ja(3)
- Lingua::JA::Numbers(3) - Converts numeric values into their Japanese string equivalents and vice versa
- Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode(3) - convert japanese chars.
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::Base(3) - Baseclass for Lingua::JA::Romanize::* modules
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::DictJA(3) - Dictionary converter
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::Japanese(3) - Romanization of Japanese language
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::Juman(3) - Romanization of Japanese language with JUMAN
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::Kana(3) - Romanization of Japanese Hiragana/Katakana
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::Kana::Hepburn(3) - Hepburn Romanization using Japanese passport rules
- Lingua::JA::Romanize::MeCab(3) - Romanization of Japanese language with MeCab
- Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract(3) - summary generator for Japanese
- Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract::Plugin::Parser::Ngram(3) - a word parser by N-gram
- Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract::Plugin::Parser::NgramSimple(3) - a word parser by N-gram Simply
- Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract::Plugin::Parser::Trim(3) - a simple word parser
- Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract::Plugin::Sentence::Base(3) - a simple line parser
- Lingua::KO::Romanize::Hangul(3) - Romanization of Korean language
- Lingua::PT::Stemmer(3) - Portuguese language stemming
- Lingua::Stem(3) - Stemming of words
- Lingua::Stem::AutoLoader(3) - A manager for autoloading Lingua::Stem modules
- Lingua::Stem::Da(3) - Stemming algorithm for Danish
- Lingua::Stem::De(3) - Stemming algorithm for German
- Lingua::Stem::En(3) - Porter's stemming algorithm for 'generic' English
- Lingua::Stem::EnBroken(3) - Porter's stemming algorithm for 'generic' English
- Lingua::Stem::Fr(3) - Perl French Stemming
- Lingua::Stem::Gl(3) - Stemming algorithm for Galacian
- Lingua::Stem::No(3) - Stemming algorithm for Danish
- Lingua::Stem::Pt(3) - Stemming algorithm for Portuguese
- Lingua::Stem::Ru(3) - Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)
- Lingua::Stem::Snowball(3) - Perl interface to Snowball stemmers.
- Lingua::Stem::Snowball::No(3) - Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian
- Lingua::Stem::Snowball::Se(3) - Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish
- Lingua::Stem::Sv(3) - Stemming algorithm for Swedish
- Lingua::StopWords(3) - Stop words for several languages.
- Lingua::Translit(3) - transliterates text between writing systems
- Lingua::Translit::Tables(3) - provides transliteration tables
- Lingua::ZH::Numbers(3) - Converts numeric values into their Chinese string equivalents
- Lingua::ZH::Numbers::Currency(3) - Converts currency values into their Chinese string equivalents
- Lingua::ZH::Romanize::Cantonese(3) - Romanization of Cantonese language
- Lingua::ZH::Romanize::DictZH(3) - Dictionary converter
- Lingua::ZH::Romanize::Pinyin(3) - Romanization of Standard Chinese language
- Lingua::ZH::Segment(3) - Chinese Text Segmentation
- Lingua::ZH::TaBE(3) - Chinese processing via libtabe
- Lingua::ZH::Toke(3) - Chinese Tokenizer
- Lingua::ZH::WordSegmenter(3) - Simplified Chinese Word Segmentation
- Lingua::ZH::Wrap(3) - Wrap Chinese text
- LINK_ADDR(3) - elementary address specification routines for link level access
- link_image(3) - the object size is now defined relative to that of the width and/or height of the parent. The relative delta is calculated based on the current scale versus the initial (storage without a texture backing) or the current storage size.
- LinkExtractor(3) - Extract links from an HTML document
- LinkPoint(3) - LinkPoint (Cardservice) backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- LinPred(3) - Linear predictive filtering
- Linux::Cpuinfo(3) - Object Oriented Interface to /proc/cpuinfo
- lis(3) - library of iterative solvers for linear systems
- lis_array_abs(3) - get the absolute values of the elements of the vector
- lis_array_axpy(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_array_axpyz(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_array_cgs(3) - calculate the QR factorization with the classical Gram-Schmidt process
- lis_array_copy(3) - copy the values of the vector elements
- lis_array_dot(3) - calculate the Hermitian inner product of the vectors
- lis_array_ge(3) - calculate the inverse of the matrix with the Gaussian elimination
- lis_array_matmat(3) - calculate the matrix-matrix product
- lis_array_matmat_ns(3) - calculate the matrix-matrix product
- lis_array_matvec(3) - calculate the matrix vector product
- lis_array_matvec_ns(3) - calculate the matrix vector product
- lis_array_matvect(3) - calculate the matrix vector product
- lis_array_mgs(3) - calculate the QR factorization with the modified Gram-Schmidt process
- lis_array_nrm1(3) - calculate the 1-norm of the vector
- lis_array_nrm2(3) - calculate the 2-norm of the vector
- lis_array_nrmi(3) - calculate the infinity norm of the vector
- lis_array_pdiv(3) - divide each element of a vector by the corresponding element of another
- lis_array_pmul(3) - multiply each element of a vector by the corresponding element of another
- lis_array_qr(3) - calculate the eigenvalues with the QR algorithm
- lis_array_reciprocal(3) - get the reciprocal values of the elements of the vector
- lis_array_scale(3) - multiply the vector by the scalar
- lis_array_set_all(3) - assign the value to the elements of the vector
- lis_array_shift(3) - get the shifted values of the elements of the vector
- lis_array_solve(3) - solve the linear equation with the direct method
- lis_array_sum(3) - calculate the sum of the elements of the vector
- lis_array_swap(3) - swap the values of the vector elements
- lis_array_xpay(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_esolve(3) - solve the standard eigenvalue problem
- lis_esolver_create(3) - create the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_destroy(3) - destroy the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_esolver(3) - get the eigensolver number from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_esolvername(3) - get the eigensolver name from the eigensolver number
- lis_esolver_get_evalues(3) - get all the eigenvalues from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_evectors(3) - get all the eigenvectors from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_iter(3) - get the number of iterations for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_iterex(3) - get the detailed information on the number of iterations for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_iters(3) - get the numbers of iterations for all the eigenpairs from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_residualnorm(3) - get the relative residual norm for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_residualnorms(3) - Get the relative residual norm for all the eigenpairs from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_rhistory(3) - Get the residual history for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_status(3) - get the status for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_time(3) - get the execution time for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_get_timeex(3) - get the detailed information on the execution time for the specified eigenpair from the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_set_option(3) - set the options for the eigensolver
- lis_esolver_set_optionC(3) - set the options for the eigensolver on the command line
- lis_finalize(3) - finalize the execution environment
- lis_initialize(3) - initialize the execution environment
- lis_input(3) - read the matrix and vector data
- lis_input_matrix(3) - read the matrix data
- lis_input_vector(3) - read the vector data
- lis_matrix_assemble(3) - assemble the matrix into the specified storage format
- lis_matrix_axpy(3) - calculate the sum of the matrices
- lis_matrix_axpyz(3) - calculate the sum of the matrices
- lis_matrix_convert(3) - convert the matrix format
- lis_matrix_copy(3) - copy the values of the matrix elements
- lis_matrix_create(3) - create the matrix
- lis_matrix_destroy(3) - destroy the matrix
- lis_matrix_duplicate(3) - duplicate the matrix
- lis_matrix_get_diagonal(3) - Get the digonal elemments of the matrix
- lis_matrix_get_nnz(3) - get the number of nonzero elements of the matrix
- lis_matrix_get_range(3) - get the location of the partial matrix in the global matrix
- lis_matrix_get_size(3) - get the size of the matrix
- lis_matrix_get_type(3) - get the storage format
- lis_matrix_malloc(3) - allocate the memory for the matrix
- lis_matrix_scale(3) - scale the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_blocksize(3) - assign the block size of the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_bsc(3) - associate the arrays in the BSC format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_bsr(3) - associate the arrays in the BSR format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_coo(3) - associate the arrays in the COO format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_csc(3) - associate the arrays in the CSC format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_csr(3) - associate the arrays in the CSR format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_dia(3) - associate the arrays in the DIA format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_dns(3) - associate the arrays in the DNS format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_ell(3) - associate the arrays in the ELL format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_jad(3) - associate the arrays in the JAD format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_msr(3) - associate the arrays in the MSR format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_size(3) - assign the size of the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_type(3) - assign the storage format
- lis_matrix_set_value(3) - assign the scalar value to the element of the matrix
- lis_matrix_set_vbr(3) - associate the arrays in the VBR format with the matrix
- lis_matrix_shift_diagonal(3) - shift the digonal elemments of the matrix
- lis_matrix_unset(3) - unassociate the arrays from the matrix
- lis_matrix_xpay(3) - calculate the sum of the matrices
- lis_matvec(3) - calculate the matrix vector product
- lis_matvect(3) - calculate the matrix vector product
- lis_output(3) - write the matrix and vector data
- lis_output_matrix(3) - write the matrix data
- lis_output_vector(3) - write the vector data
- lis_solve(3) - solve the linear equation
- lis_solve_kernel(3) - solve the linear equation with the predefined preconditioner
- lis_solver_create(3) - create the solver
- lis_solver_destroy(3) - destroy the solver
- lis_solver_get_iter(3) - get the number of iterations from the solver
- lis_solver_get_iterex(3) - get the detailed information on the number of iterations from the solver
- lis_solver_get_precon(3) - get the preconditioner number from the solver
- lis_solver_get_preconname(3) - get the preconditioner name from the preconditioner number
- lis_solver_get_residualnorm(3) - calculate the relative residual norm from the solution
- lis_solver_get_rhistory(3) - get the residual history of the solver
- lis_solver_get_solver(3) - get the solver number from the solver
- lis_solver_get_solvername(3) - get the solver name from the solver number
- lis_solver_get_status(3) - get the status from the solver
- lis_solver_get_time(3) - get the execution time from the solver
- lis_solver_get_timeex(3) - get the detailed information on the execution time from the solver
- lis_solver_set_option(3) - set the options for the solver
- lis_solver_set_optionC(3) - set the options for the solver on the command line
- lis_vector_abs(3) - get the absolute values of the elements of the vector
- lis_vector_axpy(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_vector_axpyz(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_vector_copy(3) - copy the values of the vector elements
- lis_vector_create(3) - create the vector
- lis_vector_destroy(3) - destroy the vector
- lis_vector_dot(3) - calculate the Hermitian inner product of the vectors
- lis_vector_duplicate(3) - duplicate the vector
- lis_vector_gather(3) - get the values of the vector
- lis_vector_get_range(3) - get the location of the partial vector in the global vector
- lis_vector_get_size(3) - get the size of the vector
- lis_vector_get_value(3) - get the value of the row of the vector
- lis_vector_get_values(3) - get the values of the rows of the vector
- lis_vector_nrm1(3) - calculate the 1-norm of the vector
- lis_vector_nrm2(3) - calculate the 2-norm of the vector
- lis_vector_nrmi(3) - calculate the infinity norm of the vector
- lis_vector_pdiv(3) - divide each element of a vector by the corresponding element of another
- lis_vector_pmul(3) - multiply each element of a vector by the corresponding element of another
- lis_vector_reciprocal(3) - get the reciprocal values of the elements of the vector
- lis_vector_scale(3) - multiply the vector by the scalar
- lis_vector_scatter(3) - assign the values to the vector
- lis_vector_set_all(3) - assign the value to the elements of the vector
- lis_vector_set_size(3) - assign the size of the vector
- lis_vector_set_value(3) - assign the scalar value to the row of the vector
- lis_vector_set_values(3) - assign the scalar values to the rows of the vector
- lis_vector_shift(3) - get the shifted values of the elements of the vector
- lis_vector_sum(3) - calculate the sum of the elements of the vector
- lis_vector_swap(3) - swap the values of the vector elements
- lis_vector_xpay(3) - calculate the sum of the vectors
- lis_wtime(3) - measure the elapsed time
- List::AllUtils(3) - Combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy in one bite-sized package
- List::BinarySearch(3) - Binary Search within a sorted array.
- List::BinarySearch::PP(3) - Pure-Perl Binary Search functions.
- List::Compare(3) - Compare elements of two or more lists
- List::Compare::Base::_Auxiliary(3) - Internal use only
- List::Compare::Base::_Engine(3) - Internal use only
- List::Compare::Functional(3) - Compare elements of two or more lists
- List::Flatten(3) - Interpolate array references in a list
- List::Gen(3) - provides functions for generating lists
- List::Gen::Benchmark(3) - performance tips for using List::Gen
- List::Gen::Cookbook(3) - how to get the most out of List::Gen
- List::Gen::Haskell(3) - the haskell prelude in perl5
- List::Gen::Lazy(3) - perl6 / haskell like laziness in perl5
- List::Gen::Lazy::Builtins(3) - perl builtin functions with partial + lazy application
- List::Gen::Lazy::Ops(3) - perl ops with partial + lazy application
- List::Gen::Perl6(3) - perl6 meta operators in perl5
- List::Generator(3) - provides functions for generating lists
- List::Group(3) - Group a list of data structures to your specifications.
- List::MoreUtils(3) - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- List::MoreUtils::Contributing(3) - Gives rough introduction into contributing to List::MoreUtils
- List::MoreUtils::PP(3) - Provide List::MoreUtils pure Perl implementation
- List::MoreUtils::XS(3) - Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions
- List::Objects::Types(3) - Type::Tiny-based types for List::Objects::WithUtils
- List::Objects::WithUtils(3) - List objects, kitchen sink included
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Array(3) - Array-type objects WithUtils
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Array::Immutable(3) - Immutable array objects
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Array::Immutable::Typed(3) - Immutable typed arrays
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Array::Junction(3) - Lightweight junction classes
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Array::Typed(3) - Type-checking array objects
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Autobox(3) - Native data types WithUtils
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash(3) - Hash-type objects WithUtils
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Immutable(3) - Immutable hash objects
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Immutable::Typed(3) - Immutable typed hashes
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Inflated(3)
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Inflated::RW(3)
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Typed(3) - Type-checking hash objects
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array(3) - Array manipulation methods
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array::Immutable(3) - Immutable array behavior
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array::Typed(3) - Type-checking array behavior
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array::WithJunctions(3) - Add junctions
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash(3) - Hash manipulation methods
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash::Immutable(3) - Immutable hash behavior
- List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash::Typed(3) - Type-checking hash behavior
- List::Pairwise(3) - map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise
- List::PowerSet(3) - generate the power set of a list
- List::Regexp(3) - Convert list of strings to a regular expression
- List::Rotation::Cycle(3) - Cycle through a list of values via a singleton object implemented as closure.
- List::SomeUtils(3) - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- List::SomeUtils::PP(3) - Pure Perl implementation for List::SomeUtils
- List::SomeUtils::XS(3) - XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
- List::Uniq(3) - extract the unique elements of a list
- List::Util(3) - A selection of general-utility list subroutines
- List::Util::WeightedRoundRobin(3) - Creates a list based on weighted input
- List::Util::XS(3) - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
- List::UtilsBy(3) - higher-order list utility functions
- List::UtilsBy::XS(3) - XS implementation of List::UtilsBy
- list_audio_inputs(3)
- list_config_entries(3) - Lists the names of all entries in a config section Allegro game programming library.
- list_config_sections(3) - Lists the names of all sections available in the current configuration. Allegro game programming library.
- list_target_tags(3)
- list_targets(3)
- Listify(3) - produces an array(ref)? from a scalar value or array ref.
- ListLabels(3) - List operations.
- LiteF(3) - minimum PDL module function loader
- LLABS(3) - returns absolute value
- LLDIV(3) - returns quotient and remainder
- LMBENCH(3) - benchmarking toolbox
- LMDB_File(3) - Tie to LMDB (OpenLDAP's Lightning Memory-Mapped Database)
- LMTP(3) - Local Mail Transfer Protocol Client
- Load::Chooser(3) - Distributed load choosing daemon
- Load::FakeReporter(3) - Distributed load reporting daemon
- Load::Hold(3) - Return hold/wait information
- Load::Hosts(3) - Return host loading information across a network
- Load::Hosts::Host(3) - Return information about a host
- Load::Hosts::Proc(3) - Return process information
- Load::Reporter(3) - Distributed load reporting daemon
- Load::Reporter::Disk(3) - slreportd disk data collector
- Load::Reporter::Filesys(3) - slreportd filesystem data collector
- Load::Reporter::Network(3) - slreportd network data collector
- Load::ResourceReq(3) - Generate a request for a single resource
- Load::Safe(3) - Evaluate callback in Safe container with caching
- Load::Schedule(3) - Functions for choosing a host among many
- load_asample(3)
- load_bios_font(3) - Loads a 8x8 or 8x16 BIOS format font. Allegro game programming library.
- load_bmp(3) - Loads a BMP bitmap from a file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_bmp_pf(3) - Packfile version of load_bmp. Allegro game programming library.
- load_dat_font(3) - Loads a FONT from an Allegro datafile.
- load_datafile(3) - Loads a datafile into memory. Allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_callback(3) - Loads a datafile into memory, calling a hook per object. Allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_object(3) - Loads a specific object from a datafile. Allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_object_indexed(3) - Loads a single object from a datafile index. Allegro game programming library.
- load_grx_font(3) - Loads a GRX format font. Allegro game programming library.
- load_grx_or_bios_font(3) - Loads either a BIOS or GRX format font. Allegro game programming library.
- load_ibk(3) - Reads in a .IBK patch definition file for the Adlib driver. Allegro game programming library.
- load_image(3)
- load_image_asynch(3)
- load_joystick_data(3) - Loads joystick calibration data. Allegro game programming library.
- load_lbm(3) - Loads an LBM bitmap from a file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_midi(3) - Loads a MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_midi_patches(3) - Forces the MIDI driver to load a set of patches. Allegro game programming library.
- load_pcx(3) - Loads a PCX bitmap from a file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_pcx_pf(3) - Packfile version of load_pcx. Allegro game programming library.
- load_tga(3) - Loads a TGA bitmap from a file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_tga_pf(3) - Packfile version of load_tga. Allegro game programming library.
- load_txt_font(3) - Loads a font script. Allegro game programming library.
- load_voc(3) - Loads a sample from a Creative Labs VOC file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_voc_pf(3) - Packfile version of load_voc. Allegro game programming library.
- load_wav(3) - Loads a sample from a RIFF WAV file. Allegro game programming library.
- load_wav_pf(3) - Packfile version of load_wav. Allegro game programming library.
- Locale::Codes(3) - a distribution of modules to handle locale codes
- Locale::Codes::Changes(3) - details changes to Locale::Codes
- Locale::Codes::Country(3) - module for dealing with country code sets
- Locale::Codes::Currency(3) - module for dealing with currency code sets
- Locale::Codes::LangExt(3) - module for dealing with langext code sets
- Locale::Codes::LangFam(3) - module for dealing with langfam code sets
- Locale::Codes::Language(3) - module for dealing with language code sets
- Locale::Codes::LangVar(3) - module for dealing with langvar code sets
- Locale::Codes::Script(3) - module for dealing with script code sets
- Locale::Codes::Types(3) - types of data sets supported
- Locale::Country(3) - module for dealing with country code sets
- Locale::Currency(3) - module for dealing with currency code sets
- Locale::Geocode(3) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166 Statoids - http://www.statoids.com
- Locale::Geocode::Division(3)
- Locale::Geocode::Territory(3) - is a United Nations member state a member - is a member of any of the UN specialized agencies - a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice
- Locale::gettext_dumb(3) - Locale unaware Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation
- Locale::gettext_pp(3) - Pure Perl Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation
- Locale::gettext_xs(3) - XS Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation
- Locale::Language(3) - module for dealing with language code sets
- Locale::libintlFAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions for libintl-perl
- Locale::Maketext(3) - framework for localization
- Locale::Maketext::Cookbook(3) - recipes for using Locale::Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Extract(3) - Extract translatable strings from source
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Base(3) - Base module for format parser plugins
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::FormFu(3) - FormFu format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Generic(3) - Generic template parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Haml(3) - HAML format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Mason(3) - HTML::Mason (aka Mason 1) and Mason (aka Mason 2) format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Perl(3) - Perl format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::PPI(3) - Perl format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::TextTemplate(3) - Text::Template format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::TT2(3) - Template Toolkit format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::YAML(3) - YAML format parser
- Locale::Maketext::Extract::Run(3) - Module interface to xgettext.pl
- Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy(3) - Maketext from already interpolated strings
- Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) - Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks
- Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions(3) - Functional interface to Locale::Maketext::Gettext
- Locale::Maketext::Guts(3) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code
- Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader(3) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon(3) - Use other catalog formats in Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Auto(3) - Auto fallback lexicon for Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext(3) - PO and MO file parser for Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Msgcat(3) - Msgcat catalog parser Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Tie(3) - Use tied hashes as lexicons for Maketext
- Locale::Maketext::Simple(3) - Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
- Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3)
- Locale::Messages(3) - Gettext Like Message Retrieval
- Locale::Msgfmt(3) - Compile .po files to .mo files
- Locale::Msgfmt::mo(3) - class used internally by Locale::Msgfmt
- Locale::Msgfmt::po(3) - class used internally by Locale::Msgfmt
- Locale::Msgfmt::Utils(3) - Functions used internally by Locale::Msgfmt
- Locale::PO(3) - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
- Locale::Recode(3) - Object-Oriented Portable Charset Conversion
- Locale::Recode::_Aliases(3) - Internal Charset Alias Database for libintl-perl
- Locale::Recode::_Conversions(3) - Internal Table of Known Conversions
- Locale::RecodeData(3) - Abstract Base Class for Charset Converters
- Locale::RecodeData::_Encode(3) - Internal wrapper around Encode
- Locale::RecodeData::ASMO_449(3) - Conversion routines for ASMO_449
- Locale::RecodeData::ATARI_ST(3) - Conversion routines for ATARI-ST
- Locale::RecodeData::ATARI_ST_EURO(3) - Conversion routines for ATARI-ST-EURO
- Locale::RecodeData::CP10007(3) - Conversion routines for CP10007
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1250(3) - Conversion routines for CP1250
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1251(3) - Conversion routines for CP1251
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1252(3) - Conversion routines for CP1252
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1253(3) - Conversion routines for CP1253
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1254(3) - Conversion routines for CP1254
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1256(3) - Conversion routines for CP1256
- Locale::RecodeData::CP1257(3) - Conversion routines for CP1257
- Locale::RecodeData::CSN_369103(3) - Conversion routines for CSN_369103
- Locale::RecodeData::CWI(3) - Conversion routines for CWI
- Locale::RecodeData::DEC_MCS(3) - Conversion routines for DEC_MCS
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_AT_DE(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_AT_DE
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_AT_DE_A(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_AT_DE_A
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_CA_FR(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_CA_FR
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_DK_NO(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_DK_NO
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_DK_NO_A(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_DK_NO_A
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES_A(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES_A
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES_S(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES_S
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FI_SE(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FI_SE
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FI_SE_A(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FI_SE_A
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FR(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FR
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_IS_FRISS(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_IS_FRISS
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_IT(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_IT
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_PT(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_PT
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_UK(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_UK
- Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_US(3) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_US
- Locale::RecodeData::ECMA_CYRILLIC(3) - Conversion routines for ECMA_CYRILLIC
- Locale::RecodeData::GEORGIAN_ACADEMY(3) - Conversion routines for GEORGIAN-ACADEMY
- Locale::RecodeData::GEORGIAN_PS(3) - Conversion routines for GEORGIAN-PS
- Locale::RecodeData::GOST_19768_74(3) - Conversion routines for GOST_19768_74
- Locale::RecodeData::GREEK_CCITT(3) - Conversion routines for GREEK_CCITT
- Locale::RecodeData::GREEK7(3) - Conversion routines for GREEK7
- Locale::RecodeData::GREEK7_OLD(3) - Conversion routines for GREEK7_OLD
- Locale::RecodeData::HP_ROMAN8(3) - Conversion routines for HP_ROMAN8
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM037(3) - Conversion routines for IBM037
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM038(3) - Conversion routines for IBM038
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM1004(3) - Conversion routines for IBM1004
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM1026(3) - Conversion routines for IBM1026
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM1047(3) - Conversion routines for IBM1047
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM256(3) - Conversion routines for IBM256
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM273(3) - Conversion routines for IBM273
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM274(3) - Conversion routines for IBM274
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM275(3) - Conversion routines for IBM275
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM277(3) - Conversion routines for IBM277
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM278(3) - Conversion routines for IBM278
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM280(3) - Conversion routines for IBM280
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM281(3) - Conversion routines for IBM281
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM284(3) - Conversion routines for IBM284
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM285(3) - Conversion routines for IBM285
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM290(3) - Conversion routines for IBM290
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM297(3) - Conversion routines for IBM297
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM420(3) - Conversion routines for IBM420
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM423(3) - Conversion routines for IBM423
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM424(3) - Conversion routines for IBM424
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM437(3) - Conversion routines for IBM437
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM500(3) - Conversion routines for IBM500
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM850(3) - Conversion routines for IBM850
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM851(3) - Conversion routines for IBM851
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM852(3) - Conversion routines for IBM852
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM855(3) - Conversion routines for IBM855
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM857(3) - Conversion routines for IBM857
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM860(3) - Conversion routines for IBM860
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM861(3) - Conversion routines for IBM861
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM862(3) - Conversion routines for IBM862
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM863(3) - Conversion routines for IBM863
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM864(3) - Conversion routines for IBM864
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM865(3) - Conversion routines for IBM865
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM866(3) - Conversion routines for IBM866
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM868(3) - Conversion routines for IBM868
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM869(3) - Conversion routines for IBM869
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM870(3) - Conversion routines for IBM870
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM871(3) - Conversion routines for IBM871
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM874(3) - Conversion routines for IBM874
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM875(3) - Conversion routines for IBM875
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM880(3) - Conversion routines for IBM880
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM891(3) - Conversion routines for IBM891
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM903(3) - Conversion routines for IBM903
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM904(3) - Conversion routines for IBM904
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM905(3) - Conversion routines for IBM905
- Locale::RecodeData::IBM918(3) - Conversion routines for IBM918
- Locale::RecodeData::IEC_P27_1(3) - Conversion routines for IEC_P27_1
- Locale::RecodeData::INIS(3) - Conversion routines for INIS
- Locale::RecodeData::INIS_8(3) - Conversion routines for INIS_8
- Locale::RecodeData::INIS_CYRILLIC(3) - Conversion routines for INIS_CYRILLIC
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_10367_BOX(3) - Conversion routines for ISO_10367_BOX
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_2033_1983(3) - Conversion routines for ISO_2033_1983
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5427(3) - Conversion routines for ISO_5427
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5427_EXT(3) - Conversion routines for ISO_5427_EXT
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5428(3) - Conversion routines for ISO_5428
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_1(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-1
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_10(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-10
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_11(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-11
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_13(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-13
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_14(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-14
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_15(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-15
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_16(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-16
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_2(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-2
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_3(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-3
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_4(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-4
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_5(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-5
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_6(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-6
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_7(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-7
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_8(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-8
- Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_9(3) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-9
- Locale::RecodeData::KOI_8(3) - Conversion routines for KOI-8
- Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_R(3) - Conversion routines for KOI8-R
- Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_RU(3) - Conversion routines for KOI8-RU
- Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_T(3) - Conversion routines for KOI8-T
- Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_U(3) - Conversion routines for KOI8-U
- Locale::RecodeData::LATIN_GREEK(3) - Conversion routines for LATIN_GREEK
- Locale::RecodeData::LATIN_GREEK_1(3) - Conversion routines for LATIN_GREEK_1
- Locale::RecodeData::MAC_IS(3) - Conversion routines for MAC-IS
- Locale::RecodeData::MAC_SAMI(3) - Conversion routines for MAC-SAMI
- Locale::RecodeData::MAC_UK(3) - Conversion routines for MAC-UK
- Locale::RecodeData::MACARABIC(3) - Conversion routines for MACARABIC
- Locale::RecodeData::MACCROATIAN(3) - Conversion routines for MACCROATIAN
- Locale::RecodeData::MACCYRILLIC(3) - Conversion routines for MACCYRILLIC
- Locale::RecodeData::MACGREEK(3) - Conversion routines for MACGREEK
- Locale::RecodeData::MACHEBREW(3) - Conversion routines for MACHEBREW
- Locale::RecodeData::MACICELAND(3) - Conversion routines for MACICELAND
- Locale::RecodeData::MACINTOSH(3) - Conversion routines for MACINTOSH
- Locale::RecodeData::MACROMANIA(3) - Conversion routines for MACROMANIA
- Locale::RecodeData::MACTHAI(3) - Conversion routines for MACTHAI
- Locale::RecodeData::MACTURKISH(3) - Conversion routines for MACTURKISH
- Locale::RecodeData::MACUKRAINE(3) - Conversion routines for MACUKRAINE
- Locale::RecodeData::NATS_DANO(3) - Conversion routines for NATS_DANO
- Locale::RecodeData::NATS_SEFI(3) - Conversion routines for NATS_SEFI
- Locale::RecodeData::NEXTSTEP(3) - Conversion routines for NEXTSTEP
- Locale::RecodeData::SAMI_WS2(3) - Conversion routines for SAMI_WS2
- Locale::RecodeData::TIS_620(3) - Conversion routines for TIS-620
- Locale::RecodeData::US_ASCII(3) - Conversion routines for US-ASCII
- Locale::RecodeData::UTF_8(3) - Conversion routines for UTF-8
- Locale::RecodeData::VISCII(3) - Conversion routines for VISCII
- Locale::Script(3) - module for dealing with script code sets
- Locale::SubCountry(3) - Convert state, province, county etc. names to/from ISO 3166-2 codes, get all states in a country
- Locale::SubCountry::Codes(3) - data for Locale::SubCountry in JSON format
- Locale::TextDomain(3) - Perl Interface to Uniforum Message Translation
- Locale::US(3) - Two letter codes for state identification in the United States and vice versa.
- Locale::XGettext(3) - Extract Strings To PO Files
- Locale::XGettext::Text(3) - Create PO files from text files
- Locale::XGettext::TT2(3)
- Locale::XGettext::Util::Flag(3) - A Flag Specification Used By xgettext
- Locale::XGettext::Util::Keyword(3) - A Keyword Used By xgettext
- Locale::XGettext::Util::POEntries(3) - A Container for PO Entries
- LOCALECONV(3) - natural language formatting for C
- LocalHSOSContribution(3)
- LocalHSOSEnergyContribution(3)
- LocalHSOSGradContribution(3)
- Locate(3) - Search the (s)locate-database from Perl
- LOCK_FUNCTION(3) - Locks the memory of a function used by a timer. Allegro game programming library.
- lock_midi(3) - Locks all the memory used by a MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- lock_sample(3) - Locks all the memory used by a sample. Allegro game programming library.
- LOCK_VARIABLE(3) - Locks the memory of a variable used by a timer. Allegro game programming library.
- LockedFile(3) - supply object methods for locking files
- LockedFile::Flock(3)
- LOCKF(3) - record locking on files
- LOCKFILE_CREATE(3) - manage lockfiles
- Log::Accounting::SVK(3) - Accounting svn repository
- Log::Accounting::SVN(3) - Accounting svn repository
- Log::Agent::Logger(3) - a logging interface
- Log::Any(3) - Bringing loggers and listeners together
- Log::Any::Adapter(3) - Tell Log::Any where to send its logs
- Log::Any::Adapter::Base(3)
- Log::Any::Adapter::Capture(3) - Adapter for capturing log messages into an arrayref
- Log::Any::Adapter::Development(3) - Manual for developing new Log::Any adapters
- Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch(3) - Adapter to use Log::Dispatch with Log::Any
- Log::Any::Adapter::File(3) - Simple adapter for logging to files
- Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl(3) - Log::Any adapter for Log::Log4perl
- Log::Any::Adapter::Multiplex(3) - Adapter to use allow structured logging across other adapters
- Log::Any::Adapter::Null(3) - Discards all log messages
- Log::Any::Adapter::Stderr(3) - Simple adapter for logging to STDERR
- Log::Any::Adapter::Stdout(3) - Simple adapter for logging to STDOUT
- Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog(3) - Send Log::Any logs to syslog
- Log::Any::Adapter::Test(3)
- Log::Any::Adapter::Util(3) - Common utility functions for Log::Any
- Log::Any::App(3) - An easy way to use Log::Any in applications
- Log::Any::IfLOG(3) - Load Log::Any only if "logging is enabled"
- Log::Any::Manager(3)
- Log::Any::Proxy(3) - Log::Any generator proxy object
- Log::Any::Proxy::Null(3) - Log::Any generator proxy for no adapters
- Log::Any::Proxy::Test(3)
- Log::Any::Test(3) - Test what you're logging with Log::Any
- Log::Colorize::Helper(3) - Makes searching and colorizing logs trivial with out all the need for piping
- Log::Contextual(3) - Simple logging interface with a contextual log
- Log::Contextual::Easy::Default(3) - Import all logging methods with WarnLogger as default
- Log::Contextual::Easy::Package(3) - Import all logging methods with WarnLogger as default package logger
- Log::Contextual::Role::Router(3) - Abstract interface between loggers and logging code blocks
- Log::Contextual::Role::Router::HasLogger(3) - Abstract interface between loggers and logging code blocks
- Log::Contextual::Role::Router::SetLogger(3) - Abstract interface between loggers and logging code blocks
- Log::Contextual::Role::Router::WithLogger(3) - Abstract interface between loggers and logging code blocks
- Log::Contextual::Router(3) - Route messages to loggers
- Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger(3) - Super simple logger made for playing with Log::Contextual
- Log::Contextual::TeeLogger(3) - Output to more than one logger
- Log::Contextual::WarnLogger(3) - logger for libraries using Log::Contextual
- Log::Defer(3) - Deferred logs and timers
- Log::Dispatch::ApacheLog(3) - Object for logging to Apache::Log objects
- Log::Dispatch::Array(3) - log events to an array (reference)
- Log::Dispatch::ArrayWithLimits(3) - Log to array, with some limits applied
- Log::Dispatch::Base(3) - Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
- Log::Dispatch::Code(3) - Object for logging to a subroutine reference
- Log::Dispatch::Colorful(3) - Object for logging to screen.
- Log::Dispatch::Config(3) - Log4j for Perl
- Log::Dispatch::Configurator(3) - Abstract Configurator class
- Log::Dispatch::Configurator::Any(3) - Configurator implementation with Config::Any
- Log::Dispatch::Configurator::AppConfig(3) - Configurator implementation with AppConfig
- Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML(3) - Configurator implementation with YAML
- Log::Dispatch::DBI(3) - Class for logging to database via DBI interface
- Log::Dispatch::Dir(3) - Log messages to separate files in a directory, with rotate options
- Log::Dispatch::Email(3) - Base class for objects that send log messages via email
- Log::Dispatch::Email::EmailSend(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses Email::Send
- Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Send module
- Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSender(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sender module
- Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSendmail(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sendmail module
- Log::Dispatch::Email::MIMELite(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the MIME::Lite module
- Log::Dispatch::File(3) - Object for logging to files
- Log::Dispatch::File::Locked(3) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::File to facilitate locking
- Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling(3) - Object for logging to date/time/pid stamped files
- Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped(3) - Logging to date/time stamped files
- Log::Dispatch::FileRotate(3) - Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves
- Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Flock(3) - File Locking Functions for Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
- Log::Dispatch::FileRotate::Mutex(3) - Flock Based File Mutex.
- Log::Dispatch::FileShared(3) - Log::Dispatch output class for logging to shared files.
- Log::Dispatch::FileWriteRotate(3) - Log to files that archive/rotate themselves, w/ File::Write::Rotate
- Log::Dispatch::Handle(3) - Object for logging to IO::Handle classes
- Log::Dispatch::Null(3) - Object that accepts messages and does nothing
- Log::Dispatch::Output(3) - Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* objects
- Log::Dispatch::Perl(3) - Use core Perl functions for logging
- Log::Dispatch::Screen(3) - Object for logging to the screen
- Log::Dispatch::Screen::Color(3) - attached color for Log::Dispatch::Screen
- Log::Dispatch::Scribe(3) - Logging via Facebook's Scribe server software
- Log::Dispatch::Syslog(3) - Object for logging to system log.
- Log::Dispatch::Types(3) - Types used for parameter checking in Log::Dispatch
- Log::Dispatch::Vars(3) - Variables used internally by multiple packages
- Log::Dispatchouli(3) - a simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch
- Log::Dispatchouli::Global(3) - a system for sharing a global, dynamically-scoped logger
- Log::Dispatchouli::Proxy(3) - a simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch
- Log::Dump(3) - simple logger mainly for debugging
- Log::Dump::Class(3)
- Log::Dump::Functions(3)
- Log::ger(3) - A lightweight, flexible logging framework
- Log::ger::Filter(3) - Use a filter plugin
- Log::ger::Filter::Code(3) - Filter using a coderef
- Log::ger::Format(3) - Use a format plugin
- Log::ger::Format::Default(3) - Use default Log::ger formatting style
- Log::ger::Format::MultilevelLog(3) - Create a log($LEVEL, ...) subroutine/method
- Log::ger::Format::None(3) - Perform no formatting on the message
- Log::ger::Heavy(3) - The bulk of the implementation of Log::ger
- Log::ger::Layout(3) - Use a layout plugin
- Log::ger::Output(3) - Set logging output
- Log::ger::Output::Array(3) - Log to array
- Log::ger::Output::Null(3) - Null output
- Log::ger::Output::String(3) - Set output to a string
- Log::ger::Plugin(3) - Use a plugin
- Log::ger::Plugin::MultilevelLog(3) - (DEPRECATED) Old name for Log::ger::Format::MultilevelLog
- Log::ger::Util(3) - Utility routines for Log::ger
- Log::Handler::Config(3) - The main config loader.
- Log::Handler::Examples(3) - Examples.
- Log::Handler::Levels(3) - All levels for Log::Handler.
- Log::Handler::Output(3) - The output builder class.
- Log::Handler::Output::DBI(3) - Log messages to a database.
- Log::Handler::Output::Email(3) - Log messages as email (via Net::SMTP).
- Log::Handler::Output::File(3) - Log messages to a file.
- Log::Handler::Output::Forward(3) - Forward messages to routines.
- Log::Handler::Output::Screen(3) - Log messages to the screen.
- Log::Handler::Output::Sendmail(3) - Log messages with sendmail.
- Log::Handler::Output::Socket(3) - Send messages to a socket.
- Log::Handler::Pattern(3) - The pattern builder class.
- Log::Handler::Plugin::Config::General(3) - Config loader for Config::General.
- Log::Handler::Plugin::Config::Properties(3) - Config loader for Config::Properties.
- Log::Handler::Plugin::YAML(3) - Config loader for YAML.
- Log::Log4perl(3) - Log4j implementation for Perl
- Log::Message(3) - A generic message storing mechanism;
- Log::Message::Config(3) - Configuration options for Log::Message
- Log::Message::Handlers(3) - Message handlers for Log::Message
- Log::Message::Item(3) - Message objects for Log::Message
- Log::Message::Simple(3) - Simplified interface to Log::Message
- Log::Minimal(3) - Minimal but customizable logger.
- Log::Procmail(3) - Perl extension for reading procmail logfiles.
- Log::Report(3) - report a problem, with exceptions and translation support
- Log::Report::DBIC::Profiler(3) - query profiler for DBIx::Class
- Log::Report::Die(3) - compatibility routines with Perl's die/croak/confess
- Log::Report::Dispatcher(3) - manage message dispatching, display or logging
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::Callback(3) - call a code-ref for each log-line
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::File(3) - send messages to a file or file-handle
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::Log4perl(3) - send messages to Log::Log4perl back-end
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::LogDispatch(3) - send messages to Log::Dispatch back-end
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::Perl(3) - send messages to die and warn
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::Syslog(3) - send messages to syslog
- Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try(3) - capture all reports as exceptions
- Log::Report::Domain(3) - administer one text-domain
- Log::Report::Exception(3) - a collected report
- Log::Report::Message(3) - a piece of text to be translated
- Log::Report::Minimal(3) - simulate Log::Report functions simple
- Log::Report::Minimal::Domain(3) - administer one text-domain
- Log::Report::Optional(3) - pick Log::Report or ::Minimal
- Log::Report::Translator(3) - base implementation for translating messages
- Log::Report::Util(3) - helpful routines to Log::Report
- Log::Syslog::Constants(3) - Perl extension containing syslog priority constants as defined in RFC3164.
- Log::Syslog::Fast(3) - Perl extension for sending syslog messages over TCP, UDP, or UNIX sockets with minimal CPU overhead.
- Log::Syslog::Fast::PP(3) - XS-free, API-compatible version of Log::Syslog::Fast
- Log::Syslog::Fast::Simple(3) - Wrapper around Log::Syslog::Fast that adds some flexibility at the expense of additional runtime overhead.
- Log::Trace(3) - provides a unified approach to tracing
- Log::Trace::Manual(3) - A guide to using Log::Trace
- log_mf_h(3) - An event handler that logs events to disk.
- LOGFILE(3) - circular log files
- logger_disk_log_h(3) - A disk_log based handler for Logger
- logger_filters(3) - Filters to use with Logger.
- logger_formatter(3) - Default formatter for Logger.
- logger_std_h(3) - Standard handler for Logger.
- LOGIN_AUTH(3) - authentication style support library for login class capabilities database
- LOGIN_CAP(3) - functions for accessing the login class capabilities database
- LOGIN_CLASS(3) - functions for using the login class capabilities database
- LOGIN_OK(3) - functions for checking login class based login restrictions
- LOGIN_TIMES(3) - functions for parsing and checking login time periods
- LOGIN_TTY(3) - prepare a tty for a new login session
- Loki97(3) - Crypt::CBC compliant block cipher
- Long::Jump(3) - Mechanism for returning to a specific point from a deeply nested stack.
- long_cmp(3)
- long_long_cmp(3)
- Longident(3) - Long identifiers, used in parsetree.
- LOWDOWN(3) - simple markdown translator library
- LOWDOWN_BUF(3) - parse a Markdown buffer into formatted output
- LOWDOWN_BUF_DIFF(3) - parse and diff Markdown buffers into formatted output
- LOWDOWN_BUF_FREE(3) - free a dynamic buffer
- LOWDOWN_BUF_NEW(3) - allocate a dynamic buffer
- LOWDOWN_DIFF(3) - compute difference between parsed Markdown trees
- LOWDOWN_DOC_FREE(3) - free a Markdown parser instance
- LOWDOWN_DOC_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown parser
- LOWDOWN_DOC_PARSE(3) - parse a Markdown document into an AST
- LOWDOWN_FILE(3) - parse a Markdown file into formatted output
- LOWDOWN_FILE_DIFF(3) - parse and diff Markdown files into formatted output
- LOWDOWN_GEMINI_FREE(3) - free a Markdown gemini renderer
- LOWDOWN_GEMINI_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown gemini renderer
- LOWDOWN_GEMINI_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into gemini
- LOWDOWN_HTML_FREE(3) - free a Markdown HTML renderer
- LOWDOWN_HTML_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown HTML renderer
- LOWDOWN_HTML_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into HTML
- LOWDOWN_LATEX_FREE(3) - free a Markdown LaTeX renderer
- LOWDOWN_LATEX_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown LaTeX renderer
- LOWDOWN_LATEX_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into LaTeX
- LOWDOWN_METAQ_FREE(3) - free rendered metadata key-value pairs
- LOWDOWN_NODE_FREE(3) - free a parsed Markdown tree
- LOWDOWN_NROFF_FREE(3) - free a Markdown roff renderer
- LOWDOWN_NROFF_NEW(3) - allocate a roff renderer for lowdown documents
- LOWDOWN_NROFF_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into roff
- LOWDOWN_ODT_FREE(3) - free a Markdown OpenDocument renderer
- LOWDOWN_ODT_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown OpenDocument renderer
- LOWDOWN_ODT_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into OpenDocument
- LOWDOWN_TERM_FREE(3) - free an Markdown terminal renderer
- LOWDOWN_TERM_NEW(3) - allocate a Markdown terminal renderer
- LOWDOWN_TERM_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into terminal output
- LOWDOWN_TREE_RNDR(3) - render Markdown into debugging output
- Lowu(3) - Shortcut for importing all of List::Objects::WithUtils
- lpOD::Common(3) - Common utilities provided by the Perl lpOD library
- lpOD::Document(3) - General ODF package handling and metadata
- lpOD::Element(3) - Common features available with any ODF element
- lpOD::StructuredContainer(3) - High-level structures other than tables
- lpOD::Style(3) - Styles management
- lpOD::Table(3) - Table management
- lpOD::TextElement(3) - Basic text containers
- lpOD::Tutorial(3) - A few basic recipes about lpOD
- LRINT(3) - convert to integer
- LROUND(3) - convert to nearest integral value
- lsamen.f(3)
- LSEARCH(3) - linear search and append
- lsMode(3) - format file modes like the "ls -l" command does
- ltc.h(3) - libltc - en+decode linear timecode
- ltostrn(3)
- LTTNG-UST(3) - Into exactly one object of your application: define "TRACEPOINT_DEFINE" and include the tracepoint provider. - Use "-I." for the compilation unit containing the tracepoint provider include (e.g. tp.c). - Link application with "-ldl". - If building the provider directly into the application, link the application with "-llttng-ust". - If building a static library for the provider, link the static library with "-llttng-ust". - Include the tracepoint provider header into all C files using the provider. - Examples: - doc/examples/easy-ust/ sample.c sample_component_provider.h tp.c Makefile - doc/examples/hello-static-lib/ hello.c tp.c ust_test_hello.h Makefile 2) Compile the Tracepoint Provider separately from the application, using dynamic linking: - Into exactly one object of your application: define "TRACEPOINT_DEFINE" _and_ also define "TRACEPOINT_PROBE_DYNAMIC_LINKAGE", then include the tracepoint provider header. - Include the tracepoint provider header into all instrumented C files that use the provider. - Compile the tracepoint provider with "-I.". - Link the tracepoint provider with "-llttng-ust". - Link application with "-ldl". - Set a LD_PRELOAD environment to preload the tracepoint provider shared object before starting the application when tracing is needed. Another way is to dlopen the tracepoint probe when needed by the application. - Example: - doc/examples/demo demo.c tp*.c ust_tests_demo*.h demo-trace Makefile - Note about dlclose() usage: it is not safe to use dlclose on a provider shared object that is being actively used for tracing due to a lack of reference counting from lttng-ust to the used shared object. - Enable instrumentation and control tracing with the "lttng" command from lttng-tools. See lttng-tools doc/quickstart.txt. - Note for C++ support: although an application instrumented with tracepoints can be compiled with g++, tracepoint probes should be compiled with gcc (only tested with gcc so far).
- LTU(3) - An implementation of Linear Threshold Units
- Luka(3) - Exception handling and reporting framework
- Luka::Conf(3) - Configuration file interface class.
- Luka::Exceptions(3) - exception classes
- Luka::Mailer(3) - wrapper around Mail::SendEasy
- LUT(3) - provides access to a number of look-up tables
- LW2(3) - Perl HTTP library version 2.5
- LWP::Authen::Negotiate(3) - GSSAPI based Authentication Plugin for LWP
- LWP::Authen::Ntlm(3) - Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft) in LWP
- LWP::Authen::OAuth(3) - generate signed OAuth requests
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2(3) - Make requests to OAuth2 APIs.
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::AccessToken(3) - Access tokens for OAuth 2.
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::AccessToken::Bearer(3) - Bearer access tokens for OAuth 2.
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::Overview(3) - Overview of accessing OAuth2 APIs with LWP::Authen::OAuth2
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider(3) - Understand OAuth2 Service Providers
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Dwolla(3) - Access Dwolla API v2
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Google(3) - Access Google OAuth2 APIs
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Line(3) - Access Line OAuth2 API v2
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Strava(3) - Access Strava API v3 OAuth2 APIs
- LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Yahoo(3) - Access Yahoo API OAuth2 APIs
- LWP::Authen::Wsse(3) - Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
- LWP::ConnCache(3) - Connection cache manager
- LWP::ConnCache::MaxKeepAliveRequests(3) - A connection cache that enforces a max keep alive limit
- LWP::Debug(3) - deprecated
- LWP::MediaTypes(3) - guess media type for a file or a URL
- LWP::MemberMixin(3) - Member access mixin class
- LWP::Online(3) - Does your process have access to the web
- LWP::Parallel(3) - Extension for LWP to allow parallel HTTP and FTP access
- LWP::Parallel::Protocol(3) - Base class for parallel LWP protocols
- LWP::Parallel::Protocol::ftp(3)
- LWP::Parallel::Protocol::http(3)
- LWP::Parallel::RobotUA(3) - A class for Parallel Web Robots
- LWP::Parallel::UserAgent(3) - A class for parallel User Agents
- LWP::ParallelUA(3) - Parallel LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol(3) - Base class for LWP protocols
- LWP::Protocol::connect(3) - Provides HTTP/CONNECT proxy support for LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::http10(3) - Legacy HTTP/1.0 support for LWP
- LWP::Protocol::https(3) - Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::ldap(3) - Provide LDAP support for LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::ldapi(3) - Provide LDAPI support for LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::ldaps(3) - Provide LDAPS support for LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::PSGI(3) - Override LWP's HTTP/HTTPS backend with your own PSGI application
- LWP::Protocol::socks(3) - adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility
- LWP::Protocol::socks4(3) - adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility
- LWP::RobotPUA(3) - Parallel LWP::RobotUA
- LWP::RobotUA(3) - a class for well-behaved Web robots
- LWP::Simple(3) - simple procedural interface to LWP
- LWP::UserAgent::Determined(3) - a virtual browser that retries errors
- LWP::UserAgent::WithCache(3) - LWP::UserAgent extension with local cache
- lwpcook(3) - The libwww-perl cookbook
- lwptut(3)
- LWPx::ParanoidAgent(3) - subclass of LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
- LWPx::TimedHTTP(3) - time the different stages of an HTTP request
- lxi_connect(3) - connect to LXI device
- lxi_disconnect(3) - disconnect a LXI connection
- lxi_discover(3) - search for LXI devices on network
- lxi_init(3) - initialize LXI library
- lxi_send(3) - receive message from LXI device
- LZSS_PACK_DATA(3) - Opaque structure for handling LZSS compression. Allegro game programming library.
- lzss_read(3) - Decompresses data using LZSS. Allegro game programming library.
- LZSS_UNPACK_DATA(3) - Opaque structure for handling LZSS decompression. Allegro game programming library.
- lzss_write(3) - Compresses data using LZSS. Allegro game programming library.
- M_CIRCLE(3) - Agar-Math circle structure
- M_COLOR(3) - Agar-Math color structure
- M_COMPLEX(3) - Agar-Math complex number
- M_GEOMETRY(3) - Agar-Math geometrical structures
- M_LINE(3) - Agar-Math line segment / half-line structure
- M_MATRIX(3) - Agar-Math matrix-related functions
- M_MATVIEW(3) - Agar-Math matrix viewer widget
- M_PLANE(3) - Agar-Math plane structure
- M_PLOTTER(3) - Agar-Math plotting widget
- M_POINT_SET(3) - Agar-Math point set structures
- M_POLYGON(3) - Agar-Math polygon structure
- M_QUATERNION(3) - Agar-Math quaternion
- M_REAL(3) - Agar-Math real number operations
- M_RECTANGLE(3) - Agar-Math rectangle structure
- M_SPHERE(3) - Agar-Math sphere structure
- M_STRING(3) - Agar-Math extensions to AG_Printf
- M_TRIANGLE(3) - Agar-Math triangle structure
- M_VECTOR(3) - Agar-Math vector-related functions
- Mac::FileSpec::Unixish(3)
- Mac::PropertyList(3) - work with Mac plists at a low level
- Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary(3) - read binary property list files
- Mac::PropertyList::WriteBinary(3) - pack data into a Mac "binary property list"
- MAC_FREE(3) - free MAC label
- MAC_GET(3) - get the label of a file, socket, socket peer or process
- MAC_IS_PRESENT(3) - report whether the running system has MAC support
- MAC_SET(3) - set the MAC label for a file or process
- MAC_TEXT(3) - convert MAC label to/from text representation
- Macbinary(3) - Decodes Macbinary files
- MACH-CMD(3) - debugging processes and core files
- MACH-FILE(3) - machine-independent access to exectuable files and running processes
- MACH-MAP(3) - machine-independent access to address spaces and register sets
- MACH-STACK(3) - stack traces
- MACH-SWAP(3) - machine-independent access to byte-ordered data
- MACH-SYMBOL(3) - symbol table access functions
- MacroMol(3) - Perl module for macromolecules
- MAD(3) - Mifare Application Directory (MAD) Manipulation Functions
- Mail::Address::MobileJp(3) - mobile email address in Japan
- Mail::Audit(3) - library for creating easy mail filters
- Mail::Audit::KillDups(3) - Mail::Audit plugin for duplicate suppression
- Mail::Audit::MailInternet(3) - a Mail::Internet-based Mail::Audit object
- Mail::Audit::MAPS(3) - Mail::Audit plugin for RBL checking
- Mail::Audit::MimeEntity(3) - a Mail::Internet-based Mail::Audit object
- Mail::Audit::Util::Tempdir(3) - self-cleaning fork-respecting tempdirs
- Mail::Audit::Vacation(3) - perform vacation autoresponding
- Mail::AuthenticationResults(3) - Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::FoldableHeader(3) - Class for modelling a foldable header string
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header(3) - Class modelling the Entire Authentication Results Header set
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::AuthServID(3) - Class modelling the AuthServID part of the Authentication Results Headerr
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Base(3) - Base class for modelling parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment(3) - Class modelling Comment parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry(3) - Class modelling Main Entry parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Group(3) - Class modelling Groups of Authentication Results Header parts
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry(3) - Class modelling Sub Entry parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Version(3) - Class modelling the AuthServID part of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Parser(3) - Class for parsing Authentication Results Headers
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token(3) - Base class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Assignment(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as assignments
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Comment(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as comments
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::QuotedString(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as quoted strings
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Separator(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as separators
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Space(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as spaces
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::String(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as strings
- Mail::Box(3) - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages
- Mail::Box::Collection(3) - a collection of subfolders
- Mail::Box::Dir(3) - handle folders with a file per message.
- Mail::Box::Dir::Message(3) - one message in a directory organized folder
- Mail::Box::FastScalar(3) - fast alternative to IO::Scalar
- Mail::Box::File(3) - handle file-based folders
- Mail::Box::File::Message(3) - one message in a Mbox folder
- Mail::Box::Identity(3) - represents an unopened folder
- Mail::Box::IMAP4(3) - handle IMAP4 folders as client
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::Head(3) - header fields related IMAP interface
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::Message(3) - one message on a IMAP4 server
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::SSL(3) - handle IMAP4 folders with SSL
- Mail::Box::IMAP4s(3) - handle IMAP4 folders as client, with ssl connection
- Mail::Box::Locker(3) - manage the locking of mail folders
- Mail::Box::Locker::DotLock(3) - lock a folder with a separate file
- Mail::Box::Locker::FcntlLock(3) - lock a folder using File::FcntlLock
- Mail::Box::Locker::Flock(3) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
- Mail::Box::Locker::Multi(3) - lock a folder in all ways which work
- Mail::Box::Locker::Mutt(3) - lock a folder using mutt_dotlock
- Mail::Box::Locker::NFS(3) - lock a folder with a separate file, NFS-safe
- Mail::Box::Locker::POSIX(3) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
- Mail::Box::Maildir(3) - handle Maildir folders
- Mail::Box::Maildir::Message(3) - one message in a Maildir folder
- Mail::Box::Manage::User(3) - manage the folders of a user
- Mail::Box::Manager(3) - manage a set of folders
- Mail::Box::Mbox(3) - handle folders in Mbox format
- Mail::Box::Mbox::Message(3) - one message in a Mbox folder
- Mail::Box::Message(3) - manage one message within a mail-folder
- Mail::Box::Message::Destructed(3) - a destructed message
- Mail::Box::MH(3) - handle MH folders
- Mail::Box::MH::Index(3) - keep index files for messages.
- Mail::Box::MH::Labels(3) - maintain MH message related labels
- Mail::Box::MH::Message(3) - one message in an MH-folder
- Mail::Box::Net(3) - handle folders which are stored remote.
- Mail::Box::Net::Message(3) - one message from a distant folder
- Mail::Box::Parser(3) - reading and writing messages
- Mail::Box::Parser::C(3) - Parsing folders for MailBox with C routines
- Mail::Box::Parser::Perl(3) - reading messages from file using Perl
- Mail::Box::POP3(3) - handle POP3 folders as client
- Mail::Box::POP3::Message(3) - one message on a POP3 server
- Mail::Box::POP3s(3) - handle secure POP3 folders as client
- Mail::Box::Search(3) - select messages within a mail box
- Mail::Box::Search::Grep(3) - select messages within a mail box like grep does
- Mail::Box::Search::SpamAssassin(3) - select spam messages with Mail::SpamAssassin
- Mail::Box::Thread::Manager(3) - maintain threads within a set of folders
- Mail::Box::Thread::Node(3) - one node in a message thread
- Mail::Box::Tie(3) - access an existing message-folder as an array or hash
- Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY(3) - access an existing message folder as array
- Mail::Box::Tie::HASH(3) - access an existing message folder as a hash
- Mail::Box-Cookbook(3) - Examples how to use Mail::Box
- Mail::Box-Index(3) - list of all extended documentation
- Mail::Box-Overview(3) - objects used by Mail::Box
- Mail::Cap(3) - understand mailcap files
- Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser(3) - Perl extension to analyze bounce messages
- Mail::DKIM(3) - Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::Base(3) - base class for DKIM "algorithms"
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::dk_rsa_sha1(3) - Base algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha1(3) - rsa sha1 algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha256(3) - rsa sha256 algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::MessageSignature(3) - Subclass of Mail::DKIM::Signature which represents a ARC-Message-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Seal(3) - represents a ARC-Seal header
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Verifier(3) - verifies an ARC-Sealed message
- Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy(3) - represents an Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP) record
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::Base(3) - base class for canonicalization methods
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::dk_nofws(3) - nofws canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::dk_simple(3) - dk simple canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::DkCommon(3) - dk common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::DkimCommon(3) - common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::nowsp(3) - nowsp canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed(3) - common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::seal(3) - arc seal canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::simple(3) - simple canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Common(3) - Common class for Mail::DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::DkimPolicy(3) - represents a DKIM Sender Signing Practices record
- Mail::DKIM::DkPolicy(3) - represents a DomainKeys Sender Signing Policy record
- Mail::DKIM::DkSignature(3) - represents a DomainKeys-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::DNS(3) - performs DNS queries for Mail::DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::Key(3) - Represents a DKIM Key
- Mail::DKIM::KeyValueList(3) - Represents a Key/Value list
- Mail::DKIM::MessageParser(3) - Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- Mail::DKIM::Policy(3) - abstract base class for originator "signing" policies
- Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey(3) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
- Mail::DKIM::PublicKey(3) - Represents a DKIM key
- Mail::DKIM::Signature(3) - represents a DKIM-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::DKIM::SignerPolicy(3) - determines signing parameters for a message
- Mail::DKIM::TextWrap(3) - text wrapping module written for use with DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::Verifier(3) - verifies a DKIM-signed message
- Mail::DMARC(3) - Perl implementation of DMARC
- Mail::DMARC::Base(3) - DMARC utility functions
- Mail::DMARC::HTTP(3) - view stored reports via HTTP
- Mail::DMARC::Policy(3) - a DMARC policy in object format
- Mail::DMARC::PurePerl(3) - Pure Perl implementation of DMARC
- Mail::DMARC::Report(3) - A DMARC report interface
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate(3) - aggregate report object
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Metadata(3) - metadata section of aggregate report
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record(3) - record section of aggregate report
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results(3) - auth_results section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::DKIM(3) - auth_results/dkim section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::SPF(3) - auth_results/spf section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Identifiers(3) - identifiers section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row(3) - row section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row::Policy_Evaluated(3) - row/policy_evaluated section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Receive(3) - process incoming DMARC reports
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send(3) - report sending dispatch class
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::HTTP(3) - utility methods to send reports by HTTP
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::SMTP(3) - utility methods for sending reports via SMTP
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Store(3) - persistent storage broker for reports
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL(3) - store and retrieve reports from a SQL RDBMS
- Mail::DMARC::Report::URI(3) - a DMARC report URI
- Mail::DMARC::Result(3) - an aggregate report result object
- Mail::DMARC::Result::Reason(3) - policy override reason
- Mail::DomainKeys(3) - A perl implementation of DomainKeys
- Mail::Field(3) - base-class for manipulation of mail header fields
- Mail::Field::AddrList(3) - object representation of e-mail address lists
- Mail::Field::Date(3) - a date header field
- Mail::Field::Generic(3) - implementation for inspecific fields
- Mail::Folder::Emaul(3) - An Emaul folder interface for Mail::Folder.
- Mail::Folder::NNTP(3) - An NNTP folder interface for Mail::Folder.
- Mail::GnuPG(3) - Process email with GPG.
- Mail::Graph(3) - draw graphical stats for mails/spams
- Mail::Header(3) - manipulate MIME headers
- Mail::Identity(3) - an e-mail role
- Mail::IMAPClient(3) - An IMAP Client API
- Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure(3) - parse fetched results
- Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Parse(3) - used internally by Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure
- Mail::IMAPClient::MessageSet(3) - ranges of message sequence numbers
- Mail::IMAPClient::Thread(3) - used internally by Mail::IMAPClient->thread
- Mail::IMAPTalk(3) - IMAP client interface with lots of features
- Mail::Internet(3) - manipulate email messages
- Mail::ListDetector(3) - Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::AutoShare(3) - AutoShare message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Base(3) - base class for mailing list detectors
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::CommuniGate(3) - CommuniGate message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::CommuniGatePro(3) - CommuniGate Pro message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Ecartis(3) - Ecartis message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Ezmlm(3) - Ezmlm message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Fml(3) - FML message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::GoogleGroups(3) - Google Groups message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::LetterRip(3) - LetterRip message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listar(3) - Listar message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listbox(3) - Listbox message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listserv(3) - Listserv message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::ListSTAR(3) - ListSTAR message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Lyris(3) - Lyris message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Mailman(3) - Mailman message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Majordomo(3) - Majordomo message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Onelist(3) - ONElist message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::RFC2369(3) - RFC2369 message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::RFC2919(3) - RFC2919 message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Smartlist(3) - Smartlist message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Yahoogroups(3) - Yahoo! Groups message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::List(3) - an object representing a mailing list
- Mail::LMLM(3) - List of Mailing Lists Manager
- Mail::LMLM::Object(3)
- Mail::LMLM::Render(3) - rendering backend for LMLM
- Mail::LMLM::Render::HTML(3) - backend for rendering HTML.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Base(3) - the base class for the mailing list types.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Egroups(3) - mailing list type for YahooGroups.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Ezmlm(3) - mailing list type for ezmlm-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::GoogleGroups(3) - mailing list type for Google groups mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Listar(3) - mailing list type for Listar-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Listserv(3) - mailing list type for listserv.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Mailman(3) - mailing list type for Mailman-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Majordomo(3) - mailing list type for Majordomo-based mailing lists.
- Mail::Mailer(3) - send simple emails
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser(3) - A fast and simple mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Cache(3) - A cache-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Config(3) - An internal configuration class
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Grep(3) - A GNU grep-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::MetaInfo(3) - A cache for folder metadata
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Perl(3) - A Perl-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Message(3) - general message object
- Mail::Message::Body(3) - the data of a body in a message
- Mail::Message::Body::Construct(3) - adds functionality to Mail::Message::Body
- Mail::Message::Body::Delayed(3) - body of a Mail::Message but not read yet.
- Mail::Message::Body::Encode(3) - organize general message encodings
- Mail::Message::Body::File(3) - body of a message temporarily stored in a file
- Mail::Message::Body::Lines(3) - body of a Mail::Message stored as array of lines
- Mail::Message::Body::Multipart(3) - body of a message with attachments
- Mail::Message::Body::Nested(3) - body of a message which contains a message
- Mail::Message::Body::String(3) - body of a Mail::Message stored as single string
- Mail::Message::Construct(3) - extends the functionality of a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Bounce(3) - bounce a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Build(3) - building a Mail::Message from components
- Mail::Message::Construct::Forward(3) - forwarding a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Read(3) - read a Mail::Message from a file handle
- Mail::Message::Construct::Rebuild(3) - modify a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Reply(3) - reply to a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Text(3) - capture a Mail::Message as text
- Mail::Message::Convert(3) - conversions between message types
- Mail::Message::Convert::EmailSimple(3) - translate Mail::Message to Email::Simple vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::Html(3) - Format messages in HTML
- Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatPS(3) - Convert HTML into PostScript
- Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatText(3) - Convert HTML into Text
- Mail::Message::Convert::MailInternet(3) - translate Mail::Message to Mail::Internet vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::MimeEntity(3) - translate Mail::Message to MIME::Entity vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::TextAutoformat(3) - Reformat plain text messages
- Mail::Message::Dummy(3) - a placeholder for a missing messages
- Mail::Message::Field(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Address(3) - One e-mail address
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses(3) - Fields with e-mail addresses
- Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup(3) - A group of Mail::Message::Field::Address objects
- Mail::Message::Field::Attribute(3) - one attribute of a full field
- Mail::Message::Field::AuthResults(3) - message header field authentication result
- Mail::Message::Field::Date(3) - message header field with uris
- Mail::Message::Field::DKIM(3) - message header field for dkim signatures
- Mail::Message::Field::Fast(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Flex(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Full(3) - construct one smart line in a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Structured(3) - one line of a structured message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Unstructured(3) - smart unstructured field
- Mail::Message::Field::URIs(3) - message header field with uris
- Mail::Message::Head(3) - the header of one message
- Mail::Message::Head::Complete(3) - the header of one message
- Mail::Message::Head::Delayed(3) - a not-read header of a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup(3) - a sub set of fields in a header
- Mail::Message::Head::ListGroup(3) - mailinglist related header fields
- Mail::Message::Head::Partial(3) - subset of header information of a message
- Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup(3) - header fields tracking message delivery
- Mail::Message::Head::SpamGroup(3) - spam fighting related header fields
- Mail::Message::Head::Subset(3) - subset of header information of a message
- Mail::Message::Part(3) - a part of a message, but a message by itself
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader(3) - fake Mail::Header
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet(3) - fake Mail::Internet
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc(3) - message transfer encoder/decoder
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::Base64(3) - encode/decode base64 message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::Binary(3) - encode/decode binary message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::EightBit(3) - encode/decode 8bit message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::QuotedPrint(3) - handle quoted-printable message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::SevenBit(3) - encode/decode 7bit message bodies
- Mail::Message::Wrapper::SpamAssassin(3) - Connect a Mail::Message with Mail::SpamAssassin
- Mail::OpenDKIM(3) - Provides an interface to libOpenDKIM
- Mail::OpenDKIM::DKIM(3) - Provides an interface to libOpenDKIM
- Mail::OpenDKIM::PrivateKey(3) - Load in a private key for use with the Mail::OpenDKIM package
- Mail::OpenDKIM::Signature(3) - maintains a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::OpenDKIM::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::OpenRelay::Simple(3) - check if a mail server runs as an open relay.
- Mail::POP3Client(3) - Perl 5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
- Mail::Procmail(3) - Procmail-like facility for creating easy mail filters.
- Mail::Reporter(3) - base-class and error reporter for Mail::Box
- Mail::SendEasy(3) - Send plain/html e-mails through SMTP servers (platform independent). Supports SMTP authentication and attachments.
- Mail::SendEasy::AUTH(3) - Handles the authentication response.
- Mail::SendEasy::SMTP(3) - Handles the communication with the SMTP server without dependencies.
- Mail::Sender::CType::Ext(3) - (DEPRECATED) Alter how we find the MIME type of a file.
- Mail::Sender::CType::Win32(3) - (DEPRECATED) Alter how we find the MIME type of a file.
- Mail::Sendmail(3) - Simple platform independent mailer
- Mail::Server::IMAP4(3) - IMAP4 server implementation (not completed)
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch(3) - message info for IMAP protocol speed-up
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::List(3) - folder related IMAP4 answers
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::Search(3) - select messages within a IMAP folder (not completed)
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::User(3) - manage the folders of one user
- Mail::SpamAssassin(3) - Spam detector and markup engine
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache(3) - provide access to cached information for ArchiveIterator
- Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator(3) - find and process messages one at a time
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AsyncLoop(3) - scanner asynchronous event loop
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist(3) - auto-whitelist handler for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Bayes(3) - support for learning classifiers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore(3) - Storage Module for default Bayes classifier
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::BDB(3) - BerkeleyDB Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::MySQL(3) - MySQL Specific Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::PgSQL(3) - PostgreSQL Specific Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis(3) - Redis Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL(3) - SQL Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Client(3) - Client for spamd Protocol
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) - SpamAssassin configuration file
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::LDAP(3) - load SpamAssassin scores from LDAP database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::Parser(3) - parse SpamAssassin configuration
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::SQL(3) - load SpamAssassin scores from SQL database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::DnsResolver(3) - DNS resolution engine
- Mail::SpamAssassin::GeoDB(3) - unified interface for geoip modules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger(3) - SpamAssassin logging module
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::File(3) - log to file
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Stderr(3) - log to standard error
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Syslog(3) - log to syslog
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message(3) - decode, render, and hold an RFC-2822 message
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Metadata(3) - extract metadata from a message
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node(3) - decode, render, and make available MIME message parts
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgLearner(3) - per-message status (spam or not-spam)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus(3) - per-message status (spam or not-spam)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList(3) - persistent address list base class
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin(3) - SpamAssassin plugin base class
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AccessDB(3) - check message against Access Database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus(3) - simple anti-virus tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AskDNS(3) - form a DNS query using tag values, and look up the DNSxL lists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ASN(3) - SpamAssassin plugin to look up the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the connecting IP address.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AuthRes(3) - use Authentication-Results header fields
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold(3) - threshold-based discriminator for Bayes auto-learning
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL(3) - Normalize scores via auto-whitelist
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayes(3) - determine spammishness using a Bayesian classifier
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::BodyRuleBaseExtractor(3) - extract "bases" from body ruleset
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check(3) - primary message check functionality
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC(3) - perform DCC check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DecodeShortURLs(3) - Expand shortened URLs
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM(3) - perform DKIM verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Dmarc(3) - check Dmarc policy
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval(3) - look up URLs against DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Esp(3) - checks ESP abused accounts
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ExtractText(3) - extracts text from documenmts.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FreeMail(3) - check message headers/body for freemail-domains
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FromNameSpoof(3) - perform various tests to detect spoof attempts using the From header name section
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HashBL(3) - query hashed (and unhashed) DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash(3) - perform hashcash verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEval(3) - perform various tests against MIME structure and body
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader(3) - perform regexp tests against MIME headers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OLEVBMacro(3) - scan Office documents for evidence of OLE Macros or other exploits
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OneLineBodyRuleType(3) - spamassassin body test plugin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PDFInfo(3) - PDFInfo Plugin for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Phishing(3) - check uris against phishing feed
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PhishTag(3) - SpamAssassin plugin for redirecting links in incoming emails.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor(3) - perform Pyzor check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2(3) - perform Razor check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry(3) - add message metadata indicating the country code of each relay
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags(3) - tags for SpamAssassin rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ResourceLimits(3) - Limit the memory and/or CPU of child spamd processes
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Reuse(3) - For reusing old rule hits during a mass-check
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody(3) - speed up SpamAssassin by compiling regexps
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit(3) - short-circuit evaluation for certain rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop(3) - perform SpamCop reporting of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF(3) - perform SPF verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Test(3) - test plugin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat(3) - TextCat language guesser
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep(3) - Normalize scores with sender reputation records
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail(3) - test URIs using detailed URI information
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL(3) - look up URLs against DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URILocalBL(3) - blacklist URIs using local information (ISP names, address lists, and country codes)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::VBounce(3) - aid in rescuing genuine bounces
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject(3) - whitelist by Subject header
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PluginHandler(3) - SpamAssassin plugin handler
- Mail::SpamAssassin::RegistryBoundaries(3) - domain delegation rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList(3) - SpamAssassin SQL Based Auto Whitelist
- Mail::SpamAssassin::SubProcBackChannel(3) - back-channel for communication between a master and multiple slave processes
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Timeout(3) - safe, reliable timeouts in perl
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util(3) - utility functions
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::DependencyInfo(3) - spamassassin debugging helpers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress(3) - Progress bar support for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SPF(3) - An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- Mail::SPF::Base(3) - Base class for Mail::SPF classes
- Mail::SPF::MacroString(3) - SPF record macro string class
- Mail::SPF::Mech(3) - SPF record mechanism base class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::A(3) - SPF record "a" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::All(3) - SPF record "all" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists(3) - SPF record "exists" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::Include(3) - SPF record "include" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::IP4(3) - SPF record "ip4" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6(3) - SPF record "ip6" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::MX(3) - SPF record "mx" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::PTR(3) - SPF record "ptr" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mod(3) - SPF record modifier base class
- Mail::SPF::Mod::Exp(3) - SPF record "exp" modifier class
- Mail::SPF::Mod::Redirect(3) - SPF record "redirect" modifier class
- Mail::SPF::Record(3) - Abstract base class for SPF records
- Mail::SPF::Request(3) - SPF request class
- Mail::SPF::Result(3) - SPF result class
- Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech(3) - Abstract base class for SPF record mechanisms that operate on the SMTP sender's IP address
- Mail::SPF::Server(3) - Server class for processing SPF requests
- Mail::SPF::Term(3) - SPF record term class
- Mail::SPF::Util(3) - Mail::SPF utility class
- Mail::SPF::v1::Record(3) - SPFv1 record class
- Mail::SPF::v2::Record(3) - Sender ID ("spf2.0") record class
- Mail::Spool(3) - Extensible Perl Mail Spooler
- Mail::Spool::Handle(3) - Mail Spool directory encapsulization
- Mail::Spool::Node(3) - Mail Spool inode encapsulization
- Mail::SRS(3) - Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Daemon(3) - modular daemon for Mail::SRS
- Mail::SRS::DB(3) - A MLDBM based Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Guarded(3) - A guarded Sender Rewriting Scheme (recommended)
- Mail::SRS::Reversible(3) - A fully reversible Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Shortcut(3) - A shortcutting Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::Transport(3) - use Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)
- Mail::Transport::Exim(3) - transmit messages using external Exim program
- Mail::Transport::IMAP4(3) - proxy to Mail::IMAPClient
- Mail::Transport::Mailx(3) - transmit messages using external mailx program
- Mail::Transport::POP3(3) - receive messages via POP3
- Mail::Transport::Qmail(3) - transmit messages using external Qmail program
- Mail::Transport::Receive(3) - receive messages
- Mail::Transport::Send(3) - send a message
- Mail::Transport::Sendmail(3) - transmit messages using external Sendmail program
- Mail::Transport::SMTP(3) - transmit messages without external program
- Mail::Util(3) - mail utility functions
- Mail::Verify(3) - Utility to verify an email address
- Mail::Webmail::Gmail(3) - An interface to Google's webmail service
- MAILOCK(3) - manage mailbox lockfiles
- MailTools(3) - bundle of ancient email modules
- MainWindow(3) - Root widget of a widget tree
- Make::Functions(3) - Functions in Makefile macros
- Make::Rule(3) - a rule with prerequisites and recipe
- make_absolute_filename(3) - Makes an absolute filename from a path and relative filename. Allegro game programming library.
- make_relative_filename(3) - Tries to make a relative filename from absolute path and filename. Allegro game programming library.
- make_trans_font(3) - Makes a font use transparency. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKE_VERSION(3) - Create a 32 bit integer from the Allegro version
- makeacol(3) - Converts RGBA colors into display dependent pixel formats. Allegro game programming library.
- makeacol32(3) - Converts an RGBA color into a 32-bit display pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol(3) - Converts an RGB value into the current pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol_depth(3) - Converts an RGB value into the specified pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol15_dither(3) - Calculates a dithered 15 or 16-bit RGB value. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol8(3) - Converts an RGB value into a display dependent pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKECONTEXT(3) - modify and exchange user thread contexts
- MAKEDEV(3) - device number conversion
- Makefile::AST(3) - AST for (GNU) makefiles
- Makefile::AST::Evaluator(3) - Evaluator and runtime for Makefile::AST instances
- Makefile::DOM(3) - Simple DOM parser for Makefiles
- Makefile::Parser(3) - A simple parser for Makefiles
- Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB(3) - GNU makefile parser using GNU make's database dump
- MakeMethods(3) - Generate common types of methods
- MakeMethods::Attribute(3) - Declare generated subs with attribute syntax
- MakeMethods::Autoload(3) - Declare generated subs with AUTOLOAD
- MakeMethods::Basic(3) - Make really simple methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Array(3) - Basic array methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Global(3) - Basic shared methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Hash(3) - Basic hash methods
- MakeMethods::Composite(3) - Make extensible compound methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Array(3) - Basic array methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Global(3) - Global data
- MakeMethods::Composite::Hash(3) - Composite hash methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Composite::Universal(3) - Composite Method Tricks
- MakeMethods::Docs::Catalog(3) - List of Makable Method Types
- MakeMethods::Docs::Changes(3) - History of Class::MakeMethods
- MakeMethods::Docs::Examples(3) - Sample Declarations and Usage
- MakeMethods::Docs::ReadMe(3) - About Class::MakeMethods
- MakeMethods::Docs::RelatedModules(3) - Survey of Class Builders
- MakeMethods::Docs::ToDo(3) - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
- MakeMethods::Emulator(3) - Demonstrate class-generator equivalency
- MakeMethods::Emulator::AccessorFast(3) - Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast
- MakeMethods::Emulator::accessors(3) - Emulate the accessors module
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Inheritable(3) - Emulate Class::Inheritable
- MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder(3) - Emulate the mcoder module
- MakeMethods::Emulator::MethodMaker(3) - Emulate Class::MethodMaker
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Singleton(3) - Emulate Class::Singleton
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Struct(3) - Emulate Class::Struct
- MakeMethods::Evaled(3) - Make methods with simple string evals
- MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash(3) - Typical hash methods
- MakeMethods::Standard(3) - Make common object accessors
- MakeMethods::Standard::Array(3) - Methods for Array objects
- MakeMethods::Standard::Global(3) - Global data
- MakeMethods::Standard::Hash(3) - Standard hash methods
- MakeMethods::Standard::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Standard::Universal(3) - Generic Methods
- MakeMethods::Template(3) - Extensible code templates
- MakeMethods::Template::Array(3) - Methods for manipulating positional values in arrays
- MakeMethods::Template::Class(3) - Associate information with a package
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassInherit(3) - Overridable class data
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassName(3) - Access object's class
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassVar(3) - Static methods with subclass variation
- MakeMethods::Template::Flyweight(3) - Deprecated name for InsideOut
- MakeMethods::Template::Generic(3) - Templates for common meta-method types
- MakeMethods::Template::Global(3) - Method that are not instance-dependent
- MakeMethods::Template::Hash(3) - Method interfaces for hash-based objects
- MakeMethods::Template::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Template::InsideOut(3) - External data
- MakeMethods::Template::PackageVar(3) - Static methods with global variables
- MakeMethods::Template::Ref(3) - Universal copy and compare methods
- MakeMethods::Template::Scalar(3) - Methods for blessed scalars
- MakeMethods::Template::Static(3) - Deprecated name for Global
- MakeMethods::Template::Struct(3) - Deprecated name for Array
- MakeMethods::Template::StructBuiltin(3)
- MakeMethods::Template::Universal(3) - Meta-methods for any type of object
- MakeMethods::Utility::ArraySplicer(3) - Common array ops
- MakeMethods::Utility::DiskCache(3) - Optional Template feature
- MakeMethods::Utility::Inheritable(3) - "Inheritable" data
- MakeMethods::Utility::Ref(3) - Deep copying and comparison
- MakeMethods::Utility::TextBuilder(3) - Basic text substitutions
- mAM001(3) - Analog Input Module
- ManberHash(3) - a Perl package to calculate Manber Hashes
- Mandelbrot(3) - filter that renders the Mandelbrot set.
- MANDOC(3) - mandoc macro compiler library
- MANDOC_ESCAPE(3) - parse roff escape sequences
- MANDOC_HEADERS(3) - ordering of mandoc include files
- MANDOC_HTML(3) - internals of the mandoc HTML formatter
- MANDOC_MALLOC(3) - memory allocation function wrappers used in the mandoc library
- Mango(3) - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- Mango::Auth(3) - Authentication
- Mango::Auth::SCRAM(3) - SCRAM-SHA-1 Authentication
- Mango::BSON(3) - BSON
- Mango::BSON::Binary(3) - Binary type
- Mango::BSON::Code(3) - Code type
- Mango::BSON::Document(3) - Document type
- Mango::BSON::Number(3) - Numerical types
- Mango::BSON::ObjectID(3) - Object ID type
- Mango::BSON::Time(3) - Datetime type
- Mango::BSON::Timestamp(3) - Timestamp type
- Mango::Bulk(3) - MongoDB bulk operations
- Mango::Collection(3) - MongoDB collection
- Mango::Cursor(3) - MongoDB cursor
- Mango::Cursor::Query(3) - MongoDB query cursor
- Mango::Database(3) - MongoDB database
- Mango::GridFS(3) - GridFS
- Mango::GridFS::Reader(3) - GridFS reader
- Mango::GridFS::Writer(3) - GridFS writer
- Mango::Protocol(3) - The MongoDB wire protocol
- MANSEARCH(3) - search manual page databases
- ManyParams(3) - module to test many params as one test
- map_video_display(3) - the layer will be treated as a cursor layer and implies alpha blending. This may be updated out of the normal processing pipeline and as part of a raw input handler where other graphics functions might be unavailable.
- Map8(3) - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
- Maple3(3) - Get user information of Maple3-style BBS
- Maple3itoc(3) - Get user information of Maple3itoc-style BBS
- mapLn(3) - container for map points.
- mapLnArr(3) - container for MapLn objects.
- MARC::Batch(3) - Perl module for handling files of MARC::Record objects
- MARC::Charset(3) - convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
- MARC::Charset::Code(3) - represents a MARC-8/UTF-8 mapping
- MARC::Charset::Compiler(3) - compile XML mapping rules from LoC
- MARC::Charset::Constants(3) - constants for MARC::Charset
- MARC::Charset::Table(3) - character mapping db
- MARC::Doc::Tutorial(3) - A documentation-only module for new users of MARC::Record
- MARC::Field(3) - Perl extension for handling MARC fields
- MARC::File(3) - Base class for files of MARC records
- MARC::File::Encode(3) - Encode wrapper for MARC::Record
- MARC::File::MicroLIF(3) - MicroLIF-specific file handling
- MARC::File::USMARC(3) - USMARC-specific file handling
- MARC::File::XML(3) - Work with MARC data encoded as XML
- MARC::Lint(3) - Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records
- MARC::Lint::CodeData(3)
- MARC::Record(3) - Perl extension for handling MARC records
- mariadb_cancel(3)
- mariadb_connection(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_check(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_column_count(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_exists_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_exists_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_free(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_list_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_list_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_unpack(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num(3)
- mariadb_get_infov(3)
- mariadb_reconnect(3)
- mariadb_rpl_close(3)
- mariadb_rpl_fetch(3)
- mariadb_rpl_get_optionsv(3)
- mariadb_rpl_open(3)
- mariadb_rpl_optionsv(3)
- mariadb_stmt_execute_direct(3)
- mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3)
- Markapl(3) - Markup as Perl
- Markapl::Helpers(3) - Practical helper methods
- Markapl::Tags(3) - List of tags.
- Markup::Perl(3) - turn your CGI inside-out
- Marpa::Advanced::Algorithm(3) - The Marpa Algorithm
- Marpa::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::Advanced::Implementation(3) - Marpa Implementation
- Marpa::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::Deprecated::Bocage(3) - DEPRECATED: Marpa's Bocage Data Structure
- Marpa::Deprecated::Evaluator(3) - a DEPRECATED Evaluator
- Marpa::Deprecated::Implementation(3) - DEPRECATED Obsoleted Marpa Implementation
- Marpa::Grammar(3) - Marpa Grammar Objects
- Marpa::HTML(3) - High-level HTML Parser
- Marpa::HTML::Support(3) - Marpa::HTML Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::Marpa(3) - Parse any Language You Can Describe in BNF
- Marpa::Parse_Terms(3) - Standard Parsing Terms used in the Marpa Documents
- Marpa::PP(3) - Pure Perl version of Marpa
- Marpa::PP::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::PP::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::PP::Debug(3) - Marpa Grammar Debugging
- Marpa::PP::Grammar(3) - Marpa Grammar Objects
- Marpa::PP::Recognizer(3) - Marpa Recognizer Objects
- Marpa::PP::Rewrite(3) - How Marpa Rewrites Grammars
- Marpa::PP::Semantics(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Parses
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Infinite(3) - How Marpa Deals with Infinite Cycles
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Null(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Null Rules and Symbols
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Order(3) - How Marpa Ranks Ambiguous Parses
- Marpa::PP::Support(3) - Marpa::PP Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::PP::Tracing(3) - Tracing Your Grammar
- Marpa::PP::Vocabulary(3) - Standard Parsing Terms as Used within Marpa
- Marpa::Recognizer(3) - Marpa Recognizer Objects
- Marpa::Semantics(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Parses
- Marpa::Support(3) - Marpa Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::Tracing(3) - Tracing Your Grammar
- Marpa::XS(3) - XS version of Marpa
- Marpa::XS::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::XS::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::XS::Debug(3) - Debugging your Marpa grammar
- Marpa::XS::Grammar(3) - Marpa grammars
- Marpa::XS::Recognizer(3) - Marpa recognizers
- Marpa::XS::Rewrite(3) - How Marpa rewrites grammars
- Marpa::XS::Semantics(3) - How Marpa evaluates parses
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Infinite(3) - How Marpa Deals with Infinite Cycles
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Null(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Null Rules and Symbols
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Order(3) - How Marpa ranks ambiguous parses
- Marpa::XS::Support(3) - Marpa::XS Support, and how to report bugs
- Marpa::XS::Tracing(3) - Tracing your Marpa grammar
- Marpa::XS::Vocabulary(3) - Standard parsing terms as used within Marpa
- Marshal(3) - Marshaling of data structures.
- MASK_COLOR_8(3) - Constant representing the mask value in sprites. Allegro game programming library.
- masked_blit(3) - Copies a rectangle skipping pixels with the mask color. Allegro game programming library.
- masked_stretch_blit(3) - Scales a rectangular area skipping pixels with the mask color. Allegro game programming library.
- Mason::App(3) - Implementation of bin/mason
- Mason::CodeCache(3) - Result returned from Mason request
- Mason::Compilation(3) - Performs compilation of a single component
- Mason::Component::ClassMeta(3) - Meta-information about Mason component class
- Mason::Component::Import(3) - Extra component imports
- Mason::Component::Moose(3) - Moose policies and exports for Mason components
- Mason::Filters::Standard(3) - Standard filters
- Mason::Manual(3) - Index of Mason documentation
- Mason::Manual::Components(3) - The building blocks of Mason
- Mason::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for common Mason tasks
- Mason::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions about Mason
- Mason::Manual::Filters(3) - Content filters in Mason
- Mason::Manual::Intro(3) - Getting started with Mason
- Mason::Manual::Plugins(3) - Mason plugins
- Mason::Manual::RequestDispatch(3) - How request paths get mapped to page components
- Mason::Manual::Setup(3) - Setting up Mason
- Mason::Manual::Subclasses(3) - Creating custom subclasses of Mason's classes
- Mason::Manual::Syntax(3) - Mason component syntax reference
- Mason::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Mason tutorial (DEPRECATED - SEE POET)
- Mason::Manual::UpgradingFromMason1(3) - Summary of differences between Mason 1 and Mason 2
- Mason::Moose(3) - Mason Moose policies
- Mason::Moose::Role(3) - Mason Moose role policies
- Mason::Plugin::Defer(3) - Defer computing parts of output until the end of the request
- Mason::Plugin::DollarDot(3) - Allow $. as substitution for $self-> and in attribute names
- Mason::Plugin::LvalueAttributes(3) - Create lvalue accessors for all rw component attributes
- Mason::Plugin::TidyObjectFiles(3) - Tidy object files
- Mason::PluginBundle::Default(3) - Default plugins
- Mason::PluginRole(3) - Helper for defining Mason plugin roles
- Mason::Result(3) - Result returned from Mason request
- MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks(3) - Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest.
- MasonX::Profiler(3) - Mason per-component profiler
- MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession(3) - Add a session to the Mason Request object
- MasonX::Request::WithMultiSession(3) - Multiple sub-sessions within one "parent" session
- MasonX::WebApp(3) - Works with Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
- MAT_CLOSE(3) - Closes an open MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_CREATEVER(3) - Creates a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_GETDIR(3) - Returns a list of the variable names of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure
- MAT_GETFILENAME(3) - Returns the filename of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_GETHEADER(3) - Returns the header of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_GETLIBRARYVERSION(3) - Gets the version of the matio library.
- MAT_GETVERSION(3) - Returns the version of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_OPEN(3) - Opens a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_REWIND(3) - Rewinds an open MAT file to the beginning.
- MAT_VARADDSTRUCTFIELD(3) - Adds a field to a structure array.
- MAT_VARCREATE(3) - Creates a MAT variable structure.
- MAT_VARCREATESTRUCT(3) - Creates a structure variable.
- MAT_VARDELETE(3) - Deletes a MAT variable from a file.
- MAT_VARFREE(3) - Frees a MAT variable structure.
- MAT_VARGETNUMBEROFFIELDS(3) - Gets the number of fields for a structure variable.
- MAT_VARGETSIZE(3) - Calculates the size of a MAT variable in bytes.
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTFIELDNAMES(3) - Get the fieldnames of a structure variable.
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTS(3) - Index a structure variable using slices of each dimension
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTSLINEAR(3) - Linearly index a structure variable
- MAT_VARPRINT(3) - Prints the information of a MAT variable to stdout.
- MAT_VARREAD(3) - Reads the information and data for a specific variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADINFO(3) - Reads the information for a specific variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADNEXT(3) - Reads the information and data for the next variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADNEXTINFO(3) - Reads the information for the next variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARWRITE(3) - Writes a MATLAB variable to a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARWRITEAPPEND(3) - Writes/appends a MATLAB variable to an HDF5 format MATLAB MAT file.
- match::smart(3) - clone of smartmatch operator
- match_keys(3) - 1); local val = string.sub(v, stop + 1); print(key, val); endend
- MatchNames(3) - Smart matching for human names.
- Math::Algebra::Symbols(3)
- Math::Algebra::Symbols::Sum(3)
- Math::Algebra::Symbols::Term(3)
- Math::Base36(3) - Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
- Math::Base85(3) - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- Math::BaseCalc(3) - Convert numbers between various bases
- Math::BigFloat(3) - Arbitrary size floating point math package
- Math::BigInt(3) - Arbitrary size integer/float math package
- Math::BigInt::Calc(3) - pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
- Math::BigInt::FastCalc(3) - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
- Math::BigInt::GMP(3) - backend library for Math::BigInt etc. based on GMP
- Math::BigInt::Lib(3) - virtual parent class for Math::BigInt libraries
- Math::BigInt::Lite(3) - What Math::BigInts are before they become big
- Math::BigInt::LTM(3) - Use the libtommath library for Math::BigInt routines
- Math::BigInt::Pari(3) - a math backend library based on Math::Pari
- Math::BigRat(3) - Arbitrary big rational numbers
- Math::Cephes(3) - perl interface to the cephes math library
- Math::Cephes::Complex(3) - Perl interface to the cephes complex number routines
- Math::Cephes::Fraction(3) - Perl interface to the cephes math fraction routines
- Math::Cephes::Matrix(3) - Perl interface to the cephes matrix routines
- Math::Cephes::Polynomial(3) - Perl interface to the cephes math polynomial routines
- Math::Combinatorics(3) - Perform combinations and permutations on lists
- Math::Complex(3) - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
- Math::ConvexHull(3) - Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n))
- Math::Currency(3) - Exact Currency Math with Formatting and Rounding
- Math::Currency::de_DE(3) - de_DE Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::en_GB(3) - en_GB Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::en_US(3) - en_US Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::EUR(3) - EUR Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::GBP(3) - GBP Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::ja_JP(3) - ja_JP Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::JPY(3) - JPY Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::USD(3) - USD Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Derivative(3) - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- Math::FFT(3) - Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
- Math::Fleximal(3) - Integers with flexible representations.
- Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::PolygonXS(3) - OO wrapper to gpc library (translated from Inline-based Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::Polygon to XS)
- Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset(3) - Calculate offset polygons
- Math::Geometry::Voronoi(3) - compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
- Math::GMP(3) - High speed arbitrary size integer math
- Math::GSL(3) - Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
- Math::GSL::BLAS(3) - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
- Math::GSL::BSpline(3) - Functions for the computation of smoothing basis splines
- Math::GSL::CBLAS(3) - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms based on C functions
- Math::GSL::CDF(3) - Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Math::GSL::Chebyshev(3) - Univariate Chebyshev Series Approximation
- Math::GSL::Combination(3) - Combinations
- Math::GSL::Complex(3) - Complex Numbers
- Math::GSL::Const(3) - Constants
- Math::GSL::Deriv(3) - Numerical Derivatives
- Math::GSL::DHT(3) - Discrete Hankel Transforms
- Math::GSL::Diff(3) - Numerical differentiation routines
- Math::GSL::Eigen(3) - Functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices
- Math::GSL::Errno(3) - Error Handling
- Math::GSL::FFT(3) - Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT)
- Math::GSL::Fit(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with one- or two-parameter regression
- Math::GSL::Heapsort(3) - Functions for sorting data, both directly and indirectly (using an index)
- Math::GSL::Histogram(3) - Create and manipulate histograms of data
- Math::GSL::Histogram2D(3) - Create and manipulate histograms of data in 2 dimensions
- Math::GSL::IEEEUtils(3) - IEEE Utility Functions
- Math::GSL::Integration(3) - Routines for performing numerical integration (quadrature) of a function in one dimension
- Math::GSL::Interp(3) - Interpolation
- Math::GSL::Linalg(3) - Functions for solving linear systems
- Math::GSL::Machine(3) - Machine constants
- Math::GSL::Matrix(3) - Mathematical functions concerning Matrices
- Math::GSL::MatrixComplex(3) - Complex Matrices
- Math::GSL::Min(3) - 1-D Minimization
- Math::GSL::Monte(3) - Multidimensional Monte Carlo integration
- Math::GSL::Multifit(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple parameters
- Math::GSL::Multilarge(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple parameters
- Math::GSL::Multimin(3) - Routines for finding minima of arbitrary multidimensional functions
- Math::GSL::Multiroots(3) - Multidimensional root-finding
- Math::GSL::Multiset(3) - Multisets manipulation
- Math::GSL::NTuple(3) - Functions for creating and manipulating ntuples, sets of values
- Math::GSL::ODEIV(3) - functions for solving ordinary differential equation (ODE) initial value problems
- Math::GSL::Permutation(3) - functions for creating and manipulating permutations
- Math::GSL::Poly(3) - Solve and evaluate polynomials
- Math::GSL::PowInt(3) - Integer Power functions
- Math::GSL::QRNG(3) - Quasi-random number generators
- Math::GSL::Randist(3) - Probability Distributions
- Math::GSL::RNG(3) - Random Number Generators
- Math::GSL::Roots(3) - Find roots of arbitrary 1-D functions
- Math::GSL::Rstat(3) - Running Statistical functions
- Math::GSL::SF(3) - Special Functions
- Math::GSL::Siman(3) - Simulated Annealing
- Math::GSL::Sort(3) - Functions for sorting data
- Math::GSL::SparseMatrix(3) - Sparse Matrices
- Math::GSL::Spline(3) - Splines
- Math::GSL::Statistics(3) - Statistical functions
- Math::GSL::Sum(3) - Sum series with the Levin u-transform
- Math::GSL::Sys(3) - Misc Math Functions
- Math::GSL::Test(3) - Assertions and such
- Math::GSL::Vector(3) - Functions concerning vectors
- Math::GSL::VectorComplex(3) - Complex Vectors
- Math::GSL::Wavelet(3) - 1-D (Real) Wavelets
- Math::GSL::Wavelet2D(3) - 2-D Wavelets
- Math::Int128(3) - Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- Math::Int128::die_on_overflow(3) - catch overflows when using Math::Int128
- Math::Int64(3) - Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- Math::Int64::die_on_overflow(3) - catch overflows when using Math::Int64
- Math::Int64::native_if_available(3) - Use the native Perl 64-bit integer implementation when available
- Math::Interpolate(3) - Interpolate the value Y from X using a list of (X, Y) pairs
- Math::Intersection::StraightLine(3) - Calculate intersection point for two lines
- Math::IntervalSearch(3) - Search where an element lies in a list of sorted elements
- Math::Matrix(3) - multiply and invert matrices
- Math::MatrixReal(3) - Matrix of Reals
- Math::Polygon(3) - Class for maintaining polygon data
- Math::Polygon::Calc(3) - Simple polygon calculations
- Math::Polygon::Clip(3) - frame a polygon in a square
- Math::Polygon::Convex(3) - Collection of convex algorithms
- Math::Polygon::Surface(3) - Polygon with exclusions
- Math::Polygon::Transform(3) - Polygon transformation
- Math::Polygon::Tree(3) - fast check if point is inside polygon
- Math::Polynomial::Solve(3) - Find the roots of polynomial equations.
- Math::Prime::Util(3) - Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
- Math::Prime::Util::ChaCha(3) - Pure Perl ChaCha20 CSPRNG
- Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint(3) - Elliptic curve operations for affine points
- Math::Prime::Util::ECProjectivePoint(3) - Elliptic curve operations for projective points
- Math::Prime::Util::Entropy(3) - Get a good random seed
- Math::Prime::Util::GMP(3) - Utilities related to prime numbers and factoring, using GMP
- Math::Prime::Util::MemFree(3) - An auto-free object for Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PP(3) - Pure Perl version of Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PPFE(3) - PP front end for Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving(3) - Primality proofs and certificates
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimeArray(3) - A tied array for primes
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimeIterator(3) - An object iterator for primes
- Math::Prime::Util::RandomPrimes(3) - Generate random primes
- Math::Prime::Util::ZetaBigFloat(3) - Perl Big Float versions of Riemann Zeta and R functions
- Math::Prime::XS(3) - Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
- Math::ProvablePrime(3) - Generate a provable prime number, in pure Perl
- Math::Random::ISAAC(3) - Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::ISAAC::PP(3) - Pure Perl port of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::ISAAC::XS(3) - C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::MT::Auto(3) - Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
- Math::Random::MT::Auto::Range(3) - Range-valued PRNGs
- Math::Random::OO(3) - Consistent object-oriented interface for generating random numbers
- Math::Random::OO::Bootstrap(3) - Generate random numbers with bootstrap resampling from a non-parametric distribution
- Math::Random::OO::Normal(3) - Generates random numbers from the normal (Gaussian) distribution
- Math::Random::OO::Uniform(3) - Generates random numbers from the uniform distribution
- Math::Random::OO::UniformInt(3) - Generates random integers with uniform probability
- Math::Random::Secure(3) - Cryptographically-secure, cross-platform replacement for rand()
- Math::Random::Secure::RNG(3) - The underlying PRNG, as an object.
- Math::RandomOrg(3) - Retrieve random numbers and data from random.org.
- Math::Round::Var(3) - Variations on rounding.
- Math::RPN(3) - Perl extension for Reverse Polish Math Expression Evaluation
- Math::Sequence(3) - Perl extension dealing with mathematic sequences
- Math::Series(3) - Perl extension dealing with mathematic series
- Math::SigFigs(3) - do math with correct handling of significant figures
- Math::String(3) - Arbitrary sized integers having arbitrary charsets to calculate with key rooms
- Math::String::Charset(3) - A simple charset for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Charset::Grouped(3) - A charset of simple charsets for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Charset::Nested(3) - A charset for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Sequence(3) - defines a sequence (range) of Math::String(s)
- Math::Symbolic(3) - Symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::AuxFunctions(3) - Auxiliary functions for Math::Symbolic hierarchy
- Math::Symbolic::Base(3) - Base class for symbols in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Compiler(3) - Compile Math::Symbolic trees to Perl code
- Math::Symbolic::Constant(3) - Constants in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom(3) - Aggregate class for tree tests and transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Base(3) - Base class for tree tests and transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::CCompiler(3) - Compile Math::Symbolic trees to C
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Contains(3) - Find subtrees in Math::Symbolic expressions
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultDumpers(3) - Default Math::Symbolic output routines
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultMods(3) - Default Math::Symbolic transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultTests(3) - Default Math::Symbolic tree tests
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::ErrorPropagation(3) - Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::LaTeXDumper(3) - Math::Symbolic LaTeX output
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Pattern(3) - Pattern matching on Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Pattern::Export(3) - Export method to MS::Custom
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Simplification(3) - User defined simplification routines
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation(3) - Transform Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation::Group(3) - Group of Transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Derivative(3) - Derive Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::ExportConstants(3) - Export constants used for Math::Symbolic
- Math::Symbolic::MiscAlgebra(3) - Miscellaneous algebra routines like det()
- Math::Symbolic::MiscCalculus(3) - Miscellaneous calculus routines (eg Taylor poly)
- Math::Symbolic::Operator(3) - Operators in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Parser(3) - Parse strings into Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Parser::Precompiled(3) - Precompiled Math::Symbolic Parser
- Math::Symbolic::Variable(3) - Variable in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::VectorCalculus(3) - Symbolically comp. grad, Jacobi matrices etc.
- Math::SymbolicX::BigNum(3) - Big number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
- Math::SymbolicX::Complex(3) - Complex number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
- Math::SymbolicX::Error(3) - Parser extension for dealing with numeric errors
- Math::SymbolicX::Inline(3) - Inlined Math::Symbolic functions
- Math::SymbolicX::NoSimplification(3) - Turn off Math::Symbolic simplification
- Math::SymbolicX::ParserExtensionFactory(3) - Generate parser extensions
- Math::SymbolicX::Statistics::Distributions(3) - Statistical Distributions
- Math::Trig(3) - trigonometric functions
- Math::UInt64(3) - Manipulate 64 bit unsigned integers from Perl
- Math::Utils(3) - Useful mathematical functions not in Perl.
- Math::Vec(3) - Object-Oriented Vector Math Methods in Perl
- mathi.h(3) - Complex numbers math library
- MathML::Entities(3) - Convert XHTML+MathML Named Entities to Numeric Character References
- mathr.h(3) - Real numbers math library
- MATRIX_f(3) - Floating point matrix structure. Allegro game programming library.
- matrix_mul(3) - Multiplies two matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- matrix_to_quat(3) - Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- MatrixOps(3)
- max_current_image_order(3)
- MaxMind::DB::Common(3) - Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
- MaxMind::DB::Metadata(3) - A class for metadata related to a MaxMind DB database
- MaxMind::DB::Reader(3) - Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
- MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS(3) - Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
- MaxMind::DB::Writer(3) - Create MaxMind DB database files
- MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree(3) - Tree representing a MaxMind DB database in memory - then write it to a file
- Maypole::Application(3) - Universal Maypole Frontend
- Maypole::CLI(3) - Command line interface to Maypole for testing and debugging
- Maypole::Config(3) - Maypole Configuration Class
- Maypole::Constants(3) - Maypole predefined constants
- Maypole::Headers(3) - Convenience wrapper around HTTP::Headers
- Maypole::HTTPD(3) - Stand alone HTTPD for running Maypole Applications
- Maypole::HTTPD::Frontend(3) - Maypole driver class for Maypole::HTTPD
- Maypole::Manual(3) - The Maypole Manual
- Maypole::Manual::About(3) - Introduction to Maypole
- Maypole::Manual::Beer(3) - The Beer Database, Twice
- Maypole::Manual::BuySpy(3) - The Maypole iBuySpy Portal
- Maypole::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Maypole Cookbook
- Maypole::Manual::Flox(3) - Flox: A Free Social Networking Site
- Maypole::Manual::Inheritance(3) - structure of a Maypole application
- Maypole::Manual::Install(3) - installing Maypole
- Maypole::Manual::Model(3) - Maypole Model Classes
- Maypole::Manual::Plugins(3) - the Maypole Plugin API
- Maypole::Manual::StandardTemplates(3) - Maypole's Standard Templates and Actions
- Maypole::Manual::View(3) - Maypole View Classes
- Maypole::Manual::Workflow(3) - Maypole's Request Workflow
- Maypole::Model::Base(3) - Base class for model classes
- Maypole::Model::CDBI(3) - Model class based on Class::DBI
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::AsForm(3) - Produce HTML form elements for database columns
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::Base(3) - Model base class based on Class::DBI
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::DFV(3) - Class::DBI::DFV model for Maypole.
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::FromCGI(3) - Validate form input and populate Model objects
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::Plain(3) - Class::DBI model without ::Loader
- Maypole::Session(3) - Session related functionality for maypole
- Maypole::View::Base(3) - Base class for view classes
- Maypole::View::TT(3) - A Template Toolkit view class for Maypole
- MBLEN(3) - get number of bytes in a character
- MboxParser(3) - read-only access to UNIX-mailboxes
- MboxParser::Base(3) - base clase for all other classes
- MboxParser::Mail(3) - Provide mail-objects and methods upon
- MboxParser::Mail::Body(3) - rudimentary mail-body object
- MboxParser::Mail::Convertable(3) - convert mail for sending etc.
- MBRLEN(3) - get number of bytes in a character (restartable)
- MBRTOWC(3) - convert a character to a wide-character code (restartable)
- MBSINIT(3) - determine conversion object status
- MBSRTOWCS(3) - convert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable)
- MBSTOWCS(3) - convert a character string to a wide-character string
- MBTOWC(3) - convert a character to a wide-character code
- McBain(3) - Framework for building portable, auto-validating and self-documenting APIs
- McBain::Directly(3) - Use a McBain API directly from Perl code.
- McBain::WithPSGI(3) - Load a McBain API as a RESTful PSGI web service
- MCE(3) - Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
- MCE::Candy(3) - Sugar methods and output iterators
- MCE::Channel(3) - Queue-like and two-way communication capability
- MCE::Channel::Mutex(3) - Channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::MutexFast(3) - Fast channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::Simple(3) - Channel tuned for one producer and one consumer
- MCE::Channel::SimpleFast(3) - Fast channel tuned for one producer and one consumer
- MCE::Channel::Threads(3) - Channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::ThreadsFast(3) - Fast channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Child(3) - A threads-like parallelization module compatible with Perl 5.8
- MCE::Core(3) - Documentation describing the core MCE API
- MCE::Core::Input::Generator(3) - Sequence of numbers (for task_id > 0)
- MCE::Core::Input::Handle(3) - File path and Scalar reference input reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Iterator(3) - Iterator reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Request(3) - Array reference and Glob reference input reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Sequence(3) - Sequence of numbers (for task_id == 0)
- MCE::Core::Manager(3) - Core methods for the manager process
- MCE::Core::Validation(3) - Core validation methods for Many-Core Engine
- MCE::Core::Worker(3) - Core methods for the worker process
- MCE::Examples(3) - Various examples and demonstrations
- MCE::Flow(3) - Parallel flow model for building creative applications
- MCE::Grep(3) - Parallel grep model similar to the native grep function
- MCE::Hobo(3) - A threads-like parallelization module
- MCE::Loop(3) - MCE model for building parallel loops
- MCE::Map(3) - Parallel map model similar to the native map function
- MCE::Mutex(3) - Locking for Many-Core Engine
- MCE::Mutex::Channel(3) - Mutex locking via a pipe or socket
- MCE::Mutex::Channel2(3) - Provides two mutexes using a single channel
- MCE::Mutex::Flock(3) - Mutex locking via Fcntl
- MCE::Queue(3) - Hybrid (normal and priority) queues
- MCE::Relay(3) - Extends Many-Core Engine with relay capabilities
- MCE::Shared(3) - MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
- MCE::Shared::Array(3) - Array helper class
- MCE::Shared::Base(3) - Base package for helper classes
- MCE::Shared::Cache(3) - A hybrid LRU-plain cache helper class
- MCE::Shared::Condvar(3) - Condvar helper class
- MCE::Shared::Handle(3) - Handle helper class
- MCE::Shared::Hash(3) - Hash helper class
- MCE::Shared::Minidb(3) - A pure-Perl in-memory data store
- MCE::Shared::Ordhash(3) - An ordered hash class featuring tombstone deletion
- MCE::Shared::Queue(3) - Hybrid-queue helper class
- MCE::Shared::Scalar(3) - Scalar helper class
- MCE::Shared::Sequence(3) - Sequence helper class
- MCE::Shared::Server(3) - Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared
- MCE::Signal(3) - Temporary directory creation/cleanup and signal handling
- MCE::Step(3) - Parallel step model for building creative steps
- MCE::Stream(3) - Parallel stream model for chaining multiple maps and greps
- MCE::Subs(3) - Exports functions mapped directly to MCE methods
- MCE::Util(3) - Utility functions
- MCHARS_ALLOC(3) - character table for mandoc
- mCM001(3) - AC Current Monitor
- MCRYPT(3) - encryption/decryption library
- MDC2_INIT(3) - MDC2 hash function
- mDestroy(3) - destroy a mutex.
- mDI001(3) - Digital Input Module
- MDLMol(3) - MDL molfile reader/writer
- MDOM::Assignment(3) - DOM Assignment Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Command(3) - DOM Command Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Directive(3) - DOM Directive Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Document::Gmake(3) - Represents a GNU makefile for Makefile::DOM
- MDOM::Dumper(3) - Dumping of MDOM trees
- MDOM::Element(3) - The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
- MDOM::Node(3) - Abstract MDOM Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
- MDOM::Rule(3) - DOM Rule Abstract Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Rule::Simple(3) - DOM simple rule node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Rule::StaticPattern(3) - DOM static pattern rule node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Token(3) - A single token of Makefile source code
- MDOM::Token::Bare(3) - A Bare Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Comment(3) - A comment in Makefile source code
- MDOM::Token::Interpolation(3) - A Interpolation Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Modifier(3) - A Modifier Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Separator(3) - Makefile separators like colons and leading tabs
- MDOM::Token::Whitespace(3) - Tokens representing ordinary white space
- MDOM::Unknown(3) - DOM Unknown Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Util(3) - Utilities methods for Makefile::DOM
- MEDCON(3) - MedCon C project for conversion of medical images
- Media::Type::Simple(3) - MIME Types and their file extensions
- MediaWiki::API(3) - Provides a Perl interface to the MediaWiki API (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API)
- megaco(3) - Main API of the Megaco application
- megaco_codec_meas(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec measurement tool.
- megaco_codec_mstone1(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec-based performance tool.
- megaco_codec_mstone2(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec-based performance tool.
- megaco_codec_transform(3) - Megaco message transformation utility.
- megaco_edist_compress(3) - Megaco erlang dist compress behaviour.
- megaco_encoder(3) - Megaco encoder behaviour.
- megaco_flex_scanner(3) - Interface module to the flex scanner linked in driver.
- megaco_tcp(3) - Interface module to TPKT transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.
- megaco_transport(3) - Megaco transport behaviour.
- megaco_udp(3) - Interface module to UDP transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.
- megaco_user(3) - Callback module for users of the Megaco application
- mem_d(3) - AA-lib memory driver.
- MEMARRFILL(3) - fill an array with the value of its first element
- Memcached::libmemcached::API(3) - Private volitile module
- Memcached::libmemcached::constants(3) - document list of constants defined by libmemcached
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_analyze(3) - Analyze server information
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_auto(3) - Manipulate counters
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_behavior(3) - Manipulate behavior
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_callback(3) - Get and set a callback
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_create(3)
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_delete(3) - Delete a key
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_dump(3) - get a list of keys found on memcached servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_flush(3) - wipe contents of memcached servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_flush_buffers(3) - Flush buffers and send buffered commands
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_generate_hash_value(3) - Hash a key value
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_get(3) - Get a value
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_memory_allocators(3) - Manage memory allocator functions
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_pool(3) - Manage pools
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_quit(3) - Disconnect from all servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_result_st(3) - Work with memcached_result_st
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_sasl(3) - SASL support
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_server_st(3) - Manage server list
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_servers(3) - Manage server list
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_set(3) - Store value on server
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_stats(3) - Get memcached statistics
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_strerror(3) - Get error string
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_user_data(3) - Manage user specific data
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_verbosity(3) - Modifiy verbosity of servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_version(3) - Get library version
- MEMCACHED_ADD(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_ADD_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_ANALYZE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_APPEND(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_APPEND_BY_KEY(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CAS(3) - Working with data on the server in an atomic fashion
- MEMCACHED_CAS_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_CLONE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CREATE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DECREMENT(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_DECREMENT_WITH_INITIAL(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_DELETE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DELETE_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DESTROY_SASL_AUTH_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DUMP(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_EXIST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_EXIST_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_FETCH(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FETCH_EXECUTE(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FETCH_RESULT(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FLUSH_BUFFERS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_FREE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GENERATE_HASH(3) - Generating hash values directly
- MEMCACHED_GENERATE_HASH_VALUE(3) - Generating hash values directly
- MEMCACHED_GET(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_GET_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_GET_MEMORY_ALLOCATORS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GET_SASL_CALLBACKS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GET_USER_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_INCREMENT(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_INCREMENT_WITH_INITIAL(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_LIB_VERSION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_MGET(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_EXECUTE(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_EXECUTE_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_POOL(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_BEHAVIOR_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_BEHAVIOR_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_CREATE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_DESTROY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_FETCH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_POP(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_PUSH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_RELEASE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_ST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_PREPEND(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_PREPEND_BY_KEY(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_QUIT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_REPLACE(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_REPLACE_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SASL_SET_AUTH_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_ADD(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_COUNT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_CURSOR(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_APPEND(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_COUNT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_FREE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_PUSH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVERS_PARSE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SET_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SET_MEMORY_ALLOCATORS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET_SASL_CALLBACKS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET_USER_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_EXECUTE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_GET_KEYS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_GET_VALUE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_SERVERNAME(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STRERROR(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_TOUCH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_TOUCH_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_VERBOSITY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_VERSION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCCPY(3) - copy string until character found
- MEMCHR(3) - locate byte in byte string
- MEMCPY(3) - copy byte string
- MEMDEL(3) - remove bytes from beginning of memory block
- MEMDRAW(3) - drawing routines for memory-resident images
- MEMFILL(3) - fill memory area with pattern
- MemInfo(3) - query the total free and used physical memory
- MEMINS(3) - insert bytes at beginning of memory block
- MEMISORT(3) - insert new element into sorted array
- MEMLAYER(3) - windows of memory-resident images
- MEMMEM(3) - locate a byte substring in a byte string
- MEMMOVE(3) - copy byte string
- Memoize(3) - Make functions faster by trading space for time
- Memoize::AnyDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Expire(3) - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
- Memoize::ExpireFile(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::ExpireLRU(3) - Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
- Memoize::ExpireTest(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::NDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::SDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Storable(3) - store Memoized data in Storable database
- MEMOja(3) - testdir files: - file: testfile.txt likes: - hel+options - FlavorClassName module: MyApp
- MemoryProfiling(3)
- MEMOVERLAP(3) - check whether two memory blocks overlap
- MEMRCHR(3) - find last occurence of a character within another memory block
- MEMREV(3) - reverse an array in place
- MEMRMEM(3) - find last occurence of memory block within another memory block
- MEMSET(3) - write a byte to byte string
- MEMSHUFFLE(3) - make an array be in random order
- memsup(3) - A Memory Supervisor Process
- MEMSWAP(3) - swap the contents of two memory blocks
- Menu::Item(3) - Base class for Menu items
- MENU_PLAYER(3) - Stores GUI data internally used by Allegro.
- Menubutton(3) - Create and manipulate Menubutton widgets
- Menustrip(3) - Another menubar with help menu support, etc
- MerchantCommerce(3)
- merge_fonts(3) - Merges two fonts into one font. Allegro game programming library.
- merl(3) - Metaprogramming in Erlang.
- merl_transform(3) - Parse transform for merl.
- MESG_PORT(3) - generic message ports
- mesh_shader(3)
- mess822(3) - parse a mail message header in RFC 822 format
- mess822_addr(3) - extract addresses from an RFC 822 field
- mess822_date(3) - print a timestamp in RFC 822 format
- mess822_fold(3) - wrap lines in an RFC 822 field
- mess822_quote(3) - encode mail addresses in an RFC 822 field
- mess822_token(3) - tokenize an RFC 822 field
- mess822_when(3) - extract a timestamp from an RFC 822 field
- message_target(3)
- Messenger(3) - Let Your Code Talk to You
- Meta::Builder(3) - Tools for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics.
- Meta::Builder::Base(3) - Base class for Meta::Builder Meta Objects.
- Meta::Builder::Util(3) - Utility functions for Meta::Builder
- Metabase::Client::Simple(3) - a client that submits to Metabase servers
- Metabase::Fact(3) - base class for Metabase Facts
- Metabase::Fact::Hash(3) - fact subtype for simple hashes
- Metabase::Fact::String(3) - fact subtype for simple strings
- Metabase::Report(3) - a base class for collections of Metabase facts
- Metabase::Resource(3) - factory class for Metabase resource descriptors
- Metabase::Resource::cpan(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::cpan::distfile(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::metabase(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::metabase::fact(3) - class for Metabase facts
- Metabase::Resource::metabase::user(3) - class for Metabase user profiles
- Metabase::Resource::perl(3) - class for Metabase resources under the perl scheme
- Metabase::User::EmailAddress(3) - Metabase fact for user email address
- Metabase::User::FullName(3) - Metabase fact for user full name
- Metabase::User::Profile(3) - Metabase report class for user-related facts
- Metabase::User::Secret(3) - Metabase fact for user shared authentication secret
- MetaCPAN::Client(3) - A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
- MetaCPAN::Client::Author(3) - An Author data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Cover(3) - A Cover data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Distribution(3) - A Distribution data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::DownloadURL(3) - A Download URL data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Favorite(3) - A Favorite data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::File(3) - A File data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Mirror(3) - A Mirror data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Module(3) - A Module data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Package(3) - A package data object (02packages.details entry)
- MetaCPAN::Client::Permission(3) - A Permission data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Pod(3) - A Pod object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Rating(3) - A Rating data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Release(3) - A Release data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Request(3) - Object used for making requests to MetaCPAN
- MetaCPAN::Client::ResultSet(3) - A Result Set
- MetaCPAN::Client::Role::Entity(3) - A role for MetaCPAN entities
- MetaCPAN::Client::Role::HasUA(3) - Role for supporting user-agent attribute
- MetaCPAN::Client::Scroll(3) - A MetaCPAN::Client scroller
- MetaCPAN::Client::Types(3) - type checking helper class
- Metadata::Base(3) - base class for metadata
- Metadata::HTTP(3) - metadata class for HTTP log records
- Metadata::IAFA(3) - IAFA Template metadata class
- Metadata::SOIF(3) - SOIF object metadata class
- METALINK_CHECKSUM_T(3) - The structure that holds a hash value of an entire resource.
- METALINK_CHUNK_CHECKSUM_T(3) - The structure that holds piece hashes for a resource.
- METALINK_DELETE(3) - Free the allocated resources for metalink_t structure.
- METALINK_FILE_T(3) - The structure that holds information of a single file.
- METALINK_PARSE_FILE(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
- METALINK_PARSE_UPDATE(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
- METALINK_PIECE_HASH_T(3) - The structure that holds hash value of a piece.
- METALINK_RESOURCE_T(3) - The structure that holds an URL of a resource and its metadata.
- METALINK_T(3) - Metalink top level structure.
- METAR(3) - Process aviation weather reports in the METAR format.
- Method::Alias(3) - Create method aliases (and do it safely)
- Method::Generate::Constructor::Role::StrictConstructor(3) - a role to make Moo constructors strict.
- Method::Signatures(3) - method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter
- Method::Signatures::Modifiers(3) - use Method::Signatures from within MooseX::Declare
- Method::Signatures::Simple(3) - Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters
- Metrics::Any(3) - abstract collection of monitoring metrics
- Metrics::Any::Adapter(3) - set the "Metrics::Any" adapter for the program
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::File(3) - write metrics to a file
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Null(3) - a metrics reporting adapter which does nothing
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Stderr(3) - write metrics to "STDERR"
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Tee(3) - send metrics to multiple adapters
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Test(3) - a metrics reporting adapter for unit testing
- Metrics::Any::AdapterBase::Stored(3) - a base class for metrics adapters which store values
- Metrics::Any::Collector(3) - module-side of the monitoring metrics reporting API
- MFB(3) - model frame buffer interface
- mfhdf(3) - GR Chunking Routines
- MHTTP(3) - this library provides reasonably low level access to the HTTP protocol, for perl. This does not replace LWP (what possibly could :-) but is a cut for speed. It also supports all of HTTP 1.0, so you have GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE. Some support of HTTP 1.1 is available - sepcifically Transfer-Encoding = chunked and the Keep-Alive extensions.
- MIDI(3) - Stores MIDI data. Allegro game programming library.
- MIDI::Event(3) - MIDI events
- MIDI::Filespec(3)
- MIDI::Opus(3)
- MIDI::Score(3) - MIDI scores
- MIDI::Simple(3) - procedural/OOP interface for MIDI composition
- MIDI::Track(3)
- midi_loop_start(3) - Loop start and end points, set by play_looped_midi(). Allegro game programming library.
- midi_msg_callback(3) - Hook functions allowing you to intercept MIDI player events. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_out(3) - Streams a block of MIDI commands into the player. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_pause(3) - Pauses the MIDI player. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_pos(3) - Stores the current position in the MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_recorder(3) - Hook notifying you when new MIDI data becomes available. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_resume(3) - Resumes playback of a paused MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_seek(3) - Seeks to the given midi_pos in the current MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_time(3) - The current position in the MIDI file, in seconds. Allegro game programming library.
- MIFARE_APPLICATION(3) - Mifare Applications Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_CLASSIC(3) - Mifare Classic Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE(3) - Mifare DESFire Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE_AID(3) - Mifare DESFire AID Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE_KEY(3) - Mifare DESFire keys Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT(3) - Mifare UltraLight Manipulation Functions
- Milter(3) - Interface to sendmail's Mail Filter API
- MIME::AltWords(3) - properly deal with RFC-1522 encoded words
- MIME::AltWords0(3) - copy of MIME::Words (not for direct use)
- MIME::Base32(3) - Base32 encoder and decoder
- MIME::Base64(3) - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
- MIME::Base64::URLSafe(3) - Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
- MIME::Body(3) - the body of a MIME message
- MIME::Charset(3) - Charset Information for MIME
- MIME::Decoder(3) - an object for decoding the body part of a MIME stream
- MIME::Decoder::Base64(3) - encode/decode a "base64" stream
- MIME::Decoder::Binary(3) - perform no encoding/decoding
- MIME::Decoder::BinHex(3) - decode a "binhex" stream
- MIME::Decoder::Gzip64(3) - decode a "base64" gzip stream
- MIME::Decoder::NBit(3) - encode/decode a "7bit" or "8bit" stream
- MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint(3) - encode/decode a "quoted-printable" stream
- MIME::Decoder::UU(3) - decode a "uuencoded" stream
- MIME::EcoEncode(3) - MIME Encoding (Economical)
- MIME::EcoEncode::Fold(3) - folding multi-byte string
- MIME::EcoEncode::Param(3) - RFC 2231 Encode/Decode
- MIME::Entity(3) - class for parsed-and-decoded MIME message
- MIME::Field::ContDisp(3) - a "Content-disposition" field
- MIME::Field::ConTraEnc(3) - a "Content-transfer-encoding" field
- MIME::Field::ContType(3) - a "Content-type" field
- MIME::Field::ParamVal(3) - subclass of Mail::Field, for structured MIME fields
- MIME::Head(3) - MIME message header (a subclass of Mail::Header)
- MIME::Lite(3) - low-calorie MIME generator
- MIME::Lite::TT(3) - TT enabled MIME::Lite wrapper
- MIME::Lite::TT::HTML(3) - Create html mail with MIME::Lite and TT
- MIME::Parser(3) - experimental class for parsing MIME streams
- MIME::Parser::Filer(3) - manage file-output of the parser
- MIME::Parser::Reader(3) - a line-oriented reader for a MIME::Parser
- MIME::Parser::Results(3) - results of the last entity parsed
- MIME::QuotedPrint(3) - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings
- MIME::Tools(3) - modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities
- MIME::Type(3) - description of one MIME type
- MIME::Types(3) - Definition of MIME types
- MIME::WordDecoder(3) - decode RFC 2047 encoded words to a local representation
- MIME::Words(3) - deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
- Minilla(3) - CPAN module authoring tool
- Minilla::CLI::Build(3) - Build dist directory
- Minilla::CLI::Clean(3) - Clean up directory
- Minilla::CLI::Dist(3) - Make tar ball distribution
- Minilla::CLI::Help(3) - Help me!
- Minilla::CLI::Install(3) - Install the dist to system
- Minilla::CLI::Migrate(3) - Migrate existed distribution repo
- Minilla::CLI::New(3) - Generate new module skeleton
- Minilla::CLI::Release(3) - Release the module to CPAN!
- Minilla::CLI::Run(3) - Run Arbitrary Commands
- Minilla::CLI::Test(3) - Run test cases
- Minilla::Profile::Base(3) - It's new $module
- Minilla::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial document for Minilla
- Minion(3) - Job queue
- Minion::Backend(3) - Backend base class
- Minion::Backend::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL backend
- Minion::Command::minion(3) - Minion command
- Minion::Command::minion::job(3) - Minion job command
- Minion::Command::minion::worker(3) - Minion worker command
- Minion::Guide(3) - An introduction to Minion
- Minion::Iterator(3) - Minion iterator
- MINIUPNPC(3) - UPnP client library
- MIO_OPEN(3) - sndio interface to MIDI streams
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch(3) - mixin methods for simple event/message dispatch framework
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Bus(3) - a message bus
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Event(3) - an event object
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Methods(3) - importer class for applying Mixin::Event::Dispatch methods without inheritance
- Mixin::Linewise(3) - write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
- Mixin::Linewise::Readers(3) - get linewise readers for strings and filenames
- Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3) - get linewise writers for strings and filenames
- mixin::with(3) - declaring a mix-in class
- MixinFactory(3) - Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
- MixinFactory::Changes(3) - Revision history for Class::MixinFactory.
- MixinFactory::Factory(3) - Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
- MixinFactory::HasAFactory(3) - Delegates to a Factory
- MixinFactory::InsideOutAttr(3) - Method maker for inside out data
- MixinFactory::NEXT(3) - Superclass method redispatch for mixins
- MixinFactory::ReadMe(3) - About the Mixin Class Factory
- mjoytest(3) - test the svgalib joystick package in graphics mode
- MKD_CALLBACKS(3) - functions that modify link targets
- MKD_FUNCTIONS(3) - access and process Markdown documents.
- MKD_LINE(3) - do Markdown translation of small items
- MKDoc::XML(3) - The MKDoc XML Toolkit
- MKDoc::XML::Decode(3) - Expands XML entities
- MKDoc::XML::Dumper(3) - Same as Data::Dumper, but with XML
- MKDoc::XML::Encode(3) - Encodes XML entities
- MKDoc::XML::Stripper(3) - Remove unwanted XML / XHTML tags and attributes
- MKDoc::XML::Tagger(3) - Adds XML markup to XML / XHTML content.
- MKDoc::XML::Token(3) - XML Token Object
- MKDoc::XML::Tokenizer(3) - Tokenize XML the REX way
- MKDoc::XML::TreeBuilder(3) - Builds a parsed tree from XML data
- MKDoc::XML::TreePrinter(3) - Builds XML data from a parsed tree
- Mknod(3) - Perl extension for the mknod(2) call
- MKTEMP(3) - make temporary file name (unique)
- mLock(3) - lock a mutex.
- MMagic(3) - Guess file type
- mmap_private(3) - memory map a file for reading and writing
- mmap_read(3) - memory map a file for reading
- mmap_readat(3) - memory map a file for reading
- mmap_shared(3) - memory map a file for reading and writing
- mmap_unmap(3) - unmap an existing memory mapping
- mnesia(3) - A distributed telecommunications DBMS
- mnesia_frag_hash(3) - Defines mnesia_frag_hash callback behavior
- mnesia_registry(3) - Dump support for registries in erl_interface.
- Mo::build(3)
- Mo::builder(3)
- Mo::chain(3)
- Mo::coerce(3)
- Mo::default(3)
- Mo::Design(3)
- Mo::exports(3)
- Mo::Features(3)
- Mo::Golf(3)
- Mo::Hacking(3)
- Mo::import(3)
- Mo::importer(3)
- Mo::Inline(3)
- Mo::is(3)
- Mo::Moose(3)
- Mo::Mouse(3)
- Mo::option(3)
- Mo::required(3)
- Mo::xs(3)
- Mobile::UserAgent(3) - mobile user agent string parsing class
- Mobile::UserAgentFactory(3) - Instantiates and caches Mobile::UserAgent objects.
- Mock::MonkeyPatch(3) - Monkey patching with test mocking in mind
- Mock::Quick(3) - Quickly mock objects and classes, even temporarily replace them, side-effect free.
- Mock::Quick::Class(3) - Class mocking for Mock::Quick
- Mock::Quick::Method(3) - Simple method wrapper
- Mock::Quick::Object(3) - Object mocking for Mock::Quick
- Mock::Quick::Object::Control(3) - Control a mocked object after creation
- Mock::Quick::Util(3) - Uitls for Mock::Quick.
- mocked(3) - use mocked libraries in unit tests
- mod_alias(3) - URL aliasing.
- mod_auth(3) - User authentication using text files, Dets, or Mnesia database.
- mod_auth_tkt(3) - apache ticket authentication module
- mod_esi(3) - Erlang Server Interface
- mod_security(3) - Security Audit and Trailing Functionality
- MODBUS_CLOSE(3) - close a Modbus connection
- MODBUS_CONNECT(3) - establish a Modbus connection
- MODBUS_FLUSH(3) - flush non-transmitted data
- MODBUS_FREE(3) - free a libmodbus context
- MODBUS_GET_BYTE_FROM(3) - get the value from many bits
- MODBUS_GET_BYTE_TIME(3) - get timeout between bytes
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT(3) - get a float value from 2 registers
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_ABC(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in ABCD byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_BAD(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in BADC byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_CDA(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in CDAB byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_DCB(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in DCBA byte order
- MODBUS_GET_HEADER_LE(3) - retrieve the current header length
- MODBUS_GET_RESPONSE_(3) - get timeout for response
- MODBUS_GET_SLAVE(3) - get slave number in the context
- MODBUS_GET_SOCKET(3) - get the current socket of the context
- MODBUS_MAPPING_FREE(3) - free a modbus_mapping_t structure
- MODBUS_MAPPING_NEW(3) - allocate four arrays of bits and registers
- MODBUS_MAPPING_NEW_S(3) - allocate four arrays of bits and registers accessible from their starting addresses
- MODBUS_MASK_WRITE_RE(3) - mask a single register
- MODBUS_NEW_RTU(3) - create a libmodbus context for RTU
- MODBUS_NEW_TCP(3) - create a libmodbus context for TCP/IPv4
- MODBUS_NEW_TCP_PI(3) - create a libmodbus context for TCP Protocol Independent
- MODBUS_READ_BITS(3) - read many bits
- MODBUS_READ_INPUT_BI(3) - read many input bits
- MODBUS_READ_INPUT_RE(3) - read many input registers
- MODBUS_READ_REGISTER(3) - read many registers
- MODBUS_RECEIVE(3) - receive an indication request
- MODBUS_RECEIVE_CONFI(3) - receive a confirmation request
- MODBUS_REPLY(3) - send a reponse to the received request
- MODBUS_REPLY_EXCEPTI(3) - send an exception reponse
- MODBUS_REPORT_SLAVE_(3) - returns a description of the controller
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_RTS(3) - get the current RTS mode in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_RTS_D(3) - get the current RTS delay in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_SERIA(3) - get the current serial mode
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_CUSTO(3) - set a function to be used for custom RTS implementation
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_RTS(3) - set the RTS mode in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_RTS_D(3) - set the RTS delay in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_SERIA(3) - set the serial mode
- MODBUS_SEND_RAW_REQU(3) - send a raw request
- MODBUS_SET_BITS_FROM(3) - set many bits from a single byte value
- MODBUS_SET_BYTE_TIME(3) - set timeout between bytes
- MODBUS_SET_DEBUG(3) - set debug flag of the context
- MODBUS_SET_ERROR_REC(3) - set the error recovery mode
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT(3) - set a float value from 2 registers
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_ABC(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using ABCD byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_BAD(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using BADC byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_CDA(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using CDAB byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_DCB(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using DCBA byte order
- MODBUS_SET_RESPONSE_(3) - set timeout for response
- MODBUS_SET_SLAVE(3) - set slave number in the context
- MODBUS_SET_SOCKET(3) - set socket of the context
- MODBUS_STRERROR(3) - return the error message
- MODBUS_TCP_ACCEPT(3) - accept a new connection on a TCP Modbus socket (IPv4)
- MODBUS_TCP_LISTEN(3) - create and listen a TCP Modbus socket (IPv4)
- MODBUS_TCP_PI_ACCEPT(3) - accept a new connection on a TCP PI Modbus socket (IPv6)
- MODBUS_TCP_PI_LISTEN(3) - create and listen a TCP PI Modbus socket (IPv6)
- MODBUS_WRITE_AND_REA(3) - write and read many registers in a single transaction
- MODBUS_WRITE_BIT(3) - write a single bit
- MODBUS_WRITE_BITS(3) - write many bits
- MODBUS_WRITE_REGISTE(3) - write a single register
- Modern::Perl(3) - enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
- ModeString(3) - conversion file stat(2) mode to/from string representation.
- MODF(3) - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number
- ModPerl::Code(3) - Perl Interface for $class Constants
- ModPerl::Config(3) - Functions to retrieve mod_perl specific env information.
- ModPerl::CScan(3) - scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.
- ModPerl::VersionUtil(3) - Makes it easier to investigate your mod_perl version.
- Module::AutoInstall(3) - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
- Module::Build(3) - Build and install Perl modules
- Module::Build::API(3) - API Reference for Module Authors
- Module::Build::Authoring(3) - Authoring Module::Build modules
- Module::Build::Base(3) - Default methods for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Bundling(3) - How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
- Module::Build::Compat(3) - Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Module::Build::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Convert(3) - Makefile.PL to Build.PL converter
- Module::Build::Cookbook(3) - Examples of Module::Build Usage
- Module::Build::Kwalitee(3) - Module::Build subclass with prepackaged tests
- Module::Build::Notes(3) - Create persistent distribution configuration modules
- Module::Build::Platform::aix(3) - Builder class for AIX platform
- Module::Build::Platform::cygwin(3) - Builder class for Cygwin platform
- Module::Build::Platform::darwin(3) - Builder class for Mac OS X platform
- Module::Build::Platform::Default(3) - Stub class for unknown platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3) - Builder class for MacOS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::os2(3) - Builder class for OS/2 platform
- Module::Build::Platform::Unix(3) - Builder class for Unix platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::VMS(3) - Builder class for VMS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::VOS(3) - Builder class for VOS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::Windows(3) - Builder class for Windows platforms
- Module::Build::Pluggable(3) - Module::Build meets plugins
- Module::Build::Pluggable::Base(3) - Base object for plugins
- Module::Build::Pluggable::GithubMeta(3) - A Module::Build extension to include GitHub meta information in META.yml
- Module::Build::Pluggable::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod(3) - Make README.mkdn from POD.
- Module::Build::Pluggable::Repository(3) - set repository information automatically
- Module::Build::PPMMaker(3) - Perl Package Manager file creation
- Module::Build::SDL(3) - Module::Build subclass for building SDL apps/games [not stable yet]
- Module::Build::Tiny(3) - A tiny replacement for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig(3) - extend "Module::Build" to more easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
- Module::Build::WithXSpp(3) - XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build
- Module::Build::XSUtil(3) - A Module::Build class for building XS modules
- Module::CheckDeps(3) - Very simple dependencies checker for Perl code
- Module::CheckVersion(3) - Check module (e.g. check latest version) with CPAN (or equivalent repo)
- Module::CheckVersion::cpan(3) - Handler for cpan
- Module::Collect(3) - Collect sub-modules in directories
- Module::Collect::Package(3) - package abstract class for Module::Collect
- Module::Compile(3)
- Module::Compile::Opt(3)
- Module::CoreList(3) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
- Module::CoreList::Utils(3) - what utilities shipped with versions of perl
- Module::CPANfile(3) - Parse cpanfile
- Module::CPANTS::Analyse(3) - Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee(3) - Interface to Kwalitee generators
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::BrokenInstaller(3) - Check for broken Module::Install
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::CpantsErrors(3) - Check for CPANTS testing errors
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Distname(3) - Proper Distname layout
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Distros(3) - Information retrieved from the various Linux and other distributions
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files(3) - Check for various files
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::FindModules(3) - Find modules provided by a dist
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::License(3) - Checks if there is a license
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Manifest(3) - Check MANIFEST
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::MetaYML(3) - Checks data available in META.yml
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::NeedsCompiler(3) - Checks if the module needs a (probably C) compiler
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Pod(3) - Check Pod
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Prereq(3) - Checks listed prerequisites
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Repackageable(3) - Checks for various signs that make a module packageable
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Signature(3) - dist has a valid signature
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Uses(3) - Checks which modules are used
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Version(3) - check versions
- Module::Dependency(3) - Collection of modules for examining dependencies between parents and children, like Perl files
- Module::Dependency::Grapher(3) - creates visual dependency charts and accessible text versions
- Module::Dependency::Indexer(3) - creates the databases used by the dependency mapping module
- Module::Dependency::Info(3) - retrieve dependency information for scripts and modules
- Module::Depends(3) - identify the dependencies of a distribution
- Module::Depends::Intrusive(3) - intrusive discovery of distribution dependencies.
- Module::Extract(3) - Base class for working with Perl distributions
- Module::Extract::Use(3) - Discover the modules a module explicitly uses
- Module::ExtractUse(3) - Find out what modules are used
- Module::ExtractUse::Grammar(3) - 2021 by Thomas Klausner.
- Module::Functions(3) - Get function list from package.
- Module::Implementation(3) - Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
- Module::Info::File(3) - retrieve module information from a file
- Module::Inspector(3) - An integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions
- Module::Install(3) - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
- Module::Install::Admin(3) - Author-side manager for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Admin::Include(3) - include methods for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Admin::Manifest(3)
- Module::Install::Admin::PMC(3) - Author Support for Perl Compilation (.pmc)
- Module::Install::API(3) - Command Reference for Module::Install
- Module::Install::AuthorRequires(3) - declare author-only dependencies
- Module::Install::AuthorTests(3) - designate tests only run by module authors
- Module::Install::Base(3) - Base class for Module::Install extensions
- Module::Install::Bundle(3) - Bundle distributions along with your distribution
- Module::Install::Can(3) - Utility functions for capability detection
- Module::Install::Catalyst(3) - Module::Install extension for Catalyst
- Module::Install::Compiler(3) - Commands for interacting with the C compiler
- Module::Install::Deprecated(3) - Warnings and help for deprecated commands
- Module::Install::External(3) - Specify dependencies on external non-Perl things
- Module::Install::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Makefile(3) - Extension Rules for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Module::Install::PAR(3) - Module::Install Support for PAR::Dist packages
- Module::Install::Philosophy(3) - The concepts behind Module::Install
- Module::Install::PMC(3) - Support for Perl Compilation (.pmc)
- Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod(3) - A Module::Install extension to automatically convert POD to a README
- Module::Install::Repository(3) - Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout
- Module::Install::Share(3) - Install non-code files for use during run-time
- Module::Install::Template(3) - Treat module source code as a template
- Module::Install::TestBase(3) - Module::Install Support for Test::Base
- Module::Install::With(3) - find environnement for Module::Install
- Module::Install::XSUtil(3) - Utility functions for XS modules
- Module::Installed::Tiny(3) - Check if a module is installed, with as little code as possible
- Module::List(3) - module `directory' listing
- Module::Load(3) - runtime require of both modules and files
- Module::Load::Conditional(3) - Looking up module information / loading at runtime
- Module::Load::Util(3) - Some utility routines related to module loading
- Module::Loaded(3) - mark modules as loaded or unloaded
- Module::Loader(3) - finding and loading modules in a given namespace
- Module::Manifest(3) - Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
- Module::Math::Depends(3) - Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies
- Module::Metadata(3) - Gather package and POD information from perl module files
- Module::Optimize(3)
- Module::Path(3) - get the full path to a locally installed module
- Module::Plan::Base(3) - Base class for Module::Plan classes
- Module::Plan::Lite(3) - Lite installation scripts for third-party modules
- Module::Pluggable::Object(3) - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- Module::Reader(3) - Read the source of a module like perl does
- Module::Recursive::Require(3) - This class require module recursively.
- Module::Refresh(3) - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
- Module::Release(3) - Automate software releases
- Module::Release::Kwalitee(3) - Play the CPANTS game
- Module::Release::MANIFEST(3) - Check Perl's MANIFEST to ensure you've updated it
- Module::Release::MetaCPAN(3) - Interact with MetaCPAN
- Module::Release::PAUSE(3) - Interact with the Perl Authors Upload Server (PAUSE)
- Module::Release::Prereq(3) - Check pre-requisites list in build file
- Module::Release::SVN(3) - Use Subversion with Module::Release
- Module::Release::WebUpload::Mojo(3) - Upload through the PAUSE web interface
- Module::Reload(3) - Reload %INC files when updated on disk
- Module::Runtime(3) - runtime module handling
- Module::Runtime::Conflicts(3) - Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
- Module::ScanDeps(3) - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- Module::Setup(3) - a simple module maker "yet another Module::Start(?:er)?"
- Module::Setup::Devel(3) - for --devel option
- Module::Setup::Flavor(3) - Module::Setup Flavor
- Module::Setup::Flavor::CatalystStarter(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::CodeRepos(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::Default(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::GitHub(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::PBP(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::SelectVC(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::XS(3)
- Module::Setup::Helper(3) - build in your application helper support
- Module::Setup::Plugin(3) - Module::Setup Plugin
- Module::Setup::Plugin::Helper(3) - Module::Setup::Helper support plugin
- Module::Setup::Plugin::VC::Git(3) - Git plugin
- Module::Setup::Test::Flavor(3) - Test for flavor
- Module::Setup::Test::Utils(3) - Test utils
- Module::Signature(3) - Module signature file manipulation
- Module::Starter(3) - a simple starter kit for any module
- Module::Starter::App(3) - the code behind the command line program
- Module::Starter::BuilderSet(3) - determine builder metadata
- Module::Starter::PBP(3) - Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
- Module::Starter::Plugin(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::DirStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::InlineStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::ModuleStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::Template(3) - module starter with templates
- Module::Starter::Plugin::TT2(3) - TT2 templates for Module::Starter::Template
- Module::Starter::Simple(3) - a simple, comprehensive Module::Starter plugin
- Module::Used(3) - Find modules loaded by Perl code without running it.
- Module::Util(3) - Module name tools and transformations
- Module::Version(3) - Get module versions
- Module::Version::App(3) - Application implementation for Module::Version
- Module::Versions(3) - Handle versions of loaded modules with flexible result interface
- Module::Versions::Report(3)
- MogileFS::Checksum(3) - Checksums handling for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Class(3)
- MogileFS::Client(3) - Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system.
- MogileFS::DevFID(3) - represents a FID on a device
- MogileFS::Device(3)
- MogileFS::Domain(3)
- MogileFS::Factory(3)
- MogileFS::FID(3) - represents a unique, immutable version of a file
- MogileFS::Host(3)
- MogileFS::IOStatWatcher(3)
- MogileFS::Network(3) - Network awareness and extensions for MogileFS::Server
- MogileFS::Overview(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy(3) - base class for file replication policies
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleDevices(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleHosts(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleNetworks(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::Union(3)
- MogileFS::Server(3) - MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server
- MogileFS::Store(3) - data storage provider. base class.
- MogileFS::Store::MySQL(3) - MySQL data storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Store::Postgres(3) - PostgreSQL data storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Store::SQLite(3) - For-testing-only not-for-production SQLite storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Utils(3) - Command line utilities for the MogileFS distributed file system.
- MogileFS::Worker::Query(3)
- MogileFS::Worker::Replicate(3)
- Mojo::Asset(3) - HTTP content storage base class
- Mojo::Asset::File(3) - File storage for HTTP content
- Mojo::Asset::Memory(3) - In-memory storage for HTTP content
- Mojo::Base(3) - Minimal base class for Mojo projects
- Mojo::ByteStream(3) - ByteStream
- Mojo::Cache(3) - Naive in-memory cache
- Mojo::Collection(3) - Collection
- Mojo::Content(3) - HTTP content base class
- Mojo::Content::MultiPart(3) - HTTP multipart content
- Mojo::Content::Single(3) - HTTP content
- Mojo::Cookie(3) - HTTP cookie base class
- Mojo::Cookie::Request(3) - HTTP request cookie
- Mojo::Cookie::Response(3) - HTTP response cookie
- Mojo::Date(3) - HTTP date
- Mojo::DOM(3) - Minimalistic HTML/XML DOM parser with CSS selectors
- Mojo::DOM::CSS(3) - CSS selector engine
- Mojo::DOM::HTML(3) - HTML/XML engine
- Mojo::DynamicMethods(3) - Fast dynamic method dispatch
- Mojo::EventEmitter(3) - Event emitter base class
- Mojo::Exception(3) - Exception base class
- Mojo::File(3) - File system paths
- Mojo::Headers(3) - HTTP headers
- Mojo::HelloWorld(3) - Hello World!
- Mojo::Home(3) - Home sweet home
- Mojo::IOLoop(3) - Minimalistic event loop
- Mojo::IOLoop::Client(3) - Non-blocking TCP/IP and UNIX domain socket client
- Mojo::IOLoop::Delay(3) - (DISCOURAGED) Promises/A+ and flow-control helpers
- Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall(3) - (DEPRECATED) run blocking functions asynchronously by forking
- Mojo::IOLoop::Server(3) - Non-blocking TCP and UNIX domain socket server
- Mojo::IOLoop::Stream(3) - Non-blocking I/O stream
- Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess(3) - Subprocesses
- Mojo::IOLoop::TLS(3) - Non-blocking TLS handshake
- Mojo::JSON(3) - Minimalistic JSON
- Mojo::JSON::Pointer(3) - JSON Pointers
- Mojo::Loader(3) - Load all kinds of things
- Mojo::Log(3) - Simple logger
- Mojo::Message(3) - HTTP message base class
- Mojo::Message::Request(3) - HTTP request
- Mojo::Message::Response(3) - HTTP response
- Mojo::Parameters(3) - Parameters
- Mojo::Path(3) - Path
- Mojo::Pg(3) - Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL
- Mojo::Pg::Database(3) - Database
- Mojo::Pg::Migrations(3) - Migrations
- Mojo::Pg::PubSub(3) - Publish/Subscribe
- Mojo::Pg::Results(3) - Results
- Mojo::Pg::Transaction(3) - Transaction
- Mojo::Promise(3) - Promises/A+
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client(3) - Mojo::IOLoop based RabbitMQ client
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Channel(3) - handles all channel related methods
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Consumer(3) - simple Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client based consumer
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::LocalQueue(3) - Callback queue
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Method(3) - it's a generic class for all AMQP method calls
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Method::Publish(3) - single class to do all of AMQP Publish method magic
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Publisher(3) - simple Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client based publisher
- Mojo::Reactor(3) - Low-level event reactor base class
- Mojo::Reactor::EV(3) - Low-level event reactor with libev support
- Mojo::Reactor::Poll(3) - Low-level event reactor with poll support
- Mojo::Server(3) - HTTP/WebSocket server base class
- Mojo::Server::CGI(3) - CGI server
- Mojo::Server::Daemon(3) - Non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server
- Mojo::Server::FastCGI(3) - FastCGI Server
- Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad(3) - A production web serv...ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
- Mojo::Server::Morbo(3) - Tonight at 11...DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
- Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend(3) - Morbo backend base class
- Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Poll(3) - Morbo default backend
- Mojo::Server::Prefork(3) - Pre-forking non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server
- Mojo::Server::PSGI(3) - PSGI server
- Mojo::Template(3) - Perl-ish templates
- Mojo::Transaction(3) - Transaction base class
- Mojo::Transaction::HTTP(3) - HTTP transaction
- Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transaction
- Mojo::Upload(3) - Upload
- Mojo::URL(3) - Uniform Resource Locator
- Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar(3) - Cookie jar for HTTP user agents
- Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy(3) - User agent proxy manager
- Mojo::UserAgent::Server(3) - Application server
- Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor(3) - User agent transactor
- Mojo::Util(3) - Portable utility functions
- Mojo::WebSocket(3) - The WebSocket protocol
- Mojo::Weixin(3) - A Weixin Client Framework base on Mojolicious
- Mojolicious(3) - Real-time web framework
- Mojolicious::Command(3) - Command base class
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::cpanify(3) - CPAN-ify command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate(3) - Generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::app(3) - App generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::dockerfile(3) - Dockerfile generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::lite_app(3) - Lite app generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::makefile(3) - Makefile generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::plugin(3) - Plugin generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::inflate(3) - Inflate command
- Mojolicious::Command::cgi(3) - CGI command
- Mojolicious::Command::daemon(3) - Daemon command
- Mojolicious::Command::eval(3) - Eval command
- Mojolicious::Command::fastcgi(3) - FastCGI Command
- Mojolicious::Command::get(3) - Get command
- Mojolicious::Command::prefork(3) - Pre-fork command
- Mojolicious::Command::psgi(3) - PSGI command
- Mojolicious::Command::routes(3) - Routes command
- Mojolicious::Command::version(3) - Version command
- Mojolicious::Commands(3) - Command line interface
- Mojolicious::Controller(3) - Controller base class
- Mojolicious::Guides(3) - The Mojolicious Guide to the Galaxy
- Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing(3) - Contributing to Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook(3) - Cooking with Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions
- Mojolicious::Guides::Growing(3) - Growing Mojolicious applications
- Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering(3) - Rendering content
- Mojolicious::Guides::Routing(3) - Routing requests
- Mojolicious::Guides::Testing(3) - Web Application Testing Made Easy
- Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial(3) - Get started with Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Lite(3) - Micro real-time web framework
- Mojolicious::Plugin(3) - Plugin base class
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication(3) - A plugin to make authentication a bit easier
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Config(3) - Perl-ish configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Database(3) - "proper" handling of DBI based connections in Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers(3) - Default helpers plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::EPLRenderer(3) - Embedded Perl Lite renderer plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer(3) - Embedded Perl renderer plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ForkCall(3) - (DEPRECATED) run blocking code asynchronously in Mojolicious applications by forking
- Mojolicious::Plugin::HamlRenderer(3) - Load HAML renderer
- Mojolicious::Plugin::HeaderCondition(3) - Header condition plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::JSONConfig(3) - JSON configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail(3) - Mojolicious Plugin for send mail
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion(3) - Minion job queue plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Admin(3) - Admin UI
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mongodb(3) - Use MongoDB in Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mount(3) - Application mount plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::NotYAMLConfig(3) - Not quite YAML configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::NYTProf(3) - Auto handling of Devel::NYTProf in your Mojolicious app
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SetUserGroup(3) - Mojolicious plugin to set unprivileged credentials
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers(3) - Tag helpers plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer(3) - Template Renderer Plugin for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer::Engine(3) - Template Toolkit renderer for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::XslateRenderer(3) - Text::Xslate plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::YamlConfig(3) - YAML Configuration Plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugins(3) - Plugin manager
- Mojolicious::Renderer(3) - Generate dynamic content
- Mojolicious::Routes(3) - Always find your destination with routes
- Mojolicious::Routes::Match(3) - Find routes
- Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern(3) - Route pattern
- Mojolicious::Routes::Route(3) - Route
- Mojolicious::Sessions(3) - Session manager based on signed cookies
- Mojolicious::Static(3) - Serve static files
- Mojolicious::Types(3) - MIME types
- Mojolicious::Validator(3) - Validate values
- Mojolicious::Validator::Validation(3) - Perform validations
- MojoMojo(3) - A Wiki with a tree
- MojoMojo::Controller::Admin(3) - Site Administration
- MojoMojo::Controller::Attachment(3) - Attachment controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Comment(3) - MojoMojo Comment controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Export(3) - Export / Import related controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Gallery(3) - Page gallery.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Image(3) - Image controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Journal(3) - Journaling for MojoMojo?
- MojoMojo::Controller::JSON(3) - Various functions that return JSON data.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Jsrpc(3) - Various JSRPC functions.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Page(3) - Page controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::PageAdmin(3) - MojoMojo Page Administration
- MojoMojo::Controller::Root(3) - Controller to run before all others
- MojoMojo::Controller::Tag(3) - Tags controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::User(3) - Login/User Management Controller
- MojoMojo::Declaw(3) - Cleans HTML as well as CSS of scripting and other executable contents, and neutralises XSS attacks. Derived from HTML::Defang version 1.01.
- MojoMojo::Extension(3)
- MojoMojo::Extensions::Counter(3)
- MojoMojo::Formatter(3) - Base class for all formatters
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Amazon(3) - Include Amazon objects on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Comment(3) - Include comments on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::CPANHyperlink(3) - automatically hyperlink CPAN modules when using the syntax {{cpan Some::Module}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Defang(3) - Scrub user HTML and XSS
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Dir(3) - format local directory as XHTML
- MojoMojo::Formatter::DocBook(3) - format part of content as DocBook
- MojoMojo::Formatter::DocBook::Colorize(3) - syntax-highlight docbook
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Emote(3) - MSN Smileys in your text.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File(3) - format file as XHTML
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::DocBook(3) - format Docbook in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Image(3) - Image formatter
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Pod(3) - format Pod File in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Text(3) - format Pod File in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Gist(3) - Embed Gist script
- MojoMojo::Formatter::GoogleCalendar(3) - Embed Google Calendar
- MojoMojo::Formatter::GoogleSearch(3) - Linked Google Search Engine by writing {{google:<search kind> <keyword>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::IDLink(3) - Linked {{id:<service name> <word>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Include(3) - Include files in your content.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::IRCLog(3) - format part of content as an IRC log
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Main(3) - MojoMojo's main formatter, dispatching between Textile and MultiMarkdown
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Markdown(3) - MultiMarkdown formatting for your content. MultiMarkdown is an extension of Markdown, adding support for tables, footnotes, bibliography, automatic cross-references, glossaries, appendices, definition lists, math syntax, anchor and image attributes, and document metadata.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Pod(3) - format part of content as POD
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Redirect(3) - Handles {{redirect /path}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::RSS(3) - Include RSS feeds on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::SyntaxHighlight(3) - syntax highlighting for code blocks
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Text(3) - format plain text as xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Textile(3) - Texile+SmartyPants formatting for your content
- MojoMojo::Formatter::TOC(3) - generate table of contents
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Wiki(3) - Handle interpage linking.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::WikipediaLink(3) - Linked Wikipedia by writing {{wikipedia:<lang> <word>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::YouTube(3) - Embed YouTube player
- MojoMojo::I18N(3) - support for language localization
- MojoMojo::Installation(3) - Installation instructions for MojoMojo
- MojoMojo::Model::DBIC(3) - DBIC::Schema Catalyst model
- MojoMojo::Model::Search(3) - support for searching pages
- MojoMojo::Model::Themes(3) - support for Thematic styles
- MojoMojo::Prefs(3) - info on MojoMojo configurable preferences
- MojoMojo::Schema(3) - DBIC Schema
- MojoMojo::Schema::Base::Result(3) - base class for Result classes
- MojoMojo::Schema::Base::ResultSet(3) - base class for ResultSet classes
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Attachment(3) - store attachments
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Comment(3) - store comments
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Content(3) - Versioned page content
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Entry(3) - store journal entries
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Journal(3) - store journals
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Link(3) - Links among pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Page(3) - store pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::PageVersion(3) - Versioned page metadata
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::PathPermissions(3) - store path permissions
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Person(3) - store user info
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Photo(3) - store photos
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Preference(3) - store preferences
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Role(3) - store user roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::RoleMember(3) - store members of roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::RolePrivilege(3) - store role privileges
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Tag(3) - store page tags
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::WantedPage(3) - store pages that are wanted
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Attachment(3) - resulset methods on attachments
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Content(3) - resultset methods on content
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Page(3) - resultset methods on pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Person(3) - resultset methods on users
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Role(3) - resultset methods on roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Tag(3) - resultset methods on tags
- MojoMojo::View::Email(3)
- MojoMojo::View::JSON(3) - Catalyst View
- MojoMojo::View::TT(3) - Template Toolkit views for MojoMojo
- MojoMojo::WordDiff(3) - generate inline word-based HTML diffs
- MojoX::Log::Dispatch::Simple(3) - Simple Log::Dispatch replacement of Mojo::Log
- MojoX::Log::Report(3) - divert log messages into Log::Report
- MojoX::MIME::Types(3) - MIME Types for Mojolicious
- MojoX::Renderer::Haml(3) - Mojolicious renderer for HAML templates.
- MojoX::Renderer::Xslate(3) - Text::Xslate renderer for Mojo
- Mon::Protocol(3) - Methods for parsing / dumping a protocol block
- Mon::SNMP(3) - decode SNMP trap
- MONCONTROL(3) - control execution profile
- MongoDB::BSON::Binary(3) - (DEPRECATED) MongoDB binary type
- MongoDB::BSON::Regexp(3) - (DEPRECATED) Regular expression type
- MongoDB::BulkWrite(3) - MongoDB bulk write interface
- MongoDB::BulkWriteResult(3) - MongoDB bulk write result document
- MongoDB::BulkWriteView(3) - Bulk write operations against a query document
- MongoDB::ChangeStream(3) - A stream providing update information for collections.
- MongoDB::ClientSession(3) - MongoDB session and transaction management
- MongoDB::Code(3) - (DEPRECATED) JavaScript code type
- MongoDB::Collection(3) - A MongoDB Collection
- MongoDB::CommandResult(3) - MongoDB generic command result document
- MongoDB::Cursor(3) - A lazy cursor for Mongo query results
- MongoDB::Database(3) - A MongoDB Database
- MongoDB::DataTypes(3) - Using MongoDB data types with Perl
- MongoDB::DBRef(3) - (DEPRECATED) A MongoDB database reference type
- MongoDB::DeleteResult(3) - MongoDB deletion result object
- MongoDB::Error(3) - MongoDB Driver Error classes
- MongoDB::Examples(3) - Some examples of MongoDB syntax
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket(3) - A file storage abstraction
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream(3) - File handle abstraction for downloading
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket::UploadStream(3) - File handle abstraction for uploading
- MongoDB::IndexView(3) - Index management for a collection
- MongoDB::InsertManyResult(3) - MongoDB single insert result object
- MongoDB::InsertOneResult(3) - MongoDB single insert result object
- MongoDB::MongoClient(3) - A connection to a MongoDB server or multi-server deployment
- MongoDB::Monitoring(3) - Internal event monitoring API for instrumentation
- MongoDB::OID(3) - (DEPRECATED) A Mongo Object ID
- MongoDB::QueryResult(3) - An iterator for Mongo query results
- MongoDB::QueryResult::Filtered(3) - An iterator for Mongo query results with client-side filtering
- MongoDB::ReadConcern(3) - Encapsulate and validate a read concern
- MongoDB::ReadPreference(3) - Encapsulate and validate read preferences
- MongoDB::Timestamp(3) - (DEPRECATED) Replication timestamp type
- MongoDB::Tutorial(3) - Getting started with MongoDB
- MongoDB::UnacknowledgedResult(3) - MongoDB unacknowledged result object
- MongoDB::UpdateResult(3) - MongoDB update result object
- MongoDB::Upgrading(3) - Deprecations and behavior changes from v1 to v2
- MongoDB::Upgrading::v1(3) - Deprecations and behavior changes from v0 to v1
- MongoDB::WriteConcern(3) - Encapsulate and validate a write concern
- Mongoose(3) - MongoDB document to Moose object mapper
- Mongoose::Class(3) - sugary Mongoose-oriented replacement for Moose
- Mongoose::Cookbook(3) - recipes, recipes
- Mongoose::Cursor(3) - a Mongoose wrapper for MongoDB::Cursor
- Mongoose::Document(3) - a Mongoose document role
- Mongoose::EmbeddedDocument(3) - role for embedded documents
- Mongoose::Engine(3) - serialization for MongoDB driver
- Mongoose::File(3) - container for MongoDB::GridFSBucket files
- Mongoose::Intro(3) - an introduction
- Mongoose::Join(3) - simple class relationship resolver
- Mongoose::Meta::AttributeTraits(3) - Mongoose related attribute traits
- Mongoose::Role::Collapser(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Engine(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Expander(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Naming(3)
- moniker(3)
- Monitor::Simple(3) - Simple monitoring of applications and services
- Monitor::Simple::Config(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Log(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Notifier(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Output(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::UserAgent(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Utils(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitoring::Livestatus(3) - Perl API for check_mk livestatus to access runtime data from Nagios and Icinga
- Monitoring::Livestatus::INET(3) - connector with tcp sockets
- Monitoring::Livestatus::UNIX(3) - connector with unix sockets
- Monitoring::Plugin(3) - A family of perl modules to streamline writing Naemon, Nagios, Icinga or Shinken (and compatible) plugins.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Config(3) - read nagios plugin .ini style config files
- Monitoring::Plugin::ExitResult(3) - Helper class for returning both output and return codes when testing.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Functions(3) - functions to simplify the creation of Nagios plugins
- Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt(3) - OO perl module providing standardised argument processing for Nagios plugins
- Monitoring::Plugin::Performance(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin performance data.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Range(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin range data.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Threshold(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin thresholds.
- Monoceros(3) - PSGI/Plack server with event driven connection manager, preforking workers
- Moo(3) - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- Moo::Role(3) - Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles
- MoonPhase(3) - Information about the phase of the Moon
- Moos(3) - Moo s{imple,peedy,ingle}
- Moos::Role(3) - Simple roles for Moos.
- Moose::Autobox(3) - Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
- Moose::Autobox::Array(3) - the Array role
- Moose::Autobox::Code(3) - the Code role
- Moose::Autobox::Defined(3) - the Defined role
- Moose::Autobox::Hash(3) - the Hash role
- Moose::Autobox::Indexed(3) - the Indexed role
- Moose::Autobox::Item(3) - the Item role
- Moose::Autobox::List(3) - the List role
- Moose::Autobox::Number(3) - the Number role
- Moose::Autobox::Ref(3) - the Ref role
- Moose::Autobox::Scalar(3) - the Scalar role
- Moose::Autobox::String(3) - the String role
- Moose::Autobox::Undef(3) - the Undef role
- Moose::Autobox::Value(3) - the Value role
- Moose::Cookbook(3) - How to cook a Moose
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BankAccount_MethodModifiersAndSubclassing(3) - Demonstrates the use of method modifiers in a subclass
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BinaryTree_AttributeFeatures(3) - Demonstrates various attribute features including lazy, predicates, weak refs, and more
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BinaryTree_BuilderAndLazyBuild(3) - Builder methods and lazy_build
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Company_Subtypes(3) - Demonstrates the use of subtypes and how to model classes related to companies, people, employees, etc.
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::DateTime_ExtendingNonMooseParent(3) - Extending a non-Moose parent class
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Document_AugmentAndInner(3) - The augment modifier, which turns normal method overriding "inside-out"
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Genome_OverloadingSubtypesAndCoercion(3) - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::HTTP_SubtypesAndCoercion(3) - Demonstrates subtypes and coercion use HTTP-related classes (Request, Protocol, etc.)
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Immutable(3) - Making Moose fast by making your class immutable
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Person_BUILDARGSAndBUILD(3) - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Point_AttributesAndSubclassing(3) - Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Debugging_BaseClassRole(3) - Providing a role for the base object class
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::ExtensionOverview(3) - Moose extension overview
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Mooseish_MooseSugar(3) - Acting like Moose.pm and providing sugar Moose-style
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Debugging_BaseClassReplacement(3) - Providing an alternate base object class
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Labeled_AttributeMetaclass(3) - A meta-attribute, attributes with labels
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Table_ClassMetaclass(3) - Adding a "table" attribute to the metaclass
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_InstanceMetaclass(3) - Creating a glob reference meta-instance class
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Labeled_AttributeTrait(3) - Labels implemented via attribute traits
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::PrivateOrPublic_MethodMetaclass(3) - A method metaclass for marking methods public or private
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Table_MetaclassTrait(3) - Adding a "table" attribute as a metaclass trait
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::WhyMeta(3) - Welcome to the meta world (Why Go Meta?)
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::ApplicationToInstance(3) - Applying a role to an object instance
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Comparable_CodeReuse(3) - Using roles for code reuse
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Restartable_AdvancedComposition(3) - Advanced Role Composition - method exclusion and aliasing
- Moose::Cookbook::Snack::Keywords(3) - Restricted "keywords" in Moose
- Moose::Cookbook::Snack::Types(3) - Snippets of code for using Types and Type Constraints
- Moose::Cookbook::Style(3) - Expanded into Moose::Manual::BestPractices, so go read that
- Moose::Deprecated(3) - Manages deprecation warnings for Moose
- Moose::Exception(3) - Superclass for Moose internal exceptions
- Moose::Exporter(3) - make an import() and unimport() just like Moose.pm
- Moose::Intro(3) - Expanded into Moose::Manual, so go read that
- Moose::Manual(3) - What is Moose, and how do I use it?
- Moose::Manual::Attributes(3) - Object attributes with Moose
- Moose::Manual::BestPractices(3) - Get the most out of Moose
- Moose::Manual::Classes(3) - Making your classes use Moose (and subclassing)
- Moose::Manual::Concepts(3) - Moose OO concepts
- Moose::Manual::Construction(3) - Object construction (and destruction) with Moose
- Moose::Manual::Contributing(3) - How to get involved in Moose
- Moose::Manual::Delegation(3) - Attribute delegation
- Moose::Manual::Delta(3) - Important Changes in Moose
- Moose::Manual::Exceptions(3) - Moose's exceptions
- Moose::Manual::Exceptions::Manifest(3) - Moose's Exception Types
- Moose::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions about Moose
- Moose::Manual::MethodModifiers(3) - Moose's method modifiers
- Moose::Manual::MooseX(3) - Recommended Moose extensions
- Moose::Manual::MOP(3) - The Moose (and Class::MOP) meta API
- Moose::Manual::Resources(3) - Links to various tutorials, videos, blogs, presentations, interviews, etc...
- Moose::Manual::Roles(3) - Roles, an alternative to deep hierarchies and base classes
- Moose::Manual::Support(3) - Policies regarding support, releases, and compatibility.
- Moose::Manual::Types(3) - Moose's type system
- Moose::Manual::Unsweetened(3) - Moose idioms in plain old Perl 5 without the sugar
- Moose::Meta::Attribute(3) - The Moose attribute metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Chained(3) - DEPRECATED
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native(3) - Delegate to native Perl types
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait(3) - Shared role for native delegation traits
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Array(3) - Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Bool(3) - Helper trait for Bool attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Code(3) - Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Counter(3) - Helper trait for Int attributes which represent counters
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash(3) - Helper trait for HashRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Number(3) - Helper trait for Num attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::String(3) - Helper trait for Str attributes
- Moose::Meta::Class(3) - The Moose metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait(3) - Implements immutability for metaclass objects
- Moose::Meta::Instance(3) - The Moose Instance metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Method(3) - A Moose Method metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for accessors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for augmented methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - Method Meta Object for constructors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for delegation methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor(3) - Method Meta Object for destructors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Meta(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for "meta" methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for overridden methods
- Moose::Meta::Mixin::AttributeCore(3) - Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
- Moose::Meta::Object::Trait(3) - Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object functionality
- Moose::Meta::Role(3) - The Moose Role metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application(3) - A base class for role application
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation(3) - Combine two or more roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass(3) - Compose a role into a class
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToInstance(3) - Compose a role into an instance
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToRole(3) - Compose a role into another role
- Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - The Moose attribute metaclass for Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Composite(3) - An object to represent the set of roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting(3) - A Moose metaclass for conflicting methods in Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required(3) - A Moose metaclass for required methods in Roles
- Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion(3) - The Moose Type Coercion metaclass
- Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union(3) - The Moose Type Coercion metaclass for Unions
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint(3) - The Moose Type Constraint metaclass
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class(3) - Class/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType(3) - Type constraint for duck typing
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum(3) - Type constraint for enumerated values.
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable(3) - Type constraints which can take a parameter (ArrayRef)
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized(3) - Type constraints with a bound parameter (ArrayRef[Int])
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry(3) - registry for type constraints
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role(3) - Role/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union(3) - A union of Moose type constraints
- Moose::Object(3) - The base object for Moose
- Moose::Policy(3) - Moose-mounted police
- Moose::Policy::FollowPBP(3) - Follow the recomendations in Perl Best Practices
- Moose::Policy::JavaAccessors(3) - BeCause EveryOne Loves CamelCase
- Moose::Policy::SingleInheritence(3) - Why would you ever need more than one?
- Moose::Spec::Role(3) - Formal spec for Role behavior
- Moose::Test(3) - A Test Runner for the Moose test suite
- Moose::Test::Case(3) - An abstraction of a Moose Test script
- Moose::Unsweetened(3) - Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
- Moose::Util(3) - Utilities for working with Moose classes
- Moose::Util::MetaRole(3) - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints(3) - Type constraint system for Moose
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins(3)
- MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast(3) - Hijack Class::Accessor::Fast in %INC;
- MooseX::Aliases(3) - easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
- MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute(3) - attribute metaclass trait for MooseX::Aliases
- MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Method(3) - method metaclass trait for MooseX::Aliases
- MooseX::App(3) - Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
- MooseX::App::Cmd(3) - Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
- MooseX::App::Cmd::Command(3) - Base class for MooseX::Getopt based App::Cmd::Commands
- MooseX::App::Command(3) - Load command class metaclasses
- MooseX::App::Message::Block(3) - Message block
- MooseX::App::Message::Envelope(3) - Message presented to the user
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option(3) - Meta attribute role for options
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base(3) - Meta class role for application base class
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Documentation(3) - Meta class role for command classes
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv(3) - Parses @ARGV
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv::Element(3) - Parsed logical element from @ARGV
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv::Value(3) - Parsed value from @ARGV
- MooseX::App::Plugin::BashCompletion(3) - Bash completion for your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Color(3) - Colorful output for your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Config(3) - Config files your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::ConfigHome(3) - Config files in users home directory
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Depends(3) - Adds dependent options
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Man(3) - Adds a command to display the full manual
- MooseX::App::Plugin::MutexGroup(3) - Adds mutually exclusive options
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Term(3) - Allows one to specify options/parameters via terminal prompts
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Typo(3) - Handle typos in command names
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Version(3) - Adds a command to display the version and license of your application
- MooseX::App::Role(3) - Define attributes in a role
- MooseX::App::Simple(3) - Single command applications
- MooseX::App::Tutorial(3) - getting started with MooseX::App
- MooseX::App::Utils(3) - Utility functions
- MooseX::App::WritingPlugins(3) - Writing plugins for MooseX::App
- MooseX::ArrayRef(3) - blessed arrayrefs with Moose
- MooseX::Async(3) - The Orphanange of Asynchronous Love Children
- MooseX::Async::Meta::Class(3) - A Class Metaclass for MooseX::Async
- MooseX::Async::Meta::Method::State(3) - A Method Metaclass for MooseX::Async
- MooseX::Attribute::Chained(3) - Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
- MooseX::Attribute::ChainedClone(3) - Attribute that returns a cloned instance
- MooseX::Attribute::ENV(3) - Set default of an attribute to a value from %ENV
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers(3) - (DEPRECATED) Extend your attribute interfaces
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Curried(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Provided(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Counter(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Number(3) - 2);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Base(3) - base role for helpers
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection(3) - Base class for all collection type helpers
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Counter(3) - 1);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Number(3) - 2);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts(3) - Shorthand for common attribute options
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Attribute(3) - Shortcuts attribute trait proper
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Attribute::HasAnonBuilder(3) - Attributes, etc, common to both the role-attribute and attribute traits
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Method::Builder(3) - Trait for inline builder method metaclasses
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Method::HasDefinitionContext(3) - Trait for method metaclasses that have definition contexts
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Role::Attribute(3) - Role attribute trait to create builder method
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Role::Method::Builder(3) - Trait for inline builder method metaclasses
- MooseX::AuthorizedMethods(3) - Syntax sugar for authorized methods
- MooseX::ChainedAccessors(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::ChainedAccessors::Accessor(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::ClassAttribute(3) - Declare class attributes Moose-style
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - An attribute metaclass for class attributes in roles
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application(3) - A trait that supports role application for roles with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application::ToClass(3) - A trait that supports applying class attributes to classes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application::ToRole(3) - A trait that supports applying class attributes to roles
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Attribute(3) - A trait for class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Class(3) - A trait for classes with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Mixin::HasClassAttributes(3) - A mixin trait for things which have class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Role(3) - A trait for roles with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Role::Composite(3) - A trait that supports applying multiple roles at once
- MooseX::Clone(3) - Fine-grained cloning support for Moose objects.
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Clone(3) - The attribute trait for deeply cloning attributes
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Copy(3) - Simple copying of arrays and hashes for MooseX::Clone
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoClone(3) - A trait for attributes that should not be copied while cloning
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::StorableClone(3) - The attribute trait for deeply cloning attributes using Storable
- MooseX::CompileTime::Traits(3) - Allow compile time traits for classes/roles
- MooseX::ConfigFromFile(3) - An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
- MooseX::CoverableModifiers(3) - Make Moose method modifiers Devel::Cover friendly
- MooseX::Daemonize(3) - Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
- MooseX::Daemonize::Core(3) - A Role with the core daemonization features
- MooseX::Daemonize::Pid(3) - PID management for MooseX::Daemonize
- MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File(3) - PID file management for MooseX::Daemonize
- MooseX::Daemonize::WithPidFile(3) - A Role with the core daemonization and pidfile management
- MooseX::Declare(3) - (DEPRECATED) Declarative syntax for Moose
- MooseX::Declare::Context(3) - Per-keyword declaration context
- MooseX::Declare::Context::Namespaced(3) - Namespaced context
- MooseX::Declare::Context::Parameterized(3) - context for parsing optionally parameterized statements
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::EmptyBlockIfMissing(3) - Handle missing blocks after keywords
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Extending(3) - Extending with superclasses
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::InnerSyntaxHandling(3) - Keywords inside blocks
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Class(3) - Class declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Clean(3) - Explicit namespace cleanups
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Method(3) - Handle method declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::MethodModifier(3) - Handle method modifier declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Namespace(3) - Declare outer namespace
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Role(3) - Role declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::With(3) - Apply roles within a class- or role-body
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::KeywordHandling(3) - Basic keyword functionality
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::MethodDeclaration(3) - Handles method declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::MooseSetup(3) - Common Moose namespaces declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::NamespaceHandling(3) - Handle namespaced blocks
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling(3) - Option parser dispatching
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication(3) - Handle user specified roles
- MooseX::Declare::Util(3) - Common declarative utility functions
- MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast(3) - Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
- MooseX::FollowPBP(3) - Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
- MooseX::FollowPBP::Role::Attribute(3)
- MooseX::Getopt(3) - A Moose role for processing command line options
- MooseX::Getopt::Basic(3) - MooseX::Getopt::Basic - role to implement the Getopt::Long functionality
- MooseX::Getopt::Dashes(3) - convert underscores in attribute names to dashes
- MooseX::Getopt::GLD(3) - A Moose role for processing command line options with Getopt::Long::Descriptive
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute(3) - Optional meta attribute for custom option names
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt(3) - Optional meta attribute for ignoring parameters
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait(3) - Optional meta attribute trait for custom option names
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt(3) - Optional meta attribute trait for ignoring parameters
- MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap(3) - Storage for the option to type mappings
- MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3) - MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - Class containing the results of process_argv
- MooseX::Getopt::Strict(3) - only make options for attributes with the Getopt metaclass
- MooseX::Has::Options(3) - Succinct options for Moose
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::Accessors(3) - Option shortcuts for ro/rw/bare
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::NativeTypes(3) - Option shortcuts for native types
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::NoInit(3) - Option shortcut for prohibiting init_arg
- MooseX::Has::Sugar(3) - Sugar Syntax for moose 'has' fields
- MooseX::Has::Sugar::Minimal(3) - Less Sugary Syntax for moose 'has' fields
- MooseX::Has::Sugar::Saccharin(3) - Experimental sweetness
- MooseX::HasDefaults(3) - default "is" to "ro" or "rw" for all attributes
- MooseX::InsideOut(3) - inside-out objects with Moose
- MooseX::InsideOut::Role::Meta::Instance(3)
- MooseX::IOC(3) - Moose attributes with IOC integration
- MooseX::IOC::Meta::Attribute(3)
- MooseX::LazyRequire(3) - Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
- MooseX::LazyRequire::Meta::Attribute::Trait::LazyRequire(3) - Attribute trait to make getters fail on unset attributes
- MooseX::ListAttributes(3)
- MooseX::Lists(3) - treat arrays and hashes as lists
- MooseX::Log::Log4perl(3) - A Logging Role for Moose based on Log::Log4perl
- MooseX::MarkAsMethods(3) - Mark overload code symbols as methods
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized(3) - Authorization in method calls
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles(3) - Check roles of the user
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional(3) - Transactional methods trait
- MooseX::Meta::Role::Strict(3) - Ensure we use strict role application.
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion(3) - Force coercion when validating type constraints
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish(3) - Translate Moo-style constraints to Moose-style
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Structured(3) - Structured type constraints
- MooseX::MetaDescription(3) - A framework for adding additional metadata to Moose classes
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Description(3) - A base class for Meta Descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Attribute(3) - Custom attribute metaclass for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Class(3) - Custom class metaclass for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Trait(3) - Custom class meta-trait for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::Method::Signatures(3) - (DEPRECATED) Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter
- MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method(3) - (DEPRECATED) Provides the metaclass for methods with signatures
- MooseX::Method::Signatures::Types(3) - (DEPRECATED) Provides common MooseX::Types used by MooseX::Method::Signatures
- MooseX::MethodAttributes(3) - Code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Inheritable(3) - inheritable code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role(3) - code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer(3) - capture code attributes in the class' metaclass
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer::Inheritable(3) - capture code attributes in the automatically initialized metaclass instance
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Class(3) - metaclass role for storing code attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Map(3) - generic role for storing code attributes used by classes and roles with attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method(3) - metamethod role allowing code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::MaybeWrapped(3) - proxy attributes of wrapped methods if their metaclass supports it
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::Wrapped(3) - wrapped metamethod role allowing code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role(3) - metarole role for storing code attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::Application(3) - generic role for applying a role with method attributes to something
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::Application::Summation(3) - Role applied to the class responsible for role summation which ensures method attributes propagate from the roles being summed onto the combined role.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg(3) - Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg::Attribute(3) - A custom attribute metaclass to add multiple init arguments to your attributes.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg::Trait(3) - A composable role to add multiple init arguments to your attributes.
- MooseX::MultiMethods(3) - Multi Method Dispatch based on Moose type constraints
- MooseX::MultiMethods::Meta::Method(3)
- MooseX::MungeHas(3) - munge your "has" (works with Moo, Moose and Mouse)
- MooseX::NonMoose(3) - easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
- MooseX::NonMoose::InsideOut(3) - easy subclassing of non-Moose non-hashref classes
- MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Class(3) - metaclass trait for MooseX::NonMoose
- MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Constructor(3) - constructor method trait for MooseX::NonMoose
- MooseX::Object::Pluggable(3) - Make your classes pluggable
- MooseX::OneArgNew(3) - teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
- MooseX::Params::Validate(3) - an extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types
- MooseX::Params::Validate::Exception::ValidationFailedForTypeConstraint(3) - Exception thrown when a type constraint check fails
- MooseX::POE(3) - The Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
- MooseX::POE::Aliased(3) - A sane alias attribute for your MooseX::POE objects.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Method::State(3) - Dont look into this, its boring
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Role(3) - Pay no attention to this.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait(3) - There be dragons here.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Class(3) - No achmed inside
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Instance(3) - A Instance Metaclass for MooseX::POE
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Object(3) - The base class role for MooseX::POE
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::SweetArgs(3) - Yes, its a trap... i mean trait
- MooseX::POE::Role(3) - Eventful roles
- MooseX::POE::SweetArgs(3) - sugar around MooseX::POE event arguments
- MooseX::RelatedClassRoles(3) - Apply roles to a class related to yours
- MooseX::Role::Loggable(3) - Extensive, yet simple, logging role using Log::Dispatchouli
- MooseX::Role::Matcher(3) - generic object matching based on attributes and methods
- MooseX::Role::Parameterised(3) - Moose roles with composition parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized(3) - Moose roles with composition parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Extending(3) - extending MooseX::Role::Parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Role::Parameterized(3) - metaclass for parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterizable(3) - trait for parameterizable roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterized(3) - trait for parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Parameters(3) - base class for parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Tutorial(3) - why and how
- MooseX::Role::Reactive(3)
- MooseX::Role::Strict(3) - use strict 'roles'
- MooseX::Runnable(3) - Tag a class as a runnable application
- MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Plugin::Debug(3) - print debugging information
- MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Scheme::MooseX::Getopt(3) - run MX::Getopt classes
- MooseX::Runnable::Run(3) - Run a MooseX::Runnable class as an application
- MooseX::Runnable::Util::ArgParser(3) - parse @ARGV for "mx-run"
- MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor(3) - Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
- MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor::Role::Attribute(3) - This meta trait is applied to attributes in order to change writer names
- MooseX::SetOnce(3) - write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
- MooseX::SimpleConfig(3) - A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configuration file
- MooseX::Singleton(3) - Turn your Moose class into a singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Class(3) - Metaclass role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Instance(3) - Instance metaclass role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - Constructor method role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Object(3) - Object class role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Storage(3) - A serialization framework for Moose classes
- MooseX::Storage::Base::WithChecksum(3) - A more secure serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Basic(3) - The simplest level of serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Deferred(3) - A role for indecisive programmers
- MooseX::Storage::Engine(3) - The meta-engine to handle collapsing and expanding objects
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::IO::AtomicFile(3) - The actual atomic file storage mechanism.
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::IO::File(3) - The actual file storage mechanism.
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::Trait::DisableCycleDetection(3) - A custom trait to bypass cycle detection
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::Trait::OnlyWhenBuilt(3) - An engine trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Format::JSON(3) - A JSON serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Format::Storable(3) - A Storable serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Format::YAML(3) - A YAML serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::AtomicFile(3) - An Atomic File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::File(3) - A basic File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::StorableFile(3) - An Storable File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::Meta::Attribute::DoNotSerialize(3) - A custom meta-attribute to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Meta::Attribute::Trait::DoNotSerialize(3) - A custom meta-attribute-trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Traits::DisableCycleDetection(3) - A custom trait to bypass cycle detection
- MooseX::Storage::Traits::OnlyWhenBuilt(3) - A custom trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Util(3) - A MooseX::Storage Swiss Army chainsaw
- MooseX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- MooseX::StrictConstructor::Trait::Class(3) - A role to make immutable constructors strict
- MooseX::StrictConstructor::Trait::Method::Constructor(3) - A role to make immutable constructors strict
- MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::Class::BetterAnonClassNames(3) - Metaclass trait to *attempt* to demystify generated anonymous class names
- MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish(3) - Handle Moo-style constraints
- MooseX::Traits(3) - Automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MooseX::Traits::Attribute::Chained(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::Traits::Pluggable(3) - trait loading and resolution for Moose
- MooseX::Traits::Util(3)
- MooseX::TransactionalMethods(3) - Syntax sugar for transactional methods
- MooseX::Types(3) - Organise your Moose types in libraries
- MooseX::Types::Base(3) - Type library base class
- MooseX::Types::CheckedUtilExports(3) - Wrap Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to be safer for MooseX::Types
- MooseX::Types::Combine(3) - Combine type libraries for exporting
- MooseX::Types::Common(3) - A library of commonly used type constraints
- MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric(3) - Commonly used numeric types
- MooseX::Types::Common::String(3) - Commonly used string types
- MooseX::Types::DateTime(3) - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained(3) - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::MoreCoercions(3) - Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL(3) - Joins MooseX::Types::DateTime and DateTime::Format::MySQL
- MooseX::Types::DateTimeX(3) - Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
- MooseX::Types::ISO8601(3) - ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::JSON(3) - JSON datatype for Moose
- MooseX::Types::LoadableClass(3) - ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class.
- MooseX::Types::Moose(3) - Type exports that match the types shipped with Moose
- MooseX::Types::Path::Class(3) - A Path::Class type library for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny(3) - Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Perl(3) - Moose types that check against Perl syntax
- MooseX::Types::PortNumber(3) - Port number type for moose classes by The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
- MooseX::Types::Set::Object(3) - Set::Object type with coercions and stuff.
- MooseX::Types::Signal(3) - a type to represent valid UNIX or Perl signals
- MooseX::Types::Stringlike(3) - Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects
- MooseX::Types::Structured(3) - Structured Type Constraints for Moose
- MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator(3) - Wraps Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects with added features
- MooseX::Types::UndefinedType(3) - a fallback type for when a type cannot be found
- MooseX::Types::URI(3) - URI related types and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Util(3) - Common utility functions for the distribution
- MooseX::Types::VariantTable(3) - Type constraint based variant table
- MooseX::Types::VariantTable::Declare(3) - Declarative sugar for MooseX::Types::VariantTable based methods.
- MooseX::Types::Wrapper(3) - Wrap exports from a library
- MooseX::Util(3) - Moose::Util extensions
- MooseX::Util::Meta::Class(3) - A helper metaclass
- MooX::Aliases(3) - easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo
- MooX::Attribute::ENV(3) - Allow Moo attributes to get their values from %ENV
- MooX::Cmd(3) - Giving an easy Moo style way to make command organized CLI apps
- MooX::Cmd::Role(3) - MooX cli app commands do this
- MooX::Cmd::Role::AbbrevCmds(3) - Text::Abbrev support role for MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Cmd::Role::ConfigFromFile(3) - MooX::ConfigFromFile support role for MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Cmd::Tester(3) - MooX cli app commands tester
- MooX::ConfigFromFile(3) - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role(3) - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role::HashMergeLoaded(3) - allows better merge strategies for multiple config files
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role::SortedByFilename(3) - allows filename based sort algorithm for multiple config files
- MooX::File::ConfigDir(3) - Moo eXtension for File::ConfigDir
- MooX::HandlesVia(3) - NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo.
- MooX::late(3) - easily translate Moose code to Moo
- MooX::Locale::Passthrough(3) - provide API used in translator modules without translating
- MooX::Options(3) - Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class
- MooX::Options::Descriptive(3) - This method extend Getopt::Long::Descriptive to change the usage method
- MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage(3) - Usage class
- MooX::Options::Manual::Man(3) - More documentation for the man option
- MooX::Options::Manual::MooXCmd(3) - Manage your tools with MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Options::Manual::NamespaceClean(3) - Use namespace::clean with MooX::Options
- MooX::Options::Role(3) - role that is apply to your object
- MooX::Role::Parameterized(3) - roles with composition parameters
- MooX::Role::Parameterized::Proxy(3)
- MooX::Role::Parameterized::With(3) - dsl to apply roles with composition parameters
- MooX::Singleton(3) - turn your Moo class into singleton
- MooX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes.
- MooX::Thunking(3) - Allow Moo attributes to be "thunked"
- MooX::Traits(3) - automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MooX::Traits::Util(3) - non-role alternative to MooX::Traits
- MooX::Types::MooseLike(3) - some Moosish types and a type builder
- MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base(3) - A set of basic Moose-like types for Moo
- MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric(3) - Moo types for numbers
- MooX::TypeTiny(3) - Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
- Mopac(3) - MOPAC 6 input file reader/writer
- MoreLabels(3) - Extra labeled libraries.
- Mouse::Exporter(3) - make an import() and unimport() just like Mouse.pm
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute(3) - The Mouse attribute metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Array(3) - Shortcut for ArrayRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Bool(3) - Shortcut for Bool trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Code(3) - Shortcut for CodeRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Counter(3) - Shortcut for Counter trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Hash(3) - Shortcut for HashRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Number(3) - Shortcut for Number trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::String(3) - Shortcut for Str trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Native(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces
- Mouse::Meta::Class(3) - The Mouse class metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Method(3) - A Mouse Method metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor(3) - A Mouse method generator for accessors
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - A Mouse method generator for constructors
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Delegation(3) - A Mouse method generator for delegation methods
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Destructor(3) - A Mouse method generator for destructors
- Mouse::Meta::Module(3) - The common base class of Mouse::Meta::Class and Mouse::Meta::Role
- Mouse::Meta::Role(3) - The Mouse Role metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Application(3) - The Mouse role application class
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite(3) - An object to represent the set of roles
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Method(3) - A Mouse Method metaclass for Roles
- Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint(3) - The Mouse Type Constraint metaclass
- Mouse::Object(3) - The base object for Mouse classes
- Mouse::PurePerl(3) - A Mouse guts in pure Perl
- Mouse::Role(3) - The Mouse Role
- Mouse::Spec(3) - To what extent Mouse is compatible with Moose
- Mouse::Tiny(3) - Mouse in a single file
- Mouse::TypeRegistry(3) - (DEPRECATED)
- Mouse::Util(3) - Utilities for working with Mouse classes
- Mouse::Util::MetaRole(3) - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
- Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints(3) - Type constraint system for Mouse
- Mouse::XS(3) - A Mouse guts in XS
- mouse_callback(3) - User specified mouse callback. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_close(3) - explicitly close a mouse
- mouse_getposition_6d(3) - provide an interface to 3d mice
- mouse_getx(3) - query the mouse state
- mouse_init(3) - specifically initialize a mouse
- mouse_needs_poll(3) - Tells if the mouse driver requires polling. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_on_screen(3) - Tells you whether the mouse pointer is currently on screen. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_seteventhandler(3) - set a mouse event handler
- mouse_setposition(3) - set the current mouse position
- mouse_setscale(3) - sets a mouse scale factor
- mouse_setwrap(3) - set what happens at the mouse boundaries
- mouse_setxrange(3) - define the boundaries for the mouse cursor
- mouse_sprite(3) - Global variable with the mouse sprite and focus point. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_update(3) - updates the mouse state
- mouse_waitforupdate(3) - wait for an mouse update
- MOUSESCROLLSIZE(3) - compute mouse scroll increment
- MouseX::App::Cmd(3) - Mashes up MouseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
- MouseX::App::Cmd::Command(3) - Base class for MouseX::Getopt based App::Cmd::Commands
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Base(3) - Base class for attribute helpers
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Bool(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Hash(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::List(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter(3) - 1);
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Number(3) - 2);
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::String(3)
- MouseX::ConfigFromFile(3) - An abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile
- MouseX::Foreign(3) - Extends non-Mouse classes as well as Mouse classes
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Class(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta class role
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Method::Constructor(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta method constructor role
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Method::Destructor(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta method destructor role
- MouseX::Getopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Basic(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Dashes(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::GLD(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Strict(3)
- MouseX::NativeTraits(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
- MouseX::NativeTraits::ArrayRef(3) - Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Bool(3) - Helper trait for Bool attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::CodeRef(3) - Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Counter(3) - Helper trait for counter attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::HashRef(3) - Helper trait for HashRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider(3) - The common base class for method providers
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::ArrayRef(3) - Provides methods for ArrayRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Bool(3) - Provides methods for Bool
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::CodeRef(3) - Provides methods for CodeRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Counter(3) - Provides methods for Counter
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::HashRef(3) - Provides methods for HashRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Num(3) - Provides methods for Num
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Str(3) - Provides methods for Str
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Num(3) - Helper trait for Num attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Str(3) - Helper trait for Str attributes
- MouseX::NonMoose(3) - MouseX::Foreign plus drop-in compatibility with Any::Moose
- MouseX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- MouseX::Traits(3) - automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MouseX::Types(3) - Organize your Mouse types in libraries
- MouseX::Types::Moose(3) - MouseX::Types::Mouse plus drop-in compatibility with Any::Moose
- MouseX::Types::Mouse(3) - Types shipped with Mouse
- MouseX::Types::Path::Class(3) - A Path::Class type library for Mouse
- MovableType(3) - light-weight MovableType client
- move_cursor(3)
- move_image(3)
- move3d_model(3)
- MOVEBYTES(3) - moves data
- Mozilla::CA(3) - Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
- Mozilla::PublicSuffix(3) - Get a domain name's public suffix via the Mozilla Public Suffix List
- MP3::Archive(3) - Parse filenames in a music archive
- MP3::Archive::Config(3) - Configuration handling for MP3::Archive
- MP3::Archive::Format(3) - Helper class for MP3::Archive
- MP3::Find(3) - Search and sort MP3 files based on their ID3 tags
- MP3::Find::Base(3) - Base class for MP3::Find backends
- MP3::Find::DB(3) - SQLite database backend to MP3::Find
- MP3::Find::Filesystem(3) - File::Find-based backend to MP3::Find
- MP3::ID3v1Tag(3) - Edit ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG Layer 3.
- MP3::L10N(3) - base class for Apache::MP3 interface localization
- MP3::Playlist(3) - Manage directories of MP3 files with sorting and persistent playlists
- MP3::Resample(3) - Downsample MP3/FLAC/Shorten files during streaming
- MP3::Sorted(3) - Generate sorted streamable directories of MP3 files
- MP3::Tag::CDDB_File(3) - Module for parsing CDDB files.
- MP3::Tag::Cue(3) - Module for parsing .cue files.
- MP3::Tag::ID3v2_Data(3) - get_frame() data format and supported frames
- MP3::Tag::ImageExifTool(3) - extract size info from image files via Image::ExifTool.
- MP3::Tag::ImageSize(3) - extract size info from image files via Image::Size.
- MP3::Tag::Inf(3) - Module for parsing .inf files associated with music tracks.
- MP3::Tag::LastResort(3) - Module for using other fields to fill autoinfo fields.
- MP3::Tag::ParseData(3) - Module for parsing arbitrary data associated with music files.
- MP3::Tag::Utils(3) - Assorted utilities for manipulating MP3 files via MP3::Tag.
- MPEG::ID3v2Tag(3) - Parses and creates ID3v2 Tags for MPEG audio files.
- MPFR(3) - perl interface to the MPFR (floating point) library.
- MPI_Abort(3) - Terminates MPI execution environment
- MPI_Accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPI_Add_error_class(3) - Add an MPI error class to the known classes
- MPI_Add_error_code(3) - Add an MPI error code to an MPI error class
- MPI_Add_error_string(3) - Associates an error string with an MPI error code or class
- MPI_Address(3) - Gets the address of a location in memory
- MPI_Aint_add(3) - Returns the sum of base and disp
- MPI_Aint_diff(3) - Returns the difference between addr1 and addr2
- MPI_Allgather(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and distribute the combined data to all tasks
- MPI_Allgatherv(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and deliver the combined data to all tasks
- MPI_Alloc_mem(3) - Allocate memory for message passing and RMA
- MPI_Allreduce(3) - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes
- MPI_Alltoall(3) - Sends data from all to all processes
- MPI_Alltoallv(3) - Sends data from all to all processes; each process may send a different amount of data and provide displacements for the input and output data.
- MPI_Alltoallw(3) - Generalized all-to-all communication allowing different datatypes, counts, and displacements for each partner
- MPI_Attr_delete(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a communicator
- MPI_Attr_get(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Attr_put(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Barrier(3) - Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.
- MPI_Bcast(3) - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank "root" to all other processes of the communicator
- MPI_Bsend(3) - Basic send with user-provided buffering
- MPI_Bsend_init(3) - Builds a handle for a buffered send
- MPI_Buffer_attach(3) - Attaches a user-provided buffer for sending
- MPI_Buffer_detach(3) - Removes an existing buffer (for use in MPI_Bsend etc)
- MPI_Cancel(3) - Cancels a communication request
- MPI_Cart_coords(3) - Determines process coords in cartesian topology given rank in group
- MPI_Cart_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached
- MPI_Cart_get(3) - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Cart_map(3) - Maps process to Cartesian topology information
- MPI_Cart_rank(3) - Determines process rank in communicator given Cartesian location
- MPI_Cart_shift(3) - Returns the shifted source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and amount
- MPI_Cart_sub(3) - Partitions a communicator into subgroups which form lower-dimensional cartesian subgrids
- MPI_Cartdim_get(3) - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Close_port(3) - close port
- MPI_Comm_accept(3) - Accept a request to form a new intercommunicator
- MPI_Comm_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a communicator
- MPI_Comm_compare(3) - Compares two communicators
- MPI_Comm_connect(3) - Make a request to form a new intercommunicator
- MPI_Comm_create(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(3) - Create a communicator error handler
- MPI_Comm_create_group(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPI_Comm_create_keyval(3) - Create a new attribute key
- MPI_Comm_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a communicator
- MPI_Comm_disconnect(3) - Disconnect from a communicator
- MPI_Comm_dup(3) - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information
- MPI_Comm_dup_with_info(3) - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information
- MPI_Comm_f2c(3) - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
- MPI_Comm_free(3) - Marks the communicator object for deallocation
- MPI_Comm_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for communicators
- MPI_Comm_get_attr(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Comm_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler attached to a communicator
- MPI_Comm_get_info(3) - Returns a new info object containing the hints of the communicator associated with comm. The current setting of all hints actually used by the system related to this communicator is returned in info_used. If no such hints exist, a handle to a newly created info object is returned that contains no key/value pair. The user is responsible for freeing info_used via MPI_INFO_FREE.
- MPI_Comm_get_name(3) - Return the print name from the communicator
- MPI_Comm_get_parent(3) - Return the parent communicator for this process
- MPI_Comm_group(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPI_Comm_idup(3) - nonblocking communicator duplication
- MPI_Comm_join(3) - Create a communicator by joining two processes connected by a socket.
- MPI_Comm_rank(3) - Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator
- MPI_Comm_remote_group(3) - Accesses the remote group associated with the given inter-communicator
- MPI_Comm_remote_size(3) - Determines the size of the remote group associated with an inter-communictor
- MPI_Comm_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(3) - Set the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Comm_set_info(3) - Set new values for the hints of the communicator associated with comm. The call is collective on the group of comm. The info object may be different on each process, but any info entries that an implementation requires to be the same on all processes must appear with the same value in each process' info object.
- MPI_Comm_set_name(3) - Sets the print name for a communicator
- MPI_Comm_size(3) - Determines the size of the group associated with a communicator
- MPI_Comm_spawn(3) - Spawn up to maxprocs instances of a single MPI application
- MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple(3) - short description
- MPI_Comm_split(3) - Creates new communicators based on colors and keys
- MPI_Comm_split_type(3) - Creates new communicators based on split types and keys
- MPI_Comm_test_inter(3) - Tests to see if a comm is an inter-communicator
- MPI_Compare_and_swap(3) - Perform one-sided atomic compare-and-swap.
- MPI_Dims_create(3) - Creates a division of processors in a cartesian grid
- MPI_Dist_graph_create(3) - MPI_DIST_GRAPH_CREATE returns a handle to a new communicator to which the distributed graph topology information is attached.
- MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(3) - returns a handle to a new communicator to which the distributed graph topology information is attached.
- MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(3) - Provides adjacency information for a distributed graph topology.
- MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(3) - Provides adjacency information for a distributed graph topology.
- MPI_Errhandler_create(3) - Creates an MPI-style errorhandler
- MPI_Errhandler_free(3) - Frees an MPI-style errorhandler
- MPI_Errhandler_get(3) - Gets the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Errhandler_set(3) - Sets the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Error_class(3) - Converts an error code into an error class
- MPI_Error_string(3) - Return a string for a given error code
- MPI_Exscan(3) - Computes the exclusive scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes
- MPI_Fetch_and_op(3) - Perform one-sided read-modify-write.
- MPI_File_c2f(3) - Translates a C file handle to a Fortran file handle
- MPI_File_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a file
- MPI_File_close(3) - Closes a file
- MPI_File_create_errhandler(3) - Create a file error handler
- MPI_File_delete(3) - Deletes a file
- MPI_File_f2c(3) - Translates a Fortran file handle to a C file handle
- MPI_File_get_amode(3) - Returns the file access mode
- MPI_File_get_atomicity(3) - Returns the atomicity mode
- MPI_File_get_byte_offset(3) - Returns the absolute byte position in the file corresponding to "offset" etypes relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler attached to a file
- MPI_File_get_group(3) - Returns the group of processes that opened the file
- MPI_File_get_info(3) - Returns the hints for a file that are actually being used by MPI
- MPI_File_get_position(3) - Returns the current position of the individual file pointer in etype units relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_position_shared(3) - Returns the current position of the shared file pointer in etype units relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_size(3) - Returns the file size
- MPI_File_get_type_extent(3) - Returns the extent of datatype in the file
- MPI_File_get_view(3) - Returns the file view
- MPI_File_iread(3) - Nonblocking read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iread_all(3) - Nonblocking collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iread_at(3) - Nonblocking read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iread_at_all(3) - Nonblocking collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iread_shared(3) - Nonblocking read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite(3) - Nonblocking write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite_all(3) - Nonblocking collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite_at(3) - Nonblocking write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iwrite_at_all(3) - Nonblocking collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iwrite_shared(3) - Nonblocking write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_open(3) - Opens a file
- MPI_File_preallocate(3) - Preallocates storage space for a file
- MPI_File_read(3) - Read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all(3) - Collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_at(3) - Read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all(3) - Collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_ordered(3) - Collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_ordered_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_ordered_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_shared(3) - Read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_seek(3) - Updates the individual file pointer
- MPI_File_seek_shared(3) - Updates the shared file pointer
- MPI_File_set_atomicity(3) - Sets the atomicity mode
- MPI_File_set_errhandler(3) - Set the error handler for an MPI file
- MPI_File_set_info(3) - Sets new values for the hints associated with a file
- MPI_File_set_size(3) - Sets the file size
- MPI_File_set_view(3) - Sets the file view
- MPI_File_sync(3) - Causes all previous writes to be transferred to the storage device
- MPI_File_write(3) - Write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all(3) - Collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_at(3) - Write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all(3) - Collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_ordered(3) - Collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_ordered_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_ordered_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_shared(3) - Write using shared file pointer
- MPI_Finalize(3) - Terminates MPI execution environment
- MPI_Finalized(3) - Indicates whether
- MPI_Free_mem(3) - Free memory allocated with MPI_Alloc_mem
- MPI_Gather(3) - Gathers together values from a group of processes
- MPI_Gatherv(3) - Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group
- MPI_Get(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Get_accumulate(3) - Perform an atomic, one-sided read-and-accumulate operation.
- MPI_Get_address(3) - Get the address of a location in memory
- MPI_Get_count(3) - Gets the number of "top level" elements
- MPI_Get_elements(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a datatype
- MPI_Get_elements_x(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a datatype
- MPI_Get_library_version(3) - Return the version number of MPI library
- MPI_Get_processor_name(3) - Gets the name of the processor
- MPI_Get_version(3) - Return the version number of MPI
- MPI_Graph_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached
- MPI_Graph_get(3) - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Graph_map(3) - Maps process to graph topology information
- MPI_Graph_neighbors(3) - Returns the neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology
- MPI_Graph_neighbors_count(3) - Returns the number of neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology
- MPI_Graphdims_get(3) - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Grequest_complete(3) - Notify MPI that a user-defined request is complete
- MPI_Grequest_start(3) - Create and return a user-defined request
- MPI_Group_compare(3) - Compares two groups
- MPI_Group_difference(3) - Makes a group from the difference of two groups
- MPI_Group_excl(3) - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only unlisted members
- MPI_Group_free(3) - Frees a group
- MPI_Group_incl(3) - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members
- MPI_Group_intersection(3) - Produces a group as the intersection of two existing groups
- MPI_Group_range_excl(3) - Produces a group by excluding ranges of processes from an existing group
- MPI_Group_range_incl(3) - Creates a new group from ranges of ranks in an existing group
- MPI_Group_rank(3) - Returns the rank of this process in the given group
- MPI_Group_size(3) - Returns the size of a group
- MPI_Group_translate_ranks(3) - Translates the ranks of processes in one group to those in another group
- MPI_Group_union(3) - Produces a group by combining two groups
- MPI_Iallgather(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and distribute the combined data to all tasks in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iallgatherv(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and deliver the combined data to all tasks in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iallreduce(3) - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ialltoall(3) - Sends data from all to all processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ialltoallv(3) - Sends data from all to all processes in a nonblocking way; each process may send a different amount of data and provide displacements for the input and output data.
- MPI_Ialltoallw(3) - Nonblocking generalized all-to-all communication allowing different datatypes, counts, and displacements for each partner
- MPI_Ibarrier(3) - Notifies the process that it has reached the barrier and returns immediately
- MPI_Ibcast(3) - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank "root" to all other processes of the communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ibsend(3) - Starts a nonblocking buffered send
- MPI_Iexscan(3) - Computes the exclusive scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Igather(3) - Gathers together values from a group of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Igatherv(3) - Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Improbe(3) - Nonblocking matched probe.
- MPI_Imrecv(3) - Nonblocking receive of message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.
- MPI_Ineighbor_allgather(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoall.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw.
- MPI_Info_create(3) - Creates a new info object
- MPI_Info_delete(3) - Deletes a (key,value) pair from info
- MPI_Info_dup(3) - Returns a duplicate of the info object
- MPI_INFO_ENV(3) - Static MPI_Info object containing info about the application
- MPI_Info_free(3) - Frees an info object
- MPI_Info_get(3) - Retrieves the value associated with a key
- MPI_Info_get_nkeys(3) - Returns the number of currently defined keys in info
- MPI_Info_get_nthkey(3) - Returns the nth defined key in info
- MPI_Info_get_valuelen(3) - Retrieves the length of the value associated with a key
- MPI_Info_set(3) - Adds a (key,value) pair to info
- MPI_Init(3) - Initialize the MPI execution environment
- MPI_Init_thread(3) - Initialize the MPI execution environment
- MPI_Initialized(3) - Indicates whether
- MPI_Intercomm_create(3) - Creates an intercommuncator from two intracommunicators
- MPI_Intercomm_merge(3) - Creates an intracommuncator from an intercommunicator
- MPI_Iprobe(3) - Nonblocking test for a message
- MPI_Irecv(3) - Begins a nonblocking receive
- MPI_Ireduce(3) - Reduces values on all processes to a single value in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ireduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Irsend(3) - Starts a nonblocking ready send
- MPI_Is_thread_main(3) - Returns a flag indicating whether this thread called
- MPI_Iscan(3) - Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iscatter(3) - Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iscatterv(3) - Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Isend(3) - Begins a nonblocking send
- MPI_Issend(3) - Starts a nonblocking synchronous send
- MPI_Keyval_create(3) - Greates a new attribute key
- MPI_Keyval_free(3) - Frees an attribute key for communicators
- MPI_Lookup_name(3) - Lookup a port given a service name
- MPI_Mprobe(3) - Blocking matched probe.
- MPI_Mrecv(3) - Blocking receive of message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.
- MPI_Neighbor_allgather(3) - In this function, each process i gathers data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph, and each process i sends the same data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. The send buffer is sent to each neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv(3) - The vector variant of MPI_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(3) - In this function, each process i receives data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph or Cartesian topology. Similarly, each process i sends data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. This call is more general than MPI_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHER in that different data items can be sent to each neighbor. The k-th block in send buffer is sent to the k-th neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(3) - The vector variant of MPI_Neighbor_alltoall allows sending/receiving different numbers of elements to and from each neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw(3) - Like MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv but it allows one to send and receive with different types to and from each neighbor.
- MPI_Op_commutative(3) - Query of commutativity of reduction operation.
- MPI_Op_commute(3) - Queries an MPI reduction operation for its commutativity.
- MPI_Op_create(3) - Creates a user-defined combination function handle
- MPI_Op_free(3) - Frees a user-defined combination function handle
- MPI_Open_port(3) - Establish an address that can be used to establish connections between groups of MPI processes
- MPI_Pack(3) - Packs a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Pack_external(3) - Packs a datatype into contiguous memory, using the external32 format
- MPI_Pack_external_size(3) - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message using MPI_Pack_external.
- MPI_Pack_size(3) - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message
- MPI_Pcontrol(3) - Controls profiling
- MPI_Probe(3) - Blocking test for a message
- MPI_Publish_name(3) - Publish a service name for use with MPI_Comm_connect
- MPI_Put(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Query_thread(3) - Return the level of thread support provided by the MPI library
- MPI_Raccumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Recv(3) - Blocking receive for a message
- MPI_Recv_init(3) - Create a persistent request for a receive
- MPI_Reduce(3) - Reduces values on all processes to a single value
- MPI_Reduce_local(3) - Applies a reduction operator to local arguments.
- MPI_Reduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results
- MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results
- MPI_Register_datarep(3) - Register functions for user-defined data representations
- MPI_Request_free(3) - Frees a communication request object
- MPI_Request_get_status(3) - Nondestructive test for the completion of a Request
- MPI_Rget(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Rget_accumulate(3) - Perform an atomic, one-sided read-and-accumulate operation and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Rput(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Rsend(3) - Blocking ready send
- MPI_Rsend_init(3) - Creates a persistent request for a ready send
- MPI_Scan(3) - Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes
- MPI_Scatter(3) - Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicator
- MPI_Scatterv(3) - Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator
- MPI_Send(3) - Performs a blocking send
- MPI_Send_init(3) - Create a persistent request for a standard send
- MPI_Sendrecv(3) - Sends and receives a message
- MPI_Sendrecv_replace(3) - Sends and receives using a single buffer
- MPI_Sizeof(3) - Returns the size, in bytes, of the given type
- MPI_Ssend(3) - Blocking synchronous send
- MPI_Ssend_init(3) - Creates a persistent request for a synchronous send
- MPI_Start(3) - Initiates a communication with a persistent request handle
- MPI_Startall(3) - Starts a collection of persistent requests
- MPI_Status_f2c(3) - Translates a C status into a Fortran status, or vice versa.
- MPI_Status_set_cancelled(3) - Sets the cancelled state associated with a Status object
- MPI_Status_set_elements(3) - Set the number of elements in a status
- MPI_Status_set_elements_x(3) - Set the number of elements in a status
- MPI_T_category_changed(3) - Get the timestamp indicating the last change to the categories
- MPI_T_category_get_categories(3) - Get sub-categories in a category
- MPI_T_category_get_cvars(3) - Get control variables in a category
- MPI_T_category_get_index(3) - Get the index of a category
- MPI_T_category_get_info(3) - Get the information about a category
- MPI_T_category_get_num(3) - Get the number of categories
- MPI_T_category_get_pvars(3) - Get performance variables in a category
- MPI_T_cvar_get_index(3) - Get the index of a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_get_info(3) - Get the information about a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_get_num(3) - Get the number of control variables
- MPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc(3) - Allocate a handle for a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_handle_free(3) - Free an existing handle for a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_read(3) - Read the value of a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_write(3) - Write a control variable
- MPI_T_enum_get_info(3) - Get the information about an enumeration
- MPI_T_enum_get_item(3) - Get the information about an item in an enumeration
- MPI_T_finalize(3) - Finalize the MPI tool information interface
- MPI_T_init_thread(3) - Initialize the MPI_T execution environment
- MPI_T_pvar_get_index(3) - Get the index of a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_get_info(3) - Get the inforamtion about a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_get_num(3) - Get the number of performance variables
- MPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc(3) - Allocate a handle for a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_handle_free(3) - Free an existing handle for a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_read(3) - Read the value of a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_readreset(3) - Read the value of a performance variable and then reset it
- MPI_T_pvar_reset(3) - Reset a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_session_create(3) - Create a new session for accessing performance variables
- MPI_T_pvar_session_free(3) - Free an existing performance variable session
- MPI_T_pvar_start(3) - Start a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_stop(3) - Stop a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_write(3) - Write a performance variable
- MPI_Test(3) - Tests for the completion of a request
- MPI_Test_cancelled(3) - Tests to see if a request was cancelled
- MPI_Testall(3) - Tests for the completion of all previously initiated requests
- MPI_Testany(3) - Tests for completion of any previdously initiated requests
- MPI_Testsome(3) - Tests for some given requests to complete
- MPI_Topo_test(3) - Determines the type of topology (if any) associated with a communicator
- MPI_Type_commit(3) - Commits the datatype
- MPI_Type_contiguous(3) - Creates a contiguous datatype
- MPI_Type_create_darray(3) - Create a datatype representing a distributed array
- MPI_Type_create_f90_complex(3) - Returns a bounded MPI complex datatype
- MPI_Type_create_f90_integer(3) - Returns a bounded MPI integer datatype
- MPI_Type_create_f90_real(3) - Returns a bounded MPI real datatype
- MPI_Type_create_hindexed(3) - Create a datatype for an indexed datatype with displacements in bytes
- MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(3) - Create an hindexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPI_Type_create_hvector(3) - Create a datatype with a constant stride given in bytes
- MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(3) - Create an indexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPI_Type_create_keyval(3) - Create an attribute keyval for MPI datatypes
- MPI_Type_create_resized(3) - Create a datatype with a new lower bound and extent from an existing datatype
- MPI_Type_create_struct(3) - Create an MPI datatype from a general set of datatypes, displacements, and block sizes
- MPI_Type_create_subarray(3) - Create a datatype for a subarray of a regular, multidimensional array
- MPI_Type_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a datatype
- MPI_Type_dup(3) - Duplicate a datatype
- MPI_Type_extent(3) - Returns the extent of a datatype
- MPI_Type_free(3) - Frees the datatype
- MPI_Type_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for datatypes
- MPI_Type_get_attr(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Type_get_contents(3) - get type contents
- MPI_Type_get_envelope(3) - get type envelope
- MPI_Type_get_extent(3) - Get the lower bound and extent for a Datatype
- MPI_Type_get_extent_x(3) - Get the lower bound and extent as MPI_Count values for a Datatype
- MPI_Type_get_name(3) - Get the print name for a datatype
- MPI_Type_get_true_extent(3) - Get the true lower bound and extent for a datatype
- MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x(3) - Get the true lower bound and extent as MPI_Count values for a datatype
- MPI_Type_hindexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype with offsets in bytes
- MPI_Type_hvector(3) - type_hvector
- MPI_Type_indexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype
- MPI_Type_lb(3) - Returns the lower-bound of a datatype
- MPI_Type_match_size(3) - Find an MPI datatype matching a specified size
- MPI_Type_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Type_set_name(3) - set datatype name
- MPI_Type_size(3) - Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the datatype
- MPI_Type_size_x(3) - Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the datatype
- MPI_Type_struct(3) - Creates a struct datatype
- MPI_Type_ub(3) - Returns the upper bound of a datatype
- MPI_Type_vector(3) - Creates a vector (strided) datatype
- MPI_Unpack(3) - Unpack a buffer according to a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Unpack_external(3) - Unpack a buffer (packed with MPI_Pack_external) according to a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Unpublish_name(3) - Unpublish a service name published with MPI_Publish_name
- MPI_Wait(3) - Waits for an MPI request to complete
- MPI_Waitall(3) - Waits for all given MPI Requests to complete
- MPI_Waitany(3) - Waits for any specified MPI Request to complete
- MPI_Waitsome(3) - Waits for some given MPI Requests to complete
- MPI_Win_allocate(3) - Create and allocate an MPI Window object for one-sided communication.
- MPI_Win_allocate_shared(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication and shared memory access, and allocate memory at each process.
- MPI_Win_attach(3) - Attach memory to a dynamic window.
- MPI_Win_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a window object
- MPI_Win_complete(3) - Completes an RMA operations begun after an MPI_Win_start.
- MPI_Win_create(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPI_Win_create_dynamic(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication. This window allows memory to be dynamically exposed and un-exposed for RMA operations.
- MPI_Win_create_errhandler(3) - Create an error handler for use with MPI window objects
- MPI_Win_create_keyval(3) - Create an attribute keyval for MPI window objects
- MPI_Win_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a datatype
- MPI_Win_detach(3) - Detach memory from a dynamic window
- MPI_Win_fence(3) - Perform an MPI fence synchronization on a MPI window
- MPI_Win_flush(3) - Complete all outstanding RMA operations at the given target.
- MPI_Win_flush_all(3) - Complete all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPI_Win_flush_local(3) - Complete locally all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPI_Win_flush_local_all(3) - Complete locally all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPI_Win_free(3) - Free an MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for MPI RMA windows
- MPI_Win_get_attr(3) - Get attribute cached on an MPI window object
- MPI_Win_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler for the MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_get_group(3) - Get the MPI Group of the window object
- MPI_Win_get_info(3) - Returns a new info object containing the hints of the window associated with win.
- MPI_Win_get_name(3) - Get the print name associated with the MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_lock(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at the target process.
- MPI_Win_lock_all(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPI_Win_post(3) - Start an RMA exposure epoch
- MPI_Win_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Win_set_errhandler(3) - Set window error handler
- MPI_Win_set_info(3) - Set new values for the hints of the window associated with win.
- MPI_Win_set_name(3) - Set the print name for an MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_shared_query(3) - Query the size and base pointer for a patch of a shared memory window.
- MPI_Win_start(3) - Start an RMA access epoch for MPI
- MPI_Win_sync(3) - Synchronize public and private copies of the given window.
- MPI_Win_test(3) - Test whether an RMA exposure epoch has completed
- MPI_Win_unlock(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch at the target process
- MPI_Win_unlock_all(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPI_Win_wait(3) - Completes an RMA exposure epoch begun with MPI_Win_post
- MPI_Wtick(3) - Returns the resolution of MPI_Wtime
- MPI_Wtime(3) - Returns an elapsed time on the calling processor
- MPIX_Barrier_init(3) - Builds a handle for a collective communication or neighborhood collective communication
- MPIX_Comm_agree(3) - Performs agreement operation on comm
- MPIX_Comm_create_group(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPIX_Comm_failure_ack(3) - Acknowledge the current group of failed processes
- MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked(3) - Get the group of acknowledged failures.
- MPIX_Comm_group_failed(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPIX_Comm_idup(3) - nonblocking communicator duplication
- MPIX_Comm_reenable_anysource(3) - Re-enable the ability to post receives using MPI_ANY_SOURCE on the communicator
- MPIX_Comm_remote_group_failed(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPIX_Comm_revoke(3) - Prevent a communicator from being used in the future
- MPIX_Comm_shrink(3) - Creates a new communitor from an existing communicator while excluding failed processes
- MPIX_Comm_split_type(3) - Creates new communicators based on split types and keys
- MPIX_Compare_and_swap(3) - Accumulate one element of type datatype from the origin buffer (origin_addr) to the buffer at offset target_disp, in the target window specied by target_rank and win, using the operation op and return in the result buffer result_addr the content of the target buffer before the accumulation.
- MPIx_CUDA_SUPPORT(3) - Returns 1 if there is CUDA aware support and 0 if there is not.
- MPIX_Fetch_and_op(3) - Accumulate one element of type datatype from the origin buffer (origin_addr) to the buffer at offset target_disp, in the target window specied by target_rank and win, using the operation op and return in the result buffer result_addr the content of the target buffer before the accumulation.
- MPIX_Get_accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_GPU_query_support(3) - Returns the type of GPU supported
- MPIX_Iallgather(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iallgatherv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iallreduce(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoall(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoallv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoallw(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ibarrier(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ibcast(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iexscan(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Igather(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Igatherv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Improbe(3) - Nonblocking matched probe.
- MPIX_Imrecv(3) - Nonblocking receive of message matched by MPIX_Mprobe or MPIX_Improbe.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_allgather(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_allgatherv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_allgatherv.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoall(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoallv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoallw(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallw.
- MPIX_Ireduce(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ireduce_scatter(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ireduce_scatter_block(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscan(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscatter(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscatterv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Mprobe(3) - Blocking matched probe.
- MPIX_Mrecv(3) - Blocking receive of message matched by MPIX_Mprobe or MPIX_Improbe.
- MPIX_Neighbor_allgather(3) - In this function, each process i gathers data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph, and each process i sends the same data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. The send buffer is sent to each neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_allgatherv(3) - The vector variant of MPIX_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall(3) - In this function, each process i receives data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph or Cartesian topology. Similarly, each process i sends data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. This call is more general than MPI_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHER in that different data items can be sent to each neighbor. The k-th block in send buffer is sent to the k-th neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv(3) - The vector variant of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall allows sending/receiving different numbers of elements to and from each neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallw(3) - Like MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv but it allows one to send and receive with different types to and from each neighbor.
- MPIX_Raccumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_Rget(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPIX_Rget_accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_Rput(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process
- MPIX_T_category_changed(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_categories(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_cvars(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_pvars(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_handle_alloc(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_handle_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_read(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_write(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_enum_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_enum_get_item(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_finalize(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_init_thread(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_handle_alloc(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_handle_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_read(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_readreset(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_reset(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_session_create(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_session_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_start(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_stop(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_write(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Type_create_hindexed_block(3) - Create an hindexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPIX_Win_allocate(3) - Create and allocate an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPIX_Win_allocate_shared(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication and allocate memory at each process.
- MPIX_Win_attach(3) - Attach memory to a dynamic window
- MPIX_Win_create_dynamic(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPIX_Win_detach(3) - Detach memory from a dynamic window
- MPIX_Win_flush(3) - Comple all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPIX_Win_flush_all(3) - Comple all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPIX_Win_flush_local(3) - Comple locally all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPIX_Win_flush_local_all(3) - Comple locally all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPIX_Win_lock_all(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPIX_Win_shared_query(3) - Query the size and base pointer for a patch of a shared memory window
- MPIX_Win_sync(3) - Synchronize public and private copies of the given window
- MPIX_Win_unlock_all(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch all processes on the given window
- MPOOL(3) - shared memory buffer pool
- MPQC::CartesianIterCCA(3)
- MR::IProto(3) - iproto network protocol client
- MR::IProto::Cluster(3) - cluster of servers
- MR::IProto::Cluster::Server(3) - server
- MR::IProto::Connection(3) - base communication class
- MR::IProto::Connection::Async(3) - async communication
- MR::IProto::Connection::Sync(3) - sync communication
- MR::IProto::Error(3) - iproto error
- MR::IProto::Message(3) - iproto message
- MR::IProto::NoResponse(3) - no response
- MR::IProto::Request(3) - request message
- MR::IProto::Response(3) - response message
- MR::IProto::Role::Debuggable(3)
- MR::IProto::Server(3)
- MR::IProto::Server::Connection(3)
- MR::SilverBox(3)
- MR::Tarantool::Box(3) - A driver for an efficient Tarantool/Box NoSQL in-memory storage.
- MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton(3) - A singleton wrapper for MR::Tarantool::Box.
- MRECVL(3) - receives a message
- MrmCloseHierarchy(3)
- MrmFetchBitmapLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchColorLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchIconLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchSetValues(3)
- MrmFetchWidget(3)
- MrmFetchWidgetOverride(3)
- MrmInitialize(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchy(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(3)
- MrmRegisterClass(3)
- MrmRegisterNames(3)
- MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy(3)
- MRO::Compat(3) - mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
- MRO::Define(3) - Define your own method resolution order
- mRS001(3) - Rotation Sensor
- MRTG::Parse(3)
- ms_transform(3) - A parse transformation that translates fun syntax into match specifications.
- msacc(3) - Convenience functions for microstate accounting
- MSEND(3) - sends a message
- MSENDL(3) - sends a message
- MsgBox(3) - create and manipulate a message dialog
- MSLEEP(3) - waits until deadline expires
- MTBL_CRC32C(3) - calculate CRC32C checksum
- MTBL_FILESET(3) - automatic multiple MTBL data file merger
- MTBL_FIXED(3) - Fixed-width encoding and decoding of 32 and 64 bit integers
- MTBL_ITER(3) - iterate over a sequence of key-value pairs
- MTBL_MERGER(3) - merge multiple MTBL data sources into a single output
- MTBL_METADATA(3) - get MTBL file metadata
- MTBL_READER(3) - read an MTBL file
- MTBL_SORTER(3) - sort a sequence of unordered key-value pairs
- MTBL_SOURCE(3) - obtain key-value entries from a data source
- MTBL_VARINT(3) - Variable-width encoding and decoding of 32 and 64 bit integers
- MTBL_WRITER(3) - create an MTBL file
- MULDIV(3) - high-precision multiplication and division
- MULTIBYTE(3) - multibyte and wide character manipulation functions
- Multibyte::Big5(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Big-5
- Multibyte::Big5Plus(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Big-5 Plus
- Multibyte::Bytes(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for bytes encoding scheme
- Multibyte::EUC(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for simple EUC encodings
- Multibyte::EUC_JP(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for EUC-JP
- Multibyte::EUC_TW(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for EUC-TW
- Multibyte::GB18030(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for GB18030
- Multibyte::GBK(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for GBK
- Multibyte::Grapheme(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Default Grapheme Clusters in Unicode
- Multibyte::Johab(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Johab
- Multibyte::ShiftJIS(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Shift-JIS
- Multibyte::UHC(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UHC
- Multibyte::Unicode(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Unicode (Perl's internal format)
- Multibyte::UTF16BE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-16BE
- Multibyte::UTF16LE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-16LE
- Multibyte::UTF32BE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-32BE
- Multibyte::UTF32LE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-32LE
- Multibyte::UTF8(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-8
- MultiDaemon(3) - multi DNSBL prioritization
- multidimensional(3) - disables multidimensional array emulation
- MultiDispatch(3) - Callback dispatch for session events.
- MultiKey(3) - hashes whose keys can be multiple
- Multiplex::CMD(3) - Multiplexed Fork Client
- MultiType(3) - Perl Objects as Hash, Array, Scalar, Code and Glob at the same time.
- MUNGE_CTX(3) - MUNGE context functions
- MUNGE_ENUM(3) - MUNGE enumeration functions
- Munin::Common::Config(3) - Abstract base class for common config code.
- Munin::Common::Daemon(3) - utilities for daemons.
- Munin::Common::Defaults(3) - Default values defined by installation scripts.
- Munin::Common::Timeout(3) - Run code with a timeout. May nest.
- Munin::Common::TLS(3) - Abstract base class implementing the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Common::TLSClient(3) - Implements the client side of the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Common::TLSServer(3) - Implements the server side of the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Master::Config(3) - Holds the master configuration.
- Munin::Master::Group(3) - Holds information on host groups.
- Munin::Master::GroupRepository(3) - FIX
- Munin::Master::Host(3) - Holds information on hosts we are interested in collecting data from.
- Munin::Master::HTMLOld(3) - A program to draw html-pages on an Munin installation
- Munin::Master::LimitsOld(3) - Abstract base class for workers.
- Munin::Master::Logger(3) - Munin master's old logging routines
- Munin::Master::Node(3) - Provides easy access to the munin node
- Munin::Master::ProcessManager(3) - Manager for parallel execution of Workers.
- Munin::Master::Update(3) - Contacts Munin Nodes, gathers data from their service data sources, and stores this information in RRD files.
- Munin::Master::UpdateWorker(3) - FIX
- Munin::Master::Utils(3) - Exports a lot of utility functions.
- Munin::Master::Worker(3) - Abstract base class for workers.
- Munin::Node::Config(3) - Singleton node configuration container. Reads configuration files.
- Munin::Node::Configure::Debug(3) - Prints a debug message in the standard munin-node-configure format.
- Munin::Node::Configure::History(3) - Filtering plugins based on the version of Munin they were first distributed with.
- Munin::Node::Configure::HostEnumeration(3) - Takes a list of hosts, and returns the corresponding IPs in dotted-quad form.
- Munin::Node::Configure::Plugin(3) - Class representing a plugin, along with its installed and suggested services.
- Munin::Node::Configure::PluginList(3) - Loading and listing a collection of plugins
- Munin::Node::Logger(3) - The logger for munin node.
- Munin::Node::OS(3) - OS related utility methods for the Munin node.
- Munin::Node::Server(3) - This module implements a Net::Server server for the munin node.
- Munin::Node::Service(3) - Methods related to handling of Munin services
- Munin::Node::Session(3) - Stores the state for the session between a node and a master.
- Munin::Node::SNMPConfig(3) - Subroutines providing munin-node-configure's SNMP scanning capabilities.
- Munin::Node::SpoolReader(3) - Reading side of the spool functionality
- Munin::Node::SpoolWriter(3) - Writing side of the spool functionality
- Munin::Node::Utils(3) - Various utility functions
- Munin::Plugin(3) - Utility functions for Perl Munin plugins.
- Munin::Plugin::Pgsql(3) - Base module for PostgreSQL plugins for Munin
- Munin::Plugin::SNMP(3) - Net::SNMP subclass for Munin plugins
- mUnlock(3) - unlock a mutex.
- Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD(3) - Module providing routines to submit songs to last.fm from MPD.
- Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit(3) - Module providing routines to submit songs to last.fm using 1.2 protocol.
- MusicBrainz::DiscID(3) - Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
- Mwm(3) - Communicate with the Motif(tm) window manager.
- MySQL::Diff(3) - Generates a database upgrade instruction set
- MySQL::Diff::Database(3) - Database Definition Class
- MySQL::Diff::Table(3) - Table Definition Class
- MySQL::Diff::Utils(3) - Supporting functions for MySQL:Diff
- mysql_affected_rows(3)
- mysql_autocommit(3)
- mysql_change_user(3)
- mysql_close(3)
- mysql_commit(3)
- mysql_data_seek(3)
- mysql_errno(3)
- mysql_error(3)
- mysql_fetch_field(3)
- mysql_fetch_field_direct(3)
- mysql_fetch_fields(3)
- mysql_fetch_lengths(3)
- mysql_fetch_row(3)
- mysql_field_count(3)
- mysql_field_seek(3)
- mysql_field_tell(3)
- mysql_free_result(3)
- mysql_get_character_set_info(3)
- mysql_get_client_info(3)
- mysql_get_client_version(3)
- mysql_get_host_info(3)
- mysql_get_proto_info(3)
- mysql_get_server_info(3)
- mysql_get_server_version(3)
- mysql_get_socket(3)
- mysql_get_ssl_cipher(3)
- mysql_hex_string(3)
- mysql_info(3)
- mysql_init(3)
- mysql_kill(3)
- mysql_more_results(3)
- mysql_next_result(3)
- mysql_num_fields(3)
- mysql_num_rows(3)
- mysql_options(3)
- mysql_options4(3)
- mysql_optionsv(3)
- mysql_ping(3)
- mysql_query(3)
- mysql_read_query_result(3)
- mysql_real_connect(3)
- mysql_real_escape_string(3)
- mysql_real_query(3)
- mysql_refresh(3)
- mysql_reset_connection(3)
- mysql_rollback(3)
- mysql_row_seek(3)
- mysql_row_tell(3)
- mysql_select_db(3)
- mysql_send_query(3)
- mysql_server_end(3)
- mysql_server_init(3)
- mysql_session_track_get_first(3)
- mysql_session_track_get_next(3)
- mysql_set_character_set(3)
- mysql_set_server_option(3)
- mysql_shutdown(3)
- mysql_sqlstate(3)
- mysql_ssl_set(3)
- mysql_stat(3)
- mysql_stmt_affected_rows(3)
- mysql_stmt_attr_get(3)
- mysql_stmt_attr_set(3)
- mysql_stmt_bind_param(3)
- mysql_stmt_bind_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_close(3)
- mysql_stmt_data_seek(3)
- mysql_stmt_errno(3)
- mysql_stmt_error(3)
- mysql_stmt_execute(3)
- mysql_stmt_fetch(3)
- mysql_stmt_fetch_column(3)
- mysql_stmt_field_count(3)
- mysql_stmt_free_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_init(3)
- mysql_stmt_insert_id(3)
- mysql_stmt_more_results(3)
- mysql_stmt_next_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_num_rows(3)
- mysql_stmt_param_count(3)
- mysql_stmt_param_metadata(3)
- mysql_stmt_prepare(3)
- mysql_stmt_reset(3)
- mysql_stmt_result_metadata(3)
- mysql_stmt_row_seek(3)
- mysql_stmt_row_tell(3)
- mysql_stmt_send_long_data(3)
- mysql_stmt_sqlstate(3)
- mysql_stmt_store_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_warning_count(3)
- mysql_store_result(3)
- mysql_thread_end(3)
- mysql_thread_id(3)
- mysql_thread_init(3)
- mysql_use_result(3)
- mysql_warning_count(3)
- Nagios::Config(3) - Parser for the Nagios::Object set of perl modules
- Nagios::Config::File(3) - Base class for Nagios configuration files
- Nagios::Object(3) - Creates perl objects to represent Nagios objects
- Nagios::Object::Config(3) - Perl objects to represent Nagios configuration
- Nagios::Plugin(3) - A family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios plugins
- Nagios::Plugin::Beanstalk(3) - Nagios plugin to observe Beanstalkd queue server.
- Nagios::Plugin::Config(3) - read nagios plugin .ini style config files
- Nagios::Plugin::ExitResult(3) - Helper class for returning both output and return codes when testing.
- Nagios::Plugin::Functions(3) - functions to simplify the creation of Nagios plugins
- Nagios::Plugin::Getopt(3) - OO perl module providing standardised argument processing for Nagios plugins
- Nagios::Plugin::LDAP(3) - Nagios plugin to observe LDAP.
- Nagios::Plugin::Performance(3) - class for handling Nagios::Plugin performance data.
- Nagios::Plugin::Range(3) - class for handling Nagios::Plugin range data.
- Nagios::Plugin::Threshold(3) - class for handling Nagios::Plugin thresholds.
- Nagios::Plugins::Memcached(3) - Nagios plugin to observe memcached.
- Nagios::StatusLog(3) - Perl objects to represent the Nagios status file
- Namazu(3) - Namazu library module for perl
- NamedEntity(3) - Basic Named Entity Extraction algorithm
- namespace::autoclean(3) - Keep imports out of your namespace
- namespace::clean(3) - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
- namespace::clean::xs(3) - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace, in XS
- namespace::clean::xs::all(3) - Use XS for namespace::clean globally
- namespace::sweep(3) - Sweep up imported subs in your classes
- NAN(3) - quiet NaNs
- native::Base(3) - Base class for importing symbols for svn modules
- native::Client(3) - Subversion client functions
- native::Core(3) - Core module of the subversion perl bindings
- native::Delta(3) - Subversion delta functions
- native::Fs(3) - Subversion filesystem functions
- native::Ra(3) - Subversion remote access functions
- native::Repos(3) - Subversion repository functions
- native::Wc(3) - Subversion working copy functions
- Nativeint(3) - Processor-native integers.
- nbdkit-filter(3) - how to write nbdkit filters
- nbdkit-plugin(3) - how to write nbdkit plugins
- nbdkit-sh-plugin(3) - nbdkit shell, script or executable plugin
- NBsocket(3) - 2014
- ncurses(3)
- NDC(3) - Nested Diagnostic Context
- ndelay_off(3) - put file descriptor in non-blocking mode
- ndelay_on(3) - put file descriptor in non-blocking mode
- NE_ADD_REQUEST_HEADE(3) - add headers to a request
- NE_ADDR_RESOLVE(3) - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
- NE_BUFFER(3) - string buffer handling
- NE_BUFFER_APPEND(3) - append data to a string buffer
- NE_BUFFER_CLEAR(3) - clear, grow, or mark as altered a string buffer
- NE_BUFFER_CREATE(3) - create a string buffer
- NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3) - destroy a buffer object
- NE_GET_ERROR(3) - error handling for HTTP sessions
- NE_GET_RESPONSE_HEAD(3) - functions to access response headers
- NE_GET_STATUS(3) - retrieve HTTP response status for request
- NE_HAS_SUPPORT(3) - determine feature support status
- NE_I18N_INIT(3) - functions to initialize internationalization support
- NE_IADDR_MAKE(3) - functions to manipulate network addresses
- NE_MALLOC(3) - memory allocation wrappers
- NE_REQUEST_CREATE(3) - low-level HTTP request handling
- NE_SESSION_CREATE(3) - set up HTTP sessions
- NE_SESSION_PROXY(3) - configure proxy servers
- NE_SET_REQUEST_BODY_(3) - include a message body with a request
- NE_SET_REQUEST_FLAG(3) - set and retrieve per-request flags
- NE_SET_SERVER_AUTH(3) - register authentication callbacks
- NE_SET_SESSION_FLAG(3) - set and retrieve session flags
- NE_SET_USERAGENT(3) - common properties for HTTP sessions
- NE_SHAVE(3) - trim whitespace from a string
- NE_SOCK_INIT(3) - perform library initialization
- NE_SSL_CERT_CMP(3) - functions to operate on certificate objects
- NE_SSL_CERT_IDENTITY(3) - functions to access certificate properties
- NE_SSL_CERT_READ(3) - functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
- NE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT(3) - SSL client certificate handling
- NE_SSL_DNAME(3) - SSL distinguished name handling
- NE_SSL_SET_VERIFY(3) - register an SSL certificate verification callback
- NE_SSL_TRUST_CERT(3) - functions to indicate that certificates are trusted
- NE_STATUS(3) - HTTP status structure
- NE_STRHASH(3) - string hash interface
- NE_STRPARAM(3) - HTTP extended parameter value encoding
- NE_TOKEN(3) - string tokenizers
- NE_VERSION_MATCH(3) - library versioning
- NE_XML_CREATE(3) - create and destroy an XML parser
- need_uconvert(3) - Tells if a string requires encoding conversion. Allegro game programming library.
- NEEDSTACK(3) - check for execution stack overflow
- NEON(3) - HTTP and WebDAV client library
- nerr_error_string(3) - error
- nerr_error_traceback(3) - error
- nerr_handle(3) - pointer to a pointer NEOERR
- nerr_ignore(3)
- nerr_init(3)
- nerr_log_error(3)
- nerr_match(3) - the NEOERR that has an error.
- nerr_pass(3)
- nerr_pass_ctx(3)
- nerr_register(3) - pointer to a NERR_TYPE
- NestedGroups(3) - grouped data eg ACL's, city/state/country etc
- NestedGroups::Member(3) - Set of nested groups
- Net::Abuse::Utils(3) - Routines useful for processing network abuse
- Net::Abuse::Utils::Spamhaus(3) - Perl extension for checking data against the spamhaus blacklists
- Net::ACL(3) - Class representing a generic access-list/route-map
- Net::ACL::Bootstrap(3) - A proxy/bootstrap class for the Net::ACL class
- Net::ACL::File(3) - Access-lists constructed from configuration file like syntax.
- Net::ACL::File::ASPath(3) - AS-path access-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::Community(3) - Community-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::IPAccess(3) - IP access-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::IPAccessExt(3) - Extended IP access-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::Prefix(3) - Prefix-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::RouteMap(3) - BGP Route-Maps loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::File::Standard(3) - Standard access-lists loaded from configuration string.
- Net::ACL::IPAccessExtRule(3) - Class representing an Extended IP Access-list rule
- Net::ACL::Match(3) - Abstract parent class of Match-classes
- Net::ACL::Match::IP(3) - Class matching IP addresses against an IP or network
- Net::ACL::Match::List(3) - Class matching data against one or more access-lists
- Net::ACL::Match::Member(3) - Class matching one or more members of an array
- Net::ACL::Match::Prefix(3) - Class matching IP network prefixes.
- Net::ACL::Match::Regexp(3) - Class matching a scalar data element
- Net::ACL::Match::Scalar(3) - Class matching a scalar data element
- Net::ACL::RouteMapRule(3) - Class representing a BGP-4 policy route-map rule
- Net::ACL::Rule(3) - Class representing a generic access-list/route-map entry
- Net::ACL::Set(3) - Abstract parent class of Set-classes
- Net::ACL::Set::Add(3) - Class adding a value to a data element
- Net::ACL::Set::Scalar(3) - Class replacing a scalar data element
- Net::ACL::Set::Union(3) - Class updating array references doing unions
- Net::ACME2(3) - Client logic for the ACME (Let's Encrypt) protocol
- Net::ACME2::Authorization(3)
- Net::ACME2::Challenge(3)
- Net::ACME2::Challenge::dns_01(3)
- Net::ACME2::Challenge::http_01(3)
- Net::ACME2::Challenge::http_01::Handler(3) - http-01 challenge handler
- Net::ACME2::Challenge::tls_alpn_01(3)
- Net::ACME2::Error(3) - error parsing logic for ACME
- Net::ACME2::HTTP(3) - transport logic for "Net::ACME2".
- Net::ACME2::HTTP_Tiny(3) - HTTP client for Net::ACME
- Net::ACME2::LetsEncrypt(3) - Let’s Encrypt’s v2 API endpoint
- Net::ACME2::Order(3)
- Net::ACME2::X::ACME(3) - An instance of Net::ACME2::X::HTTP::Protocol that represents the failure.
- Net::ACME2::X::HTTP::Network(3) - The request’s HTTP method.
- Net::ACME2::X::HTTP::Protocol(3) - The request’s HTTP method.
- Net::Address::Ethernet(3) - find hardware ethernet address
- Net::Address::IPv4::Local(3) - A class for discovering the local system's IP address
- Net::Akismet(3) - Perl interface to Akismet - comment and trackback spam fighter
- Net::Amazon(3) - Framework for accessing amazon.com via REST
- Net::Amazon::Attribute::Review(3) - Customer Review Class
- Net::Amazon::Attribute::ReviewSet(3) - A set of customer reviews
- Net::Amazon::AWIS(3) - Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service
- Net::Amazon::AWSSign(3) - Perl extension to create signatures for AWS requests
- Net::Amazon::EC2(3) - Perl interface to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment.
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Attachment(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::AvailabilityZone(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::AvailabilityZoneMessage(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::BlockDeviceMapping(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::BundleInstanceResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ConfirmProductInstanceResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ConsoleOutput(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::CreateVolumePermission(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeAddress(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeImageAttribute(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeImagesResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeKeyPairsResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeSubnetResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::DescribeTags(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Details(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::EbsBlockDevice(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::EbsInstanceBlockDeviceMapping(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Error(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Errors(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Events(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::GroupSet(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstanceBlockDeviceMapping(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstancePassword(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstanceState(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstanceStateChange(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstanceStatus(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::InstanceStatuses(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::IpPermission(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::IpRange(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::KeyPair(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::LaunchPermission(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::LaunchPermissionOperation(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::MonitoredInstance(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::NetworkInterfaceSet(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::PlacementResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ProductCode(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ProductInstanceResponse(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Region(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ReservationInfo(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ReservedInstance(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::ReservedInstanceOffering(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::RunningInstances(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::SecurityGroup(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Snapshot(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::SnapshotAttribute(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::StateReason(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::SystemStatus(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::TagSet(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::UserData(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::UserIdGroupPair(3)
- Net::Amazon::EC2::Volume(3)
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk(3) - Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK for Perl
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::BulkSupport(3) - Common code for bulk HIT operations
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::AddRetry(3) - Adds retry support for MechanicalTurk API calls.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::DeleteHIT(3) - Attempts to delete a HIT.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::GetAvailableBalance(3) - Get your accounts available balance.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::GetHITTypeURL(3) - Returns a URL for viewing a HITType.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::ListOperations(3) - Lists MechanicalTurk requester operations.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::LoadHITs(3) - Bulk Loading support for Amazon Mechancial Turk.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::ParseAssignmentAnswer(3) - Parses the answer from a completed assignment.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::RetrieveResults(3) - Retrieves answer data.
- Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Command::UpdateHITs(3) - Bulk HIT update support for Amazon Mechancial Turk.
- Net::Amazon::Property(3) - Baseclass for products on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::Book(3) - Class for books on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::CE(3) - Class for consumer electronics on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::DigitalMusicTrack(3)
- Net::Amazon::Property::DVD(3) - Class for DVDs on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::Music(3) - Class for pop CDs on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::Software(3) - Class for software on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Property::VideoGames(3) - Class for software on amazon.com
- Net::Amazon::Request(3) - Baseclass for requests to Amazon's web service
- Net::Amazon::Request::Actor(3) - Class for submitting Actor requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::All(3) - request class for 'All Search'
- Net::Amazon::Request::Artist(3) - Class for submitting Artist requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::ASIN(3) - Class for submitting ASIN requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::Author(3) - Class for submitting Author requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::Blended(3) - request class for 'Blended Search'
- Net::Amazon::Request::BrowseNode(3) - request class for browse node search
- Net::Amazon::Request::Director(3) - Class for submitting Director requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::EAN(3) - request class for EAN search
- Net::Amazon::Request::Exchange(3) - Class for submitting Exchange requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::ISBN(3)
- Net::Amazon::Request::Keyword(3) - request class for keyword search
- Net::Amazon::Request::Manufacturer(3) - Class for submitting Manufacturer requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::MP3Downloads(3) - Class for submitting MP3 downloads search requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::MusicLabel(3) - Class for submitting MusicLabel requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::Power(3) - request class for 'Power Search'
- Net::Amazon::Request::Publisher(3) - Class for submitting Publisher requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::Seller(3) - Class for submitting Seller requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::Similar(3) - request class for 'Similarities Search'
- Net::Amazon::Request::Sort(3) - listing of sort types
- Net::Amazon::Request::TextStream(3) - request class for text stream search
- Net::Amazon::Request::Title(3) - Class for submitting Title requests
- Net::Amazon::Request::UPC(3) - request class for UPC search
- Net::Amazon::Response(3) - Baseclass for responses from Amazon's web service
- Net::Amazon::Result::Seller(3) - Class for Seller info
- Net::Amazon::Result::Seller::Listing(3) - Class for a single Listing of a Seller
- Net::Amazon::Route53(3)
- Net::Amazon::Route53::Change(3)
- Net::Amazon::Route53::HostedZone(3)
- Net::Amazon::Route53::ResourceRecordSet(3)
- Net::Amazon::Route53::ResourceRecordSet::Change(3)
- Net::Amazon::S3(3) - Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL(3) - Amazon S3 ACL support
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Canned(3) - Representation of canned ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Grantee(3) - Base class for misc ACL grantee representations
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Grantee::Email(3) - Represents user reference by email address for ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Grantee::Group(3) - Represents group reference for ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Grantee::User(3) - Represents user reference for ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::ACL::Set(3) - Representation of explicit ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization(3) - Authorization context base class
- Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization::Basic(3) - Basic authorization information
- Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization::IAM(3) - IAM authorization information
- Net::Amazon::S3::Bucket(3) - convenience object for working with Amazon S3 buckets
- Net::Amazon::S3::Client(3) - An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client
- Net::Amazon::S3::Client::Bucket(3) - An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client bucket
- Net::Amazon::S3::Client::Object(3) - An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client object
- Net::Amazon::S3::Client::Object::Range(3) - Object extension allowing to fetch part of an object
- Net::Amazon::S3::Constants(3) - Misc constants used by S3
- Net::Amazon::S3::Constraint::ACL::Canned(3) - Moose constraint - valid Canned ACL constants
- Net::Amazon::S3::Constraint::Etag(3) - Moose constraint - Etag format
- Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler(3) - A base class for S3 response error handler
- Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Confess(3) - An internal class to report errors via Carp::confess
- Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Legacy(3) - An internal class to report errors like legacy API
- Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Status(3) - An internal class to report response errors via err properties
- Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::X(3) - Throw error specific exception
- Net::Amazon::S3::Features(3) - Features available in Net::Amazon::S3
- Net::Amazon::S3::HTTPRequest(3) - Create a signed HTTP::Request
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Fetch(3) - Internal class to perform GetBucketAcl operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Fetch::Request(3) - An internal class to get a bucket's access control
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Fetch::Response(3) - An internal class to handle fetch bucket acl response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Set(3) - Internal class to perform PutBucketAcl operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Set::Request(3) - An internal class to set a bucket's access control
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Acl::Set::Response(3) - An internal class to handle bucket set acl response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Create(3) - Internal class to perform CreateBucket operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Create::Request(3) - An internal class to create a bucket
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Create::Response(3) - An internal class to handle bucket create response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Delete(3) - Internal class to perform DeleteBucket operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Delete::Request(3) - An internal class to delete a bucket
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Delete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle bucket delete responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Location(3) - Internal class for service operation ListBuckets
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Location::Request(3) - An internal class to get a bucket's location constraint
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Location::Response(3) - An internal class to handle bucket location response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Add(3) - Internal class to perform PutBucketTagging operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Add::Request(3) - Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Add::Response(3) - An internal class to handle PutBucketTagging responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Delete(3) - Internal class to perform DeleteBucketTagging operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Delete::Request(3) - Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Bucket::Tags::Delete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle DeleteBucketTagging responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Buckets::List(3) - Internal class for service operation ListBuckets
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Buckets::List::Request(3) - An internal class to list all buckets
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Buckets::List::Response(3) - An internal class to process list all buckets response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Fetch(3) - Internal class to perform GetObjectAcl operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Fetch::Request(3) - An internal class to get an object's access control
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Fetch::Response(3) - An internal class to handle fetch object acl response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Set(3) - Internal class to perform PutObjectAcl operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Set::Request(3) - An internal class to set an object's access control
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Acl::Set::Response(3) - An internal class to handle set object acl response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Add(3) - Internal class to perform PutObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Add::Request(3) - An internal class to add an object to a bucket.
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Add::Response(3) - An internal class to handle object add response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Delete(3) - Internal class to perform DeleteObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Delete::Request(3) - An internal class to delete an object
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Delete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle object delete responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Fetch(3) - Internal class to perform PutObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Fetch::Request(3) - An internal class to get an object
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Fetch::Response(3) - An internal class to handle object fetch response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Head(3) - Internal class to perform HeadObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Head::Request(3) - An internal class to handle HeadObject request
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Head::Response(3) - An internal class to handle HeadObject response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Restore(3) - Internal class to perform RestoreObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Restore::Request(3) - An internal class implementing RestoreObject operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Restore::Response(3) - An internal class to handle object restore responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Add(3) - Internal class to perform PutObjectTagging operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Add::Request(3) - Internal class to build PutObjectTagging request
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Add::Response(3) - An internal class to handle PutObjectTagging responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Delete(3) - Internal class to perform DeleteObjectTagging operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Delete::Request(3) - Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Tags::Delete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle DeleteObjectTagging responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Abort(3) - Internal class to perform AbortMultipartUpload operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Abort::Request(3) - An internal class to abort a multipart upload
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Abort::Response(3) - An internal class to handle abort multipart upload response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Complete(3) - Internal class to perform CompleteMultipartUpload operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Complete::Request(3) - An internal class to complete a multipart upload
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Complete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle complete a multipart upload response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Create(3) - Internal class to perform CreateMultipartUpload operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Create::Request(3) - An internal class to begin a multipart upload
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Create::Response(3) - An internal class to handle create multipart upload response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Part(3) - Internal class to perform UploadPart operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Part::Request(3) - An internal class to put part of a multipart upload
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Part::Response(3) - Internal class to handle UploadPart operation's response
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Parts(3) - Internal class to perform ListParts operation
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Parts::Request(3) - List the parts in a multipart upload.
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Object::Upload::Parts::Response(3) - An internal class to handle multipart upload parts list responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::Delete(3) - Internal class for service operation DeleteObjects
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::Delete::Request(3) - An internal class to delete multiple objects from a bucket
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::Delete::Response(3) - An internal class to handle delete multiple objects responses
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::List(3) - Internal class for service operation ListObjects
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::List::Request(3) - An internal class to list a bucket (List Objects Version 1)
- Net::Amazon::S3::Operation::Objects::List::Response(3) - An internal class to list a bucket (List Objects Version 1)
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request(3) - Base class for request objects
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Bucket(3) - Base class for all S3 Bucket operations
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Object(3) - Base class for all S3 Object operations
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header(3) - HTTP Header Role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::ACL(3) - Headers builders for ACL
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_length(3) - Content-Lenghth header role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_md5(3) - Content-MD5 header role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_type(3) - Content-Type header role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Copy_source(3) - x-amz-copy-source header role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Encryption(3) - x-amz-server-side-encryption header role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method(3) - HTTP method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::DELETE(3) - HTTP DELETE method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::GET(3) - HTTP GET method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::HEAD(3) - HTTP HEAD method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::POST(3) - HTTP POST method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::PUT(3) - HTTP PUT method role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action(3) - query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Acl(3) - acl query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Delete(3) - delete query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Location(3) - location query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Restore(3) - uploads query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Tagging(3) - tagging query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Uploads(3) - uploads query action role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param(3) - request query params role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Delimiter(3) - delimiter query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Marker(3) - marker query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Max_keys(3) - max-keys query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Part_number(3) - partNumber query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Prefix(3) - prefix query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Upload_id(3) - upload_id query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Version_id(3) - version_id query param role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Tags::Add(3) - Add tags request parts common to Bucket and Object
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::XML::Content(3) - Role providing XML content
- Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Service(3) - Base class for all S3 Service operations
- Net::Amazon::S3::Response(3) - Behaviour common to most S3 responses.
- Net::Amazon::S3::Role::ACL(3) - ACL specification
- Net::Amazon::S3::Role::Bucket(3) - Bucket role
- Net::Amazon::S3::Signature(3) - S3 Signature implementation base class
- Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V2(3) - V2 signatures
- Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V4(3) - V4 signatures
- Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V4Implementation(3) - Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 (copy of Net::Amazon::Signature::V4)
- Net::Amazon::S3::Utils(3) - misc utils
- Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor(3) - Base class for vendor specific behaviour
- Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor::Amazon(3) - Amazon AWS specific behaviour
- Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor::Generic(3) - Generic S3 vendor
- Net::Amazon::S3::X(3) - Net::Amazon::S3 exceptions
- Net::Amazon::Signature(3) - the secret access key that Amazon has assigned to you. * Operation - the name of the operation to perform. Returns an array with the signature and the timestamp used in creating the authenticated request.
- Net::Amazon::Signature::V3(3) - Sign AWS requests -- V3
- Net::Amazon::Signature::V4(3) - Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
- Net::Amazon::Thumbnail(3) - Use the Amazon Alexa Site Thumbnail web service
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch(3) - Validate ItemSearch requests.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Author(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Count(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Director(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Power(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::SoftwareVideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the SoftwareVideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Title(3) - valid search indices for the ca locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::ca::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the ca locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Apparel(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Apparel SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Author(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Automotive(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Automotive SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Availability(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Availability operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Beauty(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Beauty SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Count(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::DeliveryMethod(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the DeliveryMethod operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Director(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Format(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Format operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::HealthPersonalCare(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the HealthPersonalCare SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::HomeGarden(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the HomeGarden SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::ISPUPostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the ISPUPostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Jewelry(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Jewelry SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Magazines(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Magazines SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MP3Downloads(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the MP3Downloads SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MPAARating(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the MPAARating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::MusicTracks(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the MusicTracks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::OfficeProducts(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the OfficeProducts SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Orchestra(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Orchestra operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::OutdoorLiving(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the OutdoorLiving SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::PCHardware(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the PCHardware SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Performer(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Performer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Photo(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Photo SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::PostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the PostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Power(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::SoftwareVideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the SoftwareVideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::SportingGoods(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the SportingGoods SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::State(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the State operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::TextStream(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the TextStream operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Title(3) - valid search indices for the de locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Tools(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Tools SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::de::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the de locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::KindleStore(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the KindleStore SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::es::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the es locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Author(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Availability(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Availability operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Beauty(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Beauty SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Count(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::DeliveryMethod(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the DeliveryMethod operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Director(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Format(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Format operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::HealthPersonalCare(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the HealthPersonalCare SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::ISPUPostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the ISPUPostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Jewelry(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Jewelry SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Magazines(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Magazines operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MP3Downloads(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the MP3Downloads SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::MusicTracks(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the MusicTracks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::OfficeProducts(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the OfficeProducts SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Orchestra(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Orchestra operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Performer(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Performer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::PostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the PostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Power(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::SoftwareVideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the SoftwareVideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::State(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the State operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Title(3) - valid search indices for the fr locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::fr::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the fr locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::KindleStore(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the KindleStore SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Lighting(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Lighting SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Shoes(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Shoes SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::it::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the it locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Apparel(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Apparel SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Author(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Availability(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Availability operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Beauty(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Beauty SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Count(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::DeliveryMethod(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the DeliveryMethod operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Director(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::ForeignBooks(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the ForeignBooks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Format(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Format operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Grocery(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Grocery SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::HealthPersonalCare(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the HealthPersonalCare SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Hobbies(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Hobbies SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::ISPUPostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the ISPUPostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Jewelry(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Jewelry SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Magazines(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Magazines operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::MusicTracks(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the MusicTracks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Orchestra(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Orchestra operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Performer(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Performer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::PostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the PostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Power(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::SportingGoods(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the SportingGoods SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::State(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the State operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::TextStream(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the TextStream operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Title(3) - valid search indices for the jp locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::jp::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the jp locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Apparel(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Apparel SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Author(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Availability(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Availability operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Beauty(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Beauty SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Count(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::DeliveryMethod(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the DeliveryMethod operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Director(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Format(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Format operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::HealthPersonalCare(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the HealthPersonalCare SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::HomeGarden(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the HomeGarden SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::ISPUPostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the ISPUPostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Jewelry(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Jewelry SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Magazines(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Magazines operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MP3Downloads(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the MP3Downloads SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::MusicTracks(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the MusicTracks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::OfficeProducts(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the OfficeProducts SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Orchestra(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Orchestra operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::OutdoorLiving(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the OutdoorLiving SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Performer(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Performer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::PostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the PostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Power(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Shoes(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Shoes SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::SoftwareVideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the SoftwareVideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::State(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the State operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::TextStream(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the TextStream operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Title(3) - valid search indices for the uk locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::uk::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the uk locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Actor(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Actor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Apparel(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Apparel SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Artist(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Artist operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::AudienceRating(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the AudienceRating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Author(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Author operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Automotive(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Automotive SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Availability(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Availability operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Baby(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Baby SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Beauty(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Beauty SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Blended(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Blended SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Books(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Books SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Brand(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Brand operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::BrowseNode(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the BrowseNode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::City(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the City operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Classical(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Classical SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Composer(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Composer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Condition(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Condition operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Conductor(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Conductor operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Count(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Count operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Director(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Director operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::DVD(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the DVD SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::EAN(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the EAN SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Electronics(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Electronics SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Format(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Format operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::GourmetFood(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the GourmetFood SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::HealthPersonalCare(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the HealthPersonalCare SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::HomeGarden(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the HomeGarden SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Industrial(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Industrial SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::ItemPage(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the ItemPage operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Jewelry(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Jewelry SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Keywords(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Keywords SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::KindleStore(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the KindleStore SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Kitchen(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Kitchen SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Magazines(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Magazines SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Manufacturer(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Manufacturer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MaximumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the MaximumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MerchantId(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the MerchantId operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Merchants(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Merchants SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MinimumPrice(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the MinimumPrice operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Miscellaneous(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Miscellaneous SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MP3Downloads(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the MP3Downloads SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MPAARating(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the MPAARating operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Music(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Music SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MusicalInstruments(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the MusicalInstruments SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MusicLabel(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the MusicLabel operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::MusicTracks(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the MusicTracks SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Neighborhood(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Neighborhood operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::OfficeProducts(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the OfficeProducts SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Orchestra(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Orchestra operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::OutdoorLiving(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the OutdoorLiving SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::PCHardware(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the PCHardware SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Performer(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Performer operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::PetSupplies(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the PetSupplies SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Photo(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Photo SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::PostalCode(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the PostalCode operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Power(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Power operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Publisher(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Publisher operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Shoes(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Shoes SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::SilverMerchants(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the SilverMerchants SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Software(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Software SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Sort(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Sort operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::SportingGoods(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the SportingGoods SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::State(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the State operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::TextStream(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the TextStream operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Title(3) - valid search indices for the us locale and the Title operation.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Tools(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Tools SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Toys(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Toys SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::UnboxVideo(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the UnboxVideo SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::UPC(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the UPC SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::VHS(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the VHS SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Video(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Video SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::VideoGames(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the VideoGames SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Watches(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Watches SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::Wireless(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the Wireless SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::ItemSearch::us::WirelessAccessories(3) - valid search indicies for the us locale and the WirelessAccessories SearchIndex.
- Net::Amazon::Validate::Type(3) - Validate user supplied options against known valid options.
- Net::AMQP(3) - Advanced Message Queue Protocol (de)serialization and representation
- Net::AMQP::Common(3) - A collection of exportable tools for AMQP (de)serialization
- Net::AMQP::Frame(3) - AMQP wire-level Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::Body(3) - AMQP wire-level body Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::Header(3) - AMQP wire-level header Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::Heartbeat(3) - AMQP wire-level heartbeat Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::Method(3) - AMQP wire-level method Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::OOBBody(3) - AMQP wire-level out-of-band body Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::OOBHeader(3) - AMQP wire-level out-of-band header Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::OOBMethod(3) - AMQP wire-level out-of-band method Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Frame::Trace(3) - AMQP wire-level trace Frame object
- Net::AMQP::Protocol(3) - Loading code of the AMQP spec
- Net::AMQP::Protocol::Base(3) - Base class of auto-generated protocol classes
- Net::AMQP::Protocol::v0_8(3) - AMQP v0.8 (de)serialization and representation
- Net::AMQP::Value(3) - A collection of classes for typing AMQP data
- Net::Analysis(3) - Modules for analysing network traffic
- Net::Analysis::Constants(3) - some families of constants
- Net::Analysis::Dispatcher(3) - handle the event stuff for the proto analysers
- Net::Analysis::EventLoop(3) - generate a stream of packets
- Net::Analysis::Listener::Base(3) - base class for event listeners
- Net::Analysis::Listener::Example1(3) - emit/receive custom events
- Net::Analysis::Listener::Example2(3) - accessing TCP info
- Net::Analysis::Listener::Example3(3) - looking at HTTP transactions
- Net::Analysis::Listener::HTTP(3) - an HTTP listener
- Net::Analysis::Listener::HTTPPipelining(3) - another HTTP listener
- Net::Analysis::Listener::PortCounter(3) - broad overview of traffic
- Net::Analysis::Listener::TCP(3) - listens to packets, emits streams
- Net::Analysis::Packet(3) - wrapper for our own view of a packet.
- Net::Analysis::TCPMonologue(3) - simple class to contain a TCP monologue
- Net::Analysis::TCPSession(3) - represent a TCP session (with two endpoints)
- Net::Analysis::Time(3) - value object for [tv_sec, tv_usec] times
- Net::APNS(3) - Apple Push Notification Service for perl.
- Net::APNs::Extended(3) - Client library for APNs that support the extended format.
- Net::APNs::Extended::Feedback(3) - Client library for APNs feedback service
- Net::APNS::Notification(3) - Notify client in Apple Push Notification Service for perl.
- Net::Appliance::Phrasebook(3) - Network appliance command-line phrasebook
- Net::Appliance::Session(3) - Run command-line sessions to network appliances
- Net::Async::CassandraCQL(3) - use Cassandra databases with IO::Async using CQL
- Net::Async::CassandraCQL::Connection(3) - connect to a single Cassandra database node
- Net::Async::CassandraCQL::Query(3) - a Cassandra CQL prepared query
- Net::Async::FastCGI(3) - use FastCGI with IO::Async
- Net::Async::FastCGI::PSGI(3) - use "PSGI" applications with "Net::Async::FastCGI"
- Net::Async::FastCGI::Request(3) - a single active FastCGI request
- Net::Async::HTTP(3) - use HTTP with "IO::Async"
- Net::Async::HTTP::Connection(3) - HTTP client protocol handler
- Net::Async::XMPP(3) - asynchronous XMPP client based on Protocol::XMPP and IO::Async::Protocol::Stream.
- Net::Async::XMPP::Client(3) - asynchronous XMPP client based on Protocol::XMPP and IO::Async::Protocol::Stream.
- Net::Async::XMPP::Protocol(3) - common protocol support for Net::Async::XMPP
- Net::Async::XMPP::Server(3) - asynchronous XMPP server based on Protocol::XMPP and IO::Async::Protocol::Stream.
- Net::BGP(3) - Border Gateway Protocol version 4 speaker/listener library
- Net::BGP::ASPath(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 AS Path information
- Net::BGP::NLRI(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 NLRI information
- Net::BGP::Notification(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 NOTIFICATION message
- Net::BGP::Peer(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 peering session state and functionality
- Net::BGP::Process(3) - Class encapsulating BGP session multiplexing functionality
- Net::BGP::Refresh(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 REFRESH message
- Net::BGP::Transport(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 transport session state and functionality
- Net::BGP::Update(3) - Class encapsulating BGP-4 UPDATE message
- Net::BitTorrent(3) - BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol class
- Net::BitTorrent::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Net::BitTorrent
- Net::BitTorrent::DHT(3) - Kademlia based Distributed Hash Table
- Net::BitTorrent::File(3) - Object for manipulating .torrent files
- Net::BitTorrent::Notes(3) - Annotated Guide to the Ins and Outs of Net::BitTorrent
- Net::BitTorrent::Peer(3) - Remote BitTorrent Peer
- Net::BitTorrent::PeerPacket(3) - Parse/Build Peer Packets from BitTorrent
- Net::BitTorrent::Protocol(3) - Packet utilities for the BitTorrent protocol
- Net::BitTorrent::Torrent(3) - Class Representing a Single .torrent File
- Net::BitTorrent::Torrent::File(3) - BitTorrent File I/O Class
- Net::BitTorrent::Torrent::Tracker(3) - Single BitTorrent Tracker Tier
- Net::BitTorrent::Torrent::Tracker::HTTP(3) - Single HTTP BitTorrent Tracker
- Net::BitTorrent::Torrent::Tracker::UDP(3) - Single UDP BitTorrent Tracker
- Net::BitTorrent::Util(3) - BitTorrent Related Utility Functions
- Net::BitTorrent::Version(3) - Net::BitTorrent's project-wide version numbers
- Net::Blogger(3) - (DEPRECATED) an OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the Blogger XML-RPC API.
- Net::Blogger::API::Core(3) - Blogger API methods
- Net::Blogger::API::Extended(3) - provides helper methods not defined in the Blogger API.
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Base(3) - base class for Blogger API engines
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Blogger(3) - Pyra Blogger API engine
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Manila(3) - UserLand Manila Blogger API engine
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Movabletype(3) - Movabletype Blogger API engine
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Movabletype::mt(3) - Adds support for the MovableType XML-RPC API
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Radio(3) - UserLand Radio Blogger API engine
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Slash(3) - Adds support for the Slashcode SOAP API.
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Slash::slashcode(3) - Adds support for the Slashcode SOAP API.
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Userland(3) - base class for UserLand Blogger API engines
- Net::Blogger::Engine::Userland::metaWeblog(3) - UserLand metaWeblog API engine
- Net::Bonjour(3) - Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour)
- Net::Bonjour::Entry(3) - Support module for mDNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour)
- Net::CascadeCopy(3) - Rapidly propagate (rsync/scp/...) files to many servers in multiple locations.
- Net::Cassandra(3) - Interface to Cassandra
- Net::Cassandra::Easy(3) - Perlish interface to the Cassandra database
- Net::CIDR(3) - Manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
- Net::CIDR::MobileJP(3) - mobile ip address in Japan
- Net::CIDR::Set(3) - Manipulate sets of IP addresses
- Net::CIDR::Set::IPv4(3) - Encode / decode IPv4 addresses
- Net::CIDR::Set::IPv6(3) - Encode / decode IPv6 addresses
- Net::CLI::Interact(3) - Toolkit for CLI Automation
- Net::CLI::Interact::Action(3) - Sent data or matched response from connected device
- Net::CLI::Interact::ActionSet(3) - Conversation of Send and Match Actions
- Net::CLI::Interact::Logger(3) - Per-instance multi-target logging, with categories
- Net::CLI::Interact::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Miscellaneous recipes
- Net::CLI::Interact::Manual::Phrasebook(3) - List of Supported CLIs
- Net::CLI::Interact::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Guide for new users
- Net::CLI::Interact::Phrasebook(3) - Load command phrasebooks from a Library
- Net::CLI::Interact::Role::Engine(3) - Statement execution engine
- Net::CLI::Interact::Role::Iterator(3) - Array-based Iterator
- Net::CLI::Interact::Role::Prompt(3) - Command-line prompt management
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::Base(3) - Spawns an Interactive CLI Session
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::Loopback(3) - Testable CLI connection
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::Net_OpenSSH(3) - Net::OpenSSH based CLI connection
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::Serial(3) - Serial-line based CLI connection
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::SSH(3) - SSH based CLI connection
- Net::CLI::Interact::Transport::Telnet(3) - TELNET based CLI connection
- Net::Cmd(3) - Network Command class (as used by FTP, SMTP etc)
- Net::Config(3) - Local configuration data for libnet
- Net::Connection(3) - Represents a network connection as a object.
- Net::Connection::lsof(3) - This uses lsof to generate a array of Net::Connection objects.
- Net::Connection::Match(3) - Runs a stack of checks to match Net::Connection objects.
- Net::Connection::Match::All(3) - Matches everything.
- Net::Connection::Match::CIDR(3) - Runs a basic CIDR check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::Command(3) - Check if the process command matches fix regexp for a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::PctCPU(3) - Check if the pctcpu of a process matches for the process that has the connection.
- Net::Connection::Match::PctMem(3) - Check if the pctmem of a process matches for the process that has the connection.
- Net::Connection::Match::PID(3) - Check if the PID of a connection matches.
- Net::Connection::Match::Ports(3) - Runs a basic port check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::Protos(3) - Runs a protocol check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::PTR(3) - Runs a PTR check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::RegexPTR(3) - Runs a PTR check against a Net::Connection object using regular expressions.
- Net::Connection::Match::States(3) - Runs a basic state check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::UID(3) - Check if the UID of a connection matches.
- Net::Connection::Match::Username(3) - Runs a username check against a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::Match::WChan(3) - Check if the process wait channel matches fix regexp for a Net::Connection object.
- Net::Connection::ncnetstat(3) - The backend for ncnetstat, the colorized and enhanced netstat like tool.
- Net::Connection::Sort(3) - Sorts array of Net::Connection objects.
- Net::Connection::Sort::host_f(3) - Sorts the connections via the foreign host.
- Net::Connection::Sort::host_fl(3) - Sorts the connections via the foreign host and then local host.
- Net::Connection::Sort::host_l(3) - Sorts the connections via the local host.
- Net::Connection::Sort::host_lf(3) - Sorts the connections via the local host and then foreign host.
- Net::Connection::Sort::pid(3) - Sorts the connections via the PID.
- Net::Connection::Sort::port_f(3) - Sorts the connections via the foreign port numerically.
- Net::Connection::Sort::port_fa(3) - Sorts the connections via the foreign port alphabetically.
- Net::Connection::Sort::port_l(3) - Sorts the connections via the local port numerically.
- Net::Connection::Sort::port_la(3) - Sorts the connections via the local port alphabetically.
- Net::Connection::Sort::proto(3) - Sorts the connections via the connection protocol.
- Net::Connection::Sort::ptr_f(3) - Sorts via the foriegn PTR.
- Net::Connection::Sort::ptr_l(3) - Sorts via the foriegn PTR.
- Net::Connection::Sort::state(3) - Sorts the connections via the connection state.
- Net::Connection::Sort::uid(3) - Sorts the connections via the UID.
- Net::Connection::Sort::user(3) - Sorts the connections via the username
- Net::CSTA(3) - Perl extension for ECMA CSTA
- Net::CUPS(3) - Common Unix Printing System Interface
- Net::CUPS::Destination(3) - CUPS Destination Object
- Net::CUPS::IPP(3) - Internet Printing Protocol Object
- Net::CUPS::PPD(3) - PostScript Printer Definition Object
- Net::Curl(3) - Perl interface for libcurl
- Net::Curl::Compat(3)
- Net::Curl::examples(3) - sample modules and test code for Net::Curl
- Net::Curl::Form(3) - Form builder for Net::Curl
- Net::Curl::Multi(3) - Perl interface for curl_multi_* functions
- Net::Curl::Share(3) - Perl interface for curl_share_* functions
- Net::DAAP::Client(3) - client for Apple iTunes DAAP service
- Net::DAAP::DMAP(3) - Perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures
- Net::Daemon(3) - Perl extension for portable daemons
- Net::Daemon::Log(3) - Utility functions for logging
- Net::Daemon::SSL(3) - perl extensions for portable ssl daemons
- Net::Daemon::Test(3) - support functions for testing Net::Daemon servers
- Net::DAV::LockManager(3) - Provides support for WebDAV locking
- Net::DAV::Server(3) - Provide a DAV Server
- Net::DBus(3) - Perl extension for the DBus message system
- Net::DBus::Annotation(3) - annotations for changing behaviour of APIs
- Net::DBus::ASyncReply(3) - asynchronous method reply handler
- Net::DBus::BaseObject(3) - base class for exporting objects to the bus
- Net::DBus::Binding::Bus(3) - Handle to a well-known message bus instance
- Net::DBus::Binding::Connection(3) - A connection between client and server
- Net::DBus::Binding::Introspector(3) - Handler for object introspection data
- Net::DBus::Binding::Iterator(3) - Reading and writing message parameters
- Net::DBus::Binding::Message(3) - Base class for messages
- Net::DBus::Binding::Message::Error(3) - a message encoding a method call error
- Net::DBus::Binding::Message::MethodCall(3) - a message encoding a method call
- Net::DBus::Binding::Message::MethodReturn(3) - a message encoding a method return
- Net::DBus::Binding::Message::Signal(3) - a message encoding a signal
- Net::DBus::Binding::PendingCall(3) - A handler for pending method replies
- Net::DBus::Binding::Server(3) - A server to accept incoming connections
- Net::DBus::Binding::Value(3) - Strongly typed data value
- Net::DBus::Binding::Watch(3) - binding to the dbus watch API
- Net::DBus::Callback(3) - a callback for receiving reactor events
- Net::DBus::Dumper(3) - Stringify Net::DBus objects suitable for printing
- Net::DBus::Error(3) - Error details for remote method invocation
- Net::DBus::Exporter(3) - Export object methods and signals to the bus
- Net::DBus::Object(3) - Implement objects to export to the bus
- Net::DBus::ProxyObject(3) - Implement objects to export to the bus
- Net::DBus::Reactor(3) - application event loop
- Net::DBus::RemoteObject(3) - Access objects provided on the bus
- Net::DBus::RemoteService(3) - Access services provided on the bus
- Net::DBus::Service(3) - Provide a service to the bus for clients to use
- Net::DBus::Test::MockConnection(3) - Fake a connection to the bus unit testing
- Net::DBus::Test::MockIterator(3) - Iterator over a mock message
- Net::DBus::Test::MockMessage(3) - Fake a message object when unit testing
- Net::DBus::Test::MockObject(3) - Fake an object from the bus for unit testing
- Net::DBus::Tutorial(3) - tutorials on the Perl DBus APIs
- Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects(3) - tutorials on providing a DBus service
- Net::DBus::Tutorial::UsingObjects(3) - tutorial on accessing a DBus service
- Net::Delicious(3) - OOP for the del.icio.us API
- Net::Delicious::Bundle(3) - OOP for del.icio.us bundle thingies
- Net::Delicious::Config(3) - config handler for Net::Delicious.
- Net::Delicious::Constants(3) - del.icio.us constant variables
- Net::Delicious::Constants::Config(3) - constant variables for Net::Delicious default configs.
- Net::Delicious::Constants::Pause(3)
- Net::Delicious::Constants::Response(3) - constant variables for del.icio.us response messages
- Net::Delicious::Constants::Uri(3) - constant variables for del.icio.us URIs
- Net::Delicious::Date(3) - OOP for del.icio.us date thingies
- Net::Delicious::Iterator(3) - iterator class for Net::Delicious thingies
- Net::Delicious::Object(3) - base class for Net::Delicious thingies
- Net::Delicious::Post(3) - OOP for del.icio.us post thingies
- Net::Delicious::Subscription(3) - OOP for del.icio.us subscription thingies
- Net::Delicious::Tag(3) - OOP for del.icio.us tag thingies
- Net::Delicious::User(3) - OOP for del.icio.us user thingies
- Net::DHCP::Constants(3) - Constants for DHCP codes and options
- Net::DHCP::Packet(3) - Object methods to create a DHCP packet.
- Net::Dict(3) - client API for accessing dictionary servers (RFC 2229)
- Net::DirectConnect(3) - Perl Direct Connect protocol implementation
- Net::DirectConnect::filelist(3)
- Net::DNS(3) - Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
- Net::DNS::Async(3) - Asynchronous DNS helper for high volume applications
- Net::DNS::Check(3) - OOP Perl module based on Net::DNS for domain name checking.
- Net::DNS::Check::Config(3)
- Net::DNS::Check::Host(3) - Class for name server resolution of hostnames
- Net::DNS::Check::HostsList(3) - Class for maintaining a list of Net::DNS::Check::Host objects.
- Net::DNS::Check::NSQuery(3) - Class to query authoritative nameservers for the domain name you want to check.
- Net::DNS::Check::Test(3) - base class for all type of tests
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::host_ip_private(3) - Check if the IP addresses found during the hosts resolution do not belong to IP private classes
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::host_ip_vs_ip_orig(3) - Compare the IP addresses found during the hosts resolution with the IP addresses given with nserver argument (if exists) in method "new".
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::host_not_cname(3) - Check if the hosts found are CNAME or not
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::host_syntax(3) - Verify the correctness of the hosts syntax
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::mx_compare(3) - Compare the MX RR found
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::mx_present(3) - Check if mx RR is present or not
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::ns_compare(3) - Check if the NS RR are the same in all the authoritative nameservers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::ns_count(3) - Check if the number of NS RR are within the range set in the configuration object
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::ns_vs_delegated(3) - Compare the NS RR found with the effectively delegated nameservers (NS RR in the parent zone of the domain name being checked)
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_expire_compare(3) - Compare the expire time of all the authoritative nameservers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_expire_range(3) - Check if the expire time in the SOA RR is within the range set in the configuration object
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_master_compare(3) - Compare the value of the master nameserver specified in the SOA RR of all the authoritative nameservers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_master_in_ns(3) - Check if the NS RR exists for the master nameserver specified in the SOA RR
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_refresh_compare(3) - Compare the refresh time in SOA RR of all authoritative name servers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_refresh_range(3) - Check if the refresh time in the SOA RR is within the range set in the configuration object
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_retry_compare(3) - Compare the retry time in the SOA RR of all the authoritative nameservers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_retry_range(3) - Check if the retry time in the SOA RR is within the range set in the configuration object
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_serial_compare(3) - Compare the serial number in the SOA RR of all the authoritative nameservers
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::soa_serial_syntax(3) - Check if the syntax of the serial number in the SOA RR are in the AAAAMMGGVV format
- Net::DNS::Check::Test::unknown(3) - Unknown Test
- Net::DNS::Domain(3) - DNS domains
- Net::DNS::DomainName(3) - DNS name representation
- Net::DNS::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Net::DNS Questions
- Net::DNS::Header(3) - DNS packet header
- Net::DNS::Lite(3) - a pure-perl DNS resolver with support for timeout
- Net::DNS::Mailbox(3) - DNS mailbox representation
- Net::DNS::Match(3) - Perl extension for testing domains against another list of domains (similar to Net::Patricia but for FQDNs)
- Net::DNS::Nameserver(3) - DNS server class
- Net::DNS::Packet(3) - DNS protocol packet
- Net::DNS::Parameters(3) - DNS parameter assignments
- Net::DNS::Question(3) - DNS question record
- Net::DNS::Resolver(3) - DNS resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::android(3) - Android resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::Base(3) - DNS resolver base class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::cygwin(3) - Cygwin resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock(3) - Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
- Net::DNS::Resolver::MSWin32(3) - MS Windows resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::os2(3) - OS2 resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::os390(3) - IBM OS/390 resolver class
- Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable(3) - programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
- Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse(3) - DNS recursive resolver
- Net::DNS::Resolver::UNIX(3) - Unix resolver class
- Net::DNS::RR(3) - DNS resource record base class
- Net::DNS::RR::A(3) - DNS A resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::AAAA(3) - DNS AAAA resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::AFSDB(3) - DNS AFSDB resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::AMTRELAY(3) - DNS AMTRELAY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::APL(3) - DNS APL resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CAA(3) - DNS CAA resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CDNSKEY(3) - DNS CDNSKEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CDS(3) - DNS CDS resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CERT(3) - DNS CERT resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CNAME(3) - DNS CNAME resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::CSYNC(3) - DNS CSYNC resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::DHCID(3) - DNS DHCID resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::DNAME(3) - DNS DNAME resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::DNSKEY(3) - DNS DNSKEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::DS(3) - DNS DS resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::EUI48(3) - DNS EUI48 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::EUI64(3) - DNS EUI64 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::GPOS(3) - DNS GPOS resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::HINFO(3) - DNS HINFO resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::HIP(3) - DNS HIP resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::HTTPS(3) - DNS HTTPS resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::IPSECKEY(3) - DNS IPSECKEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::ISDN(3) - DNS ISDN resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::KEY(3) - DNS KEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::KX(3) - DNS KX resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::L32(3) - DNS L32 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::L64(3) - DNS L64 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::LOC(3) - DNS LOC resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::LP(3) - DNS LP resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::MB(3) - DNS MB resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::MG(3) - DNS MG resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::MINFO(3) - DNS MINFO resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::MR(3) - DNS MR resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::MX(3) - DNS MX resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NAPTR(3) - DNS NAPTR resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NID(3) - DNS NID resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NS(3) - DNS NS resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NSEC(3) - DNS NSEC resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3(3) - DNS NSEC3 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3PARAM(3) - DNS NSEC3PARAM resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::NULL(3) - DNS NULL resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::OPENPGPKEY(3) - DNS OPENPGPKEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::OPT(3) - DNS OPT resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::PTR(3) - DNS PTR resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::PX(3) - DNS PX resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::RP(3) - DNS RP resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(3) - DNS RRSIG resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::RT(3) - DNS RT resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SIG(3) - DNS SIG resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SMIMEA(3) - DNS SMIMEA resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SOA(3) - DNS SOA resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SPF(3) - DNS SPF resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SRV(3) - DNS SRV resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SRV::Helper(3) - Orders SRV records by priority and weight for Net::DNS.
- Net::DNS::RR::SSHFP(3) - DNS SSHFP resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::SVCB(3) - DNS SVCB resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::TKEY(3) - DNS TKEY resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::TLSA(3) - DNS TLSA resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::TSIG(3) - DNS TSIG resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::TXT(3) - DNS TXT resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::URI(3) - DNS URI resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::X25(3) - DNS X25 resource record
- Net::DNS::RR::ZONEMD(3) - DNS ZONEMD resource record
- Net::DNS::SEC(3) - DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS
- Net::DNS::SEC::Digest(3) - Message Digest Algorithms
- Net::DNS::SEC::DSA(3) - DNSSEC DSA digital signature algorithm
- Net::DNS::SEC::ECCGOST(3) - DNSSEC ECC-GOST digital signature algorithm
- Net::DNS::SEC::ECDSA(3) - DNSSEC ECDSA digital signature algorithm
- Net::DNS::SEC::EdDSA(3) - DNSSEC EdDSA digital signature algorithm
- Net::DNS::SEC::Keyset(3) - DNSSEC Keyset object class
- Net::DNS::SEC::libcrypto(3) - Perl interface to OpenSSL libcrypto
- Net::DNS::SEC::Private(3) - DNSSEC Private key object
- Net::DNS::SEC::RSA(3) - DNSSEC RSA digital signature algorithm
- Net::DNS::Text(3) - DNS text representation
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::Debug(3) - ToolKit print tools
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::Question(3) - Resource Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR(3) - Resource Record class loader
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::AAAA(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::AFSDB(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::CNAME(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::HINFO(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::ISDN(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MB(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MD(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MF(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MG(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MINFO(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MR(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::MX(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::NS(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::NULL(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::PTR(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::RP(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::RT(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::SOA(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::SRV(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::TXT(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::TYPE(3) - Unknown Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::X25(3) - Resource Record Handler
- Net::DNS::ToolKit::Utilities(3) - a collection of helper utilities
- Net::DNS::Update(3) - DNS dynamic update packet
- Net::DNS::ZoneFile(3) - DNS zone file
- Net::DNSBL::Utilities(3) - functions for DNSBL daemons
- Net::Domain::ExpireDate(3)
- Net::Domain::TLD(3) - Work with TLD names
- Net::DRI(3) - Interface to Domain Name Registries/Registrars/Resellers
- Net::DRI::BaseClass(3) - Superclass of various classes inside Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Cache(3) - Local cache for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Changes(3) - Bundle of changes in Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact(3) - Handle contact data, modeled from EPP for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::AERO(3) - Handle .AERO contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::AFNIC(3) - Handle AFNIC contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::ARNES(3) - Handle .SI contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::ASIA(3) - Handle .ASIA contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::AT(3) - Handle .AT contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::BE(3) - Handle .BE contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::BR(3) - Handle BR contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::CAT(3) - Handle .CAT contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::CIRA(3) - Handle CIRA (.CA) contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::COOP(3) - Handle .COOP contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::DENIC(3) - Handle .DE contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::EURid(3) - Handle EURid contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::FCCN(3) - Handle FCCN (.PT) contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::IT(3) - Handle .IT contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::JOBS(3) - Handle .JOBS contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::LU(3) - Handle .LU contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::NO(3) - Handle .NO contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::Nominet(3) - Handle .UK contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::OpenSRS(3) - Handle OpenSRS contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::PL(3) - Handle .PL contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::SE(3) - Handle .SE contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::SIDN(3) - Handle SIDN contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::SWITCH(3) - Handle .CH/.LI contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Contact::US(3) - Handle .US contact data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::ContactSet(3) - Handle an ordered collection of contacts for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Hosts(3) - Handle ordered list of nameservers (name, IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::Raw(3) - Encapsulating raw data for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Data::RegistryObject(3) - Additional API for Net::DRI operations
- Net::DRI::Data::StatusList(3) - Handle a collection of statuses for an object, in a registry independent fashion for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD(3) - Superclass of all Net::DRI Registry Drivers
- Net::DRI::DRD::AdamsNames(3) - AdamsNames (.TC .VG .GD) Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::AERO(3) - .AERO policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::AFNIC(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) Registry Driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::AG(3) - .AG policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::ARNES(3) - ARNES (.SI) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::ASIA(3) - .ASIA policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::AT(3) - .AT policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::AU(3) - .AU policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::BE(3) - .BE (DNSBE) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::BIZ(3) - .BIZ policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::BookMyName(3) - BookMyName (aka Free/ProXad/Online/Dedibox/Iliad) Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::BR(3) - .BR policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::BZ(3) - .BZ policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::CAT(3) - .CAT policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::CentralNic(3) - CentralNic (.LA .EU.COM .UK.COM etc.) Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::CIRA(3) - CIRA (.CA) Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::CoCCA(3) - CoCCA Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::COOP(3) - .COOP policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::CZ(3) - .CZ policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::DENIC(3) - DENIC (.DE) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::EURid(3) - EURid (.EU) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::Gandi(3) - Gandi Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::GL(3) - GL Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::HN(3) - .HN policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::ICANN(3) - ICANN policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::IENUMAT(3) - Infrastructure ENUM.AT policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::IM(3) - .IM policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::INFO(3) - .INFO policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::IRegistry(3) - .CO.CZ policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::IT(3) - .IT policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::LC(3) - .LC policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::LU(3) - .LU policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::ME(3) - .ME policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::MN(3) - .MN policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::MOBI(3) - .MOBI policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::NAME(3) - .NAME policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::NO(3) - .NO policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::Nominet(3) - .UK (Nominet) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::NU(3) - .NU policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::OpenSRS(3) - OpenSRS Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::ORG(3) - .ORG policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::OVH(3) - OVH Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::PL(3) - .PL policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::PRO(3) - .PRO policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::PT(3) - FCCN .PT Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::SC(3) - .SC policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::SE(3) - .SE policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::SIDN(3) - SIDN (.NL) Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::SWITCH(3) - SWITCH (.CH/.LI) policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::TRAVEL(3) - .TRAVEL policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::US(3) - .US policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::VC(3) - .VC policies for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::VNDS(3) - Verisign .COM/.NET/.CC/.TV/.BZ/.JOBS Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::DRD::WS(3) - Website.WS .WS Registry driver for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Exception(3) - Class to store all exceptions inside Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Logging(3) - Logging Operations for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Logging::Files(3) - Logging to Files for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Logging::Null(3) - Null Logging Operations for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Logging::Stderr(3) - STDERR Logging Operations for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Logging::Syslog(3) - SYSLOG Logging Operations for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol(3) - Superclass of all Net::DRI Protocols
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AdamsNames::WS(3) - AdamsNames Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AdamsNames::WS::Connection(3) - AdamsNames Web Services Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AdamsNames::WS::Domain(3) - AdamsNames Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AdamsNames::WS::Message(3) - AdamsNames Web Services Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::Email(3) - AFNIC Email Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::Email::Domain(3) - AFNIC Email Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::Email::Message(3) - AFNIC Email Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::WS(3) - AFNIC Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::WS::Domain(3) - AFNIC Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::AFNIC::WS::Message(3) - AFNIC Web Services Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::BookMyName::WS(3) - BookMyName (aka Free/ProXad/Online/Dedibox/Iliad) Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::BookMyName::WS::Account(3) - BookMyName Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::BookMyName::WS::Domain(3) - BookMyName Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::BookMyName::WS::Message(3) - BookMyName Web Services Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS(3) - DAS Protocol (.BE & .EU Domain Availability Service) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AdamsNames(3) - AdamsNames DAS Protocol (Domain Availability Service) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AdamsNames::Connection(3) - AdamsNames DAS Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AdamsNames::Domain(3) - AdamsNames DAS Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AdamsNames::Message(3) - AdamsNames DAS Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AU(3) - .AU DAS Protocol (Domain Availability Service) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AU::Connection(3) - .AU DAS Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AU::Domain(3) - .AU DAS Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::AU::Message(3) - .AU DAS Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::Connection(3) - DAS Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::Domain(3) - DAS Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::Message(3) - DAS Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::SIDN(3) - .NL DAS Protocol (Domain Availability Service) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::SIDN::Connection(3) - .NL DAS Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::SIDN::Domain(3) - .NL DAS Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::DAS::SIDN::Message(3) - .NL DAS Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP(3) - EPP Protocol (STD 69 aka RFC 5730,5731,5732,5733,5734 obsoleting RFC 3730,3731,3732,3733,3734 and RFC 3735) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Connection(3) - EPP over TCP/TLS Connection Handling (RFC4934) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Contact(3) - EPP Contact commands (RFC4933 obsoleting RFC3733) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Domain(3) - EPP Domain commands (RFC4931 obsoleting RFC3731) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Host(3) - EPP Host commands (RFC4932 obsoleting RFC3732) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::RegistryMessage(3) - EPP Registry messages commands (RFC4930 obsoleting RFC3730) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Session(3) - EPP Session commands (RFC4930 obsoleting RFC3730) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Status(3) - EPP Status for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AERO(3) - .AERO EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AERO::Contact(3) - .AERO EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AERO::Domain(3) - .AERO EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Afilias(3) - Afilias (.ORG & various ccTLDs) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Afilias::IDNLanguage(3) - Afilias EPP IDN Language commands (EPP-IDN-Lang-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Afilias::Restore(3) - EPP renew redemption period support for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AFNIC(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AFNIC::Contact(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) EPP Contact extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AFNIC::Domain(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) EPP Domain extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AFNIC::Notifications(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) EPP Notifications for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AFNIC::Status(3) - AFNIC (.FR/.RE) EPP Status for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ARNES(3) - ARNES (.SI) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ARNES::Contact(3) - ARNES (.SI) EPP Contact extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ARNES::Domain(3) - ARNES (.SI) EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ASIA(3) - ASIA EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ASIA::CED(3) - .ASIA EPP CED extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::ASIA::IPR(3) - .ASIA EPP IPR extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT(3) - .AT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::ATResult(3) - NIC.AT Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::Contact(3) - NIC.AT Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::Domain(3) - NIC.AT EPP Domain extension for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::IOptions(3) - ENUM.AT Options EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::Message(3) - NIC.AT Message EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AT::Result(3) - ENUM.AT Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AU(3) - .AU EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::AU::Domain(3) - .AU EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::BR(3) - .BR EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::BR::Contact(3) - .BR EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::BR::Domain(3) - .BR EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CAT(3) - .CAT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CAT::Contact(3) - .CAT EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CAT::DefensiveRegistration(3) - .CAT EPP Defensive Registration extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CAT::Domain(3) - .CAT EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CentralNic(3) - CentralNic EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CentralNic::Release(3) - EPP Release CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CentralNic::TTL(3) - EPP DNS TTL CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CentralNic::WebForwarding(3) - EPP WebForwarding CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CIRA(3) - CIRA (.CA) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CIRA::Agreement(3) - CIRA EPP Agreement commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CIRA::Contact(3) - CIRA EPP Contact commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CIRA::Domain(3) - CIRA (.CA) EPP Domain extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CIRA::Notifications(3) - CIRA (.CA) EPP Notifications for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::COOP(3) - .COOP EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::COOP::Contact(3) - .COOP EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CZ(3) - .CZ EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CZ::Contact(3) - .CZ EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CZ::Domain(3) - .CZ Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::CZ::NSSET(3) - .CZ NSSET extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::DNSBE(3) - DNSBE (.BE) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::DNSBE::Contact(3) - DNSBE EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::DNSBE::Domain(3) - DNSBE EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::DNSBE::Message(3) - DNSBE EPP Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::E164(3) - EPP E.164 Number Mapping (RFC4114) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::E164Validation(3) - EPP E.164 Validation (RFC5076) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::E164Validation::RFC5076(3) - EPP E.164 Validation Information Example from RFC5076 for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid(3) - EURid (.EU) EPP extensions (release 5.6) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Contact(3) - EURid EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Domain(3) - EURid EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Message(3) - EPP EURid Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Notifications(3) - EURid EPP Notifications Handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Registrar(3) - EURid EPP Registrar extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::EURid::Sunrise(3) - EURid Sunrise EPP extension for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::FCCN(3) - FCCN (.PT) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::FCCN::Contact(3) - FCCN (.PT) EPP Contact extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::FCCN::Domain(3) - FCCN (.PT) EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::GracePeriod(3) - EPP Grace Period commands (RFC3915) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::HTTP(3) - EPP over HTTP/HTTPS connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IENUMAT(3) - Infrastructure ENUM .AT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IRegistry(3) - .CO.CZ EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IT(3) - .IT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IT::Contact(3) - .IT EPP Contact extension for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IT::Domain(3) - .IT EPP Domain extension for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::IT::Notifications(3) - .IT EPP Notifications Parsing for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::LU(3) - DNSLU EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::LU::Contact(3) - .LU EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::LU::Domain(3) - .LU EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::LU::Poll(3) - EPP DNS-LU Poll extensions (DocRegistrar-2.0.6.pdf pages 35-37) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::LU::Status(3) - EPP .LU Status for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::MOBI(3) - .MOBI EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::MOBI::Domain(3) - .MOBI EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NAME(3) - .NAME EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NAME::EmailFwd(3) - EPP EmailFwd extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NeuLevel::IDNLanguage(3) - NeuLevel EPP IDN Language Commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NeuLevel::UIN(3) - EPP Extension for .TRAVEL UIN for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO(3) - .NO EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Contact(3) - .NO Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Domain(3) - .NO EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Host(3) - .NO Host Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Message(3) - .NO Mesage Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Result(3) - .NO Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet(3) - .UK EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet::Account(3) - .UK EPP Account commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet::Contact(3) - .UK EPP Contact commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet::Domain(3) - .UK EPP Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet::Host(3) - .UK EPP Host commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::Nominet::Notifications(3) - .UK EPP Notifications for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NSgroup(3) - EPP NSgroup extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PL(3) - .PL EPP extensions (draft-zygmuntowicz-epp-pltld-03) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PL::Contact(3) - .PL EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PL::Domain(3) - .PL EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PL::Message(3) - .PL EPP Message extension commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PRO(3) - .PRO EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PRO::AV(3) - .PRO EPP A/V extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::PRO::Domain(3) - .PRO EPP domain extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SE(3) - .SE EPP Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SE::Extensions(3) - .SE EPP Domain/Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SE::Message(3) - .SE EPP Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SecDNS(3) - EPP DNS Security Extensions (RFC4310) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN(3) - SIDN (.NL) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN::Contact(3) - SIDN EPP Contact commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN::Domain(3) - SIDN (.NL) EPP Domain extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN::Host(3) - SIDN EPP Host commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN::Message(3) - EPP SIDN Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SIDN::Notifications(3) - SIDN (.NL) EPP Notifications for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::SWITCH(3) - .CH/.LI EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::US(3) - .US EPP extensions (draft-liu-epp-usTLD-00) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::US::Contact(3) - .US EPP Contact NEXUS Extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign(3) - VeriSign EPP extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::IDNLanguage(3) - EPP IDN Language commands (EPP-IDN-Lang-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::JobsContact(3) - .JOBS EPP contact extensions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::NameStore(3) - VeriSign EPP NameStore Extension for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::PollLowBalance(3) - EPP Low Balance Mapping (EPP-LowBalance-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::PollRGP(3) - EPP RGP Poll Mapping (EPP-RGP-Poll-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::Sync(3) - EPP Sync commands (draft-hollenbeck-epp-sync-01) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::VeriSign::WhoisInfo(3) - EPP Whois Info (EPP-Whois-Info-Ext.pdf) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Message(3) - EPP Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Util(3) - EPP Protocol Utility functions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Gandi::WS(3) - Gandi Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Gandi::WS::Account(3) - Gandi Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Gandi::WS::Connection(3) - Gandi Web Services Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Gandi::WS::Domain(3) - Gandi Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Gandi::WS::Message(3) - Gandi Web Services Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS(3) - IRIS Protocols (RFC 3981,3982,3983,4414,4698,4991,4992,4993,5144) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::Core(3) - IRIS Core (RFC3981) functions for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::DCHK::Domain(3) - IRIS DCHK (RFC5144) Domain Commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::DCHK::Status(3) - IRIS DCHK Domain Status for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::LWZ(3) - IRIS LWZ connection handling (RFC4993) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::Message(3) - IRIS Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::IRIS::XCP(3) - IRIS XCP Connection Handling (RFC4992) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Message(3) - Superclass of all protocol messages in Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP(3) - OpenSRS XCP Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP::Account(3) - OpenSRS XCP Account commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP::Connection(3) - OpenSRS XCP Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP::Domain(3) - OpenSRS XCP Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP::Message(3) - OpenSRS XCP Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OpenSRS::XCP::Session(3) - OpenSRS XCP Session commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OVH::WS(3) - OVH Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OVH::WS::Account(3) - OVH Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OVH::WS::Connection(3) - OVH Web Services Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OVH::WS::Domain(3) - OVH Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::OVH::WS::Message(3) - OVH Web Services Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus(3) - Encapsulate Details of an Operation Result (with Standardization on EPP) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI(3) - RRI Protocol (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::Connection(3) - RRI Connection handling (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::Contact(3) - RRI Contact commands (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::Domain(3) - RRI Domain commands (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::Message(3) - RRI Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::RegistryMessage(3) - RRI Registry messages commands (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRI::Session(3) - RRI Session commands (DENIC-11) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP(3) - RRP 1.1/2.0 Protocol for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Connection(3) - RRP Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Core::Domain(3) - RRP Domain commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Core::Host(3) - RRP Host commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Core::Session(3) - RRP Session commands for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Core::Status(3) - RRP Status for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::RRP::Message(3) - RRP Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois(3) - Whois Protocol (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Connection(3) - Whois Connection handling for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::AERO(3) - .AERO Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::AT(3) - .AT Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::BIZ(3) - .BIZ Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::CAT(3) - .CAT Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::COM(3) - .COM/.NET Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::common(3) - Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::EU(3) - .EU Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::INFO(3) - .INFO Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::LU(3) - .LU Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::MOBI(3) - .MOBI Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::NAME(3) - .NAME Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::ORG(3) - .ORG Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::PT(3) - .PT Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::SE(3) - .SE Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::TRAVEL(3) - .TRAVEL Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::US(3) - .US Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Domain::WS(3) - .WS Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Protocol::Whois::Message(3) - Whois Message for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Registry(3) - Specific Registry Driver Instance inside Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Shell(3) - Command Line Shell for Net::DRI, with batch features and autocompletion support
- Net::DRI::Transport(3) - Superclass of all Transport Modules in Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::Defer(3) - Deferred Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::Dummy(3) - Net::DRI dummy transport for tests & debug
- Net::DRI::Transport::HTTP(3) - HTTP/HTTPS Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::HTTP::SOAPLite(3) - SOAP Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::HTTP::SOAPWSDL(3) - SOAP+WSDL Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::HTTP::XMLRPCLite(3) - XML-RPC Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::SMTP(3) - SMTP transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::SOAP(3) - SOAP (HTTP/HTTPS) Transport for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Transport::Socket(3) - TCP/TLS Socket connection for Net::DRI
- Net::DRI::Util(3) - Various useful functions for Net::DRI operations
- Net::Dropbox::API(3) - A dropbox API interface
- Net::eBay(3) - Perl Interface to XML based eBay API.
- Net::EmptyPort(3) - find a free TCP/UDP port
- Net::EPP(3) - a Perl library for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
- Net::EPP::Client(3) - a client library for the TCP transport for EPP, the Extensible Provisioning Protocol
- Net::EPP::Frame(3) - An EPP XML frame system built on top of XML::LibXML.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for client commands
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<check>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check for domain names.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check::Host(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check for host objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<create>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create for domain objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create::Host(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create for host objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<delete>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete for domain names.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete::Host(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete for host objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<info>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info for domain names.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info::Host(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info for host objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Login(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<login>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Logout(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<logout>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Poll(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<Poll>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Poll::Ack(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<Poll>" acknowledge command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Poll::Req(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<Poll>" request command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Renew(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<renew>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Renew::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Renew for domain objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Transfer(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<transfer>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Transfer::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Transfer for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Transfer::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Transfer for domain objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP "<update>" command.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update::Contact(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update for contact objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update::Domain(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update for domain names.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update::Host(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Update for host objects.
- Net::EPP::Frame::Greeting(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server greetings
- Net::EPP::Frame::Hello(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for client greetings
- Net::EPP::Frame::ObjectSpec(3) - metadata about EPP object types
- Net::EPP::Frame::Response(3) - an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server responses
- Net::EPP::Protocol(3) - Low-level functions useful for both EPP clients and servers.
- Net::EPP::Proxy(3) - a proxy server for the EPP protocol.
- Net::EPP::ResponseCodes(3) - a module to export some constants that correspond to EPP response codes
- Net::EPP::Simple(3)
- Net::FastCGI(3) - FastCGI Toolkit
- Net::FastCGI::Constant(3) - FastCGI protocol constants.
- Net::FastCGI::IO(3) - Provides functions to read and write FastCGI messages.
- Net::FastCGI::Protocol(3) - Provides functions to build and parse FastCGI messages.
- Net::FireEagle(3) - access Yahoo's new FireEagle location service
- Net::Flickr::API(3) - base API class for Net::Flickr::* libraries
- Net::Flickr::Backup(3) - OOP for backing up your Flickr photos locally
- Net::Flickr::RDF(3) - a.k.a RDF::Describes::Flickr
- Net::Flow(3) - decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams.
- Net::Frame(3) - the base framework for frame crafting
- Net::Frame::Device(3) - get network device information and gateway
- Net::Frame::Dump(3) - base-class for a tcpdump like implementation
- Net::Frame::Dump::Offline(3) - tcpdump like implementation, offline mode
- Net::Frame::Dump::Online(3) - tcpdump like implementation, online mode
- Net::Frame::Dump::Online2(3) - tcpdump like implementation, online mode and non-blocking
- Net::Frame::Dump::Writer(3) - tcpdump like implementation, writer mode
- Net::Frame::Layer(3) - base class for all layer objects
- Net::Frame::Layer::ARP(3) - Address Resolution Protocol layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ETH(3) - Ethernet/802.3 layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6(3) - Internet Control Message Protocol v6 layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::DestUnreach(3) - ICMPv6 DestUnreach type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::Echo(3) - ICMPv6 Echo type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::NeighborAdvertisement(3) - ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::NeighborSolicitation(3) - ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::Option(3) - ICMPv6 Option object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::ParameterProblem(3) - ICMPv6 ParameterProblem type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::RouterAdvertisement(3) - ICMPv6 Router Advertisement type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::RouterSolicitation(3) - ICMPv6 Router Solicitation type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::TimeExceed(3) - ICMPv6 TimeExceed type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6::TooBig(3) - ICMPv6 TooBig type object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv4(3) - Internet Protocol v4 layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6(3) - Internet Protocol v6 layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6::Destination(3) - Internet Protocol v6 Destination Extension Header layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6::Fragment(3) - Internet Protocol v6 Fragment Extension Header layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6::HopByHop(3) - Internet Protocol v6 Hop-By-Hop Extension Header layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6::Option(3) - IPv6 Option object
- Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6::Routing(3) - Internet Protocol v6 Routing Extension Header layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::NULL(3) - BSD loopback layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::PPP(3) - Point-to-Point Protocol layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::RAW(3) - empty layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::SLL(3) - Linux cooked capture layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::TCP(3) - Transmission Control Protocol layer object
- Net::Frame::Layer::UDP(3) - User Datagram Protocol layer object
- Net::Frame::Simple(3) - frame crafting made easy
- Net::FreshBooks::API(3) - Easy OO access to the FreshBooks.com API
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Base(3) - Base class
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Client(3) - FreshBooks Client access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Client::Contact(3) - Provides FreshBooks Contact objects to Clients and Invoices
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Estimate(3) - FreshBooks Estimate access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Gateway(3) - List gateways available in your FreshBooks account
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Invoice(3) - FreshBooks Invoice access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine(3) - Adds Line Item support to FreshBooks Invoices
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Iterator(3) - FreshBooks Iterator objects
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Language(3) - List the languages your FreshBooks account supports
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Links(3) - Provides FreshBooks Link objects to Clients and Invoices
- Net::FreshBooks::API::OAuth(3) - FreshBooks OAuth implementation
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Payment(3) - FreshBooks Payment access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring(3) - FreshBooks Recurring Item access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill(3) - Adds AutoBill support to FreshBooks Recurring Items
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill::Card(3) - FreshBooks Autobill Credit Card access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill::Card::Expiration(3) - FreshBooks Autobill Credit Card Expiration access
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::Common(3) - Roles common to both Base.pm and API.pm
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::CRUD(3) - Create, Read and Update roles
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::Iterator(3) - Read-only roles
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::LineItem(3) - Line Item roles
- Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::SendBy(3) - Send by email and snail mail roles
- Net::FS::Flickr(3) - store and retrieve files on Flickr
- Net::FS::Flickr::Access(3) - a sub class of Flickr::Upload with some convenience methods for Net::FS::Flickr
- Net::FS::Gmail(3) - store and retrieve files on Gmail
- Net::FTP::AutoReconnect(3) - FTP client class with automatic reconnect on failure
- Net::FTP::Common(3) - simplify common usages of Net::FTP
- Net::FTP::dataconn(3) - FTP Client data connection class
- Net::FTPServer(3) - A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server
- Net::FTPServer::DBeg1::DirHandle(3) - The example DB FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::DBeg1::FileHandle(3) - The full FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::DBeg1::IOBlob(3) - The example DB FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::DBeg1::Server(3) - The DB example FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::DirHandle(3) - A Net::FTPServer directory handle.
- Net::FTPServer::FileHandle(3) - A Net::FTPServer file handle.
- Net::FTPServer::Full::DirHandle(3) - The full FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::Full::FileHandle(3) - The full FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::Full::Server(3) - The full FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::Handle(3) - A generic Net::FTPServer file or directory handle.
- Net::FTPServer::InMem::DirHandle(3) - Store files in local memory
- Net::FTPServer::InMem::FileHandle(3) - Store files in local memory
- Net::FTPServer::InMem::Server(3) - Store files in local memory
- Net::FTPServer::Proxy::DirHandle(3) - Proxy FTP server
- Net::FTPServer::Proxy::FileHandle(3) - Proxy FTP server
- Net::FTPServer::Proxy::Server(3) - Proxy FTP server
- Net::FTPServer::RO::DirHandle(3) - The anonymous, read-only FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::RO::FileHandle(3) - The anonymous, read-only FTP server personality
- Net::FTPServer::RO::Server(3) - The anonymous read-only FTP server personality
- Net::Gen(3) - generic sockets interface handling
- Net::GeoPlanet(3) - Access Yahoo's GeoPlanet location service
- Net::GitHub(3) - Perl Interface for github.com
- Net::GitHub::V3(3) - Github API v3
- Net::GitHub::V3::Actions(3) - GitHub Actions API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Events(3) - GitHub Events API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Gists(3) - GitHub Gists API
- Net::GitHub::V3::GitData(3) - GitHub Git DB API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Gitignore(3) - GitHub Gitignore API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Issues(3) - GitHub Issues API
- Net::GitHub::V3::OAuth(3) - GitHub OAuth API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Orgs(3) - GitHub Orgs API
- Net::GitHub::V3::PullRequests(3) - GitHub Pull Requests API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Query(3) - Base Query role for Net::GitHub::V3
- Net::GitHub::V3::Repos(3) - GitHub Repos API
- Net::GitHub::V3::ResultSet(3) - GitHub query iteration helper
- Net::GitHub::V3::Search(3) - GitHub Search API
- Net::GitHub::V3::Users(3) - GitHub Users API
- Net::GitHub::V4(3) - GitHub GraphQL API
- Net::Gnats(3) - Perl interface to GNU Gnats daemon
- Net::Gnats::Command(3) - Command factory and base class.
- Net::Gnats::Command::ADMV(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::APPN(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::CHDB(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::CHEK(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::DBDESC(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::DBLS(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::DELETE(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::EDIT(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::EDITADDR(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::EXPR(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::FDSC(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::FIELDFLAGS(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::FTYP(3) - immedately after the response code.
- Net::Gnats::Command::FTYPINFO(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::FVLD(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::INPUTDEFAULT(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::LIST(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::LKDB(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::LOCK(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::QFMT(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::QUER(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::QUIT(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::REPL(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::RSET(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::SUBM(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::UNDB(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::UNLK(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::USER(3)
- Net::Gnats::Command::VFLD(3)
- Net::Gnats::Constants(3)
- Net::Gnats::Field(3)
- Net::Gnats::PR(3) - Represents a Gnats PR.
- Net::Gnats::Response(3) - A Gnats payload class.
- Net::Gnats::Schema(3)
- Net::Gnats::Session(3)
- Net::Google(3) - simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
- Net::Google::Analytics(3) - Simple interface to the Google Analytics Core Reporting API
- Net::Google::Analytics::OAuth2(3) - OAuth2 for Google Analytics API
- Net::Google::Analytics::Request(3) - Google Analytics API request
- Net::Google::Analytics::Response(3) - Google Analytics API response
- Net::Google::Analytics::Row(3) - Base class for Google Analytics API result rows
- Net::Google::AuthSub(3) - interact with sites that implement Google style AuthSub
- Net::Google::AuthSub::Response(3) - a response from a Net::Google::AuthSub request
- Net::Google::Cache(3) - simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API for cached documents
- Net::Google::Calendar(3) - programmatic access to Google's Calendar API
- Net::Google::Calendar::Base(3) - utility functions for Net::Google::Calendar objects
- Net::Google::Calendar::Calendar(3) - entry class for Net::Google::Calendar Calendar objects
- Net::Google::Calendar::Comments(3) - represent comments
- Net::Google::Calendar::Entry(3) - entry class for Net::Google::Calendar
- Net::Google::Calendar::FeedLink(3) - represents a link to a feed
- Net::Google::Calendar::Person(3) - a thin wrapper round XML::Atom::Person
- Net::Google::Calendar::WebContent(3) - handle web content
- Net::Google::Code(3) - a simple client library for google code
- Net::Google::Code::AtomParser(3) - AtomParser with a parsing method for gcode
- Net::Google::Code::DateTime(3) - DateTime with a parsing method for gcode
- Net::Google::Code::Download(3) - Google Code Download
- Net::Google::Code::Issue(3) - Google Code Issue
- Net::Google::Code::Issue::Attachment(3) - Issue's Attachment
- Net::Google::Code::Issue::Base(3) - Base
- Net::Google::Code::Issue::Comment(3) - Issue's Comment
- Net::Google::Code::Issue::Search(3) - Issues Search API
- Net::Google::Code::Issue::Util(3) - Util
- Net::Google::Code::Role::Authentication(3) - Authentication Role
- Net::Google::Code::Role::Fetchable(3) - Fetchable Role
- Net::Google::Code::Role::HTMLTree(3) - HTMLTree Role
- Net::Google::Code::Role::Pageable(3) - Pageable Role
- Net::Google::Code::Role::Predefined(3) - Predefined Role
- Net::Google::Code::Role::URL(3) - URL Role
- Net::Google::Code::TypicalRoles(3) - TypicalRoles
- Net::Google::Code::Wiki(3) - Google Code Wiki
- Net::Google::Code::Wiki::Comment(3) - Google Code Wiki Comment
- Net::Google::DataAPI(3) - Base implementations for modules to negotiate with Google Data APIs
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::ClientLogin::Multiple(3) - keeps and sings auth_params for multiple Google Data API domains
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::OAuth(3) - (DEPRECATED) OAuth 1.0 support for Google Data APIs
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::OAuth2(3) - OAuth2 support for Google Data APIs
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Role::Entry(3) - represents entry of Google Data API
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Role::HasContent(3) - provides 'param' method to Entry
- Net::Google::DataAPI::Role::Service(3) - provides base functionalities for Google Data API service
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb(3) - use Google's Picasa Web API
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Album(3) - represents a single Picasa Web photo album
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Base(3) - base class
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Comment(3) - represents a single Picasa Web comment
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Feed(3) - base class for feed entries
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Media(3) - hold information about a photo or video
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::MediaEntry(3) - represents a single Picasa Web photo or video
- Net::Google::PicasaWeb::MediaFeed(3) - base class for media feed entries
- Net::Google::Response(3) - simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API search responses
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2(3) - Perl extension for the Google Safe Browsing v2 API. (Google Safe Browsing v1 has been deprecated by Google.)
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::DBI(3) - Base class for all DBI-based back-end storage for the Google Safe Browsing v2 database
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::Lookup(3) - Perl extension for the Google Safe Browsing v2 Lookup API.
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::MySQL(3) - MySQL as back-end storage for the Google Safe Browsing v2 database
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::Postgres(3) - Postgres as back-end storage for the Google Safe Browsing v2 database
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::Sqlite(3) - Sqlite as back-end storage for the Google Safe Browsing v2 database
- Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::Storage(3) - Base class for storing the Google Safe Browsing v2 database
- Net::Google::Search(3) - simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API for searching
- Net::Google::Service(3) - SOAP widget(s) for Net::Google
- Net::Google::Spelling(3) - simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API for spelling suggestions
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets(3) - A Perl module for using Google Spreadsheets API.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Cell(3) - A representation class for Google Spreadsheet cell.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Record(3) - A representation class for Google Spreadsheet record.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Row(3) - A representation class for Google Spreadsheet row.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Spreadsheet(3) - Representation of spreadsheet.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Table(3) - A representation class for Google Spreadsheet table.
- Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Worksheet(3) - Representation of worksheet.
- Net::Google::tool(3) - base class for Net::Google service classes.
- Net::GPSD3(3) - Interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol versions 3 (JSON).
- Net::GPSD3::Base(3) - Net::GPSD3 base object
- Net::GPSD3::Cache(3) - Net::GPSD3 caching object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::DEVICE(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return DEVICE Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::DEVICES(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return DEVICES Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::ERROR(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return ERROR Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::GST(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return GST Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::POLL(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return POLL Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::Satellite(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return Satellite Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::SKY(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return SKY Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::SUBFRAME(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return SUBFRAME Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::TPV(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return TPV Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::Unknown(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return Base Class
- Net::GPSD3::Return::Unknown::Timestamp(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return Base Class with Timestamp
- Net::GPSD3::Return::VERSION(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return VERSION Object
- Net::GPSD3::Return::WATCH(3) - Net::GPSD3 Return WATCH Object
- Net::Groonga::HTTP(3) - Client library for Groonga httpd.
- Net::Groonga::HTTP::Response(3) - Response object for Net::Groonga::HTTP
- Net::Groonga::Pager(3) - Pager object for Net::Groonga::HTTP
- Net::Growl(3) - Growl Notifications over the network.
- Net::GrowlClient(3) - Perl implementation of Growl Network Notification Protocol (Client Part)
- Net::Hiveminder(3) - Perl interface to hiveminder.com
- Net::HL7(3)
- Net::HL7::Connection(3) - A HL7 connection
- Net::HL7::Daemon(3)
- Net::HL7::Message(3)
- Net::HL7::Messages::ACK(3)
- Net::HL7::Request(3)
- Net::HL7::Response(3)
- Net::HL7::Segment(3)
- Net::HL7::Segments::MSH(3)
- Net::hostent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions
- Net::HTTP(3) - Low-level HTTP connection (client)
- Net::HTTP::Methods(3) - Methods shared by Net::HTTP and Net::HTTPS
- Net::HTTP::NB(3) - Non-blocking HTTP client
- Net::HTTP::Spore(3) - SPORE client
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Core(3)
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta(3) - Meta class for all SPORE object
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Class(3) - metaclass for all API client
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Method(3) - create api method
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Method::Spore(3) - declare API method
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Types(3) - Moose type definitions for Net::HTTP::Spore
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware(3) - middlewares base class
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Auth(3) - base class for Authentication middlewares
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Auth::ApiKey(3) - middleware for authentication with apikey
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Auth::Basic(3) - middleware for Basic authentication
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Auth::Header(3) - middleware for authentication with specific header
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Auth::OAuth(3) - middleware for OAuth authentication
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::DoNotTrack(3) - add a new header to not track
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format(3) - base class for formats middlewares
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::Auto(3)
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::JSON(3) - middleware for JSON format
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::Text(3) - middleware for Text format
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::XML(3) - middleware for XML format
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::YAML(3) - middleware for YAML format
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Header(3) - Spore Middleware to add header on each request
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::LogDispatch(3) - Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::LogDispatch is a middleware that allow you to use LogDispatch.
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Mock(3) - Simple Mocker for Spore middlewares
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Redirection(3) - Middleware for redirections
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Runtime(3) - add a new header with runtime
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::UserAgent(3) - middleware to change the user-agent value
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Request(3) - Net::HTTP::Spore::Request - Portable HTTP request object from SPORE env hash
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Response(3) - Portable HTTP Response object for SPORE response
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role(3) - Role to easily add multiples Spore clients to your class
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role::Debug(3)
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role::Description(3) - attributes for API description
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role::Middleware(3)
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role::Request(3) - make HTTP request
- Net::HTTP::Spore::Role::UserAgent(3) - create UserAgent
- Net::HTTPS(3) - Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection (client)
- Net::HTTPS::Any(3) - Simple HTTPS client
- Net::HTTPS::NB(3) - Non-blocking HTTPS client
- Net::Identica(3) - A perl interface to the Identi.ca Twitter Compatible API
- Net::IDN::Encode(3) - Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- Net::IDN::Nameprep(3) - A Stringprep Profile for Internationalized Domain Names (RFC 3491)
- Net::IDN::Overview(3) - Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA)
- Net::IDN::Punycode(3) - A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for IDNA (RFC 3492)
- Net::IDN::Punycode::PP(3) - pure-perl implementation of Net::IDN::Punycode
- Net::IDN::Standards(3)
- Net::IDN::UTS46(3) - Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing (UTS #46)
- Net::IDN::UTS46::_Mapping(3) - Tables from Unicode Technical Standard #46 (UTS #46)
- Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper(3) - provides a unified way to configure network interfaces on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux, OS X, and WinNT (from Win2K).
- Net::ILO(3) - Interface to HP Integrated Lights-Out
- Net::IMAP::Client(3) - Not so simple IMAP client library
- Net::IMAP::Client::MsgAddress(3)
- Net::IMAP::Client::MsgSummary(3) - parse message (+ subparts) summary info
- Net::IMAP::Server(3) - A single-threaded multiplexing IMAP server implementation, using Net::Server::Coro.
- Net::IMAP::Server::Command(3) - A command in the IMAP server
- Net::IMAP::Server::Connection(3) - Connection to a client
- Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth(3) - Encapsulates per-connection authorization information for an IMAP user.
- Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel(3) - Encapsulates per-connection information about the layout of IMAP folders.
- Net::IMAP::Server::Error(3) - A command which failed catastrophically
- Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox(3) - A user's view of a mailbox
- Net::IMAP::Server::Message(3) - Represents a message stored in a user's mailbox
- Net::IMAP::Simple(3) - Perl extension for simple IMAP account handling.
- Net::IMAP::Simple::PipeSocket(3) - a little wrapper around IPC-Open3 that feels like a socket
- Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL(3) - SSL support for Net::IMAP::Simple
- Net::IMAP::SimpleX(3) - Addons for Net::IMAP::Simple
- Net::Inet(3) - Internet socket interface module
- Net::INET6Glue(3) - Make common modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
- Net::INET6Glue::FTP(3) - adds IPv6 support to Net::FTP by hotpatching
- Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6(3) - make IO::Socket::INET behave like IO::Socket::INET6
- Net::Interface::Developer(3) - Michael Robinton
- Net::Interface::NetSymbols(3) - AF_ PF_ IFxxx type symbols
- Net::IP::Match::Regexp(3) - Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges
- Net::IP::Match::XS(3) - Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges with C.
- Net::IP::Minimal(3) - Minimal functions from Net::IP
- Net::IP::RangeCompare(3)
- Net::IP::Resolver(3) - Resolve IPs to a particular network
- Net::IP::XS(3) - IPv4/IPv6 address library
- Net::IPTrie(3) - Perl module for building IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies
- Net::IPTrie::Node(3) - Constructor
- Net::IPv6Addr(3) - Check and manipulate IPv6 addresses
- Net::IRR(3) - Perl interface to the Internet Route Registry Daemon
- Net::Jabber(3) - Jabber Perl Library
- Net::Jabber::Client(3) - Jabber Client Library
- Net::Jabber::Component(3) - Jabber Component Library
- Net::Jabber::Data(3) - Jabber Data Library
- Net::Jabber::Debug(3) - Jabber Debug Library
- Net::Jabber::Dialback(3) - Jabber Dialback Module
- Net::Jabber::Dialback::Result(3) - Jabber Dialback Result Module
- Net::Jabber::Dialback::Verify(3) - Jabber Dialback Verify Module
- Net::Jabber::IQ(3) - Jabber Info/Query Library
- Net::Jabber::JID(3) - Jabber JID Module
- Net::Jabber::Key(3) - Jabber Key Library
- Net::Jabber::Log(3) - Jabber Log Module
- Net::Jabber::Message(3) - Jabber Message Module
- Net::Jabber::Namespaces(3)
- Net::Jabber::Presence(3) - Jabber Presence Module
- Net::Jabber::Protocol(3) - Jabber Protocol Library
- Net::Jabber::Server(3) - Jabber Server Library
- Net::Jabber::Stanza(3) - Jabber Stanza Module
- Net::Jabber::XDB(3) - Jabber XDB Library
- Net::Jifty(3) - interface to online Jifty applications
- Net::LDAP::AutoDNs(3) - Automatically make some default decisions some LDAP DNs and scopes.
- Net::LDAP::AutoServer(3) - Automated LDAP server choosing.
- Net::LDAP::Config(3) - a simple wrapper for maintaining info related to LDAP connections
- Net::LDAP::Constant(3) - Constants for use with Net::LDAP
- Net::LDAP::Control(3) - LDAPv3 control object base class
- Net::LDAP::Control::Assertion(3) - LDAPv3 Assertion Control
- Net::LDAP::Control::DontUseCopy(3) - LDAPv3 Don't Use Copy control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::EntryChange(3) - LDAPv3 Entry Change Notification control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::ManageDsaIT(3) - LDAPv3 Manage DSA-IT control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::MatchedValues(3) - LDAPv3 MatchedValues Control
- Net::LDAP::Control::NoOp(3) - LDAPv3 Tree Delete control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::Paged(3) - LDAPv3 Paged results control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy(3) - LDAPv3 Password Policy control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::PersistentSearch(3) - LDAPv3 Persistent Search control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::PostRead(3) - LDAPv3 Post-Read control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::PreRead(3) - LDAPv3 Pre-Read control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::ProxyAuth(3) - LDAPv3 Proxy Authorization control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::Relax(3) - LDAPv3 Relax control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::Sort(3) - Server Side Sort (SSS) control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::SortResult(3) - Server Side Sort (SSS) result control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::Subentries(3) - LDAPv3 Subentries control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::SyncDone(3) - LDAPv3 Sync Done control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::SyncRequest(3) - LDAPv3 Sync Request control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::SyncState(3) - LDAPv3 Sync State control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::TreeDelete(3) - LDAPv3 Tree Delete control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::VLV(3) - LDAPv3 Virtual List View control object
- Net::LDAP::Control::VLVResponse(3)
- Net::LDAP::DSML(3)
- Net::LDAP::Entry(3) - An LDAP entry object
- Net::LDAP::Examples(3) - PERL LDAP by Example
- Net::LDAP::Extension::Cancel(3) - LDAP Cancel Operation
- Net::LDAP::Extension::Refresh(3) - LDAPv3 Refresh extension object (RFC 2589)
- Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword(3) - LDAPv3 Modify Password extension object
- Net::LDAP::Extension::WhoAmI(3) - LDAP "Who am I?" Operation
- Net::LDAP::Extra(3)
- Net::LDAP::Extra::AD(3)
- Net::LDAP::Extra::eDirectory(3)
- Net::LDAP::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Net::LDAP
- Net::LDAP::Filter(3) - representation of LDAP filters
- Net::LDAP::FilterBuilder(3) - Build LDAP filter statements
- Net::LDAP::FilterMatch(3) - LDAP entry matching
- Net::LDAP::Intermediate(3) - LDAPv3 intermediate response object base class
- Net::LDAP::Intermediate::SyncInfo(3) - LDAPv3 Sync Info Message object
- Net::LDAP::LDAPhash(3) - Takes from a search and turns it into a hash.
- Net::LDAP::LDIF(3) - LDIF reading and writing
- Net::LDAP::Makepath(3) - Provides a methode for creating paths in LDAP simply.
- Net::LDAP::Message(3) - Message response from LDAP server
- Net::LDAP::posixAccount(3) - Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixAccount entry.
- Net::LDAP::posixGroup(3) - Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixGroup entry.
- Net::LDAP::Reference(3) - search reference
- Net::LDAP::RFC(3) - List of related RFCs
- Net::LDAP::RootDSE(3) - An LDAP RootDSE object
- Net::LDAP::Schema(3) - Load and manipulate an LDAP v3 Schema
- Net::LDAP::Search(3) - Object returned by Net::LDAP search method
- Net::LDAP::Security(3) - Security issues with LDAP connections
- Net::LDAP::Server(3) - LDAP server side protocol handling
- Net::LDAP::Server::Test(3) - test Net::LDAP code
- Net::LDAP::Shell(3) - an interactive LDAP shell
- Net::LDAP::Shell::Parse(3) - Modules for parsing Net::LDAP::Shell lines
- Net::LDAP::Shell::Util(3) - a module for utility routines
- Net::LDAP::Util(3) - Utility functions
- Net::LDAPI(3) - use LDAP over a UNIX domain socket
- Net::LDAPS(3) - use LDAP over an SSL connection
- Net::Libdnet(3) - binding for Dug Song's libdnet
- Net::Libdnet::Arp(3) - high level API to access libdnet arp_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Entry::Intf(3) - Intf Entry object
- Net::Libdnet::Eth(3) - high level API to access libdnet eth_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Fw(3) - high level API to access libdnet fw_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Intf(3) - high level API to access libdnet intf_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Ip(3) - high level API to access libdnet ip_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Route(3) - high level API to access libdnet route_* functions
- Net::Libdnet::Tun(3) - high level API to access libdnet tun_* functions
- Net::Libdnet6(3) - adds IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet
- Net::LibIDN2(3) - Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2
- Net::LibLO(3) - Perl interface for liblo Lightweight OSC library
- Net::LibLO::Address(3)
- Net::LibLO::Bundle(3)
- Net::LibLO::Message(3) - used in systems which distinguish strings and symbols.
- Net::libnetFAQ(3) - libnet Frequently Asked Questions
- Net::LimeLight::Purge(3) - LimeLight Purge Service API
- Net::LimeLight::Purge::Request(3) - A request to purge a URL
- Net::LimeLight::Purge::StatusResponse(3) - Results of Purge Status Request
- Net::MAC(3) - Perl extension for representing and manipulating MAC addresses
- Net::MAC::Vendor(3) - look up the vendor for a MAC
- Net::ManageSieve(3) - ManageSieve Protocol Client
- Net::Mosso::CloudFiles(3) - Interface to Mosso CloudFiles service
- Net::Mosso::CloudFiles::Container(3) - Represent a Cloud Files container
- Net::Mosso::CloudFiles::Object(3) - Represent a Cloud Files object
- Net::MQTT(3) - Perl modules for MQTT Protocol (http://mqtt.org/)
- Net::MQTT::Constants(3) - Module to export constants for MQTT protocol
- Net::MQTT::Message(3) - Perl module to represent MQTT messages
- Net::MQTT::Message::ConnAck(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT ConnAck message
- Net::MQTT::Message::Connect(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT Connect message
- Net::MQTT::Message::Disconnect(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT Disconnect message
- Net::MQTT::Message::JustMessageId(3) - Perl module for an MQTT message w/message id only payload
- Net::MQTT::Message::PingReq(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PingReq message
- Net::MQTT::Message::PingResp(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PingResp message
- Net::MQTT::Message::PubAck(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PubAck message
- Net::MQTT::Message::PubComp(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PubComp message
- Net::MQTT::Message::Publish(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT Publish message
- Net::MQTT::Message::PubRec(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PubRec message
- Net::MQTT::Message::PubRel(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT PubRel message
- Net::MQTT::Message::SubAck(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT SubAck message
- Net::MQTT::Message::Subscribe(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT Subscribe message
- Net::MQTT::Message::UnsubAck(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT UnsubAck message
- Net::MQTT::Message::Unsubscribe(3) - Perl module to represent an MQTT Unsubscribe message
- Net::MQTT::TopicStore(3) - Perl module to represent MQTT topic store
- Net::NBName(3) - NetBIOS Name Service Requests
- Net::NBName::NameQuery(3) - NetBIOS Name Query Response
- Net::NBName::NameQuery::RR(3) - NetBIOS Name Query Response Resource Record
- Net::NBName::NodeStatus(3) - NetBIOS Node Status Response
- Net::NBName::NodeStatus::RR(3) - NetBIOS Node Status Response Resource Record
- Net::Nessus::XMLRPC(3) - Communicate with Nessus scanner(v4.2+) via XMLRPC
- Net::Netcat(3) - A wrapper class for nc Swiss army knife of networking
- Net::netent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getnet*() functions
- Net::Netmask(3) - parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
- Net::Netrc(3) - OO interface to users netrc file
- Net::NIS::Listgroup(3) - Lists hosts/users in a netgroup group.
- Net::Nmsg(3) - Perl extension for the NMSG message interchange library
- Net::Nmsg::Input(3) - Perl interface for nmsg inputs
- Net::Nmsg::IO(3) - Net::Nmsg - Perl interface for the nmsg IO loop
- Net::Nmsg::Msg(3) - Perl interface for messages from the NMSG library
- Net::Nmsg::Output(3) - Perl interface for nmsg outputs
- Net::Nmsg::Util(3) - Perl extension for the NMSG message interchange library
- Net::NNTP(3) - NNTP Client class
- Net::NSCA::Client(3) - Send passive checks to Nagios locally and remotely.
- Net::NSCA::Client::Connection(3) - Represents a connection between the client and the server.
- Net::NSCA::Client::Connection::TLS(3) - Represents the transport layer security on a connection.
- Net::NSCA::Client::DataPacket(3) - Implements data packet for the NSCA protocol
- Net::NSCA::Client::InitialPacket(3) - Implements initial packet for the NSCA protocol
- Net::NSCA::Client::Library(3) - Types library
- Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig(3) - Specify configuration data for the remote NSCA server
- Net::NSCA::Client::Troubleshooting(3) - Troubleshooting information
- Net::NSCA::Client::Utils(3) - Utility functions for Net::NSCA::Client
- Net::Nslookup(3) - Provide nslookup(1)-like capabilities
- Net::NTP(3) - Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
- Net::OAI::Base(3) - A base class for all OAI-PMH responses
- Net::OAI::Error(3) - OAI-PMH errors.
- Net::OAI::GetRecord(3) - The results of a GetRecord OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::Harvester(3) - A package for harvesting metadata using OAI-PMH
- Net::OAI::Identify(3) - Results of the Identify OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::ListIdentifiers(3) - Results of the ListIdentifiers OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::ListMetadataFormats(3) - Results of the ListMetadataFormats OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::ListRecords(3) - Results of the ListRecords OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::ListSets(3) - The results of the ListSets OAI-PMH verb.
- Net::OAI::Record(3) - An OAI-PMH record.
- Net::OAI::Record::DocumentHelper(3) - filter class for fine tuning document events and collecting processing results
- Net::OAI::Record::Header(3) - class for record header representation
- Net::OAI::Record::NamespaceFilter(3) - general filter class based on namespace URIs
- Net::OAI::Record::OAI_DC(3) - class for baseline Dublin Core support
- Net::OAI::ResumptionToken(3) - An OAI-PMH resumption token.
- Net::OAuth(3) - OAuth 1.0 for Perl
- Net::OAuth::AccessToken(3) - OAuth Access Token
- Net::OAuth::AccessTokenRequest(3) - An OAuth protocol request for an Access Token
- Net::OAuth::AccessTokenResponse(3) - An OAuth protocol response for an Access Token
- Net::OAuth::Client(3) - OAuth 1.0A Client
- Net::OAuth::ConsumerRequest(3) - An OAuth Consumer Request
- Net::OAuth::Message(3) - base class for OAuth messages
- Net::OAuth::ProtectedResourceRequest(3) - An OAuth protocol request for a Protected Resource
- Net::OAuth::Request(3) - base class for OAuth requests
- Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest(3) - An OAuth protocol request for a Request Token
- Net::OAuth::RequestTokenResponse(3) - An OAuth protocol response for an Request Token
- Net::OAuth::Response(3) - base class for OAuth responses
- Net::OAuth::SignatureMethod::HMAC_SHA1(3) - HMAC_SHA1 Signature Method for OAuth protocol
- Net::OAuth::SignatureMethod::HMAC_SHA256(3) - HMAC_SHA256 Signature Method for OAuth protocol
- Net::OAuth::SignatureMethod::PLAINTEXT(3) - PLAINTEXT Signature Method for OAuth protocol
- Net::OAuth::SignatureMethod::RSA_SHA1(3) - RSA_SHA1 Signature Method for OAuth protocol
- Net::OAuth::Simple(3) - a simple wrapper round the OAuth protocol
- Net::OAuth::UserAuthRequest(3) - request for OAuth User Authentication
- Net::OAuth::UserAuthResponse(3) - An OAuth protocol response for an Access Token
- Net::OAuth::V1_0A::AccessTokenRequest(3) - An OAuth protocol request for an Access Token
- Net::OAuth::V1_0A::RequestTokenRequest(3) - An OAuth protocol request for a Request Token
- Net::OAuth::V1_0A::RequestTokenResponse(3) - An OAuth protocol response for an Request Token
- Net::OAuth::V1_0A::UserAuthResponse(3) - An OAuth protocol response for an Access Token
- Net::OAuth::XauthAccessTokenRequest(3) - xAuth extension
- Net::OAuth::YahooAccessTokenRefreshRequest(3) - Yahoo OAuth Extension
- Net::OAuth2(3) - OAuth 2.0 implementation
- Net::OAuth2::AccessToken(3) - OAuth2 bearer token
- Net::OAuth2::Client(3) - client for OAuth2 access, deprecated interface
- Net::OAuth2::Profile(3) - OAuth2 access profiles
- Net::OAuth2::Profile::Password(3) - OAuth2 for web-server use
- Net::OAuth2::Profile::WebServer(3) - OAuth2 for web-server use
- Net::OICQ(3) - Perl extension for QQ instant messaging protocol
- Net::OpenID::Association(3) - A relationship with an identity provider
- Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity(3) - A not-yet-verified OpenID identity
- Net::OpenID::Common(3) - Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server
- Net::OpenID::Consumer(3) - Library for consumers of OpenID identities
- Net::OpenID::Extension(3) - Base class for OpenID extensions
- Net::OpenID::Extension::SimpleRegistration(3) - Support for the Simple Registration extension (SREG)
- Net::OpenID::ExtensionMessage(3) - Base class for extension messages
- Net::OpenID::IndirectMessage(3) - Class representing a collection of namespaced arguments
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Consumer(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Server(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Stores::FileStore(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Stores::MySQLStore(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Stores::PostgreSQLStore(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Stores::SQLiteStore(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Stores::SQLStore(3)
- Net::OpenID::JanRain::Util(3)
- Net::OpenID::Server(3) - Library for building your own OpenID server/provider
- Net::OpenID::URIFetch(3) - fetch and cache content from HTTP URLs
- Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity(3) - Object representing a verified OpenID identity
- Net::OpenID::Yadis(3) - Perform Yadis discovery on URLs
- Net::OpenID::Yadis::Service(3) - Class representing an XRDS Service element
- Net::OpenSSH(3) - Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
- Net::OpenSSH::ConnectionCache(3) - cache and reuse SSH connections transparently
- Net::OpenSSH::Constants(3) - Constant definitions for Net::OpenSSH
- Net::OpenSSH::OSTracer(3) - trace ssh master process at the OS level
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel(3) - Run SSH jobs in parallel
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel::Constants(3) - Constant definitions for Net::OpenSSH::Parallel
- Net::OpenSSH::ShellQuoter::MSCmd(3) - Quoter for Windows cmd.exe
- Net::OpenSSH::ShellQuoter::MSWin(3) - Quoter for Win32::CreateProcess
- Net::OpenSSH::SSH(3) - Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
- Net::OpenStack::Attack(3) - Tools for stress testing an OpenStack deployment.
- Net::OpenVPN::Manage(3) - Manage an OpenVPN process via it's management port
- Net::Oping(3) - ICMP latency measurement module using the oping library.
- Net::OSCAR(3) - Implementation of AOL's OSCAR protocol for instant messaging (for interacting with AIM a.k.a. AOL IM a.k.a. AOL Instant Messenger - and ICQ, too!)
- Net::OSCAR::_BLInternal(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Buddylist(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Callbacks(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Common(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Connection(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Connection::Chat(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Connection::Direct(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Connection::Server(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Constants(3)
- Net::OSCAR::MethodInfo(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Screenname(3)
- Net::OSCAR::ServerCallbacks(3)
- Net::OSCAR::TLV(3)
- Net::OSCAR::Utility(3)
- Net::OSCAR::XML(3)
- Net::Packet(3) - a framework to easily send and receive frames from layer 2 to layer 7
- Net::Packet::ARP(3) - Address Resolution Protocol layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::CDP(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::CDP::Address(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Address format
- Net::Packet::CDP::Type(3) - base class for Cisco Discovery Protocol extension headers
- Net::Packet::CDP::TypeAddresses(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Addresses extension header
- Net::Packet::CDP::TypeCapabilities(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Capabilities extension header
- Net::Packet::CDP::TypeDeviceId(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Device ID extension header
- Net::Packet::CDP::TypePortId(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Port ID extension header
- Net::Packet::CDP::TypeSoftwareVersion(3) - Cisco Discovery Protocol Software Version extension header
- Net::Packet::Consts(3) - all constants used in Net::Packet framework
- Net::Packet::Desc(3) - base class for all desc modules
- Net::Packet::DescL2(3) - object for a link layer (layer 2) descriptor
- Net::Packet::DescL3(3) - object for a network layer (layer 3) descriptor
- Net::Packet::DescL4(3) - object for a transport layer (layer 4) descriptor
- Net::Packet::Dump(3) - a tcpdump-like object providing frame capturing and more
- Net::Packet::Env(3) - environment object used for frame capture/injection
- Net::Packet::ETH(3) - Ethernet/802.3 layer 2 object
- Net::Packet::Frame(3) - object encapsulator for Net::Packet layers
- Net::Packet::ICMPv4(3) - Internet Control Message Protocol v4 layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::IGMPv4(3) - Internet Group Management Protocol v4 layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::IPv4(3) - Internet Protocol v4 layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::IPv6(3) - Internet Protocol v6 layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::Layer(3) - base class for all layer modules
- Net::Packet::Layer2(3) - base class for all layer 2 modules
- Net::Packet::Layer3(3) - base class for all layer 3 modules
- Net::Packet::Layer4(3) - base class for all layer 4 modules
- Net::Packet::Layer7(3) - application layer object
- Net::Packet::LLC(3) - Logical-Link Control layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::NULL(3) - BSD loopback layer 2 object
- Net::Packet::OSPF(3) - Open Shortest Path First layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::PPP(3) - Point-to-Point Protocol layer 2 object
- Net::Packet::PPPLCP(3) - PPP Link Control Protocol layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::PPPoE(3) - PPP-over-Ethernet layer 3 object
- Net::Packet::RAW(3) - empty layer 2 object
- Net::Packet::SLL(3) - Linux cooked capture layer 2 object
- Net::Packet::STP(3) - Spanning Tree Protocol layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::Target(3) - an object for all network related stuff
- Net::Packet::TCP(3) - Transmission Control Protocol layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::UDP(3) - User Datagram Protocol layer 4 object
- Net::Packet::Utils(3) - useful subroutines used in Net::Packet
- Net::Packet::VLAN(3) - 802.1Q layer 3 object
- Net::ParseWhois(3) - An extendable alternative to Net::Whois for parsing whois information.
- Net::Ping(3) - check a remote host for reachability
- Net::Plurk(3) - A perl interface to Plurk API
- Net::Plurk::OAuth(3)
- Net::Plurk::Plurk(3)
- Net::Plurk::User(3)
- Net::Plurk::UserProfile(3)
- Net::POP3(3) - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class (RFC1939)
- Net::POP3::SSLWrapper(3) - simple POP3S wrapper for Net::POP3
- Net::Printer(3) - Perl extension for direct-to-lpd printing.
- Net::protoent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getproto*() functions
- Net::Proxy(3) - Framework for proxying network connections in many ways
- Net::Proxy::Connector(3) - Base class for Net::Proxy protocols
- Net::Proxy::Connector::connect(3) - Create CONNECT tunnels through HTTP proxies
- Net::Proxy::Connector::connect_ssl(3) - Create SSL/CONNECT tunnels through HTTP proxies
- Net::Proxy::Connector::dual(3) - Y-shaped Net::Proxy connector
- Net::Proxy::Connector::dummy(3) - Dummy Net::Proxy connector
- Net::Proxy::Connector::ssl(3) - SSL Net::Proxy connector
- Net::Proxy::Connector::tcp(3) - Net::Proxy connector for standard tcp proxies
- Net::Proxy::Tutorial(3) - Network proxies for fun and profit
- Net::PubSubHubbub::Publisher(3) - client library to ping a PubSubHubbub hub
- Net::RabbitFoot(3) - An Asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client.
- Net::Radius::Server(3) - Framework for RADIUS Servers
- Net::Radius::Server::Base(3) - Base definitions and utility methods and factories
- Net::Radius::Server::DBStore(3) - Store Radius packets into a Tied Hash
- Net::Radius::Server::Dump(3) - Produce a dump of the RADIUS packets
- Net::Radius::Server::Match(3) - Base class for match methods
- Net::Radius::Server::Match::LDAP(3) - Interaction with LDAP servers for RADIUS
- Net::Radius::Server::Match::Simple(3) - Simple match methods for RADIUS requests
- Net::Radius::Server::NS(3) - Use Net::Server to provide a Net::Radius::Server
- Net::Radius::Server::PAM(3) - Authenticate users using the Linux-PAM framework
- Net::Radius::Server::Rule(3) - Rules for Net::Radius::Server
- Net::Radius::Server::Set(3) - Base class for set methods
- Net::Radius::Server::Set::Proxy(3) - Proxy the RADIUS request to a RADIUS server
- Net::Radius::Server::Set::Replace(3) - Perform replacements on the RADIUS response
- Net::Radius::Server::Set::Simple(3) - Simple set methods for RADIUS requests
- Net::Random(3) - get random data from online sources
- Net::RawIP(3) - Perl extension to manipulate raw IP packets with interface to libpcap
- Net::Rendezvous(3) - Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Rendezvous)
- Net::Rendezvous::Entry(3) - Support module for mDNS service discovery (Apple's Rendezvous)
- Net::Rendezvous::Publish(3) - publish Rendezvous services
- Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Service(3) - a Rendezvous odvertised service
- Net::Riak(3) - Interface to Riak
- Net::Riak::Bucket(3)
- Net::Riak::Client(3)
- Net::Riak::Link(3) - the riaklink object represents a link from one Riak object to another
- Net::Riak::LinkPhase(3)
- Net::Riak::MapReduce(3) - Allows you to build up and run a map/reduce operation on Riak
- Net::Riak::MapReducePhase(3)
- Net::Riak::Object(3) - holds meta information about a Riak object
- Net::Riak::Role::Base(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::Hosts(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::MapReduce(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::Bucket(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::Link(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::MapReduce(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::Message(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::Meta(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::PBC::Object(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::Replica(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::REST(3) - role for REST operations
- Net::Riak::Role::REST::Bucket(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::REST::Link(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::REST::MapReduce(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::REST::Object(3)
- Net::Riak::Role::REST::Search(3) - Search interface
- Net::Riak::Role::UserAgent(3) - useragent for Net::Riak
- Net::Riak::Search(3) - Search interface
- Net::Riak::Transport::PBC(3)
- Net::Riak::Transport::PBC::Code(3)
- Net::Riak::Transport::PBC::Message(3)
- Net::Riak::Transport::PBC::Transport(3)
- Net::Riak::Transport::REST(3)
- Net::Riak::Types(3)
- Net::RNDC(3) - Speak the BIND Remote Name Daemon Control (RNDC) V1 protocol
- Net::RNDC::Exception(3) - Internal exception class
- Net::RNDC::Packet(3) - RNDC Protocol V1 Packet Parsing and Generation
- Net::RNDC::Session(3) - Helper package to manage the RNDC 4-packet session
- Net::RTP(3) - Send and receive RTP packets (RFC3550)
- Net::RTP::Packet(3) - RTP Packet object (RFC3550)
- Net::SAP(3) - Session Announcement Protocol (rfc2974)
- Net::SAP::Packet(3) - A SAP Packet
- Net::SDP(3) - Session Description Protocol (rfc2327)
- Net::SDP::Media(3) - Media Description in an SDP file
- Net::SDP::Time(3) - Time Description in an SDP file
- Net::SenderBase(3) - Query the senderbase service
- Net::SenderBase::Query(3) - SenderBase query module
- Net::SenderBase::Results(3) - Results of a senderbase query
- Net::servent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions
- Net::Server(3) - Extensible, general Perl server engine
- Net::Server::Coro(3) - A co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
- Net::Server::Daemonize(3) - Safe fork and daemonization utilities
- Net::Server::Fork(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::HTTP(3) - very basic Net::Server based HTTP server class
- Net::Server::INET(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::Log::Log::Log4perl(3) - log via Log4perl
- Net::Server::Log::Sys::Syslog(3) - log via Syslog
- Net::Server::Mail(3) - Class to easily create a mail server
- Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP(3) - A module to implement the ESMTP protocol
- Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP::Extension(3) - The base class for ESMTP extension system
- Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP::STARTTLS(3) - A module to support the STARTTLS command in Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP
- Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP::XFORWARD(3) - A module to add support to the XFORWARD command in Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP
- Net::Server::Mail::LMTP(3) - A module to implement the LMTP protocol
- Net::Server::Mail::SMTP(3) - A module to implement the SMTP protocol
- Net::Server::Multiplex(3) - Multiplex several connections within one process
- Net::Server::MultiType(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::PreFork(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::PreForkSimple(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::Proto(3) - Net::Server Protocol compatibility layer
- Net::Server::Proto::SSL(3) - Net::Server SSL protocol.
- Net::Server::Proto::SSLEAY(3) - Custom Net::Server SSL protocol handler based on Net::SSLeay.
- Net::Server::Proto::TCP(3) - Net::Server TCP protocol.
- Net::Server::Proto::UDP(3) - Net::Server UDP protocol.
- Net::Server::Proto::UNIX(3) - Net::Server UNIX protocol.
- Net::Server::Proto::UNIXDGRAM(3) - Net::Server UNIXDGRAM protocol.
- Net::Server::PSGI(3) - basic Net::Server based PSGI HTTP server class
- Net::Server::SIG(3) - adpf - Safer signal handling
- Net::Server::Single(3) - Net::Server personality
- Net::Server::SS::PreFork(3) - a hot-deployable variant of Net::Server::PreFork
- Net::SFTP(3) - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
- Net::SFTP::Attributes(3) - File/directory attribute container
- Net::SFTP::Buffer(3) - Read/write buffer class
- Net::SFTP::Constants(3) - Exportable SFTP constants
- Net::SFTP::Foreign(3) - SSH File Transfer Protocol client
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes(3) - File/directory attribute container
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat(3) - adapter for Net::SFTP::Attributes compatibility
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Buffer(3) - Read/write buffer class
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat(3) - Adapter for Net::SFTP compatibility
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants(3) - Constant definitions for Net::SFTP::Foreign
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Local(3) - access local file system through Net::SFTP::Foreign API.
- Net::SFTP::Util(3) - SFTP utility methods
- Net::SinFP(3) - a full operating system stack fingerprinting suite
- Net::SinFP::Consts(3) - all constants are defined here
- Net::SinFP::DB(3) - main access to signature database
- Net::SinFP::DB::IpVersion(3) - IpVersion database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::Os(3) - Os database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::OsVersion(3) - OsVersion database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::OsVersionChildren(3) - OsVersionChildren database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::OsVersionFamily(3) - OsVersionFamily database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::PatternBinary(3) - PatternBinary database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::PatternTcpFlags(3) - PatternTcpFlags database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::PatternTcpMss(3) - PatternTcpMss database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::PatternTcpOptions(3) - PatternTcpOptions database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::PatternTcpWindow(3) - PatternTcpWindow database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::Signature(3) - Signature database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::SystemClass(3) - SystemClass database table
- Net::SinFP::DB::Vendor(3) - Vendor database table
- Net::SinFP::Result(3) - contains all information about matched fingerprint
- Net::SinFP::Search(3) - matching signatures search engine
- Net::SinFP::SinFP4(3) - IPv4 operating system fingerprinting
- Net::SinFP::SinFP6(3) - IPv6 operating system fingerprinting
- Net::SIP(3) - Framework SIP (Voice Over IP, RFC3261)
- Net::SIP::Authorize(3) - enforce authorization of packets
- Net::SIP::Blocker(3) - blocks SIP requests based on method name
- Net::SIP::Debug(3) - debugging of Net::SIP
- Net::SIP::Dispatcher(3) - dispatch SIP packets between legs and endpoint
- Net::SIP::Dispatcher::Eventloop(3) - simple event loop for Net::SIP::Dispatcher
- Net::SIP::Dropper(3) - drops SIP messages based on callback
- Net::SIP::Dropper::ByField(3) - drops SIP messages based on fields in SIP header
- Net::SIP::Dropper::ByIPPort(3) - drops SIP messages based on senders IP and port
- Net::SIP::DTMF(3) - DTMF RTP packet generating and extracting
- Net::SIP::Endpoint(3) - Endpoint for SIP packets (UAC,UAS)
- Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context(3) - Call context for endpoint
- Net::SIP::Leg(3) - Wrapper around Socket for sending and receiving SIP packets
- Net::SIP::NATHelper::Base(3) - rewrite SDP and transport RTP for NAT
- Net::SIP::NATHelper::Client(3) - handle NAT/RTP forwarding using remote process
- Net::SIP::NATHelper::Local(3) - handle NAT/RTP forwarding in local event loop.
- Net::SIP::NATHelper::Server(3) - server for Net::SIP::NATHelper::Client
- Net::SIP::Packet(3) - handling of SIP packets
- Net::SIP::ReceiveChain(3) - handle incoming packet by multiple receivers
- Net::SIP::Redirect(3) - Send redirect to Requests based on lookup at a registrar
- Net::SIP::Registrar(3) - Endpoint for registering SIP clients
- Net::SIP::Request(3) - handling of SIP request packets
- Net::SIP::Response(3) - handling of SIP response packets
- Net::SIP::SDP(3) - Parsing and manipulation of SDP data for SIP
- Net::SIP::Simple(3) - Simple interface for using Net::SIP
- Net::SIP::Simple::Call(3) - call context for Net::SIP::Simple
- Net::SIP::Simple::RTP(3) - simple RTP handling for Net::SIP::Simple
- Net::SIP::SocketPool(3) - manage sockets related to a leg
- Net::SIP::StatelessProxy(3) - Simple implementation of a stateless proxy
- Net::SIP::Util(3) - utility functions used by all of Net::SIP
- Net::SMS::Clickatell(3) - Access to Clickatell SMS messaging service
- Net::SMS::Mollie(3) - Send SMS messages via the mollie.nl service
- Net::SMS::PChome(3) - Send SMS messages via the sms.pchome.com.tw service.
- Net::SMTP(3) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client
- Net::SMTP::TLS(3) - An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
- Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained(3) - An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH (DEPRECATED, use Net::SMTPS instead)
- Net::SMTPS(3) - SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
- Net::SNMP(3) - Object oriented interface to SNMP
- Net::SNMP::Util(3) - Utility functions for Net::SNMP
- Net::SNMP::Util::OID(3) - OID mapper functions for Net::SNMP::Util
- Net::SNMP::Util::TC(3) - Giving Textual Convention of MIBs
- Net::SNMPTrapd(3) - Perl implementation of SNMP Trap Listener
- Net::SNPP(3) - Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
- Net::SNPP::Server(3) - specify MultiHomed to listen on all addresses or LocalAddr to listen on only one.
- Net::SOCKS(3) - a SOCKS client class
- Net::SPDY(3) - SPDY protocol client and server implementation
- Net::SPDY::Compressor(3) - SPDY header compressor
- Net::SPDY::Framer(3) - SPDY protocol implementation
- Net::SPDY::Session(3) - Handle SPDY protocol connection
- Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey(3) - Virtual Base Class for SSH Public Keys
- Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey::Base(3) - Virtual Base Class for ssh keys
- Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey::SSH1(3) - Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey subclass for ssh-1
- Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey::SSH2(3) - Net::SSH::AuthorizedKey subclass for ssh-2
- Net::SSH::AuthorizedKeysFile(3) - Read and modify ssh's authorized_keys files
- Net::SSH::Expect(3) - SSH wrapper to execute remote commands
- Net::SSH::Mechanize(3) - asynchronous ssh command invocation
- Net::SSH::Mechanize::ConnectParams(3) - encapsulates information about an ssh connection
- Net::SSH::Mechanize::Multi(3) - parallel ssh invocation
- Net::SSH::Mechanize::Session(3) - manage a running ssh process.
- Net::SSH::Perl(3) - Perl client Interface to SSH
- Net::SSH::Perl::Agent(3) - Client for agent authentication
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth(3) - Base authentication class, plus utility methods
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::KeyboardInt(3) - Keyboard-interactive auth plugin
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::Password(3) - Password authentication plugin
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::PublicKey(3) - Perform publickey authentication
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::Rhosts(3) - Perform Rhosts authentication
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::Rhosts_RSA(3) - Perform Rhosts-RSA authentication
- Net::SSH::Perl::Auth::RSA(3) - Perform RSA authentication
- Net::SSH::Perl::AuthMgr(3) - Authentication manager/context for SSH-2
- Net::SSH::Perl::Buffer(3) - Low-level read/write buffer class
- Net::SSH::Perl::Channel(3) - SSH2 channel object
- Net::SSH::Perl::ChannelMgr(3) - Manages a list of open channels
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher(3) - Base cipher class, plus utility methods
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES_CBC(3) - Base class for SSH AES CBC support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES_CTR(3) - Base class for AES support using CTR (counter) mode.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES128_CBC(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES128 CBC support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES128_CTR(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES128 support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES192_CBC(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES128 CBC support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES192_CTR(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES192 support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES256_CBC(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES256 CBC support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::AES256_CTR(3) - Wrapper for SSH AES256 support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::Blowfish(3) - Wrapper for SSH Blowfish support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::CBC(3) - CBC Implementation
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::CFB(3) - CFB Implementation
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::ChachaPoly(3) - provides Chacha20 encryption with Poly1305 Authentication support for Net::SSH::Perl.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::CTR(3) - Counter Mode Implementation
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::DES(3) - Wrapper for SSH DES support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::DES3(3) - Wrapper for SSH 3DES support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::IDEA(3) - Wrapper for SSH IDEA support
- Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::RC4(3) - RC4 encryption/decryption
- Net::SSH::Perl::Comp(3) - Compression/Decompression base class
- Net::SSH::Perl::Comp::Zlib(3) - Wrapper for SSH Zlib Compression
- Net::SSH::Perl::Config(3) - Load and manage SSH configuration
- Net::SSH::Perl::Constants(3) - Exportable constants
- Net::SSH::Perl::Handle(3)
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex(3) - SSH2 Key Exchange
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::C25519(3) - Elliptical Curve 25519 Key Exchange using SHA256 hashing.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group Agnostic Key Exchange
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH1(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group 1 Key Exchange (RFC2409 "Second Oakley Group" 1024-bit)
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH14SHA1(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group 14 Key Exchange (RFC3526 "2048-bit MODP Group")
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH14SHA256(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group 14 SHA256 Key Exchange (RFC3526 "2048-bit MODP Group")
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH16SHA512(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group 16 SHA512 Key Exchange (RFC3526 "4096-bit MODP Group")
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DH18SHA512(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group 18 SHA512 Key Exchange (RFC3526 Group 18 "8192-bit MODP Group")
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DHGEX(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Base Class.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DHGEXSHA1(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange using SHA1 hashing.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Kex::DHGEXSHA256(3) - Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange using SHA256 hashing.
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key(3) - Public or private key abstraction
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key::DSA(3) - DSA key object
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key::ECDSA(3) - Elliptical Curve DSA key object base class
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key::Ed25519(3) - Ed25519 key object
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key::RSA(3) - RSA key object
- Net::SSH::Perl::Key::RSA1(3) - RSA SSH1 key object
- Net::SSH::Perl::Mac(3) - MAC support for SSH2
- Net::SSH::Perl::Packet(3) - Packet layer of SSH protocol
- Net::SSH::Perl::Proxy(3) - Use TCP proxy to connect to a host via SSH
- Net::SSH::Perl::SSH1(3) - SSH1 implementation
- Net::SSH::Perl::SSH2(3) - SSH2 implementation
- Net::SSH::Perl::Subsystem::Client(3) - Subsystem client base class
- Net::SSH::Perl::Subsystem::Server(3) - Server infrastructure for SSH subsystems
- Net::SSH::Perl::Util(3) - Shared utility functions
- Net::SSH2(3) - Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2.
- Net::SSH2::Channel(3) - SSH2 channel object
- Net::SSH2::Dir(3) - SSH 2 SFTP directory object
- Net::SSH2::File(3) - SSH2 SFTP file object
- Net::SSH2::KnownHosts(3) - SSH 2 knownhosts object
- Net::SSH2::Listener(3) - SSH 2 listener object
- Net::SSH2::PublicKey(3) - SSH 2 public key object
- Net::SSH2::SFTP(3) - SSH 2 Secure FTP object
- Net::SSL(3) - support for Secure Sockets Layer
- Net::SSL::CipherSuites(3) - functions for getting, filtering lists of SSL/TLS cipher suites
- Net::SSL::ExpireDate(3) - obtain expiration date of certificate
- Net::SSL::GetServerProperties(3) - get properties from SSL/TLS servers
- Net::SSL::Handshake(3) - SSL Handshake on an existing connection or open a new one
- Net::SSL::Handshake::Extensions(3) - Base class for TLS handshake extensions
- Net::SSL::Handshake::Extensions::ECPointFormats(3) - client extension for TLS Handshake to show supported elliptic courves
- Net::SSL::Handshake::Extensions::EllipticCurves(3) - client extension for TLS Handshake to show supported elliptic courves
- Net::SSL::Handshake::Extensions::ServerName(3) - SNI extension for TLS Handshake
- Net::SSL::Handshake::StartTLS::SMTP(3) - SSL Handshake via SMTP+StartTLS
- Net::SSLeay(3) - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- Net::SSLeay::Handle(3) - Perl module that lets SSL (HTTPS) sockets be handled as standard file handles.
- Net::SSLGlue(3) - add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
- Net::SSLGlue::FTP(3) - extend Net::FTP for FTPS (SSL) and IPv6
- Net::SSLGlue::LDAP(3) - proper certificate checking for ldaps in Net::LDAP
- Net::SSLGlue::LWP(3) - proper certificate checking for https in LWP
- Net::SSLGlue::POP3(3) - make Net::POP3 able to use SSL
- Net::SSLGlue::SMTP(3) - make Net::SMTP able to use SSL
- Net::SSLGlue::Socket(3) - socket which can be either SSL or plain IP (IPv4/IPv6)
- Net::STF::Bucket(3) - A STF Bucket
- Net::STF::Client(3) - STF Client
- Net::STF::Object(3) - A STF Object
- Net::Stomp(3) - A Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
- Net::STOMP::Client(3) - STOMP object oriented client module
- Net::STOMP::Client::Auth(3) - Authentication support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Connection(3) - Connection support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Frame(3) - Frame support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::HeartBeat(3) - Heart-beat support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::IO(3) - Input/Output support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Peer(3) - Peer support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Receipt(3) - Receipt support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Tutorial(3) - Getting started with STOMP and Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::STOMP::Client::Version(3) - Version support for Net::STOMP::Client
- Net::Stomp::Frame(3) - A STOMP Frame
- Net::Stomp::StupidLogger(3) - stub logger
- Net::Subnet(3) - Fast IP-in-subnet matcher for IPv4 and IPv6, CIDR or mask.
- Net::TacacsPlus(3) - Tacacs+ library
- Net::TacacsPlus::Client(3) - Tacacs+ client library
- Net::TacacsPlus::Constants(3) - Tacacs+ packet constants
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet(3) - Tacacs+ packet object
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AccountReplyBody(3) - Tacacs+ accounting reply body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AccountRequestBody(3) - Tacacs+ accounting request body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AuthenContinueBody(3) - Tacacs+ authentication continue body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AuthenReplyBody(3) - Tacacs+ authentication replay body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AuthenStartBody(3) - Tacacs+ authentication packet body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AuthorRequestBody(3) - Tacacs+ authorization request body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::AuthorResponseBody(3) - Tacacs+ authorization response body
- Net::TacacsPlus::Packet::Header(3) - Tacacs+ packet header
- Net::TCP(3) - TCP sockets interface module
- Net::TCP::Server(3) - TCP sockets interface module for listeners and servers
- Net::Telnet(3) - interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports
- Net::Telnet::Cisco(3) - interact with a Cisco router
- Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS(3)
- Net::Telnet::Netscreen(3) - interact with a Netscreen firewall
- Net::Time(3) - time and daytime network client interface
- Net::TiVo(3) - Perl interface to TiVo.
- Net::TiVo::Folder(3) - Class that wraps the XML description that defines a TiVo folder.
- Net::TiVo::Show(3) - Class that wraps the XML interface that defines a TiVo show.
- Net::Todoist(3) - interface to the API for Todoist (a to-do list service)
- Net::Trac(3) - Interact with a remote Trac instance
- Net::Trac::Connection(3) - Connection to a remote Trac server
- Net::Trac::Mechanize(3) - Provides persistent credentials for the Trac instance
- Net::Trac::Ticket(3) - Create, read, and update tickets on a remote Trac instance
- Net::Trac::TicketAttachment(3) - Represents a single attachment for a Trac ticket
- Net::Trac::TicketHistory(3) - A Trac ticket's history
- Net::Trac::TicketHistoryEntry(3) - A single history entry for a Trac ticket
- Net::Trac::TicketPropChange(3) - A single property change in a Trac ticket history entry
- Net::Trac::TicketSearch(3) - A ticket search (custom query) in Trac
- Net::Trackback(3) - an object-oriented interface for developing Trackback clients and servers,
- Net::Trackback::Client(3) - a class for implementing Trackback client functionality.
- Net::Trackback::Data(3) - an object representing Trackback data to a pingable resource.
- Net::Trackback::Message(3) - an object representing a Trackback message.
- Net::Trackback::Ping(3) - an object representing a Trackback ping.
- Net::Trackback::Server(3) - a super/static class for implementing Trackback server functionality.
- Net::Twitter(3) - A perl interface to the Twitter API
- Net::Twitter::API(3) - Moose sugar for defining Twitter API methods
- Net::Twitter::Core(3) - Net::Twitter implementation
- Net::Twitter::Error(3) - A Net::Twitter exception object
- Net::Twitter::Lite(3) - A perl interface to the Twitter API
- Net::Twitter::Lite::API::V1(3) - Method definitions for Twitter's deprecated API v1
- Net::Twitter::Lite::API::V1_1(3) - Twitter API v1.1 method definitions
- Net::Twitter::Lite::Error(3) - Encapsulates errors thrown by Net::Twitter::Lite
- Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1(3) - A perl API library for Twitter's API v1.1
- Net::Twitter::Lite::WrapResult(3) - Wrap the HTTP response and Twitter result
- Net::Twitter::Manual::MigratingToV1_1(3) - Migrating from Twitter API v1 to v1.1
- Net::Twitter::OAuth(3) - Net::Twitter with 'Legacy' and 'OAuth' roles for backwards compatibility
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::Lists(3) - Twitter Lists API support for Net::Twitter
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::REST(3) - A definition of the Twitter REST API as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::RESTv1_1(3) - A definition of the Twitter REST API v1.1 as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::Search(3) - A definition of the Twitter Search API as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::Search::Trends(3) - DEPRECATED: use API::REST
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::TwitterVision(3) - A definition of the TwitterVision API as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::Upload(3) - A definition of the Twitter Upload API as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::API::UploadMedia(3) - A definition of the Twitter Upload API as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::AppAuth(3) - OAuth2 Application Only Authentication
- Net::Twitter::Role::AutoCursor(3) - Help transition to cursor based access to friends_ids and followers_ids methods
- Net::Twitter::Role::InflateObjects(3) - Inflate Twitter API return values to Moose objects
- Net::Twitter::Role::Legacy(3) - A Net::Twitter legacy compatibility layer as a Moose role
- Net::Twitter::Role::OAuth(3) - Net::Twitter role that provides OAuth instead of Basic Authentication
- Net::Twitter::Role::RateLimit(3) - Rate limit features for Net::Twitter
- Net::Twitter::Role::RetryOnError(3) - Retry Twitter API calls on error
- Net::Twitter::Role::SimulateCursors(3) - Make paging work like cursoring
- Net::Twitter::Role::WrapError(3) - Wraps Net::Twitter exceptions
- Net::Twitter::Role::WrapResult(3) - Wrap Twitter API response and HTTP Response
- Net::Twitter::Search(3) - A perl interface to the Twitter Search API
- Net::Twitter::Types(3) - types and coercions for Net::Twitter
- Net::Twitter::WrappedResult(3) - Wrap an HTTP response and Twitter result
- Net::UDP(3) - UDP sockets interface module
- Net::uFTP(3) - Universal interface for FTP-like modules (FTP, SFTP, SCP), in most cases Net::FTP compatible.
- Net::UNIX(3) - UNIX-domain sockets interface module
- Net::UNIX::Server(3) - UNIX-domain sockets interface module for listeners
- Net::UPnP(3) - Perl extension for UPnP
- Net::UPnP::ActionResponse(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::AV::Container(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::AV::Content(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::AV::Item(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::AV::MediaRenderer(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::AV::MediaServer(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::ControlPoint(3) - Perl extension for UPnP control point.
- Net::UPnP::Device(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::GW::Gateway(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::HTTP(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::HTTPResponse(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::QueryResponse(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPnP::Service(3) - Perl extension for UPnP.
- Net::UPS(3) - Implementation of UPS Online Tools API in Perl
- Net::UPS::Address(3) - Shipping address class
- Net::UPS::ErrorHandler(3) - Simple error handler class for Net::UPS
- Net::UPS::Package(3) - Class representing a UPS Package
- Net::UPS::Rate(3) - Class representing a UPS Rate
- Net::UPS::Service(3) - Class representing a UPS service
- Net::UPS::Tutorial(3) - Simple class implementing UPSOnlineTools API
- Net::vCard(3) - Read and write vCard files (RFC 2426). vCard files hold personal information that you would typically find on a business card. Name, numbers, addresses, and even logos. This module can also serve as a base class for other vFile readers.
- Net::vFile(3) - Generic module which can read and write "vFile" files such as vCard (RFC 2426) and vCalendar (RFC 2445). The result of loading this data is a collection of objects which will grant you easy access to the properties. Then the module can write your objects back to a data file.
- Net::VNC(3) - A simple VNC client
- Net::Wake(3) - A package to send packets to power on computers.
- Net::WhitePages(3) - A Perl interface to the WhitePages.com API
- Net::Whois::ARIN(3) - ARIN whois client
- Net::Whois::ARIN::AS(3) - ARIN whois AS record class
- Net::Whois::ARIN::Contact(3) - ARIN whois Contact record class
- Net::Whois::ARIN::Customer(3) - ARIN whois Customer record class
- Net::Whois::ARIN::Network(3) - ARIN whois Network record class
- Net::Whois::ARIN::Organization(3) - ARIN whois Organization record class
- Net::Whois::Generic(3) - a pure-Perl implementation of a multi source Whois client.
- Net::Whois::Object(3) - Object encapsulating RPSL data returned by Whois queries
- Net::Whois::Object::AsBlock(3) - an object representation of the RPSL AsBlock block
- Net::Whois::Object::AsBlock::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL AsBlock block
- Net::Whois::Object::AsBlock::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL AsBlock block
- Net::Whois::Object::AsSet(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AsSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::AsSet::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AsSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::AsSet::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AsSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::AutNum(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AutNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::AutNum::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AutNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::AutNum::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL AutNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::Domain(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Domain block
- Net::Whois::Object::Domain::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Domain block
- Net::Whois::Object::Domain::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Domain block
- Net::Whois::Object::FilterSet(3) - an object representation of a RPSL FilterSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::FilterSet::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL FilterSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::FilterSet::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL FilterSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::Inet6Num(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Inet6Num block
- Net::Whois::Object::Inet6Num::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Inet6Num block
- Net::Whois::Object::Inet6Num::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL Inet6Num block
- Net::Whois::Object::InetNum(3) - an object representation of a RPSL InetNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::InetNum::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL InetNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::InetNum::APNIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL InetNum block
- Net::Whois::Object::InetRtr(3) - an object representation of a RPSL InetRtr block
- Net::Whois::Object::InetRtr::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of a RPSL InetRtr block
- Net::Whois::Object::Information(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Information block
- Net::Whois::Object::Information::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Information block
- Net::Whois::Object::Irt(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Irt block
- Net::Whois::Object::Irt::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Irt block
- Net::Whois::Object::Irt::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Irt block
- Net::Whois::Object::KeyCert(3) - an object representation of the RPSL KeyCert block
- Net::Whois::Object::KeyCert::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL KeyCert block
- Net::Whois::Object::KeyCert::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL KeyCert block
- Net::Whois::Object::Limerick(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Limerick block
- Net::Whois::Object::Limerick::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Limerick block
- Net::Whois::Object::Mntner(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Mntner block
- Net::Whois::Object::Mntner::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Mntner block
- Net::Whois::Object::Mntner::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Mntner block
- Net::Whois::Object::Organisation(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Organisation block
- Net::Whois::Object::Organisation::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Organisation block
- Net::Whois::Object::Organisation::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Organisation block
- Net::Whois::Object::PeeringSet(3) - an object representation of the RPSL PeeringSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::PeeringSet::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL PeeringSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::PeeringSet::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL PeeringSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::Person(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Person block
- Net::Whois::Object::Person::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Person block
- Net::Whois::Object::Person::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Person block
- Net::Whois::Object::Poem(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Poem block
- Net::Whois::Object::Poem::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Poem block
- Net::Whois::Object::PoeticForm(3) - an object representation of the RPSL PoeticForm block
- Net::Whois::Object::PoeticForm::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL PoeticForm block
- Net::Whois::Object::Response(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Response block
- Net::Whois::Object::Role(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Role block
- Net::Whois::Object::Role::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Role block
- Net::Whois::Object::Role::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Role block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route6(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route6 block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route6::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route6 block
- Net::Whois::Object::Route6::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL Route6 block
- Net::Whois::Object::RouteSet(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RouteSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::RouteSet::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RouteSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::RouteSet::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RouteSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::RtrSet(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RtrSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::RtrSet::AFRINIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RtrSet block
- Net::Whois::Object::RtrSet::APNIC(3) - an object representation of the RPSL RtrSet block
- Net::Whois::Raw(3) - Get Whois information of domains and IP addresses.
- Net::Whois::Raw::Common(3) - Helper for Net::Whois::Raw.
- Net::Whois::Raw::Data(3) - Config for Net::Whois::Raw.
- Net::Whois::RIPE(3) - a pure-Perl implementation of the RIPE Database client.
- Net::Works(3) - Sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
- Net::Works::Address(3) - An object representing a single IP (4 or 6) address
- Net::Works::Network(3) - An object representing a single IP address (4 or 6) subnet
- Net::Works::Util(3) - Utility subroutines for Net-Works
- Net::Write(3) - a portable interface to open and send raw data to network
- Net::Write::Layer(3) - base class and constants
- Net::Write::Layer2(3) - object for a link layer (layer 2) descriptor
- Net::Write::Layer3(3) - object for a network layer (layer 3) descriptor
- Net::Write::Layer4(3) - object for a transport layer (layer 4) descriptor
- Net::XMPP(3) - XMPP Perl Library
- Net::XMPP::Client(3) - XMPP Client Module
- Net::XMPP::Connection(3) - XMPP Connection Module
- Net::XMPP::Debug(3) - XMPP Debug Module
- Net::XMPP::IQ(3) - XMPP Info/Query Module
- Net::XMPP::JID(3) - XMPP JID Module
- Net::XMPP::Message(3) - XMPP Message Module
- Net::XMPP::Namespaces(3) - In depth discussion on how namespaces are handled
- Net::XMPP::Presence(3) - XMPP Presence Module
- Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists(3) - XMPP Privacy Lists Object
- Net::XMPP::Protocol(3) - XMPP Protocol Module
- Net::XMPP::Roster(3) - XMPP Roster Object
- Net::XMPP::Stanza(3) - XMPP Stanza Module
- Net::XMPP2(3) - An implementation of the XMPP Protocol
- Net::XMPP2::Client(3) - XMPP Client abstraction
- Net::XMPP2::Component(3) - "XML" stream that implements the XEP-0114
- Net::XMPP2::Connection(3) - XML stream that implements the XMPP RFC 3920.
- Net::XMPP2::Error(3) - Error class hierarchy for error reporting
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Exception(3) - Some exception was thrown somewhere
- Net::XMPP2::Error::IQ(3) - IQ errors
- Net::XMPP2::Error::IQAuth(3) - IQ authentication error
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Message(3) - Message errors
- Net::XMPP2::Error::MUC(3) - MUC error
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Parser(3) - XML parse errors
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Presence(3) - Presence errors
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Register(3) - In-band registration error
- Net::XMPP2::Error::SASL(3) - SASL authentication error
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Stanza(3) - Stanza errors
- Net::XMPP2::Error::Stream(3) - XML Stream errors
- Net::XMPP2::Ext(3) - Extension baseclass and documentation
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::DataForm(3) - XEP-0004 DataForm
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Disco(3) - Service discovery manager class for XEP-0030
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Disco::Info(3) - Service discovery info
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Disco::Items(3) - Service discovery items
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::MUC(3) - Implements XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::MUC::Message(3) - A room message
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::MUC::Room(3) - Room class
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::MUC::RoomInfo(3) - Room information
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::MUC::User(3) - User class
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::OOB(3) - XEP-0066 Out of Band Data
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Ping(3) - Implementation of XMPP Ping XEP-0199
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Pubsub(3) - Implements XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::RegisterForm(3) - Handle for in band registration
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Registration(3) - Handles all tasks of in band registration
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::VCard(3) - VCards (XEP-0054 & XEP-0084)
- Net::XMPP2::Ext::Version(3) - Software version
- Net::XMPP2::Extendable(3) - Extendable baseclass
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Account(3) - Instant messaging account
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Connection(3) - "XML" stream that implements the XMPP RFC 3921.
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Contact(3) - Instant messaging roster contact
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Delayed(3) - A delayed "XML" stanza
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Message(3) - Instant message
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Presence(3) - XMPP presence
- Net::XMPP2::IM::Roster(3) - Instant messaging roster for XMPP
- Net::XMPP2::Namespaces(3) - XMPP namespace collection and aliasing class
- Net::XMPP2::Node(3) - XML node tree helper for the parser.
- Net::XMPP2::Parser(3) - Parser for XML streams (helper for Net::XMPP2)
- Net::XMPP2::SimpleConnection(3) - Low level TCP/TLS connection
- Net::XMPP2::TestClient(3) - XMPP Test Client for tests
- Net::XMPP2::Util(3) - Utility functions for Net::XMPP2
- Net::XMPP2::Writer(3) - "XML" writer for XMPP
- Net::XWhois(3) - Whois Client Interface for Perl5.
- Net::Yadis(3)
- Net::YAP(3) - Module used as a conduit to communicate with the Yahoo! Application Platform
- Net::YASA(3) - Interface to YASA (Yet Another Suffix Array)
- Net::YASA::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Net::YASA
- Net::Z3950::ZOOM(3) - Perl extension for invoking the ZOOM-C API.
- net_adm(3) - Various Erlang net administration routines.
- net_discover(3)
- net_kernel(3) - Erlang networking kernel.
- net_listen(3)
- net_open(3)
- NetAddr::IP::Find(3) - Find IP addresses in plain text
- NetAddr::IP::InetBase(3) - decimal IPv6 address with the 6 uppermost chunks in hex and the lower 32 bits in dot-quad representation.
- NetAddr::IP::UtilPP(3) - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- NetAddr::MAC(3) - MAC hardware address functions and object (EUI48 and EUI64)
- NetApp::Aggregate(3)
- NetApp::Aggregate::Plex(3)
- NetApp::Aggregate::RAIDGroup(3)
- NetApp::Filer(3)
- NetApp::Filer::Export(3)
- NetApp::Filer::License(3)
- NetApp::Filer::Option(3)
- NetApp::Filer::Version(3)
- NetApp::Qtree(3)
- NetApp::Snapmirror(3)
- NetApp::Snapshot(3)
- NetApp::Snapshot::Delta(3)
- NetApp::Snapshot::Schedule(3)
- NetApp::Volume(3)
- NETCDF(3) - Unidata's Network Common Data Form (netCDF) library interface
- net-cidr-mobilejp-scraper(3)
- NETGRAPH(3) - netgraph user library
- Netlist(3) - Verilog Netlist
- Netlist::Cell(3) - Instantiated cell within a Verilog Netlist
- Netlist::ContAssign(3) - ContAssign assignment
- Netlist::Defparam(3) - Defparam assignment
- Netlist::File(3) - File containing Verilog code
- Netlist::Interface(3) - Interface within a Verilog Netlist
- Netlist::Logger(3) - Error collection and reporting
- Netlist::ModPort(3) - ModPort within a Verilog Interface
- Netlist::Module(3) - Module within a Verilog Netlist
- Netlist::Net(3) - Net for a Verilog Module
- Netlist::Pin(3) - Pin on a Verilog Cell
- Netlist::PinSelection(3) - Nets attached to a Verilog Cell's Pins
- Netlist::Port(3) - Port for a Verilog Module
- Netlist::Subclass(3) - Common routines for all classes
- NetPacket(3) - assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
- NetPacket::ARP(3) - Assemble and disassemble ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::Ethernet(3) - Assemble and disassemble ethernet packets.
- NetPacket::ICMP(3) - Assemble and disassemble ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::IGMP(3) - Assemble and disassemble IGMP (Internet Group Mangement Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::IP(3) - Assemble and disassemble IP (Internet Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::IPX(3) - Assemble and disassemble IPX packets
- NetPacket::TCP(3) - Assemble and disassemble TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::UDP(3) - Assemble and disassemble UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets.
- NetPacket::USBMon(3) - Assemble and disassemble USB packets captured via Linux USBMon interface.
- NetSend(3) - Perl extension for sending Windows Popup Messages
- NETSNMP_AGENT_API(3) - embedding an agent into a external application
- NETSNMP_CONFIG_API(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
- NETSNMP_MIB_API(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
- NETSNMP_PDU_API(3) - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
- netsnmp_request_infoPtr(3) - Perl extension for request information
- NETSNMP_SESS_API(3) - session functions
- NETSNMP_SESSION_API(3) - netsnmp_session_api functions
- NETSNMP_TRAP_API(3) - send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
- NETSNMP_VARBIND_API(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
- Netspoc(3) - A Network Security Policy Compiler
- Netstring(3) - Perl module for manipulation of netstrings
- NETWIB(3) - network library
- NETWIB_DAT(3) - section
- NETWIB_ERR(3) - section
- NETWIB_NET(3) - section
- NETWIB_PKT(3) - section
- NETWIB_SHW(3) - section
- NETWIB_SYS(3) - section
- Network1Financial(3) - Network1 Financial backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- new_3dmodel(3)
- NEWLOCALE(3) - Creates a new locale
- News(3) - Access to Google's News Service (Not Usenet)
- Newsletter(3) - A simple newsletter module!
- Newsletter::Html(3) - generate html!
- Newsletter::Html::CSS(3) - Newsletter CSS!
- Newsletter::Html::Templ(3) - Html parts!
- Newsletter::Html::Upload(3) - Fileupload!
- Newsrc(3) - manage newsrc files
- Nexmo::SMS(3) - Module for the Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::BinaryMessage(3) - Module that respresents a binary message for the Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::GetBalance(3) - Module to ask for the balance for the Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::MockLWP(3) - Module for the Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::Response(3) - Module that represents a response from Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::Response::Message(3) - Module that represents a single message in the response from Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::TextMessage(3) - Module that respresents a text message for the Nexmo SMS API!
- Nexmo::SMS::WAPPushMessage(3) - Module that respresents a WAPPush message for the Nexmo SMS API!
- next_fli_frame(3) - Reads the next frame of the current animation file. Allegro game programming library.
- NEXTAFTER(3) - next representable value
- NEXTWCTYPE(3) - iterate through character classes
- NGETTEXT(3) - translate message and choose plural form
- Nginx::ReadBody(3) - nginx web server embeded perl module to read and evaluate a request body
- Nginx::ReadBody::Russian(3) - Русская документация к модулю Nginx::ReadBody для встроенного perl web-сервера nginx
- Nginx::Simple(3) - Easy to use interface for "--with-http_perl_module"
- Nginx::Simple::Ajax(3)
- Nginx::Simple::Cookie(3)
- Nginx::Simple::Dispatch(3) - Easy to use dispatcher interface for "--with-http_perl_module"
- Nginx::Simple::Dispatcher(3)
- Nginx::Simple::Dispatcher::Attributes(3)
- Ngrams(3) - Flexible Ngram analysis (for characters, words, and more)
- NICE(3) - set program scheduling priority
- NiceSlice(3) - toward a nicer slicing syntax for PDL
- Nickname(3) - Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)
- Nilsimsa(3) - Perl version of Nilsimsa code
- NISTable(3) - Object Interface to Sun's Network Information Service
- NKF(3) - Perl extension for Network Kanji Filter
- NL_LANGINFO(3) - language information
- NLOPT(3) - Nonlinear optimization library
- NLOPT_MINIMIZE(3) - Minimize a multivariate nonlinear function
- NLOPT_MINIMIZE_CONSTRAINED(3) - Minimize a multivariate nonlinear function subject to nonlinear constraints
- Nmap::Scanner(3) - Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl
- Nmap::Scanner::Address(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Backend::Processor(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Backend::Results(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Distance(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::ExtraPorts(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Host(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::HostList(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Hostname(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Hosts(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::NmapRun(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::OS(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::Class(3) - Operating system class
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::Fingerprint(3) - Nmap fingerprint for OS
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::IPIdSequence(3) - IP identification sequence
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::Match(3) - Operating system match
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::PortUsed(3) - Port used for OS identification
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::TCPSequence(3) - Information about TCP sequence mechanism of remote host
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::TCPTSSequence(3) - TCP time stamp sequence of remote host
- Nmap::Scanner::OS::Uptime(3) - uptime for remote host (not always available)
- Nmap::Scanner::Port(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::PortList(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::RunStats(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::RunStats::Finished(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::ScanInfo(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Scanner(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Service(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Task(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::TaskProgress(3)
- Nmap::Scanner::Util::BannerScanner(3)
- NMEA(3) - Perl interface to GPS equipment using the NMEA Protocol
- NMEA::Handler(3) - Handlers to NMEA data
- NN_ALLOCMSG(3) - allocate a message
- NN_BIND(3) - add a local endpoint to the socket
- NN_CLOSE(3) - close an SP socket
- NN_CMSG(3) - access control information
- NN_CONNECT(3) - add a remote endpoint to the socket
- NN_DEVICE(3) - start a device
- NN_ERRNO(3) - retrieve the current errno
- NN_FREEMSG(3) - deallocate a message
- NN_GET_STATISTIC(3) - retrieve statistics from nanomsg socket
- NN_GETSOCKOPT(3) - retrieve a socket option
- NN_POLL(3) - poll a set of SP sockets for readability and/or writability
- NN_REALLOCMSG(3) - reallocate a message
- NN_RECV(3) - receive a message
- NN_RECVMSG(3) - fine-grained alternative to nn_recv
- NN_SEND(3) - send a message
- NN_SENDMSG(3) - fine-grained alternative to nn_send
- NN_SETSOCKOPT(3) - set a socket option
- NN_SHUTDOWN(3) - remove an endpoint from a socket
- NN_SOCKET(3) - create an SP socket
- NN_STRERROR(3) - convert an error number into human-readable string
- NN_SYMBOL(3) - query the names and values of nanomsg symbols
- NN_SYMBOL_INFO(3) - query the names and properties of nanomsg symbols
- NN_TERM(3) - notify all sockets about process termination
- NNTPClient(3) - Perl 5 module to talk to NNTP (RFC977) server
- No::Worries(3) - coding without worries
- No::Worries::Date(3) - date handling without worries
- No::Worries::Die(3) - error handling without worries
- No::Worries::Dir(3) - directory handling without worries
- No::Worries::DN(3) - Distinguished Names handling without worries
- No::Worries::Export(3) - symbol exporting without worries
- No::Worries::File(3) - file handling without worries
- No::Worries::Log(3) - logging without worries
- No::Worries::PidFile(3) - pid file handling without worries
- No::Worries::Proc(3) - process handling without worries
- No::Worries::Stat(3) - stat() handling without worries
- No::Worries::String(3) - string handling without worries
- No::Worries::Syslog(3) - syslog handling without worries
- No::Worries::Warn(3) - warning handling without worries
- NoCeM(3) - a module to generate accurate nocem notices
- NodeFilter(3) - Generic XML::NodeFilter Class
- Normalize::Text::Music_Fields(3) - normalize names of people's and (musical) works.
- normalize_vector(3) - Converts the vector to a unit vector. Allegro game programming library.
- notcurses(3) - TUI library for modern terminal emulators
- notcurses_capabilities(3) - runtime capability detection
- notcurses_cell(3) - operations on nccell objects
- notcurses_channels(3) - operations on notcurses channels
- notcurses_core(3) - minimal Notcurses linkage
- notcurses_direct(3) - the Direct Mode API
- notcurses_fade(3) - fade ncplanes in and out
- notcurses_fds(3) - dumping file descriptors and subprocesses to planes
- notcurses_init(3) - initialize a Notcurses instance
- notcurses_input(3) - input via notcurses
- notcurses_lines(3) - operations on lines and boxes
- notcurses_menu(3) - operations on ncmenu objects
- notcurses_metric(3) - fixed-width numeric output with metric suffixes
- notcurses_multiselector(3) - high level widget for selecting from a set
- notcurses_output(3) - output to ncplanes
- notcurses_palette(3) - operations on notcurses palettes
- notcurses_pile(3) - operations on Notcurses piles
- notcurses_plane(3) - operations on ncplanes
- notcurses_plot(3) - high level widget for plotting
- notcurses_progbar(3) - high level widget for progress bars
- notcurses_reader(3) - high level widget for collecting input
- notcurses_reel(3) - high-level widget for hierarchical data
- notcurses_refresh(3) - redraw an externally-damaged display
- notcurses_render(3) - sync the physical display to a virtual pile
- notcurses_selector(3) - high level widget for selecting from a set
- notcurses_stats(3) - notcurses runtime statistics
- notcurses_stdplane(3) - acquire the standard ncplane
- notcurses_stop(3) - free up resources and restore initial terminal state
- notcurses_tabbed(3)
- notcurses_tree(3) - high-level hierarchical line-based data
- notcurses_util(3) - portable utility functions
- notcurses_visual(3) - notcurses multimedia
- NOTEDB::binary(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::dbm(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::dumper(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::general(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::mysql(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::pwsafe3(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- NOTEDB::text(3) - module lib for accessing a notedb from perl
- Notice(3)
- NOW(3) - get current time
- NOZZLE_ADD_IP(3) - equivalent of ip addr or ifconfig <ipaddress/prefix>
- NOZZLE_CLOSE(3) - deconfigure and destroy a nozzle device
- NOZZLE_DEL_IP(3) - equivalent of ip addr del or ifconfig del <ipaddress/prefix>
- NOZZLE_GET_FD(3) - nozzle - pointer to the nozzle struct
- NOZZLE_GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME(3) - find a nozzle handle by device name
- NOZZLE_GET_IPS(3) - retrieve the list of all configured ips for a given interface
- NOZZLE_GET_MAC(3) - retrieve mac address on a given nozzle interface
- NOZZLE_GET_MTU(3) - retrieve mtu on a given nozzle interface
- NOZZLE_GET_NAME_BY_HANDLE(3) - retrieve nozzle interface name by handle
- NOZZLE_OPEN(3) - create a new tap device on the system.
- NOZZLE_RESET_MAC(3) - reset mac address on a given nozzle interface to system default
- NOZZLE_RESET_MTU(3) - reset mtu on a given nozzle interface to the system default
- NOZZLE_RUN_UPDOWN(3) - execute updown commands associated with a nozzle device.
- NOZZLE_SET_DOWN(3) - equivalent of ifconfig down
- NOZZLE_SET_MAC(3) - set mac address on a given nozzle interface
- NOZZLE_SET_MTU(3) - set mtu on a given nozzle interface
- NOZZLE_SET_UP(3) - equivalent of ifconfig up
- NRE(3) - Non-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
- NSDISPATCH(3) - name-service switch dispatcher routine
- NSNMP(3) - fast, flexible, low-level, pure-Perl SNMP library
- NSNMP::Simple(3) - simple interface to get and set synchronously
- nteventlog(3) - Interface to Windows Event Log
- ntheory(3) - Number theory utilities
- ntlm_buf(3)
- ntlm_core(3)
- ntlm_type1(3)
- ntlm_type2(3)
- ntlm_type3(3)
- nudge_cursor(3)
- nudge_image(3)
- null_surface(3)
- Number::Compare(3) - numeric comparisons
- Number::Format::Metric(3) - Format number with metric prefix
- Number::Fraction(3) - Perl extension to model fractions
- Number::Misc(3) - handy utilities for numbers
- Number::Nary(3) - encode and decode numbers as n-ary strings
- Number::Phone::JP(3) - Validate Japanese phone numbers
- Number::Phone::JP::Table(3) - Regex table for all of the Japanese telephone numbers
- Number::RecordLocator(3) - Encodes integers into a short and easy to read and pronounce "locator string"
- Number::Tolerant(3) - tolerance ranges for inexact numbers
- Number::Tolerant::Constant(3) - a blessed constant type
- Number::Tolerant::Type(3) - a type of tolerance
- Number::Tolerant::Type::constant(3) - a tolerance "m == n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::infinite(3) - an infinite tolerance
- Number::Tolerant::Type::less_than(3) - a tolerance "m < n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::more_than(3) - a tolerance "m > n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::offset(3) - a tolerance "m (-l or +n)"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::or_less(3) - a tolerance "m <= n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::or_more(3) - a tolerance "m >= n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::plus_or_minus(3) - a tolerance "m +/- n"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::plus_or_minus_pct(3) - a tolerance "m +/- n%"
- Number::Tolerant::Type::to(3) - a tolerance "m to n"
- Number::Tolerant::Union(3) - unions of tolerance ranges
- Number::WithError(3) - Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
- Number::WithError::LaTeX(3) - LaTeX output for Number::WithError
- NumberCruncher(3) - Collection of useful math-related functions.
- NumEntry(3) - A numeric Entry widget with inc. & dec. Buttons
- NumEntryPlain(3) - A numeric entry widget
- NUTSCAN(3) - Network UPS Tools (NUT) device discovery library
- NUTSCAN_ADD_DEVICE_T(3) - Concatenate two devices structure.
- NUTSCAN_ADD_OPTION_T(3) - Add option data to the specified device.
- NUTSCAN_CIDR_TO_IP(3) - Convert a CIDR IP to a range of IP address.
- NUTSCAN_DISPLAY_PARS(3) - Display the specified `nutscan_device_t` structure on stdout.
- NUTSCAN_DISPLAY_UPS_(3) - Display the specified `nutscan_device_t` structure on stdout.
- NUTSCAN_FREE_DEVICE(3) - Free a nutscan_device_t structure created by nutscan_new_device.
- NUTSCAN_GET_SERIAL_P(3) - Get a port list name from a range of port.
- NUTSCAN_INIT(3) - Initialize the nutscan library.
- NUTSCAN_NEW_DEVICE(3) - Create a new nutscan_device_t structure.
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_AVAHI(3) - Scan network for NUT services via mDNS
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_EATON_S(3) - Scan serial ports for Eaton devices (XCP, SHUT and Q1).
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_IPMI(3) - Scan local IPMI devices.
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_NUT(3) - Scan network for available NUT services.
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_SNMP(3) - Scan network for SNMP devices.
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_USB(3) - Scan NUT compatible USB devices.
- NUTSCAN_SCAN_XML_HTT(3) - Scan network for XML/HTTP devices.
- nx::Class(3) - API reference of the base-metaclass of the NX objectsystem
- nx::configure(3) - Get and set configuration options on the object system
- nx::current(3) - Return information about the method callstack
- nx::next(3) - Skip to the next most specific method implementation
- nx::Object(3) - API reference of the base class in the NX object system
- O2I_SCT_LIST(3) - decode and encode Signed Certificate Timestamp lists in TLS wire format
- oath_authenticate_usersfile(3) - API function
- oath_base32_decode(3) - API function
- oath_base32_encode(3) - API function
- oath_bin2hex(3) - API function
- oath_check_version(3) - API function
- oath_done(3) - API function
- oath_hex2bin(3) - API function
- oath_hotp_generate(3) - API function
- oath_hotp_validate(3) - API function
- oath_hotp_validate_callback(3) - API function
- oath_init(3) - API function
- oath_strerror(3) - API function
- oath_strerror_name(3) - API function
- oath_totp_generate(3) - API function
- oath_totp_generate2(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate_callback(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate2(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate2_callback(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate3(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate3_callback(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate4(3) - API function
- oath_totp_validate4_callback(3) - API function
- OBJ_ADD_SIGID(3) - signature algorithm mappings
- OBJ_NAME_ADD(3) - global associative array
- OBJ_NID2OBJ(3) - ASN1 object utility functions
- Object::Accessor(3) - interface to create per object accessors
- Object::Array::Plugin::Builtins(3)
- Object::Array::Plugin::ListMoreUtils(3)
- Object::AUTHORITY(3) - adds an AUTHORITY method to your class
- Object::Container(3) - simple object container
- Object::Container::ja(3) - シンプルなオブジェクトコンテナインタフェース
- Object::Declare(3) - Declarative object constructor
- Object::Destroyer(3) - Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
- Object::Enum(3) - replacement for "if ($foo eq 'bar')"
- Object::Event(3) - A class that provides an event callback interface
- Object::groups(3) - Pragma to implement group of properties
- Object::Import(3) - import methods of an object as functions to a package
- Object::InsideOut::Metadata(3) - Introspection for Object::InsideOut classes
- Object::Pad(3) - a simple syntax for lexical field-based objects
- Object::Pad::ExtensionBuilder(3) - build-time support for extensions to "Object::Pad"
- Object::Pad::MOP::Class(3) - meta-object representation of a "Object::Pad" class
- Object::Pad::MOP::Field(3) - meta-object representation of data field of a "Object::Pad" class
- Object::Pad::MOP::FieldAttr(3) - meta-object representation of a field attribute for "Object::Pad"
- Object::Pad::MOP::Method(3) - meta-object representation of a method of a "Object::Pad" class
- Object::Pluggable::Constants(3) - Importable constants for Object::Pluggable
- Object::Pluggable::Pipeline(3) - The plugin pipeline for Object::Pluggable.
- Object::props(3) - Pragma to implement lvalue accessors with options
- Object::Quick(3) - Depricated, see Mock::Quick
- Object::Realize::Later(3) - Delayed creation of objects
- Object::Signature(3) - Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
- Object::Signature::File(3) - Extended signature API for storing objects in file
- Object::Simple(3) - Simple class builder(Mojo::Base porting)
- Object::Simple::Accessor(3) - DEPRECATED!
- Object::Tiny(3) - Class building as simple as it gets
- Object::Tiny::Lvalue(3) - minimal class builder with lvalue accessors
- Object::Tiny::RW(3) - Class building as simple as it gets (with rw accessors)
- object_message(3) - Sends a message to an object and returns the answer. Allegro game programming library.
- ObjectTemplate(3) - Perl extension for an optimized template builder base class.
- observer(3) - A GUI tool for observing an Erlang system.
- Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::BSD::Networks(3) - Network-related information
- Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Network::Networks(3) - Network-related functions
- Ocsinventory::Agent::Common(3) - give common methods to other modules
- Ocsinventory::Agent::Modules::Apache::Vhosts::Common(3) - Lib for common operations in vhosts inventory
- Ocsinventory::Agent::Modules::Databases::Oracle::Instances(3) - Lib for Oracle instances and versions retrieval
- Ocsinventory::Agent::XML::Inventory(3) - the XML abstraction layer
- OCSP_CERT_TO_ID(3) - OCSP certificate ID utility functions
- OCSP_REQUEST_ADD1_NONCE(3) - OCSP nonce functions
- OCSP_REQUEST_NEW(3) - OCSP request functions
- OCSP_RESP_FIND_STATUS(3) - OCSP response utility functions
- OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS(3) - OCSP response functions
- OCSP_SENDREQ_NEW(3) - OCSP responder query functions
- OCV(3) - OCV backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- ODEUM(3) - the inverted API of QDBM
- offer_focus(3) - Offers the input focus to a particular object. Allegro game programming library.
- OFFSETOF(3) - offset of a structure member
- OFINDLINE(3) - finds a line with a matching field
- Ogg::Vorbis::Header(3) - An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields.
- OHASH_INIT(3) - light-weight open hashing
- OHASH_INTERVAL(3) - helper functions for open hashing
- ohlc(3) - GD::Graph type that shows open, high, low and close as ticks on little sticks
- OID_IS_NULL(3) - functions that allow mapping operations between object addresses, object handles, oids or type numbers
- OLE::Storage_Lite(3) - Simple Class for OLE document interface.
- Olson::Abbreviations(3)
- OlWm(3) - Interface to OpenLook properties of toplevel windows.
- omapi(3) - Object Management Application Programming Interface
- OMPI_Affinity_str(3) - Obtain prettyprint strings of processor affinity information for this process
- OnlinePayment::HTTPS(3) - Base class for HTTPS payment APIs
- ONVIF::Analytics::Attributes::actor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Attributes::contentType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Attributes::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Attributes::expectedContentTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Attributes::mustUnderstand(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::CreateAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::CreateAnalyticsModulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::CreateRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::CreateRulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::DeleteAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::DeleteAnalyticsModulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::DeleteRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::DeleteRulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetAnalyticsModulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetRulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetServiceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetSupportedAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetSupportedAnalyticsModulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetSupportedRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::GetSupportedRulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Message(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::ModifyAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::ModifyAnalyticsModulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::ModifyRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::ModifyRulesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Elements::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Interfaces::Analytics::AnalyticsEnginePort(3) - SOAP Interface for the Analytics Web Service
- ONVIF::Analytics::Interfaces::Analytics::RuleEnginePort(3) - SOAP Interface for the Analytics Web Service
- ONVIF::Analytics::Typemaps::Analytics(3) - typemap for Analytics
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AACDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AbsoluteFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AbsoluteFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ActionEngineEventPayload(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsDeviceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngine(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineControl(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineInput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnalyticsStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AnyHolder(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Appearance(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AppearanceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AttachmentData(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioClassCandidate(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOption(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioSource(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AudioSourceOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AutoFocusMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::AuxiliaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BacklightCompensation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BacklightCompensation20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BacklightCompensationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BackupFile(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::base64Binary(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Behaviour(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BehaviourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::BinaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CapabilityCategory(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CellLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Certificate(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateGenerationParameters(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateGenerationParametersExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateUsage(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CertificateWithPrivateKey(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::CodingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Color(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ColorCovariance(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ColorDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ColorDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ColorOptions(3) - HSV colourspace
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ColorspaceRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Config(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ConfigDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ConfigDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ConfigurationEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ContinuousFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ContinuousFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Date(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DateTimeRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Description(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::detail(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DeviceCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DeviceEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DeviceIOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DigitalInput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Direction(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DisplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DNSName(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Domain(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworks(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11Cipher(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11PSK(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11PSKPassphrase(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11PSKSet(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11PSKSetExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11SecurityConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11SecurityMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11SignalStrength(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11SSIDType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11StationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot11Status(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot1XConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Dot3Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Duplex(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DurationRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DynamicDNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DynamicDNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::DynamicDNSType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EAPMethodConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EapMethodExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EFlip(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EFlipMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EFlipOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EFlipOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Enabled(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EventCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EventStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::EventSubscription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Exposure(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Exposure20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ExposureMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ExposureOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ExposureOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ExposurePriority(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FactoryDefaultType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindEventResult(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindEventResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindMetadataResult(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindMetadataResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindPTZPositionResult(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindPTZPositionResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FindRecordingResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FloatAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FloatList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FloatRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusConfiguration20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusConfiguration20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusMove(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FocusStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Frame(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FrameExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::FrameExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::G711DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::G726DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::GetRecordingJobsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::GetRecordingsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::GetTracksResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::GetTracksResponseList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::H264Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::H264DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::H264Options(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::H264Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::H264Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::hexBinary(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::HostnameInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::HostnameInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::HwAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IANA_IfTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImageStabilization(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImageStabilizationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImageStabilizationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImageStabilizationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension3(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettings20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension202(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension203(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ImagingStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IntAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IntList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IntRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IntRectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IntRectangleRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPAddressFilterExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPAddressFilterType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv4NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6ConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6DHCPConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::IrCutFilterMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ItemList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ItemListDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ItemListDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ItemListExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::JobToken(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::JpegDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::JpegOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::JpegOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Layout(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::LayoutExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::LayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::LayoutOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MaximumNumberOfOSDs(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MediaAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MediaCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MediaCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MediaUri(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Merge(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MessageDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MessageDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MessageExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataInput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataInputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MetadataStreamExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ModeOfOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MotionExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MotionExpressionConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MotionInCells(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MoveOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MoveOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Mpeg4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Mpeg4DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Mpeg4Options(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Mpeg4Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Mpeg4Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::MulticastConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Name(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkGateway(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkHost(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkHostExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkHostType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceLink(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkProtocolExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkProtocolType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NTPInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::NTPInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Object(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ObjectExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ObjectId(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ObjectTree(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ObjectTreeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OnvifVersion(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDColor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDColorOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDColorOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDImgConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDImgConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDImgOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDImgOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDPosConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDPosConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDTextConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDTextConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDTextOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDTextOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OSDType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::OtherType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PaneConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PaneLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PaneLayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PaneOptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PanTiltLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PolygonConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PolylineArray(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PolylineArrayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PolylineArrayExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PrefixedIPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PrefixedIPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ProfileCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ProfileExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ProfileExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PropertyOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTControlDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTControlDirectionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZMoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZNode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZNodeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZNodeExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPositionFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPreset(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetail(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourSpot(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingCondition(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourStatusExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourSupported(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZPresetTourTypeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZSpaces(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZSpacesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZSpeed(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZStream(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::PTZVector(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Receiver(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReceiverStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobSource(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobStateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobStateSource(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobStateTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobStateTracks(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingJobTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingSourceInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RecordingSummary(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Rectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReferenceToken(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelativeFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelativeFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelativeFocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelayIdleState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelayLogicalState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelayMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelayOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RelayOutputSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Rename(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReplayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Reverse(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReverseMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReverseOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ReverseOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Rotate(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RotateExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RotateMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RotateOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RotateOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Scope(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ScopeDefinition(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SearchCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SearchScope(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SearchScopeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SearchState(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SecurityCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SetDateTimeType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ShapeDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ShapeDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SourceIdentification(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SourceIdentificationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SourceReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Space1DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Space2DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Split(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::StreamSetup(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::StreamType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::StringAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SupportedRules(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SupportedRulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SupportInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemDateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemDateTimeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemLog(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemLogType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemLogUri(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::SystemLogUriList(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Time(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TimeZone(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TLSConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TopicNamespaceLocation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackAttributesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackReference(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TrackType(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Transformation(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TransformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Transport(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::TransportProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::User(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::UserExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::UserLevel(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Vector(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Vector1D(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::Vector2D(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoOutputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoRateControl(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoResolution(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSource(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::VideoSourceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalance(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalance20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalance20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalanceMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WideDynamicMode(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WideDynamicRange(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WideDynamicRange20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::XPathExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Analytics::Types::ZoomLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Attributes::actor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Attributes::contentType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Attributes::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Attributes::expectedContentTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Attributes::mustUnderstand(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddIPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddIPAddressFilterResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddScopes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddScopesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateCertificate(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateCertificateResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateDot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateDot1XConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateUsers(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateUsersResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteCertificates(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteCertificatesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteDot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteDot1XConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteUsers(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteUsersResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetAccessPolicy(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetAccessPolicyResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCACertificates(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCACertificatesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificateInformationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificates(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificatesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificatesStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCertificatesStatusResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetClientCertificateMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetClientCertificateModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDeviceInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDeviceInformationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDiscoveryModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDNS(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDNSResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot11Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot11CapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot11Status(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot11StatusResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot1XConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot1XConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDot1XConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDPAddresses(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDPAddressesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDynamicDNS(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDynamicDNSResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetEndpointReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetEndpointReferenceResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetHostname(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetHostnameResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetIPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetIPAddressFilterResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkDefaultGateway(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkDefaultGatewayResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkInterfaces(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkInterfacesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkProtocols(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkProtocolsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNTP(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNTPResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetPkcs10Request(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetPkcs10RequestResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRelayOutputs(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRelayOutputsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteDiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteUserResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetScopes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetScopesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServiceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServices(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServicesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemBackup(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemBackupResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemDateAndTime(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemDateAndTimeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemLog(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemLogResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemSupportInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemSupportInformationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemUris(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemUrisResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetUsers(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetUsersResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetWsdlUrl(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetWsdlUrlResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetZeroConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCACertificates(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCACertificatesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCertificates(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCertificatesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCertificateWithPrivateKey(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::LoadCertificateWithPrivateKeyResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Message(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveIPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveIPAddressFilterResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveScopes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveScopesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RestoreSystem(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::RestoreSystemResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::ScanAvailableDot11Networks(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::ScanAvailableDot11NetworksResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SendAuxiliaryCommand(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SendAuxiliaryCommandResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetAccessPolicy(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetAccessPolicyResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetCertificatesStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetCertificatesStatusResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetClientCertificateMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetClientCertificateModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDiscoveryModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDNS(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDNSResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDot1XConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDPAddresses(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDPAddressesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDynamicDNS(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDynamicDNSResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostname(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostnameFromDHCP(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostnameFromDHCPResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostnameResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetIPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetIPAddressFilterResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkDefaultGateway(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkDefaultGatewayResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkInterfaces(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkInterfacesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkProtocols(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkProtocolsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNTP(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNTPResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRelayOutputSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRelayOutputSettingsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRelayOutputState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRelayOutputStateResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteDiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteUserResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetScopes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetScopesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemDateAndTime(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemDateAndTimeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemFactoryDefault(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemFactoryDefaultResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetUser(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetUserResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetZeroConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::StartFirmwareUpgrade(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::StartFirmwareUpgradeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::StartSystemRestore(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::StartSystemRestoreResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SystemReboot(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::SystemRebootResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::UpgradeSystemFirmware(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::UpgradeSystemFirmwareResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Elements::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort(3) - SOAP Interface for the Device Web Service
- ONVIF::Device::Typemaps::Device(3) - typemap for Device
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AACDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AbsoluteFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AbsoluteFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ActionEngineEventPayload(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsDeviceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngine(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineControl(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineInput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AnyHolder(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Appearance(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AppearanceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AttachmentData(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioClassCandidate(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOption(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioSource(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioSourceOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AutoFocusMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::AuxiliaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BacklightCompensation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BacklightCompensation20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BacklightCompensationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BackupFile(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::base64Binary(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Behaviour(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BehaviourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::BinaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CapabilityCategory(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CellLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Certificate(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateGenerationParameters(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateGenerationParametersExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateUsage(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CertificateWithPrivateKey(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::CodingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Color(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorCovariance(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorOptions(3) - HSV colourspace
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorspaceRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Config(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ConfigDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ConfigDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ConfigurationEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ContinuousFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ContinuousFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Date(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DateTimeRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Description(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::detail(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DeviceCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DeviceEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DeviceIOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DeviceServiceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DigitalInput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Direction(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DisplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DNSName(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Domain(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworks(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11Cipher(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSK(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSKPassphrase(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSKSet(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSKSetExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SecurityConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SecurityMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SignalStrength(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SSIDType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11StationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11Status(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot1XConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot3Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Duplex(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DurationRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DynamicDNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DynamicDNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::DynamicDNSType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EAPMethodConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EapMethodExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EAPMethodTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EFlip(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EFlipMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EFlipOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EFlipOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Enabled(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EventCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EventStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::EventSubscription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Exposure(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Exposure20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ExposureMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ExposureOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ExposureOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ExposurePriority(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FactoryDefaultType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindEventResult(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindEventResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindMetadataResult(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindMetadataResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindPTZPositionResult(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindPTZPositionResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FindRecordingResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FloatAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FloatList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FloatRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusConfiguration20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusConfiguration20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusMove(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FocusStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Frame(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FrameExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::FrameExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::G711DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::G726DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::GetRecordingJobsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::GetRecordingsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::GetTracksResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::GetTracksResponseList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::H264Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::H264DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::H264Options(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::H264Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::H264Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::hexBinary(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::HostnameInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::HostnameInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::HwAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IANA_IfTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImageStabilization(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImageStabilizationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImageStabilizationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImageStabilizationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension3(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettings20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension202(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension203(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ImagingStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IntAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IntList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IntRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IntRectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IntRectangleRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddressFilterExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddressFilterType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv4NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6ConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6DHCPConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::IrCutFilterMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemListDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemListDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemListExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::JobToken(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::JpegDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::JpegOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::JpegOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Layout(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::LayoutExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::LayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::LayoutOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MaximumNumberOfOSDs(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MediaAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MediaCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MediaCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MediaUri(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Merge(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MessageDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MessageDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MessageExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataInput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataInputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStreamExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MiscCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ModeOfOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MotionExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MotionExpressionConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MotionInCells(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MoveOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MoveOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4Options(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::MulticastConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Name(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkGateway(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHost(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHostExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHostType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceLink(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkProtocolExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkProtocolType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NTPInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::NTPInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Object(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectId(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectTree(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectTreeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OnvifVersion(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDColor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDColorOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDColorOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDImgConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDImgConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDImgOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDImgOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDPosConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDPosConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDTextConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDTextConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDTextOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDTextOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OSDType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::OtherType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PaneConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PaneLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PaneLayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PaneOptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PanTiltLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PolygonConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PolylineArray(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PolylineArrayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PolylineArrayExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PrefixedIPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PrefixedIPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ProfileCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ProfileExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ProfileExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PropertyOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTControlDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTControlDirectionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZMoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZNode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZNodeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZNodeExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPositionFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPreset(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetail(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourSpot(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingCondition(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourStatusExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourSupported(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZPresetTourTypeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZSpaces(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZSpacesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZSpeed(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStream(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZVector(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Receiver(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReceiverStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobSource(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobStateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobStateSource(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobStateTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobStateTracks(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingJobTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingSourceInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RecordingSummary(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Rectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReferenceToken(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelativeFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelativeFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelativeFocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelayIdleState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelayLogicalState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelayMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelayOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RelayOutputSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Rename(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReplayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Reverse(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReverseMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReverseOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ReverseOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Rotate(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RotateExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RotateMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RotateOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RotateOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Scope(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ScopeDefinition(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SearchCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SearchScope(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SearchScopeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SearchState(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SecurityCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Service(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SetDateTimeType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ShapeDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ShapeDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SourceIdentification(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SourceIdentificationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SourceReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Space1DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Space2DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Split(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::StreamSetup(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::StreamType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::StringAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SupportedRules(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SupportedRulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SupportInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemDateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemDateTimeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemLog(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemLogType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemLogUri(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::SystemLogUriList(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Time(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TimeZone(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TLSConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TopicNamespaceLocation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackAttributesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackReference(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TrackType(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Transformation(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TransformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Transport(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::TransportProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::User(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::UserExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::UserLevel(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Vector(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Vector1D(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::Vector2D(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoOutputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoRateControl(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoResolution(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSource(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoSourceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalance(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalance20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalance20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalanceMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WideDynamicMode(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WideDynamicRange(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WideDynamicRange20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::XPathExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Device::Types::ZoomLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Attributes::actor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Attributes::contentType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Attributes::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Attributes::expectedContentTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Attributes::mustUnderstand(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioDecoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioOutputConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddAudioSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddMetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddMetadataConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddPTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddPTZConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoAnalyticsConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AddVideoSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateOSD(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateOSDResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateProfile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateProfileResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::DeleteOSD(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::DeleteOSDResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::DeleteProfile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::DeleteProfileResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioDecoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioEncoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputs(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioOutputsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourceConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSources(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetAudioSourcesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioDecoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioDecoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioEncoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioEncoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioOutputConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioOutputConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioSourceConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleAudioSourceConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleMetadataConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleMetadataConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoAnalyticsConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoAnalyticsConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoSourceConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetCompatibleVideoSourceConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstances(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstancesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetMetadataConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSD(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSDOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSDOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSDResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSDs(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetOSDsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetProfile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetProfileResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetProfiles(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetProfilesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetServiceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetSnapshotUri(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetSnapshotUriResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetStreamUri(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetStreamUriResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoAnalyticsConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoAnalyticsConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoAnalyticsConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceModes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourceModesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSources(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::GetVideoSourcesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Message(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioDecoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioOutputConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveAudioSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveMetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveMetadataConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemovePTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemovePTZConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoAnalyticsConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::RemoveVideoSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioDecoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioOutputConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetAudioSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetMetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetMetadataConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetOSD(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetOSDResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetSynchronizationPoint(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetSynchronizationPointResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoAnalyticsConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoSourceConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoSourceMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::SetVideoSourceModeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::StartMulticastStreaming(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::StartMulticastStreamingResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::StopMulticastStreaming(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::StopMulticastStreamingResponse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Elements::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Interfaces::Media::MediaPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the Media Web Service
- ONVIF::Media::Typemaps::Media(3) - typemap for Media
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AACDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AbsoluteFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AbsoluteFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ActionEngineEventPayload(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsDeviceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngine(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineControl(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineInput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AnyHolder(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Appearance(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AppearanceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AttachmentData(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AttributedAnyType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AttributedQNameType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AttributedUnsignedLongType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AttributedURIType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioClassCandidate(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOption(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioSource(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioSourceOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AutoFocusMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::AuxiliaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BacklightCompensation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BacklightCompensation20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BacklightCompensationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BackupFile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::base64Binary(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BaseFaultType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Behaviour(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BehaviourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::BinaryData(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Body(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CapabilityCategory(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CellLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Certificate(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateGenerationParameters(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateGenerationParametersExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateUsage(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CertificateWithPrivateKey(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ClassType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::CodingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Color(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ColorCovariance(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ColorDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ColorDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ColorOptions(3) - HSV colourspace
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ColorspaceRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Config(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ConfigDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ConfigDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ConfigurationEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ContinuousFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ContinuousFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Date(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DateTimeRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Description(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::detail(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DeviceCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DeviceEntity(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DeviceIOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DigitalInput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Direction(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DisplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DNSName(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Documentation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Domain(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworks(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11Cipher(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11PSK(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11PSKPassphrase(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11PSKSet(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11PSKSetExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11SecurityConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11SecurityMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11SignalStrength(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11SSIDType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11StationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot11Status(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot1XConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Dot3Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Duplex(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DurationRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DynamicDNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DynamicDNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::DynamicDNSType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EAPMethodConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EapMethodExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EFlip(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EFlipMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EFlipOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EFlipOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Enabled(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EncodingTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EndpointReferenceType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EventCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EventStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::EventSubscription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Exposure(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Exposure20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ExposureMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ExposureOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ExposureOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ExposurePriority(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ExtensibleDocumented(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FactoryDefaultType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FaultCodesOpenEnumType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FaultCodesType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindEventResult(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindEventResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindMetadataResult(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindMetadataResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindPTZPositionResult(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindPTZPositionResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FindRecordingResultList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusConfiguration20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusConfiguration20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusMove(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FocusStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Frame(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FrameExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::FrameExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::G711DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::G726DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::GetRecordingJobsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::GetRecordingsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::GetTracksResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::GetTracksResponseList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::H264Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::H264DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::H264Options(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::H264Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::H264Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Header(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::hexBinary(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::HostnameInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::HostnameInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::HwAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IANA_IfTypes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImageStabilization(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImageStabilizationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImageStabilizationMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImageStabilizationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension3(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettings20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension202(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension203(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ImagingStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Include(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IntAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IntList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IntRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IntRectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IntRectangleRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddress(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddressFilterExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddressFilterType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv4NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6ConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6DHCPConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::IrCutFilterMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::JobToken(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::JpegDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::JpegOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::JpegOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Layout(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::LayoutExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::LayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::LayoutOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MaximumNumberOfOSDs(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MediaAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MediaCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MediaCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MediaUri(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Merge(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MessageDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MessageDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MessageExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataInput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataInputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataStreamExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ModeOfOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MotionExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MotionExpressionConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MotionInCells(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MoveOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MoveOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4Options(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4Options2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::MulticastConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Name(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkGateway(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkHost(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkHostExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkHostType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceInfo(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceLink(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkProtocolExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkProtocolType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NTPInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::NTPInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Object(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ObjectExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ObjectId(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ObjectTree(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ObjectTreeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OnvifVersion(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDColor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDColorOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDColorOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDImgConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDImgConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDImgOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDImgOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDPosConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDPosConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDTextConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDTextConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDTextOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDTextOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OSDType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::OtherType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PaneConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PaneLayout(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PaneLayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PaneOptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PanTiltLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PolygonConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PolylineArray(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PolylineArrayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PolylineArrayExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PrefixedIPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PrefixedIPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ProblemActionType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Profile(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ProfileCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ProfileExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ProfileExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PropertyOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirectionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZMoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZNode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZNodeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZNodeExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPositionFilter(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPreset(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourDirection(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourOperation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetail(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourSpot(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingCondition(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourStatusExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourSupported(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZPresetTourTypeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZSpaces(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZSpacesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZSpeed(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZStream(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZVector(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::QueryExpressionType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Receiver(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReceiverStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobSource(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobStateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobStateSource(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobStateTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobStateTracks(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingJobTrack(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingSourceInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RecordingSummary(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Rectangle(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReferenceParametersType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReferenceToken(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelatesToType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelationshipType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelationshipTypeOpenEnum(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelativeFocus(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelativeFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelativeFocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelayIdleState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelayLogicalState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelayMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelayOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RelayOutputSettings(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Rename(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReplayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Reverse(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReverseMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReverseOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ReverseOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Rotate(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RotateExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RotateMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RotateOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RotateOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Scope(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ScopeDefinition(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SearchCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SearchScope(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SearchScopeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SearchState(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SecurityCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SetDateTimeType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ShapeDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ShapeDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SourceIdentification(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SourceIdentificationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SourceReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Space1DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Space2DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Split(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::StreamingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::StreamSetup(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::StreamType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::StringAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SupportedRules(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SupportedRulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SupportInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemDateTime(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemDateTimeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemLog(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemLogType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemLogUri(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::SystemLogUriList(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Time(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TimeZone(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TLSConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TopicNamespaceLocation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TopicNamespaceType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackAttributesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackInformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackReference(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TrackType(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Transformation(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TransformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Transport(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::TransportProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::User(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::UserExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::UserLevel(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Vector(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Vector1D(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::Vector2D(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoOutput(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoOutputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoRateControl(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoResolution(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSource(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceModeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalance(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalance20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalance20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalanceMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WideDynamicMode(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WideDynamicRange(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WideDynamicRange20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::XPathExpression(3)
- ONVIF::Media::Types::ZoomLimits(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Attributes::actor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Attributes::contentType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Attributes::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Attributes::expectedContentTypes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Attributes::mustUnderstand(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AbsoluteMove(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AbsoluteMoveResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Body(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::ContinuousMove(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::ContinuousMoveResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::CreatePresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::CreatePresetTourResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetCompatibleConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetCompatibleConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfigurationOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfigurations(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetConfigurationsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetNode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetNodeResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetNodes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetNodesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresets(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetTourOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetTourOptionsResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetTourResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetTours(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetPresetToursResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetServiceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GetStatusResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GotoHomePosition(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GotoHomePositionResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GotoPreset(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::GotoPresetResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Header(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Include(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Message(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::ModifyPresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::ModifyPresetTourResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::OperatePresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::OperatePresetTourResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RelativeMove(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RelativeMoveResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RemovePreset(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RemovePresetResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RemovePresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::RemovePresetTourResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SendAuxiliaryCommand(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SendAuxiliaryCommandResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetConfigurationResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetHomePosition(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetHomePositionResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetPreset(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::SetPresetResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::Stop(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::StopResponse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Elements::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Interfaces::PTZ::PTZPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the PTZ Web Service
- ONVIF::PTZ::Typemaps::PTZ(3) - typemap for PTZ
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AACDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AbsoluteFocus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AbsoluteFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ActionEngineEventPayload(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsDeviceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngine(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineControl(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineInput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfo(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnyHolder(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Appearance(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AppearanceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AttachmentData(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AttributedAnyType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AttributedQNameType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AttributedUnsignedLongType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AttributedURIType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioClassCandidate(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioClassType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOption(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioOutput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioSource(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioSourceOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AutoFocusMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AuxiliaryData(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BacklightCompensation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BacklightCompensation20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BacklightCompensationMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BacklightCompensationOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BackupFile(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::base64Binary(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BaseFaultType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Behaviour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BehaviourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::BinaryData(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Body(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CapabilityCategory(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CellLayout(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Certificate(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateGenerationParameters(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateGenerationParametersExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateUsage(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CertificateWithPrivateKey(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ClassDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ClassType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::CodingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Color(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ColorCovariance(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ColorDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ColorDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ColorOptions(3) - HSV colourspace
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ColorspaceRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Config(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ConfigDescription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ConfigDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ConfigurationEntity(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ContinuousFocus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ContinuousFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Date(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DateTime(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DateTimeRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Description(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::detail(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DeviceCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DeviceCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DeviceEntity(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DeviceIOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DigitalInput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Direction(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DiscoveryMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DisplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DNSName(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Documentation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Domain(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworks(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11Capabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11Cipher(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11PSK(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11PSKPassphrase(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11PSKSet(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11PSKSetExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11SecurityConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11SecurityMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11SignalStrength(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11SSIDType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11StationMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot11Status(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot1XConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot1XConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Dot3Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Duplex(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DurationRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DynamicDNSInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DynamicDNSInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::DynamicDNSType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EAPMethodConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EapMethodExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EFlip(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EFlipMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EFlipOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EFlipOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Enabled(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::encodingStyle(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EndpointReferenceType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Envelope(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EventCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EventStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EventSubscription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Exposure(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Exposure20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ExposureMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ExposureOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ExposureOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ExposurePriority(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ExtensibleDocumented(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FactoryDefaultType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Fault(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FaultCodesOpenEnumType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FaultCodesType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindEventResult(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindEventResultList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindMetadataResult(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindMetadataResultList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindPTZPositionResult(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindPTZPositionResultList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FindRecordingResultList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusConfiguration20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusConfiguration20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusMove(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FocusStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Frame(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FrameExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FrameExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::G711DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::G726DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::GetRecordingJobsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::GetRecordingsResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::GetTracksResponseItem(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::GetTracksResponseList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264Options(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264Options2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264Profile(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Header(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::hexBinary(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::HostnameInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::HostnameInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::HwAddress(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IANA_IfTypes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImageStabilization(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImageStabilizationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImageStabilizationMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImageStabilizationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingOptions20Extension3(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettings(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettings20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension202(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingSettingsExtension203(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingStatus20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ImagingStatus20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Include(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IntAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IntList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IntRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IntRectangle(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IntRectangleRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IOCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IOCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddress(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddressFilter(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddressFilterExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddressFilterType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv4NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6ConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6DHCPConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IrCutFilterMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListDescription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::JobToken(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::JpegDecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::JpegOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::JpegOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Layout(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::LayoutExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::LayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::LayoutOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MaximumNumberOfOSDs(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MediaAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MediaCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MediaCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MediaUri(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Merge(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MessageDescription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MessageDescriptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MessageExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataFilter(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataInput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataInputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataStream(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataStreamExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ModeOfOperation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MotionExpression(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MotionExpressionConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MotionInCells(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MoveOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MoveOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4Configuration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4DecOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4Options(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4Options2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4Profile(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MulticastConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Name(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkGateway(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkHost(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkHostExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkHostType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterface(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceInfo(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceLink(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkProtocolExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkProtocolType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkZeroConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NTPInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::NTPInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Object(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ObjectExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ObjectId(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ObjectTree(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ObjectTreeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OnvifVersion(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDColor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDColorOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDColorOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDImgConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDImgConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDImgOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDImgOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDPosConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDPosConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDTextConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDTextConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDTextOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDTextOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OSDType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::OtherType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PaneConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PaneLayout(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PaneLayoutOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PaneOptionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PanTiltLimits(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Polygon(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PolygonConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Polyline(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PolylineArray(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PolylineArrayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PolylineArrayExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PrefixedIPv4Address(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PrefixedIPv6Address(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PresetTour(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProblemActionType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Profile(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProfileCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProfileExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProfileExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PropertyOperation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirection(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirectionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationOptions2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZFilter(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZMoveStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZNode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZNodeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZNodeExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPositionFilter(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPreset(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourDirection(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourOperation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetail(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourSpot(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourSpotOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingCondition(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourStatusExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourSupported(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZPresetTourTypeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZSpaces(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZSpacesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZSpeed(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZStream(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZVector(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::QueryExpressionType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Receiver(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReceiverStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobSource(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobStateInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobStateInformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobStateSource(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobStateTrack(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobStateTracks(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingJobTrack(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingSourceInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingStatus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RecordingSummary(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Rectangle(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReferenceParametersType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReferenceToken(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelatesToType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelationshipType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelationshipTypeOpenEnum(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelativeFocus(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelativeFocusOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelativeFocusOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelayIdleState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelayLogicalState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelayMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelayOutput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RelayOutputSettings(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RemoteUser(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Rename(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReplayCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReplayConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Reverse(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReverseMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReverseOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReverseOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Rotate(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RotateExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RotateMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RotateOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RotateOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Scope(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ScopeDefinition(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SearchCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SearchScope(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SearchScopeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SearchState(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SecurityCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SetDateTimeType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ShapeDescriptor(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ShapeDescriptorExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SourceIdentification(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SourceIdentificationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SourceReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Space1DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Space2DDescription(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Split(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::StreamSetup(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::StreamType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::StringAttrList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModules(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SupportedRules(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SupportedRulesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SupportInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemCapabilities(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemCapabilitiesExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemDateTime(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemDateTimeExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemLog(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemLogType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemLogUri(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::SystemLogUriList(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Time(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TimeZone(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TLSConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TopicNamespaceLocation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TopicNamespaceType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackAttributesExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackInformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackReference(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TrackType(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Transformation(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TransformationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Transport(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::TransportProtocol(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::User(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::UserExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::UserLevel(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Vector(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Vector1D(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Vector2D(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoAnalyticsStream(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoAnalyticsStreamExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoAttributes(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoding(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoOutput(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoOutputConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoOutputConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoOutputExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoRateControl(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoResolution(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSource(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceExtension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceExtension2(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalance(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalance20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalance20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalanceMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WideDynamicMode(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WideDynamicRange(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WideDynamicRange20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::WideDynamicRangeOptions20(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::XPathExpression(3)
- ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ZoomLimits(3)
- ONVIF::Serializer::Base(3)
- OODoc(3) - The Perl Open OpenDocument Connector
- OODoc::Document(3) - Top level component for content and layout processing
- OODoc::File(3) - I/O operations with OpenDocument files
- OODoc::Image(3) - Image manipulation methods
- OODoc::Intro(3) - Introduction to the Open OpenDocument Connector
- OODoc::Manifest(3) - Access to document file descriptor
- OODoc::Meta(3) - Access to document metadata
- OODoc::Styles(3) - Document styles and layout processing
- OODoc::Text(3) - The text processing submodule of OpenOffice::OODoc
- OODoc::XPath(3) - Low-level navigation in the documents
- OOorNO(3) - Give your module classic AND OO interfaces
- Opcodes(3) - More Opcodes information from opnames.h and opcode.h
- open_append(3) - open a file for appending
- open_excl(3) - open a file for exclusive writing
- open_fli(3) - Makes a FLI file open and ready for playing. Allegro game programming library.
- OPEN_MEMSTREAM(3) - dynamic memory buffer stream open functions
- open_nonblock(3) - 1 if alive and counter > 0 then a:data_handler(dh) return end end a:close() -- will close on error or if counter reaches 0 end a:data_handler(dh)endfunction main_clock_pulse() if CLOCK % 100 == 0 then local _, alive = b:write("sent at " .. tostring(CLOCK)) if not alive then return shutdown() end endend
- open_rawresource(3)
- open_read(3) - open a file for reading
- open_rw(3) - open a file for reading and writing
- open_trunc(3) - open a file for writing
- open_write(3) - open a file for writing
- opendkim-lua(3) - Programming the OpenDKIM filter using Lua scripts
- OpenFTS(3) - Provides functions for searching
- OPENNET(3) - URL handling library.
- OPENPAM(3) - Pluggable Authentication Modules Library
- OPENPAM_BORROW_CRED(3) - temporarily borrow user credentials
- OPENPAM_FREE_DATA(3) - generic cleanup function
- OPENPAM_FREE_ENVLIST(3) - free an environment list
- OPENPAM_GET_FEATURE(3) - query the state of an optional feature
- OPENPAM_GET_OPTION(3) - returns the value of a module option
- OPENPAM_LOG(3) - log a message through syslog
- OPENPAM_NULLCONV(3) - null conversation function
- OPENPAM_READLINE(3) - read a line from a file
- OPENPAM_READLINEV(3) - read a line from a file and split it into words
- OPENPAM_READWORD(3) - read a word from a file, respecting shell quoting rules
- OPENPAM_RESTORE_CRED(3) - restore credentials
- OPENPAM_SET_FEATURE(3) - enable or disable an optional feature
- OPENPAM_SET_OPTION(3) - sets the value of a module option
- OPENPAM_STRADDCH(3) - add a character to a string, expanding the buffer if needed
- OPENPAM_SUBST(3) - substitute PAM item values in a string
- OPENPAM_TTYCONV(3) - simple tty-based conversation function
- openreadclose(3) - read a whole file into a stralloc
- OPENSSL_ADD_ALL_ALGORITHMS(3) - add algorithms to internal table
- OPENSSL_APPLINK(3) - glue between OpenSSL BIO and Win32 compiler run-time
- OPENSSL_CONFIG(3) - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
- OPENSSL_FORK_PREPARE(3) - OpenSSL fork handlers
- OPENSSL_IA32CAP(3) - the x86[_64] processor capabilities vector
- OPENSSL_INIT_CRYPTO(3) - OpenSSL initialisation and deinitialisation functions
- OPENSSL_INIT_SSL(3) - OpenSSL (libssl and libcrypto) initialisation
- OPENSSL_INSTRUMENT_BUS(3) - instrument references to memory bus
- OPENSSL_LH_COMPFUNC(3) - dynamic hash table
- OPENSSL_LH_STATS(3) - LHASH statistics
- OPENSSL_LOAD_BUILTIN_MODULES(3) - add standard configuration modules
- OPENSSL_MALLOC(3) - Memory allocation functions
- OPENSSL_SECURE_MALLOC(3) - secure heap storage
- OPENSSL_SK_NEW(3) - variable-sized arrays of void pointers, called OpenSSL stacks
- OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER(3) - get OpenSSL version number
- OPENTEMP(3) - create and open a uniquely-named file
- OpenXPKI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client(3) - OpenXPKI Client base library
- OpenXPKI::Client::Config(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::SCEP(3) - OpenXPKI Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Client
- OpenXPKI::Client::Service::Response(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::Simple(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Bulk(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Certificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Crl(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Home(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Information(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Request(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Result(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Source(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Users(3)
- OpenXPKI::Client::UI::Workflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Config(3) - Connector based configuration layer
- OpenXPKI::Config::Backend(3) - Backend connector holding the system config
- OpenXPKI::Config::Lint::Dummy(3)
- OpenXPKI::Config::Loader(3) - Backend connector to load system config from BLOB
- OpenXPKI::Connector::DataPool(3)
- OpenXPKI::Connector::FakeValidity(3)
- OpenXPKI::Connector::Regex(3) - for each item! For multiple arguments this means you get a true result only of no value matches!
- OpenXPKI::Connector::Secret(3)
- OpenXPKI::Connector::WorkflowContext(3)
- OpenXPKI::Control(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypt::PKCS10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypt::PKCS7(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypt::PKCS7::SCEP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypt::X509(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::API(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::API(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::CLI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::convert_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::convert_crl(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::convert_pkcs10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::convert_pkcs8(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::convert_pkey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::create_params(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::create_pkcs10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::create_pkcs12(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::create_pkey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::create_random(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::decrypt_digest(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::get_pkcs8_keytype(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::get_pubkey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::is_issuer(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::is_prime(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::issue_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::issue_crl(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::list_algorithms(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_decrypt(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_encrypt(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_get_chain(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_get_payload(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_sign(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_verify(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::sign_digest(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::verify_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Config(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine::AWSCloudHSM(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine::LunaGem(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine::nCipher(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine::OpenSSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Engine::PKCS11(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::CLI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Profile::Base(3) - base class for cryptographic profiles for certificates and CRLs.
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Profile::Certificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Profile::CRL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Profile::CSR(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Secret::Plain(3) - Simple PIN concatenation
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::SecretManager(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::SecretRole(3) - Base role for all types of 'secrets'
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::TokenManager(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore::API(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore::CLI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore::Command::create_keystore(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore::Engine::OpenSSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::API(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_getcert_serial(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_issuer(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_message_type(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_pkcs10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_signer_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::get_transaction_id(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Command::unwrap(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::LibSCEP::Engine::OpenSSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::API(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::CLI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::create_certificate_reply(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::create_crl_reply(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::create_error_reply(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::create_nextca_reply(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::create_pending_reply(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_getcert_serial(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_getcrl_issuer_serial(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_message_type(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_pkcs10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_signer_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Command::get_transaction_id(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::SCEP::Engine::OpenSSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::Toolkit(3)
- OpenXPKI::Crypto::VolatileVault(3)
- OpenXPKI::Daemonize(3)
- OpenXPKI::DateTime(3)
- OpenXPKI::Debug(3)
- OpenXPKI::DN(3)
- OpenXPKI::Exception(3)
- OpenXPKI::FileUtils(3)
- OpenXPKI::i18n(3)
- OpenXPKI::Log4perl(3) - Tiny wrapper around Log::Log4perl's init methods to provide some custom enhancements
- OpenXPKI::MooseParams(3)
- OpenXPKI::Password(3)
- OpenXPKI::Random(3)
- OpenXPKI::Role::IssuerSerial(3)
- OpenXPKI::Serialization::Fast(3)
- OpenXPKI::Serialization::JSON(3)
- OpenXPKI::Serialization::Legacy(3)
- OpenXPKI::Serialization::Simple(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::ACL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2(3) - Standardized internal and external access to sensitive functions
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Autoloader(3) - Thin wrapper around the API that virtually provides all API commands as instance methods
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::EasyPlugin(3) - Define an OpenXPKI API plugin
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::EasyPluginMetaClassTrait(3) - Moose metaclass role (aka. "trait") for API plugins
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::EasyPluginRole(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Api::api_help(3) - name of the API command
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Api::api_list(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Api::Util::ModuleFinder(3) - Find modules by package name
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::DateCondition(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::evaluate_trust_rule(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_cert(3) - the default value
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_cert_actions(3) - label: I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_DOWNLOAD_PRIVATE_KEY workflow: certificate_privkey_export condition: keyexport - label: I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_CERT_ACTION_RENEW workflow: certificate_renewal_request condition: issued - label: I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_CERT_ACTION_AUTHORIZE workflow: certificate_authorize condition: issued profile profile: tls-client tls-client-server
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_cert_attributes(3) - OpenXPKI identifier
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_cert_identifier(3) - PEM encoded certificate data
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_chain(3) - certificate identifier to get the chain for
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_crl(3) - detailed information parsed from the CRL object
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_crl_list(3) - unmodified result from the database (without PEM data)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::get_profile_for_cert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::import_certificate(3) - certificate data (PEM encoded)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::import_chain(3) - expected sorting is "entity first". For security reasons the root is not imported by default, set
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::is_certificate_owner(3) - XXX. Default: XXX
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::is_local_entity(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::list_used_issuers(3) - PKI realm to query, defaults to the session realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::private_key(3) - the output format
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::search_cert(3) - certificate realm. Specify "_any" for a global search. Default: current session's realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::validate_certificate(3) - only if
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Control::control_watchdog(3) - one of the following (case insensitive):
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Control::purge_application_log(3) - maximum age (in seconds) of the application log entries to preserve. Default: 180 days
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Control::reload(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Control::version(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::generate_key(3) - passwort for key encryption. Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::get_key_identifier_from_data(3) - XXX. Default: XXX
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::get_random(3) - length in bytes.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality(3) - the password to be validated (required).
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality::CheckEntropyRole(3) - Check password entropy
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality::CheckLegacyRole(3) - Legacy password quality checks
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality::CheckStandardRole(3) - Standard password quality checks
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality::TopPasswords(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::password_quality::Validate(3) - password to be tested
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::scep_message_handler(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Crypto::validate_ruleset(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::create_datapool_encryption_key(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::delete_data_pool_entry(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::get_data_pool_entry(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::get_datavault_status(3) - the alias of the vault token, default is to query the active token
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::list_data_pool_entries(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::modify_data_pool_entry(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::set_data_pool_entry(3) - PKI realm. Optional, default: current realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Datapool::Util(3) - Base role for datapool related plugins that provides some utility methods
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Import::import_crl(3) - PEM formated CRL. Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_additional_information_fields(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_cert_profiles(3) - show also non-UI profiles. Default: FALSE
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_cert_subject_profiles(3) - show also non-UI profiles, default: FALSE Note that this parameter has a deprecated alias
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_cert_subject_styles(3) - profile name to query
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_field_definition(3) - certificate profile name, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_key_algs(3) - certificate profile, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_key_enc(3) - certificate profile, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::get_key_params(3) - certificate profile, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::list_supported_san(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::list_used_profiles(3) - PKI realm to query, defaults to the session realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::preset_subject_parts_from_profile(3) - certificate profile name, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::render_templates(3) - certificate profile, required
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Profile::Util(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Secret::clear_secret(3) - name of the secret (group). Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Secret::get_secrets(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Secret::is_secret_complete(3) - name of the secret (group). Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Secret::set_secret_part(3) - name of the secret (group). Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::tenant_handler(3) - certificate identifier
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_ca_list(3) - PKI realm to query, defaults to the session realm
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_certificate_for_alias(3) - certificate alias (required)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_default_token(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_token_alias_by_x(3) - Token type (for possible values see "TokenType" in OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Types). Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_token_info(3) - Token alias. Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::get_trust_anchors(3) - configuration path, must point to a config node which has at least one of the defining child nodes:
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::is_token_usable(3) - Token alias. Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::list_active_aliases(3) - Token group. Default: none
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Token::Util(3) - Some utility functions for token related API methods
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_menu(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_motd(3) - user role for which the motd shall be returned.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_report(3) - XXX. Default: XXX
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_report_list(3) - XXX. Default: XXX
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_session_info(3) - descriptive label role => STR, # role role_label => STR, # role - descriptive label pki_realm => STR, # PKI realm pki_realm_label => STR, # PKI realm - descriptive label checksum => STR, # config checksum sid => STR, # session ID userinfo => { # additional user info, depending on authentication backend realname => STR, # optional email => STR, # optional ... }, authinfo => { # optional, params for authentication handlers logout => STR, # redirect target for logout (used by UI) .... } }
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_ui_system_status(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::get_user_role_realm(3) - XXX. Default: XXX
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::list_process(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::render_template(3) - template string including placeholders.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::UI::send_notification(3) - message or message ID to be sent (depends on the notification handlers)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Users::search_users(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::check_workflow_acl(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::create_workflow_instance(3) - those can not be changed.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::execute_workflow_activity(3) - workflow id
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::fail_workflow(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_openapi_typespec(3) - OpenXPKI's type specification string
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_rpc_openapi_spec(3) - workflow type
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_activities(3) - workflow type
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_activities_params(3) - workflow type
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_base_info(3) - workflow type
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_creator(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_history(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_info(3) - ID of the workflow to query
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_instance_types(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_log(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_workflow_type_for_id(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::list_workflow_titles(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::reset_workflow(3) - workflow ID
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::search_workflow_instances(3) - set to 1 to only return workflow that the current user is allowed to access. Default: 0
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::start_workflow(3) - workflow id
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::Util(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::wakeup_resume_workflow(3) - workflow ID. Required.
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::PluginRole(3) - Base role for API plugins
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::TenantRole(3) - provides helper methods for plugins
- OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Types(3) - Collection of Moose types used for API command parameters
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Anonymous(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Base(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::ClientX509(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Command(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Connector(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Handle(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::NoAuth(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::OneTimePassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::Password(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Authentication::X509(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Context(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::DB2(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::MariaDB(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::MySQL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::Oracle(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::PostgreSQL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::SQLite(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Legacy(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Query(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::QueryBuilder(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::CountEmulation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::Driver(3) - Moose role that every database driver has to consume
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::MergeEmulation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::MergeSupport(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::SequenceEmulation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Role::SequenceSupport(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Init(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Log(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Log::Appender::Audit(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Log::Appender::Database(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Log::CLI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Log::Layout::Audit(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::NICE(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::NICE::Factory(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::NICE::Local(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::NICE::Null(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::Base(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::Connector(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::Handler(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::RT(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::ServiceNow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::SMTP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Notification::SMTP::SSL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session(3) - Factory to create, persist and resume sessions
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::Data(3) - data object with some helper methods but no application logic
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::Data::SCEP(3) - specialized data object for SCEP processing with some additional attributes
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::Driver::Database(3) - Session implementation that persists to the database
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::Driver::File(3) - Session implementation that persists to files in a folder
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::Driver::Memory(3) - Session implementation that does not persist data
- OpenXPKI::Server::Session::DriverRole(3) - Moose role that every session driver implementation has to consume
- OpenXPKI::Server::Watchdog(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CertRenewal::DetermineSubjectStyle(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CRLIssuance::CreateQueue(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CRLIssuance::ImportCRL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CRR::PersistRequest(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CSR::CheckPolicyDNS(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CSR::CheckPolicyKeyDuplicate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CSR::CheckPolicySubjectDuplicate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CSR::GeneratePKCS10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::CSR::PersistRequest(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::EST::CACerts(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::EST::GenerateCSRAttribute(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Log(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::CheckForRevocation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::FetchCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::FetchKey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::GenerateKey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::IssueCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::IssueCRL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::RenewCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::RevokeCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::TestConnection(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::UnrevokeCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Noop(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Reports::Detail(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Reports::GetList(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Reports::Summary(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Reports::Timeline(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Skeleton(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Skip(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Sleep(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::AddCertExtension(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::AppendCertificateMetadata(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Approve(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CalculateApprovalPoints(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CalculateArgon2Key(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CalculateRequestHMAC(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CancelApprovals(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CertificateExport(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CertificateExportArchive(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Connector::GetValue(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CopyCertificateMetadata(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CopyContextFromWorkflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::CRLExport(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Datapool::DeleteEntry(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Datapool::GetEntry(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Datapool::ModifyEntry(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Datapool::SetEntry(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Disconnect(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::EvaluateEligibility(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::EvaluateSignerTrust(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ExportToFile(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::GenerateKey(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::GeneratePassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::GetCertificateIdentifier(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::GetIdentifierForAlias(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::InjectExtraParam(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ListActiveToken(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::LoadCertificateMetadata(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::LoadPolicy(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::MergeContextHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Notify(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ParseCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ParseCertificateBundle(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ParsePKCS10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::Pause(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::PrepareRenewal(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::PresetProfileFields(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::PublishCA(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::PublishCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::PublishCRL(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::RelateWorkflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::RenameContext(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::RenderSubject(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::RevokeCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SearchCertificates(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SearchWorkflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetAttribute(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetContext(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetContextHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetCreator(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetErrorCode(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetSource(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SetStatusMessage(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::StringToArray(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::TriggerCertificatePublish(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::UpdateContextHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ValidateChallengePassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::WFArray(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::WFHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Transfer::SCP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::User::HashUserPassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::User::InsertUserData(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::User::LoadUserData(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::User::PersistUserData(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::WorkflowTest(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::AlwaysFalse(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::AlwaysTrue(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::Approved(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateAttribute(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateHasProfile(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateHasStatus(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateHasSuccessor(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateIsLocalEntity(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CertificateNotYetRevoked(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::CheckPassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::Connector::Exists(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::Connector::IsValue(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::DatapoolEntry(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::DateTime(3) - load the value to probe against from this context key. Should not be used, use the
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::HasRole(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::IsCertificateOwner(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::Key(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::KeyGenerationMode(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::KeyParams(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::NICE::IsCertificateIssued(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::NICE::IsCertificatePending(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::NICE::UsableTokenForValidity(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::SubjectsMatch(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::SubjectValid(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::UserExists(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::ValidateRuleset(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::WFArray(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::WFHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::WorkflowCreator(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::WorkflowHasState(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Helpers(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Observer::Debug(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Observer::Log(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Pause(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Persister::DBI(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Persister::NoHistory(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Persister::Null(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Role::Publish(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::BasicFieldType(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::BooleanHasFields(3) - $val1 - $val2
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::CertIdentifierExists(3) - $cert_identifier
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::CertSubject(3) - $cert_profile - $cert_subject_style - $cert_subject
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::CertSubjectFields(3) - $cert_profile - $cert_subject_style - $cert_san_parts
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::CommonNameLength(3) - $cert_profile - $cert_subject_style - $cert_san_parts
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::Connector(3) - $meta_system_id
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::InvalidityTime(3) - $invalidity_time - $cert_identifier
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::KeyGenerationParams(3) - $cert_profile - $key_alg - $key_gen_params - $enc_alg
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::KeyParams(3) - $cert_profile - $pkcs10
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::KeyReuse(3) - $pkcs10
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::PasswordQuality(3) - $password param: checks: - length - dict minlen: 6
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::PKCS10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::Regex(3) - $link - email
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::RelativeDate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::ValidCertificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::ValidityString(3) - $timestamp
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::ValidityTime(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::ValidityWindow(3) - $notbefore
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::WFHash(3) - $key_to_check
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::WFObject(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::WFObject::WFArray(3)
- OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::WFObject::WFHash(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::Default(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::Default::CommandApi2(3) - Execute commands via new API
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP::Command(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP::Command::GetCACaps(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP::Command::GetCACert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP::Command::GetNextCACert(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::LibSCEP::Command::PKIOperation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::SCEP(3)
- OpenXPKI::Service::SCEP::Command::PKIOperation(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Alias(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Certificate(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::CheckDNS(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::DateTime(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Metadata(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::PKCS10(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Profile(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::RandomPassword(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Utils(3)
- OpenXPKI::Template::Plugin::Workflow(3)
- OpenXPKI::Tests(3)
- OpenXPKI::Transport::Simple(3)
- OpenXPKI::Workflow::Config(3)
- OpenXPKI::Workflow::Factory(3)
- OpenXPKI::Workflow::Handler(3) - Workflow factory manager
- OPML(3) - creates and updates OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) files
- optionFileLoad(3) - Load the locatable config files, in order
- optionFindNextValue(3) - find a hierarcicaly valued option instance
- optionFindValue(3) - find a hierarcicaly valued option instance
- optionFree(3) - free allocated option processing memory
- optionGetValue(3) - get a specific value from a hierarcical list
- optionLoadLine(3) - process a string for an option name and value
- optionMemberList(3) - Get the list of members of a bit mask set
- optionNextValue(3) - get the next value from a hierarchical list
- optionOnlyUsage(3) - Print usage text for just the options
- optionPrintVersion(3) - Print the program version
- optionPrintVersionAndReturn(3) - Print the program version
- optionProcess(3) - this is the main option processing routine
- optionRestore(3) - restore option state from memory copy
- optionSaveFile(3) - saves the option state to a file
- optionSaveState(3) - saves the option state to memory
- optionUnloadNested(3) - Deallocate the memory for a nested value
- optionVersion(3) - return the compiled AutoOpts version number
- order_image(3)
- OrePAN2(3) - Yet another DarkPAN manager.
- OrePAN2::Auditor(3)
- OrePAN2::Index(3) - Index
- OrePAN2::Injector(3) - Inject a distribution to your DarkPAN
- orient3d_model(3)
- Original(3) - Find original, non-quoted text in a message
- ORLite(3) - Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
- ORLite::Migrate(3) - Extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
- ORLite::Migrate::Timeline(3) - ORLite::Migrate timelines contained in a single class
- Oryx::Association(3) - abstract base class for Association types
- Oryx::Association::Array(3) - Abstract Array association meta-type for Oryx
- Oryx::Association::Hash(3) - Abstract base class for hash associations
- Oryx::Association::Reference(3) - Abstract base class for reference associations
- Oryx::Attribute(3) - Attribute meta-type for Oryx persistent classes
- Oryx::Class(3) - abstract base class for Oryx classes
- Oryx::DBI(3) - DBI Storage interface for Oryx
- Oryx::DBI::Association(3) - Abstract base class for DBI association implementations
- Oryx::DBI::Association::Array(3) - DBI implementation of array asssociations
- Oryx::DBI::Association::Hash(3) - DBI implementation of hash associations
- Oryx::DBI::Association::Reference(3) - DBI implementation of reference associations
- Oryx::DBI::Attribute(3) - DBI implementation of attributes
- Oryx::DBI::Class(3) - DBI metaclass implementation
- Oryx::DBI::Parent(3) - DBI implementation of parent relationships
- Oryx::DBI::Util(3) - abstract base class for Oryx DBI utilities
- Oryx::DBI::Util::Generic(3) - Oryx DBI utilities for generic connections
- Oryx::DBI::Util::mysql(3) - Oryx DBI utilities for MySQL connections
- Oryx::DBI::Util::Pg(3) - Oryx DBI utilities for PostgreSQL connections
- Oryx::DBI::Util::SQLite(3) - Oryx DBI utilities for SQLite connections
- Oryx::DBM(3) - DBM Storage interface for Oryx
- Oryx::DBM::Association(3) - Abstract base for DBM association implementations
- Oryx::DBM::Association::Array(3) - DBM implementation or array associations
- Oryx::DBM::Association::Hash(3) - DBM implementation of hash associations
- Oryx::DBM::Association::Reference(3) - DBM implementation of reference associations
- Oryx::DBM::Attribute(3) - DBM implementation of attributes
- Oryx::DBM::Class(3) - DBM implementation of Oryx metaclasses
- Oryx::DBM::Parent(3) - DBM implementation of parent relationships
- Oryx::DBM::Util(3) - Oryx DBM utilities
- Oryx::Manual::Guts(3) - Oryx internals documentation for developers
- Oryx::MetaClass(3) - abstract base class for all Oryx meta types
- Oryx::Parent(3) - multiple inheritance meta-type for Oryx
- Oryx::Schema(3) - Schema class for Oryx
- Oryx::Value(3) - base class for value types for the Oryx object persistence tool
- Oryx::Value::Binary(3) - Values containing large amounts of binary data
- Oryx::Value::Boolean(3) - Values containing a single boolean value
- Oryx::Value::Complex(3) - Values containing complex Perl types
- Oryx::Value::DateTime(3) - Values storing dates and times
- Oryx::Value::Float(3) - Values containing floating-point data
- Oryx::Value::Integer(3) - Values containing integers
- Oryx::Value::Oid(3) - Internal type for identifying rows
- Oryx::Value::String(3) - Values containing short strings
- Oryx::Value::Text(3) - Values containing large amounts of text data
- orz(3)
- os_multitasking(3) - Indicates if the OS is multitasking. Allegro game programming library.
- os_sup(3) - Interface to OS System Messages
- os_type(3) - Stores the detected type of the OS. Allegro game programming library.
- OSSL_STORE_EXPECT(3) - Specify what object type is expected
- OSSL_STORE_INFO(3) - Functions to manipulate OSSL_STORE_INFO objects
- OSSL_STORE_LOADER(3) - Types and functions to manipulate, register and unregister STORE loaders for different URI schemes
- OSSL_STORE_OPEN(3) - Types and functions to read objects from a URI
- OSSL_STORE_SEARCH(3) - Type and functions to create OSSL_STORE search criteria
- OTHERauxiliary(3) - Other Auxiliary Routines
- OTHERcomputational(3) - Other Computational Routines
- OTHEReigen(3) - Eigenvalue
- OTHERsolve(3) - Other Solve Routines
- OTP(3) - Perl implementation of the One Time Pad (hence, OTP) encryption method.
- OurNet::BBS(3) - Component Object Model for BBS systems
- OurNet::BBS::Roadmap(3) - The OurNet-BBS development roadmap
- OurNet::BBS::Tutorial(3) - Introduction to the OurNet-BBS Architecture
- overloading(3) - perl pragma to lexically control overloading
- override_config_data(3) - Specifies a block of data containing config overrides. Allegro game programming library.
- override_config_file(3) - Specifies a file containing config overrides. Allegro game programming library.
- OverrideShell(3) - core widget from X toolkit
- OWNet(3) - Light weight access to
- OWPERL(3) - perl interface for the 1-wire filesystem
- oyranos-config(3) - Oyranos CMS configuration query for builds and locations
- OyranosINTRO(3) - Oyranos color management system (CMS)
- pacify_target(3)
- pack_fclose(3) - Closes a stream previously opened. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fclose_chunk(3) - Closes a previously opened sub-chunk. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_feof(3) - Returns nonzero as soon as you reach the end of the file. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_ferror(3) - Tells if an error occurred during an operation on the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fgets(3) - Reads a line from the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen(3) - Opens a file according to mode. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_chunk(3) - Opens a sub-chunk of a file. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_vtable(3) - Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fputs(3) - Writes a string to the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fread(3) - Reads n bytes from the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fseek(3) - Seeks inside a stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fwrite(3) - Writes n bytes to the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_getc(3) - Returns the next character from a stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetl(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetw(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputl(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputw(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit Intel byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetl(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetw(3) - Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputl(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputw(3) - Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit Motorola byte ordering words. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_putc(3) - Puts a character in the stream. Allegro game programming library.
- pack_ungetc(3) - Moves one single character back to the input buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- Package::Constants(3) - List all constants declared in a package
- Package::DeprecationManager(3) - Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
- Package::Generator(3) - generate new packages quickly and easily
- Package::groups(3) - Pragma to implement group of properties
- Package::MoreUtil(3) - Package-related utilities
- Package::props(3) - Pragma to implement lvalue accessors with options
- Package::Reaper(3) - pseudo-garbage-collection for packages
- Package::Stash(3) - Routines for manipulating stashes
- Package::Stash::PP(3) - Pure perl implementation of the Package::Stash API
- Package::Stash::XS(3) - faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
- Package::Util::Lite(3) - Package-related utilities
- Package::Variant(3) - Parameterizable packages
- PACKFILE(3) - Packfile structure, similar to the libc FILE structure. Allegro game programming library.
- packfile_password(3) - Sets the global I/O encryption password. Allegro game programming library.
- PACKFILE_VTABLE(3) - Packfile vtable structure, for custom packfiles. Allegro game programming library.
- packlogic-generic(3) - Packing logic for the generic site
- packlogic-twoway(3) - Packing logic for the twoway site
- PadWalker(3) - play with other peoples' lexical variables
- page_ca(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_cert(3) - The basic hx509 cerificate object in hx509 is hx509_cert. The hx509_cert object is representing one X509/PKIX certificate and associated attributes; like private key, friendly name, etc.
- page_cms(3) - CMS is defined in RFC 3369 and is an continuation of the RSA Labs standard PKCS7. The basic messages in CMS is
- page_des(3) - DES - Data Encryption Standard crypto interface See the library functions here:
- page_dh(3) - DH - Diffie-Hellman key exchange Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret key.
- page_env(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_error(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_evp(3) - EVP - generic crypto interface See the library functions here:
- page_keyset(3) - Type of certificates store:
- page_lock(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_name(3) - There are several names in PKIX/X.509, GeneralName and Name.
- page_peer(3) - Peer info structures are used togeter with hx509_crypto_select() to select the best avaible crypto algorithm to use.
- page_print(3) - See the library functions here:
- page_rand(3) - RAND - random number See the library functions here:
- page_revoke(3) - There are two revocation method for PKIX/X.509: CRL and OCSP. Revocation is needed if the private key is lost and stolen. Depending on how picky you are, you might want to make revocation for destroyed private keys too (smartcard broken), but that should not be a problem.
- page_rsa(3) - RSA - public-key cryptography RSA is named by its inventors (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) (published in 1977), patented expired in 21 September 2000.
- PAL_SIZE(3) - Number of entries in a palette. Allegro game programming library.
- palette_color(3) - Maps palette indexes into the current pixel format colors. Allegro game programming library.
- PAM::FAQ(3) - Frequently-Asked Questions about Authen::PAM.
- PAM_ACCT_MGMT(3) - perform PAM account validation procedures
- PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3) - perform authentication within the PAM framework
- PAM_CHAUTHTOK(3) - perform password related functions within the PAM framework
- PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3) - close an existing user session
- PAM_CONV(3) - PAM conversation system
- PAM_END(3) - terminate the PAM transaction
- PAM_ERROR(3) - display an error message
- PAM_GET_AUTHTOK(3) - retrieve authentication token
- PAM_GET_DATA(3) - get module information
- PAM_GET_ITEM(3) - get PAM information
- PAM_GET_USER(3) - retrieve user name
- PAM_GETENV(3) - retrieve the value of a PAM environment variable
- PAM_GETENVLIST(3) - returns a list of all the PAM environment variables
- PAM_INFO(3) - display an information message
- PAM_OPEN_SESSION(3) - open a user session
- PAM_PROMPT(3) - call the conversation function
- PAM_PUTENV(3) - set the value of an environment variable
- PAM_SET_DATA(3) - set module information
- PAM_SET_ITEM(3) - set authentication information
- PAM_SETCRED(3) - modify / delete user credentials for an authentication service
- PAM_SETENV(3) - mirrors setenv(3)
- PAM_SM_ACCT_MGMT(3) - service module implementation for pam_acct_mgmt
- PAM_SM_AUTHENTICATE(3) - service module implementation for pam_authenticate
- PAM_SM_CHAUTHTOK(3) - service module implementation for pam_chauthtok
- PAM_SM_CLOSE_SESSION(3) - service module implementation for pam_close_session
- PAM_SM_OPEN_SESSION(3) - service module implementation for pam_open_session
- PAM_SM_SETCRED(3) - service module implementation for pam_setcred
- PAM_START(3) - initiate a PAM transaction
- PAM_STRERROR(3) - get PAM standard error message string
- PAM_VERROR(3) - display an error message
- PAM_VINFO(3) - display an information message
- PAM_VPROMPT(3) - call the conversation function
- PANDA_ADDCHILD(3) - add an object to the object tree
- PANDA_ADDCUBICCURVESEGMENT(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDLINESEGMENT(3) - add a straight segment to the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDQUADRATICCURVESEGMENTONE(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape that we are drawing
- PANDA_ADDQUADRATICCURVESEGMENTTWO(3) - add a curved segment to the line shape that we are drawing
- PANDA_APPLYTEMPLATE(3) - use a template page previously created
- PANDA_CENTERWINDOW(3) - ask the viewer to center the document's window on the screen when the PDF is displayed
- PANDA_CHECKINFO(3) - ensure an info object exists
- PANDA_CLOSE(3) - write a PDF document out to disk
- PANDA_CLOSELINE(3) - close off the line shape we are drawing
- PANDA_CLOSETEXT(3) - a traversal callback used for closing text streams within the PDF
- PANDA_CREATEANDINSERTPAGE(3) - create a page within the PDF document
- PANDA_CREATEFONT(3) - return a handle to the requested font
- PANDA_DBCLOSE(3) - finalize the use of the Panda internal database
- PANDA_DBOPEN(3) - prepare the Panda internal database for use
- PANDA_DBREAD(3) - read a value from the Panda internal database
- PANDA_DBWRITE(3) - write a value into the Panda internal database
- PANDA_ENDLINE(3) - finalise the current line shape
- PANDA_ENTERGRAPHICSMODE(3) - make sure the page description stream is in graphics mode
- PANDA_ERROR(3) - handle a <command>Panda</command> error
- PANDA_EXITGRAPHICSMODE(3) - make sure the page description stream is out of graphics mode
- PANDA_FILLLINE(3) - fill the closed shape we just drew
- PANDA_FITWINDOW(3) - ask the viewer to fit the viewer window to the first page of the PDF document when it is opened
- PANDA_FREEOBJECT(3) - free the memory used by a previously created object
- PANDA_FREETEXTANNOTATION(3) - draw a text annotation which doesn't look like a sticky note onto a page
- PANDA_FULLSCREEN(3) - ask the viewer to display the PDF document in fullscreen mode
- PANDA_GETFONTOBJ(3) - get the object that the named font is stored in
- PANDA_HEXSTRING(3) - take a string of possibly binary bytes, and represent them in hex
- PANDA_HIDEMENUBAR(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's menu bar when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_HIDETOOLBAR(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's tool bar when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_HIDEWINDOWUI(3) - ask the viewer to hide it's display window user interface when this PDF is displayed
- PANDA_IMAGEBOX(3) - insert an image into the PDF document at the specified location
- PANDA_IMAGEBOXROT(3) - insert an image into the PDF document at the specified location
- PANDA_INIT(3) - setup Panda ready for use
- PANDA_INSERTANNOTATION(3) - actually insert an annotation
- panda_insertJPEG(3) - insert a JPEG image into the PDF
- panda_insertPNG(3) - insert a PNG image into the PDF
- panda_insertTIFF(3) - insert a TIFF image into the PDF
- PANDA_MAKEDATE(3) - format a date into the internal PDF representation
- PANDA_MD5HASH(3) - a wrapper to Rivest's MD5 code
- PANDA_NEWOBJECT(3) - create a new object
- PANDA_NEWPAGE(3) - create a new page in the PDF
- PANDA_NEWTEMPLATE(3) - create a template page in the PDF
- PANDA_NFSPAGEMODDE(3) - defines display characteristics for the PDF document if it is using non fullscreen mode after defaulting to fullscreen mode
- PANDA_NOWDATE(3) - return the string for now
- PANDA_OPEN(3) - open a PDF document
- PANDA_OPEN_ACTUAL(3) - actually open a PDF document
- PANDA_OPEN_SUPPRESS(3) - open a PDF document with some special options
- PANDA_PAGEDURATION(3) - specify the maximum number of seconds that a page should be displayed by the viewer before moving on
- PANDA_PRINT(3) - output a simple string to the PDF file
- PANDA_PRINTF(3) - output a formatted string to the PDF file
- PANDA_PROCESSTRANS(3) - a traversal callback used for processing transition objects within the PDF
- PANDA_PUTC(3) - output a single character to the PDF file
- PANDA_RECTANGLE(3) - draw a rectangle
- PANDA_SETAUTHOR(3) - set the author string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETCHARACTERSPACING(3) - set the space between characters
- PANDA_SETCREATOR(3) - set the creator string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETFILLCOLOR(3) - set the color to fill a close shape with
- PANDA_SETFONT(3) - set the current font to be that specified
- PANDA_SETFONTMODE(3) - set the current font mode
- PANDA_SETFONTSIZE(3) - set the current font size
- PANDA_SETHORIZONTALSCALING(3) - set the horizontal scaling of text
- PANDA_SETID(3) - set the id string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETKEYWORDS(3) - set the keywords string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETLEADING(3) - set the amount of space between lines of text
- PANDA_SETLINECAP(3) - sets the line cap for the lines we are drawing now
- PANDA_SETLINECOLOR(3) - change the color of the line drawn
- PANDA_SETLINEDASHING(3) - draw the subsequent lines with the defined dashing pattern
- PANDA_SETLINEJOIN(3) - is used to set the line join style
- PANDA_SETLINESTART(3) - sets the starting point of a curve
- PANDA_SETLINEWIDTH(3) - sets the width of the line that we are drawing
- PANDA_SETOBJECTPROPERTY(3) - set a property value for an object
- PANDA_SETSUBJECT(3) - set the subject string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETTITLE(3) - set the title string for the PDF document
- PANDA_SETWORDSPACING(3) - set the space between words
- PANDA_STREAMPRINTF(3) - output a formatted string to the text stream associated with a given object
- PANDA_STROKELINE(3) - stroke the line shape we have just drawn
- PANDA_TEXTANNOTATION(3) - draw a text annotation which looks like a sticky note onto a page
- PANDA_TEXTBOX(3) - display some text on the PDF page specified
- PANDA_TEXTBOXROT(3) - display some text at a jaunty angle on the PDF page specified
- PANDA_TEXTDIRECTION(3) - specify the direction that the text flows within the document
- PANDA_TRANSDURATION(3) - specify the number of seconds that a page transition effect should take to occur
- PANDA_TRANSSTYLE(3) - specify the type of page change transition that should occur
- PANDA_TRAVERSEOBJECTS(3) - traverse the PDF object tree and perform an operation
- PANDA_WRITEOBJECT(3) - write a given object to disc
- PANDA_WRITETRAILER(3) - write out the trailer for the PDF document
- PANDA_WRITEXREF(3) - write out the table that lists object locations in the file
- PANDA_XFREE(3) - deallocate memory in a safe manner
- PANDA_XMALLOC(3) - allocate some memory
- PANDA_XREALLOC(3) - allocate some memory, resizing it if already exists
- PANDA_XSNPRINTF(3) - a safe version of vnsprintf
- PandoraFMS::Core(3) - Core functions of Pandora FMS
- PandoraFMS::GeoIP(3) - Look up country by IP Address
- PandoraFMS::GIS(3) - Geographic Information System functions of Pandora FMS
- PandoraFMS::NmapParser(3) - parse nmap scan data with perl
- PandoraFMS::Sendmail(3) - Simple platform independent mailer
- PandoraFMS::Tools(3)
- PandoraFMS::Traceroute(3) - traceroute(1) functionality in perl
- PandoraFMS::Traceroute::PurePerl(3) - traceroute(1) functionality in perl via raw sockets
- Panedwindow(3) - Create and manipulate Panedwindow widgets
- Pango::index(3) - API Reference Pod Index
- Paper(3) - A individual paper in an Astro::ADS::Result object
- PAPERINFO(3) - return informations about a paper
- PAPERINIT(3) - begin and end using the paper library
- PAR::Dist(3) - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
- PAR::Environment(3) - Index and reference of PAR environment variables
- PAR::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about PAR
- PAR::Filter(3) - Input filter for PAR
- PAR::Filter::Bleach(3) - Bleach filter
- PAR::Filter::Bytecode(3) - Bytecode filter
- PAR::Filter::Crypto(3) - Encrypt Perl files in PAR archives
- PAR::Filter::Obfuscate(3) - Obfuscating filter
- PAR::Filter::PatchContent(3) - Content patcher
- PAR::Filter::PodStrip(3) - POD-stripping filter
- PAR::Heavy(3) - PAR guts
- PAR::Packer(3) - PAR Packager
- PAR::SetupProgname(3) - Setup $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME}
- PAR::SetupTemp(3) - Setup $ENV{PAR_TEMP}
- PAR::StrippedPARL::Base(3) - Base class for the PARL data packages
- PAR::Tutorial(3) - Cross-Platform Packaging and Deployment with PAR
- Parallel::Async(3) - run parallel task with fork to simple.
- Parallel::Async::Chain(3) - task chain manager.
- Parallel::Async::Task(3) - task class for Parallel::Async.
- Parallel::Fork::BossWorker(3) - Perl extension for easiliy creating forking queue processing applications.
- Parallel::ForkManager(3) - A simple parallel processing fork manager
- Parallel::ForkManager::Child(3) - role adopted by forked Parallel::ForkManager processes
- Parallel::Iterator(3) - Simple parallel execution
- Parallel::Prefork(3) - A simple prefork server framework
- Parallel::Prefork::SpareWorkers(3) - A prefork server framework with support for (min|max)spareservers
- Parallel::Scoreboard(3) - a scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
- Parallel::Scoreboard::PSGI::App(3) - a simple PSGI app for monitoring the output of Parallel::Scoreboard
- Parallel::Scoreboard::PSGI::App::JSON(3) - a simple PSGI app for monitoring the output of Parallel::Scoreboard in JSON format
- Params::Callback(3) - Parameter callback base class
- Params::CallbackRequest(3) - Functional and object-oriented callback architecture
- Params::CallbackRequest::Exceptions(3) - Parameter callback exception definitions
- Params::Check(3) - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
- Params::Classify(3) - argument type classification
- Params::Coerce(3) - Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters
- Params::Util(3) - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
- Params::Util::PP(3) - PurePerl Params::Util routines
- Params::Validate::Dependencies(3) - check that the right combination of arguments is passed to a function
- Params::Validate::Dependencies::Extending(3) - Params::Validate::Dependencies::any_of in the case of the closures generated by
- Params::ValidationCompiler(3) - Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
- Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler(3) - Object that implements the check subroutine compilation
- Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions(3) - Defines exceptions thrown by Params::ValidationCompiler
- Paranoid(3) - Paranoia support for safer programs
- Paranoid::Args(3) - Command-line argument parsing functions
- Paranoid::Data(3) - Misc. Data Manipulation Functions
- Paranoid::Data::AVLTree(3) - AVL-Balanced Tree Class
- Paranoid::Data::AVLTree::AVLNode(3) - AVL Tree Node Object Class
- Paranoid::Debug(3) - Trace message support for paranoid programs
- Paranoid::Filesystem(3) - Filesystem Functions
- Paranoid::Glob(3) - Paranoid Glob objects
- Paranoid::Input(3) - Paranoid input functions
- Paranoid::IO(3) - Paranoid IO support
- Paranoid::IO::Line(3) - Paranoid Line-based I/O functions
- Paranoid::IO::Lockfile(3) - Paranoid Lockfile support
- Paranoid::Log(3) - Log Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Buffer(3) - Log Buffer Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Email(3) - Log Facility Email
- Paranoid::Log::File(3) - File Logging Functions
- Paranoid::Log::Syslog(3) - Log Facility Syslog
- Paranoid::Module(3) - 2020, Arthur Corliss (corliss@digitalmages.com) (tm) 2008 - 2020, Paranoid Inc. (www.paranoid.com)
- Paranoid::Network(3) - Network functions for paranoid programs
- Paranoid::Network::IPv4(3) - IPv4-related functions
- Paranoid::Network::IPv6(3) - IPv6-related functions
- Paranoid::Network::Socket(3) - Socket wrapper for seemless IPv6 support
- Paranoid::Process(3) - Process Management Functions
- PariInit(3) - load "Math::Pari" with specified $primelimit and $initmem.
- Parmap(3) - Module Parmap: efficient parallel map, fold and mapfold on lists and arrays on multicores.
- Parse::ALex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - abstract class
- Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny(3) - Determine attributes of ANSI-Colored string
- Parse::BooleanLogic(3) - parser of boolean expressions
- Parse::CLex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - consuming recoginzed data
- Parse::CPAN::Meta(3) - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
- Parse::CPAN::Packages(3) - Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Distribution(3)
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast(3) - parse CPAN's package index
- Parse::CPAN::Packages::Package(3)
- Parse::CSV(3) - Highly flexible CSV parser for large files
- Parse::EDID(3) - Extended display identification data (EDID) parser
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl(3) - Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl::ErrorItem(3) - a Perl error item object
- Parse::ErrorString::Perl::StackItem(3) - a Perl stack item object
- Parse::ExuberantCTags(3) - Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
- Parse::Flex(3) - The Fastest Lexer in the West
- Parse::Flex::Generate(3) - Internal driver routines for makelexer.pl
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent(3) - Parser for the User Agent string
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Accessors(3) - Available accessors
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Dumper(3) - Base class to dump parsed structure
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::IS(3) - Base class
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Base::Parsers(3) - Base class
- Parse::HTTP::UserAgent::Constants(3) - Various constants
- Parse::IRC(3) - A parser for the IRC protocol.
- Parse::Lex(3) - Generator of lexical analyzers - moving pointer inside text
- Parse::LexEvent(3) - Generator of event-oriented lexical analyzers (1.00 ALPHA)
- Parse::LocalDistribution(3) - parses local .pm files as PAUSE does
- Parse::Method::Signatures(3) - Perl6 like method signature parser
- Parse::Method::Signatures::Param(3) - a parsed parameter from a signature
- Parse::Method::Signatures::Sig(3) - Method Signature
- Parse::Method::Signatures::TypeConstraint(3) - turn parsed TC data into Moose TC object
- Parse::MIME(3) - Parse mime-types, match against media ranges
- Parse::Netstat(3) - Parse the output of "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::darwin(3) - Parse the output of Mac OS X "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::freebsd(3) - Parse the output of FreeBSD "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::linux(3) - Parse the output of Linux "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::solaris(3) - Parse the output of Solaris "netstat" command
- Parse::Netstat::win32(3) - Parse the output of Windows "netstat" command
- Parse::PhoneNumber(3) - Parse Phone Numbers
- Parse::PlainConfig(3) - Configuration file class
- Parse::PlainConfig::Constants(3) - PPC Constants
- Parse::PlainConfig::Legacy(3) - Parsing engine Legacy for Parse::PlainConfig
- Parse::PlainConfig::Settings(3) - Settings Class
- Parse::PMFile(3) - parses .pm file as PAUSE does
- Parse::Range(3) - Parse text range definitions
- Parse::Snort(3) - Parse and create Snort rules
- Parse::Snort::Strict(3) - Parse Snort rules with validation of the rules
- Parse::Syslog(3) - Parse Unix syslog files
- Parse::Syslog::Mail(3) - Parse mailer logs from syslog
- Parse::Template(3) - Processor for templates containing Perl expressions
- Parse::Token(3) - Definition of tokens used by "Parse::Lex"
- Parse::Trace(3) - Trace functions used by the lexical analyzers
- Parse::VarName(3) - Routines to parse variable name
- Parse::Win32Registry(3) - Parse Windows Registry Files
- Parse::YYLex(3) - Version of Parse::Lex to be used by a byacc parser.
- parse_cmd(3)
- PARSE_OPTS(3) - parse standard and user options for LTP test programs
- PARSE_RANGES(3) - function to parse a string formatted like 'min:max:mult,...'
- PARSE_TIME(3) - parse and unparse time intervals
- PARSEDATE(3) - convert time and date string to number
- ParseFormData(3) - Perl extension for dealing with client request data
- ParseLog(3) - Object-oriented Perl extension for parsing Apache log files
- Parser::MGC(3) - build simple recursive-descent parsers
- Parser::MGC::Examples::EvaluateExpression(3) - an example parser to evaluate simple numerical expressions
- Parser::MGC::Tutorial(3)
- Parser::Style::Debug(3) - Debug style for XML::Parser
- Parser::Style::Objects(3) - Objects styler parser
- Parser::Style::Stream(3) - Stream style for XML::Parser
- Parser::Style::Subs(3) - glue for handling element callbacks
- Parser::Style::Tree(3) - Tree style parser
- Parsetree(3) - Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing
- Parsing(3) - The run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc.
- PassGen(3) - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
- PasswdFile(3) - Perl interface to /etc/passwd format files
- PatchReader(3) - Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- PATCOMPILE(3) - compiles a matching pattern
- Path::Abstract(3) - Fast and featureful UNIX-style path parsing and manipulation
- Path::Abstract::Underload(3) - Path::Abstract without stringification overloading
- Path::Class::Dir(3) - Objects representing directories
- Path::Class::Entity(3) - Base class for files and directories
- Path::Class::File(3) - Objects representing files
- Path::Class::File::Lockable(3) - lock your files with Path::Class::File
- Path::Class::Unicode(3) - Maps Unicode filenames to local encoding and code pages
- Path::Class::URI(3) - Serializes and deserializes Path::Class objects as file:// URI
- Path::Dispatcher(3) - Flexible and extensible dispatch
- Path::Dispatcher::Cookbook(3) - A cookbook for Path::Dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Declarative(3) - sugary dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Dispatch(3) - a list of matches
- Path::Dispatcher::Match(3) - the result of a successful rule match
- Path::Dispatcher::Path(3) - path and some optional metadata
- Path::Dispatcher::Role::Rules(3) - "has a list of rules"
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule(3) - predicate and codeblock
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Alternation(3) - any rule must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Always(3) - always matches
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain(3) - Chain rules for Path::Dispatcher
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::CodeRef(3) - predicate is any subroutine
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Dispatch(3) - redispatch
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Empty(3) - matches only the empty path
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Enum(3) - one of a list of strings must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Eq(3) - predicate is a string equality
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Intersection(3) - all rules must match
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Metadata(3) - match path's metadata
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Regex(3) - predicate is a regular expression
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Sequence(3) - a sequence of rules
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens(3) - predicate is a list of tokens
- Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under(3) - rules under a predicate
- Path::Extended(3) - yet another Path class
- Path::Extended::Class(3)
- Path::Extended::Class::Dir(3)
- Path::Extended::Class::File(3)
- Path::Extended::Dir(3)
- Path::Extended::Entity(3)
- Path::Extended::File(3)
- Path::FindDev(3) - Find a development path somewhere in an upper hierarchy.
- Path::FindDev::Object(3) - Object oriented guts to FindDev
- Path::IsDev(3) - Determine if a given Path resembles a development source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Changelog(3) - Determine if a path contains a Changelog (or similar)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::DevDirMarker(3) - Determine if a path contains a .devdir file
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Makefile(3) - Determine if a path contains a Makefile
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::META(3) - Determine if a path contains META.(json|yml)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::MYMETA(3) - Determine if a path contains MYMETA.(json|yml)
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::TestDir(3) - Determine if a path contains a t/ or xt/ directory
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::Dzil(3) - Determine if a path is a Dist::Zilla Source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::MakeMaker(3) - Determine if a path is an ExtUtils::MakeMaker Tooled source directory
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::Tool::ModuleBuild(3) - Determine if a path is a Module::Build Source tree
- Path::IsDev::Heuristic::VCS::Git(3) - Determine if a path contains a .git repository
- Path::IsDev::HeuristicSet::Basic(3) - Basic IsDev set of Heuristics
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::HomeDir(3) - User home directories are not development roots
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::IsDev::IgnoreFile(3) - An explicit exclusion file heuristic
- Path::IsDev::NegativeHeuristic::PerlINC(3) - White-list paths in Config.pm as being non-development roots.
- Path::IsDev::Object(3) - Object Oriented guts for IsDev export
- Path::IsDev::Result(3) - Result container
- Path::IsDev::Role::Heuristic(3) - Base role for Heuristic things.
- Path::IsDev::Role::HeuristicSet(3) - Role for sets of Heuristics.
- Path::IsDev::Role::HeuristicSet::Simple(3) - Simple excludes/includes set
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::BaseName::MatchRegexp(3) - Match when a path has a child file matching an expression
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::BaseName::MatchRegexp::File(3) - Match if any children have basename's that match a regexp and are files
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any(3) - Match if any of a list of children exists
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any::Dir(3) - Match if a path contains one of any of a list of directories
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::Child::Exists::Any::File(3) - Match if a path contains one of any of a list of files
- Path::IsDev::Role::Matcher::FullPath::Is::Any(3) - Match if the current directory is the same directory from a list of absolute paths.
- Path::IsDev::Role::NegativeHeuristic(3) - Base role for Negative Heuristic things.
- Path::Iterator::Rule(3) - Iterative, recursive file finder
- Path::Resource(3) - URI/Path::Class combination
- Path::Resource::Base(3) - A resource base for a Path::Resource object
- PathConvert(3) - DEPRECATED: USE File::Spec and Cwd::abs_path().
- PATMATCH(3) - checks string for matches
- Patricia(3) - Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
- Pattern::Atom(3) - An atom that knows how to match
- Pattern::Bond(3) - A bond that knows how to match
- Paws(3) - A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs
- Paws::AutoScaling(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Auto Scaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ActivitiesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ActivityType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachInstances(3) - Arguments for method AttachInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method AttachLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::AttachLoadBalancersResultType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroupsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::AutoScalingInstancesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::CompleteLifecycleAction(3) - Arguments for method CompleteLifecycleAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateLaunchConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method CreateLaunchConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::CreateOrUpdateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateOrUpdateTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLaunchConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLaunchConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLifecycleHook(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLifecycleHook on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteNotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNotificationConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeletePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteScheduledAction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteScheduledAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAccountLimits(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountLimits on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAccountLimitsAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAdjustmentTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAdjustmentTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAdjustmentTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingGroups on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLaunchConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLaunchConfigurations on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHooks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLifecycleHooks on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHookTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLifecycleHookTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLifecycleHookTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeLoadBalancersResponse(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeMetricCollectionTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMetricCollectionTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeMetricCollectionTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeNotificationConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNotificationConfigurations on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribePolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribePolicies on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScalingActivities(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingActivities on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScalingProcessTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingProcessTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeScheduledActions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScheduledActions on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachInstances(3) - Arguments for method DetachInstances on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachInstancesAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DetachLoadBalancers on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::DetachLoadBalancersResultType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::DisableMetricsCollection(3) - Arguments for method DisableMetricsCollection on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnableMetricsCollection(3) - Arguments for method EnableMetricsCollection on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnterStandby(3) - Arguments for method EnterStandby on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::EnterStandbyAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExecutePolicy(3) - Arguments for method ExecutePolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExitStandby(3) - Arguments for method ExitStandby on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ExitStandbyAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::LaunchConfigurationsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PoliciesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PolicyARNType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ProcessesType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutLifecycleHook(3) - Arguments for method PutLifecycleHook on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutLifecycleHookAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutNotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method PutNotificationConfiguration on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutScalingPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutScalingPolicy on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction(3) - Arguments for method PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::ResumeProcesses(3) - Arguments for method ResumeProcesses on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::ScheduledActionsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::SetDesiredCapacity(3) - Arguments for method SetDesiredCapacity on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::SetInstanceHealth(3) - Arguments for method SetInstanceHealth on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::SuspendProcesses(3) - Arguments for method SuspendProcesses on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::TagsType(3)
- Paws::AutoScaling::TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::AutoScaling::UpdateAutoScalingGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAutoScalingGroup on Paws::AutoScaling
- Paws::CloudFormation(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CancelUpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method CancelUpdateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CreateStack(3) - Arguments for method CreateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::CreateStackOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DeleteStack(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackEvents on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackEventsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResource(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackResource on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResourceOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackResources on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStackResourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStacks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStacks on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::DescribeStacksOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::EstimateTemplateCost(3) - Arguments for method EstimateTemplateCost on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::EstimateTemplateCostOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetStackPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetStackPolicy on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetStackPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplate(3) - Arguments for method GetTemplate on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateSummary(3) - Arguments for method GetTemplateSummary on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::GetTemplateSummaryOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStackResources(3) - Arguments for method ListStackResources on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStackResourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStacks(3) - Arguments for method ListStacks on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ListStacksOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::SetStackPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetStackPolicy on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::SignalResource(3) - Arguments for method SignalResource on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::UpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method UpdateStack on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::UpdateStackOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFormation::ValidateTemplate(3) - Arguments for method ValidateTemplate on Paws::CloudFormation
- Paws::CloudFormation::ValidateTemplateOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudFront(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateInvalidation2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateInvalidationResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::CreateStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::DeleteStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetInvalidation2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetInvalidationResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionConfig2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::GetStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListDistributions2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListDistributionsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListInvalidations2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListInvalidationsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::ListStreamingDistributions2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::ListStreamingDistributionsResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateStreamingDistribution2015_04_17(3)
- Paws::CloudFront::UpdateStreamingDistributionResult(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::CloudFront
- Paws::CloudHSM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHapg(3) - Arguments for method CreateHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHsm(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method CreateLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::CreateLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHapg(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHsm(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DeleteLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHapg(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHsm(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::DescribeLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::GetConfig(3) - Arguments for method GetConfig on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::GetConfigResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListAvailableZones(3) - Arguments for method ListAvailableZones on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListAvailableZonesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHapgs(3) - Arguments for method ListHapgs on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHapgsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHsms(3) - Arguments for method ListHsms on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListHsmsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListLunaClients(3) - Arguments for method ListLunaClients on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ListLunaClientsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHapg(3) - Arguments for method ModifyHapg on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHapgResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHsm(3) - Arguments for method ModifyHsm on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyHsmResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyLunaClient(3) - Arguments for method ModifyLunaClient on Paws::CloudHSM
- Paws::CloudHSM::ModifyLunaClientResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::BuildSuggesters(3) - Arguments for method BuildSuggesters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::BuildSuggestersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::CreateDomain(3) - Arguments for method CreateDomain on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::CreateDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineAnalysisScheme(3) - Arguments for method DefineAnalysisScheme on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineAnalysisSchemeResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineExpression(3) - Arguments for method DefineExpression on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineExpressionResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineIndexField(3) - Arguments for method DefineIndexField on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineIndexFieldResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineSuggester(3) - Arguments for method DefineSuggester on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DefineSuggesterResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteAnalysisScheme(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAnalysisScheme on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteAnalysisSchemeResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDomain on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteExpression(3) - Arguments for method DeleteExpression on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteExpressionResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteIndexField(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIndexField on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteIndexFieldResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteSuggester(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSuggester on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DeleteSuggesterResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAnalysisSchemes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAnalysisSchemes on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAnalysisSchemesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAvailabilityOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAvailabilityOptions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeAvailabilityOptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeDomains(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDomains on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeDomainsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeExpressions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeExpressions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeExpressionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeIndexFields(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIndexFields on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeIndexFieldsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeScalingParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeScalingParameters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeScalingParametersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeServiceAccessPolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServiceAccessPolicies on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeSuggesters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSuggesters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::DescribeSuggestersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::IndexDocuments(3) - Arguments for method IndexDocuments on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::IndexDocumentsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::ListDomainNames(3) - Arguments for method ListDomainNames on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::ListDomainNamesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateAvailabilityOptions(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAvailabilityOptions on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateAvailabilityOptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateScalingParameters(3) - Arguments for method UpdateScalingParameters on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateScalingParametersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateServiceAccessPolicies(3) - Arguments for method UpdateServiceAccessPolicies on Paws::CloudSearch
- Paws::CloudSearch::UpdateServiceAccessPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudSearch Domain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::Search(3) - Arguments for method Search on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::SearchResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::Suggest(3) - Arguments for method Suggest on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::SuggestResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::UploadDocuments(3) - Arguments for method UploadDocuments on Paws::CloudSearchDomain
- Paws::CloudSearchDomain::UploadDocumentsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::CreateTrail(3) - Arguments for method CreateTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::CreateTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::DeleteTrail(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::DeleteTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::DescribeTrails(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrails on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::DescribeTrailsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::GetTrailStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetTrailStatus on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::GetTrailStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::LookupEvents(3) - Arguments for method LookupEvents on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::LookupEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::StartLogging(3) - Arguments for method StartLogging on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::StartLoggingResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::StopLogging(3) - Arguments for method StopLogging on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::StopLoggingResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudTrail::UpdateTrail(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTrail on Paws::CloudTrail
- Paws::CloudTrail::UpdateTrailResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DeleteAlarms(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAlarms on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarmHistory on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmHistoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarms(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarms on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsForMetric(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAlarmsForMetric on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsForMetricOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarmsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::DisableAlarmActions(3) - Arguments for method DisableAlarmActions on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::EnableAlarmActions(3) - Arguments for method EnableAlarmActions on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::GetMetricStatistics(3) - Arguments for method GetMetricStatistics on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::GetMetricStatisticsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::ListMetrics(3) - Arguments for method ListMetrics on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::ListMetricsOutput(3)
- Paws::CloudWatch::PutMetricAlarm(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricAlarm on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::PutMetricData(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricData on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatch::SetAlarmState(3) - Arguments for method SetAlarmState on Paws::CloudWatch
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon CloudWatch Logs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::CreateLogGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateLogGroup on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::CreateLogStream(3) - Arguments for method CreateLogStream on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteDestination(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDestination on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteLogGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLogGroup on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteLogStream(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLogStream on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteRetentionPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRetentionPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DeleteSubscriptionFilter(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSubscriptionFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeDestinations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDestinations on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeDestinationsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLogGroups on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogStreams(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLogStreams on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeLogStreamsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeMetricFilters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMetricFilters on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeMetricFiltersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeSubscriptionFilters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSubscriptionFilters on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::DescribeSubscriptionFiltersResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::FilterLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method FilterLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::FilterLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::GetLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method GetLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::GetLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestination(3) - Arguments for method PutDestination on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestinationPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutDestinationPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutDestinationResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutLogEvents(3) - Arguments for method PutLogEvents on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutLogEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method PutMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutRetentionPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutRetentionPolicy on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::PutSubscriptionFilter(3) - Arguments for method PutSubscriptionFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::TestMetricFilter(3) - Arguments for method TestMetricFilter on Paws::CloudWatchLogs
- Paws::CloudWatchLogs::TestMetricFilterResponse(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::BatchGetRepositories(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetRepositories on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateBranch(3) - Arguments for method CreateBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateRepository(3) - Arguments for method CreateRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::CreateRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::DeleteRepository(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::DeleteRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetBranch(3) - Arguments for method GetBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetBranchOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetRepository(3) - Arguments for method GetRepository on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::GetRepositoryOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListBranches(3) - Arguments for method ListBranches on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListBranchesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListRepositories(3) - Arguments for method ListRepositories on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::ListRepositoriesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateDefaultBranch(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDefaultBranch on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateRepositoryDescription(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRepositoryDescription on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeCommit::UpdateRepositoryName(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRepositoryName on Paws::CodeCommit
- Paws::CodeDeploy(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetApplications(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetApplications on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetApplicationsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetDeployments(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetDeployments on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetDeploymentsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateApplicationOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeployment(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentConfigOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::CreateDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::DeregisterOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplication(3) - Arguments for method GetApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationRevision(3) - Arguments for method GetApplicationRevision on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetApplicationRevisionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeployment(3) - Arguments for method GetDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentConfig(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentConfig on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentConfigOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentInstance(3) - Arguments for method GetDeploymentInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentInstanceOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method GetOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationRevisions(3) - Arguments for method ListApplicationRevisions on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationRevisionsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplications(3) - Arguments for method ListApplications on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListApplicationsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentConfigs(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentConfigs on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentConfigsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentGroups on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListDeploymentInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeployments(3) - Arguments for method ListDeployments on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListDeploymentsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RegisterApplicationRevision(3) - Arguments for method RegisterApplicationRevision on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RegisterOnPremisesInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterOnPremisesInstance on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::StopDeployment(3) - Arguments for method StopDeployment on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::StopDeploymentOutput(3)
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateApplication(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplication on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateDeploymentGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDeploymentGroup on Paws::CodeDeploy
- Paws::CodeDeploy::UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeJob(3) - Arguments for method AcknowledgeJob on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeJobOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob(3) - Arguments for method AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::AcknowledgeThirdPartyJobOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreateCustomActionType(3) - Arguments for method CreateCustomActionType on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreateCustomActionTypeOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::CreatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::DeleteCustomActionType(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCustomActionType on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::DisableStageTransition(3) - Arguments for method DisableStageTransition on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::EnableStageTransition(3) - Arguments for method EnableStageTransition on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetJobDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetJobDetails on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetJobDetailsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipeline(3) - Arguments for method GetPipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineState(3) - Arguments for method GetPipelineState on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetPipelineStateOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetThirdPartyJobDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetThirdPartyJobDetails on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::GetThirdPartyJobDetailsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListActionTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListActionTypes on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListActionTypesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::ListPipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForJobs(3) - Arguments for method PollForJobs on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForThirdPartyJobs(3) - Arguments for method PollForThirdPartyJobs on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PollForThirdPartyJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutActionRevision(3) - Arguments for method PutActionRevision on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutActionRevisionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutJobFailureResult(3) - Arguments for method PutJobFailureResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutJobSuccessResult(3) - Arguments for method PutJobSuccessResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult(3) - Arguments for method PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult(3) - Arguments for method PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::StartPipelineExecution(3) - Arguments for method StartPipelineExecution on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::StartPipelineExecutionOutput(3)
- Paws::CodePipeline::UpdatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipeline on Paws::CodePipeline
- Paws::CodePipeline::UpdatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Cognito Identity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::CreateIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method CreateIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentities(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DeleteIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DescribeIdentity(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::DescribeIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetCredentialsForIdentity(3) - Arguments for method GetCredentialsForIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetId(3) - Arguments for method GetId on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdentityPoolRoles(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPoolRoles on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetIdResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdToken(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIdToken on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::GetOpenIdTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::IdentityDescription(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::IdentityPool(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentities(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentityPools(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPools on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::ListIdentityPoolsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::LookupDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method LookupDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::MergeDeveloperIdentities(3) - Arguments for method MergeDeveloperIdentities on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::SetIdentityPoolRoles(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityPoolRoles on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UnlinkDeveloperIdentity(3) - Arguments for method UnlinkDeveloperIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UnlinkIdentity(3) - Arguments for method UnlinkIdentity on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoIdentity::UpdateIdentityPool(3) - Arguments for method UpdateIdentityPool on Paws::CognitoIdentity
- Paws::CognitoSync(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Cognito Sync
- Paws::CognitoSync::BulkPublish(3) - Arguments for method BulkPublish on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::BulkPublishResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DeleteDataset(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DeleteDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeDataset(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityPoolUsage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityPoolUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityPoolUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityUsage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeIdentityUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::DescribeIdentityUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetBulkPublishDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetBulkPublishDetails on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetBulkPublishDetailsResponse(3) - No bulk publish has been requested for this identity pool
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetCognitoEvents(3) - Arguments for method GetCognitoEvents on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetCognitoEventsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetIdentityPoolConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPoolConfiguration on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::GetIdentityPoolConfigurationResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListDatasets(3) - Arguments for method ListDatasets on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListDatasetsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListIdentityPoolUsage(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPoolUsage on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListIdentityPoolUsageResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListRecords(3) - Arguments for method ListRecords on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::ListRecordsResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::RegisterDevice(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDevice on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::RegisterDeviceResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetCognitoEvents(3) - Arguments for method SetCognitoEvents on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetIdentityPoolConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityPoolConfiguration on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SetIdentityPoolConfigurationResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::SubscribeToDataset(3) - Arguments for method SubscribeToDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::SubscribeToDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::UnsubscribeFromDataset(3) - Arguments for method UnsubscribeFromDataset on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::UnsubscribeFromDatasetResponse(3)
- Paws::CognitoSync::UpdateRecords(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRecords on Paws::CognitoSync
- Paws::CognitoSync::UpdateRecordsResponse(3)
- Paws::Config(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Config
- Paws::Config::DeleteDeliveryChannel(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDeliveryChannel on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DeliverConfigSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeliverConfigSnapshot on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DeliverConfigSnapshotResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorders(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationRecorders on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecordersResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeliveryChannels on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelsResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::GetResourceConfigHistory(3) - Arguments for method GetResourceConfigHistory on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::GetResourceConfigHistoryResponse(3)
- Paws::Config::PutConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method PutConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::PutDeliveryChannel(3) - Arguments for method PutDeliveryChannel on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::StartConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method StartConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::Config::StopConfigurationRecorder(3) - Arguments for method StopConfigurationRecorder on Paws::Config
- Paws::DataPipeline(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Data Pipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ActivatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method ActivatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ActivatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::CreatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeactivatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeactivatePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeactivatePipelineOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribeObjects(3) - Arguments for method DescribeObjects on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribeObjectsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribePipelines(3) - Arguments for method DescribePipelines on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::DescribePipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::EvaluateExpression(3) - Arguments for method EvaluateExpression on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::EvaluateExpressionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::GetPipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method GetPipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::GetPipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ListPipelinesOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::PollForTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForTask on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::PollForTaskOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::PutPipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method PutPipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::PutPipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::QueryObjects(3) - Arguments for method QueryObjects on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::QueryObjectsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskProgress(3) - Arguments for method ReportTaskProgress on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskProgressOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeat on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeatOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetStatus(3) - Arguments for method SetStatus on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetTaskStatus(3) - Arguments for method SetTaskStatus on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::SetTaskStatusOutput(3)
- Paws::DataPipeline::ValidatePipelineDefinition(3) - Arguments for method ValidatePipelineDefinition on Paws::DataPipeline
- Paws::DataPipeline::ValidatePipelineDefinitionOutput(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Device Farm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateDevicePool(3) - Arguments for method CreateDevicePool on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateDevicePoolResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateProject(3) - Arguments for method CreateProject on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateProjectResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateUpload(3) - Arguments for method CreateUpload on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::CreateUploadResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetAccountSettings(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountSettings on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetAccountSettingsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevice(3) - Arguments for method GetDevice on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePool(3) - Arguments for method GetDevicePool on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolCompatibility(3) - Arguments for method GetDevicePoolCompatibility on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDevicePoolResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetDeviceResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetJob(3) - Arguments for method GetJob on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetJobResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetProject(3) - Arguments for method GetProject on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetProjectResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetRun(3) - Arguments for method GetRun on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetRunResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetSuite(3) - Arguments for method GetSuite on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetSuiteResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetTest(3) - Arguments for method GetTest on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetTestResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetUpload(3) - Arguments for method GetUpload on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::GetUploadResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListArtifacts(3) - Arguments for method ListArtifacts on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListArtifactsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicePools(3) - Arguments for method ListDevicePools on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicePoolsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevices(3) - Arguments for method ListDevices on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListDevicesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListJobsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListProjects(3) - Arguments for method ListProjects on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListProjectsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListRuns(3) - Arguments for method ListRuns on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListRunsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSamples(3) - Arguments for method ListSamples on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSamplesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSuites(3) - Arguments for method ListSuites on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListSuitesResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListTests(3) - Arguments for method ListTests on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListTestsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUniqueProblems(3) - Arguments for method ListUniqueProblems on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUniqueProblemsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUploads(3) - Arguments for method ListUploads on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ListUploadsResult(3)
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ScheduleRun(3) - Arguments for method ScheduleRun on Paws::DeviceFarm
- Paws::DeviceFarm::ScheduleRunResult(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Direct Connect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::AllocatePublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method AllocatePublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmConnection(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmConnectionResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Connection(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Connections(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreateConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreateInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method CreateInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreatePrivateVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreatePrivateVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::CreatePublicVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreatePublicVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteConnection on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteInterconnectResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteVirtualInterface(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVirtualInterface on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConnections on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeInterconnects(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInterconnects on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeLocations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLocations on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeVirtualGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVirtualGateways on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::DescribeVirtualInterfaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVirtualInterfaces on Paws::DirectConnect
- Paws::DirectConnect::Interconnect(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Interconnects(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::Locations(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualGateways(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualInterface(3)
- Paws::DirectConnect::VirtualInterfaces(3)
- Paws::DS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Directory Service
- Paws::DS::ConnectDirectory(3) - Arguments for method ConnectDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::ConnectDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAlias on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateAliasResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateComputer(3) - Arguments for method CreateComputer on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateComputerResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateDirectory(3) - Arguments for method CreateDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::CreateSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DeleteDirectory(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDirectory on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DeleteDirectoryResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DeleteSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DescribeDirectories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDirectories on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DescribeDirectoriesResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DescribeSnapshotsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DisableRadius(3) - Arguments for method DisableRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DisableRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DS::DisableSso(3) - Arguments for method DisableSso on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::DisableSsoResult(3)
- Paws::DS::EnableRadius(3) - Arguments for method EnableRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::EnableRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DS::EnableSso(3) - Arguments for method EnableSso on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::EnableSsoResult(3)
- Paws::DS::GetDirectoryLimits(3) - Arguments for method GetDirectoryLimits on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::GetDirectoryLimitsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::GetSnapshotLimits(3) - Arguments for method GetSnapshotLimits on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::GetSnapshotLimitsResult(3)
- Paws::DS::RestoreFromSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreFromSnapshot on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::RestoreFromSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::DS::UpdateRadius(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRadius on Paws::DS
- Paws::DS::UpdateRadiusResult(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchGetItem(3) - Arguments for method BatchGetItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchGetItemOutput(3) - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchWriteItem(3) - Arguments for method BatchWriteItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::BatchWriteItemOutput(3) - The table that consumed the provisioned throughput.
- Paws::DynamoDB::CreateTable(3) - Arguments for method CreateTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::CreateTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteItem(3) - Arguments for method DeleteItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteItemOutput(3) - The hash key value of the item collection. This is the same as the hash key of the item.
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteTable(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DeleteTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::DescribeTable(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::DescribeTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::GetItem(3) - Arguments for method GetItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::GetItemOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::ListTables(3) - Arguments for method ListTables on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::ListTablesOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::PutItem(3) - Arguments for method PutItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::PutItemOutput(3) - The hash key value of the item collection. This is the same as the hash key of the item.
- Paws::DynamoDB::Query(3) - Arguments for method Query on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::QueryOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::Scan(3) - Arguments for method Scan on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::ScanOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateItem(3) - Arguments for method UpdateItem on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateItemOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateTable(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTable on Paws::DynamoDB
- Paws::DynamoDB::UpdateTableOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon DynamoDB Streams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::DescribeStream(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStream on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::DescribeStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetRecords(3) - Arguments for method GetRecords on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetShardIterator(3) - Arguments for method GetShardIterator on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::GetShardIteratorOutput(3)
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::ListStreams(3) - Arguments for method ListStreams on Paws::DynamoDBStreams
- Paws::DynamoDBStreams::ListStreamsOutput(3)
- Paws::EC2(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Paws::EC2::AcceptVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method AcceptVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AllocateAddress(3) - Arguments for method AllocateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AllocateAddressResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AssignPrivateIpAddresses(3) - Arguments for method AssignPrivateIpAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateAddress(3) - Arguments for method AssociateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateAddressResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AssociateDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method AssociateDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method AssociateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AssociateRouteTableResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachClassicLinkVpc(3) - Arguments for method AttachClassicLinkVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachClassicLinkVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method AttachInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method AttachNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachNetworkInterfaceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AttachVolume(3) - Arguments for method AttachVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method AttachVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AttachVpnGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::BundleInstance(3) - Arguments for method BundleInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::BundleInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelBundleTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelBundleTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelBundleTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelConversionTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelConversionTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelExportTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelExportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelImportTask(3) - Arguments for method CancelImportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelImportTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelReservedInstancesListing(3) - Arguments for method CancelReservedInstancesListing on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelReservedInstancesListingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotFleetRequests(3) - Arguments for method CancelSpotFleetRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotFleetRequestsResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotInstanceRequests(3) - Arguments for method CancelSpotInstanceRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ConfirmProductInstance(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmProductInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ConfirmProductInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CopyImage(3) - Arguments for method CopyImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CopyImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CopySnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopySnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CopySnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateCustomerGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateCustomerGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateCustomerGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method CreateDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateDhcpOptionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method CreateFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateImage(3) - Arguments for method CreateImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateInstanceExportTask(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstanceExportTask on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateInstanceExportTaskResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateInternetGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method CreateKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAcl(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkAcl on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkAclResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method CreateNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateNetworkInterfaceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreatePlacementGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlacementGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateReservedInstancesListing(3) - Arguments for method CreateReservedInstancesListing on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateReservedInstancesListingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateRoute(3) - Arguments for method CreateRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method CreateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateRouteTableResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateSecurityGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateSubnet(3) - Arguments for method CreateSubnet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateSubnetResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpc(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpcEndpoint on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcEndpointResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnection(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnConnectionRoute(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnConnectionRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method CreateVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::CreateVpnGatewayResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteCustomerGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCustomerGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method DeleteKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkAcl(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkAcl on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method DeleteNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeletePlacementGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeletePlacementGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteRoute(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSecurityGroup on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteSubnet(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSubnet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpc(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcEndpoints(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpcEndpoints on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcEndpointsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnConnection(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnConnectionRoute(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnConnectionRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeleteVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DeregisterImage(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAccountAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountAttributes on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAccountAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAddresses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAddressesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAvailabilityZones(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAvailabilityZones on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeBundleTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBundleTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeBundleTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeClassicLinkInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClassicLinkInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeConversionTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConversionTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeConversionTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeCustomerGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCustomerGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeCustomerGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeDhcpOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDhcpOptions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeDhcpOptionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeExportTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeExportTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeExportTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeFlowLogs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeFlowLogs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeFlowLogsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImages(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImages on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImagesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportImageTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImportImageTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportImageTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportSnapshotTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeImportSnapshotTasks on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeImportSnapshotTasksResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInstanceStatusResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInternetGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInternetGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeInternetGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeKeyPairs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeKeyPairs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeKeyPairsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeMovingAddresses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMovingAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeMovingAddressesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkAcls(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkAcls on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkAclsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeNetworkInterfaces on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribePlacementGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribePlacementGroups on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribePlacementGroupsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribePrefixLists(3) - Arguments for method DescribePrefixLists on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribePrefixListsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRegions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRegions on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRegionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesListings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesListings on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesListingsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesModifications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesModifications on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeReservedInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRouteTables(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRouteTables on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeRouteTablesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSecurityGroups on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSecurityGroupsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSnapshotsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistoryResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequests(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotFleetRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotFleetRequestsResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotInstanceRequests(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotInstanceRequests on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotPriceHistory(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSpotPriceHistory on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSubnets(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSubnets on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeSubnetsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeTagsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumeAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumes on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumeStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVolumeStatusResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcAttribute(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcAttributeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpoints(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcEndpoints on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcEndpointServices on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointServicesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcEndpointsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcPeeringConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcPeeringConnections on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcs(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpcs on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpcsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnConnections(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpnConnections on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnConnectionsResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnGateways(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVpnGateways on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DescribeVpnGatewaysResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DetachClassicLinkVpc(3) - Arguments for method DetachClassicLinkVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachClassicLinkVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DetachInternetGateway(3) - Arguments for method DetachInternetGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachNetworkInterface(3) - Arguments for method DetachNetworkInterface on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachVolume(3) - Arguments for method DetachVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DetachVpnGateway(3) - Arguments for method DetachVpnGateway on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVgwRoutePropagation(3) - Arguments for method DisableVgwRoutePropagation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method DisableVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisableVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::DisassociateAddress(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::DisassociateRouteTable(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateRouteTable on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVgwRoutePropagation(3) - Arguments for method EnableVgwRoutePropagation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVolumeIO(3) - Arguments for method EnableVolumeIO on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVpcClassicLink(3) - Arguments for method EnableVpcClassicLink on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::EnableVpcClassicLinkResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::GetConsoleOutput(3) - Arguments for method GetConsoleOutput on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::GetConsoleOutputResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::GetPasswordData(3) - Arguments for method GetPasswordData on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::GetPasswordDataResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImageAttribute(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportImage(3) - Arguments for method ImportImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportInstance(3) - Arguments for method ImportInstance on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportKeyPair(3) - Arguments for method ImportKeyPair on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportKeyPairResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method ImportSnapshot on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ImportVolume(3) - Arguments for method ImportVolume on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ImportVolumeResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::InstanceAttribute(3)
- Paws::EC2::KeyPair(3)
- Paws::EC2::ModifyImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyReservedInstances(3) - Arguments for method ModifyReservedInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyReservedInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ModifySnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifySnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifySubnetAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifySubnetAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVolumeAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVolumeAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVpcAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method ModifyVpcEndpoint on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ModifyVpcEndpointResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::MonitorInstances(3) - Arguments for method MonitorInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::MonitorInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::MoveAddressToVpc(3) - Arguments for method MoveAddressToVpc on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::MoveAddressToVpcResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RebootInstances(3) - Arguments for method RebootInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RegisterImage(3) - Arguments for method RegisterImage on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RegisterImageResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RejectVpcPeeringConnection(3) - Arguments for method RejectVpcPeeringConnection on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RejectVpcPeeringConnectionResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReleaseAddress(3) - Arguments for method ReleaseAddress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceNetworkAclEntry(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceNetworkAclEntry on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRoute(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceRoute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(3) - Arguments for method ReplaceRouteTableAssociation on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::ReportInstanceStatus(3) - Arguments for method ReportInstanceStatus on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotFleet(3) - Arguments for method RequestSpotFleet on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotFleetResponse(3)
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotInstances(3) - Arguments for method RequestSpotInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RequestSpotInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::Reservation(3)
- Paws::EC2::ResetImageAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetImageAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetInstanceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetInstanceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::ResetSnapshotAttribute(3) - Arguments for method ResetSnapshotAttribute on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RestoreAddressToClassic(3) - Arguments for method RestoreAddressToClassic on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RestoreAddressToClassicResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSecurityGroupEgress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::RunInstances(3) - Arguments for method RunInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::Snapshot(3)
- Paws::EC2::StartInstances(3) - Arguments for method StartInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::StartInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::StopInstances(3) - Arguments for method StopInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::StopInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::TerminateInstances(3) - Arguments for method TerminateInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::TerminateInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(3) - Arguments for method UnassignPrivateIpAddresses on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::UnmonitorInstances(3) - Arguments for method UnmonitorInstances on Paws::EC2
- Paws::EC2::UnmonitorInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::EC2::Volume(3)
- Paws::EC2::VolumeAttachment(3)
- Paws::ECS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon EC2 Container Service
- Paws::ECS::CreateCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCluster on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::CreateClusterResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::CreateService(3) - Arguments for method CreateService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::CreateServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeleteCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCluster on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeleteClusterResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeleteService(3) - Arguments for method DeleteService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeleteServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterContainerInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterContainerInstance on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterContainerInstanceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DeregisterTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusters on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeClustersResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeContainerInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeContainerInstances on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeContainerInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServices on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTasks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTasks on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DescribeTasksResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::DiscoverPollEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DiscoverPollEndpoint on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::DiscoverPollEndpointResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListClusters(3) - Arguments for method ListClusters on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListClustersResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListContainerInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListContainerInstances on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListContainerInstancesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListServices(3) - Arguments for method ListServices on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionFamilies(3) - Arguments for method ListTaskDefinitionFamilies on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionFamiliesResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitions(3) - Arguments for method ListTaskDefinitions on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTaskDefinitionsResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::ListTasks(3) - Arguments for method ListTasks on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::ListTasksResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RegisterContainerInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterContainerInstance on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RegisterContainerInstanceResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RegisterTaskDefinition(3) - Arguments for method RegisterTaskDefinition on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RegisterTaskDefinitionResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::RunTask(3) - Arguments for method RunTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::RunTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::StartTask(3) - Arguments for method StartTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::StartTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::StopTask(3) - Arguments for method StopTask on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::StopTaskResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::SubmitContainerStateChange(3) - Arguments for method SubmitContainerStateChange on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::SubmitContainerStateChangeResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::SubmitTaskStateChange(3) - Arguments for method SubmitTaskStateChange on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::SubmitTaskStateChangeResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::UpdateContainerAgent(3) - Arguments for method UpdateContainerAgent on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::UpdateContainerAgentResponse(3)
- Paws::ECS::UpdateService(3) - Arguments for method UpdateService on Paws::ECS
- Paws::ECS::UpdateServiceResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic File System
- Paws::EFS::CreateFileSystem(3) - Arguments for method CreateFileSystem on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::CreateMountTarget(3) - Arguments for method CreateMountTarget on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteFileSystem(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFileSystem on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteMountTarget(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMountTarget on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeFileSystems(3) - Arguments for method DescribeFileSystems on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeFileSystemsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargets(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMountTargets on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeMountTargetsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::DescribeTagsResponse(3)
- Paws::EFS::FileSystemDescription(3)
- Paws::EFS::ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups on Paws::EFS
- Paws::EFS::MountTargetDescription(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AddTagsToResource(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheClusterMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheEngineVersionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopySnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheSecurityGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheSecurityGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshot on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheClusters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheEngineVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheEngineVersions on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheParameterGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheParameters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheSecurityGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCacheSubnetGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultParameters on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReplicationGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReplicationGroups on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedCacheNodes on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshots on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshotsListMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ListTagsForResource(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCacheSubnetGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyReplicationGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroupResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheCluster(3) - Arguments for method RebootCacheCluster on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheClusterResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::RemoveTagsFromResource(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromResource on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodeMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::ResetCacheParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetCacheParameterGroup on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::ElastiCache
- Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::ElastiCache::TagListMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::AbortEnvironmentUpdate(3) - Arguments for method AbortEnvironmentUpdate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationDescriptionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersionDescriptionMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersionDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CheckDNSAvailability(3) - Arguments for method CheckDNSAvailability on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CheckDNSAvailabilityResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationOptionsDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsDescriptions(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationSettingsValidationMessages(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method CreateApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method CreateConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method CreateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateStorageLocation(3) - Arguments for method CreateStorageLocation on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::CreateStorageLocationResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeApplications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApplications on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeApplicationVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApplicationVersions on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeConfigurationOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationOptions on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeConfigurationSettings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeConfigurationSettings on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEnvironmentResources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEnvironmentResources on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEnvironments(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEnvironments on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentDescription(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EnvironmentResourceDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::EventDescriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ListAvailableSolutionStacks(3) - Arguments for method ListAvailableSolutionStacks on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ListAvailableSolutionStacksResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RebuildEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method RebuildEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RequestEnvironmentInfo(3) - Arguments for method RequestEnvironmentInfo on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RestartAppServer(3) - Arguments for method RestartAppServer on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RetrieveEnvironmentInfo(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveEnvironmentInfo on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::RetrieveEnvironmentInfoResultMessage(3)
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs(3) - Arguments for method SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::TerminateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method TerminateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateApplication(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplication on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateApplicationVersion(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApplicationVersion on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateConfigurationTemplate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateConfigurationTemplate on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::UpdateEnvironment(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEnvironment on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticBeanstalk::ValidateConfigurationSettings(3) - Arguments for method ValidateConfigurationSettings on Paws::ElasticBeanstalk
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic Transcoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CancelJob(3) - Arguments for method CancelJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CancelJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreateJob(3) - Arguments for method CreateJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreateJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method CreatePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePreset(3) - Arguments for method CreatePreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::CreatePresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePipeline(3) - Arguments for method DeletePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePreset(3) - Arguments for method DeletePreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::DeletePresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByPipeline(3) - Arguments for method ListJobsByPipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByPipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByStatus(3) - Arguments for method ListJobsByStatus on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListJobsByStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPipelines(3) - Arguments for method ListPipelines on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPipelinesResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPresets(3) - Arguments for method ListPresets on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ListPresetsResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadJob(3) - Arguments for method ReadJob on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadJobResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPipeline(3) - Arguments for method ReadPipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPreset(3) - Arguments for method ReadPreset on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::ReadPresetResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::TestRole(3) - Arguments for method TestRole on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::TestRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipeline(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipeline on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineNotifications(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipelineNotifications on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineNotificationsResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineResponse(3)
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineStatus(3) - Arguments for method UpdatePipelineStatus on Paws::ElasticTranscoder
- Paws::ElasticTranscoder::UpdatePipelineStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::ELB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Elastic Load Balancing
- Paws::ELB::AddAvailabilityZonesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(3) - Arguments for method AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::ConfigureHealthCheck(3) - Arguments for method ConfigureHealthCheck on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ConfigureHealthCheckOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateAccessPointOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerListeners(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancerListeners on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoadBalancerPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::CreateLoadBalancerPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteAccessPointOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancerListeners on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DeleteLoadBalancerPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeregisterEndPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeAccessPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeEndPointStateOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeInstanceHealth(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstanceHealth on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBalancers on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DescribeTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(3) - Arguments for method DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(3) - Arguments for method ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RegisterEndPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::RemoveAvailabilityZonesOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificateOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerOutput(3)
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener on Paws::ELB
- Paws::ELB::SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Elastic MapReduce
- Paws::EMR::AddInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method AddInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddInstanceGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::AddJobFlowSteps(3) - Arguments for method AddJobFlowSteps on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddJobFlowStepsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::AddTags(3) - Arguments for method AddTags on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::AddTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeCluster(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCluster on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeClusterOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeJobFlows(3) - Arguments for method DescribeJobFlows on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeJobFlowsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::DescribeStep(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStep on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::DescribeStepOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListBootstrapActions(3) - Arguments for method ListBootstrapActions on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListBootstrapActionsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListClusters(3) - Arguments for method ListClusters on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListClustersOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListInstanceGroupsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListInstances(3) - Arguments for method ListInstances on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListInstancesOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ListSteps(3) - Arguments for method ListSteps on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::ListStepsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::ModifyInstanceGroups(3) - Arguments for method ModifyInstanceGroups on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RemoveTags(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTags on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RemoveTagsOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::RunJobFlow(3) - Arguments for method RunJobFlow on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::RunJobFlowOutput(3)
- Paws::EMR::SetTerminationProtection(3) - Arguments for method SetTerminationProtection on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::SetVisibleToAllUsers(3) - Arguments for method SetVisibleToAllUsers on Paws::EMR
- Paws::EMR::TerminateJobFlows(3) - Arguments for method TerminateJobFlows on Paws::EMR
- Paws::Glacier(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AbortMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method AbortMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AbortVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method AbortVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::AddTagsToVault(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ArchiveCreationOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::CompleteMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method CompleteMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CompleteVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method CompleteVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CreateVault(3) - Arguments for method CreateVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::CreateVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteArchive(3) - Arguments for method DeleteArchive on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVault(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DeleteVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeJob(3) - Arguments for method DescribeJob on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeVault(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::DescribeVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetDataRetrievalPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetDataRetrievalPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetDataRetrievalPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetJobOutput(3) - Arguments for method GetJobOutput on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetJobOutputOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultAccessPolicyOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultLockOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method GetVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::GetVaultNotificationsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::GlacierJobDescription(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateJob(3) - Arguments for method InitiateJob on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateMultipartUpload(3) - Arguments for method InitiateMultipartUpload on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateMultipartUploadOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateVaultLock(3) - Arguments for method InitiateVaultLock on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::InitiateVaultLockOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListMultipartUploads(3) - Arguments for method ListMultipartUploads on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListMultipartUploadsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListParts(3) - Arguments for method ListParts on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListPartsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListTagsForVault(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListTagsForVaultOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::ListVaults(3) - Arguments for method ListVaults on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::ListVaultsOutput(3)
- Paws::Glacier::RemoveTagsFromVault(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromVault on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetDataRetrievalPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetDataRetrievalPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetVaultAccessPolicy(3) - Arguments for method SetVaultAccessPolicy on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::SetVaultNotifications(3) - Arguments for method SetVaultNotifications on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadArchive(3) - Arguments for method UploadArchive on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadMultipartPart(3) - Arguments for method UploadMultipartPart on Paws::Glacier
- Paws::Glacier::UploadMultipartPartOutput(3)
- Paws::IAM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Identity and Access Management
- Paws::IAM::AddClientIDToOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method AddClientIDToOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AddRoleToInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method AddRoleToInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AddUserToGroup(3) - Arguments for method AddUserToGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::AttachUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method AttachUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ChangePassword(3) - Arguments for method ChangePassword on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method CreateAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccessKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateAccountAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAccountAlias on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateGroupResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateInstanceProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateLoginProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method CreateOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateOpenIDConnectProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicy(3) - Arguments for method CreatePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method CreatePolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreatePolicyVersionResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateRole(3) - Arguments for method CreateRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method CreateSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateUser(3) - Arguments for method CreateUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::CreateVirtualMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method CreateVirtualMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::CreateVirtualMFADeviceResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::DeactivateMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method DeactivateMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccountAlias(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccountAlias on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeletePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeletePolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method DeletePolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteRole(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteUser(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DeleteVirtualMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVirtualMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::DetachUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DetachUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::EnableMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method EnableMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GenerateCredentialReport(3) - Arguments for method GenerateCredentialReport on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GenerateCredentialReportResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccessKeyLastUsed(3) - Arguments for method GetAccessKeyLastUsed on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccessKeyLastUsedResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountAuthorizationDetails(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountAuthorizationDetails on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountAuthorizationDetailsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountPasswordPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountSummary(3) - Arguments for method GetAccountSummary on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetAccountSummaryResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetCredentialReport(3) - Arguments for method GetCredentialReport on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetCredentialReportResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetGroup(3) - Arguments for method GetGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetGroupResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method GetInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetInstanceProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method GetLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetLoginProfileResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method GetOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetOpenIDConnectProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetPolicyVersionResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetRole(3) - Arguments for method GetRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetRolePolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method GetSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method GetServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetServerCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method GetSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetSSHPublicKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetUser(3) - Arguments for method GetUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::GetUserPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::GetUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAccessKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListAccessKeys on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAccessKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAccountAliases(3) - Arguments for method ListAccountAliases on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAccountAliasesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedGroupPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedGroupPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedGroupPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedRolePolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedRolePolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedRolePoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedUserPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListAttachedUserPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListAttachedUserPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListEntitiesForPolicy(3) - Arguments for method ListEntitiesForPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListEntitiesForPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListGroupPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroups(3) - Arguments for method ListGroups on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsForUser(3) - Arguments for method ListGroupsForUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsForUserResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListGroupsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfiles(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceProfiles on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesForRole(3) - Arguments for method ListInstanceProfilesForRole on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesForRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListInstanceProfilesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListMFADevices(3) - Arguments for method ListMFADevices on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListMFADevicesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListOpenIDConnectProviders(3) - Arguments for method ListOpenIDConnectProviders on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListOpenIDConnectProvidersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicyVersions(3) - Arguments for method ListPolicyVersions on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListPolicyVersionsResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListRolePolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListRolePolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListRolePoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListRoles(3) - Arguments for method ListRoles on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListRolesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSAMLProviders(3) - Arguments for method ListSAMLProviders on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSAMLProvidersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListServerCertificates(3) - Arguments for method ListServerCertificates on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListServerCertificatesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSigningCertificates(3) - Arguments for method ListSigningCertificates on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSigningCertificatesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListSSHPublicKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListSSHPublicKeys on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListSSHPublicKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListUserPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListUserPolicies on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListUserPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListUsers(3) - Arguments for method ListUsers on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListUsersResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::ListVirtualMFADevices(3) - Arguments for method ListVirtualMFADevices on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ListVirtualMFADevicesResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::PutGroupPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutGroupPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::PutRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::PutUserPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutUserPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveClientIDFromOpenIDConnectProvider(3) - Arguments for method RemoveClientIDFromOpenIDConnectProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile(3) - Arguments for method RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::RemoveUserFromGroup(3) - Arguments for method RemoveUserFromGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::ResyncMFADevice(3) - Arguments for method ResyncMFADevice on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::SetDefaultPolicyVersion(3) - Arguments for method SetDefaultPolicyVersion on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAccessKey(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAccessKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateAssumeRolePolicy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAssumeRolePolicy on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateGroup(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGroup on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateLoginProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateLoginProfile on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint(3) - Arguments for method UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSAMLProvider(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSAMLProvider on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSAMLProviderResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UpdateServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UpdateUser(3) - Arguments for method UpdateUser on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadServerCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UploadServerCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadServerCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UploadSigningCertificate(3) - Arguments for method UploadSigningCertificate on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadSigningCertificateResponse(3)
- Paws::IAM::UploadSSHPublicKey(3) - Arguments for method UploadSSHPublicKey on Paws::IAM
- Paws::IAM::UploadSSHPublicKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::ImportExport(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Import/Export
- Paws::ImportExport::CancelJob(3) - Arguments for method CancelJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::CancelJobOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::CreateJob(3) - Arguments for method CreateJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::CreateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::GetShippingLabel(3) - Arguments for method GetShippingLabel on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::GetShippingLabelOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::GetStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetStatus on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::GetStatusOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::ListJobs(3) - Arguments for method ListJobs on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::ListJobsOutput(3)
- Paws::ImportExport::UpdateJob(3) - Arguments for method UpdateJob on Paws::ImportExport
- Paws::ImportExport::UpdateJobOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::AddTagsToStream(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::CreateStream(3) - Arguments for method CreateStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DeleteStream(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DescribeStream(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::DescribeStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::GetRecords(3) - Arguments for method GetRecords on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::GetRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::GetShardIterator(3) - Arguments for method GetShardIterator on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::GetShardIteratorOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::ListStreams(3) - Arguments for method ListStreams on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::ListStreamsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::ListTagsForStream(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::ListTagsForStreamOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::MergeShards(3) - Arguments for method MergeShards on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecord(3) - Arguments for method PutRecord on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecordOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecords(3) - Arguments for method PutRecords on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::PutRecordsOutput(3)
- Paws::Kinesis::RemoveTagsFromStream(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromStream on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::Kinesis::SplitShard(3) - Arguments for method SplitShard on Paws::Kinesis
- Paws::KMS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Key Management Service
- Paws::KMS::CreateAlias(3) - Arguments for method CreateAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateGrant(3) - Arguments for method CreateGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateGrantResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::CreateKey(3) - Arguments for method CreateKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::CreateKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::Decrypt(3) - Arguments for method Decrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DecryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::DeleteAlias(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DescribeKey(3) - Arguments for method DescribeKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DescribeKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::DisableKey(3) - Arguments for method DisableKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::DisableKeyRotation(3) - Arguments for method DisableKeyRotation on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EnableKey(3) - Arguments for method EnableKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EnableKeyRotation(3) - Arguments for method EnableKeyRotation on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::Encrypt(3) - Arguments for method Encrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::EncryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKey(3) - Arguments for method GenerateDataKey on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext(3) - Arguments for method GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GenerateRandom(3) - Arguments for method GenerateRandom on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GenerateRandomResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetKeyPolicy on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyRotationStatus(3) - Arguments for method GetKeyRotationStatus on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::GetKeyRotationStatusResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListAliases(3) - Arguments for method ListAliases on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListAliasesResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListGrants(3) - Arguments for method ListGrants on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListGrantsResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListKeyPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListKeyPolicies on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListKeyPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::ListKeys(3) - Arguments for method ListKeys on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ListKeysResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::PutKeyPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutKeyPolicy on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ReEncrypt(3) - Arguments for method ReEncrypt on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::ReEncryptResponse(3)
- Paws::KMS::RetireGrant(3) - Arguments for method RetireGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::RevokeGrant(3) - Arguments for method RevokeGrant on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::UpdateAlias(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAlias on Paws::KMS
- Paws::KMS::UpdateKeyDescription(3) - Arguments for method UpdateKeyDescription on Paws::KMS
- Paws::Lambda(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::AddPermissionResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::CreateEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::CreateFunction(3) - Arguments for method CreateFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::DeleteEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::DeleteFunction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::EventSourceMappingConfiguration(3)
- Paws::Lambda::FunctionConfiguration(3)
- Paws::Lambda::GetEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method GetEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunction(3) - Arguments for method GetFunction on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunctionConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method GetFunctionConfiguration on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetFunctionResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::GetPolicy(3) - Arguments for method GetPolicy on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::GetPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::InvocationResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::Invoke(3) - Arguments for method Invoke on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::InvokeAsync(3) - Arguments for method InvokeAsync on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::InvokeAsyncResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::ListEventSourceMappings(3) - Arguments for method ListEventSourceMappings on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::ListEventSourceMappingsResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::ListFunctions(3) - Arguments for method ListFunctions on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::ListFunctionsResponse(3)
- Paws::Lambda::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateEventSourceMapping(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEventSourceMapping on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateFunctionCode(3) - Arguments for method UpdateFunctionCode on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::Lambda::UpdateFunctionConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method UpdateFunctionConfiguration on Paws::Lambda
- Paws::MachineLearning(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Machine Learning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method CreateBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRDS(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromRDS on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRDSOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRedshift(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromRedshift on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromRedshiftOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromS3(3) - Arguments for method CreateDataSourceFromS3 on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateDataSourceFromS3Output(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method CreateEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateMLModel(3) - Arguments for method CreateMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateRealtimeEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateRealtimeEndpoint on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::CreateRealtimeEndpointOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method DeleteBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteDataSource(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteDataSourceOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteMLModel(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteRealtimeEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DeleteRealtimeEndpoint on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DeleteRealtimeEndpointOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeBatchPredictions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBatchPredictions on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeBatchPredictionsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeDataSources(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDataSources on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeDataSourcesOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeEvaluations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvaluations on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeEvaluationsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeMLModels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMLModels on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::DescribeMLModelsOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method GetBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetBatchPredictionOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) submitted a request to generate batch predictions.
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetDataSource(3) - Arguments for method GetDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetDataSourceOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Language (Amazon ML) submitted a request to create a
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method GetEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetEvaluationOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Language (Amazon ML) submitted a request to evaluate an
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetMLModel(3) - Arguments for method GetMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::GetMLModelOutput(3) - Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) submitted a request to describe a
- Paws::MachineLearning::Predict(3) - Arguments for method Predict on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::PredictOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateBatchPrediction(3) - Arguments for method UpdateBatchPrediction on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateBatchPredictionOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateDataSource(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDataSource on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateDataSourceOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateEvaluation(3) - Arguments for method UpdateEvaluation on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateEvaluationOutput(3)
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateMLModel(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMLModel on Paws::MachineLearning
- Paws::MachineLearning::UpdateMLModelOutput(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssignInstance(3) - Arguments for method AssignInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssignVolume(3) - Arguments for method AssignVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AssociateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method AssociateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::AttachElasticLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method AttachElasticLoadBalancer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CloneStack(3) - Arguments for method CloneStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CloneStackResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateApp(3) - Arguments for method CreateApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateAppResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateDeployment(3) - Arguments for method CreateDeployment on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateDeploymentResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateInstance(3) - Arguments for method CreateInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateLayer(3) - Arguments for method CreateLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateLayerResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateStack(3) - Arguments for method CreateStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateStackResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method CreateUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::CreateUserProfileResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteApp(3) - Arguments for method DeleteApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeleteInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteLayer(3) - Arguments for method DeleteLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteStack(3) - Arguments for method DeleteStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeleteUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method DeleteUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterEcsCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterEcsCluster on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DeregisterVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeregisterVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAgentVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAgentVersions on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAgentVersionsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeApps(3) - Arguments for method DescribeApps on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeAppsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeCommands(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCommands on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeCommandsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeDeployments(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDeployments on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeDeploymentsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeEcsClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEcsClusters on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeEcsClustersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticIps(3) - Arguments for method DescribeElasticIps on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticIpsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticLoadBalancers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeElasticLoadBalancers on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeElasticLoadBalancersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeInstances on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLayers(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLayers on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLayersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLoadBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoadBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeLoadBasedAutoScalingResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeMyUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMyUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeMyUserProfileResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribePermissions(3) - Arguments for method DescribePermissions on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribePermissionsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRaidArrays(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRaidArrays on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRaidArraysResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRdsDbInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeRdsDbInstances on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeRdsDbInstancesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeServiceErrors(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServiceErrors on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeServiceErrorsResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackProvisioningParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackProvisioningParameters on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackProvisioningParametersResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStacks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStacks on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStacksResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackSummary(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStackSummary on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeStackSummaryResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeTimeBasedAutoScalingResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeUserProfiles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeUserProfiles on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeUserProfilesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVolumes on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DescribeVolumesResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::DetachElasticLoadBalancer(3) - Arguments for method DetachElasticLoadBalancer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::DisassociateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method DisassociateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GetHostnameSuggestion(3) - Arguments for method GetHostnameSuggestion on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GetHostnameSuggestionResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::GrantAccess(3) - Arguments for method GrantAccess on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::GrantAccessResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RebootInstance(3) - Arguments for method RebootInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterEcsCluster(3) - Arguments for method RegisterEcsCluster on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterEcsClusterResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method RegisterElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterElasticIpResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method RegisterRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterVolume(3) - Arguments for method RegisterVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::RegisterVolumeResult(3)
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetLoadBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method SetLoadBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetPermission(3) - Arguments for method SetPermission on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::SetTimeBasedAutoScaling(3) - Arguments for method SetTimeBasedAutoScaling on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StartInstance(3) - Arguments for method StartInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StartStack(3) - Arguments for method StartStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StopInstance(3) - Arguments for method StopInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::StopStack(3) - Arguments for method StopStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UnassignInstance(3) - Arguments for method UnassignInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UnassignVolume(3) - Arguments for method UnassignVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateApp(3) - Arguments for method UpdateApp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateElasticIp(3) - Arguments for method UpdateElasticIp on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateInstance(3) - Arguments for method UpdateInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateLayer(3) - Arguments for method UpdateLayer on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateMyUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMyUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateRdsDbInstance(3) - Arguments for method UpdateRdsDbInstance on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateStack(3) - Arguments for method UpdateStack on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateUserProfile(3) - Arguments for method UpdateUserProfile on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::OpsWorks::UpdateVolume(3) - Arguments for method UpdateVolume on Paws::OpsWorks
- Paws::RDS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Relational Database Service
- Paws::RDS::AccountAttributesMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription(3) - Arguments for method AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::AddTagsToResource(3) - Arguments for method AddTagsToResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction(3) - Arguments for method ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CertificateMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CopyOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method CopyOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CopyOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceReadReplica(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBInstanceReadReplica on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSecurityGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateDBSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::CreateOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::CreateOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBClusterSnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBEngineVersionMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBInstanceMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DBSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBClusterSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSecurityGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DeleteEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DeleteOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeAccountAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAccountAttributes on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeCertificates(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCertificates on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBClusterSnapshots on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBEngineVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBEngineVersions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBInstances on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBLogFiles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBLogFiles on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBLogFilesResponse(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBParameterGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSecurityGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSnapshots on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeDBSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDBSubnetGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEngineDefaultParameters on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEventCategories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventCategories on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeEventSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventSubscriptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOptionGroupOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOptionGroupOptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOptionGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOptionGroups on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribePendingMaintenanceActions(3) - Arguments for method DescribePendingMaintenanceActions on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeReservedDBInstances(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedDBInstances on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DownloadDBLogFilePortion(3) - Arguments for method DownloadDBLogFilePortion on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::DownloadDBLogFilePortionDetails(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventCategoriesMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::EventSubscriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::FailoverDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method FailoverDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::FailoverDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ListTagsForResource(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBCluster on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyDBSubnetGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyDBSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ModifyEventSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::ModifyOptionGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyOptionGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ModifyOptionGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::OptionGroupOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::OptionGroups(3)
- Paws::RDS::OrderableDBInstanceOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::PendingMaintenanceActionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::PromoteReadReplica(3) - Arguments for method PromoteReadReplica on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::PromoteReadReplicaResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RebootDBInstance(3) - Arguments for method RebootDBInstance on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RebootDBInstanceResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription(3) - Arguments for method RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RemoveTagsFromResource(3) - Arguments for method RemoveTagsFromResource on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ReservedDBInstanceMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::ReservedDBInstancesOfferingMessage(3)
- Paws::RDS::ResetDBClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetDBClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::ResetDBParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetDBParameterGroup on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime(3) - Arguments for method RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RDS
- Paws::RDS::RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RDS::TagListMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Redshift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeSnapshotAccess(3) - Arguments for method AuthorizeSnapshotAccess on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupDetails(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterParameterGroupsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterSecurityGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClustersMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterSubnetGroupMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ClusterVersionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CopyClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CopyClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CopyClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateCluster(3) - Arguments for method CreateCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterParameterGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSecurityGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method CreateClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method CreateEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmClientCertificate(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsmClientCertificate on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmClientCertificateResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method CreateHsmConfiguration on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateHsmConfigurationResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateSnapshotCopyGrant(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshotCopyGrant on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::CreateTags(3) - Arguments for method CreateTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteCluster(3) - Arguments for method DeleteCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSecurityGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSecurityGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method DeleteClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteHsmClientCertificate(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsmClientCertificate on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteHsmConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method DeleteHsmConfiguration on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DeleteTags(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterParameterGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterParameterGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterParameters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSecurityGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSecurityGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSnapshots(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSnapshots on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterSubnetGroups(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterSubnetGroups on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeClusterVersions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeClusterVersions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeDefaultClusterParameters(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDefaultClusterParameters on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEventCategories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventCategories on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEvents(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEvents on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeEventSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeEventSubscriptions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeHsmClientCertificates(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsmClientCertificates on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeHsmConfigurations(3) - Arguments for method DescribeHsmConfigurations on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeLoggingStatus(3) - Arguments for method DescribeLoggingStatus on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeOrderableClusterOptions(3) - Arguments for method DescribeOrderableClusterOptions on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeReservedNodeOfferings(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedNodeOfferings on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeReservedNodes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeReservedNodes on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeResize(3) - Arguments for method DescribeResize on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeSnapshotCopyGrants(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotCopyGrants on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DescribeTags(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTags on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableLogging(3) - Arguments for method DisableLogging on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableSnapshotCopy(3) - Arguments for method DisableSnapshotCopy on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::DisableSnapshotCopyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EnableLogging(3) - Arguments for method EnableLogging on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::EnableSnapshotCopy(3) - Arguments for method EnableSnapshotCopy on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::EnableSnapshotCopyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventCategoriesMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::EventSubscriptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::HsmClientCertificateMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::HsmConfigurationMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::LoggingStatus(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyCluster(3) - Arguments for method ModifyCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterSubnetGroup(3) - Arguments for method ModifyClusterSubnetGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyEventSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ModifyEventSubscription on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifyEventSubscriptionResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod(3) - Arguments for method ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::OrderableClusterOptionsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::PurchaseReservedNodeOffering(3) - Arguments for method PurchaseReservedNodeOffering on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RebootCluster(3) - Arguments for method RebootCluster on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RebootClusterResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ReservedNodesMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::ResetClusterParameterGroup(3) - Arguments for method ResetClusterParameterGroup on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::ResizeProgressMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RestoreFromClusterSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method RestoreFromClusterSnapshot on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(3) - Arguments for method RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeSnapshotAccess(3) - Arguments for method RevokeSnapshotAccess on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RevokeSnapshotAccessResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::RotateEncryptionKey(3) - Arguments for method RotateEncryptionKey on Paws::RedShift
- Paws::RedShift::RotateEncryptionKeyResult(3)
- Paws::RedShift::SnapshotCopyGrantMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::SnapshotMessage(3)
- Paws::RedShift::TaggedResourceListMessage(3)
- Paws::Route53(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Route 53
- Paws::Route53::AssociateVPCWithHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ChangeResourceRecordSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ChangeTagsForResource(3)
- Paws::Route53::ChangeTagsForResourceResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::CreateReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::CreateReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DeleteReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::DeleteReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetChange(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetChangeResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetCheckerIpRanges(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetCheckerIpRangesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetGeoLocation(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetGeoLocationResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckCount(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckCountResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckLastFailureReasonResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckStatus(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHealthCheckStatusResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZone(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneCount(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneCountResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetHostedZoneResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::GetReusableDelegationSet(3)
- Paws::Route53::GetReusableDelegationSetResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListGeoLocations(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListGeoLocationsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHealthChecks(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHealthChecksResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZones(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesByName(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesByNameResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListHostedZonesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListResourceRecordSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListResourceRecordSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListReusableDelegationSets(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListReusableDelegationSetsResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResource(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResourceResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResources(3)
- Paws::Route53::ListTagsForResourcesResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHealthCheck(3)
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHealthCheckResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHostedZoneComment(3)
- Paws::Route53::UpdateHostedZoneCommentResponse(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::Route53
- Paws::Route53Domains(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Route 53 Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::CheckDomainAvailability(3) - Arguments for method CheckDomainAvailability on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::CheckDomainAvailabilityResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DeleteTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DeleteTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainAutoRenew(3) - Arguments for method DisableDomainAutoRenew on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainAutoRenewResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainTransferLock(3) - Arguments for method DisableDomainTransferLock on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::DisableDomainTransferLockResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainAutoRenew(3) - Arguments for method EnableDomainAutoRenew on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainAutoRenewResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainTransferLock(3) - Arguments for method EnableDomainTransferLock on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::EnableDomainTransferLockResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetDomainDetail(3) - Arguments for method GetDomainDetail on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetDomainDetailResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetOperationDetail(3) - Arguments for method GetOperationDetail on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::GetOperationDetailResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListDomainsResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListOperations(3) - Arguments for method ListOperations on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListOperationsResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method ListTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::ListTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::RegisterDomain(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::RegisterDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::RetrieveDomainAuthCode(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveDomainAuthCode on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::RetrieveDomainAuthCodeResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::TransferDomain(3) - Arguments for method TransferDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::TransferDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContact(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainContact on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactPrivacy(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainContactPrivacy on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactPrivacyResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainContactResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainNameservers(3) - Arguments for method UpdateDomainNameservers on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateDomainNameserversResponse(3)
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateTagsForDomain(3) - Arguments for method UpdateTagsForDomain on Paws::Route53Domains
- Paws::Route53Domains::UpdateTagsForDomainResponse(3)
- Paws::S3(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Storage Service
- Paws::S3::AbortMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::AbortMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CompleteMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::CompleteMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CopyObject(3)
- Paws::S3::CopyObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CreateBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::CreateBucketOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::CreateMultipartUpload(3)
- Paws::S3::CreateMultipartUploadOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObject(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjects(3)
- Paws::S3::DeleteObjectsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketCorsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLifecycleOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLocation(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLocationOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLogging(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketLoggingOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketNotification(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketNotificationConfiguration(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketPolicyOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketReplicationOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketRequestPayment(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketTaggingOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketVersioning(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketVersioningOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::GetBucketWebsiteOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObject(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::GetObjectTorrent(3)
- Paws::S3::GetObjectTorrentOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::HeadBucket(3)
- Paws::S3::HeadObject(3)
- Paws::S3::HeadObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListBuckets(3)
- Paws::S3::ListBucketsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListMultipartUploads(3)
- Paws::S3::ListMultipartUploadsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListObjects(3)
- Paws::S3::ListObjectsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListObjectVersions(3)
- Paws::S3::ListObjectVersionsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::ListParts(3)
- Paws::S3::ListPartsOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::NotificationConfiguration(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::NotificationConfigurationDeprecated(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::PutBucketAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketCors(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketLifecycle(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketLogging(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketNotification(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketNotificationConfiguration(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketPolicy(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketReplication(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketRequestPayment(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketTagging(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketVersioning(3)
- Paws::S3::PutBucketWebsite(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObject(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObjectAcl(3)
- Paws::S3::PutObjectAclOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::PutObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::RestoreObject(3)
- Paws::S3::RestoreObjectOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::UploadPart(3)
- Paws::S3::UploadPartCopy(3)
- Paws::S3::UploadPartCopyOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::S3::UploadPartOutput(3) - Arguments for method on Paws::S3
- Paws::SDB(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon SimpleDB
- Paws::SDB::BatchDeleteAttributes(3) - Arguments for method BatchDeleteAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::BatchPutAttributes(3) - Arguments for method BatchPutAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::CreateDomain(3) - Arguments for method CreateDomain on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DeleteAttributes(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DeleteDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDomain on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DomainMetadata(3) - Arguments for method DomainMetadata on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::DomainMetadataResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::GetAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::GetAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::ListDomainsResult(3)
- Paws::SDB::PutAttributes(3) - Arguments for method PutAttributes on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::Select(3) - Arguments for method Select on Paws::SDB
- Paws::SDB::SelectResult(3)
- Paws::SES(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Email Service
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentity(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityPolicy(3) - Arguments for method DeleteIdentityPolicy on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::DeleteIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityDkimAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityDkimAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityDkimAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityNotificationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityNotificationAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityNotificationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityPolicies(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityPolicies on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityVerificationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetIdentityVerificationAttributes on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetIdentityVerificationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetSendQuota(3) - Arguments for method GetSendQuota on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetSendQuotaResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::GetSendStatistics(3) - Arguments for method GetSendStatistics on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::GetSendStatisticsResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListIdentities(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentities on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListIdentitiesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListIdentityPolicies(3) - Arguments for method ListIdentityPolicies on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListIdentityPoliciesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::ListVerifiedEmailAddresses(3) - Arguments for method ListVerifiedEmailAddresses on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::ListVerifiedEmailAddressesResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::PutIdentityPolicy(3) - Arguments for method PutIdentityPolicy on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::PutIdentityPolicyResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SendEmail(3) - Arguments for method SendEmail on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SendEmailResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SendRawEmail(3) - Arguments for method SendRawEmail on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SendRawEmailResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityDkimEnabled(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityDkimEnabled on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityDkimEnabledResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabledResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityNotificationTopic(3) - Arguments for method SetIdentityNotificationTopic on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::SetIdentityNotificationTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainDkim(3) - Arguments for method VerifyDomainDkim on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainDkimResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainIdentity(3) - Arguments for method VerifyDomainIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyDomainIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailAddress(3) - Arguments for method VerifyEmailAddress on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailIdentity(3) - Arguments for method VerifyEmailIdentity on Paws::SES
- Paws::SES::VerifyEmailIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::Signin(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Console Signin service
- Paws::Signin::GetSigninToken(3) - Arguments for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::GetSigninTokenResponse(3) - Response for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::Login(3) - Arguments for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::Signin::LoginResponse(3) - Response for method GetSigninToken on Paws::Signin
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Workflow Service
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTask(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTaskStatus(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTypeDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ActivityTypeInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountClosedWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method CountClosedWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountOpenWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method CountOpenWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountPendingActivityTasks(3) - Arguments for method CountPendingActivityTasks on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::CountPendingDecisionTasks(3) - Arguments for method CountPendingDecisionTasks on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DecisionTask(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateActivityType(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateDomain(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DeprecateWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method DeprecateWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeActivityType(3) - Arguments for method DescribeActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeDomain(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DescribeWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DomainDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::DomainInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::GetWorkflowExecutionHistory(3) - Arguments for method GetWorkflowExecutionHistory on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::History(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListActivityTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListActivityTypes on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListClosedWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method ListClosedWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListDomains(3) - Arguments for method ListDomains on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListOpenWorkflowExecutions(3) - Arguments for method ListOpenWorkflowExecutions on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::ListWorkflowTypes(3) - Arguments for method ListWorkflowTypes on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PendingTaskCount(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PollForActivityTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForActivityTask on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::PollForDecisionTask(3) - Arguments for method PollForDecisionTask on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat(3) - Arguments for method RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterActivityType(3) - Arguments for method RegisterActivityType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterDomain(3) - Arguments for method RegisterDomain on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RegisterWorkflowType(3) - Arguments for method RegisterWorkflowType on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RequestCancelWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method RequestCancelWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskCanceled(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskCanceled on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskCompleted(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskCompleted on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondActivityTaskFailed(3) - Arguments for method RespondActivityTaskFailed on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::RespondDecisionTaskCompleted(3) - Arguments for method RespondDecisionTaskCompleted on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::Run(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::SignalWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method SignalWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::StartWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method StartWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::TerminateWorkflowExecution(3) - Arguments for method TerminateWorkflowExecution on Paws::SimpleWorkflow
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionCount(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowExecutionInfos(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowTypeDetail(3)
- Paws::SimpleWorkflow::WorkflowTypeInfos(3)
- Paws::SNS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Notification Service
- Paws::SNS::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ConfirmSubscription(3) - Arguments for method ConfirmSubscription on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ConfirmSubscriptionResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreateEndpointResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformApplicationResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::CreatePlatformEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method CreatePlatformEndpoint on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreateTopic(3) - Arguments for method CreateTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::CreateTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::DeleteEndpoint(3) - Arguments for method DeleteEndpoint on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::DeletePlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method DeletePlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::DeleteTopic(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetEndpointAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetEndpointAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetEndpointAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetPlatformApplicationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetPlatformApplicationAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetSubscriptionAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetSubscriptionAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::GetTopicAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetTopicAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::GetTopicAttributesResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication(3) - Arguments for method ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListPlatformApplications(3) - Arguments for method ListPlatformApplications on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListPlatformApplicationsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptions(3) - Arguments for method ListSubscriptions on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsByTopic(3) - Arguments for method ListSubscriptionsByTopic on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListSubscriptionsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::ListTopics(3) - Arguments for method ListTopics on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::ListTopicsResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::Publish(3) - Arguments for method Publish on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::PublishResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetEndpointAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetEndpointAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetPlatformApplicationAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetPlatformApplicationAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetSubscriptionAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetSubscriptionAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SetTopicAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetTopicAttributes on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::Subscribe(3) - Arguments for method Subscribe on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SNS::SubscribeResponse(3)
- Paws::SNS::Unsubscribe(3) - Arguments for method Unsubscribe on Paws::SNS
- Paws::SQS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Queue Service
- Paws::SQS::AddPermission(3) - Arguments for method AddPermission on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibility(3) - Arguments for method ChangeMessageVisibility on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch(3) - Arguments for method ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::CreateQueue(3) - Arguments for method CreateQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::CreateQueueResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessage(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessageBatch(3) - Arguments for method DeleteMessageBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::DeleteMessageBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::DeleteQueue(3) - Arguments for method DeleteQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueAttributes(3) - Arguments for method GetQueueAttributes on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueAttributesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueUrl(3) - Arguments for method GetQueueUrl on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::GetQueueUrlResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::ListDeadLetterSourceQueues(3) - Arguments for method ListDeadLetterSourceQueues on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ListDeadLetterSourceQueuesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::ListQueues(3) - Arguments for method ListQueues on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ListQueuesResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::PurgeQueue(3) - Arguments for method PurgeQueue on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ReceiveMessage(3) - Arguments for method ReceiveMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::ReceiveMessageResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::RemovePermission(3) - Arguments for method RemovePermission on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessage(3) - Arguments for method SendMessage on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageBatch(3) - Arguments for method SendMessageBatch on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::SendMessageResult(3)
- Paws::SQS::SetQueueAttributes(3) - Arguments for method SetQueueAttributes on Paws::SQS
- Paws::SSM(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon Simple Systems Management Service
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociation(3) - Arguments for method CreateAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationBatch(3) - Arguments for method CreateAssociationBatch on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationBatchResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::CreateAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::CreateDocument(3) - Arguments for method CreateDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::CreateDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DeleteAssociation(3) - Arguments for method DeleteAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DeleteAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DeleteDocument(3) - Arguments for method DeleteDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DeleteDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DescribeAssociation(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAssociation on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DescribeAssociationResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::DescribeDocument(3) - Arguments for method DescribeDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::DescribeDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::GetDocument(3) - Arguments for method GetDocument on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::GetDocumentResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::ListAssociations(3) - Arguments for method ListAssociations on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::ListAssociationsResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::ListDocuments(3) - Arguments for method ListDocuments on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::ListDocumentsResult(3)
- Paws::SSM::UpdateAssociationStatus(3) - Arguments for method UpdateAssociationStatus on Paws::SSM
- Paws::SSM::UpdateAssociationStatusResult(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Storage Gateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ActivateGateway(3) - Arguments for method ActivateGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ActivateGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddCache(3) - Arguments for method AddCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddUploadBuffer(3) - Arguments for method AddUploadBuffer on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddUploadBufferOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddWorkingStorage(3) - Arguments for method AddWorkingStorage on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::AddWorkingStorageOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelArchival(3) - Arguments for method CancelArchival on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelArchivalOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelRetrieval(3) - Arguments for method CancelRetrieval on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CancelRetrievalOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateCachediSCSIVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateCachediSCSIVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateCachediSCSIVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshot(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshot on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint(3) - Arguments for method CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPointOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateSnapshotOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateStorediSCSIVolume(3) - Arguments for method CreateStorediSCSIVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateStorediSCSIVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateTapes(3) - Arguments for method CreateTapes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::CreateTapesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method DeleteBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method DeleteChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteGateway(3) - Arguments for method DeleteGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method DeleteSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTape(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTape on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeArchive(3) - Arguments for method DeleteTapeArchive on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeArchiveOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteTapeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteVolume(3) - Arguments for method DeleteVolume on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DeleteVolumeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method DescribeBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCache(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCachediSCSIVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method DescribeChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeGatewayInformation(3) - Arguments for method DescribeGatewayInformation on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeGatewayInformationOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeMaintenanceStartTime(3) - Arguments for method DescribeMaintenanceStartTime on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeStorediSCSIVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeArchives(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapeArchives on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeArchivesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapeRecoveryPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapes(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTapes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeTapesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeUploadBuffer(3) - Arguments for method DescribeUploadBuffer on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeUploadBufferOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeVTLDevices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeVTLDevices on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeVTLDevicesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeWorkingStorage(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkingStorage on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DescribeWorkingStorageOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::DisableGateway(3) - Arguments for method DisableGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::DisableGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListGateways(3) - Arguments for method ListGateways on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListGatewaysOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListLocalDisks(3) - Arguments for method ListLocalDisks on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListLocalDisksOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeInitiators(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumeInitiators on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeInitiatorsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeRecoveryPoints(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumeRecoveryPoints on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumeRecoveryPointsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumes(3) - Arguments for method ListVolumes on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ListVolumesOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ResetCache(3) - Arguments for method ResetCache on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ResetCacheOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeArchive(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveTapeArchive on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeArchiveOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint(3) - Arguments for method RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::RetrieveTapeRecoveryPointOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::ShutdownGateway(3) - Arguments for method ShutdownGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::ShutdownGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::StartGateway(3) - Arguments for method StartGateway on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::StartGatewayOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateBandwidthRateLimit(3) - Arguments for method UpdateBandwidthRateLimit on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateBandwidthRateLimitOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateChapCredentials(3) - Arguments for method UpdateChapCredentials on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateChapCredentialsOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewayInformation(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGatewayInformation on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewayInformationOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow(3) - Arguments for method UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateGatewaySoftwareNowOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateMaintenanceStartTime(3) - Arguments for method UpdateMaintenanceStartTime on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateMaintenanceStartTimeOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateSnapshotSchedule(3) - Arguments for method UpdateSnapshotSchedule on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateSnapshotScheduleOutput(3)
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateVTLDeviceType(3) - Arguments for method UpdateVTLDeviceType on Paws::StorageGateway
- Paws::StorageGateway::UpdateVTLDeviceTypeOutput(3)
- Paws::STS(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Security Token Service
- Paws::STS::AssumeRole(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRole on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithSAML(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRoleWithSAML on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(3) - Arguments for method AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::DecodeAuthorizationMessage(3) - Arguments for method DecodeAuthorizationMessage on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::GetFederationToken(3) - Arguments for method GetFederationToken on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::GetFederationTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::STS::GetSessionToken(3) - Arguments for method GetSessionToken on Paws::STS
- Paws::STS::GetSessionTokenResponse(3)
- Paws::Support(3) - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Support
- Paws::Support::AddAttachmentsToSet(3) - Arguments for method AddAttachmentsToSet on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::AddAttachmentsToSetResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::AddCommunicationToCase(3) - Arguments for method AddCommunicationToCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::AddCommunicationToCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::CreateCase(3) - Arguments for method CreateCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::CreateCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeAttachment(3) - Arguments for method DescribeAttachment on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeAttachmentResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeCases(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCases on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeCasesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeCommunications(3) - Arguments for method DescribeCommunications on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeCommunicationsResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeServices(3) - Arguments for method DescribeServices on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeServicesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeSeverityLevels(3) - Arguments for method DescribeSeverityLevels on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeSeverityLevelsResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries(3) - Arguments for method DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck(3) - Arguments for method RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckResponse(3)
- Paws::Support::ResolveCase(3) - Arguments for method ResolveCase on Paws::Support
- Paws::Support::ResolveCaseResponse(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces(3) - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::CreateWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method CreateWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::CreateWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceBundles(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaceBundles on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceBundlesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceDirectories(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaceDirectories on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaceDirectoriesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method DescribeWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::DescribeWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebootWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method RebootWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebootWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebuildWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method RebuildWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::RebuildWorkspacesResult(3)
- Paws::WorkSpaces::TerminateWorkspaces(3) - Arguments for method TerminateWorkspaces on Paws::WorkSpaces
- Paws::WorkSpaces::TerminateWorkspacesResult(3)
- PayConnect(3) - PaymentOne (formerly eBillit) PayConnect backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- PayflowPro(3) - Library for accessing PayPal's Payflow Pro HTTP interface
- PaymentsGateway(3) - PaymentsGateway.Net backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- PBKDF2::Tiny(3) - Minimalist PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) with HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA2
- pca_lookup_file(3) - lookup a file in a list of directories
- Pcalc(3) - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- Pcalendar(3) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
- PCAP(3) - Packet Capture library
- PCAP_ACTIVATE(3) - activate a capture handle
- PCAP_BREAKLOOP(3) - force a pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() call to return
- PCAP_CAN_SET_RFMON(3) - check whether monitor mode can be set for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_CLOSE(3) - close a capture device or savefile
- PCAP_COMPILE(3) - compile a filter expression
- PCAP_CREATE(3) - create a live capture handle
- PCAP_DATALINK(3) - get the link-layer header type
- PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL(3) - get the link-layer header type value corresponding to a header type name
- PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME(3) - get a name or description for a link-layer header type value
- PCAP_DUMP(3) - write a packet to a capture file
- PCAP_DUMP_CLOSE(3) - close a savefile being written to
- PCAP_DUMP_FILE(3) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_FLUSH(3) - flush to a savefile packets dumped
- PCAP_DUMP_FTELL(3) - get the current file offset for a savefile being written
- PCAP_DUMP_OPEN(3) - open a file to which to write packets
- PCAP_FILE(3) - get the standard I/O stream for a savefile being read
- PCAP_FILENO(3) - get the file descriptor for a live capture
- PCAP_FINDALLDEVS(3) - get a list of capture devices, and free that list
- PCAP_FREECODE(3) - free a BPF program
- PCAP_GET_REQUIRED_SELECT_TIMEOUT(3) - get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_SELECTABLE_FD(3) - get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
- PCAP_GET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3) - get the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_GETERR(3) - get or print libpcap error message text
- PCAP_INJECT(3) - transmit a packet
- PCAP_IS_SWAPPED(3) - find out whether a savefile has the native byte order
- PCAP_LIB_VERSION(3) - get the version information for libpcap
- PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS(3) - get a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LIST_TSTAMP_TYPES(3) - get a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list
- PCAP_LOOKUPDEV(3) - find the default device on which to capture
- PCAP_LOOKUPNET(3) - find the IPv4 network number and netmask for a device
- PCAP_LOOP(3) - process packets from a live capture or savefile
- PCAP_MAJOR_VERSION(3) - get the version number of a savefile
- PCAP_NEXT_EX(3) - read the next packet from a pcap_t
- PCAP_OFFLINE_FILTER(3) - check whether a filter matches a packet
- PCAP_OPEN_DEAD(3) - open a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening a capture for output
- PCAP_OPEN_LIVE(3) - open a device for capturing
- PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3) - open a saved capture file for reading
- PCAP_SET_BUFFER_SIZE(3) - set the buffer size for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_DATALINK(3) - set the link-layer header type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SET_PROMISC(3) - set promiscuous mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_RFMON(3) - set monitor mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_SNAPLEN(3) - set the snapshot length for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_TIMEOUT(3) - set the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-activated capture handle
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_PRECISION(3) - set the time stamp precision returned in captures
- PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_TYPE(3) - set the time stamp type to be used by a capture device
- PCAP_SETDIRECTION(3) - set the direction for which packets will be captured
- PCAP_SETFILTER(3) - set the filter
- PCAP_SETNONBLOCK(3) - set or get the state of non-blocking mode on a capture device
- PCAP_SNAPSHOT(3) - get the snapshot length
- PCAP_STATS(3) - get capture statistics
- PCAP_STATUSTOSTR(3) - convert a PCAP_ERROR_ or PCAP_WARNING_ value to a string
- PCAP_STRERROR(3) - convert an errno value to a string
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_NAME_TO_VAL(3) - get the time stamp type value corresponding to a time stamp type name
- PCAP_TSTAMP_TYPE_VAL_TO_NAME(3) - get a name or description for a time stamp type value
- PcapUtils(3) - Utility routines for Net::Pcap module
- PCL(3) - C coroutine management
- PCRE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (original API)
- PCRE_ASSIGN_JIT_STACK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COMPILE2(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_CONFIG(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COPY_NAMED_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_COPY_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_DFA_EXEC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_EXEC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_STUDY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FREE_SUBSTRING_LIST(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_FULLINFO(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_NAMED_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_STRINGNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_STRINGTABLE_ENTRIES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING_LIST(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_JIT_STACK_ALLOC(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_JIT_STACK_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_MAKETABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_PATTERN_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_REFCOUNT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_STUDY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_UTF16_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_UTF32_TO_HOST_BYTE_ORDER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE_VERSION(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE2(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CODE_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CODE_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONFIG(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_CONVERTED_PATTERN_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_DFA_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_MARK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_MATCH_DATA_SIZE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_OVECTOR_COUNT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_OVECTOR_POINTER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_GET_STARTCHAR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_COMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_FREE_UNUSED_MEMORY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_ASSIGN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_JIT_STACK_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MAKETABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MAKETABLES_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_COPY(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_CREATE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_CREATE_FROM_PATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_MATCH_DATA_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_PATTERN_CONVERT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_PATTERN_INFO(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_DECODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_ENCODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SERIALIZE_GET_NUMBER_OF_CODES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_BSR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_CHARACTER_TABLES(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_COMPILE_EXTRA_OPTIONS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_COMPILE_RECURSION_GUARD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_DEPTH_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_GLOB_ESCAPE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_GLOB_SEPARATOR(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_HEAP_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_MATCH_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_NEWLINE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_OFFSET_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_PARENS_NEST_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_RECURSION_LIMIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_RECURSION_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SET_SUBSTITUTE_CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_COPY_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_COPY_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_GET_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_GET_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LENGTH_BYNAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LENGTH_BYNUMBER(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LIST_FREE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_LIST_GET(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_NAMETABLE_SCAN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2_SUBSTRING_NUMBER_FROM_NAME(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2API(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2BUILD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2CALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2COMPAT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2CONVERT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2JIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2LIMITS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2MATCHING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2PARTIAL(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRE2PATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2PERFORM(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2POSIX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SAMPLE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SERIALIZE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2SYNTAX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCRE2UNICODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions (revised API)
- PCREAPI(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREBUILD(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRECALLOUT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRECOMPAT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRECPP(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREJIT(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRELIMITS(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREMATCHING(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPARTIAL(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPATTERN(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPERFORM(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREPOSIX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- PCREPRECOMPILE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESAMPLE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESTACK(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCRESYNTAX(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCREUNICODE(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
- PCSC(3) - Smart card reader interface library
- PDF::API2(3) - Create, modify, and examine PDF files
- PDF::API2::Annotation(3) - Add annotations to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Low-level PDF array object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - Low-level PDF boolean object true or false
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - Low-level dictionary and stream objects
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Low-level PDF file access
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Low-level PDF name object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - Low-level PDF null object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Low-level PDF numeric object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - Low-level PDF indirect object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Low-level PDF page object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - Low-level page tree object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::String(3) - Low-level PDF string object
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Convenience functions for creating low-level PDF objects
- PDF::API2::Content(3) - Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Lite(3) - (do not use)
- PDF::API2::NamedDestination(3) - Add named destinations (views) to a PDF
- PDF::API2::Outline(3) - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
- PDF::API2::Page(3) - Methods to interact with individual pages
- PDF::API2::Resource(3) - Base class for PDF resources
- PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont(3) - Base class for font resources
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont(3) - Base class for CID fonts
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3) - Deprecated base class for CJK fonts
- PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3) - TrueType font support
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace(3) - Base class for PDF color spaces
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3) - Adobe Color Table support
- PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3) - Support for color space separations
- PDF::API2::Resource::ExtGState(3) - Graphics state dictionary support
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 standard PDF fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for creating synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject(3) - Base class for external objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form(3) - Base class for external form objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3) - Base class for one-dimensional barcodes
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3) - Code 128 and EAN-128 barcode support
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image(3) - Base class for external raster image objects
- PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3) - TIFF image support
- PDF::API2::Simple(3) - Simplistic wrapper for the excellent PDF::API2 modules
- PDF::API2::ViewerPreferences(3) - How the PDF should be displayed or printed
- PDF::API2::XS(3) - Optional PDF::API2 add-on using XS to speed up expensive operations
- PDF::API3(3) - Next version after PDF::API2
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2(3) - A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (aka. PDF)" Files.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Annotation(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - A special form of PDF::String which holds the strings true or false
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Numbers in PDF. Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Represents a PDF page, inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::String(3) - PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PDF library
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::AATKern(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::AATutils(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Anchor(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Bsln(3) - Baseline table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Cmap(3) - Character map table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Coverage(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Cvt_(3) - Control Value Table in a TrueType font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Delta(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fdsc(3) - Font Descriptors table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Feat(3) - Font Features
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fmtx(3) - Font Metrics table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Font(3) - Memory representation of a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Fpgm(3) - Font program in a TrueType font. Called when a font is loaded
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GDEF(3) - Opentype GDEF table support
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Glyf(3) - The Glyf data table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Glyph(3) - Holds a single glyph's information
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GPOS(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::GSUB(3) - Module support for the GSUB table in conjunction with TTOpen
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hdmx(3) - Horizontal device metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Head(3) - The head table for a TTF Font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hhea(3) - Horizontal Header table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Hmtx(3) - Horizontal Metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern(3) - Kerning tables
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::ClassArray(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::CompactClassArray(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::OrderedList(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::StateTable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern::Subtable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Loca(3) - the Locations table, which is intimately tied to the glyf table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::LTSH(3) - Linear Threshold table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Maxp(3) - Maximum Profile table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Chain(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Contextual(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Insertion(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Ligature(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Noncontextual(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Rearrangement(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Mort::Subtable(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Name(3) - String table for a TTF font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OldCmap(3) - Character map table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OldMort(3) - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::OS_2(3) - the OS/2 table in a TTF font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::PCLT(3) - PCLT TrueType font table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Post(3) - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Prep(3) - Preparation hinting program. Called when ppem changes
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Prop(3) - Glyph Properties table in a font
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Segarr(3) - Segmented array
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Table(3) - Superclass for tables and used for tables we don't have a class for
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Ttc(3) - Truetype Collection class
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Ttopen(3) - Opentype superclass for standard Opentype lookup based tables (GSUB and GPOS)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Utils(3) - Utility functions to save fingers
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Vhea(3) - Vertical Header table
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Vmtx(3) - Vertical Metrics
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::XMLparse(3) - provides support for XML parsing. Requires Expat module XML::Parser::Expat
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Content(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Content::Text(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::HOWTO(3) - A basic set of guidelines to use PDF::API3::Compat::API2.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Lite(3) - lite pdf creation
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::NamedDestination(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Outline(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Outlines(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Page(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::BaseFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobemingstdlightacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobemyungjostdmediumacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::adobesongstdlightacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::kozgopromediumacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont::kozminproregularacro(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::japanese(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::korean(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::simplified(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CMap::traditional(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType::FontFile(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::Hue(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::WebColor(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::ExtGState(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 PDF built-in Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::bankgothic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courier(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierboldoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courieroblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgia(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiaitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helvetica(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaboldoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaoblique(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::symbol(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesroman(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchet(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdana(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabold(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabolditalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanaitalic(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::webdings(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::wingdings(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::zapfdingbats(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::neTrueType(3) - Module for using 8bit nonembedded truetype Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::Postscript(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for using synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Pattern(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::Shading(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::UniFont(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::codabar(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code3of9(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::ean13(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::int2of5(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::GD(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::GIF(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::JPEG(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNM(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3)
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Util(3) - utility package for often use methods across the package.
- PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Win32(3)
- PDF::Builder(3) - Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
- PDF::Builder::Annotation(3) - Add annotations to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF(3) - Various utilities and support routines
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Array(3) - Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Bool(3) - A special form of PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String which holds the strings true or false
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict(3) - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::File(3) - Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-85
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCIIHexDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-Hex
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::FlateDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Flate
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::LZWDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Lempel-Ziv-Welch
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::RunLengthDecode(3) - compress and uncompress stream filters for Run-Length
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Literal(3) - Literal PDF Object. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Name(3) - Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Null(3) - PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Number(3) - Numbers in PDF. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind(3) - PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Page(3) - Represents a PDF page, inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages(3) - a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String(3) - PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PDF library
- PDF::Builder::Content(3) - Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Content::Hyphenate_basic(3) - Simple hyphenation capability
- PDF::Builder::Content::Text(3) - additional specialized text-related formatting methods. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Content
- PDF::Builder::Docs(3) - additional documentation for Builder module
- PDF::Builder::Lite(3) - Lightweight PDF creation methods
- PDF::Builder::Matrix(3) - matrix operations library
- PDF::Builder::NamedDestination(3) - Add named destination shortcuts to a PDF
- PDF::Builder::Outline(3) - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
- PDF::Builder::Outlines(3) - further Outline handling. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Outline
- PDF::Builder::Page(3) - Methods to interact with individual pages
- PDF::Builder::Resource(3) - Base class for PDF resources. Inherit from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont(3) - Base class for font resources
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont(3) - Base class for CID fonts
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont(3) - Base class for CJK fonts
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType(3) - TrueType font support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType::FontFile(3) - additional code support for TT font files. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Colors(3) - translate color names into RGB settings
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace(3) - Base class for PDF color spaces
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN(3) - colorspace handling for Device CMYK. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed(3) - base colorspace support for indexed color models. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile(3) - Adobe Color Table support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::Hue(3) - colorspace support for Device RGB. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::WebColor(3) - colorspace support for "Web Safe" Device RGB colors. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation(3) - Support for color space separations
- PDF::Builder::Resource::ExtGState(3) - Graphics state dictionary support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font(3) - some common support routines for font files. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::BdFont(3) - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont(3) - Module for using the 14 PDF built-in Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::bankgothic(3) - font-specific information for Bank Gothic font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courier(3) - font-specific information for regular Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierbold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierboldoblique(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courieroblique(3) - font-specific information for slanted Courier font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgia(3) - font-specific information for regular Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiaitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Georgia font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helvetica(3) - font-specific information for regular Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaboldoblique(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaoblique(3) - font-specific information for slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::symbol(3) - font-specific information for the Symbol font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesroman(3) - font-specific information for regular (roman) Times font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchet(3) - font-specific information for regular Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbold(3) - font-specific information for bold-weight Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Trebuchet font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdana(3) - font-specific information for regular Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabold(3) - font-specific information for bold weight Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabolditalic(3) - font-specific information for bold weight + italic Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanaitalic(3) - font-specific information for italic Verdana font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::webdings(3) - font-specific information for WebDings symbol font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::wingdings(3) - font-specific information for WingDings symbol font (not standard PDF core)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::zapfdingbats(3) - font-specific information for Zapf Dingbats symbol font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::Postscript(3) - support routines for using PostScript fonts. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::Font
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::SynFont(3) - Module for using synthetic Fonts.
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Glyphs(3) - preparsed uniglyph.txt file information
- PDF::Builder::Resource::PaperSizes(3) - list of standard paper sizes and their dimensions
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Pattern(3) - support stub for patterns. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource
- PDF::Builder::Resource::Shading(3) - support stub for shading patterns. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource
- PDF::Builder::Resource::UniFont(3) - Unicode Font Support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject(3) - Base class for external objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form(3) - Base class for external form objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode(3) - Base class for one-dimensional barcodes
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::codabar(3) - specific information for CodaBar bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128(3) - Code 128 and EAN-128 barcode support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code3of9(3) - specific information for 3-of-9 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::ean13(3) - specific information for EAN-13 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::int2of5(3) - specific information for int 2-of-5 bar codes. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid(3) - support routines for Forms. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Content, PDF::Builder::Content::Text, and PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image(3) - Base class for external raster image objects
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GD(3) - support routines for Graphics Development image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GIF(3) - support routines for GIF image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::JPEG(3) - support routines for JPEG image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG(3) - support routines for PNG image library (using pure Perl code). Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG_IPL(3) - support routines for PNG image library (using Image::PNG::Libpng). Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNM(3) - support routines for PNM (Portable aNy Map) image library. Inherits from PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF(3) - TIFF image support
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File(3) - support routines for TIFF image library
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File_GT(3) - support routines for TIFF image library (Graphics::TIFF enabled)
- PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF_GT(3) - TIFF image support (Graphics::TIFF enabled)
- PDF::Builder::UniWrap(3) - support routines for finding line breakpoints with Unicode text
- PDF::Builder::Util(3) - utility package for often-used methods across the package.
- PDF::Create(3) - Create PDF files.
- PDF::Create::Page(3) - PDF pages tree for PDF::Create
- PDF::Font(3) - Base font class for PDF::Create.
- PDF::FromHTML(3) - Convert HTML documents to PDF
- PDF::FromHTML::Template(3) - PDF::FromHTML::Template
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Always(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Conditional(3) - Required. This is a parameter name, whose value will determine if the conditional passed or fails. If NAME is not specified, the conditional will consider to always fail.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Font(3) - this is required. It must be a legal font face recognized by PDFLib. (q.v. for more details)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Footer(3) - the amount reserved for the footer from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Header(3) - the amount reserved for the header from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Loop(3) - the name of a parameter that points to an array of hashes.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Margin(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PageDef(3) - This determines any space kept empty on the left and right margins. MARGINS is a shortcut for specifying both the left and right margins to the same value.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PdfTemplate(3) - If this is set to true, then __LAST_PAGE__ will not be calculated. This can provide a decent speed improvement.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Row(3) - the height the row will consume when it is done.
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Scope(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Section(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Bookmark(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Circle(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::HorizontalRule(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Image(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Line(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::PageBreak(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::TextBox(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Var(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Weblink(3)
- PDF::FromHTML::Twig(3) - PDF::FromHTML guts
- PDF::Reuse(3) - Reuse and mass produce PDF documents
- PDF::Reuse::Util(3)
- PDF::Table(3) - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::Builder (or PDF::API2) object.
- PDF::Template(3) - PDF::Template
- PDF::Template::Container::Always(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::Conditional(3) - Required. This is a parameter name, whose value will determine if the conditional passed or fails. If NAME is not specified, the conditional will consider to always fail.
- PDF::Template::Container::Font(3) - this is required. It must be a legal font face recognized by PDFLib. (q.v. for more details)
- PDF::Template::Container::Footer(3) - the amount reserved for the footer from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::Template::Container::Header(3) - the amount reserved for the header from the bottom of the page.
- PDF::Template::Container::Loop(3) - the name of a parameter that points to an array of hashes.
- PDF::Template::Container::Margin(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::PageDef(3) - This determines any space kept empty on the left and right margins. MARGINS is a shortcut for specifying both the left and right margins to the same value.
- PDF::Template::Container::PdfTemplate(3) - If this is set to true, then __LAST_PAGE__ will not be calculated. This can provide a decent speed improvement.
- PDF::Template::Container::Row(3) - the height the row will consume when it is done.
- PDF::Template::Container::Scope(3)
- PDF::Template::Container::Section(3)
- PDF::Template::Element(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Bookmark(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Circle(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::HorizontalRule(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Image(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Line(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::PageBreak(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::TextBox(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Var(3)
- PDF::Template::Element::Weblink(3)
- PDF::Tiny(3) - Minimal Lightweight PDF Library
- PDF::WebKit(3) - Use WebKit to Generate PDFs from HTML (via wkhtmltopdf)
- PDF::Writer(3) - PDF writer abstraction layer
- PDF::Writer::pdfapi2(3) - PDF::API2 backend
- PDF::Writer::pdflib(3) - pdflib_pl backend
- PDL(3) - the Perl Data Language
- pdl2(3) - Simple shell (version 2) for PDL
- PDLCommands(3) - implement perldl aliases/escapes
- Pdlpp(3) - Write PDL Subroutines inline with PDL::PP
- Pearson(3) - Perl interface to Pearson hash
- PEEKC(3) - shows the next character in the file
- Pegex::API(3)
- Pegex::Bootstrap(3) - Bootstrapping Compiler for a Pegex Grammar
- Pegex::Compiler(3) - Pegex Compiler
- Pegex::Grammar(3) - Pegex Grammar Base Class
- Pegex::Grammar::Atoms(3) - Pegex Regex Atoms
- Pegex::Input(3) - Pegex Parser Input Abstraction
- Pegex::Miscellany(3)
- Pegex::Module(3) - Base Class for Pegex Grammar Interface Modules
- Pegex::Overview(3)
- Pegex::Parser(3) - Pegex Parser Runtime
- Pegex::Pegex::Grammar(3) - Pegex Grammar for the Pegex Grammar Language
- Pegex::Receiver(3) - Base Class for All Pegex Receivers
- Pegex::Regex(3) - Use Pegex Like a Regex
- Pegex::Resources(3)
- Pegex::Syntax(3)
- Pegex::Tree(3) - Pegex Parse Tree Receiver
- Pegex::Tree::Wrap(3) - Pegex Wrapper Parse Tree Receiver
- Pegex::Tutorial(3)
- Pegex::Tutorial::Calculator(3)
- Pegex::Tutorial::JSON(3)
- PEM_ASN1_READ(3) - PEM and DER decode an arbitrary ASN.1 value
- PEM_BYTES_READ_BIO(3) - read a PEM-encoded data structure from a BIO
- PEM_READ(3) - PEM encoding routines
- PEM_READ_BIO_EX(3) - read PEM format files with custom processing
- PEM_READ_CMS(3) - PEM object encoding routines
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_ASN1_STREAM(3) - generic PEM encoder
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_CMS_STREAM(3) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in PEM format
- PEM_WRITE_BIO_PKCS7_STREAM(3) - output PKCS7 structure in PEM format
- PEM_X509_INFO_READ(3) - PEM and DER decode X.509 certificates, private keys, and revocation lists
- Perl::Critic(3) - Critique Perl source code for best-practices.
- Perl::Critic::Annotation(3) - A "## no critic" annotation in a document.
- Perl::Critic::Bangs(3) - A collection of handy Perl::Critic policies
- Perl::Critic::Command(3) - Guts of perlcritic.
- Perl::Critic::Config(3) - The final derived Perl::Critic configuration, combined from any profile file and command-line parameters.
- Perl::Critic::CORE_DEVELOPER(3) - Hints for working on the Perl::Critic core.
- Perl::Critic::Deprecated(3) - Policies and modules that were formerly included with Perl::Critic itself, but which have been superseded by others.
- Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER(3) - How to make new Perl::Critic::Policy modules.
- Perl::Critic::Document(3) - Caching wrapper around a PPI::Document.
- Perl::Critic::Exception(3) - A problem identified by Perl::Critic.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration(3) - A collection of a set of problems found in the configuration and/or command-line options.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Generic(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic configuration that doesn't involve an option.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentPolicy(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option(3) - A problem with an option in the Perl::Critic configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global(3) - A problem with Perl::Critic global configuration.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ExtraParameter(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent global option.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue(3) - A problem with the value of a global parameter.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy(3) - A problem with configuration of a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ExtraParameter(3) - The configuration referred to a non-existent parameter for a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ParameterValue(3) - A problem with the value of a parameter for a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal(3) - A problem that should cause Perl::Critic to stop running.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic(3) - A problem for which there is no specialized information.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Internal(3) - A problem with the Perl::Critic implementation, i.e. a bug.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::PolicyDefinition(3) - A bug in a policy.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::IO(3) - A problem with input or output.
- Perl::Critic::Exception::Parse(3) - The code doesn't look like code.
- Perl::Critic::Itch(3) - A collection of Perl::Critic Policies to solve some Itches
- Perl::Critic::Moose(3) - Policies for Perl::Critic concerned with using Moose
- Perl::Critic::More(3) - Supplemental policies for Perl::Critic
- Perl::Critic::OptionsProcessor(3) - The global configuration default values, combined with command-line values.
- Perl::Critic::Policy(3) - Base class for all Policy modules.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitBitwiseOperators(3) - Bitwise operators are usually accidentally used instead of logical boolean operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitCommentedOutCode(3) - Commented-out code is usually noise. It should be removed.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitFlagComments(3) - Don't use XXX, TODO, or FIXME.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitNoPlan(3) - Know what you're going to test.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitNumberedNames(3) - Prohibit variables differentiated by trailing numbers.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitRefProtoOrProto(3) - Create a "clone()" method if you need copies of objects.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitUselessRegexModifiers(3) - Adding modifiers to a regular expression made up entirely of a variable created with qr() is usually not doing what you expect.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Bangs::ProhibitVagueNames(3) - Don't use generic variable names.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitBooleanGrep(3) - Use "List::MoreUtils::any" instead of "grep" in boolean context.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitComplexMappings(3) - Map blocks should have a single statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr(3) - Use 4-argument "substr" instead of writing "substr($foo, 2, 6) = $bar".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitReverseSortBlock(3) - Forbid $b before $a in sort blocks.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitShiftRef(3) - Prohibit "\shift" in code
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitSleepViaSelect(3) - Use Time::HiRes instead of something like "select(undef, undef, undef, .05)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval(3) - Write "eval { my $foo; bar($foo) }" instead of "eval "my $foo; bar($foo);"".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit(3) - Write "split /-/, $string" instead of "split '-', $string".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUniversalCan(3) - Write "eval { $foo->can($name) }" instead of "UNIVERSAL::can($foo, $name)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUniversalIsa(3) - Write "eval { $foo->isa($pkg) }" instead of "UNIVERSAL::isa($foo, $pkg)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUselessTopic(3) - Don't pass $_ to built-in functions that assume it, or to most filetest operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidGrep(3) - Don't use "grep" in void contexts.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidMap(3) - Don't use "map" in void contexts.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockGrep(3) - Write "grep { /$pattern/ } @list" instead of "grep /$pattern/, @list".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockMap(3) - Write "map { /$pattern/ } @list" instead of "map /$pattern/, @list".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireGlobFunction(3) - Use "glob q{*}" instead of <*>.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::RequireSimpleSortBlock(3) - Sort blocks should have a single statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitAutoloading(3) - AUTOLOAD methods should be avoided.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitExplicitISA(3) - Employ "use base" instead of "@ISA".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ClassHierarchies::ProhibitOneArgBless(3) - Write "bless {}, $class;" instead of just "bless {};".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitFatCommaNewline(3) - keep a fat comma on the same line as its quoted word
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs(3) - Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitHashBarewords(3)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitIfIfSameLine(3) - don't put if after if on same line
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitParensWithBuiltins(3) - Write "open $handle, $path" instead of "open($handle, $path)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitQuotedWordLists(3) - Write "qw(foo bar baz)" instead of "('foo', 'bar', 'baz')".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitTrailingWhitespace(3) - Don't use whitespace at the end of lines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireASCII(3) - Disallow high-bit characters.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireConsistentNewlines(3) - Use the same newline through the source.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireFinalSemicolon(3) - require a semicolon at the end of code blocks
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode(3) - Must run code through perltidy.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTrailingCommaAtNewline(3) - comma at end of list at newline
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTrailingCommas(3) - Put a comma at the end of every multi-line list declaration, including the last one.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::RequireUseUTF8(3) - Require that all modules have a "use utf8;" statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ConstantLeadingUnderscore(3) - new enough "constant" module for leading underscores
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ConstantPragmaHash(3) - new enough "constant" module for multiple constants
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::Gtk2Constants(3) - new enough Gtk2 version for its constants
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy(3) - explicit Perl version for features used
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PodMinimumVersion(3) - check Perl version declared against POD features used
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::ProhibitUnixDevNull(3) - don't use explicit /dev/null
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitCascadingIfElse(3) - Don't write long "if-elsif-elsif-elsif-elsif...else" chains.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops(3) - Write "for(0..20)" instead of "for($i=0; $i<=20; $i++)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitDeepNests(3) - Don't write deeply nested loops and conditionals.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitLabelsWithSpecialBlockNames(3) - Don't use labels that are the same as the special block names.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions(3) - Don't modify "$_" in list functions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitNegativeExpressionsInUnlessAndUntilConditions(3) - Don't use operators like "not", "!~", and "le" within "until" and "unless".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls(3) - Write "if($condition){ do_something() }" instead of "do_something() if $condition".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUnlessBlocks(3) - Write "if(! $condition)" instead of "unless($condition)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUnreachableCode(3) - Don't write code after an unconditional "die, exit, or next".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitUntilBlocks(3) - Write "while(! $condition)" instead of "until($condition)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitYadaOperator(3) - Never use "..." in production code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::PodSpelling(3) - Check your spelling.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitAdjacentLinks(3) - consecutive L<> links
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitBadAproposMarkup(3) - don't use C<> markup in a NAME section
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateHeadings(3) - don't duplicate =head names
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateSeeAlso(3) - don't duplicate L<> links in SEE ALSO
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitLinkToSelf(3) - don't L<> link to own POD
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma(3) - avoid comma at end of section
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitParagraphTwoDots(3) - don't end a paragraph with two dots
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitUnbalancedParens(3) - don't leave an open bracket or paren
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::ProhibitVerbatimMarkup(3) - unexpanded C<> etc markup in POD verbatim paras
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireEndBeforeLastPod(3) - require __END__ before POD at end of file
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireFilenameMarkup(3) - markup /foo filenames
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireFinalCut(3) - end POD with =cut directive
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequireLinkedURLs(3) - use L<> markup on URLs in POD
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName(3) - The "=head1 NAME" section should match the package.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePodAtEnd(3) - All POD should be after "__END__".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePodSections(3) - Organize your POD into the customary sections.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePODUseEncodingUTF8(3) - Require that all modules that contain POD have a "=encoding utf8" declaration.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables(3) - Per-file editor settings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCarping(3) - Use functions from Carp instead of "warn" or "die".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval(3) - You can't depend upon the value of "$@"/"$EVAL_ERROR" to tell whether an "eval" failed.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireUseOfExceptions(3) - Use exceptions instead of "die", "croak", or "confess".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitBacktickOperators(3) - Discourage stuff like "@files = `ls $directory`".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordFileHandles(3) - Write "open my $fh, q{<}, $filename;" instead of "open FH, q{<}, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin(3) - Use "<>" or "<ARGV>" or a prompting module instead of "<STDIN>".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest(3) - Use prompt() instead of -t.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitJoinedReadline(3) - Use "local $/ = undef" or Path::Tiny instead of joined readline.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitOneArgSelect(3) - Never write "select($fh)".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitReadlineInForLoop(3) - Write "while( $line = <> ){...}" instead of "for(<>){...}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen(3) - Write "open $fh, q{<}, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, "<$filename";".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint(3) - Write "print {$FH} $foo, $bar;" instead of "print $FH $foo, $bar;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen(3) - Close filehandles as soon as possible after opening them.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedClose(3) - Write "my $error = close $fh;" instead of "close $fh;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedOpen(3) - Write "my $error = open $fh, $mode, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, $mode, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireCheckedSyscalls(3) - Return value of flagged function ignored.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireEncodingWithUTF8Layer(3) - Write "open $fh, q{<:encoding(UTF-8)}, $filename;" instead of "open $fh, q{<:utf8}, $filename;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitFormats(3) - Do not use "format".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitTies(3) - Do not use "tie".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic(3) - Forbid a bare "## no critic"
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic(3) - Remove ineffective "## no critic" annotations.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords(3) - Put source-control keywords in every file.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::TextDomainPlaceholders(3) - check placeholder names in Locale::TextDomain calls
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::TextDomainUnused(3) - check for Locale::TextDomain imported but unused
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::PerlMinimumVersion(3) - Enforce backward compatible code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation(3) - Export symbols via "@EXPORT_OK" or "%EXPORT_TAGS" instead of "@EXPORT".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitConditionalUseStatements(3) - Avoid putting conditional logic around compile-time includes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitEvilModules(3) - Ban modules that aren't blessed by your shop.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitExcessMainComplexity(3) - Minimize complexity in code that is outside of subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitModuleShebang(3) - don't put a #! line at the start of a module file
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages(3) - Put packages (especially subclasses) in separate files.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport(3) - don't import the whole of POSIX into a module
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::ProhibitUseQuotedVersion(3) - avoid quoted version number string in a "use" statement
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireBarewordIncludes(3) - Write "require Module" instead of "require 'Module.pm'".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireEndWithOne(3) - End each module with an explicitly "1;" instead of some funky expression.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireExplicitPackage(3) - Always make the "package" explicit.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage(3) - Package declaration must match filename.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireNoMatchVarsWithUseEnglish(3) - "use English" must be passed a "-no_match_vars" argument.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequirePerlVersion(3) - Require a "use 5.006;" or similar.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireVersionVar(3) - Give every module a "$VERSION" number.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitDESTROYMethod(3) - Use DEMOLISH instead of DESTROY
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitLazyBuild(3) - Avoid lazy_build
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitMultipleWiths(3) - Require role composition
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::ProhibitNewMethod(3) - Don't override Moose's standard constructors.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::RequireCleanNamespace(3) - Require removing implementation details from you packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Moose::RequireMakeImmutable(3) - Ensure that you've made your Moose code fast
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::Capitalization(3) - Distinguish different program components by case.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames(3) - Don't use vague variable or subroutine names like 'last' or 'record'.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseSubs(3) - Write "sub my_function{}" instead of "sub MyFunction{}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseVars(3) - Write "$my_variable = 42" instead of "$MyVariable = 42".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Objects::ProhibitIndirectSyntax(3) - Prohibit indirect object call syntax.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::References::ProhibitDoubleSigils(3) - Write "@{ $array_ref }" instead of "@$array_ref".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest(3) - Capture variable used outside conditional.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitComplexRegexes(3) - Split long regexps into smaller "qr//" chunks.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses(3) - Use named character classes instead of explicit character lists.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEscapedMetacharacters(3) - Use character classes for literal meta-characters instead of escapes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitFixedStringMatches(3) - Use "eq" or hash instead of fixed-pattern regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation(3) - Use "[abc]" instead of "a|b|c".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture(3) - Only use a capturing group if you plan to use the captured value.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusualDelimiters(3) - Use only "//" or "{}" to delimit regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitUselessTopic(3) - Don't use $_ to match against regexes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireBracesForMultiline(3) - Use "{" and "}" to delimit multi-line regexps.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything(3) - Always use the "/s" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireExtendedFormatting(3) - Always use the "/x" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching(3) - Always use the "/m" modifier with regular expressions.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitAmpersandSigils(3) - Don't call functions with a leading ampersand sigil.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms(3) - Don't declare your own "open" function.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity(3) - Minimize complexity by factoring code into smaller subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef(3) - Return failure with bare "return" instead of "return undef".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs(3) - Too many arguments.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs(3) - "sub never { sub correct {} }".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitReturnSort(3) - Behavior of "sort" is not defined if called in scalar context.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes(3) - Don't write "sub my_function (@@) {}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines(3) - Prevent unused private subroutines.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs(3) - Prevent access to private subs in other packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking(3) - Always unpack "@_" first.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn(3) - End every path through a subroutine with an explicit "return" statement.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict(3) - Prohibit various flavors of "no strict".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings(3) - Prohibit various flavors of "no warnings".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitProlongedStrictureOverride(3) - Don't turn off strict for large blocks of code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLabels(3) - Tests should all have labels.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict(3) - Always "use strict".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings(3) - Always "use warnings".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitLongLines(3) - 80 x 40 for life!
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitManyArrows(3) - (this => is => not => good)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Tics::ProhibitUseBase(3) - do not use base.pm
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ConstantBeforeLt(3) - disallow bareword before <
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::NotWithCompare(3) - logical not used with compare
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitArrayAssignAref(3) - don't assign an anonymous arrayref to an array
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon(3) - don't use Foo:: style barewords
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitCommaSeparatedStatements(3) - Don't use the comma operator as a statement separator.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitComplexVersion(3) - Prohibit version values from outside the module.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma(3) - Don't "use constant FOO => 15".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitDuplicateHashKeys(3) - disallow duplicate literal hash keys
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyCommas(3) - disallow empty consecutive commas
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes(3) - Write "q{}" instead of "''".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEscapedCharacters(3) - Write ""\N{DELETE}"" instead of ""\x7F"", etc.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_f(3) - don't use the -f file test
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitImplicitNewlines(3) - Use concatenation or HEREDOCs instead of literal line breaks in strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals(3) - Always use single quotes for literal strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros(3) - Write "oct(755)" instead of "0755".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLongChainsOfMethodCalls(3) - Long chains of method calls indicate tightly coupled code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers(3) - Don't use values that don't explain themselves.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMismatchedOperators(3) - Don't mix numeric operators with string operands, or vice-versa.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators(3) - Write " !$foo && $bar || $baz " instead of " not $foo && $bar or $baz".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNoisyQuotes(3) - Use "q{}" or "qq{}" instead of quotes for awkward-looking strings.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNullStatements(3) - disallow empty statements (stray semicolons)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitQuotesAsQuotelikeOperatorDelimiters(3) - Don't use quotes ("'", """, "`") as delimiters for the quote-like operators.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSpecialLiteralHeredocTerminator(3) - Don't write " print <<'__END__' ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitUnknownBackslash(3) - don't use undefined backslash forms
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitVersionStrings(3) - Don't use strings like "v1.4" or "1.4.5" when including other modules.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantOnLeftSideOfEquality(3) - Putting the constant value on the left side of an equality exposes typos.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantVersion(3) - Require $VERSION to be a constant rather than a computed value.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars(3) - Warns that you might have used single quotes when you really wanted double-quotes.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators(3) - Write " 141_234_397.0145 " instead of " 141234397.0145 ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumericVersion(3) - $VERSION a plain number
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireQuotedHeredocTerminator(3) - Write " print <<'THE_END' " or " print <<"THE_END" ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireUpperCaseHeredocTerminator(3) - Write " <<'THE_END'; " instead of " <<'theEnd'; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RestrictLongStrings(3) - Stop mixing long strings with code.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::UnexpandedSpecialLiteral(3) - specials like __PACKAGE__ used literally
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration(3) - Do not write " my $foo .= 'bar'; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitConditionalDeclarations(3) - Do not write " my $foo = $bar if $baz; ".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitEvilVariables(3) - Ban variables that aren't blessed by your shop.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitLocalVars(3) - Use "my" instead of "local", except when you have to.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitMatchVars(3) - Avoid "$`", "$&", "$'" and their English equivalents.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPackageVars(3) - Eliminate globals declared with "our" or "use vars".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPerl4PackageNames(3) - Use double colon (::) to separate package name components instead of single quotes (').
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars(3) - Write "$EVAL_ERROR" instead of "$@".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitReusedNames(3) - Do not reuse a variable name in a lexical scope
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables(3) - Don't ask for storage you don't need.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProtectPrivateVars(3) - Prevent access to private vars in other packages.
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars(3) - Write "local $foo = $bar;" instead of just "local $foo;".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators(3) - Write "for my $element (@list) {...}" instead of "for $element (@list) {...}".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars(3) - Magic variables should be assigned as "local".
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::RequireNegativeIndices(3) - Negative array index should be used.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig(3) - Configuration data for a Policy.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory(3) - Instantiates Policy objects.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyListing(3) - Display minimal information about Policies.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter(3) - Metadata about a parameter for a Policy.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior(3) - Default type-specific actions for a parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Boolean(3) - Actions appropriate for a boolean parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Enumeration(3) - Actions appropriate for an enumerated value.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Integer(3) - Actions appropriate for an integer parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::String(3) - Actions appropriate for a simple string parameter.
- Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::StringList(3) - Actions appropriate for a parameter that is a list of strings.
- Perl::Critic::PolicySummary(3) - Descriptions of the Policy modules included with Perl::Critic itself.
- Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype(3) - Generate an initial Perl::Critic profile.
- Perl::Critic::Pulp(3) - some add-on perlcritic policies
- Perl::Critic::Pulp::PodParser(3) - shared POD parsing code for the Pulp perlcritic add-on
- Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils(3) - shared helper code for the Pulp perlcritic add-on
- Perl::Critic::Statistics(3) - Compile stats on Perl::Critic violations.
- Perl::Critic::Swift(3) - A set of additional policies for Perl::Critic.
- Perl::Critic::TestUtils(3) - Utility functions for testing new Policies.
- Perl::Critic::Theme(3) - Construct thematic sets of policies.
- Perl::Critic::ThemeListing(3) - List the themes of the installed Policies.
- Perl::Critic::Tics(3) - policies for things that make me wince
- Perl::Critic::UserProfile(3) - The contents of the user's profile, often .perlcriticrc.
- Perl::Critic::Utils(3) - General utility subroutines and constants for Perl::Critic and derivative distributions.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants(3) - Global constants.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion(3) - Utilities for converting from one type of data to another.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::McCabe(3) - Functions that calculate the McCabe score of source code.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::Perl(3) - Utility functions for dealing with Perl language issues.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::POD(3) - Utility functions for dealing with POD.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::POD::ParseInteriorSequence(3) - Pod::Parser subclass to find all interior sequences.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI(3) - Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.
- Perl::Critic::Utils::PPIRegexp(3) - Utility functions for dealing with PPI regexp tokens.
- Perl::Critic::Violation(3) - A violation of a Policy found in some source code.
- Perl::Lint(3) - Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter
- Perl::Metrics::Lite(3) - Pluggable Perl Code Metrics System
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis(3) - Contains anaylsis results.
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis::Util(3) - Utility class for PPI::Document operation
- Perl::Metrics::Lite::FileFinder(3) - find perl files in paths
- Perl::Metrics::Simple(3) - Count packages, subs, lines, etc. of many files.
- Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis(3) - Contains anaylsis results.
- Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis::File(3) - Methods analyzing a single file.
- Perl::MinimumVersion(3) - Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
- Perl::osnames(3) - List possible $^O ($OSNAME) values, with description
- Perl::OSType(3) - Map Perl operating system names to generic types
- Perl::PrereqScanner(3) - a tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite(3) - Lightweight Prereqs Scanner for Perl
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite::Scanner::Moose(3) - Extra Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite Scanner for Moose Family
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite::Scanner::Version(3) - Extra Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite Scanner for VERSION method
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite(3) - a tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::App(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Context(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Aliased(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::AnyMoose(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Autouse(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Catalyst(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassAccessor(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassAutouse(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ClassLoad(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Core(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Inline(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::KeywordDeclare(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Later(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Mixin(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ModuleRuntime(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::MojoBase(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Moose(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::MooseXDeclare(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::ObjectPad(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Only(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::PackageVariant(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Plack(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::POE(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Prefork(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Superclass(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Syntax(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::SyntaxCollector(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestClassMost(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestMore(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::TestRequires(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::UniversalVersion(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Parser::Unless(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Tokens(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util::CPANfile(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Util::Prereqs(3)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner(3) - something that scans for prereqs in a Perl document
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Aliased(3) - scan for OO module aliases via aliased.pm
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Moose(3) - scan for Moose sugar indicators of required modules
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Perl5(3) - scan for core Perl 5 language indicators of required modules
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::POE(3) - scan for POE components
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Superclass(3) - scan for modules loaded with superclass.pm
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::TestMore(3) - scanner to find recent Test::More usage
- Perl::Tidy(3) - Parses and beautifies perl source
- Perl::Version(3) - Parse and manipulate Perl version strings
- Perl4::CoreLibs(3) - libraries historically supplied with Perl 4
- perl5db(3) - the perl debugger
- Perl6::Builtins(3) - Provide Perl 5 versions of the new Perl 6 builtins
- Perl6::Export::Attrs(3) - The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
- Perl6::Junction(3) - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5.
- Perl6::Say(3) - "print()", but no newline needed
- Perl6::Slurp(3) - Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
- Perl6::Subs(3) - Define your subroutines in the Perl 6 style
- Perlanet(3) - A program for creating programs that aggregate web feeds (both RSS and Atom).
- Perlanet::Entry(3) - represents an entry in a feed
- Perlanet::Feed(3) - represents a feed
- Perlanet::Simple(3) - a DWIM Perlanet
- Perlanet::Trait::Cache(3) - cache feeds with CHI
- Perlanet::Trait::FeedFile(3) - save the aggregated feed to a file
- Perlanet::Trait::OPML(3) - generate an OPML file
- Perlanet::Trait::Scrubber(3) - clean posts with HTML::Scrubber before aggregating
- Perlanet::Trait::TemplateToolkit(3) - render the feed via a Template Toolkit template
- Perlanet::Trait::Tidy(3) - run posts through HTML::Tidy
- Perlanet::Trait::YAMLConfig(3) - configure Perlanet through a YAML configuration file
- Perlanet::Types(3) - Various types for the Perlanet system.
- Perlbal(3) - Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
- Perlbal::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual(3) - Guide and reference manual for Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Configuration(3) - How to configure Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Contributing(3) - How to contribute to Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Credits(3) - Author and contributor credits
- Perlbal::Manual::Debugging(3) - Debugging Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::FailOver(3) - Fail Over mechanism in Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::HighPriority(3) - Perlbal's high/low priority queueing system.
- Perlbal::Manual::Hooks(3) - How Perlbal's hooks work
- Perlbal::Manual::Install(3) - Steps, dependencies and requirements to install Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Internals(3) - Perlbal's architecture at a glance
- Perlbal::Manual::LoadBalancer(3) - Using Perlbal as a Load Balancer
- Perlbal::Manual::Logging(3) - How Perlbal's logging system works
- Perlbal::Manual::Management(3) - Managing Perlbal on-the-fly
- Perlbal::Manual::Plugins(3) - Creating and using plugins
- Perlbal::Manual::ReverseProxy(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a Reverse Proxy
- Perlbal::Manual::Roles(3) - Roles supported by Perlbal
- Perlbal::Manual::Selector(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a virtual service that maps onto other services
- Perlbal::Manual::WebServer(3) - Configuring Perlbal as a Web Server
- Perlbal::Plugin::Cgilike(3) - Handle Perlbal requests with a Perl subroutine
- Perlbal::Plugin::FlvStreaming(3) - Enable FLV streaming with reverse proxy
- Perlbal::Plugin::Include(3) - Allows multiple, nesting configuration files
- Perlbal::Plugin::MaxContentLength(3) - Reject large requests
- Perlbal::Plugin::Palimg(3) - plugin that allows Perlbal to serve palette altered images
- Perlbal::Plugin::PSGI(3) - PSGI web server on Perlbal
- Perlbal::Plugin::Redirect(3) - Plugin to do redirecting in Perlbal land
- Perlbal::Plugin::Throttle(3) - Perlbal plugin that throttles connections from hosts that connect too frequently.
- Perlbal::Plugin::XFFExtras(3) - Perlbal plugin that can optionally add an X-Forwarded-Port and/or X-Forwarded-Proto header to reverse proxied requests.
- Perlbal::Test(3) - Test harness for perlbal server
- Perlbal::Util(3)
- perlcompile(3) - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator
- PerlCryptLib(3) - Perl interface to Peter Guttman's cryptlib API
- Perldl2(3) - profile for Perldl2 shell
- perlfilter(3) - Source Filters
- PerlIO::creat(3) - Creates a file if it doesn't exist
- PerlIO::dir(3) - Reads directories
- PerlIO::encoding(3) - encoding layer
- PerlIO::eol(3) - PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
- PerlIO::excl(3) - Creates a file only if it doesn't exist
- PerlIO::flock(3) - Easy flock() interface
- PerlIO::Layers(3) - Querying your filehandle's capabilities
- PerlIO::mmap(3) - Memory mapped IO
- PerlIO::reverse(3) - Reads lines backward
- PerlIO::scalar(3) - in-memory IO, scalar IO
- PerlIO::tee(3) - Multiplex output layer
- PerlIO::utf8_strict(3) - Fast and correct UTF-8 IO
- PerlIO::Util(3) - A selection of general PerlIO utilities
- PerlIO::Util::JA(3) - PerlIOに関する汎用ユーティリティ集
- PerlIO::via(3) - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl
- PerlIO::via::Bzip2(3) - PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
- PerlIO::via::MD5(3) - PerlIO layer for creating an MD5 digest of a file
- PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint(3) - PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings
- PerlIO::via::Timeout(3) - a PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle
- PerlIO::via::Unidecode(3) - a perlio layer for Unidecode
- Perlito6::Perl5::Runtime(3)
- Perlito6::Python::Prelude(3) - Runtime for Perlito-in-Python
- PerlMol(3) - Perl modules for molecular chemistry
- perloptree(3) - The Perl op tree
- PerlPoint::Anchors(3) - simple anchor collection class
- PerlPoint::Backend(3) - frame class to transform PerlPoint::Parser output
- PerlPoint::Constants(3) - public PerlPoint module constants
- PerlPoint::Converters(3) - README and common functions for PerlPoint converters
- PerlPoint::Generator(3) - generic PerlPoint generator
- PerlPoint::Generator::Object::Page(3) - generators page object class
- PerlPoint::Generator::SDF(3) - generic SDF generator
- PerlPoint::Generator::SDF::Default(3) - default, traditional SDF generator class
- PerlPoint::Parser(3) - a PerlPoint Parser
- PerlPoint::Tags(3) - processes PerlPoint tag declarations
- PerlPoint::Tags::Basic(3) - declares basic PerlPoint tags
- PerlPoint::Tags::HTML(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2html
- PerlPoint::Tags::LaTeX(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2latex
- PerlPoint::Tags::SDF(3) - PerlPoint tag set used by pp2sdf
- PerlPoint::Template(3) - PerlPoint template handler
- PerlX::Maybe(3) - return a pair only if they are both defined
- PerlX::Maybe::XS(3) - XS backend for PerlX::Maybe
- Permutor(3) - Process all possible permutations of a list
- persist_image(3)
- persistent_term(3) - Persistent terms.
- persp_project(3) - Projects a 3d point into 2d screen space. Allegro game programming library.
- Pervasives(3) - The initially opened module.
- Petal::CodePerl(3) - Make Petal go faster by compiling the expressions
- Petal::CodePerl::Expr(3) - Extra Code::Perl classes for Petal
- Petal::CodePerl::Modifiers(3)
- Petal::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for building templates with Petal
- Petal::Deprecated(3) - Documents Petal's deprecated syntax.
- Petal::Hash::Test(3) - Test and Tutorial Petal modifier
- Petal::I18N(3) - Attempt at implementing ZPT I18N for Petal
- Petal::Mail(3) - Format text e-mail using Petal
- Petal::Utils(3) - Useful template modifiers for Petal.
- PEVENT(3) - pthread event library
- PGetText(3) - pure perl i18n routines
- pgFormatter::Beautify(3) - Library for pretty-printing SQL queries
- pgFormatter::CGI(3) - Implementation of CGI-BIN script to format SQL queries.
- pgFormatter::CLI(3) - Implementation of command line program to format SQL queries.
- PGP::Sign(3) - Create detached PGP signatures for data, securely
- PGPLOT(3) - allow subroutines in the PGPLOT graphics library to be called from Perl.
- PGPLOTOptions(3) - Setting PGPLOT options
- PhkArgv(3) - parse argument string
- PhkBinheap(3) - Binary heap implementation
- Phone::Info(3) - Fetches phone info.
- PHP::Session(3) - read / write PHP session files
- PHP::Session::Serializer::PHP(3) - serialize / deserialize PHP session data
- Physics::Unit(3) - Manipulate physics units and dimensions.
- Physics::Unit::Implementation(3) - This page discusses implementation issues of the Physics/Unit.pm module.
- Physics::Unit::Scalar(3)
- Physics::Unit::Scalar::Implementation(3) - This page discusses implementation issues of the Physics/Unit/Scalar.pm module.
- Physics::Unit::UnitsByName(3)
- Physics::Unit::UnitsByType(3)
- pick_items(3)
- Pid::File::Flock(3) - PID file operations
- PidUtil(3) - PID file management utilities
- ping_construct(3) - Constructor for the liboping class
- ping_get_error(3) - Return the last error message
- ping_host_add(3) - Add a host to a liboping object
- ping_iterator_get(3) - Iterate over all hosts of a liboping object
- ping_iterator_get_context(3) - Store host-dependent data
- ping_iterator_get_info(3) - Receive information about a host
- ping_send(3) - Send ICMP echo requests to all associated hosts and wait for ICMP echo responses to arrive
- ping_setopt(3) - Set options for a liboping object
- Pipeline::Analyser(3) - a small tool for viewing a pipeline
- Pipeline::Base(3) - base class for all classes in Pipeline distribution
- Pipeline::Dispatch(3) - dispatcher for pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Dumper(3) - tool for dumping a pipeline
- Pipeline::Error::Abstract(3) - exception thrown from abstract methods
- Pipeline::Error::AsyncResults(3) - exception thrown from asynchronous segments
- Pipeline::Error::Construction(3) - exception thrown during object construction failure
- Pipeline::Production(3) - wrapper for production objects
- Pipeline::Segment(3) - basic class for a segment
- Pipeline::Segment::Async(3) - asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::Fork(3) - fork model for asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::Handler(3) - interface for asynchronous segment models
- Pipeline::Segment::Async::IThreads(3) - ithread model for asynchronous pipeline segments
- Pipeline::Segment::Tester(3) - a test wrapper for a Pipeline::Segment
- Pipeline::Store(3) - defines the interface for Pipeline store classes
- Pipeline::Store::ISA(3) - inheritance-based store for pipelines
- Pipeline::Store::Simple(3) - simple store for pipelines
- Pithub(3) - Github v3 API
- Pithub::Base(3) - Github v3 base class for all Pithub modules
- Pithub::Events(3) - Github v3 Events API
- Pithub::Gists(3) - Github v3 Gists API
- Pithub::Gists::Comments(3) - Github v3 Gist Comments API
- Pithub::GitData(3) - Github v3 Git Data API
- Pithub::GitData::Blobs(3) - Github v3 Git Data Blobs API
- Pithub::GitData::Commits(3) - Github v3 Git Data Commits API
- Pithub::GitData::References(3) - Github v3 Git Data References API
- Pithub::GitData::Tags(3) - Github v3 Git Data Tags API
- Pithub::GitData::Trees(3) - Github v3 Git Data Trees API
- Pithub::Issues(3) - Github v3 Issues API
- Pithub::Issues::Assignees(3) - Github v3 Issue Assignees API
- Pithub::Issues::Comments(3) - Github v3 Issue Comments API
- Pithub::Issues::Events(3) - Github v3 Issue Events API
- Pithub::Issues::Labels(3) - Github v3 Issue Labels API
- Pithub::Issues::Milestones(3) - Github v3 Issue Milestones API
- Pithub::Markdown(3) - Github v3 Markdown API
- Pithub::Orgs(3) - Github v3 Orgs API
- Pithub::Orgs::Members(3) - Github v3 Org Members API
- Pithub::Orgs::Teams(3) - Github v3 Org Teams API
- Pithub::PullRequests(3) - Github v3 Pull Requests API
- Pithub::PullRequests::Comments(3) - Github v3 Pull Request Comments API
- Pithub::PullRequests::Reviewers(3) - Github v3 Pull Request Review Requests API
- Pithub::Repos(3) - Github v3 Repos API
- Pithub::Repos::Collaborators(3) - Github v3 Repo Collaborators API
- Pithub::Repos::Commits(3) - Github v3 Repo Commits API
- Pithub::Repos::Contents(3) - Github v3 Repo Contents API
- Pithub::Repos::Downloads(3) - Github v3 Repo Downloads API
- Pithub::Repos::Forks(3) - Github v3 Repo Forks API
- Pithub::Repos::Hooks(3) - Github v3 Repo Hooks API
- Pithub::Repos::Keys(3) - Github v3 Repo Keys API
- Pithub::Repos::Releases(3) - Github v3 Repo Releases API
- Pithub::Repos::Releases::Assets(3) - Github v3 Repo Releases Assets API
- Pithub::Repos::Starring(3) - Github v3 Repo Starring API
- Pithub::Repos::Stats(3) - Github v3 repos / stats API
- Pithub::Repos::Statuses(3) - Github v3 repos / statuses API
- Pithub::Repos::Watching(3) - Github v3 Repo Watching API
- Pithub::Result(3) - Github v3 result object
- Pithub::Result::SharedCache(3) - A role to share the LRU cache with all Pithub objects
- Pithub::Search(3) - Github legacy Search API
- Pithub::SearchV3(3) - Github v3 Search API
- Pithub::Users(3) - Github v3 Users API
- Pithub::Users::Emails(3) - Github v3 User Emails API
- Pithub::Users::Followers(3) - Github v3 User Followers API
- Pithub::Users::Keys(3) - Github v3 User Keys API
- pivot_scaled_sprite(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. Allegro game programming library.
- PKCS12_CREATE(3) - create a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS12_NEWPASS(3) - change the password of a PKCS12 structure
- PKCS12_PARSE(3) - parse a PKCS#12 structure
- PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(3) - password based derivation routines with salt and iteration count
- PKCS7_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(3) - attributes of SignerInfo objects
- PKCS7_DATAFINAL(3) - move data from a BIO chain to a ContentInfo object
- PKCS7_DATAINIT(3) - construct a BIO chain for adding or retrieving content
- PKCS7_FINAL(3) - read data from a BIO into a ContentInfo object
- PKCS7_GET_SIGNER_INFO(3) - retrieve signerInfos from a SignedData object
- PKCS7_SET_CONTENT(3) - set the nested contentInfo in a PKCS#7 structure
- PKCS7_SET_TYPE(3) - initialize type of PKCS#7 ContentInfo
- PKCS7_SIGN_ADD_SIGNER(3) - add a signer PKCS7 signed data structure
- PKCS8_PKEY_SET0(3) - change and inspect PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo objects
- PKG_CREATE(3) - create packages
- PKG_PRINTF(3) - formatted output of package data
- PKG_REPOS(3) - manipulate repositories
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Client(3) - Query installed libraries for compiling and linking software
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Fragment(3) - Single compiler or linker flag
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Package(3) - Represents a package
- PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Util(3) - Non OO functions for PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
- PKRU(3) - provide fast user-managed key-based access control for pages
- Plack::App::Cascade(3) - Cascadable compound application
- Plack::App::CGIBin(3) - cgi-bin replacement for Plack servers
- Plack::App::Directory(3) - Serve static files from document root with directory index
- Plack::App::File(3) - Serve static files from root directory
- Plack::App::Proxy(3) - proxy requests
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend(3) - pluggable backend for making the actual HTTP request
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend::AnyEvent::HTTP(3) - backend which uses AnyEvent::HTTP
- Plack::App::Proxy::Backend::LWP(3) - backend which uses LWP::UserAgent
- Plack::App::Proxy::Test(3) - Is utilities to test Plack::App::Proxy.
- Plack::App::PSGIBin(3) - Run .psgi files from a directory
- Plack::App::URLMap(3) - Map multiple apps in different paths
- Plack::App::WrapCGI(3) - Compiles a CGI script as PSGI application
- Plack::Builder(3) - OO and DSL to enable Plack Middlewares
- Plack::Builder::Conditionals(3) - Plack::Builder extension
- Plack::Component(3) - Base class for PSGI endpoints
- Plack::Handler(3) - Connects PSGI applications and Web servers
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::HTTPD(3) - Plack handler to run PSGI apps on AnyEvent::HTTPD
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP(3) - reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::SCGI(3) - PSGI handler on AnyEvent::SCGI
- Plack::Handler::Apache1(3) - Apache 1.3.x mod_perl handlers to run PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::Apache2(3) - Apache 2.0 mod_perl handler to run PSGI application
- Plack::Handler::Apache2::Registry(3) - Runs .psgi files.
- Plack::Handler::CGI(3) - CGI handler for Plack
- Plack::Handler::CLI(3) - Command line interface to PSGI applications
- Plack::Handler::Corona(3) - Corona server adapter for Plack
- Plack::Handler::FCGI(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Async(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack using FCGI::Async
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine(3) - A Plack::Handler backend for FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager(3) - A process manager for Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Handler::Feersum(3) - plack adapter for Feersum
- Plack::Handler::Fliggy(3) - Adapter for Fliggy
- Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI(3) - adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
- Plack::Handler::Net::Async::FastCGI(3) - FastCGI handler for Plack using Net::Async::FastCGI
- Plack::Handler::SCGI(3) - PSGI handler on SCGI daemon
- Plack::Handler::Standalone(3) - adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
- Plack::Handler::Starman(3) - Plack adapter for Starman
- Plack::Handler::Twiggy(3) - Adapter for Twiggy
- Plack::HTTPParser(3) - Parse HTTP headers
- Plack::HTTPParser::PP(3) - Pure perl fallback of HTTP::Parser::XS
- Plack::Loader(3) - (auto)load Plack Servers
- Plack::Loader::Delayed(3) - Delay the loading of .psgi until the first run
- Plack::Loader::Restarter(3) - Restarting loader
- Plack::Loader::Shotgun(3) - forking implementation of plackup
- Plack::LWPish(3) - HTTP::Request/Response compatible interface with HTTP::Tiny backend
- Plack::Middleware(3) - Base class for easy-to-use PSGI middleware
- Plack::Middleware::AccessLog(3) - Logs requests like Apache's log format
- Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::Timed(3) - Logs requests with time and accurate body size
- Plack::Middleware::AddDefaultCharset(3) - a port of Apache2's AddDefaultCharset
- Plack::Middleware::AMF(3) - The great new Plack::Middleware::AMF!
- Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic(3) - Simple basic authentication middleware
- Plack::Middleware::Auth::Digest(3) - Digest authentication
- Plack::Middleware::AutoRefresh(3) - Reload pages in browsers when files are modified
- Plack::Middleware::BufferedStreaming(3) - Enable buffering for non-streaming aware servers
- Plack::Middleware::Chunked(3) - Applies chunked encoding to the response body
- Plack::Middleware::Conditional(3) - Conditional wrapper for Plack middleware
- Plack::Middleware::ConditionalGET(3) - Middleware to enable conditional GET
- Plack::Middleware::ConsoleLogger(3) - Write logs to Firebug or Webkit Inspector
- Plack::Middleware::ContentLength(3) - Adds Content-Length header automatically
- Plack::Middleware::ContentMD5(3) - Automatically sets the Content-MD5 header on all String bodies
- Plack::Middleware::CrossOrigin(3) - Adds headers to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- Plack::Middleware::DBIx::DisconnectAll(3) - Disconnect all database connection at end of request
- Plack::Middleware::Debug(3) - display information about the current request/response
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Base(3) - Base class for Debug panels
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::CatalystLog(3) - Debug panel to inspect the environment
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Logger(3) - Log message from you Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Routes(3) - Show available and matched routes for your application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Session(3) - Session panel for your Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Settings(3) - Settings panel of your Dancer's application
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::Version(3) - Show Dancer's version
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBITrace(3) - DBI trace panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Environment(3) - Debug panel to inspect the environment
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Memory(3) - Memory Panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::ModuleVersions(3) - Debug panel to inspect versions of loaded modules
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Parameters(3) - Parameters Panel
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::PerlConfig(3) - Debug panel for Perl configuration information
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Response(3) - Debug panel to inspect the response
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Session(3)
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Timer(3) - Debug panel to time the request
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::TrackObjects(3) - Track Objects panel
- Plack::Middleware::Deflater(3) - Compress response body with Gzip or Deflate
- Plack::Middleware::ErrorDocument(3) - Set Error Document based on HTTP status code
- Plack::Middleware::Expires(3) - mod_expires for plack
- Plack::Middleware::ExtDirect(3) - RPC::ExtDirect gateway for Plack
- Plack::Middleware::File::Sass(3) - Sass and SCSS support for all Plack frameworks
- Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect(3) - Plack::Middleware which sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set
- Plack::Middleware::ForceEnv(3) - Force set environment variables for testing
- Plack::Middleware::Head(3) - auto delete response body in HEAD requests
- Plack::Middleware::Header(3) - modify HTTP response headers
- Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions(3) - Catch HTTP exceptions
- Plack::Middleware::IEnosniff(3) - added HTTP Header 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'
- Plack::Middleware::IIS6ScriptNameFix(3) - fixes wrong SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO that IIS6 sets
- Plack::Middleware::IIS7KeepAliveFix(3) - fixes buffer being cut off on redirect when keep-alive is active on IIS.
- Plack::Middleware::InteractiveDebugger(3) - Awesome Interactive Debugger ala Werkzeug
- Plack::Middleware::JSConcat(3) - Concatenate javascripts
- Plack::Middleware::JSONP(3) - Wraps JSON response in JSONP if callback parameter is specified
- Plack::Middleware::LighttpdScriptNameFix(3) - fixes wrong SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO that lighttpd sets
- Plack::Middleware::Lint(3) - Validate request and response
- Plack::Middleware::Log4perl(3) - Uses Log::Log4perl to configure logger
- Plack::Middleware::LogDispatch(3) - Uses Log::Dispatch to configure logger
- Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage(3) - for measuring process memory
- Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride(3)
- Plack::Middleware::MonocerosStatus(3) - show Monoceros connection manager status
- Plack::Middleware::NoMultipleSlashes(3) - Remove multiple slashes in your paths automatically
- Plack::Middleware::NullLogger(3) - Send logs to /dev/null
- Plack::Middleware::Precompressed(3) - serve pre-gzipped content to compression-enabled clients
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::AddVia(3) - Adds the Via header for the current host.
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::Connect(3) - Handles the CONNECT method.
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::LoadBalancer(3) - Simple load balancer
- Plack::Middleware::Proxy::RewriteLocation(3) - Rewrites redirect headers
- Plack::Middleware::RearrangeHeaders(3) - Reorder HTTP headers for buggy clients
- Plack::Middleware::Recursive(3) - Allows PSGI apps to include or forward requests recursively
- Plack::Middleware::Refresh(3) - Refresh all modules in %INC
- Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody(3) - Plack::Middleware which removes body for HTTP response if it's not required
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy(3) - Handle X-Reproxy-URL From Within Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy::Callback(3) - Use A Callback
- Plack::Middleware::Reproxy::Furl(3) - Use Furl To Reproxy
- Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy(3) - Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend
- Plack::Middleware::Rewrite(3) - mod_rewrite for Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Runtime(3) - Sets an X-Runtime response header
- Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite(3) - show server status like Apache's mod_status
- Plack::Middleware::Session(3) - Middleware for session management
- Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie(3) - Session middleware that saves session data in the cookie
- Plack::Middleware::SimpleContentFilter(3) - Filters response content
- Plack::Middleware::SimpleLogger(3) - Simple logger that prints to psgi.errors
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO(3) - Socket.IO middleware DEPRECATED
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Base(3) - Base class for transports
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Connection(3) - Connection class
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Handle(3) - Handle
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Htmlfile(3) - Htmlfile transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::JSONPPolling(3) - JSONPPolling transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::Resource(3) - Resource class
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::XHRMultipart(3) - XHRMultipart transport
- Plack::Middleware::SocketIO::XHRPolling(3) - XHRPolling transport
- Plack::Middleware::StackTrace(3) - Displays stack trace when your app dies
- Plack::Middleware::Static(3) - serve static files with Plack
- Plack::Middleware::Status(3) - Plack Middleware for mapping urls to status code-driven responses
- Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings(3) - Test your application's warnings
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Daily(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Hourly(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Interval(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Limiter(3) - A Plack Middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
- Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor(3) - Plack middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For headers
- Plack::Middleware::XFramework(3) - Sample middleware to add X-Framework
- Plack::Middleware::XSendfile(3) - Sets X-Sendfile (or a like) header for frontends
- Plack::MIME(3) - MIME type registry
- Plack::Request(3) - Portable HTTP request object from PSGI env hash
- Plack::Request::Upload(3) - handles file upload requests
- Plack::Response(3) - Portable HTTP Response object for PSGI response
- Plack::Runner(3) - plackup core
- Plack::Server::Coro(3) - Coro cooperative multithread web server
- Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine(3) - DEPRECATED use Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine
- Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager(3) - DEPRECATED use Plack::Handler::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager
- Plack::Server::POE(3)
- Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP(3) - reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
- Plack::Session(3) - Middleware for session management
- Plack::Session::Cleanup(3) - Run code when the environment is destroyed
- Plack::Session::State(3) - Basic parameter-based session state
- Plack::Session::State::Cookie(3) - Basic cookie-based session state
- Plack::Session::Store(3) - Basic in-memory session store
- Plack::Session::Store::Cache(3) - Cache session store
- Plack::Session::Store::DBI(3) - DBI-based session store
- Plack::Session::Store::File(3) - Basic file-based session store
- Plack::Session::Store::Null(3) - Null store
- Plack::Test(3) - Test PSGI applications with various backends
- Plack::Test::Adopt::Catalyst(3) - Run Catalyst::Test based tests against Plack implementations
- Plack::Test::ExternalServer(3) - Run HTTP tests on external live servers
- Plack::Test::MockHTTP(3) - Run mocked HTTP tests through PSGI applications
- Plack::Test::Server(3) - Run HTTP tests through live Plack servers
- Plack::Test::Suite(3) - Test suite for Plack handlers
- Plack::Util(3) - Utility subroutines for Plack server and framework developers
- Plack::Util::Accessor(3) - Accessor generation utility for Plack
- Plagger(3) - Pluggable RSS/Atom Aggregator
- Plagger::Cookies(3) - cookie_jar factory class
- Plagger::Date(3) - DateTime subclass for Plagger
- Plagger::Plugin(3) - Base class for Plagger Plugins
- Plagger::Plugin::Aggregator::Null(3) - Aggregator that doesn't do anything
- Plagger::Plugin::Aggregator::Simple(3) - Dumb simple aggregator
- Plagger::Plugin::Bundle::Defaults(3) - Load default built-in plugins
- Plagger::Plugin::Bundle::Planet(3) - Bundle package to create Planet site
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::2chSearch(3) - Custom feed for 2ch Search with Moritapo
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::AmazonAssociateReportJP(3) - Custom feed for Amazon.co.jp associate central
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::BloglinesCitations(3) - Custom feed for Bloglines Citations
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Debug(3) - Feed in config.yaml
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::FlickrSearch(3) - Flickr API as Custom Feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Frepa(3) - Custom feed for livedoor Frepa
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::GoogleNews(3) - Create Google News custom feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::iTunesRecentPlay(3) - iTunes Recent Play custom feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Mailman(3) - Custom feed for Mailman pipermail
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Mixi(3) - Custom feed for mixi.jp
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::MixiDiarySearch(3) - Custom feed for mixi diary search
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::PerlMonks(3) - Perl Monks Newest Nodes Custom Feed
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::POP3(3) - Custom feed for POP3
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Script(3) - Script support for Plagger
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::Simple(3) - Simple way to create title and link only custom feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::SVNLog(3) - Custom feed for SVN Log
- Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::YouTube(3) - Get YouTube search result or rss
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::2chNewsokuTitle(3) - Newsokuize entry titles
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::2chRSSContent(3) - Normalize 2ch RSS content body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::AtomLinkRelated(3) - Use link rel="related" as entry link
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Babelfish(3) - translate via WWW::Babelfish
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Base(3) - Base filter class to handle HTML snippets
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BloglinesContentNormalize(3) - Strip extra attributes in Bloglines body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BlogPet(3) - Filtering BlogPet
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BreakEntriesToFeeds(3) - 1 entry = 1 feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::BulkfeedsTerms(3) - Bulkfeeds Terms API for auto-tagging
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::CompositeFeed(3) - Multi feeds = Entries of one feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::DegradeYouTube(3) - Degrade YouTube object tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Delicious(3) - Fetch tags and users count from del.icio.us
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::DeliciousFeedTags(3) - Fix del.icio.us tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Emoticon(3) - Emoticon Filter
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::EntryFullText(3) - Upgrade your feeds to fulltext class
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ExtractAuthorName(3) - Extract author's name from RSS 2.0 <author> field
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FeedBurnerPermalink(3) - Fix FeedBurner's permalink
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FeedFlareStripper(3) - Strip FeedFlare from feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure(3) - Fetch enclosure(s) in entry
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::Curl(3) - Fetch enclosures using curl
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::ParallelUA(3) - Fetch enclosures using Parallel UA
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FetchEnclosure::Wget(3) - Fetch enclosures using wget
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FindEnclosures(3) - Auto-find enclosures from entry content using <a> / <embed> tags
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FloatingDateTime(3) - fix floating timezone
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ForceTimeZone(3) - Force set Timezone regardless of it's UTC or floating
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::GuessLanguage(3) - guess language of feeds/entries
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::GuessTimeZoneByDomain(3) - Guess timezone by domains if datetime is floating or UTC
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaBookmarkTag(3) - Fetch tags from Hatena Bookmark
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaBookmarkUsersCount(3) - Queries Hatena Bookmark users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaDiaryKeywordLink(3) - HatenaDiary keyword link
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaDiaryKeywordUnlink(3) - Strip Hatena Diary keyword links from fulltext feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaFormat(3) - Text formatting filter with Hatena Style
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HatenaKeywordTag(3) - Hatena::Keyword API for auto-tagging
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HEADEnclosureMetadata(3) - Fetch enclosure metadata by sending HEAD request(s)
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HTMLScrubber(3) - Scrub feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::HTMLTidy(3) - Filters body HTML using HTML::Tidy
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ImageInfo(3) - Fetch image info (width/height etc.) for feed and entry images
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Kansai(3) - Filer text to Kansai-ben
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::LivedoorClipUsersCount(3) - Queries livedoorClip users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::LivedoorKeywordUnlink(3) - Strip Livedoor keyword links from fulltext feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Markdown(3) - Text formatting filter with Markdown
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Pipe(3) - Filtering with pipe
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::POPFile(3) - Categorize entries as spam et al
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Profanity(3) - Profanity filter for entry body
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Regexp(3) - Rewrite entry body using regular expression
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::ResolveRelativeLink(3) - Resolve relative links in feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RewriteEnclosureURL(3) - Rewrite enclosure URL for republishing
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RSSLiberalDateTime(3) - Liberal datetime parsing on RSS 2.0 pubDate
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::RSSTimeZoneString(3) - Fix bad RFC822 timezone string in RSS 2.0
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Rule(3) - Filter feed entries using Rule
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::SpamAssassin(3) - Find spam entries
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::StripRSSAd(3) - Strip RSS Ads from feed content
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::StripTagsFromTitle(3) - Strip tags from entry title
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TagsToTitle(3) - add tags to entry title
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::tDiaryComment(3) - Rate tDiary comment
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Thumbnail(3) - use Website thumbnail tool(s) to create alternative image for feeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TruePermalink(3) - Normalize permalink using its own plugin files
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::TTP(3) - Replace ttp:// with http://
- Plagger::Plugin::Filter::UnicodeNormalize(3) - Unicode Normalization
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::ApplePhotocast(3) - Apple Photocast module
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::HatenaFotolife(3) - Parses Hatena Fotolife module
- Plagger::Plugin::Namespace::MediaRSS(3) - Media RSS extension
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Audio(3) - Notifies feed updates via audio file
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Balloon(3) - Notify feed updates using Win32 BalloonNotify
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Beep(3) - Beep your computer when feed arrives
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Campfire(3) - Notification bot for Campfire
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Command(3) - Execute arbitrary command or script when you have an updated feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::darwin(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for darwin
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::freebsd(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for freebsd
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::linux(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for linux
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::mswin32(3) - Notify feed updates to CD Drive for MSWin32
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::IRC(3) - Notify feed updates to IRC
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::MSAgent(3) - Let your Agent speak feed updates
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::NetSend(3) - Notify feed updates to Windows Messenger Service
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::OpenBrowser(3) - Open updated entries in a browser
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::OpenBrowser::FirefoxRemote(3) - Open updated entries in a browser
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::SSTP(3) - Notify feed updates to SSTP
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Tiarra(3) - Notify feed updates to Tiarra IRC Proxy
- Plagger::Plugin::Notify::UpdatePing(3) - Notify updates via XMLRPC update ping
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::2chdat(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::CSV(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Delicious(3) - Post to del.icio.us automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Excel(3) - Publish feeds as Excel workbook
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Feed(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::FOAFRoll(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Gmail(3) - Notify updates to your email account
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::HatenaBookmark(3) - Post to Hatena::Bookmark automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::iCal(3) - Produces iCal file out of the feed
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::IMAP(3) - Transmits IMAP server
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::JavaScript(3) - publish links to entries as JavaScript
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::JSON(3) - Publish JSON data output
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::LivedoorClip(3) - Post to livedoor clip automatically
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Maildir(3) - Store Maildir
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::MT(3) - Post feeds to Movable Type
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::MTWidget(3) - Publish feeds as MT widget
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::OPML(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::OutlineText(3) - Publish as hierarchical text
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PalmDoc(3) - Publish as PalmDoc
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PDF(3) - Publish feeds as PDF
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Pipe(3) - Publish to other program
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Planet(3) - Planet XHTML publisher
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Playlog(3) - Publish music data to playlog.jp
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::PowerPoint(3)
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Serializer(3) - Serialize feed data using Data::Serializer
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Speech::MacOSX(3) - speak your subscription on MacOSX
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::SWF(3) - Publish feeds as SWF
- Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Takahashi(3) - produce takahashi output
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Estraier(3) - Search entries using Hyper Estraier P2P
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Grep(3) - Search entries using File::Grep
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::KinoSearch(3) - Index entries using KinoSearch
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Namazu(3) - Search Feed updates by Namazu
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Rast(3) - Search Feed updates by Rast
- Plagger::Plugin::Search::Spotlight(3) - Search Webbookmark files for Spotlight
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Bloglines(3) - Bloglines Subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Bookmarks(3) - Subscribe to URLs in Favorites / Bookmarks
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Config(3) - Subscription in config.yaml
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::DBI(3) - Subscription in database
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Feed(3) - Subscribe entries in a XML feed (RSS/Atom)
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::File(3) - Store feed URLs in a file
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::FOAF(3) - Simple subscription of friends' blogs
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::HatenaGroup(3) - HatenaGroup Subscription via RSS
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::HatenaRSS(3) - HatenaRSS Subscription via OPML
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::LivedoorReader(3) - Synchronize livedoor Reader with JSON API
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Odeo(3) - Odeo Subscription via OPML
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::OPML(3) - OPML subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::PingServer(3) - Subscription from ping servers
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::Planet(3) - Ego search subscription
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::PlanetINI(3) - read subscriptions from Planet Planet's config.ini
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::XOXO(3) - Subscription list with XOXO microformats
- Plagger::Plugin::Subscription::XPath(3) - Use XPath expression to extract subscriptions from web pages
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::AppleScript(3) - use AppleScript summarize Command
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Auto(3) - Auto-create summary for entry without summary
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::English(3) - uses Lingua::EN::Summarizer to generate summary
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::GetSen(3) - Use GetSen XML-RPC API to extract summary from Japanese text
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::HatenaBookmark(3) - Generate summary using Hatena Bookmark summary field
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Japanese(3) - module: Summary::Japanese
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::Simple(3) - Default summary generator
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::TextOriginal(3) - uses Text::Original to get first sentence
- Plagger::Plugin::Summary::TrackbackRDF(3) - Extract description from Trackback RDF
- Plagger::Plugin::UserAgent::AuthenRequest(3) - Plagger plugin for authen request
- Plagger::Plugin::UserAgent::RequestHeader(3) - Add arbitrary request header
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::BloglinesSubscription(3) - Bloglines Subscription Widget
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::BulkfeedsSpamReport(3) - Widget to report as Splog to Bulkfeeds
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::Delicious(3) - Widget to post to del.icio.us
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::HatenaBookmarkUsersCount(3) - Widget to Hatena Bookmark with users count
- Plagger::Plugin::Widget::Simple(3) - Simple widget creation using config
- Plagger::Rule::Deduped(3) - Rule to get Deduped entries based on the database
- Plagger::Rule::Fresh(3) - Rule to find 'fresh' entries or feeds
- Plagger::Rule::URLBL(3) - Rule to URLBL for feed url
- Plagger::Template(3) - Template Toolkit subclass for Plagger
- Planar(3) - A collection of planar geometry functions
- play_audio(3)
- play_audio_stream(3) - Creates a new audio stream and starts playing it. Allegro game programming library.
- play_fli(3) - Plays a FLI or FLC animation from disk. Allegro game programming library.
- play_looped_midi(3) - Starts playing a MIDI file with a user-defined loop position. Allegro game programming library.
- play_memory_fli(3) - Plays a FLI or FLC animation from memory. Allegro game programming library.
- play_midi(3) - Starts playing the specified MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- Plucene(3) - A Perl port of the Lucene search engine
- Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer(3) - base class for Analyzers
- Plucene::Analysis::CharTokenizer(3) - base class for character tokenisers
- Plucene::Analysis::CJKAnalyzer(3) - Analyzer for CJK texts
- Plucene::Analysis::CJKTokenizer(3) - Tokenizer for CJK texts
- Plucene::Analysis::LetterTokenizer(3) - Letter tokenizer
- Plucene::Analysis::LowerCaseFilter(3) - normalises token text to lower case
- Plucene::Analysis::LowerCaseTokenizer(3) - tokenizer which also lower cases text
- Plucene::Analysis::PorterStemFilter(3) - Porter stemming on the token stream
- Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer(3) - The simple analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::Standard::StandardAnalyzer(3) - standard analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::Standard::StandardTokenizer(3) - standard tokenizer
- Plucene::Analysis::StopAnalyzer(3) - the stop-word analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::StopFilter(3) - the stop filter
- Plucene::Analysis::Token(3) - A term in a field
- Plucene::Analysis::TokenFilter(3) - base class for token filters
- Plucene::Analysis::Tokenizer(3) - base class for tokenizers
- Plucene::Analysis::WhitespaceAnalyzer(3) - white space analyzer
- Plucene::Analysis::WhitespaceTokenizer(3) - white space tokenizer
- Plucene::Bitvector(3) - a vector of bits
- Plucene::Document(3) - The unit of indexing and searching
- Plucene::Document::DateSerializer(3) - Utility functions for dealing with dates
- Plucene::Document::Field(3) - A field in a Plucene::Document
- Plucene::Index::DocumentWriter(3) - the document writer
- Plucene::Index::FieldInfos(3) - a collection of FieldInfo objects
- Plucene::Index::FieldsReader(3) - read Fields in a Document
- Plucene::Index::FieldsWriter(3) - writes Fields to a Document
- Plucene::Index::Reader(3) - Abstract class for accessing an index
- Plucene::Index::SegmentInfo(3) - Information on a Segment
- Plucene::Index::SegmentInfos(3) - A collection of SegmentInfo objects
- Plucene::Index::SegmentMergeInfo(3) - Segment Merge information
- Plucene::Index::SegmentMerger(3) - the Segment merger
- Plucene::Index::SegmentReader(3) - the Segment reader
- Plucene::Index::SegmentsReader(3) - reads the segments
- Plucene::Index::SegmentsTermEnum(3)
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermDocs(3) - Segment term docs
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermEnum(3) - Segment term enum
- Plucene::Index::SegmentTermPositions(3) - Segment term positions
- Plucene::Index::Term(3) - a word from text
- Plucene::Index::TermInfo(3) - Information on an index term
- Plucene::Index::TermInfosReader(3) - read the term infos file
- Plucene::Index::TermInfosWriter(3) - write to the term infos file
- Plucene::Index::Writer(3) - write an index.
- Plucene::Plugin::Analyzer::SnowballAnalyzer(3) - Stemmed analyzer with Lingua::Stem::Snowball and Lingua::StopWords
- Plucene::Plugin::Analyzer::SnowballFilter(3) - Snowball stemming on the token stream
- Plucene::QueryParser(3) - Turn query strings into Plucene::Search::Query objects
- Plucene::Search::BooleanClause(3) - A clause in a boolean query
- Plucene::Search::BooleanQuery(3) - a boolean query
- Plucene::Search::BooleanScorer(3) - A boolean scorer
- Plucene::Search::DateFilter(3) - Restrict searches to given time periods
- Plucene::Search::Filter(3) - A search filter base class
- Plucene::Search::HitCollector(3)
- Plucene::Search::Hits(3) - A list of ranked documents
- Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher(3) - The index searcher
- Plucene::Search::PhrasePositions(3) - The position of a phrase
- Plucene::Search::PhraseQuery(3) - A query that matchs a phrase
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer(3) - a phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer::Exact(3) - exact phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PhraseScorer::Sloppy(3) - sloppy phrase scorer
- Plucene::Search::PrefixQuery(3) - a query that matches terms beginning with a string
- Plucene::Search::Query(3) - base class for queries
- Plucene::Search::Scorer(3) - base class for scorers
- Plucene::Search::Searcher(3) - base class for searchers
- Plucene::Search::Similarity(3) - the score of a query
- Plucene::Search::TermQuery(3) - a query that contains a term
- Plucene::Search::TermScorer(3) - score terms
- Plucene::Search::TopDocs(3) - The top hits for a query
- Plucene::Simple(3) - An interface to Plucene
- Plucene::Store::InputStream(3) - a random-access input stream
- Plucene::Store::OutputStream(3) - a random-access output stream
- Plucene::TestCase(3) - Handy functions when testing Plucene
- Plucene::Utils(3) - Utility class for Plucene
- Plugtools(3) - LDAP and Posix
- Plugtools::Plugins::Dump(3) - A Plugtools plugin that calls Data::Dumper->Dumper on %opts and %args that are passed to the plugin.
- Plugtools::Plugins::HomeOU(3) - Creates the home OU for a user.
- Plugtools::Plugins::HomeOUremove(3) - Remove the home OU for a user.
- PLUMB(3) - plumb messages
- pmapfilter(3) - User-defined labels for IPs and protocol/port pairs
- PMC_ALLOCATE(3) - allocate and free performance monitoring counters
- PMC_ATTACH(3) - attaching and detaching process scope PMCs to target processes
- PMC_CAPABILITIES(3) - retrieve information about performance monitoring counters
- PMC_CONFIGURE_LOGFILE(3) - log file management
- PMC_ENABLE(3) - administrative control of hardware performance counters
- PMC_EVENT_NAMES_OF_CLASS(3) - return a list of event names supported by a PMC class
- PMC_GET_DRIVER_STATS(3) - retrieve driver statistics
- PMC_GET_MSR(3) - x86 architecture-specific PMC operations
- PMC_INIT(3) - initialize library
- PMC_READ(3) - read and write hardware performance counters
- PMC_SET(3) - set the reload count of a sampling PMC
- PMC_START(3) - start and stop a PMC
- pmd_dump(3) - Query and print Module::Dependency info
- PMEM_FLUSH(3) - check persistency, store persistent data and delete mappings
- PMEM_IS_PMEM(3) - check persistency, create and delete mappings
- PMEM_MEMMOVE_PERSIST(3) - functions that provide optimized copying to persistent memory
- PMEMBLK_BSIZE(3) - check number of available blocks or usable space in block memory pool
- PMEMBLK_CREATE(3) - create, open, close and validate block pool
- PMEMBLK_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemblk internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMBLK_READ(3) - read or write a block from a block memory pool
- PMEMBLK_SET_ZERO(3) - block management functions
- PMEMLOG_APPEND(3) - append bytes to the persistent memory resident log file
- PMEMLOG_CREATE(3) - create, open, close and validate persistent memory resident log file
- PMEMLOG_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemlog internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMLOG_NBYTE(3) - checks the amount of usable space in the log pool.
- PMEMLOG_TELL(3) - checks current write point for the log or walks through the log
- PMEMOBJ_ACTION(3) - Delayed atomicity actions (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMOBJ_ALLOC(3) - non-transactional atomic allocations
- PMEMOBJ_CTL_GET(3) - Query and modify libpmemobj internal behavior (EXPERIMENTAL)
- PMEMOBJ_FIRST(3) - pmemobj container operations
- PMEMOBJ_LIST_INSERT(3) - non-transactional persistent atomic lists functions
- PMEMOBJ_MEMCPY_PERSIST(3) - low-level memory manipulation functions
- PMEMOBJ_MUTEX_ZERO(3) - pmemobj synchronization primitives
- PMEMOBJ_OPEN(3) - create, open, close and validate persistent memory transactional object store
- PMEMOBJ_ROOT(3) - root object management
- PMEMOBJ_TX_ADD_RANGE(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMOBJ_TX_ALLOC(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMOBJ_TX_BEGIN(3) - transactional object manipulation
- PMEMPOOL_CHECK_INIT(3) - checks pmempool health
- PMEMPOOL_FEATURE_QUERY(3) - toggle or query pool set features
- PMEMPOOL_RM(3) - remove persistent memory pool
- PMEMPOOL_SYNC(3) - pool set synchronization and transformation
- POBJ_LAYOUT_BEGIN(3) - persistent memory transactional object store layout
- POBJ_LIST_HEAD(3) - type-safe non-transactional persistent atomic lists
- PocketIO(3) - Socket.IO PSGI application
- PocketIO::Broadcast(3) - Sockets class
- PocketIO::Connection(3) - Connection class
- PocketIO::Handle(3) - Handle
- PocketIO::Message(3) - Socket.IO message parsing and building
- PocketIO::Pool(3) - Connection pool
- PocketIO::Pool::Redis(3) - Redis class
- PocketIO::Resource(3) - Resource class
- PocketIO::Socket(3) - Socket class
- PocketIO::Sockets(3) - Sockets class
- PocketIO::Test(3) - Testing PocketIO
- PocketIO::Transport::Base(3) - Base class for transports
- PocketIO::Transport::BasePolling(3) - Basic class for polling transports
- PocketIO::Transport::Htmlfile(3) - Htmlfile transport
- PocketIO::Transport::JSONPPolling(3) - JSONPPolling transport
- PocketIO::Transport::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transport
- PocketIO::Transport::XHRMultipart(3) - XHRMultipart transport
- PocketIO::Transport::XHRPolling(3) - XHRPolling transport
- Pod::Abstract(3) - Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
- Pod::Abstract::BuildNode(3) - Build new nodes for use in Pod::Abstract.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter(3) - Generic Pod-in to Pod-out filter.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::add_podcmds(3) - paf command to insert explict =pod commands before each Pod block in a document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::clear_podcmds(3) - paf command to remove =pod commands from the begining of Pod blocks.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::cut(3) - paf command to remove non-processed (cut) portions of a Pod document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::find(3) - paf command to find specific nodes that contain a string.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::number_sections(3) - paf command for basic multipart section numbering.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::overlay(3) - paf command to perform a method documentation overlay on a Pod document.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::sort(3) - paf command to alphabetically sort sub-sections within a Pod section
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::summary(3) - paf command to show document outline, with short examples.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::uncut(3) - paf command to turn source code into verbatim nodes.
- Pod::Abstract::Filter::unoverlay(3) - paf command to remove "overlay" blocks from a Pod document, as created by the paf overlay command.
- Pod::Abstract::Node(3) - Pod Document Node.
- Pod::Abstract::Parser(3) - Internal Parser class of Pod::Abstract.
- Pod::Abstract::Path(3) - Search for POD nodes matching a path within a document tree.
- Pod::Abstract::Serial(3) - generate a global sequence of serial numbers.
- Pod::Abstract::Tree(3) - Manage a level of Pod document tree Nodes.
- Pod::Autopod(3) - Generates pod documentation by analysing perl modules.
- Pod::Cache(3) - internal Tk-Pod module for cache control
- Pod::Checker(3) - check pod documents for syntax errors
- Pod::Constants(3) - Include constants from POD
- Pod::Coverage(3) - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- Pod::Coverage::CountParents(3) - subclass of Pod::Coverage that examines the inheritance tree
- Pod::Coverage::ExportOnly(3) - subclass of Pod::Coverage than only examines exported functions
- Pod::Coverage::Moose(3) - Pod::Coverage extension for Moose
- Pod::Coverage::Overloader(3) - deprecated subclass of Pod::Coverage
- Pod::Coverage::TrustPod(3) - allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints
- Pod::DocBook(3) - Convert Pod data to DocBook SGML
- Pod::Elemental(3) - work with nestable Pod elements
- Pod::Elemental::Autoblank(3) - a paragraph that always displays an extra blank line in Pod form
- Pod::Elemental::Autochomp(3) - a paragraph that chomps set content
- Pod::Elemental::Command(3) - a =command paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Document(3) - a pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Blank(3) - a series of blank lines
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Command(3) - a Pod =command element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Nonpod(3) - a non-pod element in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Generic::Text(3) - a Pod text or verbatim element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Nested(3) - an element that is a command and a node
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Command(3) - a Pod5 =command element
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Data(3) - a Pod data paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Nonpod(3) - a non-pod element in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary(3) - a Pod5 ordinary text paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Region(3) - a region of Pod (this role likely to be removed)
- Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Verbatim(3) - a Pod verbatim paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Flat(3) - a content-only pod paragraph
- Pod::Elemental::Node(3) - a thing with Pod::Elemental::Nodes as children
- Pod::Elemental::Objectifier(3) - it turns a Pod::Eventual event stream into objects
- Pod::Elemental::Paragraph(3) - a paragraph in a Pod document
- Pod::Elemental::Selectors(3) - predicates for selecting elements
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer(3) - something that transforms a node tree into a new tree
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer(3) - gather related paragraphs under a shared header
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Nester(3) - group the document into sections
- Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Pod5(3) - the default, minimal semantics of Perl5's pod element hierarchy
- Pod::Elemental::Types(3) - data types for Pod::Elemental
- Pod::Escapes(3) - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
- Pod::Eventual(3) - read a POD document as a series of trivial events
- Pod::Eventual::Simple(3) - just get an array of the stuff Pod::Eventual finds
- Pod::Find(3) - find POD documents in directory trees
- Pod::FindPods(3) - find Pods installed on the current system
- Pod::Html(3) - module to convert pod files to HTML
- Pod::HTML_Elements(3) - Convert POD to tree of LWP's HTML::Element and hence HTML or PostScript
- Pod::HtmlEasy(3)
- Pod::InputObjects(3) - objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc.
- Pod::LaTeX(3) - Convert Pod data to formatted Latex
- Pod::Links(3) - Pod::Parser subclass to deal with L<> links
- Pod::Man(3) - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
- Pod::Markdown(3) - Convert POD to Markdown
- Pod::MinimumVersion(3) - Perl version for POD directives used
- Pod::MinimumVersion::Parser(3) - parser used by Pod::MinimumVersion
- Pod::MinimumVersion::Report(3) - report object from Pod::MinimumVersion
- Pod::ParseLink(3) - Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text
- Pod::Parser(3) - base class for creating POD filters and translators
- Pod::ParseUtils(3) - helpers for POD parsing and conversion
- Pod::Perldoc(3) - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
- Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo(3) - Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters
- Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO(3) - Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc
- Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI(3) - render Pod with ANSI color escapes
- Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker(3) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
- Pod::Perldoc::ToMan(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as man pages
- Pod::Perldoc::ToMarkdown(3) - Enable `perldoc -o Markdown`
- Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff(3) - let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff
- Pod::Perldoc::ToPod(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as ... Pod!
- Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as RTF
- Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm(3) - render Pod with terminal escapes
- Pod::Perldoc::ToText(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext
- Pod::Perldoc::ToTk(3) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
- Pod::Perldoc::ToXml(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as XML
- Pod::PlainText(3) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
- Pod::POM(3) - POD Object Model
- Pod::POM::Constants(3) - constants used for Pod::POM
- Pod::POM::Node(3) - base class for a POM node
- Pod::POM::Node::Begin(3) - POM '=begin' node class
- Pod::POM::Node::Code(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Content(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::For(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head1(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head2(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head3(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Head4(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Item(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Over(3) - POM '=over' node class
- Pod::POM::Node::Pod(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Sequence(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Text(3)
- Pod::POM::Node::Verbatim(3)
- Pod::POM::Nodes(3) - convenience class to load all node classes
- Pod::POM::View(3) - view POM objects
- Pod::POM::View::HTML(3) - create HTML views of POM objects
- Pod::POM::View::HTML::Filter(3) - Use filters on sections of your pod documents
- Pod::POM::View::Pod(3) - create a Pod view of a POM object
- Pod::POM::View::Restructured(3) - View for Pod::POM that outputs reStructuredText
- Pod::POM::View::Text(3) - create text views of POM objects
- pod::Prima::Clipboard(3) - GUI interprocess data exchange
- pod::Prima::codecs(3) - How to write a codec for Prima image subsystem
- pod::Prima::Drawable(3) - 2-D graphic interface
- pod::Prima::faq(3) - Frequently asked questions about Prima
- pod::Prima::File(3) - asynchronous stream I/O.
- pod::Prima::gp-problems(3) - Problems, questionable or intricate topics in 2-D Graphics
- pod::Prima::Image(3) - Bitmap routines
- pod::Prima::image-load(3) - Using image subsystem
- pod::Prima::internals(3) - Prima internal architecture
- pod::Prima::Menu(3) - pull-down and pop-up menu objects
- pod::Prima::Object(3) - Prima toolkit base classes
- pod::Prima::Printer(3) - system printing services
- pod::Prima::Region(3) - generic shape for clipping and hit testing
- pod::Prima::Timer(3) - programmable periodical events
- pod::Prima::tutorial(3) - introductory tutorial
- pod::Prima::Widget(3) - window management
- pod::Prima::Widget::pack(3) - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
- pod::Prima::Widget::place(3) - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
- pod::Prima::Window(3) - top-level window management
- pod::Prima::X11(3) - usage guide for X11 environment
- pod::prima-gencls(3) - class interface compiler for Prima core modules
- Pod::ProjectDocs(3) - generates CPAN like project documents from pod.
- Pod::Readme(3) - Intelligently generate a README file from POD
- Pod::Readme::Filter(3) - Filter README from POD
- Pod::Readme::Plugin(3) - Plugin role for Pod::Readme
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::changes(3) - Include latest Changes in README
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::requires(3) - Include requirements in README
- Pod::Readme::Plugin::version(3) - Include version in README
- Pod::Readme::Types(3) - Types used by Pod::Readme
- Pod::Search(3) - Widget to access perlindex Pod full text index
- Pod::Search_db(3) - dirty OO wrapper for "perlindex"'s search functionality
- Pod::Section(3) - select specified section from Module's POD
- Pod::Select(3) - extract selected sections of POD from input
- Pod::Simple(3) - framework for parsing Pod
- Pod::Simple::Checker(3)
- Pod::Simple::Debug(3)
- Pod::Simple::DumpAsText(3)
- Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML(3)
- Pod::Simple::HTML(3) - convert Pod to HTML
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3) - convert several Pod files to several HTML files
- Pod::Simple::JustPod(3)
- Pod::Simple::LinkSection(3)
- Pod::Simple::Methody(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParser(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::PullParserToken(3)
- Pod::Simple::RTF(3)
- Pod::Simple::Search(3) - find POD documents in directory trees
- Pod::Simple::SimpleTree(3)
- Pod::Simple::Subclassing(3)
- Pod::Simple::Text(3)
- Pod::Simple::TextContent(3)
- Pod::Simple::XHTML(3)
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream(3)
- Pod::SimpleBridge(3)
- Pod::Site(3)
- Pod::Spell(3) - a formatter for spellchecking Pod
- Pod::Strip(3) - Remove POD from Perl code
- Pod::Tests(3) - (DEPRECATED) Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
- Pod::Text(3) - Pod browser widget
- Pod::Text::Color(3) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
- Pod::Text::Overstrike(3) - Convert POD data to formatted overstrike text
- Pod::Text::Termcap(3) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
- Pod::Tree(3) - Create a static syntax tree for a POD
- Pod::Tree::HTML(3) - Generate HTML from a Pod::Tree
- Pod::Tree::Node(3) - nodes in a Pod::Tree
- Pod::Tree::PerlBin(3) - translate program PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlDist(3) - translate Perl distribution documentation to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlFunc(3) - translate perlfunc.pod to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlLib(3) - translate module PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlMap(3) - map names to URLs
- Pod::Tree::PerlPod(3) - translate Perl PODs to HTML
- Pod::Tree::PerlTop(3) - generate a top-level index for Perl PODs
- Pod::Tree::Pod(3) - Convert a Pod::Tree back to a POD
- Pod::Usage(3) - extracts POD documentation and shows usage information
- Pod::Util(3) - Tk::Pod specific utility functions
- Pod::WikiDoc(3) - Generate Pod from inline wiki style text
- Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook(3) - Examples of Pod::WikiDoc usage
- Pod::WikiDoc::Parser(3) - precompiled recursive descent parser for Pod::WikiDoc
- Pod::Wordlist(3) - English words that come up in Perl documentation
- Pod::WSDL(3) - Creates WSDL documents from (extended) pod
- Pod::WSDL::Attr(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for an attribute of a class (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::AUTOLOAD(3) - Base class for autoloading (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Doc(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for the documentation of methods (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Fault(3) - Represents the WSDL pod describing the fault of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Method(3) - Represents a method in Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Param(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for a parameter of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Return(3) - Represents the WSDL pod for the return value of a method (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Type(3) - Represents a type in Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Utils(3) - Utilities and constants for Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::WSDL::Writer(3) - Writes XML output for Pod::WSDL (internal use only)
- Pod::Xhtml(3) - Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation
- Pod::XML(3) - Module to convert POD to XML
- Pod_usage(3) - How to use the perl/Tk Pod browser widget
- POD2::Base(3) - Base module for translations of Perl documentation
- POD2::DE::local::lib(3) - Erschaffen und benutzen von Perl Modulen in einem lokalen lib/ Verzeichnis mit PERL5LIB
- POD2::JA::Encode::MIME::EncWords(3) - MIME の「B」・「Q」ヘッダエンコーディング (代替案)
- POD2::JA::MIME::Charset(3) - MIME のためのキャラクタセット情報
- POD2::JA::MIME::EncWords(3) - RFC 2047 encoded-word 関連 (改良版)
- POD2::JA::Text::LineFold(3) - プレインテキストの行折り
- POD2::JA::Unicode::GCString(3) - UAX #29 書記素クラスタの列としての文字列
- POD2::JA::Unicode::LineBreak(3) - UAX #14 Unicode 行分割アルゴリズム
- POD2::PT::POD2::Base(3)
- POD2::PT_BR::local::lib(3) - crie e use um diretório lib/ local para módulos perl com PERL5LIB
- pods::SDL(3) - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
- pods::SDL::Audio(3) - SDL Bindings for Audio
- pods::SDL::AudioCVT(3)
- pods::SDL::AudioSpec(3) - FM Radio quality $audio_spec->format(AUDIO_S16SYS); # 16-bit signed audio $audio_spec->samples(8192); # Large audio buffer reduces risk of dropouts but increases response time $audio_spec->channels(1); # Mono $audio_spec->callback('main::callback'); sub callback { # do something here }
- pods::SDL::CD(3)
- pods::SDL::CDROM(3)
- pods::SDL::CDTrack(3)
- pods::SDL::Color(3) - Format independent color description
- pods::SDL::Cookbook(3)
- pods::SDL::Cookbook::OpenGL(3) - Using SDL with OpenGL
- pods::SDL::Cookbook::PDL(3) - $surface->w ) / 2, ( $app->h - $surface->h ) / 2, $app->w, $app->h ) ); die "Could not blit: " . SDL::get_error() if ( $b == -1 );
- pods::SDL::Credits(3) - Authors and contributors of the SDL Perl project
- pods::SDL::Cursor(3) - Mouse cursor structure
- pods::SDL::Deprecated(3) - Log of Deprecated items per release
- pods::SDL::Event(3) - General event structure
- pods::SDL::Events(3) - Bindings to the Events Category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::GFX::BlitFunc(3) - blitting functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::FPSManager(3) - data structure used by SDL::GFX::Framerate
- pods::SDL::GFX::Framerate(3) - framerate calculating functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::ImageFilter(3) - image filtering functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::Primitives(3) - basic drawing functions
- pods::SDL::GFX::Rotozoom(3) - rotation and zooming functions for surfaces
- pods::SDL::Image(3) - Bindings for the SDL_Image library
- pods::SDL::Joystick(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer(3) - Sound and music functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Channels(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Effects(3) - sound effect functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Groups(3) - Audio channel group functions
- pods::SDL::Mixer::MixChunk(3)
- pods::SDL::Mixer::MixMusic(3) - SDL Bindings for structure SDL_MixMusic
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Music(3) - functions for music
- pods::SDL::Mixer::Samples(3) - functions for loading sound samples
- pods::SDL::Mouse(3) - SDL Bindings for the Mouse device
- pods::SDL::MPEG(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDL::MultiThread(3) - Bindings to the MultiThread category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::Overlay(3) - YUV Video overlay
- pods::SDL::Palette(3)
- pods::SDL::Pango(3) - Text rendering engine
- pods::SDL::Pango::Context(3) - Context object for SDL::Pango
- pods::SDL::PixelFormat(3) - Stores surface format information
- pods::SDL::Platform(3) - Platform Specific Informations about SDL Perl
- pods::SDL::Rect(3) - Defines a rectangular area
- pods::SDL::RWOps(3)
- pods::SDL::SMPEG(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDL::Surface(3) - Graphic surface structure
- pods::SDL::Time(3) - An SDL Perl extension for managing timers
- pods::SDL::TTF(3) - True Type Font functions (libfreetype)
- pods::SDL::TTF::Font(3) - Font object type for SDL_ttf
- pods::SDL::Tutorial(3) - introduction to Perl SDL
- pods::SDL::Tutorial::Animation(3) - 2004, chromatic. All rights reserved. This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself, in the hope that it is useful but certainly under no guarantee.
- pods::SDL::Tutorial::LunarLander(3) - a small tutorial on Perl SDL
- pods::SDL::Version(3) - SDL Bindings for structure SDL_Version
- pods::SDL::Video(3) - Bindings to the video category in SDL API
- pods::SDL::VideoInfo(3) - Video Target Information
- pods::SDLx::App(3) - a SDL perl extension
- pods::SDLx::Controller(3) - Handles the loops for events, movement and rendering
- pods::SDLx::Controller::Interface(3) - Interface Physics and Rendering with the Controller with callbacks
- pods::SDLx::Controller::State(3) - the state of a SDLx::Controller::Interface
- pods::SDLx::Layer(3) - Storage object for surface and position information
- pods::SDLx::LayerManager(3) - Extension for managing layers in a 2D world
- pods::SDLx::Music(3) - A powerful, convenient interface to "SDL::Mixer::Music"
- pods::SDLx::Rect(3) - SDL extension for storing and manipulating rectangular coordinates
- pods::SDLx::SFont(3) - Extension making fonts out of images and printing them
- pods::SDLx::Sound(3)
- pods::SDLx::Sprite(3) - interact with images quick and easily in SDL
- pods::SDLx::Sprite::Animated(3) - create animated SDL sprites easily!
- pods::SDLx::Surface(3) - Graphic surface matrix extension
- pods::SDLx::Text(3) - SDL extension for manipulating text
- POE::API::Hooks(3) - Implement lightweight hooks into POE
- POE::API::Peek(3) - Peek into the internals of a running POE environment
- POE::Callback(3) - object wrapper for callbacks with lexical closures
- POE::Component(3) - event driven objects or subsystems
- POE::Component::Client::DNS(3) - non-blocking, parallel DNS client
- POE::Component::Client::DNS::Recursive(3) - A recursive DNS client for POE
- POE::Component::Client::DNSBL(3) - A component that provides non-blocking DNSBL lookups
- POE::Component::Client::FTP(3) - Implements an FTP client POE Component
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP(3) - a HTTP user-agent component
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP::Request(3) - an HTTP request class
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP::RequestFactory(3) - an HTTP request factory object
- POE::Component::Client::Ident(3) - A component that provides non-blocking ident lookups to your sessions.
- POE::Component::Client::Ident::Agent(3) - A component to provide a one-shot non-blocking Ident query.
- POE::Component::Client::Keepalive(3) - manage connections, with keep-alive
- POE::Component::Client::NNTP(3) - A POE component that implements an RFC 3977 NNTP client.
- POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Client::NNTP plugins.
- POE::Component::Client::Ping(3) - a non-blocking ICMP ping client
- POE::Component::Client::SMTP(3) - Asynchronous mail sending with POE
- POE::Component::Client::TCP(3) - a simplified TCP client
- POE::Component::Client::Telnet(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Net::Telnet and other subclasses of Net::Telnet.
- POE::Component::Client::Twitter(3) - POE chat component for twitter.com
- POE::Component::Client::Whois(3) - A one shot non-blocking RFC 812 WHOIS query.
- POE::Component::Client::Whois::IPBlks(3) - Determine which whois server is responsible for a network address.
- POE::Component::Client::Whois::TLDList(3) - Determine the applicable Whois server for a given Top-level domain (TLD).
- POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive(3) - a wheel wrapper around a kept-alive socket
- POE::Component::ControlPort(3) - network control port for POE applications
- POE::Component::ControlPort::Command(3) - Register control port commands
- POE::Component::ControlPort::DefaultCommands(3) - Set of default commands available to the control port
- POE::Component::Cron(3) - Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
- POE::Component::Daemon(3) - Handles all the housework for a daemon.
- POE::Component::DebugShell(3) - Component to allow interactive peeking into a running POE application
- POE::Component::DirWatch(3) - POE directory watcher
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Modified(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::New(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Role::AIO(3) - Make poll calls asynchronous
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Role::Signatures(3)
- POE::Component::DirWatch::Unmodified(3)
- POE::Component::EasyDBI(3) - Perl extension for asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE
- POE::Component::EasyDBI::SubProcess(3) - Backend of POE::Component::EasyDBI
- POE::Component::Generic(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to a blocking object.
- POE::Component::Generic::Child(3) - Child process handling
- POE::Component::Generic::Net::SSH2(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Net::SSH2
- POE::Component::Generic::Object(3) - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to a blocking object.
- POE::Component::Hailo(3) - A non-blocking wrapper around Hailo
- POE::Component::IRC(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module
- POE::Component::IRC::Common(3) - Provides a set of common functions for the POE::Component::IRC suite
- POE::Component::IRC::Constants(3) - Defines constants required by POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook(3) - The PoCo-IRC Cookbook: Overview
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::BasicBot(3) - A basic IRC bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Disconnecting(3) - How to disconnect gracefully with PoCo-IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Gtk2(3) - An IRC client with a Gtk2 interface
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Hailo(3) - A blabbering IRC bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Reload(3) - Reload your bot's code after a change
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Resolver(3) - A bot that can resolve DNS records
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Seen(3) - Implement the 'seen' command
- POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Translator(3) - A bot that can translate text
- POE::Component::IRC::Object(3) - A slightly simpler OO interface to PoCoIRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin(3) - Provides plugin constants and documentation for POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which keeps you on your favorite channels
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Blowfish(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides blowfish encryption.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Bollocks(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that talks bollocks.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotAddressed(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events when you are addressed
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotCommand(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which handles commands issued to your bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events when you send messages
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that deals with the messy business of staying connected to an IRC server
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Console(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides a lightweight debugging and control console for your bot
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CoreList(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides Module::CoreList goodness.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CTCP(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that auto-responds to CTCP requests
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CycleEmpty(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which cycles channels if they become empty and opless.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::DCC(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin providing support for DCC transfers
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin to follow the tail of an ever-growing file
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which provides access to a Hailo conversation simulator.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::ISupport(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that handles server capabilities
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Karma(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that keeps track of karma
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which logs public, private, and DCC chat messages to disk
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin for reclaiming your nickname
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin which identifies with NickServ when needed
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::PlugMan(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides plugin management services.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::POE::Knee(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that runs Acme::POE::Knee races.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Proxy(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that provides a lightweight IRC proxy/bouncer
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNS(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNS queries
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNSBL(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNSBL queries
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RSS::Headlines(3) - A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides RSS headline retrieval.
- POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Whois(3) - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events for WHOIS and WHOWAS replies
- POE::Component::IRC::Projects(3) - A listing of projects that use POE::Component::IRC
- POE::Component::IRC::Qnet(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module for Quakenet
- POE::Component::IRC::Qnet::State(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module for Quakenet with nickname and channel tracking
- POE::Component::IRC::State(3) - A fully event-driven IRC client module with nickname and channel tracking
- POE::Component::Jabber(3) - A POE Component for communicating over Jabber
- POE::Component::Jabber::Events(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::J14(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::J2(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::Legacy(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::Protocol(3) - A base class for implementing protocol differences
- POE::Component::Jabber::ProtocolFactory(3)
- POE::Component::Jabber::XMPP(3)
- POE::Component::LaDBI(3) - POE Component that spawns a perl subprocess to handle non-blocking access to the DBI API.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Commands(3) - Package that contains some constants other LaDBI packages might use.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine(3) - Core DBI request servicing class.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Request(3) - Class to encapsulate LaDBI requests to be executed by POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine.
- POE::Component::LaDBI::Response(3) - Class encapsulating responses from POE::Component::LaDBI::Engine.
- POE::Component::Logger(3) - A POE logging class
- POE::Component::Pluggable(3) - A base class for creating plugin-enabled POE Components.
- POE::Component::Pluggable::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Pluggable
- POE::Component::Pluggable::Pipeline(3) - the plugin pipeline for POE::Component::Pluggable
- POE::Component::PubSub(3) - A publish/subscribe component for the POE framework
- POE::Component::PubSub::Event(3) - An event abstraction for POE::Component::PubSub
- POE::Component::PubSub::Types(3) - Exported Types for use within POE::Component::PubSub
- POE::Component::Resolver(3) - A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
- POE::Component::Resolver::Sidecar(3) - delegate subprocess to call getaddrinfo()
- POE::Component::RSS(3) - Event based RSS parsing
- POE::Component::RSSAggregator(3) - Watch Muliple RSS Feeds for New Headlines
- POE::Component::Schedule(3) - Schedule POE events using DateTime::Set iterators
- POE::Component::Server::DNS(3) - A non-blocking, concurrent DNS server POE component
- POE::Component::Server::HTTP(3) - Foundation of a POE HTTP Daemon
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer(3) - serve HTTP requests
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::BasicAuthenHandler(3) - Basic HTTP Basic Authentication
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::Examples(3)
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::Handler(3) - request handler interface
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::NotFoundHandler(3) - Generate 404 Responses
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::ParameterParseHandler(3) - Parse request parameters into context
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::StaticHandler(3) - serve static files
- POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::TemplateHandler(3) - serve templated files
- POE::Component::Server::IRC(3) - A fully event-driven networkable IRC server daemon module.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Backend(3) - A POE component class that provides network connection abstraction for POE::Component::Server::IRC
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Common(3) - provides a set of common functions for the POE::Component::Server::IRC suite.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin(3) - Provides plugin documentation for POE::Component::Server::IRC.
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin::Auth(3) - Authentication subsystem of POE::Component::Server::IRC::Backend
- POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin::OperServ(3) - An OperServ plugin for POE::Component::Server::IRC
- POE::Component::Server::NNTP(3) - A POE component that provides NNTP server functionality.
- POE::Component::Server::NNTP::Constants(3) - importable constants for POE::Component::Server::NNTP plugins.
- POE::Component::Server::PSGI(3)
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP(3) - Perl extension to serve HTTP requests in POE.
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::Connection(3) - Stores connection information for SimpleHTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::Response(3) - Emulates a HTTP::Response object, used for SimpleHTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::State(3)
- POE::Component::Server::SMTP(3) - SMTP Protocol Implementation
- POE::Component::Server::SOAP(3) - publish POE event handlers via SOAP over HTTP
- POE::Component::Server::SOAP::Response(3) - Emulates a SimpleHTTP::Response object, used to store SOAP data
- POE::Component::Server::TCP(3) - a simplified TCP server
- POE::Component::Server::Twirc(3) - Twitter/IRC gateway
- POE::Component::SNMP(3) - POE interface to Net::SNMP
- POE::Component::SSLify(3) - Makes using SSL in the world of POE easy!
- POE::Component::SSLify::ClientHandle(3) - Client-side handle for SSLify
- POE::Component::SSLify::ServerHandle(3) - Server-side handle for SSLify
- POE::Component::Syndicator(3) - A POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
- POE::Component::TSTP(3) - A POE Component to handle Ctrl-Z
- POE::Devel::Profiler(3) - profiles POE programs
- POE::Driver(3) - an abstract interface for buffered, non-blocking I/O
- POE::Driver::SysRW(3) - buffered, non-blocking I/O using sysread and syswrite
- POE::Filter(3) - protocol abstractions for POE::Wheel and standalone use
- POE::Filter::Block(3) - translate data between streams and blocks
- POE::Filter::Bzip2(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Bzip2
- POE::Filter::DNS::TCP(3) - A POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
- POE::Filter::Grep(3) - select or remove items based on simple rules
- POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser(3) - A HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
- POE::Filter::HTTPChunk(3) - Non-blocking incremental HTTP chunk parser.
- POE::Filter::HTTPD(3) - parse simple HTTP requests, and serialize HTTP::Response
- POE::Filter::HTTPHead(3) - filter data as HTTP::Response objects
- POE::Filter::Ident(3)
- POE::Filter::IRC(3)
- POE::Filter::IRC::Compat(3) - A filter which converts POE::Filter::IRCD output into POE::Component::IRC events
- POE::Filter::IRCD(3) - A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
- POE::Filter::Line(3) - serialize and parse terminated records (lines)
- POE::Filter::LZF(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZF
- POE::Filter::LZO(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZO
- POE::Filter::LZW(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZW
- POE::Filter::Map(3) - transform input and/or output within a filter stack
- POE::Filter::RecordBlock(3) - translate between discrete records and blocks of them
- POE::Filter::Reference(3) - freeze and thaw arbitrary Perl data
- POE::Filter::SMTP(3) - SMTP Protocol Filter
- POE::Filter::SSL(3) - The easiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POE!
- POE::Filter::SSL::PreFilter(3) - Allow to add a PreFilter on Compontents using Wheels
- POE::Filter::Stackable(3) - combine multiple POE::Filter objects
- POE::Filter::Stream(3) - a no-op filter that passes data through unchanged
- POE::Filter::Transparent::SMTP(3) - Make SMTP transparency a breeze :)
- POE::Filter::XML(3) - XML parsing for the POE framework
- POE::Filter::XML::Handler(3) - Default SAX Handler for POE::Filter::XML
- POE::Filter::XML::Node(3) - A XML::LibXML::Element subclass that adds streaming semantics
- POE::Filter::XML::NS(3) - Provides constants that return appropriate namespace strings
- POE::Filter::Zlib(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
- POE::Filter::Zlib::Stream(3) - A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib deflate and inflate.
- POE::Kernel(3) - an event-based application kernel in Perl
- POE::Loop(3) - documentation for POE's event loop bridge interface
- POE::Loop::AnyEvent(3) - AnyEvent event loop support for POE
- POE::Loop::Glib(3) - A bridge that supports Glib's event loop from POE
- POE::Loop::IO_Poll(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by IO::Poll
- POE::Loop::PerlSignals(3) - common signal handling routines for POE::Loop bridges
- POE::Loop::Select(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by select(2)
- POE::Loop::Tk(3) - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
- POE::Loop::TkActiveState(3) - a POE/Tk bridge for ActiveState's Tk
- POE::Loop::TkCommon(3) - common code between the POE/Tk event loop bridges
- POE::NFA(3) - an event-driven state machine (nondeterministic finite automaton)
- POE::Pipe(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Pipe::OneWay(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Pipe::TwoWay(3) - Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely.
- POE::Queue(3) - a flexible, generic priority queue API
- POE::Queue::Array(3) - a high-performance array-based priority queue
- POE::Quickie(3) - A lazy way to wrap blocking code and programs
- POE::Request(3) - a common message class for POE::Stage
- POE::Request::Emit(3) - encapsulates non-terminal replies to POE::Request
- POE::Request::Recall(3) - encapsulates responses to POE::Request::Emit
- POE::Request::Return(3) - encapsulates final replies to POE::Request messages
- POE::Request::Upward(3) - internal base class for POE::Stage response messages
- POE::Resource(3) - internal resource managers for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Aliases(3) - internal session alias manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Clock(3) - internal clock used for ordering the queue
- POE::Resource::Events(3) - internal event manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Extrefs(3) - internal reference counts manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::FileHandles(3) - internal filehandle manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Sessions(3) - internal session manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::SIDs(3) - internal session ID manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resource::Signals(3) - internal signal manager for POE::Kernel
- POE::Resources(3) - loader of POE resources
- POE::Session(3) - a generic event-driven task
- POE::Session::Irssi(3) - emit POE events for Irssi signals
- POE::Stage(3) - a base class for message-driven objects
- POE::Stage::App(3) - a base class for POE::Stage applications
- POE::Stage::Echoer(3) - a stage that echoes back whatever it's given
- POE::Stage::Receiver(3) - a simple UDP recv/send component
- POE::Stage::Resolver(3) - a simple non-blocking DNS resolver
- POE::Stage::Ticker(3) - a periodic message generator for POE::Stage
- POE::Test::Loops(3) - Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
- POE::Test::Sequence(3) - POE test helper to verify a sequence of events
- POE::Watcher(3) - a base class for POE::Stage's event watchers
- POE::Watcher::Delay(3) - wait for a length of time to pass
- POE::Watcher::Input(3) - watch a socket or other handle for input readiness
- POE::Watcher::Wheel(3) - watch a POE::Wheel rather than reinvent it
- POE::Wheel(3) - event-driven mixins for POE::Session
- POE::Wheel::Curses(3) - non-blocking input for Curses
- POE::Wheel::FollowTail(3) - follow the tail of an ever-growing file
- POE::Wheel::ListenAccept(3) - accept connections from regular listening sockets
- POE::Wheel::ReadLine(3) - non-blocking Term::ReadLine for POE
- POE::Wheel::ReadWrite(3) - non-blocking buffered I/O mix-in for POE::Session
- POE::Wheel::Run(3) - portably run blocking code and programs in subprocesses
- POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3) - non-blocking socket creation
- POE::XS::Loop::Poll(3) - an XS implementation of POE::Loop, using poll(2).
- POEx::Role::Event(3) - Provide a decorator to label events
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer(3) - Encapsulates core PSGI server behavior
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer::ProxyWriter(3) - Provides a push writer for PSGI applications to use
- POEx::Role::PSGIServer::Streamer(3) - Provides streaming filehandle PSGI implementation
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation(3) - A Moose Role for turning objects into POE Sessions
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::POEState(3) - A read-only object that provides POE context
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events(3) - Provides default events such as _start, _stop, etc
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Implementation(3) - Provides actual POE::Session implementation
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Magic(3) - Provides the magic necessary to integrate with POE
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Sugar(3) - Provides some convenience methods for some POE::Kernel methods
- POEx::Role::Streaming(3) - Provides behavior for streaming from one filehandle to another
- POEx::Role::TCPServer(3) - A Moose Role that provides TCPServer behavior
- POEx::Types(3) - Exported Types for use within POEx modules
- POEx::Types::PSGIServer(3) - Provides type constraints for use in POEx::Role::PSGIServer
- PointEstimation(3) - Perl module for computing confidence intervals in parameter estimation with Student's T distribution Statistics::PointEstimation::Sufficient - Perl module for computing the confidence intervals using sufficient statistics
- poll_joystick(3) - Polls the joystick. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_keyboard(3) - Polls the keyboard. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_mouse(3) - Polls the mouse. Allegro game programming library.
- poll_scroll(3) - Checks the status of a scroll request with triple buffering. Allegro game programming library.
- polygon_z_normal(3) - Finds the Z component of the normal vector to three vertices. Allegro game programming library.
- polygon3d(3) - Draws a 3d polygon onto the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_LIT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK_LIT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_MASK_TRANS(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_ATEX_TRANS(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_FLAT(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_GCOL(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_GRGB(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- POLYTYPE_PTEX(3) - Polygon rendering mode type Allegro game programming library.
- pop_config_state(3) - Pops a previously pushed configuration state. Allegro game programming library.
- pop_video_context(3)
- POPEN(3) - process I/O
- POPT(3) - Parse command line options
- popup_dialog(3) - do_dialog() used for popup dialogs. Allegro game programming library.
- PorterEng(3) - Porter Stemming Algorithm for english language. ( <a href="http://www.xapian.org/">Xapian</a> (former Omseek) ).
- Ports::Port(3) - Deal with individual ports from FreeBSD's ports collection
- position_dialog(3) - Moves an array of dialog objects to the specified position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse(3) - Moves the mouse to the specified screen position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_w(3) - Sets the horizontal mouse wheel position. Allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_z(3) - Sets the mouse wheel position global variable. Allegro game programming library.
- POSIX::getpeername(3) - provides getpeername(2)
- POSIX::Socket(3) - Low-level perl interface to POSIX sockets
- POSIX::strftime::Compiler(3) - GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
- POSIX::strptime(3) - Perl extension to the POSIX date parsing strptime(3) function
- POSIX_SPAWN(3) - spawn a process
- POSIX_SPAWN_FILE_ACTIONS_ADDOPEN(3) - add open, dup2, close, closefrom, or chdir/fchdir actions to spawn file actions object
- POSIX_SPAWN_FILE_ACTIONS_INIT(3) - initialize and destroy spawn file actions object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETFLAGS(3) - get and set the spawn-flags attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETPGROUP(3) - get and set the spawn-pgroup attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSCHEDPARAM(3) - get and set the spawn-schedparam attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSCHEDPOLICY(3) - get and set the spawn-schedpolicy attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSIGDEFAULT(3) - get and set the spawn-sigdefault attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_GETSIGMASK(3) - get and set the spawn-sigmask attribute of a spawn attributes object
- POSIX_SPAWNATTR_INIT(3) - initialize and destroy spawn attributes object
- POSIX1E(3) - introduction to the POSIX.1e security API
- POST9PSERVICE(3) - post 9P service for use by clients
- PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Call(3) - Simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Trace(3) - Simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl
- POSTNOTE(3) - send a note to a process or process group
- PostScript::PPD(3) - Read PostScript Printer Definition files
- PostScript::Simple(3) - Produce PostScript files from Perl
- PostScript::Simple::EPS(3) - EPS support for PostScript::Simple
- PP::Dump(3)
- PP::Signature(3) - Internal module to handle signatures
- PPerl(3) - Make perl scripts persistent in memory
- PPI::Cache(3) - The PPI Document Caching Layer
- PPI::Document(3) - Object representation of a Perl document
- PPI::Document::File(3) - A Perl Document located in a specific file
- PPI::Document::Fragment(3) - A fragment of a Perl Document
- PPI::Document::Normalized(3) - A normalized Perl Document
- PPI::Dumper(3) - Dumping of PDOM trees
- PPI::Element(3) - The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
- PPI::Exception(3) - The PPI exception base class
- PPI::Find(3) - Object version of the Element->find method
- PPI::HTML(3) - Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
- PPI::Lexer(3) - The PPI Lexer
- PPI::Node(3) - Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
- PPI::Normal(3) - Normalize Perl Documents
- PPI::Normal::Standard(3) - Provides standard document normalization functions
- PPI::Statement(3) - The base class for Perl statements
- PPI::Statement::Break(3) - Statements which break out of normal statement flow
- PPI::Statement::Compound(3) - Describes all compound statements
- PPI::Statement::Data(3) - The __DATA__ section of a file
- PPI::Statement::End(3) - Content after the __END__ of a module
- PPI::Statement::Expression(3) - A generic and non-specialised statement
- PPI::Statement::Given(3) - A given-when statement
- PPI::Statement::Include(3) - Statements that include other code
- PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6(3) - Inline Perl 6 file section
- PPI::Statement::Null(3) - A useless null statement
- PPI::Statement::Package(3) - A package statement
- PPI::Statement::Scheduled(3) - A scheduled code block
- PPI::Statement::Sub(3) - Subroutine declaration
- PPI::Statement::Unknown(3) - An unknown or transient statement
- PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace(3) - Isolated unmatched brace
- PPI::Statement::Variable(3) - Variable declaration statements
- PPI::Statement::When(3) - A when statement
- PPI::Structure(3) - The base class for Perl braced structures
- PPI::Structure::Block(3) - Curly braces representing a code block
- PPI::Structure::Condition(3) - Round braces for boolean context conditions
- PPI::Structure::Constructor(3) - Anonymous hash or array constructor
- PPI::Structure::For(3) - Circular braces for a for expression
- PPI::Structure::Given(3) - Circular braces for a switch statement
- PPI::Structure::List(3) - Explicit list or precedence ordering braces
- PPI::Structure::Subscript(3) - Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
- PPI::Structure::Unknown(3) - An unknown or unresolved brace structure
- PPI::Structure::When(3) - Circular braces for a when statement
- PPI::Token(3) - A single token of Perl source code
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine(3) - The PPI Quote Engine
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine::Full(3)
- PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine::Simple(3)
- PPI::Token::ArrayIndex(3) - Token getting the last index for an array
- PPI::Token::Attribute(3) - A token for a subroutine attribute
- PPI::Token::BOM(3) - Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks
- PPI::Token::Cast(3) - A prefix which forces a value into a different context
- PPI::Token::Comment(3) - A comment in Perl source code
- PPI::Token::DashedWord(3) - A dashed bareword token
- PPI::Token::Data(3) - The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
- PPI::Token::End(3) - Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
- PPI::Token::HereDoc(3) - Token class for the here-doc
- PPI::Token::Label(3) - Token class for a statement label
- PPI::Token::Magic(3) - Tokens representing magic variables
- PPI::Token::Number(3) - Token class for a number
- PPI::Token::Number::Binary(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Exp(3) - Token class for an exponential notation number
- PPI::Token::Number::Float(3) - Token class for a floating-point number
- PPI::Token::Number::Hex(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Octal(3) - Token class for a binary number
- PPI::Token::Number::Version(3) - Token class for a byte-packed number
- PPI::Token::Operator(3) - Token class for operators
- PPI::Token::Pod(3) - Sections of POD in Perl documents
- PPI::Token::Prototype(3) - A subroutine prototype descriptor
- PPI::Token::Quote(3) - String quote abstract base class
- PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3) - A standard "double quote" token
- PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate(3) - The interpolation quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Quote::Literal(3) - The literal quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Quote::Single(3) - A 'single quote' token
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike(3) - Quote-like operator abstract base class
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick(3) - A `backticks` command token
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command(3) - The command quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline(3) - The readline quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp(3) - Regexp constructor quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words(3) - Word list constructor quote-like operator
- PPI::Token::Regexp(3) - Regular expression abstract base class
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Match(3) - A standard pattern match regex
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute(3) - A match and replace regular expression token
- PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate(3) - A transliteration regular expression token
- PPI::Token::Separator(3) - The __DATA__ and __END__ tags
- PPI::Token::Structure(3) - Token class for characters that define code structure
- PPI::Token::Symbol(3) - A token class for variables and other symbols
- PPI::Token::Unknown(3) - Token of unknown or as-yet undetermined type
- PPI::Token::Whitespace(3) - Tokens representing ordinary white space
- PPI::Token::Word(3) - The generic "word" Token
- PPI::Tokenizer(3) - The Perl Document Tokenizer
- PPI::Transform(3) - Abstract base class for document transformation classes
- PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright(3) - Demonstration PPI::Transform class
- PPI::XS(3) - (Minor) XS acceleration for PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools(3) - Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::FindUnmatchedBrace(3) - PPI-based unmatched-brace-finder
- PPIx::EditorTools::FindVariableDeclaration(3) - Finds where a variable was declared using PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::IntroduceTemporaryVariable(3) - Introduces a temporary variable using PPI
- PPIx::EditorTools::Lexer(3) - Simple Lexer used for syntax highlighting
- PPIx::EditorTools::Outline(3) - Collect use pragmata, modules, subroutiones, methods, attributes
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackage(3) - Change the package name
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackageFromPath(3) - Change the package name based on the files path
- PPIx::EditorTools::RenameVariable(3) - Lexically replace a variable name in Perl code
- PPIx::EditorTools::ReturnObject(3) - Simple object to return values from PPIx::EditorTools
- PPIx::QuoteLike(3) - Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Constant(3) - Constants needed by PPIx-QuoteLike
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper(3) - Dump the results of parsing quotelike things
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token(3) - Represent any token.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Control(3) - Represent case and quote control
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Delimiter(3) - Represent a string delimiter
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Interpolation(3) - Represent an interpolation
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::String(3) - Represent an uninterpolated string
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Structure(3) - Represent the structure of the string.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Unknown(3) - An unknown token
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Whitespace(3) - Represent insignificant white space.
- PPIx::QuoteLike::Utils(3) - Utility subroutines for PPIx::QuoteLike;
- PPIx::Regexp(3) - Represent a regular expression of some sort
- PPIx::Regexp::Constant(3) - Constants for the PPIx::Regexp system
- PPIx::Regexp::Dumper(3) - Dump the results of parsing regular expressions
- PPIx::Regexp::Element(3) - Base of the PPIx::Regexp hierarchy.
- PPIx::Regexp::Lexer(3) - Assemble tokenizer output.
- PPIx::Regexp::Node(3) - Represent a container
- PPIx::Regexp::Node::Range(3) - Represent a character range in a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Node::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown node.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure(3) - Represent a structure.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Assertion(3) - Represent a parenthesized assertion
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Atomic_Script_Run(3) - Represent an atomic script run group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::BranchReset(3) - Represent a branch reset group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Capture(3) - Represent capture parentheses.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::CharClass(3) - Represent a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Code(3) - Represent one of the code structures.
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Main(3) - Represent a regular expression proper, or a substitution
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Modifier(3) - Represent modifying parentheses
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::NamedCapture(3) - Represent a named capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Quantifier(3) - Represent curly bracket quantifiers
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Regexp(3) - Represent the top-level regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::RegexSet(3) - Represent a regexp character set
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Replacement(3) - Represent the replacement in s///
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Script_Run(3) - Represent a script run group
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Subexpression(3) - Represent an independent subexpression
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Switch(3) - Represent a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Structure::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown structure.
- PPIx::Regexp::Support(3) - Basis for the PPIx::Regexp support classes
- PPIx::Regexp::Token(3) - Base class for PPIx::Regexp tokens.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Assertion(3) - Represent a simple assertion.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Backreference(3) - Represent a back reference
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Backtrack(3) - Represent backtrack control.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass(3) - Represent a character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX(3) - Represent a POSIX character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown or unsupported POSIX character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::Simple(3) - This class represents a simple character class
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code(3) - Represent a chunk of Perl embedded in a regular expression.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Comment(3) - Represent a comment.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Condition(3) - Represent the condition of a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Control(3) - Case and quote control.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Delimiter(3) - Represent the delimiters of the regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Greediness(3) - Represent a greediness qualifier.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType(3) - Represent a grouping parenthesis type.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Assertion(3) - Represent a look ahead or look behind assertion
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Atomic_Script_Run(3) - Represent an atomic script run specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::BranchReset(3) - Represent a branch reset specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Code(3) - Represent one of the embedded code indicators
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Modifier(3) - Represent the modifiers in a modifier group.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::NamedCapture(3) - Represent a named capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Script_Run(3) - Represent a script run specifier
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Subexpression(3) - Represent an independent subexpression marker
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Switch(3) - Represent the introducing characters for a switch
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Interpolation(3) - Represent an interpolation in the PPIx::Regexp package.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal(3) - Represent a literal character
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Modifier(3) - Represent modifiers.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::NoOp(3) - Represent a token that does nothing.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Operator(3) - Represent an operator.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Quantifier(3) - Represent an atomic quantifier.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Recursion(3) - Represent a recursion
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Reference(3) - Represent a reference to a capture
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Structure(3) - Represent structural elements.
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Unknown(3) - Represent an unknown token
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Unmatched(3) - Represent an unmatched right bracket
- PPIx::Regexp::Token::Whitespace(3) - Represent whitespace
- PPIx::Regexp::Tokenizer(3) - Tokenize a regular expression
- PPIx::Regexp::Util(3) - Utility functions for PPIx::Regexp;
- PPIx::Utilities(3) - Extensions to PPI.
- PPIx::Utilities::Exception::Bug(3) - A problem identified by PPIx::Utilities.
- PPIx::Utilities::Node(3) - Extensions to PPI::Node.
- PPIx::Utilities::Statement(3) - Extensions to PPI::Statement.
- PPIx::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PPI
- PPIx::Utils::Classification(3) - Utility functions for classification of PPI elements
- PPIx::Utils::Language(3) - Utility functions for PPI related to the Perl language
- PPIx::Utils::Traversal(3) - Utility functions for traversing PPI documents
- PPR(3) - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
- PPR::X(3) - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
- Pprintast(3) - no description
- pptemplate(3) - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton
- PQexecf(3) - Prepares parameters and executes a command.
- PQgeterror(3) - libpqtypes error system management functions
- PQgetf(3) - Gets one or more values from a PGresult in a scanf fashion.
- PQinitTypes(3) - Initializes libpqtypes with the libpq event system.
- PQlocalTZInfo(3) - Gets the local machine´s timezone information.
- PQparamCreate(3) - PGparam management functions.
- PQparamExec(3) - Executes a paramertized query using the parameters in a PGparam.
- PQparamSendQuery(3) - Executes an asynchronous paramertized query using the parameters in a PGparam.
- PQputf(3) - Packs a set of parameters in a PGparam for use with a parameterized query.
- PQregisterComposites(3) - Registers a composites.
- PQregisterResult(3) - Registers sub-classes, composites and user-defined types found within a PGresult.
- PQregisterSubClasses(3) - Registers a type aliases or sub-classes.
- PQregisterTypes(3) - Registers sub-classes, composites and user-defined types.
- PQregisterUserDefinedTypes(3) - Registers a user-defined types.
- PQspecPrepare(3) - Prepares a libpqtypes specifier format string.
- pqt-composites(3) - A manual for libpqtypes composite handling.
- pqt-handlers(3) - A manual for implementing libpqtypes type handlers.
- pqt-specs(3) - A manual for libpqtypes data type specifier strings.
- PQtypesRegister(3) - Registers libpqtypes with the libpq event system.
- pQuery(3) - A port of jQuery.js to Perl
- pQuery::DOM(3) - A DOM Class for pQuery
- pr29_4(3) - API function
- pr29_4z(3) - API function
- pr29_8z(3) - API function
- pr29_strerror(3) - API function
- Pragmatic(3) - Adds pragmata to Exporter
- Preferred(3) - Perl extension to choose a language
- PreferredMethod(3) - Adds a preferredmethod argument to XMLTV grabbers
- PREFIX_ATTACH(3) - creates PREFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- PREFIX_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates PREFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- PREFIX_DETACH(3) - terminates PREFIX protocol and returns the underlying socket
- PreSuf(3) - create regular expressions from word lists
- PrettyPrinter(3) - generate nice HTML files from HTML syntax trees
- Prima::Application(3) - root of widget objects hierarchy
- Prima::Buttons(3) - button widgets and grouping widgets.
- Prima::Calendar(3) - standard calendar widget
- Prima::Classes(3) - binder module for the built-in classes.
- Prima::ComboBox(3) - standard combo box widget
- Prima::Const(3) - predefined constants
- Prima::DetailedList(3) - a multi-column list viewer with controlling header widget.
- Prima::DetailedOutline(3) - a multi-column outline viewer with controlling header widget.
- Prima::Dialog::ColorDialog(3) - standard color selection facilities
- Prima::Dialog::FileDialog(3) - File system related widgets and dialogs.
- Prima::Dialog::FindDialog(3) - wrapper module for Prima::Dialog::FindDialog and Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog to find and replace text.
- Prima::Dialog::FontDialog(3) - standard font dialog
- Prima::Dialog::ImageDialog(3) - file open and save dialogs.
- Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog(3) - standard printer setup dialog
- Prima::DockManager(3) - advanced dockable widgets
- Prima::Docks(3) - dockable widgets
- Prima::Drawable::Antialias(3) - plot antialiased shapes
- Prima::Drawable::Basic(3)
- Prima::Drawable::CurvedText(3) - fit text to path
- Prima::Drawable::Glyphs(3) - helper routines for bi-directional text input and complex scripts output
- Prima::Drawable::Gradient(3) - gradient fills for primitives
- Prima::Drawable::Markup(3) - allow markup in widgets
- Prima::Drawable::Metafile(3) - graphic primitive recorder
- Prima::Drawable::Path(3) - stroke and fill complex paths
- Prima::Drawable::Subcanvas(3) - paint a hierarchy of widgets to any drawable
- Prima::Drawable::TextBlock(3) - rich text representation
- Prima::Edit(3) - standard text editing widget
- Prima::EventHook(3) - event filtering
- Prima::ExtLists(3) - extended functionality for list boxes
- Prima::FrameSet(3) - standard frameset widget
- Prima::Grids(3) - grid widgets
- Prima::Header(3) - a multi-tabbed header widget.
- Prima::HelpViewer(3) - the built-in pod file browser
- Prima::Image::Animate(3) - animate gif,webp,png files
- Prima::Image::TransparencyControl(3) - standard dialog for transparent color index selection.
- Prima::ImageViewer(3) - standard image, icon, and bitmap viewer class.
- Prima::IniFile(3) - support of Windows-like initialization files
- Prima::InputLine(3) - standard input line widget
- Prima::IntUtils(3) - internal functions
- Prima::KeySelector(3) - key combination widget and routines
- Prima::Label(3) - static text widget
- Prima::Lists(3) - user-selectable item list widgets
- Prima::MDI(3) - top-level windows emulation classes
- Prima::Menus(3) - menu widgets
- Prima::MsgBox(3) - standard message and input dialog boxes
- Prima::Notebooks(3) - multipage widgets
- Prima::noX11(3) - Use Prima without X11
- Prima::Outlines(3) - tree view widgets
- Prima::PodView(3) - POD browser widget
- Prima::PS::CFF(3) - create compressed Type1 fonts
- Prima::PS::Drawable(3) - Common routines for PS drawables
- Prima::PS::Glyphs(3) - glyph outlines as adobe charstrings
- Prima::PS::PDF(3) - PDF interface to Prima::Drawable
- Prima::PS::PostScript(3) - PostScript interface to Prima::Drawable
- Prima::PS::Printer(3) - PostScript interface to Prima::Printer
- Prima::PS::TempFile(3) - store parts of PS output in files
- Prima::PS::Type1(3) - create Type1 font files
- Prima::RubberBand(3) - draw rubberbands
- Prima::ScrollBar(3) - standard scroll bars class
- Prima::ScrollWidget(3) - scrollable generic document widget.
- Prima::Sliders(3) - sliding bars, spin buttons and input lines, dial widget etc.
- Prima::Spinner(3) - Show a spinner animation
- Prima::StartupWindow(3) - a simplistic startup banner window
- Prima::StdBitmap(3) - shared access to the standard toolkit bitmaps
- Prima::Stress(3) - stress test module
- Prima::sys::FS(3) - unicode-aware core file functions
- Prima::sys::gtk::FileDialog(3) - GTK file system dialogs.
- Prima::sys::Test(3) - GUI test tools
- Prima::sys::win32::FileDialog(3) - Windows file system dialogs.
- Prima::sys::XQuartz(3) - MacOSX/XQuartz facilities
- Prima::TextView(3) - rich text browser widget
- Prima::Themes(3) - object themes management
- Prima::Tie(3) - tie widget properties to scalars or arrays.
- Prima::Utils(3) - miscellanneous routines
- Prima::VB::CfgMaint(3) - maintains visual builder widget palette configuration.
- Prima::VB::Classes(3) - Visual Builder widgets and types
- Prima::VB::VBLoader(3) - Visual Builder file loader
- Prima::Widgets(3) - miscellaneous widget classes
- primegen(3) - enumerate small primes
- PrintCols(3) - Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columns.
- PrintControl(3) - disable default print output
- Printexc(3) - Facilities for printing exceptions and inspecting current call stack.
- PRINTF_L(3) - formatted output conversion
- Probe::Perl(3) - Information about the currently running perl
- Proc::Background(3) - Generic interface to Unix and Win32 background process management
- Proc::Background::Unix(3) - Unix-specific implementation of process create/wait/kill
- Proc::Background::Win32(3) - Windows-specific implementation of process create/wait/kill
- Proc::BackOff(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial version
- Proc::BackOff::Exponential(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::BackOff::Linear(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::BackOff::Random(3) - Documentation fixes. No code changes. 0.01 2007-04-17 -- Daniel Lo - Initial Version
- Proc::Daemon(3) - Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process.
- Proc::Find::Parents(3) - Find parents of a process (up to the root)
- Proc::Fork(3) - simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
- Proc::Guard(3) - process runner with RAII pattern
- Proc::InvokeEditor(3) - Perl extension for starting a text editor
- Proc::Killall(3) - Kill all instances of a process by pattern matching the command-line
- Proc::Killfam(3) - kill a list of pids, and all their sub-children
- Proc::Pidfile(3) - a simple OO Perl module for maintaining a process id file for the curent process
- Proc::ProcessTable(3) - Perl extension to access the unix process table
- Proc::ProcessTable::Colorizer(3) - Like ps, but with colored columns and enhnaced functions for searching.
- Proc::ProcessTable::InfoString(3) - Greats a PS like stat string showing various symbolic represenation of various flags/state as well as the wchan.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match(3) - Matches a Proc::ProcessTable::Process against a stack of checks.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Cmndline(3) - Check if the cmndline of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Command(3) - Check if the fname or cmndline of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EGID(3) - Check if the EGID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EGIDset(3) - Check if the the process has a EGID set.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EUID(3) - Check if the EUID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::EUIDset(3) - Check if the the process has a EUID set.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Fname(3) - Check if the fname of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::GID(3) - Check if the GID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Idle(3) - Attempts to match the kernel idle process.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::JID(3) - Check if the JID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::KernProc(3) - Attempts to match the kernel processes.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PctCPU(3) - Check if a process matches based on the CPU usaged percentage.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PctMem(3) - Check if the memory usage by percent of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::PID(3) - Check if the PID of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Priority(3) - Check if the Priority of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::RSS(3) - Check if the resident set size of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Size(3) - Check if the Size of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Start(3) - Check if the start time of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::State(3) - Check if the state of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Swapped(3) - Check if the process is swapped out.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::Time(3) - Check if the user + system time of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::UID(3) - Check if the UID or username of a process matches.
- Proc::ProcessTable::Match::WChan(3) - Check if the wait channel of a process matches via regexp.
- Proc::ProcessTable::ncps(3) - New Colorized(optional) PS, a enhanced version of PS with advanced searching capabilities
- Proc::ProcessTable::Process(3) - Perl process objects
- Proc::Queue(3) - limit the number of child processes running
- Proc::SafeExec::Queue(3) - Uses Proc::SafeExec to manage a group of concurrent processes.
- proc_lib(3) - Functions for asynchronous and synchronous start of processes adhering to the OTP design principles.
- Process::Status(3) - a handle on process termination, like $?
- Processors::Info(3) - Interface to processor (CPU) information
- Proclet(3) - minimalistic Supervisor
- Proclet::Declare(3) - Declare interface to Proclet
- Procmailrc(3) - An interface to Procmail recipe files
- Progress::Any(3) - Record progress to any output
- Progress::Any::Output(3) - Assign output to progress indicators
- Progress::Any::Output::Null(3) - Null output
- ProgressIndicator(3) - Another, simpler ProgressBar
- Project::Libs(3) - Add module directories of a project into @INC automatically
- Promises(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Cookbook::ChainingAndPipelining(3) - Examples of chaining/pipelining of asynchronous operations
- Promises::Cookbook::GentleIntro(3) - All you need to know about Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::Recursion(3) - Examples of recursive asynchronous operations
- Promises::Cookbook::ScalaFuturesComparison(3) - A comparison of Scala Futures with Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::SynopsisBreakdown(3) - A breakdown of the SYNOPSIS section of Promises
- Promises::Cookbook::TIMTOWTDI(3) - Counter examples to Promises
- Promises::Deferred(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::AE(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::AnyEvent(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::EV(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Deferred::Mojo(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Promises::Promise(3) - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- Prophet(3) - A distributed database system
- Prophet::App(3)
- Prophet::Change(3) - encapsulates a change to a single record in a Prophet replica.
- Prophet::ChangeSet(3) - represents a single, atomic Prophet database update.
- Prophet::CLI(3)
- Prophet::CLI::CollectionCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Aliases(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Clone(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Config(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Create(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Delete(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Export(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::History(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Info(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Init(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Log(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Merge(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Mirror(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Publish(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Pull(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Push(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Search(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Server(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Settings(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Shell(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Show(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Command::Update(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher::Rule(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Dispatcher::Rule::RecordId(3)
- Prophet::CLI::MirrorCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::Parameters(3)
- Prophet::CLI::ProgressBar(3)
- Prophet::CLI::PublishCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::RecordCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLI::TextEditorCommand(3)
- Prophet::CLIContext(3)
- Prophet::Collection(3) - Collections of Prophet::Record objects
- Prophet::Config(3) - Prophet's configuration object
- Prophet::Conflict(3)
- Prophet::ConflictingChange(3)
- Prophet::ConflictingPropChange(3) - Conflicting property changes
- Prophet::ContentAddressedStore(3)
- Prophet::DatabaseSetting(3)
- Prophet::FilesystemReplica(3)
- Prophet::ForeignReplica(3) - Base for 2nd-class replicas
- Prophet::Manual(3) - What Prophet is, how it works and how to use it
- Prophet::Meta::Types(3) - extra types for Prophet
- Prophet::PropChange(3) - A single property change.
- Prophet::Record(3) - Base class for records.
- Prophet::Replica(3) - base class for all Prophet replicas.
- Prophet::Replica::file(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::File(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::LWP(3)
- Prophet::Replica::FS::Backend::SSH(3)
- Prophet::Replica::http(3)
- Prophet::Replica::prophet(3) - sha1 sum of the changeset's content>
- Prophet::Replica::prophet_cache(3)
- Prophet::Replica::sqlite(3)
- Prophet::ReplicaExporter(3) - Exports a replica to a serialized on-disk format.
- Prophet::ReplicaFeedExporter(3)
- Prophet::Resolver(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::AlwaysSource(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::AlwaysTarget(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Failed(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Fixup::MissingSourceOldValues(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::FromResolutionDB(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::IdenticalChanges(3)
- Prophet::Resolver::Prompt(3)
- Prophet::Server(3)
- Prophet::Server::Controller(3)
- Prophet::Server::Dispatcher(3)
- Prophet::Server::View(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::HiddenParam(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::ParamFromFunction(3)
- Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Widget(3)
- Prophet::Test(3)
- Prophet::Test::Arena(3)
- Prophet::Test::Editor(3)
- Prophet::Test::Participant(3)
- Prophet::Util(3) - Common utility functions.
- Prophet::UUIDGenerator(3) - Creates v4 & v5 UUIDs.
- Prophet::Web::Field(3)
- Prophet::Web::FunctionResult(3)
- Prophet::Web::Menu(3) - Handle the API for menu navigation
- Prophet::Web::Result(3)
- proplists(3) - Support functions for property lists.
- protected(3) - "private" data fields which are inherited by child classes
- Protocol::ACME(3) - Interface to the Let's Encrypt ACME API
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge(3) - Empty base class for ACME Challenges
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::LocalFile(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via a local file
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::Manual(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via manual setup
- Protocol::ACME::Challenge::SimpleSSH(3) - Challenge handler for simpleHttp via SSH
- Protocol::CassandraCQL(3) - wire protocol support functions for Cassandra CQL
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Client(3) - a minimal Cassandra CQL client
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::ColumnMeta(3) - stores the column metadata of a Cassandra CQL query
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame(3) - a byte buffer storing the content of a CQL message frame
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frames(3) - build or parse frame bodies for specific message types
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Result(3) - stores the result of a Cassandra CQL query
- Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type(3) - represents a Cassandra CQL data type
- Protocol::Connection(3) - Perl module abstract base class for X11 client to server connections
- Protocol::Connection::FileHandle(3) - Perl module base class for FileHandle-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::INETFH(3) - Perl module for FileHandle-based TCP/IP X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::INETSocket(3) - Perl module for IO::Socket::INET-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::Socket(3) - Perl module base class for IO::Socket-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::UNIXFH(3) - Perl module for FileHandle-based Unix-domain X11 connections
- Protocol::Connection::UNIXSocket(3) - Perl module for IO::Socket::UNIX-based X11 connections
- Protocol::Ext::BIG_REQUESTS(3) - Perl module for the X11 protocol Big Requests extension
- Protocol::Ext::DPMS(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol DPMS Extension
- Protocol::Ext::RENDER(3) - Perl module for the X Rendering Extension
- Protocol::Ext::SHAPE(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension
- Protocol::Ext::XC_MISC(3) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol XC-MISC Extension
- Protocol::Ext::XFree86_Misc(3) - Perl module for the XFree86 Misc Extension
- Protocol::HTTP2(3) - HTTP/2 protocol implementation (RFC 7540)
- Protocol::HTTP2::Client(3) - HTTP/2 client
- Protocol::HTTP2::Frame(3)
- Protocol::HTTP2::Server(3) - HTTP/2 server
- Protocol::SocketIO(3) - Socket.IO protocol implementation
- Protocol::SocketIO::Handshake(3) - Socket.IO handshake construction
- Protocol::SocketIO::Message(3) - Socket.IO message parsing and building
- Protocol::SocketIO::Path(3) - Socket.IO path parsing
- Protocol::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket protocol
- Protocol::WebSocket::Client(3) - WebSocket client
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie(3) - Base class for WebSocket cookies
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Request(3) - WebSocket Cookie Request
- Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Response(3) - WebSocket Cookie Response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Frame(3) - WebSocket Frame
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake(3) - Base WebSocket Handshake class
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Client(3) - WebSocket Client Handshake
- Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Server(3) - WebSocket Server Handshake
- Protocol::WebSocket::Message(3) - Base class for WebSocket request and response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Request(3) - WebSocket Request
- Protocol::WebSocket::Response(3) - WebSocket Response
- Protocol::WebSocket::Stateful(3) - Base class for all classes with states
- Protocol::WebSocket::URL(3) - WebSocket URL
- Protocol::XMLRPC(3) - XML-RPC implementation
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Client(3) - Simple XML-RPC client
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Method(3) - methodCall and methodResponse base class
- Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodCall(3) - XML-RPC methodCall request
- Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodResponse(3) - XML-RPC methodResponse response
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value(3) - a base class for scalar values
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Array(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Base64(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Boolean(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::DateTime(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Double(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Integer(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::String(3) - XML-RPC array
- Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::Struct(3) - XML-RPC struct
- Protocol::XMLRPC::ValueFactory(3) - value objects factory
- Protocol::XMPP(3) - Protocol-level support for XMPP interaction
- Protocol::XMPP::Base(3) - base class for Protocol::XMPP
- Protocol::XMPP::Contact(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Active(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Auth(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Bind(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Body(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Challenge(3) - deal with the XMPP challenge
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Feature(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Features(3) - broker for setting up internal state and triggering reponses based on supported features
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::HTML(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::IQ(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::JID(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Mechanism(3) - information on available auth mechanisms
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Mechanisms(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Message(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Nick(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Presence(3) - indicate success for an operation
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Proceed(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Register(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Response(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Session(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::StartTLS(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Stream(3) - handle the stream start/end tags
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Subject(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Element::Success(3) - indicate success for an operation
- Protocol::XMPP::ElementBase(3) - base class for Protocol::XMPP XML fragment handling
- Protocol::XMPP::Handler(3)
- Protocol::XMPP::IQ::Roster(3) - stash current IQ on stream Query start - set IQ query type to xmlns
- Protocol::XMPP::Message(3) - register ability to deal with a specific feature
- Protocol::XMPP::Roster(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::Stream(3) - handle XMPP protocol stream
- Protocol::XMPP::TextElement(3) - handle a text element
- Protocol::XMPP::User(3) - user-related functionality
- PS_ARC(3)
- PS_ARCN(3)
- PS_BOOT(3)
- PS_CLIP(3)
- PS_continue_text2(3)
- PS_FILL(3)
- PS_NEW(3)
- PS_NEW2(3)
- PS_RECT(3)
- PS_SAVE(3)
- PS_SHOW(3)
- PS_SHOW_XY2(3)
- PS_SHOW2(3)
- PS_symbol_name(3)
- PS_symbol_width(3)
- PSGI::Extensions(3) - PSGI extensions
- PSGI::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions and answers
- Psh::Builtins::Alias(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Bg(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Bind(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Builtin(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Cd(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Complete(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Delenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Dirs(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Drives(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Exit(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Export(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fallback::Env(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fallback::Ls(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fc(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Fg(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Firsttime(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Forfile(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Function(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Hash(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Help(3)
- Psh::Builtins::History(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Jobs(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Kill(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Modules(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Option(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Package(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Printenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Readline(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Rehash(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Rename(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Set(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Setenv(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Source(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Strategy(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Sudo(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Symbols(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Theme(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Tieopt(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Unalias(3)
- Psh::Builtins::Which(3)
- Psh::Completion(3) - containing the completion routines of psh. Currently works with Term::ReadLine::Gnu and Term::ReadLine::Perl.
- Psh::Joblist(3) - A data structure suitable for handling job lists like bash's
- Psh::Locale(3) - containing base code for I18N
- Psh::Locale::Default(3) - containing translations for default locale
- Psh::OS(3) - Wrapper class for OS dependant stuff
- Psh::OS::Win(3) - Contains Windows specific code
- Psh::Parser(3) - Perl Shell Parser
- Psh::PerlEval(3) - package containing perl evaluation codes
- Psh::Strategy(3) - a Perl Shell Evaluation Strategy (base class)
- Psh::Strategy::Auto_cd(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Auto_resume(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Bang(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Brace(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Darwin_apps(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Debug(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Eval(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Executable(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Fallback_builtin(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perl(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlfunc(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlfunc_heavy(3)
- Psh::Strategy::Perlscript(3)
- Psh::StrategyBunch(3)
- PSIGNAL(3) - system signal messages
- pskc_add_keypackage(3) - API function
- pskc_build_xml(3) - API function
- pskc_check_version(3) - API function
- pskc_done(3) - API function
- pskc_free(3) - API function
- pskc_get_cryptomodule_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_devicebinding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_issueno(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_manufacturer(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_model(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_serialno(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_device_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algorithm(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_max(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_chall_min(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_resp_length(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_algparm_suite(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_b64secret(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_counter(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_secret(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_time(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_timedrift(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_data_timeinterval(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_friendlyname(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_id(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_issuer(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_keyusages(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_numberoftransactions(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinencoding(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinkeyid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinmaxfailedattempts(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinmaxlength(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinminlength(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_policy_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_profileid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_reference(3) - API function
- pskc_get_key_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_get_keypackage(3) - API function
- pskc_get_signed_p(3) - API function
- pskc_get_version(3) - API function
- pskc_global_done(3) - API function
- pskc_global_init(3) - API function
- pskc_global_log(3) - API function
- pskc_init(3) - API function
- pskc_keyusage2str(3) - API function
- pskc_output(3) - API function
- pskc_parse_from_memory(3) - API function
- pskc_pinusagemode2str(3) - API function
- pskc_set_cryptomodule_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_devicebinding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_issueno(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_manufacturer(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_model(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_serialno(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_device_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algorithm(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_max(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_chall_min(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_checkdigits(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_encoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_resp_length(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_algparm_suite(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_b64secret(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_counter(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_secret(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_time(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_timedrift(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_data_timeinterval(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_friendlyname(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_id(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_issuer(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_expirydate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_keyusages(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_numberoftransactions(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinencoding(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinkeyid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinmaxfailedattempts(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinmaxlength(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinminlength(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_policy_startdate(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_profileid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_reference(3) - API function
- pskc_set_key_userid(3) - API function
- pskc_set_version(3) - API function
- pskc_sign_x509(3) - API function
- pskc_str2keyusage(3) - API function
- pskc_str2pinusagemode(3) - API function
- pskc_str2valueformat(3) - API function
- pskc_strerror(3) - API function
- pskc_strerror_name(3) - API function
- pskc_validate(3) - API function
- pskc_valueformat2str(3) - API function
- pskc_verify_x509crt(3) - API function
- PSLIB(3) - Library to create PostScript files
- PTHREAD(3) - POSIX thread functions
- Pthread::GetThreadId(3)
- PTHREAD_AFFINITY_NP(3) - manage CPU affinity
- PTHREAD_ATFORK(3) - register fork handlers
- PTHREAD_ATTR(3) - thread attribute operations
- PTHREAD_ATTR_AFFINITY_NP(3) - manage CPU affinity in thread attribute objects
- PTHREAD_ATTR_GET_NP(3) - get attributes of existent thread
- PTHREAD_ATTR_SETCREATESUSPEND_NP(3) - prepare attribute for creation of suspended thread
- PTHREAD_BARRIER(3) - destroy, initialize or wait on a barrier object
- PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR(3) - manipulate a barrier attribute object
- PTHREAD_CANCEL(3) - cancel execution of a thread
- PTHREAD_CLEANUP_POP(3) - call the first cleanup routine
- PTHREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH(3) - add a cleanup function for thread exit
- PTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST(3) - unblock all threads waiting for a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_DESTROY(3) - destroy a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_INIT(3) - create a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_SIGNAL(3) - unblock a thread waiting for a condition variable
- PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT(3) - wait on a condition variable for a specific amount of time
- PTHREAD_COND_WAIT(3) - wait on a condition variable
- PTHREAD_CONDATTR(3) - condition attribute operations
- PTHREAD_CREATE(3) - create a new thread
- PTHREAD_DETACH(3) - detach a thread
- PTHREAD_EQUAL(3) - compare thread IDs
- PTHREAD_EXIT(3) - terminate the calling thread
- PTHREAD_GETCONCURRENCY(3) - get or set level of concurrency
- PTHREAD_GETCPUCLOCKID(3) - access a thread CPU-time clock
- PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(3) - get a thread-specific data value
- PTHREAD_GETTHREADID_NP(3) - get the calling thread's integral ID
- PTHREAD_JOIN(3) - inspect thread termination state
- PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE(3) - thread-specific data key creation
- PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE(3) - delete a thread-specific data key
- PTHREAD_KILL(3) - send a signal to a specified thread
- PTHREAD_MAIN_NP(3) - identify the initial thread
- PTHREAD_MULTI_NP(3) - switch between multi- and single-threaded scheduling modes
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_CONSISTENT(3) - mark state protected by robust mutex as consistent
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY(3) - free resources allocated for a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(3) - create a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(3) - lock a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK(3) - lock a mutex without blocking indefinitely
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_TRYLOCK(3) - attempt to lock a mutex without blocking
- PTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(3) - unlock a mutex
- PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR(3) - mutex attribute operations
- PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_GETKIND_NP(3) - mutex attribute operations (legacy)
- PTHREAD_NP(3) - FreeBSD extensions to POSIX thread functions
- PTHREAD_ONCE(3) - dynamic package initialization
- PTHREAD_RESUME_ALL_NP(3) - resume all suspended threads
- PTHREAD_RESUME_NP(3) - resume suspended thread
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DESTROY(3) - destroy a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INIT(3) - initialize a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK(3) - acquire a read/write lock for reading
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDRDLOCK(3) - acquire a read-write lock for reading or give up after a specified period
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDWRLOCK(3) - acquire a read-write lock for writing or give up after a specified period
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_UNLOCK(3) - release a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRLOCK(3) - acquire a read/write lock for writing
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_DESTROY(3) - destroy a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_GETPSHARED(3) - get the process shared attribute
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_INIT(3) - initialize a read/write lock
- PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_SETPSHARED(3) - set the process shared attribute
- PTHREAD_SCHEDPARAM(3) - thread scheduling parameter manipulation
- PTHREAD_SELF(3) - get the calling thread's ID
- PTHREAD_SET_NAME_NP(3) - set and retrieve the thread name
- PTHREAD_SETSPECIFIC(3) - set a thread-specific data value
- PTHREAD_SIGMASK(3) - examine and/or change a thread's signal mask
- PTHREAD_SPIN_INIT(3) - initialize or destroy a spin lock
- PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK(3) - lock or unlock a spin lock
- PTHREAD_SUSPEND_ALL_NP(3) - suspend all active threads
- PTHREAD_SUSPEND_NP(3) - suspend a thread
- PTHREAD_SWITCH_ADD_NP(3) - thread context switches debugging primitives
- PTHREAD_TESTCANCEL(3) - set cancelability state
- PTHREAD_YIELD(3) - yield control of the current thread
- pTk(3) - how to make your Tk source portable to other interpreted languages.
- ptkdb(3) - Perl debugger using a Tk GUI
- PTSNAME(3) - pseudo-terminal access functions
- PUBLIB(3) - introduction to publib
- public_key(3) - API module for public-key infrastructure.
- Pugs::Compiler::Grammar(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Grammars
- Pugs::Compiler::Regex(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Regex
- Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 style "Perl5" regex
- Pugs::Compiler::Rule(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 regexes
- Pugs::Compiler::Token(3) - Compiler for Perl 6 Token
- Pugs::Emitter::Grammar::Perl5(3) - Perl 5 emitter for grammar ASTs
- Pugs::Grammar::Precedence(3) - Engine for Perl 6 Rule operator precedence
- Pugs::Runtime::Match(3) - Match object created by rules
- Pugs::Runtime::Regex(3)
- Pugs::Runtime::StrPos(3) - Represent a position inside a string
- Pugs::Runtime::Tracer(3) - tracer runtime for Pugs::Compiler::Rule
- punycode_decode(3) - API function
- punycode_encode(3) - API function
- punycode_strerror(3) - API function
- push_config_state(3) - Pushes the current configuration state. Allegro game programming library.
- push_video_context(3)
- Pushmi(3) - Subversion repository replication tool
- Pushmi::Command::Mirror(3) - initialize pushmi mirrors
- Pushmi::Command::Runhook(3) - transaction preprocessing
- Pushmi::Command::Sync(3) - synchronize pushmi mirrors
- Pushmi::Command::Verify(3) - revision verification
- PUSHTLS(3) - attach TLS1 or SSL3 encryption to a communication channel
- put_backslash(3) - Puts a path separator at the end of a path if needed. Allegro game programming library.
- PUTWC(3) - output a wide character to a stream
- PUZZLE_SET(3) - set tunables for libpuzzle functions.
- Pvm(3) - Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Message Passing System
- PW_UTIL(3) - functions for passwd file handling
- PWCACHE(3) - cache password and group entries
- PWQUALITY(3) - Documentation of the libpwquality API
- pysilk(3) - Silk in Python
- Python(3) - Write Perl subs and classes in Python.
- Q_FRAWMASK(3) - fixed-point math functions which manipulate the fractional data bits
- Q_IFRAWMASK(3) - fixed-point math functions which manipulate the combined integer/fractional data bits
- Q_INI(3) - fixed-point math miscellaneous functions/variables
- Q_IRAWMASK(3) - fixed-point math functions which manipulate the integer data bits
- Q_QABS(3) - fixed-point math functions which operate on a single Q number
- Q_QADDI(3) - fixed-point math functions which apply integers to a Q number
- Q_QADDQ(3) - fixed-point math functions which operate on two Q numbers
- Q_SIGNED(3) - fixed-point math comparison and logic functions
- Q_SIGNSHFT(3) - fixed-point math functions which manipulate the control/sign data bits
- Q16(3) - objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick (Q16). Use it to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images from within a Perl script.
- Q16HDRI(3) - objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick (Q16HDRI). Use it to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images from within a Perl script.
- QBALL(3) - 3-d rotation controller
- QDBM(3) - quick database manager
- qlc(3) - Query interface to Mnesia, ETS, Dets, and so on.
- QMATH(3) - fixed-point math library based on the “Q” number format
- QMTP(3) - Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client
- qnx_get_window(3) - Retrieves a handle to the window used by Allegro.
- Qpsmtpd::Address(3) - Lightweight E-Mail address objects
- Qpsmtpd::Command(3) - parse arguments to SMTP commands
- Qpsmtpd::ConfigServer(3) - a configuration server for qpsmtpd
- Qpsmtpd::Connection(3) - A single SMTP connection
- Qpsmtpd::Constants(3) - Constants for plugins to use
- Qpsmtpd::DSN(3) - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes - RFC 1893
- Qpsmtpd::Postfix(3) - postfix queueing support for qpsmtpd
- Qpsmtpd::Transaction(3) - single SMTP session transaction data
- qscale_matrix(3) - Optimised routine for scaling an already generated matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- QSORT(3) - sort functions
- qtranslate_matrix(3) - Optimised routine for translating an already generated matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- quad3d(3) - Draws a 3d quad onto the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- Quantum::Superpositions(3) - QM-like superpositions in Perl
- QUAT(3) - Stores quaternion information. Allegro game programming library.
- quat_interpolate(3) - Constructs a quaternion representing a rotation between from and to. Allegro game programming library.
- quat_mul(3) - Multiplies two quaternions. Allegro game programming library.
- quat_slerp(3) - Version of quat_interpolate() allowing control over the rotation. Allegro game programming library.
- quat_to_matrix(3) - Constructs a rotation matrix from a quaternion. Allegro game programming library.
- Qudo(3) - simple and extensible job queue manager
- Qudo::Manager(3) - qudo manager class.
- Qudo::Manual::JA::Functions(3) - Qudo's major function document lang:ja
- Qudo::Manual::JA::Intro(3) - Qudo's document lang:ja
- Qudo::Manual::JA::Tutorial(3) - Qudo's sample code document lang:ja
- Qudo::Worker(3) - superclass for defining task behavior of Qudo's work
- QueryData(3) - direct perl interface to WordNet database
- QUERYLOCALE(3) - Look up the locale name or version for a specified category
- Queue::Beanstalk(3) - Client library for the beanstalkd server
- QUORUM_CONTEXT_GET(3) - Gets the context variable for a QUORUM instance
- QUORUM_CONTEXT_SET(3) - Sets the context variable for a QUORUM instance
- QUORUM_DISPATCH(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the quorum service
- QUORUM_FD_GET(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the quorum service
- QUORUM_FINALIZE(3) - Terminate a connection to the quorum service
- QUORUM_GETQUORATE(3) - Gets the quorate status of the node.
- QUORUM_INITIALIZE(3) - Create a new connection to the Quorum service
- QUORUM_OVERVIEW(3) - Quorum Library Overview
- QUORUM_TRACKSTART(3) - Enable callbacks notification.
- QUORUM_TRACKSTOP(3) - Disable callbacks notification.
- QUOTAFILE(3) - Manipulate quotas
- radcli.h(3)
- Radius::Dictionary(3) - RADIUS dictionary parser
- Radius::Packet(3) - Object-oriented Perl interface to RADIUS packets
- RADIXSORT(3) - radix sort
- RAISECOND(3) - raises a condition
- rancid(3) - rancid Perl and Python modules
- RAND_ADD(3) - add randomness to the PRNG or get its status
- RAND_BYTES(3) - generate random data
- RAND_CLEANUP(3) - erase the PRNG state
- RAND_DRBG_GENERATE(3) - generate random bytes using the given drbg instance
- RAND_DRBG_GET0_MASTER(3) - get access to the global RAND_DRBG instances
- RAND_DRBG_NEW(3) - initialize and cleanup a RAND_DRBG instance
- RAND_DRBG_RESEED(3) - reseed a RAND_DRBG instance
- RAND_DRBG_SET_CALLBACKS(3) - set callbacks for reseeding
- RAND_DRBG_SET_EX_DATA(3) - store and retrieve extra data from the DRBG instance
- RAND_EGD(3) - query entropy gathering daemon
- RAND_LOAD_FILE(3) - PRNG seed file
- RAND_SET_RAND_METHOD(3) - select RAND method
- RAND48(3) - pseudo random number generators and initialization routines
- random_range(3) - a set of routines for dealing with integer ranges, and random numbers in a range
- random_surface(3)
- range_arrayinbuf(3) - range check for array in buffer
- range_bufinbuf(3) - range check for buf in buffer
- range_ptrinbuf(3) - range check pointer in buffer
- range_str2inbuf(3) - range check for string in buffer
- range_str4inbuf(3) - range check for string in buffer
- range_strinbuf(3) - range check for string in buffer
- range_validbuf(3) - range check buffer
- rangecheck(3) - pointer range checking
- raw_surface(3)
- RawIP::libpcap(3) - An interface to libpcap in Net::RawIP(3pm)
- Razor2::Errorhandler(3) - Error handling mechanism for Razor.
- Razor2::Syslog(3)
- RBLClient(3) - Queries multiple Realtime Blackhole Lists in parallel
- rc_aaa(3)
- rc_aaa_ctx(3)
- rc_aaa_ctx_free(3)
- rc_aaa_ctx_get_secret(3)
- rc_aaa_ctx_get_vector(3)
- rc_aaa_ctx_server(3)
- rc_acct(3)
- rc_acct_proxy(3)
- rc_add_config(3)
- rc_apply_config(3)
- rc_auth(3)
- rc_auth_proxy(3)
- rc_avpair_add(3) - 0 otherwise.
- rc_avpair_assign(3)
- rc_avpair_copy(3)
- rc_avpair_free(3)
- rc_avpair_gen(3) - 0 otherwise.
- rc_avpair_get(3) - 0 otherwise.
- rc_avpair_get_attr(3)
- rc_avpair_get_in6(3)
- rc_avpair_get_raw(3)
- rc_avpair_get_uint32(3)
- rc_avpair_insert(3)
- rc_avpair_log(3)
- rc_avpair_new(3) - 0 otherwise.
- rc_avpair_next(3)
- rc_avpair_parse(3)
- rc_avpair_remove(3) - 0 otherwise.
- rc_avpair_tostr(3)
- rc_buildreq(3)
- rc_check(3)
- rc_check_tls(3)
- rc_conf_int(3)
- rc_conf_srv(3)
- rc_conf_str(3)
- rc_config_free(3)
- rc_config_init(3)
- rc_destroy(3)
- rc_dict_findattr(3)
- rc_dict_findval(3)
- rc_dict_findvend(3)
- rc_dict_free(3)
- rc_dict_getattr(3)
- rc_dict_getval(3)
- rc_dict_getvend(3)
- rc_find_server_addr(3)
- rc_get_socket_type(3)
- rc_get_srcaddr(3)
- rc_getport(3)
- rc_mksid(3)
- rc_new(3)
- rc_openlog(3)
- rc_own_hostname(3)
- rc_read_config(3)
- rc_read_dictionary(3)
- rc_read_dictionary_from_buffer(3)
- rc_send_server(3)
- rc_setdebug(3)
- rc_test_config(3)
- rc_tls_fd(3)
- RC4_SET_KEY(3) - RC4 encryption
- RCMD(3) - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
- RCMDSH(3) - return a stream to a remote command without superuser
- RCX(3)
- RDF::Core(3) - An object oriented Perl modules for handling tasks related to RDF.
- RDF::Core::Constants(3) - RDF constant definitions
- RDF::Core::Enumerator(3) - an object that provides access to a set of statements
- RDF::Core::Enumerator::DB_File(3) - Enumerator that can be used with DB_File storage.
- RDF::Core::Enumerator::Memory(3) - Enumerator in memory
- RDF::Core::Enumerator::Postgres(3)
- RDF::Core::Evaluator(3) - gets a query object that RDF::Core::Query parsed and evaluates the query.
- RDF::Core::Function(3) - a package of functions for query language.
- RDF::Core::Literal(3) - a literal value for RDF statement
- RDF::Core::Model(3) - RDF model
- RDF::Core::Model::Parser(3) - interface between model and RDF::Core::Parser
- RDF::Core::Model::Serializer(3) - interface between model and RDF::Core::Serializer
- RDF::Core::ModelSet(3) - RDF model set
- RDF::Core::Node(3) - an ancestor of RDF::Core::Resource and RDF::Core::Literal
- RDF::Core::NodeFactory(3) - produces literals and resources, generates labels for anonymous resources
- RDF::Core::Parser(3) - RDF Parser
- RDF::Core::Query(3) - Implementation of query language
- RDF::Core::Resource(3) - a resource for RDF statement
- RDF::Core::Schema(3) - The RDF Schema access
- RDF::Core::Serializer(3) - produce XML code for RDF model
- RDF::Core::Statement(3) - RDF statement
- RDF::Core::Storage(3) - An abstract ancestor of storage implementations
- RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File(3) - Berkeley DB 1.x implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
- RDF::Core::Storage::Memory(3) - An in-memory implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
- RDF::Core::Storage::Postgres(3) - PostgreSQL implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
- RDF::Notation3(3) - RDF Notation3 parser
- RDF::Notation3::PrefTriples(3) - RDF/N3 generator of triples with prefixes
- RDF::Notation3::RDFCore(3) - creates a RDF::Core model from an N3 file
- RDF::Notation3::RDFStore(3) - creates a RDFStore model from an N3 file
- RDF::Notation3::ReaderFile(3) - RDF Notation3 file reader
- RDF::Notation3::ReaderString(3) - RDF Notation3 string reader
- RDF::Notation3::SAX(3) - RDF/N3 to RDF/XML SAX convertor
- RDF::Notation3::Template::TReader(3) - RDF Notation3 file reader template
- RDF::Notation3::Template::TTriples(3) - a triple generator template
- RDF::Notation3::Template::TXML(3) - an RDF/XML converter template
- RDF::Notation3::Triples(3) - RDF/N3 triple generator
- RDF::Notation3::XML(3) - RDF/N3 to RDF/XML convertor
- RDF::Query(3) - A complete SPARQL 1.1 Query and Update implementation for use with RDF::Trine.
- RDF::Query::Algebra(3) - Base class for Algebra expressions
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Aggregate(3) - Algebra class for aggregate patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern(3) - Algebra class for BasicGraphPattern patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Clear(3) - Algebra class for CLEAR operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Construct(3) - Algebra class for construct query results
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Copy(3) - Algebra class for COPY operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Create(3) - Algebra class for CREATE GRAPH operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Distinct(3) - Algebra class for distinct query results
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Extend(3) - Algebra class for extending the variable projection
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Filter(3) - Algebra class for Filter expressions
- RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern(3) - Algebra class for GroupGraphPattern patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Limit(3) - Algebra class for limiting query results
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Load(3) - Algebra class for LOAD operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Minus(3) - Algebra class for Minus patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Move(3) - Algebra class for MOVE operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::NamedGraph(3) - Algebra class for NamedGraph patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Offset(3) - Algebra class for offseting query results
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Optional(3) - Algebra class for Optional patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Path(3) - Algebra class for path patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Project(3) - Algebra class for projection
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad(3) - Algebra class for Quad patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Sequence(3) - Algebra class for a sequence of algebra operations
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Service(3) - Algebra class for SERVICE (federation) patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Sort(3) - Algebra class for sorting
- RDF::Query::Algebra::SubSelect(3) - Algebra class for Subselects
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Table(3) - Algebra class for constant table data
- RDF::Query::Algebra::TimeGraph(3) - Algebra class for temporal patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple(3) - Algebra class for Triple patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Union(3) - Algebra class for Union patterns
- RDF::Query::Algebra::Update(3) - Algebra class for UPDATE operations
- RDF::Query::BGPOptimizer(3) - Optimizer for ordering the joins of triple patterns in a BGP
- RDF::Query::Compiler::SQL(3) - Compile a SPARQL query directly to SQL.
- RDF::Query::Error(3) - Error classes for RDF::Query.
- RDF::Query::ExecutionContext(3) - Query execution context
- RDF::Query::Expression(3) - Class for Expr expressions
- RDF::Query::Expression::Alias(3) - Class for aliasing expressions with variable names
- RDF::Query::Expression::Binary(3) - Algebra class for binary expressions
- RDF::Query::Expression::Function(3) - Class for Function expressions
- RDF::Query::Expression::Nary(3) - Class for n-ary expressions
- RDF::Query::Expression::Unary(3) - Class for unary expressions
- RDF::Query::Federate(3) - A subclass of RDF::Query for efficient federated query execution.
- RDF::Query::Federate::Plan(3) - Executable query plan nodes.
- RDF::Query::Functions(3) - Standard Extension Functions
- RDF::Query::Functions::Geo(3) - Geographic extension functions
- RDF::Query::Functions::Jena(3) - Jena/ARQ work-alike functions
- RDF::Query::Functions::Kasei(3) - RDF-Query-specific functions
- RDF::Query::Functions::SPARQL(3) - SPARQL built-in functions
- RDF::Query::Functions::Xpath(3) - XPath functions
- RDF::Query::Node(3) - Base class for RDF Nodes
- RDF::Query::Node::Blank(3) - RDF Node class for blank nodes
- RDF::Query::Node::Literal(3) - RDF Node class for literals
- RDF::Query::Node::Resource(3) - RDF Node class for resources
- RDF::Query::Node::Variable(3) - RDF Node class for variables
- RDF::Query::Parser(3) - Parser base class
- RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL(3) - An RDQL parser for RDF::Query
- RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL(3) - SPARQL Parser.
- RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL11(3) - SPARQL 1.1 Parser.
- RDF::Query::Plan(3) - Executable query plan nodes.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate(3) - Executable query plan for Aggregates.
- RDF::Query::Plan::BasicGraphPattern(3) - Executable query plan for BasicGraphPatterns.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Clear(3) - Executable query plan for CLEAR operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement(3) - Executable query plan for computed triples.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Constant(3) - Executable query plan for Constants.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Construct(3) - Executable query plan for constructing a graph from a set of variable bindings.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Copy(3) - Executable query plan for COPY operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Distinct(3) - Executable query plan for Distincts.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Extend(3) - Executable query plan for Extends.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Filter(3) - Executable query plan for Filters.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator(3) - Executable query plan for result-generating iterators.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Join(3) - Join query plan base class.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Join::NestedLoop(3) - Executable query plan for nested loop joins.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Join::PushDownNestedLoop(3) - Executable query plan for nested loop joins.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Limit(3) - Executable query plan for Limits.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Load(3) - Executable query plan for LOAD operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Minus(3) - Executable query plan for minus operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Move(3) - Executable query plan for MOVE operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::NamedGraph(3) - Executable query plan for named graphs.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Offset(3) - Executable query plan for Offsets.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Path(3) - Executable query plan for Paths.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Project(3) - Executable query plan for Projects.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Quad(3) - Executable query plan for Quads.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Sequence(3) - Executable query plan for a sequence of operations.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Service(3) - Executable query plan for remote SPARQL queries.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Sort(3) - Executable query plan for Sorts.
- RDF::Query::Plan::SubSelect(3) - Executable query plan for sub-select queries.
- RDF::Query::Plan::ThresholdUnion(3) - Executable query plan for unions.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Triple(3) - Executable query plan for Triples.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Union(3) - Executable query plan for unions.
- RDF::Query::Plan::Update(3) - Executable query plan for DELETE/INSERT operations.
- RDF::Query::ServiceDescription(3) - Class for describing federated query data sources.
- RDF::Query::Temporal(3) - tSPARQL temporal extensions to the RDF::Query engine.
- RDF::Query::Util(3) - Miscellaneous utility functions to support work with RDF::Query.
- RDF::Query::VariableBindings(3) - Variable bindings
- RDF::Simple(3) - read and write RDF without complication
- RDF::Simple::NS(3)
- RDF::Simple::Parser(3) - convert RDF string to bucket of triples
- RDF::Simple::Parser::Handler(3)
- RDF::Simple::Serialiser(3) - convert a list of triples to RDF
- RDF::Simple::Serializer(3) - a synonym for RDF::Simple::Serialiser
- RDF::Trine(3) - An RDF Framework for Perl
- RDF::Trine::Error(3) - Error classes for RDF::Trine
- RDF::Trine::Exporter::CSV(3) - Export RDF data to CSV
- RDF::Trine::Exporter::RDFPatch(3) - RDF-Patch Export
- RDF::Trine::Graph(3) - Materialized RDF Graphs for testing isomorphism
- RDF::Trine::Iterator(3) - Iterator class for SPARQL query results
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings(3) - Iterator class for bindings query results
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::Materialized(3) - Materialized bindings class
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::Boolean(3) - Iterator class for boolean query results
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph(3) - Iterator class for graph query results
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph::Materialized(3) - Materialized graph class
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::JSONHandler(3) - JSON Handler for parsing SPARQL JSON Results format
- RDF::Trine::Iterator::SAXHandler(3) - SAX Handler for parsing SPARQL XML Results format
- RDF::Trine::Model(3) - Model class
- RDF::Trine::Model::Dataset(3) - Model for SPARQL datasets
- RDF::Trine::Model::StatementFilter(3) - Model for filtering statements based on a user-specified criteria
- RDF::Trine::Model::Union(3) - Union models for joining multiple stores together
- RDF::Trine::Namespace(3) - Abbreviated syntax for constructing RDF node objects
- RDF::Trine::NamespaceMap(3) - Collection of Namespaces
- RDF::Trine::Node(3) - Base class for RDF Nodes
- RDF::Trine::Node::Blank(3) - RDF Node class for blank nodes
- RDF::Trine::Node::Literal(3) - RDF Node class for literals
- RDF::Trine::Node::Nil(3) - RDF Node class for the nil node
- RDF::Trine::Node::Resource(3) - RDF Node class for IRI resources
- RDF::Trine::Node::Variable(3) - RDF Node class for variables
- RDF::Trine::Parser(3) - RDF Parser class
- RDF::Trine::Parser::LineProtocol(3) - RDF LineProtocol Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::NQuads(3) - N-Quads Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples(3) - N-Triples Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa(3) - RDFa Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON(3) - RDF/JSON RDF Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFPatch(3) - RDF-Patch Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML(3) - RDF/XML Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::Redland(3) - RDF Parser using the Redland library
- RDF::Trine::Parser::TriG(3) - TriG RDF Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle(3) - Turtle RDF Parser
- RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle::Constants(3) - Constant definitions for use in parsing Turtle, TriG, and N-Triples
- RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle::Lexer(3) - Tokenizer for parsing Turtle, TriG, and N-Triples
- RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle::Token(3)
- RDF::Trine::Pattern(3) - Class for basic graph patterns
- RDF::Trine::Serializer(3) - RDF Serializer class
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::NQuads(3) - N-Quads Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples(3) - N-Triples Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples::Canonical(3) - Canonical representation of an RDF model
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFJSON(3) - RDF/JSON Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFPatch(3) - RDF-Patch Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML(3) - RDF/XML Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::TriG(3) - TriG Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::TSV(3) - TSV Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Serializer::Turtle(3) - Turtle Serializer
- RDF::Trine::Statement(3) - Class for triples and triple patterns
- RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad(3) - Class for quads and quad patterns
- RDF::Trine::Store(3) - RDF triplestore base class
- RDF::Trine::Store::DBI(3) - Persistent RDF storage based on DBI
- RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql(3) - Mysql subclass of DBI store
- RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL subclass of DBI store
- RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::SQLite(3) - SQLite subclass of DBI store
- RDF::Trine::Store::Dydra(3) - RDF Store proxy for a Dydra endpoint
- RDF::Trine::Store::Hexastore(3) - RDF store implemented with the hexastore index
- RDF::Trine::Store::LanguagePreference(3) - RDF Store proxy for filtering language tagged literals
- RDF::Trine::Store::Memory(3) - Simple in-memory RDF store
- RDF::Trine::Store::Redis(3) - RDF Store for Redis
- RDF::Trine::Store::Redland(3) - Redland-backed RDF store for RDF::Trine
- RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL(3) - RDF Store proxy for a SPARQL endpoint
- RDF::Trine::VariableBindings(3) - Variable bindings
- RDFStore::Digest::Digestable(3) - implementation of the Digestable RDF API
- RDFStore::Literal(3) - An RDF Literal Node implementation
- RDFStore::Model(3) - An implementation of the Model RDF API using tied hashes and implementing free-text search on literals
- RDFStore::NodeFactory(3) - An RDF node factory implementation
- RDFStore::Object(3) - A very useful abstration over an RDFStore::Model
- RDFStore::Parser(3) - Interface to an RDF parser
- RDFStore::Parser::NTriples(3) - This module implements a streaming N-Triples parser
- RDFStore::Parser::SiRPAC(3) - This module implements a streaming RDF Parser as a direct implementation of XML::Parser::Expat(3)
- RDFStore::Parser::Styles::RDFStore::Model(3) - This module is a RDFStore::Parser::SiRPAC(3) filter to ingest records into an RDFStore::Model(3).
- RDFStore::Parser::Styles::RDFStore::Statement(3) - This module is a RDFStore::Parser::SiRPAC(3) filter to generate RDFStore::Statements
- RDFStore::RDFNode(3) - An RDF graph node
- RDFStore::Resource(3) - An RDF Resource Node implementation
- RDFStore::SchemaModel(3) - implementation of the SchemaModel RDF API
- RDFStore::Serializer(3) - Interface to an RDF model/graph serializer
- RDFStore::Serializer::NTriples(3) - Serialise a model/graph to W3C RDF Test Cases N-Triples syntax
- RDFStore::Serializer::RDFXML(3) - Serialise a model/graph to W3C RDF/XML syntax
- RDFStore::Serializer::RSS(3) - Serialise a model/graph to its XML RSS1.0 representation
- RDFStore::Util::Digest(3) - Utility library to manage SHA-1 cryptographic digests
- RDFStore::Util::UTF8(3) - Utility library to manage UTF8 strings
- RDFStore::VirtualModel(3) - implementation of the VirtualModel RDF API
- RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator(3) - implementation of the Vocabulary Generator RDF API
- RDMA_ACCEPT(3) - Called to accept a connection request.
- RDMA_ACK_CM_EVENT(3) - Free a communication event.
- RDMA_BIND_ADDR(3) - Bind an RDMA identifier to a source address.
- RDMA_CONNECT(3) - Initiate an active connection request.
- RDMA_CREATE_EP(3) - Allocate a communication identifier and optional QP.
- RDMA_CREATE_EVENT_CHANNEL(3) - Open a channel used to report communication events.
- RDMA_CREATE_ID(3) - Allocate a communication identifier.
- RDMA_CREATE_QP(3) - Allocate a QP.
- RDMA_CREATE_SRQ(3) - Allocate a shared receive queue.
- RDMA_DEREG_MR(3) - deregisters a registered memory region.
- RDMA_DESTROY_EP(3) - Release a communication identifier.
- RDMA_DESTROY_EVENT_CHANNEL(3) - Close an event communication channel.
- RDMA_DESTROY_ID(3) - Release a communication identifier.
- RDMA_DESTROY_QP(3) - Deallocate a QP.
- RDMA_DESTROY_SRQ(3) - Deallocate a SRQ.
- RDMA_DISCONNECT(3) - This function disconnects a connection.
- RDMA_EVENT_STR(3) - Returns a string representation of an rdma cm event.
- RDMA_FREE_DEVICES(3) - Frees the list of devices returned by rdma_get_devices.
- RDMA_GET_CM_EVENT(3) - Retrieves the next pending communication event.
- RDMA_GET_DEVICES(3) - Get a list of RDMA devices currently available.
- RDMA_GET_DST_PORT(3) - Returns the remote port number of a bound rdma_cm_id.
- RDMA_GET_LOCAL_ADDR(3) - Returns the local IP address of a bound rdma_cm_id.
- RDMA_GET_PEER_ADDR(3) - Returns the remote IP address of a bound rdma_cm_id.
- RDMA_GET_RECV_COMP(3) - retrieves a completed receive request.
- RDMA_GET_REQUEST(3) - Retrieves the next pending connection request event.
- RDMA_GET_SEND_COMP(3) - retrieves a completed send, read, or write request.
- RDMA_GET_SRC_PORT(3) - Returns the local port number of a bound rdma_cm_id.
- RDMA_GETADDRINFO(3) - Provides transport independent address translation.
- RDMA_JOIN_MULTICAST(3) - Joins a multicast group.
- RDMA_LEAVE_MULTICAST(3) - Leaves a multicast group.
- RDMA_LISTEN(3) - Listen for incoming connection requests.
- RDMA_MIGRATE_ID(3) - Move a communication identifier to a different event channel.
- RDMA_NOTIFY(3) - Notifies the librdmacm of an asynchronous event.
- RDMA_POST_READ(3) - post an RDMA read work request.
- RDMA_POST_READV(3) - post an RDMA read work request.
- RDMA_POST_RECV(3) - post a work request to receive an incoming message.
- RDMA_POST_RECVV(3) - post a work request to receive incoming messages.
- RDMA_POST_SEND(3) - post a work request to send a message.
- RDMA_POST_SENDV(3) - post a work request to send a message.
- RDMA_POST_UD_SEND(3) - post a work request to send a datagram.
- RDMA_POST_WRITE(3) - post an RDMA write work request.
- RDMA_POST_WRITEV(3) - post an RDMA write work request.
- RDMA_REG_MSGS(3) - register data buffer(s) for sending or receiving messages.
- RDMA_REG_READ(3) - register data buffer(s) for remote RDMA read access.
- RDMA_REG_WRITE(3) - register data buffer(s) for remote RDMA write access.
- RDMA_REJECT(3) - Called to reject a connection request.
- RDMA_RESOLVE_ADDR(3) - Resolve destination and optional source addresses.
- RDMA_RESOLVE_ROUTE(3) - Resolve the route information needed to establish a connection.
- RDMA_SET_OPTION(3) - Set communication options for an rdma_cm_id.
- RDQL::Parser(3) - A simple top-down LL(1) RDQL and SPARQL parser
- RDR::Collector(3) - Collect RDRv1 packets
- RDR::Processor(3) - Decodes RDRv1 packets
- RE_COMP(3) - regular expression handler
- Reaction::Class(3)
- Reaction::ClassExporter(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Delete(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Update(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::Create(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::DeleteAll(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Role::CheckUniques(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::User::ChangePassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::User::ResetPassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::User::Role::SetPassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::User::SetPassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::Role::SimpleMethodCall(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::Search::UpdateSpec(3) - Update search specification
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::User::ChangePassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::User::Login(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::User::ResetPassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::User::SetPassword(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection(3) - Generic collections of Reaction::InterfaceModel::Objects
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::DBIC::Role::Base(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::DBIC::Role::Where(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Persistent(3) - Base class for Presistent Collections
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Persistent::ResultSet(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual(3) - Base class for Virtual Collections
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object(3) - Returns an empty hashref by default. It will hold a series of actions as keys with their corresponding action classes as values.
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::ObjectClass(3)
- Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC(3) - Automatically Generate InterfaceModels from DBIx::Class models
- Reaction::Manual(3) - The Index of The Manual
- Reaction::Manual::ActionPrototypes(3) - Changes to the Action Prototype Mechanism
- Reaction::Manual::Clipboard(3) - snippets of Reaction docs
- Reaction::Manual::Glossary(3) - Terms and Definitions used in Reaction
- Reaction::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to Reaction
- Reaction::Manual::Overview(3) - Orientation in Reaction
- Reaction::Manual::RenderPage(3) - Page rendering
- Reaction::Manual::Templates(3)
- Reaction::Manual::Troubleshooting(3) - Got a Reaction problem? Shoot it.
- Reaction::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Step by Step Tutorial
- Reaction::Manual::Unicode(3) - Unicode support in Reaction
- Reaction::Manual::Widgets(3) - Creating and extending Reaction Widgets
- Reaction::Meta::Attribute(3)
- Reaction::Meta::Class(3)
- Reaction::Meta::InterfaceModel::Action::Class(3)
- Reaction::Meta::InterfaceModel::Action::ParameterAttribute(3)
- Reaction::Meta::InterfaceModel::Object::Class(3)
- Reaction::Meta::InterfaceModel::Object::DomainModelAttribute(3)
- Reaction::Meta::InterfaceModel::Object::ParameterAttribute(3)
- Reaction::Object(3)
- Reaction::Role(3)
- Reaction::Role::Meta::Attribute(3)
- Reaction::Role::Parameterized(3)
- Reaction::Test(3)
- Reaction::Test::WithDB(3)
- Reaction::Types::Core(3)
- Reaction::Types::DateTime(3)
- Reaction::Types::DBIC(3)
- Reaction::Types::Email(3)
- Reaction::Types::File(3)
- Reaction::UI::Controller(3) - Reaction Base Controller Class
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection(3) - Provided builder method, see METHODS
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection::CRUD(3) - Basic CRUD functionality for Reaction::InterfaceModel data
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection::CRUD::Search(3)
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Create(3) - Create action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Delete(3) - Delete action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll(3) - Delete All action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::List(3) - List action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Object(3)
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple(3) - Returns empty hashref by default.
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Update(3) - Update action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::View(3) - View action
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::GetCollection(3)
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::RedirectTo(3)
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Root(3) - Base component for the Root Controller
- Reaction::UI::FocusStack(3) - A linked list of ViewPort-based objects
- Reaction::UI::View(3) - Render the UI.
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort(3) - Page layout building block
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action(3) - Provide user with a form with OK, Apply and Close.
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action::Role::Apply(3) - Integrate an Apply event into the ViewPort
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action::Role::Close(3) - Integrate Close and Apply events into ViewPort
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action::Role::OK(3) - Integrate OK, Apply and Close events
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Collection(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Collection::Grid(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Collection::Role::Order(3) - Order support for collections
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::.ToDo::File(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Mutable::ChooseMany(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Mutable::DateTime(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Mutable::HiddenArray(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Password(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Role::Mutable(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::String::Fragment(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::TimeRange(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Image(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object(3) - Display an InterfaceModel::Object
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object::Mutable(3) - Allow the user to to perform an InterfaceModel Action
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Role::Actions(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Role::FieldArgs(3)
- Reaction::UI::ViewPort::URI(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget(3) - The base widget.
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Action(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Action::Link(3) - A hyperlink representing an object mutation
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Collection(3) - Render the current viewport's member viewports
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Collection::Grid(3) - A collection with header and footer
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Collection::Grid::Member(3) - A member widget of the Grid widget
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Container(3) - Provide viewport attibutes in the current viewport
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Data(3) - Abstract class to render a data hash reference
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field(3) - A simple labelled text field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Array(3) - A field representing an array of localised items
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Boolean(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Collection(3) - A field representing a collection
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Container(3) - A field containing multiple values
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::DateTime(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Image(3) - An image field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Integer(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable(3) - Mutable fields
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::Boolean(3) - A mutable boolean field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::ChooseMany(3) - Choose a number of items
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::ChooseOne(3) - Choose one from a list of available values
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::DateTime(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::File(3) - A file input field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::HiddenArray(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::Integer(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::MatchingPasswords(3) - Require double input of password
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::Number(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::Password(3) - A password input field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::String(3) - Simple string input field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::Text(3) - A multiline text input field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Mutable::TimeRange(3) - Input a time range
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Number(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::RelatedObject(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::String(3) - A simple string field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Field::Text(3) - A text field
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Image(3) - An image with optional height and width properties
- Reaction::UI::Widget::ListView(3) - Extends Grid to a full list interface
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Object(3) - Widget to implement rendering of an object
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Object::Mutable(3) - A widget base representing mutable objects
- Reaction::UI::Widget::SiteLayout(3) - The layout of the site as a whole
- Reaction::UI::Widget::URI(3) - A hyperlink reference by URI value
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value(3) - The "value_string" or "value" of the viewport
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Boolean(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Collection(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::DateTime(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Image(3) - An image tag or non-image alternative
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Number(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::RelatedObject(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::String(3)
- Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Text(3)
- Reaction::UI::WidgetClass(3) - Create a new widget class
- Reaction::UI::Window(3) - Container for rendering the UI elements in
- read_allocate(3) - Allocate and deallocate the
- read_mail_log(3)
- read_rawresource(3)
- read_reading(3) - Read a trace file into a
- read_scf(3) - Read SCF files
- read_sound_input(3) - Retrieves the last recorded audio buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- ReadBackwards(3)
- readclose_append(3) - read a whole file into a stralloc
- READCOLMAP(3) - access display color map
- READCONS(3) - prompt console for input
- ReadKey(3) - A perl module for simple terminal control
- Readonly(3) - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- ReadonlyX(3) - Faster facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- READPASSPHRASE(3) - get a passphrase from the user
- ReadPassword(3) - Asking the user for a password
- real_matgen(3) - real
- realGBauxiliary(3) - real
- realGBcomputational(3) - real
- realGBsolve(3) - real
- realGEauxiliary(3) - real
- realGEcomputational(3) - real
- realGEeigen(3) - real
- realGEsing(3) - real
- realGEsolve(3) - real
- realGTauxiliary(3) - real
- realGTcomputational(3) - real
- realGTsolve(3) - real
- REALHOSTNAME(3) - convert an IP number to the real host name
- REALLOCARRAY(3) - memory reallocation function
- reallocate_voice(3) - Switches the sample of an already-allocated voice. Allegro game programming library.
- realOTHERauxiliary(3) - real
- realOTHERcomputational(3) - real
- realOTHEReigen(3) - real
- realOTHERsolve(3) - real Other Solve Routines
- REALPATH(3) - returns the canonicalized absolute pathname
- realPOauxiliary(3) - real
- realPOcomputational(3) - real
- realPOsolve(3) - real
- realPTauxiliary(3) - real
- realPTcomputational(3) - real
- realPTsolve(3) - real
- realSYauxiliary(3) - real
- realSYcomputational(3) - real
- realSYeigen(3) - real
- realSYsolve(3) - real
- Received(3)
- RECNO(3) - record number database access method
- Recordset::DBSeq(3) - Sequence generator in DBI database
- Recordset::FileSeq(3) - Sequence generator in Filesystem
- recordtarget_gain(3)
- rectfill(3) - Draws a solid filled rectangle. Allegro game programming library.
- RectObj(3)
- REDBLACK(3) - red-black tree operations
- Reddit(3) - Perl extension for http://www.reddit.com
- Reddit::Client(3) - A Perl wrapper for the Reddit API.
- Reddit::Client::Account(3)
- Reddit::Client::Comment(3)
- Reddit::Client::Link(3)
- Reddit::Client::Message(3)
- Reddit::Client::MoreComments(3)
- Reddit::Client::Request(3)
- Reddit::Client::SubReddit(3)
- Reddit::Client::Thing(3)
- Reddit::Client::VotableThing(3)
- Redis::Fast(3) - Perl binding for Redis database
- Redis::Fast::Hash(3) - tie Perl hashes to Redis hashes
- Redis::Fast::List(3) - tie Perl arrays to Redis lists
- Redis::Fast::Sentinel(3) - connect to a Sentinel instance
- Redis::Hash(3) - tie Perl hashes to Redis hashes
- Redis::hiredis(3) - interact with Redis using the hiredis client.
- Redis::JobQueue(3) - Job queue management implemented using Redis server.
- Redis::JobQueue::Job(3) - Object interface for creating and manipulating jobs
- Redis::JobQueue::Util(3) - String manipulation utilities.
- Redis::List(3) - tie Perl arrays to Redis lists
- Redis::RateLimit(3) - Sliding window rate limiting with Redis
- Redis::Sentinel(3) - Redis Sentinel interface
- RedisDB(3) - Perl extension to access redis database
- RedisDB::Cluster(3) - client for redis cluster
- RedisDB::Error(3) - Error class for RedisDB
- RedisDB::Parser(3) - redis protocol parser for RedisDB
- RedisDB::Parser::Error(3) - default error class for RedisDB::Parser
- RedisDB::Parser::PP(3) - redis protocol parser for RedisDB
- RedisDB::Parser::XS(3) - redis protocol parser for RedisDB
- RedisDB::Sentinel(3) - interface to redis servers managed by sentinel
- REED-SOLOMON(3) - Reed-Solomon encoding/decoding
- Ref::Util(3) - Utility functions for checking references
- Ref::Util::PP(3) - pure-Perl version of Ref::Util
- Ref::Util::XS(3) - XS implementation for Ref::Util
- Refactor(3) - Perl extension for refactoring Perl code.
- RefElem(3) - Set up array elements as aliases
- Reflex(3) - Class library for flexible, reactive programs.
- Reflex::Acceptor(3) - a non-blocking server (client socket acceptor)
- Reflex::Base(3) - Base class for reactive (aka, event driven) objects.
- Reflex::Callback(3) - Generic callback adapters to simplify calling back
- Reflex::Callback::CodeRef(3) - Callback adapter for plain code references
- Reflex::Callback::Method(3) - Callback adapter for class and object methods
- Reflex::Callback::Promise(3) - Non-callback, inline Promise adapter
- Reflex::Callbacks(3) - Convenience functions for creating and using callbacks
- Reflex::Client(3) - A non-blocking socket client.
- Reflex::Codec::Message(3)
- Reflex::Codec::Message::Datagram(3)
- Reflex::Codec::Message::Eof(3)
- Reflex::Codec::Message::Stream(3)
- Reflex::Collection(3) - Autmatically manage a collection of collectible objects
- Reflex::Connector(3) - non-blocking client socket connector
- Reflex::Decoder::Line(3)
- Reflex::Eg(3) - Reflex examples namespace
- Reflex::Eg::Inheritance::Moose(3) - Inheriting a Reflex timer using Moose.
- Reflex::Eg::Inheritance::Plain(3) - Inheriting a Reflex timer with plain Perl.
- Reflex::Encoder::Line(3)
- Reflex::Event(3)
- Reflex::Event::Datagram(3)
- Reflex::Event::EOF(3)
- Reflex::Event::Error(3)
- Reflex::Event::FileHandle(3)
- Reflex::Event::Flushed(3)
- Reflex::Event::Interval(3)
- Reflex::Event::Octets(3)
- Reflex::Event::POE(3)
- Reflex::Event::Postback(3)
- Reflex::Event::SigChild(3)
- Reflex::Event::Signal(3)
- Reflex::Event::Socket(3)
- Reflex::Event::Time(3)
- Reflex::Event::Timeout(3)
- Reflex::Event::ValueChange(3)
- Reflex::Event::Wakeup(3)
- Reflex::Filehandle(3)
- Reflex::Interval(3) - A stand-alone multi-shot periodic callback
- Reflex::PID(3) - Watch the exit of a subprocess by its SIGCHLD signal.
- Reflex::POE::Event(3) - Communicate with POE components expecting events.
- Reflex::POE::Postback(3) - Communicate with POE components expecting postbacks.
- Reflex::POE::Session(3) - Watch events from a POE::Session object.
- Reflex::POE::Wheel(3) - Base class for POE::Wheel wrappers.
- Reflex::POE::Wheel::Run(3) - Represent POE::Wheel::Run as a Reflex class.
- Reflex::Role(3) - define a Reflex paramaterized role
- Reflex::Role::Accepting(3) - add connection accepting to a class
- Reflex::Role::Collectible(3) - add manageability by Reflex::Collection
- Reflex::Role::Connecting(3) - add non-blocking client connecting to a class
- Reflex::Role::Decoding(3)
- Reflex::Role::Decoding::Datagram(3)
- Reflex::Role::Decoding::Stream(3)
- Reflex::Role::Encoding(3)
- Reflex::Role::InStreaming(3) - add streaming input behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Interval(3) - set a periodic, recurring timer
- Reflex::Role::OutStreaming(3) - add streaming input behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::PidCatcher(3) - add async process reaping behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Reactive(3) - Make an object reactive (aka, event driven).
- Reflex::Role::Readable(3) - add readable-watching behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Reading(3) - add standard sysread() behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Recving(3) - Mix standard send/recv code into a class.
- Reflex::Role::SigCatcher(3) - add signal catching behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Streaming(3) - add streaming I/O behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Timeout(3) - set a wakeup callback for a relative delay
- Reflex::Role::Wakeup(3) - set a wakeup callback for a particular UNIX time
- Reflex::Role::Writable(3) - add writable-watching behavior to a class
- Reflex::Role::Writing(3) - add buffered non-blocking syswrite() to a class
- Reflex::Signal(3) - receive callbacks when signals arrive
- Reflex::Stream(3) - Buffered, translated I/O on non-blocking handles.
- Reflex::Timeout(3) - A stand-alone single-shot delayed callback
- Reflex::Trait::EmitsOnChange(3) - Emit an event when an attribute's value changes.
- Reflex::Trait::Observed(3) - Automaticall watch Reflex objects.
- Reflex::Trait::Watched(3) - Automatically watch Reflex objects.
- Reflex::UdpPeer(3) - Base class for non-blocking UDP networking peers.
- Reflex::Wakeup(3) - A stand-alone single-shot callback at an absolute time
- Reflow(3) - Perl module for reflowing text files using Knuth's paragraphing algorithm.
- Regex::Element(3) - sub-classes for YAPE::Regex elements
- Regexp::Assemble(3) - Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE
- Regexp::Assemble::Compressed(3) - Assemble more compressed Regular Expression
- Regexp::Common(3) - Provide commonly requested regular expressions
- Regexp::Common::_support(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::balanced(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::CC(3) - Check Digits
- Regexp::Common::comment(3)
- Regexp::Common::delimited(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::Email::Address(3) - Returns a pattern for Email Addresses
- Regexp::Common::lingua(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::list(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::net::CIDR(3)
- Regexp::Common::number(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::profanity(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::profanity_us(3)
- Regexp::Common::SEN(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::time(3) - Date and time regexps.
- Regexp::Common::URI::fax(3) - otherwise the regex could always classify them as a
- Regexp::Common::URI::file(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::ftp(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::gopher(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::http(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::news(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::pop(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::prospero(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1738(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1808(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2384(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2806(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::tel(3) - otherwise the regex could always classify them as a
- Regexp::Common::URI::telnet(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::tv(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::URI::wais(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::whitespace(3) - 2017, Damian Conway and Abigail.
- Regexp::Common::zip(3) - this is the postal code for the Northern Territory University). The (optional) country prefixes are
- Regexp::Compare(3) - partial ordering for regular expressions
- Regexp::Copy(3) - copy Regexp objects
- Regexp::Debugger(3) - Visually debug regexes in-place
- Regexp::DefaultFlags(3) - Set default flags on regular expressions
- Regexp::Grammars(3) - Add grammatical parsing features to Perl 5.10 regexes
- Regexp::IPv6(3) - Regular expression for IPv6 addresses
- Regexp::Lexer::TokenType(3) - Token types of Regexp::Lexer
- Regexp::Log(3) - A base class for log files regexp builders
- Regexp::Log::Common(3) - A regular expression parser for the Common Log Format
- Regexp::Pattern::Perl(3) - Regexp patterns related to Perl
- Regexp::Pattern::Perl::Dist(3) - Regexp patterns related to Perl distribution
- Regexp::Pattern::Perl::Module(3) - Regexp patterns related to Perl modules
- Regexp::Pattern::Perl::Release(3) - Regexp patterns related to Perl release
- Regexp::Profanity::US(3) - Simple functions for detecting U.S. profanity
- Regexp::RegGrp(3) - Groups a regular expressions collection
- Regexp::Stringify(3) - Stringify a Regexp object
- Regexp::Trie(3) - builds trie-ized regexp
- REGEXP9(3) - regular expression
- register_bitmap_file_type(3) - Registers custom bitmap loading/saving functions. Allegro game programming library.
- register_datafile_object(3) - Registers load/destroy functions for custom object types. Allegro game programming library.
- register_font_file_type(3) - Register a new font loading function. Allegro game programming library.
- register_sample_file_type(3) - Registers custom loading/saving sample routines. Allegro game programming library.
- register_uformat(3) - Installs handler functions for a new text encoding format. Allegro game programming library.
- Regression(3) - weighted linear regression package (line+plane fitting)
- Reindex(3) - change the base index of Text-like widgets
- REL2ABS(3) - make an absolute path name from a relative path name
- Relations(3) - Functions to Use with Databases and Queries
- relative(3) - Load modules with relative names
- release_bitmap(3) - Releases a previously locked bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- release_handler(3) - Unpacking and Installation of Release Packages
- release_screen(3) - Shortcut of release_bitmap(screen); Allegro game programming library.
- release_voice(3) - Releases a sound card voice. Allegro game programming library.
- Reliable(3) - foo@bar.com", $msg); if($p->status()) { print("problem: ", $p->stderr(), "\n"); }
- RELIC(3) - the NDBM-compatible API of QDBM
- Religion(3) - Generate tracebacks and create and install die() and warn() handlers.
- relink_image(3)
- reload_config_texts(3) - Reloads translated strings returned by get_config_text(). Allegro game programming library.
- reltool(3) - Main API of the Reltool application
- Remind::PDF(3) - Render a month's worth of Remind data to PDF
- Remind::PDF::Entry(3) - Representation of one calendar entry
- remove_display_switch_callback(3) - Removes a switching notification callback. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_int(3) - Removes a timers. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_joystick(3) - Removes the joystick handler. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_keyboard(3) - Removes the Allegro keyboard handler.
- remove_mouse(3) - Removes the mouse handler. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_param_int(3) - Removes a timer with a customizable parameter. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_sound(3) - Cleans up after you are finished with the sound routines. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_sound_input(3) - Cleans up after you are finished with the sound input routines. Allegro game programming library.
- remove_timer(3) - Removes the Allegro time handler.
- render_scene(3) - Renders all the queued scene polygons. Allegro game programming library.
- render_text(3)
- rendertarget_attach(3)
- rendertarget_bind(3)
- rendertarget_detach(3)
- rendertarget_forceupdate(3)
- rendertarget_id(3)
- rendertarget_metrics(3) - how many times the dirty counter has been incremented since last render pass. *int:transfers* - the number of external uploads since last render pass. *int:updates* - the number of ongoing transforms. *int:time_move* - the relative clock of the last move transform. *int:time_scale* - the relative clock of the last scale transform. *int:time_rotate* - the relative clock of the last rotate transform. *int:time_blend* - the relative clock of the last blend transform.
- rendertarget_noclear(3)
- rendertarget_range(3)
- rendertarget_reconfigure(3)
- rendertarget_vids(3)
- replace_extension(3) - Replaces filename+extension with a new extension tail. Allegro game programming library.
- replace_filename(3) - Replaces path+filename with a new filename tail. Allegro game programming library.
- Reply::App(3) - command line app runner for Reply
- Reply::Config(3) - config loading for Reply
- Reply::Plugin(3) - base class for Reply plugins
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Commands(3) - tab completion for reply commands
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Functions(3) - tab completion for function names
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Globals(3) - tab completion for global variables
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Keywords(3) - tab completion for perl keywords
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Lexicals(3) - tab completion for lexical variables
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Methods(3) - tab completion for methods
- Reply::Plugin::Autocomplete::Packages(3) - tab completion for package names
- Reply::Plugin::AutoRefresh(3) - automatically refreshes the external code you use
- Reply::Plugin::CollapseStack(3) - display error stack traces only on demand
- Reply::Plugin::Colors(3) - colorize output
- Reply::Plugin::DataDump(3) - format results using Data::Dump
- Reply::Plugin::DataDumper(3) - format results using Data::Dumper
- Reply::Plugin::DataPrinter(3) - format results using Data::Printer
- Reply::Plugin::Editor(3) - command to edit the current line in a text editor
- Reply::Plugin::FancyPrompt(3) - provides a more informative prompt
- Reply::Plugin::Hints(3) - persists lexical hints across input lines
- Reply::Plugin::Interrupt(3) - allows using Ctrl+C to interrupt long-running lines
- Reply::Plugin::LexicalPersistence(3) - persists lexical variables between lines
- Reply::Plugin::LoadClass(3) - attempts to load classes implicitly if possible
- Reply::Plugin::Nopaste(3) - command to nopaste a transcript of the current session
- Reply::Plugin::Packages(3) - persist the current package between lines
- Reply::Plugin::Pager(3) - command to automatically open long results in a pager
- Reply::Plugin::ReadLine(3) - use Term::ReadLine for user input
- Reply::Plugin::ResultCache(3) - retain previous results to be able to refer to them later
- Reply::Plugin::Timer(3) - time commands
- Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny(3) - improved type constraint exceptions in Reply
- request_refresh_rate(3) - Requests a specific refresh rate during graphic mode switch. Allegro game programming library.
- request_scroll(3) - Queues a hardware scroll request with triple buffering. Allegro game programming library.
- request_video_bitmap(3) - Triple buffering page flip request. Allegro game programming library.
- resample_image(3)
- reserve_voices(3) - Reserve a number of voices for the digital and MIDI drivers. Allegro game programming library.
- reset_fli_variables(3) - Resets the bitmap and palette dirty global variables. Allegro game programming library.
- reset_image_transform(3) - 1; if (clock_c == 0) then reset_image_transform(a); end endend
- reset_target(3)
- resize_cursor(3)
- resize_image(3)
- resize_video_canvas(3)
- ResizeButton(3) - provides a resizeable button to be used in an HList column header.
- resolve_hostname(3)
- RESOLVEPATH(3) - resolve all symbolic links of a path name
- ResourcePool(3) - A connection caching and pooling class.
- ResourcePool::BigPicture(3) - ResourcePool introduction
- ResourcePool::Command(3) - The implementation of the Command design pattern with ResourcePool.
- ResourcePool::Command::DBI::Execute(3) - A DBI command to execute non select statements.
- ResourcePool::Command::DBI::Select(3) - A DBI command to exexcute select statements.
- ResourcePool::Command::DBI::SelectRow(3) - A DBI command to execute one-row select statements.
- ResourcePool::Command::Exception(3) - An Exception for ResourcePool commands.
- ResourcePool::Command::Execute(3) - The implementation of the Command design pattern with ResourcePool.
- ResourcePool::Command::NoFailoverException(3) - An Exception for ResourcePool commands which doesn't cause fail over.
- ResourcePool::Command::SOAP::Lite::Call(3) - A command to invoke a SOAP RPC call with ResourcePool.
- ResourcePool::ExtensionGuide(3) - How to write extensions for ResourcePool
- ResourcePool::Factory(3) - A factory to create ResourcePool::Resource objects
- ResourcePool::Factory::DBI(3) - A DBI Factory for ResourcePool
- ResourcePool::Factory::SOAP::Lite(3) - A ResourcePool. Factory for SOAP::Lites
- ResourcePool::LoadBalancer(3) - A load balancer across ResourcePool's
- ResourcePool::Resource(3) - A ResourcePool wrapper class for a resource
- ResourcePool::Resource::DBI(3) - A ResourcePool wrapper for DBI
- ResourcePool::Singleton(3) - A class which can instantiated only once.
- ResourcePool::UML(3) - UML diagram for the ResourcePool package
- REST::Application(3) - A framework for building RESTful web-applications.
- REST::Application::Routes(3) - An implementation of Ruby on Rails type routes.
- REST::Client(3) - A simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources
- REST::Google(3) - access Google REST (aka AJAX) API from Perl
- REST::Google::Apps::Provisioning(3) - A Perl library to Google's RESTful Apps Provisioning API
- REST::Google::Feeds(3) - OO interface to Google Feeds API
- REST::Google::Search(3) - OO interface to Google Search API
- REST::Google::Search::Blogs(3) - search Google Blogs
- REST::Google::Search::Books(3) - search Google Books
- REST::Google::Search::Images(3) - search Google Images
- REST::Google::Search::Local(3) - search Google Local
- REST::Google::Search::News(3) - search Google News
- REST::Google::Search::Patent(3) - search Google Patents
- REST::Google::Search::Video(3) - search Google Video
- REST::Google::Search::Web(3) - search Google Web
- REST::Google::Translate(3) - OO interface to Google Translate (aka Languages) API
- rest_callback(3) - Like rest(), but calls the callback during the wait. Allegro game programming library.
- restore_target(3) - type, with the application/ prefix being the default (and can thus be omitted).
- resume_target(3)
- Resurrector(3) - Dark Magic to resurrect hidden L4p statements
- retrace_count(3) - Retrace count simulator. Allegro game programming library.
- Return::MultiLevel(3) - return across multiple call levels
- Return::Type(3) - specify a return type for a function (optionally with coercion)
- Return::Value(3) - (deprecated) polymorphic return values
- RevML::Doctype(3) - A subclass of XML::Doctype
- RevML::Writer(3) - Write RevML files using the RevML DTD
- Rex(3) - the friendly automation framework
- Rex::Box::Amazon(3) - Rex/Boxes Amazon Module
- Rex::Box::Base(3) - Rex/Boxes Base Module
- Rex::Box::Docker(3) - Rex/Boxes Docker Module
- Rex::Box::KVM(3) - Rex/Boxes KVM Module
- Rex::Box::VBox(3) - Rex/Boxes VirtualBox Module
- Rex::CMDB(3) - Function to access the CMDB (configuration management database)
- Rex::CMDB::YAML(3) - YAML-based CMDB provider for Rex
- Rex::Commands(3) - All the basic commands
- Rex::Commands::Augeas(3) - An augeas module for (R)?ex
- Rex::Commands::Box(3) - Functions / Class to manage Virtual Machines
- Rex::Commands::Cloud(3) - Cloud Management Commands
- Rex::Commands::Cron(3) - Simple Cron Management
- Rex::Commands::DB(3) - Simple Database Access
- Rex::Commands::Download(3) - Download remote files
- Rex::Commands::File(3) - Transparent File Manipulation
- Rex::Commands::Fs(3) - File system commands
- Rex::Commands::Gather(3) - Hardware and Information gathering
- Rex::Commands::Host(3) - Edit /etc/hosts
- Rex::Commands::Inventory(3) - Get an inventory of your systems
- Rex::Commands::Iptables(3) - Iptable Management Commands
- Rex::Commands::Kernel(3) - Load/Unload Kernel Modules
- Rex::Commands::LVM(3) - Get LVM Information
- Rex::Commands::MD5(3) - Calculate MD5 sum of files
- Rex::Commands::Mkfs(3) - Create filesystems
- Rex::Commands::Network(3) - Network Module
- Rex::Commands::Notify(3) - Notify a resource to execute.
- Rex::Commands::Partition(3) - Partition module
- Rex::Commands::Pkg(3) - Install/Remove Software packages
- Rex::Commands::PkgConf(3) - Configure packages
- Rex::Commands::Process(3) - Process management commands
- Rex::Commands::Rsync(3) - Simple Rsync Frontend
- Rex::Commands::Run(3) - Execute a remote command
- Rex::Commands::SCM(3) - Sourcecontrol for Subversion and Git.
- Rex::Commands::Service(3) - Manage System Services
- Rex::Commands::SimpleCheck(3) - Simple tcp/alive checks
- Rex::Commands::Sync(3) - Sync directories
- Rex::Commands::Sysctl(3) - Manipulate sysctl
- Rex::Commands::Tail(3) - Tail a file
- Rex::Commands::Upload(3) - Upload a local file to a remote server
- Rex::Commands::User(3) - Manipulate users and groups
- Rex::Commands::Virtualization(3) - Virtualization module
- Rex::Config(3) - Handles Rex configuration
- Rex::FS::File(3) - File Class
- Rex::Group::Lookup::Command(3) - read hostnames from a command.
- Rex::Group::Lookup::DBI(3) - read hostnames and groups from a DBI source
- Rex::Group::Lookup::File(3) - read hostnames from a file.
- Rex::Group::Lookup::INI(3) - read host names and groups from an INI style file
- Rex::Group::Lookup::XML(3) - read hostnames and groups from a XML file
- Rex::Group::Lookup::YAML(3) - read hostnames and groups from a YAML file
- Rex::Hardware(3) - Base Class for hardware / information gathering
- Rex::Helper::Rexfile::ParamLookup(3) - A command to manage task parameters.
- Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect(3) - An Expect like module for Net::SSH2
- Rex::Hook(3) - manage Rex hooks
- Rex::Logger(3) - Logging Module
- Rex::Resource::Common(3)
- Rex::Resource::firewall(3) - Firewall functions
- Rex::Shared::Var(3) - Share variables across Rex tasks
- Rex::Task(3) - The Task Object
- Rex::Template(3) - simple template engine
- Rex::Template::NG(3) - simple template engine (replacing Rex::Template)
- Rex::Test::Base(3) - Basic Test Module
- Rex::Transaction(3) - Transaction support
- Rex::Virtualization::Docker(3) - Docker Virtualization Module
- Rex::Virtualization::LibVirt(3) - LibVirt Virtualization Module
- Rex::Virtualization::Lxc(3) - Linux Containers Virtualization Module
- Rex::Virtualization::VBox(3) - VirtualBox Virtualization Module
- REXEC(3) - return stream to a remote command
- RexxParse(3) - Perl implementation of REXX parse command
- RFORK(3) - manipulate process state
- RFORK_THREAD(3) - create a rfork-based process thread
- RGB_MAP(3) - Stores an rgb map to accelerate conversions. Allegro game programming library.
- RGB_TO_BW(3) - convert a color scanline to black and white.
- RGXG_NET_CIDR_STRING(3) - create regex that matches all addresses of the given CIDR block
- RGXG_NUMBER_RANGE(3) - create regex that matches integers in the given range
- RGXG_UTILS_ALTERNATION(3) - create regex that matches any of the given patterns
- RGXG_UTILS_ESCAPE_STRING(3) - escape the given string for use in a regular expression
- Rijndael(3) - Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module
- Rijndael_PP(3) - Perl implementation of Rijndael
- Rinci(3) - Language-neutral metadata for your code
- Rinci::FAQ(3) - FAQ on Rinci
- Rinci::function(3) - Metadata for your functions/methods
- Rinci::package(3) - Metadata for your namespaces/packages
- Rinci::resmeta(3) - Function/method result metadata
- Rinci::Transaction(3) - A transactional system based on functions
- Rinci::Upgrading(3) - Upgrading from previous version of specification
- Rinci::variable(3) - Metadata for your variables
- RIPEMD(3) - calculate the RIPEMD160 message digest
- RIPEMD160_INIT(3) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
- RKBGNBUN(3) - convert the reading of a specified length to kanji
- RkCloseContext(3) - close the dictionary used for Romaji-kana conversion
- RKCVTEUC(3) - convert shift JIS code to EUC code
- RKCVTHAN(3) - convert double-width symbols, alphanumeric characters, hiragana, and katakana to single-width characters
- RKCVTHIRA(3) - convert double-width katakana to double-width hiragana
- RKCVTKANA(3) - convert double-width hiragana to double-width katakana
- RKCVTROMA(3) - convert an entire character string from Romaji to kana by iteratively using
- RKCVTZEN(3) - convert ASCII characters and single-width katakana to double-width characters
- RKDEFINEDIC(3) - define specified candidates in the dictionary
- RKDELETEDIC(3) - delete specified candidates from a dictionary
- RKENDBUN(3) - terminate kana-kanji conversion
- RKENLARGE(3) - enlarge the reading of the current clause
- RKFINALIZE(3) - terminate the kana-kanji conversion functions
- RKGETDICLIST(3) - get the name of a dictionary that can be added to the dictionary list
- RKGETKANJI(3) - get the current candidate for the current clause
- RKGETLEX(3) - get morphemic information on each word that makes up the current candidate
- RKGETSTAT(3) - get analysis information about the current candidate
- RKGETYOMI(3) - get the reading of the current clause
- RKGOTO(3) - change the current clause
- RKINITIALIZE(3) - initialize the kana-kanji conversion functions
- RKLEFT(3) - move the current clause to the clause to its left
- RKMAPPHONOGRAM(3) - perform Romaji-kana conversion by using a specified Romaji-kana conversion table
- RKMAPROMA(3) - perform Romaji-kana conversion by using a specified Romaji-kana conversion table
- RKMOUNTDIC(3) - mount a dictionary in the dictionary list
- RKNEXT(3) - set the next candidate as the current candidate
- RKNFER(3) - set a reading itself as the current candidate
- RKOPENROMA(3) - open the dictionary to use for Romaji-kana conversion
- RKPREV(3) - set the previous candidate as the current candidate
- RKREMOUNTDIC(3) - modify the priority order of a dictionary already in the dictionary list
- RKRESIZE(3) - change the reading length of the current clause to len bytes
- RKRIGHT(3) - move the current clause to the clause to its right
- RKSHORTEN(3) - shorten the reading of the current clause
- RKSTOREYOMI(3) - change the reading of the current clause, reconverting the subsequent clauses
- RKUNMOUNTDIC(3) - unmount a dictionary from the dictionary list
- RKXFER(3) - change the current candidate
- RLE_ADDHIST(3) - add a history comment to an RLE file.
- RLE_CP(3) - Copy the rest of an image to the output.
- RLE_GET_SETUP(3) - Read the header from an RLE file.
- RLE_GETRAW(3) - Read run length encoded data from an RLE file.
- RLE_GETROW(3) - Read a scanline of pixels from an RLE file.
- RLE_GETSKIP(3) - Skip the rest of an input image.
- RLE_HDR(3) - Structure for communication with RLE functions.
- RLE_OP(3) - Data structure for raw run-length encoded image data.
- RLE_OPEN_F(3) - Open a binary file for input or output with defaults.
- RLE_PUT_SETUP(3) - setup to create an RLE file.
- RLE_PUTCOM(3) - set the value of a picture comment in an RLE file.
- RLE_PUTEOF(3) - write an end of image to an RLE file.
- RLE_PUTRAW(3) - write run length encoded data to an RLE file.
- RLE_PUTROW(3) - Write a row (scanline) of data to an RLE file.
- RLE_RAW_ALLOC(3) - Allocate memory for rle_getraw or rle_putraw.
- RLE_RAWTOROW(3) - Convert "raw" RLE data to scanline form.
- RLE_ROW_ALLOC(3) - Allocate scanline memory for rle_putrow or rle_getrow.
- RLE_SKIPROW(3) - Skip output scanlines in an RLE file.
- RLE_SPRITE(3) - Stores the contents of an RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- Role::Basic(3) - Just roles. Nothing else.
- Role::Basic::Philosophy(3) - Why Role::Basic exists.
- Role::HasMessage::Errf(3) - a thing with a String::Errf-powered message
- Role::Identifiable::HasIdent(3) - a thing with an ident attribute
- Role::Identifiable::HasTags(3) - a thing with a list of tags
- Role::REST::Client(3) - REST Client Role
- Role::REST::Client::Response(3) - Response class for REST
- Role::REST::Client::Serializer(3)
- Role::Tiny(3) - Roles: a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose
- Role::Tiny::With(3) - Neat interface for consumers of Role::Tiny roles
- Rose::Class(3) - A very simple class base class.
- Rose::Class::MakeMethods::Generic(3) - Create simple class methods.
- Rose::Class::MakeMethods::Set(3) - Create class methods to manage sets.
- Rose::DateTime(3) - DateTime helper functions and objects.
- Rose::DateTime::Parser(3) - DateTime parser object.
- Rose::DateTime::Util(3) - Some simple DateTime wrapper functions.
- Rose::DB(3) - A DBI wrapper and abstraction layer.
- Rose::DB::Cache(3) - A mod_perl-aware cache for Rose::DB objects.
- Rose::DB::Cache::Entry(3) - A cache entry for use with Rose::DB::Cache objects.
- Rose::DB::Constants(3) - Symbolic names for important Rose::DB constants.
- Rose::DB::Generic(3) - Generic driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::Informix(3) - Informix driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::MariaDB(3) - MariaDB driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::MySQL(3) - MySQL driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::Object(3) - Extensible, high performance object-relational mapper (ORM).
- Rose::DB::Object::Cached(3) - Memory cached object representation of a single row in a database table.
- Rose::DB::Object::ConventionManager(3) - Provide missing metadata by convention.
- Rose::DB::Object::ConventionManager::Null(3) - A singleton convention manager that does nothing.
- Rose::DB::Object::Helpers(3) - A mix-in class containing convenience methods for Rose::DB::Object.
- Rose::DB::Object::Iterator(3) - Iterate over a series of Rose::DB::Objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::Loader(3) - Automatically create Rose::DB::Object subclasses based on database table definitions.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::BigNum(3) - Create object methods for arbitrary-precision numeric attributes for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::Date(3) - Create date-related methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::Generic(3) - Create generic object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::Pg(3) - Create PostgreSQL-specific object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::Std(3) - Create object methods related to Rose::DB::Object::Std-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::MakeMethods::Time(3) - Create time-related methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::Manager(3) - Fetch multiple Rose::DB::Object-derived objects from the database using complex queries.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata(3) - Database object metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column(3) - Base class for database column metadata objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Array(3) - Array column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::BigInt(3) - Big integer column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::BigSerial(3) - Big serial column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Bitfield(3) - Bitfield column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Blob(3) - Binary large object column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Boolean(3) - Boolean column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Character(3) - Character column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Date(3) - Date column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Datetime(3) - Datetime column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction(3) - Datetime year to fraction column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction1(3) - Datetime year to fraction(1) column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction2(3) - Datetime year to fraction(2) column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction3(3) - Datetime year to fraction(3) column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction4(3) - Datetime year to fraction(4) column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToFraction5(3) - Datetime year to fraction(5) column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToMinute(3) - Datetime year to minute column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToMonth(3) - Datetime year to month column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DatetimeYearToSecond(3) - Datetime year to second column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Decimal(3) - Decimal column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::DoublePrecision(3) - Double-precision column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Enum(3) - Enumerated column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Epoch(3) - Seconds since the epoch column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Epoch::HiRes(3) - Fractional seconds since the epoch column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Float(3) - Floating-point column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Integer(3) - Integer column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Interval(3) - Interval column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Numeric(3) - Numeric column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Pg::Bytea(3) - PostgreSQL BYTEA column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Pg::Chkpass(3) - PostgreSQL CHKPASS column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Scalar(3) - Scalar column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Serial(3) - Serial column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Set(3) - Set column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Text(3) - Text column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Time(3) - Time column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Timestamp(3) - Timestamp column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::TimestampWithTimeZone(3) - Timestamp with time zone column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Varchar(3) - Variable-length character column metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::ForeignKey(3) - Foreign key metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::PrimaryKey(3) - Primary key metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship(3) - Base class for table relationship metadata objects.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship::ManyToMany(3) - Many to many table relationship metadata object.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship::ManyToOne(3) - Many to one table relationship metadata object.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship::OneToMany(3) - One to many table relationship metadata object.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship::OneToOne(3) - One to one table relationship metadata object.
- Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::UniqueKey(3) - Unique key metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::MixIn(3) - A base class for mix-ins.
- Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder(3) - Build SQL queries on behalf of Rose::DB::Object::Manager.
- Rose::DB::Object::Std(3) - Standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
- Rose::DB::Object::Std::Cached(3) - Memory cached standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
- Rose::DB::Object::Std::Metadata(3) - Standardized database object metadata.
- Rose::DB::Object::Tutorial(3) - A guided tour of the basics of Rose::DB::Object
- Rose::DB::Object::Util(3) - Utility functions for use in Rose::DB::Object subclasses and method makers.
- Rose::DB::Oracle(3) - Oracle driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::Registry(3) - Data source registry.
- Rose::DB::Registry::Entry(3) - Data source registry entry.
- Rose::DB::SQLite(3) - SQLite driver class for Rose::DB.
- Rose::DB::Tutorial(3) - Best practices for using Rose::DB
- Rose::DBx::Object::MoreHelpers(3) - more mixin helpers for RDBO
- Rose::DBx::Object::Renderer(3) - Web UI Rendering for Rose::DB::Object
- Rose::HTML::Anchor(3) - Object representation of an HTML anchor.
- Rose::HTML::Form(3) - HTML form base class.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field(3) - HTML form field base class.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Checkbox(3) - Object representation of a single checkbox field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::CheckboxGroup(3) - A group of checkboxes in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Compound(3) - Base class for field objects that contain other field objects.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Date(3) - Text field that inflates valid dates into DateTime objects.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime(3) - Text field that inflates valid dates and times into DateTime objects.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime::EndDate(3) - Text field for an "end date" in a date range.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime::Range(3) - Compound field for date ranges with separate text fields for the minimum and maximum dates.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime::Split::MDYHMS(3) - Compound field for dates with separate text fields for month, day, year, hour, minute, and second, and a pop-up menu for AM/PM.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime::Split::MonthDayYear(3) - Compound field for dates with separate text fields for month, day, and year.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::DateTime::StartDate(3) - Text field for a "start date" in a date range.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Email(3) - Text field that only accepts valid email addresses.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::File(3) - Object representation of a file upload field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Hidden(3) - Object representation of a hidden field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Integer(3) - Text field that only accepts integer values.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Numeric(3) - Text field that only accepts numeric values.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option(3) - Object representation of the "option" HTML tag.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup(3) - Object representation of a group of options in a pop-up menu or select box in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Password(3) - Object representation of a password field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PhoneNumber::US(3) - Text field that accepts only input that contains exactly 10 digits, and coerces valid input into US phone numbers in the form: 123-456-7890
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PhoneNumber::US::Split(3) - Compound field for US phone numbers with separate fields for area code, exchange, and number.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu(3) - Object representation of a pop-up menu in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::RadioButton(3) - Object representation of a single radio button field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::RadioButtonGroup(3) - A group of radio buttons in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset(3) - Object representation of a reset button in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::SelectBox(3) - Object representation of a select box in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Set(3) - Text area that accepts whitespace- or comma-separated strings.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Submit(3) - Object representation of a submit button in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Text(3) - Object representation of a text field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::TextArea(3) - Object representation of a multi-line text field in an HTML form.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Time(3) - Text field that accepts only valid times and coerces valid input into HH:MM:SS AM/PM format.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Time::Hours(3) - Text field that only accepts valid hours.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Time::Minutes(3) - Text field that only accepts valid minutes.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Time::Seconds(3) - Text field that only accepts valid seconds.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Time::Split::HourMinuteSecond(3) - Compound field for times with separate text fields for hour, minute, and second, and a pop-up menu for selecting AM or PM.
- Rose::HTML::Form::Repeatable(3) - Repeatable sub-form automation.
- Rose::HTML::Image(3) - Object representation of the "img" HTML tag.
- Rose::HTML::Label(3) - Object representation of the "label" HTML tag.
- Rose::HTML::Link(3) - Object representation of the "link" HTML tag.
- Rose::HTML::Object(3) - HTML object base class.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Error(3) - Error object.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Errors(3) - Error ids and named constants for use with HTML objects.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Message(3) - Text message object.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Message::Localized(3) - Localized message object.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Message::Localizer(3) - Message localizer class.
- Rose::HTML::Object::Messages(3) - Message ids and named constants for use with HTML objects.
- Rose::HTML::Objects(3) - Object-oriented interfaces for HTML.
- Rose::HTML::Script(3) - Object representation of the "script" HTML tag.
- Rose::HTML::Text(3) - Object representation of HTML-escaped text.
- Rose::HTML::Util(3) - Utility functions for manipulating HTML.
- Rose::Object(3) - A simple object base class.
- Rose::Object::MakeMethods(3) - A simple method maker base class.
- Rose::Object::MakeMethods::DateTime(3) - Create methods that store DateTime objects.
- Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic(3) - Create simple object methods.
- Rose::Object::MixIn(3) - A base class for mix-ins.
- Rose::URI(3) - A URI class that allows easy and efficient manipulation of URI components.
- rotate_image(3)
- rotate_scaled_sprite(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates and stretches a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite(3) - Rotates a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_lit(3) - Rotates a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_trans(3) - Rotates a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip_lit(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip_trans(3) - Rotates and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- rotate3d_model(3)
- ROText(3) - 'readonly' perl/Tk Text widget
- ROUTE_MSG(3) - routing socket message objects
- Router::Boom(3) - Fast routing engine for web applications
- Router::Boom::Method(3) - Router::Boom with HTTP method support
- Router::Boom::Node(3)
- Router::R3(3) - URL router library with high performance
- Router::Simple(3) - simple HTTP router
- Router::Simple::Cookbook(3) - The Router::Simple Cookbook
- Router::Simple::Declare(3) - declarative interface for Router::Simple
- Router::Simple::Route(3) - route object
- Router::Simple::Sinatraish(3) - Sinatra-ish routers on Router::Simple
- Router::Simple::SubMapper(3) - submapper
- Routes::Tiny(3) - Routes
- Routes::Tiny::Match(3) - Matched object
- Routes::Tiny::Pattern(3) - Routes pattern
- RPC::EPC::Service(3) - An Asynchronous Remote Procedure Stack.
- RPC::ExtDirect(3) - Easily integrate Perl server code with JavaScript apps
- RPC::ExtDirect::API(3) - Ext.Direct service discovery handler
- RPC::ExtDirect::API::Action(3) - Ext.Direct Action object
- RPC::ExtDirect::API::Hook(3) - Ext.Direct Method wrappers
- RPC::ExtDirect::API::Method(3) - Ext.Direct Method object
- RPC::ExtDirect::Config(3) - Centralized configuration handling for RPC::ExtDirect
- RPC::ExtDirect::Demo::PollProvider(3) - Ext.Direct polling provider demo
- RPC::ExtDirect::Demo::Profile(3) - Part of Ext.Direct interface demo
- RPC::ExtDirect::Demo::TestAction(3) - Part of Ext.Direct interface demo
- RPC::ExtDirect::Event(3) - Asynchronous server-to-client events
- RPC::ExtDirect::Intro(3) - A gentle(ish) introduction to RPC::ExtDirect
- RPC::ExtDirect::Migration(3) - Migration notes for RPC::ExtDirect
- RPC::PlClient(3) - Perl extension for writing PlRPC clients
- RPC::PlServer(3) - Perl extension for writing PlRPC servers
- RPC::XML(3) - A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling
- RPC::XML::Client(3) - An XML-RPC client class
- RPC::XML::Parser(3) - Interface for parsers created by RPC::XML::ParserFactory
- RPC::XML::Parser::XMLLibXML(3) - A container class for XML::LibXML
- RPC::XML::Parser::XMLParser(3) - A container class for XML::Parser
- RPC::XML::ParserFactory(3) - A factory class for RPC::XML::Parser objects
- RPC::XML::Procedure(3) - Object encapsulation of server-side RPC procedures
- RPC::XML::Server(3) - A server base-class for XML-RPC
- RPC_CLNT_AUTH(3) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
- RPC_CLNT_CALLS(3) - library routines for client side calls
- RPC_GSS_GET_ERROR(3) - Get error details
- RPC_GSS_GET_MECH_INFO(3) - Get extra information about a security mechanism
- RPC_GSS_GET_MECHANISMS(3) - Get installed mechanisms
- RPC_GSS_GET_PRINCIPAL_NAME(3) - Get a principal name
- RPC_GSS_GET_VERSIONS(3) - Get supported protocol version
- RPC_GSS_GETCRED(3) - Get authorization information for an RPC request
- RPC_GSS_IS_INSTALLED(3) - Query for the presence os a security mechanism
- RPC_GSS_MAX_DATA_LENGTH(3) - calculate maximum data size
- RPC_GSS_MECH_TO_OID(3) - Convert a mechanism name to a GSS-API oid
- RPC_GSS_OID_TO_MECH(3) - Convert a mechanism name to a GSS-API oid
- RPC_GSS_QOP_TO_NUM(3) - Convert a quality of protection name to number
- RPC_GSS_SECCREATE(3) - create a security context using the RPCSEC_GSS protocol
- RPC_GSS_SET_CALLBACK(3) - Register a security context creation callback
- RPC_GSS_SET_DEFAULTS(3) - set service and quality of protection
- RPC_GSS_SET_SVC_NAME(3) - Associate a GSS-API service principal with an RPC service
- RPC_GSS_SVC_MAX_DATA_LENGTH(3) - calculate maximum data size
- RPC_SOC(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
- RPC_SVC_CALLS(3) - library routines for RPC servers
- RPC_SVC_CREATE(3) - library routines for the creation of server handles
- RPC_SVC_ERR(3) - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
- RPC_SVC_REG(3) - library routines for registering servers
- RPC_XDR(3) - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
- RPCBIND(3) - library routines for RPC bind service
- RPMATCH(3) - determine whether the response to a question is affirmative or negative
- rpoll(3) - callback functions for file descriptors and timers
- RPSL::Parser(3) - Router Policy Specification Language (RFC2622) Parser
- RRD::Simple(3) - Simple interface to create and store data in RRD files
- RRD::Simple::Examples(3) - Examples using RRD::Simple
- RRDp(3) - Attach RRDtool from within a perl script via a set of pipes;
- RRDTool(3) - POE interface to Tobias Oetiker's RRDtool
- RRDTool::OO(3) - Object-oriented interface to RRDTool
- RS256_PK_NEW(3) - FIDO 2 COSE RS256 API
- RSA_BLINDING_ON(3) - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
- RSA_CHECK_KEY(3) - validate private RSA keys
- RSA_GENERATE_KEY(3) - generate RSA key pair
- RSA_GET0_KEY(3) - Routines for getting and setting data in an RSA object
- RSA_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up RSA methods
- RSA_NEW(3) - allocate and free RSA objects
- RSA_PADDING_ADD_PKCS1_TYPE_1(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
- RSA_PKEY_CTX_CTRL(3) - RSA private key control operations
- RSA_PRINT(3) - print cryptographic parameters
- RSA_PRIVATE_ENCRYPT(3) - low-level signature operations
- RSA_PUBLIC_ENCRYPT(3) - RSA public key cryptography
- RSA_SET_METHOD(3) - select RSA method
- RSA_SIGN(3) - RSA signatures
- RSA_SIGN_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3) - RSA signatures
- RSA_SIZE(3) - get RSA modulus size or security bits
- RSA_UTIL_SIGN(3) - RSA digital signature routines
- Rsh(3) - perl client for Rsh protocol
- RSSLite(3) - lightweight, "relaxed" RSS (and XML-ish) parser
- RT::Client::REST(3) - Client for RT using REST API
- RT::Client::REST::Attachment(3) - attachment object representation.
- RT::Client::REST::Exception(3) - Exceptions thrown by RT::Client::REST
- RT::Client::REST::Forms(3) - This package provides functions from RT::Interface::REST, because we don't want to depend on rt being installed. Derived from rt 3.4.5.
- RT::Client::REST::Group(3) - group object representation.
- RT::Client::REST::HTTPClient(3) - Subclass LWP::UserAgent in order to support basic authentication.
- RT::Client::REST::Object(3) - base class for RT objects
- RT::Client::REST::Object::Exception(3)
- RT::Client::REST::Queue(3) - queue object representation.
- RT::Client::REST::SearchResult(3) - search results object.
- RT::Client::REST::Ticket(3) - ticket object representation.
- RT::Client::REST::Transaction(3) - transaction object representation.
- RT::Client::REST::User(3) - user object representation.
- RT::Extension::CommandByMail(3) - Change ticket metadata via email
- RT::Extension::Gravatar(3) - Displays Gravatar images within RT
- RT::Extension::LDAPImport(3) - Import Users from an LDAP store
- RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition(3) - Require core fields and ticket custom fields on status transitions
- RT::Extension::RepeatTicket(3) - Repeat tickets based on schedule
- RT::Interface::Email::Action::CommandByMail(3) - Change metadata of ticket via email
- RT::Interface::Email::Filter::TakeAction(3) - Change metadata of ticket via email
- RTBL(3) - format data in simple tables
- rtcAttachGeometry(3)
- rtcAttachGeometryByID(3)
- RTCBufferType(3)
- rtcBuildBVH(3)
- rtcCollide(3)
- rtcCommitGeometry(3)
- rtcCommitScene(3)
- RTCCurveFlags(3)
- rtcDetachGeometry(3)
- rtcDisableGeometry(3)
- rtcEnableGeometry(3)
- rtcFilterIntersection(3)
- rtcFilterOcclusion(3)
- RTCFormat(3)
- rtcGetBufferData(3)
- rtcGetDeviceError(3)
- rtcGetDeviceProperty(3)
- rtcGetGeometry(3)
- rtcGetGeometryBufferData(3)
- rtcGetGeometryFace(3)
- rtcGetGeometryFirstHalfEdge(3)
- rtcGetGeometryNextHalfEdge(3)
- rtcGetGeometryOppositeHalfEdge(3)
- rtcGetGeometryPreviousHalfEdge(3)
- rtcGetGeometryThreadSafe(3)
- rtcGetGeometryTransform(3)
- rtcGetGeometryUserData(3)
- rtcGetSceneBounds(3)
- rtcGetSceneDevice(3)
- rtcGetSceneFlags(3)
- rtcGetSceneLinearBounds(3)
- RTCHit(3)
- RTCHitN(3)
- rtcInitIntersectContext(3)
- rtcInitPointQueryContext(3)
- rtcInitQuaternionDecomposition(3)
- rtcInterpolate(3)
- rtcInterpolateN(3)
- rtcIntersect1(3)
- rtcIntersect1M(3)
- rtcIntersect1Mp(3)
- rtcIntersectNM(3)
- rtcIntersectNp(3)
- rtcJoinCommitScene(3)
- rtcNewBuffer(3)
- rtcNewBVH(3)
- rtcNewDevice(3)
- rtcNewGeometry(3)
- rtcNewScene(3)
- rtcNewSharedBuffer(3)
- rtcOccluded1(3)
- rtcOccluded1M(3)
- rtcOccluded1Mp(3)
- rtcOccludedNM(3)
- rtcOccludedNp(3)
- rtcPointQuery(3)
- RTCQuaternionDecomposition(3)
- RTCRay(3)
- RTCRayHitN(3)
- RTCRayN(3)
- rtcReleaseBuffer(3)
- rtcReleaseBVH(3)
- rtcReleaseDevice(3)
- rtcReleaseGeometry(3)
- rtcReleaseScene(3)
- rtcRetainBuffer(3)
- rtcRetainBVH(3)
- rtcRetainDevice(3)
- rtcRetainGeometry(3)
- rtcRetainScene(3)
- rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(3)
- rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryBoundsFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryBuffer(3)
- rtcSetGeometryBuildQuality(3)
- rtcSetGeometryDisplacementFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryInstancedScene(3)
- rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryIntersectFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryMask(3)
- rtcSetGeometryMaxRadiusScale(3)
- rtcSetGeometryOccludedFilterFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryOccludedFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction(3)
- rtcSetGeometrySubdivisionMode(3)
- rtcSetGeometryTessellationRate(3)
- rtcSetGeometryTimeRange(3)
- rtcSetGeometryTimeStepCount(3)
- rtcSetGeometryTransform(3)
- rtcSetGeometryTransformQuaternion(3)
- rtcSetGeometryUserData(3)
- rtcSetGeometryUserPrimitiveCount(3)
- rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeTopology(3)
- rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(3)
- rtcSetSceneBuildQuality(3)
- rtcSetSceneFlags(3)
- rtcSetSceneProgressMonitorFunction(3)
- rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer(3)
- rtcUpdateGeometryBuffer(3)
- RTF::Control(3) - Application of RTF::Parser for document conversion
- RTF::Cookbook(3)
- RTF::HTML::Converter(3) - Perl extension for converting RTF into HTML
- RTF::Parser(3) - A DEPRECATED event-driven RTF Parser
- RTF::TEXT::Converter(3) - Perl extension for converting RTF into text
- RTF::Tokenizer(3) - Tokenize RTF
- RTF::Writer(3) - for generating documents in Rich Text Format
- RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl(3) - class for RTF table settings
- RTx::Calendar(3) - Calendar for RT due dates
- rudeconfig(3) - read and manipulate .ini and config files
- RunApp(3) - A generic module to run web-applications
- RunApp::Apache(3) - Apache control for RunApp
- RunApp::Base(3) - Base class for RunApp
- RunApp::Control(3) - Control class for RunApp
- RunApp::Control::ApacheCtl(3) - Class for invoking apachectl
- RunApp::Control::AppControl(3) - Class for controlling daemon with App::Control
- RunApp::Cron(3)
- RunApp::Template(3) - Base class for RunApp template service
- RunApp::Template::Apache(3) - Apache control from RunApp
- runawk_modules(3) - wrapper for AWK interpreter
- RUNESTRCAT(3) - rune string operations
- RWLock(3) - reader/write locks
- SAC(3) - SAC CSS parser
- Safe::Hole(3) - make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
- Safe::Isa(3) - Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
- SafeDO(3) - 2014, Michael Robinton & BizSystems This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- sage_init(3)
- Sah::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions
- Sah::SpecTest(3) - Just a dummy module so dists can depends on it
- Sah::Type(3) - Standard types
- SAM_DATA_GETSIZE(3) - Return size of stored data in bytes
- SAM_DATA_RESTORE(3) - Restore previously saved user data
- SAM_DATA_STORE(3) - Store user data
- SAM_FINALIZE(3) - Terminate SAM service
- SAM_HC_CALLBACK_REGISTER(3) - Register health check callback
- SAM_HC_SEND(3) - Send health check confirmation
- SAM_INITIALIZE(3) - Initialize health checking
- SAM_OVERVIEW(3) - Overview of the Simple Availability Manager
- SAM_REGISTER(3) - Register component for health checking
- SAM_START(3) - Start health checking
- SAM_STOP(3) - Mark process failed
- SAM_WARN_SIGNAL_SET(3) - Set warn signal
- Samba::LDAP(3) - Manage a Samba PDC with an LDAP Backend
- Samba::LDAP::Base(3) - Base class module implementing common functionality
- Samba::LDAP::Config(3) - Config file related tasks for Samba::LDAP
- Samba::LDAP::Group(3) - Manipulate Samba LDAP Groups
- Samba::LDAP::Machine(3) - Manipulate Samba LDAP Machines (computers)
- Samba::LDAP::User(3) - Manipulate a Samba LDAP User
- Samba::SIDhelper(3) - Create SIDs based on G/UIDs.
- Saryer(3) - a perl interface of libsary
- SASL_AUTHORIZE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP_GETCTX(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP_REQUEST(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CANON_USER_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHALPROMPT_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHECKAPOP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHECKPASS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_INIT(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_NEW(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_START(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_STEP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DECODE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DISPOSE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DONE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ENCODE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ENCODEV(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRDETAIL(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRORS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRSTRING(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETCONFPATH_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETOPT_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETPATH_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETREALM_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETSECRET_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETSIMPLE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GLOBAL_LISTMECH(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_IDLE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_LISTMECH(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_LOG_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_INIT(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_NEW(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_START(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_STEP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_USERDB_CHECKPASS_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_USERDB_SETPASS_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SETPASS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SETPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_USER_EXISTS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_VERIFYFILE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- sasum.f(3)
- save_bmp(3) - Saves a bitmap into a BMP file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_bmp_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_bmp. Allegro game programming library.
- save_d(3) - AA-lib driver used to save ascii-art image into file in used specified format.
- save_joystick_data(3) - Saves joystick calibration data. Allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx(3) - Saves a bitmap into a PCX file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_pcx. Allegro game programming library.
- save_screenshot(3) - 64, 0); local b = fill_surface(64, 64, 0, 0, 255); move_image(b, 0, VRESH - 64); local c = fill_surface(64, 64, 0, 255, 255); move_image(c, VRESW - 64, VRESH - 64); show_image({a, b, c});end
- save_tga(3) - Saves a bitmap into a TGA file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_tga_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_tga. Allegro game programming library.
- SAX1toSAX2(3) - Convert SAX1 events to SAX2
- SAX2toSAX1(3) - Convert SAX2 events to SAX1
- saxpy.f(3)
- SBREAD(3) - read and write superblocks of a UFS file system
- sc::AccResultInfo(3) - This is like
- sc::AccumEffectiveH(3)
- sc::AccumH(3)
- sc::AccumHNull(3)
- sc::ActiveMsgMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::AggregateKeyVal(3) - This takes several
- sc::ALevelShift(3)
- sc::AlgorithmException(3) - This exception is thrown whenever a problem with an algorithm is encountered.
- sc::AngularIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for angular integrators.
- sc::AnimatedObject(3)
- sc::Appearance(3)
- sc::ARMCIMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::AssignedKeyVal(3) - This class allows keyval associations to be set up by the program, rather than determined by an external file.
- sc::AtomInfo(3) - The
- sc::AtomProximityColorizer(3)
- sc::Backtrack(3)
- sc::BasisFileSet(3)
- sc::BatchElectronDensity(3) - This a more highly optimized than
- sc::BcastState(3) - This creates and forwards/retrieves data from either a
- sc::BcastStateInBin(3) - BcastStateBin reads a file in written by
- sc::BcastStateRecv(3)
- sc::BcastStateSend(3)
- sc::Becke88XFunctional(3) - Implements Becke's 1988 exchange functional.
- sc::BeckeIntegrationWeight(3) - Implements Becke's integration weight scheme.
- sc::BEMSolvent(3)
- sc::BEMSolventH(3)
- sc::BendSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::BFGSUpdate(3) - The
- sc::BiggestContribs(3)
- sc::BitArrayLTri(3)
- sc::BLevelShift(3)
- sc::BlockedDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp2(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp3(3)
- sc::BlockedSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BlockedSCMatrixKit(3)
- sc::BlockedSCVector(3)
- sc::BlockedSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BuildIntV3(3)
- sc::canonical_aaaa(3) - If the shell loop structure has 8 fold symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_aabb(3) - If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices and a 2 fold symmetry between the last two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_aabc(3) - If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_abcd(3) - If the shell loop structure has no symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::CartesianIter(3)
- sc::CartesianIterCCA(3)
- sc::CartesianIterCints(3)
- sc::CartesianIterV3(3)
- sc::CartMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::CCAEnv(3) - The
- sc::CharacterTable(3) - The
- sc::ClassDesc(3) - This class is used to contain information about classes.
- sc::CLHF(3)
- sc::CLKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for closed-shell systems.
- sc::CLSCF(3) - The
- sc::Color(3)
- sc::commbuf_struct(3)
- sc::Compute(3) - The
- sc::ConnollyShape(3)
- sc::contribution(3)
- sc::Convergence(3) - The
- sc::CorrelationTable(3) - The
- sc::CS2Sphere(3)
- sc::CSGrad34Qbtr(3)
- sc::CSGradErep12Qtr(3)
- sc::CSGradS2PDM(3)
- sc::Debugger(3) - The
- sc::DenFunctional(3) - An abstract base class for density functionals.
- sc::DenIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for integrating the electron density.
- sc::DensityColorizer(3)
- sc::der_centersv3_t(3)
- sc::DerivCenters(3)
- sc::DescribedClass(3) - Classes which need runtime information about themselves and their relationship to other classes can virtually inherit from
- sc::DescribedClassProxy(3)
- sc::DFPUpdate(3) - The
- sc::DiagMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::DiagSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::DiagSCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::DIIS(3) - The
- sc::DipoleData(3)
- sc::DipoleIntV3(3)
- sc::DiscreteConnollyShape(3)
- sc::DistDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::DistSCMatrix(3)
- sc::DistSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::DistSCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::DistSCVector(3)
- sc::DistShellPair(3) - Distributes shell pairs either statically or dynamically.
- sc::DistShellPair::SharedData(3) - This is used to store data that must be shared between all cooperating shell pairs.
- sc::distsize_t(3)
- sc::DistSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::Edge(3)
- sc::EFCOpt(3) - The
- sc::EfieldDotVectorData(3)
- sc::EfieldDotVectorIntV3(3)
- sc::ElectronDensity(3) - This is a
- sc::EriCints(3)
- sc::EulerMaclaurinRadialIntegrator(3) - An implementation of a radial integrator using the Euler-Maclaurin weights and grid points.
- sc::ExEnv(3) - The
- sc::ExtendedHuckelWfn(3)
- sc::ExtentData(3)
- sc::FeatureNotImplemented(3) - This is thrown when an attempt is made to use a feature that is not yet implemented.
- sc::FileGrp(3) - The
- sc::FileOperationFailed(3) - This is thrown when an operation on a file fails.
- sc::FileRender(3)
- sc::FinDispMolecularHessian(3) - Computes the molecular hessian by finite displacements of gradients.
- sc::FJT(3)
- sc::FreeData(3)
- sc::Function(3) - The
- sc::G96XFunctional(3) - Implements the Gill 1996 (G96) exchange functional.
- sc::GaussianBasisSet(3) - The
- sc::GaussianBasisSet::ValueData(3) - This holds scratch data needed to compute basis function values.
- sc::GaussianShell(3) - A Gaussian orbital shell.
- sc::GaussLegendreAngularIntegrator(3) - An implementation of an angular integrator using the Gauss-Legendre weights and grid points.
- sc::GaussTriangleIntegrator(3)
- sc::GDIISOpt(3)
- sc::GenPetite4(3) - This class is an abstract base to a generalized four index petite list.
- sc::GetLongOpt(3)
- sc::GlobalCounter(3)
- sc::GlobalMsgIter(3)
- sc::GradDensityColorizer(3)
- sc::GRTCints(3)
- sc::GSGeneralEffH(3)
- sc::GSHighSpinEffH(3)
- sc::GuessMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::HCoreWfn(3)
- sc::HessianUpdate(3) - The
- sc::HSOSHF(3)
- sc::HSOSKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for restricted-orbital high-spin open-shell systems.
- sc::HSOSSCF(3) - The
- sc::HSOSV1Erep1Qtr(3)
- sc::HypercubeGMI(3)
- sc::HypercubeTopology(3)
- sc::Identifier(3)
- sc::Identity(3)
- sc::IdentityTransform(3) - The
- sc::ImplicitSurfacePolygonizer(3)
- sc::InputError(3) - This is thrown when invalid input is provided.
- sc::Int1eCCA(3)
- sc::Int1eCints(3)
- sc::Int1eV3(3)
- sc::Int2eCCA(3)
- sc::Int2eCints(3)
- sc::Int2eV3(3)
- sc::Int2eV3::store_list(3)
- sc::IntCoor(3) - The
- sc::IntCoorGen(3)
- sc::Integral(3) - The
- sc::IntegralCCA(3)
- sc::IntegralCints(3)
- sc::IntegralKey(3)
- sc::IntegralLink(3)
- sc::IntegralStorer(3)
- sc::IntegralV3(3)
- sc::IntegrationWeight(3) - An abstract base class for computing grid weights.
- sc::intlist_struct(3)
- sc::intMessageGrp(3) - Uses integer message types to send and receive messages.
- sc::IntMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::IntV3Arraydouble2(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydouble3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep2(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep4(3)
- sc::IntV3Arrayint3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arrayint4(3)
- sc::ip_cwk_stack_struct(3)
- sc::ip_keyword_tree_list_struct(3)
- sc::ip_keyword_tree_struct(3)
- sc::ip_string_list_struct(3)
- sc::IPV2(3)
- sc::IrreducibleRepresentation(3) - The
- sc::IsosurfaceGen(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransform(3) - This describes a solid harmonic to Cartesian transform.
- sc::ISphericalTransformCCA(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransformCints(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransformV3(3)
- sc::KeyVal(3) - The
- sc::KeyValValue(3)
- sc::KeyValValueboolean(3)
- sc::KeyValValuechar(3)
- sc::KeyValValuedouble(3)
- sc::KeyValValuefloat(3)
- sc::KeyValValueint(3)
- sc::KeyValValuepchar(3)
- sc::KeyValValueRefDescribedClass(3)
- sc::KeyValValuesize(3)
- sc::KeyValValueString(3)
- sc::LebedevLaikovIntegrator(3) - An implementation of a Lebedev angular integrator.
- sc::LevelShift(3)
- sc::LibintStaticInterface(3)
- sc::Libr12StaticInterface(3)
- sc::LineOpt(3) - The
- sc::LinIPSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::LinOPSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::LocalCLHFContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLHFEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLHFGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalHSOSKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalHSOSKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalOSSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalOSSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalOSSGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::LocalSCVector(3)
- sc::LocalSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalTCContribution(3)
- sc::LocalTCEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalTCGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LSDACFunctional(3) - An abstract base class for local correlation functionals.
- sc::LYPCFunctional(3) - Implements the Lee, Yang, and Parr functional.
- sc::MachineTopology(3)
- sc::mat3(3)
- sc::mat4(3)
- sc::Material(3)
- sc::MaxIterExceeded(3) - This is thrown when an iterative algorithm attempts to use more iterations than allowed.
- sc::MBPT2(3) - The
- sc::MBPT2_R12(3) - The
- sc::MCSearch(3) - This performs line searches with cubic steps.
- sc::MemAllocFailed(3) - This is thrown when a memory allocation fails.
- sc::MemoryDataRequest(3)
- sc::MemoryDataRequestQueue(3)
- sc::MemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::MemoryIter(3)
- sc::message_struct(3)
- sc::MessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::MOIndexSpace(3) - Class
- sc::MOIntsTransformFactory(3)
- sc::MOLagrangian(3)
- sc::MolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::MolecularEnergy(3) - The
- sc::MolecularFormula(3) - The
- sc::MolecularFrequencies(3) - The
- sc::MolecularHessian(3)
- sc::Molecule(3) - The
- sc::MoleculeColorizer(3)
- sc::MolEnergyConvergence(3)
- sc::MolFreqAnimate(3)
- sc::MOPairIter(3)
- sc::MOPairIterFactory(3) - This class produces
- sc::MP2BasisExtrap(3)
- sc::MP2R12Energy(3) - Class
- sc::MPIMessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::mPW91XFunctional(3) - Implements a modified 1991 Perdew-Wang exchange functional.
- sc::msgbuf_struct(3)
- sc::MsgMemoryGrp(3) - A
- sc::MsgStateBufRecv(3) - The
- sc::MsgStateRecv(3) - The
- sc::MsgStateSend(3) - The
- sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp(3) - This
- sc::NElFunctional(3) - The
- sc::NewP86CFunctional(3)
- sc::NewtonOpt(3)
- sc::NonlinearTransform(3) - The
- sc::NonreentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::OneBody3IntOp(3)
- sc::OneBodyDerivInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyDerivIntCCA(3) - This implements one body derivative integrals.
- sc::OneBodyDerivIntV3(3) - This implements one body derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::OneBodyInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntCCA(3) - This implements one body integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::OneBodyIntCints(3) - This implements most one body integrals in the Cints library.
- sc::OneBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntOp(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntV3(3) - This implements most one body integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterWrapper(3)
- sc::OneBodySOInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyWavefunction(3) - A
- sc::OOGLRender(3)
- sc::Optimize(3) - The
- sc::Orbital(3)
- sc::OSSHF(3)
- sc::OSSSCF(3)
- sc::OutSimpleCo(3)
- sc::OverlapOrthog(3) - This class computes the orthogonalizing transform for a basis set.
- sc::P86CFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew 1986 (P86) correlation functional.
- sc::ParallelRegionTimer(3)
- sc::ParentClass(3) - Gives one parent class of a class.
- sc::ParentClasses(3) - Gives a list of parent classes of a class.
- sc::ParsedKeyVal(3) - Converts textual information into keyword/value assocations.
- sc::PBECFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) correlation functional.
- sc::PBEXFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional.
- sc::PetiteList(3)
- sc::PointChargeData(3)
- sc::PointChargeIntV3(3)
- sc::PointGroup(3) - The
- sc::PointInputData(3) - Contains data needed at each point by a
- sc::PointInputData::SpinData(3)
- sc::PointOutputData(3) - Contains data generated at each point by a
- sc::Pool(3)
- sc::PoolData(3)
- sc::PowellUpdate(3) - The
- sc::PrefixKeyVal(3)
- sc::prim_pair_t(3)
- sc::PrimPairsCints(3)
- sc::ProcFileGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProcMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProcMessageGrp(3)
- sc::ProcThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProgrammingError(3) - This is thrown when a situations arises that should be impossible.
- sc::PsiCCSD(3)
- sc::PsiCCSD_T(3)
- sc::PsiCLHF(3)
- sc::PsiEffH(3)
- sc::PsiExEnv(3)
- sc::PsiFile11(3)
- sc::PsiHSOSHF(3)
- sc::PsiInput(3)
- sc::PsiSCF(3)
- sc::PsiUHF(3)
- sc::PsiWavefunction(3)
- sc::PthreadThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::PumaThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::PW86XFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Wang 1986 (PW86) Exchange functional.
- sc::PW91CFunctional(3) - The Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc::PW91XFunctional(3) - The Perdew-Wang 1991 exchange functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc::PW92LCFunctional(3) - Implements the PW92 local (LSDA) correlation term.
- sc::PZ81LCFunctional(3) - Implements the PZ81 local (LSDA) correlation functional.
- sc::QNewtonOpt(3) - The
- sc::R12Amplitudes(3)
- sc::R12IntEval(3)
- sc::R12IntEvalInfo(3) - Class
- sc::R12IntsAcc(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MemoryGrp(3) - call set_localsize(0) on the associated
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile(3) - deactivate the associated
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile::PairBlkInfo(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile_Ind(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_Node0File(3) - deactivate the associated
- sc::RadialAngularIntegrator(3) - An implementation of an integrator using any combination of a
- sc::RadialIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for radial integrators.
- sc::RangeLock(3)
- sc::RangeLockItem(3)
- sc::RDMAMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ReadMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIter(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterCCA(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterCints(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterV3(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIter(3) - Like
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCCA(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCints(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterV3(3)
- sc::RedundMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::ReentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::RefBase(3) - Provides a few utility routines common to all
- sc::RefCount(3) - The base class for all reference counted objects.
- sc::RefDiagSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RefSCDimension(3) - The
- sc::RefSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RefSCVector(3) - The
- sc::RefSymmSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RegionTimer(3) - The
- sc::Render(3)
- sc::RenderedBallMolecule(3)
- sc::RenderedMolecularSurface(3)
- sc::RenderedMolecule(3)
- sc::RenderedObject(3)
- sc::RenderedObjectSet(3)
- sc::RenderedPolygons(3)
- sc::RenderedPolylines(3)
- sc::RenderedSphere(3)
- sc::RenderedStickMolecule(3)
- sc::ReplDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::ReplSCMatrix(3)
- sc::ReplSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::ReplSCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::ReplSCVector(3)
- sc::ReplSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::ResultInfo(3) - This is a base class for all of
- sc::SavableState(3) - Base class for objects that can save/restore state.
- sc::SavableStateProxy(3) - Create a proxy for a
- sc::ScaledTorsSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::SCBlockInfo(3)
- sc::SCDestructiveElementProduct(3)
- sc::SCDimension(3) - The
- sc::SCElementAccumulateDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSCVector(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAssign(3)
- sc::SCElementDot(3)
- sc::SCElementInvert(3)
- sc::SCElementKNorm(3) - Computed k-norm of matrix.
- sc::SCElementMaxAbs(3)
- sc::SCElementMinAbs(3)
- sc::SCElementOp(3) - Objects of class
- sc::SCElementOp2(3) - The
- sc::SCElementOp3(3) - The
- sc::SCElementRandomize(3)
- sc::SCElementScalarProduct(3)
- sc::SCElementScale(3)
- sc::SCElementScaleDiagonal(3)
- sc::SCElementShiftDiagonal(3)
- sc::SCElementSquareRoot(3)
- sc::SCElementSumAbs(3)
- sc::SCException(3) - This is a std::exception specialization that records information about where an exception took place.
- sc::SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SCExtrapError(3)
- sc::SCF(3) - The
- sc::SCFEnergy(3)
- sc::SCFormIO(3) - This utility class is used to print only on node 0 and to provide attractive indentation of output.
- sc::SCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrix3(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlock(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockIter(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixBlockList(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockListIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockListLink(3)
- sc::SCMatrixCompositeSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixDiagBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixDiagBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::SCMatrixJointSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixLTriBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixLTriBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixNullSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixRectBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixRectBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixSimpleSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixSubblockIter(3) - Objects of class
- sc::scprintf(3) - This class allows printf like output to put sent to an ostream.
- sc::SCVector(3) - The
- sc::SCVector3(3)
- sc::SCVectordouble(3)
- sc::SCVectorSimpleBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCVectorSimpleBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SelfConsistentExtrapolation(3) - The
- sc::SetIntCoor(3) - The
- sc::Shape(3) - A
- sc::ShellExtent(3)
- sc::ShellPairCints(3)
- sc::ShellPairIter(3)
- sc::ShellPairsCints(3)
- sc::ShellQuartetIter(3)
- sc::ShellRotation(3)
- sc::ShmMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ShmMessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::SimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::SlaterXFunctional(3) - Implements the Slater exchange functional.
- sc::SO(3)
- sc::SO_block(3)
- sc::SOBasis(3) - A
- sc::SOTransform(3)
- sc::SOTransformFunction(3)
- sc::SOTransformShell(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter_eq(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter_neq(3)
- sc::SphereShape(3)
- sc::SphericalTransform(3) - This is a base class for a container for a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation.
- sc::SphericalTransformCCA(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformCints(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponent(3) - This is a base class for a container for a component of a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation.
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentCCA(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentCints(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentV3(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformIter(3) - This iterates through the components of a
- sc::SphericalTransformV3(3)
- sc::StateClassData(3)
- sc::StateIn(3) - Restores objects that derive from
- sc::StateInBin(3) - Read objects written with
- sc::StateInData(3)
- sc::StateInFile(3) - Reads state information from a file.
- sc::StateInText(3) - Reads state information written with
- sc::StateOut(3) - Serializes objects that derive from
- sc::StateOutBin(3) - Save state to a binary file.
- sc::StateOutData(3)
- sc::StateOutFile(3) - Writes state information to files.
- sc::StateOutText(3) - Writes out state information in an almost human readable format.
- sc::StateRecv(3)
- sc::StateSend(3)
- sc::StdDenFunctional(3) - The
- sc::SteepestDescentOpt(3)
- sc::StreSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::StringKeyVal(3)
- sc::SumAccumH(3)
- sc::SumDenFunctional(3) - The
- sc::SumIntCoor(3)
- sc::SumMolecularEnergy(3)
- sc::SymmetryOperation(3) - The
- sc::SymmMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::SymmOneBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::SymmSCMatrix2SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrix4SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixNSCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapError(3)
- sc::SymmTwoBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::SymRep(3) - The
- sc::SyscallFailed(3) - This is thrown when an system call fails with an errno.
- sc::SystemException(3) - This is thrown when a system problem occurs.
- sc::TaylorMolecularEnergy(3)
- sc::TCHF(3)
- sc::TCSCF(3)
- sc::TestEffH(3)
- sc::Thread(3) - The
- sc::ThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::ThreadLock(3) - The
- sc::ThreadLockHolder(3) - Acquire a lock on creation and release it on destruction.
- sc::TimedRegion(3)
- sc::Timer(3) - The
- sc::ToleranceExceeded(3) - This is thrown when when some tolerance is exceeded.
- sc::TorsSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::Transform(3)
- sc::TranslateData(3) - Generic data translation.
- sc::TranslateDataByteSwap(3) - Data translation to an external representation with bytes swapped.
- sc::TranslateDataIn(3) - Convert data from other formats.
- sc::TranslateDataOut(3) - Convert data to other formats.
- sc::Triangle(3)
- sc::TriangleIntegrator(3)
- sc::TriangulatedImplicitSurface(3)
- sc::TriangulatedSurface(3)
- sc::TriangulatedSurfaceIntegrator(3)
- sc::TriInterpCoef(3)
- sc::TriInterpCoefKey(3)
- sc::TwoBodyDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCCA(3) - This implements two body derivative integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCints(3) - This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyGrid(3) - Class
- sc::TwoBodyInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyIntCCA(3) - This implements two body integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::TwoBodyIntCints(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntCints library.
- sc::TwoBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::TwoBodyIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform::MOSpaces(3) - Predefined enumerated type for the MO spaces.
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_123Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_12Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_13Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ijxy(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ikjy(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ixjy(3)
- sc::TwoBodySOInt(3)
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute three centers integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in three Gaussian functions.
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals involving three centers in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute two centers integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in two Gaussian functions.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals involving two centers in the IntV3 library.
- sc::type_info_key(3)
- sc::UHF(3) - This provides an unrestricted Hartree-Fock implementation.
- sc::UKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for unrestricted-orbital open-shell systems.
- sc::Uncapped5SphereExclusionShape(3)
- sc::UncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::UnionShape(3) - A
- sc::Units(3) - The
- sc::UnrestrictedSCF(3) - A base class for unrestricted self-consistent-field methods.
- sc::UsedData(3)
- sc::VDWShape(3) - The
- sc::vec2(3)
- sc::vec3(3)
- sc::vec4(3)
- sc::Vertex(3)
- sc::Volume(3) - A
- sc::VWN1LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN2LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN3LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN4LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN5LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWNLCFunctional(3) - An abstract base class from which the various VWN (Vosko, Wilk and Nusair) local correlation functional (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) classes are derived.
- sc::Wavefunction(3) - A
- sc::X(3)
- sc::XalphaFunctional(3) - Implements the Xalpha exchange functional.
- sc::Y(3)
- scabs1.f(3)
- Scalar::Defer(3) - Lazy evaluation in Perl
- Scalar::Does(3) - like ref() but useful
- Scalar::Does::MooseTypes(3) - (DEPRECATED) additional constants for Scalar::Does, inspired by the built-in Moose type constraints
- Scalar::String(3) - string aspects of scalars
- Scalar::Util(3) - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
- Scalar::Util::LooksLikeNumber(3) - Access to looks_like_number() perl API function
- Scalar::Util::Numeric(3) - numeric tests for perl scalars
- SCALBN(3) - adjust exponent
- scale_3dvertices(3)
- scale_image(3)
- scale3d_model(3)
- scan_8int(3) - parse an unsigned integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_8long(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_8short(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_asn1derlength(3) - decode an unsigned integer from ASN.1 DER length encoding
- scan_asn1dertag(3) - decode an unsigned integer from ASN.1 DER length encoding
- scan_base64(3) - decode base64 encoded data
- scan_base64url(3) - decode base64url encoded data
- scan_cescape(3) - parse C escaped string
- scan_charsetnskip(3) - skip characters from set
- scan_double(3) - parse a floating point number in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_hexdump(3) - decode hexdump data
- scan_httpdate(3) - parse a HTTP date
- scan_int(3) - parse an integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ip4(3) - parse an IPv4 number in dotted-decimal notation
- scan_ip6(3) - parse an IPv6 number in ASCII representation
- scan_ip6_flat(3) - parse an IPv6 number in flat ASCII representation
- scan_ip6if(3) - parse an IPv6 number and interface in ASCII representation
- scan_iso8601(3) - parse an ISO-8601 timestamp
- scan_jsonescape(3) - parse JSON escaped string
- scan_ldapescape(3) - parse LDIF escaped string
- scan_long(3) - parse an long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_longlong(3) - parse a long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_netstring(3) - parse a netstring
- scan_noncharsetnskip(3) - skip characters not from set
- scan_nonwhitenskip(3) - skip non-whitespace
- scan_plusminus(3) - parse '+' or '-'
- scan_short(3) - parse an integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_uint(3) - parse an unsigned integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ulong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ulonglong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_urlencoded(3) - decode urlencoded data
- scan_urlencoded2(3) - decode urlencoded data
- scan_ushort(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_utf8(3) - decode an unsigned integer from UTF-8 encoding
- scan_uuencoded(3) - decode uuencoded data
- scan_whitenskip(3) - skip whitespace
- scan_xint(3) - parse an unsigned integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xlong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xlonglong(3) - parse an unsigned long long integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xshort(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scancode_to_ascii(3) - Converts a scancode to an ASCII character. Allegro game programming library.
- scancode_to_name(3) - Converts a scancode to a key name. Allegro game programming library.
- SCANDIR(3) - scan a directory
- SCANF(3) - input format conversion
- SCANF_L(3) - input format conversion
- scare_mouse(3) - Helper for hiding the mouse pointer before drawing. Allegro game programming library.
- scare_mouse_area(3) - Helper for hiding the mouse cursor before drawing in an area. Allegro game programming library.
- scasum.f(3)
- sceil.f(3)
- scene_gap(3) - Number controlling the scene z-sorting algorithm behaviour. Allegro game programming library.
- scene_polygon3d(3) - Puts a polygon in the scene rendering list. Allegro game programming library.
- scf2read(3) - Translate to and from the
- SCGI::Request(3)
- Schedule::Cron(3) - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
- Schedule::Cron::Events(3) - take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur
- Schema::Attribute(3) - an attribute node in a schema object
- Schema::AttributeLibrary(3)
- Schema::AttributeNode(3)
- Schema::ComplexTypeNode(3)
- Schema::ElementLibrary(3)
- Schema::ElementNode(3) - an element node in a schema object
- Schema::ElementRefNode(3) - an element reference node
- Schema::Kwalify(3) - Kwalify implementation in the Schema:: namespace
- Schema::Library(3)
- Schema::ModelNode(3)
- Schema::Node(3)
- Schema::Parser(3) - XML Schema Document Parser
- Schema::RootNode(3) - the root node in a schema document
- Schema::SimpleType(3)
- Schema::SimpleTypeNode(3)
- Schema::TypeLibrary(3)
- Schema::Util(3)
- scombssq.f(3)
- Scope::Container(3) - scope based container
- Scope::Container::DBI(3) - DB connection manager with Scope::Container
- Scope::Guard(3) - lexically-scoped resource management
- Scope::Upper(3) - Act on upper scopes.
- scopy.f(3)
- Scrappy(3) - The All Powerful Web Spidering, Scraping, Creeping Crawling Framework
- Scrappy::Logger(3) - Scrappy Scraper Event Logging
- Scrappy::Queue(3) - Scrappy HTTP Request Flow-Control System
- Scrappy::Scraper::Control(3) - Scrappy HTTP Request Constraints System
- Scrappy::Scraper::Parser(3) - Scrappy Scraper Data Extrator
- Scrappy::Session(3) - Scrappy Scraper Session Handling
- SCREEN_W(3) - Global define to obtain the size of the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- ScreenColor(3) - Term::Screen based screen positioning and coloring module
- Script::isAperlScript(3) - This does a basic check if something is a perl script or not.
- scroll_screen(3) - Requests a hardware scroll request. Allegro game programming library.
- Scrolled(3) - Create a widget with attached scrollbar(s)
- scsum1.f(3)
- SCT_NEW(3) - A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate Timestamp
- SCT_PRINT(3) - Prints Signed Certificate Timestamps in a human-readable way
- SCT_VALIDATE(3) - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) are valid
- SCTP_BINDX(3) - bind or unbind an SCTP socket to a list of addresses
- SCTP_CONNECTX(3) - connect an SCTP socket with multiple destination addresses
- SCTP_FREEPADDRS(3) - release the memory returned from a previous call
- SCTP_GETADDRLEN(3) - return the address length of an address family
- SCTP_GETASSOCID(3) - return an association id for a specified socket address
- SCTP_GETPADDRS(3) - return a list of addresses to the caller
- SCTP_OPT_INFO(3) - get SCTP socket information
- SCTP_RECVMSG(3) - receive a message from an SCTP socket
- SCTP_SEND(3) - send a message from an SCTP socket
- SCTP_SENDMSG(3) - send a message from an SCTP socket
- SDL_ActiveEvent(3) - Application visibility event structure
- SDL_AddTimer(3) - Add a timer which will call a callback after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
- SDL_AudioCVT(3) - Audio Conversion Structure
- SDL_AudioSpec(3) - Audio Specification Structure
- SDL_BlitSurface(3) - This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
- SDL_BuildAudioCVT(3) - Initializes a SDL_AudioCVT structure for conversion
- SDL_CD(3) - CDROM Drive Information
- SDL_CDClose(3) - Closes a SDL_CD handle
- SDL_CDEject(3) - Ejects a CDROM
- SDL_CDName(3) - Returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM.
- SDL_CDNumDrives(3) - Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system.
- SDL_CDOpen(3) - Opens a CD-ROM drive for access.
- SDL_CDPause(3) - Pauses a CDROM
- SDL_CDPlay(3) - Play a CD
- SDL_CDPlayTracks(3) - Play the given CD track(s)
- SDL_CDResume(3) - Resumes a CDROM
- SDL_CDStatus(3) - Returns the current status of the given drive.
- SDL_CDStop(3) - Stops a CDROM
- SDL_CDtrack(3) - CD Track Information Structure
- SDL_CloseAudio(3) - Shuts down audio processing and closes the audio device.
- SDL_Color(3) - Format independent color description
- SDL_CondBroadcast(3) - Restart all threads waiting on a condition variable
- SDL_CondSignal(3) - Restart a thread wait on a condition variable
- SDL_CondWait(3) - Wait on a condition variable
- SDL_CondWaitTimeout(3) - Wait on a condition variable, with timeout
- SDL_ConvertAudio(3) - Convert audio data to a desired audio format.
- SDL_ConvertSurface(3) - Converts a surface to the same format as another surface.
- SDL_CreateCond(3) - Create a condition variable
- SDL_CreateCursor(3) - Creates a new mouse cursor.
- SDL_CreateMutex(3) - Create a mutex
- SDL_CreateRGBSurface(3) - Create an empty SDL_Surface
- SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(3) - Create an SDL_Surface from pixel data
- SDL_CreateSemaphore(3) - Creates a new semaphore and assigns an initial value to it.
- SDL_CreateThread(3) - Creates a new thread of execution that shares its parent's properties.
- SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(3) - Create a YUV video overlay
- SDL_Delay(3) - Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning.
- SDL_DestroyCond(3) - Destroy a condition variable
- SDL_DestroyMutex(3) - Destroy a mutex
- SDL_DestroySemaphore(3) - Destroys a semaphore that was created by
- SDL_DisplayFormat(3) - Convert a surface to the display format
- SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(3) - Convert a surface to the display format
- SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(3) - Blit the overlay to the display
- SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(3) - Set keyboard repeat rate.
- SDL_EnableUNICODE(3) - Enable UNICODE translation
- SDL_Event(3) - General event structure
- SDL_EventState(3) - This function allows you to set the state of processing certain events.
- SDL_ExposeEvent(3) - Quit requested event
- SDL_FillRect(3) - This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with some color
- SDL_Flip(3) - Swaps screen buffers
- SDL_FreeCursor(3) - Frees a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor.
- SDL_FreeSurface(3) - Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
- SDL_FreeWAV(3) - Frees previously opened WAV data
- SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(3) - Free a YUV video overlay
- SDL_FunctionName(3) - Short description of function
- SDL_GetAppState(3) - Get the state of the application
- SDL_GetAudioStatus(3) - Get the current audio state
- SDL_GetClipRect(3) - Gets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
- SDL_GetCursor(3) - Get the currently active mouse cursor.
- SDL_GetError(3) - Get SDL error string
- SDL_GetEventFilter(3) - Retrieves a pointer to he event filter
- SDL_GetGamma(3) - Gets the gamma of the display
- SDL_GetGammaRamp(3) - Gets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
- SDL_GetKeyName(3) - Get the name of an SDL virtual keysym
- SDL_GetKeyState(3) - Get a snapshot of the current keyboard state
- SDL_GetModState(3) - Get the state of modifier keys.
- SDL_GetMouseState(3) - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
- SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(3) - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
- SDL_GetRGB(3) - Get RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
- SDL_GetRGBA(3) - Get RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
- SDL_GetThreadID(3) - Get the SDL thread ID of a SDL_Thread
- SDL_GetTicks(3) - Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization.
- SDL_GetVideoInfo(3) - returns a pointer to information about the video hardware
- SDL_GetVideoSurface(3) - returns a pointer to the current display surface
- SDL_GL_GetAttribute(3) - Get the value of a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
- SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(3) - Get the address of a GL function
- SDL_GL_LoadLibrary(3) - Specify an OpenGL library
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(3) - Set a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
- SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(3) - Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display
- SDL_GLattr(3) - SDL GL Attributes
- SDL_Init(3) - Initializes SDL
- SDL_InitSubSystem(3) - Initialize subsystems
- SDL_JoyAxisEvent(3) - Joystick axis motion event structure
- SDL_JoyBallEvent(3) - Joystick trackball motion event structure
- SDL_JoyButtonEvent(3) - Joystick button event structure
- SDL_JoyHatEvent(3) - Joystick hat position change event structure
- SDL_JoystickClose(3) - Closes a previously opened joystick
- SDL_JoystickEventState(3) - Enable/disable joystick event polling
- SDL_JoystickGetAxis(3) - Get the current state of an axis
- SDL_JoystickGetBall(3) - Get relative trackball motion
- SDL_JoystickGetButton(3) - Get the current state of a given button on a given joystick
- SDL_JoystickGetHat(3) - Get the current state of a joystick hat
- SDL_JoystickIndex(3) - Get the index of an SDL_Joystick.
- SDL_JoystickName(3) - Get joystick name.
- SDL_JoystickNumAxes(3) - Get the number of joystick axes
- SDL_JoystickNumBalls(3) - Get the number of joystick trackballs
- SDL_JoystickNumButtons(3) - Get the number of joysitck buttons
- SDL_JoystickNumHats(3) - Get the number of joystick hats
- SDL_JoystickOpen(3) - Opens a joystick for use.
- SDL_JoystickOpened(3) - Determine if a joystick has been opened
- SDL_JoystickUpdate(3) - Updates the state of all joysticks
- SDL_KeyboardEvent(3) - Keyboard event structure
- SDL_keysym(3) - Keysym structure
- SDL_KillThread(3) - Gracelessly terminates the thread.
- SDL_ListModes(3) - Returns a pointer to an array of available screen dimensions for the given format and video flags
- SDL_LoadBMP(3) - Load a Windows BMP file into an SDL_Surface.
- SDL_LoadWAV(3) - Load a WAVE file
- SDL_LockAudio(3) - Lock out the callback function
- SDL_LockSurface(3) - Lock a surface for directly access.
- SDL_LockYUVOverlay(3) - Lock an overlay
- SDL_MapRGB(3) - Map a RGB color value to a pixel format.
- SDL_MapRGBA(3) - Map a RGBA color value to a pixel format.
- SDL_MixAudio(3) - Mix audio data
- SDL_MouseButtonEvent(3) - Mouse button event structure
- SDL_MouseMotionEvent(3) - Mouse motion event structure
- SDL_mutexP(3) - Lock a mutex
- SDL_mutexV(3) - Unlock a mutex
- SDL_NumJoysticks(3) - Count available joysticks.
- SDL_OpenAudio(3) - Opens the audio device with the desired parameters.
- SDL_Overlay(3) - YUV video overlay
- SDL_Palette(3) - Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
- SDL_PauseAudio(3) - Pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing
- SDL_PeepEvents(3) - Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
- SDL_PixelFormat(3) - Stores surface format information
- SDL_PollEvent(3) - Polls for currently pending events.
- SDL_PumpEvents(3) - Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
- SDL_PushEvent(3) - Pushes an event onto the event queue
- SDL_Quit(3) - Shut down SDL
- SDL_QuitEvent(3) - Quit requested event
- SDL_QuitSubSystem(3) - Shut down a subsystem
- SDL_Rect(3) - Defines a rectangular area
- SDL_RemoveTimer(3) - Remove a timer which was added with
- SDL_ResizeEvent(3) - Window resize event structure
- SDL_SaveBMP(3) - Save an SDL_Surface as a Windows BMP file.
- SDL_SemPost(3) - Unlock a semaphore.
- SDL_SemTryWait(3) - Attempt to lock a semaphore but don't suspend the thread.
- SDL_SemValue(3) - Return the current value of a semaphore.
- SDL_SemWait(3) - Lock a semaphore and suspend the thread if the semaphore value is zero.
- SDL_SemWaitTimeout(3) - Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified maximum time.
- SDL_SetAlpha(3) - Adjust the alpha properties of a surface
- SDL_SetClipRect(3) - Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
- SDL_SetColorKey(3) - Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and RLE acceleration.
- SDL_SetColors(3) - Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetCursor(3) - Set the currently active mouse cursor.
- SDL_SetEventFilter(3) - Sets up a filter to process all events before they are posted to the event queue.
- SDL_SetGamma(3) - Sets the color gamma function for the display
- SDL_SetGammaRamp(3) - Sets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
- SDL_SetModState(3) - Set the current key modifier state
- SDL_SetPalette(3) - Sets the colors in the palette of an 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetTimer(3) - Set a callback to run after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
- SDL_SetVideoMode(3) - Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
- SDL_ShowCursor(3) - Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
- SDL_Surface(3) - Graphical Surface Structure
- SDL_SysWMEvent(3) - Platform-dependent window manager event.
- SDL_ThreadID(3) - Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread.
- SDL_UnlockAudio(3) - Unlock the callback function
- SDL_UnlockSurface(3) - Unlocks a previously locked surface.
- SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(3) - Unlock an overlay
- SDL_UpdateRect(3) - Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UpdateRects(3) - Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UserEvent(3) - A user-defined event type
- SDL_VideoDriverName(3) - Obtain the name of the video driver
- SDL_VideoInfo(3) - Video Target information
- SDL_VideoModeOK(3) - Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
- SDL_WaitEvent(3) - Waits indefinitely for the next available event.
- SDL_WaitThread(3) - Wait for a thread to finish.
- SDL_WarpMouse(3) - Set the position of the mouse cursor.
- SDL_WasInit(3) - Check which subsystems are initialized
- SDL_WM_GetCaption(3) - Gets the window title and icon name.
- SDL_WM_GrabInput(3) - Grabs mouse and keyboard input.
- SDL_WM_IconifyWindow(3) - Iconify/Minimise the window
- SDL_WM_SetCaption(3) - Sets the window tile and icon name.
- SDL_WM_SetIcon(3) - Sets the icon for the display window.
- SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(3) - Toggles fullscreen mode
- SDLKey(3) - SDL Keysym Definitions
- SDLmm(3) - The namespace for the SDLmm library.
- SDLmm::Audio(3)
- SDLmm::BaseSurface(3) - An abstract base class for graphical surfaces.
- SDLmm::CD(3)
- SDLmm::ColorRGB(3) - A small usefull class representing an RGB color.
- SDLmm::ColorRGBA(3) - A small usefull class representing an RGBA color.
- SDLmm::Display(3) - The video frame buffer surface.
- SDLmm::Event(3) - The general
- SDLmm::EventHandler(3) - The base class used for custom
- SDLmm::Joystick(3)
- SDLmm::PixelFormat(3)
- SDLmm::SPoint(3) - A small usefull class representing a point in 2 dimensional space.
- SDLmm::SRect(3) - This enhanced version of
- SDLmm::Surface(3) - A graphical surface structure which is used to store graphical data.
- SDLmm::Timer(3)
- SDLmm::VideoInfo(3) - Video target information.
- SDLx::FPS(3) - a more convenient way to set a framerate
- sdsdot.f(3)
- Search::Dict(3) - look - search for key in dictionary file
- Search::Elasticsearch(3) - The official client for Elasticsearch
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 0_90.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 0.90 APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::0_90::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 1.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 1.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::1_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 2.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 2.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::2_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 5.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 5.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Ingest(3) - A client for accessing the Ingest API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::5_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 6.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 6.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Ingest(3) - A client for accessing the Ingest API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::6_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Factory(3) - Used by CxnPools to create new Cxn instances.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Hijk(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses Hijk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::HTTPTiny(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses HTTP::Tiny
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::LWP(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses LWP
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Sniff(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Static(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Static::NoPing(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Error(3) - Errors thrown by Search::Elasticsearch
- Search::Elasticsearch::Logger::LogAny(3) - A Log::Any-based Logger implementation
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::API(3) - Provides common functionality for API implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client(3) - Provides common functionality for Client implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct(3) - Request parsing for Direct clients
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn(3) - Provides common functionality to HTTP Cxn implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool(3) - Provides common functionality to the CxnPool implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff(3) - A CxnPool role for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Static(3) - A CxnPool role for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Static::NoPing(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Is_Sync(3) - A role to mark classes which should be used with other sync classes
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Logger(3) - Provides common functionality to Logger implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Serializer(3) - An interface for Serializer modules
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Serializer::JSON(3) - A Serializer role for JSON modules
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Transport(3) - Transport role providing interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON(3) - The default JSON Serializer, using JSON::MaybeXS
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::Cpanel(3) - A JSON Serializer using Cpanel::JSON::XS
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::PP(3) - A JSON Serializer using JSON::PP
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::XS(3) - A JSON Serializer using JSON::XS
- Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer(3) - A helper class to launch Elasticsearch nodes
- Search::Elasticsearch::Transport(3) - Provides interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
- Search::Elasticsearch::Util(3) - A utility class for internal use by Search::Elasticsearch
- Search::InvertedIndex(3) - A manager for inverted index maps
- Search::InvertedIndex::AutoLoader(3) - A manager for autoloading Search::InvertedIndex modules
- Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash(3) - A Berkeley database interface object for Search::InvertedIndex
- Search::InvertedIndex::DB::Mysql(3) - A MySQL database interface object for Search::InvertedIndex
- Search::InvertedIndex::Query(3) - A query for an inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Query::Leaf(3) - A query leaf item for an inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Result(3) - A list of result entries from a inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Update(3) - A container for a mass data update for a -group/-index.
- Search::Odeum(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::Odeum::Document(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::Odeum::Result(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::QueryParser(3) - parses a query string into a data structure suitable for external search engines
- Search::QueryParser::SQL(3) - turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
- Search::QueryParser::SQL::Column(3) - SQL column object
- Search::QueryParser::SQL::Query(3) - query object
- Search::Sitemap(3) - Perl extension for managing Search Engine Sitemaps
- Search::Sitemap::Index(3) - Perl extension for managing Sitemap Indexes
- Search::Sitemap::Ping(3) - Notify search engines of sitemap updates
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger(3) - Notify a specific search engines of sitemap updates
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Ask(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Ask
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Google(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Google
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Live(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Live
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Yahoo(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Yahoo
- Search::Sitemap::Types(3) - MooseX::Types library for Search::Sitemap
- Search::Sitemap::URL(3) - URL Helper class for Search::Sitemap
- Search::Sitemap::URLStore(3) - Abstract base class for Search::Sitemap URL stores
- Search::Sitemap::URLStore::Memory(3) - Search::Sitemap in-memory URL store
- SECHASH(3) - cryptographically secure hashes
- SECTOK(3) - library for communicating with ISO 7816 smartcards
- Security::TLSCheck(3) - Application for checking server's TLS capability
- Security::TLSCheck::App(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::App::DomainFilter(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::App::Parallel(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks(3) - Base class for all checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::AgeDE(3) - Checks, if a host has an age-de.xml file
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::CipherStrength(3) - Check Strength of CipherSuites and SSL/TLS Version
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::CipherStrengthOnlyValidCerts(3) - Check Strength of CipherSuites and SSL/TLS Version, but only for domains with valid certficates
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::DNS(3) - Basic DNS Checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Dummy(3) - Simple dummy check as example
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::FinalScore(3) - Creates a summary score out of the other tests
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Heartbleed(3) - Heartbleed checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Helper::MX(3) - Get all MX, cache if already checked, ...
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Helper::Timing(3) - Timing helpers for run_check
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Mail(3) - Checks mailservers for TLS capability
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::MailCipherStrength(3) - Checks mailservers for supported CipherSuites
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Web(3) - (Basic) HTTP and HTTPS Checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Result(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::Result::CSV(3)
- select_mouse_cursor(3) - Tells Allegro to select software or hardware cursor drawing.
- select_palette(3) - Sets the internal palette for color conversion. Allegro game programming library.
- Selective(3) - Reload perl modules during development
- SelectLayers(3) - Perl extension for selectable HTML layers
- SelectSaver(3) - save and restore selected file handle
- Selenium::ActionChains(3) - Action chains for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::CanStartBinary(3) - Teach a WebDriver how to start its own binary aka no JRE!
- Selenium::CanStartBinary::FindBinary(3) - Coercions for finding webdriver binaries on your system
- Selenium::CanStartBinary::ProbePort(3) - Utility functions for finding open ports to eventually bind to
- Selenium::Chrome(3) - Use ChromeDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Edge(3) - Use EdgeDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Firefox(3) - Use FirefoxDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Firefox::Binary(3) - Subroutines for locating and properly initializing the Firefox Binary
- Selenium::Firefox::Profile(3) - Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::InternetExplorer(3) - A convenience package for creating a IE instance
- Selenium::PhantomJS(3) - Use GhostDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::Commands(3) - Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver for use with webdriver 2
- Selenium::Remote::Driver(3) - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
- Selenium::Remote::Driver::CanSetWebdriverContext(3) - Customize the webdriver context prefix for various drivers
- Selenium::Remote::Driver::Firefox::Profile(3) - Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::ErrorHandler(3) - Error handler for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::Finders(3) - Handle construction of generic parameter finders
- Selenium::Remote::Mock::Commands(3) - utility class to mock Selenium::Remote::Commands
- Selenium::Remote::Mock::RemoteConnection(3) - utility class to mock the responses from Selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::RemoteConnection(3) - Connect to a selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::Spec(3) - Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::WDKeys(3) - Representation of keystrokes used by Selenium::Remote::WebDriver
- Selenium::Remote::WebElement(3) - Representation of an HTML Element used by Selenium Remote Driver
- Selenium::Waiter(3) - Provides a utility wait_until function
- self::init(3) - Invoke package init methods at compile time
- SelfLoader(3) - load functions only on demand
- SEM_DESTROY(3) - destroy an unnamed semaphore
- SEM_GETVALUE(3) - get the value of a semaphore
- SEM_INIT(3) - initialize an unnamed semaphore
- SEM_OPEN(3) - named semaphore operations
- SEM_POST(3) - increment (unlock) a semaphore
- SEM_TIMEDWAIT(3) - lock a semaphore
- SEM_WAIT(3) - decrement (lock) a semaphore
- SemaphoreSet(3) - efficient set of counting semaphores
- SENDFD(3) - pass file descriptors along Unix domain sockets
- Sendmail::AccessDB(3) - An interface to the Sendmail access.db list
- Senna::Constants(3) - Constant Values In libsenna
- Senna::Index(3) - Interface to Senna's Index
- Senna::OptArg::Select(3) - Wrapper Around sen_select_optarg
- Senna::OptArg::Sort(3) - Wrapper Around sen_sort_optarg
- Senna::Query(3) - Wrapper Around sen_query
- Senna::RC(3) - Wrapper for sen_rc
- Senna::Record(3) - Senna Search Record
- Senna::Records(3) - Wrapper for sen_records Data Type
- Senna::Set(3) - Wrapper Around sen_set
- Senna::Snippet(3) - Wrapper Around sen_snip
- Senna::Symbol(3) - Wrapper Around sen_sym
- Senna::Values(3) - Wrapper Around sen_values
- Sepia(3) - Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
- Sepia::Xref(3) - Generates cross reference database for use by Perl programs.
- seq_trace(3) - Sequential tracing of information transfers.
- seq2rast(3) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to raster images via GD
- seq2svg(3) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to svg
- Sequin(3) - Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
- Sereal::Decoder(3) - Fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
- Sereal::Encoder(3) - Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
- Sereal::Performance(3) - Getting the most out of the Perl-Sereal implementation
- Serialiser::Error(3) - dummy module for Types::Serialiser
- SerialPort(3) - Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions.
- Server::Relay(3) - A simple relay module for Net::SMTP::Server.
- Server::Starter(3) - a superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
- Servlet::Config(3) - configuration super interface
- Servlet::Filter(3) - filter interface
- Servlet::FilterChain(3) - filter chain interface
- Servlet::FilterConfig(3) - filter configuration interface
- Servlet::GenericServlet(3) - Servlet base class
- Servlet::Http::Cookie(3) - HTTP cookie class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServlet(3) - HTTP servlet base class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletRequest(3) - HTTP servlet request interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletRequestWrapper(3) - HTTP servlet request wrapper class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletResponse(3) - HTTP servlet response interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletResponseWrapper(3) - HTTP servlet response wrapper class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSession(3) - HTTP session interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionActivationListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionAttributesListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionBindingEvent(3) - session binding event class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionBindingListener(3) - session binding listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionEvent(3) - session event base class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::RequestDispatcher(3) - request dispatcher interface
- Servlet::Servlet(3) - servlet interface
- Servlet::ServletConfig(3) - servlet configuration interface
- Servlet::ServletContext(3) - servlet context interface
- Servlet::ServletContextAttributeEvent(3) - servlet context attribute event class
- Servlet::ServletContextAttributeListener(3) - context attribute listener interface
- Servlet::ServletContextEvent(3) - servlet context event class
- Servlet::ServletContextListener(3) - context listener interface
- Servlet::ServletException(3) - general servlet exception
- Servlet::ServletInputStream(3) - servlet input stream interface
- Servlet::ServletOutputStream(3) - servlet output stream interface
- Servlet::ServletRequest(3) - servlet request interface
- Servlet::ServletRequestWrapper(3) - servlet request wrapper class
- Servlet::ServletResponse(3) - servlet response interface
- Servlet::ServletResponseWrapper(3) - servlet response wrapper class
- Servlet::SingleThreadModel(3) - serialized servlet access interface
- Servlet::UnavailableException(3) - servlet unavailability exception
- Servlet::Util::Event(3) - event base class
- Servlet::Util::Exception(3) - exception base class
- Servlet::Util::Principal(3) - security principal interface
- Session::Storage::Secure(3) - Encrypted, expiring, compressed, serialized session data with integrity
- Session::Token(3) - Secure, efficient, simple random session token generation
- SessionX(3) - An extented persistence framework for session data
- SessionX::Generate::MD5(3) - Use MD5 to create random object IDs
- Set::Array(3) - Arrays as objects with lots of handy methods
- Set::ConsistentHash(3) - library for doing consistent hashing
- Set::CrossProduct(3) - work with the cross product of two or more sets
- Set::Infinite(3) - Sets of intervals
- Set::Infinite::_recurrence(3) - Extends Set::Infinite with recurrence functions
- Set::Infinite::Arithmetic(3)
- Set::Infinite::Basic(3) - Sets of intervals 6 =head1 SYNOPSIS
- Set::IntSpan::Fast(3) - Fast handling of sets containing integer spans.
- Set::IntSpan::Fast::PP(3) - Pure Perl implementation.
- Set::IntSpan::Fast::XS(3) - Faster Set::IntSpan::Fast
- Set::Object::Weak(3) - Sets without the referant reference increment
- Set::Scalar::Base(3) - base class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Null(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Real(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Universe(3) - universes for set members
- Set::Scalar::Valued(3) - valued sets
- Set::Scalar::ValuedUniverse(3) - universes for valued set members
- Set::Scalar::Virtual(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Tiny(3) - Simple sets of strings
- set_add_blender(3) - Enables an additive blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_allegro_resource_path(3) - Sets a specific resource search path. Allegro game programming library.
- set_alpha_blender(3) - Enables a special alpha-channel blending mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode(3) - Specifies a custom set of truecolor blender routines. Allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode_ex(3) - An even more complex version of set_blender_mode(). Allegro game programming library.
- set_burn_blender(3) - Enables a burn blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_rect(3) - Sets the clipping rectangle of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_state(3) - Turns on or off the clipping of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- set_close_button_callback(3) - Handles the user clicking on the close button of the window. Allegro game programming library.
- set_color_blender(3) - Enables a color blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_color_conversion(3) - Tells Allegro how to convert images during loading time.
- set_color_depth(3) - Sets the global pixel color depth. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_data(3) - Sets a block of configuration data. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_file(3) - Sets the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_float(3) - Writes a float in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_hex(3) - Writes a hexadecimal integer in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_id(3) - Writes a driver ID in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_int(3) - Writes an integer in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_string(3) - Writes a string in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- SET_CONSTRAINT_HANDLER_S(3) - runtime-constraint violation handling
- set_context_attachment(3) - 32), math.random(VRESH - 32), 500); endend
- set_dialog_color(3) - Sets the colors of an array of dialog objects. Allegro game programming library.
- set_difference_blender(3) - Enables a difference blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_callback(3) - Installs a switching notification callback. Allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_mode(3) - Tells Allegro how the program handles background switching.
- set_dissolve_blender(3) - Enables a dissolve blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_dodge_blender(3) - Enables a dodge blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_filename_encoding(3) - Sets the encoding to use for filenames. Allegro game programming library.
- set_gfx_mode(3) - Sets a graphic video mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_hardware_volume(3) - Alters the hardware sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- set_hue_blender(3) - Enables a hue blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_image_as_frame(3)
- set_invert_blender(3) - Enables an invert blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_keyboard_rate(3) - Sets the keyboard repeat rate. Allegro game programming library.
- set_led(3)
- set_led_rgb(3)
- set_leds(3) - Sets the state of the keyboard LED indicators. Allegro game programming library.
- set_luminance_blender(3) - Enables a luminance blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_cursor_bitmap(3) - Changes the image Allegro uses for mouse cursors.
- set_mouse_range(3) - Sets the area of the screen restricting mouse movement. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_speed(3) - Sets the mouse speed. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite(3) - Sets the mouse sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite_focus(3) - Sets the mouse sprite focus. Allegro game programming library.
- set_multiply_blender(3) - Enables a multiply blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_palette(3) - Sets the entire palette of 256 colors. Allegro game programming library.
- set_palette_range(3) - Sets a specific range of the palette. Allegro game programming library.
- set_projection_viewport(3) - Sets the viewport used to scale the output of persp_project(). Allegro game programming library.
- set_saturation_blender(3) - Enables a saturation blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_screen_blender(3) - Enables a screen blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_sound_input_source(3) - Selects the audio input source. Allegro game programming library.
- set_trans_blender(3) - Enables a truecolor blender. Allegro game programming library.
- set_ucodepage(3) - Sets 8-bit to Unicode conversion tables. Allegro game programming library.
- set_uformat(3) - Set the global current text encoding format. Allegro game programming library.
- set_volume(3) - Alters the global sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- set_volume_per_voice(3) - Sets the volume of a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- set_write_alpha_blender(3) - Enables the special alpha-channel editing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_zbuffer(3) - Makes the given Z-buffer the active one. Allegro game programming library.
- SETBUF(3) - stream buffering operations
- SETLOCALE(3) - natural language formatting for C
- SETMODE(3) - modify mode bits
- SETPROCTITLE(3) - set process title
- SETRUID(3) - set user and group ID
- sf_cfg(3) - functions to read and parse configuration files
- sf_cgi(3)
- sf_file(3) - file positions indicator handling
- sf_fmt(3) - template formatting functions.
- sf_mem(3)
- sf_mime(3) - MIME recoding functions
- sf_misc(3)
- sf_sbuf(3) - smart buffers manipulation functions
- sf_sed(3) - string editor
- sf_split(3) - split and join functions
- sf_svect(3) - string vector manipulation functions
- sf_time(3) - date and time conversions.
- sFlow(3) - decode sFlow datagrams
- sg_comp_init(3) - managing system statistics delivery
- sg_get_cpu_stats(3) - get cpu usage
- sg_get_disk_io_stats(3) - get disk io statistics
- sg_get_error(3) - get last error status
- sg_get_fs_stats(3) - get file system statistics
- sg_get_host_info(3) - get general operating system statistics
- sg_get_load_stats(3) - get system load
- sg_get_mem_stats(3) - get VM statistics
- sg_get_network_iface_stats(3) - get network interface statistics
- sg_get_network_io_stats(3) - get network statistics
- sg_get_page_stats(3) - get paging statistics
- sg_get_process_stats(3) - get process statistics
- sg_get_user_stats(3) - get the current logged in users
- sg_internal-intro(3) - get system statistics
- sg_intro(3) - get system statistics
- sg_lock_mutex(3) - guard not MT-safe system API
- sg_set_error(3) - sets the error condition
- sg_vector_create(3) - statgrab vector management
- sgbmv.f(3)
- sgbtf2.f(3)
- sgebd2.f(3)
- sgehd2.f(3)
- sgelqt.f(3)
- sgelqt3.f(3)
- sgemlqt.f(3)
- sgemm.f(3)
- sgemv.f(3)
- sgeql2.f(3)
- sgeqr2p.f(3)
- sger.f(3)
- sgerq2.f(3)
- sgesc2.f(3)
- sgetc2.f(3)
- SGETU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- SGML::DTDParse(3) - Parse an SGML or XML DTD
- SGML::DTDParse::DTD(3) - Parse an SGML or XML DTD.
- SGML::DTDParse::Util(3) - DTDParse utility routines.
- SGML::Parser::OpenSP(3) - Parse SGML documents using OpenSP
- SGML::Parser::OpenSP::Tools(3) - Tools to process OpenSP output
- sgsvj0.f(3)
- sgsvj1.f(3)
- sgtts2.f(3)
- SHA256_INIT(3) - Secure Hash Algorithm
- shader_ugroup(3)
- shader_uniform(3)
- Shape_MoveShape(3) - apply a shaping to a window
- Shape_QueryVersion(3) - get info about a shaping or the shaping subsystem
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::API(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Client(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture(3) - used for testing to provide test fixtures
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::access_denied(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::bucket_already_exists(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::bucket_not_empty(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::http_bad_request(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::invalid_bucket_name(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::invalid_object_state(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::no_such_bucket(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::no_such_key(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::request::bucket_create_ca_central_1(3) - Shared::Examples providing request fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::acl(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_delete_quiet_without_errors(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_google_cloud_storage(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_delimiter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_filter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_filter_truncated(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_prefix_and_delimiter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::create_multipart_upload_with_success(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::http_ok_empty(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::service_list_buckets_with_owner_displayname(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::service_list_buckets_without_owner_displayname(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shark(3) - Crypt::CBC compliant block cipher
- Shell::Command(3) - Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands
- Shell::Config::Generate(3) - Portably generate config for any shell
- Shell::EnvImporter(3) - Perl extension for importing environment variable changes from external commands or shell scripts
- Shell::EnvImporter::Result(3) - Results of a Shell::EnvImporter run
- Shell::EnvImporter::Shell(3) - Shell abstraction for Shell::EnvImporter
- Shell::GetEnv(3) - extract the environment from a shell after executing commands
- Shell::GetEnv::Dumper(3) - store and retrieve environment
- Shell::Guess(3) - Make an educated guess about the shell in use
- Shell::Parser(3) - Simple shell script parser
- Shell::Perl(3) - A read-eval-print loop in Perl
- Shell::Perl::Dumper(3) - Dumpers for Shell::Perl
- shell_default(3) - Customizing the Erlang environment.
- shell_docs(3) - Functions used to render EEP-48 style documentation for a shell.
- Shellish(3) - Shell-like regular expressions
- ShellQuote(3) - quote strings for passing through the shell
- Shellwords(3)
- ShiftReg(3) - Bit Shift Registers with Rotate / Shift Operations
- ShipIt(3) - software release tool
- ShipIt::Conf(3)
- ShipIt::ProjectType(3) - abstract base class for different types of projects
- ShipIt::State(3) - holds state between steps
- ShipIt::Step(3) - a unit of work to be done prior to a release
- ShipIt::Step::AddToSVNDir(3) - copies/adds/commits distfile to local (svn) directory
- ShipIt::Step::Manifest(3) - ShipIt step for recreating the MANIFEST
- ShipIt::VC(3)
- ShipIt::VC::Git(3)
- ShipIt::VC::Mercurial(3)
- ShipIt::VC::SVK(3)
- ShipIt::VC::SVN(3)
- shisa(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_db(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_default_systemfile(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_from_file(3) - API function
- shisa_done(3) - API function
- shisa_enumerate_principals(3) - API function
- shisa_enumerate_realms(3) - API function
- shisa_info(3) - API function
- shisa_init(3) - API function
- shisa_init_with_paths(3) - API function
- shisa_key_add(3) - API function
- shisa_key_free(3) - API function
- shisa_key_remove(3) - API function
- shisa_key_update(3) - API function
- shisa_keys_find(3) - API function
- shisa_keys_free(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_add(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_find(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_remove(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_update(3) - API function
- shisa_strerror(3) - API function
- shishi(3) - API function
- shishi_3des(3) - API function
- shishi_aes_cts(3) - API function
- shishi_ap(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumraw_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_done(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_encapreppart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_etype_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_key(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_nosubkey(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_option2string(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_decode(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_process(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_process_keyusage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptions(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsasn1usage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsraw(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_string2option(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptions(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsasn1usage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsraw(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_print(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_read(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_save(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_add_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_get_authenticator_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_get_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_mutual_required_p(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_add(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_set(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_print(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_read(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_save(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_set_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_set_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_use_session_key_p(3) - API function
- shishi_arcfour(3) - API function
- shishi_as(3) - API function
- shishi_as_check_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_as_check_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_as_derive_salt(3) - API function
- shishi_as_done(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_process(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_process(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_as_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_as_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_as_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_done(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encasreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encrypteddata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_etype_info(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_etype_info2(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_krbsafe(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_msgtype(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_pa_enc_ts_enc(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_print(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read_inline(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read_optional(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_to_der(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_to_der_field(3) - API function
- shishi_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asreq_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_cksum_type(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_clear_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_client(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cusec_get(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_get_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_print(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_read(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_remove_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_save(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_get(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_authorization_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_authorize_k5login(3) - API function
- shishi_authorize_strcmp(3) - API function
- shishi_authorized_p(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_authorizationtype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_systemfile(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_userdirectory(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_userfile(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_print(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_userdirectory_file(3) - API function
- shishi_check_version(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_cksumlen(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_name(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_supported_p(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_blocksize(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_confoundersize(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_defaultcksumtype(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_keylen(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_name(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_randomlen(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_supported_p(3) - API function
- shishi_crc(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_close(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_decrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_encrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_iv(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_iv_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_ivupdate(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_ivupdate_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_der_msgtype(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encasreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_enctgsreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_etype_info(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_etype_info2(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_kdcrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_kdcreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_krbsafe(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_derive_default_salt(3) - API function
- shishi_des(3) - API function
- shishi_des_cbc_mac(3) - API function
- shishi_dk(3) - API function
- shishi_done(3) - API function
- shishi_dr(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_cusec_get(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_print(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_read(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_save(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_get(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_time_copy(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_authtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_endtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_nonce_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_populate_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_renew_till_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_sname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_srealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_starttime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encprivpart_set_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_encprivpart_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_iv(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_iv_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_ivupdate(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_ivupdate_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_authtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_client(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_cname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_crealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_endtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_transited_set(3) - API function
- shishi_error(3) - API function
- shishi_error_clear(3) - API function
- shishi_error_outputtype(3) - API function
- shishi_error_printf(3) - API function
- shishi_error_set(3) - API function
- shishi_error_set_outputtype(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_now(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_time(3) - API function
- shishi_hmac_md5(3) - API function
- shishi_hmac_sha1(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_localservice(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_localservicerealm(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_serverrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_info(3) - API function
- shishi_init(3) - API function
- shishi_init_server(3) - API function
- shishi_init_server_with_paths(3) - API function
- shishi_init_with_paths(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_check_nonce(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_nonce(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_process(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_add_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_clear_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_cname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_crealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_get_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_print(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_read(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_save(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_set_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_preauth(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_allow_postdate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_clear_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_client(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_disable_transited_check_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_enc_tkt_in_skey_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_forwardable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_forwarded_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_get_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_get_padata_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_nonce_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options_add(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_postdated_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_print(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_proxiable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_proxy_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_read(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renew_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renewable_ok_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renewable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_save(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_server(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_till(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_tillc(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_validate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_key(3) - API function
- shishi_key_copy(3) - API function
- shishi_key_done(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_base64(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_name(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_random(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_string(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_value(3) - API function
- shishi_key_length(3) - API function
- shishi_key_name(3) - API function
- shishi_key_principal(3) - API function
- shishi_key_principal_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_print(3) - API function
- shishi_key_random(3) - API function
- shishi_key_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_key_realm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_timestamp(3) - API function
- shishi_key_timestamp_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_key_type(3) - API function
- shishi_key_type_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_value(3) - API function
- shishi_key_value_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_version(3) - API function
- shishi_key_version_set(3) - API function
- shishi_keys(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_done(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_localservicerealm_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_server_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_serverrealm_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_nth(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_print(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_size(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_build(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_client(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_cusec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_message(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_message(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_print(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_read(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_cusec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_save(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_server(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_server_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_stime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_stime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_susec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_susec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_md4(3) - API function
- shishi_md5(3) - API function
- shishi_n_fold(3) - API function
- shishi_parse_name(3) - API function
- shishi_pbkdf2_sha1(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default_set(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name_set(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_build(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_done(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_der(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_key(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_print(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_der(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_process(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_read(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_save(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password_callback_get(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password_callback_set(3) - API function
- shishi_random_to_key(3) - API function
- shishi_randomize(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default_set(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server_dns(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server_file(3) - API function
- shishi_resolv(3) - API function
- shishi_resolv_free(3) - API function
- shishi_safe(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_build(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_done(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_key(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_print(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_read(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_der(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_save(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_set_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_set_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_server(3) - API function
- shishi_server_for_local_service(3) - API function
- shishi_strerror(3) - API function
- shishi_string_to_key(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_ap(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_realmserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tgtkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tgtkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_add_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_realm_get(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_realm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_server(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_sname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_time(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_authctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_client(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_client_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_clientrealm_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_encticketpart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_endctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_expired_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags_add(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_forwardable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_forwarded_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_hw_authent_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_initial_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_invalid_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_kdcrep(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_key(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_lastreq_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_lastreqc(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_match_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_may_postdate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ok_as_delegate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_postdated_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_pre_authent_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_proxiable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_proxy_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_renew_tillc(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_renewable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_server_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_startctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ticket_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_transited_policy_checked_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_valid_at_time_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_valid_now_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt2(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add_ccache_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add_ccache_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_expire(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find_for_clientserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_ccache_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_ccache_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_clientserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_localservicepasswd(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_tgt(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_new(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_nth(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_print_for_service(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_read(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_size(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_write(3) - API function
- shishi_verbose(3) - API function
- shishi_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_warn(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file_set(3) - API function
- short_cmp(3)
- show_image(3)
- show_mouse(3) - Tells Allegro to display a mouse pointer on the screen.
- show_os_cursor(3) - Low level function to display the operating system cursor. Allegro game programming library.
- show_video_bitmap(3) - Flips the hardware screen to use the specified page. Allegro game programming library.
- ShowDiff(3) - Perl extension to help visualize differences between strings
- ShowTable(3) - routines to display tabular data in several formats.
- SHTK(3) - Application Programming Interface (API) of the Shell Toolkit
- SHTK_BOOL(3) - Utilities to manipulate boolean values
- SHTK_BOOL_CHECK(3) - Converts a string to a boolean value
- SHTK_CLEANUP(3) - Utilities to install exit handlers for cleanup routines
- SHTK_CLEANUP_REGISTER(3) - Installs cleanup handlers to be called on script termination
- SHTK_CLI(3) - Utilities to implement command-line interfaces
- SHTK_CLI_DIRNAME(3) - Gets the directory where the current script lives
- SHTK_CLI_ERROR(3) - Prints a runtime error message and exits
- SHTK_CLI_INFO(3) - Prints an informational message
- SHTK_CLI_PROGNAME(3) - Gets the program name
- SHTK_CLI_USAGE_ERROR(3) - Prints a usage error and exits
- SHTK_CLI_WARNING(3) - Prints a warning message
- SHTK_CONFIG(3) - Configuration file processing and queries
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET(3) - Gets the value of a defined configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET_BOOL(3) - Gets the value of a boolean configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET_DEFAULT(3) - Gets the value of a possibly-unset configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_HAS(3) - Checks if a configuration variable is set
- SHTK_CONFIG_INCLUDE(3) - Includes a file within a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_INIT(3) - Initializes the configuration module
- SHTK_CONFIG_LOAD(3) - Loads a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_OVERRIDE(3) - Records an override to be applied to the configuration
- SHTK_CONFIG_RUN_HOOK(3) - Executes a hook defined in a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_SET(3) - Sets the value of a configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_UNSET(3) - Clears a configuration variable
- SHTK_CVS(3) - Utilities to invoke CVS and wrappers to simplify its operation
- SHTK_CVS_CHECKOUT(3) - Checks out a new working copy out of a CVS repository
- SHTK_CVS_FETCH(3) - Checks out or updates a CVS working copy
- SHTK_CVS_UPDATE(3) - Updates an existing working copy of a CVS repository
- SHTK_IMPORT(3) - Loads an shtk module
- SHTK_LIST(3) - Utilities to manipulate lists
- SHTK_LIST_CONTAINS(3) - Checks if an item appears in a list
- SHTK_LIST_FILTER(3) - Filters the elements of a list based on a pattern
- SHTK_PROCESS(3) - Utilities to manipulate external processes
- SHTK_PROCESS_RUN(3) - Executes a command in a controlled environment
- SHTK_UNITTEST(3) - Utilities to implement test programs
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ADD_FIXTURE(3) - Defines a test fixture
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ADD_TEST(3) - Defines a standalone test case
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_COMMAND(3) - Runs a command and validates its exit status and output
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3) - Fatal equality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_FILE(3) - Validates the contents of a file against golden data
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(3) - Fatal inequality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_DELAYED_FAIL(3) - Records a delayed failure
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_COMMAND(3) - Runs a command and validates its exit status and output
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_EQUAL(3) - Non-fatal equality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_FILE(3) - Non-fatal check to validate the contents of a file
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(3) - Non-fatal inequality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_FAIL(3) - Fails the test case
- SHTK_UNITTEST_MAIN(3) - Standard test program entry point
- SHTK_UNITTEST_SET_EXPECT_FAILURE(3) - Makes the test expect a failure
- SHTK_UNITTEST_SKIP(3) - Skips the test currently being run
- SHTK_VERSION(3) - Utilities to check the running version of shtk
- SHTK_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3) - Checks if shtk is a minimum version
- SHTK_VERSION_AT_MOST(3) - Checks if shtk is a maximum version
- SHTK_VERSION_IS(3) - Checks if shtk is a specific version
- shutdown_dialog(3) - Destroys a dialog player returned by init_dialog(). Allegro game programming library.
- shutdown_menu(3) - Destroys a menu player object returned by init_menu(). Allegro game programming library.
- SIGEVENT(3) - asynchronous event notification
- SIGINFO(3) - signal generation information
- SIGINTERRUPT(3) - allow signals to interrupt system calls
- Signal::Mask(3) - Signal masks made easy
- Signal::Pending(3) - Signal pending status made easy
- SIGNBIT(3) - determine whether a floating-point number's sign is negative
- SigParser(3) - Signal Parsing for Verilog language files
- SIGSETOPS(3) - manipulate signal sets
- sigtrap(3) - Perl pragma to enable simple signal handling
- silk-plugin(3) - Creating a SiLK run-time plug-in using C
- silkpython(3) - SiLK Python plug-in
- SIMD-VITERBI(3) - the last 6 with the 12 encoded symbols representing the tail bits.
- Simple::Agent(3) - Perl extension for an agent object for RPC
- Simple::AnyLocal(3) - Perl extension defining a virtual SRPC client class
- Simple::AnyRemote(3) - Perl base class for a remote object accessible by RPC
- Simple::AnyWhere(3) - extension defining a virtual SRPC client or server class
- Simple::CallHandler(3) - Perl class to handle RPC calls with call-back
- Simple::Factory(3) - Perl extension for creating RPC client
- Simple::ObjectHandler(3) - Perl class to handle a remote object
- Simple::Server(3) - Perl class to use in the RPC server script.
- SimpleObject(3) - Perl extension allowing a simple object representation of a parsed XML::Parser tree.
- SimpleServer(3) - Simple Perl API for building Z39.50 servers.
- SimpleTemplate(3) - Yet another module for template processing
- SimpleVariable(3) - simple representation of mathematical variables
- simulate_keypress(3) - Stuffs a key into the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- simulate_ukeypress(3) - Stuffs an unicode key into the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- SINCOS(3) - sine and cosine functions
- singGE(3) - Singular Value
- single_blas_level1(3) - real
- single_blas_level2(3) - real
- single_blas_level3(3) - real
- single_blas_testing(3) - real
- single_eig(3) - real
- single_lin(3) - real
- SINPI(3) - half–cycle sine functions
- SIO_OPEN(3) - sndio interface to audio devices
- SIOCTL_OPEN(3) - interface to audio parameters
- Sisimai(3) - Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails.
- Sisimai::Address(3) - Email address object
- Sisimai::ARF(3) - Parser class for detecting ARF: Abuse Feedback Reporting Format.
- Sisimai::Data(3) - Parsed data object
- Sisimai::Data::JSON(3) - Dumps parsed data object as a JSON format
- Sisimai::Data::YAML(3) - Dumps parsed data object as a YAML format
- Sisimai::DateTime(3) - Date and time utilities
- Sisimai::Lhost(3) - Base class for Sisimai::Lhost::*
- Sisimai::Lhost::Activehunter(3) - bounce mail parser class for Active!hunter.
- Sisimai::Lhost::Amavis(3) - bounce mail parser class for "amavisd-new".
- Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonSES(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon SES".
- Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonWorkMail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon WorkMail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Aol(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Aol Mail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::ApacheJames(3) - bounce mail parser class for "ApacheJames".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Barracuda(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Barracuda".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Bigfoot(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Bigfoot".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Biglobe(3) - bounce mail parser class for "BIGLOBE".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Courier(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Courier MTA".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Domino(3) - bounce mail parser class for IBM Domino Server.
- Sisimai::Lhost::EinsUndEins(3) - bounce mail parser class for "1&1".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2003(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Microsft Exchange Server 2003".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2007(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Microsft Exchange Server 2007".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exim(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Exim".
- Sisimai::Lhost::EZweb(3) - bounce mail parser class for "au EZweb".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Facebook".
- Sisimai::Lhost::FML(3) - bounce mail parser class for FML (fml.org).
- Sisimai::Lhost::Gmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Gmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::GMX(3) - bounce mail parser class for "GMX" and mail.com.
- Sisimai::Lhost::GoogleGroups(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Google Groups".
- Sisimai::Lhost::GSuite(3) - bounce mail parser class for "G Suite".
- Sisimai::Lhost::IMailServer(3) - bounce mail parser class for "IMail Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::InterScanMSS(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite".
- Sisimai::Lhost::KDDI(3) - bounce mail parser class for "au by KDDI".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailFoundry(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MailFoundry".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailMarshalSMTP(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Trustwave Secure Email Gateway".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailRu(3) - bounce mail parser class for "@mail.ru".
- Sisimai::Lhost::McAfee(3) - bounce mail parser class for "McAfee Email Appliance".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MessageLabs(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MessageLabs".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MessagingServer(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Sun Java System Messaging Server" and "Oracle Communications Messaging Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::mFILTER(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Digital Arts m-FILTER".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MX Logic".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Notes(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Lotus Notes Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Office365(3) - bounce mail parser class for Microsoft Office 365.
- Sisimai::Lhost::OpenSMTPD(3) - bounce mail parser class for "OpenSMTPD".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Outlook(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Outlook.com".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Postfix(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Postfix".
- Sisimai::Lhost::PowerMTA(3) - bounce mail parser class for "PowerMTA".
- Sisimai::Lhost::qmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "qmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::ReceivingSES(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon SES".
- Sisimai::Lhost::SendGrid(3) - bounce mail parser class for "SendGrid".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Sendmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for v8 Sendmail.
- Sisimai::Lhost::SurfControl(3) - bounce mail parser class for "SurfControl".
- Sisimai::Lhost::V5sendmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "V5 Sendmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Verizon(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Verizon Wireless".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X1(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X1".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X2(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X2".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X3(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X3".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X4(3) - bounce mail parser class for Unknown MTA which is developed as a "qmail" clone.
- Sisimai::Lhost::X5(3) - bounce mail parser class for unknown MTA #5.
- Sisimai::Lhost::X6(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X6".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Yahoo(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Yahoo! MAIL".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Yandex(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Yandex.Mail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Zoho(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Zoho Mail".
- Sisimai::Mail(3) - Handler of Mbox/Maildir for reading each mail.
- Sisimai::Mail::Maildir(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::Mbox(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::Memory(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::STDIN(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::MDA(3) - Error message parser for MDA
- Sisimai::Message(3) - Convert bounce email text to data structure.
- Sisimai::MIME(3) - MIME Utilities
- Sisimai::Order(3) - A Class for making an optimized order list for calling MTA modules in Sisimai::Lhost::*.
- Sisimai::Reason(3) - Detect the bounce reason
- Sisimai::Reason::Blocked(3) - Bounce reason is "blocked" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::ContentError(3) - Bounce reason is "contenterror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Delivered(3) - Email delivered successfully
- Sisimai::Reason::ExceedLimit(3) - Bounce reason is "exceedlimit" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Expired(3) - Bounce reason is "expired" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Feedback(3) - Email forwarded as a complaint message
- Sisimai::Reason::Filtered(3) - Bounce reason is "filtered" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::HasMoved(3) - Bounce reason is "hasmoved" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::HostUnknown(3) - Bounce reason is "hostunknown" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MailboxFull(3) - Bounce reason is "mailboxfull" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MailerError(3) - Bounce reason is "mailererror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MesgTooBig(3) - Bounce reason is "mesgtoobig" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NetworkError(3) - Bounce reason is "networkerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NoRelaying(3) - Bounce reason is "norelaying" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NotAccept(3) - Bounce reason is "notaccept" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::OnHold(3) - Bounce reason is "onhold" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::PolicyViolation(3) - Bounce reason is "policyviolation" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Rejected(3) - Bounce reason is "rejected" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SecurityError(3) - Bounce reason is "securityerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SpamDetected(3) - Bounce reason is "spamdetected" due to Spam content in the message or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Suspend(3) - Bounce reason is "suspend" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SyntaxError(3) - Bounce reason is "syntaxerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SystemError(3) - Bounce reason is "systemerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SystemFull(3) - Bounce reason is "systemfull" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::TooManyConn(3) - Bounced due to that too many connections.
- Sisimai::Reason::Undefined(3) - Sisimai could not detect the error reason.
- Sisimai::Reason::UserUnknown(3) - Bounce reason is "userunknown" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Vacation(3) - A recipient is out of office
- Sisimai::Reason::VirusDetected(3) - Bounce reason is "virusdetected" or not.
- Sisimai::RFC1894(3) - DSN field defined in RFC3464 (obsoletes RFC1894)
- Sisimai::RFC3464(3) - bounce mail parser class for Fallback.
- Sisimai::RFC3834(3) - RFC3834 auto reply message detector
- Sisimai::RFC5322(3) - Email address related utilities
- Sisimai::Rhost(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from certain remote hosts.
- Sisimai::Rhost::Cox(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Cox
- Sisimai::Rhost::ExchangeOnline(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from on-premises Exchange 2013 and Office 365.
- Sisimai::Rhost::FrancePTT(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Orange and La Poste.
- Sisimai::Rhost::GoDaddy(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from GoDaddy.
- Sisimai::Rhost::GoogleApps(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Google Apps.
- Sisimai::Rhost::IUA(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from https://www.i.ua/.
- Sisimai::Rhost::KDDI(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from au (KDDI).
- Sisimai::Rhost::Spectrum(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Spectrum.
- Sisimai::Rhost::TencentQQ(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Tencent QQ.
- Sisimai::SMTP(3) - SMTP Status Codes related utilities
- Sisimai::SMTP::Error(3) - SMTP Errors related utilities
- Sisimai::SMTP::Reply(3) - SMTP reply code related class
- Sisimai::SMTP::Status(3) - SMTP Enhanced Status Codes related utilities
- Sisimai::String(3) - String related class
- Sisimai::Time(3) - Child class of Time::Piece for Sisimai::Data
- sisnan.f(3)
- SKEIN(3) - calculate the ``SKEIN'' family of message digests
- skipDelete(3) - delete an item.
- skipFreeList(3) - free a skip list.
- skipInsert(3) - insert an item.
- skipNewList(3) - create a skip list.
- skipNext(3) - find next item.
- skipRelease(3) - release lock on value.
- skipSearch(3) - search a skip list.
- sla_gbamv.f(3)
- sla_gbrcond.f(3)
- sla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_geamv.f(3)
- sla_gercond.f(3)
- sla_gerfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_gerpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_lin_berr.f(3)
- sla_porcond.f(3)
- sla_porfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_porpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_syamv.f(3)
- sla_syrcond.f(3)
- sla_syrfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_syrpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_wwaddw.f(3)
- slabad.f(3)
- slabrd.f(3)
- slacon.f(3)
- sladiv.f(3)
- slae2.f(3)
- slaebz.f(3)
- slaed0.f(3)
- slaed1.f(3)
- slaed2.f(3)
- slaed3.f(3)
- slaed4.f(3)
- slaed5.f(3)
- slaed6.f(3)
- slaed7.f(3)
- slaed8.f(3)
- slaed9.f(3)
- slaeda.f(3)
- slaein.f(3)
- slaev2.f(3)
- slaexc.f(3)
- slag2.f(3)
- slags2.f(3)
- slagtf.f(3)
- slagtm.f(3)
- slagts.f(3)
- slagv2.f(3)
- slahqr.f(3)
- slahr2.f(3)
- slaic1.f(3)
- slaisnan.f(3)
- slaln2.f(3)
- slals0.f(3)
- slalsa.f(3)
- slalsd.f(3)
- slamrg.f(3)
- slamswlq.f(3)
- slamtsqr.f(3)
- slaneg.f(3)
- slangb.f(3)
- slangt.f(3)
- slanhs.f(3)
- slansb.f(3)
- slansf.f(3)
- slansp.f(3)
- slanst.f(3)
- slantb.f(3)
- slantp.f(3)
- slanv2.f(3)
- slaorhr_col_getrfnp.f(3)
- slaorhr_col_getrfnp2.f(3)
- slapll.f(3)
- slaqgb.f(3)
- slaqge.f(3)
- slaqp2.f(3)
- slaqps.f(3)
- slaqr0.f(3)
- slaqr1.f(3)
- slaqr2.f(3)
- slaqr3.f(3)
- slaqr4.f(3)
- slaqr5.f(3)
- slaqsb.f(3)
- slaqsp.f(3)
- slaqsy.f(3)
- slaqtr.f(3)
- slaqz0.f(3)
- slaqz1.f(3)
- slaqz2.f(3)
- slaqz3.f(3)
- slaqz4.f(3)
- slar1v.f(3) - λI.
- slar2v.f(3)
- slarf.f(3)
- slarfb_gett.f(3)
- slarfgp.f(3)
- slarfy.f(3)
- slargv.f(3)
- slarra.f(3)
- slarrb.f(3)
- slarrc.f(3)
- slarrd.f(3)
- slarre.f(3)
- slarrf.f(3)
- slarrj.f(3)
- slarrk.f(3)
- slarrr.f(3)
- slarrv.f(3)
- slarscl2.f(3)
- slartv.f(3)
- slaruv.f(3)
- slarz.f(3)
- slarzb.f(3)
- slarzt.f(3) - vtvH.
- slas2.f(3)
- slascl2.f(3)
- slasd0.f(3)
- slasd1.f(3)
- slasd2.f(3)
- slasd3.f(3)
- slasd4.f(3)
- slasd5.f(3)
- slasd6.f(3)
- slasd7.f(3)
- slasd8.f(3)
- slasda.f(3)
- slasdq.f(3)
- slasdt.f(3)
- slasq1.f(3)
- slasq2.f(3)
- slasq3.f(3)
- slasq4.f(3)
- slasq5.f(3)
- slasq6.f(3)
- slasr.f(3)
- slasv2.f(3)
- slaswlq.f(3)
- slasy2.f(3)
- slasyf.f(3)
- slasyf_aa.f(3)
- slasyf_rk.f(3)
- slasyf_rook.f(3)
- slatbs.f(3)
- slatdf.f(3)
- slatps.f(3)
- slatrd.f(3)
- slatrs.f(3)
- slatrz.f(3)
- slatsqr.f(3)
- slauu2.f(3)
- Slices(3) - it is useful for collapsing
- Smart::Comments(3) - Comments that do more than just sit there
- SMARTS(3) - SMARTS chemical substructure pattern linear notation parser
- SmbHash(3) - Perl-only implementation of lanman and nt md4 hash functions, for use in Samba style smbpasswd entries
- smi_attribute(3) - SMI Attribute information routines
- smi_class(3) - SMI class information routines
- smi_config(3) - SMI library configuration routines
- smi_event(3) - SMI identity information routines
- smi_identity(3) - SMI identity information routines
- smi_macro(3) - SMI macro and extension information routines
- smi_module(3) - SMI module information routines
- smi_node(3) - SMI type information routines
- smi_render(3) - SMI data and MIB data rendering routines
- smi_type(3) - SMI type information routines
- smi_util(3) - SMI type utility functions
- SMILES(3) - SMILES linear notation parser/writer
- SMIME(3) - S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption
- SMIME::JA(3) - S/MIMEの署名、検証、暗号化、復号
- SMIME_CRLF_COPY(3) - buffered copy between BIOs
- SMIME_READ_ASN1(3) - generic S/MIME message parser
- SMIME_READ_CMS(3) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_READ_PKCS7(3) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_TEXT(3) - remove text/plain MIME headers
- SMIME_WRITE_ASN1(3) - generate an S/MIME message
- SMIME_WRITE_CMS(3) - convert CMS structure to S/MIME format
- SMIME_WRITE_PKCS7(3) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherCurl(3) - a curl(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherDNS(3) - Alternate DNS Probe
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSH(3) - Another SSH probe
- Smokeping_probes_base(3) - Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_basefork(3) - Yet Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_basevars(3) - Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonDNS(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_Curl(3) - a curl(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_DismanPing(3) - DISMAN-PING-MIB Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_DNS(3) - Name Service Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPing(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingChargen(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDiscard(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDNS(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttps(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingIcp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingLDAP(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingPlugin(3) - a basis for using echoping(1) plugins as probes for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingSmtp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingWhois(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPing(3) - FPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPing6(3) - FPing6 Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPingContinuous(3) - FPingContinuous Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FTPtransfer(3) - intrusive bandwidth probe
- Smokeping_probes_IOSPing(3) - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_IRTT(3) - a SmokePing Probe for IRTT <https://github.com/peteheist/irtt>
- Smokeping_probes_LDAP(3) - a LDAP probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_NFSping(3) - NFSping Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHEOSPing(3) - Arista EOS SSH Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHJunOSPing(3) - Juniper SSH JunOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_passwordchecker(3) - A Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_Qstat(3) - Qstat Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_Radius(3) - a RADIUS authentication probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_RemoteFPing(3) - Remote FPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_SendEmail(3) - a Smokeping probe that measure time needed to send an mail
- Smokeping_probes_SipSak(3) - tests sip server
- Smokeping_probes_skel(3) - a skeleton for Smokeping Probes
- Smokeping_probes_SSH(3) - Secure Shell Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TacacsPlus(3) - a TacacsPlus authentication probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TCPPing(3) - TCPPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TelnetIOSPing(3) - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TelnetJunOSPing(3) - Juniper JunOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TraceroutePing(3) - use traceroute to obtain RTT for a router
- Smokeping_probes_WebProxyFilter(3) - tests webproxy filter performance and function.
- SMPP(3) - pure Perl implementation of SMPP 3.4 over TCP
- SMS::Send(3) - Driver-based API for sending SMS messages
- SMS::Send::AU::Test(3) - SMS::Send Regional-Class Testing Driver
- SMS::Send::DeviceGsm(3) - An SMS::Send driver for Device::Gsm.
- SMS::Send::Driver(3) - Base class for SMS::Send drivers
- SMS::Send::NexmoUnicode(3) - SMS::Send driver for www.nexmo.com
- SMS::Send::Test(3) - SMS::Send International-Class Testing Driver
- SMS::Send::TW::chtsns(3) - SMS::Send driver for SNS Service of CHT
- SMS::Send::TW::emome(3) - SMS::Send driver for www.emome.net
- SMS::Send::TW::HiAir(3) - SMS::Send driver for hiair.hinet.net
- SMS::Send::TW::PChome(3) - SMS::Send driver for sms.pchome.com.tw
- SMS::Send::TW::Socket2Air(3) - SMS::Send driver for HiNet Socket2Air
- SMS::SMS77(3) - inferface for sms77.de SMS Service
- SMS::SMS77::Message(3) - a message object for SMS::SMS77
- SMTP_auth(3) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client with AUTHentication
- snapshot_target(3) - type, with the application/ prefix being the default (and can thus be omitted).
- SNMP::Info(3) - OO Interface to Network devices and MIBs through SNMP
- SNMP::Info::AdslLine(3) - SNMP Interface to the ADSL-LINE-MIB
- SNMP::Info::Aggregate(3) - SNMP Interface to ifStackTable Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::Airespace(3) - SNMP Interface to data from AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB and AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB
- SNMP::Info::AMAP(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel Mapping Adjacency Protocol (AMAP)
- SNMP::Info::Bridge(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP data available through the BRIDGE-MIB (RFC1493)
- SNMP::Info::CDP(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) using SNMP
- SNMP::Info::CiscoAgg(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::CiscoConfig(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Configuration Files
- SNMP::Info::CiscoPortSecurity(3) - SNMP Interface to data from CISCO-PORT-SECURITY-MIB, CISCO-PAE-MIB and CISCO-ERR-DISABLE-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::CiscoPower(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::CiscoQOS(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's Quality of Service MIBs
- SNMP::Info::CiscoRTT(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's Round Trip Time MIBs
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStack(3) - SNMP Interface to data from CISCO-STACK-MIB
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStats(3) - Perl5 Interface to CPU and Memory stats for Cisco Devices
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStpExtensions(3) - SNMP Interface to "CISCO-STP-EXTENSIONS-MIB"
- SNMP::Info::CiscoVTP(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's VLAN Management MIBs
- SNMP::Info::DocsisCM(3) - SNMP Interface for DOCSIS Cable Modems
- SNMP::Info::DocsisHE(3) - SNMP Interface for DOCS-IF-MIB and DOCS-IF3-MIB
- SNMP::Info::EDP(3) - SNMP Interface to the Extreme Discovery Protocol (EDP)
- SNMP::Info::Entity(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in ENTITY-MIB. RFC 2737
- SNMP::Info::EtherLike(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP ETHERLIKE-MIB RFC 1398
- SNMP::Info::FDP(3) - SNMP Interface to Foundry Discovery Protocol (FDP) using SNMP
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802_Bridge(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP data available through the IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11(3) - SNMP Interface to data from IEEE802dot11-MIB
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot3ad(3) - SNMP Interface to IEEE Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::IPv6(3) - SNMP Interface for obtaining IPv6 addresses and IPv6 address mappings
- SNMP::Info::Layer1(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer1 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Allied(3) - SNMP Interface to old Allied Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Asante(3) - SNMP Interface to old Asante 1012 Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Bayhub(3) - SNMP Interface to Bay/Nortel/Avaya Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Cyclades(3) - SNMP Interface to Cyclades/Avocent terminal servers
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::S3000(3) - SNMP Interface to Synoptics / Nortel Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer2(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer2 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::3Com(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 3Com Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Adtran(3) - SNMP Interface to Adtran Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Aerohive(3) - SNMP Interface to Aerohive / Extreme access points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Airespace(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco (Airespace) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Aironet(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Aironet devices running IOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Allied(3) - SNMP Interface to Allied Telesis switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Atmedia(3) - SNMP Interface to atmedia encryptors
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Baystack(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya Ethernet Switch (Baystack) and VSP 7000 series switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::C1900(3) - SNMP Interface to data from Cisco Catalyst 1900 Network Switches running CatOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::C2900(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 2900 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Catalyst(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst devices running Catalyst OS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Centillion(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel Centillion based ATM Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Cisco(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 Cisco devices that are not covered in other classes and the base L2 Cisco class for other device specific L2 Cisco classes.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::CiscoSB(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Small Business series
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Exinda(3) - SNMP Interface to exinda / gfi traffic shapers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Procurve Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP4000(3) - SNMP Interface to older HP ProCurve Switches (1600, 2400, 2424M, 4000 and 8000)
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HPVC(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Virtual Connect Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Kentrox(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 Kentrox DataSMART DSU/CSU
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::N2270(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel 2270 Series Wireless Switch
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::NAP222x(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel 2220 Series Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Netgear(3) - SNMP Interface to Netgear switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Nexans(3) - SNMP Interface to Nexans network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::NWSS2300(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya (Trapeze) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Orinoco(3) - SNMP Interface to Orinoco Series Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Sixnet(3) - SNMP Interface to Sixnet industrial switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Trapeze(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper (Trapeze) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Ubiquiti(3) - SNMP Interface to Ubiquiti Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::ZyXEL_DSLAM(3) - SNMP Interface to ZyXEL DSLAM
- SNMP::Info::Layer3(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer3 or Layers 2 & 3
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Aironet(3) - Perl5 Interface to Cisco Aironet Wireless Devices running Aironet software, not IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::AlcatelLucent(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::AlteonAD(3) - SNMP Interface to Radware Alteon ADC Switches.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Altiga(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco (formerly Altiga) VPN concentrators
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Arista(3) - SNMP Interface to Arista Networks EOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Aruba(3) - SNMP Interface to Aruba wireless switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::ArubaCX(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices running ArubaOS-CX
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::BayRS(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel routers running BayRS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::BlueCoatSG(3) - SNMP Interface to Blue Coat SG Series proxy devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C3550(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 3550 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C4000(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 4000 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C6500(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 6500 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS and/or CatOS. Also Cisco Catalyst 2960, 2970, 3750 and 3850 series and blade switch CBS30x0 and CBS31x0 series running IOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CheckPoint(3) - SNMP Interface to CheckPoint Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Ciena(3) - SNMP Interface to Ciena Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Cisco(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 and L2+L3 IOS Cisco Device that are not covered in other classes and the base L3 Cisco class for other device specific L3 Cisco classes.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoASA(3) - Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoFWSM(3) - SNMP Interface to Firewall Services Modules for features not covered elsewhere.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoSwitch(3) - Base class for L3 Cisco switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Contivity(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel VPN Routers (formerly Contivity Extranet Switches).
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Cumulus(3) - SNMP Interface to Cumulus Networks Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Dell(3) - SNMP Interface to Dell Power Connect Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::DLink(3) - SNMP Interface to DLink Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Enterasys(3) - SNMP Interface to Enterasys Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::ERX(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper ERX Layer 3 routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Extreme(3) - Perl5 Interface to Extreme Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::F5(3) - SNMP Interface to F5 network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Force10(3) - SNMP Interface to Force10 Networks FTOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Fortinet(3) - SNMP Interface to Fortinet network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Foundry(3) - SNMP Interface to Brocade (Foundry) Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Genua(3) - SNMP Interface to Genua security devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::H3C(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices, H3C & HP A-series
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::HP9300(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Foundry OEM Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Huawei(3) - SNMP Interface to Huawei switches and routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::IBMGbTor(3) - SNMP Interface to Lenovo/IBM Rackswitch devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Juniper(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Juniper Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Lantronix(3) - SNMP Interface to Lantronix devices such as terminal servers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Lenovo(3) - SNMP Interface to Lenovo switches running CNOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Microsoft(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Microsoft Windows routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Mikrotik(3) - SNMP Interface to Mikrotik devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::N1600(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel 16XX Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper Netscreen Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::NetSNMP(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Net-SNMP Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Nexus(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Nexus Switches running NX-OS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::OneAccess(3) - SNMP Interface to OneAccess routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::PacketFront(3) - SNMP Interface to PacketFront devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::PaloAlto(3) - SNMP Interface to Palo Alto devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Passport(3) - SNMP Interface to modular Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8000 Series and VSP 9000 Series switches.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Pf(3) - SNMP Interface to FreeBSD-Based Firewalls using Pf /Pf Sense
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Pica8(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices, Pica8
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Redlion(3) - SNMP Interface to redlion routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Scalance(3) - SNMP Interface to Siemens Scalance Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::SonicWALL(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 SonicWALL Firewall
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Steelfusion(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Steelhead(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::SteelheadEx(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Sun(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Sun Solaris
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Tasman(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya Secure Routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Teltonika(3) - SNMP Interface to Teltonika devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Timetra(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel-Lucent SR
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::VMware(3) - SNMP Interface to VMware ESXi
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::VyOS(3) - SNMP Interface to Vyatta Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Whiterabbit(3) - SNMP Interface to Whiterabbit Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer7(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer7 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::APC(3) - SNMP Interface to APC UPS devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Arbor(3) - SNMP Interface to Arbor appliances
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::CiscoIPS(3) - Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance IPS module
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Gigamon(3) - SNMP Interface to Gigamon devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Liebert(3) - SNMP Interface to Liebert devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Neoteris(3) - SNMP Interface to Pulse Secure / Juniper SSL VPN appliances
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Netscaler(3) - SNMP Interface to Citrix Netscaler appliances
- SNMP::Info::LLDP(3) - SNMP Interface to the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
- SNMP::Info::MAU(3) - SNMP Interface to Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) MIB (RFC 2668) via SNMP
- SNMP::Info::MRO(3) - Method resolution introspection for SNMP::Info
- SNMP::Info::NortelStack(3) - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel S5-AGENT-MIB and S5-CHASSIS-MIB
- SNMP::Info::PowerEthernet(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in POWER-ETHERNET-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::RapidCity(3) - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel RapidCity MIB
- SNMP::Info::SONMP(3) - SNMP Interface to SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP)
- SNMP::Persist(3) - The SNMP pass_persist threaded backend
- SNMP::Trapinfo(3) - Read and process an SNMP trap from Net-SNMP's snmptrapd
- SNMP_ALARM(3) - alarm functions
- SNMP_BRIDGE(3) - bridge module for snmpd
- snmp_community_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB
- snmp_framework_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
- snmp_generic(3) - Generic Functions for Implementing SNMP Objects in a Database
- snmp_index(3) - Abstract Data Type for SNMP Indexing
- SNMP_LM75(3)
- SNMP_MIBII(3) - mib-2 module for bsnmpd.
- SNMP_NETGRAPH(3) - netgraph module for snmpd
- snmp_notification_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB
- snmp_pdus(3) - Encode and Decode Functions for SNMP PDUs
- snmp_standard_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for STANDARD-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB
- snmp_target_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-TARGET-MIB
- snmp_user_based_sm_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB
- snmp_view_based_acm_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB
- snmpa(3) - Interface Functions to the SNMP toolkit agent
- snmpa_conf(3) - Utility functions for handling the agent config files.
- snmpa_discovery_handler(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent discovery handler.
- snmpa_error(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors
- snmpa_error_io(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors on stdio
- snmpa_error_logger(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors through the error_logger
- snmpa_error_report(3) - Behaviour module for reporting SNMP agent errors
- snmpa_local_db(3) - The SNMP built-in database
- snmpa_mib_data(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent mib-server data module.
- snmpa_mib_storage(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent mib storage.
- snmpa_mpd(3) - Message Processing and Dispatch module for the SNMP agent
- snmpa_network_interface(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent network interface.
- snmpa_network_interface_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent network-interface filter.
- snmpa_notification_delivery_info_receiver(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent notification delivery information receiver.
- snmpa_notification_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent notification filters.
- snmpa_supervisor(3) - A supervisor for the SNMP agent Processes
- snmpc(3) - Interface Functions to the SNMP toolkit MIB compiler
- snmpm(3) - Interface functions to the SNMP toolkit manager
- snmpm_conf(3) - Utility functions for handling the manager config files.
- snmpm_mpd(3) - Message Processing and Dispatch module for the SNMP manager
- snmpm_network_interface(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network interface.
- snmpm_network_interface_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network-interface filter.
- snmpm_user(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager user.
- SNMPMOD(3) - SNMP daemon loadable module interface
- SNOBOL4DIGEST(3) - message digest library
- SNOBOL4DIRS(3) - filesystem directory interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4EZIO(3) - SNOBOL4 easy to use file I/O
- SNOBOL4FFI(3) - Foreign Function Interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4HOST(3) - SNOBOL4 host O/S functions
- SNOBOL4LOAD(3) - Loading extension modules into SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4LOGIC(3) - bitwise logic and conversions for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4NDBM(3) - SNOBOL4 NDBM interface
- SNOBOL4RANDOM(3) - SNOBOL4 random number functions
- SNOBOL4READLINE(3) - SNOBOL4 readline interface
- SNOBOL4SETUP(3) - SNOBOL4 Loadable module setup utility
- SNOBOL4SPRINTF(3) - numeric formatting
- SNOBOL4SQLITE3(3) - SQLITE3 interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4SQLITE3DBM(3) - "dbm" style interface for SNOBOL4 using SQLite3
- SNOBOL4STAT(3) - file status interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4TIME(3) - SNOBOL4 time functions
- SNOBOL4ZLIB(3) - compression/decompression library
- SNOLIB(3) - SNOBOL4 library routines
- Snort::Parser::File(3) - a module for handling the parsing of snort files
- Snort::Parser::Rule(3) - Perl interface to parsing snort rules
- Snort::Rule(3) - Perl extension for dynamically building snort rules
- SOAP::Amazon::S3(3) - A module for interfacing with Amazon S3 through SOAP
- SOAP::Client(3) - exists purely as a superclass for client classes declared by the various SOAP::Lite transport modules.
- SOAP::Constants(3) - SOAP::Lite provides several variables to allows programmers and users to modify the behavior of SOAP::Lite in specific ways.
- SOAP::Data(3) - this class provides the means by which to explicitly manipulate and control all aspects of the way in which Perl data gets expressed as SOAP data entities.
- SOAP::Data::Builder(3) - A wrapper simplifying SOAP::Data and SOAP::Serialiser
- SOAP::Data::Builder::Element(3) - A simple wrapper SOAP::Data Elements
- SOAP::Defs(3) - Spec-defined constants
- SOAP::Deserializer(3) - the means by which the toolkit manages the conversion of XML into an object manageable by a developer
- SOAP::Envelope(3) - Creates SOAP streams
- SOAP::EnvelopeMaker(3) - Creates SOAP envelopes
- SOAP::Fault(3) - encapsulates SOAP faults prior to their serialization or after their deserialization
- SOAP::GenericHashSerializer(3) - Generic serializer for Perl hashes
- SOAP::GenericInputStream(3) - Default handler for SOAP::Parser output
- SOAP::GenericScalarSerializer(3) - Generic serializer for Perl scalar references
- SOAP::Header(3) - similar to SOAP::Data elements, a SOAP::Header object simply is encoded in the SOAP Header block
- SOAP::Lite::Packager(3) - this class is an abstract class which allows for multiple types of packaging agents such as MIME and DIME.
- SOAP::MySOAP(3) - An extremely basic SOAP client module
- SOAP::OutputStream(3) - Writes SOAP fragments
- SOAP::Packager(3) - SOAP internal helper class
- SOAP::Parser(3) - Parses SOAP documents
- SOAP::Schema(3) - provides an umbrella for the way in which SOAP::Lite manages service description schemas
- SOAP::Serializer(3) - serialization utilities
- SOAP::Server(3) - provides the basic framework for the transport-specific server classes to build upon
- SOAP::SimpleTypeWrapper(3) - deprecated
- SOAP::SOM(3) - provides access to the values contained in SOAP Response
- SOAP::Struct(3) - support for ordered hashes
- SOAP::StructSerializer(3) - (internal) serializer for SOAP structs
- SOAP::Test(3) - Test framework for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::Trace(3) - used only to manage and manipulate the runtime tracing of execution within the toolkit
- SOAP::Transport(3) - an abstract class extended by more specialized transport modules
- SOAP::Transport::FTP(3)
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache(3) - SOAP mod_perl handler
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI(3) - Generic SOAP CGI handler
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client(3) - Client side HTTP support for SOAP/Perl
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Plack(3) - transport for Plack (http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/Plack/) PSGI toolkit for SOAP::Lite module.
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server(3) - Server side HTTP support for SOAP/Perl
- SOAP::Transport::JABBER(3)
- SOAP::Transport::LOOPBACK(3) - Test loopback transport backend (Client only)
- SOAP::Transport::POP3(3) - Server side POP3 support for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::Transport::TCP(3) - TCP Transport Support for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::TypedPrimitive(3) - Wrapper for xsd primitives that need explicit SOAP type attributes
- SOAP::TypedPrimitiveSerializer(3) - serializer for xsd scalars
- SOAP::TypeMapper(3) - Maps Perl types to their serializer/deserializer classes
- SOAP::Utils(3) - a utility package for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::WSDL::Client(3) - SOAP::WSDL's SOAP Client
- SOAP::WSDL::Client::Base(3) - Factory class for WSDL-based SOAP access
- SOAP::WSDL::Definitions(3) - model a WSDL >definitions< element
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::Hash(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into perl hash refs
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::SOM(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into SOM objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::XSD(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib:: objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::Base(3) - Base class for XML::Parser::Expat based XML parsers
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::Message2Hash(3) - Convert SOAP messages to perl hash refs
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser(3) - Convert SOAP messages to custom object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageStreamParser(3) - Convert SOAP messages to custom object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser(3) - Parse WSDL files into object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Deserializer(3) - Factory for retrieving Deserializer objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Generator(3) - Factory for retrieving generator objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Serializer(3) - Factory for retrieving serializer objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport(3) - Factory for retrieving transport objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Iterator::WSDL11(3) - WSDL 1.1 Iterator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::PrefixResolver(3) - prefixes for different classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template(3) - Template-based code generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template::Plugin::XSD(3) - Template plugin for the XSD generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template::XSD(3) - XSD code generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Visitor(3) - SOAP::WSDL's Visitor-based Code Generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Visitor::Typemap(3) - Visitor class for generating typemaps
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual(3) - Accessing WSDL based web services
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::CodeFirst(3) - Writing Code-First Web Services with SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Cookbook(3) - SOAP::WSDL recipes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Deserializer(3) - Deserializer classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Glossary(3) - Those acronyms and stuff
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Parser(3) - How SOAP::WSDL parses XML messages
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Serializer(3) - Serializer classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::WS_I(3) - How SOAP::WSDL complies to WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::XSD(3) - SOAP::WSDL's XML Schema implementation
- SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::XSD(3) - Serializer for SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib:: objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Server(3) - WSDL based SOAP server base class
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::CGI(3) - CGI based SOAP server
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::Mod_Perl2(3) - mod_perl based SOAP server using SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::Simple(3) - CGI based SOAP server for HTTP::Server::Simple
- SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11(3) - SOAP 1.1 Fault class
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP(3) - Fallback http(s) transport class
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::Loopback(3) - Loopback transport class for SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::Test(3) - Test transport class for SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Schema::Builtin(3) - Provides builtin XML Schema datatypes for parsing WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin(3) - Built-in XML Schema datatypes
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::list(3) - list derivation base class
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::ComplexType(3) - Base class for complexType node classes
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element(3) - element base clase
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::SimpleType(3) - simpleType base class
- SOAP::XML::Client(3) - Simple frame work for talking with web services
- SOAP::XML::Client::DotNet(3) - talk with .net webservices
- SOAP::XML::Client::Generic(3) - talk with 'generic' webservices, e.g. not .net
- SOB(3) - Get user information of SOB-style BBS
- SOCKATMARK(3) - determine whether the read pointer is at the OOB mark
- Socket::GetAddrInfo(3) - address-family independent name resolving functions
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Emul(3) - Pure Perl emulation of "getaddrinfo" and "getnameinfo" using IPv4-only legacy resolvers
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Socket6api(3) - Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions using Socket6 API
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Strict(3) - Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions which throw exceptions
- socket_accept4(3) - accept an IPv4 TCP connection on a socket
- socket_accept6(3) - accept an IPv6 TCP connection on a socket
- socket_bind4(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind4_reuse(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind6(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind6_reuse(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_broadcast(3) - set UDP socket to broadcast mode
- socket_connect4(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_connect6(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_connected(3) - is a connection established on a socket?
- socket_fastopen(3) - enable TCP Fast Open on a server-side TCP socket
- socket_fastopen_connect4(3) - make a TCP connection and send some data
- socket_fastopen_connect6(3) - make a TCP connection and send some data
- socket_getifidx(3) - get interface number
- socket_getifname(3) - get interface name
- socket_listen(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_local4(3) - get local IP address of socket
- socket_local6(3) - get local IP address of socket
- socket_mchopcount6(3) - set multicast hop count
- socket_mcjoin4(3) - join a multicast group
- socket_mcjoin6(3) - join a multicast group
- socket_mcleave4(3) - leave a multicast group
- socket_mcleave6(3) - leave a multicast group
- socket_mcloop4(3) - set multicast loopback
- socket_mcloop6(3) - set multicast loopback
- socket_mcttl4(3) - set multicast ttl
- socket_quickack(3) - turn TCP Quick ACK mode on or off
- socket_recv4(3) - receive a UDP datagram
- socket_recv6(3) - receive a UDP datagram
- socket_remote4(3) - get remote IP address of socket
- socket_remote6(3) - get remote IP address of socket
- socket_sctp4(3) - create a non-blocking SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp4b(3) - create a blocking SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp6b(3) - create a blocking IPv6 SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_send4(3) - send a UDP datagram
- socket_send6(3) - send a UDP datagram
- socket_tcp4(3) - create a non-blocking TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp4b(3) - create a blocking TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp6b(3) - create a blocking IPv6 TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_udp4(3) - create a non-blocking UDP/IP datagram socket
- socket_udp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 UDP/IP datagram socket
- Socket6(3) - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- sofs(3) - Functions for manipulating sets of sets.
- Software::License(3) - packages that provide templated software licenses
- Software::License::AGPL_3(3) - GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::Apache_1_1(3) - The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
- Software::License::Apache_2_0(3) - The Apache License, Version 2.0
- Software::License::Artistic_1_0(3) - The Artistic License
- Software::License::Artistic_2_0(3) - The Artistic License 2.0
- Software::License::BSD(3) - The (three-clause) BSD License
- Software::License::CC_BY_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 License (CC BY 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License (CC BY 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0 License (CC BY-NC 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 License (CC BY-NC 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 1.0 License (CC BY-ND 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 License (CC BY-ND 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-ND 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_NC_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 License (CC BY-ND-NC 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 License (CC BY-SA 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_PDM_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0
- Software::License::CC0_1_0(3) - the "public domain"-like CC0 license, version 1.0
- Software::License::CCpack(3) - Software::License pack for Creative Commons' licenses
- Software::License::Custom(3) - custom license handler
- Software::License::EUPL_1_1(3) - The European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.1
- Software::License::EUPL_1_2(3) - The European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.2
- Software::License::FreeBSD(3) - The FreeBSD License (aka two-clause BSD)
- Software::License::GFDL_1_2(3) - The GNU Free Documentation License v1.2
- Software::License::GFDL_1_3(3) - The GNU Free Documentation License v1.3
- Software::License::GPL_1(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 1
- Software::License::GPL_2(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 2
- Software::License::GPL_3(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::LGPL_2_1(3) - GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1
- Software::License::LGPL_3_0(3) - GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::MIT(3) - The MIT (aka X11) License
- Software::License::Mozilla_1_0(3) - Mozilla Public License 1.0
- Software::License::Mozilla_1_1(3) - The Mozilla Public License 1.1
- Software::License::Mozilla_2_0(3) - Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
- Software::License::None(3) - describes a "license" that gives no license for re-use
- Software::License::OpenSSL(3) - The OpenSSL License
- Software::License::Perl_5(3) - The Perl 5 License (Artistic 1 & GPL 1)
- Software::License::PostgreSQL(3) - The PostgreSQL License
- Software::License::QPL_1_0(3) - The Q Public License, Version 1.0
- Software::License::SSLeay(3) - The Original SSLeay License
- Software::License::Sun(3) - Sun Internet Standards Source License (SISSL)
- Software::License::Zlib(3) - The zlib License
- Software::LicenseUtils(3) - little useful bits of code for licensey things
- SOLDOUT(3) - markdown parser library
- SOLDOUT_ARRAY(3) - array handling functions for soldout
- SOLDOUT_BUFFER(3) - buffer handling functions for soldout
- SOLDOUT_MARKDOWN(3) - parse markdown document
- SOLDOUT_RENDERERS(3) - various markdown to HTML renderers for soldout
- solid_mode(3) - Shortcut for selecting solid drawing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- Solitaire(3) - Solitaire encryption
- Solr::HTTPUpdateHandler(3) - Perl extension for Posting adds, updates, and deletes to a Solr Server.
- Solr::Schema(3) - Reads user defined fields from solr config file schema.xml .
- solveGB(3) - Linear Solve
- solveGE(3) - Linear Solve
- solveGT(3) - Linear Solve
- solveHE(3) - Linear Solve
- solvePO(3) - Linear Solve
- solvePT(3) - Linear Solve
- solveSY(3) - Linear Solve
- sorbdb1.f(3)
- sorbdb2.f(3)
- sorbdb3.f(3)
- sorbdb4.f(3)
- sorbdb5.f(3)
- sorbdb6.f(3)
- sorg2l.f(3)
- sorg2r.f(3)
- sorgl2.f(3)
- sorgr2.f(3)
- sorgtsqr.f(3)
- sorhr_col.f(3)
- sorm22.f(3)
- sorm2l.f(3)
- sorm2r.f(3)
- sorml2.f(3)
- sormr2.f(3)
- sormr3.f(3)
- Sort::Fields(3) - Sort lines containing delimited fields
- Sort::Key(3) - the fastest way to sort anything in Perl
- Sort::Key::DateTime(3) - Perl extension for sorting objects by some DateTime key
- Sort::Key::IPv4(3) - sort IP v4 addresses
- Sort::Key::Maker(3) - multi-key sorter creator
- Sort::Key::Multi(3) - simple multi-key sorts
- Sort::Key::Natural(3) - fast natural sorting
- Sort::Key::Register(3) - tell Sort::Key how to sort new data types.
- Sort::Key::Top(3) - select and sort top n elements
- Sort::Key::Types(3)
- Sort::Maker(3) - A simple way to make efficient sort subs
- Sort::Naturally(3)
- Sort::Sub(3) - Collection of sort subroutines
- Sort::Sub::asciibetically(3) - Sort ascibetically (string-wise)
- Sort::Sub::by_ascii_then_num(3) - Sort non-numbers (sorted asciibetically) before numbers (sorted numerically)
- Sort::Sub::by_count(3) - Sort by number of occurrences of pattern in string
- Sort::Sub::by_first_num_in_text(3) - Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_last_num_in_text(3) - Sort by last number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_length(3) - Sort by length of string
- Sort::Sub::by_num_in_text(3) - Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_num_then_ascii(3) - Sort numbers (sorted numerically) before non-numbers (sorted asciibetically)
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_code(3) - Sort by Perl code
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_function(3) - Sort by Perl function
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_op(3) - Sort by Perl operator
- Sort::Sub::by_rand(3) - Sort randomly using Perl's rand()
- Sort::Sub::naturally(3) - Sort naturally (by number or string parts)
- Sort::Sub::numerically(3) - Sort numerically
- Sort::Sub::randomly(3) - Sort randomly using Perl's rand()
- Sort::Sub::record_by_order(3)
- Sort::Sub::record_by_reverse_order(3)
- Sort::Tree(3) - Organize list of objects into parent/child order.
- Sort::Versions(3) - a perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
- SoundAbbrevToFileFormat(3)
- SoundCloseFile(3)
- SoundCreate(3)
- Soundex(3) - Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
- SoundFlushFile(3)
- SoundOpenFileForReading(3)
- SoundOpenFileForWriting(3)
- SoundReadFile(3)
- SoundRewindFile(3)
- SoundSeekFile(3)
- SoundStringToFileFormat(3)
- SoundTellFile(3)
- SoundWriteFile(3)
- SOURCEFILTER(3) - advanced multicast group membership API
- SoX(3) - SoX, an audio file-format and effect library
- SP_CONNECT(3) - Connect an application to a daemon
- SP_DISCONNECT(3) - destroy connection between app and daemon
- SP_EQUAL_GROUP_IDS(3) - checks amount of data ready to be read
- SP_ERROR(3) - Spread error string reporting
- SP_JOIN(3) - create connection between app and daemon
- SP_LEAVE(3) - create connection between app and daemon
- SP_MULTICAST(3) - Multicast message to groups
- SP_POLL(3) - checks amount of data ready to be read
- SP_RECEIVE(3) - Receive message from Spread
- Spacetime(3) - Profiling of a program's space behaviour over time.
- spamassassin-run(3) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
- SPAWNL(3) - calls a command with specified arguments
- spawnlp(3)
- SPAWNV(3) - calls a command with specified arguments
- spawnvp(3)
- spbtf2.f(3)
- Specio(3) - Type constraints and coercions for Perl
- Specio::Coercion(3) - A class representing a coercion from one type to another
- Specio::Constraint::AnyCan(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or object with a set of methods
- Specio::Constraint::AnyDoes(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or an object that does a specific role
- Specio::Constraint::AnyIsa(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or an object that inherit from a specific class
- Specio::Constraint::Enum(3) - A class for constraints which require a string matching one of a set of values
- Specio::Constraint::Intersection(3) - A class for intersection constraints
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan(3) - A class for constraints which require an object with a set of methods
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes(3) - A class for constraints which require an object that does a specific role
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa(3) - A class for constraints which require an object that inherits from a specific class
- Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable(3) - A class which represents parameterizable constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Parameterized(3) - A class which represents parameterized constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyCan and Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan
- Specio::Constraint::Role::DoesType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyDoes and Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes
- Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface(3) - The interface all type constraints should provide
- Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyIsa and Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa
- Specio::Constraint::Simple(3) - Class for simple (non-parameterized or specialized) types
- Specio::Constraint::Structurable(3) - A class which represents structurable constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Structured(3) - A class which represents structured constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Union(3) - A class for union constraints
- Specio::Declare(3) - Specio declaration subroutines
- Specio::DeclaredAt(3) - A class to represent where a type or coercion was declared
- Specio::Exception(3) - An exception class for type constraint failures
- Specio::Exporter(3) - Base class for type libraries
- Specio::Helpers(3) - Helper subs for the Specio distro
- Specio::Library::Builtins(3) - Implements type constraint objects for Perl's built-in types
- Specio::Library::Numeric(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common numeric types
- Specio::Library::Perl(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common Perl language things
- Specio::Library::String(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common string types
- Specio::Library::Structured(3) - Structured types for Specio (Dict, Map, Tuple)
- Specio::Library::Structured::Dict(3) - Guts of Dict structured type
- Specio::Library::Structured::Map(3) - Guts of Map structured type
- Specio::Library::Structured::Tuple(3) - Guts of Tuple structured type
- Specio::OO(3) - A painfully poor reimplementation of Moo(se)
- Specio::PartialDump(3) - A partially rear-ended copy of Devel::PartialDump without prereqs
- Specio::Registry(3) - Implements the per-package type registry
- Specio::Role::Inlinable(3) - A role for things which can be inlined (type constraints and coercions)
- Specio::Subs(3) - Make validation and coercion subs from Specio types
- Specio::TypeChecks(3) - Type checks used internally for Specio classes (it's not self-bootstrapping (yet?))
- Sphinx::Config(3) - Sphinx search engine configuration file read/modify/write
- Sphinx::Manager(3) - Sphinx search engine management (start/stop)
- Sphinx::Search(3) - Sphinx search engine API Perl client
- SPI_COMMIT(3) - commit the current transaction
- SPI_CONNECT(3) - connect a C function to the SPI manager
- SPI_COPYTUPLE(3) - make a copy of a row in the upper executor context
- SPI_CURSOR_CLOSE(3) - close a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_FETCH(3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_FIND(3) - find an existing cursor by name
- SPI_CURSOR_MOVE(3) - move a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN(3) - set up a cursor using a statement created with
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN_WITH_ARGS(3) - set up a cursor using a query and parameters
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN_WITH_PARAMLIST(3) - set up a cursor using parameters
- SPI_CURSOR_PARSE_OPEN(3) - set up a cursor using a query string and parameters
- SPI_EXEC(3) - execute a read/write command
- SPI_EXECP(3) - execute a statement in read/write mode
- SPI_EXECUTE(3) - execute a command
- SPI_EXECUTE_EXTENDED(3) - execute a command with out-of-line parameters
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN_EXTENDED(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN_WITH_PARAMLIST(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_WITH_ARGS(3) - execute a command with out-of-line parameters
- SPI_FINISH(3) - disconnect a C function from the SPI manager
- SPI_FNAME(3) - determine the column name for the specified column number
- SPI_FNUMBER(3) - determine the column number for the specified column name
- SPI_FREEPLAN(3) - free a previously saved prepared statement
- SPI_FREETUPLE(3) - free a row allocated in the upper executor context
- SPI_FREETUPTABLE(3) - free a row set created by
- SPI_GETARGCOUNT(3) - return the number of arguments needed by a statement prepared by
- SPI_GETARGTYPEID(3) - return the data type OID for an argument of a statement prepared by
- SPI_GETBINVAL(3) - return the binary value of the specified column
- SPI_GETNSPNAME(3) - return the namespace of the specified relation
- SPI_GETRELNAME(3) - return the name of the specified relation
- SPI_GETTYPE(3) - return the data type name of the specified column
- SPI_GETTYPEID(3) - return the data type OID of the specified column
- SPI_GETVALUE(3) - return the string value of the specified column
- SPI_IS_CURSOR_PLAN(3) - return true if a statement prepared by
- SPI_KEEPPLAN(3) - save a prepared statement
- SPI_MODIFYTUPLE(3) - create a row by replacing selected fields of a given row
- SPI_PALLOC(3) - allocate memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_PFREE(3) - free memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_PREPARE(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_CURSOR(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_EXTENDED(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_PARAMS(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_REGISTER_RELATION(3) - make an ephemeral named relation available by name in SPI queries
- SPI_REGISTER_TRIGGER_DATA(3) - make ephemeral trigger data available in SPI queries
- SPI_REPALLOC(3) - reallocate memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_RESULT_CODE_STRING(3) - return error code as string
- SPI_RETURNTUPLE(3) - prepare to return a tuple as a Datum
- SPI_ROLLBACK(3) - abort the current transaction
- SPI_SAVEPLAN(3) - save a prepared statement
- SPI_SCROLL_CURSOR_FETCH(3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
- SPI_SCROLL_CURSOR_MOVE(3) - move a cursor
- SPI_START_TRANSACTION(3) - start a new transaction
- SPI_UNREGISTER_RELATION(3) - remove an ephemeral named relation from the registry
- SpiderMonkey(3) - Perl interface to the JavaScript Engine
- Spinbox(3) - Create and manipulate Spinbox widgets
- SPIRO(3) - A clothoid to bezier spline converter
- Splashscreen(3) - display a Splashscreen during program initialization.
- SplitFrame(3) - a geometry manager for scaling two subwidgets
- Spoon(3) - A Spiffy Application Building Framework
- Spoon::Base(3) - Generic Spoon Base Class
- Spoon::CGI(3) - Spoon CGI Base Class
- Spoon::Command(3) - Spoon Command Line Tool Module
- Spoon::Config(3) - Spoon Configuration Base Class
- Spoon::ContentObject(3) - Spoon Content Object Base Class
- Spoon::Cookie(3) - Spoon Cookie Base Class
- Spoon::DataObject(3) - Spoon Data Object Base Class
- Spoon::Formatter(3) - Spoon Formatter Base Class
- Spoon::Hooks(3) - Spoon Method Hooking Facility
- Spoon::Hub(3) - Spoon Hub Base Class
- Spoon::Installer(3) - Spoon Installer Class
- Spoon::MetadataObject(3) - Spoon Metadata Object Base Class
- Spoon::Plugin(3) - Spoon Plugin Base Class
- Spoon::Registry(3) - Spoon Registry Base Class
- Spoon::Template(3) - Spoon Template Base Class
- Spoon::Template::TT2(3) - Spoon Template Toolkit Base Class
- Spoon::Utils(3) - Spoon Utilities Class
- SPOPS(3)
- SPOPS::ClassFactory(3) - Create SPOPS classes from configuration and code
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::DBI(3) - Define additional configuration methods
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::DefaultBehavior(3) - Default configuration methods called from SPOPS.pm
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::LDAP(3) - Create relationships among LDAP objects
- SPOPS::DBI::InterBase(3) - Value of 'sequence_name' $increment - Either 'sequence_increment' or 1
- SPOPS::DBI::Oracle(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::Pg(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::SQLite(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::Sybase(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::TypeInfo(3) - Represent type information for a single table
- SPOPS::Error(3) - (DEPRECATED) Centralized error messages from all SPOPS objects.
- SPOPS::Exception(3) - Base class for exceptions in SPOPS
- SPOPS::Exception::DBI(3) - SPOPS exception with extra DBI parameters
- SPOPS::Exception::LDAP(3) - SPOPS exception with extra LDAP parameters
- SPOPS::Exception::Security(3) - SPOPS exception with extra security parameters
- SPOPS::Export(3) - Export SPOPS objects to various formats
- SPOPS::Export::DBI::Data(3) - Export SPOPS objects as data for importing directly into a DBI table
- SPOPS::Export::Object(3) - Dump SPOPS objects to a portable format
- SPOPS::Export::Perl(3) - Dump SPOPS objects to a pure serialized Perl format
- SPOPS::Export::SQL(3) - Export SPOPS objects as a series of SQL statements
- SPOPS::Export::XML(3) - Export SPOPS objects in XML format
- SPOPS::GDBM(3) - Store SPOPS objects in a GDBM database
- SPOPS::HashFile(3) - Implement as objects files containing perl hashrefs dumped to text
- SPOPS::Import(3) - Factory and parent for importing SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Data(3) - Import raw data to a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Delete(3) - Delete existing data from a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::GenericOperation(3) - Base class for delete and update import operations
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Table(3) - Import a DBI table structure
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform(3) - Factory class for database-specific transformations
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::InterBase(3) - Table transformations for InterBase/FirebirdSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::MySQL(3) - Table transformations for MySQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Oracle(3) - Table transformations for Oracle
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Pg(3) - Table transformations for PostgreSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::SQLite(3) - Table transformations for SQLite
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Sybase(3) - Table transformations for Sybase/MSSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Update(3) - Update existing data in a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::Object(3) - Import SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Initialize(3) - Provide methods for initializing groups of SPOPS objects at once
- SPOPS::Iterator(3) - Class to cycle through results and return SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Iterator::DBI(3) - Implementation of SPOPS::Iterator for SPOPS::DBI
- SPOPS::Iterator::LDAP(3) - Implementation of SPOPS::Iterator for SPOPS::LDAP
- SPOPS::Iterator::WrapList(3) - SPOPS::Iterator wrapper around object lists
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::HandleField(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Identity(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Pool(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence(3)
- SPOPS::Key::Random(3) - Creates a random alphanumeric code for the ID field
- SPOPS::Key::UUID(3) - Creates a Universally Unique ID (UUID) as a key
- SPOPS::LDAP(3) - Implement object persistence in an LDAP datastore
- SPOPS::LDAP::MultiDatasource(3)
- SPOPS::Loopback(3) - Simple SPOPS class used for testing rules and other goodies
- SPOPS::Manual(3) - User Guide and Reference Manual for SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::CodeGeneration(3) - How SPOPS builds classes
- SPOPS::Manual::Configuration(3) - Description of variables used in the SPOPS configuration process
- SPOPS::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for SPOPS usage
- SPOPS::Manual::Datasource(3) - SPOPS datasource use and how you can customize
- SPOPS::Manual::Exceptions(3) - Error handling in SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::ImportExport(3) - Moving data (and more) with SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction and overview of SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::Object(3) - Shows how you interact with SPOPS objects.
- SPOPS::Manual::ObjectRules(3) - Use rules to give your object custom behavior
- SPOPS::Manual::Relationships(3) - SPOPS object relationships
- SPOPS::Manual::Security(3) - SPOPS security system and how you can customize
- SPOPS::Manual::Serialization(3) - How SPOPS serializes objects
- SPOPS::Secure(3) - Implement security across one or more classes of SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Secure::DBI(3) - Implement a security object and basic operations for DBI datasources
- SPOPS::Secure::Hierarchy(3) - Define hierarchical security
- SPOPS::Secure::Loopback(3) - Security object implementation for testing (loopback) objects
- SPOPS::Secure::Util(3) - Common utilities for SPOPS::Secure and subclasses
- SPOPS::SQLInterface(3) - Generic routines for DBI database interaction
- SPOPS::Tie(3) - Simple class implementing tied hash with some goodies
- SPOPS::Tie::StrictField(3) - Enable field checking for SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Tool::CreateOnly(3) - Make a particular object create-only -- it cannot be updated
- SPOPS::Tool::DateConvert(3) - Convert dates to objects to/from your datastore
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::Datasource(3)
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::DiscoverField(3) - SPOPS::ClassFactory rule implementing autofield discovery
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::FindDefaults(3) - Load default values from a particular record
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::MaintainLinkedList(3) - Support objects that automatically maintain a link to the previous and next objects
- SPOPS::Tool::LDAP::Datasource(3)
- SPOPS::Tool::ReadOnly(3) - Make a particular object read-only
- SPOPS::Tool::UTFConvert(3)
- SPOPS::Utility(3) - Utility methods for SPOPS objects
- spotf2.f(3)
- Spread(3) - Perl extension for the Spread group communication system
- Spreadsheet::GenerateXLSX(3) - function to generate XLSX spreadsheet from array ref(s)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel(3) - Read information from an Excel file.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell(3) - A class for Cell data and formatting.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Dump(3) - A class for dumping Excel records.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan2(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font(3) - A class for Cell fonts.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser(3) - Rewrite an existing Excel file.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Workbook(3) - A class for SaveParser Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Worksheet(3) - A class for SaveParser Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility(3) - Utility functions for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook(3) - A class for Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet(3) - A class for Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS(3) - read SXC and ODS files
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Cell(3) - a cell in a spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Settings(3) - settings of a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Styles(3) - styles / formatting of cells in a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Workbook(3) - a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Worksheet(3) - a sheet in a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX(3) - parse XLSX files
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor(3)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Agile(3)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Standard(3)
- Spreadsheet::ReadSXC(3) - Extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel(3) - Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::BIFFwriter(3) - An abstract base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big(3) - A class for creating Excel files > 7MB.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart(3) - A writer class for Excel Charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Area(3) - A writer class for Excel Area charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Bar(3) - A writer class for Excel Bar charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Column(3) - A writer class for Excel Column charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::External(3) - A writer class for Excel external charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Line(3) - A writer class for Excel Line charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Pie(3) - A writer class for Excel Pie charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Scatter(3) - A writer class for Excel Scatter charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Stock(3) - A writer class for Excel Stock charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Examples(3) - Spreadsheet::WriteExcel example programs.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Format(3) - A class for defining Excel formatting.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Formula(3) - A class for generating Excel formulas
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML(3) - Create Excel Spreadsheet from XML
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML::Workbook(3) - title for the worksheet that people will see in the Excel spreadsheet. Return: void
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML::Worksheet(3)
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter(3) - A writer class to store BIFF data in a OLE compound storage file.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Properties(3) - A module for creating Excel property sets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Styler(3) - Styles for formatting generated Excel files
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility(3) - Helper functions for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Workbook(3) - A writer class for Excel Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet(3) - A writer class for Excel Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML(3) - Create an Excel file in XML format.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Format(3) - A class for defining Excel formatting.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Utility(3) - Helper functions for Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Workbook(3) - A writer class for Excel Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Worksheet(3) - A writer class for Excel Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::XMLwriter(3) - A base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::XLSX(3) - Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files;
- Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007(3)
- Spreadsheet::XLSX::Utility2007(3) - Utility function for Spreadsheet::XLSX
- SpringGraph(3) - Directed Graph alternative to GraphViz
- spstf2.f(3)
- sptts2.f(3)
- SPUTU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- sqitch-add(3)
- sqitch-add-usage(3)
- sqitch-bundle(3)
- sqitch-bundle-usage(3)
- sqitchchanges(3)
- sqitch-checkout(3)
- sqitch-checkout-usage(3)
- sqitchcommands(3)
- sqitch-config(3)
- sqitch-configuration(3)
- sqitch-config-usage(3)
- sqitch-deploy(3)
- sqitch-deploy-usage(3)
- sqitch-engine(3)
- sqitch-engine-usage(3)
- sqitch-environment(3)
- sqitchguides(3)
- sqitch-help(3)
- sqitch-help-usage(3)
- sqitch-init(3)
- sqitch-init-usage(3)
- sqitch-log(3)
- sqitch-log-usage(3)
- sqitch-passwords(3)
- sqitch-plan(3)
- sqitch-plan-usage(3)
- sqitch-rebase(3)
- sqitch-rebase-usage(3)
- sqitch-revert(3)
- sqitch-revert-usage(3)
- sqitch-rework(3)
- sqitch-rework-usage(3)
- sqitch-show(3)
- sqitch-show-usage(3)
- sqitch-status(3)
- sqitch-status-usage(3)
- sqitch-tag(3)
- sqitch-tag-usage(3)
- sqitch-target(3)
- sqitch-target-usage(3)
- sqitchtutorial(3)
- sqitchtutorial-firebird(3)
- sqitchtutorial-mysql(3)
- sqitchtutorial-oracle(3)
- sqitchtutorial-sqlite(3)
- sqitchtutorial-vertica(3)
- sqitch-upgrade(3)
- sqitch-upgrade-usage(3)
- sqitchusage(3)
- sqitch-verify(3)
- sqitch-verify-usage(3)
- SQL::Abstract(3) - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- SQL::Abstract::Classic(3) - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- SQL::Abstract::Limit(3) - portable LIMIT emulation
- SQL::Abstract::More(3) - extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API
- SQL::Abstract::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::BangOverrides(3)
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::ExtraClauses(3) - new/experimental additions to SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti(3) - add mysql bulk insert supports for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Reference(3) - Reference documentation for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Role::Plugin(3) - helpful methods for plugin authors
- SQL::Abstract::Test(3) - Helper function for testing SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Tree(3) - Represent SQL as an AST
- SQL::Abstract::Util(3) - Small collection of utilities for SQL::Abstract::Classic
- SQL::Dialects::ANSI(3)
- SQL::Dialects::AnyData(3)
- SQL::Dialects::CSV(3)
- SQL::Dialects::Google(3)
- SQL::Dialects::Role(3) - The role of being a SQL::Dialect
- SQL::Eval(3) - Base for deriving evaluation objects for SQL::Statement
- SQL::Interp(3) - Interpolate Perl variables into SQL statements
- SQL::Maker(3) - Yet another SQL builder
- SQL::Maker::Condition(3) - condition object for SQL::Maker
- SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti(3) - insert multiple rows at once on MySQL
- SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertOnDuplicate(3) - INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
- SQL::Maker::Select(3) - dynamic SQL generator
- SQL::Maker::SelectSet(3) - provides set functions
- SQL::Maker::SQLType(3) - SQL Types wrapper
- SQL::NamedPlaceholder(3) - extension of placeholder
- SQL::Parser(3) - 1) the name of the SQL dialect that will define the syntax rules for the parser and 2) a reference to a hash which can contain additional attributes of the parser. If no dialect is specified, 'AnyData' is the default.
- SQL::ReservedWords(3) - Reserved SQL words by ANSI/ISO
- SQL::ReservedWords::DB2(3) - Reserved SQL words by DB2
- SQL::ReservedWords::MySQL(3) - Reserved SQL words by MySQL
- SQL::ReservedWords::ODBC(3) - Reserved SQL words by ODBC
- SQL::ReservedWords::Oracle(3) - Reserved SQL words by Oracle
- SQL::ReservedWords::PostgreSQL(3) - Reserved SQL words by PostgreSQL
- SQL::ReservedWords::SQLite(3) - Reserved SQL words by SQLite
- SQL::ReservedWords::SQLServer(3) - Reserved SQL words by SQL Server
- SQL::ReservedWords::Sybase(3) - Reserved SQL words by Sybase
- SQL::Statement(3) - SQL parsing and processing engine
- SQL::Statement::Embed(3) - embed a SQL engine in a DBD or module
- SQL::Statement::Function(3) - abstract base class for all function executing terms
- SQL::Statement::Functions(3) - built-in & user-defined SQL functions
- SQL::Statement::GetInfo(3)
- SQL::Statement::Operation(3) - base class for all operation terms
- SQL::Statement::Placeholder(3) - implements getting the next placeholder value
- SQL::Statement::RAM(3)
- SQL::Statement::Roadmap(3) - Planned Enhancements for SQL::Statement and SQL::Parser
- SQL::Statement::Structure(3) - parse and examine structure of SQL queries
- SQL::Statement::Syntax(3) - documentation of SQL::Statement's SQL Syntax
- SQL::Statement::Term(3) - base class for all terms
- SQL::Statement::TermFactory(3) - Factory for SQL::Statement::Term instances
- SQL::Statement::Util(3)
- SQL::Tokenizer(3) - A simple SQL tokenizer.
- SQL::Translator::Diff(3) - determine differences between two schemas
- SQL::Translator::Filter::DefaultExtra(3) - Set default extra data values for schema objects.
- SQL::Translator::Filter::Globals(3) - Add global fields and indices to all tables.
- SQL::Translator::Filter::Names(3) - Tweak the names of schema objects.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::MySQL(3) - A Moo based MySQL DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::PostgreSQL(3) - A Moo based PostgreSQL DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLite(3) - A Moo based SQLite DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLServer(3) - A Moo based MS SQL Server DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::DDL(3) - Role implementing common parts of DDL generation.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::Quote(3) - Role for dealing with identifier quoting.
- SQL::Translator::Manual(3) - sqlfairy user manual
- SQL::Translator::Parser(3) - describes how to write a parser
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Access(3) - parser for Access as produced by mdbtools
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2(3) - parser for DB2
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI(3) - "parser" for DBI handles
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::DB2(3) - parser for DBD::DB2
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::MySQL(3) - parser for DBD::mysql
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Oracle(3) - parser for DBD::Oracle
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL(3) - parser for DBD::Pg
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLite(3) - parser for DBD::SQLite
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLServer(3) - parser for SQL Server through DBD::ODBC
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Sybase(3) - parser for DBD::Sybase
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class(3) - Create a SQL::Translator schema from a DBIx::Class::Schema instance
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Excel(3) - parser for Excel
- SQL::Translator::Parser::JSON(3) - Parse a JSON representation of a schema
- SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL(3) - parser for MySQL
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle(3) - parser for Oracle
- SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL(3) - parser for PostgreSQL
- SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLite(3) - parser for SQLite
- SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLServer(3) - parser for SQL Server
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Storable(3) - parser for Schema objects serialized with the Storable module
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Sybase(3) - parser for Sybase
- SQL::Translator::Parser::XML(3) - Alias to XML::SQLFairy parser
- SQL::Translator::Parser::XML::SQLFairy(3) - parser for SQL::Translator's XML.
- SQL::Translator::Parser::xSV(3) - parser for arbitrarily delimited text files
- SQL::Translator::Parser::YAML(3) - Parse a YAML representation of a schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer(3) - describes how to write a producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::ClassDBI(3) - create Class::DBI classes from schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DB2(3) - DB2 SQL producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File(3) - DBIx::Class file producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Diagram(3) - ER diagram producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DiaUml(3) - Produces dia UML diagrams from schema.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper(3) - SQL Dumper producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz(3) - GraphViz producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML(3) - HTML producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::JSON(3) - A JSON producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Latex(3) - Produces latex formatted tables ready for import from schema.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL(3) - MySQL-specific producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Oracle(3) - Oracle SQL producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::POD(3) - POD producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL(3) - PostgreSQL producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite(3) - SQLite producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer(3) - MS SQLServer producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Storable(3) - serializes the SQL::Translator::Schema object via the Storable module
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Sybase(3) - Sybase producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base(3) - TT (Template Toolkit) based Producer base class.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table(3) - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema, per table.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema(3) - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer::XML(3) - Alias to XML::SQLFairy producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::XML::SQLFairy(3) - SQLFairy's default XML format
- SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML(3) - A YAML producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Role::BuildArgs(3) - Remove undefined constructor arguments
- SQL::Translator::Role::Error(3) - Error setter/getter for objects and classes
- SQL::Translator::Role::ListAttr(3) - context-sensitive list attributes
- SQL::Translator::Schema(3) - SQL::Translator schema object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants(3) - constants module
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint(3) - SQL::Translator constraint object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Field(3) - SQL::Translator field object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Index(3) - SQL::Translator index object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Object(3) - Base class for SQL::Translator schema objects
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure(3) - SQL::Translator procedure object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Compare(3) - compare objects
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Extra(3) - "extra" attribute for schema classes
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Table(3) - SQL::Translator table object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger(3) - SQL::Translator trigger object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::View(3) - SQL::Translator view object
- SQL::Translator::Types(3) - Type checking functions
- SQL::Translator::Utils(3) - SQL::Translator Utility functions
- SQLEngine::Cache::BasicCache(3) - Basic Cache Object
- SQLEngine::Cache::TrivialCache(3) - Trivial Cache Object
- SQLEngine::Criteria(3) - Struct for database criteria info
- SQLEngine::Criteria::And(3) - Criteria for Compound "All"
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Comparison(3) - Superclass for comparisons
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Compound(3) - Superclass for And and Or
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Equality(3) - Criteria for Basic Equality
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Greater(3) - Criteria for Basic Comparison
- SQLEngine::Criteria::HashGroup(3) - A group of string criteria
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Lesser(3) - Criteria for Basic Comparison
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Like(3) - Criteria for SQL92 Like Wildcards
- SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL(3) - Criteria with SQL snippets
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Not(3) - Negating A Single Criteria
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Or(3) - Criteria for Compound "Any"
- SQLEngine::Criteria::StringComparison(3) - Equality or Wildcard Criteria
- SQLEngine::Docs::Changes(3) - Revision history for DBIx::SQLEngine.
- SQLEngine::Docs::Comparison(3) - Entry for poop-comparison
- SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe(3) - About the DBIx::SQLEngine distribution
- SQLEngine::Docs::Related(3) - Survey of DBI Wrappers
- SQLEngine::Docs::ToDo(3) - Tasks, ideas, and bugs
- SQLEngine::Driver(3) - DBI Wrapper with Driver Subclasses
- SQLEngine::Driver::AnyData(3) - Support DBD::AnyData driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::CSV(3) - Support DBD::CSV driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::Informix(3) - Support DBD::Informix and DBD::ODBC/Informix
- SQLEngine::Driver::MSSQL(3) - Support Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::ODBC
- SQLEngine::Driver::Mysql(3) - Support DBD::mysql
- SQLEngine::Driver::NullP(3) - Extends SQLEngine for Simple Testing
- SQLEngine::Driver::Oracle(3) - Support DBD::Oracle and DBD::ODBC/Oracle
- SQLEngine::Driver::Pg(3) - Support DBD::Pg
- SQLEngine::Driver::SQLite(3) - Support DBD::SQLite driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase(3) - Extends SQLEngine for DBMS Idiosyncrasies
- SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase::MSSQL(3) - Support Microsoft SQL via DBD::Sybase
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::DatabaseFlavors(3) - For minor variations in a database
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoAdvancedFeatures(3) - For Very Simple Databases
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoColumnTypes(3) - For Type-less Databases
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoComplexJoins(3) - For databases without complex joins
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoJoins(3) - For databases without join ability
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoLimit(3) - For databases without select limit
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoPlaceholders(3) - For drivers without placeholders
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoSequences(3) - For databases without native sequences
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoUnions(3) - For databases without select unions
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::PerlDBLib(3) - For use with SQL::Statement
- SQLEngine::Driver::XBase(3) - Support DBD::XBase driver
- SQLEngine::Record::Accessors(3) - Add Methods for Columns
- SQLEngine::Record::Base(3) - Base Class for Records
- SQLEngine::Record::Cache(3) - Avoid Repeated Selects
- SQLEngine::Record::Class(3) - Factory for Record Classes
- SQLEngine::Record::Extras(3) - Provide extra methods
- SQLEngine::Record::Hooks(3) - Flexible Pre/Post Hooks
- SQLEngine::Record::PKey(3) - A reference to a specific record in a table
- SQLEngine::Record::Table(3) - Records accessed via a Schema::Table
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::NextPrev(3) - A RecordSet with a current index
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::PKeySet(3) - A RecordSet which holds primary keys
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::Set(3) - Array of Record Objects
- SQLEngine::Schema::Column(3) - Struct for database column info
- SQLEngine::Schema::ColumnSet(3) - Array of Schema::Column objects
- SQLEngine::Schema::Table(3) - A table in a data source
- SQLEngine::Schema::TableSet(3) - Array of Schema::Table objects
- SQLEngine::Utility::CloneWithParams(3) - Nifty Cloner
- SQLite::Work(3) - report on and update an SQLite database.
- SQLite::Work::CGI(3) - Report and update a SQLite database using CGI
- SQLite::Work::Mail(3) - send mail with data from an SQLite table.
- Squatting(3) - A Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl
- Squatting::Controller(3) - default controller class for Squatting
- Squatting::H(3) - a slot-based object that's vaguely reminiscent of Camping::H
- Squatting::Mapper(3) - map requests to session queues
- Squatting::On::Catalyst(3) - embed a Squatting app into a Catalyst app
- Squatting::On::CGI(3) - if all else fails, you can still deploy on CGI
- Squatting::On::Continuity(3) - use Continuity as the server for your Squatting app
- Squatting::On::MP13(3) - a handler for Apache 1.3's mod_perl
- Squatting::On::MP20(3) - mod_perl 2.0 support for Squatting
- Squatting::On::PSGI(3) - Run Squatting app on PSGI
- Squatting::View(3) - default view class for Squatting
- Squatting::With::AccessTrace(3) - provide a simple access log on STDERR
- Squatting::With::Coro::Debug(3) - inspect running Squatting apps with Coro::Debug
- Squatting::With::Log(3) - a simple error log for Squatting apps
- Squatting::With::MockRequest(3) - Mock HTTP helper methods mostly for the REPL
- Squatting::With::Mount(3) - mount Squatting apps at arbitrary paths
- Squirrel(3) - Use Mouse, unless Moose is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
- Squirrel::Role(3) - Use Mouse::Role, unless Moose::Role is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
- srecord(3) - library to manipulate EPROM load files
- srotm.f(3)
- srotmg.f(3)
- SRU::Request(3) - Factories for creating SRU request objects.
- SRU::Request::Explain(3) - A class for representing SRU explain requests
- SRU::Request::Scan(3) - A class for representing SRU scan requests
- SRU::Request::SearchRetrieve(3) - A class for representing SRU searchRetrieve requests
- SRU::Response(3) - A factory for creating SRU response objects
- SRU::Response::Diagnostic(3) - An SRU diagnostic message
- SRU::Response::Explain(3) - A class for representing SRU explain responses
- SRU::Response::Record(3) - A class for representing a result record in a searchRetrieve response.
- SRU::Response::Scan(3) - A class for representing SRU scan responses
- SRU::Response::SearchRetrieve(3) - A class for representing SRU searchRetrieve responses
- SRU::Response::Term(3) - A class for representing terms in a Scan response
- SRU::Server(3) - Respond to SRU requests via CGI::Application
- SRU::Utils(3) - Utility functions for SRU
- SRU::Utils::XML(3) - XML utility functions for SRU
- SRU::Utils::XMLTest(3) - XML testing utility functions
- ssb2st_kernels.f(3)
- ssbmv.f(3)
- ssh_agent(3) - Callback module for using an SSH agent instead of the default ssh_file callback.
- ssh_client_channel(3) - -behaviour(ssh_client_channel). (Replaces ssh_channel)
- ssh_client_key_api(3) - -behaviour(ssh_client_key_api).
- ssh_connection(3) - This module provides API functions to send SSH Connection Protocol events to the other side of an SSH channel.
- ssh_file(3) - Default callback module for the client's and server's database operations in the ssh application
- ssh_server_channel(3) - -behaviour(ssh_server_channel). (Replaces ssh_daemon_channel)
- ssh_server_key_api(3) - -behaviour(ssh_server_key_api).
- ssh_sftp(3) - SFTP client.
- ssh_sftpd(3) - Specifies the channel process to handle an SFTP subsystem.
- SSL_ACCEPT(3) - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_ALERT_TYPE_STRING(3) - get textual description of alert information
- SSL_ALLOC_BUFFERS(3) - manage SSL structure buffers
- SSL_CHECK_CHAIN(3) - check certificate chain suitability
- SSL_CIPHER_GET_NAME(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
- SSL_CLEAR(3) - reset SSL object to allow another connection
- SSL_COMP_ADD_COMPRESSION_METHOD(3) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
- SSL_CONF_CMD(3) - send configuration command
- SSL_CONF_CMD_ARGV(3) - SSL configuration command line processing
- SSL_CONF_CTX_NEW(3) - SSL configuration allocation functions
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_FLAGS(3) - Set or clear SSL configuration context flags
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_SSL_CTX(3) - set context to configure
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET1_PREFIX(3) - Set configuration context command prefix
- SSL_CONNECT(3) - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
- SSL_COPY_SESSION_ID(3) - copy session details between SSL objects
- ssl_crl_cache(3) - CRL cache
- ssl_crl_cache_api(3) - API for a TLS CRL (Certificate Revocation List) cache.
- SSL_CTX_ADD_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT(3) - add or clear extra chain certificates
- SSL_CTX_ADD_SESSION(3) - manipulate session cache
- SSL_CTX_ADD1_CHAIN_CERT(3) - extra chain certificate processing
- SSL_CTX_CONFIG(3) - configure SSL_CTX or SSL structure
- SSL_CTX_CTRL(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
- SSL_CTX_DANE_ENABLE(3) - enable DANE TLS authentication of the remote TLS server in the local TLS client
- SSL_CTX_FLUSH_SESSIONS(3) - remove expired sessions
- SSL_CTX_FREE(3) - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
- SSL_CTX_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_CTX_GET_VERIFY_MODE(3) - get currently set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_GET0_CERTIFICATE(3) - get the active certificate from an SSL context
- SSL_CTX_GET0_PARAM(3) - get and set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_HAS_CLIENT_CUSTOM_EXT(3) - check whether a handler exists for a particular client extension type
- SSL_CTX_LOAD_VERIFY_LOCATIONS(3) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
- SSL_CTX_NEW(3) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL or DTLS enabled functions
- SSL_CTX_SESS_NUMBER(3) - obtain session cache statistics
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_CACHE_SIZE(3) - manipulate session cache size
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_GET_CB(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
- SSL_CTX_SESSIONS(3) - access internal session cache
- SSL_CTX_SET_ALPN_SELECT_CB(3) - handle application layer protocol negotiation (ALPN)
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_CB(3) - handle certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_STORE(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_VERIFY_CALLBACK(3) - set peer certificate verification procedure
- SSL_CTX_SET_CIPHER_LIST(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_CERT_CB(3) - handle client certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_HELLO_CB(3) - callback functions for early server-side ClientHello processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_CT_VALIDATION_CALLBACK(3) - control Certificate Transparency policy
- SSL_CTX_SET_CTLOG_LIST_FILE(3) - load a Certificate Transparency log list from a file
- SSL_CTX_SET_DEFAULT_PASSWD_CB(3) - set or get passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
- SSL_CTX_SET_EX_DATA(3) - Store and retrieve extra data from the SSL_CTX, SSL or SSL_SESSION
- SSL_CTX_SET_GENERATE_SESSION_ID(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_INFO_CALLBACK(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
- SSL_CTX_SET_KEYLOG_CALLBACK(3) - logging TLS key material
- SSL_CTX_SET_MAX_CERT_LIST(3) - manipulate allowed size for the peer's certificate chain
- SSL_CTX_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION(3) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported protocol version
- SSL_CTX_SET_MODE(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
- SSL_CTX_SET_MSG_CALLBACK(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
- SSL_CTX_SET_NUM_TICKETS(3) - control the number of TLSv1.3 session tickets that are issued
- SSL_CTX_SET_OPTIONS(3) - manipulate SSL options
- SSL_CTX_SET_PSK_CLIENT_CALLBACK(3) - set PSK client callback
- SSL_CTX_SET_QUIET_SHUTDOWN(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
- SSL_CTX_SET_READ_AHEAD(3) - manage whether to read as many input bytes as possible
- SSL_CTX_SET_RECORD_PADDING_CALLBACK(3) - install callback to specify TLS 1.3 record padding
- SSL_CTX_SET_SECURITY_LEVEL(3) - SSL/TLS security framework
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_CACHE_MODE(3) - enable/disable session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_TICKET_CB(3) - manage session ticket application data
- SSL_CTX_SET_SPLIT_SEND_FRAGMENT(3) - Control fragment size settings and pipelining operations
- SSL_CTX_SET_SSL_VERSION(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
- SSL_CTX_SET_STATELESS_COOKIE_GENERATE_CB(3) - Callback functions for stateless TLS1.3 cookies
- SSL_CTX_SET_TIMEOUT(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CALLBACK(3) - handle server name indication (SNI)
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB(3) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEY_CB(3) - set a callback for session ticket processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_USE_SRTP(3) - Configure and query SRTP support
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_DH_CALLBACK(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_RSA_CALLBACK(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_VERIFY(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_SET0_CA_LIST(3) - get or set CA list
- SSL_CTX_SET1_CURVES(3) - EC supported curve functions
- SSL_CTX_SET1_SIGALGS(3) - set supported signature algorithms
- SSL_CTX_SET1_VERIFY_CERT_STORE(3) - set certificate verification or chain store
- SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATE(3) - load certificate and key data
- SSL_CTX_USE_PSK_IDENTITY_HINT(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
- SSL_CTX_USE_SERVERINFO(3) - use serverinfo extension
- SSL_DO_HANDSHAKE(3) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_DUP_CA_LIST(3) - deep copy of a stack of X.509 Name objects
- SSL_EXPORT_KEYING_MATERIAL(3) - obtain keying material for application use
- SSL_EXTENSION_SUPPORTED(3) - custom TLS extension handling
- SSL_FP(3) - SSL utility routines
- SSL_FREE(3) - free an allocated SSL structure
- SSL_GET_ALL_ASYNC_FDS(3) - manage asynchronous operations
- SSL_GET_CERTIFICATE(3) - get SSL certificate and private key
- SSL_GET_CIPHERS(3) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_GET_CLIENT_RANDOM(3) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and get/set master key
- SSL_GET_CURRENT_CIPHER(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
- SSL_GET_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(3) - get default session timeout value
- SSL_GET_ERROR(3) - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_GET_EXTMS_SUPPORT(3) - extended master secret support
- SSL_GET_FD(3) - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_FINISHED(3) - get last sent or last expected finished message
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERT_CHAIN(3) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERTIFICATE(3) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_SIGNATURE_NID(3) - get TLS message signing types
- SSL_GET_PEER_TMP_KEY(3) - get information about temporary keys used during a handshake
- SSL_GET_PSK_IDENTITY(3) - get PSK client identity and hint
- SSL_GET_RBIO(3) - get BIO linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_SESSION(3) - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
- SSL_GET_SHARED_SIGALGS(3) - get supported signature algorithms
- SSL_GET_SSL_CTX(3) - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
- SSL_GET_VERIFY_RESULT(3) - get result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_GET_VERSION(3) - get the protocol information of a connection
- SSL_GET0_PEER_SCTS(3) - get SCTs received
- SSL_IN_INIT(3) - retrieve information about the handshake state machine
- SSL_KEY_UPDATE(3) - initiate and obtain information about updating connection keys
- SSL_LIBRARY_INIT(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
- SSL_LOAD_CLIENT_CA_FILE(3) - load certificate names
- SSL_NEW(3) - create an SSL structure for a connection
- SSL_NUM_RENEGOTIATIONS(3) - renegotiation counters
- SSL_PENDING(3) - check for readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
- SSL_READ(3) - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_READ_EARLY_DATA(3) - functions for sending and receiving early data
- SSL_RSTATE_STRING(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
- ssl_session_cache_api(3) - TLS session cache API
- SSL_SESSION_FREE(3) - create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
- SSL_SESSION_GET_COMPRESS_ID(3) - get details about the compression associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET_EX_DATA(3) - get and set application specific data on a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_SESSION_GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION(3) - get and set the session protocol version
- SSL_SESSION_GET_TIME(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_CIPHER(3) - set and retrieve the SSL cipher associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_HOSTNAME(3) - get and set SNI and ALPN data associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_ID_CONTEXT(3) - get and set the SSL ID context associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_PEER(3) - get details about peer's certificate for a session
- SSL_SESSION_HAS_TICKET(3) - get details about the ticket associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_IS_RESUMABLE(3) - determine whether an SSL_SESSION object can be used for resumption
- SSL_SESSION_PRINT(3) - printf information about a session
- SSL_SESSION_REUSED(3) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
- SSL_SESSION_SET1_ID(3) - get and set the SSL session ID
- SSL_SET_BIO(3) - connect the SSL object with a BIO
- SSL_SET_CONNECT_STATE(3) - functions for manipulating and examining the client or server mode of an SSL object
- SSL_SET_FD(3) - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
- SSL_SET_SESSION(3) - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
- SSL_SET_SHUTDOWN(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
- SSL_SET_SSL_CTX(3) - modify an SSL connection object to use another context
- SSL_SET_TMP_ECDH(3) - select a curve for ECDH ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_SET_VERIFY_RESULT(3) - override result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_SET1_HOST(3) - SSL server verification parameters
- SSL_SHUTDOWN(3) - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_STATE_STRING(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
- SSL_WANT(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_WRITE(3) - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
- sspmv.f(3)
- sspr.f(3)
- sspr2.f(3)
- sswap.f(3)
- ssycon_rook.f(3)
- ssyconvf.f(3)
- ssyconvf_rook.f(3)
- ssygs2.f(3)
- ssymm.f(3)
- ssymv.f(3)
- ssyr.f(3)
- ssyr2.f(3)
- ssyr2k.f(3)
- ssyrk.f(3)
- ssytd2.f(3)
- ssytf2.f(3)
- ssytf2_rk.f(3)
- ssytf2_rook.f(3)
- ssytrd_2stage.f(3)
- ssytrd_sb2st.F(3)
- ssytrd_sy2sb.f(3)
- ssytri_3x.f(3)
- ssytri_rook.f(3)
- StackTrace::Auto(3) - a role for generating stack traces during instantiation
- Starlet(3) - a simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
- Starlink::AST(3) - Interface to the Starlink AST library
- Starlink::AST::PGPLOT(3) - AST wrapper to the PGPLOT library
- Starlink::AST::PLplot(3) - AST wrapper to the PLplot library
- Starlink::AST::Tk(3) - AST wrapper to the Tk library
- start_sound_input(3) - Starts recording in the specified format. Allegro game programming library.
- Statistics::Basic(3) - A collection of very basic statistics modules
- Statistics::Basic::_OneVectorBase(3) - base class objects like Mean
- Statistics::Basic::_TwoVectorBase(3) - base class objects like Correlation
- Statistics::Basic::ComputedVector(3) - a class for computing filtered vectors
- Statistics::Basic::Correlation(3) - find the correlation between two lists
- Statistics::Basic::Covariance(3) - find the covariance between two lists
- Statistics::Basic::LeastSquareFit(3) - find the least square fit for two lists
- Statistics::Basic::Mean(3) - find the mean of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Median(3) - find the median of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Mode(3) - find the mode of a list
- Statistics::Basic::StdDev(3) - find the standard deviation of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Variance(3) - find the variance of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Vector(3) - a class for handling lists of numbers
- Statistics::Benford(3) - calculate the deviation from Benford's Law
- Statistics::CaseResampling(3) - Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
- Statistics::ChiSquare(3) - How well-distributed is your data?
- Statistics::Contingency(3) - Calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc.
- Statistics::Descriptive(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::Descriptive::Full(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother(3) - Base module for smoothing statistical data
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother::Exponential(3) - Implement exponential smoothing
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother::Weightedexponential(3) - Implement weighted exponential smoothing
- Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::LineFit(3) - Least squares line fit, weighted or unweighted
- Statistics::R(3) - Perl interface with the R statistical program
- Statistics::R::Legacy(3) - Legacy methods for Statistics::R
- Statistics::R::Win32(3) - Helper functions for Statistics::R on MS Windows platforms
- STATVFS(3) - retrieve file system information
- stbmv.f(3)
- stbsv.f(3)
- STDARG(3) - variable argument lists
- StdLabels(3) - Standard labeled libraries.
- StealthDebug(3) - Simple non-intrusive debug module
- step3d_model(3)
- stepframe_target(3)
- STF::Dispatcher::Impl::File(3) - STF Storage to store data in file
- STF::Dispatcher::Impl::Hash(3) - STF Storage to store data in hash
- STF::Dispatcher::PSGI(3) - Pluggable STF Dispatcher Interface
- STF::Dispatcher::PSGI::HTTPException(3) - Very Light Exception For STF Dispatcher
- STF::Dispatcher::Test(3) - Basic Tests For STF Implementations
- stgex2.f(3)
- stgsy2.f(3)
- Stone(3) - In-memory storage for hierarchical tag/value data structures
- Stone::Cursor(3) - Traverse tags and values of a Stone
- Stone::GB_Sequence(3) - Specialized Access to GenBank Records
- stop_audio_stream(3) - Destroys an audio stream when it is no longer required. Allegro game programming library.
- stop_midi(3) - Stops whatever music is currently playing. Allegro game programming library.
- stop_sound_input(3) - Stops audio recording. Allegro game programming library.
- Storable::AMF(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF0/AMF3 data
- Storable::AMF::Mapper(3)
- Storable::AMF0(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF0 data
- Storable::AMF3(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF3 data
- Store::CouchDB(3) - Store::CouchDB - a simple CouchDB driver
- store_key(3)
- storepop_video_context(3)
- storepush_video_context(3) - 100, VRESH - 100); c = storepop_video_context(); show_image(c); move_image(c, 50, 50, 50); move_image(c, 0, 0, 50);end
- stplqt.f(3)
- stplqt2.f(3)
- stpmlqt.f(3)
- stpmv.f(3)
- stpsv.f(3)
- str_argv_cat(3)
- str_chr(3) - find character in ASCIIZ string
- str_copy(3) - copy an ASCIIZ string
- str_diff(3) - compare two ASCIIZ strings
- str_diffn(3) - compare two ASCIIZ strings
- str_len(3) - find length of ASCIIZ string
- str_rchr(3) - find character in ASCIIZ string
- str_start(3) - compare prefixes of strings
- str2u64(3)
- STRACAT(3) - concatenate many strings into an allocated memory block
- strafe3d_model(3)
- stralloc_0(3) - append \0 to a stralloc
- stralloc_append(3) - append a character to a stralloc
- stralloc_cat(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catb(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catlong0(3) - append an integer to a stralloc
- stralloc_catm(3) - append string(s) to a stralloc
- stralloc_cats(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catulong0(3) - append an integer to a stralloc
- stralloc_chomp(3) - remove trailing CR, LF or CRLF
- stralloc_chop(3) - remove and return last char
- stralloc_copy(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_copyb(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_copym(3) - copy string(s) to a stralloc
- stralloc_copys(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_diffs(3) - compare two strallocs
- stralloc_free(3) - free storage associated with a stralloc
- stralloc_init(3) - initialize a stralloc
- stralloc_ready(3) - provide space in a stralloc
- stralloc_readyplus(3) - provide space in a stralloc
- stralloc_starts(3) - check if string is prefix of stralloc
- stralloc_zero(3) - set length of stralloc to 0
- STRANAXFRM(3) - make a string into canonical form for anagram comparison
- strblank(3)
- STRCASECMP(3) - compare strings, ignoring case
- STRCATL(3) - concatenates strings
- STRCHANGE(3) - replace beginning of string with beginning of another string
- STRCHR(3) - locate character in string
- STRCINS(3) - insert a character at the beginning of a string
- STRCOLL(3) - compare strings according to current collation
- STRCPY(3) - copy strings
- STRCSTR(3) - convert memory block to printable C string notation
- STRDEL(3) - delete characters from beginning of string
- STRDIFF(3) - locate first difference between two strings
- STRDUP(3) - save a copy of a string
- Stream::Buffered(3) - temporary buffer to save bytes
- Stream::Reader(3) - is a stream reader
- STREND(3) - return pointer to the terminating '\0' of a string
- STRENDZAP(3) - remove pattern from end of str, if it is there
- STREQL(3) - compares two strings for equality
- strequate(3) - map a list of characters to the same value
- streqvcmp(3) - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
- streqvmap(3) - Set the character mappings for the streqv functions
- stretch_sprite(3) - Stretches a sprite to the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- strevc3.f(3)
- STRFMON(3) - convert monetary value to string
- STRFUNC(3) - advanced string manipulation library
- STRGSUB(3) - substitute all occurences of pattern with another string
- strictures(3) - Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
- strictures::extra(3) - enable or disable strictures additional checks
- String::BufferStack(3) - Nested buffers for templating systems
- String::CamelCase(3) - camelcase, de-camelcase
- String::Compare::ConstantTime(3) - Timing side-channel protected string compare
- String::Diff(3) - Simple diff to String
- String::Dump(3) - Dump strings of characters (or bytes) for printing and debugging
- String::Dump::Debugging(3) - String debugging tips with String::Dump
- String::Ediff(3) - Produce common sub-string indices for two strings
- String::Errf(3) - a simple sprintf-like dialect
- String::Flogger(3) - string munging for loggers
- String::Formatter(3) - build sprintf-like functions of your own
- String::Formatter::Cookbook(3) - ways to put String::Formatter to use
- String::Fraction(3) - convert fractions into unicode chars
- String::HexConvert(3) - Converts ascii strings to hex and reverse
- String::Interpolate::Named(3) - Interpolated named arguments in string
- String::Koremutake(3) - Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
- String::LCSS(3) - Find The Longest Common Substring of Two Strings.
- String::MkPasswd(3) - random password generator
- String::Pad(3) - String padding routines
- String::Parity(3) - parity (odd/even/mark/space) handling functions
- String::Print(3) - printf alternative
- String::Random(3) - Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
- String::RewritePrefix(3) - rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
- String::Scanf(3) - emulate sscanf() of the C library
- String::Tagged(3) - string buffers with value tags on extents
- String::Tagged::Formatting(3) - an API specification for simple formatted strings
- String::Tagged::Terminal(3) - format terminal output using "String::Tagged"
- String::Tagged::Terminal::Win32Console(3) - Windows-specific code for String::Tagged::Terminal
- String::ToIdentifier::EN(3) - Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers
- String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode(3) - Convert Strings to Unicode English Program Identifiers
- String::Tokenizer(3) - A simple string tokenizer.
- String::Trim(3) - trim whitespace from your strings
- String::Truncate(3) - a module for when strings are too long to be displayed in...
- String::TT(3) - use TT to interpolate lexical variables
- String::TtyLength(3) - length or width of string excluding ANSI tty codes
- String::Urandom(3) - An alternative to using /dev/random
- String::Util(3)
- STRING_ENQUOTE(3) - doubly quoted string conversion routines
- STRING_FP(3) - string buffer streams
- StringLabels(3) - String operations.
- stringprep_4i(3) - API function
- stringprep_4zi(3) - API function
- stringprep_check_version(3) - API function
- stringprep_convert(3) - API function
- stringprep_locale_charset(3) - API function
- stringprep_locale_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_profile(3) - API function
- stringprep_strerror(3) - API function
- stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
- stringprep_ucs4_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_unichar_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_locale(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_ucs4(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_unichar(3) - API function
- STRINGSIZE(3) - graphical size of strings
- STRINIT(3) - initialize a string with a given character to a given length
- STRINS(3) - insert a string at the beginning of another string
- Stripe(3) - Interface for Stripe payment system.
- Striphigh(3) - Perl extension to strip the high bit off of ISO-8859-1 text.
- strisint(3)
- strisreal(3)
- strlbasecpy(3)
- STRLCPY(3) - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
- STRLEN(3) - find length of string
- strllower(3)
- strlower(3)
- STRLTRIM(3) - remove leading whitespace from string
- strlupper(3)
- STRMAXCPY(3) - copy at most a given number of characters of string
- strmm.f(3)
- STRMODE(3) - convert inode status information into a symbolic string
- STRMOVE(3) - make a copy of a string, handling overlapping strings
- STRMTRIM(3) - replace multiple white spaces with single blanks within string
- strmv.f(3)
- Strn(3) - Safe string copying functions
- STRNDUP(3) - duplicate part of a string
- strneqvcmp(3) - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
- STRNINS(3) - insert prefix of a string at the beginning of another string
- STROVERLAP(3) - check whether two strings overlap
- STRPBRK(3) - locate multiple characters in string
- strptrcmp(3)
- STRRIGHT(3) - return a pointer to the beginning of the rightmost n chars in a string
- STRROT13(3) - encrypt or decrypt string using rot13
- STRRSTR(3) - locate last occurence of substring
- STRRTRIM(3) - remove trailing whitespace
- STRSEP(3) - separate strings
- STRSET(3) - set all characters in a string to a given character
- strshellcpy(3)
- STRSHUFFLE(3) - make the characters in a string be in random order
- strsm.f(3)
- STRSPLIT(3) - split string into words
- STRSPN(3) - span a string
- strsqueeze(3)
- STRSUB(3) - substitute first occurence of pattern with another string
- strsv.f(3)
- STRTABIFY(3) - convert runs of spaces and tabs to tabs
- strti2.f(3)
- STRTOFFLAGS(3) - convert between file flag bits and their string names
- STRTOK(3) - string tokens
- STRTONUM(3) - reliably convert string value to an integer
- strtr(3)
- strtransform(3) - convert a string into its mapped-to value
- STRTREXPAND(3) - expand tr-like notation in string
- STRTRIM(3) - remove leading and trailing whitespace
- Struct::Dumb(3) - make simple lightweight record-like structures
- STRUCTS_TYPE(3) - data structure description structure
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ARRAY(3) - structs types for arrays
- STRUCTS_TYPE_BOOLEAN(3) - structs types for boolean values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_BPF(3) - structs types for BPF programs
- STRUCTS_TYPE_DATA(3) - structs types for binary data
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ETHER(3) - structs type for DNS resolvable hostnames
- STRUCTS_TYPE_FLOAT(3) - structs types for floating point values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ID(3) - structs types for identifiers
- STRUCTS_TYPE_INT(3) - structs types for integral types
- STRUCTS_TYPE_IP4(3) - structs types for IP addresses
- STRUCTS_TYPE_IP6(3) - structs types for IPv6 addresses
- STRUCTS_TYPE_NULL(3) - non-instantiable structs type
- STRUCTS_TYPE_POINTER(3) - structs type for pointers
- STRUCTS_TYPE_REGEX(3) - structs type for regular expressions
- STRUCTS_TYPE_STRING(3) - structs types for strings
- STRUCTS_TYPE_STRUCT(3) - structs types for C structures
- STRUCTS_TYPE_TIME(3) - structs types for time values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_UNION(3) - structs types for C unions
- STRUCTS_XML_INPUT(3) - XML conversion for data structures
- STRUCTS_XMLRPC(3) - structs support for XML-RPC
- STRUNCSTR(3) - convert printable C string notation to a memory block
- STRUNTABIFY(3) - convert tabs to spaces
- strupper(3)
- STRVARS(3) - expand variables in string
- strviscpy(3)
- STRXFRM(3) - transform a string under locale
- STRZAP(3) - remove pattern from beginning of string, if it is there
- STX(3) - a pure Perl STX processor
- STX::Base(3)
- STX::Buffer(3) - buffer objects for XML::STX
- STX::Functions(3)
- STX::Parser(3) - XML::STX stylesheet parser
- STX::Runtime(3) - STX processor runtime engine
- STX::STXPath(3)
- STX::Stylesheet(3) - stylesheet objects for XML::STX
- STX::TrAX(3) - a TrAX-like interface
- STX::Writer(3) - a lightweight fallback SAX2 writer
- Sub::Alias(3) - Simple subroutine alias.
- Sub::Current(3) - Get the current subroutine
- Sub::Defer(3) - Defer generation of subroutines until they are first called
- Sub::Delete(3) - Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines
- Sub::Exporter(3) - a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- Sub::Exporter::Cookbook(3) - useful, demonstrative, or stupid Sub::Exporter tricks
- Sub::Exporter::ForMethods(3) - helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
- Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter(3) - export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors
- Sub::Exporter::Lexical(3) - to export lexically-available subs with Sub::Exporter
- Sub::Exporter::Progressive(3) - Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
- Sub::Exporter::Tutorial(3) - a friendly guide to exporting with Sub::Exporter
- Sub::Exporter::Util(3) - utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier
- Sub::Identify(3) - Retrieve names of code references
- Sub::Infix(3) - create a fake infix operator
- Sub::Info(3) - Tool for inspecting subroutines.
- Sub::Install(3) - install subroutines into packages easily
- Sub::Installer(3) - A cleaner way to install (or reinstall) package subroutines
- Sub::Multi(3) - Data::Bind-based multi-sub dispatch
- Sub::Name(3) - (Re)name a sub
- Sub::Override(3) - Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
- Sub::Prototype(3) - Set a sub's prototype
- Sub::Quote(3) - Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
- Sub::Signatures(3) - Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching.
- Sub::Sort(3) - Dummy module to catch Sort::Sub typo
- Sub::Uplevel(3) - apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
- Sub::Util(3) - A selection of utility subroutines for subs and CODE references
- Sub::WrapPackages(3) - add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines in packages or around individual subs
- sub_of(3) - subtract two integers, check for arithmetic overflow
- SUBFONT(3) - subfont manipulation
- Submethods(3) - add aliases for tk sub-commands
- subsystem_reset(3)
- Subtitles(3) - handle video subtitles in various text formats
- SUFFIX_ATTACH(3) - creates SUFFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- SUFFIX_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates SUFFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- SUFFIX_DETACH(3) - terminates SUFFIX protocol and returns the underlying socket
- Summarize(3) - A simple tool for summarizing bodies of English text.
- supervisor_bridge(3) - Generic supervisor bridge behavior.
- Supplement(3) - Supplementary file loader for XMLTV grabbers
- SurePay(3) - SurePay backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- suspend_target(3)
- SVG::DOM(3) - A library of DOM (Document Object Model) methods for SVG objects.
- SVG::DOM2(3) - SVG extention to the popular XML::DOM2
- SVG::DOM2::Attribute::Transform(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Document(3) - svg document functions
- SVG::DOM2::Element::MetaData(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape(3) - fill and stroke * transforms - transform attribute handeling
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Fill(3) - fill style, has color and opacity output
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Font(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Stroke(3)
- SVG::Element(3) - Generate the element bits for SVG.pm
- SVG::Extension(3) - additional methods
- SVG::Graph(3) - Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
- SVG::Graph::Data(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Datum(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Node(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Tree(3)
- SVG::Graph::File(3)
- SVG::Graph::Frame(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::axis(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bar(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::barflex(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bezier(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bubble(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::heatmap(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::line(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::pictogram(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::scatter(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::tree(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::wedge(3)
- SVG::Metadata(3) - Perl module to capture metadata info about an SVG file
- SVG::Parser(3) - XML Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::Expat(3) - XML Expat Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::SAX(3) - XML SAX Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::SAX::Handler(3) - SAX handler class for SVG documents
- SVG::XML(3) - Handle the XML generation bits for SVG.pm
- SVK::Command(3) - Base class and dispatcher for SVK commands
- SVK::Command::Add(3) - Put files and directories under version control
- SVK::Command::Admin(3) - Administration tools
- SVK::Command::Annotate(3) - Display per-line revision and author info
- SVK::Command::Branch(3) - Manage a project with its branches
- SVK::Command::Cat(3) - Output the file from depot
- SVK::Command::Checkout(3) - Checkout the depotpath
- SVK::Command::Cleanup(3) - Remove stalled locks
- SVK::Command::Cmerge(3) - Merge specific changes
- SVK::Command::Commit(3) - Commit changes to depot
- SVK::Command::Copy(3) - Make a versioned copy
- SVK::Command::Delete(3) - Remove versioned item
- SVK::Command::Depotmap(3) - Create or edit the depot mapping configuration
- SVK::Command::Describe(3) - Describe a change
- SVK::Command::Diff(3) - Display diff between revisions or checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Help(3) - Show help
- SVK::Command::Ignore(3) - Ignore files by setting svn:ignore property
- SVK::Command::Import(3) - Import directory into depot
- SVK::Command::Info(3) - Display information about a file or directory
- SVK::Command::List(3) - List entries in a directory from depot
- SVK::Command::Log(3) - Show log messages for revisions
- SVK::Command::Merge(3) - Apply differences between two sources
- SVK::Command::Mirror(3) - Initialize a mirrored depotpath
- SVK::Command::Mkdir(3) - Create a versioned directory
- SVK::Command::Move(3) - Move a file or directory
- SVK::Command::Patch(3) - Manage patches
- SVK::Command::Propdel(3) - Delete a property on files or dirs
- SVK::Command::Propedit(3) - Edit a property on path
- SVK::Command::Propget(3) - Display a property on path
- SVK::Command::Proplist(3) - List all properties on files or dirs
- SVK::Command::Propset(3) - Set a property on path
- SVK::Command::Pull(3) - Bring changes from another repository
- SVK::Command::Push(3) - Move changes into another repository
- SVK::Command::Resolved(3) - Remove conflict mark from checkout items
- SVK::Command::Revert(3) - Revert changes made in checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Smerge(3) - Automatically merge all changes between branches
- SVK::Command::Status(3) - Display the status of items in the checkout copy
- SVK::Command::Switch(3) - Switch to another branch and keep local changes
- SVK::Command::Sync(3) - Synchronize a mirrored depotpath
- SVK::Command::Update(3) - Bring changes from repository to checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Verify(3) - Verify change signatures
- SVK::Depot(3) - Depot class in SVK
- SVK::Editor::Checkout(3) - An editor for modifying files on filesystems
- SVK::Editor::Combine(3) - An editor combining several editor calls to one
- SVK::Editor::Combiner(3) - An editor combining several editor calls to one
- SVK::Editor::Composite(3) - composite editor
- SVK::Editor::Copy(3) - Turn editor calls to calls with history
- SVK::Editor::CopyHandler(3) - intercept copies in editor calls
- SVK::Editor::Diff(3) - An editor for producing textual diffs
- SVK::Editor::Merge(3) - An editor that does merges for the storage editor
- SVK::Editor::Patch(3) - An editor to serialize editor calls.
- SVK::Editor::PropEol(3) - An editor that normalizes eol for svn: properties
- SVK::Editor::Rename(3) - An editor that translates editor calls for renamed entries
- SVK::Editor::SubTree(3) - An editor that translates path names
- SVK::Editor::Translate(3) - An editor that translates path names
- SVK::Editor::TxnCleanup(3) - An editor that aborts a txn when it is aborted
- SVK::Editor::XD(3) - An editor for modifying svk checkout copies
- SVK::Help::Environment(3) - A list of svk's environment variables
- SVK::Help::Index(3) - SVK Documentation - Main index
- SVK::Help::Intro(3) - Introduction to svk
- SVK::Help::View(3) - Introduction to svk view support
- SVK::Help::zh_cn::Index(3) - SVK 说明索引
- SVK::Help::zh_tw::Index(3) - SVK 說明索引
- SVK::Inspector(3) - path inspector
- SVK::Log::ChangedPath(3) - changes made to a path during in a revision
- SVK::Log::ChangedPaths(3) - partly lazy list of SVK::Log::ChangedPath objects
- SVK::Log::Filter(3) - base class for all log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Author(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Grep(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Head(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Output(3) - base class for output log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Selection(3) - base class for selection log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Std(3) - display log messages in standard SVK format
- SVK::Log::Filter::XML(3) - display log messages in XML format
- SVK::Log::FilterPipeline(3) - a pipeline of log filter objects
- SVK::Logger(3) - logging framework for SVK
- SVK::Merge(3) - Merge context class
- SVK::Merge::Info(3) - Container for merge ticket information
- SVK::MimeDetect(3) - interface for MIME type detection algorithms
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileLibMagic(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileMMagic(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileType(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::Internal(3) - minimalist MIME type detection
- SVK::Mirror(3)
- SVK::Mirror::Backend::SVNRa(3)
- SVK::Mirror::Backend::SVNRaPipe(3) - Transparent SVN::Ra requests pipelining
- SVK::MirrorCatalog(3) - mirror handling
- SVK::Notify(3) - svk entry status notification
- SVK::Patch(3) - Class representing a patch to be applied
- SVK::Patchset(3) - Calculate patch dependency
- SVK::Path(3) - SVK path class
- SVK::Path::Checkout(3) - SVK path class associating a checkout
- SVK::Project(3) - SVK project class
- SVK::Resolve(3) - Interactively resolve conflicts
- SVK::Target::Universal(3) - svk target that might not be local
- SVK::Util(3) - Utility functions for SVK classes
- SVK::Version(3) - The SVK project-wide version number
- SVK::XD(3) - svk depot and checkout handling.
- SVN::Access(3) - Perl extension to manipulate SVN Access files
- SVN::Access::Group(3) - Object representing a SVN Access file group
- SVN::Access::Resource(3) - Object representing a SVN Access file resource
- SVN::ACL(3)
- SVN::Agent(3) - simple svn manipulation.
- SVN::Dump(3) - A Perl interface to Subversion dumps
- SVN::Dump::Headers(3) - Headers of a SVN dump record
- SVN::Dump::Property(3) - A property block from a svn dump
- SVN::Dump::Reader(3) - A Subversion dump reader
- SVN::Dump::Record(3) - A SVN dump record
- SVN::Dump::Text(3) - A text block from a svn dump
- SVN::Dumpfile(3) - Perl extension to access and manipulate Subversion dumpfiles
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node(3) - Represents a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Content(3) - Represents the content of a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Headers(3) - Represents the header of a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Properties(3) - Represents the properties of a node in a Subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Tutorial(3)
- SVN::Hook(3) - Managing subversion hooks
- SVN::Hooks(3) - Framework for implementing Subversion hooks
- SVN::Hooks::AllowLogChange(3) - Allow changes in revision log messages.
- SVN::Hooks::AllowPropChange(3) - Allow changes in revision properties.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckCapability(3) - Check the svn client capabilities.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckJira(3) - Integrate Subversion with the JIRA ticketing system.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckLog(3) - Check log messages in commits.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckMimeTypes(3) - Require the svn:mime-type property.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckProperty(3) - Check properties in added files.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckStructure(3) - Check the structure of a repository.
- SVN::Hooks::DenyChanges(3) - Deny some changes in a repository.
- SVN::Hooks::DenyFilenames(3) - Deny some file names.
- SVN::Hooks::Generic(3) - Implement generic checks for all Subversion hooks.
- SVN::Hooks::Mailer(3) - Send emails after successful commits.
- SVN::Hooks::Notify(3) - Subversion activity notification.
- SVN::Hooks::UpdateConfFile(3) - Maintain the repository configuration versioned.
- SVN::Log(3) - Extract change logs from a Subversion server.
- SVN::Look(3) - Caching wrapper around the svnlook command
- SVN::Mirror(3) - Mirror remote repository to local Subversion repository
- SVN::Notify(3)
- SVN::Notify::Alternative(3)
- SVN::Notify::Config(3) - Config-driven Subversion notification
- SVN::Notify::Filter(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::AuthZMail(3) - Determines Subversion accounts to receive the email, via the AuthZSVNAccess file
- SVN::Notify::Filter::EmailFlatFileDB(3) - Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Markdown(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Trac(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Watchers(3) - Subscribe to SVN::Notify commits with a Subversion property.
- SVN::Notify::HTML(3)
- SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff(3)
- SVN::Notify::Mirror(3) - Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for SVN::Notify::Mirror
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::Rsync(3) - Mirror a repository path via Rsync
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::SSH(3) - Mirror a repository path via SSH
- SVN::Notify::Snapshot(3) - Take snapshots from Subversion activity
- SVN::Notify::Snapshot::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for SVN::Notify::Snapshot
- SVN::S4(3) - Wrapper for Subversion
- SVN::S4::CatOrMods(3) - Fix svn:ignore and svn:keywords properties
- SVN::S4::Commit(3) - commit hooks
- SVN::S4::Config(3) - Get subversion config values
- SVN::S4::Debug(3) - Allow debug messages to be easily switched on and off.
- SVN::S4::FixProp(3) - Fix svn:ignore and svn:keywords properties
- SVN::S4::Getopt(3) - Get Subversion command line options
- SVN::S4::Info(3) - Enhanced update and checkout methods
- SVN::S4::Path(3) - File path and parsing utilities
- SVN::S4::Scrub(3) - make working copy completely clean again
- SVN::S4::Snapshot(3) - create complete snapshot of working copy
- SVN::S4::Update(3) - Enhanced update and checkout methods
- SVN::S4::ViewSpec(3) - behaviors related to viewspecs
- SVN::S4::WorkProp(3) - Work area properties
- SVN::Simple::Edit(3) - A simple interface for driving svn delta editors
- SVN::Simple::Editor(3) - A simple interface for writing a delta editor
- SVN::Web(3) - Subversion repository web frontend
- SVN::Web::action(3) - base class for SVN::Web::actions
- SVN::Web::Blame(3) - SVN::Web action to show blame/annotation information
- SVN::Web::Browse(3) - SVN::Web action to browse a Subversion repository
- SVN::Web::Checkout(3) - SVN::Web action to checkout a given file
- SVN::Web::Diff(3) - SVN::Web action to show differences between file revisions
- SVN::Web::DiffParser(3) - Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
- SVN::Web::I18N(3) - SVN::Web internationalisation class
- SVN::Web::List(3) - SVN::Web action to list available repositories
- SVN::Web::Log(3) - SVN::Web action to show log messages for a repository path
- SVN::Web::Revision(3) - SVN::Web action to view a repository revision
- SVN::Web::RSS(3) - SVN::Web action to generate an RSS feed
- SVN::Web::Test(3) - automated web testing for SVN::Web
- SVN::Web::View(3) - SVN::Web action to view a file in the repository
- SVN::Web::X(3) - exceptions for SVN::Web
- SWAB(3) - swap adjacent bytes
- Swatchdog::Actions(3) - actions for swatchdog(1)
- Swatchdog::Threshold(3) - Perl extension for thresholding in swatchdog(1)
- Swatchdog::Throttle(3) - Perl extension for throttling and thresholding in swatchdog(1)
- SWF::BinStream(3) - Read and write binary stream.
- SWF::BinStream::Codec(3) - Document for SWF::BinStream codecs.
- SWF::BinStream::Codec::Zlib(3) - SWF::BinStream codec to add zlib-compression/decompression.
- SWF::BinStream::File(3) - Read and write file as binary stream.
- SWF::Builder(3) - Create SWF movie.
- SWF::Builder::ActionScript(3) - SWF ActionScript object.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Bitmap(3) - SWF Bitmap object
- SWF::Builder::Character::EditText(3) - SWF dynamic editable text object
- SWF::Builder::Character::Font(3) - SWF font object
- SWF::Builder::Character::MovieClip(3) - SWF movie clip object.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Shape(3) - SWF shape character.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Sound(3) - SWF Sound character
- SWF::Builder::Character::Text(3) - SWF static text object
- SWF::Builder::Gradient(3) - SWF gradient object.
- SWF::Chart(3) - Perl interface to the SWF Chart generation tool
- SWF::Element(3) - Classes of SWF tags and elements. See Element.pod for further information.
- SWF::File(3) - Create SWF file.
- SWF::Parser(3) - Parse SWF file.
- switch_default_blendmode(3)
- switch_default_imageproc(3)
- switch_default_scalemode(3)
- switch_default_texfilter(3)
- switch_default_texmode(3)
- swizzle_model(3)
- Syllable(3) - Routine for estimating syllable count in words.
- Symbol::Get(3) - Read Perl’s symbol table programmatically
- Symbol::Global::Name(3) - finds name and type of a global variable
- Symbol::Util(3) - Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation
- Synonym(3) - The dictionary of synonym words
- Syntax::Feature::Junction(3) - Provide keywords for any, all, none, or one
- Syntax::Feature::Maybe(3) - use syntax qw/maybe/
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate(3) - a port to Perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor.
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ABC(3) - a Plugin for ABC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ada(3) - a Plugin for Ada syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AHDL(3) - a Plugin for AHDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Alerts(3) - a Plugin for Alerts syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ANSI_C89(3) - a Plugin for ANSI C89 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ansys(3) - a Plugin for Ansys syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Apache_Configuration(3) - a Plugin for Apache Configuration syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Asm6502(3) - a Plugin for Asm6502 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ASP(3) - a Plugin for ASP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AVR_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for AVR Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AWK(3) - a Plugin for AWK syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Bash(3) - a Plugin for Bash syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::BibTeX(3) - a Plugin for BibTeX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::C(3) - a Plugin for C syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cdash(3) - a Plugin for C# syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cg(3) - a Plugin for Cg syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CGiS(3) - a Plugin for CGiS syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ChangeLog(3) - a Plugin for ChangeLog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cisco(3) - a Plugin for Cisco syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Clipper(3) - a Plugin for Clipper syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CMake(3) - a Plugin for CMake syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ColdFusion(3) - a Plugin for ColdFusion syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Common_Lisp(3) - a Plugin for Common Lisp syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ComponentminusPascal(3) - a Plugin for Component-Pascal syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Convert::ToolKit(3) - helper routines, especially for generating highlight definitions from Kate's originals.
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cplusplus(3) - a Plugin for C++ syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS(3) - a Plugin for CSS syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS_PHP(3) - a Plugin for CSS/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CUE_Sheet(3) - a Plugin for CUE Sheet syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D(3) - a Plugin for D syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::De_DE(3) - a Plugin for de_DE syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Changelog(3) - a Plugin for Debian Changelog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Control(3) - a Plugin for Debian Control syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Desktop(3) - a Plugin for .desktop syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Diff(3) - a Plugin for Diff syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Doxygen(3) - a Plugin for Doxygen syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::E_Language(3) - a Plugin for E Language syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Eiffel(3) - a Plugin for Eiffel syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Email(3) - a Plugin for Email syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::En_US(3) - a Plugin for en_US syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Euphoria(3) - a Plugin for Euphoria syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ferite(3) - a Plugin for ferite syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Fortran(3) - a Plugin for Fortran syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGL(3) - a Plugin for 4GL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGLminusPER(3) - a Plugin for 4GL-PER syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FreeBASIC(3) - a Plugin for FreeBASIC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GDL(3) - a Plugin for GDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GLSL(3) - a Plugin for GLSL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for GNU Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Gettext(3) - a Plugin for GNU Gettext syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell(3) - a Plugin for Haskell syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::HTML(3) - a Plugin for HTML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::IDL(3) - a Plugin for IDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG(3) - a Plugin for ILERPG syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Inform(3) - a Plugin for Inform syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::INI_Files(3) - a Plugin for INI Files syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Intel_x86_NASM(3) - a Plugin for Intel x86 (NASM) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Java(3) - a Plugin for Java syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Javadoc(3) - a Plugin for Javadoc syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript(3) - a Plugin for JavaScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript_PHP(3) - a Plugin for JavaScript/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JSP(3) - a Plugin for JSP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Kate_File_Template(3) - a Plugin for Kate File Template syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::KBasic(3) - a Plugin for KBasic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LaTeX(3) - a Plugin for LaTeX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LDIF(3) - a Plugin for LDIF syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lex_Flex(3) - a Plugin for Lex/Flex syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LilyPond(3) - a Plugin for LilyPond syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Literate_Haskell(3) - a Plugin for Literate Haskell syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Logtalk(3) - a Plugin for Logtalk syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LPC(3) - a Plugin for LPC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lua(3) - a Plugin for Lua syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::M3U(3) - a Plugin for M3U syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MABminusDB(3) - a Plugin for MAB-DB syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Makefile(3) - a Plugin for Makefile syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Mason(3) - a Plugin for Mason syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Matlab(3) - a Plugin for Matlab syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MIPS_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for MIPS Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Modulaminus2(3) - a Plugin for Modula-2 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Music_Publisher(3) - a Plugin for Music Publisher syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Nl(3) - a Plugin for nl syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Objective_Caml(3) - a Plugin for Objective Caml syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ObjectiveminusC(3) - a Plugin for Objective-C syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Octave(3) - a Plugin for Octave syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pascal(3) - a Plugin for Pascal syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl(3) - a Plugin for Perl syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl6(3) - a Plugin for Perl 6 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_HTML(3) - a Plugin for PHP (HTML) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_PHP(3) - a Plugin for PHP/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PicAsm(3) - a Plugin for PicAsm syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pike(3) - a Plugin for Pike syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PostScript(3) - a Plugin for PostScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::POVminusRay(3) - a Plugin for POV-Ray syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Progress(3) - a Plugin for progress syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Prolog(3) - a Plugin for Prolog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PureBasic(3) - a Plugin for PureBasic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Python(3) - a Plugin for Python syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Quake_Script(3) - a Plugin for Quake Script syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::R_Script(3) - a Plugin for R Script syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RenderMan_RIB(3) - a Plugin for RenderMan RIB syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::REXX(3) - a Plugin for REXX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RPM_Spec(3) - a Plugin for RPM Spec syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RSI_IDL(3) - a Plugin for RSI IDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ruby(3) - a Plugin for Ruby syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sather(3) - a Plugin for Sather syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scheme(3) - a Plugin for Scheme syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scilab(3) - a Plugin for scilab syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SGML(3) - a Plugin for SGML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sieve(3) - a Plugin for Sieve syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SML(3) - a Plugin for SML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Spice(3) - a Plugin for Spice syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_MySQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL (MySQL) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_PostgreSQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL (PostgreSQL) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Stata(3) - a Plugin for Stata syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler(3) - a Plugin for TaskJuggler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Tcl_Tk(3) - a Plugin for Tcl/Tk syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template(3) - a template for syntax highlighting plugins
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TI_Basic(3) - a Plugin for TI Basic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Txt2tags(3) - a Plugin for txt2tags syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript(3) - a Plugin for UnrealScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Velocity(3) - a Plugin for Velocity syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Verilog(3) - a Plugin for Verilog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VHDL(3) - a Plugin for VHDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VRML(3) - a Plugin for VRML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Wikimedia(3) - a Plugin for Wikimedia syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::WINE_Config(3) - a Plugin for WINE Config syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XHarbour(3) - a Plugin for xHarbour syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML(3) - a Plugin for XML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML_Debug(3) - a Plugin for XML (Debug) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xorg_Configuration(3) - a Plugin for x.org Configuration syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xslt(3) - a Plugin for xslt syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacas(3) - a Plugin for yacas syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacc_Bison(3) - a Plugin for Yacc/Bison syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::HTML(3) - Highlight HTML syntax
- Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved(3) - Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures
- Syntax::Highlight::Shell(3) - Highlight shell scripts
- Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically(3) - dynamically change the value of a variable
- Syntax::Keyword::Gather(3) - Implements the Perl 6 'gather/take' control structure in Perl 5
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction(3) - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::All(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Any(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Base(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::None(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::One(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try(3) - a "try/catch/finally" syntax for perl
- Syntax::Keyword::Try::Deparse(3) - B::Deparse support for Syntax::Keyword::Try
- Syntaxerr(3) - Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors
- Sys::CpuLoad(3) - retrieve system load averages
- Sys::Filesystem(3) - Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
- Sys::Filesystem::Aix(3) - Return AIX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Cygwin(3) - Return Cygwin filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Darwin(3) - Return Darwin (Mac OS X) filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Dummy(3) - Returns nothing to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Freebsd(3) - Return Freebsd filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Hpux(3) - Return HP-UX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Linux(3) - Return Linux filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Mswin32(3) - Return Win32 filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Netbsd(3) - Return NetBSD filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Solaris(3) - Return Solaris filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Unix(3) - Return generic Unix filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Gamin(3) - Perl interface to Gamin (File Access Monitor implementation)
- Sys::Group::GIDhelper(3) - Helps for locating free GIDs.
- Sys::HostIP(3) - Try extra hard to get IP address related info
- Sys::Hostname(3) - Try every conceivable way to get hostname
- Sys::Hostname::Long(3) - Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
- Sys::Info(3) - Fetch information from the host system
- Sys::Info::Base(3) - Base class for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Constants(3) - Constants for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Device(3) - Information about devices
- Sys::Info::Device::CPU(3) - CPU information.
- Sys::Info::Driver(3) - Driver base class
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD(3) - BSD driver for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::Device(3) - Base class for BSD device drivers
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::Device::CPU(3) - BSD CPU Device Driver
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::OS(3) - BSD backend
- Sys::Info::Helper(3) - Base class for <%ID%> device drivers
- Sys::Info::OS(3) - Detailed os information.
- Sys::RunAlone(3) - make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time
- Sys::RunAlways(3) - make sure there is always one invocation of a script active
- Sys::Sendfile(3) - Zero-copy data transfer
- Sys::Sendfile::FreeBSD(3) - Wrapper for the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function.
- Sys::SigAction(3) - Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
- Sys::Syscall(3) - access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to
- Sys::Trace(3) - Interface to system call tracing interfaces
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Ktrace(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for ktrace(1)
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Strace(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for strace(1)
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Truss(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for truss(1)
- Sys::Trace::Results(3) - Results of a Sys::Trace
- Sys::User::UIDhelper(3) - Helps for locating free UIDs.
- Sys::Virt(3) - Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
- Sys::Virt::Domain(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt guest domain
- Sys::Virt::DomainSnapshot(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt guest domain
- Sys::Virt::Error(3) - error object for libvirt APIs
- Sys::Virt::Event(3) - An event loop contract
- Sys::Virt::Interface(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt host network interface
- Sys::Virt::Network(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt virtual network
- Sys::Virt::NodeDevice(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage pool
- Sys::Virt::NWFilter(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt virtual network
- Sys::Virt::Secret(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt secret
- Sys::Virt::StoragePool(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage pool
- Sys::Virt::StorageVol(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage volume
- Sys::Virt::Stream(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt stream
- Sysadm::Install(3) - Typical installation tasks for system administrators
- SYSCONF(3) - get configurable system variables
- SYSCTLINFO(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree interface
- SYSCTLMIBINFO(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree API
- SYSCTLMIBINFO2(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree API
- SYSDECODE(3) - system argument decoding library
- sysdecode_abi_to_freebsd_errno(3) - translate error numbers between process ABIs
- sysdecode_cap_rights(3) - output list of capability rights
- sysdecode_cmsg_type(3) - lookup name of cmsg type
- sysdecode_enum(3) - lookup name of various enumerated values
- sysdecode_fcntl_arg(3) - output description of fcntl argument
- sysdecode_ioctlname(3) - lookup name of device control command
- sysdecode_kevent(3) - output description of kevent structure fields
- sysdecode_mask(3) - print name of various bitmask values
- sysdecode_quotactl_cmd(3) - output name of quotactl command
- sysdecode_sctp_sinfo_flags(3) - output textual description of the sinfo_flags field of struct sctp_sndrcvinfo
- sysdecode_sigcode(3) - lookup name of signal code
- sysdecode_socket_protocol(3) - lookup name of socket protocol
- sysdecode_sockopt_name(3) - lookup name of socket option
- sysdecode_syscallnames(3) - lookup name of system calls
- sysdecode_utrace(3) - produce text description of a utrace record
- SYSEXITS(3) - preferable exit codes for programs
- SYSFATAL(3) - system error messages
- SyslogScan::ByGroup(3)
- SyslogScan::Delivery(3) - encapsulates a logged, successful delivery of mail from a sender to a list of recipients.
- SyslogScan::DeliveryIterator(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLine(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLineFrom(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLineTo(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailUtil(3)
- SyslogScan::Summary(3)
- SyslogScan::SyslogEntry(3)
- SyslogScan::Usage(3)
- SyslogScan::WhereIs(3)
- System::Command(3) - Object for running system commands
- System::Command::Reaper(3) - Reap processes started by System::Command
- System::Info(3) - Factory for system specific information objects
- System::Info::AIX(3) - Object for specific AIX info.
- System::Info::Base(3) - Baseclass for system information.
- System::Info::BSD(3) - Object for specific BSD info.
- System::Info::Cygwin(3) - Object for specific Cygwin info.
- System::Info::Darwin(3) - Object for specific Darwin info.
- System::Info::Generic(3) - Object for Generic info.
- System::Info::Haiku(3) - Object for specific Haiku info.
- System::Info::HPUX(3) - Object for specific HP-UX info.
- System::Info::Irix(3) - Object for specific Irix info.
- System::Info::Linux(3) - Object for specific Linux info.
- System::Info::Solaris(3) - Object for specific Solaris/Sun-os info.
- System::Info::VMS(3) - Object for specific VMS info.
- System::Info::Windows(3) - Object for specific Windows info.
- System::Sub(3) - Wrap external command with a DWIM sub
- System::Sub::AutoLoad(3) - Auto-wrap external commands as DWIM subs
- system_collapse(3)
- system_context_size(3)
- system_defaultfont(3)
- system_identstr(3)
- system_information(3) - System Information
- system_load(3)
- system_snapshot(3)
- System2(3) - like system(), but with access to STDOUT and STDERR.
- SYSTEMPAPERNAME(3) - return names for managing system paper information
- systools(3) - A Set of Release Handling Tools
- T2::Association(3) - an association in a T2 Schema
- T2::Attribute(3) - an Attribute of a T2::Class
- T2::Class(3) - Classes in a T2 schema
- T2::DBSetup(3) - deploy T2 store during Makefile.PL
- T2::Method(3)
- T2::Schema(3) - Tangram Schemas, suitable for putting in a Tangram Store
- T2::Storage(3) - Database handle, object cache
- TabbedForm(3) - a form management arrangement using Tk::TabFrame
- TableEdit(3) - A simple flat-file DBMS editor using Tk::SplitFrame, Tk::TabbedForm, and Tk::Columns
- TableMatrix(3) - Create and manipulate tables
- TableMatrix::Spreadsheet(3) - Table Display with Spreadsheet-like bindings.
- TableMatrix::SpreadsheetHideRows(3) - Table Display with selectable hide/un-hide of rows
- TabularDisplay(3) - Display text in formatted table output
- Tag::File(3) - Module for reading / writing files
- Tag::ID3v1(3) - Module for reading / writing ID3v1 tags of MP3 audio files
- Tag::ID3v2(3) - Read / Write ID3v2.3 tags from mp3 audio files
- tag_image_transform(3)
- TagFilter(3) - A fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator
- tai_add(3) - add two struct tai
- tai_approx(3) - return double-precision approximation
- tai_less(3) - compare two struct tai
- tai_now(3) - get current time, with 1-second precision
- tai_pack(3) - convert TAI64 labels to external format
- tai_sub(3) - subtract two struct tai
- tai_unpack(3) - convert to external TAI64 format
- taia(3) - manipulate times with 1-attosecond precision
- taia_add(3) - add two struct taia
- taia_addsec(3) - add n seconds to a struct taia
- taia_approx(3) - return double-precision approximation
- taia_frac(3) - get current time
- taia_less(3) - compare two struct taia
- taia_now(3) - get current time, with 1-attosecond precision
- taia_pack(3) - convert TAI64NA labels to external format
- taia_sub(3) - subtract two struct taia
- taia_tai(3) - get current time
- taia_uint(3) - convert seconds into struct taia
- taia_unpack(3) - convert to external TAI64NA format
- Tail::Stat(3) - Real-time log statistics server
- Tail::Stat::Plugin(3) - Abstract plugin class
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::apache(3) - Statistics collector for Apache web-server
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::clamd(3) - Statistics collector for ClamAV clamd
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::cvsupd(3) - Statistics collector for CVSupd server
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::icecast(3) - Statistics collector for Icecast streaming server
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::nginx(3) - Statistics collector for Nginx web-server
- Tail::Stat::Plugin::spamd(3) - Statistics collector for SpamAssassin spamd
- Taint::Runtime(3) - Runtime enable taint checking
- TALLOC(3) - hierarchical reference counted memory pool system with destructors
- Tangram::Complicity(3) - How to make Tangram-friendly classes
- Tangram::Core(3) - import core Tangram modules
- Tangram::Cursor(3) - traverse a result set
- Tangram::Deploy(3) - obsolete
- Tangram::Driver::mysql(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in Mysql databases
- Tangram::Driver::Oracle(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in Oracle databases
- Tangram::Driver::Pg(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in PostgreSQL databases
- Tangram::Driver::SQLite(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in SQLite databases
- Tangram::Driver::Sybase(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in Sybase databases
- Tangram::Expr(3) - represent expressions on database server side
- Tangram::Intro(3) - an introduction to Tangram
- Tangram::Relational(3) - Orthogonal Object Persistence in Relational Databases
- Tangram::Relational::Mappings(3) - Mapping inheritance
- Tangram::Remote(3) - represent persistent objects in client space
- Tangram::Schema(3) - describe a system of persistent classes
- Tangram::Springfield(3) - classes and schema used in the Guided Tour
- Tangram::Storage(3) - persistent object database
- Tangram::Sucks(3) - what there is to be improved in Tangram
- Tangram::Tour(3) - Guided Tour
- Tangram::Type(3) - mapping individual fields
- Tangram::Type::Array::FromMany(3) - map Perl arrays using a link table
- Tangram::Type::Array::FromOne(3) - map Perl arrays using a foreign key
- Tangram::Type::Array::Scalar(3) - map Perl array of strings or numbers
- Tangram::Type::Dump(3) - Handy functions for Pixie-like dumping of data
- Tangram::Type::Dump::Any(3) - Intuitive DataBase InterFace
- Tangram::Type::Dump::Perl(3) - map any Perl object as scalar dump
- Tangram::Type::Dump::Storable(3) - map any Perl object as scalar dump via Storable
- Tangram::Type::Dump::YAML(3) - serialise fields of an object via YAML to a column
- Tangram::Type::Extending(3) - teaching Tangram about new types
- Tangram::Type::Hash::Scalar(3) - map Perl hash of scalar keys and values
- Tangram::Type::Ref::FromMany(3) - map references to persistent objects
- Tangram::Type::Scalar(3) - map scalar fields
- Tangram::Type::Set::FromMany(3) - maps Set::Object using a link table
- Tangram::Type::Set::FromOne(3) - map Set::Object using a foreign key
- Tangram::Type::TimeAndDate(3) - map date & time fields
- TANPI(3) - half–cycle tangent functions
- TAP(3) - write tests that implement the Test Anything Protocol
- TAP::Base(3) - Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::Parser and TAP::Harness
- TAP::Formatter::Base(3) - Base class for harness output delegates
- TAP::Formatter::Color(3) - Run Perl test scripts with color
- TAP::Formatter::Console(3) - Harness output delegate for default console output
- TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession(3) - Harness output delegate for parallel console output
- TAP::Formatter::Console::Session(3) - Harness output delegate for default console output
- TAP::Formatter::File(3) - Harness output delegate for file output
- TAP::Formatter::File::Session(3) - Harness output delegate for file output
- TAP::Formatter::JUnit(3) - Harness output delegate for JUnit output
- TAP::Formatter::JUnit::Result(3) - Wrapper for a TAP result
- TAP::Formatter::JUnit::Session(3) - Harness output delegate for JUnit output
- TAP::Formatter::Session(3) - Abstract base class for harness output delegate
- TAP::Harness(3) - Run test scripts with statistics
- TAP::Harness::Beyond(3) - Beyond make test
- TAP::Harness::Env(3) - Parsing harness related environmental variables where appropriate
- TAP::Harness::JUnit(3) - Generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results
- TAP::Object(3) - Base class that provides common functionality to all "TAP::*" modules
- TAP::Parser(3) - Parse TAP output
- TAP::Parser::Aggregator(3) - Aggregate TAP::Parser results
- TAP::Parser::Grammar(3) - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
- TAP::Parser::Iterator(3) - Base class for TAP source iterators
- TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array(3) - Iterator for array-based TAP sources
- TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process(3) - Iterator for process-based TAP sources
- TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream(3) - Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sources
- TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory(3) - Figures out which SourceHandler objects to use for a given Source
- TAP::Parser::Multiplexer(3) - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers
- TAP::Parser::Result(3) - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
- TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout(3) - Bailout result token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Comment(3) - Comment result token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3) - Plan result token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma(3) - TAP pragma token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Test(3) - Test result token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown(3) - Unknown result token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::Version(3) - TAP syntax version token.
- TAP::Parser::Result::YAML(3) - YAML result token.
- TAP::Parser::ResultFactory(3) - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects
- TAP::Parser::Scheduler(3) - Schedule tests during parallel testing
- TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job(3) - A single testing job.
- TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner(3) - A no-op job.
- TAP::Parser::Source(3) - a TAP source & meta data about it
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler(3) - Base class for different TAP source handlers
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable(3) - Stream output from an executable TAP source
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File(3) - Stream TAP from a text file.
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle(3) - Stream TAP from an IO::Handle or a GLOB.
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl(3) - Stream TAP from a Perl executable
- TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP(3) - Stream output from raw TAP in a scalar/array ref.
- TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader(3) - Read YAMLish data from iterator
- TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer(3) - Write YAMLish data
- TAP::SimpleOutput(3) - Simple closure-driven TAP generator
- tar_append_file(3) - append data to tar archives
- tar_block_read(3) - macros to call read and write functions for the correct tar archive type
- tar_extract_all(3) - high-level tar archive manipulation functions
- tar_extract_file(3) - extract files from a tar archive
- tar_open(3) - access a tar archive via a handle
- target_alloc(3)
- target_configurations(3)
- target_coreopt(3)
- target_devicehint(3)
- target_displayhint(3) - no change to the flag state from last time.
- target_flags(3)
- target_fonthint(3)
- target_framemode(3) - 9) frames, fast forward clock.
- target_geohint(3)
- target_graphmode(3)
- target_input(3)
- target_parent(3)
- target_portconfig(3)
- target_seek(3)
- target_synchronous(3)
- target_updatehandler(3)
- target_verbose(3)
- Task::Catalyst(3) - All you need to start with Catalyst
- Task::Math::Symbolic(3) - Math::Symbolic with lots of plugins
- Task::Plack(3) - Plack bundle
- Task::Tiny(3) - install a lightweight development environment
- Task::Weaken(3) - Ensure that a platform has weaken support
- Tatsumaki(3) - Non-blocking web framework based on Plack and AnyEvent
- Tatsumaki::MessageQueue(3) - Message Queue system for Tatsumaki
- Taylor_Fjt_Eval(3)
- TCADB(3) - the abstract database API
- TCATEST(3) - the command line utility of the abstract database API
- TCBDB(3) - the B+ tree database API
- TCFDB(3) - the fixed-length database API
- TCGETPGRP(3) - get foreground process group ID
- TCGETSID(3) - get session ID associated with a controlling terminal
- TCGETWINSIZE(3) - get, set the size of a terminal window
- TCHDB(3) - the hash database API
- Tcl(3) - Tcl extension module for Perl
- Tcl_Access(3) - check file permissions and other attributes
- Tcl_AddErrorInfo(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
- Tcl_Alloc(3) - allocate or free heap memory
- Tcl_AllowExceptions(3) - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation
- Tcl_AppInit(3) - perform application-specific initialization
- Tcl_AsyncCreate(3) - handle asynchronous events
- Tcl_BackgroundError(3) - report Tcl error that occurred in background processing
- Tcl_Backslash(3) - parse a backslash sequence
- Tcl_BooleanObj(3) - store/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
- Tcl_ByteArrayObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
- Tcl_CallWhenDeleted(3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
- Tcl_Cancel(3) - cancel Tcl scripts
- Tcl_Class(3) - manipulate objects and classes
- Tcl_CommandComplete(3) - Check for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
- Tcl_Concat(3) - concatenate a collection of strings
- Tcl_CreateAlias(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
- Tcl_CreateChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
- Tcl_CreateChannelHandler(3) - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
- Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3) - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
- Tcl_CreateCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
- Tcl_CreateFileHandler(3) - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
- Tcl_CreateInterp(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
- Tcl_CreateMathFunc(3) - Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
- Tcl_CreateSlave(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
- Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(3) - call a procedure at a given time
- Tcl_CreateTrace(3) - arrange for command execution to be traced
- Tcl_DetachPids(3) - manage child processes in background
- Tcl_DictObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
- Tcl_DoOneEvent(3) - wait for events and invoke event handlers
- Tcl_DoubleObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(3) - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
- Tcl_DString(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
- Tcl_DumpActiveMemory(3) - Validated memory allocation interface
- Tcl_Ensemble(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
- Tcl_Eval(3) - execute Tcl scripts
- Tcl_Exit(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
- Tcl_ExprLong(3) - evaluate an expression
- Tcl_ExprLongObj(3) - evaluate an expression
- Tcl_FindExecutable(3) - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
- Tcl_GetCwd(3) - manipulate the current working directory
- Tcl_GetEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
- Tcl_GetHostName(3) - get the name of the local host
- Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(3) - lookup string in table of keywords
- Tcl_GetInt(3) - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
- Tcl_GetOpenFile(3) - Return a FILE* for a channel registered in the given interpreter (Unix only)
- Tcl_GetStdChannel(3) - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
- Tcl_GetTime(3) - get date and time
- Tcl_GetVersion(3) - get the version of the library at runtime
- Tcl_Hash(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
- Tcl_Init(3) - find and source initialization script
- Tcl_InitStubs(3) - initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
- Tcl_InitSubsystems(3) - initialize the Tcl library.
- Tcl_Interp(3) - client-visible fields of interpreter structures
- Tcl_IntObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
- Tcl_LimitCheck(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
- Tcl_LinkVar(3) - link Tcl variable to C variable
- Tcl_ListObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
- Tcl_Main(3) - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
- TCL_MEM_DEBUG(3) - Compile-time flag to enable Tcl memory debugging
- Tcl_Method(3) - manipulate methods and method-call contexts
- Tcl_Namespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
- Tcl_Obj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
- Tcl_ObjType(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
- Tcl_OOInitStubs(3) - initialize library access to TclOO functionality
- Tcl_OpenFileChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
- Tcl_OpenTcpClient(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
- Tcl_Panic(3) - report fatal error and abort
- Tcl_ParseArgsObjv(3) - parse arguments according to a tabular description
- Tcl_ParseCommand(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
- Tcl_PkgRequire(3) - package version control
- Tcl_Preserve(3) - avoid freeing storage while it is being used
- Tcl_PrintDouble(3) - Convert floating value to string
- Tcl_PutEnv(3) - procedures to manipulate the environment
- Tcl_RecordAndEval(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
- Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
- Tcl_RegExpMatch(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
- Tcl_RegisterConfig(3) - procedures to register embedded configuration information
- Tcl_SaveResult(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
- Tcl_SetAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
- Tcl_SetChannelError(3) - functions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
- Tcl_SetErrno(3) - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
- Tcl_SetRecursionLimit(3) - set maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
- Tcl_SetResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
- Tcl_SetVar(3) - manipulate Tcl variables
- Tcl_SignalId(3) - Convert signal codes
- Tcl_Sleep(3) - delay execution for a given number of milliseconds
- Tcl_SourceRCFile(3) - source the Tcl rc file
- Tcl_SplitList(3) - manipulate Tcl lists
- Tcl_SplitPath(3) - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
- Tcl_StackChannel(3) - manipulate stacked I/O channels
- Tcl_StaticLibrary(3) - make a statically linked library available via the 'load' command
- Tcl_StaticPackage(3) - make a statically linked package available via the 'load' command
- Tcl_StringMatch(3) - test whether a string matches a pattern
- Tcl_StringObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
- Tcl_SubstObj(3) - perform substitutions on Tcl objects
- Tcl_TraceCommand(3) - monitor renames and deletes of a command
- Tcl_TraceVar(3) - monitor accesses to a variable
- Tcl_TranslateFileName(3) - convert file name to native form and replace tilde with home directory
- Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
- Tcl_UpVar(3) - link one variable to another
- Tcl_UtfToUpper(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(3) - generate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
- tclgeomap(3) - C API for manipulating geographic data in Tcl.
- TCLink(3) - Perl interface to the TrustCommerce payment gateway
- Tcl-perl(3) - very old suspect documentation on porting.
- Tclzipfs(3) - handle ZIP files as Tcl virtual filesystems
- TclZlib(3) - compression and decompression functions
- TCP_ACCEPT_MEM(3) - accepts an incoming TCP connection
- TCP_CLOSE(3) - closes TCP connection in an orderly manner
- TCP_CONNECT(3) - creates a connection to remote TCP endpoint
- TCP_CONNECT_MEM(3) - creates a connection to remote TCP endpoint
- TCP_DONE(3) - half-closes a TCP connection
- TCP_LISTEN_MEM(3) - starts listening for incoming TCP connections
- TCP_SERVER(3) - generic TCP server
- TCPClientConnection(3)
- TcpDumpLog(3) - Read tcpdump/libpcap network packet logs. Perl implementation (not an interface).
- TCPIOSocket(3)
- TCPServerConnection(3)
- TCPServerSocket(3)
- TCPSocket(3)
- TCQDB(3) - the q-gram database API
- TCRDB(3) - the remote database API
- TCSENDBREAK(3) - line control functions
- TCSETATTR(3) - manipulating the termios structure
- TCSETPGRP(3) - set foreground process group ID
- TCSETSID(3) - set session ID associated with a controlling terminal
- TCTDB(3) - the table database API
- TCULOG(3) - the update log API
- TCUTIL(3) - the utility API
- TCWDB(3) - the word database API
- Tdbc_Init(3) - C procedures to facilitate writing TDBC drivers
- Tea_JS(3) - The Tiny Encryption Algorithm in Perl and JavaScript
- Tee::App(3) - Implementation of ptee
- Template::Alloy(3) - TT2/3, HT, HTE, Tmpl, and Velocity Engine
- Template::Alloy::Compile(3) - Compile role - allows for compiling the AST to perl code
- Template::Alloy::Context(3) - Provide a TT style context
- Template::Alloy::Exception(3) - Handle exceptions
- Template::Alloy::HTE(3) - HTML::Template and HTML::Template::Expr roles.
- Template::Alloy::Iterator(3) - Handle foreach iterations
- Template::Alloy::Operator(3) - Operator role.
- Template::Alloy::Parse(3) - Common parsing role for creating AST from templates
- Template::Alloy::Play(3) - Play role - allows for playing out the AST
- Template::Alloy::Stream(3) - Stream role - allows for playing out the AST and printing straight to file handle
- Template::Alloy::Tmpl(3) - Text::Tmpl role
- Template::Alloy::TT(3) - Template::Toolkit role
- Template::Alloy::Velocity(3) - Velocity (VTL) role
- Template::Alloy::VMethod(3) - VMethod role.
- Template::AutoFilter(3) - Template::Toolkit with automatic filtering
- Template::AutoFilter::Parser(3) - parses TT templates and automatically adds filters to tokens
- Template::Config(3) - Factory module for instantiating other TT2 modules
- Template::Constants(3) - Defines constants for the Template Toolkit
- Template::DBI(3) - DBI plugin for the Template Toolkit
- Template::Declare::Buffer(3) - deprecated
- Template::Declare::Tags(3) - Build and install XML Tag subroutines for Template::Declare
- Template::Declare::TagSet(3) - Base class for tag sets used by Template::Declare::Tags
- Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML(3) - Template::Declare tag set for HTML
- Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF(3) - Template::Declare tag set for RDF
- Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF::EM(3) - Template::Declare TAG set for Mozilla's em-rdf
- Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL(3) - Template::Declare tag set for XUL
- Template::Directive(3) - Perl code generator for template directives
- Template::Document(3) - Compiled template document object
- Template::Exception(3) - Exception handling class module
- Template::Extract(3) - Use TT2 syntax to extract data from documents
- Template::Extract::Compile(3) - Compile TT2 templates into regular expressions
- Template::Extract::Parser(3) - Template parser for extraction
- Template::Extract::Run(3) - Apply compiled regular expressions on documents
- Template::Filters(3) - Post-processing filters for template blocks
- Template::Grammar(3) - Parser state/rule tables for the TT grammar
- Template::Iterator::AlzaboWrapperCursor(3) - Turns a Class::AlzaboWrapper::Cursor object into a TT2 iterator
- Template::Magic::HTML(3) - HTML handlers for Template::Magic used in a HTML environment
- Template::Magic::QuickStart(3) - A quick start for Webmasters
- Template::Magic::Zone(3) - The Zone object
- Template::Manual(3) - Template Toolkit User Manual
- Template::Manual::Config(3) - Configuration options
- Template::Manual::Credits(3) - Author and contributor credits
- Template::Manual::Directives(3) - Template directives
- Template::Manual::Filters(3) - Standard filters
- Template::Manual::Internals(3) - Template Toolkit internals
- Template::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to the Template Toolkit
- Template::Manual::Plugins(3) - Standard plugins
- Template::Manual::Syntax(3) - Directive syntax, structure and semantics
- Template::Manual::Variables(3) - Template variables and code bindings
- Template::Manual::Views(3) - Template Toolkit views (experimental)
- Template::Manual::VMethods(3) - Virtual Methods
- Template::Modules(3) - Template Toolkit Modules
- Template::Multilingual(3) - Multilingual templates for Template Toolkit
- Template::Multilingual::Parser(3) - Multilingual template parser
- Template::Mustache(3) - Template::Mustache is an implementation of the fabulous Mustache templating language for Perl 5.8 and later
- Template::Namespace::Constants(3) - Compile time constant folding
- Template::Parser(3) - LALR(1) parser for compiling template documents
- Template::Plugin(3) - Base class for Template Toolkit plugins
- Template::Plugin::Assert(3) - trap undefined values
- Template::Plugin::Autoformat(3) - Interface to Text::Autoformat module
- Template::Plugin::CGI(3) - Interface to the CGI module
- Template::Plugin::Class(3) - allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
- Template::Plugin::Clickable(3) - Make URLs clickable in HTML
- Template::Plugin::Clickable::Email(3) - Make email addresses in to HTML links
- Template::Plugin::Comma(3) - TT Plugin to commify numbers
- Template::Plugin::CSV(3) - Plugin for generating CSV
- Template::Plugin::Datafile(3) - Plugin to construct records from a simple data file
- Template::Plugin::DataPrinter(3) - Template Toolkit dumper plugin using Data::Printer
- Template::Plugin::Date(3) - Plugin to generate formatted date strings
- Template::Plugin::DBI(3) - Template interface to the DBI module
- Template::Plugin::Directory(3) - Plugin for generating directory listings
- Template::Plugin::Dumper(3) - Plugin interface to Data::Dumper
- Template::Plugin::encoding(3) - Template plugin to specify encoding
- Template::Plugin::File(3) - Plugin providing information about files
- Template::Plugin::FillInForm(3) - TT plugin for HTML::FillInForm
- Template::Plugin::Filter(3) - Base class for plugin filters
- Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS(3) - CSS::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
- Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS::XS(3) - CSS::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
- Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript(3) - JavaScript::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
- Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript::XS(3) - JavaScript::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
- Template::Plugin::Format(3) - Plugin to create formatting functions
- Template::Plugin::GantryAuthCookie(3) - decrypter for AuthCookie plugin
- Template::Plugin::GD(3) - GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
- Template::Plugin::GD::Constants(3) - Interface to GD module constants
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::area(3) - Create area graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::bars(3) - Create bar graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::bars3d(3) - Create 3D bar graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::lines(3) - Create line graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::lines3d(3) - Create 3D line graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::linespoints(3) - Create line/point graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::mixed(3) - Create mixed graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::pie(3) - Create pie charts with legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::pie3d(3) - Create 3D pie charts with legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Graph::points(3) - Create point graphs with axes and legends
- Template::Plugin::GD::Image(3) - Interface to GD Graphics Library
- Template::Plugin::GD::Polygon(3) - Interface to GD module Polygon class
- Template::Plugin::GD::Text(3) - Text utilities for use with GD
- Template::Plugin::GD::Text::Align(3) - Draw aligned strings in GD images
- Template::Plugin::GD::Text::Wrap(3) - Break and wrap strings in GD images
- Template::Plugin::Gettext(3) - Gettext Support For the Template Toolkit Version 2
- Template::Plugin::HTML(3) - Plugin to create HTML elements
- Template::Plugin::HTML::SuperForm(3) - Template Plugin for HTML::SuperForm
- Template::Plugin::Image(3) - Plugin access to image sizes
- Template::Plugin::Iterator(3) - Plugin to create iterators (Template::Iterator)
- Template::Plugin::JavaScript(3) - Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript
- Template::Plugin::JSON(3) - Adds a .json vmethod for all TT values.
- Template::Plugin::Lingua::EN::Inflect(3) - Interface to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
- Template::Plugin::Markdown(3) - TT plugin for Text::Markdown
- Template::Plugin::Math(3) - Plugin providing mathematical functions
- Template::Plugin::Monta(3) - TT2 Filter, Acme::Monta adaptor
- Template::Plugin::Pod(3) - Plugin interface to Pod::POM (Pod Object Model)
- Template::Plugin::Procedural(3) - Base class for procedural plugins
- Template::Plugin::Scalar(3) - call object methods in scalar context
- Template::Plugin::String(3) - Object oriented interface for string manipulation
- Template::Plugin::StripScripts(3) - TT plugin to filter HTML against XSS
- Template::Plugin::Subst(3) - s/// functionality for Template Toolkit templates
- Template::Plugin::Table(3) - Plugin to present data in a table
- Template::Plugin::URL(3) - Plugin to construct complex URLs
- Template::Plugin::View(3) - Plugin to create views (Template::View)
- Template::Plugin::VMethods(3) - install vmethods
- Template::Plugin::Wrap(3) - Plugin interface to Text::Wrap
- Template::Plugin::XML::Escape(3) - Escape variables to suit being placed into XML
- Template::Plugin::YAML(3) - Plugin interface to YAML
- Template::Plugins(3) - Plugin provider module
- Template::Provider(3) - Provider module for loading/compiling templates
- Template::Provider::Encode(3) - Encode templates for Template Toolkit
- Template::Provider::Encode::Guess(3) - Encode templates by guessing for Template Toolkit
- Template::Provider::Encoding(3) - Explicitly declare encodings of your templates
- Template::Provider::FromDATA(3) - Load templates from your __DATA__ section
- Template::Semantic(3) - Use pure XHTML/XML as a template
- Template::Semantic::Cookbook(3) - Template::Semantic Recipes, tricks, hints
- Template::Semantic::Document(3) - Template::Semantic Result object
- Template::Semantic::Filter(3) - Template::Semantic Defined filters
- Template::Service(3) - General purpose template processing service
- Template::Stash(3) - Magical storage for template variables
- Template::Stash::AutoEscape(3) - escape automatically in Template-Toolkit.
- Template::Stash::Context(3) - Experimetal stash allowing list/scalar context definition
- Template::Stash::ForceUTF8(3) - Force UTF-8 (Unicode) flag on stash variables
- Template::Stash::XS(3) - High-speed variable stash written in C
- Template::Test(3) - Module for automating TT2 test scripts
- Template::Toolkit(3) - Template Processing System
- Template::Toolkit::Simple(3) - A Simple Interface to Template Toolkit
- Template::Tools(3) - Command Line Tools for the Template Toolkit
- Template::Tools::tpage(3) - Process templates from command line
- Template::Tools::ttree(3) - Process entire directory trees of templates
- Template::Tutorial(3) - Template Toolkit Tutorials
- Template::Tutorial::Datafile(3) - Creating Data Output Files Using the Template Toolkit
- Template::Tutorial::Web(3) - Generating Web Content Using the Template Toolkit
- Template::View(3) - customised view of a template processing context
- Template::VMethods(3) - Virtual methods for variables
- template_extend(3) - how to extend the Text::Tmpl template library (with C or Perl).
- template_syntax(3) - description of the syntax of a Text::Tmpl template.
- TemporaryBag(3) - Handle long size data using temporary file .
- Teng(3) - very simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
- Teng::Iterator(3) - Iterator for Teng
- Teng::Plugin::BulkInsert(3) - (DEPRECATED) Bulk insert helper
- Teng::Plugin::Count(3) - Count rows in database.
- Teng::Plugin::FindOrCreate(3) - provide find_or_create method for your Teng class.
- Teng::Plugin::Lookup(3) - lookup single row.
- Teng::Plugin::Pager(3) - Pager
- Teng::Plugin::Pager::MySQLFoundRows(3) - Paginate with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
- Teng::Plugin::Replace(3) - Add replace for Teng
- Teng::Plugin::SingleBySQL(3) - (DEPRECATED) Single by SQL
- Teng::Plugin::SQLPager(3) - Paginate with SQL
- Teng::QueryBuilder(3)
- Teng::Row(3) - Teng's Row class
- Teng::Schema(3) - Schema API for Teng
- Teng::Schema::Declare(3) - DSL For Declaring Teng Schema
- Teng::Schema::Dumper(3) - Schema code generator
- Teng::Schema::Loader(3) - Dynamic Schema Loader
- Teng::Schema::Table(3) - Teng table class.
- Tenjin(3) - Fast templating engine with support for embedded Perl.
- Tenjin::Context(3) - In charge of managing variables passed to Tenjin templates.
- Tenjin::Preprocessor(3) - Preprocessing Tenjin templates
- Tenjin::Template(3) - A Tenjin template object, either built from a file or from memory.
- Tenjin::Util(3) - Utility methods for Tenjin.
- Term::Animation(3) - ASCII sprite animation framework
- Term::Animation::Entity(3)
- Term::ANSIColor(3) - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
- Term::ANSIScreen(3) - Terminal control using ANSI escape sequences
- Term::App::Role::Attrs(3) - Role for terminal-related attributes
- Term::App::Roles(3) - Collection of roles for terminal-based application
- Term::App::Util::Color(3) - Determine color depth and whether to use color or not
- Term::App::Util::Interactive(3) - Determine whether terminal application is running interactively
- Term::App::Util::Size(3) - Determine the sane terminal size (width, height)
- Term::Bash::Completion::Generator(3) - Generate bash completion scripts
- Term::CallEditor(3) - solicit data from an external editor
- Term::CallEditor::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Term::CallEditor
- Term::Cap(3) - Perl termcap interface
- Term::Choose(3) - Choose items from a list interactively.
- Term::Choose::Util(3) - TUI-related functions for selecting directories, files, numbers and subsets of lists.
- Term::Clui(3) - Perl module offering a Command-Line User Interface
- Term::Clui::FileSelect(3) - Perl module to ask the user to select a file.
- Term::Complete(3) - Perl word completion module
- Term::Detect::Software(3) - Detect terminal (emulator) software and its capabilities
- Term::EditLine(3) - Perl interface to the NetBSD editline library
- Term::Encoding(3) - Detect encoding of the current terminal
- Term::Form(3) - Read lines from STDIN.
- Term::Menus(3) - Create Powerful Terminal, Console and CMD Enviroment Menus
- Term::ProgressBar(3) - provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
- Term::ProgressBar::IO(3)
- Term::ProgressBar::Quiet(3) - Provide a progress meter if run interactively
- Term::ProgressBar::Simple(3) - simpler progress bars
- Term::Prompt(3) - Perl extension for prompting a user for information
- Term::QRCode(3) - Generate terminal base QR Code
- Term::RawInput(3) - A simple drop-in replacement for <STDIN> in scripts with the additional ability to capture and return the non-standard keys like 'End', 'Escape' [ESC], 'Insert', etc.
- Term::ReadLine(3) - Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions.
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid(3) - another ReadLine package
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid::Base(3) - atomic routines
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid::Emacs(3) - a readline emacs mode
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid::FileBrowse(3) - a readline file browser mode
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid::ISearch(3) - a readline incremental search mode
- Term::ReadLine::Zoid::ViCommand(3) - a readline command mode
- Term::Screen(3) - A Simple all perl Term::Cap based screen positioning module
- Term::Shell(3) - A simple command-line shell framework.
- Term::ShellUI(3) - A fully-featured shell-like command line environment
- Term::Size::Any(3) - Retrieve terminal size
- Term::Sk(3) - Perl extension for displaying a progress indicator on a terminal.
- Term::Table(3) - Format a header and rows into a table
- Term::Table::Cell(3) - Representation of a cell in a table.
- Term::Table::CellStack(3) - Combine several cells into one (vertical)
- Term::Table::HashBase(3) - Build hash based classes.
- Term::Table::LineBreak(3) - Break up lines for use in tables.
- Term::Table::Util(3) - Utilities for Term::Table.
- Term::TablePrint(3) - Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively.
- Term::Title(3) - Portable API to set the terminal titlebar
- Term::UI(3) - Term::ReadLine UI made easy
- Term::UI::History(3) - history function
- Term::VT102::Boundless(3) - A Term::VT102 that grows automatically to accomodate whatever you print to it.
- TERM_ATTACH(3) - creates TERM protocol on top of underlying socket
- TERM_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates TERM protocol on top of underlying socket
- TERM_DETACH(3) - cleanly terminates the protocol
- TERM_DONE(3) - half-closes the connection
- TERMKEY_ADVISEREADABLE(3) - read more bytes from the underlying terminal
- TERMKEY_CANONICALISE(3) - canonicalise a key event
- TERMKEY_GET_BUFFER_REMAINING(3) - returns the free buffer space
- TERMKEY_GET_FD(3) - obtain the file descriptor for the terminal
- TERMKEY_GET_KEYNAME(3) - return a string name for a symbolic key
- TERMKEY_GETKEY(3) - retrieve the next key event
- TERMKEY_INTERPRET_CSI(3) - interpret unrecognised CSI sequence
- TERMKEY_INTERPRET_MODEREPORT(3) - interpret opaque mode report data
- TERMKEY_INTERPRET_MOUSE(3) - interpret opaque mouse event data
- TERMKEY_INTERPRET_POSITION(3) - interpret opaque cursor position event data
- TERMKEY_INTERPRET_STRING(3) - fetch stored control string
- TERMKEY_KEYCMP(3) - compare two key events
- TERMKEY_KEYNAME2SYM(3) - look up a symbolic key value for a string name
- TERMKEY_LOOKUP_KEYNAME(3) - look up a symbolic key value for a string name
- TERMKEY_NEW(3) - create or destroy new termkey instance
- TERMKEY_PUSH_BYTES(3) - supply more bytes to the input buffer
- TERMKEY_SET_BUFFER_SIZE(3) - control the buffer size
- TERMKEY_SET_CANONFLAGS(3) - control the canonicalisation flags
- TERMKEY_SET_FLAGS(3) - control the operational flags
- TERMKEY_SET_WAITTIME(3) - control the wait time for multibyte sequences
- TERMKEY_START(3) - enable or disable terminal operations
- TERMKEY_STRFKEY(3) - format a string representing a key event
- TERMKEY_STRPKEY(3) - parse a string representing a key event
- TERMKEY_WAITKEY(3) - wait for and retrieve the next key event
- Test::Able(3) - xUnit with Moose
- Test::Able::Cookbook(3) - see "run_methods" in Test::Able::Role::Meta::Class ). Setting do_setup the do_teardown above to false is an easy way to accomplish just that.
- Test::Able::FatalException(3) - Fatal Exception Class
- Test::Able::Helpers(3)
- Test::Able::Method::Array(3) - Test-related method list
- Test::Able::Object(3) - Test::Able's base object
- Test::Able::Planner(3) - Planning role
- Test::Able::Role(3)
- Test::Able::Role::Meta::Class(3) - Main metarole
- Test::Able::Role::Meta::Method(3) - Method metarole
- Test::Able::Runner(3) - use Test::Able without a bunch of boilerplate
- Test::Able::Runner::Role::Meta::Class(3) - metaclass role for test runners
- Test::Aggregate(3) - Aggregate "*.t" tests to make them run faster.
- Test::Aggregate::Base(3) - Base class for aggregated tests.
- Test::Aggregate::Builder(3) - Internal overrides for Test::Builder.
- Test::Aggregate::Nested(3) - Aggregate "*.t" tests to make them run faster.
- Test::Alien(3) - Testing tools for Alien modules
- Test::Alien::Build(3) - Tools for testing Alien::Build + alienfile
- Test::Alien::CanCompile(3) - Skip a test file unless a C compiler is available
- Test::Alien::CanPlatypus(3) - Skip a test file unless FFI::Platypus is available
- Test::Alien::Diag(3) - Print out standard diagnostic for Aliens in the test step.
- Test::Alien::Run(3) - Run object
- Test::Alien::Synthetic(3) - A mock alien object for testing
- Test::App::RunCron(3) - test framework for App::RunCron
- Test::Assertions(3) - a simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
- Test::Assertions::Manual(3) - A guide to using Test::Assertions
- Test::Assertions::TestScript(3) - Base for test scripts
- Test::Auto(3) - Test Automation
- Test::Auto::Document(3)
- Test::Auto::Parser(3)
- Test::Auto::Plugin(3)
- Test::Auto::Subtests(3)
- Test::Auto::Types(3)
- Test::Base::Filter(3) - Default Filter Class for Test::Base
- Test::Base::Less(3) - Limited version of Test::Base.
- Test::Benchmark(3) - Make sure something really is faster
- Test::BinaryData(3) - compare two things, give hex dumps if they differ
- Test::Bits(3) - Provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
- Test::Builder(3) - Backend for building test libraries
- Test::Builder::Formatter(3) - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Formatter::TAP
- Test::Builder::IO::Scalar(3) - A copy of IO::Scalar for Test::Builder
- Test::Builder::Module(3) - Base class for test modules
- Test::Builder::Tester(3) - test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
- Test::Builder::Tester::Color(3) - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
- Test::Builder::TodoDiag(3) - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Event::Diag
- Test::CheckDeps(3) - Check for presence of dependencies
- Test::CheckManifest(3) - Check if your Manifest matches your distro
- Test::Class(3) - Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
- Test::Class::Load(3) - Load "Test::Class" classes automatically.
- Test::Class::MethodInfo(3) - the info associated with a test method
- Test::Class::Most(3) - Test Classes the easy way
- Test::ClassAPI(3) - Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
- Test::Classy(3) - write your unit tests in other modules than *.t
- Test::Classy::Base(3)
- Test::Classy::Util(3)
- Test::CleanNamespaces(3) - Check for uncleaned imports
- Test::Cmd(3) - Perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts
- Test::Cmd::Common(3) - module for common Test::Cmd error handling
- Test::Command(3) - Test routines for external commands
- Test::Command::Simple(3) - Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules.
- Test::Compile(3) - Assert that your Perl files compile OK.
- Test::Compile::Internal(3) - Assert that your Perl files compile OK.
- Test::Corpus::Audio::MPD(3) - automate launching of fake mdp for testing purposes
- Test::CPAN::Changes(3) - Validation of the Changes file in a CPAN distribution
- Test::CPAN::Meta(3) - Validate your CPAN META.yml files.
- Test::CPAN::Meta::Version(3) - Validate CPAN META data against the specification
- Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML(3) - Validate a META.yml file within a CPAN distribution.
- Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML::Version(3) - Validate CPAN META data against the specification
- Test::Cukes(3) - A BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber
- Test::Data(3)
- Test::Data::Array(3)
- Test::Data::Function(3)
- Test::Data::Hash(3)
- Test::Data::Scalar(3)
- Test::Data::Unixish(3) - Routines to test Data::Unixish
- Test::Database(3) - Database handles ready for testing
- Test::Database::Driver(3) - Base class for Test::Database drivers
- Test::Database::Driver::CSV(3) - A Test::Database driver for CSV
- Test::Database::Driver::DBM(3) - A Test::Database driver for DBM
- Test::Database::Driver::mysql(3) - A Test::Database driver for mysql
- Test::Database::Driver::Pg(3) - A Test::Database driver for Pg
- Test::Database::Driver::SQLite(3) - A Test::Database driver for SQLite
- Test::Database::Driver::SQLite2(3) - A Test::Database driver for SQLite2
- Test::Database::Handle(3) - A class for Test::Database handles
- Test::Database::Tutorial(3) - How to use Test::Database
- Test::Database::Util(3) - Utility functions for Test::Database modules
- Test::DatabaseRow(3) - simple database tests
- Test::DatabaseRow::Object(3) - examine database rows
- Test::DatabaseRow::Result(3) - represent the result of some db testing
- Test::DBIx::Class(3) - Easier test cases for your DBIx::Class applications
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema(3) - A basic schema you can use for testing
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::DefaultRS(3) - The default ResultSet
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result(3) - The base result class
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::CD(3) - A cd
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::CD::Artist(3) - Artist Role
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::CD::Track(3) - Tracks on a CD
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Company(3) - A company
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Company::Employee(3) - Company To Employee M2M
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::GermanPhone(3) - Example of virtual view
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Job(3) - A Job
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Person(3) - The base result class
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Person::Artist(3) - Artist Role
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Person::Employee(3) - Employee Role
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::Phone(3) - The base result class
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::Result::RussianPhone(3) - Example of non-virtual view
- Test::DBIx::Class::Example::Schema::ResultSet(3) - A base ResultSet Class
- Test::DBIx::Class::FixtureCommand::Populate(3) - Install fixtures using Populate
- Test::DBIx::Class::FixtureCommand::PopulateMore(3) - Install fixtures using PopulateMore
- Test::DBIx::Class::FixtureCommand::Population(3) - Use your fixtures in a test case.
- Test::DBIx::Class::Role::FixtureCommand(3) - Role that a FixtureCommand must consume
- Test::DBIx::Class::SchemaManager(3) - Manages a DBIx::Class::SchemaManager for Testing
- Test::DBIx::Class::SchemaManager::Trait::SQLite(3) - The Default Role
- Test::DBIx::Class::SchemaManager::Trait::Testmysqld(3) - deploy to a test mysql instance
- Test::DBIx::Class::SchemaManager::Trait::Testpostgresql(3) - deploy to a test Postgresql instance
- Test::DBIx::Class::Types(3) - Type Constraint Library
- Test::Declare(3) - declarative testing
- Test::Deep(3) - Extremely flexible deep comparison
- Test::Deep::NoTest(3) - Use Test::Deep outside of the testing framework
- Test::Deep::UnorderedPairs(3) - A Test::Deep plugin for comparing an unordered list of tuples
- Test::Dependencies(3) - Ensure that the dependency listing is complete
- Test::DependentModules(3) - Test all modules which depend on your module
- Test::DiagINC(3) - List modules and versions loaded if tests fail
- Test::Differences(3) - Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
- Test::Dir(3) - test directory attributes
- Test::Dir::Base(3) - support functions for Test::Dir and Test::Folder
- Test::Distribution(3) - perform tests on all modules of a distribution
- Test::DZil(3) - tools for testing Dist::Zilla plugins
- Test::EOL(3) - Check the correct line endings in your project
- Test::Exception(3) - Test exception-based code
- Test::Exit(3) - Test that some code calls exit() without terminating testing
- Test::Expect(3) - Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
- Test::FailWarnings(3) - Add test failures if warnings are caught
- Test::Fake::HTTPD(3) - a fake HTTP server
- Test::Fatal(3) - incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
- Test::File(3)
- Test::File::Contents(3)
- Test::File::ShareDir(3) - Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing.
- Test::File::ShareDir::Dist(3) - Simplified dist oriented ShareDir tester
- Test::File::ShareDir::Module(3) - Simplified module oriented ShareDir tester
- Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist(3) - Object Oriented ShareDir creation for distributions
- Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Inc(3) - Shared tempdir object code to inject into @INC
- Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module(3) - Object Oriented ShareDir creation for modules
- Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject(3) - Internal Object to make code simpler.
- Test::File::ShareDir::Utils(3) - Simple utilities for File::ShareDir testing
- Test::Filename(3) - Portable filename comparison
- Test::Fixme(3) - Check code for FIXMEs.
- Test::Fixture::DBI(3) - load fixture data to database.
- Test::Fixture::DBI::Util(3) - Make schema and fixture from exists database.
- Test::Fixture::DBI::Util::mysql(3) - retrieve database definition for mysql
- Test::Fixture::DBI::Util::SQLite(3) - retrieve database definition for SQLite
- Test::Fixture::DBIC::Schema(3) - load fixture data to storage.
- Test::Folder(3) - test folder attributes
- Test::Future(3) - unit test assertions for Future instances
- Test::Future::Deferred(3) - a future which completes later
- Test::Future::IO::Impl(3) - acceptance tests for "Future::IO" implementations
- Test::Git(3) - Helper functions for test scripts using Git
- Test::Groonga(3) - Server runner for testing Groonga full-text search engine
- Test::Group(3) - Group together related tests in a test suite
- Test::Group::Extending(3) - writing extensions to Test::Group
- Test::Group::NoWarnings(3) - turn warnings into test failures
- Test::Group::Plan(3) - test plans for test groups
- Test::Group::Tester(3) - Test Test::Group extensions
- Test::Harness(3) - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- Test::Harness::Assert(3) - simple assert
- Test::Harness::Iterator(3) - Internal Test::Harness Iterator
- Test::Harness::Point(3) - object for tracking a single test point
- Test::Harness::Results(3) - object for tracking results from a single test file
- Test::Harness::Straps(3) - detailed analysis of test results
- Test::HexDifferences(3) - Test binary as hexadecimal string
- Test::HexDifferences::HexDump(3) - Format binary to hexadecimal strings
- Test::HexString(3) - test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
- Test::HTML::Lint(3) - Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Lint
- Test::HTML::Tidy5(3) - Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Tidy5
- Test::HTTP(3) - Test HTTP interactions.
- Test::HTTP::LocalServer(3) - spawn a local HTTP server for testing
- Test::HTTP::Router(3) - Route Testing
- Test::HTTP::Server::Simple(3) - Test::More functions for HTTP::Server::Simple
- Test::HTTP::Syntax(3) - HTTP tests in a natural style.
- Test::Identity(3) - assert the referential identity of a reference
- Test::If(3) - Test only if ...
- Test::InDistDir(3) - test environment setup for development with IDE
- Test::Inline(3) - Embed your tests in your code, next to what is being tested
- Test::Inline::Content(3) - Test::Inline 2 Content Handlers
- Test::Inline::Content::Default(3) - est::Inline 2 fallback/default Content Handler
- Test::Inline::Content::Legacy(3) - Test::Inline 2 Content Handler for legacy functions
- Test::Inline::Content::Simple(3) - Simple templating Content Handler
- Test::Inline::Extract(3) - Extract relevant Pod sections from source code.
- Test::Inline::IO::File(3) - Test::Inline Local Filesystem IO Handler
- Test::Inline::Script(3) - Generate the test file for a single source file
- Test::Inline::Section(3) - Implements a section of tests
- Test::Inter(3) - framework for more readable interactive test scripts
- Test::IOC(3) - Test IOC registries
- Test::JSON(3) - Test JSON data
- Test::Kwalitee(3) - Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it
- Test::Lazy(3) - A quick and easy way to compose and run tests with useful output.
- Test::Lazy::Template(3)
- Test::Lazy::Tester(3)
- Test::LeakTrace(3) - Traces memory leaks
- Test::LeakTrace::JA(3) - メモリリークを追跡する
- Test::LeakTrace::Script(3) - A LeakTrace interface for whole scripts
- Test::LectroTest(3) - Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
- Test::LectroTest::Compat(3) - Use LectroTest property checks in a Test::Simple world
- Test::LectroTest::FailureRecorder(3) - Records/plays failures for regression testing
- Test::LectroTest::Generator(3) - Random value generators and combinators
- Test::LectroTest::Property(3) - Properties that make testable claims about your software
- Test::LectroTest::RegressionTesting(3) - How to do regression testing (for free!)
- Test::LectroTest::TestRunner(3) - Configurable TAP-compatible engine for running LectroTest property checks
- Test::LectroTest::Tutorial(3) - How to use LectroTest to test your software
- Test::LoadAllModules(3) - do use_ok for modules in search path
- Test::Log::Log4perl(3) - test log4perl
- Test::Log4perl(3) - test log4perl
- Test::LongString(3) - tests strings for equality, with more helpful failures
- Test::LWP::UserAgent(3) - A LWP::UserAgent suitable for simulating and testing network calls
- Test::Manifest(3) - interact with a t/test_manifest file
- Test::Metadata(3) - Class for capturing build and test log data and generating an XML Metadata file about it.
- Test::MetaSyntactic(3) - Common tests for Acme::MetaSyntactic themes
- Test::Metrics::Any(3) - assert that code produces metrics via Metrics::Any
- Test::Mini(3) - Lightweight xUnit Testing for Perl
- Test::Mini::Assertions(3) - Basic Assertions for Test::Mini
- Test::Mini::Logger(3) - Output Logger Base Class
- Test::Mini::Logger::TAP(3) - Default Test::Mini Output Logger
- Test::Mini::Runner(3) - Default Test Runner
- Test::Mini::TestCase(3) - Base class for Test::Mini test cases
- Test::Mini::Unit(3) - Declarative Sugar for Test::Mini
- Test::Mock::Guard(3) - Simple mock test library using RAII.
- Test::Mock::HTTP::Request(3) - Mocks HTTP::Request
- Test::Mock::HTTP::Response(3) - Mocks HTTP::Response
- Test::Mock::LWP(3) - Easy mocking of LWP packages
- Test::Mock::LWP::Dispatch(3) - mocks LWP::UserAgent and dispatches your requests/responses
- Test::Mock::LWP::UserAgent(3) - Mocks LWP::UserAgent
- Test::Mock::Redis(3) - use in place of Redis for unit testing
- Test::MockDateTime(3) - mock DateTime->now calls during tests
- Test::MockModule(3) - Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
- Test::MockObject::Extends(3) - mock part of an object or class
- Test::MockRandom(3) - Replaces random number generation with non-random number generation
- Test::MockTime(3) - Replaces actual time with simulated time
- Test::MockTime::HiRes(3) - Replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
- Test::Modern(3) - precision testing for modern perl
- Test::Module::Build::Pluggable(3) - Test your plugin
- Test::Module::Used(3) - Test required module is really used and vice versa bitween lib/t and META.yml
- Test::Mojo(3) - Testing Mojo
- Test::Moose(3) - Test functions for Moose specific features
- Test::Moose::More(3) - More tools for testing Moose packages
- Test::Moose::More::Utils(3) - Various utility functions for TMM (and maybe others!)
- Test::MooseX::Daemonize(3) - Tool to help test MooseX::Daemonize applications
- Test::More(3) - yet another framework for writing test scripts
- Test::More::UTF8(3) - Enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
- Test::Most(3) - Most commonly needed test functions and features.
- Test::Most::Exception(3) - Internal exception class
- Test::Mouse(3) - Test functions for Mouse specific features
- Test::mysqld(3) - mysqld runner for tests
- Test::Name::FromLine(3) - Auto fill test names from caller line
- Test::Needs(3) - Skip tests when modules not available
- Test::Net::LDAP(3) - A Net::LDAP subclass for testing
- Test::Net::LDAP::Mock(3) - A mock LDAP client with simulated search in memory
- Test::Net::LDAP::Util(3) - Testing utilities for Test::Net::LDAP
- Test::Net::RabbitMQ(3) - A mock RabbitMQ implementation for use when testing.
- Test::Nginx(3) - Data-driven test scaffold for Nginx C module and Nginx/OpenResty-based libraries and applications
- Test::Nginx::LWP(3) - LWP-backed test scaffold for the Nginx C modules
- Test::Nginx::Socket(3) - Socket-backed test scaffold for the Nginx C modules and Nginx/OpenResty-based libraries and applications
- Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua(3) - Socket-backed test scaffold for tests related to ngx_lua
- Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua::Dgram(3) - Subclass of Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua to test NGINX udp stream modules
- Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua::Stream(3) - Subclass of Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua to test NGINX stream modules
- Test::NoTabs(3) - Check the presence of tabs in your project
- Test::NoWarnings(3) - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
- Test::Number::Delta(3) - Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
- Test::Object(3) - Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
- Test::OpenLDAP(3) - Creates a temporary instance of OpenLDAP's slapd daemon to run tests against.
- Test::Output(3) - Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages.
- Test::Parser::cthon(3) - Perl module to parse output from runs of the Connectathon (CTHON) testsuite.
- Test::Parser::Dbench(3) - Perl module to parse output from Dbench
- Test::Parser::Dbt2(3) - Perl module to parse output files from a DBT-2 test run.
- Test::Parser::Dbt5(3) - Perl module to parse output files from a DBT-5 test run.
- Test::Parser::ffsb(3) - Perl module to parse output from runs of the FFSB testsuite.
- Test::Parser::Iostat(3) - Perl module to parse output from iostat (iostat -x).
- Test::Parser::iozone(3) - Perl module to parse output from iozone.
- Test::Parser::KernelBuild(3) - Perl module to parse output from Linux kernel builds.
- Test::Parser::lhcs_regression(3) - Perl module to parse output from runs of the Linux Hotplug CPU Support (lhcs_regression) testsuite.
- Test::Parser::ltp(3) - Perl module to parse output from runs of the Linux Test Project (LTP) testsuite.
- Test::Parser::Mpstat(3) - Perl module to parse output from mpstat.
- Test::Parser::newpynfs(3) - Perl module to parse output from runs of the newpynfs testsuite.
- Test::Parser::Oprofile(3) - Perl module to parse output from oprofile.
- Test::Parser::PgOptions(3) - Perl module to parse output from pgoption.
- Test::Parser::Readprofile(3) - Perl module to parse output from readprofile.
- Test::Parser::Sar(3) - Perl module to parse output from sar.
- Test::Parser::SysbenchCPU(3) - Perl module to parse output from Sysbench --test=cpu
- Test::Parser::SysbenchFileIO(3) - Perl module to parse output from Sysbench --test=fileio
- Test::Parser::Sysctl(3) - Perl module to parse output from sysctl.
- Test::Parser::Vmstat(3) - Perl module to parse output from vmstat.
- Test::Perl::Critic(3) - Use Perl::Critic in test programs
- Test::Perl::Critic::Policy(3) - A framework for testing your custom Policies
- Test::Perl::Lint(3) - A testing module to analyze your Perl code with Perl::Lint
- Test::PerlTidy(3) - check that all your files are tidy.
- Test::Pod(3) - check for POD errors in files
- Test::Pod::Coverage(3) - Check for pod coverage in your distribution.
- Test::Pod::Coverage::Permissive(3) - Checks for pod coverage regression.
- Test::POE::Client::TCP(3) - A POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
- Test::POE::Server::TCP(3) - A POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases
- Test::POP3(3) - Automate Email Delivery Tests
- Test::Portability::Files(3) - Check file names portability
- Test::postgresql(3) - postgresql runner for tests
- Test::Prereq(3) - check if Makefile.PL has the right pre-requisites
- Test::Prereq::Build(3) - test prerequisites in Module::Build scripts
- Test::RandomResults(3) - Test non-deterministic functions
- Test::RDF::Trine::Store(3) - A collection of functions to test RDF::Trine::Stores
- Test::RedisDB(3) - start redis-server for testing
- Test::Refcount(3) - assert reference counts on objects
- Test::Regexp(3) - Test your regular expressions
- Test::Reporter(3) - sends test results to cpan-testers@perl.org
- Test::Reporter::Transport(3) - base class for Test::Reporter transports
- Test::Reporter::Transport::File(3) - File transport for Test::Reporter
- Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase(3) - Metabase transport for Test::Reporter
- Test::Reporter::Transport::Null(3) - Null transport for Test::Reporter
- Test::Requires(3) - Checks to see if the module can be loaded
- Test::Requires::Git(3) - Check your test requirements against the available version of Git
- Test::RequiresInternet(3) - Easily test network connectivity
- Test::Roo(3) - Composable, reusable tests with roles and Moo
- Test::Roo::Class(3) - Base class for Test::Roo test classes
- Test::Roo::Cookbook(3) - Test::Roo examples
- Test::Roo::Role(3) - Composable role for Test::Roo
- Test::Script(3) - Basic cross-platform tests for scripts
- Test::Script::Run(3) - test scripts with run
- Test::Selenium::Chrome(3)
- Test::Selenium::Edge(3)
- Test::Selenium::Firefox(3)
- Test::Selenium::InternetExplorer(3)
- Test::Selenium::PhantomJS(3)
- Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver(3) - I recommend subclassing Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver for your application, and then refactoring common or app specific methods into MyApp::WebDriver so that your test files do not have much duplication. As your app changes, you can update MyApp::WebDriver rather than all the individual test files.
- Test::Selenium::Remote::Role::DoesTesting(3) - Role implementing the common logic used for testing
- Test::Selenium::Remote::WebElement(3)
- Test::SharedFork(3) - fork test
- Test::Signature(3) - Automated SIGNATURE testing
- Test::Simple(3) - Basic utilities for writing tests.
- Test::Singleton(3) - Test for Singleton classes
- Test::Snapshot(3) - test against data stored in automatically-named file
- Test::Sort::Sub(3) - Test Sort::Sub::* subroutine
- Test::Spec(3) - Write tests in a declarative specification style
- Test::Spec::Mocks(3) - Object Simulation Plugin for Test::Spec
- Test::Specio(3) - Test helpers for Specio
- Test::Spelling(3) - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- Test::SQL::Translator(3) - Test::More test functions for the Schema objects.
- Test::Strict(3) - Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
- Test::SubCalls(3) - Track the number of times subs are called
- Test::Synopsis(3) - Test your SYNOPSIS code
- Test::Sys::Info(3) - Centralized test suite for Sys::Info.
- Test::Sys::Info::Driver(3) - Tests Sys::Info driver integrity.
- Test::TableDriven(3) - write tests, not scripts that run them
- Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix(3) - Creates colorful matrix of Test::Harness friendly test run results using Test::TAP::Model.
- Test::TAP::Model(3) - DEPRECATED Use TAP::Harness, TAP::Formatter::HTML
- Test::TAP::Model::Colorful(3) - Creates color from something that knows it's success ratio.
- Test::TAP::Model::Consolidated(3) - The unification of several Test::TAP::Model reports.
- Test::TAP::Model::File(3) - an object representing the TAP results of a single test script's output.
- Test::TAP::Model::File::Consolidated(3)
- Test::TAP::Model::File::Visual(3) - A test file with additional display oriented methods.
- Test::TAP::Model::Subtest(3) - An object for querying a test case
- Test::TAP::Model::Subtest::Visual(3) - A subtest with additional display oriented methods.
- Test::TAP::Model::Visual(3) - A result set that will create ::Visual children, and knows it's color.
- Test::TCP(3) - testing TCP program
- Test::TCP::CheckPort(3) - check if a port is open from command line
- Test::TempDir::Tiny(3) - Temporary directories that stick around when tests fail
- Test::Tester(3) - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
- Test::Tester::Capture(3) - Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder
- Test::Tester::CaptureRunner(3) - Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder
- Test::Time(3) - Overrides the time() and sleep() core functions for testing
- Test::Timer(3) - test module to test/assert response times
- Test::Timer::TimeoutException(3) - exception class for Test::Timer
- Test::TinyMocker(3) - a very simple tool to mock external modules
- Test::Tolerant(3) - test routines for testing numbers against tolerances
- Test::TrailingSpace(3) - test for trailing space in source files.
- Test::Trap(3) - Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.
- Test::Trap::Builder(3) - Backend for building test traps
- Test::Trap::Builder::PerlIO(3) - Capture strategy using PerlIO::scalar
- Test::Trap::Builder::SystemSafe(3) - "Safe" capture strategies using File::Temp
- Test::Trap::Builder::TempFile(3) - Capture strategies using File::Temp
- Test::TypeTiny(3) - useful functions for testing the efficacy of type constraints
- Test::Unit(3) - the PerlUnit testing framework
- Test::Unit::Assert(3) - unit testing framework assertion class
- Test::Unit::Assertion(3) - The abstract base class for assertions
- Test::Unit::Assertion::Boolean(3) - A boolean assertion
- Test::Unit::Assertion::CodeRef(3) - A delayed evaluation assertion using a Coderef
- Test::Unit::Assertion::Exception(3) - A assertion for raised exceptions
- Test::Unit::Assertion::Regexp(3) - Assertion with regex matching
- Test::Unit::Debug(3) - framework debugging control
- Test::Unit::Decorator(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Error(3) - unit testing framework exception class
- Test::Unit::Exception(3) - unit testing framework exception class
- Test::Unit::Failure(3) - unit testing framework exception class
- Test::Unit::HarnessUnit(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Listener(3) - unit testing framework abstract base class
- Test::Unit::Loader(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Procedural(3) - Procedural style unit testing interface
- Test::Unit::Result(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Runner(3) - abstract base class for test runners
- Test::Unit::Runner::Terminal(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Setup(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Test(3) - unit testing framework abstract base class
- Test::Unit::TestCase(3) - unit testing framework base class
- Test::Unit::TestRunner(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::TestSuite(3) - unit testing framework base class
- Test::Unit::TkTestRunner(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial on unit testing
- Test::Unit::UnitHarness(3) - unit testing framework helper class
- Test::Unit::Warning(3) - helper TestCase for adding warnings to a suite
- Test::UNIXSock(3) - testing UNIX domain socket program
- Test::URI(3) - Check Uniform Resource Identifiers
- Test::use::ok(3) - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
- Test::UseAllModules(3) - do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
- Test::utf8(3) - handy utf8 tests
- Test::Version(3) - Check to see that version's in modules are sane
- Test::Warnings(3) - Test for warnings and the lack of them
- Test::Weaken(3) - Test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
- Test::Without::Module(3) - Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
- Test::WWW::Declare(3) - declarative testing for your web app
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst(3) - Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGI(3) - Test CGI applications with Test::WWW::Mechanize
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGIApp(3) - Test::WWW::Mechanize for CGI::Application
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI(3) - Test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize
- Test::XML(3) - Compare XML in perl tests
- Test::XML::SAX(3) - Test XML::SAX handlers
- Test::XML::Twig(3) - Test XML::Twig handlers
- Test::XML::Valid(3) - Validate XML and XHTML
- Test::XML::XPath(3) - Test XPath assertions
- Test::XPath(3)
- Test::YAML(3) - Testing Module for YAML Implementations
- Test::YAML::Meta(3) - Validate your CPAN META.yml files.
- Test::YAML::Valid(3) - Test for valid YAML
- test_intercept(3)
- Test2(3) - Framework for writing test tools that all work together.
- Test2::API(3) - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools.
- Test2::API::Breakage(3) - What breaks at what version
- Test2::API::Context(3) - Object to represent a testing context.
- Test2::API::Instance(3) - Object used by Test2::API under the hood
- Test2::API::InterceptResult(3) - Representation of a list of events.
- Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event(3) - Representation of an event for use in testing other test tools.
- Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub(3) - Hub used by InterceptResult.
- Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher(3) - Encapsulation of the algorithm that squashes diags into assertions.
- Test2::API::Stack(3) - Object to manage a stack of Test2::Hub instances.
- Test2::AsyncSubtest(3) - Object representing an async subtest.
- Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Attach(3) - Event to attach a subtest to the parent.
- Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Detach(3) - Event to detach a subtest from the parent.
- Test2::AsyncSubtest::Hub(3) - Hub used by async subtests.
- Test2::Bundle(3) - Documentation for bundles.
- Test2::Bundle::Extended(3) - Old name for Test2::V0
- Test2::Bundle::More(3) - ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::More.
- Test2::Bundle::Simple(3) - ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::Simple.
- Test2::Compare(3) - Test2 extension for writing deep comparison tools.
- Test2::Compare::Array(3) - Internal representation of an array comparison.
- Test2::Compare::Bag(3) - Internal representation of a bag comparison.
- Test2::Compare::Base(3) - Base class for comparison classes.
- Test2::Compare::Bool(3) - Compare two values as booleans
- Test2::Compare::Custom(3) - Custom field check for comparisons.
- Test2::Compare::DeepRef(3) - Ref comparison
- Test2::Compare::Delta(3) - Representation of differences between nested data structures.
- Test2::Compare::Event(3) - Event specific Object subclass.
- Test2::Compare::EventMeta(3) - Meta class for events in deep comparisons
- Test2::Compare::Float(3) - Compare two values as numbers with tolerance.
- Test2::Compare::Hash(3) - Representation of a hash in a deep comparison.
- Test2::Compare::Isa(3) - Check if the value is an instance of the class.
- Test2::Compare::Meta(3) - Check library for meta-checks
- Test2::Compare::Negatable(3) - Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that can be negated.
- Test2::Compare::Number(3) - Compare two values as numbers
- Test2::Compare::Object(3) - Representation of an object during deep comparison.
- Test2::Compare::OrderedSubset(3) - Internal representation of an ordered subset.
- Test2::Compare::Pattern(3) - Use a pattern to validate values in a deep comparison.
- Test2::Compare::Ref(3) - Ref comparison
- Test2::Compare::Regex(3) - Regex direct comparison
- Test2::Compare::Scalar(3) - Representation of a Scalar Ref in deep comparisons
- Test2::Compare::Set(3) - Allows a field to be matched against a set of checks.
- Test2::Compare::String(3) - Compare two values as strings
- Test2::Compare::Undef(3) - Check that something is undefined
- Test2::Compare::Wildcard(3) - Placeholder check.
- Test2::Event(3) - Base class for events
- Test2::Event::Bail(3) - Bailout!
- Test2::Event::Diag(3) - Diag event type
- Test2::Event::Encoding(3) - Set the encoding for the output stream
- Test2::Event::Exception(3) - Exception event
- Test2::Event::Fail(3) - Event for a simple failed assertion
- Test2::Event::Generic(3) - Generic event type.
- Test2::Event::Note(3) - Note event type
- Test2::Event::Ok(3) - Ok event type
- Test2::Event::Pass(3) - Event for a simple passing assertion
- Test2::Event::Plan(3) - The event of a plan
- Test2::Event::Skip(3) - Skip event type
- Test2::Event::Subtest(3) - Event for subtest types
- Test2::Event::TAP::Version(3) - Event for TAP version.
- Test2::Event::V2(3) - Second generation event.
- Test2::Event::Waiting(3) - Tell all procs/threads it is time to be done
- Test2::Event::Warning(3) - A Test2 event for warnings
- Test2::EventFacet(3) - Base class for all event facets.
- Test2::EventFacet::About(3) - Facet with event details.
- Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty(3) - Facet for assertion amnesty.
- Test2::EventFacet::Assert(3) - Facet representing an assertion.
- Test2::EventFacet::Control(3) - Facet for hub actions and behaviors.
- Test2::EventFacet::Coverage(3) - File coverage information.
- Test2::EventFacet::Error(3) - Facet for errors that need to be shown.
- Test2::EventFacet::Hub(3) - Facet for the hubs an event passes through.
- Test2::EventFacet::Info(3) - Facet for information a developer might care about.
- Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table(3) - Intermediary representation of a table.
- Test2::EventFacet::Meta(3) - Facet for meta-data
- Test2::EventFacet::Parent(3) - Facet for events contains other events
- Test2::EventFacet::Plan(3) - Facet for setting the plan
- Test2::EventFacet::Render(3) - Facet that dictates how to render an event.
- Test2::EventFacet::Trace(3) - Debug information for events
- Test2::Formatter(3) - Namespace for formatters.
- Test2::Formatter::QVF(3) - Test2 formatter that is [Q]uiet but [V]erbose on [F]ailure.
- Test2::Formatter::Stream(3) - Test2 Formatter that directly writes events.
- Test2::Formatter::TAP(3) - Standard TAP formatter
- Test2::Formatter::Test2(3) - An alternative to TAP, used by Test2::Harness.
- Test2::Formatter::Test2::Composer(3) - Compose output components from event facets
- Test2::Harness(3) - A new and improved test harness with better Test2 integration.
- Test2::Harness::Auditor(3) - Auditor that validates test results by processing an event stream.
- Test2::Harness::Auditor::TimeTracker(3) - Module that tracks timing data while an event stream is processed.
- Test2::Harness::Auditor::Watcher(3) - Class to monitor events for a single job and pass judgement on the result.
- Test2::Harness::Collector(3) - Module that collects test output and provides it as an event stream.
- Test2::Harness::Collector::JobDir(3) - Job Directory Parser, read events from an active jobs output directory.
- Test2::Harness::Collector::TapParser(3) - Produce EventFacets from a line of TAP.
- Test2::Harness::Event(3) - Subclass of Test2::Event used by Test2::Harness under the hood.
- Test2::Harness::Finder(3) - Library that searches for test files
- Test2::Harness::IPC(3) - Base class for modules that control child processes.
- Test2::Harness::IPC::Process(3) - Base class for processes controlled by Test2::Harness::IPC.
- Test2::Harness::Log(3) - Documentation about the Test2::Harness log file.
- Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator(3) - Module for aggregating coverage data from a stream of events.
- Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator::ByRun(3) - Aggregate test data by run
- Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator::ByTest(3) - Aggregate coverage by test
- Test2::Harness::Plugin(3) - Base class for Test2::Harness plugins.
- Test2::Harness::Renderer(3) - Base class for Test2::Harness event renderers.
- Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter(3) - Renderer that uses any Test2::Formatter for rendering.
- Test2::Harness::Run(3) - Representation of a set of tests to run, and their options.
- Test2::Harness::Runner(3) - Base class for test runners
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Constants(3) - Constants shared between multiple runner modules.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::DepTracer(3) - Tool for tracing module dependencies as they are loaded.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Job(3) - Representation of a test job.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Preload(3) - DSL for building complex stage-based preload tools.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Preload::Stage(3) - Abstraction of a preload stage.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Preloader(3) - Preload logic.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Preloader::Stage(3) - Representation of a persistent stage process.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Reloader(3) - reload logic.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource(3) - Base class for resource management classes
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Run(3) - Runner specific subclass of a test run.
- Test2::Harness::Runner::Spawn(3) - Minimal job class used for spawning processes
- Test2::Harness::Runner::State(3) - State tracking for the runner.
- Test2::Harness::Settings(3) - Configuration settings for Test2::Harness.
- Test2::Harness::Settings::Prefix(3) - Abstraction of a settings category, aka prefix.
- Test2::Harness::TestFile(3) - Abstraction of a test file and its meta-data.
- Test2::Harness::UI(3) - Web interface for viewing and inspecting yath test logs
- Test2::Harness::UI::Config(3) - UI configuration
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Coverage(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Download(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Durations(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Events(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Files(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Interactions(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Job(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::JobField(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Lookup(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Project(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Query(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Run(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::RunField(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Stream(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Sweeper(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::Upload(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::User(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Controller::View(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::CPANImporter(3) - Import permissions from CPAN
- Test2::Harness::UI::Importer(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Queries(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Request(3) - web request
- Test2::Harness::UI::Response(3) - Web Response
- Test2::Harness::UI::RunProcessor(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema::Overlay::Event(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema::Overlay::Job(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema::Overlay::Run(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema::Overlay::User(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Schema::ResultSet(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Util(3) - General Utilities
- Test2::Harness::UI::Util::Errors(3)
- Test2::Harness::UI::Util::HashBase(3) - Build hash based classes.
- Test2::Harness::Util(3) - General utiliy functions.
- Test2::Harness::Util::File(3) - Utility class for manipulating a file.
- Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSON(3) - Utility class for a JSON file.
- Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSONL(3) - Utility class for a JSONL file (stream)
- Test2::Harness::Util::File::Stream(3) - Utility class for manipulating a file that serves as an output stream.
- Test2::Harness::Util::File::Value(3) - Utility class for a file that contains exactly 1 value.
- Test2::Harness::Util::HashBase(3) - Build hash based classes.
- Test2::Harness::Util::IPC(3) - Utilities for IPC management.
- Test2::Harness::Util::JSON(3) - Utility class to help Test2::Harness pick the best JSON implementation.
- Test2::Harness::Util::Queue(3) - Representation of a queue.
- Test2::Harness::Util::Term(3) - Terminal utilities for Test2::Harness
- Test2::Harness::Util::UUID(3) - Utils for generating UUIDs.
- Test2::Hub(3) - The conduit through which all events flow.
- Test2::Hub::Interceptor(3) - Hub used by interceptor to grab results.
- Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator(3) - Exception class used by Test2::Hub::Interceptor
- Test2::Hub::Subtest(3) - Hub used by subtests
- Test2::IPC(3) - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
- Test2::IPC::Driver(3) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
- Test2::IPC::Driver::Files(3) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
- Test2::Manual(3) - Documentation hub for Test2 and Test2-Suite.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy(3) - The hub for documentation of the inner workings of Test2 components.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::API(3) - Internals documentation for the API.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Context(3) - Internals documentation for the Context objects.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::EndToEnd(3) - Overview of Test2 from load to finish.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Event(3) - The internals of events
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Hubs(3) - Internals documentation for the hub stack, and hubs.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::IPC(3) - Manual for the IPC system.
- Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Utilities(3) - Overview of utilities for Test2.
- Test2::Manual::Concurrency(3) - Documentation for Concurrency support.
- Test2::Manual::Contributing(3) - How to contribute to the Test2 project.
- Test2::Manual::Testing(3) - Hub for documentation about writing tests with Test2.
- Test2::Manual::Testing::Introduction(3) - Introduction to testing with Test2.
- Test2::Manual::Testing::Migrating(3) - How to migrate existing tests from Test::More to Test2.
- Test2::Manual::Testing::Planning(3) - The many ways to set a plan.
- Test2::Manual::Testing::Todo(3) - Tutorial for marking tests as TODO.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling(3) - Manual page for tool authors.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool(3) - Write your first tool with Test2.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter(3) - How to write a custom formatter, in our case a JSONL formatter.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Nesting(3) - Tutorial for using other tools within your own.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit(3) - How to safely add pre-exit behaviors.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestingDone(3) - Run code when the test file is finished, or when done_testing is called.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolCompletes(3) - How to add behaviors that occur when a tool completes work.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolStarts(3) - How to add behaviors that occur when a tool starts work.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest(3) - How to implement a tool that makes use of subtests.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder(3) - This section maps Test::Builder methods to Test2 concepts.
- Test2::Manual::Tooling::Testing(3) - Tutorial on how to test your testing tools.
- Test2::Mock(3) - Module for managing mocked classes and instances.
- Test2::Plugin(3) - Documentation for plugins
- Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail(3) - Automatically bail out of testing on the first test failure.
- Test2::Plugin::Cover(3) - Fast and Minimal file coverage info.
- Test2::Plugin::DBIProfile(3) - Plugin to enable and display DBI profiling.
- Test2::Plugin::DieOnFail(3) - Automatically die on the first test failure.
- Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary(3) - Add extra diagnostics on failure at the end of the test.
- Test2::Plugin::IOEvents(3) - Turn STDOUT and STDERR into Test2 events.
- Test2::Plugin::IOEvents::Tie(3) - Tie handler for Test2::Plugin::IOEvents
- Test2::Plugin::MemUsage(3) - Collect and display memory usage information.
- Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings(3) - Fail if tests warn
- Test2::Plugin::SRand(3) - Control the random seed for more controlled test environments.
- Test2::Plugin::Times(3) - Output timing data at the end of the test.
- Test2::Plugin::UTF8(3) - Test2 plugin to test with utf8.
- Test2::Plugin::UUID(3) - Use REAL UUIDs in Test2
- Test2::Require(3) - Base class and documentation for skip-unless type test packages.
- Test2::Require::AuthorTesting(3) - Only run a test when the AUTHOR_TESTING environment variable is set.
- Test2::Require::EnvVar(3) - Only run a test when a specific environment variable is set.
- Test2::Require::Fork(3) - Skip a test file unless the system supports forking
- Test2::Require::Module(3) - Skip tests if certain packages are not installed, or insufficient versions.
- Test2::Require::Perl(3) - Skip the test unless the necessary version of Perl is installed.
- Test2::Require::RealFork(3) - Skip a test file unless the system supports true forking
- Test2::Require::Threads(3) - Skip a test file unless the system supports threading
- Test2::Suite(3) - Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework.
- Test2::Todo(3) - TODO extension for Test2.
- Test2::Tools(3) - Documentation for Tools.
- Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest(3) - Tools for writing async subtests.
- Test2::Tools::Basic(3) - Test2 implementation of the basic testing tools.
- Test2::Tools::Class(3) - Test2 implementation of the tools for testing classes.
- Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare(3) - Classic (Test::More style) comparison tools.
- Test2::Tools::Compare(3) - Tools for comparing deep data structures.
- Test2::Tools::Defer(3) - Write tests that get executed at a later time
- Test2::Tools::Encoding(3) - Tools for managing the encoding of Test2 based tests.
- Test2::Tools::Event(3) - Tools for generating test events.
- Test2::Tools::Exception(3) - Test2 based tools for checking exceptions
- Test2::Tools::Explain(3)
- Test2::Tools::Exports(3) - Tools for validating exporters.
- Test2::Tools::GenTemp(3) - Tool for generating a populated temp directory.
- Test2::Tools::Grab(3) - Temporarily intercept all events without adding a scope level.
- Test2::Tools::HarnessTester(3) - Run events through a harness for a summary
- Test2::Tools::Mock(3) - Class/Instance mocking for Test2.
- Test2::Tools::QuickDB(3) - Quickly spin up temporary Database servers for tests.
- Test2::Tools::Ref(3) - Tools for validating references.
- Test2::Tools::Spec(3) - RSPEC implementation on top of Test2::Workflow
- Test2::Tools::Subtest(3) - Tools for writing subtests
- Test2::Tools::Target(3) - Alias the testing target package.
- Test2::Tools::Tester(3) - Tools to help you test other testing tools.
- Test2::Tools::Tiny(3) - Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot use Test2::Suite.
- Test2::Tools::Warnings(3) - Tools to verify warnings.
- Test2::Transition(3) - Transition notes when upgrading to Test2
- Test2::Util(3) - Tools used by Test2 and friends.
- Test2::Util::ExternalMeta(3) - Allow third party tools to safely attach meta-data to your instances.
- Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy(3) - Convert facet data to the legacy event API.
- Test2::Util::Grabber(3) - Object used to temporarily intercept all events.
- Test2::Util::HashBase(3) - Build hash based classes.
- Test2::Util::Ref(3) - Tools for inspecting or manipulating references.
- Test2::Util::Stash(3) - Utilities for manipulating stashes and globs.
- Test2::Util::Sub(3) - Tools for inspecting and manipulating subs.
- Test2::Util::Table(3) - Format a header and rows into a table
- Test2::Util::Table::LineBreak(3) - Break up lines for use in tables.
- Test2::Util::Times(3) - Format timing/benchmark information.
- Test2::Util::Trace(3) - Legacy wrapper fro Test2::EventFacet::Trace.
- Test2::V0(3) - 0Th edition of the Test2 recommended bundle.
- Test2::Workflow(3) - A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using composable units.
- Test2::Workflow::BlockBase(3) - Base class for all workflow blocks.
- Test2::Workflow::Build(3) - Represents a build in progress.
- Test2::Workflow::Runner(3) - Runs the workflows.
- Test2::Workflow::Task(3) - Encapsulation of a Task
- Test2::Workflow::Task::Action(3) - Encapsulation of an action.
- Test2::Workflow::Task::Group(3) - Encapsulation of a group (describe).
- TestGen4Web::Runner(3) - A PERL module to replay files recorded with TestGen4Web
- TestNS(3) - Perl extension for simulating simple Nameservers
- TestNS::DTD(3) - DTD for the TestNS configurationf file
- TeX::Encode::BibTeX(3) - Encode/decode Perl utf-8 strings into BibTeX
- TeX::Encode::charmap(3) - Character mappings between TeX and Unicode
- TeX::Hyphen(3)
- TeX::Hyphen::czech(3)
- TeX::Hyphen::german(3)
- TeX::Hyphen::utf8(3)
- Text::Abbrev(3) - abbrev - create an abbreviation table from a list
- Text::Affixes(3) - Prefixes and suffixes analysis of text
- Text::Aligner(3) - module to align text.
- Text::ANSI::BaseUtil(3) - Base for Text::ANSI::{Util,WideUtil}
- Text::ANSI::Util(3) - Routines for text containing ANSI color codes
- Text::ANSI::WideUtil(3) - Routines for text containing ANSI color codes (wide-character functions only)
- Text::ANSITable(3) - Create nice formatted tables using extended ASCII and ANSI colors
- Text::ANSITable::StyleSet::AltRow(3) - Set different foreground and/or background color for odd/even rows";
- Text::ASCIIMathML(3)
- Text::ASCIITable(3) - Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters.
- Text::ASCIITable::Wrap(3) - Wrap text
- Text::Authinfo(3) - read, query and write authinfo files
- Text::Autoformat(3) - Automatic text wrapping and reformatting
- Text::Balanced(3) - Extract delimited text sequences from strings.
- Text::BibTeX(3) - interface to read and parse BibTeX files
- Text::BibTeX::Bib(3) - defines the "Bib" database structure
- Text::BibTeX::BibFormat(3) - formats bibliography entries
- Text::BibTeX::BibSort(3) - generate sort keys for bibliographic entries
- Text::BibTeX::Entry(3) - read and parse BibTeX files
- Text::BibTeX::File(3) - interface to whole BibTeX files
- Text::BibTeX::Name(3) - interface to BibTeX-style author names
- Text::BibTeX::NameFormat(3) - format BibTeX-style author names
- Text::BibTeX::Structure(3) - provides base classes for user structure modules
- Text::BibTeX::Value(3) - interfaces to BibTeX values and simple values
- Text::Bidi(3) - Unicode bidi algorithm using libfribidi
- Text::Bidi::Array(3) - Base class for dual life arrays
- Text::Bidi::Array::Byte(3) - Dual-life byte arrays
- Text::Bidi::Array::Long(3) - Dual-life long arrays
- Text::Bidi::Constants(3) - Constants for Text::Bidi
- Text::Bidi::Paragraph(3) - Run the bidi algorithm on one paragraph
- Text::Bidi::private(3)
- Text::Brew(3) - An implementation of the Brew edit distance
- Text::Capitalize(3) - capitalize strings ("to WORK AS titles" becomes "To Work as Titles")
- Text::Chomp(3) - a module implementing a portable chomp.
- Text::ClearSilver(3) - Perl interface to the ClearSilver template engine
- Text::ClearSilver::Compat(3) - Adopt Text::ClearSilver, instead of ClearSilver and Data::ClearSilver::HDF
- Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet(3) - The function set provider for Text::ClearSilver
- Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::html(3) - A set of functions for HTML
- Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::string(3) - A set of functions for strings
- Text::Colorizer(3) - Create colored text from text and color descrition. An ANSI to HTML tranformation is provided
- Text::Context(3) - Handle highlighting search result context snippets
- Text::Context::EitherSide(3) - Get n words either side of search keywords
- Text::Context::Para(3) - A paragraph in context
- Text::CSV(3) - comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
- Text::CSV::Encoded(3) - Encoding aware Text::CSV.
- Text::CSV::Encoded::Coder::Base(3) - Interface for Text::CSV::Encoded coder base class
- Text::CSV::Encoded::Coder::Encode(3) - Text::CSV::Encoded coder class using Encode
- Text::CSV::Encoded::Coder::EncodeGuess(3) - Text::CSV::Encoded coder class using Encode::Guess
- Text::CSV::Hashify(3) - Turn a CSV file into a Perl hash
- Text::CSV::Simple(3) - Simpler parsing of CSV files
- Text::CSV_PP(3) - Text::CSV_XS compatible pure-Perl module
- Text::Decorator(3) - Apply a chain of filters to text
- Text::Decorator::Filter(3) - Base class for text decorator filters
- Text::Decorator::Filter::Quoted(3) - Mark up paragraphs of quoted text
- Text::Decorator::Filter::Test(3)
- Text::Decorator::Filter::TTBridge(3) - Use Template Toolkit filters
- Text::Decorator::Filter::URIFind(3) - Turn URLs into links
- Text::Decorator::Group(3) - A (possibly nested) group of nodes
- Text::Decorator::Node(3) - A blob of text in a Text::Decorator decoration
- Text::Delimited(3) - Module for parsing delimited text files
- Text::DHCPLeases(3) - Parse DHCP leases file from ISC dhcpd.
- Text::DHCPLeases::Object(3) - Leases Object Class
- Text::DHCPLeases::Object::Iterator(3) - Lease object iterator class
- Text::Diff(3) - Perform diffs on files and record sets
- Text::Diff::Config(3) - global configuration for Text::Diff (as a separate module).
- Text::Diff::HTML(3)
- Text::Diff::Parser(3) - Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
- Text::Diff::Table(3) - Text::Diff plugin to generate "table" format output
- Text::Diff3(3) - three way text comparison and merging.
- Text::Diff3::Base(3) - Text::Diff3 component's base class
- Text::Diff3::Diff3(3) - diff3 component
- Text::Diff3::DiffHeckel(3) - two-way diff component
- Text::Diff3::Factory(3) - factory for component used by Text::Diff3 modules.
- Text::Diff3::List(3) - a list of difference sets
- Text::Diff3::ListMixin(3) - methods collection like as ruby-lang.
- Text::Diff3::Range2(3) - two way difference container
- Text::Diff3::Range3(3) - three-way difference container
- Text::Diff3::Text(3) - line number scheme free text buffer
- Text::Distill(3) - Quick texts compare, plagiarism and common parts detection
- Text::Emoticon(3) - Factory class for Yahoo! and MSN emoticons
- Text::Emoticon::GoogleTalk(3) - Emoticon filter of GoogleTalk
- Text::Emoticon::MSN(3) - Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger
- Text::EtText(3) - editable-text format for HTML output
- Text::EtText::DefaultGlossary(3) - default, non-persistent link glossary
- Text::EtText::EtText2HTML(3) - convert from the simple EtText editable-text format into HTML
- Text::EtText::HTML2EtText(3) - convert from HTML to the EtText editable-text format
- Text::EtText::LinkGlossary(3) - interface for EtText link glossaries to implement.
- Text::Extract::Word(3) - Extract text from Word files
- Text::FIGlet(3) - provide FIGlet abilities, akin to banner i.e; ASCII art
- Text::FIGlet::Control(3) - control file support for Text::FIGlet
- Text::FIGlet::Font(3) - font engine for Text::FIGlet
- Text::FIGlet::Illuminated(3) - s/// 1st char of each/1st para. with ASCII art
- Text::FIGlet::LICENSE(3)
- Text::FIGlet::Ransom(3) - blended/composite font support for Text:FIGlet
- Text::Filter(3) - base class for objects that can read and write text lines
- Text::Filter::Chain(3) - object for chaining Text::Filter objects and running them sequentially, feeding the output of each filter to the input of the next one.
- Text::Filter::Cooked(3) - Cooked reader for input files
- Text::FindIndent(3) - Heuristically determine the indent style
- Text::FixEOL(3) - Canonicalizes text to a specified EOL/EOF convention, repairing any 'mixed' usages
- Text::Flow(3) - Flexible text flowing and word wrapping for not just ASCII output.
- Text::Flow::Wrap(3) - Flexible word wrapping for not just ASCII output.
- Text::Flowed(3) - text formatting routines for RFC2646 format=flowed
- Text::Format(3) - Various subroutines to format text.
- Text::FormatTable(3) - Format text tables
- Text::Glob(3) - match globbing patterns against text
- Text::Graphics(3)
- Text::Greeking(3) - generate meaningless text (eg to fill a page when designing)
- Text::Greeking::zh_TW(3) - A module for generating meaningless Chinese text that creates the illusion of the finished document.
- Text::Haml(3) - Haml Perl implementation
- Text::Hatena(3) - Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style.
- Text::Hatena::AutoLink(3) - Perl extension for making hyperlinks in text automatically.
- Text::Highlight(3) - Syntax highlighting framework
- Text::HikiDoc(3) - Pure Perl implementation of 'HikiDoc' which is a text-to-HTML conversion tool.
- Text::HikiDoc::Plugin(3) - Base class of plug-in module for Text::HikiDoc .
- Text::Hogan(3) - A mustache templating engine statement-for-statement cloned from hogan.js
- Text::Hogan::Compiler(3) - parse templates and output Perl code
- Text::Hogan::Template(3) - represent and render compiled templates
- Text::Hyphen(3) - determine positions for hyphens inside words
- Text::Hyphen::RU(3) - determine positions for hyphens inside russian words
- Text::Kakasi::JP(3) - Text::Kakasi ÆüËܸì¥É¥¥å¥á¥ó¥È
- Text::Language::Guess(3) - Trained module to guess a document's language
- Text::Levenshtein(3) - calculate the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings
- Text::Levenshtein::Damerau(3) - Damerau Levenshtein edit distance.
- Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::PP(3) - Pure Perl Damerau Levenshtein edit distance.
- Text::Locus(3) - text file locations
- Text::Lorem(3) - Generate random Latin looking text
- Text::LTSV(3) - Labeled Tab Separated Value manipulator
- Text::Markdown(3) - Convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
- Text::MarkdownTable(3) - Write Markdown syntax tables from data
- Text::Match::FastAlternatives(3) - efficient search for many strings
- Text::MeCab(3) - Alternate Interface To libmecab
- Text::MeCab::Dict(3) - Utility To Work With MeCab Dictionary
- Text::MeCab::Node(3) - MeCab Node Object
- Text::MicroMason::AllowGlobals(3) - Share package vars between templates
- Text::MicroMason::ApacheHandler(3) - Use MicroMason from mod_perl
- Text::MicroMason::Base(3) - Abstract Template Compiler
- Text::MicroMason::Cache::File(3) - Basic Cache with File-Based Expiration
- Text::MicroMason::Cache::Null(3) - Trivial Cache with No Data Storage
- Text::MicroMason::Cache::Simple(3) - Basic Cache with Minimal Interface
- Text::MicroMason::CatchErrors(3) - Add Exception Catching for Templates
- Text::MicroMason::CompileCache(3) - Use a Cache for Template Compilation
- Text::MicroMason::Debug(3) - Provide developer info via warn
- Text::MicroMason::Docs::Changes(3) - Change History for the MicroMason Distribution
- Text::MicroMason::Docs::ReadMe(3) - About the MicroMason Distribution
- Text::MicroMason::Docs::Related(3) - A Brief Survey of Templating Modules
- Text::MicroMason::Docs::ToDo(3) - Development Plans for the MicroMason Distribution
- Text::MicroMason::DoubleQuote(3) - Minimalist Interpolation Engine
- Text::MicroMason::Embperl(3) - Alternate Syntax like Embperl Templates
- Text::MicroMason::ExecuteCache(3) - Use a Cache for Template Results
- Text::MicroMason::Filters(3) - Add Output Filters like "|h" and "|u"
- Text::MicroMason::Functions(3) - Function Exporter for Simple Mason Templates
- Text::MicroMason::HasParams(3) - mixin class intended for use with Text::MicroMason::Base
- Text::MicroMason::HTMLMason(3) - Simple Compiler for Mason-style Templating
- Text::MicroMason::HTMLTemplate(3) - Alternate Syntax like HTML::Template
- Text::MicroMason::LineNumbers(3) - Report errors at correct source code line numbers
- Text::MicroMason::PassVariables(3) - Pass template data as variables
- Text::MicroMason::PLP(3) - Alternate Syntax like PLP Templates
- Text::MicroMason::PostProcess(3) - Apply Filters to All Template Output
- Text::MicroMason::QuickTemplate(3) - Alternate Syntax like Text::QuickTemplate
- Text::MicroMason::Safe(3) - Compile all Templates in a Safe Compartment
- Text::MicroMason::ServerPages(3) - Alternate Syntax like ASP/JSP Templates
- Text::MicroMason::Sprintf(3) - Formatted Interpolation Engine
- Text::MicroMason::StoreOne(3) - mixin class intended for use with Text::MicroMason::Base
- Text::MicroMason::TemplateDir(3) - Use Base Directory and Relative Paths
- Text::MicroMason::TemplatePath(3) - Template Path Searching
- Text::MicroMason::TextTemplate(3) - Alternate Syntax like Text::Template
- Text::MicroTemplate(3) - Micro template engine with Perl5 language
- Text::MicroTemplate::Extended(3) - Extended MicroTemplate
- Text::MicroTemplate::File(3) - a file-based template manager
- Text::MultiMarkdown(3) - Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
- Text::MultiMarkdown::ApacheHandler(3) - Processes files with MultiMarkdown syntax for Apache
- Text::NeatTemplate(3) - a fast, middleweight template engine.
- Text::Ngram(3) - Ngram analysis of text
- Text::NonWideChar::Util(3) - Utility routines for text
- Text::NSP(3) - Extract collocations and Ngrams from text
- Text::NSP::Measures(3) - Perl modules for computing association scores of Ngrams. This module provides the basic framework for these measures.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D(3) - Perl module that provides basic framework for building measure of association for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::CHI(3) - Perl module that provides error checks for the Pearson's chi squared, phi coefficient and the Tscore measures.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::CHI::phi(3) - Perl module that implements Phi coefficient measure for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::CHI::tscore(3) - Perl module that implements T-score measure of association for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::CHI::x2(3) - Perl module that implements Pearson's chi squared measure of association for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Dice(3) - Perl module that provides the framework to implement the Dice and Jaccard coefficients.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Dice::dice(3) - Perl module to compute Dice coefficient for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Dice::jaccard(3) - Perl module that implements the jaccard coefficient.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher(3) - Perl module that provides methods to compute the Fishers exact tests.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher::left(3) - Perl module implementation of the left sided Fisher's exact test.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher::right(3) - Perl module implementation of the right sided Fisher's exact test.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher::twotailed(3) - Perl module implementation of the two-sided Fisher's exact test.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher2(3) - Perl module that provides methods to compute the Fishers exact tests.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher2::left(3) - Perl module implementation of the left sided Fisher's exact test (Deprecated).
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher2::right(3) - Perl module implementation of the right sided Fisher's exact test (Deprecated).
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher2::twotailed(3) - Perl module implementation of the two-sided Fisher's exact test (Deprecated).
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI(3) - Perl module that provides error checks for Loglikelihood, Total Mutual Information, Pointwise Mutual Information and Poisson-Stirling Measure.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::ll(3) - Perl module that implements Loglikelihood measure of association for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::pmi(3) - Perl module that implements Pointwise Mutual Information.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::ps(3) - Perl module that implements Poisson-Stirling measure of association for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::tmi(3) - Perl module that implements True Mutual Information.
- Text::NSP::Measures::2D::odds(3) - Perl module to compute the Odds ratio for bigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D(3) - Perl module that provides basic framework for building measure of association for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI(3) - Perl module that provides error checks and framework to implement Loglikelihood, Total Mutual Information, Pointwise Mutual Information and Poisson Stirling Measure for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::ll(3) - Perl module that implements Loglikelihood measure of association for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::pmi(3) - Perl module that implements Pointwise Mutual Information for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::ps(3) - Perl module that implements Poisson Stirling Measure for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::tmi(3) - Perl implementation for True Mutual Information for trigrams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::4D(3) - Perl module that provides basic framework for building measure of association for 4-grams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::4D::MI(3) - Perl module that provides error checks and framework to implement Loglikelihood for 4-grams.
- Text::NSP::Measures::4D::MI::ll(3) - Perl module that implements Loglikelihood measure of association for 4-grams.
- Text::NWrap(3) - a simple text wrapping module
- Text::Outdent(3) - Outdent chunks of text
- Text::OverlapFinder(3) - Find Overlapping Words in Strings
- Text::Padding(3) - simple way of formatting a text
- Text::ParagraphDiff(3) - Visual Difference for paragraphed text.
- Text::ParseWords(3) - parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
- Text::Password::Pronounceable(3) - Generate pronounceable passwords
- Text::PDF(3) - Module for manipulating PDF files
- Text::PDF::Array(3) - Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- Text::PDF::Bool(3) - A special form of PDF::String which holds the strings true or false
- Text::PDF::Dict(3) - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- Text::PDF::File(3) - Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- Text::PDF::Filter(3) - Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- Text::PDF::Name(3) - Inherits from Text::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
- Text::PDF::Null(3) - PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of Text::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- Text::PDF::Number(3) - Numbers in PDF. Inherits from Text::PDF::String
- Text::PDF::Objind(3) - PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- Text::PDF::Page(3) - Represents a PDF page, inherits from Text::PDF::Pages
- Text::PDF::Pages(3) - a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from Text::PDF::Dict
- Text::PDF::SFont(3) - PDF Standard inbuilt font resource object. Inherits from Text::PDF::Dict
- Text::PDF::String(3) - PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- Text::PDF::TTFont(3) - Inherits from Text::PDF::Dict and represents a TrueType font within a PDF file.
- Text::PDF::TTFont0(3) - Inherits from PDF::Dict and represents a TrueType Type 0 font within a PDF file.
- Text::PDF::Utils(3) - Utility functions for PDF library
- Text::Pipe(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Append(3) - Pipe segment that appends text to input
- Text::Pipe::Base(3) - Base class for text pipe segments
- Text::Pipe::Chomp(3) - Pipe segment that chomps input
- Text::Pipe::Chop(3) - Pipe segment that chops input
- Text::Pipe::Code(3) - Filter text through a code ref
- Text::Pipe::List::First(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Grep(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Map(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Max(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::MaxStr(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Min(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::MinStr(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Pop(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Reduce(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Shift(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Shuffle(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Size(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Sort(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::List::Sum(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Lowercase(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::LowercaseFirst(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Multiplex(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Prepend(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Print(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Repeat(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Reverse(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Say(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Split(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Stackable(3) - Stackable text pipes
- Text::Pipe::Tester(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Trim(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::Uppercase(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Pipe::UppercaseFirst(3) - Common text filter API
- Text::Prefix::XS(3) - Fast prefix searching
- Text::QRCode(3) - Generate text base QR Code
- Text::Query(3) - Query processing framework
- Text::Query::Build(3) - Base class for query builders
- Text::Query::BuildAdvancedString(3) - Builder for Text::Query::ParseAdvanced to build regexps
- Text::Query::BuildSimpleString(3) - Builder for Text::Query::ParseSimple to build regexps
- Text::Query::BuildSQLFulcrum(3) - Builder for Fulcrum SearchServer
- Text::Query::BuildSQLMifluz(3) - Builder for Mifluz
- Text::Query::BuildSQLMySQL(3) - Builder for MySQL
- Text::Query::BuildSQLPg(3) - Builder for Postgres
- Text::Query::Optimize(3) - Base class for query parsers
- Text::Query::Parse(3) - Base class for query parsers
- Text::Query::ParseAdvanced(3) - Parse AltaVista advanced query syntax
- Text::Query::ParseSimple(3) - Parse AltaVista simple query syntax
- Text::Query::Solve(3) - Base class for query resolution
- Text::Query::SolveAdvancedString(3) - Apply query expression on strings
- Text::Query::SolveSimpleString(3) - Apply query expression on strings
- Text::Query::SolveSQL(3) - Apply query expression to an SQL database
- Text::Quote(3) - Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly
- Text::Quoted(3) - Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
- Text::RecordParser(3) - read record-oriented files
- Text::RecordParser::Object(3) - read delimited text files as objects
- Text::RecordParser::Tab(3) - read tab-delimited files
- Text::Reform(3) - Manual text wrapping and reformatting
- Text::Report(3) - Perl extension for generating mixed columnar formatted reports and report templates
- Text::Roman(3) - Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarisms.
- Text::Sass(3) - Constructor - nothing special
- Text::Sass::Expr(3)
- Text::Sass::Functions(3)
- Text::Sentence(3) - module for splitting text into sentences
- Text::Shellwords::Cursor(3) - Parse a string into tokens
- Text::Similarity(3) - Measure the pair-wise Similarity of Files or Strings
- Text::Similarity::Overlaps(3) - Score the Overlaps Found Between Two Strings Based on Literal Text Matching
- Text::SimpleTable(3) - Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
- Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth(3) - Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth - Simple eyecandy ASCII tables with auto-width selection
- Text::SmartyPants(3)
- Text::SpellChecker(3) - OO interface for spell-checking a block of text
- Text::sprintfn(3) - Drop-in replacement for sprintf(), with named parameter support
- Text::Table(3) - Organize Data in Tables
- Text::Table::Any(3) - Generate text table using one of several backends
- Text::Table::ASV(3) - Generate ASV (ASCII separated value a.k.a. DEL a.ka. delimited ASCII)
- Text::Table::CSV(3) - Generate CSV
- Text::Table::HTML(3) - Generate HTML table
- Text::Table::HTML::DataTables(3) - Generate HTML table with jQuery and DataTables plugin
- Text::Table::LTSV(3) - Generate LTSV
- Text::Table::Manifold(3) - Render tables in manifold formats
- Text::Table::More(3) - Generate text table with simple interface and many options
- Text::Table::Org(3) - Generate Org tables
- Text::Table::Paragraph(3) - Format table data as paragraphs of rows
- Text::Table::Sprintf(3) - Generate simple text tables from 2D arrays using sprintf()
- Text::Table::TickitWidget(3) - View table data on the terminal using Tickit::Widget::Table
- Text::Table::Tiny(3) - generate simple text tables from 2D arrays
- Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle(3) - Text::Table::Tiny + support for border styles
- Text::Table::TinyColor(3) - Text::Table::Tiny + support for colored text
- Text::Table::TinyColorWide(3) - Text::Table::Tiny + support for colored text & wide character
- Text::Table::TinyWide(3) - Text::Table::Tiny + support for wide character
- Text::Table::TSV(3) - Generate TSV
- Text::Table::XLSX(3) - Generate XLSX worksheet
- Text::Tabs(3) - expand and unexpand tabs like unix expand(1) and unexpand(1)
- Text::Tags(3) - parses "folksonomy" space-separated tags (stub module)
- Text::Tags::Parser(3) - parses "folksonomy" space-separated tags
- Text::Template::Preprocess(3) - Expand template text with embedded Perl
- Text::Template::Simple(3) - Simple text template engine
- Text::Template::Simple::API(3) - Simple text template engine API reference
- Text::Template::Simple::Base::Compiler(3) - Base class for Text::Template::Simple
- Text::Template::Simple::Base::Examine(3) - Base class for Text::Template::Simple
- Text::Template::Simple::Base::Include(3) - Base class for Text::Template::Simple
- Text::Template::Simple::Base::Parser(3) - Base class for Text::Template::Simple
- Text::Template::Simple::Cache(3) - Cache manager
- Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID(3) - Cache ID generator
- Text::Template::Simple::Caller(3) - Caller stack tracer
- Text::Template::Simple::Compiler(3) - Compiler
- Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe(3) - Safe compiler
- Text::Template::Simple::Constants(3) - Constants
- Text::Template::Simple::Dummy(3) - Container class
- Text::Template::Simple::IO(3) - I/O methods
- Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer(3) - "Tokenizer"
- Text::Template::Simple::Util(3) - Utility functions
- Text::TestBase(3) - Parser for Test::Base format
- Text::TestBase::Block(3) - Block object for Text::TestBase
- Text::Textile(3) - A humane web text generator.
- Text::Trac(3) - Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style.
- Text::Trim(3) - remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from strings
- Text::Truncate(3) - Perl module with simple string truncating routine.
- Text::Typography(3) - Markup ASCII text with correct typography for HTML
- Text::Unaccent::PurePerl(3) - remove accents from characters
- Text::UnicodeBox(3) - Text box drawing using the Unicode box symbols
- Text::UnicodeBox::Control(3) - Objects to describe and control rendering
- Text::UnicodeBox::Table(3) - High level interface providing easy table drawing
- Text::UnicodeBox::Text(3) - Objects to describe text rendering
- Text::UnicodeBox::Utility(3)
- Text::Unidecode(3) - 0x007F transliterates as itself. That is,
- Text::vCard(3) - Edit and create vCards (RFC 2426)
- Text::vCard::Addressbook(3) - Parse, edit, and create vCard address books (RFC 2426)
- Text::vCard::Node(3) - Object for each node (line) of a vCard
- Text::vFile::asData(3) - parse vFile formatted files into data structures
- Text::VimColor(3) - Syntax highlight text using Vim
- Text::VisualWidth(3) - Perl extension for trimming text by the number of the columns of terminals and mobile phones.
- Text::VisualWidth::EUC_JP(3) - Perl extension for Triming EUC-JP text by the number of the columns of terminals and mobile phones.
- Text::VisualWidth::UTF8(3) - Perl extension for Triming UTF-8 text by the number of the columns of terminals and mobile phones.
- Text::WideChar::Util(3) - Routines for text containing wide characters
- Text::WikiCreole(3) - Convert Wiki Creole 1.0 markup to XHTML
- Text::WikiFormat(3) - module for translating Wiki formatted text into other formats
- Text::WikiFormat::Blocks(3) - blocktypes for Text::WikiFormat
- Text::Wikispaces2Markdown(3) - convert wikispaces pages to markdown
- Text::WordDiff(3)
- Text::WordDiff::ANSIColor(3)
- Text::WordDiff::HTML(3)
- Text::WordDiff::HTMLTwoLines(3)
- Text::Wrapper(3) - Word wrap text by breaking long lines
- Text::Xslate(3) - Scalable template engine for Perl5
- Text::Xslate::Bridge(3) - The interface base class to import methods
- Text::Xslate::Bridge::Star(3) - Selection of common utilities for templates
- Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like(3) - TT2 Variable Method Clone For Text::Xslate
- Text::Xslate::Compiler(3) - An Xslate compiler to generate intermediate code
- Text::Xslate::HashWithDefault(3) - Helper class to fill in default values
- Text::Xslate::Manual(3) - Xslate users manual
- Text::Xslate::Manual::Builtin(3) - Builtin methods and filters/functions in Xslate
- Text::Xslate::Manual::Cookbook(3) - How to cook Xslate templates
- Text::Xslate::Manual::Debugging(3) - Debugging techniques for Xslate templates
- Text::Xslate::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions and answers
- Text::Xslate::Parser(3) - The base class of template parsers
- Text::Xslate::PP(3) - Yet another Text::Xslate runtime in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::Const(3) - Text::Xslate constants in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::Method(3) - Text::Xslate builtin method call in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::Opcode(3) - Text::Xslate opcode implementation in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::State(3) - Text::Xslate pure-Perl virtual machine state
- Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Macro(3) - Text::Xslate macro object in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Pair(3) - Text::Xslate builtin pair type in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Raw(3) - Text::Xslate raw string type in pure Perl
- Text::Xslate::Runner(3) - The guts of the xslate(1) command
- Text::Xslate::Symbol(3) - The symbol representation used by parsers and compilers
- Text::Xslate::Syntax::Kolon(3) - The default template syntax
- Text::Xslate::Syntax::Metakolon(3) - The same as Kolon but using [% ... %] tags
- Text::Xslate::Syntax::TTerse(3) - An alternative syntax compatible with Template Toolkit 2
- Text::Xslate::Type::Raw(3) - The raw string representation
- Text::Xslate::Util(3) - A set of utilities for Xslate
- Text::xSV(3) - read character separated files
- text_height(3) - Returns the height of a font in pixels. Allegro game programming library.
- text_length(3) - Returns the length of a string in pixels. Allegro game programming library.
- textout_centre_ex(3) - Writes a centered string on a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- textout_justify_ex(3) - Draws justified text within a region. Allegro game programming library.
- textout_right_ex(3) - Writes a right aligned string on a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_centre_ex(3) - Formatted centered output of a string. Allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_ex(3) - Formatted output of a string. Allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_justify_ex(3) - Formatted justified output of a string. Allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_right_ex(3) - Formatted right aligned output of a string. Allegro game programming library.
- TextUndo(3) - perl/tk text widget with bindings to undo changes.
- TGMATH(3) - type-generic macros
- th_get_pathname(3) - extract individual fields of a tar header
- th_print_long_ls(3) - print out information about a tar file header
- th_read(3) - read and write a file header block from a tar archive
- th_set_from_stat(3) - set fields of a tar file header
- TheSchwartz(3) - reliable job queue
- TheSchwartz::Job(3) - jobs for the reliable job queue
- TheSchwartz::Simple(3) - Lightweight TheSchwartz job dispatcher using plain DBI
- TheSchwartz::Worker(3) - superclass for defining task behavior
- TheSchwartz::Worker::SendEmail(3) - sends email using SMTP
- THMAP(3) - concurrent trie-hash map
- THRD_CREATE(3) - C11 threads interface
- Thread::Apartment(3) - Apartment threading wrapper for Perl objects
- Thread::Cancel(3) - Cancel (i.e., kill) threads
- Thread::Queue(3) - Thread-safe queues
- Thread::Queue::Duplex(3) - thread-safe request/response queue with identifiable elements
- Thread::Queue::Queueable(3) - abstract class for marshalling elements for a Thread::Queue::Duplex queue
- Thread::Semaphore(3) - Thread-safe semaphores
- Thread::Suspend(3) - Suspend and resume operations for threads
- threads::shared(3) - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
- threads::shared::array(3) - default class for tie-ing arrays to threads with forks
- threads::shared::handle(3) - default class for tie-ing handles to threads with forks
- threads::shared::hash(3) - default class for tie-ing hashes to threads with forks
- threads::shared::scalar(3) - default class for tie-ing scalars to threads with forks
- three_finger_flag(3) - Flag to deactivate the emergency exit key combination. Allegro game programming library.
- Thrift::XS(3) - Faster Thrift binary protocol encoding and decoding
- Thrift::XS::BinaryProtocol(3) - Standard binary protocol
- Thrift::XS::CompactProtocol(3) - More efficient binary protocol
- Thrift::XS::MemoryBuffer(3) - Fast memory buffer
- Throwable::Error(3) - an easy-to-use class for error objects
- Tickit(3) - Terminal Interface Construction KIT
- Tickit::ContainerWidget(3) - abstract base class for widgets that contain other widgets
- Tickit::Debug(3) - debug logging support for "Tickit"
- Tickit::Event(3) - event information structures
- Tickit::Pen(3) - store a collection of rendering attributes
- Tickit::Rect(3) - a lightweight data structure representing a rectangle
- Tickit::RectSet(3) - store a set of rectangular regions
- Tickit::RenderBuffer(3) - efficiently render text and line-drawing
- Tickit::SingleChildWidget(3) - abstract base class for widgets that contain a single other widget
- Tickit::StringPos(3) - store string position counters
- Tickit::Style(3) - declare customisable style information on widgets
- Tickit::Term(3) - terminal formatting abstraction
- Tickit::Test(3) - unit testing for "Tickit"-based code
- Tickit::Utils(3) - utility functions for "Tickit"
- Tickit::Widget(3) - abstract base class for on-screen widgets
- Tickit::Widget::Border(3) - draw a fixed-size border around a widget
- Tickit::Widget::Box(3) - apply spacing and positioning to a widget
- Tickit::Widget::Button(3) - a widget displaying a clickable button
- Tickit::Widget::CheckButton(3) - a widget allowing a toggle true/false option
- Tickit::Widget::Entry(3) - a widget for entering text
- Tickit::Widget::Fill(3) - fill an area with repeated text
- Tickit::Widget::Frame(3) - draw a frame around another widget
- Tickit::Widget::GridBox(3) - lay out a set of child widgets in a grid
- Tickit::Widget::HBox(3) - distribute child widgets in a horizontal row
- Tickit::Widget::HSplit(3) - an adjustable horizontal split between two widgets
- Tickit::Widget::LinearBox(3) - abstract base class for "HBox" and "VBox"
- Tickit::Widget::Placegrid(3) - a placeholder grid display
- Tickit::Widget::RadioButton(3) - a widget allowing a selection from multiple options
- Tickit::Widget::Spinner(3) - a widget displaying a small text animation
- Tickit::Widget::Static(3) - a widget displaying static text
- Tickit::Widget::Table(3) - table widget with support for scrolling/paging
- Tickit::Widget::Table::FAQ(3) - some suggestions for using Tickit::Widget::Table
- Tickit::Widget::VBox(3) - distribute child widgets in a vertical column
- Tickit::Widget::VSplit(3) - an adjustable vertical split between two widgets
- Tickit::WidgetRole::Alignable(3) - implement widgets with adjustable alignment
- Tickit::WidgetRole::SingleChildContainer(3) - role for widgets that contain a single other widget
- Tickit::Widgets(3) - load several Tickit::Widget classes at once
- Tickit::Window(3) - a window for drawing operations
- TICKIT_BUILD(3) - create a new toplevel Tickit instance with arguments
- TICKIT_CTLNAME(3) - return the name of a toplevel instance control
- TICKIT_DEBUG_INIT(3) - initialise the debugging system
- TICKIT_DEBUG_LOGF(3) - emit debugging log messages
- TICKIT_GET_ROOTWIN(3) - obtain the root window from the toplevel instance
- TICKIT_GET_TERM(3) - obtain the terminal from the toplevel instance
- TICKIT_NEW_STDIO(3) - create a new toplevel Tickit instance
- TICKIT_PEN_ATTRNAME(3) - return the name of a pen attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_ATTRTYPE(3) - return the type of a pen attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_BIND_EVENT(3) - add or remove event handlers
- TICKIT_PEN_CLEAR(3) - remove pen attributes
- TICKIT_PEN_COPY(3) - copy attributes from one pen to another
- TICKIT_PEN_EQUIV_ATTR(3) - test if two pens have an equivalent attribute value
- TICKIT_PEN_GET_BOOL_ATTR(3) - manipulate a boolean pen attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_GET_COLOUR_ATTR(3) - manipulate a colour pen attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_GET_COLOUR_ATTR_RGB8(3) - manipulate a secondary RGB8 colour pen colour attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_GET_INT_ATTR(3) - manipulate an integer pen attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_HAS_ATTR(3) - test if a pen has a given attribute
- TICKIT_PEN_IS_NONEMPTY(3) - test if a pen has attributes defined
- TICKIT_PEN_NEW(3) - create a new pen instance
- TICKIT_PEN_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of a pen
- TICKIT_RECT_ADD(3) - obtain the union sum of two rectangles
- TICKIT_RECT_BOTTOM(3) - return the bottom right corner of a rectangle
- TICKIT_RECT_CONTAINS(3) - test if one rectangle entirely contains another
- TICKIT_RECT_INIT_SIZED(3) - initialise a rectangle struct
- TICKIT_RECT_INTERSECT(3) - obtain the intersection of two rectangles
- TICKIT_RECT_INTERSECTS(3) - test if two rectangles intersect
- TICKIT_RECT_SUBTRACT(3) - obtain the difference of two rectangles
- TICKIT_RECT_TRANSLATE(3) - move the area of a rectangle
- TICKIT_RECTSET_ADD(3) - add an area to a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_CLEAR(3) - remove all regions from a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_CONTAINS(3) - test if an area is contained by a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_INTERSECTS(3) - test if a region intersects with a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_NEW(3) - create or destroy a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_RECTS(3) - obtain the regions from a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_SUBTRACT(3) - subtract a region from a rectangle set
- TICKIT_RECTSET_TRANSLATE(3) - move all the rectangles in a rectangle set
- TICKIT_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of the toplevel instance
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_BLIT(3) - copies buffer contents to another buffer
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_CHAR(3) - create character regions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_CLIP(3) - restrict the drawing area of output functions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_COPYRECT(3) - copy or move a rectangular region of a buffer
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_ERASE(3) - create erase regions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_ERASERECT(3) - erase large areas
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_FLUSH_TO_TERM(3) - output buffer contents to the terminal
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_GET_CURSORPOS(3) - query the virtual cursor position
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_GET_SIZE(3) - return the size of a render buffer
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_GOTO(3) - set or clear the virtual cursor position
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_HLINE_AT(3) - create line regions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_NEW(3) - create a new render buffer instance
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of a render buffer
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_RESET(3) - revert a render buffer back to initial state
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_SAVE(3) - save and restore auxiliary state
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_SETPEN(3) - change the stored rendering pen
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_SKIP(3) - create skip regions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_TEXT(3) - create text regions
- TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER_TRANSLATE(3) - move the base of output functions
- TICKIT_RUN(3) - control the event loop of the toplevel instance
- TICKIT_STRING_GET(3) - obtain the characters from a counted string
- TICKIT_STRING_LEN(3) - query the length of a counted string
- TICKIT_STRING_NEW(3) - create a counted string
- TICKIT_STRING_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of a counted string
- TICKIT_STRINGPOS_LIMIT_BYTES(3) - set limit fields in string position counters
- TICKIT_STRINGPOS_ZERO(3) - clear the fields of a string position counter
- TICKIT_TERM_AWAIT_STARTED_MSEC(3) - wait until the terminal is initialised
- TICKIT_TERM_BIND_EVENT(3) - add or remove event handlers
- TICKIT_TERM_BUILD(3) - create a new terminal instance with arguments
- TICKIT_TERM_CHPEN(3) - set rendering attributes of the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_CLEAR(3) - clear the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_CTLNAME(3) - return the name of a terminal control
- TICKIT_TERM_EMIT_KEY(3) - emit a fake key or mouse event
- TICKIT_TERM_ERASECH(3) - erase characters from the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_FLUSH(3) - flush the terminal output buffer
- TICKIT_TERM_GET_SIZE(3) - manage terminal size
- TICKIT_TERM_GET_TERMTYPE(3) - returns the terminal type
- TICKIT_TERM_GOTO(3) - move the terminal output cursor
- TICKIT_TERM_INPUT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MSEC(3) - terminal timeout behaviour
- TICKIT_TERM_INPUT_PUSH_BYTES(3) - supply more input data
- TICKIT_TERM_INPUT_READABLE(3) - read more data from the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_INPUT_WAIT_MSEC(3) - read more data from the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_NEW(3) - create a new terminal instance
- TICKIT_TERM_OPEN_STDIO(3) - create a terminal instance on standard input/output
- TICKIT_TERM_PAUSE(3) - pause and resume a terminal instance
- TICKIT_TERM_PRINT(3) - send text to the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of a terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_SCROLLRECT(3) - scroll a region of the terminal
- TICKIT_TERM_SET_INPUT_FD(3) - manage terminal input
- TICKIT_TERM_SET_OUTPUT_BUFFER(3) - define a terminal output buffer
- TICKIT_TERM_SET_OUTPUT_FD(3) - manage terminal output
- TICKIT_TERM_SET_OUTPUT_FUNC(3) - manage terminal output via a callback function
- TICKIT_TERM_SET_UTF8(3) - control
- TICKIT_TERM_SETCTL_INT(3) - set an integer or string terminal control
- TICKIT_UTF8_COUNT(3) - count characters in Unicode strings
- TICKIT_UTF8_MBSWIDTH(3) - count the column width of a Unicode string
- TICKIT_UTF8_PUT(3) - append a UTF-8 encoded codepoint to a buffer
- TICKIT_UTF8_SEQLEN(3) - determine the length of a UTF-8 codepoint encoding
- TICKIT_WATCH_CANCEL(3) - remove a previously-installed callback
- TICKIT_WATCH_IO(3) - invoke a callback when IO is possible
- TICKIT_WATCH_LATER(3) - invoke a callback at the next round of IO events
- TICKIT_WATCH_PROCESS(3) - invoke a callback when a child process terminates
- TICKIT_WATCH_SIGNAL(3) - invoke a callback when a POSIX signal is raised
- TICKIT_WATCH_TIMER_AFTER_MSEC(3) - invoke a callback after a fixed delay
- TICKIT_WATCH_TIMER_AT_EPOCH(3) - invoke a callback at a fixed future time
- TICKIT_WINDOW_BIND_EVENT(3) - add or remove event handlers
- TICKIT_WINDOW_CHILDREN(3) - obtain child windows from a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_CLOSE(3) - remove a window from the tree
- TICKIT_WINDOW_CTLNAME(3) - return the name of a window control
- TICKIT_WINDOW_DESTROY(3) - destroy a window instance
- TICKIT_WINDOW_EXPOSE(3) - mark an area of a window for re-rendering
- TICKIT_WINDOW_FLUSH(3) - invoke pending events on the window hierarchy
- TICKIT_WINDOW_GET_ABS_GEOMETRY(3) - query the absolute position of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_GET_GEOMETRY(3) - query the size and position of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_GET_PEN(3) - manipulate the window's rendering pen
- TICKIT_WINDOW_GET_TERM(3) - query the backing terminal of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_NEW(3) - create a new sub-window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_NEW_ROOT(3) - create a new toplevel root window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_PARENT(3) - query the ancestry of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_RAISE(3) - change window stacking order
- TICKIT_WINDOW_REF(3) - adjust the refcount of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SCROLL(3) - scroll the area of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SET_CURSOR_POSITION(3) - modify the cursor state on a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SET_FOCUS_CHILD_NOTIFY(3) - control whether windows are informed of child focus changes
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SET_GEOMETRY(3) - set the size and position of a window
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SET_STEAL_INPUT(3) - control whether windows steal all input events
- TICKIT_WINDOW_SHOW(3) - control a window's visibility
- TICKIT_WINDOW_TAKE_FOCUS(3) - control the input focus
- Tie::Array::Pack(3) - An array implemented as a packed string
- Tie::Array::Sorted(3) - An array which is kept sorted
- Tie::Array::Sorted::Lazy(3) - An array which is kept sorted
- Tie::CPHash(3) - Case preserving but case insensitive hash table
- Tie::DB_File::SplitHash(3) - Divides a DB_File hash across multiple files
- Tie::DBI(3) - Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
- Tie::DNS(3) - Tie interface to Net::DNS
- Tie::DxHash(3) - keeps insertion order; allows duplicate keys
- Tie::EncryptedHash(3) - Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields.
- Tie::File(3) - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
- Tie::File::AsHash(3) - Like Tie::File but access lines using a hash instead of an array
- Tie::FileLRUCache(3) - A lightweight but robust filesystem based persistent LRU cache
- Tie::Handle(3) - base class definitions for tied handles
- Tie::Hash::Indexed(3) - Ordered hashes for Perl
- Tie::Hash::MultiValue(3) - store multiple values per key
- Tie::Hash::NamedCapture(3) - Named regexp capture buffers
- Tie::Hash::Regex(3) - Match hash keys using Regular Expressions
- Tie::iCal(3) - Tie iCal files to Perl hashes.
- Tie::IxHash(3) - ordered associative arrays for Perl
- Tie::LevelDB(3) - A Perl Interface to the Google LevelDB NoSQL database
- Tie::LLHash(3) - Ordered hashes
- Tie::Memoize(3) - add data to hash when needed
- Tie::RDBM(3) - Tie hashes to relational databases
- Tie::RefHash(3) - Use references as hash keys
- Tie::RefHash::Weak(3) - A Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys.
- Tie::RegexpHash(3) - Use regular expressions as hash keys
- Tie::Simple(3) - Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier...
- Tie::Simple::Array(3)
- Tie::Simple::Handle(3)
- Tie::Simple::Hash(3)
- Tie::Simple::Scalar(3)
- Tie::Simple::Util(3)
- Tie::StdHandle(3) - base class definitions for tied handles
- Tie::SubstrHash(3) - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
- Tie::Syslog(3) - Tie a filehandle to Syslog.
- Tie::TinyURL(3) - Tied interface to TinyURL.com
- Tie::ToObject(3) - Tie to an existing object.
- Tie::Util(3) - Utility functions for fiddling with tied variables
- Tie::Watch(3) - place watchpoints on Perl variables.
- TiedListbox(3) - gang together Listboxes
- Tiffany(3) - Generic interface for Perl5 template engines.
- Tiffany::HTML::Template(3) - Tiffany gateway for HTML::Template
- Tiffany::HTML::Template::Pro(3) - Tiffany gateway for HTML::Templat::Proe
- Tiffany::Template::Declare(3) - Tiffany gateway for Template::Declare
- Tiffany::Template::Semantic(3) - Tiffany gateway for Template::Semantic
- Tiffany::Text::ClearSilver(3) - Tiffany gateway for Text::ClearSilver
- Tiffany::Text::MicroMason(3) - Tiffany gateway for Text::MicroMason
- Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::Extended(3) - Tiffany gateway for Text::MicroTemplate::Extended
- Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::File(3) - Tiffany gateway for Text::MicroTemplate::File
- Tiffany::Text::Xslate(3) - Tiffany gateway for Text::Xslate
- Tiffany::TT(3) - Tiffany gateway for Template-Toolkit
- TIFMERGE(3) - tifmerge library function manual page
- Tiger(3) - a module that implements the tiger hash
- Time::Clock(3) - Twenty-four hour clock object with nanosecond precision.
- Time::Crontab(3) - parser for crontab date and time field
- Time::CTime(3)
- Time::DaysInMonth(3)
- Time::Duration::Parse(3) - Parse string that represents time duration
- Time::Elapsed(3) - Displays the elapsed time as a human readable string.
- Time::Elapsed::Lang::DA(3) - Danish language file.
- Time::Elapsed::Lang::DE(3) - German language file.
- Time::Elapsed::Lang::EN(3) - English language file.
- Time::Elapsed::Lang::FR(3) - French language file.
- Time::Elapsed::Lang::TR(3) - Turkish language file.
- Time::Format(3) - Easy-to-use date/time formatting.
- Time::gmtime(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function
- Time::JulianDay(3)
- Time::Local(3) - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- Time::localtime(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in localtime() function
- Time::Mock(3) - shift and scale time
- Time::Moment(3) - Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC
- Time::Moment::Adjusters(3) - Adjusters for Time::Moment
- Time::Moment::Role::TimeZone(3) - Adjust Time::Moment with time zone objects
- Time::ParseDate(3)
- Time::Piece(3) - Object Oriented time objects
- Time::Piece::MySQL(3) - Adds MySQL-specific methods to Time::Piece
- Time::Piece::Range(3) - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects
- Time::Progress(3) - Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting.
- Time::timegm(3) - a UTC version of "mktime()"
- Time::tm(3) - internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
- Time::Zone(3)
- TIME2POSIX(3) - convert seconds since the Epoch
- TimeDate(3)
- TIMEOUT_FDOPEN(3) - I/O streams with timeouts
- TIMERADD(3) - operations on timevals and timespecs
- TIMESPEC_GET(3) - get current calendar time
- TIMINGSAFE_BCMP(3) - timing-safe byte sequence comparisons
- TixGrid(3) - Create and manipulate Tix Grid widgets
- tixWm(3) - Tix's addition to the standard TK wm command.
- Tk::Action(3) - action abstraction for tk
- Tk::AstroCatalog(3) - creates a self-standing sources catalog widget
- Tk::ColourChooser(3) - Perl/Tk module providing a Colour selection dialogue box.
- Tk::CWidget(3) - Frame-based Composite Base class.
- Tk::JComboBox(3) - Create and manipulate JComboBox widgets
- Tk::JComboBox::tutorial(3) - A Tutorial
- Tk::Pane(3) - A window panner
- Tk::ProgressBar(3) - A graphical progress bar
- Tk::Role::Dialog(3) - moose role for enhanced tk dialogs
- Tk::Role::HasWidgets(3) - keep track of your tk widgets
- Tk::Sugar(3) - Sugar syntax for Tk
- Tk::ToolBar(3) - A toolbar widget for Perl/Tk
- Tk::Trace(3) - emulate Tcl/Tk trace functions.
- Tk_AddOption(3) - Add an option to the option database
- Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
- Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
- Tk_AllocColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
- Tk_AllocCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
- Tk_AllocFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
- Tk_CanvasPs(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo(3) - additional information for managing text items in canvases
- Tk_CanvasTkwin(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
- Tk_ClearSelection(3) - Deselect a selection
- Tk_ClipboardClear(3) - Manage the clipboard
- Tk_ComputeTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
- Tk_ConfigureWidget(3) - process configuration options for widgets
- Tk_ConfigureWindow(3) - change window configuration or attributes
- Tk_CoordsToWindow(3) - Find window containing a point
- Tk_CreateBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
- Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X events
- Tk_CreateErrorHandler(3) - handle X protocol errors
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with an X event
- Tk_CreateGenericHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with all X events
- Tk_CreateImageType(3) - define new kind of image
- Tk_CreateItemType(3) - define new kind of canvas item
- Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3) - define new file format for photo images
- Tk_CreateSelHandler(3) - arrange to handle requests for a selection
- Tk_CreateWindow(3) - create or delete window
- Tk_DeleteImage(3) - Destroy an image.
- Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(3) - draw the traversal highlight ring for a widget
- Tk_FindPhoto(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
- Tk_FontId(3) - accessor functions for fonts
- Tk_FreeXId(3) - make X resource identifier available for reuse
- Tk_GeometryRequest(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
- Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(3) - translate between strings and anchor positions
- Tk_GetCapStyle(3) - translate between strings and cap styles
- Tk_GetColormap(3) - allocate and free colormaps
- Tk_GetDash(3) - convert from string to valid dash structure.
- Tk_GetGC(3) - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
- Tk_GetHISTANCE(3) - retrieve the global application instance handle
- Tk_GetImage(3) - use an image in a widget
- Tk_GetJoinStyle(3) - translate between strings and join styles
- Tk_GetJustifyFromObj(3) - translate between strings and justification styles
- Tk_GetOption(3) - retrieve an option from the option database
- Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(3) - translate between strings and screen units
- Tk_GetPixmap(3) - allocate and free pixmaps
- Tk_GetReliefFromObj(3) - translate between strings and relief values
- Tk_GetRootCoords(3) - Compute root-window coordinates of window
- Tk_GetScrollInfo(3) - parse arguments for scrolling commands
- Tk_GetSelection(3) - retrieve the contents of a selection
- Tk_GetUid(3) - convert from string to unique identifier
- Tk_GetUserInactiveTime(3) - discover user inactivity time
- Tk_GetVisual(3) - translate from string to visual
- Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3) - Get location and size of virtual root for window
- Tk_Grab(3) - manipulate grab state in an application
- Tk_HandleEvent(3) - invoke event handlers for window system events
- Tk_HWNDToWindow(3) - Find Tk's window information for a Windows window
- Tk_IdToWindow(3) - Find Tk's window information for an X window
- Tk_ImageChanged(3) - notify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
- Tk_Init(3) - add Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
- Tk_InitConsoleChannels(3) - Install the console channels as standard channels
- Tk_InitStubs(3) - initialize the Tk stubs mechanism
- Tk_InternAtom(3) - manage cache of X atoms
- Tk_Main(3) - main program for Tk-based applications
- Tk_MainLoop(3) - loop for events until all windows are deleted
- Tk_MaintainGeometry(3) - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
- Tk_MainWindow(3) - functions for querying main window information
- Tk_ManageGeometry(3) - arrange to handle geometry requests for a window
- Tk_MapWindow(3) - map or unmap a window
- Tk_MeasureChars(3) - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
- Tk_MoveToplevelWindow(3) - Adjust the position of a top-level window
- Tk_Name(3) - convert between names and window tokens
- Tk_NameOfImage(3) - Return name of image.
- Tk_OwnSelection(3) - make a window the owner of the primary selection
- Tk_ParseArgv(3) - process command-line options
- Tk_QueueWindowEvent(3) - Add a window event to the Tcl event queue
- Tk_RestackWindow(3) - Change a window's position in the stacking order
- Tk_RestrictEvents(3) - filter and selectively delay X events
- Tk_SetAppName(3) - Set the name of an application for 'send' commands
- Tk_SetCaretPos(3) - set the display caret location
- Tk_SetClass(3) - set or retrieve a window's class
- Tk_SetClassProcs(3) - register widget specific procedures
- Tk_SetGrid(3) - control the grid for interactive resizing
- Tk_SetOptions(3) - process configuration options
- Tk_SetWindowVisual(3) - change visual characteristics of window
- Tk_StrictMotif(3) - Return value of tk_strictMotif variable
- Tk_WindowId(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
- tkvars(3) - Variables used or set by Tk
- tld_check_4(3) - API function
- tld_check_4t(3) - API function
- tld_check_4tz(3) - API function
- tld_check_4z(3) - API function
- tld_check_8z(3) - API function
- tld_check_lz(3) - API function
- tld_default_table(3) - API function
- tld_get_4(3) - API function
- tld_get_4z(3) - API function
- tld_get_table(3) - API function
- tld_get_z(3) - API function
- tld_strerror(3) - API function
- TLS_ACCEPT_SOCKET(3) - accept an incoming client connection in a TLS server
- TLS_ATTACH_CLIENT(3) - creates TLS protocol on top of underlying socket
- TLS_ATTACH_CLIENT_MEM(3) - creates TLS protocol on top of underlying socket
- TLS_ATTACH_SERVER(3) - creates TLS protocol on top of underlying socket
- TLS_ATTACH_SERVER_MEM(3) - creates TLS protocol on top of underlying socket
- TLS_CLIENT(3) - configure a TLS connection
- TLS_CONFIG_OCSP_REQUIRE_STAPLING(3) - OCSP configuration for libtls
- TLS_CONFIG_SET_PROTOCOLS(3) - TLS protocol and cipher selection
- TLS_CONFIG_SET_SESSION_ID(3) - configure resuming of TLS handshakes
- TLS_CONFIG_VERIFY(3) - insecure TLS configuration
- TLS_CONN_VERSION(3) - inspect an established TLS connection
- TLS_CONNECT(3) - instruct a TLS client to establish a connection
- TLS_DETACH(3) - terminates TLS protocol and returns the underlying socket
- TLS_DONE(3) - half-closes a TLS protocol
- TLS_INIT(3) - initialize TLS client and server API
- TLS_LOAD_FILE(3) - TLS certificate and key configuration
- TLS_OCSP_PROCESS_RESPONSE(3) - inspect an OCSP response
- TLS_READ(3) - use a TLS connection
- TMPFILE(3) - temporary file routines
- TNEF(3) - Perl module to read TNEF files
- Toader(3) - A CMS meant to be integrated with a versioning system.
- Toader::AutoDoc(3) - Automatically build documentation from specified directories.
- Toader::Config(3) - Represents the Toader config.
- Toader::Directory(3) - This the index file for a Toader directory.
- Toader::Entry(3) - This holds a blog/article/whatever entry.
- Toader::Entry::Cache(3) - Misc helper methods for entries.
- Toader::Entry::Helper(3) - Misc helper methods for entries.
- Toader::Entry::Manage(3) - Manage entries.
- Toader::findToaderDirs(3) - Finds all Toader directories under a specified Toader directory.
- Toader::findToaderRoot(3) - This finds the root Toader directory.
- Toader::Gallery(3) - Handle image galleries.
- Toader::isaToaderDir(3) - Checks if a directory has Toader support or not.
- Toader::Page(3) - This provides methods for a named page.
- Toader::Page::Helper(3) - Misc helper methods for pages.
- Toader::Page::Manage(3) - Manage pages for a specified Toader directory.
- Toader::pathHelper(3) - Various path related helpers.
- Toader::Render(3) - This renders supported Toader objects.
- Toader::Render::AutoDoc(3) - This renders a Toader::AutoDoc object.
- Toader::Render::AutoDoc::Cleanup(3) - This is used for cleaning up the output directory prior to rendering.
- Toader::Render::CSS(3) - This renders the CSS file for Toader.
- Toader::Render::Directory(3) - Renders a Toader::Directory object.
- Toader::Render::Directory::backends::html(3) - This handles the html backend stuff for Toader::Render::Directory.
- Toader::Render::Directory::backends::pod(3) - This handles the POD backend stuff for Toader::Render::Directory.
- Toader::Render::Directory::Cleanup(3) - This is used for cleaning up the output directory prior to rendering.
- Toader::Render::Entry(3) - This renders a Toader::Entry object.
- Toader::Render::Entry::backends::html(3) - This handles the html backend stuff for Toader::Render::Entry.
- Toader::Render::Entry::backends::pod(3) - This handles the POD backend stuff for Toader::Render::Entry.
- Toader::Render::Entry::Cleanup(3) - This is used for cleaning up the output directory prior to rendering.
- Toader::Render::Gallery(3) - This renders a Toader::Gallery object.
- Toader::Render::General(3) - Renders various general stuff for Toader as well as some other stuff.
- Toader::Render::Page(3) - This renders a Toader::Page object.
- Toader::Render::Page::backends::html(3) - This handles the html backend stuff for Toader::Render::Directory.
- Toader::Render::Page::backends::pod(3) - This handles the POD backend stuff for Toader::Page::Entry.
- Toader::Render::Page::Cleanup(3) - This is used for cleaning up the output directory prior to rendering.
- Toader::Render::supportedBackends(3) - This checks if the backend is supported or not.
- Toader::Render::supportedObjects(3) - This checks if a object is supported or not for rendering.
- Toader::Templates(3) - This handles fetching Toader templates.
- Toader::Templates::Defaults(3) - This provides the default templates for Toader.
- Toader::VCS(3) - Handles the VCS integration for Toader.
- Toadfarm(3) - One Mojolicious app to rule them all
- Toadfarm::Command::reload(3) - Reload a Toadfarm DSL script
- Toadfarm::Command::restart(3) - Restart a Toadfarm DSL script
- Toadfarm::Command::start(3) - Start a Toadfarm DSL script
- Toadfarm::Command::status(3) - Get status from a Toadfarm DSL script
- Toadfarm::Command::stop(3) - Stop a Toadfarm DSL script
- Toadfarm::Command::tail(3) - Tail the toadfarm log file
- Toadfarm::Manual::BehindReverseProxy(3) - Toadfarm behind nginx
- Toadfarm::Manual::Config(3) - Config format for Toadfarm apps
- Toadfarm::Manual::DSL(3) - Domain specific language for Toadfarm
- Toadfarm::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction to Toadfarm
- Toadfarm::Manual::RunningToadfarm(3) - Command line options
- Toadfarm::Manual::VirtualHost(3) - Virtual host setup
- Toadfarm::Plugin::AccessLog(3) - Log requests
- TOASCII(3) - convert a byte to 7-bit ASCII
- toggle_mouse_grab(3)
- TOID_DECLARE(3) - libpmemobj type safety mechanism
- TOKYOCABINET(3) - a modern implementation of DBM
- TOML(3) - Parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language.
- TOML::Parser(3) - simple toml parser
- ToolSet(3) - Load your commonly-used modules in a single import
- ToolSet::SWC(3) - Sample toolset with strict, warnings and Carp
- Toplevel(3) - Create and manipulate Toplevel widgets
- TopLevelShell(3) - widget from X toolkit
- TOUPPER(3) - lower case to upper case letter conversion
- TOWLOWER(3) - upper case to lower case letter conversion (wide character version)
- TOWUPPER(3) - lower case to upper case letter conversion (wide character version)
- tpm_sealdata(3) - unseal routines
- TraceMessages(3) - Perl extension for trace messages used in debugging
- Traceroute6(3) - traceroute(1)/traceroute6(1) functionality in perl
- TRAMPOLINE(3) - closures as first-class C functions
- transfer_image_transform(3)
- TransientShell(3) - widget from X toolkit
- transpose_font(3) - Transposes all characters in a font. Allegro game programming library.
- TrapReceiver(3) - Embedded perl trap handling for Net-SNMP's snmptrapd
- TrayIcon(3) - Perl interface to the EggTrayIcon library
- Tree::Authz(3) - inheritance-based authorization scheme
- Tree::Authz::Role(3)
- Tree::Binary(3) - An Object Oriented Binary Tree for Perl
- Tree::Binary::Dictionary(3) - A dictionary API to a binary tree
- Tree::Binary::Search(3) - A Binary Search Tree for perl
- Tree::Binary::Search::Node(3) - A node for a Tree::Binary::Search tree
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::Base(3) - A Visitor base class for Tree::Binary::Visitor::* objects
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::BreadthFirstTraversal(3) - Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::InOrderTraversal(3) - Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::PostOrderTraversal(3) - Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::PreOrderTraversal(3) - Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
- Tree::Binary::VisitorFactory(3) - A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
- Tree::DAG_Node(3) - An N-ary tree
- Tree::Nary(3) - Perl implementation of N-ary search trees.
- Tree::Parser(3) - Module to parse formatted files into tree structures
- Tree::R(3) - Perl extension for the R-tree data structure and algorithms
- Tree::Simple(3) - A simple tree object
- Tree::Simple::View(3) - A set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
- Tree::Simple::View::ASCII(3) - A class for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies in ASCII
- Tree::Simple::View::DHTML(3) - A class for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies in DHTML
- Tree::Simple::View::Exceptions(3) - A set of exceptions for Tree::Simple::View
- Tree::Simple::View::HTML(3) - A class for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies in HTML
- Tree::Simple::Visitor(3) - Visitor object for Tree::Simple objects
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::BreadthFirstTraversal(3) - A Visitor for breadth-first traversal a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::CreateDirectoryTree(3) - A Visitor for create a set of directories and files from a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByNodeValue(3) - A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy by node value
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath(3) - A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy with a path
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByUID(3) - A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy by UID
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FromNestedArray(3) - A Visitor for creating Tree::Simple objects from nested array trees.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FromNestedHash(3) - A Visitor for creating Tree::Simple objects from nested hash trees.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::GetAllDescendents(3) - A Visitor for fetching all the descendents of a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::LoadClassHierarchy(3) - A Visitor for loading class hierarchies into a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::LoadDirectoryTree(3) - A Visitor for loading the contents of a directory into a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PathToRoot(3) - A Visitor for finding the path back a Tree::Simple object's root
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PostOrderTraversal(3) - A Visitor for post-order traversal a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PreOrderTraversal(3) - A Visitor for pre-order traversal a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::Sort(3) - A Visitor for sorting a Tree::Simple object hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::ToNestedArray(3) - A Visitor for creating nested array trees from Tree::Simple objects.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::ToNestedHash(3) - A Visitor for creating nested hash trees from Tree::Simple objects.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::VariableDepthClone(3) - A Visitor for cloning parts of Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory(3) - A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
- Tree::Suffix(3) - Perl interface to the libstree library.
- Treebank(3) - Perl extension for manipulating the Penn Treebank format
- TreeDumper(3) - Improved replacement for Data::Dumper. Powerful filtering capability.
- triangle3d(3) - Draws a 3d triangle onto the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- TRIMDOMAIN(3) - trim the current domain name from a host name
- true::VERSION(3) - shim to allow modules to depend on true.pm
- TrulyRandom(3) - Perl interface to a truly random number generator function
- Try::Catch(3) - Try Catch exception handler based on Try::Tiny But faster
- Try::Tiny(3) - Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
- Try::Tiny::Retry(3) - Extends Try::Tiny to allow retries
- TS_CLOSE(3) - close a touch screen input device
- TS_CLOSE_RESTRICTED(3) - use a custom function for closing the touchscreen's input device file
- TS_CONF_GET(3) - get a pointer to struct ts_module_conf holding data from the TSLIB_CONFFILE file.
- TS_CONFIG(3) - read tslib's configuration
- TS_ERROR_FN(3) - use a custom error function for libts library errors
- TS_FD(3) - get the file descriptor to a touchscreen device
- TS_GET_EVENTPATH(3) - get the path to the currently opened touchscreen device file
- TS_LIBVERSION(3) - get version information on the currently running tslib
- TS_OPEN(3) - open a touch screen input device
- TS_OPEN_RESTRICTED(3) - use a custom function for opening the touchscreen's input device file
- TS_PRINT_ASCII_LOGO(3) - print tslib's logo to stdout
- TS_READ(3) - read tslib touch samples
- TS_SETUP(3) - find, open and configure a touch screen input device
- TSE3PLAY(3) - Trax Sequencer Engine library version 3.0
- TSLIB_VERSION(3) - simply return tslib's version string
- Tspi_Change_Auth(3) - change the authorization data of an entity.
- Tspi_ChangeAuthAsym(3) - change the authorization data of an entity using asymmetric change protocol.
- Tspi_Context_Close(3) - destroy a TSP context handle.
- Tspi_Context_CloseObject(3) - destroy resources associated with an object handle.
- Tspi_Context_Connect(3)
- Tspi_Context_Create(3) - create a TSP context handle.
- Tspi_Context_CreateObject(3) - create an empty object and return a handle to that object.
- Tspi_Context_FreeMemory(3) - Free allocated memory for a given context.
- Tspi_Context_GetCapability(3) - provide the capabilites of a TSS Core Service, TSS Service Provider, or TPM.
- Tspi_Context_GetDefaultPolicy(3) - Get a handle to the default policy object of a given context.
- Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo(3) - search the persistent storage for a registered key using the provided public key information
- Tspi_Context_GetKeyByUUID(3) - get a handle to a key registered in persistent storage.
- Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID(3) - get an array of TSS_KM_KEYINFO structures based on the state of persistent storage.
- Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID2(3) - get an array of TSS_KM_KEYINFO2 structures based on the state of persistent storage.
- Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject(3) - get the handle of the TPM object associated with a context.
- Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob(3) - load a key into the TPM using the key's blob.
- Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID(3) - load a key that's been registered in persistent storage.
- Tspi_Context_RegisterKey(3) - register a key in the TSS Persistent Storage database
- Tspi_Context_UnregisterKey(3) - unregister a key from the persistent storage device.
- Tspi_Data_Bind(3) - Encrypts a data blob
- Tspi_Data_Seal(3) - encrypt a data blob in a mannar that is only decryptable by Tspi_Data_Unseal on the same system.
- Tspi_Data_Unbind(3) - Decrypts data that has been bound to a key
- Tspi_Data_Unseal(3) - dencrypt data encrypted by Tspi_Data_Seal() only if it was encrypted on the same platform and under the current configuration.
- Tspi_DecodeBER_TssBlob(3) - unwraps a BER-encoded TSS blob.
- Tspi_EncodeDER_TssBlob(3) - generate a DER encoded TSS blob.
- Tspi_GetAttribData(3) - get a non 32bit attribute of the object.
- Tspi_GetAttribUint32(3) - get the value of particular attribute associated with a given class or object
- Tspi_GetPolicyObject(3) - get a policy object assigned to a working object
- Tspi_Hash_GetHashValue(3) - get the current hash value of a hash object
- Tspi_Hash_SetHashValue(3) - Sets the hash value of a hash object for non-SHA1 hash objects.
- Tspi_Hash_Sign(3) - sign the hash data of an object with a signing key
- Tspi_Hash_UpdateHashValue(3) - update the hash value of a hash object
- Tspi_Hash_VerifySignature(3) - verify the hash value with a given signature
- Tspi_Key_CertifyKey(3) - sign a public key.
- Tspi_Key_ConvertMigrationBlob(3) - create a wrapped key from a migration blob
- Tspi_Key_CreateKey(3) - create a key pair within the TPM, wrapping it with the key addressed by hWrappingKey.
- Tspi_Key_CreateMigrationBlob(3) - create a key blob suitable for migrating to another TPM.
- Tspi_Key_GetPubKey(3) - get the public key of an object
- Tspi_Key_LoadKey(3) - load a key into the TPM
- Tspi_Key_UnloadKey(3) - unload a key from the TPM
- Tspi_Key_WrapKey(3) - wrap a key with the key addressed by hWrappingKey.
- Tspi_PcrComposite_GetPcrValue(3) - get the digest value of a given PCR index inside a PCR composite object.
- Tspi_PcrComposite_SelectPcrIndex(3) - Either
- Tspi_PcrComposite_SetPcrValue(3) - Either
- Tspi_Policy_AssignToObject(3) - assign a policy to an object
- Tspi_Policy_FlushSecret(3) - flush a cached secret
- Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(3) - set the authorization data of a policy object and define the handling of its retrieval
- Tspi_SetAttribData(3) - set a non 32bit attribute of an object.
- Tspi_SetAttribUint32(3) - set a 32bit attribute associated with a given class or object
- Tspi_TPM_AuthorizeMigrationTicket(3)
- Tspi_TPM_CertifySelfTest(3)
- Tspi_TPM_CheckMaintenancePubKey(3)
- Tspi_TPM_ClearOwner(3) - clear TPM ownership
- Tspi_TPM_CMKSetRestrictions(3) - set restrictions on use of delegated Certified Migratable Keys
- Tspi_TPM_CollateIdentityRequest(3) - Gets all the informatin necessary to send to a trusted third party (TTP), repartory to asking the TTP to create a certificate for identity.
- Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey(3) - create the endorsement key
- Tspi_TPM_CreateMaintenanceArchive(3) - create the TPM manufacturer specific maintenance archive data.
- Tspi_TPM_DirRead(3) - Read a Data Integrity Register
- Tspi_TPM_DirWrite(3) - write to a Data Integrity Register
- Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest(3) - retrieve the audit digest.
- Tspi_TPM_GetCapability(3) - get information on the capabilities of the TPM
- Tspi_TPM_GetEvent(3)
- Tspi_TPM_GetEventLog(3)
- Tspi_TPM_GetEvents(3)
- Tspi_TPM_GetPubEndorsementKey(3) - create a TSS key object from the TPM's public endorsement key
- Tspi_TPM_GetRandom(3) - generate a random number on the TPM
- Tspi_TPM_GetStatus(3) - query the TPM's status
- Tspi_TPM_GetTestResult(3)
- Tspi_TPM_KillMaintenanceFeature(3) - Disables the ability to create a maintenance archive
- Tspi_TPM_LoadMaintenancePubKey(3)
- Tspi_TPM_OwnerGetSRKPubKey(3) - get public key of the SRK
- Tspi_TPM_PcrExtend(3) - extend a PCR register and optionally write the PCR event log.
- Tspi_TPM_PcrRead(3) - read the value in a PCR register
- Tspi_TPM_Quote(3) - retreive a signed set of PCR values.
- Tspi_TPM_Quote2(3) - retreive a signed set of PCR values with a more complete view than Tspi_TPM_Quote.
- Tspi_TPM_SelfTestFull(3) - perform a self-test of each internal TPM function
- Tspi_TPM_SetStatus(3) - modify the TPM's status
- Tspi_TPM_StirRandom(3) - add entropy to the TPM random number generator
- Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership(3) - take ownership of a TPM
- Tss2_Tcti_Cmd_Init(3) - Initialization function for the Cmd TCTI library.
- Tss2_Tcti_Device_Init(3) - Initialization function for the device TCTI library.
- Tss2_Tcti_Mssim_Init(3) - Initialization function for the Microsoft TPM simulator TCTI library.
- TSS2_TCTI_TABRMD_INIT(3) - Initialization function for the tpm2-abrmd TCTI library.
- Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize(3) - Function to finalize a TCTI context instantiated by the Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize function.
- Tss2_TctiLdr_FreeInfo(3) - Function to free a TSS2_TCTI_INFO structure allocated by
- Tss2_TctiLdr_GetInfo(3) - Query TctiLdr library for the TSS2_TCTI_INFO structure associated with a TCTI library.
- Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize(3) - Instantiate and initialize a TCTI context.
- TST_RES(3) - Print result message
- TST_SIG(3) - set up for unexpected signals
- TST_TMPDIR(3) - create a unique testing directory and make it current.
- tsv_read_field(3)
- tsv_read_field_malloc(3)
- tsv_skip_field(3)
- tsv_skip_rest_of_line(3)
- ttb(3) - A base for building trace tools for distributed systems.
- ttfmod(3)
- Ttk_CreateTheme(3) - create and use Tk themes.
- TTUTIL(3) - the utility API
- Tty::Constant(3) - Terminal Constants (autogenerated)
- TTYNAME(3) - get name of associated terminal (tty) from file descriptor
- Twiggy::TLS(3) - Twiggy server with TLS support.
- Twiggy::TLS::Info(3) - TLS connection information
- Twitter::API::Context(3) - Encapsulated state for a request/response
- Twitter::API::Error(3) - Twitter API exception
- Twitter::API::Role::RequestArgs(3) - API request method helpers
- Twitter::API::Trait::ApiMethods(3) - Convenient API Methods
- Twitter::API::Trait::AppAuth(3) - App-only (OAuth2) Authentication
- Twitter::API::Trait::DecodeHtmlEntities(3) - Decode HTML entities in strings
- Twitter::API::Trait::Enchilada(3) - Sometimes you want the whole enchilada
- Twitter::API::Trait::Migration(3) - Migration support Net::Twitter/::Lite users
- Twitter::API::Trait::NormalizeBooleans(3) - Normalize Booleans
- Twitter::API::Trait::RateLimiting(3) - Automatically sleep as needed to handle rate limiting
- Twitter::API::Trait::RetryOnError(3) - Automatically retry API calls on error
- Twitter::API::Util(3) - Utilities for working with the Twitter API
- Twofish2(3) - Crypt::CBC compliant Twofish encryption module
- Type::Coercion(3) - a set of coercions to a particular target type constraint
- Type::Coercion::FromMoose(3) - a set of coercions borrowed from Moose
- Type::Coercion::Union(3) - a set of coercions to a union type constraint
- Type::Nano(3) - simple type constraint library for testing
- Type::Params(3) - Params::Validate-like parameter validation using Type::Tiny type constraints and coercions
- Type::Parser(3) - parse type constraint strings
- Type::Registry(3) - a glorified hashref for looking up type constraints
- Type::Tie(3) - tie a variable to a type constraint
- Type::Tiny(3) - tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
- Type::Tiny::_HalfOp(3) - half-completed overloaded operation
- Type::Tiny::Class(3) - type constraints based on the "isa" method
- Type::Tiny::ConstrainedObject(3) - shared behavour for Type::Tiny::Class, etc
- Type::Tiny::Duck(3) - type constraints based on the "can" method
- Type::Tiny::Enum(3) - string enum type constraints
- Type::Tiny::Intersection(3) - intersection type constraints
- Type::Tiny::Manual(3) - an overview of Type::Tiny
- Type::Tiny::Manual::AllTypes(3) - alphabetical list of all type constraints bundled with Type::Tiny
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Coercions(3) - advanced information on coercions
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Contributing(3) - contributing to Type::Tiny development.
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Installation(3) - how to install Type::Tiny
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Libraries(3) - defining your own type libraries
- Type::Tiny::Manual::NonOO(3) - Type::Tiny in non-object-oriented code
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Optimization(3) - squeeze the most out of your CPU
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Params(3) - advanced information on Type::Params
- Type::Tiny::Manual::Policies(3) - Type::Tiny policies
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithClassTiny(3) - use of Type::Tiny with Class::Tiny
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo(3) - basic use of Type::Tiny with Moo
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo2(3) - advanced use of Type::Tiny with Moo
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo3(3) - alternative use of Type::Tiny with Moo
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoose(3) - how to use Type::Tiny with Moose
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMouse(3) - how to use Type::Tiny with Mouse
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithOther(3) - using Type::Tiny with Class::InsideOut, Params::Check, and Object::Accessor.
- Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithTestMore(3) - Type::Tiny for test suites
- Type::Tiny::Role(3) - type constraints based on the "DOES" method
- Type::Tiny::Signatures(3) - Type::Tiny Method/Function Signatures
- Type::Tiny::Union(3) - union type constraints
- Type::Tiny::XS(3) - provides an XS boost for some of Type::Tiny's built-in type constraints
- Type::Tiny::XS::Util(3) - support functions for Type::Tiny::XS
- Type::Utils(3) - utility functions to make defining and using type constraints a little easier
- TYPED_MEM(3) - heap memory accounting system
- Types::Standard(3) - bundled set of built-in types for Type::Tiny
- Types::Standard::ArrayRef(3) - internals for the Types::Standard ArrayRef type constraint
- Types::Standard::CycleTuple(3) - internals for the Types::Standard CycleTuple type constraint
- Types::Standard::Dict(3) - internals for the Types::Standard Dict type constraint
- Types::Standard::HashRef(3) - internals for the Types::Standard HashRef type constraint
- Types::Standard::Map(3) - internals for the Types::Standard Map type constraint
- Types::Standard::ScalarRef(3) - internals for the Types::Standard ScalarRef type constraint
- Types::Standard::StrMatch(3) - internals for the Types::Standard StrMatch type constraint
- Types::Standard::Tied(3) - internals for the Types::Standard Tied type constraint
- Types::Standard::Tuple(3) - internals for the Types::Standard Tuple type constraint
- Types::TypeTiny(3) - type constraints used internally by Type::Tiny
- Types::UUID(3) - type constraints for UUIDs
- TZSET(3) - initialize time conversion information
- UALARM(3) - schedule signal after specified time
- uatof(3) - Converts a string into a double. Allegro game programming library.
- Ubic(3) - polymorphic service manager
- Ubic::AccessGuard(3) - guard for operations with temporarily different effective uid
- Ubic::Admin::Setup(3) - this module handles ubic setup: asks user some questions and configures your system
- Ubic::AtomicFile(3) - atomic file operations
- Ubic::Cmd(3) - ubic methods with pretty printing.
- Ubic::Cmd::Results(3) - console results set
- Ubic::Credentials(3) - base class for OS-specific credential methods
- Ubic::Credentials::OS::MacOSX(3) - MacOSX-specific credentials implementation
- Ubic::Credentials::OS::POSIX(3) - POSIX-specific credentials implementation
- Ubic::Credentials::OS::Windows(3) - dummy credentials module
- Ubic::Daemon(3) - daemon management utilities
- Ubic::Daemon::OS(3) - base class for os-specific daemon methods
- Ubic::Daemon::OS::Linux(3) - linux-specific daemonize helpers
- Ubic::Daemon::OS::POSIX(3) - POSIX-compatible daemonize helpers
- Ubic::Daemon::PidState(3) - internal object representing process info stored on disk
- Ubic::Daemon::Status(3) - daemon status structure
- Ubic::Lockf(3) - file locker with an automatic out-of-scope unlocking mechanism
- Ubic::Lockf::Alarm(3) - alarm guard
- Ubic::Logger(3) - very simple logging functions
- Ubic::Manual::FAQ(3) - frequently asked questions about Ubic
- Ubic::Manual::Intro(3) - Initial introduction
- Ubic::Manual::Multiservices(3) - Multiservices - dynamic generation of service tree
- Ubic::Manual::Overview(3) - General ubic concepts and architecture
- Ubic::Multiservice(3) - interface of multiservice representing several named services
- Ubic::Multiservice::Dir(3) - multiservice which uses directory with configs to instantiate services
- Ubic::Multiservice::Simple(3) - simplest multiservice, configured in constructor
- Ubic::Persistent(3) - simple hash-to-file persistence object
- Ubic::Ping(3) - http server which returns service status by it's name or port
- Ubic::Ping::Service(3) - ubic.ping service
- Ubic::PortMap(3) - update and read mapping of ports to service names.
- Ubic::Result(3) - common return value for many ubic interfaces
- Ubic::Result::Class(3) - ubic result object
- Ubic::Run(3) - really simple way to write init scripts
- Ubic::Service(3) - interface and the base class for any ubic service
- Ubic::Service::Common(3) - common way to construct new service by specifying several callbacks
- Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon(3) - service module for daemonizing any binary
- Ubic::Service::Skeleton(3) - skeleton of any service with common start/stop logic
- Ubic::Service::Utils(3) - helpers for custom service authors
- Ubic::ServiceLoader(3) - load service from file
- Ubic::ServiceLoader::Base(3) - abstract base class for service loaders
- Ubic::ServiceLoader::Default(3) - default service loader
- Ubic::ServiceLoader::Ext::ini(3) - loader for ini-style configs
- Ubic::ServiceLoader::Ext::json(3) - loader for json-style configs
- Ubic::Settings(3) - ubic settings
- Ubic::Settings::ConfigFile(3) - single ubic config file
- Ubic::SingletonLock(3) - lock which can be safely created several times from the same process without deadlocking
- Ubic::UA(3) - tiny http client
- Ubic::Watchdog(3) - watchdog code
- Uchar(3) - Unicode characters.
- UCONTEXT(3) - user thread context
- uconvert_ascii(3) - Converts string from ASCII into the current format. Allegro game programming library.
- uconvert_size(3) - Number of bytes needed to store a string after conversion. Allegro game programming library.
- uconvert_toascii(3) - Converts strings from the current format into ASCII. Allegro game programming library.
- ucwidth(3) - Low level helper function for testing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- UDCode(3) - Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
- udns(3) - stub DNS resolver library
- UDP_OPEN(3) - opens an UDP socket
- UDP_OPEN_MEM(3) - opens an UDP socket
- UDP_RECV(3) - receives an UDP packet
- UDP_RECVL(3) - receives an UDP packet
- UDP_SEND(3) - sends an UDP packet
- UDP_SENDL(3) - sends an UDP packet
- UDPREAD(3) - read and write UDP packets
- UFS_DISK_CLOSE(3) - open and close userland UFS disks
- Ufunc(3) - primitive ufunc operations for pdl
- ugetat(3) - Finds out the value of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ugetc(3) - Low level helper function for reading Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- ugetx(3) - Low level helper function for reading Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- UI::Dialog(3) - wrapper for various dialog applications.
- UI::Dialog::Backend(3) - simply a collection of primarily internal methods.
- UI::Dialog::Backend::ASCII(3) - Dialog backend for the native Perl mode of basic text.
- UI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog(3) - backend for the console dialog(1) variant.
- UI::Dialog::Backend::GDialog(3) - backend for the antiquated GNOME dialog variant.
- UI::Dialog::Backend::KDialog(3) - backend for the KDE dialog variant.
- UI::Dialog::Backend::Nautilus(3) - wrapper around the data provided by the nautilus(1).
- UI::Dialog::Backend::Whiptail(3) - Backend for the Whiptail dialog variant
- UI::Dialog::Backend::XDialog(3) - backend for the Xdialog(1)
- UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD(3) - backend for the osd_cat(1).
- UI::Dialog::Backend::Zenity(3) - wrapper of the Zenity application.
- UI::Dialog::Console(3) - console meta-class for UI::Dialog.
- UI::Dialog::Gauged(3) - wrapper support of gauge related functions.
- UI::Dialog::GNOME(3) - GNOME GUI meta-class for UI::Dialog.
- UI::Dialog::KDE(3) - KDE GUI meta-class for UI::Dialog.
- UI::Dialog::Screen::Druid(3) - wrapper to screen dialogs.
- UI::Dialog::Screen::Menu(3) - wrapper to screen dialogs.
- UI_CREATE_METHOD(3) - user interface method creation and destruction
- UI_NEW(3) - user interface
- UI_STRING(3) - User interface string parsing
- UI_UTIL_READ_PW(3) - user interface utilities
- UilDumpSymbolTable(3)
- uinsert(3) - Inserts a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- uint16_pack(3) - write an unsigned little-endian 16-bit integer
- uint16_pack_big(3) - write an unsigned big-endian 16-bit integer
- uint16_read(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 16-bit integer
- uint16_read_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 16-bit integer
- uint16_unpack(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 16-bit integer
- uint16_unpack_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 16-bit integer
- uint32_pack(3) - write an unsigned little-endian 32-bit integer
- uint32_pack_big(3) - write an unsigned big-endian 32-bit integer
- uint32_read(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 32-bit integer
- uint32_read_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 32-bit integer
- uint32_unpack(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 32-bit integer
- uint32_unpack_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 32-bit integer
- uint64_pack(3) - write an unsigned little-endian 64-bit integer
- uint64_pack_big(3) - write an unsigned big-endian 64-bit integer
- uint64_read(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 64-bit integer
- uint64_read_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 64-bit integer
- uint64_unpack(3) - read an unsigned little-endian 64-bit integer
- uint64_unpack_big(3) - read an unsigned big-endian 64-bit integer
- uisdigit(3) - Tells if a character is a digit. Allegro game programming library.
- uisok(3) - Low level helper function for testing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- uisspace(3) - Tells if a character is whitespace. Allegro game programming library.
- UKCPROG(3) - Library of utilities for C programmers
- ULIMIT(3) - get and set process limits
- ULOG_LOGIN(3) - manage user login records
- UMIDI20(3) - Universal MIDI library
- UML::Class::Simple(3) - Render simple UML class diagrams, by loading the code
- UML::Sequence(3) - Render UML sequence diagrams, often by running the code.
- UML::Sequence::Activation(3) - a helper class to support UML::Sequence
- UML::Sequence::JavaSeq(3) - for use with genericseq.pl script, works on compiled Java programs
- UML::Sequence::PerlOOSeq(3) - helper for genericseq.pl showing object instances
- UML::Sequence::PerlSeq(3) - for use with genericseq.pl script, works on Perl programs
- UML::Sequence::Raster(3) - converts xml sequence files to a raster image
- UML::Sequence::SimpleSeq(3) - turns simple outlines (see below) into UML sequence diagrams
- UML::Sequence::Svg(3) - converts xml sequence files to svg
- Umph::Prompt(3) - Interactive prompt for Umph
- umult16(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- umult32(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- umult64(3) - integer multiplication with overflow checking
- Unaccent(3) - Remove accents from a string
- UNAME(3) - get system identification
- Uncertainty(3) - An object-orientated uncertainty object
- Underground(3) - Perl extension for retrieving weather information from wunderground.com
- UNGETC(3) - un-get character from input stream
- UNGETWC(3) - un-get wide character from input stream
- UNIADDR(3) - ATM signalling library - address handling
- UNICODE::BIDI(3) - unicode bi-directional algorithm
- UNICODE::CANONICAL(3) - unicode canonical normalization and denormalization
- Unicode::CaseFold(3) - Unicode case-folding for case-insensitive lookups.
- Unicode::CharName(3) - Look up Unicode character names
- Unicode::Collate(3) - Unicode Collation Algorithm
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208(3) - weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin(3) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::Collate::Locale(3) - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::Collate
- Unicode::EastAsianWidth(3) - East Asian Width properties
- Unicode::Escape(3) - Escape and unescape Unicode characters other than ASCII
- UNICODE::ICONVERT::C(3) - unicode character set conversion
- UNICODE::ICONVERT::F(3) - template for converting text sequence from unicode
- UNICODE::ICONVERT::T(3) - template for converting text sequence to unicode
- Unicode::IMAPUtf7(3) - Perl extension to deal with IMAP UTF7
- Unicode::Japanese(3) - Convert encoding of japanese text
- Unicode::Japanese::JA(3) - 日本語文字コード変換
- Unicode::MapUTF8(3) - Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
- Unicode::Normalize(3) - Unicode Normalization Forms
- Unicode::RecursiveDowngrade(3) - Turn off the UTF-8 flags inside of complex variable
- Unicode::Stringprep(3) - Preparation of Internationalized Strings (RFC 3454)
- Unicode::Stringprep::_Common(3) - Internal functions for "Unicode::Stringprep::*"
- Unicode::Stringprep::BiDi(3) - Tables from RFC 3454, Appendix D
- Unicode::Stringprep::Mapping(3) - Tables from RFC 3454, Appendix B
- Unicode::Stringprep::Prohibited(3) - Tables from RFC 3454, Appendix C
- Unicode::Stringprep::Unassigned(3) - Tables from RFC 3454, Appendix A
- UNICODE::TOLOWER(3) - unicode version of
- Unicode::Tussle(3) - Tom's Unicode Scripts So Life is Easier
- Unicode::UCD(3) - Unicode character database
- UNICODE::WORDBREAK(3) - unicode word-breaking rules
- UNICODE_BIDI(3) - unicode bi-directional algorithm
- UNICODE_CANONICAL(3) - unicode canonical normalization and denormalization
- UNICODE_CATEGORY_LOO(3) - unicode character categorization
- UNICODE_CONVERT(3) - unicode character set conversion
- UNICODE_DEFAULT_CHSE(3) - return the system character set name
- UNICODE_EMOJI_LOOKUP(3) - look up unicode character's Unicode Emoji Classification
- UNICODE_GRAPHEME_BRE(3) - unicode grapheme cluster boundary rules
- UNICODE_HTML40ENT_LO(3) - look up unicode character for an HTML 4.0 entity
- UNICODE_LINE_BREAK(3) - calculate mandatory or allowed line breaks
- UNICODE_SCRIPT(3) - unicode script property
- UNICODE_UC(3) - unicode uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase character lookup
- UNICODE_WORD_BREAK(3) - calculate word breaks
- Unicornify::URL(3) - OMG UNICORN AVATAR!
- UNIFUNC(3) - ATM signalling library - message handling functions
- Unihan(3) - The Unihan Data Base 5.1.0
- UNIMSG(3) - ATM signalling library - message buffers
- UNISAP(3) - ATM signalling library - ATM SAP handling
- UNISTRUCT(3) - ATM signalling library
- UNIVERSAL::can(3) - work around buggy code calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
- UNIVERSAL::isa(3) - Attempt to recover from people calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
- UNIVERSAL::ref(3) - Turns ref() into a multimethod
- UNIVERSAL::require(3) - require() modules from a variable [deprecated]
- UNIVERSAL::which(3) - tells fully qualified name of the method
- Unix::Groups(3) - Perl to support "getgroups" and "setgroups" syscalls
- Unix::Groups::FFI(3) - Interface to Unix group syscalls
- Unix::Lsof(3) - Wrapper to the Unix lsof utility
- Unix::Lsof::Result(3) - Perlish interface to lsof output
- Unix::Mknod(3) - Perl extension for mknod, major, minor, and makedev
- Unix::Passwd::File(3) - Manipulate /etc/{passwd,shadow,group,gshadow} entries
- Unix::setuid(3) - Get/set real/effective UID/username via (localizeable) variable
- Unix::Statgrab(3) - Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_cpu_percents(3) - container for libstatgrab CPU percent collection
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_cpu_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab CPU statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_disk_io_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab disk I/O statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_error_details(3) - libstatgrab error status
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_fs_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab filesystem statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_host_info(3) - container for libstatgrab host information
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_load_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab load average statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_mem_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab memory statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_network_iface_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab network interface statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_network_io_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab network I/O statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_page_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab paging statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_process_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab process statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_swap_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab swap space statistics
- Unix::Statgrab::sg_user_stats(3) - container for libstatgrab user-login collection
- Unix::Uptime(3) - Determine the current uptime, in seconds, and load averages, across different *NIX architectures
- Unix::Uptime::BSD(3) - BSD implementation of Unix::Uptime (for Darwin, OpenBSD, and NetBSD)
- Unix::Uptime::Linux(3) - Linux implementation of Unix::Uptime
- unix_telnet(3) - Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a Telnet server on a UNIX host.
- UnixCrypt(3) - perl-only implementation of the "crypt" function.
- UnknownDict(3) - The dictionary of unknown words
- unload_datafile(3) - Frees all the objects in a datafile. Allegro game programming library.
- unload_datafile_object(3) - Frees an object previously loaded by load_datafile_object(). Allegro game programming library.
- unmocked(3) - use real libraries from within mocked libraries
- UnNamedObj(3) - widget from X tookit
- unscare_mouse(3) - Undoes the effect of scare_mouse() or scare_mouse_area(). Allegro game programming library.
- unselect_palette(3) - Restores the palette before last call to select_palette(). Allegro game programming library.
- UNVIS(3) - decode a visual representation of characters
- uoffset(3) - Finds the offset of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- update_dialog(3) - Low level function to update a dialog player. Allegro game programming library.
- update_menu(3) - Low level function to update a menu player. Allegro game programming library.
- UPSCLI_ADD_HOST_CERT(3) - Register a security rule for an host.
- UPSCLI_CLEANUP(3) - Clean-up upsclient module after usage.
- UPSCLI_CONNECT(3) - Open a connection to a NUT upsd
- UPSCLI_DISCONNECT(3) - disconnect from a UPS server
- UPSCLI_FD(3) - Get file descriptor for connection
- UPSCLI_GET(3) - retrieve data from a UPS
- UPSCLI_INIT(3) - Initialize upsclient module specifying security properties.
- UPSCLI_LIST_NEXT(3) - retrieve list items from a UPS
- UPSCLI_LIST_START(3) - begin multi-item retrieval from a UPS
- UPSCLI_READLINE(3) - read a single response from a UPS
- UPSCLI_SENDLINE(3) - send a single command to a UPS
- UPSCLI_SPLITADDR(3) - split a listening address into its components
- UPSCLI_SPLITNAME(3) - split a UPS definition into its components
- UPSCLI_SSL(3) - Check SSL mode for current connection
- UPSCLI_STRERROR(3) - return string describing error condition
- UPSCLI_UPSERROR(3) - Get current error number for connection
- UPSCLIENT(3) - Network UPS Tools client access library
- ureadkey(3) - Returns the next unicode character from the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- URI::_punycode(3) - encodes Unicode string in Punycode
- URI::Based(3) - Define a base URI and then generate variations on it
- URI::cpan(3) - URLs that refer to things on the CPAN
- URI::cpan::author(3)
- URI::cpan::dist(3)
- URI::cpan::distfile(3) - cpan:///distfile/AUTHOR/Dist-1.234.tar.gz
- URI::cpan::module(3)
- URI::cpan::package(3)
- URI::data(3) - URI that contains immediate data
- URI::db(3)
- URI::Encode(3) - Simple percent Encoding/Decoding
- URI::Encode::XS(3) - a Perl URI encoder/decoder using C
- URI::Escape::JavaScript(3) - A perl implementation of JavaScript's escape() and unescape() functions
- URI::Escape::XS(3) - Drop-In replacement for URI::Escape
- URI::Fetch(3) - Smart URI fetching/caching
- URI::Fetch::Response(3) - Feed response for URI::Fetch
- URI::Find(3) - Find URIs in arbitrary text
- URI::Find::Schemeless(3) - Find schemeless URIs in arbitrary text.
- URI::FromHash(3) - Build a URI from a set of named parameters
- URI::GoogleChart(3) - Generate Google Chart URIs
- URI::Heuristic(3) - Expand URI using heuristics
- URI::imap(3) - Support IMAP URI
- URI::imaps(3) - Support IMAPS URI
- URI::ldap(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
- URI::ldapdb(3) - LDAP database URI
- URI::Match(3) - Match URLs By Parts
- URI::Nested(3)
- URI::OpenURL(3) - Parse and construct OpenURL's (NISO Z39.88-2004)
- URI::ParseSearchString(3) - parse search engine referrer URLs and extract keywords used
- URI::Query(3) - class providing URI query string manipulation
- URI::QueryParam(3) - Additional query methods for URIs
- URI::SmartURI(3) - Subclassable and hostless URIs
- URI::socks(3) - support for socks://host:port
- URI::Split(3) - Parse and compose URI strings
- URI::Template(3) - Object for handling URI templates (RFC 6570)
- URI::Template::Restrict(3) - restricted URI Templates handler
- URI::Template::Restrict::Expansion(3) - Template expansions
- URI::Title(3) - get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way
- URI::Title::HTML(3) - get titles of html files
- URI::Title::Image(3) - get titles of images
- URI::Title::MP3(3) - get titles of MP3 files
- URI::Title::PDF(3) - get titles of PDF files
- URI::ToDisk(3) - An object for mapping a URI to an on-disk storage directory
- URI::URL(3) - Uniform Resource Locators
- URI::UTF8::Punycode(3) - Punycode conversion of UTF-8 string.
- URI::WithBase(3) - URIs which remember their base
- URI::ws(3) - WebSocket support for URI package
- URI::wss(3) - Secure WebSocket support for URI package
- uri_string(3) - URI processing functions.
- URL::Encode(3) - Encoding and decoding of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoding.
- URL::Encode::XS(3) - XS implementation of URL::Encode
- UROUTE(3) - networking route objects
- urxvtperl(3) - rxvt-unicode's embedded perl interpreter
- USBHID(3) - USB HID access routines
- USCTEST(3) - macros and libraries for common functions in system call tests
- USELOCALE(3) - Sets a thread-local locale
- User::grent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions
- User::Identity(3) - maintain info about a physical person
- User::Identity::Archive(3) - base class for archiving user information
- User::Identity::Archive::Plain(3) - simple, plain text archiver
- User::Identity::Collection(3) - base class for collecting roles of a user
- User::Identity::Collection::Emails(3) - a collection of email roles
- User::Identity::Collection::Locations(3) - a collection of locations
- User::Identity::Collection::Systems(3) - a collection of system descriptions
- User::Identity::Collection::Users(3) - a collection of users
- User::Identity::Item(3) - general base class for User::Identity
- User::Identity::Location(3) - physical location of a person
- User::Identity::System(3) - physical system of a person
- User::pwent(3) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions
- UserFile(3) - Perl extension for manipulating a RADIUS users file.
- UserInfo(3) - Base class of BBS::UserInfo::XXX
- UserSessionCookie(3) - Track sessions and, optionally, users
- usetat(3) - Replaces a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- usetc(3) - Low level helper function for writing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- USLEEP(3) - suspend thread execution for an interval measured in microseconds
- usprintf(3) - Writes formatted data into a buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcat(3) - Concatenates a string to another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrchr(3) - Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcmp(3) - Compares two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcpy(3) - Copies a string into another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrerror(3) - Returns a string describing errno. Allegro game programming library.
- ustricmp(3) - Compares two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlen(3) - Tells the number of characters in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlwr(3) - Replaces all letters with lower case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncat(3) - Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncmp(3) - Compares up to n letters of two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncpy(3) - Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrnicmp(3) - Compares up to n letters of two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrpbrk(3) - Finds the first character that matches any in a set. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrrchr(3) - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsize(3) - Size of the string in bytes without null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsizez(3) - Size of the string in bytes including null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrstr(3) - Finds the first occurrence of a string in another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtod(3) - Converts a string into a floating point number. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok(3) - Retrieves tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok_r(3) - Reentrant function to retrieve tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtol(3) - Converts a string into an integer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrupr(3) - Replaces all letters with upper case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcat(3) - Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcpy(3) - Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncat(3) - Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncpy(3) - Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- uszprintf(3) - Writes formatted data into a buffer, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- UTEMPTER_ADD_RECORD(3) - utempter compatibility interface
- utf8kind(3)
- UTF8simple(3) - Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to charactersets
- Util::Any(3) - to export any utilities and to create your own utility module
- Util::BLOB(3) - Simple interface to de/serialise perl references with Storable
- Util::Semaphore(3) - Easy to use semaphores
- Util::TimeTracker(3) - Track time elapsed
- UTM(3) - Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions.
- utolower(3) - Converts a letter to lower case. Allegro game programming library.
- utoupper(3) - Converts a letter to upper case. Allegro game programming library.
- UUCPLOCK(3) - acquire and release control of a serial device
- UUID::Random::Patch::UseMRS(3) - Make UUID::Random use Math::Random::Secure's rand()
- UUID::Tiny(3) - Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
- UUID::URandom(3) - UUIDs based on /dev/urandom or the Windows Crypto API
- UUID_CLEAR(3) - reset value of UUID variable to the NULL value
- UUID_COMPARE(3) - compare whether two UUIDs are the same
- UUID_COPY(3) - copy a UUID value
- UUID_GENERATE(3) - create a new unique UUID value
- UUID_IS_NULL(3) - compare the value of the UUID to the NULL value
- UUID_PARSE(3) - convert an input UUID string into binary representation
- UUID_TIME(3) - extract the time at which the UUID was created
- UUID_UNPARSE(3) - convert an UUID from binary representation to a string
- UULIB(3) - Decoding Library Programming Interface
- uvsprintf(3) - Writes formatted data into a buffer, using variable arguments. Allegro game programming library.
- uvszprintf(3) - Writes formatted data into a buffer, using size and variable arguments. Allegro game programming library.
- uwidth(3) - Low level helper function for testing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- uwidth_max(3) - Number of bytes a character can occupy. Allegro game programming library.
- V3D(3) - Fixed point vertex structure used by 3d functions. Allegro game programming library.
- V3D_f(3) - Floating point vertex structure used by 3d functions. Allegro game programming library.
- v6::perlito(3) - A Perlito Perl6 front-end for v6.pm
- va_usage(3)
- VACALL(3) - C functions called with variable arguments
- valid_extension(3)
- valid_vid(3)
- Validate::Net(3) - Format validation for Net:: related strings
- ValidateFile(3) - Validates an XMLTV file
- ValidateGrabber(3) - Validates an XMLTV grabber
- Validation::Class(3) - Powerful Data Validation Framework
- Validation::Class::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for Validation::Class
- Validation::Class::Directive(3) - Base Class for Validation Class Directives
- Validation::Class::Directive::Alias(3) - Alias Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Between(3) - Between Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::City(3) - City Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Creditcard(3) - Creditcard Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Date(3) - Date Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Decimal(3) - Decimal Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Default(3) - Default Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::DependsOn(3) - DependsOn Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Email(3) - Email Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Error(3) - Error Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Errors(3) - Errors Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Filtering(3) - Filtering Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Filters(3) - Filters Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Help(3) - Help Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Hostname(3) - Hostname Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Label(3) - Label Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Length(3) - Length Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Matches(3) - Matches Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MaxAlpha(3) - MaxAlpha Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MaxDigits(3) - MaxDigits Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MaxLength(3) - MaxLength Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MaxSum(3) - MaxSum Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MaxSymbols(3) - MaxSymbols Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Messages(3) - Messages Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MinAlpha(3) - MinAlpha Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MinDigits(3) - MinDigits Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MinLength(3) - MinLength Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MinSum(3) - MinSum Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MinSymbols(3) - MinSymbols Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Mixin(3) - Mixin Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::MixinField(3) - MixinField Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Multiples(3) - Multiples Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Name(3) - Name Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Options(3) - Options Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Pattern(3) - Pattern Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Readonly(3) - Readonly Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Required(3) - Required Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::SSN(3) - SSN Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::State(3) - State Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Telephone(3) - Telephone Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Time(3) - Time Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Toggle(3) - Toggle Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::UUID(3) - UUID Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Validation(3) - Validation Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Value(3) - Value Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directive::Zipcode(3) - Zipcode Directive for Validation Class Field Definitions
- Validation::Class::Directives(3) - Validation::Class Core Directives Registry
- Validation::Class::Exporter(3) - Simple Exporter for Validation::Class Classes
- Validation::Class::Listing(3) - Generic Container Class for an Array Reference
- Validation::Class::Mapping(3) - Generic Container Class for a Hash Reference
- Validation::Class::Prototype(3) - Data Validation Engine for Validation::Class Classes
- Validation::Class::Simple(3) - Simple Ad-Hoc Data Validation
- Validation::Class::Simple::Streamer(3) - Simple Streaming Data Validation
- Validation::Class::Whitepaper(3) - Operate with Impunity
- Validator::Custom(3) - HTML form validation. Simple and good flexibility
- Validator::Custom::CheckFunction(3) - Checking functions
- Validator::Custom::Constraint(3) - Constrint functions
- Validator::Custom::Constraints(3) - Constraint autoloading system
- Validator::Custom::Document::Version0(3) - Documentation in Version 0.xx
- Validator::Custom::FilterFunction(3) - Filtering functions
- Validator::Custom::Result(3) - Result of validation
- Validator::Custom::Rule(3) - Rule object
- Validator::Custom::Validation(3) - a result of validation
- VALLOC(3) - aligned memory allocation function
- Variable::Disposition(3) - helper functions for disposing of variables
- Variable::Eject(3) - Eject variables from hash to current namespace
- Variable::Magic(3) - Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl.
- variantsGEcomputational(3) - Variants Computational routines
- variantsOTHERcomputational(3) - Variants Computational routines
- variantsPOcomputational(3) - Variants Computational routines
- VCP(3) - Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
- VCP::Branches(3) - Introduction to transferring branches with VCP
- VCP::ConfigFileUtils(3) - utilities used to parse or create vcp config files
- VCP::DB(3) - Persistant storage for id -> (name, rev_id) maps
- VCP::DB_File(3) - Persistant storage for vcp_state data
- VCP::DB_File::big_records(3) - VCP::DB_File::sdbml subclass for large records
- VCP::DB_File::sdbm(3) - Subclass providing SDBM_File storage
- VCP::Debug(3) - debugging support for VCP
- VCP::DefaultFilters(3) - Class for determining default filters to install for a given source and dest.
- VCP::Dest(3) - A base class for VCP destinations
- VCP::Dest::branch_diagram(3) - An experimental diagram drawing "destination"
- VCP::Dest::csv(3) - developement output
- VCP::Dest::cvs(3) - cvs destination driver
- VCP::Dest::data_dump(3) - developement output
- VCP::Dest::metadb(3) - Store all metadata in to a serial store
- VCP::Dest::null(3) - null destination driver
- VCP::Dest::p4(3) - p4 destination driver
- VCP::Dest::perl_data(3) - emit metadata to a log file
- VCP::Dest::revml(3) - Outputs versioned files to a revml file
- VCP::Dest::summary(3) - developement output
- VCP::Dest::texttable(3) - developement output
- VCP::Dest::topo_table(3) - An experimental diagram drawing "destination"
- VCP::Dest::vss(3) - vss destination driver
- VCP::DiffFormat(3) - special diff format for VCP
- VCP::Driver(3) - A base class for sources and destinations
- VCP::FilesDB(3) - Persistant storage for path -> state
- VCP::Filter(3) - A base class for filters
- VCP::Filter::addlabels(3) - Add labels to each revision
- VCP::Filter::changesets(3) - Group revs in to changesets
- VCP::Filter::csv_trace(3) - developement logging filter
- VCP::Filter::cvsbkchangeset(3) - alter cvsbk revisions for proper log message
- VCP::Filter::dumpdata(3) - developement output filter
- VCP::Filter::identity(3) - identity (ie noop)
- VCP::Filter::labelmap(3) - Alter or remove labels from each revision
- VCP::Filter::logmemsize(3) - developement logging filter
- VCP::Filter::map(3) - rewrite name, branch_id or delete revisions
- VCP::Filter::sort(3) - Sort revs by field, order
- VCP::Filter::stringedit(3) - alter any field character by character
- VCP::HeadRevsDB(3) - Persistant storage for id -> (name, rev_id) maps
- VCP::License(3) - The license file for VCP.
- VCP::Logger(3) - Update message, bug, and Log file management
- VCP::MainBranchIdDB(3) - Persistant storage for tracking which branch_ids are the main CVS dev branch for each file.
- VCP::Maintenance(3) - VCP code maintenance tips & tricks
- VCP::Newlines(3) - Newline, ^Z, and NULL handling in VCP
- VCP::Patch(3) - Apply the (almost) unified diffs used in RevML
- VCP::Plugin(3) - A base class for VCP::Source and VCP::Dest
- VCP::PodDESCRIPTIONParser(3) - Parse DESCRIPTION sections from a set of source files.
- VCP::PodOPTIONSParser(3) - Parse OPTIONS sections from a set of source files.
- VCP::Process(3) - How vcp works
- VCP::RefCountedFile(3) - An object that deletes a named file when nothing refers to it any more.
- VCP::Rev(3) - VCP's concept of a revision
- VCP::RevMapDB(3) - Persistant storage for id -> (name, rev_id) maps
- VCP::Revs(3) - A collection of VCP::Rev objects.
- VCP::Source(3) - A base class for repository sources
- VCP::Source::cvs(3) - A CVS repository source
- VCP::Source::cvsbk(3) - A CVS repository source extension for bk exported cvs repository
- VCP::Source::metadb(3) - Read SCM metadata from a metadb file
- VCP::Source::null(3) - A null source, for testing purposes
- VCP::Source::p4(3) - A Perforce p4 repository source
- VCP::Source::revml(3) - Reads a RevML file
- VCP::Source::vss(3) - A VSS repository source
- VCP::TestUtils(3) - support routines for VCP testing
- VCP::UI(3) - User interface framework for interactive mode VCP.
- VCP::UI::Text(3) - A textual user interface for VCP.
- VCP::UIMachines(3) - State machines for user interface
- VCP::Utils(3) - utilities used within VCP's modules.
- VCP::Utils::cvs(3) - utilities for dealing with the cvs command
- VCP::Utils::metadb(3) - utilities for dealing with metadbs
- VCP::Utils::p4(3) - utilities for dealing with the p4 command
- VCP::Utils::revml(3) - utilities for dealing with the revml command
- VCP::Utils::vss(3) - utilities for dealing with the vss command
- VCS::CVS(3) - Provide a simple interface to CVS (the Concurrent Versions System).
- VCS::Dir(3) - module for access to a VCS directory
- VCS::File(3) - module for access to a file under version control
- VCS::Lite(3) - Minimal version control system
- VCS::Lite::Delta(3) - VCS::Lite differences
- VCS::Rcs(3) - notes for the rcs implementation
- VCS::Version(3) - module for access to a VCS version
- VCS_dev(3) - Information for VCS::* developers
- VecStat(3) - Some basic numeric stats on vectors
- vector_length(3) - Calculates the length of a vector. Allegro game programming library.
- VectorReal(3) - Module to handle 3D Vector Mathematics
- VectorSpace(3)
- Vend::Accounting::SQL_Ledger(3) - SQL-Ledger Accounting Interface for Interchange
- Vend::Cart(3)
- Vend::CounterFile(3) - Persistent counter class
- Vend::Form(3)
- Vend::Interpolate(3)
- Vend::Options::Matrix(3) - Interchange Matrix Options Support
- Vend::Options::Old48(3) - Interchange Compatibility Options Support
- Vend::Options::Simple(3) - Interchange Simple Options Support
- Vend::Parser(3) - Interchange parser class
- Vend::Payment::AuthorizeNet(3) - Interchange AuthorizeNet Support
- Vend::Payment::BoA(3) - Interchange Bank of America Support
- Vend::Payment::BusinessOnlinePayment(3) - Interchange wrapper for Business::OnlinePayment
- Vend::Payment::CyberCash(3) - Interchange CyberCash Support
- Vend::Payment::ECHO(3) - Interchange ECHO Support
- Vend::Payment::EFSNet(3) - Interchange EFSNet Support
- Vend::Payment::Ezic(3)
- Vend::Payment::Getitcard(3) - Interchange Getitcard Support
- Vend::Payment::ICS(3)
- Vend::Payment::iTransact(3) - Interchange iTransact Support
- Vend::Payment::Linkpoint(3) - Interchange Linkpoint Support
- Vend::Payment::MCVE(3) - Interchange MCVE support
- Vend::Payment::NetBilling(3)
- Vend::Payment::PRI(3) - Interchange PRI Support
- Vend::Payment::Protx2(3) - a recent version built with SSL and supporting the 'connect' timeout function.
- Vend::Payment::PSiGate(3) - Interchange PSiGate Support
- Vend::Payment::Sage(3) - Interchange Sage Support
- Vend::Payment::Signio(3) - Interchange support for Signio/Verisign Payflow Pro
- Vend::Payment::Skipjack(3) - Interchange Skipjack Support
- Vend::Payment::TCLink(3) - Interchange TrustCommerce Support
- Vend::Payment::TestPayment(3) - Interchange payment test module
- Vend::Ship(3)
- Vend::Ship::Postal(3)
- Vend::Ship::QueryUPS(3)
- Vend::SOAP::Transport(3) - Server side IO support for SOAP::Lite
- Vend::SQL_Parser(3) - Interchange SQL parser class
- Vend::Table::Editor(3)
- Vend::UserControl(3)
- Vend::UserDB(3)
- VendorShell(3) - replaces VendorShell from the X toolkit
- VENTI(3) - archival storage server
- VENTI-CACHE(3) - Venti block cache
- VENTI-CLIENT(3) - Venti client
- VENTI-CONN(3) - Venti network connections
- VENTI-FCALL(3) - venti data formats
- VENTI-FILE(3) - Venti files
- VENTI-LOG(3) - Venti logs
- VENTI-MEM(3) - error-checking memory allocators
- VENTI-PACKET(3) - zero-copy network buffers
- VENTI-SERVER(3) - Venti server
- VENTI-ZERO(3) - Venti block truncation
- verbiste(3) - french conjugation system
- Verp(3) - encodes and decodes Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP) addresses.
- version::Internals(3) - Perl extension for Version Objects
- Version::Next(3) - increment module version numbers simply and correctly
- VG_ARC(3) - agar-vg arc entity
- VG_CIRCLE(3) - agar-vg circle entity
- VG_LINE(3) - agar-vg line entity
- VG_POINT(3) - agar-vg point entity
- VG_POLYGON(3) - agar-vg polygon entity
- VG_TEXT(3) - agar-vg text entity
- VG_VIEW(3) - agar-vg visualization widget
- vga_accel(3) - calls the graphics accelerator
- vga_addmode(3) - add a mode to svgalib modes list
- vga_addtiming(3) - add a timing line to svgalib user timing list
- vga_bitblt(3) - copy pixmap on screen using an accelerator
- vga_blitwait(3) - wait for any accelerator operation to finish
- vga_claimvideomemory(3) - declare the amount of video memory used
- vga_clear(3) - clear the screen
- vga_copytoplanar16(3) - copy linear pixmap into VGA 16 color mode video memory
- vga_copytoplanar256(3) - copy linear pixmap into Mode X video memory
- vga_copytoplane(3) - copy linear pixmap to some planes of VGA 16 color mode video memory
- vga_disabledriverreport(3) - makes svgalib not emit any startup messages
- vga_drawline(3) - draw a line on the screen
- vga_drawpixel(3) - draw a pixel on the screen
- vga_drawscanline(3) - draw a horizontal line of pixels
- vga_drawscansegment(3) - draw a horizontal line of pixels
- vga_dumpregs(3) - dump the contents of the SVGA registers
- vga_ext_set(3) - set and query several extended features
- vga_fillblt(3) - file rectangular area in video memory with a single color
- vga_flip(3) - toggle between text and graphics mode
- vga_getch(3) - wait for a key
- vga_getcurrentchipset(3) - returns the current SVGA chipset
- vga_getcurrentmode(3) - returns the current video mode
- vga_getdefaultmode(3) - returns the default graphics mode number
- vga_getgraphmem(3) - returns the address of the VGA memory
- vga_getkey(3) - read a character from the keyboard without waiting
- vga_getmodeinfo(3) - returns pointer to mode information structure for a mode
- vga_getmodename(3) - return a name for the given video mode
- vga_getmodenumber(3) - return a number for the given video mode
- vga_getmonitortype(3) - returns the monitor type configured
- vga_getmousetype(3) - returns the capabilities of the mouse
- vga_getpalette(3) - get a color in the color lookup table
- vga_getpalvec(3) - gets colors from the color lookup table
- vga_getpixel(3) - get a pixels value from the screen
- vga_getscansegment(3) - get a list of consecutive pixel values
- vga_gettextfont(3) - get/set the font used in text mode
- vga_gettextmoderegs(3) - get/set the vga state used in text mode
- vga_getxdim(3) - return the current screen resolution
- vga_hasmode(3) - returns if a video mode is supported
- vga_hlinelistblt(3) - draw horizontal scan lines
- vga_imageblt(3) - copy a rectangular pixmap from system memory to video memory
- vga_init(3) - initialize svgalib library
- vga_lastmodenumber(3) - returns the last video mode number
- vga_lockvc(3) - disables virtual console switching for safety
- vga_oktowrite(3) - indicates whether the program has direct access to the SVGA
- vga_runinbackground(3) - enable running of the program while there is no VGA access
- vga_runinbackground_version(3) - returns the version of the current background support
- vga_safety_fork(3) - start a parallel process to restore the console at a crash
- vga_screenoff(3) - turn generation of the video signal on or off
- vga_setchipset(3) - force chipset
- vga_setchipsetandfeatures(3) - force chipset and optional parameters
- vga_setcolor(3) - set the current color
- vga_setdisplaystart(3) - set the display start address
- vga_setegacolor(3) - set the current color
- vga_setflipchar(3) - set the character causing a vga_flip()
- vga_setlinearaddressing(3) - switch to linear addressing mode
- vga_setlogicalwidth(3) - set the logical scanline width
- vga_setmode(3) - sets a video mode
- vga_setmodeX(3) - try to set Mode X-like memory organization
- vga_setmousesupport(3) - enable mouse support
- vga_setpage(3) - set the 64K SVGA page number
- vga_setpalette(3) - set a color in the color lookup table
- vga_setpalvec(3) - sets colors in the color lookup table
- vga_setreadpage(3) - set the 64K SVGA page number
- vga_setrgbcolor(3) - set the current color
- vga_setwritepage(3) - set the 64K SVGA page number
- vga_unlockvc(3) - re-enables virtual console switching
- vga_waitevent(3) - wait for various I/O events
- vga_waitretrace(3) - wait for vertical retrace.
- vga_white(3) - return the color white in the current screen resolution
- VGL(3) - Video Graphics Library functions
- Video::DVDRip(3) - GUI for copying DVDs, based on an open Low Level API
- Video::DVDRip::CPAN::Scanf(3) - emulate sscanf() of the C library
- video_3dorder(3)
- video_display_state(3)
- video_displaydescr(3)
- video_displaygamma(3)
- video_displaymodes(3)
- video_synchronization(3)
- VILLA(3) - the advanced API of QDBM
- Vimana(3) - Vim script manager.
- Vimana::Command::Download(3) - download a vim plugin package.
- Vimana::Command::Install(3) - install a vim plugin package.
- Vimana::Command::Installed(3)
- Vimana::Command::Remove(3) - {Description}
- Vimana::Command::Search(3) - search vim plugins.
- Vimana::Index(3)
- Vimana::Installer(3)
- Vimana::Installer::Auto(3)
- Vimana::Installer::Makefile(3)
- Vimana::Installer::Text(3)
- Vimana::Logger(3) - logging framework for Vimana
- Vimana::Manual(3) - Getting started
- Vimana::Record(3)
- Vimana::Recursive(3) - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
- Vimana::Util(3)
- VIRTUAL_W(3) - Global define to obtain the virtual size of the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- VirtualBindings(3)
- VirtualNet(3) - Vital VirtualNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- Visio(3) - Perl extension mainpulating XML based Visio files
- Visio::Hyperlink(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of Visio hyperlinks
- Visio::Layout(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of Visio Layouts
- Visio::Line(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of visio lines
- Visio::Master(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of Viso master sheets
- Visio::Page(3) - Perl extension for visio shapes
- Visio::PageProps(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of Visio Page properties
- Visio::PageSheet(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of Viso page sheets
- Visio::Shape(3) - Perl extension for manipulation of visio shapes
- vline(3) - Draws a vertical line onto the bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- VM::EC2(3) - Perl interface to Amazon EC2, Virtual Private Cloud, Elastic Load Balancing, Autoscaling, and Relational Database services
- VM::EC2::AccountAttributes(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 account attributes set
- VM::EC2::ASG(3) - Object describing an AutoScaling Group
- VM::EC2::AvailabilityZone(3) - Object describing an Amazon availability zone
- VM::EC2::BlockDevice(3) - Object describing how to construct an EC2 block device when launching an image
- VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Attachment(3) - Object describing the attachment of an EBS volume to an instance
- VM::EC2::BlockDevice::EBS(3) - Object describing how to initialize an Amazon EBS volume from an image
- VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Mapping(3) - Object describing an EC2 block device attached to an instance
- VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Mapping::EBS(3) - Object describing an EBS volume that has been mapped onto an Amazon EC2 instance
- VM::EC2::DB::AvailabilityZone(3) - An RDS Database Availability Zone
- VM::EC2::DB::CharacterSet(3) - An RDS Database Engine Character Set
- VM::EC2::DB::EC2SecurityGroup(3) - An RDS Database EC2 Security Group
- VM::EC2::DB::Endpoint(3) - An RDS Database Endpoint
- VM::EC2::DB::Engine::Defaults(3) - An RDS Database Engine Parameter Defaults
- VM::EC2::DB::Engine::Version(3) - An RDS Database Engine Version
- VM::EC2::DB::Event(3) - An RDS Database Event
- VM::EC2::DB::Event::Category(3) - An RDS Database Event Category
- VM::EC2::DB::Event::Subscription(3) - An RDS Database Event Subscription
- VM::EC2::DB::Instance(3) - Object describing an Amazon RDS instance
- VM::EC2::DB::Instance::OrderableOption(3) - An RDS Database Orderable Option
- VM::EC2::DB::IPRange(3) - An RDS Database IP Range
- VM::EC2::DB::Option(3) - An RDS Database IP Range
- VM::EC2::DB::Option::Group(3) - An RDS Database Option Group
- VM::EC2::DB::Option::Group::Membership(3) - An RDS Database Option Group Membership
- VM::EC2::DB::Option::Group::Option(3) - An RDS Database Option Group Option
- VM::EC2::DB::Option::Group::Option::Setting(3) - An RDS Database Option Group Option Setting
- VM::EC2::DB::Parameter(3) - An RDS Database Parameter
- VM::EC2::DB::Parameter::Group(3) - An RDS Database Parameter Group
- VM::EC2::DB::Parameter::Group::Status(3) - An RDS Database Parameter Group Status object
- VM::EC2::DB::PendingModifiedValues(3) - An RDS Database Pending Modifed Values object
- VM::EC2::DB::Reserved::Instance(3) - An RDS Database Reserved Instance
- VM::EC2::DB::Reserved::Instance::Offering(3) - An RDS Database Reserved Instance Offering
- VM::EC2::DB::Reserved::RecurringCharge(3) - An RDS Database Reserved Instance Recurring Charge
- VM::EC2::DB::SecurityGroup(3) - An RDS Database Security Group
- VM::EC2::DB::SecurityGroup::Membership(3) - An RDS Database Security Group Membership
- VM::EC2::DB::Snapshot(3) - An RDS Database Snapshot
- VM::EC2::DB::Subnet(3) - An RDS Database Subnet
- VM::EC2::DB::Subnet::Group(3) - An RDS Database Subnet Group
- VM::EC2::DB::VpcSecurityGroup::Membership(3) - An RDS Database VPC Security Group Membership
- VM::EC2::Dispatch(3) - Create Perl objects from AWS XML requests
- VM::EC2::ElasticAddress(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 Elastic Address
- VM::EC2::ELB(3) - Valid Protocol types are: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL - Port must be in range 0-65535 - PathToPing is only applicable to HTTP or HTTPS protocol types and must be 1024 characters long or fewer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Attributes(3) - Object describing the attributes of an Elastic Load Balancer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Attributes::AccessLog(3) - Object describing the AccessLog attributes of an Elastic Load Balancer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Attributes::ConnectionDraining(3) - Object describing the ConnectionDraining attribute of an Elastic Load Balancer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Attributes::ConnectionSettings(3) - Object describing the ConnectionSettings attribute of an Elastic Load Balancer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Attributes::CrossZoneLoadBalancing(3) - Object describing the CrossZoneLoadBalancing attribute of an Elastic Load Balancer.
- VM::EC2::ELB::BackendServerDescription(3) - Load Balancer Backend Server Description
- VM::EC2::ELB::HealthCheck(3) - Load Balancer Health Check Parameters
- VM::EC2::ELB::InstanceState(3) - Object describing the state of an instance attached to a load balancer. It is the result of a DescribeInstanceHealth API call.
- VM::EC2::ELB::Listener(3) - Elastic Load Balancer Listener
- VM::EC2::ELB::ListenerDescription(3) - Load Balancer Listener Description
- VM::EC2::ELB::ParmParser(3) - Format parameters for passing to the ELB API
- VM::EC2::ELB::Policies(3) - Elastic Load Balancer Policies
- VM::EC2::ELB::Policies::AppCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Object describing an Application Cookie Stickiness Policy
- VM::EC2::ELB::Policies::LBCookieStickinessPolicy(3) - Object describing a Load Balancer Cookie Stickiness Policy
- VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyAttribute(3) - Elastic Load Balancer Policy Attribute
- VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyAttributeType(3) - Load Balancer Policy Attribute Type
- VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyDescription(3) - Load Balancer Policy
- VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyTypeDescription(3) - Elastic Load Balancer Policy Type
- VM::EC2::ELB::TagDescription(3) - Load Balancer Tag Description
- VM::EC2::Error(3) - Object describing an error emitted by the Amazon API
- VM::EC2::Generic(3) - Base class for VM::EC2 objects
- VM::EC2::Group(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 security group name
- VM::EC2::Image(3) - Object describing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- VM::EC2::Image::LaunchPermission(3) - Object describing AMI launch permissions
- VM::EC2::Instance(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::ConsoleOutput(3) - Object describing console output from an Amazon EC2 instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::IamProfile(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 Identity Access Management profile
- VM::EC2::Instance::Metadata(3) - Object describing the metadata of a running instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::MonitoringState(3) - Object describing the monitoring state of an EC2 instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::PasswordData(3) - Object describing the administrative password stored in an EC2 Windows instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::Placement(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 instance's placement
- VM::EC2::Instance::Set(3) - Object describing a set of instances
- VM::EC2::Instance::State(3) - Object describing the state of an EC2 instance
- VM::EC2::Instance::State::Change(3) - Represent an EC2 instance's change in state.
- VM::EC2::Instance::State::Reason(3) - Object describing the reason for an EC2 instance state change
- VM::EC2::Instance::Status(3) - Object describing an instance/system status check
- VM::EC2::Instance::Status::Details(3) - Object describing the details of an instance status check
- VM::EC2::Instance::Status::Event(3) - Object describing a scheduled instance maintenance event
- VM::EC2::Instance::StatusItem(3) - Object describing a instance status event
- VM::EC2::KeyPair(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 ssh key pair
- VM::EC2::LaunchConfiguration(3) - Object describing a Launch Configuration
- VM::EC2::NetworkInterface(3) - Object describing an Amazon Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
- VM::EC2::NetworkInterface::Association(3)
- VM::EC2::NetworkInterface::Attachment(3)
- VM::EC2::NetworkInterface::PrivateIpAddress(3)
- VM::EC2::ParmParser(3) - Format parameters for passing to the API
- VM::EC2::PlacementGroup(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 cluster placement group
- VM::EC2::ProductCode(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 product code
- VM::EC2::Region(3) - Object describing an Amazon region
- VM::EC2::ReservationSet(3) - Object describing an instance reservation set
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing::InstanceCount(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing instance counts
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing::PriceSchedule(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing price schedule
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Modification(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing modification
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Modification::Configuration(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing modification result configuration
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Modification::Result(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance listing modification result
- VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Offering(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 reserved instance offering
- VM::EC2::REST::ami(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::autoscaling(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::customer_gateway(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::devpay(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::dhcp(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::ebs(3) - Modules for EC2 EBS volumes
- VM::EC2::REST::elastic_ip(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::elastic_load_balancer(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::elastic_network_interface(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::general(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::instance(3) - VM::EC2 methods for controlling instances
- VM::EC2::REST::internet_gateway(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::keys(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::monitoring(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::network_acl(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::placement_group(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::private_ip(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::relational_database_service(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::reserved_instance(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::route_table(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::security_group(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::security_token(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::spot_instance(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::subnet(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::tag(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::vm_export(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::vm_import(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::vpc(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::vpn(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::vpn_gateway(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::windows(3)
- VM::EC2::REST::zone(3)
- VM::EC2::ScalingPolicy(3) - Object describing an AutoScaling Policy
- VM::EC2::Security::CredentialCache(3)
- VM::EC2::Security::Credentials(3)
- VM::EC2::Security::FederatedUser(3)
- VM::EC2::Security::Policy(3)
- VM::EC2::Security::Token(3) - Temporary security token object
- VM::EC2::SecurityGroup(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 security group
- VM::EC2::SecurityGroup::GroupPermission(3) - Object describing an authorized group within a security group firewall rule
- VM::EC2::SecurityGroup::IpPermission(3) - Object describing a firewall rule in an EC2 security group.
- VM::EC2::Snapshot(3) - Object describing an Amazon EBS snapshot
- VM::EC2::Snapshot::CreateVolumePermission(3) - Object describing AMI create volume permissions
- VM::EC2::Spot::DatafeedSubscription(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 spot instance datafeed subscription
- VM::EC2::Spot::InstanceRequest(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 spot instance request
- VM::EC2::Spot::LaunchSpecification(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 spot instance launch specification
- VM::EC2::Spot::PriceHistory(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 spot instance price history record
- VM::EC2::Spot::Status(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 spot instance status message
- VM::EC2::Staging::Manager(3) - Automate VMs and volumes for moving data in and out of cloud.
- VM::EC2::Staging::Server(3) - High level interface to EC2-based servers
- VM::EC2::Staging::Volume(3) - High level functions for provisioning and populating EC2 volumes
- VM::EC2::Tag(3)
- VM::EC2::Volume(3) - Object describing an Amazon EBS volume
- VM::EC2::Volume::Status(3) - Object describing an volume/system status check
- VM::EC2::Volume::Status::Action(3) - Object describing a scheduled volume maintenance event
- VM::EC2::Volume::Status::Details(3) - Object describing the details of an volume status check
- VM::EC2::Volume::Status::Event(3) - Object describing a scheduled volume maintenance event
- VM::EC2::Volume::StatusItem(3) - Object describing a volume status event
- VM::EC2::VPC(3) - VM::EC2->new(...); $vpc = $ec2->create_vpc('') or die $ec2->error_str; $subnet1 = $vpc->create_subnet('') or die $vpc->error_str; $gateway = $vpc->create_internet_gateway or die $vpc->error_str; $routeTbl = $subnet1->create_route_table or die $vpc->error_str; $routeTbl->create_route('' => $gateway) or die $vpc->error_str;
- VM::EC2::VPC::CustomerGateway(3) - Object describing an Amazon EC2 Virtual Private Cloud customer gateway
- VM::EC2::VPC::DhcpOptions(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::InternetGateway(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::InternetGateway::Attachment(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::NetworkAcl(3) - Virtual Private Cloud network ACL
- VM::EC2::VPC::NetworkAcl::Association(3) - The association between a network acl and a subnet
- VM::EC2::VPC::NetworkAcl::Entry(3) - VPC Network ACL entry
- VM::EC2::VPC::PeeringConnection(3) - Virtual Private Cloud Peering Connection
- VM::EC2::VPC::PeeringConnection::StateReason(3) - Virtual Private Cloud Peering Connection State Reason
- VM::EC2::VPC::PeeringConnection::VpcInfo(3) - Virtual Private Cloud Peering Connection VPC Information
- VM::EC2::VPC::Route(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::RouteTable(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::RouteTable::Association(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::Subnet(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::VpnConnection(3) - VPC VPN connection
- VM::EC2::VPC::VpnGateway(3) - Virtual Private Cloud VPN gateway
- VM::EC2::VPC::VpnGateway::Attachment(3)
- VM::EC2::VPC::VpnTunnelTelemetry(3) - Virtual Private Cloud VPN tunnel telemetry
- VMEM_CREATE(3) - volatile memory pool management
- VMEM_MALLOC(3) - memory allocation related functions
- VMOD_ACCEPT(3) - Accept VMOD
- VMOD_BLOB(3) - Utilities for the VCL blob type, encoding and decoding
- VMOD_BODYACCESS(3) - Varnish Module for request body access
- VMOD_COOKIE(3) - Varnish Cookie Module
- VMOD_DIGEST(3) - Varnish Digest Module
- VMOD_DIRECTORS(3) - Varnish Directors Module
- VMOD_HEADER(3) - Header VMOD for Varnish
- VMOD_PROXY(3) - Varnish Module to extract TLV attributes from PROXYv2
- VMOD_PURGE(3) - Varnish Purge Module
- VMOD_QUERYSTRING(3) - Varnish Query-String Module
- VMOD_SAINTMODE(3) - Saint mode backend director
- VMOD_STD(3) - Varnish Standard Module
- VMOD_STR(3) - Str VMOD
- VMOD_UNIX(3) - Utilities for Unix domain sockets
- VMOD_VAR(3) - Variable support for Varnish VCL
- VMOD_VSTHROTTLE(3) - Throttling VMOD
- VMOD_VTC(3) - Utility module for varnishtest
- VMOD_XKEY(3) - Surrogate keys support for Varnish Cache
- vmsish(3) - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
- voice_check(3) - Checks whether a voice is currently allocated. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_frequency(3) - Returns the current pitch of the voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_pan(3) - Returns the current pan position. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_position(3) - Returns the current position of a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_volume(3) - Returns the current volume of the voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_ramp_volume(3) - Starts a volume ramp for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_echo(3) - Sets the echo parameters for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_frequency(3) - Sets the pitch of the voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_pan(3) - Sets the pan position. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_playmode(3) - Adjusts the loop status of the specified voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_position(3) - Sets the position of a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_priority(3) - Sets the priority of a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_tremolo(3) - Sets the tremolo parameters for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_vibrato(3) - Sets the vibrato parameters for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_volume(3) - Sets the volume of the voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_start(3) - Activates a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop(3) - Stops a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_frequency_sweep(3) - Interrupts a frequency sweep operation. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_pan_sweep(3) - Interrupts a pan sweep operation. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_volumeramp(3) - Interrupts a volume ramp operation. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_sweep_frequency(3) - Starts a frequency sweep for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_sweep_pan(3) - Starts a pan sweep for a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- VolPack(3) - introduction to VolPack, a library for volume rendering
- VOTEQUORUM_CONTEXT_GET(3) - Gets the context variable for a VOTEQUORUM instance
- VOTEQUORUM_CONTEXT_SET(3) - Sets the context variable for a VOTEQUORUM instance
- VOTEQUORUM_DISPATCH(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the votequorum service
- VOTEQUORUM_FD_GET(3) - Dispatches callbacks from the votequorum service
- VOTEQUORUM_FINALIZE(3) - Terminate a connection to the votequorum service
- VOTEQUORUM_GETINFO(3) - Get information about the VoteQuorum service
- VOTEQUORUM_INITIALIZE(3) - Create a new connection to the VoteQuorum service
- VOTEQUORUM_OVERVIEW(3) - Votequorum Library Overview
- VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_MASTER_WINS(3) - Sets or clears quorum device master_wins flag
- VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_POLL(3) - Tells votequorum the result of the quorum device poll
- VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_REGISTER(3) - Registers a new quorum device
- VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_UNREGISTER(3) - Unregisters a new quorum device
- VOTEQUORUM_QDEVICE_UPDATE(3) - Updates quorum device name
- VOTEQUORUM_SETEXPECTED(3) - Sets the expected votes for the cluster
- VOTEQUORUM_TRACKSTART(3) - Enable callbacks notification.
- VOTEQUORUM_TRACKSTOP(3) - Disable callbacks notification.
- VOTEQUORUM_VOTES(3) - Sets the number of votes for a node
- vpBoxFilter(3) - initialize a filter weight table
- vpBruteForceRender(3) - render using a simple brute-force method
- vpClassifyScalars(3) - create a preclassified volume from scalar data
- vpClassifyScanline(3) - incrementally create a preclassified volume from scanlines of scalar data
- vpClassifyVolume(3) - create/destroy a preclassified volume for fast rendering
- vpCreateContext(3) - create/destroy a rendering context
- vpCreateMinMaxOctree(3) - create/destroy a min-max octree for optimized rendering
- vpCurrentMatrix(3) - choose the current transformation matrix
- vpEnable(3) - enable or disable options
- vpExtract(3) - extract one field from a rectangular region of a volume
- vpGetError(3) - retrieve error codes
- vpGeti(3) - get the value of an option
- vpGetImage(3) - get a field of the intermediate image
- vpGetLight(3) - get lighting properties
- vpGetMaterial(3) - get material properties
- vpGetMatrix(3) - retrieve the contents of a transformation matrix
- vpGetTimer(3) - interval timer facility
- vpIdentityMatrix(3) - load the identity matrix into the current transformation matrix
- vpLoadRawVolume(3) - load volume data structures from a file
- vpMultMatrix(3) - multiply the current transformation matrix by another matrix
- vpNormalIndex(3) - encode/decode a surface normal vector
- vpOctreeMask(3) - compute a mask representing one level of a min-max octree
- vpRamp(3) - initialize an array with a piecewise-linear ramp
- vpRenderRawVolume(3) - render a volume
- vpResample(3) - resample an array
- vpRotate(3) - multiply the current transformation matrix by a rotation matrix
- vpScale(3) - multiply the current transformation matrix by a scaling matrix
- vpScanlineNormals(3) - compute surface normal vectors and gradient magnitudes for a scanline
- vpSetCallback(3) - define a callback function
- vpSetClassifierTable(3) - specify an opacity transfer function
- vpSetClientData(3) - define a client data pointer
- vpSetDebug(3) - enable/disable debugging options
- vpSetDepthCueing(3) - set depth cueing parameters
- vpSetFilter(3) - define a resampling filter
- vpSeti(3) - set the value of an option
- vpSetImage(3) - specify an image array
- vpSetLight(3) - set lighting properties
- vpSetLookupShader(3) - specify shading lookup tables
- vpSetMaterial(3) - set material properties
- vpSetMatrix(3) - load a matrix into the current transformation matrix
- vpSetRawVoxels(3) - specify an array of volume data
- vpSetShadowLookupShader(3) - specify shading lookup tables for rendering shadows
- vpSetVolumeSize(3) - define the dimensions of a volume
- vpSetVoxelField(3) - define the size and location of a voxel field
- vpSetVoxelSize(3) - define the size of a voxel
- vpShadeTable(3) - compute the contents of the shading lookup table
- vpStoreRawVolume(3) - store volume data structures to a file
- vpTracePixel(3) - print a trace of the voxels composited into a pixel
- vpTranslate(3) - multiply the current transformation matrix by a translation matrix
- vpTranspose(3) - transpose a volume
- vpVolumeNormals(3) - compute surface normal vectors and gradient magnitudes for a volume
- vpWindow(3) - multiply the projection matrix by a perspective or orthographic matrix
- vpWindowPHIGS(3) - multiply the projection matrix by a PHIGS viewing matrix
- vr_map_limb(3)
- vr_metadata(3) - %f x %f0 .. "horiz, vert, center: %f , %f , %f0 .. "eye_display, ipd: %f , %f0, tbl.width, tbl.height, tbl.center, tbl.horizontal, tbl.vertical, tbl.eye_display, tbl.ipd) ); end shutdown(); end end);end
- vr_setup(3) - a new limb was discovered limb_removed - a previously added limb was lost (device failure)
- Vroom(3) - Slide Shows in Vim
- vstr(3)
- vstr_const(3)
- VT102(3) - a class to emulate a DEC VT102 terminal
- VTKMPEG2ENCODE(3) - VTK MPEG encoder library
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI(3) - Perl module that implements the Google Apps for Your Domain Provisioning API
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V1_0(3) - Perl module that implements version 1.0 of the Google Apps for Your Domain Provisioning API
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V2_0(3) - Perl module that implements version 2.0 of the Google Apps for Your Domain Provisioning API
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V2_0::EmailListEntry(3) - Google Provisioning API 2.0 email list entry
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V2_0::EmailListRecipientEntry(3) - Google Provisioning API 2.0 email list recipient entry
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V2_0::NicknameEntry(3) - Google Provisioning API 2.0 nick name entry
- VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::V2_0::UserEntry(3) - Google Provisioning API 2.0 User entry
- W3C::LogValidator(3) - The W3C Log Validator - Quality-focused Web Server log processing engine
- W3C::LogValidator::Basic(3) - [W3C Log Validator] Sort Web server log entries by popularity (hits)
- W3C::LogValidator::Config(3) - [W3C Log Validator] Configuration parser
- W3C::LogValidator::CSSValidator(3) - [W3C Log Validator] Batch validation of CSS style sheets (using the W3C CSS validator)
- W3C::LogValidator::HTMLValidator(3) - [W3C Log Validator] Batch HTML validation (using the W3C Markup Validator)
- W3C::LogValidator::Output::HTML(3) - [W3C Log Validator] HTML Output module
- W3C::LogValidator::Output::Mail(3) - [W3C Log Validator] e-mail output module
- W3C::LogValidator::Output::Raw(3) - [W3C Log Validator] STDOUT (console) output module
- W3C::LogValidator::SurveyEngine(3) - [W3C Log Validator] Generic Web site validity/quality survey engine
- WAFFLE_ATTRIB_LIST(3) - Utilities for attribute lists
- WAFFLE_CONFIG(3) - class waffle_config
- WAFFLE_CONTEXT(3) - class waffle_context
- WAFFLE_DISPLAY(3) - class waffle_display
- WAFFLE_DL(3) - platform-independent interface to dynamic libraries
- WAFFLE_GBM(3) - Containers for underlying native GBM objects
- WAFFLE_GET_PROC_ADDR(3) - Query address of OpenGL functions
- WAFFLE_GLX(3) - Containers for underlying native GLX objects
- WAFFLE_INIT(3) - Thread-local error state
- WAFFLE_IS_EXTENSION_(3) - Check if a name appears in an OpenGL-style extension string
- WAFFLE_MAKE_CURRENT(3) - set and get resources current to the thread
- WAFFLE_NATIVE(3) - Containers for underlying native objects
- WAFFLE_TEARDOWN(3) - Teardown waffle's per-process global state
- WAFFLE_WAYLAND(3) - Containers for underlying native Wayland objects
- WAFFLE_WINDOW(3) - class waffle_window
- WAFFLE_X11_EGL(3) - Containers for underlying native X11/EGL objects
- Wait3(3) - Perl extension for wait3 system call
- WaitBox(3) - An Object Oriented Wait Dialog for Perl/Tk, of the Please Wait variety.
- WaitStat(3) - Interpret and act on wait() status values
- waitVariableX(3) - a waitVariable with extensions.
- WAP::wbxml(3) - Binarization of XML file
- WAP::wbxml::WbRules(3)
- warnings::register(3) - warnings import function
- Waterfox::Marionette(3) - Automate the Waterfox browser with the Marionette protocol
- Waterfox::Marionette::Profile(3) - Represents a prefs.js Waterfox Profile
- Wav::Read(3) - Module for reading Microsoft WAV files.
- Wav::Write(3) - Module for writing Microsoft WAV files.
- WCRTOMB(3) - convert a wide-character code to a character (restartable)
- WCSCOLL(3) - compare wide strings according to current collation
- WCSFTIME(3) - convert date and time to a wide-character string
- WCSRTOMBS(3) - convert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable)
- WCSTOK(3) - split wide-character string into tokens
- WCSTOMBS(3) - convert a wide-character string to a character string
- WCSWIDTH(3) - number of column positions in wide-character string
- WCSXFRM(3) - transform a wide string under locale
- WCTL(3) - window management
- WCTOMB(3) - convert a wide-character code to a character
- WCTRANS(3) - wide character mapping functions
- WCWIDTH(3) - number of column positions of a wide-character code
- wdb_keys(3) - open database
- WDDX(3) - Module for reading and writing WDDX packets
- WeakRef(3)
- Weather(3) - Weather retrieval module
- Web::Dispatch::HTTPMethods(3) - Helpers to make RESTFul Dispatchers Easier
- Web::Machine(3) - A Perl port of Webmachine
- Web::Machine::FSM(3) - The State Machine runner
- Web::Machine::FSM::States(3) - The States for Web Machine
- Web::Machine::I18N(3) - The I18N support for HTTP information
- Web::Machine::I18N::en(3) - The English support for I18N-ed HTTP information
- Web::Machine::Manual(3) - Learn how to use Web::Machine
- Web::Machine::Resource(3) - A base resource class
- Web::Machine::Util(3) - General Utility module
- Web::Machine::Util::BodyEncoding(3) - Module to handle body encoding
- Web::Machine::Util::ContentNegotiation(3) - Module to handle content negotiation
- Web::oEmbed(3) - oEmbed consumer
- Web::Query(3) - Yet another scraping library like jQuery
- Web::Query::LibXML(3) - fast, drop-in replacement for Web::Query
- Web::Scraper(3) - Web Scraping Toolkit using HTML and CSS Selectors or XPath expressions
- Web::Scraper::Config(3) - Run Web::Scraper From Config Files
- Web::Scraper::Filter(3) - Base class for Web::Scraper filters
- Web::Scraper::LibXML(3) - Drop-in replacement for Web::Scraper to use LibXML
- Web::Simple(3) - A quick and easy way to build simple web applications
- Web::Simple::AntiquatedPerl(3) - the slides from the talk
- Web::Simple::Application(3) - A base class for your Web-Simple application
- Web::Simple::Deployment(3) - various deployment options
- Web::Simple::HackedPlack(3)
- Web::Simple::Role(3) - Define roles for Web::Simple applications
- WebDAO(3) - platform for easy creation of high-performance and scalable web applications
- WebDAO::Base(3) - Base class
- WebDAO::Component(3) - Component class
- WebDAO::Config(3) - Configuration file class.
- WebDAO::Container(3) - Group of objects
- WebDAO::CV(3)
- WebDAO::CVfcgi(3) - FCGI adapter (FCGI > 0.68)
- WebDAO::Element(3) - Base class for simple object
- WebDAO::Engine(3) - Class for root object of application model
- WebDAO::FCGI::ProcManager(3) - functions for managing FastCGI applications.
- WebDAO::Lex(3) - Lexer class
- WebDAO::Lexer::base(3) - Base class
- WebDAO::Lexer::method(3) - Process method tag
- WebDAO::Lexer::object(3) - Process object tag
- WebDAO::Lexer::regclass(3) - Process regclass tag
- WebDAO::Lexer::text(3) - Class used by lexer
- WebDAO::Lib::MethodByPath(3) - Component for method tag
- WebDAO::Lib::RawHTML(3) - Component for raw html
- WebDAO::Response(3) - Response class
- WebDAO::Session(3) - Session interface to protocol specific function
- WebDAO::Sessionco(3) - Session with store session id in cookie
- WebDAO::SessionSH(3) - Session class used from shell
- WebDAO::Test(3) - Class for tests
- WebDAO::Util(3)
- WebService::Basecamp(3) - Perl interface to the Basecamp API webservice
- WebService::Bloglines(3) - Easy-to-use Interface for Bloglines Web Services
- WebService::BuzzurlAPI(3) - Buzzurl WebService API
- WebService::BuzzurlAPI::Request(3) - Buzzurl WebService API request package
- WebService::BuzzurlAPI::Response(3) - Buzzurl WebService API response package
- WebService::BuzzurlAPI::Util(3) - Buzzurl WebService API utility module
- WebService::CIA(3) - Get information from the CIA World Factbook.
- WebService::CIA::Parser(3) - Parse pages from the CIA World Factbook
- WebService::CIA::Source(3) - A base class for WebService::CIA sources
- WebService::CIA::Source::DBM(3) - An interface to a DBM copy of the CIA World Factbook
- WebService::CIA::Source::Web(3) - An interface to the online CIA World Factbook
- WebService::Dropbox(3) - Perl interface to Dropbox API
- WebService::GData(3) - Google data protocol v2.
- WebService::GData::Base(3) - core read/write methods over HTTP for google data API v2.
- WebService::GData::ClientLogin(3) - implements ClientLogin authorization for google data related APIs v2.
- WebService::GData::Collection(3) - Composite class redispatching method calls to query the items data.
- WebService::GData::Constants(3) - constants (namespaces,format,services...) used for Google data APIs.
- WebService::GData::Error(3) - create an error and parse errors from Google data APIs v2.
- WebService::GData::Error::Entry(3) - Wrap an xml error sent back by Google data APIs v2.
- WebService::GData::Feed(3) - Base class wrapping json atom feed for google data API v2.
- WebService::GData::Feed::Entry(3) - Base class wrapping json atom feed entry tags for google data API v2.
- WebService::GData::Node(3) - Abstract class representing an xml node/tag
- WebService::GData::Node::AbstractEntity(3) - Abstract proxy class representing several xml nodes.
- WebService::GData::Query(3) - implements the core query parameters available in the google data API v2.
- WebService::GData::Serialize(3) - Factory class that loads the proper serialize package
- WebService::GData::YouTube(3) - Access YouTube contents(read/write) with API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Constants(3) - constants used for YouTube service.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Doc::BrowserBasedUpload(3) - YouTube Video browser based upload system
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Doc::GeneralOverview(3) - General use of the YouTube API Perl client
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Comment(3) - a comment for a video (read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Complaint(3) - add a complaint about a video (read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Friend(3) - a user contact list (read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::PlaylistLink(3) - playlists meta data (read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::UserProfile(3) - a youtube user profile for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video(3) - a Video YouTube contents(read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::VideoMessage(3) - a video message (read/write) for data API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::Query(3) - implements the core query parameters available in YouTube Service API v2.
- WebService::GData::YouTube::StagingServer(3) - switch to the staging server.
- WebService::Google::Reader(3) - Perl interface to the Google Reader API
- WebService::Google::Reader::Constants(3)
- WebService::Google::Reader::Feed(3)
- WebService::Google::Reader::ListElement(3)
- WebService::Google::Sets(3) - Perl access to Google Labs Sets site
- WebService::IMDB(3) - OO Perl interface to the Internet Movie Database imdb.com
- WebService::IMDB::Birth(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Certificate(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Char(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Credit(3)
- WebService::IMDB::CreditList(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Date(3)
- WebService::IMDB::DatePlace(3)
- WebService::IMDB::DateText(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Death(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Encoding(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Goof(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Image(3)
- WebService::IMDB::KnownFor(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Name(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Name::Stub(3)
- WebService::IMDB::News(3)
- WebService::IMDB::NewsItem(3)
- WebService::IMDB::NewsSource(3)
- WebService::IMDB::ParentalGuideItem(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Photo(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Plot(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Quote(3)
- WebService::IMDB::QuoteLine(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Review(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Runtime(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Season(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Title(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Title::Stub(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Trailer(3)
- WebService::IMDB::Trivium(3)
- WebService::IMDB::UserComment(3)
- WebService::IMDB::WhereNow(3)
- WebService::ISBNDB(3) - A Perl extension to access isbndb.com
- WebService::ISBNDB::Agent(3) - Base class for data-retrieval agents
- WebService::ISBNDB::Agent::REST(3) - Agent sub-class for the REST protocol
- WebService::ISBNDB::API(3) - Base class for the WebService::ISBNDB API classes
- WebService::ISBNDB::API::Authors(3) - Data class for author information
- WebService::ISBNDB::API::Books(3) - Data class for book information
- WebService::ISBNDB::API::Categories(3) - Data class for category information
- WebService::ISBNDB::API::Publishers(3) - Data class for publisher information
- WebService::ISBNDB::API::Subjects(3) - Data class for subject information
- WebService::ISBNDB::Iterator(3) - Iterator class for large result-sets
- WebService::Linode(3) - Perl Interface to the Linode.com API.
- WebService::Linode::Base(3) - Perl Interface to the Linode.com API.
- WebService::Linode::DNS(3) - Deprecated Perl Interface to the Linode.com API DNS methods.
- WebService::MoviePosterDB(3) - OO Perl interface to the movie poster database MoviePosterDB.
- WebService::MoviePosterDB::Movie(3)
- WebService::MoviePosterDB::Poster(3)
- WebService::MusicBrainz(3)
- WebService::MusicBrainz::Request(3) - Handle queries using the MusicBrainz WebService API version 2
- WebService::NoPaste(3) - Post to Paste Web Pages
- WebService::Prowl(3) - a interface to Prowl Public API
- WebService::Prowl::AnyEventHTTP(3) - a sub class of WebService::Prowl sending http requests by using AnyEvent::HTTP
- WebService::Pushover(3) - interface to Pushover API
- WebService::Rakuten(3) - Object interface to Rakuten webservice
- WebService::Redmine(3) - Wrapper for RedMine REST API (http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api).
- WebService::Simple(3) - Simple Interface To Web Services APIs
- WebService::Simple::Parser(3) - Base Parser Class
- WebService::Simple::Parser::JSON(3) - Parse JSON content
- WebService::Simple::Parser::XML::Feed(3) - Parse XML content using XML::Feed
- WebService::Simple::Parser::XML::LibXML(3) - Parse XML content using XML::LibXML
- WebService::Simple::Parser::XML::Lite(3) - Parse XML content using XML::Parser::Lite::Tree and XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath
- WebService::Simple::Parser::XML::Simple(3) - XML::Simple Adaptor For WebService::Simple::Parser
- WebService::Simple::Response(3) - Adds a parse_response() to HTTP::Response
- WebService::Technorati(3) - a Perl interface to the Technorati web services interface
- WebService::Technorati::ApiQuery(3) - a base class for web services client queries
- WebService::Technorati::Author(3)
- WebService::Technorati::AuthorinfoApiQuery(3)
- WebService::Technorati::Blog(3)
- WebService::Technorati::BloginfoApiQuery(3)
- WebService::Technorati::BlogLink(3)
- WebService::Technorati::CosmosApiQuery(3)
- WebService::Technorati::Exception(3)
- WebService::Technorati::LinkQuerySubject(3)
- WebService::Technorati::OutboundApiQuery(3)
- WebService::Technorati::SearchApiQuery(3)
- WebService::Technorati::SearchMatch(3)
- WebService::Technorati::SearchTerm(3)
- WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C(3) - Interface to the W3C CSS Validator
- WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C(3) - Access the W3Cs online HTML validator
- WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C::Error(3) - Error messages from the W3Cs online Validator
- WebService::YouTube(3) - Perl interfece to YouTube
- WebService::YouTube::Feeds(3) - Perl interfece to YouTube RSS Feeds
- WebService::YouTube::User(3) - User class for YouTube.
- WebService::YouTube::Util(3) - Utility for WebService::YouTube
- WebService::YouTube::Video(3) - Video class for YouTube.
- WebService::YouTube::Videos(3) - Perl interfece to youtube.videos.*
- What(3) - Find out about running services
- What::MTA(3) - Find out about running MTA
- Whoseip::DB(3) - WhoseIP cache database
- WHOSON(3) - API functions to access whoson database
- WidgetDemo(3) - create a standard widget demonstration window.
- Widgets::ButtonSet(3) - Button Set Widgets
- Widgets::Calendar(3) - Calendar Widgets
- Widgets::ComboBox(3) - Combo-Box Widgets
- Widgets::Label(3) - Label Widgets
- Widgets::ListBox(3) - List Box Widgets
- Widgets::ListBox::MultiColumn(3) - Multi-Column List Box Widgets
- Widgets::Menu(3) - Menu Widgets
- Widgets::ProgressBar(3) - Progress Bar Widgets
- Widgets::TextField(3) - Text Field Widgets
- Widgets::TextMemo(3) - Text Memo Widgets
- Widgets::Tutorial(3)
- Widgets::Tutorial::Creation(3)
- WildMidi_ClearError(3) - Clear errors
- WildMidi_Close(3) - Close an open midi handle
- WildMidi_ConvertBufferToMidi(3) - Convert a MIDI-like buffer into a new MIDI buffer.
- WildMidi_ConvertToMidi(3) - Convert a MIDI-like file into a new MIDI file.
- WildMidi_FastSeek(3) - Move to a position in a midi file
- WildMidi_GetError(3) - Return the last error message
- WildMidi_GetInfo(3) - get information on a midi
- WildMidi_GetLyric(3) - get lyrics of a midi
- WildMidi_GetMidiOutput(3) - get a midi file of a file being processed.
- WildMidi_GetOutput(3) - retrieve raw audio data
- WildMidi_GetString(3) - Get string from library
- WildMidi_GetVersion(3) - Get the library version
- WildMidi_Init(3) - Initialize the library
- WildMidi_MasterVolume(3) - sets the overall audio level of the library.
- WildMidi_Open(3) - Open a midi file for processing
- WildMidi_OpenBuffer(3) - Open a midi file buffer for processing
- WildMidi_SetCvtOption(3) - Set a conversion option for a specific midi
- WildMidi_SetOption(3) - Set a library option for a specific midi
- WildMidi_Shutdown(3) - Shutdown the library
- WildMidi_SongSeek(3) - Move to next song.
- Win32::DBIODBC(3) - Win32::ODBC emulation layer for the DBI
- win32reg(3) - Provides access to the registry on Windows.
- WinPhoto(3) - Load a Photo image from a window
- WMA(3) - Perl extension for reading WMA/ASF Metadata
- WMEMCHR(3) - wide character string manipulation operations
- WMGlobe(1.3) - The Whole Earth spinning on you desktop... as a dockable app for WindowMaker
- WMShell(3)
- wofi(3) - Mode functions and documentation
- wofi-api(3) - API functions and documentation
- wofi-config(3) - Config functions and documentation
- wofi-map(3) - Map API functions and documentation
- wofi-utils(3) - Utility functions and documentation
- wofi-widget-builder(3) - Widget builder API functions
- Woothee(3) - multi-language user-agent strings parsers (perl implementation)
- Woothee::Appliance(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::Browser(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::Crawler(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::DataSet(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::Misc(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::MobilePhone(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::OS(3) - part of Woothee
- Woothee::Util(3) - part of Woothee
- WordContext(3)
- WordCursor(3)
- WordCursorOne(3)
- WordDBInfo(3) - inverted index usage environment.
- WordDict(3)
- WORDEXP(3) - perform shell-style word expansions
- WordKey(3) - inverted index key.
- WordKeyInfo(3) - information on the key structure of the inverted index.
- WordListOne(3)
- WordMonitor(3) - monitoring classes activity.
- WordNet::get_wn_info(3) - Provides access to glosses related to a concept in WordNet
- WordNet::Similarity(3) - Perl modules for computing measures of semantic relatedness.
- WordNet::Similarity::DepthFinder(3) - methods to find the depth of synsets in WordNet taxonomies
- WordNet::Similarity::FrequencyCounter(3) - Support functions for frequency counting programs used to estimate the information content of concepts.
- WordNet::Similarity::GlossFinder(3) - module to implement gloss finding methods for WordNet::Similarity measures of semantic relatedness (specifically, lesk and vector)
- WordNet::Similarity::hso(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using the method described by Hirst and St-Onge (1998).
- WordNet::Similarity::ICFinder(3) - a module for finding the information content of concepts in WordNet
- WordNet::Similarity::jcn(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses according to the method described by Jiang and Conrath (1997).
- WordNet::Similarity::lch(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using the method described by Leacock and Chodorow (1998).
- WordNet::Similarity::lesk(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using gloss overlaps as described by Banerjee and Pedersen (2002) -- a method that adapts the Lesk approach to WordNet.
- WordNet::Similarity::lin(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using the information content based measure described by Lin (1998).
- WordNet::Similarity::path(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses by counting nodes in the noun and verb WordNet 'is-a' hierarchies.
- WordNet::Similarity::PathFinder(3) - module to implement path finding methods (by node counting) for WordNet::Similarity measures of semantic relatedness
- WordNet::Similarity::random(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using a random measure.
- WordNet::Similarity::res(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using an information content based measure described by Resnik (1995).
- WordNet::Similarity::vector(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using second order co-occurrence vectors of glosses of the word senses.
- WordNet::Similarity::vector_pairs(3) - module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using second order co-occurrence vectors of glosses of the word senses.
- WordNet::Similarity::wup(3) - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness of word senses using the edge counting method of the of Wu & Palmer (1994)
- WordNet::stem(3) - Module that find the stem of a word or the stems of a string of words, using WordNet.
- WordNet::Tools(3) - Some tools for use with WordNet.
- WordNet::vectorFile(3) - Provides access to the word vectors database (used by the vector and vector_pairs WordNet::Similarity measures).
- WordPress::XMLRPC(3) - api to wordpress xml rpc calls
- WordRecord(3) - inverted index record.
- WordRecordInfo(3) - information on the record structure of the inverted index.
- WordReference(3) - inverted index occurrence.
- Words2Nums(3) - convert English text to numbers
- WordType(3) - defines a word in term of allowed characters, length etc.
- work::mod_perl-2.0.12::docs::api::APR(3) - Perl Interface for Apache Portable Runtime (libapr and libaprutil Libraries)
- Workflow::Action(3) - Base class for Workflow actions
- Workflow::Action::InputField(3) - Metadata about information required by an Action
- Workflow::Action::Mailer(3) - a stub for a SMTP capable action
- Workflow::Action::Null(3) - Workflow action for the terminally lazy
- Workflow::Base(3) - Base class with constructor
- Workflow::Condition::CheckReturn(3)
- Workflow::Condition::Evaluate(3) - Inline condition that evaluates perl code for truth
- Workflow::Condition::GreedyOR(3)
- Workflow::Condition::HasUser(3) - Condition to determine if a user is available
- Workflow::Condition::LazyAND(3)
- Workflow::Condition::LazyOR(3)
- Workflow::Condition::Negated(3) - Negate workflow condition result
- Workflow::Condition::Nested(3) - Evaluate nested workflow conditions
- Workflow::Config::Perl(3) - Parse workflow configurations as Perl data structures
- Workflow::Config::XML(3) - Parse workflow configurations from XML content
- Workflow::Exception(3) - Base class for workflow exceptions
- Workflow::Manual::Configuration(3)
- Workflow::Manual::Overview(3)
- Workflow::Persister(3) - Base class for workflow persistence
- Workflow::Persister::DBI::AutoGeneratedId(3) - Pull IDs from databases that autogenerate them
- Workflow::Persister::DBI::ExtraData(3) - Fetch extra data with each workflow and put it into the context
- Workflow::Persister::DBI::SequenceId(3) - Persister to fetch ID from a sequence
- Workflow::Persister::File(3) - Persist workflow and history to the filesystem
- Workflow::Persister::RandomId(3) - Persister to generate random ID
- Workflow::Persister::SPOPS(3) - Persist workflows using SPOPS
- Workflow::Persister::UUID(3) - Persister to generate Universally Unique Identifiers
- Workflow::Validator::HasRequiredField(3) - Validator to ensure certain data are in the context
- Workflow::Validator::InEnumeratedType(3) - Ensure a value is one of a declared set of values
- Workflow::Validator::MatchesDateFormat(3) - Ensure a stringified date matches a given pattern
- WPRINTF(3) - formatted wide character output conversion
- wrap_log_reader(3) - A service to read internally formatted wrap disk logs.
- WrapI18N(3) - Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullwidth, and combining characters and languages without whitespaces between words
- Wretch(3) - Get user information of Wretch-style BBS
- write_rawresource(3)
- write_reading(3) - Write a
- write_scf(3) - Write SCF files
- wrkdirs::usr::ports::databases::mysqlsla::work::hackmysql.com-97e2d39::mysqlsla::lib::mysqlsla(3) - Parse, filter, analyze and sort MySQL slow, general and binary logs
- WS_ATTACH_CLIENT(3) - creates WebSocket protocol on the top of underlying socket
- WS_ATTACH_CLIENT_MEM(3) - creates WebSocket protocol on the top of underlying socket
- WS_ATTACH_SERVER(3) - creates WebSocket protocol on the top of underlying socket
- WS_ATTACH_SERVER_MEM(3) - creates WebSocket protocol on the top of underlying socket
- WS_DETACH(3) - terminates WebSocket protocol and returns the underlying socket
- WS_DONE(3) - half-closes a WebSocket connection
- WS_RECV(3) - receives a WebSocket message
- WS_RECVL(3) - receives a WebSocket message
- WS_REQUEST_KEY(3) - generates an unique value for Sec-WebSocket-Key field
- WS_RESPONSE_KEY(3) - generates a WebSocket response key for a given request key
- WS_SEND(3) - sends a WebSocket message
- WS_SENDL(3) - sends a WebSocket message
- WSCANF(3) - wide character input format conversion
- WSDiscovery10::Attributes::Action(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Attributes::Id(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Action(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::AppSequence(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Bye(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::EndpointReference(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::FaultTo(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::From(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Hello(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::MessageID(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::MetadataVersion(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Probe(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::ProbeMatches(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::RelatesTo(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::ReplyAfter(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::ReplyTo(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Resolve(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::ResolveMatches(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::RetryAfter(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Scopes(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Security(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Sig(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::SupportedMatchingRules(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::To(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::Types(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Elements::XAddrs(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Interfaces::WSDiscovery::WSDiscoveryPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the WSDiscovery Web Service
- WSDiscovery10::Typemaps::WSDiscovery(3) - typemap for WSDiscovery
- WSDiscovery10::Types::AppSequenceType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::AttributedQName(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::AttributedURI(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ByeType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::EndpointReferenceType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::FaultCodeOpenType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSDiscovery10::Types::FaultCodeType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::FaultSubcodeValues(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::HelloType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::OpenRelationshipType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ProbeMatchesType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ProbeMatchType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ProbeType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::QNameListType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ReferenceParametersType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ReferencePropertiesType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::Relationship(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::RelationshipType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::RelationshipTypeValues(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ReplyAfterType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ResolveMatchesType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ResolveMatchType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ResolveType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::RetryAfterType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ScopesType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::SecurityType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::ServiceNameType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::SigType(3)
- WSDiscovery10::Types::UriListType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Attributes::Id(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Attributes::IsReferenceParameter(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Action(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::AppSequence(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Bye(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::EndpointReference(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::FaultTo(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::From(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Hello(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::MessageID(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Metadata(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::MetadataVersion(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Probe(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ProbeMatches(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ProblemAction(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ProblemHeaderQName(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ProblemIRI(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ReferenceParameters(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::RelatesTo(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ReplyTo(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Resolve(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::ResolveMatches(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::RetryAfter(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Scopes(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Security(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Sig(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::SupportedMatchingRules(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::To(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::Types(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Elements::XAddrs(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Interfaces::WSDiscovery::WSDiscoveryPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the WSDiscovery Web Service
- WSDiscovery11::Typemaps::WSDiscovery(3) - typemap for WSDiscovery
- WSDiscovery11::Types::AppSequenceType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::AttributedQNameType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::AttributedUnsignedLongType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::AttributedURIType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ByeType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::EndpointReferenceType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::FaultCodeOpenType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSDiscovery11::Types::FaultCodesOpenEnumType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSDiscovery11::Types::FaultCodesType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::FaultCodeType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::HelloType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::MetadataType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ProbeMatchesType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ProbeMatchType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ProbeType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ProblemActionType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::QNameListType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ReferenceParametersType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::RelatesToType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::RelationshipType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::RelationshipTypeOpenEnum(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ResolveMatchesType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ResolveMatchType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ResolveType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::ScopesType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::SecurityType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::SigType(3)
- WSDiscovery11::Types::UriListType(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::base(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::id(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::IsReferenceParameter(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::lang(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::space(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::topic(3)
- WSNotification::Attributes::topicNamespaceLocation(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Action(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::BaseFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ConsumerReference(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::CreatePullPoint(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::CreatePullPointResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::CreationTime(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::CurrentTime(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::DestroyPullPoint(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::DestroyPullPointResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::EndpointReference(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::FaultTo(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Filter(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::FixedTopicSet(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::From(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::GetCurrentMessage(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::GetCurrentMessageResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::GetMessages(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::GetMessagesResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::InvalidFilterFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::InvalidTopicExpressionFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::MessageContent(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::MessageID(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Metadata(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::NotificationMessage(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::NotificationProducerRP(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Notify(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::PauseFailedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::PauseSubscription(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::PauseSubscriptionResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProblemAction(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProblemHeader(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProblemHeaderQName(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProblemIRI(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProducerProperties(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ProducerReference(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::RelatesTo(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Renew(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::RenewResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ReplyTo(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ResumeFailedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ResumeSubscription(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::ResumeSubscriptionResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::RetryAfter(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Subscribe(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::SubscribeCreationFailedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::SubscribeResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::SubscriptionManagerRP(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::SubscriptionPolicy(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::SubscriptionReference(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TerminationTime(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::To(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Topic(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicExpression(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicExpressionDialect(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicNamespace(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicNotSupportedFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::TopicSet(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnableToCreatePullPointFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnableToDestroyPullPointFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnableToDestroySubscriptionFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnableToGetMessagesFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::Unsubscribe(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnsubscribeResponse(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault(3)
- WSNotification::Elements::UseRaw(3)
- WSNotification::Interfaces::WSBaseNotificationSender::NotificationProducerPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the WSBaseNotificationSender Web Service
- WSNotification::Interfaces::WSBaseNotificationSender::SubscriptionManagerPort(3) - SOAP Interface for the WSBaseNotificationSender Web Service
- WSNotification::Typemaps::WSBaseNotificationSender(3) - typemap for WSBaseNotificationSender
- WSNotification::Types::AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSNotification::Types::AttributedAnyType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::AttributedQNameType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::AttributedUnsignedLongType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::AttributedURIType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::BaseFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::ConcreteTopicExpression(3)
- WSNotification::Types::Documentation(3)
- WSNotification::Types::EndpointReferenceType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::ExtensibleDocumented(3)
- WSNotification::Types::FaultCodesOpenEnumType(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSNotification::Types::FaultCodesType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::FilterType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::FullTopicExpression(3)
- WSNotification::Types::InvalidFilterFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::InvalidMessageContentExpressionFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::InvalidTopicExpressionFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::MetadataType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::NotificationMessageHolderType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::NotifyMessageNotSupportedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::PauseFailedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::ProblemActionType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::QueryExpressionType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::ReferenceParametersType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::RelatesToType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::RelationshipType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::RelationshipTypeOpenEnum(3) - value space constraints are not checked yet.
- WSNotification::Types::ResumeFailedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::SimpleTopicExpression(3)
- WSNotification::Types::SubscribeCreationFailedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::SubscriptionPolicyType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicExpressionType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicNamespaceType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicNotSupportedFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicSetType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::TopicType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnableToDestroySubscriptionFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnableToGetMessagesFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnacceptableTerminationTimeFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFaultType(3)
- WSNotification::Types::UnsupportedPolicyRequestFaultType(3)
- WWW::2ch(3) - scraping of a popular bbs of Japan.
- WWW::2ch::Dat(3) - remark list of BBS is treated.
- WWW::2ch::Plugin::Base(3) - Peculiar processing to 2ch
- WWW::2ch::Plugin::Jbbs(3) - Peculiar processing to jbbs
- WWW::2ch::Res(3) - remark of BBS is treated.
- WWW::2ch::Subject(3) - article list of BBS is treated.
- WWW::AtMovies::TV(3) - retrieve TV information from http://www.atmovies.com.tw/
- WWW::Baseball::NPB(3) - Fetches Japanese baseball games information
- WWW::Baseball::NPB::Game(3) - Japanese baseball game class
- WWW::Comic(3) - Retrieve comic strip images
- WWW::Comic::Plugin(3) - Plugin superclass for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::Dilbert(3) - Dilbert of the Day plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::Goats(3) - Goats plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::MrWiggles(3) - MrWiggles plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::uComics(3) - uComics plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::UFS(3) - UFS www.comics.com plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::UserFriendly(3) - UserFriendly plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Comic::Plugin::VenusEnvy(3) - VenusEnvy plugin for WWW::Comic
- WWW::Contact(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from Web
- WWW::Contact::AOL(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from AOL Mail
- WWW::Contact::Base(3) - Base module for WWW::Contact::*
- WWW::Contact::BG::Abv(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from Abv.bg
- WWW::Contact::BG::Mail(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from mail.bg
- WWW::Contact::CN::163(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from mail.163.com
- WWW::Contact::Gmail(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from Gmail (DEPRECATED for GoogleContactsAPI)
- WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPI(3) - Get contacts via Google Contacts Data API
- WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPIOAuth2(3)
- WWW::Contact::Hotmail(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from Hotmail/Live Mail
- WWW::Contact::Indiatimes(3) - Get contacts from Indiatimes
- WWW::Contact::Lycos(3) - Get contacts from Lycos
- WWW::Contact::Mail(3) - Get contacts from Mail.com
- WWW::Contact::Plaxo(3) - Get contacts from Plaxo
- WWW::Contact::Rediffmail(3) - Get contacts from Rediffmail
- WWW::Contact::Yahoo(3) - Get contacts/addressbook from Yahoo! Mail
- WWW::Curl(3) - Perl extension interface for libcurl
- WWW::DHL(3) - Perl module for the DHL online tracking service.
- WWW::Dilbert(3) - Retrieve Dilbert of the day comic strip images
- WWW::Facebook::API(3) - Facebook API implementation
- WWW::Facebook::API::Admin(3) - Facebook Admin
- WWW::Facebook::API::Application(3) - Facebook Application
- WWW::Facebook::API::Auth(3) - Facebook Authentication
- WWW::Facebook::API::Canvas(3) - Facebook Canvas
- WWW::Facebook::API::Comments(3) - Facebook Comments
- WWW::Facebook::API::Connect(3) - Facebook Connect
- WWW::Facebook::API::Data(3) - Facebook Data
- WWW::Facebook::API::Events(3) - Facebook Events
- WWW::Facebook::API::Exception(3) - Facebook API exception
- WWW::Facebook::API::FBML(3) - Facebook Markup Language
- WWW::Facebook::API::Feed(3) - Facebook Feeds
- WWW::Facebook::API::FQL(3) - Facebook Query Language
- WWW::Facebook::API::Friends(3) - Facebook Friends
- WWW::Facebook::API::Groups(3) - Facebook Groups
- WWW::Facebook::API::Intl(3) - Facebook Intl
- WWW::Facebook::API::Links(3) - Facebook Links
- WWW::Facebook::API::LiveMessage(3) - Facebook LiveMessage
- WWW::Facebook::API::Message(3) - Facebook Message
- WWW::Facebook::API::Notes(3) - Facebook Notes
- WWW::Facebook::API::Notifications(3) - Facebook Notifications
- WWW::Facebook::API::Pages(3) - Facebook Pages Info
- WWW::Facebook::API::Permissions(3) - Facebook Permissions
- WWW::Facebook::API::Photos(3) - Facebook Photos
- WWW::Facebook::API::Profile(3) - Facebook Profile
- WWW::Facebook::API::SMS(3) - Facebook SMS
- WWW::Facebook::API::Status(3) - Facebook Status
- WWW::Facebook::API::Stream(3) - Facebook Stream
- WWW::Facebook::API::Users(3) - Facebook Users
- WWW::Facebook::API::Video(3) - Facebook Video
- WWW::Form::UrlEncoded(3) - parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::PP(3) - pure-perl parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- WWW::FreeProxy(3) - fetch proxies from free proxy lists
- WWW::FreeProxy::Look(3)
- WWW::FreeProxy::Proxy4Free(3)
- WWW::FreeProxy::PublicProxyServers(3)
- WWW::FreeProxy::Samair(3)
- WWW::GitHub::Gist(3) - Perl interface to the GitHub's pastebin service
- WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3(3) - (DEPRECATED) Perl interface to the GitHub's pastebin service
- WWW::Google::Calculator(3) - Perl interface for Google calculator
- WWW::Google::News::TW(3) - Access to Google's Taiwan News Service (Not Usenet)
- WWW::Google::PageRank(3) - Query google pagerank of page
- WWW::HatenaDiary(3) - CRUD interface to Hatena::Diary
- WWW::HatenaLogin(3) - login/logout interface to Hatena
- WWW::HatenaStar(3) - perl interface to Hatena::Star
- WWW::Instapaper::Client(3) - An implementation of the Instapaper client API (see <http://www.instapaper.com/api>)
- WWW::iTunesConnect(3) - An iTunesConnect client interface
- WWW::LongURL(3) - Perl interface to the LongURL API.
- WWW::Mechanize::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for using WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::DecodedContent(3) - decode Mech content using its HTTP response encoding
- WWW::Mechanize::Examples(3) - Sample programs that use WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller(3) - framework to automate HTML forms
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value(3) - Base class for HTML form values
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Callback(3) - Call Perl code to fill out a HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Default(3) - Fill a fixed value into an empty HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Fixed(3) - Fill a fixed value into an HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Interactive(3) - Ask the user to fill out a HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Keep(3) - Leave an HTML field alone
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Random(3) - Randomly fill out a HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Random::Chars(3) - Fill characters into an HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Random::Date(3) - Fill a timestamp into an HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller::Value::Random::Word(3) - Fill a word into an HTML form field
- WWW::Mechanize::GZip(3) - tries to fetch webpages with gzip-compression
- WWW::Mechanize::Image(3) - Image object for WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::Link(3) - Link object for WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::Meta(3) - Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable(3) - A WWW::Mechanize that's custmomizable via plugins
- WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable::Design(3) - the architecture of WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable
- WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Cookbook(3) - how to write plugins for WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable
- WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::HelloWorld(3) - a sample WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable plugin
- WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::phpBB(3) - Screen scraper for phpBB installations
- WWW::Mechanize::Shell(3) - An interactive shell for WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder(3) - combine WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder in nice ways
- WWW::Mediawiki::Client(3)
- WWW::Mediawiki::Client::Exceptions(3)
- WWW::Mixi(3) - Perl extension for scraping the MIXI social networking service.
- WWW::Mixi::Cookbook(3) - WWW::Mixiのクックブック
- WWW::Mixi::Mixi(3) - Mixiアクセス用のLWP::UserAgentモジュール
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper(3) - yet another mixi scraper
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Mech(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin(3) - base class for plugins
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ListBookmark(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ListComment(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ListDiary(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ListEcho(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ListMessage(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::NewBBS(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::NewFriendDiary(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::NewMusic(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::NewVideo(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::RecentEcho(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ResEcho(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ShowCalendar(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ShowFriend(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ShowLog(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ShowSchedule(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ViewBBS(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ViewDiary(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ViewEcho(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ViewEvent(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Plugin::ViewMessage(3)
- WWW::Mixi::Scraper::Utils(3) - internal utilities
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP(3) - scrape mobile carrier information
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::AirHPhone::CIDR(3) - CIDR(Willcom)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::CIDR(3) - CIDR(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::Display(3) - XXXXXX(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::Flash(3) - Flash(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::HTMLVersion(3) - HTMLVersion(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::Java(3) - Java(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::PictogramInfo(3) - XXX(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::DoCoMo::UserAgent(3) - UserAgent(DoCoMo)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::EZWeb::CIDR(3) - CIDR(EZweb)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::EZWeb::DeviceID(3) - Device ID(EZweb)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::EZWeb::Model(3) - Model(EZweb)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::EZWeb::PictogramInfo(3) - XXX(EZweb)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::CIDR(3) - CIDR(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::Display(3) - XXXXXX(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::Flash(3) - Flash(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::HTTPHeader(3) - HTTPXXX(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::Java(3) - Java(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::PictogramInfo(3) - XXX(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::Softbank::Service(3) - XXXX(Softbank)
- WWW::MobileCarrierJP::ThirdForce::UserAgent(3) - get UserAgent information from Softbank site(OBSOLETE)
- WWW::Myspace(3) - Access MySpace.com profile information from Perl
- WWW::Myspace::Comment(3) - Auto-comment your MySpace friends from Perl scripts
- WWW::Myspace::FriendChanges(3) - Track additions/deletions to your friends list
- WWW::Myspace::Message(3) - Auto-message your MySpace friends from Perl scripts
- WWW::Myspace::MyBase(3) - Base class for WWW::Myspace modules
- WWW::NicoVideo::Download(3) - Download FLV/MP4/SWF files from nicovideo.jp
- WWW::NioTV(3) - retrieve TV information from http://www.niotv.com/
- WWW::OAuth(3) - Portable OAuth 1.0 authentication
- WWW::OAuth::Request(3) - HTTP Request container role
- WWW::OAuth::Request::Basic(3) - HTTP Request container for HTTP::Tiny
- WWW::OAuth::Request::HTTP_Request(3) - HTTP Request container for HTTP::Request
- WWW::OAuth::Request::Mojo(3) - HTTP Request container for Mojo::Message::Request
- WWW::OAuth::Util(3) - Utility functions for WWW::OAuth
- WWW::OpenSearch(3) - Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines
- WWW::OpenSearch::Agent(3) - An agent for doing OpenSearch requests
- WWW::OpenSearch::Description(3) - Encapsulate an OpenSearch Description provided by an A9 OpenSearch compatible engine
- WWW::OpenSearch::Image(3) - Object to represent an image
- WWW::OpenSearch::Query(3) - Object to represent a sample query
- WWW::OpenSearch::Request(3) - Encapsulate an opensearch request
- WWW::OpenSearch::Response(3) - Encapsulate a response received from an A9 OpenSearch compatible engine
- WWW::OpenSearch::Url(3) - Object to represent a target URL
- WWW::OpenSVN(3) - An automated interface for OpenSVN.csie.org.
- WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::Create(3) - paste on www.pastebin.com without API keys
- WWW::Plurk(3) - Unoffical plurk.com API
- WWW::Plurk::Friend(3) - A plurk friend
- WWW::Plurk::Message(3) - A plurk message
- WWW::Robot(3) - configurable web traversal engine (for web robots & agents)
- WWW::RobotRules(3) - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
- WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File(3) - Persistent RobotRules
- WWW::RobotRules::Parser(3) - Just Parse robots.txt
- WWW::Salesforce(3) - This class provides a simple SOAP client for Salesforce.com.
- WWW::Salesforce::Simple(3) - this class provides a simpler abstraction layer between WWW::Salesforce and Salesforce.com.
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN(3) - Retrieve information about books from online sources.
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Amazon_Driver(3) - A collection of search drivers for Amazon.
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::AmazonUK_Driver(3) - Search driver for Amazon.co.uk
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::AmazonUS_Driver(3) - Search driver for Amazon.com
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver(3) - Driver class for WWW::Scraper::ISBN module.
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::ORA_Driver(3) - Search driver for O'Reilly Media's online catalog.
- WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Record(3) - Book Record class for WWW::Scraper::ISBN module.
- WWW::Scripter(3) - For scripting web sites that have scripts
- WWW::Scripter::History(3) - History object for WWW::Scripter
- WWW::Scripter::Location(3) - Location object for WWW::Scripter
- WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax(3) - WWW::Scripter plugin that provides the XMLHttpRequest object
- WWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript(3) - JavaScript plugin for WWW::Scripter
- WWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript::JE(3) - JE backend for WSPJS
- WWW::Scripter::WindowGroup(3) - Multiple-window browsing environment
- WWW::Search(3) - Virtual base class for WWW searches
- WWW::Search::AltaVista(3) - class for searching www.altavista.com
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::AdvancedNews(3) - class for advanced Alta Vista news searching
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::AdvancedWeb(3) - class for advanced Alta Vista web searching
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::Careers(3) - class for searching www.altavistacareers.com
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::DE(3) - class for searching www.AltaVista.DE
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::Intranet(3) - class for searching via AltaVista Search Intranet 2.3
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::Intranet3(3) - class for searching via AltaVista Search Intranet 3.0
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::News(3) - class for Alta Vista news searching
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::NL(3) - class for searching the dutch version of Alta Vista
- WWW::Search::AltaVista::Web(3) - deprecated, just use WWW::Search::AltaVista
- WWW::Search::MSN(3) - backend for searching search.msn.com
- WWW::Search::Null(3) - class for searching any web site
- WWW::Search::Null::Count(3) - class for testing WWW::Search clients
- WWW::Search::Null::Empty(3) - class for testing WWW::Search clients
- WWW::Search::Null::Error(3) - class for testing WWW::Search clients
- WWW::Search::Null::NoVersion(3) - class for testing WWW::Search
- WWW::Search::Result(3) - class for results returned from WWW::Search
- WWW::Search::Simple(3) - class for searching any web site
- WWW::Search::Test(3) - utilities to aid in testing WWW::Search backends
- WWW::SearchResult(3) - class for results returned from WWW::Search
- WWW::Selenium::Util(3) - Utility code to help test using Selenium
- WWW::Shorten(3) - Interface to URL shortening sites.
- WWW::Shorten::_dead(3) - Where dead link-shortening services go
- WWW::Shorten::0rz(3) - Shorten URLs using <http://0rz.tw/>
- WWW::Shorten::Bitly(3) - Interface to shortening URLs using <http://bitly.com>
- WWW::Shorten::generic(3) - Methods shared across all WWW::Shorten modules
- WWW::Shorten::Googl(3) - Perl interface to goo.gl
- WWW::Shorten::LinkToolbot(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::Linkz(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::MakeAShorterLink(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::Metamark(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::Qurl(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::Qwer(3) - (DEPRECATED) URL Shorten Service
- WWW::Shorten::TinyClick(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::Tinylink(3) - (DEPRECATED) Shorten URLs
- WWW::Shorten::TinyURL(3) - Perl interface to <https://tinyurl.com>
- WWW::Shorten::UserAgent(3) - LWP::UserAgent subclass for WWW::Shorten modules.
- WWW::Shorten::Yourls(3) - Interface to shortening URLs using <http://yourls.org>
- WWW::SourceForge(3) - Interface to SourceForge's APIs - http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/API/ and https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Download%20Stats%20API/
- WWW::SourceForge::Project(3) - SourceForge project objects
- WWW::SourceForge::User(3) - SourceForge user objects
- WWW::SourceForge::Wiki(3)
- WWW::Spinn3r(3) - An interface to the Spinn3r API (http://www.spinn3r.com)
- WWW::Spinn3r::Synced(3) - A interface that provides synced access to permalink and feed APIs.
- WWW::Telegram::BotAPI(3) - Perl implementation of the Telegram Bot API
- WWW::TinySong(3) - Get free music links from tinysong.com
- WWW::Tumblr(3) - Perl bindings for the Tumblr API
- WWW::Tumblr::Blog(3)
- WWW::Tumblr::ResponseError(3)
- WWW::Tumblr::Tagged(3) - to use tagged methods # you can do something like: my $tagged = $tumblr->tagged( tag => 'perl' ); # and that's it. There's nothing really inside WWW::Tumblr::Tagged
- WWW::Tumblr::User(3)
- WWW::TV(3) - Parse TV.com for information about TV shows.
- WWW::TV::Episode(3) - Parse TV.com for TV Episode information.
- WWW::TV::Series(3) - Parse TV.com for TV Series information.
- WWW::TWSMS(3) - Perl extension for send sms by TWSMS. (http://www.twsms.com)
- WWW::VenusEnvy(3) - Retrieve VenusEnvy comic strip images
- WWW::WebArchive(3) - Retrieve old versions of public web pages from various web archives (i.e. www.archive.org, Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, or Google's page cache)
- WWW::WebArchive::Agent(3) - A base class for all specific web archives
- WWW::WebArchive::WaybackMachine(3) - An agent to retrieve files from Internet Archive's Wayback Machine (www.archive.org)
- WWW::Wikipedia(3) - Automated interface to the Wikipedia
- WWW::Wikipedia::Entry(3) - A class for representing a Wikipedia Entry
- WWW::Wordnik::API(3) - Wordnik API implementation
- WWW::Yandex::TIC(3) - Query Yandex Thematic Index of Citing (TIC) for domain
- WWW::YoutubeViewer(3) - A very easy interface to YouTube.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Activities(3) - list of channel activity events that match the request criteria.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Authentication(3) - OAuth login support.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels(3) - Channels interface.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::CommentThreads(3) - Retrieve comments threads.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::GetCaption(3) - Save the YouTube closed captions as .srt files for a videoID.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::GuideCategories(3) - Categories interface.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Itags(3) - Get the YouTube itags.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::ParseJSON(3) - Parse JSON content.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::ParseXML(3) - Convert XML to a HASH ref structure.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::PlaylistItems(3) - Manage playlist entries.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Playlists(3) - Youtube playlists handle.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::RegularExpressions(3) - Various utils.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Search(3) - Search functions for Youtube API v3
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Subscriptions(3) - Subscriptions handler.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Utils(3) - Various utils.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::VideoCategories(3) - videoCategory resource handler.
- WWW::YoutubeViewer::Videos(3) - videos handler.
- WWWdb::Base(3) - Base-Class for all WWWdb-Objects
- WWWdb::ConfigFile(3) - ConfigFiles for WWWdb
- WWWdb::ConfigPool(3) - ConfigPools for WWWdb
- WWWdb::DbSession(3) - DbSessions for WWWdb
- WWWdb::Hash(3) - Hashes for WWWdb
- WWWdb::HTML(3) - HTML-Objects for WWWdb
- WWWdb::List(3) - Lists for WWWdb
- WWWdb::Plugin(3) - Plugins for WWWdb
- WWWdb::Session(3) - Session-Handling for WWWdb
- wx(3) - A port of wxWidgets.
- wx_misc(3) - Miscellaneous functions.
- wx_object(3) - wx_object - Generic wx object behaviour.
- wxAcceleratorEntry(3) - Functions for wxAcceleratorEntry class
- wxAcceleratorTable(3) - Functions for wxAcceleratorTable class
- wxActivateEvent(3) - Functions for wxActivateEvent class
- wxArtProvider(3) - Functions for wxArtProvider class
- wxAuiDockArt(3) - Functions for wxAuiDockArt class
- wxAuiManager(3) - Functions for wxAuiManager class
- wxAuiManagerEvent(3) - Functions for wxAuiManagerEvent class
- wxAuiNotebook(3) - Functions for wxAuiNotebook class
- wxAuiNotebookEvent(3) - Functions for wxAuiNotebookEvent class
- wxAuiPaneInfo(3) - Functions for wxAuiPaneInfo class
- wxAuiSimpleTabArt(3) - Functions for wxAuiSimpleTabArt class
- wxAuiTabArt(3) - Functions for wxAuiTabArt class
- wxBitmap(3) - Functions for wxBitmap class
- wxBitmapButton(3) - Functions for wxBitmapButton class
- wxBitmapDataObject(3) - Functions for wxBitmapDataObject class
- wxBookCtrlBase(3) - Functions for wxBookCtrlBase class
- wxBookCtrlEvent(3) - Functions for wxBookCtrlEvent class
- wxBoxSizer(3) - Functions for wxBoxSizer class
- wxBrush(3) - Functions for wxBrush class
- wxBufferedDC(3) - Functions for wxBufferedDC class
- wxBufferedPaintDC(3) - Functions for wxBufferedPaintDC class
- wxButton(3) - Functions for wxButton class
- wxCalendarCtrl(3) - Functions for wxCalendarCtrl class
- wxCalendarDateAttr(3) - Functions for wxCalendarDateAttr class
- wxCalendarEvent(3) - Functions for wxCalendarEvent class
- wxCaret(3) - Functions for wxCaret class
- wxCheckBox(3) - Functions for wxCheckBox class
- wxCheckListBox(3) - Functions for wxCheckListBox class
- wxChildFocusEvent(3) - Functions for wxChildFocusEvent class
- wxChoice(3) - Functions for wxChoice class
- wxChoicebook(3) - Functions for wxChoicebook class
- wxClientDC(3) - Functions for wxClientDC class
- wxClipboard(3) - Functions for wxClipboard class
- wxClipboardTextEvent(3) - Functions for wxClipboardTextEvent class
- wxCloseEvent(3) - Functions for wxCloseEvent class
- wxColourData(3) - Functions for wxColourData class
- wxColourDialog(3) - Functions for wxColourDialog class
- wxColourPickerCtrl(3) - Functions for wxColourPickerCtrl class
- wxColourPickerEvent(3) - Functions for wxColourPickerEvent class
- wxComboBox(3) - Functions for wxComboBox class
- wxCommandEvent(3) - Functions for wxCommandEvent class
- wxContextMenuEvent(3) - Functions for wxContextMenuEvent class
- wxControl(3) - Functions for wxControl class
- wxControlWithItems(3) - Functions for wxControlWithItems class
- wxCursor(3) - Functions for wxCursor class
- wxDataObject(3) - Functions for wxDataObject class
- wxDateEvent(3) - Functions for wxDateEvent class
- wxDatePickerCtrl(3) - Functions for wxDatePickerCtrl class
- wxDC(3) - Functions for wxDC class
- wxDCOverlay(3) - Functions for wxDCOverlay class
- wxDialog(3) - Functions for wxDialog class
- wxDirDialog(3) - Functions for wxDirDialog class
- wxDirPickerCtrl(3) - Functions for wxDirPickerCtrl class
- wxDisplay(3) - Functions for wxDisplay class
- wxDisplayChangedEvent(3) - Functions for wxDisplayChangedEvent class
- wxDropFilesEvent(3) - Functions for wxDropFilesEvent class
- wxEraseEvent(3) - Functions for wxEraseEvent class
- wxEvent(3) - Functions for wxEvent class
- wxEvtHandler(3) - Functions for wxEvtHandler class
- wxFileDataObject(3) - Functions for wxFileDataObject class
- wxFileDialog(3) - Functions for wxFileDialog class
- wxFileDirPickerEvent(3) - Functions for wxFileDirPickerEvent class
- wxFilePickerCtrl(3) - Functions for wxFilePickerCtrl class
- wxFindReplaceData(3) - Functions for wxFindReplaceData class
- wxFindReplaceDialog(3) - Functions for wxFindReplaceDialog class
- wxFlexGridSizer(3) - Functions for wxFlexGridSizer class
- wxFocusEvent(3) - Functions for wxFocusEvent class
- wxFont(3) - Functions for wxFont class
- wxFontData(3) - Functions for wxFontData class
- wxFontDialog(3) - Functions for wxFontDialog class
- wxFontPickerCtrl(3) - Functions for wxFontPickerCtrl class
- wxFontPickerEvent(3) - Functions for wxFontPickerEvent class
- wxFrame(3) - Functions for wxFrame class
- wxGauge(3) - Functions for wxGauge class
- wxGBSizerItem(3) - Functions for wxGBSizerItem class
- wxGCDC(3) - Functions for wxGCDC class
- wxGenericDirCtrl(3) - Functions for wxGenericDirCtrl class
- wxGLCanvas(3) - Functions for wxGLCanvas class
- wxGLContext(3) - Functions for wxGLContext class
- wxGraphicsBrush(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsBrush class
- wxGraphicsContext(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsContext class
- wxGraphicsFont(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsFont class
- wxGraphicsGradientStops(3) - Represents a collection of wxGraphicGradientStop values for use with CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush.
- wxGraphicsMatrix(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsMatrix class
- wxGraphicsObject(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsObject class
- wxGraphicsPath(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsPath class
- wxGraphicsPen(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsPen class
- wxGraphicsRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGraphicsRenderer class
- wxGrid(3) - Functions for wxGrid class
- wxGridBagSizer(3) - Functions for wxGridBagSizer class
- wxGridCellAttr(3) - Functions for wxGridCellAttr class
- wxGridCellBoolEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellBoolEditor class
- wxGridCellBoolRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGridCellBoolRenderer class
- wxGridCellChoiceEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellChoiceEditor class
- wxGridCellEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellEditor class
- wxGridCellFloatEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellFloatEditor class
- wxGridCellFloatRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGridCellFloatRenderer class
- wxGridCellNumberEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellNumberEditor class
- wxGridCellNumberRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGridCellNumberRenderer class
- wxGridCellRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGridCellRenderer class
- wxGridCellStringRenderer(3) - Functions for wxGridCellStringRenderer class
- wxGridCellTextEditor(3) - Functions for wxGridCellTextEditor class
- wxGridEvent(3) - Functions for wxGridEvent class
- wxGridSizer(3) - Functions for wxGridSizer class
- wxHelpEvent(3) - Functions for wxHelpEvent class
- wxHtmlEasyPrinting(3) - Functions for wxHtmlEasyPrinting class
- wxHtmlLinkEvent(3) - Functions for wxHtmlLinkEvent class
- wxHtmlWindow(3) - Functions for wxHtmlWindow class
- wxIcon(3) - Functions for wxIcon class
- wxIconBundle(3) - Functions for wxIconBundle class
- wxIconizeEvent(3) - Functions for wxIconizeEvent class
- wxIdleEvent(3) - Functions for wxIdleEvent class
- wxImage(3) - Functions for wxImage class
- wxImageList(3) - Functions for wxImageList class
- wxInitDialogEvent(3) - Functions for wxInitDialogEvent class
- wxJoystickEvent(3) - Functions for wxJoystickEvent class
- wxKeyEvent(3) - Functions for wxKeyEvent class
- wxLayoutAlgorithm(3) - Functions for wxLayoutAlgorithm class
- wxListbook(3) - Functions for wxListbook class
- wxListBox(3) - Functions for wxListBox class
- wxListCtrl(3) - Functions for wxListCtrl class
- wxListEvent(3) - Functions for wxListEvent class
- wxListItem(3) - Functions for wxListItem class
- wxListItemAttr(3) - Functions for wxListItemAttr class
- wxListView(3) - Functions for wxListView class
- wxLocale(3) - Functions for wxLocale class
- wxLogNull(3) - Functions for wxLogNull class
- wxMask(3) - Functions for wxMask class
- wxMaximizeEvent(3) - Functions for wxMaximizeEvent class
- wxMDIChildFrame(3) - Functions for wxMDIChildFrame class
- wxMDIClientWindow(3) - Functions for wxMDIClientWindow class
- wxMDIParentFrame(3) - Functions for wxMDIParentFrame class
- wxMemoryDC(3) - Functions for wxMemoryDC class
- wxMenu(3) - Functions for wxMenu class
- wxMenuBar(3) - Functions for wxMenuBar class
- wxMenuEvent(3) - Functions for wxMenuEvent class
- wxMenuItem(3) - Functions for wxMenuItem class
- wxMessageDialog(3) - Functions for wxMessageDialog class
- wxMiniFrame(3) - Functions for wxMiniFrame class
- wxMirrorDC(3) - Functions for wxMirrorDC class
- wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent(3) - Functions for wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent class
- wxMouseCaptureLostEvent(3) - Functions for wxMouseCaptureLostEvent class
- wxMouseEvent(3) - Functions for wxMouseEvent class
- wxMoveEvent(3) - Functions for wxMoveEvent class
- wxMultiChoiceDialog(3) - Functions for wxMultiChoiceDialog class
- wxNavigationKeyEvent(3) - Functions for wxNavigationKeyEvent class
- wxNotebook(3) - Functions for wxNotebook class
- wxNotificationMessage(3) - Functions for wxNotificationMessage class
- wxNotifyEvent(3) - Functions for wxNotifyEvent class
- wxOverlay(3) - Functions for wxOverlay class
- wxPageSetupDialog(3) - Functions for wxPageSetupDialog class
- wxPageSetupDialogData(3) - Functions for wxPageSetupDialogData class
- wxPaintDC(3) - Functions for wxPaintDC class
- wxPaintEvent(3) - Functions for wxPaintEvent class
- wxPalette(3) - Functions for wxPalette class
- wxPaletteChangedEvent(3) - Functions for wxPaletteChangedEvent class
- wxPanel(3) - Functions for wxPanel class
- wxPasswordEntryDialog(3) - Functions for wxPasswordEntryDialog class
- wxPen(3) - Functions for wxPen class
- wxPickerBase(3) - Functions for wxPickerBase class
- wxPopupTransientWindow(3) - Functions for wxPopupTransientWindow class
- wxPopupWindow(3) - Functions for wxPopupWindow class
- wxPostScriptDC(3) - Functions for wxPostScriptDC class
- wxPreviewCanvas(3) - Functions for wxPreviewCanvas class
- wxPreviewControlBar(3) - Functions for wxPreviewControlBar class
- wxPreviewFrame(3) - Functions for wxPreviewFrame class
- wxPrintData(3) - Functions for wxPrintData class
- wxPrintDialog(3) - Functions for wxPrintDialog class
- wxPrintDialogData(3) - Functions for wxPrintDialogData class
- wxPrinter(3) - Functions for wxPrinter class
- wxPrintout(3) - Functions for wxPrintout class
- wxPrintPreview(3) - Functions for wxPrintPreview class
- wxProgressDialog(3) - Functions for wxProgressDialog class
- wxQueryNewPaletteEvent(3) - Functions for wxQueryNewPaletteEvent class
- wxRadioBox(3) - Functions for wxRadioBox class
- wxRadioButton(3) - Functions for wxRadioButton class
- wxRegion(3) - Functions for wxRegion class
- wxSashEvent(3) - Functions for wxSashEvent class
- wxSashLayoutWindow(3) - Functions for wxSashLayoutWindow class
- wxSashWindow(3) - Functions for wxSashWindow class
- wxScreenDC(3) - Functions for wxScreenDC class
- wxScrollBar(3) - Functions for wxScrollBar class
- wxScrolledWindow(3) - The wxScrolled (not implemented in wx) class manages scrolling for its client area, transforming the coordinates according to the scrollbar positions, and setting the scroll positions, thumb sizes and ranges according to the area in view.
- wxScrollEvent(3) - Functions for wxScrollEvent class
- wxScrollWinEvent(3) - Functions for wxScrollWinEvent class
- wxSetCursorEvent(3) - Functions for wxSetCursorEvent class
- wxShowEvent(3) - Functions for wxShowEvent class
- wxSingleChoiceDialog(3) - Functions for wxSingleChoiceDialog class
- wxSizeEvent(3) - Functions for wxSizeEvent class
- wxSizer(3) - Functions for wxSizer class
- wxSizerFlags(3) - Functions for wxSizerFlags class
- wxSizerItem(3) - Functions for wxSizerItem class
- wxSlider(3) - Functions for wxSlider class
- wxSpinButton(3) - Functions for wxSpinButton class
- wxSpinCtrl(3) - Functions for wxSpinCtrl class
- wxSpinEvent(3) - Functions for wxSpinEvent class
- wxSplashScreen(3) - Functions for wxSplashScreen class
- wxSplitterEvent(3) - Functions for wxSplitterEvent class
- wxSplitterWindow(3) - Functions for wxSplitterWindow class
- wxStaticBitmap(3) - Functions for wxStaticBitmap class
- wxStaticBox(3) - Functions for wxStaticBox class
- wxStaticBoxSizer(3) - Functions for wxStaticBoxSizer class
- wxStaticLine(3) - Functions for wxStaticLine class
- wxStaticText(3) - Functions for wxStaticText class
- wxStatusBar(3) - Functions for wxStatusBar class
- wxStdDialogButtonSizer(3) - Functions for wxStdDialogButtonSizer class
- wxStyledTextCtrl(3) - Functions for wxStyledTextCtrl class
- wxStyledTextEvent(3) - Functions for wxStyledTextEvent class
- wxSysColourChangedEvent(3) - Functions for wxSysColourChangedEvent class
- wxSystemOptions(3) - Functions for wxSystemOptions class
- wxSystemSettings(3) - Functions for wxSystemSettings class
- wxTaskBarIcon(3) - Functions for wxTaskBarIcon class
- wxTaskBarIconEvent(3) - Functions for wxTaskBarIconEvent class
- wxTextAttr(3) - Functions for wxTextAttr class
- wxTextCtrl(3) - Functions for wxTextCtrl class
- wxTextDataObject(3) - Functions for wxTextDataObject class
- wxTextEntryDialog(3) - Functions for wxTextEntryDialog class
- wxToggleButton(3) - Functions for wxToggleButton class
- wxToolBar(3) - Functions for wxToolBar class
- wxToolbook(3) - Functions for wxToolbook class
- wxToolTip(3) - Functions for wxToolTip class
- wxTopLevelWindow(3) - Functions for wxTopLevelWindow class
- wxTreebook(3) - Functions for wxTreebook class
- wxTreeCtrl(3) - Functions for wxTreeCtrl class
- wxTreeEvent(3) - Functions for wxTreeEvent class
- wxUpdateUIEvent(3) - Functions for wxUpdateUIEvent class
- wxWebView(3) - Functions for wxWebView class
- wxWebViewEvent(3) - Functions for wxWebViewEvent class
- wxWindow(3) - Functions for wxWindow class
- wxWindowCreateEvent(3) - Functions for wxWindowCreateEvent class
- wxWindowDC(3) - Functions for wxWindowDC class
- wxWindowDestroyEvent(3) - Functions for wxWindowDestroyEvent class
- wxXmlResource(3) - Functions for wxXmlResource class
- wzdftpd(3) - Perl extension for libwzd (wzdftpd)
- X::Tiny(3) - Base class for a bare-bones exception factory
- X::Tiny::Base(3) - super-light exception base class
- X11::AtomConstants(3)
- X11::CursorFont(3) - cursor font glyph names and numbers
- X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow(3)
- X11::Protocol::Ext::Composite(3) - off-screen window contents
- X11::Protocol::Ext::DAMAGE(3) - drawing notifications
- X11::Protocol::Ext::DOUBLE_BUFFER(3) - window off-screen double buffering
- X11::Protocol::Ext::MIT_SCREEN_SAVER(3) - external screen saver support
- X11::Protocol::Ext::MIT_SHM(3) - images in SysV style shared memory
- X11::Protocol::Ext::MIT_SUNDRY_NONSTANDARD(3) - X11R2/R3 compatibility mode
- X11::Protocol::Ext::TOG_CUP(3) - colormap utilization policy extension
- X11::Protocol::Ext::X_Resource(3) - server resource usage
- X11::Protocol::Ext::XFIXES(3) - miscellaneous "fixes" extension
- X11::Protocol::Ext::XFree86_DGA(3) - direct video memory access
- X11::Protocol::Ext::XINERAMA(3) - multi-monitor display information
- X11::Protocol::Ext::XTEST(3) - synthetic user input and more
- X11::Protocol::GrabServer(3)
- X11::Protocol::Other(3)
- X11::Protocol::WM(3)
- X11::Protocol::XSetRoot(3)
- X11::Resolution(3) - Get information on the current resolution for X.
- X11::XCB(3) - perl bindings for libxcb
- X11::XCB::Atom(3) - wraps an X11 atom
- X11::XCB::Color(3) - X11 colorpixel handling
- X11::XCB::Connection(3) - connection to the X server
- X11::XCB::Rect(3) - represents a rectangle
- X11::XCB::Screen(3) - represents an x11 screen
- X11::XCB::Sizehints(3) - size hints attribute for an X11::XCB::Window
- X11::XCB::Sizehints::Aspect(3) - aspect ratio size hint
- X11::XCB::Window(3) - represents an X11 window
- X11::Xlib(3) - Low-level access to the X11 library
- X11::Xlib::Colormap(3) - XID wrapper for Colormap
- X11::Xlib::Display(3) - Object-Oriented behavior for X11::Xlib
- X11::Xlib::Keymap(3) - Object Oriented access to the X11 keymap
- X11::Xlib::Opaque(3) - Base class for X11 opaque structures
- X11::Xlib::Pixmap(3) - XID wrapper for Pixmap
- X11::Xlib::Screen(3) - Convenience wrapper around Display+ScreenID
- X11::Xlib::Struct(3) - Base class for X11 packed structures
- X11::Xlib::Visual(3) - Wrapper for Visual* pointers
- X11::Xlib::Window(3) - XID wrapper for Window
- X11::Xlib::XEvent(3) - Polymorphic class for XEvent structures
- X11::Xlib::XID(3) - Base class for objects wrapping an XID
- X11::Xlib::XRectangle(3) - Struct defining 16-bit x,y,width,height
- X11::Xlib::XRenderPictFormat(3) - Struct defining color format for XRender
- X11::Xlib::XserverRegion(3) - XID wrapper for XserverRegion
- X11::Xlib::XSetWindowAttributes(3) - Struct defining window attributes
- X11::Xlib::XSizeHints(3) - Struct providing window size hints to the Window Manager
- X11::Xlib::XVisualInfo(3) - Struct to list details of a Visual*
- X11::Xlib::XWindowAttributes(3) - Struct defining window attributes
- X11::Xlib::XWindowChanges(3) - Struct defining window placement
- X11Font(3) - a class for finding X Fonts
- X509_ADD1_TRUST_OBJECT(3) - mark an X.509 certificate as intended for a specific purpose
- X509_ALGOR_DUP(3) - AlgorithmIdentifier functions
- X509_ATTRIBUTE_GET0_OBJECT(3) - X.501 Attribute read accessors
- X509_ATTRIBUTE_SET1_OBJECT(3) - modify an X.501 Attribute
- X509_CHECK_CA(3) - check if given certificate is CA certificate
- X509_CHECK_HOST(3) - X.509 certificate matching
- X509_CHECK_ISSUED(3) - checks if certificate is apparently issued by another certificate
- X509_CHECK_PRIVATE_KEY(3) - check the consistency of a private key with the public key in an X509 certificate or certificate request
- X509_CHECK_PURPOSE(3) - Check the purpose of a certificate
- X509_CHECK_TRUST(3) - check whether a certificate is trusted
- X509_CMP(3) - compare X509 certificates and related values
- X509_CMP_TIME(3) - X509 time functions
- X509_CRL_GET0_BY_SERIAL(3) - CRL revoked entry utility functions
- X509_CRL_METHOD_NEW(3) - customize CRL handling
- X509_CRL_PRINT(3) - pretty-print a certificate revocation list
- X509_DIGEST(3) - get digest of various objects
- X509_DUP(3) - ASN1 object utilities
- X509_EXTENSION_SET_OBJECT(3) - extension utility functions
- X509_FIND_BY_SUBJECT(3) - search an array of X.509 certificates
- X509_GET_EXTENSION_FLAGS(3) - retrieve certificate extension data
- X509_GET_PUBKEY(3) - get or set certificate or certificate request public key
- X509_GET_PUBKEY_PARAMETERS(3) - copy public key parameters from a chain
- X509_GET_SERIALNUMBER(3) - get or set certificate serial number
- X509_GET_SUBJECT_NAME(3) - get and set issuer or subject names
- X509_GET_VERSION(3) - get or set certificate, certificate request or CRL version
- X509_GET0_NOTBEFORE(3) - get or set certificate or CRL dates
- X509_GET0_SIGNATURE(3) - signature information
- X509_GET0_UIDS(3) - get certificate unique identifiers
- X509_GET1_EMAIL(3) - utilities for stacks of strings
- X509_INFO_NEW(3) - X.509 certificate wrapper object
- X509_KEYID_SET1(3) - auxiliary certificate data for PKCS#12
- X509_LOOKUP(3) - OpenSSL certificate lookup mechanisms
- X509_LOOKUP_HASH_DIR(3) - Default OpenSSL certificate lookup methods
- X509_LOOKUP_METH_NEW(3) - Routines to build up X509_LOOKUP methods
- X509_NAME_ADD_ENTRY_BY_TXT(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
- X509_NAME_ENTRY_GET_OBJECT(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
- X509_NAME_GET_INDEX_BY_NID(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
- X509_NAME_GET0_DER(3) - get X509_NAME DER encoding
- X509_NAME_HASH(3) - calculate SHA-1 or MD5 hashes of X.501 Name objects
- X509_NAME_PRINT_EX(3) - X509_NAME printing routines
- X509_NEW(3) - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
- X509_OBJECT_GET0_X509(3) - certificate, CRL, private key, and string wrapper for certificate stores
- X509_OCSPID_PRINT(3) - pretty-print hashes of subject name and public key
- X509_PKEY_NEW(3) - X.509 private key wrapper object
- X509_POLICY_CHECK(3) - construct X.509 valid policy tree
- X509_POLICY_TREE_GET0_POLICIES(3) - retrieve arrays of policy tree nodes
- X509_POLICY_TREE_LEVEL_COUNT(3) - inspect X.509 policy tree objects
- X509_PRINT_EX(3) - pretty-print an X.509 certificate
- X509_PUBKEY_NEW(3) - SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key functions
- X509_PURPOSE_SET(3) - purpose objects, indices, and identifiers
- X509_REQ_ADD_EXTENSIONS(3) - extensions in certification requests
- X509_REQ_ADD1_ATTR(3) - X.501 Attributes of PKCS#10 certification requests
- X509_REQ_PRINT_EX(3) - pretty-print a PKCS#10 certification request
- X509_SIG_GET0(3) - DigestInfo functions
- X509_SIGN(3) - sign or verify certificate, certificate request or CRL signature
- X509_SIGNATURE_DUMP(3) - pretty-print ASN.1 strings
- X509_STORE_ADD_CERT(3) - X509_STORE manipulation
- X509_STORE_CTX_GET_ERROR(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
- X509_STORE_CTX_NEW(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
- X509_STORE_CTX_SET_FLAGS(3) - X509_STORE_CTX parameter initialisation
- X509_STORE_CTX_SET_VERIFY_CB(3) - get and set verification callback
- X509_STORE_GET_BY_SUBJECT(3) - retrieve objects from a certificate store
- X509_STORE_GET0_PARAM(3) - X509_STORE setter and getter functions
- X509_STORE_NEW(3) - X509_STORE allocation, freeing and locking functions
- X509_STORE_SET_VERIFY_CB_FUNC(3) - set verification callback
- X509_TRUST_SET(3) - trust objects, indices, and identifiers
- X509_VERIFY(3) - discover and verify X.509 certificate chains
- X509_VERIFY_CERT(3) - discover and verify X509 certificate chain
- X509_VERIFY_PARAM_NEW(3) - X509 verification parameter objects
- X509_VERIFY_PARAM_SET_FLAGS(3) - X509 verification parameters
- X509AT_ADD1_ATTR(3) - change an array of X.501 Attribute objects
- X509AT_GET_ATTR(3) - X.501 Attribute array read accessors
- X509V3_EXT_PRINT(3) - pretty-print an X.509 extension
- X509V3_EXTENSIONS_PRINT(3) - pretty-print an array of X.509 extensions
- X509V3_GET_D2I(3) - X509 extension decode and encode functions
- X509V3_GET_EXT_BY_NID(3) - extension stack utility functions
- x86_disasm(3) - disassemble a bytestream to x86 assembly language instructions
- x86_format_insn(3) - generate a string representation of a disassembled instruction.
- x86_init(3) - initialize and cleanup libdisasm
- XAddConnectionWatch(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
- XAddHost(3) - control host access and host control structure
- XAllocClassHint(3) - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
- XAllocColor(3) - allocate and free colors
- XAllocIconSize(3) - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
- XAllocSizeHints(3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XAllocStandardColormap(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
- XAllocWMHints(3) - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
- XALLOWDEVICEEVENTS(3) - release queued events
- XAllowEvents(3) - release queued events
- XAnyEvent(3) - generic X event structures
- Xapian::AssertionError(3) - AssertionError is thrown if a logical assertion inside Xapian fails.
- Xapian::BM25Weight(3) - BM25 Weighting scheme.
- Xapian::BoolWeight(3) - Boolean Weighting scheme.
- Xapian::Database(3) - Search database object
- Xapian::DatabaseClosedError(3) - Indicates an attempt to access a closed database.
- Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError(3) - DatabaseCorruptError indicates database corruption was detected.
- Xapian::DatabaseCreateError(3) - DatabaseCreateError indicates a failure to create a database.
- Xapian::DatabaseError(3) - DatabaseError indicates some sort of database related error.
- Xapian::DatabaseLockError(3) - DatabaseLockError indicates failure to lock a database.
- Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError(3) - DatabaseModifiedError indicates a database was modified.
- Xapian::DatabaseNotFoundError(3) - Indicates an attempt to access a database not present.
- Xapian::DatabaseOpeningError(3) - DatabaseOpeningError indicates failure to open a database.
- Xapian::DatabaseVersionError(3) - DatabaseVersionError indicates that a database is in an unsupported format.
- Xapian::DocNotFoundError(3) - Indicates an attempt to access a document not present in the database.
- Xapian::Document(3) - Document object
- Xapian::Enquire(3) - Make queries against a database
- Xapian::Error(3) - Base class for all exceptions in Search::Xapian
- Xapian::FeatureUnavailableError(3) - Indicates an attempt to use a feature which is unavailable.
- Xapian::InternalError(3) - InternalError indicates a runtime problem of some sort.
- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError(3) - InvalidArgumentError indicates an invalid parameter value was passed to the API.
- Xapian::InvalidOperationError(3) - InvalidOperationError indicates the API was used in an invalid way.
- Xapian::LogicError(3) - The base class for exceptions indicating errors in the program logic.
- Xapian::MatchSpy(3) - abstract base class for match spies.
- Xapian::MultiValueSorter(3) - allows sorting by a several values.
- Xapian::NetworkError(3) - Indicates a problem communicating with a remote database.
- Xapian::NetworkTimeoutError(3) - Indicates a timeout expired while communicating with a remote database.
- Xapian::PositionIterator(3) - Iterate over sets of positions.
- Xapian::PostingIterator(3) - Iterate over the list of documents indexed by a term.
- Xapian::QueryParser(3) - Parse a query string into a Search::Xapian::Query object
- Xapian::QueryParserError(3) - Indicates a query string can't be parsed.
- Xapian::RangeError(3) - RangeError indicates an attempt to access outside the bounds of a container.
- Xapian::RuntimeError(3) - The base class for exceptions indicating errors only detectable at runtime.
- Xapian::SerialisationError(3) - Indicates an error in the std::string serialisation of an object.
- Xapian::Stem(3) - Snowball stemmer
- Xapian::TermGenerator(3) - Parses a piece of text and generates terms.
- Xapian::TermIterator(3) - Iterate over sets of terms.
- Xapian::TradWeight(3) - Traditional Probabilistic Weighting scheme.
- Xapian::UnimplementedError(3) - UnimplementedError indicates an attempt to use an unimplemented feature.
- Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy(3) - Class for counting the frequencies of values in the matching documents.
- Xapian::ValueIterator(3) - Iterate over value slots in a document.
- Xapian::Weight(3) - base class for Weighting schemes.
- Xapian::WildcardError(3) - WildcardError indicates an error expanding a wildcarded query.
- Xapian::WritableDatabase(3) - writable database object
- Xau(3) - X authority database routines
- Xaw(3) - X Athena Widgets
- XBase::Base(3) - Base input output module for XBase suite
- XBase::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions about the XBase.pm/DBD::XBase modules
- XBase::Index(3) - base class for the index files for dbf
- XBase::Memo(3) - Generic support for various memo formats
- XBase::SDBM(3) - SDBM index support for dbf
- XButtonEvent(3) - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
- xcb_alloc_color(3) - Allocate a color
- xcb_alloc_color_cells(3)
- xcb_alloc_color_planes(3)
- xcb_alloc_named_color(3)
- xcb_allow_events(3) - release queued events
- xcb_bell(3)
- xcb_big_requests_enable(3)
- xcb_button_press_event_t(3) - a mouse button was pressed/released
- xcb_change_active_pointer_grab(3)
- xcb_change_gc(3) - change graphics context components
- xcb_change_hosts(3)
- xcb_change_keyboard_control(3)
- xcb_change_keyboard_mapping(3)
- xcb_change_pointer_control(3)
- xcb_change_property(3) - Changes a window property
- xcb_change_save_set(3) - Changes a client's save set
- xcb_change_window_attributes(3) - change window attributes
- xcb_circulate_notify_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
- xcb_circulate_window(3) - Change window stacking order
- xcb_clear_area(3)
- xcb_client_message_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
- xcb_close_font(3)
- xcb_colormap_notify_event_t(3) - the colormap for some window changed
- xcb_composite_create_region_from_border_clip(3)
- xcb_composite_get_overlay_window(3)
- xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap(3)
- xcb_composite_query_version(3)
- xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows(3)
- xcb_composite_redirect_window(3)
- xcb_composite_release_overlay_window(3)
- xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows(3)
- xcb_composite_unredirect_window(3)
- xcb_configure_notify_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
- xcb_configure_request_event_t(3)
- xcb_configure_window(3) - Configures window attributes
- xcb_convert_selection(3)
- xcb_copy_area(3) - copy areas
- xcb_copy_colormap_and_free(3)
- xcb_copy_gc(3)
- xcb_copy_plane(3)
- xcb_create_colormap(3)
- xcb_create_cursor(3)
- xcb_create_gc(3) - Creates a graphics context
- xcb_create_glyph_cursor(3) - create cursor
- xcb_create_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_create_pixmap(3) - Creates a pixmap
- xcb_create_window(3) - Creates a window
- xcb_damage_add(3)
- xcb_damage_create(3)
- xcb_damage_destroy(3)
- xcb_damage_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_damage_query_version(3)
- xcb_damage_subtract(3)
- xcb_delete_property(3)
- xcb_destroy_notify_event_t(3) - a window is destroyed
- xcb_destroy_subwindows(3)
- xcb_destroy_window(3) - Destroys a window
- xcb_dpms_capable(3)
- xcb_dpms_disable(3)
- xcb_dpms_enable(3)
- xcb_dpms_force_level(3)
- xcb_dpms_get_timeouts(3)
- xcb_dpms_get_version(3)
- xcb_dpms_info(3)
- xcb_dpms_set_timeouts(3)
- xcb_dri2_authenticate(3)
- xcb_dri2_buffer_swap_complete_event_t(3)
- xcb_dri2_connect(3)
- xcb_dri2_copy_region(3)
- xcb_dri2_create_drawable(3)
- xcb_dri2_destroy_drawable(3)
- xcb_dri2_get_buffers(3)
- xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format(3)
- xcb_dri2_get_msc(3)
- xcb_dri2_get_param(3)
- xcb_dri2_invalidate_buffers_event_t(3)
- xcb_dri2_query_version(3)
- xcb_dri2_swap_buffers(3)
- xcb_dri2_swap_interval(3)
- xcb_dri2_wait_msc(3)
- xcb_dri2_wait_sbc(3)
- xcb_dri3_buffer_from_pixmap(3)
- xcb_dri3_buffers_from_pixmap(3)
- xcb_dri3_fd_from_fence(3)
- xcb_dri3_fence_from_fd(3)
- xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers(3)
- xcb_dri3_open(3)
- xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffer(3)
- xcb_dri3_pixmap_from_buffers(3)
- xcb_dri3_query_version(3)
- xcb_enter_notify_event_t(3) - the pointer is in a different window
- xcb_expose_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
- xcb_fill_poly(3)
- xcb_focus_in_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
- xcb_force_screen_saver(3)
- xcb_free_colormap(3)
- xcb_free_colors(3)
- xcb_free_cursor(3) - Deletes a cursor
- xcb_free_gc(3) - Destroys a graphics context
- xcb_free_pixmap(3) - Destroys a pixmap
- xcb_ge_generic_event_t(3) - generic event (with length)
- xcb_genericevent_query_version(3)
- xcb_get_atom_name(3)
- xcb_get_font_path(3)
- xcb_get_geometry(3) - Get current window geometry
- xcb_get_image(3)
- xcb_get_input_focus(3)
- xcb_get_keyboard_control(3)
- xcb_get_keyboard_mapping(3)
- xcb_get_modifier_mapping(3)
- xcb_get_motion_events(3)
- xcb_get_pointer_control(3)
- xcb_get_pointer_mapping(3)
- xcb_get_property(3) - Gets a window property
- xcb_get_screen_saver(3)
- xcb_get_selection_owner(3) - Gets the owner of a selection
- xcb_get_window_attributes(3) - Gets window attributes
- xcb_glx_are_textures_resident(3)
- xcb_glx_buffer_swap_complete_event_t(3)
- xcb_glx_change_drawable_attributes(3)
- xcb_glx_client_info(3)
- xcb_glx_copy_context(3)
- xcb_glx_create_context(3)
- xcb_glx_create_context_attribs_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_create_glx_pixmap(3)
- xcb_glx_create_new_context(3)
- xcb_glx_create_pbuffer(3)
- xcb_glx_create_pixmap(3)
- xcb_glx_create_window(3)
- xcb_glx_delete_lists(3)
- xcb_glx_delete_queries_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_delete_textures(3)
- xcb_glx_delete_window(3)
- xcb_glx_destroy_context(3)
- xcb_glx_destroy_glx_pixmap(3)
- xcb_glx_destroy_pbuffer(3)
- xcb_glx_destroy_pixmap(3)
- xcb_glx_end_list(3)
- xcb_glx_feedback_buffer(3)
- xcb_glx_finish(3)
- xcb_glx_flush(3)
- xcb_glx_gen_lists(3)
- xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_gen_textures(3)
- xcb_glx_get_booleanv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_clip_plane(3)
- xcb_glx_get_color_table(3)
- xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter(3)
- xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_doublev(3)
- xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes(3)
- xcb_glx_get_error(3)
- xcb_glx_get_fb_configs(3)
- xcb_glx_get_floatv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_histogram(3)
- xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_integerv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_lightfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_lightiv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_mapdv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_mapfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_mapiv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_materialfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_materialiv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_minmax(3)
- xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple(3)
- xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_get_separable_filter(3)
- xcb_glx_get_string(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_image(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv(3)
- xcb_glx_get_visual_configs(3)
- xcb_glx_is_direct(3)
- xcb_glx_is_enabled(3)
- xcb_glx_is_list(3)
- xcb_glx_is_query_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_is_texture(3)
- xcb_glx_make_context_current(3)
- xcb_glx_make_current(3)
- xcb_glx_new_list(3)
- xcb_glx_pbuffer_clobber_event_t(3)
- xcb_glx_pixel_storef(3)
- xcb_glx_pixel_storei(3)
- xcb_glx_query_context(3)
- xcb_glx_query_extensions_string(3)
- xcb_glx_query_server_string(3)
- xcb_glx_query_version(3)
- xcb_glx_read_pixels(3)
- xcb_glx_render(3)
- xcb_glx_render_large(3)
- xcb_glx_render_mode(3)
- xcb_glx_select_buffer(3)
- xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb(3)
- xcb_glx_set_client_info_arb(3)
- xcb_glx_swap_buffers(3)
- xcb_glx_use_x_font(3)
- xcb_glx_vendor_private(3)
- xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply(3)
- xcb_glx_wait_gl(3)
- xcb_glx_wait_x(3)
- xcb_grab_button(3) - Grab pointer button(s)
- xcb_grab_key(3) - Grab keyboard key(s)
- xcb_grab_keyboard(3) - Grab the keyboard
- xcb_grab_pointer(3) - Grab the pointer
- xcb_grab_server(3)
- xcb_graphics_exposure_event_t(3)
- xcb_gravity_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_image_text_16(3) - Draws text
- xcb_image_text_8(3) - Draws text
- xcb_input_allow_device_events(3)
- xcb_input_barrier_hit_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_button_press_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_change_device_control(3)
- xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagate_list(3)
- xcb_input_change_device_key_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_change_device_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_change_device_property(3)
- xcb_input_change_feedback_control(3)
- xcb_input_change_keyboard_device(3)
- xcb_input_change_pointer_device(3)
- xcb_input_close_device(3)
- xcb_input_delete_device_property(3)
- xcb_input_device_bell(3)
- xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_changed_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_focus_in_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_key_press_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_key_state_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_mapping_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_presence_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_property_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_state_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_device_valuator_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_enter_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_control(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_focus(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_motion_events(3)
- xcb_input_get_device_property(3)
- xcb_input_get_extension_version(3)
- xcb_input_get_feedback_control(3)
- xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events(3)
- xcb_input_grab_device(3)
- xcb_input_grab_device_button(3)
- xcb_input_grab_device_key(3)
- xcb_input_hierarchy_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_key_press_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_list_device_properties(3)
- xcb_input_list_input_devices(3)
- xcb_input_open_device(3)
- xcb_input_property_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_query_device_state(3)
- xcb_input_raw_button_press_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_raw_key_press_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_raw_touch_begin_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_select_extension_event(3)
- xcb_input_send_extension_event(3)
- xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_set_device_focus(3)
- xcb_input_set_device_mode(3)
- xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping(3)
- xcb_input_set_device_valuators(3)
- xcb_input_touch_begin_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_touch_ownership_event_t(3)
- xcb_input_ungrab_device(3)
- xcb_input_ungrab_device_button(3)
- xcb_input_ungrab_device_key(3)
- xcb_input_xi_allow_events(3)
- xcb_input_xi_barrier_release_pointer(3)
- xcb_input_xi_change_cursor(3)
- xcb_input_xi_change_hierarchy(3)
- xcb_input_xi_change_property(3)
- xcb_input_xi_delete_property(3)
- xcb_input_xi_get_client_pointer(3)
- xcb_input_xi_get_focus(3)
- xcb_input_xi_get_property(3)
- xcb_input_xi_get_selected_events(3)
- xcb_input_xi_grab_device(3)
- xcb_input_xi_list_properties(3)
- xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device(3)
- xcb_input_xi_passive_ungrab_device(3)
- xcb_input_xi_query_device(3)
- xcb_input_xi_query_pointer(3)
- xcb_input_xi_query_version(3)
- xcb_input_xi_select_events(3)
- xcb_input_xi_set_client_pointer(3)
- xcb_input_xi_set_focus(3)
- xcb_input_xi_ungrab_device(3)
- xcb_input_xi_warp_pointer(3)
- xcb_install_colormap(3)
- xcb_intern_atom(3) - Get atom identifier by name
- xcb_key_press_event_t(3) - a key was pressed/released
- xcb_keymap_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_kill_client(3) - kills a client
- xcb_list_extensions(3)
- xcb_list_fonts(3) - get matching font names
- xcb_list_fonts_with_info(3) - get matching font names and information
- xcb_list_hosts(3)
- xcb_list_installed_colormaps(3)
- xcb_list_properties(3)
- xcb_lookup_color(3)
- xcb_map_notify_event_t(3) - a window was mapped
- xcb_map_request_event_t(3) - window wants to be mapped
- xcb_map_subwindows(3)
- xcb_map_window(3) - Makes a window visible
- xcb_mapping_notify_event_t(3) - keyboard mapping changed
- xcb_motion_notify_event_t(3) - a key was pressed
- xcb_no_exposure_event_t(3)
- xcb_no_operation(3)
- xcb_open_font(3) - opens a font
- xcb_poly_arc(3)
- xcb_poly_fill_arc(3)
- xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(3) - Fills rectangles
- xcb_poly_line(3) - draw lines
- xcb_poly_point(3)
- xcb_poly_rectangle(3)
- xcb_poly_segment(3) - draw lines
- xcb_poly_text_16(3)
- xcb_poly_text_8(3)
- xcb_present_complete_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_present_configure_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_present_generic_event_t(3)
- xcb_present_idle_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_present_notify_msc(3)
- xcb_present_pixmap(3)
- xcb_present_query_capabilities(3)
- xcb_present_query_version(3)
- xcb_present_redirect_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_present_select_input(3)
- xcb_property_notify_event_t(3) - a window property changed
- xcb_put_image(3)
- xcb_query_best_size(3)
- xcb_query_colors(3)
- xcb_query_extension(3) - check if extension is present
- xcb_query_font(3) - query font metrics
- xcb_query_keymap(3)
- xcb_query_pointer(3) - get pointer coordinates
- xcb_query_text_extents(3) - get text extents
- xcb_query_tree(3) - query the window tree
- xcb_randr_add_output_mode(3)
- xcb_randr_change_output_property(3)
- xcb_randr_change_provider_property(3)
- xcb_randr_configure_output_property(3)
- xcb_randr_configure_provider_property(3)
- xcb_randr_create_lease(3)
- xcb_randr_create_mode(3)
- xcb_randr_delete_monitor(3)
- xcb_randr_delete_output_mode(3)
- xcb_randr_delete_output_property(3)
- xcb_randr_delete_provider_property(3)
- xcb_randr_destroy_mode(3)
- xcb_randr_free_lease(3)
- xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma(3)
- xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size(3)
- xcb_randr_get_crtc_info(3)
- xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform(3)
- xcb_randr_get_monitors(3)
- xcb_randr_get_output_info(3)
- xcb_randr_get_output_primary(3)
- xcb_randr_get_output_property(3)
- xcb_randr_get_panning(3)
- xcb_randr_get_provider_info(3)
- xcb_randr_get_provider_property(3)
- xcb_randr_get_providers(3)
- xcb_randr_get_screen_info(3)
- xcb_randr_get_screen_resources(3)
- xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current(3)
- xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range(3)
- xcb_randr_list_output_properties(3)
- xcb_randr_list_provider_properties(3)
- xcb_randr_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_randr_query_output_property(3)
- xcb_randr_query_provider_property(3)
- xcb_randr_query_version(3)
- xcb_randr_screen_change_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_randr_select_input(3)
- xcb_randr_set_crtc_config(3)
- xcb_randr_set_crtc_gamma(3)
- xcb_randr_set_crtc_transform(3)
- xcb_randr_set_monitor(3)
- xcb_randr_set_output_primary(3)
- xcb_randr_set_panning(3)
- xcb_randr_set_provider_offload_sink(3)
- xcb_randr_set_provider_output_source(3)
- xcb_randr_set_screen_config(3)
- xcb_randr_set_screen_size(3)
- xcb_recolor_cursor(3)
- xcb_record_create_context(3)
- xcb_record_disable_context(3)
- xcb_record_enable_context(3)
- xcb_record_free_context(3)
- xcb_record_get_context(3)
- xcb_record_query_version(3)
- xcb_record_register_clients(3)
- xcb_record_unregister_clients(3)
- xcb_render_add_glyphs(3)
- xcb_render_add_traps(3)
- xcb_render_change_picture(3)
- xcb_render_composite(3)
- xcb_render_composite_glyphs_16(3)
- xcb_render_composite_glyphs_32(3)
- xcb_render_composite_glyphs_8(3)
- xcb_render_create_anim_cursor(3)
- xcb_render_create_conical_gradient(3)
- xcb_render_create_cursor(3)
- xcb_render_create_glyph_set(3)
- xcb_render_create_linear_gradient(3)
- xcb_render_create_picture(3)
- xcb_render_create_radial_gradient(3)
- xcb_render_create_solid_fill(3)
- xcb_render_fill_rectangles(3)
- xcb_render_free_glyph_set(3)
- xcb_render_free_glyphs(3)
- xcb_render_free_picture(3)
- xcb_render_query_filters(3)
- xcb_render_query_pict_formats(3)
- xcb_render_query_pict_index_values(3)
- xcb_render_query_version(3)
- xcb_render_reference_glyph_set(3)
- xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangles(3)
- xcb_render_set_picture_filter(3)
- xcb_render_set_picture_transform(3)
- xcb_render_trapezoids(3)
- xcb_render_tri_fan(3)
- xcb_render_tri_strip(3)
- xcb_render_triangles(3)
- xcb_reparent_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_reparent_window(3) - Reparents a window
- xcb_res_query_client_ids(3)
- xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes(3)
- xcb_res_query_client_resources(3)
- xcb_res_query_clients(3)
- xcb_res_query_resource_bytes(3)
- xcb_res_query_version(3)
- xcb_resize_request_event_t(3)
- xcb_rotate_properties(3)
- xcb_screensaver_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_screensaver_query_info(3)
- xcb_screensaver_query_version(3)
- xcb_screensaver_select_input(3)
- xcb_screensaver_set_attributes(3)
- xcb_screensaver_suspend(3)
- xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes(3)
- xcb_selection_clear_event_t(3)
- xcb_selection_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_selection_request_event_t(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_client_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_device_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_property_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_selection_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_window_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_list_properties(3)
- xcb_selinux_list_selections(3)
- xcb_selinux_query_version(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_device_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_device_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_property_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_property_use_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_selection_create_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_selection_use_context(3)
- xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context(3)
- xcb_send_event(3) - send an event
- xcb_set_access_control(3)
- xcb_set_clip_rectangles(3)
- xcb_set_close_down_mode(3)
- xcb_set_dashes(3)
- xcb_set_font_path(3)
- xcb_set_input_focus(3) - Sets input focus
- xcb_set_modifier_mapping(3)
- xcb_set_pointer_mapping(3)
- xcb_set_screen_saver(3)
- xcb_set_selection_owner(3) - Sets the owner of a selection
- xcb_shape_combine(3)
- xcb_shape_get_rectangles(3)
- xcb_shape_input_selected(3)
- xcb_shape_mask(3)
- xcb_shape_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_shape_offset(3)
- xcb_shape_query_extents(3)
- xcb_shape_query_version(3)
- xcb_shape_rectangles(3)
- xcb_shape_select_input(3)
- xcb_shm_attach(3)
- xcb_shm_attach_fd(3)
- xcb_shm_completion_event_t(3)
- xcb_shm_create_pixmap(3)
- xcb_shm_create_segment(3)
- xcb_shm_detach(3)
- xcb_shm_get_image(3)
- xcb_shm_put_image(3)
- xcb_shm_query_version(3)
- xcb_store_colors(3)
- xcb_store_named_color(3)
- xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_sync_await(3)
- xcb_sync_await_fence(3)
- xcb_sync_change_alarm(3)
- xcb_sync_change_counter(3)
- xcb_sync_counter_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_sync_create_alarm(3)
- xcb_sync_create_counter(3)
- xcb_sync_create_fence(3)
- xcb_sync_destroy_alarm(3)
- xcb_sync_destroy_counter(3)
- xcb_sync_destroy_fence(3)
- xcb_sync_get_priority(3)
- xcb_sync_initialize(3)
- xcb_sync_list_system_counters(3)
- xcb_sync_query_alarm(3)
- xcb_sync_query_counter(3)
- xcb_sync_query_fence(3)
- xcb_sync_reset_fence(3)
- xcb_sync_set_counter(3)
- xcb_sync_set_priority(3)
- xcb_sync_trigger_fence(3)
- xcb_test_compare_cursor(3)
- xcb_test_fake_input(3)
- xcb_test_get_version(3)
- xcb_test_grab_control(3)
- xcb_translate_coordinates(3)
- xcb_ungrab_button(3)
- xcb_ungrab_key(3) - release a key combination
- xcb_ungrab_keyboard(3)
- xcb_ungrab_pointer(3) - release the pointer
- xcb_ungrab_server(3)
- xcb_uninstall_colormap(3)
- xcb_unmap_notify_event_t(3) - a window is unmapped
- xcb_unmap_subwindows(3)
- xcb_unmap_window(3) - Makes a window invisible
- xcb_visibility_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_warp_pointer(3) - move mouse pointer
- xcb_x_print_attribut_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_x_print_create_context(3)
- xcb_x_print_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_destroy_context(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_end_doc(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_end_job(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_end_page(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_context(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolution(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_input_selected(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_query_screens(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_query_version(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_select_input(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_set_attributes(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_set_context(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolution(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_start_doc(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_start_job(3)
- xcb_x_print_print_start_page(3)
- xcb_xc_misc_get_version(3)
- xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list(3)
- xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range(3)
- xcb_xevie_end(3)
- xcb_xevie_query_version(3)
- xcb_xevie_select_input(3)
- xcb_xevie_send(3)
- xcb_xevie_start(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_close_connection(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_create_context(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_destroy_context(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_destroy_drawable(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_open_connection(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_capable(3)
- xcb_xf86dri_query_version(3)
- xcb_xfixes_change_cursor(3)
- xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_by_name(3)
- xcb_xfixes_change_save_set(3)
- xcb_xfixes_copy_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_pointer_barrier(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_bitmap(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_gc(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_picture(3)
- xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window(3)
- xcb_xfixes_cursor_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xfixes_delete_pointer_barrier(3)
- xcb_xfixes_destroy_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_expand_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_fetch_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image(3)
- xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name(3)
- xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name(3)
- xcb_xfixes_hide_cursor(3)
- xcb_xfixes_intersect_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_invert_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_query_version(3)
- xcb_xfixes_region_extents(3)
- xcb_xfixes_select_cursor_input(3)
- xcb_xfixes_select_selection_input(3)
- xcb_xfixes_selection_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xfixes_set_cursor_name(3)
- xcb_xfixes_set_gc_clip_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_set_picture_clip_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_set_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_show_cursor(3)
- xcb_xfixes_subtract_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_translate_region(3)
- xcb_xfixes_union_region(3)
- xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count(3)
- xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size(3)
- xcb_xinerama_get_state(3)
- xcb_xinerama_is_active(3)
- xcb_xinerama_query_screens(3)
- xcb_xinerama_query_version(3)
- xcb_xkb_access_x_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_action_message_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_bell(3)
- xcb_xkb_bell_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_compat_map_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_controls_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_extension_device_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_compat_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_controls(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_device_info(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_names(3)
- xcb_xkb_get_state(3)
- xcb_xkb_indicator_map_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_indicator_state_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state(3)
- xcb_xkb_list_components(3)
- xcb_xkb_map_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_names_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_new_keyboard_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_per_client_flags(3)
- xcb_xkb_select_events(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_compat_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_controls(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_device_info(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_indicator_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_map(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_named_indicator(3)
- xcb_xkb_set_names(3)
- xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xkb_use_extension(3)
- xcb_xv_get_port_attribute(3)
- xcb_xv_get_still(3)
- xcb_xv_get_video(3)
- xcb_xv_grab_port(3)
- xcb_xv_list_image_formats(3)
- xcb_xv_port_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xv_put_image(3)
- xcb_xv_put_still(3)
- xcb_xv_put_video(3)
- xcb_xv_query_adaptors(3)
- xcb_xv_query_best_size(3)
- xcb_xv_query_encodings(3)
- xcb_xv_query_extension(3)
- xcb_xv_query_image_attributes(3)
- xcb_xv_query_port_attributes(3)
- xcb_xv_select_port_notify(3)
- xcb_xv_select_video_notify(3)
- xcb_xv_set_port_attribute(3)
- xcb_xv_shm_put_image(3)
- xcb_xv_stop_video(3)
- xcb_xv_ungrab_port(3)
- xcb_xv_video_notify_event_t(3)
- xcb_xvmc_create_context(3)
- xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture(3)
- xcb_xvmc_create_surface(3)
- xcb_xvmc_destroy_context(3)
- xcb_xvmc_destroy_subpicture(3)
- xcb_xvmc_destroy_surface(3)
- xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types(3)
- xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types(3)
- xcb_xvmc_query_version(3)
- xcb-examples(3) - manpage examples
- xcb-requests(3) - about request manpages
- XCHANGEDEVICEDONTPRO(3) - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
- XChangeKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XCHANGEKEYBOARDDEVIC(3) - change which device is used as the X keyboard
- XChangeKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XChangePointerControl(3) - control pointer
- XCHANGEPOINTERDEVICE(3) - change which device is the X pointer
- XChangeSaveSet(3) - change a client's save set
- XChangeWindowAttributes(3) - change window attributes
- XCirculateEvent(3) - CirculateNotify event structure
- XCirculateRequestEvent(3) - CirculateRequest event structure
- XClearArea(3) - clear area or window
- XClientMessageEvent(3) - ClientMessage event structure
- XCM(3) - X11 Colour Management functions
- XcmsAllocColor(3) - allocate colors
- XcmsCCCOfColormap(3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
- XcmsCIELabQueryMax(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
- XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
- XcmsColor(3) - Xcms color structure
- XcmsConvertColors(3) - convert CCC color specifications
- XcmsCreateCCC(3) - creating and destroying CCCs
- XcmsDefaultCCC(3) - obtain the default CCC for a screen
- XcmsQueryBlack(3) - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsQueryColor(3) - obtain color values
- XcmsSetWhitePoint(3) - modifying CCC attributes
- XcmsStoreColor(3) - set colors
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XColormapEvent(3) - ColormapNotify event structure
- XcolorProfile(3)
- XcolorRegion(3)
- XCOMPOSITE(3) - X Composite Extension library
- XConfigureEvent(3) - ConfigureNotify event structure
- XConfigureRequestEvent(3) - ConfigureRequest event structure
- XConfigureWindow(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
- XCopyArea(3) - copy areas
- XCreateColormap(3) - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
- XCreateFontCursor(3) - create cursors
- XCreateFontSet(3) - create and free an international text drawing font set
- XCreateGC(3) - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XCreateIC(3) - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
- XCreateImage(3) - image utilities
- XCreateOC(3) - create output contexts
- XCreatePixmap(3) - create or destroy pixmaps
- XCreateRegion(3) - create or destroy regions
- XCreateWindow(3) - create windows and window attributes structure
- XCreateWindowEvent(3) - CreateNotify event structure
- XCrossingEvent(3) - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
- XCUP(3) - list colormap entries reserved by the system
- XcupQueryVersion(3) - Returns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X server
- XcupStoreColors(3) - initialize shareable colormap entries at specific locations
- XCURSOR(3) - Cursor management library
- XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(3) - allocates a DBE buffer.
- XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(3) - frees a DBE buffer.
- XdbeEndIdiom(3) - marks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
- XdbeFreeVisualInfo(3) - frees information returned by
- XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(3) - returns attributes of a DBE buffer.
- XdbeGetVisualInfo(3) - Get dbe Visual Informations
- XdbeQueryExtension(3) - returns the version of DBE supported by the server.
- XdbeSwapBuffers(3) - swaps front and back DBE buffers.
- xDBM_File(3) - encrypt almost any kind of dbm file
- XDefineCursor(3) - define cursors
- XDestroyWindow(3) - destroy windows
- XDestroyWindowEvent(3) - DestroyNotify event structure
- XDEVICEBELL(3) - ring a bell on a device supported through the input extension
- XDGA(3) - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDrawArc(3) - draw arcs and arc structure
- XDrawImageString(3) - draw image text
- XDrawLine(3) - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
- XDrawPoint(3) - draw points and points structure
- XDrawRectangle(3) - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
- XDrawString(3) - draw text characters
- XDrawText(3) - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
- XEmptyRegion(3) - determine if regions are empty or equal
- xerbla_array.f(3)
- XErrorEvent(3) - X error event structure
- XEVI(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
- XExposeEvent(3) - Expose event structure
- XExtentsOfFontSet(3) - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
- XF86VIDMODE(3) - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XFillRectangle(3) - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFilterEvent(3) - filter X events for an input method
- XFlush(3) - handle output buffer or event queue
- XFocusChangeEvent(3) - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
- XFontSetExtents(3) - XFontSetExtents structure
- XFontsOfFontSet(3) - obtain fontset information
- Xft(3) - X FreeType interface library
- XGETDEVICECONTROL(3) - query and change input device controls
- XGETDEVICEKEYMAPPING(3) - query or change device key mappings
- XGETDEVICEMODIFIERMA(3) - query or change device modifier mappings
- XGETDEVICEMOTIONEVEN(3) - get device motion history
- XGETDEVICEPROPERTY(3) - Get, change or delete a device's property.
- XGetEventData(3) - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
- XGETEXTENSIONVERSION(3) - query the version of the input extension.
- XGETFEEDBACKCONTROL(3) - query and change input device feedbacks
- XGetVisualInfo(3) - obtain visual information and visual structure
- XGetWindowProperty(3) - obtain and change window properties
- XGetXCBConnection(3) - get the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
- XGrabButton(3) - grab pointer buttons
- XGRABDEVICE(3) - grab/release the specified extension device
- XGRABDEVICEBUTTON(3) - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
- XGRABDEVICEKEY(3) - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
- XGrabKey(3) - grab keyboard keys
- XGrabKeyboard(3) - grab the keyboard
- XGrabPointer(3) - grab the pointer
- XGrabServer(3) - grab the server
- XGraphicsExposeEvent(3) - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
- XGravityEvent(3) - GravityNotify event structure
- XIALLOWEVENTS(3) - Release queued events
- XIBARRIERRELEASEPOIN(3) - allow pointer movement across a pointer barrier
- XICHANGEHIERARCHY(3) - change the device hierarchy.
- XICHANGEPROPERTY(3) - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
- XIconifyWindow(3) - manipulate top-level windows
- XIDEFINECURSOR(3) - define device cursors.
- XIfEvent(3) - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
- XIGRABBUTTON(3) - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
- XIGRABDEVICE(3) - grab or ungrab the device.
- XIGRABENTER(3) - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
- XILISTPROPERTIES(3) - List a device's properties.
- XInitThreads(3) - multi-threading support
- XInstallColormap(3) - control colormaps
- XInternAtom(3) - create or return atom names
- XIntersectRegion(3) - region arithmetic
- XIQUERYDEVICE(3) - get information about devices.
- XIQUERYPOINTER(3) - get device pointer coordinates.
- XIQUERYVERSION(3) - announce and query the support XI2 version.
- XISELECTEVENTS(3) - select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
- XISETCLIENTPOINTER(3) - set or get the ClientPointer device.
- XISETFOCUS(3) - set or get the device's focus.
- XIWARPPOINTER(3) - move a device's pointer.
- XkbActionCtrls(3) - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbAddDeviceLedInfo(3) - Initialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
- XkbAddGeomColor(3) - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomDoodad(3) - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or to the top-level geometry
- XkbAddGeomKey(3) - Add one key at the end of an existing row of keys
- XkbAddGeomKeyAlias(3) - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomOutline(3) - Add one outline to an existing shape
- XkbAddGeomOverlay(3) - Add one overlay to a section
- XkbAddGeomOverlayKey(3) - Add a key to an existing overlay row
- XkbAddGeomOverlayRow(3) - Add a row to an existing overlay
- XkbAddGeomProperty(3) - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomRow(3) - Add a row to a section
- XkbAddGeomSection(3) - Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
- XkbAddGeomShape(3) - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
- XkbAddSymInterpret(3) - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
- XkbAllocClientMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty client map description record
- XkbAllocCompatMap(3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
- XkbAllocControls(3) - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
- XkbAllocDeviceInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
- XkbAllocGeomColors(3) - Allocate geometry colors
- XkbAllocGeomDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geometry
- XkbAllocGeometry(3) - Allocate an entire geometry
- XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases(3) - Allocate geometry key aliases
- XkbAllocGeomKeys(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a row
- XkbAllocGeomOutlines(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines to a shape
- XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys(3) - Allocate keys in an overlay row
- XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows(3) - Allocate rows in a overlay
- XkbAllocGeomOverlays(3) - Allocate overlays in a section
- XkbAllocGeomPoints(3) - Allocate points in an outline
- XkbAllocGeomProps(3) - Allocate geometry properties
- XkbAllocGeomRows(3) - Allocate rows in a section
- XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
- XkbAllocGeomSections(3) - Allocate geometry sections
- XkbAllocGeomShapes(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry shapes
- XkbAllocIndicatorMaps(3) - Allocates, directly, the
- XkbAllocKeyboard(3) - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
- XkbAllocNames(3) - Allocate symbolic names structures
- XkbAllocServerMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty server map description record
- XkbApplyCompatMapToKey(3) - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an individual key to get its semantics updated
- XkbBell(3) - Rings the bell on the default keyboard
- XkbBellEvent(3) - Provides a function that initiates a bell event for the keyboard without ringing the bell
- XkbChangeControls(3) - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description
- XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3) - Update the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec
- XkbChangeEnabledControls(3) - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
- XkbChangeIndicators(3) - Changes indicator maps or state without passing the entire keyboard description
- XkbChangeMap(3) - Update only partial components of a keyboard description, modify the appropriate fields in the server and map components of a local copy of the keyboard description
- XkbChangeNames(3) - _summary-line_
- XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3) - Change the number of groups and the types bound to a key
- XkbComputeRowBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a row
- XkbComputeSectionBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a section
- XkbComputeShapeBounds(3) - Updates the bounding box of a shape
- XkbComputeShapeTop(3) - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of a shape
- XkbCopyKeyType(3) - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
- XkbCopyKeyTypes(3) - Copy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
- XkbDeviceBell(3) - Rings the bell on an X input extension device or the default keyboard
- XkbDeviceBellEvent(3) - Creates a bell event for an X input extension device or for the keyboard, without ringing the corresponding bell
- XkbFindOverlayForKey(3) - Find the alternate name by using the primary name for a key that is part of an overlay
- XkbForceBell(3) - Overrides user preference settings for audible bells to ring the bell on the default keyboard
- XkbForceDeviceBell(3) - Rings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user preference settings for audible bells
- XkbFreeClientMap(3) - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbFreeCompatMap(3) - Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one
- XkbFreeComponentList(3) - Free the structure returned by
- XkbFreeControls(3) - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbFreeDeviceInfo(3) - Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbFreeGeomColors(3) - Free geometry colors
- XkbFreeGeomDoodads(3) - Free geometry doodads
- XkbFreeGeometry(3) - Free an entire geometry
- XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases(3) - Free geometry key aliases
- XkbFreeGeomKeys(3) - Free geometry keys
- XkbFreeGeomOutlines(3) - Free geometry outlines
- XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys(3) - Free keys in an overlay row
- XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows(3) - Free rows in an overlay
- XkbFreeGeomOverlays(3) - Free rows in a section
- XkbFreeGeomPoints(3) - Free points in a outline
- XkbFreeGeomProperties(3) - Free geometry properties
- XkbFreeGeomRows(3) - Free rows in a section
- XkbFreeGeomSections(3) - Free geometry sections
- XkbFreeGeomShapes(3) - Free geometry shapes
- XkbFreeIndicatorMaps(3) - Frees memory used by the
- XkbFreeKeyboard(3) - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members
- XkbFreeNames(3) - Free symbolic names structures
- XkbFreeServerMap(3) - Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3) - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
- XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
- XkbGetAutoResetControls(3) - Gets the current values of the auto-reset controls
- XkbGetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Queries the current BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device.
- XkbGetCompatMap(3) - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility map components from the server
- XkbGetControls(3) - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
- XkbGetControlsChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description with the changes previously noted by one or more calls to XkbNoteControlsChanges
- XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Determines whether or not the server supports DetectableAutoRepeat
- XkbGetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Query the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device
- XkbGetDeviceInfo(3) - Determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or to determine the status of indicator maps, indicator names or button actions on a non-KeyClass extension device
- XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges(3) - Query the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator names and indicator maps associated with an input extension device
- XkbGetDeviceLedInfo(3) - Query the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback of an input extension device
- XkbGetGeometry(3) - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description
- XkbGetIndicatorChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of one or more calls to XkbNoteIndicatorChanges
- XkbGetIndicatorMap(3) - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mask to specify the indicators
- XkbGetIndicatorState(3) - Obtains the current state of the keyboard indicators
- XkbGetKeyActions(3) - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeyBehaviors(3) - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server
- XkbGetKeyboard(3) - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device description
- XkbGetKeyboardByName(3) - Build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an active one
- XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents(3) - Obtain the explicit components (the explicit array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeyModifierMap(3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeySyms(3) - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeyTypes(3) - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping
- XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetMap(3) - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the server's keyboard client map and server map
- XkbGetNameChanges(3) - Update the local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of the results of one or more calls to
- XkbGetNamedGeometry(3) - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this database by name
- XkbGetNamedIndicator(3) - Look up the indicator map and other information for an indicator by name
- XkbGetNames(3) - Obtain symbolic names from the server
- XkbGetSlowKeysDelay(3) - Gets the SlowKeys acceptance delay for a keyboard device
- XkbGetState(3) - Obtains the keyboard state
- XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3) - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for a keyboard device
- XkbGetUpdatedMap(3) - Update the client or server map information in an existing keyboard description
- XkbGetVirtualMods(3) - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the vmods array) in a keyboard description
- XkbGetXlibControls(3) - Determines the current state of the Library Controls
- XkbIgnoreExtension(3) - Prevents core X library keyboard functions from using the X Keyboard Extension
- XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes(3) - Set the definitions of the canonical key types in a client map to their default values
- XkbKeyAction(3) - Returns the key action
- XkbKeyActionEntry(3) - Returns a pointer to the key action corresponding to group grp and shift level lvl from the two-dimensional table of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyActionsPtr(3) - Returns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeycodeToKeysym(3) - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift level
- XkbKeyGroupInfo(3) - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyGroupsWidth(3) - Computes the maximum width associated with the key corresponding to
- XkbKeyGroupWidth(3) - Computes the width of the type associated with the group
- XkbKeyHasActions(3) - Determines if the key corresponding to
- XkbKeyNumActions(3) - Computes the number of actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyNumGroups(3) - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyNumSyms(3) - Returns the total number of keysyms for the key corresponding to
- XkbKeySymEntry(3) - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level
- XkbKeySymsOffset(3) - Returns the offset of the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to
- XkbKeySymsPtr(3) - Returns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to
- XkbKeysymToModifiers(3) - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard
- XkbKeyType(3) - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
- XkbKeyTypeIndex(3) - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
- XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols(3) - Determine the Xkb key types appropriate for the symbols bound to a key in a core keyboard mapping
- XkbLatchGroup(3) - Latches the keysym group
- XkbLatchModifiers(3) - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
- XkbLibraryVersion(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
- XkbListComponents(3) - List of components for one or more component types
- XkbLockGroup(3) - Locks the keysym group
- XkbLockModifiers(3) - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
- XkbLookupKeyBinding(3) - Find the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
- XkbLookupKeySym(3) - Find the symbol associated with a key for a particular state
- XkbModActionVMods(3) - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted to the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
- XkbNoteControlsChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a client receives an XkbControlsNotify event
- XkbNoteDeviceChanges(3) - Note device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify event
- XkbNoteIndicatorChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure
- XkbNoteNameChanges(3) - Note the changed names in a changes structure
- XkbOpenDisplay(3) - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
- XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo(3) - Returns only the out-of-range processing information from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
- XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumber(3) - Returns the out-of-range group number, represented as a group index, from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
- XkbPtrActionX(3) - Returns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act converted to a signed int
- XkbPtrActionY(3) - Returns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act converted to a signed int
- XkbQueryExtension(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
- XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping(3) - Update the keyboard description that is internal to the X library
- XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions(3) - Allocate additional space for button actions in an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbResizeKeyActions(3) - Change the number of actions bound to a key
- XkbResizeKeySyms(3) - Change the number of symbols bound to a key
- XkbResizeKeyType(3) - Change the number of levels in a key type
- XkbSAActionSetCtrls(3) - Sets the
- XkbSAGroup(3) - Returns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSAPtrDfltValue(3) - Returns the valueXXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSARedirectSetVMods(3) - Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
- XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask(3) - Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act from vm
- XkbSARedirectVMods(3) - Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbSARedirectVModsMask(3) - Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbSAScreen(3) - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSASetGroup(3) - Sets the group_XXX field of act from the group index grp
- XkbSASetPtrDfltValue(3) - Sets the valueXXX field of act from val
- XkbSASetScreen(3) - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
- XkbSelectEventDetails(3) - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and optionally places conditions on when events of that type are reported to your client
- XkbSelectEvents(3) - Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more Xkb events and has them delivered under all conditions
- XkbSetAccessXTimeout(3) - Configures the AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
- XkbSetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
- XkbSetAutoResetControls(3) - Changes the current values of the AutoReset control attributes
- XkbSetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Sets the BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device
- XkbSetCompatMap(3) - Modify the server's compatibility map
- XkbSetControls(3) - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctrls structure in a local copy of the keyboard description
- XkbSetDebuggingFlags(3) - Change the values of any of the debug controls
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Sets DetectableAutoRepeat
- XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Change only the button actions for an input extension device
- XkbSetDeviceInfo(3) - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device
- XkbSetIgnoreLockMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be reported in matching events to passive grabs
- XkbSetIndicatorMap(3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modifications to a local copy of the keyboard description which will update the maps for one or more indicators
- XkbSetMap(3) - Send a complete new set of values for entire components to the server.
- XkbSetModActionVMods(3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
- XkbSetNamedIndicator(3) - Names an indicator if it is not already named; toggles the state of the indicator; sets the indicator to a specified state and sets the indicator map for the indicator
- XkbSetNames(3) - Change the symbolic names in the server
- XkbSetPtrActionX(3) - Sets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the signed integer value x
- XkbSetPtrActionY(3) - Sets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the signed integer value y
- XkbSetServerInternalMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the server before events are delivered to the client
- XkbSetXlibControls(3) - Changes the state of the Library Controls
- XkbTranslateKeyCode(3) - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
- XkbTranslateKeySym(3) - Find the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard state
- XkbUpdateMapFromCore(3) - Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the mapping expressed by a core format mapping
- XkbVirtualModsToReal(3) - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to core X protocol modifiers
- XKeymapEvent(3) - KeymapNotify event structure
- XLISTDEVICEPROPERTIE(3) - List a device's properties.
- XListFonts(3) - obtain or free font names and information
- XLISTINPUTDEVICES(3) - list available input devices
- XLoadFont(3) - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XLOCALE(3) - Thread-safe extended locale support
- XLookupKeysym(3) - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
- XmActivateProtocol(3)
- XmActivateWMProtocol(3)
- XmAddProtocolCallback(3)
- XmAddProtocols(3)
- XmAddTabGroup(3)
- XmAddToPostFromList(3)
- XmAddWMProtocolCallback(3)
- XmAddWMProtocols(3)
- XMapEvent(3) - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
- XMapRequestEvent(3) - MapRequest event structure
- XMapWindow(3) - map windows
- XmArrowButton(3) - Motif-compatible ArrowButton widget
- XmArrowButtonGadget(3) - Motif-compatible ArrowButtonGadget
- XmbDrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
- XmbDrawString(3) - draw text using a single font set
- XmbDrawText(3) - draw text using multiple font sets
- XmbLookupString(3) - obtain composed input from an input method
- XmbResetIC(3) - reset the state of an input context
- XmbTextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
- XmbTextExtents(3) - compute text extents
- XmbTextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
- XmbTextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
- XMBUF(3) - X multibuffering functions
- XmBulletinBoard(3) - Motif-compatible widget for geometry management
- XmCascadeButton(3) - Motif-compatible cascade-button widget
- XmCascadeButtonGadget(3) - Motif-compatible casacade-menu-button widget
- XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight(3)
- XmCascadeButtonHighlight(3)
- XmChangeColor(3)
- XmClipboard(3) - Motif-compatible clipboard widget
- XmClipboardCancelCopy(3)
- XmClipboardCopy(3)
- XmClipboardCopyByName(3)
- XmClipboardEndCopy(3)
- XmClipboardEndRetrieve(3)
- XmClipboardInquireCount(3)
- XmClipboardInquireFormat(3)
- XmClipboardInquireLength(3)
- XmClipboardInquirePendingItems(3)
- XmClipboardLock(3)
- XmClipboardRegisterFormat(3)
- XmClipboardRetrieve(3)
- XmClipboardStartCopy(3)
- XmClipboardStartRetrieve(3)
- XmClipboardUndoCopy(3)
- XmClipboardUnlock(3)
- XmClipboardWithdrawFormat(3)
- XmColumn(3)
- XmComboBox(3) - Motif-compatible combination-box widget
- XmComboBoxAddItem(3)
- XmComboBoxDeletePos(3)
- XmComboBoxSelectItem(3)
- XmComboBoxSetItem(3)
- XmComboBoxUpdate(3)
- XmCommand(3) - Motif-compatible command-entry widget
- XmCommandAppendValue(3)
- XmCommandError(3)
- XmCommandGetChild(3)
- XmCommandSetValue(3)
- XmContainer(3)
- XmContainerCopy(3)
- XmContainerCopyLink(3)
- XmContainerCut(3)
- XmContainerGetItemChildren(3)
- XmContainerPaste(3)
- XmContainerPasteLink(3)
- XmContainerRelayout(3)
- XmContainerReorder(3)
- XmConvertStringToUnits(3)
- XmConvertUnits(3)
- XmCreateArrowButton(3)
- XmCreateArrowButtonGadget(3)
- XmCreateBulletinBoard(3)
- XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog(3)
- XmCreateButtonBox(3)
- XmCreateCascadeButton(3)
- XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget(3)
- XmCreateComboBox(3)
- XmCreateCommand(3)
- XmCreateCommandDialog(3)
- XmCreateContainer(3)
- XmCreateDialogShell(3)
- XmCreateDragIcon(3)
- XmCreateDrawingArea(3)
- XmCreateDrawnButton(3)
- XmCreateDropDown(3)
- XmCreateDropDownComboBox(3)
- XmCreateDropDownList(3)
- XmCreateErrorDialog(3)
- XmCreateFileSelectionBox(3)
- XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(3)
- XmCreateForm(3)
- XmCreateFormDialog(3)
- XmCreateFrame(3)
- XmCreateHierarchy(3)
- XmCreateIconGadget(3)
- XmCreateInformationDialog(3)
- XmCreateLabel(3)
- XmCreateLabelGadget(3)
- XmCreateList(3)
- XmCreateMainWindow(3)
- XmCreateMenuBar(3)
- XmCreateMenuShell(3)
- XmCreateMessageBox(3)
- XmCreateMessageDialog(3)
- XmCreateNotebook(3)
- XmCreateOptionMenu(3)
- XmCreateOutline(3)
- XmCreatePanedWindow(3)
- XmCreatePopupMenu(3)
- XmCreatePromptDialog(3)
- XmCreatePulldownMenu(3)
- XmCreatePushButton(3)
- XmCreatePushButtonGadget(3)
- XmCreateQuestionDialog(3)
- XmCreateRadioBox(3)
- XmCreateRowColumn(3)
- XmCreateScale(3)
- XmCreateScrollBar(3)
- XmCreateScrolledList(3)
- XmCreateScrolledText(3)
- XmCreateScrolledWindow(3)
- XmCreateSelectionBox(3)
- XmCreateSelectionDialog(3)
- XmCreateSeparator(3)
- XmCreateSeparatorGadget(3)
- XmCreateSimpleCheckBox(3)
- XmCreateSimpleMenuBar(3)
- XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3)
- XmCreateSimplePopupMenu(3)
- XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu(3)
- XmCreateSimpleRadioBox(3)
- XmCreateSimpleSpinBox(3)
- XmCreateSpinBox(3)
- XmCreateTemplateDialog(3)
- XmCreateText(3)
- XmCreateTextField(3)
- XmCreateToggleButton(3)
- XmCreateToggleButtonGadget(3)
- XmCreateWarningDialog(3)
- XmCreateWorkArea(3)
- XmCreateWorkingDialog(3)
- XmCvtByteStreamToXmString(3)
- XmCvtCTToXmString(3)
- XmCvtStringToUnitType(3)
- XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTable(3)
- XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty(3)
- XmCvtXmStringToByteStream(3)
- XmCvtXmStringToCT(3)
- XmDataField(3)
- XmDataFieldCopy(3)
- XmDataFieldCut(3)
- XmDataFieldGetSelection(3)
- XmDataFieldGetSelectionPosition(3)
- XmDataFieldGetString(3)
- XmDataFieldGetStringWcs(3)
- XmDataFieldPaste(3)
- XmDataFieldSetAddMode(3)
- XmDataFieldSetEditable(3)
- XmDataFieldSetHighlight(3)
- XmDataFieldSetInsertionPosition(3)
- XmDataFieldSetSelection(3)
- XmDataFieldSetString(3)
- XmDataFieldXYToPos(3)
- XmDeactivateProtocol(3)
- XmDeactivateWMProtocol(3)
- XmDestroyPixmap(3)
- XmDialogShell(3) - Motif-compatible modal-dialog shell widget
- XmDialogShellExtClass(3) - Motif-compatible modal-dialog shell class
- XmDirection(3)
- XmDirectionMatch(3)
- XmDirectionMatchPartial(3)
- XmDirectionToStringDirection(3)
- XmDisplay(3) - Motif-compatible display widget
- XmDragCancel(3)
- XmDragContext(3) - Motif-compatible context widget for drag-and-drop
- XmDragIcon(3) - Motif-compatible widget for action icons during drag'n'drop
- XmDragOverShell(3) - Motif-compatible DragOverShell widget.
- XmDragStart(3)
- XmDrawingArea(3) - Motif-capable drawing-area widget
- XmDrawnButton(3) - Motif-compatible widget for graphic area with button behavior
- XmDropDown(3) - down arrow, and popped back up by typing either the osfActivate key, a carriage return, or Alt - up arrow. In any case, when the list is removed the item or items that were selected will be placed in the text widget separated by commas. Typing the escape key when the list is up, cancels the list popup, restoring the DropDown widget to the state it was in before the list was popped up. If the text field area is non-editable, clicking anywhere in the text field the list will also pop down.
- XmDropDownGetChild(3)
- XmDropSite(3)
- XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder(3)
- XmDropSiteEndUpdate(3)
- XmDropSiteManager(3) - Motif-compatible support widget for drag'n'drop
- XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder(3)
- XmDropSiteRegister(3)
- XmDropSiteRegistered(3)
- XmDropSiteRetrieve(3)
- XmDropSiteStartUpdate(3)
- XmDropSiteUnregister(3)
- XmDropSiteUpdate(3)
- XmDropTransferAdd(3)
- XmDropTransferObject(3) - Motif-compatible support widget for drag'n'drop
- XmDropTransferStart(3)
- xmerl(3) - Functions for exporting XML data to an external format.
- xmerl_eventp(3) - Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style.
- xmerl_sax_parser(3) - XML SAX parser API
- xmerl_scan(3) - This module is the interface to the XML parser, it handles XML 1.0.
- xmerl_xpath(3) - The xmerl_xpath module handles the entire XPath 1.0 spec.
- xmerl_xs(3) - Erlang has similarities to XSLT since both languages have a functional programming approach.
- xmerl_xsd(3) - Interface module for XML Schema validation.
- XmFileSelectionBox(3) - Motif-compatible file-selection dialogue
- XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(3)
- XmFileSelectionDoSearch(3)
- XmFontList(3)
- XmFontListAdd(3)
- XmFontListAppendEntry(3)
- XmFontListCopy(3)
- XmFontListCreate(3)
- XmFontListEntryCreate(3)
- XmFontListEntryFree(3)
- XmFontListEntryGetFont(3)
- XmFontListEntryGetTag(3)
- XmFontListEntryLoad(3)
- XmFontListFree(3)
- XmFontListFreeFontContext(3)
- XmFontListGetNextFont(3)
- XmFontListInitFontContext(3)
- XmFontListNextEntry(3)
- XmFontListRemoveEntry(3)
- XmForm(3) - Motif-compatible form widget container
- XmFrame(3) - Motif-compatible frame widget
- XmGadget(3) - Motif-compatible widget superclass carrying gadget behaviors
- XmGetAtomName(3)
- XmGetColorCalculation(3)
- XmGetColors(3)
- XmGetDestination(3)
- XmGetDragContext(3)
- XmGetFocusWidget(3)
- XmGetMenuCursor(3)
- XmGetPixmap(3)
- XmGetPixmapByDepth(3)
- XmGetPostedFromWidget(3)
- XmGetScaledPixmap(3)
- XmGetSecondaryResourceData(3)
- XmGetTabGroup(3)
- XmGetTearOffControl(3)
- XmGetVisibility(3)
- XmGetXmDisplay(3)
- XmGetXmScreen(3)
- XmGrabShell(3) - Motif-compatible popup shell widget which grabs the keyboard and pointer
- XmHierarchy(3)
- XmHierarchyOpenAllAncestors(3)
- XmIconBoxIsCellEmpty(3)
- XmIconGadget(3) - Motif-compatible gadget which supports labelled pixmaps
- XmImCloseXIM(3)
- XmImFreeXIC(3)
- XmImGetXIC(3)
- XmImGetXIM(3)
- XmImMbLookupString(3)
- XmImMbResetIC(3)
- XmImRegister(3)
- XmImSetFocusValues(3)
- XmImSetValues(3) - C Language X Interface, X Version 11, Release 6," Chapter 13 for the detail of these callbacks.
- XmImSetXIC(3)
- XmImUnregister(3)
- XmImUnsetFocus(3)
- XmImVaSetFocusValues(3)
- XmImVaSetValues(3)
- XmInstallImage(3)
- XmInternAtom(3)
- XmIsMotifWMRunning(3)
- XmIsTraversable(3)
- XML::ApacheFOP(3) - Access Apache FOP from Perl to create PDF files using XSL-FO.
- XML::Atom(3) - Atom feed and API implementation
- XML::Atom::Client(3) - A client for the Atom API
- XML::Atom::Entry(3) - Atom entry
- XML::Atom::Ext::OpenSearch(3) - XML::Atom extension for OpenSearch data
- XML::Atom::Ext::OpenSearch::Query(3) - OpenSearch query element
- XML::Atom::Feed(3) - Atom feed
- XML::Atom::Filter(3) - easy creation of command line Atom processing tools
- XML::Atom::Person(3) - Author or contributor object
- XML::Atom::Server(3) - A server for the Atom API
- XML::Atom::SimpleFeed(3) - No-fuss generation of Atom syndication feeds
- XML::Atom::Stream(3) - A client interface for AtomStream
- XML::Atom::Syndication(3) - a portable client for consuming RFC 4287 Atom Syndication Feeds.
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Category(3) - class representing an Atom category
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Content(3) - class representing Atom entry content.
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Entry(3) - class representing an Atom entry
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Feed(3) - class representing an Atom feed
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Generator(3) - class representing the Atom feed generator
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Link(3) - class representing an Atom link
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Object(3) - base class for all complex Atom elements.
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Person(3) - class representing an Atom person construct
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Source(3) - class representing an Atom source element
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Text(3) - class representing an Atom text construct
- XML::Atom::Syndication::Writer(3) - a class for serializing XML::Atom::Syndication nodes into XML.
- XML::Atom::Util(3) - Utility functions
- XML::AutoWriter(3) - DOCTYPE based XML output
- XML::Canonical(3) - Perl Implementation of Canonical XML
- XML::CanonicalizeXML(3) - Perl extension for inclusive (1.0 and 1.1) and exclusive canonicalization of XML using libxml2
- XML::Catalog(3) - Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
- XML::Checker(3) - A perl module for validating XML
- XML::Checker::Parser(3) - an XML::Parser that validates at parse time
- XML::Code(3) - Perl module for converting XML hash structures into plain text.
- XML::CommonNS(3) - A list of commonly used namespaces
- XML::Compile(3) - Compilation based XML processing
- XML::Compile::Cache(3) - Cache compiled XML translators
- XML::Compile::Dumper(3) - Remember precompiled XML processors
- XML::Compile::FAQ(3) - frequently asked questions
- XML::Compile::Iterator(3) - reduce view on a node tree
- XML::Compile::Schema(3) - Compile a schema into CODE
- XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInFacets(3) - handling of built-in facet checks
- XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes(3) - Define handling of built-in data-types
- XML::Compile::Schema::Instance(3) - Represents one schema
- XML::Compile::Schema::NameSpaces(3) - Connect name-spaces from schemas
- XML::Compile::Schema::Specs(3) - Predefined Schema Information
- XML::Compile::SOAP(3) - base-class for SOAP implementations
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Client(3) - SOAP message initiators
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon(3) - SOAP accepting server (base class)
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon(3) - SOAP server based on Any::Daemon
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::CGI(3) - CGI based server
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::LWPutil(3) - LWP helper routines
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::NetServer(3) - SOAP server based on Net::Server
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::PSGI(3) - PSGI based application
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension(3) - plugins for standards
- XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ(3) - frequently asked questions
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation(3) - base-class for possible interactions
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Server(3) - server-side SOAP message processing
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace(3) - help displaying trace details.
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Util(3) - general purpose routines for XML::Compile::SOAP
- XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA(3) - SOAP Web Service Addressing
- XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA::Util(3) - constants for XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA
- XML::Compile::SOAP11(3) - SOAP 1.1 protocol
- XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client(3) - SOAP1.1 client needs
- XML::Compile::SOAP11::Encoding(3) - SOAP encoding
- XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation(3) - defines a SOAP11 interaction
- XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server(3) - SOAP1.1 server needs
- XML::Compile::Tester(3) - support XML::Compile related regression testing
- XML::Compile::Translate(3) - create an XML data parser
- XML::Compile::Translate::Reader(3) - translate XML to HASH
- XML::Compile::Translate::Template(3) - create an XML or PERL example
- XML::Compile::Translate::Writer(3) - translate HASH to XML
- XML::Compile::Transport(3) - base class for XML transporters
- XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP(3) - exchange XML-SOAP via HTTP
- XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_AnyEvent(3) - exchange XML via AnyEvent::HTTP
- XML::Compile::Util(3) - Utility routines for XML::Compile components
- XML::Compile::WSDL11(3) - create SOAP messages defined by WSDL 1.1
- XML::Compile::XOP(3) - MTOM and XOP handler
- XML::Compile::XOP::Include(3) - Represents one XOP node.
- XML::Declare(3) - Create XML documents with declaration style
- XML::Descent(3) - Recursive descent XML parsing
- XML::DifferenceMarkup(3) - XML diff and merge
- XML::Doctype(3) - A DTD object class
- XML::Doctype::AttDef(3) - A class representing a definition in an <!ATTLIST> tag
- XML::Doctype::ElementDecl(3) - A class representing an <!ELEMENT> tag
- XML::DOM::AttDef(3) - A single XML attribute definition in an ATTLIST in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::AttlistDecl(3) - An XML ATTLIST declaration in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Attr(3) - An XML attribute in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::CDATASection(3) - Escaping XML text blocks in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::CharacterData(3) - Common interface for Text, CDATASections and Comments
- XML::DOM::Comment(3) - An XML comment in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::DocumentFragment(3) - Facilitates cut & paste in XML::DOM documents
- XML::DOM::DocumentType(3) - An XML document type (DTD) in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::DOMImplementation(3) - Information about XML::DOM implementation
- XML::DOM::ElementDecl(3) - An XML ELEMENT declaration in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Entity(3) - An XML ENTITY in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::EntityReference(3) - An XML ENTITY reference in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Lite(3) - Lite Pure Perl XML DOM Parser Kit
- XML::DOM::Lite::Document(3) - XML DOM Lite Document
- XML::DOM::Lite::NodeList(3) - blessed array ref for containing Node objects
- XML::DOM::Lite::Parser(3) - Pure Perl Lite XML Parser
- XML::DOM::Lite::XPath(3) - XPath support for XML::DOM::Lite
- XML::DOM::Lite::XSLT(3) - XSLT engine for XML::DOM::Lite
- XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap(3) - A hash table interface for XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Node(3) - Super class of all nodes in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::NodeList(3) - A node list as used by XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Notation(3) - An XML NOTATION in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Parser(3) - An XML::Parser that builds XML::DOM document structures
- XML::DOM::PerlSAX(3) - Old name of XML::Handler::BuildDOM
- XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction(3) - An XML processing instruction in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::Text(3) - A piece of XML text in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM::ValParser(3) - an XML::DOM::Parser that validates at parse time
- XML::DOM::XMLDecl(3) - XML declaration in XML::DOM
- XML::DOM2(3) - DOM controlled, strict XML module for extentable xml objects.
- XML::DOM2::Attribute(3)
- XML::DOM2::Attribute::Namespace(3)
- XML::DOM2::DOM::Attribute(3)
- XML::DOM2::DOM::Document(3)
- XML::DOM2::DOM::Element(3) - A library of DOM (Document Object Model) methods for XML Elements.
- XML::DOM2::DOM::NameSpace(3)
- XML::DOM2::Element(3) - XML Element level control
- XML::DOM2::Element::CDATA(3)
- XML::DOM2::Element::Comment(3)
- XML::DOM2::Element::Document(3)
- XML::DOM2::Element::DocumentType(3) - XML DocumentType
- XML::DOM2::Parser(3) - Sax based xml parser for XML::DOM2
- XML::DOM2::XPath(3)
- XML::DoubleEncodedEntities(3) - unbreak XML with doubly-encoded entities
- XML::DT(3) - a package for down translation of XML files
- XML::Element(3) - XML elements with the same interface as HTML::Element
- XML::Elemental(3) - simplistic and perlish handling of XML data.
- XML::Elemental::Characters(3) - a generic characters object.
- XML::Elemental::Document(3) - a generic document object.
- XML::Elemental::Element(3) - a generic element (tag) object.
- XML::Elemental::Node(3) - base class for all other XML::Elemental objects.
- XML::Elemental::SAXHandler(3) - the SAX2 handler that drives XML::Elemental.
- XML::Elemental::Util(3) - utility methods for working with XML::Elemental.
- XML::Encoding(3) - A perl module for parsing XML encoding maps.
- XML::Entities::Data(3)
- XML::ESISParser(3) - Perl SAX parser using nsgmls
- XML::Fast(3) - Simple and very fast XML - hash conversion
- XML::Feed::Content(3) - Wrapper for content objects
- XML::Feed::Deduper(3) - remove duplicated entries from feed
- XML::Feed::Enclosure(3) - Wrapper for enclosure objects
- XML::Feed::Entry(3) - Entry/item in a syndication feed
- XML::Feed::Util(3) - Utility functions
- XML::FeedPP(3)
- XML::Filter::DetectWS(3) - A PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
- XML::Filter::Distributor(3) - Multipass processing of documents
- XML::Filter::DocSplitter(3) - Multipass processing of documents
- XML::Filter::Merger(3) - Assemble multiple SAX streams in to one document
- XML::Filter::Moose(3) - A Moose-ified base class for XML::SAX
- XML::Filter::Reindent(3) - Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
- XML::Filter::SAXT(3) - Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
- XML::Filter::Tee(3) - Send SAX events to multiple processor, with switching
- XML::Filter::XInclude(3) - XInclude as a SAX Filter
- XML::Filter::XSLT(3) - XSLT as a SAX Filter
- XML::Filter::XSLT::LibXSLT(3) - LibXSLT SAX Filter
- XML::Flow(3) - Store (restore) perl data structures in XML stream.
- XML::FOAF(3) - Parse FOAF (Friend of a Friend) data
- XML::FOAF::Person(3) - A Person class in a FOAF file
- XML::GDOME(3) - Interface to Level 2 DOM gdome2 library
- XML::GDOME::Attr(3) - Interface Attr implementation.
- XML::GDOME::CDATASection(3) - Interface CDATASection implementation.
- XML::GDOME::CharacterData(3) - Interface CharacterData implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Comment(3) - Interface Comment implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Document(3) - Interface Document implementation.
- XML::GDOME::DocumentFragment(3) - Interface DocumentFragment implementation.
- XML::GDOME::DocumentType(3) - Interface DocumentType implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Element(3) - Interface Element implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Entity(3) - Interface Entity implementation.
- XML::GDOME::EntityReference(3) - Interface EntityReference implementation.
- XML::GDOME::NamedNodeMap(3) - Interface NamedNodeMap implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Node(3) - Interface Node implementation.
- XML::GDOME::NodeList(3) - Interface NodeList implementation.
- XML::GDOME::Notation(3) - Interface Notation implementation.
- XML::GDOME::ProcessingInstruction(3) - Interface ProcessingInstruction implementation.
- XML::GDOME::SAX::Builder(3) - build a GDOME tree from SAX events
- XML::GDOME::SAX::Generator(3) - Generate SAX events from a LibXML tree
- XML::GDOME::SAX::Parser(3) - GDOME DOM based SAX Parser
- XML::GDOME::Text(3) - Interface Text implementation.
- XML::GDOME::XPath::Evaluator(3) - Interface XPathEvaluator implementation.
- XML::GDOME::XPath::Namespace(3) - Interface XPathNamespace implementation.
- XML::GDOME::XPath::NSResolver(3) - Interface XPathNSResolver implementation.
- XML::GDOME::XPath::Result(3) - Interface XPathResult implementation.
- XML::Generator::Moose(3) - A Moose based subclass of XML::SAX::Base
- XML::Grove(3) - Perl-style XML objects
- XML::Grove::AsCanonXML(3) - output XML objects in canonical XML
- XML::Grove::AsString(3) - output content of XML objects as a string
- XML::Grove::Builder(3) - PerlSAX handler for building an XML::Grove
- XML::Grove::Factory(3) - simplify creation of XML::Grove objects
- XML::Grove::IDs(3) - return an index of `id' attributes in a grove
- XML::Grove::Path(3) - return the object at a path
- XML::Grove::PerlSAX(3) - an PerlSAX event interface for XML objects
- XML::Grove::Sub(3) - run a filter sub over a grove
- XML::Grove::Subst(3) - substitute values into a template
- XML::Grove::XPointer(3) - deprecated module once intended for XPointer
- XML::Handler::AxPoint(3) - AxPoint XML to PDF Slideshow generator
- XML::Handler::BuildDOM(3) - PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document structures
- XML::Handler::CanonXMLWriter(3) - output XML in canonical XML format
- XML::Handler::Composer(3) - Another XML printer/writer/generator
- XML::Handler::PrintEvents(3) - Prints PerlSAX events (for debugging)
- XML::Handler::Sample(3) - a trivial PerlSAX handler
- XML::Handler::Subs(3) - a PerlSAX handler base class for calling user-defined subs
- XML::Handler::XMLWriter(3) - a PerlSAX handler for writing readable XML
- XML::Liberal(3) - Super liberal XML parser that parses broken XML
- XML::Liberal::Error(3)
- XML::LibXML::Attr(3) - XML::LibXML Attribute Class
- XML::LibXML::AttributeHash(3) - tie an XML::LibXML::Element to a hash to access its attributes
- XML::LibXML::Boolean(3) - Boolean true/false values
- XML::LibXML::Cache(3) - Document cache for XML::LibXML
- XML::LibXML::Cache::Base(3) - Base class for XML::LibXML caches
- XML::LibXML::CDATASection(3) - XML::LibXML Class for CDATA Sections
- XML::LibXML::Comment(3) - XML::LibXML Comment Class
- XML::LibXML::Common(3) - Constants and Character Encoding Routines
- XML::LibXML::Devel(3) - makes functions from LibXML.xs available
- XML::LibXML::Document(3) - XML::LibXML DOM Document Class
- XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment(3) - XML::LibXML's DOM L2 Document Fragment Implementation
- XML::LibXML::DOM(3) - XML::LibXML DOM Implementation
- XML::LibXML::Dtd(3) - XML::LibXML DTD Handling
- XML::LibXML::Element(3) - XML::LibXML Class for Element Nodes
- XML::LibXML::ErrNo(3) - Structured Errors
- XML::LibXML::Error(3) - Structured Errors
- XML::LibXML::InputCallback(3) - XML::LibXML Class for Input Callbacks
- XML::LibXML::Iterator(3) - XML::LibXML's Tree Iteration Class
- XML::LibXML::Literal(3) - Simple string values.
- XML::LibXML::Namespace(3) - XML::LibXML Namespace Implementation
- XML::LibXML::Node(3) - Abstract Base Class of XML::LibXML Nodes
- XML::LibXML::NodeList(3) - a list of XML document nodes
- XML::LibXML::NodeList::Iterator(3) - Iteration Class for XML::LibXML XPath results
- XML::LibXML::Number(3) - Simple numeric values.
- XML::LibXML::Parser(3) - Parsing XML Data with XML::LibXML
- XML::LibXML::Pattern(3) - XML::LibXML::Pattern - interface to libxml2 XPath patterns
- XML::LibXML::PI(3) - XML::LibXML Processing Instructions
- XML::LibXML::PrettyPrint(3) - add pleasant whitespace to a DOM tree
- XML::LibXML::Reader(3) - XML::LibXML::Reader - interface to libxml2 pull parser
- XML::LibXML::RegExp(3) - XML::LibXML::RegExp - interface to libxml2 regular expressions
- XML::LibXML::RelaxNG(3) - RelaxNG Schema Validation
- XML::LibXML::SAX(3) - XML::LibXML direct SAX parser
- XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder(3) - Building DOM trees from SAX events.
- XML::LibXML::SAX::ChunkParser(3) - Parse XML Chunks Via LibXML SAX
- XML::LibXML::SAX::Generator(3) - Generate SAX events from a LibXML tree
- XML::LibXML::Schema(3) - XML Schema Validation
- XML::LibXML::Simple(3) - XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple::XMLin()
- XML::LibXML::Text(3) - XML::LibXML Class for Text Nodes
- XML::LibXML::XPathContext(3) - XPath Evaluation
- XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3) - XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - interface to libxml2 pre-compiled XPath expressions
- XML::LibXSLT::Cache(3) - Style sheet cache for XML::LibXSLT
- XML::Mini(3) - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini XML create/parse interface.
- XML::Mini::Document(3) - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini Document API.
- XML::Mini::Element(3) - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini Element API.
- XML::Mini::Element::CData(3)
- XML::Mini::Element::Comment(3)
- XML::Mini::Element::DocType(3)
- XML::Mini::Element::Entity(3)
- XML::Mini::Element::Header(3)
- XML::Mini::Node(3)
- XML::Mini::TreeComponent(3) - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini TreeComponent API.
- XML::MyXML(3) - A simple-to-use XML module, for parsing and creating XML documents
- XML::NamespaceFactory(3) - Simple factory objects for SAX namespaced names.
- XML::NamespaceSupport(3) - A simple generic namespace processor
- XML::Normalize::LibXML(3) - simple whitespace striping functions
- XML::OPML::LibXML(3) - Parse OPML document with LibXML parser
- XML::Parsepp(3) - Simplified pure perl parser for XML
- XML::Parser::Lite(3) - Lightweight pure-perl XML Parser (based on regexps)
- XML::Parser::Lite::Tree(3) - Lightweight XML tree builder
- XML::Parser::LiteCopy(3) - Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
- XML::Parser::PerlSAX(3) - Perl SAX parser using XML::Parser
- XML::Parser::Style::EasyTree(3) - Parse xml to simple tree
- XML::Parser::Style::Elemental(3) - a slightly more advanced and flexible object tree style for XML::Parser
- XML::Parser::Style::ETree(3) - Parse xml to simple tree
- XML::Pastor(3) - Generate Perl classes with XML bindings starting from a W3C XSD Schema
- XML::Pastor::Builtin(3) - Module that includes definitions of all XML::Pastor W3C builtin type classes .
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::base64Binary(3) - Class for the W3C builtin type base64Binary.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::boolean(3) - Class for the W3C builtin type boolean.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::date(3) - Class for the W3C builtin type date.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::dateTime(3) - Class for the W3C builtin type dateTime.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::hexBinary(3) - Class for the W3C builtin type hexBinary.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::List(3) - Ancestor of all classes that correspond to whitespace separated list W3C simple types.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::Numeric(3) - Ancestor of all classes that correspond to numeric W3C builtin types.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::Scalar(3) - Ancestor of all classes that correspond to scalar W3C builtin types.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::SimpleType(3) - Ancestor of all classes that correspond to W3C builtin simple types.
- XML::Pastor::Builtin::Union(3) - Ancestor of all classes that correspond to whitespace separated union W3C simple types.
- XML::Pastor::ComplexType(3) - Ancestor of all complex classes generated by XML::Pastor
- XML::Pastor::Generator(3) - Module used internally by XML::Pastor for generating Perl code from a schema model.
- XML::Pastor::Meta(3) - Ancestor of the generated ::Pastor::Meta classes.
- XML::Pastor::NodeArray(3) - An array class of hashes that has magical properties via overloading and AUTOLOAD.
- XML::Pastor::Pastorize(3) - Helper module for command line interface to XML::Pastor
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Attribute(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema attribute.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::AttributeGroup(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema attribute group.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::ComplexType(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema complex type.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Documentation(3) - Class that represents the information about a W3C schema documentation.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Element(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema group.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Group(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema group.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::List(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema list.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Model(3) - Class representing an internal W3C schema model (info set) for XML::Pastor.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::NamespaceInfo(3) - Class that represents the META information about a target namespace within a W3C schema.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Object(3) - Ancestor of all Pastor schema object classes.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Parser(3) - Module for parsing a W3C XSD schema into an internal schema model.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::SimpleType(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema simple type.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Type(3) - Ancestor of XML::Pastor::Schema::SimpleType and XML::Pastor::Schema::ComplexType.
- XML::Pastor::Schema::Union(3) - Class that represents the META information about a W3C schema union.
- XML::Pastor::SimpleType(3) - Ancestor of all simple classes generated by XML::Pastor and also the builtin simple classes.
- XML::Pastor::Stack(3) - A Stack!
- XML::Pastor::Type(3) - Ancestor of XML::Pastor::ComplexType and XML::Pastor::SimpleType.
- XML::PatAct::ActionTempl(3) - An action module for
- XML::PatAct::Amsterdam(3) - An action module for simplistic style-sheets
- XML::PatAct::MatchName(3) - A pattern module for matching element names
- XML::PatAct::PatternTempl(3) - A pattern module for
- XML::PatAct::ToObjects(3) - An action module for creating Perl objects
- XML::Perl2SAX(3)
- XML::RAI(3) - RSS Abstraction Interface.
- XML::RAI::Channel(3) - An interface to the channel elements of a RSS feed.
- XML::RAI::Image(3) - An interface to the image elements of a RSS feed.
- XML::RAI::Item(3) - An interface to the item elements of a RSS feed.
- XML::RAI::Object(3) - A base class for RAI element objects.
- XML::Reader::Testcases(3) - Testcontainer for XML::Reader.
- XML::Reader_de(3) - Lesen von XML-Dateien und Bereitstellung der Pfad information basierend auf einem Pull-Parser.
- XML::Reader_fr(3) - Lire du XML avec des informations du chemin, conduit par un parseur d'extraction.
- XML::Rewrite(3) - schema based XML cleanups
- XML::Rewrite::Schema(3) - transform schemas
- XML::RPC(3)
- XML::RPC::Enc(3) - Base class for XML::RPC encoders
- XML::RPC::Enc::LibXML(3) - Encode/decode XML-RPC using LibXML
- XML::RPC::Fast(3) - Fast and modular implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
- XML::RPC::UA(3) - Base class for XML::RPC UserAgent
- XML::RPC::UA::AnyEvent(3) - XML::RPC useragent, using AnyEvent::HTTP
- XML::RPC::UA::AnyEventSync(3) - Syncronous XML::RPC useragent, using AnyEvent::HTTP
- XML::RPC::UA::Curl(3) - XML::RPC useragent, using Curl
- XML::RPC::UA::LWP(3) - XML::RPC useragent, using LWP
- XML::RSS(3) - creates and updates RSS files
- XML::RSS::Feed(3) - Persistant XML RSS Encapsulation
- XML::RSS::Headline(3) - Persistant XML RSS Encapsulation
- XML::RSS::Headline::Fark(3) - XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass
- XML::RSS::Headline::PerlJobs(3) - XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass
- XML::RSS::Headline::UsePerlJournals(3) - XML::RSS::Headline Example Subclass
- XML::RSS::JavaScript(3) - serialize your RSS as JavaScript
- XML::RSS::Liberal(3) - XML::RSS With A Liberal Parser
- XML::RSS::LibXML(3) - XML::RSS with XML::LibXML
- XML::RSS::LibXML::ImplBase(3) - Implementation Base For XML::RSS::LibXML
- XML::RSS::LibXML::MagicElement(3) - Represent A Non-Trivial RSS Element
- XML::RSS::LibXML::Namespaces(3) - Utility Catalog For Known Namespacee
- XML::RSS::Parser(3) - A liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds.
- XML::RSS::Parser::Characters(3) - an object representing a character data in an RSS parse tree.
- XML::RSS::Parser::Element(3)
- XML::RSS::Parser::Feed(3)
- XML::RSS::Parser::Util(3) - utility methods for working with XML::RSS::Parser.
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::Base(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::Roles::ImageDims(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::Roles::ModulesElems(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::V0_9(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::V0_91(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::V1_0(3)
- XML::RSS::Private::Output::V2_0(3)
- XML::RSS::SimpleGen(3) - for writing RSS files
- XML::Rules(3) - parse XML and specify what and how to keep/process for individual tags
- XML::SAX::Base(3) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
- XML::SAX::ByRecord(3) - Record oriented processing of (data) documents
- XML::SAX::DocumentLocator(3) - Helper class for document locators
- XML::SAX::EventMethodMaker(3) - SAX event names, creation of methods from templates
- XML::SAX::Exception(3) - Exception classes for XML::SAX
- XML::SAX::Expat::Incremental(3) - XML::SAX::Expat subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing, with XML::Parser::ExpatNB.
- XML::SAX::ExpatXS(3) - Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser
- XML::SAX::ExpatXS::Encoding(3) - Encoding support for XML::SAX::ExpatXS
- XML::SAX::ExpatXS::Preload(3) - Helper class for XML-SAX-ExpatXS
- XML::SAX::Intro(3) - An Introduction to SAX Parsing with Perl
- XML::SAX::Machine(3) - Manage a collection of SAX processors
- XML::SAX::Machines(3) - manage collections of SAX processors
- XML::SAX::Machines::ConfigDefaults(3)
- XML::SAX::Machines::ConfigHelper(3) - lib/XML/SAX/Machines/ConfigHelper.pm
- XML::SAX::Manifold(3) - Multipass processing of documents
- XML::SAX::ParserFactory(3) - Obtain a SAX parser
- XML::SAX::Pipeline(3) - Manage a linear pipeline of SAX processors
- XML::SAX::PurePerl(3) - Pure Perl XML Parser with SAX2 interface
- XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader(3) - Abstract Reader factory class
- XML::SAX::Simple(3) - SAX version of XML::Simple.
- XML::SAX::Tap(3) - Tap a pipeline of SAX processors
- XML::SAX::Writer(3) - SAX2 XML Writer
- XML::SAX::Writer::XML(3) - XML::SAX::Writer's SAX Handler
- XML::SAX2Perl(3)
- XML::Schematron(3) - Perl implementation of the Schematron.
- XML::Schematron::LibXSLT(3) - Perl extension for validating XML with XPath/XSLT expressions.
- XML::Schematron::XPath(3) - Perl extension for validating XML with XPath expressions.
- XML::Seamstress(3)
- XML::SemanticDiff(3) - Perl extension for comparing XML documents.
- XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler(3) - Default handler class for XML::SemanticDiff
- XML::Simple::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about XML::Simple
- XML::Smart(3) - A smart, easy and powerful way to access or create XML from fiels, data and URLs.
- XML::Smart::DTD(3) - DTD parser for XML::Smart.
- XML::Smart::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions about XML::Smart.
- XML::Smart::Shared(3) - Shared functions and variables for XML::Smart.
- XML::Smart::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial and examples for XML::Smart.
- XML::Stream(3) - Creates an XML Stream connection and parses return data
- XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32(3) - Fake filehandle support for XML::Stream
- XML::Stream::Namespace(3) - Object to make defining Namespaces easier in XML::Stream.
- XML::Stream::Node(3) - Functions to make building and parsing the tree easier to work with.
- XML::Stream::Parser(3) - SAX XML Parser for XML Streams
- XML::Stream::Parser::DTD(3) - XML DTD Parser and Verifier
- XML::Stream::Tree(3) - Functions to make building and parsing the tree easier to work with.
- XML::Tiny(3) - simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML
- XML::TinyXML(3) - Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data.
- XML::TinyXML::Node(3) - Tinyxml Node object
- XML::TinyXML::NodeAttribute(3) - Tinyxml Node object
- XML::TinyXML::Selector(3) - Tinyxml Selector base class
- XML::TinyXML::Selector::XPath(3) - XPath-compliant selector for XML::TinyXML
- XML::Toolkit(3) - A suit of XML tools with Antlers.
- XML::Toolkit::App(3) - An XML::Toolkit Application
- XML::Toolkit::Builder(3) - A set of tools for Building XML Classes via XML::SAX Streams
- XML::Toolkit::Builder::ClassRegistry(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::Builder::ClassTemplate(3)
- XML::Toolkit::Builder::Filter(3) - An XML::SAX Filter that generates Moose Classes from SAX events.
- XML::Toolkit::Cmd::Command::generate(3) - generate clases from XML
- XML::Toolkit::Cmd::Command::validate(3) - validate XML round tripping
- XML::Toolkit::Generator(3) - A set of tools for converting Moose Objects into XML
- XML::Toolkit::Generator::Default(3) - A Default Moose Object to XML Generator
- XML::Toolkit::Generator::Interface(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::Loader(3) - A set of tools for Loading XML into Moose Objects
- XML::Toolkit::Loader::Filter(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::MetaDescription(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::MetaDescription::Attribute(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::MetaDescription::Trait(3) - A class to ...
- XML::Toolkit::Trait::NoXML(3) - A class to ...
- XML::TreePP(3)
- XML::UM(3) - Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding
- XML::Validate(3) - an XML validator factory
- XML::Validate::Base(3) - Abstract base class to be used by XML::Validate modules
- XML::Validate::LibXML(3) - Interface to LibXML validator
- XML::Validate::MSXML(3) - Interface to MSXML validator
- XML::Validate::Xerces(3) - Interface to Xerces validator
- XML::ValidWriter(3) - DOCTYPE driven valid XML output
- XML::WBXML(3) - Convert between XML and WBXML using libwbxml2
- XML::XBEL(3) - OOP for reading and writing XBEL documents.
- XML::XBEL::Alias(3) - OOP for reading and writing XBEL aliases.
- XML::XBEL::base(3) - shared private methods for XBEL thingies
- XML::XBEL::Bookmark(3) - OOP for reading and writing XBEL bookmarks.
- XML::XBEL::container(3) - private methods for XBEL containers.
- XML::XBEL::Folder(3) - OOP for reading/writing XBEL folders.
- XML::XBEL::item(3) - private methods for XBEL items.
- XML::XBEL::node(3) - private methods for XBEL nodes.
- XML::XBEL::Separator(3) - OOP for reading and writing XBEL separators
- XML::XBEL::serialize(3) - private methods for serializing XBEL thingies.
- XML::XBEL::thingy(3) - private methods for XBEL thingies.
- XML::XBEL::url(3) - private methods for XBEL URLs.
- XML::XPath::Boolean(3) - Boolean true/false values
- XML::XPath::Builder(3) - SAX handler for building an XPath tree
- XML::XPath::Literal(3) - Simple string values.
- XML::XPath::Node(3) - internal representation of a node
- XML::XPath::Node::Attribute(3) - a single attribute
- XML::XPath::Node::Comment(3) - an XML comment: <!--comment-->
- XML::XPath::Node::Element(3) - an <element>
- XML::XPath::Node::Namespace(3) - an XML namespace node
- XML::XPath::Node::PI(3) - an XML processing instruction node
- XML::XPath::Node::Text(3) - an XML text node
- XML::XPath::NodeSet(3) - a list of XML document nodes
- XML::XPath::Number(3) - Simple numeric values.
- XML::XPath::PerlSAX(3) - A PerlSAX event generator for my weird node structure
- XML::XPath::XMLParser(3) - The default XML parsing class that produces a node tree
- XML::XPathEngine(3) - a re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
- XML::XPathEngine::Boolean(3) - Boolean true/false values
- XML::XPathEngine::Literal(3) - Simple string values.
- XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet(3) - a list of XML document nodes
- XML::XPathEngine::Number(3) - Simple numeric values.
- XML::XQL(3) - A perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
- XML::XQL::Date(3) - Adds an XQL::Node type for representing and comparing dates and times
- XML::XQL::DOM(3) - Adds XQL support to XML::DOM nodes
- XML::XQL::Query(3) - Creates an XQL query evaluater from a XQL expression
- XML::XQL::Tutorial(3) - Describes the XQL query syntax
- XML::XSLT(3) - A perl module for processing XSLT
- XML::XUpdate::LibXML(3) - Simple implementation of XUpdate format
- XML_RDB(3) - Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources
- XmLabel(3) - Motif-compatible label widget
- XmLabelGadget(3) - Motif-compatible label gadget
- XMLApplication(3) - namely CGI::XMLApplication's
- XmList(3) - Motif-compatible list-box widget
- XmListAddItem(3)
- XmListAddItems(3)
- XmListAddItemsUnselected(3)
- XmListAddItemUnselected(3)
- XmListDeleteAllItems(3)
- XmListDeleteItem(3)
- XmListDeleteItems(3)
- XmListDeleteItemsPos(3)
- XmListDeletePos(3)
- XmListDeletePositions(3)
- XmListDeselectAllItems(3)
- XmListDeselectItem(3)
- XmListDeselectPos(3)
- XmListGetKbdItemPos(3)
- XmListGetMatchPos(3)
- XmListGetSelectedPos(3)
- XmListItemExists(3)
- XmListItemPos(3)
- XmListPosSelected(3)
- XmListPosToBounds(3)
- XmListReplaceItems(3)
- XmListReplaceItemsPos(3)
- XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected(3)
- XmListReplaceItemsUnselected(3)
- XmListReplacePositions(3)
- XmListSelectItem(3)
- XmListSelectPos(3)
- XmListSetAddMode(3)
- XmListSetBottomItem(3)
- XmListSetBottomPos(3)
- XmListSetHorizPos(3)
- XmListSetItem(3)
- XmListSetKbdItemPos(3)
- XmListSetPos(3)
- XmListUpdateSelectedList(3)
- XmListYToPos(3)
- XMLRPC::Test(3) - Test framework for XMLRPC::Lite
- XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP(3) - Server/Client side HTTP support for XMLRPC::Lite
- XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Plack(3) - transport for Plack (http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/Plack/) PSGI toolkit for XMLRPC::Lite module.
- XMLRPC::Transport::POP3(3) - Server side POP3 support for XMLRPC::Lite
- XMLRPC::Transport::TCP(3) - Server/Client side TCP support for XMLRPC::Lite
- XMLTV(3) - Perl extension to read and write TV listings in XMLTV format
- XMLViewer(3) - Tk widget to display XML
- XmMainWindow(3) - Motif-compatible main-window widget
- XmMainWindowSep1(3)
- XmMainWindowSep2(3)
- XmMainWindowSep3(3)
- XmMainWindowSetAreas(3)
- XmManager(3) - Motif-compatible window-manager widget
- XmMapSegmentEncoding(3)
- XmMenuPosition(3)
- XmMenuShell(3) - Motif-compatible widget for modal menus
- XmMessageBox(3) - Motif-compatible notifier widget
- XmMessageBoxGetChild(3)
- XmMultiListDeselectItems(3)
- XmMultiListDeselectRow(3)
- XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(3)
- XmMultiListGetSelectedRows(3)
- XmMultiListMakeRowVisible(3)
- XmMultiListSelectAllItems(3)
- XmMultiListSelectItems(3)
- XmMultiListSelectRow(3)
- XmMultiListToggleRow(3)
- XmMultiListUnselectAllItems(3)
- XmMultiListUnselectItem(3)
- XmNotebook(3) - a widget that allows a user to manipulate underlying widgets like pages of a book.
- XmNotebookGetPageInfo(3)
- XmObjectAtPoint(3)
- XmOptionButtonGadget(3)
- XmOptionLabelGadget(3)
- XmOutline(3)
- XmPaned(3)
- XmPanedGetPanes(3)
- XmPanedWindow(3) - Motif-compatible container widget for paned windows
- XmParseMapping(3)
- XmParseMappingCreate(3)
- XmParseMappingFree(3)
- XmParseMappingGetValues(3)
- XmParseMappingSetValues(3)
- XmParseTable(3)
- XmParseTableFree(3)
- XmPrimitive(3) - Motif-compatible primitive superclass widget
- XmPrintPopupPDM(3)
- XmPrintSetup(3) - specifies the screen onto which the new shell is created.
- XmPrintShell(3)
- XmPrintToFile(3)
- XmProcessTraversal(3)
- XmProtocolClass(3) - internal Lesstif class
- XmPushButton(3) - Motif-compatible pushbutton widget
- XmPushButtonGadget(3) - Motif-compatible pushutton gadget
- XmRedisplayWidget(3)
- XmRegisterSegmentEncoding(3)
- XmRemoveFromPostFromList(3)
- XmRemoveProtocolCallback(3)
- XmRemoveProtocols(3)
- XmRemoveTabGroup(3)
- XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback(3)
- XmRemoveWMProtocols(3)
- XmRenderTable(3)
- XmRenderTableAddRenditions(3)
- XmRenderTableCopy(3)
- XmRenderTableCvtFromProp(3)
- XmRenderTableCvtToProp(3)
- XmRenderTableFree(3)
- XmRenderTableGetRendition(3)
- XmRenderTableGetRenditions(3)
- XmRenderTableGetTags(3)
- XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions(3)
- XmRendition(3)
- XmRenditionCreate(3)
- XmRenditionFree(3)
- XmRenditionRetrieve(3)
- XmRenditionUpdate(3)
- XmRepTypeAddReverse(3)
- XmRepTypeGetId(3)
- XmRepTypeGetNameList(3)
- XmRepTypeGetRecord(3)
- XmRepTypeGetRegistered(3)
- XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(3)
- XmRepTypeRegister(3)
- XmRepTypeValidValue(3)
- XmResolveAllPartOffsets(3)
- XmResolvePartOffsets(3)
- XmRowColumn(3) - Motif-compatible data type for widget locations
- XmSash(3) - internall Lesstif class
- XmScale(3) - Motif-compatible scale widget
- XmScaleGetValue(3)
- XmScaleSetTicks(3)
- XmScaleSetValue(3)
- XmScrollBar(3) - Motif-compatible scroll-bar widget
- XmScrollBarGetValues(3)
- XmScrollBarSetValues(3)
- XmScrolledWindow(3) - Motif-compatible scrolled-window widget
- XmScrolledWindowSetAreas(3)
- XmScrollVisible(3)
- XmSelectionBox(3) - Motif-compatible list-selector widget
- XmSelectionBoxGetChild(3)
- XmSeparator(3) - Motif-compatible visual-separator widget
- XmSeparatorGadget(3) - Motif-compatible visual separator gadget
- XmSetColorCalculation(3)
- XmSetFontUnit(3)
- XmSetFontUnits(3)
- XmSetMenuCursor(3)
- XmSetProtocolHooks(3)
- XmSetWMProtocolHooks(3)
- XmSimpleSpinBox(3)
- XmSimpleSpinBoxAddItem(3)
- XmSimpleSpinBoxDeletePos(3)
- XmSimpleSpinBoxSetItem(3)
- XmSpinBox(3) - Motif-compatible spin-box widget
- XmSpinBoxValidatePosition(3) - 1) * XmNincrementValue)
- XmStringBaseline(3)
- XmStringByteCompare(3)
- XmStringByteStreamLength(3)
- XmStringCompare(3)
- XmStringComponentCreate(3)
- XmStringComponentType(3)
- XmStringConcat(3)
- XmStringConcatAndFree(3)
- XmStringCopy(3)
- XmStringCreate(3)
- XmStringCreateLocalized(3)
- XmStringCreateLtoR(3)
- XmStringCreateSimple(3)
- XmStringDirection(3)
- XmStringDirectionCreate(3)
- XmStringDirectionToDirection(3)
- XmStringDraw(3)
- XmStringDrawImage(3)
- XmStringDrawUnderline(3)
- XmStringEmpty(3)
- XmStringExtent(3)
- XmStringFree(3)
- XmStringFreeContext(3)
- XmStringGenerate(3)
- XmStringGetLtoR(3)
- XmStringGetNextComponent(3)
- XmStringGetNextSegment(3)
- XmStringGetNextTriple(3)
- XmStringHasSubstring(3)
- XmStringHeight(3)
- XmStringInitContext(3)
- XmStringIsVoid(3)
- XmStringLength(3)
- XmStringLineCount(3)
- XmStringNConcat(3)
- XmStringNCopy(3)
- XmStringParseText(3)
- XmStringPeekNextComponent(3)
- XmStringPeekNextTriple(3)
- XmStringPutRendition(3)
- XmStringSegmentCreate(3)
- XmStringSeparatorCreate(3)
- XmStringTableParseStringArray(3)
- XmStringTableProposeTablist(3)
- XmStringTableToXmString(3)
- XmStringTableUnparse(3)
- XmStringToXmStringTable(3)
- XmStringUnparse(3)
- XmStringWidth(3)
- XmTab(3)
- XmTabCreate(3)
- XmTabFree(3)
- XmTabGetValues(3)
- XmTabList(3)
- XmTabListCopy(3)
- XmTabListFree(3)
- XmTabListGetTab(3)
- XmTabListInsertTabs(3)
- XmTabListRemoveTabs(3)
- XmTabListReplacePositions(3)
- XmTabListTabCount(3)
- XmTabSetValue(3)
- XmTabStackGetSelectedTab(3)
- XmTabStackSelectTab(3)
- XmTabStackXYToWidget(3)
- XmtAddDeleteCallback(3) - register callbacks for session management protocols.
- XmtAllocColor(3) - Xmt color allocation functions.
- XmTargetsAreCompatible(3)
- XmtAskForBoolean(3) - ask a yes-or-no question with a dialog box and return the user's response.
- XmtAskForDouble(3) - use a dialog box to prompt for a number and return the user's response.
- XmtAskForFile(3) - use a file selection dialog box to prompt the user to select a file and return the user's response.
- XmtAskForItem(3) - use a dialog box to prompt the user to select an item from a list and return the selected item.
- XmtAskForString(3) - use a dialog box to prompt the user for a string and return the user's response.
- XmtAssertWidgetClass(3) - verify the type of a widget.
- XmtBlock(3) - process events in a recursive event loop.
- XmtBuildApplication(3) - create a root ApplicationShell widget and all of its descendants.
- XmtBuildDialog(3) - create a dialog shell and its descendants.
- XmtBuildToplevel(3) - create a TopLevelShell widget and all of its descendants.
- XmtCheckPrintfFormat(3) - verify that two strings have the same printf() substitutions.
- XmtChooser(3) - a widget that presents a choice to the user.
- XmtChooserGetState(3) - query an XmtChooser widget about its selected items and item sensitivity.
- XmtChooserLookupItemName(3) - lookup XmtChooser item name and value by index or index by name and value.
- XmtChooserSetState(3) - set the current selection in an XmtChooser widget, or the sensitivity or value associated with its items.
- XmtCli(3) - a Command Line Interface widget.
- XmtCliFlush(3) - force pending XmtCli output to be displayed.
- XmtCliGets(3) - get synchronous input from an XmtCli widget.
- XmtCliPrintf(3) - XmtCli widget output functions.
- XmtConvertStringToBitmap(3) - ``new style'' Xt resource converters for various types.
- XmtCreateChild(3) - create a named child and all of its descendants.
- XmtCreateChildren(3) - create the descendants of a widget described in the resource file.
- XmtCreateChooser(3) - constructor functions for various widget classes.
- XmtCreateColorTable(3) - create and manipulate color tables.
- XmtCreatePixmapFromXmtImage(3) - create a pixmap or XImage from an XmtImage.
- XmtCreatePixmapIcon(3) - handle non-rectangular multi-color window manager icons.
- XmtCreateWidgetType(3) - lookup a widget type by name, create an instance of a widget type.
- XmtCreateXmString(3) - create a multi-line, multi-font Xm String.
- XmtDialogBindResourceList(3) - use Xmt automatic dialog data transfer features with widgets that are not dialogs.
- XmtDialogDo(3) - transfer data to an automatic dialog and display it.
- XmtDialogGetDefaultValues(3) - read default data values for a dialog from the resource database.
- XmtDialogGetDialogValues(3) - transfer values between the fields of a data structure and the widgets of a dialog box.
- XmtDialogOkayCallback(3) - predefined callbacks for use with automatic dialogs and functions for writing custom dialog callbacks.
- XmtDialogPosition(3) - center a dialog box over a widget.
- XmtDiscardButtonEvents(3) - discard pending user input events.
- XmtDisplayBusyCursor(3) - display a cursor over a window.
- XmtDisplayError(3) - display a simple message in a dialog box.
- XmtDisplayErrorAndAsk(3) - display an error or warning message, ask a yes-or-no question and return the user's response.
- XmtDisplayErrorMsg(3) - display a formatted message in a dialog box.
- XmtDisplayErrorMsgAndWait(3) - display an error or warning message and block until the user pops it down.
- XmtDisplayMessage(3) - display a message in a dialog box.
- XmtDisplayWorkingDialog(3) - display or hide a ``please wait'' dialog box.
- XmTearOffButton(3) - Motif-compatible detachable button widget
- XmtErrorMsg(3) - print an error message and exit or print a warning message and return.
- XmText(3) - Motif-compatible text-editing widget
- XmTextClearSelection(3)
- XmTextCopy(3)
- XmTextCopyLink(3)
- XmTextCut(3)
- XmTextDisableRedisplay(3)
- XmTextEnableRedisplay(3)
- XmTextField(3) - Motif-compatible text-entry widget
- XmTextFieldClearSelection(3)
- XmTextFieldCopy(3)
- XmTextFieldCopyLink(3)
- XmTextFieldCut(3)
- XmTextFieldGetBaseline(3)
- XmTextFieldGetEditable(3)
- XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition(3)
- XmTextFieldGetLastPosition(3)
- XmTextFieldGetMaxLength(3)
- XmTextFieldGetSelection(3)
- XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition(3)
- XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldGetString(3)
- XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldGetSubstring(3)
- XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldInsert(3)
- XmTextFieldInsertWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldPaste(3)
- XmTextFieldPasteLink(3)
- XmTextFieldPosToXY(3)
- XmTextFieldRemove(3)
- XmTextFieldReplace(3)
- XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldSetAddMode(3)
- XmTextFieldSetEditable(3)
- XmTextFieldSetHighlight(3)
- XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(3)
- XmTextFieldSetMaxLength(3)
- XmTextFieldSetSelection(3)
- XmTextFieldSetString(3)
- XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(3)
- XmTextFieldShowPosition(3)
- XmTextFieldXYToPos(3)
- XmTextFindString(3)
- XmTextFindStringWcs(3)
- XmTextGetBaseline(3)
- XmTextGetCenterline(3)
- XmTextGetEditable(3)
- XmTextGetInsertionPosition(3)
- XmTextGetLastPosition(3)
- XmTextGetMaxLength(3)
- XmTextGetSelection(3)
- XmTextGetSelectionPosition(3)
- XmTextGetSelectionWcs(3)
- XmTextGetSource(3)
- XmTextGetString(3)
- XmTextGetStringWcs(3)
- XmTextGetSubstring(3)
- XmTextGetSubstringWcs(3)
- XmTextGetTopCharacter(3)
- XmTextInsert(3)
- XmTextInsertWcs(3)
- XmTextPaste(3)
- XmTextPasteLink(3)
- XmTextPosition(3)
- XmTextPosToXY(3)
- XmTextRemove(3)
- XmTextReplace(3)
- XmTextReplaceWcs(3)
- XmTextScroll(3)
- XmTextSetAddMode(3)
- XmTextSetEditable(3)
- XmTextSetHighlight(3)
- XmTextSetInsertionPosition(3)
- XmTextSetMaxLength(3)
- XmTextSetSelection(3)
- XmTextSetSource(3)
- XmTextSetString(3)
- XmTextSetStringWcs(3)
- XmTextSetTopCharacter(3)
- XmTextShowPosition(3)
- XmTextXYToPos(3)
- XmtFindFile(3) - look for application auxiliary files.
- XmtFocusShell(3) - change keyboard focus to a shell widget.
- XmtGetApplicationValues(3) - query and set application resources by name.
- XmtGetBitmap(3) - find and return the named bitmap or pixmap.
- XmtGetHomeDir(3) - return the user's home directory.
- XmtGetShell(3) - return shell ancestors of a widget.
- XmtHashTableCreate(3) - hash table functions.
- XmtHelpBox(3) - a widget to display scrolled, multi-font help text.
- XmtHelpDoContextHelp(3) - context help functions.
- XmtHelpInstallContextHelp(3) - keyboard bindings for context help.
- XmtHSLToRGB(3) - convert between the HSL and RGB color spaces.
- XmtIconifyShell(3) - perform window manager manipulations on shell widgets.
- XmtInitialize(3) - initialize an Xmt application.
- XmtInitializeApplicationShell(3) - set initial application resource values.
- XmtInputField(3) - an input field widget.
- XmtInputFieldGetString(3) - query or set the value of an XmtInputField widget.
- XmtIntroduction(3) - introduction to the reference pages for Xmt functions and widgets.
- XmtLayout(3) - a general-purpose manager widget.
- XmtLayoutBox(3) - the row or column gadget used within the XmtLayout widget.
- XmtLayoutConvertSizeToPixels(3) - convert a resolution independent size to pixels.
- XmtLayoutDisableLayout(3) - temporarily disable layout computation for an XmtLayout widget.
- XmtLayoutPixmap(3) - an XmtLayout gadget that displays a pixmap or a bitmap.
- XmtLayoutSeparator(3) - an XmtLayout gadget that draws a line.
- XmtLayoutSpace(3) - an XmtLayout gadget that places space between other items in the layout.
- XmtLayoutString(3) - an XmtLayout gadget that displays a string.
- XmtLoadResourceFile(3) - find named resource files and read them into the resource database
- XmtLocalize2(3) - look up a translated version of a string in the resource database.
- XmtLookupColorName(3) - lookup the actual color name associated with a symbolic color name in an XmtColor Table.
- XmtLookupPixmap(3) - get a named pixmap or bitmap from the Xmt image cache.
- XmtMenu(3) - easy-to-create menus.
- XmtMenuActivateProcedure(3) - sensitize and desensitize menu items depending on the procedures they call.
- XmtMenuGetMenuItem(3) - look up items in an XmtMenu widget by name, and manipulate them.
- XmtMenuPopupHandler(3) - remove the default event handler registered for an XmtMenu popup menu pane.
- XmtMsgLine(3) - a Message Line widget.
- XmtMsgLineGetString(3) - use an XmtMsgLine widget to synchronously get input from the user.
- XmtMsgLinePush(3) - save and restore messages in an XmtMsgLine widget.
- XmtMsgLineSet(3) - display messages in an XmtMsgLine widget.
- XmtMsgLineSetInput(3) - set or query the editable text in an XmtMsgLine widget.
- XmtNameToWidget(3) - find a descendant or ancestor widget by name.
- XmToggleButton(3) - Motif-compatible toggle-button widget
- XmToggleButtonGadget(3) - Motif-compatible toggle-button gadget
- XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(3)
- XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(3)
- XmToggleButtonGetState(3)
- XmToggleButtonSetState(3)
- XmToggleButtonSetValue(3)
- XmtParseCommandLine(3) - parse the application command line for Xmt-specific arguments.
- XmtParseXpmData(3) - parse an XPM pixmap into the intermediate XmtImage format.
- XmtPatchVisualInheritance(3) - apply a runtime patch to the Shell widget class so that it handles non-default visuals better.
- XmtProgress(3) - a Percent Progress Widget
- XmTrackingEvent(3)
- XmTrackingLocate(3)
- XmTransferDone(3)
- XmTransferSendRequest(3)
- XmTransferSetParameters(3)
- XmTransferStartRequest(3)
- XmTransferValue(3)
- XmTranslateKey(3)
- XmtRegisterAll(3) - register all standard widgets, procedures, and resource converters.
- XmtRegisterBitmapConverter(3) - register resource converters for various types.
- XmtRegisterChooser(3) - specially register input widgets for use with Xmt automatic dialog facilities.
- XmtRegisterColor(3) - define symbolic color names in a color table.
- XmtRegisterEnumConverter(3) - a resource converter for enumerated types.
- XmtRegisterImage(3) - register pixmap and bitmap data in the Xmt pixmap cache.
- XmtRegisterImprovedIcons(3) - replace the standard error, warning and information icons with larger ``improved'' icons.
- XmtRegisterLayoutParser(3) - register the parser for the XmtLayout widget layout grammar and allow typed widget creation by the parser.
- XmtRegisterMotifWidgets(3) - register the standard Motif and Xmt widget constructors for use with the automatic widget creation facilities.
- XmtRegisterProcedures(3) - register procedures for use with the Xmt callback converter.
- XmtRegisterStyle(3) - handle styles and templates.
- XmtRegisterUnixProcedures(3) - register commonly used procedures with the Xmt callback converter.
- XmtRegisterWidgetClass(3) - register names for widget types.
- XmtRegisterWidgetTypes(3) - register names for widget types.
- XmtReleasePixmap(3) - release a pixmap or bitmap from the Xmt image cache.
- XmtSetInitialFocus(3) - set the widget to receive the initial keyboard focus in a dialog.
- XmtSetValue(3) - set a named widget resource to a named value.
- XmtSymbolAddCallback(3) - add and remove a procedure to be called when a symbol's value changes.
- XmtSymbolSetValue(3) - set or query the value of a symbol.
- XmtVaRegisterSymbols(3) - register a name for application variables, and lookup variables by name.
- XmtWaitUntilMapped(3) - process events until a dialog becomes mapped.
- XmtWorkingBox(3) - a widget for ``please wait'' dialogs.
- XmtWorkingBoxHandleEvents(3) - check the push button and update the slider value in an XmtWorkingBox widget.
- XmUninstallImage(3)
- XmUpdateDisplay(3)
- XmVaCreateArrowButton(3)
- XmVaCreateArrowButtonGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateBulletinBoard(3)
- XmVaCreateButtonBox(3)
- XmVaCreateCascadeButton(3)
- XmVaCreateCascadeButtonGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateColorSelector(3)
- XmVaCreateColumn(3)
- XmVaCreateCombinationBox2(3)
- XmVaCreateComboBox(3)
- XmVaCreateCommand(3)
- XmVaCreateContainer(3)
- XmVaCreateDataField(3)
- XmVaCreateDrawingArea(3)
- XmVaCreateDrawnButton(3)
- XmVaCreateDropDown(3)
- XmVaCreateExt18List(3)
- XmVaCreateFileSelectionBox(3)
- XmVaCreateForm(3)
- XmVaCreateFrame(3)
- XmVaCreateHierarchy(3)
- XmVaCreateIconGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateLabel(3)
- XmVaCreateLabelGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateList(3)
- XmVaCreateMainWindow(3)
- XmVaCreateMessageBox(3)
- XmVaCreateMultiList(3)
- XmVaCreateNotebook(3)
- XmVaCreateOutline(3)
- XmVaCreatePanedWindow(3)
- XmVaCreatePushButton(3)
- XmVaCreatePushButtonGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateRowColumn(3)
- XmVaCreateScale(3)
- XmVaCreateScrollBar(3)
- XmVaCreateScrolledWindow(3)
- XmVaCreateSelectionBox(3)
- XmVaCreateSeparatorGadget(3)
- XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox(3)
- XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar(3)
- XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3)
- XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu(3)
- XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu(3)
- XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox(3)
- XmVaCreateSimpleSpinBox(3)
- XmVaCreateSpinBox(3)
- XmVaCreateTabStack(3)
- XmVaCreateText(3)
- XmVaCreateTextField(3)
- XmVaCreateToggleButton(3)
- XmVaCreateToggleButtonGadget(3)
- XmWidgetGetBaselines(3)
- XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(3)
- XmWorldClass(3) - Lesstif internal widget class
- XNextEvent(3) - select events by type
- XNoOp(3) - No Operation
- XOPENDEVICE(3) - open or close an extension input device
- XOpenDisplay(3) - connect or disconnect to X server
- XOpenIM(3) - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XOpenOM(3) - open output methods
- xor_mode(3) - Shortcut for toggling xor drawing mode on and off. Allegro game programming library.
- XParseGeometry(3) - parse window geometry
- XPC(3) - XML Procedure Call
- XPC::Agent(3) - XML Procedure Call client
- XPC::Daemon(3) - XML Procedure Call daemon class
- XPolygonRegion(3) - generate regions
- XPRESENT(3) - X Present Extension
- XPropertyEvent(3) - PropertyNotify event structure
- XPutBackEvent(3) - put events back on the queue
- XPutImage(3) - transfer images
- XQueryBestSize(3) - determine efficient sizes
- XQueryColor(3) - obtain color values
- XQUERYDEVICESTATE(3) - query the state of an extension input device.
- XQueryPointer(3) - get pointer coordinates
- XQueryTree(3) - query window tree information
- XRaiseWindow(3) - change window stacking order
- XRANDR(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- XReadBitmapFile(3) - manipulate bitmaps
- XRecolorCursor(3) - manipulate cursors
- XReparentEvent(3) - ReparentNotify event structure
- XReparentWindow(3) - reparent windows
- XRes(3) - X-Resource extension client library
- XResizeRequestEvent(3) - ResizeRequest event structure
- XResourceManagerString(3) - obtain server resource properties
- Xrm(3) - X Resource/Defaults/Options routines that obey the rules.
- XrmEnumerateDatabase(3) - enumerate resource database entries
- XrmGetFileDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmGetResource(3) - retrieve database resources and search lists
- XrmInitialize(3) - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XrmMergeDatabases(3) - merge resource databases
- XrmPutResource(3) - store database resources
- XrmUniqueQuark(3) - manipulate resource quarks
- XS::Boolean(3) - true and false values
- XS::Object::Magic(3) - Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using "sv_magic"
- XS::Parse::Infix(3) - XS functions to assist in parsing infix operators
- XS::Parse::Infix::Builder(3) - build-time support for "XS::Parse::Infix"
- XS::Parse::Keyword(3) - XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
- XS::Parse::Keyword::Builder(3) - build-time support for "XS::Parse::Keyword"
- XS::Parse::Sublike(3) - XS functions to assist in parsing "sub"-like syntax
- XS::Parse::Sublike::Builder(3) - build-time support for "XS::Parse::Sublike"
- XS::Type(3) - Type support for JSON encode
- XS_BIND(3) - accept connections on a socket
- XS_CLOSE(3) - close Crossroads socket
- XS_CONNECT(3) - connect a socket
- XS_ERRNO(3) - retrieve value of errno for the calling thread
- XS_GETMSGOPT(3) - retrieve message option
- XS_GETSOCKOPT(3) - get Crossroads socket option
- XS_INIT(3) - initialise Crossroads context
- XS_MSG_CLOSE(3) - release Crossroads message
- XS_MSG_COPY(3) - copy content of a message to another message
- XS_MSG_DATA(3) - retrieve pointer to message content
- XS_MSG_INIT(3) - initialise empty Crossroads message
- XS_MSG_INIT_DATA(3) - initialise Crossroads message from a supplied buffer
- XS_MSG_INIT_SIZE(3) - initialise Crossroads message of a specified size
- XS_MSG_MOVE(3) - move content of a message to another message
- XS_MSG_SIZE(3) - retrieve message content size in bytes
- XS_POLL(3) - input/output multiplexing
- XS_RECV(3) - receive a message part from a socket
- XS_RECVMSG(3) - receive a message part from a socket (zero-copy)
- XS_SEND(3) - send a message part on a socket
- XS_SENDMSG(3) - send a message part on a socket (zero-copy)
- XS_SETCTXOPT(3) - set Crossroads context options
- XS_SETSOCKOPT(3) - set Crossroads socket options
- XS_SOCKET(3) - create Crossroads socket
- XS_STRERROR(3) - get error message string
- XS_TERM(3) - terminate the context
- XS_VERSION(3) - report Crossroads library version
- XSaveContext(3) - associative look-up routines
- XSBuilder(3) - Automatic Perl XS glue code generation
- XSBuilder::C::grammar(3)
- XSBuilder::ParseSource(3) - parse C source files
- XSBuilder::PODTemplate(3)
- XSBuilder::WrapXS(3) - create perl XS wrappers for C functions
- XScreenSaver(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XSELECTEXTENSIONEVEN(3) - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
- XSelectInput(3) - select input events
- XSelectionClearEvent(3) - SelectionClear event structure
- XSelectionEvent(3) - SelectionNotify event structure
- XSelectionRequestEvent(3) - SelectionRequest event structure
- XSendEvent(3) - send events and pointer motion history structure
- XSENDEXTENSIONEVENT(3) - send input extension events to a client
- XSetArcMode(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetClipOrigin(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetCloseDownMode(3) - control clients
- XSetCommand(3) - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
- XSETDEVICEBUTTONMAPP(3) - query or change device button mappings
- XSETDEVICEFOCUS(3) - control extension input device focus
- XSETDEVICEMODE(3) - change the mode of a device
- XSETDEVICEVALUATORS(3) - initialize the valuators on an extension input device
- XSetErrorHandler(3) - default error handlers
- XSetEventQueueOwner(3) - set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
- XSetFillStyle(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetFont(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetFontPath(3) - set, get, or free the font search path
- XSetICFocus(3) - set and unset input context focus
- XSetICValues(3) - set and obtain XIC values
- XSetInputFocus(3) - control input focus
- XSetLineAttributes(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetPointerMapping(3) - manipulate pointer settings
- XSetScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
- XSetSelectionOwner(3) - manipulate window selection
- XSetState(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetTextProperty(3) - set and read text properties
- XSetTile(3) - GC convenience routines
- XSetTransientForHint(3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
- XSetWMClientMachine(3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
- XSetWMColormapWindows(3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
- XSetWMIconName(3) - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
- XSetWMName(3) - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
- XSetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
- XSetWMProtocols(3) - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
- XSHAPE(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShm(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XSLoader(3) - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
- XStoreBytes(3) - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XStoreColors(3) - set colors
- XStringListToTextProperty(3) - convert string lists and text property structure
- XStringToKeysym(3) - convert keysyms
- XSupportsLocale(3) - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
- XSynchronize(3) - enable or disable synchronization
- xt_factorial(3)
- xt_fast_cp(3)
- xt_fclose(3)
- xt_fd_purge(3)
- xt_ffclose(3)
- xt_ffopen(3)
- xt_fgetline(3)
- xt_file_mod_cmp(3)
- xt_fopen(3)
- xt_get_home_dir(3)
- xt_inhale_strings(3)
- xt_malloc(3)
- xt_n_choose_k(3)
- xt_read_line_malloc(3)
- xt_realloc(3)
- xt_rmkdir(3)
- xt_tic(3)
- xt_toc(3)
- XtAddActions(3) - register an action table
- XtAddCallback(3) - add and remove callback procedures
- XtAddEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
- XtAddExposureToRegion(3) - merge exposure events into a region
- XtAddGrab(3) - redirect user input to a modal widget
- XtAddInput(3) - register input, timeout, and workprocs
- XtAllocateGC(3) - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields
- XtAppAddActionHook(3) - register an action hook procedure
- XtAppAddActions(3) - register an action table
- XtAppAddBlockHook(3) - register a block hook procedure
- XtAppAddConverter(3) - register resource converter
- XtAppAddInput(3) - register and remove an input source
- XtAppAddSignal(3) - register and remove a signal source
- XtAppAddTimeOut(3) - register and remove timeouts
- XtAppAddWorkProc(3) - Add and remove background processing procedures
- XtAppCreateShell(3) - create top-level widget instance
- XtAppError(3) - low-level error handlers
- XtAppErrorMsg(3) - high-level error handlers
- XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3) - obtain error database
- XtAppGetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtAppInitialize(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtAppLock(3) - lock and unlock application context
- XtAppNextEvent(3) - query and process events and input
- XtAppReleaseCacheRefs(3) - decrement reference counts for resources
- XtAppSetExitFlag(3) - thread support functions
- XtAppSetFallbackResources(3) - set fallback resources
- XtAppSetTypeConverter(3) - register resource converter
- XtBuildEventMask(3) - retrieve a widget's event mask
- XtCallAcceptFocus(3) - calla widget's accept_focus procedure
- XtCallActionProc(3) - invoke an action procedure directly
- XtCallCallbacks(3) - process callbacks
- XtConfigureWidget(3) - move and resize widgets
- XtConvert(3) - invoke resource converters
- XtConvertAndStore(3) - invoke resource converters
- XtCreateApplicationContext(3) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
- XtCreateApplicationShell(3) - create top-level widget instance
- XtCreatePopupShell(3) - create a popup shell
- XtCreateSelectionRequest(3) - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
- XtCreateWidget(3) - create and destroy widgets
- XtCreateWindow(3) - window creation convenience function
- XtDisplay(3) - obtain window information about a widget
- XtDisplayInitialize(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(3) - issue a conversion warning message
- XtDisplayToApplicationContext(3) - obtain an application context
- XTerm::Conf(3) - change configuration of a running xterm
- XtError(3) - low-level error handlers
- XtErrorMsg(3) - high-level error handlers
- XTextExtents(3) - compute or query text extents
- XTextWidth(3) - compute text width
- XtFindFile(3) - search for a file using substitutions in the path list
- XtGetActionKeysym(3) - obtain corresponding keysym
- XtGetActionList(3) - obtain class action list
- XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(3) - retrieve application name and class
- XtGetApplicationResources(3) - obtain application resources
- XtGetClassExtension(3) - locate a class extension record
- XtGetDisplays(3) - retrieve a list of displays associated with an application context
- XtGetErrorDatabase(3) - obtain error database
- XtGetGC(3) - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
- XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget(3) - extension event handling
- XtGetKeysymTable(3) - query keysyms and keycodes
- XtGetResourceList(3) - obtain resource list
- XtGetSelectionParameters(3) - retrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target
- XtGetSelectionRequest(3) - retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc
- XtGetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtGetSelectionValue(3) - obtain selection values
- XtGetSelectionValueIncremental(3) - obtain selection values
- XtGetSubresources(3) - obtain subresources
- XtGrabKey(3) - manage grabs
- XtHooksOfDisplay(3) - external agent access points
- XtInitialize(3) - initialize
- XtInitializeWidgetClass(3) - initialize a widget class
- XtInsertEventTypeHandler(3) - extension event handling
- XtLastEventProcessed(3) - last event, last timestamp processed
- XtMakeGeometryRequest(3) - make geometry manager request
- XtMalloc(3) - memory management functions
- XtManageChildren(3) - manage and unmanage children
- XtMapWidget(3) - map and unmap widgets
- XtName(3) - obtain widget's name
- XtNameToWidget(3) - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
- XtNextEvent(3) - query and process events and input
- XtOffset(3) - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
- XtOpenApplication(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtOwnSelection(3) - set selection owner
- XtParent(3) - obtain widget's parent widget id
- XtParseAcceleratorTable(3) - managing accelerator tables
- XtParseTranslationTable(3) - manage translation tables
- XtPopdown(3) - unmap a pop-up
- XtPopup(3) - map a pop-up
- XtProcessLock(3) - lock and unlock process
- XtQueryGeometry(3) - query the preferred geometry of a child widget
- XTranslateCoordinates(3) - translate window coordinates
- XtRealizeWidget(3) - realize and unrealize widgets
- XtRegisterDrawable(3) - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
- XtRegisterGrabAction(3) - register button and key grabs
- XtReservePropertyAtom(3) - maintain a cache of property atoms
- XtResolvePathname(3) - search for a file using standard substitution
- XtSessionGetToken(3) - token management for checkpointing
- XtSetArg(3) - set and merge ArgLists
- XtSetKeyboardFocus(3) - focus events on a child widget
- XtSetKeyTranslator(3) - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
- XtSetLanguageProc(3) - set the language procedure
- XtSetMultiClickTime(3) - set and get multi-click times
- XtSetSelectionParameters(3) - specify target parameters for a selection request with a single target
- XtSetSensitive(3) - set and check a widget's sensitivity state
- XtSetValues(3) - obtain and set widget resources
- XtSetWMColormapWindows(3) - Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
- XtStringConversionWarning(3) - issue a conversion warning message
- XtToolkitThreadInitialize(3) - initialize the toolkit for multiple threads
- XtTranslateCoords(3) - translate widget coordinates
- XtVaCreateArgsList(3) - dynamically allocate a varargs list
- XUnmapEvent(3) - UnmapNotify event structure
- XUnmapWindow(3) - unmap windows
- XVaCreateNestedList(3) - allocate a nested variable argument list
- XvCreateImage(3) - create an XvImage
- XvFreeAdaptorInfo(3) - free adaptor information
- XvFreeEncodingInfo(3) - free encoding information
- XvGetPortAttribute(3) - return current port attribute value
- XvGetStill(3) - capture a single frame of video from a drawable
- XvGetVideo(3) - capture video from a drawable
- XvGrabPort(3) - lock port for exclusive use by client
- XVisibilityEvent(3) - VisibilityNotify event structure
- XvListImageFormats(3) - return list of image formats supported by a video port
- XvPortNotify(3) - event generated when port attributes change
- XvPutImage(3) - display an XvImage
- XvPutStill(3) - write a single frame of video to a drawable
- XvPutVideo(3) - write video into a drawable
- XvQueryAdaptors(3) - return adaptor information for a screen
- XvQueryBestSize(3) - determine the optimum drawable region size
- XvQueryEncodings(3) - return list of encodings for an adaptor
- XvQueryExtension(3) - return version and release of extension
- XvQueryPortAttributes(3) - return list of attributes of a video port
- XvSelectPortNotify(3) - enable or disable XvPortNotify events
- XvSelectVideoNotify(3) - enable or disable VideoNotify events
- XvSetPortAttribute(3) - sets an attribute of a video port
- XvStopVideo(3) - stop active video
- XvUngrabPort(3) - release port grabbed for video operation
- XvVideoNotify(3) - event generated for video processing
- XWarpPointer(3) - move pointer
- xwin_set_window_name(3) - Specify the window name and group (or class). Allegro game programming library.
- XXX(3) - See Your Data in the Nude
- Xymon(3) - Xymon Base Module
- Xymon::Client(3) - Interface to xymon/hobbit client.
- Xymon::Server(3) - Xymon Server Interface
- XYZ(3) - XYZ molecule format reader/writer
- Yada(3) - defer coding to later
- Yahoo::BBAuth(3) - Perl interface to the Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication.
- Yahoo::Search(3) - Perl interface to the Yahoo! Search public API.
- Yahoo::Search::Request(3)
- Yahoo::Search::Response(3)
- Yahoo::Search::Result(3)
- Yahoo::Search::XML(3)
- YahooQuote(3) - Get stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
- YAML::Any(3) - Pick a YAML implementation and use it.
- YAML::AppConfig(3) - Manage configuration files with YAML and variable references.
- YAML::Dumper(3) - YAML class for dumping Perl objects to YAML
- YAML::Dumper::Base(3) - Base class for YAML Dumper classes
- YAML::Error(3) - Error formatting class for YAML modules
- YAML::LibYAML(3) - Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
- YAML::Loader(3) - YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
- YAML::Loader::Base(3) - Base class for YAML Loader classes
- YAML::Marshall(3) - YAML marshalling class you can mixin to your classes
- YAML::Node(3) - A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
- YAML::PP(3) - YAML 1.2 processor
- YAML::PP::Common(3) - Constants and common functions
- YAML::PP::Constructor(3) - Constructing data structure from parsing events
- YAML::PP::Emitter(3) - Emitting events
- YAML::PP::Grammar(3) - YAML grammar
- YAML::PP::Highlight(3) - Syntax highlighting utilities
- YAML::PP::Perl(3) - Convenience module for loading and dumping Perl objects
- YAML::PP::Schema(3) - Schema for YAML::PP
- YAML::PP::Schema::Binary(3) - Schema for loading and binary data
- YAML::PP::Schema::Core(3) - YAML 1.2 Core Schema
- YAML::PP::Schema::Failsafe(3) - YAML 1.2 Failsafe Schema
- YAML::PP::Schema::Include(3) - Include YAML files
- YAML::PP::Schema::JSON(3) - YAML 1.2 JSON Schema
- YAML::PP::Schema::Merge(3) - Enabling YAML merge keys for mappings
- YAML::PP::Schema::Perl(3) - Schema for serializing perl objects and special types
- YAML::PP::Schema::Tie::IxHash(3) - (Deprecated) Schema for serializing ordered hashes
- YAML::PP::Schema::YAML1_1(3) - YAML 1.1 Schema for YAML::PP
- YAML::PP::Type::MergeKey(3) - A special node type for merge keys
- YAML::PP::Writer(3) - Write YAML output
- YAML::PP::Writer::File(3) - Write YAML output to file or file handle
- YAML::Shell(3) - The YAML Test Shell for Perl5
- YAML::Tag(3) - Tag URI object class for YAML
- YAML::Tiny(3) - Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
- YAML::Tiny::Color(3) - Dump YAML with color
- YAML::Types(3) - Marshall Perl internal data types to/from YAML
- YAML::XS(3) - Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
- YAML::XS::LibYAML(3) - An XS Wrapper Module of libyaml
- YAWriter(3) - Yet another Perl SAX XML Writer
- yecc(3) - LALR-1 Parser Generator
- Z80-CPU(3)
- Z80-MEMORY(3) - total memory access
- ZACTOR(3) - Class for simple actor framework
- zap_resource(3)
- ZARGS(3) - Class for Platform independent command line argument parsing helpers
- ZARMOUR(3) - Class for armoured text encoding and decoding
- ZAUTH(3) - Class for authentication for ZeroMQ security mechanisms
- zaxpy.f(3)
- ZBar(3) - Perl interface to the ZBar Barcode Reader
- ZBar::Image(3) - image object to scan for bar codes
- ZBar::ImageScanner(3) - scan images for bar codes
- ZBar::Processor(3) - self-contained bar code reader
- ZBar::Symbol(3) - bar code scan result object
- ZBEACON(3) - Class for LAN discovery and presence
- ZBUFFER(3) - Stores 3d zbuffer information. Allegro game programming library.
- ZCERT(3) - Class for work with CURVE security certificates
- ZCERTSTORE(3) - Class for work with CURVE security certificate stores
- ZCHUNK(3) - Class for work with memory chunks
- ZCLOCK(3) - Class for millisecond clocks and delays
- ZCONFIG(3) - Class for work with config files written in rfc.zeromq.org/spec:4/ZPL.
- zcopy.f(3)
- ZDIGEST(3) - Class for provides hashing functions (SHA-1 at present)
- ZDIR(3) - Class for work with file-system directories
- ZDIR_PATCH(3) - Class for work with directory patches
- zdotc.f(3)
- zdotu.f(3)
- zdrot.f(3)
- zdrscl.f(3)
- zdscal.f(3)
- Zen::Koan(3) - A class for representing Zen Koans
- Zen::Koans(3) - Library containing over 100 Zen Koans.
- Zenoss(3) - Perl interface to the Zenoss JSON API
- Zenoss::Connector(3) - Module responsible for establishing a connection to the Zenoss API
- Zenoss::Error(3) - Internal module that helps with providing errors
- Zenoss::Examples(3)
- Zenoss::MetaHelper(3) - Internal module that helps create Meta Methods
- Zenoss::Response(3) - Handles responses from Zenoss::Router
- Zenoss::Router(3) - Internal module that does the processing of sending and/or receiving Zenoss API calls
- Zenoss::Router::DetailNav(3) - Router to Details navigation for given uid
- Zenoss::Router::Device(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on devices
- Zenoss::Router::Events(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on events
- Zenoss::Router::Messaging(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on messages
- Zenoss::Router::Mib(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on MIBs
- Zenoss::Router::Network(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on networks
- Zenoss::Router::Process(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on processes
- Zenoss::Router::Report(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on reports
- Zenoss::Router::Search(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on searches
- Zenoss::Router::Service(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on services
- Zenoss::Router::Template(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on templates
- Zenoss::Router::Tree(3) - A common base class for routers that have a hierarchical tree structure.
- Zenoss::Router::ZenPack(3) - A JSON/ExtDirect interface to operations on ZenPacks
- ZFILE(3) - Class for provides methods to work with files in a portable fashion.
- ZFRAME(3) - Class for working with single message frames
- zgbmv.f(3)
- zgbtf2.f(3)
- zgebd2.f(3)
- zgehd2.f(3)
- zgelqt.f(3)
- zgelqt3.f(3)
- zgemlqt.f(3)
- zgemm.f(3)
- zgemv.f(3)
- zgeql2.f(3)
- zgeqr2p.f(3)
- zgerc.f(3)
- zgerq2.f(3)
- zgeru.f(3)
- zgesc2.f(3)
- zgetc2.f(3)
- ZGOSSIP(3) - Class for decentralized configuration management
- zgsvj0.f(3)
- zgsvj1.f(3)
- zgtts2.f(3)
- ZHASH(3) - Class for simple generic hash container
- ZHASHX(3) - Class for extended generic hash container
- zhb2st_kernels.f(3)
- zhbmv.f(3)
- zhecon_rook.f(3)
- zhegs2.f(3)
- zhemm.f(3)
- zhemv.f(3)
- zher.f(3)
- zher2.f(3)
- zher2k.f(3)
- zherk.f(3)
- zhesv_rook.f(3)
- zhetd2.f(3)
- zhetf2.f(3)
- zhetf2_rk.f(3)
- zhetf2_rook.f(3)
- zhetrd_2stage.f(3)
- zhetrd_hb2st.F(3)
- zhetrd_he2hb.f(3)
- zhetri_3x.f(3)
- zhetri_rook.f(3)
- zhpmv.f(3)
- zhpr.f(3)
- zhpr2.f(3)
- ZHTTP_CLIENT(3) - Class for provides a simple http client
- ZHTTP_REQUEST(3) - Class for zhttp server request.
- ZHTTP_RESPONSE(3) - Class for zhttp server request.
- ZHTTP_SERVER(3) - Class for no title found
- ZHTTP_SERVER_OPTIONS(3) - Class for class description
- ZIFLIST(3) - Class for list of network interfaces available on system
- ZIP_ADD(3) - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_ADD_DIR(3) - add directory to zip archive (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_CLOSE(3) - close zip archive
- ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_SUPPORTED(3) - return if a compression method is supported
- ZIP_DELETE(3) - delete file from zip archive
- ZIP_DIR_ADD(3) - add directory to zip archive
- ZIP_DISCARD(3) - close zip archive and discard changes
- ZIP_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_SUPPORTED(3) - return if an encryption method is supported
- ZIP_ERROR_CLEAR(3) - clear error state for archive or file
- ZIP_ERROR_CODE_SYSTEM(3) - get operating system error part of zip_error
- ZIP_ERROR_CODE_ZIP(3) - get libzip error part of zip_error
- ZIP_ERROR_FINI(3) - clean up zip_error structure
- ZIP_ERROR_GET(3) - get error codes for archive or file (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_ERROR_GET_SYS_TYPE(3) - get type of system error code (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_ERROR_INIT(3) - initialize zip_error structure
- ZIP_ERROR_SET(3) - fill in zip_error structure
- ZIP_ERROR_STRERROR(3) - create human-readable string for zip_error
- ZIP_ERROR_SYSTEM_TYPE(3) - return type of system error
- ZIP_ERROR_TO_DATA(3) - convert zip_error to return value suitable for ZIP_SOURCE_ERROR
- ZIP_ERROR_TO_STR(3) - get string representation of zip error (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_ERRORS(3) - list of all libzip error codes
- ZIP_FCLOSE(3) - close file in zip archive
- ZIP_FDOPEN(3) - open zip archive using open file descriptor
- ZIP_FILE_ADD(3) - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive
- ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_INIT(3) - initialize zip file attributes structure
- ZIP_FILE_EXTRA_FIELD_DELETE(3) - delete extra field for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_EXTRA_FIELD_GET(3) - get extra field for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_EXTRA_FIELD_SET(3) - set extra field for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_EXTRA_FIELDS_COUNT(3) - count extra fields for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_GET_COMMENT(3) - get comment for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_GET_ERROR(3) - extract zip_error from zip_file
- ZIP_FILE_GET_EXTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES(3) - get external attributes for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_RENAME(3) - rename file in zip archive
- ZIP_FILE_SET_COMMENT(3) - set comment for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_SET_ENCRYPTION(3) - set encryption method for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_SET_EXTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES(3) - set external attributes for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_SET_MTIME(3) - set last modification time (mtime) for file in zip
- ZIP_FILE_STRERROR(3) - get string representation for a zip error
- ZIP_FOPEN(3) - open file in zip archive for reading
- ZIP_FOPEN_ENCRYPTED(3) - open encrypted file in zip archive for reading
- ZIP_FREAD(3) - read from file
- ZIP_FSEEK(3) - seek in file
- ZIP_FTELL(3) - tell position in file
- ZIP_GET_ARCHIVE_COMMENT(3) - get zip archive comment
- ZIP_GET_ARCHIVE_FLAG(3) - get status flags for zip
- ZIP_GET_ERROR(3) - get zip error for archive
- ZIP_GET_FILE_COMMENT(3) - get comment for file in zip (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_GET_NAME(3) - get name of file by index
- ZIP_GET_NUM_ENTRIES(3) - get number of files in archive
- ZIP_GET_NUM_FILES(3) - get number of files in archive (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_LIBZIP_VERSION(3) - return run-time version of library
- ZIP_NAME_LOCATE(3) - get index of file by name
- ZIP_OPEN(3) - open zip archive
- ZIP_REGISTER_PROGRESS_CALLBACK(3) - provide updates during zip_close (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_REGISTER_PROGRESS_CALLBACK_WITH_STATE(3) - provide updates during zip_close
- ZIP_RENAME(3) - rename file in zip archive (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_SET_ARCHIVE_COMMENT(3) - set zip archive comment
- ZIP_SET_ARCHIVE_FLAG(3) - set zip archive flag
- ZIP_SET_DEFAULT_PASSWORD(3) - set default password for encrypted files in zip
- ZIP_SET_FILE_COMMENT(3) - set comment for file in zip (obsolete interface)
- ZIP_SET_FILE_COMPRESSION(3) - set compression method for file in zip
- ZIP_SOURCE(3) - zip data source structure
- ZIP_SOURCE_BEGIN_WRITE(3) - prepare zip source for writing
- ZIP_SOURCE_BUFFER(3) - create zip data source from buffer
- ZIP_SOURCE_BUFFER_FRAGMENT(3) - create zip data source from multiple buffer
- ZIP_SOURCE_CLOSE(3) - open zip_source (which was open for reading)
- ZIP_SOURCE_COMMIT_WRITE(3) - finalize changes to zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_ERROR(3) - get zip error for data source
- ZIP_SOURCE_FILE(3) - create data source from a file
- ZIP_SOURCE_FILEP(3) - create data source from FILE *
- ZIP_SOURCE_FREE(3) - free zip data source
- ZIP_SOURCE_FUNCTION(3) - create data source from function
- ZIP_SOURCE_GET_ARGS(3) - validate and cast arguments to source callback
- ZIP_SOURCE_IS_DELETED(3) - check if zip_source is deleted
- ZIP_SOURCE_KEEP(3) - increment reference count of zip data source
- ZIP_SOURCE_MAKE_COMMAND_BITMAP(3) - create bitmap of supported source operations
- ZIP_SOURCE_OPEN(3) - open zip_source for reading
- ZIP_SOURCE_READ(3) - read data from zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_ROLLBACK_WRITE(3) - undo changes to zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_SEEK(3) - set read offset in zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_SEEK_COMPUTE_OFFSET(3) - validate arguments and compute offset
- ZIP_SOURCE_SEEK_WRITE(3) - set write offset in zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_STAT(3) - get information about zip_source
- ZIP_SOURCE_TELL(3) - report current read offset in zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_TELL_WRITE(3) - report current write offset in zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_WIN32A(3) - create data source from a Windows ANSI file name
- ZIP_SOURCE_WIN32HANDLE(3) - create data source from a Windows file handle
- ZIP_SOURCE_WIN32W(3) - create data source from a Windows Unicode file name
- ZIP_SOURCE_WRITE(3) - write data to zip source
- ZIP_SOURCE_ZIP(3) - create data source from zip file
- ZIP_STAT(3) - get information about file
- ZIP_STAT_INIT(3) - initialize zip_stat structure
- ZIP_UNCHANGE(3) - undo changes to file in zip archive
- ZIP_UNCHANGE_ALL(3) - undo all changes in a zip archive
- ZIP_UNCHANGE_ARCHIVE(3) - undo global changes to zip archive
- zla_gbamv.f(3)
- zla_gbrcond_c.f(3)
- zla_gbrcond_x.f(3)
- zla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3)
- zla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)
- zla_geamv.f(3)
- zla_gercond_c.f(3)
- zla_gercond_x.f(3)
- zla_gerfsx_extended.f(3)
- zla_gerpvgrw.f(3)
- zla_heamv.f(3)
- zla_hercond_c.f(3)
- zla_hercond_x.f(3)
- zla_herfsx_extended.f(3)
- zla_herpvgrw.f(3)
- zla_lin_berr.f(3)
- zla_porcond_c.f(3)
- zla_porcond_x.f(3)
- zla_porfsx_extended.f(3)
- zla_porpvgrw.f(3)
- zla_syamv.f(3)
- zla_syrcond_c.f(3)
- zla_syrcond_x.f(3)
- zla_syrfsx_extended.f(3)
- zla_syrpvgrw.f(3)
- zla_wwaddw.f(3)
- zlabrd.f(3)
- zlacon.f(3)
- zlacrt.f(3)
- zladiv.f(3)
- zlaed0.f(3)
- zlaed7.f(3)
- zlaed8.f(3)
- zlaein.f(3)
- zlaesy.f(3)
- zlaev2.f(3)
- zlags2.f(3)
- zlagtm.f(3)
- zlahef.f(3)
- zlahef_aa.f(3)
- zlahef_rk.f(3)
- zlahef_rook.f(3)
- zlahqr.f(3)
- zlahr2.f(3)
- zlaic1.f(3)
- zlals0.f(3)
- zlalsa.f(3)
- zlalsd.f(3)
- zlamswlq.f(3)
- zlamtsqr.f(3)
- zlangb.f(3)
- zlangt.f(3)
- zlanhb.f(3)
- zlanhf.f(3)
- zlanhp.f(3)
- zlanhs.f(3)
- zlanht.f(3)
- zlansb.f(3)
- zlansp.f(3)
- zlantb.f(3)
- zlantp.f(3)
- zlapll.f(3)
- zlaqgb.f(3)
- zlaqge.f(3)
- zlaqhb.f(3)
- zlaqhe.f(3)
- zlaqhp.f(3)
- zlaqp2.f(3)
- zlaqps.f(3)
- zlaqr0.f(3)
- zlaqr1.f(3)
- zlaqr2.f(3)
- zlaqr3.f(3)
- zlaqr4.f(3)
- zlaqr5.f(3)
- zlaqsb.f(3)
- zlaqsp.f(3)
- zlaqsy.f(3)
- zlaqz0.f(3)
- zlaqz1.f(3)
- zlaqz2.f(3)
- zlaqz3.f(3)
- zlar1v.f(3) - λI.
- zlar2v.f(3)
- zlarf.f(3)
- zlarfb_gett.f(3)
- zlarfgp.f(3)
- zlarfy.f(3)
- zlargv.f(3)
- zlarrv.f(3)
- zlarscl2.f(3)
- zlartv.f(3)
- zlarz.f(3)
- zlarzb.f(3)
- zlarzt.f(3) - vtvH.
- zlascl2.f(3)
- zlasr.f(3)
- zlaswlq.f(3)
- zlasyf.f(3)
- zlasyf_aa.f(3)
- zlasyf_rk.f(3)
- zlasyf_rook.f(3)
- zlat2c.f(3)
- zlatbs.f(3)
- zlatdf.f(3)
- zlatps.f(3)
- zlatrd.f(3)
- zlatrs.f(3)
- zlatrz.f(3)
- zlatsqr.f(3)
- zlaunhr_col_getrfnp.f(3)
- zlaunhr_col_getrfnp2.f(3)
- zlauu2.f(3)
- ZLIST(3) - Class for simple generic list container
- ZLISTX(3) - Class for extended generic list container
- ZLOOP(3) - Class for event-driven reactor
- ZML(3) - A simple, fast, and easy to read binary data storage format.
- ZMONITOR(3) - Class for socket event monitor
- ZMQ::FFI(3) - version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using ffi
- ZMQ::FFI::Constants(3) - Generated module of zmq constants. All constants, all versions.
- ZMQ::FFI::ContextRole(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::Custom::Raw(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ErrorHelper(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::SocketRole(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::Util(3) - zmq convenience functions
- ZMQ::FFI::Versioner(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Context(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Raw(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Socket(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Context(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Raw(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Socket(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Context(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Raw(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Socket(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Context(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Raw(3)
- ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Socket(3)
- ZMQ_ATOMIC_COUNTER_D(3) - decrement an atomic counter
- ZMQ_ATOMIC_COUNTER_I(3) - increment an atomic counter
- ZMQ_ATOMIC_COUNTER_N(3) - create a new atomic counter
- ZMQ_ATOMIC_COUNTER_S(3) - set atomic counter to new value
- ZMQ_ATOMIC_COUNTER_V(3) - return value of atomic counter
- ZMQ_BIND(3) - accept incoming connections on a socket
- ZMQ_CLOSE(3) - close 0MQ socket
- ZMQ_CONNECT(3) - create outgoing connection from socket
- ZMQ_CONNECT_PEER(3) - create outgoing connection from socket and return the connection routing id in thread-safe and atomic way.
- ZMQ_CTX_DESTROY(3) - destroy a 0MQ context
- ZMQ_CTX_GET(3) - get context options
- ZMQ_CTX_NEW(3) - create new 0MQ context
- ZMQ_CTX_SET(3) - set context options
- ZMQ_CTX_SHUTDOWN(3) - shutdown a 0MQ context
- ZMQ_CTX_SOCKET_MONIT(3) - register a monitoring callback
- ZMQ_CTX_TERM(3) - terminate a 0MQ context
- ZMQ_CURVE_KEYPAIR(3) - generate a new CURVE keypair
- ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLIC(3) - derive the public key from a private key
- ZMQ_DEVICE(3) - start built-in 0MQ device
- ZMQ_DISCONNECT(3) - Disconnect a socket
- ZMQ_ERRNO(3) - retrieve value of errno for the calling thread
- ZMQ_GETSOCKOPT(3) - get 0MQ socket options
- ZMQ_HAS(3) - check a ZMQ capability
- ZMQ_INIT(3) - initialise 0MQ context
- ZMQ_MSG_CLOSE(3) - release 0MQ message
- ZMQ_MSG_COPY(3) - copy content of a message to another message
- ZMQ_MSG_DATA(3) - retrieve pointer to message content
- ZMQ_MSG_GET(3) - get message property
- ZMQ_MSG_GETS(3) - get message metadata property
- ZMQ_MSG_INIT(3) - initialise empty 0MQ message
- ZMQ_MSG_INIT_BUFFER(3) - initialise 0MQ message with buffer copy
- ZMQ_MSG_INIT_DATA(3) - initialise 0MQ message from a supplied buffer
- ZMQ_MSG_INIT_SIZE(3) - initialise 0MQ message of a specified size
- ZMQ_MSG_MORE(3) - indicate if there are more message parts to receive
- ZMQ_MSG_MOVE(3) - move content of a message to another message
- ZMQ_MSG_RECV(3) - receive a message part from a socket
- ZMQ_MSG_ROUTING_ID(3) - return routing ID for message, if any
- ZMQ_MSG_SEND(3) - send a message part on a socket
- ZMQ_MSG_SET(3) - set message property
- ZMQ_MSG_SET_ROUTING_(3) - set routing ID property on message
- ZMQ_MSG_SIZE(3) - retrieve message content size in bytes
- ZMQ_POLL(3) - input/output multiplexing
- ZMQ_POLLER(3) - input/output multiplexing
- ZMQ_PROXY(3) - start built-in 0MQ proxy
- ZMQ_PROXY_STEERABLE(3) - built-in 0MQ proxy with control flow
- ZMQ_RECV(3) - receive a message part from a socket
- ZMQ_RECVMSG(3) - receive a message part from a socket
- ZMQ_SEND(3) - send a message part on a socket
- ZMQ_SEND_CONST(3) - send a constant-memory message part on a socket
- ZMQ_SENDMSG(3) - send a message part on a socket
- ZMQ_SETSOCKOPT(3) - set 0MQ socket options
- ZMQ_SOCKET(3) - create 0MQ socket
- ZMQ_SOCKET_MONITOR_V(3) - monitor socket events
- ZMQ_STRERROR(3) - get 0MQ error message string
- ZMQ_TERM(3) - terminate 0MQ context
- ZMQ_TIMERS(3) - helper functions for cross-platform timers callbacks
- ZMQ_UNBIND(3) - Stop accepting connections on a socket
- ZMQ_VERSION(3) - report 0MQ library version
- ZMQ_Z85_DECODE(3) - decode a binary key from Z85 printable text
- ZMQ_Z85_ENCODE(3) - encode a binary key as Z85 printable text
- ZMSG(3) - Class for working with multipart messages
- ZoneMinder(3) - Container module for common ZoneMinder modules
- ZoneMinder::Base(3) - Base perl module for ZoneMinder
- ZoneMinder::Config(3) - ZoneMinder configuration module.
- ZoneMinder::ConfigData(3) - ZoneMinder Configuration Data module
- ZoneMinder::Control(3) - Parent class defining Control API
- ZoneMinder::Control::3S(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::Amcrest_HTTP(3) - Amcrest camera control
- ZoneMinder::Control::AxisV2(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::Dahua(3) - Perl module for Dahua cameras
- ZoneMinder::Control::DCS3415(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::DCS5020L(3) - Perl extension for DCS-5020L
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI8608W_Y2k(3) - Perl extension for FOSCAM FI-8608W by Christophe_Y2k
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI8620_Y2k(3) - Perl extension for FOSCAM FI8620
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI8908W(3) - Foscam FI8908W camera control
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI8918W(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI9821W_Y2k(3) - Perl extension for FOSCAM FI9821W
- ZoneMinder::Control::FI9831W(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::Floureon(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::FOSCAMR2C(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::IPCC7210W(3) - Perl extension for IPCC-7210W PTZ control
- ZoneMinder::Control::M8640(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::MaginonIPC(3) - Zoneminder PTZ control module for the Maginon Supra-IPC 40 IP Camera
- ZoneMinder::Control::mjpgStreamer(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::Ncs370(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::PanasonicIP(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::PelcoD(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::PelcoP(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::PSIA(3) - Perl module for cameras implementing the PSIA (Physical Security Interoperability Alliance), IP Media Devices API specification
- ZoneMinder::Control::SkyIPCam7xx(3) - Module for controlling AirLink101 SkyIPams
- ZoneMinder::Control::Sony(3) - PTZ driver for Sony cameras
- ZoneMinder::Control::SPP1802SWPTZ(3)
- ZoneMinder::Control::Toshiba_IK_WB11A(3) - Zoneminder PTZ control module the Toshiba IK-WB11A IP Camera
- ZoneMinder::Control::Trendnet(3) - Perl module for Trendnet cameras
- ZoneMinder::Control::Visca(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::Vivotek_ePTZ(3) - ZoneMinder Perl extension for Vivotek ePTZ camera control protocol
- ZoneMinder::Control::Wanscam(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Control::WanscamHW0025(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Database(3) - Perl module containing database functions used in ZM
- ZoneMinder::Event(3) - Perl Class for events
- ZoneMinder::Event_Summary(3) - Perl Class for Event Summaries
- ZoneMinder::Filter(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Frame(3) - Perl Class for Frames
- ZoneMinder::General(3) - Utility Functions for ZoneMinder
- ZoneMinder::Logger(3) - ZoneMinder Logger module
- ZoneMinder::Memory(3) - ZoneMinder Mapped Memory access module
- ZoneMinder::Monitor(3) - Perl Class for Monitors
- ZoneMinder::Monitor_Status(3) - Perl Class for Monitor Status
- ZoneMinder::Object(3)
- ZoneMinder::ONVIF(3) - perl module to access onvif functions for ZoneMinder
- ZoneMinder::Server(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Storage(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::File(3) - ZOneMinder object for a file based trigger channel
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Handle(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Inet(3)
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Serial(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Spawning(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Unix(3) - Object for Unix socket channel
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Connection(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::Trigger::Connection::Example(3) - Perl extension for blah blah blah
- ZoneMinder::User(3) - Perl Class for Users
- ZoneMinder::Zone(3) - Perl Class for Zones
- ZOPEN(3) - open a gzip compressed stream
- ZOSC(3) - Class for work with Open Sound Control messages
- zpbtf2.f(3)
- ZPOLLER(3) - Class for trivial socket poller class
- zpotf2.f(3)
- ZPROC(3) - Class for process configuration and status
- ZPROXY(3) - Class for run a steerable proxy in the background
- zpstf2.f(3)
- zptts2.f(3)
- ZREX(3) - Class for work with regular expressions
- zrot.f(3)
- zscal.f(3)
- ZSOCK(3) - Class for high-level socket API that hides libzmq contexts and sockets
- zspmv.f(3)
- zspr.f(3)
- ZSTR(3) - Class for sending and receiving strings
- zswap.f(3)
- zsycon_rook.f(3)
- zsyconvf.f(3)
- zsyconvf_rook.f(3)
- zsymm.f(3)
- zsymv.f(3)
- zsyr2k.f(3)
- zsyrk.f(3)
- ZSYS(3) - Class for system-level methods
- zsytf2.f(3)
- zsytf2_rk.f(3)
- zsytf2_rook.f(3)
- zsytri_3x.f(3)
- zsytri_rook.f(3)
- ztbmv.f(3)
- ztbsv.f(3)
- ztgex2.f(3)
- ztgsy2.f(3)
- ZTIMERSET(3) - Class for timer set
- ztplqt.f(3)
- ztplqt2.f(3)
- ztpmlqt.f(3)
- ztpmv.f(3)
- ztpsv.f(3)
- ztrevc3.f(3)
- ZTRIE(3) - Class for simple trie for tokenizable strings
- ztrmm.f(3)
- ztrmv.f(3)
- ztrsm.f(3)
- ztrsv.f(3)
- ztrti2.f(3)
- zunbdb1.f(3)
- zunbdb2.f(3)
- zunbdb3.f(3)
- zunbdb4.f(3)
- zunbdb5.f(3)
- zunbdb6.f(3)
- zung2l.f(3)
- zung2r.f(3)
- zungl2.f(3)
- zungr2.f(3)
- zungtsqr.f(3)
- zunhr_col.f(3)
- zunm22.f(3)
- zunm2l.f(3)
- zunm2r.f(3)
- zunml2.f(3)
- zunmr2.f(3)
- zunmr3.f(3)
- ZUUID(3) - Class for UUID support class
- zzip_closedir(3) - stop usage.
- zzip_compr_str(3) - compr name.
- zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io(3) - start usage.
- zzip_dir_fdopen(3) - fd reopen.
- zzip_dir_free(3)
- zzip_dir_open(3) - open zip-archive.
- zzip_dir_stat(3) - get meta infornation on a zipped element.
- zzip_dirhandle(3) - get handle.
- zzip_disk_entry_to_data(3) - helper functions for (mmapped) zip access api
- zzip_disk_findfile(3) - search for files in the (mmapped) zip central directory
- zzip_disk_fopen(3) - openening a file part wrapped within a (mmapped) zip archive
- zzip_disk_mmap(3) - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
- zzip_entry_data_offset(3) - helper functions for (fseeko) zip access api
- zzip_entry_findfile(3) - search for files in the (fseeko) zip central directory
- zzip_entry_fopen(3) - open a file within a zip disk for reading
- zzip_errno(3) - ...
- zzip_error(3) - get errror status.
- zzip_fclose(3) - end usage.
- zzip_file_close(3) - end usage.
- zzip_file_open(3) - start usage.
- zzip_file_read(3) - read data.
- zzip_file_real(3) - check real or zipped file.
- zzip_filesize(3) - get file size.
- zzip_fopen(3) - start usage.
- zzip_inflate_init(3) - internal.
- zzip_init_io(3) - init plugin struct.
- zzip_open(3) - start usage.
- zzip_opendir(3) - start usage.
- zzip_read(3) - read data.
- zzip_readdir(3) - read dir.
- zzip_rewind(3) - rewind.
- zzip_rewinddir(3) - rewind.
- zzip_seek(3) - seek.
- zzip_strerror(3) - ...
- zzip_tell(3) - tell.