| |
- S_CLIENT(1) - SSL/TLS client program
- S_TIME(1) - SSL/TLS performance timing program
- S2255(4) - webcamd driver for Sensoray 2255
- S2I_ASN1_IA5STRING(3ossl) - convert objects from/to ASN.1/string representation
- s2s(8) - server-to-server connector
- S2TC_COMPRESS(1) - Compress the image into a S2TC format texture.
- S2TC_DECOMPRESS(1) - Decompresses the texture into an image
- S2TC_FROM_S3TC(1) - Convert a S3TC format texture into S2TC format one.
- s3(4x) - S3 video driver
- s3270(1) - IBM host access tool
- S3BACKER(1) - FUSE-based single file backing store via Amazon S3
- S3CL(1) - Command line for Amazon s3 cloud storage
- s3cmd(1) - tool for managing Amazon S3 storage space and Amazon CloudFront content delivery network
- S3FS(1) - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
- S4(1) - Wrapper for subversion program
- SA(4) - SCSI Sequential Access device driver
- SA(8) - print system accounting statistics
- SA-AWL(1) - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db
- sabcmd(1) - a command line interface to Sablotron XSLT processor
- SABLEVM(1) - free (LGPL) Java virtual machine
- SAC(3) - SAC CSS parser
- SACC(1) - a terminal gopher client
- sacct(1) - displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database
- sacctmgr(1) - Used to view and modify Slurm account information.
- SA-CHECK_SPAMD(1) - spamd monitoring script for use with Nagios, etc.
- SA-COMPILE(1) - compile SpamAssassin ruleset into native code
- SADE(8) - sysadmins disk editor
- SAFE(4) - SafeNet crypto accelerator
- Safe::Hole(3) - make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
- Safe::Isa(3) - Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
- safecat(1) - safely write data to a file
- SAFECOPY(1) - rescue data from a source that causes IO errors
- SafeDO(3) - 2014, Michael Robinton & BizSystems This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- SAFENET(8) - Driver for SafeNet compatible UPS equipment
- SAFESH(1) - safe key manager for OpenSSH
- SAFEXCEL(4) - Inside Secure SafeXcel-IP-97 security packet engine
- SAGA_CMD(1) - command-line interface to the System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
- SAGA_GUI(1) - graphical user interface to the System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
- sage_init(3)
- Sah::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions
- Sah::SpecTest(3) - Just a dummy module so dists can depends on it
- Sah::Type(3) - Standard types
- saidar(1) - a curses-based tool for viewing system statistics
- SAIL(6) - multi-user wooden ships and iron men
- SAK(1) - Slicing and dicing of FASTA/FASTQ files..
- SAKURA(1) - A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator.
- SA-LEARN(1) - train SpamAssassin's Bayesian classifier
- salloc(1) - Obtain a Slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished.
- SALT(7) - Salt Documentation
- SALT-API(1) - salt-api Command
- SALT-CALL(1) - salt-call Documentation
- SALT-CLOUD(1) - Salt Cloud Command
- SALT-CP(1) - salt-cp Documentation
- SALT-KEY(1) - salt-key Documentation
- SALT-MASTER(1) - salt-master Documentation
- SALT-MINION(1) - salt-minion Documentation
- SALT-PROXY(1) - salt-proxy Documentation
- SALT-RUN(1) - salt-run Documentation
- SALT-SSH(1) - salt-ssh Documentation
- SALT-SYNDIC(1) - salt-syndic Documentation
- SALT-UNITY(1) - salt-unity Command
- SAM(1) - screen editor with structural regular expressions
- sam(5) - Sequence Alignment/Map file format
- SAM_DATA_GETSIZE(3) - Return size of stored data in bytes
- SAM_DATA_RESTORE(3) - Restore previously saved user data
- SAM_DATA_STORE(3) - Store user data
- SAM_FINALIZE(3) - Terminate SAM service
- SAM_HC_CALLBACK_REGISTER(3) - Register health check callback
- SAM_HC_SEND(3) - Send health check confirmation
- SAM_INITIALIZE(3) - Initialize health checking
- SAM_OVERVIEW(3) - Overview of the Simple Availability Manager
- SAM_OVERVIEW(8) - Overview of the Simple Availability Manager
- SAM_REGISTER(3) - Register component for health checking
- SAM_START(3) - Start health checking
- SAM_STOP(3) - Mark process failed
- SAM_WARN_SIGNAL_SET(3) - Set warn signal
- SAMBA(7) - A Windows AD and SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIX
- Samba::LDAP(3) - Manage a Samba PDC with an LDAP Backend
- Samba::LDAP::Base(3) - Base class module implementing common functionality
- Samba::LDAP::Config(3) - Config file related tasks for Samba::LDAP
- Samba::LDAP::Group(3) - Manipulate Samba LDAP Groups
- Samba::LDAP::Machine(3) - Manipulate Samba LDAP Machines (computers)
- Samba::LDAP::User(3) - Manipulate a Samba LDAP User
- Samba::SIDhelper(3) - Create SIDs based on G/UIDs.
- SAMBA_DOWNGRADE_DB(8) - Samba tool for downgrading AD databases
- SAMBA_GPOUPDATE(8) - apply group policy
- SAMBA-REGEDIT(8) - ncurses based tool to manage the Samba registry
- SAMBA-TOOL(8) - Main Samba administration tool.
- SAMEARCHIVE-LITE(1) - find identical files, while keeping archives intact
- SAMEFILE(1) - find identical files
- SAMELINK(1) - put it in the background with the ampersand & - this command because it takes a few minutes.)
- SAMHAIN(8) - check file integrity
- SAMHAINRC(5) - samhain(8) configuration file
- SAMPLELIBTRANSF(1) - manual page for samplelibtransf libtransfer sample: Dec 17 2012 11:21:09
- SAMPLV1(1) - an old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer
- samtools(1) - Utilities for the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format
- samtools-addreplacerg(1) - adds or replaces read group tags
- samtools-ampliconclip(1) - clip reads using a BED file
- samtools-ampliconstats(1) - produces statistics from amplicon sequencing alignment file
- samtools-bedcov(1) - reports coverage over regions in a supplied BED file
- samtools-calmd(1) - calculates MD and NM tags
- samtools-cat(1) - concatenate files together
- samtools-collate(1) - shuffles and groups reads together by their names
- samtools-consensus(1) - produces produce a consensus FASTA/FASTQ/PILEUP
- samtools-coverage(1) - produces a histogram or table of coverage per chromosome
- samtools-depad(1) - convert padded BAM to unpadded BAM
- samtools-depth(1) - computes the read depth at each position or region
- samtools-dict(1) - create a sequence dictionary file from a fasta file
- samtools-faidx(1) - indexes or queries regions from a fasta file
- samtools-fasta(1) - converts a SAM/BAM/CRAM file to FASTA or FASTQ
- samtools-fixmate(1) - fills in mate coordinates and insert size fields.
- samtools-flags(1) - convert between textual and numeric flag representation.
- samtools-flagstat(1) - counts the number of alignments for each FLAG type
- samtools-fqidx(1) - Indexes or queries regions from a fastq file
- samtools-head(1) - view SAM/BAM/CRAM file headers
- samtools-idxstats(1) - reports alignment summary statistics
- samtools-import(1) - converts FASTQ files to unmapped SAM/BAM/CRAM
- samtools-index(1) - indexes SAM/BAM/CRAM files
- samtools-markdup(1) - mark duplicate alignments in a coordinate sorted file
- samtools-merge(1) - merges multiple sorted files into a single file
- samtools-mpileup(1) - produces "pileup" textual format from an alignment
- samtools-phase(1) - call and phase heterozygous SNPs
- samtools-quickcheck(1) - a rapid sanity check on input files
- samtools-reheader(1) - replaces the header in the input file
- samtools-rmdup(1) - removes duplicate reads (obsolete)
- samtools-samples(1) - prints the samples from an alignment file
- samtools-sort(1) - sorts SAM/BAM/CRAM files
- samtools-split(1) - splits a file by read group.
- samtools-stats(1) - produces comprehensive statistics from alignment file
- samtools-targetcut(1) - cut fosmid regions (for fosmid pool only)
- samtools-tview(1) - display alignments in a curses-based interactive viewer.
- samtools-view(1) - views and converts SAM/BAM/CRAM files
- SAMU(1) - ninja-compatible build tool
- SANDBOXFS(1) - A virtual file system for sandboxing
- sane(7) - Scanner Access Now Easy: API for accessing scanners
- sane-abaton(5) - SANE backend for Abaton flatbed scanners
- sane-agfafocus(5) - SANE backend for AGFA Focus flatbed scanners
- SANE-AIRSCAN(5) - SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD scanners and MFP
- sane-apple(5) - SANE backend for Apple flatbed scanners
- sane-artec(5) - SANE backend for Artec flatbed scanners
- sane-artec_eplus48u(5) - SANE backend for the scanner Artec E+ 48U and re-badged models
- sane-as6e(5) - SANE backend for using the Artec AS6E parallel port interface scanner.
- sane-avision(5) - SANE backend for Avision branded and Avision OEM (HP, Minolta, Mitsubishi, UMAX and possibly more) flatbed and film scanners.
- sane-bh(5) - SANE backend for Bell+Howell Copiscan II series document scanners
- sane-canon(5) - SANE backend for Canon SCSI scanners
- sane-canon_dr(5) - SANE backend for Canon DR-series scanners
- sane-canon_lide70(5) - SANE backend for the Canon LiDE 70 and 600(F) USB flatbed scanners
- sane-canon630u(5) - SANE backend for the Canon 630u USB flatbed scanner
- sane-cardscan(5) - SANE backend for Corex CardScan usb scanners
- sane-config(1) - get information about the installed version of libsane
- sane-coolscan(5) - SANE backend for Nikon film-scanners
- sane-coolscan2(5) - SANE backend for Nikon Coolscan film scanners
- sane-coolscan3(5) - SANE backend for Nikon Coolscan film scanners
- saned(8) - SANE network daemon
- sane-dc210(5) - SANE backend for Kodak DC210 Digital Camera
- sane-dc240(5) - SANE backend for Kodak DC240 Digital Camera
- sane-dc25(5) - SANE backend for Kodak DC20/DC25 Digital Cameras
- sane-dll(5) - SANE dynamic backend loader
- sane-dmc(5) - SANE backend for the Polaroid Digital Microscope Camera
- sane-epjitsu(5) - SANE backend for Epson-based Fujitsu USB scanners.
- sane-epkowa(5) - SANE backend for EPSON scanners
- sane-epson(5) - SANE backend for EPSON scanners
- sane-epson2(5) - SANE backend for EPSON scanners
- sane-epsonds(5) - SANE backend for EPSON ESC/I-2 scanners
- sane-escl(5) - SANE backend for eSCL scanners
- sane-find-scanner(1) - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files
- sane-fujitsu(5) - SANE backend for Fujitsu flatbed and ADF scanners
- sane-genesys(5) - SANE backend for GL646, GL841, GL843, GL847 and GL124 based USB flatbed scanners
- sane-gphoto2(5) - SANE backend for gphoto2 supported cameras
- sane-gt68xx(5) - SANE backend for GT-68XX based USB flatbed scanners
- sane-hp(5) - SANE backend for HP ScanJet scanners
- sane-hp3500(5) - SANE backend for Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 3500 series scanners
- sane-hp3900(5) - SANE backend for RTS8822 chipset based scanners
- sane-hp4200(5) - SANE backend for Hewlett-Packard 4200 scanners
- sane-hp5400(5) - SANE backend for Hewlett-Packard 54XX scanners
- sane-hp5590(5) - SANE backend for Hewlett-Packard 4500C/4570C/5500C/5550C/5590/7650 Workgroup/Document scanners
- sane-hpljm1005(5) - SANE backend for Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1005 MFP Scanner
- sane-hs2p(5) - SANE backend for Ricoh SCSI flatbed/ADF scanners
- sane-ibm(5) - SANE backend for IBM and Ricoh SCSI flatbed scanners
- sane-kodak(5) - SANE backend for big Kodak flatbed and ADF scanners
- sane-kodakaio(5) - SANE backend for Kodak aio printer / scanners
- sane-kvs1025(5) - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-S102xC USB ADF scanners.
- sane-kvs20xx(5) - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-S20xxC USB/SCSI ADF scanners
- sane-kvs40xx(5) - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-S40xxC USB/SCSI ADF scanners.
- sane-leo(5) - SANE backend for LEO Technologies scanners
- sane-lexmark(5) - SANE backend for Lexmark X1100/X1200 Series scanners
- sane-ma1509(5) - SANE backend for Mustek BearPaw 1200F USB scanner
- sane-magicolor(5) - SANE backend for KONICA MINOLTA magicolor scanners
- sane-matsushita(5) - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-SS high speed scanners
- sane-microtek(5) - SANE backend for Microtek scanners
- sane-microtek2(5) - SANE backend for Microtek scanners with SCSI-2 command set
- sane-mustek(5) - SANE backend for Mustek SCSI flatbed scanners (and some other devices)
- sane-mustek_usb(5) - SANE backend for Mustek USB flatbed scanners
- sane-mustek_usb2(5) - SANE backend for SQ113 based USB flatbed scanners
- sane-nec(5) - SANE backend for NEC scanners
- sane-net(5) - SANE network backend
- sane-niash(5) - SANE backend for scanners based on the NIASH chipset
- sane-p5(5) - SANE backend for the Primax PagePartner
- sane-pie(5) - SANE backend for PIE, Devcom and AdLib SCSI flatbed scanners
- sane-pieusb(5) - SANE backend for USB-connected PIE PowerSlide and Reflecta DigitDia/CrystalScan/ProScan slide scanners
- sane-pixma(5) - SANE backend for Canon Multi-Function Printers and CanoScan Scanners
- sane-plustek(5) - SANE backend for LM983[1/2/3] based USB flatbed scanners
- sane-plustek_pp(5) - SANE backend for Plustek parallel port flatbed scanners
- sane-ricoh(5) - SANE backend for Ricoh flatbed scanners
- sane-ricoh2(5) - SANE backend for Ricoh flatbed scanners
- sane-rts8891(5) - SANE backend for rts8891 based scanners
- sane-s9036(5) - SANE backend for Siemens 9036 flatbed scanners
- sane-sceptre(5) - SANE backend for SCEPTRE scanners
- sane-scsi(5) - SCSI adapter tips for scanners
- sane-sharp(5) - SANE backend for SHARP scanners
- sane-sm3600(5) - SANE backend for Microtek scanners with M011 USB chip
- sane-sm3840(5) - SANE backend for Microtek scanners with SCAN08 USB chip
- sane-snapscan(5) - SANE backend for AGFA SnapScan flatbed scanners
- sane-sp15c(5) - SANE backend for Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C flatbed scanner
- sane-st400(5) - SANE backend for Siemens ST/Highscan flatbed scanners
- sane-stv680(5) - SANE backend for STV680 camera's
- sane-tamarack(5) - SANE backend for Tamarack flatbed scanners
- sane-teco1(5) - SANE backend for TECO / RELISYS scanners
- sane-teco2(5) - SANE backend for TECO / RELISYS scanners
- sane-teco3(5) - SANE backend for TECO / RELISYS scanners
- sane-test(5) - SANE backend for testing frontends
- sane-u12(5) - SANE backend for Plustek USB flatbed scanners, based on older parport designs
- sane-umax(5) - SANE backend for UMAX scanners
- sane-umax_pp(5) - SANE backend for Umax Astra parallel port flatbed scanners
- sane-umax1220u(5) - SANE backend for the UMAX Astra 1220U and similar scanners
- sane-usb(5) - USB configuration tips for SANE
- sane-xerox_mfp(5) - SANE backend for Xerox Phaser 3200MFP device et al.
- sansi(1)
- SAPSERVER(1) - SAP and SLP announcment for the VLC Media Player
- SARG(1) - Squid Analysis Report Generator
- Saryer(3) - a perl interface of libsary
- SAS_DISK_BLINK(8) - blink the LED on a SAS disk
- SASH(1) - stand-alone shell with built-in commands
- sasl(7) - The SASL application
- SASL_AUTHORIZE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP_GETCTX(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_AUXPROP_REQUEST(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CANON_USER_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHALPROMPT_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHECKAPOP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CHECKPASS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_INIT(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_NEW(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_START(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_CLIENT_STEP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DECODE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DISPOSE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_DONE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ENCODE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ENCODEV(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRDETAIL(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRORS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_ERRSTRING(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETCONFPATH_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETOPT_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETPATH_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETREALM_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETSECRET_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GETSIMPLE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_GLOBAL_LISTMECH(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_IDLE(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_LISTMECH(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_LOG_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_INIT(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_NEW(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_START(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_STEP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_USERDB_CHECKPASS_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SERVER_USERDB_SETPASS_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SETPASS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_SETPROP(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_USER_EXISTS(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASL_VERIFYFILE_T(3) - Cyrus SASL documentation
- SASLAUTHD(8) - sasl authentication server
- SASLDBLISTUSERS2(8) - list users in sasldb
- SASLPASSWD2(8) - set a user's sasl password
- sasum.f(3)
- SATPASS(1) - Predict satellite passes over an observer.
- sattach(1) - Attach to a Slurm job step.
- SA-UPDATE(1) - automate SpamAssassin rule updates
- SAVAGE(4x) - S3 Savage video driver
- save_bmp(3) - Saves a bitmap into a BMP file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_bmp_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_bmp. Allegro game programming library.
- save_d(3) - AA-lib driver used to save ascii-art image into file in used specified format.
- save_joystick_data(3) - Saves joystick calibration data. Allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx(3) - Saves a bitmap into a PCX file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_pcx. Allegro game programming library.
- save_screenshot(3) - 64, 0); local b = fill_surface(64, 64, 0, 0, 255); move_image(b, 0, VRESH - 64); local c = fill_surface(64, 64, 0, 255, 255); move_image(c, VRESW - 64, VRESH - 64); show_image({a, b, c});end
- save_tga(3) - Saves a bitmap into a TGA file. Allegro game programming library.
- save_tga_pf(3) - Packfile version of save_tga. Allegro game programming library.
- SAVE2AECG(1) - converts short-term ECG data into XML-based HL7v3 annotated ECG.
- SAVE2GDF(1) - converts different biomedical signal file formats.
- SAVE2SCP(1) - converts short-term ECG data into the EN1094 SCP-ECG format.
- SAVECORE(8) - save a core dump of the operating system
- SAVEKEY(nged) - Saves the current viewing parameters in the specified
- SAVELOGS(1) - save/rotate/delete log files nicely
- savemixer(8)
- SAVEPOINT(7) - define a new savepoint within the current transaction
- savetextmode(1) - save or restore the complete SVGA status for textmode.
- SAVEVIEW(nged) - Saves the current viewing parameters in the specified
- SAVVYCAN(1) - SavvyCAN Documentation
- sawfish(1) - 8 support.
- sawfish-client(1)
- sawfish-config(1)
- SAX1toSAX2(3) - Convert SAX1 events to SAX2
- SAX2toSAX1(3) - Convert SAX2 events to SAX1
- saxpy.f(3)
- sayonara(1) - advanced but lightweight audio player and library manager
- sayonara-ctl(1) - control sayonara via dbus
- SAYONARA-QUERY(1) - obtain information about track and player state
- sballs(6) - draws balls spinning like crazy in GL
- SBASE(1) - Create class which will provide access to HTML files as modules
- sbatch(1) - Submit a batch script to Slurm.
- sbcast(1) - transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a Slurm job.
- SBCL(1) - focusing on a smaller number of things will, we hope, let us do a better job on them.)
- SBM(1) - simple bandwidth monitor
- SBNI(4) - Granch SBNI12 leased line modem driver
- SBP(4) - Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) Mass Storage Devices driver
- SBP_TARG(4) - Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) Target Mode devices driver
- SBREAD(3) - read and write superblocks of a UFS file system
- SBTEDIT(1) - GenBank submission template editor
- SBUF(9) - safe string composition
- sc::AccResult< T >(3) - This associates a result datum with an accuracy.
- sc::AccResultInfo(3) - This is like
- sc::AccumEffectiveH(3)
- sc::AccumH(3)
- sc::AccumHNull(3)
- sc::ActiveMsgMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::AggregateKeyVal(3) - This takes several
- sc::ALevelShift(3)
- sc::AlgorithmException(3) - This exception is thrown whenever a problem with an algorithm is encountered.
- sc::AngularIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for angular integrators.
- sc::AnimatedObject(3)
- sc::Appearance(3)
- sc::ARMCIMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::AssignedKeyVal(3) - This class allows keyval associations to be set up by the program, rather than determined by an external file.
- sc::AtomInfo(3) - The
- sc::AtomProximityColorizer(3)
- sc::auto_vec< T >(3) - The
- sc::AVLMap< K, T >(3)
- sc::AVLMapNode< K, T >(3)
- sc::AVLSet< K >(3)
- sc::Backtrack(3)
- sc::BasisFileSet(3)
- sc::BatchElectronDensity(3) - This a more highly optimized than
- sc::BcastState(3) - This creates and forwards/retrieves data from either a
- sc::BcastStateInBin(3) - BcastStateBin reads a file in written by
- sc::BcastStateRecv(3)
- sc::BcastStateSend(3)
- sc::Becke88XFunctional(3) - Implements Becke's 1988 exchange functional.
- sc::BeckeIntegrationWeight(3) - Implements Becke's integration weight scheme.
- sc::BEMSolvent(3)
- sc::BEMSolventH(3)
- sc::BendSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::BFGSUpdate(3) - The
- sc::BiggestContribs(3)
- sc::BitArrayLTri(3)
- sc::BLevelShift(3)
- sc::BlockedDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp2(3)
- sc::BlockedSCElementOp3(3)
- sc::BlockedSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BlockedSCMatrixKit(3)
- sc::BlockedSCVector(3)
- sc::BlockedSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::BuildIntV3(3)
- sc::canonical_aaaa(3) - If the shell loop structure has 8 fold symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_aabb(3) - If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices and a 2 fold symmetry between the last two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_aabc(3) - If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::canonical_abcd(3) - If the shell loop structure has no symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to
- sc::CartesianIter(3)
- sc::CartesianIterCCA(3)
- sc::CartesianIterCints(3)
- sc::CartesianIterV3(3)
- sc::CartMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::CCAEnv(3) - The
- sc::CharacterTable(3) - The
- sc::ClassDesc(3) - This class is used to contain information about classes.
- sc::CLHF(3)
- sc::CLKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for closed-shell systems.
- sc::CLSCF(3) - The
- sc::Color(3)
- sc::commbuf_struct(3)
- sc::Compute(3) - The
- sc::ConnollyShape(3)
- sc::contribution(3)
- sc::Convergence(3) - The
- sc::CorrelationTable(3) - The
- sc::CS2Sphere(3)
- sc::CSGrad34Qbtr(3)
- sc::CSGradErep12Qtr(3)
- sc::CSGradS2PDM(3)
- sc::Debugger(3) - The
- sc::DenFunctional(3) - An abstract base class for density functionals.
- sc::DenIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for integrating the electron density.
- sc::DensityColorizer(3)
- sc::der_centersv3_t(3)
- sc::DerivCenters(3)
- sc::DescribedClass(3) - Classes which need runtime information about themselves and their relationship to other classes can virtually inherit from
- sc::DescribedClassProxy(3)
- sc::DescribedMemberDatum< T, C >(3)
- sc::DFPUpdate(3) - The
- sc::DiagMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::DiagSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::DiagSCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::DIIS(3) - The
- sc::DipoleData(3)
- sc::DipoleIntV3(3)
- sc::DiscreteConnollyShape(3)
- sc::DistDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::DistSCMatrix(3)
- sc::DistSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::DistSCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::DistSCVector(3)
- sc::DistShellPair(3) - Distributes shell pairs either statically or dynamically.
- sc::DistShellPair::SharedData(3) - This is used to store data that must be shared between all cooperating shell pairs.
- sc::distsize_t(3)
- sc::DistSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::EAVLMMap< K, T >(3)
- sc::EAVLMMapNode< K, T >(3)
- sc::Edge(3)
- sc::EFCOpt(3) - The
- sc::EfieldDotVectorData(3)
- sc::EfieldDotVectorIntV3(3)
- sc::ElectronDensity(3) - This is a
- sc::EriCints(3)
- sc::EulerMaclaurinRadialIntegrator(3) - An implementation of a radial integrator using the Euler-Maclaurin weights and grid points.
- sc::ExEnv(3) - The
- sc::ExtendedHuckelWfn(3)
- sc::ExtentData(3)
- sc::FeatureNotImplemented(3) - This is thrown when an attempt is made to use a feature that is not yet implemented.
- sc::FileGrp(3) - The
- sc::FileOperationFailed(3) - This is thrown when an operation on a file fails.
- sc::FileRender(3)
- sc::FinDispMolecularHessian(3) - Computes the molecular hessian by finite displacements of gradients.
- sc::FJT(3)
- sc::ForceLink< T, A >(3) - This, together with
- sc::ForceLinkBase< A >(3) - This, together with
- sc::FreeData(3)
- sc::Function(3) - The
- sc::G96XFunctional(3) - Implements the Gill 1996 (G96) exchange functional.
- sc::GaussianBasisSet(3) - The
- sc::GaussianBasisSet::ValueData(3) - This holds scratch data needed to compute basis function values.
- sc::GaussianShell(3) - A Gaussian orbital shell.
- sc::GaussLegendreAngularIntegrator(3) - An implementation of an angular integrator using the Gauss-Legendre weights and grid points.
- sc::GaussTriangleIntegrator(3)
- sc::GBuild< T >(3)
- sc::GDIISOpt(3)
- sc::GenPetite4(3) - This class is an abstract base to a generalized four index petite list.
- sc::GetLongOpt(3)
- sc::GlobalCounter(3)
- sc::GlobalMsgIter(3)
- sc::GPetite4< C4 >(3) - This class provides a generalized four index petite list.
- sc::GradDensityColorizer(3)
- sc::GrpArithmeticAndReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpArithmeticOrReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpArithmeticXOrReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpFunctionReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpMaxReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpMinReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpProductReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GrpSumReduce< T >(3)
- sc::GRTCints(3)
- sc::GSGeneralEffH(3)
- sc::GSHighSpinEffH(3)
- sc::GuessMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::HCoreWfn(3)
- sc::HessianUpdate(3) - The
- sc::HSOSHF(3)
- sc::HSOSKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for restricted-orbital high-spin open-shell systems.
- sc::HSOSSCF(3) - The
- sc::HSOSV1Erep1Qtr(3)
- sc::HypercubeGMI(3)
- sc::HypercubeTopology(3)
- sc::Identifier(3)
- sc::Identity(3)
- sc::IdentityTransform(3) - The
- sc::ImplicitSurfacePolygonizer(3)
- sc::InputError(3) - This is thrown when invalid input is provided.
- sc::Int1eCCA(3)
- sc::Int1eCints(3)
- sc::Int1eV3(3)
- sc::Int2eCCA(3)
- sc::Int2eCints(3)
- sc::Int2eV3(3)
- sc::Int2eV3::store_list(3)
- sc::IntCoor(3) - The
- sc::IntCoorGen(3)
- sc::Integral(3) - The
- sc::IntegralCCA(3)
- sc::IntegralCints(3)
- sc::IntegralKey(3)
- sc::IntegralLink(3)
- sc::IntegralStorer(3)
- sc::IntegralV3(3)
- sc::IntegrationWeight(3) - An abstract base class for computing grid weights.
- sc::intlist_struct(3)
- sc::intMessageGrp(3) - Uses integer message types to send and receive messages.
- sc::IntMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::IntV3Arraydouble2(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydouble3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep2(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arraydoublep4(3)
- sc::IntV3Arrayint3(3)
- sc::IntV3Arrayint4(3)
- sc::ip_cwk_stack_struct(3)
- sc::ip_keyword_tree_list_struct(3)
- sc::ip_keyword_tree_struct(3)
- sc::ip_string_list_struct(3)
- sc::IPV2(3)
- sc::IrreducibleRepresentation(3) - The
- sc::IsosurfaceGen(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransform(3) - This describes a solid harmonic to Cartesian transform.
- sc::ISphericalTransformCCA(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransformCints(3)
- sc::ISphericalTransformV3(3)
- sc::KeyVal(3) - The
- sc::KeyValValue(3)
- sc::KeyValValueboolean(3)
- sc::KeyValValuechar(3)
- sc::KeyValValuedouble(3)
- sc::KeyValValuefloat(3)
- sc::KeyValValueint(3)
- sc::KeyValValuepchar(3)
- sc::KeyValValueRefDescribedClass(3)
- sc::KeyValValuesize(3)
- sc::KeyValValueString(3)
- sc::LebedevLaikovIntegrator(3) - An implementation of a Lebedev angular integrator.
- sc::LevelShift(3)
- sc::LibintStaticInterface(3)
- sc::Libr12StaticInterface(3)
- sc::LimitExceeded< T >(3) - This is thrown when a limit is exceeded.
- sc::LineOpt(3) - The
- sc::LinIPSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::LinOPSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::LocalCLHFContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLHFEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLHFGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalCLKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalGBuild< T >(3)
- sc::LocalHSOSKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalHSOSKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalLBGBuild< T >(3)
- sc::LocalOSSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalOSSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalOSSGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::LocalSCVector(3)
- sc::LocalSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::LocalTBGrad< T >(3)
- sc::LocalTCContribution(3)
- sc::LocalTCEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalTCGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUHFGradContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUKSContribution(3)
- sc::LocalUKSEnergyContribution(3)
- sc::LSDACFunctional(3) - An abstract base class for local correlation functionals.
- sc::LYPCFunctional(3) - Implements the Lee, Yang, and Parr functional.
- sc::MachineTopology(3)
- sc::mat3(3)
- sc::mat4(3)
- sc::Material(3)
- sc::MaxIterExceeded(3) - This is thrown when an iterative algorithm attempts to use more iterations than allowed.
- sc::MBPT2(3) - The
- sc::MBPT2_R12(3) - The
- sc::MCSearch(3) - This performs line searches with cubic steps.
- sc::MemAllocFailed(3) - This is thrown when a memory allocation fails.
- sc::MemoryDataRequest(3)
- sc::MemoryDataRequestQueue(3)
- sc::MemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::MemoryGrpBuf< data_t >(3) - The
- sc::MemoryIter(3)
- sc::message_struct(3)
- sc::MessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::MOIndexSpace(3) - Class
- sc::MOIntsTransformFactory(3)
- sc::MOLagrangian(3)
- sc::MolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::MolecularEnergy(3) - The
- sc::MolecularFormula(3) - The
- sc::MolecularFrequencies(3) - The
- sc::MolecularHessian(3)
- sc::Molecule(3) - The
- sc::MoleculeColorizer(3)
- sc::MolEnergyConvergence(3)
- sc::MolFreqAnimate(3)
- sc::MOPairIter(3)
- sc::MOPairIterFactory(3) - This class produces
- sc::MP2BasisExtrap(3)
- sc::MP2R12Energy(3) - Class
- sc::MPIMessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::mPW91XFunctional(3) - Implements a modified 1991 Perdew-Wang exchange functional.
- sc::msgbuf_struct(3)
- sc::MsgMemoryGrp(3) - A
- sc::MsgStateBufRecv(3) - The
- sc::MsgStateRecv(3) - The
- sc::MsgStateSend(3) - The
- sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp(3) - This
- sc::NCAccResult< T >(3) - This associates a result non-class datum with an accuracy.
- sc::NCResult< T >(3) - This is similar to
- sc::NElFunctional(3) - The
- sc::NewP86CFunctional(3)
- sc::NewtonOpt(3)
- sc::NonlinearTransform(3) - The
- sc::NonreentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::OneBody3IntOp(3)
- sc::OneBodyDerivInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyDerivIntCCA(3) - This implements one body derivative integrals.
- sc::OneBodyDerivIntV3(3) - This implements one body derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::OneBodyInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntCCA(3) - This implements one body integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::OneBodyIntCints(3) - This implements most one body integrals in the Cints library.
- sc::OneBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntOp(3)
- sc::OneBodyIntV3(3) - This implements most one body integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyOneCenterWrapper(3)
- sc::OneBodySOInt(3)
- sc::OneBodyWavefunction(3) - A
- sc::OOGLRender(3)
- sc::Optimize(3) - The
- sc::Orbital(3)
- sc::OSSHF(3)
- sc::OSSSCF(3)
- sc::OutSimpleCo(3)
- sc::OverlapOrthog(3) - This class computes the orthogonalizing transform for a basis set.
- sc::P86CFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew 1986 (P86) correlation functional.
- sc::ParallelRegionTimer(3)
- sc::Parameter< T >(3)
- sc::ParentClass(3) - Gives one parent class of a class.
- sc::ParentClasses(3) - Gives a list of parent classes of a class.
- sc::ParsedKeyVal(3) - Converts textual information into keyword/value assocations.
- sc::PBECFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) correlation functional.
- sc::PBEXFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional.
- sc::PetiteList(3)
- sc::PointChargeData(3)
- sc::PointChargeIntV3(3)
- sc::PointGroup(3) - The
- sc::PointInputData(3) - Contains data needed at each point by a
- sc::PointInputData::SpinData(3)
- sc::PointOutputData(3) - Contains data generated at each point by a
- sc::Pool(3)
- sc::PoolData(3)
- sc::PowellUpdate(3) - The
- sc::PrefixKeyVal(3)
- sc::prim_pair_t(3)
- sc::PrimPairsCints(3)
- sc::ProcFileGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProcMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProcMessageGrp(3)
- sc::ProcThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::ProgrammingError(3) - This is thrown when a situations arises that should be impossible.
- sc::PsiCCSD(3)
- sc::PsiCCSD_T(3)
- sc::PsiCLHF(3)
- sc::PsiEffH(3)
- sc::PsiExEnv(3)
- sc::PsiFile11(3)
- sc::PsiHSOSHF(3)
- sc::PsiInput(3)
- sc::PsiSCF(3)
- sc::PsiUHF(3)
- sc::PsiWavefunction(3)
- sc::PthreadThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::PumaThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::PW86XFunctional(3) - Implements the Perdew-Wang 1986 (PW86) Exchange functional.
- sc::PW91CFunctional(3) - The Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc::PW91XFunctional(3) - The Perdew-Wang 1991 exchange functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc::PW92LCFunctional(3) - Implements the PW92 local (LSDA) correlation term.
- sc::PZ81LCFunctional(3) - Implements the PZ81 local (LSDA) correlation functional.
- sc::QNewtonOpt(3) - The
- sc::R12Amplitudes(3)
- sc::R12IntEval(3)
- sc::R12IntEvalInfo(3) - Class
- sc::R12IntsAcc(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MemoryGrp(3) - call set_localsize(0) on the associated
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile(3) - deactivate the associated
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile::PairBlkInfo(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile_Ind(3)
- sc::R12IntsAcc_Node0File(3) - deactivate the associated
- sc::RadialAngularIntegrator(3) - An implementation of an integrator using any combination of a
- sc::RadialIntegrator(3) - An abstract base class for radial integrators.
- sc::RangeLock(3)
- sc::RangeLockItem(3)
- sc::RDMAMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ReadMolecularHessian(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIter(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterCCA(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterCints(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianIterV3(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIter(3) - Like
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCCA(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCints(3)
- sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterV3(3)
- sc::RedundMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::ReentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::Ref< T >(3) - A template class that maintains references counts.
- sc::RefBase(3) - Provides a few utility routines common to all
- sc::RefCount(3) - The base class for all reference counted objects.
- sc::RefDiagSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RefSCDimension(3) - The
- sc::RefSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RefSCVector(3) - The
- sc::RefSymmSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::RegionTimer(3) - The
- sc::Render(3)
- sc::RenderedBallMolecule(3)
- sc::RenderedMolecularSurface(3)
- sc::RenderedMolecule(3)
- sc::RenderedObject(3)
- sc::RenderedObjectSet(3)
- sc::RenderedPolygons(3)
- sc::RenderedPolylines(3)
- sc::RenderedSphere(3)
- sc::RenderedStickMolecule(3)
- sc::ReplDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::ReplSCMatrix(3)
- sc::ReplSCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::ReplSCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::ReplSCVector(3)
- sc::ReplSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::Result< T >(3)
- sc::ResultInfo(3) - This is a base class for all of
- sc::SavableState(3) - Base class for objects that can save/restore state.
- sc::SavableStateProxy(3) - Create a proxy for a
- sc::ScaledTorsSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::SCBlockInfo(3)
- sc::SCDestructiveElementProduct(3)
- sc::SCDimension(3) - The
- sc::SCElementAccumulateDiagSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSCVector(3)
- sc::SCElementAccumulateSymmSCMatrix(3)
- sc::SCElementAssign(3)
- sc::SCElementDot(3)
- sc::SCElementInvert(3)
- sc::SCElementKNorm(3) - Computed k-norm of matrix.
- sc::SCElementMaxAbs(3)
- sc::SCElementMinAbs(3)
- sc::SCElementOp(3) - Objects of class
- sc::SCElementOp2(3) - The
- sc::SCElementOp3(3) - The
- sc::SCElementRandomize(3)
- sc::SCElementScalarProduct(3)
- sc::SCElementScale(3)
- sc::SCElementScaleDiagonal(3)
- sc::SCElementShiftDiagonal(3)
- sc::SCElementSquareRoot(3)
- sc::SCElementSumAbs(3)
- sc::SCException(3) - This is a std::exception specialization that records information about where an exception took place.
- sc::SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SCExtrapError(3)
- sc::SCF(3) - The
- sc::SCFEnergy(3)
- sc::SCFormIO(3) - This utility class is used to print only on node 0 and to provide attractive indentation of output.
- sc::SCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrix3(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlock(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockIter(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixBlockList(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockListIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixBlockListLink(3)
- sc::SCMatrixCompositeSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixDiagBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixDiagBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::SCMatrixJointSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixKit(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixListSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixLTriBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixLTriBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixNullSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixRectBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixRectBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixSimpleSubblockIter(3)
- sc::SCMatrixSubblockIter(3) - Objects of class
- sc::scprintf(3) - This class allows printf like output to put sent to an ostream.
- sc::SCVector(3) - The
- sc::SCVector3(3)
- sc::SCVectordouble(3)
- sc::SCVectorSimpleBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCVectorSimpleBlockIter(3)
- sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlock(3) - The
- sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlockIter(3)
- sc::SelfConsistentExtrapolation(3) - The
- sc::SetIntCoor(3) - The
- sc::Shape(3) - A
- sc::ShellExtent(3)
- sc::ShellPairCints(3)
- sc::ShellPairIter(3)
- sc::ShellPairsCints(3)
- sc::ShellQuartetIter(3)
- sc::ShellRotation(3)
- sc::ShmMemoryGrp(3) - The
- sc::ShmMessageGrp(3) - The
- sc::SimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::SlaterXFunctional(3) - Implements the Slater exchange functional.
- sc::SO(3)
- sc::SO_block(3)
- sc::SOBasis(3) - A
- sc::SOTransform(3)
- sc::SOTransformFunction(3)
- sc::SOTransformShell(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter_eq(3)
- sc::SpatialMOPairIter_neq(3)
- sc::SphereShape(3)
- sc::SphericalTransform(3) - This is a base class for a container for a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation.
- sc::SphericalTransformCCA(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformCints(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponent(3) - This is a base class for a container for a component of a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation.
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentCCA(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentCints(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformComponentV3(3)
- sc::SphericalTransformIter(3) - This iterates through the components of a
- sc::SphericalTransformV3(3)
- sc::SSAccResult< T >(3) - This associates a result datum with an accuracy.
- sc::Stack< T >(3)
- sc::StateClassData(3)
- sc::StateIn(3) - Restores objects that derive from
- sc::StateInBin(3) - Read objects written with
- sc::StateInData(3)
- sc::StateInFile(3) - Reads state information from a file.
- sc::StateInText(3) - Reads state information written with
- sc::StateOut(3) - Serializes objects that derive from
- sc::StateOutBin(3) - Save state to a binary file.
- sc::StateOutData(3)
- sc::StateOutFile(3) - Writes state information to files.
- sc::StateOutText(3) - Writes out state information in an almost human readable format.
- sc::StateRecv(3)
- sc::StateSend(3)
- sc::StdDenFunctional(3) - The
- sc::SteepestDescentOpt(3)
- sc::StreSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::StringKeyVal(3)
- sc::SumAccumH(3)
- sc::SumDenFunctional(3) - The
- sc::SumIntCoor(3)
- sc::SumMolecularEnergy(3)
- sc::SymmetryOperation(3) - The
- sc::SymmMolecularCoor(3) - The
- sc::SymmOneBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrix(3) - The
- sc::SymmSCMatrix2SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrix4SCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixdouble(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixNSCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapData(3)
- sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapError(3)
- sc::SymmTwoBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::SymRep(3) - The
- sc::SyscallFailed(3) - This is thrown when an system call fails with an errno.
- sc::SystemException(3) - This is thrown when a system problem occurs.
- sc::TaylorMolecularEnergy(3)
- sc::TBGrad< T >(3)
- sc::TCHF(3)
- sc::TCSCF(3)
- sc::TestEffH(3)
- sc::Thread(3) - The
- sc::ThreadGrp(3) - The
- sc::ThreadLock(3) - The
- sc::ThreadLockHolder(3) - Acquire a lock on creation and release it on destruction.
- sc::TimedRegion(3)
- sc::Timer(3) - The
- sc::ToleranceExceeded(3) - This is thrown when when some tolerance is exceeded.
- sc::TorsSimpleCo(3) - The
- sc::Transform(3)
- sc::TranslateData(3) - Generic data translation.
- sc::TranslateDataByteSwap(3) - Data translation to an external representation with bytes swapped.
- sc::TranslateDataIn(3) - Convert data from other formats.
- sc::TranslateDataOut(3) - Convert data to other formats.
- sc::Triangle(3)
- sc::TriangleIntegrator(3)
- sc::TriangulatedImplicitSurface(3)
- sc::TriangulatedSurface(3)
- sc::TriangulatedSurfaceIntegrator(3)
- sc::TriInterpCoef(3)
- sc::TriInterpCoefKey(3)
- sc::TwoBodyDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCCA(3) - This implements two body derivative integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCints(3) - This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyDerivIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyGrid(3) - Class
- sc::TwoBodyInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyIntCCA(3) - This implements two body integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc::TwoBodyIntCints(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntCints library.
- sc::TwoBodyIntIter(3)
- sc::TwoBodyIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform::MOSpaces(3) - Predefined enumerated type for the MO spaces.
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_123Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_12Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_13Inds(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ijxy(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ikjy(3)
- sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ixjy(3)
- sc::TwoBodySOInt(3)
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute three centers integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in three Gaussian functions.
- sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals involving three centers in the IntV3 library.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterDerivInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute two centers integrals involving two electrons.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterInt(3) - This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in two Gaussian functions.
- sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterIntV3(3) - This implements electron repulsion integrals involving two centers in the IntV3 library.
- sc::type_info_key(3)
- sc::UHF(3) - This provides an unrestricted Hartree-Fock implementation.
- sc::UKS(3) - This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for unrestricted-orbital open-shell systems.
- sc::Uncapped5SphereExclusionShape(3)
- sc::UncappedTorusHoleShape(3)
- sc::UnionShape(3) - A
- sc::Units(3) - The
- sc::UnrestrictedSCF(3) - A base class for unrestricted self-consistent-field methods.
- sc::UsedData(3)
- sc::VDWShape(3) - The
- sc::vec2(3)
- sc::vec3(3)
- sc::vec4(3)
- sc::Vertex(3)
- sc::Volume(3) - A
- sc::VWN1LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN2LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN3LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN4LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWN5LCFunctional(3) - The
- sc::VWNLCFunctional(3) - An abstract base class from which the various VWN (Vosko, Wilk and Nusair) local correlation functional (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) classes are derived.
- sc::Wavefunction(3) - A
- sc::X(3)
- sc::XalphaFunctional(3) - Implements the Xalpha exchange functional.
- sc::Y(3)
- SC_ALLY(1) - scamper driver to run Ally on a list of candidate aliases.
- SC_ANALYSIS_DUMP(1) - dump of traceroute data in a format that is easily parsed.
- SC_ATTACH(1) - simple scamper driver.
- SC_BDRMAP(1) - scamper driver to map first hop border routers of networks
- SC_EROSPROBER(1) - scamper driver to periodically probe addresses and rotate output files.
- SC_FILTERPOLICY(1) - scamper driver to test systems for congruent filtering policy
- SC_IPIDDUMP(1) - utility to dump IP-ID values embedded in ping, traceroute, and dealias objects in warts files.
- SC_PINGER(1) - scamper driver to run ping with different probe methods on a list of addresses.
- SC_PREFIXSCAN(1) - scamper driver to test if a set of IPv4 links are point-to-point.
- SC_RADARGUN(1) - scamper driver to run radargun on a list of candidate aliases.
- SC_REMOTED(1) - interact with a collection of remotely controlled scamper instances
- SC_SPEEDTRAP(1) - scamper driver to resolve aliases for a set of IPv6 interfaces.
- SC_TBITBLIND(1) - scamper driver to test systems for resilience to blind TCP attacks.
- SC_TBITPMTUD(1) - scamper driver to test systems for responsiveness to ICMP packet too big messages
- SC_TRACEDIFF(1) - display traceroute paths where the path has changed.
- SC_TTLEXP(1) - dump source addresses from ICMP TTL expired messages in warts files
- SC_WARTS2CSV(1) - dump traceroutes collected by scamper in csv format
- SC_WARTS2JSON(1) - JSON dump of information contained in a warts file.
- SC_WARTS2PCAP(1) - write packets included in warts object to a pcap file.
- SC_WARTS2TEXT(1) - simple dump of information contained in a warts file.
- SC_WARTSCAT(1) - concatenate warts files generated by scamper
- SC_WARTSDUMP(1) - verbose dump of information contained in a warts file.
- SC_WARTSFILTER(1) - select specific records from a warts file
- SC_WARTSFIX(1) - truncate damaged warts files.
- SCA(nged) - Used to apply a scaling factor.
- scabs1.f(3)
- SCACHE(8) - Postfix shared connection cache server
- Scalar::Defer(3) - Lazy evaluation in Perl
- Scalar::Does(3) - like ref() but useful
- Scalar::Does::MooseTypes(3) - (DEPRECATED) additional constants for Scalar::Does, inspired by the built-in Moose type constraints
- Scalar::String(3) - string aspects of scalars
- Scalar::Util(3) - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
- Scalar::Util::LooksLikeNumber(3) - Access to looks_like_number() perl API function
- Scalar::Util::Numeric(3) - numeric tests for perl scalars
- SCALBN(3) - adjust exponent
- scale(n) - Create and manipulate scale widgets
- scale_3dvertices(3)
- scale_image(3)
- scale3d_model(3)
- SCALPEL(1) - Recover files or data fragments from a disk image using file type-specific patterns
- SCAMPER(1) - parallel Internet measurement utility
- scan(n) - Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
- scan_8int(3) - parse an unsigned integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_8long(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_8short(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in octal ASCII representation
- scan_asn1derlength(3) - decode an unsigned integer from ASN.1 DER length encoding
- scan_asn1dertag(3) - decode an unsigned integer from ASN.1 DER length encoding
- scan_base64(3) - decode base64 encoded data
- scan_base64url(3) - decode base64url encoded data
- scan_cescape(3) - parse C escaped string
- scan_charsetnskip(3) - skip characters from set
- scan_double(3) - parse a floating point number in decimal ASCII representation
- SCAN_FFS(8) - find UFS/FFS partitions on a disk
- scan_hexdump(3) - decode hexdump data
- scan_httpdate(3) - parse a HTTP date
- scan_int(3) - parse an integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ip4(3) - parse an IPv4 number in dotted-decimal notation
- scan_ip6(3) - parse an IPv6 number in ASCII representation
- scan_ip6_flat(3) - parse an IPv6 number in flat ASCII representation
- scan_ip6if(3) - parse an IPv6 number and interface in ASCII representation
- scan_iso8601(3) - parse an ISO-8601 timestamp
- scan_jsonescape(3) - parse JSON escaped string
- scan_ldapescape(3) - parse LDIF escaped string
- scan_long(3) - parse an long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_longlong(3) - parse a long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_netstring(3) - parse a netstring
- scan_noncharsetnskip(3) - skip characters not from set
- scan_nonwhitenskip(3) - skip non-whitespace
- scan_plusminus(3) - parse '+' or '-'
- SCAN_PREREQS(1) - scan your working dir for likely prereqs
- scan_short(3) - parse an integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_uint(3) - parse an unsigned integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ulong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_ulonglong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_urlencoded(3) - decode urlencoded data
- scan_urlencoded2(3) - decode urlencoded data
- scan_ushort(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in decimal ASCII representation
- scan_utf8(3) - decode an unsigned integer from UTF-8 encoding
- scan_uuencoded(3) - decode uuencoded data
- scan_whitenskip(3) - skip whitespace
- scan_xint(3) - parse an unsigned integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xlong(3) - parse an unsigned long integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xlonglong(3) - parse an unsigned long long integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- scan_xshort(3) - parse an unsigned short integer in hexadecimal ASCII representation
- SCAN6(1) - An IPv6 host scanner
- SCAN-BUILD(1) - Clang static analyzer
- scancel(1) - Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.
- scancode_to_ascii(3) - Converts a scancode to an ASCII character. Allegro game programming library.
- scancode_to_name(3) - Converts a scancode to a key name. Allegro game programming library.
- SCANDEPS(1) - Scan file prerequisites
- SCANDIR(3) - scan a directory
- SCANELF(1) - user-space utility to scan ELF files
- SCANF(3) - input format conversion
- SCANF_L(3) - input format conversion
- SCANLOGD(8) - detects and logs TCP port scans
- SCANLOGS(8) - Summarize and rotate INN log files
- SCANMACHO(1) - user-space utility to scan Mach-O files
- scanmem(1) - locate and modify variables in an executing process.
- SCAN-PERL-PREREQS(1) - scan your working dir for likely prereqs
- SCAN-PREREQS-CPANFILE(1) - Scan prerequisite modules and generate CPANfile
- SCANSPOOL(8) - Perform a sanity scan over all articles in news spool
- scantv(1) - scan a v4l device for TV stations.
- SCAPY(1) - Interactive packet manipulation tool
- scare_mouse(3) - Helper for hiding the mouse pointer before drawing. Allegro game programming library.
- scare_mouse_area(3) - Helper for hiding the mouse cursor before drawing in an area. Allegro game programming library.
- scasum.f(3)
- SCATTER(3PVM) - Sends to each member of a group a section of an array from a specified member of the group.
- SCAVENGER(6) - a plattform game for X
- SCC(4) - driver for Serial Communications Controllers (SCC) devices
- sccainfo - determines information about a Windows Prefetch File (PF)
- SCCMAP(1) - extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
- sc-config(1) - The sc-config program is used to obtain information about MPQC's compile time environment.
- SCCS(1)
- sccs-add(1) - add files to the project list for the next commit
- sccs-admin(1) - create and administer SCCS history files
- sccs-branch(1) - create a new branch and retrieve a version for editing
- sccs-cdc(1) - change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
- sccschangeset(4) - format of an SCCS changeset file
- sccs-clean(1) - Remove everything from a directory that can be retrieved from SCCS history
- sccs-comb(1) - combine SCCS deltas
- sccs-commit(1) - commit changes in project files to the project repository
- sccs-create(1) - create (initialize) history files
- sccs-cvt(1) - convert SCCS history files between v4/v6
- sccs-delget(1) - perform a delta and get new version
- sccs-delta(1) - make a delta to an SCCS file
- sccs-diffs(1) - compare the working copy of a file with the SCCS history
- sccs-edit(1) - retrieves a version of a file for editing
- sccs-editor(1) - Edit a file whether or not it is controlled by SCCS
- sccsfile(4) - format of an SCCS history file
- sccs-fix(1) - remove the indicated delta from the SCCS history
- sccs-get(1) - retrieve a version of an SCCS file
- sccs-help(1) - ask for help regarding SCCS error or warning messages
- sccs-histfile(1) - convert a g-filename into the s-filename counterpart
- sccs-init(1) - create a new SCCS repository in the given directory
- sccs-istext(1) - check whether files are text files or need to be encoded
- sccs-log(1) - create changelog from SCCS history files
- sccs-print(1) - print out verbose information about the named files
- sccs-prs(1) - display selected portions of an SCCS history
- sccs-prt(1) - display delta table information from an SCCS file
- sccs-rcs2sccs(1) - convert RCS files into SCCS files
- sccs-remove(1) - remove the specified files on the next commit
- sccs-rename(1) - rename files in the project list for the next commit
- sccs-rmdel(1) - remove a delta from an SCCS file
- sccs-root(1) - list information about the SCCS project set home directory
- sccs-sact(1) - show editing activity status of an SCCS file
- sccs-sccsdiff(1) - compare two versions of an SCCS file
- sccs-status(1) - show changed files in the project
- sccs-tell(1) - print information about file being edited
- sccs-unedit(1) - "Undo" the last edit or `get -e', return to previous condition
- sccs-unget(1) - undo a previous get of an SCCS file
- sccs-val(1) - validate an SCCS file
- SCD(4)
- SCDAEMON(1) - Smartcard daemon for the GnuPG system
- scdoc(1) - generate
- scdoc(5) - document format for writing manual pages
- sceil.f(3)
- scene_gap(3) - Number controlling the scene z-sorting algorithm behaviour. Allegro game programming library.
- scene_polygon3d(3) - Puts a polygon in the scene rendering list. Allegro game programming library.
- scf2read(3) - Translate to and from the
- SCGCHECK(1) - check and validate the ABI of libscg
- SCGI::Request(3)
- SCGSKELETON(1L) - Skeleton program for SCSI transport using libscg
- SCH(1)
- SCHED_4BSD(4) - 4.4BSD scheduler
- SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX(2) - get scheduling parameter limits
- SCHED_SETPARAM(2) - set/get scheduling parameters
- SCHED_SETSCHEDULER(2) - set/get scheduling policy and scheduler parameters
- SCHED_ULE(4) - ULE scheduler
- SCHED_YIELD(2) - yield processor
- Schedule::Cron(3) - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
- Schedule::Cron::Events(3) - take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur
- SCHEDULER(9) - perform round-robin scheduling of runnable processes
- schedutils(8)
- Schema::Attribute(3) - an attribute node in a schema object
- Schema::AttributeLibrary(3)
- Schema::AttributeNode(3)
- Schema::ComplexTypeNode(3)
- Schema::ElementLibrary(3)
- Schema::ElementNode(3) - an element node in a schema object
- Schema::ElementRefNode(3) - an element reference node
- Schema::Kwalify(3) - Kwalify implementation in the Schema:: namespace
- Schema::Library(3)
- Schema::ModelNode(3)
- Schema::Node(3)
- Schema::Parser(3) - XML Schema Document Parser
- Schema::RootNode(3) - the root node in a schema document
- Schema::SimpleType(3)
- Schema::SimpleTypeNode(3)
- Schema::TypeLibrary(3)
- Schema::Util(3)
- SCHEMA2EXAMPLE(1) - convert XML schema knowledge into Perl or XML examples
- schemagen(1)
- scheme48(1) - a Scheme interpreter
- SCHISMTRACKER(1) - tracked music editor based on Impulse Tracker
- SC-HSM-TOOL(1) - smart card utility for SmartCard-HSM
- SCHWARTZMON(1) - monitor The Schwartz
- SciDAVis(1)
- SCILAB(1) - A guide for Scilab users.
- SC-IM(1) - A curses based, vim-like spreadsheet calculator
- scim-make-table(1)
- SCITE(1) - a programmers text editor
- scl2trd(1)
- sc-libtool(1) - The sc-libtool program is used to link and build MPQC executables and libraries.
- scls(1) - The scls program is used to list objects in checkpoint files.
- SCM(1) - a Scheme Language Interpreter
- SCM2PERL(1) - convert script-fu to perl
- sc-mkf77sym(1) - The sc-mkf77sym program is used to generate symbols for linking FORTRAN subroutines into MPQC.
- scmxx(1) - exchange data with your Siemens mobile phone
- scombssq.f(3)
- SCON(1)
- SCONS(1) - a software construction tool
- SCONSIGN(1) - print SCons signature file information
- SCONS-TIME(1) - generate and display SCons timing information
- scontrol(1) - view or modify Slurm configuration and state.
- SCONVERT(1) - convert spice formats
- scooter(6) - shows a journey through space tunnel and stars
- SCOPE(7) - Scoped packages
- scope(n) - capture the namespace context for a variable
- Scope::Container(3) - scope based container
- Scope::Container::DBI(3) - DB connection manager with Scope::Container
- Scope::Guard(3) - lexically-scoped resource management
- Scope::Upper(3) - Act on upper scopes.
- scopedobject(1) - Create and manipulate a scoped
- scopy.f(3)
- scor2prt(1) - source-parts separation program for pmx, a MusiXTeX preprocessor
- SCPIO(1L) - copy file archives in and out (LEGACY)
- scponly(8) - limited shell for secure file transfers
- scpr(1) - The scpr program is used to print out objects in checkpoint files.
- scr_dump(5) - format of curses screen-dumps.
- SCR2PNG(1) - convert a video memory dump to a PNG image
- SCR2TXT(1) - convert a video memory dump to plain text (w/ optional ANSI codes)
- scramble(1) - Converts between the SAM, BAM and CRAM file formats.
- SCRAPPY(1) - The Scrappy Command-Line Utility
- Scrappy(3) - The All Powerful Web Spidering, Scraping, Creeping Crawling Framework
- Scrappy::Logger(3) - Scrappy Scraper Event Logging
- Scrappy::Queue(3) - Scrappy HTTP Request Flow-Control System
- Scrappy::Scraper::Control(3) - Scrappy HTTP Request Constraints System
- Scrappy::Scraper::Parser(3) - Scrappy Scraper Data Extrator
- Scrappy::Session(3) - Scrappy Scraper Session Handling
- scrcpy(1) - Display and control your Android device
- SCREAMF(1) - .AMF to .S3M converter
- SCREEN(1) - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
- SCREEN(4) - pc display interface
- SCREEN_W(3) - Global define to obtain the size of the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- ScreenColor(3) - Term::Screen based screen positioning and coloring module
- SCREENFETCH(1) - The Bash Screenshot Information Tool
- SCREENIE(1) - screen(1) session handler (wrapper)
- SCRIBE_CAT(1) - Reads log messages from standard input and sends to a scribe instance
- scribus(1) - cross platform WYSIWYG desktop publishing app
- Script::isAperlScript(3) - This does a basic check if something is a perl script or not.
- SCRIPT6(1) - A tool to make complex IPv6 tasks easy
- SCRIPT-EMAIL(8) - Amanda script to send email notifications
- SCRIPTINDEX(1) - index arbitrary data as described by an index script
- ScriptingClient(1) - RSerPool Client (PU) for the Scripting service
- ScriptingControl(1) - Scripting Control script for the Scripting Service
- ScriptingServiceExample(1) - Example client script for the Scripting Service
- SCRIPTREPLAY(1) - play back typescripts, using timing information
- SCRIPTSE(1) - make scripts for se
- SCRM(1) - An accurate coalescent simulator for genome-scale sequences
- SCROBBLER-HELPER(1) - submit a track to AudioScrobbler
- scroll_screen(3) - Requests a hardware scroll request. Allegro game programming library.
- scrollbar(n) - Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets
- Scrolled(3) - Create a widget with attached scrollbar(s)
- scrolltest(6) - tests some scrolling algorithms with svgalib
- SCROLLZ(1) - An advanced ircII-based IRC client
- scrot(1)
- scrub(1) - write patterns on disk/file
- scrub-files(1) - securely erase files by filling with random data first.
- SCRYPT(7) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support
- SCS2ASCII(1) - convert IBM SCS printer data into ASCII
- SCS2PDF(1) - convert IBM SCS printer data into PDF
- SCS2PS(1) - convert IBM SCS printer data into PostScript
- SCSI_MANDAT(8) - check SCSI device support for mandatory commands
- SCSI_READCAP(8) - do SCSI READ CAPACITY command on disks
- SCSI_READY(8) - do SCSI TEST UNIT READY on devices
- SCSI_SATL(8) - check SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) device support
- SCSI_START(8) - start one or more SCSI disks
- SCSI_STOP(8) - stop (spin down) one or more SCSI disks
- SCSI_TEMPERATURE(8) - fetch the temperature of a SCSI device
- scsieject(1) - control SCSI tape devices
- SCSITAPE(1) - control SCSI tape devices
- SCSPD(8)
- scsum1.f(3)
- SCT(1) - screen temperature control
- SCT_NEW(3) - A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate Timestamp
- SCT_NEW(3ossl) - A Certificate Transparency Signed Certificate Timestamp
- SCT_PRINT(3) - Prints Signed Certificate Timestamps in a human-readable way
- SCT_PRINT(3ossl) - Prints Signed Certificate Timestamps in a human-readable way
- SCT_VALIDATE(3) - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) are valid
- SCT_VALIDATE(3ossl) - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) are valid
- SCTP_BINDX(3) - bind or unbind an SCTP socket to a list of addresses
- SCTP_CONNECTX(3) - connect an SCTP socket with multiple destination addresses
- SCTP_FREEPADDRS(3) - release the memory returned from a previous call
- SCTP_GENERIC_RECVMSG(2) - receive data from a peer
- SCTP_GENERIC_SENDMSG(2) - send data to a peer
- SCTP_GETADDRLEN(3) - return the address length of an address family
- SCTP_GETASSOCID(3) - return an association id for a specified socket address
- SCTP_GETPADDRS(3) - return a list of addresses to the caller
- SCTP_OPT_INFO(3) - get SCTP socket information
- SCTP_PEELOFF(2) - detach an association from a one-to-many socket to its own fd
- SCTP_RECVMSG(3) - receive a message from an SCTP socket
- SCTP_SEND(3) - send a message from an SCTP socket
- SCTP_SENDMSG(3) - send a message from an SCTP socket
- SCUMMVM(6) - graphic adventure game interpreter
- SDBD(8) - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- SDCV(1) - console version of StarDict program
- SDD(1) - disk dump and restore to and from tape or file; copy and/or reblock
- SDD(1E) - disk dump and restore to and from tape or file; copy and/or reblock
- SDDM(1) - the simple desktop display manager
- SDDM.CONF(5) - sddm display manager configuration
- SDDM-GREETER(1) - sddm display manager greeter
- SDHCI(4) - PCI SD Host Controller bridge driver
- sdiag(1) - Scheduling diagnostic tool for Slurm
- SDIG.CONF(5) - Configuration for the Switch Digger
- SDIG(8) - The Switch Digger
- SDL_ActiveEvent(3) - Application visibility event structure
- SDL_AddTimer(3) - Add a timer which will call a callback after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
- SDL_AudioCVT(3) - Audio Conversion Structure
- SDL_AudioSpec(3) - Audio Specification Structure
- SDL_BlitSurface(3) - This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
- SDL_BuildAudioCVT(3) - Initializes a SDL_AudioCVT structure for conversion
- SDL_CD(3) - CDROM Drive Information
- SDL_CDClose(3) - Closes a SDL_CD handle
- SDL_CDEject(3) - Ejects a CDROM
- SDL_CDName(3) - Returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM.
- SDL_CDNumDrives(3) - Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system.
- SDL_CDOpen(3) - Opens a CD-ROM drive for access.
- SDL_CDPause(3) - Pauses a CDROM
- SDL_CDPlay(3) - Play a CD
- SDL_CDPlayTracks(3) - Play the given CD track(s)
- SDL_CDResume(3) - Resumes a CDROM
- SDL_CDStatus(3) - Returns the current status of the given drive.
- SDL_CDStop(3) - Stops a CDROM
- SDL_CDtrack(3) - CD Track Information Structure
- SDL_CloseAudio(3) - Shuts down audio processing and closes the audio device.
- SDL_Color(3) - Format independent color description
- SDL_CondBroadcast(3) - Restart all threads waiting on a condition variable
- SDL_CondSignal(3) - Restart a thread wait on a condition variable
- SDL_CondWait(3) - Wait on a condition variable
- SDL_CondWaitTimeout(3) - Wait on a condition variable, with timeout
- SDL_ConvertAudio(3) - Convert audio data to a desired audio format.
- SDL_ConvertSurface(3) - Converts a surface to the same format as another surface.
- SDL_CreateCond(3) - Create a condition variable
- SDL_CreateCursor(3) - Creates a new mouse cursor.
- SDL_CreateMutex(3) - Create a mutex
- SDL_CreateRGBSurface(3) - Create an empty SDL_Surface
- SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(3) - Create an SDL_Surface from pixel data
- SDL_CreateSemaphore(3) - Creates a new semaphore and assigns an initial value to it.
- SDL_CreateThread(3) - Creates a new thread of execution that shares its parent's properties.
- SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(3) - Create a YUV video overlay
- SDL_Delay(3) - Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning.
- SDL_DestroyCond(3) - Destroy a condition variable
- SDL_DestroyMutex(3) - Destroy a mutex
- SDL_DestroySemaphore(3) - Destroys a semaphore that was created by
- SDL_DisplayFormat(3) - Convert a surface to the display format
- SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(3) - Convert a surface to the display format
- SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(3) - Blit the overlay to the display
- SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(3) - Set keyboard repeat rate.
- SDL_EnableUNICODE(3) - Enable UNICODE translation
- SDL_Event(3) - General event structure
- SDL_EventState(3) - This function allows you to set the state of processing certain events.
- SDL_ExposeEvent(3) - Quit requested event
- SDL_FillRect(3) - This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with some color
- SDL_Flip(3) - Swaps screen buffers
- SDL_FreeCursor(3) - Frees a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor.
- SDL_FreeSurface(3) - Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
- SDL_FreeWAV(3) - Frees previously opened WAV data
- SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(3) - Free a YUV video overlay
- SDL_FunctionName(3) - Short description of function
- SDL_GetAppState(3) - Get the state of the application
- SDL_GetAudioStatus(3) - Get the current audio state
- SDL_GetClipRect(3) - Gets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
- SDL_GetCursor(3) - Get the currently active mouse cursor.
- SDL_GetError(3) - Get SDL error string
- SDL_GetEventFilter(3) - Retrieves a pointer to he event filter
- SDL_GetGamma(3) - Gets the gamma of the display
- SDL_GetGammaRamp(3) - Gets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
- SDL_GetKeyName(3) - Get the name of an SDL virtual keysym
- SDL_GetKeyState(3) - Get a snapshot of the current keyboard state
- SDL_GetModState(3) - Get the state of modifier keys.
- SDL_GetMouseState(3) - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
- SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(3) - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
- SDL_GetRGB(3) - Get RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
- SDL_GetRGBA(3) - Get RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
- SDL_GetThreadID(3) - Get the SDL thread ID of a SDL_Thread
- SDL_GetTicks(3) - Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization.
- SDL_GetVideoInfo(3) - returns a pointer to information about the video hardware
- SDL_GetVideoSurface(3) - returns a pointer to the current display surface
- SDL_GL_GetAttribute(3) - Get the value of a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
- SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(3) - Get the address of a GL function
- SDL_GL_LoadLibrary(3) - Specify an OpenGL library
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(3) - Set a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
- SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(3) - Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display
- SDL_GLattr(3) - SDL GL Attributes
- SDL_Init(3) - Initializes SDL
- SDL_InitSubSystem(3) - Initialize subsystems
- SDL_JoyAxisEvent(3) - Joystick axis motion event structure
- SDL_JoyBallEvent(3) - Joystick trackball motion event structure
- SDL_JoyButtonEvent(3) - Joystick button event structure
- SDL_JoyHatEvent(3) - Joystick hat position change event structure
- SDL_JoystickClose(3) - Closes a previously opened joystick
- SDL_JoystickEventState(3) - Enable/disable joystick event polling
- SDL_JoystickGetAxis(3) - Get the current state of an axis
- SDL_JoystickGetBall(3) - Get relative trackball motion
- SDL_JoystickGetButton(3) - Get the current state of a given button on a given joystick
- SDL_JoystickGetHat(3) - Get the current state of a joystick hat
- SDL_JoystickIndex(3) - Get the index of an SDL_Joystick.
- SDL_JoystickName(3) - Get joystick name.
- SDL_JoystickNumAxes(3) - Get the number of joystick axes
- SDL_JoystickNumBalls(3) - Get the number of joystick trackballs
- SDL_JoystickNumButtons(3) - Get the number of joysitck buttons
- SDL_JoystickNumHats(3) - Get the number of joystick hats
- SDL_JoystickOpen(3) - Opens a joystick for use.
- SDL_JoystickOpened(3) - Determine if a joystick has been opened
- SDL_JoystickUpdate(3) - Updates the state of all joysticks
- SDL_KeyboardEvent(3) - Keyboard event structure
- SDL_keysym(3) - Keysym structure
- SDL_KillThread(3) - Gracelessly terminates the thread.
- SDL_ListModes(3) - Returns a pointer to an array of available screen dimensions for the given format and video flags
- SDL_LoadBMP(3) - Load a Windows BMP file into an SDL_Surface.
- SDL_LoadWAV(3) - Load a WAVE file
- SDL_LockAudio(3) - Lock out the callback function
- SDL_LockSurface(3) - Lock a surface for directly access.
- SDL_LockYUVOverlay(3) - Lock an overlay
- SDL_MapRGB(3) - Map a RGB color value to a pixel format.
- SDL_MapRGBA(3) - Map a RGBA color value to a pixel format.
- SDL_MixAudio(3) - Mix audio data
- SDL_MouseButtonEvent(3) - Mouse button event structure
- SDL_MouseMotionEvent(3) - Mouse motion event structure
- SDL_mutexP(3) - Lock a mutex
- SDL_mutexV(3) - Unlock a mutex
- SDL_NumJoysticks(3) - Count available joysticks.
- SDL_OpenAudio(3) - Opens the audio device with the desired parameters.
- SDL_Overlay(3) - YUV video overlay
- SDL_Palette(3) - Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
- SDL_PauseAudio(3) - Pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing
- SDL_PeepEvents(3) - Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
- SDL_PixelFormat(3) - Stores surface format information
- SDL_PollEvent(3) - Polls for currently pending events.
- SDL_PumpEvents(3) - Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
- SDL_PushEvent(3) - Pushes an event onto the event queue
- SDL_Quit(3) - Shut down SDL
- SDL_QuitEvent(3) - Quit requested event
- SDL_QuitSubSystem(3) - Shut down a subsystem
- SDL_Rect(3) - Defines a rectangular area
- SDL_RemoveTimer(3) - Remove a timer which was added with
- SDL_ResizeEvent(3) - Window resize event structure
- SDL_SaveBMP(3) - Save an SDL_Surface as a Windows BMP file.
- SDL_SemPost(3) - Unlock a semaphore.
- SDL_SemTryWait(3) - Attempt to lock a semaphore but don't suspend the thread.
- SDL_SemValue(3) - Return the current value of a semaphore.
- SDL_SemWait(3) - Lock a semaphore and suspend the thread if the semaphore value is zero.
- SDL_SemWaitTimeout(3) - Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified maximum time.
- SDL_SetAlpha(3) - Adjust the alpha properties of a surface
- SDL_SetClipRect(3) - Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
- SDL_SetColorKey(3) - Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and RLE acceleration.
- SDL_SetColors(3) - Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetCursor(3) - Set the currently active mouse cursor.
- SDL_SetEventFilter(3) - Sets up a filter to process all events before they are posted to the event queue.
- SDL_SetGamma(3) - Sets the color gamma function for the display
- SDL_SetGammaRamp(3) - Sets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
- SDL_SetModState(3) - Set the current key modifier state
- SDL_SetPalette(3) - Sets the colors in the palette of an 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetTimer(3) - Set a callback to run after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
- SDL_SetVideoMode(3) - Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
- SDL_ShowCursor(3) - Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
- SDL_Surface(3) - Graphical Surface Structure
- SDL_SysWMEvent(3) - Platform-dependent window manager event.
- SDL_ThreadID(3) - Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread.
- SDL_UnlockAudio(3) - Unlock the callback function
- SDL_UnlockSurface(3) - Unlocks a previously locked surface.
- SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(3) - Unlock an overlay
- SDL_UpdateRect(3) - Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UpdateRects(3) - Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UserEvent(3) - A user-defined event type
- SDL_VideoDriverName(3) - Obtain the name of the video driver
- SDL_VideoInfo(3) - Video Target information
- SDL_VideoModeOK(3) - Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
- SDL_WaitEvent(3) - Waits indefinitely for the next available event.
- SDL_WaitThread(3) - Wait for a thread to finish.
- SDL_WarpMouse(3) - Set the position of the mouse cursor.
- SDL_WasInit(3) - Check which subsystems are initialized
- SDL_WM_GetCaption(3) - Gets the window title and icon name.
- SDL_WM_GrabInput(3) - Grabs mouse and keyboard input.
- SDL_WM_IconifyWindow(3) - Iconify/Minimise the window
- SDL_WM_SetCaption(3) - Sets the window tile and icon name.
- SDL_WM_SetIcon(3) - Sets the icon for the display window.
- SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(3) - Toggles fullscreen mode
- SDLKey(3) - SDL Keysym Definitions
- SDLmm(3) - The namespace for the SDLmm library.
- SDLmm::Audio(3)
- SDLmm::BaseSurface(3) - An abstract base class for graphical surfaces.
- SDLmm::CD(3)
- SDLmm::ColorRGB(3) - A small usefull class representing an RGB color.
- SDLmm::ColorRGBA(3) - A small usefull class representing an RGBA color.
- SDLmm::Display(3) - The video frame buffer surface.
- SDLmm::Event(3) - The general
- SDLmm::EventHandler(3) - The base class used for custom
- SDLmm::Joystick(3)
- SDLmm::PixelFormat(3)
- SDLmm::SPoint(3) - A small usefull class representing a point in 2 dimensional space.
- SDLmm::SRect(3) - This enhanced version of
- SDLmm::Surface(3) - A graphical surface structure which is used to store graphical data.
- SDLmm::Timer(3)
- SDLmm::VideoInfo(3) - Video target information.
- SDLx::FPS(3) - a more convenient way to set a framerate
- SD-MUX-CTRL(1) - control software for sd-mux devices
- SDOC(7) - guide to adding security considerations sections to manual pages
- SDORFEHS(1) - window manager without mouse dependency
- SDP2RAT(1) - Launch RAT (Robust Audio Tool) from an SDP file
- SDPARM(8) - access SCSI modes pages; read VPD pages; send simple SCSI commands.
- SDPCONTROL(8) - Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol query utility
- SDPD(8) - Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon
- SDRC(1) - compile an sl shader.
- SDRINFO(1) - display information about compiled shaders
- sdsdot.f(3)
- SDT(9) - a DTrace framework for adding statically-defined tracing probes
- SE401(4) - webcamd driver for se401 USB cameras
- seafile(1) - the command line interface for seafile client
- seahorse-daemon(1) - seahorse pass phrase caching agent
- SEARCH(nged) - find and list objects in a BRL-CAD database
- Search::Dict(3) - look - search for key in dictionary file
- Search::Elasticsearch(3) - The official client for Elasticsearch
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 0_90.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 0.90 APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::0_90::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 1.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 1.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::1_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 2.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 2.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::2_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 5.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 5.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Ingest(3) - A client for accessing the Ingest API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::5_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 6.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Bulk(3) - A helper module for the Bulk API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct(3) - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 6.x APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Cat(3) - A client for running cat debugging requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Cluster(3) - A client for running cluster-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Indices(3) - A client for running index-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Ingest(3) - A client for accessing the Ingest API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Nodes(3) - A client for running node-level requests
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Snapshot(3) - A client for managing snapshot/restore
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Direct::Tasks(3) - A client for accessing the Task Management API
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::API(3) - This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::Bulk(3) - Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Client::6_0::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Async::Bulk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Role::Scroll(3) - Provides common functionality to Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Async::Scroll
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::Scroll(3) - A helper module for scrolled searches
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0::TestServer(3) - Client-specific backend for Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Factory(3) - Used by CxnPools to create new Cxn instances.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Hijk(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses Hijk
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::HTTPTiny(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses HTTP::Tiny
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::LWP(3) - A Cxn implementation which uses LWP
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Sniff(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Static(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
- Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Static::NoPing(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Error(3) - Errors thrown by Search::Elasticsearch
- Search::Elasticsearch::Logger::LogAny(3) - A Log::Any-based Logger implementation
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::API(3) - Provides common functionality for API implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client(3) - Provides common functionality for Client implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct(3) - Request parsing for Direct clients
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn(3) - Provides common functionality to HTTP Cxn implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool(3) - Provides common functionality to the CxnPool implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff(3) - A CxnPool role for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Static(3) - A CxnPool role for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Static::NoPing(3) - A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Is_Sync(3) - A role to mark classes which should be used with other sync classes
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Logger(3) - Provides common functionality to Logger implementations
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Serializer(3) - An interface for Serializer modules
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Serializer::JSON(3) - A Serializer role for JSON modules
- Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Transport(3) - Transport role providing interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON(3) - The default JSON Serializer, using JSON::MaybeXS
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::Cpanel(3) - A JSON Serializer using Cpanel::JSON::XS
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::PP(3) - A JSON Serializer using JSON::PP
- Search::Elasticsearch::Serializer::JSON::XS(3) - A JSON Serializer using JSON::XS
- Search::Elasticsearch::TestServer(3) - A helper class to launch Elasticsearch nodes
- Search::Elasticsearch::Transport(3) - Provides interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
- Search::Elasticsearch::Util(3) - A utility class for internal use by Search::Elasticsearch
- Search::InvertedIndex(3) - A manager for inverted index maps
- Search::InvertedIndex::AutoLoader(3) - A manager for autoloading Search::InvertedIndex modules
- Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash(3) - A Berkeley database interface object for Search::InvertedIndex
- Search::InvertedIndex::DB::Mysql(3) - A MySQL database interface object for Search::InvertedIndex
- Search::InvertedIndex::Query(3) - A query for an inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Query::Leaf(3) - A query leaf item for an inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Result(3) - A list of result entries from a inverted index search.
- Search::InvertedIndex::Update(3) - A container for a mass data update for a -group/-index.
- Search::Odeum(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::Odeum::Document(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::Odeum::Result(3) - Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API.
- Search::QueryParser(3) - parses a query string into a data structure suitable for external search engines
- Search::QueryParser::SQL(3) - turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
- Search::QueryParser::SQL::Column(3) - SQL column object
- Search::QueryParser::SQL::Query(3) - query object
- Search::Sitemap(3) - Perl extension for managing Search Engine Sitemaps
- Search::Sitemap::Index(3) - Perl extension for managing Sitemap Indexes
- Search::Sitemap::Ping(3) - Notify search engines of sitemap updates
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger(3) - Notify a specific search engines of sitemap updates
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Ask(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Ask
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Google(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Google
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Live(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Live
- Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Yahoo(3) - Search::Sitemap::Pinger for Yahoo
- Search::Sitemap::Types(3) - MooseX::Types library for Search::Sitemap
- Search::Sitemap::URL(3) - URL Helper class for Search::Sitemap
- Search::Sitemap::URLStore(3) - Abstract base class for Search::Sitemap URL stores
- Search::Sitemap::URLStore::Memory(3) - Search::Sitemap in-memory URL store
- SEARCHD(8) - Sphinxsearch network daemon.
- seatd(1) - A seat management daemon
- seatd-launch(1) - Start a process with its own seatd instance
- SEAVIEW(1) - a multiplatform, graphical user interface for multiple sequence alignment and molecular phylogeny.
- seccure(1) - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
- SECHASH(3) - cryptographically secure hashes
- SECMOD.DB(5) - Legacy NSS security modules database
- SECRET-TOOL(1) - Store and retrieve passwords
- SECSTORE(1) - secstore commands
- SECSTORED(1) - secstore commands
- SECTOK(1) - communicate with smartcards using iso7816
- SECTOK(3) - library for communicating with ISO 7816 smartcards
- SECURELEVEL_GT(9) - test active securelevel
- SECURE-LOGGING(7) - Forward integrity and confidentiality for system logs
- SECURITY(7) - introduction to security under FreeBSD
- Security::TLSCheck(3) - Application for checking server's TLS capability
- Security::TLSCheck::App(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::App::DomainFilter(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::App::Parallel(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks(3) - Base class for all checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::AgeDE(3) - Checks, if a host has an age-de.xml file
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::CipherStrength(3) - Check Strength of CipherSuites and SSL/TLS Version
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::CipherStrengthOnlyValidCerts(3) - Check Strength of CipherSuites and SSL/TLS Version, but only for domains with valid certficates
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::DNS(3) - Basic DNS Checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Dummy(3) - Simple dummy check as example
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::FinalScore(3) - Creates a summary score out of the other tests
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Heartbleed(3) - Heartbleed checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Helper::MX(3) - Get all MX, cache if already checked, ...
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Helper::Timing(3) - Timing helpers for run_check
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Mail(3) - Checks mailservers for TLS capability
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::MailCipherStrength(3) - Checks mailservers for supported CipherSuites
- Security::TLSCheck::Checks::Web(3) - (Basic) HTTP and HTTPS Checks
- Security::TLSCheck::Result(3)
- Security::TLSCheck::Result::CSV(3)
- SECURITY_FAKE_CERTVERIFY(8) - A fake cert validation helper for Squid
- security_file_certgen(8) - SSL certificate generator for Squid.
- SED(nged) - Places MGED directly into the primitive edit mode.
- seek(n) - Change the access position for an open channel
- SEEWBMP(1) - Convert a WBMP wireless bitmap to textual format
- SEGMENT(1) - segmentation based on signal structure
- SEGYIO-CATB(1) - Concatenate SEG-Y binary header and print on seismic unix format
- SEGYIO-CATH(1) - Concatenate SEG-Y text headers and print on the standard output
- SEGYIO-CATR(1) - Print selected headers from FILE
- SEGYIO-CROP(1) - Copy a sub cube from SRC to DST
- SELECT(7) - retrieve rows from a table or view
- select_mouse_cursor(3) - Tells Allegro to select software or hardware cursor drawing.
- select_palette(3) - Sets the internal palette for color conversion. Allegro game programming library.
- selection(n) - Manipulate the X selection
- Selective(3) - Reload perl modules during development
- SelectLayers(3) - Perl extension for selectable HTML layers
- SelectSaver(3) - save and restore selected file handle
- SELECTWM(1x) - select a window manager at X startup
- Selenium::ActionChains(3) - Action chains for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::CanStartBinary(3) - Teach a WebDriver how to start its own binary aka no JRE!
- Selenium::CanStartBinary::FindBinary(3) - Coercions for finding webdriver binaries on your system
- Selenium::CanStartBinary::ProbePort(3) - Utility functions for finding open ports to eventually bind to
- Selenium::Chrome(3) - Use ChromeDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Edge(3) - Use EdgeDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Firefox(3) - Use FirefoxDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Firefox::Binary(3) - Subroutines for locating and properly initializing the Firefox Binary
- Selenium::Firefox::Profile(3) - Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::InternetExplorer(3) - A convenience package for creating a IE instance
- Selenium::PhantomJS(3) - Use GhostDriver without a Selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::Commands(3) - Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver for use with webdriver 2
- Selenium::Remote::Driver(3) - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
- Selenium::Remote::Driver::CanSetWebdriverContext(3) - Customize the webdriver context prefix for various drivers
- Selenium::Remote::Driver::Firefox::Profile(3) - Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::ErrorHandler(3) - Error handler for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::Finders(3) - Handle construction of generic parameter finders
- Selenium::Remote::Mock::Commands(3) - utility class to mock Selenium::Remote::Commands
- Selenium::Remote::Mock::RemoteConnection(3) - utility class to mock the responses from Selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::RemoteConnection(3) - Connect to a selenium server
- Selenium::Remote::Spec(3) - Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver
- Selenium::Remote::WDKeys(3) - Representation of keystrokes used by Selenium::Remote::WebDriver
- Selenium::Remote::WebElement(3) - Representation of an HTML Element used by Selenium Remote Driver
- Selenium::Waiter(3) - Provides a utility wait_until function
- self(n) - method call internal introspection
- self::init(3) - Invoke package init methods at compile time
- SelfLoader(3) - load functions only on demand
- SELRECORD(9) - record and wakeup select requests
- SEM(4) - POSIX semaphores
- SEM_DESTROY(3) - destroy an unnamed semaphore
- SEM_GETVALUE(3) - get the value of a semaphore
- SEM_INIT(3) - initialize an unnamed semaphore
- SEM_OPEN(3) - named semaphore operations
- SEM_POST(3) - increment (unlock) a semaphore
- SEM_TIMEDWAIT(3) - lock a semaphore
- SEM_WAIT(3) - decrement (lock) a semaphore
- SEMA(9) - kernel counting semaphore
- SEMANTIK(1) - a mindmapping-like tool
- SemaphoreSet(3) - efficient set of counting semaphores
- SEMCORFREQ(1) - Compute Information Content from SemCor sense-tagged corpus
- SEMCORRAWFREQ(1) - Compute Information Content from SemCor corpus (raw form, without using sense-tags)
- SEMCTL(2) - control operations on a semaphore set
- SEMGET(2) - obtain a semaphore id
- SEMOP(2) - atomic array of operations on a semaphore set
- send(n) - Execute a command in a different application
- send_nsca.cfg(5) - NSCA-ng client configuration file
- send_nsca(8) - send monitoring commands to NSCA-ng server
- send_osc(1) - Sends a single OSC message
- SENDFAX(1) - submit a facsimile job for transmission
- sendfax(8) - send group 3 fax files (G3 files) with a class 2 faxmodem
- SENDFD(3) - pass file descriptors along Unix domain sockets
- SENDFILE(2) - send a file to a socket
- SENDFILES(1) - send multiple files by MIME message with nmh
- SEND-IHAVE(8) - Send ihave control messages to remote sites
- SENDINPATHS(8) - Send Usenet Path header field statistics via e-mail
- SENDIP(1) - Send arbitrary IP packets
- SENDMAIL(1) - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
- SENDMAIL(8) - an electronic mail transport agent
- Sendmail::AccessDB(3) - An interface to the Sendmail access.db list
- SEND-NNTP(8) - Send Usenet articles to remote sites
- SENDPAGE(1) - submit a pager job for transmission
- SEND-PR(1) - submit a GNATS Problem Report (PR) to a support site
- SENDSIG(3PVM) - Sends a signal to another PVM process.
- sendsms(1) - command line tool to send SMSes using gnokii
- SEND-UUCP(8) - Send Usenet articles via UUCP
- SENDXMPP(1) - send xmpp messages from the commandline.
- Senna::Constants(3) - Constant Values In libsenna
- Senna::Index(3) - Interface to Senna's Index
- Senna::OptArg::Select(3) - Wrapper Around sen_select_optarg
- Senna::OptArg::Sort(3) - Wrapper Around sen_sort_optarg
- Senna::Query(3) - Wrapper Around sen_query
- Senna::RC(3) - Wrapper for sen_rc
- Senna::Record(3) - Senna Search Record
- Senna::Records(3) - Wrapper for sen_records Data Type
- Senna::Set(3) - Wrapper Around sen_set
- Senna::Snippet(3) - Wrapper Around sen_snip
- Senna::Symbol(3) - Wrapper Around sen_sym
- Senna::Values(3) - Wrapper Around sen_values
- SENSEIDX(5WN) - WordNet's sense index
- Sepia(3) - Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
- Sepia::Xref(3) - Generates cross reference database for use by Perl programs.
- SEPL(1)
- seq_trace(3) - Sequential tracing of information transfers.
- seq2(1) - A clone of unix known program called "seq"
- SEQ2RAST(1) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to raster images via GD
- seq2rast(3) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to raster images via GD
- SEQ2SVG(1) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to svg
- seq2svg(3) - a script to convert xml sequence diagrams to svg
- SEQC(9) - lockless read algorithm
- SEQDIAG(1) - generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.
- Sequin(3) - Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
- ser2net(8) - Serial to network proxy
- SERDI(1) - Read and write RDF syntax
- Sereal::Decoder(3) - Fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
- Sereal::Encoder(3) - Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
- Sereal::Performance(3) - Getting the most out of the Perl-Sereal implementation
- Serialiser::Error(3) - dummy module for Types::Serialiser
- SerialPort(3) - Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions.
- serialqmtp(1) - blast files across QMTP
- serialsmtp(1) - blast files across SMTP
- SERIALVER(1) - return the
- SERROR(3PVM) - Sets automatic error message printing on or off.
- Server::Relay(3) - A simple relay module for Net::SMTP::Server.
- Server::Starter(3) - a superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
- SERVER-STATUS(1) - a script to show the status of the local server
- servertool(1)
- SERVICES(5) - service name data base
- SERVICES_MKDB(8) - generate the services database
- Servlet::Config(3) - configuration super interface
- Servlet::Filter(3) - filter interface
- Servlet::FilterChain(3) - filter chain interface
- Servlet::FilterConfig(3) - filter configuration interface
- Servlet::GenericServlet(3) - Servlet base class
- Servlet::Http::Cookie(3) - HTTP cookie class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServlet(3) - HTTP servlet base class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletRequest(3) - HTTP servlet request interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletRequestWrapper(3) - HTTP servlet request wrapper class
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletResponse(3) - HTTP servlet response interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpServletResponseWrapper(3) - HTTP servlet response wrapper class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSession(3) - HTTP session interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionActivationListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionAttributesListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionBindingEvent(3) - session binding event class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionBindingListener(3) - session binding listener interface
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionEvent(3) - session event base class
- Servlet::Http::HttpSessionListener(3) - session listener interface
- Servlet::RequestDispatcher(3) - request dispatcher interface
- Servlet::Servlet(3) - servlet interface
- Servlet::ServletConfig(3) - servlet configuration interface
- Servlet::ServletContext(3) - servlet context interface
- Servlet::ServletContextAttributeEvent(3) - servlet context attribute event class
- Servlet::ServletContextAttributeListener(3) - context attribute listener interface
- Servlet::ServletContextEvent(3) - servlet context event class
- Servlet::ServletContextListener(3) - context listener interface
- Servlet::ServletException(3) - general servlet exception
- Servlet::ServletInputStream(3) - servlet input stream interface
- Servlet::ServletOutputStream(3) - servlet output stream interface
- Servlet::ServletRequest(3) - servlet request interface
- Servlet::ServletRequestWrapper(3) - servlet request wrapper class
- Servlet::ServletResponse(3) - servlet response interface
- Servlet::ServletResponseWrapper(3) - servlet response wrapper class
- Servlet::SingleThreadModel(3) - serialized servlet access interface
- Servlet::UnavailableException(3) - servlet unavailability exception
- Servlet::Util::Event(3) - event base class
- Servlet::Util::Exception(3) - exception base class
- Servlet::Util::Principal(3) - security principal interface
- SES(4) - SCSI Environmental Services driver
- sesman.ini(5) - Configuration file for
- SESS_ID(1) - SSL/TLS session handling utility
- Session::Storage::Secure(3) - Encrypted, expiring, compressed, serialized session data with integrity
- Session::Token(3) - Secure, efficient, simple random session token generation
- SessionX(3) - An extented persistence framework for session data
- SessionX::Generate::MD5(3) - Use MD5 to create random object IDs
- SESSLOG(1) - Creates session logs for use with httperf from webserver log files
- SESSREG(1) - manage utmpx/wtmpx entries for non-init clients
- SESUTIL(8) - Utility for managing SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device
- Set::Array(3) - Arrays as objects with lots of handy methods
- Set::ConsistentHash(3) - library for doing consistent hashing
- Set::CrossProduct(3) - work with the cross product of two or more sets
- Set::Infinite(3) - Sets of intervals
- Set::Infinite::_recurrence(3) - Extends Set::Infinite with recurrence functions
- Set::Infinite::Arithmetic(3)
- Set::Infinite::Basic(3) - Sets of intervals 6 =head1 SYNOPSIS
- Set::IntSpan::Fast(3) - Fast handling of sets containing integer spans.
- Set::IntSpan::Fast::PP(3) - Pure Perl implementation.
- Set::IntSpan::Fast::XS(3) - Faster Set::IntSpan::Fast
- Set::Object::Weak(3) - Sets without the referant reference increment
- Set::Scalar::Base(3) - base class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Null(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Real(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Scalar::Universe(3) - universes for set members
- Set::Scalar::Valued(3) - valued sets
- Set::Scalar::ValuedUniverse(3) - universes for valued set members
- Set::Scalar::Virtual(3) - internal class for Set::Scalar
- Set::Tiny(3) - Simple sets of strings
- set_add_blender(3) - Enables an additive blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_allegro_resource_path(3) - Sets a specific resource search path. Allegro game programming library.
- set_alpha_blender(3) - Enables a special alpha-channel blending mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode(3) - Specifies a custom set of truecolor blender routines. Allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode_ex(3) - An even more complex version of set_blender_mode(). Allegro game programming library.
- set_burn_blender(3) - Enables a burn blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_rect(3) - Sets the clipping rectangle of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_state(3) - Turns on or off the clipping of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- set_close_button_callback(3) - Handles the user clicking on the close button of the window. Allegro game programming library.
- SET_COLOR(1) - set the terminal color
- set_color_blender(3) - Enables a color blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_color_conversion(3) - Tells Allegro how to convert images during loading time.
- set_color_depth(3) - Sets the global pixel color depth. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_data(3) - Sets a block of configuration data. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_file(3) - Sets the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_float(3) - Writes a float in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_hex(3) - Writes a hexadecimal integer in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_id(3) - Writes a driver ID in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_int(3) - Writes an integer in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- set_config_string(3) - Writes a string in the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.
- SET_CONSTRAINT_HANDLER_S(3) - runtime-constraint violation handling
- set_context_attachment(3) - 32), math.random(VRESH - 32), 500); endend
- set_dialog_color(3) - Sets the colors of an array of dialog objects. Allegro game programming library.
- set_difference_blender(3) - Enables a difference blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_callback(3) - Installs a switching notification callback. Allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_mode(3) - Tells Allegro how the program handles background switching.
- set_dissolve_blender(3) - Enables a dissolve blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_dodge_blender(3) - Enables a dodge blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_filename_encoding(3) - Sets the encoding to use for filenames. Allegro game programming library.
- set_gfx_mode(3) - Sets a graphic video mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_hardware_volume(3) - Alters the hardware sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- set_hue_blender(3) - Enables a hue blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_image_as_frame(3)
- set_invert_blender(3) - Enables an invert blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_keyboard_rate(3) - Sets the keyboard repeat rate. Allegro game programming library.
- set_led(3)
- set_led_rgb(3)
- set_leds(3) - Sets the state of the keyboard LED indicators. Allegro game programming library.
- set_luminance_blender(3) - Enables a luminance blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_cursor_bitmap(3) - Changes the image Allegro uses for mouse cursors.
- set_mouse_range(3) - Sets the area of the screen restricting mouse movement. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_speed(3) - Sets the mouse speed. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite(3) - Sets the mouse sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite_focus(3) - Sets the mouse sprite focus. Allegro game programming library.
- set_multiply_blender(3) - Enables a multiply blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_palette(3) - Sets the entire palette of 256 colors. Allegro game programming library.
- set_palette_range(3) - Sets a specific range of the palette. Allegro game programming library.
- set_projection_viewport(3) - Sets the viewport used to scale the output of persp_project(). Allegro game programming library.
- set_saturation_blender(3) - Enables a saturation blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_screen_blender(3) - Enables a screen blender mode. Allegro game programming library.
- SET_SHOW_SERVICE(1) - enable or disable a service for the current user
- set_sound_input_source(3) - Selects the audio input source. Allegro game programming library.
- set_trans_blender(3) - Enables a truecolor blender. Allegro game programming library.
- set_ucodepage(3) - Sets 8-bit to Unicode conversion tables. Allegro game programming library.
- set_uformat(3) - Set the global current text encoding format. Allegro game programming library.
- SET_UNICHARSET_PROPE(1) - set properties about the unichars
- set_volume(3) - Alters the global sound output volume. Allegro game programming library.
- set_volume_per_voice(3) - Sets the volume of a voice. Allegro game programming library.
- set_write_alpha_blender(3) - Enables the special alpha-channel editing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- set_zbuffer(3) - Makes the given Z-buffer the active one. Allegro game programming library.
- SETARCH(8) - change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
- SETAUDIT(2) - set audit session state
- SETAUDIT(8) - specify audit configurations on a process
- SETAUID(2) - set audit session ID
- SETBUF(3) - stream buffering operations
- SETCAP(8) - set file capabilities
- SETFACL(1) - set ACL information
- SETFIB(1) - execute a utility with an altered default network view
- SETFIB(2) - set the default FIB (routing table) for the calling process
- SETFMAC(8) - set MAC label for a file system object
- setforward(1) - create a forwarding database
- SETFSMAC(8) - set MAC label for a file hierarchy
- SETGROUPS(2) - set group access list
- seticons(1) - sets the icon images used in Window Maker
- SETKEY(8) - manually manipulate the IPsec SA/SP database
- SETLOCALE(3) - natural language formatting for C
- setlock(1) - run a program with a file locked
- setlock(8) - runs another program with a file locked.
- setmaillist(1) - create a binary mailing list
- setmclk(1) - adjust the memory timing of certain Cirrus cards.
- SETMODE(3) - modify mode bits
- SETMWID(3PVM) - Get or set wait ID of a message.
- SETOPT(3PVM) - Sets libpvm options.
- setpci(8) - configure PCI devices
- SETPDFBACKGROUND(1) - Apply a background color to a PDF page
- setpdfmetadata(1) - PDF Metadata Updater
- SETPDFPAGE(1) - Replace a page of PDF layout
- SETPGID(2) - set process group
- SETPGRP(1) - set process group ID and session ID
- SETPMAC(8) - run a command with a different MAC process label
- SETPRIV(1) - run a program with different Linux privilege settings
- SETPROCTITLE(3) - set process title
- SETRBUF(3PVM) - Switches the active receive buffer and saves the previous buffer.
- SETREGID(2) - set real and effective group ID
- SETRESUID(2) - get or set real, effective and saved user or group ID
- SETREUID(2) - set real and effective user ID's
- SETRUID(3) - set user and group ID
- SETSBUF(3PVM) - Switches the active send buffer.
- SETSERIAL(8) - get/set Linux serial port information
- SETSID(1) - run a program in a new session
- SETSID(2) - create session and set process group ID
- setstyle(1) - set style related options for Window Maker or loads a theme
- SETTERM(1) - set terminal attributes
- SETTIME(1XNX) - (XENIX) change the access and modification dates of files
- SETTMASK(3PVM) - Get or set trace mask of a task or its children.
- SETUID(1) - run a command with a different uid.
- SETUID(2) - set user and group ID
- setuidgid(8) - runs another program under a specified account's uid and gid.
- setup.types(5) - epm gui setup types file format.
- SETUP-BASH-COMPLETE(1) - Use in .bashrc to setup bash-complete
- SETUP-PLT(1) - compatibility Racket setup tool
- SETVIEW(nged) - Sets the current view in MGED by specifying rotation angles (in degrees) about the
- SETXKBMAP(1) - set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
- SETZER(1) - simple yet full-featured LaTeX editor
- SEX(6) - spout silly, random porn-like text
- SEXTRACTOR(1) - extract a source catalog from an astronomical FITS image
- SF_BUF(9) - manage temporary kernel address space mapping for memory pages
- sf_cfg(3) - functions to read and parse configuration files
- sf_cgi(3)
- sf_file(3) - file positions indicator handling
- sf_fmt(3) - template formatting functions.
- sf_mem(3)
- sf_mime(3) - MIME recoding functions
- sf_misc(3)
- sf_sbuf(3) - smart buffers manipulation functions
- sf_sed(3) - string editor
- sf_split(3) - split and join functions
- sf_svect(3) - string vector manipulation functions
- sf_time(3) - date and time conversions.
- sf2dump(1) - Parses SoundFont v2 (.sf2) files and prints out the content.
- sf2extract(1) - Extract samples from SoundFont version 2 (.sf2) files.
- SFCONV(1) - A tool for converting the encoding of Standard Format (SF) files
- SFCONVERT(1) - convert audio files
- SFDDIFF(1) - compare two font files
- SFDISK(8) - partition table manipulator for Linux
- SFEED(1) - RSS and Atom parser
- SFEED(5) - feed format
- SFEED_ATOM(1) - format feed data to an Atom feed
- SFEED_FRAMES(1) - format feed data to HTML with frames
- SFEED_GOPHER(1) - format feed data to Gopher files
- SFEED_HTML(1) - format feed data to HTML
- SFEED_MBOX(1) - format feed data to mboxrd
- SFEED_OPML_EXPORT(1) - export feeds in a sfeedrc file to OPML data
- SFEED_OPML_IMPORT(1) - generate a sfeedrc config file from an OPML subscription list
- SFEED_PLAIN(1) - format feed data to a plain-text list
- SFEED_TWTXT(1) - format feed data to a twtxt feed
- SFEED_UPDATE(1) - update feeds and merge with old feeds
- SFEED_WEB(1) - finds URLs to feeds from a HTML webpage
- SFEED_XMLENC(1) - get text-encoding from XML
- SFEEDRC(5) - sfeed_update(1) configuration file
- sff2g3(1) - convert CAPI SFF fax files into G3 fax files
- SFILL(1) - secure free disk and inode space wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
- SFIND(1L) - find files
- SFINFO(1) - display information about audio files
- sFlow(3) - decode sFlow datagrams
- sfm(1) - simple file manager
- SFPARSE(1) - string file parse
- SFTPCACHE(1) - cache sftp connections
- SFTPGO(1) - Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server
- SFTPGO-GEN(1) - A collection of useful generators
- SFTPGO-GEN-COMPLETION(1) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- SFTPGO-GEN-COMPLETION-BASH(1) - Generate the autocompletion script for bash
- SFTPGO-GEN-COMPLETION-FISH(1) - Generate the autocompletion script for fish
- SFTPGO-GEN-COMPLETION-POWERSHELL(1) - Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
- SFTPGO-GEN-COMPLETION-ZSH(1) - Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
- SFTPGO-GEN-MAN(1) - Generate man pages for sftpgo
- SFTPGO-INITPROVIDER(1) - Initialize and/or updates the configured data provider
- SFTPGO-PORTABLE(1) - Serve a single directory/account
- SFTPGO-RESETPROVIDER(1) - Reset the configured provider, any data will be lost
- SFTPGO-REVERTPROVIDER(1) - Revert the configured data provider to a previous version
- SFTPGO-SERVE(1) - Start the SFTPGo service
- SFTPGO-SMTPTEST(1) - Test the SMTP configuration
- SFTPGO-STARTSUBSYS(1) - Use sftpgo as SFTP file transfer subsystem
- SFTP-SERVER(8) - OpenSSH SFTP server subsystem
- SFXGE(4) - Solarflare 10Gb Ethernet adapter driver
- sg_comp_init(3) - managing system statistics delivery
- SG_DECODE_SENSE(8) - decode SCSI sense and related data
- SG_FORMAT(8) - format, format with preset, resize SCSI disk; format tape
- sg_get_cpu_stats(3) - get cpu usage
- sg_get_disk_io_stats(3) - get disk io statistics
- sg_get_error(3) - get last error status
- sg_get_fs_stats(3) - get file system statistics
- sg_get_host_info(3) - get general operating system statistics
- SG_GET_LBA_STATUS(8) - send SCSI GET LBA STATUS(16 or 32) command
- sg_get_load_stats(3) - get system load
- sg_get_mem_stats(3) - get VM statistics
- sg_get_network_iface_stats(3) - get network interface statistics
- sg_get_network_io_stats(3) - get network statistics
- sg_get_page_stats(3) - get paging statistics
- sg_get_process_stats(3) - get process statistics
- sg_get_user_stats(3) - get the current logged in users
- SG_INQ(8) - issue SCSI INQUIRY command and/or decode its response
- sg_internal-intro(3) - get system statistics
- sg_intro(3) - get system statistics
- sg_lock_mutex(3) - guard not MT-safe system API
- SG_LOGS(8) - access log pages with SCSI LOG SENSE command
- SG_LUNS(8) - send SCSI REPORT LUNS command or decode given LUN
- SG_MODES(8) - reads mode pages with SCSI MODE SENSE command
- SG_OPCODES(8) - report supported SCSI commands or task management functions
- SG_PERSIST(8) - use SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE command to access registrations and reservations
- SG_RAW(8) - send arbitrary SCSI command to a device
- SG_RDAC(8) - display or modify SCSI RDAC Redundant Controller mode page
- SG_READ_LONG(8) - send a SCSI READ LONG command
- SG_REP_ZONES(8) - send SCSI REPORT ZONES command
- SG_REQUESTS(8) - send one or more SCSI REQUEST SENSE commands
- SG_SAFTE(8) - access SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE) device
- SG_SANITIZE(8) - remove all user data from disk with SCSI SANITIZE command
- SG_SAT_IDENTIFY(8) - send ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE command via SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) layer
- SG_SAT_PHY_EVENT(8) - use ATA READ LOG EXT via a SAT pass-through to fetch SATA phy event counters
- SG_SAT_READ_GPLOG(8) - use ATA READ LOG EXT command via a SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) layer
- SG_SAT_SET_FEATURES(8) - use ATA SET FEATURES command via a SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) layer
- SG_SEEK(8) - send SCSI SEEK, PRE-FETCH(10) or PRE-FETCH(16) command
- SG_SENDDIAG(8) - performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command
- SG_SES(8) - access a SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device
- SG_SES_MICROCODE(8) - send microcode to a SCSI enclosure
- sg_set_error(3) - sets the error condition
- SG_START(8) - send SCSI START STOP UNIT command: start, stop, load or eject medium
- SG_TIMESTAMP(8) - report or set timestamp on SCSI device
- SG_TURS(8) - send one or more SCSI TEST UNIT READY commands
- SG_UNMAP(8) - send SCSI UNMAP command (known as 'trim' in ATA specs)
- sg_vector_create(3) - statgrab vector management
- SG_VERIFY(8) - invoke SCSI VERIFY command(s) on a block device
- SG_VPD(8) - fetch SCSI VPD page and/or decode its response
- SG_WR_MODE(8) - write (modify) SCSI mode page
- SG_WRITE_LONG(8) - send SCSI WRITE LONG command
- SG_WRITE_SAME(8) - send SCSI WRITE SAME command
- SG3_UTILS(8) - a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands
- sgbmv.f(3)
- sgbtf2.f(3)
- SGDISK(8) - Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator for Linux and Unix
- SGE(4) - Silicon Integrated Systems SiS190/191 Fast/Gigabit Ethernet driver
- sgebd2.f(3)
- sgehd2.f(3)
- sgelqt.f(3)
- sgelqt3.f(3)
- sgemlqt.f(3)
- sgemm.f(3)
- sgemv.f(3)
- sgeql2.f(3)
- sgeqr2p.f(3)
- sger.f(3)
- sgerq2.f(3)
- sgesc2.f(3)
- sgetc2.f(3)
- SGETU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- sgf2tex(1)
- SGI2FAX(1) - convert a Silicon Graphics image file for facsimile transmission
- SGLIST(9) - manage a scatter/gather list of physical memory addresses
- SGML::DTDParse(3) - Parse an SGML or XML DTD
- SGML::DTDParse::DTD(3) - Parse an SGML or XML DTD.
- SGML::DTDParse::Util(3) - DTDParse utility routines.
- SGML::Parser::OpenSP(3) - Parse SGML documents using OpenSP
- SGML::Parser::OpenSP::Tools(3) - Tools to process OpenSP output
- SGML2HTML(1) - create HTML output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- SGML2INFO(1) - create GNU info output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- SGML2LATEX(1) - create LaTeX, DVI, PostScript or PDF output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- SGML2LYX(1) - create LyX output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- SGML2RTF(1) - create RTF output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- SGML2TXT(1) - create plain text output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
- sgml2xml-isoent(1) - Convert SGML to XML with support for ISO entities
- SGMLCHECK(1) - check the syntax of an LinuxDoc DTD sgml source file
- SGMLDIFF(1) - Find differences in the markup of two SGML files
- SGMLFMT(1) - manipulates ESIS from parsed SGML instance
- SGMLPRE(1) - handle SGML conditionalization for SGML-tools
- SGMLS(1) - a validating SGML parser
- SGMLSASP(1) - translate output of sgmls using ASP replacement files
- SGREP(1) - search a file for a structured pattern
- SGROW(1L) - run a stack grow test
- sgsvj0.f(3)
- sgsvj1.f(3)
- sgtts2.f(3)
- sh5util(1) - Tool for merging HDF5 files from the acct_gather_profile plugin that gathers detailed data for jobs running under Slurm
- sha(n) - Message digest "sha"
- sha1(n) - Message digest "sha1"
- sha1_otp(n) - Message digest "sha1_otp"
- SHA1-HASHCASH(1) - Secure Hash Algorithm (version 1) hash function
- SHA1SUM(1) - compute and check SHA1 message digest
- SHA224SUM(1) - compute and check SHA224 message digest
- SHA256_INIT(3) - Secure Hash Algorithm
- SHA256_INIT(3ossl) - Secure Hash Algorithm
- SHA256SUM(1) - compute and check SHA256 message digest
- SHA384SUM(1) - compute and check SHA384 message digest
- SHA3SUM(1) - Print or Check SHA-3 Checksums
- SHA512SUM(1) - compute and check SHA512 message digest
- SHAAFT(6) - Falling block game resembling Blockout
- shadebobs(6) - oscillating vapor trails.
- SHADER(nged) - Assigns shader parameters to the specified combination.
- shader_ugroup(3)
- shader_uniform(3)
- SHADOWSOCKS-LIBEV(8) - a lightweight and secure socks5 proxy
- shairport-sync(7) - Synchronised Audio Player for iTunes / AirPlay
- shape(n) - Set/update/query shaped window information
- Shape_MoveShape(3) - apply a shaping to a window
- Shape_QueryVersion(3) - get info about a shaping or the shaping subsystem
- SHAPECLUSTERING(1) - shape clustering training for Tesseract
- SHAR(1) - create a shell archive of files
- SHARD.YML(5) - metadata for projects managed by shards(1)
- SHARDS(1) - dependency manager for the Crystal Language
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::API(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Client(3) - used for testing and as example
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture(3) - used for testing to provide test fixtures
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::access_denied(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::bucket_already_exists(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::bucket_not_empty(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::http_bad_request(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::invalid_bucket_name(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::invalid_object_state(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::no_such_bucket(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::error::no_such_key(3) - Shared::Examples providing error fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::request::bucket_create_ca_central_1(3) - Shared::Examples providing request fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::acl(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_delete_quiet_without_errors(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_google_cloud_storage(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_delimiter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_filter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_filter_truncated(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::bucket_objects_list_v1_with_prefix_and_delimiter(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::create_multipart_upload_with_success(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::http_ok_empty(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::service_list_buckets_with_owner_displayname(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::response::service_list_buckets_without_owner_displayname(3) - Shared::Examples providing response fixture
- Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request(3) - used for testing and as example
- SHARESEC(1) - Set or get share ACLs
- Shark(3) - Crypt::CBC compliant block cipher
- sharpconstruct(1) - Interactive 3D modeling package
- SHASUM(1) - Print or Check SHA Checksums
- shc(1) - Generic shell script compiler
- SHCOMP(1) - compile a shell script
- shed(1) - eg. if you are in the hex column, it will ask for the new value in hex.
- sheerdns(8) - master DNS server
- SHELL(nged) - Separates the specified NMG shape into its constituent shells.
- Shell::Command(3) - Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands
- Shell::Config::Generate(3) - Portably generate config for any shell
- Shell::EnvImporter(3) - Perl extension for importing environment variable changes from external commands or shell scripts
- Shell::EnvImporter::Result(3) - Results of a Shell::EnvImporter run
- Shell::EnvImporter::Shell(3) - Shell abstraction for Shell::EnvImporter
- Shell::GetEnv(3) - extract the environment from a shell after executing commands
- Shell::GetEnv::Dumper(3) - store and retrieve environment
- Shell::Guess(3) - Make an educated guess about the shell in use
- Shell::Parser(3) - Simple shell script parser
- Shell::Perl(3) - A read-eval-print loop in Perl
- Shell::Perl::Dumper(3) - Dumpers for Shell::Perl
- shell_default(3) - Customizing the Erlang environment.
- shell_docs(3) - Functions used to render EEP-48 style documentation for a shell.
- SHELLCHECK(1) - Shell script analysis tool
- SHELLDAP(1) - A program for interacting with an LDAP server via a shell-like interface
- SHELLINABOXD(1) - publish command line shell through AJAX interface
- Shellish(3) - Shell-like regular expressions
- ShellQuote(3) - quote strings for passing through the shell
- SHELL-QUOTE(1) - quote arguments for safe use, unmodified in a shell command
- SHELLS(5) - shell database
- shellsnoop(1m) - snoop live shell activity. Uses DTrace.
- Shellwords(3)
- shfmt(1) - Format shell programs
- ShiftReg(3) - Bit Shift Registers with Rotate / Shift Operations
- SHIPIT(1) - Executable for ShipIt
- ShipIt(3) - software release tool
- ShipIt::Conf(3)
- ShipIt::ProjectType(3) - abstract base class for different types of projects
- ShipIt::State(3) - holds state between steps
- ShipIt::Step(3) - a unit of work to be done prior to a release
- ShipIt::Step::AddToSVNDir(3) - copies/adds/commits distfile to local (svn) directory
- ShipIt::Step::Manifest(3) - ShipIt step for recreating the MANIFEST
- ShipIt::VC(3)
- ShipIt::VC::Git(3)
- ShipIt::VC::Mercurial(3)
- ShipIt::VC::SVK(3)
- ShipIt::VC::SVN(3)
- SHISA(1) - Shishi database interface
- shisa(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_db(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_default_systemfile(3) - API function
- shisa_cfg_from_file(3) - API function
- shisa_done(3) - API function
- shisa_enumerate_principals(3) - API function
- shisa_enumerate_realms(3) - API function
- shisa_info(3) - API function
- shisa_init(3) - API function
- shisa_init_with_paths(3) - API function
- shisa_key_add(3) - API function
- shisa_key_free(3) - API function
- shisa_key_remove(3) - API function
- shisa_key_update(3) - API function
- shisa_keys_find(3) - API function
- shisa_keys_free(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_add(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_find(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_remove(3) - API function
- shisa_principal_update(3) - API function
- shisa_strerror(3) - API function
- shishi(3) - API function
- shishi_3des(3) - API function
- shishi_aes_cts(3) - API function
- shishi_ap(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumraw_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_authenticator_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_done(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_encapreppart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_etype_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_key(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_nosubkey(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_option2string(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_rep_verify_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_decode(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_process(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_process_keyusage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptions(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsasn1usage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsraw(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_string2option(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptions(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsasn1usage(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsdata(3) - API function
- shishi_ap_tktoptionsraw(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_print(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_read(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_save(3) - API function
- shishi_aprep_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_add_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_get_authenticator_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_get_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_mutual_required_p(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_add(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_options_set(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_print(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_read(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_save(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_set_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_set_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_apreq_use_session_key_p(3) - API function
- shishi_arcfour(3) - API function
- shishi_as(3) - API function
- shishi_as_check_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_as_check_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_as_derive_salt(3) - API function
- shishi_as_done(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_krberror_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_process(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_process(3) - API function
- shishi_as_rep_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_as_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_as_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_as_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_as_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_done(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encasreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encrypteddata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_etype_info(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_etype_info2(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_krbsafe(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_msgtype(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_pa_enc_ts_enc(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_print(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read_inline(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_read_optional(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_to_der(3) - API function
- shishi_asn1_to_der_field(3) - API function
- shishi_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_asreq_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_cksum_type(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_add_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_clear_authorizationdata(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_client(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cusec_get(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_get_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_print(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_read(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_remove_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_save(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_get(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_set(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_set_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_subkey(3) - API function
- shishi_authenticator_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_authorization_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_authorize_k5login(3) - API function
- shishi_authorize_strcmp(3) - API function
- shishi_authorized_p(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_authorizationtype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_set(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_systemfile(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_userdirectory(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_default_userfile(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_print(3) - API function
- shishi_cfg_userdirectory_file(3) - API function
- shishi_check_version(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_cksumlen(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_name(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_checksum_supported_p(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_blocksize(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_confoundersize(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_defaultcksumtype(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_keylen(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_name(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_randomlen(3) - API function
- shishi_cipher_supported_p(3) - API function
- shishi_crc(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_close(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_decrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_crypto_encrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_iv(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_iv_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_ivupdate(3) - API function
- shishi_decrypt_ivupdate_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_der_msgtype(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_aprep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_apreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_asrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_asreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_authenticator(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encasreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_enctgsreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_etype_info(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_etype_info2(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_kdcrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_kdcreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_krbsafe(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_der2asn1_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_derive_default_salt(3) - API function
- shishi_des(3) - API function
- shishi_des_cbc_mac(3) - API function
- shishi_dk(3) - API function
- shishi_done(3) - API function
- shishi_dr(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_cusec_get(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_print(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_read(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_save(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_get(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_time_copy(3) - API function
- shishi_encapreppart_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_authtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_endtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_nonce_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_populate_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_renew_till_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_sname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_srealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_enckdcreppart_starttime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encprivpart_set_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_encprivpart_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_iv(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_iv_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_ivupdate(3) - API function
- shishi_encrypt_ivupdate_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_authtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_client(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_cname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_crealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_endtime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_get_key(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_encticketpart_transited_set(3) - API function
- shishi_error(3) - API function
- shishi_error_clear(3) - API function
- shishi_error_outputtype(3) - API function
- shishi_error_printf(3) - API function
- shishi_error_set(3) - API function
- shishi_error_set_outputtype(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_now(3) - API function
- shishi_generalize_time(3) - API function
- shishi_hmac_md5(3) - API function
- shishi_hmac_sha1(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_localservice(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_localservicerealm(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_hostkeys_for_serverrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_info(3) - API function
- shishi_init(3) - API function
- shishi_init_server(3) - API function
- shishi_init_server_with_paths(3) - API function
- shishi_init_with_paths(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_check_nonce(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_copy_nonce(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_process(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_kdc_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_add_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_clear_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_cname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_crealm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_get_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_print(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_read(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_save(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_set_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcrep_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_preauth(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_allow_postdate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_clear_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_client(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_disable_transited_check_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_enc_tkt_in_skey_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_forwardable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_forwarded_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_get_padata(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_get_padata_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_nonce_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options_add(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_options_set(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_postdated_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_print(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_proxiable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_proxy_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_read(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renew_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renewable_ok_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_renewable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_save(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_server(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_set_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_till(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_tillc(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_kdcreq_validate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_key(3) - API function
- shishi_key_copy(3) - API function
- shishi_key_done(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_base64(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_name(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_random(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_string(3) - API function
- shishi_key_from_value(3) - API function
- shishi_key_length(3) - API function
- shishi_key_name(3) - API function
- shishi_key_principal(3) - API function
- shishi_key_principal_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_print(3) - API function
- shishi_key_random(3) - API function
- shishi_key_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_key_realm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_timestamp(3) - API function
- shishi_key_timestamp_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_key_type(3) - API function
- shishi_key_type_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_value(3) - API function
- shishi_key_value_set(3) - API function
- shishi_key_version(3) - API function
- shishi_key_version_set(3) - API function
- shishi_keys(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_add_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_done(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_localservicerealm_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_server_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_for_serverrealm_in_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_from_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_nth(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_print(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_size(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_keytab_file(3) - API function
- shishi_keys_to_keytab_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_build(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_client(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_client_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_ctime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_cusec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_cusec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_message(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_errorcode_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_message(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_methoddata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_print(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_read(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_ctime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_cusec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_remove_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_save(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_server(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_server_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_cname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_crealm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_edata(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_etext(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_set_sname(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_stime(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_stime_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_susec(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_susec_set(3) - API function
- shishi_krberror_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_md4(3) - API function
- shishi_md5(3) - API function
- shishi_n_fold(3) - API function
- shishi_parse_name(3) - API function
- shishi_pbkdf2_sha1(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_default_set(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_name_set(3) - API function
- shishi_principal_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_build(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_done(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_der(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_encprivpart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_key(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_print(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_der(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_priv_set(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_process(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_read(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_save(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_priv_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password_callback_get(3) - API function
- shishi_prompt_password_callback_set(3) - API function
- shishi_random_to_key(3) - API function
- shishi_randomize(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_default_set(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server_dns(3) - API function
- shishi_realm_for_server_file(3) - API function
- shishi_resolv(3) - API function
- shishi_resolv_free(3) - API function
- shishi_safe(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_build(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_done(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_key(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_parse(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_print(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_read(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_der(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_safe_set(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_save(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_set_cksum(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_set_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_user_data(3) - API function
- shishi_safe_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_server(3) - API function
- shishi_server_for_local_service(3) - API function
- shishi_strerror(3) - API function
- shishi_string_to_key(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_ap(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_krberror_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_build(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_rep_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_build(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_der(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_der_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_process(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_req_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_sendrecv(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_sendrecv_hint(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_realmserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_set_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tgtkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tgtkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tgs_tkt_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tgsrep(3) - API function
- shishi_tgsreq(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_add_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_get_enc_part_etype(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_realm_get(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_realm_set(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_server(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_set_enc_part(3) - API function
- shishi_ticket_sname_set(3) - API function
- shishi_time(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_authctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_client(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_client_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_clientrealm(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_clientrealm_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_encticketpart(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_encticketpart_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_endctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_expired_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags_add(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_flags_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_forwardable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_forwarded_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_hw_authent_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_initial_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_invalid_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_kdcrep(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_key(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_key_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype_fast(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_keytype_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_lastreq_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_lastreqc(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_match_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_may_postdate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ok_as_delegate_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_postdated_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_pre_authent_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_pretty_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_proxiable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_proxy_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_realm(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_renew_tillc(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_renewable_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_server_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_startctime(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ticket(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_ticket_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_transited_policy_checked_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_valid_at_time_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt_valid_now_p(3) - API function
- shishi_tkt2(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add_ccache_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_add_ccache_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_ccache_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_done(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_expire(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find_for_clientserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_find_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_ccache_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_ccache_mem(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_from_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_clientserver(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_localservicepasswd(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_for_server(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_tgs(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_get_tgt(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_new(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_nth(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_print(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_print_for_service(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_read(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_remove(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_size(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_to_file(3) - API function
- shishi_tkts_write(3) - API function
- shishi_verbose(3) - API function
- shishi_verify(3) - API function
- shishi_warn(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509ca_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509cert_default_file_set(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file_guess(3) - API function
- shishi_x509key_default_file_set(3) - API function
- SHISHID(1) - Shishi KDC server
- SHLOCK(1) - Create lock files for use in shell scripts
- SHM_MAP(9) - map shared memory objects into the kernel's address space
- SHM_OPEN(2) - shared memory object operations
- SHMAT(2) - attach or detach shared memory
- SHMCAT(1) - dump shared memory segments, files, standard input and/or text
- SHMCTL(2) - shared memory control
- SHMGET(2) - obtain a shared memory identifier
- SHMIDCAT(1) - Copies stdin/file to a shared memory block for
- SHMUX(8) - Shell Multiplexor
- SHNTOOL(1) - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
- sho(3m) - Execute programs from a shell in a pseudo terminal programmatically.
- short_cmp(3)
- SHORTEN(1) - CLI program to demonstrate use of WWW::Shorten
- SHOTCUT(1) - video editor
- shotwell(1) - Digital photo manager
- SHOUT(1) - Icecast source client
- SHOW(7) - show the value of a run-time parameter
- show_image(3)
- show_mouse(3) - Tells Allegro to display a mouse pointer on the screen.
- show_os_cursor(3) - Low level function to display the operating system cursor. Allegro game programming library.
- show_video_bitmap(3) - Flips the hardware screen to use the specified page. Allegro game programming library.
- showaudio(1) - Play an audio email message
- ShowDiff(3) - Perl extension to help visualize differences between strings
- showexternal(1) - Fetch and display the body of a mail message that is included by reference
- SHOWFIGFONTS(1) - prints samples of the available FIGlet fonts
- SHOWFIGFONTS(6) - prints a list of available figlet fonts
- SHOWFOND(1) - display information about Macintosh font resources
- SHOWFONT(1) - font dumper for X font server
- SHOWGRAPH.CGI(1) - CGI to generate Xymon trend graphs
- SHOWKEY(1) - echo raw keystrokes back at you in a printable form
- SHOWMATS(nged) - Lists the transformation matrices encountered along the specified path and also lists the accumulated matrix at the end of the
- SHOWMOUNT(8) - show remote nfs mounts on host
- shownonascii(1) - View all or part of a mail message in a non-ASCII font
- showpartial(1) - Fetch and display the body of a mail message that is included by reference
- showpicture(1) - View an image received in the mail
- SHOWQ(8) - list the Postfix mail queue
- SHOWRGB(1) - display an rgb color-name database
- showriff(1) - show structure of RIFF files (wav, avi, ...)
- SHOWSHOT(1) - generate MGED commands to represent a ray through some geometry
- SHOWTABLE(1) - Show data in nicely formatted columns
- ShowTable(3) - routines to display tabular data in several formats.
- SHOWVTE(1) - show build-time configuration of evilvte
- shp2pcx(1) - extract images from a Shape (SHP) file into PCX files
- SHRED(1) - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
- SHRINKFILE(1) - Shrink files on line boundaries
- SHRINKPDF(1) - A simple wrapper around Ghostscript to reduce the file size of PDFs
- SHTK(1) - Interface to the Shell Toolkit
- SHTK(3) - Application Programming Interface (API) of the Shell Toolkit
- SHTK_BOOL(3) - Utilities to manipulate boolean values
- SHTK_BOOL_CHECK(3) - Converts a string to a boolean value
- SHTK_CLEANUP(3) - Utilities to install exit handlers for cleanup routines
- SHTK_CLEANUP_REGISTER(3) - Installs cleanup handlers to be called on script termination
- SHTK_CLI(3) - Utilities to implement command-line interfaces
- SHTK_CLI_DIRNAME(3) - Gets the directory where the current script lives
- SHTK_CLI_ERROR(3) - Prints a runtime error message and exits
- SHTK_CLI_INFO(3) - Prints an informational message
- SHTK_CLI_PROGNAME(3) - Gets the program name
- SHTK_CLI_USAGE_ERROR(3) - Prints a usage error and exits
- SHTK_CLI_WARNING(3) - Prints a warning message
- SHTK_CONFIG(3) - Configuration file processing and queries
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET(3) - Gets the value of a defined configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET_BOOL(3) - Gets the value of a boolean configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_GET_DEFAULT(3) - Gets the value of a possibly-unset configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_HAS(3) - Checks if a configuration variable is set
- SHTK_CONFIG_INCLUDE(3) - Includes a file within a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_INIT(3) - Initializes the configuration module
- SHTK_CONFIG_LOAD(3) - Loads a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_OVERRIDE(3) - Records an override to be applied to the configuration
- SHTK_CONFIG_RUN_HOOK(3) - Executes a hook defined in a configuration file
- SHTK_CONFIG_SET(3) - Sets the value of a configuration variable
- SHTK_CONFIG_UNSET(3) - Clears a configuration variable
- SHTK_CVS(3) - Utilities to invoke CVS and wrappers to simplify its operation
- SHTK_CVS_CHECKOUT(3) - Checks out a new working copy out of a CVS repository
- SHTK_CVS_FETCH(3) - Checks out or updates a CVS working copy
- SHTK_CVS_UPDATE(3) - Updates an existing working copy of a CVS repository
- SHTK_IMPORT(3) - Loads an shtk module
- SHTK_LIST(3) - Utilities to manipulate lists
- SHTK_LIST_CONTAINS(3) - Checks if an item appears in a list
- SHTK_LIST_FILTER(3) - Filters the elements of a list based on a pattern
- SHTK_PROCESS(3) - Utilities to manipulate external processes
- SHTK_PROCESS_RUN(3) - Executes a command in a controlled environment
- SHTK_UNITTEST(3) - Utilities to implement test programs
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ADD_FIXTURE(3) - Defines a test fixture
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ADD_TEST(3) - Defines a standalone test case
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_COMMAND(3) - Runs a command and validates its exit status and output
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3) - Fatal equality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_FILE(3) - Validates the contents of a file against golden data
- SHTK_UNITTEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(3) - Fatal inequality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_DELAYED_FAIL(3) - Records a delayed failure
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_COMMAND(3) - Runs a command and validates its exit status and output
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_EQUAL(3) - Non-fatal equality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_FILE(3) - Non-fatal check to validate the contents of a file
- SHTK_UNITTEST_EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(3) - Non-fatal inequality check between two values
- SHTK_UNITTEST_FAIL(3) - Fails the test case
- SHTK_UNITTEST_MAIN(3) - Standard test program entry point
- SHTK_UNITTEST_SET_EXPECT_FAILURE(3) - Makes the test expect a failure
- SHTK_UNITTEST_SKIP(3) - Skips the test currently being run
- SHTK_VERSION(3) - Utilities to check the running version of shtk
- SHTK_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3) - Checks if shtk is a minimum version
- SHTK_VERSION_AT_MOST(3) - Checks if shtk is a maximum version
- SHTK_VERSION_IS(3) - Checks if shtk is a specific version
- SHTOOL.TMP(1) - The GNU Portable Shell Tool
- SHTOOL-ARX.TMP(1) - GNU shtool ar(1) extensional command
- SHTOOL-ECHO.TMP(1) - GNU shtool echo(1) extensional command
- SHTOOL-FIXPERM.TMP(1) - GNU shtool file permission fixing command
- SHTOOL-INSTALL.TMP(1) - GNU shtool install(1) command
- SHTOOLIZE.TMP(1) - Build individual GNU shtool scripts
- SHTOOL-MDATE.TMP(1) - GNU shtool pretty-print last modification time
- SHTOOL-MKDIR.TMP(1) - GNU shtool mkdir(1) style command
- SHTOOL-MKLN.TMP(1) - GNU shtool enhanced ln(1) replacement
- SHTOOL-MKSHADOW.TMP(1) - GNU shtool create shadow tree using symlinks
- SHTOOL-MOVE.TMP(1) - GNU shtool enhanced mv(1) replacement
- SHTOOL-PATH.TMP(1) - GNU shtool command dealing with shell path variables
- SHTOOL-PLATFORM.TMP(1) - GNU shtool Unix platform identification
- SHTOOL-PROP.TMP(1) - GNU shtool propeller processing indication
- SHTOOL-ROTATE.TMP(1) - GNU shtool log file rotation
- SHTOOL-SCPP.TMP(1) - GNU shtool C source file pre-processor
- SHTOOL-SLO.TMP(1) - GNU shtool separate linker options by library class
- SHTOOL-SUBST.TMP(1) - GNU shtool sed(1) substitution operations
- SHTOOL-TABLE.TMP(1) - GNU shtool pretty-print a field-separated list
- SHTOOL-TARBALL.TMP(1) - GNU shtool command for rolling standardized tarballs
- SHTOOL-VERSION.TMP(1) - GNU shtool maintain version information file
- SHTTPD(1) - lightweight web server
- SHUFFLE(1) - print a random permutation of the command line arguments
- SHUTDOWN(2) - disable sends and/or receives on a socket
- SHUTDOWN(8) - close down the system at a given time
- shutdown_dialog(3) - Destroys a dialog player returned by init_dialog(). Allegro game programming library.
- shutdown_menu(3) - Destroys a menu player object returned by init_menu(). Allegro game programming library.
- SIANO(4) - webcamd driver for Siano SMS1xxx
- SIBA(4) - Sonic Inc. Silicon Backplane driver
- SIBLINGS(3PVM) - return the number and associated task ids of processes that were started together in a single spawn call.
- sic(5) - format of the alias file used by sic(1)
- SICONOS(1) - Siconos C++ Compilation.
- sid-filter(8) - SPF and Sender-ID filter for sendmail
- SIDPLAY(1) - Sidplay is SID-chip emulator for playing Commodore 64 music.
- SIEGE(1)
- sierpinski(6) - draws Sierpinski triangle fractals
- sierpinski3d(6) - 3D Sierpinski triangle fractal.
- SIEVEC(1) - Pigeonhole's Sieve script compiler
- sieve-connect(1) - managesieve command-line client
- SIEVE-DUMP(1) - Pigeonhole's Sieve script binary dump tool
- SIEVE-FILTER(1) - Pigeonhole's Sieve mailbox filter tool
- SIEVESHELL(1) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- SIEVE-TEST(1) - Pigeonhole's Sieve script tester
- SIFTR(4) - Statistical Information For TCP Research
- SIG2DOT(1) - creates a .dot file from a GPG signature listing
- SIGACTION(2) - software signal facilities
- SIGALTSTACK(2) - set and/or get signal stack context
- SIGEVENT(3) - asynchronous event notification
- SIGFASTBLOCK(2) - controls signals blocking with a simple memory write
- SIGFIND(1) - Find a binary signature in a file
- SIGGEN(8) - signature gathering utility for Tripwire
- SIGINFO(3) - signal generation information
- SIGINTERRUPT(3) - allow signals to interrupt system calls
- SIGLEVDETCAL(1) - The SvxLink signal level detector calibration utility
- Signal::Mask(3) - Signal masks made easy
- Signal::Pending(3) - Signal pending status made easy
- SIGNAL-CLI(1) - A commandline and dbus interface for the Signal messenger
- SIGNALD(7) - Daemon to facilitate communication via Signal Private Messenger
- SIGNBIT(3) - determine whether a floating-point number's sign is negative
- SIGNFILES(1) - sign one or more files usign GnuPG
- SIGNIFY(1) - cryptographically sign and verify files
- SigParser(3) - Signal Parsing for Verilog language files
- SIGPAUSE(2) - legacy interface for signal management
- SIGPENDING(2) - get pending signals
- SIGPROCMASK(2) - manipulate current signal mask
- SIGQUEUE(2) - queue a signal to a process (REALTIME)
- SIGRETURN(2) - return from signal
- SIGROK-CLI(1) - Command-line client for the sigrok software
- SIGROK-FWEXTRACT-HANTEK-DSO(1) - Extract Hantek DSO-2xxx/52xx firmware
- SIGROK-FWEXTRACT-SALEAE-LOGIC16(1) - Extract Saleae Logic16 firmware
- SIGROK-FWEXTRACT-SYSCLK-LWLA(1) - Extract SysClk LWLA* firmware
- SIGROT(1) - .signature file rotator
- sigscan - scans a file for binary signatures
- SIGSETMASK(2) - manipulate current signal mask
- SIGSETOPS(3) - manipulate signal sets
- SIGSTACK(2) - set and/or get signal stack context
- SIGSUSPEND(2) - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
- SIGTIMEDWAIT(2) - wait for queued signals (REALTIME)
- sigtool(1) - signature and database management tool
- sigtrap(3) - Perl pragma to enable simple signal handling
- SIGVEC(2) - software signal facilities
- SigViewer(1) - a viewing and scoring tools for biomedical signals.
- SIGWAIT(2) - select a set of signals
- SIIS(4) - SiliconImage Serial ATA Host Controller driver
- siliconmotion(4x) - Silicon Motion video driver
- silk.conf(5) - SiLK site configuration file
- silk(7) - the System for Internet-Level Knowledge
- silk_config(1) - Print SiLK compiling and linking information
- silk-plugin(3) - Creating a SiLK run-time plug-in using C
- silkpython(3) - SiLK Python plug-in
- SIM(5) - format of .sim files read by esim, crystal, etc.
- SIMBADC(1) - Access the SIMBAD 4 astronomical database.
- SIMD-VITERBI(3) - the last 6 with the 12 encoded symbols representing the tail bits.
- SIMH(1) - Simulation suite for various computer systems
- SIMILARITY(1) - Command line interface to WordNet::Similarity
- SIMILARITY_SERVER(1) - [Web] The backend WordNet::Similarity server for the Web Interface
- Simple::Agent(3) - Perl extension for an agent object for RPC
- Simple::AnyLocal(3) - Perl extension defining a virtual SRPC client class
- Simple::AnyRemote(3) - Perl base class for a remote object accessible by RPC
- Simple::AnyWhere(3) - extension defining a virtual SRPC client or server class
- Simple::CallHandler(3) - Perl class to handle RPC calls with call-back
- Simple::Factory(3) - Perl extension for creating RPC client
- Simple::ObjectHandler(3) - Perl class to handle a remote object
- Simple::Server(3) - Perl class to use in the RPC server script.
- SIMPLEBUS(4) - ePAPR simple-bus driver
- simpleDemo(1X)
- SIMPLEFTP(1) - Rudimentary FTP client
- SIMPLE-MTPFS(1) - filesystem driver for MTP based devices
- SimpleObject(3) - Perl extension allowing a simple object representation of a parsed XML::Parser tree.
- SIMPLEPROXY(1) - Simple tcp socket proxy
- SIMPLE-SCAN(1) - Scanning utility
- SIMPLESCREENRECORDER(1) - A feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL.
- SimpleServer(3) - Simple Perl API for building Z39.50 servers.
- SIMPLESTROKE(1) - detect mouse gestures
- SimpleTemplate(3) - Yet another module for template processing
- SimpleVariable(3) - simple representation of mathematical variables
- SIMSU(6) - basic sudoku game
- SIMULATE(nged) - a Bullet-based physics simulator for MGED
- simulate_keypress(3) - Stuffs a key into the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- simulate_ukeypress(3) - Stuffs an unicode key into the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- SINCOS(3) - sine and cosine functions
- singGE(3) - Singular Value
- single_blas_level1(3) - real
- single_blas_level2(3) - real
- single_blas_level3(3) - real
- single_blas_testing(3) - real
- single_eig(3) - real
- single_lin(3) - real
- singleton(n) - a class that does only allows one instance of itself
- SINGULAR(1) - convert English plurals to singular
- SINPI(3) - half–cycle sine functions
- SIO(4)
- SIO_OPEN(3) - sndio interface to audio devices
- SIOCTL_OPEN(3) - interface to audio parameters
- SIP2NCID.CONF(5) - sip2ncid configuration file
- SIP2NCID(8) - SIP to NCID gateway, inject CID info into ncidd by snooping SIP 'INVITE's
- SIPCALC(1) - IP subnet calculator
- SIPP(1) - SIP testing tool and traffic generator
- SIRC(1) - an IRC client in perl
- SIREN(1) - text-based audio player
- SIRIL(1) - image processing tool for astronomy and others
- SIS(4) - SiS 900, SiS 7016 and NS DP83815/DP83816 Fast Ethernet device driver
- SIS(4x) - SiS and XGI video driver
- Sisimai(3) - Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails.
- Sisimai::Address(3) - Email address object
- Sisimai::ARF(3) - Parser class for detecting ARF: Abuse Feedback Reporting Format.
- Sisimai::Data(3) - Parsed data object
- Sisimai::Data::JSON(3) - Dumps parsed data object as a JSON format
- Sisimai::Data::YAML(3) - Dumps parsed data object as a YAML format
- Sisimai::DateTime(3) - Date and time utilities
- Sisimai::Lhost(3) - Base class for Sisimai::Lhost::*
- Sisimai::Lhost::Activehunter(3) - bounce mail parser class for Active!hunter.
- Sisimai::Lhost::Amavis(3) - bounce mail parser class for "amavisd-new".
- Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonSES(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon SES".
- Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonWorkMail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon WorkMail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Aol(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Aol Mail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::ApacheJames(3) - bounce mail parser class for "ApacheJames".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Barracuda(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Barracuda".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Bigfoot(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Bigfoot".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Biglobe(3) - bounce mail parser class for "BIGLOBE".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Courier(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Courier MTA".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Domino(3) - bounce mail parser class for IBM Domino Server.
- Sisimai::Lhost::EinsUndEins(3) - bounce mail parser class for "1&1".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2003(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Microsft Exchange Server 2003".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2007(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Microsft Exchange Server 2007".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Exim(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Exim".
- Sisimai::Lhost::EZweb(3) - bounce mail parser class for "au EZweb".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Facebook".
- Sisimai::Lhost::FML(3) - bounce mail parser class for FML (fml.org).
- Sisimai::Lhost::Gmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Gmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::GMX(3) - bounce mail parser class for "GMX" and mail.com.
- Sisimai::Lhost::GoogleGroups(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Google Groups".
- Sisimai::Lhost::GSuite(3) - bounce mail parser class for "G Suite".
- Sisimai::Lhost::IMailServer(3) - bounce mail parser class for "IMail Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::InterScanMSS(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite".
- Sisimai::Lhost::KDDI(3) - bounce mail parser class for "au by KDDI".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailFoundry(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MailFoundry".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailMarshalSMTP(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Trustwave Secure Email Gateway".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MailRu(3) - bounce mail parser class for "@mail.ru".
- Sisimai::Lhost::McAfee(3) - bounce mail parser class for "McAfee Email Appliance".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MessageLabs(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MessageLabs".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MessagingServer(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Sun Java System Messaging Server" and "Oracle Communications Messaging Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::mFILTER(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Digital Arts m-FILTER".
- Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic(3) - bounce mail parser class for "MX Logic".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Notes(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Lotus Notes Server".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Office365(3) - bounce mail parser class for Microsoft Office 365.
- Sisimai::Lhost::OpenSMTPD(3) - bounce mail parser class for "OpenSMTPD".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Outlook(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Outlook.com".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Postfix(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Postfix".
- Sisimai::Lhost::PowerMTA(3) - bounce mail parser class for "PowerMTA".
- Sisimai::Lhost::qmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "qmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::ReceivingSES(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Amazon SES".
- Sisimai::Lhost::SendGrid(3) - bounce mail parser class for "SendGrid".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Sendmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for v8 Sendmail.
- Sisimai::Lhost::SurfControl(3) - bounce mail parser class for "SurfControl".
- Sisimai::Lhost::V5sendmail(3) - bounce mail parser class for "V5 Sendmail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Verizon(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Verizon Wireless".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X1(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X1".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X2(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X2".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X3(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X3".
- Sisimai::Lhost::X4(3) - bounce mail parser class for Unknown MTA which is developed as a "qmail" clone.
- Sisimai::Lhost::X5(3) - bounce mail parser class for unknown MTA #5.
- Sisimai::Lhost::X6(3) - bounce mail parser class for "X6".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Yahoo(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Yahoo! MAIL".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Yandex(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Yandex.Mail".
- Sisimai::Lhost::Zoho(3) - bounce mail parser class for "Zoho Mail".
- Sisimai::Mail(3) - Handler of Mbox/Maildir for reading each mail.
- Sisimai::Mail::Maildir(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::Mbox(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::Memory(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::Mail::STDIN(3) - Mailbox reader
- Sisimai::MDA(3) - Error message parser for MDA
- Sisimai::Message(3) - Convert bounce email text to data structure.
- Sisimai::MIME(3) - MIME Utilities
- Sisimai::Order(3) - A Class for making an optimized order list for calling MTA modules in Sisimai::Lhost::*.
- Sisimai::Reason(3) - Detect the bounce reason
- Sisimai::Reason::Blocked(3) - Bounce reason is "blocked" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::ContentError(3) - Bounce reason is "contenterror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Delivered(3) - Email delivered successfully
- Sisimai::Reason::ExceedLimit(3) - Bounce reason is "exceedlimit" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Expired(3) - Bounce reason is "expired" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Feedback(3) - Email forwarded as a complaint message
- Sisimai::Reason::Filtered(3) - Bounce reason is "filtered" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::HasMoved(3) - Bounce reason is "hasmoved" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::HostUnknown(3) - Bounce reason is "hostunknown" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MailboxFull(3) - Bounce reason is "mailboxfull" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MailerError(3) - Bounce reason is "mailererror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::MesgTooBig(3) - Bounce reason is "mesgtoobig" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NetworkError(3) - Bounce reason is "networkerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NoRelaying(3) - Bounce reason is "norelaying" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::NotAccept(3) - Bounce reason is "notaccept" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::OnHold(3) - Bounce reason is "onhold" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::PolicyViolation(3) - Bounce reason is "policyviolation" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Rejected(3) - Bounce reason is "rejected" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SecurityError(3) - Bounce reason is "securityerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SpamDetected(3) - Bounce reason is "spamdetected" due to Spam content in the message or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Suspend(3) - Bounce reason is "suspend" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SyntaxError(3) - Bounce reason is "syntaxerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SystemError(3) - Bounce reason is "systemerror" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::SystemFull(3) - Bounce reason is "systemfull" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::TooManyConn(3) - Bounced due to that too many connections.
- Sisimai::Reason::Undefined(3) - Sisimai could not detect the error reason.
- Sisimai::Reason::UserUnknown(3) - Bounce reason is "userunknown" or not.
- Sisimai::Reason::Vacation(3) - A recipient is out of office
- Sisimai::Reason::VirusDetected(3) - Bounce reason is "virusdetected" or not.
- Sisimai::RFC1894(3) - DSN field defined in RFC3464 (obsoletes RFC1894)
- Sisimai::RFC3464(3) - bounce mail parser class for Fallback.
- Sisimai::RFC3834(3) - RFC3834 auto reply message detector
- Sisimai::RFC5322(3) - Email address related utilities
- Sisimai::Rhost(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from certain remote hosts.
- Sisimai::Rhost::Cox(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Cox
- Sisimai::Rhost::ExchangeOnline(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from on-premises Exchange 2013 and Office 365.
- Sisimai::Rhost::FrancePTT(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Orange and La Poste.
- Sisimai::Rhost::GoDaddy(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from GoDaddy.
- Sisimai::Rhost::GoogleApps(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Google Apps.
- Sisimai::Rhost::IUA(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from https://www.i.ua/.
- Sisimai::Rhost::KDDI(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from au (KDDI).
- Sisimai::Rhost::Spectrum(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Spectrum.
- Sisimai::Rhost::TencentQQ(3) - Detect the bounce reason returned from Tencent QQ.
- Sisimai::SMTP(3) - SMTP Status Codes related utilities
- Sisimai::SMTP::Error(3) - SMTP Errors related utilities
- Sisimai::SMTP::Reply(3) - SMTP reply code related class
- Sisimai::SMTP::Status(3) - SMTP Enhanced Status Codes related utilities
- Sisimai::String(3) - String related class
- Sisimai::Time(3) - Child class of Time::Piece for Sisimai::Data
- sisnan.f(3)
- sissylog(8) - log stdin to
- siteconfig(1) - online configuration of FTP server (wzdftpd)
- sitecopy(1) - maintain remote copies of web sites
- site-lib(5) - [Location of package directories]
- siteuptime(1) - show current uptime for FTP server (wzdftpd)
- sitewho(1) - show current process information for each FTP session (wzdftpd)
- SIVTEST(1) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- SIXEL(5) - SIXEL format
- SIXEL2PNG(1) - convert DEC SIXEL images into PNG format images
- SIZE(nged) - Sets the size of the current viewing cube to the specified
- SJISCONV(1) - convert a TeX document in SJIS encoding into `preprocessed' form.
- SKEIN(3) - calculate the ``SKEIN'' family of message digests
- SKEM(8) - State KEeping Milter
- SKI(6) - an unusual skiing simulation game
- skipDelete(3) - delete an item.
- skipFreeList(3) - free a skip list.
- skipInsert(3) - insert an item.
- skipNewList(3) - create a skip list.
- skipNext(3) - find next item.
- skipRelease(3) - release lock on value.
- skipSearch(3) - search a skip list.
- SKKINPUT(1x) - Japanese Input Method on X environment (Ver 2.06.4)
- skytentacles(6) - 3D tentacles from the sky!
- SL2TPS(1) - simple L2TP server
- sla_gbamv.f(3)
- sla_gbrcond.f(3)
- sla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_geamv.f(3)
- sla_gercond.f(3)
- sla_gerfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_gerpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_lin_berr.f(3)
- sla_porcond.f(3)
- sla_porfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_porpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_syamv.f(3)
- sla_syrcond.f(3)
- sla_syrfsx_extended.f(3)
- sla_syrpvgrw.f(3)
- sla_wwaddw.f(3)
- slabad.f(3)
- slabrd.f(3)
- slack.conf(5) - configuration file for slack
- slack(8) - Sysadmin's lazy autoconfiguration kit
- slacon.f(3)
- sladiv.f(3)
- slae2.f(3)
- slaebz.f(3)
- slaed0.f(3)
- slaed1.f(3)
- slaed2.f(3)
- slaed3.f(3)
- slaed4.f(3)
- slaed5.f(3)
- slaed6.f(3)
- slaed7.f(3)
- slaed8.f(3)
- slaed9.f(3)
- slaeda.f(3)
- slaein.f(3)
- slaev2.f(3)
- slaexc.f(3)
- slag2.f(3)
- slags2.f(3)
- slagtf.f(3)
- slagtm.f(3)
- slagts.f(3)
- slagv2.f(3)
- slahqr.f(3)
- slahr2.f(3)
- slaic1.f(3)
- slaisnan.f(3)
- slaln2.f(3)
- slals0.f(3)
- slalsa.f(3)
- slalsd.f(3)
- slamrg.f(3)
- slamswlq.f(3)
- slamtsqr.f(3)
- slaneg.f(3)
- slangb.f(3)
- slangt.f(3)
- slanhs.f(3)
- slansb.f(3)
- slansf.f(3)
- slansp.f(3)
- slanst.f(3)
- slantb.f(3)
- slantp.f(3)
- slanv2.f(3)
- slaorhr_col_getrfnp.f(3)
- slaorhr_col_getrfnp2.f(3)
- SLAPACL(8C) - Check access to a list of attributes.
- SLAPADD(8C) - Add entries to a SLAPD database
- SLAPAUTH(8C) - Check a list of string-represented IDs for LDAP authc/authz
- SLAPCAT(8C) - SLAPD database to LDIF utility
- SLAPD.ACCESS(5) - access configuration for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
- SLAPD(8C) - Stand-alone LDAP Daemon
- SLAPD-ASYNCMETA(5) - asynchronous metadirectory backend to slapd
- SLAPD-BDB(5) - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
- SLAPD-CONFIG(5) - configuration backend to slapd
- SLAPD-DNSSRV(5) - DNS SRV referral backend to slapd
- SLAPD-LDAP(5) - LDAP backend to slapd
- SLAPD-LDIF(5) - LDIF backend to slapd
- SLAPD-MDB(5) - Memory-Mapped DB backend to slapd
- SLAPD-META(5) - metadirectory backend to slapd
- SLAPD-MONITOR(5) - Monitor backend to slapd
- SLAPDN(8C) - Check a list of string-represented LDAP DNs based on schema syntax
- SLAPD-NDB(5) - MySQL NDB backend to slapd
- SLAPD-NULL(5) - Null backend to slapd
- SLAPD-PASSWD(5) - /etc/passwd backend to slapd
- SLAPD-PERL(5) - Perl backend to slapd
- SLAPD-PW-SHA2(5) - SHA-2 password module to slapd
- SLAPD-RELAY(5) - relay backend to slapd
- SLAPD-SHELL(5) - Shell backend to slapd
- SLAPD-SOCK(5) - Socket backend/overlay to slapd
- SLAPD-SQL(5) - SQL backend to slapd
- SLAPD-WT(5) - WiredTiger backend to slapd
- SLAPINDEX(8C) - Reindex entries in a SLAPD database
- slapll.f(3)
- SLAPMODIFY(8C) - Modify entries in a SLAPD database
- SLAPO_LASTMOD(5) - Last Modification overlay
- SLAPO_OTP(5) - OATH One-Time Password module
- SLAPO_PPOLICY(5) - Password Policy overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-ACCESSLOG(5) - Access Logging overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-ALLOP(5) - All Operational Attributes overlay
- SLAPO-AUDITLOG(5) - Audit Logging overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-AUTOCA(5) - Automatic Certificate Authority overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-CHAIN(5) - chain overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-CLOAK(5) - Attribute cloak overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-COLLECT(5) - Collective attributes overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-CONSTRAINT(5) - Attribute Constraint Overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-DDS(5) - Dynamic Directory Services overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-DEREF(5) - Dereference Control overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5) - Dynamic Group overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-DYNLIST(5) - Dynamic List overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-HOMEDIR(5) - Home directory provisioning overlay
- SLAPO-LASTBIND(5) - lastbind overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-MEMBEROF(5) - Reverse Group Membership overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-NOPS(5) - Remove Null Operations Overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-PBIND(5) - proxy bind overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-PCACHE(5) - proxy cache overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-REFINT(5) - Referential Integrity overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-REMOTEAUTH(5) - Delegate authentication requests to remote directories, e.g. Active Directory
- SLAPO-RETCODE(5) - return code overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-RWM(5) - rewrite/remap overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-SMBK5PWD(5) - Samba & Kerberos password sync overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-SSSVLV(5) - Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-SYNCPROV(5) - Sync Provider overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-TRANSLUCENT(5) - Translucent Proxy overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-UNIQUE(5) - Attribute Uniqueness overlay to slapd
- SLAPO-VALSORT(5) - Value Sorting overlay to slapd
- SLAPPASSWD(8C) - OpenLDAP password utility
- SLAPPW-ARGON2(5) - Argon2 password module to slapd
- SLAPSCHEMA(8C) - SLAPD in-database schema checking utility
- SLAPTEST(8C) - Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd configuration
- slaqgb.f(3)
- slaqge.f(3)
- slaqp2.f(3)
- slaqps.f(3)
- slaqr0.f(3)
- slaqr1.f(3)
- slaqr2.f(3)
- slaqr3.f(3)
- slaqr4.f(3)
- slaqr5.f(3)
- slaqsb.f(3)
- slaqsp.f(3)
- slaqsy.f(3)
- slaqtr.f(3)
- slaqz0.f(3)
- slaqz1.f(3)
- slaqz2.f(3)
- slaqz3.f(3)
- slaqz4.f(3)
- slar1v.f(3) - λI.
- slar2v.f(3)
- slarf.f(3)
- slarfb_gett.f(3)
- slarfgp.f(3)
- slarfy.f(3)
- slargv.f(3)
- slarra.f(3)
- slarrb.f(3)
- slarrc.f(3)
- slarrd.f(3)
- slarre.f(3)
- slarrf.f(3)
- slarrj.f(3)
- slarrk.f(3)
- slarrr.f(3)
- slarrv.f(3)
- slarscl2.f(3)
- slartv.f(3)
- slaruv.f(3)
- slarz.f(3)
- slarzb.f(3)
- slarzt.f(3) - vtvH.
- slas2.f(3)
- slascl2.f(3)
- slasd0.f(3)
- slasd1.f(3)
- slasd2.f(3)
- slasd3.f(3)
- slasd4.f(3)
- slasd5.f(3)
- slasd6.f(3)
- slasd7.f(3)
- slasd8.f(3)
- slasda.f(3)
- slasdq.f(3)
- slasdt.f(3)
- SLASHEM(6) - Exploring The Mazes of Menace
- slasq1.f(3)
- slasq2.f(3)
- slasq3.f(3)
- slasq4.f(3)
- slasq5.f(3)
- slasq6.f(3)
- slasr.f(3)
- slasv2.f(3)
- slaswlq.f(3)
- slasy2.f(3)
- slasyf.f(3)
- slasyf_aa.f(3)
- slasyf_rk.f(3)
- slasyf_rook.f(3)
- slatbs.f(3)
- slatdf.f(3)
- slatps.f(3)
- slatrd.f(3)
- slatrs.f(3)
- slatrz.f(3)
- slatsqr.f(3)
- slauu2.f(3)
- SLCHOOSED(1) - Distributed load chooser for Perl Schedule::Load
- SLCHOOSED_WATCHD(1) - Make sure the slchoosed stays up
- SLEEP(1) - delay for a specified amount of time
- SLEEP(9) - wait for events
- SLEEPQUEUE(9) - manage the queues of sleeping threads
- slice2cpp(1) - The Slice to C++ compiler.
- slice2cs(1) - The Slice to C# compiler.
- slice2freeze(1) - Generates Freeze map and index classes in C++.
- slice2html(1) - The Slice to HTML documentation tool.
- slice2java(1) - Generates Freeze map and index classes in Java.
- slice2js(1) - The Slice to JavaScript compiler.
- slice2objc(1) - The Slice to Objective-C compiler.
- slice2php(1) - The Slice to PHP compiler.
- slice2py(1) - The Slice to Python compiler.
- slice2rb(1) - The Slice to Ruby compiler.
- SLICEPRINT(1) - slice documents with long lines.
- Slices(3) - it is useful for collapsing
- SLICK-GREETER(8) - distro agnostic LightDM greeter
- SLICK-GREETER-CHECK_HIDPI(1) - distro agnostic LightDM greeter
- SLICK-GREETER-SET-KEYBOARD-LAYOUT(1) - switch keyboard layout
- SLIDERULE(1) - calculator featuring a historic slide rule
- slidescreen(6) - permute the screen image like an 8-puzzle
- slim(1)
- slip(6) - sucks your screen into a jet engine
- SLIRPVDE(1) - Virtual Distributed Ethernet-Slirp interface
- SLISP(1) - Simple Lisp interpreter
- SLOCAL(1) - asynchronously filter and deliver new mail to nmh
- SLOCCOUNT(1) - count source lines of code (SLOC)
- SLOCK(1) - simple X screen locker
- SLOGENCRYPT(1) - Encrypt existing plain text log files using the
- SLOGKEY(1) - Manage cryptographic keys for use with
- SLOGVERIFY(1) - Verify cryptographically secured logs
- SLOP(1) - select operation
- SLOWCGI(8) - a FastCGI to CGI wrapper server
- SLOWHTTPTEST(1) - Denial Of Service attacks simulator
- SLPOLICE(1) - Warn and renice top CPU hogs
- SLREPORTD(1) - Distributed load reporter for Perl Schedule::Load
- SLRN(1) - NNTP ¤Ë´ð¤Å¤¤¤¿»È¤¤¤ä¤¹¤¤¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹¥ê¡¼¥À
- slrnface(1) - show
- slrnpull(1) - Pull a small newsfeed for offline reading.
- SLRSH(1) - Perform rsh command on all clump systems
- SLS(1) - list information about file(s) and directories
- SLSH(1) - Interpreter for S-Lang scripts
- Slurm(1) - Slurm Workload Manager overview.
- slurm.conf(5) - Slurm configuration file
- slurmctld(8) - The central management daemon of Slurm.
- slurmd(8) - The compute node daemon for Slurm.
- slurmdbd.conf(5) - Slurm Database Daemon (SlurmDBD) configuration file
- slurmdbd(8) - Slurm Database Daemon.
- slurmrestd(8) - Interface to Slurm via REST API.
- slurmstepd(8) - The job step manager for Slurm.
- SLW(1) - select window interactively
- SM2(7) - Chinese SM2 signature and encryption algorithm support
- SMA(8) - Sendmail Log Analyser
- smalledit(1) - Stripped down version of Cooledit - a full-featured text editor for the X Window System.
- SMALLTALK(1) - the GNU Smalltalk virtual machine
- SMAPI(4) - System Management Application Program Interface driver
- Smart::Comments(3) - Comments that do more than just sit there
- SMARTCTL(8) - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
- SMARTD.CONF(5) - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon Configuration File
- SMARTD(8) - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
- SMARTPQI(4) - Microsemi smartpqi SCSI driver for PQI controllers
- SMARTS(3) - SMARTS chemical substructure pattern linear notation parser
- SMBCACLS(1) - Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory names
- SMBCLIENT(1) - ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
- SMBCONTROL(1) - send messages to smbd, nmbd or winbindd processes
- SMBCQUOTAS(1) - Set or get QUOTAs of NTFS 5 shares
- SMBD(8) - server to provide SMB/CIFS services to clients
- SMBENCRYPT(1) - produce LM & NT password hashes from cleartext passwords
- SMBGET(1) - wget-like utility for download files over SMB
- SMBGETRC(5) - configuration file for smbget
- SmbHash(3) - Perl-only implementation of lanman and nt md4 hash functions, for use in Samba style smbpasswd entries
- SMBIOS(4) - System Management BIOS
- SMBMSG(8) - send or receive messages over an SMBus
- SMBPASSWD(5) - The Samba encrypted password file
- SMBPASSWD(8) - change a user's SMB password
- SMBSPOOL(8) - send a print file to an SMB printer
- SMBSPOOL_KRB5_WRAPPE(8) - This is a CUPS printing backend which calls smbspool
- SMBSTATUS(1) - report on current Samba connections
- SMBTAR(1) - shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly to UNIX tape drives
- SMBTORTURE(1) - Run a series of tests against a SMB server
- SMBTREE(1) - A text based smb network browser
- SMBUS(4) - System Management Bus
- SMBUTIL(1) - interface to the SMB requester
- SMCROUTE(8) - SMCRoute, a static multicast router
- smdevinfo - determines information about a storage media (SM) device
- SMENC(1) - Program to encode a wav file into a SpectMorph model
- smenu(1) - filter that allows one to interactively select a word from stdin and outputs the selection to stdout.
- SMEW(1) - search related messages from Mew's database file
- SMFSH(1) - SMF shell
- smi_attribute(3) - SMI Attribute information routines
- smi_class(3) - SMI class information routines
- smi_config(3) - SMI library configuration routines
- smi_event(3) - SMI identity information routines
- smi_identity(3) - SMI identity information routines
- smi_macro(3) - SMI macro and extension information routines
- smi_module(3) - SMI module information routines
- smi_node(3) - SMI type information routines
- smi_render(3) - SMI data and MIB data rendering routines
- smi_type(3) - SMI type information routines
- smi_util(3) - SMI type utility functions
- smicache(1) - caching method for use with libsmi
- smidiff(1) - check differences between a pair of SMI or SPPI modules
- smidump(1) - dump SMI or SPPI modules in various formats
- SMILES(3) - SMILES linear notation parser/writer
- smilint(1) - syntax and semantic checks of SMIv1/v2 and SPPI modules
- SMIME(1) - S/MIME utility
- SMIME(3) - S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption
- SMIME::JA(3) - S/MIMEの署名、検証、暗号化、復号
- SMIME_CRLF_COPY(3) - buffered copy between BIOs
- smime_keys(1) - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal database used by mutt
- SMIME_READ_ASN1(3) - generic S/MIME message parser
- SMIME_READ_ASN1(3ossl) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_READ_CMS(3) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_READ_CMS(3ossl) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_READ_PKCS7(3) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_READ_PKCS7(3ossl) - parse S/MIME message
- SMIME_TEXT(3) - remove text/plain MIME headers
- SMIME_WRITE_ASN1(3) - generate an S/MIME message
- SMIME_WRITE_ASN1(3ossl) - convert structure to S/MIME format
- SMIME_WRITE_CMS(3) - convert CMS structure to S/MIME format
- SMIME_WRITE_CMS(3ossl) - convert CMS structure to S/MIME format
- SMIME_WRITE_PKCS7(3) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format
- SMIME_WRITE_PKCS7(3ossl) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format
- SMINSPECTOR(1) - program to visualize contents of SpectMorph instruments
- SMINSTBUILDER(1) - program to build .smset instruments from samples
- smiquery(1) - query single information from SMI MIB modules
- smistrip(1) - extract MIB or PIB modules from text files, like RFCs or I-Ds
- smixlate(1) - translate SMI/SPPI identifiers
- SMJACK(1) - SpectMorph JACK Client
- SML(1) - the interactive Standard ML of New Jersey system
- SMLNJ(7) - an implementation of the Standard ML language with supporting tools and libraries.
- SMMAPD(8) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- SMOKEPING(1) - Commandline tool for SmokePing
- SMOKEPING_CGI(1) - SmokePing webfrontend
- SMOKEPING_CONFIG(5) - Reference for the SmokePing Config File
- SMOKEPING_EXAMPLES(5) - Examples of Smokeping configuration
- SMOKEPING_EXTEND(7) - Notes on extending Smokeping
- SMOKEPING_INSTALL(7) - How to install SmokePing
- SMOKEPING_MASTER_SLAVE(7) - How to run multiple distributed instances of SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherCurl(3) - a curl(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherDNS(3) - Alternate DNS Probe
- Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSH(3) - Another SSH probe
- Smokeping_probes_base(3) - Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_basefork(3) - Yet Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_basevars(3) - Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonDNS(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect(3) - Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_Curl(3) - a curl(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_DismanPing(3) - DISMAN-PING-MIB Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_DNS(3) - Name Service Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPing(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingChargen(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDiscard(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDNS(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttps(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingIcp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingLDAP(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingPlugin(3) - a basis for using echoping(1) plugins as probes for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingSmtp(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_EchoPingWhois(3) - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPing(3) - FPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPing6(3) - FPing6 Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FPingContinuous(3) - FPingContinuous Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_FTPtransfer(3) - intrusive bandwidth probe
- Smokeping_probes_IOSPing(3) - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_IRTT(3) - a SmokePing Probe for IRTT <https://github.com/peteheist/irtt>
- Smokeping_probes_LDAP(3) - a LDAP probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_NFSping(3) - NFSping Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHEOSPing(3) - Arista EOS SSH Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHJunOSPing(3) - Juniper SSH JunOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_passwordchecker(3) - A Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
- Smokeping_probes_Qstat(3) - Qstat Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_Radius(3) - a RADIUS authentication probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_RemoteFPing(3) - Remote FPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_SendEmail(3) - a Smokeping probe that measure time needed to send an mail
- Smokeping_probes_SipSak(3) - tests sip server
- Smokeping_probes_skel(3) - a skeleton for Smokeping Probes
- Smokeping_probes_SSH(3) - Secure Shell Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TacacsPlus(3) - a TacacsPlus authentication probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TCPPing(3) - TCPPing Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TelnetIOSPing(3) - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TelnetJunOSPing(3) - Juniper JunOS Probe for SmokePing
- Smokeping_probes_TraceroutePing(3) - use traceroute to obtain RTT for a router
- Smokeping_probes_WebProxyFilter(3) - tests webproxy filter performance and function.
- SMOKEPING_UPGRADE(7) - Notes on upgrading Smokeping
- SMONITOR(1) - command-line tool for monitoring services
- SMP(4) - description of the FreeBSD Symmetric Multi-Processor kernel
- SMP_DISCOVER(8) - invoke DISCOVER SMP function
- SMP_PHY_CONTROL(8) - invoke PHY CONTROL SMP function
- SMP_PHY_TEST(8) - invoke PHY TEST FUNCTION SMP function
- SMP_REP_PHY_SATA(8) - invoke REPORT PHY SATA SMP function
- SMP_UTILS(8) - invoke a SAS Serial Management Protocol (SMP) function
- SMP_ZONE_LOCK(8) - invoke ZONE LOCK SMP function
- SMP_ZONE_UNLOCK(8) - invoke ZONE UNLOCK SMP function
- SMPLAY(1) - Program to play a SpectMorph model
- smplayer(1) - The best GUI frontend for MPlayer
- SMPP(3) - pure Perl implementation of SMPP 3.4 over TCP
- SMPROXY(1) - Session Manager Proxy
- smrawmount - mount data stored in storage media (split) RAW (image) files
- SMRSH(8) - restricted shell for sendmail
- SMS::Send(3) - Driver-based API for sending SMS messages
- SMS::Send::AU::Test(3) - SMS::Send Regional-Class Testing Driver
- SMS::Send::DeviceGsm(3) - An SMS::Send driver for Device::Gsm.
- SMS::Send::Driver(3) - Base class for SMS::Send drivers
- SMS::Send::NexmoUnicode(3) - SMS::Send driver for www.nexmo.com
- SMS::Send::Test(3) - SMS::Send International-Class Testing Driver
- SMS::Send::TW::chtsns(3) - SMS::Send driver for SNS Service of CHT
- SMS::Send::TW::emome(3) - SMS::Send driver for www.emome.net
- SMS::Send::TW::HiAir(3) - SMS::Send driver for hiair.hinet.net
- SMS::Send::TW::PChome(3) - SMS::Send driver for sms.pchome.com.tw
- SMS::Send::TW::Socket2Air(3) - SMS::Send driver for HiNet Socket2Air
- SMS::SMS77(3) - inferface for sms77.de SMS Service
- SMS::SMS77::Message(3) - a message object for SMS::SMS77
- SMS77SEND(1) - send a sms message via sms77.de
- SMSC(4) - USB SMSC LAN9xxx Fast Ethernet driver
- SMSFIMPORT(1) - program to create SpectMorph models from SoundFont presets
- SMSTRIP(1) - program to remove extra data from SpectMorph model files
- SMT(1) - magnetic tape control
- SMTENGINE(3cvc) - the primary interface to CVC4's theorem-proving capabilities
- SMTOOL(1) - tool to show/change SpectMorph data from .sm/.smset files
- SMTP_auth(3) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client with AUTHentication
- SMTPCTL(8) - control the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol daemon
- SMTPD.CONF(5) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol daemon configuration file
- SMTPD(8) - Postfix SMTP server
- smtpdcheck(1) - check SMTP servers
- SMTPFEED(8) - SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer
- SMTPRC(1) - SMTP Relay Checker
- smu(1) - simple markup
- SMU(4) - Apple System Management Unit Driver
- smug(1) - a session manager for tmux written in go
- SMUGFS(4) - file system access to SmugMug photo sharing
- SMUSH(1) - defocus an RLE image.
- smuxi-frontend-gnome(1) - GNOME frontend for Smuxi chat client
- smuxi-frontend-stfl(1) - terminal frontend for Smuxi chat client
- smuxi-message-buffer(1) - converts and dumps Smuxi chat history
- smuxi-server(1) - remote engine for Smuxi chat client
- SMV(1) - symbolic model verifier
- SMWAVSET(1) - Program to manage spectmorph multiwave files
- SN9C102(4) - sn9c102 webcamd driver for USB cameras
- SN9C20x(4) - webcamd driver for Sonix USB cameras
- S-NAIL(1) - send and receive Internet mail
- snap2tzx(1)
- SNAPCLIENT(1) - Snapcast client
- snapconv(1)
- snapdump(1)
- SNAPINFO(8) - show snapshot location on UFS file systems
- SNAPSERVER(1) - Snapcast server
- snapshot_target(3) - type, with the application/ prefix being the default (and can thus be omitted).
- SNAPSHOT-COMPARE(1C) - compare two snapshots of a directory tree
- SNAPSHOT-DIR(1C) - create a snapshot database of a directory tree
- snarf(1) - Simple Non-interactive All-purpose Resource Fetcher
- SNARFER(1) - manage the snarf buffer
- SND_AD1816(4) - Analog Devices AD1816 ISA bridge device driver
- SND_AI2S(4) - Apple I2S audio device driver
- SND_ALS4000(4) - Avance Logic ALS4000 PCI bridge device driver
- SND_ATIIXP(4) - ATI IXP bridge device driver
- SND_CMI(4) - CMedia CMI8338/CMI8738 PCI bridge device driver
- SND_CS4281(4) - Crystal Semiconductor CS4281 PCI bridge device driver
- SND_CSA(4) - Crystal Semiconductor CS461x/462x/4280 PCI bridge device driver
- SND_DAVBUS(4) - Apple Davbus audio device driver
- SND_DS1(4) - Yamaha DS-1 PCI bridge device driver
- SND_EMU10K1(4) - SoundBlaster Live! and Audigy PCI bridge device driver
- SND_EMU10KX(4) - Creative SoundBlaster Live! and Audigy sound cards device driver
- SND_ENVY24(4) - VIA Envy24 and compatible bridge device driver
- SND_ENVY24HT(4) - VIA Envy24HT and compatible bridge device driver
- SND_ES137X(4) - Ensoniq AudioPCI ES137x bridge device driver
- SND_ESS(4) - Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP bridge device driver
- SND_FM801(4) - Forte Media FM801 bridge device driver
- SND_GUSC(4) - Gravis UltraSound ISA bridge device driver
- SND_HDA(4) - Intel High Definition Audio bridge device driver
- SND_HDSPE(4) - RME HDSPe bridge device driver
- SND_ICH(4) - Intel ICH AC'97 and compatible bridge device driver
- SND_MAESTRO(4) - ESS Maestro bridge device driver
- SND_MAESTRO3(4) - ESS Maestro3/Allegro-1 bridge device driver
- SND_MSS(4) - Microsoft Sound System ISA PnP/non-PnP bridge device driver
- SND_NEOMAGIC(4) - NeoMagic 256AV/ZX bridge device driver
- SND_SBC(4) - Creative Sound Blaster ISA and compatible bridge device driver
- SND_SOLO(4) - ESS Solo-1/1E PCI bridge device driver
- SND_SPICDS(4) - I2S SPI audio codec driver
- SND_T4DWAVE(4) - Trident 4DWave bridge device driver
- SND_UAUDIO(4) - USB audio and MIDI device driver
- SND_VIA8233(4) - VIA Technologies VT8233 bridge device driver
- SND_VIA82C686(4) - VIA Technologies 82C686A bridge device driver
- SND_VIBES(4) - S3 SonicVibes bridge device driver
- SNDIO(7) - audio and MIDI device descriptors
- SNDIOCTL(1) - manipulate audio device controls
- SNDIOD(8) - audio/MIDI server
- SNGREP(8) - SIP Messages flow viewer
- SNIFFIT(5) - configuration file for sniffit (name arbitrary)
- SNIFFIT(8) - packet sniffer and monitoring tool
- SNIPROXY.CONF(5) - sniproxy configuration file
- SNIPROXY(8) - transparent session based TLS and HTTP proxy
- SNMP(7) - The SNMP Application
- SNMP::Info(3) - OO Interface to Network devices and MIBs through SNMP
- SNMP::Info::AdslLine(3) - SNMP Interface to the ADSL-LINE-MIB
- SNMP::Info::Aggregate(3) - SNMP Interface to ifStackTable Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::Airespace(3) - SNMP Interface to data from AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB and AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB
- SNMP::Info::AMAP(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel Mapping Adjacency Protocol (AMAP)
- SNMP::Info::Bridge(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP data available through the BRIDGE-MIB (RFC1493)
- SNMP::Info::CDP(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) using SNMP
- SNMP::Info::CiscoAgg(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::CiscoConfig(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Configuration Files
- SNMP::Info::CiscoPortSecurity(3) - SNMP Interface to data from CISCO-PORT-SECURITY-MIB, CISCO-PAE-MIB and CISCO-ERR-DISABLE-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::CiscoPower(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::CiscoQOS(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's Quality of Service MIBs
- SNMP::Info::CiscoRTT(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's Round Trip Time MIBs
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStack(3) - SNMP Interface to data from CISCO-STACK-MIB
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStats(3) - Perl5 Interface to CPU and Memory stats for Cisco Devices
- SNMP::Info::CiscoStpExtensions(3) - SNMP Interface to "CISCO-STP-EXTENSIONS-MIB"
- SNMP::Info::CiscoVTP(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco's VLAN Management MIBs
- SNMP::Info::DocsisCM(3) - SNMP Interface for DOCSIS Cable Modems
- SNMP::Info::DocsisHE(3) - SNMP Interface for DOCS-IF-MIB and DOCS-IF3-MIB
- SNMP::Info::EDP(3) - SNMP Interface to the Extreme Discovery Protocol (EDP)
- SNMP::Info::Entity(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in ENTITY-MIB. RFC 2737
- SNMP::Info::EtherLike(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP ETHERLIKE-MIB RFC 1398
- SNMP::Info::FDP(3) - SNMP Interface to Foundry Discovery Protocol (FDP) using SNMP
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802_Bridge(3) - SNMP Interface to SNMP data available through the IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11(3) - SNMP Interface to data from IEEE802dot11-MIB
- SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot3ad(3) - SNMP Interface to IEEE Aggregated Links
- SNMP::Info::IPv6(3) - SNMP Interface for obtaining IPv6 addresses and IPv6 address mappings
- SNMP::Info::Layer1(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer1 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Allied(3) - SNMP Interface to old Allied Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Asante(3) - SNMP Interface to old Asante 1012 Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Bayhub(3) - SNMP Interface to Bay/Nortel/Avaya Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::Cyclades(3) - SNMP Interface to Cyclades/Avocent terminal servers
- SNMP::Info::Layer1::S3000(3) - SNMP Interface to Synoptics / Nortel Hubs
- SNMP::Info::Layer2(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer2 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::3Com(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 3Com Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Adtran(3) - SNMP Interface to Adtran Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Aerohive(3) - SNMP Interface to Aerohive / Extreme access points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Airespace(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco (Airespace) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Aironet(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Aironet devices running IOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Allied(3) - SNMP Interface to Allied Telesis switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Atmedia(3) - SNMP Interface to atmedia encryptors
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Baystack(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya Ethernet Switch (Baystack) and VSP 7000 series switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::C1900(3) - SNMP Interface to data from Cisco Catalyst 1900 Network Switches running CatOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::C2900(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 2900 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Catalyst(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst devices running Catalyst OS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Centillion(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel Centillion based ATM Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Cisco(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 Cisco devices that are not covered in other classes and the base L2 Cisco class for other device specific L2 Cisco classes.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::CiscoSB(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Small Business series
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Exinda(3) - SNMP Interface to exinda / gfi traffic shapers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Procurve Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP4000(3) - SNMP Interface to older HP ProCurve Switches (1600, 2400, 2424M, 4000 and 8000)
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::HPVC(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Virtual Connect Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Kentrox(3) - SNMP Interface to L2 Kentrox DataSMART DSU/CSU
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::N2270(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel 2270 Series Wireless Switch
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::NAP222x(3) - SNMP Interface to Nortel 2220 Series Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Netgear(3) - SNMP Interface to Netgear switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Nexans(3) - SNMP Interface to Nexans network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::NWSS2300(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya (Trapeze) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Orinoco(3) - SNMP Interface to Orinoco Series Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Sixnet(3) - SNMP Interface to Sixnet industrial switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Trapeze(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper (Trapeze) Wireless Controllers
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::Ubiquiti(3) - SNMP Interface to Ubiquiti Access Points
- SNMP::Info::Layer2::ZyXEL_DSLAM(3) - SNMP Interface to ZyXEL DSLAM
- SNMP::Info::Layer3(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer3 or Layers 2 & 3
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Aironet(3) - Perl5 Interface to Cisco Aironet Wireless Devices running Aironet software, not IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::AlcatelLucent(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::AlteonAD(3) - SNMP Interface to Radware Alteon ADC Switches.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Altiga(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco (formerly Altiga) VPN concentrators
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Arista(3) - SNMP Interface to Arista Networks EOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Aruba(3) - SNMP Interface to Aruba wireless switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::ArubaCX(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices running ArubaOS-CX
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::BayRS(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel routers running BayRS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::BlueCoatSG(3) - SNMP Interface to Blue Coat SG Series proxy devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C3550(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 3550 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C4000(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 4000 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::C6500(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Catalyst 6500 Layer 2/3 Switches running IOS and/or CatOS. Also Cisco Catalyst 2960, 2970, 3750 and 3850 series and blade switch CBS30x0 and CBS31x0 series running IOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CheckPoint(3) - SNMP Interface to CheckPoint Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Ciena(3) - SNMP Interface to Ciena Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Cisco(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 and L2+L3 IOS Cisco Device that are not covered in other classes and the base L3 Cisco class for other device specific L3 Cisco classes.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoASA(3) - Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoFWSM(3) - SNMP Interface to Firewall Services Modules for features not covered elsewhere.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::CiscoSwitch(3) - Base class for L3 Cisco switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Contivity(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel VPN Routers (formerly Contivity Extranet Switches).
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Cumulus(3) - SNMP Interface to Cumulus Networks Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Dell(3) - SNMP Interface to Dell Power Connect Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::DLink(3) - SNMP Interface to DLink Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Enterasys(3) - SNMP Interface to Enterasys Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::ERX(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper ERX Layer 3 routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Extreme(3) - Perl5 Interface to Extreme Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::F5(3) - SNMP Interface to F5 network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Force10(3) - SNMP Interface to Force10 Networks FTOS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Fortinet(3) - SNMP Interface to Fortinet network devices.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Foundry(3) - SNMP Interface to Brocade (Foundry) Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Genua(3) - SNMP Interface to Genua security devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::H3C(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices, H3C & HP A-series
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::HP9300(3) - SNMP Interface to HP Foundry OEM Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Huawei(3) - SNMP Interface to Huawei switches and routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::IBMGbTor(3) - SNMP Interface to Lenovo/IBM Rackswitch devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Juniper(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Juniper Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Lantronix(3) - SNMP Interface to Lantronix devices such as terminal servers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Lenovo(3) - SNMP Interface to Lenovo switches running CNOS.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Microsoft(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Microsoft Windows routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Mikrotik(3) - SNMP Interface to Mikrotik devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::N1600(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya/Nortel 16XX Network Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen(3) - SNMP Interface to Juniper Netscreen Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::NetSNMP(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Net-SNMP Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Nexus(3) - SNMP Interface to Cisco Nexus Switches running NX-OS
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::OneAccess(3) - SNMP Interface to OneAccess routers.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::PacketFront(3) - SNMP Interface to PacketFront devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::PaloAlto(3) - SNMP Interface to Palo Alto devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Passport(3) - SNMP Interface to modular Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8000 Series and VSP 9000 Series switches.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Pf(3) - SNMP Interface to FreeBSD-Based Firewalls using Pf /Pf Sense
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Pica8(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Devices, Pica8
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Redlion(3) - SNMP Interface to redlion routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Scalance(3) - SNMP Interface to Siemens Scalance Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::SonicWALL(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 SonicWALL Firewall
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Steelfusion(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Steelhead(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::SteelheadEx(3) - SNMP Interface to Riverbed Steelhead WAN optimization appliances.
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Sun(3) - SNMP Interface to L3 Sun Solaris
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Tasman(3) - SNMP Interface to Avaya Secure Routers
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Teltonika(3) - SNMP Interface to Teltonika devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Timetra(3) - SNMP Interface to Alcatel-Lucent SR
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::VMware(3) - SNMP Interface to VMware ESXi
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::VyOS(3) - SNMP Interface to Vyatta Devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer3::Whiterabbit(3) - SNMP Interface to Whiterabbit Switches
- SNMP::Info::Layer7(3) - SNMP Interface to network devices serving Layer7 only.
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::APC(3) - SNMP Interface to APC UPS devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Arbor(3) - SNMP Interface to Arbor appliances
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::CiscoIPS(3) - Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance IPS module
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Gigamon(3) - SNMP Interface to Gigamon devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Liebert(3) - SNMP Interface to Liebert devices
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Neoteris(3) - SNMP Interface to Pulse Secure / Juniper SSL VPN appliances
- SNMP::Info::Layer7::Netscaler(3) - SNMP Interface to Citrix Netscaler appliances
- SNMP::Info::LLDP(3) - SNMP Interface to the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
- SNMP::Info::MAU(3) - SNMP Interface to Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) MIB (RFC 2668) via SNMP
- SNMP::Info::MRO(3) - Method resolution introspection for SNMP::Info
- SNMP::Info::NortelStack(3) - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel S5-AGENT-MIB and S5-CHASSIS-MIB
- SNMP::Info::PowerEthernet(3) - SNMP Interface to data stored in POWER-ETHERNET-MIB.
- SNMP::Info::RapidCity(3) - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel RapidCity MIB
- SNMP::Info::SONMP(3) - SNMP Interface to SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP)
- SNMP::Persist(3) - The SNMP pass_persist threaded backend
- SNMP::Trapinfo(3) - Read and process an SNMP trap from Net-SNMP's snmptrapd
- SNMP_ALARM(3) - alarm functions
- SNMP_BRIDGE(3) - bridge module for snmpd
- snmp_community_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB
- SNMP_CONFIG(5) - handling of Net-SNMP configuration files
- snmp_framework_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
- snmp_generic(3) - Generic Functions for Implementing SNMP Objects in a Database
- snmp_index(3) - Abstract Data Type for SNMP Indexing
- SNMP_LM75(3)
- SNMP_MIBII(3) - mib-2 module for bsnmpd.
- SNMP_NETGRAPH(3) - netgraph module for snmpd
- snmp_notification_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB
- snmp_pdus(3) - Encode and Decode Functions for SNMP PDUs
- snmp_standard_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for STANDARD-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB
- snmp_target_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-TARGET-MIB
- snmp_user_based_sm_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB
- snmp_view_based_acm_mib(3) - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB
- snmpa(3) - Interface Functions to the SNMP toolkit agent
- snmpa_conf(3) - Utility functions for handling the agent config files.
- snmpa_discovery_handler(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent discovery handler.
- snmpa_error(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors
- snmpa_error_io(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors on stdio
- snmpa_error_logger(3) - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors through the error_logger
- snmpa_error_report(3) - Behaviour module for reporting SNMP agent errors
- snmpa_local_db(3) - The SNMP built-in database
- snmpa_mib_data(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent mib-server data module.
- snmpa_mib_storage(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent mib storage.
- snmpa_mpd(3) - Message Processing and Dispatch module for the SNMP agent
- snmpa_network_interface(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent network interface.
- snmpa_network_interface_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent network-interface filter.
- snmpa_notification_delivery_info_receiver(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent notification delivery information receiver.
- snmpa_notification_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP agent notification filters.
- snmpa_supervisor(3) - A supervisor for the SNMP agent Processes
- SNMP-BRIDGE-MIB(1) - provide Linux bridge information via SNMP
- SNMPBULKGET(1) - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETBULK requests.
- SNMPBULKWALK(1) - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETBULK requests
- snmpc(3) - Interface Functions to the SNMP toolkit MIB compiler
- SNMPCMD(1) - options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-line tools
- SNMPCONF(1) - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
- SNMPD.CONF(5) - configuration file for the Net-SNMP SNMP agent
- SNMPDELTA(1) - Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values
- SNMPDF(1) - display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP
- SNMPGETNEXT(1) - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- SNMPKEY(1) - Create SNMPv3 security keys for the Net::SNMP module
- snmpm(3) - Interface functions to the SNMP toolkit manager
- snmpm_conf(3) - Utility functions for handling the manager config files.
- snmpm_mpd(3) - Message Processing and Dispatch module for the SNMP manager
- snmpm_network_interface(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network interface.
- snmpm_network_interface_filter(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network-interface filter.
- snmpm_user(3) - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager user.
- SNMPMOD(3) - SNMP daemon loadable module interface
- SNMPNETSTAT(1) - display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via SNMP
- SNMPPS(1) - display process table on a network entity via SNMP
- SNMPSET(1) - communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
- SNMPSTATUS(1) - retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity
- SNMPTABLE(1) - retrieve an SNMP table and display it in tabular form
- SNMPTEST(1) - communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests
- SNMPTRANSLATE(1) - translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms
- SNMPTRAP(1) - sends an SNMP notification to a manager
- SNMPTRAPD.CONF(5) - configuration file for the Net-SNMP notification receiver
- SNMPTRAPD(8) - Receive and log SNMP trap messages.
- SNMPTRAPD-SIMPLE(1) - Simple SNMP Trap Server
- SNMP-UPS(8) - Multi-MIB Driver for SNMP UPS equipment
- SNMPUSM(1) - creates and maintains SNMPv3 users on a network entity
- SNMPv2-MIB(7)
- SNMPv2-TM(7)
- SNMPVACM(1) - creates and maintains SNMPv3 View-based Access Control entries on a network entity
- SNMPWALK(1) - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- SNOBOL4(1) - SNOBOL4 interpreter
- SNOBOL4CMD(1) - SNOBOL4 interpreter command line syntax
- SNOBOL4CTRL(1) - SNOBOL4 control lines
- SNOBOL4DIGEST(3) - message digest library
- SNOBOL4DIRS(3) - filesystem directory interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4ERROR(1) - SNOBOL4 error codes
- SNOBOL4EXT(1) - CSNOBOL4 extensions
- SNOBOL4EZIO(3) - SNOBOL4 easy to use file I/O
- SNOBOL4FFI(3) - Foreign Function Interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4FUNC(1) - SNOBOL4 summary of built-in functions
- SNOBOL4HOST(3) - SNOBOL4 host O/S functions
- SNOBOL4IO(1) - SNOBOL4 file I/O
- SNOBOL4KEY(1) - SNOBOL4 keywords
- SNOBOL4LOAD(3) - Loading extension modules into SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4LOGIC(3) - bitwise logic and conversions for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4NDBM(3) - SNOBOL4 NDBM interface
- SNOBOL4OP(1) - SNOBOL4 operators
- SNOBOL4RANDOM(3) - SNOBOL4 random number functions
- SNOBOL4READLINE(3) - SNOBOL4 readline interface
- SNOBOL4SETUP(3) - SNOBOL4 Loadable module setup utility
- SNOBOL4SPRINTF(3) - numeric formatting
- SNOBOL4SQLITE3(3) - SQLITE3 interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4SQLITE3DBM(3) - "dbm" style interface for SNOBOL4 using SQLite3
- SNOBOL4STAT(3) - file status interface for SNOBOL4
- SNOBOL4TIME(3) - SNOBOL4 time functions
- SNOBOL4ZLIB(3) - compression/decompression library
- SNOLIB(3) - SNOBOL4 library routines
- SNOOZE(1) - run a command at a particular time
- SNOPEA(1) - convert SNOBOL snopea documentation to roff and HTML
- SNOPEA(7) - A little ``Plain Old Documentation'' format for SNOBOL4
- SNORT(8) - open source network intrusion detection system
- Snort::Parser::File(3) - a module for handling the parsing of snort files
- Snort::Parser::Rule(3) - Perl interface to parsing snort rules
- Snort::Rule(3) - Perl extension for dynamically building snort rules
- SNORT2PFCD(8) - provides real-time blocking of ip addresses from snort alerts via packet filter firewall tables.
- SNORTCONFIG(1) - a simple yet complicated rules maintance system
- SNORT-REP(1) - snort-reporting tool
- SNOWFLAKE-CLIENT(1) - WebRTC pluggable transport client for Tor
- SNOWFLAKE-PROXY(1) - WebRTC pluggable transport proxy for Tor
- SNP(4) - tty snoop interface
- SNTOP(1) - top-like console network status tool
- SNTP(8) - standard Simple Network Time Protocol client program
- sntpclock(1) - check a system's clock through NTP
- SOAP::Amazon::S3(3) - A module for interfacing with Amazon S3 through SOAP
- SOAP::Client(3) - exists purely as a superclass for client classes declared by the various SOAP::Lite transport modules.
- SOAP::Constants(3) - SOAP::Lite provides several variables to allows programmers and users to modify the behavior of SOAP::Lite in specific ways.
- SOAP::Data(3) - this class provides the means by which to explicitly manipulate and control all aspects of the way in which Perl data gets expressed as SOAP data entities.
- SOAP::Data::Builder(3) - A wrapper simplifying SOAP::Data and SOAP::Serialiser
- SOAP::Data::Builder::Element(3) - A simple wrapper SOAP::Data Elements
- SOAP::Defs(3) - Spec-defined constants
- SOAP::Deserializer(3) - the means by which the toolkit manages the conversion of XML into an object manageable by a developer
- SOAP::Envelope(3) - Creates SOAP streams
- SOAP::EnvelopeMaker(3) - Creates SOAP envelopes
- SOAP::Fault(3) - encapsulates SOAP faults prior to their serialization or after their deserialization
- SOAP::GenericHashSerializer(3) - Generic serializer for Perl hashes
- SOAP::GenericInputStream(3) - Default handler for SOAP::Parser output
- SOAP::GenericScalarSerializer(3) - Generic serializer for Perl scalar references
- SOAP::Header(3) - similar to SOAP::Data elements, a SOAP::Header object simply is encoded in the SOAP Header block
- SOAP::Lite::Packager(3) - this class is an abstract class which allows for multiple types of packaging agents such as MIME and DIME.
- SOAP::MySOAP(3) - An extremely basic SOAP client module
- SOAP::OutputStream(3) - Writes SOAP fragments
- SOAP::Packager(3) - SOAP internal helper class
- SOAP::Parser(3) - Parses SOAP documents
- SOAP::Schema(3) - provides an umbrella for the way in which SOAP::Lite manages service description schemas
- SOAP::Serializer(3) - serialization utilities
- SOAP::Server(3) - provides the basic framework for the transport-specific server classes to build upon
- SOAP::SimpleTypeWrapper(3) - deprecated
- SOAP::SOM(3) - provides access to the values contained in SOAP Response
- SOAP::Struct(3) - support for ordered hashes
- SOAP::StructSerializer(3) - (internal) serializer for SOAP structs
- SOAP::Test(3) - Test framework for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::Trace(3) - used only to manage and manipulate the runtime tracing of execution within the toolkit
- SOAP::Transport(3) - an abstract class extended by more specialized transport modules
- SOAP::Transport::FTP(3)
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache(3) - SOAP mod_perl handler
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI(3) - Generic SOAP CGI handler
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client(3) - Client side HTTP support for SOAP/Perl
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Plack(3) - transport for Plack (http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/Plack/) PSGI toolkit for SOAP::Lite module.
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server(3) - Server side HTTP support for SOAP/Perl
- SOAP::Transport::JABBER(3)
- SOAP::Transport::LOOPBACK(3) - Test loopback transport backend (Client only)
- SOAP::Transport::POP3(3) - Server side POP3 support for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::Transport::TCP(3) - TCP Transport Support for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::TypedPrimitive(3) - Wrapper for xsd primitives that need explicit SOAP type attributes
- SOAP::TypedPrimitiveSerializer(3) - serializer for xsd scalars
- SOAP::TypeMapper(3) - Maps Perl types to their serializer/deserializer classes
- SOAP::Utils(3) - a utility package for SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::WSDL::Client(3) - SOAP::WSDL's SOAP Client
- SOAP::WSDL::Client::Base(3) - Factory class for WSDL-based SOAP access
- SOAP::WSDL::Definitions(3) - model a WSDL >definitions< element
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::Hash(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into perl hash refs
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::SOM(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into SOM objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::XSD(3) - Deserializer SOAP messages into SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib:: objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::Base(3) - Base class for XML::Parser::Expat based XML parsers
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::Message2Hash(3) - Convert SOAP messages to perl hash refs
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser(3) - Convert SOAP messages to custom object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageStreamParser(3) - Convert SOAP messages to custom object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser(3) - Parse WSDL files into object trees
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Deserializer(3) - Factory for retrieving Deserializer objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Generator(3) - Factory for retrieving generator objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Serializer(3) - Factory for retrieving serializer objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport(3) - Factory for retrieving transport objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Iterator::WSDL11(3) - WSDL 1.1 Iterator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::PrefixResolver(3) - prefixes for different classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template(3) - Template-based code generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template::Plugin::XSD(3) - Template plugin for the XSD generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Template::XSD(3) - XSD code generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Visitor(3) - SOAP::WSDL's Visitor-based Code Generator
- SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Visitor::Typemap(3) - Visitor class for generating typemaps
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual(3) - Accessing WSDL based web services
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::CodeFirst(3) - Writing Code-First Web Services with SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Cookbook(3) - SOAP::WSDL recipes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Deserializer(3) - Deserializer classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Glossary(3) - Those acronyms and stuff
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Parser(3) - How SOAP::WSDL parses XML messages
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Serializer(3) - Serializer classes
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::WS_I(3) - How SOAP::WSDL complies to WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
- SOAP::WSDL::Manual::XSD(3) - SOAP::WSDL's XML Schema implementation
- SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::XSD(3) - Serializer for SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib:: objects
- SOAP::WSDL::Server(3) - WSDL based SOAP server base class
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::CGI(3) - CGI based SOAP server
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::Mod_Perl2(3) - mod_perl based SOAP server using SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Server::Simple(3) - CGI based SOAP server for HTTP::Server::Simple
- SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11(3) - SOAP 1.1 Fault class
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP(3) - Fallback http(s) transport class
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::Loopback(3) - Loopback transport class for SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::Transport::Test(3) - Test transport class for SOAP::WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Schema::Builtin(3) - Provides builtin XML Schema datatypes for parsing WSDL
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin(3) - Built-in XML Schema datatypes
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::list(3) - list derivation base class
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::ComplexType(3) - Base class for complexType node classes
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element(3) - element base clase
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::SimpleType(3) - simpleType base class
- SOAP::XML::Client(3) - Simple frame work for talking with web services
- SOAP::XML::Client::DotNet(3) - talk with .net webservices
- SOAP::XML::Client::Generic(3) - talk with 'generic' webservices, e.g. not .net
- SOAPSH(1) - Interactive shell for SOAP calls
- soapsuds(1) - Mono's Remoting Proxy Generator
- SOAPYSDRSERVER(1) - provide access to local SoapySDR devices over network
- SOAPYSDRUTIL(1) - query and change module information of SoapySDR
- SOB(3) - Get user information of SOB-style BBS
- SOBBY(1) - a dedicated server for collaborative editing
- socat(1) - Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
- sockaddr(1) - list address resolution.
- SOCKATMARK(3) - determine whether the read pointer is at the OOB mark
- SOCKD(1) - Socks 5 proxy server
- SOCKD(8) - network proxyserver
- SOCKDOWN(1) - shutdown(2) a socket
- SOCKET(1) - create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
- SOCKET(2) - create an endpoint for communication
- SOCKET(9) - kernel socket interface
- socket(n) - Open a TCP network connection
- Socket::GetAddrInfo(3) - address-family independent name resolving functions
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Emul(3) - Pure Perl emulation of "getaddrinfo" and "getnameinfo" using IPv4-only legacy resolvers
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Socket6api(3) - Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions using Socket6 API
- Socket::GetAddrInfo::Strict(3) - Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions which throw exceptions
- socket_accept4(3) - accept an IPv4 TCP connection on a socket
- socket_accept6(3) - accept an IPv6 TCP connection on a socket
- socket_bind4(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind4_reuse(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind6(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_bind6_reuse(3) - set the local IP address and port of a socket
- socket_broadcast(3) - set UDP socket to broadcast mode
- socket_connect4(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_connect6(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_connected(3) - is a connection established on a socket?
- socket_fastopen(3) - enable TCP Fast Open on a server-side TCP socket
- socket_fastopen_connect4(3) - make a TCP connection and send some data
- socket_fastopen_connect6(3) - make a TCP connection and send some data
- socket_getifidx(3) - get interface number
- socket_getifname(3) - get interface name
- socket_listen(3) - attempt to make a TCP connection
- socket_local4(3) - get local IP address of socket
- socket_local6(3) - get local IP address of socket
- socket_mchopcount6(3) - set multicast hop count
- socket_mcjoin4(3) - join a multicast group
- socket_mcjoin6(3) - join a multicast group
- socket_mcleave4(3) - leave a multicast group
- socket_mcleave6(3) - leave a multicast group
- socket_mcloop4(3) - set multicast loopback
- socket_mcloop6(3) - set multicast loopback
- socket_mcttl4(3) - set multicast ttl
- socket_quickack(3) - turn TCP Quick ACK mode on or off
- socket_recv4(3) - receive a UDP datagram
- socket_recv6(3) - receive a UDP datagram
- socket_remote4(3) - get remote IP address of socket
- socket_remote6(3) - get remote IP address of socket
- socket_sctp4(3) - create a non-blocking SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp4b(3) - create a blocking SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_sctp6b(3) - create a blocking IPv6 SCTP/IP stream socket
- socket_send4(3) - send a UDP datagram
- socket_send6(3) - send a UDP datagram
- socket_tcp4(3) - create a non-blocking TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp4b(3) - create a blocking TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_tcp6b(3) - create a blocking IPv6 TCP/IP stream socket
- socket_udp4(3) - create a non-blocking UDP/IP datagram socket
- socket_udp6(3) - create a non-blocking IPv6 UDP/IP datagram socket
- SOCKET_WRAPPER(1) - A library passing all socket communications through unix sockets.
- Socket6(3) - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- SOCKETMAP_TABLE(5) - Postfix socketmap table lookup client
- SOCKETPAIR(2) - create a pair of connected sockets
- SOCKETPIPE(1) - zero overhead remote process plumbing
- sockin(1) - a utility for piping textual program output into a UNIX domain socket.
- socklog(8) - small and secure syslogd replacement for use with runit
- socklog-check(8) - checks for the availability of a socklog(8) service.
- socklog-conf(8) - sets up a socklog(8) service.
- SOCKSIFY(1) - Run an application using a Socks 5 proxy
- SOCKSRC(5) - Socks 5 configuration file
- SOELIM(1) - interpret .so requests in manpages
- sofs(3) - Functions for manipulating sets of sets.
- SOFTFLOWCTL(8) - Remote control program for softflowd
- SOFTFLOWD(8) - Traffic flow monitoring
- softhsm2.conf(5) - SoftHSM configuration file
- SOFTHSM2-DUMP-DB(1) - SoftHSM database dump
- SOFTHSM2-DUMP-FILE(1) - SoftHSM object file dump
- SOFTHSM2-KEYCONV(1) - converting from BIND to PKCS#8 key file format
- SOFTHSM2-MIGRATE(1) - SoftHSM v1 migration tool
- SOFTHSM2-UTIL(1) - support tool for libsofthsm2
- softlimit(8) - runs another program with new resource limits.
- Software::License(3) - packages that provide templated software licenses
- Software::License::AGPL_3(3) - GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::Apache_1_1(3) - The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
- Software::License::Apache_2_0(3) - The Apache License, Version 2.0
- Software::License::Artistic_1_0(3) - The Artistic License
- Software::License::Artistic_2_0(3) - The Artistic License 2.0
- Software::License::BSD(3) - The (three-clause) BSD License
- Software::License::CC_BY_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 License (CC BY 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License (CC BY 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0 License (CC BY-NC 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 License (CC BY-NC 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_ND_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_NC_SA_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 1.0 License (CC BY-ND 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 License (CC BY-ND 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-ND 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_ND_NC_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 License (CC BY-ND-NC 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 License (CC BY-SA 1.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_2_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_3_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Software::License::CC_BY_SA_4_0(3) - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Software::License::CC_PDM_1_0(3) - Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0
- Software::License::CC0_1_0(3) - the "public domain"-like CC0 license, version 1.0
- Software::License::CCpack(3) - Software::License pack for Creative Commons' licenses
- Software::License::Custom(3) - custom license handler
- Software::License::EUPL_1_1(3) - The European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.1
- Software::License::EUPL_1_2(3) - The European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.2
- Software::License::FreeBSD(3) - The FreeBSD License (aka two-clause BSD)
- Software::License::GFDL_1_2(3) - The GNU Free Documentation License v1.2
- Software::License::GFDL_1_3(3) - The GNU Free Documentation License v1.3
- Software::License::GPL_1(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 1
- Software::License::GPL_2(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 2
- Software::License::GPL_3(3) - GNU General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::LGPL_2_1(3) - GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1
- Software::License::LGPL_3_0(3) - GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
- Software::License::MIT(3) - The MIT (aka X11) License
- Software::License::Mozilla_1_0(3) - Mozilla Public License 1.0
- Software::License::Mozilla_1_1(3) - The Mozilla Public License 1.1
- Software::License::Mozilla_2_0(3) - Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
- Software::License::None(3) - describes a "license" that gives no license for re-use
- Software::License::OpenSSL(3) - The OpenSSL License
- Software::License::Perl_5(3) - The Perl 5 License (Artistic 1 & GPL 1)
- Software::License::PostgreSQL(3) - The PostgreSQL License
- Software::License::QPL_1_0(3) - The Q Public License, Version 1.0
- Software::License::SSLeay(3) - The Original SSLeay License
- Software::License::Sun(3) - Sun Internet Standards Source License (SISSL)
- Software::License::Zlib(3) - The zlib License
- Software::LicenseUtils(3) - little useful bits of code for licensey things
- soju(1) - IRC bouncer
- SOL(6) - Solitaire card game.
- SOLARUS-LAUNCHER(6) - manual page for solarus-launcher 1.6.2
- SOLARUS-RUN(6) - manual page for solarus-run 1.6.2
- SOLDOUT(3) - markdown parser library
- SOLDOUT_ARRAY(3) - array handling functions for soldout
- SOLDOUT_BUFFER(3) - buffer handling functions for soldout
- SOLDOUT_MARKDOWN(3) - parse markdown document
- SOLDOUT_RENDERERS(3) - various markdown to HTML renderers for soldout
- soldumper(1) - Gnash Local Shared Object (LSO) File Dumper
- solid_mode(3) - Shortcut for selecting solid drawing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- SOLIDS(nged) - Lists a summary of all the primitive shapes used in regions referenced by the list of
- SOLIS(8) - Driver for Brazilian Microsol SOLIS UPS equipment
- Solitaire(3) - Solitaire encryption
- Solr::HTTPUpdateHandler(3) - Perl extension for Posting adds, updates, and deletes to a Solr Server.
- Solr::Schema(3) - Reads user defined fields from solr config file schema.xml .
- solterm(1) - An IPMI Serial over LAN program
- SOLVE-FIELD(1) - Main high-level command-line user interface.
- solveGB(3) - Linear Solve
- solveGE(3) - Linear Solve
- solveGT(3) - Linear Solve
- solveHE(3) - Linear Solve
- solvePO(3) - Linear Solve
- solvePT(3) - Linear Solve
- solveSY(3) - Linear Solve
- sonar(6) - display a sonar scope
- SONATA(1) - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon
- SONIXJ(4) - webcamd driver for Sonix USB cameras
- SOOTHSAYERDEMO(1) - soothsayer demo program (ncurses)
- SOOTHSAYERDEMOTEXT(1) - soothsayer demo program (text)
- SOOTHSAYERSIMULATOR(1) - soothsayer simulator program
- sopwith(6) - classic aerial combat shoot em up game
- sorbdb1.f(3)
- sorbdb2.f(3)
- sorbdb3.f(3)
- sorbdb4.f(3)
- sorbdb5.f(3)
- sorbdb6.f(3)
- SORD_VALIDATE(1) - Validate RDF data
- SORDI(1) - Load and re-serialise RDF data
- sorg2l.f(3)
- sorg2r.f(3)
- sorgl2.f(3)
- sorgr2.f(3)
- sorgtsqr.f(3)
- sorhr_col.f(3)
- sorm22.f(3)
- sorm2l.f(3)
- sorm2r.f(3)
- sorml2.f(3)
- sormr2.f(3)
- sormr3.f(3)
- sorry_no_written_yet(1) - part of atlc
- Sort::Fields(3) - Sort lines containing delimited fields
- Sort::Key(3) - the fastest way to sort anything in Perl
- Sort::Key::DateTime(3) - Perl extension for sorting objects by some DateTime key
- Sort::Key::IPv4(3) - sort IP v4 addresses
- Sort::Key::Maker(3) - multi-key sorter creator
- Sort::Key::Multi(3) - simple multi-key sorts
- Sort::Key::Natural(3) - fast natural sorting
- Sort::Key::Register(3) - tell Sort::Key how to sort new data types.
- Sort::Key::Top(3) - select and sort top n elements
- Sort::Key::Types(3)
- Sort::Maker(3) - A simple way to make efficient sort subs
- Sort::Naturally(3)
- Sort::Sub(3) - Collection of sort subroutines
- Sort::Sub::asciibetically(3) - Sort ascibetically (string-wise)
- Sort::Sub::by_ascii_then_num(3) - Sort non-numbers (sorted asciibetically) before numbers (sorted numerically)
- Sort::Sub::by_count(3) - Sort by number of occurrences of pattern in string
- Sort::Sub::by_first_num_in_text(3) - Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_last_num_in_text(3) - Sort by last number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_length(3) - Sort by length of string
- Sort::Sub::by_num_in_text(3) - Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically
- Sort::Sub::by_num_then_ascii(3) - Sort numbers (sorted numerically) before non-numbers (sorted asciibetically)
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_code(3) - Sort by Perl code
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_function(3) - Sort by Perl function
- Sort::Sub::by_perl_op(3) - Sort by Perl operator
- Sort::Sub::by_rand(3) - Sort randomly using Perl's rand()
- Sort::Sub::naturally(3) - Sort naturally (by number or string parts)
- Sort::Sub::numerically(3) - Sort numerically
- Sort::Sub::randomly(3) - Sort randomly using Perl's rand()
- Sort::Sub::record_by_order(3)
- Sort::Sub::record_by_reverse_order(3)
- Sort::Tree(3) - Organize list of objects into parent/child order.
- Sort::Versions(3) - a perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
- SORTBIB(1) - sort bibliographic database
- SORTBYQUOTE(1) - sort C/C++ code by quoted regions
- SORTER(1) - Sort files in an image into categories based on file type
- SORTM(1) - sort nmh messages
- sortmail(1) - sort email messages by date/time
- SORT-PICTURES(1) - sort pictures according to exif date
- SOS()
- SOUND(4)
- SoundAbbrevToFileFormat(3)
- SoundCloseFile(3)
- SoundCreate(3)
- SoundEvents(1)
- Soundex(3) - Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
- SoundFlushFile(3)
- SOUNDGRAB(1) - select and save sections of an audio file
- sound-juicer(1) - GNOME-desktop CD ripper and player using GStreamer
- SoundOpenFileForReading(3)
- SoundOpenFileForWriting(3)
- SoundReadFile(3)
- SoundRewindFile(3)
- SoundSeekFile(3)
- SoundStringToFileFormat(3)
- SoundTellFile(3)
- SOUNDTOH(1) - convert a sound file to a C language header file
- SOUNDTRACKER(1) - a tracker for gnome that supports .xm files
- SoundWriteFile(3)
- source(n) - Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script
- SOURCEFILTER(3) - advanced multicast group membership API
- sourcefuncsize(1)
- SOURCE-HIGHLIGHT(1) - convert source code to syntax highlighted document
- SOURCE-HIGHLIGHT-SETTINGS(1) - utility that can be used to write a configuration file for GNU Source-highlight (and its library)
- SOWON(6) - Starting soon timer
- SoX(1) - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
- SoX(3) - SoX, an audio file-format and effect library
- SoX(7) - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
- SoXI(1) - Sound eXchange Information, display sound file metadata
- soxt-config(1) - Display SoXt Library Configuration
- SP_CONNECT(3) - Connect an application to a daemon
- SP_DISCONNECT(3) - destroy connection between app and daemon
- SP_EQUAL_GROUP_IDS(3) - checks amount of data ready to be read
- SP_ERROR(3) - Spread error string reporting
- SP_JOIN(3) - create connection between app and daemon
- SP_LEAVE(3) - create connection between app and daemon
- SP_MULTICAST(3) - Multicast message to groups
- SP_POLL(3) - checks amount of data ready to be read
- SP_RECEIVE(3) - Receive message from Spread
- Spacetime(3) - Profiling of a program's space behaviour over time.
- SPACETRACK(1) - Perl application to fetch satellite orbit data.
- SPAMALYZE(1) - Apply multiple Realtime Blackhole Lists to all messages in an mbox
- SPAMASSASSIN(1) - extensible email filter used to identify spam
- SPAMASSASSIN-RUN(1) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
- spamassassin-run(3) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
- SPAMD.CONF(5) - spamd configuration file
- SPAMDB(8) - spamd database tool
- SPAMD-SETUP(8) - parse and load file of spammer addresses
- SPAMLOGD(8) - spamd whitelist updating daemon
- spamprobe(1) - a bayesian spam filter
- SPANK(8) - Slurm Plug-in Architecture for Node and job (K)control
- SPAR(1) - a modular console calculator
- SPARKLINE(1) - manual page for sparkline 1.4
- SPAWN(3PVM) - Starts new PVM processes.
- SPAWN(8) - Postfix external command spawner
- spawn-fcgi(1) - Spawns FastCGI processes
- SPAWNL(3) - calls a command with specified arguments
- spawnlp(3)
- SPAWNV(3) - calls a command with specified arguments
- spawnvp(3)
- SPAX(1L) - portable archive interchange
- spbtf2.f(3)
- spc2it(1) - converts SPC700 sound files to the Impulse Tracker format
- SPCA5xx(4) - webcamd driver for USB cameras
- SPD-CONF(1) - configure Speech Dispatcher and diagnose problems
- SPD-SAY(1) - send text-to-speech output request to speech-dispatcher
- SPDY-CLIENT(1) - Example Net::SPDY client
- SPDY-SERVER(1) - Example Net::SPDY server
- SPEAKER-TEST(1) - command-line speaker test tone generator for ALSA
- spec-beautifier(1)
- Specio(3) - Type constraints and coercions for Perl
- Specio::Coercion(3) - A class representing a coercion from one type to another
- Specio::Constraint::AnyCan(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or object with a set of methods
- Specio::Constraint::AnyDoes(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or an object that does a specific role
- Specio::Constraint::AnyIsa(3) - A class for constraints which require a class name or an object that inherit from a specific class
- Specio::Constraint::Enum(3) - A class for constraints which require a string matching one of a set of values
- Specio::Constraint::Intersection(3) - A class for intersection constraints
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan(3) - A class for constraints which require an object with a set of methods
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes(3) - A class for constraints which require an object that does a specific role
- Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa(3) - A class for constraints which require an object that inherits from a specific class
- Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable(3) - A class which represents parameterizable constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Parameterized(3) - A class which represents parameterized constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyCan and Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan
- Specio::Constraint::Role::DoesType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyDoes and Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes
- Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface(3) - The interface all type constraints should provide
- Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType(3) - Provides a common implementation for Specio::Constraint::AnyIsa and Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa
- Specio::Constraint::Simple(3) - Class for simple (non-parameterized or specialized) types
- Specio::Constraint::Structurable(3) - A class which represents structurable constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Structured(3) - A class which represents structured constraints
- Specio::Constraint::Union(3) - A class for union constraints
- Specio::Declare(3) - Specio declaration subroutines
- Specio::DeclaredAt(3) - A class to represent where a type or coercion was declared
- Specio::Exception(3) - An exception class for type constraint failures
- Specio::Exporter(3) - Base class for type libraries
- Specio::Helpers(3) - Helper subs for the Specio distro
- Specio::Library::Builtins(3) - Implements type constraint objects for Perl's built-in types
- Specio::Library::Numeric(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common numeric types
- Specio::Library::Perl(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common Perl language things
- Specio::Library::String(3) - Implements type constraint objects for some common string types
- Specio::Library::Structured(3) - Structured types for Specio (Dict, Map, Tuple)
- Specio::Library::Structured::Dict(3) - Guts of Dict structured type
- Specio::Library::Structured::Map(3) - Guts of Map structured type
- Specio::Library::Structured::Tuple(3) - Guts of Tuple structured type
- Specio::OO(3) - A painfully poor reimplementation of Moo(se)
- Specio::PartialDump(3) - A partially rear-ended copy of Devel::PartialDump without prereqs
- Specio::Registry(3) - Implements the per-package type registry
- Specio::Role::Inlinable(3) - A role for things which can be inlined (type constraints and coercions)
- Specio::Subs(3) - Make validation and coercion subs from Specio types
- Specio::TypeChecks(3) - Type checks used internally for Specio classes (it's not self-bootstrapping (yet?))
- SPECTACLE(1) - screenshot capture Utility
- SPECTMORPHOSCGUI(1) - helper application for SpectMorph BEAST plugin
- SPECTRWM(1) - window manager for X11
- SPEECH-DISPATCHER(1) - speech synthesis daemon
- SPEED(1) - test library performance
- speedmine(6) - simulates speeding down a rocky mineshaft, or a funky dancing worm
- speedtest(6) - tests the speed of memory access under svgalib
- SPEEXDEC(1) - The reference implementation speex decoder.
- SPEEXENC(1) - The reference implementation speex encoder.
- SPEGLA(1) - mirror ftp sites
- SPEK(1) - Acoustic Spectrum Analyser
- SPELLCAST(6) - a game of duelling wizards
- SPELLDUMP(1) - Sphinxsearch tool for extract the contents of a dictionary file.
- SPFLOODER(1) - Spread Performance Test Client
- spfmilter(1) - SPF mail filter module
- SPFQUERY(1) - (Mail::SPF) - Checks if a given set of e-mail parameters matches a domain's SPF policy
- spgen(1) - harden a Coccinelle semantic patch
- spheremonics(6) - 3d spherical harmonic shapes.
- Sphinx::Config(3) - Sphinx search engine configuration file read/modify/write
- Sphinx::Manager(3) - Sphinx search engine management (start/stop)
- Sphinx::Search(3) - Sphinx search engine API Perl client
- SPH-PART(nged) - Creates a PART shape that encompasses two specified SPH shapes based on their parameters.
- SPI(8) - communicate on SPI bus with slave devices
- SPI_COMMIT(3) - commit the current transaction
- SPI_CONNECT(3) - connect a C function to the SPI manager
- SPI_COPYTUPLE(3) - make a copy of a row in the upper executor context
- SPI_CURSOR_CLOSE(3) - close a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_FETCH(3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_FIND(3) - find an existing cursor by name
- SPI_CURSOR_MOVE(3) - move a cursor
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN(3) - set up a cursor using a statement created with
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN_WITH_ARGS(3) - set up a cursor using a query and parameters
- SPI_CURSOR_OPEN_WITH_PARAMLIST(3) - set up a cursor using parameters
- SPI_CURSOR_PARSE_OPEN(3) - set up a cursor using a query string and parameters
- SPI_EXEC(3) - execute a read/write command
- SPI_EXECP(3) - execute a statement in read/write mode
- SPI_EXECUTE(3) - execute a command
- SPI_EXECUTE_EXTENDED(3) - execute a command with out-of-line parameters
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN_EXTENDED(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN_WITH_PARAMLIST(3) - execute a statement prepared by
- SPI_EXECUTE_WITH_ARGS(3) - execute a command with out-of-line parameters
- SPI_FINISH(3) - disconnect a C function from the SPI manager
- SPI_FNAME(3) - determine the column name for the specified column number
- SPI_FNUMBER(3) - determine the column number for the specified column name
- SPI_FREEPLAN(3) - free a previously saved prepared statement
- SPI_FREETUPLE(3) - free a row allocated in the upper executor context
- SPI_FREETUPTABLE(3) - free a row set created by
- SPI_GETARGCOUNT(3) - return the number of arguments needed by a statement prepared by
- SPI_GETARGTYPEID(3) - return the data type OID for an argument of a statement prepared by
- SPI_GETBINVAL(3) - return the binary value of the specified column
- SPI_GETNSPNAME(3) - return the namespace of the specified relation
- SPI_GETRELNAME(3) - return the name of the specified relation
- SPI_GETTYPE(3) - return the data type name of the specified column
- SPI_GETTYPEID(3) - return the data type OID of the specified column
- SPI_GETVALUE(3) - return the string value of the specified column
- SPI_IS_CURSOR_PLAN(3) - return true if a statement prepared by
- SPI_KEEPPLAN(3) - save a prepared statement
- SPI_MODIFYTUPLE(3) - create a row by replacing selected fields of a given row
- SPI_PALLOC(3) - allocate memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_PFREE(3) - free memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_PREPARE(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_CURSOR(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_EXTENDED(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_PREPARE_PARAMS(3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
- SPI_REGISTER_RELATION(3) - make an ephemeral named relation available by name in SPI queries
- SPI_REGISTER_TRIGGER_DATA(3) - make ephemeral trigger data available in SPI queries
- SPI_REPALLOC(3) - reallocate memory in the upper executor context
- SPI_RESULT_CODE_STRING(3) - return error code as string
- SPI_RETURNTUPLE(3) - prepare to return a tuple as a Datum
- SPI_ROLLBACK(3) - abort the current transaction
- SPI_SAVEPLAN(3) - save a prepared statement
- SPI_SCROLL_CURSOR_FETCH(3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
- SPI_SCROLL_CURSOR_MOVE(3) - move a cursor
- SPI_START_TRANSACTION(3) - start a new transaction
- SPI_UNREGISTER_RELATION(3) - remove an ephemeral named relation from the registry
- SPICE-CLIENT(1) - a client-side library to access remote SPICE displays
- spider(1) - play double deck solitaire
- SpiderMonkey(3) - Perl interface to the JavaScript Engine
- SPIDEY(1) - align mRNA sequences to a genome
- SPIGEN(4) - SPI generic I/O device driver
- spim(1) - A MIPS32 Simulator
- SPIN(1)
- Spinbox(3) - Create and manipulate Spinbox widgets
- spinbox(n) - Create and manipulate spinbox widgets
- SPINDOWN(1) - SCSI/firewire harddrive spindown daemon
- SPINE(1) - Data Collector for Cacti
- SPIPED(1) - secure pipe daemon
- SPIRO(3) - A clothoid to bezier spline converter
- SPKAC(1) - SPKAC printing and generating utility
- SPKG(1) - Create Perl packages for HTML files for HTML::Seamstress manipulation
- SPKR(4) - console speaker device driver
- SPKRTEST(8) - test script for the speaker driver
- SPL(4) - parameters of the SPL kernel module
- SPL(9)
- SPLAIN(1) - produce verbose warning diagnostics
- SPLASH(4) - splash screen / screen saver interface
- Splashscreen(3) - display a Splashscreen during program initialization.
- SPLINE(1) - interpolate smooth curve
- spline(n) - Fit curves with spline interpolation
- splint(1) - A tool for statically checking C programs
- split(n) - Split a string into a proper Tcl list
- SPLIT2PO(1) - Creates a po file from two DocBook XML files
- SPLITDIFF(1) - separate out incremental patches
- splitflap(6) - a simulation of a split-flap electromechanical display.
- SplitFrame(3) - a geometry manager for scaling two subwidgets
- splitmail(1) - Split a large mail message into MIME-compliant partial messages
- splitpatch(1) - split a patch up into files or hunks
- splitshp(1) - Split Shape into frames or combine frames into Shapes
- SPLITWD(1) - Collect several text-form dictionary files into a single file to make a <1 line / 1 word type / 1 candidate> format.
- splitword(1)
- splodesic(6) - k A geodesic sphere experiences a series of eruptions.
- splogger(8) - make entries in syslog
- SPM(1) - simple password manager
- spmd(8) - Manages IPsec Security Policy for racoon2
- spmdctl(8) - Control spmd
- spmfilter(1) - spmfilter control program
- spmfilter.conf(5) - configuration file for spmfilter
- spmfilter-clamav(1) - spmfilter ClamAV-plugin
- spmvtest1(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark of one dimensional Laplacian
- spmvtest2(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark of two dimensional Laplacian
- spmvtest2b(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark of two dimensional Laplacian
- spmvtest3(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark of three dimensional Laplacian
- spmvtest3b(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark of three dimensional Laplacian
- spmvtest4(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark for sparse matrix storage formats
- spmvtest5(1) - SpMV kernel benchmark for specified matrix storage format
- SPONGE(1) - soak up standard input and write to a file
- Spoon(3) - A Spiffy Application Building Framework
- Spoon::Base(3) - Generic Spoon Base Class
- Spoon::CGI(3) - Spoon CGI Base Class
- Spoon::Command(3) - Spoon Command Line Tool Module
- Spoon::Config(3) - Spoon Configuration Base Class
- Spoon::ContentObject(3) - Spoon Content Object Base Class
- Spoon::Cookie(3) - Spoon Cookie Base Class
- Spoon::DataObject(3) - Spoon Data Object Base Class
- Spoon::Formatter(3) - Spoon Formatter Base Class
- Spoon::Hooks(3) - Spoon Method Hooking Facility
- Spoon::Hub(3) - Spoon Hub Base Class
- Spoon::Installer(3) - Spoon Installer Class
- Spoon::MetadataObject(3) - Spoon Metadata Object Base Class
- Spoon::Plugin(3) - Spoon Plugin Base Class
- Spoon::Registry(3) - Spoon Registry Base Class
- Spoon::Template(3) - Spoon Template Base Class
- Spoon::Template::TT2(3) - Spoon Template Toolkit Base Class
- Spoon::Utils(3) - Spoon Utilities Class
- SPOPS(3)
- SPOPS::ClassFactory(3) - Create SPOPS classes from configuration and code
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::DBI(3) - Define additional configuration methods
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::DefaultBehavior(3) - Default configuration methods called from SPOPS.pm
- SPOPS::ClassFactory::LDAP(3) - Create relationships among LDAP objects
- SPOPS::DBI::InterBase(3) - Value of 'sequence_name' $increment - Either 'sequence_increment' or 1
- SPOPS::DBI::Oracle(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::Pg(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::SQLite(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::Sybase(3)
- SPOPS::DBI::TypeInfo(3) - Represent type information for a single table
- SPOPS::Error(3) - (DEPRECATED) Centralized error messages from all SPOPS objects.
- SPOPS::Exception(3) - Base class for exceptions in SPOPS
- SPOPS::Exception::DBI(3) - SPOPS exception with extra DBI parameters
- SPOPS::Exception::LDAP(3) - SPOPS exception with extra LDAP parameters
- SPOPS::Exception::Security(3) - SPOPS exception with extra security parameters
- SPOPS::Export(3) - Export SPOPS objects to various formats
- SPOPS::Export::DBI::Data(3) - Export SPOPS objects as data for importing directly into a DBI table
- SPOPS::Export::Object(3) - Dump SPOPS objects to a portable format
- SPOPS::Export::Perl(3) - Dump SPOPS objects to a pure serialized Perl format
- SPOPS::Export::SQL(3) - Export SPOPS objects as a series of SQL statements
- SPOPS::Export::XML(3) - Export SPOPS objects in XML format
- SPOPS::GDBM(3) - Store SPOPS objects in a GDBM database
- SPOPS::HashFile(3) - Implement as objects files containing perl hashrefs dumped to text
- SPOPS::Import(3) - Factory and parent for importing SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Data(3) - Import raw data to a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Delete(3) - Delete existing data from a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::GenericOperation(3) - Base class for delete and update import operations
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Table(3) - Import a DBI table structure
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform(3) - Factory class for database-specific transformations
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::InterBase(3) - Table transformations for InterBase/FirebirdSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::MySQL(3) - Table transformations for MySQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Oracle(3) - Table transformations for Oracle
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Pg(3) - Table transformations for PostgreSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::SQLite(3) - Table transformations for SQLite
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::TableTransform::Sybase(3) - Table transformations for Sybase/MSSQL
- SPOPS::Import::DBI::Update(3) - Update existing data in a DBI table
- SPOPS::Import::Object(3) - Import SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Initialize(3) - Provide methods for initializing groups of SPOPS objects at once
- SPOPS::Iterator(3) - Class to cycle through results and return SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Iterator::DBI(3) - Implementation of SPOPS::Iterator for SPOPS::DBI
- SPOPS::Iterator::LDAP(3) - Implementation of SPOPS::Iterator for SPOPS::LDAP
- SPOPS::Iterator::WrapList(3) - SPOPS::Iterator wrapper around object lists
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::HandleField(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Identity(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Pool(3)
- SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence(3)
- SPOPS::Key::Random(3) - Creates a random alphanumeric code for the ID field
- SPOPS::Key::UUID(3) - Creates a Universally Unique ID (UUID) as a key
- SPOPS::LDAP(3) - Implement object persistence in an LDAP datastore
- SPOPS::LDAP::MultiDatasource(3)
- SPOPS::Loopback(3) - Simple SPOPS class used for testing rules and other goodies
- SPOPS::Manual(3) - User Guide and Reference Manual for SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::CodeGeneration(3) - How SPOPS builds classes
- SPOPS::Manual::Configuration(3) - Description of variables used in the SPOPS configuration process
- SPOPS::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for SPOPS usage
- SPOPS::Manual::Datasource(3) - SPOPS datasource use and how you can customize
- SPOPS::Manual::Exceptions(3) - Error handling in SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::ImportExport(3) - Moving data (and more) with SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::Intro(3) - Introduction and overview of SPOPS
- SPOPS::Manual::Object(3) - Shows how you interact with SPOPS objects.
- SPOPS::Manual::ObjectRules(3) - Use rules to give your object custom behavior
- SPOPS::Manual::Relationships(3) - SPOPS object relationships
- SPOPS::Manual::Security(3) - SPOPS security system and how you can customize
- SPOPS::Manual::Serialization(3) - How SPOPS serializes objects
- SPOPS::Secure(3) - Implement security across one or more classes of SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Secure::DBI(3) - Implement a security object and basic operations for DBI datasources
- SPOPS::Secure::Hierarchy(3) - Define hierarchical security
- SPOPS::Secure::Loopback(3) - Security object implementation for testing (loopback) objects
- SPOPS::Secure::Util(3) - Common utilities for SPOPS::Secure and subclasses
- SPOPS::SQLInterface(3) - Generic routines for DBI database interaction
- SPOPS::Tie(3) - Simple class implementing tied hash with some goodies
- SPOPS::Tie::StrictField(3) - Enable field checking for SPOPS objects
- SPOPS::Tool::CreateOnly(3) - Make a particular object create-only -- it cannot be updated
- SPOPS::Tool::DateConvert(3) - Convert dates to objects to/from your datastore
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::Datasource(3)
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::DiscoverField(3) - SPOPS::ClassFactory rule implementing autofield discovery
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::FindDefaults(3) - Load default values from a particular record
- SPOPS::Tool::DBI::MaintainLinkedList(3) - Support objects that automatically maintain a link to the previous and next objects
- SPOPS::Tool::LDAP::Datasource(3)
- SPOPS::Tool::ReadOnly(3) - Make a particular object read-only
- SPOPS::Tool::UTFConvert(3)
- SPOPS::Utility(3) - Utility methods for SPOPS objects
- SPOST(8) - feed a message to sendmail
- SPOT(7) - Command-line tools installed by Spot.
- spotf2.f(3)
- SPOT-X(7) - Common fine-tuning options and environment variables.
- SPPPCONTROL(8) - display or set parameters for an sppp interface
- SPRAY(8) - send many packets to host
- Spread(3) - Perl extension for the Spread group communication system
- Spreadsheet::GenerateXLSX(3) - function to generate XLSX spreadsheet from array ref(s)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel(3) - Read information from an Excel file.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell(3) - A class for Cell data and formatting.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Dump(3) - A class for dumping Excel records.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan2(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font(3) - A class for Cell fonts.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format(3) - A class for Cell formats.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser(3) - Rewrite an existing Excel file.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Workbook(3) - A class for SaveParser Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Worksheet(3) - A class for SaveParser Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility(3) - Utility functions for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook(3) - A class for Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet(3) - A class for Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS(3) - read SXC and ODS files
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Cell(3) - a cell in a spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Settings(3) - settings of a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Styles(3) - styles / formatting of cells in a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Workbook(3) - a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseODS::Worksheet(3) - a sheet in a workbook
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX(3) - parse XLSX files
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor(3)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Agile(3)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Standard(3)
- Spreadsheet::ReadSXC(3) - Extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel(3) - Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::BIFFwriter(3) - An abstract base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big(3) - A class for creating Excel files > 7MB.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart(3) - A writer class for Excel Charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Area(3) - A writer class for Excel Area charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Bar(3) - A writer class for Excel Bar charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Column(3) - A writer class for Excel Column charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::External(3) - A writer class for Excel external charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Line(3) - A writer class for Excel Line charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Pie(3) - A writer class for Excel Pie charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Scatter(3) - A writer class for Excel Scatter charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Stock(3) - A writer class for Excel Stock charts.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Examples(3) - Spreadsheet::WriteExcel example programs.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Format(3) - A class for defining Excel formatting.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Formula(3) - A class for generating Excel formulas
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML(3) - Create Excel Spreadsheet from XML
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML::Workbook(3) - title for the worksheet that people will see in the Excel spreadsheet. Return: void
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromXML::Worksheet(3)
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter(3) - A writer class to store BIFF data in a OLE compound storage file.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Properties(3) - A module for creating Excel property sets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Styler(3) - Styles for formatting generated Excel files
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility(3) - Helper functions for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Workbook(3) - A writer class for Excel Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet(3) - A writer class for Excel Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML(3) - Create an Excel file in XML format.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Format(3) - A class for defining Excel formatting.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Utility(3) - Helper functions for Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Workbook(3) - A writer class for Excel Workbooks.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Worksheet(3) - A writer class for Excel Worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::XMLwriter(3) - A base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
- Spreadsheet::XLSX(3) - Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files;
- Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007(3)
- Spreadsheet::XLSX::Utility2007(3) - Utility function for Spreadsheet::XLSX
- SPRING(6) - An open source RTS game engine - Default Engine
- SPRING-DEDICATED(6) - An open source RTS game engine - Dedicated Server
- SPRINGGRAPH(1) - renders a graph from a .dot file
- SpringGraph(3) - Directed Graph alternative to GraphViz
- SPRING-HEADLESS(6) - An open source RTS game engine - Headless Engine
- SPRING-OPENGL4(6) - An open source RTS game engine - Legacy Engine
- sprio(1) - view the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority
- SPROG(7) - secure programming practices
- sproingies(6) - Q-Bert meets Marble Madness!
- SPROP(1) - simple X property utility
- spstf2.f(3)
- sptts2.f(3)
- SPUSER(1) - Spread Group Communication Client
- SPUTU8(3) - utf-8 library function manual page
- SQ905C(4) - sq905c webcamd driver for USB cameras
- SQFS2TAR(1) - turn a SquashFS image into a tar archive
- SQFSCAT(1) - tool to cat files from a squashfs filesystem to stdout
- SQFSDIFF(1) - compare two squashfs images by contents and metadata
- SQFSTAR(1) - tool to create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive
- sqitch-add(3)
- sqitch-add-usage(3)
- sqitch-bundle(3)
- sqitch-bundle-usage(3)
- sqitchchanges(3)
- sqitch-checkout(3)
- sqitch-checkout-usage(3)
- sqitchcommands(3)
- sqitch-config(3)
- sqitch-configuration(3)
- sqitch-config-usage(3)
- sqitch-deploy(3)
- sqitch-deploy-usage(3)
- sqitch-engine(3)
- sqitch-engine-usage(3)
- sqitch-environment(3)
- sqitchguides(3)
- sqitch-help(3)
- sqitch-help-usage(3)
- sqitch-init(3)
- sqitch-init-usage(3)
- sqitch-log(3)
- sqitch-log-usage(3)
- sqitch-passwords(3)
- sqitch-plan(3)
- sqitch-plan-usage(3)
- sqitch-rebase(3)
- sqitch-rebase-usage(3)
- sqitch-revert(3)
- sqitch-revert-usage(3)
- sqitch-rework(3)
- sqitch-rework-usage(3)
- sqitch-show(3)
- sqitch-show-usage(3)
- sqitch-status(3)
- sqitch-status-usage(3)
- sqitch-tag(3)
- sqitch-tag-usage(3)
- sqitch-target(3)
- sqitch-target-usage(3)
- sqitchtutorial(3)
- sqitchtutorial-firebird(3)
- sqitchtutorial-mysql(3)
- sqitchtutorial-oracle(3)
- sqitchtutorial-sqlite(3)
- sqitchtutorial-vertica(3)
- sqitch-upgrade(3)
- sqitch-upgrade-usage(3)
- sqitchusage(3)
- sqitch-verify(3)
- sqitch-verify-usage(3)
- SQL::Abstract(3) - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- SQL::Abstract::Classic(3) - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- SQL::Abstract::Limit(3) - portable LIMIT emulation
- SQL::Abstract::More(3) - extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API
- SQL::Abstract::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::BangOverrides(3)
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::ExtraClauses(3) - new/experimental additions to SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti(3) - add mysql bulk insert supports for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Reference(3) - Reference documentation for SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Role::Plugin(3) - helpful methods for plugin authors
- SQL::Abstract::Test(3) - Helper function for testing SQL::Abstract
- SQL::Abstract::Tree(3) - Represent SQL as an AST
- SQL::Abstract::Util(3) - Small collection of utilities for SQL::Abstract::Classic
- SQL::Dialects::ANSI(3)
- SQL::Dialects::AnyData(3)
- SQL::Dialects::CSV(3)
- SQL::Dialects::Google(3)
- SQL::Dialects::Role(3) - The role of being a SQL::Dialect
- SQL::Eval(3) - Base for deriving evaluation objects for SQL::Statement
- SQL::Interp(3) - Interpolate Perl variables into SQL statements
- SQL::Maker(3) - Yet another SQL builder
- SQL::Maker::Condition(3) - condition object for SQL::Maker
- SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti(3) - insert multiple rows at once on MySQL
- SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertOnDuplicate(3) - INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
- SQL::Maker::Select(3) - dynamic SQL generator
- SQL::Maker::SelectSet(3) - provides set functions
- SQL::Maker::SQLType(3) - SQL Types wrapper
- SQL::NamedPlaceholder(3) - extension of placeholder
- SQL::Parser(3) - 1) the name of the SQL dialect that will define the syntax rules for the parser and 2) a reference to a hash which can contain additional attributes of the parser. If no dialect is specified, 'AnyData' is the default.
- SQL::ReservedWords(3) - Reserved SQL words by ANSI/ISO
- SQL::ReservedWords::DB2(3) - Reserved SQL words by DB2
- SQL::ReservedWords::MySQL(3) - Reserved SQL words by MySQL
- SQL::ReservedWords::ODBC(3) - Reserved SQL words by ODBC
- SQL::ReservedWords::Oracle(3) - Reserved SQL words by Oracle
- SQL::ReservedWords::PostgreSQL(3) - Reserved SQL words by PostgreSQL
- SQL::ReservedWords::SQLite(3) - Reserved SQL words by SQLite
- SQL::ReservedWords::SQLServer(3) - Reserved SQL words by SQL Server
- SQL::ReservedWords::Sybase(3) - Reserved SQL words by Sybase
- SQL::Statement(3) - SQL parsing and processing engine
- SQL::Statement::Embed(3) - embed a SQL engine in a DBD or module
- SQL::Statement::Function(3) - abstract base class for all function executing terms
- SQL::Statement::Functions(3) - built-in & user-defined SQL functions
- SQL::Statement::GetInfo(3)
- SQL::Statement::Operation(3) - base class for all operation terms
- SQL::Statement::Placeholder(3) - implements getting the next placeholder value
- SQL::Statement::RAM(3)
- SQL::Statement::Roadmap(3) - Planned Enhancements for SQL::Statement and SQL::Parser
- SQL::Statement::Structure(3) - parse and examine structure of SQL queries
- SQL::Statement::Syntax(3) - documentation of SQL::Statement's SQL Syntax
- SQL::Statement::Term(3) - base class for all terms
- SQL::Statement::TermFactory(3) - Factory for SQL::Statement::Term instances
- SQL::Statement::Util(3)
- SQL::Tokenizer(3) - A simple SQL tokenizer.
- SQL::Translator::Diff(3) - determine differences between two schemas
- SQL::Translator::Filter::DefaultExtra(3) - Set default extra data values for schema objects.
- SQL::Translator::Filter::Globals(3) - Add global fields and indices to all tables.
- SQL::Translator::Filter::Names(3) - Tweak the names of schema objects.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::MySQL(3) - A Moo based MySQL DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::PostgreSQL(3) - A Moo based PostgreSQL DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLite(3) - A Moo based SQLite DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLServer(3) - A Moo based MS SQL Server DDL generation engine.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::DDL(3) - Role implementing common parts of DDL generation.
- SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::Quote(3) - Role for dealing with identifier quoting.
- SQL::Translator::Manual(3) - sqlfairy user manual
- SQL::Translator::Parser(3) - describes how to write a parser
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Access(3) - parser for Access as produced by mdbtools
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2(3) - parser for DB2
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI(3) - "parser" for DBI handles
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::DB2(3) - parser for DBD::DB2
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::MySQL(3) - parser for DBD::mysql
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Oracle(3) - parser for DBD::Oracle
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL(3) - parser for DBD::Pg
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLite(3) - parser for DBD::SQLite
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLServer(3) - parser for SQL Server through DBD::ODBC
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Sybase(3) - parser for DBD::Sybase
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class(3) - Create a SQL::Translator schema from a DBIx::Class::Schema instance
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Excel(3) - parser for Excel
- SQL::Translator::Parser::JSON(3) - Parse a JSON representation of a schema
- SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL(3) - parser for MySQL
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle(3) - parser for Oracle
- SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL(3) - parser for PostgreSQL
- SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLite(3) - parser for SQLite
- SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLServer(3) - parser for SQL Server
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Storable(3) - parser for Schema objects serialized with the Storable module
- SQL::Translator::Parser::Sybase(3) - parser for Sybase
- SQL::Translator::Parser::XML(3) - Alias to XML::SQLFairy parser
- SQL::Translator::Parser::XML::SQLFairy(3) - parser for SQL::Translator's XML.
- SQL::Translator::Parser::xSV(3) - parser for arbitrarily delimited text files
- SQL::Translator::Parser::YAML(3) - Parse a YAML representation of a schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer(3) - describes how to write a producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::ClassDBI(3) - create Class::DBI classes from schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DB2(3) - DB2 SQL producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File(3) - DBIx::Class file producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Diagram(3) - ER diagram producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::DiaUml(3) - Produces dia UML diagrams from schema.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper(3) - SQL Dumper producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz(3) - GraphViz producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML(3) - HTML producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::JSON(3) - A JSON producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Latex(3) - Produces latex formatted tables ready for import from schema.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL(3) - MySQL-specific producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Oracle(3) - Oracle SQL producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::POD(3) - POD producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL(3) - PostgreSQL producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite(3) - SQLite producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer(3) - MS SQLServer producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Storable(3) - serializes the SQL::Translator::Schema object via the Storable module
- SQL::Translator::Producer::Sybase(3) - Sybase producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base(3) - TT (Template Toolkit) based Producer base class.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table(3) - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema, per table.
- SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema(3) - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema
- SQL::Translator::Producer::XML(3) - Alias to XML::SQLFairy producer
- SQL::Translator::Producer::XML::SQLFairy(3) - SQLFairy's default XML format
- SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML(3) - A YAML producer for SQL::Translator
- SQL::Translator::Role::BuildArgs(3) - Remove undefined constructor arguments
- SQL::Translator::Role::Error(3) - Error setter/getter for objects and classes
- SQL::Translator::Role::ListAttr(3) - context-sensitive list attributes
- SQL::Translator::Schema(3) - SQL::Translator schema object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants(3) - constants module
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint(3) - SQL::Translator constraint object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Field(3) - SQL::Translator field object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Index(3) - SQL::Translator index object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Object(3) - Base class for SQL::Translator schema objects
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure(3) - SQL::Translator procedure object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Compare(3) - compare objects
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Extra(3) - "extra" attribute for schema classes
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Table(3) - SQL::Translator table object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger(3) - SQL::Translator trigger object
- SQL::Translator::Schema::View(3) - SQL::Translator view object
- SQL::Translator::Types(3) - Type checking functions
- SQL::Translator::Utils(3) - SQL::Translator Utility functions
- SQLCACHED(1) - A high-performance cache daemon
- SQLEngine::Cache::BasicCache(3) - Basic Cache Object
- SQLEngine::Cache::TrivialCache(3) - Trivial Cache Object
- SQLEngine::Criteria(3) - Struct for database criteria info
- SQLEngine::Criteria::And(3) - Criteria for Compound "All"
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Comparison(3) - Superclass for comparisons
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Compound(3) - Superclass for And and Or
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Equality(3) - Criteria for Basic Equality
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Greater(3) - Criteria for Basic Comparison
- SQLEngine::Criteria::HashGroup(3) - A group of string criteria
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Lesser(3) - Criteria for Basic Comparison
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Like(3) - Criteria for SQL92 Like Wildcards
- SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL(3) - Criteria with SQL snippets
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Not(3) - Negating A Single Criteria
- SQLEngine::Criteria::Or(3) - Criteria for Compound "Any"
- SQLEngine::Criteria::StringComparison(3) - Equality or Wildcard Criteria
- SQLEngine::Docs::Changes(3) - Revision history for DBIx::SQLEngine.
- SQLEngine::Docs::Comparison(3) - Entry for poop-comparison
- SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe(3) - About the DBIx::SQLEngine distribution
- SQLEngine::Docs::Related(3) - Survey of DBI Wrappers
- SQLEngine::Docs::ToDo(3) - Tasks, ideas, and bugs
- SQLEngine::Driver(3) - DBI Wrapper with Driver Subclasses
- SQLEngine::Driver::AnyData(3) - Support DBD::AnyData driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::CSV(3) - Support DBD::CSV driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::Informix(3) - Support DBD::Informix and DBD::ODBC/Informix
- SQLEngine::Driver::MSSQL(3) - Support Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::ODBC
- SQLEngine::Driver::Mysql(3) - Support DBD::mysql
- SQLEngine::Driver::NullP(3) - Extends SQLEngine for Simple Testing
- SQLEngine::Driver::Oracle(3) - Support DBD::Oracle and DBD::ODBC/Oracle
- SQLEngine::Driver::Pg(3) - Support DBD::Pg
- SQLEngine::Driver::SQLite(3) - Support DBD::SQLite driver
- SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase(3) - Extends SQLEngine for DBMS Idiosyncrasies
- SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase::MSSQL(3) - Support Microsoft SQL via DBD::Sybase
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::DatabaseFlavors(3) - For minor variations in a database
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoAdvancedFeatures(3) - For Very Simple Databases
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoColumnTypes(3) - For Type-less Databases
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoComplexJoins(3) - For databases without complex joins
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoJoins(3) - For databases without join ability
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoLimit(3) - For databases without select limit
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoPlaceholders(3) - For drivers without placeholders
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoSequences(3) - For databases without native sequences
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoUnions(3) - For databases without select unions
- SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::PerlDBLib(3) - For use with SQL::Statement
- SQLEngine::Driver::XBase(3) - Support DBD::XBase driver
- SQLEngine::Record::Accessors(3) - Add Methods for Columns
- SQLEngine::Record::Base(3) - Base Class for Records
- SQLEngine::Record::Cache(3) - Avoid Repeated Selects
- SQLEngine::Record::Class(3) - Factory for Record Classes
- SQLEngine::Record::Extras(3) - Provide extra methods
- SQLEngine::Record::Hooks(3) - Flexible Pre/Post Hooks
- SQLEngine::Record::PKey(3) - A reference to a specific record in a table
- SQLEngine::Record::Table(3) - Records accessed via a Schema::Table
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::NextPrev(3) - A RecordSet with a current index
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::PKeySet(3) - A RecordSet which holds primary keys
- SQLEngine::RecordSet::Set(3) - Array of Record Objects
- SQLEngine::Schema::Column(3) - Struct for database column info
- SQLEngine::Schema::ColumnSet(3) - Array of Schema::Column objects
- SQLEngine::Schema::Table(3) - A table in a data source
- SQLEngine::Schema::TableSet(3) - Array of Schema::Table objects
- SQLEngine::Utility::CloneWithParams(3) - Nifty Cloner
- SQLGREY(1) - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- SQLite::Work(3) - report on and update an SQLite database.
- SQLite::Work::CGI(3) - Report and update a SQLite database using CGI
- SQLite::Work::Mail(3) - send mail with data from an SQLite table.
- SQLITE_TABLE(5) - Postfix SQLite configuration
- SQLITE2DOT(1) - convert sqlite3 schema to GraphViz input
- SQLITE2HTML(1) - convert sqlite3 schema to an HTML5 fragment
- SQLITE3(1) - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
- sqlite3(n) - an interface to the SQLite3 database engine
- SQLITECONVERT(1) - extract SQLite documentation
- SQLR-CACHEMANAGER(8) - manual page for sqlr-cachemanager 1.7.0
- SQLR-CONNECTION(8) - manual page for sqlr-connection 1.7.0
- SQLREPORT(1) - make reports on a table in an SQLite database
- SQLR-EXPORT(1) - manual page for sqlr-export 1.7.0
- SQLR-IMPORT(1) - manual page for sqlr-import 1.7.0
- SQLR-LISTENER(8) - manual page for sqlr-listener 1.7.0
- SQLR-PWDENC(8) - manual page for sqlr-pwdenc 1.7.0
- SQLR-SCALER(8) - manual page for sqlr-scaler 1.7.0
- SQLRSH(1) - manual page for sqlrsh 1.7.0
- SQLR-START(8) - manual page for sqlr-start 1.7.0
- SQLR-STATUS(8) - manual page for sqlr-status 1.7.0
- SQLR-STOP(8) - manual page for sqlr-stop 1.7.0
- SQLRW(1)
- sqlsharp(1) - Mono SQL Query command-line tool
- SQLT(1) - convert SQL schema using SQL::Translator
- SQLT-DIAGRAM(1) - Automatically create a diagram from a database schema
- SQLT-DIFF(1) - find the differences b/w two schemas
- SQLT-DIFF-OLD(1) - find the differences b/w two schemas
- SQLT-DUMPER(1) - create a dumper script from a schema
- SQLT-GRAPH(1) - Automatically create a graph from a database schema
- SQLW_IMPORT(1) - import a Field:Value datafile into an SQLite database.
- SQLW_MAIL(1) - send mail with data from an SQLite table.
- SQPACK(1) - purges squish or jam msgbases taken from fidoconfig
- sqsh(1) - Interactive database shell (version 2.5)
- SQTOP(1) - display active client connections for Squid
- squashfuse(1) - mount a SquashFS archive with FUSE
- SQUATTER(8) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- Squatting(3) - A Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl
- Squatting::Controller(3) - default controller class for Squatting
- Squatting::H(3) - a slot-based object that's vaguely reminiscent of Camping::H
- Squatting::Mapper(3) - map requests to session queues
- Squatting::On::Catalyst(3) - embed a Squatting app into a Catalyst app
- Squatting::On::CGI(3) - if all else fails, you can still deploy on CGI
- Squatting::On::Continuity(3) - use Continuity as the server for your Squatting app
- Squatting::On::MP13(3) - a handler for Apache 1.3's mod_perl
- Squatting::On::MP20(3) - mod_perl 2.0 support for Squatting
- Squatting::On::PSGI(3) - Run Squatting app on PSGI
- Squatting::View(3) - default view class for Squatting
- Squatting::With::AccessTrace(3) - provide a simple access log on STDERR
- Squatting::With::Coro::Debug(3) - inspect running Squatting apps with Coro::Debug
- Squatting::With::Log(3) - a simple error log for Squatting apps
- Squatting::With::MockRequest(3) - Mock HTTP helper methods mostly for the REPL
- Squatting::With::Mount(3) - mount Squatting apps at arbitrary paths
- SQUEAK(1) - Unix Squeak virtual machine and installer
- SQUEEZELITE(1) - Lightweight headless Squeezebox emulator
- squeue(1) - view information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.
- squid(8) - HTTP web proxy caching server
- squid_radius_auth(8) - Squid RADIUS authentication helper
- SQUIDANALYZER(1) - Squid access log report generation tool
- SQUIDCLAMAV(1) - HTTP Antivirus for Squid based on ClamAv and the ICAP protocol
- squidclient(1) - A simple HTTP web client tool
- SQUIDVIEW(1) - program to monitor your squid's access.log
- squiral(6) - square spirals screensaver
- Squirrel(3) - Use Mouse, unless Moose is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
- Squirrel::Role(3) - Use Mouse::Role, unless Moose::Role is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
- SRAIN(1) - Srain Documentation
- SRANDRD(1) - simple randr daemon
- sratool(1) - SIE Remote Access (SRA) tool
- sratunnel(1) - SIE Remote Access (SRA) Tunnel
- src2man(1) - a sample dummy function
- srec_aomf(5) - Intel Absolute Object Module Format
- srec_ascii_hex(5) - Ascii‐Hex file format
- srec_atmel_generic(5) - Atmel Generic file format
- srec_binary(5) - binary file format
- srec_brecord(5) - Freescale MC68EZ328 Dragonball bootstrap record format
- srec_cat(1) - manipulate EPROM load files
- srec_cmp(1) - compare two EPROM load files for equality
- srec_coe.5(5) - Xilinx Coefficient File Format
- srec_cosmac(5) - RCA Cosmac Elf file format
- srec_dec_binary(5) - DEC Binary (XXDP) file format
- srec_emon52(5) - Elektor Monitor (EMON52) file format
- srec_examples(1) - examples of how to use SRecord
- srec_fairchild(5) - Fairchild Fairbug file format
- srec_fastload(5) - LSI Logic Fast Load file format
- srec_formatted_binary(5) - Formatted Binary file format
- srec_forth(5) - FORTH file format
- srec_fpc(5) - four packed code file format
- srec_idt(5) - IDT/sim binary file format
- srec_info(1) - information about EPROM load files
- srec_input(1) - input file specifications
- srec_intel(5) - Intel Hexadecimal object file format specification
- srec_intel16(5) - Intel Hexadecimal 16‐bit file format specification
- srec_logisim.5(5) - format Logisim EPROM load files
- srec_mem(5) - Lattice Memory Initialization format
- srec_mif(5) - Memory Initialization File (MIF) format
- srec_mips_flash.5(5) - MIPS‐Flash file format
- srec_mos_tech(5) - MOS Technology file format
- srec_motorola(5) - Motorola S‐Record hexadecimal file format
- srec_msbin(5) - Windows CE Binary Image Data Format
- srec_needham(5) - Needham EMP‐series programmer ASCII file format
- srec_os65v(5) - OS65V Loader file format
- srec_ppb(5) - Stag Prom Programmer binary format
- srec_ppx(5) - Stag Prom Programmer hexadecimal format
- srec_signetics(5) - Signetics file format
- srec_spasm(5) - SPASM file format
- srec_spectrum(5) - Spectrum file format
- srec_stewie(5) - Stewie's binary file format
- srec_tektronix(5) - Tektronix hexadecimal file format
- srec_tektronix_extended(5) - Tektronix Extended hexadecimal file format
- srec_ti_tagged(5) - Texas Instruments Tagged (SDSMAC) file format
- srec_ti_tagged_16(5) - Texas Instruments Tagged (SDSMAC 320) file format
- srec_ti_txt(5) - Texas Instruments ti‐txt (MSP430) file format
- srec_trs80(5) - Radio Shack TRS‐80 object file format specification
- srec_vmem(5) - vmem file format
- srec_wilson(5) - wilson file format
- srecord(3) - library to manipulate EPROM load files
- srelay(8) - socks protocol server.
- srf_index_hash(1) - Adds a hash-table index to an SRF file.
- srf_info(1) - Lists information about the contents of an SRF file
- srf_list(1) - Lists and/or counts the contents of an SRF file
- srf2fasta(1) - Converts SRF files to fasta format
- srf2fastq(1) - Converts SRF files to Sanger fastq format
- SRM(1) - secure remove (secure_deletion toolkit)
- srotm.f(3)
- srotmg.f(3)
- SRP(1) - maintain SRP password file
- SRP_CALC_B(3ossl) - SRP authentication primitives
- SRP_CREATE_VERIFIER(3ossl) - SRP authentication primitives
- SRP_USER_PWD_NEW(3ossl) - Functions to create a record of SRP user verifier information
- SRP_VBASE_NEW(3ossl) - Functions to create and manage a stack of SRP user verifier information
- srptool(1) - GnuTLS SRP tool
- SRS(1) - command line interface to Mail::SRS
- SRSD(1) - daemon interface to Mail::SRS
- SRU::Request(3) - Factories for creating SRU request objects.
- SRU::Request::Explain(3) - A class for representing SRU explain requests
- SRU::Request::Scan(3) - A class for representing SRU scan requests
- SRU::Request::SearchRetrieve(3) - A class for representing SRU searchRetrieve requests
- SRU::Response(3) - A factory for creating SRU response objects
- SRU::Response::Diagnostic(3) - An SRU diagnostic message
- SRU::Response::Explain(3) - A class for representing SRU explain responses
- SRU::Response::Record(3) - A class for representing a result record in a searchRetrieve response.
- SRU::Response::Scan(3) - A class for representing SRU scan responses
- SRU::Response::SearchRetrieve(3) - A class for representing SRU searchRetrieve responses
- SRU::Response::Term(3) - A class for representing terms in a Scan response
- SRU::Server(3) - Respond to SRU requests via CGI::Application
- SRU::Utils(3) - Utility functions for SRU
- SRU::Utils::XML(3) - XML utility functions for SRU
- SRU::Utils::XMLTest(3) - XML testing utility functions
- srun(1) - Run parallel jobs
- SRV2PF(1) - Create and update PF tables from DNS records
- ssa2srt(1)
- SSAM(1) - stream interface to sam
- ssb2st_kernels.f(3)
- ssbmv.f(3)
- SSC(4)
- SSCALC(1) - calculate time of sunrise and sunset
- SSCONVERT(1) - a command line spreadsheet format converter
- SSCOP(1) - SSCOP transport protocol
- SSDEEP(1) - Computes context triggered piecewise hashes (fuzzy hashes)
- SSDIFF(1) - compare two spreadsheets
- SSEARCH(1) - scan a protein or DNA sequence library for similar sequences
- SSERVER(8) - sample Kerberos version 5 server
- SSFE(1) - split-screen front-end
- SSGREP(1) - search spreadsheets for strings
- SSH(7) - The ssh application implements the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol and provides an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client and server.
- ssh_agent(3) - Callback module for using an SSH agent instead of the default ssh_file callback.
- ssh_client_channel(3) - -behaviour(ssh_client_channel). (Replaces ssh_channel)
- ssh_client_key_api(3) - -behaviour(ssh_client_key_api).
- SSH_CONFIG(5) - OpenSSH client configuration file
- ssh_connection(3) - This module provides API functions to send SSH Connection Protocol events to the other side of an SSH channel.
- ssh_file(3) - Default callback module for the client's and server's database operations in the ssh application
- ssh_server_channel(3) - -behaviour(ssh_server_channel). (Replaces ssh_daemon_channel)
- ssh_server_key_api(3) - -behaviour(ssh_server_key_api).
- ssh_sftp(3) - SFTP client.
- ssh_sftpd(3) - Specifies the channel process to handle an SFTP subsystem.
- SSH-ADD(1) - adds private key identities to the OpenSSH authentication agent
- SSH-AGENT(1) - OpenSSH authentication agent
- sshare(1) - Tool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster.
- SSH-AUTH-CMD-MARIONETTE(1) - ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys command for Firefox::Marionette
- SSH-COPY-ID(1) - copy public keys to a remote host
- SSHD(8) - OpenSSH daemon
- SSHD_CONFIG(5) - OpenSSH daemon configuration file
- SSHFS(1) - filesystem client based on SSH
- SSHGUARD(8) - block brute-force attacks by aggregating system logs
- SSHGUARD-SETUP(7) - setting up SSHGuard on your system
- SSH-KEYGEN(1) - OpenSSH authentication key utility
- SSH-KEYSCAN(1) - gather SSH public keys from servers
- SSH-KEYSIGN(8) - OpenSSH helper for host-based authentication
- SSHMITM(8) - SSH monkey-in-the-middle
- ssh-multiadd(1) - ssh-add multiple ssh keys with the same passphrase(s) to ssh-agent
- sshoutcfg(8) - Configuring Secure Shout Host Oriented Unified Talk server side
- SSHOW(8) - SSH traffic analysis tool
- SSHPASS(1) - noninteractive ssh password provider
- SSHPING(8) - measure character-echo latency and bandwidth for an interactive ssh session
- sshpk-conv(1) - convert between key formats
- SSH-PKCS11-HELPER(8) - OpenSSH helper for PKCS#11 support
- sshpk-sign(1) - sign data using an SSH key
- sshpk-verify(1) - verify a signature on data using an SSH key
- SSH-SK-HELPER(8) - OpenSSH helper for FIDO authenticator support
- SSI-CGI(1) - Server Side Includes parser as a CGI program
- SSINDEX(1) - generate index data for spreadsheet files
- SSL(7) - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
- SSL(7ossl) - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
- SSL_ACCEPT(3) - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_ACCEPT(3ossl) - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_ALERT_TYPE_STRING(3) - get textual description of alert information
- SSL_ALERT_TYPE_STRING(3ossl) - get textual description of alert information
- SSL_ALLOC_BUFFERS(3) - manage SSL structure buffers
- SSL_ALLOC_BUFFERS(3ossl) - manage SSL structure buffers
- SSL_CHECK_CHAIN(3) - check certificate chain suitability
- SSL_CHECK_CHAIN(3ossl) - check certificate chain suitability
- SSL_CIPHER_GET_NAME(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
- SSL_CIPHER_GET_NAME(3ossl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
- SSL_CLEAR(3) - reset SSL object to allow another connection
- SSL_CLEAR(3ossl) - reset SSL object to allow another connection
- SSL_COMP_ADD_COMPRESSION_METHOD(3) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
- SSL_COMP_ADD_COMPRESSION_METHOD(3ossl) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
- SSL_CONF_CMD(3) - send configuration command
- SSL_CONF_CMD(3ossl) - send configuration command
- SSL_CONF_CMD_ARGV(3) - SSL configuration command line processing
- SSL_CONF_CMD_ARGV(3ossl) - SSL configuration command line processing
- SSL_CONF_CTX_NEW(3) - SSL configuration allocation functions
- SSL_CONF_CTX_NEW(3ossl) - SSL configuration allocation functions
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_FLAGS(3) - Set or clear SSL configuration context flags
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_FLAGS(3ossl) - Set or clear SSL configuration context flags
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_SSL_CTX(3) - set context to configure
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET_SSL_CTX(3ossl) - set context to configure
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET1_PREFIX(3) - Set configuration context command prefix
- SSL_CONF_CTX_SET1_PREFIX(3ossl) - Set configuration context command prefix
- SSL_CONNECT(3) - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
- SSL_CONNECT(3ossl) - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
- SSL_COPY_SESSION_ID(3) - copy session details between SSL objects
- ssl_crl_cache(3) - CRL cache
- ssl_crl_cache_api(3) - API for a TLS CRL (Certificate Revocation List) cache.
- SSL_CTX_ADD_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT(3) - add or clear extra chain certificates
- SSL_CTX_ADD_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT(3ossl) - add, get or clear extra chain certificates
- SSL_CTX_ADD_SESSION(3) - manipulate session cache
- SSL_CTX_ADD_SESSION(3ossl) - manipulate session cache
- SSL_CTX_ADD1_CHAIN_CERT(3) - extra chain certificate processing
- SSL_CTX_ADD1_CHAIN_CERT(3ossl) - extra chain certificate processing
- SSL_CTX_CONFIG(3) - configure SSL_CTX or SSL structure
- SSL_CTX_CONFIG(3ossl) - configure SSL_CTX or SSL structure
- SSL_CTX_CTRL(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
- SSL_CTX_CTRL(3ossl) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
- SSL_CTX_DANE_ENABLE(3) - enable DANE TLS authentication of the remote TLS server in the local TLS client
- SSL_CTX_DANE_ENABLE(3ossl) - enable DANE TLS authentication of the remote TLS server in the local TLS client
- SSL_CTX_FLUSH_SESSIONS(3) - remove expired sessions
- SSL_CTX_FLUSH_SESSIONS(3ossl) - remove expired sessions
- SSL_CTX_FREE(3) - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
- SSL_CTX_FREE(3ossl) - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
- SSL_CTX_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_CTX_GET_VERIFY_MODE(3) - get currently set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_GET_VERIFY_MODE(3ossl) - get currently set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_GET0_CERTIFICATE(3) - get the active certificate from an SSL context
- SSL_CTX_GET0_PARAM(3) - get and set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_GET0_PARAM(3ossl) - get and set verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_HAS_CLIENT_CUSTOM_EXT(3) - check whether a handler exists for a particular client extension type
- SSL_CTX_HAS_CLIENT_CUSTOM_EXT(3ossl) - check whether a handler exists for a particular client extension type
- SSL_CTX_LOAD_VERIFY_LOCATIONS(3) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
- SSL_CTX_LOAD_VERIFY_LOCATIONS(3ossl) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
- SSL_CTX_NEW(3) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL or DTLS enabled functions
- SSL_CTX_NEW(3ossl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL or DTLS enabled functions
- SSL_CTX_SESS_NUMBER(3) - obtain session cache statistics
- SSL_CTX_SESS_NUMBER(3ossl) - obtain session cache statistics
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_CACHE_SIZE(3) - manipulate session cache size
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_CACHE_SIZE(3ossl) - manipulate session cache size
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_GET_CB(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
- SSL_CTX_SESS_SET_GET_CB(3ossl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
- SSL_CTX_SESSIONS(3) - access internal session cache
- SSL_CTX_SESSIONS(3ossl) - access internal session cache
- SSL_CTX_SET_ALPN_SELECT_CB(3) - handle application layer protocol negotiation (ALPN)
- SSL_CTX_SET_ALPN_SELECT_CB(3ossl) - handle application layer protocol negotiation (ALPN)
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_CB(3) - handle certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_CB(3ossl) - handle certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_STORE(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_STORE(3ossl) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_VERIFY_CALLBACK(3) - set peer certificate verification procedure
- SSL_CTX_SET_CERT_VERIFY_CALLBACK(3ossl) - set peer certificate verification procedure
- SSL_CTX_SET_CIPHER_LIST(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_CTX_SET_CIPHER_LIST(3ossl) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_CERT_CB(3) - handle client certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_CERT_CB(3ossl) - handle client certificate callback function
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_HELLO_CB(3) - callback functions for early server-side ClientHello processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_CLIENT_HELLO_CB(3ossl) - callback functions for early server-side ClientHello processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_CT_VALIDATION_CALLBACK(3) - control Certificate Transparency policy
- SSL_CTX_SET_CT_VALIDATION_CALLBACK(3ossl) - control Certificate Transparency policy
- SSL_CTX_SET_CTLOG_LIST_FILE(3) - load a Certificate Transparency log list from a file
- SSL_CTX_SET_CTLOG_LIST_FILE(3ossl) - load a Certificate Transparency log list from a file
- SSL_CTX_SET_DEFAULT_PASSWD_CB(3) - set or get passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
- SSL_CTX_SET_DEFAULT_PASSWD_CB(3ossl) - set or get passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
- SSL_CTX_SET_EX_DATA(3) - Store and retrieve extra data from the SSL_CTX, SSL or SSL_SESSION
- SSL_CTX_SET_GENERATE_SESSION_ID(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_GENERATE_SESSION_ID(3ossl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_INFO_CALLBACK(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
- SSL_CTX_SET_INFO_CALLBACK(3ossl) - handle information callback for SSL connections
- SSL_CTX_SET_KEYLOG_CALLBACK(3) - logging TLS key material
- SSL_CTX_SET_KEYLOG_CALLBACK(3ossl) - logging TLS key material
- SSL_CTX_SET_MAX_CERT_LIST(3) - manipulate allowed size for the peer's certificate chain
- SSL_CTX_SET_MAX_CERT_LIST(3ossl) - manipulate allowed size for the peer's certificate chain
- SSL_CTX_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION(3) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported protocol version
- SSL_CTX_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION(3ossl) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported protocol version
- SSL_CTX_SET_MODE(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
- SSL_CTX_SET_MODE(3ossl) - manipulate SSL engine mode
- SSL_CTX_SET_MSG_CALLBACK(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
- SSL_CTX_SET_MSG_CALLBACK(3ossl) - install callback for observing protocol messages
- SSL_CTX_SET_NUM_TICKETS(3) - control the number of TLSv1.3 session tickets that are issued
- SSL_CTX_SET_NUM_TICKETS(3ossl) - control the number of TLSv1.3 session tickets that are issued
- SSL_CTX_SET_OPTIONS(3) - manipulate SSL options
- SSL_CTX_SET_OPTIONS(3ossl) - manipulate SSL options
- SSL_CTX_SET_PSK_CLIENT_CALLBACK(3) - set PSK client callback
- SSL_CTX_SET_PSK_CLIENT_CALLBACK(3ossl) - set PSK client callback
- SSL_CTX_SET_QUIC_METHOD(3ossl) - QUIC support
- SSL_CTX_SET_QUIET_SHUTDOWN(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
- SSL_CTX_SET_QUIET_SHUTDOWN(3ossl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
- SSL_CTX_SET_READ_AHEAD(3) - manage whether to read as many input bytes as possible
- SSL_CTX_SET_READ_AHEAD(3ossl) - manage whether to read as many input bytes as possible
- SSL_CTX_SET_RECORD_PADDING_CALLBACK(3) - install callback to specify TLS 1.3 record padding
- SSL_CTX_SET_RECORD_PADDING_CALLBACK(3ossl) - install callback to specify TLS 1.3 record padding
- SSL_CTX_SET_SECURITY_LEVEL(3) - SSL/TLS security framework
- SSL_CTX_SET_SECURITY_LEVEL(3ossl) - SSL/TLS security framework
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_CACHE_MODE(3) - enable/disable session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_CACHE_MODE(3ossl) - enable/disable session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT(3ossl) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_TICKET_CB(3) - manage session ticket application data
- SSL_CTX_SET_SESSION_TICKET_CB(3ossl) - manage session ticket application data
- SSL_CTX_SET_SPLIT_SEND_FRAGMENT(3) - Control fragment size settings and pipelining operations
- SSL_CTX_SET_SPLIT_SEND_FRAGMENT(3ossl) - Control fragment size settings and pipelining operations
- SSL_CTX_SET_SRP_PASSWORD(3ossl) - SRP control operations
- SSL_CTX_SET_SSL_VERSION(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
- SSL_CTX_SET_SSL_VERSION(3ossl) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
- SSL_CTX_SET_STATELESS_COOKIE_GENERATE_CB(3) - Callback functions for stateless TLS1.3 cookies
- SSL_CTX_SET_STATELESS_COOKIE_GENERATE_CB(3ossl) - Callback functions for stateless TLS1.3 cookies
- SSL_CTX_SET_TIMEOUT(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_TIMEOUT(3ossl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CALLBACK(3) - handle server name indication (SNI)
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CALLBACK(3ossl) - handle server name indication (SNI)
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB(3) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_STATUS_CB(3ossl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEY_CB(3) - set a callback for session ticket processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEY_CB(3ossl) - set a callback for session ticket processing
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_USE_SRTP(3) - Configure and query SRTP support
- SSL_CTX_SET_TLSEXT_USE_SRTP(3ossl) - Configure and query SRTP support
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_DH_CALLBACK(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_DH_CALLBACK(3ossl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_ECDH(3ossl) - handle ECDH keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_TMP_RSA_CALLBACK(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_CTX_SET_VERIFY(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
- SSL_CTX_SET_VERIFY(3ossl) - set various SSL/TLS parameters for peer certificate verification
- SSL_CTX_SET0_CA_LIST(3) - get or set CA list
- SSL_CTX_SET0_CA_LIST(3ossl) - get or set CA list
- SSL_CTX_SET1_CURVES(3) - EC supported curve functions
- SSL_CTX_SET1_CURVES(3ossl) - EC supported curve functions
- SSL_CTX_SET1_SIGALGS(3) - set supported signature algorithms
- SSL_CTX_SET1_SIGALGS(3ossl) - set supported signature algorithms
- SSL_CTX_SET1_VERIFY_CERT_STORE(3) - set certificate verification or chain store
- SSL_CTX_SET1_VERIFY_CERT_STORE(3ossl) - set certificate verification or chain store
- SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATE(3) - load certificate and key data
- SSL_CTX_USE_CERTIFICATE(3ossl) - load certificate and key data
- SSL_CTX_USE_PSK_IDENTITY_HINT(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
- SSL_CTX_USE_PSK_IDENTITY_HINT(3ossl) - set PSK identity hint to use
- SSL_CTX_USE_SERVERINFO(3) - use serverinfo extension
- SSL_CTX_USE_SERVERINFO(3ossl) - use serverinfo extension
- SSL_DO_HANDSHAKE(3) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_DO_HANDSHAKE(3ossl) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
- SSL_DUP_CA_LIST(3) - deep copy of a stack of X.509 Name objects
- SSL_EXPORT_KEYING_MATERIAL(3) - obtain keying material for application use
- SSL_EXPORT_KEYING_MATERIAL(3ossl) - obtain keying material for application use
- SSL_EXTENSION_SUPPORTED(3) - custom TLS extension handling
- SSL_EXTENSION_SUPPORTED(3ossl) - custom TLS extension handling
- SSL_FP(3) - SSL utility routines
- SSL_FREE(3) - free an allocated SSL structure
- SSL_FREE(3ossl) - free an allocated SSL structure
- SSL_GET_ALL_ASYNC_FDS(3) - manage asynchronous operations
- SSL_GET_ALL_ASYNC_FDS(3ossl) - manage asynchronous operations
- SSL_GET_CERTIFICATE(3) - get SSL certificate and private key
- SSL_GET_CERTIFICATE(3ossl) - retrieve TLS/SSL certificate and private key
- SSL_GET_CIPHERS(3) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_GET_CIPHERS(3ossl) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
- SSL_GET_CLIENT_RANDOM(3) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and get/set master key
- SSL_GET_CLIENT_RANDOM(3ossl) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and get/set master key
- SSL_GET_CURRENT_CIPHER(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
- SSL_GET_CURRENT_CIPHER(3ossl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
- SSL_GET_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(3) - get default session timeout value
- SSL_GET_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(3ossl) - get default session timeout value
- SSL_GET_ERROR(3) - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_GET_ERROR(3ossl) - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_GET_EXTMS_SUPPORT(3) - extended master secret support
- SSL_GET_EXTMS_SUPPORT(3ossl) - extended master secret support
- SSL_GET_FD(3) - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_FD(3ossl) - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_FINISHED(3) - get last sent or last expected finished message
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERT_CHAIN(3) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERT_CHAIN(3ossl) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERTIFICATE(3) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_CERTIFICATE(3ossl) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
- SSL_GET_PEER_SIGNATURE_NID(3) - get TLS message signing types
- SSL_GET_PEER_SIGNATURE_NID(3ossl) - get TLS message signing types
- SSL_GET_PEER_TMP_KEY(3) - get information about temporary keys used during a handshake
- SSL_GET_PEER_TMP_KEY(3ossl) - get information about temporary keys used during a handshake
- SSL_GET_PSK_IDENTITY(3) - get PSK client identity and hint
- SSL_GET_PSK_IDENTITY(3ossl) - get PSK client identity and hint
- SSL_GET_RBIO(3) - get BIO linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_RBIO(3ossl) - get BIO linked to an SSL object
- SSL_GET_SESSION(3) - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
- SSL_GET_SESSION(3ossl) - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
- SSL_GET_SHARED_SIGALGS(3) - get supported signature algorithms
- SSL_GET_SHARED_SIGALGS(3ossl) - get supported signature algorithms
- SSL_GET_SSL_CTX(3) - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
- SSL_GET_SSL_CTX(3ossl) - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
- SSL_GET_VERIFY_RESULT(3) - get result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_GET_VERIFY_RESULT(3ossl) - get result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_GET_VERSION(3) - get the protocol information of a connection
- SSL_GET_VERSION(3ossl) - get the protocol information of a connection
- SSL_GET0_PEER_SCTS(3) - get SCTs received
- SSL_GET0_PEER_SCTS(3ossl) - get SCTs received
- SSL_GROUP_TO_NAME(3ossl) - get name of group
- SSL_IN_INIT(3) - retrieve information about the handshake state machine
- SSL_IN_INIT(3ossl) - retrieve information about the handshake state machine
- SSL_KEY_UPDATE(3) - initiate and obtain information about updating connection keys
- SSL_KEY_UPDATE(3ossl) - initiate and obtain information about updating connection keys
- SSL_LIBRARY_INIT(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
- SSL_LIBRARY_INIT(3ossl) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
- SSL_LOAD_CLIENT_CA_FILE(3) - load certificate names
- SSL_LOAD_CLIENT_CA_FILE(3ossl) - load certificate names
- SSL_NEW(3) - create an SSL structure for a connection
- SSL_NEW(3ossl) - create an SSL structure for a connection
- SSL_NUM_RENEGOTIATIONS(3) - renegotiation counters
- SSL_PENDING(3) - check for readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
- SSL_PENDING(3ossl) - check for readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
- SSL_READ(3) - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_READ(3ossl) - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_READ_EARLY_DATA(3) - functions for sending and receiving early data
- SSL_READ_EARLY_DATA(3ossl) - functions for sending and receiving early data
- SSL_RSTATE_STRING(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
- SSL_RSTATE_STRING(3ossl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
- ssl_session_cache_api(3) - TLS session cache API
- SSL_SESSION_FREE(3) - create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
- SSL_SESSION_FREE(3ossl) - create, free and manage SSL_SESSION structures
- SSL_SESSION_GET_COMPRESS_ID(3) - get details about the compression associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET_COMPRESS_ID(3ossl) - get details about the compression associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET_EX_DATA(3) - get and set application specific data on a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET_EX_NEW_INDEX(3) - internal application specific data functions
- SSL_SESSION_GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION(3) - get and set the session protocol version
- SSL_SESSION_GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION(3ossl) - get and set the session protocol version
- SSL_SESSION_GET_TIME(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
- SSL_SESSION_GET_TIME(3ossl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_CIPHER(3) - set and retrieve the SSL cipher associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_CIPHER(3ossl) - set and retrieve the SSL cipher associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_HOSTNAME(3) - get and set SNI and ALPN data associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_HOSTNAME(3ossl) - get and set SNI and ALPN data associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_ID_CONTEXT(3) - get and set the SSL ID context associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_ID_CONTEXT(3ossl) - get and set the SSL ID context associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_PEER(3) - get details about peer's certificate for a session
- SSL_SESSION_GET0_PEER(3ossl) - get details about peer's certificate for a session
- SSL_SESSION_HAS_TICKET(3) - get details about the ticket associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_HAS_TICKET(3ossl) - get details about the ticket associated with a session
- SSL_SESSION_IS_RESUMABLE(3) - determine whether an SSL_SESSION object can be used for resumption
- SSL_SESSION_IS_RESUMABLE(3ossl) - determine whether an SSL_SESSION object can be used for resumption
- SSL_SESSION_PRINT(3) - printf information about a session
- SSL_SESSION_PRINT(3ossl) - printf information about a session
- SSL_SESSION_REUSED(3) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
- SSL_SESSION_REUSED(3ossl) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
- SSL_SESSION_SET1_ID(3) - get and set the SSL session ID
- SSL_SESSION_SET1_ID(3ossl) - get and set the SSL session ID
- SSL_SET_ASYNC_CALLBACK(3ossl) - manage asynchronous operations
- SSL_SET_BIO(3) - connect the SSL object with a BIO
- SSL_SET_BIO(3ossl) - connect the SSL object with a BIO
- SSL_SET_CONNECT_STATE(3) - functions for manipulating and examining the client or server mode of an SSL object
- SSL_SET_CONNECT_STATE(3ossl) - functions for manipulating and examining the client or server mode of an SSL object
- SSL_SET_FD(3) - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
- SSL_SET_FD(3ossl) - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
- SSL_SET_RETRY_VERIFY(3ossl) - indicate that certificate verification should be retried
- SSL_SET_SESSION(3) - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
- SSL_SET_SESSION(3ossl) - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
- SSL_SET_SHUTDOWN(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
- SSL_SET_SHUTDOWN(3ossl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
- SSL_SET_SSL_CTX(3) - modify an SSL connection object to use another context
- SSL_SET_TMP_ECDH(3) - select a curve for ECDH ephemeral key exchange
- SSL_SET_VERIFY_RESULT(3) - override result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_SET_VERIFY_RESULT(3ossl) - override result of peer certificate verification
- SSL_SET1_HOST(3) - SSL server verification parameters
- SSL_SET1_HOST(3ossl) - SSL server verification parameters
- SSL_SHUTDOWN(3) - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_SHUTDOWN(3ossl) - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_STATE_STRING(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
- SSL_STATE_STRING(3ossl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
- SSL_WANT(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_WANT(3ossl) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
- SSL_WRITE(3) - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
- SSL_WRITE(3ossl) - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection
- ssl-admin(1) - OpenSSL Certificate Manager
- ssl-admin.conf(5) - configuration file for ssl-admin
- SSLDUMP(1) - dump SSL traffic on a network
- SSLH(1) - Switch incoming connection between SSH and SSL/HTTPS servers
- sslio(8) - SSL input/output for service programs
- SS-LOCAL(1) - shadowsocks client as socks5 proxy, libev port
- sslproxy(1) - Command line proxyspecs passed on the command line - One line proxyspecs in configuration files - Structured proxyspecs in configuration files
- sslproxy.conf(5) - Configuration file for SSLproxy
- SSLSCAN(1) - Fast SSL/TLS scanner
- sslsplit(1)
- sslsplit.conf(5) - Configuration file for SSLsplit
- sslsvd(8) - SSLv3 TCP/IP service daemon
- SSLSWAMP(1) - SSL/TLS load-tester based on OpenSSL
- SS-MANAGER(1) - ss-server controller for multi-user management and traffic statistics
- SSMTP.CONF(5) - ssmtp configuration file
- SSMTP(8) - send a message using smtp
- SS-NAT(1) - helper script to setup NAT rules for transparent proxy
- ssocr(1) - optical recognition of seven segment displays
- sspmv.f(3)
- sspr.f(3)
- sspr2.f(3)
- SS-REDIR(1) - shadowsocks client as transparent proxy, libev port
- SSS_CACHE(8) - perform cache cleanup
- SSS_DEBUGLEVEL(8) - [DEPRECATED] change debug level while SSSD is running
- SSS_GROUPADD(8) - create a new group
- SSS_GROUPDEL(8) - delete a group
- SSS_GROUPMOD(8) - modify a group
- SSS_GROUPSHOW(8) - print properties of a group
- SSS_OBFUSCATE(8) - obfuscate a clear text password
- SSS_OVERRIDE(8) - create local overrides of user and group attributes
- SSS_RPCIDMAPD(5) - Директиви налаштовування додатка sss для rpc.idmapd
- SSS_SEED(8) - seed the SSSD cache with a user
- SSS_SSH_AUTHORIZEDKE(1) - get OpenSSH authorized keys
- SSS_SSH_KNOWNHOSTSPR(1) - get OpenSSH host keys
- SSS_USERADD(8) - create a new user
- SSS_USERDEL(8) - delete a user account
- SSS_USERMOD(8) - modify a user account
- SSS-CERTMAP(5) - SSSD Certificate Matching and Mapping Rules
- SSSCTL(8) - SSSD control and status utility
- SSSD.CONF(5) - the configuration file for SSSD
- SSSD(8) - System Security Services Daemon
- SSSD_KRB5_LOCATOR_PL(8) - Kerberos locator plugin
- SSSD-AD(5) - SSSD Active Directory provider
- SSSD-FILES(5) - SSSD files provider
- SSSD-IFP(5) - SSSD InfoPipe responder
- SSSD-IPA(5) - SSSD IPA provider
- SSSD-KCM(8) - Керування кешем Kerberos SSSD
- SSSD-KRB5(5) - SSSD Kerberos provider
- SSSD-LDAP(5) - SSSD LDAP provider
- SSSD-SECRETS(5) - Відповідач реєстраційних даних SSSD
- SSSD-SESSION-RECOR(5) - Configuring session recording with SSSD
- SSSD-SIMPLE(5) - the configuration file for SSSD's 'simple' access-control provider
- SSSD-SUDO(5) - Configuring sudo with the SSSD back end
- SSSD-SYSTEMTAP(5) - Дані systemtap SSSD
- SS-SERVER(1) - shadowsocks server, libev port
- ssss(1) - Split and Combine Secrets using Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme.
- SST(1)
- SSTRIP(1) - truncates ELF files to remove non-program content.
- SS-TUNNEL(1) - shadowsocks tools for local port forwarding, libev port
- SSWAP(1) - secure swap wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
- sswap.f(3)
- ssycon_rook.f(3)
- ssyconvf.f(3)
- ssyconvf_rook.f(3)
- ssygs2.f(3)
- ssymm.f(3)
- ssymv.f(3)
- ssync(1) - minimalistic filesystem sync tool
- ssyr.f(3)
- ssyr2.f(3)
- ssyr2k.f(3)
- ssyrk.f(3)
- ssytd2.f(3)
- ssytf2.f(3)
- ssytf2_rk.f(3)
- ssytf2_rook.f(3)
- ssytrd_2stage.f(3)
- ssytrd_sb2st.F(3)
- ssytrd_sy2sb.f(3)
- ssytri_3x.f(3)
- ssytri_rook.f(3)
- STABLERESTART(5) - restart information for the NFSv4 server
- stack(3m) - a dynamically resizing stack
- STACK(9) - kernel thread stack tracing routines
- StackTrace::Auto(3) - a role for generating stack traces during instantiation
- STAG-AUTOSCHEMA(1) - writes the implicit stag-schema for a stag file
- STAG-DB(1) - persistent storage and retrieval for stag data (xml, sxpr, itext)
- STAG-DIFF(1) - finds the difference between two stag files
- STAG-DRAWTREE(1) - draws a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) as a PNG diagram
- STAG-FILTER(1) - filters a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) for nodes of interest
- STAG-FINDSUBTREE(1) - finds nodes in a stag file
- STAG-FLATTEN(1) - turns stag data into a flat table
- STAG-GREP(1) - filters a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) for nodes of interest
- STAG-HANDLE(1) - streams a stag file through a handler into a writer
- STAGIT(1) - static git page generator
- STAG-ITEXT2SIMPLE(1) - converts between stag formats
- STAG-ITEXT2SXPR(1) - converts between stag formats
- STAG-ITEXT2XML(1) - converts between stag formats
- STAGIT-INDEX(1) - static git index page generator
- STAG-JOIN(1) - joins two stag files together based around common key
- STAG-MERGE(1) - script wrapper for the Data::Stag modules
- STAG-MOGRIFY(1) - mangle stag files
- STAG-PARSE(1) - parses a file and fires events (e.g. sxpr to xml)
- STAG-QUERY(1) - aggregare queries
- STAG-SPLITTER(1) - splits a stag file into multiple files
- STAG-VIEW(1) - draws an expandable Tk tree diagram showing stag data
- STAG-XML2ITEXT(1) - converts between stag formats
- stairs(6) - Escher's infinite staircase.
- STALEPID(1) - check for and remove stale process ID files
- STAMPPDF(1) - Apply a mark to each page of a PDF
- STAR(4L) - tape archive file format
- STAR_SYM(1L) - Convert inode data base into human readable format
- starconvert(1) - convert text data files to StarPlot format
- STARDATE(1) - convert between stardates and other calendars
- stardict(1) - A Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2
- STARFIGHTER(6) - 2D shoot em up
- starfish(6) - radially-symmetric throbbing colormap-hacking graphics demo
- STARLANES(6) - the game of starlanes
- Starlet(3) - a simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
- Starlink::AST(3) - Interface to the Starlink AST library
- Starlink::AST::PGPLOT(3) - AST wrapper to the PGPLOT library
- Starlink::AST::PLplot(3) - AST wrapper to the PLplot library
- Starlink::AST::Tk(3) - AST wrapper to the Tk library
- STARMAN(1) - Starman launcher
- starpkg(1) - convert a StarPlot data set to StarPlot file format
- starplot(1) - view 3d perspective maps of stars
- start_erl(1) - Start Erlang for embedded systems on Windows systems.
- START_PVMD(3PVM) - Starts new PVM daemon.
- START_SERVER(1) - a superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
- start_sound_input(3) - Starts recording in the specified format. Allegro game programming library.
- STARTFLUXBOX(1) - start a fluxbox session
- startlazarus(1) - starts lazarus program.
- START-LUMINA-DESKTOP(1) - Basic binary that starts a new Lumina session for the current user.
- startlxde(1) - X session script to prepare environment and run lxsession.
- STARTLXQT(1) - script to initialize and launch LXQt sessions
- start-pulseaudio-x11(1) - PulseAudio Sound Server X11 Startup Script
- start-stop-daemon(8) - start and stop system daemon programs
- STARTX(1) - initialize an X session
- starwars(6) - draws a perspective text crawl, like at the beginning of the movie
- STAT(9P) - inquire or change file attributes
- STATE.CONF(5) - sddm display manager configuration
- STATES(1) - awk alike text processing tool
- STATFS(2) - get file system statistics
- statgrab(1) - sysctl-style interface to system statistics
- statgrab-make-mrtg-config(1) - generates MRTG configuration
- statgrab-make-mrtg-index(1) - generates MRTG configuration
- Statistics::Basic(3) - A collection of very basic statistics modules
- Statistics::Basic::_OneVectorBase(3) - base class objects like Mean
- Statistics::Basic::_TwoVectorBase(3) - base class objects like Correlation
- Statistics::Basic::ComputedVector(3) - a class for computing filtered vectors
- Statistics::Basic::Correlation(3) - find the correlation between two lists
- Statistics::Basic::Covariance(3) - find the covariance between two lists
- Statistics::Basic::LeastSquareFit(3) - find the least square fit for two lists
- Statistics::Basic::Mean(3) - find the mean of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Median(3) - find the median of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Mode(3) - find the mode of a list
- Statistics::Basic::StdDev(3) - find the standard deviation of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Variance(3) - find the variance of a list
- Statistics::Basic::Vector(3) - a class for handling lists of numbers
- Statistics::Benford(3) - calculate the deviation from Benford's Law
- Statistics::CaseResampling(3) - Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
- Statistics::ChiSquare(3) - How well-distributed is your data?
- Statistics::Contingency(3) - Calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc.
- Statistics::Descriptive(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::Descriptive::Full(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother(3) - Base module for smoothing statistical data
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother::Exponential(3) - Implement exponential smoothing
- Statistics::Descriptive::Smoother::Weightedexponential(3) - Implement weighted exponential smoothing
- Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse(3) - Module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
- Statistics::LineFit(3) - Least squares line fit, weighted or unweighted
- Statistics::R(3) - Perl interface with the R statistical program
- Statistics::R::Legacy(3) - Legacy methods for Statistics::R
- Statistics::R::Win32(3) - Helper functions for Statistics::R on MS Windows platforms
- STATS(7) - information about various and sundry statistics utilities
- STATUS(5F) - server status database
- STATUS(nged) - Without a subcommand, the
- STATUSDAT_DEMO(1) - test the StatusLog module
- STATUSREPORT.CGI(1) - CGI program to report a status for a group of servers
- STATVFS(3) - retrieve file system information
- stbmv.f(3)
- stbsv.f(3)
- STDARG(3) - variable argument lists
- STDBUF(1) - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.
- STDIN(1)
- STDINT(7) - standard integer types
- StdLabels(3) - Standard labeled libraries.
- STDLIB(7) - The STDLIB application.
- STDLOGCTL(1) - utility for the standard logging library
- STE(4) - Sundance Technologies ST201 Fast Ethernet device driver
- StealthDebug(3) - Simple non-intrusive debug module
- STED(1) - a small and simple text editor
- steghide(1) - a steganography program
- STELLARIUM(1) - A real-time realistic planetarium
- STEP(5) - ISO 10303 Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
- step3d_model(3)
- stepframe_target(3)
- STEREO3D(1) - render a Raster3D scene as a side-by-side stereo pair
- STF(4) - 6to4 tunnel interface
- STF::Dispatcher::Impl::File(3) - STF Storage to store data in file
- STF::Dispatcher::Impl::Hash(3) - STF Storage to store data in hash
- STF::Dispatcher::PSGI(3) - Pluggable STF Dispatcher Interface
- STF::Dispatcher::PSGI::HTTPException(3) - Very Light Exception For STF Dispatcher
- STF::Dispatcher::Test(3) - Basic Tests For STF Implementations
- st-flash(1) - Flash binary files to STM32 device
- STGE(4) - Sundance/Tamarack TC9021 Gigabit Ethernet adapter driver
- stgex2.f(3)
- stgsy2.f(3)
- STICKY(7) - sticky text and append-only directories
- STIME(1) - print current time information to standard out
- STJERM(8) - quake-style terminal emulator
- STK014(4) - webcamd driver for Syntek USB camera
- STL(4)
- stl2dcm(1) - Encapsulate STL file into DICOM file format
- STL-G(1) - Stereolithography Translator (STL to BRL-CAD)
- STM32FLASH(1) - flashing utility for STM32 through UART or I2C
- stoken(1) - software token for cryptographic authentication
- stone(1) - Simple Repeater
- Stone(3) - In-memory storage for hierarchical tag/value data structures
- Stone::Cursor(3) - Traverse tags and values of a Stone
- Stone::GB_Sequence(3) - Specialized Access to GenBank Records
- stonerview(6) - 3D undulating ribbons of squares.
- STONITH(8) - extensible interface for remotely powering down a node in the cluster
- STONITHD(7) - Options available for all stonith resources
- stop_audio_stream(3) - Destroys an audio stream when it is no longer required. Allegro game programming library.
- stop_midi(3) - Stops whatever music is currently playing. Allegro game programming library.
- stop_sound_input(3) - Stops audio recording. Allegro game programming library.
- Storable::AMF(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF0/AMF3 data
- Storable::AMF::Mapper(3)
- Storable::AMF0(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF0 data
- Storable::AMF3(3) - serializing/deserializing AMF3 data
- STORAGE.CONF(5) - Configuration file for storage manager
- STORE(9) - store data to user-space
- Store::CouchDB(3) - Store::CouchDB - a simple CouchDB driver
- store_key(3)
- STOREID_FILE_REWRITE(8) - File based Store-ID helper for Squid
- storepop_video_context(3)
- storepush_video_context(3) - 100, VRESH - 100); c = storepop_video_context(); show_image(c); move_image(c, 50, 50, 50); move_image(c, 0, 0, 50);end
- storescp(1) - DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCP
- storescu(1) - DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCU
- STOREUTL(1) - STORE utility
- stow(8) - manage farms of symbolic links
- STOWES(1) - the stow Enhancement Script
- stplqt.f(3)
- stplqt2.f(3)
- stpmlqt.f(3)
- stpmv.f(3)
- stpsv.f(3)
- str_argv_cat(3)
- str_chr(3) - find character in ASCIIZ string
- str_copy(3) - copy an ASCIIZ string
- str_diff(3) - compare two ASCIIZ strings
- str_diffn(3) - compare two ASCIIZ strings
- str_len(3) - find length of ASCIIZ string
- str_rchr(3) - find character in ASCIIZ string
- str_start(3) - compare prefixes of strings
- str2u64(3)
- STRACAT(3) - concatenate many strings into an allocated memory block
- STRACE(1) - trace system calls and signals
- STRACE-LOG-MERGE(1) - merge strace -ff -tt output
- strafe3d_model(3)
- stralloc_0(3) - append \0 to a stralloc
- stralloc_append(3) - append a character to a stralloc
- stralloc_cat(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catb(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catlong0(3) - append an integer to a stralloc
- stralloc_catm(3) - append string(s) to a stralloc
- stralloc_cats(3) - append data to a stralloc
- stralloc_catulong0(3) - append an integer to a stralloc
- stralloc_chomp(3) - remove trailing CR, LF or CRLF
- stralloc_chop(3) - remove and return last char
- stralloc_copy(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_copyb(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_copym(3) - copy string(s) to a stralloc
- stralloc_copys(3) - copy data into a stralloc
- stralloc_diffs(3) - compare two strallocs
- stralloc_free(3) - free storage associated with a stralloc
- stralloc_init(3) - initialize a stralloc
- stralloc_ready(3) - provide space in a stralloc
- stralloc_readyplus(3) - provide space in a stralloc
- stralloc_starts(3) - check if string is prefix of stralloc
- stralloc_zero(3) - set length of stralloc to 0
- STRANAXFRM(3) - make a string into canonical form for anagram comparison
- strange(6) - draws strange attractors
- STRATAGUS(6) - Strategy Gaming Engine
- STRAWBERRY(1) - music player and music collection organizer
- STRAWBERRY-TAGREADER(1) - internal tag reader for strawberry
- strblank(3)
- STRCASECMP(3) - compare strings, ignoring case
- STRCATL(3) - concatenates strings
- STRCHANGE(3) - replace beginning of string with beginning of another string
- STRCHR(3) - locate character in string
- STRCINS(3) - insert a character at the beginning of a string
- STRCOLL(3) - compare strings according to current collation
- STR-CONFIG(1) - Str library build utility
- STRCPY(3) - copy strings
- STRCSTR(3) - convert memory block to printable C string notation
- STRDEL(3) - delete characters from beginning of string
- STRDIFF(3) - locate first difference between two strings
- STRDUP(3) - save a copy of a string
- Stream::Buffered(3) - temporary buffer to save bytes
- Stream::Reader(3) - is a stream reader
- STREAMARCHIVE(4L) - StreamArchive file format
- STREAMLINK(1) - extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice
- STREAMRIPPER(1) - rip shoutcast radio streams to mp3 files
- STREAMZIP(1) - create a zip file from stdin
- STREND(3) - return pointer to the terminating '\0' of a string
- STRENDZAP(3) - remove pattern from end of str, if it is there
- STREQL(3) - compares two strings for equality
- strequate(3) - map a list of characters to the same value
- streqvcmp(3) - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
- streqvmap(3) - Set the character mappings for the streqv functions
- STRESS-NG(1) - a tool to load and stress a computer system
- stretch_sprite(3) - Stretches a sprite to the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- strevc3.f(3)
- STRFILE(8) - create a random access file for storing strings
- STRFMON(3) - convert monetary value to string
- STRFUNC(3) - advanced string manipulation library
- STRGSUB(3) - substitute all occurences of pattern with another string
- strictures(3) - Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
- strictures::extra(3) - enable or disable strictures additional checks
- strigger(1) - Used set, get or clear Slurm trigger information.
- string(n) - Manipulate strings
- String::BufferStack(3) - Nested buffers for templating systems
- String::CamelCase(3) - camelcase, de-camelcase
- String::Compare::ConstantTime(3) - Timing side-channel protected string compare
- String::Diff(3) - Simple diff to String
- String::Dump(3) - Dump strings of characters (or bytes) for printing and debugging
- String::Dump::Debugging(3) - String debugging tips with String::Dump
- String::Ediff(3) - Produce common sub-string indices for two strings
- String::Errf(3) - a simple sprintf-like dialect
- String::Flogger(3) - string munging for loggers
- String::Formatter(3) - build sprintf-like functions of your own
- String::Formatter::Cookbook(3) - ways to put String::Formatter to use
- String::Fraction(3) - convert fractions into unicode chars
- String::HexConvert(3) - Converts ascii strings to hex and reverse
- String::Interpolate::Named(3) - Interpolated named arguments in string
- String::Koremutake(3) - Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
- String::LCSS(3) - Find The Longest Common Substring of Two Strings.
- String::MkPasswd(3) - random password generator
- String::Pad(3) - String padding routines
- String::Parity(3) - parity (odd/even/mark/space) handling functions
- String::Print(3) - printf alternative
- String::Random(3) - Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
- String::RewritePrefix(3) - rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
- String::Scanf(3) - emulate sscanf() of the C library
- String::Tagged(3) - string buffers with value tags on extents
- String::Tagged::Formatting(3) - an API specification for simple formatted strings
- String::Tagged::Terminal(3) - format terminal output using "String::Tagged"
- String::Tagged::Terminal::Win32Console(3) - Windows-specific code for String::Tagged::Terminal
- String::ToIdentifier::EN(3) - Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers
- String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode(3) - Convert Strings to Unicode English Program Identifiers
- String::Tokenizer(3) - A simple string tokenizer.
- String::Trim(3) - trim whitespace from your strings
- String::Truncate(3) - a module for when strings are too long to be displayed in...
- String::TT(3) - use TT to interpolate lexical variables
- String::TtyLength(3) - length or width of string excluding ANSI tty codes
- String::Urandom(3) - An alternative to using /dev/random
- String::Util(3)
- STRING_ENQUOTE(3) - doubly quoted string conversion routines
- STRING_FP(3) - string buffer streams
- STRING2KEY(8) - map a password into a key
- STRING-COLLECT(1) - join strings into one
- STRING-ESCAPE(1) - escape special characters
- STRING-JOIN(1) - join strings with delimiter
- STRING-JOIN0(1) - join strings with zero bytes
- StringLabels(3) - String operations.
- STRING-LENGTH(1) - print string lengths
- STRING-LOWER(1) - convert strings to lowercase
- STRING-MATCH(1) - match substrings
- STRING-PAD(1) - pad strings to a fixed width
- stringprep_4i(3) - API function
- stringprep_4zi(3) - API function
- stringprep_check_version(3) - API function
- stringprep_convert(3) - API function
- stringprep_locale_charset(3) - API function
- stringprep_locale_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_profile(3) - API function
- stringprep_strerror(3) - API function
- stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
- stringprep_ucs4_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_unichar_to_utf8(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_locale(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_ucs4(3) - API function
- stringprep_utf8_to_unichar(3) - API function
- STRING-REPEAT(1) - multiply a string
- STRING-REPLACE(1) - replace substrings
- STRINGSIZE(3) - graphical size of strings
- STRING-SPLIT(1) - split strings by delimiter
- STRING-SPLIT0(1) - split on zero bytes
- STRING-SUB(1) - extract substrings
- STRING-TRIM(1) - remove trailing whitespace
- STRING-UNESCAPE(1) - expand escape sequences
- STRING-UPPER(1) - convert strings to uppercase
- STRINIT(3) - initialize a string with a given character to a given length
- STRINS(3) - insert a string at the beginning of another string
- stripchart(n) - 2D strip chart for plotting x and y coordinate data.
- Stripe(3) - Interface for Stripe payment system.
- Striphigh(3) - Perl extension to strip the high bit off of ISO-8859-1 text.
- strisint(3)
- strisreal(3)
- strlbasecpy(3)
- STRLCPY(3) - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
- STRLEN(3) - find length of string
- strllower(3)
- strlower(3)
- STRLTRIM(3) - remove leading whitespace from string
- strlupper(3)
- STRMAXCPY(3) - copy at most a given number of characters of string
- strmm.f(3)
- STRMODE(3) - convert inode status information into a symbolic string
- STRMOVE(3) - make a copy of a string, handling overlapping strings
- STRMTRIM(3) - replace multiple white spaces with single blanks within string
- strmv.f(3)
- Strn(3) - Safe string copying functions
- strnchr(l) - locate character in string
- STRNDUP(3) - duplicate part of a string
- strneqvcmp(3) - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
- STRNINS(3) - insert prefix of a string at the beginning of another string
- strnlen(l) - get length of a string
- STRONGSWAN.CONF(5) - strongSwan configuration file
- STROVERLAP(3) - check whether two strings overlap
- STRPBRK(3) - locate multiple characters in string
- STRPTIME(1) - Parse input from stdin according to one of the given formats FORMATs.
- strptrcmp(3)
- STRRIGHT(3) - return a pointer to the beginning of the rightmost n chars in a string
- STRROT13(3) - encrypt or decrypt string using rot13
- STRRSTR(3) - locate last occurence of substring
- STRRTRIM(3) - remove trailing whitespace
- strsave(l) - return a fresh copy of a string
- STRSEP(3) - separate strings
- STRSET(3) - set all characters in a string to a given character
- strshellcpy(3)
- STRSHUFFLE(3) - make the characters in a string be in random order
- strsm.f(3)
- STRSPLIT(3) - split string into words
- STRSPN(3) - span a string
- strsqueeze(3)
- STRSUB(3) - substitute first occurence of pattern with another string
- strsv.f(3)
- STRTABIFY(3) - convert runs of spaces and tabs to tabs
- strti2.f(3)
- STRTOFFLAGS(3) - convert between file flag bits and their string names
- STRTOK(3) - string tokens
- STRTONUM(3) - reliably convert string value to an integer
- strtr(3)
- strtransform(3) - convert a string into its mapped-to value
- STRTREXPAND(3) - expand tr-like notation in string
- STRTRIM(3) - remove leading and trailing whitespace
- strtrimsp(l) - trim leading and/or trailing whitespace from a string
- Struct::Dumb(3) - make simple lightweight record-like structures
- STRUCTS_TYPE(3) - data structure description structure
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ARRAY(3) - structs types for arrays
- STRUCTS_TYPE_BOOLEAN(3) - structs types for boolean values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_BPF(3) - structs types for BPF programs
- STRUCTS_TYPE_DATA(3) - structs types for binary data
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ETHER(3) - structs type for DNS resolvable hostnames
- STRUCTS_TYPE_FLOAT(3) - structs types for floating point values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_ID(3) - structs types for identifiers
- STRUCTS_TYPE_INT(3) - structs types for integral types
- STRUCTS_TYPE_IP4(3) - structs types for IP addresses
- STRUCTS_TYPE_IP6(3) - structs types for IPv6 addresses
- STRUCTS_TYPE_NULL(3) - non-instantiable structs type
- STRUCTS_TYPE_POINTER(3) - structs type for pointers
- STRUCTS_TYPE_REGEX(3) - structs type for regular expressions
- STRUCTS_TYPE_STRING(3) - structs types for strings
- STRUCTS_TYPE_STRUCT(3) - structs types for C structures
- STRUCTS_TYPE_TIME(3) - structs types for time values
- STRUCTS_TYPE_UNION(3) - structs types for C unions
- STRUCTS_XML_INPUT(3) - XML conversion for data structures
- STRUCTS_XMLRPC(3) - structs support for XML-RPC
- STRUNCSTR(3) - convert printable C string notation to a memory block
- STRUNTABIFY(3) - convert tabs to spaces
- strupper(3)
- STRVARS(3) - expand variables in string
- strviscpy(3)
- STRXFRM(3) - transform a string under locale
- STRZAP(3) - remove pattern from beginning of string, if it is there
- STTY(1) - change and print terminal line settings
- STTY(1B) - (BSD) set the options for a terminal
- STUBBY(1) - a local DNS Privacy stub resolver
- STUBMAKER(1) - Generates client stubs from a WSDL file.
- STUN(1) - connect to a remote host via SSH, possibly through other hosts
- STUNAR(1) - create tape archives and add or extract files
- stunnel(8) - TLS offloading and load-balancing proxy
- st-util(1) - Run GDB server to interact with STM32 device
- STV06XX(4) - stv06xx webcamd driver for USB cameras
- STX(3) - a pure Perl STX processor
- STX::Base(3)
- STX::Buffer(3) - buffer objects for XML::STX
- STX::Functions(3)
- STX::Parser(3) - XML::STX stylesheet parser
- STX::Runtime(3) - STX processor runtime engine
- STX::STXPath(3)
- STX::Stylesheet(3) - stylesheet objects for XML::STX
- STX::TrAX(3) - a TrAX-like interface
- STX::Writer(3) - a lightweight fallback SAX2 writer
- STYLE(9) - kernel source file style guide
- Sub::Alias(3) - Simple subroutine alias.
- Sub::Current(3) - Get the current subroutine
- Sub::Defer(3) - Defer generation of subroutines until they are first called
- Sub::Delete(3) - Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines
- Sub::Exporter(3) - a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- Sub::Exporter::Cookbook(3) - useful, demonstrative, or stupid Sub::Exporter tricks
- Sub::Exporter::ForMethods(3) - helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
- Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter(3) - export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors
- Sub::Exporter::Lexical(3) - to export lexically-available subs with Sub::Exporter
- Sub::Exporter::Progressive(3) - Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
- Sub::Exporter::Tutorial(3) - a friendly guide to exporting with Sub::Exporter
- Sub::Exporter::Util(3) - utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier
- Sub::Identify(3) - Retrieve names of code references
- Sub::Infix(3) - create a fake infix operator
- Sub::Info(3) - Tool for inspecting subroutines.
- Sub::Install(3) - install subroutines into packages easily
- Sub::Installer(3) - A cleaner way to install (or reinstall) package subroutines
- Sub::Multi(3) - Data::Bind-based multi-sub dispatch
- Sub::Name(3) - (Re)name a sub
- Sub::Override(3) - Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
- Sub::Prototype(3) - Set a sub's prototype
- Sub::Quote(3) - Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
- Sub::Signatures(3) - Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching.
- Sub::Sort(3) - Dummy module to catch Sort::Sub typo
- Sub::Uplevel(3) - apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
- Sub::Util(3) - A selection of utility subroutines for subs and CODE references
- Sub::WrapPackages(3) - add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines in packages or around individual subs
- sub_of(3) - subtract two integers, check for arithmetic overflow
- sub2po.py(1) - Convert subtitle files to Gettext PO localization files.
- suba(3m) - Sub-allocate memory from larger chunk of memory.
- SUBATOM(1) - produce an atom feed from subversion commits
- SUBCALC(1) - Advanced IP/IPv6 subnet calculation and discovery
- SUBFONT(3) - subfont manipulation
- SUBFUSE(1) - merge Genbank submissions
- Submethods(3) - add aliases for tk sub-commands
- subnetcalc(1) - IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
- SUBS(1) - convert, join, split, and re-time subtitles
- SUBSCRIPTIONS(5) - Default recommended subscriptions
- subst(n) - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
- substrate(6) - Grow crystal-like lines on a computational substrate
- subsystem_reset(3)
- SUBTABLE(1) - Pull out a set of columns from a many-column FITS binary table.
- Subtitles(3) - handle video subtitles in various text formats
- SUBTLE(1) - a grid-based manual tiling window manager
- SUBTLER(1) - a commandline interface for subtle
- SUBTLEXT(1) - a ruby extension for subtle
- SUDO(8) - execute a command as another user
- SUDO_LOGSRV.PROTO(5) - Sudo log server protocol
- SUDO_LOGSRVD.CONF(5) - configuration for sudo_logsrvd
- SUDO_LOGSRVD(8) - sudo event and I/O log server
- SUDO_PLUGIN(5) - Sudo Plugin API
- SUDO_SENDLOG(8) - send sudo I/O log to log server
- SUDOERS(5) - default sudo security policy plugin
- SUDOERS_TIMESTAMP(5) - Sudoers Time Stamp Format
- SUDOKU() - g : Enter number/character
- SUDOREPLAY(8) - replay sudo session logs
- Sudoscript(3pm)
- SUDOSCRIPTD(8) - logging daemons for sudoshell(1)
- SUDOSHELL(1) - Run a shell with logging
- SUFFIX_ATTACH(3) - creates SUFFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- SUFFIX_ATTACH_MEM(3) - creates SUFFIX protocol on top of underlying socket
- SUFFIX_DETACH(3) - terminates SUFFIX protocol and returns the underlying socket
- SULOGIN(8) - Single-user login
- SUM(1B) - (BSD) sum and count blocks in a file
- SUME(4) - NetFPGA SUME 4x10Gb Ethernet driver
- Summarize(3) - A simple tool for summarizing bodies of English text.
- SUMMARY(nged) - The
- SUN2AMD(8L) - converts Sun automount maps to Amd maps
- SUNCLOCK(1) - a fancy clock for the X Window system, providing local time (legal time and solar time), sunrise, sunset and various geographical data through a point and click interface.
- SUNDAZEL(1) - Compute the time of Solar passage
- SUN-PIX(1) - convert Sun bitmaps from screendump(1) into pix(5) or bw(5) raster image
- SUNPLUS(4) - sunplus webcamd driver for USB cameras
- SUPER(5) - database of restricted commands for super(1)
- SUPER_TABLE_CREATOR(1) - MySQL Database Schema Creator for super_mediator
- SUPERIO(4) - Super I/O controller and bus driver
- SUPERIO(9) - Super I/O bus interface
- SUPERIOTOOL(8) - Super I/O detection tool
- supernode(1) - n2n supernode daemon
- superquadrics(6) - morphing 3d shapes.
- SUPER-SED(1) - manual page for super-sed version 3.61
- supervise(8) - starts and monitors a service.
- supervisor_bridge(3) - Generic supervisor bridge behavior.
- Supplement(3) - Supplementary file loader for XMLTV grabbers
- SupportedHints(1)
- SUPSERVERS(8) - sup server processes
- SUPYBOT(1) - A robust and user friendly Python IRC bot
- SUPYBOT-ADDUSER(1) - Adds a user to a Supybot users.conf file
- SUPYBOT-BOTCHK(1) - A script to start Supybot if it's not already running.
- SUPYBOT-PLUGIN-CREATE(1) - A wizard for creating Supybot plugins
- SUPYBOT-PLUGIN-DOC(1) - Generates the documentation for a Supybot plugin
- SUPYBOT-TEST(1) - Runs the test suite for a Supybot plugin
- SUPYBOT-WIZARD(1) - A wizard for creating Supybot configuration files
- SUR(1) - subtle user repository
- surblhost(1) - check if hostnames are blacklisted by surbl.org
- SurePay(3) - SurePay backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- SURF(1) - simple webkit-based browser
- surfaces(6) - Draws some interesting 3d parametric surfaces.
- SURICATA(1) - Suricata
- SURICATACTL(1) - Suricata Control
- SURICATACTL-FILESTORE(1) - Perform actions on filestore
- SURICATASC(1) - Tool to interact via unix socket
- SURSERVER(1) - subtle user repository
- SUSER(9)
- suspend_target(3)
- SV(nged) - Moves the view center to (
- svc(8) - controls services monitored by
- SVCLONE(8) - clone Runit services
- svcond(3m) - POSIX-like condition variables implemented using SysV semaphores.
- SVCSTATUS.CGI(1) - CGI program to view Xymon status logs
- SVG::DOM(3) - A library of DOM (Document Object Model) methods for SVG objects.
- SVG::DOM2(3) - SVG extention to the popular XML::DOM2
- SVG::DOM2::Attribute::Transform(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Document(3) - svg document functions
- SVG::DOM2::Element::MetaData(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape(3) - fill and stroke * transforms - transform attribute handeling
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Fill(3) - fill style, has color and opacity output
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Font(3)
- SVG::DOM2::Element::Shape::Stroke(3)
- SVG::Element(3) - Generate the element bits for SVG.pm
- SVG::Extension(3) - additional methods
- SVG::Graph(3) - Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
- SVG::Graph::Data(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Datum(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Node(3)
- SVG::Graph::Data::Tree(3)
- SVG::Graph::File(3)
- SVG::Graph::Frame(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::axis(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bar(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::barflex(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bezier(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::bubble(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::heatmap(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::line(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::pictogram(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::scatter(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::tree(3)
- SVG::Graph::Glyph::wedge(3)
- SVG::Metadata(3) - Perl module to capture metadata info about an SVG file
- SVG::Parser(3) - XML Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::Expat(3) - XML Expat Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::SAX(3) - XML SAX Parser for SVG documents
- SVG::Parser::SAX::Handler(3) - SAX handler class for SVG documents
- SVG::XML(3) - Handle the XML generation bits for SVG.pm
- SVG_ANNOTATE(1) - Adds RDF metadata to an SVG file. This script scans files and directories for SVG files and if they lack embedded RDF metadata, inserts it.
- SVG_VALIDATE(1) - This script scans a directory full of *.svg files and checks them to see if they have proper metadata. If so, it copies them into a target directory and creates a png of it. It also creates a list of PASS and FAIL for the different criteria.
- SVG2PDF(1) - A converter from SVG to PDF (via ReportLab Graphics)
- svg2png(1) - Render an SVG image to a PNG image (using cairo)
- svgakeymap(1) - generates keymaps for svgalib
- svgalib(7) - a low level graphics library for linux
- SVGX(1) - extract gradients from SVG files.
- SVK(1) - A Distributed Version Control System
- SVK::Command(3) - Base class and dispatcher for SVK commands
- SVK::Command::Add(3) - Put files and directories under version control
- SVK::Command::Admin(3) - Administration tools
- SVK::Command::Annotate(3) - Display per-line revision and author info
- SVK::Command::Branch(3) - Manage a project with its branches
- SVK::Command::Cat(3) - Output the file from depot
- SVK::Command::Checkout(3) - Checkout the depotpath
- SVK::Command::Cleanup(3) - Remove stalled locks
- SVK::Command::Cmerge(3) - Merge specific changes
- SVK::Command::Commit(3) - Commit changes to depot
- SVK::Command::Copy(3) - Make a versioned copy
- SVK::Command::Delete(3) - Remove versioned item
- SVK::Command::Depotmap(3) - Create or edit the depot mapping configuration
- SVK::Command::Describe(3) - Describe a change
- SVK::Command::Diff(3) - Display diff between revisions or checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Help(3) - Show help
- SVK::Command::Ignore(3) - Ignore files by setting svn:ignore property
- SVK::Command::Import(3) - Import directory into depot
- SVK::Command::Info(3) - Display information about a file or directory
- SVK::Command::List(3) - List entries in a directory from depot
- SVK::Command::Log(3) - Show log messages for revisions
- SVK::Command::Merge(3) - Apply differences between two sources
- SVK::Command::Mirror(3) - Initialize a mirrored depotpath
- SVK::Command::Mkdir(3) - Create a versioned directory
- SVK::Command::Move(3) - Move a file or directory
- SVK::Command::Patch(3) - Manage patches
- SVK::Command::Propdel(3) - Delete a property on files or dirs
- SVK::Command::Propedit(3) - Edit a property on path
- SVK::Command::Propget(3) - Display a property on path
- SVK::Command::Proplist(3) - List all properties on files or dirs
- SVK::Command::Propset(3) - Set a property on path
- SVK::Command::Pull(3) - Bring changes from another repository
- SVK::Command::Push(3) - Move changes into another repository
- SVK::Command::Resolved(3) - Remove conflict mark from checkout items
- SVK::Command::Revert(3) - Revert changes made in checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Smerge(3) - Automatically merge all changes between branches
- SVK::Command::Status(3) - Display the status of items in the checkout copy
- SVK::Command::Switch(3) - Switch to another branch and keep local changes
- SVK::Command::Sync(3) - Synchronize a mirrored depotpath
- SVK::Command::Update(3) - Bring changes from repository to checkout copies
- SVK::Command::Verify(3) - Verify change signatures
- SVK::Depot(3) - Depot class in SVK
- SVK::Editor::Checkout(3) - An editor for modifying files on filesystems
- SVK::Editor::Combine(3) - An editor combining several editor calls to one
- SVK::Editor::Combiner(3) - An editor combining several editor calls to one
- SVK::Editor::Composite(3) - composite editor
- SVK::Editor::Copy(3) - Turn editor calls to calls with history
- SVK::Editor::CopyHandler(3) - intercept copies in editor calls
- SVK::Editor::Diff(3) - An editor for producing textual diffs
- SVK::Editor::Merge(3) - An editor that does merges for the storage editor
- SVK::Editor::Patch(3) - An editor to serialize editor calls.
- SVK::Editor::PropEol(3) - An editor that normalizes eol for svn: properties
- SVK::Editor::Rename(3) - An editor that translates editor calls for renamed entries
- SVK::Editor::SubTree(3) - An editor that translates path names
- SVK::Editor::Translate(3) - An editor that translates path names
- SVK::Editor::TxnCleanup(3) - An editor that aborts a txn when it is aborted
- SVK::Editor::XD(3) - An editor for modifying svk checkout copies
- SVK::Help::Environment(3) - A list of svk's environment variables
- SVK::Help::Index(3) - SVK Documentation - Main index
- SVK::Help::Intro(3) - Introduction to svk
- SVK::Help::View(3) - Introduction to svk view support
- SVK::Help::zh_cn::Index(3) - SVK 说明索引
- SVK::Help::zh_tw::Index(3) - SVK 說明索引
- SVK::Inspector(3) - path inspector
- SVK::Log::ChangedPath(3) - changes made to a path during in a revision
- SVK::Log::ChangedPaths(3) - partly lazy list of SVK::Log::ChangedPath objects
- SVK::Log::Filter(3) - base class for all log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Author(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Grep(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Head(3)
- SVK::Log::Filter::Output(3) - base class for output log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Selection(3) - base class for selection log filters
- SVK::Log::Filter::Std(3) - display log messages in standard SVK format
- SVK::Log::Filter::XML(3) - display log messages in XML format
- SVK::Log::FilterPipeline(3) - a pipeline of log filter objects
- SVK::Logger(3) - logging framework for SVK
- SVK::Merge(3) - Merge context class
- SVK::Merge::Info(3) - Container for merge ticket information
- SVK::MimeDetect(3) - interface for MIME type detection algorithms
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileLibMagic(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileMMagic(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::FileType(3)
- SVK::MimeDetect::Internal(3) - minimalist MIME type detection
- SVK::Mirror(3)
- SVK::Mirror::Backend::SVNRa(3)
- SVK::Mirror::Backend::SVNRaPipe(3) - Transparent SVN::Ra requests pipelining
- SVK::MirrorCatalog(3) - mirror handling
- SVK::Notify(3) - svk entry status notification
- SVK::Patch(3) - Class representing a patch to be applied
- SVK::Patchset(3) - Calculate patch dependency
- SVK::Path(3) - SVK path class
- SVK::Path::Checkout(3) - SVK path class associating a checkout
- SVK::Project(3) - SVK project class
- SVK::Resolve(3) - Interactively resolve conflicts
- SVK::Target::Universal(3) - svk target that might not be local
- SVK::Util(3) - Utility functions for SVK classes
- SVK::Version(3) - The SVK project-wide version number
- SVK::XD(3) - svk depot and checkout handling.
- SVK-ACCOUNTING(1) - show accounting information of your SVK repository.
- SVK-DEVELOPER-GRAPH(1) - Generate developer graph information
- svlogd(8) - runit's service logging daemon
- SVM(1) - command line interface for remote Subversion repository mirroring
- SVMOD(8) - helper to control user access to runsv services
- SVN::Access(3) - Perl extension to manipulate SVN Access files
- SVN::Access::Group(3) - Object representing a SVN Access file group
- SVN::Access::Resource(3) - Object representing a SVN Access file resource
- SVN::ACL(3)
- SVN::Agent(3) - simple svn manipulation.
- SVN::Dump(3) - A Perl interface to Subversion dumps
- SVN::Dump::Headers(3) - Headers of a SVN dump record
- SVN::Dump::Property(3) - A property block from a svn dump
- SVN::Dump::Reader(3) - A Subversion dump reader
- SVN::Dump::Record(3) - A SVN dump record
- SVN::Dump::Text(3) - A text block from a svn dump
- SVN::Dumpfile(3) - Perl extension to access and manipulate Subversion dumpfiles
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node(3) - Represents a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Content(3) - Represents the content of a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Headers(3) - Represents the header of a node in a subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Properties(3) - Represents the properties of a node in a Subversion dumpfile.
- SVN::Dumpfile::Tutorial(3)
- SVN::Hook(3) - Managing subversion hooks
- SVN::Hooks(3) - Framework for implementing Subversion hooks
- SVN::Hooks::AllowLogChange(3) - Allow changes in revision log messages.
- SVN::Hooks::AllowPropChange(3) - Allow changes in revision properties.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckCapability(3) - Check the svn client capabilities.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckJira(3) - Integrate Subversion with the JIRA ticketing system.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckLog(3) - Check log messages in commits.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckMimeTypes(3) - Require the svn:mime-type property.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckProperty(3) - Check properties in added files.
- SVN::Hooks::CheckStructure(3) - Check the structure of a repository.
- SVN::Hooks::DenyChanges(3) - Deny some changes in a repository.
- SVN::Hooks::DenyFilenames(3) - Deny some file names.
- SVN::Hooks::Generic(3) - Implement generic checks for all Subversion hooks.
- SVN::Hooks::Mailer(3) - Send emails after successful commits.
- SVN::Hooks::Notify(3) - Subversion activity notification.
- SVN::Hooks::UpdateConfFile(3) - Maintain the repository configuration versioned.
- SVN::Log(3) - Extract change logs from a Subversion server.
- SVN::Look(3) - Caching wrapper around the svnlook command
- SVN::Mirror(3) - Mirror remote repository to local Subversion repository
- SVN::Notify(3)
- SVN::Notify::Alternative(3)
- SVN::Notify::Config(3) - Config-driven Subversion notification
- SVN::Notify::Filter(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::AuthZMail(3) - Determines Subversion accounts to receive the email, via the AuthZSVNAccess file
- SVN::Notify::Filter::EmailFlatFileDB(3) - Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Markdown(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Trac(3)
- SVN::Notify::Filter::Watchers(3) - Subscribe to SVN::Notify commits with a Subversion property.
- SVN::Notify::HTML(3)
- SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff(3)
- SVN::Notify::Mirror(3) - Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for SVN::Notify::Mirror
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::Rsync(3) - Mirror a repository path via Rsync
- SVN::Notify::Mirror::SSH(3) - Mirror a repository path via SSH
- SVN::Notify::Snapshot(3) - Take snapshots from Subversion activity
- SVN::Notify::Snapshot::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for SVN::Notify::Snapshot
- SVN::S4(3) - Wrapper for Subversion
- SVN::S4::CatOrMods(3) - Fix svn:ignore and svn:keywords properties
- SVN::S4::Commit(3) - commit hooks
- SVN::S4::Config(3) - Get subversion config values
- SVN::S4::Debug(3) - Allow debug messages to be easily switched on and off.
- SVN::S4::FixProp(3) - Fix svn:ignore and svn:keywords properties
- SVN::S4::Getopt(3) - Get Subversion command line options
- SVN::S4::Info(3) - Enhanced update and checkout methods
- SVN::S4::Path(3) - File path and parsing utilities
- SVN::S4::Scrub(3) - make working copy completely clean again
- SVN::S4::Snapshot(3) - create complete snapshot of working copy
- SVN::S4::Update(3) - Enhanced update and checkout methods
- SVN::S4::ViewSpec(3) - behaviors related to viewspecs
- SVN::S4::WorkProp(3) - Work area properties
- SVN::Simple::Edit(3) - A simple interface for driving svn delta editors
- SVN::Simple::Editor(3) - A simple interface for writing a delta editor
- SVN::Web(3) - Subversion repository web frontend
- SVN::Web::action(3) - base class for SVN::Web::actions
- SVN::Web::Blame(3) - SVN::Web action to show blame/annotation information
- SVN::Web::Browse(3) - SVN::Web action to browse a Subversion repository
- SVN::Web::Checkout(3) - SVN::Web action to checkout a given file
- SVN::Web::Diff(3) - SVN::Web action to show differences between file revisions
- SVN::Web::DiffParser(3) - Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
- SVN::Web::I18N(3) - SVN::Web internationalisation class
- SVN::Web::List(3) - SVN::Web action to list available repositories
- SVN::Web::Log(3) - SVN::Web action to show log messages for a repository path
- SVN::Web::Revision(3) - SVN::Web action to view a repository revision
- SVN::Web::RSS(3) - SVN::Web action to generate an RSS feed
- SVN::Web::Test(3) - automated web testing for SVN::Web
- SVN::Web::View(3) - SVN::Web action to view a file in the repository
- SVN::Web::X(3) - exceptions for SVN::Web
- svn2cl(1) - Create a ChangeLog from a subversion log.
- svn2revisioninc(1) - The Lazarus utility to create revision.inc file from SVN repository.
- svnadmin(1) - Subversion repository administration tool
- svndumpfilter(1) - Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
- SVNHOOK(1) - Managing subversion hooks
- svnlook(1) - Subversion repository examination tool
- svnmucc(1) - Multiple URL Command Client for Subversion
- svnrdump(1) - Subversion remote repository dumper and loader
- svnserve.conf(5) - Repository configuration file for svnserve
- svnserve(8) - Server for the 'svn' repository access method
- svnsync(1) - Subversion repository synchronization tool
- svnup.conf - Configuration file for svnup(1).
- SVNUP - A lightweight, dependency-free program to pull source from an Apache Subversion server.
- svnversion(1) - Produce a compact version identifier for a working copy.
- svok(8) - checks whether
- svscan(8) - starts and monitors a collection of services
- svscanboot(8) - starts
- svsem(3m) - POSIX-like semaphores implemented using SysV semaphores.
- svstat(8) - prints the status of services monitored by
- svup(8) - checks whether
- SVXLINK(1) - A general purpose voice services system for ham radio use
- SVXLINK.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server
- SVXREFLECTOR(1) - The SvxLink conference server audio reflector
- SVXREFLECTOR.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxReflector conference server audio reflector
- SWAB(3) - swap adjacent bytes
- SWAB(3TIFF) - byte- and bit-swapping routines
- SWANCTL.CONF(5) - swanctl configuration file
- SWANCTL(8) - strongSwan configuration, control and monitoring command line interface.
- swapd.conf(5) - swapd configuration file
- SWAPD(8) - swap file daemon
- SWAPLABEL(8) - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area
- swapmon(1) - monitor swapusage, add swapspace as needed
- SWAPON(2) - control devices for interleaved paging/swapping
- SWAPON(8) - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
- SWAPPO(1) - swap msgid and msgstr fields in a PO file
- swappy(1) - grab and edit on the fly snapshots of a Wayland compositor
- SWATCHDOG(1) - simple watcher
- Swatchdog::Actions(3) - actions for swatchdog(1)
- Swatchdog::Threshold(3) - Perl extension for thresholding in swatchdog(1)
- Swatchdog::Throttle(3) - Perl extension for throttling and thresholding in swatchdog(1)
- sway(1) - An i3-compatible Wayland compositor
- sway(5) - configuration file and commands
- sway-bar(5) - bar configuration file and commands
- swaybar-protocol(7) - JSON status line protocol for swaybar
- swaybg(1) - Background for Wayland
- swayidle(1) - Idle manager for Wayland
- SWAYIMG(1) - image viewer for Sway
- SWAYIMG(5) - Swayimg configuration file
- sway-input(5) - input configuration file and commands
- sway-ipc(7) - IPC protocol for sway
- swaylock(1) - Screen locker for Wayland
- swaymsg(1) - Send messages to a running instance of sway over the IPC socket.
- swaynag(1) - Show a warning or error message with buttons
- swaynag(5) - swaynag configuration file
- swaync(1) - A simple notification daemon with a GTK gui for notifications and the control center
- swaync(5) - Configuration file
- swaync-client(1) - Client executable
- sway-output(5) - output configuration commands for sway
- sweep-ctl(1) - get and set Sweep LiDAR hardware properties
- SWF::BinStream(3) - Read and write binary stream.
- SWF::BinStream::Codec(3) - Document for SWF::BinStream codecs.
- SWF::BinStream::Codec::Zlib(3) - SWF::BinStream codec to add zlib-compression/decompression.
- SWF::BinStream::File(3) - Read and write file as binary stream.
- SWF::Builder(3) - Create SWF movie.
- SWF::Builder::ActionScript(3) - SWF ActionScript object.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Bitmap(3) - SWF Bitmap object
- SWF::Builder::Character::EditText(3) - SWF dynamic editable text object
- SWF::Builder::Character::Font(3) - SWF font object
- SWF::Builder::Character::MovieClip(3) - SWF movie clip object.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Shape(3) - SWF shape character.
- SWF::Builder::Character::Sound(3) - SWF Sound character
- SWF::Builder::Character::Text(3) - SWF static text object
- SWF::Builder::Gradient(3) - SWF gradient object.
- SWF::Chart(3) - Perl interface to the SWF Chart generation tool
- SWF::Element(3) - Classes of SWF tags and elements. See Element.pod for further information.
- SWF::File(3) - Create SWF file.
- SWF::Parser(3) - Parse SWF file.
- SWF2FLV(1) - Transform a video SWF into an FLV
- swfbbox(1) - Tool for playing around with SWF bounding boxes.
- swfc(1) - compile .sc files to swf.
- swfcombine(1) - a tool for combining swf (flash) files
- swfdump(1) - Display an SWF file's content.
- swfextract(1) - a tool for extracting data out of swf files.
- swfstrings(1) - Extracts strings from SWF files.
- SWI(1) - Create a SWI-Prolog embedded executable
- SWI(9) - register and schedule software interrupt handlers
- swift(1) - OpenStack Swift client tool
- swipl(1) - SWI-Prolog 8.2.3
- swirl(6) - draws swirly color-cycling patterns
- switch(n) - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
- switch_default_blendmode(3)
- switch_default_imageproc(3)
- switch_default_scalemode(3)
- switch_default_texfilter(3)
- switch_default_texmode(3)
- SWITCH_ROOT(8) - switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount tree
- SWITCH-LINK(1) - retarget symlinks based on the extension of their targets
- swizzle_model(3)
- SX(9) - kernel shared/exclusive lock
- SXHKD(1) - Simple X hotkey daemon
- sxpc(1)
- SXPM(1) - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or 2 files to XPM 3.
- Syllable(3) - Routine for estimating syllable count in words.
- SYM(4) - NCR/Symbios/LSI Logic 53C8XX PCI SCSI host adapter driver
- symb2po.py(1) - Convert Symbian localisation files to Gettext PO localization files.
- Symbol(3m17n) - Symbol objects and API for them.
- Symbol::Get(3) - Read Perl’s symbol table programmatically
- Symbol::Global::Name(3) - finds name and type of a global variable
- Symbol::Util(3) - Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation
- SYMLINK(2) - make symbolic link to a file
- SYMLINK(7) - symbolic link handling
- SYMLINKS(8) - symbolic link maintenance utility
- SYMON(8) - system monitor
- SYMPA(1) - Command line utility to manage Sympa
- Sympa(3Sympa) - Future base class of Sympa functional objects
- SYMPA.CONF(5) - Configuration file for default site and robot
- Sympa::Aliases(3Sympa) - Base class for alias management
- Sympa::Aliases::CheckSMTP(3Sympa) - Alias management: Check addresses using SMTP
- Sympa::Aliases::External(3Sympa) - Alias management: Updating aliases by external program
- Sympa::Aliases::Template(3Sympa) - Alias management: Aliases file based on template
- Sympa::Archive(3Sympa) - Archives of Sympa
- Sympa::CommandDef(3Sympa) - Definition of mail commands
- Sympa::ConfDef(3Sympa) - Definition of site and robot configuration parameters
- Sympa::Config(3Sympa) - List configuration
- Sympa::Config::Schema(3Sympa) - Definition of list configuration parameters
- Sympa::Constants(3Sympa) - Definition of constants
- Sympa::Crash(3Sympa) - Show traceback on critical error
- Sympa::Database(3Sympa) - Handling databases
- Sympa::DatabaseDescription(3Sympa) - Definition of core database structure
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver(3Sympa) - Base class of database drivers for Sympa
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::CSV(3Sympa) - Database driver for CSV
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::LDAP(3Sympa) - Database driver for LDAP search operation
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::MySQL(3Sympa) - Database driver for MySQL / MariaDB
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::ODBC(3Sympa) - Database driver for ODBC
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::Oracle(3Sympa) - Database driver for Oracle Database
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::Oracle::St(3Sympa) - Correcting behavior of DBD::Oracle
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::PostgreSQL(3Sympa) - Database driver for PostgreSQL
- Sympa::DatabaseDriver::SQLite(3Sympa) - Database driver for SQLite
- Sympa::DatabaseManager(3Sympa) - Managing schema of Sympa core database
- Sympa::DataSource(3Sympa) - Base class of Sympa data source subclasses
- Sympa::DataSource::File(3Sympa) - Data source based on local file
- Sympa::DataSource::LDAP(3Sympa) - Data source based on LDAP search operation
- Sympa::DataSource::LDAP2(3Sympa) - Data source based on LDAP with two-level search operations
- Sympa::DataSource::List(3Sympa) - Data source based on a list at local machine
- Sympa::DataSource::RemoteDump(3Sympa) - Data source based on a user dump at remote host
- Sympa::DataSource::RemoteFile(3Sympa) - Data source based on a file at remote host
- Sympa::DataSource::SQL(3Sympa) - Data source based on SQL query
- Sympa::Family(3Sympa) - List families
- Sympa::HTMLDecorator(3Sympa) - Decorating HTML texts
- Sympa::HTMLSanitizer(3Sympa) - Sanitize HTML contents
- Sympa::Internals::Workflow(3Sympa) - Overview on workflow of Sympa
- Sympa::Language(3Sympa) - Handling languages and locales
- Sympa::List(3Sympa) - Mailing list
- Sympa::List::Config(3Sympa) - List configuration
- Sympa::List::Users(3Sympa) - List users
- Sympa::ListDef(3Sympa) - Definition of list configuration parameters
- Sympa::ListOpt(3Sympa) - Definition of list configuration parameter values
- Sympa::LockedFile(3Sympa) - Filehandle with locking
- Sympa::Log(3Sympa) - Logging facility of Sympa
- Sympa::Mailer(3Sympa) - Store messages to sendmail
- Sympa::Message(3Sympa) - Mail message embedding for internal use in Sympa
- Sympa::Message::Plugin(3Sympa) - process hooks
- Sympa::Message::Plugin::FixEncoding(3Sympa) - Example module for message hook to correct charset and encoding of messages
- Sympa::Message::Template(3Sympa) - Mail message generated from template
- Sympa::Process(3Sympa) - Process of Sympa
- Sympa::Regexps(3Sympa) - Definition of regular expressions
- Sympa::Request(3Sympa) - Requests for operation
- Sympa::Request::Collection(3Sympa) - Collection of requests
- Sympa::Request::Handler(3Sympa) - Base class of request handler classes
- Sympa::Request::Handler::add(3Sympa) - add request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::auth(3Sympa) - auth request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::close_list(3Sympa) - close_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::confirm(3Sympa) - confirm request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::create_automatic_list(3Sympa) - create_automatic_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::create_list(3Sympa) - create_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::decl(3Sympa) - decl request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::del(3Sympa) - del request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::distribute(3Sympa) - distribute request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::family_signoff(3Sympa) - family 'signoff' request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::finished(3Sympa) - finished request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::get(3Sympa) - get request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::global_remind(3Sympa) - global 'remind' request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::global_set(3Sympa) - global 'set' request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::global_signoff(3Sympa) - global 'signoff' request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::help(3Sympa) - help request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::import(3Sympa) - import request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::include(3Sympa) - include request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::index(3Sympa) - index request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::info(3Sympa) - info request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::invite(3Sympa) - invite request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::last(3Sympa) - last request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::lists(3Sympa) - lists request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::modindex(3Sympa) - modindex request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::move_list(3Sympa) - move_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::move_user(3Sympa) - change user's email
- Sympa::Request::Handler::open_list(3Sympa) - open_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::reject(3Sympa) - reject request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::remind(3Sympa) - remind request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::review(3Sympa) - review request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::set(3Sympa) - set request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::signoff(3Sympa) - signoff request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::stats(3Sympa) - stats request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::subscribe(3Sympa) - subscribe request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::unknown(3Sympa) - unknown request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::update_automatic_list(3Sympa) - update_automatic_list request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::verify(3Sympa) - verify request handler
- Sympa::Request::Handler::which(3Sympa) - which request handler
- Sympa::Request::Message(3Sympa) - Command message as spool of requests
- Sympa::Scenario(3Sympa) - Authorization scenarios
- Sympa::Spindle(3Sympa) - Base class of subclasses to define Sympa workflows
- Sympa::Spindle::AuthorizeMessage(3Sympa) - Workflow to authorize messages bound for lists
- Sympa::Spindle::AuthorizeRequest(3Sympa) - Workflow to authorize requests in command messages
- Sympa::Spindle::DispatchRequest(3Sympa) - Workflow to dispatch requests
- Sympa::Spindle::DistributeMessage(3Sympa) - Workflow to distribute messages to list members
- Sympa::Spindle::DoCommand(3Sympa) - Workflow to handle command messages
- Sympa::Spindle::DoForward(3Sympa) - Workflow to forward messages to administrators
- Sympa::Spindle::DoMessage(3Sympa) - Workflow to handle messages bound for lists
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive(3Sympa) - Workflow of archive storage
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessAuth(3Sympa) - Workflow of request confirmation
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessAutomatic(3Sympa) - Workflow of automatic list creation
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessBounce(3Sympa) - Workflow of bounce processing
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessDigest(3Sympa) - Workflow of digest sending
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessHeld(3Sympa) - Workflow of message confirmation
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessIncoming(3Sympa) - Workflow of processing incoming messages
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessMessage(3Sympa) - Workflow of command processing
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessModeration(3Sympa) - Workflow of message moderation
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessOutgoing(3Sympa) - Workflow of message distribution
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessRequest(3Sympa) - Workflow of request processing
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTask(3Sympa) - Workflow of task processing
- Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTemplate(3Sympa) - Workflow of template sending
- Sympa::Spindle::ResendArchive(3Sympa) - Workflow of resending messages in archive
- Sympa::Spindle::ToArchive(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into archiving spool
- Sympa::Spindle::ToAuth(3Sympa) - Process to store requests into request spool to wait for moderation
- Sympa::Spindle::ToAuthOwner(3Sympa) - Process to store requests into request spool to wait for moderation
- Sympa::Spindle::ToDigest(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into digest spool
- Sympa::Spindle::ToEditor(3Sympa) - Process to forward messages to list editors
- Sympa::Spindle::ToHeld(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into held spool to wait for confirmation
- Sympa::Spindle::ToList(3Sympa) - Process to distribute messages to list members
- Sympa::Spindle::ToListmaster(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into spool on memory for listmaster notification
- Sympa::Spindle::ToMailer(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into sendmail component
- Sympa::Spindle::ToModeration(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into held spool to wait for moderation
- Sympa::Spindle::ToOutgoing(3Sympa) - Process to store messages into outgoing spool
- Sympa::Spindle::TransformDigestFinal(3Sympa) - Process to transform digest messages - final stage
- Sympa::Spindle::TransformIncoming(3Sympa) - Process to transform messages - first stage
- Sympa::Spindle::TransformOutgoing(3Sympa) - Process to transform messages - second stage
- Sympa::Spool(3Sympa) - Base class of spool classes
- Sympa::Spool::Archive(3Sympa) - Spool for messages waiting for archiving
- Sympa::Spool::Auth(3Sympa) - Spool for held requests waiting for moderation
- Sympa::Spool::Automatic(3Sympa) - Spool for incoming messages in automatic spool
- Sympa::Spool::Bounce(3Sympa) - Spool for incoming bounce messages
- Sympa::Spool::Digest(3Sympa) - Spool for messages waiting for digest sending
- Sympa::Spool::Digest::Collection(3Sympa) - Collection of digest spools
- Sympa::Spool::Held(3Sympa) - Spool for held messages waiting for confirmation
- Sympa::Spool::Incoming(3Sympa) - Spool for incoming messages
- Sympa::Spool::Listmaster(3Sympa) - Spool on memory for listmaster notification
- Sympa::Spool::Moderation(3Sympa) - Spool for held messages waiting for moderation
- Sympa::Spool::Outgoing(3Sympa) - Spool for outgoing messages
- Sympa::Spool::Task(3Sympa) - Spool for tasks
- Sympa::Spool::Topic(3Sympa) - Message topic
- Sympa::Task(3Sympa) - Tasks of Sympa
- Sympa::Template(3Sympa) - Template parser
- Sympa::Ticket(3Sympa) - One-time ticket for authorization
- Sympa::Tools::Domains(3Sympa) - Domains-related functions
- Sympa::Tools::File(3Sympa) - File-related functions
- Sympa::Tools::Text(3Sympa) - Text-related functions
- Sympa::Tools::Time(3Sympa) - Time-related functions
- Sympa::Tracking(3Sympa) - Spool for message tracking
- Sympa::User(3Sympa) - All Users Identified by Sympa
- Sympa::WWW::FastCGI(3Sympa) - CGI Interface for FastCGI of Sympa
- Sympa::WWW::Marc::Search(3Sympa) - Search archives of Sympa
- Sympa::WWW::Session(3Sympa) - Web session
- Sympa::WWW::SharedDocument(3Sympa) - Shared document repository and its nodes
- SYMPA_AUTOMATIC(8) - Automatic list creation daemon
- SYMPA_CONFIG(5) - Configuration files for Sympa mailing list manager
- SYMPA_DATABASE(5) - Structure of Sympa core database
- SYMPA_MSG(8) - Daemon to handle incoming messages
- SYMPA_NEWALIASES(1) - Alias database maintenance
- SYMPA_SCENARIO(5) - Authorization scenario
- SYMPA_TEST_LDAP(1) - Testing LDAP connection for Sympa
- SYMPA_TOC(1) - Documentation on Sympa - Table of Contents
- SYMPA_WIZARD(1) - Help Performing Sympa Initial Setup
- sympol(1) - symmetric polyhedra tool
- SYMPOW(1) - SYMPOW program
- SYMUX(8) - symon stream multiplexer
- synapse(1) - Utility to launch everything on your computer.
- SYNAPTICS(4x) - touchpad input driver
- SYNC(1M) - update the super block
- SYNC_CLIENT(8) - client side of the synchronization (replication) engine
- SYNC_RESET(8) - Account reset utility. DANGER.
- SYNC_SERVER(8) - server side of the synchronization (replication) engine
- SYNCER(4) - file system synchronizer kernel process
- synclient(1) - commandline utility to query and modify Synaptics driver options.
- SYNCNEWS(8) - synchronize IMAP news mailboxes with active file
- SYNCTERM(1) - BBS terminal program
- synctex(1) - command line client tool to support the Synchronize TeXnology available in most TeX engines.
- SYNCTEX(5) - Synchronize TeXnology help file
- syndaemon(1) - a program that monitors keyboard activity and disables the touchpad when the keyboard is being used.
- SYNERGYC(1) - manual page for synergyc 1.11.0-stable, protocol version 1.6
- SYNERGYS(1) - manual page for synergys 1.11.0-stable, protocol version 1.6
- Synonym(3) - The dictionary of synonym words
- synos(1) - guess operating system from TCP SYN fingerprint
- Syntax::Feature::Junction(3) - Provide keywords for any, all, none, or one
- Syntax::Feature::Maybe(3) - use syntax qw/maybe/
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate(3) - a port to Perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor.
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ABC(3) - a Plugin for ABC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ada(3) - a Plugin for Ada syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AHDL(3) - a Plugin for AHDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Alerts(3) - a Plugin for Alerts syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ANSI_C89(3) - a Plugin for ANSI C89 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ansys(3) - a Plugin for Ansys syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Apache_Configuration(3) - a Plugin for Apache Configuration syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Asm6502(3) - a Plugin for Asm6502 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ASP(3) - a Plugin for ASP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AVR_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for AVR Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AWK(3) - a Plugin for AWK syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Bash(3) - a Plugin for Bash syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::BibTeX(3) - a Plugin for BibTeX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::C(3) - a Plugin for C syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cdash(3) - a Plugin for C# syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cg(3) - a Plugin for Cg syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CGiS(3) - a Plugin for CGiS syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ChangeLog(3) - a Plugin for ChangeLog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cisco(3) - a Plugin for Cisco syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Clipper(3) - a Plugin for Clipper syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CMake(3) - a Plugin for CMake syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ColdFusion(3) - a Plugin for ColdFusion syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Common_Lisp(3) - a Plugin for Common Lisp syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ComponentminusPascal(3) - a Plugin for Component-Pascal syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Convert::ToolKit(3) - helper routines, especially for generating highlight definitions from Kate's originals.
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cplusplus(3) - a Plugin for C++ syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS(3) - a Plugin for CSS syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS_PHP(3) - a Plugin for CSS/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CUE_Sheet(3) - a Plugin for CUE Sheet syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D(3) - a Plugin for D syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::De_DE(3) - a Plugin for de_DE syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Changelog(3) - a Plugin for Debian Changelog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Control(3) - a Plugin for Debian Control syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Desktop(3) - a Plugin for .desktop syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Diff(3) - a Plugin for Diff syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Doxygen(3) - a Plugin for Doxygen syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::E_Language(3) - a Plugin for E Language syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Eiffel(3) - a Plugin for Eiffel syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Email(3) - a Plugin for Email syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::En_US(3) - a Plugin for en_US syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Euphoria(3) - a Plugin for Euphoria syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ferite(3) - a Plugin for ferite syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Fortran(3) - a Plugin for Fortran syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGL(3) - a Plugin for 4GL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGLminusPER(3) - a Plugin for 4GL-PER syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FreeBASIC(3) - a Plugin for FreeBASIC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GDL(3) - a Plugin for GDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GLSL(3) - a Plugin for GLSL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for GNU Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Gettext(3) - a Plugin for GNU Gettext syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell(3) - a Plugin for Haskell syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::HTML(3) - a Plugin for HTML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::IDL(3) - a Plugin for IDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG(3) - a Plugin for ILERPG syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Inform(3) - a Plugin for Inform syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::INI_Files(3) - a Plugin for INI Files syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Intel_x86_NASM(3) - a Plugin for Intel x86 (NASM) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Java(3) - a Plugin for Java syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Javadoc(3) - a Plugin for Javadoc syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript(3) - a Plugin for JavaScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript_PHP(3) - a Plugin for JavaScript/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JSP(3) - a Plugin for JSP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Kate_File_Template(3) - a Plugin for Kate File Template syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::KBasic(3) - a Plugin for KBasic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LaTeX(3) - a Plugin for LaTeX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LDIF(3) - a Plugin for LDIF syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lex_Flex(3) - a Plugin for Lex/Flex syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LilyPond(3) - a Plugin for LilyPond syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Literate_Haskell(3) - a Plugin for Literate Haskell syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Logtalk(3) - a Plugin for Logtalk syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LPC(3) - a Plugin for LPC syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lua(3) - a Plugin for Lua syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::M3U(3) - a Plugin for M3U syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MABminusDB(3) - a Plugin for MAB-DB syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Makefile(3) - a Plugin for Makefile syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Mason(3) - a Plugin for Mason syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Matlab(3) - a Plugin for Matlab syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MIPS_Assembler(3) - a Plugin for MIPS Assembler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Modulaminus2(3) - a Plugin for Modula-2 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Music_Publisher(3) - a Plugin for Music Publisher syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Nl(3) - a Plugin for nl syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Objective_Caml(3) - a Plugin for Objective Caml syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ObjectiveminusC(3) - a Plugin for Objective-C syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Octave(3) - a Plugin for Octave syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pascal(3) - a Plugin for Pascal syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl(3) - a Plugin for Perl syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl6(3) - a Plugin for Perl 6 syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_HTML(3) - a Plugin for PHP (HTML) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_PHP(3) - a Plugin for PHP/PHP syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PicAsm(3) - a Plugin for PicAsm syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pike(3) - a Plugin for Pike syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PostScript(3) - a Plugin for PostScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::POVminusRay(3) - a Plugin for POV-Ray syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Progress(3) - a Plugin for progress syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Prolog(3) - a Plugin for Prolog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PureBasic(3) - a Plugin for PureBasic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Python(3) - a Plugin for Python syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Quake_Script(3) - a Plugin for Quake Script syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::R_Script(3) - a Plugin for R Script syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RenderMan_RIB(3) - a Plugin for RenderMan RIB syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::REXX(3) - a Plugin for REXX syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RPM_Spec(3) - a Plugin for RPM Spec syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RSI_IDL(3) - a Plugin for RSI IDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ruby(3) - a Plugin for Ruby syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sather(3) - a Plugin for Sather syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scheme(3) - a Plugin for Scheme syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scilab(3) - a Plugin for scilab syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SGML(3) - a Plugin for SGML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sieve(3) - a Plugin for Sieve syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SML(3) - a Plugin for SML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Spice(3) - a Plugin for Spice syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_MySQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL (MySQL) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_PostgreSQL(3) - a Plugin for SQL (PostgreSQL) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Stata(3) - a Plugin for Stata syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler(3) - a Plugin for TaskJuggler syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Tcl_Tk(3) - a Plugin for Tcl/Tk syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template(3) - a template for syntax highlighting plugins
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TI_Basic(3) - a Plugin for TI Basic syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Txt2tags(3) - a Plugin for txt2tags syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript(3) - a Plugin for UnrealScript syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Velocity(3) - a Plugin for Velocity syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Verilog(3) - a Plugin for Verilog syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VHDL(3) - a Plugin for VHDL syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VRML(3) - a Plugin for VRML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Wikimedia(3) - a Plugin for Wikimedia syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::WINE_Config(3) - a Plugin for WINE Config syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XHarbour(3) - a Plugin for xHarbour syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML(3) - a Plugin for XML syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML_Debug(3) - a Plugin for XML (Debug) syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xorg_Configuration(3) - a Plugin for x.org Configuration syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xslt(3) - a Plugin for xslt syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacas(3) - a Plugin for yacas syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacc_Bison(3) - a Plugin for Yacc/Bison syntax highlighting
- Syntax::Highlight::HTML(3) - Highlight HTML syntax
- Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved(3) - Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures
- Syntax::Highlight::Shell(3) - Highlight shell scripts
- Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically(3) - dynamically change the value of a variable
- Syntax::Keyword::Gather(3) - Implements the Perl 6 'gather/take' control structure in Perl 5
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction(3) - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::All(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Any(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Base(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::None(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction::One(3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try(3) - a "try/catch/finally" syntax for perl
- Syntax::Keyword::Try::Deparse(3) - B::Deparse support for Syntax::Keyword::Try
- Syntaxerr(3) - Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors
- SYNTHPOD(1) - a lightweight nonlinear LV2 plugin container
- SYNTHV1(1) - an old-school polyphonic synthesizer
- Sys::CpuLoad(3) - retrieve system load averages
- Sys::Filesystem(3) - Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
- Sys::Filesystem::Aix(3) - Return AIX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Cygwin(3) - Return Cygwin filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Darwin(3) - Return Darwin (Mac OS X) filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Dummy(3) - Returns nothing to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Freebsd(3) - Return Freebsd filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Hpux(3) - Return HP-UX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Linux(3) - Return Linux filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Mswin32(3) - Return Win32 filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Netbsd(3) - Return NetBSD filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Solaris(3) - Return Solaris filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Filesystem::Unix(3) - Return generic Unix filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
- Sys::Gamin(3) - Perl interface to Gamin (File Access Monitor implementation)
- Sys::Group::GIDhelper(3) - Helps for locating free GIDs.
- Sys::HostIP(3) - Try extra hard to get IP address related info
- Sys::Hostname(3) - Try every conceivable way to get hostname
- Sys::Hostname::Long(3) - Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
- Sys::Info(3) - Fetch information from the host system
- Sys::Info::Base(3) - Base class for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Constants(3) - Constants for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Device(3) - Information about devices
- Sys::Info::Device::CPU(3) - CPU information.
- Sys::Info::Driver(3) - Driver base class
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD(3) - BSD driver for Sys::Info
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::Device(3) - Base class for BSD device drivers
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::Device::CPU(3) - BSD CPU Device Driver
- Sys::Info::Driver::BSD::OS(3) - BSD backend
- Sys::Info::Helper(3) - Base class for <%ID%> device drivers
- Sys::Info::OS(3) - Detailed os information.
- Sys::RunAlone(3) - make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time
- Sys::RunAlways(3) - make sure there is always one invocation of a script active
- Sys::Sendfile(3) - Zero-copy data transfer
- Sys::Sendfile::FreeBSD(3) - Wrapper for the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function.
- Sys::SigAction(3) - Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
- Sys::Syscall(3) - access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to
- Sys::Trace(3) - Interface to system call tracing interfaces
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Ktrace(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for ktrace(1)
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Strace(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for strace(1)
- Sys::Trace::Impl::Truss(3) - Sys::Trace implementation for truss(1)
- Sys::Trace::Results(3) - Results of a Sys::Trace
- Sys::User::UIDhelper(3) - Helps for locating free UIDs.
- Sys::Virt(3) - Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
- Sys::Virt::Domain(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt guest domain
- Sys::Virt::DomainSnapshot(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt guest domain
- Sys::Virt::Error(3) - error object for libvirt APIs
- Sys::Virt::Event(3) - An event loop contract
- Sys::Virt::Interface(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt host network interface
- Sys::Virt::Network(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt virtual network
- Sys::Virt::NodeDevice(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage pool
- Sys::Virt::NWFilter(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt virtual network
- Sys::Virt::Secret(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt secret
- Sys::Virt::StoragePool(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage pool
- Sys::Virt::StorageVol(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt storage volume
- Sys::Virt::Stream(3) - Represent & manage a libvirt stream
- Sysadm::Install(3) - Typical installation tasks for system administrators
- SYSADMIN(1) - responsible for everything imaginable that may or may not have to do with the system you're using. Contraction of "system" and "administrator"
- SYSARCH(2) - architecture-dependent system call
- SYSCALL(2) - indirect system call
- SYSCALL_HELPER_REGISTER(9) - kernel syscall registration routines
- SYSCALL_MODULE(9) - syscall kernel module declaration macro
- SYSCONF(3) - get configurable system variables
- SYSCONFTOOL(1) - install configuration files
- SYSCONFTOOL(7) - format of configuration files installed by sysconftool
- SYSCONFTOOLCHECK(1) - check a sysconftool configuration file
- SYSCONS(4) - the console driver
- SYSCTL.CONF(5) - kernel state defaults
- SYSCTL_ADD_OID(9) - runtime sysctl tree manipulation
- SYSCTL_CTX_INIT(9) - sysctl context for managing dynamically created sysctl OIDs
- SYSCTLINFO(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree interface
- SYSCTLINFO(4) - sysctl MIB-Tree Interface
- SYSCTLMIBINFO(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree API
- SYSCTLMIBINFO2(3) - sysctl MIB-Tree API
- SYSCTLVIEW(1) - sysctl MIB explorer
- sysdata(1) - find basic hardware system data
- SYSDECODE(3) - system argument decoding library
- sysdecode_abi_to_freebsd_errno(3) - translate error numbers between process ABIs
- sysdecode_cap_rights(3) - output list of capability rights
- sysdecode_cmsg_type(3) - lookup name of cmsg type
- sysdecode_enum(3) - lookup name of various enumerated values
- sysdecode_fcntl_arg(3) - output description of fcntl argument
- sysdecode_ioctlname(3) - lookup name of device control command
- sysdecode_kevent(3) - output description of kevent structure fields
- sysdecode_mask(3) - print name of various bitmask values
- sysdecode_quotactl_cmd(3) - output name of quotactl command
- sysdecode_sctp_sinfo_flags(3) - output textual description of the sinfo_flags field of struct sctp_sndrcvinfo
- sysdecode_sigcode(3) - lookup name of signal code
- sysdecode_socket_protocol(3) - lookup name of socket protocol
- sysdecode_sockopt_name(3) - lookup name of socket option
- sysdecode_syscallnames(3) - lookup name of system calls
- sysdecode_utrace(3) - produce text description of a utrace record
- SYSEXITS(3) - preferable exit codes for programs
- SYSFATAL(3) - system error messages
- SYSGATHER(1) - a configuration file mismanager
- SYSINFO(8) - utility used to gather system configuration information
- SYSINIT(9) - a framework for dynamic kernel initialization
- SYSLINUX(1) - install the SYSLINUX bootloader on a FAT filesystem
- syslog(n) - send message to syslog from Tcl script
- SYSLOG-NG.CONF(5) - syslog-ng configuration file
- SYSLOG-NG(8) - syslog-ng system logger application
- SYSLOG-NG-CTL(1) - Display message statistics and enable verbose, debug and trace modes in
- SYSLOG-NG-DEBUN(1) - syslog-ng DEBUg buNdle generator
- SyslogScan::ByGroup(3)
- SyslogScan::Delivery(3) - encapsulates a logged, successful delivery of mail from a sender to a list of recipients.
- SyslogScan::DeliveryIterator(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLine(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLineFrom(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailLineTo(3)
- SyslogScan::SendmailUtil(3)
- SyslogScan::Summary(3)
- SyslogScan::SyslogEntry(3)
- SyslogScan::Usage(3)
- SyslogScan::WhereIs(3)
- syslogtocern(8) - convert thttpd syslog entries into CERN Common Log format
- SYSMON.CONF(5) - sysmond(man) configuration file
- SYSMOND(man) - System Monitoring Utility
- SYSMOUSE(4) - virtualized mouse driver
- SYSPOWER(1) - display the remaining battery charge from the /sys interface
- SYSRC(8) - safely edit system rc files
- SYSTAT(1) - display system statistics
- System::Command(3) - Object for running system commands
- System::Command::Reaper(3) - Reap processes started by System::Command
- System::Info(3) - Factory for system specific information objects
- System::Info::AIX(3) - Object for specific AIX info.
- System::Info::Base(3) - Baseclass for system information.
- System::Info::BSD(3) - Object for specific BSD info.
- System::Info::Cygwin(3) - Object for specific Cygwin info.
- System::Info::Darwin(3) - Object for specific Darwin info.
- System::Info::Generic(3) - Object for Generic info.
- System::Info::Haiku(3) - Object for specific Haiku info.
- System::Info::HPUX(3) - Object for specific HP-UX info.
- System::Info::Irix(3) - Object for specific Irix info.
- System::Info::Linux(3) - Object for specific Linux info.
- System::Info::Solaris(3) - Object for specific Solaris/Sun-os info.
- System::Info::VMS(3) - Object for specific VMS info.
- System::Info::Windows(3) - Object for specific Windows info.
- System::Sub(3) - Wrap external command with a DWIM sub
- System::Sub::AutoLoad(3) - Auto-wrap external commands as DWIM subs
- system_collapse(3)
- system_context_size(3)
- system_defaultfont(3)
- system_identstr(3)
- system_information(3) - System Information
- system_load(3)
- system_snapshot(3)
- System2(3) - like system(), but with access to STDOUT and STDERR.
- SYSTEM-CONFIG-PRIN(1) - print job manager
- System-Info(1) - System-Info
- System-Maintenance(1) - System-Maintenance
- SYSTEMPAPERNAME(3) - return names for managing system paper information
- SYSTOOL(1) - view system device information by bus, class, and topology
- systools(3) - A Set of Release Handling Tools
- sysV-make(1) - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
- SZ(1) - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send